path: root/misc/dist
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/dist')
4 files changed, 138 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/misc/dist/icon_console.svg b/misc/dist/icon_console.svg
new file mode 100644
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diff --git a/misc/dist/shell/_godot.zsh-completion b/misc/dist/shell/_godot.zsh-completion
index 9b4ef52f3f..7b3e01d277 100644
--- a/misc/dist/shell/_godot.zsh-completion
+++ b/misc/dist/shell/_godot.zsh-completion
@@ -50,14 +50,15 @@ _arguments \
'--text-driver[set the text driver]:text driver name' \
'--tablet-driver[set the pen tablet input driver]:tablet driver name' \
'--headless[enable headless mode (--display-driver headless --audio-driver Dummy), useful for servers and with --script]' \
+ '--write-movie[writes a video to the specified path (usually with .avi or .png extension)]:path to output video file' \
'(-f --fullscreen)'{-f,--fullscreen}'[request fullscreen mode]' \
'(-m --maximized)'{-m,--maximized}'[request a maximized window]' \
'(-w --windowed)'{-w,--windowed}'[request windowed mode]' \
'(-t --always-on-top)'{-t,--always-on-top}'[request an always-on-top window]' \
'--resolution[request window resolution]:resolution in WxH format' \
'--position[request window position]:position in X,Y format' \
- '--headless[enable headless mode (--display-driver headless --audio-driver Dummy). Useful for servers and with --script]' \
'--single-window[use a single window (no separate subwindows)]' \
+ '--xr-mode[select Extended Reality (XR) mode]:Extended Reality (XR) mode:(default off on)' \
'(-d --debug)'{-d,--debug}'[debug (local stdout debugger)]' \
'(-b --breakpoints)'{-b,--breakpoints}'[specify the breakpoint list as source::line comma-separated pairs, no spaces (use %20 instead)]:breakpoint list' \
'--profiling[enable profiling in the script debugger]' \
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ _arguments \
'--debug-stringnames[print all StringName allocations to stdout when the engine quits]' \
'--frame-delay[simulate high CPU load (delay each frame by the given number of milliseconds)]:number of milliseconds' \
'--time-scale[force time scale (higher values are faster, 1.0 is normal speed)]:time scale' \
+ '--disable-vsync[disable vertical synchronization even if enabled in the project settings]' \
'--disable-render-loop[disable render loop so rendering only occurs when called explicitly from script]' \
'--disable-crash-handler[disable crash handler when supported by the platform code]' \
'--fixed-fps[force a fixed number of frames per second (this setting disables real-time synchronization)]:frames per second' \
@@ -86,4 +88,6 @@ _arguments \
'--build-solutions[build the scripting solutions (e.g. for C# projects)]' \
'--dump-gdextension-interface[generate GDExtension header file 'gdnative_interface.h' in the current folder. This file is the base file required to implement a GDExtension.]' \
'--dump-extension-api[generate JSON dump of the Godot API for GDExtension bindings named "extension_api.json" in the current folder]' \
+ '--startup-benchmark[benchmark the startup time and print it to console]' \
+ '--startup-benchmark-file[benchmark the startup time and save it to a given file in JSON format]:path to output JSON file' \
'--test[run all unit tests; run with "--test --help" for more information]'
diff --git a/misc/dist/shell/godot.bash-completion b/misc/dist/shell/godot.bash-completion
index 02dcc94033..73107c0cf3 100644
--- a/misc/dist/shell/godot.bash-completion
+++ b/misc/dist/shell/godot.bash-completion
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ _complete_godot_options() {
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ _complete_godot_options() {
@@ -72,6 +74,7 @@ _complete_godot_options() {
@@ -88,6 +91,8 @@ _complete_godot_options() {
" -- "$1"))
@@ -121,6 +126,10 @@ _complete_godot_bash() {
local IFS=$' \n\t'
# shellcheck disable=SC2207
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "vulkan opengl3 dummy" -- "$cur"))
+ elif [[ $prev == "--xr-mode" ]]; then
+ local IFS=$' \n\t'
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2207
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "default off on" -- "$cur"))
elif [[ $prev == "--path" || $prev == "--doctool" ]]; then
local IFS=$'\n\t'
# shellcheck disable=SC2207
diff --git a/misc/dist/shell/ b/misc/dist/shell/
index 4f7803124b..c6edf75112 100644
--- a/misc/dist/shell/
+++ b/misc/dist/shell/
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ complete -c godot -l gpu-index -d "Use a specific GPU (run with --verbose to get
complete -c godot -l text-driver -d "Set the text driver" -x
complete -c godot -l tablet-driver -d "Set the pen tablet input driver" -x
complete -c godot -l headless -d "Enable headless mode (--display-driver headless --audio-driver Dummy). Useful for servers and with --script"
+complete -c godot -l write-movie -d "Writes a video to the specified path (usually with .avi or .png extension). --fixed-fps is forced when enabled" -x
# Display options:
complete -c godot -s f -l fullscreen -d "Request fullscreen mode"
@@ -74,8 +75,8 @@ complete -c godot -s w -l windowed -d "Request windowed mode"
complete -c godot -s t -l always-on-top -d "Request an always-on-top window"
complete -c godot -l resolution -d "Request window resolution" -x
complete -c godot -l position -d "Request window position" -x
-complete -c godot -l headless -d "Enable headless mode (--display-driver headless --audio-driver Dummy). Useful for servers and with --script"
complete -c godot -l single-window -d "Use a single window (no separate subwindows)"
+complete -c godot -l xr-mode -d "Select Extended Reality (XR) mode" -a "default off on"
# Debug options:
complete -c godot -s d -l debug -d "Debug (local stdout debugger)"
@@ -108,4 +109,6 @@ complete -c godot -l no-docbase -d "Disallow dumping the base types (used with -
complete -c godot -l build-solutions -d "Build the scripting solutions (e.g. for C# projects)"
complete -c godot -l dump-gdextension-interface -d "Generate GDExtension header file 'gdnative_interface.h' in the current folder. This file is the base file required to implement a GDExtension"
complete -c godot -l dump-extension-api -d "Generate JSON dump of the Godot API for GDExtension bindings named 'extension_api.json' in the current folder"
+complete -c godot -l startup-benchmark -d "Benchmark the startup time and print it to console"
+complete -c godot -l startup-benchmark-file -d "Benchmark the startup time and save it to a given file in JSON format" -x
complete -c godot -l test -d "Run all unit tests; run with '--test --help' for more information" -x