path: root/main/main.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'main/main.cpp')
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/main/main.cpp b/main/main.cpp
index 3542133719..5959deb495 100644
--- a/main/main.cpp
+++ b/main/main.cpp
@@ -730,6 +730,7 @@ Error Main::setup(const char *execpath, int argc, char *argv[], bool p_second_ph
} else if (debug_mode == "local") {
script_debugger = memnew(ScriptDebuggerLocal);
+ OS::get_singleton()->initialize_debugging();
@@ -955,6 +956,7 @@ Error Main::setup(const char *execpath, int argc, char *argv[], bool p_second_ph
Engine::get_singleton()->set_iterations_per_second(GLOBAL_DEF("physics/common/physics_fps", 60));
+ Engine::get_singleton()->set_physics_jitter_fix(GLOBAL_DEF("physics/common/physics_jitter_fix", 0.5));
Engine::get_singleton()->set_target_fps(GLOBAL_DEF("debug/settings/fps/force_fps", 0));
GLOBAL_DEF("debug/settings/stdout/print_fps", false);
@@ -1141,13 +1143,16 @@ Error Main::setup2(Thread::ID p_main_tid_override) {
GLOBAL_DEF("application/config/icon", String());
ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("application/config/icon", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "application/config/icon", PROPERTY_HINT_FILE, "*.png,*.webp"));
- if (bool(GLOBAL_DEF("display/window/handheld/emulate_touchscreen", false))) {
- if (!OS::get_singleton()->has_touchscreen_ui_hint() && Input::get_singleton() && !(editor || project_manager)) {
- //only if no touchscreen ui hint, set emulation
- InputDefault *id = Object::cast_to<InputDefault>(Input::get_singleton());
- if (id)
- id->set_emulate_touch(true);
+ InputDefault *id = Object::cast_to<InputDefault>(Input::get_singleton());
+ if (id) {
+ if (bool(GLOBAL_DEF("input/pointing_devices/emulate_touch_from_mouse", false)) && !(editor || project_manager)) {
+ if (!OS::get_singleton()->has_touchscreen_ui_hint()) {
+ //only if no touchscreen ui hint, set emulation
+ id->set_emulate_touch_from_mouse(true);
+ }
+ id->set_emulate_mouse_from_touch(bool(GLOBAL_DEF("input/pointing_devices/emulate_mouse_from_touch", true)));
MAIN_PRINT("Main: Load Remaps");
@@ -1225,6 +1230,229 @@ Error Main::setup2(Thread::ID p_main_tid_override) {
return OK;
+// everything the main loop needs to know about frame timings
+struct _FrameTime {
+ float animation_step; // time to advance animations for (argument to process())
+ int physics_steps; // number of times to iterate the physics engine
+ void clamp_animation(float min_animation_step, float max_animation_step) {
+ if (animation_step < min_animation_step) {
+ animation_step = min_animation_step;
+ } else if (animation_step > max_animation_step) {
+ animation_step = max_animation_step;
+ }
+ }
+class _TimerSync {
+ // wall clock time measured on the main thread
+ uint64_t last_cpu_ticks_usec;
+ uint64_t current_cpu_ticks_usec;
+ // logical game time since last physics timestep
+ float time_accum;
+ // current difference between wall clock time and reported sum of animation_steps
+ float time_deficit;
+ // number of frames back for keeping accumulated physics steps roughly constant.
+ // value of 12 chosen because that is what is required to make 144 Hz monitors
+ // behave well with 60 Hz physics updates. The only worse commonly available refresh
+ // would be 85, requiring CONTROL_STEPS = 17.
+ static const int CONTROL_STEPS = 12;
+ // sum of physics steps done over the last (i+1) frames
+ int accumulated_physics_steps[CONTROL_STEPS];
+ // typical value for accumulated_physics_steps[i] is either this or this plus one
+ int typical_physics_steps[CONTROL_STEPS];
+ // returns the fraction of p_frame_slice required for the timer to overshoot
+ // before advance_core considers changing the physics_steps return from
+ // the typical values as defined by typical_physics_steps
+ float get_physics_jitter_fix() {
+ return Engine::get_singleton()->get_physics_jitter_fix();
+ }
+ // gets our best bet for the average number of physics steps per render frame
+ // return value: number of frames back this data is consistent
+ int get_average_physics_steps(float &p_min, float &p_max) {
+ p_min = typical_physics_steps[0];
+ p_max = p_min + 1;
+ for (int i = 1; i < CONTROL_STEPS; ++i) {
+ const float typical_lower = typical_physics_steps[i];
+ const float current_min = typical_lower / (i + 1);
+ if (current_min > p_max)
+ return i; // bail out of further restrictions would void the interval
+ else if (current_min > p_min)
+ p_min = current_min;
+ const float current_max = (typical_lower + 1) / (i + 1);
+ if (current_max < p_min)
+ return i;
+ else if (current_max < p_max)
+ p_max = current_max;
+ }
+ }
+ // advance physics clock by p_animation_step, return appropriate number of steps to simulate
+ _FrameTime advance_core(float p_frame_slice, int p_iterations_per_second, float p_animation_step) {
+ _FrameTime ret;
+ ret.animation_step = p_animation_step;
+ // simple determination of number of physics iteration
+ time_accum += ret.animation_step;
+ ret.physics_steps = floor(time_accum * p_iterations_per_second);
+ int min_typical_steps = typical_physics_steps[0];
+ int max_typical_steps = min_typical_steps + 1;
+ // given the past recorded steps and typcial steps to match, calculate bounds for this
+ // step to be typical
+ bool update_typical = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < CONTROL_STEPS - 1; ++i) {
+ int steps_left_to_match_typical = typical_physics_steps[i + 1] - accumulated_physics_steps[i];
+ if (steps_left_to_match_typical > max_typical_steps ||
+ steps_left_to_match_typical + 1 < min_typical_steps) {
+ update_typical = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (steps_left_to_match_typical > min_typical_steps)
+ min_typical_steps = steps_left_to_match_typical;
+ if (steps_left_to_match_typical + 1 < max_typical_steps)
+ max_typical_steps = steps_left_to_match_typical + 1;
+ }
+ // try to keep it consistent with previous iterations
+ if (ret.physics_steps < min_typical_steps) {
+ const int max_possible_steps = floor((time_accum)*p_iterations_per_second + get_physics_jitter_fix());
+ if (max_possible_steps < min_typical_steps) {
+ ret.physics_steps = max_possible_steps;
+ update_typical = true;
+ } else {
+ ret.physics_steps = min_typical_steps;
+ }
+ } else if (ret.physics_steps > max_typical_steps) {
+ const int min_possible_steps = floor((time_accum)*p_iterations_per_second - get_physics_jitter_fix());
+ if (min_possible_steps > max_typical_steps) {
+ ret.physics_steps = min_possible_steps;
+ update_typical = true;
+ } else {
+ ret.physics_steps = max_typical_steps;
+ }
+ }
+ time_accum -= ret.physics_steps * p_frame_slice;
+ // keep track of accumulated step counts
+ for (int i = CONTROL_STEPS - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
+ accumulated_physics_steps[i + 1] = accumulated_physics_steps[i] + ret.physics_steps;
+ }
+ accumulated_physics_steps[0] = ret.physics_steps;
+ if (update_typical) {
+ for (int i = CONTROL_STEPS - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ if (typical_physics_steps[i] > accumulated_physics_steps[i]) {
+ typical_physics_steps[i] = accumulated_physics_steps[i];
+ } else if (typical_physics_steps[i] < accumulated_physics_steps[i] - 1) {
+ typical_physics_steps[i] = accumulated_physics_steps[i] - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // calls advance_core, keeps track of deficit it adds to animaption_step, make sure the deficit sum stays close to zero
+ _FrameTime advance_checked(float p_frame_slice, int p_iterations_per_second, float p_animation_step) {
+ if (fixed_fps != -1)
+ p_animation_step = 1.0 / fixed_fps;
+ // compensate for last deficit
+ p_animation_step += time_deficit;
+ _FrameTime ret = advance_core(p_frame_slice, p_iterations_per_second, p_animation_step);
+ // we will do some clamping on ret.animation_step and need to sync those changes to time_accum,
+ // that's easiest if we just remember their fixed difference now
+ const double animation_minus_accum = ret.animation_step - time_accum;
+ // first, least important clamping: keep ret.animation_step consistent with typical_physics_steps.
+ // this smoothes out the animation steps and culls small but quick variations.
+ {
+ float min_average_physics_steps, max_average_physics_steps;
+ int consistent_steps = get_average_physics_steps(min_average_physics_steps, max_average_physics_steps);
+ if (consistent_steps > 3) {
+ ret.clamp_animation(min_average_physics_steps * p_frame_slice, max_average_physics_steps * p_frame_slice);
+ }
+ }
+ // second clamping: keep abs(time_deficit) < jitter_fix * frame_slise
+ float max_clock_deviation = get_physics_jitter_fix() * p_frame_slice;
+ ret.clamp_animation(p_animation_step - max_clock_deviation, p_animation_step + max_clock_deviation);
+ // last clamping: make sure time_accum is between 0 and p_frame_slice for consistency between physics and animation
+ ret.clamp_animation(animation_minus_accum, animation_minus_accum + p_frame_slice);
+ // restore time_accum
+ time_accum = ret.animation_step - animation_minus_accum;
+ // track deficit
+ time_deficit = p_animation_step - ret.animation_step;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // determine wall clock step since last iteration
+ float get_cpu_animation_step() {
+ uint64_t cpu_ticks_elapsed = current_cpu_ticks_usec - last_cpu_ticks_usec;
+ last_cpu_ticks_usec = current_cpu_ticks_usec;
+ return cpu_ticks_elapsed / 1000000.0;
+ }
+ explicit _TimerSync() :
+ last_cpu_ticks_usec(0),
+ current_cpu_ticks_usec(0),
+ time_accum(0),
+ time_deficit(0) {
+ for (int i = CONTROL_STEPS - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ typical_physics_steps[i] = i;
+ accumulated_physics_steps[i] = i;
+ }
+ }
+ // start the clock
+ void init(uint64_t p_cpu_ticks_usec) {
+ current_cpu_ticks_usec = last_cpu_ticks_usec = p_cpu_ticks_usec;
+ }
+ // set measured wall clock time
+ void set_cpu_ticks_usec(uint64_t p_cpu_ticks_usec) {
+ current_cpu_ticks_usec = p_cpu_ticks_usec;
+ }
+ // advance one frame, return timesteps to take
+ _FrameTime advance(float p_frame_slice, int p_iterations_per_second) {
+ float cpu_animation_step = get_cpu_animation_step();
+ return advance_checked(p_frame_slice, p_iterations_per_second, cpu_animation_step);
+ }
+ void before_start_render() {
+ VisualServer::get_singleton()->sync();
+ }
+static _TimerSync _timer_sync;
bool Main::start() {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_start_success, false);
@@ -1239,6 +1467,8 @@ bool Main::start() {
String _export_preset;
bool export_debug = false;
+ _timer_sync.init(OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec());
List<String> args = OS::get_singleton()->get_cmdline_args();
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
//parameters that do not have an argument to the right
@@ -1704,7 +1934,6 @@ bool Main::start() {
uint64_t Main::last_ticks = 0;
uint64_t Main::target_ticks = 0;
-float Main::time_accum = 0;
uint32_t Main::frames = 0;
uint32_t Main::frame = 0;
bool Main::force_redraw_requested = false;
@@ -1717,14 +1946,15 @@ bool Main::iteration() {
uint64_t ticks = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec();
Engine::get_singleton()->_frame_ticks = ticks;
+ _timer_sync.set_cpu_ticks_usec(ticks);
uint64_t ticks_elapsed = ticks - last_ticks;
- double step = (double)ticks_elapsed / 1000000.0;
- if (fixed_fps != -1)
- step = 1.0 / fixed_fps;
+ int physics_fps = Engine::get_singleton()->get_iterations_per_second();
+ float frame_slice = 1.0 / physics_fps;
- float frame_slice = 1.0 / Engine::get_singleton()->get_iterations_per_second();
+ _FrameTime advance = _timer_sync.advance(frame_slice, physics_fps);
+ double step = advance.animation_step;
Engine::get_singleton()->_frame_step = step;
@@ -1740,20 +1970,19 @@ bool Main::iteration() {
last_ticks = ticks;
- if (fixed_fps == -1 && step > frame_slice * 8)
- step = frame_slice * 8;
- time_accum += step;
+ static const int max_physics_steps = 8;
+ if (fixed_fps == -1 && advance.physics_steps > max_physics_steps) {
+ step -= (advance.physics_steps - max_physics_steps) * frame_slice;
+ advance.physics_steps = max_physics_steps;
+ }
float time_scale = Engine::get_singleton()->get_time_scale();
bool exit = false;
- int iters = 0;
Engine::get_singleton()->_in_physics = true;
- while (time_accum > frame_slice) {
+ for (int iters = 0; iters < advance.physics_steps; ++iters) {
uint64_t physics_begin = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec();
@@ -1775,12 +2004,10 @@ bool Main::iteration() {
Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->step(frame_slice * time_scale);
- time_accum -= frame_slice;
physics_process_ticks = MAX(physics_process_ticks, OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - physics_begin); // keep the largest one for reference
physics_process_max = MAX(OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - physics_begin, physics_process_max);
- iters++;
@@ -1791,7 +2018,7 @@ bool Main::iteration() {
OS::get_singleton()->get_main_loop()->idle(step * time_scale);
- VisualServer::get_singleton()->sync(); //sync if still drawing from previous frames.
+ _timer_sync.before_start_render(); //sync if still drawing from previous frames.
if (OS::get_singleton()->can_draw() && !disable_render_loop) {