path: root/main/main.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'main/main.cpp')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/main/main.cpp b/main/main.cpp
index 94dd895a26..610a6ed672 100644
--- a/main/main.cpp
+++ b/main/main.cpp
@@ -2258,25 +2258,37 @@ bool Main::iteration() {
return exit;
- if (OS::get_singleton()->is_in_low_processor_usage_mode() || !DisplayServer::get_singleton()->can_any_window_draw()) {
- OS::get_singleton()->delay_usec(OS::get_singleton()->get_low_processor_usage_mode_sleep_usec()); //apply some delay to force idle time
- } else {
- uint32_t frame_delay = Engine::get_singleton()->get_frame_delay();
- if (frame_delay) {
- OS::get_singleton()->delay_usec(Engine::get_singleton()->get_frame_delay() * 1000);
- }
+ const uint32_t frame_delay = Engine::get_singleton()->get_frame_delay();
+ if (frame_delay) {
+ // Add fixed frame delay to decrease CPU/GPU usage. This doesn't take
+ // the actual frame time into account.
+ // Due to the high fluctuation of the actual sleep duration, it's not recommended
+ // to use this as a FPS limiter.
+ OS::get_singleton()->delay_usec(frame_delay * 1000);
+ }
+ // Add a dynamic frame delay to decrease CPU/GPU usage. This takes the
+ // previous frame time into account for a smoother result.
+ uint64_t dynamic_delay = 0;
+ if (OS::get_singleton()->is_in_low_processor_usage_mode() || !DisplayServer::get_singleton()->window_can_draw()) {
+ dynamic_delay = OS::get_singleton()->get_low_processor_usage_mode_sleep_usec();
+ }
+ const int target_fps = Engine::get_singleton()->get_target_fps();
+ if (target_fps > 0 && !Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) {
+ // Override the low processor usage mode sleep delay if the target FPS is lower.
+ dynamic_delay = MAX(dynamic_delay, (uint64_t)(1000000 / target_fps));
- int target_fps = Engine::get_singleton()->get_target_fps();
- if (target_fps > 0 && !Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) {
- uint64_t time_step = 1000000L / target_fps;
- target_ticks += time_step;
+ if (dynamic_delay > 0) {
+ target_ticks += dynamic_delay;
uint64_t current_ticks = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec();
if (current_ticks < target_ticks) {
OS::get_singleton()->delay_usec(target_ticks - current_ticks);
current_ticks = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec();
- target_ticks = MIN(MAX(target_ticks, current_ticks - time_step), current_ticks + time_step);
+ target_ticks = MIN(MAX(target_ticks, current_ticks - dynamic_delay), current_ticks + dynamic_delay);