path: root/editor
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'editor')
96 files changed, 2207 insertions, 9795 deletions
diff --git a/editor/animation_track_editor_plugins.cpp b/editor/animation_track_editor_plugins.cpp
index 6d444c5422..590621816e 100644
--- a/editor/animation_track_editor_plugins.cpp
+++ b/editor/animation_track_editor_plugins.cpp
@@ -974,8 +974,6 @@ void AnimationTrackEditTypeAudio::drop_data(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant
ofs += 0.001;
- print_line("inserting");
*get_block_animation_update_ptr() = true;
get_undo_redo()->create_action("Add Audio Track Clip");
get_undo_redo()->add_do_method(get_animation().ptr(), "audio_track_insert_key", get_track(), ofs, stream);
@@ -1124,7 +1122,6 @@ Rect2 AnimationTrackEditTypeAnimation::get_key_rect(int p_index, float p_pixels_
String anim = get_animation()->animation_track_get_key_animation(get_track(), p_index);
- print_line("anim " + anim + " has " + itos(ap->has_animation(anim)));
if (anim != "[stop]" && ap->has_animation(anim)) {
diff --git a/editor/code_editor.cpp b/editor/code_editor.cpp
index 9d4333bc29..2fecf24d7d 100644
--- a/editor/code_editor.cpp
+++ b/editor/code_editor.cpp
@@ -717,7 +717,6 @@ void CodeTextEditor::_complete_request() {
if (code_complete_func) {
code_complete_func(code_complete_ud, ctext, &entries, forced);
- // print_line("COMPLETE: "+p_request);
if (entries.size() == 0)
Vector<String> strs;
diff --git a/editor/dependency_editor.cpp b/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
index c4a17d5402..62ae14c988 100644
--- a/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
+++ b/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
@@ -336,12 +336,9 @@ void DependencyEditorOwners::_fill_owners(EditorFileSystemDirectory *efsd) {
for (int i = 0; i < efsd->get_file_count(); i++) {
Vector<String> deps = efsd->get_file_deps(i);
- //print_line(":::"+efsd->get_file_path(i));
bool found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < deps.size(); j++) {
- //print_line("\t"+deps[j]+" vs "+editing);
if (deps[j] == editing) {
- //print_line("found");
found = true;
@@ -510,7 +507,7 @@ void DependencyRemoveDialog::ok_pressed() {
String path = OS::get_singleton()->get_resource_dir() + files_to_delete[i].replace_first("res://", "/");
- print_line("Moving to trash: " + path);
+ print_verbose("Moving to trash: " + path);
Error err = OS::get_singleton()->move_to_trash(path);
if (err != OK) {
EditorNode::get_singleton()->add_io_error(TTR("Cannot remove:") + "\n" + files_to_delete[i] + "\n");
@@ -525,7 +522,7 @@ void DependencyRemoveDialog::ok_pressed() {
for (int i = 0; i < dirs_to_delete.size(); ++i) {
String path = OS::get_singleton()->get_resource_dir() + dirs_to_delete[i].replace_first("res://", "/");
- print_line("Moving to trash: " + path);
+ print_verbose("Moving to trash: " + path);
Error err = OS::get_singleton()->move_to_trash(path);
if (err != OK) {
EditorNode::get_singleton()->add_io_error(TTR("Cannot remove:") + "\n" + dirs_to_delete[i] + "\n");
@@ -673,7 +670,6 @@ bool OrphanResourcesDialog::_fill_owners(EditorFileSystemDirectory *efsd, HashMa
if (!p_parent) {
Vector<String> deps = efsd->get_file_deps(i);
- //print_line(":::"+efsd->get_file_path(i));
for (int j = 0; j < deps.size(); j++) {
if (!refs.has(deps[j])) {
diff --git a/editor/doc/doc_data.cpp b/editor/doc/doc_data.cpp
index 91a29f5717..fe1cf3484e 100644
--- a/editor/doc/doc_data.cpp
+++ b/editor/doc/doc_data.cpp
@@ -792,7 +792,6 @@ Error DocData::_load(Ref<XMLParser> parser) {
class_list[name] = ClassDoc();
ClassDoc &c = class_list[name];
- //print_line("class: "+name); = name;
if (parser->has_attribute("inherits"))
c.inherits = parser->get_attribute_value("inherits");
diff --git a/editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp b/editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
index f1c8c08d08..d99908a3c3 100644
--- a/editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
@@ -172,7 +172,6 @@ void EditorAssetInstaller::open(const String &p_path, int p_depth) {
parent = root;
} else {
String ppath = path.substr(0, pp);
- print_line("PPATH IS: " + ppath);
parent = dir_map[ppath];
diff --git a/editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp b/editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
index a084437226..9c775be87e 100644
--- a/editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
@@ -482,10 +482,8 @@ void EditorAudioBus::drop_data(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data) {
Variant EditorAudioBus::get_drag_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, Control *p_from) {
- print_line("drag fw");
TreeItem *item = effects->get_item_at_position(p_point);
if (!item) {
- print_line("no item");
return Variant();
diff --git a/editor/editor_export.cpp b/editor/editor_export.cpp
index 721158cebb..e46fe96885 100644
--- a/editor/editor_export.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_export.cpp
@@ -1486,8 +1486,6 @@ void EditorExportTextSceneToBinaryPlugin::_export_file(const String &p_path, con
- print_line("exporting " + p_path);
bool convert = GLOBAL_GET("editor/convert_text_resources_to_binary_on_export");
if (!convert)
diff --git a/editor/editor_help.cpp b/editor/editor_help.cpp
index 50b3810e52..5a0a49d577 100644
--- a/editor/editor_help.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_help.cpp
@@ -1907,8 +1907,6 @@ void EditorHelpBit::_go_to_help(String p_what) {
void EditorHelpBit::_meta_clicked(String p_select) {
- print_line("got meta " + p_select);
if (p_select.begins_with("$")) { //enum
String select = p_select.substr(1, p_select.length());
diff --git a/editor/editor_node.cpp b/editor/editor_node.cpp
index 0ca70c41fa..353dce5b20 100644
--- a/editor/editor_node.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_node.cpp
@@ -108,7 +108,6 @@
#include "editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.h"
#include "editor/plugins/script_text_editor.h"
#include "editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.h"
-#include "editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.h"
#include "editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.h"
#include "editor/plugins/skeleton_editor_plugin.h"
#include "editor/plugins/skeleton_ik_editor_plugin.h"
diff --git a/editor/editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/editor_plugin.cpp
index 6818de8281..1f2e73654c 100644
--- a/editor/editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -104,14 +104,12 @@ Vector<Ref<Texture> > EditorInterface::make_mesh_previews(const Vector<Ref<Mesh>
AABB aabb = mesh->get_aabb();
- print_line("aabb: " + aabb);
Vector3 ofs = aabb.position + aabb.size * 0.5;
aabb.position -= ofs;
Transform xform;
xform.basis = Basis().rotated(Vector3(0, 1, 0), -Math_PI * 0.25);
xform.basis = Basis().rotated(Vector3(1, 0, 0), Math_PI * 0.25) * xform.basis;
AABB rot_aabb = xform.xform(aabb);
- print_line("rot_aabb: " + rot_aabb);
float m = MAX(rot_aabb.size.x, rot_aabb.size.y) * 0.5;
if (m == 0) {
@@ -119,7 +117,6 @@ Vector<Ref<Texture> > EditorInterface::make_mesh_previews(const Vector<Ref<Mesh>
m = 1.0 / m;
m *= 0.5;
- print_line("scale: " + rtos(m));
xform.basis.scale(Vector3(m, m, m));
xform.origin = -xform.basis.xform(ofs); //-ofs*m;
xform.origin.z -= rot_aabb.size.z * 2;
@@ -133,7 +130,6 @@ Vector<Ref<Texture> > EditorInterface::make_mesh_previews(const Vector<Ref<Mesh>
Ref<ImageTexture> it(memnew(ImageTexture));
- //print_line("loaded image, size: "+rtos(m)+" dist: "+rtos(dist)+" empty?"+itos(img.empty())+" w: "+itos(it->get_width())+" h: "+itos(it->get_height()));
diff --git a/editor/editor_profiler.cpp b/editor/editor_profiler.cpp
index 67700b59de..f57c863bcf 100644
--- a/editor/editor_profiler.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_profiler.cpp
@@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ void EditorProfiler::clear() {
updating_frame = false;
hover_metric = -1;
seeking = false;
+ _update_plot();
static String _get_percent_txt(float p_value, float p_total) {
@@ -167,7 +169,7 @@ void EditorProfiler::_update_plot() {
int w = graph->get_size().width;
int h = graph->get_size().height;
- bool reset_texture = false;
+ bool reset_texture = graph_texture.is_null();
int desired_len = w * h * 4;
@@ -342,7 +344,6 @@ void EditorProfiler::_update_plot() {
time = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - time;
- //print_line("Taken: "+rtos(USEC_TO_SEC(time)));
wr = PoolVector<uint8_t>::Write();
diff --git a/editor/editor_resource_preview.cpp b/editor/editor_resource_preview.cpp
index a9eaad47b7..bc56a95b47 100644
--- a/editor/editor_resource_preview.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_resource_preview.cpp
@@ -152,8 +152,6 @@ Ref<Texture> EditorResourcePreview::_generate_preview(const QueueItem &p_item, c
- } else {
- //print_line("was not generated");
diff --git a/editor/editor_settings.cpp b/editor/editor_settings.cpp
index 9278d7676a..5d3c6dd087 100644
--- a/editor/editor_settings.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_settings.cpp
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ bool EditorSettings::_get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const {
const VariantContainer *v = props.getptr(p_name);
if (!v) {
- print_line("EditorSettings::_get - Warning, not found: " + String(p_name));
+ WARN_PRINTS("EditorSettings::_get - Property not found: " + String(p_name));
return false;
r_ret = v->variant;
@@ -853,10 +853,7 @@ void EditorSettings::create() {
singleton->data_dir = data_dir;
singleton->cache_dir = cache_dir;
- if (OS::get_singleton()->is_stdout_verbose()) {
- print_line("EditorSettings: Load OK!");
- }
+ print_verbose("EditorSettings: Load OK!");
@@ -968,8 +965,8 @@ void EditorSettings::save() {
if (err != OK) {
ERR_PRINTS("Error saving editor settings to " + singleton->config_file_path);
- } else if (OS::get_singleton()->is_stdout_verbose()) {
- print_line("EditorSettings Save OK!");
+ } else {
+ print_verbose("EditorSettings: Save OK!");
diff --git a/editor/editor_themes.cpp b/editor/editor_themes.cpp
index 50d71f1c98..7ed7b920d9 100644
--- a/editor/editor_themes.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_themes.cpp
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ void editor_register_and_generate_icons(Ref<Theme> p_theme, bool p_dark_theme =
clock_t end_time = clock();
- print_line("Sorry no icons for you");
+ print_line("SVG support disabled, editor icons won't be rendered.");
diff --git a/editor/fileserver/editor_file_server.cpp b/editor/fileserver/editor_file_server.cpp
index b9e0c7d0fa..28b1095256 100644
--- a/editor/fileserver/editor_file_server.cpp
+++ b/editor/fileserver/editor_file_server.cpp
@@ -34,9 +34,10 @@
#include "io/marshalls.h"
//#define DEBUG_PRINT(m_p) print_line(m_p)
-#define DEBUG_TIME(m_what) printf("MS: %s - %lu\n", m_what, OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec());
+//#define DEBUG_TIME(m_what) printf("MS: %s - %lu\n", m_what, OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec());
-//#define DEBUG_TIME(m_what)
+#define DEBUG_PRINT(m_what)
+#define DEBUG_TIME(m_what)
void EditorFileServer::_close_client(ClientData *cd) {
@@ -107,7 +108,6 @@ void EditorFileServer::_subthread_start(void *s) {
//wait for ID
err = cd->connection->get_data(buf4, 4);
- //#define DEBUG_PRINT(m_p) print_line(m_p)
if (err != OK) {
@@ -150,13 +150,13 @@ void EditorFileServer::_subthread_start(void *s) {
if (cmd == FileAccessNetwork::COMMAND_FILE_EXISTS) {
- print_line("FILE EXISTS: " + s);
if (cmd == FileAccessNetwork::COMMAND_GET_MODTIME) {
- print_line("MOD TIME: " + s);
if (cmd == FileAccessNetwork::COMMAND_OPEN_FILE) {
- print_line("OPEN: " + s);
+ DEBUG_PRINT("OPEN: " + s);
if (!s.begins_with("res://")) {
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ void EditorFileServer::_subthread_start(void *s) {
int read = cd->files[id]->get_buffer(buf.ptrw(), blocklen);
ERR_CONTINUE(read < 0);
- print_line("GET BLOCK - offset: " + itos(offset) + ", blocklen: " + itos(blocklen));
+ DEBUG_PRINT("GET BLOCK - offset: " + itos(offset) + ", blocklen: " + itos(blocklen));
//not found, continue
encode_uint32(id, buf4);
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ void EditorFileServer::_subthread_start(void *s) {
} break;
case FileAccessNetwork::COMMAND_CLOSE: {
- print_line("CLOSED");
diff --git a/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp b/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
index ec1153a015..cb38c2f85e 100644
--- a/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
+++ b/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ void FileSystemDock::_try_move_item(const FileOrFolder &p_item, const String &p_
DirAccess *da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_RESOURCES);
- print_line("Moving " + old_path + " -> " + new_path);
+ print_verbose("Moving " + old_path + " -> " + new_path);
Error err = da->rename(old_path, new_path);
if (err == OK) {
//Move/Rename any corresponding import settings too
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ void FileSystemDock::_try_move_item(const FileOrFolder &p_item, const String &p_
//Only treat as a changed dependency if it was successfully moved
for (int i = 0; i < file_changed_paths.size(); ++i) {
p_file_renames[file_changed_paths[i]] = file_changed_paths[i].replace_first(old_path, new_path);
- print_line(" Remap: " + file_changed_paths[i] + " -> " + p_file_renames[file_changed_paths[i]]);
+ print_verbose(" Remap: " + file_changed_paths[i] + " -> " + p_file_renames[file_changed_paths[i]]);
for (int i = 0; i < folder_changed_paths.size(); ++i) {
p_folder_renames[folder_changed_paths[i]] = folder_changed_paths[i].replace_first(old_path, new_path);
@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ void FileSystemDock::_try_duplicate_item(const FileOrFolder &p_item, const Strin
DirAccess *da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_RESOURCES);
- print_line("Duplicating " + old_path + " -> " + new_path);
+ print_verbose("Duplicating " + old_path + " -> " + new_path);
Error err = p_item.is_file ? da->copy(old_path, new_path) : da->copy_dir(old_path, new_path);
if (err == OK) {
//Move/Rename any corresponding import settings too
@@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ void FileSystemDock::_update_dependencies_after_move(const Map<String, String> &
for (int i = 0; i < remaps.size(); ++i) {
//Because we haven't called a rescan yet the found remap might still be an old path itself.
String file = p_renames.has(remaps[i]) ? p_renames[remaps[i]] : remaps[i];
- print_line("Remapping dependencies for: " + file);
+ print_verbose("Remapping dependencies for: " + file);
Error err = ResourceLoader::rename_dependencies(file, p_renames);
if (err == OK) {
if (ResourceLoader::get_resource_type(file) == "PackedScene")
@@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ void FileSystemDock::_make_dir_confirm() {
- print_line("Making folder " + dir_name + " in " + path);
+ print_verbose("Making folder " + dir_name + " in " + path);
DirAccess *da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_RESOURCES);
Error err = da->change_dir(path);
if (err == OK) {
@@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@ void FileSystemDock::_make_dir_confirm() {
if (err == OK) {
- print_line("call rescan!");
+ print_verbose("FileSystem: calling rescan.");
} else {
EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Could not create folder."));
@@ -1054,7 +1054,7 @@ void FileSystemDock::_rename_operation_confirm() {
//Rescan everything
- print_line("call rescan!");
+ print_verbose("FileSystem: calling rescan.");
@@ -1089,7 +1089,7 @@ void FileSystemDock::_duplicate_operation_confirm() {
_try_duplicate_item(to_duplicate, new_path);
//Rescan everything
- print_line("call rescan!");
+ print_verbose("FileSystem: calling rescan.");
@@ -1146,7 +1146,7 @@ void FileSystemDock::_move_operation_confirm(const String &p_to_path, bool overw
- print_line("call rescan!");
+ print_verbose("FileSystem: calling rescan.");
diff --git a/editor/find_in_files.cpp b/editor/find_in_files.cpp
index ef7409fd43..9ede8a05bc 100644
--- a/editor/find_in_files.cpp
+++ b/editor/find_in_files.cpp
@@ -123,12 +123,12 @@ void FindInFiles::_notification(int p_notification) {
void FindInFiles::start() {
if (_pattern == "") {
- print_line("Nothing to search, pattern is empty");
+ print_verbose("Nothing to search, pattern is empty");
if (_extension_filter.size() == 0) {
- print_line("Nothing to search, filter matches no files");
+ print_verbose("Nothing to search, filter matches no files");
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ void FindInFiles::_iterate() {
} else {
- print_line("Search complete");
+ print_verbose("Search complete");
_current_dir = "";
_searching = false;
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ void FindInFiles::_scan_dir(String path, PoolStringArray &out_folders) {
DirAccess *dir = DirAccess::open(path);
if (dir == NULL) {
- print_line("Cannot open directory! " + path);
+ print_verbose("Cannot open directory! " + path);
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ void FindInFiles::_scan_file(String fpath) {
FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(fpath, FileAccess::READ);
if (f == NULL) {
- print_line(String("Cannot open file ") + fpath);
+ print_verbose(String("Cannot open file ") + fpath);
@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ void FindInFilesPanel::apply_replaces_in_file(String fpath, const Vector<Result>
int _;
if (!find_next(line, search_text, repl_begin, _finder->is_match_case(), _finder->is_whole_words(), _, _)) {
// Make sure the replace is still valid in case the file was tampered with.
- print_line(String("Occurrence no longer matches, replace will be ignored in {0}: line {1}, col {2}").format(varray(fpath, repl_line_number, repl_begin)));
+ print_verbose(String("Occurrence no longer matches, replace will be ignored in {0}: line {1}, col {2}").format(varray(fpath, repl_line_number, repl_begin)));
diff --git a/editor/import/editor_import_collada.cpp b/editor/import/editor_import_collada.cpp
index 22ea5883e8..d4bd4f85e6 100644
--- a/editor/import/editor_import_collada.cpp
+++ b/editor/import/editor_import_collada.cpp
@@ -119,7 +119,6 @@ Error ColladaImport::_populate_skeleton(Skeleton *p_skeleton, Collada::Node *p_n
Collada::NodeJoint *joint = static_cast<Collada::NodeJoint *>(p_node);
- print_line("populating joint " + joint->name);
if (p_parent >= 0)
p_skeleton->set_bone_parent(r_bone, p_parent);
@@ -137,8 +136,7 @@ Error ColladaImport::_populate_skeleton(Skeleton *p_skeleton, Collada::Node *p_n
p_skeleton->set_bone_rest(r_bone, collada.fix_transform(collada.state.bone_rest_map[joint->sid]));
//should map this bone to something for animation?
} else {
- print_line("no rest: " + joint->sid);
- WARN_PRINT("Joint has no rest...");
+ WARN_PRINT("Collada: Joint has no rest.");
int id = r_bone++;
@@ -585,9 +583,6 @@ static void _generate_tangents_and_binormals(const PoolVector<int> &p_indices, c
binormals.write[index_arrayr[idx * 3 + 1]] += binormal;
tangents.write[index_arrayr[idx * 3 + 2]] += tangent;
binormals.write[index_arrayr[idx * 3 + 2]] += binormal;
- //print_line(itos(idx)+" tangent: "+tangent);
- //print_line(itos(idx)+" binormal: "+binormal);
r_tangents.resize(vlen * 4);
@@ -1028,7 +1023,7 @@ Error ColladaImport::_create_mesh_surfaces(bool p_optimize, Ref<ArrayMesh> &p_me
material = material_cache[target];
} else if (p.material != "") {
- print_line("Warning, unreferenced material in geometry instance: " + p.material);
+ WARN_PRINTS("Collada: Unreferenced material in geometry instance: " + p.material);
@@ -1352,7 +1347,7 @@ Error ColladaImport::_create_resources(Collada::Node *p_node, bool p_use_compres
mesh_cache[meshid] = mesh;
} else {
- print_line("Warning, will not import geometry: " + meshid);
+ WARN_PRINTS("Collada: Will not import geometry: " + meshid);
@@ -1379,7 +1374,7 @@ Error ColladaImport::_create_resources(Collada::Node *p_node, bool p_use_compres
mi->set_surface_material(i, material);
} else if (matname != "") {
- print_line("Warning, unreferenced material in geometry instance: " + matname);
+ WARN_PRINTS("Collada: Unreferenced material in geometry instance: " + matname);
@@ -1541,7 +1536,6 @@ void ColladaImport::create_animations(bool p_make_tracks_in_all_bones, bool p_im
for (int i = 0; i < collada.state.animation_tracks.size(); i++) {
const Collada::AnimationTrack &at = collada.state.animation_tracks[i];
- //print_line("CHANNEL: "" PARAM: "+at.param);
String node;
@@ -1551,7 +1545,7 @@ void ColladaImport::create_animations(bool p_make_tracks_in_all_bones, bool p_im
node = node_name_map[];
} else {
- print_line("Couldn't find node: " +;
+ WARN_PRINTS("Collada: Couldn't find node: " +;
} else {
@@ -1570,7 +1564,6 @@ void ColladaImport::create_animations(bool p_make_tracks_in_all_bones, bool p_im
create_animation(-1, p_make_tracks_in_all_bones, p_import_value_tracks);
- //print_line("clipcount: "+itos(collada.state.animation_clips.size()));
for (int i = 0; i < collada.state.animation_clips.size(); i++)
create_animation(i, p_make_tracks_in_all_bones, p_import_value_tracks);
@@ -1580,11 +1573,8 @@ void ColladaImport::create_animation(int p_clip, bool p_make_tracks_in_all_bones
Ref<Animation> animation = Ref<Animation>(memnew(Animation));
if (p_clip == -1) {
- //print_line("default");
} else {
- //print_line("clip name: "+collada.state.animation_clips[p_clip].name);
@@ -1658,7 +1648,6 @@ void ColladaImport::create_animation(int p_clip, bool p_make_tracks_in_all_bones
- //print_line("anim len: "+rtos(anim_length));
bool tracks_found = false;
@@ -1736,7 +1725,7 @@ void ColladaImport::create_animation(int p_clip, bool p_make_tracks_in_all_bones
if (xform_idx == -1) {
- print_line("couldn't find matching node " + + " xform for track " + at.param);
+ WARN_PRINTS("Collada: Couldn't find matching node " + + " xform for track " + at.param);
@@ -1758,14 +1747,9 @@ void ColladaImport::create_animation(int p_clip, bool p_make_tracks_in_all_bones
ERR_CONTINUE(data.size() > 1);[cn] = data[0];
} else if (data.size() == {
- = data;
} else {
- if (data.size() != {
- print_line("component " + at.component + " datasize " + itos(data.size()) + " xfdatasize " + itos(;
- }
+ ERR_EXPLAIN("Component " + at.component + " has datasize " + itos(data.size()) + ", xfdatasize " + itos(;
ERR_CONTINUE(data.size() !=;
@@ -1781,7 +1765,7 @@ void ColladaImport::create_animation(int p_clip, bool p_make_tracks_in_all_bones
xform = sk->get_bone_rest(nm.bone).affine_inverse() * xform;
} else {
+ ERR_PRINT("Collada: Invalid skeleton");
@@ -1812,8 +1796,6 @@ void ColladaImport::create_animation(int p_clip, bool p_make_tracks_in_all_bones
if (E->get())
- //print_line("BONE LACKS ANIM: "+E->key());
NodeMap &nm = node_map[E->key()];
String path = scene->get_path_to(nm.node);
ERR_CONTINUE(nm.bone < 0);
@@ -1823,7 +1805,7 @@ void ColladaImport::create_animation(int p_clip, bool p_make_tracks_in_all_bones
Collada::Node *cn = collada.state.scene_map[E->key()];
if (cn->ignore_anim) {
- print_line("warning, ignoring animation on node: " + path);
+ WARN_PRINTS("Collada: Ignoring animation on node: " + path);
@@ -1889,10 +1871,9 @@ void ColladaImport::create_animation(int p_clip, bool p_make_tracks_in_all_bones
} else if (data.size() == 16) {
- print_line("value keys for matrices not supported");
+ WARN_PRINT("Collada: Value keys for matrices not supported.");
} else {
- print_line("don't know what to do with this amount of value keys: " + itos(data.size()));
+ WARN_PRINTS("Collada: Unexpected amount of value keys: " + itos(data.size()));
animation->track_insert_key(track, time, value);
@@ -1994,7 +1975,6 @@ Ref<Animation> EditorSceneImporterCollada::import_animation(const String &p_path
if (state.animations.size() == 0)
return Ref<Animation>();
Ref<Animation> anim = state.animations[0];
- print_line("Anim Load OK");
String base = p_path.get_basename().to_lower();
diff --git a/editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp b/editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp
index 906d902b4a..4d5c292847 100644
--- a/editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp
+++ b/editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ Error EditorSceneImporterGLTF::_parse_buffers(GLTFState &state, const String &p_
- print_line("total buffers: " + itos(state.buffers.size()));
+ print_verbose("glTF: Total buffers: " + itos(state.buffers.size()));
return OK;
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ Error EditorSceneImporterGLTF::_parse_buffer_views(GLTFState &state) {
- print_line("total buffer views: " + itos(state.buffer_views.size()));
+ print_verbose("glTF: Total buffer views: " + itos(state.buffer_views.size()));
return OK;
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ Error EditorSceneImporterGLTF::_parse_accessors(GLTFState &state) {
- print_line("total accessors: " + itos(state.accessors.size()));
+ print_verbose("glTF: Total accessors: " + itos(state.accessors.size()));
return OK;
@@ -501,8 +501,8 @@ Error EditorSceneImporterGLTF::_decode_buffer_view(GLTFState &state, int p_buffe
const uint8_t *bufptr = buffer.ptr();
//use to debug
- //print_line("type " + _get_type_name(type) + " component type: " + _get_component_type_name(component_type) + " stride: " + itos(stride) + " amount " + itos(count));
- print_line("accessor offset" + itos(byte_offset) + " view offset: " + itos(bv.byte_offset) + " total buffer len: " + itos(buffer.size()) + " view len " + itos(bv.byte_length));
+ print_verbose("glTF: type " + _get_type_name(type) + " component type: " + _get_component_type_name(component_type) + " stride: " + itos(stride) + " amount " + itos(count));
+ print_verbose("glTF: accessor offset" + itos(byte_offset) + " view offset: " + itos(bv.byte_offset) + " total buffer len: " + itos(buffer.size()) + " view len " + itos(bv.byte_length));
int buffer_end = (stride * (count - 1)) + element_size;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(buffer_end > bv.byte_length, ERR_PARSE_ERROR);
@@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ Error EditorSceneImporterGLTF::_parse_meshes(GLTFState &state) {
Array meshes = state.json["meshes"];
for (int i = 0; i < meshes.size(); i++) {
- print_line("on mesh: " + itos(i));
+ print_verbose("glTF: Parsing mesh: " + itos(i));
Dictionary d = meshes[i];
GLTFMesh mesh;
@@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ Error EditorSceneImporterGLTF::_parse_meshes(GLTFState &state) {
w[j + 3] /= total;
- //print_line(itos(j / 4) + ": " + itos(r[j + 0]) + ":" + rtos(w[j + 0]) + ", " + itos(r[j + 1]) + ":" + rtos(w[j + 1]) + ", " + itos(r[j + 2]) + ":" + rtos(w[j + 2]) + ", " + itos(r[j + 3]) + ":" + rtos(w[j + 3]));
+ //print_verbose(itos(j / 4) + ": " + itos(r[j + 0]) + ":" + rtos(w[j + 0]) + ", " + itos(r[j + 1]) + ":" + rtos(w[j + 1]) + ", " + itos(r[j + 2]) + ":" + rtos(w[j + 2]) + ", " + itos(r[j + 3]) + ":" + rtos(w[j + 3]));
array[Mesh::ARRAY_WEIGHTS] = weights;
@@ -996,7 +996,7 @@ Error EditorSceneImporterGLTF::_parse_meshes(GLTFState &state) {
Array morphs;
//blend shapes
if (p.has("targets")) {
- print_line("has targets!");
+ print_verbose("glTF: Mesh has targets");
Array targets = p["targets"];
if (j == 0) {
@@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@ Error EditorSceneImporterGLTF::_parse_meshes(GLTFState &state) {
- print_line("total meshes: " + itos(state.meshes.size()));
+ print_verbose("glTF: Total meshes: " + itos(state.meshes.size()));
return OK;
@@ -1183,7 +1183,7 @@ Error EditorSceneImporterGLTF::_parse_images(GLTFState &state, const String &p_b
- print_line("total images: " + itos(state.images.size()));
+ print_verbose("Total images: " + itos(state.images.size()));
return OK;
@@ -1338,7 +1338,7 @@ Error EditorSceneImporterGLTF::_parse_materials(GLTFState &state) {
- print_line("total materials: " + itos(state.materials.size()));
+ print_verbose("Total materials: " + itos(state.materials.size()));
return OK;
@@ -1381,12 +1381,11 @@ Error EditorSceneImporterGLTF::_parse_skins(GLTFState &state) {
- print_line("skin has skeleton? " + itos(d.has("skeleton")));
+ print_verbose("glTF: Skin has skeleton? " + itos(d.has("skeleton")));
if (d.has("skeleton")) {
int skeleton = d["skeleton"];
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(skeleton, state.nodes.size(), ERR_PARSE_ERROR);
- //state.nodes[skeleton]->skeleton_skin = state.skins.size();
- print_line("setting skeleton skin to" + itos(skeleton));
+ print_verbose("glTF: Setting skeleton skin to" + itos(skeleton));
skin.skeleton = skeleton;
if (!state.skeleton_nodes.has(skeleton)) {
state.skeleton_nodes[skeleton] = Vector<int>();
@@ -1443,7 +1442,7 @@ Error EditorSceneImporterGLTF::_parse_skins(GLTFState &state) {
- print_line("total skins: " + itos(state.skins.size()));
+ print_verbose("glTF: Total skins: " + itos(state.skins.size()));
@@ -1496,7 +1495,7 @@ Error EditorSceneImporterGLTF::_parse_cameras(GLTFState &state) {
- print_line("total cameras: " + itos(state.cameras.size()));
+ print_verbose("glTF: Total cameras: " + itos(state.cameras.size()));
return OK;
@@ -1574,7 +1573,6 @@ Error EditorSceneImporterGLTF::_parse_animations(GLTFState &state) {
- print_line("path: " + path);
PoolVector<float> times = _decode_accessor_as_floats(state, input, false);
if (path == "translation") {
PoolVector<Vector3> translations = _decode_accessor_as_vec3(state, output, false);
@@ -1624,7 +1622,7 @@ Error EditorSceneImporterGLTF::_parse_animations(GLTFState &state) {
- print_line("total animations: " + itos(state.animations.size()));
+ print_verbose("glTF: Total animations: " + itos(state.animations.size()));
return OK;
@@ -1656,7 +1654,7 @@ void EditorSceneImporterGLTF::_generate_node(GLTFState &state, int p_node, Node
if (n->mesh >= 0) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(n->mesh, state.meshes.size());
MeshInstance *mi = memnew(MeshInstance);
- print_line("**creating mesh for: " + n->name);
+ print_verbose("glTF: Creating mesh for: " + n->name);
GLTFMesh &mesh = state.meshes.write[n->mesh];
if (mesh.mesh->get_name() == "") {
diff --git a/editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp b/editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp
index 5babf6419c..3f101cd04d 100644
--- a/editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp
+++ b/editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ static Error _parse_material_library(const String &p_path, Map<String, Ref<Spati
material_map[current_name] = current;
} else if (l.begins_with("Ka ")) {
- print_line("Warning: Ambient light for material '" + current_name + "' is ignored in PBR");
+ WARN_PRINTS("OBJ: Ambient light for material '" + current_name + "' is ignored in PBR");
} else if (l.begins_with("Kd ")) {
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ static Error _parse_material_library(const String &p_path, Map<String, Ref<Spati
} else if (l.begins_with("map_Ka ")) {
- print_line("Warning: Ambient light texture for material '" + current_name + "' is ignored in PBR");
+ WARN_PRINTS("OBJ: Ambient light texture for material '" + current_name + "' is ignored in PBR");
} else if (l.begins_with("map_Kd ")) {
@@ -335,8 +335,8 @@ static Error _parse_obj(const String &p_path, List<Ref<Mesh> > &r_meshes, bool p
- print_line("current material library " + current_material_library + " has " + itos(material_map.has(current_material_library)));
- print_line("current material " + current_material + " has " + itos(material_map.has(current_material_library) && material_map[current_material_library].has(current_material)));
+ print_verbose("OBJ: Current material library " + current_material_library + " has " + itos(material_map.has(current_material_library)));
+ print_verbose("OBJ: Current material " + current_material + " has " + itos(material_map.has(current_material_library) && material_map[current_material_library].has(current_material)));
if (material_map.has(current_material_library) && material_map[current_material_library].has(current_material)) {
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ static Error _parse_obj(const String &p_path, List<Ref<Mesh> > &r_meshes, bool p
mesh->surface_set_name(mesh->get_surface_count() - 1, current_group);
- print_line("Added surface :" + mesh->surface_get_name(mesh->get_surface_count() - 1));
+ print_verbose("OBJ: Added surface :" + mesh->surface_get_name(mesh->get_surface_count() - 1));
diff --git a/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp b/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
index b5e3466b12..f544811eb0 100644
--- a/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
+++ b/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
@@ -281,12 +281,11 @@ static String _fixstr(const String &p_what, const String &p_str) {
Node *ResourceImporterScene::_fix_node(Node *p_node, Node *p_root, Map<Ref<ArrayMesh>, Ref<Shape> > &collision_map, LightBakeMode p_light_bake_mode) {
- // children first..
+ // children first
for (int i = 0; i < p_node->get_child_count(); i++) {
Node *r = _fix_node(p_node->get_child(i), p_root, collision_map, p_light_bake_mode);
if (!r) {
- print_line("was erased...");
i--; //was erased
@@ -391,7 +390,6 @@ Node *ResourceImporterScene::_fix_node(Node *p_node, Node *p_root, Map<Ref<Array
} else if (p_node->has_meta("empty_draw_type")) {
String empty_draw_type = String(p_node->get_meta("empty_draw_type"));
- print_line(empty_draw_type);
StaticBody *sb = memnew(StaticBody);
sb->set_name(_fixstr(name, "colonly"));
@@ -723,15 +721,11 @@ void ResourceImporterScene::_filter_anim_tracks(Ref<Animation> anim, Set<String>
Ref<Animation> a = anim;
- print_line("From Anim " + anim->get_name() + ":");
for (int j = 0; j < a->get_track_count(); j++) {
String path = a->track_get_path(j);
if (!keep.has(path)) {
- print_line("Remove: " + path);
@@ -899,8 +893,6 @@ void ResourceImporterScene::_find_meshes(Node *p_node, Map<Ref<ArrayMesh>, Trans
meshes[mesh] = transform;
- print_line("mesh transform: " + meshes[mesh]);
for (int i = 0; i < p_node->get_child_count(); i++) {
@@ -913,8 +905,6 @@ void ResourceImporterScene::_make_external_resources(Node *p_node, const String
List<PropertyInfo> pi;
- print_line("node: " + String(p_node->get_name()));
if (p_make_animations) {
if (Object::cast_to<AnimationPlayer>(p_node)) {
AnimationPlayer *ap = Object::cast_to<AnimationPlayer>(p_node);
@@ -1316,7 +1306,6 @@ Error ResourceImporterScene::import(const String &p_source_file, const String &p
if (bool(p_options["external_files/store_in_subdir"])) {
String subdir_name = p_source_file.get_file().get_basename();
DirAccess *da = DirAccess::open(base_path);
- print_line("at path " + da->get_current_dir() + " making " + subdir_name);
Error err = da->make_dir(subdir_name);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK && err != ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS, err);
@@ -1421,7 +1410,7 @@ Error ResourceImporterScene::import(const String &p_source_file, const String &p
Ref<PackedScene> packer = memnew(PackedScene);
- print_line("SAVING TO: " + p_save_path + ".scn");
+ print_verbose("Saving scene to: " + p_save_path + ".scn");
err = ResourceSaver::save(p_save_path + ".scn", packer); //do not take over, let the changed files reload themselves
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, err);
diff --git a/editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp b/editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp
index 9e99dcc5c8..d04f29ea5e 100644
--- a/editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp
+++ b/editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ Error ResourceImporterWAV::import(const String &p_source_file, const String &p_s
/*print_line("chunksize: "+itos(chunksize));
print_line("channels: "+itos(format_channels));
print_line("bits: "+itos(format_bits));
+ */
int len = frames;
if (format_channels == 2)
@@ -293,6 +293,7 @@ Error ResourceImporterWAV::import(const String &p_source_file, const String &p_s
bool is16 = format_bits != 8;
int rate = format_freq;
+ /*
print_line("Input Sample: ");
print_line("\tframes: " + itos(frames));
print_line("\tformat_channels: " + itos(format_channels));
@@ -301,18 +302,16 @@ Error ResourceImporterWAV::import(const String &p_source_file, const String &p_s
print_line("\tloop: " + itos(loop));
print_line("\tloop begin: " + itos(loop_begin));
print_line("\tloop end: " + itos(loop_end));
+ */
//apply frequency limit
bool limit_rate = p_options["force/max_rate"];
int limit_rate_hz = p_options["force/max_rate_hz"];
if (limit_rate && rate > limit_rate_hz && rate > 0 && frames > 0) {
- //resampleeee!!!
+ // resample!
int new_data_frames = (int)(frames * (float)limit_rate_hz / (float)rate);
- print_line("\tresampling ratio: " + rtos((float)limit_rate_hz / (float)rate));
- print_line("\tnew frames: " + itos(new_data_frames));
Vector<float> new_data;
new_data.resize(new_data_frames * format_channels);
for (int c = 0; c < format_channels; c++) {
@@ -492,8 +491,6 @@ Error ResourceImporterWAV::import(const String &p_source_file, const String &p_s
- //print_line("compressing ima-adpcm, resulting buffersize is "+itos(dst_data.size())+" from "+itos(data.size()));
} else {
dst_format = is16 ? AudioStreamSample::FORMAT_16_BITS : AudioStreamSample::FORMAT_8_BITS;
diff --git a/editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp b/editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
index 418936ac9f..93bed035a5 100644
--- a/editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
@@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ void PluginConfigDialog::_notification(int p_what) {
void PluginConfigDialog::config(const String &p_config_path) {
if (p_config_path.length()) {
Ref<ConfigFile> cf = memnew(ConfigFile);
- print_line(p_config_path);
name_edit->set_text(cf->get_value("plugin", "name", ""));
diff --git a/editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp b/editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
index e5476aaf08..2d240b5a5c 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
@@ -349,7 +349,6 @@ void AnimationNodeBlendSpace2DEditor::_tool_switch(int p_tool) {
Vector<Delaunay2D::Triangle> tr = Delaunay2D::triangulate(points);
- print_line("triangleS: " + itos(tr.size()));
for (int i = 0; i < tr.size(); i++) {
blend_space->add_triangle(tr[i].points[0], tr[i].points[1], tr[i].points[2]);
diff --git a/editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
index 9530fae8e4..dbb5fa578b 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ void AnimationNodeBlendTreeEditor::remove_custom_type(const Ref<Script> &p_scrip
void AnimationNodeBlendTreeEditor::_update_options_menu() {
- print_line("update options");
for (int i = 0; i < add_options.size(); i++) {
add_node->get_popup()->add_item(add_options[i].name, i);
diff --git a/editor/plugins/mesh_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/mesh_editor_plugin.cpp
index ea8f921034..7b7e23531a 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/mesh_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/mesh_editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -97,13 +97,11 @@ void MeshEditor::edit(Ref<Mesh> p_mesh) {
AABB aabb = mesh->get_aabb();
- print_line("aabb: " + aabb);
Vector3 ofs = aabb.position + aabb.size * 0.5;
float m = aabb.get_longest_axis_size();
if (m != 0) {
m = 1.0 / m;
m *= 0.5;
- //print_line("scale: "+rtos(m));
Transform xform;
xform.basis.scale(Vector3(m, m, m));
xform.origin = -xform.basis.xform(ofs); //-ofs*m;
diff --git a/editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
index 99a28be555..c24c96bdc5 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -169,8 +169,6 @@ void MeshLibraryEditor::_import_scene(Node *p_scene, Ref<MeshLibrary> p_library,
void MeshLibraryEditor::_import_scene_cbk(const String &p_str) {
- print_line("Impot Callback!");
Ref<PackedScene> ps = ResourceLoader::load(p_str, "PackedScene");
Node *scene = ps->instance();
diff --git a/editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
index b50e0dfe88..75c0127406 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -58,8 +58,6 @@ void Particles2DEditorPlugin::make_visible(bool p_visible) {
void Particles2DEditorPlugin::_file_selected(const String &p_file) {
- print_line("file: " + p_file);
source_emission_file = p_file;
diff --git a/editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
index 6a99dcb9a5..3c381158a4 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -262,6 +262,7 @@ void ParticlesEditor::_notification(int p_notification) {
if (p_notification == NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE) {
options->set_icon(options->get_popup()->get_icon("Particles", "EditorIcons"));
+ get_tree()->connect("node_removed", this, "_node_removed");
@@ -444,6 +445,7 @@ void ParticlesEditor::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method("_menu_option", &ParticlesEditor::_menu_option);
ClassDB::bind_method("_generate_aabb", &ParticlesEditor::_generate_aabb);
+ ClassDB::bind_method("_node_removed", &ParticlesEditor::_node_removed);
ParticlesEditor::ParticlesEditor() {
diff --git a/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
index 4840b1899d..a437cd5362 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
#include "os/input.h"
#include "os/keyboard.h"
#include "scene/2d/skeleton_2d.h"
Node2D *Polygon2DEditor::_get_node() const {
return node;
@@ -82,7 +83,6 @@ void Polygon2DEditor::_notification(int p_what) {
void Polygon2DEditor::_sync_bones() {
- print_line("syncinc");
if (!node->has_node(node->get_skeleton())) {
error->set_text(TTR("The skeleton property of the Polygon2D does not point to a Skeleton2D node"));
@@ -101,8 +101,6 @@ void Polygon2DEditor::_sync_bones() {
Array prev_bones = node->call("_get_bones");
- print_line("bones in skeleton: " + itos(skeleton->get_bone_count()));
for (int i = 0; i < skeleton->get_bone_count(); i++) {
NodePath path = skeleton->get_path_to(skeleton->get_bone(i));
PoolVector<float> weights;
diff --git a/editor/plugins/root_motion_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/root_motion_editor_plugin.cpp
index 89c1b3a978..af3c09afc5 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/root_motion_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/root_motion_editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -276,7 +276,6 @@ void EditorInspectorRootMotionPlugin::parse_begin(Object *p_object) {
bool EditorInspectorRootMotionPlugin::parse_property(Object *p_object, Variant::Type p_type, const String &p_path, PropertyHint p_hint, const String &p_hint_text, int p_usage) {
if (p_path == "root_motion_track" && p_object->is_class("AnimationTree") && p_type == Variant::NODE_PATH) {
- print_line("use custom!");
EditorPropertyRootMotion *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyRootMotion);
if (p_hint == PROPERTY_HINT_NODE_PATH_TO_EDITED_NODE && p_hint_text != String()) {
diff --git a/editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp b/editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
index 522ce52234..4e7047ee38 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ void ScriptTextEditor::apply_code() {
if (script.is_null())
- //print_line("applying code");
diff --git a/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
index ea1876c27a..5ee40dc90a 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
#include "editor/editor_node.h"
#include "editor/editor_settings.h"
#include "editor/property_editor.h"
-#include "scene/resources/shader_graph.h"
#include "servers/visual/shader_types.h"
@@ -167,7 +166,6 @@ void ShaderTextEditor::_check_shader_mode() {
String type = ShaderLanguage::get_shader_type(get_text_edit()->get_text());
- print_line("type is: " + type);
Shader::Mode mode;
if (type == "canvas_item") {
diff --git a/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a9d980feb..0000000000
--- a/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2932 +0,0 @@
-/* shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp */
-/* This file is part of: */
-/* */
-/* Copyright (c) 2007-2018 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
-/* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
-/* */
-/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
-/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
-/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
-/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
-/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
-/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
-/* the following conditions: */
-/* */
-/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
-/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
-/* */
-// FIXME: Godot 3.0 broke compatibility with ShaderGraphEditorPlugin,
-// it needs to be ported to the new shader language.
-#if 0
-#include "shader_graph_editor_plugin.h"
-#include "canvas_item_editor_plugin.h"
-#include "os/keyboard.h"
-#include "scene/gui/check_box.h"
-#include "scene/gui/menu_button.h"
-#include "scene/gui/panel.h"
-#include "spatial_editor_plugin.h"
-void GraphColorRampEdit::_gui_input(const InputEvent& p_event) {
- if (p_event.type==InputEvent::KEY && p_event->is_pressed() && p_event->get_scancode()==KEY_DELETE && grabbed!=-1) {
- points.remove(grabbed);
- grabbed=-1;
- update();
- emit_signal("ramp_changed");
- accept_event();
- }
- if (p_event.type==InputEvent::MOUSE_BUTTON && p_event->get_button_index()==1 && p_event->is_pressed()) {
- update();
- int x = p_event->get_position().x;
- int total_w = get_size().width-get_size().height-3;
- if (x>total_w+3) {
- if (grabbed==-1)
- return;
- Size2 ms = Size2(350, picker->get_combined_minimum_size().height+10);
- picker->set_color(points[grabbed].color);
- popup->set_position(get_global_position()-Size2(0,ms.height));
- popup->set_size(ms);
- popup->popup();
- return;
- }
- float ofs = CLAMP(x/float(total_w),0,1);
- grabbed=-1;
- grabbing=true;
- int pos=-1;
- for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++) {
- if (ABS(x-points[i].offset*total_w)<4) {
- grabbed=i;
- }
- if (points[i].offset<ofs)
- pos=i;
- }
- grabbed_at=ofs;
- //grab or select
- if (grabbed!=-1) {
- return;
- }
- //insert
- Point p;
- p.offset=ofs;
- Point prev;
- Point next;
- if (pos==-1) {
- prev.color=Color(0,0,0);
- prev.offset=0;
- if (points.size()) {
- next=points[0];
- } else {
- next.color=Color(1,1,1);
- next.offset=1.0;
- }
- } else {
- if (pos==points.size()-1) {
- next.color=Color(1,1,1);
- next.offset=1.0;
- } else {
- next=points[pos+1];
- }
- prev=points[pos];
- }
- p.color=prev.color.linear_interpolate(next.color,(p.offset-prev.offset)/(next.offset-prev.offset));
- points.push_back(p);
- points.sort();
- for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++) {
- if (points[i].offset==ofs) {
- grabbed=i;
- break;
- }
- }
- emit_signal("ramp_changed");
- }
- if (p_event.type==InputEvent::MOUSE_BUTTON && p_event->get_button_index()==1 && !p_event->is_pressed()) {
- if (grabbing) {
- grabbing=false;
- emit_signal("ramp_changed");
- }
- update();
- }
- if (p_event.type==InputEvent::MOUSE_MOTION && grabbing) {
- int total_w = get_size().width-get_size().height-3;
- int x = p_event.mouse_motion.x;
- float newofs = CLAMP(x/float(total_w),0,1);
- bool valid=true;
- for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++) {
- if (points[i].offset==newofs && i!=grabbed) {
- valid=false;
- }
- }
- if (!valid)
- return;
- points[grabbed].offset=newofs;
- points.sort();
- for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++) {
- if (points[i].offset==newofs) {
- grabbed=i;
- break;
- }
- }
- emit_signal("ramp_changed");
- update();
- }
-void GraphColorRampEdit::_notification(int p_what){
- if (!picker->is_connected("color_changed",this,"_color_changed")) {
- picker->connect("color_changed",this,"_color_changed");
- }
- }
- if (p_what==NOTIFICATION_DRAW) {
- Point prev;
- prev.offset=0;
- prev.color=Color(0,0,0);
- int h = get_size().y;
- int total_w = get_size().width-get_size().height-3;
- for(int i=-1;i<points.size();i++) {
- Point next;
- if (i+1==points.size()) {
- next.color=Color(1,1,1);
- next.offset=1;
- } else {
- next=points[i+1];
- }
- if (prev.offset==next.offset) {
- prev=next;
- continue;
- }
- Vector<Vector2> points;
- Vector<Color> colors;
- points.push_back(Vector2(prev.offset*total_w,h));
- points.push_back(Vector2(prev.offset*total_w,0));
- points.push_back(Vector2(next.offset*total_w,0));
- points.push_back(Vector2(next.offset*total_w,h));
- colors.push_back(prev.color);
- colors.push_back(prev.color);
- colors.push_back(next.color);
- colors.push_back(next.color);
- draw_primitive(points,colors,Vector<Point2>());
- prev=next;
- }
- for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++) {
- Color col=i==grabbed?Color(1,0.0,0.0,0.9):Color(1,1,1,0.8);
- draw_line(Vector2(points[i].offset*total_w,0),Vector2(points[i].offset*total_w,h-1),Color(0,0,0,0.7));
- draw_line(Vector2(points[i].offset*total_w-1,h/2),Vector2(points[i].offset*total_w-1,h-1),col);
- draw_line(Vector2(points[i].offset*total_w+1,h/2),Vector2(points[i].offset*total_w+1,h-1),col);
- draw_line(Vector2(points[i].offset*total_w-1,h/2),Vector2(points[i].offset*total_w+1,h/2),col);
- draw_line(Vector2(points[i].offset*total_w-1,h-1),Vector2(points[i].offset*total_w+1,h-1),col);
- }
- if (grabbed!=-1) {
- draw_rect(Rect2(total_w+3,0,h,h),points[grabbed].color);
- }
- if (has_focus()) {
- draw_line(Vector2(-1,-1),Vector2(total_w+1,-1),Color(1,1,1,0.6));
- draw_line(Vector2(total_w+1,-1),Vector2(total_w+1,h+1),Color(1,1,1,0.6));
- draw_line(Vector2(total_w+1,h+1),Vector2(-1,h+1),Color(1,1,1,0.6));
- draw_line(Vector2(-1,-1),Vector2(-1,h+1),Color(1,1,1,0.6));
- }
- }
-Size2 GraphColorRampEdit::get_minimum_size() const {
- return Vector2(0,16);
-void GraphColorRampEdit::_color_changed(const Color& p_color) {
- if (grabbed==-1)
- return;
- points[grabbed].color=p_color;
- update();
- emit_signal("ramp_changed");
-void GraphColorRampEdit::set_ramp(const Vector<float>& p_offsets,const Vector<Color>& p_colors) {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(p_offsets.size()!=p_colors.size());
- points.clear();
- for(int i=0;i<p_offsets.size();i++) {
- Point p;
- p.offset=p_offsets[i];
- p.color=p_colors[i];
- points.push_back(p);
- }
- points.sort();
- update();
-Vector<float> GraphColorRampEdit::get_offsets() const{
- Vector<float> ret;
- for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++)
- ret.push_back(points[i].offset);
- return ret;
-Vector<Color> GraphColorRampEdit::get_colors() const{
- Vector<Color> ret;
- for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++)
- ret.push_back(points[i].color);
- return ret;
-void GraphColorRampEdit::_bind_methods(){
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_gui_input"),&GraphColorRampEdit::_gui_input);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_color_changed"),&GraphColorRampEdit::_color_changed);
- ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("ramp_changed"));
- grabbed=-1;
- grabbing=false;
- set_focus_mode(FOCUS_ALL);
- popup = memnew( PopupPanel );
- picker = memnew( ColorPicker );
- popup->add_child(picker);
- /popup->set_child_rect(picker);
- add_child(popup);
-void GraphCurveMapEdit::_gui_input(const InputEvent& p_event) {
- if (p_event.type==InputEvent::KEY && p_event->is_pressed() && p_event->get_scancode()==KEY_DELETE && grabbed!=-1) {
- points.remove(grabbed);
- grabbed=-1;
- update();
- emit_signal("curve_changed");
- accept_event();
- }
- if (p_event.type==InputEvent::MOUSE_BUTTON && p_event->get_button_index()==1 && p_event->is_pressed()) {
- update();
- Point2 p = Vector2(p_event->get_position().x,p_event->get_position().y)/get_size();
- p.y=1.0-p.y;
- grabbed=-1;
- grabbing=true;
- for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++) {
- Vector2 ps = p*get_size();
- Vector2 pt = Vector2(points[i].offset,points[i].height)*get_size();
- if (ps.distance_to(pt)<4) {
- grabbed=i;
- }
- }
- //grab or select
- if (grabbed!=-1) {
- return;
- }
- //insert
- Point np;
- np.offset=p.x;
- np.height=p.y;
- points.push_back(np);
- points.sort();
- for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++) {
- if (points[i].offset==p.x && points[i].height==p.y) {
- grabbed=i;
- break;
- }
- }
- emit_signal("curve_changed");
- }
- if (p_event.type==InputEvent::MOUSE_BUTTON && p_event->get_button_index()==1 && !p_event->is_pressed()) {
- if (grabbing) {
- grabbing=false;
- emit_signal("curve_changed");
- }
- update();
- }
- if (p_event.type==InputEvent::MOUSE_MOTION && grabbing && grabbed != -1) {
- Point2 p = Vector2(p_event->get_position().x,p_event->get_position().y)/get_size();
- p.y=1.0-p.y;
- p.x = CLAMP(p.x,0.0,1.0);
- p.y = CLAMP(p.y,0.0,1.0);
- bool valid=true;
- for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++) {
- if (points[i].offset==p.x && points[i].height==p.y && i!=grabbed) {
- valid=false;
- }
- }
- if (!valid)
- return;
- points[grabbed].offset=p.x;
- points[grabbed].height=p.y;
- points.sort();
- for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++) {
- if (points[i].offset==p.x && points[i].height==p.y) {
- grabbed=i;
- break;
- }
- }
- emit_signal("curve_changed");
- update();
- }
-void GraphCurveMapEdit::_plot_curve(const Vector2& p_a,const Vector2& p_b,const Vector2& p_c,const Vector2& p_d) {
- float geometry[4][4];
- float tmp1[4][4];
- float tmp2[4][4];
- float deltas[4][4];
- double x, dx, dx2, dx3;
- double y, dy, dy2, dy3;
- double d, d2, d3;
- int lastx, lasty;
- int newx, newy;
- int ntimes;
- int i,j;
- int xmax=get_size().x;
- int ymax=get_size().y;
- /* construct the geometry matrix from the segment */
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- geometry[i][2] = 0;
- geometry[i][3] = 0;
- }
- geometry[0][0] = (p_a[0] * xmax);
- geometry[1][0] = (p_b[0] * xmax);
- geometry[2][0] = (p_c[0] * xmax);
- geometry[3][0] = (p_d[0] * xmax);
- geometry[0][1] = (p_a[1] * ymax);
- geometry[1][1] = (p_b[1] * ymax);
- geometry[2][1] = (p_c[1] * ymax);
- geometry[3][1] = (p_d[1] * ymax);
- /* subdivide the curve ntimes (1000) times */
- ntimes = 4 * xmax;
- /* ntimes can be adjusted to give a finer or coarser curve */
- d = 1.0 / ntimes;
- d2 = d * d;
- d3 = d * d * d;
- /* construct a temporary matrix for determining the forward differencing deltas */
- tmp2[0][0] = 0; tmp2[0][1] = 0; tmp2[0][2] = 0; tmp2[0][3] = 1;
- tmp2[1][0] = d3; tmp2[1][1] = d2; tmp2[1][2] = d; tmp2[1][3] = 0;
- tmp2[2][0] = 6*d3; tmp2[2][1] = 2*d2; tmp2[2][2] = 0; tmp2[2][3] = 0;
- tmp2[3][0] = 6*d3; tmp2[3][1] = 0; tmp2[3][2] = 0; tmp2[3][3] = 0;
- /* compose the basis and geometry matrices */
- static const float CR_basis[4][4] = {
- { -0.5, 1.5, -1.5, 0.5 },
- { 1.0, -2.5, 2.0, -0.5 },
- { -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0 },
- { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 },
- };
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
- {
- tmp1[i][j] = (CR_basis[i][0] * geometry[0][j] +
- CR_basis[i][1] * geometry[1][j] +
- CR_basis[i][2] * geometry[2][j] +
- CR_basis[i][3] * geometry[3][j]);
- }
- }
- /* compose the above results to get the deltas matrix */
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
- {
- deltas[i][j] = (tmp2[i][0] * tmp1[0][j] +
- tmp2[i][1] * tmp1[1][j] +
- tmp2[i][2] * tmp1[2][j] +
- tmp2[i][3] * tmp1[3][j]);
- }
- }
- /* extract the x deltas */
- x = deltas[0][0];
- dx = deltas[1][0];
- dx2 = deltas[2][0];
- dx3 = deltas[3][0];
- /* extract the y deltas */
- y = deltas[0][1];
- dy = deltas[1][1];
- dy2 = deltas[2][1];
- dy3 = deltas[3][1];
- lastx = CLAMP (x, 0, xmax);
- lasty = CLAMP (y, 0, ymax);
- /* if (fix255)
- {
- cd->curve[cd->outline][lastx] = lasty;
- }
- else
- {
- cd->curve_ptr[cd->outline][lastx] = lasty;
- if(gb_debug) printf("bender_plot_curve xmax:%d ymax:%d\n", (int)xmax, (int)ymax);
- }
- /* loop over the curve */
- for (i = 0; i < ntimes; i++)
- {
- /* increment the x values */
- x += dx;
- dx += dx2;
- dx2 += dx3;
- /* increment the y values */
- y += dy;
- dy += dy2;
- dy2 += dy3;
- newx = CLAMP ((Math::round (x)), 0, xmax);
- newy = CLAMP ((Math::round (y)), 0, ymax);
- /* if this point is different than the last one...then draw it */
- if ((lastx != newx) || (lasty != newy)) {
- draw_line(Vector2(lastx,ymax-lasty),Vector2(newx,ymax-newy),Color(0.8,0.8,0.8,0.8),2.0);
- }
- lastx = newx;
- lasty = newy;
- }
-void GraphCurveMapEdit::_notification(int p_what){
- if (p_what==NOTIFICATION_DRAW) {
- draw_style_box(get_stylebox("bg","Tree"),Rect2(Point2(),get_size()));
- int w = get_size().x;
- int h = get_size().y;
- Vector2 prev=Vector2(0,0);
- Vector2 prev2=Vector2(0,0);
- for(int i=-1;i<points.size();i++) {
- Vector2 next;
- Vector2 next2;
- if (i+1>=points.size()) {
- next=Vector2(1,1);
- } else {
- next=Vector2(points[i+1].offset,points[i+1].height);
- }
- if (i+2>=points.size()) {
- next2=Vector2(1,1);
- } else {
- next2=Vector2(points[i+2].offset,points[i+2].height);
- }
- /*if (i==-1 && prev.offset==next.offset) {
- prev=next;
- continue;
- }*/
- _plot_curve(prev2,prev,next,next2);
- prev2=prev;
- prev=next;
- }
- for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++) {
- Color col=i==grabbed?Color(1,0.0,0.0,0.9):Color(1,1,1,0.8);
- draw_rect(Rect2( Vector2(points[i].offset,1.0-points[i].height)*get_size()-Vector2(2,2),Vector2(5,5)),col);
- }
- /* if (grabbed!=-1) {
- draw_rect(Rect2(total_w+3,0,h,h),points[grabbed].color);
- }
- if (has_focus()) {
- draw_line(Vector2(-1,-1),Vector2(w+1,-1),Color(1,1,1,0.6));
- draw_line(Vector2(w+1,-1),Vector2(w+1,h+1),Color(1,1,1,0.6));
- draw_line(Vector2(w+1,h+1),Vector2(-1,h+1),Color(1,1,1,0.6));
- draw_line(Vector2(-1,-1),Vector2(-1,h+1),Color(1,1,1,0.6));
- }
- }
-Size2 GraphCurveMapEdit::get_minimum_size() const {
- return Vector2(64,64);
-void GraphCurveMapEdit::set_points(const Vector<Vector2>& p_points) {
- points.clear();
- for(int i=0;i<p_points.size();i++) {
- Point p;
- p.offset=p_points[i].x;
- p.height=p_points[i].y;
- points.push_back(p);
- }
- points.sort();
- update();
-Vector<Vector2> GraphCurveMapEdit::get_points() const {
- Vector<Vector2> ret;
- for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++)
- ret.push_back(Vector2(points[i].offset,points[i].height));
- return ret;
-void GraphCurveMapEdit::_bind_methods(){
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_gui_input"),&GraphCurveMapEdit::_gui_input);
- ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("curve_changed"));
- grabbed=-1;
- grabbing=false;
- set_focus_mode(FOCUS_ALL);
-void ShaderGraphView::_scalar_const_changed(double p_value,int p_id) {
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Change Scalar Constant"),UndoRedo::MERGE_ENDS);
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"scalar_const_node_set_value",type,p_id,p_value);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"scalar_const_node_set_value",type,p_id,graph->scalar_const_node_get_value(type,p_id));
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- block_update=true;
- ur->commit_action();
- block_update=false;
-void ShaderGraphView::_vec_const_changed(double p_value, int p_id,Array p_arr){
- Vector3 val;
- for(int i=0;i<p_arr.size();i++) {
- val[i]=p_arr[i].call("get_val");
- }
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Change Vec Constant"),UndoRedo::MERGE_ENDS);
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"vec_const_node_set_value",type,p_id,val);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"vec_const_node_set_value",type,p_id,graph->vec_const_node_get_value(type,p_id));
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- block_update=true;
- ur->commit_action();
- block_update=false;
-void ShaderGraphView::_rgb_const_changed(const Color& p_color, int p_id){
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Change RGB Constant"),UndoRedo::MERGE_ENDS);
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"rgb_const_node_set_value",type,p_id,p_color);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"rgb_const_node_set_value",type,p_id,graph->rgb_const_node_get_value(type,p_id));
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- block_update=true;
- ur->commit_action();
- block_update=false;
-void ShaderGraphView::_scalar_op_changed(int p_op, int p_id){
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Change Scalar Operator"));
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"scalar_op_node_set_op",type,p_id,p_op);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"scalar_op_node_set_op",type,p_id,graph->scalar_op_node_get_op(type,p_id));
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- block_update=true;
- ur->commit_action();
- block_update=false;
-void ShaderGraphView::_vec_op_changed(int p_op, int p_id){
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Change Vec Operator"));
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"vec_op_node_set_op",type,p_id,p_op);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"vec_op_node_set_op",type,p_id,graph->vec_op_node_get_op(type,p_id));
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- block_update=true;
- ur->commit_action();
- block_update=false;
-void ShaderGraphView::_vec_scalar_op_changed(int p_op, int p_id){
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Change Vec Scalar Operator"));
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"vec_scalar_op_node_set_op",type,p_id,p_op);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"vec_scalar_op_node_set_op",type,p_id,graph->vec_scalar_op_node_get_op(type,p_id));
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- block_update=true;
- ur->commit_action();
- block_update=false;
-void ShaderGraphView::_rgb_op_changed(int p_op, int p_id){
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Change RGB Operator"));
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"rgb_op_node_set_op",type,p_id,p_op);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"rgb_op_node_set_op",type,p_id,graph->rgb_op_node_get_op(type,p_id));
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- block_update=true;
- ur->commit_action();
- block_update=false;
-void ShaderGraphView::_xform_inv_rev_changed(bool p_enabled, int p_id){
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Toggle Rot Only"));
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"xform_vec_mult_node_set_no_translation",type,p_id,p_enabled);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"xform_vec_mult_node_set_no_translation",type,p_id,graph->xform_vec_mult_node_get_no_translation(type,p_id));
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- block_update=true;
- ur->commit_action();
- block_update=false;
-void ShaderGraphView::_scalar_func_changed(int p_func, int p_id){
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Change Scalar Function"));
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"scalar_func_node_set_function",type,p_id,p_func);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"scalar_func_node_set_function",type,p_id,graph->scalar_func_node_get_function(type,p_id));
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- block_update=true;
- ur->commit_action();
- block_update=false;
-void ShaderGraphView::_vec_func_changed(int p_func, int p_id){
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Change Vec Function"));
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"vec_func_node_set_function",type,p_id,p_func);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"vec_func_node_set_function",type,p_id,graph->vec_func_node_get_function(type,p_id));
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- block_update=true;
- ur->commit_action();
- block_update=false;
-void ShaderGraphView::_scalar_input_changed(double p_value,int p_id){
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Change Scalar Uniform"),UndoRedo::MERGE_ENDS);
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"scalar_input_node_set_value",type,p_id,p_value);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"scalar_input_node_set_value",type,p_id,graph->scalar_input_node_get_value(type,p_id));
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- block_update=true;
- ur->commit_action();
- block_update=false;
-void ShaderGraphView::_vec_input_changed(double p_value, int p_id,Array p_arr){
- Vector3 val;
- for(int i=0;i<p_arr.size();i++) {
- val[i]=p_arr[i].call("get_val");
- }
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Change Vec Uniform"),UndoRedo::MERGE_ENDS);
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"vec_input_node_set_value",type,p_id,val);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"vec_input_node_set_value",type,p_id,graph->vec_input_node_get_value(type,p_id));
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- block_update=true;
- ur->commit_action();
- block_update=false;
-void ShaderGraphView::_xform_input_changed(int p_id, Node *p_button){
- ToolButton *tb = Object::cast_to<ToolButton>(p_button);
- ped_popup->set_position(tb->get_global_position()+Vector2(0,tb->get_size().height));
- ped_popup->set_size(tb->get_size());
- edited_id=p_id;
- edited_def=-1;
- ped_popup->edit(NULL,"",Variant::TRANSFORM,graph->xform_input_node_get_value(type,p_id),PROPERTY_HINT_NONE,"");
- ped_popup->popup();
-void ShaderGraphView::_xform_const_changed(int p_id, Node *p_button){
- ToolButton *tb = Object::cast_to<ToolButton>(p_button);
- ped_popup->set_position(tb->get_global_position()+Vector2(0,tb->get_size().height));
- ped_popup->set_size(tb->get_size());
- edited_id=p_id;
- edited_def=-1;
- ped_popup->edit(NULL,"",Variant::TRANSFORM,graph->xform_const_node_get_value(type,p_id),PROPERTY_HINT_NONE,"");
- ped_popup->popup();
-void ShaderGraphView::_rgb_input_changed(const Color& p_color, int p_id){
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Change RGB Uniform"),UndoRedo::MERGE_ENDS);
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"rgb_input_node_set_value",type,p_id,p_color);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"rgb_input_node_set_value",type,p_id,graph->rgb_input_node_get_value(type,p_id));
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- block_update=true;
- ur->commit_action();
- block_update=false;
-void ShaderGraphView::_tex_input_change(int p_id, Node *p_button){
-void ShaderGraphView::_cube_input_change(int p_id){
-void ShaderGraphView::_variant_edited() {
- if (edited_def != -1) {
- Variant v = ped_popup->get_variant();
- Variant v2 = graph->default_get_value(type,edited_id,edited_def);
- if (v2.get_type() == Variant::NIL)
- switch (v.get_type()) {
- case Variant::VECTOR3:
- v2=Vector3();
- break;
- case Variant::REAL:
- v2=0.0;
- break;
- case Variant::TRANSFORM:
- v2=Transform();
- break;
- case Variant::COLOR:
- v2=Color();
- break;
- default: {}
- }
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Change Default Value"));
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"default_set_value",type,edited_id,edited_def, v);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"default_set_value",type,edited_id,edited_def, v2);
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->commit_action();
- return;
- }
- if (graph->node_get_type(type,edited_id)==ShaderGraph::NODE_XFORM_CONST) {
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Change XForm Uniform"));
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"xform_const_node_set_value",type,edited_id,ped_popup->get_variant());
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"xform_const_node_set_value",type,edited_id,graph->xform_const_node_get_value(type,edited_id));
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->commit_action();
- }
- if (graph->node_get_type(type,edited_id)==ShaderGraph::NODE_XFORM_INPUT) {
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Change XForm Uniform"));
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"xform_input_node_set_value",type,edited_id,ped_popup->get_variant());
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"xform_input_node_set_value",type,edited_id,graph->xform_input_node_get_value(type,edited_id));
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->commit_action();
- }
- if (graph->node_get_type(type,edited_id)==ShaderGraph::NODE_TEXTURE_INPUT) {
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Change Texture Uniform"));
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"texture_input_node_set_value",type,edited_id,ped_popup->get_variant());
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"texture_input_node_set_value",type,edited_id,graph->texture_input_node_get_value(type,edited_id));
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->commit_action();
- }
- if (graph->node_get_type(type,edited_id)==ShaderGraph::NODE_CUBEMAP_INPUT) {
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Change Cubemap Uniform"));
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"cubemap_input_node_set_value",type,edited_id,ped_popup->get_variant());
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"cubemap_input_node_set_value",type,edited_id,graph->cubemap_input_node_get_value(type,edited_id));
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->commit_action();
- }
-void ShaderGraphView::_comment_edited(int p_id,Node* p_button) {
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- TextEdit *te=Object::cast_to<TextEdit>(p_button);
- ur->create_action(TTR("Change Comment"),UndoRedo::MERGE_ENDS);
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"comment_node_set_text",type,p_id,te->get_text());
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"comment_node_set_text",type,p_id,graph->comment_node_get_text(type,p_id));
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- block_update=true;
- ur->commit_action();
- block_update=false;
-void ShaderGraphView::_color_ramp_changed(int p_id,Node* p_ramp) {
- GraphColorRampEdit *cr=Object::cast_to<GraphColorRampEdit>(p_ramp);
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- Vector<float> offsets=cr->get_offsets();
- Vector<Color> colors=cr->get_colors();
- PoolVector<float> new_offsets;
- PoolVector<Color> new_colors;
- {
- new_offsets.resize(offsets.size());
- new_colors.resize(colors.size());
- PoolVector<float>::Write ow=new_offsets.write();
- PoolVector<Color>::Write cw=new_colors.write();
- for(int i=0;i<new_offsets.size();i++) {
- ow[i]=offsets[i];
- cw[i]=colors[i];
- }
- }
- PoolVector<float> old_offsets=graph->color_ramp_node_get_offsets(type,p_id);
- PoolVector<Color> old_colors=graph->color_ramp_node_get_colors(type,p_id);
- if (old_offsets.size()!=new_offsets.size())
- ur->create_action(TTR("Add/Remove to Color Ramp"));
- else
- ur->create_action(TTR("Modify Color Ramp"),UndoRedo::MERGE_ENDS);
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"color_ramp_node_set_ramp",type,p_id,new_colors,new_offsets);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"color_ramp_node_set_ramp",type,p_id,old_colors,old_offsets);
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- block_update=true;
- ur->commit_action();
- block_update=false;
-void ShaderGraphView::_curve_changed(int p_id,Node* p_curve) {
- GraphCurveMapEdit *cr=Object::cast_to<GraphCurveMapEdit>(p_curve);
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- Vector<Point2> points=cr->get_points();
- PoolVector<Vector2> new_points;
- {
- new_points.resize(points.size());
- PoolVector<Vector2>::Write ow=new_points.write();
- for(int i=0;i<new_points.size();i++) {
- ow[i]=points[i];
- }
- }
- PoolVector<Vector2> old_points=graph->curve_map_node_get_points(type,p_id);
- if (old_points.size()!=new_points.size())
- ur->create_action(TTR("Add/Remove to Curve Map"));
- else
- ur->create_action(TTR("Modify Curve Map"),UndoRedo::MERGE_ENDS);
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"curve_map_node_set_points",type,p_id,new_points);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"curve_map_node_set_points",type,p_id,old_points);
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- block_update=true;
- ur->commit_action();
- block_update=false;
-void ShaderGraphView::_input_name_changed(const String& p_name, int p_id, Node *p_line_edit) {
- LineEdit *le=Object::cast_to<LineEdit>(p_line_edit);
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Change Input Name"));
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"input_node_set_name",type,p_id,p_name);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"input_node_set_name",type,p_id,graph->input_node_get_name(type,p_id));
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- block_update=true;
- ur->commit_action();
- block_update=false;
- le->set_text(graph->input_node_get_name(type,p_id));
-void ShaderGraphView::_tex_edited(int p_id,Node* p_button) {
- ToolButton *tb = Object::cast_to<ToolButton>(p_button);
- ped_popup->set_position(tb->get_global_position()+Vector2(0,tb->get_size().height));
- ped_popup->set_size(tb->get_size());
- edited_id=p_id;
- edited_def=-1;
- ped_popup->edit(NULL,"",Variant::OBJECT,graph->texture_input_node_get_value(type,p_id),PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE,"Texture");
-void ShaderGraphView::_cube_edited(int p_id,Node* p_button) {
- ToolButton *tb = Object::cast_to<ToolButton>(p_button);
- ped_popup->set_position(tb->get_global_position()+Vector2(0,tb->get_size().height));
- ped_popup->set_size(tb->get_size());
- edited_id=p_id;
- edited_def=-1;
- ped_popup->edit(NULL,"",Variant::OBJECT,graph->cubemap_input_node_get_value(type,p_id),PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE,"CubeMap");
-void ShaderGraphView::_connection_request(const String& p_from, int p_from_slot,const String& p_to,int p_to_slot) {
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- int from_idx=-1;
- int to_idx=-1;
- for (Map<int,GraphNode*>::Element *E=node_map.front();E;E=E->next()) {
- if (p_from==E->get()->get_name())
- from_idx=E->key();
- if (p_to==E->get()->get_name())
- to_idx=E->key();
- }
- ERR_FAIL_COND(from_idx==-1);
- ERR_FAIL_COND(to_idx==-1);
- ur->create_action(TTR("Connect Graph Nodes"));
- List<ShaderGraph::Connection> conns;
- graph->get_node_connections(type,&conns);
- //disconnect/reconnect dependencies
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"disconnect_node",type,from_idx,p_from_slot,to_idx,p_to_slot);
- for(List<ShaderGraph::Connection>::Element *E=conns.front();E;E=E->next()) {
- if (E->get().dst_id==to_idx && E->get().dst_slot==p_to_slot) {
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"disconnect_node",type,E->get().src_id,E->get().src_slot,E->get().dst_id,E->get().dst_slot);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"connect_node",type,E->get().src_id,E->get().src_slot,E->get().dst_id,E->get().dst_slot);
- }
- }
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"connect_node",type,from_idx,p_from_slot,to_idx,p_to_slot);
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->commit_action();
-void ShaderGraphView::_disconnection_request(const String& p_from, int p_from_slot,const String& p_to,int p_to_slot) {
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- int from_idx=-1;
- int to_idx=-1;
- for (Map<int,GraphNode*>::Element *E=node_map.front();E;E=E->next()) {
- if (p_from==E->get()->get_name())
- from_idx=E->key();
- if (p_to==E->get()->get_name())
- to_idx=E->key();
- }
- ERR_FAIL_COND(from_idx==-1);
- ERR_FAIL_COND(to_idx==-1);
- if (!graph->is_node_connected(type,from_idx,p_from_slot,to_idx,p_to_slot))
- return; //nothing to disconnect
- ur->create_action(TTR("Disconnect Graph Nodes"));
- List<ShaderGraph::Connection> conns;
- graph->get_node_connections(type,&conns);
- //disconnect/reconnect dependencies
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"disconnect_node",type,from_idx,p_from_slot,to_idx,p_to_slot);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"connect_node",type,from_idx,p_from_slot,to_idx,p_to_slot);
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->commit_action();
-void ShaderGraphView::_node_removed(int p_id) {
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Remove Shader Graph Node"));
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"node_remove",type,p_id);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"node_add",type,graph->node_get_type(type,p_id),p_id);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"node_set_state",type,p_id,graph->node_get_state(type,p_id));
- List<ShaderGraph::Connection> conns;
- graph->get_node_connections(type,&conns);
- for(List<ShaderGraph::Connection>::Element *E=conns.front();E;E=E->next()) {
- if (E->get().dst_id==p_id || E->get().src_id==p_id) {
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"connect_node",type,E->get().src_id,E->get().src_slot,E->get().dst_id,E->get().dst_slot);
- }
- }
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->commit_action();
-void ShaderGraphView::_begin_node_move()
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Move Shader Graph Node"));
-void ShaderGraphView::_node_moved(const Vector2& p_from, const Vector2& p_to,int p_id) {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!node_map.has(p_id));
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_move_node",p_id,p_to);
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_move_node",p_id,p_from);
-void ShaderGraphView::_end_node_move()
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->commit_action();
-void ShaderGraphView::_move_node(int p_id,const Vector2& p_to) {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!node_map.has(p_id));
- node_map[p_id]->set_offset(p_to);
- graph->node_set_position(type,p_id,p_to);
-void ShaderGraphView::_duplicate_nodes_request()
- Array s_id;
- for(Map<int,GraphNode*>::Element *E=node_map.front();E;E=E->next()) {
- ShaderGraph::NodeType t=graph->node_get_type(type, E->key());
- if (t==ShaderGraph::NODE_OUTPUT || t==ShaderGraph::NODE_INPUT)
- continue;
- GraphNode *gn = E->get();
- if (gn && gn->is_selected())
- s_id.push_back(E->key());
- }
- if (s_id.size()==0)
- return;
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Duplicate Graph Node(s)"));
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_duplicate_nodes",s_id);
- List<int> n_ids = graph->generate_ids(type, s_id.size());
- for (List<int>::Element *E=n_ids.front();E;E=E->next())
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"node_remove",type,E->get());
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->commit_action();
-void ShaderGraphView::_duplicate_nodes(const Array &p_nodes)
- List<int> n = List<int>();
- for (int i=0; i<p_nodes.size();i++)
- n.push_back(p_nodes.get(i));
- graph->duplicate_nodes(type, n);
- call_deferred("_update_graph");
-void ShaderGraphView::_delete_nodes_request()
- List<int> s_id=List<int>();
- for(Map<int,GraphNode*>::Element *E=node_map.front();E;E=E->next()) {
- ShaderGraph::NodeType t=graph->node_get_type(type, E->key());
- if (t==ShaderGraph::NODE_OUTPUT)
- continue;
- GraphNode *gn = E->get();
- if (gn && gn->is_selected())
- s_id.push_back(E->key());
- }
- if (s_id.size()==0)
- return;
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"));
- for (List<int>::Element *N=s_id.front();N;N=N->next()) {
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"node_remove",type,N->get());
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"node_add",type,graph->node_get_type(type,N->get()),N->get());
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"node_set_state",type,N->get(),graph->node_get_state(type,N->get()));
- List<ShaderGraph::Connection> conns;
- graph->get_node_connections(type,&conns);
- for(List<ShaderGraph::Connection>::Element *E=conns.front();E;E=E->next()) {
- if (E->get().dst_id==N->get() || E->get().src_id==N->get()) {
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"connect_node",type,E->get().src_id,E->get().src_slot,E->get().dst_id,E->get().dst_slot);
- }
- }
- }
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->commit_action();
-void ShaderGraphView::_default_changed(int p_id, Node *p_button, int p_param, int v_type, String p_hint)
- ToolButton *tb = Object::cast_to<ToolButton>(p_button);
- ped_popup->set_position(tb->get_global_position()+Vector2(0,tb->get_size().height));
- ped_popup->set_size(tb->get_size());
- edited_id=p_id;
- edited_def=p_param;
- Variant::Type vt = (Variant::Type)v_type;
- Variant v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,edited_def);
- if (v.get_type() == Variant::NIL)
- switch (vt) {
- case Variant::VECTOR3:
- v=Vector3();
- break;
- case Variant::REAL:
- v=0.0;
- break;
- case Variant::TRANSFORM:
- v=Transform();
- break;
- case Variant::COLOR:
- v=Color();
- break;
- default: {}
- }
- ped_popup->edit(NULL,"",vt,v,h,p_hint);
- ped_popup->popup();
-ToolButton *ShaderGraphView::make_label(String text, Variant::Type v_type) {
- ToolButton *l = memnew( ToolButton );
- l->set_text(text);
- l->set_text_align(ToolButton::ALIGN_LEFT);
- l->add_style_override("hover", l->get_stylebox("normal", "ToolButton"));
- l->add_style_override("pressed", l->get_stylebox("normal", "ToolButton"));
- l->add_style_override("focus", l->get_stylebox("normal", "ToolButton"));
- switch (v_type) {
- case Variant::REAL:
- l->set_icon(ped_popup->get_icon("Real", "EditorIcons"));
- break;
- case Variant::VECTOR3:
- l->set_icon(ped_popup->get_icon("Vector", "EditorIcons"));
- break;
- case Variant::TRANSFORM:
- l->set_icon(ped_popup->get_icon("Matrix", "EditorIcons"));
- break;
- case Variant::COLOR:
- l->set_icon(ped_popup->get_icon("Color", "EditorIcons"));
- break;
- default: {}
- }
- return l;
-ToolButton *ShaderGraphView::make_editor(String text,GraphNode* gn,int p_id,int param,Variant::Type v_type, String p_hint) {
- ToolButton *edit = memnew( ToolButton );
- edit->set_text(text);
- edit->set_text_align(ToolButton::ALIGN_LEFT);
- edit->set_flat(false);
- edit->add_style_override("normal", gn->get_stylebox("defaultframe", "GraphNode"));
- edit->add_style_override("hover", gn->get_stylebox("defaultframe", "GraphNode"));
- edit->add_style_override("pressed", gn->get_stylebox("defaultframe", "GraphNode"));
- edit->add_style_override("focus", gn->get_stylebox("defaultfocus", "GraphNode"));
- edit->connect("pressed",this,"_default_changed",varray(p_id,edit,param,v_type,p_hint));
- switch (v_type) {
- case Variant::REAL:
- edit->set_icon(ped_popup->get_icon("Real", "EditorIcons"));
- break;
- case Variant::VECTOR3:
- edit->set_icon(ped_popup->get_icon("Vector", "EditorIcons"));
- break;
- case Variant::TRANSFORM:
- edit->set_icon(ped_popup->get_icon("Matrix", "EditorIcons"));
- break;
- case Variant::COLOR: {
- Image icon_color = Image(15,15,false,Image::FORMAT_RGB8);
- Color c = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,param);
- for (int x=1;x<14;x++)
- for (int y=1;y<14;y++)
- icon_color.set_pixel(x,y,c);
- Ref<ImageTexture> t;
- t.instance();
- t->create_from_image(icon_color);
- edit->set_icon(t);
- } break;
- default: {}
- }
- return edit;
-void ShaderGraphView::_create_node(int p_id) {
- GraphNode *gn = memnew( GraphNode );
- gn->set_show_close_button(true);
- Color typecol[4]={
- Color(0.9,0.4,1),
- Color(0.8,1,0.2),
- Color(1,0.2,0.2),
- Color(0,1,1)
- };
- const String hint_spin = "-65536,65535,0.001";
- const String hint_slider = "0.0,1.0,0.01,slider";
- switch(graph->node_get_type(type,p_id)) {
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_INPUT: {
- gn->set_title("Input");
- List<ShaderGraph::SlotInfo> si;
- ShaderGraph::get_input_output_node_slot_info(graph->get_mode(),type,&si);
- int idx=0;
- for (List<ShaderGraph::SlotInfo>::Element *E=si.front();E;E=E->next()) {
- ShaderGraph::SlotInfo& s=E->get();
- if (s.dir==ShaderGraph::SLOT_IN) {
- Label *l= memnew( Label );
- l->set_text(;
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- gn->add_child(l);
- gn->set_slot(idx,false,0,Color(),true,s.type,typecol[s.type]);
- idx++;
- }
- }
- } break; // all inputs (case Shader type dependent)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_SCALAR_CONST: {
- gn->set_title("Scalar");
- SpinBox *sb = memnew( SpinBox );
- sb->set_min(-100000);
- sb->set_max(100000);
- sb->set_step(0.001);
- sb->set_val(graph->scalar_const_node_get_value(type,p_id));
- sb->connect("value_changed",this,"_scalar_const_changed",varray(p_id));
- gn->add_child(sb);
- gn->set_slot(0,false,0,Color(),true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR]);
- } break; //scalar constant
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_VEC_CONST: {
- gn->set_title("Vector");
- Array v3p(true);
- for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- Label *l = memnew( Label );
- l->set_text(String::chr('X'+i));
- hbc->add_child(l);
- SpinBox *sb = memnew( SpinBox );
- sb->set_h_size_flags(Control::SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- sb->set_min(-100000);
- sb->set_max(100000);
- sb->set_step(0.001);
- sb->set_val(graph->vec_const_node_get_value(type,p_id)[i]);
- sb->connect("value_changed",this,"_vec_const_changed",varray(p_id,v3p));
- v3p.push_back(sb);
- hbc->add_child(sb);
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- }
- gn->set_slot(0,false,0,Color(),true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC]);
- } break; //vec3 constant
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_RGB_CONST: {
- gn->set_title("Color");
- ColorPickerButton *cpb = memnew( ColorPickerButton );
- cpb->set_color(graph->rgb_const_node_get_value(type,p_id));
- cpb->connect("color_changed",this,"_rgb_const_changed",varray(p_id));
- gn->add_child(cpb);
- Label *l = memnew( Label );
- l->set_text("RGB");
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- gn->add_child(l);
- l = memnew( Label );
- l->set_text("Alpha");
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- gn->add_child(l);
- gn->set_slot(1,false,0,Color(),true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC]);
- gn->set_slot(2,false,0,Color(),true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR]);
- } break; //rgb constant (shows a color picker instead)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_XFORM_CONST: {
- gn->set_title("XForm");
- ToolButton *edit = memnew( ToolButton );
- edit->set_text("edit...");
- edit->connect("pressed",this,"_xform_const_changed",varray(p_id,edit));
- gn->add_child(edit);
- gn->set_slot(0,false,0,Color(),true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_XFORM,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_XFORM]);
- } break; // 4x4 matrix constant
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_TIME: {
- gn->set_title("Time");
- Label *l = memnew( Label );
- l->set_text("(s)");
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- gn->add_child(l);
- gn->set_slot(0,false,0,Color(),true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR]);
- } break; // time in seconds
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_SCREEN_TEX: {
- gn->set_title("ScreenTex");
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- hbc->add_constant_override("separation",0);
- if (!graph->is_slot_connected(type,p_id,0)) {
- Vector3 v = graph->default_get_value(type, p_id, 0);
- hbc->add_child(make_editor("UV: " + v,gn,p_id,0,Variant::VECTOR3));
- } else {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("UV",Variant::VECTOR3));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- hbc->add_child( memnew(Label("RGB")));
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- gn->set_slot(0,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC]);
- } break; // screen texture sampler (takes UV) (only usable in fragment case Shader)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_SCALAR_OP: {
- gn->set_title("ScalarOp");
- static const char* op_name[ShaderGraph::SCALAR_MAX_OP]={
- ("Add"),
- ("Sub"),
- ("Mul"),
- ("Div"),
- ("Mod"),
- ("Pow"),
- ("Max"),
- ("Min"),
- ("Atan2")
- };
- OptionButton *ob = memnew( OptionButton );
- for(int i=0;i<ShaderGraph::SCALAR_MAX_OP;i++) {
- ob->add_item(op_name[i],i);
- }
- ob->select(graph->scalar_op_node_get_op(type,p_id));
- ob->connect("item_selected",this,"_scalar_op_changed",varray(p_id));
- gn->add_child(ob);
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- hbc->add_constant_override("separation",0);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("a",Variant::REAL));
- } else {
- float v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,0);
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("a: ")+Variant(v),gn,p_id,0,Variant::REAL,hint_spin));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- hbc->add_child( memnew(Label("out")));
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 1)) {
- gn->add_child(make_label("b",Variant::REAL));
- } else {
- float v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,1);
- gn->add_child(make_editor(String("b: ")+Variant(v),gn,p_id,1,Variant::REAL,hint_spin));
- }
- gn->set_slot(1,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR]);
- gn->set_slot(2,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR],false,0,Color());
- } break; // scalar vs scalar op (mul: { } break; add: { } break; div: { } break; etc)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_VEC_OP: {
- gn->set_title("VecOp");
- static const char* op_name[ShaderGraph::VEC_MAX_OP]={
- ("Add"),
- ("Sub"),
- ("Mul"),
- ("Div"),
- ("Mod"),
- ("Pow"),
- ("Max"),
- ("Min"),
- ("Cross")
- };
- OptionButton *ob = memnew( OptionButton );
- for(int i=0;i<ShaderGraph::VEC_MAX_OP;i++) {
- ob->add_item(op_name[i],i);
- }
- ob->select(graph->vec_op_node_get_op(type,p_id));
- ob->connect("item_selected",this,"_vec_op_changed",varray(p_id));
- gn->add_child(ob);
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- hbc->add_constant_override("separation",0);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("a",Variant::VECTOR3));
- } else {
- Vector3 v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,0);
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("a: ")+v,gn,p_id,0,Variant::VECTOR3));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- hbc->add_child( memnew(Label("out")));
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 1)) {
- gn->add_child(make_label("b",Variant::VECTOR3));
- } else {
- Vector3 v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,1);
- gn->add_child(make_editor(String("b: ")+v,gn,p_id,1,Variant::VECTOR3));
- }
- gn->set_slot(1,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC]);
- gn->set_slot(2,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],false,0,Color());
- } break; // vec3 vs vec3 op (mul: { } break;ad: { } break;div: { } break;crossprod: { } break;etc)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_VEC_SCALAR_OP: {
- gn->set_title("VecScalarOp");
- static const char* op_name[ShaderGraph::VEC_SCALAR_MAX_OP]={
- ("Mul"),
- ("Div"),
- ("Pow"),
- };
- OptionButton *ob = memnew( OptionButton );
- for(int i=0;i<ShaderGraph::VEC_SCALAR_MAX_OP;i++) {
- ob->add_item(op_name[i],i);
- }
- ob->select(graph->vec_scalar_op_node_get_op(type,p_id));
- ob->connect("item_selected",this,"_vec_scalar_op_changed",varray(p_id));
- gn->add_child(ob);
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- hbc->add_constant_override("separation",0);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("a",Variant::VECTOR3));
- } else {
- Vector3 v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,0);
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("a: ")+v,gn,p_id,0,Variant::VECTOR3));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- hbc->add_child( memnew(Label("out")));
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 1)) {
- gn->add_child(make_label("b",Variant::REAL));
- } else {
- float v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,1);
- gn->add_child(make_editor(String("b: ")+Variant(v),gn,p_id,1,Variant::REAL,hint_spin));
- }
- gn->set_slot(1,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC]);
- gn->set_slot(2,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR],false,0,Color());
- } break; // vec3 vs scalar op (mul: { } break; add: { } break; div: { } break; etc)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_RGB_OP: {
- gn->set_title("RGB Op");
- static const char* op_name[ShaderGraph::RGB_MAX_OP]={
- ("Screen"),
- ("Difference"),
- ("Darken"),
- ("Lighten"),
- ("Overlay"),
- ("Dodge"),
- ("Burn"),
- ("SoftLight"),
- ("HardLight")
- };
- OptionButton *ob = memnew( OptionButton );
- for(int i=0;i<ShaderGraph::RGB_MAX_OP;i++) {
- ob->add_item(op_name[i],i);
- }
- ob->select(graph->rgb_op_node_get_op(type,p_id));
- ob->connect("item_selected",this,"_rgb_op_changed",varray(p_id));
- gn->add_child(ob);
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- hbc->add_constant_override("separation",0);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("a",Variant::COLOR));
- } else {
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("a: "),gn,p_id,0,Variant::COLOR));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- hbc->add_child( memnew(Label("out")));
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 1)) {
- gn->add_child(make_label("b",Variant::COLOR));
- } else {
- gn->add_child(make_editor(String("b: "),gn,p_id,1,Variant::COLOR));
- }
- gn->set_slot(1,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC]);
- gn->set_slot(2,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],false,0,Color());
- } break; // vec3 vs vec3 rgb op (with scalar amount): { } break; like brighten: { } break; darken: { } break; burn: { } break; dodge: { } break; multiply: { } break; etc.
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_XFORM_MULT: {
- gn->set_title("XFMult");
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("a",Variant::TRANSFORM));
- } else {
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("a: edit..."),gn,p_id,0,Variant::TRANSFORM));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- hbc->add_child( memnew(Label("out")));
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 1)) {
- gn->add_child(make_label("b",Variant::TRANSFORM));
- } else {
- gn->add_child(make_editor(String("b: edit..."),gn,p_id,1,Variant::TRANSFORM));
- }
- gn->set_slot(0,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_XFORM,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_XFORM],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_XFORM,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_XFORM]);
- gn->set_slot(1,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_XFORM,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_XFORM],false,0,Color());
- } break; // mat4 x mat4
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_XFORM_VEC_MULT: {
- gn->set_title("XFVecMult");
- CheckBox *button = memnew (CheckBox("RotOnly"));
- button->set_pressed(graph->xform_vec_mult_node_get_no_translation(type,p_id));
- button->connect("toggled",this,"_xform_inv_rev_changed",varray(p_id));
- gn->add_child(button);
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- hbc->add_constant_override("separation",0);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("xf",Variant::TRANSFORM));
- } else {
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("xf: edit..."),gn,p_id,0,Variant::TRANSFORM));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- Label *l = memnew(Label("out"));
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- hbc->add_child( l);
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 1)) {
- gn->add_child(make_label("a",Variant::VECTOR3));
- } else {
- Vector3 v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,1);
- gn->add_child(make_editor(String("a: ")+v,gn,p_id,1,Variant::VECTOR3));
- }
- gn->set_slot(1,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_XFORM,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_XFORM],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC]);
- gn->set_slot(2,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],false,0,Color());
- } break;
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_XFORM_VEC_INV_MULT: {
- gn->set_title("XFVecInvMult");
- CheckBox *button = memnew( CheckBox("RotOnly"));
- button->set_pressed(graph->xform_vec_mult_node_get_no_translation(type,p_id));
- button->connect("toggled",this,"_xform_inv_rev_changed",varray(p_id));
- gn->add_child(button);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- gn->add_child(make_label("a",Variant::VECTOR3));
- } else {
- Vector3 v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,0);
- gn->add_child(make_editor(String("a: ")+v,gn,p_id,0,Variant::VECTOR3));
- }
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- hbc->add_constant_override("separation",0);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 1)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("xf", Variant::TRANSFORM));
- } else {
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("xf: edit..."),gn,p_id,1,Variant::TRANSFORM));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- Label *l = memnew(Label("out"));
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- hbc->add_child( l);
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- gn->set_slot(1,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],false,0,Color());
- gn->set_slot(2,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_XFORM,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_XFORM],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC]);
- } break; // mat4 x vec3 inverse mult (with no-translation option)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_SCALAR_FUNC: {
- gn->set_title("ScalarFunc");
- static const char* func_name[ShaderGraph::SCALAR_MAX_FUNC]={
- ("Sin"),
- ("Cos"),
- ("Tan"),
- ("ASin"),
- ("ACos"),
- ("ATan"),
- ("SinH"),
- ("CosH"),
- ("TanH"),
- ("Log"),
- ("Exp"),
- ("Sqrt"),
- ("Abs"),
- ("Sign"),
- ("Floor"),
- ("Round"),
- ("Ceil"),
- ("Frac"),
- ("Satr"),
- ("Neg")
- };
- OptionButton *ob = memnew( OptionButton );
- for(int i=0;i<ShaderGraph::SCALAR_MAX_FUNC;i++) {
- ob->add_item(func_name[i],i);
- }
- ob->select(graph->scalar_func_node_get_function(type,p_id));
- ob->connect("item_selected",this,"_scalar_func_changed",varray(p_id));
- gn->add_child(ob);
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("in", Variant::REAL));
- } else {
- float v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,0);
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("in: ")+Variant(v),gn,p_id,0,Variant::REAL,hint_spin));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- hbc->add_child( memnew(Label("out")));
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- gn->set_slot(1,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR]);
- } break; // scalar function (sin: { } break; cos: { } break; etc)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_VEC_FUNC: {
- gn->set_title("VecFunc");
- static const char* func_name[ShaderGraph::VEC_MAX_FUNC]={
- ("Normalize"),
- ("Saturate"),
- ("Negate"),
- ("Reciprocal"),
- ("RGB to HSV"),
- ("HSV to RGB"),
- };
- OptionButton *ob = memnew( OptionButton );
- for(int i=0;i<ShaderGraph::VEC_MAX_FUNC;i++) {
- ob->add_item(func_name[i],i);
- }
- ob->select(graph->vec_func_node_get_function(type,p_id));
- ob->connect("item_selected",this,"_vec_func_changed",varray(p_id));
- gn->add_child(ob);
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- hbc->add_constant_override("separation",0);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("in", Variant::VECTOR3));
- } else {
- Vector3 v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,0);
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("in: ")+v,gn,p_id,0,Variant::VECTOR3));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- hbc->add_child( memnew(Label("out")));
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- gn->set_slot(1,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC]);
- } break; // vector function (normalize: { } break; negate: { } break; reciprocal: { } break; rgb2hsv: { } break; hsv2rgb: { } break; etc: { } break; etc)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_VEC_LEN: {
- gn->set_title("VecLength");
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("in", Variant::VECTOR3));
- } else {
- Vector3 v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,0);
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("in: ")+v,gn,p_id,0,Variant::VECTOR3));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- hbc->add_child( memnew(Label("len")));
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- gn->set_slot(0,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR]);
- } break; // vec3 length
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_DOT_PROD: {
- gn->set_title("DotProduct");
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- hbc->add_constant_override("separation",0);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("a", Variant::VECTOR3));
- } else {
- Vector3 v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,0);
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("a: ")+v,gn,p_id,0,Variant::VECTOR3));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- hbc->add_child( memnew(Label("dp")));
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 1)) {
- gn->add_child(make_label("b", Variant::VECTOR3));
- } else {
- Vector3 v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,1);
- gn->add_child(make_editor(String("b: ")+v,gn,p_id,1,Variant::VECTOR3));
- }
- gn->set_slot(0,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR]);
- gn->set_slot(1,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],false,0,Color());
- } break; // vec3 . vec3 (dot product -> scalar output)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_VEC_TO_SCALAR: {
- gn->set_title("Vec2Scalar");
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- hbc->add_constant_override("separation",0);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("vec", Variant::VECTOR3));
- } else {
- Vector3 v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,0);
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("vec: ")+v,gn,p_id,0,Variant::VECTOR3));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- Label *l=memnew(Label("x"));
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- hbc->add_child( l);
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- l=memnew(Label("y"));
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- gn->add_child( l );
- l=memnew(Label("z"));
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- gn->add_child( l);
- gn->set_slot(0,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR]);
- gn->set_slot(1,false,0,Color(),true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR]);
- gn->set_slot(2,false,0,Color(),true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR]);
- } break; // 1 vec3 input: { } break; 3 scalar outputs
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_SCALAR_TO_VEC: {
- gn->set_title("Scalar2Vec");
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("x", Variant::REAL));
- } else {
- float v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,0);
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("x: ")+Variant(v),gn,p_id,0,Variant::REAL));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- hbc->add_child( memnew(Label("vec")));
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 1)) {
- gn->add_child(make_label("y", Variant::REAL));
- } else {
- float v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,1);
- gn->add_child(make_editor(String("y: ")+Variant(v),gn,p_id,1,Variant::REAL));
- }
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 2)) {
- gn->add_child(make_label("in", Variant::REAL));
- } else {
- float v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,2);
- gn->add_child(make_editor(String("in: ")+Variant(v),gn,p_id,2,Variant::REAL));
- }
- gn->set_slot(0,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC]);
- gn->set_slot(1,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR],false,0,Color());
- gn->set_slot(2,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR],false,0,Color());
- } break; // 3 scalar input: { } break; 1 vec3 output
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_VEC_TO_XFORM: {
- gn->set_title("Vec2XForm");
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- hbc->add_constant_override("separation",0);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("x", Variant::VECTOR3));
- } else {
- Vector3 v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,0);
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("x: ")+v,gn,p_id,0,Variant::VECTOR3));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- hbc->add_child( memnew(Label("xf")));
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 1)) {
- gn->add_child(make_label("y", Variant::VECTOR3));
- } else {
- Vector3 v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,1);
- gn->add_child(make_editor(String("y: ")+v,gn,p_id,1,Variant::VECTOR3));
- }
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 2)) {
- gn->add_child(make_label("z", Variant::VECTOR3));
- } else {
- Vector3 v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,2);
- gn->add_child(make_editor(String("z: ")+v,gn,p_id,2,Variant::VECTOR3));
- }
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 3)) {
- gn->add_child(make_label("ofs", Variant::VECTOR3));
- } else {
- Vector3 v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,3);
- gn->add_child(make_editor(String("ofs: ")+v,gn,p_id,3,Variant::VECTOR3));
- }
- gn->set_slot(0,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_XFORM,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_XFORM]);
- gn->set_slot(1,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],false,0,Color());
- gn->set_slot(2,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],false,0,Color());
- gn->set_slot(3,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],false,0,Color());
- } break; // 3 vec input: { } break; 1 xform output
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_XFORM_TO_VEC: {
- gn->set_title("XForm2Vec");
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- hbc->add_constant_override("separation",0);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("fx", Variant::TRANSFORM));
- } else {
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("fx: edit..."),gn,p_id,0,Variant::TRANSFORM));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- Label *l=memnew(Label("x"));
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- hbc->add_child( l);
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- l=memnew(Label("y"));
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- gn->add_child( l );
- l=memnew(Label("z"));
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- gn->add_child( l);
- l=memnew(Label("ofs"));
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- gn->add_child( l);
- gn->set_slot(0,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_XFORM,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_XFORM],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC]);
- gn->set_slot(1,false,0,Color(),true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC]);
- gn->set_slot(2,false,0,Color(),true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC]);
- gn->set_slot(3,false,0,Color(),true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC]);
- } break; // 3 vec input: { } break; 1 xform output
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_SCALAR_INTERP: {
- gn->set_title("ScalarInterp");
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- hbc->add_constant_override("separation",0);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("a", Variant::REAL));
- } else {
- float v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,0);
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("a: ")+Variant(v),gn,p_id,0,Variant::REAL,hint_spin));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- hbc->add_child( memnew(Label("interp")));
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 1)) {
- gn->add_child(make_label("b", Variant::REAL));
- } else {
- float v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,1);
- gn->add_child(make_editor(String("b: ")+Variant(v),gn,p_id,1,Variant::REAL,hint_spin));
- }
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 2)) {
- gn->add_child(make_label("c", Variant::REAL));
- } else {
- float v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,2);
- gn->add_child(make_editor(String("c: ")+Variant(v),gn,p_id,2,Variant::REAL,hint_slider));
- }
- gn->set_slot(0,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR]);
- gn->set_slot(1,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR],false,0,Color());
- gn->set_slot(2,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR],false,0,Color());
- } break; // scalar interpolation (with optional curve)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_VEC_INTERP: {
- gn->set_title("VecInterp");
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("a", Variant::VECTOR3));
- } else {
- Vector3 v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,0);
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("a: ")+v,gn,p_id,0,Variant::VECTOR3));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- hbc->add_child( memnew(Label("interp")));
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 1)) {
- gn->add_child(make_label("b", Variant::VECTOR3));
- } else {
- Vector3 v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,1);
- gn->add_child(make_editor(String("b: ")+v,gn,p_id,1,Variant::VECTOR3));
- }
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 2)) {
- gn->add_child(make_label("c", Variant::REAL));
- } else {
- float v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,2);
- gn->add_child(make_editor(String("c: ")+Variant(v),gn,p_id,2,Variant::REAL,hint_slider));
- }
- gn->set_slot(0,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC]);
- gn->set_slot(1,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],false,0,Color());
- gn->set_slot(2,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR],false,0,Color());
- } break; // vec3 interpolation (with optional curve)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_COLOR_RAMP: {
- gn->set_title("ColorRamp");
- GraphColorRampEdit * ramp = memnew( GraphColorRampEdit );
- PoolVector<real_t> offsets = graph->color_ramp_node_get_offsets(type,p_id);
- PoolVector<Color> colors = graph->color_ramp_node_get_colors(type,p_id);
- int oc = offsets.size();
- if (oc) {
- PoolVector<real_t>::Read rofs =;
- PoolVector<Color>::Read rcol =;
- Vector<float> ofsv;
- Vector<Color> colorv;
- for(int i=0;i<oc;i++) {
- ofsv.push_back(rofs[i]);
- colorv.push_back(rcol[i]);
- }
- ramp->set_ramp(ofsv,colorv);
- }
- ramp->connect("ramp_changed",this,"_color_ramp_changed",varray(p_id,ramp));
- ramp->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(128,1));
- gn->add_child(ramp);
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- hbc->add_constant_override("separation",0);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("c", Variant::REAL));
- } else {
- float v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,0);
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("c: ")+Variant(v),gn,p_id,0,Variant::REAL,hint_slider));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- Label *l=memnew(Label("rgb"));
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- hbc->add_child( l);
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- l=memnew(Label("alpha"));
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- gn->add_child( l);
- gn->set_slot(1,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC]);
- gn->set_slot(2,false,ShaderGraph::SLOT_MAX,Color(),true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR]);
- } break; // scalar interpolation (with optional curve)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_CURVE_MAP: {
- gn->set_title("CurveMap");
- GraphCurveMapEdit * map = memnew( GraphCurveMapEdit );
- PoolVector<Vector2> points = graph->curve_map_node_get_points(type,p_id);
- int oc = points.size();
- if (oc) {
- PoolVector<Vector2>::Read rofs =;
- Vector<Vector2> ofsv;
- for(int i=0;i<oc;i++) {
- ofsv.push_back(rofs[i]);
- }
- map->set_points(ofsv);
- }
- map->connect("curve_changed",this,"_curve_changed",varray(p_id,map));
- //map->connect("map_changed",this,"_curve_map_changed",varray(p_id,map));
- map->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(128,64));
- gn->add_child(map);
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- hbc->add_constant_override("separation",0);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("c", Variant::REAL));
- } else {
- float v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,0);
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("c: ")+Variant(v),gn,p_id,0,Variant::REAL,hint_slider));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- Label *l=memnew(Label("cmap"));
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- hbc->add_child( l);
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- gn->set_slot(1,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR]);
- } break; // scalar interpolation (with optional curve)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_SCALAR_INPUT: {
- gn->set_title("ScalarUniform");
- LineEdit *le = memnew( LineEdit );
- gn->add_child(le);
- le->set_text(graph->input_node_get_name(type,p_id));
- le->connect("text_entered",this,"_input_name_changed",varray(p_id,le));
- SpinBox *sb = memnew( SpinBox );
- sb->set_min(-100000);
- sb->set_max(100000);
- sb->set_step(0.001);
- sb->set_val(graph->scalar_input_node_get_value(type,p_id));
- sb->connect("value_changed",this,"_scalar_input_changed",varray(p_id));
- gn->add_child(sb);
- gn->set_slot(1,false,0,Color(),true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR]);
- } break; // scalar uniform (assignable in material)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_VEC_INPUT: {
- gn->set_title("VectorUniform");
- LineEdit *le = memnew( LineEdit );
- gn->add_child(le);
- le->set_text(graph->input_node_get_name(type,p_id));
- le->connect("text_entered",this,"_input_name_changed",varray(p_id,le));
- Array v3p(true);
- for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- Label *l = memnew( Label );
- l->set_text(String::chr('X'+i));
- hbc->add_child(l);
- SpinBox *sb = memnew( SpinBox );
- sb->set_h_size_flags(Control::SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- sb->set_min(-100000);
- sb->set_max(100000);
- sb->set_step(0.001);
- sb->set_val(graph->vec_input_node_get_value(type,p_id)[i]);
- sb->connect("value_changed",this,"_vec_input_changed",varray(p_id,v3p));
- v3p.push_back(sb);
- hbc->add_child(sb);
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- }
- gn->set_slot(1,false,0,Color(),true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC]);
- } break; // vec3 uniform (assignable in material)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_RGB_INPUT: {
- gn->set_title("ColorUniform");
- LineEdit *le = memnew( LineEdit );
- gn->add_child(le);
- le->set_text(graph->input_node_get_name(type,p_id));
- le->connect("text_entered",this,"_input_name_changed",varray(p_id,le));
- ColorPickerButton *cpb = memnew( ColorPickerButton );
- cpb->set_color(graph->rgb_input_node_get_value(type,p_id));
- cpb->connect("color_changed",this,"_rgb_input_changed",varray(p_id));
- gn->add_child(cpb);
- Label *l = memnew( Label );
- l->set_text("RGB");
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- gn->add_child(l);
- l = memnew( Label );
- l->set_text("Alpha");
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- gn->add_child(l);
- gn->set_slot(2,false,0,Color(),true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC]);
- gn->set_slot(3,false,0,Color(),true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR]);
- } break; // color uniform (assignable in material)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_XFORM_INPUT: {
- gn->set_title("XFUniform");
- LineEdit *le = memnew( LineEdit );
- gn->add_child(le);
- le->set_text(graph->input_node_get_name(type,p_id));
- le->connect("text_entered",this,"_input_name_changed",varray(p_id,le));
- ToolButton *edit = memnew( ToolButton );
- edit->set_text("edit...");
- edit->connect("pressed",this,"_xform_input_changed",varray(p_id,edit));
- gn->add_child(edit);
- gn->set_slot(1,false,0,Color(),true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_XFORM,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_XFORM]);
- } break; // mat4 uniform (assignable in material)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_TEXTURE_INPUT: {
- gn->set_title("TexUniform");
- LineEdit *le = memnew( LineEdit );
- gn->add_child(le);
- le->set_text(graph->input_node_get_name(type,p_id));
- le->connect("text_entered",this,"_input_name_changed",varray(p_id,le));
- TextureRect *tex = memnew( TextureRect );
- tex->set_expand(true);
- tex->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(80,80));
- tex->set_drag_forwarding(this);
- gn->add_child(tex);
- tex->set_mouse_filter(MOUSE_FILTER_PASS);
- tex->set_texture(graph->texture_input_node_get_value(type,p_id));
- ToolButton *edit = memnew( ToolButton );
- edit->set_text("edit...");
- edit->connect("pressed",this,"_tex_edited",varray(p_id,edit));
- gn->add_child(edit);
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- hbc->add_constant_override("separation",0);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("UV", Variant::VECTOR3));
- } else {
- Vector3 v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,0);
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("UV: ")+v,gn,p_id,0,Variant::VECTOR3));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- Label *l=memnew(Label("RGB"));
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- hbc->add_child(l);
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- l = memnew( Label );
- l->set_text("Alpha");
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- gn->add_child(l);
- gn->set_slot(3,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC]);
- gn->set_slot(4,false,0,Color(),true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR]);
- } break; // texture input (assignable in material)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_CUBEMAP_INPUT: {
- gn->set_title("TexUniform");
- LineEdit *le = memnew( LineEdit );
- gn->add_child(le);
- le->set_text(graph->input_node_get_name(type,p_id));
- le->connect("text_entered",this,"_input_name_changed",varray(p_id,le));
- ToolButton *edit = memnew( ToolButton );
- edit->set_text("edit...");
- edit->connect("pressed",this,"_cube_edited",varray(p_id,edit));
- gn->add_child(edit);
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- hbc->add_constant_override("separation",0);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("UV", Variant::VECTOR3));
- } else {
- Vector3 v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,0);
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("UV: ")+v,gn,p_id,0,Variant::VECTOR3));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- Label *l=memnew(Label("RGB"));
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- hbc->add_child(l);
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- l = memnew( Label );
- l->set_text("Alpha");
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- gn->add_child(l);
- gn->set_slot(2,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC]);
- gn->set_slot(3,false,0,Color(),true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR]);
- } break; // cubemap input (assignable in material)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_DEFAULT_TEXTURE: {
- gn->set_title("CanvasItemTex");
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- hbc->add_constant_override("separation",0);
- if (graph->is_slot_connected(type, p_id, 0)) {
- hbc->add_child(make_label("UV", Variant::VECTOR3));
- } else {
- Vector3 v = graph->default_get_value(type,p_id,0);
- hbc->add_child(make_editor(String("UV: ")+v,gn,p_id,0,Variant::VECTOR3));
- }
- hbc->add_spacer();
- Label *l=memnew(Label("RGB"));
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- hbc->add_child(l);
- gn->add_child(hbc);
- l = memnew( Label );
- l->set_text("Alpha");
- l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- gn->add_child(l);
- gn->set_slot(0,true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC],true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_VEC]);
- gn->set_slot(1,false,0,Color(),true,ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR,typecol[ShaderGraph::SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR]);
- } break; // screen texture sampler (takes UV) (only usable in fragment case Shader)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_OUTPUT: {
- gn->set_title("Output");
- gn->set_show_close_button(false);
- List<ShaderGraph::SlotInfo> si;
- ShaderGraph::get_input_output_node_slot_info(graph->get_mode(),type,&si);
- Array colors;
- colors.push_back("Color");
- colors.push_back("LightColor");
- colors.push_back("Light");
- colors.push_back("ShadowColor");
- colors.push_back("Diffuse");
- colors.push_back("Specular");
- colors.push_back("Emission");
- Array reals;
- reals.push_back("Alpha");
- reals.push_back("DiffuseAlpha");
- reals.push_back("NormalMapDepth");
- reals.push_back("SpecExp");
- reals.push_back("Glow");
- reals.push_back("ShadeParam");
- reals.push_back("SpecularExp");
- reals.push_back("LightAlpha");
- reals.push_back("ShadowAlpha");
- reals.push_back("PointSize");
- reals.push_back("Discard");
- int idx=0;
- for (List<ShaderGraph::SlotInfo>::Element *E=si.front();E;E=E->next()) {
- ShaderGraph::SlotInfo& s=E->get();
- if (s.dir==ShaderGraph::SLOT_OUT) {
- Variant::Type v;
- if (colors.find(>=0)
- v=Variant::COLOR;
- else if (reals.find(>=0)
- v=Variant::REAL;
- else
- v=Variant::VECTOR3;
- gn->add_child(make_label(, v));
- gn->set_slot(idx,true,s.type,typecol[s.type],false,0,Color());
- idx++;
- }
- }
- } break; // output (case Shader type dependent)
- case ShaderGraph::NODE_COMMENT: {
- gn->set_title("Comment");
- TextEdit *te = memnew(TextEdit);
- te->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(100,100));
- gn->add_child(te);
- te->set_text(graph->comment_node_get_text(type,p_id));
- te->connect("text_changed",this,"_comment_edited",varray(p_id,te));
- } break; // comment
- }
- gn->connect("dragged",this,"_node_moved",varray(p_id));
- gn->connect("close_request",this,"_node_removed",varray(p_id),CONNECT_DEFERRED);
- graph_edit->add_child(gn);
- node_map[p_id]=gn;
- gn->set_offset(graph->node_get_position(type,p_id));
-void ShaderGraphView::_update_graph() {
- if (block_update)
- return;
- for (Map<int,GraphNode*>::Element *E=node_map.front();E;E=E->next()) {
- memdelete(E->get());
- }
- node_map.clear();
- if (!graph.is_valid())
- return;
- List<int> nl;
- graph->get_node_list(type,&nl);
- for(List<int>::Element *E=nl.front();E;E=E->next()) {
- _create_node(E->get());
- }
- graph_edit->clear_connections();
- List<ShaderGraph::Connection> connections;
- graph->get_node_connections(type,&connections);
- for(List<ShaderGraph::Connection>::Element *E=connections.front();E;E=E->next()) {
- ERR_CONTINUE(!node_map.has(E->get().src_id) || !node_map.has(E->get().dst_id));
- graph_edit->connect_node(node_map[E->get().src_id]->get_name(),E->get().src_slot,node_map[E->get().dst_id]->get_name(),E->get().dst_slot);
- }
-void ShaderGraphView::_sg_updated() {
- if (!graph.is_valid())
- return;
- switch(graph->get_graph_error(type)) {
- case ShaderGraph::GRAPH_OK: status->set_text(""); break;
- case ShaderGraph::GRAPH_ERROR_CYCLIC: status->set_text(TTR("Error: Cyclic Connection Link")); break;
- case ShaderGraph::GRAPH_ERROR_MISSING_CONNECTIONS: status->set_text(TTR("Error: Missing Input Connections")); break;
- }
-Variant ShaderGraphView::get_drag_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, Control *p_from)
- TextureRect* frame = Object::cast_to<TextureRect>(p_from);
- if (!frame)
- return Variant();
- if (!frame->get_texture().is_valid())
- return Variant();
- RES res = frame->get_texture();
- return EditorNode::get_singleton()->drag_resource(res,p_from);
- return Variant();
-bool ShaderGraphView::can_drop_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data, Control *p_from) const
- if (p_data.get_type() != Variant::DICTIONARY)
- return false;
- Dictionary d = p_data;
- if (d.has("type")){
- if (d["type"] == "resource" && d.has("resource")) {
- Variant val = d["resource"];
- if (val.get_type()==Variant::OBJECT) {
- RES res = val;
- if (res.is_valid() && Object::cast_to<Texture>(res))
- return true;
- }
- }
- else if (d["type"] == "files" && d.has("files")) {
- Vector<String> files = d["files"];
- if (files.size() != 1)
- return false;
- return (ResourceLoader::get_resource_type(files[0]) == "ImageTexture");
- }
- }
- return false;
-void ShaderGraphView::drop_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data, Control *p_from)
- if (!can_drop_data_fw(p_point, p_data, p_from))
- return;
- TextureRect *frame = Object::cast_to<TextureRect>(p_from);
- if (!frame)
- return;
- Dictionary d = p_data;
- Ref<Texture> tex;
- if (d.has("type")) {
- if (d["type"] == "resource" && d.has("resource")){
- Variant val = d["resource"];
- if (val.get_type()==Variant::OBJECT) {
- RES res = val;
- if (res.is_valid())
- tex = Ref<Texture>(Object::cast_to<Texture>(*res));
- }
- }
- else if (d["type"] == "files" && d.has("files")) {
- Vector<String> files = d["files"];
- RES res = ResourceLoader::load(files[0]);
- if (res.is_valid())
- tex = Ref<Texture>(Object::cast_to<Texture>(*res));
- }
- }
- if (!tex.is_valid()) return;
- GraphNode *gn = Object::cast_to<GraphNode>(frame->get_parent());
- if (!gn) return;
- int id = -1;
- for(Map<int,GraphNode*>::Element *E = node_map.front();E;E=E->next())
- if (E->get() == gn) {
- id = E->key();
- break;
- }
- print_line(String::num(double(id)));
- if (id < 0) return;
- if (graph->node_get_type(type,id)==ShaderGraph::NODE_TEXTURE_INPUT) {
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Change Texture Uniform"));
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"texture_input_node_set_value",type,id,tex);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"texture_input_node_set_value",type,id,graph->texture_input_node_get_value(type,id));
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->commit_action();
- }
-void ShaderGraphView::set_graph(Ref<ShaderGraph> p_graph){
- if (graph.is_valid()) {
- graph->disconnect("updated",this,"_sg_updated");
- }
- graph=p_graph;
- if (graph.is_valid()) {
- graph->connect("updated",this,"_sg_updated");
- }
- _update_graph();
- _sg_updated();
-void ShaderGraphView::_notification(int p_what) {
- ped_popup->connect("variant_changed",this,"_variant_edited");
- }
-void ShaderGraphView::add_node(int p_type, const Vector2 &location) {
- if (p_type==ShaderGraph::NODE_INPUT && graph->node_count(type, p_type)>0)
- return;
- List<int> existing;
- graph->get_node_list(type,&existing);
- existing.sort();
- int newid=1;
- for(List<int>::Element *E=existing.front();E;E=E->next()) {
- if (!E->next() || (E->get()+1!=E->next()->get())){
- newid=E->get()+1;
- break;
- }
- }
- Vector2 init_ofs = location;
- while(true) {
- bool valid=true;
- for(List<int>::Element *E=existing.front();E;E=E->next()) {
- Vector2 pos = graph->node_get_position(type,E->get());
- if (init_ofs==pos) {
- init_ofs+=Vector2(20,20);
- valid=false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (valid)
- break;
- }
- UndoRedo *ur=EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
- ur->create_action(TTR("Add Shader Graph Node"));
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"node_add",type,p_type,newid);
- ur->add_do_method(graph.ptr(),"node_set_position",type,newid,init_ofs);
- ur->add_undo_method(graph.ptr(),"node_remove",type,newid);
- ur->add_do_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->add_undo_method(this,"_update_graph");
- ur->commit_action();
-void ShaderGraphView::_bind_methods() {
- ClassDB::bind_method("_update_graph",&ShaderGraphView::_update_graph);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_begin_node_move", &ShaderGraphView::_begin_node_move);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_node_moved",&ShaderGraphView::_node_moved);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_end_node_move", &ShaderGraphView::_end_node_move);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_move_node",&ShaderGraphView::_move_node);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_node_removed",&ShaderGraphView::_node_removed);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_connection_request",&ShaderGraphView::_connection_request);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_disconnection_request",&ShaderGraphView::_disconnection_request);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_duplicate_nodes_request", &ShaderGraphView::_duplicate_nodes_request);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_duplicate_nodes", &ShaderGraphView::_duplicate_nodes);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_delete_nodes_request", &ShaderGraphView::_delete_nodes_request);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_default_changed",&ShaderGraphView::_default_changed);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_scalar_const_changed",&ShaderGraphView::_scalar_const_changed);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_vec_const_changed",&ShaderGraphView::_vec_const_changed);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_rgb_const_changed",&ShaderGraphView::_rgb_const_changed);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_xform_const_changed",&ShaderGraphView::_xform_const_changed);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_scalar_op_changed",&ShaderGraphView::_scalar_op_changed);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_vec_op_changed",&ShaderGraphView::_vec_op_changed);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_vec_scalar_op_changed",&ShaderGraphView::_vec_scalar_op_changed);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_rgb_op_changed",&ShaderGraphView::_rgb_op_changed);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_xform_inv_rev_changed",&ShaderGraphView::_xform_inv_rev_changed);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_scalar_func_changed",&ShaderGraphView::_scalar_func_changed);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_vec_func_changed",&ShaderGraphView::_vec_func_changed);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_scalar_input_changed",&ShaderGraphView::_scalar_input_changed);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_vec_input_changed",&ShaderGraphView::_vec_input_changed);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_xform_input_changed",&ShaderGraphView::_xform_input_changed);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_rgb_input_changed",&ShaderGraphView::_rgb_input_changed);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_tex_input_change",&ShaderGraphView::_tex_input_change);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_cube_input_change",&ShaderGraphView::_cube_input_change);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_input_name_changed",&ShaderGraphView::_input_name_changed);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_tex_edited",&ShaderGraphView::_tex_edited);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_variant_edited",&ShaderGraphView::_variant_edited);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_cube_edited",&ShaderGraphView::_cube_edited);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_comment_edited",&ShaderGraphView::_comment_edited);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_color_ramp_changed",&ShaderGraphView::_color_ramp_changed);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_curve_changed",&ShaderGraphView::_curve_changed);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_drag_data_fw"), &ShaderGraphView::get_drag_data_fw);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("can_drop_data_fw"), &ShaderGraphView::can_drop_data_fw);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("drop_data_fw"), &ShaderGraphView::drop_data_fw);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_sg_updated",&ShaderGraphView::_sg_updated);
-ShaderGraphView::ShaderGraphView(ShaderGraph::ShaderType p_type) {
- type=p_type;
- graph_edit = memnew( GraphEdit );
- block_update=false;
- ped_popup = memnew( CustomPropertyEditor );
- graph_edit->add_child(ped_popup);
- status = memnew( Label );
- graph_edit->get_top_layer()->add_child(status);
- graph_edit->connect("_begin_node_move", this, "_begin_node_move");
- graph_edit->connect("_end_node_move", this, "_end_node_move");
- status->set_position(Vector2(5,5));
- status->add_color_override("font_color_shadow",Color(0,0,0));
- status->add_color_override("font_color",Color(1,0.4,0.3));
- status->add_constant_override("shadow_as_outline",1);
- status->add_constant_override("shadow_offset_x",2);
- status->add_constant_override("shadow_offset_y",2);
- status->set_text("");
-void ShaderGraphEditor::edit(Ref<ShaderGraph> p_shader) {
- for(int i=0;i<ShaderGraph::SHADER_TYPE_MAX;i++) {
- graph_edits[i]->set_graph(p_shader);
- }
-void ShaderGraphEditor::_add_node(int p_type) {
- ShaderGraph::ShaderType shader_type=ShaderGraph::ShaderType(tabs->get_current_tab());
- graph_edits[shader_type]->add_node(p_type, next_location);
-void ShaderGraphEditor::_popup_requested(const Vector2 &p_position)
- Vector2 scroll_ofs=graph_edits[tabs->get_current_tab()]->get_graph_edit()->get_scroll_ofs();
- next_location = get_local_mouse_position() + scroll_ofs;
- popup->set_global_position(p_position);
- popup->set_size( Size2( 200, 0) );
- popup->popup();
-void ShaderGraphEditor::_notification(int p_what) {
- for(int i=0;i<ShaderGraph::NODE_TYPE_MAX;i++) {
- if (i==ShaderGraph::NODE_OUTPUT)
- continue;
- if (!_2d && i==ShaderGraph::NODE_DEFAULT_TEXTURE)
- continue;
- String nn = node_names[i];
- String ic = nn.get_slice(":",0);
- String v = nn.get_slice(":",1);
- bool addsep=false;
- if (nn.ends_with(":")) {
- addsep=true;
- }
- popup->add_icon_item(get_icon(ic,"EditorIcons"),v,i);
- if (addsep)
- popup->add_separator();
- }
- popup->connect("id_pressed",this,"_add_node");
- }
-void ShaderGraphEditor::_bind_methods() {
- ClassDB::bind_method("_add_node",&ShaderGraphEditor::_add_node);
- ClassDB::bind_method("_popup_requested",&ShaderGraphEditor::_popup_requested);
-const char* ShaderGraphEditor::node_names[ShaderGraph::NODE_TYPE_MAX]={
- ("GraphInput:Input"), // all inputs (shader type dependent)
- ("GraphScalar:Scalar Constant"), //scalar constant
- ("GraphVector:Vector Constant"), //vec3 constant
- ("GraphRgb:RGB Constant"), //rgb constant (shows a color picker instead)
- ("GraphXform:XForm Constant"), // 4x4 matrix constant
- ("GraphTime:Time:"), // time in seconds
- ("GraphTexscreen:Screen Sample"), // screen texture sampler (takes uv) (only usable in fragment shader)
- ("GraphScalarOp:Scalar Operator"), // scalar vs scalar op (mul", add", div", etc)
- ("GraphVecOp:Vector Operator"), // vec3 vs vec3 op (mul",ad",div",crossprod",etc)
- ("GraphVecScalarOp:Scalar+Vector Operator"), // vec3 vs scalar op (mul", add", div", etc)
- ("GraphRgbOp:RGB Operator:"), // vec3 vs vec3 rgb op (with scalar amount)", like brighten", darken", burn", dodge", multiply", etc.
- ("GraphXformMult:XForm Multiply"), // mat4 x mat4
- ("GraphXformVecMult:XForm+Vector Multiply"), // mat4 x vec3 mult (with no-translation option)
- ("GraphXformVecImult:Form+Vector InvMultiply:"), // mat4 x vec3 inverse mult (with no-translation option)
- ("GraphXformScalarFunc:Scalar Function"), // scalar function (sin", cos", etc)
- ("GraphXformVecFunc:Vector Function"), // vector function (normalize", negate", reciprocal", rgb2hsv", hsv2rgb", etc", etc)
- ("GraphVecLength:Vector Length"), // vec3 length
- ("GraphVecDp:Dot Product:"), // vec3 . vec3 (dot product -> scalar output)
- ("GraphVecToScalars:Vector -> Scalars"), // 1 vec3 input", 3 scalar outputs
- ("GraphScalarsToVec:Scalars -> Vector"), // 3 scalar input", 1 vec3 output
- ("GraphXformToVecs:XForm -> Vectors"), // 3 vec input", 1 xform output
- ("GraphVecsToXform:Vectors -> XForm:"), // 3 vec input", 1 xform output
- ("GraphScalarInterp:Scalar Interpolate"), // scalar interpolation (with optional curve)
- ("GraphVecInterp:Vector Interpolate:"), // vec3 interpolation (with optional curve)
- ("GraphColorRamp:Color Ramp"), // vec3 interpolation (with optional curve)
- ("GraphCurveMap:Curve Remap:"), // vec3 interpolation (with optional curve)
- ("GraphScalarUniform:Scalar Uniform"), // scalar uniform (assignable in material)
- ("GraphVectorUniform:Vector Uniform"), // vec3 uniform (assignable in material)
- ("GraphRgbUniform:RGB Uniform"), // color uniform (assignable in material)
- ("GraphXformUniform:XForm Uniform"), // mat4 uniform (assignable in material)
- ("GraphTextureUniform:Texture Uniform"), // texture input (assignable in material)
- ("GraphCubeUniform:CubeMap Uniform:"), // cubemap input (assignable in material)
- ("GraphDefaultTexture:CanvasItem Texture:"), // cubemap input (assignable in material)
- ("Output"), // output (shader type dependent)
- ("GraphComment:Comment"), // comment
-ShaderGraphEditor::ShaderGraphEditor(bool p_2d) {
- _2d=p_2d;
- popup = memnew( PopupMenu );
- add_child(popup);
- tabs = memnew(TabContainer);
- tabs->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- add_child(tabs);
- const char* sname[ShaderGraph::SHADER_TYPE_MAX]={
- "Vertex",
- "Fragment",
- "Light"
- };
- for(int i=0;i<ShaderGraph::SHADER_TYPE_MAX;i++) {
- graph_edits[i]= memnew( ShaderGraphView(ShaderGraph::ShaderType(i)) );
- add_child(graph_edits[i]);
- graph_edits[i]->get_graph_edit()->set_name(sname[i]);
- tabs->add_child(graph_edits[i]->get_graph_edit());
- graph_edits[i]->get_graph_edit()->connect("connection_request",graph_edits[i],"_connection_request");
- graph_edits[i]->get_graph_edit()->connect("disconnection_request",graph_edits[i],"_disconnection_request");
- graph_edits[i]->get_graph_edit()->connect("duplicate_nodes_request", graph_edits[i], "_duplicate_nodes_request");
- graph_edits[i]->get_graph_edit()->connect("popup_request",this,"_popup_requested");
- graph_edits[i]->get_graph_edit()->connect("delete_nodes_request",graph_edits[i],"_delete_nodes_request");
- graph_edits[i]->get_graph_edit()->set_right_disconnects(true);
- }
- tabs->set_current_tab(1);
- set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(100,300));
-void ShaderGraphEditorPlugin::edit(Object *p_object) {
- shader_editor->edit(Object::cast_to<ShaderGraph>(p_object));
-bool ShaderGraphEditorPlugin::handles(Object *p_object) const {
- ShaderGraph *shader=Object::cast_to<ShaderGraph>(p_object);
- if (!shader)
- return false;
- if (_2d)
- return shader->get_mode()==Shader::MODE_CANVAS_ITEM;
- else
- return shader->get_mode()==Shader::MODE_MATERIAL;
-void ShaderGraphEditorPlugin::make_visible(bool p_visible) {
- if (p_visible) {
- shader_editor->show();
- } else {
- shader_editor->hide();
- }
-ShaderGraphEditorPlugin::ShaderGraphEditorPlugin(EditorNode *p_node, bool p_2d) {
- _2d=p_2d;
- editor=p_node;
- shader_editor = memnew( ShaderGraphEditor(p_2d) );
- shader_editor->hide();
- if (p_2d)
- CanvasItemEditor::get_singleton()->get_bottom_split()->add_child(shader_editor);
- else
- SpatialEditor::get_singleton()->get_shader_split()->add_child(shader_editor);
- //editor->get_viewport()->add_child(shader_editor);
- //shader_editor->set_anchors_and_margins_preset(Control::PRESET_WIDE);
- //shader_editor->hide();
diff --git a/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.h b/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f273507fcf..0000000000
--- a/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-/* shader_graph_editor_plugin.h */
-/* This file is part of: */
-/* */
-/* Copyright (c) 2007-2018 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
-/* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
-/* */
-/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
-/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
-/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
-/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
-/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
-/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
-/* the following conditions: */
-/* */
-/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
-/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
-/* */
-// FIXME: Godot 3.0 broke compatibility with ShaderGraphEditorPlugin,
-// it needs to be ported to the new shader language.
-#if 0
-#include "editor/editor_node.h"
-#include "editor/editor_plugin.h"
-#include "editor/property_editor.h"
-#include "scene/gui/button.h"
-#include "scene/gui/graph_edit.h"
-#include "scene/gui/popup.h"
-#include "scene/gui/tree.h"
-#include "scene/resources/shader.h"
-#include "scene/resources/shader_graph.h"
- @author Juan Linietsky <>
-class GraphColorRampEdit : public Control {
- GDCLASS(GraphColorRampEdit,Control);
- struct Point {
- float offset;
- Color color;
- bool operator<(const Point& p_ponit) const {
- return offset<p_ponit.offset;
- }
- };
- PopupPanel *popup;
- ColorPicker *picker;
- bool grabbing;
- int grabbed;
- float grabbed_at;
- Vector<Point> points;
- void _color_changed(const Color& p_color);
- void _gui_input(const InputEvent& p_event);
- void _notification(int p_what);
- static void _bind_methods();
- void set_ramp(const Vector<float>& p_offsets,const Vector<Color>& p_colors);
- Vector<float> get_offsets() const;
- Vector<Color> get_colors() const;
- virtual Size2 get_minimum_size() const;
- GraphColorRampEdit();
-class GraphCurveMapEdit : public Control {
- GDCLASS(GraphCurveMapEdit,Control);
- struct Point {
- float offset;
- float height;
- bool operator<(const Point& p_ponit) const {
- return offset<p_ponit.offset;
- }
- };
- bool grabbing;
- int grabbed;
- Vector<Point> points;
- void _plot_curve(const Vector2& p_a,const Vector2& p_b,const Vector2& p_c,const Vector2& p_d);
- void _gui_input(const InputEvent& p_event);
- void _notification(int p_what);
- static void _bind_methods();
- void set_points(const Vector<Vector2>& p_points);
- Vector<Vector2> get_points() const;
- virtual Size2 get_minimum_size() const;
- GraphCurveMapEdit();
-class ShaderGraphView : public Control {
- GDCLASS(ShaderGraphView,Control);
- CustomPropertyEditor *ped_popup;
- bool block_update;
- Label *status;
- GraphEdit *graph_edit;
- Ref<ShaderGraph> graph;
- int edited_id;
- int edited_def;
- ShaderGraph::ShaderType type;
- void _update_graph();
- void _create_node(int p_id);
- ToolButton *make_label(String text, Variant::Type v_type = Variant::NIL);
- ToolButton *make_editor(String text, GraphNode* gn, int p_id, int param, Variant::Type type, String p_hint="");
- void _connection_request(const String& p_from, int p_from_slot,const String& p_to,int p_to_slot);
- void _disconnection_request(const String& p_from, int p_from_slot,const String& p_to,int p_to_slot);
- void _node_removed(int p_id);
- void _begin_node_move();
- void _node_moved(const Vector2& p_from, const Vector2& p_to,int p_id);
- void _end_node_move();
- void _move_node(int p_id,const Vector2& p_to);
- void _duplicate_nodes_request();
- void _duplicate_nodes(const Array &p_nodes);
- void _delete_nodes_request();
- void _default_changed(int p_id, Node* p_button, int p_param, int v_type, String p_hint);
- void _scalar_const_changed(double p_value,int p_id);
- void _vec_const_changed(double p_value, int p_id, Array p_arr);
- void _rgb_const_changed(const Color& p_color, int p_id);
- void _xform_const_changed(int p_id,Node* p_button);
- void _scalar_op_changed(int p_op, int p_id);
- void _vec_op_changed(int p_op, int p_id);
- void _vec_scalar_op_changed(int p_op, int p_id);
- void _rgb_op_changed(int p_op, int p_id);
- void _xform_inv_rev_changed(bool p_enabled, int p_id);
- void _scalar_func_changed(int p_func, int p_id);
- void _vec_func_changed(int p_func, int p_id);
- void _scalar_input_changed(double p_value,int p_id);
- void _vec_input_changed(double p_value, int p_id, Array p_arr);
- void _xform_input_changed(int p_id,Node* p_button);
- void _rgb_input_changed(const Color& p_color, int p_id);
- void _tex_input_change(int p_id,Node* p_button);
- void _cube_input_change(int p_id);
- void _input_name_changed(const String& p_name,int p_id,Node* p_line_edit);
- void _tex_edited(int p_id,Node* p_button);
- void _cube_edited(int p_id,Node* p_button);
- void _variant_edited();
- void _comment_edited(int p_id,Node* p_button);
- void _color_ramp_changed(int p_id,Node* p_ramp);
- void _curve_changed(int p_id,Node* p_curve);
- void _sg_updated();
- Map<int,GraphNode*> node_map;
- Variant get_drag_data_fw(const Point2& p_point,Control* p_from);
- bool can_drop_data_fw(const Point2& p_point,const Variant& p_data,Control* p_from) const;
- void drop_data_fw(const Point2& p_point,const Variant& p_data,Control* p_from);
- void _notification(int p_what);
- static void _bind_methods();
- void add_node(int p_type, const Vector2 &location);
- GraphEdit *get_graph_edit() { return graph_edit; }
- void set_graph(Ref<ShaderGraph> p_graph);
- ShaderGraphView(ShaderGraph::ShaderType p_type=ShaderGraph::SHADER_TYPE_FRAGMENT);
-class ShaderGraphEditor : public VBoxContainer {
- GDCLASS(ShaderGraphEditor,VBoxContainer);
- PopupMenu *popup;
- TabContainer *tabs;
- ShaderGraphView *graph_edits[ShaderGraph::SHADER_TYPE_MAX];
- static const char* node_names[ShaderGraph::NODE_TYPE_MAX];
- Vector2 next_location;
- bool _2d;
- void _add_node(int p_type);
- void _popup_requested(const Vector2 &p_position);
- void _notification(int p_what);
- static void _bind_methods();
- void edit(Ref<ShaderGraph> p_shader);
- ShaderGraphEditor(bool p_2d);
-class ShaderGraphEditorPlugin : public EditorPlugin {
- GDCLASS( ShaderGraphEditorPlugin, EditorPlugin );
- bool _2d;
- ShaderGraphEditor *shader_editor;
- EditorNode *editor;
- virtual String get_name() const { return "ShaderGraph"; }
- bool has_main_screen() const { return false; }
- virtual void edit(Object *p_node);
- virtual bool handles(Object *p_node) const;
- virtual void make_visible(bool p_visible);
- ShaderGraphEditorPlugin(EditorNode *p_node,bool p_2d);
- ~ShaderGraphEditorPlugin();
diff --git a/editor/plugins/skeleton_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/skeleton_editor_plugin.cpp
index fe7d1df50c..d871922c8b 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/skeleton_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/skeleton_editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -126,7 +126,15 @@ PhysicalBone *SkeletonEditor::create_physical_bone(int bone_id, int bone_child_i
void SkeletonEditor::edit(Skeleton *p_node) {
skeleton = p_node;
+void SkeletonEditor::_notification(int p_what) {
+ get_tree()->connect("node_removed", this, "_node_removed");
+ }
void SkeletonEditor::_node_removed(Node *p_node) {
@@ -139,6 +147,7 @@ void SkeletonEditor::_node_removed(Node *p_node) {
void SkeletonEditor::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method("_on_click_option", &SkeletonEditor::_on_click_option);
+ ClassDB::bind_method("_node_removed", &SkeletonEditor::_node_removed);
SkeletonEditor::SkeletonEditor() {
diff --git a/editor/plugins/skeleton_editor_plugin.h b/editor/plugins/skeleton_editor_plugin.h
index b9bdf91902..0ab94c15b5 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/skeleton_editor_plugin.h
+++ b/editor/plugins/skeleton_editor_plugin.h
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ class SkeletonEditor : public Node {
friend class SkeletonEditorPlugin;
+ void _notification(int p_what);
void _node_removed(Node *p_node);
static void _bind_methods();
diff --git a/editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
index 9bf1178b58..58a1835e68 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ void SpriteEditor::_update_mesh_data() {
Vector<Vector<Vector2> > lines = bm->clip_opaque_to_polygons(rect, epsilon);
- print_line("lines: " + itos(lines.size()));
@@ -190,21 +189,6 @@ void SpriteEditor::_update_mesh_data() {
-#if 0
- Vector<Vector<Vector2> > polys = Geometry::decompose_polygon(lines[j]);
- print_line("polygon: " + itos(polys.size()));
- for (int i = 0; i < polys.size(); i++) {
- for (int k = 0; k < polys[i].size(); k++) {
- int idxn = (k + 1) % polys[i].size();
- uv_lines.push_back(polys[i][k]);
- uv_lines.push_back(polys[i][idxn]);
- }
- }
-#if 1
Vector<int> poly = Geometry::triangulate_polygon(lines[j]);
@@ -218,14 +202,6 @@ void SpriteEditor::_update_mesh_data() {
computed_indices.push_back(poly[idx] + index_ofs);
-#if 0
- for (int i = 0; i < lines[j].size() - 1; i++) {
- uv_lines.push_back(lines[j][i]);
- uv_lines.push_back(lines[j][i + 1]);
- }
diff --git a/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
index a9afc7a670..fcbbee2b9c 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ void SpriteFramesEditor::_file_load_request(const PoolVector<String> &p_path, in
if (resources.empty()) {
- //print_line("added frames!");
@@ -108,7 +107,6 @@ void SpriteFramesEditor::_file_load_request(const PoolVector<String> &p_path, in
undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "_update_library");
- //print_line("added frames!");
void SpriteFramesEditor::_load_pressed() {
diff --git a/editor/project_manager.cpp b/editor/project_manager.cpp
index aad9258ed9..3a6a73d3cc 100644
--- a/editor/project_manager.cpp
+++ b/editor/project_manager.cpp
@@ -1390,7 +1390,7 @@ void ProjectManager::_open_project_confirm() {
- print_line("OPENING: " + path + " (" + selected + ")");
+ print_line("Editing project: " + path + " (" + selected + ")");
List<String> args;
@@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@ void ProjectManager::_run_project_confirm() {
- print_line("OPENING: " + path + " (" + selected + ")");
+ print_line("Running project: " + path + " (" + selected + ")");
List<String> args;
@@ -1513,13 +1513,13 @@ void ProjectManager::_scan_dir(DirAccess *da, float pos, float total, List<Strin
void ProjectManager::_scan_begin(const String &p_base) {
- print_line("SCAN PROJECTS AT: " + p_base);
+ print_line("Scanning projects at: " + p_base);
List<String> projects;
DirAccess *da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM);
_scan_dir(da, 0, 1, &projects);
- print_line("found: " + itos(projects.size()) + " projects.");
+ print_line("Found " + itos(projects.size()) + " projects.");
for (List<String>::Element *E = projects.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
String proj = E->get().replace("/", "::");
diff --git a/editor/project_settings_editor.cpp b/editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
index 65b2e2301b..a7c336eb16 100644
--- a/editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
+++ b/editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
@@ -891,7 +891,6 @@ void ProjectSettingsEditor::_item_del() {
- print_line("to delete.. " + property);
undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Delete Item"));
Variant value = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get(property);
diff --git a/editor/property_editor.cpp b/editor/property_editor.cpp
index 408e67149a..d9812f7425 100644
--- a/editor/property_editor.cpp
+++ b/editor/property_editor.cpp
@@ -3992,7 +3992,6 @@ void PropertyEditor::_edit_button(Object *p_item, int p_column, int p_button) {
String prop = d["name"];
emit_signal("property_keyed", prop, obj->get(prop), false);
} else if (p_button == 5) {
- print_line("PB5");
if (!d.has("name"))
String prop = d["name"];
@@ -4732,7 +4731,7 @@ double PropertyValueEvaluator::eval(const String &p_text) {
Error err = script->reload();
if (err) {
- print_line("[PropertyValueEvaluator] Error loading script for expression: " + p_new_text);
+ ERR_PRINTS("PropertyValueEvaluator: Error loading script for expression: " + p_new_text);
return _default_eval(p_new_text);
@@ -4748,7 +4747,7 @@ double PropertyValueEvaluator::eval(const String &p_text) {
if (call_err.error == Variant::CallError::CALL_OK) {
return result;
- print_line("[PropertyValueEvaluator]: Error eval! Error code: " + itos(call_err.error));
+ ERR_PRINTS("PropertyValueEvaluator: Eval failed, error code: " + itos(call_err.error));
return _default_eval(p_new_text);
diff --git a/editor/property_selector.cpp b/editor/property_selector.cpp
index d927e07976..dae1bdeeb0 100644
--- a/editor/property_selector.cpp
+++ b/editor/property_selector.cpp
@@ -237,7 +237,6 @@ void PropertySelector::_update_search() {
Ref<Texture> icon;
script_methods = false;
- print_line("name: " + E->get().name);
String rep = E->get().name.replace("*", "");
if (E->get().name == "*Script Methods") {
icon = get_icon("Script", "EditorIcons");
diff --git a/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp b/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
index 607d974025..39250ab391 100644
--- a/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
+++ b/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
@@ -1512,7 +1512,6 @@ void SceneTreeDock::_script_created(Ref<Script> p_script) {
- print_line("test: " + String(Variant(selected.front()->get()->get_meta("_editor_icon"))));
diff --git a/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp b/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
index 47db656017..a916ae23f6 100644
--- a/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
+++ b/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
@@ -968,7 +968,6 @@ void SceneTreeEditor::_warning_changed(Node *p_for_node) {
//should use a timer
- //print_line("WARNING CHANGED "+String(p_for_node->get_name()));
void SceneTreeEditor::_editor_settings_changed() {
diff --git a/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp b/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
index 746e1cd28f..9db53fe5f5 100644
--- a/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
+++ b/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
@@ -1133,7 +1133,6 @@ void ScriptEditorDebugger::_notification(int p_what) {
message_type = cmd;
- //print_line("GOT: "+message_type);
ret = ppeer->get_var(cmd);
if (ret != OK) {
@@ -1285,15 +1284,13 @@ void ScriptEditorDebugger::_profiler_activate(bool p_enable) {
max_funcs = CLAMP(max_funcs, 16, 512);
- print_line("BEGIN PROFILING!");
+ print_verbose("Starting profiling.");
} else {
Array msg;
- print_line("END PROFILING!");
+ print_verbose("Ending profiling.");
@@ -1430,8 +1427,6 @@ void ScriptEditorDebugger::_method_changed(Object *p_base, const StringName &p_n
- //print_line("method");
void ScriptEditorDebugger::_property_changed(Object *p_base, const StringName &p_property, const Variant &p_value) {
@@ -1500,8 +1495,6 @@ void ScriptEditorDebugger::_property_changed(Object *p_base, const StringName &p
- //print_line("prop");
void ScriptEditorDebugger::_method_changeds(void *p_ud, Object *p_base, const StringName &p_name, VARIANT_ARG_DECLARE) {
diff --git a/editor/translations/af.po b/editor/translations/af.po
index b51e90b9f5..a92264f015 100644
--- a/editor/translations/af.po
+++ b/editor/translations/af.po
@@ -5669,134 +5669,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/editor/translations/ar.po b/editor/translations/ar.po
index a48bee47d8..5631c1884d 100644
--- a/editor/translations/ar.po
+++ b/editor/translations/ar.po
@@ -5794,134 +5794,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "تعديل منحدر اللون"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9402,6 +9274,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "تعديل منحدر اللون"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "معطّل"
diff --git a/editor/translations/bg.po b/editor/translations/bg.po
index eb38abf260..beeb2be3c6 100644
--- a/editor/translations/bg.po
+++ b/editor/translations/bg.po
@@ -5672,134 +5672,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/editor/translations/bn.po b/editor/translations/bn.po
index f93e41143d..f4021e9731 100644
--- a/editor/translations/bn.po
+++ b/editor/translations/bn.po
@@ -6024,134 +6024,6 @@ msgstr "প্রাসঙ্গিক সাহায্য"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "শেডার"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "স্কেলার ধ্রুবক পরিবর্তন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "ভেক্টর ধ্রুবক পরিবর্তন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "RGB ধ্রুবক পরিবর্তন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "স্কেলার অপারেটর পরিবর্তন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "ভেক্টর অপারেটর পরিবর্তন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "ভেক্টর স্কেলার অপারেটর পরিবর্তন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "RGB অপারেটর পরিবর্তন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "শুধুমাত্র ঘূর্ণন টগল করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "স্কেলার ফাংশন পরিবর্তন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "ভেক্টর ফাংশন পরিবর্তন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr "স্কেলার ইউনিফর্ম পরিবর্তন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr "ভেক্টর ইউনিফর্ম পরিবর্তন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr "RGB ইউনিফর্ম পরিবর্তন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "প্রাথমিক মান পরিবর্তন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr "XForm ইউনিফর্ম পরিবর্তন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr "টেক্সার ইউনিফর্ম পরিবর্তন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr "Cubemap ইউনিফর্ম পরিবর্তন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "কমেন্ট পরিবর্তন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr "রঙ্গের র‍্যাম্পে সংযোজন/বিয়োজন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "রঙ্গের র‍্যাম্প পরিবর্তন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr "Curve Map-এ সংযোজন/বিয়োজন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "Curve Map পরিবর্তন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "ইনপুট নাম পরিবর্তন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "গ্রাফের নোডসমূহ সংযুক্ত করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "গ্রাফের নোডসমূহ বিচ্ছিন্ন করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Shader Graph Node অপসারণ করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Shader Graph Node সরান"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "গ্রাফ নোড(সমূহ) প্রতিলিপি করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Shader Graph Node(s) অপসারণ করুন"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr "সমস্যা: আবর্তনশীল সংযোগ লিঙ্ক"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "সমস্যা: ইনপুট সংযোগ নেই"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Shader Graph Node যোগ করুন"
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9907,6 +9779,102 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "স্কেলার ধ্রুবক পরিবর্তন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "ভেক্টর ধ্রুবক পরিবর্তন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "RGB ধ্রুবক পরিবর্তন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "স্কেলার অপারেটর পরিবর্তন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "ভেক্টর অপারেটর পরিবর্তন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "ভেক্টর স্কেলার অপারেটর পরিবর্তন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "RGB অপারেটর পরিবর্তন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "শুধুমাত্র ঘূর্ণন টগল করুন"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "স্কেলার ফাংশন পরিবর্তন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "ভেক্টর ফাংশন পরিবর্তন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "স্কেলার ইউনিফর্ম পরিবর্তন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "ভেক্টর ইউনিফর্ম পরিবর্তন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "RGB ইউনিফর্ম পরিবর্তন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "প্রাথমিক মান পরিবর্তন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "XForm ইউনিফর্ম পরিবর্তন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "টেক্সার ইউনিফর্ম পরিবর্তন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Cubemap ইউনিফর্ম পরিবর্তন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "কমেন্ট পরিবর্তন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "রঙ্গের র‍্যাম্পে সংযোজন/বিয়োজন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "রঙ্গের র‍্যাম্প পরিবর্তন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Curve Map-এ সংযোজন/বিয়োজন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Curve Map পরিবর্তন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "ইনপুট নাম পরিবর্তন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "গ্রাফের নোডসমূহ সংযুক্ত করুন"
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "গ্রাফের নোডসমূহ বিচ্ছিন্ন করুন"
+#~ msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Shader Graph Node অপসারণ করুন"
+#~ msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Shader Graph Node সরান"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "গ্রাফ নোড(সমূহ) প্রতিলিপি করুন"
+#~ msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Shader Graph Node(s) অপসারণ করুন"
+#~ msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
+#~ msgstr "সমস্যা: আবর্তনশীল সংযোগ লিঙ্ক"
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "সমস্যা: ইনপুট সংযোগ নেই"
+#~ msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Shader Graph Node যোগ করুন"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "অসমর্থ"
diff --git a/editor/translations/ca.po b/editor/translations/ca.po
index 3b683b9f9a..075b112224 100644
--- a/editor/translations/ca.po
+++ b/editor/translations/ca.po
@@ -5828,134 +5828,6 @@ msgstr "Ajuda Contextual"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "Ombreig"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "Modificar una constant escalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "Modificar una constant vectorial"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "Modificar una constant RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Modifica un operador escalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "Modifica un operador vectorial"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Modifica un operador vectorial- escalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "Modifica un operador RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "només Rotacio"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "Modifica una Funció Escalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "Modifica una Funció Vectorial"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr "Modificar un Uniforme Escalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr "Modifica un Uniforme Vectorial"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr "Modifica un Uniforme RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "Modifica el Valor per Defecte"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr "Modifica el Uniforme XForm"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr "Modifica un Uniforme Textura"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr "Modifica un Uniforme 'CubeMap'"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "Modifica el Comentari"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Afegeix/Elimina-ho de la Rampa de Colors"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Modifica la Rampa de Color"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr "Afegeix/Ellimina-ho del Mapa de Corbes"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "Modifica el Mapa de Corbes"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "Modifica el Nom de l'Entrada"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Connecta els Nodes de Graf"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Desconnecta el Nodes de Graf"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Elimina el Node de Graf d'Ombreig"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Mou el Node de Graf d'Ombreig"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Duplica el(s) Node(s) de Graf"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Elimina el(s) Node(s) de Graf d'Ombreig"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr "Error: Enllaç de Connexió Cíclic"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "Error: Manquen les Connexions d'Entrada"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Afegeix un Node de Graf d'Ombreig"
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9599,6 +9471,102 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Modificar una constant escalar"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Modificar una constant vectorial"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Modificar una constant RGB"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Modifica un operador escalar"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Modifica un operador vectorial"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Modifica un operador vectorial- escalar"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Modifica un operador RGB"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "només Rotacio"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "Modifica una Funció Escalar"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "Modifica una Funció Vectorial"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Modificar un Uniforme Escalar"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Modifica un Uniforme Vectorial"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Modifica un Uniforme RGB"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "Modifica el Valor per Defecte"
+#~ msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Modifica el Uniforme XForm"
+#~ msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Modifica un Uniforme Textura"
+#~ msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Modifica un Uniforme 'CubeMap'"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Modifica el Comentari"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Afegeix/Elimina-ho de la Rampa de Colors"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Modifica la Rampa de Color"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Afegeix/Ellimina-ho del Mapa de Corbes"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Modifica el Mapa de Corbes"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "Modifica el Nom de l'Entrada"
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Connecta els Nodes de Graf"
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Desconnecta el Nodes de Graf"
+#~ msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Elimina el Node de Graf d'Ombreig"
+#~ msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Mou el Node de Graf d'Ombreig"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Duplica el(s) Node(s) de Graf"
+#~ msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Elimina el(s) Node(s) de Graf d'Ombreig"
+#~ msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
+#~ msgstr "Error: Enllaç de Connexió Cíclic"
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "Error: Manquen les Connexions d'Entrada"
+#~ msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Afegeix un Node de Graf d'Ombreig"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "Desactivat"
diff --git a/editor/translations/cs.po b/editor/translations/cs.po
index d0372cf7aa..0da8ebee3c 100644
--- a/editor/translations/cs.po
+++ b/editor/translations/cs.po
@@ -5770,134 +5770,6 @@ msgstr "Kontextová nápověda"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "Shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "Změnit skalární konstantu"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "Změna RGB konstanty"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Změnit skalární operátor"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "Změnit RGB operátor"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "Změnit skalární funkci"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "Změnit vektorovou funkci"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "Změnit výchozí hodnotu"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "Změnit komentář"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "Upravit mapu křivky"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "Změnit název vstupu"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Propojit uzly grafu"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Odpojit uzly grafu"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9471,6 +9343,42 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Změnit skalární konstantu"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Změna RGB konstanty"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Změnit skalární operátor"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Změnit RGB operátor"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "Změnit skalární funkci"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "Změnit vektorovou funkci"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "Změnit výchozí hodnotu"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Změnit komentář"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Upravit mapu křivky"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "Změnit název vstupu"
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Propojit uzly grafu"
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Odpojit uzly grafu"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "Zakázáno"
diff --git a/editor/translations/da.po b/editor/translations/da.po
index 192240ec0a..d3a036452a 100644
--- a/editor/translations/da.po
+++ b/editor/translations/da.po
@@ -5812,134 +5812,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/editor/translations/de.po b/editor/translations/de.po
index 2a97f8ef3d..641d06841b 100644
--- a/editor/translations/de.po
+++ b/editor/translations/de.po
@@ -5883,134 +5883,6 @@ msgstr "Kontexthilfe"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "Shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "Ändere skalare Konstante"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "Ändere Vektorkonstante"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "Ändere RGB-Konstante"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Ändere skalaren Operator"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "Ändere Vektoroperator"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Ändere Vektor-Skalar-Operator"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "Ändere RGB-Operator"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "schalte exklusive Rotation um"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "Ändere skalare Funktion"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "Ändere Vektorfunktion"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr "Ändere Skalar-Uniform"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr "Ändere Vektor-Uniform"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr "Ändere RGB-Uniform"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "Ändere Standardwert"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr "Ändere XForm-Uniform"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr "Ändere Textur-Uniform"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr "Ändere Cubemap-Uniform"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "Ändere Kommentar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Hinzufügen/Entfernen zum Farbgradienten"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Farbverlauf anpassen"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr "Hinzfügen/Entfernen zum Curve-Map"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "Verändere Curve-Map"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "Ändere Eingabename"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Verbinde Graph-Nodes"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Trenne Graph-Nodes"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Entferne Shader-Graph-Node"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Verschiebe Shader-Graph-Node"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Dupliziere Graph-Node(s)"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Entferne Shade-Graph-Node(s)"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr "Fehler: Zyklische Verbindung"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "Fehler: Fehlende Eingangsverbindung"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Shader-Graph-Node hinzufügen"
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9676,6 +9548,102 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Ändere skalare Konstante"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Ändere Vektorkonstante"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Ändere RGB-Konstante"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Ändere skalaren Operator"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Ändere Vektoroperator"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Ändere Vektor-Skalar-Operator"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Ändere RGB-Operator"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "schalte exklusive Rotation um"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "Ändere skalare Funktion"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "Ändere Vektorfunktion"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Ändere Skalar-Uniform"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Ändere Vektor-Uniform"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Ändere RGB-Uniform"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "Ändere Standardwert"
+#~ msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Ändere XForm-Uniform"
+#~ msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Ändere Textur-Uniform"
+#~ msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Ändere Cubemap-Uniform"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Ändere Kommentar"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Hinzufügen/Entfernen zum Farbgradienten"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Farbverlauf anpassen"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Hinzfügen/Entfernen zum Curve-Map"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Verändere Curve-Map"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "Ändere Eingabename"
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Verbinde Graph-Nodes"
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Trenne Graph-Nodes"
+#~ msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Entferne Shader-Graph-Node"
+#~ msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Verschiebe Shader-Graph-Node"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Dupliziere Graph-Node(s)"
+#~ msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Entferne Shade-Graph-Node(s)"
+#~ msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
+#~ msgstr "Fehler: Zyklische Verbindung"
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "Fehler: Fehlende Eingangsverbindung"
+#~ msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Shader-Graph-Node hinzufügen"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "Deaktiviert"
diff --git a/editor/translations/de_CH.po b/editor/translations/de_CH.po
index a0068f6038..3c10dc874c 100644
--- a/editor/translations/de_CH.po
+++ b/editor/translations/de_CH.po
@@ -5704,134 +5704,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/editor/translations/editor.pot b/editor/translations/editor.pot
index 3dd3be8809..4437b58965 100644
--- a/editor/translations/editor.pot
+++ b/editor/translations/editor.pot
@@ -5542,134 +5542,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/editor/translations/el.po b/editor/translations/el.po
index 64e88cd3be..6dc1f9459d 100644
--- a/editor/translations/el.po
+++ b/editor/translations/el.po
@@ -5847,134 +5847,6 @@ msgstr "Βοήθεια ανάλογα με τα συμφραζόμενα"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "Πρόγραμμα σκίασης"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή μονόμετρης σταθεράς"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή διανυσματικής σταθεράς"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή χρωματικής σταθεράς"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή μονόμετρου τελεστή"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή διανυσματικού τελεστή"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή διανυσματικού - μονόμετρου τελεστή"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή χρωματικού τελεστή"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "Εναλλαγή μόνο περιστροφή"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή μονόμετρης συνάρτησης"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή διανυσματικής συνάρτησης"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή μονόμετρης ομοιόμορφης μεταβλητής"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή διανυσματικής ομοιόμορφης μεταβλητής"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή χρωματικής ομοιόμορφης μεταβλητής"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή προεπιλλεγμένης τιμής"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή ομοιόμορφης μεταβλητής XForm"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή ομοιόμορφης μεταβλητής υφής"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή ομοιόμορφης μεταβλητής χάρτη κύβου"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή σχολίου"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Προσθήκη/Αφαίρεση σε διαβάθμηση χρώματος"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Επεξεργασία διαβάθμισης χρωμάτων"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr "Προσθήκη/Αφαίρεση σε χάρτη καμπύλης"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "Τροποποίηση χάρτη καμπύλης"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή ονόματος εισόδου"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Σύνδεση κόμβων γραφήματος"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Αποσύνδεση κόμβων γραφήματος"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Αφαίρεση κόμβου γραφήματος"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Μετακίνηση κόμβου γραφήματος"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Διπλασιασμός κόμβων γραφήματος"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Διαγραφή κόμβων γραφήματος"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr "Σφάλμα: Κυκλικός σύνδεσμος"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "Σφάλμα: Οι συνδέσεις εισόδου λείπουν"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Προσθήκη κόμβου γραφήματος"
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9643,6 +9515,102 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Αλλαγή μονόμετρης σταθεράς"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Αλλαγή διανυσματικής σταθεράς"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Αλλαγή χρωματικής σταθεράς"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Αλλαγή μονόμετρου τελεστή"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Αλλαγή διανυσματικού τελεστή"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Αλλαγή διανυσματικού - μονόμετρου τελεστή"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Αλλαγή χρωματικού τελεστή"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "Εναλλαγή μόνο περιστροφή"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "Αλλαγή μονόμετρης συνάρτησης"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "Αλλαγή διανυσματικής συνάρτησης"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Αλλαγή μονόμετρης ομοιόμορφης μεταβλητής"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Αλλαγή διανυσματικής ομοιόμορφης μεταβλητής"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Αλλαγή χρωματικής ομοιόμορφης μεταβλητής"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "Αλλαγή προεπιλλεγμένης τιμής"
+#~ msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Αλλαγή ομοιόμορφης μεταβλητής XForm"
+#~ msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Αλλαγή ομοιόμορφης μεταβλητής υφής"
+#~ msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Αλλαγή ομοιόμορφης μεταβλητής χάρτη κύβου"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Αλλαγή σχολίου"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Προσθήκη/Αφαίρεση σε διαβάθμηση χρώματος"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Επεξεργασία διαβάθμισης χρωμάτων"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Προσθήκη/Αφαίρεση σε χάρτη καμπύλης"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Τροποποίηση χάρτη καμπύλης"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "Αλλαγή ονόματος εισόδου"
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Σύνδεση κόμβων γραφήματος"
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Αποσύνδεση κόμβων γραφήματος"
+#~ msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Αφαίρεση κόμβου γραφήματος"
+#~ msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Μετακίνηση κόμβου γραφήματος"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Διπλασιασμός κόμβων γραφήματος"
+#~ msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Διαγραφή κόμβων γραφήματος"
+#~ msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
+#~ msgstr "Σφάλμα: Κυκλικός σύνδεσμος"
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "Σφάλμα: Οι συνδέσεις εισόδου λείπουν"
+#~ msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Προσθήκη κόμβου γραφήματος"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "Απενεργοποιημένο"
diff --git a/editor/translations/es.po b/editor/translations/es.po
index 14b5840256..efc8ae334d 100644
--- a/editor/translations/es.po
+++ b/editor/translations/es.po
@@ -5885,134 +5885,6 @@ msgstr "Ayuda contextual"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "Shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "Cambiar constante escalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "Cambiar Constante Vec."
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "Cambiar Constante RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Cambiar operador escalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "Cambiar operador Vec"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Cambiar operador Vec Scalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "Cambiar operador RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "Act/desact. solo Rot"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "Cambiar función Scalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "Cambiar función Vec"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr "Cambiar Scalar uniforme"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr "Cambiar Vec uniforme"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr "Cambiar RGB uniforme"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "Cambiar valor por defecto"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr "Cambiar XForm uniforme"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr "Cambiar textura uniforme"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr "Cambiar Cubemap uniforme"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "Cambiar comentario"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Añadir/quitar de rampa de color"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Modificar rampa de color"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr "Añadir/quitar a/de mapa de curvas"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "Modificar mapa de curvas"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "Cambiar nombre de entrada"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Conectar nodos gráficos"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Desconectar nodos gráficos"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Eliminar el nodo gráfico del shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Mover el nodo gráfico del shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Duplicar nodo(s) gráfico"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Eliminar nodo(s) gráfico(s) del shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr "Error: Link de conexión cíclico"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "Error: Conexiones de entrada faltantes"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Añadir nodo gráfico del shader"
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9669,6 +9541,102 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar constante escalar"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Constante Vec."
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Constante RGB"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar operador escalar"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar operador Vec"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar operador Vec Scalar"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar operador RGB"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "Act/desact. solo Rot"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar función Scalar"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar función Vec"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Scalar uniforme"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Vec uniforme"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar RGB uniforme"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar valor por defecto"
+#~ msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar XForm uniforme"
+#~ msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar textura uniforme"
+#~ msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Cubemap uniforme"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar comentario"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Añadir/quitar de rampa de color"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Modificar rampa de color"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Añadir/quitar a/de mapa de curvas"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Modificar mapa de curvas"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar nombre de entrada"
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Conectar nodos gráficos"
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Desconectar nodos gráficos"
+#~ msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Eliminar el nodo gráfico del shader"
+#~ msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Mover el nodo gráfico del shader"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Duplicar nodo(s) gráfico"
+#~ msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Eliminar nodo(s) gráfico(s) del shader"
+#~ msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
+#~ msgstr "Error: Link de conexión cíclico"
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "Error: Conexiones de entrada faltantes"
+#~ msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Añadir nodo gráfico del shader"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "Desactivado"
diff --git a/editor/translations/es_AR.po b/editor/translations/es_AR.po
index 70e4273c72..457b63c44b 100644
--- a/editor/translations/es_AR.po
+++ b/editor/translations/es_AR.po
@@ -5849,134 +5849,6 @@ msgstr "Ayuda Contextual"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "Shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "Cambiar Constante Escalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "Cambiar Constante Vec."
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "Cambiar Constante RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Cambiar Operador Escalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "Cambiar Operador Vec."
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Cambiar Operador Vec. Escalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "Cambiar Operador RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "Act/Desact. Solo Rot."
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "Cambiar Función Escalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "Cambiar Función Vec."
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr "Cambiar Uniforme Escalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr "Cambiar Uniforme Vec."
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr "Cambiar Uniforme RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "Cambiar Valor por Defecto"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr "Cambiar Uniforme XForm"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr "Cambiar Uniforme Textura"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr "Cambiar Uniforme Cubemap"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "Cambiar Comentarío"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Agregar/Quitar a Rampa de Color"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Modificar Rampa de Color"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr "Agregar/quitar a Mapa de Curvas"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "Modificar Mapa de Curvas"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "Cambiar Nombre de Entrada"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Conectar Nodos de Gráfico"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Desconectar Nodo de Gráfico"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Quitar Nodo de Gráfico de Shaders"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Mover Nodo de Gráfico de Shaders"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Duplicar Nodo(s) de Gráfico"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Quitar Nodo(s) de Gráfico de Shaders"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr "Error: Link de Conección Cíclico"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "Error: Conecciones de Entrada Faltantes"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Agregar Nodo de Gráficos de Shader"
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9626,6 +9498,102 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Constante Escalar"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Constante Vec."
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Constante RGB"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Operador Escalar"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Operador Vec."
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Operador Vec. Escalar"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Operador RGB"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "Act/Desact. Solo Rot."
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Función Escalar"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Función Vec."
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Uniforme Escalar"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Uniforme Vec."
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Uniforme RGB"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Valor por Defecto"
+#~ msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Uniforme XForm"
+#~ msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Uniforme Textura"
+#~ msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Uniforme Cubemap"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Comentarío"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Agregar/Quitar a Rampa de Color"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Modificar Rampa de Color"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Agregar/quitar a Mapa de Curvas"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Modificar Mapa de Curvas"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "Cambiar Nombre de Entrada"
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Conectar Nodos de Gráfico"
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Desconectar Nodo de Gráfico"
+#~ msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Quitar Nodo de Gráfico de Shaders"
+#~ msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Mover Nodo de Gráfico de Shaders"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Duplicar Nodo(s) de Gráfico"
+#~ msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Quitar Nodo(s) de Gráfico de Shaders"
+#~ msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
+#~ msgstr "Error: Link de Conección Cíclico"
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "Error: Conecciones de Entrada Faltantes"
+#~ msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Agregar Nodo de Gráficos de Shader"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "Desactivado"
diff --git a/editor/translations/fa.po b/editor/translations/fa.po
index 699df3a09a..2a5818db88 100644
--- a/editor/translations/fa.po
+++ b/editor/translations/fa.po
@@ -5732,134 +5732,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/editor/translations/fi.po b/editor/translations/fi.po
index 8f9293dac2..c6efa1f56a 100644
--- a/editor/translations/fi.po
+++ b/editor/translations/fi.po
@@ -5830,134 +5830,6 @@ msgstr "Asiayhteydellinen ohje"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "Sävytin"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "Muuta skalaarivakiota"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "Muuta vektorivakiota"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "Muuta RGB-värivakiota"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Muuta skalaarioperaattoria"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "Muuta vektorioperaattoria"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Muuta vektori- ja skalaarioperaattoria"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "Muuta RGB-värioperaattoria"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "Vain kierto"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "Muuta skalaarifunktiota"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "Muuta vektorifunktiota"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr "Muuta skalaariuniformia"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr "Muuta vektoriuniformia"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr "Muuta RGB-uniformia"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "Muuta oletusarvoa"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr "Muuta XForm-uniformia"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr "Muuta tekstuuriuniformia"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr "Muuta Cubemap-uniformia"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "Vaihda kommenttia"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Lisää tai poista väriluiskalta"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Muokkaa väriliukumaa"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr "Lisää tai poista käyräkartalta"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "Muokkaa käyräkarttaa"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "Vaihda syötteen nimi"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Yhdistä graafin solmut"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Erota graafin solmut"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Poista sävytingraafin solmu"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Siirrä sävytingraafin solmua"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Kahdenna graafin solmut(t)"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Poista sävytingraafin solmuja"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr "Virhe: syklinen kytkentä"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "Virhe: syöteliitännät puuttuvat"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Lisää sävytingraafin solmu"
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9600,6 +9472,102 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Muuta skalaarivakiota"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Muuta vektorivakiota"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Muuta RGB-värivakiota"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Muuta skalaarioperaattoria"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Muuta vektorioperaattoria"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Muuta vektori- ja skalaarioperaattoria"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Muuta RGB-värioperaattoria"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "Vain kierto"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "Muuta skalaarifunktiota"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "Muuta vektorifunktiota"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Muuta skalaariuniformia"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Muuta vektoriuniformia"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Muuta RGB-uniformia"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "Muuta oletusarvoa"
+#~ msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Muuta XForm-uniformia"
+#~ msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Muuta tekstuuriuniformia"
+#~ msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Muuta Cubemap-uniformia"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Vaihda kommenttia"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Lisää tai poista väriluiskalta"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Muokkaa väriliukumaa"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Lisää tai poista käyräkartalta"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Muokkaa käyräkarttaa"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "Vaihda syötteen nimi"
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Yhdistä graafin solmut"
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Erota graafin solmut"
+#~ msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Poista sävytingraafin solmu"
+#~ msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Siirrä sävytingraafin solmua"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Kahdenna graafin solmut(t)"
+#~ msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Poista sävytingraafin solmuja"
+#~ msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
+#~ msgstr "Virhe: syklinen kytkentä"
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "Virhe: syöteliitännät puuttuvat"
+#~ msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Lisää sävytingraafin solmu"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "Poistettu käytöstä"
diff --git a/editor/translations/fr.po b/editor/translations/fr.po
index e60e8ef18c..2f98c3cf99 100644
--- a/editor/translations/fr.po
+++ b/editor/translations/fr.po
@@ -5901,134 +5901,6 @@ msgstr "Aide contextuelle"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "Shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "Modifier une constante scalaire"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "Modifier une constance vectorielle"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "Modifier une constante RVB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Modifier un opérateur scalaire"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "Modifier un opérateur vectoriel"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Modifier un opérateur vectoriel scalaire"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "Modifier un opérateur RVB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "Basculer en mode rotation seule"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "Modifier une fonction scalaire"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "Modifier une fonction vecteur"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr "Modifier échelle"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr "Modifier vecteur"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr "Modifier RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "Changer la valeur par défaut"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr "Modifier XForm"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr "Modifier texture"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr "Modifier Cubemap"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "Modifier un commentaire"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Ajouter/supprimer de la rampe de couleurs"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Modifier une rampe de couleurs"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr "Ajouter/supprimer de la carte de courbes"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "Modifier la carte de courbes"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "Changer le nom de l'entrée"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Connecter les nœuds de graphe"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Déconnecter les nœuds de graphe"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Supprimer le nœud de graphe Shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Déplacer le nœud de graphe Shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Dupliquer le(s) nœud(s) de graphe"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Effacer le(s) nœud(s) de graphe Shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr "Erreur: lien de connexion cyclique"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "Erreur : connexions d'entrée manquantes"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Ajouter un nœud de graphe Shader"
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9687,6 +9559,102 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Modifier une constante scalaire"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Modifier une constance vectorielle"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Modifier une constante RVB"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Modifier un opérateur scalaire"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Modifier un opérateur vectoriel"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Modifier un opérateur vectoriel scalaire"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Modifier un opérateur RVB"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "Basculer en mode rotation seule"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "Modifier une fonction scalaire"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "Modifier une fonction vecteur"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Modifier échelle"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Modifier vecteur"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Modifier RGB"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "Changer la valeur par défaut"
+#~ msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Modifier XForm"
+#~ msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Modifier texture"
+#~ msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Modifier Cubemap"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Modifier un commentaire"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Ajouter/supprimer de la rampe de couleurs"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Modifier une rampe de couleurs"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Ajouter/supprimer de la carte de courbes"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Modifier la carte de courbes"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "Changer le nom de l'entrée"
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Connecter les nœuds de graphe"
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Déconnecter les nœuds de graphe"
+#~ msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Supprimer le nœud de graphe Shader"
+#~ msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Déplacer le nœud de graphe Shader"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Dupliquer le(s) nœud(s) de graphe"
+#~ msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Effacer le(s) nœud(s) de graphe Shader"
+#~ msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
+#~ msgstr "Erreur: lien de connexion cyclique"
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "Erreur : connexions d'entrée manquantes"
+#~ msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Ajouter un nœud de graphe Shader"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "Désactivé"
diff --git a/editor/translations/he.po b/editor/translations/he.po
index 2902886cf9..43bfd2a473 100644
--- a/editor/translations/he.po
+++ b/editor/translations/he.po
@@ -5685,134 +5685,6 @@ msgstr "עזרה תלוית הקשר"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "שינוי ערך בררת המחדל"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "שינוי הערה"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "שינוי שם קלט"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "שגיאה: חסרים חיבורי קלט"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9273,6 +9145,18 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "שינוי ערך בררת המחדל"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "שינוי הערה"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "שינוי שם קלט"
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "שגיאה: חסרים חיבורי קלט"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "מושבת"
diff --git a/editor/translations/hi.po b/editor/translations/hi.po
index 3352ef5e68..87c09cdd07 100644
--- a/editor/translations/hi.po
+++ b/editor/translations/hi.po
@@ -5632,134 +5632,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/editor/translations/hu.po b/editor/translations/hu.po
index d4aa6e9a16..1518b02617 100644
--- a/editor/translations/hu.po
+++ b/editor/translations/hu.po
@@ -5825,134 +5825,6 @@ msgstr "Kontextusérzékeny Súgó"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "Árnyaló"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "Skaláris állandó változtatás"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "Vec állandó változtatás"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "RGB állandó változtatás"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Skaláris kezelő változtatás"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "Vec kezelő változtatás"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Vektor skalár kezelő változtatás"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "RGB kezelő változtatás"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "Csak vörös kapcsolása"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "Skalár-függvény változtatás"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "Vektor-függvény változtatás"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr "Egységes-skalár változtatás"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr "Egységes-vektor változtatás"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr "Egységes-RGB változtatás"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "Alapérték változtatás"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Szín Gradiens Módosítása"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9425,6 +9297,51 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Skaláris állandó változtatás"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Vec állandó változtatás"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "RGB állandó változtatás"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Skaláris kezelő változtatás"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Vec kezelő változtatás"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Vektor skalár kezelő változtatás"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "RGB kezelő változtatás"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "Csak vörös kapcsolása"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "Skalár-függvény változtatás"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "Vektor-függvény változtatás"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Egységes-skalár változtatás"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Egységes-vektor változtatás"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Egységes-RGB változtatás"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "Alapérték változtatás"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Szín Gradiens Módosítása"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "Tiltva"
diff --git a/editor/translations/id.po b/editor/translations/id.po
index 1aaa1233cb..d8ffaf2e05 100644
--- a/editor/translations/id.po
+++ b/editor/translations/id.po
@@ -5861,134 +5861,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/editor/translations/is.po b/editor/translations/is.po
index d0dabb0516..5aedc67388 100644
--- a/editor/translations/is.po
+++ b/editor/translations/is.po
@@ -5576,134 +5576,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/editor/translations/it.po b/editor/translations/it.po
index 919b8079aa..4c60b4d34f 100644
--- a/editor/translations/it.po
+++ b/editor/translations/it.po
@@ -5881,134 +5881,6 @@ msgstr "Aiuto Contestuale"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "Shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "Cambia Costante Scalare"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "Cambia Costante Vett."
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "Cambia Costante RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Cambia Operatore Scalare"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "Cambia Operatore Vett."
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Cambia Operatore Scalare Vett."
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "Cambia Operatore RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "Abilita Solo Rot"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "Cambia Funzione Scalare"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "Cambia Funzione Vett."
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr "Cambia Uniforme Scalare"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr "Cambia Uniforme Vett."
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr "Cambia Uniforme RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "Cambia Valore di Default"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr "Cambia Uniforme XForm"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr "Cambia Uniforme Texture"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr "Cambia Uniforme Cubemap"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "Cambia Commento"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Aggiungi/Rimuovi alla Rampa Colori"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Modifica Rampa Colori"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr "Aggiung/Rimuovi alla Mappa Curve"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "Modifica la Mappa Curve"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "Cambia Nome Input"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Connetti Nodi Grafico"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Disconnetti Nodi Grafico"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Rimuovi Nodo Grafico di Shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Sposta Nodo Grafico di Shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Duplica Nodo(i) Grafico"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Elimina Nodo(i) Grafico di Shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr "Errore: Giunzione ciclica"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "Errore: Connessioni Input MAncanti"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Aggiungi Nodo Grafico Shader"
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9749,6 +9621,102 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Cambia Costante Scalare"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Cambia Costante Vett."
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Cambia Costante RGB"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Cambia Operatore Scalare"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Cambia Operatore Vett."
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Cambia Operatore Scalare Vett."
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Cambia Operatore RGB"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "Abilita Solo Rot"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "Cambia Funzione Scalare"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "Cambia Funzione Vett."
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Cambia Uniforme Scalare"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Cambia Uniforme Vett."
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Cambia Uniforme RGB"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "Cambia Valore di Default"
+#~ msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Cambia Uniforme XForm"
+#~ msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Cambia Uniforme Texture"
+#~ msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Cambia Uniforme Cubemap"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Cambia Commento"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Aggiungi/Rimuovi alla Rampa Colori"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Modifica Rampa Colori"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Aggiung/Rimuovi alla Mappa Curve"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Modifica la Mappa Curve"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "Cambia Nome Input"
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Connetti Nodi Grafico"
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Disconnetti Nodi Grafico"
+#~ msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Rimuovi Nodo Grafico di Shader"
+#~ msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Sposta Nodo Grafico di Shader"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Duplica Nodo(i) Grafico"
+#~ msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Elimina Nodo(i) Grafico di Shader"
+#~ msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
+#~ msgstr "Errore: Giunzione ciclica"
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "Errore: Connessioni Input MAncanti"
+#~ msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Aggiungi Nodo Grafico Shader"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "Disabilitato"
diff --git a/editor/translations/ja.po b/editor/translations/ja.po
index bf038ba7e0..0f87aaeec5 100644
--- a/editor/translations/ja.po
+++ b/editor/translations/ja.po
@@ -6385,150 +6385,6 @@ msgstr "文脈参照ヘルプ"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "シェーダー"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "スカラ定数を変更"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "ベクトル定数を変更"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "RGB定数を変更"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "スカラ演算子を変更"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "ベクトル演算子を変更"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "ベクトル・スカラ演算子を変更"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "RGB演算子を変更"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "回転のみ変更"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "スカラ関数を変更"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "ベクトル関数を変更"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr "スカラUniformを変更"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr "ベクトルUniformを変更"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr "RGB Uniformを変更"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "規定値を変更"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr "XForm Uniformを変更"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr "テクスチャUniformを変更"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr "キューブマップUniformを変更"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "コメントを変更"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr "色の傾斜を付加/消去"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "色変化の傾斜を修正"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr "カーブマップを加える/除去"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "カーブマップを修正"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "入力の名前を変更"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "グラフノードを接続"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "グラフノードを切断"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "シェーダーグラフノードを除去"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "シェーダーグラフノードを移動"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "グラフノードを複製"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "シェーダーグラフノードを消去"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr "エラー:循環結合リンク"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "エラー:入力コネクションが失われています"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "シェーダーグラフノードを追加"
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -10415,6 +10271,118 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "スカラ定数を変更"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "ベクトル定数を変更"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "RGB定数を変更"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "スカラ演算子を変更"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "ベクトル演算子を変更"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "ベクトル・スカラ演算子を変更"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "RGB演算子を変更"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "回転のみ変更"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "スカラ関数を変更"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "ベクトル関数を変更"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "スカラUniformを変更"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "ベクトルUniformを変更"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "RGB Uniformを変更"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "規定値を変更"
+#~ msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "XForm Uniformを変更"
+#~ msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "テクスチャUniformを変更"
+#~ msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "キューブマップUniformを変更"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "コメントを変更"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "色の傾斜を付加/消去"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "色変化の傾斜を修正"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "カーブマップを加える/除去"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "カーブマップを修正"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "入力の名前を変更"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "グラフノードを接続"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "グラフノードを切断"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "シェーダーグラフノードを除去"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "シェーダーグラフノードを移動"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "グラフノードを複製"
+#~ msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "シェーダーグラフノードを消去"
+#~ msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
+#~ msgstr "エラー:循環結合リンク"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "エラー:入力コネクションが失われています"
+#~ msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "シェーダーグラフノードを追加"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "無効"
diff --git a/editor/translations/ka.po b/editor/translations/ka.po
index 2c9fe70e36..b8b3e848be 100644
--- a/editor/translations/ka.po
+++ b/editor/translations/ka.po
@@ -5606,134 +5606,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/editor/translations/ko.po b/editor/translations/ko.po
index 7cfa54d1e4..10ee7d659b 100644
--- a/editor/translations/ko.po
+++ b/editor/translations/ko.po
@@ -5818,134 +5818,6 @@ msgstr "도움말 보기"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "셰이더"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "Scalar 상수 변경"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "Vec 상수 변경"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "RGB 상수 변경"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Scalar 연산자 변경"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "Vec 연산자 변경"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Vec Scalar 연산자 변경"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "RGB 연산자 변경"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "회전만 토글"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "Scalar 함수 변경"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "Vec 함수 변경"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr "Scalar uniform 변경"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr "Vec uniform 변경"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr "RGB uniform 변경"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "기본값 변경"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr "XForm uniform 변경"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr "텍스쳐 uniform 변경"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr "큐브맵 uniform 변경"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "주석 변경"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr "색상 램프 추가/삭제"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "칼라 램프 수정"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr "커브 맵 추가/삭제"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "커브맵 수정"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "입력 이름 변경"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "그래프 노드 연결"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "그래프 노드 연결 해제"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "셰이더 그래프 노드 삭제"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "셰이더 그래프 노드 이동"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "그래프 노드 복제"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "셰이더 그래프 노드 삭제"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr "에러: 순환 연결 링크"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "에러: 입력 연결 누락"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "셰이더 그래프 노드 추가"
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9561,6 +9433,102 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Scalar 상수 변경"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Vec 상수 변경"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "RGB 상수 변경"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Scalar 연산자 변경"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Vec 연산자 변경"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Vec Scalar 연산자 변경"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "RGB 연산자 변경"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "회전만 토글"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "Scalar 함수 변경"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "Vec 함수 변경"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Scalar uniform 변경"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Vec uniform 변경"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "RGB uniform 변경"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "기본값 변경"
+#~ msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "XForm uniform 변경"
+#~ msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "텍스쳐 uniform 변경"
+#~ msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "큐브맵 uniform 변경"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "주석 변경"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "색상 램프 추가/삭제"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "칼라 램프 수정"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "커브 맵 추가/삭제"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "커브맵 수정"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "입력 이름 변경"
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "그래프 노드 연결"
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "그래프 노드 연결 해제"
+#~ msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "셰이더 그래프 노드 삭제"
+#~ msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "셰이더 그래프 노드 이동"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "그래프 노드 복제"
+#~ msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "셰이더 그래프 노드 삭제"
+#~ msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
+#~ msgstr "에러: 순환 연결 링크"
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "에러: 입력 연결 누락"
+#~ msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "셰이더 그래프 노드 추가"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "비활성화됨"
diff --git a/editor/translations/lt.po b/editor/translations/lt.po
index 335001493e..f646555da2 100644
--- a/editor/translations/lt.po
+++ b/editor/translations/lt.po
@@ -5618,134 +5618,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/editor/translations/lv.po b/editor/translations/lv.po
index 33494d0309..7dc72def39 100644
--- a/editor/translations/lv.po
+++ b/editor/translations/lv.po
@@ -5599,134 +5599,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/editor/translations/ms.po b/editor/translations/ms.po
index 569408a4e1..e7e084af56 100644
--- a/editor/translations/ms.po
+++ b/editor/translations/ms.po
@@ -5557,134 +5557,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/editor/translations/nb.po b/editor/translations/nb.po
index 9bb2b196c5..fc4a1bed6e 100644
--- a/editor/translations/nb.po
+++ b/editor/translations/nb.po
@@ -5878,134 +5878,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "Endre Kommentar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Modifiser Farge-Rampe"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9534,6 +9406,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Endre Kommentar"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Modifiser Farge-Rampe"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "Deaktivert"
diff --git a/editor/translations/nl.po b/editor/translations/nl.po
index 9807fc11e4..5c0aa6546c 100644
--- a/editor/translations/nl.po
+++ b/editor/translations/nl.po
@@ -5865,135 +5865,6 @@ msgstr "Contextuele Hulp"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "Shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "Verander Shalar Constante"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "Verander Vec Constante"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "Verander RGB Constante"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Verander Scalar Operator"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "Verander Vec Operator"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Verander Vec Scalar Operator"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "Verander RGB Operator"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "Aan/Uit Alleen Rot"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "Verander Scalar Functie"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "Verander Vec Functie"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr "Verander Scalar Uniform"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr "Verander Vec Uniform"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr "Verander RGB Uniform"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "Verander Standaardwaarde"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr "Verander XForm Uniform"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr "Verander Textuur Uniform"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr "Verander Cubemap Uniform"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "Verander Commentaar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Voeg Toe/Verwijder van Kleur Helling"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Wijzig Kleuren Helling"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr "Voeg Toe/Verwijder van Curve Map"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "Wijzig Curve Map"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "Verander Input Naam"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Verbind Graaf Knooppunten"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Ontkoppel Graaf Knooppunten"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Verwijder Shader Graaf Knooppunten"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Verplaats Shader Graaf Knooppunten"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Dupliceer Graaf Knooppunt(en)"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Verwijder Shader Graaf Knooppunt(en)"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr "Fout: Cyclische Connectie Link"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "Fout: Ontbrekende Input Connecties"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Voeg Shader Graaf Knooppunt Toe"
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9629,6 +9500,103 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Verander Shalar Constante"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Verander Vec Constante"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Verander RGB Constante"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Verander Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Verander Vec Operator"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Verander Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Verander RGB Operator"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "Aan/Uit Alleen Rot"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "Verander Scalar Functie"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "Verander Vec Functie"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Verander Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Verander Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Verander RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "Verander Standaardwaarde"
+#~ msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Verander XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Verander Textuur Uniform"
+#~ msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Verander Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Verander Commentaar"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Voeg Toe/Verwijder van Kleur Helling"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Wijzig Kleuren Helling"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Voeg Toe/Verwijder van Curve Map"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Wijzig Curve Map"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "Verander Input Naam"
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Verbind Graaf Knooppunten"
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Ontkoppel Graaf Knooppunten"
+#~ msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Verwijder Shader Graaf Knooppunten"
+#~ msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Verplaats Shader Graaf Knooppunten"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Dupliceer Graaf Knooppunt(en)"
+#~ msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Verwijder Shader Graaf Knooppunt(en)"
+#~ msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
+#~ msgstr "Fout: Cyclische Connectie Link"
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "Fout: Ontbrekende Input Connecties"
+#~ msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Voeg Shader Graaf Knooppunt Toe"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "Uitgeschakeld"
diff --git a/editor/translations/pl.po b/editor/translations/pl.po
index 96a679a788..3a74f61167 100644
--- a/editor/translations/pl.po
+++ b/editor/translations/pl.po
@@ -5878,136 +5878,6 @@ msgstr "Pomoc kontekstowa"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "Shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "Zmień wartość stałej skalarnej"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "Zmień stałą Vec"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "Zmień stałą RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Zmień operator skalara"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "Zmień operator Vec"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Zmień operator Vec Scalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "Zmień operator RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "Przełącz tylko rotacje"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "Zamień funkcję skalarną"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "Zmień funkcję wektorową"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "Zmień Wartość Domyślną"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "Zmień komentarz"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Modyfikuj Color Ramp"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr "Dodaj/Usuń do mapy krzywej"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "Edytuj mape krzywej"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "Zmień nazwę wejścia"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Połącz węzły grafu"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Odłącz węzły grafu"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Usuń węzeł Shader Graph"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Duplikuj węzły grafu"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Usuń węzeł(y) Shader Graph"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "Błąd: Brakujące połączenia wejścia"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9674,6 +9544,74 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Zmień wartość stałej skalarnej"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Zmień stałą Vec"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Zmień stałą RGB"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Zmień operator skalara"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Zmień operator Vec"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Zmień operator Vec Scalar"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Zmień operator RGB"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "Przełącz tylko rotacje"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "Zamień funkcję skalarną"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "Zmień funkcję wektorową"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "Zmień Wartość Domyślną"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Zmień komentarz"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Modyfikuj Color Ramp"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Dodaj/Usuń do mapy krzywej"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Edytuj mape krzywej"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "Zmień nazwę wejścia"
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Połącz węzły grafu"
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Odłącz węzły grafu"
+#~ msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Usuń węzeł Shader Graph"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Duplikuj węzły grafu"
+#~ msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Usuń węzeł(y) Shader Graph"
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "Błąd: Brakujące połączenia wejścia"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "Wyłączone"
diff --git a/editor/translations/pr.po b/editor/translations/pr.po
index 091d384aae..1ea7dca649 100644
--- a/editor/translations/pr.po
+++ b/editor/translations/pr.po
@@ -5633,134 +5633,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/editor/translations/pt_BR.po b/editor/translations/pt_BR.po
index 1da8d0b968..c88dc3ea2c 100644
--- a/editor/translations/pt_BR.po
+++ b/editor/translations/pt_BR.po
@@ -5857,134 +5857,6 @@ msgstr "Ajuda Contextual"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "Shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "Alterar Constante Escalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "Alterar Constante Vet"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "Alterar Constante RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Alterar Operador Escalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "Alterar Operador Vet"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Alterar Operador Vet Escalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "Alterar Operador RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "Alternar Rotação Somente"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "Alterar Função Escalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "Alterar Função Vet"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr "Alterar Uniforme Escalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr "Alterar Uniforme Vet"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr "Alterar Uniforme RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "Alterar Valor Padrão"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr "Alterar Uniforme XForm"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr "Alterar Uniforme da Textura"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr "Alterar Uniforme do Cubemap"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "Alterar Comentário"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Adicionar/Remover para Curva de Cores"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Modificar Curva de Cores"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr "Adicionar/Remover para Curve Map"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "Modificar Curve Map"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "Alterar Nome da Entrada"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Conectar Nodes de Grafos"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Desconectar Nodes de Grafos"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Remover Nó de Shader Graph"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Mover Nó de Shader Graph"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Duplicar Nó(s) de Grafo(s)"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Deletar Nó(s) de Shader Graph(s)"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr "Erro: Vínculo de Conexão Cíclico"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "Erro: Faltando as Conexões da Entrada"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Adicionar Nó de Shader Graph"
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9628,6 +9500,102 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Alterar Constante Escalar"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Alterar Constante Vet"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Alterar Constante RGB"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Alterar Operador Escalar"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Alterar Operador Vet"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Alterar Operador Vet Escalar"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Alterar Operador RGB"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "Alternar Rotação Somente"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "Alterar Função Escalar"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "Alterar Função Vet"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Alterar Uniforme Escalar"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Alterar Uniforme Vet"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Alterar Uniforme RGB"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "Alterar Valor Padrão"
+#~ msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Alterar Uniforme XForm"
+#~ msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Alterar Uniforme da Textura"
+#~ msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Alterar Uniforme do Cubemap"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Alterar Comentário"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Adicionar/Remover para Curva de Cores"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Modificar Curva de Cores"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Adicionar/Remover para Curve Map"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Modificar Curve Map"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "Alterar Nome da Entrada"
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Conectar Nodes de Grafos"
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Desconectar Nodes de Grafos"
+#~ msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Remover Nó de Shader Graph"
+#~ msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Mover Nó de Shader Graph"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Duplicar Nó(s) de Grafo(s)"
+#~ msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Deletar Nó(s) de Shader Graph(s)"
+#~ msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
+#~ msgstr "Erro: Vínculo de Conexão Cíclico"
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "Erro: Faltando as Conexões da Entrada"
+#~ msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Adicionar Nó de Shader Graph"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "Desabilitado"
diff --git a/editor/translations/pt_PT.po b/editor/translations/pt_PT.po
index 90cba5adfa..9a4a70a1fc 100644
--- a/editor/translations/pt_PT.po
+++ b/editor/translations/pt_PT.po
@@ -5832,134 +5832,6 @@ msgstr "Ajuda contextual"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "Shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "Mudar constante escalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "Mudar constante vetorial"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "Mudar constante RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Mudar operador escalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "Mudar operador vetorial"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Mudar operador escalar/vetorial"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "Mudar operador RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "Alternar só rotação"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "Mudar Função escalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "Mudar Função vetorial"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr "Mudar uniforme escalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr "Mudar uniforme vetorial"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr "Mudar uniforme RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "Mudar valor padrão"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr "Mudar uniforme XForm"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr "Mudar uniforme textura"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr "Mudar uniforme Cubemap"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "Mudar comentário"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Adicionar/remover da rampa de cores"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Modificar rampa de cores"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr "Adicionar/remover do mapa de curva"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "Modificar mapa de curva"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "Mudar nome de entrada"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Conectar Nós do gráfico"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Desconectar Nós do gráfico"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Remover Nó Shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Mover Nó Shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Duplicar Nó(s)"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Apagar Nó(s) Shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr "Erro: conexão cíclica"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "Erro: Faltam conexões de entrada"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Adicionar Nó Shader"
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9601,6 +9473,102 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Mudar constante escalar"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Mudar constante vetorial"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Mudar constante RGB"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Mudar operador escalar"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Mudar operador vetorial"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Mudar operador escalar/vetorial"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Mudar operador RGB"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "Alternar só rotação"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "Mudar Função escalar"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "Mudar Função vetorial"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Mudar uniforme escalar"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Mudar uniforme vetorial"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Mudar uniforme RGB"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "Mudar valor padrão"
+#~ msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Mudar uniforme XForm"
+#~ msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Mudar uniforme textura"
+#~ msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Mudar uniforme Cubemap"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Mudar comentário"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Adicionar/remover da rampa de cores"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Modificar rampa de cores"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Adicionar/remover do mapa de curva"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Modificar mapa de curva"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "Mudar nome de entrada"
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Conectar Nós do gráfico"
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Desconectar Nós do gráfico"
+#~ msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Remover Nó Shader"
+#~ msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Mover Nó Shader"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Duplicar Nó(s)"
+#~ msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Apagar Nó(s) Shader"
+#~ msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
+#~ msgstr "Erro: conexão cíclica"
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "Erro: Faltam conexões de entrada"
+#~ msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Adicionar Nó Shader"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "Desativado"
diff --git a/editor/translations/ro.po b/editor/translations/ro.po
index 524d449391..f668c20d96 100644
--- a/editor/translations/ro.po
+++ b/editor/translations/ro.po
@@ -5815,134 +5815,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Modifică Rampa de Culori"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9406,6 +9278,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Modifică Rampa de Culori"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "Dezactivat"
diff --git a/editor/translations/ru.po b/editor/translations/ru.po
index 2588e2ec88..117fff72c3 100644
--- a/editor/translations/ru.po
+++ b/editor/translations/ru.po
@@ -5849,134 +5849,6 @@ msgstr "Контекстная справка"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "Шейдер"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "Изменить числовую константу"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "Изменить векторную константу"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "Изменить RGB константу"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Изменить числовой оператор"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "Изменить векторный оператор"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Изменить векторно-числовой оператор"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "Изменить RGB оператор"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "Переключить - только поворот"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "Изменить числовую функцию"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "Изменить векторную функцию"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr "Изменить числовую единицу"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr "Изменить векторную единицу"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr "Изменить RGB единицу"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "Изменить значение по умолчанию"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr "Изменить XForm единицу"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr "Изменить текстурную единицу"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr "Изменить единицу кубической карты"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "Изменить комментарий"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Добавить/Удалить в Color Ramp"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Редактировать Color Ramp"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr "Добавить/Удалить в Curve Map"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "Редактировать карту кривой"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "Изменить имя входа"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Соединить узлы графа"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Разъединить узлы графа"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Удалить узел графа шейдера"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Передвинуть узел графа шейдера"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Дублировать узел(ы) графа"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Удалить узел(ы) графа шейдера"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr "Ошибка: Циклическое подключение"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "Ошибка: Отсутствует входное подключение"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Добавить узел графа шейдера"
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9617,6 +9489,102 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Изменить числовую константу"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Изменить векторную константу"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Изменить RGB константу"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Изменить числовой оператор"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Изменить векторный оператор"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Изменить векторно-числовой оператор"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Изменить RGB оператор"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "Переключить - только поворот"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "Изменить числовую функцию"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "Изменить векторную функцию"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Изменить числовую единицу"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Изменить векторную единицу"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Изменить RGB единицу"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "Изменить значение по умолчанию"
+#~ msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Изменить XForm единицу"
+#~ msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Изменить текстурную единицу"
+#~ msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Изменить единицу кубической карты"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Изменить комментарий"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Добавить/Удалить в Color Ramp"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Редактировать Color Ramp"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Добавить/Удалить в Curve Map"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Редактировать карту кривой"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "Изменить имя входа"
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Соединить узлы графа"
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Разъединить узлы графа"
+#~ msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Удалить узел графа шейдера"
+#~ msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Передвинуть узел графа шейдера"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Дублировать узел(ы) графа"
+#~ msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Удалить узел(ы) графа шейдера"
+#~ msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
+#~ msgstr "Ошибка: Циклическое подключение"
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "Ошибка: Отсутствует входное подключение"
+#~ msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Добавить узел графа шейдера"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "Отключено"
diff --git a/editor/translations/sk.po b/editor/translations/sk.po
index fb6bbcb1df..fd3f69f1d2 100644
--- a/editor/translations/sk.po
+++ b/editor/translations/sk.po
@@ -5632,134 +5632,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/editor/translations/sl.po b/editor/translations/sl.po
index 4eec1ad26f..707fc575e7 100644
--- a/editor/translations/sl.po
+++ b/editor/translations/sl.po
@@ -5792,134 +5792,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/editor/translations/sr_Cyrl.po b/editor/translations/sr_Cyrl.po
index 54151d3ab3..aa41c3e609 100644
--- a/editor/translations/sr_Cyrl.po
+++ b/editor/translations/sr_Cyrl.po
@@ -5835,134 +5835,6 @@ msgstr "Контекстуална помоћ"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "Шејдер"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "Промени скаларну константу"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "Промени векторску константу"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "Промени RGB константу"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Промени скаларни оператор"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "Промени векторски оператор"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Промени векторско-скаларни оператор"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "Промени RGB оператор"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "Само ротација"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "Промени скаларну функцију"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "Промени векторску функцију"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr "Промени скаларну униформу (uniform)"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr "Промени векторску униформу (uniform)"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr "Промени RGB униформу (uniform)"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "Промени уобичајену вредност"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr "Промени XForm униформу (uniform)"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr "Промени текстурну униформу (uniform)"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr "Промени Cubemap униформу (uniform)"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "Промени коментар"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Додај/обириши из рампе боје"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Измени рампу боје"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr "Додај/обриши из мапе криве"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "Модификуј мапу криве"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "Промени улазно име"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Повежи чворове графа"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Искључи чворове графа"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Обриши чвор графа шејдера"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Помери чвор графа шејдера"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Дуплирај чвор/ове графа"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Обриши чвор/ове графа шејдера"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr "Грешка: пронађена циклична веза"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "Грешка: недостаје улазна конекција"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Додај чвор графа шејдера"
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9483,6 +9355,102 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Промени скаларну константу"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Промени векторску константу"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Промени RGB константу"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Промени скаларни оператор"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Промени векторски оператор"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Промени векторско-скаларни оператор"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Промени RGB оператор"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "Само ротација"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "Промени скаларну функцију"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "Промени векторску функцију"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Промени скаларну униформу (uniform)"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Промени векторску униформу (uniform)"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Промени RGB униформу (uniform)"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "Промени уобичајену вредност"
+#~ msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Промени XForm униформу (uniform)"
+#~ msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Промени текстурну униформу (uniform)"
+#~ msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Промени Cubemap униформу (uniform)"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Промени коментар"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Додај/обириши из рампе боје"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Измени рампу боје"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Додај/обриши из мапе криве"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Модификуј мапу криве"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "Промени улазно име"
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Повежи чворове графа"
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Искључи чворове графа"
+#~ msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Обриши чвор графа шејдера"
+#~ msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Помери чвор графа шејдера"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Дуплирај чвор/ове графа"
+#~ msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Обриши чвор/ове графа шејдера"
+#~ msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
+#~ msgstr "Грешка: пронађена циклична веза"
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "Грешка: недостаје улазна конекција"
+#~ msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Додај чвор графа шејдера"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "Онемогућено"
diff --git a/editor/translations/sr_Latn.po b/editor/translations/sr_Latn.po
index 0f23981fc1..d0458037ba 100644
--- a/editor/translations/sr_Latn.po
+++ b/editor/translations/sr_Latn.po
@@ -5566,134 +5566,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/editor/translations/sv.po b/editor/translations/sv.po
index 6e41fcbaa9..c9f39bdd5d 100644
--- a/editor/translations/sv.po
+++ b/editor/translations/sv.po
@@ -6121,135 +6121,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "Ändra Kommentar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9932,6 +9803,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Ändra Kommentar"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "Avaktiverad"
diff --git a/editor/translations/ta.po b/editor/translations/ta.po
index 20f7143578..c3084b15ba 100644
--- a/editor/translations/ta.po
+++ b/editor/translations/ta.po
@@ -5559,134 +5559,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/editor/translations/th.po b/editor/translations/th.po
index de5da160cd..7828977638 100644
--- a/editor/translations/th.po
+++ b/editor/translations/th.po
@@ -5771,134 +5771,6 @@ msgstr "ค้นหาคำที่เลือกในคู่มือ"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "Shader"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "แก้ไขค่าคงที่สเกลาร์"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "แก้ไขค่าคงที่เวกเตอร์"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "แก้ไขค่าคงที่สี"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "แก้ไขเครื่องหมายสเกลาร์"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "แก้ไขเครื่องหมายเวกเตอร์"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "แก้ไขเครื่องหมายเวกเตอร์สเกลาร์"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "แก้ไขเครื่องหมาย RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "สลับเฉพาะการหมุน"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "แก้ไขฟังก์ชันสเกลาร์"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "แก้ไขฟังก์ชันเวกเตอร์"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr "แก้ไขสเกลาร์ Uniform"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr "แก้ไขเวกเตอร์ Uniform"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr "แก้ไข RGB Uniform"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "แก้ไขค่าปริยาย"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr "แก้ไข XForm Uniform"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr "แก้ไข Texture Uniform"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr "แก้ไข Cubemap Uniform"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "เปลี่ยนข้อคิดเห็น"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr "เพิ่ม/ลบในการไล่สี"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "แก้ไขการไล่สี"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr "เพิ่ม/ลบในเส้นโค้ง"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "แก้ไขเส้นโค้ง"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "เปลี่ยนชื่ออินพุต"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "เชื่อมต่อโหนด"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "ตัดการเชื่อมต่อโหนด"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "ลบโหนด"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "ย้ายโหนด"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "ทำซ้ำโหนด"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "ลบโหนด"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr "ผิดพลาด: เชื่อมต่อเป็นวง"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "ผิดพลาด: ไม่มีขาเข้า"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "เพิ่มโหนด"
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9461,6 +9333,102 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "แก้ไขค่าคงที่สเกลาร์"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "แก้ไขค่าคงที่เวกเตอร์"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "แก้ไขค่าคงที่สี"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "แก้ไขเครื่องหมายสเกลาร์"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "แก้ไขเครื่องหมายเวกเตอร์"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "แก้ไขเครื่องหมายเวกเตอร์สเกลาร์"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "แก้ไขเครื่องหมาย RGB"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "สลับเฉพาะการหมุน"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "แก้ไขฟังก์ชันสเกลาร์"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "แก้ไขฟังก์ชันเวกเตอร์"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "แก้ไขสเกลาร์ Uniform"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "แก้ไขเวกเตอร์ Uniform"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "แก้ไข RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "แก้ไขค่าปริยาย"
+#~ msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "แก้ไข XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "แก้ไข Texture Uniform"
+#~ msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "แก้ไข Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "เปลี่ยนข้อคิดเห็น"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "เพิ่ม/ลบในการไล่สี"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "แก้ไขการไล่สี"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "เพิ่ม/ลบในเส้นโค้ง"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "แก้ไขเส้นโค้ง"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "เปลี่ยนชื่ออินพุต"
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "เชื่อมต่อโหนด"
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "ตัดการเชื่อมต่อโหนด"
+#~ msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "ลบโหนด"
+#~ msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "ย้ายโหนด"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "ทำซ้ำโหนด"
+#~ msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "ลบโหนด"
+#~ msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
+#~ msgstr "ผิดพลาด: เชื่อมต่อเป็นวง"
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "ผิดพลาด: ไม่มีขาเข้า"
+#~ msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "เพิ่มโหนด"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "ปิดใช้งาน"
diff --git a/editor/translations/tr.po b/editor/translations/tr.po
index 904af0db92..6b9de6a394 100644
--- a/editor/translations/tr.po
+++ b/editor/translations/tr.po
@@ -5836,134 +5836,6 @@ msgstr "Bağlamsal Yardım"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "Gölgelendirici"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "Basamaklı Sabiti Değiştir"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "Vec Sabitini Değiştir"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "RGB Sabitini Değiştir"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Skaler Operatörünü Değiştir"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "Vec İşletmenini Değiştir"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Vec Basamaklı İşletmeni Değiştir"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "RGB İşletmenini Değiştir"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "Yalnız Döndürmeye Geçiş Yap"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "Basamaklı İşlevi Değiştir"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "Vec İşlevini Değiştir"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr "Basamaklı Tekdüzenini Değiştir"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr "Vec Tekdüzenini Değiştir"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr "RGB Tekdüzenini Değiştir"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "Varsayılan Değeri Değiştir"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr "XForm Tekdüzenini Değiştir"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr "Doku Tekdüzenini Değiştir"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr "Küp Eşleşme Tekdüzenini Değiştir"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "Yorumu Değiştir"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Renk Yokuşuna Ekle / Kaldır"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Renk Yokuşunu Değiştir"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr "Eğri Haritası Ekle / Kaldır"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "Eğri Haritasını Değiştir"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "Giriş Adını Değiştir"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Çizge Düğümlerini Bağla"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Çizge Düğümlerinin Bağlantılarını Kes"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Gölgelendirici Çizge Düğümünü Kaldır"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Gölgelendirici Çizge Düğümünü Taşı"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Grafik Düğüm(lerini) Çoğalt"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Gölgelendirici Çizge Düğümünü Sil"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr "Hata: Döngüsel Bağlantı Bağlantısı"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "Hata: Girdi Bağlantıları Eksik"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Gölgelendirici Çizge Düğümü Ekle"
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9598,6 +9470,102 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Basamaklı Sabiti Değiştir"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Vec Sabitini Değiştir"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "RGB Sabitini Değiştir"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Skaler Operatörünü Değiştir"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Vec İşletmenini Değiştir"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Vec Basamaklı İşletmeni Değiştir"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "RGB İşletmenini Değiştir"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "Yalnız Döndürmeye Geçiş Yap"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "Basamaklı İşlevi Değiştir"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "Vec İşlevini Değiştir"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Basamaklı Tekdüzenini Değiştir"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Vec Tekdüzenini Değiştir"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "RGB Tekdüzenini Değiştir"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "Varsayılan Değeri Değiştir"
+#~ msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "XForm Tekdüzenini Değiştir"
+#~ msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Doku Tekdüzenini Değiştir"
+#~ msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Küp Eşleşme Tekdüzenini Değiştir"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Yorumu Değiştir"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Renk Yokuşuna Ekle / Kaldır"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Renk Yokuşunu Değiştir"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Eğri Haritası Ekle / Kaldır"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Eğri Haritasını Değiştir"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "Giriş Adını Değiştir"
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Çizge Düğümlerini Bağla"
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Çizge Düğümlerinin Bağlantılarını Kes"
+#~ msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Gölgelendirici Çizge Düğümünü Kaldır"
+#~ msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Gölgelendirici Çizge Düğümünü Taşı"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Grafik Düğüm(lerini) Çoğalt"
+#~ msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Gölgelendirici Çizge Düğümünü Sil"
+#~ msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
+#~ msgstr "Hata: Döngüsel Bağlantı Bağlantısı"
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "Hata: Girdi Bağlantıları Eksik"
+#~ msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Gölgelendirici Çizge Düğümü Ekle"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "Devre dışı"
diff --git a/editor/translations/uk.po b/editor/translations/uk.po
index b0b029c9b2..153d01f551 100644
--- a/editor/translations/uk.po
+++ b/editor/translations/uk.po
@@ -5835,134 +5835,6 @@ msgstr "Контекстна довідка"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "Шейдер"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "Змінити числову сталу"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "Змінити векторну константу"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "Змінити сталу RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Змінити числовий оператор"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "Змінити векторний оператор"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "Змінити векторно-числовий оператор"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "Змінити оператор RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "Перемкнути лише поворот"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "Змінити скалярну функцію"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "Змінити векторну функцію"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr "Змінити числову одиницю"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr "Змінити векторну одиницю"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr "Змінити одиницю RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "Змінити значення за промовчанням"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr "Змінити одиницю XForm"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr "Змінити одиницю текстури"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr "Змінити одиницю кубічної мапи"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "Змінити коментар"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Додати до рампи кольорів або вилучити з неї"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "Змінити градієнт"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr "Додати до карти кривих або вилучити з неї"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "Змінити карту кривої"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "Змінити назву входу"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "З'єднати вузли графу"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "Роз'єднати вузли графу"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Вилучити вузол графу шейдера"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Пересунути вузол графу шейдера"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Дублювати вузли графу"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "Вилучити взули графу шейдера"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr "Помилка: циклічне посилання"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "Помилка: пропущено вхідні з'єднання"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "Додати вузол графу шейдера"
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9606,6 +9478,102 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Змінити числову сталу"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Змінити векторну константу"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "Змінити сталу RGB"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Змінити числовий оператор"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Змінити векторний оператор"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Змінити векторно-числовий оператор"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "Змінити оператор RGB"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "Перемкнути лише поворот"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "Змінити скалярну функцію"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "Змінити векторну функцію"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Змінити числову одиницю"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Змінити векторну одиницю"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Змінити одиницю RGB"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "Змінити значення за промовчанням"
+#~ msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Змінити одиницю XForm"
+#~ msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Змінити одиницю текстури"
+#~ msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "Змінити одиницю кубічної мапи"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Змінити коментар"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Додати до рампи кольорів або вилучити з неї"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "Змінити градієнт"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Додати до карти кривих або вилучити з неї"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "Змінити карту кривої"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "Змінити назву входу"
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "З'єднати вузли графу"
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "Роз'єднати вузли графу"
+#~ msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Вилучити вузол графу шейдера"
+#~ msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Пересунути вузол графу шейдера"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Дублювати вузли графу"
+#~ msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Вилучити взули графу шейдера"
+#~ msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
+#~ msgstr "Помилка: циклічне посилання"
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "Помилка: пропущено вхідні з'єднання"
+#~ msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "Додати вузол графу шейдера"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "Вимкнено"
diff --git a/editor/translations/ur_PK.po b/editor/translations/ur_PK.po
index 6f4d4e4032..47be7ef1d1 100644
--- a/editor/translations/ur_PK.po
+++ b/editor/translations/ur_PK.po
@@ -5601,134 +5601,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/editor/translations/vi.po b/editor/translations/vi.po
index 89ea2362f7..18d0de7612 100644
--- a/editor/translations/vi.po
+++ b/editor/translations/vi.po
@@ -5637,134 +5637,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/editor/translations/zh_CN.po b/editor/translations/zh_CN.po
index 586efb42f4..d1d840a745 100644
--- a/editor/translations/zh_CN.po
+++ b/editor/translations/zh_CN.po
@@ -5789,134 +5789,6 @@ msgstr "搜索光标位置"
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "着色器"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr "修改Scalar常量系数"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr "修改Vec常量系数"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr "修改RGB常量系数"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "更改标量运算符(Scalar Operator)"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr "更改 Vec 运算符(Vec Operator)"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr "更改Vec标量运算符(Vec Scalar Operator)"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr "更改RGB运算符(RGB Operator)"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr "切换旋转模式"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr "修改Function Scalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr "修改Function Vec"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr "修改Uniform Scalar"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr "修改Uniform Vec"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr "修改Uniform RGB"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr "修改默认值"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr "修改Uniform XForm"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr "修改Uniform纹理"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr "修改Uniform Cubemap"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr "修改注释"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr "添加/删除颜色坡度"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr "修改色彩曲线图"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr "添加/删除曲线地图"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr "修改曲线图"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr "更改输入名称"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "连接Graph Node"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr "断开Graph Node连接"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "移除Graph Node节点"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "移动Graph Node节点"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "复制Graph Node节点"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr "删除Graph Node节点"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr "错误:循环的连接"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr "错误:缺少输入连接"
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr "添加着色器Graph Node"
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
@@ -9482,6 +9354,102 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Varyings can only be assigned in vertex function."
msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
+#~ msgstr "修改Scalar常量系数"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Constant"
+#~ msgstr "修改Vec常量系数"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Constant"
+#~ msgstr "修改RGB常量系数"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "更改标量运算符(Scalar Operator)"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Operator"
+#~ msgstr "更改 Vec 运算符(Vec Operator)"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
+#~ msgstr "更改Vec标量运算符(Vec Scalar Operator)"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Operator"
+#~ msgstr "更改RGB运算符(RGB Operator)"
+#~ msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
+#~ msgstr "切换旋转模式"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Function"
+#~ msgstr "修改Function Scalar"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Function"
+#~ msgstr "修改Function Vec"
+#~ msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "修改Uniform Scalar"
+#~ msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "修改Uniform Vec"
+#~ msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "修改Uniform RGB"
+#~ msgid "Change Default Value"
+#~ msgstr "修改默认值"
+#~ msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "修改Uniform XForm"
+#~ msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "修改Uniform纹理"
+#~ msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
+#~ msgstr "修改Uniform Cubemap"
+#~ msgid "Change Comment"
+#~ msgstr "修改注释"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "添加/删除颜色坡度"
+#~ msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
+#~ msgstr "修改色彩曲线图"
+#~ msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "添加/删除曲线地图"
+#~ msgid "Modify Curve Map"
+#~ msgstr "修改曲线图"
+#~ msgid "Change Input Name"
+#~ msgstr "更改输入名称"
+#~ msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "连接Graph Node"
+#~ msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
+#~ msgstr "断开Graph Node连接"
+#~ msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "移除Graph Node节点"
+#~ msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "移动Graph Node节点"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "复制Graph Node节点"
+#~ msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
+#~ msgstr "删除Graph Node节点"
+#~ msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
+#~ msgstr "错误:循环的连接"
+#~ msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
+#~ msgstr "错误:缺少输入连接"
+#~ msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
+#~ msgstr "添加着色器Graph Node"
#~ msgid "Disabled"
#~ msgstr "已禁用"
diff --git a/editor/translations/zh_HK.po b/editor/translations/zh_HK.po
index da699b0bc4..9897e6f5a5 100644
--- a/editor/translations/zh_HK.po
+++ b/editor/translations/zh_HK.po
@@ -5877,134 +5877,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/editor/translations/zh_TW.po b/editor/translations/zh_TW.po
index abaeb9af32..5ce0ea7f67 100644
--- a/editor/translations/zh_TW.po
+++ b/editor/translations/zh_TW.po
@@ -5748,134 +5748,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Constant"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Operator"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Function"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Default Value"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Modify Curve Map"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Change Input Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
-msgstr ""
-#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
-msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
-msgstr ""
#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr ""