path: root/editor
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'editor')
3 files changed, 585 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/editor/editor_properties.cpp b/editor/editor_properties.cpp
index 45e0df7ed1..0625aeee54 100644
--- a/editor/editor_properties.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_properties.cpp
@@ -2648,6 +2648,8 @@ bool EditorInspectorDefaultPlugin::parse_property(Object *p_object, Variant::Typ
} break;
case Variant::DICTIONARY: {
+ EditorPropertyDictionary *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyDictionary);
+ add_property_editor(p_path, editor);
} break;
case Variant::ARRAY: {
EditorPropertyArray *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyArray);
diff --git a/editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp b/editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp
index f8f69ea25a..90f8d0e157 100644
--- a/editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "editor_properties_array_dict.h"
+#include "editor/editor_scale.h"
#include "editor_properties.h"
-#define ITEMS_PER_PAGE 100
bool EditorPropertyArrayObject::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) {
@@ -41,7 +41,89 @@ Variant EditorPropertyArrayObject::get_array() {
EditorPropertyArrayObject::EditorPropertyArrayObject() {
+bool EditorPropertyDictionaryObject::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) {
+ String pn = p_name;
+ if (pn == "new_item_key") {
+ new_item_key = p_value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (pn == "new_item_value") {
+ new_item_value = p_value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (pn.begins_with("indices")) {
+ int idx = pn.get_slicec('/', 1).to_int();
+ Variant key = dict.get_key_at_index(idx);
+ dict[key] = p_value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool EditorPropertyDictionaryObject::_get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const {
+ String pn = p_name;
+ if (pn == "new_item_key") {
+ r_ret = new_item_key;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (pn == "new_item_value") {
+ r_ret = new_item_value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (pn.begins_with("indices")) {
+ int idx = pn.get_slicec('/', 1).to_int();
+ Variant key = dict.get_key_at_index(idx);
+ r_ret = dict[key];
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void EditorPropertyDictionaryObject::set_dict(const Dictionary &p_dict) {
+ dict = p_dict;
+Dictionary EditorPropertyDictionaryObject::get_dict() {
+ return dict;
+void EditorPropertyDictionaryObject::set_new_item_key(const Variant &p_new_item) {
+ new_item_key = p_new_item;
+Variant EditorPropertyDictionaryObject::get_new_item_key() {
+ return new_item_key;
+void EditorPropertyDictionaryObject::set_new_item_value(const Variant &p_new_item) {
+ new_item_value = p_new_item;
+Variant EditorPropertyDictionaryObject::get_new_item_value() {
+ return new_item_value;
+EditorPropertyDictionaryObject::EditorPropertyDictionaryObject() {
+///////////////////// ARRAY ///////////////////////////
void EditorPropertyArray::_property_changed(const String &p_prop, Variant p_value) {
@@ -144,6 +226,7 @@ void EditorPropertyArray::update_property() {
case Variant::POOL_COLOR_ARRAY: {
arrtype = "ColArray";
} break;
+ default: {}
edit->set_text(arrtype + "[" + itos("size")) + "]");
@@ -333,7 +416,7 @@ void EditorPropertyArray::update_property() {
} break;
case Variant::DICTIONARY: {
- prop = memnew(EditorPropertyNil);
+ prop = memnew(EditorPropertyDictionary);
} break;
case Variant::ARRAY: {
@@ -475,3 +558,442 @@ EditorPropertyArray::EditorPropertyArray() {
changing_type_idx = -1;
+///////////////////// DICTIONARY ///////////////////////////
+void EditorPropertyDictionary::_property_changed(const String &p_prop, Variant p_value) {
+ if (p_prop == "new_item_key") {
+ object->set_new_item_key(p_value);
+ } else if (p_prop == "new_item_value") {
+ object->set_new_item_value(p_value);
+ } else if (p_prop.begins_with("indices")) {
+ int idx = p_prop.get_slice("/", 1).to_int();
+ Dictionary dict = object->get_dict();
+ Variant key = dict.get_key_at_index(idx);
+ dict[key] = p_value;
+ emit_signal("property_changed", get_edited_property(), dict);
+ dict = dict.duplicate(); //dupe, so undo/redo works better
+ object->set_dict(dict);
+ }
+void EditorPropertyDictionary::_change_type(Object *p_button, int p_index) {
+ Button *button = Object::cast_to<Button>(p_button);
+ Rect2 rect = button->get_global_rect();
+ change_type->set_as_minsize();
+ change_type->set_global_position(rect.position + rect.size - Vector2(change_type->get_combined_minimum_size().x, 0));
+ change_type->popup();
+ changing_type_idx = p_index;
+void EditorPropertyDictionary::_add_key_value() {
+ Dictionary dict = object->get_dict();
+ dict[object->get_new_item_key()] = object->get_new_item_value();
+ object->set_new_item_key(Variant());
+ object->set_new_item_value(Variant());
+ emit_signal("property_changed", get_edited_property(), dict);
+ dict = dict.duplicate(); //dupe, so undo/redo works better
+ object->set_dict(dict);
+ update_property();
+void EditorPropertyDictionary::_change_type_menu(int p_index) {
+ if (changing_type_idx < 0) {
+ Variant value;
+ Variant::CallError ce;
+ value = Variant::construct(Variant::Type(p_index), NULL, 0, ce);
+ if (changing_type_idx == -1) {
+ object->set_new_item_key(value);
+ } else {
+ object->set_new_item_value(value);
+ }
+ update_property();
+ return;
+ }
+ Dictionary dict = object->get_dict();
+ if (p_index < Variant::VARIANT_MAX) {
+ Variant value;
+ Variant::CallError ce;
+ value = Variant::construct(Variant::Type(p_index), NULL, 0, ce);
+ Variant key = dict.get_key_at_index(changing_type_idx);
+ dict[key] = value;
+ } else {
+ Variant key = dict.get_key_at_index(changing_type_idx);
+ dict.erase(key);
+ }
+ emit_signal("property_changed", get_edited_property(), dict);
+ dict = dict.duplicate(); //dupe, so undo/redo works better
+ object->set_dict(dict);
+ update_property();
+void EditorPropertyDictionary::update_property() {
+ Dictionary dict = get_edited_object()->get(get_edited_property());
+ edit->set_text("Dict[" + itos(dict.size()) + "]");
+ bool unfolded = get_edited_object()->editor_is_section_unfolded(get_edited_property());
+ if (edit->is_pressed() != unfolded) {
+ edit->set_pressed(unfolded);
+ }
+ if (unfolded) {
+ updating = true;
+ if (!vbox) {
+ vbox = memnew(VBoxContainer);
+ add_child(vbox);
+ set_bottom_editor(vbox);
+ page_hb = memnew(HBoxContainer);
+ vbox->add_child(page_hb);
+ Label *label = memnew(Label(TTR("Page: ")));
+ label->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
+ page_hb->add_child(label);
+ page = memnew(EditorSpinSlider);
+ page->set_step(1);
+ page_hb->add_child(page);
+ page->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
+ page->connect("value_changed", this, "_page_changed");
+ } else {
+ //bye bye children of the box
+ while (vbox->get_child_count() > 1) {
+ memdelete(vbox->get_child(1));
+ }
+ }
+ int len = dict.size();
+ int pages = MAX(0, len - 1) / page_len + 1;
+ page->set_max(pages);
+ page_idx = MIN(page_idx, pages - 1);
+ page->set_value(page_idx);
+ page_hb->set_visible(pages > 1);
+ int offset = page_idx * page_len;
+ int amount = MIN(len - offset, page_len);
+ dict = dict.duplicate();
+ object->set_dict(dict);
+ VBoxContainer *add_vbox = NULL;
+ for (int i = 0; i < amount + 2; i++) {
+ String prop_name;
+ Variant key;
+ Variant value;
+ if (i < amount) {
+ prop_name = "indices/" + itos(i + offset);
+ key = dict.get_key_at_index(i + offset);
+ value = dict.get_value_at_index(i + offset);
+ } else if (i == amount) {
+ prop_name = "new_item_key";
+ value = object->get_new_item_key();
+ } else if (i == amount + 1) {
+ prop_name = "new_item_value";
+ value = object->get_new_item_value();
+ }
+ EditorProperty *prop = NULL;
+ switch (value.get_type()) {
+ case Variant::NIL: {
+ prop = memnew(EditorPropertyNil);
+ } break;
+ // atomic types
+ case Variant::BOOL: {
+ prop = memnew(EditorPropertyCheck);
+ } break;
+ case Variant::INT: {
+ EditorPropertyInteger *ed = memnew(EditorPropertyInteger);
+ ed->setup(-100000, 100000, true, true);
+ prop = ed;
+ } break;
+ case Variant::REAL: {
+ EditorPropertyFloat *ed = memnew(EditorPropertyFloat);
+ ed->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true, false, true, true);
+ prop = ed;
+ } break;
+ case Variant::STRING: {
+ prop = memnew(EditorPropertyText);
+ } break;
+ // math types
+ case Variant::VECTOR2: {
+ EditorPropertyVector2 *ed = memnew(EditorPropertyVector2);
+ ed->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true);
+ prop = ed;
+ } break;
+ case Variant::RECT2: {
+ EditorPropertyRect2 *ed = memnew(EditorPropertyRect2);
+ ed->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true);
+ prop = ed;
+ } break;
+ case Variant::VECTOR3: {
+ EditorPropertyVector3 *ed = memnew(EditorPropertyVector3);
+ ed->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true);
+ prop = ed;
+ } break;
+ case Variant::TRANSFORM2D: {
+ EditorPropertyTransform2D *ed = memnew(EditorPropertyTransform2D);
+ ed->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true);
+ prop = ed;
+ } break;
+ case Variant::PLANE: {
+ EditorPropertyPlane *ed = memnew(EditorPropertyPlane);
+ ed->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true);
+ prop = ed;
+ } break;
+ case Variant::QUAT: {
+ EditorPropertyQuat *ed = memnew(EditorPropertyQuat);
+ ed->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true);
+ prop = ed;
+ } break;
+ case Variant::AABB: {
+ EditorPropertyAABB *ed = memnew(EditorPropertyAABB);
+ ed->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true);
+ prop = ed;
+ } break;
+ case Variant::BASIS: {
+ EditorPropertyBasis *ed = memnew(EditorPropertyBasis);
+ ed->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true);
+ prop = ed;
+ } break;
+ case Variant::TRANSFORM: {
+ EditorPropertyTransform *ed = memnew(EditorPropertyTransform);
+ ed->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true);
+ prop = ed;
+ } break;
+ // misc types
+ case Variant::COLOR: {
+ prop = memnew(EditorPropertyColor);
+ } break;
+ case Variant::NODE_PATH: {
+ prop = memnew(EditorPropertyNodePath);
+ } break;
+ case Variant::_RID: {
+ prop = memnew(EditorPropertyNil);
+ } break;
+ case Variant::OBJECT: {
+ prop = memnew(EditorPropertyResource);
+ } break;
+ case Variant::DICTIONARY: {
+ prop = memnew(EditorPropertyDictionary);
+ } break;
+ case Variant::ARRAY: {
+ prop = memnew(EditorPropertyArray);
+ } break;
+ // arrays
+ case Variant::POOL_BYTE_ARRAY: {
+ prop = memnew(EditorPropertyArray);
+ } break;
+ case Variant::POOL_INT_ARRAY: {
+ prop = memnew(EditorPropertyArray);
+ } break;
+ case Variant::POOL_REAL_ARRAY: {
+ prop = memnew(EditorPropertyArray);
+ } break;
+ case Variant::POOL_STRING_ARRAY: {
+ prop = memnew(EditorPropertyArray);
+ } break;
+ case Variant::POOL_VECTOR2_ARRAY: {
+ prop = memnew(EditorPropertyArray);
+ } break;
+ case Variant::POOL_VECTOR3_ARRAY: {
+ prop = memnew(EditorPropertyArray);
+ } break;
+ case Variant::POOL_COLOR_ARRAY: {
+ prop = memnew(EditorPropertyArray);
+ } break;
+ default: {}
+ }
+ if (i == amount) {
+ PanelContainer *pc = memnew(PanelContainer);
+ vbox->add_child(pc);
+ Ref<StyleBoxFlat> flat;
+ flat.instance();
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
+ flat->set_default_margin(Margin(j), 2 * EDSCALE);
+ }
+ flat->set_bg_color(get_color("prop_subsection", "Editor"));
+ pc->add_style_override("panel", flat);
+ add_vbox = memnew(VBoxContainer);
+ pc->add_child(add_vbox);
+ }
+ prop->set_object_and_property(object.ptr(), prop_name);
+ int change_index;
+ if (i < amount) {
+ String cs = key.get_construct_string();
+ prop->set_label(key.get_construct_string());
+ prop->set_tooltip(cs);
+ change_index = i + offset;
+ } else if (i == amount) {
+ prop->set_label(TTR("New Key:"));
+ change_index = -1;
+ } else if (i == amount + 1) {
+ prop->set_label(TTR("New Value:"));
+ change_index = -2;
+ }
+ prop->set_selectable(false);
+ prop->connect("property_changed", this, "_property_changed");
+ HBoxContainer *hb = memnew(HBoxContainer);
+ if (add_vbox) {
+ add_vbox->add_child(hb);
+ } else {
+ vbox->add_child(hb);
+ }
+ hb->add_child(prop);
+ prop->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
+ Button *edit = memnew(Button);
+ edit->set_icon(get_icon("Edit", "EditorIcons"));
+ hb->add_child(edit);
+ edit->connect("pressed", this, "_change_type", varray(edit, change_index));
+ prop->update_property();
+ if (i == amount + 1) {
+ Button *add_item = memnew(Button);
+ add_item->set_text(TTR("Add Key/Value Pair"));
+ add_vbox->add_child(add_item);
+ add_item->connect("pressed", this, "_add_key_value");
+ }
+ }
+ updating = false;
+ } else {
+ if (vbox) {
+ set_bottom_editor(NULL);
+ memdelete(vbox);
+ vbox = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+void EditorPropertyDictionary::_notification(int p_what) {
+ }
+void EditorPropertyDictionary::_edit_pressed() {
+ get_edited_object()->editor_set_section_unfold(get_edited_property(), edit->is_pressed());
+ update_property();
+void EditorPropertyDictionary::_page_changed(double p_page) {
+ if (updating)
+ return;
+ page_idx = p_page;
+ update_property();
+void EditorPropertyDictionary::_bind_methods() {
+ ClassDB::bind_method("_edit_pressed", &EditorPropertyDictionary::_edit_pressed);
+ ClassDB::bind_method("_page_changed", &EditorPropertyDictionary::_page_changed);
+ ClassDB::bind_method("_property_changed", &EditorPropertyDictionary::_property_changed);
+ ClassDB::bind_method("_change_type", &EditorPropertyDictionary::_change_type);
+ ClassDB::bind_method("_change_type_menu", &EditorPropertyDictionary::_change_type_menu);
+ ClassDB::bind_method("_add_key_value", &EditorPropertyDictionary::_add_key_value);
+EditorPropertyDictionary::EditorPropertyDictionary() {
+ object.instance();
+ page_idx = 0;
+ page_len = 10;
+ edit = memnew(Button);
+ edit->set_flat(true);
+ edit->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
+ edit->set_clip_text(true);
+ edit->connect("pressed", this, "_edit_pressed");
+ edit->set_toggle_mode(true);
+ add_child(edit);
+ add_focusable(edit);
+ vbox = NULL;
+ page = NULL;
+ updating = false;
+ change_type = memnew(PopupMenu);
+ add_child(change_type);
+ change_type->connect("id_pressed", this, "_change_type_menu");
+ changing_type_idx = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < Variant::VARIANT_MAX; i++) {
+ String type = Variant::get_type_name(Variant::Type(i));
+ change_type->add_item(type, i);
+ }
+ change_type->add_separator();
+ change_type->add_item(TTR("Remove Item"), Variant::VARIANT_MAX);
+ changing_type_idx = -1;
diff --git a/editor/editor_properties_array_dict.h b/editor/editor_properties_array_dict.h
index 21dc5c2d70..7f6203ee88 100644
--- a/editor/editor_properties_array_dict.h
+++ b/editor/editor_properties_array_dict.h
@@ -22,6 +22,31 @@ public:
+class EditorPropertyDictionaryObject : public Reference {
+ GDCLASS(EditorPropertyDictionaryObject, Reference);
+ Variant new_item_key;
+ Variant new_item_value;
+ Dictionary dict;
+ bool _set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value);
+ bool _get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const;
+ void set_dict(const Dictionary &p_dict);
+ Dictionary get_dict();
+ void set_new_item_key(const Variant &p_new_item);
+ Variant get_new_item_key();
+ void set_new_item_value(const Variant &p_new_item);
+ Variant get_new_item_value();
+ EditorPropertyDictionaryObject();
class EditorPropertyArray : public EditorProperty {
GDCLASS(EditorPropertyArray, EditorProperty)
@@ -54,4 +79,37 @@ public:
+class EditorPropertyDictionary : public EditorProperty {
+ GDCLASS(EditorPropertyDictionary, EditorProperty)
+ PopupMenu *change_type;
+ bool updating;
+ Ref<EditorPropertyDictionaryObject> object;
+ int page_len;
+ int page_idx;
+ int changing_type_idx;
+ Button *edit;
+ VBoxContainer *vbox;
+ EditorSpinSlider *length;
+ EditorSpinSlider *page;
+ HBoxContainer *page_hb;
+ void _page_changed(double p_page);
+ void _edit_pressed();
+ void _property_changed(const String &p_prop, Variant p_value);
+ void _change_type(Object *p_button, int p_index);
+ void _change_type_menu(int p_index);
+ void _add_key_value();
+ static void _bind_methods();
+ void _notification(int p_what);
+ virtual void update_property();
+ EditorPropertyDictionary();