path: root/editor
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'editor')
7 files changed, 187 insertions, 174 deletions
diff --git a/editor/code_editor.cpp b/editor/code_editor.cpp
index 48f2be450b..39095c42a4 100644
--- a/editor/code_editor.cpp
+++ b/editor/code_editor.cpp
@@ -1429,13 +1429,13 @@ void CodeTextEditor::toggle_inline_comment(const String &delimiter) {
void CodeTextEditor::goto_line(int p_line) {
- text_editor->call_deferred(SNAME("cursor_set_line"), p_line);
+ text_editor->call_deferred(SNAME("set_caret_line"), p_line);
void CodeTextEditor::goto_line_selection(int p_line, int p_begin, int p_end) {
- text_editor->call_deferred(SNAME("cursor_set_line"), p_line);
- text_editor->call_deferred(SNAME("cursor_set_column"), p_begin);
+ text_editor->call_deferred(SNAME("set_caret_line"), p_line);
+ text_editor->call_deferred(SNAME("set_caret_column"), p_begin);
text_editor->select(p_line, p_begin, p_line, p_end);
diff --git a/editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp b/editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp
index a802afda0f..91f00deeaa 100644
--- a/editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp
@@ -195,11 +195,11 @@ void EditorSpinSlider::_update_value_input_stylebox() {
if (!value_input) {
// Add a left margin to the stylebox to make the number align with the Label
// when it's edited. The LineEdit "focus" stylebox uses the "normal" stylebox's
// default margins.
- Ref<StyleBoxFlat> stylebox =
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_theme_base()->get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("normal"), SNAME("LineEdit"))->duplicate();
+ Ref<StyleBox> stylebox = get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("normal"), SNAME("LineEdit"))->duplicate();
// EditorSpinSliders with a label have more space on the left, so add an
// higher margin to match the location where the text begins.
// The margin values below were determined by empirical testing.
@@ -210,188 +210,197 @@ void EditorSpinSlider::_update_value_input_stylebox() {
stylebox->set_default_margin(SIDE_LEFT, (get_label() != String() ? 23 : 16) * EDSCALE);
stylebox->set_default_margin(SIDE_RIGHT, 0);
value_input->add_theme_style_override("normal", stylebox);
-void EditorSpinSlider::_notification(int p_what) {
- if (grabbing_spinner) {
- grabber->hide();
- Input::get_singleton()->set_mouse_mode(Input::MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE);
- grabbing_spinner = false;
- grabbing_spinner_attempt = false;
- }
- }
- _update_value_input_stylebox();
- }
+void EditorSpinSlider::_draw_spin_slider() {
+ updown_offset = -1;
- if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_DRAW) {
- updown_offset = -1;
+ RID ci = get_canvas_item();
+ bool rtl = is_layout_rtl();
+ Vector2 size = get_size();
- RID ci = get_canvas_item();
- bool rtl = is_layout_rtl();
- Vector2 size = get_size();
+ Ref<StyleBox> sb = get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("normal"), SNAME("LineEdit"));
+ if (!flat) {
+ draw_style_box(sb, Rect2(Vector2(), size));
+ }
+ Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font(SNAME("font"), SNAME("LineEdit"));
+ int font_size = get_theme_font_size(SNAME("font_size"), SNAME("LineEdit"));
+ int sep_base = 4 * EDSCALE;
+ int sep = sep_base + sb->get_offset().x; //make it have the same margin on both sides, looks better
- Ref<StyleBox> sb = get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("normal"), SNAME("LineEdit"));
- if (!flat) {
- draw_style_box(sb, Rect2(Vector2(), size));
- }
- Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font(SNAME("font"), SNAME("LineEdit"));
- int font_size = get_theme_font_size(SNAME("font_size"), SNAME("LineEdit"));
- int sep_base = 4 * EDSCALE;
- int sep = sep_base + sb->get_offset().x; //make it have the same margin on both sides, looks better
+ int label_width = font->get_string_size(label, font_size).width;
+ int number_width = size.width - sb->get_minimum_size().width - label_width - sep;
- int label_width = font->get_string_size(label, font_size).width;
- int number_width = size.width - sb->get_minimum_size().width - label_width - sep;
+ Ref<Texture2D> updown = get_theme_icon(SNAME("updown"), SNAME("SpinBox"));
- Ref<Texture2D> updown = get_theme_icon(SNAME("updown"), SNAME("SpinBox"));
+ if (get_step() == 1) {
+ number_width -= updown->get_width();
+ }
- if (get_step() == 1) {
- number_width -= updown->get_width();
- }
+ String numstr = get_text_value();
- String numstr = get_text_value();
+ int vofs = (size.height - font->get_height(font_size)) / 2 + font->get_ascent(font_size);
- int vofs = (size.height - font->get_height(font_size)) / 2 + font->get_ascent(font_size);
+ Color fc = get_theme_color(SNAME("font_color"), SNAME("LineEdit"));
+ Color lc;
+ if (use_custom_label_color) {
+ lc = custom_label_color;
+ } else {
+ lc = fc;
+ }
- Color fc = get_theme_color(SNAME("font_color"), SNAME("LineEdit"));
- Color lc;
- if (use_custom_label_color) {
- lc = custom_label_color;
+ if (flat && label != String()) {
+ Color label_bg_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("dark_color_3"), SNAME("Editor"));
+ if (rtl) {
+ draw_rect(Rect2(Vector2(size.width - (sb->get_offset().x * 2 + label_width), 0), Vector2(sb->get_offset().x * 2 + label_width, size.height)), label_bg_color);
} else {
- lc = fc;
+ draw_rect(Rect2(Vector2(), Vector2(sb->get_offset().x * 2 + label_width, size.height)), label_bg_color);
+ }
- if (flat && label != String()) {
- Color label_bg_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("dark_color_3"), SNAME("Editor"));
- if (rtl) {
- draw_rect(Rect2(Vector2(size.width - (sb->get_offset().x * 2 + label_width), 0), Vector2(sb->get_offset().x * 2 + label_width, size.height)), label_bg_color);
- } else {
- draw_rect(Rect2(Vector2(), Vector2(sb->get_offset().x * 2 + label_width, size.height)), label_bg_color);
- }
- }
+ if (has_focus()) {
+ Ref<StyleBox> focus = get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("focus"), SNAME("LineEdit"));
+ draw_style_box(focus, Rect2(Vector2(), size));
+ }
+ if (rtl) {
+ draw_string(font, Vector2(Math::round(size.width - sb->get_offset().x - label_width), vofs), label, HALIGN_RIGHT, -1, font_size, lc * Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5));
+ } else {
+ draw_string(font, Vector2(Math::round(sb->get_offset().x), vofs), label, HALIGN_LEFT, -1, font_size, lc * Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5));
+ }
- if (has_focus()) {
- Ref<StyleBox> focus = get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("focus"), SNAME("LineEdit"));
- draw_style_box(focus, Rect2(Vector2(), size));
+ int suffix_start = numstr.length();
+ RID num_rid = TS->create_shaped_text();
+ TS->shaped_text_add_string(num_rid, numstr + U"\u2009" + suffix, font->get_rids(), font_size);
+ float text_start = rtl ? Math::round(sb->get_offset().x) : Math::round(sb->get_offset().x + label_width + sep);
+ Vector2 text_ofs = rtl ? Vector2(text_start + (number_width - TS->shaped_text_get_width(num_rid)), vofs) : Vector2(text_start, vofs);
+ const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> visual = TS->shaped_text_get_glyphs(num_rid);
+ int v_size = visual.size();
+ const TextServer::Glyph *glyphs = visual.ptr();
+ for (int i = 0; i < v_size; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < glyphs[i].repeat; j++) {
+ if (text_ofs.x >= text_start && (text_ofs.x + glyphs[i].advance) <= (text_start + number_width)) {
+ Color color = fc;
+ if (glyphs[i].start >= suffix_start) {
+ color.a *= 0.4;
+ }
+ if (glyphs[i].font_rid != RID()) {
+ TS->font_draw_glyph(glyphs[i].font_rid, ci, glyphs[i].font_size, text_ofs + Vector2(glyphs[i].x_off, glyphs[i].y_off), glyphs[i].index, color);
+ } else if ((glyphs[i].flags & TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL) != TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL) {
+ TS->draw_hex_code_box(ci, glyphs[i].font_size, text_ofs + Vector2(glyphs[i].x_off, glyphs[i].y_off), glyphs[i].index, color);
+ }
+ }
+ text_ofs.x += glyphs[i].advance;
+ }
+ TS->free(num_rid);
+ if (get_step() == 1) {
+ Ref<Texture2D> updown2 = get_theme_icon(SNAME("updown"), SNAME("SpinBox"));
+ int updown_vofs = (size.height - updown2->get_height()) / 2;
if (rtl) {
- draw_string(font, Vector2(Math::round(size.width - sb->get_offset().x - label_width), vofs), label, HALIGN_RIGHT, -1, font_size, lc * Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5));
+ updown_offset = sb->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT);
} else {
- draw_string(font, Vector2(Math::round(sb->get_offset().x), vofs), label, HALIGN_LEFT, -1, font_size, lc * Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5));
+ updown_offset = size.width - sb->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT) - updown2->get_width();
- int suffix_start = numstr.length();
- RID num_rid = TS->create_shaped_text();
- TS->shaped_text_add_string(num_rid, numstr + U"\u2009" + suffix, font->get_rids(), font_size);
- float text_start = rtl ? Math::round(sb->get_offset().x) : Math::round(sb->get_offset().x + label_width + sep);
- Vector2 text_ofs = rtl ? Vector2(text_start + (number_width - TS->shaped_text_get_width(num_rid)), vofs) : Vector2(text_start, vofs);
- const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> visual = TS->shaped_text_get_glyphs(num_rid);
- int v_size = visual.size();
- const TextServer::Glyph *glyphs = visual.ptr();
- for (int i = 0; i < v_size; i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < glyphs[i].repeat; j++) {
- if (text_ofs.x >= text_start && (text_ofs.x + glyphs[i].advance) <= (text_start + number_width)) {
- Color color = fc;
- if (glyphs[i].start >= suffix_start) {
- color.a *= 0.4;
- }
- if (glyphs[i].font_rid != RID()) {
- TS->font_draw_glyph(glyphs[i].font_rid, ci, glyphs[i].font_size, text_ofs + Vector2(glyphs[i].x_off, glyphs[i].y_off), glyphs[i].index, color);
- } else if ((glyphs[i].flags & TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL) != TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL) {
- TS->draw_hex_code_box(ci, glyphs[i].font_size, text_ofs + Vector2(glyphs[i].x_off, glyphs[i].y_off), glyphs[i].index, color);
- }
- }
- text_ofs.x += glyphs[i].advance;
- }
+ Color c(1, 1, 1);
+ if (hover_updown) {
+ c *= Color(1.2, 1.2, 1.2);
- TS->free(num_rid);
- if (get_step() == 1) {
- Ref<Texture2D> updown2 = get_theme_icon(SNAME("updown"), SNAME("SpinBox"));
- int updown_vofs = (size.height - updown2->get_height()) / 2;
- if (rtl) {
- updown_offset = sb->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT);
+ draw_texture(updown2, Vector2(updown_offset, updown_vofs), c);
+ if (grabber->is_visible()) {
+ grabber->hide();
+ }
+ } else if (!hide_slider) {
+ int grabber_w = 4 * EDSCALE;
+ int width = size.width - sb->get_minimum_size().width - grabber_w;
+ int ofs = sb->get_offset().x;
+ int svofs = (size.height + vofs) / 2 - 1;
+ Color c = fc;
+ c.a = 0.2;
+ draw_rect(Rect2(ofs, svofs + 1, width, 2 * EDSCALE), c);
+ int gofs = get_as_ratio() * width;
+ c.a = 0.9;
+ Rect2 grabber_rect = Rect2(ofs + gofs, svofs + 1, grabber_w, 2 * EDSCALE);
+ draw_rect(grabber_rect, c);
+ grabbing_spinner_mouse_pos = get_global_position() + grabber_rect.position + grabber_rect.size * 0.5;
+ bool display_grabber = (mouse_over_spin || mouse_over_grabber) && !grabbing_spinner && !(value_input_popup && value_input_popup->is_visible());
+ if (grabber->is_visible() != display_grabber) {
+ if (display_grabber) {
+ grabber->show();
} else {
- updown_offset = size.width - sb->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT) - updown2->get_width();
- }
- Color c(1, 1, 1);
- if (hover_updown) {
- c *= Color(1.2, 1.2, 1.2);
- }
- draw_texture(updown2, Vector2(updown_offset, updown_vofs), c);
- if (grabber->is_visible()) {
- } else if (!hide_slider) {
- int grabber_w = 4 * EDSCALE;
- int width = size.width - sb->get_minimum_size().width - grabber_w;
- int ofs = sb->get_offset().x;
- int svofs = (size.height + vofs) / 2 - 1;
- Color c = fc;
- c.a = 0.2;
- draw_rect(Rect2(ofs, svofs + 1, width, 2 * EDSCALE), c);
- int gofs = get_as_ratio() * width;
- c.a = 0.9;
- Rect2 grabber_rect = Rect2(ofs + gofs, svofs + 1, grabber_w, 2 * EDSCALE);
- draw_rect(grabber_rect, c);
- grabbing_spinner_mouse_pos = get_global_position() + grabber_rect.position + grabber_rect.size * 0.5;
- bool display_grabber = (mouse_over_spin || mouse_over_grabber) && !grabbing_spinner && !(value_input_popup && value_input_popup->is_visible());
- if (grabber->is_visible() != display_grabber) {
- if (display_grabber) {
- grabber->show();
- } else {
- grabber->hide();
- }
- }
- if (display_grabber) {
- Ref<Texture2D> grabber_tex;
- if (mouse_over_grabber) {
- grabber_tex = get_theme_icon(SNAME("grabber_highlight"), SNAME("HSlider"));
- } else {
- grabber_tex = get_theme_icon(SNAME("grabber"), SNAME("HSlider"));
- }
+ }
- if (grabber->get_texture() != grabber_tex) {
- grabber->set_texture(grabber_tex);
- }
+ if (display_grabber) {
+ Ref<Texture2D> grabber_tex;
+ if (mouse_over_grabber) {
+ grabber_tex = get_theme_icon(SNAME("grabber_highlight"), SNAME("HSlider"));
+ } else {
+ grabber_tex = get_theme_icon(SNAME("grabber"), SNAME("HSlider"));
+ }
- Vector2 scale = get_global_transform_with_canvas().get_scale();
- grabber->set_scale(scale);
- grabber->set_size(Size2(0, 0));
- grabber->set_position(get_global_position() + (grabber_rect.position + grabber_rect.size * 0.5 - grabber->get_size() * 0.5) * scale);
+ if (grabber->get_texture() != grabber_tex) {
+ grabber->set_texture(grabber_tex);
+ }
- if (mousewheel_over_grabber) {
- Input::get_singleton()->warp_mouse_position(grabber->get_position() + grabber_rect.size);
- }
+ Vector2 scale = get_global_transform_with_canvas().get_scale();
+ grabber->set_scale(scale);
+ grabber->set_size(Size2(0, 0));
+ grabber->set_position(get_global_position() + (grabber_rect.position + grabber_rect.size * 0.5 - grabber->get_size() * 0.5) * scale);
- grabber_range = width;
+ if (mousewheel_over_grabber) {
+ Input::get_singleton()->warp_mouse_position(grabber->get_position() + grabber_rect.size);
+ grabber_range = width;
- mouse_over_spin = true;
- update();
- }
- if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_MOUSE_EXIT) {
- mouse_over_spin = false;
- update();
- }
- if ((Input::get_singleton()->is_action_pressed("ui_focus_next") || Input::get_singleton()->is_action_pressed("ui_focus_prev")) && !value_input_just_closed) {
- _focus_entered();
- }
- value_input_just_closed = false;
+void EditorSpinSlider::_notification(int p_what) {
+ switch (p_what) {
+ _update_value_input_stylebox();
+ break;
+ _draw_spin_slider();
+ break;
+ if (grabbing_spinner) {
+ grabber->hide();
+ Input::get_singleton()->set_mouse_mode(Input::MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE);
+ grabbing_spinner = false;
+ grabbing_spinner_attempt = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ mouse_over_spin = true;
+ update();
+ break;
+ mouse_over_spin = false;
+ update();
+ break;
+ if ((Input::get_singleton()->is_action_pressed("ui_focus_next") || Input::get_singleton()->is_action_pressed("ui_focus_prev")) && !value_input_just_closed) {
+ _focus_entered();
+ }
+ value_input_just_closed = false;
+ break;
@@ -567,8 +576,10 @@ void EditorSpinSlider::_ensure_input_popup() {
if (value_input_popup) {
value_input_popup = memnew(Popup);
value_input = memnew(LineEdit);
@@ -576,6 +587,7 @@ void EditorSpinSlider::_ensure_input_popup() {
value_input_popup->connect("popup_hide", callable_mp(this, &EditorSpinSlider::_value_input_closed));
value_input->connect("text_submitted", callable_mp(this, &EditorSpinSlider::_value_input_submitted));
value_input->connect("focus_exited", callable_mp(this, &EditorSpinSlider::_value_focus_exited));
if (is_inside_tree()) {
diff --git a/editor/editor_spin_slider.h b/editor/editor_spin_slider.h
index 5b99f88505..c09d084e88 100644
--- a/editor/editor_spin_slider.h
+++ b/editor/editor_spin_slider.h
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ class EditorSpinSlider : public Range {
void _update_value_input_stylebox();
void _ensure_input_popup();
+ void _draw_spin_slider();
void _notification(int p_what);
diff --git a/editor/editor_themes.cpp b/editor/editor_themes.cpp
index 2c83fb2df6..7f8229e5e8 100644
--- a/editor/editor_themes.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_themes.cpp
@@ -595,6 +595,11 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) {
theme->set_stylebox("panel", "PanelContainer", style_menu);
theme->set_stylebox("MenuPanel", "EditorStyles", style_menu);
+ // CanvasItem Editor
+ Ref<StyleBoxFlat> style_canvas_editor_info = make_flat_stylebox(Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2));
+ style_canvas_editor_info->set_expand_margin_size_all(4 * EDSCALE);
+ theme->set_stylebox("CanvasItemInfoOverlay", "EditorStyles", style_canvas_editor_info);
// Script Editor
theme->set_stylebox("ScriptEditorPanel", "EditorStyles", make_empty_stylebox(default_margin_size, 0, default_margin_size, default_margin_size));
theme->set_stylebox("ScriptEditor", "EditorStyles", make_empty_stylebox(0, 0, 0, 0));
@@ -1499,15 +1504,14 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) {
Ref<Theme> create_custom_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) {
- Ref<Theme> theme;
- const String custom_theme = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("interface/theme/custom_theme");
- if (custom_theme != "") {
- theme = ResourceLoader::load(custom_theme);
- }
+ Ref<Theme> theme = create_editor_theme(p_theme);
- if (!theme.is_valid()) {
- theme = create_editor_theme(p_theme);
+ const String custom_theme_path = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("interface/theme/custom_theme");
+ if (custom_theme_path != "") {
+ Ref<Theme> custom_theme = ResourceLoader::load(custom_theme_path);
+ if (custom_theme.is_valid()) {
+ theme->merge_with(custom_theme);
+ }
return theme;
diff --git a/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
index 76c056ed33..477e066e87 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -3909,6 +3909,11 @@ void CanvasItemEditor::_notification(int p_what) {
anchors_popup->add_icon_item(get_theme_icon(SNAME("ControlAlignWide"), SNAME("EditorIcons")), TTR("Full Rect"), ANCHORS_PRESET_WIDE);
anchor_mode_button->set_icon(get_theme_icon(SNAME("Anchor"), SNAME("EditorIcons")));
+ info_overlay->get_theme()->set_stylebox("normal", "Label", get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("CanvasItemInfoOverlay"), SNAME("EditorStyles")));
+ warning_child_of_container->add_theme_color_override("font_color", get_theme_color(SNAME("warning_color"), SNAME("Editor")));
+ warning_child_of_container->add_theme_font_override("font", get_theme_font(SNAME("main"), SNAME("EditorFonts")));
+ warning_child_of_container->add_theme_font_size_override("font_size", get_theme_font_size(SNAME("main_size"), SNAME("EditorFonts")));
@@ -5280,21 +5285,13 @@ CanvasItemEditor::CanvasItemEditor(EditorNode *p_editor) {
info_overlay->add_theme_constant_override("separation", 10);
+ // Make sure all labels inside of the container are styled the same.
Theme *info_overlay_theme = memnew(Theme);
- info_overlay_theme->copy_default_theme();
- StyleBoxFlat *info_overlay_label_stylebox = memnew(StyleBoxFlat);
- info_overlay_label_stylebox->set_bg_color(Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2));
- info_overlay_label_stylebox->set_expand_margin_size_all(4);
- info_overlay_theme->set_stylebox("normal", "Label", info_overlay_label_stylebox);
warning_child_of_container = memnew(Label);
warning_child_of_container->set_text(TTR("Warning: Children of a container get their position and size determined only by their parent."));
- warning_child_of_container->add_theme_color_override("font_color", EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_gui_base()->get_theme_color(SNAME("warning_color"), SNAME("Editor")));
- warning_child_of_container->add_theme_font_override("font", EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_gui_base()->get_theme_font(SNAME("main"), SNAME("EditorFonts")));
- warning_child_of_container->add_theme_font_size_override("font_size", EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_gui_base()->get_theme_font_size(SNAME("main_size"), SNAME("EditorFonts")));
h_scroll = memnew(HScrollBar);
diff --git a/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.h b/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.h
index d29c1efabb..868b834993 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.h
+++ b/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.h
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ private:
bool grid_enable[3]; //should be always visible if true
bool grid_enabled;
bool grid_init_draw = false;
- Camera3D::Projection grid_camera_last_update_perspective;
+ Camera3D::Projection grid_camera_last_update_perspective = Camera3D::PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVE;
Vector3 grid_camera_last_update_position = Vector3();
Ref<ArrayMesh> move_gizmo[3], move_plane_gizmo[3], rotate_gizmo[4], scale_gizmo[3], scale_plane_gizmo[3];
diff --git a/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp b/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
index 83b0203f32..e7ba80677d 100644
--- a/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
+++ b/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
@@ -1206,11 +1206,10 @@ SceneTreeEditor::SceneTreeEditor(bool p_label, bool p_can_rename, bool p_can_ope
tree->connect("cell_selected", callable_mp(this, &SceneTreeEditor::_selected_changed));
- tree->connect("item_edited", callable_mp(this, &SceneTreeEditor::_renamed), varray(), CONNECT_DEFERRED);
+ tree->connect("item_edited", callable_mp(this, &SceneTreeEditor::_renamed));
tree->connect("multi_selected", callable_mp(this, &SceneTreeEditor::_cell_multi_selected));
tree->connect("button_pressed", callable_mp(this, &SceneTreeEditor::_cell_button_pressed));
tree->connect("nothing_selected", callable_mp(this, &SceneTreeEditor::_deselect_items));
- //tree->connect("item_edited", this,"_renamed",Vector<Variant>(),true);
error = memnew(AcceptDialog);