path: root/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2697 deletions
diff --git a/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp b/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 88d45d5dde..0000000000
--- a/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2697 +0,0 @@
-/* script_editor_debugger.cpp */
-/* This file is part of: */
-/* */
-/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
-/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
-/* */
-/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
-/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
-/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
-/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
-/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
-/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
-/* the following conditions: */
-/* */
-/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
-/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
-/* */
-#include "script_editor_debugger.h"
-#include "core/io/marshalls.h"
-#include "core/project_settings.h"
-#include "core/ustring.h"
-#include "editor/editor_log.h"
-#include "editor/editor_network_profiler.h"
-#include "editor/editor_visual_profiler.h"
-#include "editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.h"
-#include "editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.h"
-#include "editor_node.h"
-#include "editor_profiler.h"
-#include "editor_scale.h"
-#include "editor_settings.h"
-#include "main/performance.h"
-#include "property_editor.h"
-#include "scene/gui/dialogs.h"
-#include "scene/gui/label.h"
-#include "scene/gui/line_edit.h"
-#include "scene/gui/margin_container.h"
-#include "scene/gui/rich_text_label.h"
-#include "scene/gui/separator.h"
-#include "scene/gui/split_container.h"
-#include "scene/gui/tab_container.h"
-#include "scene/gui/texture_button.h"
-#include "scene/gui/tree.h"
-#include "scene/resources/packed_scene.h"
-class ScriptEditorDebuggerVariables : public Object {
- GDCLASS(ScriptEditorDebuggerVariables, Object);
- List<PropertyInfo> props;
- Map<StringName, Variant> values;
- bool _set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) {
- return false;
- }
- bool _get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const {
- if (!values.has(p_name))
- return false;
- r_ret = values[p_name];
- return true;
- }
- void _get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const {
- for (const List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next())
- p_list->push_back(E->get());
- }
- void clear() {
- props.clear();
- values.clear();
- }
- String get_var_value(const String &p_var) const {
- for (Map<StringName, Variant>::Element *E = values.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- String v = E->key().operator String().get_slice("/", 1);
- if (v == p_var)
- return E->get();
- }
- return "";
- }
- void add_property(const String &p_name, const Variant &p_value, const PropertyHint &p_hint, const String p_hint_string) {
- PropertyInfo pinfo;
- = p_name;
- pinfo.type = p_value.get_type();
- pinfo.hint = p_hint;
- pinfo.hint_string = p_hint_string;
- props.push_back(pinfo);
- values[p_name] = p_value;
- }
- void update() {
- _change_notify();
- }
- ScriptEditorDebuggerVariables() {
- }
-class ScriptEditorDebuggerInspectedObject : public Object {
- GDCLASS(ScriptEditorDebuggerInspectedObject, Object);
- bool _set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) {
- if (!prop_values.has(p_name) || String(p_name).begins_with("Constants/"))
- return false;
- prop_values[p_name] = p_value;
- emit_signal("value_edited", p_name, p_value);
- return true;
- }
- bool _get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const {
- if (!prop_values.has(p_name))
- return false;
- r_ret = prop_values[p_name];
- return true;
- }
- void _get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const {
- p_list->clear(); //sorry, no want category
- for (const List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = prop_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- p_list->push_back(E->get());
- }
- }
- static void _bind_methods() {
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_title"), &ScriptEditorDebuggerInspectedObject::get_title);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_variant"), &ScriptEditorDebuggerInspectedObject::get_variant);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear"), &ScriptEditorDebuggerInspectedObject::clear);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_remote_object_id"), &ScriptEditorDebuggerInspectedObject::get_remote_object_id);
- ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("value_edited"));
- }
- String type_name;
- ObjectID remote_object_id;
- List<PropertyInfo> prop_list;
- Map<StringName, Variant> prop_values;
- ObjectID get_remote_object_id() {
- return remote_object_id;
- }
- String get_title() {
- if (remote_object_id.is_valid())
- return TTR("Remote ") + String(type_name) + ": " + itos(remote_object_id);
- else
- return "<null>";
- }
- Variant get_variant(const StringName &p_name) {
- Variant var;
- _get(p_name, var);
- return var;
- }
- void clear() {
- prop_list.clear();
- prop_values.clear();
- }
- void update() {
- _change_notify();
- }
- void update_single(const char *p_prop) {
- _change_notify(p_prop);
- }
- ScriptEditorDebuggerInspectedObject() {
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_copy() {
- String msg = reason->get_text();
- if (msg == "") return;
- OS::get_singleton()->set_clipboard(msg);
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_skip_breakpoints() {
- skip_breakpoints_value = !skip_breakpoints_value;
- if (skip_breakpoints_value)
- skip_breakpoints->set_icon(get_icon("DebugSkipBreakpointsOn", "EditorIcons"));
- else
- skip_breakpoints->set_icon(get_icon("DebugSkipBreakpointsOff", "EditorIcons"));
- if (connection.is_valid()) {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("set_skip_breakpoints");
- msg.push_back(skip_breakpoints_value);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_next() {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!breaked);
- ERR_FAIL_COND(connection.is_null());
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!connection->is_connected_to_host());
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("next");
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- _clear_execution();
- stack_dump->clear();
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_step() {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!breaked);
- ERR_FAIL_COND(connection.is_null());
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!connection->is_connected_to_host());
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("step");
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- _clear_execution();
- stack_dump->clear();
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_break() {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(breaked);
- ERR_FAIL_COND(connection.is_null());
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!connection->is_connected_to_host());
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("break");
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_continue() {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!breaked);
- ERR_FAIL_COND(connection.is_null());
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!connection->is_connected_to_host());
- OS::get_singleton()->enable_for_stealing_focus(EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_child_process_id());
- Array msg;
- _clear_execution();
- msg.push_back("continue");
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_scene_tree_folded(Object *obj) {
- if (updating_scene_tree) {
- return;
- }
- TreeItem *item = Object::cast_to<TreeItem>(obj);
- if (!item)
- return;
- ObjectID id = item->get_metadata(0);
- if (unfold_cache.has(id)) {
- unfold_cache.erase(id);
- } else {
- unfold_cache.insert(id);
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_scene_tree_selected() {
- if (updating_scene_tree) {
- return;
- }
- TreeItem *item = inspect_scene_tree->get_selected();
- if (!item) {
- return;
- }
- inspected_object_id = item->get_metadata(0).operator ObjectID();
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("inspect_object");
- msg.push_back(inspected_object_id);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_scene_tree_rmb_selected(const Vector2 &p_position) {
- TreeItem *item = inspect_scene_tree->get_item_at_position(p_position);
- if (!item)
- return;
- item->select(0);
- item_menu->clear();
- item_menu->add_icon_item(get_icon("CreateNewSceneFrom", "EditorIcons"), TTR("Save Branch as Scene"), ITEM_MENU_SAVE_REMOTE_NODE);
- item_menu->add_icon_item(get_icon("CopyNodePath", "EditorIcons"), TTR("Copy Node Path"), ITEM_MENU_COPY_NODE_PATH);
- item_menu->set_global_position(get_global_mouse_position());
- item_menu->popup();
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_file_selected(const String &p_file) {
- switch (file_dialog_mode) {
- case SAVE_NODE: {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("save_node");
- msg.push_back(inspected_object_id);
- msg.push_back(p_file);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- } break;
- case SAVE_CSV: {
- Error err;
- FileAccessRef file = FileAccess::open(p_file, FileAccess::WRITE, &err);
- if (err != OK) {
- ERR_PRINT("Failed to open " + p_file);
- return;
- }
- Vector<String> line;
- line.resize(Performance::MONITOR_MAX);
- // signatures
- for (int i = 0; i < Performance::MONITOR_MAX; i++) {
- line.write[i] = Performance::get_singleton()->get_monitor_name(Performance::Monitor(i));
- }
- file->store_csv_line(line);
- // values
- List<Vector<float> >::Element *E = perf_history.back();
- while (E) {
- Vector<float> &perf_data = E->get();
- for (int i = 0; i < perf_data.size(); i++) {
- line.write[i] = String::num_real(perf_data[i]);
- }
- file->store_csv_line(line);
- E = E->prev();
- }
- file->store_string("\n");
- Vector<Vector<String> > profiler_data = profiler->get_data_as_csv();
- for (int i = 0; i < profiler_data.size(); i++) {
- file->store_csv_line(profiler_data[i]);
- }
- } break;
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_scene_tree_property_value_edited(const String &p_prop, const Variant &p_value) {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("set_object_property");
- msg.push_back(inspected_object_id);
- msg.push_back(p_prop);
- msg.push_back(p_value);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- inspect_edited_object_timeout = 0.7; //avoid annoyance, don't request soon after editing
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_scene_tree_property_select_object(ObjectID p_object) {
- inspected_object_id = p_object;
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("inspect_object");
- msg.push_back(inspected_object_id);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_scene_tree_request() {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(connection.is_null());
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!connection->is_connected_to_host());
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("request_scene_tree");
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
-/// Populates inspect_scene_tree recursively given data in nodes.
-/// Nodes is an array containing 4 elements for each node, it follows this pattern:
-/// nodes[i] == number of direct children of this node
-/// nodes[i + 1] == node name
-/// nodes[i + 2] == node class
-/// nodes[i + 3] == node instance id
-/// Returns the number of items parsed in nodes from current_index.
-/// Given a nodes array like [R,A,B,C,D,E] the following Tree will be generated, assuming
-/// filter is an empty String, R and A child count are 2, B is 1 and C, D and E are 0.
-/// R
-/// |-A
-/// | |-B
-/// | | |-C
-/// | |
-/// | |-D
-/// |
-/// |-E
-int ScriptEditorDebugger::_update_scene_tree(TreeItem *parent, const Array &nodes, int current_index) {
- String filter = EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_scene_tree_dock()->get_filter();
- String item_text = nodes[current_index + 1];
- String item_type = nodes[current_index + 2];
- bool keep = filter.is_subsequence_ofi(item_text);
- TreeItem *item = inspect_scene_tree->create_item(parent);
- item->set_text(0, item_text);
- item->set_tooltip(0, TTR("Type:") + " " + item_type);
- ObjectID id = nodes[current_index + 3].operator ObjectID();
- Ref<Texture2D> icon = EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_class_icon(nodes[current_index + 2], "");
- if (icon.is_valid()) {
- item->set_icon(0, icon);
- }
- item->set_metadata(0, id);
- if (id == inspected_object_id) {
- TreeItem *cti = item->get_parent();
- while (cti) {
- cti->set_collapsed(false);
- cti = cti->get_parent();
- }
- item->select(0);
- }
- // Set current item as collapsed if necessary
- if (parent) {
- if (!unfold_cache.has(id)) {
- item->set_collapsed(true);
- }
- }
- int children_count = nodes[current_index];
- // Tracks the total number of items parsed in nodes, this is used to skips nodes that
- // are not direct children of the current node since we can't know in advance the total
- // number of children, direct and not, of a node without traversing the nodes array previously.
- // Keeping track of this allows us to build our remote scene tree by traversing the node
- // array just once.
- int items_count = 1;
- for (int i = 0; i < children_count; i++) {
- // Called for each direct child of item.
- // Direct children of current item might not be adjacent so items_count must
- // be incremented by the number of items parsed until now, otherwise we would not
- // be able to access the next child of the current item.
- // items_count is multiplied by 4 since that's the number of elements in the nodes
- // array needed to represent a single node.
- items_count += _update_scene_tree(item, nodes, current_index + items_count * 4);
- }
- // If item has not children and should not be kept delete it
- if (!keep && !item->get_children() && parent) {
- parent->remove_child(item);
- memdelete(item);
- }
- return items_count;
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_video_mem_request() {
- if (connection.is_null() || !connection->is_connected_to_host()) {
- // Video RAM usage is only available while a project is being debugged.
- return;
- }
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("request_video_mem");
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
-Size2 ScriptEditorDebugger::get_minimum_size() const {
- Size2 ms = MarginContainer::get_minimum_size();
- ms.y = MAX(ms.y, 250 * EDSCALE);
- return ms;
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_parse_message(const String &p_msg, const Array &p_data) {
- if (p_msg == "debug_enter") {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("get_stack_dump");
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- ERR_FAIL_COND(p_data.size() != 2);
- bool can_continue = p_data[0];
- String error = p_data[1];
- step->set_disabled(!can_continue);
- next->set_disabled(!can_continue);
- _set_reason_text(error, MESSAGE_ERROR);
- copy->set_disabled(false);
- breaked = true;
- dobreak->set_disabled(true);
- docontinue->set_disabled(false);
- emit_signal("breaked", true, can_continue);
- OS::get_singleton()->move_window_to_foreground();
- if (error != "") {
- tabs->set_current_tab(0);
- }
- profiler->set_enabled(false);
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_pause_button()->set_pressed(true);
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->make_bottom_panel_item_visible(this);
- _clear_remote_objects();
- } else if (p_msg == "debug_exit") {
- breaked = false;
- _clear_execution();
- copy->set_disabled(true);
- step->set_disabled(true);
- next->set_disabled(true);
- reason->set_text("");
- reason->set_tooltip("");
- back->set_disabled(true);
- forward->set_disabled(true);
- dobreak->set_disabled(false);
- docontinue->set_disabled(true);
- emit_signal("breaked", false, false, Variant());
- profiler->set_enabled(true);
- profiler->disable_seeking();
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_pause_button()->set_pressed(false);
- } else if (p_msg == "message:click_ctrl") {
- clicked_ctrl->set_text(p_data[0]);
- clicked_ctrl_type->set_text(p_data[1]);
- } else if (p_msg == "message:scene_tree") {
- inspect_scene_tree->clear();
- Map<int, TreeItem *> lv;
- updating_scene_tree = true;
- _update_scene_tree(NULL, p_data, 0);
- updating_scene_tree = false;
- le_clear->set_disabled(false);
- le_set->set_disabled(false);
- } else if (p_msg == "message:inspect_object") {
- ScriptEditorDebuggerInspectedObject *debugObj = NULL;
- ObjectID id = p_data[0];
- String type = p_data[1];
- Array properties = p_data[2];
- if (remote_objects.has(id)) {
- debugObj = remote_objects[id];
- } else {
- debugObj = memnew(ScriptEditorDebuggerInspectedObject);
- debugObj->remote_object_id = id;
- debugObj->type_name = type;
- remote_objects[id] = debugObj;
- debugObj->connect("value_edited", this, "_scene_tree_property_value_edited");
- }
- int old_prop_size = debugObj->prop_list.size();
- debugObj->prop_list.clear();
- int new_props_added = 0;
- Set<String> changed;
- for (int i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++) {
- Array prop = properties[i];
- if (prop.size() != 6)
- continue;
- PropertyInfo pinfo;
- = prop[0];
- pinfo.type = Variant::Type(int(prop[1]));
- pinfo.hint = PropertyHint(int(prop[2]));
- pinfo.hint_string = prop[3];
- pinfo.usage = PropertyUsageFlags(int(prop[4]));
- Variant var = prop[5];
- if (pinfo.type == Variant::OBJECT) {
- if (var.is_zero()) {
- var = RES();
- } else if (var.get_type() == Variant::STRING) {
- String path = var;
- if (path.find("::") != -1) {
- // built-in resource
- String base_path = path.get_slice("::", 0);
- if (ResourceLoader::get_resource_type(base_path) == "PackedScene") {
- if (!EditorNode::get_singleton()->is_scene_open(base_path)) {
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->load_scene(base_path);
- }
- } else {
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->load_resource(base_path);
- }
- }
- var = ResourceLoader::load(path);
- if (pinfo.hint_string == "Script") {
- if (debugObj->get_script() != var) {
- debugObj->set_script(REF());
- Ref<Script> script(var);
- if (!script.is_null()) {
- ScriptInstance *script_instance = script->placeholder_instance_create(debugObj);
- debugObj->set_script_and_instance(var, script_instance);
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (var.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) {
- if (((Object *)var)->is_class("EncodedObjectAsID")) {
- var = Object::cast_to<EncodedObjectAsID>(var)->get_object_id();
- pinfo.type = var.get_type();
- pinfo.hint_string = "Object";
- }
- }
- }
- //always add the property, since props may have been added or removed
- debugObj->prop_list.push_back(pinfo);
- if (!debugObj->prop_values.has( {
- new_props_added++;
- debugObj->prop_values[] = var;
- } else {
- if (bool(Variant::evaluate(Variant::OP_NOT_EQUAL, debugObj->prop_values[], var))) {
- debugObj->prop_values[] = var;
- changed.insert(;
- }
- }
- }
- if (editor->get_editor_history()->get_current() != debugObj->get_instance_id()) {
- editor->push_item(debugObj, "");
- } else {
- if (old_prop_size == debugObj->prop_list.size() && new_props_added == 0) {
- //only some may have changed, if so, then update those, if exist
- for (Set<String>::Element *E = changed.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_inspector()->update_property(E->get());
- }
- } else {
- //full update, because props were added or removed
- debugObj->update();
- }
- }
- } else if (p_msg == "message:video_mem") {
- vmem_tree->clear();
- TreeItem *root = vmem_tree->create_item();
- int total = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < p_data.size(); i += 4) {
- TreeItem *it = vmem_tree->create_item(root);
- String type = p_data[i + 1];
- int bytes = p_data[i + 3].operator int();
- it->set_text(0, p_data[i + 0]); //path
- it->set_text(1, type); //type
- it->set_text(2, p_data[i + 2]); //type
- it->set_text(3, String::humanize_size(bytes)); //type
- total += bytes;
- if (has_icon(type, "EditorIcons"))
- it->set_icon(0, get_icon(type, "EditorIcons"));
- }
- vmem_total->set_tooltip(TTR("Bytes:") + " " + itos(total));
- vmem_total->set_text(String::humanize_size(total));
- } else if (p_msg == "stack_dump") {
- stack_dump->clear();
- TreeItem *r = stack_dump->create_item();
- for (int i = 0; i < p_data.size(); i++) {
- Dictionary d = p_data[i];
- ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("function"));
- ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("file"));
- ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("line"));
- ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("id"));
- TreeItem *s = stack_dump->create_item(r);
- d["frame"] = i;
- s->set_metadata(0, d);
- String line = itos(i) + " - " + String(d["file"]) + ":" + itos(d["line"]) + " - at function: " + d["function"];
- s->set_text(0, line);
- if (i == 0)
- s->select(0);
- }
- } else if (p_msg == "stack_frame_vars") {
- variables->clear();
- int ofs = 0;
- int mcount = p_data[ofs];
- ofs++;
- for (int i = 0; i < mcount; i++) {
- String n = p_data[ofs + i * 2 + 0];
- Variant v = p_data[ofs + i * 2 + 1];
- PropertyHint h = PROPERTY_HINT_NONE;
- String hs = String();
- if (v.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) {
- v = Object::cast_to<EncodedObjectAsID>(v)->get_object_id();
- hs = "Object";
- }
- variables->add_property("Locals/" + n, v, h, hs);
- }
- ofs += mcount * 2;
- mcount = p_data[ofs];
- ofs++;
- for (int i = 0; i < mcount; i++) {
- String n = p_data[ofs + i * 2 + 0];
- Variant v = p_data[ofs + i * 2 + 1];
- PropertyHint h = PROPERTY_HINT_NONE;
- String hs = String();
- if (v.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) {
- v = Object::cast_to<EncodedObjectAsID>(v)->get_object_id();
- hs = "Object";
- }
- variables->add_property("Members/" + n, v, h, hs);
- if (n == "self") {
- _scene_tree_property_select_object(v);
- }
- }
- ofs += mcount * 2;
- mcount = p_data[ofs];
- ofs++;
- for (int i = 0; i < mcount; i++) {
- String n = p_data[ofs + i * 2 + 0];
- Variant v = p_data[ofs + i * 2 + 1];
- PropertyHint h = PROPERTY_HINT_NONE;
- String hs = String();
- if (v.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) {
- v = Object::cast_to<EncodedObjectAsID>(v)->get_object_id();
- hs = "Object";
- }
- variables->add_property("Globals/" + n, v, h, hs);
- }
- variables->update();
- inspector->edit(variables);
- } else if (p_msg == "output") {
- //OUT
- for (int i = 0; i < p_data.size(); i++) {
- String t = p_data[i];
- //LOG
- if (!EditorNode::get_log()->is_visible()) {
- if (EditorNode::get_singleton()->are_bottom_panels_hidden()) {
- if (EDITOR_GET("run/output/always_open_output_on_play")) {
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->make_bottom_panel_item_visible(EditorNode::get_log());
- }
- }
- }
- EditorNode::get_log()->add_message(t);
- }
- } else if (p_msg == "performance") {
- Array arr = p_data[0];
- Vector<float> p;
- p.resize(arr.size());
- for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
- p.write[i] = arr[i];
- if (i < perf_items.size()) {
- const float value = p[i];
- String label = rtos(value);
- String tooltip = label;
- switch (Performance::MonitorType((int)perf_items[i]->get_metadata(1))) {
- case Performance::MONITOR_TYPE_MEMORY: {
- label = String::humanize_size(value);
- tooltip = label;
- } break;
- case Performance::MONITOR_TYPE_TIME: {
- label = rtos(value * 1000).pad_decimals(2) + " ms";
- tooltip = label;
- } break;
- default: {
- tooltip += " " + perf_items[i]->get_text(0);
- } break;
- }
- perf_items[i]->set_text(1, label);
- perf_items[i]->set_tooltip(1, tooltip);
- if (p[i] > perf_max[i])
- perf_max.write[i] = p[i];
- }
- }
- perf_history.push_front(p);
- perf_draw->update();
- } else if (p_msg == "visual_profile") {
- uint64_t frame = p_data[0];
- PoolVector<String> names = p_data[1];
- PoolVector<real_t> values = p_data[2];
- EditorVisualProfiler::Metric metric;
- metric.areas.resize(names.size());
- metric.frame_number = frame;
- metric.valid = true;
- {
- EditorVisualProfiler::Metric::Area *areas_ptr = metric.areas.ptrw();
- int metric_count = names.size();
- PoolVector<String>::Read rs =;
- PoolVector<real_t>::Read rr =;
- for (int i = 0; i < metric_count; i++) {
- areas_ptr[i].name = rs[i];
- areas_ptr[i].cpu_time = rr[i * 2 + 0];
- areas_ptr[i].gpu_time = rr[i * 2 + 1];
- }
- }
- visual_profiler->add_frame_metric(metric);
- } else if (p_msg == "error") {
- // Should have at least two elements, error array and stack items count.
- ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_data.size() < 2, "Malformed error message from script debugger.");
- // Error or warning data.
- Array err = p_data[0];
- ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(err.size() < 10, "Malformed error message from script debugger.");
- // Format time.
- Array time_vals;
- time_vals.push_back(err[0]);
- time_vals.push_back(err[1]);
- time_vals.push_back(err[2]);
- time_vals.push_back(err[3]);
- bool e;
- String time = String("%d:%02d:%02d.%03d").sprintf(time_vals, &e);
- // Rest of the error data.
- String method = err[4];
- String source_file = err[5];
- String source_line = err[6];
- String error_cond = err[7];
- String error_msg = err[8];
- bool is_warning = err[9];
- bool has_method = !method.empty();
- bool has_error_msg = !error_msg.empty();
- bool source_is_project_file = source_file.begins_with("res://");
- // Metadata to highlight error line in scripts.
- Array source_meta;
- source_meta.push_back(source_file);
- source_meta.push_back(source_line);
- // Create error tree to display above error or warning details.
- TreeItem *r = error_tree->get_root();
- if (!r) {
- r = error_tree->create_item();
- }
- // Also provide the relevant details as tooltip to quickly check without
- // uncollapsing the tree.
- String tooltip = is_warning ? TTR("Warning:") : TTR("Error:");
- TreeItem *error = error_tree->create_item(r);
- error->set_collapsed(true);
- error->set_icon(0, get_icon(is_warning ? "Warning" : "Error", "EditorIcons"));
- error->set_text(0, time);
- error->set_text_align(0, TreeItem::ALIGN_LEFT);
- String error_title;
- // Include method name, when given, in error title.
- if (has_method)
- error_title += method + ": ";
- // If we have a (custom) error message, use it as title, and add a C++ Error
- // item with the original error condition.
- error_title += error_msg.empty() ? error_cond : error_msg;
- error->set_text(1, error_title);
- tooltip += " " + error_title + "\n";
- if (has_error_msg) {
- // Add item for C++ error condition.
- TreeItem *cpp_cond = error_tree->create_item(error);
- cpp_cond->set_text(0, "<" + TTR("C++ Error") + ">");
- cpp_cond->set_text(1, error_cond);
- cpp_cond->set_text_align(0, TreeItem::ALIGN_LEFT);
- tooltip += TTR("C++ Error:") + " " + error_cond + "\n";
- if (source_is_project_file)
- cpp_cond->set_metadata(0, source_meta);
- }
- // Source of the error.
- String source_txt = (source_is_project_file ? source_file.get_file() : source_file) + ":" + source_line;
- if (has_method)
- source_txt += " @ " + method + "()";
- TreeItem *cpp_source = error_tree->create_item(error);
- cpp_source->set_text(0, "<" + (source_is_project_file ? TTR("Source") : TTR("C++ Source")) + ">");
- cpp_source->set_text(1, source_txt);
- cpp_source->set_text_align(0, TreeItem::ALIGN_LEFT);
- tooltip += (source_is_project_file ? TTR("Source:") : TTR("C++ Source:")) + " " + source_txt + "\n";
- // Set metadata to highlight error line in scripts.
- if (source_is_project_file) {
- error->set_metadata(0, source_meta);
- cpp_source->set_metadata(0, source_meta);
- }
- error->set_tooltip(0, tooltip);
- error->set_tooltip(1, tooltip);
- // Format stack trace.
- // stack_items_count is the number of elements to parse, with 3 items per frame
- // of the stack trace (script, method, line).
- int stack_items_count = p_data[1];
- for (int i = 0; i < stack_items_count; i += 3) {
- String script = p_data[2 + i];
- String method2 = p_data[3 + i];
- int line = p_data[4 + i];
- TreeItem *stack_trace = error_tree->create_item(error);
- Array meta;
- meta.push_back(script);
- meta.push_back(line);
- stack_trace->set_metadata(0, meta);
- if (i == 0) {
- stack_trace->set_text(0, "<" + TTR("Stack Trace") + ">");
- stack_trace->set_text_align(0, TreeItem::ALIGN_LEFT);
- error->set_metadata(0, meta);
- }
- stack_trace->set_text(1, script.get_file() + ":" + itos(line) + " @ " + method2 + "()");
- }
- if (is_warning)
- warning_count++;
- else
- error_count++;
- } else if (p_msg == "profile_sig") {
- //cache a signature
- profiler_signature[p_data[1]] = p_data[0];
- } else if (p_msg == "profile_frame" || p_msg == "profile_total") {
- EditorProfiler::Metric metric;
- metric.valid = true;
- metric.frame_number = p_data[0];
- metric.frame_time = p_data[1];
- metric.idle_time = p_data[2];
- metric.physics_time = p_data[3];
- metric.physics_frame_time = p_data[4];
- int frame_data_amount = p_data[6];
- int frame_function_amount = p_data[7];
- if (frame_data_amount) {
- EditorProfiler::Metric::Category frame_time;
- frame_time.signature = "category_frame_time";
- = "Frame Time";
- frame_time.total_time = metric.frame_time;
- EditorProfiler::Metric::Category::Item item;
- item.calls = 1;
- item.line = 0;
- = "Physics Time";
- = metric.physics_time;
- item.self =;
- item.signature = "physics_time";
- frame_time.items.push_back(item);
- = "Idle Time";
- = metric.idle_time;
- item.self =;
- item.signature = "idle_time";
- frame_time.items.push_back(item);
- = "Physics Frame Time";
- = metric.physics_frame_time;
- item.self =;
- item.signature = "physics_frame_time";
- frame_time.items.push_back(item);
- metric.categories.push_back(frame_time);
- }
- int idx = 8;
- for (int i = 0; i < frame_data_amount; i++) {
- EditorProfiler::Metric::Category c;
- String name = p_data[idx++];
- Array values = p_data[idx++];
- = name.capitalize();
- c.items.resize(values.size() / 2);
- c.total_time = 0;
- c.signature = "categ::" + name;
- for (int j = 0; j < values.size(); j += 2) {
- EditorProfiler::Metric::Category::Item item;
- item.calls = 1;
- item.line = 0;
- = values[j];
- item.self = values[j + 1];
- = item.self;
- item.signature = "categ::" + name + "::" +;
- =;
- c.total_time +=;
- c.items.write[j / 2] = item;
- }
- metric.categories.push_back(c);
- }
- EditorProfiler::Metric::Category funcs;
- funcs.total_time = p_data[5]; //script time
- funcs.items.resize(frame_function_amount);
- = "Script Functions";
- funcs.signature = "script_functions";
- for (int i = 0; i < frame_function_amount; i++) {
- int signature = p_data[idx++];
- int calls = p_data[idx++];
- float total = p_data[idx++];
- float self = p_data[idx++];
- EditorProfiler::Metric::Category::Item item;
- if (profiler_signature.has(signature)) {
- item.signature = profiler_signature[signature];
- String name = profiler_signature[signature];
- Vector<String> strings = name.split("::");
- if (strings.size() == 3) {
- = strings[2];
- item.script = strings[0];
- item.line = strings[1].to_int();
- } else if (strings.size() == 4) { //Built-in scripts have an :: in their name
- = strings[3];
- item.script = strings[0] + "::" + strings[1];
- item.line = strings[2].to_int();
- }
- } else {
- = "SigErr " + itos(signature);
- }
- item.calls = calls;
- item.self = self;
- = total;
- funcs.items.write[i] = item;
- }
- metric.categories.push_back(funcs);
- if (p_msg == "profile_frame")
- profiler->add_frame_metric(metric, false);
- else
- profiler->add_frame_metric(metric, true);
- } else if (p_msg == "network_profile") {
- int frame_size = 6;
- for (int i = 0; i < p_data.size(); i += frame_size) {
- MultiplayerAPI::ProfilingInfo pi;
- pi.node = p_data[i + 0].operator ObjectID();
- pi.node_path = p_data[i + 1];
- pi.incoming_rpc = p_data[i + 2];
- pi.incoming_rset = p_data[i + 3];
- pi.outgoing_rpc = p_data[i + 4];
- pi.outgoing_rset = p_data[i + 5];
- network_profiler->add_node_frame_data(pi);
- }
- } else if (p_msg == "network_bandwidth") {
- network_profiler->set_bandwidth(p_data[0], p_data[1]);
- } else if (p_msg == "kill_me") {
- editor->call_deferred("stop_child_process");
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_set_reason_text(const String &p_reason, MessageType p_type) {
- switch (p_type) {
- reason->add_color_override("font_color", get_color("error_color", "Editor"));
- break;
- reason->add_color_override("font_color", get_color("warning_color", "Editor"));
- break;
- default:
- reason->add_color_override("font_color", get_color("success_color", "Editor"));
- }
- reason->set_text(p_reason);
- reason->set_tooltip(p_reason.word_wrap(80));
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_performance_select() {
- perf_draw->update();
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_performance_draw() {
- Vector<int> which;
- for (int i = 0; i < perf_items.size(); i++) {
- if (perf_items[i]->is_checked(0))
- which.push_back(i);
- }
- if (which.empty()) {
- info_message->show();
- return;
- }
- info_message->hide();
- Ref<StyleBox> graph_sb = get_stylebox("normal", "TextEdit");
- Ref<Font> graph_font = get_font("font", "TextEdit");
- int cols = Math::ceil(Math::sqrt((float)which.size()));
- int rows = Math::ceil((float)which.size() / cols);
- if (which.size() == 1)
- rows = 1;
- int margin = 3;
- int point_sep = 5;
- Size2i s = Size2i(perf_draw->get_size()) / Size2i(cols, rows);
- for (int i = 0; i < which.size(); i++) {
- Point2i p(i % cols, i / cols);
- Rect2i r(p * s, s);
- r.position += Point2(margin, margin);
- r.size -= Point2(margin, margin) * 2.0;
- perf_draw->draw_style_box(graph_sb, r);
- r.position += graph_sb->get_offset();
- r.size -= graph_sb->get_minimum_size();
- int pi = which[i];
- Color c = get_color("accent_color", "Editor");
- float h = (float)which[i] / (float)(perf_items.size());
- // Use a darker color on light backgrounds for better visibility
- float value_multiplier = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->is_dark_theme() ? 1.4 : 0.55;
- c.set_hsv(Math::fmod(h + 0.4, 0.9), c.get_s() * 0.9, c.get_v() * value_multiplier);
- c.a = 0.6;
- perf_draw->draw_string(graph_font, r.position + Point2(0, graph_font->get_ascent()), perf_items[pi]->get_text(0), c, r.size.x);
- c.a = 0.9;
- perf_draw->draw_string(graph_font, r.position + Point2(0, graph_font->get_ascent() + graph_font->get_height()), perf_items[pi]->get_text(1), c, r.size.y);
- float spacing = point_sep / float(cols);
- float from = r.size.width;
- List<Vector<float> >::Element *E = perf_history.front();
- float prev = -1;
- while (from >= 0 && E) {
- float m = perf_max[pi];
- if (m == 0)
- m = 0.00001;
- float h2 = E->get()[pi] / m;
- h2 = (1.0 - h2) * r.size.y;
- if (E != perf_history.front())
- perf_draw->draw_line(r.position + Point2(from, h2), r.position + Point2(from + spacing, prev), c, Math::round(EDSCALE));
- prev = h2;
- E = E->next();
- from -= spacing;
- }
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_notification(int p_what) {
- switch (p_what) {
- inspector->edit(variables);
- skip_breakpoints->set_icon(get_icon("DebugSkipBreakpointsOff", "EditorIcons"));
- copy->set_icon(get_icon("ActionCopy", "EditorIcons"));
- step->set_icon(get_icon("DebugStep", "EditorIcons"));
- next->set_icon(get_icon("DebugNext", "EditorIcons"));
- back->set_icon(get_icon("Back", "EditorIcons"));
- forward->set_icon(get_icon("Forward", "EditorIcons"));
- dobreak->set_icon(get_icon("Pause", "EditorIcons"));
- docontinue->set_icon(get_icon("DebugContinue", "EditorIcons"));
- le_set->connect("pressed", this, "_live_edit_set");
- le_clear->connect("pressed", this, "_live_edit_clear");
- error_tree->connect("item_selected", this, "_error_selected");
- error_tree->connect("item_activated", this, "_error_activated");
- vmem_refresh->set_icon(get_icon("Reload", "EditorIcons"));
- reason->add_color_override("font_color", get_color("error_color", "Editor"));
- } break;
- if (connection.is_valid()) {
- inspect_scene_tree_timeout -= get_process_delta_time();
- if (inspect_scene_tree_timeout < 0) {
- inspect_scene_tree_timeout = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("debugger/remote_scene_tree_refresh_interval");
- if (inspect_scene_tree->is_visible_in_tree()) {
- _scene_tree_request();
- }
- }
- inspect_edited_object_timeout -= get_process_delta_time();
- if (inspect_edited_object_timeout < 0) {
- inspect_edited_object_timeout = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("debugger/remote_inspect_refresh_interval");
- if (inspected_object_id.is_valid()) {
- if (ScriptEditorDebuggerInspectedObject *obj = Object::cast_to<ScriptEditorDebuggerInspectedObject>(ObjectDB::get_instance(editor->get_editor_history()->get_current()))) {
- if (obj->remote_object_id == inspected_object_id) {
- //take the chance and re-inspect selected object
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("inspect_object");
- msg.push_back(inspected_object_id);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (camera_override == OVERRIDE_2D) {
- CanvasItemEditor *editor = CanvasItemEditor::get_singleton();
- Dictionary state = editor->get_state();
- float zoom = state["zoom"];
- Point2 offset = state["ofs"];
- Transform2D transform;
- transform.scale_basis(Size2(zoom, zoom));
- transform.elements[2] = -offset * zoom;
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("override_camera_2D:transform");
- msg.push_back(transform);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- } else if (camera_override >= OVERRIDE_3D_1) {
- int viewport_idx = camera_override - OVERRIDE_3D_1;
- SpatialEditorViewport *viewport = SpatialEditor::get_singleton()->get_editor_viewport(viewport_idx);
- Camera *const cam = viewport->get_camera();
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("override_camera_3D:transform");
- msg.push_back(cam->get_camera_transform());
- if (cam->get_projection() == Camera::PROJECTION_ORTHOGONAL) {
- msg.push_back(false);
- msg.push_back(cam->get_size());
- } else {
- msg.push_back(true);
- msg.push_back(cam->get_fov());
- }
- msg.push_back(cam->get_znear());
- msg.push_back(cam->get_zfar());
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- }
- }
- if (error_count != last_error_count || warning_count != last_warning_count) {
- if (error_count == 0 && warning_count == 0) {
- errors_tab->set_name(TTR("Errors"));
- debugger_button->set_text(TTR("Debugger"));
- debugger_button->set_icon(Ref<Texture2D>());
- tabs->set_tab_icon(errors_tab->get_index(), Ref<Texture2D>());
- } else {
- errors_tab->set_name(TTR("Errors") + " (" + itos(error_count + warning_count) + ")");
- debugger_button->set_text(TTR("Debugger") + " (" + itos(error_count + warning_count) + ")");
- if (error_count == 0) {
- debugger_button->set_icon(get_icon("Warning", "EditorIcons"));
- tabs->set_tab_icon(errors_tab->get_index(), get_icon("Warning", "EditorIcons"));
- } else {
- debugger_button->set_icon(get_icon("Error", "EditorIcons"));
- tabs->set_tab_icon(errors_tab->get_index(), get_icon("Error", "EditorIcons"));
- }
- }
- last_error_count = error_count;
- last_warning_count = warning_count;
- }
- if (server->is_connection_available()) {
- if (connection.is_valid()) {
- // We already have a valid connection. Disconnecting any new connecting client to prevent it from hanging.
- // (If we don't keep a reference to the connection it will be destroyed and disconnect_from_host will be called internally)
- server->take_connection();
- } else {
- // We just got the first connection.
- connection = server->take_connection();
- if (connection.is_null())
- break;
- EditorNode::get_log()->add_message("--- Debugging process started ---", EditorLog::MSG_TYPE_EDITOR);
- ppeer->set_stream_peer(connection);
- //EditorNode::get_singleton()->make_bottom_panel_item_visible(this);
- //emit_signal("show_debugger",true);
- dobreak->set_disabled(false);
- tabs->set_current_tab(0);
- _set_reason_text(TTR("Child process connected."), MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
- profiler->clear();
- inspect_scene_tree->clear();
- le_set->set_disabled(true);
- le_clear->set_disabled(false);
- vmem_refresh->set_disabled(false);
- error_tree->clear();
- error_count = 0;
- warning_count = 0;
- profiler_signature.clear();
- //live_edit_root->set_text("/root");
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_pause_button()->set_pressed(false);
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_pause_button()->set_disabled(false);
- update_live_edit_root();
- if (profiler->is_profiling()) {
- _profiler_activate(true);
- }
- if (network_profiler->is_profiling()) {
- _network_profiler_activate(true);
- }
- }
- }
- if (connection.is_null())
- break;
- if (!connection->is_connected_to_host()) {
- stop();
- editor->notify_child_process_exited(); //somehow, exited
- break;
- };
- if (ppeer->get_available_packet_count() <= 0) {
- break;
- };
- const uint64_t until = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec() + 20;
- while (ppeer->get_available_packet_count() > 0) {
- if (pending_in_queue) {
- int todo = MIN(ppeer->get_available_packet_count(), pending_in_queue);
- for (int i = 0; i < todo; i++) {
- Variant cmd;
- Error ret = ppeer->get_var(cmd);
- if (ret != OK) {
- stop();
- ERR_FAIL_COND(ret != OK);
- }
- message.push_back(cmd);
- pending_in_queue--;
- }
- if (pending_in_queue == 0) {
- _parse_message(message_type, message);
- message.clear();
- }
- } else {
- if (ppeer->get_available_packet_count() >= 2) {
- Variant cmd;
- Error ret = ppeer->get_var(cmd);
- if (ret != OK) {
- stop();
- ERR_FAIL_COND(ret != OK);
- }
- if (cmd.get_type() != Variant::STRING) {
- stop();
- ERR_FAIL_COND(cmd.get_type() != Variant::STRING);
- }
- message_type = cmd;
- ret = ppeer->get_var(cmd);
- if (ret != OK) {
- stop();
- ERR_FAIL_COND(ret != OK);
- }
- if (cmd.get_type() != Variant::INT) {
- stop();
- ERR_FAIL_COND(cmd.get_type() != Variant::INT);
- }
- pending_in_queue = cmd;
- if (pending_in_queue == 0) {
- _parse_message(message_type, Array());
- message.clear();
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec() > until)
- break;
- }
- } break;
- add_constant_override("margin_left", -EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_gui_base()->get_stylebox("BottomPanelDebuggerOverride", "EditorStyles")->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT));
- add_constant_override("margin_right", -EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_gui_base()->get_stylebox("BottomPanelDebuggerOverride", "EditorStyles")->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT));
- tabs->add_style_override("panel", editor->get_gui_base()->get_stylebox("DebuggerPanel", "EditorStyles"));
- tabs->add_style_override("tab_fg", editor->get_gui_base()->get_stylebox("DebuggerTabFG", "EditorStyles"));
- tabs->add_style_override("tab_bg", editor->get_gui_base()->get_stylebox("DebuggerTabBG", "EditorStyles"));
- copy->set_icon(get_icon("ActionCopy", "EditorIcons"));
- step->set_icon(get_icon("DebugStep", "EditorIcons"));
- next->set_icon(get_icon("DebugNext", "EditorIcons"));
- back->set_icon(get_icon("Back", "EditorIcons"));
- forward->set_icon(get_icon("Forward", "EditorIcons"));
- dobreak->set_icon(get_icon("Pause", "EditorIcons"));
- docontinue->set_icon(get_icon("DebugContinue", "EditorIcons"));
- vmem_refresh->set_icon(get_icon("Reload", "EditorIcons"));
- } break;
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_clear_execution() {
- TreeItem *ti = stack_dump->get_selected();
- if (!ti)
- return;
- Dictionary d = ti->get_metadata(0);
- stack_script = ResourceLoader::load(d["file"]);
- emit_signal("clear_execution", stack_script);
- stack_script.unref();
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::start() {
- stop();
- if (is_visible_in_tree()) {
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->make_bottom_panel_item_visible(this);
- }
- perf_history.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < Performance::MONITOR_MAX; i++) {
- perf_max.write[i] = 0;
- }
- int remote_port = (int)EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("network/debug/remote_port");
- if (server->listen(remote_port) != OK) {
- EditorNode::get_log()->add_message(String("Error listening on port ") + itos(remote_port), EditorLog::MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
- return;
- }
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_scene_tree_dock()->show_tab_buttons();
- auto_switch_remote_scene_tree = (bool)EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("debugger/auto_switch_to_remote_scene_tree");
- if (auto_switch_remote_scene_tree) {
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_scene_tree_dock()->show_remote_tree();
- }
- set_process(true);
- breaked = false;
- camera_override = OVERRIDE_NONE;
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::pause() {
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::unpause() {
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::stop() {
- set_process(false);
- breaked = false;
- _clear_execution();
- server->stop();
- _clear_remote_objects();
- ppeer->set_stream_peer(Ref<StreamPeer>());
- if (connection.is_valid()) {
- EditorNode::get_log()->add_message("--- Debugging process stopped ---", EditorLog::MSG_TYPE_EDITOR);
- connection.unref();
- reason->set_text("");
- reason->set_tooltip("");
- }
- pending_in_queue = 0;
- message.clear();
- node_path_cache.clear();
- res_path_cache.clear();
- profiler_signature.clear();
- le_clear->set_disabled(false);
- le_set->set_disabled(true);
- profiler->set_enabled(true);
- vmem_refresh->set_disabled(true);
- inspect_scene_tree->clear();
- inspector->edit(NULL);
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_pause_button()->set_pressed(false);
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_pause_button()->set_disabled(true);
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_scene_tree_dock()->hide_remote_tree();
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_scene_tree_dock()->hide_tab_buttons();
- if (hide_on_stop) {
- if (is_visible_in_tree())
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->hide_bottom_panel();
- emit_signal("show_debugger", false);
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_profiler_activate(bool p_enable) {
- if (!connection.is_valid())
- return;
- if (p_enable) {
- profiler_signature.clear();
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("start_profiling");
- int max_funcs = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("debugger/profiler_frame_max_functions");
- max_funcs = CLAMP(max_funcs, 16, 512);
- msg.push_back(max_funcs);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- print_verbose("Starting profiling.");
- } else {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("stop_profiling");
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- print_verbose("Ending profiling.");
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_visual_profiler_activate(bool p_enable) {
- if (!connection.is_valid())
- return;
- if (p_enable) {
- profiler_signature.clear();
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("start_visual_profiling");
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- print_verbose("Starting visual profiling.");
- } else {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("stop_visual_profiling");
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- print_verbose("Ending visual profiling.");
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_network_profiler_activate(bool p_enable) {
- if (!connection.is_valid())
- return;
- if (p_enable) {
- profiler_signature.clear();
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("start_network_profiling");
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- print_verbose("Starting network profiling.");
- } else {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("stop_network_profiling");
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- print_verbose("Ending network profiling.");
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_profiler_seeked() {
- if (!connection.is_valid() || !connection->is_connected_to_host())
- return;
- if (breaked)
- return;
- debug_break();
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_stack_dump_frame_selected() {
- TreeItem *ti = stack_dump->get_selected();
- if (!ti)
- return;
- Dictionary d = ti->get_metadata(0);
- stack_script = ResourceLoader::load(d["file"]);
- emit_signal("goto_script_line", stack_script, int(d["line"]) - 1);
- emit_signal("set_execution", stack_script, int(d["line"]) - 1);
- stack_script.unref();
- if (connection.is_valid() && connection->is_connected_to_host()) {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("get_stack_frame_vars");
- msg.push_back(d["frame"]);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- } else {
- inspector->edit(NULL);
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_output_clear() {
- //output->clear();
- //output->push_color(Color(0,0,0));
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_export_csv() {
- file_dialog->set_mode(EditorFileDialog::MODE_SAVE_FILE);
- file_dialog->set_access(EditorFileDialog::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM);
- file_dialog_mode = SAVE_CSV;
- file_dialog->popup_centered_ratio();
-String ScriptEditorDebugger::get_var_value(const String &p_var) const {
- if (!breaked)
- return String();
- return variables->get_var_value(p_var);
-int ScriptEditorDebugger::_get_node_path_cache(const NodePath &p_path) {
- const int *r = node_path_cache.getptr(p_path);
- if (r)
- return *r;
- last_path_id++;
- node_path_cache[p_path] = last_path_id;
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("live_node_path");
- msg.push_back(p_path);
- msg.push_back(last_path_id);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- return last_path_id;
-int ScriptEditorDebugger::_get_res_path_cache(const String &p_path) {
- Map<String, int>::Element *E = res_path_cache.find(p_path);
- if (E)
- return E->get();
- last_path_id++;
- res_path_cache[p_path] = last_path_id;
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("live_res_path");
- msg.push_back(p_path);
- msg.push_back(last_path_id);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- return last_path_id;
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_method_changed(Object *p_base, const StringName &p_name, VARIANT_ARG_DECLARE) {
- if (!p_base || !live_debug || !connection.is_valid() || !editor->get_edited_scene())
- return;
- Node *node = Object::cast_to<Node>(p_base);
- for (int i = 0; i < VARIANT_ARG_MAX; i++) {
- //no pointers, sorry
- if (argptr[i] && (argptr[i]->get_type() == Variant::OBJECT || argptr[i]->get_type() == Variant::_RID))
- return;
- }
- if (node) {
- NodePath path = editor->get_edited_scene()->get_path_to(node);
- int pathid = _get_node_path_cache(path);
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("live_node_call");
- msg.push_back(pathid);
- msg.push_back(p_name);
- for (int i = 0; i < VARIANT_ARG_MAX; i++) {
- //no pointers, sorry
- msg.push_back(*argptr[i]);
- }
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- return;
- }
- Resource *res = Object::cast_to<Resource>(p_base);
- if (res && res->get_path() != String()) {
- String respath = res->get_path();
- int pathid = _get_res_path_cache(respath);
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("live_res_call");
- msg.push_back(pathid);
- msg.push_back(p_name);
- for (int i = 0; i < VARIANT_ARG_MAX; i++) {
- //no pointers, sorry
- msg.push_back(*argptr[i]);
- }
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- return;
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_property_changed(Object *p_base, const StringName &p_property, const Variant &p_value) {
- if (!p_base || !live_debug || !connection.is_valid() || !editor->get_edited_scene())
- return;
- Node *node = Object::cast_to<Node>(p_base);
- if (node) {
- NodePath path = editor->get_edited_scene()->get_path_to(node);
- int pathid = _get_node_path_cache(path);
- if (p_value.is_ref()) {
- Ref<Resource> res = p_value;
- if (res.is_valid() && res->get_path() != String()) {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("live_node_prop_res");
- msg.push_back(pathid);
- msg.push_back(p_property);
- msg.push_back(res->get_path());
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- }
- } else {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("live_node_prop");
- msg.push_back(pathid);
- msg.push_back(p_property);
- msg.push_back(p_value);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- }
- return;
- }
- Resource *res = Object::cast_to<Resource>(p_base);
- if (res && res->get_path() != String()) {
- String respath = res->get_path();
- int pathid = _get_res_path_cache(respath);
- if (p_value.is_ref()) {
- Ref<Resource> res2 = p_value;
- if (res2.is_valid() && res2->get_path() != String()) {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("live_res_prop_res");
- msg.push_back(pathid);
- msg.push_back(p_property);
- msg.push_back(res2->get_path());
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- }
- } else {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("live_res_prop");
- msg.push_back(pathid);
- msg.push_back(p_property);
- msg.push_back(p_value);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- }
- return;
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_method_changeds(void *p_ud, Object *p_base, const StringName &p_name, VARIANT_ARG_DECLARE) {
- ScriptEditorDebugger *sed = (ScriptEditorDebugger *)p_ud;
- sed->_method_changed(p_base, p_name, VARIANT_ARG_PASS);
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_property_changeds(void *p_ud, Object *p_base, const StringName &p_property, const Variant &p_value) {
- ScriptEditorDebugger *sed = (ScriptEditorDebugger *)p_ud;
- sed->_property_changed(p_base, p_property, p_value);
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::set_live_debugging(bool p_enable) {
- live_debug = p_enable;
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_live_edit_set() {
- if (!connection.is_valid())
- return;
- TreeItem *ti = inspect_scene_tree->get_selected();
- if (!ti)
- return;
- String path;
- while (ti) {
- String lp = ti->get_text(0);
- path = "/" + lp + path;
- ti = ti->get_parent();
- }
- NodePath np = path;
- editor->get_editor_data().set_edited_scene_live_edit_root(np);
- update_live_edit_root();
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_live_edit_clear() {
- NodePath np = NodePath("/root");
- editor->get_editor_data().set_edited_scene_live_edit_root(np);
- update_live_edit_root();
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::update_live_edit_root() {
- NodePath np = editor->get_editor_data().get_edited_scene_live_edit_root();
- if (connection.is_valid()) {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("live_set_root");
- msg.push_back(np);
- if (editor->get_edited_scene())
- msg.push_back(editor->get_edited_scene()->get_filename());
- else
- msg.push_back("");
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- }
- live_edit_root->set_text(np);
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::live_debug_create_node(const NodePath &p_parent, const String &p_type, const String &p_name) {
- if (live_debug && connection.is_valid()) {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("live_create_node");
- msg.push_back(p_parent);
- msg.push_back(p_type);
- msg.push_back(p_name);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::live_debug_instance_node(const NodePath &p_parent, const String &p_path, const String &p_name) {
- if (live_debug && connection.is_valid()) {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("live_instance_node");
- msg.push_back(p_parent);
- msg.push_back(p_path);
- msg.push_back(p_name);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::live_debug_remove_node(const NodePath &p_at) {
- if (live_debug && connection.is_valid()) {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("live_remove_node");
- msg.push_back(p_at);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::live_debug_remove_and_keep_node(const NodePath &p_at, ObjectID p_keep_id) {
- if (live_debug && connection.is_valid()) {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("live_remove_and_keep_node");
- msg.push_back(p_at);
- msg.push_back(p_keep_id);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::live_debug_restore_node(ObjectID p_id, const NodePath &p_at, int p_at_pos) {
- if (live_debug && connection.is_valid()) {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("live_restore_node");
- msg.push_back(p_id);
- msg.push_back(p_at);
- msg.push_back(p_at_pos);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::live_debug_duplicate_node(const NodePath &p_at, const String &p_new_name) {
- if (live_debug && connection.is_valid()) {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("live_duplicate_node");
- msg.push_back(p_at);
- msg.push_back(p_new_name);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::live_debug_reparent_node(const NodePath &p_at, const NodePath &p_new_place, const String &p_new_name, int p_at_pos) {
- if (live_debug && connection.is_valid()) {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("live_reparent_node");
- msg.push_back(p_at);
- msg.push_back(p_new_place);
- msg.push_back(p_new_name);
- msg.push_back(p_at_pos);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- }
-ScriptEditorDebugger::CameraOverride ScriptEditorDebugger::get_camera_override() const {
- return camera_override;
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::set_camera_override(CameraOverride p_override) {
- if (p_override == OVERRIDE_2D && camera_override != OVERRIDE_2D) {
- if (connection.is_valid()) {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("override_camera_2D:set");
- msg.push_back(true);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- }
- } else if (p_override != OVERRIDE_2D && camera_override == OVERRIDE_2D) {
- if (connection.is_valid()) {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("override_camera_2D:set");
- msg.push_back(false);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- }
- } else if (p_override >= OVERRIDE_3D_1 && camera_override < OVERRIDE_3D_1) {
- if (connection.is_valid()) {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("override_camera_3D:set");
- msg.push_back(true);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- }
- } else if (p_override < OVERRIDE_3D_1 && camera_override >= OVERRIDE_3D_1) {
- if (connection.is_valid()) {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("override_camera_3D:set");
- msg.push_back(false);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- }
- }
- camera_override = p_override;
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::set_breakpoint(const String &p_path, int p_line, bool p_enabled) {
- if (connection.is_valid()) {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("breakpoint");
- msg.push_back(p_path);
- msg.push_back(p_line);
- msg.push_back(p_enabled);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::reload_scripts() {
- if (connection.is_valid()) {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("reload_scripts");
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- }
-bool ScriptEditorDebugger::is_skip_breakpoints() {
- return skip_breakpoints_value;
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_error_activated() {
- TreeItem *selected = error_tree->get_selected();
- TreeItem *ci = selected->get_children();
- if (ci) {
- selected->set_collapsed(!selected->is_collapsed());
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_error_selected() {
- TreeItem *selected = error_tree->get_selected();
- Array meta = selected->get_metadata(0);
- if (meta.size() == 0) {
- return;
- }
- Ref<Script> s = ResourceLoader::load(meta[0]);
- emit_signal("goto_script_line", s, int(meta[1]) - 1);
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_expand_errors_list() {
- TreeItem *root = error_tree->get_root();
- if (!root)
- return;
- TreeItem *item = root->get_children();
- while (item) {
- item->set_collapsed(false);
- item = item->get_next();
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_collapse_errors_list() {
- TreeItem *root = error_tree->get_root();
- if (!root)
- return;
- TreeItem *item = root->get_children();
- while (item) {
- item->set_collapsed(true);
- item = item->get_next();
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::set_hide_on_stop(bool p_hide) {
- hide_on_stop = p_hide;
-bool ScriptEditorDebugger::get_debug_with_external_editor() const {
- return enable_external_editor;
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::set_debug_with_external_editor(bool p_enabled) {
- enable_external_editor = p_enabled;
-Ref<Script> ScriptEditorDebugger::get_dump_stack_script() const {
- return stack_script;
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_paused() {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(connection.is_null());
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!connection->is_connected_to_host());
- if (!breaked && EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_pause_button()->is_pressed()) {
- debug_break();
- }
- if (breaked && !EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_pause_button()->is_pressed()) {
- debug_continue();
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_set_remote_object(ObjectID p_id, ScriptEditorDebuggerInspectedObject *p_obj) {
- if (remote_objects.has(p_id))
- memdelete(remote_objects[p_id]);
- remote_objects[p_id] = p_obj;
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_clear_remote_objects() {
- for (Map<ObjectID, ScriptEditorDebuggerInspectedObject *>::Element *E = remote_objects.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- if (editor->get_editor_history()->get_current() == E->value()->get_instance_id()) {
- editor->push_item(NULL);
- }
- memdelete(E->value());
- }
- remote_objects.clear();
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_clear_errors_list() {
- error_tree->clear();
- error_count = 0;
- warning_count = 0;
- _notification(NOTIFICATION_PROCESS);
-// Right click on specific file(s) or folder(s).
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_error_tree_item_rmb_selected(const Vector2 &p_pos) {
- item_menu->clear();
- item_menu->set_size(Size2(1, 1));
- if (error_tree->is_anything_selected()) {
- item_menu->add_icon_item(get_icon("ActionCopy", "EditorIcons"), TTR("Copy Error"), ITEM_MENU_COPY_ERROR);
- }
- if (item_menu->get_item_count() > 0) {
- item_menu->set_position(error_tree->get_global_position() + p_pos);
- item_menu->popup();
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_item_menu_id_pressed(int p_option) {
- switch (p_option) {
- TreeItem *ti = error_tree->get_selected();
- while (ti->get_parent() != error_tree->get_root())
- ti = ti->get_parent();
- String type;
- if (ti->get_icon(0) == get_icon("Warning", "EditorIcons")) {
- type = "W ";
- } else if (ti->get_icon(0) == get_icon("Error", "EditorIcons")) {
- type = "E ";
- }
- String text = ti->get_text(0) + " ";
- int rpad_len = text.length();
- text = type + text + ti->get_text(1) + "\n";
- TreeItem *ci = ti->get_children();
- while (ci) {
- text += " " + ci->get_text(0).rpad(rpad_len) + ci->get_text(1) + "\n";
- ci = ci->get_next();
- }
- OS::get_singleton()->set_clipboard(text);
- } break;
- file_dialog->set_access(EditorFileDialog::ACCESS_RESOURCES);
- file_dialog->set_mode(EditorFileDialog::MODE_SAVE_FILE);
- file_dialog_mode = SAVE_NODE;
- List<String> extensions;
- Ref<PackedScene> sd = memnew(PackedScene);
- ResourceSaver::get_recognized_extensions(sd, &extensions);
- file_dialog->clear_filters();
- for (int i = 0; i < extensions.size(); i++) {
- file_dialog->add_filter("*." + extensions[i] + " ; " + extensions[i].to_upper());
- }
- file_dialog->popup_centered_ratio();
- } break;
- TreeItem *ti = inspect_scene_tree->get_selected();
- String text = ti->get_text(0);
- if (ti->get_parent() == NULL) {
- text = ".";
- } else if (ti->get_parent()->get_parent() == NULL) {
- text = ".";
- } else {
- while (ti->get_parent()->get_parent() != inspect_scene_tree->get_root()) {
- ti = ti->get_parent();
- text = ti->get_text(0) + "/" + text;
- }
- }
- OS::get_singleton()->set_clipboard(text);
- } break;
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_tab_changed(int p_tab) {
- if (tabs->get_tab_title(p_tab) == TTR("Video RAM")) {
- // "Video RAM" tab was clicked, refresh the data it's dislaying when entering the tab.
- _video_mem_request();
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_bind_methods() {
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_stack_dump_frame_selected"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_stack_dump_frame_selected);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("debug_skip_breakpoints"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_skip_breakpoints);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("debug_copy"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_copy);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("debug_next"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_next);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("debug_step"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_step);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("debug_break"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_break);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("debug_continue"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_continue);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_output_clear"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_output_clear);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_export_csv"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_export_csv);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_performance_draw"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_performance_draw);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_performance_select"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_performance_select);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_scene_tree_request"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_scene_tree_request);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_video_mem_request"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_video_mem_request);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_live_edit_set"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_live_edit_set);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_live_edit_clear"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_live_edit_clear);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_error_selected"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_error_selected);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_error_activated"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_error_activated);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_expand_errors_list"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_expand_errors_list);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_collapse_errors_list"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_collapse_errors_list);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_profiler_activate"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_profiler_activate);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_visual_profiler_activate"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_visual_profiler_activate);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_network_profiler_activate"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_network_profiler_activate);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_profiler_seeked"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_profiler_seeked);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_clear_errors_list"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_clear_errors_list);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_error_tree_item_rmb_selected"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_error_tree_item_rmb_selected);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_item_menu_id_pressed"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_item_menu_id_pressed);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_tab_changed"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_tab_changed);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_paused"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_paused);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_scene_tree_selected"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_scene_tree_selected);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_scene_tree_folded"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_scene_tree_folded);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_scene_tree_rmb_selected"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_scene_tree_rmb_selected);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_file_selected"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_file_selected);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("live_debug_create_node"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::live_debug_create_node);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("live_debug_instance_node"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::live_debug_instance_node);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("live_debug_remove_node"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::live_debug_remove_node);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("live_debug_remove_and_keep_node"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::live_debug_remove_and_keep_node);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("live_debug_restore_node"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::live_debug_restore_node);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("live_debug_duplicate_node"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::live_debug_duplicate_node);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("live_debug_reparent_node"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::live_debug_reparent_node);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_scene_tree_property_select_object"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_scene_tree_property_select_object);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_scene_tree_property_value_edited"), &ScriptEditorDebugger::_scene_tree_property_value_edited);
- ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("goto_script_line"));
- ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("set_execution", PropertyInfo("script"), PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "line")));
- ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("clear_execution", PropertyInfo("script")));
- ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("breaked", PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "reallydid"), PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "can_debug")));
- ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("show_debugger", PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "reallydid")));
-ScriptEditorDebugger::ScriptEditorDebugger(EditorNode *p_editor) {
- add_constant_override("margin_left", -EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_gui_base()->get_stylebox("BottomPanelDebuggerOverride", "EditorStyles")->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT));
- add_constant_override("margin_right", -EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_gui_base()->get_stylebox("BottomPanelDebuggerOverride", "EditorStyles")->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT));
- ppeer = Ref<PacketPeerStream>(memnew(PacketPeerStream));
- ppeer->set_input_buffer_max_size((1024 * 1024 * 8) - 4); // 8 MiB should be enough, minus 4 bytes for separator.
- editor = p_editor;
- editor->get_inspector()->connect("object_id_selected", this, "_scene_tree_property_select_object");
- tabs = memnew(TabContainer);
- tabs->set_tab_align(TabContainer::ALIGN_LEFT);
- tabs->add_style_override("panel", editor->get_gui_base()->get_stylebox("DebuggerPanel", "EditorStyles"));
- tabs->add_style_override("tab_fg", editor->get_gui_base()->get_stylebox("DebuggerTabFG", "EditorStyles"));
- tabs->add_style_override("tab_bg", editor->get_gui_base()->get_stylebox("DebuggerTabBG", "EditorStyles"));
- tabs->connect("tab_changed", this, "_tab_changed");
- add_child(tabs);
- { //debugger
- VBoxContainer *vbc = memnew(VBoxContainer);
- vbc->set_name(TTR("Debugger"));
- Control *dbg = vbc;
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew(HBoxContainer);
- vbc->add_child(hbc);
- reason = memnew(Label);
- reason->set_text("");
- hbc->add_child(reason);
- reason->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- reason->set_autowrap(true);
- reason->set_max_lines_visible(3);
- reason->set_mouse_filter(Control::MOUSE_FILTER_PASS);
- hbc->add_child(memnew(VSeparator));
- skip_breakpoints = memnew(ToolButton);
- hbc->add_child(skip_breakpoints);
- skip_breakpoints->set_tooltip(TTR("Skip Breakpoints"));
- skip_breakpoints->connect("pressed", this, "debug_skip_breakpoints");
- hbc->add_child(memnew(VSeparator));
- copy = memnew(ToolButton);
- hbc->add_child(copy);
- copy->set_tooltip(TTR("Copy Error"));
- copy->connect("pressed", this, "debug_copy");
- hbc->add_child(memnew(VSeparator));
- step = memnew(ToolButton);
- hbc->add_child(step);
- step->set_tooltip(TTR("Step Into"));
- step->set_shortcut(ED_GET_SHORTCUT("debugger/step_into"));
- step->connect("pressed", this, "debug_step");
- next = memnew(ToolButton);
- hbc->add_child(next);
- next->set_tooltip(TTR("Step Over"));
- next->set_shortcut(ED_GET_SHORTCUT("debugger/step_over"));
- next->connect("pressed", this, "debug_next");
- hbc->add_child(memnew(VSeparator));
- dobreak = memnew(ToolButton);
- hbc->add_child(dobreak);
- dobreak->set_tooltip(TTR("Break"));
- dobreak->set_shortcut(ED_GET_SHORTCUT("debugger/break"));
- dobreak->connect("pressed", this, "debug_break");
- docontinue = memnew(ToolButton);
- hbc->add_child(docontinue);
- docontinue->set_tooltip(TTR("Continue"));
- docontinue->set_shortcut(ED_GET_SHORTCUT("debugger/continue"));
- docontinue->connect("pressed", this, "debug_continue");
- back = memnew(Button);
- hbc->add_child(back);
- back->set_tooltip(TTR("Inspect Previous Instance"));
- back->hide();
- forward = memnew(Button);
- hbc->add_child(forward);
- forward->set_tooltip(TTR("Inspect Next Instance"));
- forward->hide();
- HSplitContainer *sc = memnew(HSplitContainer);
- vbc->add_child(sc);
- sc->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- stack_dump = memnew(Tree);
- stack_dump->set_allow_reselect(true);
- stack_dump->set_columns(1);
- stack_dump->set_column_titles_visible(true);
- stack_dump->set_column_title(0, TTR("Stack Frames"));
- stack_dump->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- stack_dump->set_hide_root(true);
- stack_dump->connect("cell_selected", this, "_stack_dump_frame_selected");
- sc->add_child(stack_dump);
- inspector = memnew(EditorInspector);
- inspector->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- inspector->set_enable_capitalize_paths(false);
- inspector->set_read_only(true);
- inspector->connect("object_id_selected", this, "_scene_tree_property_select_object");
- sc->add_child(inspector);
- server.instance();
- pending_in_queue = 0;
- variables = memnew(ScriptEditorDebuggerVariables);
- breaked = false;
- tabs->add_child(dbg);
- }
- { //errors
- errors_tab = memnew(VBoxContainer);
- errors_tab->set_name(TTR("Errors"));
- HBoxContainer *errhb = memnew(HBoxContainer);
- errors_tab->add_child(errhb);
- Button *expand_all = memnew(Button);
- expand_all->set_text(TTR("Expand All"));
- expand_all->connect("pressed", this, "_expand_errors_list");
- errhb->add_child(expand_all);
- Button *collapse_all = memnew(Button);
- collapse_all->set_text(TTR("Collapse All"));
- collapse_all->connect("pressed", this, "_collapse_errors_list");
- errhb->add_child(collapse_all);
- Control *space = memnew(Control);
- space->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- errhb->add_child(space);
- clearbutton = memnew(Button);
- clearbutton->set_text(TTR("Clear"));
- clearbutton->set_h_size_flags(0);
- clearbutton->connect("pressed", this, "_clear_errors_list");
- errhb->add_child(clearbutton);
- error_tree = memnew(Tree);
- error_tree->set_columns(2);
- error_tree->set_column_expand(0, false);
- error_tree->set_column_min_width(0, 140);
- error_tree->set_column_expand(1, true);
- error_tree->set_select_mode(Tree::SELECT_ROW);
- error_tree->set_hide_root(true);
- error_tree->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- error_tree->set_allow_rmb_select(true);
- error_tree->connect("item_rmb_selected", this, "_error_tree_item_rmb_selected");
- errors_tab->add_child(error_tree);
- item_menu = memnew(PopupMenu);
- item_menu->connect("id_pressed", this, "_item_menu_id_pressed");
- error_tree->add_child(item_menu);
- tabs->add_child(errors_tab);
- }
- { // remote scene tree
- inspect_scene_tree = memnew(Tree);
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_scene_tree_dock()->add_remote_tree_editor(inspect_scene_tree);
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_scene_tree_dock()->connect("remote_tree_selected", this, "_scene_tree_selected");
- inspect_scene_tree->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- inspect_scene_tree->connect("cell_selected", this, "_scene_tree_selected");
- inspect_scene_tree->connect("item_collapsed", this, "_scene_tree_folded");
- inspect_scene_tree->set_allow_rmb_select(true);
- inspect_scene_tree->connect("item_rmb_selected", this, "_scene_tree_rmb_selected");
- auto_switch_remote_scene_tree = EDITOR_DEF("debugger/auto_switch_to_remote_scene_tree", false);
- inspect_scene_tree_timeout = EDITOR_DEF("debugger/remote_scene_tree_refresh_interval", 1.0);
- inspect_edited_object_timeout = EDITOR_DEF("debugger/remote_inspect_refresh_interval", 0.2);
- inspected_object_id = ObjectID();
- updating_scene_tree = false;
- }
- { // File dialog
- file_dialog = memnew(EditorFileDialog);
- file_dialog->connect("file_selected", this, "_file_selected");
- add_child(file_dialog);
- }
- { //profiler
- profiler = memnew(EditorProfiler);
- profiler->set_name(TTR("Profiler"));
- tabs->add_child(profiler);
- profiler->connect("enable_profiling", this, "_profiler_activate");
- profiler->connect("break_request", this, "_profiler_seeked");
- }
- { //frame profiler
- visual_profiler = memnew(EditorVisualProfiler);
- visual_profiler->set_name(TTR("Visual Profiler"));
- tabs->add_child(visual_profiler);
- visual_profiler->connect("enable_profiling", this, "_visual_profiler_activate");
- visual_profiler->connect("break_request", this, "_profiler_seeked");
- }
- { //network profiler
- network_profiler = memnew(EditorNetworkProfiler);
- network_profiler->set_name(TTR("Network Profiler"));
- tabs->add_child(network_profiler);
- network_profiler->connect("enable_profiling", this, "_network_profiler_activate");
- network_profiler->connect("break_request", this, "_profiler_seeked");
- }
- { //monitors
- HSplitContainer *hsp = memnew(HSplitContainer);
- perf_monitors = memnew(Tree);
- perf_monitors->set_columns(2);
- perf_monitors->set_column_title(0, TTR("Monitor"));
- perf_monitors->set_column_title(1, TTR("Value"));
- perf_monitors->set_column_titles_visible(true);
- perf_monitors->connect("item_edited", this, "_performance_select");
- hsp->add_child(perf_monitors);
- perf_draw = memnew(Control);
- perf_draw->set_clip_contents(true);
- perf_draw->connect("draw", this, "_performance_draw");
- hsp->add_child(perf_draw);
- hsp->set_name(TTR("Monitors"));
- hsp->set_split_offset(340 * EDSCALE);
- tabs->add_child(hsp);
- perf_max.resize(Performance::MONITOR_MAX);
- Map<String, TreeItem *> bases;
- TreeItem *root = perf_monitors->create_item();
- perf_monitors->set_hide_root(true);
- for (int i = 0; i < Performance::MONITOR_MAX; i++) {
- String n = Performance::get_singleton()->get_monitor_name(Performance::Monitor(i));
- Performance::MonitorType mtype = Performance::get_singleton()->get_monitor_type(Performance::Monitor(i));
- String base = n.get_slice("/", 0);
- String name = n.get_slice("/", 1);
- if (!bases.has(base)) {
- TreeItem *b = perf_monitors->create_item(root);
- b->set_text(0, base.capitalize());
- b->set_editable(0, false);
- b->set_selectable(0, false);
- b->set_expand_right(0, true);
- bases[base] = b;
- }
- TreeItem *it = perf_monitors->create_item(bases[base]);
- it->set_metadata(1, mtype);
- it->set_cell_mode(0, TreeItem::CELL_MODE_CHECK);
- it->set_editable(0, true);
- it->set_selectable(0, false);
- it->set_selectable(1, false);
- it->set_text(0, name.capitalize());
- perf_items.push_back(it);
- perf_max.write[i] = 0;
- }
- info_message = memnew(Label);
- info_message->set_text(TTR("Pick one or more items from the list to display the graph."));
- info_message->set_valign(Label::VALIGN_CENTER);
- info_message->set_align(Label::ALIGN_CENTER);
- info_message->set_autowrap(true);
- info_message->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(100 * EDSCALE, 0));
- info_message->set_anchors_and_margins_preset(PRESET_WIDE, PRESET_MODE_KEEP_SIZE, 8 * EDSCALE);
- perf_draw->add_child(info_message);
- }
- { //vmem inspect
- VBoxContainer *vmem_vb = memnew(VBoxContainer);
- HBoxContainer *vmem_hb = memnew(HBoxContainer);
- Label *vmlb = memnew(Label(TTR("List of Video Memory Usage by Resource:") + " "));
- vmlb->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- vmem_hb->add_child(vmlb);
- vmem_hb->add_child(memnew(Label(TTR("Total:") + " ")));
- vmem_total = memnew(LineEdit);
- vmem_total->set_editable(false);
- vmem_total->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(100, 0) * EDSCALE);
- vmem_hb->add_child(vmem_total);
- vmem_refresh = memnew(ToolButton);
- vmem_refresh->set_disabled(true);
- vmem_hb->add_child(vmem_refresh);
- vmem_vb->add_child(vmem_hb);
- vmem_refresh->connect("pressed", this, "_video_mem_request");
- VBoxContainer *vmmc = memnew(VBoxContainer);
- vmem_tree = memnew(Tree);
- vmem_tree->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- vmem_tree->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- vmmc->add_child(vmem_tree);
- vmmc->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- vmem_vb->add_child(vmmc);
- vmem_vb->set_name(TTR("Video RAM"));
- vmem_tree->set_columns(4);
- vmem_tree->set_column_titles_visible(true);
- vmem_tree->set_column_title(0, TTR("Resource Path"));
- vmem_tree->set_column_expand(0, true);
- vmem_tree->set_column_expand(1, false);
- vmem_tree->set_column_title(1, TTR("Type"));
- vmem_tree->set_column_min_width(1, 100 * EDSCALE);
- vmem_tree->set_column_expand(2, false);
- vmem_tree->set_column_title(2, TTR("Format"));
- vmem_tree->set_column_min_width(2, 150 * EDSCALE);
- vmem_tree->set_column_expand(3, false);
- vmem_tree->set_column_title(3, TTR("Usage"));
- vmem_tree->set_column_min_width(3, 80 * EDSCALE);
- vmem_tree->set_hide_root(true);
- tabs->add_child(vmem_vb);
- }
- { // misc
- VBoxContainer *misc = memnew(VBoxContainer);
- misc->set_name(TTR("Misc"));
- tabs->add_child(misc);
- GridContainer *info_left = memnew(GridContainer);
- info_left->set_columns(2);
- misc->add_child(info_left);
- clicked_ctrl = memnew(LineEdit);
- clicked_ctrl->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- info_left->add_child(memnew(Label(TTR("Clicked Control:"))));
- info_left->add_child(clicked_ctrl);
- clicked_ctrl_type = memnew(LineEdit);
- info_left->add_child(memnew(Label(TTR("Clicked Control Type:"))));
- info_left->add_child(clicked_ctrl_type);
- live_edit_root = memnew(LineEdit);
- live_edit_root->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- {
- HBoxContainer *lehb = memnew(HBoxContainer);
- Label *l = memnew(Label(TTR("Live Edit Root:")));
- info_left->add_child(l);
- lehb->add_child(live_edit_root);
- le_set = memnew(Button(TTR("Set From Tree")));
- lehb->add_child(le_set);
- le_clear = memnew(Button(TTR("Clear")));
- lehb->add_child(le_clear);
- info_left->add_child(lehb);
- le_set->set_disabled(true);
- le_clear->set_disabled(true);
- }
- misc->add_child(memnew(VSeparator));
- HBoxContainer *buttons = memnew(HBoxContainer);
- export_csv = memnew(Button(TTR("Export measures as CSV")));
- export_csv->connect("pressed", this, "_export_csv");
- buttons->add_child(export_csv);
- misc->add_child(buttons);
- }
- msgdialog = memnew(AcceptDialog);
- add_child(msgdialog);
- p_editor->get_undo_redo()->set_method_notify_callback(_method_changeds, this);
- p_editor->get_undo_redo()->set_property_notify_callback(_property_changeds, this);
- live_debug = true;
- camera_override = OVERRIDE_NONE;
- last_path_id = false;
- error_count = 0;
- warning_count = 0;
- hide_on_stop = true;
- enable_external_editor = false;
- last_error_count = 0;
- last_warning_count = 0;
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_pause_button()->connect("pressed", this, "_paused");
-ScriptEditorDebugger::~ScriptEditorDebugger() {
- memdelete(variables);
- ppeer->set_stream_peer(Ref<StreamPeer>());
- server->stop();
- _clear_remote_objects();