path: root/editor/pot_generator.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'editor/pot_generator.cpp')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 202 deletions
diff --git a/editor/pot_generator.cpp b/editor/pot_generator.cpp
index 7ec5a221a4..f9b8722aad 100644
--- a/editor/pot_generator.cpp
+++ b/editor/pot_generator.cpp
@@ -30,14 +30,11 @@
#include "pot_generator.h"
-#include "core/class_db.h"
#include "core/error_macros.h"
-#include "core/io/resource_loader.h"
+#include "core/os/file_access.h"
#include "core/project_settings.h"
-#include "core/script_language.h"
-#include "core/variant.h"
-#include "modules/gdscript/gdscript.h"
-#include "scene/resources/packed_scene.h"
+#include "editor_translation_parser.h"
+#include "plugins/packed_scene_translation_parser_plugin.h"
POTGenerator *POTGenerator::singleton = nullptr;
@@ -65,40 +62,18 @@ void POTGenerator::generate_pot(const String &p_file) {
Vector<String> files = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("locale/translations_pot_files");
- Vector<String> translation_strings;
- List<String> packed_scene_extensions;
- ResourceLoader::get_recognized_extensions_for_type("PackedScene", &packed_scene_extensions);
// Collect all translatable strings according to files order in "POT Generation" setting.
for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
+ Vector<String> translation_strings;
String file_path = files[i];
String file_extension = file_path.get_extension();
- Error err;
- RES loaded_res = ResourceLoader::load(file_path, "", false, &err);
- if (err) {
- ERR_PRINT("Failed to load " + file_path);
- continue;
- }
- bool is_scene_file = false;
- for (List<String>::Element *E = packed_scene_extensions.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- if (file_extension == E->get()) {
- is_scene_file = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (is_scene_file) {
- Ref<PackedScene> ps = loaded_res;
- translation_strings = _parse_scene(ps->get_state());
- } else if (file_extension == "gd") {
- // Currently we only support GDScript.
- Ref<GDScript> s = loaded_res;
- translation_strings = _parse_script(s->get_source_code());
+ if (EditorTranslationParser::get_singleton()->can_parse(file_extension)) {
+ EditorTranslationParser::get_singleton()->get_parser(file_extension)->parse_file(file_path, &translation_strings);
} else {
- ERR_PRINT("Unrecognized file extension in generate_pot()");
- continue;
+ ERR_PRINT("Unrecognized file extension " + file_extension + " in generate_pot()");
+ return;
// Store translation strings parsed in this iteration along with their corresponding source file - to write into POT later on.
@@ -114,118 +89,6 @@ void POTGenerator::generate_pot(const String &p_file) {
-Vector<String> POTGenerator::_parse_scene(const Ref<SceneState> &p_state) {
- // Parse specific scene Node's properties (see in constructor) that are auto-translated by the engine when set. E.g Label's text property.
- // These properties are translated with the tr() function in the C++ code when being set or updated.
- Vector<String> parsed_strings;
- String property_name;
- Variant property_value;
- for (int i = 0; i < p_state->get_node_count(); i++) {
- if (!ClassDB::is_parent_class(p_state->get_node_type(i), "Control") && !ClassDB::is_parent_class(p_state->get_node_type(i), "Viewport")) {
- continue;
- }
- for (int j = 0; j < p_state->get_node_property_count(i); j++) {
- property_name = p_state->get_node_property_name(i, j);
- if (!lookup_properties.has(property_name)) {
- continue;
- }
- property_value = p_state->get_node_property_value(i, j);
- if (property_name == "script" && property_value.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT && !property_value.is_null()) {
- // Parse built-in script. Currently we only support GDScript.
- Ref<GDScript> s = Object::cast_to<GDScript>(property_value);
- parsed_strings.append_array(_parse_script(s->get_source_code()));
- } else if (property_name == "filters") {
- // Extract FileDialog's filters property with values in format "*.png ; PNG Images","*.gd ; GDScript Files".
- Vector<String> str_values = property_value;
- for (int k = 0; k < str_values.size(); k++) {
- String desc = str_values[k].get_slice(";", 1).strip_edges();
- if (!desc.empty()) {
- parsed_strings.push_back(desc);
- }
- }
- } else if (property_value.get_type() == Variant::STRING) {
- String str_value = String(property_value);
- // Prevent reading text containing only spaces.
- if (!str_value.strip_edges().empty()) {
- parsed_strings.push_back(str_value);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return parsed_strings;
-Vector<String> POTGenerator::_parse_script(const String &p_source_code) {
- // Parse and match all GDScript function API that involves translation string.
- // E.g get_node("Label").text = "something", var test = tr("something")
- // "something" will be matched and collected
- // The extra complication in the regex pattern is to ensure that the matching works when users write over multiple lines, use tabs etc.
- Vector<String> parsed_strings;
- regex.clear();
- regex.compile(String("|").join(patterns));
- Array results = regex.search_all(p_source_code);
- _get_captured_strings(results, &parsed_strings);
- // Special handling for FileDialog
- Vector<String> temp;
- _parse_file_dialog(p_source_code, &temp);
- parsed_strings.append_array(temp);
- // Filter out / and +
- String filter = "(?:\\\\\\n|\"[\\s\\\\]*\\+\\s*\")";
- regex.clear();
- regex.compile(filter);
- for (int i = 0; i < parsed_strings.size(); i++) {
- parsed_strings.set(i, regex.sub(parsed_strings[i], "", true));
- }
- return parsed_strings;
-void POTGenerator::_parse_file_dialog(const String &p_source_code, Vector<String> *r_output) {
- // FileDialog API has the form .filters = PackedStringArray(["*.png ; PNG Images","*.gd ; GDScript Files"]).
- // First filter: Get "*.png ; PNG Images", "*.gd ; GDScript Files" from PackedStringArray.
- regex.clear();
- regex.compile(String("|").join(file_dialog_patterns));
- Array results = regex.search_all(p_source_code);
- Vector<String> temp;
- _get_captured_strings(results, &temp);
- String captured_strings = String(",").join(temp);
- // Second filter: Get the texts after semicolon from "*.png ; PNG Images","*.gd ; GDScript Files".
- String second_filter = "\"[^;]+;" + text + "\"";
- regex.clear();
- regex.compile(second_filter);
- results = regex.search_all(captured_strings);
- _get_captured_strings(results, r_output);
- for (int i = 0; i < r_output->size(); i++) {
- r_output->set(i, r_output->get(i).strip_edges());
- }
-void POTGenerator::_get_captured_strings(const Array &p_results, Vector<String> *r_output) {
- Ref<RegExMatch> result;
- for (int i = 0; i < p_results.size(); i++) {
- result = p_results[i];
- for (int j = 0; j < result->get_group_count(); j++) {
- String s = result->get_string(j + 1);
- // Prevent reading text with only spaces.
- if (!s.strip_edges().empty()) {
- r_output->push_back(s);
- }
- }
- }
void POTGenerator::_write_to_pot(const String &p_file) {
Error err;
FileAccess *file = FileAccess::open(p_file, FileAccess::WRITE, &err);
@@ -264,14 +127,22 @@ void POTGenerator::_write_to_pot(const String &p_file) {
file->store_line("#: " + E->get().trim_prefix("res://"));
+ // Split \\n and \n.
+ Vector<String> temp = msg.split("\\n");
+ Vector<String> msg_lines;
+ for (int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++) {
+ msg_lines.append_array(temp[i].split("\n"));
+ if (i < temp.size() - 1) {
+ // Add \n.
+ msg_lines.set(msg_lines.size() - 1, msg_lines[msg_lines.size() - 1] + "\\n");
+ }
+ }
// Write msgid.
- Vector<String> msg_lines = msg.split("\\n");
- file->store_string("msgid \"" + msg_lines[0]);
- for (int i = 1; i < msg_lines.size(); i++) {
- file->store_line("\\n\"");
- file->store_string("\"" + msg_lines[i]);
+ file->store_string("msgid ");
+ for (int i = 0; i < msg_lines.size(); i++) {
+ file->store_line("\"" + msg_lines[i] + "\"");
- file->store_line("\"");
file->store_line("msgstr \"\"\n");
@@ -287,57 +158,6 @@ POTGenerator *POTGenerator::get_singleton() {
POTGenerator::POTGenerator() {
- // Scene Node's properties containing strings that will be fetched for translation.
- lookup_properties.insert("text");
- lookup_properties.insert("hint_tooltip");
- lookup_properties.insert("placeholder_text");
- lookup_properties.insert("dialog_text");
- lookup_properties.insert("filters");
- lookup_properties.insert("script");
- //Add exception list (to prevent false positives)
- //line edit, text edit, richtextlabel
- //Set<String> exception_list;
- //exception_list.insert("RichTextLabel");
- // Regex search pattern templates.
- const String dot = "\\.[\\s\\\\]*";
- const String str_assign_template = "[\\s\\\\]*=[\\s\\\\]*\"" + text + "\"";
- const String first_arg_template = "[\\s\\\\]*\\([\\s\\\\]*\"" + text + "\"[\\s\\S]*?\\)";
- const String second_arg_template = "[\\s\\\\]*\\([\\s\\S]+?,[\\s\\\\]*\"" + text + "\"[\\s\\S]*?\\)";
- // Common patterns.
- patterns.push_back("tr" + first_arg_template);
- patterns.push_back(dot + "text" + str_assign_template);
- patterns.push_back(dot + "placeholder_text" + str_assign_template);
- patterns.push_back(dot + "hint_tooltip" + str_assign_template);
- patterns.push_back(dot + "set_text" + first_arg_template);
- patterns.push_back(dot + "set_tooltip" + first_arg_template);
- patterns.push_back(dot + "set_placeholder" + first_arg_template);
- // Tabs and TabContainer API.
- patterns.push_back(dot + "set_tab_title" + second_arg_template);
- patterns.push_back(dot + "add_tab" + first_arg_template);
- // PopupMenu API.
- patterns.push_back(dot + "add_check_item" + first_arg_template);
- patterns.push_back(dot + "add_icon_check_item" + second_arg_template);
- patterns.push_back(dot + "add_icon_item" + second_arg_template);
- patterns.push_back(dot + "add_icon_radio_check_item" + second_arg_template);
- patterns.push_back(dot + "add_item" + first_arg_template);
- patterns.push_back(dot + "add_multistate_item" + first_arg_template);
- patterns.push_back(dot + "add_radio_check_item" + first_arg_template);
- patterns.push_back(dot + "add_separator" + first_arg_template);
- patterns.push_back(dot + "add_submenu_item" + first_arg_template);
- patterns.push_back(dot + "set_item_text" + second_arg_template);
- //patterns.push_back(dot + "set_item_tooltip" + second_arg_template); //no tr() behind this function. might be bug.
- // FileDialog API - special case.
- const String fd_text = "((?:[\\s\\\\]*\"(?:[^\"\\\\]|\\\\[\\s\\S])*(?:\"[\\s\\\\]*\\+[\\s\\\\]*\"(?:[^\"\\\\]|\\\\[\\s\\S])*)*\"[\\s\\\\]*,?)*)";
- const String packed_string_array = "[\\s\\\\]*PackedStringArray[\\s\\\\]*\\([\\s\\\\]*\\[" + fd_text + "\\][\\s\\\\]*\\)";
- file_dialog_patterns.push_back(dot + "add_filter[\\s\\\\]*\\(" + fd_text + "[\\s\\\\]*\\)");
- file_dialog_patterns.push_back(dot + "filters[\\s\\\\]*=" + packed_string_array);
- file_dialog_patterns.push_back(dot + "set_filters[\\s\\\\]*\\(" + packed_string_array + "[\\s\\\\]*\\)");
POTGenerator::~POTGenerator() {