path: root/editor/icons/source
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'editor/icons/source')
-rw-r--r--editor/icons/source/icon_native_script.svg (renamed from editor/icons/source/icon_g_d_native_script.svg)0
3 files changed, 123 insertions, 8 deletions
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63 3 63 L 13 63 C 13.554005 63 14 62.554005 14 62 C 14 61.445995 13.554005 61 13 61 L 3 61 z M 3 64 C 2.4459952 64 2 64.445995 2 65 C 2 65.554005 2.4459952 66 3 66 L 13 66 C 13.554005 66 14 65.554005 14 65 C 14 64.445995 13.554005 64 13 64 L 3 64 z M 3 67 C 2.4459952 67 2 67.445995 2 68 C 2 68.554005 2.4459952 69 3 69 L 13 69 C 13.554005 69 14 68.554005 14 68 C 14 67.445995 13.554005 67 13 67 L 3 67 z M 3 70 C 2.4459952 70 2 70.445995 2 71 C 2 71.554005 2.4459952 72 3 72 L 13 72 C 13.554005 72 14 71.554005 14 71 C 14 70.445995 13.554005 70 13 70 L 3 70 z M 3 73 C 2.4459952 73 2 73.445995 2 74 C 2 74.554005 2.4459952 75 3 75 L 13 75 C 13.554005 75 14 74.554005 14 74 C 14 73.445995 13.554005 73 13 73 L 3 73 z M 3 76 C 2.4459952 76 2 76.445995 2 77 C 2 77.554005 2.4459952 78 3 78 L 13 78 C 13.554005 78 14 77.554005 14 77 C 14 76.445995 13.554005 76 13 76 L 3 76 z M 3 79 C 2.4459952 79 2 79.445995 2 80 C 2 80.554005 2.4459952 81 3 81 L 13 81 C 13.554005 81 14 80.554005 14 80 C 14 79.445995 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