path: root/editor/editor_themes.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'editor/editor_themes.cpp')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/editor/editor_themes.cpp b/editor/editor_themes.cpp
index 05aa638a4b..d21049414c 100644
--- a/editor/editor_themes.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_themes.cpp
@@ -411,9 +411,11 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) {
// Colors
bool dark_theme = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->is_dark_theme();
- const Color dark_color_1 = base_color.lerp(Color(0, 0, 0, 1), contrast);
- const Color dark_color_2 = base_color.lerp(Color(0, 0, 0, 1), contrast * 1.5);
- const Color dark_color_3 = base_color.lerp(Color(0, 0, 0, 1), contrast * 2);
+ // Ensure base colors are in the 0..1 luminance range to avoid 8-bit integer overflow or text rendering issues.
+ // Some places in the editor use 8-bit integer colors.
+ const Color dark_color_1 = base_color.lerp(Color(0, 0, 0, 1), contrast).clamp();
+ const Color dark_color_2 = base_color.lerp(Color(0, 0, 0, 1), contrast * 1.5).clamp();
+ const Color dark_color_3 = base_color.lerp(Color(0, 0, 0, 1), contrast * 2).clamp();
const Color background_color = dark_color_2;
@@ -433,7 +435,8 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) {
const Color disabled_color = mono_color.inverted().lerp(base_color, 0.7);
const Color disabled_bg_color = mono_color.inverted().lerp(base_color, 0.9);
- Color icon_hover_color = Color(1, 1, 1) * (dark_theme ? 1.15 : 1.45);
+ const Color icon_normal_color = Color(1, 1, 1);
+ Color icon_hover_color = icon_normal_color * (dark_theme ? 1.15 : 1.45);
icon_hover_color.a = 1.0;
Color icon_focus_color = icon_hover_color;
// Make the pressed icon color overbright because icons are not completely white on a dark theme.
@@ -464,6 +467,14 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) {
theme->set_color("axis_y_color", "Editor", Color(0.53, 0.84, 0.01));
theme->set_color("axis_z_color", "Editor", Color(0.16, 0.55, 0.96));
+ const float prop_color_saturation = accent_color.get_s() * 0.75;
+ const float prop_color_value = accent_color.get_v();
+ theme->set_color("property_color_x", "Editor", Color().from_hsv(0.0 / 3.0 + 0.05, prop_color_saturation, prop_color_value));
+ theme->set_color("property_color_y", "Editor", Color().from_hsv(1.0 / 3.0 + 0.05, prop_color_saturation, prop_color_value));
+ theme->set_color("property_color_z", "Editor", Color().from_hsv(2.0 / 3.0 + 0.05, prop_color_saturation, prop_color_value));
+ theme->set_color("property_color_w", "Editor", Color().from_hsv(1.5 / 3.0 + 0.05, prop_color_saturation, prop_color_value));
theme->set_color("font_color", "Editor", font_color);
theme->set_color("highlighted_font_color", "Editor", font_hover_color);
theme->set_color("disabled_font_color", "Editor", font_disabled_color);
@@ -686,10 +697,24 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) {
theme->set_color("font_focus_color", "Button", font_focus_color);
theme->set_color("font_pressed_color", "Button", accent_color);
theme->set_color("font_disabled_color", "Button", font_disabled_color);
+ theme->set_color("icon_normal_color", "Button", icon_normal_color);
theme->set_color("icon_hover_color", "Button", icon_hover_color);
theme->set_color("icon_focus_color", "Button", icon_focus_color);
theme->set_color("icon_pressed_color", "Button", icon_pressed_color);
+ // Variation for Editor Log filter buttons
+ theme->set_type_variation("EditorLogFilterButton", "Button");
+ // When pressed, don't tint the icons with the accent color, just leave them normal.
+ theme->set_color("icon_pressed_color", "EditorLogFilterButton", icon_normal_color);
+ // When unpressed, dim the icons.
+ theme->set_color("icon_normal_color", "EditorLogFilterButton", font_disabled_color);
+ // When pressed, add a small bottom border to the buttons to better show their active state,
+ // similar to active tabs.
+ Ref<StyleBoxFlat> editor_log_button_pressed = style_widget_pressed->duplicate();
+ editor_log_button_pressed->set_border_width(SIDE_BOTTOM, 2 * EDSCALE);
+ editor_log_button_pressed->set_border_color(accent_color);
+ theme->set_stylebox("pressed", "EditorLogFilterButton", editor_log_button_pressed);
// OptionButton
theme->set_stylebox("focus", "OptionButton", style_widget_focus);
@@ -819,7 +844,12 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) {
theme->set_icon("visibility_visible", "PopupMenu", theme->get_icon(SNAME("GuiVisibilityVisible"), SNAME("EditorIcons")));
theme->set_icon("visibility_xray", "PopupMenu", theme->get_icon(SNAME("GuiVisibilityXray"), SNAME("EditorIcons")));
- theme->set_constant("vseparation", "PopupMenu", (extra_spacing + default_margin_size + 1) * EDSCALE);
+ // Force the vseparation to be even so that the spacing on top and bottom is even.
+ // If the vsep is odd and cannot be split into 2 even groups (of pixels), then it will be lopsided.
+ // We add 2 to the vsep to give it some extra spacing which looks a bit more modern (see Windows, for example)
+ int vsep_base = extra_spacing + default_margin_size + 2;
+ int force_even_vsep = vsep_base + (vsep_base % 2);
+ theme->set_constant("vseparation", "PopupMenu", force_even_vsep * EDSCALE);
theme->set_constant("item_start_padding", "PopupMenu", popup_menu_margin_size * EDSCALE);
theme->set_constant("item_end_padding", "PopupMenu", popup_menu_margin_size * EDSCALE);
@@ -864,6 +894,10 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) {
theme->set_color("sub_inspector_property_color", "Editor", dark_theme ? Color(1, 1, 1, 1) : Color(0, 0, 0, 1));
theme->set_constant("sub_inspector_font_offset", "Editor", 4 * EDSCALE);
+ // EditorSpinSlider.
+ theme->set_color("label_color", "EditorSpinSlider", font_color);
+ theme->set_color("read_only_label_color", "EditorSpinSlider", font_readonly_color);
Ref<StyleBoxFlat> style_property_bg = style_default->duplicate();
@@ -1156,7 +1190,7 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) {
theme->set_icon("can_fold", "CodeEdit", theme->get_icon(SNAME("GuiTreeArrowDown"), SNAME("EditorIcons")));
theme->set_icon("executing_line", "CodeEdit", theme->get_icon(SNAME("MainPlay"), SNAME("EditorIcons")));
theme->set_icon("breakpoint", "CodeEdit", theme->get_icon(SNAME("Breakpoint"), SNAME("EditorIcons")));
- theme->set_constant("line_spacing", "CodeEdit", EDITOR_DEF("text_editor/appearance/whitespace/line_spacing", 6));
+ theme->set_constant("line_spacing", "CodeEdit", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/appearance/whitespace/line_spacing"));
// H/VSplitContainer
theme->set_stylebox("bg", "VSplitContainer", make_stylebox(theme->get_icon(SNAME("GuiVsplitBg"), SNAME("EditorIcons")), 1, 1, 1, 1));