path: root/editor/editor_themes.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'editor/editor_themes.cpp')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/editor/editor_themes.cpp b/editor/editor_themes.cpp
index 11150371d2..9f6416f4e6 100644
--- a/editor/editor_themes.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_themes.cpp
@@ -31,9 +31,11 @@
#include "core/io/resource_loader.h"
#include "editor_fonts.h"
-#include "editor_icons.h"
+#include "editor_icons.gen.h"
#include "editor_scale.h"
#include "editor_settings.h"
+#include "modules/svg/image_loader_svg.h"
+#include "time.h"
static Ref<StyleBoxTexture> make_stylebox(Ref<Texture> texture, float p_left, float p_top, float p_right, float p_botton, float p_margin_left = -1, float p_margin_top = -1, float p_margin_right = -1, float p_margin_botton = -1, bool p_draw_center = true) {
Ref<StyleBoxTexture> style(memnew(StyleBoxTexture));
@@ -100,11 +102,44 @@ static Ref<StyleBoxFlat> add_additional_border(Ref<StyleBoxFlat> p_style, int p_
#define HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_LIGHT highlight_color.linear_interpolate(Color(1, 1, 1, 1), 0.3)
#define HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_DARK highlight_color.linear_interpolate(Color(0, 0, 0, 1), 0.5)
-Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme() {
+Ref<ImageTexture> editor_generate_icon(int p_index, bool dark_theme = true) {
+ Ref<ImageTexture> icon = memnew(ImageTexture);
+ Ref<Image> img = memnew(Image);
+ ImageLoaderSVG::create_image_from_string(img, dark_theme ? editor_icons_sources[p_index] : editor_icons_sources_dark[p_index], EDSCALE, true);
+ if ((EDSCALE - (float)((int)EDSCALE)) > 0.0)
+ icon->create_from_image(img); // in this case filter really helps
+ else
+ icon->create_from_image(img, 0);
+ return icon;
+void editor_register_icons(Ref<Theme> p_theme, bool dark_theme = true) {
+ print_line(rtos(EDSCALE));
+ clock_t begin_time = clock();
+ for (int i = 0; i < editor_icons_count; i++) {
+ Ref<ImageTexture> icon = editor_generate_icon(i, dark_theme);
+ p_theme->set_icon(editor_icons_names[i], "EditorIcons", icon);
+ }
+ clock_t end_time = clock();
+ double time_d = (double)(end_time - begin_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+ print_line("SVG_GENERATION TIME: " + rtos(time_d));
+ print_line("Sorry no icons for you");
+Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) {
Ref<Theme> theme = Ref<Theme>(memnew(Theme));
- editor_register_icons(theme);
const float default_contrast = 0.25;
@@ -153,10 +188,21 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme() {
title_color_hl = base_color.linear_interpolate(Color(1, 1, 1, 1), contrast / default_contrast / 10);
bool dark_bg = ((title_color_hl.r + title_color_hl.g + title_color_hl.b) / 3.0) < 0.5;
Color title_color_hl_text_color = dark_bg ? Color(1, 1, 1, 0.9) : Color(0, 0, 0, 0.9);
- Ref<Texture> title_hl_close_icon = theme->get_icon((dark_bg ? "GuiCloseLight" : "GuiCloseDark"), "EditorIcons");
- bool dark_base = ((base_color.r + base_color.g + base_color.b) / 3.0) < 0.5;
- Color separator_color = dark_base ? Color(1, 1, 1, 0.1) : Color(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
+ bool dark_theme = ((base_color.r + base_color.g + base_color.b) / 3.0) < 0.5;
+ Color separator_color = dark_theme ? Color(1, 1, 1, 0.1) : Color(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
+ // the resolution or the dark theme parameter has not changed, so we do not regenerate the icons
+ if (p_theme != NULL && fabs(p_theme->get_constant("scale", "Editor") - EDSCALE) < 0.00001 && p_theme->get_constant("dark_theme", "Editor") == dark_theme) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < editor_icons_count; i++) {
+ theme->set_icon(editor_icons_names[i], "EditorIcons", p_theme->get_icon(editor_icons_names[i], "EditorIcons"));
+ }
+ } else {
+ editor_register_icons(theme, dark_theme);
+ }
+ theme->set_constant("scale", "Editor", EDSCALE);
+ theme->set_constant("dark_theme", "Editor", dark_theme);
theme->set_color("highlight_color", "Editor", highlight_color);
theme->set_color("base_color", "Editor", base_color);
@@ -342,7 +388,7 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme() {
theme->set_color("prop_section", "Editor", dark_color_1.linear_interpolate(Color(1, 1, 1, 1), 0.09));
theme->set_color("prop_subsection", "Editor", dark_color_1.linear_interpolate(Color(1, 1, 1, 1), 0.06));
theme->set_color("fg_selected", "Editor", HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_DARK);
- theme->set_color("fg_error", "Editor", Color::html("ffbd8e8e"));
+ theme->set_color("fg_error", "Editor", theme->get_color("error_color", "Editor"));
theme->set_color("drop_position_color", "Tree", highlight_color);
// ItemList
@@ -377,7 +423,7 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme() {
theme->set_icon("menu_hl", "TabContainer", theme->get_icon("GuiTabMenu", "EditorIcons"));
theme->set_stylebox("SceneTabFG", "EditorStyles", make_flat_stylebox(title_color_hl, 10, 5, 10, 5));
theme->set_stylebox("SceneTabBG", "EditorStyles", make_empty_stylebox(6, 5, 6, 5));
- theme->set_icon("close", "Tabs", title_hl_close_icon);
+ theme->set_icon("close", "Tabs", theme->get_icon("GuiClose", "EditorIcons"));
// Separators (no separators)
theme->set_stylebox("separator", "HSeparator", make_line_stylebox(separator_color, border_width));
@@ -434,8 +480,8 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme() {
style_window->set_expand_margin_size(MARGIN_TOP, 24 * EDSCALE);
theme->set_stylebox("panel", "WindowDialog", style_window);
theme->set_color("title_color", "WindowDialog", title_color_hl_text_color);
- theme->set_icon("close", "WindowDialog", title_hl_close_icon);
- theme->set_icon("close_highlight", "WindowDialog", title_hl_close_icon);
+ theme->set_icon("close", "WindowDialog", theme->get_icon("GuiClose", "EditorIcons"));
+ theme->set_icon("close_highlight", "WindowDialog", theme->get_icon("GuiClose", "EditorIcons"));
theme->set_constant("close_h_ofs", "WindowDialog", 22 * EDSCALE);
theme->set_constant("close_v_ofs", "WindowDialog", 20 * EDSCALE);
theme->set_constant("title_height", "WindowDialog", 24 * EDSCALE);
@@ -513,19 +559,19 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme() {
Ref<StyleBoxFlat> graphsb = make_flat_stylebox(Color(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 16, 24, 16, 5);
graphsb->set_border_color_all(Color(1, 1, 1, 0.6));
- graphsb = add_additional_border(graphsb, 0, -22, 0, 0);
+ graphsb->set_border_width(MARGIN_TOP, 22 * EDSCALE + border_width);
Ref<StyleBoxFlat> graphsbselected = make_flat_stylebox(Color(0, 0, 0, 0.4), 16, 24, 16, 5);
graphsbselected->set_border_color_all(Color(1, 1, 1, 0.9));
- graphsbselected = add_additional_border(graphsbselected, 0, -22, 0, 0);
+ graphsbselected->set_border_width(MARGIN_TOP, 22 * EDSCALE + border_width);
Ref<StyleBoxFlat> graphsbcomment = make_flat_stylebox(Color(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 16, 24, 16, 5);
graphsbcomment->set_border_color_all(Color(1, 1, 1, 0.6));
- graphsbcomment = add_additional_border(graphsbcomment, 0, -22, 0, 0);
+ graphsbcomment->set_border_width(MARGIN_TOP, 22 * EDSCALE + border_width);
Ref<StyleBoxFlat> graphsbcommentselected = make_flat_stylebox(Color(0, 0, 0, 0.4), 16, 24, 16, 5);
graphsbcommentselected->set_border_color_all(Color(1, 1, 1, 0.9));
- graphsbcommentselected = add_additional_border(graphsbcommentselected, 0, -22, 0, 0);
+ graphsbcommentselected->set_border_width(MARGIN_TOP, 22 * EDSCALE + border_width);
theme->set_stylebox("frame", "GraphNode", graphsb);
theme->set_stylebox("selectedframe", "GraphNode", graphsbselected);
theme->set_stylebox("comment", "GraphNode", graphsbcomment);