path: root/editor/editor_run.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'editor/editor_run.cpp')
1 files changed, 163 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/editor/editor_run.cpp b/editor/editor_run.cpp
index 7fada633c9..599df12bd3 100644
--- a/editor/editor_run.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_run.cpp
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
/* */
-/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
-/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
+/* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
+/* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
/* */
/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
@@ -30,8 +30,10 @@
#include "editor_run.h"
-#include "core/project_settings.h"
-#include "editor_settings.h"
+#include "core/config/project_settings.h"
+#include "editor/editor_node.h"
+#include "editor/editor_settings.h"
+#include "main/main.h"
#include "servers/display_server.h"
EditorRun::Status EditorRun::get_status() const {
@@ -42,35 +44,51 @@ String EditorRun::get_running_scene() const {
return running_scene;
-Error EditorRun::run(const String &p_scene, const String &p_custom_args, const List<String> &p_breakpoints, const bool &p_skip_breakpoints) {
+Error EditorRun::run(const String &p_scene, const String &p_write_movie) {
List<String> args;
- String resource_path = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_resource_path();
- String remote_host = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("network/debug/remote_host");
- int remote_port = (int)EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("network/debug/remote_port");
+ for (const String &a : Main::get_forwardable_cli_arguments(Main::CLI_SCOPE_PROJECT)) {
+ args.push_back(a);
+ }
- if (resource_path != "") {
+ String resource_path = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_resource_path();
+ if (!resource_path.is_empty()) {
args.push_back(resource_path.replace(" ", "%20"));
- args.push_back("tcp://" + remote_host + ":" + String::num(remote_port));
+ args.push_back(EditorDebuggerNode::get_singleton()->get_server_uri());
- args.push_back("--allow_focus_steal_pid");
+ args.push_back("--editor-pid");
- bool debug_collisions = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_project_metadata("debug_options", "run_debug_collisons", false);
+ bool debug_collisions = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_project_metadata("debug_options", "run_debug_collisions", false);
+ bool debug_paths = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_project_metadata("debug_options", "run_debug_paths", false);
bool debug_navigation = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_project_metadata("debug_options", "run_debug_navigation", false);
if (debug_collisions) {
+ if (debug_paths) {
+ args.push_back("--debug-paths");
+ }
if (debug_navigation) {
- int screen = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("run/window_placement/screen");
+ if (p_write_movie != "") {
+ args.push_back("--write-movie");
+ args.push_back(p_write_movie);
+ args.push_back("--fixed-fps");
+ args.push_back(itos(GLOBAL_GET("editor/movie_writer/fps")));
+ if (bool(GLOBAL_GET("editor/movie_writer/disable_vsync"))) {
+ args.push_back("--disable-vsync");
+ }
+ }
+ int screen = EDITOR_GET("run/window_placement/screen");
if (screen == 0) {
// Same as editor
screen = DisplayServer::get_singleton()->window_get_current_screen();
@@ -92,80 +110,92 @@ Error EditorRun::run(const String &p_scene, const String &p_custom_args, const L
screen -= 3;
- if (OS::get_singleton()->is_disable_crash_handler()) {
- args.push_back("--disable-crash-handler");
- }
Rect2 screen_rect;
screen_rect.position = DisplayServer::get_singleton()->screen_get_position(screen);
screen_rect.size = DisplayServer::get_singleton()->screen_get_size(screen);
- Size2 desired_size;
- desired_size.x = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("display/window/size/width");
- desired_size.y = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("display/window/size/height");
+ int window_placement = EDITOR_GET("run/window_placement/rect");
+ if (screen_rect != Rect2()) {
+ Size2 window_size;
+ window_size.x = GLOBAL_GET("display/window/size/viewport_width");
+ window_size.y = GLOBAL_GET("display/window/size/viewport_height");
+ Size2 desired_size;
+ desired_size.x = GLOBAL_GET("display/window/size/window_width_override");
+ desired_size.y = GLOBAL_GET("display/window/size/window_height_override");
+ if (desired_size.x > 0 && desired_size.y > 0) {
+ window_size = desired_size;
+ }
- Size2 test_size;
- test_size.x = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("display/window/size/test_width");
- test_size.y = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("display/window/size/test_height");
- if (test_size.x > 0 && test_size.y > 0) {
- desired_size = test_size;
- }
+ if (DisplayServer::get_singleton()->has_feature(DisplayServer::FEATURE_HIDPI)) {
+ bool hidpi_proj = GLOBAL_GET("display/window/dpi/allow_hidpi");
+ int display_scale = 1;
- int window_placement = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("run/window_placement/rect");
- bool hidpi_proj = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("display/window/dpi/allow_hidpi");
- int display_scale = 1;
- if (DisplayServer::get_singleton()->has_feature(DisplayServer::FEATURE_HIDPI)) {
- if (OS::get_singleton()->is_hidpi_allowed()) {
- if (hidpi_proj) {
- display_scale = 1; // Both editor and project runs in hiDPI mode, do not scale.
+ if (OS::get_singleton()->is_hidpi_allowed()) {
+ if (hidpi_proj) {
+ display_scale = 1; // Both editor and project runs in hiDPI mode, do not scale.
+ } else {
+ display_scale = DisplayServer::get_singleton()->screen_get_max_scale(); // Editor is in hiDPI mode, project is not, scale down.
+ }
} else {
- display_scale = DisplayServer::get_singleton()->screen_get_max_scale(); // Editor is in hiDPI mode, project is not, scale down.
- }
- } else {
- if (hidpi_proj) {
- display_scale = (1.f / DisplayServer::get_singleton()->screen_get_max_scale()); // Editor is not in hiDPI mode, project is, scale up.
- } else {
- display_scale = 1; // Both editor and project runs in lowDPI mode, do not scale.
+ if (hidpi_proj) {
+ display_scale = (1.f / DisplayServer::get_singleton()->screen_get_max_scale()); // Editor is not in hiDPI mode, project is, scale up.
+ } else {
+ display_scale = 1; // Both editor and project runs in lowDPI mode, do not scale.
+ }
+ screen_rect.position /= display_scale;
+ screen_rect.size /= display_scale;
+ }
+ switch (window_placement) {
+ case 0: { // top left
+ args.push_back("--position");
+ args.push_back(itos(screen_rect.position.x) + "," + itos(screen_rect.position.y));
+ } break;
+ case 1: { // centered
+ Vector2 pos = (screen_rect.position) + ((screen_rect.size - window_size) / 2).floor();
+ args.push_back("--position");
+ args.push_back(itos(pos.x) + "," + itos(pos.y));
+ } break;
+ case 2: { // custom pos
+ Vector2 pos = EDITOR_GET("run/window_placement/rect_custom_position");
+ pos += screen_rect.position;
+ args.push_back("--position");
+ args.push_back(itos(pos.x) + "," + itos(pos.y));
+ } break;
+ case 3: { // force maximized
+ Vector2 pos = screen_rect.position;
+ args.push_back("--position");
+ args.push_back(itos(pos.x) + "," + itos(pos.y));
+ args.push_back("--maximized");
+ } break;
+ case 4: { // force fullscreen
+ Vector2 pos = screen_rect.position;
+ args.push_back("--position");
+ args.push_back(itos(pos.x) + "," + itos(pos.y));
+ args.push_back("--fullscreen");
+ } break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Unable to get screen info, skip setting position.
+ switch (window_placement) {
+ case 3: { // force maximized
+ args.push_back("--maximized");
+ } break;
+ case 4: { // force fullscreen
+ args.push_back("--fullscreen");
+ } break;
- screen_rect.position /= display_scale;
- screen_rect.size /= display_scale;
- }
- switch (window_placement) {
- case 0: { // top left
- args.push_back("--position");
- args.push_back(itos(screen_rect.position.x) + "," + itos(screen_rect.position.y));
- } break;
- case 1: { // centered
- Vector2 pos = (screen_rect.position) + ((screen_rect.size - desired_size) / 2).floor();
- args.push_back("--position");
- args.push_back(itos(pos.x) + "," + itos(pos.y));
- } break;
- case 2: { // custom pos
- Vector2 pos = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("run/window_placement/rect_custom_position");
- pos += screen_rect.position;
- args.push_back("--position");
- args.push_back(itos(pos.x) + "," + itos(pos.y));
- } break;
- case 3: { // force maximized
- Vector2 pos = screen_rect.position;
- args.push_back("--position");
- args.push_back(itos(pos.x) + "," + itos(pos.y));
- args.push_back("--maximized");
- } break;
- case 4: { // force fullscreen
- Vector2 pos = screen_rect.position;
- args.push_back("--position");
- args.push_back(itos(pos.x) + "," + itos(pos.y));
- args.push_back("--fullscreen");
- } break;
- }
- if (p_breakpoints.size()) {
+ }
+ List<String> breakpoints;
+ EditorNode::get_editor_data().get_editor_breakpoints(&breakpoints);
+ if (!breakpoints.is_empty()) {
String bpoints;
- for (const List<String>::Element *E = p_breakpoints.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ for (const List<String>::Element *E = breakpoints.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
bpoints += E->get().replace(" ", "%20");
if (E->next()) {
bpoints += ",";
@@ -175,39 +205,80 @@ Error EditorRun::run(const String &p_scene, const String &p_custom_args, const L
- if (p_skip_breakpoints) {
+ if (EditorDebuggerNode::get_singleton()->is_skip_breakpoints()) {
- if (p_scene != "") {
+ if (!p_scene.is_empty()) {
- if (p_custom_args != "") {
- Vector<String> cargs = p_custom_args.split(" ", false);
- for (int i = 0; i < cargs.size(); i++) {
- args.push_back(cargs[i].replace(" ", "%20"));
+ String exec = OS::get_singleton()->get_executable_path();
+ const String raw_custom_args = GLOBAL_GET("editor/run/main_run_args");
+ if (!raw_custom_args.is_empty()) {
+ // Allow the user to specify a command to run, similar to Steam's launch options.
+ // In this case, Godot will no longer be run directly; it's up to the underlying command
+ // to run it. For instance, this can be used on Linux to force a running project
+ // to use Optimus using `prime-run` or similar.
+ // Example: `prime-run %command% --time-scale 0.5`
+ const int placeholder_pos = raw_custom_args.find("%command%");
+ Vector<String> custom_args;
+ if (placeholder_pos != -1) {
+ // Prepend executable-specific custom arguments.
+ // If nothing is placed before `%command%`, behave as if no placeholder was specified.
+ Vector<String> exec_args = raw_custom_args.substr(0, placeholder_pos).split(" ", false);
+ if (exec_args.size() >= 1) {
+ exec = exec_args[0];
+ exec_args.remove_at(0);
+ // Append the Godot executable name before we append executable arguments
+ // (since the order is reversed when using `push_front()`).
+ args.push_front(OS::get_singleton()->get_executable_path());
+ }
+ for (int i = exec_args.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ // Iterate backwards as we're pushing items in the reverse order.
+ args.push_front(exec_args[i].replace(" ", "%20"));
+ }
+ // Append Godot-specific custom arguments.
+ custom_args = raw_custom_args.substr(placeholder_pos + String("%command%").size()).split(" ", false);
+ for (int i = 0; i < custom_args.size(); i++) {
+ args.push_back(custom_args[i].replace(" ", "%20"));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Append Godot-specific custom arguments.
+ custom_args = raw_custom_args.split(" ", false);
+ for (int i = 0; i < custom_args.size(); i++) {
+ args.push_back(custom_args[i].replace(" ", "%20"));
+ }
- String exec = OS::get_singleton()->get_executable_path();
+ // Pass the debugger stop shortcut to the running instance(s).
+ String shortcut;
+ VariantWriter::write_to_string(ED_GET_SHORTCUT("editor/stop_running_project"), shortcut);
+ OS::get_singleton()->set_environment("__GODOT_EDITOR_STOP_SHORTCUT__", shortcut);
printf("Running: %s", exec.utf8().get_data());
- for (List<String>::Element *E = args.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- printf(" %s", E->get().utf8().get_data());
+ for (const String &E : args) {
+ printf(" %s", E.utf8().get_data());
int instances = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_project_metadata("debug_options", "run_debug_instances", 1);
for (int i = 0; i < instances; i++) {
OS::ProcessID pid = 0;
- Error err = OS::get_singleton()->execute(exec, args, false, &pid);
+ Error err = OS::get_singleton()->create_instance(args, &pid);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, err);
status = STATUS_PLAY;
- if (p_scene != "") {
+ if (!p_scene.is_empty()) {
running_scene = p_scene;
@@ -215,8 +286,8 @@ Error EditorRun::run(const String &p_scene, const String &p_custom_args, const L
bool EditorRun::has_child_process(OS::ProcessID p_pid) const {
- for (const List<OS::ProcessID>::Element *E = pids.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- if (E->get() == p_pid) {
+ for (const OS::ProcessID &E : pids) {
+ if (E == p_pid) {
return true;
@@ -232,9 +303,10 @@ void EditorRun::stop_child_process(OS::ProcessID p_pid) {
void EditorRun::stop() {
if (status != STATUS_STOP && pids.size() > 0) {
- for (List<OS::ProcessID>::Element *E = pids.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- OS::get_singleton()->kill(E->get());
+ for (const OS::ProcessID &E : pids) {
+ OS::get_singleton()->kill(E);
+ pids.clear();
status = STATUS_STOP;