path: root/editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp')
1 files changed, 319 insertions, 319 deletions
diff --git a/editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp b/editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp
index 40b5de2ec7..c8c8c7d891 100644
--- a/editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp
+++ b/editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp
@@ -220,415 +220,423 @@ void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_draw_line_clipped(const Vector2 &p_from, const V
void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
- panner->setup((ViewPanner::ControlScheme)EDITOR_GET("editors/panning/animation_editors_panning_scheme").operator int(), ED_GET_SHORTCUT("canvas_item_editor/pan_view"), bool(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("editors/panning/simple_panning")));
- }
- bezier_icon = get_theme_icon(SNAME("KeyBezierPoint"), SNAME("EditorIcons"));
- bezier_handle_icon = get_theme_icon(SNAME("KeyBezierHandle"), SNAME("EditorIcons"));
- selected_icon = get_theme_icon(SNAME("KeyBezierSelected"), SNAME("EditorIcons"));
- }
- if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_DRAW) {
- if (animation.is_null()) {
- return;
+ switch (p_what) {
+ panner->setup((ViewPanner::ControlScheme)EDITOR_GET("editors/panning/animation_editors_panning_scheme").operator int(), ED_GET_SHORTCUT("canvas_item_editor/pan_view"), bool(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("editors/panning/simple_panning")));
+ } break;
+ panner->setup((ViewPanner::ControlScheme)EDITOR_GET("editors/panning/animation_editors_panning_scheme").operator int(), ED_GET_SHORTCUT("canvas_item_editor/pan_view"), bool(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("editors/panning/simple_panning")));
+ [[fallthrough]];
+ bezier_icon = get_theme_icon(SNAME("KeyBezierPoint"), SNAME("EditorIcons"));
+ bezier_handle_icon = get_theme_icon(SNAME("KeyBezierHandle"), SNAME("EditorIcons"));
+ selected_icon = get_theme_icon(SNAME("KeyBezierSelected"), SNAME("EditorIcons"));
+ } break;
- int limit = timeline->get_name_limit();
+ if (animation.is_null()) {
+ return;
+ }
- if (has_focus()) {
- Color accent = get_theme_color(SNAME("accent_color"), SNAME("Editor"));
- accent.a *= 0.7;
- draw_rect(Rect2(Point2(), get_size()), accent, false, Math::round(EDSCALE));
- }
+ int limit = timeline->get_name_limit();
- Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font(SNAME("font"), SNAME("Label"));
- int font_size = get_theme_font_size(SNAME("font_size"), SNAME("Label"));
- Color color = get_theme_color(SNAME("font_color"), SNAME("Label"));
- int hsep = get_theme_constant(SNAME("hseparation"), SNAME("ItemList"));
- int vsep = get_theme_constant(SNAME("vseparation"), SNAME("ItemList"));
- Color linecolor = color;
- linecolor.a = 0.2;
+ if (has_focus()) {
+ Color accent = get_theme_color(SNAME("accent_color"), SNAME("Editor"));
+ accent.a *= 0.7;
+ draw_rect(Rect2(Point2(), get_size()), accent, false, Math::round(EDSCALE));
+ }
- draw_line(Point2(limit, 0), Point2(limit, get_size().height), linecolor, Math::round(EDSCALE));
+ Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font(SNAME("font"), SNAME("Label"));
+ int font_size = get_theme_font_size(SNAME("font_size"), SNAME("Label"));
+ Color color = get_theme_color(SNAME("font_color"), SNAME("Label"));
+ int hsep = get_theme_constant(SNAME("hseparation"), SNAME("ItemList"));
+ int vsep = get_theme_constant(SNAME("vseparation"), SNAME("ItemList"));
+ Color linecolor = color;
+ linecolor.a = 0.2;
- int right_limit = get_size().width;
+ draw_line(Point2(limit, 0), Point2(limit, get_size().height), linecolor, Math::round(EDSCALE));
- int vofs = vsep;
- int margin = 0;
+ int right_limit = get_size().width;
- Map<int, Color> subtrack_colors;
- Color selected_track_color;
- subtracks.clear();
- subtrack_icons.clear();
+ int vofs = vsep;
+ int margin = 0;
- Map<String, Vector<int>> track_indices;
- int track_count = animation->get_track_count();
- for (int i = 0; i < track_count; ++i) {
- if (animation->track_get_type(i) != Animation::TrackType::TYPE_BEZIER) {
- continue;
- }
+ Map<int, Color> subtrack_colors;
+ Color selected_track_color;
+ subtracks.clear();
+ subtrack_icons.clear();
- String base_path = animation->track_get_path(i);
- if (is_filtered) {
- if (root && root->has_node(base_path)) {
- Node *node = root->get_node(base_path);
- if (!node) {
- continue; // No node, no filter.
- }
- if (!EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_editor_selection()->is_selected(node)) {
- continue; // Skip track due to not selected.
+ Map<String, Vector<int>> track_indices;
+ int track_count = animation->get_track_count();
+ for (int i = 0; i < track_count; ++i) {
+ if (animation->track_get_type(i) != Animation::TrackType::TYPE_BEZIER) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ String base_path = animation->track_get_path(i);
+ if (is_filtered) {
+ if (root && root->has_node(base_path)) {
+ Node *node = root->get_node(base_path);
+ if (!node) {
+ continue; // No node, no filter.
+ }
+ if (!EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_editor_selection()->is_selected(node)) {
+ continue; // Skip track due to not selected.
+ }
- }
- int end = base_path.find(":");
- if (end != -1) {
- base_path = base_path.substr(0, end + 1);
+ int end = base_path.find(":");
+ if (end != -1) {
+ base_path = base_path.substr(0, end + 1);
+ }
+ Vector<int> indices = track_indices.has(base_path) ? track_indices[base_path] : Vector<int>();
+ indices.push_back(i);
+ track_indices[base_path] = indices;
- Vector<int> indices = track_indices.has(base_path) ? track_indices[base_path] : Vector<int>();
- indices.push_back(i);
- track_indices[base_path] = indices;
- }
- for (const KeyValue<String, Vector<int>> &E : track_indices) {
- String base_path = E.key;
+ for (const KeyValue<String, Vector<int>> &E : track_indices) {
+ String base_path = E.key;
- Vector<int> tracks = E.value;
+ Vector<int> tracks = E.value;
- {
- NodePath path = animation->track_get_path(tracks[0]);
+ {
+ NodePath path = animation->track_get_path(tracks[0]);
- Node *node = nullptr;
+ Node *node = nullptr;
- if (root && root->has_node(path)) {
- node = root->get_node(path);
- }
+ if (root && root->has_node(path)) {
+ node = root->get_node(path);
+ }
- String text;
+ String text;
- if (node) {
- int ofs = 0;
+ if (node) {
+ int ofs = 0;
- Ref<Texture2D> icon = EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_object_icon(node, "Node");
+ Ref<Texture2D> icon = EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_object_icon(node, "Node");
- text = node->get_name();
- ofs += hsep;
+ text = node->get_name();
+ ofs += hsep;
- TextLine text_buf = TextLine(text, font, font_size);
- text_buf.set_width(limit - ofs - icon->get_width() - hsep);
+ TextLine text_buf = TextLine(text, font, font_size);
+ text_buf.set_width(limit - ofs - icon->get_width() - hsep);
- int h = MAX(text_buf.get_size().y, icon->get_height());
+ int h = MAX(text_buf.get_size().y, icon->get_height());
- draw_texture(icon, Point2(ofs, vofs + int(h - icon->get_height()) / 2));
- ofs += icon->get_width();
+ draw_texture(icon, Point2(ofs, vofs + int(h - icon->get_height()) / 2));
+ ofs += icon->get_width();
- margin = icon->get_width();
+ margin = icon->get_width();
- Vector2 string_pos = Point2(ofs, vofs);
- string_pos = string_pos.floor();
- text_buf.draw(get_canvas_item(), string_pos, color);
+ Vector2 string_pos = Point2(ofs, vofs);
+ string_pos = string_pos.floor();
+ text_buf.draw(get_canvas_item(), string_pos, color);
- vofs += h + vsep;
+ vofs += h + vsep;
+ }
- }
- Ref<Texture2D> remove = get_theme_icon(SNAME("Remove"), SNAME("EditorIcons"));
- float remove_hpos = limit - hsep - remove->get_width();
+ Ref<Texture2D> remove = get_theme_icon(SNAME("Remove"), SNAME("EditorIcons"));
+ float remove_hpos = limit - hsep - remove->get_width();
- Ref<Texture2D> lock = get_theme_icon(SNAME("Lock"), SNAME("EditorIcons"));
- Ref<Texture2D> unlock = get_theme_icon(SNAME("Unlock"), SNAME("EditorIcons"));
- float lock_hpos = remove_hpos - hsep - lock->get_width();
+ Ref<Texture2D> lock = get_theme_icon(SNAME("Lock"), SNAME("EditorIcons"));
+ Ref<Texture2D> unlock = get_theme_icon(SNAME("Unlock"), SNAME("EditorIcons"));
+ float lock_hpos = remove_hpos - hsep - lock->get_width();
- Ref<Texture2D> visible = get_theme_icon(SNAME("GuiVisibilityVisible"), SNAME("EditorIcons"));
- Ref<Texture2D> hidden = get_theme_icon(SNAME("GuiVisibilityHidden"), SNAME("EditorIcons"));
- float visibility_hpos = lock_hpos - hsep - visible->get_width();
+ Ref<Texture2D> visible = get_theme_icon(SNAME("GuiVisibilityVisible"), SNAME("EditorIcons"));
+ Ref<Texture2D> hidden = get_theme_icon(SNAME("GuiVisibilityHidden"), SNAME("EditorIcons"));
+ float visibility_hpos = lock_hpos - hsep - visible->get_width();
- Ref<Texture2D> solo = get_theme_icon(SNAME("AudioBusSolo"), SNAME("EditorIcons"));
- float solo_hpos = visibility_hpos - hsep - solo->get_width();
+ Ref<Texture2D> solo = get_theme_icon(SNAME("AudioBusSolo"), SNAME("EditorIcons"));
+ float solo_hpos = visibility_hpos - hsep - solo->get_width();
- float buttons_width = remove->get_width() + lock->get_width() + visible->get_width() + solo->get_width() + hsep * 3;
+ float buttons_width = remove->get_width() + lock->get_width() + visible->get_width() + solo->get_width() + hsep * 3;
- for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i) {
- int current_track = tracks[i];
+ int current_track = tracks[i];
- String path = animation->track_get_path(current_track);
- path = path.replace_first(base_path, "");
+ String path = animation->track_get_path(current_track);
+ path = path.replace_first(base_path, "");
- Color cc = color;
- TextLine text_buf = TextLine(path, font, font_size);
- text_buf.set_width(limit - margin - buttons_width);
+ Color cc = color;
+ TextLine text_buf = TextLine(path, font, font_size);
+ text_buf.set_width(limit - margin - buttons_width);
- Rect2 rect = Rect2(margin, vofs, solo_hpos - hsep - solo->get_width(), text_buf.get_size().y + vsep);
+ Rect2 rect = Rect2(margin, vofs, solo_hpos - hsep - solo->get_width(), text_buf.get_size().y + vsep);
- cc.a *= 0.7;
- float h;
- if (path.ends_with(":x")) {
- h = 0;
- } else if (path.ends_with(":y")) {
- h = 0.33f;
- } else if (path.ends_with(":z")) {
- h = 0.66f;
- } else {
- uint32_t hash = path.hash();
- hash = ((hash >> 16) ^ hash) * 0x45d9f3b;
- hash = ((hash >> 16) ^ hash) * 0x45d9f3b;
- hash = (hash >> 16) ^ hash;
- h = (hash % 65535) / 65536.0;
- }
- if (current_track != selected_track) {
- Color track_color;
- if (locked_tracks.has(current_track)) {
- track_color.set_hsv(h, 0, 0.4);
+ cc.a *= 0.7;
+ float h;
+ if (path.ends_with(":x")) {
+ h = 0;
+ } else if (path.ends_with(":y")) {
+ h = 0.33f;
+ } else if (path.ends_with(":z")) {
+ h = 0.66f;
} else {
- track_color.set_hsv(h, 0.2, 0.8);
+ uint32_t hash = path.hash();
+ hash = ((hash >> 16) ^ hash) * 0x45d9f3b;
+ hash = ((hash >> 16) ^ hash) * 0x45d9f3b;
+ hash = (hash >> 16) ^ hash;
+ h = (hash % 65535) / 65536.0;
- track_color.a = 0.5;
- draw_rect(Rect2(0, vofs, margin - hsep, text_buf.get_size().y * 0.8), track_color);
- subtrack_colors[current_track] = track_color;
- subtracks[current_track] = rect;
- } else {
- Color ac = get_theme_color(SNAME("accent_color"), SNAME("Editor"));
- ac.a = 0.5;
- draw_rect(rect, ac);
- if (locked_tracks.has(selected_track)) {
- selected_track_color.set_hsv(h, 0.0, 0.4);
+ if (current_track != selected_track) {
+ Color track_color;
+ if (locked_tracks.has(current_track)) {
+ track_color.set_hsv(h, 0, 0.4);
+ } else {
+ track_color.set_hsv(h, 0.2, 0.8);
+ }
+ track_color.a = 0.5;
+ draw_rect(Rect2(0, vofs, margin - hsep, text_buf.get_size().y * 0.8), track_color);
+ subtrack_colors[current_track] = track_color;
+ subtracks[current_track] = rect;
} else {
- selected_track_color.set_hsv(h, 0.8, 0.8);
+ Color ac = get_theme_color(SNAME("accent_color"), SNAME("Editor"));
+ ac.a = 0.5;
+ draw_rect(rect, ac);
+ if (locked_tracks.has(selected_track)) {
+ selected_track_color.set_hsv(h, 0.0, 0.4);
+ } else {
+ selected_track_color.set_hsv(h, 0.8, 0.8);
+ }
- }
- Vector2 string_pos = Point2(margin, vofs);
- text_buf.draw(get_canvas_item(), string_pos, cc);
+ Vector2 string_pos = Point2(margin, vofs);
+ text_buf.draw(get_canvas_item(), string_pos, cc);
- float icon_start_height = vofs + rect.size.y / 2;
- Rect2 remove_rect = Rect2(remove_hpos, icon_start_height - remove->get_height() / 2, remove->get_width(), remove->get_height());
- draw_texture(remove, remove_rect.position);
+ float icon_start_height = vofs + rect.size.y / 2;
+ Rect2 remove_rect = Rect2(remove_hpos, icon_start_height - remove->get_height() / 2, remove->get_width(), remove->get_height());
+ draw_texture(remove, remove_rect.position);
- Rect2 lock_rect = Rect2(lock_hpos, icon_start_height - lock->get_height() / 2, lock->get_width(), lock->get_height());
- if (locked_tracks.has(current_track)) {
- draw_texture(lock, lock_rect.position);
- } else {
- draw_texture(unlock, lock_rect.position);
- }
+ Rect2 lock_rect = Rect2(lock_hpos, icon_start_height - lock->get_height() / 2, lock->get_width(), lock->get_height());
+ if (locked_tracks.has(current_track)) {
+ draw_texture(lock, lock_rect.position);
+ } else {
+ draw_texture(unlock, lock_rect.position);
+ }
- Rect2 visible_rect = Rect2(visibility_hpos, icon_start_height - visible->get_height() / 2, visible->get_width(), visible->get_height());
- if (hidden_tracks.has(current_track)) {
- draw_texture(hidden, visible_rect.position);
- } else {
- draw_texture(visible, visible_rect.position);
- }
+ Rect2 visible_rect = Rect2(visibility_hpos, icon_start_height - visible->get_height() / 2, visible->get_width(), visible->get_height());
+ if (hidden_tracks.has(current_track)) {
+ draw_texture(hidden, visible_rect.position);
+ } else {
+ draw_texture(visible, visible_rect.position);
+ }
- Rect2 solo_rect = Rect2(solo_hpos, icon_start_height - solo->get_height() / 2, solo->get_width(), solo->get_height());
- draw_texture(solo, solo_rect.position);
+ Rect2 solo_rect = Rect2(solo_hpos, icon_start_height - solo->get_height() / 2, solo->get_width(), solo->get_height());
+ draw_texture(solo, solo_rect.position);
- Map<int, Rect2> track_icons;
- track_icons[REMOVE_ICON] = remove_rect;
- track_icons[LOCK_ICON] = lock_rect;
- track_icons[VISIBILITY_ICON] = visible_rect;
- track_icons[SOLO_ICON] = solo_rect;
+ Map<int, Rect2> track_icons;
+ track_icons[REMOVE_ICON] = remove_rect;
+ track_icons[LOCK_ICON] = lock_rect;
+ track_icons[VISIBILITY_ICON] = visible_rect;
+ track_icons[SOLO_ICON] = solo_rect;
- subtrack_icons[current_track] = track_icons;
+ subtrack_icons[current_track] = track_icons;
- vofs += text_buf.get_size().y + vsep;
+ vofs += text_buf.get_size().y + vsep;
+ }
- }
- Color accent = get_theme_color(SNAME("accent_color"), SNAME("Editor"));
+ Color accent = get_theme_color(SNAME("accent_color"), SNAME("Editor"));
- { //guides
- float min_left_scale = font->get_height(font_size) + vsep;
+ { //guides
+ float min_left_scale = font->get_height(font_size) + vsep;
- float scale = (min_left_scale * 2) * v_zoom;
- float step = Math::pow(10.0, Math::round(Math::log(scale / 5.0) / Math::log(10.0))) * 5.0;
- scale = Math::snapped(scale, step);
+ float scale = (min_left_scale * 2) * v_zoom;
+ float step = Math::pow(10.0, Math::round(Math::log(scale / 5.0) / Math::log(10.0))) * 5.0;
+ scale = Math::snapped(scale, step);
- while (scale / v_zoom < min_left_scale * 2) {
- scale += step;
- }
+ while (scale / v_zoom < min_left_scale * 2) {
+ scale += step;
+ }
- bool first = true;
- int prev_iv = 0;
- for (int i = font->get_height(font_size); i < get_size().height; i++) {
- float ofs = get_size().height / 2 - i;
- ofs *= v_zoom;
- ofs += v_scroll;
+ bool first = true;
+ int prev_iv = 0;
+ for (int i = font->get_height(font_size); i < get_size().height; i++) {
+ float ofs = get_size().height / 2 - i;
+ ofs *= v_zoom;
+ ofs += v_scroll;
- int iv = int(ofs / scale);
- if (ofs < 0) {
- iv -= 1;
- }
- if (!first && iv != prev_iv) {
- Color lc = linecolor;
- lc.a *= 0.5;
- draw_line(Point2(limit, i), Point2(right_limit, i), lc, Math::round(EDSCALE));
- Color c = color;
- c.a *= 0.5;
- draw_string(font, Point2(limit + 8, i - 2), TS->format_number(rtos(Math::snapped((iv + 1) * scale, step))), HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, -1, font_size, c);
- }
+ int iv = int(ofs / scale);
+ if (ofs < 0) {
+ iv -= 1;
+ }
+ if (!first && iv != prev_iv) {
+ Color lc = linecolor;
+ lc.a *= 0.5;
+ draw_line(Point2(limit, i), Point2(right_limit, i), lc, Math::round(EDSCALE));
+ Color c = color;
+ c.a *= 0.5;
+ draw_string(font, Point2(limit + 8, i - 2), TS->format_number(rtos(Math::snapped((iv + 1) * scale, step))), HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, -1, font_size, c);
+ }
- first = false;
- prev_iv = iv;
+ first = false;
+ prev_iv = iv;
+ }
- }
- { //draw OTHER curves
+ { //draw OTHER curves
- float scale = timeline->get_zoom_scale();
- Ref<Texture2D> point = get_theme_icon(SNAME("KeyValue"), SNAME("EditorIcons"));
- for (const KeyValue<int, Color> &E : subtrack_colors) {
- if (hidden_tracks.has(E.key)) {
- continue;
- }
- _draw_track(E.key, E.value);
+ float scale = timeline->get_zoom_scale();
+ Ref<Texture2D> point = get_theme_icon(SNAME("KeyValue"), SNAME("EditorIcons"));
+ for (const KeyValue<int, Color> &E : subtrack_colors) {
+ if (hidden_tracks.has(E.key)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ _draw_track(E.key, E.value);
- for (int i = 0; i < animation->track_get_key_count(E.key); i++) {
- float offset = animation->track_get_key_time(E.key, i);
- float value = animation->bezier_track_get_key_value(E.key, i);
+ for (int i = 0; i < animation->track_get_key_count(E.key); i++) {
+ float offset = animation->track_get_key_time(E.key, i);
+ float value = animation->bezier_track_get_key_value(E.key, i);
- Vector2 pos((offset - timeline->get_value()) * scale + limit, _bezier_h_to_pixel(value));
+ Vector2 pos((offset - timeline->get_value()) * scale + limit, _bezier_h_to_pixel(value));
- if (pos.x >= limit && pos.x <= right_limit) {
- draw_texture(point, pos - point->get_size() / 2, E.value);
+ if (pos.x >= limit && pos.x <= right_limit) {
+ draw_texture(point, pos - point->get_size() / 2, E.value);
+ }
- }
- if (track_count > 0 && !hidden_tracks.has(selected_track)) {
- //draw edited curve
- _draw_track(selected_track, selected_track_color);
+ if (track_count > 0 && !hidden_tracks.has(selected_track)) {
+ //draw edited curve
+ _draw_track(selected_track, selected_track_color);
+ }
- }
- //draw editor handles
- {
- edit_points.clear();
- float scale = timeline->get_zoom_scale();
+ //draw editor handles
+ {
+ edit_points.clear();
+ float scale = timeline->get_zoom_scale();
- for (int i = 0; i < track_count; ++i) {
- if (animation->track_get_type(i) != Animation::TrackType::TYPE_BEZIER || hidden_tracks.has(i)) {
- continue;
- }
+ for (int i = 0; i < track_count; ++i) {
+ if (animation->track_get_type(i) != Animation::TrackType::TYPE_BEZIER || hidden_tracks.has(i)) {
+ continue;
+ }
- if (hidden_tracks.has(i) || locked_tracks.has(i)) {
- continue;
- }
+ if (hidden_tracks.has(i) || locked_tracks.has(i)) {
+ continue;
+ }
- int key_count = animation->track_get_key_count(i);
- String path = animation->track_get_path(i);
+ int key_count = animation->track_get_key_count(i);
+ String path = animation->track_get_path(i);
- if (is_filtered) {
- if (root && root->has_node(path)) {
- Node *node = root->get_node(path);
- if (!node) {
- continue; // No node, no filter.
- }
- if (!EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_editor_selection()->is_selected(node)) {
- continue; // Skip track due to not selected.
+ if (is_filtered) {
+ if (root && root->has_node(path)) {
+ Node *node = root->get_node(path);
+ if (!node) {
+ continue; // No node, no filter.
+ }
+ if (!EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_editor_selection()->is_selected(node)) {
+ continue; // Skip track due to not selected.
+ }
- }
- for (int j = 0; j < key_count; ++j) {
- float offset = animation->track_get_key_time(i, j);
- float value = animation->bezier_track_get_key_value(i, j);
+ for (int j = 0; j < key_count; ++j) {
+ float offset = animation->track_get_key_time(i, j);
+ float value = animation->bezier_track_get_key_value(i, j);
- if (moving_selection && selection.has(IntPair(i, j))) {
- offset += moving_selection_offset.x;
- value += moving_selection_offset.y;
- }
+ if (moving_selection && selection.has(IntPair(i, j))) {
+ offset += moving_selection_offset.x;
+ value += moving_selection_offset.y;
+ }
- Vector2 pos((offset - timeline->get_value()) * scale + limit, _bezier_h_to_pixel(value));
+ Vector2 pos((offset - timeline->get_value()) * scale + limit, _bezier_h_to_pixel(value));
- Vector2 in_vec = animation->bezier_track_get_key_in_handle(i, j);
- if (moving_handle != 0 && moving_handle_track == i && moving_handle_key == j) {
- in_vec = moving_handle_left;
- }
- Vector2 pos_in(((offset + in_vec.x) - timeline->get_value()) * scale + limit, _bezier_h_to_pixel(value + in_vec.y));
+ Vector2 in_vec = animation->bezier_track_get_key_in_handle(i, j);
+ if (moving_handle != 0 && moving_handle_track == i && moving_handle_key == j) {
+ in_vec = moving_handle_left;
+ }
+ Vector2 pos_in(((offset + in_vec.x) - timeline->get_value()) * scale + limit, _bezier_h_to_pixel(value + in_vec.y));
- Vector2 out_vec = animation->bezier_track_get_key_out_handle(i, j);
+ Vector2 out_vec = animation->bezier_track_get_key_out_handle(i, j);
- if (moving_handle != 0 && moving_handle_track == i && moving_handle_key == j) {
- out_vec = moving_handle_right;
- }
+ if (moving_handle != 0 && moving_handle_track == i && moving_handle_key == j) {
+ out_vec = moving_handle_right;
+ }
- Vector2 pos_out(((offset + out_vec.x) - timeline->get_value()) * scale + limit, _bezier_h_to_pixel(value + out_vec.y));
+ Vector2 pos_out(((offset + out_vec.x) - timeline->get_value()) * scale + limit, _bezier_h_to_pixel(value + out_vec.y));
- if (i == selected_track || selection.has(IntPair(i, j))) {
- _draw_line_clipped(pos, pos_in, accent, limit, right_limit);
- _draw_line_clipped(pos, pos_out, accent, limit, right_limit);
- }
+ if (i == selected_track || selection.has(IntPair(i, j))) {
+ _draw_line_clipped(pos, pos_in, accent, limit, right_limit);
+ _draw_line_clipped(pos, pos_out, accent, limit, right_limit);
+ }
- EditPoint ep;
- ep.track = i;
- ep.key = j;
- if (pos.x >= limit && pos.x <= right_limit) {
- ep.point_rect.position = (pos - bezier_icon->get_size() / 2).floor();
- ep.point_rect.size = bezier_icon->get_size();
- if (selection.has(IntPair(i, j))) {
- draw_texture(selected_icon, ep.point_rect.position);
- draw_string(font, ep.point_rect.position + Vector2(8, -font->get_height(font_size) - 8), TTR("Time:") + " " + TS->format_number(rtos(Math::snapped(offset, 0.001))), HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, -1, font_size, accent);
- draw_string(font, ep.point_rect.position + Vector2(8, -8), TTR("Value:") + " " + TS->format_number(rtos(Math::snapped(value, 0.001))), HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, -1, font_size, accent);
- } else {
- Color track_color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
- if (i != selected_track) {
- track_color = subtrack_colors[i];
+ EditPoint ep;
+ ep.track = i;
+ ep.key = j;
+ if (pos.x >= limit && pos.x <= right_limit) {
+ ep.point_rect.position = (pos - bezier_icon->get_size() / 2).floor();
+ ep.point_rect.size = bezier_icon->get_size();
+ if (selection.has(IntPair(i, j))) {
+ draw_texture(selected_icon, ep.point_rect.position);
+ draw_string(font, ep.point_rect.position + Vector2(8, -font->get_height(font_size) - 8), TTR("Time:") + " " + TS->format_number(rtos(Math::snapped(offset, 0.001))), HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, -1, font_size, accent);
+ draw_string(font, ep.point_rect.position + Vector2(8, -8), TTR("Value:") + " " + TS->format_number(rtos(Math::snapped(value, 0.001))), HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, -1, font_size, accent);
+ } else {
+ Color track_color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ if (i != selected_track) {
+ track_color = subtrack_colors[i];
+ }
+ draw_texture(bezier_icon, ep.point_rect.position, track_color);
- draw_texture(bezier_icon, ep.point_rect.position, track_color);
+ ep.point_rect = ep.point_rect.grow(ep.point_rect.size.width * 0.5);
- ep.point_rect = ep.point_rect.grow(ep.point_rect.size.width * 0.5);
- }
- if (i == selected_track || selection.has(IntPair(i, j))) {
- if (pos_in.x >= limit && pos_in.x <= right_limit) {
- ep.in_rect.position = (pos_in - bezier_handle_icon->get_size() / 2).floor();
- ep.in_rect.size = bezier_handle_icon->get_size();
- draw_texture(bezier_handle_icon, ep.in_rect.position);
- ep.in_rect = ep.in_rect.grow(ep.in_rect.size.width * 0.5);
+ if (i == selected_track || selection.has(IntPair(i, j))) {
+ if (pos_in.x >= limit && pos_in.x <= right_limit) {
+ ep.in_rect.position = (pos_in - bezier_handle_icon->get_size() / 2).floor();
+ ep.in_rect.size = bezier_handle_icon->get_size();
+ draw_texture(bezier_handle_icon, ep.in_rect.position);
+ ep.in_rect = ep.in_rect.grow(ep.in_rect.size.width * 0.5);
+ }
+ if (pos_out.x >= limit && pos_out.x <= right_limit) {
+ ep.out_rect.position = (pos_out - bezier_handle_icon->get_size() / 2).floor();
+ ep.out_rect.size = bezier_handle_icon->get_size();
+ draw_texture(bezier_handle_icon, ep.out_rect.position);
+ ep.out_rect = ep.out_rect.grow(ep.out_rect.size.width * 0.5);
+ }
- if (pos_out.x >= limit && pos_out.x <= right_limit) {
- ep.out_rect.position = (pos_out - bezier_handle_icon->get_size() / 2).floor();
- ep.out_rect.size = bezier_handle_icon->get_size();
- draw_texture(bezier_handle_icon, ep.out_rect.position);
- ep.out_rect = ep.out_rect.grow(ep.out_rect.size.width * 0.5);
+ if (!locked_tracks.has(i)) {
+ edit_points.push_back(ep);
- if (!locked_tracks.has(i)) {
- edit_points.push_back(ep);
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < edit_points.size(); ++i) {
- if (edit_points[i].track == selected_track) {
- EditPoint ep = edit_points[i];
- edit_points.remove_at(i);
- edit_points.insert(0, ep);
+ for (int i = 0; i < edit_points.size(); ++i) {
+ if (edit_points[i].track == selected_track) {
+ EditPoint ep = edit_points[i];
+ edit_points.remove_at(i);
+ edit_points.insert(0, ep);
+ }
- }
- if (box_selecting) {
- Vector2 bs_from = box_selection_from;
- Vector2 bs_to = box_selection_to;
- if (bs_from.x > bs_to.x) {
- SWAP(bs_from.x, bs_to.x);
- }
- if (bs_from.y > bs_to.y) {
- SWAP(bs_from.y, bs_to.y);
+ if (box_selecting) {
+ Vector2 bs_from = box_selection_from;
+ Vector2 bs_to = box_selection_to;
+ if (bs_from.x > bs_to.x) {
+ SWAP(bs_from.x, bs_to.x);
+ }
+ if (bs_from.y > bs_to.y) {
+ SWAP(bs_from.y, bs_to.y);
+ }
+ draw_rect(
+ Rect2(bs_from, bs_to - bs_from),
+ get_theme_color(SNAME("box_selection_fill_color"), SNAME("Editor")));
+ draw_rect(
+ Rect2(bs_from, bs_to - bs_from),
+ get_theme_color(SNAME("box_selection_stroke_color"), SNAME("Editor")),
+ false,
+ Math::round(EDSCALE));
- draw_rect(
- Rect2(bs_from, bs_to - bs_from),
- get_theme_color(SNAME("box_selection_fill_color"), SNAME("Editor")));
- draw_rect(
- Rect2(bs_from, bs_to - bs_from),
- get_theme_color(SNAME("box_selection_stroke_color"), SNAME("Editor")),
- false,
- Math::round(EDSCALE));
- }
+ } break;
@@ -1281,10 +1289,6 @@ void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
// 3-move the keys (re insert them)
for (SelectionSet::Element *E = selection.back(); E; E = E->prev()) {
float newpos = editor->snap_time(animation->track_get_key_time(E->get().first, E->get().second) + moving_selection_offset.x);
- /*
- if (newpos<0)
- continue; //no add at the beginning
- */
Array key = animation->track_get_key_value(E->get().first, E->get().second);
float h = key[0];
h += moving_selection_offset.y;
@@ -1295,10 +1299,6 @@ void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
// 4-(undo) remove inserted keys
for (SelectionSet::Element *E = selection.back(); E; E = E->prev()) {
float newpos = editor->snap_time(animation->track_get_key_time(E->get().first, E->get().second) + moving_selection_offset.x);
- /*
- if (newpos<0)
- continue; //no remove what no inserted
- */
undo_redo->add_undo_method(animation.ptr(), "track_remove_key_at_time", E->get().first, newpos);