path: root/drivers/windows
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Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/windows')
4 files changed, 55 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/windows/dir_access_windows.cpp b/drivers/windows/dir_access_windows.cpp
index 881575d245..c085ba372b 100644
--- a/drivers/windows/dir_access_windows.cpp
+++ b/drivers/windows/dir_access_windows.cpp
@@ -157,10 +157,10 @@ Error DirAccessWindows::make_dir(String p_dir) {
p_dir = fix_path(p_dir);
if (p_dir.is_relative_path()) {
- p_dir = current_dir.plus_file(p_dir);
+ p_dir = current_dir.path_join(p_dir);
- p_dir = p_dir.replace("/", "\\");
+ p_dir = p_dir.simplify_path().replace("/", "\\");
bool success;
int err;
@@ -200,9 +200,9 @@ String DirAccessWindows::get_current_dir(bool p_include_drive) const {
return current_dir;
} else {
if (_get_root_string().is_empty()) {
- int p = current_dir.find(":");
- if (p != -1) {
- return current_dir.substr(p + 1);
+ int pos = current_dir.find(":");
+ if (pos != -1) {
+ return current_dir.substr(pos + 1);
return current_dir;
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ bool DirAccessWindows::file_exists(String p_file) {
if (!p_file.is_absolute_path()) {
- p_file = get_current_dir().plus_file(p_file);
+ p_file = get_current_dir().path_join(p_file);
p_file = fix_path(p_file);
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ bool DirAccessWindows::dir_exists(String p_dir) {
if (p_dir.is_relative_path()) {
- p_dir = get_current_dir().plus_file(p_dir);
+ p_dir = get_current_dir().path_join(p_dir);
p_dir = fix_path(p_dir);
@@ -247,13 +247,13 @@ bool DirAccessWindows::dir_exists(String p_dir) {
Error DirAccessWindows::rename(String p_path, String p_new_path) {
if (p_path.is_relative_path()) {
- p_path = get_current_dir().plus_file(p_path);
+ p_path = get_current_dir().path_join(p_path);
p_path = fix_path(p_path);
if (p_new_path.is_relative_path()) {
- p_new_path = get_current_dir().plus_file(p_new_path);
+ p_new_path = get_current_dir().path_join(p_new_path);
p_new_path = fix_path(p_new_path);
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ Error DirAccessWindows::rename(String p_path, String p_new_path) {
Error DirAccessWindows::remove(String p_path) {
if (p_path.is_relative_path()) {
- p_path = get_current_dir().plus_file(p_path);
+ p_path = get_current_dir().path_join(p_path);
p_path = fix_path(p_path);
@@ -309,39 +309,13 @@ Error DirAccessWindows::remove(String p_path) {
-FileType DirAccessWindows::get_file_type(const String& p_file) const {
- WCHAR real_current_dir_name[2048];
- GetCurrentDirectoryW(2048, real_current_dir_name);
- String prev_dir = Strong::utf16((const char16_t *)real_current_dir_name);
- bool worked = SetCurrentDirectoryW((LPCWSTR)(current_dir.utf16().get_data()));
- DWORD attr;
- if (worked) {
- attr = GetFileAttributesExW((LPCWSTR)(p_file.utf16().get_data()), GetFileExInfoStandard, &fileInfo);
- }
- SetCurrentDirectoryW((LPCWSTR)(prev_dir.utf16().get_data()));
- if (!worked) {
- return FILE_TYPE_NONE;
- }
uint64_t DirAccessWindows::get_space_left() {
uint64_t bytes = 0;
if (!GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(nullptr, (PULARGE_INTEGER)&bytes, nullptr, nullptr)) {
return 0;
- //this is either 0 or a value in bytes.
+ // This is either 0 or a value in bytes.
return bytes;
@@ -402,6 +376,8 @@ DirAccessWindows::DirAccessWindows() {
DirAccessWindows::~DirAccessWindows() {
+ list_dir_end();
diff --git a/drivers/windows/dir_access_windows.h b/drivers/windows/dir_access_windows.h
index fbb07ddef8..c2835b3347 100644
--- a/drivers/windows/dir_access_windows.h
+++ b/drivers/windows/dir_access_windows.h
@@ -54,33 +54,33 @@ class DirAccessWindows : public DirAccess {
bool _cishidden = false;
- virtual Error list_dir_begin(); ///< This starts dir listing
- virtual String get_next();
- virtual bool current_is_dir() const;
- virtual bool current_is_hidden() const;
- virtual void list_dir_end(); ///<
+ virtual Error list_dir_begin() override; ///< This starts dir listing
+ virtual String get_next() override;
+ virtual bool current_is_dir() const override;
+ virtual bool current_is_hidden() const override;
+ virtual void list_dir_end() override; ///<
- virtual int get_drive_count();
- virtual String get_drive(int p_drive);
+ virtual int get_drive_count() override;
+ virtual String get_drive(int p_drive) override;
- virtual Error change_dir(String p_dir); ///< can be relative or absolute, return false on success
- virtual String get_current_dir(bool p_include_drive = true) const; ///< return current dir location
+ virtual Error change_dir(String p_dir) override; ///< can be relative or absolute, return false on success
+ virtual String get_current_dir(bool p_include_drive = true) const override; ///< return current dir location
- virtual bool file_exists(String p_file);
- virtual bool dir_exists(String p_dir);
+ virtual bool file_exists(String p_file) override;
+ virtual bool dir_exists(String p_dir) override;
- virtual Error make_dir(String p_dir);
+ virtual Error make_dir(String p_dir) override;
- virtual Error rename(String p_path, String p_new_path);
- virtual Error remove(String p_path);
+ virtual Error rename(String p_path, String p_new_path) override;
+ virtual Error remove(String p_path) override;
- virtual bool is_link(String p_file) { return false; };
- virtual String read_link(String p_file) { return p_file; };
- virtual Error create_link(String p_source, String p_target) { return FAILED; };
+ virtual bool is_link(String p_file) override { return false; };
+ virtual String read_link(String p_file) override { return p_file; };
+ virtual Error create_link(String p_source, String p_target) override { return FAILED; };
- uint64_t get_space_left();
+ uint64_t get_space_left() override;
- virtual String get_filesystem_type() const;
+ virtual String get_filesystem_type() const override;
diff --git a/drivers/windows/file_access_windows.cpp b/drivers/windows/file_access_windows.cpp
index 1a66d19373..4e8b327ffe 100644
--- a/drivers/windows/file_access_windows.cpp
+++ b/drivers/windows/file_access_windows.cpp
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ void FileAccessWindows::check_errors() const {
-Error FileAccessWindows::_open(const String &p_path, int p_mode_flags) {
+Error FileAccessWindows::open_internal(const String &p_path, int p_mode_flags) {
path_src = p_path;
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ Error FileAccessWindows::_open(const String &p_path, int p_mode_flags) {
// platforms).
if (p_mode_flags == READ) {
- HANDLE f = FindFirstFileW((LPCWSTR)(path.utf16().get_data()), &d);
+ HANDLE fnd = FindFirstFileW((LPCWSTR)(path.utf16().get_data()), &d);
+ if (fnd != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
String fname = String::utf16((const char16_t *)(d.cFileName));
if (!fname.is_empty()) {
String base_file = path.get_file();
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Error FileAccessWindows::_open(const String &p_path, int p_mode_flags) {
WARN_PRINT("Case mismatch opening requested file '" + base_file + "', stored as '" + fname + "' in the filesystem. This file will not open when exported to other case-sensitive platforms.");
- FindClose(f);
+ FindClose(fnd);
diff --git a/drivers/windows/file_access_windows.h b/drivers/windows/file_access_windows.h
index 5d67b6ca4f..d84c400775 100644
--- a/drivers/windows/file_access_windows.h
+++ b/drivers/windows/file_access_windows.h
@@ -51,33 +51,33 @@ class FileAccessWindows : public FileAccess {
void _close();
- virtual Error _open(const String &p_path, int p_mode_flags); ///< open a file
- virtual bool is_open() const; ///< true when file is open
+ virtual Error open_internal(const String &p_path, int p_mode_flags) override; ///< open a file
+ virtual bool is_open() const override; ///< true when file is open
- virtual String get_path() const; /// returns the path for the current open file
- virtual String get_path_absolute() const; /// returns the absolute path for the current open file
+ virtual String get_path() const override; /// returns the path for the current open file
+ virtual String get_path_absolute() const override; /// returns the absolute path for the current open file
- virtual void seek(uint64_t p_position); ///< seek to a given position
- virtual void seek_end(int64_t p_position = 0); ///< seek from the end of file
- virtual uint64_t get_position() const; ///< get position in the file
- virtual uint64_t get_length() const; ///< get size of the file
+ virtual void seek(uint64_t p_position) override; ///< seek to a given position
+ virtual void seek_end(int64_t p_position = 0) override; ///< seek from the end of file
+ virtual uint64_t get_position() const override; ///< get position in the file
+ virtual uint64_t get_length() const override; ///< get size of the file
- virtual bool eof_reached() const; ///< reading passed EOF
+ virtual bool eof_reached() const override; ///< reading passed EOF
- virtual uint8_t get_8() const; ///< get a byte
- virtual uint64_t get_buffer(uint8_t *p_dst, uint64_t p_length) const;
+ virtual uint8_t get_8() const override; ///< get a byte
+ virtual uint64_t get_buffer(uint8_t *p_dst, uint64_t p_length) const override;
- virtual Error get_error() const; ///< get last error
+ virtual Error get_error() const override; ///< get last error
- virtual void flush();
- virtual void store_8(uint8_t p_dest); ///< store a byte
- virtual void store_buffer(const uint8_t *p_src, uint64_t p_length); ///< store an array of bytes
+ virtual void flush() override;
+ virtual void store_8(uint8_t p_dest) override; ///< store a byte
+ virtual void store_buffer(const uint8_t *p_src, uint64_t p_length) override; ///< store an array of bytes
- virtual bool file_exists(const String &p_name); ///< return true if a file exists
+ virtual bool file_exists(const String &p_name) override; ///< return true if a file exists
- uint64_t _get_modified_time(const String &p_file);
- virtual uint32_t _get_unix_permissions(const String &p_file);
- virtual Error _set_unix_permissions(const String &p_file, uint32_t p_permissions);
+ uint64_t _get_modified_time(const String &p_file) override;
+ virtual uint32_t _get_unix_permissions(const String &p_file) override;
+ virtual Error _set_unix_permissions(const String &p_file, uint32_t p_permissions) override;
FileAccessWindows() {}
virtual ~FileAccessWindows();