path: root/drivers/webp/dec
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Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/webp/dec')
12 files changed, 423 insertions, 211 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/webp/dec/alpha.c b/drivers/webp/dec/alpha.c
index 1d029b0e6a..19ce548e96 100644
--- a/drivers/webp/dec/alpha.c
+++ b/drivers/webp/dec/alpha.c
@@ -23,12 +23,14 @@
// ALPHDecoder object.
-ALPHDecoder* ALPHNew(void) {
+// Allocates a new alpha decoder instance.
+static ALPHDecoder* ALPHNew(void) {
ALPHDecoder* const dec = (ALPHDecoder*)WebPSafeCalloc(1ULL, sizeof(*dec));
return dec;
-void ALPHDelete(ALPHDecoder* const dec) {
+// Clears and deallocates an alpha decoder instance.
+static void ALPHDelete(ALPHDecoder* const dec) {
if (dec != NULL) {
dec->vp8l_dec_ = NULL;
@@ -44,17 +46,21 @@ void ALPHDelete(ALPHDecoder* const dec) {
// Returns false in case of error in alpha header (data too short, invalid
// compression method or filter, error in lossless header data etc).
static int ALPHInit(ALPHDecoder* const dec, const uint8_t* data,
- size_t data_size, int width, int height, uint8_t* output) {
+ size_t data_size, const VP8Io* const src_io,
+ uint8_t* output) {
int ok = 0;
const uint8_t* const alpha_data = data + ALPHA_HEADER_LEN;
const size_t alpha_data_size = data_size - ALPHA_HEADER_LEN;
int rsrv;
+ VP8Io* const io = &dec->io_;
- assert(width > 0 && height > 0);
- assert(data != NULL && output != NULL);
+ assert(data != NULL && output != NULL && src_io != NULL);
- dec->width_ = width;
- dec->height_ = height;
+ VP8FiltersInit();
+ dec->output_ = output;
+ dec->width_ = src_io->width;
+ dec->height_ = src_io->height;
+ assert(dec->width_ > 0 && dec->height_ > 0);
if (data_size <= ALPHA_HEADER_LEN) {
return 0;
@@ -72,14 +78,28 @@ static int ALPHInit(ALPHDecoder* const dec, const uint8_t* data,
return 0;
+ // Copy the necessary parameters from src_io to io
+ VP8InitIo(io);
+ WebPInitCustomIo(NULL, io);
+ io->opaque = dec;
+ io->width = src_io->width;
+ io->height = src_io->height;
+ io->use_cropping = src_io->use_cropping;
+ io->crop_left = src_io->crop_left;
+ io->crop_right = src_io->crop_right;
+ io->crop_top = src_io->crop_top;
+ io->crop_bottom = src_io->crop_bottom;
+ // No need to copy the scaling parameters.
if (dec->method_ == ALPHA_NO_COMPRESSION) {
const size_t alpha_decoded_size = dec->width_ * dec->height_;
ok = (alpha_data_size >= alpha_decoded_size);
} else {
assert(dec->method_ == ALPHA_LOSSLESS_COMPRESSION);
- ok = VP8LDecodeAlphaHeader(dec, alpha_data, alpha_data_size, output);
+ ok = VP8LDecodeAlphaHeader(dec, alpha_data, alpha_data_size);
- VP8FiltersInit();
return ok;
@@ -90,15 +110,30 @@ static int ALPHInit(ALPHDecoder* const dec, const uint8_t* data,
static int ALPHDecode(VP8Decoder* const dec, int row, int num_rows) {
ALPHDecoder* const alph_dec = dec->alph_dec_;
const int width = alph_dec->width_;
- const int height = alph_dec->height_;
- WebPUnfilterFunc unfilter_func = WebPUnfilters[alph_dec->filter_];
- uint8_t* const output = dec->alpha_plane_;
+ const int height = alph_dec->io_.crop_bottom;
if (alph_dec->method_ == ALPHA_NO_COMPRESSION) {
- const size_t offset = row * width;
- const size_t num_pixels = num_rows * width;
- assert(dec->alpha_data_size_ >= ALPHA_HEADER_LEN + offset + num_pixels);
- memcpy(dec->alpha_plane_ + offset,
- dec->alpha_data_ + ALPHA_HEADER_LEN + offset, num_pixels);
+ int y;
+ const uint8_t* prev_line = dec->alpha_prev_line_;
+ const uint8_t* deltas = dec->alpha_data_ + ALPHA_HEADER_LEN + row * width;
+ uint8_t* dst = dec->alpha_plane_ + row * width;
+ assert(deltas <= &dec->alpha_data_[dec->alpha_data_size_]);
+ if (alph_dec->filter_ != WEBP_FILTER_NONE) {
+ assert(WebPUnfilters[alph_dec->filter_] != NULL);
+ for (y = 0; y < num_rows; ++y) {
+ WebPUnfilters[alph_dec->filter_](prev_line, deltas, dst, width);
+ prev_line = dst;
+ dst += width;
+ deltas += width;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (y = 0; y < num_rows; ++y) {
+ memcpy(dst, deltas, width * sizeof(*dst));
+ prev_line = dst;
+ dst += width;
+ deltas += width;
+ }
+ }
+ dec->alpha_prev_line_ = prev_line;
} else { // alph_dec->method_ == ALPHA_LOSSLESS_COMPRESSION
assert(alph_dec->vp8l_dec_ != NULL);
if (!VP8LDecodeAlphaImageStream(alph_dec, row + num_rows)) {
@@ -106,62 +141,92 @@ static int ALPHDecode(VP8Decoder* const dec, int row, int num_rows) {
- if (unfilter_func != NULL) {
- unfilter_func(width, height, width, row, num_rows, output);
+ if (row + num_rows >= height) {
+ dec->is_alpha_decoded_ = 1;
+ return 1;
- if (row + num_rows == dec->pic_hdr_.height_) {
- dec->is_alpha_decoded_ = 1;
+static int AllocateAlphaPlane(VP8Decoder* const dec, const VP8Io* const io) {
+ const int stride = io->width;
+ const int height = io->crop_bottom;
+ const uint64_t alpha_size = (uint64_t)stride * height;
+ assert(dec->alpha_plane_mem_ == NULL);
+ dec->alpha_plane_mem_ =
+ (uint8_t*)WebPSafeMalloc(alpha_size, sizeof(*dec->alpha_plane_));
+ if (dec->alpha_plane_mem_ == NULL) {
+ return 0;
+ dec->alpha_plane_ = dec->alpha_plane_mem_;
+ dec->alpha_prev_line_ = NULL;
return 1;
+void WebPDeallocateAlphaMemory(VP8Decoder* const dec) {
+ assert(dec != NULL);
+ WebPSafeFree(dec->alpha_plane_mem_);
+ dec->alpha_plane_mem_ = NULL;
+ dec->alpha_plane_ = NULL;
+ ALPHDelete(dec->alph_dec_);
+ dec->alph_dec_ = NULL;
// Main entry point.
const uint8_t* VP8DecompressAlphaRows(VP8Decoder* const dec,
+ const VP8Io* const io,
int row, int num_rows) {
- const int width = dec->pic_hdr_.width_;
- const int height = dec->pic_hdr_.height_;
+ const int width = io->width;
+ const int height = io->crop_bottom;
+ assert(dec != NULL && io != NULL);
if (row < 0 || num_rows <= 0 || row + num_rows > height) {
return NULL; // sanity check.
- if (row == 0) {
- // Initialize decoding.
- assert(dec->alpha_plane_ != NULL);
- dec->alph_dec_ = ALPHNew();
- if (dec->alph_dec_ == NULL) return NULL;
- if (!ALPHInit(dec->alph_dec_, dec->alpha_data_, dec->alpha_data_size_,
- width, height, dec->alpha_plane_)) {
- ALPHDelete(dec->alph_dec_);
- dec->alph_dec_ = NULL;
- return NULL;
- }
- // if we allowed use of alpha dithering, check whether it's needed at all
- if (dec->alph_dec_->pre_processing_ != ALPHA_PREPROCESSED_LEVELS) {
- dec->alpha_dithering_ = 0; // disable dithering
- } else {
- num_rows = height; // decode everything in one pass
+ if (!dec->is_alpha_decoded_) {
+ if (dec->alph_dec_ == NULL) { // Initialize decoder.
+ dec->alph_dec_ = ALPHNew();
+ if (dec->alph_dec_ == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (!AllocateAlphaPlane(dec, io)) goto Error;
+ if (!ALPHInit(dec->alph_dec_, dec->alpha_data_, dec->alpha_data_size_,
+ io, dec->alpha_plane_)) {
+ goto Error;
+ }
+ // if we allowed use of alpha dithering, check whether it's needed at all
+ if (dec->alph_dec_->pre_processing_ != ALPHA_PREPROCESSED_LEVELS) {
+ dec->alpha_dithering_ = 0; // disable dithering
+ } else {
+ num_rows = height - row; // decode everything in one pass
+ }
- }
- if (!dec->is_alpha_decoded_) {
- int ok = 0;
assert(dec->alph_dec_ != NULL);
- ok = ALPHDecode(dec, row, num_rows);
- if (ok && dec->alpha_dithering_ > 0) {
- ok = WebPDequantizeLevels(dec->alpha_plane_, width, height,
- dec->alpha_dithering_);
- }
- if (!ok || dec->is_alpha_decoded_) {
+ assert(row + num_rows <= height);
+ if (!ALPHDecode(dec, row, num_rows)) goto Error;
+ if (dec->is_alpha_decoded_) { // finished?
dec->alph_dec_ = NULL;
+ if (dec->alpha_dithering_ > 0) {
+ uint8_t* const alpha = dec->alpha_plane_ + io->crop_top * width
+ + io->crop_left;
+ if (!WebPDequantizeLevels(alpha,
+ io->crop_right - io->crop_left,
+ io->crop_bottom - io->crop_top,
+ width, dec->alpha_dithering_)) {
+ goto Error;
+ }
+ }
- if (!ok) return NULL; // Error.
// Return a pointer to the current decoded row.
return dec->alpha_plane_ + row * width;
+ Error:
+ WebPDeallocateAlphaMemory(dec);
+ return NULL;
diff --git a/drivers/webp/dec/alphai.h b/drivers/webp/dec/alphai.h
index 5fa230ca82..69dd7c0f5d 100644
--- a/drivers/webp/dec/alphai.h
+++ b/drivers/webp/dec/alphai.h
@@ -32,19 +32,18 @@ struct ALPHDecoder {
int pre_processing_;
struct VP8LDecoder* vp8l_dec_;
VP8Io io_;
- int use_8b_decode; // Although alpha channel requires only 1 byte per
- // pixel, sometimes VP8LDecoder may need to allocate
- // 4 bytes per pixel internally during decode.
+ int use_8b_decode_; // Although alpha channel requires only 1 byte per
+ // pixel, sometimes VP8LDecoder may need to allocate
+ // 4 bytes per pixel internally during decode.
+ uint8_t* output_;
+ const uint8_t* prev_line_; // last output row (or NULL)
// internal functions. Not public.
-// Allocates a new alpha decoder instance.
-ALPHDecoder* ALPHNew(void);
-// Clears and deallocates an alpha decoder instance.
-void ALPHDelete(ALPHDecoder* const dec);
+// Deallocate memory associated to dec->alpha_plane_ decoding
+void WebPDeallocateAlphaMemory(VP8Decoder* const dec);
diff --git a/drivers/webp/dec/buffer.c b/drivers/webp/dec/buffer.c
index 9ed2b3fe1a..547e69b434 100644
--- a/drivers/webp/dec/buffer.c
+++ b/drivers/webp/dec/buffer.c
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ static VP8StatusCode AllocateBuffer(WebPDecBuffer* const buffer) {
- if (!buffer->is_external_memory && buffer->private_memory == NULL) {
+ if (buffer->is_external_memory <= 0 && buffer->private_memory == NULL) {
uint8_t* output;
int uv_stride = 0, a_stride = 0;
uint64_t uv_size = 0, a_size = 0, total_size;
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ int WebPInitDecBufferInternal(WebPDecBuffer* buffer, int version) {
void WebPFreeDecBuffer(WebPDecBuffer* buffer) {
if (buffer != NULL) {
- if (!buffer->is_external_memory) {
+ if (buffer->is_external_memory <= 0) {
buffer->private_memory = NULL;
@@ -256,5 +256,45 @@ void WebPGrabDecBuffer(WebPDecBuffer* const src, WebPDecBuffer* const dst) {
+VP8StatusCode WebPCopyDecBufferPixels(const WebPDecBuffer* const src_buf,
+ WebPDecBuffer* const dst_buf) {
+ assert(src_buf != NULL && dst_buf != NULL);
+ assert(src_buf->colorspace == dst_buf->colorspace);
+ dst_buf->width = src_buf->width;
+ dst_buf->height = src_buf->height;
+ if (CheckDecBuffer(dst_buf) != VP8_STATUS_OK) {
+ }
+ if (WebPIsRGBMode(src_buf->colorspace)) {
+ const WebPRGBABuffer* const src = &src_buf->u.RGBA;
+ const WebPRGBABuffer* const dst = &dst_buf->u.RGBA;
+ WebPCopyPlane(src->rgba, src->stride, dst->rgba, dst->stride,
+ src_buf->width * kModeBpp[src_buf->colorspace],
+ src_buf->height);
+ } else {
+ const WebPYUVABuffer* const src = &src_buf->u.YUVA;
+ const WebPYUVABuffer* const dst = &dst_buf->u.YUVA;
+ WebPCopyPlane(src->y, src->y_stride, dst->y, dst->y_stride,
+ src_buf->width, src_buf->height);
+ WebPCopyPlane(src->u, src->u_stride, dst->u, dst->u_stride,
+ (src_buf->width + 1) / 2, (src_buf->height + 1) / 2);
+ WebPCopyPlane(src->v, src->v_stride, dst->v, dst->v_stride,
+ (src_buf->width + 1) / 2, (src_buf->height + 1) / 2);
+ if (WebPIsAlphaMode(src_buf->colorspace)) {
+ WebPCopyPlane(src->a, src->a_stride, dst->a, dst->a_stride,
+ src_buf->width, src_buf->height);
+ }
+ }
+ return VP8_STATUS_OK;
+int WebPAvoidSlowMemory(const WebPDecBuffer* const output,
+ const WebPBitstreamFeatures* const features) {
+ assert(output != NULL);
+ return (output->is_external_memory >= 2) &&
+ WebPIsPremultipliedMode(output->colorspace) &&
+ (features != NULL && features->has_alpha);
diff --git a/drivers/webp/dec/frame.c b/drivers/webp/dec/frame.c
index b882133eab..22d291d2cd 100644
--- a/drivers/webp/dec/frame.c
+++ b/drivers/webp/dec/frame.c
@@ -316,6 +316,9 @@ static void PrecomputeFilterStrengths(VP8Decoder* const dec) {
// Dithering
+// minimal amp that will provide a non-zero dithering effect
+#define MIN_DITHER_AMP 4
static const int kQuantToDitherAmp[DITHER_AMP_TAB_SIZE] = {
// roughly, it's dqm->uv_mat_[1]
@@ -356,27 +359,14 @@ void VP8InitDithering(const WebPDecoderOptions* const options,
-// minimal amp that will provide a non-zero dithering effect
-#define MIN_DITHER_AMP 4
-#define DITHER_AMP_BITS 8
+// Convert to range: [-2,2] for dither=50, [-4,4] for dither=100
static void Dither8x8(VP8Random* const rg, uint8_t* dst, int bps, int amp) {
- int i, j;
- for (j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
- for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
- // TODO: could be made faster with SSE2
- const int bits =
- VP8RandomBits2(rg, DITHER_AMP_BITS + 1, amp) - DITHER_AMP_CENTER;
- // Convert to range: [-2,2] for dither=50, [-4,4] for dither=100
- const int delta = (bits + DITHER_DESCALE_ROUNDER) >> DITHER_DESCALE;
- const int v = (int)dst[i] + delta;
- dst[i] = (v < 0) ? 0 : (v > 255) ? 255u : (uint8_t)v;
- }
- dst += bps;
+ uint8_t dither[64];
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 8 * 8; ++i) {
+ dither[i] = VP8RandomBits2(rg, VP8_DITHER_AMP_BITS + 1, amp);
+ VP8DitherCombine8x8(dither, dst, bps);
static void DitherRow(VP8Decoder* const dec) {
@@ -462,7 +452,7 @@ static int FinishRow(VP8Decoder* const dec, VP8Io* const io) {
if (dec->alpha_data_ != NULL && y_start < y_end) {
// TODO(skal): testing presence of alpha with dec->alpha_data_ is not a
// good idea.
- io->a = VP8DecompressAlphaRows(dec, y_start, y_end - y_start);
+ io->a = VP8DecompressAlphaRows(dec, io, y_start, y_end - y_start);
if (io->a == NULL) {
"Could not decode alpha data.");
diff --git a/drivers/webp/dec/idec.c b/drivers/webp/dec/idec.c
index abafb9f3d1..8de131916e 100644
--- a/drivers/webp/dec/idec.c
+++ b/drivers/webp/dec/idec.c
@@ -70,7 +70,9 @@ struct WebPIDecoder {
VP8Io io_;
MemBuffer mem_; // input memory buffer.
- WebPDecBuffer output_; // output buffer (when no external one is supplied)
+ WebPDecBuffer output_; // output buffer (when no external one is supplied,
+ // or if the external one has slow-memory)
+ WebPDecBuffer* final_output_; // Slow-memory output to copy to eventually.
size_t chunk_size_; // Compressed VP8/VP8L size extracted from Header.
int last_mb_y_; // last row reached for intra-mode decoding
@@ -118,9 +120,9 @@ static void DoRemap(WebPIDecoder* const idec, ptrdiff_t offset) {
if (idec->dec_ != NULL) {
if (!idec->is_lossless_) {
VP8Decoder* const dec = (VP8Decoder*)idec->dec_;
- const int last_part = dec->num_parts_ - 1;
+ const uint32_t last_part = dec->num_parts_minus_one_;
if (offset != 0) {
- int p;
+ uint32_t p;
for (p = 0; p <= last_part; ++p) {
VP8RemapBitReader(dec->parts_ + p, offset);
@@ -132,7 +134,6 @@ static void DoRemap(WebPIDecoder* const idec, ptrdiff_t offset) {
const uint8_t* const last_start = dec->parts_[last_part].buf_;
- assert(last_part >= 0);
VP8BitReaderSetBuffer(&dec->parts_[last_part], last_start,
mem->buf_ + mem->end_ - last_start);
@@ -249,10 +250,16 @@ static VP8StatusCode FinishDecoding(WebPIDecoder* const idec) {
idec->state_ = STATE_DONE;
if (options != NULL && options->flip) {
- return WebPFlipBuffer(output);
- } else {
- return VP8_STATUS_OK;
+ const VP8StatusCode status = WebPFlipBuffer(output);
+ if (status != VP8_STATUS_OK) return status;
+ }
+ if (idec->final_output_ != NULL) {
+ WebPCopyDecBufferPixels(output, idec->final_output_); // do the slow-copy
+ WebPFreeDecBuffer(&idec->output_);
+ *output = *idec->final_output_;
+ idec->final_output_ = NULL;
+ return VP8_STATUS_OK;
@@ -457,19 +464,20 @@ static VP8StatusCode DecodeRemaining(WebPIDecoder* const idec) {
for (; dec->mb_x_ < dec->mb_w_; ++dec->mb_x_) {
VP8BitReader* const token_br =
- &dec->parts_[dec->mb_y_ & (dec->num_parts_ - 1)];
+ &dec->parts_[dec->mb_y_ & dec->num_parts_minus_one_];
MBContext context;
SaveContext(dec, token_br, &context);
if (!VP8DecodeMB(dec, token_br)) {
// We shouldn't fail when MAX_MB data was available
- if (dec->num_parts_ == 1 && MemDataSize(&idec->mem_) > MAX_MB_SIZE) {
+ if (dec->num_parts_minus_one_ == 0 &&
+ MemDataSize(&idec->mem_) > MAX_MB_SIZE) {
return IDecError(idec, VP8_STATUS_BITSTREAM_ERROR);
RestoreContext(&context, dec, token_br);
// Release buffer only if there is only one partition
- if (dec->num_parts_ == 1) {
+ if (dec->num_parts_minus_one_ == 0) {
idec->mem_.start_ = token_br->buf_ - idec->mem_.buf_;
assert(idec->mem_.start_ <= idec->mem_.end_);
@@ -575,9 +583,10 @@ static VP8StatusCode IDecode(WebPIDecoder* idec) {
-// Public functions
+// Internal constructor
-WebPIDecoder* WebPINewDecoder(WebPDecBuffer* output_buffer) {
+static WebPIDecoder* NewDecoder(WebPDecBuffer* const output_buffer,
+ const WebPBitstreamFeatures* const features) {
WebPIDecoder* idec = (WebPIDecoder*)WebPSafeCalloc(1ULL, sizeof(*idec));
if (idec == NULL) {
return NULL;
@@ -593,25 +602,46 @@ WebPIDecoder* WebPINewDecoder(WebPDecBuffer* output_buffer) {
- idec->params_.output = (output_buffer != NULL) ? output_buffer
- : &idec->output_;
+ if (output_buffer == NULL || WebPAvoidSlowMemory(output_buffer, features)) {
+ idec->params_.output = &idec->output_;
+ idec->final_output_ = output_buffer;
+ if (output_buffer != NULL) {
+ idec->params_.output->colorspace = output_buffer->colorspace;
+ }
+ } else {
+ idec->params_.output = output_buffer;
+ idec->final_output_ = NULL;
+ }
WebPInitCustomIo(&idec->params_, &idec->io_); // Plug the I/O functions.
return idec;
+// Public functions
+WebPIDecoder* WebPINewDecoder(WebPDecBuffer* output_buffer) {
+ return NewDecoder(output_buffer, NULL);
WebPIDecoder* WebPIDecode(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
WebPDecoderConfig* config) {
WebPIDecoder* idec;
+ WebPBitstreamFeatures tmp_features;
+ WebPBitstreamFeatures* const features =
+ (config == NULL) ? &tmp_features : &config->input;
+ memset(&tmp_features, 0, sizeof(tmp_features));
// Parse the bitstream's features, if requested:
- if (data != NULL && data_size > 0 && config != NULL) {
- if (WebPGetFeatures(data, data_size, &config->input) != VP8_STATUS_OK) {
+ if (data != NULL && data_size > 0) {
+ if (WebPGetFeatures(data, data_size, features) != VP8_STATUS_OK) {
return NULL;
// Create an instance of the incremental decoder
- idec = WebPINewDecoder(config ? &config->output : NULL);
+ idec = (config != NULL) ? NewDecoder(&config->output, features)
+ : NewDecoder(NULL, features);
if (idec == NULL) {
return NULL;
@@ -645,11 +675,11 @@ void WebPIDelete(WebPIDecoder* idec) {
WebPIDecoder* WebPINewRGB(WEBP_CSP_MODE mode, uint8_t* output_buffer,
size_t output_buffer_size, int output_stride) {
- const int is_external_memory = (output_buffer != NULL);
+ const int is_external_memory = (output_buffer != NULL) ? 1 : 0;
WebPIDecoder* idec;
if (mode >= MODE_YUV) return NULL;
- if (!is_external_memory) { // Overwrite parameters to sane values.
+ if (is_external_memory == 0) { // Overwrite parameters to sane values.
output_buffer_size = 0;
output_stride = 0;
} else { // A buffer was passed. Validate the other params.
@@ -671,11 +701,11 @@ WebPIDecoder* WebPINewYUVA(uint8_t* luma, size_t luma_size, int luma_stride,
uint8_t* u, size_t u_size, int u_stride,
uint8_t* v, size_t v_size, int v_stride,
uint8_t* a, size_t a_size, int a_stride) {
- const int is_external_memory = (luma != NULL);
+ const int is_external_memory = (luma != NULL) ? 1 : 0;
WebPIDecoder* idec;
WEBP_CSP_MODE colorspace;
- if (!is_external_memory) { // Overwrite parameters to sane values.
+ if (is_external_memory == 0) { // Overwrite parameters to sane values.
luma_size = u_size = v_size = a_size = 0;
luma_stride = u_stride = v_stride = a_stride = 0;
u = v = a = NULL;
@@ -783,6 +813,9 @@ static const WebPDecBuffer* GetOutputBuffer(const WebPIDecoder* const idec) {
if (idec->state_ <= STATE_VP8_PARTS0) {
return NULL;
+ if (idec->final_output_ != NULL) {
+ return NULL; // not yet slow-copied
+ }
return idec->params_.output;
@@ -792,8 +825,7 @@ const WebPDecBuffer* WebPIDecodedArea(const WebPIDecoder* idec,
const WebPDecBuffer* const src = GetOutputBuffer(idec);
if (left != NULL) *left = 0;
if (top != NULL) *top = 0;
- // TODO(skal): later include handling of rotations.
- if (src) {
+ if (src != NULL) {
if (width != NULL) *width = src->width;
if (height != NULL) *height = idec->params_.last_y;
} else {
diff --git a/drivers/webp/dec/io.c b/drivers/webp/dec/io.c
index 13e469ab73..8d5c43f325 100644
--- a/drivers/webp/dec/io.c
+++ b/drivers/webp/dec/io.c
@@ -119,6 +119,14 @@ static int EmitFancyRGB(const VP8Io* const io, WebPDecParams* const p) {
+static void FillAlphaPlane(uint8_t* dst, int w, int h, int stride) {
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < h; ++j) {
+ memset(dst, 0xff, w * sizeof(*dst));
+ dst += stride;
+ }
static int EmitAlphaYUV(const VP8Io* const io, WebPDecParams* const p,
int expected_num_lines_out) {
const uint8_t* alpha = io->a;
@@ -137,10 +145,7 @@ static int EmitAlphaYUV(const VP8Io* const io, WebPDecParams* const p,
} else if (buf->a != NULL) {
// the user requested alpha, but there is none, set it to opaque.
- for (j = 0; j < mb_h; ++j) {
- memset(dst, 0xff, mb_w * sizeof(*dst));
- dst += buf->a_stride;
- }
+ FillAlphaPlane(dst, mb_w, mb_h, buf->a_stride);
return 0;
@@ -269,8 +274,8 @@ static int EmitRescaledYUV(const VP8Io* const io, WebPDecParams* const p) {
static int EmitRescaledAlphaYUV(const VP8Io* const io, WebPDecParams* const p,
int expected_num_lines_out) {
+ const WebPYUVABuffer* const buf = &p->output->u.YUVA;
if (io->a != NULL) {
- const WebPYUVABuffer* const buf = &p->output->u.YUVA;
uint8_t* dst_y = buf->y + p->last_y * buf->y_stride;
const uint8_t* src_a = buf->a + p->last_y * buf->a_stride;
const int num_lines_out = Rescale(io->a, io->width, io->mb_h, &p->scaler_a);
@@ -280,6 +285,11 @@ static int EmitRescaledAlphaYUV(const VP8Io* const io, WebPDecParams* const p,
WebPMultRows(dst_y, buf->y_stride, src_a, buf->a_stride,
p->scaler_a.dst_width, num_lines_out, 1);
+ } else if (buf->a != NULL) {
+ // the user requested alpha, but there is none, set it to opaque.
+ assert(p->last_y + expected_num_lines_out <= io->scaled_height);
+ FillAlphaPlane(buf->a + p->last_y * buf->a_stride,
+ io->scaled_width, expected_num_lines_out, buf->a_stride);
return 0;
diff --git a/drivers/webp/dec/vp8.c b/drivers/webp/dec/vp8.c
index d89eb1c59e..336680c38c 100644
--- a/drivers/webp/dec/vp8.c
+++ b/drivers/webp/dec/vp8.c
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ VP8Decoder* VP8New(void) {
dec->ready_ = 0;
- dec->num_parts_ = 1;
+ dec->num_parts_minus_one_ = 0;
return dec;
@@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ static VP8StatusCode ParsePartitions(VP8Decoder* const dec,
size_t last_part;
size_t p;
- dec->num_parts_ = 1 << VP8GetValue(br, 2);
- last_part = dec->num_parts_ - 1;
+ dec->num_parts_minus_one_ = (1 << VP8GetValue(br, 2)) - 1;
+ last_part = dec->num_parts_minus_one_;
if (size < 3 * last_part) {
// we can't even read the sizes with sz[]! That's a failure.
@@ -303,15 +303,22 @@ int VP8GetHeaders(VP8Decoder* const dec, VP8Io* const io) {
dec->mb_w_ = (pic_hdr->width_ + 15) >> 4;
dec->mb_h_ = (pic_hdr->height_ + 15) >> 4;
// Setup default output area (can be later modified during io->setup())
io->width = pic_hdr->width_;
io->height = pic_hdr->height_;
- io->use_scaling = 0;
+ // IMPORTANT! use some sane dimensions in crop_* and scaled_* fields.
+ // So they can be used interchangeably without always testing for
+ // 'use_cropping'.
io->use_cropping = 0;
io->crop_top = 0;
io->crop_left = 0;
io->crop_right = io->width;
io->crop_bottom = io->height;
+ io->use_scaling = 0;
+ io->scaled_width = io->width;
+ io->scaled_height = io->height;
io->mb_w = io->width; // sanity check
io->mb_h = io->height; // ditto
@@ -579,7 +586,7 @@ static int ParseFrame(VP8Decoder* const dec, VP8Io* io) {
for (dec->mb_y_ = 0; dec->mb_y_ < dec->br_mb_y_; ++dec->mb_y_) {
// Parse bitstream for this row.
VP8BitReader* const token_br =
- &dec->parts_[dec->mb_y_ & (dec->num_parts_ - 1)];
+ &dec->parts_[dec->mb_y_ & dec->num_parts_minus_one_];
if (!VP8ParseIntraModeRow(&dec->br_, dec)) {
return VP8SetError(dec, VP8_STATUS_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA,
"Premature end-of-partition0 encountered.");
@@ -649,8 +656,7 @@ void VP8Clear(VP8Decoder* const dec) {
- ALPHDelete(dec->alph_dec_);
- dec->alph_dec_ = NULL;
+ WebPDeallocateAlphaMemory(dec);
dec->mem_ = NULL;
dec->mem_size_ = 0;
@@ -659,4 +665,3 @@ void VP8Clear(VP8Decoder* const dec) {
diff --git a/drivers/webp/dec/vp8i.h b/drivers/webp/dec/vp8i.h
index b5f2b23009..00da02badc 100644
--- a/drivers/webp/dec/vp8i.h
+++ b/drivers/webp/dec/vp8i.h
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ extern "C" {
// version numbers
-#define DEC_MIN_VERSION 4
-#define DEC_REV_VERSION 4
+#define DEC_MIN_VERSION 5
+#define DEC_REV_VERSION 1
// YUV-cache parameters. Cache is 32-bytes wide (= one cacheline).
// Constraints are: We need to store one 16x16 block of luma samples (y),
@@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ struct VP8Decoder {
int tl_mb_x_, tl_mb_y_; // top-left MB that must be in-loop filtered
int br_mb_x_, br_mb_y_; // last bottom-right MB that must be decoded
- // number of partitions.
- int num_parts_;
+ // number of partitions minus one.
+ uint32_t num_parts_minus_one_;
// per-partition boolean decoders.
VP8BitReader parts_[MAX_NUM_PARTITIONS];
@@ -258,9 +258,11 @@ struct VP8Decoder {
struct ALPHDecoder* alph_dec_; // alpha-plane decoder object
const uint8_t* alpha_data_; // compressed alpha data (if present)
size_t alpha_data_size_;
- int is_alpha_decoded_; // true if alpha_data_ is decoded in alpha_plane_
- uint8_t* alpha_plane_; // output. Persistent, contains the whole data.
- int alpha_dithering_; // derived from decoding options (0=off, 100=full).
+ int is_alpha_decoded_; // true if alpha_data_ is decoded in alpha_plane_
+ uint8_t* alpha_plane_mem_; // memory allocated for alpha_plane_
+ uint8_t* alpha_plane_; // output. Persistent, contains the whole data.
+ const uint8_t* alpha_prev_line_; // last decoded alpha row (or NULL)
+ int alpha_dithering_; // derived from decoding options (0=off, 100=full)
@@ -306,6 +308,7 @@ int VP8DecodeMB(VP8Decoder* const dec, VP8BitReader* const token_br);
// in alpha.c
const uint8_t* VP8DecompressAlphaRows(VP8Decoder* const dec,
+ const VP8Io* const io,
int row, int num_rows);
diff --git a/drivers/webp/dec/vp8l.c b/drivers/webp/dec/vp8l.c
index 19665a007d..cb2e3176b6 100644
--- a/drivers/webp/dec/vp8l.c
+++ b/drivers/webp/dec/vp8l.c
@@ -428,14 +428,14 @@ static int ReadHuffmanCodes(VP8LDecoder* const dec, int xsize, int ysize,
alphabet_size += 1 << color_cache_bits;
size = ReadHuffmanCode(alphabet_size, dec, code_lengths, next);
+ if (size == 0) {
+ goto Error;
+ }
if (is_trivial_literal && kLiteralMap[j] == 1) {
is_trivial_literal = (next->bits == 0);
total_size += next->bits;
next += size;
- if (size == 0) {
- goto Error;
- }
if (j <= ALPHA) {
int local_max_bits = code_lengths[0];
int k;
@@ -714,34 +714,22 @@ static void ApplyInverseTransforms(VP8LDecoder* const dec, int num_rows,
-// Special method for paletted alpha data.
-static void ApplyInverseTransformsAlpha(VP8LDecoder* const dec, int num_rows,
- const uint8_t* const rows) {
- const int start_row = dec->last_row_;
- const int end_row = start_row + num_rows;
- const uint8_t* rows_in = rows;
- uint8_t* rows_out = (uint8_t*)dec->io_->opaque + dec->io_->width * start_row;
- VP8LTransform* const transform = &dec->transforms_[0];
- assert(dec->next_transform_ == 1);
- assert(transform->type_ == COLOR_INDEXING_TRANSFORM);
- VP8LColorIndexInverseTransformAlpha(transform, start_row, end_row, rows_in,
- rows_out);
// Processes (transforms, scales & color-converts) the rows decoded after the
// last call.
static void ProcessRows(VP8LDecoder* const dec, int row) {
const uint32_t* const rows = dec->pixels_ + dec->width_ * dec->last_row_;
const int num_rows = row - dec->last_row_;
- if (num_rows <= 0) return; // Nothing to be done.
- ApplyInverseTransforms(dec, num_rows, rows);
- // Emit output.
- {
+ assert(row <= dec->io_->crop_bottom);
+ // We can't process more than NUM_ARGB_CACHE_ROWS at a time (that's the size
+ // of argb_cache_), but we currently don't need more than that.
+ assert(num_rows <= NUM_ARGB_CACHE_ROWS);
+ if (num_rows > 0) { // Emit output.
VP8Io* const io = dec->io_;
uint8_t* rows_data = (uint8_t*)dec->argb_cache_;
const int in_stride = io->width * sizeof(uint32_t); // in unit of RGBA
+ ApplyInverseTransforms(dec, num_rows, rows);
if (!SetCropWindow(io, dec->last_row_, row, &rows_data, in_stride)) {
// Nothing to output (this time).
} else {
@@ -786,14 +774,46 @@ static int Is8bOptimizable(const VP8LMetadata* const hdr) {
return 1;
-static void ExtractPalettedAlphaRows(VP8LDecoder* const dec, int row) {
- const int num_rows = row - dec->last_row_;
- const uint8_t* const in =
- (uint8_t*)dec->pixels_ + dec->width_ * dec->last_row_;
- if (num_rows > 0) {
- ApplyInverseTransformsAlpha(dec, num_rows, in);
+static void AlphaApplyFilter(ALPHDecoder* const alph_dec,
+ int first_row, int last_row,
+ uint8_t* out, int stride) {
+ if (alph_dec->filter_ != WEBP_FILTER_NONE) {
+ int y;
+ const uint8_t* prev_line = alph_dec->prev_line_;
+ assert(WebPUnfilters[alph_dec->filter_] != NULL);
+ for (y = first_row; y < last_row; ++y) {
+ WebPUnfilters[alph_dec->filter_](prev_line, out, out, stride);
+ prev_line = out;
+ out += stride;
+ }
+ alph_dec->prev_line_ = prev_line;
- dec->last_row_ = dec->last_out_row_ = row;
+static void ExtractPalettedAlphaRows(VP8LDecoder* const dec, int last_row) {
+ // For vertical and gradient filtering, we need to decode the part above the
+ // crop_top row, in order to have the correct spatial predictors.
+ ALPHDecoder* const alph_dec = (ALPHDecoder*)dec->io_->opaque;
+ const int top_row =
+ (alph_dec->filter_ == WEBP_FILTER_NONE ||
+ alph_dec->filter_ == WEBP_FILTER_HORIZONTAL) ? dec->io_->crop_top
+ : dec->last_row_;
+ const int first_row = (dec->last_row_ < top_row) ? top_row : dec->last_row_;
+ assert(last_row <= dec->io_->crop_bottom);
+ if (last_row > first_row) {
+ // Special method for paletted alpha data. We only process the cropped area.
+ const int width = dec->io_->width;
+ uint8_t* out = alph_dec->output_ + width * first_row;
+ const uint8_t* const in =
+ (uint8_t*)dec->pixels_ + dec->width_ * first_row;
+ VP8LTransform* const transform = &dec->transforms_[0];
+ assert(dec->next_transform_ == 1);
+ assert(transform->type_ == COLOR_INDEXING_TRANSFORM);
+ VP8LColorIndexInverseTransformAlpha(transform, first_row, last_row,
+ in, out);
+ AlphaApplyFilter(alph_dec, first_row, last_row, out, width);
+ }
+ dec->last_row_ = dec->last_out_row_ = last_row;
@@ -922,14 +942,14 @@ static int DecodeAlphaData(VP8LDecoder* const dec, uint8_t* const data,
int col = dec->last_pixel_ % width;
VP8LBitReader* const br = &dec->br_;
VP8LMetadata* const hdr = &dec->hdr_;
- const HTreeGroup* htree_group = GetHtreeGroupForPos(hdr, col, row);
int pos = dec->last_pixel_; // current position
const int end = width * height; // End of data
const int last = width * last_row; // Last pixel to decode
const int len_code_limit = NUM_LITERAL_CODES + NUM_LENGTH_CODES;
const int mask = hdr->huffman_mask_;
- assert(htree_group != NULL);
- assert(pos < end);
+ const HTreeGroup* htree_group =
+ (pos < last) ? GetHtreeGroupForPos(hdr, col, row) : NULL;
+ assert(pos <= end);
assert(last_row <= height);
@@ -939,6 +959,7 @@ static int DecodeAlphaData(VP8LDecoder* const dec, uint8_t* const data,
if ((col & mask) == 0) {
htree_group = GetHtreeGroupForPos(hdr, col, row);
+ assert(htree_group != NULL);
code = ReadSymbol(htree_group->htrees[GREEN], br);
if (code < NUM_LITERAL_CODES) { // Literal
@@ -948,7 +969,7 @@ static int DecodeAlphaData(VP8LDecoder* const dec, uint8_t* const data,
if (col >= width) {
col = 0;
- if (row % NUM_ARGB_CACHE_ROWS == 0) {
+ if (row <= last_row && (row % NUM_ARGB_CACHE_ROWS == 0)) {
ExtractPalettedAlphaRows(dec, row);
@@ -971,7 +992,7 @@ static int DecodeAlphaData(VP8LDecoder* const dec, uint8_t* const data,
while (col >= width) {
col -= width;
- if (row % NUM_ARGB_CACHE_ROWS == 0) {
+ if (row <= last_row && (row % NUM_ARGB_CACHE_ROWS == 0)) {
ExtractPalettedAlphaRows(dec, row);
@@ -985,7 +1006,7 @@ static int DecodeAlphaData(VP8LDecoder* const dec, uint8_t* const data,
assert(br->eos_ == VP8LIsEndOfStream(br));
// Process the remaining rows corresponding to last row-block.
- ExtractPalettedAlphaRows(dec, row);
+ ExtractPalettedAlphaRows(dec, row > last_row ? last_row : row);
if (!ok || (br->eos_ && pos < end)) {
@@ -1025,7 +1046,6 @@ static int DecodeImageData(VP8LDecoder* const dec, uint32_t* const data,
int col = dec->last_pixel_ % width;
VP8LBitReader* const br = &dec->br_;
VP8LMetadata* const hdr = &dec->hdr_;
- HTreeGroup* htree_group = GetHtreeGroupForPos(hdr, col, row);
uint32_t* src = data + dec->last_pixel_;
uint32_t* last_cached = src;
uint32_t* const src_end = data + width * height; // End of data
@@ -1036,8 +1056,9 @@ static int DecodeImageData(VP8LDecoder* const dec, uint32_t* const data,
VP8LColorCache* const color_cache =
(hdr->color_cache_size_ > 0) ? &hdr->color_cache_ : NULL;
const int mask = hdr->huffman_mask_;
- assert(htree_group != NULL);
- assert(src < src_end);
+ const HTreeGroup* htree_group =
+ (src < src_last) ? GetHtreeGroupForPos(hdr, col, row) : NULL;
+ assert(dec->last_row_ < last_row);
assert(src_last <= src_end);
while (src < src_last) {
@@ -1049,7 +1070,10 @@ static int DecodeImageData(VP8LDecoder* const dec, uint32_t* const data,
// Only update when changing tile. Note we could use this test:
// if "((((prev_col ^ col) | prev_row ^ row)) > mask)" -> tile changed
// but that's actually slower and needs storing the previous col/row.
- if ((col & mask) == 0) htree_group = GetHtreeGroupForPos(hdr, col, row);
+ if ((col & mask) == 0) {
+ htree_group = GetHtreeGroupForPos(hdr, col, row);
+ }
+ assert(htree_group != NULL);
if (htree_group->is_trivial_code) {
*src = htree_group->literal_arb;
goto AdvanceByOne;
@@ -1080,8 +1104,10 @@ static int DecodeImageData(VP8LDecoder* const dec, uint32_t* const data,
if (col >= width) {
col = 0;
- if ((row % NUM_ARGB_CACHE_ROWS == 0) && (process_func != NULL)) {
- process_func(dec, row);
+ if (process_func != NULL) {
+ if (row <= last_row && (row % NUM_ARGB_CACHE_ROWS == 0)) {
+ process_func(dec, row);
+ }
if (color_cache != NULL) {
while (last_cached < src) {
@@ -1108,8 +1134,10 @@ static int DecodeImageData(VP8LDecoder* const dec, uint32_t* const data,
while (col >= width) {
col -= width;
- if ((row % NUM_ARGB_CACHE_ROWS == 0) && (process_func != NULL)) {
- process_func(dec, row);
+ if (process_func != NULL) {
+ if (row <= last_row && (row % NUM_ARGB_CACHE_ROWS == 0)) {
+ process_func(dec, row);
+ }
// Because of the check done above (before 'src' was incremented by
@@ -1140,7 +1168,7 @@ static int DecodeImageData(VP8LDecoder* const dec, uint32_t* const data,
} else if (!br->eos_) {
// Process the remaining rows corresponding to last row-block.
if (process_func != NULL) {
- process_func(dec, row);
+ process_func(dec, row > last_row ? last_row : row);
dec->status_ = VP8_STATUS_OK;
dec->last_pixel_ = (int)(src - data); // end-of-scan marker
@@ -1438,46 +1466,51 @@ static int AllocateInternalBuffers8b(VP8LDecoder* const dec) {
// Special row-processing that only stores the alpha data.
-static void ExtractAlphaRows(VP8LDecoder* const dec, int row) {
- const int num_rows = row - dec->last_row_;
- const uint32_t* const in = dec->pixels_ + dec->width_ * dec->last_row_;
- if (num_rows <= 0) return; // Nothing to be done.
- ApplyInverseTransforms(dec, num_rows, in);
- // Extract alpha (which is stored in the green plane).
- {
+static void ExtractAlphaRows(VP8LDecoder* const dec, int last_row) {
+ int cur_row = dec->last_row_;
+ int num_rows = last_row - cur_row;
+ const uint32_t* in = dec->pixels_ + dec->width_ * cur_row;
+ assert(last_row <= dec->io_->crop_bottom);
+ while (num_rows > 0) {
+ const int num_rows_to_process =
+ (num_rows > NUM_ARGB_CACHE_ROWS) ? NUM_ARGB_CACHE_ROWS : num_rows;
+ // Extract alpha (which is stored in the green plane).
+ ALPHDecoder* const alph_dec = (ALPHDecoder*)dec->io_->opaque;
+ uint8_t* const output = alph_dec->output_;
const int width = dec->io_->width; // the final width (!= dec->width_)
- const int cache_pixs = width * num_rows;
- uint8_t* const dst = (uint8_t*)dec->io_->opaque + width * dec->last_row_;
+ const int cache_pixs = width * num_rows_to_process;
+ uint8_t* const dst = output + width * cur_row;
const uint32_t* const src = dec->argb_cache_;
int i;
+ ApplyInverseTransforms(dec, num_rows_to_process, in);
for (i = 0; i < cache_pixs; ++i) dst[i] = (src[i] >> 8) & 0xff;
- }
- dec->last_row_ = dec->last_out_row_ = row;
+ AlphaApplyFilter(alph_dec,
+ cur_row, cur_row + num_rows_to_process, dst, width);
+ num_rows -= num_rows_to_process;
+ in += num_rows_to_process * dec->width_;
+ cur_row += num_rows_to_process;
+ }
+ assert(cur_row == last_row);
+ dec->last_row_ = dec->last_out_row_ = last_row;
int VP8LDecodeAlphaHeader(ALPHDecoder* const alph_dec,
- const uint8_t* const data, size_t data_size,
- uint8_t* const output) {
+ const uint8_t* const data, size_t data_size) {
int ok = 0;
- VP8LDecoder* dec;
- VP8Io* io;
+ VP8LDecoder* dec = VP8LNew();
+ if (dec == NULL) return 0;
assert(alph_dec != NULL);
- alph_dec->vp8l_dec_ = VP8LNew();
- if (alph_dec->vp8l_dec_ == NULL) return 0;
- dec = alph_dec->vp8l_dec_;
+ alph_dec->vp8l_dec_ = dec;
dec->width_ = alph_dec->width_;
dec->height_ = alph_dec->height_;
dec->io_ = &alph_dec->io_;
- io = dec->io_;
- VP8InitIo(io);
- WebPInitCustomIo(NULL, io); // Just a sanity Init. io won't be used.
- io->opaque = output;
- io->width = alph_dec->width_;
- io->height = alph_dec->height_;
+ dec->io_->opaque = alph_dec;
+ dec->io_->width = alph_dec->width_;
+ dec->io_->height = alph_dec->height_;
dec->status_ = VP8_STATUS_OK;
VP8LInitBitReader(&dec->br_, data, data_size);
@@ -1492,11 +1525,11 @@ int VP8LDecodeAlphaHeader(ALPHDecoder* const alph_dec,
if (dec->next_transform_ == 1 &&
dec->transforms_[0].type_ == COLOR_INDEXING_TRANSFORM &&
Is8bOptimizable(&dec->hdr_)) {
- alph_dec->use_8b_decode = 1;
+ alph_dec->use_8b_decode_ = 1;
ok = AllocateInternalBuffers8b(dec);
} else {
// Allocate internal buffers (note that dec->width_ may have changed here).
- alph_dec->use_8b_decode = 0;
+ alph_dec->use_8b_decode_ = 0;
ok = AllocateInternalBuffers32b(dec, alph_dec->width_);
@@ -1515,12 +1548,12 @@ int VP8LDecodeAlphaImageStream(ALPHDecoder* const alph_dec, int last_row) {
assert(dec != NULL);
assert(last_row <= dec->height_);
- if (dec->last_pixel_ == dec->width_ * dec->height_) {
+ if (dec->last_row_ >= last_row) {
return 1; // done
// Decode (with special row processing).
- return alph_dec->use_8b_decode ?
+ return alph_dec->use_8b_decode_ ?
DecodeAlphaData(dec, (uint8_t*)dec->pixels_, dec->width_, dec->height_,
last_row) :
DecodeImageData(dec, dec->pixels_, dec->width_, dec->height_,
@@ -1611,7 +1644,7 @@ int VP8LDecodeImage(VP8LDecoder* const dec) {
// Decode.
if (!DecodeImageData(dec, dec->pixels_, dec->width_, dec->height_,
- dec->height_, ProcessRows)) {
+ io->crop_bottom, ProcessRows)) {
goto Err;
diff --git a/drivers/webp/dec/vp8li.h b/drivers/webp/dec/vp8li.h
index 8886e47f62..9313bdc0af 100644
--- a/drivers/webp/dec/vp8li.h
+++ b/drivers/webp/dec/vp8li.h
@@ -100,8 +100,7 @@ struct ALPHDecoder; // Defined in dec/alphai.h.
// Decodes image header for alpha data stored using lossless compression.
// Returns false in case of error.
int VP8LDecodeAlphaHeader(struct ALPHDecoder* const alph_dec,
- const uint8_t* const data, size_t data_size,
- uint8_t* const output);
+ const uint8_t* const data, size_t data_size);
// Decodes *at least* 'last_row' rows of alpha. If some of the initial rows are
// already decoded in previous call(s), it will resume decoding from where it
diff --git a/drivers/webp/dec/webp.c b/drivers/webp/dec/webp.c
index 93a113a48d..dd6c090f00 100644
--- a/drivers/webp/dec/webp.c
+++ b/drivers/webp/dec/webp.c
@@ -415,7 +415,8 @@ static VP8StatusCode ParseHeadersInternal(const uint8_t* data,
VP8StatusCode WebPParseHeaders(WebPHeaderStructure* const headers) {
- VP8StatusCode status;
+ // status is marked volatile as a workaround for a clang-3.8 (aarch64) bug
+ volatile VP8StatusCode status;
int has_animation = 0;
assert(headers != NULL);
// fill out headers, ignore width/height/has_alpha.
@@ -512,10 +513,12 @@ static VP8StatusCode DecodeInto(const uint8_t* const data, size_t data_size,
if (status != VP8_STATUS_OK) {
- }
- if (params->options != NULL && params->options->flip) {
- status = WebPFlipBuffer(params->output);
+ } else {
+ if (params->options != NULL && params->options->flip) {
+ // This restores the original stride values if options->flip was used
+ // during the call to WebPAllocateDecBuffer above.
+ status = WebPFlipBuffer(params->output);
+ }
return status;
@@ -758,9 +761,24 @@ VP8StatusCode WebPDecode(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
- params.output = &config->output;
params.options = &config->options;
- status = DecodeInto(data, data_size, &params);
+ params.output = &config->output;
+ if (WebPAvoidSlowMemory(params.output, &config->input)) {
+ // decoding to slow memory: use a temporary in-mem buffer to decode into.
+ WebPDecBuffer in_mem_buffer;
+ WebPInitDecBuffer(&in_mem_buffer);
+ in_mem_buffer.colorspace = config->output.colorspace;
+ in_mem_buffer.width = config->input.width;
+ in_mem_buffer.height = config->input.height;
+ params.output = &in_mem_buffer;
+ status = DecodeInto(data, data_size, &params);
+ if (status == VP8_STATUS_OK) { // do the slow-copy
+ status = WebPCopyDecBufferPixels(&in_mem_buffer, &config->output);
+ }
+ WebPFreeDecBuffer(&in_mem_buffer);
+ } else {
+ status = DecodeInto(data, data_size, &params);
+ }
return status;
@@ -809,7 +827,7 @@ int WebPIoInitFromOptions(const WebPDecoderOptions* const options,
// Filter
- io->bypass_filtering = options && options->bypass_filtering;
+ io->bypass_filtering = (options != NULL) && options->bypass_filtering;
// Fancy upsampler
@@ -826,4 +844,3 @@ int WebPIoInitFromOptions(const WebPDecoderOptions* const options,
diff --git a/drivers/webp/dec/webpi.h b/drivers/webp/dec/webpi.h
index c75a2e4a5b..991b194c22 100644
--- a/drivers/webp/dec/webpi.h
+++ b/drivers/webp/dec/webpi.h
@@ -45,11 +45,20 @@ struct WebPDecParams {
OutputFunc emit; // output RGB or YUV samples
OutputAlphaFunc emit_alpha; // output alpha channel
OutputRowFunc emit_alpha_row; // output one line of rescaled alpha values
+ WebPDecBuffer* final_output; // In case the user supplied a slow-memory
+ // output, we decode image in temporary buffer
+ // (this::output) and copy it here.
+ WebPDecBuffer tmp_buffer; // this::output will point to this one in case
+ // of slow memory.
// Should be called first, before any use of the WebPDecParams object.
void WebPResetDecParams(WebPDecParams* const params);
+// Delete all memory (after an error occurred, for instance)
+void WebPFreeDecParams(WebPDecParams* const params);
// Header parsing helpers
@@ -107,13 +116,23 @@ VP8StatusCode WebPAllocateDecBuffer(int width, int height,
VP8StatusCode WebPFlipBuffer(WebPDecBuffer* const buffer);
// Copy 'src' into 'dst' buffer, making sure 'dst' is not marked as owner of the
-// memory (still held by 'src').
+// memory (still held by 'src'). No pixels are copied.
void WebPCopyDecBuffer(const WebPDecBuffer* const src,
WebPDecBuffer* const dst);
// Copy and transfer ownership from src to dst (beware of parameter order!)
void WebPGrabDecBuffer(WebPDecBuffer* const src, WebPDecBuffer* const dst);
+// Copy pixels from 'src' into a *preallocated* 'dst' buffer. Returns
+// VP8_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM if the 'dst' is not set up correctly for the copy.
+VP8StatusCode WebPCopyDecBufferPixels(const WebPDecBuffer* const src,
+ WebPDecBuffer* const dst);
+// Returns true if decoding will be slow with the current configuration
+// and bitstream features.
+int WebPAvoidSlowMemory(const WebPDecBuffer* const output,
+ const WebPBitstreamFeatures* const features);
#ifdef __cplusplus