path: root/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.h')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.h b/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.h
index 6b75154a8d..936448dbbd 100644
--- a/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.h
+++ b/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.h
@@ -42,7 +42,9 @@
#include "vk_mem_alloc.h"
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
//push constants
@@ -203,11 +205,13 @@ class RenderingDeviceVulkan : public RenderingDevice {
struct Buffer {
uint32_t size;
+ uint32_t usage;
VkBuffer buffer;
VmaAllocation allocation;
VkDescriptorBufferInfo buffer_info; //used for binding
Buffer() {
size = 0;
+ usage = 0;
buffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
allocation = nullptr;
@@ -232,8 +236,13 @@ class RenderingDeviceVulkan : public RenderingDevice {
// used for the render pipelines.
struct FramebufferFormatKey {
+ Size2i empty_size;
Vector<AttachmentFormat> attachments;
bool operator<(const FramebufferFormatKey &p_key) const {
+ if (empty_size != p_key.empty_size) {
+ return empty_size < p_key.empty_size;
+ }
int as = attachments.size();
int bs = p_key.attachments.size();
if (as != bs) {
@@ -570,7 +579,7 @@ class RenderingDeviceVulkan : public RenderingDevice {
struct DescriptorPoolKey {
union {
struct {
- uint16_t uniform_type[UNIFORM_TYPE_MAX]; //using 16 bits because, for sending arrays, each element is a pool set.
+ uint16_t uniform_type[UNIFORM_TYPE_MAX]; // Using 16 bits because, for sending arrays, each element is a pool set.
struct {
uint64_t key1;
@@ -712,115 +721,77 @@ class RenderingDeviceVulkan : public RenderingDevice {
Vector<SplitDrawListAllocator> split_draw_list_allocators;
struct DrawList {
- VkCommandBuffer command_buffer; //if persistent, this is owned, otherwise it's shared with the ringbuffer
+ VkCommandBuffer command_buffer; // If persistent, this is owned, otherwise it's shared with the ringbuffer.
Rect2i viewport;
struct SetState {
- uint32_t pipeline_expected_format;
- uint32_t uniform_set_format;
- VkDescriptorSet descriptor_set;
+ uint32_t pipeline_expected_format = 0;
+ uint32_t uniform_set_format = 0;
+ VkDescriptorSet descriptor_set = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
RID uniform_set;
- bool bound;
- SetState() {
- bound = false;
- pipeline_expected_format = 0;
- uniform_set_format = 0;
- descriptor_set = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
- }
+ bool bound = false;
struct State {
SetState sets[MAX_UNIFORM_SETS];
- uint32_t set_count;
+ uint32_t set_count = 0;
RID pipeline;
RID pipeline_shader;
- VkPipelineLayout pipeline_layout;
+ VkPipelineLayout pipeline_layout = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
RID vertex_array;
RID index_array;
- uint32_t pipeline_push_constant_stages;
- State() {
- set_count = 0;
- pipeline_layout = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
- pipeline_push_constant_stages = 0;
- }
+ uint32_t pipeline_push_constant_stages = 0;
} state;
struct Validation {
- bool active; //means command buffer was not closes, so you can keep adding things
- FramebufferFormatID framebuffer_format;
- //actual render pass values
- uint32_t dynamic_state;
- VertexFormatID vertex_format; //INVALID_ID if not set
- uint32_t vertex_array_size; //0 if not set
- uint32_t vertex_max_instances_allowed;
- bool index_buffer_uses_restart_indices;
- uint32_t index_array_size; //0 if index buffer not set
- uint32_t index_array_max_index;
+ bool active = true; // Means command buffer was not closed, so you can keep adding things.
+ FramebufferFormatID framebuffer_format = INVALID_ID;
+ // Actual render pass values.
+ uint32_t dynamic_state = 0;
+ VertexFormatID vertex_format = INVALID_ID;
+ uint32_t vertex_array_size = 0;
+ uint32_t vertex_max_instances_allowed = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ bool index_buffer_uses_restart_indices = false;
+ uint32_t index_array_size = 0;
+ uint32_t index_array_max_index = 0;
uint32_t index_array_offset;
Vector<uint32_t> set_formats;
Vector<bool> set_bound;
Vector<RID> set_rids;
- //last pipeline set values
- bool pipeline_active;
- uint32_t pipeline_dynamic_state;
- VertexFormatID pipeline_vertex_format;
+ // Last pipeline set values.
+ bool pipeline_active = false;
+ uint32_t pipeline_dynamic_state = 0;
+ VertexFormatID pipeline_vertex_format = INVALID_ID;
RID pipeline_shader;
- uint32_t invalid_set_from;
- bool pipeline_uses_restart_indices;
+ uint32_t invalid_set_from = 0;
+ bool pipeline_uses_restart_indices = false;
uint32_t pipeline_primitive_divisor;
uint32_t pipeline_primitive_minimum;
Vector<uint32_t> pipeline_set_formats;
- uint32_t pipeline_push_constant_size;
- bool pipeline_push_constant_suppplied;
- Validation() {
- active = true;
- dynamic_state = 0;
- vertex_format = INVALID_ID;
- vertex_array_size = 0;
- vertex_max_instances_allowed = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- framebuffer_format = INVALID_ID;
- index_array_size = 0; //not sent
- index_array_max_index = 0; //not set
- index_buffer_uses_restart_indices = false;
- invalid_set_from = 0;
- //pipeline state initalize
- pipeline_active = false;
- pipeline_dynamic_state = 0;
- pipeline_vertex_format = INVALID_ID;
- pipeline_uses_restart_indices = false;
- pipeline_push_constant_size = 0;
- pipeline_push_constant_suppplied = false;
- }
+ uint32_t pipeline_push_constant_size = 0;
+ bool pipeline_push_constant_supplied = false;
} validation;
struct Validation {
- uint32_t vertex_array_size; //0 if not set
- uint32_t index_array_size; //0 if index buffer not set
+ uint32_t vertex_array_size = 0;
+ uint32_t index_array_size = 0;
uint32_t index_array_offset;
- Validation() {
- vertex_array_size = 0;
- index_array_size = 0; //not sent
- }
} validation;
- DrawList *draw_list; //one for regular draw lists, multiple for split.
+ DrawList *draw_list; // One for regular draw lists, multiple for split.
uint32_t draw_list_count;
bool draw_list_split;
Vector<RID> draw_list_bound_textures;
+ Vector<RID> draw_list_storage_textures;
bool draw_list_unbind_color_textures;
bool draw_list_unbind_depth_textures;
void _draw_list_insert_clear_region(DrawList *draw_list, Framebuffer *framebuffer, Point2i viewport_offset, Point2i viewport_size, bool p_clear_color, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_colors, bool p_clear_depth, float p_depth, uint32_t p_stencil);
Error _draw_list_setup_framebuffer(Framebuffer *p_framebuffer, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, VkFramebuffer *r_framebuffer, VkRenderPass *r_render_pass);
- Error _draw_list_render_pass_begin(Framebuffer *framebuffer, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_colors, float p_clear_depth, uint32_t p_clear_stencil, Point2i viewport_offset, Point2i viewport_size, VkFramebuffer vkframebuffer, VkRenderPass render_pass, VkCommandBuffer command_buffer, VkSubpassContents subpass_contents);
+ Error _draw_list_render_pass_begin(Framebuffer *framebuffer, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_colors, float p_clear_depth, uint32_t p_clear_stencil, Point2i viewport_offset, Point2i viewport_size, VkFramebuffer vkframebuffer, VkRenderPass render_pass, VkCommandBuffer command_buffer, VkSubpassContents subpass_contents, const Vector<RID> &p_storage_textures);
_FORCE_INLINE_ DrawList *_get_draw_list_ptr(DrawListID p_id);
@@ -828,62 +799,39 @@ class RenderingDeviceVulkan : public RenderingDevice {
struct ComputeList {
- VkCommandBuffer command_buffer; //if persistent, this is owned, otherwise it's shared with the ringbuffer
+ VkCommandBuffer command_buffer; // If persistent, this is owned, otherwise it's shared with the ringbuffer.
struct SetState {
- uint32_t pipeline_expected_format;
- uint32_t uniform_set_format;
- VkDescriptorSet descriptor_set;
+ uint32_t pipeline_expected_format = 0;
+ uint32_t uniform_set_format = 0;
+ VkDescriptorSet descriptor_set = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
RID uniform_set;
- bool bound;
- SetState() {
- bound = false;
- pipeline_expected_format = 0;
- uniform_set_format = 0;
- descriptor_set = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
- }
+ bool bound = false;
struct State {
Set<Texture *> textures_to_sampled_layout;
SetState sets[MAX_UNIFORM_SETS];
- uint32_t set_count;
+ uint32_t set_count = 0;
RID pipeline;
RID pipeline_shader;
- VkPipelineLayout pipeline_layout;
- uint32_t pipeline_push_constant_stages;
- State() {
- set_count = 0;
- pipeline_layout = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
- pipeline_push_constant_stages = 0;
- }
+ VkPipelineLayout pipeline_layout = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ uint32_t pipeline_push_constant_stages = 0;
} state;
struct Validation {
- bool active; //means command buffer was not closes, so you can keep adding things
+ bool active = true; // Means command buffer was not closed, so you can keep adding things.
Vector<uint32_t> set_formats;
Vector<bool> set_bound;
Vector<RID> set_rids;
- //last pipeline set values
- bool pipeline_active;
+ // Last pipeline set values.
+ bool pipeline_active = false;
RID pipeline_shader;
- uint32_t invalid_set_from;
+ uint32_t invalid_set_from = 0;
Vector<uint32_t> pipeline_set_formats;
- uint32_t pipeline_push_constant_size;
- bool pipeline_push_constant_suppplied;
- Validation() {
- active = true;
- invalid_set_from = 0;
- //pipeline state initalize
- pipeline_active = false;
- pipeline_push_constant_size = 0;
- pipeline_push_constant_suppplied = false;
- }
+ uint32_t pipeline_push_constant_size = 0;
+ bool pipeline_push_constant_supplied = false;
} validation;
@@ -988,9 +936,11 @@ public:
virtual FramebufferFormatID framebuffer_format_create(const Vector<AttachmentFormat> &p_format);
+ virtual FramebufferFormatID framebuffer_format_create_empty(const Size2i &p_size);
virtual TextureSamples framebuffer_format_get_texture_samples(FramebufferFormatID p_format);
virtual RID framebuffer_create(const Vector<RID> &p_texture_attachments, FramebufferFormatID p_format_check = INVALID_ID);
+ virtual RID framebuffer_create_empty(const Size2i &p_size, FramebufferFormatID p_format_check = INVALID_ID);
virtual FramebufferFormatID framebuffer_get_format(RID p_framebuffer);
@@ -1026,7 +976,7 @@ public:
virtual RID uniform_buffer_create(uint32_t p_size_bytes, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data = Vector<uint8_t>());
- virtual RID storage_buffer_create(uint32_t p_size_bytes, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data = Vector<uint8_t>());
+ virtual RID storage_buffer_create(uint32_t p_size_bytes, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data = Vector<uint8_t>(), uint32_t p_usage = 0);
virtual RID texture_buffer_create(uint32_t p_size_elements, DataFormat p_format, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data = Vector<uint8_t>());
virtual RID uniform_set_create(const Vector<Uniform> &p_uniforms, RID p_shader, uint32_t p_shader_set);
@@ -1063,8 +1013,8 @@ public:
virtual DrawListID draw_list_begin_for_screen(DisplayServer::WindowID p_screen = 0, const Color &p_clear_color = Color());
- virtual DrawListID draw_list_begin(RID p_framebuffer, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_color_values = Vector<Color>(), float p_clear_depth = 1.0, uint32_t p_clear_stencil = 0, const Rect2 &p_region = Rect2());
- virtual Error draw_list_begin_split(RID p_framebuffer, uint32_t p_splits, DrawListID *r_split_ids, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_color_values = Vector<Color>(), float p_clear_depth = 1.0, uint32_t p_clear_stencil = 0, const Rect2 &p_region = Rect2());
+ virtual DrawListID draw_list_begin(RID p_framebuffer, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_color_values = Vector<Color>(), float p_clear_depth = 1.0, uint32_t p_clear_stencil = 0, const Rect2 &p_region = Rect2(), const Vector<RID> &p_storage_textures = Vector<RID>());
+ virtual Error draw_list_begin_split(RID p_framebuffer, uint32_t p_splits, DrawListID *r_split_ids, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_color_values = Vector<Color>(), float p_clear_depth = 1.0, uint32_t p_clear_stencil = 0, const Rect2 &p_region = Rect2(), const Vector<RID> &p_storage_textures = Vector<RID>());
virtual void draw_list_bind_render_pipeline(DrawListID p_list, RID p_render_pipeline);
virtual void draw_list_bind_uniform_set(DrawListID p_list, RID p_uniform_set, uint32_t p_index);
@@ -1091,8 +1041,11 @@ public:
virtual void compute_list_add_barrier(ComputeListID p_list);
virtual void compute_list_dispatch(ComputeListID p_list, uint32_t p_x_groups, uint32_t p_y_groups, uint32_t p_z_groups);
+ virtual void compute_list_dispatch_indirect(ComputeListID p_list, RID p_buffer, uint32_t p_offset);
virtual void compute_list_end();
+ virtual void full_barrier();
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