path: root/drivers/gles3/shaders
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Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/gles3/shaders')
14 files changed, 1593 insertions, 135 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/gles3/shaders/SCsub b/drivers/gles3/shaders/SCsub
index 83ffe8b1e1..34713e7e29 100644
--- a/drivers/gles3/shaders/SCsub
+++ b/drivers/gles3/shaders/SCsub
@@ -17,3 +17,8 @@ if "GLES3_GLSL" in env["BUILDERS"]:
+ env.GLES3_GLSL("canvas_occlusion.glsl")
+ env.GLES3_GLSL("canvas_sdf.glsl")
+ env.GLES3_GLSL("particles.glsl")
+ env.GLES3_GLSL("particles_copy.glsl")
+ env.GLES3_GLSL("skeleton.glsl")
diff --git a/drivers/gles3/shaders/canvas.glsl b/drivers/gles3/shaders/canvas.glsl
index a177112476..60139de472 100644
--- a/drivers/gles3/shaders/canvas.glsl
+++ b/drivers/gles3/shaders/canvas.glsl
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ mode_instanced = #define USE_ATTRIBUTES \n#define USE_INSTANCING
@@ -18,9 +19,6 @@ layout(location = 0) in vec2 vertex_attrib;
layout(location = 3) in vec4 color_attrib;
layout(location = 4) in vec2 uv_attrib;
-layout(location = 10) in uvec4 bone_attrib;
-layout(location = 11) in vec4 weight_attrib;
layout(location = 1) in highp vec4 instance_xform0;
@@ -80,8 +78,6 @@ void main() {
uv = draw_data[draw_data_instance].uv_c;
color = vec4(unpackHalf2x16(draw_data[draw_data_instance].color_c_rg), unpackHalf2x16(draw_data[draw_data_instance].color_c_ba));
- uvec4 bones = uvec4(0, 0, 0, 0);
- vec4 bone_weights = vec4(0.0);
#elif defined(USE_ATTRIBUTES)
draw_data_instance = gl_InstanceID;
@@ -92,9 +88,6 @@ void main() {
vec4 color = color_attrib * draw_data[draw_data_instance].modulation;
vec2 uv = uv_attrib;
- uvec4 bones = bone_attrib;
- vec4 bone_weights = weight_attrib;
vec4 instance_color = vec4(unpackHalf2x16(instance_color_custom_data.x), unpackHalf2x16(instance_color_custom_data.y));
color *= instance_color;
@@ -109,7 +102,6 @@ void main() {
vec2 uv = draw_data[draw_data_instance].src_rect.xy + abs(draw_data[draw_data_instance] * ((draw_data[draw_data_instance].flags & FLAGS_TRANSPOSE_RECT) != uint(0) ? vertex_base.yx : vertex_base.xy);
vec4 color = draw_data[draw_data_instance].modulation;
vec2 vertex = draw_data[draw_data_instance].dst_rect.xy + abs(draw_data[draw_data_instance] * mix(vertex_base, vec2(1.0, 1.0) - vertex_base, lessThan(draw_data[draw_data_instance], vec2(0.0, 0.0)));
- uvec4 bones = uvec4(0, 0, 0, 0);
@@ -152,48 +144,6 @@ void main() {
uv += 1e-5;
-#if 0
- if (bool(draw_data[draw_data_instance].flags & FLAGS_USE_SKELETON) && bone_weights != vec4(0.0)) { //must be a valid bone
- //skeleton transform
- ivec4 bone_indicesi = ivec4(bone_indices);
- uvec2 tex_ofs = bone_indicesi.x * 2;
- mat2x4 m;
- m = mat2x4(
- texelFetch(skeleton_buffer, tex_ofs + 0),
- texelFetch(skeleton_buffer, tex_ofs + 1)) *
- bone_weights.x;
- tex_ofs = bone_indicesi.y * 2;
- m += mat2x4(
- texelFetch(skeleton_buffer, tex_ofs + 0),
- texelFetch(skeleton_buffer, tex_ofs + 1)) *
- bone_weights.y;
- tex_ofs = bone_indicesi.z * 2;
- m += mat2x4(
- texelFetch(skeleton_buffer, tex_ofs + 0),
- texelFetch(skeleton_buffer, tex_ofs + 1)) *
- bone_weights.z;
- tex_ofs = bone_indicesi.w * 2;
- m += mat2x4(
- texelFetch(skeleton_buffer, tex_ofs + 0),
- texelFetch(skeleton_buffer, tex_ofs + 1)) *
- bone_weights.w;
- mat4 bone_matrix = skeleton_data.skeleton_transform * transpose(mat4(m[0], m[1], vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))) * skeleton_data.skeleton_transform_inverse;
- //outvec = bone_matrix * outvec;
- }
vertex = (canvas_transform * vec4(vertex, 0.0, 1.0)).xy;
vertex_interp = vertex;
@@ -211,8 +161,10 @@ void main() {
#include "canvas_uniforms_inc.glsl"
#include "stdlib_inc.glsl"
-//uniform sampler2D atlas_texture; //texunit:-2
-//uniform sampler2D shadow_atlas_texture; //texunit:-3
+uniform sampler2D atlas_texture; //texunit:-2
+uniform sampler2D shadow_atlas_texture; //texunit:-3
uniform sampler2D screen_texture; //texunit:-4
uniform sampler2D sdf_texture; //texunit:-5
uniform sampler2D normal_texture; //texunit:-6
@@ -244,6 +196,170 @@ layout(std140) uniform MaterialUniforms{
+float vec4_to_float(vec4 p_vec) {
+ return dot(p_vec, vec4(1.0 / (255.0 * 255.0 * 255.0), 1.0 / (255.0 * 255.0), 1.0 / 255.0, 1.0)) * 2.0 - 1.0;
+vec2 screen_uv_to_sdf(vec2 p_uv) {
+ return screen_to_sdf * p_uv;
+float texture_sdf(vec2 p_sdf) {
+ vec2 uv = p_sdf * sdf_to_tex.xy +;
+ float d = vec4_to_float(texture(sdf_texture, uv));
+ return d * tex_to_sdf;
+vec2 texture_sdf_normal(vec2 p_sdf) {
+ vec2 uv = p_sdf * sdf_to_tex.xy +;
+ const float EPSILON = 0.001;
+ return normalize(vec2(
+ vec4_to_float(texture(sdf_texture, uv + vec2(EPSILON, 0.0))) - vec4_to_float(texture(sdf_texture, uv - vec2(EPSILON, 0.0))),
+ vec4_to_float(texture(sdf_texture, uv + vec2(0.0, EPSILON))) - vec4_to_float(texture(sdf_texture, uv - vec2(0.0, EPSILON)))));
+vec2 sdf_to_screen_uv(vec2 p_sdf) {
+ return p_sdf * sdf_to_screen;
+vec4 light_compute(
+ vec3 light_vertex,
+ vec3 light_position,
+ vec3 normal,
+ vec4 light_color,
+ float light_energy,
+ vec4 specular_shininess,
+ inout vec4 shadow_modulate,
+ vec2 screen_uv,
+ vec2 uv,
+ vec4 color, bool is_directional) {
+ vec4 light = vec4(0.0);
+ vec3 light_direction = vec3(0.0);
+ if (is_directional) {
+ light_direction = normalize(mix(vec3(light_position.xy, 0.0), vec3(0, 0, 1), light_position.z));
+ light_position = vec3(0.0);
+ } else {
+ light_direction = normalize(light_position - light_vertex);
+ }
+ return light;
+vec3 light_normal_compute(vec3 light_vec, vec3 normal, vec3 base_color, vec3 light_color, vec4 specular_shininess, bool specular_shininess_used) {
+ float cNdotL = max(0.0, dot(normal, light_vec));
+ if (specular_shininess_used) {
+ //blinn
+ vec3 view = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // not great but good enough
+ vec3 half_vec = normalize(view + light_vec);
+ float cNdotV = max(dot(normal, view), 0.0);
+ float cNdotH = max(dot(normal, half_vec), 0.0);
+ float cVdotH = max(dot(view, half_vec), 0.0);
+ float cLdotH = max(dot(light_vec, half_vec), 0.0);
+ float shininess = exp2(15.0 * specular_shininess.a + 1.0) * 0.25;
+ float blinn = pow(cNdotH, shininess);
+ blinn *= (shininess + 8.0) * (1.0 / (8.0 * M_PI));
+ float s = (blinn) / max(4.0 * cNdotV * cNdotL, 0.75);
+ return specular_shininess.rgb * light_color * s + light_color * base_color * cNdotL;
+ } else {
+ return light_color * base_color * cNdotL;
+ }
+#define SHADOW_DEPTH(m_uv) (dot(textureLod(shadow_atlas_texture, (m_uv), 0.0), vec4(1.0 / (255.0 * 255.0 * 255.0), 1.0 / (255.0 * 255.0), 1.0 / 255.0, 1.0)) * 2.0 - 1.0)
+#define SHADOW_DEPTH(m_uv) (textureLod(shadow_atlas_texture, (m_uv), 0.0).r)
+#define SHADOW_TEST(m_uv) \
+ { \
+ highp float sd = SHADOW_DEPTH(m_uv); \
+ shadow += step(sd, shadow_uv.z / shadow_uv.w); \
+ }
+//float distance = length(shadow_pos);
+vec4 light_shadow_compute(uint light_base, vec4 light_color, vec4 shadow_uv
+ ,
+ vec3 shadow_modulate
+) {
+ float shadow = 0.0;
+ uint shadow_mode = light_array[light_base].flags & LIGHT_FLAGS_FILTER_MASK;
+ if (shadow_mode == LIGHT_FLAGS_SHADOW_NEAREST) {
+ SHADOW_TEST(shadow_uv.xy);
+ } else if (shadow_mode == LIGHT_FLAGS_SHADOW_PCF5) {
+ vec2 shadow_pixel_size = vec2(light_array[light_base].shadow_pixel_size, 0.0);
+ SHADOW_TEST(shadow_uv.xy - shadow_pixel_size * 2.0);
+ SHADOW_TEST(shadow_uv.xy - shadow_pixel_size);
+ SHADOW_TEST(shadow_uv.xy);
+ SHADOW_TEST(shadow_uv.xy + shadow_pixel_size);
+ SHADOW_TEST(shadow_uv.xy + shadow_pixel_size * 2.0);
+ shadow /= 5.0;
+ } else { //PCF13
+ vec2 shadow_pixel_size = vec2(light_array[light_base].shadow_pixel_size, 0.0);
+ SHADOW_TEST(shadow_uv.xy - shadow_pixel_size * 6.0);
+ SHADOW_TEST(shadow_uv.xy - shadow_pixel_size * 5.0);
+ SHADOW_TEST(shadow_uv.xy - shadow_pixel_size * 4.0);
+ SHADOW_TEST(shadow_uv.xy - shadow_pixel_size * 3.0);
+ SHADOW_TEST(shadow_uv.xy - shadow_pixel_size * 2.0);
+ SHADOW_TEST(shadow_uv.xy - shadow_pixel_size);
+ SHADOW_TEST(shadow_uv.xy);
+ SHADOW_TEST(shadow_uv.xy + shadow_pixel_size);
+ SHADOW_TEST(shadow_uv.xy + shadow_pixel_size * 2.0);
+ SHADOW_TEST(shadow_uv.xy + shadow_pixel_size * 3.0);
+ SHADOW_TEST(shadow_uv.xy + shadow_pixel_size * 4.0);
+ SHADOW_TEST(shadow_uv.xy + shadow_pixel_size * 5.0);
+ SHADOW_TEST(shadow_uv.xy + shadow_pixel_size * 6.0);
+ shadow /= 13.0;
+ }
+ vec4 shadow_color = unpackUnorm4x8(light_array[light_base].shadow_color);
+ shadow_color.rgb *= shadow_modulate;
+ shadow_color.a *= light_color.a; //respect light alpha
+ return mix(light_color, shadow_color, shadow);
+void light_blend_compute(uint light_base, vec4 light_color, inout vec3 color) {
+ uint blend_mode = light_array[light_base].flags & LIGHT_FLAGS_BLEND_MASK;
+ switch (blend_mode) {
+ color.rgb += light_color.rgb * light_color.a;
+ } break;
+ color.rgb -= light_color.rgb * light_color.a;
+ } break;
+ color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, light_color.rgb, light_color.a);
+ } break;
+ }
float map_ninepatch_axis(float pixel, float draw_size, float tex_pixel_size, float margin_begin, float margin_end, int np_repeat, inout int draw_center) {
@@ -353,7 +469,8 @@ void main() {
color *= texture(color_texture, uv);
- bool using_light = false;
+ uint light_count = (draw_data[draw_data_instance].flags >> uint(FLAGS_LIGHT_COUNT_SHIFT)) & uint(0xF); //max 16 lights
+ bool using_light = light_count > 0u || directional_light_count > 0u;
vec3 normal;
@@ -414,11 +531,158 @@ void main() {
+ if (normal_used) {
+ //convert by item transform
+ normal.xy = mat2(normalize(draw_data[draw_data_instance].world_x), normalize(draw_data[draw_data_instance].world_y)) * normal.xy;
+ //convert by canvas transform
+ normal = normalize((canvas_normal_transform * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz);
+ }
+ vec4 base_color = color;
color = vec4(0.0);
color *= canvas_modulation;
+#if !defined(DISABLE_LIGHTING) && !defined(MODE_UNSHADED)
+ // Directional Lights
+ for (uint i = 0u; i < directional_light_count; i++) {
+ uint light_base = i;
+ vec2 direction = light_array[light_base].position;
+ vec4 light_color = light_array[light_base].color;
+ vec4 shadow_modulate = vec4(1.0);
+ light_color = light_compute(light_vertex, vec3(direction, light_array[light_base].height), normal, light_color, light_color.a, specular_shininess, shadow_modulate, screen_uv, uv, base_color, true);
+ if (normal_used) {
+ vec3 light_vec = normalize(mix(vec3(direction, 0.0), vec3(0, 0, 1), light_array[light_base].height));
+ light_color.rgb = light_normal_compute(light_vec, normal, base_color.rgb, light_color.rgb, specular_shininess, specular_shininess_used);
+ } else {
+ light_color.rgb *= base_color.rgb;
+ }
+ if (bool(light_array[light_base].flags & LIGHT_FLAGS_HAS_SHADOW)) {
+ vec2 shadow_pos = (vec4(shadow_vertex, 0.0, 1.0) * mat4(light_array[light_base].shadow_matrix[0], light_array[light_base].shadow_matrix[1], vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))).xy; //multiply inverse given its transposed. Optimizer removes useless operations.
+ vec4 shadow_uv = vec4(shadow_pos.x, light_array[light_base].shadow_y_ofs, shadow_pos.y * light_array[light_base].shadow_zfar_inv, 1.0);
+ light_color = light_shadow_compute(light_base, light_color, shadow_uv
+ ,
+ shadow_modulate.rgb
+ );
+ }
+ light_blend_compute(light_base, light_color, color.rgb);
+ }
+ // Positional Lights
+ for (uint i = 0u; i < MAX_LIGHTS_PER_ITEM; i++) {
+ if (i >= light_count) {
+ break;
+ }
+ uint light_base;
+ if (i < 8u) {
+ if (i < 4u) {
+ light_base = draw_data[draw_data_instance].lights[0];
+ } else {
+ light_base = draw_data[draw_data_instance].lights[1];
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (i < 12u) {
+ light_base = draw_data[draw_data_instance].lights[2];
+ } else {
+ light_base = draw_data[draw_data_instance].lights[3];
+ }
+ }
+ light_base >>= (i & 3u) * 8u;
+ light_base &= uint(0xFF);
+ vec2 tex_uv = (vec4(vertex, 0.0, 1.0) * mat4(light_array[light_base].texture_matrix[0], light_array[light_base].texture_matrix[1], vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))).xy; //multiply inverse given its transposed. Optimizer removes useless operations.
+ vec2 tex_uv_atlas = tex_uv * light_array[light_base] + light_array[light_base].atlas_rect.xy;
+ vec4 light_color = textureLod(atlas_texture, tex_uv_atlas, 0.0);
+ vec4 light_base_color = light_array[light_base].color;
+ vec4 shadow_modulate = vec4(1.0);
+ vec3 light_position = vec3(light_array[light_base].position, light_array[light_base].height);
+ light_color.rgb *= light_base_color.rgb;
+ light_color = light_compute(light_vertex, light_position, normal, light_color, light_base_color.a, specular_shininess, shadow_modulate, screen_uv, uv, base_color, false);
+ light_color.rgb *= light_base_color.rgb * light_base_color.a;
+ if (normal_used) {
+ vec3 light_pos = vec3(light_array[light_base].position, light_array[light_base].height);
+ vec3 pos = light_vertex;
+ vec3 light_vec = normalize(light_pos - pos);
+ light_color.rgb = light_normal_compute(light_vec, normal, base_color.rgb, light_color.rgb, specular_shininess, specular_shininess_used);
+ } else {
+ light_color.rgb *= base_color.rgb;
+ }
+ if (any(lessThan(tex_uv, vec2(0.0, 0.0))) || any(greaterThanEqual(tex_uv, vec2(1.0, 1.0)))) {
+ //if outside the light texture, light color is zero
+ light_color.a = 0.0;
+ }
+ if (bool(light_array[light_base].flags & LIGHT_FLAGS_HAS_SHADOW)) {
+ vec2 shadow_pos = (vec4(shadow_vertex, 0.0, 1.0) * mat4(light_array[light_base].shadow_matrix[0], light_array[light_base].shadow_matrix[1], vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))).xy; //multiply inverse given its transposed. Optimizer removes useless operations.
+ vec2 pos_norm = normalize(shadow_pos);
+ vec2 pos_abs = abs(pos_norm);
+ vec2 pos_box = pos_norm / max(pos_abs.x, pos_abs.y);
+ vec2 pos_rot = pos_norm * mat2(vec2(0.7071067811865476, -0.7071067811865476), vec2(0.7071067811865476, 0.7071067811865476)); //is there a faster way to 45 degrees rot?
+ float tex_ofs;
+ float dist;
+ if (pos_rot.y > 0.0) {
+ if (pos_rot.x > 0.0) {
+ tex_ofs = pos_box.y * 0.125 + 0.125;
+ dist = shadow_pos.x;
+ } else {
+ tex_ofs = pos_box.x * -0.125 + (0.25 + 0.125);
+ dist = shadow_pos.y;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (pos_rot.x < 0.0) {
+ tex_ofs = pos_box.y * -0.125 + (0.5 + 0.125);
+ dist = -shadow_pos.x;
+ } else {
+ tex_ofs = pos_box.x * 0.125 + (0.75 + 0.125);
+ dist = -shadow_pos.y;
+ }
+ }
+ dist *= light_array[light_base].shadow_zfar_inv;
+ //float distance = length(shadow_pos);
+ vec4 shadow_uv = vec4(tex_ofs, light_array[light_base].shadow_y_ofs, dist, 1.0);
+ light_color = light_shadow_compute(light_base, light_color, shadow_uv
+ ,
+ shadow_modulate.rgb
+ );
+ }
+ light_blend_compute(light_base, light_color, color.rgb);
+ }
frag_color = color;
diff --git a/drivers/gles3/shaders/canvas_occlusion.glsl b/drivers/gles3/shaders/canvas_occlusion.glsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..512800839a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gles3/shaders/canvas_occlusion.glsl
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+/* clang-format off */
+mode_sdf =
+mode_shadow = #define MODE_SHADOW
+mode_shadow_RGBA = #define MODE_SHADOW \n#define USE_RGBA_SHADOWS
+layout(location = 0) in vec3 vertex;
+uniform highp mat4 projection;
+uniform highp vec4 modelview1;
+uniform highp vec4 modelview2;
+uniform highp vec2 direction;
+uniform highp float z_far;
+out float depth;
+void main() {
+ highp vec4 vtx = vec4(vertex, 1.0) * mat4(modelview1, modelview2, vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
+ depth = dot(direction, vtx.xy);
+ gl_Position = projection * vtx;
+uniform highp mat4 projection;
+uniform highp vec4 modelview1;
+uniform highp vec4 modelview2;
+uniform highp vec2 direction;
+uniform highp float z_far;
+in highp float depth;
+layout(location = 0) out lowp vec4 out_buf;
+layout(location = 0) out highp float out_buf;
+void main() {
+ float out_depth = 1.0;
+ out_depth = depth / z_far;
+ out_depth = clamp(out_depth, -1.0, 1.0);
+ out_depth = out_depth * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ highp vec4 comp = fract(out_depth * vec4(255.0 * 255.0 * 255.0, 255.0 * 255.0, 255.0, 1.0));
+ comp -= comp.xxyz * vec4(0.0, 1.0 / 255.0, 1.0 / 255.0, 1.0 / 255.0);
+ out_buf = comp;
+ out_buf = out_depth;
diff --git a/drivers/gles3/shaders/canvas_sdf.glsl b/drivers/gles3/shaders/canvas_sdf.glsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..424ec22457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gles3/shaders/canvas_sdf.glsl
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+/* clang-format off */
+mode_load = #define MODE_LOAD
+mode_load_shrink = #define MODE_LOAD_SHRINK
+mode_process = #define MODE_PROCESS
+mode_store = #define MODE_STORE
+mode_store_shrink = #define MODE_STORE_SHRINK
+layout(location = 0) in vec2 vertex_attrib;
+/* clang-format on */
+uniform ivec2 size;
+uniform int stride;
+uniform int shift;
+uniform ivec2 base_size;
+void main() {
+ gl_Position = vec4(vertex_attrib, 1.0, 1.0);
+/* clang-format off */
+#define SDF_MAX_LENGTH 16384.0
+#if defined(MODE_LOAD) || defined(MODE_LOAD_SHRINK)
+uniform lowp sampler2D src_pixels;//texunit:0
+uniform highp isampler2D src_process;//texunit:0
+uniform ivec2 size;
+uniform int stride;
+uniform int shift;
+uniform ivec2 base_size;
+#if defined(MODE_LOAD) || defined(MODE_LOAD_SHRINK) || defined(MODE_PROCESS)
+layout(location = 0) out ivec4 distance_field;
+layout(location = 0) out vec4 distance_field;
+vec4 float_to_vec4(float p_float) {
+ highp vec4 comp = fract(p_float * vec4(255.0 * 255.0 * 255.0, 255.0 * 255.0, 255.0, 1.0));
+ comp -= comp.xxyz * vec4(0.0, 1.0 / 255.0, 1.0 / 255.0, 1.0 / 255.0);
+ return comp;
+void main() {
+ ivec2 pos = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
+#ifdef MODE_LOAD
+ bool solid = texelFetch(src_pixels, pos, 0).r > 0.5;
+ distance_field = solid ? ivec4(ivec2(-32767), 0, 0) : ivec4(ivec2(32767), 0, 0);
+ int s = 1 << shift;
+ ivec2 base = pos << shift;
+ ivec2 center = base + ivec2(shift);
+ ivec2 rel = ivec2(32767);
+ float d = 1e20;
+ int found = 0;
+ int solid_found = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < s; j++) {
+ ivec2 src_pos = base + ivec2(i, j);
+ if (any(greaterThanEqual(src_pos, base_size))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ bool solid = texelFetch(src_pixels, src_pos, 0).r > 0.5;
+ if (solid) {
+ float dist = length(vec2(src_pos - center));
+ if (dist < d) {
+ d = dist;
+ rel = src_pos;
+ }
+ solid_found++;
+ }
+ found++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (solid_found == found) {
+ //mark solid only if all are solid
+ rel = ivec2(-32767);
+ }
+ distance_field = ivec4(rel, 0, 0);
+ ivec2 base = pos << shift;
+ ivec2 center = base + ivec2(shift);
+ ivec2 rel = texelFetch(src_process, pos, 0).xy;
+ bool solid = rel.x < 0;
+ if (solid) {
+ rel = -rel - ivec2(1);
+ }
+ if (center != rel) {
+ //only process if it does not point to itself
+ const int ofs_table_size = 8;
+ const ivec2 ofs_table[ofs_table_size] = ivec2[](
+ ivec2(-1, -1),
+ ivec2(0, -1),
+ ivec2(+1, -1),
+ ivec2(-1, 0),
+ ivec2(+1, 0),
+ ivec2(-1, +1),
+ ivec2(0, +1),
+ ivec2(+1, +1));
+ float dist = length(vec2(rel - center));
+ for (int i = 0; i < ofs_table_size; i++) {
+ ivec2 src_pos = pos + ofs_table[i] * stride;
+ if (any(lessThan(src_pos, ivec2(0))) || any(greaterThanEqual(src_pos, size))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ivec2 src_rel = texelFetch(src_process, src_pos, 0).xy;
+ bool src_solid = src_rel.x < 0;
+ if (src_solid) {
+ src_rel = -src_rel - ivec2(1);
+ }
+ if (src_solid != solid) {
+ src_rel = ivec2(src_pos << shift); //point to itself if of different type
+ }
+ float src_dist = length(vec2(src_rel - center));
+ if (src_dist < dist) {
+ dist = src_dist;
+ rel = src_rel;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (solid) {
+ rel = -rel - ivec2(1);
+ }
+ distance_field = ivec4(rel, 0, 0);
+#ifdef MODE_STORE
+ ivec2 rel = texelFetch(src_process, pos, 0).xy;
+ bool solid = rel.x < 0;
+ if (solid) {
+ rel = -rel - ivec2(1);
+ }
+ float d = length(vec2(rel - pos));
+ if (solid) {
+ d = -d;
+ }
+ d = clamp(d, -1.0, 1.0);
+ distance_field = float_to_vec4(d*0.5+0.5);
+ ivec2 base = pos << shift;
+ ivec2 center = base + ivec2(shift);
+ ivec2 rel = texelFetch(src_process, pos, 0).xy;
+ bool solid = rel.x < 0;
+ if (solid) {
+ rel = -rel - ivec2(1);
+ }
+ float d = length(vec2(rel - center));
+ if (solid) {
+ d = -d;
+ }
+ d = clamp(d, -1.0, 1.0);
+ distance_field = float_to_vec4(d*0.5+0.5);
diff --git a/drivers/gles3/shaders/canvas_shadow.glsl b/drivers/gles3/shaders/canvas_shadow.glsl
deleted file mode 100644
index 94485abd11..0000000000
--- a/drivers/gles3/shaders/canvas_shadow.glsl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* clang-format off */
-#define lowp
-#define mediump
-#define highp
-precision highp float;
-precision highp int;
-layout(location = 0) in highp vec3 vertex;
-uniform highp mat4 projection_matrix;
-/* clang-format on */
-uniform highp mat4 light_matrix;
-uniform highp mat4 model_matrix;
-uniform highp float distance_norm;
-out highp vec4 position_interp;
-void main() {
- gl_Position = projection_matrix * (light_matrix * (model_matrix * vec4(vertex, 1.0)));
- position_interp = gl_Position;
-/* clang-format off */
-#define lowp
-#define mediump
-#define highp
-precision highp float;
-precision highp int;
-precision mediump float;
-precision mediump int;
-in highp vec4 position_interp;
-/* clang-format on */
-void main() {
- highp float depth = ((position_interp.z / position_interp.w) + 1.0) * 0.5 + 0.0; // bias
- highp vec4 comp = fract(depth * vec4(255.0 * 255.0 * 255.0, 255.0 * 255.0, 255.0, 1.0));
- comp -= comp.xxyz * vec4(0.0, 1.0 / 255.0, 1.0 / 255.0, 1.0 / 255.0);
- frag_color = comp;
- frag_color = vec4(depth);
diff --git a/drivers/gles3/shaders/canvas_uniforms_inc.glsl b/drivers/gles3/shaders/canvas_uniforms_inc.glsl
index 6b65e09cbf..dd5ebecb1a 100644
--- a/drivers/gles3/shaders/canvas_uniforms_inc.glsl
+++ b/drivers/gles3/shaders/canvas_uniforms_inc.glsl
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ layout(std140) uniform CanvasData { //ubo:0
uint pad2;
#define LIGHT_FLAGS_BLEND_MASK uint(3 << 16)
#define LIGHT_FLAGS_BLEND_MODE_ADD uint(0 << 16)
#define LIGHT_FLAGS_BLEND_MODE_SUB uint(1 << 16)
@@ -94,6 +95,27 @@ layout(std140) uniform CanvasData { //ubo:0
#define LIGHT_FLAGS_SHADOW_PCF5 uint(1 << 22)
#define LIGHT_FLAGS_SHADOW_PCF13 uint(2 << 22)
+struct Light {
+ mat2x4 texture_matrix; //light to texture coordinate matrix (transposed)
+ mat2x4 shadow_matrix; //light to shadow coordinate matrix (transposed)
+ vec4 color;
+ uint shadow_color; // packed
+ uint flags; //index to light texture
+ float shadow_pixel_size;
+ float height;
+ vec2 position;
+ float shadow_zfar_inv;
+ float shadow_y_ofs;
+ vec4 atlas_rect;
+layout(std140) uniform LightData { //ubo:2
+ Light light_array[MAX_LIGHTS];
layout(std140) uniform DrawDataInstances { //ubo:3
DrawData draw_data[MAX_DRAW_DATA_INSTANCES];
diff --git a/drivers/gles3/shaders/copy.glsl b/drivers/gles3/shaders/copy.glsl
index ca2fc7e36d..796ba79c2e 100644
--- a/drivers/gles3/shaders/copy.glsl
+++ b/drivers/gles3/shaders/copy.glsl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
mode_default = #define MODE_SIMPLE_COPY
-mode_copy_section = #define USE_COPY_SECTION
+mode_copy_section = #define USE_COPY_SECTION \n#define MODE_SIMPLE_COPY
mode_gaussian_blur = #define MODE_GAUSSIAN_BLUR
mode_mipmap = #define MODE_MIPMAP
mode_simple_color = #define MODE_SIMPLE_COLOR \n#define USE_COPY_SECTION
@@ -25,8 +25,7 @@ void main() {
gl_Position = vec4(vertex_attrib, 1.0, 1.0);
- gl_Position.xy = (copy_section.xy + (uv_interp.xy * 0.5 + 0.5) * * 2.0 - 1.0;
- uv_interp = copy_section.xy + uv_interp *;
+ gl_Position.xy = (copy_section.xy + uv_interp.xy * * 2.0 - 1.0;
diff --git a/drivers/gles3/shaders/cubemap_filter.glsl b/drivers/gles3/shaders/cubemap_filter.glsl
index 88464876f1..6fcb23204d 100644
--- a/drivers/gles3/shaders/cubemap_filter.glsl
+++ b/drivers/gles3/shaders/cubemap_filter.glsl
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ uniform samplerCube source_cube; //texunit:0
uniform int face_id;
-uniform int sample_count;
+uniform uint sample_count;
uniform vec4 sample_directions_mip[MAX_SAMPLE_COUNT];
uniform float weight;
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ void main() {
T[1] = cross(N, T[0]);
T[2] = N;
- for (int sample_num = 0; sample_num < sample_count; sample_num++) {
+ for (uint sample_num = 0u; sample_num < sample_count; sample_num++) {
vec4 sample_direction_mip = sample_directions_mip[sample_num];
vec3 L = T *;
vec3 val = textureLod(source_cube, L, sample_direction_mip.w).rgb;
diff --git a/drivers/gles3/shaders/particles.glsl b/drivers/gles3/shaders/particles.glsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8741a22ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gles3/shaders/particles.glsl
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+/* clang-format off */
+mode_default =
+MODE_3D = false
+#define SDF_MAX_LENGTH 16384.0
+layout(std140) uniform GlobalShaderUniformData { //ubo:1
+ vec4 global_shader_uniforms[MAX_GLOBAL_SHADER_UNIFORMS];
+// This needs to be outside clang-format so the ubo comment is in the right place
+layout(std140) uniform MaterialUniforms{ //ubo:2
+/* clang-format on */
+#define MAX_ATTRACTORS 32
+#define ATTRACTOR_TYPE_SPHERE uint(0)
+#define ATTRACTOR_TYPE_BOX uint(1)
+struct Attractor {
+ mat4 transform;
+ vec4 extents; // Extents or radius. w-channel is padding.
+ uint type;
+ float strength;
+ float attenuation;
+ float directionality;
+#define MAX_COLLIDERS 32
+#define COLLIDER_TYPE_SPHERE uint(0)
+#define COLLIDER_TYPE_BOX uint(1)
+#define COLLIDER_TYPE_SDF uint(2)
+#define COLLIDER_TYPE_2D_SDF uint(4)
+struct Collider {
+ mat4 transform;
+ vec4 extents; // Extents or radius. w-channel is padding.
+ uint type;
+ float scale;
+ float pad0;
+ float pad1;
+layout(std140) uniform FrameData { //ubo:0
+ bool emitting;
+ uint cycle;
+ float system_phase;
+ float prev_system_phase;
+ float explosiveness;
+ float randomness;
+ float time;
+ float delta;
+ float particle_size;
+ float pad0;
+ float pad1;
+ float pad2;
+ uint random_seed;
+ uint attractor_count;
+ uint collider_count;
+ uint frame;
+ mat4 emission_transform;
+ Attractor attractors[MAX_ATTRACTORS];
+ Collider colliders[MAX_COLLIDERS];
+#define PARTICLE_FLAG_ACTIVE uint(1)
+#define PARTICLE_FLAG_STARTED uint(2)
+#define PARTICLE_FLAG_TRAILED uint(4)
+#define PARTICLE_FRAME_SHIFT uint(16)
+// ParticleData
+layout(location = 0) in highp vec4 color;
+layout(location = 1) in highp vec4 velocity_flags;
+layout(location = 2) in highp vec4 custom;
+layout(location = 3) in highp vec4 xform_1;
+layout(location = 4) in highp vec4 xform_2;
+#ifdef MODE_3D
+layout(location = 5) in highp vec4 xform_3;
+layout(location = 6) in highp vec4 userdata1;
+layout(location = 7) in highp vec4 userdata2;
+layout(location = 8) in highp vec4 userdata3;
+layout(location = 9) in highp vec4 userdata4;
+layout(location = 10) in highp vec4 userdata5;
+layout(location = 11) in highp vec4 userdata6;
+out highp vec4 out_color; //tfb:
+out highp vec4 out_velocity_flags; //tfb:
+out highp vec4 out_custom; //tfb:
+out highp vec4 out_xform_1; //tfb:
+out highp vec4 out_xform_2; //tfb:
+#ifdef MODE_3D
+out highp vec4 out_xform_3; //tfb:MODE_3D
+out highp vec4 out_userdata1; //tfb:USERDATA1_USED
+out highp vec4 out_userdata2; //tfb:USERDATA2_USED
+out highp vec4 out_userdata3; //tfb:USERDATA3_USED
+out highp vec4 out_userdata4; //tfb:USERDATA4_USED
+out highp vec4 out_userdata5; //tfb:USERDATA5_USED
+out highp vec4 out_userdata6; //tfb:USERDATA6_USED
+uniform sampler2D height_field_texture; //texunit:0
+uniform float lifetime;
+uniform bool clear;
+uniform uint total_particles;
+uniform bool use_fractional_delta;
+uint hash(uint x) {
+ x = ((x >> uint(16)) ^ x) * uint(0x45d9f3b);
+ x = ((x >> uint(16)) ^ x) * uint(0x45d9f3b);
+ x = (x >> uint(16)) ^ x;
+ return x;
+vec3 safe_normalize(vec3 direction) {
+ const float EPSILON = 0.001;
+ if (length(direction) < EPSILON) {
+ return vec3(0.0);
+ }
+ return normalize(direction);
+// Needed whenever 2D sdf texture is read from as it is packed in RGBA8.
+float vec4_to_float(vec4 p_vec) {
+ return dot(p_vec, vec4(1.0 / (255.0 * 255.0 * 255.0), 1.0 / (255.0 * 255.0), 1.0 / 255.0, 1.0)) * 2.0 - 1.0;
+void main() {
+ bool apply_forces = true;
+ bool apply_velocity = true;
+ float local_delta = delta;
+ float mass = 1.0;
+ bool restart = false;
+ bool restart_position = false;
+ bool restart_rotation_scale = false;
+ bool restart_velocity = false;
+ bool restart_color = false;
+ bool restart_custom = false;
+ mat4 xform = mat4(1.0);
+ uint flags = 0u;
+ if (clear) {
+ out_color = vec4(1.0);
+ out_custom = vec4(0.0);
+ out_velocity_flags = vec4(0.0);
+ } else {
+ out_color = color;
+ out_velocity_flags = velocity_flags;
+ out_custom = custom;
+ xform[0] = xform_1;
+ xform[1] = xform_2;
+#ifdef MODE_3D
+ xform[2] = xform_3;
+ xform = transpose(xform);
+ flags = floatBitsToUint(velocity_flags.w);
+ }
+ //clear started flag if set
+ bool collided = false;
+ vec3 collision_normal = vec3(0.0);
+ float collision_depth = 0.0;
+ vec3 attractor_force = vec3(0.0);
+#if !defined(DISABLE_VELOCITY)
+ if (bool(flags & PARTICLE_FLAG_ACTIVE)) {
+ xform[3].xyz += * local_delta;
+ }
+ uint index = uint(gl_VertexID);
+ if (emitting) {
+ float restart_phase = float(index) / float(total_particles);
+ if (randomness > 0.0) {
+ uint seed = cycle;
+ if (restart_phase >= system_phase) {
+ seed -= uint(1);
+ }
+ seed *= uint(total_particles);
+ seed += index;
+ float random = float(hash(seed) % uint(65536)) / 65536.0;
+ restart_phase += randomness * random * 1.0 / float(total_particles);
+ }
+ restart_phase *= (1.0 - explosiveness);
+ if (system_phase > prev_system_phase) {
+ // restart_phase >= prev_system_phase is used so particles emit in the first frame they are processed
+ if (restart_phase >= prev_system_phase && restart_phase < system_phase) {
+ restart = true;
+ if (use_fractional_delta) {
+ local_delta = (system_phase - restart_phase) * lifetime;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (delta > 0.0) {
+ if (restart_phase >= prev_system_phase) {
+ restart = true;
+ if (use_fractional_delta) {
+ local_delta = (1.0 - restart_phase + system_phase) * lifetime;
+ }
+ } else if (restart_phase < system_phase) {
+ restart = true;
+ if (use_fractional_delta) {
+ local_delta = (system_phase - restart_phase) * lifetime;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (restart) {
+ restart_position = true;
+ restart_rotation_scale = true;
+ restart_velocity = true;
+ restart_color = true;
+ restart_custom = true;
+ }
+ }
+ bool particle_active = bool(flags & PARTICLE_FLAG_ACTIVE);
+ uint particle_number = (flags >> PARTICLE_FRAME_SHIFT) * uint(total_particles) + index;
+ if (restart && particle_active) {
+ }
+ if (particle_active) {
+ for (uint i = 0u; i < attractor_count; i++) {
+ vec3 dir;
+ float amount;
+ vec3 rel_vec = xform[3].xyz - attractors[i].transform[3].xyz;
+ vec3 local_pos = rel_vec * mat3(attractors[i].transform);
+ switch (attractors[i].type) {
+ dir = safe_normalize(rel_vec);
+ float d = length(local_pos) / attractors[i].extents.x;
+ if (d > 1.0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ amount = max(0.0, 1.0 - d);
+ } break;
+ dir = safe_normalize(rel_vec);
+ vec3 abs_pos = abs(local_pos / attractors[i];
+ float d = max(abs_pos.x, max(abs_pos.y, abs_pos.z));
+ if (d > 1.0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ amount = max(0.0, 1.0 - d);
+ } break;
+ } break;
+ }
+ amount = pow(amount, attractors[i].attenuation);
+ dir = safe_normalize(mix(dir, attractors[i].transform[2].xyz, attractors[i].directionality));
+ attractor_force -= amount * dir * attractors[i].strength;
+ }
+ float particle_size = particle_size;
+ particle_size *= dot(vec3(length(xform[0].xyz), length(xform[1].xyz), length(xform[2].xyz)), vec3(0.33333333333));
+ if (collider_count == 1u && colliders[0].type == COLLIDER_TYPE_2D_SDF) {
+ //2D collision
+ vec2 pos = xform[3].xy;
+ vec4 to_sdf_x = colliders[0].transform[0];
+ vec4 to_sdf_y = colliders[0].transform[1];
+ vec2 sdf_pos = vec2(dot(vec4(pos, 0, 1), to_sdf_x), dot(vec4(pos, 0, 1), to_sdf_y));
+ vec4 sdf_to_screen = vec4(colliders[0], colliders[0].scale);
+ vec2 uv_pos = sdf_pos * sdf_to_screen.xy +;
+ if (all(greaterThan(uv_pos, vec2(0.0))) && all(lessThan(uv_pos, vec2(1.0)))) {
+ vec2 pos2 = pos + vec2(0, particle_size);
+ vec2 sdf_pos2 = vec2(dot(vec4(pos2, 0, 1), to_sdf_x), dot(vec4(pos2, 0, 1), to_sdf_y));
+ float sdf_particle_size = distance(sdf_pos, sdf_pos2);
+ float d = vec4_to_float(texture(height_field_texture, uv_pos)) * SDF_MAX_LENGTH;
+ d -= sdf_particle_size;
+ if (d < 0.0) {
+ const float EPSILON = 0.001;
+ vec2 n = normalize(vec2(
+ vec4_to_float(texture(height_field_texture, uv_pos + vec2(EPSILON, 0.0))) - vec4_to_float(texture(height_field_texture, uv_pos - vec2(EPSILON, 0.0))),
+ vec4_to_float(texture(height_field_texture, uv_pos + vec2(0.0, EPSILON))) - vec4_to_float(texture(height_field_texture, uv_pos - vec2(0.0, EPSILON)))));
+ collided = true;
+ sdf_pos2 = sdf_pos + n * d;
+ pos2 = vec2(dot(vec4(sdf_pos2, 0, 1), colliders[0].transform[2]), dot(vec4(sdf_pos2, 0, 1), colliders[0].transform[3]));
+ n = pos - pos2;
+ collision_normal = normalize(vec3(n, 0.0));
+ collision_depth = length(n);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (uint i = 0u; i < collider_count; i++) {
+ vec3 normal;
+ float depth;
+ bool col = false;
+ vec3 rel_vec = xform[3].xyz - colliders[i].transform[3].xyz;
+ vec3 local_pos = rel_vec * mat3(colliders[i].transform);
+ switch (colliders[i].type) {
+ float d = length(rel_vec) - (particle_size + colliders[i].extents.x);
+ if (d < 0.0) {
+ col = true;
+ depth = -d;
+ normal = normalize(rel_vec);
+ }
+ } break;
+ vec3 abs_pos = abs(local_pos);
+ vec3 sgn_pos = sign(local_pos);
+ if (any(greaterThan(abs_pos, colliders[i] {
+ //point outside box
+ vec3 closest = min(abs_pos, colliders[i];
+ vec3 rel = abs_pos - closest;
+ depth = length(rel) - particle_size;
+ if (depth < 0.0) {
+ col = true;
+ normal = mat3(colliders[i].transform) * (normalize(rel) * sgn_pos);
+ depth = -depth;
+ }
+ } else {
+ //point inside box
+ vec3 axis_len = colliders[i] - abs_pos;
+ // there has to be a faster way to do this?
+ if (all(lessThan(axis_len.xx, axis_len.yz))) {
+ normal = vec3(1, 0, 0);
+ } else if (all(lessThan(axis_len.yy, axis_len.xz))) {
+ normal = vec3(0, 1, 0);
+ } else {
+ normal = vec3(0, 0, 1);
+ }
+ col = true;
+ depth = dot(normal * axis_len, vec3(1)) + particle_size;
+ normal = mat3(colliders[i].transform) * (normal * sgn_pos);
+ }
+ } break;
+ } break;
+ vec3 local_pos_bottom = local_pos;
+ local_pos_bottom.y -= particle_size;
+ if (any(greaterThan(abs(local_pos_bottom), colliders[i] {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const float DELTA = 1.0 / 8192.0;
+ vec3 uvw_pos = vec3(local_pos_bottom / colliders[i] * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ float y = 1.0 - texture(height_field_texture, uvw_pos.xz).r;
+ if (y > uvw_pos.y) {
+ //inside heightfield
+ vec3 pos1 = (vec3(uvw_pos.x, y, uvw_pos.z) * 2.0 - 1.0) * colliders[i];
+ vec3 pos2 = (vec3(uvw_pos.x + DELTA, 1.0 - texture(height_field_texture, uvw_pos.xz + vec2(DELTA, 0)).r, uvw_pos.z) * 2.0 - 1.0) * colliders[i];
+ vec3 pos3 = (vec3(uvw_pos.x, 1.0 - texture(height_field_texture, uvw_pos.xz + vec2(0, DELTA)).r, uvw_pos.z + DELTA) * 2.0 - 1.0) * colliders[i];
+ normal = normalize(cross(pos1 - pos2, pos1 - pos3));
+ float local_y = (vec3(local_pos / colliders[i] * 0.5 + 0.5).y;
+ col = true;
+ depth = dot(normal, pos1) - dot(normal, local_pos_bottom);
+ }
+ } break;
+ }
+ if (col) {
+ if (!collided) {
+ collided = true;
+ collision_normal = normal;
+ collision_depth = depth;
+ } else {
+ vec3 c = collision_normal * collision_depth;
+ c += normal * max(0.0, depth - dot(normal, c));
+ collision_normal = normalize(c);
+ collision_depth = length(c);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (particle_active) {
+ }
+ if (particle_active) {
+ }
+ xform = transpose(xform);
+ out_xform_1 = xform[0];
+ out_xform_2 = xform[1];
+#ifdef MODE_3D
+ out_xform_3 = xform[2];
+ out_velocity_flags.w = uintBitsToFloat(flags);
+/* clang-format off */
+void main() {
+/* clang-format on */
diff --git a/drivers/gles3/shaders/particles_copy.glsl b/drivers/gles3/shaders/particles_copy.glsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f273cb7b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gles3/shaders/particles_copy.glsl
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+/* clang-format off */
+mode_default =
+MODE_3D = false
+#include "stdlib_inc.glsl"
+// ParticleData
+layout(location = 0) in highp vec4 color;
+layout(location = 1) in highp vec4 velocity_flags;
+layout(location = 2) in highp vec4 custom;
+layout(location = 3) in highp vec4 xform_1;
+layout(location = 4) in highp vec4 xform_2;
+#ifdef MODE_3D
+layout(location = 5) in highp vec4 xform_3;
+/* clang-format on */
+out highp vec4 out_xform_1; //tfb:
+out highp vec4 out_xform_2; //tfb:
+#ifdef MODE_3D
+out highp vec4 out_xform_3; //tfb:MODE_3D
+flat out highp uvec4 instance_color_custom_data; //tfb:
+uniform lowp vec3 sort_direction;
+uniform highp float frame_remainder;
+uniform highp vec3 align_up;
+uniform highp uint align_mode;
+uniform highp mat4 inv_emission_transform;
+#define PARTICLE_FLAG_ACTIVE uint(1)
+void main() {
+ mat4 txform = mat4(vec4(0.0), vec4(0.0), vec4(0.0), vec4(0.0)); // zero scale, becomes invisible.
+ if (bool(floatBitsToUint(velocity_flags.w) & PARTICLE_FLAG_ACTIVE)) {
+#ifdef MODE_3D
+ txform = transpose(mat4(xform_1, xform_2, xform_3, vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)));
+ txform = transpose(mat4(xform_1, xform_2, vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)));
+ switch (align_mode) {
+ } break; //nothing
+ mat3 local = mat3(normalize(cross(align_up, sort_direction)), align_up, sort_direction);
+ local = local * mat3(txform);
+ txform[0].xyz = local[0];
+ txform[1].xyz = local[1];
+ txform[2].xyz = local[2];
+ } break;
+ vec3 v =;
+ float s = (length(txform[0]) + length(txform[1]) + length(txform[2])) / 3.0;
+ if (length(v) > 0.0) {
+ txform[1].xyz = normalize(v);
+ } else {
+ txform[1].xyz = normalize(txform[1].xyz);
+ }
+ txform[0].xyz = normalize(cross(txform[1].xyz, txform[2].xyz));
+ txform[2].xyz = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) * s;
+ txform[0].xyz *= s;
+ txform[1].xyz *= s;
+ } break;
+ vec3 sv = - sort_direction * dot(sort_direction,; //screen velocity
+ float s = (length(txform[0]) + length(txform[1]) + length(txform[2])) / 3.0;
+ if (length(sv) == 0.0) {
+ sv = align_up;
+ }
+ sv = normalize(sv);
+ txform[0].xyz = normalize(cross(sv, sort_direction)) * s;
+ txform[1].xyz = sv * s;
+ txform[2].xyz = sort_direction * s;
+ } break;
+ }
+ txform[3].xyz += * frame_remainder;
+#ifndef MODE_3D
+ // In global mode, bring 2D particles to local coordinates
+ // as they will be drawn with the node position as origin.
+ txform = inv_emission_transform * txform;
+ txform = transpose(txform);
+ }
+ instance_color_custom_data = uvec4(packHalf2x16(color.xy), packHalf2x16(, packHalf2x16(custom.xy), packHalf2x16(;
+ out_xform_1 = txform[0];
+ out_xform_2 = txform[1];
+#ifdef MODE_3D
+ out_xform_3 = txform[2];
+/* clang-format off */
+void main() {
+/* clang-format on */
diff --git a/drivers/gles3/shaders/scene.glsl b/drivers/gles3/shaders/scene.glsl
index efd6036ba9..adb4562750 100644
--- a/drivers/gles3/shaders/scene.glsl
+++ b/drivers/gles3/shaders/scene.glsl
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ DISABLE_LIGHT_OMNI = false
@@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ vec3 oct_to_vec3(vec2 e) {
vec3 v = vec3(e.xy, 1.0 - abs(e.x) - abs(e.y));
float t = max(-v.z, 0.0);
v.xy += t * -sign(v.xy);
- return v;
+ return normalize(v);
@@ -153,6 +154,15 @@ layout(std140) uniform SceneData { // ubo:2
+layout(std140) uniform MultiviewData { // ubo:8
+ highp mat4 projection_matrix_view[MAX_VIEWS];
+ highp mat4 inv_projection_matrix_view[MAX_VIEWS];
+ highp vec4 eye_offset[MAX_VIEWS];
uniform highp mat4 world_transform;
@@ -187,7 +197,7 @@ out vec3 tangent_interp;
out vec3 binormal_interp;
/* clang-format off */
layout(std140) uniform MaterialUniforms { // ubo:3
@@ -250,8 +260,14 @@ void main() {
highp vec4 position;
- highp mat4 projection_matrix = scene_data.projection_matrix;
- highp mat4 inv_projection_matrix = scene_data.inv_projection_matrix;
+ mat4 projection_matrix = multiview_data.projection_matrix_view[ViewIndex];
+ mat4 inv_projection_matrix = multiview_data.inv_projection_matrix_view[ViewIndex];
+ mat4 projection_matrix = scene_data.projection_matrix;
+ mat4 inv_projection_matrix = scene_data.inv_projection_matrix;
vec4 instance_custom = vec4(unpackHalf2x16(instance_color_custom_data.z), unpackHalf2x16(instance_color_custom_data.w));
@@ -339,7 +355,6 @@ void main() {
/* clang-format off */
#if !defined(SPECULAR_DISABLED) && !defined(SPECULAR_SCHLICK_GGX) && !defined(SPECULAR_TOON)
@@ -351,7 +366,9 @@ void main() {
#include "tonemap_inc.glsl"
#include "stdlib_inc.glsl"
/* texture unit usage, N is max_texture_unity-N
@@ -413,7 +430,7 @@ layout(std140) uniform GlobalShaderUniformData { //ubo:1
/* Material Uniforms */
/* clang-format off */
layout(std140) uniform MaterialUniforms { // ubo:3
@@ -463,6 +480,15 @@ layout(std140) uniform SceneData { // ubo:2
+layout(std140) uniform MultiviewData { // ubo:8
+ highp mat4 projection_matrix_view[MAX_VIEWS];
+ highp mat4 inv_projection_matrix_view[MAX_VIEWS];
+ highp vec4 eye_offset[MAX_VIEWS];
/* clang-format off */
@@ -511,7 +537,7 @@ layout(std140) uniform OmniLightData { // ubo:5
LightData omni_lights[MAX_LIGHT_DATA_STRUCTS];
uniform uint omni_light_indices[MAX_FORWARD_LIGHTS];
-uniform int omni_light_count;
+uniform uint omni_light_count;
@@ -521,7 +547,7 @@ layout(std140) uniform SpotLightData { // ubo:6
LightData spot_lights[MAX_LIGHT_DATA_STRUCTS];
uniform uint spot_light_indices[MAX_FORWARD_LIGHTS];
-uniform int spot_light_count;
+uniform uint spot_light_count;
@@ -530,8 +556,13 @@ uniform highp samplerCubeShadow positional_shadow; // texunit:-4
#endif // !defined(DISABLE_LIGHT_OMNI) && !defined(DISABLE_LIGHT_SPOT)
-uniform highp sampler2D screen_texture; // texunit:-5
+uniform highp sampler2DArray depth_buffer; // texunit:-6
+uniform highp sampler2DArray screen_texture; // texunit:-5
uniform highp sampler2D depth_buffer; // texunit:-6
+uniform highp sampler2D screen_texture; // texunit:-5
uniform highp mat4 world_transform;
uniform mediump float opaque_prepass_threshold;
@@ -884,7 +915,12 @@ vec4 fog_process(vec3 vertex) {
void main() {
//lay out everything, whatever is unused is optimized away anyway
vec3 vertex = vertex_interp;
+ vec3 view = -normalize(vertex_interp - multiview_data.eye_offset[ViewIndex].xyz);
vec3 view = -normalize(vertex_interp);
+ highp mat4 model_matrix = world_transform;
vec3 albedo = vec3(1.0);
vec3 backlight = vec3(0.0);
vec4 transmittance_color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
@@ -1064,7 +1100,7 @@ void main() {
ref_vec = mix(ref_vec, normal, roughness * roughness);
float horizon = min(1.0 + dot(ref_vec, normal), 1.0);
ref_vec = scene_data.radiance_inverse_xform * ref_vec;
- specular_light = textureLod(radiance_map, ref_vec, roughness * RADIANCE_MAX_LOD).rgb;
+ specular_light = textureLod(radiance_map, ref_vec, sqrt(roughness) * RADIANCE_MAX_LOD).rgb;
specular_light = srgb_to_linear(specular_light);
specular_light *= horizon * horizon;
specular_light *= scene_data.ambient_light_color_energy.a;
@@ -1096,9 +1132,15 @@ void main() {
ambient_light = mix(ambient_light, custom_irradiance.rgb, custom_irradiance.a);
- ambient_light *= albedo.rgb;
- ambient_light *= ao;
+ {
+ ambient_light = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ ambient_light *= albedo.rgb;
+ ambient_light *= ao;
+ }
// convert ao to direct light ao
ao = mix(1.0, ao, ao_light_affect);
@@ -1120,7 +1162,7 @@ void main() {
float a004 = min(r.x * r.x, exp2(-9.28 * ndotv)) * r.x + r.y;
vec2 env = vec2(-1.04, 1.04) * a004 +;
- specular_light *= env.x * f0 + env.y * clamp(50.0 * f0.g, 0.0, 1.0);
+ specular_light *= env.x * f0 + env.y * clamp(50.0 * f0.g, metallic, 1.0);
@@ -1149,7 +1191,7 @@ void main() {
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FORWARD_LIGHTS; i++) {
+ for (uint i = 0u; i < MAX_FORWARD_LIGHTS; i++) {
if (i >= omni_light_count) {
@@ -1172,7 +1214,7 @@ void main() {
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FORWARD_LIGHTS; i++) {
+ for (uint i = 0u; i < MAX_FORWARD_LIGHTS; i++) {
if (i >= spot_light_count) {
diff --git a/drivers/gles3/shaders/skeleton.glsl b/drivers/gles3/shaders/skeleton.glsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1e3c098f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gles3/shaders/skeleton.glsl
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+/* clang-format off */
+mode_base_pass =
+mode_blend_pass = #define MODE_BLEND_PASS
+MODE_2D = true
+USE_NORMAL = false
+USE_TANGENT = false
+FINAL_PASS = false
+#include "stdlib_inc.glsl"
+#ifdef MODE_2D
+#define VFORMAT vec2
+#define VFORMAT vec3
+#ifdef FINAL_PASS
+#define OFORMAT vec2
+#define OFORMAT uvec2
+// These come from the source mesh and the output from previous passes.
+layout(location = 0) in highp VFORMAT in_vertex;
+#ifdef USE_NORMAL
+layout(location = 1) in highp uvec2 in_normal;
+layout(location = 2) in highp uvec2 in_tangent;
+#ifdef USE_NORMAL
+layout(location = 1) in highp vec2 in_normal;
+layout(location = 2) in highp vec2 in_tangent;
+#endif // MODE_BLEND_PASS
+layout(location = 10) in highp uvec4 in_bone_attrib;
+layout(location = 11) in highp uvec4 in_bone_attrib2;
+layout(location = 12) in mediump vec4 in_weight_attrib;
+layout(location = 13) in mediump vec4 in_weight_attrib2;
+layout(location = 10) in highp uvec4 in_bone_attrib;
+layout(location = 11) in mediump vec4 in_weight_attrib;
+uniform mediump sampler2D skeleton_texture; // texunit:0
+/* clang-format on */
+layout(location = 3) in highp VFORMAT blend_vertex;
+#ifdef USE_NORMAL
+layout(location = 4) in highp vec2 blend_normal;
+layout(location = 5) in highp vec2 blend_tangent;
+#endif // MODE_BLEND_PASS
+out highp VFORMAT out_vertex; //tfb:
+#ifdef USE_NORMAL
+flat out highp OFORMAT out_normal; //tfb:USE_NORMAL
+flat out highp OFORMAT out_tangent; //tfb:USE_TANGENT
+uniform highp float blend_weight;
+uniform lowp float blend_shape_count;
+vec2 signNotZero(vec2 v) {
+ return mix(vec2(-1.0), vec2(1.0), greaterThanEqual(v.xy, vec2(0.0)));
+vec3 oct_to_vec3(vec2 oct) {
+ oct = oct * 2.0 - 1.0;
+ vec3 v = vec3(oct.xy, 1.0 - abs(oct.x) - abs(oct.y));
+ if (v.z < 0.0) {
+ v.xy = (1.0 - abs(v.yx)) * signNotZero(v.xy);
+ }
+ return normalize(v);
+vec2 vec3_to_oct(vec3 e) {
+ e /= abs(e.x) + abs(e.y) + abs(e.z);
+ vec2 oct = e.z >= 0.0f ? e.xy : (vec2(1.0f) - abs(e.yx)) * signNotZero(e.xy);
+ return oct * 0.5f + 0.5f;
+vec4 oct_to_tang(vec2 oct_sign_encoded) {
+ // Binormal sign encoded in y component
+ vec2 oct = vec2(oct_sign_encoded.x, abs(oct_sign_encoded.y) * 2.0 - 1.0);
+ return vec4(oct_to_vec3(oct), sign(oct_sign_encoded.y));
+vec2 tang_to_oct(vec4 base) {
+ vec2 oct = vec3_to_oct(;
+ // Encode binormal sign in y component
+ oct.y = oct.y * 0.5f + 0.5f;
+ oct.y = base.w >= 0.0f ? oct.y : 1.0 - oct.y;
+ return oct;
+// Our original input for normals and tangents is 2 16-bit floats.
+// Transform Feedback has to write out 32-bits per channel.
+// Octahedral compression requires normalized vectors, but we need to store
+// non-normalized vectors until the very end.
+// Therefore, we will compress our normals into 16 bits using signed-normalized
+// fixed point precision. This works well, because we know that each normal
+// is no larger than |1| so we can normalize by dividing by the number of blend
+// shapes.
+uvec2 vec4_to_vec2(vec4 p_vec) {
+ return uvec2(packSnorm2x16(p_vec.xy), packSnorm2x16(;
+vec4 vec2_to_vec4(uvec2 p_vec) {
+ return vec4(unpackSnorm2x16(p_vec.x), unpackSnorm2x16(p_vec.y));
+void main() {
+#ifdef MODE_2D
+ out_vertex = in_vertex;
+ out_vertex = in_vertex + blend_vertex * blend_weight;
+ out_vertex = in_vertex * blend_weight;
+#ifdef FINAL_PASS
+ out_vertex = normalize(out_vertex);
+#define TEX(m) texelFetch(skeleton_texture, ivec2(m % 256u, m / 256u), 0)
+#define GET_BONE_MATRIX(a, b, w) mat2x4(TEX(a), TEX(b)) * w
+ uvec4 bones = in_bone_attrib * uvec4(2u);
+ uvec4 bones_a = bones + uvec4(1u);
+ highp mat2x4 m = GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.x, bones_a.x, in_weight_attrib.x);
+ m += GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.y, bones_a.y, in_weight_attrib.y);
+ m += GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.z, bones_a.z, in_weight_attrib.z);
+ m += GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.w, bones_a.w, in_weight_attrib.w);
+ mat4 bone_matrix = mat4(m[0], m[1], vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
+ //reverse order because its transposed
+ out_vertex = (vec4(out_vertex, 0.0, 1.0) * bone_matrix).xy;
+#endif // USE_SKELETON
+#else // MODE_2D
+ out_vertex = in_vertex + blend_vertex * blend_weight;
+#ifdef USE_NORMAL
+ vec3 normal = vec2_to_vec4(in_normal).xyz * blend_shape_count;
+ vec3 normal_blend = oct_to_vec3(blend_normal) * blend_weight;
+#ifdef FINAL_PASS
+ out_normal = vec3_to_oct(normalize(normal + normal_blend));
+ out_normal = vec4_to_vec2(vec4(normal + normal_blend, 0.0) / blend_shape_count);
+#endif // USE_NORMAL
+ vec4 tangent = vec2_to_vec4(in_tangent) * blend_shape_count;
+ vec4 tangent_blend = oct_to_tang(blend_tangent) * blend_weight;
+#ifdef FINAL_PASS
+ out_tangent = tang_to_oct(vec4(normalize( +, tangent.w));
+ out_tangent = vec4_to_vec2(vec4(( + / blend_shape_count, tangent.w));
+#endif // USE_TANGENT
+ out_vertex = in_vertex * blend_weight;
+#ifdef USE_NORMAL
+ vec3 normal = oct_to_vec3(in_normal);
+ out_normal = vec4_to_vec2(vec4(normal * blend_weight / blend_shape_count, 0.0));
+ vec4 tangent = oct_to_tang(in_tangent);
+ out_tangent = vec4_to_vec2(vec4(tangent.rgb * blend_weight / blend_shape_count, tangent.w));
+#endif // MODE_BLEND_PASS
+ // Make attributes available to the skeleton shader if not written by blend shapes.
+ out_vertex = in_vertex;
+#ifdef USE_NORMAL
+ out_normal = in_normal;
+ out_tangent = in_tangent;
+#define TEX(m) texelFetch(skeleton_texture, ivec2(m % 256u, m / 256u), 0)
+#define GET_BONE_MATRIX(a, b, c, w) mat4(TEX(a), TEX(b), TEX(c), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) * w
+ uvec4 bones = in_bone_attrib * uvec4(3);
+ uvec4 bones_a = bones + uvec4(1);
+ uvec4 bones_b = bones + uvec4(2);
+ highp mat4 m;
+ m = GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.x, bones_a.x, bones_b.x, in_weight_attrib.x);
+ m += GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.y, bones_a.y, bones_b.y, in_weight_attrib.y);
+ m += GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.z, bones_a.z, bones_b.z, in_weight_attrib.z);
+ m += GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.w, bones_a.w, bones_b.w, in_weight_attrib.w);
+ bones = in_bone_attrib2 * uvec4(3);
+ bones_a = bones + uvec4(1);
+ bones_b = bones + uvec4(2);
+ m += GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.x, bones_a.x, bones_b.x, in_weight_attrib2.x);
+ m += GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.y, bones_a.y, bones_b.y, in_weight_attrib2.y);
+ m += GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.z, bones_a.z, bones_b.z, in_weight_attrib2.z);
+ m += GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.w, bones_a.w, bones_b.w, in_weight_attrib2.w);
+ // Reverse order because its transposed.
+ out_vertex = (vec4(out_vertex, 1.0) * m).xyz;
+#ifdef USE_NORMAL
+ vec3 vertex_normal = oct_to_vec3(out_normal);
+ out_normal = vec3_to_oct(normalize((vec4(vertex_normal, 0.0) * m).xyz));
+#endif // USE_NORMAL
+ vec4 vertex_tangent = oct_to_tang(out_tangent);
+ out_tangent = tang_to_oct(vec4(normalize((vec4(, 0.0) * m).xyz), vertex_tangent.w));
+#endif // USE_TANGENT
+#endif // USE_SKELETON
+#endif // MODE_2D
+/* clang-format off */
+void main() {
+/* clang-format on */
diff --git a/drivers/gles3/shaders/stdlib_inc.glsl b/drivers/gles3/shaders/stdlib_inc.glsl
index d5051760d7..d819940b1d 100644
--- a/drivers/gles3/shaders/stdlib_inc.glsl
+++ b/drivers/gles3/shaders/stdlib_inc.glsl
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ vec2 unpackSnorm2x16(uint p) {
vec2 v = vec2(float(p & uint(0xffff)), float(p >> uint(16)));
return clamp((v - 32767.0) * vec2(0.00003051851), vec2(-1.0), vec2(1.0));
uint packUnorm4x8(vec4 v) {
uvec4 uv = uvec4(round(clamp(v, vec4(0.0), vec4(1.0)) * 255.0));
@@ -58,3 +57,5 @@ vec4 unpackSnorm4x8(uint p) {
vec4 v = vec4(float(p & uint(0xff)), float((p >> uint(8)) & uint(0xff)), float((p >> uint(16)) & uint(0xff)), float(p >> uint(24)));
return clamp((v - vec4(127.0)) * vec4(0.00787401574), vec4(-1.0), vec4(1.0));
diff --git a/drivers/gles3/shaders/tonemap.glsl b/drivers/gles3/shaders/tonemap.glsl
index a478cf9170..0b769e77f2 100644
--- a/drivers/gles3/shaders/tonemap.glsl
+++ b/drivers/gles3/shaders/tonemap.glsl
@@ -44,7 +44,11 @@ in vec2 uv_interp;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 frag_color;
+uniform highp sampler2DArray source; //texunit:0
uniform highp sampler2D source; //texunit:0
#if defined(USE_GLOW_LEVEL1) || defined(USE_GLOW_LEVEL2) || defined(USE_GLOW_LEVEL3) || defined(USE_GLOW_LEVEL4) || defined(USE_GLOW_LEVEL5) || defined(USE_GLOW_LEVEL6) || defined(USE_GLOW_LEVEL7)
#define USING_GLOW // only use glow when at least one glow level is selected
@@ -191,10 +195,17 @@ vec3 apply_fxaa(vec3 color, vec2 uv_interp, vec2 pixel_size) {
const float FXAA_REDUCE_MUL = (1.0 / 8.0);
const float FXAA_SPAN_MAX = 8.0;
+ vec3 rgbNW = textureLod(source, vec3(uv_interp + vec2(-1.0, -1.0) * pixel_size, ViewIndex), 0.0).xyz;
+ vec3 rgbNE = textureLod(source, vec3(uv_interp + vec2(1.0, -1.0) * pixel_size, ViewIndex), 0.0).xyz;
+ vec3 rgbSW = textureLod(source, vec3(uv_interp + vec2(-1.0, 1.0) * pixel_size, ViewIndex), 0.0).xyz;
+ vec3 rgbSE = textureLod(source, vec3(uv_interp + vec2(1.0, 1.0) * pixel_size, ViewIndex), 0.0).xyz;
vec3 rgbNW = textureLod(source, uv_interp + vec2(-1.0, -1.0) * pixel_size, 0.0).xyz;
vec3 rgbNE = textureLod(source, uv_interp + vec2(1.0, -1.0) * pixel_size, 0.0).xyz;
vec3 rgbSW = textureLod(source, uv_interp + vec2(-1.0, 1.0) * pixel_size, 0.0).xyz;
vec3 rgbSE = textureLod(source, uv_interp + vec2(1.0, 1.0) * pixel_size, 0.0).xyz;
vec3 rgbM = color;
vec3 luma = vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114);
float lumaNW = dot(rgbNW, luma);
@@ -219,8 +230,13 @@ vec3 apply_fxaa(vec3 color, vec2 uv_interp, vec2 pixel_size) {
dir * rcpDirMin)) *
+ vec3 rgbA = 0.5 * (textureLod(source, vec3(uv_interp + dir * (1.0 / 3.0 - 0.5), ViewIndex), 0.0).xyz + textureLod(source, vec3(uv_interp + dir * (2.0 / 3.0 - 0.5), ViewIndex), 0.0).xyz);
+ vec3 rgbB = rgbA * 0.5 + 0.25 * (textureLod(source, vec3(uv_interp + dir * -0.5, ViewIndex), 0.0).xyz + textureLod(source, vec3(uv_interp + dir * 0.5, ViewIndex), 0.0).xyz);
vec3 rgbA = 0.5 * (textureLod(source, uv_interp + dir * (1.0 / 3.0 - 0.5), 0.0).xyz + textureLod(source, uv_interp + dir * (2.0 / 3.0 - 0.5), 0.0).xyz);
vec3 rgbB = rgbA * 0.5 + 0.25 * (textureLod(source, uv_interp + dir * -0.5, 0.0).xyz + textureLod(source, uv_interp + dir * 0.5, 0.0).xyz);
float lumaB = dot(rgbB, luma);
if ((lumaB < lumaMin) || (lumaB > lumaMax)) {
@@ -231,7 +247,11 @@ vec3 apply_fxaa(vec3 color, vec2 uv_interp, vec2 pixel_size) {
void main() {
+ vec4 color = textureLod(source, vec3(uv_interp, ViewIndex), 0.0);
vec4 color = textureLod(source, uv_interp, 0.0);
#ifdef USE_FXAA
color.rgb = apply_fxaa(color.rgb, uv_interp, pixel_size);