path: root/drivers/gles3/shaders
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1 files changed, 43 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/gles3/shaders/scene.glsl b/drivers/gles3/shaders/scene.glsl
index 584668a09c..f08d3f4d23 100644
--- a/drivers/gles3/shaders/scene.glsl
+++ b/drivers/gles3/shaders/scene.glsl
@@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ vec3 F0(float metallic, float specular, vec3 albedo) {
return mix(vec3(dielectric), albedo, vec3(metallic));
-void light_compute(vec3 N, vec3 L, vec3 V, vec3 B, vec3 T, vec3 light_color, vec3 attenuation, vec3 diffuse_color, vec3 transmission, float specular_blob_intensity, float roughness, float metallic, float specular, float rim, float rim_tint, float clearcoat, float clearcoat_gloss, float anisotropy, inout vec3 diffuse_light, inout vec3 specular_light) {
+void light_compute(vec3 N, vec3 L, vec3 V, vec3 B, vec3 T, vec3 light_color, vec3 attenuation, vec3 diffuse_color, vec3 transmission, float specular_blob_intensity, float roughness, float metallic, float specular, float rim, float rim_tint, float clearcoat, float clearcoat_gloss, float anisotropy, inout vec3 diffuse_light, inout vec3 specular_light, inout float alpha) {
// light is written by the light shader
@@ -1135,19 +1135,19 @@ LIGHT_SHADER_CODE
- float alpha = roughness * roughness;
+ float alpha_ggx = roughness * roughness;
float aspect = sqrt(1.0 - anisotropy * 0.9);
- float ax = alpha / aspect;
- float ay = alpha * aspect;
+ float ax = alpha_ggx / aspect;
+ float ay = alpha_ggx * aspect;
float XdotH = dot(T, H);
float YdotH = dot(B, H);
float D = D_GGX_anisotropic(cNdotH, ax, ay, XdotH, YdotH);
float G = G_GGX_anisotropic_2cos(cNdotL, ax, ay, XdotH, YdotH) * G_GGX_anisotropic_2cos(cNdotV, ax, ay, XdotH, YdotH);
- float alpha = roughness * roughness;
- float D = D_GGX(cNdotH, alpha);
- float G = G_GGX_2cos(cNdotL, alpha) * G_GGX_2cos(cNdotV, alpha);
+ float alpha_ggx = roughness * roughness;
+ float D = D_GGX(cNdotH, alpha_ggx);
+ float G = G_GGX_2cos(cNdotL, alpha_ggx) * G_GGX_2cos(cNdotV, alpha_ggx);
// F
vec3 f0 = F0(metallic, specular, diffuse_color);
@@ -1174,6 +1174,10 @@ LIGHT_SHADER_CODE
+ alpha = min(alpha, clamp(1.0 - length(attenuation), 0.0, 1.0));
#endif //defined(USE_LIGHT_SHADER_CODE)
@@ -1250,7 +1254,7 @@ vec3 light_transmittance(float translucency,vec3 light_vec, vec3 normal, vec3 po
-void light_process_omni(int idx, vec3 vertex, vec3 eye_vec, vec3 normal, vec3 binormal, vec3 tangent, vec3 albedo, vec3 transmission, float roughness, float metallic, float specular, float rim, float rim_tint, float clearcoat, float clearcoat_gloss, float anisotropy, float p_blob_intensity, inout vec3 diffuse_light, inout vec3 specular_light) {
+void light_process_omni(int idx, vec3 vertex, vec3 eye_vec, vec3 normal, vec3 binormal, vec3 tangent, vec3 albedo, vec3 transmission, float roughness, float metallic, float specular, float rim, float rim_tint, float clearcoat, float clearcoat_gloss, float anisotropy, float p_blob_intensity, inout vec3 diffuse_light, inout vec3 specular_light, inout float alpha) {
vec3 light_rel_vec = omni_lights[idx] - vertex;
float light_length = length(light_rel_vec);
@@ -1304,10 +1308,10 @@ void light_process_omni(int idx, vec3 vertex, vec3 eye_vec, vec3 normal, vec3 bi
light_attenuation *= mix(omni_lights[idx].shadow_color_contact.rgb, vec3(1.0), shadow);
- light_compute(normal, normalize(light_rel_vec), eye_vec, binormal, tangent, omni_lights[idx].light_color_energy.rgb, light_attenuation, albedo, transmission, omni_lights[idx].light_params.z * p_blob_intensity, roughness, metallic, specular, rim * omni_attenuation, rim_tint, clearcoat, clearcoat_gloss, anisotropy, diffuse_light, specular_light);
+ light_compute(normal, normalize(light_rel_vec), eye_vec, binormal, tangent, omni_lights[idx].light_color_energy.rgb, light_attenuation, albedo, transmission, omni_lights[idx].light_params.z * p_blob_intensity, roughness, metallic, specular, rim * omni_attenuation, rim_tint, clearcoat, clearcoat_gloss, anisotropy, diffuse_light, specular_light, alpha);
-void light_process_spot(int idx, vec3 vertex, vec3 eye_vec, vec3 normal, vec3 binormal, vec3 tangent, vec3 albedo, vec3 transmission, float roughness, float metallic, float specular, float rim, float rim_tint, float clearcoat, float clearcoat_gloss, float anisotropy, float p_blob_intensity, inout vec3 diffuse_light, inout vec3 specular_light) {
+void light_process_spot(int idx, vec3 vertex, vec3 eye_vec, vec3 normal, vec3 binormal, vec3 tangent, vec3 albedo, vec3 transmission, float roughness, float metallic, float specular, float rim, float rim_tint, float clearcoat, float clearcoat_gloss, float anisotropy, float p_blob_intensity, inout vec3 diffuse_light, inout vec3 specular_light, inout float alpha) {
vec3 light_rel_vec = spot_lights[idx] - vertex;
float light_length = length(light_rel_vec);
@@ -1339,7 +1343,7 @@ void light_process_spot(int idx, vec3 vertex, vec3 eye_vec, vec3 normal, vec3 bi
- light_compute(normal, normalize(light_rel_vec), eye_vec, binormal, tangent, spot_lights[idx].light_color_energy.rgb, light_attenuation, albedo, transmission, spot_lights[idx].light_params.z * p_blob_intensity, roughness, metallic, specular, rim * spot_attenuation, rim_tint, clearcoat, clearcoat_gloss, anisotropy, diffuse_light, specular_light);
+ light_compute(normal, normalize(light_rel_vec), eye_vec, binormal, tangent, spot_lights[idx].light_color_energy.rgb, light_attenuation, albedo, transmission, spot_lights[idx].light_params.z * p_blob_intensity, roughness, metallic, specular, rim * spot_attenuation, rim_tint, clearcoat, clearcoat_gloss, anisotropy, diffuse_light, specular_light, alpha);
void reflection_process(int idx, vec3 vertex, vec3 normal, vec3 binormal, vec3 tangent, float roughness, float anisotropy, vec3 ambient, vec3 skybox, inout highp vec4 reflection_accum, inout highp vec4 ambient_accum) {
@@ -1705,11 +1709,13 @@ FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE
/* clang-format on */
+#if !defined(USE_SHADOW_TO_OPACITY)
if (alpha < alpha_scissor) {
@@ -1717,7 +1723,9 @@ FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE
@@ -2044,7 +2052,7 @@ FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE
specular_light *= mix(vec3(1.0), light_attenuation, specular_light_interp.a);
- light_compute(normal,, eye_vec, binormal, tangent, light_color_energy.rgb, light_attenuation, albedo, transmission, light_params.z * specular_blob_intensity, roughness, metallic, specular, rim, rim_tint, clearcoat, clearcoat_gloss, anisotropy, diffuse_light, specular_light);
+ light_compute(normal,, eye_vec, binormal, tangent, light_color_energy.rgb, light_attenuation, albedo, transmission, light_params.z * specular_blob_intensity, roughness, metallic, specular, rim, rim_tint, clearcoat, clearcoat_gloss, anisotropy, diffuse_light, specular_light, alpha);
@@ -2057,17 +2065,36 @@ FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE
for (int i = 0; i < omni_light_count; i++) {
- light_process_omni(omni_light_indices[i], vertex, eye_vec, normal, binormal, tangent, albedo, transmission, roughness, metallic, specular, rim, rim_tint, clearcoat, clearcoat_gloss, anisotropy, specular_blob_intensity, diffuse_light, specular_light);
+ light_process_omni(omni_light_indices[i], vertex, eye_vec, normal, binormal, tangent, albedo, transmission, roughness, metallic, specular, rim, rim_tint, clearcoat, clearcoat_gloss, anisotropy, specular_blob_intensity, diffuse_light, specular_light, alpha);
for (int i = 0; i < spot_light_count; i++) {
- light_process_spot(spot_light_indices[i], vertex, eye_vec, normal, binormal, tangent, albedo, transmission, roughness, metallic, specular, rim, rim_tint, clearcoat, clearcoat_gloss, anisotropy, specular_blob_intensity, diffuse_light, specular_light);
+ light_process_spot(spot_light_indices[i], vertex, eye_vec, normal, binormal, tangent, albedo, transmission, roughness, metallic, specular, rim, rim_tint, clearcoat, clearcoat_gloss, anisotropy, specular_blob_intensity, diffuse_light, specular_light, alpha);
+ alpha = min(alpha, clamp(length(ambient_light), 0.0, 1.0));
+#if defined(ALPHA_SCISSOR_USED)
+ if (alpha < alpha_scissor) {
+ discard;
+ }
+ if (alpha < opaque_prepass_threshold) {
+ discard;
+ }
//nothing happens, so a tree-ssa optimizer will result in no fragment shader :)