path: root/drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_gles3.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_gles3.h')
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_gles3.h b/drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_gles3.h
index 15556e3193..0a03d43d07 100644
--- a/drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_gles3.h
+++ b/drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_gles3.h
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
#include "storage/texture_storage.h"
#include "shaders/canvas.glsl.gen.h"
+#include "shaders/canvas_occlusion.glsl.gen.h"
class RasterizerSceneGLES3;
@@ -96,6 +97,63 @@ class RasterizerCanvasGLES3 : public RendererCanvasRender {
+ /******************/
+ /**** LIGHTING ****/
+ /******************/
+ struct CanvasLight {
+ RID texture;
+ struct {
+ bool enabled = false;
+ float z_far;
+ float y_offset;
+ Transform2D directional_xform;
+ } shadow;
+ };
+ RID_Owner<CanvasLight> canvas_light_owner;
+ struct OccluderPolygon {
+ RS::CanvasOccluderPolygonCullMode cull_mode = RS::CANVAS_OCCLUDER_POLYGON_CULL_DISABLED;
+ int line_point_count = 0;
+ GLuint vertex_buffer = 0;
+ GLuint vertex_array = 0;
+ GLuint index_buffer = 0;
+ int sdf_point_count = 0;
+ int sdf_index_count = 0;
+ GLuint sdf_vertex_buffer = 0;
+ GLuint sdf_vertex_array = 0;
+ GLuint sdf_index_buffer = 0;
+ bool sdf_is_lines = false;
+ };
+ RID_Owner<OccluderPolygon> occluder_polygon_owner;
+ void _update_shadow_atlas();
+ struct {
+ CanvasOcclusionShaderGLES3 shader;
+ RID shader_version;
+ } shadow_render;
+ struct LightUniform {
+ float matrix[8]; //light to texture coordinate matrix
+ float shadow_matrix[8]; //light to shadow coordinate matrix
+ float color[4];
+ uint8_t shadow_color[4];
+ uint32_t flags; //index to light texture
+ float shadow_pixel_size;
+ float height;
+ float position[2];
+ float shadow_z_far_inv;
+ float shadow_y_ofs;
+ float atlas_rect[4];
+ };
enum {
@@ -125,6 +183,23 @@ public:
uint32_t pad2;
+ struct PolygonBuffers {
+ GLuint vertex_buffer = 0;
+ GLuint vertex_array = 0;
+ GLuint index_buffer = 0;
+ int count = 0;
+ bool color_disabled = false;
+ Color color;
+ };
+ struct {
+ HashMap<PolygonID, PolygonBuffers> polygons;
+ PolygonID last_id = 0;
+ } polygon_buffers;
+ RendererCanvasRender::PolygonID request_polygon(const Vector<int> &p_indices, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs = Vector<Point2>(), const Vector<int> &p_bones = Vector<int>(), const Vector<float> &p_weights = Vector<float>()) override;
+ void free_polygon(PolygonID p_polygon) override;
struct InstanceData {
float world[6];
float color_texture_pixel_size[2];
@@ -156,42 +231,86 @@ public:
GLuint canvas_quad_vertices;
GLuint canvas_quad_array;
+ GLuint indexed_quad_buffer;
+ GLuint indexed_quad_array;
GLuint particle_quad_vertices;
GLuint particle_quad_array;
GLuint ninepatch_vertices;
GLuint ninepatch_elements;
+ RID canvas_shader_default_version;
+ uint32_t max_lights_per_render = 256;
+ uint32_t max_lights_per_item = 16;
+ uint32_t max_instances_per_batch = 512;
+ uint32_t max_instances_per_ubo = 16384;
+ uint32_t max_instance_buffer_size = 16384 * 128;
} data;
+ struct Batch {
+ // Position in the UBO measured in bytes
+ uint32_t start = 0;
+ uint32_t instance_count = 0;
+ RID tex;
+ RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter filter = RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_MAX;
+ RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat repeat = RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_MAX;
+ GLES3::CanvasShaderData::BlendMode blend_mode = GLES3::CanvasShaderData::BLEND_MODE_MIX;
+ Color blend_color = Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+ Item *clip = nullptr;
+ RID material;
+ GLES3::CanvasMaterialData *material_data = nullptr;
+ CanvasShaderGLES3::ShaderVariant shader_variant = CanvasShaderGLES3::MODE_QUAD;
+ const Item::Command *command = nullptr;
+ Item::Command::Type command_type = Item::Command::TYPE_ANIMATION_SLICE; // Can default to any type that doesn't form a batch.
+ uint32_t primitive_points = 0;
+ bool lights_disabled = false;
+ };
+ // DataBuffer contains our per-frame data. I.e. the resources that are updated each frame.
+ // We track them and ensure that they don't get reused until at least 2 frames have passed
+ // to avoid the GPU stalling to wait for a resource to become available.
+ struct DataBuffer {
+ GLuint ubo = 0;
+ GLuint light_ubo = 0;
+ GLuint state_ubo = 0;
+ uint64_t last_frame_used = -3;
+ GLsync fence = GLsync();
+ };
struct State {
- GLuint canvas_state_buffer;
- LocalVector<GLuint> canvas_instance_data_buffers;
- LocalVector<GLsync> fences;
+ LocalVector<DataBuffer> canvas_instance_data_buffers;
+ LocalVector<Batch> canvas_instance_batches;
uint32_t current_buffer = 0;
+ uint32_t current_buffer_index = 0;
+ uint32_t current_batch_index = 0;
InstanceData *instance_data_array = nullptr;
- bool canvas_texscreen_used;
- RID canvas_shader_current_version;
- RID canvas_shader_default_version;
- RID current_tex = RID();
- Size2 current_pixel_size = Size2();
- RID current_normal = RID();
- RID current_specular = RID();
- GLES3::Texture *current_tex_ptr;
- RID current_shader_version = RID();
- RS::PrimitiveType current_primitive = RS::PRIMITIVE_MAX;
- uint32_t current_primitive_points = 0;
- Item::Command::Type current_command = Item::Command::TYPE_RECT;
+ LightUniform *light_uniforms = nullptr;
+ GLuint shadow_texture = 0;
+ GLuint shadow_depth_buffer = 0;
+ GLuint shadow_fb = 0;
+ int shadow_texture_size = 2048;
+ bool using_directional_lights = false;
+ RID current_tex;
+ RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter current_filter_mode = RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_MAX;
+ RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat current_repeat_mode = RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_MAX;
bool transparent_render_target = false;
double time = 0.0;
- uint32_t max_lights_per_render;
- uint32_t max_lights_per_item;
- uint32_t max_instances_per_batch;
RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter default_filter = RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_DEFAULT;
RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat default_repeat = RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DEFAULT;
} state;
@@ -201,6 +320,8 @@ public:
RID default_canvas_texture;
RID default_canvas_group_material;
RID default_canvas_group_shader;
+ RID default_clip_children_material;
+ RID default_clip_children_shader;
typedef void Texture;
@@ -210,9 +331,6 @@ public:
void draw_lens_distortion_rect(const Rect2 &p_rect, float p_k1, float p_k2, const Vector2 &p_eye_center, float p_oversample);
void reset_canvas();
- void canvas_light_shadow_buffer_update(RID p_buffer, const Transform2D &p_light_xform, int p_light_mask, float p_near, float p_far, LightOccluderInstance *p_occluders, Projection *p_xform_cache);
- virtual void canvas_debug_viewport_shadows(Light *p_lights_with_shadow) override;
RID light_create() override;
void light_set_texture(RID p_rid, RID p_texture) override;
@@ -229,31 +347,18 @@ public:
bool free(RID p_rid) override;
void update() override;
- void _bind_canvas_texture(RID p_texture, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_base_filter, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_base_repeat, uint32_t &r_index);
- struct PolygonBuffers {
- GLuint vertex_buffer;
- GLuint vertex_array;
- GLuint index_buffer;
- int count = 0;
- bool color_disabled = false;
- Color color;
- };
- struct {
- HashMap<PolygonID, PolygonBuffers> polygons;
- PolygonID last_id = 0;
- } polygon_buffers;
- RendererCanvasRender::PolygonID request_polygon(const Vector<int> &p_indices, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs = Vector<Point2>(), const Vector<int> &p_bones = Vector<int>(), const Vector<float> &p_weights = Vector<float>()) override;
- void free_polygon(PolygonID p_polygon) override;
+ void _bind_canvas_texture(RID p_texture, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_base_filter, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_base_repeat);
+ void _prepare_canvas_texture(RID p_texture, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_base_filter, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_base_repeat, uint32_t &r_index, Size2 &r_texpixel_size);
void canvas_render_items(RID p_to_render_target, Item *p_item_list, const Color &p_modulate, Light *p_light_list, Light *p_directional_list, const Transform2D &p_canvas_transform, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_default_filter, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_default_repeat, bool p_snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel, bool &r_sdf_used) override;
- void _render_items(RID p_to_render_target, int p_item_count, const Transform2D &p_canvas_transform_inverse, Light *p_lights, bool p_to_backbuffer = false);
- void _render_item(RID p_render_target, const Item *p_item, const Transform2D &p_canvas_transform_inverse, Item *&current_clip, Light *p_lights, uint32_t &r_index, GLES3::CanvasShaderData::BlendMode p_blend_mode, GLES3::CanvasShaderData::BlendMode &r_last_blend_mode, Color &r_last_blend_color);
- void _render_batch(uint32_t &p_max_index);
- void _bind_instance_data_buffer(uint32_t p_max_index);
+ void _render_items(RID p_to_render_target, int p_item_count, const Transform2D &p_canvas_transform_inverse, Light *p_lights, uint32_t &r_last_index, bool p_to_backbuffer = false);
+ void _record_item_commands(const Item *p_item, RID p_render_target, const Transform2D &p_canvas_transform_inverse, Item *&current_clip, GLES3::CanvasShaderData::BlendMode p_blend_mode, Light *p_lights, uint32_t &r_index, bool &r_break_batch);
+ void _render_batch(Light *p_lights, uint32_t p_index);
+ bool _bind_material(GLES3::CanvasMaterialData *p_material_data, CanvasShaderGLES3::ShaderVariant p_variant, uint64_t p_specialization);
+ void _new_batch(bool &r_batch_broken, uint32_t &r_index);
+ void _add_to_batch(uint32_t &r_index, bool &r_batch_broken);
void _allocate_instance_data_buffer();
+ void _align_instance_data_buffer(uint32_t &r_index);
void set_time(double p_time);