path: root/doc
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
12 files changed, 211 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml b/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml
index eb612191e7..ba31a774fc 100644
--- a/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml
@@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@
Trigger on a VR controller
<constant name="JOY_OCULUS_AX" value="7" enum="JoystickList">
- A button on the right Oculus Touch controller, X button on the left controller (also when used in OpenVR)
+ A button on the right Oculus Touch controller, X button on the left controller (also when used in OpenVR)
<constant name="JOY_OCULUS_BY" value="1" enum="JoystickList">
B button on the right Oculus Touch controller, Y button on the left controller (also when used in OpenVR)
diff --git a/doc/classes/Bone2D.xml b/doc/classes/Bone2D.xml
index 206853fe5f..757c6c6a34 100644
--- a/doc/classes/Bone2D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/Bone2D.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Joint used with [Skeleton2D] to control and animate other nodes.
- Use a hierarchy of [code]Bone2D[/code] bound to a [Skeleton2D] to control, and animate other [class Node2D] nodes.
+ Use a hierarchy of [code]Bone2D[/code] bound to a [Skeleton2D] to control, and animate other [Node2D] nodes.
You can use [code]Bone2D[/code] and [code]Skeleton2D[/code] nodes to animate 2D meshes created with the Polygon 2D UV editor.
Each bone has a [member rest] transform that you can reset to with [method apply_rest]. These rest poses are relative to the bone's parent.
If in the editor, you can set the rest pose of an entire skeleton using a menu option, from the code, you need to iterate over the bones to set their individual rest poses.
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
Length of the bone's representation drawn in the editor's viewport in pixels.
<member name="rest" type="Transform2D" setter="set_rest" getter="get_rest">
- Rest transform of the bone. You can reset the node's transforms to this value using [member apply_rest].
+ Rest transform of the bone. You can reset the node's transforms to this value using [method apply_rest].
diff --git a/doc/classes/CPUParticles.xml b/doc/classes/CPUParticles.xml
index 5458a87a9e..c9c92102f3 100644
--- a/doc/classes/CPUParticles.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/CPUParticles.xml
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<class name="CPUParticles" inherits="GeometryInstance" category="Core" version="3.2">
+ CPU-based 3D particle emitter.
+ CPU-based 3D particle node used to create a variety of particle systems and effects.
+ See also [Particles], which provides the same functionality with hardware acceleration, but may not run on older devices.
@@ -13,56 +16,77 @@
<argument index="0" name="particles" type="Node">
+ Sets this node's properties to match a given [Particles] node with an assigned [ParticlesMaterial].
<method name="restart">
<return type="void">
+ Restarts the particle emitter.
<member name="amount" type="int" setter="set_amount" getter="get_amount">
+ Number of particles emitted in one emission cycle.
<member name="angle" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Initial rotation applied to each particle, in degrees.
<member name="angle_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Each particle's rotation will be animated along this [Curve].
<member name="angle_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Rotation randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="angular_velocity" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Initial angular velocity applied to each particle. Sets the speed of rotation of the particle.
<member name="angular_velocity_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Each particle's angular velocity will vary along this [Curve].
<member name="angular_velocity_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Angular velocity randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="anim_offset" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Particle animation offset.
<member name="anim_offset_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Each particle's animation offset will vary along this [Curve].
<member name="anim_offset_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Animation offset randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="anim_speed" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Particle animation speed.
<member name="anim_speed_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Each particle's animation speed will vary along this [Curve].
<member name="anim_speed_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Animation speed randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="color" type="Color" setter="set_color" getter="get_color">
+ Unused for 3D particles.
<member name="color_ramp" type="Gradient" setter="set_color_ramp" getter="get_color_ramp">
- Each particle's vertex color will vary along this [GradientTexture].
+ Unused for 3D particles.
<member name="damping" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ The rate at which particles lose velocity.
<member name="damping_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Damping will vary along this [Curve].
<member name="damping_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Damping randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="draw_order" type="int" setter="set_draw_order" getter="get_draw_order" enum="CPUParticles.DrawOrder">
+ Particle draw order. Uses [enum DrawOrder] values. Default value: [constant DRAW_ORDER_INDEX].
<member name="emission_box_extents" type="Vector3" setter="set_emission_box_extents" getter="get_emission_box_extents">
+ The rectangle's extents if [member emission_shape] is set to [constant EMISSION_SHAPE_BOX].
<member name="emission_colors" type="PoolColorArray" setter="set_emission_colors" getter="get_emission_colors">
@@ -71,134 +95,199 @@
<member name="emission_points" type="PoolVector3Array" setter="set_emission_points" getter="get_emission_points">
<member name="emission_shape" type="int" setter="set_emission_shape" getter="get_emission_shape" enum="CPUParticles.EmissionShape">
+ Particles will be emitted inside this region. Use [enum EmissionShape] for values. Default value: [constant EMISSION_SHAPE_POINT].
<member name="emission_sphere_radius" type="float" setter="set_emission_sphere_radius" getter="get_emission_sphere_radius">
+ The sphere's radius if [enum EmissionShape] is set to [constant EMISSION_SHAPE_SPHERE].
<member name="emitting" type="bool" setter="set_emitting" getter="is_emitting">
+ If [code]true[/code], particles are being emitted. Default value: [code]true[/code].
<member name="explosiveness" type="float" setter="set_explosiveness_ratio" getter="get_explosiveness_ratio">
+ How rapidly particles in an emission cycle are emitted. If greater than [code]0[/code], there will be a gap in emissions before the next cycle begins. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="fixed_fps" type="int" setter="set_fixed_fps" getter="get_fixed_fps">
+ The particle system's frame rate is fixed to a value. For instance, changing the value to 2 will make the particles render at 2 frames per second. Note this does not slow down the particle system itself.
<member name="flag_align_y" type="bool" setter="set_particle_flag" getter="get_particle_flag">
+ Align y-axis of particle with the direction of its velocity.
<member name="flag_disable_z" type="bool" setter="set_particle_flag" getter="get_particle_flag">
+ If [code]true[/code], particles will not move on the z axis. Default value: [code]false[/code].
<member name="flag_rotate_y" type="bool" setter="set_particle_flag" getter="get_particle_flag">
+ If [code]true[/code], particles rotate around y-axis by [member angle].
<member name="flatness" type="float" setter="set_flatness" getter="get_flatness">
+ Amount of [member spread] in Y/Z plane. A value of [code]1[/code] restricts particles to X/Z plane. Default [code]0[/code].
<member name="fract_delta" type="bool" setter="set_fractional_delta" getter="get_fractional_delta">
+ If [code]true[/code], results in fractional delta calculation which has a smoother particles display effect. Default value: [code]true[/code]
<member name="gravity" type="Vector3" setter="set_gravity" getter="get_gravity">
+ Gravity applied to every particle. Default value: [code](0, -9.8, 0)[/code].
<member name="hue_variation" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Initial hue variation applied to each particle.
<member name="hue_variation_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Each particle's hue will vary along this [Curve].
<member name="hue_variation_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Hue variation randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="initial_velocity" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Initial velocity magnitude for each particle. Direction comes from [member spread] and the node's orientation.
<member name="initial_velocity_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Initial velocity randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="lifetime" type="float" setter="set_lifetime" getter="get_lifetime">
+ Amount of time each particle will exist. Default value: [code]1[/code].
<member name="linear_accel" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Linear acceleration applied to each particle in the direction of motion.
<member name="linear_accel_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Each particle's linear acceleration will vary along this [Curve].
<member name="linear_accel_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Linear acceleration randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="local_coords" type="bool" setter="set_use_local_coordinates" getter="get_use_local_coordinates">
+ If [code]true[/code], particles use the parent node's coordinate space. If [code]false[/code], they use global coordinates. Default value: [code]true[/code].
<member name="mesh" type="Mesh" setter="set_mesh" getter="get_mesh">
+ The [Mesh] used for each particle. If [code]null[/code], particles will be spheres.
<member name="one_shot" type="bool" setter="set_one_shot" getter="get_one_shot">
+ If [code]true[/code], only one emission cycle occurs. If set [code]true[/code] during a cycle, emission will stop at the cycle's end. Default value: [code]false[/code].
<member name="orbit_velocity" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Orbital velocity applied to each particle. Makes the particles circle around origin in the local XY plane. Specified in number of full rotations around origin per second.
+ This property is only available when [member flag_disable_z] is [code]true[/code].
<member name="orbit_velocity_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Each particle's orbital velocity will vary along this [Curve].
<member name="orbit_velocity_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Orbital velocity randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="preprocess" type="float" setter="set_pre_process_time" getter="get_pre_process_time">
+ Particle system starts as if it had already run for this many seconds.
<member name="radial_accel" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Radial acceleration applied to each particle. Makes particle accelerate away from origin.
<member name="radial_accel_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Each particle's radial acceleration will vary along this [Curve].
<member name="radial_accel_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Radial acceleration randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="randomness" type="float" setter="set_randomness_ratio" getter="get_randomness_ratio">
+ Emission lifetime randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="scale_amount" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Initial scale applied to each particle.
<member name="scale_amount_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Each particle's scale will vary along this [Curve].
<member name="scale_amount_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Scale randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="speed_scale" type="float" setter="set_speed_scale" getter="get_speed_scale">
+ Particle system's running speed scaling ratio. Default value: [code]1[/code]. A value of [code]0[/code] can be used to pause the particles.
<member name="spread" type="float" setter="set_spread" getter="get_spread">
+ Each particle's initial direction range from [code]+spread[/code] to [code]-spread[/code] degrees. Default value: [code]45[/code].
<member name="tangential_accel" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Tangential acceleration applied to each particle. Tangential acceleration is perpendicular to the particle's velocity giving the particles a swirling motion.
<member name="tangential_accel_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Each particle's tangential acceleration will vary along this [Curve].
<member name="tangential_accel_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Tangential acceleration randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<constant name="DRAW_ORDER_INDEX" value="0" enum="DrawOrder">
+ Particles are drawn in the order emitted.
<constant name="DRAW_ORDER_LIFETIME" value="1" enum="DrawOrder">
+ Particles are drawn in order of remaining lifetime.
<constant name="DRAW_ORDER_VIEW_DEPTH" value="2" enum="DrawOrder">
+ Particles are drawn in order of depth.
<constant name="PARAM_INITIAL_LINEAR_VELOCITY" value="0" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set initial velocity properties.
<constant name="PARAM_ANGULAR_VELOCITY" value="1" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set angular velocity properties.
<constant name="PARAM_ORBIT_VELOCITY" value="2" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set orbital velocity properties.
<constant name="PARAM_LINEAR_ACCEL" value="3" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set linear acceleration properties.
<constant name="PARAM_RADIAL_ACCEL" value="4" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set radial acceleration properties.
<constant name="PARAM_TANGENTIAL_ACCEL" value="5" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set tangential acceleration properties.
<constant name="PARAM_DAMPING" value="6" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set damping properties.
<constant name="PARAM_ANGLE" value="7" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set angle properties.
<constant name="PARAM_SCALE" value="8" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set scale properties.
<constant name="PARAM_HUE_VARIATION" value="9" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set hue variation properties.
<constant name="PARAM_ANIM_SPEED" value="10" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set animation speed properties.
<constant name="PARAM_ANIM_OFFSET" value="11" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set animation offset properties.
<constant name="PARAM_MAX" value="12" enum="Parameter">
+ Represents the size of the [enum Parameter] enum.
<constant name="FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY" value="0" enum="Flags">
+ Use with [method set_flag] to set [member flag_align_y].
<constant name="FLAG_ROTATE_Y" value="1" enum="Flags">
+ Use with [method set_flag] to set [member flag_rotate_y].
<constant name="FLAG_DISABLE_Z" value="2" enum="Flags">
+ Use with [method set_flag] to set [member flag_disable_z].
<constant name="FLAG_MAX" value="3" enum="Flags">
+ Represents the size of the [enum Flags] enum.
<constant name="EMISSION_SHAPE_POINT" value="0" enum="EmissionShape">
+ All particles will be emitted from a single point.
<constant name="EMISSION_SHAPE_SPHERE" value="1" enum="EmissionShape">
+ Particles will be emitted in the volume of a sphere.
<constant name="EMISSION_SHAPE_BOX" value="2" enum="EmissionShape">
+ Particles will be emitted in the volume of a box.
<constant name="EMISSION_SHAPE_POINTS" value="3" enum="EmissionShape">
+ Particles will be emitted at a position chosen randomly among [member emission_points]. Particle color will be modulated by [member emission_colors].
<constant name="EMISSION_SHAPE_DIRECTED_POINTS" value="4" enum="EmissionShape">
+ Particles will be emitted at a position chosen randomly among [member emission_points]. Particle velocity and rotation will be set based on [member emission_normals]. Particle color will be modulated by [member emission_colors].
diff --git a/doc/classes/CPUParticles2D.xml b/doc/classes/CPUParticles2D.xml
index 17c68ccb87..4351a0b4d4 100644
--- a/doc/classes/CPUParticles2D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/CPUParticles2D.xml
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<class name="CPUParticles2D" inherits="Node2D" category="Core" version="3.2">
+ CPU-based 2D particle emitter.
+ CPU-based 2D particle node used to create a variety of particle systems and effects.
+ See also [Particles2D], which provides the same functionality with hardware acceleration, but may not run on older devices.
+ <link></link>
<method name="convert_from_particles">
@@ -13,53 +17,74 @@
<argument index="0" name="particles" type="Node">
+ Sets this node's properties to match a given [Particles2D] node with an assigned [ParticlesMaterial].
<method name="restart">
<return type="void">
+ Restarts the particle emitter.
<member name="amount" type="int" setter="set_amount" getter="get_amount">
+ Number of particles emitted in one emission cycle.
<member name="angle" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Initial rotation applied to each particle, in degrees.
<member name="angle_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Each particle's rotation will be animated along this [Curve].
<member name="angle_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Rotation randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="angular_velocity" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Initial angular velocity applied to each particle. Sets the speed of rotation of the particle.
<member name="angular_velocity_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Each particle's angular velocity will vary along this [Curve].
<member name="angular_velocity_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Angular velocity randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="anim_offset" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Particle animation offset.
<member name="anim_offset_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Each particle's animation offset will vary along this [Curve].
<member name="anim_offset_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Animation offset randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="anim_speed" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Particle animation speed.
<member name="anim_speed_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Each particle's animation speed will vary along this [Curve].
<member name="anim_speed_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Animation speed randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="color" type="Color" setter="set_color" getter="get_color">
+ Each particle's initial color. If [member texture] is defined, it will be multiplied by this color.
<member name="color_ramp" type="Gradient" setter="set_color_ramp" getter="get_color_ramp">
+ Each particle's color will vary along this [Gradient].
<member name="damping" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ The rate at which particles lose velocity.
<member name="damping_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Damping will vary along this [Curve].
<member name="damping_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Damping randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="draw_order" type="int" setter="set_draw_order" getter="get_draw_order" enum="CPUParticles2D.DrawOrder">
+ Particle draw order. Uses [enum DrawOrder] values. Default value: [constant DRAW_ORDER_INDEX].
<member name="emission_colors" type="PoolColorArray" setter="set_emission_colors" getter="get_emission_colors">
@@ -68,132 +93,194 @@
<member name="emission_points" type="PoolVector2Array" setter="set_emission_points" getter="get_emission_points">
<member name="emission_rect_extents" type="Vector2" setter="set_emission_rect_extents" getter="get_emission_rect_extents">
+ The rectangle's extents if [member emission_shape] is set to [constant EMISSION_SHAPE_RECTANGLE].
<member name="emission_shape" type="int" setter="set_emission_shape" getter="get_emission_shape" enum="CPUParticles2D.EmissionShape">
+ Particles will be emitted inside this region. Use [enum EmissionShape] for values. Default value: [constant EMISSION_SHAPE_POINT].
<member name="emission_sphere_radius" type="float" setter="set_emission_sphere_radius" getter="get_emission_sphere_radius">
+ The circle's radius if [member emission_shape] is set to [constant EMISSION_SHAPE_CIRCLE].
<member name="emitting" type="bool" setter="set_emitting" getter="is_emitting">
+ If [code]true[/code], particles are being emitted. Default value: [code]true[/code].
<member name="explosiveness" type="float" setter="set_explosiveness_ratio" getter="get_explosiveness_ratio">
+ How rapidly particles in an emission cycle are emitted. If greater than [code]0[/code], there will be a gap in emissions before the next cycle begins. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="fixed_fps" type="int" setter="set_fixed_fps" getter="get_fixed_fps">
+ The particle system's frame rate is fixed to a value. For instance, changing the value to 2 will make the particles render at 2 frames per second. Note this does not slow down the simulation of the particle system itself.
<member name="flag_align_y" type="bool" setter="set_particle_flag" getter="get_particle_flag">
+ Align y-axis of particle with the direction of its velocity.
<member name="flatness" type="float" setter="set_flatness" getter="get_flatness">
<member name="fract_delta" type="bool" setter="set_fractional_delta" getter="get_fractional_delta">
+ If [code]true[/code], results in fractional delta calculation which has a smoother particles display effect. Default value: [code]true[/code]
<member name="gravity" type="Vector2" setter="set_gravity" getter="get_gravity">
+ Gravity applied to every particle. Default value: [code](0, 98)[/code].
<member name="hue_variation" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Initial hue variation applied to each particle.
<member name="hue_variation_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Each particle's hue will vary along this [Curve].
<member name="hue_variation_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Hue variation randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="initial_velocity" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Initial velocity magnitude for each particle. Direction comes from [member spread] and the node's orientation.
<member name="initial_velocity_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Initial velocity randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="lifetime" type="float" setter="set_lifetime" getter="get_lifetime">
+ Amount of time each particle will exist. Default value: [code]1[/code].
<member name="linear_accel" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Linear acceleration applied to each particle in the direction of motion.
<member name="linear_accel_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Each particle's linear acceleration will vary along this [Curve].
<member name="linear_accel_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Linear acceleration randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="local_coords" type="bool" setter="set_use_local_coordinates" getter="get_use_local_coordinates">
+ If [code]true[/code], particles use the parent node's coordinate space. If [code]false[/code], they use global coordinates. Default value: [code]true[/code].
<member name="normalmap" type="Texture" setter="set_normalmap" getter="get_normalmap">
+ Normal map to be used for the [member texture] property.
<member name="one_shot" type="bool" setter="set_one_shot" getter="get_one_shot">
+ If [code]true[/code], only one emission cycle occurs. If set [code]true[/code] during a cycle, emission will stop at the cycle's end. Default value: [code]false[/code].
<member name="orbit_velocity" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Orbital velocity applied to each particle. Makes the particles circle around origin. Specified in number of full rotations around origin per second.
<member name="orbit_velocity_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Each particle's orbital velocity will vary along this [Curve].
<member name="orbit_velocity_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Orbital velocity randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="preprocess" type="float" setter="set_pre_process_time" getter="get_pre_process_time">
+ Particle system starts as if it had already run for this many seconds.
<member name="radial_accel" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Radial acceleration applied to each particle. Makes particle accelerate away from origin.
<member name="radial_accel_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Each particle's radial acceleration will vary along this [Curve].
<member name="radial_accel_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Radial acceleration randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="randomness" type="float" setter="set_randomness_ratio" getter="get_randomness_ratio">
+ Emission lifetime randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="scale_amount" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Initial scale applied to each particle.
<member name="scale_amount_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Each particle's scale will vary along this [Curve].
<member name="scale_amount_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Scale randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="speed_scale" type="float" setter="set_speed_scale" getter="get_speed_scale">
+ Particle system's running speed scaling ratio. Default value: [code]1[/code]. A value of [code]0[/code] can be used to pause the particles.
<member name="spread" type="float" setter="set_spread" getter="get_spread">
+ Each particle's initial direction range from [code]+spread[/code] to [code]-spread[/code] degrees. Default value: [code]45[/code].
<member name="tangential_accel" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
+ Tangential acceleration applied to each particle. Tangential acceleration is perpendicular to the particle's velocity giving the particles a swirling motion.
<member name="tangential_accel_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve">
+ Each particle's tangential acceleration will vary along this [Curve].
<member name="tangential_accel_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
+ Tangential acceleration randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="texture" type="Texture" setter="set_texture" getter="get_texture">
+ Particle texture. If [code]null[/code] particles will be squares.
<constant name="DRAW_ORDER_INDEX" value="0" enum="DrawOrder">
+ Particles are drawn in the order emitted.
<constant name="DRAW_ORDER_LIFETIME" value="1" enum="DrawOrder">
+ Particles are drawn in order of remaining lifetime.
<constant name="PARAM_INITIAL_LINEAR_VELOCITY" value="0" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set initial velocity properties.
<constant name="PARAM_ANGULAR_VELOCITY" value="1" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set angular velocity properties.
<constant name="PARAM_ORBIT_VELOCITY" value="2" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set orbital velocity properties.
<constant name="PARAM_LINEAR_ACCEL" value="3" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set linear acceleration properties.
<constant name="PARAM_RADIAL_ACCEL" value="4" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set radial acceleration properties.
<constant name="PARAM_TANGENTIAL_ACCEL" value="5" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set tangential acceleration properties.
<constant name="PARAM_DAMPING" value="6" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set damping properties.
<constant name="PARAM_ANGLE" value="7" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set angle properties.
<constant name="PARAM_SCALE" value="8" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set scale properties.
<constant name="PARAM_HUE_VARIATION" value="9" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set hue variation properties.
<constant name="PARAM_ANIM_SPEED" value="10" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set animation speed properties.
<constant name="PARAM_ANIM_OFFSET" value="11" enum="Parameter">
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set animation offset properties.
<constant name="PARAM_MAX" value="12" enum="Parameter">
+ Represents the size of the [enum Parameter] enum.
<constant name="FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY" value="0" enum="Flags">
+ Use with [method set_flag] to set [member flag_align_y].
<constant name="FLAG_ROTATE_Y" value="1" enum="Flags">
+ Present for consistency with 3D particle nodes, not used in 2D.
<constant name="FLAG_DISABLE_Z" value="2" enum="Flags">
+ Present for consistency with 3D particle nodes, not used in 2D.
<constant name="FLAG_MAX" value="3" enum="Flags">
+ Represents the size of the [enum Flags] enum.
<constant name="EMISSION_SHAPE_POINT" value="0" enum="EmissionShape">
+ All particles will be emitted from a single point.
<constant name="EMISSION_SHAPE_CIRCLE" value="1" enum="EmissionShape">
+ Particles will be emitted on the perimeter of a circle.
<constant name="EMISSION_SHAPE_RECTANGLE" value="2" enum="EmissionShape">
+ Particles will be emitted in the area of a rectangle.
<constant name="EMISSION_SHAPE_POINTS" value="3" enum="EmissionShape">
+ Particles will be emitted at a position chosen randomly among [member emission_points]. Particle color will be modulated by [member emission_colors].
<constant name="EMISSION_SHAPE_DIRECTED_POINTS" value="4" enum="EmissionShape">
+ Particles will be emitted at a position chosen randomly among [member emission_points]. Particle velocity and rotation will be set based on [member emission_normals]. Particle color will be modulated by [member emission_colors].
diff --git a/doc/classes/ClippedCamera.xml b/doc/classes/ClippedCamera.xml
index b7f158dd65..c6dcd6cd96 100644
--- a/doc/classes/ClippedCamera.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/ClippedCamera.xml
@@ -29,6 +29,12 @@
+ <method name="get_clip_offset" qualifiers="const">
+ <return type="float">
+ </return>
+ <description>
+ </description>
+ </method>
<method name="get_collision_mask_bit" qualifiers="const">
<return type="bool">
diff --git a/doc/classes/FileDialog.xml b/doc/classes/FileDialog.xml
index 953f364bdb..908c017ac9 100644
--- a/doc/classes/FileDialog.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/FileDialog.xml
@@ -138,5 +138,7 @@
<theme_item name="reload" type="Texture">
+ <theme_item name="toggle_hidden" type="Texture">
+ </theme_item>
diff --git a/doc/classes/MeshInstance2D.xml b/doc/classes/MeshInstance2D.xml
index 39a733fdb3..4b38b9aa96 100644
--- a/doc/classes/MeshInstance2D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/MeshInstance2D.xml
@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@
The [Texture] that will be used if using the default [CanvasItemMaterial]. Can be accessed as [code]TEXTURE[/code] in CanvasItem shader.
+ <signals>
+ <signal name="texture_changed">
+ <description>
+ </description>
+ </signal>
+ </signals>
diff --git a/doc/classes/MultiMeshInstance2D.xml b/doc/classes/MultiMeshInstance2D.xml
index 0bf243ee24..8509986c3c 100644
--- a/doc/classes/MultiMeshInstance2D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/MultiMeshInstance2D.xml
@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@
The [Texture] that will be used if using the default [CanvasItemMaterial]. Can be accessed as [code]TEXTURE[/code] in CanvasItem shader.
+ <signals>
+ <signal name="texture_changed">
+ <description>
+ </description>
+ </signal>
+ </signals>
diff --git a/doc/classes/OS.xml b/doc/classes/OS.xml
index 2592bc6775..e994c24582 100644
--- a/doc/classes/OS.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/OS.xml
@@ -508,7 +508,8 @@
<argument index="0" name="tag_name" type="String">
- Returns [code]true[/code] if the feature for the given feature tag is supported in the currently running instance, depending on platform, build etc. Can be used to check whether you're currently running a debug build, on a certain platform or arch, etc. See feature tags documentation.
+ Returns [code]true[/code] if the feature for the given feature tag is supported in the currently running instance, depending on platform, build etc. Can be used to check whether you're currently running a debug build, on a certain platform or arch, etc. Refer to the [url=]Feature Tags[/url] documentation for more details.
+ Note that tag names are case-sensitive.
<method name="has_touchscreen_ui_hint" qualifiers="const">
diff --git a/doc/classes/Particles.xml b/doc/classes/Particles.xml
index 7820c63ad7..a29b621406 100644
--- a/doc/classes/Particles.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/Particles.xml
@@ -55,8 +55,10 @@
Time ratio between each emission. If [code]0[/code] particles are emitted continuously. If [code]1[/code] all particles are emitted simultaneously. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="fixed_fps" type="int" setter="set_fixed_fps" getter="get_fixed_fps">
+ The particle system's frame rate is fixed to a value. For instance, changing the value to 2 will make the particles render at 2 frames per second. Note this does not slow down the simulation of the particle system itself.
<member name="fract_delta" type="bool" setter="set_fractional_delta" getter="get_fractional_delta">
+ If [code]true[/code], results in fractional delta calculation which has a smoother particles display effect. Default value: [code]true[/code].
<member name="lifetime" type="float" setter="set_lifetime" getter="get_lifetime">
Amount of time each particle will exist. Default value: [code]1[/code].
diff --git a/doc/classes/Particles2D.xml b/doc/classes/Particles2D.xml
index de4877b639..78114e985d 100644
--- a/doc/classes/Particles2D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/Particles2D.xml
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
How rapidly particles in an emission cycle are emitted. If greater than [code]0[/code], there will be a gap in emissions before the next cycle begins. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="fixed_fps" type="int" setter="set_fixed_fps" getter="get_fixed_fps">
- The particle system's frame rate is fixed to a value. For instance, changing the value to 2 will make the particles render at 2 frames per second. Note this does not slow down the particle system itself.
+ The particle system's frame rate is fixed to a value. For instance, changing the value to 2 will make the particles render at 2 frames per second. Note this does not slow down the simulation of the particle system itself.
<member name="fract_delta" type="bool" setter="set_fractional_delta" getter="get_fractional_delta">
If [code]true[/code], results in fractional delta calculation which has a smoother particles display effect. Default value: [code]true[/code]
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
If [code]true[/code], particles use the parent node's coordinate space. If [code]false[/code], they use global coordinates. Default value: [code]true[/code].
<member name="normal_map" type="Texture" setter="set_normal_map" getter="get_normal_map">
- Normal map to be used for the [code]texture[/code] property.
+ Normal map to be used for the [member texture] property.
<member name="one_shot" type="bool" setter="set_one_shot" getter="get_one_shot">
If [code]true[/code], only one emission cycle occurs. If set [code]true[/code] during a cycle, emission will stop at the cycle's end. Default value: [code]false[/code].
diff --git a/doc/classes/ParticlesMaterial.xml b/doc/classes/ParticlesMaterial.xml
index dd7a7cd151..cb06593bc2 100644
--- a/doc/classes/ParticlesMaterial.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/ParticlesMaterial.xml
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
Amount of [member spread] in Y/Z plane. A value of [code]1[/code] restricts particles to X/Z plane. Default [code]0[/code].
<member name="gravity" type="Vector3" setter="set_gravity" getter="get_gravity">
- Gravity applied to every particle. Default value: [code](0, 98, 0)[/code].
+ Gravity applied to every particle. Default value: [code](0, -9.8, 0)[/code].
<member name="hue_variation" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
Initial hue variation applied to each particle.
@@ -112,13 +112,13 @@
Hue variation randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="initial_velocity" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
- Initial velocity magnitude for each particle. Direction comes from [member spread].
+ Initial velocity magnitude for each particle. Direction comes from [member spread] and the node's orientation.
<member name="initial_velocity_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness">
Initial velocity randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code].
<member name="linear_accel" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param">
- Linear acceleration applied to each particle. Acceleration increases velocity magnitude each frame without affecting direction.
+ Linear acceleration applied to each particle in the direction of motion.
<member name="linear_accel_curve" type="Texture" setter="set_param_texture" getter="get_param_texture">
Each particle's linear acceleration will vary along this [CurveTexture].
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set angular velocity properties.
<constant name="PARAM_ORBIT_VELOCITY" value="2" enum="Parameter">
- Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set orbital_velocity properties.
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set orbital velocity properties.
<constant name="PARAM_LINEAR_ACCEL" value="3" enum="Parameter">
Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set linear acceleration properties.
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set scale properties.
<constant name="PARAM_HUE_VARIATION" value="9" enum="Parameter">
- Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set hue_variation properties.
+ Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set hue variation properties.
<constant name="PARAM_ANIM_SPEED" value="10" enum="Parameter">
Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set animation speed properties.