path: root/doc
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50 files changed, 286 insertions, 198 deletions
diff --git a/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml b/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml
index 55810156a1..ed7bdc07fc 100644
--- a/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml
@@ -803,7 +803,8 @@
Returns the result of [param base] raised to the power of [param exp].
In GDScript, this is the equivalent of the [code]**[/code] operator.
- pow(2, 5) # Returns 32
+ pow(2, 5) # Returns 32.0
+ pow(4, 1.5) # Returns 8.0
@@ -1139,7 +1140,7 @@
<return type="float" />
<param index="0" name="x" type="float" />
- Returns [code]-1.0[/code] if [param x] is negative, [code]1.0[/code] if [param x] is positive, and [code]0.0[/code] if if [param x] is zero.
+ Returns [code]-1.0[/code] if [param x] is negative, [code]1.0[/code] if [param x] is positive, and [code]0.0[/code] if [param x] is zero.
sign(-6.5) # Returns -1.0
sign(0.0) # Returns 0.0
@@ -1287,14 +1288,14 @@
Converts a formatted [param string] that was returned by [method var_to_str] to the original [Variant].
- var a = '{ "a": 1, "b": 2 }' # a is a String
- var b = str_to_var(a) # b is a Dictionary
- print(b["a"]) # Prints 1
+ var data = '{ "a": 1, "b": 2 }' # data is a String
+ var dict = str_to_var(data) # dict is a Dictionary
+ print(dict["a"]) # Prints 1
- string a = "{ \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2 }"; // a is a string
- var b = GD.StrToVar(a).AsGodotDictionary(); // b is a Dictionary
- GD.Print(b["a"]); // Prints 1
+ string data = "{ \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2 }"; // data is a string
+ var dict = GD.StrToVar(data).AsGodotDictionary(); // dict is a Dictionary
+ GD.Print(dict["a"]); // Prints 1
@@ -2272,7 +2273,7 @@
Command (on macOS) or Meta/Windows key mask.
<constant name="KEY_MASK_CTRL" value="268435456" enum="KeyModifierMask" is_bitfield="true">
- Ctrl key mask.
+ Control key mask.
<constant name="KEY_MASK_KPAD" value="536870912" enum="KeyModifierMask" is_bitfield="true">
Keypad key mask.
@@ -2293,10 +2294,10 @@
Middle mouse button.
<constant name="MOUSE_BUTTON_WHEEL_UP" value="4" enum="MouseButton">
- Mouse wheel up.
+ Mouse wheel scrolling up.
<constant name="MOUSE_BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN" value="5" enum="MouseButton">
- Mouse wheel down.
+ Mouse wheel scrolling down.
<constant name="MOUSE_BUTTON_WHEEL_LEFT" value="6" enum="MouseButton">
Mouse wheel left button (only present on some mice).
@@ -2760,6 +2761,7 @@
Hints that a string property is a password, and every character is replaced with the secret character.
<constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_MAX" value="37" enum="PropertyHint">
+ Represents the size of the [enum PropertyHint] enum.
<constant name="PROPERTY_USAGE_NONE" value="0" enum="PropertyUsageFlags" is_bitfield="true">
The property is not stored, and does not display in the editor. This is the default for non-exported properties.
@@ -2818,7 +2820,7 @@
When duplicating a resource with [method Resource.duplicate], and this flag is set on a property of that resource, the property should never be duplicated, regardless of the [code]subresources[/code] bool parameter.
<constant name="PROPERTY_USAGE_HIGH_END_GFX" value="2097152" enum="PropertyUsageFlags" is_bitfield="true">
- The property is only shown in the editor if modern renderers are supported (GLES3 is excluded).
+ The property is only shown in the editor if modern renderers are supported (the Compatibility rendering method is excluded).
<constant name="PROPERTY_USAGE_NODE_PATH_FROM_SCENE_ROOT" value="4194304" enum="PropertyUsageFlags" is_bitfield="true">
diff --git a/doc/classes/AStar2D.xml b/doc/classes/AStar2D.xml
index 2414b068e6..d80d784366 100644
--- a/doc/classes/AStar2D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/AStar2D.xml
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
<method name="get_point_capacity" qualifiers="const">
<return type="int" />
- Returns the capacity of the structure backing the points, useful in conjunction with [code]reserve_space[/code].
+ Returns the capacity of the structure backing the points, useful in conjunction with [method reserve_space].
<method name="get_point_connections">
diff --git a/doc/classes/AnimatedTexture.xml b/doc/classes/AnimatedTexture.xml
index 57a7f86901..052c55dfb6 100644
--- a/doc/classes/AnimatedTexture.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/AnimatedTexture.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-<class name="AnimatedTexture" inherits="Texture2D" version="4.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../class.xsd">
+<class name="AnimatedTexture" inherits="Texture2D" is_deprecated="true" version="4.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../class.xsd">
Proxy texture for simple frame-based animations.
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
The playback of the animation is controlled by the [member speed_scale] property, as well as each frame's duration (see [method set_frame_duration]). The animation loops, i.e. it will restart at frame 0 automatically after playing the last frame.
[AnimatedTexture] currently requires all frame textures to have the same size, otherwise the bigger ones will be cropped to match the smallest one.
[b]Note:[/b] AnimatedTexture doesn't support using [AtlasTexture]s. Each frame needs to be a separate [Texture2D].
+ [b]Warning:[/b] AnimatedTexture is deprecated, and might be removed in a future release. Its current implementation is not efficient for the modern renderers.
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@
<member name="current_frame" type="int" setter="set_current_frame" getter="get_current_frame">
- Sets the currently visible frame of the texture.
+ Sets the currently visible frame of the texture. Setting this frame while playing resets the current frame time, so the newly selected frame plays for its whole configured frame duration.
<member name="frames" type="int" setter="set_frames" getter="get_frames" default="1">
Number of frames to use in the animation. While you can create the frames independently with [method set_frame_texture], you need to set this value for the animation to take new frames into account. The maximum number of frames is [constant MAX_FRAMES].
diff --git a/doc/classes/Animation.xml b/doc/classes/Animation.xml
index 74ee13a3d2..9b834f2635 100644
--- a/doc/classes/Animation.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/Animation.xml
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
<return type="bool" />
<param index="0" name="track_idx" type="int" />
- Returns [code]true[/code] if the track at [code]idx[/code] will be blended with other animations.
+ Returns [code]true[/code] if the track at [param track_idx] will be blended with other animations.
<method name="audio_track_set_key_end_offset">
diff --git a/doc/classes/BaseMaterial3D.xml b/doc/classes/BaseMaterial3D.xml
index 60225275f3..e72aa373f7 100644
--- a/doc/classes/BaseMaterial3D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/BaseMaterial3D.xml
@@ -215,10 +215,11 @@
If [code]true[/code], the object is rendered at the same size regardless of distance.
<member name="grow" type="bool" setter="set_grow_enabled" getter="is_grow_enabled" default="false">
- If [code]true[/code], enables the vertex grow setting. See [member grow_amount].
+ If [code]true[/code], enables the vertex grow setting. This can be used to create mesh-based outlines using a second material pass and its [member cull_mode] set to [constant CULL_FRONT]. See also [member grow_amount].
+ [b]Note:[/b] Vertex growth cannot create new vertices, which means that visible gaps may occur in sharp corners. This can be alleviated by designing the mesh to use smooth normals exclusively using [url=]face weighted normals[/url] in the 3D authoring software. In this case, grow will be able to join every outline together, just like in the original mesh.
<member name="grow_amount" type="float" setter="set_grow" getter="get_grow" default="0.0">
- Grows object vertices in the direction of their normals.
+ Grows object vertices in the direction of their normals. Only effective if [member grow] is [code]true[/code].
<member name="heightmap_deep_parallax" type="bool" setter="set_heightmap_deep_parallax" getter="is_heightmap_deep_parallax_enabled" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], uses parallax occlusion mapping to represent depth in the material instead of simple offset mapping (see [member heightmap_enabled]). This results in a more convincing depth effect, but is much more expensive on the GPU. Only enable this on materials where it makes a significant visual difference.
@@ -277,7 +278,7 @@
If [code]true[/code], depth testing is disabled and the object will be drawn in render order.
<member name="normal_enabled" type="bool" setter="set_feature" getter="get_feature" default="false">
- If [code]true[/code], normal mapping is enabled.
+ If [code]true[/code], normal mapping is enabled. This has a slight performance cost, especially on mobile GPUs.
<member name="normal_scale" type="float" setter="set_normal_scale" getter="get_normal_scale" default="1.0">
The strength of the normal map's effect.
@@ -344,7 +345,8 @@
Specifies the channel of the [member roughness_texture] in which the roughness information is stored. This is useful when you store the information for multiple effects in a single texture. For example if you stored metallic in the red channel, roughness in the blue, and ambient occlusion in the green you could reduce the number of textures you use.
<member name="shading_mode" type="int" setter="set_shading_mode" getter="get_shading_mode" enum="BaseMaterial3D.ShadingMode" default="1">
- Sets whether the shading takes place per-pixel or per-vertex. Per-vertex lighting is faster, making it the best choice for mobile applications, however it looks considerably worse than per-pixel.
+ Sets whether the shading takes place, per-pixel, per-vertex or unshaded. Per-vertex lighting is faster, making it the best choice for mobile applications, however it looks considerably worse than per-pixel. Unshaded rendering is the fastest, but disables all interactions with lights.
+ [b]Note:[/b] Setting the shading mode vertex shading currently has no effect, as vertex shading is not implemented yet.
<member name="shadow_to_opacity" type="bool" setter="set_flag" getter="get_flag" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], enables the "shadow to opacity" render mode where lighting modifies the alpha so shadowed areas are opaque and non-shadowed areas are transparent. Useful for overlaying shadows onto a camera feed in AR.
@@ -388,7 +390,7 @@
Repeat flags for the texture. See [enum TextureFilter] for options.
<member name="transparency" type="int" setter="set_transparency" getter="get_transparency" enum="BaseMaterial3D.Transparency" default="0">
- If [code]true[/code], transparency is enabled on the body. See also [member blend_mode].
+ If [code]true[/code], transparency is enabled on the body. Some transparency modes will disable shadow casting. Any transparency mode other than Disabled has a greater performance impact compared to opaque rendering. See also [member blend_mode].
<member name="use_particle_trails" type="bool" setter="set_flag" getter="get_flag" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], enables parts of the shader required for [GPUParticles3D] trails to function. This also requires using a mesh with appropriate skinning, such as [RibbonTrailMesh] or [TubeTrailMesh]. Enabling this feature outside of materials used in [GPUParticles3D] meshes will break material rendering.
@@ -431,7 +433,7 @@
<member name="vertex_color_is_srgb" type="bool" setter="set_flag" getter="get_flag" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], vertex colors are considered to be stored in sRGB color space and are converted to linear color space during rendering. If [code]false[/code], vertex colors are considered to be stored in linear color space and are rendered as-is. See also [member albedo_texture_force_srgb].
- [b]Note:[/b] Only effective when using the Vulkan Clustered or Vulkan Mobile backends.
+ [b]Note:[/b] Only effective when using the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods, not Compatibility.
<member name="vertex_color_use_as_albedo" type="bool" setter="set_flag" getter="get_flag" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], the vertex color is used as albedo color.
@@ -523,31 +525,31 @@
Use [code]UV2[/code] with the detail texture.
<constant name="TRANSPARENCY_DISABLED" value="0" enum="Transparency">
- The material will not use transparency.
+ The material will not use transparency. This is the fastest to render.
<constant name="TRANSPARENCY_ALPHA" value="1" enum="Transparency">
- The material will use the texture's alpha values for transparency.
+ The material will use the texture's alpha values for transparency. This is the slowest to render, and disables shadow casting.
<constant name="TRANSPARENCY_ALPHA_SCISSOR" value="2" enum="Transparency">
- The material will cut off all values below a threshold, the rest will remain opaque. The opaque portions will be rendered in the depth prepass.
+ The material will cut off all values below a threshold, the rest will remain opaque. The opaque portions will be rendered in the depth prepass. This is faster to render than alpha blending, but slower than opaque rendering. This also supports casting shadows.
<constant name="TRANSPARENCY_ALPHA_HASH" value="3" enum="Transparency">
- The material will cut off all values below a spatially-deterministic threshold, the rest will remain opaque.
+ The material will cut off all values below a spatially-deterministic threshold, the rest will remain opaque. This is faster to render than alpha blending, but slower than opaque rendering. This also supports casting shadows. Alpha hashing is suited for hair rendering.
<constant name="TRANSPARENCY_ALPHA_DEPTH_PRE_PASS" value="4" enum="Transparency">
- The material will use the texture's alpha value for transparency, but will discard fragments with an alpha of less than 0.99 during the depth prepass and fragments with an alpha less than 0.1 during the shadow pass.
+ The material will use the texture's alpha value for transparency, but will discard fragments with an alpha of less than 0.99 during the depth prepass and fragments with an alpha less than 0.1 during the shadow pass. This also supports casting shadows.
<constant name="TRANSPARENCY_MAX" value="5" enum="Transparency">
Represents the size of the [enum Transparency] enum.
<constant name="SHADING_MODE_UNSHADED" value="0" enum="ShadingMode">
- The object will not receive shadows.
+ The object will not receive shadows. This is the fastest to render, but it disables all interactions with lights.
<constant name="SHADING_MODE_PER_PIXEL" value="1" enum="ShadingMode">
- The object will be shaded per pixel. Useful for realistic shading effect.
+ The object will be shaded per pixel. Useful for realistic shading effects.
<constant name="SHADING_MODE_PER_VERTEX" value="2" enum="ShadingMode">
- The object will be shaded per vertex. Useful when you want cheaper shaders and do not care about visual quality.
+ The object will be shaded per vertex. Useful when you want cheaper shaders and do not care about visual quality. Not implemented yet (this mode will act like [constant SHADING_MODE_PER_PIXEL]).
<constant name="SHADING_MODE_MAX" value="3" enum="ShadingMode">
Represents the size of the [enum ShadingMode] enum.
@@ -623,13 +625,13 @@
Objects will not write their depth to the depth buffer, even during the depth prepass (if enabled).
<constant name="CULL_BACK" value="0" enum="CullMode">
- Default cull mode. The back of the object is culled when not visible. Back face triangles will be culled when facing the camera. This results in only the front side of triangles being drawn. For closed-surface meshes this means that only the exterior of the mesh will be visible.
+ Default cull mode. The back of the object is culled when not visible. Back face triangles will be culled when facing the camera. This results in only the front side of triangles being drawn. For closed-surface meshes, this means that only the exterior of the mesh will be visible.
<constant name="CULL_FRONT" value="1" enum="CullMode">
- Front face triangles will be culled when facing the camera. This results in only the back side of triangles being drawn. For closed-surface meshes this means that the interior of the mesh will be drawn instead of the exterior.
+ Front face triangles will be culled when facing the camera. This results in only the back side of triangles being drawn. For closed-surface meshes, this means that the interior of the mesh will be drawn instead of the exterior.
<constant name="CULL_DISABLED" value="2" enum="CullMode">
- No culling is performed.
+ No face culling is performed; both the front face and back face will be visible.
<constant name="FLAG_DISABLE_DEPTH_TEST" value="0" enum="Flags">
Disables the depth test, so this object is drawn on top of all others drawn before it. This puts the object in the transparent draw pass where it is sorted based on distance to camera. Objects drawn after it in the draw order may cover it. This also disables writing to depth.
@@ -639,7 +641,7 @@
<constant name="FLAG_SRGB_VERTEX_COLOR" value="2" enum="Flags">
Vertex colors are considered to be stored in sRGB color space and are converted to linear color space during rendering. See also [member vertex_color_is_srgb].
- [b]Note:[/b] Only effective when using the Vulkan Clustered or Vulkan Mobile backends.
+ [b]Note:[/b] Only effective when using the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods.
<constant name="FLAG_USE_POINT_SIZE" value="3" enum="Flags">
Uses point size to alter the size of primitive points. Also changes the albedo texture lookup to use [code]POINT_COORD[/code] instead of [code]UV[/code].
@@ -717,7 +719,7 @@
Toon blob which changes size based on roughness.
<constant name="SPECULAR_DISABLED" value="2" enum="SpecularMode">
- No specular blob.
+ No specular blob. This is slightly faster to render than other specular modes.
<constant name="BILLBOARD_DISABLED" value="0" enum="BillboardMode">
Billboard mode is disabled.
@@ -760,10 +762,10 @@
Smoothly fades the object out based on each pixel's distance from the camera using the alpha channel.
<constant name="DISTANCE_FADE_PIXEL_DITHER" value="2" enum="DistanceFadeMode">
- Smoothly fades the object out based on each pixel's distance from the camera using a dither approach. Dithering discards pixels based on a set pattern to smoothly fade without enabling transparency. On certain hardware this can be faster than [constant DISTANCE_FADE_PIXEL_ALPHA].
+ Smoothly fades the object out based on each pixel's distance from the camera using a dithering approach. Dithering discards pixels based on a set pattern to smoothly fade without enabling transparency. On certain hardware, this can be faster than [constant DISTANCE_FADE_PIXEL_ALPHA].
<constant name="DISTANCE_FADE_OBJECT_DITHER" value="3" enum="DistanceFadeMode">
- Smoothly fades the object out based on the object's distance from the camera using a dither approach. Dithering discards pixels based on a set pattern to smoothly fade without enabling transparency. On certain hardware this can be faster than [constant DISTANCE_FADE_PIXEL_ALPHA].
+ Smoothly fades the object out based on the object's distance from the camera using a dithering approach. Dithering discards pixels based on a set pattern to smoothly fade without enabling transparency. On certain hardware, this can be faster than [constant DISTANCE_FADE_PIXEL_ALPHA] and [constant DISTANCE_FADE_PIXEL_DITHER].
diff --git a/doc/classes/Bone2D.xml b/doc/classes/Bone2D.xml
index d452edd1aa..c421fe1543 100644
--- a/doc/classes/Bone2D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/Bone2D.xml
@@ -31,12 +31,6 @@
[b]Note:[/b] This is different from the [code]Bone2D[/code]'s rotation. The bone angle is the rotation of the bone shown by the [code]Bone2D[/code] gizmo, and because [code]Bone2D[/code] bones are based on positions, this can vary from the actual rotation of the [code]Bone2D[/code] node.
- <method name="get_default_length" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="float" />
- <description>
- Deprecated. Please use [code]get_length[/code] instead.
- </description>
- </method>
<method name="get_index_in_skeleton" qualifiers="const">
<return type="int" />
@@ -70,13 +64,6 @@
[b]Note:[/b] This is different from the [code]Bone2D[/code]'s rotation. The bone angle is the rotation of the bone shown by the [code]Bone2D[/code] gizmo, and because [code]Bone2D[/code] bones are based on positions, this can vary from the actual rotation of the [code]Bone2D[/code] node.
- <method name="set_default_length">
- <return type="void" />
- <param index="0" name="default_length" type="float" />
- <description>
- Deprecated. Please use [code]set_length[/code] instead.
- </description>
- </method>
<method name="set_length">
<return type="void" />
<param index="0" name="length" type="float" />
diff --git a/doc/classes/BoneAttachment3D.xml b/doc/classes/BoneAttachment3D.xml
index dd01de3607..850aa4c2f2 100644
--- a/doc/classes/BoneAttachment3D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/BoneAttachment3D.xml
@@ -33,14 +33,14 @@
<return type="void" />
<param index="0" name="external_skeleton" type="NodePath" />
- Sets the [NodePath] to the external skeleton that the BoneAttachment3D node should use. The external [Skeleton3D] node is only used when [code]use_external_skeleton[/code] is set to [code]true[/code].
+ Sets the [NodePath] to the external skeleton that the BoneAttachment3D node should use. See [method set_use_external_skeleton] to enable the external [Skeleton3D] node.
<method name="set_use_external_skeleton">
<return type="void" />
<param index="0" name="use_external_skeleton" type="bool" />
- Sets whether the BoneAttachment3D node will use an extenral [Skeleton3D] node rather than attenpting to use its parent node as the [Skeleton3D]. When set to [code]true[/code], the BoneAttachment3D node will use the external [Skeleton3D] node set in [code]set_external_skeleton[/code].
+ Sets whether the BoneAttachment3D node will use an extenral [Skeleton3D] node rather than attenpting to use its parent node as the [Skeleton3D]. When set to [code]true[/code], the BoneAttachment3D node will use the external [Skeleton3D] node set in [method set_external_skeleton].
diff --git a/doc/classes/BoxMesh.xml b/doc/classes/BoxMesh.xml
index 84e6d6f87d..f8cae0fc72 100644
--- a/doc/classes/BoxMesh.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/BoxMesh.xml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
Generate an axis-aligned box [PrimitiveMesh].
- The box's UV layout is arranged in a 3×2 layout that allows texturing each face individually. To apply the same texture on all faces, change the material's UV property to [code]Vector3(3, 2, 1)[/code].
+ The box's UV layout is arranged in a 3×2 layout that allows texturing each face individually. To apply the same texture on all faces, change the material's UV property to [code]Vector3(3, 2, 1)[/code]. This is equivalent to adding [code]UV *= vec2(3.0, 2.0)[/code] in a vertex shader.
[b]Note:[/b] When using a large textured [BoxMesh] (e.g. as a floor), you may stumble upon UV jittering issues depending on the camera angle. To solve this, increase [member subdivide_depth], [member subdivide_height] and [member subdivide_width] until you no longer notice UV jittering.
diff --git a/doc/classes/CameraAttributesPhysical.xml b/doc/classes/CameraAttributesPhysical.xml
index a61e735932..9512fd11a8 100644
--- a/doc/classes/CameraAttributesPhysical.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/CameraAttributesPhysical.xml
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
[CameraAttributesPhysical] is used to set rendering settings based on a physically-based camera's settings. It is responsible for exposure, auto-exposure, and depth of field.
When used in a [WorldEnvironment] it provides default settings for exposure, auto-exposure, and depth of field that will be used by all cameras without their own [CameraAttributes], including the editor camera. When used in a [Camera3D] it will override any [CameraAttributes] set in the [WorldEnvironment] and will override the [Camera3D]s [member Camera3D.far], [member Camera3D.near], [member Camera3D.fov], and [member Camera3D.keep_aspect] properties. When used in [VoxelGI] or [LightmapGI], only the exposure settings will be used.
The default settings are intended for use in an outdoor environment, tips for settings for use in an indoor environment can be found in each setting's documentation.
+ [b]Note:[/b] Depth of field blur is only supported in the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods, not Compatibility.
diff --git a/doc/classes/CameraAttributesPractical.xml b/doc/classes/CameraAttributesPractical.xml
index 924b02fc79..cd914c9eb7 100644
--- a/doc/classes/CameraAttributesPractical.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/CameraAttributesPractical.xml
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
<member name="dof_blur_far_enabled" type="bool" setter="set_dof_blur_far_enabled" getter="is_dof_blur_far_enabled" default="false">
Enables depth of field blur for objects further than [member dof_blur_far_distance]. Strength of blur is controlled by [member dof_blur_amount] and modulated by [member dof_blur_far_transition].
+ [b]Note:[/b] Depth of field blur is only supported in the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods, not Compatibility.
<member name="dof_blur_far_transition" type="float" setter="set_dof_blur_far_transition" getter="get_dof_blur_far_transition" default="5.0">
When positive, distance over which (starting from [member dof_blur_far_distance]) blur effect will scale from 0 to [member dof_blur_amount]. When negative, uses physically-based scaling so depth of field effect will scale from 0 at [member dof_blur_far_distance] and will increase in a physically accurate way as objects get further from the [Camera3D].
@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@
<member name="dof_blur_near_enabled" type="bool" setter="set_dof_blur_near_enabled" getter="is_dof_blur_near_enabled" default="false">
Enables depth of field blur for objects closer than [member dof_blur_near_distance]. Strength of blur is controlled by [member dof_blur_amount] and modulated by [member dof_blur_near_transition].
+ [b]Note:[/b] Depth of field blur is only supported in the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods, not Compatibility.
<member name="dof_blur_near_transition" type="float" setter="set_dof_blur_near_transition" getter="get_dof_blur_near_transition" default="1.0">
When positive, distance over which blur effect will scale from 0 to [member dof_blur_amount], ending at [member dof_blur_near_distance]. When negative, uses physically-based scaling so depth of field effect will scale from 0 at [member dof_blur_near_distance] and will increase in a physically accurate way as objects get closer to the [Camera3D].
diff --git a/doc/classes/CharacterBody2D.xml b/doc/classes/CharacterBody2D.xml
index 7395556d05..51cc752cae 100644
--- a/doc/classes/CharacterBody2D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/CharacterBody2D.xml
@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@
print("Collided with: ",
- for (int i = 0; i &lt; GetSlideCount(); i++)
+ for (int i = 0; i &lt; GetSlideCollisionCount(); i++)
KinematicCollision2D collision = GetSlideCollision(i);
- GD.Print("Collided with: ", (collision.Collider as Node).Name);
+ GD.Print("Collided with: ", (collision.GetCollider() as Node).Name);
diff --git a/doc/classes/Color.xml b/doc/classes/Color.xml
index cee0e3ef7d..faa658971d 100644
--- a/doc/classes/Color.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/Color.xml
@@ -203,18 +203,18 @@
<return type="Color" />
<param index="0" name="hex" type="int" />
- Returns the [Color] associated with the provided [param hex] integer in 32-bit ARGB format (8 bits per channel, alpha channel first).
+ Returns the [Color] associated with the provided [param hex] integer in 32-bit RGBA format (8 bits per channel, alpha channel first).
In GDScript and C#, the [int] is best visualized with hexadecimal notation ([code]"0x"[/code] prefix).
- var red = Color.hex(0xffff0000)
- var dark_cyan = Color.hex(0xff008b8b)
- var my_color = Color.hex(0xa4bbefd2)
+ var red = Color.hex(0xff0000ff)
+ var dark_cyan = Color.hex(0x008b8bff)
+ var my_color = Color.hex(0xbbefd2a4)
- var red = new Color(0xffff0000);
- var dark_cyan = new Color(0xff008b8b);
- var my_color = new Color(0xa4bbefd2);
+ var red = new Color(0xff0000ff);
+ var dark_cyan = new Color(0x008b8bff);
+ var my_color = new Color(0xbbefd2a4);
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
<return type="Color" />
<param index="0" name="hex" type="int" />
- Returns the [Color] associated with the provided [param hex] integer in 64-bit ARGB format (16 bits per channel, alpha channel first).
+ Returns the [Color] associated with the provided [param hex] integer in 64-bit RGBA format (16 bits per channel, alpha channel first).
In GDScript and C#, the [int] is best visualized with hexadecimal notation ([code]"0x"[/code] prefix).
diff --git a/doc/classes/Control.xml b/doc/classes/Control.xml
index 41c5b4fbe2..f45ddf2738 100644
--- a/doc/classes/Control.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/Control.xml
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@
<return type="void" />
Steal the focus from another control and become the focused control (see [member focus_mode]).
- [b]Note[/b]: Using this method together with [method Callable.call_deferred] makes it more reliable, especially when called inside [method Node._ready].
+ [b]Note:[/b] Using this method together with [method Callable.call_deferred] makes it more reliable, especially when called inside [method Node._ready].
<method name="has_focus" qualifiers="const">
diff --git a/doc/classes/Decal.xml b/doc/classes/Decal.xml
index b63f6e7252..824416e4d4 100644
--- a/doc/classes/Decal.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/Decal.xml
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
They are made of an [AABB] and a group of [Texture2D]s specifying [Color], normal, ORM (ambient occlusion, roughness, metallic), and emission. Decals are projected within their [AABB] so altering the orientation of the Decal affects the direction in which they are projected. By default, Decals are projected down (i.e. from positive Y to negative Y).
The [Texture2D]s associated with the Decal are automatically stored in a texture atlas which is used for drawing the decals so all decals can be drawn at once. Godot uses clustered decals, meaning they are stored in cluster data and drawn when the mesh is drawn, they are not drawn as a post-processing effect after.
[b]Note:[/b] Decals cannot affect an underlying material's transparency, regardless of its transparency mode (alpha blend, alpha scissor, alpha hash, opaque pre-pass). This means translucent or transparent areas of a material will remain translucent or transparent even if an opaque decal is applied on them.
+ [b]Note:[/b] Decals are only supported in the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods, not Compatibility. When using the Mobile rendering method, only 8 decals can be displayed on each mesh resource. Attempting to display more than 8 decals on a single mesh resource will result in decals flickering in and out as the camera moves.
[b]Note:[/b] When using the Mobile rendering method, decals will only correctly affect meshes whose visibility AABB intersects with the decal's AABB. If using a shader to deform the mesh in a way that makes it go outside its AABB, [member GeometryInstance3D.extra_cull_margin] must be increased on the mesh. Otherwise, the decal may not be visible on the mesh.
@@ -87,14 +88,15 @@
[b]Note:[/b] Setting [member normal_fade] to a value greater than [code]0.0[/code] has a small performance cost due to the added normal angle computations.
<member name="size" type="Vector3" setter="set_size" getter="get_size" default="Vector3(2, 2, 2)">
- Sets the size of the [AABB] used by the decal. The AABB goes from [code]-size/2[/code] to [code]size/2[/code].
+ Sets the size of the [AABB] used by the decal. All dimensions must be set to a value greater than zero (they will be clamped to [code]0.001[/code] if this is not the case). The AABB goes from [code]-size/2[/code] to [code]size/2[/code].
+ [b]Note:[/b] To improve culling efficiency of "hard surface" decals, set their [member upper_fade] and [member lower_fade] to [code]0.0[/code] and set the Y component of the [member size] as low as possible. This will reduce the decals' AABB size without affecting their appearance.
<member name="texture_albedo" type="Texture2D" setter="set_texture" getter="get_texture">
[Texture2D] with the base [Color] of the Decal. Either this or the [member texture_emission] must be set for the Decal to be visible. Use the alpha channel like a mask to smoothly blend the edges of the decal with the underlying object.
[b]Note:[/b] Unlike [BaseMaterial3D] whose filter mode can be adjusted on a per-material basis, the filter mode for [Decal] textures is set globally with [member ProjectSettings.rendering/textures/decals/filter].
<member name="texture_emission" type="Texture2D" setter="set_texture" getter="get_texture">
- [Texture2D] with the emission [Color] of the Decal. Either this or the [member texture_emission] must be set for the Decal to be visible. Use the alpha channel like a mask to smoothly blend the edges of the decal with the underlying object.
+ [Texture2D] with the emission [Color] of the Decal. Either this or the [member texture_albedo] must be set for the Decal to be visible. Use the alpha channel like a mask to smoothly blend the edges of the decal with the underlying object.
[b]Note:[/b] Unlike [BaseMaterial3D] whose filter mode can be adjusted on a per-material basis, the filter mode for [Decal] textures is set globally with [member ProjectSettings.rendering/textures/decals/filter].
<member name="texture_normal" type="Texture2D" setter="set_texture" getter="get_texture">
diff --git a/doc/classes/DirectionalLight2D.xml b/doc/classes/DirectionalLight2D.xml
index f825a9e082..eb710efda2 100644
--- a/doc/classes/DirectionalLight2D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/DirectionalLight2D.xml
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
A directional light is a type of [Light2D] node that models an infinite number of parallel rays covering the entire scene. It is used for lights with strong intensity that are located far away from the scene (for example: to model sunlight or moonlight).
+ [b]Note:[/b] [DirectionalLight2D] does not support light cull masks (but it supports shadow cull masks). It will always light up 2D nodes, regardless of the 2D node's [member CanvasItem.light_mask].
<link title="2D lights and shadows">$DOCS_URL/tutorials/2d/2d_lights_and_shadows.html</link>
diff --git a/doc/classes/DisplayServer.xml b/doc/classes/DisplayServer.xml
index 8d2bbc4d29..122db7e668 100644
--- a/doc/classes/DisplayServer.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/DisplayServer.xml
@@ -190,6 +190,7 @@
Adds a new checkable item with text [param label] to the global menu with ID [param menu_root].
Returns index of the inserted item, it's not guaranteed to be the same as [param index] value.
+ An [param accelerator] can optionally be defined, which is a keyboard shortcut that can be pressed to trigger the menu button even if it's not currently open. The [param accelerator] is generally a combination of [enum KeyModifierMask]s and [enum Key]s using boolean OR such as [code]KEY_MASK_CTRL | KEY_A[/code] ([kbd]Ctrl + A[/kbd]).
[b]Note:[/b] The [param callback] and [param key_callback] Callables need to accept exactly one Variant parameter, the parameter passed to the Callables will be the value passed to [param tag].
[b]Note:[/b] This method is implemented on macOS.
[b]Supported system menu IDs:[/b]
@@ -212,6 +213,7 @@
Adds a new checkable item with text [param label] and icon [param icon] to the global menu with ID [param menu_root].
Returns index of the inserted item, it's not guaranteed to be the same as [param index] value.
+ An [param accelerator] can optionally be defined, which is a keyboard shortcut that can be pressed to trigger the menu button even if it's not currently open. The [param accelerator] is generally a combination of [enum KeyModifierMask]s and [enum Key]s using boolean OR such as [code]KEY_MASK_CTRL | KEY_A[/code] ([kbd]Ctrl + A[/kbd]).
[b]Note:[/b] The [param callback] and [param key_callback] Callables need to accept exactly one Variant parameter, the parameter passed to the Callables will be the value passed to [param tag].
[b]Note:[/b] This method is implemented on macOS.
[b]Supported system menu IDs:[/b]
@@ -234,6 +236,7 @@
Adds a new item with text [param label] and icon [param icon] to the global menu with ID [param menu_root].
Returns index of the inserted item, it's not guaranteed to be the same as [param index] value.
+ An [param accelerator] can optionally be defined, which is a keyboard shortcut that can be pressed to trigger the menu button even if it's not currently open. The [param accelerator] is generally a combination of [enum KeyModifierMask]s and [enum Key]s using boolean OR such as [code]KEY_MASK_CTRL | KEY_A[/code] ([kbd]Ctrl + A[/kbd]).
[b]Note:[/b] The [param callback] and [param key_callback] Callables need to accept exactly one Variant parameter, the parameter passed to the Callables will be the value passed to [param tag].
[b]Note:[/b] This method is implemented on macOS.
[b]Supported system menu IDs:[/b]
@@ -256,6 +259,7 @@
Adds a new radio-checkable item with text [param label] and icon [param icon] to the global menu with ID [param menu_root].
Returns index of the inserted item, it's not guaranteed to be the same as [param index] value.
+ An [param accelerator] can optionally be defined, which is a keyboard shortcut that can be pressed to trigger the menu button even if it's not currently open. The [param accelerator] is generally a combination of [enum KeyModifierMask]s and [enum Key]s using boolean OR such as [code]KEY_MASK_CTRL | KEY_A[/code] ([kbd]Ctrl + A[/kbd]).
[b]Note:[/b] Radio-checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. See [method global_menu_set_item_checked] for more info on how to control it.
[b]Note:[/b] The [param callback] and [param key_callback] Callables need to accept exactly one Variant parameter, the parameter passed to the Callables will be the value passed to [param tag].
[b]Note:[/b] This method is implemented on macOS.
@@ -278,6 +282,7 @@
Adds a new item with text [param label] to the global menu with ID [param menu_root].
Returns index of the inserted item, it's not guaranteed to be the same as [param index] value.
+ An [param accelerator] can optionally be defined, which is a keyboard shortcut that can be pressed to trigger the menu button even if it's not currently open. The [param accelerator] is generally a combination of [enum KeyModifierMask]s and [enum Key]s using boolean OR such as [code]KEY_MASK_CTRL | KEY_A[/code] ([kbd]Ctrl + A[/kbd]).
[b]Note:[/b] The [param callback] and [param key_callback] Callables need to accept exactly one Variant parameter, the parameter passed to the Callables will be the value passed to [param tag].
[b]Note:[/b] This method is implemented on macOS.
[b]Supported system menu IDs:[/b]
@@ -302,6 +307,7 @@
Adds a new item with text [param label] to the global menu with ID [param menu_root].
Contrarily to normal binary items, multistate items can have more than two states, as defined by [param max_states]. Each press or activate of the item will increase the state by one. The default value is defined by [param default_state].
Returns index of the inserted item, it's not guaranteed to be the same as [param index] value.
+ An [param accelerator] can optionally be defined, which is a keyboard shortcut that can be pressed to trigger the menu button even if it's not currently open. The [param accelerator] is generally a combination of [enum KeyModifierMask]s and [enum Key]s using boolean OR such as [code]KEY_MASK_CTRL | KEY_A[/code] ([kbd]Ctrl + A[/kbd]).
[b]Note:[/b] By default, there's no indication of the current item state, it should be changed manually.
[b]Note:[/b] The [param callback] and [param key_callback] Callables need to accept exactly one Variant parameter, the parameter passed to the Callables will be the value passed to [param tag].
[b]Note:[/b] This method is implemented on macOS.
@@ -324,6 +330,7 @@
Adds a new radio-checkable item with text [param label] to the global menu with ID [param menu_root].
Returns index of the inserted item, it's not guaranteed to be the same as [param index] value.
+ An [param accelerator] can optionally be defined, which is a keyboard shortcut that can be pressed to trigger the menu button even if it's not currently open. The [param accelerator] is generally a combination of [enum KeyModifierMask]s and [enum Key]s using boolean OR such as [code]KEY_MASK_CTRL | KEY_A[/code] ([kbd]Ctrl + A[/kbd]).
[b]Note:[/b] Radio-checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. See [method global_menu_set_item_checked] for more info on how to control it.
[b]Note:[/b] The [param callback] and [param key_callback] Callables need to accept exactly one Variant parameter, the parameter passed to the Callables will be the value passed to [param tag].
[b]Note:[/b] This method is implemented on macOS.
@@ -558,7 +565,7 @@
<param index="1" name="idx" type="int" />
<param index="2" name="keycode" type="int" enum="Key" />
- Sets the accelerator of the item at index [param idx].
+ Sets the accelerator of the item at index [param idx]. [param keycode] can be a single [enum Key], or a combination of [enum KeyModifierMask]s and [enum Key]s using boolean OR such as [code]KEY_MASK_CTRL | KEY_A[/code] ([kbd]Ctrl + A[/kbd]).
[b]Note:[/b] This method is implemented on macOS.
@@ -1453,6 +1460,7 @@
Sets the V-Sync mode of the given window. See also [member ProjectSettings.display/window/vsync/vsync_mode].
See [enum DisplayServer.VSyncMode] for possible values and how they affect the behavior of your application.
Depending on the platform and used renderer, the engine will fall back to [constant VSYNC_ENABLED] if the desired mode is not supported.
+ [b]Note:[/b] V-Sync modes other than [constant VSYNC_ENABLED] are only supported in the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods, not Compatibility.
<method name="window_set_window_buttons_offset">
@@ -1744,17 +1752,17 @@
[b]Note:[/b] This flag is implemented on macOS.
<constant name="VSYNC_DISABLED" value="0" enum="VSyncMode">
- No vertical synchronization, which means the engine will display frames as fast as possible (tearing may be visible). Framerate is unlimited (nonwithstanding [member Engine.max_fps]).
+ No vertical synchronization, which means the engine will display frames as fast as possible (tearing may be visible). Framerate is unlimited (nonwithstanding [member Engine.max_fps]). Not supported when using the Compatibility rendering method.
<constant name="VSYNC_ENABLED" value="1" enum="VSyncMode">
Default vertical synchronization mode, the image is displayed only on vertical blanking intervals (no tearing is visible). Framerate is limited by the monitor refresh rate (nonwithstanding [member Engine.max_fps]).
<constant name="VSYNC_ADAPTIVE" value="2" enum="VSyncMode">
- Behaves like [constant VSYNC_DISABLED] when the framerate drops below the screen's refresh rate to reduce stuttering (tearing may be visible). Otherwise, vertical synchronization is enabled to avoid tearing. Framerate is limited by the monitor refresh rate (nonwithstanding [member Engine.max_fps]).
+ Behaves like [constant VSYNC_DISABLED] when the framerate drops below the screen's refresh rate to reduce stuttering (tearing may be visible). Otherwise, vertical synchronization is enabled to avoid tearing. Framerate is limited by the monitor refresh rate (nonwithstanding [member Engine.max_fps]). Not supported when using the Compatibility rendering method.
<constant name="VSYNC_MAILBOX" value="3" enum="VSyncMode">
Displays the most recent image in the queue on vertical blanking intervals, while rendering to the other images (no tearing is visible). Framerate is unlimited (nonwithstanding [member Engine.max_fps]).
- Although not guaranteed, the images can be rendered as fast as possible, which may reduce input lag (also called "Fast" V-Sync mode). [constant VSYNC_MAILBOX] works best when at least twice as many frames as the display refresh rate are rendered.
+ Although not guaranteed, the images can be rendered as fast as possible, which may reduce input lag (also called "Fast" V-Sync mode). [constant VSYNC_MAILBOX] works best when at least twice as many frames as the display refresh rate are rendered. Not supported when using the Compatibility rendering method.
<constant name="DISPLAY_HANDLE" value="0" enum="HandleType">
Display handle:
diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorInspectorPlugin.xml b/doc/classes/EditorInspectorPlugin.xml
index 7ffd7f9426..bbd383edc0 100644
--- a/doc/classes/EditorInspectorPlugin.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/EditorInspectorPlugin.xml
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
<method name="_can_handle" qualifiers="virtual const">
<return type="bool" />
- <param index="0" name="object" type="Variant" />
+ <param index="0" name="object" type="Object" />
Returns [code]true[/code] if this object can be handled by this plugin.
diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.xml b/doc/classes/EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.xml
index 3ab13ec5c0..7c012f8ef6 100644
--- a/doc/classes/EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.xml
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
<param index="1" name="subgizmo_id" type="int" />
<param index="2" name="transform" type="Transform3D" />
- Override this method to update the node properties during subgizmo editing (see [method _subgizmos_intersect_ray] and [method _subgizmos_intersect_frustum]). The [param transform] is given in the Node3D's local coordinate system. Called for this plugin's active gizmos.
+ Override this method to update the node properties during subgizmo editing (see [method _subgizmos_intersect_ray] and [method _subgizmos_intersect_frustum]). The [param transform] is given in the Node3D's local coordinate system. Called for this plugin's active gizmos.
<method name="_subgizmos_intersect_frustum" qualifiers="virtual const">
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
<param index="1" name="camera" type="Camera3D" />
<param index="2" name="frustum_planes" type="Plane[]" />
- Override this method to allow selecting subgizmos using mouse drag box selection. Given a [param camera] and [param frustum_planes], this method should return which subgizmos are contained within the frustums. The [param frustum_planes] argument consists of an [code]Array[/code] with all the [code]Plane[/code]s that make up the selection frustum. The returned value should contain a list of unique subgizmo identifiers, these identifiers can have any non-negative value and will be used in other virtual methods like [method _get_subgizmo_transform] or [method _commit_subgizmos]. Called for this plugin's active gizmos.
+ Override this method to allow selecting subgizmos using mouse drag box selection. Given a [param camera] and [param frustum_planes], this method should return which subgizmos are contained within the frustums. The [param frustum_planes] argument consists of an [code]Array[/code] with all the [code]Plane[/code]s that make up the selection frustum. The returned value should contain a list of unique subgizmo identifiers, these identifiers can have any non-negative value and will be used in other virtual methods like [method _get_subgizmo_transform] or [method _commit_subgizmos]. Called for this plugin's active gizmos.
<method name="_subgizmos_intersect_ray" qualifiers="virtual const">
diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorPlugin.xml b/doc/classes/EditorPlugin.xml
index f4b912de9e..95c0f8efe1 100644
--- a/doc/classes/EditorPlugin.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/EditorPlugin.xml
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
<method name="_edit" qualifiers="virtual">
<return type="void" />
- <param index="0" name="object" type="Variant" />
+ <param index="0" name="object" type="Object" />
This function is used for plugins that edit specific object types (nodes or resources). It requests the editor to edit the given object.
[param object] can be [code]null[/code] if the plugin was editing an object, but there is no longer any selected object handled by this plugin. It can be used to cleanup editing state.
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
<method name="_handles" qualifiers="virtual const">
<return type="bool" />
- <param index="0" name="object" type="Variant" />
+ <param index="0" name="object" type="Object" />
Implement this function if your plugin edits a specific type of object (Resource or Node). If you return [code]true[/code], then you will get the functions [method _edit] and [method _make_visible] called when the editor requests them. If you have declared the methods [method _forward_canvas_gui_input] and [method _forward_3d_gui_input] these will be called too.
diff --git a/doc/classes/Environment.xml b/doc/classes/Environment.xml
index 33b6a786ae..7ee1f2dfd4 100644
--- a/doc/classes/Environment.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/Environment.xml
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
<member name="adjustment_enabled" type="bool" setter="set_adjustment_enabled" getter="is_adjustment_enabled" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], enables the [code]adjustment_*[/code] properties provided by this resource. If [code]false[/code], modifications to the [code]adjustment_*[/code] properties will have no effect on the rendered scene.
+ [b]Note:[/b] Adjustments are only supported in the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods, not Compatibility.
<member name="adjustment_saturation" type="float" setter="set_adjustment_saturation" getter="get_adjustment_saturation" default="1.0">
The global color saturation value of the rendered scene (default value is 1). Effective only if [code]adjustment_enabled[/code] is [code]true[/code].
@@ -118,6 +119,7 @@
<member name="glow_enabled" type="bool" setter="set_glow_enabled" getter="is_glow_enabled" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], the glow effect is enabled.
+ [b]Note:[/b] Glow is only supported in the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods, not Compatibility. When using the Mobile rendering method, glow will look different due to the lower dynamic range available in the Mobile rendering method.
<member name="glow_hdr_luminance_cap" type="float" setter="set_glow_hdr_luminance_cap" getter="get_glow_hdr_luminance_cap" default="12.0">
The higher threshold of the HDR glow. Areas brighter than this threshold will be clamped for the purposes of the glow effect.
@@ -126,10 +128,10 @@
The bleed scale of the HDR glow.
<member name="glow_hdr_threshold" type="float" setter="set_glow_hdr_bleed_threshold" getter="get_glow_hdr_bleed_threshold" default="1.0">
- The lower threshold of the HDR glow. When using the OpenGL renderer (which doesn't support HDR), this needs to be below [code]1.0[/code] for glow to be visible. A value of [code]0.9[/code] works well in this case.
+ The lower threshold of the HDR glow. When using the Mobile rendering method (which only supports a lower dynamic range up to [code]2.0[/code]), this may need to be below [code]1.0[/code] for glow to be visible. A value of [code]0.9[/code] works well in this case. This value also needs to be decreased below [code]1.0[/code] when using glow in 2D, as 2D rendering is performed in SDR.
<member name="glow_intensity" type="float" setter="set_glow_intensity" getter="get_glow_intensity" default="0.8">
- The overall brightness multiplier of the glow effect. When using the OpenGL renderer, this should be increased to [code]1.5[/code] to compensate for the lack of HDR rendering.
+ The overall brightness multiplier of the glow effect. When using the Mobile rendering method (which only supports a lower dynamic range up to [code]2.0[/code]), this should be increased to [code]1.5[/code] to compensate.
<member name="glow_levels/1" type="float" setter="set_glow_level" getter="get_glow_level" default="0.0">
The intensity of the 1st level of glow. This is the most "local" level (least blurry).
@@ -166,7 +168,7 @@
If [code]true[/code], glow levels will be normalized so that summed together their intensities equal [code]1.0[/code].
<member name="glow_strength" type="float" setter="set_glow_strength" getter="get_glow_strength" default="1.0">
- The strength of the glow effect. This applies as the glow is blurred across the screen and increases the distance and intensity of the blur. When using the OpenGL renderer, this should be increased to 1.3 to compensate for the lack of HDR rendering.
+ The strength of the glow effect. This applies as the glow is blurred across the screen and increases the distance and intensity of the blur. When using the Mobile rendering method, this should be increased to compensate for the lower dynamic range.
<member name="reflected_light_source" type="int" setter="set_reflection_source" getter="get_reflection_source" enum="Environment.ReflectionSource" default="0">
The reflected (specular) light source.
@@ -184,6 +186,7 @@
<member name="sdfgi_enabled" type="bool" setter="set_sdfgi_enabled" getter="is_sdfgi_enabled" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], enables signed distance field global illumination for meshes that have their [member GeometryInstance3D.gi_mode] set to [constant GeometryInstance3D.GI_MODE_STATIC]. SDFGI is a real-time global illumination technique that works well with procedurally generated and user-built levels, including in situations where geometry is created during gameplay. The signed distance field is automatically generated around the camera as it moves. Dynamic lights are supported, but dynamic occluders and emissive surfaces are not.
+ [b]Note:[/b] SDFGI is only supported in the Forward+ rendering method, not Mobile or Compatibility.
[b]Performance:[/b] SDFGI is relatively demanding on the GPU and is not suited to low-end hardware such as integrated graphics (consider [LightmapGI] instead). To improve SDFGI performance, enable [member ProjectSettings.rendering/global_illumination/gi/use_half_resolution] in the Project Settings.
[b]Note:[/b] Meshes should have sufficiently thick walls to avoid light leaks (avoid one-sided walls). For interior levels, enclose your level geometry in a sufficiently large box and bridge the loops to close the mesh.
@@ -230,6 +233,7 @@
<member name="ssao_enabled" type="bool" setter="set_ssao_enabled" getter="is_ssao_enabled" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], the screen-space ambient occlusion effect is enabled. This darkens objects' corners and cavities to simulate ambient light not reaching the entire object as in real life. This works well for small, dynamic objects, but baked lighting or ambient occlusion textures will do a better job at displaying ambient occlusion on large static objects. Godot uses a form of SSAO called Adaptive Screen Space Ambient Occlusion which is itself a form of Horizon Based Ambient Occlusion.
+ [b]Note:[/b] SSAO is only supported in the Forward+ rendering method, not Mobile or Compatibility.
<member name="ssao_horizon" type="float" setter="set_ssao_horizon" getter="get_ssao_horizon" default="0.06">
The threshold for considering whether a given point on a surface is occluded or not represented as an angle from the horizon mapped into the [code]0.0-1.0[/code] range. A value of [code]1.0[/code] results in no occlusion.
@@ -251,6 +255,7 @@
<member name="ssil_enabled" type="bool" setter="set_ssil_enabled" getter="is_ssil_enabled" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], the screen-space indirect lighting effect is enabled. Screen space indirect lighting is a form of indirect lighting that allows diffuse light to bounce between nearby objects. Screen-space indirect lighting works very similarly to screen-space ambient occlusion, in that it only affects a limited range. It is intended to be used along with a form of proper global illumination like SDFGI or [VoxelGI]. Screen-space indirect lighting is not affected by individual light's [member Light3D.light_indirect_energy].
+ [b]Note:[/b] SSIL is only supported in the Forward+ rendering method, not Mobile or Compatibility.
<member name="ssil_intensity" type="float" setter="set_ssil_intensity" getter="get_ssil_intensity" default="1.0">
The brightness multiplier for the screen-space indirect lighting effect. A higher value will result in brighter light.
@@ -269,6 +274,7 @@
<member name="ssr_enabled" type="bool" setter="set_ssr_enabled" getter="is_ssr_enabled" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], screen-space reflections are enabled. Screen-space reflections are more accurate than reflections from [VoxelGI]s or [ReflectionProbe]s, but are slower and can't reflect surfaces occluded by others.
+ [b]Note:[/b] SSR is only supported in the Forward+ rendering method, not Mobile or Compatibility.
<member name="ssr_fade_in" type="float" setter="set_ssr_fade_in" getter="get_ssr_fade_in" default="0.15">
The fade-in distance for screen-space reflections. Affects the area from the reflected material to the screen-space reflection). Only positive values are valid (negative values will be clamped to [code]0.0[/code]).
@@ -314,7 +320,7 @@
<member name="volumetric_fog_enabled" type="bool" setter="set_volumetric_fog_enabled" getter="is_volumetric_fog_enabled" default="false">
Enables the volumetric fog effect. Volumetric fog uses a screen-aligned froxel buffer to calculate accurate volumetric scattering in the short to medium range. Volumetric fog interacts with [FogVolume]s and lights to calculate localized and global fog. Volumetric fog uses a PBR single-scattering model based on extinction, scattering, and emission which it exposes to users as density, albedo, and emission.
- [b]Note:[/b] Volumetric fog is only available in the forward plus renderer. It is not available in the mobile renderer or the compatibility renderer.
+ [b]Note:[/b] Volumetric fog is only supported in the Forward+ rendering method, not Mobile or Compatibility.
<member name="volumetric_fog_gi_inject" type="float" setter="set_volumetric_fog_gi_inject" getter="get_volumetric_fog_gi_inject" default="1.0">
Scales the strength of Global Illumination used in the volumetric fog's albedo color. A value of [code]0.0[/code] means that Global Illumination will not impact the volumetric fog. [member volumetric_fog_gi_inject] has a small performance cost when set above [code]0.0[/code].
diff --git a/doc/classes/FileAccess.xml b/doc/classes/FileAccess.xml
index eda06d57da..526f7c22e6 100644
--- a/doc/classes/FileAccess.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/FileAccess.xml
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
In the example above, the file will be saved in the user data folder as specified in the [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/io/data_paths.html]Data paths[/url] documentation.
- There is no method to close a file in order to free it from use. Instead, [FileAccess] will close when it's freed, which happens when it goes out of scope or when it gets assigned with [code]null[/code]. In C# the reference must be disposed after we are done using it, this can be done with the [code]using[/code] statement or calling the [code]Dispose[/code] method directly.
+ [FileAccess] will close when it's freed, which happens when it goes out of scope or when it gets assigned with [code]null[/code]. In C# the reference must be disposed after we are done using it, this can be done with the [code]using[/code] statement or calling the [code]Dispose[/code] method directly.
var file ="res://something") # File is opened and locked for use.
@@ -52,6 +52,13 @@
<link title="3D Voxel Demo"></link>
+ <method name="close">
+ <return type="void" />
+ <description>
+ Closes the currently opened file and prevents subsequent read/write operations. Use flush to persist the data to disk without closing the file.
+ [b]Note:[/b] [FileAccess] will automatically close when it's freed, which happens when it goes out of scope or when it gets assigned with [code]null[/code]. In C# the reference must be disposed after we are done using it, this can be done with the [code]using[/code] statement or calling the [code]Dispose[/code] method directly.
+ </description>
+ </method>
<method name="eof_reached" qualifiers="const">
<return type="bool" />
diff --git a/doc/classes/GeometryInstance3D.xml b/doc/classes/GeometryInstance3D.xml
index 127c5daf95..2bb55a1f40 100644
--- a/doc/classes/GeometryInstance3D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/GeometryInstance3D.xml
@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@
[b]Note:[/b] Lights' bake mode will also affect the global illumination rendering. See [member Light3D.light_bake_mode].
<member name="ignore_occlusion_culling" type="bool" setter="set_ignore_occlusion_culling" getter="is_ignoring_occlusion_culling" default="false">
- If [code]true[/code], disables occlusion culling for this instance. Useful for gizmos that must be rendered even when occlusion culling is in use.
+ If [code]true[/code], disables occlusion culling for this instance. Useful for gizmos that must be rendered even when occlusion culling is in use.
<member name="lod_bias" type="float" setter="set_lod_bias" getter="get_lod_bias" default="1.0">
- Changes how quickly the mesh transitions to a lower level of detail. A value of 0 will force the mesh to its lowest level of detail, a value of 1 will use the default settings, and larger values will keep the mesh in a higher level of detail at farther distances.
+ Changes how quickly the mesh transitions to a lower level of detail. A value of 0 will force the mesh to its lowest level of detail, a value of 1 will use the default settings, and larger values will keep the mesh in a higher level of detail at farther distances.
Useful for testing level of detail transitions in the editor.
<member name="material_overlay" type="Material" setter="set_material_overlay" getter="get_material_overlay">
diff --git a/doc/classes/Light2D.xml b/doc/classes/Light2D.xml
index 062d532464..9f1b1af60d 100644
--- a/doc/classes/Light2D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/Light2D.xml
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@
The Light2D's energy value. The larger the value, the stronger the light.
<member name="range_item_cull_mask" type="int" setter="set_item_cull_mask" getter="get_item_cull_mask" default="1">
- The layer mask. Only objects with a matching mask will be affected by the Light2D.
+ The layer mask. Only objects with a matching [member CanvasItem.light_mask] will be affected by the Light2D. See also [member shadow_item_cull_mask], which affects which objects can cast shadows.
+ [b]Note:[/b] [member range_item_cull_mask] is ignored by [DirectionalLight2D], which will always light a 2D node regardless of the 2D node's [member CanvasItem.light_mask].
<member name="range_layer_max" type="int" setter="set_layer_range_max" getter="get_layer_range_max" default="0">
Maximum layer value of objects that are affected by the Light2D.
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@
Smoothing value for shadows. Higher values will result in softer shadows, at the cost of visible streaks that can appear in shadow rendering. [member shadow_filter_smooth] only has an effect if [member shadow_filter] is [constant SHADOW_FILTER_PCF5] or [constant SHADOW_FILTER_PCF13].
<member name="shadow_item_cull_mask" type="int" setter="set_item_shadow_cull_mask" getter="get_item_shadow_cull_mask" default="1">
- The shadow mask. Used with [LightOccluder2D] to cast shadows. Only occluders with a matching light mask will cast shadows.
+ The shadow mask. Used with [LightOccluder2D] to cast shadows. Only occluders with a matching [member CanvasItem.light_mask] will cast shadows. See also [member range_item_cull_mask], which affects which objects can [i]receive[/i] the light.
diff --git a/doc/classes/Light3D.xml b/doc/classes/Light3D.xml
index 95c39d535e..2a0b2da46c 100644
--- a/doc/classes/Light3D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/Light3D.xml
@@ -54,8 +54,9 @@
If [code]true[/code], the light only appears in the editor and will not be visible at runtime.
<member name="light_angular_distance" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param" default="0.0">
- The light's angular size in degrees. Increasing this will make shadows softer at greater distances. Only available for [DirectionalLight3D]s. For reference, the Sun from the Earth is approximately [code]0.5[/code].
+ The light's angular size in degrees. Increasing this will make shadows softer at greater distances (also called percentage-closer soft shadows, or PCSS). Only available for [DirectionalLight3D]s. For reference, the Sun from the Earth is approximately [code]0.5[/code]. Increasing this value above [code]0.0[/code] for lights with shadows enabled will have a noticeable performance cost due to PCSS.
[b]Note:[/b] [member light_angular_distance] is not affected by [member Node3D.scale] (the light's scale or its parent's scale).
+ [b]Note:[/b] PCSS for directional lights is only supported in the Forward+ rendering method, not Mobile or Compatibility.
<member name="light_bake_mode" type="int" setter="set_bake_mode" getter="get_bake_mode" enum="Light3D.BakeMode" default="2">
The light's bake mode. This will affect the global illumination techniques that have an effect on the light's rendering. See [enum BakeMode].
@@ -89,10 +90,12 @@
<member name="light_projector" type="Texture2D" setter="set_projector" getter="get_projector">
[Texture2D] projected by light. [member shadow_enabled] must be on for the projector to work. Light projectors make the light appear as if it is shining through a colored but transparent object, almost like light shining through stained-glass.
[b]Note:[/b] Unlike [BaseMaterial3D] whose filter mode can be adjusted on a per-material basis, the filter mode for light projector textures is set globally with [member ProjectSettings.rendering/textures/light_projectors/filter].
+ [b]Note:[/b] Light projector textures are only supported in the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods, not Compatibility.
<member name="light_size" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param" default="0.0">
- The size of the light in Godot units. Only available for [OmniLight3D]s and [SpotLight3D]s. Increasing this value will make the light fade out slower and shadows appear blurrier. This can be used to simulate area lights to an extent.
+ The size of the light in Godot units. Only available for [OmniLight3D]s and [SpotLight3D]s. Increasing this value will make the light fade out slower and shadows appear blurrier (also called percentage-closer soft shadows, or PCSS). This can be used to simulate area lights to an extent. Increasing this value above [code]0.0[/code] for lights with shadows enabled will have a noticeable performance cost due to PCSS.
[b]Note:[/b] [member light_size] is not affected by [member Node3D.scale] (the light's scale or its parent's scale).
+ [b]Note:[/b] PCSS for positional lights is only supported in the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods, not Compatibility.
<member name="light_specular" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param" default="0.5">
The intensity of the specular blob in objects affected by the light. At [code]0[/code], the light becomes a pure diffuse light. When not baking emission, this can be used to avoid unrealistic reflections when placing lights above an emissive surface.
diff --git a/doc/classes/NavigationAgent2D.xml b/doc/classes/NavigationAgent2D.xml
index 92fd8bcc6a..c6d03fb6d8 100644
--- a/doc/classes/NavigationAgent2D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/NavigationAgent2D.xml
@@ -171,6 +171,8 @@
- [code]type[/code]: Always [constant NavigationPathQueryResult2D.PATH_SEGMENT_TYPE_LINK].
- [code]rid[/code]: The [RID] of the link.
- [code]owner[/code]: The object which manages the link (usually [NavigationLink2D]).
+ - [code]link_entry_position[/code]: If [code]owner[/code] is available and the owner is a [NavigationLink2D], it will contain the global position of the link's point the agent is entering.
+ - [code]link_exit_position[/code]: If [code]owner[/code] is available and the owner is a [NavigationLink2D], it will contain the global position of the link's point which the agent is exiting.
<signal name="navigation_finished">
diff --git a/doc/classes/NavigationAgent3D.xml b/doc/classes/NavigationAgent3D.xml
index 0ed11bc477..d2151773da 100644
--- a/doc/classes/NavigationAgent3D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/NavigationAgent3D.xml
@@ -144,13 +144,13 @@
<member name="path_desired_distance" type="float" setter="set_path_desired_distance" getter="get_path_desired_distance" default="1.0">
The distance threshold before a path point is considered to be reached. This will allow an agent to not have to hit a path point on the path exactly, but in the area. If this value is set to high the NavigationAgent will skip points on the path which can lead to leaving the navigation mesh. If this value is set to low the NavigationAgent will be stuck in a repath loop cause it will constantly overshoot or undershoot the distance to the next point on each physics frame update.
- <member name="path_max_distance" type="float" setter="set_path_max_distance" getter="get_path_max_distance" default="3.0">
+ <member name="path_max_distance" type="float" setter="set_path_max_distance" getter="get_path_max_distance" default="5.0">
The maximum distance the agent is allowed away from the ideal path to the final position. This can happen due to trying to avoid collisions. When the maximum distance is exceeded, it recalculates the ideal path.
<member name="path_metadata_flags" type="int" setter="set_path_metadata_flags" getter="get_path_metadata_flags" enum="NavigationPathQueryParameters3D.PathMetadataFlags" default="7">
Additional information to return with the navigation path.
- <member name="radius" type="float" setter="set_radius" getter="get_radius" default="1.0">
+ <member name="radius" type="float" setter="set_radius" getter="get_radius" default="0.5">
The radius of the avoidance agent. This is the "body" of the avoidance agent and not the avoidance maneuver starting radius (which is controlled by [member neighbor_distance]).
Does not affect normal pathfinding. To change an actor's pathfinding radius bake [NavigationMesh] resources with a different [member NavigationMesh.agent_radius] property and use different navigation maps for each actor size.
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
<member name="target_position" type="Vector3" setter="set_target_position" getter="get_target_position" default="Vector3(0, 0, 0)">
The user-defined target position. Setting this property will clear the current navigation path.
- <member name="time_horizon" type="float" setter="set_time_horizon" getter="get_time_horizon" default="5.0">
+ <member name="time_horizon" type="float" setter="set_time_horizon" getter="get_time_horizon" default="1.0">
The minimal amount of time for which this agent's velocities, that are computed with the collision avoidance algorithm, are safe with respect to other agents. The larger the number, the sooner the agent will respond to other agents, but less freedom in choosing its velocities. Must be positive.
@@ -174,6 +174,8 @@
- [code]type[/code]: Always [constant NavigationPathQueryResult3D.PATH_SEGMENT_TYPE_LINK].
- [code]rid[/code]: The [RID] of the link.
- [code]owner[/code]: The object which manages the link (usually [NavigationLink3D]).
+ - [code]link_entry_position[/code]: If [code]owner[/code] is available and the owner is a [NavigationLink2D], it will contain the global position of the link's point the agent is entering.
+ - [code]link_exit_position[/code]: If [code]owner[/code] is available and the owner is a [NavigationLink2D], it will contain the global position of the link's point which the agent is exiting.
<signal name="navigation_finished">
diff --git a/doc/classes/NavigationLink2D.xml b/doc/classes/NavigationLink2D.xml
index b3f4367675..b3768c357c 100644
--- a/doc/classes/NavigationLink2D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/NavigationLink2D.xml
@@ -4,12 +4,24 @@
Creates a link between two positions that [NavigationServer2D] can route agents through.
- Creates a link between two positions that [NavigationServer2D] can route agents through. Links can be used to express navigation methods that aren't just traveling along the surface of the navigation mesh, like zip-lines, teleporters, or jumping across gaps.
+ Creates a link between two positions that [NavigationServer2D] can route agents through. Links can be used to express navigation methods that aren't just traveling along the surface of the navigation mesh, like zip-lines, teleporters, or jumping across gaps.
<link title="Using NavigationLinks">$DOCS_URL/tutorials/navigation/navigation_using_navigationlinks.html</link>
+ <method name="get_global_end_position" qualifiers="const">
+ <return type="Vector2" />
+ <description>
+ Returns the [member end_position] that is relative to the link as a global position.
+ </description>
+ </method>
+ <method name="get_global_start_position" qualifiers="const">
+ <return type="Vector2" />
+ <description>
+ Returns the [member start_position] that is relative to the link as a global position.
+ </description>
+ </method>
<method name="get_navigation_layer_value" qualifiers="const">
<return type="bool" />
<param index="0" name="layer_number" type="int" />
@@ -17,6 +29,20 @@
Returns whether or not the specified layer of the [member navigation_layers] bitmask is enabled, given a [code]layer_number[/code] between 1 and 32.
+ <method name="set_global_end_position">
+ <return type="void" />
+ <param index="0" name="position" type="Vector2" />
+ <description>
+ Sets the [member end_position] that is relative to the link from a global [param position].
+ </description>
+ </method>
+ <method name="set_global_start_position">
+ <return type="void" />
+ <param index="0" name="position" type="Vector2" />
+ <description>
+ Sets the [member start_position] that is relative to the link from a global [param position].
+ </description>
+ </method>
<method name="set_navigation_layer_value">
<return type="void" />
<param index="0" name="layer_number" type="int" />
diff --git a/doc/classes/NavigationLink3D.xml b/doc/classes/NavigationLink3D.xml
index 4dff226042..63abecf631 100644
--- a/doc/classes/NavigationLink3D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/NavigationLink3D.xml
@@ -4,12 +4,24 @@
Creates a link between two positions that [NavigationServer3D] can route agents through.
- Creates a link between two positions that [NavigationServer3D] can route agents through. Links can be used to express navigation methods that aren't just traveling along the surface of the navigation mesh, like zip-lines, teleporters, or jumping across gaps.
+ Creates a link between two positions that [NavigationServer3D] can route agents through. Links can be used to express navigation methods that aren't just traveling along the surface of the navigation mesh, like zip-lines, teleporters, or jumping across gaps.
<link title="Using NavigationLinks">$DOCS_URL/tutorials/navigation/navigation_using_navigationlinks.html</link>
+ <method name="get_global_end_position" qualifiers="const">
+ <return type="Vector3" />
+ <description>
+ Returns the [member end_position] that is relative to the link as a global position.
+ </description>
+ </method>
+ <method name="get_global_start_position" qualifiers="const">
+ <return type="Vector3" />
+ <description>
+ Returns the [member start_position] that is relative to the link as a global position.
+ </description>
+ </method>
<method name="get_navigation_layer_value" qualifiers="const">
<return type="bool" />
<param index="0" name="layer_number" type="int" />
@@ -17,6 +29,20 @@
Returns whether or not the specified layer of the [member navigation_layers] bitmask is enabled, given a [code]layer_number[/code] between 1 and 32.
+ <method name="set_global_end_position">
+ <return type="void" />
+ <param index="0" name="position" type="Vector3" />
+ <description>
+ Sets the [member end_position] that is relative to the link from a global [param position].
+ </description>
+ </method>
+ <method name="set_global_start_position">
+ <return type="void" />
+ <param index="0" name="position" type="Vector3" />
+ <description>
+ Sets the [member start_position] that is relative to the link from a global [param position].
+ </description>
+ </method>
<method name="set_navigation_layer_value">
<return type="void" />
<param index="0" name="layer_number" type="int" />
diff --git a/doc/classes/NavigationPathQueryResult2D.xml b/doc/classes/NavigationPathQueryResult2D.xml
index 7bc588619d..2bf7961b35 100644
--- a/doc/classes/NavigationPathQueryResult2D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/NavigationPathQueryResult2D.xml
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<method name="reset">
<return type="void" />
- Reset the result object to its initial state. This is useful to reuse the object across multiple queries.
+ Reset the result object to its initial state. This is useful to reuse the object across multiple queries.
diff --git a/doc/classes/NavigationPathQueryResult3D.xml b/doc/classes/NavigationPathQueryResult3D.xml
index 118a597b6c..a49eb14b67 100644
--- a/doc/classes/NavigationPathQueryResult3D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/NavigationPathQueryResult3D.xml
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<method name="reset">
<return type="void" />
- Reset the result object to its initial state. This is useful to reuse the object across multiple queries.
+ Reset the result object to its initial state. This is useful to reuse the object across multiple queries.
diff --git a/doc/classes/NavigationServer2D.xml b/doc/classes/NavigationServer2D.xml
index e7a2b99172..103de8eddb 100644
--- a/doc/classes/NavigationServer2D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/NavigationServer2D.xml
@@ -126,6 +126,12 @@
Destroys the given RID.
+ <method name="get_debug_enabled" qualifiers="const">
+ <return type="bool" />
+ <description>
+ Returns [code]true[/code] when the NavigationServer has debug enabled.
+ </description>
+ </method>
<method name="get_maps" qualifiers="const">
<return type="RID[]" />
@@ -520,6 +526,13 @@
Sets the [param travel_cost] for this [param region].
+ <method name="set_debug_enabled">
+ <return type="void" />
+ <param index="0" name="enabled" type="bool" />
+ <description>
+ If [code]true[/code] enables debug mode on the NavigationServer.
+ </description>
+ </method>
<signal name="map_changed">
diff --git a/doc/classes/NavigationServer3D.xml b/doc/classes/NavigationServer3D.xml
index 16b850866a..0d8cb78ff9 100644
--- a/doc/classes/NavigationServer3D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/NavigationServer3D.xml
@@ -126,6 +126,12 @@
Destroys the given RID.
+ <method name="get_debug_enabled" qualifiers="const">
+ <return type="bool" />
+ <description>
+ Returns [code]true[/code] when the NavigationServer has debug enabled.
+ </description>
+ </method>
<method name="get_maps" qualifiers="const">
<return type="RID[]" />
@@ -422,15 +428,6 @@
Sets the map up direction.
- <method name="process">
- <return type="void" />
- <param index="0" name="delta_time" type="float" />
- <description>
- Process the collision avoidance agents.
- The result of this process is needed by the physics server, so this must be called in the main thread.
- [b]Note:[/b] This function is not thread safe.
- </description>
- </method>
<method name="query_path" qualifiers="const">
<return type="void" />
<param index="0" name="parameters" type="NavigationPathQueryParameters3D" />
@@ -584,6 +581,13 @@
Control activation of this server.
+ <method name="set_debug_enabled">
+ <return type="void" />
+ <param index="0" name="enabled" type="bool" />
+ <description>
+ If [code]true[/code] enables debug mode on the NavigationServer.
+ </description>
+ </method>
<signal name="map_changed">
diff --git a/doc/classes/NinePatchRect.xml b/doc/classes/NinePatchRect.xml
index 1592718c4b..4b406385e1 100644
--- a/doc/classes/NinePatchRect.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/NinePatchRect.xml
@@ -68,11 +68,9 @@
<constant name="AXIS_STRETCH_MODE_TILE" value="1" enum="AxisStretchMode">
Repeats the center texture across the NinePatchRect. This won't cause any visible distortion. The texture must be seamless for this to work without displaying artifacts between edges.
- [b]Note:[/b] Only supported when using the Vulkan renderer. When using the OpenGL renderer, this will behave like [constant AXIS_STRETCH_MODE_STRETCH].
<constant name="AXIS_STRETCH_MODE_TILE_FIT" value="2" enum="AxisStretchMode">
Repeats the center texture across the NinePatchRect, but will also stretch the texture to make sure each tile is visible in full. This may cause the texture to be distorted, but less than [constant AXIS_STRETCH_MODE_STRETCH]. The texture must be seamless for this to work without displaying artifacts between edges.
- [b]Note:[/b] Only supported when using the Vulkan renderer. When using the OpenGL renderer, this will behave like [constant AXIS_STRETCH_MODE_STRETCH].
diff --git a/doc/classes/Node3D.xml b/doc/classes/Node3D.xml
index 1aa71113e9..c199c1aae6 100644
--- a/doc/classes/Node3D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/Node3D.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Most basic 3D game object, parent of all 3D-related nodes.
- Most basic 3D game object, with a 3D [Transform3D] and visibility settings. All other 3D game objects inherit from Node3D. Use [Node3D] as a parent node to move, scale, rotate and show/hide children in a 3D project.
+ Most basic 3D game object, with a [Transform3D] and visibility settings. All other 3D game objects inherit from Node3D. Use [Node3D] as a parent node to move, scale, rotate and show/hide children in a 3D project.
Affine operations (rotate, scale, translate) happen in parent's local coordinate system, unless the [Node3D] object is set as top-level. Affine operations in this coordinate system correspond to direct affine operations on the [Node3D]'s transform. The word local below refers to this coordinate system. The coordinate system that is attached to the [Node3D] object itself is referred to as object-local coordinate system.
[b]Note:[/b] Unless otherwise specified, all methods that have angle parameters must have angles specified as [i]radians[/i]. To convert degrees to radians, use [method @GlobalScope.deg_to_rad].
diff --git a/doc/classes/OmniLight3D.xml b/doc/classes/OmniLight3D.xml
index c0e10574c8..7c5b9aff46 100644
--- a/doc/classes/OmniLight3D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/OmniLight3D.xml
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
An Omnidirectional light is a type of [Light3D] that emits light in all directions. The light is attenuated by distance and this attenuation can be configured by changing its energy, radius, and attenuation parameters.
+ [b]Note:[/b] When using the Mobile rendering method, only 8 omni lights can be displayed on each mesh resource. Attempting to display more than 8 omni lights on a single mesh resource will result in omni lights flickering in and out as the camera moves. When using the Compatibility rendering method, only 8 omni lights can be displayed on each mesh resource by default, but this can be increased by adjusting [member ProjectSettings.rendering/limits/opengl/max_lights_per_object].
[b]Note:[/b] When using the Mobile or Compatibility rendering methods, omni lights will only correctly affect meshes whose visibility AABB intersects with the light's AABB. If using a shader to deform the mesh in a way that makes it go outside its AABB, [member GeometryInstance3D.extra_cull_margin] must be increased on the mesh. Otherwise, the light may not be visible on the mesh.
@@ -12,7 +13,8 @@
<member name="omni_attenuation" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param" default="1.0">
- The light's attenuation (drop-off) curve. A number of presets are available in the [b]Inspector[/b] by right-clicking the curve.
+ The light's attenuation (drop-off) curve. A number of presets are available in the [b]Inspector[/b] by right-clicking the curve. Zero and negative values are allowed but can produce unusual effects.
+ [b]Note:[/b] Very high [member omni_attenuation] values (typically above 10) can impact performance negatively if the light is made to use a larger [member omni_range] to compensate. This is because culling opportunities will become less common and shading costs will be increased (as the light will cover more pixels on screen while resulting in the same amount of brightness). To improve performance, use the lowest [member omni_attenuation] value possible for the visuals you're trying to achieve.
<member name="omni_range" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param" default="5.0">
The light's radius. Note that the effectively lit area may appear to be smaller depending on the [member omni_attenuation] in use. No matter the [member omni_attenuation] in use, the light will never reach anything outside this radius.
diff --git a/doc/classes/PopupMenu.xml b/doc/classes/PopupMenu.xml
index 8dec4eaf86..97cc05d1a1 100644
--- a/doc/classes/PopupMenu.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/PopupMenu.xml
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
<param index="2" name="accel" type="int" enum="Key" default="0" />
Adds a new checkable item with text [param label].
- An [param id] can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator ([param accel]). If no [param id] is provided, one will be created from the index. If no [param accel] is provided then the default [code]0[/code] will be assigned to it. See [method get_item_accelerator] for more info on accelerators.
+ An [param id] can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator ([param accel]). If no [param id] is provided, one will be created from the index. If no [param accel] is provided, then the default value of 0 (corresponding to [constant @GlobalScope.KEY_NONE]) will be assigned to the item (which means it won't have any accelerator). See [method get_item_accelerator] for more info on accelerators.
[b]Note:[/b] Checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. See [method set_item_checked] for more info on how to control it.
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
<param index="3" name="accel" type="int" enum="Key" default="0" />
Adds a new checkable item with text [param label] and icon [param texture].
- An [param id] can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator ([param accel]). If no [param id] is provided, one will be created from the index. If no [param accel] is provided then the default [code]0[/code] will be assigned to it. See [method get_item_accelerator] for more info on accelerators.
+ An [param id] can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator ([param accel]). If no [param id] is provided, one will be created from the index. If no [param accel] is provided, then the default value of 0 (corresponding to [constant @GlobalScope.KEY_NONE]) will be assigned to the item (which means it won't have any accelerator). See [method get_item_accelerator] for more info on accelerators.
[b]Note:[/b] Checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. See [method set_item_checked] for more info on how to control it.
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
<param index="3" name="accel" type="int" enum="Key" default="0" />
Adds a new item with text [param label] and icon [param texture].
- An [param id] can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator ([param accel]). If no [param id] is provided, one will be created from the index. If no [param accel] is provided then the default [code]0[/code] will be assigned to it. See [method get_item_accelerator] for more info on accelerators.
+ An [param id] can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator ([param accel]). If no [param id] is provided, one will be created from the index. If no [param accel] is provided, then the default value of 0 (corresponding to [constant @GlobalScope.KEY_NONE]) will be assigned to the item (which means it won't have any accelerator). See [method get_item_accelerator] for more info on accelerators.
<method name="add_icon_radio_check_item">
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
<param index="2" name="accel" type="int" enum="Key" default="0" />
Adds a new item with text [param label].
- An [param id] can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator ([param accel]). If no [param id] is provided, one will be created from the index. If no [param accel] is provided then the default [code]0[/code] will be assigned to it. See [method get_item_accelerator] for more info on accelerators.
+ An [param id] can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator ([param accel]). If no [param id] is provided, one will be created from the index. If no [param accel] is provided, then the default value of 0 (corresponding to [constant @GlobalScope.KEY_NONE]) will be assigned to the item (which means it won't have any accelerator). See [method get_item_accelerator] for more info on accelerators.
[b]Note:[/b] The provided [param id] is used only in [signal id_pressed] and [signal id_focused] signals. It's not related to the [code]index[/code] arguments in e.g. [method set_item_checked].
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
Adds a new multistate item with text [param label].
Contrarily to normal binary items, multistate items can have more than two states, as defined by [param max_states]. Each press or activate of the item will increase the state by one. The default value is defined by [param default_state].
- An [param id] can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator ([param accel]). If no [param id] is provided, one will be created from the index. If no [param accel] is provided then the default [code]0[/code] will be assigned to it. See [method get_item_accelerator] for more info on accelerators.
+ An [param id] can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator ([param accel]). If no [param id] is provided, one will be created from the index. If no [param accel] is provided, then the default value of 0 (corresponding to [constant @GlobalScope.KEY_NONE]) will be assigned to the item (which means it won't have any accelerator). See [method get_item_accelerator] for more info on accelerators.
<method name="add_radio_check_item">
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
<param index="2" name="accel" type="int" enum="Key" default="0" />
Adds a new radio check button with text [param label].
- An [param id] can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator ([param accel]). If no [param id] is provided, one will be created from the index. If no [param accel] is provided then the default [code]0[/code] will be assigned to it. See [method get_item_accelerator] for more info on accelerators.
+ An [param id] can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator ([param accel]). If no [param id] is provided, one will be created from the index. If no [param accel] is provided, then the default value of 0 (corresponding to [constant @GlobalScope.KEY_NONE]) will be assigned to the item (which means it won't have any accelerator). See [method get_item_accelerator] for more info on accelerators.
[b]Note:[/b] Checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. See [method set_item_checked] for more info on how to control it.
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
<return type="int" enum="Key" />
<param index="0" name="index" type="int" />
- Returns the accelerator of the item at the given [param index]. Accelerators are special combinations of keys that activate the item, no matter which control is focused.
+ Returns the accelerator of the item at the given [param index]. An accelerator is a keyboard shortcut that can be pressed to trigger the menu button even if it's not currently open. The return value is an integer which is generally a combination of [enum KeyModifierMask]s and [enum Key]s using boolean OR such as [code]KEY_MASK_CTRL | KEY_A[/code] ([kbd]Ctrl + A[/kbd]). If no accelerator is defined for the specified [param index], [method get_item_accelerator] returns [code]0[/code] (corresponding to [constant @GlobalScope.KEY_NONE]).
<method name="get_item_icon" qualifiers="const">
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
<param index="0" name="index" type="int" />
<param index="1" name="accel" type="int" enum="Key" />
- Sets the accelerator of the item at the given [param index]. Accelerators are special combinations of keys that activate the item, no matter which control is focused.
+ Sets the accelerator of the item at the given [param index]. An accelerator is a keyboard shortcut that can be pressed to trigger the menu button even if it's not currently open. [param accel] is generally a combination of [enum KeyModifierMask]s and [enum Key]s using boolean OR such as [code]KEY_MASK_CTRL | KEY_A[/code] ([kbd]Ctrl + A[/kbd]).
<method name="set_item_as_checkable">
diff --git a/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml b/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml
index 0b589b4e57..3177780a26 100644
--- a/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@
Main window initial position.
[code]0[/code] - "Absolute", [member display/window/size/initial_position] is used to set window position.
[code]1[/code] - "Primary Screen Center".
- [code]2[/code] - "Other Screen Center", [member display/window/size/initial_screen] is used to set window position.
+ [code]2[/code] - "Other Screen Center", [member display/window/size/initial_screen] is used to set the screen.
<member name="display/window/size/initial_screen" type="int" setter="" getter="" default="0">
Main window initial screen, this settings is used only if [member display/window/size/initial_position_type] is set to "Other Screen Center" ([code]2[/code]).
@@ -704,7 +704,8 @@
<member name="display/window/vsync/vsync_mode" type="int" setter="" getter="" default="1">
Sets the V-Sync mode for the main game window.
See [enum DisplayServer.VSyncMode] for possible values and how they affect the behavior of your application.
- Depending on the platform and used renderer, the engine will fall back to [code]Enabled[/code] if the desired mode is not supported.
+ Depending on the platform and used renderer, the engine will fall back to [b]Enabled[/b] if the desired mode is not supported.
+ [b]Note:[/b] V-Sync modes other than [b]Enabled[/b] are only supported in the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods, not Compatibility.
[b]Note:[/b] This property is only read when the project starts. To change the V-Sync mode at runtime, call [method DisplayServer.window_set_vsync_mode] instead.
<member name="dotnet/project/assembly_name" type="String" setter="" getter="" default="&quot;&quot;">
@@ -1146,9 +1147,6 @@
<member name="input_devices/pointing/emulate_touch_from_mouse" type="bool" setter="" getter="" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], sends touch input events when clicking or dragging the mouse.
- <member name="input_devices/pointing/ios/touch_delay" type="float" setter="" getter="" default="0.15">
- Default delay for touch events. This only affects iOS devices.
- </member>
<member name="internationalization/locale/fallback" type="String" setter="" getter="" default="&quot;en&quot;">
The locale to fall back to if a translation isn't available in a given language. If left empty, [code]en[/code] (English) will be used.
@@ -1931,13 +1929,16 @@
<member name="rendering/anti_aliasing/quality/msaa_2d" type="int" setter="" getter="" default="0">
Sets the number of MSAA samples to use for 2D/Canvas rendering (as a power of two). MSAA is used to reduce aliasing around the edges of polygons. A higher MSAA value results in smoother edges but can be significantly slower on some hardware. This has no effect on shader-induced aliasing or texture aliasing.
+ [b]Note:[/b] MSAA is only supported in the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods, not Compatibility.
<member name="rendering/anti_aliasing/quality/msaa_3d" type="int" setter="" getter="" default="0">
Sets the number of MSAA samples to use for 3D rendering (as a power of two). MSAA is used to reduce aliasing around the edges of polygons. A higher MSAA value results in smoother edges but can be significantly slower on some hardware. See also bilinear scaling 3d [member rendering/scaling_3d/mode] for supersampling, which provides higher quality but is much more expensive. This has no effect on shader-induced aliasing or texture aliasing.
+ [b]Note:[/b] MSAA is only supported in the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods, not Compatibility.
<member name="rendering/anti_aliasing/quality/screen_space_aa" type="int" setter="" getter="" default="0">
Sets the screen-space antialiasing mode for the default screen [Viewport]. Screen-space antialiasing works by selectively blurring edges in a post-process shader. It differs from MSAA which takes multiple coverage samples while rendering objects. Screen-space AA methods are typically faster than MSAA and will smooth out specular aliasing, but tend to make scenes appear blurry. The blurriness is partially counteracted by automatically using a negative mipmap LOD bias (see [member rendering/textures/default_filters/texture_mipmap_bias]).
Another way to combat specular aliasing is to enable [member rendering/anti_aliasing/screen_space_roughness_limiter/enabled].
+ [b]Note:[/b] Screen-space antialiasing is only supported in the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods, not Compatibility.
<member name="rendering/anti_aliasing/quality/use_debanding" type="bool" setter="" getter="" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], uses a fast post-processing filter to make banding significantly less visible in 3D. 2D rendering is [i]not[/i] affected by debanding unless the [member Environment.background_mode] is [constant Environment.BG_CANVAS].
@@ -1946,11 +1947,14 @@
<member name="rendering/anti_aliasing/quality/use_taa" type="bool" setter="" getter="" default="false">
Enables Temporal Anti-Aliasing for the default screen [Viewport]. TAA works by jittering the camera and accumulating the images of the last rendered frames, motion vector rendering is used to account for camera and object motion. Enabling TAA can make the image blurrier, which is partially counteracted by automatically using a negative mipmap LOD bias (see [member rendering/textures/default_filters/texture_mipmap_bias]).
- [b]Note:[/b] The implementation is not complete yet, some visual instances such as particles and skinned meshes may show artifacts.
+ [b]Note:[/b] The implementation is not complete yet. Some visual instances such as particles and skinned meshes may show ghosting artifacts in motion.
+ [b]Note:[/b] TAA is only supported in the Forward+ rendering method, not Mobile or Compatibility.
<member name="rendering/anti_aliasing/screen_space_roughness_limiter/amount" type="float" setter="" getter="" default="0.25">
<member name="rendering/anti_aliasing/screen_space_roughness_limiter/enabled" type="bool" setter="" getter="" default="true">
+ If [code]true[/code], enables a spatial filter to limit roughness in areas with high-frequency detail. This can help reduce specular aliasing to an extent, though not as much as enabling [member rendering/anti_aliasing/quality/use_taa]. This filter has a small performance cost, so consider disabling it if it doesn't benefit your scene noticeably.
+ [b]Note:[/b] TAA is only supported in the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods, not Compatibility.
<member name="rendering/anti_aliasing/screen_space_roughness_limiter/limit" type="float" setter="" getter="" default="0.18">
@@ -1968,7 +1972,7 @@
<member name="rendering/driver/depth_prepass/enable" type="bool" setter="" getter="" default="true">
If [code]true[/code], performs a previous depth pass before rendering 3D materials. This increases performance significantly in scenes with high overdraw, when complex materials and lighting are used. However, in scenes with few occluded surfaces, the depth prepass may reduce performance. If your game is viewed from a fixed angle that makes it easy to avoid overdraw (such as top-down or side-scrolling perspective), consider disabling the depth prepass to improve performance. This setting can be changed at run-time to optimize performance depending on the scene currently being viewed.
- [b]Note:[/b] Only supported when using the Vulkan Clustered backend or the OpenGL backend. When using Vulkan Mobile there is no depth prepass performed.
+ [b]Note:[/b] Depth prepass is only supported when using the Forward+ or Compatibility rendering method. When using the Mobile rendering method, there is no depth prepass performed.
<member name="rendering/driver/threads/thread_model" type="int" setter="" getter="" default="1">
Thread model for rendering. Rendering on a thread can vastly improve performance, but synchronizing to the main thread can cause a bit more jitter.
@@ -2174,12 +2178,15 @@
<member name="rendering/limits/opengl/max_lights_per_object" type="int" setter="" getter="" default="8">
Max number of omnilights and spotlights renderable per object. At the default value of 8, this means that each surface can be affected by up to 8 omnilights and 8 spotlights. This is further limited by hardware support and [member rendering/limits/opengl/max_renderable_lights]. Setting this low will slightly reduce memory usage, may decrease shader compile times, and may result in faster rendering on low-end, mobile, or web devices.
+ [b]Note:[/b] This setting is only effective when using the Compatibility rendering method, not Forward+ and Mobile.
<member name="rendering/limits/opengl/max_renderable_elements" type="int" setter="" getter="" default="65536">
Max number of elements renderable in a frame. If more elements than this are visible per frame, they will not be drawn. Keep in mind elements refer to mesh surfaces and not meshes themselves. Setting this low will slightly reduce memory usage and may decrease shader compile times, particularly on web. For most uses, the default value is suitable, but consider lowering as much as possible on web export.
+ [b]Note:[/b] This setting is only effective when using the Compatibility rendering method, not Forward+ and Mobile.
<member name="rendering/limits/opengl/max_renderable_lights" type="int" setter="" getter="" default="32">
Max number of positional lights renderable in a frame. If more lights than this number are used, they will be ignored. Setting this low will slightly reduce memory usage and may decrease shader compile times, particularly on web. For most uses, the default value is suitable, but consider lowering as much as possible on web export.
+ [b]Note:[/b] This setting is only effective when using the Compatibility rendering method, not Forward+ and Mobile.
<member name="rendering/limits/spatial_indexer/threaded_cull_minimum_instances" type="int" setter="" getter="" default="1000">
@@ -2271,7 +2278,8 @@
Determines how sharp the upscaled image will be when using the FSR upscaling mode. Sharpness halves with every whole number. Values go from 0.0 (sharpest) to 2.0. Values above 2.0 won't make a visible difference.
<member name="rendering/scaling_3d/mode" type="int" setter="" getter="" default="0">
- Sets the scaling 3D mode. Bilinear scaling renders at different resolution to either undersample or supersample the viewport. FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0, abbreviated to FSR, is an upscaling technology that produces high quality images at fast framerates by using a spatially aware upscaling algorithm. FSR is slightly more expensive than bilinear, but it produces significantly higher image quality. FSR should be used where possible.
+ Sets the scaling 3D mode. Bilinear scaling renders at different resolution to either undersample or supersample the viewport. FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0, abbreviated to FSR, is an upscaling technology that produces high quality images at fast framerates by using a spatially-aware upscaling algorithm. FSR is slightly more expensive than bilinear, but it produces significantly higher image quality. On particularly low-end GPUs, the added cost of FSR may not be worth it (compared to using bilinear scaling with a slightly higher resolution scale to match performance).
+ [b]Note:[/b] FSR is only effective when using the Forward+ rendering method, not Mobile or Compatibility. If using an incompatible rendering method, FSR will fall back to bilinear scaling.
<member name="rendering/scaling_3d/scale" type="float" setter="" getter="" default="1.0">
Scales the 3D render buffer based on the viewport size uses an image filter specified in [member rendering/scaling_3d/mode] to scale the output image to the full viewport size. Values lower than [code]1.0[/code] can be used to speed up 3D rendering at the cost of quality (undersampling). Values greater than [code]1.0[/code] are only valid for bilinear mode and can be used to improve 3D rendering quality at a high performance cost (supersampling). See also [member rendering/anti_aliasing/quality/msaa_3d] for multi-sample antialiasing, which is significantly cheaper but only smooths the edges of polygons.
@@ -2295,9 +2303,11 @@
<member name="rendering/shading/overrides/force_vertex_shading" type="bool" setter="" getter="" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], forces vertex shading for all rendering. This can increase performance a lot, but also reduces quality immensely. Can be used to optimize performance on low-end mobile devices.
+ [b]Note:[/b] This setting currently has no effect, as vertex shading is not implemented yet.
<member name="rendering/shading/overrides/" type="bool" setter="" getter="" default="true">
Lower-end override for [member rendering/shading/overrides/force_vertex_shading] on mobile devices, due to performance concerns or driver support.
+ [b]Note:[/b] This setting currently has no effect, as vertex shading is not implemented yet.
<member name="rendering/textures/decals/filter" type="int" setter="" getter="" default="3">
The filtering quality to use for [Decal] nodes. When using one of the anisotropic filtering modes, the anisotropic filtering level is controlled by [member rendering/textures/default_filters/anisotropic_filtering_level].
@@ -2324,11 +2334,11 @@
<member name="rendering/textures/lossless_compression/force_png" type="bool" setter="" getter="" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], the texture importer will import lossless textures using the PNG format. Otherwise, it will default to using WebP.
- <member name="rendering/textures/vram_compression/import_etc2_astc" type="bool" setter="" getter="" default="false">
+ <member name="rendering/textures/vram_compression/import_etc2_astc" type="bool" setter="" getter="">
If [code]true[/code], the texture importer will import VRAM-compressed textures using the Ericsson Texture Compression 2 algorithm for lower quality textures and normalmaps and Adaptable Scalable Texture Compression algorithm for high quality textures (in 4x4 block size).
[b]Note:[/b] Changing this setting does [i]not[/i] impact textures that were already imported before. To make this setting apply to textures that were already imported, exit the editor, remove the [code].godot/imported/[/code] folder located inside the project folder then restart the editor (see [member application/config/use_hidden_project_data_directory]).
- <member name="rendering/textures/vram_compression/import_s3tc_bptc" type="bool" setter="" getter="" default="true">
+ <member name="rendering/textures/vram_compression/import_s3tc_bptc" type="bool" setter="" getter="">
If [code]true[/code], the texture importer will import VRAM-compressed textures using the S3 Texture Compression algorithm (DXT1-5) for lower quality textures and the the BPTC algorithm (BC6H and BC7) for high quality textures. This algorithm is only supported on PC desktop platforms and consoles.
[b]Note:[/b] Changing this setting does [i]not[/i] impact textures that were already imported before. To make this setting apply to textures that were already imported, exit the editor, remove the [code].godot/imported/[/code] folder located inside the project folder then restart the editor (see [member application/config/use_hidden_project_data_directory]).
diff --git a/doc/classes/ReflectionProbe.xml b/doc/classes/ReflectionProbe.xml
index e912925cd2..cc48e0612b 100644
--- a/doc/classes/ReflectionProbe.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/ReflectionProbe.xml
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
Captures its surroundings as a cubemap, and stores versions of it with increasing levels of blur to simulate different material roughnesses.
The [ReflectionProbe] is used to create high-quality reflections at a low performance cost (when [member update_mode] is [constant UPDATE_ONCE]). [ReflectionProbe]s can be blended together and with the rest of the scene smoothly. [ReflectionProbe]s can also be combined with [VoxelGI], SDFGI ([member Environment.sdfgi_enabled]) and screen-space reflections ([member Environment.ssr_enabled]) to get more accurate reflections in specific areas. [ReflectionProbe]s render all objects within their [member cull_mask], so updating them can be quite expensive. It is best to update them once with the important static objects and then leave them as-is.
[b]Note:[/b] Unlike [VoxelGI] and SDFGI, [ReflectionProbe]s only source their environment from a [WorldEnvironment] node. If you specify an [Environment] resource within a [Camera3D] node, it will be ignored by the [ReflectionProbe]. This can lead to incorrect lighting within the [ReflectionProbe].
+ [b]Note:[/b] Reflection probes are only supported in the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods, not Compatibility. When using the Mobile rendering method, only 8 reflection probes can be displayed on each mesh resource. Attempting to display more than 8 reflection probes on a single mesh resource will result in reflection probes flickering in and out as the camera moves.
[b]Note:[/b] When using the Mobile rendering method, reflection probes will only correctly affect meshes whose visibility AABB intersects with the reflection probe's AABB. If using a shader to deform the mesh in a way that makes it go outside its AABB, [member GeometryInstance3D.extra_cull_margin] must be increased on the mesh. Otherwise, the reflection probe may not be visible on the mesh.
diff --git a/doc/classes/RenderingDevice.xml b/doc/classes/RenderingDevice.xml
index a09940d30e..64be8e6807 100644
--- a/doc/classes/RenderingDevice.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/RenderingDevice.xml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
On startup, Godot creates a global [RenderingDevice] which can be retrieved using [method RenderingServer.get_rendering_device]. This global RenderingDevice performs drawing to the screen.
Internally, [RenderingDevice] is used in Godot to provide support for several modern low-level graphics APIs while reducing the amount of code duplication required.
[b]Local RenderingDevices:[/b] Using [method RenderingServer.create_local_rendering_device], you can create "secondary" rendering devices to perform drawing and GPU compute operations on separate threads.
- [b]Note:[/b] [RenderingDevice] is not available when running in headless mode or when using the OpenGL renderer.
+ [b]Note:[/b] [RenderingDevice] is not available when running in headless mode or when using the Compatibility rendering method.
diff --git a/doc/classes/RichTextLabel.xml b/doc/classes/RichTextLabel.xml
index 49bb65b64d..5985af53fc 100644
--- a/doc/classes/RichTextLabel.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/RichTextLabel.xml
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@
<return type="void" />
<param index="0" name="data" type="Variant" />
- Adds a [code][meta][/code] tag to the tag stack. Similar to the BBCode [code][url=something]{text}[/url][/code], but supports non-[String] metadata types.
+ Adds a meta tag to the tag stack. Similar to the BBCode [code][url=something]{text}[/url][/code], but supports non-[String] metadata types.
<method name="push_mono">
@@ -625,60 +625,6 @@
<constant name="LIST_DOTS" value="3" enum="ListType">
Each list item has a filled circle marker.
- <constant name="ITEM_FRAME" value="0" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_TEXT" value="1" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_IMAGE" value="2" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_NEWLINE" value="3" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_FONT" value="4" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_FONT_SIZE" value="5" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_FONT_FEATURES" value="6" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_COLOR" value="7" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_OUTLINE_SIZE" value="8" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_OUTLINE_COLOR" value="9" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_UNDERLINE" value="10" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_STRIKETHROUGH" value="11" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_PARAGRAPH" value="12" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_INDENT" value="13" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_LIST" value="14" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_TABLE" value="15" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_FADE" value="16" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_SHAKE" value="17" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_WAVE" value="18" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_TORNADO" value="19" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_RAINBOW" value="20" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_BGCOLOR" value="21" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_FGCOLOR" value="22" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_META" value="23" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_HINT" value="24" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_DROPCAP" value="25" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
- <constant name="ITEM_CUSTOMFX" value="26" enum="ItemType">
- </constant>
<constant name="MENU_COPY" value="0" enum="MenuItems">
Copies the selected text.
diff --git a/doc/classes/ScriptExtension.xml b/doc/classes/ScriptExtension.xml
index 045eadda41..61034f8e4a 100644
--- a/doc/classes/ScriptExtension.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/ScriptExtension.xml
@@ -32,6 +32,11 @@
+ <method name="_get_global_name" qualifiers="virtual const">
+ <return type="StringName" />
+ <description>
+ </description>
+ </method>
<method name="_get_instance_base_type" qualifiers="virtual const">
<return type="StringName" />
diff --git a/doc/classes/SpotLight3D.xml b/doc/classes/SpotLight3D.xml
index 9dff742748..3b32923872 100644
--- a/doc/classes/SpotLight3D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/SpotLight3D.xml
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
A Spotlight is a type of [Light3D] node that emits lights in a specific direction, in the shape of a cone. The light is attenuated through the distance. This attenuation can be configured by changing the energy, radius and attenuation parameters of [Light3D].
+ [b]Note:[/b] When using the Mobile rendering method, only 8 spot lights can be displayed on each mesh resource. Attempting to display more than 8 spot lights on a single mesh resource will result in spot lights flickering in and out as the camera moves. When using the Compatibility rendering method, only 8 spot lights can be displayed on each mesh resource by default, but this can be increased by adjusting [member ProjectSettings.rendering/limits/opengl/max_lights_per_object].
[b]Note:[/b] When using the Mobile or Compatibility rendering methods, spot lights will only correctly affect meshes whose visibility AABB intersects with the light's AABB. If using a shader to deform the mesh in a way that makes it go outside its AABB, [member GeometryInstance3D.extra_cull_margin] must be increased on the mesh. Otherwise, the light may not be visible on the mesh.
@@ -19,10 +20,11 @@
[b]Note:[/b] [member spot_angle] is not affected by [member Node3D.scale] (the light's scale or its parent's scale).
<member name="spot_angle_attenuation" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param" default="1.0">
- The spotlight's angular attenuation curve.
+ The spotlight's [i]angular[/i] attenuation curve. See also [member spot_attenuation].
<member name="spot_attenuation" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param" default="1.0">
- The spotlight's light energy attenuation curve.
+ The spotlight's light energy (drop-off) attenuation curve. A number of presets are available in the [b]Inspector[/b] by right-clicking the curve. Zero and negative values are allowed but can produce unusual effects. See also [member spot_angle_attenuation].
+ [b]Note:[/b] Very high [member spot_attenuation] values (typically above 10) can impact performance negatively if the light is made to use a larger [member spot_range] to compensate. This is because culling opportunities will become less common and shading costs will be increased (as the light will cover more pixels on screen while resulting in the same amount of brightness). To improve performance, use the lowest [member spot_attenuation] value possible for the visuals you're trying to achieve.
<member name="spot_range" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param" default="5.0">
The maximal range that can be reached by the spotlight. Note that the effectively lit area may appear to be smaller depending on the [member spot_attenuation] in use. No matter the [member spot_attenuation] in use, the light will never reach anything outside this range.
diff --git a/doc/classes/String.xml b/doc/classes/String.xml
index 792cd38741..53b34332d7 100644
--- a/doc/classes/String.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/String.xml
@@ -193,8 +193,8 @@
GD.Print("Team".Find("I")); // Prints -1
GD.Print("Potato".Find("t")); // Prints 2
- GD.print("Potato".Find("t", 3)); // Prints 4
- GD.print("Potato".Find("t", 5)); // Prints -1
+ GD.Print("Potato".Find("t", 3)); // Prints 4
+ GD.Print("Potato".Find("t", 5)); // Prints -1
[b]Note:[/b] If you just want to know whether the string contains [param what], use [method contains]. In GDScript, you may also use the [code]in[/code] operator.
@@ -230,6 +230,7 @@
print("User {id} is {name}.".format([["id", 42], ["name", "Godot"]]))
See also the [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/scripting/gdscript/gdscript_format_string.html]GDScript format string[/url] tutorial.
+ [b]Note:[/b] In C#, it's recommended to [url=]interpolate strings with "$"[/url], instead.
<method name="get_base_dir" qualifiers="const">
@@ -480,7 +481,7 @@
var fruits = new string[] {"Apple", "Orange", "Pear", "Kiwi"};
// In C#, this method is static.
- GD.Print(string.Join(", ", fruits); // Prints "Apple, Orange, Pear, Kiwi"
+ GD.Print(string.Join(", ", fruits)); // Prints "Apple, Orange, Pear, Kiwi"
GD.Print(string.Join("---", fruits)); // Prints "Apple---Orange---Pear---Kiwi"
@@ -1047,18 +1048,17 @@
<return type="String" />
<param index="0" name="right" type="Variant" />
- Formats the [String], replacing the placeholders with one or more parameters.
- To pass multiple parameters, [param right] needs to be an [Array].
+ Formats the [String], replacing the placeholders with one or more parameters. To pass multiple parameters, [param right] needs to be an [Array].
print("I caught %d fishes!" % 2) # Prints "I caught 2 fishes!"
- var my_message = "Travelling to %s, at %2.2f per second."
+ var my_message = "Travelling to %s, at %2.2f km/h."
var location = "Deep Valley"
var speed = 40.3485
print(my_message % [location, speed]) # Prints "Travelling to Deep Valley, at 40.35 km/h."
- In C#, there is no direct equivalent to this operator. Use the [method format] method, instead.
For more information, see the [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/scripting/gdscript/gdscript_format_string.html]GDScript format strings[/url] tutorial.
+ [b]Note:[/b] In C#, this operator is not available. Instead, see [url=]how to interpolate strings with "$"[/url].
<operator name="operator +">
@@ -1072,6 +1072,7 @@
<return type="String" />
<param index="0" name="right" type="StringName" />
+ Appends [param right] at the end of this [String], returning a [String]. This is also known as a string concatenation.
<operator name="operator &lt;">
diff --git a/doc/classes/StringName.xml b/doc/classes/StringName.xml
index c103fb2287..4ccb93dab3 100644
--- a/doc/classes/StringName.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/StringName.xml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
[StringName]s are immutable strings designed for general-purpose representation of unique names (also called "string interning"). [StringName] ensures that only one instance of a given name exists (so two [StringName]s with the same value are the same object). Comparing them is much faster than with regular [String]s, because only the pointers are compared, not the whole strings.
- You will usually just pass a [String] to methods expecting a [StringName] and it will be automatically converted, but you may occasionally want to construct a [StringName] ahead of time with [StringName] or, in GDScript, the literal syntax [code]&amp;"example"[/code].
+ You will usually just pass a [String] to methods expecting a [StringName] and it will be automatically converted, but you may occasionally want to construct a [StringName] ahead of time with the [StringName] constructor or, in GDScript, the literal syntax [code]&amp;"example"[/code].
See also [NodePath], which is a similar concept specifically designed to store pre-parsed node paths.
Some string methods have corresponding variations. Variations suffixed with [code]n[/code] ([method countn], [method findn], [method replacen], etc.) are [b]case-insensitive[/b] (they make no distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters). Method variations prefixed with [code]r[/code] ([method rfind], [method rsplit], etc.) are reversed, and start from the end of the string, instead of the beginning.
[b]Note:[/b] In a boolean context, a [StringName] will evaluate to [code]false[/code] if it is empty ([code]StringName("")[/code]). Otherwise, a [StringName] will always evaluate to [code]true[/code].
@@ -176,8 +176,8 @@
GD.Print("Team".Find("I")); // Prints -1
GD.Print("Potato".Find("t")); // Prints 2
- GD.print("Potato".Find("t", 3)); // Prints 4
- GD.print("Potato".Find("t", 5)); // Prints -1
+ GD.Print("Potato".Find("t", 3)); // Prints 4
+ GD.Print("Potato".Find("t", 5)); // Prints -1
[b]Note:[/b] If you just want to know whether the string contains [param what], use [method contains]. In GDScript, you may also use the [code]in[/code] operator.
@@ -213,6 +213,7 @@
print("User {id} is {name}.".format([["id", 42], ["name", "Godot"]]))
See also the [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/scripting/gdscript/gdscript_format_string.html]GDScript format string[/url] tutorial.
+ [b]Note:[/b] In C#, it's recommended to [url=]interpolate strings with "$"[/url], instead.
<method name="get_base_dir" qualifiers="const">
@@ -455,7 +456,7 @@
var fruits = new string[] {"Apple", "Orange", "Pear", "Kiwi"};
// In C#, this method is static.
- GD.Print(string.Join(", ", fruits); // Prints "Apple, Orange, Pear, Kiwi"
+ GD.Print(string.Join(", ", fruits)); // Prints "Apple, Orange, Pear, Kiwi"
GD.Print(string.Join("---", fruits)); // Prints "Apple---Orange---Pear---Kiwi"
@@ -504,7 +505,7 @@
<return type="bool" />
<param index="0" name="expr" type="String" />
- Does a simple expression match, where [code]*[/code] matches zero or more arbitrary characters and [code]?[/code] matches any single character except a period ([code].[/code]). An empty string or empty expression always evaluates to [code]false[/code].
+ Does a simple expression match (also called "glob" or "globbing"), where [code]*[/code] matches zero or more arbitrary characters and [code]?[/code] matches any single character except a period ([code].[/code]). An empty string or empty expression always evaluates to [code]false[/code].
<method name="matchn" qualifiers="const">
@@ -954,18 +955,23 @@
<return type="String" />
<param index="0" name="right" type="Variant" />
+ Formats the [StringName], replacing the placeholders with one or more parameters, returning a [String]. To pass multiple parameters, [param right] needs to be an [Array].
+ For more information, see the [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/scripting/gdscript/gdscript_format_string.html]GDScript format strings[/url] tutorial.
+ [b]Note:[/b] In C#, this operator is not available. Instead, see [url=]how to interpolate strings with "$"[/url].
<operator name="operator +">
<return type="String" />
<param index="0" name="right" type="String" />
+ Appends [param right] at the end of this [StringName], returning a [String]. This is also known as a string concatenation.
<operator name="operator +">
<return type="String" />
<param index="0" name="right" type="StringName" />
+ Appends [param right] at the end of this [StringName], returning a [String]. This is also known as a string concatenation.
<operator name="operator &lt;">
diff --git a/doc/classes/TextureLayered.xml b/doc/classes/TextureLayered.xml
index 8f6dff7acf..7a0940edd4 100644
--- a/doc/classes/TextureLayered.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/TextureLayered.xml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
Data is set on a per-layer basis. For [Texture2DArray]s, the layer specifies the array layer.
All images need to have the same width, height and number of mipmap levels.
A [TextureLayered] can be loaded with [method ResourceLoader.load].
- Internally, Godot maps these files to their respective counterparts in the target rendering driver (Vulkan, GLES3).
+ Internally, Godot maps these files to their respective counterparts in the target rendering driver (Vulkan, OpenGL3).
diff --git a/doc/classes/TextureRect.xml b/doc/classes/TextureRect.xml
index 460ffbbb80..3500a0ddf5 100644
--- a/doc/classes/TextureRect.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/TextureRect.xml
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
<link title="3D Voxel Demo"></link>
- <member name="expand_mode" type="int" setter="set_expand_mode" getter="get_expand_mode" enum="TextureRect.ExpandMode" default="0">
+ <member name="expand_mode" type="int" setter="set_expand_mode" getter="get_expand_mode" enum="TextureRect.ExpandMode" default="0" is_experimental="true">
Defines how minimum size is determined based on the texture's size. See [enum ExpandMode] for options.
+ [b]Note:[/b] Using [constant EXPAND_FIT_WIDTH], [constant EXPAND_FIT_WIDTH_PROPORTIONAL], [constant EXPAND_FIT_HEIGHT] or [constant EXPAND_FIT_HEIGHT_PROPORTIONAL] may result in unstable behavior in some containers. This functionality is being re-evaluated and will change in the future.
<member name="flip_h" type="bool" setter="set_flip_h" getter="is_flipped_h" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], texture is flipped horizontally.
diff --git a/doc/classes/TileMap.xml b/doc/classes/TileMap.xml
index 685aa16055..413cf62f7d 100644
--- a/doc/classes/TileMap.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/TileMap.xml
@@ -168,6 +168,15 @@
Returns the number of layers in the TileMap.
+ <method name="get_navigation_map" qualifiers="const">
+ <return type="RID" />
+ <param index="0" name="layer" type="int" />
+ <description>
+ Returns the [NavigationServer2D] navigation map [RID] currently assigned to the specified TileMap [param layer].
+ By default the TileMap uses the default [World2D] navigation map for the first TileMap layer. For each additional TileMap layer a new navigation map is created for the additional layer.
+ In order to make [NavigationAgent2D] switch between TileMap layer navigation maps use [method NavigationAgent2D.set_navigation_map] with the navigation map received from [method get_navigation_map].
+ </description>
+ </method>
<method name="get_neighbor_cell" qualifiers="const">
<return type="Vector2i" />
<param index="0" name="coords" type="Vector2i" />
@@ -366,6 +375,16 @@
If [code]layer[/code] is negative, the layers are accessed from the last one.
+ <method name="set_navigation_map">
+ <return type="void" />
+ <param index="0" name="layer" type="int" />
+ <param index="1" name="map" type="RID" />
+ <description>
+ Assigns a [NavigationServer2D] navigation map [RID] to the specified TileMap [param layer].
+ By default the TileMap uses the default [World2D] navigation map for the first TileMap layer. For each additional TileMap layer a new navigation map is created for the additional layer.
+ In order to make [NavigationAgent2D] switch between TileMap layer navigation maps use [method NavigationAgent2D.set_navigation_map] with the navigation map received from [method get_navigation_map].
+ </description>
+ </method>
<method name="set_pattern">
<return type="void" />
<param index="0" name="layer" type="int" />
diff --git a/doc/classes/VisibleOnScreenEnabler2D.xml b/doc/classes/VisibleOnScreenEnabler2D.xml
index 8590e9cc9f..68e510a6dc 100644
--- a/doc/classes/VisibleOnScreenEnabler2D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/VisibleOnScreenEnabler2D.xml
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
Corresponds to [constant Node.PROCESS_MODE_ALWAYS].
<constant name="ENABLE_MODE_WHEN_PAUSED" value="2" enum="EnableMode">
- Corresponds to [constant Node.PROCESS_MODE_WHEN_PAUSED.
+ Corresponds to [constant Node.PROCESS_MODE_WHEN_PAUSED].
diff --git a/doc/classes/VoxelGI.xml b/doc/classes/VoxelGI.xml
index 4347c5845f..cc78426736 100644
--- a/doc/classes/VoxelGI.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/VoxelGI.xml
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
[VoxelGI]s are used to provide high-quality real-time indirect light and reflections to scenes. They precompute the effect of objects that emit light and the effect of static geometry to simulate the behavior of complex light in real-time. [VoxelGI]s need to be baked before having a visible effect. However, once baked, dynamic objects will receive light from them. Furthermore, lights can be fully dynamic or baked.
+ [b]Note:[/b] [VoxelGI] is only supported in the Forward+ rendering method, not Mobile or Compatibility.
[b]Procedural generation:[/b] [VoxelGI] can be baked in an exported project, which makes it suitable for procedurally generated or user-built levels as long as all the geometry is generated in advance. For games where geometry is generated at any time during gameplay, SDFGI is more suitable (see [member Environment.sdfgi_enabled]).
[b]Performance:[/b] [VoxelGI] is relatively demanding on the GPU and is not suited to low-end hardware such as integrated graphics (consider [LightmapGI] instead). To improve performance, adjust [member ProjectSettings.rendering/global_illumination/voxel_gi/quality] and enable [member ProjectSettings.rendering/global_illumination/gi/use_half_resolution] in the Project Settings. To provide a fallback for low-end hardware, consider adding an option to disable [VoxelGI] in your project's options menus. A [VoxelGI] node can be disabled by hiding it.
[b]Note:[/b] Meshes should have sufficiently thick walls to avoid light leaks (avoid one-sided walls). For interior levels, enclose your level geometry in a sufficiently large box and bridge the loops to close the mesh. To further prevent light leaks, you can also strategically place temporary [MeshInstance3D] nodes with their [member GeometryInstance3D.gi_mode] set to [constant GeometryInstance3D.GI_MODE_STATIC]. These temporary nodes can then be hidden after baking the [VoxelGI] node.
diff --git a/doc/classes/XRInterface.xml b/doc/classes/XRInterface.xml
index db65ce62f2..cdada35970 100644
--- a/doc/classes/XRInterface.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/XRInterface.xml
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
This interface supports quad rendering (not yet supported by Godot).
<constant name="XR_VR" value="8" enum="Capabilities">
- this interface supports VR.
+ This interface supports VR.
<constant name="XR_AR" value="16" enum="Capabilities">
This interface supports AR (video background and real world tracking).