path: root/doc/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/tools')
4 files changed, 146 insertions, 459 deletions
diff --git a/doc/tools/ b/doc/tools/
index 57ac4bdcdd..496d5dcb74 100644
--- a/doc/tools/
+++ b/doc/tools/
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ def find_signal_descr(old_class, name):
def find_constant_descr(old_class, name):
- if (old_class == None):
+ if (old_class is None):
return None
constants = old_class.find("constants")
if(constants != None and len(list(constants)) > 0):
diff --git a/doc/tools/ b/doc/tools/
index ab74c0b9d6..4bb4342d5f 100644
--- a/doc/tools/
+++ b/doc/tools/
@@ -229,11 +229,11 @@ class ClassStatus:
output['overall'] = (description_progress + items_progress).to_colored_string('{percent}%', '{pad_percent}{s}')
- output['url'] = color('url', '')
+ output['url'] = color('url', '')
if flags['s']:
output['comment'] = color('part_good', 'ALL OK')
- output['url'] = color('url', '{name}.html'.format(
+ output['url'] = color('url', '{name}.html'.format(
if flags['s'] and not flags['g'] and self.is_ok():
output['comment'] = color('part_good', 'ALL OK')
diff --git a/doc/tools/ b/doc/tools/
deleted file mode 100644
index 056f1ca82d..0000000000
--- a/doc/tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import sys
-import os.path as path
-import os
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-input_list = []
-for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
- if not path.exists(arg):
- exit("path {} doesn't exist".format(arg))
- elif path.isdir(arg):
- input_list += filter(path.isfile, [path.join(arg, f) for f in os.listdir(arg)])
- else: # assuming is a file
- input_list.append(arg)
-if len(input_list) < 1:
- print 'usage: <classes.xml>'
- sys.exit(0)
-def validate_tag(elem, tag):
- if elem.tag != tag:
- print "Tag mismatch, expected '" + tag + "', got " + elem.tag
- sys.exit(255)
-class_names = []
-classes = {}
-def make_class_list(class_list, columns):
- f = open('', 'wb')
- prev = 0
- col_max = len(class_list) / columns + 1
- col_count = 0
- row_count = 0
- last_initial = ''
- fit_columns = []
- for n in range(0, columns):
- fit_columns += [[]]
- indexers = []
- last_initial = ''
- idx = 0
- for n in class_list:
- col = idx / col_max
- if col >= columns:
- col = columns - 1
- fit_columns[col] += [n]
- idx += 1
- if n[:1] != last_initial:
- indexers += [n]
- last_initial = n[:1]
- row_max = 0
- f.write("\n")
- for n in range(0, columns):
- if len(fit_columns[n]) > row_max:
- row_max = len(fit_columns[n])
- f.write("| ")
- for n in range(0, columns):
- f.write(" | |")
- f.write("\n")
- f.write("| ")
- for n in range(0, columns):
- f.write(" --- | ------- |")
- f.write("\n")
- for r in range(0, row_max):
- s = '| '
- for c in range(0, columns):
- if r >= len(fit_columns[c]):
- continue
- classname = fit_columns[c][r]
- initial = classname[0]
- if classname in indexers:
- s += '**' + initial + '** | '
- else:
- s += ' | '
- s += '[' + classname + '](class_' + classname.lower() + ') | '
- s += '\n'
- f.write(s)
- f.close()
-def dokuize_text(txt):
- return txt
-def dokuize_text(text):
- pos = 0
- while True:
- pos = text.find('[', pos)
- if pos == -1:
- break
- endq_pos = text.find(']', pos + 1)
- if endq_pos == -1:
- break
- pre_text = text[:pos]
- post_text = text[endq_pos + 1:]
- tag_text = text[pos + 1:endq_pos]
- if tag_text in class_names:
- tag_text = make_type(tag_text)
- else:
- # command
- cmd = tag_text
- space_pos = tag_text.find(' ')
- if cmd.find('html') == 0:
- cmd = tag_text[:space_pos]
- param = tag_text[space_pos + 1:]
- tag_text = '<' + param + '>'
- elif cmd.find('method') == 0:
- cmd = tag_text[:space_pos]
- param = tag_text[space_pos + 1:]
- if param.find('.') != -1:
- (class_param, method_param) = param.split('.')
- tag_text = '[' + class_param + '.' + method_param.replace("_", "&#95;") + '](' + class_param.lower() + '#' \
- + method_param + ')'
- else:
- tag_text = '[' + param.replace("_", "&#95;") + '](#' + param + ')'
- elif cmd.find('image=') == 0:
- tag_text = '![](' + cmd[6:] + ')'
- elif cmd.find('url=') == 0:
- tag_text = '[' + cmd[4:] + '](' + cmd[4:]
- elif cmd == '/url':
- tag_text = ')'
- elif cmd == 'center':
- tag_text = ''
- elif cmd == '/center':
- tag_text = ''
- elif cmd == 'br':
- tag_text = '\n'
- elif cmd == 'i' or cmd == '/i':
- tag_text = '_'
- elif cmd == 'b' or cmd == '/b':
- tag_text = '**'
- elif cmd == 'u' or cmd == '/u':
- tag_text = '__'
- else:
- tag_text = '[' + tag_text + ']'
- text = pre_text + tag_text + post_text
- pos = len(pre_text) + len(tag_text)
- # tnode = ET.SubElement(parent,"div")
- # tnode.text=text
- return text
-def make_type(t):
- global class_names
- if t in class_names:
- return '[' + t + '](class_' + t.lower() + ')'
- return t
-def make_method(
- f,
- name,
- m,
- declare,
- event=False,
- s = ' * '
- ret_type = 'void'
- args = list(m)
- mdata = {}
- mdata['argidx'] = []
- for a in args:
- if a.tag == 'return':
- idx = -1
- elif a.tag == 'argument':
- idx = int(a.attrib['index'])
- else:
- continue
- mdata['argidx'].append(idx)
- mdata[idx] = a
- if not event:
- if -1 in mdata['argidx']:
- s += make_type(mdata[-1].attrib['type'])
- else:
- s += 'void'
- s += ' '
- if declare:
- # span.attrib["class"]="funcdecl"
- # a=ET.SubElement(span,"a")
- # a.attrib["name"]=name+"_"+m.attrib["name"]
- # a.text=name+"::"+m.attrib["name"]
- s += ' **' + m.attrib['name'].replace("_", "&#95;") + '** '
- else:
- s += ' **[' + m.attrib['name'].replace("_", "&#95;") + '](#' + m.attrib['name'] + ')** '
- s += ' **(**'
- argfound = False
- for a in mdata['argidx']:
- arg = mdata[a]
- if a < 0:
- continue
- if a > 0:
- s += ', '
- else:
- s += ' '
- s += make_type(arg.attrib['type'])
- if 'name' in arg.attrib:
- s += ' ' + arg.attrib['name']
- else:
- s += ' arg' + str(a)
- if 'default' in arg.attrib:
- s += '=' + arg.attrib['default']
- argfound = True
- if argfound:
- s += ' '
- s += ' **)**'
- if 'qualifiers' in m.attrib:
- s += ' ' + m.attrib['qualifiers']
- f.write(s + '\n')
-def make_doku_class(node):
- name = node.attrib['name']
- f = open("class_" + name.lower() + '.md', 'wb')
- f.write('# ' + name + ' \n')
- if 'inherits' in node.attrib:
- inh = node.attrib['inherits'].strip()
- f.write('####**Inherits:** ' + make_type(inh) + '\n')
- if 'category' in node.attrib:
- f.write('####**Category:** ' + node.attrib['category'].strip()
- + '\n')
- briefd = node.find('brief_description')
- if briefd != None:
- f.write('\n### Brief Description \n')
- f.write(dokuize_text(briefd.text.strip()) + '\n')
- methods = node.find('methods')
- if methods != None and len(list(methods)) > 0:
- f.write('\n### Member Functions \n')
- for m in list(methods):
- make_method(f, node.attrib['name'], m, False)
- events = node.find('signals')
- if events != None and len(list(events)) > 0:
- f.write('\n### Signals \n')
- for m in list(events):
- make_method(f, node.attrib['name'], m, True, True)
- d = m.find('description')
- if d == None or d.text.strip() == '':
- continue
- f.write('\n')
- f.write(dokuize_text(d.text.strip()))
- f.write('\n')
- members = node.find('members')
- if members != None and len(list(members)) > 0:
- f.write('\n### Member Variables \n')
- for c in list(members):
- s = ' * '
- s += make_type(c.attrib['type']) + ' '
- s += '**' + c.attrib['name'] + '**'
- if c.text.strip() != '':
- s += ' - ' + c.text.strip()
- f.write(s + '\n')
- constants = node.find('constants')
- if constants != None and len(list(constants)) > 0:
- f.write('\n### Numeric Constants \n')
- for c in list(constants):
- s = ' * '
- s += '**' + c.attrib['name'] + '**'
- if 'value' in c.attrib:
- s += ' = **' + c.attrib['value'] + '**'
- if c.text.strip() != '':
- s += ' - ' + c.text.strip()
- f.write(s + '\n')
- descr = node.find('description')
- if descr != None and descr.text.strip() != '':
- f.write('\n### Description \n')
- f.write(dokuize_text(descr.text.strip()) + '\n')
- methods = node.find('methods')
- if methods != None and len(list(methods)) > 0:
- f.write('\n### Member Function Description \n')
- for m in list(methods):
- d = m.find('description')
- if d == None or d.text.strip() == '':
- continue
- f.write('\n#### <a name="' + m.attrib['name'] + '">' + m.attrib['name'] + '</a>\n')
- make_method(f, node.attrib['name'], m, True)
- f.write('\n')
- f.write(dokuize_text(d.text.strip()))
- f.write('\n')
- f.close()
-for file in input_list:
- tree = ET.parse(file)
- doc = tree.getroot()
- if 'version' not in doc.attrib:
- print "Version missing from 'doc'"
- sys.exit(255)
- version = doc.attrib['version']
- class_name = doc.attrib['name']
- if class_name in class_names:
- continue
- class_names.append(class_name)
- classes[class_name] = doc
-make_class_list(class_names, 2)
-for cn in class_names:
- c = classes[cn]
- make_doku_class(c)
diff --git a/doc/tools/ b/doc/tools/
index 93ad823d42..7b7cc52547 100755
--- a/doc/tools/
+++ b/doc/tools/
@@ -309,10 +309,41 @@ def rstize_text(text, cclass):
return text
+def format_table(f, pp):
+ longest_t = 0
+ longest_s = 0
+ for s in pp:
+ sl = len(s[0])
+ if (sl > longest_s):
+ longest_s = sl
+ tl = len(s[1])
+ if (tl > longest_t):
+ longest_t = tl
+ sep = "+"
+ for i in range(longest_s + 2):
+ sep += "-"
+ sep += "+"
+ for i in range(longest_t + 2):
+ sep += "-"
+ sep += "+\n"
+ f.write(sep)
+ for s in pp:
+ rt = s[0]
+ while (len(rt) < longest_s):
+ rt += " "
+ st = s[1]
+ while (len(st) < longest_t):
+ st += " "
+ f.write("| " + rt + " | " + st + " |\n")
+ f.write(sep)
+ f.write('\n')
def make_type(t):
global class_names
if t in class_names:
- return ':ref:`' + t + '<class_' + t.lower() + '>`'
+ return ':ref:`' + t + '<class_' + t + '>`'
return t
@@ -332,26 +363,25 @@ def make_enum(t):
c = "@GlobalScope"
e = t
if c in class_names:
- return ':ref:`' + e + '<enum_' + c.lower() + '_' + e.lower() + '>`'
+ return ':ref:`' + e + '<enum_' + c + '_' + e + '>`'
return t
def make_method(
- name,
- m,
- declare,
+ method_data,
+ declare,
- if (declare or pp == None):
+ if (declare or pp is None):
t = '- '
t = ""
ret_type = 'void'
- args = list(m)
+ args = list(method_data)
mdata = {}
mdata['argidx'] = []
for a in args:
@@ -375,11 +405,11 @@ def make_method(
t += 'void'
t += ' '
- if declare or pp == None:
+ if declare or pp is None:
- s = '**' + m.attrib['name'] + '** '
+ s = '**' + method_data.attrib['name'] + '** '
- s = ':ref:`' + m.attrib['name'] + '<class_' + cname + "_" + m.attrib['name'] + '>` '
+ s = ':ref:`' + method_data.attrib['name'] + '<class_' + cname + "_" + method_data.attrib['name'] + '>` '
s += '**(**'
argfound = False
@@ -406,8 +436,8 @@ def make_method(
s += ' **)**'
- if 'qualifiers' in m.attrib:
- s += ' ' + m.attrib['qualifiers']
+ if 'qualifiers' in method_data.attrib:
+ s += ' ' + method_data.attrib['qualifiers']
if (not declare):
if (pp != None):
@@ -418,6 +448,37 @@ def make_method(
f.write(t + s + "\n")
+def make_properties(
+ f,
+ cname,
+ prop_data,
+ description=False,
+ pp=None
+ t = ""
+ if 'enum' in prop_data.attrib:
+ t += make_enum(prop_data.attrib['enum'])
+ else:
+ t += make_type(prop_data.attrib['type'])
+ if description:
+ s = '**' + prop_data.attrib['name'] + '**'
+ setget = []
+ if 'setter' in prop_data.attrib and prop_data.attrib['setter'] != '' and not prop_data.attrib['setter'].startswith('_'):
+ setget.append(("*Setter*", prop_data.attrib['setter'] + '(value)'))
+ if 'getter' in prop_data.attrib and prop_data.attrib['getter'] != '' and not prop_data.attrib['getter'].startswith('_'):
+ setget.append(('*Getter*', prop_data.attrib['getter'] + '()'))
+ else:
+ s = ':ref:`' + prop_data.attrib['name'] + '<class_' + cname + "_" + prop_data.attrib['name'] + '>`'
+ if (pp != None):
+ pp.append((t, s))
+ elif description:
+ f.write('- ' + t + ' ' + s + '\n\n')
+ if len(setget) > 0:
+ format_table(f, setget)
def make_heading(title, underline):
return title + '\n' + underline * len(title) + "\n\n"
@@ -435,6 +496,8 @@ def make_rst_class(node):
f.write(".. _class_" + name + ":\n\n")
f.write(make_heading(name, '='))
+ # Inheritance tree
+ # Ascendents
if 'inherits' in node.attrib:
inh = node.attrib['inherits'].strip()
f.write('**Inherits:** ')
@@ -451,16 +514,15 @@ def make_rst_class(node):
inh = inode.attrib['inherits'].strip()
inh = None
+ # Descendents
inherited = []
for cn in classes:
c = classes[cn]
if 'inherits' in c.attrib:
if (c.attrib['inherits'].strip() == name):
if (len(inherited)):
f.write('**Inherited By:** ')
for i in range(len(inherited)):
@@ -468,83 +530,59 @@ def make_rst_class(node):
f.write(", ")
+ # Category
if 'category' in node.attrib:
f.write('**Category:** ' + node.attrib['category'].strip() + "\n\n")
+ # Brief description
f.write(make_heading('Brief Description', '-'))
briefd = node.find('brief_description')
if briefd != None:
f.write(rstize_text(briefd.text.strip(), name) + "\n\n")
- methods = node.find('methods')
+ # Properties overview
+ members = node.find('members')
+ if members != None and len(list(members)) > 0:
+ f.write(make_heading('Properties', '-'))
+ ml = []
+ for m in list(members):
+ make_properties(f, name, m, False, ml)
+ format_table(f, ml)
+ # Methods overview
+ methods = node.find('methods')
if methods != None and len(list(methods)) > 0:
- f.write(make_heading('Member Functions', '-'))
+ f.write(make_heading('Methods', '-'))
ml = []
for m in list(methods):
- make_method(f, node.attrib['name'], m, False, name, False, ml)
- longest_t = 0
- longest_s = 0
- for s in ml:
- sl = len(s[0])
- if (sl > longest_s):
- longest_s = sl
- tl = len(s[1])
- if (tl > longest_t):
- longest_t = tl
- sep = "+"
- for i in range(longest_s + 2):
- sep += "-"
- sep += "+"
- for i in range(longest_t + 2):
- sep += "-"
- sep += "+\n"
- f.write(sep)
- for s in ml:
- rt = s[0]
- while (len(rt) < longest_s):
- rt += " "
- st = s[1]
- while (len(st) < longest_t):
- st += " "
- f.write("| " + rt + " | " + st + " |\n")
- f.write(sep)
- f.write('\n')
+ make_method(f, name, m, False, False, ml)
+ format_table(f, ml)
+ # Theme properties
+ theme_items = node.find('theme_items')
+ if theme_items != None and len(list(theme_items)) > 0:
+ f.write(make_heading('Theme Properties', '-'))
+ ml = []
+ for m in list(theme_items):
+ make_properties(f, name, m, False, ml)
+ format_table(f, ml)
+ # Signals
events = node.find('signals')
if events != None and len(list(events)) > 0:
f.write(make_heading('Signals', '-'))
for m in list(events):
f.write(".. _class_" + name + "_" + m.attrib['name'] + ":\n\n")
- make_method(f, node.attrib['name'], m, True, name, True)
+ make_method(f, name, m, True, True)
d = m.find('description')
- if d == None or d.text.strip() == '':
+ if d is None or d.text.strip() == '':
f.write(rstize_text(d.text.strip(), name))
- f.write('\n')
- members = node.find('members')
- if members != None and len(list(members)) > 0:
- f.write(make_heading('Member Variables', '-'))
- for c in list(members):
- # Leading two spaces necessary to prevent breaking the <ul>
- f.write(" .. _class_" + name + "_" + c.attrib['name'] + ":\n\n")
- s = '- '
- if 'enum' in c.attrib:
- s += make_enum(c.attrib['enum']) + ' '
- else:
- s += make_type(c.attrib['type']) + ' '
- s += '**' + c.attrib['name'] + '**'
- if c.text.strip() != '':
- s += ' - ' + rstize_text(c.text.strip(), name)
- f.write(s + '\n\n')
- f.write('\n')
+ # Constants and enums
constants = node.find('constants')
consts = []
enum_names = set()
@@ -557,23 +595,12 @@ def make_rst_class(node):
- if len(consts) > 0:
- f.write(make_heading('Numeric Constants', '-'))
- for c in list(consts):
- s = '- '
- s += '**' + c.attrib['name'] + '**'
- if 'value' in c.attrib:
- s += ' = **' + c.attrib['value'] + '**'
- if c.text.strip() != '':
- s += ' --- ' + rstize_text(c.text.strip(), name)
- f.write(s + '\n')
- f.write('\n')
+ # Enums
if len(enum_names) > 0:
- f.write(make_heading('Enums', '-'))
+ f.write(make_heading('Enumerations', '-'))
for e in enum_names:
- f.write(" .. _enum_" + name + "_" + e + ":\n\n")
- f.write("enum **" + e + "**\n\n")
+ f.write(".. _enum_" + name + "_" + e + ":\n\n")
+ f.write("enum **" + e + "**:\n\n")
for c in enums:
if c.attrib['enum'] != e:
@@ -583,15 +610,27 @@ def make_rst_class(node):
s += ' = **' + c.attrib['value'] + '**'
if c.text.strip() != '':
s += ' --- ' + rstize_text(c.text.strip(), name)
- f.write(s + '\n')
- f.write('\n')
- f.write('\n')
+ f.write(s + '\n\n')
+ # Constants
+ if len(consts) > 0:
+ f.write(make_heading('Constants', '-'))
+ for c in list(consts):
+ s = '- '
+ s += '**' + c.attrib['name'] + '**'
+ if 'value' in c.attrib:
+ s += ' = **' + c.attrib['value'] + '**'
+ if c.text.strip() != '':
+ s += ' --- ' + rstize_text(c.text.strip(), name)
+ f.write(s + '\n\n')
+ # Class description
descr = node.find('description')
if descr != None and descr.text.strip() != '':
f.write(make_heading('Description', '-'))
f.write(rstize_text(descr.text.strip(), name) + "\n\n")
+ # Online tutorials
global godot_docs_pattern
tutorials = node.find('tutorials')
if tutorials != None and len(tutorials) > 0:
@@ -604,35 +643,43 @@ def make_rst_class(node):
if match.lastindex == 2:
# Doc reference with fragment identifier: emit direct link to section with reference to page, for example:
# `#calling-javascript-from-script in Exporting For Web`
- f.write("- `" + groups[1] + " <../" + groups[0] + ".html" + groups[1] + ">`_ in :doc:`../" + groups[0] + "`\n")
+ f.write("- `" + groups[1] + " <../" + groups[0] + ".html" + groups[1] + ">`_ in :doc:`../" + groups[0] + "`\n\n")
# Commented out alternative: Instead just emit:
# `Subsection in Exporting For Web`
- # f.write("- `Subsection <../" + groups[0] + ".html" + groups[1] + ">`_ in :doc:`../" + groups[0] + "`\n")
+ # f.write("- `Subsection <../" + groups[0] + ".html" + groups[1] + ">`_ in :doc:`../" + groups[0] + "`\n\n")
elif match.lastindex == 1:
# Doc reference, for example:
# `Math`
- f.write("- :doc:`../" + groups[0] + "`\n")
+ f.write("- :doc:`../" + groups[0] + "`\n\n")
# External link, for example:
# ``
- f.write("- `" + link + " <" + link + ">`_\n")
- f.write("\n")
+ f.write("- `" + link + " <" + link + ">`_\n\n")
+ # Property descriptions
+ members = node.find('members')
+ if members != None and len(list(members)) > 0:
+ f.write(make_heading('Property Descriptions', '-'))
+ for m in list(members):
+ f.write(".. _class_" + name + "_" + m.attrib['name'] + ":\n\n")
+ make_properties(f, name, m, True)
+ if m.text.strip() != '':
+ f.write(rstize_text(m.text.strip(), name))
+ f.write('\n\n')
+ # Method descriptions
methods = node.find('methods')
if methods != None and len(list(methods)) > 0:
- f.write(make_heading('Member Function Description', '-'))
+ f.write(make_heading('Method Descriptions', '-'))
for m in list(methods):
f.write(".. _class_" + name + "_" + m.attrib['name'] + ":\n\n")
- make_method(f, node.attrib['name'], m, True, name)
+ make_method(f, name, m, True)
d = m.find('description')
- if d == None or d.text.strip() == '':
+ if d is None or d.text.strip() == '':
f.write(rstize_text(d.text.strip(), name))
- f.write('\n')
- f.close()
file_list = []