path: root/doc/tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/tools/')
1 files changed, 382 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/tools/ b/doc/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..063ee29002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generate documentation for Open Project Wiki
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2016 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur.
+# Contributor: Jorge Araya Navarro <>
+# If you are going to modify anything from this file, please be sure to follow
+# the Style Guide for Python Code or often called "PEP8". To do this
+# automagically just install autopep8:
+# $ sudo pip3 install autopep8
+# and run:
+# $ autopep8
+# Before committing your changes. Also be sure to delete any trailing
+# whitespace you may left.
+# TODO:
+# * Refactor code.
+# * Adapt this script for generating content in other markup formats like
+# reStructuredText, Markdown, DokuWiki, etc.
+# Also check other TODO entries in this script for more information on what is
+# left to do.
+import argparse
+import gettext
+import logging
+import re
+from itertools import zip_longest
+from os import path, listdir
+from xml.etree import ElementTree
+# add an option to change the verbosity
+def getxmlfloc():
+ """ Returns the supposed location of the XML file
+ """
+ filepath = path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))
+ return path.join(filepath, "class_list.xml")
+def langavailable():
+ """ Return a list of languages available for translation
+ """
+ filepath = path.join(
+ path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)), "locales")
+ files = listdir(filepath)
+ choices = [x for x in files]
+ choices.insert(0, "none")
+ return choices
+desc = "Generates documentation from a XML file to different markup languages"
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc)
+parser.add_argument("--input", dest="xmlfp", default=getxmlfloc(),
+ help="Input XML file, default: {}".format(getxmlfloc()))
+parser.add_argument("--output-dir", dest="outputdir", required=True,
+ help="Output directory for generated files")
+parser.add_argument("--language", choices=langavailable(), default="none",
+ help=("Choose the language of translation"
+ " for the output files. Default is English (none). "
+ "Note: This is NOT for the documentation itself!"))
+# TODO: add an option for outputting different markup formats
+args = parser.parse_args()
+# Let's check if the file and output directory exists
+if not path.isfile(args.xmlfp):
+ logging.critical("File not found: {}".format(args.xmlfp))
+ exit(1)
+elif not path.isdir(args.outputdir):
+ logging.critical("Path does not exist: {}".format(args.outputdir))
+ exit(1)
+_ = gettext.gettext
+if args.language != "none":
+ lang = gettext.translation(domain="makedocs",
+ localedir="locales",
+ languages=[args.language])
+ lang.install()
+ _ = lang.gettext
+# Strings
+C_LINK = _("\"<code>{gclass}</code>(Go to page of class"
+ " {gclass})\":/class_{lkclass}")
+MC_LINK = _("\"<code>{gclass}.{method}</code>(Go "
+ "to page {gclass}, section {method})\""
+ ":/class_{lkclass}#{lkmethod}")
+TM_JUMP = _("\"<code>{method}</code>(Jump to method"
+ " {method})\":#{lkmethod}")
+GTC_LINK = _(" \"{rtype}(Go to page of class {rtype})\":/class_{link} ")
+DFN_JUMP = _("\"*{funcname}*(Jump to description for"
+ " node {funcname})\":#{link} <b>(</b> ")
+M_ARG_DEFAULT = C_LINK + " {name}={default}"
+M_ARG = C_LINK + " {name}"
+OPENPROJ_INH = _("h4. Inherits: ") + C_LINK + "\n\n"
+def tb(string):
+ """ Return a byte representation of a string
+ """
+ return bytes(string, "UTF-8")
+def sortkey(c):
+ """ Symbols are first, letters second
+ """
+ if "_" == c.attrib["name"][0]:
+ return "A"
+ else:
+ return c.attrib["name"]
+def toOP(text):
+ """ Convert commands in text to Open Project commands
+ """
+ # TODO: Make this capture content between [command] ... [/command]
+ groups = re.finditer((r'\[html (?P<command>/?\w+/?)(\]| |=)?(\]| |=)?(?P<a'
+ 'rg>\w+)?(\]| |=)?(?P<value>"[^"]+")?/?\]'), text)
+ alignstr = ""
+ for group in groups:
+ gd = group.groupdict()
+ if gd["command"] == "br/":
+ text = text.replace(, "\n\n", 1)
+ elif gd["command"] == "div":
+ if gd["value"] == '"center"':
+ alignstr = ("{display:block; margin-left:auto;"
+ " margin-right:auto;}")
+ elif gd["value"] == '"left"':
+ alignstr = "<"
+ elif gd["value"] == '"right"':
+ alignstr = ">"
+ text = text.replace(, "\n\n", 1)
+ elif gd["command"] == "/div":
+ alignstr = ""
+ text = text.replace(, "\n\n", 1)
+ elif gd["command"] == "img":
+ text = text.replace(, "!{align}{src}!".format(
+ align=alignstr, src=gd["value"].strip('"')), 1)
+ elif gd["command"] == "b" or gd["command"] == "/b":
+ text = text.replace(, "*", 1)
+ elif gd["command"] == "i" or gd["command"] == "/i":
+ text = text.replace(, "_", 1)
+ elif gd["command"] == "u" or gd["command"] == "/u":
+ text = text.replace(, "+", 1)
+ # Process other non-html commands
+ groups = re.finditer((r'\[method ((?P<class>[aA0-zZ9_]+)(?:\.))'
+ r'?(?P<method>[aA0-zZ9_]+)\]'), text)
+ for group in groups:
+ gd = group.groupdict()
+ if gd["class"]:
+ replacewith = (MC_LINK.format(gclass=gd["class"],
+ method=gd["method"],
+ lkclass=gd["class"].lower(),
+ lkmethod=gd["method"].lower()))
+ else:
+ # The method is located in the same wiki page
+ replacewith = (TM_JUMP.format(method=gd["method"],
+ lkmethod=gd["method"].lower()))
+ text = text.replace(, replacewith, 1)
+ # Finally, [Classes] are around brackets, make them direct links
+ groups = re.finditer(r'\[(?P<class>[az0-AZ0_]+)\]', text)
+ for group in groups:
+ gd = group.groupdict()
+ replacewith = (C_LINK.
+ format(gclass=gd["class"],
+ lkclass=gd["class"].lower()))
+ text = text.replace(, replacewith, 1)
+ return text + "\n\n"
+def mkfn(node, is_signal=False):
+ """ Return a string containing a unsorted item for a function
+ """
+ finalstr = ""
+ name = node.attrib["name"]
+ rtype = node.find("return")
+ if rtype:
+ rtype = rtype.attrib["type"]
+ else:
+ rtype = "void"
+ # write the return type and the function name first
+ finalstr += "* "
+ # return type
+ if not is_signal:
+ if rtype != "void":
+ finalstr += GTC_LINK.format(
+ rtype=rtype,
+ link=rtype.lower())
+ else:
+ finalstr += " void "
+ # function name
+ if not is_signal:
+ finalstr += DFN_JUMP.format(
+ funcname=name,
+ link=name.lower())
+ else:
+ # Signals have no description
+ finalstr += "*{funcname}* <b>(</b>".format(funcname=name)
+ # loop for the arguments of the function, if any
+ args = []
+ for arg in sorted(
+ node.iter(tag="argument"),
+ key=lambda a: int(a.attrib["index"])):
+ ntype = arg.attrib["type"]
+ nname = arg.attrib["name"]
+ if "default" in arg.attrib:
+ args.insert(-1, M_ARG_DEFAULT.format(
+ gclass=ntype,
+ lkclass=ntype.lower(),
+ name=nname,
+ default=arg.attrib["default"]))
+ else:
+ # No default value present
+ args.insert(-1, M_ARG.format(gclass=ntype,
+ lkclass=ntype.lower(), name=nname))
+ # join the arguments together
+ finalstr += ", ".join(args)
+ # and, close the function with a )
+ finalstr += " <b>)</b>"
+ # write the qualifier, if any
+ if "qualifiers" in node.attrib:
+ qualifier = node.attrib["qualifiers"]
+ finalstr += " " + qualifier
+ finalstr += "\n"
+ return finalstr
+# Let's begin
+tree = ElementTree.parse(args.xmlfp)
+root = tree.getroot()
+# Check version attribute exists in <doc>
+if "version" not in root.attrib:
+ logging.critical(_("<doc>'s version attribute missing"))
+ exit(1)
+version = root.attrib["version"]
+classes = sorted(root, key=sortkey)
+# first column is always longer, second column of classes should be shorter
+zclasses = zip_longest(classes[:int(len(classes) / 2 + 1)],
+ classes[int(len(classes) / 2 + 1):],
+ fillvalue="")
+# We write the class_list file and also each class file at once
+with open(path.join(args.outputdir, "class_list.txt"), "wb") as fcl:
+ # Write header of table
+ fcl.write(tb("|^.\n"))
+ fcl.write(tb(_("|_. Index symbol |_. Class name "
+ "|_. Index symbol |_. Class name |\n")))
+ fcl.write(tb("|-.\n"))
+ indexletterl = ""
+ indexletterr = ""
+ for gdclassl, gdclassr in zclasses:
+ # write a row #
+ # write the index symbol column, left
+ if indexletterl != gdclassl.attrib["name"][0]:
+ indexletterl = gdclassl.attrib["name"][0]
+ fcl.write(tb("| *{}* |".format(indexletterl.upper())))
+ else:
+ # empty cell
+ fcl.write(tb("| |"))
+ # write the class name column, left
+ fcl.write(tb(C_LINK.format(
+ gclass=gdclassl.attrib["name"],
+ lkclass=gdclassl.attrib["name"].lower())))
+ # write the index symbol column, right
+ if isinstance(gdclassr, ElementTree.Element):
+ if indexletterr != gdclassr.attrib["name"][0]:
+ indexletterr = gdclassr.attrib["name"][0]
+ fcl.write(tb("| *{}* |".format(indexletterr.upper())))
+ else:
+ # empty cell
+ fcl.write(tb("| |"))
+ # We are dealing with an empty string
+ else:
+ # two empty cell
+ fcl.write(tb("| | |\n"))
+ # We won't get the name of the class since there is no ElementTree
+ # object for the right side of the tuple, so we iterate the next
+ # tuple instead
+ continue
+ # write the class name column (if any), right
+ fcl.write(tb(C_LINK.format(
+ gclass=gdclassl.attrib["name"],
+ lkclass=gdclassl.attrib["name"].lower()) + "|\n"))
+ # row written #
+ # now, let's write each class page for each class
+ for gdclass in [gdclassl, gdclassr]:
+ if not isinstance(gdclass, ElementTree.Element):
+ continue
+ classname = gdclass.attrib["name"]
+ with open(path.join(args.outputdir, "{}.txt".format(
+ classname.lower())), "wb") as clsf:
+ # First level header with the name of the class
+ clsf.write(tb("h1. {}\n\n".format(classname)))
+ # lay the attributes
+ if "inherits" in gdclass.attrib:
+ inh = gdclass.attrib["inherits"].strip()
+ clsf.write(tb(OPENPROJ_INH.format(gclass=inh,
+ lkclass=inh.lower())))
+ if "category" in gdclass.attrib:
+ clsf.write(tb(_("h4. Category: {}\n\n").
+ format(gdclass.attrib["category"].strip())))
+ # lay child nodes
+ briefd = gdclass.find("brief_description")
+ if briefd.text.strip():
+ clsf.write(tb(_("h2. Brief Description\n\n")))
+ clsf.write(tb(toOP(briefd.text.strip()) +
+ _("\"read more\":#more\n\n")))
+ # Write the list of member functions of this class
+ methods = gdclass.find("methods")
+ if methods and len(methods) > 0:
+ clsf.write(tb(_("\nh3. Member Functions\n\n")))
+ for method in methods.iter(tag='method'):
+ clsf.write(tb(mkfn(method)))
+ signals = gdclass.find("signals")
+ if signals and len(signals) > 0:
+ clsf.write(tb(_("\nh3. Signals\n\n")))
+ for signal in signals.iter(tag='signal'):
+ clsf.write(tb(mkfn(signal, True)))
+ # TODO: <members> tag is necessary to process? it does not
+ # exists in class_list.xml file.
+ consts = gdclass.find("constants")
+ if consts and len(consts) > 0:
+ clsf.write(tb(_("\nh3. Numeric Constants\n\n")))
+ for const in sorted(consts, key=lambda k:
+ k.attrib["name"]):
+ if const.text.strip():
+ clsf.write(tb("* *{name}* = *{value}* - {desc}\n".
+ format(
+ name=const.attrib["name"],
+ value=const.attrib["value"],
+ desc=const.text.strip())))
+ else:
+ # Constant have no description
+ clsf.write(tb("* *{name}* = *{value}*\n".
+ format(
+ name=const.attrib["name"],
+ value=const.attrib["value"])))
+ descrip = gdclass.find("description")
+ clsf.write(tb(_("\nh3(#more). Description\n\n")))
+ if descrip.text:
+ clsf.write(tb(descrip.text.strip() + "\n"))
+ else:
+ clsf.write(tb(_("_Nothing here, yet..._\n")))
+ # and finally, the description for each method
+ if methods and len(methods) > 0:
+ clsf.write(tb(_("\nh3. Member Function Description\n\n")))
+ for method in methods.iter(tag='method'):
+ clsf.write(tb("h4(#{n}). {name}\n\n".format(
+ n=method.attrib["name"].lower(),
+ name=method.attrib["name"])))
+ clsf.write(tb(mkfn(method) + "\n"))
+ clsf.write(tb(toOP(method.find(
+ "description").text.strip())))