path: root/doc/classes/Viewport.xml
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/classes/Viewport.xml')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 396 deletions
diff --git a/doc/classes/Viewport.xml b/doc/classes/Viewport.xml
index 2cf36ba69b..a485205736 100644
--- a/doc/classes/Viewport.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/Viewport.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-<class name="Viewport" inherits="Node" category="Core" version="3.0.alpha.custom_build">
+<class name="Viewport" inherits="Node" category="Core" version="3.1">
Creates a sub-view into the screen.
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
Finally, viewports can also behave as render targets, in which case they will not be visible unless the associated texture is used to draw.
@@ -37,25 +39,6 @@
Return the active 3D camera.
- <method name="get_canvas_transform" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="Transform2D">
- </return>
- <description>
- Get the canvas transform of the viewport.
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="get_clear_mode" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="int" enum="Viewport.ClearMode">
- </return>
- <description>
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="get_debug_draw" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="int" enum="Viewport.DebugDraw">
- </return>
- <description>
- </description>
- </method>
<method name="get_final_transform" qualifiers="const">
<return type="Transform2D">
@@ -63,20 +46,6 @@
Get the total transform of the viewport.
- <method name="get_global_canvas_transform" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="Transform2D">
- </return>
- <description>
- Get the global canvas transform of the viewport.
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="get_hdr" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="bool">
- </return>
- <description>
- Get whether the rendered texture has filters enabled.
- </description>
- </method>
<method name="get_mouse_position" qualifiers="const">
<return type="Vector2">
@@ -84,46 +53,13 @@
Get the mouse position, relative to the viewport.
- <method name="get_msaa" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="int" enum="Viewport.MSAA">
- </return>
- <description>
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="get_physics_object_picking">
- <return type="bool">
- </return>
- <description>
- Get whether picking for all physics objects inside the viewport is enabled.
- </description>
- </method>
<method name="get_render_info">
<return type="int">
<argument index="0" name="info" type="int" enum="Viewport.RenderInfo">
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="get_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="int" enum="Viewport.ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="quadrant" type="int">
- </argument>
- <description>
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="get_shadow_atlas_size" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="int">
- </return>
- <description>
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="get_size" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="Vector2">
- </return>
- <description>
- Return the viewport rect. If the viewport is child of a control, it will use the same rect as the parent. Otherwise, if the rect is empty, the viewport will use all the allowed space.
+ Get the specific information about the viewport from rendering pipeline.
<method name="get_size_override" qualifiers="const">
@@ -140,26 +76,6 @@
Get the viewport's texture, for use with various objects that you want to texture with the viewport.
- <method name="get_update_mode" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="int" enum="Viewport.UpdateMode">
- </return>
- <description>
- Get when the viewport would be updated, will be one of the [code]UPDATE_*[/code] constants.
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="get_usage" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="int" enum="Viewport.Usage">
- </return>
- <description>
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="get_vflip" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="bool">
- </return>
- <description>
- Set whether the render target is flipped on the Y axis.
- </description>
- </method>
<method name="get_viewport_rid" qualifiers="const">
<return type="RID">
@@ -174,39 +90,18 @@
Return the final, visible rect in global screen coordinates.
- <method name="get_world" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="World">
- </return>
- <description>
- Return the 3D world of the viewport.
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="get_world_2d" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="World2D">
- </return>
- <description>
- Return the 2D world of the viewport.
- </description>
- </method>
<method name="gui_get_drag_data" qualifiers="const">
<return type="Variant">
- Returs the drag data from the GUI, that was previously returned by [method Control.get_drag_data].
+ Returns the drag data from the GUI, that was previously returned by [method Control.get_drag_data].
<method name="gui_has_modal_stack" qualifiers="const">
<return type="bool">
- Returs whether there are shown modals on-screen.
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="has_transparent_background" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="bool">
- </return>
- <description>
- Return whether the viewport lets whatever is behind it to show.
+ Returns whether there are shown modals on-screen.
<method name="input">
@@ -217,33 +112,6 @@
- <method name="is_3d_disabled" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="bool">
- </return>
- <description>
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="is_audio_listener" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="bool">
- </return>
- <description>
- Returns whether the viewport sends sounds to the speakers.
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="is_audio_listener_2d" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="bool">
- </return>
- <description>
- Returns whether the viewport sends soundsfrom 2D emitters to the speakers.
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="is_input_disabled" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="bool">
- </return>
- <description>
- Return whether input to the viewport is disabled.
- </description>
- </method>
<method name="is_size_override_enabled" qualifiers="const">
<return type="bool">
@@ -255,38 +123,7 @@
<return type="bool">
- Get the enabled status of the size strech override set with [method set_size_override_stretch].
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="is_snap_controls_to_pixels_enabled" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="bool">
- </return>
- <description>
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="is_using_own_world" qualifiers="const">
- <return type="bool">
- </return>
- <description>
- Return whether the viewport is using a world separate from the parent viewport's world.
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="set_as_audio_listener">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="enable" type="bool">
- </argument>
- <description>
- Makes the viewport send sounds to the speakers.
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="set_as_audio_listener_2d">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="enable" type="bool">
- </argument>
- <description>
- Makes the viewport send sounds from 2D emitters to the speakers.
+ Get the enabled status of the size stretch override set with [method set_size_override_stretch].
<method name="set_attach_to_screen_rect">
@@ -297,109 +134,6 @@
- <method name="set_canvas_transform">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="xform" type="Transform2D">
- </argument>
- <description>
- Set the canvas transform of the viewport, useful for changing the on-screen positions of all child [CanvasItem]\ s. This is relative to the global canvas transform of the viewport.
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="set_clear_mode">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="mode" type="int" enum="Viewport.ClearMode">
- </argument>
- <description>
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="set_debug_draw">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="debug_draw" type="int" enum="Viewport.DebugDraw">
- </argument>
- <description>
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="set_disable_3d">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="disable" type="bool">
- </argument>
- <description>
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="set_disable_input">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="disable" type="bool">
- </argument>
- <description>
- Set whether input to the viewport is disabled.
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="set_global_canvas_transform">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="xform" type="Transform2D">
- </argument>
- <description>
- Set the global canvas transform of the viewport. The canvas transform is relative to this.
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="set_hdr">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="enable" type="bool">
- </argument>
- <description>
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="set_msaa">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="msaa" type="int" enum="Viewport.MSAA">
- </argument>
- <description>
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="set_physics_object_picking">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="enable" type="bool">
- </argument>
- <description>
- Enable/disable picking for all physics objects inside the viewport.
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="quadrant" type="int">
- </argument>
- <argument index="1" name="subdiv" type="int" enum="Viewport.ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv">
- </argument>
- <description>
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="set_shadow_atlas_size">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="size" type="int">
- </argument>
- <description>
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="set_size">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="size" type="Vector2">
- </argument>
- <description>
- Set the size of the viewport.
- </description>
- </method>
<method name="set_size_override">
<return type="void">
@@ -422,87 +156,6 @@
Set whether the size override affects stretch as well.
- <method name="set_snap_controls_to_pixels">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="enabled" type="bool">
- </argument>
- <description>
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="set_transparent_background">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="enable" type="bool">
- </argument>
- <description>
- If this viewport is a child of another viewport, keep the previously drawn background visible.
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="set_update_mode">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="mode" type="int" enum="Viewport.UpdateMode">
- </argument>
- <description>
- Set when the render target would be updated, using the [code]UPDATE_*[/code] constants
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="set_usage">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="usage" type="int" enum="Viewport.Usage">
- </argument>
- <description>
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="set_use_arvr">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="use" type="bool">
- </argument>
- <description>
- If true this viewport will be bound to our ARVR Server.
- If this is our main Godot viewport our AR/VR output will be displayed on screen.
- If output is redirected to an HMD we'll see the output of just one of the eyes without any distortion applied else we'll see the stereo buffer with distortion applied if applicable
- If this is an extra viewport output will only work if redirection to an HMD is supported by the interface. The render target will allow you to use the undistorted output for the right eye in the display.
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="set_use_own_world">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="enable" type="bool">
- </argument>
- <description>
- Make the viewport use a world separate from the parent viewport's world.
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="set_vflip">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="enable" type="bool">
- </argument>
- <description>
- Set whether the viewport is flipped on the Y axis.
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="set_world">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="world" type="World">
- </argument>
- <description>
- Change the 3D world of the viewport.
- </description>
- </method>
- <method name="set_world_2d">
- <return type="void">
- </return>
- <argument index="0" name="world_2d" type="World2D">
- </argument>
- <description>
- </description>
- </method>
<method name="unhandled_input">
<return type="void">
@@ -518,13 +171,6 @@
Force update of the 2D and 3D worlds.
- <method name="use_arvr">
- <return type="bool">
- </return>
- <description>
- Returns whether this viewport is using our ARVR Server
- </description>
- </method>
<method name="warp_mouse">
<return type="void">
@@ -537,50 +183,82 @@
<member name="arvr" type="bool" setter="set_use_arvr" getter="use_arvr">
+ If [code]true[/code] the viewport will be used in AR/VR process. Default value: [code]false[/code].
<member name="audio_listener_enable_2d" type="bool" setter="set_as_audio_listener_2d" getter="is_audio_listener_2d">
+ If [code]true[/code] the viewport will process 2D audio streams. Default value: [code]false[/code].
<member name="audio_listener_enable_3d" type="bool" setter="set_as_audio_listener" getter="is_audio_listener">
+ If [code]true[/code] the viewport will process 3D audio streams. Default value: [code]false[/code].
+ </member>
+ <member name="canvas_transform" type="Transform2D" setter="set_canvas_transform" getter="get_canvas_transform">
+ The canvas transform of the viewport, useful for changing the on-screen positions of all child [CanvasItem]s. This is relative to the global canvas transform of the viewport.
<member name="debug_draw" type="int" setter="set_debug_draw" getter="get_debug_draw" enum="Viewport.DebugDraw">
+ The overlay mode for test rendered geometry in debug purposes. Default value: [code]DEBUG_DRAW_DISABLED[/code].
<member name="disable_3d" type="bool" setter="set_disable_3d" getter="is_3d_disabled">
+ If [code]true[/code] the viewport will disable 3D rendering. For actual disabling use [code]usage[/code]. Default value: [code]false[/code].
+ </member>
+ <member name="global_canvas_transform" type="Transform2D" setter="set_global_canvas_transform" getter="get_global_canvas_transform">
+ The global canvas transform of the viewport. The canvas transform is relative to this.
<member name="gui_disable_input" type="bool" setter="set_disable_input" getter="is_input_disabled">
+ If [code]true[/code] the viewport will not receive input event. Default value: [code]false[/code].
<member name="gui_snap_controls_to_pixels" type="bool" setter="set_snap_controls_to_pixels" getter="is_snap_controls_to_pixels_enabled">
+ If [code]true[/code] the GUI controls on the viewport will lay pixel perfectly. Default value: [code]true[/code].
<member name="hdr" type="bool" setter="set_hdr" getter="get_hdr">
+ If [code]true[/code] the viewport rendering will receive benefits from High Dynamic Range algorithm. Default value: [code]true[/code].
<member name="msaa" type="int" setter="set_msaa" getter="get_msaa" enum="Viewport.MSAA">
+ The multisample anti-aliasing mode. Default value: [code]MSAA_DISABLED[/code].
<member name="own_world" type="bool" setter="set_use_own_world" getter="is_using_own_world">
+ If [code]true[/code] the viewport will use [World] defined in [code]world[/code] property. Default value: [code]false[/code].
<member name="physics_object_picking" type="bool" setter="set_physics_object_picking" getter="get_physics_object_picking">
+ If [code]true[/code] the objects rendered by viewport become subjects of mouse picking process. Default value: [code]false[/code].
<member name="render_target_clear_mode" type="int" setter="set_clear_mode" getter="get_clear_mode" enum="Viewport.ClearMode">
+ The clear mode when viewport used as a render target. Default value: [code]CLEAR_MODE_ALWAYS[/code].
<member name="render_target_update_mode" type="int" setter="set_update_mode" getter="get_update_mode" enum="Viewport.UpdateMode">
+ The update mode when viewport used as a render target. Default value: [code]UPDATE_WHEN_VISIBLE[/code].
<member name="render_target_v_flip" type="bool" setter="set_vflip" getter="get_vflip">
+ If [code]true[/code] the result of rendering will be flipped vertically. Default value: [code]false[/code].
<member name="shadow_atlas_quad_0" type="int" setter="set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv" getter="get_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv" enum="Viewport.ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv">
+ The subdivision amount of first quadrant on shadow atlas. Default value: [code]SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_4[/code].
<member name="shadow_atlas_quad_1" type="int" setter="set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv" getter="get_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv" enum="Viewport.ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv">
+ The subdivision amount of second quadrant on shadow atlas. Default value: [code]SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_4[/code].
<member name="shadow_atlas_quad_2" type="int" setter="set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv" getter="get_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv" enum="Viewport.ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv">
+ The subdivision amount of third quadrant on shadow atlas. Default value: [code]SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_16[/code].
<member name="shadow_atlas_quad_3" type="int" setter="set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv" getter="get_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv" enum="Viewport.ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv">
+ The subdivision amount of fourth quadrant on shadow atlas. Default value: [code]SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_64[/code].
<member name="shadow_atlas_size" type="int" setter="set_shadow_atlas_size" getter="get_shadow_atlas_size">
+ The resolution of shadow atlas. Both width and height is equal to one value.
<member name="size" type="Vector2" setter="set_size" getter="get_size">
+ The width and height of viewport.
<member name="transparent_bg" type="bool" setter="set_transparent_background" getter="has_transparent_background">
+ If [code]true[/code] the viewport should render its background as transparent. Default value: [code]false[/code].
<member name="usage" type="int" setter="set_usage" getter="get_usage" enum="Viewport.Usage">
+ The rendering mode of viewport. Default value: [code]USAGE_3D[/code].
<member name="world" type="World" setter="set_world" getter="get_world">
+ The custom [World] which can be used as 3D environment source.
+ </member>
+ <member name="world_2d" type="World2D" setter="set_world_2d" getter="get_world_2d">
+ The custom [World2D] which can be used as 2D environment source.
@@ -591,78 +269,91 @@
- <constant name="UPDATE_DISABLED" value="0">
+ <constant name="UPDATE_DISABLED" value="0" enum="UpdateMode">
Do not update the render target.
- <constant name="UPDATE_ONCE" value="1">
+ <constant name="UPDATE_ONCE" value="1" enum="UpdateMode">
Update the render target once, then switch to [code]UPDATE_DISABLED[/code]
- <constant name="UPDATE_WHEN_VISIBLE" value="2">
+ <constant name="UPDATE_WHEN_VISIBLE" value="2" enum="UpdateMode">
Update the render target only when it is visible. This is the default value.
- <constant name="UPDATE_ALWAYS" value="3">
+ <constant name="UPDATE_ALWAYS" value="3" enum="UpdateMode">
+ Always update the render target.
- <constant name="SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_DISABLED" value="0">
+ <constant name="SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_DISABLED" value="0" enum="ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv">
- <constant name="SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_1" value="1">
+ <constant name="SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_1" value="1" enum="ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv">
- <constant name="SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_4" value="2">
+ <constant name="SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_4" value="2" enum="ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv">
- <constant name="SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_16" value="3">
+ <constant name="SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_16" value="3" enum="ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv">
- <constant name="SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_64" value="4">
+ <constant name="SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_64" value="4" enum="ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv">
- <constant name="SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_256" value="5">
+ <constant name="SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_256" value="5" enum="ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv">
- <constant name="SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_1024" value="6">
+ <constant name="SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_1024" value="6" enum="ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv">
- <constant name="SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_MAX" value="7">
+ <constant name="SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_MAX" value="7" enum="ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv">
+ Enum limiter. Do not use it directly.
- <constant name="RENDER_INFO_OBJECTS_IN_FRAME" value="0">
+ <constant name="RENDER_INFO_OBJECTS_IN_FRAME" value="0" enum="RenderInfo">
+ Amount of objects in frame.
- <constant name="RENDER_INFO_VERTICES_IN_FRAME" value="1">
+ <constant name="RENDER_INFO_VERTICES_IN_FRAME" value="1" enum="RenderInfo">
+ Amount of vertices in frame.
- <constant name="RENDER_INFO_MATERIAL_CHANGES_IN_FRAME" value="2">
+ <constant name="RENDER_INFO_MATERIAL_CHANGES_IN_FRAME" value="2" enum="RenderInfo">
+ Amount of material changes in frame.
- <constant name="RENDER_INFO_SHADER_CHANGES_IN_FRAME" value="3">
+ <constant name="RENDER_INFO_SHADER_CHANGES_IN_FRAME" value="3" enum="RenderInfo">
+ Amount of shader changes in frame.
- <constant name="RENDER_INFO_SURFACE_CHANGES_IN_FRAME" value="4">
+ <constant name="RENDER_INFO_SURFACE_CHANGES_IN_FRAME" value="4" enum="RenderInfo">
+ Amount of surface changes in frame.
- <constant name="RENDER_INFO_DRAW_CALLS_IN_FRAME" value="5">
+ <constant name="RENDER_INFO_DRAW_CALLS_IN_FRAME" value="5" enum="RenderInfo">
+ Amount of draw calls in frame.
- <constant name="RENDER_INFO_MAX" value="6">
+ <constant name="RENDER_INFO_MAX" value="6" enum="RenderInfo">
+ Enum limiter. Do not use it directly.
- <constant name="DEBUG_DRAW_DISABLED" value="0">
+ <constant name="DEBUG_DRAW_DISABLED" value="0" enum="DebugDraw">
+ Objects are displayed normally.
- <constant name="DEBUG_DRAW_UNSHADED" value="1">
+ <constant name="DEBUG_DRAW_UNSHADED" value="1" enum="DebugDraw">
+ Objects are displayed without light information.
- <constant name="DEBUG_DRAW_OVERDRAW" value="2">
+ <constant name="DEBUG_DRAW_OVERDRAW" value="2" enum="DebugDraw">
- <constant name="DEBUG_DRAW_WIREFRAME" value="3">
+ <constant name="DEBUG_DRAW_WIREFRAME" value="3" enum="DebugDraw">
+ Objects are displayed in wireframe style.
- <constant name="MSAA_DISABLED" value="0">
+ <constant name="MSAA_DISABLED" value="0" enum="MSAA">
+ Multisample anti-aliasing mode disabled. This is the default value.
- <constant name="MSAA_2X" value="1">
+ <constant name="MSAA_2X" value="1" enum="MSAA">
- <constant name="MSAA_4X" value="2">
+ <constant name="MSAA_4X" value="2" enum="MSAA">
- <constant name="MSAA_8X" value="3">
+ <constant name="MSAA_8X" value="3" enum="MSAA">
- <constant name="MSAA_16X" value="4">
+ <constant name="MSAA_16X" value="4" enum="MSAA">
- <constant name="USAGE_2D" value="0">
+ <constant name="USAGE_2D" value="0" enum="Usage">
- <constant name="USAGE_2D_NO_SAMPLING" value="1">
+ <constant name="USAGE_2D_NO_SAMPLING" value="1" enum="Usage">
- <constant name="USAGE_3D" value="2">
+ <constant name="USAGE_3D" value="2" enum="Usage">
- <constant name="USAGE_3D_NO_EFFECTS" value="3">
+ <constant name="USAGE_3D_NO_EFFECTS" value="3" enum="Usage">
- <constant name="CLEAR_MODE_ALWAYS" value="0">
+ <constant name="CLEAR_MODE_ALWAYS" value="0" enum="ClearMode">
- <constant name="CLEAR_MODE_NEVER" value="1">
+ <constant name="CLEAR_MODE_NEVER" value="1" enum="ClearMode">
- <constant name="CLEAR_MODE_ONLY_NEXT_FRAME" value="2">
+ <constant name="CLEAR_MODE_ONLY_NEXT_FRAME" value="2" enum="ClearMode">