path: root/doc/classes/AnimationTree.xml
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/classes/AnimationTree.xml')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/doc/classes/AnimationTree.xml b/doc/classes/AnimationTree.xml
index 3a3e8bb1fa..ed98f47f58 100644
--- a/doc/classes/AnimationTree.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/AnimationTree.xml
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
<method name="get_root_motion_position" qualifiers="const">
<return type="Vector3" />
- Retrieve the motion of position with the [member root_motion_track] as a [Vector3] that can be used elsewhere.
+ Retrieve the motion delta of position with the [member root_motion_track] as a [Vector3] that can be used elsewhere.
If [member root_motion_track] is not a path to a track of type [constant Animation.TYPE_POSITION_3D], returns [code]Vector3(0, 0, 0)[/code].
See also [member root_motion_track] and [RootMotionView].
The most basic example is applying position to [CharacterBody3D]:
@@ -50,12 +50,46 @@
+ By using this in combination with [method get_root_motion_position_accumulator], you can apply the root motion position more correctly to account for the rotation of the node.
+ [codeblocks]
+ [gdscript]
+ func _process(delta):
+ if Input.is_action_just_pressed("animate"):
+ set_quaternion(get_quaternion() * animation_tree.get_root_motion_rotation())
+ var velocity: Vector3 = (animation_tree.get_root_motion_rotation_accumulator().inverse() * get_quaternion()) * animation_tree.get_root_motion_position() / delta
+ set_velocity(velocity)
+ move_and_slide()
+ [/gdscript]
+ [/codeblocks]
+ </description>
+ </method>
+ <method name="get_root_motion_position_accumulator" qualifiers="const">
+ <return type="Vector3" />
+ <description>
+ Retrieve the blended value of the position tracks with the [member root_motion_track] as a [Vector3] that can be used elsewhere.
+ This is useful in cases where you want to respect the initial key values of the animation.
+ For example, if an animation with only one key [code]Vector3(0, 0, 0)[/code] is played in the previous frame and then an animation with only one key [code]Vector3(1, 0, 1)[/code] is played in the next frame, the difference can be calculated as follows:
+ [codeblocks]
+ [gdscript]
+ var prev_root_motion_position_accumulator: Vector3
+ func _process(delta):
+ if Input.is_action_just_pressed("animate"):
+ var current_root_motion_position_accumulator: Vector3 = animation_tree.get_root_motion_position_accumulator()
+ var difference: Vector3 = current_root_motion_position_accumulator - prev_root_motion_position_accumulator
+ prev_root_motion_position_accumulator = current_root_motion_position_accumulator
+ transform.origin += difference
+ [/gdscript]
+ [/codeblocks]
+ However, if the animation loops, an unintended discrete change may occur, so this is only useful for some simple use cases.
<method name="get_root_motion_rotation" qualifiers="const">
<return type="Quaternion" />
- Retrieve the motion of rotation with the [member root_motion_track] as a [Quaternion] that can be used elsewhere.
+ Retrieve the motion delta of rotation with the [member root_motion_track] as a [Quaternion] that can be used elsewhere.
If [member root_motion_track] is not a path to a track of type [constant Animation.TYPE_ROTATION_3D], returns [code]Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)[/code].
See also [member root_motion_track] and [RootMotionView].
The most basic example is applying rotation to [CharacterBody3D]:
@@ -69,10 +103,33 @@
+ <method name="get_root_motion_rotation_accumulator" qualifiers="const">
+ <return type="Quaternion" />
+ <description>
+ Retrieve the blended value of the rotation tracks with the [member root_motion_track] as a [Quaternion] that can be used elsewhere.
+ This is necessary to apply the root motion position correctly, taking rotation into account. See also [method get_root_motion_position].
+ Also, this is useful in cases where you want to respect the initial key values of the animation.
+ For example, if an animation with only one key [code]Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)[/code] is played in the previous frame and then an animation with only one key [code]Quaternion(0, 0.707, 0, 0.707)[/code] is played in the next frame, the difference can be calculated as follows:
+ [codeblocks]
+ [gdscript]
+ var prev_root_motion_rotation_accumulator: Quaternion
+ func _process(delta):
+ if Input.is_action_just_pressed("animate"):
+ var current_root_motion_rotation_accumulator: Quaternion = animation_tree.get_root_motion_Quaternion_accumulator()
+ var difference: Quaternion = prev_root_motion_rotation_accumulator.inverse() * current_root_motion_rotation_accumulator
+ prev_root_motion_rotation_accumulator = current_root_motion_rotation_accumulator
+ transform.basis *= difference
+ [/gdscript]
+ [/codeblocks]
+ However, if the animation loops, an unintended discrete change may occur, so this is only useful for some simple use cases.
+ </description>
+ </method>
<method name="get_root_motion_scale" qualifiers="const">
<return type="Vector3" />
- Retrieve the motion of scale with the [member root_motion_track] as a [Vector3] that can be used elsewhere.
+ Retrieve the motion delta of scale with the [member root_motion_track] as a [Vector3] that can be used elsewhere.
If [member root_motion_track] is not a path to a track of type [constant Animation.TYPE_SCALE_3D], returns [code]Vector3(0, 0, 0)[/code].
See also [member root_motion_track] and [RootMotionView].
The most basic example is applying scale to [CharacterBody3D]:
@@ -92,11 +149,25 @@
- <method name="rename_parameter">
- <return type="void" />
- <param index="0" name="old_name" type="String" />
- <param index="1" name="new_name" type="String" />
+ <method name="get_root_motion_scale_accumulator" qualifiers="const">
+ <return type="Vector3" />
+ Retrieve the blended value of the scale tracks with the [member root_motion_track] as a [Vector3] that can be used elsewhere.
+ For example, if an animation with only one key [code]Vector3(1, 1, 1)[/code] is played in the previous frame and then an animation with only one key [code]Vector3(2, 2, 2)[/code] is played in the next frame, the difference can be calculated as follows:
+ [codeblocks]
+ [gdscript]
+ var prev_root_motion_scale_accumulator: Vector3
+ func _process(delta):
+ if Input.is_action_just_pressed("animate"):
+ var current_root_motion_scale_accumulator: Vector3 = animation_tree.get_root_motion_scale_accumulator()
+ var difference: Vector3 = current_root_motion_scale_accumulator - prev_root_motion_scale_accumulator
+ prev_root_motion_scale_accumulator = current_root_motion_scale_accumulator
+ transform.basis = transform.basis.scaled(difference)
+ [/gdscript]
+ [/codeblocks]
+ However, if the animation loops, an unintended discrete change may occur, so this is only useful for some simple use cases.
@@ -110,6 +181,10 @@
<member name="anim_player" type="NodePath" setter="set_animation_player" getter="get_animation_player" default="NodePath(&quot;&quot;)">
The path to the [AnimationPlayer] used for animating.
+ <member name="audio_max_polyphony" type="int" setter="set_audio_max_polyphony" getter="get_audio_max_polyphony" default="32">
+ The number of possible simultaneous sounds for each of the assigned AudioStreamPlayers.
+ For example, if this value is [code]32[/code] and the animation has two audio tracks, the two [AudioStreamPlayer]s assigned can play simultaneously up to [code]32[/code] voices each.
+ </member>
<member name="process_callback" type="int" setter="set_process_callback" getter="get_process_callback" enum="AnimationTree.AnimationProcessCallback" default="1">
The process mode of this [AnimationTree]. See [enum AnimationProcessCallback] for available modes.