path: root/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml b/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml
index 9eeb69d824..33afe38446 100644
--- a/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
<return type="Variant" />
<param index="0" name="x" type="Variant" />
- Returns the absolute value of a [Variant] parameter [param x] (i.e. non-negative value). Variant types [int], [float], [Vector2], [Vector2i], [Vector3] and [Vector3i] are supported.
+ Returns the absolute value of a [Variant] parameter [param x] (i.e. non-negative value). Supported types: [int], [float], [Vector2], [Vector2i], [Vector3], [Vector3i], [Vector4], [Vector4i].
var a = abs(-1)
# a is 1
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
var f = abs(Vector3i(-7, -8, -9))
# f is (7, 8, 9)
+ [b]Note:[/b] For better type safety, use [method absf], [method absi], [method Vector2.abs], [method Vector2i.abs], [method Vector3.abs], [method Vector3i.abs], [method Vector4.abs], or [method Vector4i.abs].
<method name="absf">
@@ -106,6 +107,17 @@
+ <method name="bezier_derivative">
+ <return type="float" />
+ <param index="0" name="start" type="float" />
+ <param index="1" name="control_1" type="float" />
+ <param index="2" name="control_2" type="float" />
+ <param index="3" name="end" type="float" />
+ <param index="4" name="t" type="float" />
+ <description>
+ Returns the derivative at the given [param t] on a one-dimensional [url=]Bezier curve[/url] defined by the given [param control_1], [param control_2], and [param end] points.
+ </description>
+ </method>
<method name="bezier_interpolate">
<return type="float" />
<param index="0" name="start" type="float" />
@@ -143,7 +155,7 @@
i = ceil(1.001) # i is 2.0
See also [method floor], [method round], and [method snapped].
- [b]Note:[/b] For better type safety, see [method ceilf], [method ceili], [method Vector2.ceil], [method Vector3.ceil] and [method Vector4.ceil].
+ [b]Note:[/b] For better type safety, use [method ceilf], [method ceili], [method Vector2.ceil], [method Vector3.ceil], or [method Vector4.ceil].
<method name="ceilf">
@@ -168,7 +180,7 @@
<param index="1" name="min" type="Variant" />
<param index="2" name="max" type="Variant" />
- Clamps the [param value], returning a [Variant] not less than [param min] and not more than [param max]. Variant types [int], [float], [Vector2], [Vector2i], [Vector3] and [Vector3i] are supported.
+ Clamps the [param value], returning a [Variant] not less than [param min] and not more than [param max]. Supported types: [int], [float], [Vector2], [Vector2i], [Vector3], [Vector3i], [Vector4], [Vector4i].
var a = clamp(-10, -1, 5)
# a is -1
@@ -188,6 +200,7 @@
var f = clamp(Vector3i(-7, -8, -9), Vector3i(-1, 2, 3), Vector3i(-4, -5, -6))
# f is (-4, -5, -6)
+ [b]Note:[/b] For better type safety, use [method clampf], [method clampi], [method Vector2.clamp], [method Vector2i.clamp], [method Vector3.clamp], [method Vector3i.clamp], [method Vector4.clamp], or [method Vector4i.clamp].
<method name="clampf">
@@ -367,7 +380,7 @@
a = floor(-2.99) # a is -3.0
See also [method ceil], [method round], and [method snapped].
- [b]Note:[/b] For better type safety, see [method floorf], [method floori], [method Vector2.floor], [method Vector3.floor] and [method Vector4.floor].
+ [b]Note:[/b] For better type safety, use [method floorf], [method floori], [method Vector2.floor], [method Vector3.floor], or [method Vector4.floor].
<method name="floorf">
@@ -527,7 +540,7 @@
<param index="2" name="weight" type="Variant" />
Linearly interpolates between two values by the factor defined in [param weight]. To perform interpolation, [param weight] should be between [code]0.0[/code] and [code]1.0[/code] (inclusive). However, values outside this range are allowed and can be used to perform [i]extrapolation[/i]. If this is not desired, use [method clamp] on the result of this function.
- Both [param from] and [param to] must be the same type. Supported types: [float], [Vector2], [Vector3], [Vector4], [Color], [Quaternion], [Basis].
+ Both [param from] and [param to] must be the same type. Supported types: [int], [float], [Vector2], [Vector3], [Vector4], [Color], [Quaternion], [Basis].
lerp(0, 4, 0.75) # Returns 3.0
@@ -572,7 +585,8 @@
<return type="float" />
<param index="0" name="lin" type="float" />
- Converts from linear energy to decibels (audio). This can be used to implement volume sliders that behave as expected (since volume isn't linear). Example:
+ Converts from linear energy to decibels (audio). This can be used to implement volume sliders that behave as expected (since volume isn't linear).
+ [b]Example:[/b]
# "Slider" refers to a node that inherits Range such as HSlider or VSlider.
# Its range must be configured to go from 0 to 1.
@@ -782,14 +796,13 @@
<method name="printraw" qualifiers="vararg">
- Prints one or more arguments to strings in the best way possible to console. Unlike [method print], no newline is automatically added at the end.
+ Prints one or more arguments to strings in the best way possible to the OS terminal. Unlike [method print], no newline is automatically added at the end.
- # Prints ABC
+ # Prints ABC to terminal
- [b]Note:[/b] Due to limitations with Godot's built-in console, this only prints to the terminal. If you need to print in the editor, use another method, such as [method print].
<method name="prints" qualifiers="vararg">
@@ -841,7 +854,7 @@
<return type="PackedInt64Array" />
<param index="0" name="seed" type="int" />
- Given a [param seed], returns a [PackedInt64Array] of size [code]2[/code], where its first element is the randomised [int] value, and the second element is the same as [param seed]. Passing the same [param seed] consistently returns the same array.
+ Given a [param seed], returns a [PackedInt64Array] of size [code]2[/code], where its first element is the randomized [int] value, and the second element is the same as [param seed]. Passing the same [param seed] consistently returns the same array.
[b]Note:[/b] "Seed" here refers to the internal state of the pseudo random number generator, currently implemented as a 64 bit integer.
var a = rand_from_seed(4)
@@ -949,7 +962,7 @@
round(2.6) # Returns 3
See also [method floor], [method ceil], and [method snapped].
- [b]Note:[/b] For better type safety, use [method roundf], [method roundi], [method Vector2.round], [method Vector3.round] or [method Vector4.round], instead.
+ [b]Note:[/b] For better type safety, use [method roundf], [method roundi], [method Vector2.round], [method Vector3.round], or [method Vector4.round].
<method name="roundf">
@@ -986,21 +999,22 @@
<return type="Variant" />
<param index="0" name="x" type="Variant" />
- Returns the sign of [param x] as same type of [Variant] as [param x] with each component being -1, 0 and 1 for each negative, zero and positive values respectively. Variant types [int], [float], [Vector2], [Vector2i], [Vector3] and [Vector3i] are supported.
+ Returns the same type of [Variant] as [param x], with [code]-1[/code] for negative values, [code]1[/code] for positive values, and [code]0[/code] for zeros. Supported types: [int], [float], [Vector2], [Vector2i], [Vector3], [Vector3i], [Vector4], [Vector4i].
sign(-6.0) # Returns -1
sign(0.0) # Returns 0
sign(6.0) # Returns 1
- sign(Vector3(-6.0, 0.0, 6.0) # Returns (-1, 0, 1)
+ sign(Vector3(-6.0, 0.0, 6.0)) # Returns (-1, 0, 1)
+ [b]Note:[/b] For better type safety, use [method signf], [method signi], [method Vector2.sign], [method Vector2i.sign], [method Vector3.sign], [method Vector3i.sign], [method Vector4.sign], or [method Vector4i.sign].
<method name="signf">
<return type="float" />
<param index="0" name="x" type="float" />
- Returns the sign of [param x] as a [float]: -1.0 or 1.0. Returns 0.0 if [param x] is 0.0.
+ Returns [code]-1.0[/code] if [param x] is negative, [code]1.0[/code] if [param x] is positive, and [code]0.0[/code] if if [param x] is zero.
sign(-6.5) # Returns -1.0
sign(0.0) # Returns 0.0
@@ -1012,7 +1026,7 @@
<return type="int" />
<param index="0" name="x" type="int" />
- Returns the sign of [param x] as an [int]: -1 or 1. Returns 0 if [param x] is 0.
+ Returns [code]-1[/code] if [param x] is negative, [code]1[/code] if [param x] is positive, and [code]0[/code] if if [param x] is zero.
sign(-6) # Returns -1
sign(0) # Returns 0
@@ -1062,16 +1076,46 @@
<method name="snapped">
+ <return type="Variant" />
+ <param index="0" name="x" type="Variant" />
+ <param index="1" name="step" type="Variant" />
+ <description>
+ Returns the multiple of [param step] that is the closest to [param x]. This can also be used to round a floating point number to an arbitrary number of decimals.
+ The returned value is the same type of [Variant] as [param step]. Supported types: [int], [float], [Vector2], [Vector2i], [Vector3], [Vector3i], [Vector4], [Vector4i].
+ [codeblock]
+ snapped(100, 32) # Returns 96
+ snapped(3.14159, 0.01) # Returns 3.14
+ snapped(Vector2(34, 70), Vector2(8, 8)) # Returns (32, 72)
+ [/codeblock]
+ See also [method ceil], [method floor], and [method round].
+ [b]Note:[/b] For better type safety, use [method snappedf], [method snappedi], [method Vector2.snapped], [method Vector2i.snapped], [method Vector3.snapped], [method Vector3i.snapped], [method Vector4.snapped], or [method Vector4i.snapped].
+ </description>
+ </method>
+ <method name="snappedf">
<return type="float" />
<param index="0" name="x" type="float" />
<param index="1" name="step" type="float" />
- Snaps the float value [param x] to a given [param step]. This can also be used to round a floating point number to an arbitrary number of decimals.
+ Returns the multiple of [param step] that is the closest to [param x]. This can also be used to round a floating point number to an arbitrary number of decimals.
+ A type-safe version of [method snapped], returning a [float].
- snapped(100, 32) # Returns 96
- snapped(3.14159, 0.01) # Returns 3.14
+ snapped(32.0, 2.5) # Returns 32.5
+ snapped(3.14159, 0.01) # Returns 3.14
+ [/codeblock]
+ </description>
+ </method>
+ <method name="snappedi">
+ <return type="int" />
+ <param index="0" name="x" type="float" />
+ <param index="1" name="step" type="int" />
+ <description>
+ Returns the multiple of [param step] that is the closest to [param x].
+ A type-safe version of [method snapped], returning an [int].
+ [codeblock]
+ snapped(53, 16) # Returns 48
+ snapped(4096, 100) # Returns 4100
- See also [method ceil], [method floor], and [method round].
<method name="sqrt">
@@ -1465,6 +1509,24 @@
<constant name="INLINE_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_MASK" value="12" enum="InlineAlignment">
A bit mask for [code]INLINE_ALIGNMENT_TO_*[/code] alignment constants.
+ <constant name="EULER_ORDER_XYZ" value="0" enum="EulerOrder">
+ Specifies that Euler angles should be in XYZ order. When composing, the order is X, Y, Z. When decomposing, the order is reversed, first Z, then Y, and X last.
+ </constant>
+ <constant name="EULER_ORDER_XZY" value="1" enum="EulerOrder">
+ Specifies that Euler angles should be in XZY order. When composing, the order is X, Z, Y. When decomposing, the order is reversed, first Y, then Z, and X last.
+ </constant>
+ <constant name="EULER_ORDER_YXZ" value="2" enum="EulerOrder">
+ Specifies that Euler angles should be in YXZ order. When composing, the order is Y, X, Z. When decomposing, the order is reversed, first Z, then X, and Y last.
+ </constant>
+ <constant name="EULER_ORDER_YZX" value="3" enum="EulerOrder">
+ Specifies that Euler angles should be in YZX order. When composing, the order is Y, Z, X. When decomposing, the order is reversed, first X, then Z, and Y last.
+ </constant>
+ <constant name="EULER_ORDER_ZXY" value="4" enum="EulerOrder">
+ Specifies that Euler angles should be in ZXY order. When composing, the order is Z, X, Y. When decomposing, the order is reversed, first Y, then X, and Z last.
+ </constant>
+ <constant name="EULER_ORDER_ZYX" value="5" enum="EulerOrder">
+ Specifies that Euler angles should be in ZYX order. When composing, the order is Z, Y, X. When decomposing, the order is reversed, first X, then Y, and Z last.
+ </constant>
<constant name="KEY_NONE" value="0" enum="Key">
Enum value which doesn't correspond to any key. This is used to initialize [enum Key] properties with a generic state.
@@ -2487,7 +2549,8 @@
<constant name="OK" value="0" enum="Error">
Methods that return [enum Error] return [constant OK] when no error occurred.
- Since [constant OK] has value 0, and all other error constants are positive integers, it can also be used in boolean checks. For example:
+ Since [constant OK] has value 0, and all other error constants are positive integers, it can also be used in boolean checks.
+ [b]Example:[/b]
var error = method_that_returns_error()
if error != OK:
@@ -2648,7 +2711,8 @@
The property has no hint for the editor.
<constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE" value="1" enum="PropertyHint">
- Hints that an [int] or [float] property should be within a range specified via the hint string [code]"min,max"[/code] or [code]"min,max,step"[/code]. The hint string can optionally include [code]"or_greater"[/code] and/or [code]"or_less"[/code] to allow manual input going respectively above the max or below the min values. Example: [code]"-360,360,1,or_greater,or_less"[/code].
+ Hints that an [int] or [float] property should be within a range specified via the hint string [code]"min,max"[/code] or [code]"min,max,step"[/code]. The hint string can optionally include [code]"or_greater"[/code] and/or [code]"or_less"[/code] to allow manual input going respectively above the max or below the min values.
+ [b]Example:[/b] [code]"-360,360,1,or_greater,or_less"[/code].
Additionally, other keywords can be included: [code]"exp"[/code] for exponential range editing, [code]"radians"[/code] for editing radian angles in degrees, [code]"degrees"[/code] to hint at an angle and [code]"hide_slider"[/code] to hide the slider.
<constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM" value="2" enum="PropertyHint">
@@ -2713,16 +2777,10 @@
<constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_COLOR_NO_ALPHA" value="21" enum="PropertyHint">
Hints that a [Color] property should be edited without affecting its transparency ([member Color.a] is not editable).
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_IMAGE_COMPRESS_LOSSY" value="22" enum="PropertyHint">
- Hints that an image is compressed using lossy compression. The editor does not internally use this property hint.
- </constant>
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_IMAGE_COMPRESS_LOSSLESS" value="23" enum="PropertyHint">
- Hints that an image is compressed using lossless compression. The editor does not internally use this property hint.
- </constant>
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_OBJECT_ID" value="24" enum="PropertyHint">
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_OBJECT_ID" value="22" enum="PropertyHint">
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_TYPE_STRING" value="25" enum="PropertyHint">
- Hints that a property represents a particular type. If a property is [constant TYPE_STRING], allows to set a type from the create dialog. If you need to create an [Array] to contain elements of a specific type, the [code]hint_string[/code] must encode nested types using [code]":"[/code] and [code]"/"[/code] for specifying [Resource] types. For example:
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_TYPE_STRING" value="23" enum="PropertyHint">
+ Hint that a property represents a particular type. If a property is [constant TYPE_STRING], allows to set a type from the create dialog. If you need to create an [Array] to contain elements of a specific type, the [code]hint_string[/code] must encode nested types using [code]":"[/code] and [code]"/"[/code] for specifying [Resource] types. For instance:
hint_string = "%s:" % [TYPE_INT] # Array of integers.
hint_string = "%s:%s:" % [TYPE_ARRAY, TYPE_REAL] # Two-dimensional array of floats.
@@ -2731,56 +2789,53 @@
[b]Note:[/b] The final colon is required for properly detecting built-in types.
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_NODE_PATH_TO_EDITED_NODE" value="26" enum="PropertyHint">
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_NODE_PATH_TO_EDITED_NODE" value="24" enum="PropertyHint">
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_METHOD_OF_VARIANT_TYPE" value="27" enum="PropertyHint">
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_METHOD_OF_VARIANT_TYPE" value="25" enum="PropertyHint">
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_METHOD_OF_BASE_TYPE" value="28" enum="PropertyHint">
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_METHOD_OF_BASE_TYPE" value="26" enum="PropertyHint">
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_METHOD_OF_INSTANCE" value="29" enum="PropertyHint">
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_METHOD_OF_INSTANCE" value="27" enum="PropertyHint">
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_METHOD_OF_SCRIPT" value="30" enum="PropertyHint">
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_METHOD_OF_SCRIPT" value="28" enum="PropertyHint">
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_PROPERTY_OF_VARIANT_TYPE" value="31" enum="PropertyHint">
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_PROPERTY_OF_VARIANT_TYPE" value="29" enum="PropertyHint">
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_PROPERTY_OF_BASE_TYPE" value="32" enum="PropertyHint">
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_PROPERTY_OF_BASE_TYPE" value="30" enum="PropertyHint">
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_PROPERTY_OF_INSTANCE" value="33" enum="PropertyHint">
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_PROPERTY_OF_INSTANCE" value="31" enum="PropertyHint">
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_PROPERTY_OF_SCRIPT" value="34" enum="PropertyHint">
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_PROPERTY_OF_SCRIPT" value="32" enum="PropertyHint">
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_OBJECT_TOO_BIG" value="35" enum="PropertyHint">
- Hints that a property's size (in bytes) is too big to be displayed, when debugging a running project. The debugger uses this hint internally.
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_OBJECT_TOO_BIG" value="33" enum="PropertyHint">
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_NODE_PATH_VALID_TYPES" value="36" enum="PropertyHint">
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_NODE_PATH_VALID_TYPES" value="34" enum="PropertyHint">
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_SAVE_FILE" value="37" enum="PropertyHint">
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_SAVE_FILE" value="35" enum="PropertyHint">
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_GLOBAL_SAVE_FILE" value="38" enum="PropertyHint">
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_GLOBAL_SAVE_FILE" value="36" enum="PropertyHint">
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_INT_IS_OBJECTID" value="39" enum="PropertyHint">
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_INT_IS_OBJECTID" value="37" enum="PropertyHint">
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_INT_IS_POINTER" value="41" enum="PropertyHint">
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_INT_IS_POINTER" value="38" enum="PropertyHint">
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_ARRAY_TYPE" value="40" enum="PropertyHint">
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_ARRAY_TYPE" value="39" enum="PropertyHint">
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_LOCALE_ID" value="42" enum="PropertyHint">
- Hints that a [String] property is a locale code. Editing it will show a locale dialog for picking language and country.
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_LOCALE_ID" value="40" enum="PropertyHint">
+ Hints that a string property is a locale code. Editing it will show a locale dialog for picking language and country.
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_LOCALIZABLE_STRING" value="43" enum="PropertyHint">
- Hints that a [Dictionary] property is string translation map. Dictionary keys are locale codes and, values are translated strings.
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_LOCALIZABLE_STRING" value="41" enum="PropertyHint">
+ Hints that a dictionary property is string translation map. Dictionary keys are locale codes and, values are translated strings.
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_NODE_TYPE" value="44" enum="PropertyHint">
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_NODE_TYPE" value="42" enum="PropertyHint">
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_HIDE_QUATERNION_EDIT" value="45" enum="PropertyHint">
- Hints that a [Quaternion] property should disable the temporary euler editor.
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_HIDE_QUATERNION_EDIT" value="43" enum="PropertyHint">
+ Hints that a quaternion property should disable the temporary euler editor.
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_PASSWORD" value="46" enum="PropertyHint">
- Hints that a [String] property is a password. Every character of the string is displayed as the secret character (typically [code]*[/code]).
- An optional placeholder text can be shown on its input field, similarly to [constant PROPERTY_HINT_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT].
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_PASSWORD" value="44" enum="PropertyHint">
+ Hints that a string property is a password, and every character is replaced with the secret character.
- <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_MAX" value="47" enum="PropertyHint">
- Represents the size of the [enum PropertyHint] enum.
+ <constant name="PROPERTY_HINT_MAX" value="45" enum="PropertyHint">
<constant name="PROPERTY_USAGE_NONE" value="0" enum="PropertyUsageFlags">
The property is not stored, and does not display in the editor. This is the default for non-exported properties.
@@ -2789,13 +2844,13 @@
The property is serialized and saved in the scene file (default).
<constant name="PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR" value="4" enum="PropertyUsageFlags">
- The property is shown in the editor Inspector (default).
+ The property is shown in the [EditorInspector] (default).
<constant name="PROPERTY_USAGE_CHECKABLE" value="8" enum="PropertyUsageFlags">
- The property can be checked in the editor inspector.
+ The property can be checked in the [EditorInspector].
<constant name="PROPERTY_USAGE_CHECKED" value="16" enum="PropertyUsageFlags">
- The property is checked in the editor inspector.
+ The property is checked in the [EditorInspector].
<constant name="PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNATIONALIZED" value="32" enum="PropertyUsageFlags">
The property is a translatable string.
@@ -2853,7 +2908,7 @@
<constant name="PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR_BASIC_SETTING" value="134217728" enum="PropertyUsageFlags">
<constant name="PROPERTY_USAGE_READ_ONLY" value="268435456" enum="PropertyUsageFlags">
- The property is read-only in the editor Inspector.
+ The property is read-only in the [EditorInspector].
<constant name="PROPERTY_USAGE_ARRAY" value="536870912" enum="PropertyUsageFlags">
The property is an array.