path: root/core/variant/array.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'core/variant/array.cpp')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/core/variant/array.cpp b/core/variant/array.cpp
index f8af78f3c1..d3c5ca801f 100644
--- a/core/variant/array.cpp
+++ b/core/variant/array.cpp
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ void Array::_ref(const Array &p_from) const {
- _p = p_from._p;
+ _p = _fp;
void Array::_unref() const {
@@ -191,62 +191,73 @@ uint32_t Array::recursive_hash(int recursion_count) const {
return hash_fmix32(h);
-bool Array::_assign(const Array &p_array) {
- bool can_convert = p_array._p->typed.type == Variant::NIL;
- can_convert |= _p->typed.type == Variant::STRING && p_array._p->typed.type == Variant::STRING_NAME;
- can_convert |= _p->typed.type == Variant::STRING_NAME && p_array._p->typed.type == Variant::STRING;
+void Array::operator=(const Array &p_array) {
+ if (this == &p_array) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _ref(p_array);
+void Array::assign(const Array &p_array) {
+ const ContainerTypeValidate &typed = _p->typed;
+ const ContainerTypeValidate &source_typed = p_array._p->typed;
- if (_p->typed.type != Variant::OBJECT && _p->typed.type == p_array._p->typed.type) {
- //same type or untyped, just reference, should be fine
- _ref(p_array);
- } else if (_p->typed.type == Variant::NIL) { //from typed to untyped, must copy, but this is cheap anyway
+ if (typed == source_typed || typed.type == Variant::NIL || (source_typed.type == Variant::OBJECT && typed.can_reference(source_typed))) {
+ // from same to same or
+ // from anything to variants or
+ // from subclasses to base classes
_p->array = p_array._p->array;
- } else if (can_convert) { //from untyped to typed, must try to check if they are all valid
- if (_p->typed.type == Variant::OBJECT) {
- //for objects, it needs full validation, either can be converted or fail
- for (int i = 0; i < p_array._p->array.size(); i++) {
- const Variant &element = p_array._p->array[i];
- if (element.get_type() != Variant::OBJECT || !_p->typed.validate_object(element, "assign")) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- _p->array = p_array._p->array; //then just copy, which is cheap anyway
+ return;
+ }
- } else {
- //for non objects, we need to check if there is a valid conversion, which needs to happen one by one, so this is the worst case.
- Vector<Variant> new_array;
- new_array.resize(p_array._p->array.size());
- for (int i = 0; i < p_array._p->array.size(); i++) {
- Variant src_val = p_array._p->array[i];
- if (src_val.get_type() == _p->typed.type) {
- new_array.write[i] = src_val;
- } else if (Variant::can_convert_strict(src_val.get_type(), _p->typed.type)) {
- Variant *ptr = &src_val;
- Callable::CallError ce;
- Variant::construct(_p->typed.type, new_array.write[i], (const Variant **)&ptr, 1, ce);
- if (ce.error != Callable::CallError::CALL_OK) {
- ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, "Unable to convert array index " + itos(i) + " from '" + Variant::get_type_name(src_val.get_type()) + "' to '" + Variant::get_type_name(_p->typed.type) + "'.");
- }
- } else {
- ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, "Unable to convert array index " + itos(i) + " from '" + Variant::get_type_name(src_val.get_type()) + "' to '" + Variant::get_type_name(_p->typed.type) + "'.");
- }
+ const Variant *source = p_array._p->array.ptr();
+ int size = p_array._p->array.size();
+ if ((source_typed.type == Variant::NIL && typed.type == Variant::OBJECT) || (source_typed.type == Variant::OBJECT && source_typed.can_reference(typed))) {
+ // from variants to objects or
+ // from base classes to subclasses
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ const Variant &element = source[i];
+ if (element.get_type() != Variant::NIL && (element.get_type() != Variant::OBJECT || !typed.validate_object(element, "assign"))) {
+ ERR_FAIL_MSG(vformat(R"(Unable to convert array index %i from "%s" to "%s".)", i, Variant::get_type_name(element.get_type()), Variant::get_type_name(typed.type)));
+ }
+ _p->array = p_array._p->array;
+ return;
+ }
- _p->array = new_array;
+ Vector<Variant> array;
+ array.resize(size);
+ Variant *data = array.ptrw();
+ if (source_typed.type == Variant::NIL && typed.type != Variant::OBJECT) {
+ // from variants to primitives
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ const Variant *value = source + i;
+ if (value->get_type() == typed.type) {
+ data[i] = *value;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!Variant::can_convert_strict(value->get_type(), typed.type)) {
+ ERR_FAIL_MSG("Unable to convert array index " + itos(i) + " from '" + Variant::get_type_name(value->get_type()) + "' to '" + Variant::get_type_name(typed.type) + "'.");
+ }
+ Callable::CallError ce;
+ Variant::construct(typed.type, data[i], &value, 1, ce);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(ce.error, vformat(R"(Unable to convert array index %i from "%s" to "%s".)", i, Variant::get_type_name(value->get_type()), Variant::get_type_name(typed.type)));
+ }
+ } else if (Variant::can_convert_strict(source_typed.type, typed.type)) {
+ // from primitives to different convertable primitives
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ const Variant *value = source + i;
+ Callable::CallError ce;
+ Variant::construct(typed.type, data[i], &value, 1, ce);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(ce.error, vformat(R"(Unable to convert array index %i from "%s" to "%s".)", i, Variant::get_type_name(value->get_type()), Variant::get_type_name(typed.type)));
- } else if (_p->typed.can_reference(p_array._p->typed)) { //same type or compatible
- _ref(p_array);
} else {
- ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, "Assignment of arrays of incompatible types.");
+ ERR_FAIL_MSG(vformat(R"(Cannot assign contents of "Array[%s]" to "Array[%s]".)", Variant::get_type_name(source_typed.type), Variant::get_type_name(typed.type)));
- return true;
-void Array::operator=(const Array &p_array) {
- if (this == &p_array) {
- return;
- }
- _ref(p_array);
+ _p->array = array;
void Array::push_back(const Variant &p_value) {
@@ -269,7 +280,15 @@ void Array::append_array(const Array &p_array) {
Error Array::resize(int p_new_size) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(_p->read_only, ERR_LOCKED, "Array is in read-only state.");
- return _p->array.resize(p_new_size);
+ Variant::Type &variant_type = _p->typed.type;
+ int old_size = _p->array.size();
+ Error err = _p->array.resize_zeroed(p_new_size);
+ if (!err && variant_type != Variant::NIL && variant_type != Variant::OBJECT) {
+ for (int i = old_size; i < p_new_size; i++) {
+ VariantInternal::initialize(&_p->array.write[i], variant_type);
+ }
+ }
+ return err;
Error Array::insert(int p_pos, const Variant &p_value) {
@@ -403,24 +422,22 @@ Array Array::duplicate(bool p_deep) const {
Array Array::recursive_duplicate(bool p_deep, int recursion_count) const {
Array new_arr;
+ new_arr._p->typed = _p->typed;
if (recursion_count > MAX_RECURSION) {
ERR_PRINT("Max recursion reached");
return new_arr;
- int element_count = size();
- new_arr.resize(element_count);
- new_arr._p->typed = _p->typed;
if (p_deep) {
+ int element_count = size();
+ new_arr.resize(element_count);
for (int i = 0; i < element_count; i++) {
new_arr[i] = get(i).recursive_duplicate(true, recursion_count);
} else {
- for (int i = 0; i < element_count; i++) {
- new_arr[i] = get(i);
- }
+ new_arr._p->array = _p->array;
return new_arr;
@@ -737,11 +754,7 @@ Array::Array(const Array &p_from, uint32_t p_type, const StringName &p_class_nam
_p = memnew(ArrayPrivate);
set_typed(p_type, p_class_name, p_script);
- _assign(p_from);
-bool Array::typed_assign(const Array &p_other) {
- return _assign(p_other);
+ assign(p_from);
void Array::set_typed(uint32_t p_type, const StringName &p_class_name, const Variant &p_script) {
@@ -763,6 +776,10 @@ bool Array::is_typed() const {
return _p->typed.type != Variant::NIL;
+bool Array::is_same_typed(const Array &p_other) const {
+ return _p->typed == p_other._p->typed;
uint32_t Array::get_typed_builtin() const {
return _p->typed.type;
@@ -775,15 +792,9 @@ Variant Array::get_typed_script() const {
return _p->typed.script;
-void Array::set_read_only(bool p_enable) {
- if (p_enable == bool(_p->read_only != nullptr)) {
- return;
- }
- if (p_enable) {
+void Array::make_read_only() {
+ if (_p->read_only == nullptr) {
_p->read_only = memnew(Variant);
- } else {
- memdelete(_p->read_only);
- _p->read_only = nullptr;