path: root/core/string/ustring.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'core/string/ustring.cpp')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/core/string/ustring.cpp b/core/string/ustring.cpp
index daeb7fbd17..4798cab641 100644
--- a/core/string/ustring.cpp
+++ b/core/string/ustring.cpp
@@ -952,10 +952,6 @@ const char32_t *String::get_data() const {
return size() ? &operator[](0) : &zero;
-void String::erase(int p_pos, int p_chars) {
- *this = left(MAX(p_pos, 0)) + substr(p_pos + p_chars, length() - ((p_pos + p_chars)));
String String::capitalize() const {
String aux = this->camelcase_to_underscore(true).replace("_", " ").strip_edges();
String cap;
@@ -2137,7 +2133,7 @@ int64_t String::hex_to_int() const {
- if (len > 2 && s[0] == '0' && s[1] == 'x') {
+ if (len > 2 && s[0] == '0' && lower_case(s[1]) == 'x') {
s += 2;
@@ -2151,7 +2147,7 @@ int64_t String::hex_to_int() const {
} else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
n = (c - 'a') + 10;
} else {
- return 0;
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(true, 0, "Invalid hexadecimal notation character \"" + chr(*s) + "\" in string \"" + *this + "\".");
// Check for overflow/underflow, with special case to ensure INT64_MIN does not result in error
bool overflow = ((hex > INT64_MAX / 16) && (sign == 1 || (sign == -1 && hex != (INT64_MAX >> 4) + 1))) || (sign == -1 && hex == (INT64_MAX >> 4) + 1 && c > '0');
@@ -2178,7 +2174,7 @@ int64_t String::bin_to_int() const {
- if (len > 2 && s[0] == '0' && s[1] == 'b') {
+ if (len > 2 && s[0] == '0' && lower_case(s[1]) == 'b') {
s += 2;
@@ -2317,28 +2313,33 @@ bool String::is_numeric() const {
template <class C>
-static double built_in_strtod(const C *string, /* A decimal ASCII floating-point number,
- * optionally preceded by white space. Must
- * have form "-I.FE-X", where I is the integer
- * part of the mantissa, F is the fractional
- * part of the mantissa, and X is the
- * exponent. Either of the signs may be "+",
- * "-", or omitted. Either I or F may be
- * omitted, or both. The decimal point isn't
- * necessary unless F is present. The "E" may
- * actually be an "e". E and X may both be
- * omitted (but not just one). */
- C **endPtr = nullptr) /* If non-nullptr, store terminating Cacter's
- * address here. */
- static const int maxExponent = 511; /* Largest possible base 10 exponent. Any
- * exponent larger than this will already
- * produce underflow or overflow, so there's
- * no need to worry about additional digits.
- */
- static const double powersOf10[] = { /* Table giving binary powers of 10. Entry */
- 10., /* is 10^2^i. Used to convert decimal */
- 100., /* exponents into floating-point numbers. */
+static double built_in_strtod(
+ /* A decimal ASCII floating-point number,
+ * optionally preceded by white space. Must
+ * have form "-I.FE-X", where I is the integer
+ * part of the mantissa, F is the fractional
+ * part of the mantissa, and X is the
+ * exponent. Either of the signs may be "+",
+ * "-", or omitted. Either I or F may be
+ * omitted, or both. The decimal point isn't
+ * necessary unless F is present. The "E" may
+ * actually be an "e". E and X may both be
+ * omitted (but not just one). */
+ const C *string,
+ /* If non-nullptr, store terminating Cacter's
+ * address here. */
+ C **endPtr = nullptr) {
+ /* Largest possible base 10 exponent. Any
+ * exponent larger than this will already
+ * produce underflow or overflow, so there's
+ * no need to worry about additional digits. */
+ static const int maxExponent = 511;
+ /* Table giving binary powers of 10. Entry
+ * is 10^2^i. Used to convert decimal
+ * exponents into floating-point numbers. */
+ static const double powersOf10[] = {
+ 10.,
+ 100.,
@@ -2353,25 +2354,28 @@ static double built_in_strtod(const C *string, /* A decimal ASCII floating-point
const double *d;
const C *p;
int c;
- int exp = 0; /* Exponent read from "EX" field. */
- int fracExp = 0; /* Exponent that derives from the fractional
- * part. Under normal circumstances, it is
- * the negative of the number of digits in F.
- * However, if I is very long, the last digits
- * of I get dropped (otherwise a long I with a
- * large negative exponent could cause an
- * unnecessary overflow on I alone). In this
- * case, fracExp is incremented one for each
- * dropped digit. */
- int mantSize; /* Number of digits in mantissa. */
- int decPt; /* Number of mantissa digits BEFORE decimal
- * point. */
- const C *pExp; /* Temporarily holds location of exponent in
- * string. */
+ /* Exponent read from "EX" field. */
+ int exp = 0;
+ /* Exponent that derives from the fractional
+ * part. Under normal circumstances, it is
+ * the negative of the number of digits in F.
+ * However, if I is very long, the last digits
+ * of I get dropped (otherwise a long I with a
+ * large negative exponent could cause an
+ * unnecessary overflow on I alone). In this
+ * case, fracExp is incremented one for each
+ * dropped digit. */
+ int fracExp = 0;
+ /* Number of digits in mantissa. */
+ int mantSize;
+ /* Number of mantissa digits BEFORE decimal point. */
+ int decPt;
+ /* Temporarily holds location of exponent in string. */
+ const C *pExp;
- * Strip off leading blanks and check for a sign.
- */
+ * Strip off leading blanks and check for a sign.
+ */
p = string;
while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == '\n') {
@@ -2388,9 +2392,9 @@ static double built_in_strtod(const C *string, /* A decimal ASCII floating-point
- * Count the number of digits in the mantissa (including the decimal
- * point), and also locate the decimal point.
- */
+ * Count the number of digits in the mantissa (including the decimal
+ * point), and also locate the decimal point.
+ */
decPt = -1;
for (mantSize = 0;; mantSize += 1) {
@@ -2405,11 +2409,11 @@ static double built_in_strtod(const C *string, /* A decimal ASCII floating-point
- * Now suck up the digits in the mantissa. Use two integers to collect 9
- * digits each (this is faster than using floating-point). If the mantissa
- * has more than 18 digits, ignore the extras, since they can't affect the
- * value anyway.
- */
+ * Now suck up the digits in the mantissa. Use two integers to collect 9
+ * digits each (this is faster than using floating-point). If the mantissa
+ * has more than 18 digits, ignore the extras, since they can't affect the
+ * value anyway.
+ */
pExp = p;
p -= mantSize;
@@ -2455,8 +2459,8 @@ static double built_in_strtod(const C *string, /* A decimal ASCII floating-point
- * Skim off the exponent.
- */
+ * Skim off the exponent.
+ */
p = pExp;
if ((*p == 'E') || (*p == 'e')) {
@@ -2486,10 +2490,10 @@ static double built_in_strtod(const C *string, /* A decimal ASCII floating-point
- * Generate a floating-point number that represents the exponent. Do this
- * by processing the exponent one bit at a time to combine many powers of
- * 2 of 10. Then combine the exponent with the fraction.
- */
+ * Generate a floating-point number that represents the exponent. Do this
+ * by processing the exponent one bit at a time to combine many powers of
+ * 2 of 10. Then combine the exponent with the fraction.
+ */
if (exp < 0) {
expSign = true;
@@ -4412,7 +4416,7 @@ String String::property_name_encode() const {
// as well as '"', '=' or ' ' (32)
const char32_t *cstr = get_data();
for (int i = 0; cstr[i]; i++) {
- if (cstr[i] == '=' || cstr[i] == '"' || cstr[i] < 33 || cstr[i] > 126) {
+ if (cstr[i] == '=' || cstr[i] == '"' || cstr[i] == ';' || cstr[i] == '[' || cstr[i] == ']' || cstr[i] < 33 || cstr[i] > 126) {
return "\"" + c_escape_multiline() + "\"";