path: root/core/math
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Diffstat (limited to 'core/math')
6 files changed, 268 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/core/math/a_star.cpp b/core/math/a_star.cpp
index e1388ad2ac..3d71e66f80 100644
--- a/core/math/a_star.cpp
+++ b/core/math/a_star.cpp
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ void AStar::add_point(int p_id, const Vector3 &p_pos, real_t p_weight_scale) {
pt->pos = p_pos;
pt->weight_scale = p_weight_scale;
pt->prev_point = NULL;
- pt->last_pass = 0;
+ pt->open_pass = 0;
+ pt->closed_pass = 0;
pt->enabled = true;
points[p_id] = pt;
} else {
@@ -246,86 +247,62 @@ bool AStar::_solve(Point *begin_point, Point *end_point) {
if (!end_point->enabled)
return false;
- SelfList<Point>::List open_list;
bool found_route = false;
- for (Set<Point *>::Element *E = begin_point->neighbours.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- Point *n = E->get();
+ Vector<Point *> open_list;
+ SortArray<Point *, SortPoints> sorter;
- if (!n->enabled)
- continue;
+ begin_point->g_score = 0;
+ begin_point->f_score = _estimate_cost(begin_point->id, end_point->id);
- n->prev_point = begin_point;
- n->distance = _compute_cost(begin_point->id, n->id) * n->weight_scale;
- n->last_pass = pass;
- open_list.add(&n->list);
- }
+ open_list.push_back(begin_point);
while (true) {
- if (open_list.first() == NULL) {
- // No path found
+ if (open_list.size() == 0) // No path found
- }
- // Check open list
- SelfList<Point> *least_cost_point = open_list.first();
- real_t least_cost = Math_INF;
- // TODO: Cache previous results
- for (SelfList<Point> *E = open_list.first(); E; E = E->next()) {
- Point *p = E->self();
- real_t cost = p->distance;
- cost += _estimate_cost(p->id, end_point->id);
- if (cost < least_cost) {
- least_cost_point = E;
- least_cost = cost;
- }
- }
+ Point *p = open_list[0]; // The currently processed point
- Point *p = least_cost_point->self();
if (p == end_point) {
found_route = true;
+ sorter.pop_heap(0, open_list.size(), open_list.ptrw()); // Remove the current point from the open list
+ open_list.remove(open_list.size() - 1);
+ p->closed_pass = pass; // Mark the point as closed
for (Set<Point *>::Element *E = p->neighbours.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- Point *e = E->get();
+ Point *e = E->get(); // The neighbour point
- if (!e->enabled)
+ if (!e->enabled || e->closed_pass == pass)
- real_t distance = _compute_cost(p->id, e->id) * e->weight_scale + p->distance;
+ real_t tentative_g_score = p->g_score + _compute_cost(p->id, e->id) * e->weight_scale;
+ bool new_point = false;
- if (e->last_pass == pass) {
- // Already visited, is this cheaper?
+ if (e->open_pass != pass) { // The point wasn't inside the open list
- if (e->distance > distance) {
- e->prev_point = p;
- e->distance = distance;
- }
- } else {
- // Add to open neighbours
+ e->open_pass = pass;
+ open_list.push_back(e);
+ new_point = true;
+ } else if (tentative_g_score >= e->g_score) { // The new path is worse than the previous
- e->prev_point = p;
- e->distance = distance;
- e->last_pass = pass; // Mark as used
- open_list.add(&e->list);
+ continue;
- }
- open_list.remove(least_cost_point);
- }
+ e->prev_point = p;
+ e->g_score = tentative_g_score;
+ e->f_score = e->g_score + _estimate_cost(e->id, end_point->id);
- // Clear the openf list
- while (open_list.first()) {
- open_list.remove(open_list.first());
+ if (new_point) // The position of the new points is already known
+ sorter.push_heap(0, open_list.size() - 1, 0, e, open_list.ptrw());
+ else
+ sorter.push_heap(0, open_list.find(e), 0, e, open_list.ptrw());
+ }
return found_route;
@@ -352,8 +329,6 @@ PoolVector<Vector3> AStar::get_point_path(int p_from_id, int p_to_id) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!points.has(p_from_id), PoolVector<Vector3>());
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!points.has(p_to_id), PoolVector<Vector3>());
- pass++;
Point *a = points[p_from_id];
Point *b = points[p_to_id];
@@ -403,8 +378,6 @@ PoolVector<int> AStar::get_id_path(int p_from_id, int p_to_id) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!points.has(p_from_id), PoolVector<int>());
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!points.has(p_to_id), PoolVector<int>());
- pass++;
Point *a = points[p_from_id];
Point *b = points[p_to_id];
diff --git a/core/math/a_star.h b/core/math/a_star.h
index c63e1aa4dc..fac8a9d312 100644
--- a/core/math/a_star.h
+++ b/core/math/a_star.h
@@ -48,26 +48,34 @@ class AStar : public Reference {
struct Point {
- SelfList<Point> list;
int id;
Vector3 pos;
real_t weight_scale;
- uint64_t last_pass;
bool enabled;
Set<Point *> neighbours;
// Used for pathfinding
Point *prev_point;
- real_t distance;
- Point() :
- list(this) {}
+ real_t g_score;
+ real_t f_score;
+ uint64_t open_pass;
+ uint64_t closed_pass;
Map<int, Point *> points;
+ struct SortPoints {
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator()(const Point *A, const Point *B) const { // Returns true when the Point A is worse than Point B
+ if (A->f_score > B->f_score)
+ return true;
+ else if (A->f_score < B->f_score)
+ return false;
+ else
+ return A->g_score < B->g_score; // If the f_costs are the same then prioritize the points that are further away from the start
+ }
+ };
struct Segment {
union {
struct {
diff --git a/core/math/basis.cpp b/core/math/basis.cpp
index 9fcecd1ba6..1540bc8fe1 100644
--- a/core/math/basis.cpp
+++ b/core/math/basis.cpp
@@ -813,21 +813,28 @@ void Basis::set_axis_angle(const Vector3 &p_axis, real_t p_phi) {
Vector3 axis_sq(p_axis.x * p_axis.x, p_axis.y * p_axis.y, p_axis.z * p_axis.z);
real_t cosine = Math::cos(p_phi);
- real_t sine = Math::sin(p_phi);
elements[0][0] = axis_sq.x + cosine * (1.0 - axis_sq.x);
- elements[0][1] = p_axis.x * p_axis.y * (1.0 - cosine) - p_axis.z * sine;
- elements[0][2] = p_axis.z * p_axis.x * (1.0 - cosine) + p_axis.y * sine;
- elements[1][0] = p_axis.x * p_axis.y * (1.0 - cosine) + p_axis.z * sine;
elements[1][1] = axis_sq.y + cosine * (1.0 - axis_sq.y);
- elements[1][2] = p_axis.y * p_axis.z * (1.0 - cosine) - p_axis.x * sine;
- elements[2][0] = p_axis.z * p_axis.x * (1.0 - cosine) - p_axis.y * sine;
- elements[2][1] = p_axis.y * p_axis.z * (1.0 - cosine) + p_axis.x * sine;
elements[2][2] = axis_sq.z + cosine * (1.0 - axis_sq.z);
+ real_t sine = Math::sin(p_phi);
+ real_t t = 1 - cosine;
+ real_t xyzt = p_axis.x * p_axis.y * t;
+ real_t zyxs = p_axis.z * sine;
+ elements[0][1] = xyzt - zyxs;
+ elements[1][0] = xyzt + zyxs;
+ xyzt = p_axis.x * p_axis.z * t;
+ zyxs = p_axis.y * sine;
+ elements[0][2] = xyzt + zyxs;
+ elements[2][0] = xyzt - zyxs;
+ xyzt = p_axis.y * p_axis.z * t;
+ zyxs = p_axis.x * sine;
+ elements[1][2] = xyzt - zyxs;
+ elements[2][1] = xyzt + zyxs;
void Basis::set_axis_angle_scale(const Vector3 &p_axis, real_t p_phi, const Vector3 &p_scale) {
diff --git a/core/math/geometry.cpp b/core/math/geometry.cpp
index 0ab8707d3a..8314cb827c 100644
--- a/core/math/geometry.cpp
+++ b/core/math/geometry.cpp
@@ -31,8 +31,11 @@
#include "geometry.h"
#include "core/print_string.h"
+#include "thirdparty/misc/clipper.hpp"
#include "thirdparty/misc/triangulator.h"
+#define SCALE_FACTOR 100000.0 // based on CMP_EPSILON
/* this implementation is very inefficient, commenting unless bugs happen. See the other one.
bool Geometry::is_point_in_polygon(const Vector2 &p_point, const Vector<Vector2> &p_polygon) {
@@ -1134,3 +1137,106 @@ void Geometry::make_atlas(const Vector<Size2i> &p_rects, Vector<Point2i> &r_resu
r_size = Size2(results[best].max_w, results[best].max_h);
+Vector<Vector<Point2> > Geometry::_polypaths_do_operation(PolyBooleanOperation p_op, const Vector<Point2> &p_polypath_a, const Vector<Point2> &p_polypath_b, bool is_a_open) {
+ using namespace ClipperLib;
+ ClipType op = ctUnion;
+ switch (p_op) {
+ case OPERATION_UNION: op = ctUnion; break;
+ case OPERATION_DIFFERENCE: op = ctDifference; break;
+ case OPERATION_INTERSECTION: op = ctIntersection; break;
+ case OPERATION_XOR: op = ctXor; break;
+ }
+ Path path_a, path_b;
+ // Need to scale points (Clipper's requirement for robust computation)
+ for (int i = 0; i != p_polypath_a.size(); ++i) {
+ path_a << IntPoint(p_polypath_a[i].x * SCALE_FACTOR, p_polypath_a[i].y * SCALE_FACTOR);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i != p_polypath_b.size(); ++i) {
+ path_b << IntPoint(p_polypath_b[i].x * SCALE_FACTOR, p_polypath_b[i].y * SCALE_FACTOR);
+ }
+ Clipper clp;
+ clp.AddPath(path_a, ptSubject, !is_a_open); // forward compatible with Clipper 10.0.0
+ clp.AddPath(path_b, ptClip, true); // polylines cannot be set as clip
+ Paths paths;
+ if (is_a_open) {
+ PolyTree tree; // needed to populate polylines
+ clp.Execute(op, tree);
+ OpenPathsFromPolyTree(tree, paths);
+ } else {
+ clp.Execute(op, paths); // works on closed polygons only
+ }
+ // Have to scale points down now
+ Vector<Vector<Point2> > polypaths;
+ for (Paths::size_type i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i) {
+ Vector<Vector2> polypath;
+ const Path &scaled_path = paths[i];
+ for (Paths::size_type j = 0; j < scaled_path.size(); ++j) {
+ polypath.push_back(Point2(
+ static_cast<real_t>(scaled_path[j].X) / SCALE_FACTOR,
+ static_cast<real_t>(scaled_path[j].Y) / SCALE_FACTOR));
+ }
+ polypaths.push_back(polypath);
+ }
+ return polypaths;
+Vector<Vector<Point2> > Geometry::_polypath_offset(const Vector<Point2> &p_polypath, real_t p_delta, PolyJoinType p_join_type, PolyEndType p_end_type) {
+ using namespace ClipperLib;
+ JoinType jt = jtSquare;
+ switch (p_join_type) {
+ case JOIN_SQUARE: jt = jtSquare; break;
+ case JOIN_ROUND: jt = jtRound; break;
+ case JOIN_MITER: jt = jtMiter; break;
+ }
+ EndType et = etClosedPolygon;
+ switch (p_end_type) {
+ case END_POLYGON: et = etClosedPolygon; break;
+ case END_JOINED: et = etClosedLine; break;
+ case END_BUTT: et = etOpenButt; break;
+ case END_SQUARE: et = etOpenSquare; break;
+ case END_ROUND: et = etOpenRound; break;
+ }
+ ClipperOffset co;
+ Path path;
+ // Need to scale points (Clipper's requirement for robust computation)
+ for (int i = 0; i != p_polypath.size(); ++i) {
+ path << IntPoint(p_polypath[i].x * SCALE_FACTOR, p_polypath[i].y * SCALE_FACTOR);
+ }
+ co.AddPath(path, jt, et);
+ Paths paths;
+ co.Execute(paths, p_delta * SCALE_FACTOR); // inflate/deflate
+ // Have to scale points down now
+ Vector<Vector<Point2> > polypaths;
+ for (Paths::size_type i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i) {
+ Vector<Vector2> polypath;
+ const Path &scaled_path = paths[i];
+ for (Paths::size_type j = 0; j < scaled_path.size(); ++j) {
+ polypath.push_back(Point2(
+ static_cast<real_t>(scaled_path[j].X) / SCALE_FACTOR,
+ static_cast<real_t>(scaled_path[j].Y) / SCALE_FACTOR));
+ }
+ polypaths.push_back(polypath);
+ }
+ return polypaths;
diff --git a/core/math/geometry.h b/core/math/geometry.h
index f3a671aa9a..0e144e491f 100644
--- a/core/math/geometry.h
+++ b/core/math/geometry.h
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#ifndef GEOMETRY_H
#define GEOMETRY_H
+#include "core/math/delaunay.h"
#include "core/math/face3.h"
#include "core/math/rect2.h"
#include "core/math/triangulate.h"
@@ -785,6 +786,91 @@ public:
return clipped;
+ enum PolyBooleanOperation {
+ };
+ enum PolyJoinType {
+ };
+ enum PolyEndType {
+ };
+ static Vector<Vector<Point2> > merge_polygons_2d(const Vector<Point2> &p_polygon_a, const Vector<Point2> &p_polygon_b) {
+ return _polypaths_do_operation(OPERATION_UNION, p_polygon_a, p_polygon_b);
+ }
+ static Vector<Vector<Point2> > clip_polygons_2d(const Vector<Point2> &p_polygon_a, const Vector<Point2> &p_polygon_b) {
+ return _polypaths_do_operation(OPERATION_DIFFERENCE, p_polygon_a, p_polygon_b);
+ }
+ static Vector<Vector<Point2> > intersect_polygons_2d(const Vector<Point2> &p_polygon_a, const Vector<Point2> &p_polygon_b) {
+ return _polypaths_do_operation(OPERATION_INTERSECTION, p_polygon_a, p_polygon_b);
+ }
+ static Vector<Vector<Point2> > exclude_polygons_2d(const Vector<Point2> &p_polygon_a, const Vector<Point2> &p_polygon_b) {
+ return _polypaths_do_operation(OPERATION_XOR, p_polygon_a, p_polygon_b);
+ }
+ static Vector<Vector<Point2> > clip_polyline_with_polygon_2d(const Vector<Vector2> &p_polyline, const Vector<Vector2> &p_polygon) {
+ return _polypaths_do_operation(OPERATION_DIFFERENCE, p_polyline, p_polygon, true);
+ }
+ static Vector<Vector<Point2> > intersect_polyline_with_polygon_2d(const Vector<Vector2> &p_polyline, const Vector<Vector2> &p_polygon) {
+ return _polypaths_do_operation(OPERATION_INTERSECTION, p_polyline, p_polygon, true);
+ }
+ static Vector<Vector<Point2> > offset_polygon_2d(const Vector<Vector2> &p_polygon, real_t p_delta, PolyJoinType p_join_type) {
+ return _polypath_offset(p_polygon, p_delta, p_join_type, END_POLYGON);
+ }
+ static Vector<Vector<Point2> > offset_polyline_2d(const Vector<Vector2> &p_polygon, real_t p_delta, PolyJoinType p_join_type, PolyEndType p_end_type) {
+ ERR_EXPLAIN("Attempt to offset a polyline like a polygon (use offset_polygon_2d instead).");
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_end_type == END_POLYGON, Vector<Vector<Point2> >());
+ return _polypath_offset(p_polygon, p_delta, p_join_type, p_end_type);
+ }
+ static Vector<Point2> transform_points_2d(const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Transform2D &p_mat) {
+ Vector<Point2> points;
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_points.size(); ++i) {
+ points.push_back(p_mat.xform(p_points[i]));
+ }
+ return points;
+ }
+ static Vector<int> triangulate_delaunay_2d(const Vector<Vector2> &p_points) {
+ Vector<Delaunay2D::Triangle> tr = Delaunay2D::triangulate(p_points);
+ Vector<int> triangles;
+ for (int i = 0; i < tr.size(); i++) {
+ triangles.push_back(tr[i].points[0]);
+ triangles.push_back(tr[i].points[1]);
+ triangles.push_back(tr[i].points[2]);
+ }
+ return triangles;
+ }
static Vector<int> triangulate_polygon(const Vector<Vector2> &p_polygon) {
Vector<int> triangles;
@@ -833,7 +919,7 @@ public:
further_away_opposite.y = MIN(p[i].y, further_away_opposite.y);
- further_away += (further_away - further_away_opposite) * Vector2(1.221313, 1.512312); // make point outside that wont intersect with points in segment from p_point
+ further_away += (further_away - further_away_opposite) * Vector2(1.221313, 1.512312); // make point outside that won't intersect with points in segment from p_point
int intersections = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) {
@@ -951,7 +1037,6 @@ public:
return H;
static Vector<Vector<Vector2> > decompose_polygon_in_convex(Vector<Point2> polygon);
static MeshData build_convex_mesh(const PoolVector<Plane> &p_planes);
@@ -961,6 +1046,10 @@ public:
static PoolVector<Plane> build_capsule_planes(real_t p_radius, real_t p_height, int p_sides, int p_lats, Vector3::Axis p_axis = Vector3::AXIS_Z);
static void make_atlas(const Vector<Size2i> &p_rects, Vector<Point2i> &r_result, Size2i &r_size);
+ static Vector<Vector<Point2> > _polypaths_do_operation(PolyBooleanOperation p_op, const Vector<Point2> &p_polypath_a, const Vector<Point2> &p_polypath_b, bool is_a_open = false);
+ static Vector<Vector<Point2> > _polypath_offset(const Vector<Point2> &p_polypath, real_t p_delta, PolyJoinType p_join_type, PolyEndType p_end_type);
diff --git a/core/math/math_funcs.h b/core/math/math_funcs.h
index a75f2fb4ab..82b5b56c01 100644
--- a/core/math/math_funcs.h
+++ b/core/math/math_funcs.h
@@ -61,6 +61,12 @@ public:
static _ALWAYS_INLINE_ double sinh(double p_x) { return ::sinh(p_x); }
static _ALWAYS_INLINE_ float sinh(float p_x) { return ::sinhf(p_x); }
+ static _ALWAYS_INLINE_ float sinc(float p_x) { return p_x == 0 ? 1 : ::sin(p_x) / p_x; }
+ static _ALWAYS_INLINE_ double sinc(double p_x) { return p_x == 0 ? 1 : ::sin(p_x) / p_x; }
+ static _ALWAYS_INLINE_ float sincn(float p_x) { return sinc(Math_PI * p_x); }
+ static _ALWAYS_INLINE_ double sincn(double p_x) { return sinc(Math_PI * p_x); }
static _ALWAYS_INLINE_ double cosh(double p_x) { return ::cosh(p_x); }
static _ALWAYS_INLINE_ float cosh(float p_x) { return ::coshf(p_x); }