path: root/core/math/rect2.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'core/math/rect2.h')
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/core/math/rect2.h b/core/math/rect2.h
index 30dbfdbbe5..512499bdb2 100644
--- a/core/math/rect2.h
+++ b/core/math/rect2.h
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
/* */
-/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
-/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
+/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
+/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
/* */
/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
struct Transform2D;
struct Rect2 {
Point2 position;
Size2 size;
@@ -49,30 +48,37 @@ struct Rect2 {
inline bool intersects(const Rect2 &p_rect, const bool p_include_borders = false) const {
if (p_include_borders) {
- if (position.x > (p_rect.position.x + p_rect.size.width))
+ if (position.x > (p_rect.position.x + p_rect.size.width)) {
return false;
- if ((position.x + size.width) < p_rect.position.x)
+ }
+ if ((position.x + size.width) < p_rect.position.x) {
return false;
- if (position.y > (p_rect.position.y + p_rect.size.height))
+ }
+ if (position.y > (p_rect.position.y + p_rect.size.height)) {
return false;
- if ((position.y + size.height) < p_rect.position.y)
+ }
+ if ((position.y + size.height) < p_rect.position.y) {
return false;
+ }
} else {
- if (position.x >= (p_rect.position.x + p_rect.size.width))
+ if (position.x >= (p_rect.position.x + p_rect.size.width)) {
return false;
- if ((position.x + size.width) <= p_rect.position.x)
+ }
+ if ((position.x + size.width) <= p_rect.position.x) {
return false;
- if (position.y >= (p_rect.position.y + p_rect.size.height))
+ }
+ if (position.y >= (p_rect.position.y + p_rect.size.height)) {
return false;
- if ((position.y + size.height) <= p_rect.position.y)
+ }
+ if ((position.y + size.height) <= p_rect.position.y) {
return false;
+ }
return true;
inline real_t distance_to(const Vector2 &p_point) const {
real_t dist = 0.0;
bool inside = true;
@@ -97,10 +103,11 @@ struct Rect2 {
inside = false;
- if (inside)
+ if (inside) {
return 0;
- else
+ } else {
return dist;
+ }
bool intersects_transformed(const Transform2D &p_xform, const Rect2 &p_rect) const;
@@ -108,22 +115,22 @@ struct Rect2 {
bool intersects_segment(const Point2 &p_from, const Point2 &p_to, Point2 *r_pos = nullptr, Point2 *r_normal = nullptr) const;
inline bool encloses(const Rect2 &p_rect) const {
return (p_rect.position.x >= position.x) && (p_rect.position.y >= position.y) &&
((p_rect.position.x + p_rect.size.x) <= (position.x + size.x)) &&
((p_rect.position.y + p_rect.size.y) <= (position.y + size.y));
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool has_no_area() const {
return (size.x <= 0 || size.y <= 0);
- inline Rect2 clip(const Rect2 &p_rect) const { /// return a clipped rect
+ // Returns the instersection between two Rect2s or an empty Rect2 if there is no intersection
+ inline Rect2 intersection(const Rect2 &p_rect) const {
Rect2 new_rect = p_rect;
- if (!intersects(new_rect))
+ if (!intersects(new_rect)) {
return Rect2();
+ }
new_rect.position.x = MAX(p_rect.position.x, position.x);
new_rect.position.y = MAX(p_rect.position.y, position.y);
@@ -150,17 +157,21 @@ struct Rect2 {
new_rect.size = new_rect.size - new_rect.position; //make relative again
return new_rect;
- };
+ }
inline bool has_point(const Point2 &p_point) const {
- if (p_point.x < position.x)
+ if (p_point.x < position.x) {
return false;
- if (p_point.y < position.y)
+ }
+ if (p_point.y < position.y) {
return false;
+ }
- if (p_point.x >= (position.x + size.x))
+ if (p_point.x >= (position.x + size.x)) {
return false;
- if (p_point.y >= (position.y + size.y))
+ }
+ if (p_point.y >= (position.y + size.y)) {
return false;
+ }
return true;
@@ -169,27 +180,29 @@ struct Rect2 {
bool operator==(const Rect2 &p_rect) const { return position == p_rect.position && size == p_rect.size; }
bool operator!=(const Rect2 &p_rect) const { return position != p_rect.position || size != p_rect.size; }
- inline Rect2 grow(real_t p_by) const {
+ inline Rect2 grow(real_t p_amount) const {
Rect2 g = *this;
- g.position.x -= p_by;
- g.position.y -= p_by;
- g.size.width += p_by * 2;
- g.size.height += p_by * 2;
+ g.position.x -= p_amount;
+ g.position.y -= p_amount;
+ g.size.width += p_amount * 2;
+ g.size.height += p_amount * 2;
return g;
- inline Rect2 grow_margin(Margin p_margin, real_t p_amount) const {
+ inline Rect2 grow_side(Side p_side, real_t p_amount) const {
Rect2 g = *this;
- g = g.grow_individual((MARGIN_LEFT == p_margin) ? p_amount : 0,
- (MARGIN_TOP == p_margin) ? p_amount : 0,
- (MARGIN_RIGHT == p_margin) ? p_amount : 0,
- (MARGIN_BOTTOM == p_margin) ? p_amount : 0);
+ g = g.grow_individual((SIDE_LEFT == p_side) ? p_amount : 0,
+ (SIDE_TOP == p_side) ? p_amount : 0,
+ (SIDE_RIGHT == p_side) ? p_amount : 0,
+ (SIDE_BOTTOM == p_side) ? p_amount : 0);
return g;
- inline Rect2 grow_individual(real_t p_left, real_t p_top, real_t p_right, real_t p_bottom) const {
+ inline Rect2 grow_side_bind(uint32_t p_side, real_t p_amount) const {
+ return grow_side(Side(p_side), p_amount);
+ }
+ inline Rect2 grow_individual(real_t p_left, real_t p_top, real_t p_right, real_t p_bottom) const {
Rect2 g = *this;
g.position.x -= p_left;
g.position.y -= p_top;
@@ -200,7 +213,6 @@ struct Rect2 {
_FORCE_INLINE_ Rect2 expand(const Vector2 &p_vector) const {
Rect2 r = *this;
return r;
@@ -211,25 +223,99 @@ struct Rect2 {
Vector2 begin = position;
Vector2 end = position + size;
- if (p_vector.x < begin.x)
+ if (p_vector.x < begin.x) {
begin.x = p_vector.x;
- if (p_vector.y < begin.y)
+ }
+ if (p_vector.y < begin.y) {
begin.y = p_vector.y;
+ }
- if (p_vector.x > end.x)
+ if (p_vector.x > end.x) {
end.x = p_vector.x;
- if (p_vector.y > end.y)
+ }
+ if (p_vector.y > end.y) {
end.y = p_vector.y;
+ }
position = begin;
size = end - begin;
_FORCE_INLINE_ Rect2 abs() const {
return Rect2(Point2(position.x + MIN(size.x, 0), position.y + MIN(size.y, 0)), size.abs());
+ Vector2 get_support(const Vector2 &p_normal) const {
+ Vector2 half_extents = size * 0.5;
+ Vector2 ofs = position + half_extents;
+ return Vector2(
+ (p_normal.x > 0) ? -half_extents.x : half_extents.x,
+ (p_normal.y > 0) ? -half_extents.y : half_extents.y) +
+ ofs;
+ }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ bool intersects_filled_polygon(const Vector2 *p_points, int p_point_count) const {
+ Vector2 center = position + size * 0.5;
+ int side_plus = 0;
+ int side_minus = 0;
+ Vector2 end = position + size;
+ int i_f = p_point_count - 1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_point_count; i++) {
+ const Vector2 &a = p_points[i_f];
+ const Vector2 &b = p_points[i];
+ i_f = i;
+ Vector2 r = (b - a);
+ float l = r.length();
+ if (l == 0.0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ //check inside
+ Vector2 tg = r.orthogonal();
+ float s = -;
+ if (s < 0.0) {
+ side_plus++;
+ } else {
+ side_minus++;
+ }
+ //check ray box
+ r /= l;
+ Vector2 ir(1.0 / r.x, 1.0 / r.y);
+ // lb is the corner of AABB with minimal coordinates - left bottom, rt is maximal corner
+ // is origin of ray
+ Vector2 t13 = (position - a) * ir;
+ Vector2 t24 = (end - a) * ir;
+ float tmin = MAX(MIN(t13.x, t24.x), MIN(t13.y, t24.y));
+ float tmax = MIN(MAX(t13.x, t24.x), MAX(t13.y, t24.y));
+ // if tmax < 0, ray (line) is intersecting AABB, but the whole AABB is behind us
+ if (tmax < 0 || tmin > tmax || tmin >= l) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (side_plus * side_minus == 0) {
+ return true; //all inside
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_end(const Vector2 &p_end) {
+ size = p_end - position;
+ }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector2 get_end() const {
+ return position + size;
+ }
operator String() const { return String(position) + ", " + String(size); }
Rect2() {}
@@ -244,7 +330,6 @@ struct Rect2 {
struct Rect2i {
Point2i position;
Size2i size;
@@ -256,41 +341,45 @@ struct Rect2i {
int get_area() const { return size.width * size.height; }
inline bool intersects(const Rect2i &p_rect) const {
- if (position.x > (p_rect.position.x + p_rect.size.width))
+ if (position.x > (p_rect.position.x + p_rect.size.width)) {
return false;
- if ((position.x + size.width) < p_rect.position.x)
+ }
+ if ((position.x + size.width) < p_rect.position.x) {
return false;
- if (position.y > (p_rect.position.y + p_rect.size.height))
+ }
+ if (position.y > (p_rect.position.y + p_rect.size.height)) {
return false;
- if ((position.y + size.height) < p_rect.position.y)
+ }
+ if ((position.y + size.height) < p_rect.position.y) {
return false;
+ }
return true;
inline bool encloses(const Rect2i &p_rect) const {
return (p_rect.position.x >= position.x) && (p_rect.position.y >= position.y) &&
((p_rect.position.x + p_rect.size.x) < (position.x + size.x)) &&
((p_rect.position.y + p_rect.size.y) < (position.y + size.y));
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool has_no_area() const {
return (size.x <= 0 || size.y <= 0);
- inline Rect2i clip(const Rect2i &p_rect) const { /// return a clipped rect
+ // Returns the instersection between two Rect2is or an empty Rect2i if there is no intersection
+ inline Rect2i intersection(const Rect2i &p_rect) const {
Rect2i new_rect = p_rect;
- if (!intersects(new_rect))
+ if (!intersects(new_rect)) {
return Rect2i();
+ }
new_rect.position.x = MAX(p_rect.position.x, position.x);
new_rect.position.y = MAX(p_rect.position.y, position.y);
- Point2 p_rect_end = p_rect.position + p_rect.size;
- Point2 end = position + size;
+ Point2i p_rect_end = p_rect.position + p_rect.size;
+ Point2i end = position + size;
new_rect.size.x = (int)(MIN(p_rect_end.x, end.x) - new_rect.position.x);
new_rect.size.y = (int)(MIN(p_rect_end.y, end.y) - new_rect.position.y);
@@ -311,17 +400,21 @@ struct Rect2i {
new_rect.size = new_rect.size - new_rect.position; //make relative again
return new_rect;
- };
- bool has_point(const Point2 &p_point) const {
- if (p_point.x < position.x)
+ }
+ bool has_point(const Point2i &p_point) const {
+ if (p_point.x < position.x) {
return false;
- if (p_point.y < position.y)
+ }
+ if (p_point.y < position.y) {
return false;
+ }
- if (p_point.x >= (position.x + size.x))
+ if (p_point.x >= (position.x + size.x)) {
return false;
- if (p_point.y >= (position.y + size.y))
+ }
+ if (p_point.y >= (position.y + size.y)) {
return false;
+ }
return true;
@@ -329,27 +422,29 @@ struct Rect2i {
bool operator==(const Rect2i &p_rect) const { return position == p_rect.position && size == p_rect.size; }
bool operator!=(const Rect2i &p_rect) const { return position != p_rect.position || size != p_rect.size; }
- Rect2i grow(int p_by) const {
+ Rect2i grow(int p_amount) const {
Rect2i g = *this;
- g.position.x -= p_by;
- g.position.y -= p_by;
- g.size.width += p_by * 2;
- g.size.height += p_by * 2;
+ g.position.x -= p_amount;
+ g.position.y -= p_amount;
+ g.size.width += p_amount * 2;
+ g.size.height += p_amount * 2;
return g;
- inline Rect2i grow_margin(Margin p_margin, int p_amount) const {
+ inline Rect2i grow_side(Side p_side, int p_amount) const {
Rect2i g = *this;
- g = g.grow_individual((MARGIN_LEFT == p_margin) ? p_amount : 0,
- (MARGIN_TOP == p_margin) ? p_amount : 0,
- (MARGIN_RIGHT == p_margin) ? p_amount : 0,
- (MARGIN_BOTTOM == p_margin) ? p_amount : 0);
+ g = g.grow_individual((SIDE_LEFT == p_side) ? p_amount : 0,
+ (SIDE_TOP == p_side) ? p_amount : 0,
+ (SIDE_RIGHT == p_side) ? p_amount : 0,
+ (SIDE_BOTTOM == p_side) ? p_amount : 0);
return g;
- inline Rect2i grow_individual(int p_left, int p_top, int p_right, int p_bottom) const {
+ inline Rect2i grow_side_bind(uint32_t p_side, int p_amount) const {
+ return grow_side(Side(p_side), p_amount);
+ }
+ inline Rect2i grow_individual(int p_left, int p_top, int p_right, int p_bottom) const {
Rect2i g = *this;
g.position.x -= p_left;
g.position.y -= p_top;
@@ -360,49 +455,59 @@ struct Rect2i {
_FORCE_INLINE_ Rect2i expand(const Vector2i &p_vector) const {
Rect2i r = *this;
return r;
inline void expand_to(const Point2i &p_vector) {
Point2i begin = position;
Point2i end = position + size;
- if (p_vector.x < begin.x)
+ if (p_vector.x < begin.x) {
begin.x = p_vector.x;
- if (p_vector.y < begin.y)
+ }
+ if (p_vector.y < begin.y) {
begin.y = p_vector.y;
+ }
- if (p_vector.x > end.x)
+ if (p_vector.x > end.x) {
end.x = p_vector.x;
- if (p_vector.y > end.y)
+ }
+ if (p_vector.y > end.y) {
end.y = p_vector.y;
+ }
position = begin;
size = end - begin;
_FORCE_INLINE_ Rect2i abs() const {
return Rect2i(Point2i(position.x + MIN(size.x, 0), position.y + MIN(size.y, 0)), size.abs());
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_end(const Vector2i &p_end) {
+ size = p_end - position;
+ }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector2i get_end() const {
+ return position + size;
+ }
operator String() const { return String(position) + ", " + String(size); }
operator Rect2() const { return Rect2(position, size); }
+ Rect2i() {}
Rect2i(const Rect2 &p_r2) :
size(p_r2.size) {
- Rect2i() {}
Rect2i(int p_x, int p_y, int p_width, int p_height) :
- position(Point2(p_x, p_y)),
- size(Size2(p_width, p_height)) {
+ position(Point2i(p_x, p_y)),
+ size(Size2i(p_width, p_height)) {
- Rect2i(const Point2 &p_pos, const Size2 &p_size) :
+ Rect2i(const Point2i &p_pos, const Size2i &p_size) :
size(p_size) {