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14 files changed, 2 insertions, 8003 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/SCsub b/drivers/SCsub
index 18ca8575fa..5d3c071296 100644
--- a/drivers/SCsub
+++ b/drivers/SCsub
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ if (env["builtin_zlib"]=="yes"):
if (env["vorbis"]=="yes" or env["theoralib"]=="yes" or env["opus"]=="yes"):
diff --git a/drivers/nedmalloc/License.txt b/drivers/nedmalloc/License.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dad8e9349..0000000000
--- a/drivers/nedmalloc/License.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization
-obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by
-this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute,
-execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the
-Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to
-do so, all subject to the following:
-The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including
-the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer,
-must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and
-all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative
-works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by
-a source language processor.
diff --git a/drivers/nedmalloc/Readme.txt b/drivers/nedmalloc/Readme.txt
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index 85f9b6a0f1..0000000000
--- a/drivers/nedmalloc/Readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-nedalloc v1.05 15th June 2008:
-by Niall Douglas (
-Enclosed is nedalloc, an alternative malloc implementation for multiple
-threads without lock contention based on dlmalloc v2.8.4. It is more
-or less a newer implementation of ptmalloc2, the standard allocator in
-Linux (which is based on dlmalloc v2.7.0) but also contains a per-thread
-cache for maximum CPU scalability.
-It is licensed under the Boost Software License which basically means
-you can do anything you like with it. This does not apply to the malloc.c.h
-file which remains copyright to others.
-It has been tested on win32 (x86), win64 (x64), Linux (x64), FreeBSD (x64)
-and Apple MacOS X (x86). It works very well on all of these and is very
-significantly faster than the system allocator on all of these platforms.
-By literally dropping in this allocator as a replacement for your system
-allocator, you can see real world improvements of up to three times in normal
-To use:
-Drop in nedmalloc.h, nedmalloc.c and malloc.c.h into your project.
-Configure using the instructions in nedmalloc.h. Run and enjoy.
-To test, compile test.c. It will run a comparison between your system
-allocator and nedalloc and tell you how much faster nedalloc is. It also
-serves as an example of usage.
-If you want the very latest version of this allocator, get it from the
-TnFOX SVN repository at svn://
-Because of how nedalloc allocates an mspace per thread, it can cause
-severe bloating of memory usage under certain allocation patterns.
-You can substantially reduce this wastage by setting MAXTHREADSINPOOL
-or the threads parameter to nedcreatepool() to a fraction of the number of
-threads which would normally be in a pool at once. This will reduce
-bloating at the cost of an increase in lock contention. If allocated size
-is less than THREADCACHEMAX, locking is avoided 90-99% of the time and
-if most of your allocations are below this value, you can safely set
-You will suffer memory leakage unless you call neddisablethreadcache()
-per pool for every thread which exits. This is because nedalloc cannot
-portably know when a thread exits and thus when its thread cache can
-be returned for use by other code. Don't forget pool zero, the system pool.
-For C++ type allocation patterns (where the same sizes of memory are
-regularly allocated and deallocated as objects are created and destroyed),
-the threadcache always benefits performance. If however your allocation
-patterns are different, searching the threadcache may significantly slow
-down your code - as a rule of thumb, if cache utilisation is below 80%
-(see the source for neddisablethreadcache() for how to enable debug
-printing in release mode) then you should disable the thread cache for
-that thread. You can compile out the threadcache code by setting
-Speed comparisons:
-See Benchmarks.xls for details.
-The enclosed test.c can do two things: it can be a torture test or a speed
-test. The speed test is designed to be a representative synthetic
-memory allocator test. It works by randomly mixing allocations with frees
-with half of the allocation sizes being a two power multiple less than
-512 bytes (to mimic C++ stack instantiated objects) and the other half
-being a simple random value less than 16Kb.
-The real world code results are from Tn's TestIO benchmark. This is a
-heavily multithreaded and memory intensive benchmark with a lot of branching
-and other stuff modern processors don't like so much. As you'll note, the
-test doesn't show the benefits of the threadcache mostly due to the saturation
-of the memory bus being the limiting factor.
-v1.05 15th June 2008:
- * { 1042 } Added error check for TLSSET() and TLSFREE() macros. Thanks to
-Markus Elfring for reporting this.
- * { 1043 } Fixed a segfault when freeing memory allocated using
-nedindependent_comalloc(). Thanks to Pavel Vozenilek for reporting this.
-v1.04 14th July 2007:
- * Fixed a bug with the new optimised implementation that failed to lock
-on a realloc under certain conditions.
- * Fixed lack of thread synchronisation in InitPool() causing pool corruption
- * Fixed a memory leak of thread cache contents on disabling. Thanks to Earl
-Chew for reporting this.
- * Added a sanity check for freed blocks being valid.
- * Reworked test.c into being a torture test.
- * Fixed GCC assembler optimisation misspecification
-v1.04alpha_svn915 7th October 2006:
- * Fixed failure to unlock thread cache list if allocating a new list failed.
-Thanks to Dmitry Chichkov for reporting this. Futher thanks to Aleksey Sanin.
- * Fixed realloc(0, <size>) segfaulting. Thanks to Dmitry Chichkov for
-reporting this.
- * Made config defines #ifndef so they can be overriden by the build system.
-Thanks to Aleksey Sanin for suggesting this.
- * Fixed deadlock in nedprealloc() due to unnecessary locking of preferred
-thread mspace when mspace_realloc() always uses the original block's mspace
-anyway. Thanks to Aleksey Sanin for reporting this.
- * Made some speed improvements by hacking mspace_malloc() to no longer lock
-its mspace, thus allowing the recursive mutex implementation to be removed
-with an associated speed increase. Thanks to Aleksey Sanin for suggesting this.
- * Fixed a bug where allocating mspaces overran its max limit. Thanks to
-Aleksey Sanin for reporting this.
-v1.03 10th July 2006:
- * Fixed memory corruption bug in threadcache code which only appeared with >4
-threads and in heavy use of the threadcache.
-v1.02 15th May 2006:
- * Integrated dlmalloc v2.8.4, fixing the win32 memory release problem and
-improving performance still further. Speed is now up to twice the speed of v1.01
-(average is 67% faster).
- * Fixed win32 critical section implementation. Thanks to Pavel Kuznetsov
-for reporting this.
- * Wasn't locking mspace if all mspaces were locked. Thanks to Pavel Kuznetsov
-for reporting this.
- * Added Apple Mac OS X support.
-v1.01 24th February 2006:
- * Fixed multiprocessor scaling problems by removing sources of cache sloshing
- * Earl Chew <earl_chew <at> agilent <dot> com> sent patches for the following:
- 1. size2binidx() wasn't working for default code path (non x86)
- 2. Fixed failure to release mspace lock under certain circumstances which
- caused a deadlock
-v1.00 1st January 2006:
- * First release
diff --git a/drivers/nedmalloc/SCsub b/drivers/nedmalloc/SCsub
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index 6699efef75..0000000000
--- a/drivers/nedmalloc/SCsub
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/drivers/nedmalloc/malloc.c.h b/drivers/nedmalloc/malloc.c.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fec5cc9d4..0000000000
--- a/drivers/nedmalloc/malloc.c.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5814 +0,0 @@
- This is a version (aka dlmalloc) of malloc/free/realloc written by
- Doug Lea and released to the public domain, as explained at
- Send questions,
- comments, complaints, performance data, etc to
-* Version 2.8.4 Wed May 27 09:56:23 2009 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
- Note: There may be an updated version of this malloc obtainable at
- Check before installing!
-* Quickstart
- This library is all in one file to simplify the most common usage:
- ftp it, compile it (-O3), and link it into another program. All of
- the compile-time options default to reasonable values for use on
- most platforms. You might later want to step through various
- compile-time and dynamic tuning options.
- For convenience, an include file for code using this malloc is at:
- You don't really need this .h file unless you call functions not
- defined in your system include files. The .h file contains only the
- excerpts from this file needed for using this malloc on ANSI C/C++
- systems, so long as you haven't changed compile-time options about
- naming and tuning parameters. If you do, then you can create your
- own malloc.h that does include all settings by cutting at the point
- indicated below. Note that you may already by default be using a C
- library containing a malloc that is based on some version of this
- malloc (for example in linux). You might still want to use the one
- in this file to customize settings or to avoid overheads associated
- with library versions.
-* Vital statistics:
- Supported pointer/size_t representation: 4 or 8 bytes
- size_t MUST be an unsigned type of the same width as
- pointers. (If you are using an ancient system that declares
- size_t as a signed type, or need it to be a different width
- than pointers, you can use a previous release of this malloc
- (e.g. 2.7.2) supporting these.)
- Alignment: 8 bytes (default)
- This suffices for nearly all current machines and C compilers.
- However, you can define MALLOC_ALIGNMENT to be wider than this
- if necessary (up to 128bytes), at the expense of using more space.
- Minimum overhead per allocated chunk: 4 or 8 bytes (if 4byte sizes)
- 8 or 16 bytes (if 8byte sizes)
- Each malloced chunk has a hidden word of overhead holding size
- and status information, and additional cross-check word
- if FOOTERS is defined.
- Minimum allocated size: 4-byte ptrs: 16 bytes (including overhead)
- 8-byte ptrs: 32 bytes (including overhead)
- Even a request for zero bytes (i.e., malloc(0)) returns a
- pointer to something of the minimum allocatable size.
- The maximum overhead wastage (i.e., number of extra bytes
- allocated than were requested in malloc) is less than or equal
- to the minimum size, except for requests >= mmap_threshold that
- are serviced via mmap(), where the worst case wastage is about
- 32 bytes plus the remainder from a system page (the minimal
- mmap unit); typically 4096 or 8192 bytes.
- Security: static-safe; optionally more or less
- The "security" of malloc refers to the ability of malicious
- code to accentuate the effects of errors (for example, freeing
- space that is not currently malloc'ed or overwriting past the
- ends of chunks) in code that calls malloc. This malloc
- guarantees not to modify any memory locations below the base of
- heap, i.e., static variables, even in the presence of usage
- errors. The routines additionally detect most improper frees
- and reallocs. All this holds as long as the static bookkeeping
- for malloc itself is not corrupted by some other means. This
- is only one aspect of security -- these checks do not, and
- cannot, detect all possible programming errors.
- If FOOTERS is defined nonzero, then each allocated chunk
- carries an additional check word to verify that it was malloced
- from its space. These check words are the same within each
- execution of a program using malloc, but differ across
- executions, so externally crafted fake chunks cannot be
- freed. This improves security by rejecting frees/reallocs that
- could corrupt heap memory, in addition to the checks preventing
- writes to statics that are always on. This may further improve
- security at the expense of time and space overhead. (Note that
- FOOTERS may also be worth using with MSPACES.)
- By default detected errors cause the program to abort (calling
- "abort()"). You can override this to instead proceed past
- errors by defining PROCEED_ON_ERROR. In this case, a bad free
- has no effect, and a malloc that encounters a bad address
- caused by user overwrites will ignore the bad address by
- dropping pointers and indices to all known memory. This may
- be appropriate for programs that should continue if at all
- possible in the face of programming errors, although they may
- run out of memory because dropped memory is never reclaimed.
- If you don't like either of these options, you can define
- else. And if if you are sure that your program using malloc has
- no errors or vulnerabilities, you can define INSECURE to 1,
- which might (or might not) provide a small performance improvement.
- Thread-safety: NOT thread-safe unless USE_LOCKS defined
- When USE_LOCKS is defined, each public call to malloc, free,
- etc is surrounded with either a pthread mutex or a win32
- spinlock (depending on WIN32). This is not especially fast, and
- can be a major bottleneck. It is designed only to provide
- minimal protection in concurrent environments, and to provide a
- basis for extensions. If you are using malloc in a concurrent
- program, consider instead using nedmalloc
- ( or
- ptmalloc (See, which are derived
- from versions of this malloc.
- System requirements: Any combination of MORECORE and/or MMAP/MUNMAP
- This malloc can use unix sbrk or any emulation (invoked using
- the CALL_MORECORE macro) and/or mmap/munmap or any emulation
- (invoked using CALL_MMAP/CALL_MUNMAP) to get and release system
- memory. On most unix systems, it tends to work best if both
- MORECORE and MMAP are enabled. On Win32, it uses emulations
- based on VirtualAlloc. It also uses common C library functions
- like memset.
- Compliance: I believe it is compliant with the Single Unix Specification
- (See Also SVID/XPG, ANSI C, and probably
- others as well.
-* Overview of algorithms
- This is not the fastest, most space-conserving, most portable, or
- most tunable malloc ever written. However it is among the fastest
- while also being among the most space-conserving, portable and
- tunable. Consistent balance across these factors results in a good
- general-purpose allocator for malloc-intensive programs.
- In most ways, this malloc is a best-fit allocator. Generally, it
- chooses the best-fitting existing chunk for a request, with ties
- broken in approximately least-recently-used order. (This strategy
- normally maintains low fragmentation.) However, for requests less
- than 256bytes, it deviates from best-fit when there is not an
- exactly fitting available chunk by preferring to use space adjacent
- to that used for the previous small request, as well as by breaking
- ties in approximately most-recently-used order. (These enhance
- locality of series of small allocations.) And for very large requests
- (>= 256Kb by default), it relies on system memory mapping
- facilities, if supported. (This helps avoid carrying around and
- possibly fragmenting memory used only for large chunks.)
- All operations (except malloc_stats and mallinfo) have execution
- times that are bounded by a constant factor of the number of bits in
- a size_t, not counting any clearing in calloc or copying in realloc,
- or actions surrounding MORECORE and MMAP that have times
- proportional to the number of non-contiguous regions returned by
- system allocation routines, which is often just 1. In real-time
- applications, you can optionally suppress segment traversals using
- NO_SEGMENT_TRAVERSAL, which assures bounded execution even when
- system allocators return non-contiguous spaces, at the typical
- expense of carrying around more memory and increased fragmentation.
- The implementation is not very modular and seriously overuses
- macros. Perhaps someday all C compilers will do as good a job
- inlining modular code as can now be done by brute-force expansion,
- but now, enough of them seem not to.
- Some compilers issue a lot of warnings about code that is
- dead/unreachable only on some platforms, and also about intentional
- uses of negation on unsigned types. All known cases of each can be
- ignored.
- For a longer but out of date high-level description, see
- If MSPACES is defined, then in addition to malloc, free, etc.,
- this file also defines mspace_malloc, mspace_free, etc. These
- are versions of malloc routines that take an "mspace" argument
- obtained using create_mspace, to control all internal bookkeeping.
- If ONLY_MSPACES is defined, only these versions are compiled.
- So if you would like to use this allocator for only some allocations,
- and your system malloc for others, you can compile with
- ONLY_MSPACES and then do something like...
- static mspace mymspace = create_mspace(0,0); // for example
- #define mymalloc(bytes) mspace_malloc(mymspace, bytes)
- (Note: If you only need one instance of an mspace, you can instead
- use "USE_DL_PREFIX" to relabel the global malloc.)
- You can similarly create thread-local allocators by storing
- mspaces as thread-locals. For example:
- static __thread mspace tlms = 0;
- void* tlmalloc(size_t bytes) {
- if (tlms == 0) tlms = create_mspace(0, 0);
- return mspace_malloc(tlms, bytes);
- }
- void tlfree(void* mem) { mspace_free(tlms, mem); }
- Unless FOOTERS is defined, each mspace is completely independent.
- You cannot allocate from one and free to another (although
- conformance is only weakly checked, so usage errors are not always
- caught). If FOOTERS is defined, then each chunk carries around a tag
- indicating its originating mspace, and frees are directed to their
- originating spaces.
- ------------------------- Compile-time options ---------------------------
-Be careful in setting #define values for numerical constants of type
-size_t. On some systems, literal values are not automatically extended
-to size_t precision unless they are explicitly casted. You can also
-use the symbolic values MAX_SIZE_T, SIZE_T_ONE, etc below.
-WIN32 default: defined if _WIN32 defined
- Defining WIN32 sets up defaults for MS environment and compilers.
- Otherwise defaults are for unix. Beware that there seem to be some
- cases where this malloc might not be a pure drop-in replacement for
- Win32 malloc: Random-looking failures from Win32 GDI API's (eg;
- SetDIBits()) may be due to bugs in some video driver implementations
- when pixel buffers are malloc()ed, and the region spans more than
- one VirtualAlloc()ed region. Because dlmalloc uses a small (64Kb)
- default granularity, pixel buffers may straddle virtual allocation
- regions more often than when using the Microsoft allocator. You can
- avoid this by using VirtualAlloc() and VirtualFree() for all pixel
- buffers rather than using malloc(). If this is not possible,
- recompile this malloc with a larger DEFAULT_GRANULARITY.
-MALLOC_ALIGNMENT default: (size_t)8
- Controls the minimum alignment for malloc'ed chunks. It must be a
- power of two and at least 8, even on machines for which smaller
- alignments would suffice. It may be defined as larger than this
- though. Note however that code and data structures are optimized for
- the case of 8-byte alignment.
-MSPACES default: 0 (false)
- If true, compile in support for independent allocation spaces.
- This is only supported if HAVE_MMAP is true.
-ONLY_MSPACES default: 0 (false)
- If true, only compile in mspace versions, not regular versions.
-USE_LOCKS default: 0 (false)
- Causes each call to each public routine to be surrounded with
- pthread or WIN32 mutex lock/unlock. (If set true, this can be
- overridden on a per-mspace basis for mspace versions.) If set to a
- non-zero value other than 1, locks are used, but their
- implementation is left out, so lock functions must be supplied manually,
- as described below.
-USE_SPIN_LOCKS default: 1 iff USE_LOCKS and on x86 using gcc or MSC
- If true, uses custom spin locks for locking. This is currently
- supported only for x86 platforms using gcc or recent MS compilers.
- Otherwise, posix locks or win32 critical sections are used.
-FOOTERS default: 0
- If true, provide extra checking and dispatching by placing
- information in the footers of allocated chunks. This adds
- space and time overhead.
-INSECURE default: 0
- If true, omit checks for usage errors and heap space overwrites.
-USE_DL_PREFIX default: NOT defined
- Causes compiler to prefix all public routines with the string 'dl'.
- This can be useful when you only want to use this malloc in one part
- of a program, using your regular system malloc elsewhere.
-ABORT default: defined as abort()
- Defines how to abort on failed checks. On most systems, a failed
- check cannot die with an "assert" or even print an informative
- message, because the underlying print routines in turn call malloc,
- which will fail again. Generally, the best policy is to simply call
- abort(). It's not very useful to do more than this because many
- errors due to overwriting will show up as address faults (null, odd
- addresses etc) rather than malloc-triggered checks, so will also
- abort. Also, most compilers know that abort() does not return, so
- can better optimize code conditionally calling it.
-PROCEED_ON_ERROR default: defined as 0 (false)
- Controls whether detected bad addresses cause them to bypassed
- rather than aborting. If set, detected bad arguments to free and
- realloc are ignored. And all bookkeeping information is zeroed out
- upon a detected overwrite of freed heap space, thus losing the
- ability to ever return it from malloc again, but enabling the
- application to proceed. If PROCEED_ON_ERROR is defined, the
- static variable malloc_corruption_error_count is compiled in
- and can be examined to see if errors have occurred. This option
- generates slower code than the default abort policy.
-DEBUG default: NOT defined
- The DEBUG setting is mainly intended for people trying to modify
- this code or diagnose problems when porting to new platforms.
- However, it may also be able to better isolate user errors than just
- using runtime checks. The assertions in the check routines spell
- out in more detail the assumptions and invariants underlying the
- algorithms. The checking is fairly extensive, and will slow down
- execution noticeably. Calling malloc_stats or mallinfo with DEBUG
- set will attempt to check every non-mmapped allocated and free chunk
- in the course of computing the summaries.
-ABORT_ON_ASSERT_FAILURE default: defined as 1 (true)
- Debugging assertion failures can be nearly impossible if your
- version of the assert macro causes malloc to be called, which will
- lead to a cascade of further failures, blowing the runtime stack.
- ABORT_ON_ASSERT_FAILURE cause assertions failures to call abort(),
- which will usually make debugging easier.
-MALLOC_FAILURE_ACTION default: sets errno to ENOMEM, or no-op on win32
- The action to take before "return 0" when malloc fails to be able to
- return memory because there is none available.
-HAVE_MORECORE default: 1 (true) unless win32 or ONLY_MSPACES
- True if this system supports sbrk or an emulation of it.
-MORECORE default: sbrk
- The name of the sbrk-style system routine to call to obtain more
- memory. See below for guidance on writing custom MORECORE
- functions. The type of the argument to sbrk/MORECORE varies across
- systems. It cannot be size_t, because it supports negative
- arguments, so it is normally the signed type of the same width as
- size_t (sometimes declared as "intptr_t"). It doesn't much matter
- though. Internally, we only call it with arguments less than half
- the max value of a size_t, which should work across all reasonable
- possibilities, although sometimes generating compiler warnings.
- If true, take advantage of fact that consecutive calls to MORECORE
- with positive arguments always return contiguous increasing
- addresses. This is true of unix sbrk. It does not hurt too much to
- set it true anyway, since malloc copes with non-contiguities.
- Setting it false when definitely non-contiguous saves time
- and possibly wasted space it would take to discover this though.
-MORECORE_CANNOT_TRIM default: NOT defined
- True if MORECORE cannot release space back to the system when given
- negative arguments. This is generally necessary only if you are
- using a hand-crafted MORECORE function that cannot handle negative
- arguments.
- If non-zero, suppresses traversals of memory segments
- returned by either MORECORE or CALL_MMAP. This disables
- merging of segments that are contiguous, and selectively
- releasing them to the OS if unused, but bounds execution times.
-HAVE_MMAP default: 1 (true)
- True if this system supports mmap or an emulation of it. If so, and
- HAVE_MORECORE is not true, MMAP is used for all system
- allocation. If set and HAVE_MORECORE is true as well, MMAP is
- primarily used to directly allocate very large blocks. It is also
- used as a backup strategy in cases where MORECORE fails to provide
- space from system. Note: A single call to MUNMAP is assumed to be
- able to unmap memory that may have be allocated using multiple calls
- to MMAP, so long as they are adjacent.
-HAVE_MREMAP default: 1 on linux, else 0
- If true realloc() uses mremap() to re-allocate large blocks and
- extend or shrink allocation spaces.
-MMAP_CLEARS default: 1 except on WINCE.
- True if mmap clears memory so calloc doesn't need to. This is true
- for standard unix mmap using /dev/zero and on WIN32 except for WINCE.
-USE_BUILTIN_FFS default: 0 (i.e., not used)
- Causes malloc to use the builtin ffs() function to compute indices.
- Some compilers may recognize and intrinsify ffs to be faster than the
- supplied C version. Also, the case of x86 using gcc is special-cased
- to an asm instruction, so is already as fast as it can be, and so
- this setting has no effect. Similarly for Win32 under recent MS compilers.
- (On most x86s, the asm version is only slightly faster than the C version.)
-malloc_getpagesize default: derive from system includes, or 4096.
- The system page size. To the extent possible, this malloc manages
- memory from the system in page-size units. This may be (and
- usually is) a function rather than a constant. This is ignored
- if WIN32, where page size is determined using getSystemInfo during
- initialization. This may be several megabytes if ENABLE_LARGE_PAGES
- is enabled.
-ENABLE_LARGE_PAGES default: NOT defined
- Causes the system page size to be the value of GetLargePageMinimum()
- if that function is available (Windows Server 2003/Vista or later).
- This allows the use of large page entries in the MMU which can
- significantly improve performance in large working set applications
- as TLB cache load is reduced by a factor of three. Note that enabling
- this option is equal to locking the process' memory in current
- implementations of Windows and requires the SE_LOCK_MEMORY_PRIVILEGE
- to be held by the process in order to succeed.
-USE_DEV_RANDOM default: 0 (i.e., not used)
- Causes malloc to use /dev/random to initialize secure magic seed for
- stamping footers. Otherwise, the current time is used.
-NO_MALLINFO default: 0
- If defined, don't compile "mallinfo". This can be a simple way
- of dealing with mismatches between system declarations and
- those in this file.
-MALLINFO_FIELD_TYPE default: size_t
- The type of the fields in the mallinfo struct. This was originally
- defined as "int" in SVID etc, but is more usefully defined as
- size_t. The value is used only if HAVE_USR_INCLUDE_MALLOC_H is not set
-REALLOC_ZERO_BYTES_FREES default: not defined
- This should be set if a call to realloc with zero bytes should
- be the same as a call to free. Some people think it should. Otherwise,
- since this malloc returns a unique pointer for malloc(0), so does
- realloc(p, 0).
-LACKS_STDLIB_H default: NOT defined unless on WIN32
- Define these if your system does not have these header files.
- You might need to manually insert some of the declarations they provide.
- system_info.dwAllocationGranularity in WIN32,
- GetLargePageMinimum() if ENABLE_LARGE_PAGES,
- otherwise 64K.
- Also settable using mallopt(M_GRANULARITY, x)
- The unit for allocating and deallocating memory from the system. On
- most systems with contiguous MORECORE, there is no reason to
- make this more than a page. However, systems with MMAP tend to
- either require or encourage larger granularities. You can increase
- this value to prevent system allocation functions to be called so
- often, especially if they are slow. The value must be at least one
- page and must be a power of two. Setting to 0 causes initialization
- to either page size or win32 region size. (Note: In previous
- versions of malloc, the equivalent of this option was called
- "TOP_PAD")
-DEFAULT_GRANULARITY_ALIGNED default: undefined (which means page size)
- Whether to enforce alignment when allocating and deallocating memory
- from the system i.e. the base address of all allocations will be
- aligned to DEFAULT_GRANULARITY if it is set. Note that enabling this carries
- some overhead as multiple calls must now be made when probing for a valid
- aligned value, however it does greatly ease the checking for whether
- a given memory pointer was allocated by this allocator rather than
- some other.
- Also settable using mallopt(M_TRIM_THRESHOLD, x)
- The maximum amount of unused top-most memory to keep before
- releasing via malloc_trim in free(). Automatic trimming is mainly
- useful in long-lived programs using contiguous MORECORE. Because
- trimming via sbrk can be slow on some systems, and can sometimes be
- wasteful (in cases where programs immediately afterward allocate
- more large chunks) the value should be high enough so that your
- overall system performance would improve by releasing this much
- memory. As a rough guide, you might set to a value close to the
- average size of a process (program) running on your system.
- Releasing this much memory would allow such a process to run in
- memory. Generally, it is worth tuning trim thresholds when a
- program undergoes phases where several large chunks are allocated
- and released in ways that can reuse each other's storage, perhaps
- mixed with phases where there are no such chunks at all. The trim
- value must be greater than page size to have any useful effect. To
- disable trimming completely, you can set to MAX_SIZE_T. Note that the trick
- some people use of mallocing a huge space and then freeing it at
- program startup, in an attempt to reserve system memory, doesn't
- have the intended effect under automatic trimming, since that memory
- will immediately be returned to the system.
- Also settable using mallopt(M_MMAP_THRESHOLD, x)
- The request size threshold for using MMAP to directly service a
- request. Requests of at least this size that cannot be allocated
- using already-existing space will be serviced via mmap. (If enough
- normal freed space already exists it is used instead.) Using mmap
- segregates relatively large chunks of memory so that they can be
- individually obtained and released from the host system. A request
- serviced through mmap is never reused by any other request (at least
- not directly; the system may just so happen to remap successive
- requests to the same locations). Segregating space in this way has
- the benefits that: Mmapped space can always be individually released
- back to the system, which helps keep the system level memory demands
- of a long-lived program low. Also, mapped memory doesn't become
- `locked' between other chunks, as can happen with normally allocated
- chunks, which means that even trimming via malloc_trim would not
- release them. However, it has the disadvantage that the space
- cannot be reclaimed, consolidated, and then used to service later
- requests, as happens with normal chunks. The advantages of mmap
- nearly always outweigh disadvantages for "large" chunks, but the
- value of "large" may vary across systems. The default is an
- empirically derived value that works well in most systems. You can
- disable mmap by setting to MAX_SIZE_T.
-MAX_RELEASE_CHECK_RATE default: 4095 unless not HAVE_MMAP
- The number of consolidated frees between checks to release
- unused segments when freeing. When using non-contiguous segments,
- especially with multiple mspaces, checking only for topmost space
- doesn't always suffice to trigger trimming. To compensate for this,
- free() will, with a period of MAX_RELEASE_CHECK_RATE (or the
- current number of segments, if greater) try to release unused
- segments to the OS when freeing chunks that result in
- consolidation. The best value for this parameter is a compromise
- between slowing down frees with relatively costly checks that
- rarely trigger versus holding on to unused memory. To effectively
- disable, set to MAX_SIZE_T. This may lead to a very slight speed
- improvement at the expense of carrying around more memory.
-/* Version identifier to allow people to support multiple versions */
-#define DLMALLOC_VERSION 20804
-#endif /* DLMALLOC_VERSION */
-#ifndef WIN32
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#define WIN32 1
-#endif /* _WIN32 */
-#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
-#define LACKS_FCNTL_H
-#define WIN32 1
-#endif /* _WIN32_WCE */
-#endif /* WIN32 */
-#ifdef WIN32
-#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <tchar.h>
-#define HAVE_MMAP 1
-#define HAVE_MORECORE 0
-#define LACKS_ERRNO_H
-#ifdef _WIN32_WCE /* WINCE reportedly does not clear */
-#define MMAP_CLEARS 0
-#define MMAP_CLEARS 1
-#endif /* _WIN32_WCE */
-#endif /* WIN32 */
-#if defined(DARWIN) || defined(_DARWIN)
-/* Mac OSX docs advise not to use sbrk; it seems better to use mmap */
-#define HAVE_MORECORE 0
-#define HAVE_MMAP 1
-/* OSX allocators provide 16 byte alignment */
-#define MALLOC_ALIGNMENT ((size_t)16U)
-#endif /* HAVE_MORECORE */
-#endif /* DARWIN */
-#include <sys/types.h> /* For size_t */
-#endif /* LACKS_SYS_TYPES_H */
-#if (defined(__GNUC__) && ((defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)))) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER>=1310)
-/* The maximum possible size_t value has all bits set */
-#define MAX_SIZE_T (~(size_t)0)
-#define ONLY_MSPACES 0 /* define to a value */
-#define ONLY_MSPACES 1
-#endif /* ONLY_MSPACES */
-#ifndef MSPACES
-#define MSPACES 1
-#else /* ONLY_MSPACES */
-#define MSPACES 0
-#endif /* ONLY_MSPACES */
-#endif /* MSPACES */
-#define MALLOC_ALIGNMENT ((size_t)8U)
-#endif /* MALLOC_ALIGNMENT */
-#ifndef FOOTERS
-#define FOOTERS 0
-#endif /* FOOTERS */
-#ifndef ABORT
-#define ABORT abort()
-#endif /* ABORT */
-#endif /* PROCEED_ON_ERROR */
-#ifndef USE_LOCKS
-#define USE_LOCKS 0
-#endif /* USE_LOCKS */
-#define USE_SPIN_LOCKS 1
-#define USE_SPIN_LOCKS 0
-#endif /* USE_SPIN_LOCKS */
-#ifndef INSECURE
-#define INSECURE 0
-#endif /* INSECURE */
-#ifndef HAVE_MMAP
-#define HAVE_MMAP 1
-#endif /* HAVE_MMAP */
-#ifndef MMAP_CLEARS
-#define MMAP_CLEARS 1
-#endif /* MMAP_CLEARS */
-#ifndef HAVE_MREMAP
-#ifdef linux
-#define HAVE_MREMAP 1
-#else /* linux */
-#define HAVE_MREMAP 0
-#endif /* linux */
-#endif /* HAVE_MREMAP */
-#define HAVE_MORECORE 0
-#else /* ONLY_MSPACES */
-#define HAVE_MORECORE 1
-#endif /* ONLY_MSPACES */
-#endif /* HAVE_MORECORE */
-#else /* !HAVE_MORECORE */
-#define MORECORE_DEFAULT sbrk
-#endif /* HAVE_MORECORE */
-#if (MORECORE_CONTIGUOUS || defined(WIN32))
-#define DEFAULT_GRANULARITY (0) /* 0 means to compute in init_mparams */
-#define DEFAULT_GRANULARITY ((size_t)64U * (size_t)1024U)
-#define DEFAULT_TRIM_THRESHOLD ((size_t)2U * (size_t)1024U * (size_t)1024U)
-#define DEFAULT_MMAP_THRESHOLD ((size_t)256U * (size_t)1024U)
-#else /* HAVE_MMAP */
-#endif /* HAVE_MMAP */
-#endif /* HAVE_MMAP */
-#define USE_BUILTIN_FFS 0
-#endif /* USE_BUILTIN_FFS */
-#define USE_DEV_RANDOM 0
-#endif /* USE_DEV_RANDOM */
-#ifndef NO_MALLINFO
-#define NO_MALLINFO 0
-#endif /* NO_MALLINFO */
-#define MALLINFO_FIELD_TYPE size_t
- mallopt tuning options. SVID/XPG defines four standard parameter
- numbers for mallopt, normally defined in malloc.h. None of these
- are used in this malloc, so setting them has no effect. But this
- malloc does support the following options.
-#define M_TRIM_THRESHOLD (-1)
-#define M_GRANULARITY (-2)
-#define M_MMAP_THRESHOLD (-3)
-/* ------------------------ Mallinfo declarations ------------------------ */
- This version of malloc supports the standard SVID/XPG mallinfo
- routine that returns a struct containing usage properties and
- statistics. It should work on any system that has a
- /usr/include/malloc.h defining struct mallinfo. The main
- declaration needed is the mallinfo struct that is returned (by-copy)
- by mallinfo(). The malloinfo struct contains a bunch of fields that
- are not even meaningful in this version of malloc. These fields are
- are instead filled by mallinfo() with other numbers that might be of
- interest.
- HAVE_USR_INCLUDE_MALLOC_H should be set if you have a
- /usr/include/malloc.h file that includes a declaration of struct
- mallinfo. If so, it is included; else a compliant version is
- declared below. These must be precisely the same for mallinfo() to
- work. The original SVID version of this struct, defined on most
- systems with mallinfo, declares all fields as ints. But some others
- define as unsigned long. If your system defines the fields using a
- type of different width than listed here, you MUST #include your
- system version and #define HAVE_USR_INCLUDE_MALLOC_H.
-#include "/usr/include/malloc.h"
-struct mallinfo {
- MALLINFO_FIELD_TYPE arena; /* non-mmapped space allocated from system */
- MALLINFO_FIELD_TYPE ordblks; /* number of free chunks */
- MALLINFO_FIELD_TYPE smblks; /* always 0 */
- MALLINFO_FIELD_TYPE hblks; /* always 0 */
- MALLINFO_FIELD_TYPE hblkhd; /* space in mmapped regions */
- MALLINFO_FIELD_TYPE usmblks; /* maximum total allocated space */
- MALLINFO_FIELD_TYPE fsmblks; /* always 0 */
- MALLINFO_FIELD_TYPE uordblks; /* total allocated space */
- MALLINFO_FIELD_TYPE fordblks; /* total free space */
- MALLINFO_FIELD_TYPE keepcost; /* releasable (via malloc_trim) space */
-#endif /* NO_MALLINFO */
- Try to persuade compilers to inline. The most critical functions for
- inlining are defined as macros, so these aren't used for them.
- #if defined(__GNUC__)
-#define FORCEINLINE __inline __attribute__ ((always_inline))
- #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
- #define FORCEINLINE __forceinline
- #endif
-#ifndef NOINLINE
- #if defined(__GNUC__)
- #define NOINLINE __attribute__ ((noinline))
- #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
- #define NOINLINE __declspec(noinline)
- #else
- #define NOINLINE
- #endif
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- #define FORCEINLINE inline
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-/* ------------------- Declarations of public routines ------------------- */
-#ifndef USE_DL_PREFIX
-#define dlcalloc calloc
-#define dlfree free
-#define dlmalloc malloc
-#define dlmemalign memalign
-#define dlrealloc realloc
-#define dlvalloc valloc
-#define dlpvalloc pvalloc
-#define dlmallinfo mallinfo
-#define dlmallopt mallopt
-#define dlmalloc_trim malloc_trim
-#define dlmalloc_stats malloc_stats
-#define dlmalloc_usable_size malloc_usable_size
-#define dlmalloc_footprint malloc_footprint
-#define dlmalloc_max_footprint malloc_max_footprint
-#define dlindependent_calloc independent_calloc
-#define dlindependent_comalloc independent_comalloc
-#endif /* USE_DL_PREFIX */
- malloc(size_t n)
- Returns a pointer to a newly allocated chunk of at least n bytes, or
- null if no space is available, in which case errno is set to ENOMEM
- on ANSI C systems.
- If n is zero, malloc returns a minimum-sized chunk. (The minimum
- size is 16 bytes on most 32bit systems, and 32 bytes on 64bit
- systems.) Note that size_t is an unsigned type, so calls with
- arguments that would be negative if signed are interpreted as
- requests for huge amounts of space, which will often fail. The
- maximum supported value of n differs across systems, but is in all
- cases less than the maximum representable value of a size_t.
-void* dlmalloc(size_t);
- free(void* p)
- Releases the chunk of memory pointed to by p, that had been previously
- allocated using malloc or a related routine such as realloc.
- It has no effect if p is null. If p was not malloced or already
- freed, free(p) will by default cause the current program to abort.
-void dlfree(void*);
- calloc(size_t n_elements, size_t element_size);
- Returns a pointer to n_elements * element_size bytes, with all locations
- set to zero.
-void* dlcalloc(size_t, size_t);
- realloc(void* p, size_t n)
- Returns a pointer to a chunk of size n that contains the same data
- as does chunk p up to the minimum of (n, p's size) bytes, or null
- if no space is available.
- The returned pointer may or may not be the same as p. The algorithm
- prefers extending p in most cases when possible, otherwise it
- employs the equivalent of a malloc-copy-free sequence.
- If p is null, realloc is equivalent to malloc.
- If space is not available, realloc returns null, errno is set (if on
- ANSI) and p is NOT freed.
- if n is for fewer bytes than already held by p, the newly unused
- space is lopped off and freed if possible. realloc with a size
- argument of zero (re)allocates a minimum-sized chunk.
- The old unix realloc convention of allowing the last-free'd chunk
- to be used as an argument to realloc is not supported.
-void* dlrealloc(void*, size_t);
- memalign(size_t alignment, size_t n);
- Returns a pointer to a newly allocated chunk of n bytes, aligned
- in accord with the alignment argument.
- The alignment argument should be a power of two. If the argument is
- not a power of two, the nearest greater power is used.
- 8-byte alignment is guaranteed by normal malloc calls, so don't
- bother calling memalign with an argument of 8 or less.
- Overreliance on memalign is a sure way to fragment space.
-void* dlmemalign(size_t, size_t);
- valloc(size_t n);
- Equivalent to memalign(pagesize, n), where pagesize is the page
- size of the system. If the pagesize is unknown, 4096 is used.
-void* dlvalloc(size_t);
- mallopt(int parameter_number, int parameter_value)
- Sets tunable parameters The format is to provide a
- (parameter-number, parameter-value) pair. mallopt then sets the
- corresponding parameter to the argument value if it can (i.e., so
- long as the value is meaningful), and returns 1 if successful else
- 0. To workaround the fact that mallopt is specified to use int,
- not size_t parameters, the value -1 is specially treated as the
- maximum unsigned size_t value.
- SVID/XPG/ANSI defines four standard param numbers for mallopt,
- normally defined in malloc.h. None of these are use in this malloc,
- so setting them has no effect. But this malloc also supports other
- options in mallopt. See below for details. Briefly, supported
- parameters are as follows (listed defaults are for "typical"
- configurations).
- Symbol param # default allowed param values
- M_TRIM_THRESHOLD -1 2*1024*1024 any (-1 disables)
- M_GRANULARITY -2 page size any power of 2 >= page size
- M_MMAP_THRESHOLD -3 256*1024 any (or 0 if no MMAP support)
-int dlmallopt(int, int);
- malloc_footprint();
- Returns the number of bytes obtained from the system. The total
- number of bytes allocated by malloc, realloc etc., is less than this
- value. Unlike mallinfo, this function returns only a precomputed
- result, so can be called frequently to monitor memory consumption.
- Even if locks are otherwise defined, this function does not use them,
- so results might not be up to date.
-size_t dlmalloc_footprint(void);
- malloc_max_footprint();
- Returns the maximum number of bytes obtained from the system. This
- value will be greater than current footprint if deallocated space
- has been reclaimed by the system. The peak number of bytes allocated
- by malloc, realloc etc., is less than this value. Unlike mallinfo,
- this function returns only a precomputed result, so can be called
- frequently to monitor memory consumption. Even if locks are
- otherwise defined, this function does not use them, so results might
- not be up to date.
-size_t dlmalloc_max_footprint(void);
- mallinfo()
- Returns (by copy) a struct containing various summary statistics:
- arena: current total non-mmapped bytes allocated from system
- ordblks: the number of free chunks
- smblks: always zero.
- hblks: current number of mmapped regions
- hblkhd: total bytes held in mmapped regions
- usmblks: the maximum total allocated space. This will be greater
- than current total if trimming has occurred.
- fsmblks: always zero
- uordblks: current total allocated space (normal or mmapped)
- fordblks: total free space
- keepcost: the maximum number of bytes that could ideally be released
- back to system via malloc_trim. ("ideally" means that
- it ignores page restrictions etc.)
- Because these fields are ints, but internal bookkeeping may
- be kept as longs, the reported values may wrap around zero and
- thus be inaccurate.
-struct mallinfo dlmallinfo(void);
-#endif /* NO_MALLINFO */
- independent_calloc(size_t n_elements, size_t element_size, void* chunks[]);
- independent_calloc is similar to calloc, but instead of returning a
- single cleared space, it returns an array of pointers to n_elements
- independent elements that can hold contents of size elem_size, each
- of which starts out cleared, and can be independently freed,
- realloc'ed etc. The elements are guaranteed to be adjacently
- allocated (this is not guaranteed to occur with multiple callocs or
- mallocs), which may also improve cache locality in some
- applications.
- The "chunks" argument is optional (i.e., may be null, which is
- probably the most typical usage). If it is null, the returned array
- is itself dynamically allocated and should also be freed when it is
- no longer needed. Otherwise, the chunks array must be of at least
- n_elements in length. It is filled in with the pointers to the
- chunks.
- In either case, independent_calloc returns this pointer array, or
- null if the allocation failed. If n_elements is zero and "chunks"
- is null, it returns a chunk representing an array with zero elements
- (which should be freed if not wanted).
- Each element must be individually freed when it is no longer
- needed. If you'd like to instead be able to free all at once, you
- should instead use regular calloc and assign pointers into this
- space to represent elements. (In this case though, you cannot
- independently free elements.)
- independent_calloc simplifies and speeds up implementations of many
- kinds of pools. It may also be useful when constructing large data
- structures that initially have a fixed number of fixed-sized nodes,
- but the number is not known at compile time, and some of the nodes
- may later need to be freed. For example:
- struct Node { int item; struct Node* next; };
- struct Node* build_list() {
- struct Node** pool;
- int n = read_number_of_nodes_needed();
- if (n <= 0) return 0;
- pool = (struct Node**)(independent_calloc(n, sizeof(struct Node), 0);
- if (pool == 0) die();
- // organize into a linked list...
- struct Node* first = pool[0];
- for (i = 0; i < n-1; ++i)
- pool[i]->next = pool[i+1];
- free(pool); // Can now free the array (or not, if it is needed later)
- return first;
- }
-void** dlindependent_calloc(size_t, size_t, void**);
- independent_comalloc(size_t n_elements, size_t sizes[], void* chunks[]);
- independent_comalloc allocates, all at once, a set of n_elements
- chunks with sizes indicated in the "sizes" array. It returns
- an array of pointers to these elements, each of which can be
- independently freed, realloc'ed etc. The elements are guaranteed to
- be adjacently allocated (this is not guaranteed to occur with
- multiple callocs or mallocs), which may also improve cache locality
- in some applications.
- The "chunks" argument is optional (i.e., may be null). If it is null
- the returned array is itself dynamically allocated and should also
- be freed when it is no longer needed. Otherwise, the chunks array
- must be of at least n_elements in length. It is filled in with the
- pointers to the chunks.
- In either case, independent_comalloc returns this pointer array, or
- null if the allocation failed. If n_elements is zero and chunks is
- null, it returns a chunk representing an array with zero elements
- (which should be freed if not wanted).
- Each element must be individually freed when it is no longer
- needed. If you'd like to instead be able to free all at once, you
- should instead use a single regular malloc, and assign pointers at
- particular offsets in the aggregate space. (In this case though, you
- cannot independently free elements.)
- independent_comallac differs from independent_calloc in that each
- element may have a different size, and also that it does not
- automatically clear elements.
- independent_comalloc can be used to speed up allocation in cases
- where several structs or objects must always be allocated at the
- same time. For example:
- struct Head { ... }
- struct Foot { ... }
- void send_message(char* msg) {
- int msglen = strlen(msg);
- size_t sizes[3] = { sizeof(struct Head), msglen, sizeof(struct Foot) };
- void* chunks[3];
- if (independent_comalloc(3, sizes, chunks) == 0)
- die();
- struct Head* head = (struct Head*)(chunks[0]);
- char* body = (char*)(chunks[1]);
- struct Foot* foot = (struct Foot*)(chunks[2]);
- // ...
- }
- In general though, independent_comalloc is worth using only for
- larger values of n_elements. For small values, you probably won't
- detect enough difference from series of malloc calls to bother.
- Overuse of independent_comalloc can increase overall memory usage,
- since it cannot reuse existing noncontiguous small chunks that
- might be available for some of the elements.
-void** dlindependent_comalloc(size_t, size_t*, void**);
- pvalloc(size_t n);
- Equivalent to valloc(minimum-page-that-holds(n)), that is,
- round up n to nearest pagesize.
- */
-void* dlpvalloc(size_t);
- malloc_trim(size_t pad);
- If possible, gives memory back to the system (via negative arguments
- to sbrk) if there is unused memory at the `high' end of the malloc
- pool or in unused MMAP segments. You can call this after freeing
- large blocks of memory to potentially reduce the system-level memory
- requirements of a program. However, it cannot guarantee to reduce
- memory. Under some allocation patterns, some large free blocks of
- memory will be locked between two used chunks, so they cannot be
- given back to the system.
- The `pad' argument to malloc_trim represents the amount of free
- trailing space to leave untrimmed. If this argument is zero, only
- the minimum amount of memory to maintain internal data structures
- will be left. Non-zero arguments can be supplied to maintain enough
- trailing space to service future expected allocations without having
- to re-obtain memory from the system.
- Malloc_trim returns 1 if it actually released any memory, else 0.
-int dlmalloc_trim(size_t);
- malloc_stats();
- Prints on stderr the amount of space obtained from the system (both
- via sbrk and mmap), the maximum amount (which may be more than
- current if malloc_trim and/or munmap got called), and the current
- number of bytes allocated via malloc (or realloc, etc) but not yet
- freed. Note that this is the number of bytes allocated, not the
- number requested. It will be larger than the number requested
- because of alignment and bookkeeping overhead. Because it includes
- alignment wastage as being in use, this figure may be greater than
- zero even when no user-level chunks are allocated.
- The reported current and maximum system memory can be inaccurate if
- a program makes other calls to system memory allocation functions
- (normally sbrk) outside of malloc.
- malloc_stats prints only the most commonly interesting statistics.
- More information can be obtained by calling mallinfo.
-void dlmalloc_stats(void);
-#endif /* ONLY_MSPACES */
- malloc_usable_size(void* p);
- Returns the number of bytes you can actually use in
- an allocated chunk, which may be more than you requested (although
- often not) due to alignment and minimum size constraints.
- You can use this many bytes without worrying about
- overwriting other allocated objects. This is not a particularly great
- programming practice. malloc_usable_size can be more useful in
- debugging and assertions, for example:
- p = malloc(n);
- assert(malloc_usable_size(p) >= 256);
-size_t dlmalloc_usable_size(void*);
- mspace is an opaque type representing an independent
- region of space that supports mspace_malloc, etc.
-typedef void* mspace;
- create_mspace creates and returns a new independent space with the
- given initial capacity, or, if 0, the default granularity size. It
- returns null if there is no system memory available to create the
- space. If argument locked is non-zero, the space uses a separate
- lock to control access. The capacity of the space will grow
- dynamically as needed to service mspace_malloc requests. You can
- control the sizes of incremental increases of this space by
- compiling with a different DEFAULT_GRANULARITY or dynamically
- setting with mallopt(M_GRANULARITY, value).
-mspace create_mspace(size_t capacity, int locked);
- destroy_mspace destroys the given space, and attempts to return all
- of its memory back to the system, returning the total number of
- bytes freed. After destruction, the results of access to all memory
- used by the space become undefined.
-size_t destroy_mspace(mspace msp);
- create_mspace_with_base uses the memory supplied as the initial base
- of a new mspace. Part (less than 128*sizeof(size_t) bytes) of this
- space is used for bookkeeping, so the capacity must be at least this
- large. (Otherwise 0 is returned.) When this initial space is
- exhausted, additional memory will be obtained from the system.
- Destroying this space will deallocate all additionally allocated
- space (if possible) but not the initial base.
-mspace create_mspace_with_base(void* base, size_t capacity, int locked);
- mspace_track_large_chunks controls whether requests for large chunks
- are allocated in their own untracked mmapped regions, separate from
- others in this mspace. By default large chunks are not tracked,
- which reduces fragmentation. However, such chunks are not
- necessarily released to the system upon destroy_mspace. Enabling
- tracking by setting to true may increase fragmentation, but avoids
- leakage when relying on destroy_mspace to release all memory
- allocated using this space. The function returns the previous
- setting.
-int mspace_track_large_chunks(mspace msp, int enable);
- mspace_malloc behaves as malloc, but operates within
- the given space.
-void* mspace_malloc(mspace msp, size_t bytes);
- mspace_free behaves as free, but operates within
- the given space.
- If compiled with FOOTERS==1, mspace_free is not actually needed.
- free may be called instead of mspace_free because freed chunks from
- any space are handled by their originating spaces.
-void mspace_free(mspace msp, void* mem);
- mspace_realloc behaves as realloc, but operates within
- the given space.
- If compiled with FOOTERS==1, mspace_realloc is not actually
- needed. realloc may be called instead of mspace_realloc because
- realloced chunks from any space are handled by their originating
- spaces.
-void* mspace_realloc(mspace msp, void* mem, size_t newsize);
- mspace_calloc behaves as calloc, but operates within
- the given space.
-void* mspace_calloc(mspace msp, size_t n_elements, size_t elem_size);
- mspace_memalign behaves as memalign, but operates within
- the given space.
-void* mspace_memalign(mspace msp, size_t alignment, size_t bytes);
- mspace_independent_calloc behaves as independent_calloc, but
- operates within the given space.
-void** mspace_independent_calloc(mspace msp, size_t n_elements,
- size_t elem_size, void* chunks[]);
- mspace_independent_comalloc behaves as independent_comalloc, but
- operates within the given space.
-void** mspace_independent_comalloc(mspace msp, size_t n_elements,
- size_t sizes[], void* chunks[]);
- mspace_footprint() returns the number of bytes obtained from the
- system for this space.
-size_t mspace_footprint(mspace msp);
- mspace_max_footprint() returns the peak number of bytes obtained from the
- system for this space.
-size_t mspace_max_footprint(mspace msp);
- mspace_mallinfo behaves as mallinfo, but reports properties of
- the given space.
-struct mallinfo mspace_mallinfo(mspace msp);
-#endif /* NO_MALLINFO */
- malloc_usable_size(void* p) behaves the same as malloc_usable_size;
- size_t mspace_usable_size(void* mem);
- mspace_malloc_stats behaves as malloc_stats, but reports
- properties of the given space.
-void mspace_malloc_stats(mspace msp);
- mspace_trim behaves as malloc_trim, but
- operates within the given space.
-int mspace_trim(mspace msp, size_t pad);
- An alias for mallopt.
-int mspace_mallopt(int, int);
-#endif /* MSPACES */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* end of extern "C" */
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
- ========================================================================
- To make a fully customizable malloc.h header file, cut everything
- above this line, put into file malloc.h, edit to suit, and #include it
- on the next line, as well as in programs that use this malloc.
- ========================================================================
-/* #include "malloc.h" */
-/*------------------------------ internal #includes ---------------------- */
-#ifdef WIN32
-#pragma warning( disable : 4146 ) /* no "unsigned" warnings */
-#endif /* WIN32 */
-#include <stdio.h> /* for printing in malloc_stats */
-#ifndef LACKS_ERRNO_H
-#include <errno.h> /* for MALLOC_FAILURE_ACTION */
-#endif /* LACKS_ERRNO_H */
-#include <time.h> /* for magic initialization */
-#endif /* FOOTERS */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for abort() */
-#endif /* LACKS_STDLIB_H */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#undef assert
-#define assert(x) if(!(x)) ABORT
-#include <assert.h>
-#else /* DEBUG */
-#ifndef assert
-#define assert(x)
-#define DEBUG 0
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-#include <string.h> /* for memset etc */
-#endif /* LACKS_STRING_H */
-#include <strings.h> /* for ffs */
-#endif /* LACKS_STRINGS_H */
-#endif /* USE_BUILTIN_FFS */
-/* On some versions of linux, mremap decl in mman.h needs __USE_GNU set */
-#if (defined(linux) && !defined(__USE_GNU))
-#define __USE_GNU 1
-#include <sys/mman.h> /* for mmap */
-#undef __USE_GNU
-#include <sys/mman.h> /* for mmap */
-#endif /* linux */
-#endif /* LACKS_SYS_MMAN_H */
-#ifndef LACKS_FCNTL_H
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#endif /* LACKS_FCNTL_H */
-#endif /* HAVE_MMAP */
-#include <unistd.h> /* for sbrk, sysconf */
-#else /* LACKS_UNISTD_H */
-#if !defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined(__OpenBSD__) && !defined(__NetBSD__)
-extern void* sbrk(ptrdiff_t);
-#endif /* FreeBSD etc */
-#endif /* LACKS_UNISTD_H */
-/* Declarations for locking */
-#ifndef WIN32
-#include <pthread.h>
-#if defined (__SVR4) && defined (__sun) /* solaris */
-#include <thread.h>
-#endif /* solaris */
-#ifndef _M_AMD64
-/* These are already defined on AMD64 builds */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-LONG __cdecl _InterlockedCompareExchange(LONG volatile *Dest, LONG Exchange, LONG Comp);
-LONG __cdecl _InterlockedExchange(LONG volatile *Target, LONG Value);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-#endif /* _M_AMD64 */
-#pragma intrinsic (_InterlockedCompareExchange)
-#pragma intrinsic (_InterlockedExchange)
-#define interlockedcompareexchange _InterlockedCompareExchange
-#define interlockedexchange _InterlockedExchange
-#endif /* Win32 */
-#endif /* USE_LOCKS */
-/* Declarations for bit scanning on win32 */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER>=1300
-#ifndef BitScanForward /* Try to avoid pulling in WinNT.h */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-unsigned char _BitScanForward(unsigned long *index, unsigned long mask);
-unsigned char _BitScanReverse(unsigned long *index, unsigned long mask);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-#define BitScanForward _BitScanForward
-#define BitScanReverse _BitScanReverse
-#pragma intrinsic(_BitScanForward)
-#pragma intrinsic(_BitScanReverse)
-#endif /* BitScanForward */
-#endif /* defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER>=1300 */
-#ifndef WIN32
-#ifndef malloc_getpagesize
-# ifdef _SC_PAGESIZE /* some SVR4 systems omit an underscore */
-# ifndef _SC_PAGE_SIZE
-# endif
-# endif
-# ifdef _SC_PAGE_SIZE
-# define malloc_getpagesize sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE)
-# else
-# if defined(BSD) || defined(DGUX) || defined(HAVE_GETPAGESIZE)
- extern size_t getpagesize();
-# define malloc_getpagesize getpagesize()
-# else
-# ifdef WIN32 /* use supplied emulation of getpagesize */
-# define malloc_getpagesize getpagesize()
-# else
-# include <sys/param.h>
-# endif
-# define malloc_getpagesize EXEC_PAGESIZE
-# else
-# ifdef NBPG
-# ifndef CLSIZE
-# define malloc_getpagesize NBPG
-# else
-# define malloc_getpagesize (NBPG * CLSIZE)
-# endif
-# else
-# ifdef NBPC
-# define malloc_getpagesize NBPC
-# else
-# ifdef PAGESIZE
-# define malloc_getpagesize PAGESIZE
-# else /* just guess */
-# define malloc_getpagesize ((size_t)4096U)
-# endif
-# endif
-# endif
-# endif
-# endif
-# endif
-# endif
-/* ------------------- size_t and alignment properties -------------------- */
-/* The byte and bit size of a size_t */
-#define SIZE_T_SIZE (sizeof(size_t))
-#define SIZE_T_BITSIZE (sizeof(size_t) << 3)
-/* Some constants coerced to size_t */
-/* Annoying but necessary to avoid errors on some platforms */
-#define SIZE_T_ZERO ((size_t)0)
-#define SIZE_T_ONE ((size_t)1)
-#define SIZE_T_TWO ((size_t)2)
-#define SIZE_T_FOUR ((size_t)4)
-#define HALF_MAX_SIZE_T (MAX_SIZE_T / 2U)
-/* The bit mask value corresponding to MALLOC_ALIGNMENT */
-/* True if address a has acceptable alignment */
-#define is_aligned(A) (((size_t)((A)) & (CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK)) == 0)
-/* the number of bytes to offset an address to align it */
-#define align_offset(A)\
- ((((size_t)(A) & CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK) == 0)? 0 :\
- malloc_params holds global properties, including those that can be
- dynamically set using mallopt. There is a single instance, mparams,
- initialized in init_mparams. Note that the non-zeroness of "magic"
- also serves as an initialization flag.
-typedef unsigned int flag_t;
-struct malloc_params {
- volatile size_t magic;
- size_t page_size;
- size_t granularity;
- size_t mmap_threshold;
- size_t trim_threshold;
- flag_t default_mflags;
-static struct malloc_params mparams;
-/* Ensure mparams initialized */
-#define ensure_initialization() (void)(mparams.magic != 0 || init_mparams())
-/* -------------------------- MMAP preliminaries ------------------------- */
- If HAVE_MORECORE or HAVE_MMAP are false, we just define calls and
- checks to fail so compiler optimizer can delete code rather than
- using so many "#if"s.
-/* MORECORE and MMAP must return MFAIL on failure */
-#define MFAIL ((void*)(MAX_SIZE_T))
-#define CMFAIL ((char*)(MFAIL)) /* defined for convenience */
-#ifndef WIN32
-#if !defined(MAP_ANONYMOUS) && defined(MAP_ANON)
-#endif /* MAP_ANON */
-#define MMAP_IMPL mmap_aligned
-static void* lastAlignedmmap; /* Used as a hint */
-static void* mmap_aligned(void *start, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset) {
- void* baseaddress = 0;
- void* ptr = 0;
- if(!start) {
- baseaddress = lastAlignedmmap;
- for(;;) {
- if(baseaddress) flags|=MAP_FIXED;
- ptr = mmap(baseaddress, length, prot, flags, fd, offset);
- if(!ptr)
- baseaddress = (void*)((size_t)baseaddress + mparams.granularity);
- else if((size_t)ptr & (mparams.granularity - SIZE_T_ONE)) {
- munmap(ptr, length);
- baseaddress = (void*)(((size_t)ptr + mparams.granularity) & ~(mparams.granularity - SIZE_T_ONE));
- }
- else break;
- }
- }
- else ptr = mmap(start, length, prot, flags, fd, offset);
- if(ptr) lastAlignedmmap = (void*)((size_t) ptr + mparams.granularity);
- return ptr;
-#define MMAP_IMPL mmap
-#define MUNMAP_DEFAULT(a, s) munmap((a), (s))
-#define MMAP_DEFAULT(s) MMAP_IMPL(0, (s), MMAP_PROT, MMAP_FLAGS, -1, 0)
-#else /* MAP_ANONYMOUS */
- Nearly all versions of mmap support MAP_ANONYMOUS, so the following
- is unlikely to be needed, but is supplied just in case.
-static int dev_zero_fd = -1; /* Cached file descriptor for /dev/zero. */
-#define MMAP_DEFAULT(s) ((dev_zero_fd < 0) ? \
- (dev_zero_fd = open("/dev/zero", O_RDWR), \
- MMAP_IMPL(0, (s), MMAP_PROT, MMAP_FLAGS, dev_zero_fd, 0)) : \
- MMAP_IMPL(0, (s), MMAP_PROT, MMAP_FLAGS, dev_zero_fd, 0))
-#endif /* MAP_ANONYMOUS */
-#else /* WIN32 */
-/* Win32 MMAP via VirtualAlloc */
-static void* lastWin32mmap; /* Used as a hint */
-static int largepagesavailable = 1;
-#endif /* ENABLE_LARGE_PAGES */
-static FORCEINLINE void* win32mmap(size_t size) {
- void* baseaddress = 0;
- void* ptr = 0;
- /* Note that large pages are *always* allocated on a large page boundary.
- If however granularity is small then don't waste a kernel call if size
- isn't around the size of a large page */
- if(largepagesavailable && size >= 1*1024*1024) {
- ptr = VirtualAlloc(baseaddress, size, MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT|MEM_LARGE_PAGES, PAGE_READWRITE);
- if(!ptr && ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD==GetLastError()) largepagesavailable=0;
- }
- if(!ptr) {
- /* We try to avoid overhead by speculatively reserving at aligned
- addresses until we succeed */
- baseaddress = lastWin32mmap;
- for(;;) {
- void* reserveaddr = VirtualAlloc(baseaddress, size, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
- if(!reserveaddr)
- baseaddress = (void*)((size_t)baseaddress + mparams.granularity);
- else if((size_t)reserveaddr & (mparams.granularity - SIZE_T_ONE)) {
- VirtualFree(reserveaddr, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
- baseaddress = (void*)(((size_t)reserveaddr + mparams.granularity) & ~(mparams.granularity - SIZE_T_ONE));
- }
- else break;
- }
- if(!ptr) ptr = VirtualAlloc(baseaddress, size, baseaddress ? MEM_COMMIT : MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
-#if DEBUG
- if(lastWin32mmap && ptr!=lastWin32mmap) printf("Non-contiguous VirtualAlloc between %p and %p\n", ptr, lastWin32mmap);
- if(ptr) lastWin32mmap = (void*)((size_t) ptr + mparams.granularity);
- }
-#if DEBUG
- printf("VirtualAlloc returns %p size %u. LargePagesAvailable=%d\n", ptr, size, largepagesavailable);
- printf("VirtualAlloc returns %p size %u\n", ptr, size);
- return (ptr != 0)? ptr: MFAIL;
-/* For direct MMAP, use MEM_TOP_DOWN to minimize interference */
-static FORCEINLINE void* win32direct_mmap(size_t size) {
- void* ptr = VirtualAlloc(0, size, MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT|MEM_TOP_DOWN,
- return (ptr != 0)? ptr: MFAIL;
-/* This function supports releasing coalesed segments */
-static FORCEINLINE int win32munmap(void* ptr, size_t size) {
- char* cptr = (char*)ptr;
- while (size) {
- if (VirtualQuery(cptr, &minfo, sizeof(minfo)) == 0)
- return -1;
- if (minfo.BaseAddress != cptr || minfo.AllocationBase != cptr ||
- minfo.State != MEM_COMMIT || minfo.RegionSize > size)
- return -1;
- if (VirtualFree(cptr, 0, MEM_RELEASE) == 0)
- return -1;
- cptr += minfo.RegionSize;
- size -= minfo.RegionSize;
- }
- return 0;
-#define MMAP_DEFAULT(s) win32mmap(s)
-#define MUNMAP_DEFAULT(a, s) win32munmap((a), (s))
-#define DIRECT_MMAP_DEFAULT(s) win32direct_mmap(s)
-#endif /* WIN32 */
-#endif /* HAVE_MMAP */
-#ifndef WIN32
-#define MREMAP_DEFAULT(addr, osz, nsz, mv) mremap((addr), (osz), (nsz), (mv))
-#endif /* WIN32 */
-#endif /* HAVE_MREMAP */
- */
- #ifdef MORECORE
- #else /* MORECORE */
- #endif /* MORECORE */
-#else /* HAVE_MORECORE */
-#endif /* HAVE_MORECORE */
- */
- #ifdef MMAP
- #define CALL_MMAP(s) MMAP(s)
- #else /* MMAP */
- #define CALL_MMAP(s) MMAP_DEFAULT(s)
- #endif /* MMAP */
- #ifdef MUNMAP
- #define CALL_MUNMAP(a, s) MUNMAP((a), (s))
- #else /* MUNMAP */
- #define CALL_MUNMAP(a, s) MUNMAP_DEFAULT((a), (s))
- #endif /* MUNMAP */
- #ifdef DIRECT_MMAP
- #else /* DIRECT_MMAP */
- #endif /* DIRECT_MMAP */
-#else /* HAVE_MMAP */
- #define MMAP(s) MFAIL
- #define MUNMAP(a, s) (-1)
- #define DIRECT_MMAP(s) MFAIL
- #define CALL_MMAP(s) MMAP(s)
- #define CALL_MUNMAP(a, s) MUNMAP((a), (s))
-#endif /* HAVE_MMAP */
- * Define CALL_MREMAP
- */
- #ifdef MREMAP
- #define CALL_MREMAP(addr, osz, nsz, mv) MREMAP((addr), (osz), (nsz), (mv))
- #else /* MREMAP */
- #define CALL_MREMAP(addr, osz, nsz, mv) MREMAP_DEFAULT((addr), (osz), (nsz), (mv))
- #endif /* MREMAP */
-#else /* HAVE_MMAP && HAVE_MREMAP */
- #define CALL_MREMAP(addr, osz, nsz, mv) MFAIL
-#endif /* HAVE_MMAP && HAVE_MREMAP */
-/* mstate bit set if continguous morecore disabled or failed */
-/* segment bit set in create_mspace_with_base */
-#define EXTERN_BIT (8U)
-/* --------------------------- Lock preliminaries ------------------------ */
- When locks are defined, there is one global lock, plus
- one per-mspace lock.
- The global lock_ensures that mparams.magic and other unique
- mparams values are initialized only once. It also protects
- sequences of calls to MORECORE. In many cases sys_alloc requires
- two calls, that should not be interleaved with calls by other
- threads. This does not protect against direct calls to MORECORE
- by other threads not using this lock, so there is still code to
- cope the best we can on interference.
- Per-mspace locks surround calls to malloc, free, etc. To enable use
- in layered extensions, per-mspace locks are reentrant.
- Because lock-protected regions generally have bounded times, it is
- OK to use the supplied simple spinlocks in the custom versions for
- x86. Spinlocks are likely to improve performance for lightly
- contended applications, but worsen performance under heavy
- contention.
- If USE_LOCKS is > 1, the definitions of lock routines here are
- bypassed, in which case you will need to define the type MLOCK_T,
- and at least INITIAL_LOCK, ACQUIRE_LOCK, RELEASE_LOCK and possibly
- TRY_LOCK (which is not used in this malloc, but commonly needed in
- extensions.) You must also declare a
- static MLOCK_T malloc_global_mutex = { initialization values };.
-#if USE_LOCKS == 1
-#ifndef WIN32
-/* Custom pthread-style spin locks on x86 and x64 for gcc */
-struct pthread_mlock_t {
- volatile unsigned int l;
- char cachelinepadding[64];
- unsigned int c;
- pthread_t threadid;
-#define MLOCK_T struct pthread_mlock_t
-#define CURRENT_THREAD pthread_self()
-#define INITIAL_LOCK(sl) ((sl)->threadid = 0, (sl)->l = (sl)->c = 0, 0)
-#define ACQUIRE_LOCK(sl) pthread_acquire_lock(sl)
-#define RELEASE_LOCK(sl) pthread_release_lock(sl)
-#define TRY_LOCK(sl) pthread_try_lock(sl)
-#define SPINS_PER_YIELD 63
-static MLOCK_T malloc_global_mutex = { 0, "", 0, 0};
-static FORCEINLINE int pthread_acquire_lock (MLOCK_T *sl) {
- int spins = 0;
- volatile unsigned int* lp = &sl->l;
- for (;;) {
- if (*lp != 0) {
- if (sl->threadid == CURRENT_THREAD) {
- ++sl->c;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else {
- /* place args to cmpxchgl in locals to evade oddities in some gccs */
- int cmp = 0;
- int val = 1;
- int ret;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("lock; cmpxchgl %1, %2"
- : "=a" (ret)
- : "r" (val), "m" (*(lp)), "0"(cmp)
- : "memory", "cc");
- if (!ret) {
- assert(!sl->threadid);
- sl->threadid = CURRENT_THREAD;
- sl->c = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if ((++spins & SPINS_PER_YIELD) == 0) {
-#if defined (__SVR4) && defined (__sun) /* solaris */
- thr_yield();
-#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__)
- sched_yield();
-#else /* no-op yield on unknown systems */
- ;
-#endif /* __linux__ || __FreeBSD__ || __APPLE__ */
-#endif /* solaris */
- }
- }
-static FORCEINLINE void pthread_release_lock (MLOCK_T *sl) {
- volatile unsigned int* lp = &sl->l;
- assert(*lp != 0);
- assert(sl->threadid == CURRENT_THREAD);
- if (--sl->c == 0) {
- sl->threadid = 0;
- int prev = 0;
- int ret;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("lock; xchgl %0, %1"
- : "=r" (ret)
- : "m" (*(lp)), "0"(prev)
- : "memory");
- }
-static FORCEINLINE int pthread_try_lock (MLOCK_T *sl) {
- volatile unsigned int* lp = &sl->l;
- if (*lp != 0) {
- if (sl->threadid == CURRENT_THREAD) {
- ++sl->c;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else {
- int cmp = 0;
- int val = 1;
- int ret;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("lock; cmpxchgl %1, %2"
- : "=a" (ret)
- : "r" (val), "m" (*(lp)), "0"(cmp)
- : "memory", "cc");
- if (!ret) {
- assert(!sl->threadid);
- sl->threadid = CURRENT_THREAD;
- sl->c = 1;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-#else /* WIN32 */
-/* Custom win32-style spin locks on x86 and x64 for MSC */
-struct win32_mlock_t {
- volatile long l;
- char cachelinepadding[64];
- unsigned int c;
- long threadid;
-#define MLOCK_T struct win32_mlock_t
-#define CURRENT_THREAD ((long)GetCurrentThreadId())
-#define INITIAL_LOCK(sl) ((sl)->threadid = 0, (sl)->l = (sl)->c = 0, 0)
-#define ACQUIRE_LOCK(sl) win32_acquire_lock(sl)
-#define RELEASE_LOCK(sl) win32_release_lock(sl)
-#define TRY_LOCK(sl) win32_try_lock(sl)
-#define SPINS_PER_YIELD 63
-static MLOCK_T malloc_global_mutex = { 0, 0, 0};
-static FORCEINLINE int win32_acquire_lock (MLOCK_T *sl) {
- int spins = 0;
- for (;;) {
- if (sl->l != 0) {
- if (sl->threadid == CURRENT_THREAD) {
- ++sl->c;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (!interlockedexchange(&sl->l, 1)) {
- assert(!sl->threadid);
- sl->threadid = CURRENT_THREAD;
- sl->c = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if ((++spins & SPINS_PER_YIELD) == 0)
- SleepEx(0, FALSE);
- }
-static FORCEINLINE void win32_release_lock (MLOCK_T *sl) {
- assert(sl->threadid == CURRENT_THREAD);
- assert(sl->l != 0);
- if (--sl->c == 0) {
- sl->threadid = 0;
- interlockedexchange (&sl->l, 0);
- }
-static FORCEINLINE int win32_try_lock (MLOCK_T *sl) {
- if (sl->l != 0) {
- if (sl->threadid == CURRENT_THREAD) {
- ++sl->c;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (!interlockedexchange(&sl->l, 1)){
- assert(!sl->threadid);
- sl->threadid = CURRENT_THREAD;
- sl->c = 1;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-#endif /* WIN32 */
-#else /* USE_SPIN_LOCKS */
-#ifndef WIN32
-/* pthreads-based locks */
-#define MLOCK_T pthread_mutex_t
-#define CURRENT_THREAD pthread_self()
-#define INITIAL_LOCK(sl) pthread_init_lock(sl)
-#define ACQUIRE_LOCK(sl) pthread_mutex_lock(sl)
-#define RELEASE_LOCK(sl) pthread_mutex_unlock(sl)
-#define TRY_LOCK(sl) (!pthread_mutex_trylock(sl))
-static MLOCK_T malloc_global_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-/* Cope with old-style linux recursive lock initialization by adding */
-/* skipped internal declaration from pthread.h */
-#ifdef linux
-extern int pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np __P ((pthread_mutexattr_t *__attr,
- int __kind));
-#define pthread_mutexattr_settype(x,y) pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np(x,y)
-static int pthread_init_lock (MLOCK_T *sl) {
- pthread_mutexattr_t attr;
- if (pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr)) return 1;
- if (pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE)) return 1;
- if (pthread_mutex_init(sl, &attr)) return 1;
- if (pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&attr)) return 1;
- return 0;
-#else /* WIN32 */
-/* Win32 critical sections */
-#define CURRENT_THREAD GetCurrentThreadId()
-#define INITIAL_LOCK(s) (!InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount((s), 0x80000000|4000))
-#define ACQUIRE_LOCK(s) (EnterCriticalSection(sl), 0)
-#define RELEASE_LOCK(s) LeaveCriticalSection(sl)
-#define TRY_LOCK(s) TryEnterCriticalSection(sl)
-static MLOCK_T malloc_global_mutex;
-static volatile long malloc_global_mutex_status;
-/* Use spin loop to initialize global lock */
-static void init_malloc_global_mutex() {
- for (;;) {
- long stat = malloc_global_mutex_status;
- if (stat > 0)
- return;
- /* transition to < 0 while initializing, then to > 0) */
- if (stat == 0 &&
- interlockedcompareexchange(&malloc_global_mutex_status, -1, 0) == 0) {
- InitializeCriticalSection(&malloc_global_mutex);
- interlockedexchange(&malloc_global_mutex_status,1);
- return;
- }
- SleepEx(0, FALSE);
- }
-#endif /* WIN32 */
-#endif /* USE_SPIN_LOCKS */
-#endif /* USE_LOCKS == 1 */
-/* ----------------------- User-defined locks ------------------------ */
-#if USE_LOCKS > 1
-/* Define your own lock implementation here */
-/* #define INITIAL_LOCK(sl) ... */
-/* #define ACQUIRE_LOCK(sl) ... */
-/* #define RELEASE_LOCK(sl) ... */
-/* #define TRY_LOCK(sl) ... */
-/* static MLOCK_T malloc_global_mutex = ... */
-#endif /* USE_LOCKS > 1 */
-/* ----------------------- Lock-based state ------------------------ */
-#define USE_LOCK_BIT (2U)
-#else /* USE_LOCKS */
-#define USE_LOCK_BIT (0U)
-#define INITIAL_LOCK(l)
-#endif /* USE_LOCKS */
-#define ACQUIRE_MALLOC_GLOBAL_LOCK() ACQUIRE_LOCK(&malloc_global_mutex);
-#define RELEASE_MALLOC_GLOBAL_LOCK() RELEASE_LOCK(&malloc_global_mutex);
-#else /* USE_LOCKS */
-#endif /* USE_LOCKS */
-/* ----------------------- Chunk representations ------------------------ */
- (The following includes lightly edited explanations by Colin Plumb.)
- The malloc_chunk declaration below is misleading (but accurate and
- necessary). It declares a "view" into memory allowing access to
- necessary fields at known offsets from a given base.
- Chunks of memory are maintained using a `boundary tag' method as
- originally described by Knuth. (See the paper by Paul Wilson
- for a survey of such
- techniques.) Sizes of free chunks are stored both in the front of
- each chunk and at the end. This makes consolidating fragmented
- chunks into bigger chunks fast. The head fields also hold bits
- representing whether chunks are free or in use.
- Here are some pictures to make it clearer. They are "exploded" to
- show that the state of a chunk can be thought of as extending from
- the high 31 bits of the head field of its header through the
- prev_foot and PINUSE_BIT bit of the following chunk header.
- A chunk that's in use looks like:
- chunk-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Size of previous chunk (if P = 0) |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |P|
- | Size of this chunk 1| +-+
- mem-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | |
- +- -+
- | |
- +- -+
- | :
- +- size - sizeof(size_t) available payload bytes -+
- : |
- chunk-> +- -+
- | |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |1|
- | Size of next chunk (may or may not be in use) | +-+
- mem-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- And if it's free, it looks like this:
- chunk-> +- -+
- | User payload (must be in use, or we would have merged!) |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |P|
- | Size of this chunk 0| +-+
- mem-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Next pointer |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Prev pointer |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | :
- +- size - sizeof(struct chunk) unused bytes -+
- : |
- chunk-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Size of this chunk |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |0|
- | Size of next chunk (must be in use, or we would have merged)| +-+
- mem-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | :
- +- User payload -+
- : |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- |0|
- +-+
- Note that since we always merge adjacent free chunks, the chunks
- adjacent to a free chunk must be in use.
- Given a pointer to a chunk (which can be derived trivially from the
- payload pointer) we can, in O(1) time, find out whether the adjacent
- chunks are free, and if so, unlink them from the lists that they
- are on and merge them with the current chunk.
- Chunks always begin on even word boundaries, so the mem portion
- (which is returned to the user) is also on an even word boundary, and
- thus at least double-word aligned.
- The P (PINUSE_BIT) bit, stored in the unused low-order bit of the
- chunk size (which is always a multiple of two words), is an in-use
- bit for the *previous* chunk. If that bit is *clear*, then the
- word before the current chunk size contains the previous chunk
- size, and can be used to find the front of the previous chunk.
- The very first chunk allocated always has this bit set, preventing
- access to non-existent (or non-owned) memory. If pinuse is set for
- any given chunk, then you CANNOT determine the size of the
- previous chunk, and might even get a memory addressing fault when
- trying to do so.
- The C (CINUSE_BIT) bit, stored in the unused second-lowest bit of
- the chunk size redundantly records whether the current chunk is
- inuse (unless the chunk is mmapped). This redundancy enables usage
- checks within free and realloc, and reduces indirection when freeing
- and consolidating chunks.
- Each freshly allocated chunk must have both cinuse and pinuse set.
- That is, each allocated chunk borders either a previously allocated
- and still in-use chunk, or the base of its memory arena. This is
- ensured by making all allocations from the the `lowest' part of any
- found chunk. Further, no free chunk physically borders another one,
- so each free chunk is known to be preceded and followed by either
- inuse chunks or the ends of memory.
- Note that the `foot' of the current chunk is actually represented
- as the prev_foot of the NEXT chunk. This makes it easier to
- deal with alignments etc but can be very confusing when trying
- to extend or adapt this code.
- The exceptions to all this are
- 1. The special chunk `top' is the top-most available chunk (i.e.,
- the one bordering the end of available memory). It is treated
- specially. Top is never included in any bin, is used only if
- no other chunk is available, and is released back to the
- system if it is very large (see M_TRIM_THRESHOLD). In effect,
- the top chunk is treated as larger (and thus less well
- fitting) than any other available chunk. The top chunk
- doesn't update its trailing size field since there is no next
- contiguous chunk that would have to index off it. However,
- space is still allocated for it (TOP_FOOT_SIZE) to enable
- separation or merging when space is extended.
- 3. Chunks allocated via mmap, have both cinuse and pinuse bits
- cleared in their head fields. Because they are allocated
- one-by-one, each must carry its own prev_foot field, which is
- also used to hold the offset this chunk has within its mmapped
- region, which is needed to preserve alignment. Each mmapped
- chunk is trailed by the first two fields of a fake next-chunk
- for sake of usage checks.
-struct malloc_chunk {
- size_t prev_foot; /* Size of previous chunk (if free). */
- size_t head; /* Size and inuse bits. */
- struct malloc_chunk* fd; /* double links -- used only if free. */
- struct malloc_chunk* bk;
-typedef struct malloc_chunk mchunk;
-typedef struct malloc_chunk* mchunkptr;
-typedef struct malloc_chunk* sbinptr; /* The type of bins of chunks */
-typedef unsigned int bindex_t; /* Described below */
-typedef unsigned int binmap_t; /* Described below */
-/* ------------------- Chunks sizes and alignments ----------------------- */
-#define MCHUNK_SIZE (sizeof(mchunk))
-#else /* FOOTERS */
-#endif /* FOOTERS */
-/* MMapped chunks need a second word of overhead ... */
-/* ... and additional padding for fake next-chunk at foot */
-/* The smallest size we can malloc is an aligned minimal chunk */
-#define MIN_CHUNK_SIZE\
-/* conversion from malloc headers to user pointers, and back */
-#define chunk2mem(p) ((void*)((char*)(p) + TWO_SIZE_T_SIZES))
-#define mem2chunk(mem) ((mchunkptr)((char*)(mem) - TWO_SIZE_T_SIZES))
-/* chunk associated with aligned address A */
-#define align_as_chunk(A) (mchunkptr)((A) + align_offset(chunk2mem(A)))
-/* Bounds on request (not chunk) sizes. */
-#define MAX_REQUEST ((-MIN_CHUNK_SIZE) << 2)
-/* pad request bytes into a usable size */
-#define pad_request(req) \
-/* pad request, checking for minimum (but not maximum) */
-#define request2size(req) \
- (((req) < MIN_REQUEST)? MIN_CHUNK_SIZE : pad_request(req))
-/* ------------------ Operations on head and foot fields ----------------- */
- The head field of a chunk is or'ed with PINUSE_BIT when previous
- adjacent chunk in use, and or'ed with CINUSE_BIT if this chunk is in
- use, unless mmapped, in which case both bits are cleared.
- FLAG4_BIT is not used by this malloc, but might be useful in extensions.
-#define FLAG4_BIT (SIZE_T_FOUR)
-/* Head value for fenceposts */
-/* extraction of fields from head words */
-#define cinuse(p) ((p)->head & CINUSE_BIT)
-#define pinuse(p) ((p)->head & PINUSE_BIT)
-#define is_inuse(p) (((p)->head & INUSE_BITS) != PINUSE_BIT)
-#define is_mmapped(p) (((p)->head & INUSE_BITS) == 0)
-#define chunksize(p) ((p)->head & ~(FLAG_BITS))
-#define clear_pinuse(p) ((p)->head &= ~PINUSE_BIT)
-/* Treat space at ptr +/- offset as a chunk */
-#define chunk_plus_offset(p, s) ((mchunkptr)(((char*)(p)) + (s)))
-#define chunk_minus_offset(p, s) ((mchunkptr)(((char*)(p)) - (s)))
-/* Ptr to next or previous physical malloc_chunk. */
-#define next_chunk(p) ((mchunkptr)( ((char*)(p)) + ((p)->head & ~FLAG_BITS)))
-#define prev_chunk(p) ((mchunkptr)( ((char*)(p)) - ((p)->prev_foot) ))
-/* extract next chunk's pinuse bit */
-#define next_pinuse(p) ((next_chunk(p)->head) & PINUSE_BIT)
-/* Get/set size at footer */
-#define get_foot(p, s) (((mchunkptr)((char*)(p) + (s)))->prev_foot)
-#define set_foot(p, s) (((mchunkptr)((char*)(p) + (s)))->prev_foot = (s))
-/* Set size, pinuse bit, and foot */
-#define set_size_and_pinuse_of_free_chunk(p, s)\
- ((p)->head = (s|PINUSE_BIT), set_foot(p, s))
-/* Set size, pinuse bit, foot, and clear next pinuse */
-#define set_free_with_pinuse(p, s, n)\
- (clear_pinuse(n), set_size_and_pinuse_of_free_chunk(p, s))
-/* Get the internal overhead associated with chunk p */
-#define overhead_for(p)\
-/* Return true if malloced space is not necessarily cleared */
-#define calloc_must_clear(p) (!is_mmapped(p))
-#else /* MMAP_CLEARS */
-#define calloc_must_clear(p) (1)
-#endif /* MMAP_CLEARS */
-/* ---------------------- Overlaid data structures ----------------------- */
- When chunks are not in use, they are treated as nodes of either
- lists or trees.
- "Small" chunks are stored in circular doubly-linked lists, and look
- like this:
- chunk-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Size of previous chunk |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- `head:' | Size of chunk, in bytes |P|
- mem-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Forward pointer to next chunk in list |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Back pointer to previous chunk in list |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Unused space (may be 0 bytes long) .
- . .
- . |
-nextchunk-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- `foot:' | Size of chunk, in bytes |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- Larger chunks are kept in a form of bitwise digital trees (aka
- tries) keyed on chunksizes. Because malloc_tree_chunks are only for
- free chunks greater than 256 bytes, their size doesn't impose any
- constraints on user chunk sizes. Each node looks like:
- chunk-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Size of previous chunk |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- `head:' | Size of chunk, in bytes |P|
- mem-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Forward pointer to next chunk of same size |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Back pointer to previous chunk of same size |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Pointer to left child (child[0]) |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Pointer to right child (child[1]) |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Pointer to parent |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | bin index of this chunk |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Unused space .
- . |
-nextchunk-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- `foot:' | Size of chunk, in bytes |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- Each tree holding treenodes is a tree of unique chunk sizes. Chunks
- of the same size are arranged in a circularly-linked list, with only
- the oldest chunk (the next to be used, in our FIFO ordering)
- actually in the tree. (Tree members are distinguished by a non-null
- parent pointer.) If a chunk with the same size an an existing node
- is inserted, it is linked off the existing node using pointers that
- work in the same way as fd/bk pointers of small chunks.
- Each tree contains a power of 2 sized range of chunk sizes (the
- smallest is 0x100 <= x < 0x180), which is is divided in half at each
- tree level, with the chunks in the smaller half of the range (0x100
- <= x < 0x140 for the top nose) in the left subtree and the larger
- half (0x140 <= x < 0x180) in the right subtree. This is, of course,
- done by inspecting individual bits.
- Using these rules, each node's left subtree contains all smaller
- sizes than its right subtree. However, the node at the root of each
- subtree has no particular ordering relationship to either. (The
- dividing line between the subtree sizes is based on trie relation.)
- If we remove the last chunk of a given size from the interior of the
- tree, we need to replace it with a leaf node. The tree ordering
- rules permit a node to be replaced by any leaf below it.
- The smallest chunk in a tree (a common operation in a best-fit
- allocator) can be found by walking a path to the leftmost leaf in
- the tree. Unlike a usual binary tree, where we follow left child
- pointers until we reach a null, here we follow the right child
- pointer any time the left one is null, until we reach a leaf with
- both child pointers null. The smallest chunk in the tree will be
- somewhere along that path.
- The worst case number of steps to add, find, or remove a node is
- bounded by the number of bits differentiating chunks within
- bins. Under current bin calculations, this ranges from 6 up to 21
- (for 32 bit sizes) or up to 53 (for 64 bit sizes). The typical case
- is of course much better.
-struct malloc_tree_chunk {
- /* The first four fields must be compatible with malloc_chunk */
- size_t prev_foot;
- size_t head;
- struct malloc_tree_chunk* fd;
- struct malloc_tree_chunk* bk;
- struct malloc_tree_chunk* child[2];
- struct malloc_tree_chunk* parent;
- bindex_t index;
-typedef struct malloc_tree_chunk tchunk;
-typedef struct malloc_tree_chunk* tchunkptr;
-typedef struct malloc_tree_chunk* tbinptr; /* The type of bins of trees */
-/* A little helper macro for trees */
-#define leftmost_child(t) ((t)->child[0] != 0? (t)->child[0] : (t)->child[1])
-/* ----------------------------- Segments -------------------------------- */
- Each malloc space may include non-contiguous segments, held in a
- list headed by an embedded malloc_segment record representing the
- top-most space. Segments also include flags holding properties of
- the space. Large chunks that are directly allocated by mmap are not
- included in this list. They are instead independently created and
- destroyed without otherwise keeping track of them.
- Segment management mainly comes into play for spaces allocated by
- MMAP. Any call to MMAP might or might not return memory that is
- adjacent to an existing segment. MORECORE normally contiguously
- extends the current space, so this space is almost always adjacent,
- which is simpler and faster to deal with. (This is why MORECORE is
- used preferentially to MMAP when both are available -- see
- sys_alloc.) When allocating using MMAP, we don't use any of the
- hinting mechanisms (inconsistently) supported in various
- implementations of unix mmap, or distinguish reserving from
- committing memory. Instead, we just ask for space, and exploit
- contiguity when we get it. It is probably possible to do
- better than this on some systems, but no general scheme seems
- to be significantly better.
- Management entails a simpler variant of the consolidation scheme
- used for chunks to reduce fragmentation -- new adjacent memory is
- normally prepended or appended to an existing segment. However,
- there are limitations compared to chunk consolidation that mostly
- reflect the fact that segment processing is relatively infrequent
- (occurring only when getting memory from system) and that we
- don't expect to have huge numbers of segments:
- * Segments are not indexed, so traversal requires linear scans. (It
- would be possible to index these, but is not worth the extra
- overhead and complexity for most programs on most platforms.)
- * New segments are only appended to old ones when holding top-most
- memory; if they cannot be prepended to others, they are held in
- different segments.
- Except for the top-most segment of an mstate, each segment record
- is kept at the tail of its segment. Segments are added by pushing
- segment records onto the list headed by &mstate.seg for the
- containing mstate.
- Segment flags control allocation/merge/deallocation policies:
- * If EXTERN_BIT set, then we did not allocate this segment,
- and so should not try to deallocate or merge with others.
- (This currently holds only for the initial segment passed
- into create_mspace_with_base.)
- * If USE_MMAP_BIT set, the segment may be merged with
- other surrounding mmapped segments and trimmed/de-allocated
- using munmap.
- * If neither bit is set, then the segment was obtained using
- MORECORE so can be merged with surrounding MORECORE'd segments
- and deallocated/trimmed using MORECORE with negative arguments.
-struct malloc_segment {
- char* base; /* base address */
- size_t size; /* allocated size */
- struct malloc_segment* next; /* ptr to next segment */
- flag_t sflags; /* mmap and extern flag */
-#define is_mmapped_segment(S) ((S)->sflags & USE_MMAP_BIT)
-#define is_extern_segment(S) ((S)->sflags & EXTERN_BIT)
-typedef struct malloc_segment msegment;
-typedef struct malloc_segment* msegmentptr;
-/* ---------------------------- malloc_state ----------------------------- */
- A malloc_state holds all of the bookkeeping for a space.
- The main fields are:
- Top
- The topmost chunk of the currently active segment. Its size is
- cached in topsize. The actual size of topmost space is
- topsize+TOP_FOOT_SIZE, which includes space reserved for adding
- fenceposts and segment records if necessary when getting more
- space from the system. The size at which to autotrim top is
- cached from mparams in trim_check, except that it is disabled if
- an autotrim fails.
- Designated victim (dv)
- This is the preferred chunk for servicing small requests that
- don't have exact fits. It is normally the chunk split off most
- recently to service another small request. Its size is cached in
- dvsize. The link fields of this chunk are not maintained since it
- is not kept in a bin.
- SmallBins
- An array of bin headers for free chunks. These bins hold chunks
- with sizes less than MIN_LARGE_SIZE bytes. Each bin contains
- chunks of all the same size, spaced 8 bytes apart. To simplify
- use in double-linked lists, each bin header acts as a malloc_chunk
- pointing to the real first node, if it exists (else pointing to
- itself). This avoids special-casing for headers. But to avoid
- waste, we allocate only the fd/bk pointers of bins, and then use
- repositioning tricks to treat these as the fields of a chunk.
- TreeBins
- Treebins are pointers to the roots of trees holding a range of
- sizes. There are 2 equally spaced treebins for each power of two
- from TREE_SHIFT to TREE_SHIFT+16. The last bin holds anything
- larger.
- Bin maps
- There is one bit map for small bins ("smallmap") and one for
- treebins ("treemap). Each bin sets its bit when non-empty, and
- clears the bit when empty. Bit operations are then used to avoid
- bin-by-bin searching -- nearly all "search" is done without ever
- looking at bins that won't be selected. The bit maps
- conservatively use 32 bits per map word, even if on 64bit system.
- For a good description of some of the bit-based techniques used
- here, see Henry S. Warren Jr's book "Hacker's Delight" (and
- supplement at Many of these are
- intended to reduce the branchiness of paths through malloc etc, as
- well as to reduce the number of memory locations read or written.
- Segments
- A list of segments headed by an embedded malloc_segment record
- representing the initial space.
- Address check support
- The least_addr field is the least address ever obtained from
- MORECORE or MMAP. Attempted frees and reallocs of any address less
- than this are trapped (unless INSECURE is defined).
- Magic tag
- A cross-check field that should always hold same value as mparams.magic.
- Flags
- Bits recording whether to use MMAP, locks, or contiguous MORECORE
- Statistics
- Each space keeps track of current and maximum system memory
- obtained via MORECORE or MMAP.
- Trim support
- Fields holding the amount of unused topmost memory that should trigger
- timming, and a counter to force periodic scanning to release unused
- non-topmost segments.
- Locking
- If USE_LOCKS is defined, the "mutex" lock is acquired and released
- around every public call using this mspace.
- Extension support
- A void* pointer and a size_t field that can be used to help implement
- extensions to this malloc.
-/* Bin types, widths and sizes */
-#define NSMALLBINS (32U)
-#define NTREEBINS (32U)
-#define SMALLBIN_SHIFT (3U)
-#define TREEBIN_SHIFT (8U)
-struct malloc_state {
- binmap_t smallmap;
- binmap_t treemap;
- size_t dvsize;
- size_t topsize;
- char* least_addr;
- mchunkptr dv;
- mchunkptr top;
- size_t trim_check;
- size_t release_checks;
- size_t magic;
- mchunkptr smallbins[(NSMALLBINS+1)*2];
- tbinptr treebins[NTREEBINS];
- size_t footprint;
- size_t max_footprint;
- flag_t mflags;
- msegment seg;
- MLOCK_T mutex; /* locate lock among fields that rarely change */
-#endif /* USE_LOCKS */
- void* extp; /* Unused but available for extensions */
- size_t exts;
-typedef struct malloc_state* mstate;
-/* ------------- Global malloc_state and malloc_params ------------------- */
-/* The global malloc_state used for all non-"mspace" calls */
-static struct malloc_state _gm_;
-#define gm (&_gm_)
-#define is_global(M) ((M) == &_gm_)
-#endif /* !ONLY_MSPACES */
-#define is_initialized(M) ((M)->top != 0)
-/* -------------------------- system alloc setup ------------------------- */
-/* Operations on mflags */
-#define use_lock(M) ((M)->mflags & USE_LOCK_BIT)
-#define enable_lock(M) ((M)->mflags |= USE_LOCK_BIT)
-#define disable_lock(M) ((M)->mflags &= ~USE_LOCK_BIT)
-#define use_mmap(M) ((M)->mflags & USE_MMAP_BIT)
-#define enable_mmap(M) ((M)->mflags |= USE_MMAP_BIT)
-#define disable_mmap(M) ((M)->mflags &= ~USE_MMAP_BIT)
-#define use_noncontiguous(M) ((M)->mflags & USE_NONCONTIGUOUS_BIT)
-#define disable_contiguous(M) ((M)->mflags |= USE_NONCONTIGUOUS_BIT)
-#define set_lock(M,L)\
- ((M)->mflags = (L)?\
- ((M)->mflags | USE_LOCK_BIT) :\
- ((M)->mflags & ~USE_LOCK_BIT))
-/* page-align a size */
-#define page_align(S)\
- (((S) + (mparams.page_size - SIZE_T_ONE)) & ~(mparams.page_size - SIZE_T_ONE))
-/* granularity-align a size */
-#define granularity_align(S)\
- (((S) + (mparams.granularity - SIZE_T_ONE))\
- & ~(mparams.granularity - SIZE_T_ONE))
-/* For mmap, use granularity alignment on windows, else page-align */
-#ifdef WIN32
-#define mmap_align(S) granularity_align(S)
-#define mmap_align(S) page_align(S)
-/* For sys_alloc, enough padding to ensure can malloc request on success */
-#define is_page_aligned(S)\
- (((size_t)(S) & (mparams.page_size - SIZE_T_ONE)) == 0)
-#define is_granularity_aligned(S)\
- (((size_t)(S) & (mparams.granularity - SIZE_T_ONE)) == 0)
-/* True if segment S holds address A */
-#define segment_holds(S, A)\
- ((char*)(A) >= S->base && (char*)(A) < S->base + S->size)
-/* Return segment holding given address */
-static msegmentptr segment_holding(mstate m, char* addr) {
- msegmentptr sp = &m->seg;
- for (;;) {
- if (addr >= sp->base && addr < sp->base + sp->size)
- return sp;
- if ((sp = sp->next) == 0)
- return 0;
- }
-/* Return true if segment contains a segment link */
-static int has_segment_link(mstate m, msegmentptr ss) {
- msegmentptr sp = &m->seg;
- for (;;) {
- if ((char*)sp >= ss->base && (char*)sp < ss->base + ss->size)
- return 1;
- if ((sp = sp->next) == 0)
- return 0;
- }
-#define should_trim(M,s) ((s) > (M)->trim_check)
-#define should_trim(M,s) (0)
- TOP_FOOT_SIZE is padding at the end of a segment, including space
- that may be needed to place segment records and fenceposts when new
- noncontiguous segments are added.
-#define TOP_FOOT_SIZE\
- (align_offset(chunk2mem(0))+pad_request(sizeof(struct malloc_segment))+MIN_CHUNK_SIZE)
-/* ------------------------------- Hooks -------------------------------- */
- PREACTION should be defined to return 0 on success, and nonzero on
- failure. If you are not using locking, you can redefine these to do
- anything you like.
-#define PREACTION(M) ((use_lock(M))? ACQUIRE_LOCK(&(M)->mutex) : 0)
-#define POSTACTION(M) { if (use_lock(M)) RELEASE_LOCK(&(M)->mutex); }
-#else /* USE_LOCKS */
-#ifndef PREACTION
-#define PREACTION(M) (0)
-#endif /* PREACTION */
-#define POSTACTION(M)
-#endif /* POSTACTION */
-#endif /* USE_LOCKS */
- CORRUPTION_ERROR_ACTION is triggered upon detected bad addresses.
- USAGE_ERROR_ACTION is triggered on detected bad frees and
- reallocs. The argument p is an address that might have triggered the
- fault. It is ignored by the two predefined actions, but might be
- useful in custom actions that try to help diagnose errors.
-/* A count of the number of corruption errors causing resets */
-int malloc_corruption_error_count;
-/* default corruption action */
-static void reset_on_error(mstate m);
-#define CORRUPTION_ERROR_ACTION(m) reset_on_error(m)
-#define USAGE_ERROR_ACTION(m, p)
-#else /* PROCEED_ON_ERROR */
-#endif /* USAGE_ERROR_ACTION */
-#endif /* PROCEED_ON_ERROR */
-/* -------------------------- Debugging setup ---------------------------- */
-#if ! DEBUG
-#define check_free_chunk(M,P)
-#define check_inuse_chunk(M,P)
-#define check_malloced_chunk(M,P,N)
-#define check_mmapped_chunk(M,P)
-#define check_malloc_state(M)
-#define check_top_chunk(M,P)
-#else /* DEBUG */
-#define check_free_chunk(M,P) do_check_free_chunk(M,P)
-#define check_inuse_chunk(M,P) do_check_inuse_chunk(M,P)
-#define check_top_chunk(M,P) do_check_top_chunk(M,P)
-#define check_malloced_chunk(M,P,N) do_check_malloced_chunk(M,P,N)
-#define check_mmapped_chunk(M,P) do_check_mmapped_chunk(M,P)
-#define check_malloc_state(M) do_check_malloc_state(M)
-static void do_check_any_chunk(mstate m, mchunkptr p);
-static void do_check_top_chunk(mstate m, mchunkptr p);
-static void do_check_mmapped_chunk(mstate m, mchunkptr p);
-static void do_check_inuse_chunk(mstate m, mchunkptr p);
-static void do_check_free_chunk(mstate m, mchunkptr p);
-static void do_check_malloced_chunk(mstate m, void* mem, size_t s);
-static void do_check_tree(mstate m, tchunkptr t);
-static void do_check_treebin(mstate m, bindex_t i);
-static void do_check_smallbin(mstate m, bindex_t i);
-static void do_check_malloc_state(mstate m);
-static int bin_find(mstate m, mchunkptr x);
-static size_t traverse_and_check(mstate m);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-/* ---------------------------- Indexing Bins ---------------------------- */
-#define is_small(s) (((s) >> SMALLBIN_SHIFT) < NSMALLBINS)
-#define small_index(s) (bindex_t)((s) >> SMALLBIN_SHIFT)
-#define small_index2size(i) ((i) << SMALLBIN_SHIFT)
-#define MIN_SMALL_INDEX (small_index(MIN_CHUNK_SIZE))
-/* addressing by index. See above about smallbin repositioning */
-#define smallbin_at(M, i) ((sbinptr)((char*)&((M)->smallbins[(i)<<1])))
-#define treebin_at(M,i) (&((M)->treebins[i]))
-/* assign tree index for size S to variable I. Use x86 asm if possible */
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))
-#define compute_tree_index(S, I)\
- unsigned int X = S >> TREEBIN_SHIFT;\
- if (X == 0)\
- I = 0;\
- else if (X > 0xFFFF)\
- else {\
- unsigned int K;\
- __asm__("bsrl\t%1, %0\n\t" : "=r" (K) : "g" (X));\
- I = (bindex_t)((K << 1) + ((S >> (K + (TREEBIN_SHIFT-1)) & 1)));\
- }\
-#elif defined (__INTEL_COMPILER)
-#define compute_tree_index(S, I)\
- size_t X = S >> TREEBIN_SHIFT;\
- if (X == 0)\
- I = 0;\
- else if (X > 0xFFFF)\
- else {\
- unsigned int K = _bit_scan_reverse (X); \
- I = (bindex_t)((K << 1) + ((S >> (K + (TREEBIN_SHIFT-1)) & 1)));\
- }\
-#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER>=1300
-#define compute_tree_index(S, I)\
- size_t X = S >> TREEBIN_SHIFT;\
- if (X == 0)\
- I = 0;\
- else if (X > 0xFFFF)\
- else {\
- unsigned int K;\
- _BitScanReverse((DWORD *) &K, (DWORD) X);\
- I = (bindex_t)((K << 1) + ((S >> (K + (TREEBIN_SHIFT-1)) & 1)));\
- }\
-#else /* GNUC */
-#define compute_tree_index(S, I)\
- size_t X = S >> TREEBIN_SHIFT;\
- if (X == 0)\
- I = 0;\
- else if (X > 0xFFFF)\
- else {\
- unsigned int Y = (unsigned int)X;\
- unsigned int N = ((Y - 0x100) >> 16) & 8;\
- unsigned int K = (((Y <<= N) - 0x1000) >> 16) & 4;\
- N += K;\
- N += K = (((Y <<= K) - 0x4000) >> 16) & 2;\
- K = 14 - N + ((Y <<= K) >> 15);\
- I = (K << 1) + ((S >> (K + (TREEBIN_SHIFT-1)) & 1));\
- }\
-#endif /* GNUC */
-/* Bit representing maximum resolved size in a treebin at i */
-#define bit_for_tree_index(i) \
- (i == NTREEBINS-1)? (SIZE_T_BITSIZE-1) : (((i) >> 1) + TREEBIN_SHIFT - 2)
-/* Shift placing maximum resolved bit in a treebin at i as sign bit */
-#define leftshift_for_tree_index(i) \
- ((i == NTREEBINS-1)? 0 : \
- ((SIZE_T_BITSIZE-SIZE_T_ONE) - (((i) >> 1) + TREEBIN_SHIFT - 2)))
-/* The size of the smallest chunk held in bin with index i */
-#define minsize_for_tree_index(i) \
- ((SIZE_T_ONE << (((i) >> 1) + TREEBIN_SHIFT)) | \
- (((size_t)((i) & SIZE_T_ONE)) << (((i) >> 1) + TREEBIN_SHIFT - 1)))
-/* ------------------------ Operations on bin maps ----------------------- */
-/* bit corresponding to given index */
-#define idx2bit(i) ((binmap_t)(1) << (i))
-/* Mark/Clear bits with given index */
-#define mark_smallmap(M,i) ((M)->smallmap |= idx2bit(i))
-#define clear_smallmap(M,i) ((M)->smallmap &= ~idx2bit(i))
-#define smallmap_is_marked(M,i) ((M)->smallmap & idx2bit(i))
-#define mark_treemap(M,i) ((M)->treemap |= idx2bit(i))
-#define clear_treemap(M,i) ((M)->treemap &= ~idx2bit(i))
-#define treemap_is_marked(M,i) ((M)->treemap & idx2bit(i))
-/* isolate the least set bit of a bitmap */
-#define least_bit(x) ((x) & -(x))
-/* mask with all bits to left of least bit of x on */
-#define left_bits(x) ((x<<1) | -(x<<1))
-/* mask with all bits to left of or equal to least bit of x on */
-#define same_or_left_bits(x) ((x) | -(x))
-/* index corresponding to given bit. Use x86 asm if possible */
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))
-#define compute_bit2idx(X, I)\
- unsigned int J;\
- __asm__("bsfl\t%1, %0\n\t" : "=r" (J) : "g" (X));\
- I = (bindex_t)J;\
-#elif defined (__INTEL_COMPILER)
-#define compute_bit2idx(X, I)\
- unsigned int J;\
- J = _bit_scan_forward (X); \
- I = (bindex_t)J;\
-#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER>=1300
-#define compute_bit2idx(X, I)\
- unsigned int J;\
- _BitScanForward((DWORD *) &J, X);\
- I = (bindex_t)J;\
-#define compute_bit2idx(X, I) I = ffs(X)-1
-#define compute_bit2idx(X, I)\
- unsigned int Y = X - 1;\
- unsigned int K = Y >> (16-4) & 16;\
- unsigned int N = K; Y >>= K;\
- N += K = Y >> (8-3) & 8; Y >>= K;\
- N += K = Y >> (4-2) & 4; Y >>= K;\
- N += K = Y >> (2-1) & 2; Y >>= K;\
- N += K = Y >> (1-0) & 1; Y >>= K;\
- I = (bindex_t)(N + Y);\
-#endif /* GNUC */
-/* ----------------------- Runtime Check Support ------------------------- */
- For security, the main invariant is that malloc/free/etc never
- writes to a static address other than malloc_state, unless static
- malloc_state itself has been corrupted, which cannot occur via
- malloc (because of these checks). In essence this means that we
- believe all pointers, sizes, maps etc held in malloc_state, but
- check all of those linked or offsetted from other embedded data
- structures. These checks are interspersed with main code in a way
- that tends to minimize their run-time cost.
- When FOOTERS is defined, in addition to range checking, we also
- verify footer fields of inuse chunks, which can be used guarantee
- that the mstate controlling malloc/free is intact. This is a
- streamlined version of the approach described by William Robertson
- et al in "Run-time Detection of Heap-based Overflows" LISA'03
- The footer
- of an inuse chunk holds the xor of its mstate and a random seed,
- that is checked upon calls to free() and realloc(). This is
- (probablistically) unguessable from outside the program, but can be
- computed by any code successfully malloc'ing any chunk, so does not
- itself provide protection against code that has already broken
- security through some other means. Unlike Robertson et al, we
- always dynamically check addresses of all offset chunks (previous,
- next, etc). This turns out to be cheaper than relying on hashes.
-/* Check if address a is at least as high as any from MORECORE or MMAP */
-#define ok_address(M, a) ((char*)(a) >= (M)->least_addr)
-/* Check if address of next chunk n is higher than base chunk p */
-#define ok_next(p, n) ((char*)(p) < (char*)(n))
-/* Check if p has inuse status */
-#define ok_inuse(p) is_inuse(p)
-/* Check if p has its pinuse bit on */
-#define ok_pinuse(p) pinuse(p)
-#else /* !INSECURE */
-#define ok_address(M, a) (1)
-#define ok_next(b, n) (1)
-#define ok_inuse(p) (1)
-#define ok_pinuse(p) (1)
-#endif /* !INSECURE */
-/* Check if (alleged) mstate m has expected magic field */
-#define ok_magic(M) ((M)->magic == mparams.magic)
-#else /* (FOOTERS && !INSECURE) */
-#define ok_magic(M) (1)
-#endif /* (FOOTERS && !INSECURE) */
-/* In gcc, use __builtin_expect to minimize impact of checks */
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 3
-#define RTCHECK(e) __builtin_expect(e, 1)
-#else /* GNUC */
-#define RTCHECK(e) (e)
-#endif /* GNUC */
-#else /* !INSECURE */
-#define RTCHECK(e) (1)
-#endif /* !INSECURE */
-/* macros to set up inuse chunks with or without footers */
-#define mark_inuse_foot(M,p,s)
-/* Macros for setting head/foot of non-mmapped chunks */
-/* Set cinuse bit and pinuse bit of next chunk */
-#define set_inuse(M,p,s)\
- ((p)->head = (((p)->head & PINUSE_BIT)|s|CINUSE_BIT),\
- ((mchunkptr)(((char*)(p)) + (s)))->head |= PINUSE_BIT)
-/* Set cinuse and pinuse of this chunk and pinuse of next chunk */
-#define set_inuse_and_pinuse(M,p,s)\
- ((p)->head = (s|PINUSE_BIT|CINUSE_BIT),\
- ((mchunkptr)(((char*)(p)) + (s)))->head |= PINUSE_BIT)
-/* Set size, cinuse and pinuse bit of this chunk */
-#define set_size_and_pinuse_of_inuse_chunk(M, p, s)\
- ((p)->head = (s|PINUSE_BIT|CINUSE_BIT))
-#else /* FOOTERS */
-/* Set foot of inuse chunk to be xor of mstate and seed */
-#define mark_inuse_foot(M,p,s)\
- (((mchunkptr)((char*)(p) + (s)))->prev_foot = ((size_t)(M) ^ mparams.magic))
-#define get_mstate_for(p)\
- ((mstate)(((mchunkptr)((char*)(p) +\
- (chunksize(p))))->prev_foot ^ mparams.magic))
-#define set_inuse(M,p,s)\
- ((p)->head = (((p)->head & PINUSE_BIT)|s|CINUSE_BIT),\
- (((mchunkptr)(((char*)(p)) + (s)))->head |= PINUSE_BIT), \
- mark_inuse_foot(M,p,s))
-#define set_inuse_and_pinuse(M,p,s)\
- ((p)->head = (s|PINUSE_BIT|CINUSE_BIT),\
- (((mchunkptr)(((char*)(p)) + (s)))->head |= PINUSE_BIT),\
- mark_inuse_foot(M,p,s))
-#define set_size_and_pinuse_of_inuse_chunk(M, p, s)\
- ((p)->head = (s|PINUSE_BIT|CINUSE_BIT),\
- mark_inuse_foot(M, p, s))
-#endif /* !FOOTERS */
-/* ---------------------------- setting mparams -------------------------- */
-typedef size_t (WINAPI *GetLargePageMinimum_t)(void);
-/* Initialize mparams */
-static int init_mparams(void) {
- if (malloc_global_mutex_status <= 0)
- init_malloc_global_mutex();
- if (mparams.magic == 0) {
- size_t magic;
- size_t psize;
- size_t gsize;
-#ifndef WIN32
- psize = malloc_getpagesize;
-#else /* WIN32 */
- {
- SYSTEM_INFO system_info;
- GetSystemInfo(&system_info);
- psize = system_info.dwPageSize;
- gsize = ((DEFAULT_GRANULARITY != 0)?
- DEFAULT_GRANULARITY : system_info.dwAllocationGranularity);
- {
- GetLargePageMinimum_t GetLargePageMinimum_ = (GetLargePageMinimum_t) GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(__T("kernel32.dll")), "GetLargePageMinimum");
- if(GetLargePageMinimum_) {
- size_t largepagesize = GetLargePageMinimum_();
- if(largepagesize) {
- psize = largepagesize;
- gsize = ((DEFAULT_GRANULARITY != 0)?
- DEFAULT_GRANULARITY : largepagesize);
- if(gsize < largepagesize) gsize = largepagesize;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-#endif /* WIN32 */
- /* Sanity-check configuration:
- size_t must be unsigned and as wide as pointer type.
- ints must be at least 4 bytes.
- alignment must be at least 8.
- Alignment, min chunk size, and page size must all be powers of 2.
- */
- if ((sizeof(size_t) != sizeof(char*)) ||
- (sizeof(int) < 4) ||
- (MALLOC_ALIGNMENT < (size_t)8U) ||
- ((gsize & (gsize-SIZE_T_ONE)) != 0) ||
- ((psize & (psize-SIZE_T_ONE)) != 0))
- mparams.granularity = gsize;
- mparams.page_size = psize;
- mparams.mmap_threshold = DEFAULT_MMAP_THRESHOLD;
- mparams.trim_threshold = DEFAULT_TRIM_THRESHOLD;
- mparams.default_mflags = USE_LOCK_BIT|USE_MMAP_BIT;
- /* Set up lock for main malloc area */
- gm->mflags = mparams.default_mflags;
- INITIAL_LOCK(&gm->mutex);
- {
- int fd;
- unsigned char buf[sizeof(size_t)];
- /* Try to use /dev/urandom, else fall back on using time */
- if ((fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY)) >= 0 &&
- read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)) == sizeof(buf)) {
- magic = *((size_t *) buf);
- close(fd);
- }
- else
-#endif /* USE_DEV_RANDOM */
-#ifdef WIN32
- magic = (size_t)(GetTickCount() ^ (size_t)0x55555555U);
- magic = (size_t)(time(0) ^ (size_t)0x55555555U);
- magic |= (size_t)8U; /* ensure nonzero */
- magic &= ~(size_t)7U; /* improve chances of fault for bad values */
- mparams.magic = magic;
- }
- }
- return 1;
-/* support for mallopt */
-static int change_mparam(int param_number, int value) {
- size_t val;
- ensure_initialization();
- val = (value == -1)? MAX_SIZE_T : (size_t)value;
- switch(param_number) {
- mparams.trim_threshold = val;
- return 1;
- if (val >= mparams.page_size && ((val & (val-1)) == 0)) {
- mparams.granularity = val;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- return 0;
- mparams.mmap_threshold = val;
- return 1;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
-#if DEBUG
-/* ------------------------- Debugging Support --------------------------- */
-/* Check properties of any chunk, whether free, inuse, mmapped etc */
-static void do_check_any_chunk(mstate m, mchunkptr p) {
- assert((is_aligned(chunk2mem(p))) || (p->head == FENCEPOST_HEAD));
- assert(ok_address(m, p));
-/* Check properties of top chunk */
-static void do_check_top_chunk(mstate m, mchunkptr p) {
- msegmentptr sp = segment_holding(m, (char*)p);
- size_t sz = p->head & ~INUSE_BITS; /* third-lowest bit can be set! */
- assert(sp != 0);
- assert((is_aligned(chunk2mem(p))) || (p->head == FENCEPOST_HEAD));
- assert(ok_address(m, p));
- assert(sz == m->topsize);
- assert(sz > 0);
- assert(sz == ((sp->base + sp->size) - (char*)p) - TOP_FOOT_SIZE);
- assert(pinuse(p));
- assert(!pinuse(chunk_plus_offset(p, sz)));
-/* Check properties of (inuse) mmapped chunks */
-static void do_check_mmapped_chunk(mstate m, mchunkptr p) {
- size_t sz = chunksize(p);
- size_t len = (sz + (p->prev_foot) + MMAP_FOOT_PAD);
- assert(is_mmapped(p));
- assert(use_mmap(m));
- assert((is_aligned(chunk2mem(p))) || (p->head == FENCEPOST_HEAD));
- assert(ok_address(m, p));
- assert(!is_small(sz));
- assert((len & (mparams.page_size-SIZE_T_ONE)) == 0);
- assert(chunk_plus_offset(p, sz)->head == FENCEPOST_HEAD);
- assert(chunk_plus_offset(p, sz+SIZE_T_SIZE)->head == 0);
-/* Check properties of inuse chunks */
-static void do_check_inuse_chunk(mstate m, mchunkptr p) {
- do_check_any_chunk(m, p);
- assert(is_inuse(p));
- assert(next_pinuse(p));
- /* If not pinuse and not mmapped, previous chunk has OK offset */
- assert(is_mmapped(p) || pinuse(p) || next_chunk(prev_chunk(p)) == p);
- if (is_mmapped(p))
- do_check_mmapped_chunk(m, p);
-/* Check properties of free chunks */
-static void do_check_free_chunk(mstate m, mchunkptr p) {
- size_t sz = chunksize(p);
- mchunkptr next = chunk_plus_offset(p, sz);
- do_check_any_chunk(m, p);
- assert(!is_inuse(p));
- assert(!next_pinuse(p));
- assert (!is_mmapped(p));
- if (p != m->dv && p != m->top) {
- if (sz >= MIN_CHUNK_SIZE) {
- assert((sz & CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK) == 0);
- assert(is_aligned(chunk2mem(p)));
- assert(next->prev_foot == sz);
- assert(pinuse(p));
- assert (next == m->top || is_inuse(next));
- assert(p->fd->bk == p);
- assert(p->bk->fd == p);
- }
- else /* markers are always of size SIZE_T_SIZE */
- assert(sz == SIZE_T_SIZE);
- }
-/* Check properties of malloced chunks at the point they are malloced */
-static void do_check_malloced_chunk(mstate m, void* mem, size_t s) {
- if (mem != 0) {
- mchunkptr p = mem2chunk(mem);
- size_t sz = p->head & ~INUSE_BITS;
- do_check_inuse_chunk(m, p);
- assert((sz & CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK) == 0);
- assert(sz >= MIN_CHUNK_SIZE);
- assert(sz >= s);
- /* unless mmapped, size is less than MIN_CHUNK_SIZE more than request */
- assert(is_mmapped(p) || sz < (s + MIN_CHUNK_SIZE));
- }
-/* Check a tree and its subtrees. */
-static void do_check_tree(mstate m, tchunkptr t) {
- tchunkptr head = 0;
- tchunkptr u = t;
- bindex_t tindex = t->index;
- size_t tsize = chunksize(t);
- bindex_t idx;
- compute_tree_index(tsize, idx);
- assert(tindex == idx);
- assert(tsize >= MIN_LARGE_SIZE);
- assert(tsize >= minsize_for_tree_index(idx));
- assert((idx == NTREEBINS-1) || (tsize < minsize_for_tree_index((idx+1))));
- do { /* traverse through chain of same-sized nodes */
- do_check_any_chunk(m, ((mchunkptr)u));
- assert(u->index == tindex);
- assert(chunksize(u) == tsize);
- assert(!is_inuse(u));
- assert(!next_pinuse(u));
- assert(u->fd->bk == u);
- assert(u->bk->fd == u);
- if (u->parent == 0) {
- assert(u->child[0] == 0);
- assert(u->child[1] == 0);
- }
- else {
- assert(head == 0); /* only one node on chain has parent */
- head = u;
- assert(u->parent != u);
- assert (u->parent->child[0] == u ||
- u->parent->child[1] == u ||
- *((tbinptr*)(u->parent)) == u);
- if (u->child[0] != 0) {
- assert(u->child[0]->parent == u);
- assert(u->child[0] != u);
- do_check_tree(m, u->child[0]);
- }
- if (u->child[1] != 0) {
- assert(u->child[1]->parent == u);
- assert(u->child[1] != u);
- do_check_tree(m, u->child[1]);
- }
- if (u->child[0] != 0 && u->child[1] != 0) {
- assert(chunksize(u->child[0]) < chunksize(u->child[1]));
- }
- }
- u = u->fd;
- } while (u != t);
- assert(head != 0);
-/* Check all the chunks in a treebin. */
-static void do_check_treebin(mstate m, bindex_t i) {
- tbinptr* tb = treebin_at(m, i);
- tchunkptr t = *tb;
- int empty = (m->treemap & (1U << i)) == 0;
- if (t == 0)
- assert(empty);
- if (!empty)
- do_check_tree(m, t);
-/* Check all the chunks in a smallbin. */
-static void do_check_smallbin(mstate m, bindex_t i) {
- sbinptr b = smallbin_at(m, i);
- mchunkptr p = b->bk;
- unsigned int empty = (m->smallmap & (1U << i)) == 0;
- if (p == b)
- assert(empty);
- if (!empty) {
- for (; p != b; p = p->bk) {
- size_t size = chunksize(p);
- mchunkptr q;
- /* each chunk claims to be free */
- do_check_free_chunk(m, p);
- /* chunk belongs in bin */
- assert(small_index(size) == i);
- assert(p->bk == b || chunksize(p->bk) == chunksize(p));
- /* chunk is followed by an inuse chunk */
- q = next_chunk(p);
- if (q->head != FENCEPOST_HEAD)
- do_check_inuse_chunk(m, q);
- }
- }
-/* Find x in a bin. Used in other check functions. */
-static int bin_find(mstate m, mchunkptr x) {
- size_t size = chunksize(x);
- if (is_small(size)) {
- bindex_t sidx = small_index(size);
- sbinptr b = smallbin_at(m, sidx);
- if (smallmap_is_marked(m, sidx)) {
- mchunkptr p = b;
- do {
- if (p == x)
- return 1;
- } while ((p = p->fd) != b);
- }
- }
- else {
- bindex_t tidx;
- compute_tree_index(size, tidx);
- if (treemap_is_marked(m, tidx)) {
- tchunkptr t = *treebin_at(m, tidx);
- size_t sizebits = size << leftshift_for_tree_index(tidx);
- while (t != 0 && chunksize(t) != size) {
- t = t->child[(sizebits >> (SIZE_T_BITSIZE-SIZE_T_ONE)) & 1];
- sizebits <<= 1;
- }
- if (t != 0) {
- tchunkptr u = t;
- do {
- if (u == (tchunkptr)x)
- return 1;
- } while ((u = u->fd) != t);
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* Traverse each chunk and check it; return total */
-static size_t traverse_and_check(mstate m) {
- size_t sum = 0;
- if (is_initialized(m)) {
- msegmentptr s = &m->seg;
- sum += m->topsize + TOP_FOOT_SIZE;
- while (s != 0) {
- mchunkptr q = align_as_chunk(s->base);
- mchunkptr lastq = 0;
- assert(pinuse(q));
- while (segment_holds(s, q) &&
- q != m->top && q->head != FENCEPOST_HEAD) {
- sum += chunksize(q);
- if (is_inuse(q)) {
- assert(!bin_find(m, q));
- do_check_inuse_chunk(m, q);
- }
- else {
- assert(q == m->dv || bin_find(m, q));
- assert(lastq == 0 || is_inuse(lastq)); /* Not 2 consecutive free */
- do_check_free_chunk(m, q);
- }
- lastq = q;
- q = next_chunk(q);
- }
- s = s->next;
- }
- }
- return sum;
-/* Check all properties of malloc_state. */
-static void do_check_malloc_state(mstate m) {
- bindex_t i;
- size_t total;
- /* check bins */
- for (i = 0; i < NSMALLBINS; ++i)
- do_check_smallbin(m, i);
- for (i = 0; i < NTREEBINS; ++i)
- do_check_treebin(m, i);
- if (m->dvsize != 0) { /* check dv chunk */
- do_check_any_chunk(m, m->dv);
- assert(m->dvsize == chunksize(m->dv));
- assert(m->dvsize >= MIN_CHUNK_SIZE);
- assert(bin_find(m, m->dv) == 0);
- }
- if (m->top != 0) { /* check top chunk */
- do_check_top_chunk(m, m->top);
- /*assert(m->topsize == chunksize(m->top)); redundant */
- assert(m->topsize > 0);
- assert(bin_find(m, m->top) == 0);
- }
- total = traverse_and_check(m);
- assert(total <= m->footprint);
- assert(m->footprint <= m->max_footprint);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-/* ----------------------------- statistics ------------------------------ */
-static struct mallinfo internal_mallinfo(mstate m) {
- struct mallinfo nm = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
- ensure_initialization();
- if (!PREACTION(m)) {
- check_malloc_state(m);
- if (is_initialized(m)) {
- size_t nfree = SIZE_T_ONE; /* top always free */
- size_t mfree = m->topsize + TOP_FOOT_SIZE;
- size_t sum = mfree;
- msegmentptr s = &m->seg;
- while (s != 0) {
- mchunkptr q = align_as_chunk(s->base);
- while (segment_holds(s, q) &&
- q != m->top && q->head != FENCEPOST_HEAD) {
- size_t sz = chunksize(q);
- sum += sz;
- if (!is_inuse(q)) {
- mfree += sz;
- ++nfree;
- }
- q = next_chunk(q);
- }
- s = s->next;
- }
- nm.arena = sum;
- nm.ordblks = nfree;
- nm.hblkhd = m->footprint - sum;
- nm.usmblks = m->max_footprint;
- nm.uordblks = m->footprint - mfree;
- nm.fordblks = mfree;
- nm.keepcost = m->topsize;
- }
- }
- return nm;
-#endif /* !NO_MALLINFO */
-static void internal_malloc_stats(mstate m) {
- ensure_initialization();
- if (!PREACTION(m)) {
- size_t maxfp = 0;
- size_t fp = 0;
- size_t used = 0;
- check_malloc_state(m);
- if (is_initialized(m)) {
- msegmentptr s = &m->seg;
- maxfp = m->max_footprint;
- fp = m->footprint;
- used = fp - (m->topsize + TOP_FOOT_SIZE);
- while (s != 0) {
- mchunkptr q = align_as_chunk(s->base);
- while (segment_holds(s, q) &&
- q != m->top && q->head != FENCEPOST_HEAD) {
- if (!is_inuse(q))
- used -= chunksize(q);
- q = next_chunk(q);
- }
- s = s->next;
- }
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "max system bytes = %10lu\n", (unsigned long)(maxfp));
- fprintf(stderr, "system bytes = %10lu\n", (unsigned long)(fp));
- fprintf(stderr, "in use bytes = %10lu\n", (unsigned long)(used));
- }
-/* ----------------------- Operations on smallbins ----------------------- */
- Various forms of linking and unlinking are defined as macros. Even
- the ones for trees, which are very long but have very short typical
- paths. This is ugly but reduces reliance on inlining support of
- compilers.
-/* Link a free chunk into a smallbin */
-#define insert_small_chunk(M, P, S) {\
- bindex_t I = small_index(S);\
- mchunkptr B = smallbin_at(M, I);\
- mchunkptr F = B;\
- assert(S >= MIN_CHUNK_SIZE);\
- if (!smallmap_is_marked(M, I))\
- mark_smallmap(M, I);\
- else if (RTCHECK(ok_address(M, B->fd)))\
- F = B->fd;\
- else {\
- }\
- B->fd = P;\
- F->bk = P;\
- P->fd = F;\
- P->bk = B;\
-/* Unlink a chunk from a smallbin */
-#define unlink_small_chunk(M, P, S) {\
- mchunkptr F = P->fd;\
- mchunkptr B = P->bk;\
- bindex_t I = small_index(S);\
- assert(P != B);\
- assert(P != F);\
- assert(chunksize(P) == small_index2size(I));\
- if (F == B)\
- clear_smallmap(M, I);\
- else if (RTCHECK((F == smallbin_at(M,I) || ok_address(M, F)) &&\
- (B == smallbin_at(M,I) || ok_address(M, B)))) {\
- F->bk = B;\
- B->fd = F;\
- }\
- else {\
- }\
-/* Unlink the first chunk from a smallbin */
-#define unlink_first_small_chunk(M, B, P, I) {\
- mchunkptr F = P->fd;\
- assert(P != B);\
- assert(P != F);\
- assert(chunksize(P) == small_index2size(I));\
- if (B == F)\
- clear_smallmap(M, I);\
- else if (RTCHECK(ok_address(M, F))) {\
- B->fd = F;\
- F->bk = B;\
- }\
- else {\
- }\
-/* Replace dv node, binning the old one */
-/* Used only when dvsize known to be small */
-#define replace_dv(M, P, S) {\
- size_t DVS = M->dvsize;\
- if (DVS != 0) {\
- mchunkptr DV = M->dv;\
- assert(is_small(DVS));\
- insert_small_chunk(M, DV, DVS);\
- }\
- M->dvsize = S;\
- M->dv = P;\
-/* ------------------------- Operations on trees ------------------------- */
-/* Insert chunk into tree */
-#define insert_large_chunk(M, X, S) {\
- tbinptr* H;\
- bindex_t I;\
- compute_tree_index(S, I);\
- H = treebin_at(M, I);\
- X->index = I;\
- X->child[0] = X->child[1] = 0;\
- if (!treemap_is_marked(M, I)) {\
- mark_treemap(M, I);\
- *H = X;\
- X->parent = (tchunkptr)H;\
- X->fd = X->bk = X;\
- }\
- else {\
- tchunkptr T = *H;\
- size_t K = S << leftshift_for_tree_index(I);\
- for (;;) {\
- if (chunksize(T) != S) {\
- tchunkptr* C = &(T->child[(K >> (SIZE_T_BITSIZE-SIZE_T_ONE)) & 1]);\
- K <<= 1;\
- if (*C != 0)\
- T = *C;\
- else if (RTCHECK(ok_address(M, C))) {\
- *C = X;\
- X->parent = T;\
- X->fd = X->bk = X;\
- break;\
- }\
- else {\
- break;\
- }\
- }\
- else {\
- tchunkptr F = T->fd;\
- if (RTCHECK(ok_address(M, T) && ok_address(M, F))) {\
- T->fd = F->bk = X;\
- X->fd = F;\
- X->bk = T;\
- X->parent = 0;\
- break;\
- }\
- else {\
- break;\
- }\
- }\
- }\
- }\
- Unlink steps:
- 1. If x is a chained node, unlink it from its same-sized fd/bk links
- and choose its bk node as its replacement.
- 2. If x was the last node of its size, but not a leaf node, it must
- be replaced with a leaf node (not merely one with an open left or
- right), to make sure that lefts and rights of descendents
- correspond properly to bit masks. We use the rightmost descendent
- of x. We could use any other leaf, but this is easy to locate and
- tends to counteract removal of leftmosts elsewhere, and so keeps
- paths shorter than minimally guaranteed. This doesn't loop much
- because on average a node in a tree is near the bottom.
- 3. If x is the base of a chain (i.e., has parent links) relink
- x's parent and children to x's replacement (or null if none).
-#define unlink_large_chunk(M, X) {\
- tchunkptr XP = X->parent;\
- tchunkptr R;\
- if (X->bk != X) {\
- tchunkptr F = X->fd;\
- R = X->bk;\
- if (RTCHECK(ok_address(M, F))) {\
- F->bk = R;\
- R->fd = F;\
- }\
- else {\
- }\
- }\
- else {\
- tchunkptr* RP;\
- if (((R = *(RP = &(X->child[1]))) != 0) ||\
- ((R = *(RP = &(X->child[0]))) != 0)) {\
- tchunkptr* CP;\
- while ((*(CP = &(R->child[1])) != 0) ||\
- (*(CP = &(R->child[0])) != 0)) {\
- R = *(RP = CP);\
- }\
- if (RTCHECK(ok_address(M, RP)))\
- *RP = 0;\
- else {\
- }\
- }\
- }\
- if (XP != 0) {\
- tbinptr* H = treebin_at(M, X->index);\
- if (X == *H) {\
- if ((*H = R) == 0) \
- clear_treemap(M, X->index);\
- }\
- else if (RTCHECK(ok_address(M, XP))) {\
- if (XP->child[0] == X) \
- XP->child[0] = R;\
- else \
- XP->child[1] = R;\
- }\
- else\
- if (R != 0) {\
- if (RTCHECK(ok_address(M, R))) {\
- tchunkptr C0, C1;\
- R->parent = XP;\
- if ((C0 = X->child[0]) != 0) {\
- if (RTCHECK(ok_address(M, C0))) {\
- R->child[0] = C0;\
- C0->parent = R;\
- }\
- else\
- }\
- if ((C1 = X->child[1]) != 0) {\
- if (RTCHECK(ok_address(M, C1))) {\
- R->child[1] = C1;\
- C1->parent = R;\
- }\
- else\
- }\
- }\
- else\
- }\
- }\
-/* Relays to large vs small bin operations */
-#define insert_chunk(M, P, S)\
- if (is_small(S)) insert_small_chunk(M, P, S)\
- else { tchunkptr TP = (tchunkptr)(P); insert_large_chunk(M, TP, S); }
-#define unlink_chunk(M, P, S)\
- if (is_small(S)) unlink_small_chunk(M, P, S)\
- else { tchunkptr TP = (tchunkptr)(P); unlink_large_chunk(M, TP); }
-/* Relays to internal calls to malloc/free from realloc, memalign etc */
-#define internal_malloc(m, b) mspace_malloc(m, b)
-#define internal_free(m, mem) mspace_free(m,mem);
-#else /* ONLY_MSPACES */
-#define internal_malloc(m, b)\
- (m == gm)? dlmalloc(b) : mspace_malloc(m, b)
-#define internal_free(m, mem)\
- if (m == gm) dlfree(mem); else mspace_free(m,mem);
-#else /* MSPACES */
-#define internal_malloc(m, b) dlmalloc(b)
-#define internal_free(m, mem) dlfree(mem)
-#endif /* MSPACES */
-#endif /* ONLY_MSPACES */
-/* ----------------------- Direct-mmapping chunks ----------------------- */
- Directly mmapped chunks are set up with an offset to the start of
- the mmapped region stored in the prev_foot field of the chunk. This
- allows reconstruction of the required argument to MUNMAP when freed,
- and also allows adjustment of the returned chunk to meet alignment
- requirements (especially in memalign).
-/* Malloc using mmap */
-static void* mmap_alloc(mstate m, size_t nb) {
- size_t mmsize = mmap_align(nb + SIX_SIZE_T_SIZES + CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK);
- if (mmsize > nb) { /* Check for wrap around 0 */
- char* mm = (char*)(CALL_DIRECT_MMAP(mmsize));
- if (mm != CMFAIL) {
- size_t offset = align_offset(chunk2mem(mm));
- size_t psize = mmsize - offset - MMAP_FOOT_PAD;
- mchunkptr p = (mchunkptr)(mm + offset);
- p->prev_foot = offset;
- p->head = psize;
- mark_inuse_foot(m, p, psize);
- chunk_plus_offset(p, psize)->head = FENCEPOST_HEAD;
- chunk_plus_offset(p, psize+SIZE_T_SIZE)->head = 0;
- if (m->least_addr == 0 || mm < m->least_addr)
- m->least_addr = mm;
- if ((m->footprint += mmsize) > m->max_footprint)
- m->max_footprint = m->footprint;
- assert(is_aligned(chunk2mem(p)));
- check_mmapped_chunk(m, p);
- return chunk2mem(p);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* Realloc using mmap */
-static mchunkptr mmap_resize(mstate m, mchunkptr oldp, size_t nb) {
- size_t oldsize = chunksize(oldp);
- if (is_small(nb)) /* Can't shrink mmap regions below small size */
- return 0;
- /* Keep old chunk if big enough but not too big */
- if (oldsize >= nb + SIZE_T_SIZE &&
- (oldsize - nb) <= (mparams.granularity << 1))
- return oldp;
- else {
- size_t offset = oldp->prev_foot;
- size_t oldmmsize = oldsize + offset + MMAP_FOOT_PAD;
- size_t newmmsize = mmap_align(nb + SIX_SIZE_T_SIZES + CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK);
- char* cp = (char*)CALL_MREMAP((char*)oldp - offset,
- oldmmsize, newmmsize, 1);
- if (cp != CMFAIL) {
- mchunkptr newp = (mchunkptr)(cp + offset);
- size_t psize = newmmsize - offset - MMAP_FOOT_PAD;
- newp->head = psize;
- mark_inuse_foot(m, newp, psize);
- chunk_plus_offset(newp, psize)->head = FENCEPOST_HEAD;
- chunk_plus_offset(newp, psize+SIZE_T_SIZE)->head = 0;
- if (cp < m->least_addr)
- m->least_addr = cp;
- if ((m->footprint += newmmsize - oldmmsize) > m->max_footprint)
- m->max_footprint = m->footprint;
- check_mmapped_chunk(m, newp);
- return newp;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* -------------------------- mspace management -------------------------- */
-/* Initialize top chunk and its size */
-static void init_top(mstate m, mchunkptr p, size_t psize) {
- /* Ensure alignment */
- size_t offset = align_offset(chunk2mem(p));
- p = (mchunkptr)((char*)p + offset);
- psize -= offset;
- m->top = p;
- m->topsize = psize;
- p->head = psize | PINUSE_BIT;
- /* set size of fake trailing chunk holding overhead space only once */
- chunk_plus_offset(p, psize)->head = TOP_FOOT_SIZE;
- m->trim_check = mparams.trim_threshold; /* reset on each update */
-/* Initialize bins for a new mstate that is otherwise zeroed out */
-static void init_bins(mstate m) {
- /* Establish circular links for smallbins */
- bindex_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < NSMALLBINS; ++i) {
- sbinptr bin = smallbin_at(m,i);
- bin->fd = bin->bk = bin;
- }
-/* default corruption action */
-static void reset_on_error(mstate m) {
- int i;
- ++malloc_corruption_error_count;
- /* Reinitialize fields to forget about all memory */
- m->smallbins = m->treebins = 0;
- m->dvsize = m->topsize = 0;
- m->seg.base = 0;
- m->seg.size = 0;
- m-> = 0;
- m->top = m->dv = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < NTREEBINS; ++i)
- *treebin_at(m, i) = 0;
- init_bins(m);
-#endif /* PROCEED_ON_ERROR */
-/* Allocate chunk and prepend remainder with chunk in successor base. */
-static void* prepend_alloc(mstate m, char* newbase, char* oldbase,
- size_t nb) {
- mchunkptr p = align_as_chunk(newbase);
- mchunkptr oldfirst = align_as_chunk(oldbase);
- size_t psize = (char*)oldfirst - (char*)p;
- mchunkptr q = chunk_plus_offset(p, nb);
- size_t qsize = psize - nb;
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_inuse_chunk(m, p, nb);
- assert((char*)oldfirst > (char*)q);
- assert(pinuse(oldfirst));
- assert(qsize >= MIN_CHUNK_SIZE);
- /* consolidate remainder with first chunk of old base */
- if (oldfirst == m->top) {
- size_t tsize = m->topsize += qsize;
- m->top = q;
- q->head = tsize | PINUSE_BIT;
- check_top_chunk(m, q);
- }
- else if (oldfirst == m->dv) {
- size_t dsize = m->dvsize += qsize;
- m->dv = q;
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_free_chunk(q, dsize);
- }
- else {
- if (!is_inuse(oldfirst)) {
- size_t nsize = chunksize(oldfirst);
- unlink_chunk(m, oldfirst, nsize);
- oldfirst = chunk_plus_offset(oldfirst, nsize);
- qsize += nsize;
- }
- set_free_with_pinuse(q, qsize, oldfirst);
- insert_chunk(m, q, qsize);
- check_free_chunk(m, q);
- }
- check_malloced_chunk(m, chunk2mem(p), nb);
- return chunk2mem(p);
-/* Add a segment to hold a new noncontiguous region */
-static void add_segment(mstate m, char* tbase, size_t tsize, flag_t mmapped) {
- /* Determine locations and sizes of segment, fenceposts, old top */
- char* old_top = (char*)m->top;
- msegmentptr oldsp = segment_holding(m, old_top);
- char* old_end = oldsp->base + oldsp->size;
- size_t ssize = pad_request(sizeof(struct malloc_segment));
- char* rawsp = old_end - (ssize + FOUR_SIZE_T_SIZES + CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK);
- size_t offset = align_offset(chunk2mem(rawsp));
- char* asp = rawsp + offset;
- char* csp = (asp < (old_top + MIN_CHUNK_SIZE))? old_top : asp;
- mchunkptr sp = (mchunkptr)csp;
- msegmentptr ss = (msegmentptr)(chunk2mem(sp));
- mchunkptr tnext = chunk_plus_offset(sp, ssize);
- mchunkptr p = tnext;
- int nfences = 0;
- /* reset top to new space */
- init_top(m, (mchunkptr)tbase, tsize - TOP_FOOT_SIZE);
- /* Set up segment record */
- assert(is_aligned(ss));
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_inuse_chunk(m, sp, ssize);
- *ss = m->seg; /* Push current record */
- m->seg.base = tbase;
- m->seg.size = tsize;
- m->seg.sflags = mmapped;
- m-> = ss;
- /* Insert trailing fenceposts */
- for (;;) {
- mchunkptr nextp = chunk_plus_offset(p, SIZE_T_SIZE);
- p->head = FENCEPOST_HEAD;
- ++nfences;
- if ((char*)(&(nextp->head)) < old_end)
- p = nextp;
- else
- break;
- }
- assert(nfences >= 2);
- /* Insert the rest of old top into a bin as an ordinary free chunk */
- if (csp != old_top) {
- mchunkptr q = (mchunkptr)old_top;
- size_t psize = csp - old_top;
- mchunkptr tn = chunk_plus_offset(q, psize);
- set_free_with_pinuse(q, psize, tn);
- insert_chunk(m, q, psize);
- }
- check_top_chunk(m, m->top);
-/* -------------------------- System allocation -------------------------- */
-/* Get memory from system using MORECORE or MMAP */
-static void* sys_alloc(mstate m, size_t nb) {
- char* tbase = CMFAIL;
- size_t tsize = 0;
- flag_t mmap_flag = 0;
- ensure_initialization();
- /* Directly map large chunks, but only if already initialized */
- if (use_mmap(m) && nb >= mparams.mmap_threshold && m->topsize != 0) {
- void* mem = mmap_alloc(m, nb);
- if (mem != 0)
- return mem;
- }
- /*
- Try getting memory in any of three ways (in most-preferred to
- least-preferred order):
- 1. A call to MORECORE that can normally contiguously extend memory.
- (disabled if not MORECORE_CONTIGUOUS or not HAVE_MORECORE or
- or main space is mmapped or a previous contiguous call failed)
- 2. A call to MMAP new space (disabled if not HAVE_MMAP).
- Note that under the default settings, if MORECORE is unable to
- fulfill a request, and HAVE_MMAP is true, then mmap is
- used as a noncontiguous system allocator. This is a useful backup
- strategy for systems with holes in address spaces -- in this case
- sbrk cannot contiguously expand the heap, but mmap may be able to
- find space.
- 3. A call to MORECORE that cannot usually contiguously extend memory.
- (disabled if not HAVE_MORECORE)
- In all cases, we need to request enough bytes from system to ensure
- we can malloc nb bytes upon success, so pad with enough space for
- top_foot, plus alignment-pad to make sure we don't lose bytes if
- not on boundary, and round this up to a granularity unit.
- */
- if (MORECORE_CONTIGUOUS && !use_noncontiguous(m)) {
- char* br = CMFAIL;
- msegmentptr ss = (m->top == 0)? 0 : segment_holding(m, (char*)m->top);
- size_t asize = 0;
- if (ss == 0) { /* First time through or recovery */
- char* base = (char*)CALL_MORECORE(0);
- if (base != CMFAIL) {
- asize = granularity_align(nb + SYS_ALLOC_PADDING);
- /* Adjust to end on a page boundary */
- if (!is_page_aligned(base))
- asize += (page_align((size_t)base) - (size_t)base);
- /* Can't call MORECORE if size is negative when treated as signed */
- if (asize < HALF_MAX_SIZE_T &&
- (br = (char*)(CALL_MORECORE(asize))) == base) {
- tbase = base;
- tsize = asize;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- /* Subtract out existing available top space from MORECORE request. */
- asize = granularity_align(nb - m->topsize + SYS_ALLOC_PADDING);
- /* Use mem here only if it did continuously extend old space */
- if (asize < HALF_MAX_SIZE_T &&
- (br = (char*)(CALL_MORECORE(asize))) == ss->base+ss->size) {
- tbase = br;
- tsize = asize;
- }
- }
- if (tbase == CMFAIL) { /* Cope with partial failure */
- if (br != CMFAIL) { /* Try to use/extend the space we did get */
- if (asize < HALF_MAX_SIZE_T &&
- asize < nb + SYS_ALLOC_PADDING) {
- size_t esize = granularity_align(nb + SYS_ALLOC_PADDING - asize);
- if (esize < HALF_MAX_SIZE_T) {
- char* end = (char*)CALL_MORECORE(esize);
- if (end != CMFAIL)
- asize += esize;
- else { /* Can't use; try to release */
- (void) CALL_MORECORE(-asize);
- br = CMFAIL;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (br != CMFAIL) { /* Use the space we did get */
- tbase = br;
- tsize = asize;
- }
- else
- disable_contiguous(m); /* Don't try contiguous path in the future */
- }
- }
- if (HAVE_MMAP && tbase == CMFAIL) { /* Try MMAP */
- size_t rsize = granularity_align(nb + SYS_ALLOC_PADDING);
- if (rsize > nb) { /* Fail if wraps around zero */
- char* mp = (char*)(CALL_MMAP(rsize));
- if (mp != CMFAIL) {
- tbase = mp;
- tsize = rsize;
- mmap_flag = USE_MMAP_BIT;
- }
- }
- }
- if (HAVE_MORECORE && tbase == CMFAIL) { /* Try noncontiguous MORECORE */
- size_t asize = granularity_align(nb + SYS_ALLOC_PADDING);
- if (asize < HALF_MAX_SIZE_T) {
- char* br = CMFAIL;
- char* end = CMFAIL;
- br = (char*)(CALL_MORECORE(asize));
- end = (char*)(CALL_MORECORE(0));
- if (br != CMFAIL && end != CMFAIL && br < end) {
- size_t ssize = end - br;
- if (ssize > nb + TOP_FOOT_SIZE) {
- tbase = br;
- tsize = ssize;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (tbase != CMFAIL) {
- if ((m->footprint += tsize) > m->max_footprint)
- m->max_footprint = m->footprint;
- if (!is_initialized(m)) { /* first-time initialization */
- if (m->least_addr == 0 || tbase < m->least_addr)
- m->least_addr = tbase;
- m->seg.base = tbase;
- m->seg.size = tsize;
- m->seg.sflags = mmap_flag;
- m->magic = mparams.magic;
- m->release_checks = MAX_RELEASE_CHECK_RATE;
- init_bins(m);
- if (is_global(m))
- init_top(m, (mchunkptr)tbase, tsize - TOP_FOOT_SIZE);
- else
- {
- /* Offset top by embedded malloc_state */
- mchunkptr mn = next_chunk(mem2chunk(m));
- init_top(m, mn, (size_t)((tbase + tsize) - (char*)mn) -TOP_FOOT_SIZE);
- }
- }
- else {
- /* Try to merge with an existing segment */
- msegmentptr sp = &m->seg;
- /* Only consider most recent segment if traversal suppressed */
- while (sp != 0 && tbase != sp->base + sp->size)
- sp = (NO_SEGMENT_TRAVERSAL) ? 0 : sp->next;
- if (sp != 0 &&
- !is_extern_segment(sp) &&
- (sp->sflags & USE_MMAP_BIT) == mmap_flag &&
- segment_holds(sp, m->top)) { /* append */
- sp->size += tsize;
- init_top(m, m->top, m->topsize + tsize);
- }
- else {
- if (tbase < m->least_addr)
- m->least_addr = tbase;
- sp = &m->seg;
- while (sp != 0 && sp->base != tbase + tsize)
- sp = (NO_SEGMENT_TRAVERSAL) ? 0 : sp->next;
- if (sp != 0 &&
- !is_extern_segment(sp) &&
- (sp->sflags & USE_MMAP_BIT) == mmap_flag) {
- char* oldbase = sp->base;
- sp->base = tbase;
- sp->size += tsize;
- return prepend_alloc(m, tbase, oldbase, nb);
- }
- else
- add_segment(m, tbase, tsize, mmap_flag);
- }
- }
- if (nb < m->topsize) { /* Allocate from new or extended top space */
- size_t rsize = m->topsize -= nb;
- mchunkptr p = m->top;
- mchunkptr r = m->top = chunk_plus_offset(p, nb);
- r->head = rsize | PINUSE_BIT;
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_inuse_chunk(m, p, nb);
- check_top_chunk(m, m->top);
- check_malloced_chunk(m, chunk2mem(p), nb);
- return chunk2mem(p);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* ----------------------- system deallocation -------------------------- */
-/* Unmap and unlink any mmapped segments that don't contain used chunks */
-static size_t release_unused_segments(mstate m) {
- size_t released = 0;
- int nsegs = 0;
- msegmentptr pred = &m->seg;
- msegmentptr sp = pred->next;
- while (sp != 0) {
- char* base = sp->base;
- size_t size = sp->size;
- msegmentptr next = sp->next;
- ++nsegs;
- if (is_mmapped_segment(sp) && !is_extern_segment(sp)) {
- mchunkptr p = align_as_chunk(base);
- size_t psize = chunksize(p);
- /* Can unmap if first chunk holds entire segment and not pinned */
- if (!is_inuse(p) && (char*)p + psize >= base + size - TOP_FOOT_SIZE) {
- tchunkptr tp = (tchunkptr)p;
- assert(segment_holds(sp, (char*)sp));
- if (p == m->dv) {
- m->dv = 0;
- m->dvsize = 0;
- }
- else {
- unlink_large_chunk(m, tp);
- }
- if (CALL_MUNMAP(base, size) == 0) {
- released += size;
- m->footprint -= size;
- /* unlink obsoleted record */
- sp = pred;
- sp->next = next;
- }
- else { /* back out if cannot unmap */
- insert_large_chunk(m, tp, psize);
- }
- }
- }
- if (NO_SEGMENT_TRAVERSAL) /* scan only first segment */
- break;
- pred = sp;
- sp = next;
- }
- /* Reset check counter */
- m->release_checks = ((nsegs > MAX_RELEASE_CHECK_RATE)?
- return released;
-static int sys_trim(mstate m, size_t pad) {
- size_t released = 0;
- ensure_initialization();
- if (pad < MAX_REQUEST && is_initialized(m)) {
- pad += TOP_FOOT_SIZE; /* ensure enough room for segment overhead */
- if (m->topsize > pad) {
- /* Shrink top space in granularity-size units, keeping at least one */
- size_t unit = mparams.granularity;
- size_t extra = ((m->topsize - pad + (unit - SIZE_T_ONE)) / unit -
- SIZE_T_ONE) * unit;
- msegmentptr sp = segment_holding(m, (char*)m->top);
- if (!is_extern_segment(sp)) {
- if (is_mmapped_segment(sp)) {
- if (HAVE_MMAP &&
- sp->size >= extra &&
- !has_segment_link(m, sp)) { /* can't shrink if pinned */
- size_t newsize = sp->size - extra;
- /* Prefer mremap, fall back to munmap */
- if ((CALL_MREMAP(sp->base, sp->size, newsize, 0) != MFAIL) ||
- (CALL_MUNMAP(sp->base + newsize, extra) == 0)) {
- released = extra;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (HAVE_MORECORE) {
- if (extra >= HALF_MAX_SIZE_T) /* Avoid wrapping negative */
- extra = (HALF_MAX_SIZE_T) + SIZE_T_ONE - unit;
- {
- /* Make sure end of memory is where we last set it. */
- char* old_br = (char*)(CALL_MORECORE(0));
- if (old_br == sp->base + sp->size) {
- char* rel_br = (char*)(CALL_MORECORE(-extra));
- char* new_br = (char*)(CALL_MORECORE(0));
- if (rel_br != CMFAIL && new_br < old_br)
- released = old_br - new_br;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (released != 0) {
- sp->size -= released;
- m->footprint -= released;
- init_top(m, m->top, m->topsize - released);
- check_top_chunk(m, m->top);
- }
- }
- /* Unmap any unused mmapped segments */
- if (HAVE_MMAP)
- released += release_unused_segments(m);
- /* On failure, disable autotrim to avoid repeated failed future calls */
- if (released == 0 && m->topsize > m->trim_check)
- m->trim_check = MAX_SIZE_T;
- }
- return (released != 0)? 1 : 0;
-/* ---------------------------- malloc support --------------------------- */
-/* allocate a large request from the best fitting chunk in a treebin */
-static void* tmalloc_large(mstate m, size_t nb) {
- tchunkptr v = 0;
- size_t rsize = -nb; /* Unsigned negation */
- tchunkptr t;
- bindex_t idx;
- compute_tree_index(nb, idx);
- if ((t = *treebin_at(m, idx)) != 0) {
- /* Traverse tree for this bin looking for node with size == nb */
- size_t sizebits = nb << leftshift_for_tree_index(idx);
- tchunkptr rst = 0; /* The deepest untaken right subtree */
- for (;;) {
- tchunkptr rt;
- size_t trem = chunksize(t) - nb;
- if (trem < rsize) {
- v = t;
- if ((rsize = trem) == 0)
- break;
- }
- rt = t->child[1];
- t = t->child[(sizebits >> (SIZE_T_BITSIZE-SIZE_T_ONE)) & 1];
- if (rt != 0 && rt != t)
- rst = rt;
- if (t == 0) {
- t = rst; /* set t to least subtree holding sizes > nb */
- break;
- }
- sizebits <<= 1;
- }
- }
- if (t == 0 && v == 0) { /* set t to root of next non-empty treebin */
- binmap_t leftbits = left_bits(idx2bit(idx)) & m->treemap;
- if (leftbits != 0) {
- bindex_t i;
- binmap_t leastbit = least_bit(leftbits);
- compute_bit2idx(leastbit, i);
- t = *treebin_at(m, i);
- }
- }
- while (t != 0) { /* find smallest of tree or subtree */
- size_t trem = chunksize(t) - nb;
- if (trem < rsize) {
- rsize = trem;
- v = t;
- }
- t = leftmost_child(t);
- }
- /* If dv is a better fit, return 0 so malloc will use it */
- if (v != 0 && rsize < (size_t)(m->dvsize - nb)) {
- if (RTCHECK(ok_address(m, v))) { /* split */
- mchunkptr r = chunk_plus_offset(v, nb);
- assert(chunksize(v) == rsize + nb);
- if (RTCHECK(ok_next(v, r))) {
- unlink_large_chunk(m, v);
- if (rsize < MIN_CHUNK_SIZE)
- set_inuse_and_pinuse(m, v, (rsize + nb));
- else {
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_inuse_chunk(m, v, nb);
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_free_chunk(r, rsize);
- insert_chunk(m, r, rsize);
- }
- return chunk2mem(v);
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* allocate a small request from the best fitting chunk in a treebin */
-static void* tmalloc_small(mstate m, size_t nb) {
- tchunkptr t, v;
- size_t rsize;
- bindex_t i;
- binmap_t leastbit = least_bit(m->treemap);
- compute_bit2idx(leastbit, i);
- v = t = *treebin_at(m, i);
- rsize = chunksize(t) - nb;
- while ((t = leftmost_child(t)) != 0) {
- size_t trem = chunksize(t) - nb;
- if (trem < rsize) {
- rsize = trem;
- v = t;
- }
- }
- if (RTCHECK(ok_address(m, v))) {
- mchunkptr r = chunk_plus_offset(v, nb);
- assert(chunksize(v) == rsize + nb);
- if (RTCHECK(ok_next(v, r))) {
- unlink_large_chunk(m, v);
- if (rsize < MIN_CHUNK_SIZE)
- set_inuse_and_pinuse(m, v, (rsize + nb));
- else {
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_inuse_chunk(m, v, nb);
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_free_chunk(r, rsize);
- replace_dv(m, r, rsize);
- }
- return chunk2mem(v);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* --------------------------- realloc support --------------------------- */
-static void* internal_realloc(mstate m, void* oldmem, size_t bytes) {
- if (bytes >= MAX_REQUEST) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (!PREACTION(m)) {
- mchunkptr oldp = mem2chunk(oldmem);
- size_t oldsize = chunksize(oldp);
- mchunkptr next = chunk_plus_offset(oldp, oldsize);
- mchunkptr newp = 0;
- void* extra = 0;
- /* Try to either shrink or extend into top. Else malloc-copy-free */
- if (RTCHECK(ok_address(m, oldp) && ok_inuse(oldp) &&
- ok_next(oldp, next) && ok_pinuse(next))) {
- size_t nb = request2size(bytes);
- if (is_mmapped(oldp))
- newp = mmap_resize(m, oldp, nb);
- else if (oldsize >= nb) { /* already big enough */
- size_t rsize = oldsize - nb;
- newp = oldp;
- if (rsize >= MIN_CHUNK_SIZE) {
- mchunkptr remainder = chunk_plus_offset(newp, nb);
- set_inuse(m, newp, nb);
- set_inuse_and_pinuse(m, remainder, rsize);
- extra = chunk2mem(remainder);
- }
- }
- else if (next == m->top && oldsize + m->topsize > nb) {
- /* Expand into top */
- size_t newsize = oldsize + m->topsize;
- size_t newtopsize = newsize - nb;
- mchunkptr newtop = chunk_plus_offset(oldp, nb);
- set_inuse(m, oldp, nb);
- newtop->head = newtopsize |PINUSE_BIT;
- m->top = newtop;
- m->topsize = newtopsize;
- newp = oldp;
- }
- }
- else {
- USAGE_ERROR_ACTION(m, oldmem);
- return 0;
- }
-#if DEBUG
- if (newp != 0) {
- check_inuse_chunk(m, newp); /* Check requires lock */
- }
- if (newp != 0) {
- if (extra != 0) {
- internal_free(m, extra);
- }
- return chunk2mem(newp);
- }
- else {
- void* newmem = internal_malloc(m, bytes);
- if (newmem != 0) {
- size_t oc = oldsize - overhead_for(oldp);
- memcpy(newmem, oldmem, (oc < bytes)? oc : bytes);
- internal_free(m, oldmem);
- }
- return newmem;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* --------------------------- memalign support -------------------------- */
-static void* internal_memalign(mstate m, size_t alignment, size_t bytes) {
- if (alignment <= MALLOC_ALIGNMENT) /* Can just use malloc */
- return internal_malloc(m, bytes);
- if (alignment < MIN_CHUNK_SIZE) /* must be at least a minimum chunk size */
- alignment = MIN_CHUNK_SIZE;
- if ((alignment & (alignment-SIZE_T_ONE)) != 0) {/* Ensure a power of 2 */
- size_t a = MALLOC_ALIGNMENT << 1;
- while (a < alignment) a <<= 1;
- alignment = a;
- }
- if (bytes >= MAX_REQUEST - alignment) {
- if (m != 0) { /* Test isn't needed but avoids compiler warning */
- }
- }
- else {
- size_t nb = request2size(bytes);
- size_t req = nb + alignment + MIN_CHUNK_SIZE - CHUNK_OVERHEAD;
- char* mem = (char*)internal_malloc(m, req);
- if (mem != 0) {
- void* leader = 0;
- void* trailer = 0;
- mchunkptr p = mem2chunk(mem);
- if (PREACTION(m)) return 0;
- if ((((size_t)(mem)) % alignment) != 0) { /* misaligned */
- /*
- Find an aligned spot inside chunk. Since we need to give
- back leading space in a chunk of at least MIN_CHUNK_SIZE, if
- the first calculation places us at a spot with less than
- MIN_CHUNK_SIZE leader, we can move to the next aligned spot.
- We've allocated enough total room so that this is always
- possible.
- */
- char* br = (char*)mem2chunk((size_t)(((size_t)(mem +
- alignment -
- SIZE_T_ONE)) &
- -alignment));
- char* pos = ((size_t)(br - (char*)(p)) >= MIN_CHUNK_SIZE)?
- br : br+alignment;
- mchunkptr newp = (mchunkptr)pos;
- size_t leadsize = pos - (char*)(p);
- size_t newsize = chunksize(p) - leadsize;
- if (is_mmapped(p)) { /* For mmapped chunks, just adjust offset */
- newp->prev_foot = p->prev_foot + leadsize;
- newp->head = newsize;
- }
- else { /* Otherwise, give back leader, use the rest */
- set_inuse(m, newp, newsize);
- set_inuse(m, p, leadsize);
- leader = chunk2mem(p);
- }
- p = newp;
- }
- /* Give back spare room at the end */
- if (!is_mmapped(p)) {
- size_t size = chunksize(p);
- if (size > nb + MIN_CHUNK_SIZE) {
- size_t remainder_size = size - nb;
- mchunkptr remainder = chunk_plus_offset(p, nb);
- set_inuse(m, p, nb);
- set_inuse(m, remainder, remainder_size);
- trailer = chunk2mem(remainder);
- }
- }
- assert (chunksize(p) >= nb);
- assert((((size_t)(chunk2mem(p))) % alignment) == 0);
- check_inuse_chunk(m, p);
- if (leader != 0) {
- internal_free(m, leader);
- }
- if (trailer != 0) {
- internal_free(m, trailer);
- }
- return chunk2mem(p);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* ------------------------ comalloc/coalloc support --------------------- */
-static void** ialloc(mstate m,
- size_t n_elements,
- size_t* sizes,
- int opts,
- void* chunks[]) {
- /*
- This provides common support for independent_X routines, handling
- all of the combinations that can result.
- The opts arg has:
- bit 0 set if all elements are same size (using sizes[0])
- bit 1 set if elements should be zeroed
- */
- size_t element_size; /* chunksize of each element, if all same */
- size_t contents_size; /* total size of elements */
- size_t array_size; /* request size of pointer array */
- void* mem; /* malloced aggregate space */
- mchunkptr p; /* corresponding chunk */
- size_t remainder_size; /* remaining bytes while splitting */
- void** marray; /* either "chunks" or malloced ptr array */
- mchunkptr array_chunk; /* chunk for malloced ptr array */
- flag_t was_enabled; /* to disable mmap */
- size_t size;
- size_t i;
- ensure_initialization();
- /* compute array length, if needed */
- if (chunks != 0) {
- if (n_elements == 0)
- return chunks; /* nothing to do */
- marray = chunks;
- array_size = 0;
- }
- else {
- /* if empty req, must still return chunk representing empty array */
- if (n_elements == 0)
- return (void**)internal_malloc(m, 0);
- marray = 0;
- array_size = request2size(n_elements * (sizeof(void*)));
- }
- /* compute total element size */
- if (opts & 0x1) { /* all-same-size */
- element_size = request2size(*sizes);
- contents_size = n_elements * element_size;
- }
- else { /* add up all the sizes */
- element_size = 0;
- contents_size = 0;
- for (i = 0; i != n_elements; ++i)
- contents_size += request2size(sizes[i]);
- }
- size = contents_size + array_size;
- /*
- Allocate the aggregate chunk. First disable direct-mmapping so
- malloc won't use it, since we would not be able to later
- free/realloc space internal to a segregated mmap region.
- */
- was_enabled = use_mmap(m);
- disable_mmap(m);
- mem = internal_malloc(m, size - CHUNK_OVERHEAD);
- if (was_enabled)
- enable_mmap(m);
- if (mem == 0)
- return 0;
- if (PREACTION(m)) return 0;
- p = mem2chunk(mem);
- remainder_size = chunksize(p);
- assert(!is_mmapped(p));
- if (opts & 0x2) { /* optionally clear the elements */
- memset((size_t*)mem, 0, remainder_size - SIZE_T_SIZE - array_size);
- }
- /* If not provided, allocate the pointer array as final part of chunk */
- if (marray == 0) {
- size_t array_chunk_size;
- array_chunk = chunk_plus_offset(p, contents_size);
- array_chunk_size = remainder_size - contents_size;
- marray = (void**) (chunk2mem(array_chunk));
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_inuse_chunk(m, array_chunk, array_chunk_size);
- remainder_size = contents_size;
- }
- /* split out elements */
- for (i = 0; ; ++i) {
- marray[i] = chunk2mem(p);
- if (i != n_elements-1) {
- if (element_size != 0)
- size = element_size;
- else
- size = request2size(sizes[i]);
- remainder_size -= size;
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_inuse_chunk(m, p, size);
- p = chunk_plus_offset(p, size);
- }
- else { /* the final element absorbs any overallocation slop */
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_inuse_chunk(m, p, remainder_size);
- break;
- }
- }
-#if DEBUG
- if (marray != chunks) {
- /* final element must have exactly exhausted chunk */
- if (element_size != 0) {
- assert(remainder_size == element_size);
- }
- else {
- assert(remainder_size == request2size(sizes[i]));
- }
- check_inuse_chunk(m, mem2chunk(marray));
- }
- for (i = 0; i != n_elements; ++i)
- check_inuse_chunk(m, mem2chunk(marray[i]));
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- return marray;
-/* -------------------------- public routines ---------------------------- */
-void* dlmalloc(size_t bytes) {
- /*
- Basic algorithm:
- If a small request (< 256 bytes minus per-chunk overhead):
- 1. If one exists, use a remainderless chunk in associated smallbin.
- (Remainderless means that there are too few excess bytes to
- represent as a chunk.)
- 2. If it is big enough, use the dv chunk, which is normally the
- chunk adjacent to the one used for the most recent small request.
- 3. If one exists, split the smallest available chunk in a bin,
- saving remainder in dv.
- 4. If it is big enough, use the top chunk.
- 5. If available, get memory from system and use it
- Otherwise, for a large request:
- 1. Find the smallest available binned chunk that fits, and use it
- if it is better fitting than dv chunk, splitting if necessary.
- 2. If better fitting than any binned chunk, use the dv chunk.
- 3. If it is big enough, use the top chunk.
- 4. If request size >= mmap threshold, try to directly mmap this chunk.
- 5. If available, get memory from system and use it
- The ugly goto's here ensure that postaction occurs along all paths.
- */
- ensure_initialization(); /* initialize in sys_alloc if not using locks */
- if (!PREACTION(gm)) {
- void* mem;
- size_t nb;
- if (bytes <= MAX_SMALL_REQUEST) {
- bindex_t idx;
- binmap_t smallbits;
- nb = (bytes < MIN_REQUEST)? MIN_CHUNK_SIZE : pad_request(bytes);
- idx = small_index(nb);
- smallbits = gm->smallmap >> idx;
- if ((smallbits & 0x3U) != 0) { /* Remainderless fit to a smallbin. */
- mchunkptr b, p;
- idx += ~smallbits & 1; /* Uses next bin if idx empty */
- b = smallbin_at(gm, idx);
- p = b->fd;
- assert(chunksize(p) == small_index2size(idx));
- unlink_first_small_chunk(gm, b, p, idx);
- set_inuse_and_pinuse(gm, p, small_index2size(idx));
- mem = chunk2mem(p);
- check_malloced_chunk(gm, mem, nb);
- goto postaction;
- }
- else if (nb > gm->dvsize) {
- if (smallbits != 0) { /* Use chunk in next nonempty smallbin */
- mchunkptr b, p, r;
- size_t rsize;
- bindex_t i;
- binmap_t leftbits = (smallbits << idx) & left_bits(idx2bit(idx));
- binmap_t leastbit = least_bit(leftbits);
- compute_bit2idx(leastbit, i);
- b = smallbin_at(gm, i);
- p = b->fd;
- assert(chunksize(p) == small_index2size(i));
- unlink_first_small_chunk(gm, b, p, i);
- rsize = small_index2size(i) - nb;
- /* Fit here cannot be remainderless if 4byte sizes */
- if (SIZE_T_SIZE != 4 && rsize < MIN_CHUNK_SIZE)
- set_inuse_and_pinuse(gm, p, small_index2size(i));
- else {
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_inuse_chunk(gm, p, nb);
- r = chunk_plus_offset(p, nb);
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_free_chunk(r, rsize);
- replace_dv(gm, r, rsize);
- }
- mem = chunk2mem(p);
- check_malloced_chunk(gm, mem, nb);
- goto postaction;
- }
- else if (gm->treemap != 0 && (mem = tmalloc_small(gm, nb)) != 0) {
- check_malloced_chunk(gm, mem, nb);
- goto postaction;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (bytes >= MAX_REQUEST)
- nb = MAX_SIZE_T; /* Too big to allocate. Force failure (in sys alloc) */
- else {
- nb = pad_request(bytes);
- if (gm->treemap != 0 && (mem = tmalloc_large(gm, nb)) != 0) {
- check_malloced_chunk(gm, mem, nb);
- goto postaction;
- }
- }
- if (nb <= gm->dvsize) {
- size_t rsize = gm->dvsize - nb;
- mchunkptr p = gm->dv;
- if (rsize >= MIN_CHUNK_SIZE) { /* split dv */
- mchunkptr r = gm->dv = chunk_plus_offset(p, nb);
- gm->dvsize = rsize;
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_free_chunk(r, rsize);
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_inuse_chunk(gm, p, nb);
- }
- else { /* exhaust dv */
- size_t dvs = gm->dvsize;
- gm->dvsize = 0;
- gm->dv = 0;
- set_inuse_and_pinuse(gm, p, dvs);
- }
- mem = chunk2mem(p);
- check_malloced_chunk(gm, mem, nb);
- goto postaction;
- }
- else if (nb < gm->topsize) { /* Split top */
- size_t rsize = gm->topsize -= nb;
- mchunkptr p = gm->top;
- mchunkptr r = gm->top = chunk_plus_offset(p, nb);
- r->head = rsize | PINUSE_BIT;
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_inuse_chunk(gm, p, nb);
- mem = chunk2mem(p);
- check_top_chunk(gm, gm->top);
- check_malloced_chunk(gm, mem, nb);
- goto postaction;
- }
- mem = sys_alloc(gm, nb);
- postaction:
- return mem;
- }
- return 0;
-void dlfree(void* mem) {
- /*
- Consolidate freed chunks with preceeding or succeeding bordering
- free chunks, if they exist, and then place in a bin. Intermixed
- with special cases for top, dv, mmapped chunks, and usage errors.
- */
- if (mem != 0) {
- mchunkptr p = mem2chunk(mem);
- mstate fm = get_mstate_for(p);
- if (!ok_magic(fm)) {
- return;
- }
-#else /* FOOTERS */
-#define fm gm
-#endif /* FOOTERS */
- if (!PREACTION(fm)) {
- check_inuse_chunk(fm, p);
- if (RTCHECK(ok_address(fm, p) && ok_inuse(p))) {
- size_t psize = chunksize(p);
- mchunkptr next = chunk_plus_offset(p, psize);
- if (!pinuse(p)) {
- size_t prevsize = p->prev_foot;
- if (is_mmapped(p)) {
- psize += prevsize + MMAP_FOOT_PAD;
- if (CALL_MUNMAP((char*)p - prevsize, psize) == 0)
- fm->footprint -= psize;
- goto postaction;
- }
- else {
- mchunkptr prev = chunk_minus_offset(p, prevsize);
- psize += prevsize;
- p = prev;
- if (RTCHECK(ok_address(fm, prev))) { /* consolidate backward */
- if (p != fm->dv) {
- unlink_chunk(fm, p, prevsize);
- }
- else if ((next->head & INUSE_BITS) == INUSE_BITS) {
- fm->dvsize = psize;
- set_free_with_pinuse(p, psize, next);
- goto postaction;
- }
- }
- else
- goto erroraction;
- }
- }
- if (RTCHECK(ok_next(p, next) && ok_pinuse(next))) {
- if (!cinuse(next)) { /* consolidate forward */
- if (next == fm->top) {
- size_t tsize = fm->topsize += psize;
- fm->top = p;
- p->head = tsize | PINUSE_BIT;
- if (p == fm->dv) {
- fm->dv = 0;
- fm->dvsize = 0;
- }
- if (should_trim(fm, tsize))
- sys_trim(fm, 0);
- goto postaction;
- }
- else if (next == fm->dv) {
- size_t dsize = fm->dvsize += psize;
- fm->dv = p;
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_free_chunk(p, dsize);
- goto postaction;
- }
- else {
- size_t nsize = chunksize(next);
- psize += nsize;
- unlink_chunk(fm, next, nsize);
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_free_chunk(p, psize);
- if (p == fm->dv) {
- fm->dvsize = psize;
- goto postaction;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- set_free_with_pinuse(p, psize, next);
- if (is_small(psize)) {
- insert_small_chunk(fm, p, psize);
- check_free_chunk(fm, p);
- }
- else {
- tchunkptr tp = (tchunkptr)p;
- insert_large_chunk(fm, tp, psize);
- check_free_chunk(fm, p);
- if (--fm->release_checks == 0)
- release_unused_segments(fm);
- }
- goto postaction;
- }
- }
- erroraction:
- postaction:
- }
- }
-#undef fm
-#endif /* FOOTERS */
-void* dlcalloc(size_t n_elements, size_t elem_size) {
- void* mem;
- size_t req = 0;
- if (n_elements != 0) {
- req = n_elements * elem_size;
- if (((n_elements | elem_size) & ~(size_t)0xffff) &&
- (req / n_elements != elem_size))
- req = MAX_SIZE_T; /* force downstream failure on overflow */
- }
- mem = dlmalloc(req);
- if (mem != 0 && calloc_must_clear(mem2chunk(mem)))
- memset(mem, 0, req);
- return mem;
-void* dlrealloc(void* oldmem, size_t bytes) {
- if (oldmem == 0)
- return dlmalloc(bytes);
- if (bytes == 0) {
- dlfree(oldmem);
- return 0;
- }
- else {
-#if ! FOOTERS
- mstate m = gm;
-#else /* FOOTERS */
- mstate m = get_mstate_for(mem2chunk(oldmem));
- if (!ok_magic(m)) {
- USAGE_ERROR_ACTION(m, oldmem);
- return 0;
- }
-#endif /* FOOTERS */
- return internal_realloc(m, oldmem, bytes);
- }
-void* dlmemalign(size_t alignment, size_t bytes) {
- return internal_memalign(gm, alignment, bytes);
-void** dlindependent_calloc(size_t n_elements, size_t elem_size,
- void* chunks[]) {
- size_t sz = elem_size; /* serves as 1-element array */
- return ialloc(gm, n_elements, &sz, 3, chunks);
-void** dlindependent_comalloc(size_t n_elements, size_t sizes[],
- void* chunks[]) {
- return ialloc(gm, n_elements, sizes, 0, chunks);
-void* dlvalloc(size_t bytes) {
- size_t pagesz;
- ensure_initialization();
- pagesz = mparams.page_size;
- return dlmemalign(pagesz, bytes);
-void* dlpvalloc(size_t bytes) {
- size_t pagesz;
- ensure_initialization();
- pagesz = mparams.page_size;
- return dlmemalign(pagesz, (bytes + pagesz - SIZE_T_ONE) & ~(pagesz - SIZE_T_ONE));
-int dlmalloc_trim(size_t pad) {
- int result = 0;
- ensure_initialization();
- if (!PREACTION(gm)) {
- result = sys_trim(gm, pad);
- }
- return result;
-size_t dlmalloc_footprint(void) {
- return gm->footprint;
-size_t dlmalloc_max_footprint(void) {
- return gm->max_footprint;
-struct mallinfo dlmallinfo(void) {
- return internal_mallinfo(gm);
-#endif /* NO_MALLINFO */
-void dlmalloc_stats() {
- internal_malloc_stats(gm);
-int dlmallopt(int param_number, int value) {
- return change_mparam(param_number, value);
-#endif /* !ONLY_MSPACES */
-size_t dlmalloc_usable_size(void* mem) {
- if (mem != 0) {
- mchunkptr p = mem2chunk(mem);
- if (is_inuse(p))
- return chunksize(p) - overhead_for(p);
- }
- return 0;
-/* ----------------------------- user mspaces ---------------------------- */
-static mstate init_user_mstate(char* tbase, size_t tsize) {
- size_t msize = pad_request(sizeof(struct malloc_state));
- mchunkptr mn;
- mchunkptr msp = align_as_chunk(tbase);
- mstate m = (mstate)(chunk2mem(msp));
- memset(m, 0, msize);
- INITIAL_LOCK(&m->mutex);
- msp->head = (msize|INUSE_BITS);
- m->seg.base = m->least_addr = tbase;
- m->seg.size = m->footprint = m->max_footprint = tsize;
- m->magic = mparams.magic;
- m->release_checks = MAX_RELEASE_CHECK_RATE;
- m->mflags = mparams.default_mflags;
- m->extp = 0;
- m->exts = 0;
- disable_contiguous(m);
- init_bins(m);
- mn = next_chunk(mem2chunk(m));
- init_top(m, mn, (size_t)((tbase + tsize) - (char*)mn) - TOP_FOOT_SIZE);
- check_top_chunk(m, m->top);
- return m;
-mspace create_mspace(size_t capacity, int locked) {
- mstate m = 0;
- size_t msize;
- ensure_initialization();
- msize = pad_request(sizeof(struct malloc_state));
- if (capacity < (size_t) -(msize + TOP_FOOT_SIZE + mparams.page_size)) {
- size_t rs = ((capacity == 0)? mparams.granularity :
- (capacity + TOP_FOOT_SIZE + msize));
- size_t tsize = granularity_align(rs);
- char* tbase = (char*)(CALL_MMAP(tsize));
- if (tbase != CMFAIL) {
- m = init_user_mstate(tbase, tsize);
- m->seg.sflags = USE_MMAP_BIT;
- set_lock(m, locked);
- }
- }
- return (mspace)m;
-mspace create_mspace_with_base(void* base, size_t capacity, int locked) {
- mstate m = 0;
- size_t msize;
- ensure_initialization();
- msize = pad_request(sizeof(struct malloc_state));
- if (capacity > msize + TOP_FOOT_SIZE &&
- capacity < (size_t) -(msize + TOP_FOOT_SIZE + mparams.page_size)) {
- m = init_user_mstate((char*)base, capacity);
- m->seg.sflags = EXTERN_BIT;
- set_lock(m, locked);
- }
- return (mspace)m;
-int mspace_track_large_chunks(mspace msp, int enable) {
- int ret = 0;
- mstate ms = (mstate)msp;
- if (!PREACTION(ms)) {
- if (!use_mmap(ms))
- ret = 1;
- if (!enable)
- enable_mmap(ms);
- else
- disable_mmap(ms);
- }
- return ret;
-size_t destroy_mspace(mspace msp) {
- size_t freed = 0;
- mstate ms = (mstate)msp;
- if (ok_magic(ms)) {
- msegmentptr sp = &ms->seg;
- while (sp != 0) {
- char* base = sp->base;
- size_t size = sp->size;
- flag_t flag = sp->sflags;
- sp = sp->next;
- if ((flag & USE_MMAP_BIT) && !(flag & EXTERN_BIT) &&
- CALL_MUNMAP(base, size) == 0)
- freed += size;
- }
- }
- else {
- }
- return freed;
- mspace versions of routines are near-clones of the global
- versions. This is not so nice but better than the alternatives.
-void* mspace_malloc(mspace msp, size_t bytes) {
- mstate ms = (mstate)msp;
- if (!ok_magic(ms)) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (!PREACTION(ms)) {
- void* mem;
- size_t nb;
- if (bytes <= MAX_SMALL_REQUEST) {
- bindex_t idx;
- binmap_t smallbits;
- nb = (bytes < MIN_REQUEST)? MIN_CHUNK_SIZE : pad_request(bytes);
- idx = small_index(nb);
- smallbits = ms->smallmap >> idx;
- if ((smallbits & 0x3U) != 0) { /* Remainderless fit to a smallbin. */
- mchunkptr b, p;
- idx += ~smallbits & 1; /* Uses next bin if idx empty */
- b = smallbin_at(ms, idx);
- p = b->fd;
- assert(chunksize(p) == small_index2size(idx));
- unlink_first_small_chunk(ms, b, p, idx);
- set_inuse_and_pinuse(ms, p, small_index2size(idx));
- mem = chunk2mem(p);
- check_malloced_chunk(ms, mem, nb);
- goto postaction;
- }
- else if (nb > ms->dvsize) {
- if (smallbits != 0) { /* Use chunk in next nonempty smallbin */
- mchunkptr b, p, r;
- size_t rsize;
- bindex_t i;
- binmap_t leftbits = (smallbits << idx) & left_bits(idx2bit(idx));
- binmap_t leastbit = least_bit(leftbits);
- compute_bit2idx(leastbit, i);
- b = smallbin_at(ms, i);
- p = b->fd;
- assert(chunksize(p) == small_index2size(i));
- unlink_first_small_chunk(ms, b, p, i);
- rsize = small_index2size(i) - nb;
- /* Fit here cannot be remainderless if 4byte sizes */
- if (SIZE_T_SIZE != 4 && rsize < MIN_CHUNK_SIZE)
- set_inuse_and_pinuse(ms, p, small_index2size(i));
- else {
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_inuse_chunk(ms, p, nb);
- r = chunk_plus_offset(p, nb);
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_free_chunk(r, rsize);
- replace_dv(ms, r, rsize);
- }
- mem = chunk2mem(p);
- check_malloced_chunk(ms, mem, nb);
- goto postaction;
- }
- else if (ms->treemap != 0 && (mem = tmalloc_small(ms, nb)) != 0) {
- check_malloced_chunk(ms, mem, nb);
- goto postaction;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (bytes >= MAX_REQUEST)
- nb = MAX_SIZE_T; /* Too big to allocate. Force failure (in sys alloc) */
- else {
- nb = pad_request(bytes);
- if (ms->treemap != 0 && (mem = tmalloc_large(ms, nb)) != 0) {
- check_malloced_chunk(ms, mem, nb);
- goto postaction;
- }
- }
- if (nb <= ms->dvsize) {
- size_t rsize = ms->dvsize - nb;
- mchunkptr p = ms->dv;
- if (rsize >= MIN_CHUNK_SIZE) { /* split dv */
- mchunkptr r = ms->dv = chunk_plus_offset(p, nb);
- ms->dvsize = rsize;
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_free_chunk(r, rsize);
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_inuse_chunk(ms, p, nb);
- }
- else { /* exhaust dv */
- size_t dvs = ms->dvsize;
- ms->dvsize = 0;
- ms->dv = 0;
- set_inuse_and_pinuse(ms, p, dvs);
- }
- mem = chunk2mem(p);
- check_malloced_chunk(ms, mem, nb);
- goto postaction;
- }
- else if (nb < ms->topsize) { /* Split top */
- size_t rsize = ms->topsize -= nb;
- mchunkptr p = ms->top;
- mchunkptr r = ms->top = chunk_plus_offset(p, nb);
- r->head = rsize | PINUSE_BIT;
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_inuse_chunk(ms, p, nb);
- mem = chunk2mem(p);
- check_top_chunk(ms, ms->top);
- check_malloced_chunk(ms, mem, nb);
- goto postaction;
- }
- mem = sys_alloc(ms, nb);
- postaction:
- return mem;
- }
- return 0;
-void mspace_free(mspace msp, void* mem) {
- if (mem != 0) {
- mchunkptr p = mem2chunk(mem);
- mstate fm = get_mstate_for(p);
- msp = msp; /* placate people compiling -Wunused */
-#else /* FOOTERS */
- mstate fm = (mstate)msp;
-#endif /* FOOTERS */
- if (!ok_magic(fm)) {
- return;
- }
- if (!PREACTION(fm)) {
- check_inuse_chunk(fm, p);
- if (RTCHECK(ok_address(fm, p) && ok_inuse(p))) {
- size_t psize = chunksize(p);
- mchunkptr next = chunk_plus_offset(p, psize);
- if (!pinuse(p)) {
- size_t prevsize = p->prev_foot;
- if (is_mmapped(p)) {
- psize += prevsize + MMAP_FOOT_PAD;
- if (CALL_MUNMAP((char*)p - prevsize, psize) == 0)
- fm->footprint -= psize;
- goto postaction;
- }
- else {
- mchunkptr prev = chunk_minus_offset(p, prevsize);
- psize += prevsize;
- p = prev;
- if (RTCHECK(ok_address(fm, prev))) { /* consolidate backward */
- if (p != fm->dv) {
- unlink_chunk(fm, p, prevsize);
- }
- else if ((next->head & INUSE_BITS) == INUSE_BITS) {
- fm->dvsize = psize;
- set_free_with_pinuse(p, psize, next);
- goto postaction;
- }
- }
- else
- goto erroraction;
- }
- }
- if (RTCHECK(ok_next(p, next) && ok_pinuse(next))) {
- if (!cinuse(next)) { /* consolidate forward */
- if (next == fm->top) {
- size_t tsize = fm->topsize += psize;
- fm->top = p;
- p->head = tsize | PINUSE_BIT;
- if (p == fm->dv) {
- fm->dv = 0;
- fm->dvsize = 0;
- }
- if (should_trim(fm, tsize))
- sys_trim(fm, 0);
- goto postaction;
- }
- else if (next == fm->dv) {
- size_t dsize = fm->dvsize += psize;
- fm->dv = p;
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_free_chunk(p, dsize);
- goto postaction;
- }
- else {
- size_t nsize = chunksize(next);
- psize += nsize;
- unlink_chunk(fm, next, nsize);
- set_size_and_pinuse_of_free_chunk(p, psize);
- if (p == fm->dv) {
- fm->dvsize = psize;
- goto postaction;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- set_free_with_pinuse(p, psize, next);
- if (is_small(psize)) {
- insert_small_chunk(fm, p, psize);
- check_free_chunk(fm, p);
- }
- else {
- tchunkptr tp = (tchunkptr)p;
- insert_large_chunk(fm, tp, psize);
- check_free_chunk(fm, p);
- if (--fm->release_checks == 0)
- release_unused_segments(fm);
- }
- goto postaction;
- }
- }
- erroraction:
- postaction:
- }
- }
-void* mspace_calloc(mspace msp, size_t n_elements, size_t elem_size) {
- void* mem;
- size_t req = 0;
- mstate ms = (mstate)msp;
- if (!ok_magic(ms)) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (n_elements != 0) {
- req = n_elements * elem_size;
- if (((n_elements | elem_size) & ~(size_t)0xffff) &&
- (req / n_elements != elem_size))
- req = MAX_SIZE_T; /* force downstream failure on overflow */
- }
- mem = internal_malloc(ms, req);
- if (mem != 0 && calloc_must_clear(mem2chunk(mem)))
- memset(mem, 0, req);
- return mem;
-void* mspace_realloc(mspace msp, void* oldmem, size_t bytes) {
- if (oldmem == 0)
- return mspace_malloc(msp, bytes);
- if (bytes == 0) {
- mspace_free(msp, oldmem);
- return 0;
- }
- else {
- mchunkptr p = mem2chunk(oldmem);
- mstate ms = get_mstate_for(p);
-#else /* FOOTERS */
- mstate ms = (mstate)msp;
-#endif /* FOOTERS */
- if (!ok_magic(ms)) {
- return 0;
- }
- return internal_realloc(ms, oldmem, bytes);
- }
-void* mspace_memalign(mspace msp, size_t alignment, size_t bytes) {
- mstate ms = (mstate)msp;
- if (!ok_magic(ms)) {
- return 0;
- }
- return internal_memalign(ms, alignment, bytes);
-void** mspace_independent_calloc(mspace msp, size_t n_elements,
- size_t elem_size, void* chunks[]) {
- size_t sz = elem_size; /* serves as 1-element array */
- mstate ms = (mstate)msp;
- if (!ok_magic(ms)) {
- return 0;
- }
- return ialloc(ms, n_elements, &sz, 3, chunks);
-void** mspace_independent_comalloc(mspace msp, size_t n_elements,
- size_t sizes[], void* chunks[]) {
- mstate ms = (mstate)msp;
- if (!ok_magic(ms)) {
- return 0;
- }
- return ialloc(ms, n_elements, sizes, 0, chunks);
-int mspace_trim(mspace msp, size_t pad) {
- int result = 0;
- mstate ms = (mstate)msp;
- if (ok_magic(ms)) {
- if (!PREACTION(ms)) {
- result = sys_trim(ms, pad);
- }
- }
- else {
- }
- return result;
-void mspace_malloc_stats(mspace msp) {
- mstate ms = (mstate)msp;
- if (ok_magic(ms)) {
- internal_malloc_stats(ms);
- }
- else {
- }
-size_t mspace_footprint(mspace msp) {
- size_t result = 0;
- mstate ms = (mstate)msp;
- if (ok_magic(ms)) {
- result = ms->footprint;
- }
- else {
- }
- return result;
-size_t mspace_max_footprint(mspace msp) {
- size_t result = 0;
- mstate ms = (mstate)msp;
- if (ok_magic(ms)) {
- result = ms->max_footprint;
- }
- else {
- }
- return result;
-struct mallinfo mspace_mallinfo(mspace msp) {
- mstate ms = (mstate)msp;
- if (!ok_magic(ms)) {
- }
- return internal_mallinfo(ms);
-#endif /* NO_MALLINFO */
-size_t mspace_usable_size(void* mem) {
- if (mem != 0) {
- mchunkptr p = mem2chunk(mem);
- if (is_inuse(p))
- return chunksize(p) - overhead_for(p);
- }
- return 0;
-int mspace_mallopt(int param_number, int value) {
- return change_mparam(param_number, value);
-#endif /* MSPACES */
-/* -------------------- Alternative MORECORE functions ------------------- */
- Guidelines for creating a custom version of MORECORE:
- * For best performance, MORECORE should allocate in multiples of pagesize.
- * MORECORE may allocate more memory than requested. (Or even less,
- but this will usually result in a malloc failure.)
- * MORECORE must not allocate memory when given argument zero, but
- instead return one past the end address of memory from previous
- nonzero call.
- * For best performance, consecutive calls to MORECORE with positive
- arguments should return increasing addresses, indicating that
- space has been contiguously extended.
- * Even though consecutive calls to MORECORE need not return contiguous
- addresses, it must be OK for malloc'ed chunks to span multiple
- regions in those cases where they do happen to be contiguous.
- * MORECORE need not handle negative arguments -- it may instead
- just return MFAIL when given negative arguments.
- Negative arguments are always multiples of pagesize. MORECORE
- must not misinterpret negative args as large positive unsigned
- args. You can suppress all such calls from even occurring by defining
- As an example alternative MORECORE, here is a custom allocator
- kindly contributed for pre-OSX macOS. It uses virtually but not
- necessarily physically contiguous non-paged memory (locked in,
- present and won't get swapped out). You can use it by uncommenting
- this section, adding some #includes, and setting up the appropriate
- defines above:
- #define MORECORE osMoreCore
- There is also a shutdown routine that should somehow be called for
- cleanup upon program exit.
- #define MAX_POOL_ENTRIES 100
- #define MINIMUM_MORECORE_SIZE (64 * 1024U)
- static int next_os_pool;
- void *our_os_pools[MAX_POOL_ENTRIES];
- void *osMoreCore(int size)
- {
- void *ptr = 0;
- static void *sbrk_top = 0;
- if (size > 0)
- {
- if (CurrentExecutionLevel() == kTaskLevel)
- ptr = PoolAllocateResident(size + RM_PAGE_SIZE, 0);
- if (ptr == 0)
- {
- return (void *) MFAIL;
- }
- // save ptrs so they can be freed during cleanup
- our_os_pools[next_os_pool] = ptr;
- next_os_pool++;
- ptr = (void *) ((((size_t) ptr) + RM_PAGE_MASK) & ~RM_PAGE_MASK);
- sbrk_top = (char *) ptr + size;
- return ptr;
- }
- else if (size < 0)
- {
- // we don't currently support shrink behavior
- return (void *) MFAIL;
- }
- else
- {
- return sbrk_top;
- }
- }
- // cleanup any allocated memory pools
- // called as last thing before shutting down driver
- void osCleanupMem(void)
- {
- void **ptr;
- for (ptr = our_os_pools; ptr < &our_os_pools[MAX_POOL_ENTRIES]; ptr++)
- if (*ptr)
- {
- PoolDeallocate(*ptr);
- *ptr = 0;
- }
- }
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- V2.8.4 Wed May 27 09:56:23 2009 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
- * Use zeros instead of prev foot for is_mmapped
- * Add mspace_track_large_chunks; thanks to Jean Brouwers
- * Fix set_inuse in internal_realloc; thanks to Jean Brouwers
- * Fix insufficient sys_alloc padding when using 16byte alignment
- * Fix bad error check in mspace_footprint
- * Adaptations for ptmalloc; thanks to Wolfram Gloger.
- * Reentrant spin locks; thanks to Earl Chew and others
- * Win32 improvements; thanks to Niall Douglas and Earl Chew
- * Extension hook in malloc_state
- * Various small adjustments to reduce warnings on some compilers
- * Various configuration extensions/changes for more platforms. Thanks
- to all who contributed these.
- V2.8.3 Thu Sep 22 11:16:32 2005 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
- * Add max_footprint functions
- * Ensure all appropriate literals are size_t
- * Fix conditional compilation problem for some #define settings
- * Avoid concatenating segments with the one provided
- in create_mspace_with_base
- * Rename some variables to avoid compiler shadowing warnings
- * Use explicit lock initialization.
- * Better handling of sbrk interference.
- * Simplify and fix segment insertion, trimming and mspace_destroy
- * Reinstate REALLOC_ZERO_BYTES_FREES option from 2.7.x
- * Thanks especially to Dennis Flanagan for help on these.
- V2.8.2 Sun Jun 12 16:01:10 2005 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
- * Fix memalign brace error.
- V2.8.1 Wed Jun 8 16:11:46 2005 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
- * Fix improper #endif nesting in C++
- * Add explicit casts needed for C++
- V2.8.0 Mon May 30 14:09:02 2005 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
- * Use trees for large bins
- * Support mspaces
- * Use segments to unify sbrk-based and mmap-based system allocation,
- removing need for emulation on most platforms without sbrk.
- * Default safety checks
- * Optional footer checks. Thanks to William Robertson for the idea.
- * Internal code refactoring
- * Incorporate suggestions and platform-specific changes.
- Thanks to Dennis Flanagan, Colin Plumb, Niall Douglas,
- Aaron Bachmann, Emery Berger, and others.
- * Speed up non-fastbin processing enough to remove fastbins.
- * Remove useless cfree() to avoid conflicts with other apps.
- * Remove internal memcpy, memset. Compilers handle builtins better.
- * Remove some options that no one ever used and rename others.
- V2.7.2 Sat Aug 17 09:07:30 2002 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
- * Fix malloc_state bitmap array misdeclaration
- V2.7.1 Thu Jul 25 10:58:03 2002 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
- * Allow tuning of FIRST_SORTED_BIN_SIZE
- * Use PTR_UINT as type for all ptr->int casts. Thanks to John Belmonte.
- * Better detection and support for non-contiguousness of MORECORE.
- Thanks to Andreas Mueller, Conal Walsh, and Wolfram Gloger
- * Bypass most of malloc if no frees. Thanks To Emery Berger.
- * Fix freeing of old top non-contiguous chunk im sysmalloc.
- * Raised default trim and map thresholds to 256K.
- * Fix mmap-related #defines. Thanks to Lubos Lunak.
- * Fix copy macros; added LACKS_FCNTL_H. Thanks to Neal Walfield.
- * Branch-free bin calculation
- * Default trim and mmap thresholds now 256K.
- V2.7.0 Sun Mar 11 14:14:06 2001 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
- * Introduce independent_comalloc and independent_calloc.
- Thanks to Michael Pachos for motivation and help.
- * Make optional .h file available
- * Allow > 2GB requests on 32bit systems.
- * new WIN32 sbrk, mmap, munmap, lock code from <>.
- Thanks also to Andreas Mueller <a.mueller at>,
- and Anonymous.
- * Allow override of MALLOC_ALIGNMENT (Thanks to Ruud Waij for
- helping test this.)
- * memalign: check alignment arg
- * realloc: don't try to shift chunks backwards, since this
- leads to more fragmentation in some programs and doesn't
- seem to help in any others.
- * Collect all cases in malloc requiring system memory into sysmalloc
- * Use mmap as backup to sbrk
- * Place all internal state in malloc_state
- * Introduce fastbins (although similar to 2.5.1)
- * Many minor tunings and cosmetic improvements
- Thanks to Tony E. Bennett <> and others.
- * Include errno.h to support default failure action.
- V2.6.6 Sun Dec 5 07:42:19 1999 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
- * return null for negative arguments
- * Added Several WIN32 cleanups from Martin C. Fong <mcfong at>
- * Add 'LACKS_SYS_PARAM_H' for those systems without 'sys/param.h'
- (e.g. WIN32 platforms)
- * Cleanup header file inclusion for WIN32 platforms
- * Cleanup code to avoid Microsoft Visual C++ compiler complaints
- * Add 'USE_DL_PREFIX' to quickly allow co-existence with existing
- memory allocation routines
- * Set 'malloc_getpagesize' for WIN32 platforms (needs more work)
- * Use 'assert' rather than 'ASSERT' in WIN32 code to conform to
- usage of 'assert' in non-WIN32 code
- * Improve WIN32 'sbrk()' emulation's 'findRegion()' routine to
- avoid infinite loop
- * Always call 'fREe()' rather than 'free()'
- V2.6.5 Wed Jun 17 15:57:31 1998 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
- * Fixed ordering problem with boundary-stamping
- V2.6.3 Sun May 19 08:17:58 1996 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
- * Added pvalloc, as recommended by H.J. Liu
- * Added 64bit pointer support mainly from Wolfram Gloger
- * Added anonymously donated WIN32 sbrk emulation
- * Malloc, calloc, getpagesize: add optimizations from Raymond Nijssen
- * malloc_extend_top: fix mask error that caused wastage after
- foreign sbrks
- * Add linux mremap support code from HJ Liu
- V2.6.2 Tue Dec 5 06:52:55 1995 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
- * Integrated most documentation with the code.
- * Add support for mmap, with help from
- Wolfram Gloger (
- * Use last_remainder in more cases.
- * Pack bins using idea from
- * Use ordered bins instead of best-fit threshhold
- * Eliminate block-local decls to simplify tracing and debugging.
- * Support another case of realloc via move into top
- * Fix error occuring when initial sbrk_base not word-aligned.
- * Rely on page size for units instead of SBRK_UNIT to
- avoid surprises about sbrk alignment conventions.
- * Add mallinfo, mallopt. Thanks to Raymond Nijssen
- ( for the suggestion.
- * Add `pad' argument to malloc_trim and top_pad mallopt parameter.
- * More precautions for cases where other routines call sbrk,
- courtesy of Wolfram Gloger (
- * Added macros etc., allowing use in linux libc from
- H.J. Lu (
- * Inverted this history list
- V2.6.1 Sat Dec 2 14:10:57 1995 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
- * Re-tuned and fixed to behave more nicely with V2.6.0 changes.
- * Removed all preallocation code since under current scheme
- the work required to undo bad preallocations exceeds
- the work saved in good cases for most test programs.
- * No longer use return list or unconsolidated bins since
- no scheme using them consistently outperforms those that don't
- given above changes.
- * Use best fit for very large chunks to prevent some worst-cases.
- * Added some support for debugging
- V2.6.0 Sat Nov 4 07:05:23 1995 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
- * Removed footers when chunks are in use. Thanks to
- Paul Wilson ( for the suggestion.
- V2.5.4 Wed Nov 1 07:54:51 1995 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
- * Added malloc_trim, with help from Wolfram Gloger
- (wmglo@Dent.MED.Uni-Muenchen.DE).
- V2.5.3 Tue Apr 26 10:16:01 1994 Doug Lea (dl at g)
- V2.5.2 Tue Apr 5 16:20:40 1994 Doug Lea (dl at g)
- * realloc: try to expand in both directions
- * malloc: swap order of clean-bin strategy;
- * realloc: only conditionally expand backwards
- * Try not to scavenge used bins
- * Use bin counts as a guide to preallocation
- * Occasionally bin return list chunks in first scan
- * Add a few optimizations from
- V2.5.1 Sat Aug 14 15:40:43 1993 Doug Lea (dl at g)
- * faster bin computation & slightly different binning
- * merged all consolidations to one part of malloc proper
- (eliminating old malloc_find_space & malloc_clean_bin)
- * Scan 2 returns chunks (not just 1)
- * Propagate failure in realloc if malloc returns 0
- * Add stuff to allow compilation on non-ANSI compilers
- from
- V2.5 Sat Aug 7 07:41:59 1993 Doug Lea (dl at
- * removed potential for odd address access in prev_chunk
- * removed dependency on getpagesize.h
- * misc cosmetics and a bit more internal documentation
- * anticosmetics: mangled names in macros to evade debugger strangeness
- * tested on sparc, hp-700, dec-mips, rs6000
- with gcc & native cc (hp, dec only) allowing
- Detlefs & Zorn comparison study (in SIGPLAN Notices.)
- Trial version Fri Aug 28 13:14:29 1992 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Based loosely on libg++-1.2X malloc. (It retains some of the overall
- structure of old version, but most details differ.)
diff --git a/drivers/nedmalloc/memory_pool_static_nedmalloc.cpp b/drivers/nedmalloc/memory_pool_static_nedmalloc.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 21da056f07..0000000000
--- a/drivers/nedmalloc/memory_pool_static_nedmalloc.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-/* memory_pool_static_nedmalloc.cpp */
-/* This file is part of: */
-/* */
-/* Copyright (c) 2007-2016 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
-/* */
-/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
-/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
-/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
-/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
-/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
-/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
-/* the following conditions: */
-/* */
-/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
-/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
-/* */
-// C++ Implementation: memory_static_malloc
-// Description:
-// Author: Juan Linietsky <red@lunatea>, (C) 2006
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "memory_pool_static_nedmalloc.h"
-#include "error_macros.h"
-#include "os/memory.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "os/copymem.h"
-#include "os/os.h"
-#include "nedmalloc.h"
- * in debug mode, this appends the memory size before the allocated, returned pointer
- * so BE CAREFUL!
- */
-void* MemoryPoolStaticNedMalloc::alloc(size_t p_bytes,const char *p_description) {
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_bytes==0,0);
- MutexLock lock(mutex);
- void *mem=nedalloc::nedmalloc(p_bytes);
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!mem,0); //out of memory, or unreasonable request
- return mem;
-void* MemoryPoolStaticNedMalloc::realloc(void *p_memory,size_t p_bytes) {
- if (p_memory==NULL) {
- return alloc( p_bytes );
- }
- if (p_bytes<=0) {
- this->free(p_memory);
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V( p_bytes < 0 , NULL );
- return NULL;
- }
- MutexLock lock(mutex);
- return nedalloc::nedrealloc( p_memory, p_bytes );
-void MemoryPoolStaticNedMalloc::free(void *p_ptr) {
- MutexLock lock(mutex);
- ERR_FAIL_COND(p_ptr==0);
- nedalloc::nedfree(p_ptr);
-size_t MemoryPoolStaticNedMalloc::get_available_mem() const {
- return 0xffffffff;
-size_t MemoryPoolStaticNedMalloc::get_total_usage() {
- return nedalloc::nedmalloc_footprint();
-/* Most likely available only if memory debugger was compiled in */
-int MemoryPoolStaticNedMalloc::get_alloc_count() {
- return 0;
-void * MemoryPoolStaticNedMalloc::get_alloc_ptr(int p_alloc_idx) {
- return 0;
-const char* MemoryPoolStaticNedMalloc::get_alloc_description(int p_alloc_idx) {
- return "";
-size_t MemoryPoolStaticNedMalloc::get_alloc_size(int p_alloc_idx) {
- return 0;
-void MemoryPoolStaticNedMalloc::debug_print_all_memory() {
- nedalloc::nedmalloc_stats();
-MemoryPoolStaticNedMalloc::MemoryPoolStaticNedMalloc() {
- mutex=NULL;
-#ifndef NO_THREADS
- mutex=Mutex::create(); // at this point, this should work
-MemoryPoolStaticNedMalloc::~MemoryPoolStaticNedMalloc() {
- Mutex *old_mutex=mutex;
- mutex=NULL;
- if (old_mutex)
- memdelete(old_mutex);
- if (OS::get_singleton()->is_stdout_verbose())
- nedalloc::nedmalloc_stats();
diff --git a/drivers/nedmalloc/memory_pool_static_nedmalloc.h b/drivers/nedmalloc/memory_pool_static_nedmalloc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0033353a67..0000000000
--- a/drivers/nedmalloc/memory_pool_static_nedmalloc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-/* memory_pool_static_nedmalloc.h */
-/* This file is part of: */
-/* */
-/* Copyright (c) 2007-2016 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
-/* */
-/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
-/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
-/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
-/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
-/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
-/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
-/* the following conditions: */
-/* */
-/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
-/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
-/* */
-// C++ Interface: memory_static_malloc
-// Description:
-// Author: Juan Linietsky <red@lunatea>, (C) 2006
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "os/memory_pool_static.h"
-#include "os/mutex.h"
- @author Juan Linietsky <red@lunatea>
-class MemoryPoolStaticNedMalloc : public MemoryPoolStatic {
- Mutex *mutex;
- void* alloc(size_t p_bytes,const char *p_description=""); ///< Pointer in p_description shold be to a const char const like "hello"
- void* realloc(void *p_memory,size_t p_bytes); ///< Pointer in
- void free(void *p_ptr); ///< Pointer in p_description shold be to a const char const
- virtual size_t get_available_mem() const;
- virtual size_t get_total_usage();
- /* Most likely available only if memory debugger was compiled in */
- virtual int get_alloc_count();
- virtual void * get_alloc_ptr(int p_alloc_idx);
- virtual const char* get_alloc_description(int p_alloc_idx);
- virtual size_t get_alloc_size(int p_alloc_idx);
- virtual void debug_print_all_memory();
- MemoryPoolStaticNedMalloc();
- ~MemoryPoolStaticNedMalloc();
diff --git a/drivers/nedmalloc/nedmalloc.cpp b/drivers/nedmalloc/nedmalloc.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9aac277a2a..0000000000
--- a/drivers/nedmalloc/nedmalloc.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1467 +0,0 @@
-/* Alternative malloc implementation for multiple threads without
-lock contention based on dlmalloc. (C) 2005-2009 Niall Douglas
-Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization
-obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by
-this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute,
-execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the
-Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to
-do so, all subject to the following:
-The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including
-the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer,
-must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and
-all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative
-works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by
-a source language processor.
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-/* Enable full aliasing on MSVC */
-/*#pragma optimize("a", on)*/
-#pragma warning(push)
-#pragma warning(disable:4100) /* unreferenced formal parameter */
-#pragma warning(disable:4127) /* conditional expression is constant */
-#pragma warning(disable:4706) /* assignment within conditional expression */
-/*#define NEDMALLOC_DEBUG 1*/
-/* If link time code generation is on, don't force or prevent inlining */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(NEDMALLOC_DLL_EXPORTS)
-#define NOINLINE
-#include "nedmalloc.h"
-#ifdef WIN32
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include <stddef.h>
- #define MSPACES 1
- #define ONLY_MSPACES 1
-#define USE_DL_PREFIX 1
-#ifndef USE_LOCKS
- #define USE_LOCKS 1
-#define FOOTERS 1 /* Need to enable footers so frees lock the right mspace */
- #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG)
- #else
- #endif
-/* We need to consistently define DEBUG=0|1, _DEBUG and NDEBUG for dlmalloc */
-#undef DEBUG
-#undef _DEBUG
- #define _DEBUG
- #define DEBUG 1
- #define DEBUG 0
-#ifdef NDEBUG /* Disable assert checking on release builds */
- #undef DEBUG
- #undef _DEBUG
-/* The default of 64Kb means we spend too much time kernel-side */
-#define DEFAULT_GRANULARITY (1*1024*1024)
-#if DEBUG
-/*#define USE_SPIN_LOCKS 0*/
-#include "malloc.c.h"
-#ifdef NDEBUG /* Disable assert checking on release builds */
- #undef DEBUG
- #ifdef __GNUC__
- #warning DEBUG is defined so allocator will run with assert checking! Define NDEBUG to run at full speed.
- #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
- #pragma message(__FILE__ ": WARNING: DEBUG is defined so allocator will run with assert checking! Define NDEBUG to run at full speed.")
- #endif
-/* The maximum concurrent threads in a pool possible */
-/* The maximum number of threadcaches which can be allocated */
-/* The maximum size to be allocated from the thread cache */
-#define THREADCACHEMAX 8192
-#if 0
-/* The number of cache entries for finer grained bins. This is (topbitpos(THREADCACHEMAX)-4)*2 */
-#define THREADCACHEMAXBINS ((13-4)*2)
-/* The number of cache entries. This is (topbitpos(THREADCACHEMAX)-4) */
-/* Point at which the free space in a thread cache is garbage collected */
-#ifdef WIN32
- #define TLSVAR DWORD
- #define TLSALLOC(k) (*(k)=TlsAlloc(), TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES==*(k))
- #define TLSFREE(k) (!TlsFree(k))
- #define TLSGET(k) TlsGetValue(k)
- #define TLSSET(k, a) (!TlsSetValue(k, a))
- #ifdef DEBUG
-static LPVOID ChkedTlsGetValue(DWORD idx)
- LPVOID ret=TlsGetValue(idx);
- assert(S_OK==GetLastError());
- return ret;
- #undef TLSGET
- #define TLSGET(k) ChkedTlsGetValue(k)
- #endif
- #define TLSVAR pthread_key_t
- #define TLSALLOC(k) pthread_key_create(k, 0)
- #define TLSFREE(k) pthread_key_delete(k)
- #define TLSGET(k) pthread_getspecific(k)
- #define TLSSET(k, a) pthread_setspecific(k, a)
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-#if !defined(NO_NED_NAMESPACE)
-namespace nedalloc {
-extern "C" {
-static void *unsupported_operation(const char *opname) THROWSPEC
- fprintf(stderr, "nedmalloc: The operation %s is not supported under this build configuration\n", opname);
- abort();
- return 0;
-static size_t mspacecounter=(size_t) 0xdeadbeef;
-static void *RESTRICT leastusedaddress;
-static size_t largestusedblock;
-static FORCEINLINE void *CallMalloc(void *RESTRICT mspace, size_t size, size_t alignment) THROWSPEC
- void *RESTRICT ret=0;
- size_t _alignment=alignment;
- size_t *_ret=0;
- size+=alignment+3*sizeof(size_t);
- _alignment=0;
- ret=_alignment ?
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
- /* This is the MSVCRT equivalent */
- _aligned_malloc(size, _alignment)
-#elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__)
- /* This is the glibc/ptmalloc2/dlmalloc/BSD libc equivalent. */
- memalign(_alignment, size)
-#error Cannot aligned allocate with the memory allocator of an unknown system!
- : malloc(size);
- ret=_alignment ? mspace_memalign((mstate) mspace, _alignment, size) : mspace_malloc((mstate) mspace, size);
- if(ret)
- {
- size_t truesize=chunksize(mem2chunk(ret));
- if(!leastusedaddress || (void *)((mstate) mspace)->least_addr<leastusedaddress) leastusedaddress=(void *)((mstate) mspace)->least_addr;
- if(!largestusedblock || truesize>largestusedblock) largestusedblock=(truesize+mparams.page_size) & ~(mparams.page_size-1);
- }
- if(!ret) return 0;
- _ret=(size_t *) ret;
- ret=(void *)(_ret+3);
- if(alignment) ret=(void *)(((size_t) ret+alignment-1)&~(alignment-1));
- for(; _ret<(size_t *)ret-2; _ret++) *_ret=*(size_t *)"NEDMALOC";
- _ret[0]=(size_t) mspace;
- _ret[1]=size-3*sizeof(size_t);
- return ret;
-static FORCEINLINE void *CallCalloc(void *RESTRICT mspace, size_t size, size_t alignment) THROWSPEC
- void *RESTRICT ret=0;
- size_t *_ret=0;
- size+=alignment+3*sizeof(size_t);
- ret=calloc(1, size);
- ret=mspace_calloc((mstate) mspace, 1, size);
- if(ret)
- {
- size_t truesize=chunksize(mem2chunk(ret));
- if(!leastusedaddress || (void *)((mstate) mspace)->least_addr<leastusedaddress) leastusedaddress=(void *)((mstate) mspace)->least_addr;
- if(!largestusedblock || truesize>largestusedblock) largestusedblock=(truesize+mparams.page_size) & ~(mparams.page_size-1);
- }
- if(!ret) return 0;
- _ret=(size_t *) ret;
- ret=(void *)(_ret+3);
- if(alignment) ret=(void *)(((size_t) ret+alignment-1)&~(alignment-1));
- for(; _ret<(size_t *)ret-2; _ret++) *_ret=*(size_t *) "NEDMALOC";
- _ret[0]=(size_t) mspace;
- _ret[1]=size-3*sizeof(size_t);
- return ret;
-static FORCEINLINE void *CallRealloc(void *RESTRICT mspace, void *RESTRICT mem, int isforeign, size_t oldsize, size_t newsize) THROWSPEC
- void *RESTRICT ret=0;
- mstate oldmspace=0;
- size_t *_ret=0, *_mem=(size_t *) mem-3;
- if(isforeign)
- { /* Transfer */
- assert(_mem[0]!=*(size_t *) "NEDMALOC");
- if((ret=CallMalloc(mspace, newsize, 0)))
- {
-#if defined(DEBUG)
- printf("*** nedmalloc frees system allocated block %p\n", mem);
- memcpy(ret, mem, oldsize<newsize ? oldsize : newsize);
- free(mem);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- assert(_mem[0]==*(size_t *) "NEDMALOC");
- newsize+=3*sizeof(size_t);
- oldmspace=(mstate) _mem[1];
- assert(oldsize>=_mem[2]);
- for(; *_mem==*(size_t *) "NEDMALOC"; *_mem--=*(size_t *) "nedmaloc");
- mem=(void *)(++_mem);
- ret=realloc(mem, newsize);
- ret=mspace_realloc((mstate) mspace, mem, newsize);
- if(ret)
- {
- size_t truesize=chunksize(mem2chunk(ret));
- if(!largestusedblock || truesize>largestusedblock) largestusedblock=(truesize+mparams.page_size) & ~(mparams.page_size-1);
- }
- if(!ret)
- { /* Put it back the way it was */
- for(; *_mem==0; *_mem++=*(size_t *) "NEDMALOC");
- return 0;
- }
- _ret=(size_t *) ret;
- ret=(void *)(_ret+3);
- for(; _ret<(size_t *)ret-2; _ret++) *_ret=*(size_t *) "NEDMALOC";
- _ret[0]=(size_t) mspace;
- _ret[1]=newsize-3*sizeof(size_t);
- return ret;
-static FORCEINLINE void CallFree(void *RESTRICT mspace, void *RESTRICT mem, int isforeign) THROWSPEC
- mstate oldmspace=0;
- size_t *_mem=(size_t *) mem-3, oldsize=0;
- if(isforeign)
- {
- assert(_mem[0]!=*(size_t *) "NEDMALOC");
-#if defined(DEBUG)
- printf("*** nedmalloc frees system allocated block %p\n", mem);
- free(mem);
- return;
- }
- assert(_mem[0]==*(size_t *) "NEDMALOC");
- oldmspace=(mstate) _mem[1];
- oldsize=_mem[2];
- for(; *_mem==*(size_t *) "NEDMALOC"; *_mem--=*(size_t *) "nedmaloc");
- mem=(void *)(++_mem);
- free(mem);
- mspace_free((mstate) mspace, mem);
-static NEDMALLOCNOALIASATTR mstate nedblkmstate(void *RESTRICT mem) THROWSPEC
- if(mem)
- {
- size_t *_mem=(size_t *) mem-3;
- if(_mem[0]==*(size_t *) "NEDMALOC")
- {
- return (mstate) _mem[1];
- }
- else return 0;
- /* Fail everything */
- return 0;
-#ifdef WIN32
- /* On Windows for RELEASE both x86 and x64 the NT heap precedes each block with an eight byte header
- which looks like:
- normal: 4 bytes of size, 4 bytes of [char < 64, char < 64, char < 64 bit 0 always set, char random ]
- mmaped: 4 bytes of size 4 bytes of [zero, zero, 0xb, zero ]
- On Windows for DEBUG both x86 and x64 the preceding four bytes is always 0xfdfdfdfd (no man's land).
- */
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
- struct _HEAP_ENTRY
- {
- USHORT Size;
- USHORT PreviousSize;
- UCHAR Cookie; /* SegmentIndex */
- UCHAR Flags; /* always bit 0 (HEAP_ENTRY_BUSY). bit 1=(HEAP_ENTRY_EXTRA_PRESENT), bit 2=normal block (HEAP_ENTRY_FILL_PATTERN), bit 3=mmap block (HEAP_ENTRY_VIRTUAL_ALLOC). Bit 4 (HEAP_ENTRY_LAST_ENTRY) could be set */
- UCHAR UnusedBytes;
- UCHAR SmallTagIndex; /* fastbin index. Always one of 0x02, 0x03, 0x04 < 0x80 */
- } *RESTRICT he=((struct _HEAP_ENTRY *) mem)-1;
-#pragma pack(pop)
- unsigned int header=((unsigned int *)mem)[-1], mask1=0x8080E100, result1, mask2=0xFFFFFF06, result2;
- result1=header & mask1; /* Positive testing for NT heap */
- result2=header & mask2; /* Positive testing for dlmalloc */
- if(result1==0x00000100 && result2!=0x00000102)
- { /* This is likely a NT heap block */
- return 0;
- }
-#ifdef __linux__
- /* On Linux glibc uses ptmalloc2 (really dlmalloc) just as we do, but prev_foot contains rubbish
- when the preceding block is allocated because ptmalloc2 finds the local mstate by rounding the ptr
- down to the nearest megabyte. It's like dlmalloc with FOOTERS disabled. */
- mchunkptr p=mem2chunk(mem);
- mstate fm=get_mstate_for(p);
- /* If it's a ptmalloc2 block, fm is likely to be some crazy value */
- if(!is_aligned(fm)) return 0;
- if((size_t)mem-(size_t)fm>=(size_t)1<<(SIZE_T_BITSIZE-1)) return 0;
- if(ok_magic(fm))
- return fm;
- else
- return 0;
- if(1) { }
- else
- {
- mchunkptr p=mem2chunk(mem);
- mstate fm=get_mstate_for(p);
- assert(ok_magic(fm)); /* If this fails, someone tried to free a block twice */
- if(ok_magic(fm))
- return fm;
- }
-//#ifdef WIN32
-// __try
- {
- /* We try to return zero here if it isn't one of our own blocks, however
- the current block annotation scheme used by dlmalloc makes it impossible
- to be absolutely sure of avoiding a segfault.
- mchunkptr->prev_foot = mem-(2*size_t) = mstate ^ mparams.magic for PRECEDING block;
- mchunkptr->head = mem-(1*size_t) = 8 multiple size of this block with bottom three bits = FLAG_BITS
- FLAG_BITS = bit 0 is CINUSE (currently in use unless is mmap), bit 1 is PINUSE (previous block currently
- in use unless mmap), bit 2 is UNUSED and currently is always zero.
- */
- register void *RESTRICT leastusedaddress_=leastusedaddress; /* Cache these to avoid register reloading */
- register size_t largestusedblock_=largestusedblock;
- if(!is_aligned(mem)) return 0; /* Would fail very rarely as all allocators return aligned blocks */
- if(mem<leastusedaddress_) return 0; /* Simple but effective */
- {
- mchunkptr p=mem2chunk(mem);
- mstate fm=0;
- int ismmapped=is_mmapped(p);
- if((!ismmapped && !is_inuse(p)) || (p->head & FLAG4_BIT)) return 0;
- /* Reduced uncertainty by 0.5^2 = 25.0% */
- /* size should never exceed largestusedblock */
- if(chunksize(p)>largestusedblock_) return 0;
- /* Reduced uncertainty by a minimum of 0.5^3 = 12.5%, maximum 0.5^16 = 0.0015% */
- /* Having sanity checked prev_foot and head, check next block */
- if(!ismmapped && (!next_pinuse(p) || (next_chunk(p)->head & FLAG4_BIT))) return 0;
- /* Reduced uncertainty by 0.5^5 = 3.13% or 0.5^18 = 0.00038% */
- #if 0
- /* If previous block is free, check that its next block pointer equals us */
- if(!ismmapped && !pinuse(p))
- if(next_chunk(prev_chunk(p))!=p) return 0;
- /* We could start comparing prev_foot's for similarity but it starts getting slow. */
- #endif
- fm = get_mstate_for(p);
- if(!is_aligned(fm) || (void *)fm<leastusedaddress_) return 0;
- if((size_t)mem-(size_t)fm>=(size_t)1<<(SIZE_T_BITSIZE-1)) return 0;
- assert(ok_magic(fm)); /* If this fails, someone tried to free a block twice */
- if(ok_magic(fm))
- return fm;
- }
- }
-//#ifdef WIN32
-// __except(1) { }
- }
- return 0;
-NEDMALLOCNOALIASATTR size_t nedblksize(int *RESTRICT isforeign, void *RESTRICT mem) THROWSPEC
- if(mem)
- {
- if(isforeign) *isforeign=1;
- {
- size_t *_mem=(size_t *) mem-3;
- if(_mem[0]==*(size_t *) "NEDMALOC")
- {
- mstate mspace=(mstate) _mem[1];
- size_t size=_mem[2];
- if(isforeign) *isforeign=0;
- return size;
- }
- }
- if(nedblkmstate(mem))
- {
- mchunkptr p=mem2chunk(mem);
- if(isforeign) *isforeign=0;
- return chunksize(p)-overhead_for(p);
- }
-#ifdef DEBUG
- else
- {
- int a=1; /* Set breakpoints here if needed */
- }
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
- /* This is the MSVCRT equivalent */
- return _msize(mem);
-#elif defined(__linux__)
- /* This is the glibc/ptmalloc2/dlmalloc equivalent. */
- return malloc_usable_size(mem);
-#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__)
- /* This is the BSD libc equivalent. */
- return malloc_size(mem);
-#error Cannot tolerate the memory allocator of an unknown system!
- }
- return 0;
-NEDMALLOCNOALIASATTR void nedsetvalue(void *v) THROWSPEC { nedpsetvalue((nedpool *) 0, v); }
-NEDMALLOCNOALIASATTR NEDMALLOCPTRATTR void * nedmalloc(size_t size) THROWSPEC { return nedpmalloc((nedpool *) 0, size); }
-NEDMALLOCNOALIASATTR NEDMALLOCPTRATTR void * nedcalloc(size_t no, size_t size) THROWSPEC { return nedpcalloc((nedpool *) 0, no, size); }
-NEDMALLOCNOALIASATTR NEDMALLOCPTRATTR void * nedrealloc(void *mem, size_t size) THROWSPEC { return nedprealloc((nedpool *) 0, mem, size); }
-NEDMALLOCNOALIASATTR void nedfree(void *mem) THROWSPEC { nedpfree((nedpool *) 0, mem); }
-NEDMALLOCNOALIASATTR NEDMALLOCPTRATTR void * nedmemalign(size_t alignment, size_t bytes) THROWSPEC { return nedpmemalign((nedpool *) 0, alignment, bytes); }
-NEDMALLOCNOALIASATTR struct nedmallinfo nedmallinfo(void) THROWSPEC { return nedpmallinfo((nedpool *) 0); }
-NEDMALLOCNOALIASATTR int nedmallopt(int parno, int value) THROWSPEC { return nedpmallopt((nedpool *) 0, parno, value); }
-NEDMALLOCNOALIASATTR int nedmalloc_trim(size_t pad) THROWSPEC { return nedpmalloc_trim((nedpool *) 0, pad); }
-void nedmalloc_stats() THROWSPEC { nedpmalloc_stats((nedpool *) 0); }
-NEDMALLOCNOALIASATTR size_t nedmalloc_footprint() THROWSPEC { return nedpmalloc_footprint((nedpool *) 0); }
-NEDMALLOCNOALIASATTR NEDMALLOCPTRATTR void **nedindependent_calloc(size_t elemsno, size_t elemsize, void **chunks) THROWSPEC { return nedpindependent_calloc((nedpool *) 0, elemsno, elemsize, chunks); }
-NEDMALLOCNOALIASATTR NEDMALLOCPTRATTR void **nedindependent_comalloc(size_t elems, size_t *sizes, void **chunks) THROWSPEC { return nedpindependent_comalloc((nedpool *) 0, elems, sizes, chunks); }
-struct threadcacheblk_t;
-typedef struct threadcacheblk_t threadcacheblk;
-struct threadcacheblk_t
-{ /* Keep less than 16 bytes on 32 bit systems and 32 bytes on 64 bit systems */
- unsigned int magic;
- unsigned int lastUsed, size;
- threadcacheblk *next, *prev;
-typedef struct threadcache_t
- unsigned int magic1;
- int mymspace; /* Last mspace entry this thread used */
- long threadid;
- unsigned int mallocs, frees, successes;
- size_t freeInCache; /* How much free space is stored in this cache */
- threadcacheblk *bins[(THREADCACHEMAXBINS+1)*2];
- unsigned int magic2;
-} threadcache;
-struct nedpool_t
- MLOCK_T mutex;
- void *uservalue;
- int threads; /* Max entries in m to use */
- threadcache *caches[THREADCACHEMAXCACHES];
- TLSVAR mycache; /* Thread cache for this thread. 0 for unset, negative for use mspace-1 directly, otherwise is cache-1 */
- mstate m[MAXTHREADSINPOOL+1]; /* mspace entries for this pool */
-static nedpool syspool;
-static FORCEINLINE NEDMALLOCNOALIASATTR unsigned int size2binidx(size_t _size) THROWSPEC
-{ /* 8=1000 16=10000 20=10100 24=11000 32=100000 48=110000 4096=1000000000000 */
- unsigned int topbit, size=(unsigned int)(_size>>4);
- /* 16=1 20=1 24=1 32=10 48=11 64=100 96=110 128=1000 4096=100000000 */
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
- topbit = sizeof(size)*__CHAR_BIT__ - 1 - __builtin_clz(size);
-#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER>=1300
- {
- unsigned long bsrTopBit;
- _BitScanReverse(&bsrTopBit, size);
- topbit = bsrTopBit;
- }
-#if 0
- union {
- unsigned asInt[2];
- double asDouble;
- };
- int n;
- asDouble = (double)size + 0.5;
- topbit = (asInt[!FOX_BIGENDIAN] >> 20) - 1023;
- {
- unsigned int x=size;
- x = x | (x >> 1);
- x = x | (x >> 2);
- x = x | (x >> 4);
- x = x | (x >> 8);
- x = x | (x >>16);
- x = ~x;
- x = x - ((x >> 1) & 0x55555555);
- x = (x & 0x33333333) + ((x >> 2) & 0x33333333);
- x = (x + (x >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
- x = x + (x << 8);
- x = x + (x << 16);
- topbit=31 - (x >> 24);
- }
- return topbit;
-static void tcsanitycheck(threadcacheblk **ptr) THROWSPEC
- assert((ptr[0] && ptr[1]) || (!ptr[0] && !ptr[1]));
- if(ptr[0] && ptr[1])
- {
- assert(nedblksize(ptr[0])>=sizeof(threadcacheblk));
- assert(nedblksize(ptr[1])>=sizeof(threadcacheblk));
- assert(*(unsigned int *) "NEDN"==ptr[0]->magic);
- assert(*(unsigned int *) "NEDN"==ptr[1]->magic);
- assert(!ptr[0]->prev);
- assert(!ptr[1]->next);
- if(ptr[0]==ptr[1])
- {
- assert(!ptr[0]->next);
- assert(!ptr[1]->prev);
- }
- }
-static void tcfullsanitycheck(threadcache *tc) THROWSPEC
- threadcacheblk **tcbptr=tc->bins;
- int n;
- for(n=0; n<=THREADCACHEMAXBINS; n++, tcbptr+=2)
- {
- threadcacheblk *b, *ob=0;
- tcsanitycheck(tcbptr);
- for(b=tcbptr[0]; b; ob=b, b=b->next)
- {
- assert(*(unsigned int *) "NEDN"==b->magic);
- assert(!ob || ob->next==b);
- assert(!ob || b->prev==ob);
- }
- }
-static NOINLINE void RemoveCacheEntries(nedpool *RESTRICT p, threadcache *RESTRICT tc, unsigned int age) THROWSPEC
- tcfullsanitycheck(tc);
- if(tc->freeInCache)
- {
- threadcacheblk **tcbptr=tc->bins;
- int n;
- for(n=0; n<=THREADCACHEMAXBINS; n++, tcbptr+=2)
- {
- threadcacheblk **tcb=tcbptr+1; /* come from oldest end of list */
- /*tcsanitycheck(tcbptr);*/
- for(; *tcb && tc->frees-(*tcb)->lastUsed>=age; )
- {
- threadcacheblk *f=*tcb;
- size_t blksize=f->size; /*nedblksize(f);*/
- assert(blksize<=nedblksize(0, f));
- assert(blksize);
- assert(*(unsigned int *) "NEDN"==(*tcb)->magic);
- *tcb=(*tcb)->prev;
- if(*tcb)
- (*tcb)->next=0;
- else
- *tcbptr=0;
- tc->freeInCache-=blksize;
- assert((long) tc->freeInCache>=0);
- CallFree(0, f, 0);
- /*tcsanitycheck(tcbptr);*/
- }
- }
- }
- tcfullsanitycheck(tc);
-static void DestroyCaches(nedpool *RESTRICT p) THROWSPEC
- if(p->caches)
- {
- threadcache *tc;
- int n;
- {
- if((tc=p->caches[n]))
- {
- tc->frees++;
- RemoveCacheEntries(p, tc, 0);
- assert(!tc->freeInCache);
- tc->mymspace=-1;
- tc->threadid=0;
- CallFree(0, tc, 0);
- p->caches[n]=0;
- }
- }
- }
-static NOINLINE threadcache *AllocCache(nedpool *RESTRICT p) THROWSPEC
- threadcache *tc=0;
- int n, end;
- ACQUIRE_LOCK(&p->mutex);
- for(n=0; n<THREADCACHEMAXCACHES && p->caches[n]; n++);
- { /* List exhausted, so disable for this thread */
- RELEASE_LOCK(&p->mutex);
- return 0;
- }
- tc=p->caches[n]=(threadcache *) CallCalloc(p->m[0], sizeof(threadcache), 0);
- if(!tc)
- {
- RELEASE_LOCK(&p->mutex);
- return 0;
- }
- tc->magic1=*(unsigned int *)"NEDMALC1";
- tc->magic2=*(unsigned int *)"NEDMALC2";
- tc->threadid=(long)(size_t)CURRENT_THREAD;
- for(end=0; p->m[end]; end++);
- tc->mymspace=abs(tc->threadid) % end;
- RELEASE_LOCK(&p->mutex);
- if(TLSSET(p->mycache, (void *)(size_t)(n+1))) abort();
- return tc;
-static void *threadcache_malloc(nedpool *RESTRICT p, threadcache *RESTRICT tc, size_t *RESTRICT _size) THROWSPEC
- void *RESTRICT ret=0;
- size_t size=*_size, blksize=0;
- unsigned int bestsize;
- unsigned int idx=size2binidx(size);
- threadcacheblk *RESTRICT blk, **RESTRICT binsptr;
- tcfullsanitycheck(tc);
- /* Calculate best fit bin size */
- bestsize=1<<(idx+4);
-#if 0
- /* Finer grained bin fit */
- idx<<=1;
- if(size>bestsize)
- {
- idx++;
- bestsize+=bestsize>>1;
- }
- if(size>bestsize)
- {
- idx++;
- bestsize=1<<(4+(idx>>1));
- }
- if(size>bestsize)
- {
- idx++;
- bestsize<<=1;
- }
- assert(bestsize>=size);
- if(size<bestsize) size=bestsize;
- assert(size<=THREADCACHEMAX);
- binsptr=&tc->bins[idx*2];
- /* Try to match close, but move up a bin if necessary */
- blk=*binsptr;
- if(!blk || blk->size<size)
- { /* Bump it up a bin */
- {
- idx++;
- binsptr+=2;
- blk=*binsptr;
- }
- }
- if(blk)
- {
- blksize=blk->size; /*nedblksize(blk);*/
- assert(nedblksize(0, blk)>=blksize);
- assert(blksize>=size);
- if(blk->next)
- blk->next->prev=0;
- *binsptr=blk->next;
- if(!*binsptr)
- binsptr[1]=0;
- blk->magic=0;
- assert(binsptr[0]!=blk && binsptr[1]!=blk);
- assert(nedblksize(0, blk)>=sizeof(threadcacheblk) && nedblksize(0, blk)<=THREADCACHEMAX+CHUNK_OVERHEAD);
- /*printf("malloc: %p, %p, %p, %lu\n", p, tc, blk, (long) _size);*/
- ret=(void *) blk;
- }
- ++tc->mallocs;
- if(ret)
- {
- assert(blksize>=size);
- ++tc->successes;
- tc->freeInCache-=blksize;
- assert((long) tc->freeInCache>=0);
- }
-#if defined(DEBUG) && 0
- if(!(tc->mallocs & 0xfff))
- {
- printf("*** threadcache=%u, mallocs=%u (%f), free=%u (%f), freeInCache=%u\n", (unsigned int) tc->threadid, tc->mallocs,
- (float) tc->successes/tc->mallocs, tc->frees, (float) tc->successes/tc->frees, (unsigned int) tc->freeInCache);
- }
- tcfullsanitycheck(tc);
- *_size=size;
- return ret;
-static NOINLINE void ReleaseFreeInCache(nedpool *RESTRICT p, threadcache *RESTRICT tc, int mymspace) THROWSPEC
- unsigned int age=THREADCACHEMAXFREESPACE/8192;
- /*ACQUIRE_LOCK(&p->m[mymspace]->mutex);*/
- while(age && tc->freeInCache>=THREADCACHEMAXFREESPACE)
- {
- RemoveCacheEntries(p, tc, age);
- /*printf("*** Removing cache entries older than %u (%u)\n", age, (unsigned int) tc->freeInCache);*/
- age>>=1;
- }
- /*RELEASE_LOCK(&p->m[mymspace]->mutex);*/
-static void threadcache_free(nedpool *RESTRICT p, threadcache *RESTRICT tc, int mymspace, void *RESTRICT mem, size_t size) THROWSPEC
- unsigned int bestsize;
- unsigned int idx=size2binidx(size);
- threadcacheblk **RESTRICT binsptr, *RESTRICT tck=(threadcacheblk *) mem;
- assert(size>=sizeof(threadcacheblk) && size<=THREADCACHEMAX+CHUNK_OVERHEAD);
-#ifdef DEBUG
- /* Make sure this is a valid memory block */
- assert(nedblksize(0, mem));
- tcfullsanitycheck(tc);
- /* Calculate best fit bin size */
- bestsize=1<<(idx+4);
-#if 0
- /* Finer grained bin fit */
- idx<<=1;
- if(size>bestsize)
- {
- unsigned int biggerbestsize=bestsize+bestsize<<1;
- if(size>=biggerbestsize)
- {
- idx++;
- bestsize=biggerbestsize;
- }
- }
- if(bestsize!=size) /* dlmalloc can round up, so we round down to preserve indexing */
- size=bestsize;
- binsptr=&tc->bins[idx*2];
- if(tck==*binsptr)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "nedmalloc: Attempt to free already freed memory block %p - aborting!\n", tck);
- abort();
- }
- tck->magic=*(unsigned int *) "NEDN";
- tck->lastUsed=++tc->frees;
- tck->size=(unsigned int) size;
- tck->next=*binsptr;
- tck->prev=0;
- if(tck->next)
- tck->next->prev=tck;
- else
- binsptr[1]=tck;
- assert(!*binsptr || (*binsptr)->size==tck->size);
- *binsptr=tck;
- assert(tck==tc->bins[idx*2]);
- assert(tc->bins[idx*2+1]==tck || binsptr[0]->next->prev==tck);
- /*printf("free: %p, %p, %p, %lu\n", p, tc, mem, (long) size);*/
- tc->freeInCache+=size;
- tcfullsanitycheck(tc);
-#if 1
- ReleaseFreeInCache(p, tc, mymspace);
-static NOINLINE int InitPool(nedpool *RESTRICT p, size_t capacity, int threads) THROWSPEC
-{ /* threads is -1 for system pool */
- ensure_initialization();
- if(p->threads) goto done;
- if(INITIAL_LOCK(&p->mutex)) goto err;
- if(TLSALLOC(&p->mycache)) goto err;
- p->m[0]=(mstate) mspacecounter++;
- if(!(p->m[0]=(mstate) create_mspace(capacity, 1))) goto err;
- p->m[0]->extp=p;
- p->threads=(threads<1 || threads>MAXTHREADSINPOOL) ? MAXTHREADSINPOOL : threads;
- return 1;
- if(threads<0)
- abort(); /* If you can't allocate for system pool, we're screwed */
- DestroyCaches(p);
- if(p->m[0])
- {
- destroy_mspace(p->m[0]);
- p->m[0]=0;
- }
- if(p->mycache)
- {
- if(TLSFREE(p->mycache)) abort();
- p->mycache=0;
- }
- return 0;
-static NOINLINE mstate FindMSpace(nedpool *RESTRICT p, threadcache *RESTRICT tc, int *RESTRICT lastUsed, size_t size) THROWSPEC
-{ /* Gets called when thread's last used mspace is in use. The strategy
- is to run through the list of all available mspaces looking for an
- unlocked one and if we fail, we create a new one so long as we don't
- exceed p->threads */
- int n, end;
- for(n=end=*lastUsed+1; p->m[n]; end=++n)
- {
- if(TRY_LOCK(&p->m[n]->mutex)) goto found;
- }
- for(n=0; n<*lastUsed && p->m[n]; n++)
- {
- if(TRY_LOCK(&p->m[n]->mutex)) goto found;
- }
- if(end<p->threads)
- {
- mstate temp;
- temp=(mstate) mspacecounter++;
- if(!(temp=(mstate) create_mspace(size, 1)))
- goto badexit;
- /* Now we're ready to modify the lists, we lock */
- ACQUIRE_LOCK(&p->mutex);
- while(p->m[end] && end<p->threads)
- end++;
- if(end>=p->threads)
- { /* Drat, must destroy it now */
- RELEASE_LOCK(&p->mutex);
- destroy_mspace((mstate) temp);
- goto badexit;
- }
- /* We really want to make sure this goes into memory now but we
- have to be careful of breaking aliasing rules, so write it twice */
- *((volatile struct malloc_state **) &p->m[end])=p->m[end]=temp;
- ACQUIRE_LOCK(&p->m[end]->mutex);
- /*printf("Created mspace idx %d\n", end);*/
- RELEASE_LOCK(&p->mutex);
- n=end;
- goto found;
- }
- /* Let it lock on the last one it used */
- ACQUIRE_LOCK(&p->m[*lastUsed]->mutex);
- return p->m[*lastUsed];
- *lastUsed=n;
- if(tc)
- tc->mymspace=n;
- else
- {
- if(TLSSET(p->mycache, (void *)(size_t)(-(n+1)))) abort();
- }
- return p->m[n];
-typedef struct PoolList_t
- size_t size; /* Size of list */
- size_t length; /* Actual entries in list */
-#ifdef DEBUG
- nedpool *list[1]; /* Force testing of list expansion */
- nedpool *list[16];
-} PoolList;
-static MLOCK_T poollistlock;
-static PoolList *poollist;
-NEDMALLOCPTRATTR nedpool *nedcreatepool(size_t capacity, int threads) THROWSPEC
- nedpool *ret=0;
- if(!poollist)
- {
- PoolList *newpoollist=0;
- if(!(newpoollist=(PoolList *) nedpcalloc(0, 1, sizeof(PoolList)+sizeof(nedpool *)))) return 0;
- INITIAL_LOCK(&poollistlock);
- ACQUIRE_LOCK(&poollistlock);
- poollist=newpoollist;
- poollist->size=sizeof(poollist->list)/sizeof(nedpool *);
- }
- else
- ACQUIRE_LOCK(&poollistlock);
- if(poollist->length==poollist->size)
- {
- PoolList *newpoollist=0;
- size_t newsize=0;
- newsize=sizeof(PoolList)+(poollist->size+1)*sizeof(nedpool *);
- if(!(newpoollist=(PoolList *) nedprealloc(0, poollist, newsize))) goto badexit;
- poollist=newpoollist;
- memset(&poollist->list[poollist->size], 0, newsize-((size_t)&poollist->list[poollist->size]-(size_t)&poollist->list[0]));
- poollist->size=((newsize-((char *)&poollist->list[0]-(char *)poollist))/sizeof(nedpool *))-1;
- assert(poollist->size>poollist->length);
- }
- if(!(ret=(nedpool *) nedpcalloc(0, 1, sizeof(nedpool)))) goto badexit;
- if(!InitPool(ret, capacity, threads))
- {
- nedpfree(0, ret);
- goto badexit;
- }
- poollist->list[poollist->length++]=ret;
- RELEASE_LOCK(&poollistlock);
- return ret;
-void neddestroypool(nedpool *p) THROWSPEC
- unsigned int n;
- ACQUIRE_LOCK(&p->mutex);
- DestroyCaches(p);
- for(n=0; p->m[n]; n++)
- {
- destroy_mspace(p->m[n]);
- p->m[n]=0;
- }
- RELEASE_LOCK(&p->mutex);
- if(TLSFREE(p->mycache)) abort();
- nedpfree(0, p);
- ACQUIRE_LOCK(&poollistlock);
- assert(poollist);
- for(n=0; n<poollist->length && poollist->list[n]!=p; n++);
- assert(n!=poollist->length);
- memmove(&poollist->list[n], &poollist->list[n+1], (size_t)&poollist->list[poollist->length]-(size_t)&poollist->list[n]);
- if(!--poollist->length)
- {
- assert(!poollist->list[0]);
- nedpfree(0, poollist);
- poollist=0;
- }
- RELEASE_LOCK(&poollistlock);
-void neddestroysyspool() THROWSPEC
- nedpool *p=&syspool;
- int n;
- ACQUIRE_LOCK(&p->mutex);
- DestroyCaches(p);
- for(n=0; p->m[n]; n++)
- {
- destroy_mspace(p->m[n]);
- p->m[n]=0;
- }
- /* Render syspool unusable */
- p->caches[n]=(threadcache *)(size_t)(sizeof(size_t)>4 ? 0xdeadbeefdeadbeefULL : 0xdeadbeefUL);
- for(n=0; n<MAXTHREADSINPOOL+1; n++)
- p->m[n]=(mstate)(size_t)(sizeof(size_t)>4 ? 0xdeadbeefdeadbeefULL : 0xdeadbeefUL);
- if(TLSFREE(p->mycache)) abort();
- RELEASE_LOCK(&p->mutex);
-nedpool **nedpoollist() THROWSPEC
- nedpool **ret=0;
- if(poollist)
- {
- ACQUIRE_LOCK(&poollistlock);
- if(!(ret=(nedpool **) nedmalloc((poollist->length+1)*sizeof(nedpool *)))) goto badexit;
- memcpy(ret, poollist->list, (poollist->length+1)*sizeof(nedpool *));
- RELEASE_LOCK(&poollistlock);
- }
- return ret;
-void nedpsetvalue(nedpool *p, void *v) THROWSPEC
- if(!p) { p=&syspool; if(!syspool.threads) InitPool(&syspool, 0, -1); }
- p->uservalue=v;
-void *nedgetvalue(nedpool **p, void *mem) THROWSPEC
- nedpool *np=0;
- mstate fm=nedblkmstate(mem);
- if(!fm || !fm->extp) return 0;
- np=(nedpool *) fm->extp;
- if(p) *p=np;
- return np->uservalue;
-void nedtrimthreadcache(nedpool *p, int disable) THROWSPEC
- int mycache;
- if(!p)
- {
- p=&syspool;
- if(!syspool.threads) InitPool(&syspool, 0, -1);
- }
- mycache=(int)(size_t) TLSGET(p->mycache);
- if(!mycache)
- { /* Set to mspace 0 */
- if(disable && TLSSET(p->mycache, (void *)(size_t)-1)) abort();
- }
- else if(mycache>0)
- { /* Set to last used mspace */
- threadcache *tc=p->caches[mycache-1];
-#if defined(DEBUG)
- printf("Threadcache utilisation: %lf%% in cache with %lf%% lost to other threads\n",
- 100.0*tc->successes/tc->mallocs, 100.0*((double) tc->mallocs-tc->frees)/tc->mallocs);
- if(disable && TLSSET(p->mycache, (void *)(size_t)(-tc->mymspace))) abort();
- tc->frees++;
- RemoveCacheEntries(p, tc, 0);
- assert(!tc->freeInCache);
- if(disable)
- {
- tc->mymspace=-1;
- tc->threadid=0;
- CallFree(0, p->caches[mycache-1], 0);
- p->caches[mycache-1]=0;
- }
- }
-void neddisablethreadcache(nedpool *p) THROWSPEC
- nedtrimthreadcache(p, 1);
-#define GETMSPACE(m,p,tc,ms,s,action) \
- do \
- { \
- mstate m = GetMSpace((p),(tc),(ms),(s)); \
- action; \
- if(USE_ALLOCATOR==1) { RELEASE_LOCK(&m->mutex); } \
- } while (0)
-static FORCEINLINE mstate GetMSpace(nedpool *RESTRICT p, threadcache *RESTRICT tc, int mymspace, size_t size) THROWSPEC
-{ /* Returns a locked and ready for use mspace */
- mstate m=p->m[mymspace];
- assert(m);
- if(!TRY_LOCK(&p->m[mymspace]->mutex)) m=FindMSpace(p, tc, &mymspace, size);
- /*assert(IS_LOCKED(&p->m[mymspace]->mutex));*/
- return m;
-static NOINLINE void GetThreadCache_cold1(nedpool *RESTRICT *RESTRICT p) THROWSPEC
- *p=&syspool;
- if(!syspool.threads) InitPool(&syspool, 0, -1);
-static NOINLINE void GetThreadCache_cold2(nedpool *RESTRICT *RESTRICT p, threadcache *RESTRICT *RESTRICT tc, int *RESTRICT mymspace, int mycache) THROWSPEC
- if(!mycache)
- { /* Need to allocate a new cache */
- *tc=AllocCache(*p);
- if(!*tc)
- { /* Disable */
- if(TLSSET((*p)->mycache, (void *)(size_t)-1)) abort();
- *mymspace=0;
- }
- else
- *mymspace=(*tc)->mymspace;
- }
- else
- { /* Cache disabled, but we do have an assigned thread pool */
- *tc=0;
- *mymspace=-mycache-1;
- }
-static FORCEINLINE void GetThreadCache(nedpool *RESTRICT *RESTRICT p, threadcache *RESTRICT *RESTRICT tc, int *RESTRICT mymspace, size_t *RESTRICT size) THROWSPEC
- int mycache;
- if(size && *size<sizeof(threadcacheblk)) *size=sizeof(threadcacheblk);
- if(!*p)
- GetThreadCache_cold1(p);
- mycache=(int)(size_t) TLSGET((*p)->mycache);
- if(mycache>0)
- { /* Already have a cache */
- *tc=(*p)->caches[mycache-1];
- *mymspace=(*tc)->mymspace;
- }
- else GetThreadCache_cold2(p, tc, mymspace, mycache);
- assert(*mymspace>=0);
- assert(!(*tc) || (long)(size_t)CURRENT_THREAD==(*tc)->threadid);
- if(*tc)
- {
- if(*(unsigned int *)"NEDMALC1"!=(*tc)->magic1 || *(unsigned int *)"NEDMALC2"!=(*tc)->magic2)
- {
- abort();
- }
- }
-NEDMALLOCPTRATTR void * nedpmalloc(nedpool *p, size_t size) THROWSPEC
- void *ret=0;
- threadcache *tc;
- int mymspace;
- GetThreadCache(&p, &tc, &mymspace, &size);
- if(tc && size<=THREADCACHEMAX)
- { /* Use the thread cache */
- ret=threadcache_malloc(p, tc, &size);
- }
- if(!ret)
- { /* Use this thread's mspace */
- GETMSPACE(m, p, tc, mymspace, size,
- ret=CallMalloc(m, size, 0));
- }
- return ret;
-NEDMALLOCPTRATTR void * nedpcalloc(nedpool *p, size_t no, size_t size) THROWSPEC
- size_t rsize=size*no;
- void *ret=0;
- threadcache *tc;
- int mymspace;
- GetThreadCache(&p, &tc, &mymspace, &rsize);
- if(tc && rsize<=THREADCACHEMAX)
- { /* Use the thread cache */
- if((ret=threadcache_malloc(p, tc, &rsize)))
- memset(ret, 0, rsize);
- }
- if(!ret)
- { /* Use this thread's mspace */
- GETMSPACE(m, p, tc, mymspace, rsize,
- ret=CallCalloc(m, rsize, 0));
- }
- return ret;
-NEDMALLOCPTRATTR void * nedprealloc(nedpool *p, void *mem, size_t size) THROWSPEC
- void *ret=0;
- threadcache *tc;
- int mymspace, isforeign=1;
- size_t memsize;
- if(!mem) return nedpmalloc(p, size);
- memsize=nedblksize(&isforeign, mem);
- assert(memsize);
- if(!memsize)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "nedmalloc: nedprealloc() called with a block not created by nedmalloc!\n");
- abort();
- }
- else if(size<=memsize && memsize-size<
-#ifdef DEBUG
- 32
- 1024
- ) /* If realloc size is within 1Kb smaller than existing, noop it */
- return mem;
- GetThreadCache(&p, &tc, &mymspace, &size);
- if(tc && size && size<=THREADCACHEMAX)
- { /* Use the thread cache */
- if((ret=threadcache_malloc(p, tc, &size)))
- {
- memcpy(ret, mem, memsize<size ? memsize : size);
- if(memsize>=sizeof(threadcacheblk) && memsize<=(THREADCACHEMAX+CHUNK_OVERHEAD))
- threadcache_free(p, tc, mymspace, mem, memsize);
- else
- CallFree(0, mem, isforeign);
- }
- }
- if(!ret)
- { /* Reallocs always happen in the mspace they happened in, so skip
- locking the preferred mspace for this thread */
- ret=CallRealloc(p->m[mymspace], mem, isforeign, memsize, size);
- }
- return ret;
-void nedpfree(nedpool *p, void *mem) THROWSPEC
-{ /* Frees always happen in the mspace they happened in, so skip
- locking the preferred mspace for this thread */
- threadcache *tc;
- int mymspace, isforeign=1;
- size_t memsize;
- if(!mem)
- { /* If you tried this on FreeBSD you'd be sorry! */
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr, "nedmalloc: WARNING nedpfree() called with zero. This is not portable behaviour!\n");
- return;
- }
- memsize=nedblksize(&isforeign, mem);
- assert(memsize);
- if(!memsize)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "nedmalloc: nedpfree() called with a block not created by nedmalloc!\n");
- abort();
- }
- GetThreadCache(&p, &tc, &mymspace, 0);
- if(mem && tc && memsize>=sizeof(threadcacheblk) && memsize<=(THREADCACHEMAX+CHUNK_OVERHEAD))
- threadcache_free(p, tc, mymspace, mem, memsize);
- else
- CallFree(0, mem, isforeign);
-NEDMALLOCPTRATTR void * nedpmemalign(nedpool *p, size_t alignment, size_t bytes) THROWSPEC
- void *ret;
- threadcache *tc;
- int mymspace;
- GetThreadCache(&p, &tc, &mymspace, &bytes);
- { /* Use this thread's mspace */
- GETMSPACE(m, p, tc, mymspace, bytes,
- ret=CallMalloc(m, bytes, alignment));
- }
- return ret;
-struct nedmallinfo nedpmallinfo(nedpool *p) THROWSPEC
- int n;
- struct nedmallinfo ret={0};
- if(!p) { p=&syspool; if(!syspool.threads) InitPool(&syspool, 0, -1); }
- for(n=0; p->m[n]; n++)
- {
- struct mallinfo t=mspace_mallinfo(p->m[n]);
- ret.arena+=t.arena;
- ret.ordblks+=t.ordblks;
- ret.hblkhd+=t.hblkhd;
- ret.usmblks+=t.usmblks;
- ret.uordblks+=t.uordblks;
- ret.fordblks+=t.fordblks;
- ret.keepcost+=t.keepcost;
- }
- return ret;
-int nedpmallopt(nedpool *p, int parno, int value) THROWSPEC
- return mspace_mallopt(parno, value);
- return 0;
-NEDMALLOCNOALIASATTR void* nedmalloc_internals(size_t *granularity, size_t *magic) THROWSPEC
- if(granularity) *granularity=mparams.granularity;
- if(magic) *magic=mparams.magic;
- return (void *) &syspool;
- if(granularity) *granularity=0;
- if(magic) *magic=0;
- return 0;
-int nedpmalloc_trim(nedpool *p, size_t pad) THROWSPEC
- int n, ret=0;
- if(!p) { p=&syspool; if(!syspool.threads) InitPool(&syspool, 0, -1); }
- for(n=0; p->m[n]; n++)
- {
- ret+=mspace_trim(p->m[n], pad);
- }
- return ret;
-void nedpmalloc_stats(nedpool *p) THROWSPEC
- int n;
- if(!p) { p=&syspool; if(!syspool.threads) InitPool(&syspool, 0, -1); }
- for(n=0; p->m[n]; n++)
- {
- mspace_malloc_stats(p->m[n]);
- }
-size_t nedpmalloc_footprint(nedpool *p) THROWSPEC
- size_t ret=0;
- int n;
- if(!p) { p=&syspool; if(!syspool.threads) InitPool(&syspool, 0, -1); }
- for(n=0; p->m[n]; n++)
- {
- ret+=mspace_footprint(p->m[n]);
- }
- return ret;
-NEDMALLOCPTRATTR void **nedpindependent_calloc(nedpool *p, size_t elemsno, size_t elemsize, void **chunks) THROWSPEC
- void **ret;
- threadcache *tc;
- int mymspace;
- GetThreadCache(&p, &tc, &mymspace, &elemsize);
- GETMSPACE(m, p, tc, mymspace, elemsno*elemsize,
- ret=unsupported_operation("independent_calloc"));
- GETMSPACE(m, p, tc, mymspace, elemsno*elemsize,
- ret=mspace_independent_calloc(m, elemsno, elemsize, chunks));
- return ret;
-NEDMALLOCPTRATTR void **nedpindependent_comalloc(nedpool *p, size_t elems, size_t *sizes, void **chunks) THROWSPEC
- void **ret;
- threadcache *tc;
- int mymspace;
- size_t i, *adjustedsizes=(size_t *) alloca(elems*sizeof(size_t));
- if(!adjustedsizes) return 0;
- for(i=0; i<elems; i++)
- adjustedsizes[i]=sizes[i]<sizeof(threadcacheblk) ? sizeof(threadcacheblk) : sizes[i];
- GetThreadCache(&p, &tc, &mymspace, 0);
- GETMSPACE(m, p, tc, mymspace, 0,
- ret=unsupported_operation("independent_comalloc"));
- GETMSPACE(m, p, tc, mymspace, 0,
- ret=mspace_independent_comalloc(m, elems, adjustedsizes, chunks));
- return ret;
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning(pop)
diff --git a/drivers/nedmalloc/nedmalloc.h b/drivers/nedmalloc/nedmalloc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ec65849fc..0000000000
--- a/drivers/nedmalloc/nedmalloc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-/* nedalloc, an alternative malloc implementation for multiple threads without
-lock contention based on dlmalloc v2.8.3. (C) 2005-2009 Niall Douglas
-Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization
-obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by
-this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute,
-execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the
-Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to
-do so, all subject to the following:
-The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including
-the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer,
-must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and
-all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative
-works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by
-a source language processor.
-#ifndef NEDMALLOC_H
-#define NEDMALLOC_H
-#include "typedefs.h"
-#define USE_LOCKS 0
-#define HAVE_MMAP 0
-/* See malloc.c.h for what each function does.
-REPLACE_SYSTEM_ALLOCATOR on POSIX causes nedalloc's functions to be called
-malloc, free etc. instead of nedmalloc, nedfree etc. You may or may not want
-this. On Windows it causes nedmalloc to patch all loaded DLLs and binaries
-to replace usage of the system allocator.
-NO_NED_NAMESPACE prevents the functions from being defined in the nedalloc
-namespace when in C++ (uses the global namespace instead).
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC can be defined to be __declspec(dllexport) or
-__attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) or whatever you like. It defaults
-to extern unless NEDMALLOC_DLL_EXPORTS is set as it would be when building
-USE_LOCKS can be 2 if you want to define your own MLOCK_T, INITIAL_LOCK,
-NEDMALLOC_DEBUG can be defined to cause DEBUG to be set differently for nedmalloc
-than for the rest of the build. Remember to set NDEBUG to disable all assertion
-checking too.
-USE_MAGIC_HEADERS causes nedalloc to allocate an extra three sizeof(size_t)
-to each block. nedpfree() and nedprealloc() can then automagically know when
-to free a system allocated block. Enabling this typically adds 20-50% to
-application memory usage.
-is set or the Windows DLL is being built. This causes nedmalloc to detect when a
-system allocator block is passed to it and to handle it appropriately. Note that
-without USE_MAGIC_HEADERS there is a very tiny chance that nedmalloc will segfault
-on non-Windows builds (it uses Win32 SEH to trap segfaults on Windows and there
-is no comparable system on POSIX).
-USE_ALLOCATOR can be one of these settings (it defaults to 1):
- 0: System allocator (nedmalloc now simply acts as a threadcache).
- WARNING: Intended for DEBUG USE ONLY - not all functions work correctly.
- 1: dlmalloc
-ENABLE_LARGE_PAGES enables support for requesting memory from the system in large
-(typically >=2Mb) pages if the host OS supports this. These occupy just a single
-TLB entry and can significantly improve performance in large working set applications.
-ENABLE_FAST_HEAP_DETECTION enables special logic to detect blocks allocated
-by the system heap. This avoids 1.5%-2% overhead when checking for non-nedmalloc
-blocks, but it assumes that the NT and glibc heaps function in a very specific
-fashion which may not hold true across OS upgrades.
-#include <stddef.h> /* for size_t */
- #ifdef WIN32
- #define NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC extern __declspec(dllexport)
- #elif defined(__GNUC__)
- #define NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC extern __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
- #endif
- #endif
- #else
- #define NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC extern
- #endif
-#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L /* C99 or better */
- #define RESTRICT restrict
- #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER>=1400
- #define RESTRICT __restrict
- #endif
- #ifdef __GNUC__
- #define RESTRICT __restrict
- #endif
-#ifndef RESTRICT
- #define RESTRICT
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER>=1400
- #define NEDMALLOCPTRATTR __declspec(restrict)
- #define NEDMALLOCNOALIASATTR __declspec(noalias)
-#ifdef __GNUC__
- #define NEDMALLOCPTRATTR __attribute__ ((malloc))
- #define USE_ALLOCATOR 1 /* dlmalloc */
-#error If you are using the system allocator then you MUST use magic headers
- #error Cannot combine using the system allocator with replacing the system allocator
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifndef WIN32 /* We have a dedicated patcher for Windows */
- #define nedmalloc malloc
- #define nedcalloc calloc
- #define nedrealloc realloc
- #define nedfree free
- #define nedmemalign memalign
- #define nedmallinfo mallinfo
- #define nedmallopt mallopt
- #define nedmalloc_trim malloc_trim
- #define nedmalloc_stats malloc_stats
- #define nedmalloc_footprint malloc_footprint
- #define nedindependent_calloc independent_calloc
- #define nedindependent_comalloc independent_comalloc
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #define nedblksize _msize
- #endif
- #endif
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {
-struct nedmallinfo {
- size_t arena; /* non-mmapped space allocated from system */
- size_t ordblks; /* number of free chunks */
- size_t smblks; /* always 0 */
- size_t hblks; /* always 0 */
- size_t hblkhd; /* space in mmapped regions */
- size_t usmblks; /* maximum total allocated space */
- size_t fsmblks; /* always 0 */
- size_t uordblks; /* total allocated space */
- size_t fordblks; /* total free space */
- size_t keepcost; /* releasable (via malloc_trim) space */
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
- #if !defined(NO_NED_NAMESPACE)
-namespace nedalloc {
- #else
-extern "C" {
- #endif
- #define THROWSPEC throw()
- #define THROWSPEC
-/* These are the global functions */
-/* Gets the usable size of an allocated block. Note this will always be bigger than what was
-asked for due to rounding etc. Optionally returns 1 in isforeign if the block came from the
-system allocator - note that there is a small (>0.01%) but real chance of segfault on non-Windows
-systems when passing non-nedmalloc blocks if you don't use USE_MAGIC_HEADERS.
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC NEDMALLOCNOALIASATTR void* nedmalloc_internals(size_t *granularity, size_t *magic) THROWSPEC;
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC void nedmalloc_stats(void) THROWSPEC;
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC NEDMALLOCNOALIASATTR NEDMALLOCPTRATTR void **nedindependent_calloc(size_t elemsno, size_t elemsize, void **chunks) THROWSPEC;
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC NEDMALLOCNOALIASATTR NEDMALLOCPTRATTR void **nedindependent_comalloc(size_t elems, size_t *sizes, void **chunks) THROWSPEC;
-/* Destroys the system memory pool used by the functions above.
-Useful for when you have nedmalloc in a DLL you're about to unload.
-If you call ANY nedmalloc functions after calling this you will
-get a fatal exception!
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC void neddestroysyspool() THROWSPEC;
-/* These are the pool functions */
-struct nedpool_t;
-typedef struct nedpool_t nedpool;
-/* Creates a memory pool for use with the nedp* functions below.
-Capacity is how much to allocate immediately (if you know you'll be allocating a lot
-of memory very soon) which you can leave at zero. Threads specifies how many threads
-will *normally* be accessing the pool concurrently. Setting this to zero means it
-extends on demand, but be careful of this as it can rapidly consume system resources
-where bursts of concurrent threads use a pool at once.
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC NEDMALLOCPTRATTR nedpool *nedcreatepool(size_t capacity, int threads) THROWSPEC;
-/* Destroys a memory pool previously created by nedcreatepool().
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC void neddestroypool(nedpool *p) THROWSPEC;
-/* Returns a zero terminated snapshot of threadpools existing at the time of call. Call
-nedfree() on the returned list when you are done. Returns zero if there is only the
-system pool in existence.
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC nedpool **nedpoollist() THROWSPEC;
-/* Sets a value to be associated with a pool. You can retrieve this value by passing
-any memory block allocated from that pool.
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC void nedpsetvalue(nedpool *p, void *v) THROWSPEC;
-/* Gets a previously set value using nedpsetvalue() or zero if memory is unknown.
-Optionally can also retrieve pool. You can detect an unknown block by the return
-being zero and *p being unmodifed.
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC void *nedgetvalue(nedpool **p, void *mem) THROWSPEC;
-/* Trims the thread cache for the calling thread, returning any existing cache
-data to the central pool. Remember to ALWAYS call with zero if you used the
-system pool. Setting disable to non-zero replicates neddisablethreadcache().
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC void nedtrimthreadcache(nedpool *p, int disable) THROWSPEC;
-/* Disables the thread cache for the calling thread, returning any existing cache
-data to the central pool. Remember to ALWAYS call with zero if you used the
-system pool.
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC void neddisablethreadcache(nedpool *p) THROWSPEC;
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC NEDMALLOCPTRATTR void * nedpmalloc(nedpool *p, size_t size) THROWSPEC;
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC NEDMALLOCPTRATTR void * nedpcalloc(nedpool *p, size_t no, size_t size) THROWSPEC;
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC NEDMALLOCPTRATTR void * nedprealloc(nedpool *p, void *mem, size_t size) THROWSPEC;
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC void nedpfree(nedpool *p, void *mem) THROWSPEC;
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC NEDMALLOCPTRATTR void * nedpmemalign(nedpool *p, size_t alignment, size_t bytes) THROWSPEC;
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC struct nedmallinfo nedpmallinfo(nedpool *p) THROWSPEC;
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC int nedpmallopt(nedpool *p, int parno, int value) THROWSPEC;
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC int nedpmalloc_trim(nedpool *p, size_t pad) THROWSPEC;
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC void nedpmalloc_stats(nedpool *p) THROWSPEC;
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC size_t nedpmalloc_footprint(nedpool *p) THROWSPEC;
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC NEDMALLOCPTRATTR void **nedpindependent_calloc(nedpool *p, size_t elemsno, size_t elemsize, void **chunks) THROWSPEC;
-NEDMALLOCEXTSPEC NEDMALLOCPTRATTR void **nedpindependent_comalloc(nedpool *p, size_t elems, size_t *sizes, void **chunks) THROWSPEC;
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
diff --git a/platform/android/ b/platform/android/
index 7e482047c9..8e9a58da19 100644
--- a/platform/android/
+++ b/platform/android/
@@ -34,10 +34,9 @@ def get_flags():
return [
('tools', 'no'),
- ('nedmalloc', 'no'),
('builtin_zlib', 'no'),
- ('openssl','builtin'), #use builtin openssl
- ]
+ ('openssl', 'builtin'), #use builtin openssl
+ ]
def create(env):
diff --git a/platform/bb10/ b/platform/bb10/
index 9ab94e619a..2860b7f090 100644
--- a/platform/bb10/
+++ b/platform/bb10/
@@ -32,9 +32,7 @@ def get_opts():
def get_flags():
return [
- ('lua', 'no'),
('tools', 'no'),
- ('nedmalloc', 'no'),
('theora', 'no'),
diff --git a/platform/javascript/ b/platform/javascript/
index 0d4f0b00e5..0f1fd23177 100644
--- a/platform/javascript/
+++ b/platform/javascript/
@@ -25,20 +25,11 @@ def get_opts():
def get_flags():
return [
- ('lua', 'no'),
('tools', 'no'),
- ('nedmalloc', 'no'),
('theora', 'no'),
- ('tools', 'no'),
- ('nedmalloc', 'no'),
('musepack', 'no'),
- ('squirrel', 'no'),
('squish', 'no'),
- ('old_scenes', 'no'),
('etc1', 'no'),
-# ('default_gui_theme', 'no'),
- #('builtin_zlib', 'no'),
diff --git a/platform/windows/os_windows.cpp b/platform/windows/os_windows.cpp
index 35d90a8308..0ca5d3bd0f 100644
--- a/platform/windows/os_windows.cpp
+++ b/platform/windows/os_windows.cpp
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
#include "drivers/gles2/rasterizer_gles2.h"
#include "os_windows.h"
-#include "drivers/nedmalloc/memory_pool_static_nedmalloc.h"
#include "drivers/unix/memory_pool_static_malloc.h"
#include "os/memory_pool_dynamic_static.h"
#include "drivers/windows/thread_windows.h"
diff --git a/platform/winrt/os_winrt.cpp b/platform/winrt/os_winrt.cpp
index 0ce561f88a..4b23f3960e 100644
--- a/platform/winrt/os_winrt.cpp
+++ b/platform/winrt/os_winrt.cpp
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
#include "drivers/gles2/rasterizer_gles2.h"
#include "os_winrt.h"
-#include "drivers/nedmalloc/memory_pool_static_nedmalloc.h"
#include "drivers/unix/memory_pool_static_malloc.h"
#include "os/memory_pool_dynamic_static.h"
#include "thread_winrt.h"