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367 files changed, 14461 insertions, 7179 deletions
diff --git a/.github/workflows/windows_builds.yml b/.github/workflows/windows_builds.yml index 71a1b580b1..e8f3d3d297 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/windows_builds.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/windows_builds.yml @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ env: GODOT_BASE_BRANCH: master SCONSFLAGS: platform=windows verbose=yes warnings=all werror=yes --jobs=2 SCONS_CACHE_MSVC_CONFIG: true - SCONS_CACHE_LIMIT: 4096 + SCONS_CACHE_LIMIT: 3072 jobs: windows-editor: diff --git a/COPYRIGHT.txt b/COPYRIGHT.txt index 7bb65dced4..03865b14ac 100644 --- a/COPYRIGHT.txt +++ b/COPYRIGHT.txt @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Files: ./icon.png ./logo.svg Comment: Godot Engine logo Copyright: 2017, Andrea Calabró -License: CC-BY-3.0 +License: CC-BY-4.0 Files: ./platform/android/java/aidl/com/android/vending/billing/IInAppBillingService.aidl ./platform/android/java/res/layout/status_bar_ongoing_event_progress_bar.xml @@ -548,340 +548,317 @@ License: BSL-1.0 ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -License: CC-BY-3.0 - Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported +License: CC-BY-4.0 + Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License + . + By exercising the Licensed Rights (defined below), You accept and agree + to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Creative Commons + Attribution 4.0 International Public License ("Public + License"). To the extent this Public License may be interpreted as a + contract, You are granted the Licensed Rights in consideration of Your + acceptance of these terms and conditions, and the Licensor grants You + such rights in consideration of benefits the Licensor receives from + making the Licensed Material available under these terms and + conditions. + . + Section 1 -- Definitions. + . + a. Adapted Material means material subject to Copyright and Similar + Rights that is derived from or based upon the Licensed Material + and in which the Licensed Material is translated, altered, + arranged, transformed, or otherwise modified in a manner requiring + permission under the Copyright and Similar Rights held by the + Licensor. For purposes of this Public License, where the Licensed + Material is a musical work, performance, or sound recording, + Adapted Material is always produced where the Licensed Material is + synched in timed relation with a moving image. + . + b. Adapter's License means the license You apply to Your Copyright + and Similar Rights in Your contributions to Adapted Material in + accordance with the terms and conditions of this Public License. + . + c. Copyright and Similar Rights means copyright and/or similar rights + closely related to copyright including, without limitation, + performance, broadcast, sound recording, and Sui Generis Database + Rights, without regard to how the rights are labeled or + categorized. For purposes of this Public License, the rights + specified in Section 2(b)(1)-(2) are not Copyright and Similar + Rights. + . + d. Effective Technological Measures means those measures that, in the + absence of proper authority, may not be circumvented under laws + fulfilling obligations under Article 11 of the WIPO Copyright + Treaty adopted on December 20, 1996, and/or similar international + agreements. + . + e. Exceptions and Limitations means fair use, fair dealing, and/or + any other exception or limitation to Copyright and Similar Rights + that applies to Your use of the Licensed Material. + . + f. Licensed Material means the artistic or literary work, database, + or other material to which the Licensor applied this Public + License. + . + g. Licensed Rights means the rights granted to You subject to the + terms and conditions of this Public License, which are limited to + all Copyright and Similar Rights that apply to Your use of the + Licensed Material and that the Licensor has authority to license. + . + h. Licensor means the individual(s) or entity(ies) granting rights + under this Public License. + . + i. Share means to provide material to the public by any means or + process that requires permission under the Licensed Rights, such + as reproduction, public display, public performance, distribution, + dissemination, communication, or importation, and to make material + available to the public including in ways that members of the + public may access the material from a place and at a time + individually chosen by them. + . + j. Sui Generis Database Rights means rights other than copyright + resulting from Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of + the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases, + as amended and/or succeeded, as well as other essentially + equivalent rights anywhere in the world. + . + k. You means the individual or entity exercising the Licensed Rights + under this Public License. Your has a corresponding meaning. + . + Section 2 -- Scope. + . + a. License grant. + . + 1. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Public License, + the Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, + non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, irrevocable license to + exercise the Licensed Rights in the Licensed Material to: + . + a. reproduce and Share the Licensed Material, in whole or + in part; and + . + b. produce, reproduce, and Share Adapted Material. + . + 2. Exceptions and Limitations. For the avoidance of doubt, where + Exceptions and Limitations apply to Your use, this Public + License does not apply, and You do not need to comply with + its terms and conditions. + . + 3. Term. The term of this Public License is specified in Section + 6(a). + . + 4. Media and formats; technical modifications allowed. The + Licensor authorizes You to exercise the Licensed Rights in + all media and formats whether now known or hereafter created, + and to make technical modifications necessary to do so. The + Licensor waives and/or agrees not to assert any right or + authority to forbid You from making technical modifications + necessary to exercise the Licensed Rights, including + technical modifications necessary to circumvent Effective + Technological Measures. For purposes of this Public License, + simply making modifications authorized by this Section 2(a) + (4) never produces Adapted Material. + . + 5. Downstream recipients. + . + a. Offer from the Licensor -- Licensed Material. Every + recipient of the Licensed Material automatically + receives an offer from the Licensor to exercise the + Licensed Rights under the terms and conditions of this + Public License. + . + b. No downstream restrictions. You may not offer or impose + any additional or different terms or conditions on, or + apply any Effective Technological Measures to, the + Licensed Material if doing so restricts exercise of the + Licensed Rights by any recipient of the Licensed + Material. + . + 6. No endorsement. Nothing in this Public License constitutes or + may be construed as permission to assert or imply that You + are, or that Your use of the Licensed Material is, connected + with, or sponsored, endorsed, or granted official status by, + the Licensor or others designated to receive attribution as + provided in Section 3(a)(1)(A)(i). + . + b. Other rights. + . + 1. Moral rights, such as the right of integrity, are not + licensed under this Public License, nor are publicity, + privacy, and/or other similar personality rights; however, to + the extent possible, the Licensor waives and/or agrees not to + assert any such rights held by the Licensor to the limited + extent necessary to allow You to exercise the Licensed + Rights, but not otherwise. + . + 2. Patent and trademark rights are not licensed under this + Public License. + . + 3. To the extent possible, the Licensor waives any right to + collect royalties from You for the exercise of the Licensed + Rights, whether directly or through a collecting society + under any voluntary or waivable statutory or compulsory + licensing scheme. In all other cases the Licensor expressly + reserves any right to collect such royalties. + . + Section 3 -- License Conditions. + . + Your exercise of the Licensed Rights is expressly made subject to the + following conditions. + . + a. Attribution. + . + 1. If You Share the Licensed Material (including in modified + form), You must: + . + a. retain the following if it is supplied by the Licensor + with the Licensed Material: + . + i. identification of the creator(s) of the Licensed + Material and any others designated to receive + attribution, in any reasonable manner requested by + the Licensor (including by pseudonym if + designated); + . + ii. a copyright notice; + . + iii. a notice that refers to this Public License; + . + iv. a notice that refers to the disclaimer of + warranties; + . + v. a URI or hyperlink to the Licensed Material to the + extent reasonably practicable; + . + b. indicate if You modified the Licensed Material and + retain an indication of any previous modifications; and + . + c. indicate the Licensed Material is licensed under this + Public License, and include the text of, or the URI or + hyperlink to, this Public License. + . + 2. You may satisfy the conditions in Section 3(a)(1) in any + reasonable manner based on the medium, means, and context in + which You Share the Licensed Material. For example, it may be + reasonable to satisfy the conditions by providing a URI or + hyperlink to a resource that includes the required + information. + . + 3. If requested by the Licensor, You must remove any of the + information required by Section 3(a)(1)(A) to the extent + reasonably practicable. + . + 4. If You Share Adapted Material You produce, the Adapter's + License You apply must not prevent recipients of the Adapted + Material from complying with this Public License. + . + Section 4 -- Sui Generis Database Rights. + . + Where the Licensed Rights include Sui Generis Database Rights that + apply to Your use of the Licensed Material: + . + a. for the avoidance of doubt, Section 2(a)(1) grants You the right + to extract, reuse, reproduce, and Share all or a substantial + portion of the contents of the database; + . + b. if You include all or a substantial portion of the database + contents in a database in which You have Sui Generis Database + Rights, then the database in which You have Sui Generis Database + Rights (but not its individual contents) is Adapted Material; and + . + c. You must comply with the conditions in Section 3(a) if You Share + all or a substantial portion of the contents of the database. + . + For the avoidance of doubt, this Section 4 supplements and does not + replace Your obligations under this Public License where the Licensed + Rights include other Copyright and Similar Rights. + . + Section 5 -- Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability. + . + a. UNLESS OTHERWISE SEPARATELY UNDERTAKEN BY THE LICENSOR, TO THE + EXTENT POSSIBLE, THE LICENSOR OFFERS THE LICENSED MATERIAL AS-IS + AND AS-AVAILABLE, AND MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF + ANY KIND CONCERNING THE LICENSED MATERIAL, WHETHER EXPRESS, + IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHER. THIS INCLUDES, WITHOUT LIMITATION, + WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR + PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, ABSENCE OF LATENT OR OTHER DEFECTS, + ACCURACY, OR THE PRESENCE OR ABSENCE OF ERRORS, WHETHER OR NOT + KNOWN OR DISCOVERABLE. WHERE DISCLAIMERS OF WARRANTIES ARE NOT + ALLOWED IN FULL OR IN PART, THIS DISCLAIMER MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. . - CREATIVE COMMONS CORPORATION IS NOT A LAW FIRM AND DOES NOT PROVIDE - LEGAL SERVICES. DISTRIBUTION OF THIS LICENSE DOES NOT CREATE AN - ATTORNEY-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP. CREATIVE COMMONS PROVIDES THIS INFORMATION - ON AN "AS-IS" BASIS. CREATIVE COMMONS MAKES NO WARRANTIES REGARDING THE - INFORMATION PROVIDED, AND DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM - ITS USE. + b. TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE, IN NO EVENT WILL THE LICENSOR BE LIABLE + TO YOU ON ANY LEGAL THEORY (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, + NEGLIGENCE) OR OTHERWISE FOR ANY DIRECT, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, + INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, OR OTHER LOSSES, + COSTS, EXPENSES, OR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THIS PUBLIC LICENSE OR + USE OF THE LICENSED MATERIAL, EVEN IF THE LICENSOR HAS BEEN + ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSSES, COSTS, EXPENSES, OR + DAMAGES. WHERE A LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IS NOT ALLOWED IN FULL OR + IN PART, THIS LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. . - License + c. The disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability provided + above shall be interpreted in a manner that, to the extent + possible, most closely approximates an absolute disclaimer and + waiver of all liability. . - THE WORK (AS DEFINED BELOW) IS PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS CREATIVE - COMMONS PUBLIC LICENSE ("CCPL" OR "LICENSE"). THE WORK IS PROTECTED BY - COPYRIGHT AND/OR OTHER APPLICABLE LAW. ANY USE OF THE WORK OTHER THAN AS - AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS LICENSE OR COPYRIGHT LAW IS PROHIBITED. + Section 6 -- Term and Termination. . - BY EXERCISING ANY RIGHTS TO THE WORK PROVIDED HERE, YOU ACCEPT AND AGREE - TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. TO THE EXTENT THIS LICENSE MAY - BE CONSIDERED TO BE A CONTRACT, THE LICENSOR GRANTS YOU THE RIGHTS - CONTAINED HERE IN CONSIDERATION OF YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF SUCH TERMS AND - CONDITIONS. + a. This Public License applies for the term of the Copyright and + Similar Rights licensed here. However, if You fail to comply with + this Public License, then Your rights under this Public License + terminate automatically. . - 1. Definitions + b. Where Your right to use the Licensed Material has terminated under + Section 6(a), it reinstates: . - a. "Adaptation" means a work based upon the Work, or upon the Work and - other pre-existing works, such as a translation, adaptation, derivative - work, arrangement of music or other alterations of a literary or - artistic work, or phonogram or performance and includes cinematographic - adaptations or any other form in which the Work may be recast, - transformed, or adapted including in any form recognizably derived from - the original, except that a work that constitutes a Collection will not - be considered an Adaptation for the purpose of this License. For the - avoidance of doubt, where the Work is a musical work, performance or - phonogram, the synchronization of the Work in timed-relation with a - moving image ("synching") will be considered an Adaptation for the - purpose of this License. - . - b. "Collection" means a collection of literary or artistic works, such - as encyclopedias and anthologies, or performances, phonograms or - broadcasts, or other works or subject matter other than works listed in - Section 1(f) below, which, by reason of the selection and arrangement of - their contents, constitute intellectual creations, in which the Work is - included in its entirety in unmodified form along with one or more other - contributions, each constituting separate and independent works in - themselves, which together are assembled into a collective whole. A work - that constitutes a Collection will not be considered an Adaptation (as - defined above) for the purposes of this License. - . - c. "Distribute" means to make available to the public the original and - copies of the Work or Adaptation, as appropriate, through sale or other - transfer of ownership. - . - d. "Licensor" means the individual, individuals, entity or entities that - offer(s) the Work under the terms of this License. - . - e. "Original Author" means, in the case of a literary or artistic work, - the individual, individuals, entity or entities who created the Work or - if no individual or entity can be identified, the publisher; and in - addition (i) in the case of a performance the actors, singers, - musicians, dancers, and other persons who act, sing, deliver, declaim, - play in, interpret or otherwise perform literary or artistic works or - expressions of folklore; (ii) in the case of a phonogram the producer - being the person or legal entity who first fixes the sounds of a - performance or other sounds; and, (iii) in the case of broadcasts, the - organization that transmits the broadcast. - . - f. "Work" means the literary and/or artistic work offered under the - terms of this License including without limitation any production in the - literary, scientific and artistic domain, whatever may be the mode or - form of its expression including digital form, such as a book, pamphlet - and other writing; a lecture, address, sermon or other work of the same - nature; a dramatic or dramatico-musical work; a choreographic work or - entertainment in dumb show; a musical composition with or without words; - a cinematographic work to which are assimilated works expressed by a - process analogous to cinematography; a work of drawing, painting, - architecture, sculpture, engraving or lithography; a photographic work - to which are assimilated works expressed by a process analogous to - photography; a work of applied art; an illustration, map, plan, sketch - or three-dimensional work relative to geography, topography, - architecture or science; a performance; a broadcast; a phonogram; a - compilation of data to the extent it is protected as a copyrightable - work; or a work performed by a variety or circus performer to the extent - it is not otherwise considered a literary or artistic work. - . - g. "You" means an individual or entity exercising rights under this - License who has not previously violated the terms of this License with - respect to the Work, or who has received express permission from the - Licensor to exercise rights under this License despite a previous - violation. - . - h. "Publicly Perform" means to perform public recitations of the Work - and to communicate to the public those public recitations, by any means - or process, including by wire or wireless means or public digital - performances; to make available to the public Works in such a way that - members of the public may access these Works from a place and at a place - individually chosen by them; to perform the Work to the public by any - means or process and the communication to the public of the performances - of the Work, including by public digital performance; to broadcast and - rebroadcast the Work by any means including signs, sounds or images. - . - i. "Reproduce" means to make copies of the Work by any means including - without limitation by sound or visual recordings and the right of - fixation and reproducing fixations of the Work, including storage of a - protected performance or phonogram in digital form or other electronic - medium. - . - 2. Fair Dealing Rights. Nothing in this License is intended to reduce, - limit, or restrict any uses free from copyright or rights arising from - limitations or exceptions that are provided for in connection with the - copyright protection under copyright law or other applicable laws. - . - 3. License Grant. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, - Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, - perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright) license to - exercise the rights in the Work as stated below: - . - a. to Reproduce the Work, to incorporate the Work into one or more - Collections, and to Reproduce the Work as incorporated in the - Collections; - . - b. to create and Reproduce Adaptations provided that any such - Adaptation, including any translation in any medium, takes reasonable - steps to clearly label, demarcate or otherwise identify that changes - were made to the original Work. For example, a translation could be - marked "The original work was translated from English to Spanish," or a - modification could indicate "The original work has been modified."; - . - c. to Distribute and Publicly Perform the Work including as incorporated - in Collections; and, - . - d. to Distribute and Publicly Perform Adaptations. - . - e. For the avoidance of doubt: - . - i. Non-waivable Compulsory License Schemes. In those jurisdictions in - which the right to collect royalties through any statutory or compulsory - licensing scheme cannot be waived, the Licensor reserves the exclusive - right to collect such royalties for any exercise by You of the rights - granted under this License; - . - ii. Waivable Compulsory License Schemes. In those jurisdictions in which - the right to collect royalties through any statutory or compulsory - licensing scheme can be waived, the Licensor waives the exclusive right - to collect such royalties for any exercise by You of the rights granted - under this License; and, - . - iii. Voluntary License Schemes. The Licensor waives the right to collect - royalties, whether individually or, in the event that the Licensor is a - member of a collecting society that administers voluntary licensing - schemes, via that society, from any exercise by You of the rights - granted under this License. - . - The above rights may be exercised in all media and formats whether now - known or hereafter devised. The above rights include the right to make - such modifications as are technically necessary to exercise the rights - in other media and formats. Subject to Section 8(f), all rights not - expressly granted by Licensor are hereby reserved. - . - 4. Restrictions. The license granted in Section 3 above is expressly - made subject to and limited by the following restrictions: - . - a. You may Distribute or Publicly Perform the Work only under the terms - of this License. You must include a copy of, or the Uniform Resource - Identifier (URI) for, this License with every copy of the Work You - Distribute or Publicly Perform. You may not offer or impose any terms on - the Work that restrict the terms of this License or the ability of the - recipient of the Work to exercise the rights granted to that recipient - under the terms of the License. You may not sublicense the Work. You - must keep intact all notices that refer to this License and to the - disclaimer of warranties with every copy of the Work You Distribute or - Publicly Perform. When You Distribute or Publicly Perform the Work, You - may not impose any effective technological measures on the Work that - restrict the ability of a recipient of the Work from You to exercise the - rights granted to that recipient under the terms of the License. This - Section 4(a) applies to the Work as incorporated in a Collection, but - this does not require the Collection apart from the Work itself to be - made subject to the terms of this License. If You create a Collection, - upon notice from any Licensor You must, to the extent practicable, - remove from the Collection any credit as required by Section 4(b), as - requested. If You create an Adaptation, upon notice from any Licensor - You must, to the extent practicable, remove from the Adaptation any - credit as required by Section 4(b), as requested. - . - b. If You Distribute, or Publicly Perform the Work or any Adaptations or - Collections, You must, unless a request has been made pursuant to - Section 4(a), keep intact all copyright notices for the Work and - provide, reasonable to the medium or means You are utilizing: (i) the - name of the Original Author (or pseudonym, if applicable) if supplied, - and/or if the Original Author and/or Licensor designate another party or - parties (e.g., a sponsor institute, publishing entity, journal) for - attribution ("Attribution Parties") in Licensor's copyright notice, - terms of service or by other reasonable means, the name of such party or - parties; (ii) the title of the Work if supplied; (iii) to the extent - reasonably practicable, the URI, if any, that Licensor specifies to be - associated with the Work, unless such URI does not refer to the - copyright notice or licensing information for the Work; and (iv) , - consistent with Section 3(b), in the case of an Adaptation, a credit - identifying the use of the Work in the Adaptation (e.g., "French - translation of the Work by Original Author," or "Screenplay based on - original Work by Original Author"). The credit required by this Section - 4 (b) may be implemented in any reasonable manner; provided, however, - that in the case of a Adaptation or Collection, at a minimum such credit - will appear, if a credit for all contributing authors of the Adaptation - or Collection appears, then as part of these credits and in a manner at - least as prominent as the credits for the other contributing authors. - For the avoidance of doubt, You may only use the credit required by this - Section for the purpose of attribution in the manner set out above and, - by exercising Your rights under this License, You may not implicitly or - explicitly assert or imply any connection with, sponsorship or - endorsement by the Original Author, Licensor and/or Attribution Parties, - as appropriate, of You or Your use of the Work, without the separate, - express prior written permission of the Original Author, Licensor and/or - Attribution Parties. - . - c. Except as otherwise agreed in writing by the Licensor or as may be - otherwise permitted by applicable law, if You Reproduce, Distribute or - Publicly Perform the Work either by itself or as part of any Adaptations - or Collections, You must not distort, mutilate, modify or take other - derogatory action in relation to the Work which would be prejudicial to - the Original Author's honor or reputation. Licensor agrees that in those - jurisdictions (e.g. Japan), in which any exercise of the right granted - in Section 3(b) of this License (the right to make Adaptations) would be - deemed to be a distortion, mutilation, modification or other derogatory - action prejudicial to the Original Author's honor and reputation, the - Licensor will waive or not assert, as appropriate, this Section, to the - fullest extent permitted by the applicable national law, to enable You - to reasonably exercise Your right under Section 3(b) of this License - (right to make Adaptations) but not otherwise. - . - 5. Representations, Warranties and Disclaimer - . - UNLESS OTHERWISE MUTUALLY AGREED TO BY THE PARTIES IN WRITING, LICENSOR - OFFERS THE WORK AS-IS AND MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY - KIND CONCERNING THE WORK, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, - INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTIBILITY, - FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINFRINGEMENT, OR THE ABSENCE OF - LATENT OR OTHER DEFECTS, ACCURACY, OR THE PRESENCE OF ABSENCE OF ERRORS, - WHETHER OR NOT DISCOVERABLE. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE - EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO SUCH EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. - . - 6. Limitation on Liability. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE - LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL LICENSOR BE LIABLE TO YOU ON ANY LEGAL THEORY FOR - ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES - ARISING OUT OF THIS LICENSE OR THE USE OF THE WORK, EVEN IF LICENSOR HAS - BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. - . - 7. Termination - . - a. This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate - automatically upon any breach by You of the terms of this License. - Individuals or entities who have received Adaptations or Collections - from You under this License, however, will not have their licenses - terminated provided such individuals or entities remain in full - compliance with those licenses. Sections 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8 will - survive any termination of this License. - . - b. Subject to the above terms and conditions, the license granted here - is perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright in the Work). - Notwithstanding the above, Licensor reserves the right to release the - Work under different license terms or to stop distributing the Work at - any time; provided, however that any such election will not serve to - withdraw this License (or any other license that has been, or is - required to be, granted under the terms of this License), and this - License will continue in full force and effect unless terminated as - stated above. - . - 8. Miscellaneous - . - a. Each time You Distribute or Publicly Perform the Work or a - Collection, the Licensor offers to the recipient a license to the Work - on the same terms and conditions as the license granted to You under - this License. - . - b. Each time You Distribute or Publicly Perform an Adaptation, Licensor - offers to the recipient a license to the original Work on the same terms - and conditions as the license granted to You under this License. - . - c. If any provision of this License is invalid or unenforceable under - applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of - the remainder of the terms of this License, and without further action - by the parties to this agreement, such provision shall be reformed to - the minimum extent necessary to make such provision valid and - enforceable. - . - d. No term or provision of this License shall be deemed waived and no - breach consented to unless such waiver or consent shall be in writing - and signed by the party to be charged with such waiver or consent. This - License constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with - respect to the Work licensed here. There are no understandings, - agreements or representations with respect to the Work not specified - here. Licensor shall not be bound by any additional provisions that may - appear in any communication from You. - . - e. This License may not be modified without the mutual written agreement - of the Licensor and You. - . - f. The rights granted under, and the subject matter referenced, in this - License were drafted utilizing the terminology of the Berne Convention - for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (as amended on - September 28, 1979), the Rome Convention of 1961, the WIPO Copyright - Treaty of 1996, the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty of 1996 and - the Universal Copyright Convention (as revised on July 24, 1971). These - rights and subject matter take effect in the relevant jurisdiction in - which the License terms are sought to be enforced according to the - corresponding provisions of the implementation of those treaty - provisions in the applicable national law. If the standard suite of - rights granted under applicable copyright law includes additional rights - not granted under this License, such additional rights are deemed to be - included in the License; this License is not intended to restrict the - license of any rights under applicable law. - . - Creative Commons Notice - . - Creative Commons is not a party to this License, and makes no warranty - whatsoever in connection with the Work. Creative Commons will not be - liable to You or any party on any legal theory for any damages - whatsoever, including without limitation any general, special, - incidental or consequential damages arising in connection to this - license. Notwithstanding the foregoing two (2) sentences, if Creative - Commons has expressly identified itself as the Licensor hereunder, it - shall have all rights and obligations of Licensor. - . - Except for the limited purpose of indicating to the public that the Work - is licensed under the CCPL, Creative Commons does not authorize the use - by either party of the trademark "Creative Commons" or any related - trademark or logo of Creative Commons without the prior written consent - of Creative Commons. Any permitted use will be in compliance with - Creative Commons' then-current trademark usage guidelines, as may be - published on its website or otherwise made available upon request from - time to time. For the avoidance of doubt, this trademark restriction - does not form part of this License. - . - Creative Commons may be contacted at http://creativecommons.org/. + 1. automatically as of the date the violation is cured, provided + it is cured within 30 days of Your discovery of the + violation; or + . + 2. upon express reinstatement by the Licensor. + . + For the avoidance of doubt, this Section 6(b) does not affect any + right the Licensor may have to seek remedies for Your violations + of this Public License. + . + c. For the avoidance of doubt, the Licensor may also offer the + Licensed Material under separate terms or conditions or stop + distributing the Licensed Material at any time; however, doing so + will not terminate this Public License. + . + d. Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8 survive termination of this Public + License. + . + Section 7 -- Other Terms and Conditions. + . + a. The Licensor shall not be bound by any additional or different + terms or conditions communicated by You unless expressly agreed. + . + b. Any arrangements, understandings, or agreements regarding the + Licensed Material not stated herein are separate from and + independent of the terms and conditions of this Public License. + . + Section 8 -- Interpretation. + . + a. For the avoidance of doubt, this Public License does not, and + shall not be interpreted to, reduce, limit, restrict, or impose + conditions on any use of the Licensed Material that could lawfully + be made without permission under this Public License. + . + b. To the extent possible, if any provision of this Public License is + deemed unenforceable, it shall be automatically reformed to the + minimum extent necessary to make it enforceable. If the provision + cannot be reformed, it shall be severed from this Public License + without affecting the enforceability of the remaining terms and + conditions. + . + c. No term or condition of this Public License will be waived and no + failure to comply consented to unless expressly agreed to by the + Licensor. + . + d. Nothing in this Public License constitutes or may be interpreted + as a limitation upon, or waiver of, any privileges and immunities + that apply to the Licensor or You, including from the legal + processes of any jurisdiction or authority. License: Expat Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining diff --git a/LOGO_LICENSE.md b/LOGO_LICENSE.md index b357c49664..52ee37fb2f 100644 --- a/LOGO_LICENSE.md +++ b/LOGO_LICENSE.md @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ -Godot Logo (C) Andrea Calabró -Distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License -version 3.0 (CC-BY 3.0) <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode>. +Godot Engine Logo +Copyright (c) 2017 Andrea Calabró + +This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International +License (CC-BY-4.0 International) <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/>. diff --git a/core/core_constants.cpp b/core/core_constants.cpp index db22a9ecf6..02055012ad 100644 --- a/core/core_constants.cpp +++ b/core/core_constants.cpp @@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ void register_global_constants() { BIND_CORE_ENUM_CONSTANT_CUSTOM("TYPE_NIL", Variant::NIL); BIND_CORE_ENUM_CONSTANT_CUSTOM("TYPE_BOOL", Variant::BOOL); BIND_CORE_ENUM_CONSTANT_CUSTOM("TYPE_INT", Variant::INT); - BIND_CORE_ENUM_CONSTANT_CUSTOM("TYPE_REAL", Variant::FLOAT); + BIND_CORE_ENUM_CONSTANT_CUSTOM("TYPE_FLOAT", Variant::FLOAT); BIND_CORE_ENUM_CONSTANT_CUSTOM("TYPE_STRING", Variant::STRING); BIND_CORE_ENUM_CONSTANT_CUSTOM("TYPE_VECTOR2", Variant::VECTOR2); BIND_CORE_ENUM_CONSTANT_CUSTOM("TYPE_VECTOR2I", Variant::VECTOR2I); diff --git a/core/crypto/crypto.cpp b/core/crypto/crypto.cpp index d12108bca0..33ba0ba704 100644 --- a/core/crypto/crypto.cpp +++ b/core/crypto/crypto.cpp @@ -65,6 +65,22 @@ void X509Certificate::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("load", "path"), &X509Certificate::load); } +/// HMACContext + +void HMACContext::_bind_methods() { + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("start", "hash_type", "key"), &HMACContext::start); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("update", "data"), &HMACContext::update); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("finish"), &HMACContext::finish); +} + +HMACContext *(*HMACContext::_create)() = nullptr; +HMACContext *HMACContext::create() { + if (_create) { + return _create(); + } + ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(nullptr, "HMACContext is not available when the mbedtls module is disabled."); +} + /// Crypto void (*Crypto::_load_default_certificates)(String p_path) = nullptr; @@ -82,6 +98,35 @@ void Crypto::load_default_certificates(String p_path) { } } +PackedByteArray Crypto::hmac_digest(HashingContext::HashType p_hash_type, PackedByteArray p_key, PackedByteArray p_msg) { + Ref<HMACContext> ctx = Ref<HMACContext>(HMACContext::create()); + ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(ctx.is_null(), PackedByteArray(), "HMAC is not available witout mbedtls module."); + Error err = ctx->start(p_hash_type, p_key); + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, PackedByteArray()); + err = ctx->update(p_msg); + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, PackedByteArray()); + return ctx->finish(); +} + +// Compares two HMACS for equality without leaking timing information in order to prevent timing attakcs. +// @see: https://paragonie.com/blog/2015/11/preventing-timing-attacks-on-string-comparison-with-double-hmac-strategy +bool Crypto::constant_time_compare(PackedByteArray p_trusted, PackedByteArray p_received) { + const uint8_t *t = p_trusted.ptr(); + const uint8_t *r = p_received.ptr(); + int tlen = p_trusted.size(); + int rlen = p_received.size(); + // If the lengths are different then nothing else matters. + if (tlen != rlen) { + return false; + } + + uint8_t v = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < tlen; i++) { + v |= t[i] ^ r[i]; + } + return v == 0; +} + void Crypto::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("generate_random_bytes", "size"), &Crypto::generate_random_bytes); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("generate_rsa", "size"), &Crypto::generate_rsa); @@ -90,6 +135,8 @@ void Crypto::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("verify", "hash_type", "hash", "signature", "key"), &Crypto::verify); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("encrypt", "key", "plaintext"), &Crypto::encrypt); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("decrypt", "key", "ciphertext"), &Crypto::decrypt); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("hmac_digest", "hash_type", "key", "msg"), &Crypto::hmac_digest); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("constant_time_compare", "trusted", "received"), &Crypto::constant_time_compare); } /// Resource loader/saver diff --git a/core/crypto/crypto.h b/core/crypto/crypto.h index 8325f043bf..5cacddaea0 100644 --- a/core/crypto/crypto.h +++ b/core/crypto/crypto.h @@ -67,6 +67,23 @@ public: virtual Error save(String p_path) = 0; }; +class HMACContext : public Reference { + GDCLASS(HMACContext, Reference); + +protected: + static void _bind_methods(); + static HMACContext *(*_create)(); + +public: + static HMACContext *create(); + + virtual Error start(HashingContext::HashType p_hash_type, PackedByteArray p_key) = 0; + virtual Error update(PackedByteArray p_data) = 0; + virtual PackedByteArray finish() = 0; + + HMACContext() {} +}; + class Crypto : public Reference { GDCLASS(Crypto, Reference); @@ -88,6 +105,12 @@ public: virtual Vector<uint8_t> encrypt(Ref<CryptoKey> p_key, Vector<uint8_t> p_plaintext) = 0; virtual Vector<uint8_t> decrypt(Ref<CryptoKey> p_key, Vector<uint8_t> p_ciphertext) = 0; + PackedByteArray hmac_digest(HashingContext::HashType p_hash_type, PackedByteArray p_key, PackedByteArray p_msg); + + // Compares two PackedByteArrays for equality without leaking timing information in order to prevent timing attacks. + // @see: https://paragonie.com/blog/2015/11/preventing-timing-attacks-on-string-comparison-with-double-hmac-strategy + bool constant_time_compare(PackedByteArray p_trusted, PackedByteArray p_received); + Crypto() {} }; diff --git a/core/doc_data.cpp b/core/doc_data.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d84ac6d05b --- /dev/null +++ b/core/doc_data.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* doc_data.cpp */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#include "doc_data.h" + +void DocData::return_doc_from_retinfo(DocData::MethodDoc &p_method, const PropertyInfo &p_retinfo) { + if (p_retinfo.type == Variant::INT && p_retinfo.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_CLASS_IS_ENUM) { + p_method.return_enum = p_retinfo.class_name; + if (p_method.return_enum.begins_with("_")) { //proxy class + p_method.return_enum = p_method.return_enum.substr(1, p_method.return_enum.length()); + } + p_method.return_type = "int"; + } else if (p_retinfo.class_name != StringName()) { + p_method.return_type = p_retinfo.class_name; + } else if (p_retinfo.type == Variant::ARRAY && p_retinfo.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_ARRAY_TYPE) { + p_method.return_type = p_retinfo.hint_string + "[]"; + } else if (p_retinfo.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE) { + p_method.return_type = p_retinfo.hint_string; + } else if (p_retinfo.type == Variant::NIL && p_retinfo.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT) { + p_method.return_type = "Variant"; + } else if (p_retinfo.type == Variant::NIL) { + p_method.return_type = "void"; + } else { + p_method.return_type = Variant::get_type_name(p_retinfo.type); + } +} + +void DocData::argument_doc_from_arginfo(DocData::ArgumentDoc &p_argument, const PropertyInfo &p_arginfo) { + p_argument.name = p_arginfo.name; + + if (p_arginfo.type == Variant::INT && p_arginfo.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_CLASS_IS_ENUM) { + p_argument.enumeration = p_arginfo.class_name; + if (p_argument.enumeration.begins_with("_")) { //proxy class + p_argument.enumeration = p_argument.enumeration.substr(1, p_argument.enumeration.length()); + } + p_argument.type = "int"; + } else if (p_arginfo.class_name != StringName()) { + p_argument.type = p_arginfo.class_name; + } else if (p_arginfo.type == Variant::ARRAY && p_arginfo.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_ARRAY_TYPE) { + p_argument.type = p_arginfo.hint_string + "[]"; + } else if (p_arginfo.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE) { + p_argument.type = p_arginfo.hint_string; + } else if (p_arginfo.type == Variant::NIL) { + // Parameters cannot be void, so PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT is not necessary + p_argument.type = "Variant"; + } else { + p_argument.type = Variant::get_type_name(p_arginfo.type); + } +} + +void DocData::property_doc_from_scriptmemberinfo(DocData::PropertyDoc &p_property, const ScriptMemberInfo &p_memberinfo) { + p_property.name = p_memberinfo.propinfo.name; + p_property.description = p_memberinfo.doc_string; + + if (p_memberinfo.propinfo.type == Variant::OBJECT) { + p_property.type = p_memberinfo.propinfo.class_name; + } else if (p_memberinfo.propinfo.type == Variant::NIL && p_memberinfo.propinfo.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT) { + p_property.type = "Variant"; + } else { + p_property.type = Variant::get_type_name(p_memberinfo.propinfo.type); + } + + p_property.setter = p_memberinfo.setter; + p_property.getter = p_memberinfo.getter; + + if (p_memberinfo.has_default_value && p_memberinfo.default_value.get_type() != Variant::OBJECT) { + p_property.default_value = p_memberinfo.default_value.get_construct_string().replace("\n", ""); + } + + p_property.overridden = false; +} + +void DocData::method_doc_from_methodinfo(DocData::MethodDoc &p_method, const MethodInfo &p_methodinfo, const String &p_desc) { + p_method.name = p_methodinfo.name; + p_method.description = p_desc; + + return_doc_from_retinfo(p_method, p_methodinfo.return_val); + + for (int i = 0; i < p_methodinfo.arguments.size(); i++) { + DocData::ArgumentDoc argument; + argument_doc_from_arginfo(argument, p_methodinfo.arguments[i]); + int default_arg_index = i - (p_methodinfo.arguments.size() - p_methodinfo.default_arguments.size()); + if (default_arg_index >= 0) { + Variant default_arg = p_methodinfo.default_arguments[default_arg_index]; + argument.default_value = default_arg.get_construct_string(); + } + p_method.arguments.push_back(argument); + } +} + +void DocData::constant_doc_from_variant(DocData::ConstantDoc &p_const, const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value, const String &p_desc) { + p_const.name = p_name; + p_const.value = p_value; + p_const.description = p_desc; +} + +void DocData::signal_doc_from_methodinfo(DocData::MethodDoc &p_signal, const MethodInfo &p_methodinfo, const String &p_desc) { + return method_doc_from_methodinfo(p_signal, p_methodinfo, p_desc); +} diff --git a/editor/doc_data.h b/core/doc_data.h index 2cb475d137..bf016792ea 100644 --- a/editor/doc_data.h +++ b/core/doc_data.h @@ -35,6 +35,16 @@ #include "core/templates/map.h" #include "core/variant/variant.h" +struct ScriptMemberInfo { + PropertyInfo propinfo; + String doc_string; + StringName setter; + StringName getter; + + bool has_default_value = false; + Variant default_value; +}; + class DocData { public: struct ArgumentDoc { @@ -87,6 +97,12 @@ public: } }; + struct EnumDoc { + String name = "@unnamed_enum"; + String description; + Vector<DocData::ConstantDoc> values; + }; + struct PropertyDoc { String name; String type; @@ -115,27 +131,22 @@ public: Vector<MethodDoc> methods; Vector<MethodDoc> signals; Vector<ConstantDoc> constants; + Map<String, String> enums; Vector<PropertyDoc> properties; Vector<PropertyDoc> theme_properties; + bool is_script_doc = false; + String script_path; bool operator<(const ClassDoc &p_class) const { return name < p_class.name; } }; - String version; - - Map<String, ClassDoc> class_list; - Error _load(Ref<XMLParser> parser); - -public: - void merge_from(const DocData &p_data); - void remove_from(const DocData &p_data); - void generate(bool p_basic_types = false); - Error load_classes(const String &p_dir); - static Error erase_classes(const String &p_dir); - Error save_classes(const String &p_default_path, const Map<String, String> &p_class_path); - - Error load_compressed(const uint8_t *p_data, int p_compressed_size, int p_uncompressed_size); + static void return_doc_from_retinfo(DocData::MethodDoc &p_method, const PropertyInfo &p_retinfo); + static void argument_doc_from_arginfo(DocData::ArgumentDoc &p_argument, const PropertyInfo &p_arginfo); + static void property_doc_from_scriptmemberinfo(DocData::PropertyDoc &p_property, const ScriptMemberInfo &p_memberinfo); + static void method_doc_from_methodinfo(DocData::MethodDoc &p_method, const MethodInfo &p_methodinfo, const String &p_desc); + static void constant_doc_from_variant(DocData::ConstantDoc &p_const, const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value, const String &p_desc); + static void signal_doc_from_methodinfo(DocData::MethodDoc &p_signal, const MethodInfo &p_methodinfo, const String &p_desc); }; #endif // DOC_DATA_H diff --git a/core/input/input.cpp b/core/input/input.cpp index 00a7e63a73..153656e44a 100644 --- a/core/input/input.cpp +++ b/core/input/input.cpp @@ -1211,7 +1211,7 @@ void Input::parse_mapping(String p_mapping) { ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(output.length() < 1 || input.length() < 2, String(entry[idx] + "\nInvalid device mapping entry: " + entry[idx])); - if (output == "platform") { + if (output == "platform" || output == "hint") { continue; } diff --git a/core/input/input_event.cpp b/core/input/input_event.cpp index 41bc5e84b0..e04e642f6b 100644 --- a/core/input/input_event.cpp +++ b/core/input/input_event.cpp @@ -84,10 +84,6 @@ Ref<InputEvent> InputEvent::xformed_by(const Transform2D &p_xform, const Vector2 return Ref<InputEvent>((InputEvent *)this); } -String InputEvent::as_text() const { - return String(); -} - bool InputEvent::action_match(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event, bool *p_pressed, float *p_strength, float *p_raw_strength, float p_deadzone) const { return false; } @@ -198,6 +194,33 @@ void InputEventWithModifiers::set_modifiers_from_event(const InputEventWithModif set_metakey(event->get_metakey()); } +String InputEventWithModifiers::as_text() const { + Vector<String> mod_names; + + if (get_control()) { + mod_names.push_back(find_keycode_name(KEY_CONTROL)); + } + if (get_shift()) { + mod_names.push_back(find_keycode_name(KEY_SHIFT)); + } + if (get_alt()) { + mod_names.push_back(find_keycode_name(KEY_ALT)); + } + if (get_metakey()) { + mod_names.push_back(find_keycode_name(KEY_META)); + } + + if (!mod_names.empty()) { + return String("+").join(mod_names); + } else { + return "None"; + } +} + +String InputEventWithModifiers::to_string() { + return as_text(); +} + void InputEventWithModifiers::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_store_command", "enable"), &InputEventWithModifiers::set_store_command); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_storing_command"), &InputEventWithModifiers::is_storing_command); @@ -326,24 +349,31 @@ uint32_t InputEventKey::get_physical_keycode_with_modifiers() const { } String InputEventKey::as_text() const { - String kc = keycode_get_string(keycode); + String kc; + + if (keycode == 0) { + kc = keycode_get_string(physical_keycode) + " (" + RTR("Physical") + ")"; + } else { + kc = keycode_get_string(keycode); + } + if (kc == String()) { return kc; } - if (get_metakey()) { - kc = find_keycode_name(KEY_META) + ("+" + kc); - } - if (get_alt()) { - kc = find_keycode_name(KEY_ALT) + ("+" + kc); - } - if (get_shift()) { - kc = find_keycode_name(KEY_SHIFT) + ("+" + kc); - } - if (get_control()) { - kc = find_keycode_name(KEY_CONTROL) + ("+" + kc); + String mods_text = InputEventWithModifiers::as_text(); + return mods_text == "" ? kc : mods_text + "+" + kc; +} + +String InputEventKey::to_string() { + String p = is_pressed() ? "true" : "false"; + String e = is_echo() ? "true" : "false"; + + if (keycode == 0) { + return vformat("InputEventKey: keycode=%s mods=%s physical=%s pressed=%s echo=%s", itos(physical_keycode) + " " + keycode_get_string(physical_keycode), InputEventWithModifiers::as_text(), "true", p, e); + } else { + return vformat("InputEventKey: keycode=%s mods=%s physical=%s pressed=%s echo=%s", itos(keycode) + " " + keycode_get_string(keycode), InputEventWithModifiers::as_text(), "false", p, e); } - return kc; } bool InputEventKey::action_match(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event, bool *p_pressed, float *p_strength, float *p_raw_strength, float p_deadzone) const { @@ -536,41 +566,74 @@ bool InputEventMouseButton::action_match(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event, bool *p return match; } +static const char *_mouse_button_descriptions[9] = { + TTRC("Left Mouse Button"), + TTRC("Right Mouse Button"), + TTRC("Middle Mouse Button"), + TTRC("Mouse Wheel Up"), + TTRC("Mouse Wheel Down"), + TTRC("Mouse Wheel Left"), + TTRC("Mouse Wheel Right"), + TTRC("Mouse Thumb Button 1"), + TTRC("Mouse Thumb Button 2") +}; + String InputEventMouseButton::as_text() const { - String button_index_string = ""; - switch (get_button_index()) { + // Modifiers + String mods_text = InputEventWithModifiers::as_text(); + String full_string = mods_text == "" ? "" : mods_text + "+"; + + // Button + int idx = get_button_index(); + switch (idx) { case BUTTON_LEFT: - button_index_string = "BUTTON_LEFT"; - break; case BUTTON_RIGHT: - button_index_string = "BUTTON_RIGHT"; - break; case BUTTON_MIDDLE: - button_index_string = "BUTTON_MIDDLE"; - break; case BUTTON_WHEEL_UP: - button_index_string = "BUTTON_WHEEL_UP"; - break; case BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN: - button_index_string = "BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN"; - break; case BUTTON_WHEEL_LEFT: - button_index_string = "BUTTON_WHEEL_LEFT"; - break; case BUTTON_WHEEL_RIGHT: - button_index_string = "BUTTON_WHEEL_RIGHT"; - break; case BUTTON_XBUTTON1: - button_index_string = "BUTTON_XBUTTON1"; + case BUTTON_XBUTTON2: + full_string += RTR(_mouse_button_descriptions[idx - 1]); // button index starts from 1, array index starts from 0, so subtract 1 + break; + default: + full_string += RTR("Button") + " #" + itos(idx); break; + } + + // Double Click + if (doubleclick) { + full_string += " (" + RTR("Double Click") + ")"; + } + + return full_string; +} + +String InputEventMouseButton::to_string() { + String p = is_pressed() ? "true" : "false"; + String d = doubleclick ? "true" : "false"; + + int idx = get_button_index(); + String button_string = itos(idx); + + switch (idx) { + case BUTTON_LEFT: + case BUTTON_RIGHT: + case BUTTON_MIDDLE: + case BUTTON_WHEEL_UP: + case BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN: + case BUTTON_WHEEL_LEFT: + case BUTTON_WHEEL_RIGHT: + case BUTTON_XBUTTON1: case BUTTON_XBUTTON2: - button_index_string = "BUTTON_XBUTTON2"; + button_string += " (" + RTR(_mouse_button_descriptions[idx - 1]) + ")"; // button index starts from 1, array index starts from 0, so subtract 1 break; default: - button_index_string = itos(get_button_index()); break; } - return "InputEventMouseButton : button_index=" + button_index_string + ", pressed=" + (pressed ? "true" : "false") + ", position=(" + String(get_position()) + "), button_mask=" + itos(get_button_mask()) + ", doubleclick=" + (doubleclick ? "true" : "false"); + + return vformat("InputEventMouseButton: button_index=%s pressed=%s position=(%s) button_mask=%s doubleclick=%s", button_index, p, String(get_position()), itos(get_button_mask()), d); } void InputEventMouseButton::_bind_methods() { @@ -653,27 +716,32 @@ Ref<InputEvent> InputEventMouseMotion::xformed_by(const Transform2D &p_xform, co } String InputEventMouseMotion::as_text() const { - String button_mask_string = ""; + return vformat(RTR("Mouse motion at position (%s) with speed (%s)"), String(get_position()), String(get_speed())); +} + +String InputEventMouseMotion::to_string() { + int button_mask = get_button_mask(); + String button_mask_string = itos(button_mask); switch (get_button_mask()) { case BUTTON_MASK_LEFT: - button_mask_string = "BUTTON_MASK_LEFT"; + button_mask_string += " (" + RTR(_mouse_button_descriptions[BUTTON_LEFT - 1]) + ")"; break; case BUTTON_MASK_MIDDLE: - button_mask_string = "BUTTON_MASK_MIDDLE"; + button_mask_string += " (" + RTR(_mouse_button_descriptions[BUTTON_MIDDLE - 1]) + ")"; break; case BUTTON_MASK_RIGHT: - button_mask_string = "BUTTON_MASK_RIGHT"; + button_mask_string += " (" + RTR(_mouse_button_descriptions[BUTTON_RIGHT - 1]) + ")"; break; case BUTTON_MASK_XBUTTON1: - button_mask_string = "BUTTON_MASK_XBUTTON1"; + button_mask_string += " (" + RTR(_mouse_button_descriptions[BUTTON_XBUTTON1 - 1]) + ")"; break; case BUTTON_MASK_XBUTTON2: - button_mask_string = "BUTTON_MASK_XBUTTON2"; + button_mask_string += " (" + RTR(_mouse_button_descriptions[BUTTON_XBUTTON2 - 1]) + ")"; break; default: - button_mask_string = itos(get_button_mask()); break; } + return "InputEventMouseMotion : button_mask=" + button_mask_string + ", position=(" + String(get_position()) + "), relative=(" + String(get_relative()) + "), speed=(" + String(get_speed()) + "), pressure=(" + rtos(get_pressure()) + "), tilt=(" + String(get_tilt()) + ")"; } @@ -796,7 +864,26 @@ bool InputEventJoypadMotion::action_match(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event, bool * return match; } +static const char *_joy_axis_descriptions[JOY_AXIS_MAX] = { + TTRC("Left Stick X-Axis, Joystick 0 X-Axis"), + TTRC("Left Stick Y-Axis, Joystick 0 Y-Axis"), + TTRC("Right Stick X-Axis, Joystick 1 X-Axis"), + TTRC("Right Stick Y-Axis, Joystick 1 Y-Axis"), + TTRC("Joystick 2 X-Axis, Left Trigger, Sony L2, Xbox LT"), + TTRC("Joystick 2 Y-Axis, Right Trigger, Sony R2, Xbox RT"), + TTRC("Joystick 3 X-Axis"), + TTRC("Joystick 3 Y-Axis"), + TTRC("Joystick 4 X-Axis"), + TTRC("Joystick 4 Y-Axis"), +}; + String InputEventJoypadMotion::as_text() const { + String desc = axis < JOY_AXIS_MAX ? RTR(_joy_axis_descriptions[axis]) : TTR("Unknown Joypad Axis"); + + return vformat(TTR("Joypad Motion on Axis %s (%s) with Value %s"), itos(axis), desc, String(Variant(axis_value))); +} + +String InputEventJoypadMotion::to_string() { return "InputEventJoypadMotion : axis=" + itos(axis) + ", axis_value=" + String(Variant(axis_value)); } @@ -869,7 +956,39 @@ bool InputEventJoypadButton::shortcut_match(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) cons return button_index == button->button_index; } +static const char *_joy_button_descriptions[JOY_BUTTON_SDL_MAX] = { + TTRC("Bottom Action, Sony Cross, Xbox A, Nintendo B"), + TTRC("Right Action, Sony Circle, Xbox B, Nintendo A"), + TTRC("Left Action, Sony Square, Xbox X, Nintendo Y"), + TTRC("Top Action, Sony Triangle, Xbox Y, Nintendo X"), + TTRC("Back, Sony Select, Xbox Back, Nintendo -"), + TTRC("Guide, Sony PS, Xbox Home"), + TTRC("Start, Nintendo +"), + TTRC("Left Stick, Sony L3, Xbox L/LS"), + TTRC("Right Stick, Sony R3, Xbox R/RS"), + TTRC("Left Shoulder, Sony L1, Xbox LB"), + TTRC("Right Shoulder, Sony R1, Xbox RB"), + TTRC("D-pad Up"), + TTRC("D-pad Down"), + TTRC("D-pad Left"), + TTRC("D-pad Right"), +}; + String InputEventJoypadButton::as_text() const { + String text = "Joypad Button " + itos(button_index); + + if (button_index < JOY_BUTTON_SDL_MAX) { + text += vformat(" (%s)", _joy_button_descriptions[button_index]); + } + + if (pressure != 0) { + text += ", Pressure:" + String(Variant(pressure)); + } + + return text; +} + +String InputEventJoypadButton::to_string() { return "InputEventJoypadButton : button_index=" + itos(button_index) + ", pressed=" + (pressed ? "true" : "false") + ", pressure=" + String(Variant(pressure)); } @@ -927,6 +1046,12 @@ Ref<InputEvent> InputEventScreenTouch::xformed_by(const Transform2D &p_xform, co } String InputEventScreenTouch::as_text() const { + String status = pressed ? RTR("touched") : RTR("released"); + + return vformat(RTR("Screen %s at (%s) with %s touch points"), status, String(get_position()), itos(index)); +} + +String InputEventScreenTouch::to_string() { return "InputEventScreenTouch : index=" + itos(index) + ", pressed=" + (pressed ? "true" : "false") + ", position=(" + String(get_position()) + ")"; } @@ -996,6 +1121,10 @@ Ref<InputEvent> InputEventScreenDrag::xformed_by(const Transform2D &p_xform, con } String InputEventScreenDrag::as_text() const { + return vformat(RTR("Screen dragged with %s touch points at position (%s) with speed of (%s)"), itos(index), String(get_position()), String(get_speed())); +} + +String InputEventScreenDrag::to_string() { return "InputEventScreenDrag : index=" + itos(index) + ", position=(" + String(get_position()) + "), relative=(" + String(get_relative()) + "), speed=(" + String(get_speed()) + ")"; } @@ -1079,6 +1208,10 @@ bool InputEventAction::action_match(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event, bool *p_pres } String InputEventAction::as_text() const { + return vformat(RTR("Input Action %s was %s"), action, pressed ? "pressed" : "released"); +} + +String InputEventAction::to_string() { return "InputEventAction : action=" + action + ", pressed=(" + (pressed ? "true" : "false"); } @@ -1142,6 +1275,10 @@ Ref<InputEvent> InputEventMagnifyGesture::xformed_by(const Transform2D &p_xform, } String InputEventMagnifyGesture::as_text() const { + return vformat(RTR("Magnify Gesture at (%s) with factor %s"), String(get_position()), rtos(get_factor())); +} + +String InputEventMagnifyGesture::to_string() { return "InputEventMagnifyGesture : factor=" + rtos(get_factor()) + ", position=(" + String(get_position()) + ")"; } @@ -1178,6 +1315,10 @@ Ref<InputEvent> InputEventPanGesture::xformed_by(const Transform2D &p_xform, con } String InputEventPanGesture::as_text() const { + return vformat(RTR("Pan Gesture at (%s) with delta (%s)"), String(get_position()), String(get_delta())); +} + +String InputEventPanGesture::to_string() { return "InputEventPanGesture : delta=(" + String(get_delta()) + "), position=(" + String(get_position()) + ")"; } @@ -1255,7 +1396,11 @@ int InputEventMIDI::get_controller_value() const { } String InputEventMIDI::as_text() const { - return "InputEventMIDI : channel=(" + itos(get_channel()) + "), message=(" + itos(get_message()) + ")"; + return vformat(RTR("MIDI Input on Channel=%s Message=%s"), itos(channel), itos(message)); +} + +String InputEventMIDI::to_string() { + return vformat("InputEvenMIDI: channel=%s message=%s pitch=%s velocity=%s pressure=%s", itos(channel), itos(message), itos(pitch), itos(velocity), itos(pressure)); } void InputEventMIDI::_bind_methods() { diff --git a/core/input/input_event.h b/core/input/input_event.h index 0eae3a2bbe..6a71a24c8b 100644 --- a/core/input/input_event.h +++ b/core/input/input_event.h @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ public: virtual bool is_pressed() const; virtual bool is_echo() const; - virtual String as_text() const; + virtual String as_text() const = 0; virtual Ref<InputEvent> xformed_by(const Transform2D &p_xform, const Vector2 &p_local_ofs = Vector2()) const; @@ -207,6 +207,9 @@ public: void set_modifiers_from_event(const InputEventWithModifiers *event); + virtual String as_text() const override; + virtual String to_string() override; + InputEventWithModifiers() {} }; @@ -249,6 +252,7 @@ public: virtual bool is_action_type() const override { return true; } virtual String as_text() const override; + virtual String to_string() override; InputEventKey() {} }; @@ -306,6 +310,7 @@ public: virtual bool is_action_type() const override { return true; } virtual String as_text() const override; + virtual String to_string() override; InputEventMouseButton() {} }; @@ -336,6 +341,7 @@ public: virtual Ref<InputEvent> xformed_by(const Transform2D &p_xform, const Vector2 &p_local_ofs = Vector2()) const override; virtual String as_text() const override; + virtual String to_string() override; virtual bool accumulate(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) override; @@ -363,6 +369,7 @@ public: virtual bool is_action_type() const override { return true; } virtual String as_text() const override; + virtual String to_string() override; InputEventJoypadMotion() {} }; @@ -391,6 +398,7 @@ public: virtual bool is_action_type() const override { return true; } virtual String as_text() const override; + virtual String to_string() override; InputEventJoypadButton() {} }; @@ -416,6 +424,7 @@ public: virtual Ref<InputEvent> xformed_by(const Transform2D &p_xform, const Vector2 &p_local_ofs = Vector2()) const override; virtual String as_text() const override; + virtual String to_string() override; InputEventScreenTouch() {} }; @@ -445,6 +454,7 @@ public: virtual Ref<InputEvent> xformed_by(const Transform2D &p_xform, const Vector2 &p_local_ofs = Vector2()) const override; virtual String as_text() const override; + virtual String to_string() override; InputEventScreenDrag() {} }; @@ -476,6 +486,7 @@ public: virtual bool shortcut_match(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) const override; virtual bool is_action_type() const override { return true; } virtual String as_text() const override; + virtual String to_string() override; InputEventAction() {} }; @@ -506,6 +517,7 @@ public: virtual Ref<InputEvent> xformed_by(const Transform2D &p_xform, const Vector2 &p_local_ofs = Vector2()) const override; virtual String as_text() const override; + virtual String to_string() override; InputEventMagnifyGesture() {} }; @@ -523,6 +535,7 @@ public: virtual Ref<InputEvent> xformed_by(const Transform2D &p_xform, const Vector2 &p_local_ofs = Vector2()) const override; virtual String as_text() const override; + virtual String to_string() override; InputEventPanGesture() {} }; @@ -568,6 +581,7 @@ public: int get_controller_value() const; virtual String as_text() const override; + virtual String to_string() override; InputEventMIDI() {} }; diff --git a/core/io/resource_importer.h b/core/io/resource_importer.h index d31a9a0194..30bbd43c18 100644 --- a/core/io/resource_importer.h +++ b/core/io/resource_importer.h @@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ public: virtual String get_resource_type() const = 0; virtual float get_priority() const { return 1.0; } virtual int get_import_order() const { return 0; } + virtual int get_format_version() const { return 0; } struct ImportOption { PropertyInfo option; diff --git a/core/math/basis.cpp b/core/math/basis.cpp index c6030d9757..a64f29517d 100644 --- a/core/math/basis.cpp +++ b/core/math/basis.cpp @@ -1017,15 +1017,15 @@ void Basis::set_diagonal(const Vector3 &p_diag) { elements[2][2] = p_diag.z; } -Basis Basis::slerp(const Basis &target, const real_t &t) const { +Basis Basis::slerp(const Basis &p_to, const real_t &p_weight) const { //consider scale Quat from(*this); - Quat to(target); + Quat to(p_to); - Basis b(from.slerp(to, t)); - b.elements[0] *= Math::lerp(elements[0].length(), target.elements[0].length(), t); - b.elements[1] *= Math::lerp(elements[1].length(), target.elements[1].length(), t); - b.elements[2] *= Math::lerp(elements[2].length(), target.elements[2].length(), t); + Basis b(from.slerp(to, p_weight)); + b.elements[0] *= Math::lerp(elements[0].length(), p_to.elements[0].length(), p_weight); + b.elements[1] *= Math::lerp(elements[1].length(), p_to.elements[1].length(), p_weight); + b.elements[2] *= Math::lerp(elements[2].length(), p_to.elements[2].length(), p_weight); return b; } diff --git a/core/math/basis.h b/core/math/basis.h index 2584f1ff48..4cb3d55200 100644 --- a/core/math/basis.h +++ b/core/math/basis.h @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ public: bool is_diagonal() const; bool is_rotation() const; - Basis slerp(const Basis &target, const real_t &t) const; + Basis slerp(const Basis &p_to, const real_t &p_weight) const; void rotate_sh(real_t *p_values); operator String() const; diff --git a/core/math/color.h b/core/math/color.h index a9be9e9035..b928ff8592 100644 --- a/core/math/color.h +++ b/core/math/color.h @@ -92,13 +92,13 @@ struct Color { void invert(); Color inverted() const; - _FORCE_INLINE_ Color lerp(const Color &p_b, float p_t) const { + _FORCE_INLINE_ Color lerp(const Color &p_to, float p_weight) const { Color res = *this; - res.r += (p_t * (p_b.r - r)); - res.g += (p_t * (p_b.g - g)); - res.b += (p_t * (p_b.b - b)); - res.a += (p_t * (p_b.a - a)); + res.r += (p_weight * (p_to.r - r)); + res.g += (p_weight * (p_to.g - g)); + res.b += (p_weight * (p_to.b - b)); + res.a += (p_weight * (p_to.a - a)); return res; } diff --git a/core/math/quat.cpp b/core/math/quat.cpp index b6a017dd41..fc2d71c377 100644 --- a/core/math/quat.cpp +++ b/core/math/quat.cpp @@ -106,16 +106,16 @@ Vector3 Quat::get_euler_yxz() const { return m.get_euler_yxz(); } -void Quat::operator*=(const Quat &q) { - set(w * q.x + x * q.w + y * q.z - z * q.y, - w * q.y + y * q.w + z * q.x - x * q.z, - w * q.z + z * q.w + x * q.y - y * q.x, - w * q.w - x * q.x - y * q.y - z * q.z); +void Quat::operator*=(const Quat &p_q) { + set(w * p_q.x + x * p_q.w + y * p_q.z - z * p_q.y, + w * p_q.y + y * p_q.w + z * p_q.x - x * p_q.z, + w * p_q.z + z * p_q.w + x * p_q.y - y * p_q.x, + w * p_q.w - x * p_q.x - y * p_q.y - z * p_q.z); } -Quat Quat::operator*(const Quat &q) const { +Quat Quat::operator*(const Quat &p_q) const { Quat r = *this; - r *= q; + r *= p_q; return r; } @@ -146,29 +146,29 @@ Quat Quat::inverse() const { return Quat(-x, -y, -z, w); } -Quat Quat::slerp(const Quat &q, const real_t &t) const { +Quat Quat::slerp(const Quat &p_to, const real_t &p_weight) const { #ifdef MATH_CHECKS ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!is_normalized(), Quat(), "The start quaternion must be normalized."); - ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!q.is_normalized(), Quat(), "The end quaternion must be normalized."); + ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!p_to.is_normalized(), Quat(), "The end quaternion must be normalized."); #endif Quat to1; real_t omega, cosom, sinom, scale0, scale1; // calc cosine - cosom = dot(q); + cosom = dot(p_to); // adjust signs (if necessary) if (cosom < 0.0) { cosom = -cosom; - to1.x = -q.x; - to1.y = -q.y; - to1.z = -q.z; - to1.w = -q.w; + to1.x = -p_to.x; + to1.y = -p_to.y; + to1.z = -p_to.z; + to1.w = -p_to.w; } else { - to1.x = q.x; - to1.y = q.y; - to1.z = q.z; - to1.w = q.w; + to1.x = p_to.x; + to1.y = p_to.y; + to1.z = p_to.z; + to1.w = p_to.w; } // calculate coefficients @@ -177,13 +177,13 @@ Quat Quat::slerp(const Quat &q, const real_t &t) const { // standard case (slerp) omega = Math::acos(cosom); sinom = Math::sin(omega); - scale0 = Math::sin((1.0 - t) * omega) / sinom; - scale1 = Math::sin(t * omega) / sinom; + scale0 = Math::sin((1.0 - p_weight) * omega) / sinom; + scale1 = Math::sin(p_weight * omega) / sinom; } else { // "from" and "to" quaternions are very close // ... so we can do a linear interpolation - scale0 = 1.0 - t; - scale1 = t; + scale0 = 1.0 - p_weight; + scale1 = p_weight; } // calculate final values return Quat( @@ -193,14 +193,14 @@ Quat Quat::slerp(const Quat &q, const real_t &t) const { scale0 * w + scale1 * to1.w); } -Quat Quat::slerpni(const Quat &q, const real_t &t) const { +Quat Quat::slerpni(const Quat &p_to, const real_t &p_weight) const { #ifdef MATH_CHECKS ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!is_normalized(), Quat(), "The start quaternion must be normalized."); - ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!q.is_normalized(), Quat(), "The end quaternion must be normalized."); + ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!p_to.is_normalized(), Quat(), "The end quaternion must be normalized."); #endif const Quat &from = *this; - real_t dot = from.dot(q); + real_t dot = from.dot(p_to); if (Math::absf(dot) > 0.9999) { return from; @@ -208,24 +208,24 @@ Quat Quat::slerpni(const Quat &q, const real_t &t) const { real_t theta = Math::acos(dot), sinT = 1.0 / Math::sin(theta), - newFactor = Math::sin(t * theta) * sinT, - invFactor = Math::sin((1.0 - t) * theta) * sinT; + newFactor = Math::sin(p_weight * theta) * sinT, + invFactor = Math::sin((1.0 - p_weight) * theta) * sinT; - return Quat(invFactor * from.x + newFactor * q.x, - invFactor * from.y + newFactor * q.y, - invFactor * from.z + newFactor * q.z, - invFactor * from.w + newFactor * q.w); + return Quat(invFactor * from.x + newFactor * p_to.x, + invFactor * from.y + newFactor * p_to.y, + invFactor * from.z + newFactor * p_to.z, + invFactor * from.w + newFactor * p_to.w); } -Quat Quat::cubic_slerp(const Quat &q, const Quat &prep, const Quat &postq, const real_t &t) const { +Quat Quat::cubic_slerp(const Quat &p_b, const Quat &p_pre_a, const Quat &p_post_b, const real_t &p_weight) const { #ifdef MATH_CHECKS ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!is_normalized(), Quat(), "The start quaternion must be normalized."); - ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!q.is_normalized(), Quat(), "The end quaternion must be normalized."); + ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!p_b.is_normalized(), Quat(), "The end quaternion must be normalized."); #endif //the only way to do slerp :| - real_t t2 = (1.0 - t) * t * 2; - Quat sp = this->slerp(q, t); - Quat sq = prep.slerpni(postq, t); + real_t t2 = (1.0 - p_weight) * p_weight * 2; + Quat sp = this->slerp(p_b, p_weight); + Quat sq = p_pre_a.slerpni(p_post_b, p_weight); return sp.slerpni(sq, t2); } diff --git a/core/math/quat.h b/core/math/quat.h index f8ab537d7b..bb980f7677 100644 --- a/core/math/quat.h +++ b/core/math/quat.h @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public: Quat normalized() const; bool is_normalized() const; Quat inverse() const; - _FORCE_INLINE_ real_t dot(const Quat &q) const; + _FORCE_INLINE_ real_t dot(const Quat &p_q) const; void set_euler_xyz(const Vector3 &p_euler); Vector3 get_euler_xyz() const; @@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ public: void set_euler(const Vector3 &p_euler) { set_euler_yxz(p_euler); }; Vector3 get_euler() const { return get_euler_yxz(); }; - Quat slerp(const Quat &q, const real_t &t) const; - Quat slerpni(const Quat &q, const real_t &t) const; - Quat cubic_slerp(const Quat &q, const Quat &prep, const Quat &postq, const real_t &t) const; + Quat slerp(const Quat &p_to, const real_t &p_weight) const; + Quat slerpni(const Quat &p_to, const real_t &p_weight) const; + Quat cubic_slerp(const Quat &p_b, const Quat &p_pre_a, const Quat &p_post_b, const real_t &p_weight) const; void set_axis_angle(const Vector3 &axis, const real_t &angle); _FORCE_INLINE_ void get_axis_angle(Vector3 &r_axis, real_t &r_angle) const { @@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ public: r_axis.z = z * r; } - void operator*=(const Quat &q); - Quat operator*(const Quat &q) const; + void operator*=(const Quat &p_q); + Quat operator*(const Quat &p_q) const; Quat operator*(const Vector3 &v) const { return Quat(w * v.x + y * v.z - z * v.y, @@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ public: return inverse().xform(v); } - _FORCE_INLINE_ void operator+=(const Quat &q); - _FORCE_INLINE_ void operator-=(const Quat &q); + _FORCE_INLINE_ void operator+=(const Quat &p_q); + _FORCE_INLINE_ void operator-=(const Quat &p_q); _FORCE_INLINE_ void operator*=(const real_t &s); _FORCE_INLINE_ void operator/=(const real_t &s); _FORCE_INLINE_ Quat operator+(const Quat &q2) const; @@ -141,18 +141,18 @@ public: Quat(const Vector3 &axis, const real_t &angle) { set_axis_angle(axis, angle); } Quat(const Vector3 &euler) { set_euler(euler); } - Quat(const Quat &q) : - x(q.x), - y(q.y), - z(q.z), - w(q.w) { + Quat(const Quat &p_q) : + x(p_q.x), + y(p_q.y), + z(p_q.z), + w(p_q.w) { } - Quat &operator=(const Quat &q) { - x = q.x; - y = q.y; - z = q.z; - w = q.w; + Quat &operator=(const Quat &p_q) { + x = p_q.x; + y = p_q.y; + z = p_q.z; + w = p_q.w; return *this; } @@ -178,26 +178,26 @@ public: } }; -real_t Quat::dot(const Quat &q) const { - return x * q.x + y * q.y + z * q.z + w * q.w; +real_t Quat::dot(const Quat &p_q) const { + return x * p_q.x + y * p_q.y + z * p_q.z + w * p_q.w; } real_t Quat::length_squared() const { return dot(*this); } -void Quat::operator+=(const Quat &q) { - x += q.x; - y += q.y; - z += q.z; - w += q.w; +void Quat::operator+=(const Quat &p_q) { + x += p_q.x; + y += p_q.y; + z += p_q.z; + w += p_q.w; } -void Quat::operator-=(const Quat &q) { - x -= q.x; - y -= q.y; - z -= q.z; - w -= q.w; +void Quat::operator-=(const Quat &p_q) { + x -= p_q.x; + y -= p_q.y; + z -= p_q.z; + w -= p_q.w; } void Quat::operator*=(const real_t &s) { diff --git a/core/math/vector2.cpp b/core/math/vector2.cpp index 75e742a5f1..f9c2eeb57d 100644 --- a/core/math/vector2.cpp +++ b/core/math/vector2.cpp @@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ Vector2 Vector2::posmodv(const Vector2 &p_modv) const { return Vector2(Math::fposmod(x, p_modv.x), Math::fposmod(y, p_modv.y)); } -Vector2 Vector2::project(const Vector2 &p_b) const { - return p_b * (dot(p_b) / p_b.length_squared()); +Vector2 Vector2::project(const Vector2 &p_to) const { + return p_to * (dot(p_to) / p_to.length_squared()); } Vector2 Vector2::snapped(const Vector2 &p_by) const { @@ -139,13 +139,13 @@ Vector2 Vector2::clamped(real_t p_len) const { return v; } -Vector2 Vector2::cubic_interpolate(const Vector2 &p_b, const Vector2 &p_pre_a, const Vector2 &p_post_b, real_t p_t) const { +Vector2 Vector2::cubic_interpolate(const Vector2 &p_b, const Vector2 &p_pre_a, const Vector2 &p_post_b, real_t p_weight) const { Vector2 p0 = p_pre_a; Vector2 p1 = *this; Vector2 p2 = p_b; Vector2 p3 = p_post_b; - real_t t = p_t; + real_t t = p_weight; real_t t2 = t * t; real_t t3 = t2 * t; diff --git a/core/math/vector2.h b/core/math/vector2.h index 8cb63b2fb5..33f815a39c 100644 --- a/core/math/vector2.h +++ b/core/math/vector2.h @@ -77,21 +77,21 @@ struct Vector2 { real_t distance_squared_to(const Vector2 &p_vector2) const; real_t angle_to(const Vector2 &p_vector2) const; real_t angle_to_point(const Vector2 &p_vector2) const; - _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector2 direction_to(const Vector2 &p_b) const; + _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector2 direction_to(const Vector2 &p_to) const; real_t dot(const Vector2 &p_other) const; real_t cross(const Vector2 &p_other) const; Vector2 posmod(const real_t p_mod) const; Vector2 posmodv(const Vector2 &p_modv) const; - Vector2 project(const Vector2 &p_b) const; + Vector2 project(const Vector2 &p_to) const; Vector2 plane_project(real_t p_d, const Vector2 &p_vec) const; Vector2 clamped(real_t p_len) const; - _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector2 lerp(const Vector2 &p_b, real_t p_t) const; - _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector2 slerp(const Vector2 &p_b, real_t p_t) const; - Vector2 cubic_interpolate(const Vector2 &p_b, const Vector2 &p_pre_a, const Vector2 &p_post_b, real_t p_t) const; + _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector2 lerp(const Vector2 &p_to, real_t p_weight) const; + _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector2 slerp(const Vector2 &p_to, real_t p_weight) const; + Vector2 cubic_interpolate(const Vector2 &p_b, const Vector2 &p_pre_a, const Vector2 &p_post_b, real_t p_weight) const; Vector2 move_toward(const Vector2 &p_to, const real_t p_delta) const; Vector2 slide(const Vector2 &p_normal) const; @@ -230,25 +230,25 @@ _FORCE_INLINE_ bool Vector2::operator!=(const Vector2 &p_vec2) const { return x != p_vec2.x || y != p_vec2.y; } -Vector2 Vector2::lerp(const Vector2 &p_b, real_t p_t) const { +Vector2 Vector2::lerp(const Vector2 &p_to, real_t p_weight) const { Vector2 res = *this; - res.x += (p_t * (p_b.x - x)); - res.y += (p_t * (p_b.y - y)); + res.x += (p_weight * (p_to.x - x)); + res.y += (p_weight * (p_to.y - y)); return res; } -Vector2 Vector2::slerp(const Vector2 &p_b, real_t p_t) const { +Vector2 Vector2::slerp(const Vector2 &p_to, real_t p_weight) const { #ifdef MATH_CHECKS ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!is_normalized(), Vector2(), "The start Vector2 must be normalized."); #endif - real_t theta = angle_to(p_b); - return rotated(theta * p_t); + real_t theta = angle_to(p_to); + return rotated(theta * p_weight); } -Vector2 Vector2::direction_to(const Vector2 &p_b) const { - Vector2 ret(p_b.x - x, p_b.y - y); +Vector2 Vector2::direction_to(const Vector2 &p_to) const { + Vector2 ret(p_to.x - x, p_to.y - y); ret.normalize(); return ret; } diff --git a/core/math/vector3.cpp b/core/math/vector3.cpp index 568df48c62..23f5bb88fe 100644 --- a/core/math/vector3.cpp +++ b/core/math/vector3.cpp @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Vector3 Vector3::snapped(Vector3 p_val) const { return v; } -Vector3 Vector3::cubic_interpolaten(const Vector3 &p_b, const Vector3 &p_pre_a, const Vector3 &p_post_b, real_t p_t) const { +Vector3 Vector3::cubic_interpolaten(const Vector3 &p_b, const Vector3 &p_pre_a, const Vector3 &p_post_b, real_t p_weight) const { Vector3 p0 = p_pre_a; Vector3 p1 = *this; Vector3 p2 = p_b; @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Vector3 Vector3::cubic_interpolaten(const Vector3 &p_b, const Vector3 &p_pre_a, } } - real_t t = p_t; + real_t t = p_weight; real_t t2 = t * t; real_t t3 = t2 * t; @@ -105,13 +105,13 @@ Vector3 Vector3::cubic_interpolaten(const Vector3 &p_b, const Vector3 &p_pre_a, return out; } -Vector3 Vector3::cubic_interpolate(const Vector3 &p_b, const Vector3 &p_pre_a, const Vector3 &p_post_b, real_t p_t) const { +Vector3 Vector3::cubic_interpolate(const Vector3 &p_b, const Vector3 &p_pre_a, const Vector3 &p_post_b, real_t p_weight) const { Vector3 p0 = p_pre_a; Vector3 p1 = *this; Vector3 p2 = p_b; Vector3 p3 = p_post_b; - real_t t = p_t; + real_t t = p_weight; real_t t2 = t * t; real_t t3 = t2 * t; diff --git a/core/math/vector3.h b/core/math/vector3.h index ae8b9376cf..69e79627f3 100644 --- a/core/math/vector3.h +++ b/core/math/vector3.h @@ -86,10 +86,10 @@ struct Vector3 { /* Static Methods between 2 vector3s */ - _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 lerp(const Vector3 &p_b, real_t p_t) const; - _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 slerp(const Vector3 &p_b, real_t p_t) const; - Vector3 cubic_interpolate(const Vector3 &p_b, const Vector3 &p_pre_a, const Vector3 &p_post_b, real_t p_t) const; - Vector3 cubic_interpolaten(const Vector3 &p_b, const Vector3 &p_pre_a, const Vector3 &p_post_b, real_t p_t) const; + _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 lerp(const Vector3 &p_to, real_t p_weight) const; + _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 slerp(const Vector3 &p_to, real_t p_weight) const; + Vector3 cubic_interpolate(const Vector3 &p_b, const Vector3 &p_pre_a, const Vector3 &p_post_b, real_t p_weight) const; + Vector3 cubic_interpolaten(const Vector3 &p_b, const Vector3 &p_pre_a, const Vector3 &p_post_b, real_t p_weight) const; Vector3 move_toward(const Vector3 &p_to, const real_t p_delta) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 cross(const Vector3 &p_b) const; @@ -103,15 +103,15 @@ struct Vector3 { _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 ceil() const; _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 round() const; - _FORCE_INLINE_ real_t distance_to(const Vector3 &p_b) const; - _FORCE_INLINE_ real_t distance_squared_to(const Vector3 &p_b) const; + _FORCE_INLINE_ real_t distance_to(const Vector3 &p_to) const; + _FORCE_INLINE_ real_t distance_squared_to(const Vector3 &p_to) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 posmod(const real_t p_mod) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 posmodv(const Vector3 &p_modv) const; - _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 project(const Vector3 &p_b) const; + _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 project(const Vector3 &p_to) const; - _FORCE_INLINE_ real_t angle_to(const Vector3 &p_b) const; - _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 direction_to(const Vector3 &p_b) const; + _FORCE_INLINE_ real_t angle_to(const Vector3 &p_to) const; + _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 direction_to(const Vector3 &p_to) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 slide(const Vector3 &p_normal) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 bounce(const Vector3 &p_normal) const; @@ -195,24 +195,24 @@ Vector3 Vector3::round() const { return Vector3(Math::round(x), Math::round(y), Math::round(z)); } -Vector3 Vector3::lerp(const Vector3 &p_b, real_t p_t) const { +Vector3 Vector3::lerp(const Vector3 &p_to, real_t p_weight) const { return Vector3( - x + (p_t * (p_b.x - x)), - y + (p_t * (p_b.y - y)), - z + (p_t * (p_b.z - z))); + x + (p_weight * (p_to.x - x)), + y + (p_weight * (p_to.y - y)), + z + (p_weight * (p_to.z - z))); } -Vector3 Vector3::slerp(const Vector3 &p_b, real_t p_t) const { - real_t theta = angle_to(p_b); - return rotated(cross(p_b).normalized(), theta * p_t); +Vector3 Vector3::slerp(const Vector3 &p_to, real_t p_weight) const { + real_t theta = angle_to(p_to); + return rotated(cross(p_to).normalized(), theta * p_weight); } -real_t Vector3::distance_to(const Vector3 &p_b) const { - return (p_b - *this).length(); +real_t Vector3::distance_to(const Vector3 &p_to) const { + return (p_to - *this).length(); } -real_t Vector3::distance_squared_to(const Vector3 &p_b) const { - return (p_b - *this).length_squared(); +real_t Vector3::distance_squared_to(const Vector3 &p_to) const { + return (p_to - *this).length_squared(); } Vector3 Vector3::posmod(const real_t p_mod) const { @@ -223,16 +223,16 @@ Vector3 Vector3::posmodv(const Vector3 &p_modv) const { return Vector3(Math::fposmod(x, p_modv.x), Math::fposmod(y, p_modv.y), Math::fposmod(z, p_modv.z)); } -Vector3 Vector3::project(const Vector3 &p_b) const { - return p_b * (dot(p_b) / p_b.length_squared()); +Vector3 Vector3::project(const Vector3 &p_to) const { + return p_to * (dot(p_to) / p_to.length_squared()); } -real_t Vector3::angle_to(const Vector3 &p_b) const { - return Math::atan2(cross(p_b).length(), dot(p_b)); +real_t Vector3::angle_to(const Vector3 &p_to) const { + return Math::atan2(cross(p_to).length(), dot(p_to)); } -Vector3 Vector3::direction_to(const Vector3 &p_b) const { - Vector3 ret(p_b.x - x, p_b.y - y, p_b.z - z); +Vector3 Vector3::direction_to(const Vector3 &p_to) const { + Vector3 ret(p_to.x - x, p_to.y - y, p_to.z - z); ret.normalize(); return ret; } diff --git a/core/object/object.cpp b/core/object/object.cpp index a642647853..3764316122 100644 --- a/core/object/object.cpp +++ b/core/object/object.cpp @@ -1266,10 +1266,6 @@ void Object::get_signals_connected_to_this(List<Connection> *p_connections) cons } } -Error Object::connect_compat(const StringName &p_signal, Object *p_to_object, const StringName &p_to_method, const Vector<Variant> &p_binds, uint32_t p_flags) { - return connect(p_signal, Callable(p_to_object, p_to_method), p_binds, p_flags); -} - Error Object::connect(const StringName &p_signal, const Callable &p_callable, const Vector<Variant> &p_binds, uint32_t p_flags) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_callable.is_null(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); @@ -1331,10 +1327,6 @@ Error Object::connect(const StringName &p_signal, const Callable &p_callable, co return OK; } -bool Object::is_connected_compat(const StringName &p_signal, Object *p_to_object, const StringName &p_to_method) const { - return is_connected(p_signal, Callable(p_to_object, p_to_method)); -} - bool Object::is_connected(const StringName &p_signal, const Callable &p_callable) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_callable.is_null(), false); const SignalData *s = signal_map.getptr(p_signal); @@ -1358,10 +1350,6 @@ bool Object::is_connected(const StringName &p_signal, const Callable &p_callable //return (E!=nullptr ); } -void Object::disconnect_compat(const StringName &p_signal, Object *p_to_object, const StringName &p_to_method) { - _disconnect(p_signal, Callable(p_to_object, p_to_method)); -} - void Object::disconnect(const StringName &p_signal, const Callable &p_callable) { _disconnect(p_signal, p_callable); } diff --git a/core/object/object.h b/core/object/object.h index 0bcfa42e3d..5bf9600c5a 100644 --- a/core/object/object.h +++ b/core/object/object.h @@ -697,10 +697,6 @@ public: int get_persistent_signal_connection_count() const; void get_signals_connected_to_this(List<Connection> *p_connections) const; - Error connect_compat(const StringName &p_signal, Object *p_to_object, const StringName &p_to_method, const Vector<Variant> &p_binds = Vector<Variant>(), uint32_t p_flags = 0); - void disconnect_compat(const StringName &p_signal, Object *p_to_object, const StringName &p_to_method); - bool is_connected_compat(const StringName &p_signal, Object *p_to_object, const StringName &p_to_method) const; - Error connect(const StringName &p_signal, const Callable &p_callable, const Vector<Variant> &p_binds = Vector<Variant>(), uint32_t p_flags = 0); void disconnect(const StringName &p_signal, const Callable &p_callable); bool is_connected(const StringName &p_signal, const Callable &p_callable) const; diff --git a/core/object/script_language.h b/core/object/script_language.h index 3fd56c2f15..72586780ae 100644 --- a/core/object/script_language.h +++ b/core/object/script_language.h @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ #ifndef SCRIPT_LANGUAGE_H #define SCRIPT_LANGUAGE_H +#include "core/doc_data.h" #include "core/io/multiplayer_api.h" #include "core/io/resource.h" #include "core/templates/map.h" @@ -145,6 +146,10 @@ public: virtual void set_source_code(const String &p_code) = 0; virtual Error reload(bool p_keep_state = false) = 0; +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + virtual const Vector<DocData::ClassDoc> &get_documentation() const = 0; +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED + virtual bool has_method(const StringName &p_method) const = 0; virtual MethodInfo get_method_info(const StringName &p_method) const = 0; @@ -310,6 +315,7 @@ public: virtual Script *create_script() const = 0; virtual bool has_named_classes() const = 0; virtual bool supports_builtin_mode() const = 0; + virtual bool supports_documentation() const { return false; } virtual bool can_inherit_from_file() { return false; } virtual int find_function(const String &p_function, const String &p_code) const = 0; virtual String make_function(const String &p_class, const String &p_name, const PackedStringArray &p_args) const = 0; diff --git a/core/register_core_types.cpp b/core/register_core_types.cpp index 7e32f215e7..9883ce12a0 100644 --- a/core/register_core_types.cpp +++ b/core/register_core_types.cpp @@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ void register_core_types() { ClassDB::register_class<AESContext>(); ClassDB::register_custom_instance_class<X509Certificate>(); ClassDB::register_custom_instance_class<CryptoKey>(); + ClassDB::register_custom_instance_class<HMACContext>(); ClassDB::register_custom_instance_class<Crypto>(); ClassDB::register_custom_instance_class<StreamPeerSSL>(); diff --git a/core/templates/pass_func.h b/core/templates/pass_func.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a074ad190d --- /dev/null +++ b/core/templates/pass_func.h @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* pass_func.h */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef PASS_FUNC_H +#define PASS_FUNC_H + +#define PASS0R(m_r, m_name) \ + m_r m_name() { return PASSBASE->m_name(); } +#define PASS0RC(m_r, m_name) \ + m_r m_name() const { return PASSBASE->m_name(); } +#define PASS1R(m_r, m_name, m_type1) \ + m_r m_name(m_type1 arg1) { return PASSBASE->m_name(arg1); } +#define PASS1RC(m_r, m_name, m_type1) \ + m_r m_name(m_type1 arg1) const { return PASSBASE->m_name(arg1); } +#define PASS2R(m_r, m_name, m_type1, m_type2) \ + m_r m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2) { return PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2); } +#define PASS2RC(m_r, m_name, m_type1, m_type2) \ + m_r m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2) const { return PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2); } +#define PASS3R(m_r, m_name, m_type1, m_type2, m_type3) \ + m_r m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2, m_type3 arg3) { return PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2, arg3); } +#define PASS3RC(m_r, m_name, m_type1, m_type2, m_type3) \ + m_r m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2, m_type3 arg3) const { return PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2, arg3); } +#define PASS4R(m_r, m_name, m_type1, m_type2, m_type3, m_type4) \ + m_r m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2, m_type3 arg3, m_type4 arg4) { return PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } +#define PASS4RC(m_r, m_name, m_type1, m_type2, m_type3, m_type4) \ + m_r m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2, m_type3 arg3, m_type4 arg4) const { return PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } +#define PASS5R(m_r, m_name, m_type1, m_type2, m_type3, m_type4, m_type5) \ + m_r m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2, m_type3 arg3, m_type4 arg4, m_type5 arg5) { return PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } +#define PASS5RC(m_r, m_name, m_type1, m_type2, m_type3, m_type4, m_type5) \ + m_r m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2, m_type3 arg3, m_type4 arg4, m_type5 arg5) const { return PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } +#define PASS6R(m_r, m_name, m_type1, m_type2, m_type3, m_type4, m_type5, m_type6) \ + m_r m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2, m_type3 arg3, m_type4 arg4, m_type5 arg5, m_type6 arg6) { return PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); } +#define PASS6RC(m_r, m_name, m_type1, m_type2, m_type3, m_type4, m_type5, m_type6) \ + m_r m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2, m_type3 arg3, m_type4 arg4, m_type5 arg5, m_type6 arg6) const { return PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); } + +#define PASS0(m_name) \ + void m_name() { PASSBASE->m_name(); } +#define PASS1(m_name, m_type1) \ + void m_name(m_type1 arg1) { PASSBASE->m_name(arg1); } +#define PASS1C(m_name, m_type1) \ + void m_name(m_type1 arg1) const { PASSBASE->m_name(arg1); } +#define PASS2(m_name, m_type1, m_type2) \ + void m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2) { PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2); } +#define PASS2C(m_name, m_type1, m_type2) \ + void m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2) const { PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2); } +#define PASS3(m_name, m_type1, m_type2, m_type3) \ + void m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2, m_type3 arg3) { PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2, arg3); } +#define PASS4(m_name, m_type1, m_type2, m_type3, m_type4) \ + void m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2, m_type3 arg3, m_type4 arg4) { PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } +#define PASS5(m_name, m_type1, m_type2, m_type3, m_type4, m_type5) \ + void m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2, m_type3 arg3, m_type4 arg4, m_type5 arg5) { PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } +#define PASS6(m_name, m_type1, m_type2, m_type3, m_type4, m_type5, m_type6) \ + void m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2, m_type3 arg3, m_type4 arg4, m_type5 arg5, m_type6 arg6) { PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); } +#define PASS7(m_name, m_type1, m_type2, m_type3, m_type4, m_type5, m_type6, m_type7) \ + void m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2, m_type3 arg3, m_type4 arg4, m_type5 arg5, m_type6 arg6, m_type7 arg7) { PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); } +#define PASS8(m_name, m_type1, m_type2, m_type3, m_type4, m_type5, m_type6, m_type7, m_type8) \ + void m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2, m_type3 arg3, m_type4 arg4, m_type5 arg5, m_type6 arg6, m_type7 arg7, m_type8 arg8) { PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8); } +#define PASS9(m_name, m_type1, m_type2, m_type3, m_type4, m_type5, m_type6, m_type7, m_type8, m_type9) \ + void m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2, m_type3 arg3, m_type4 arg4, m_type5 arg5, m_type6 arg6, m_type7 arg7, m_type8 arg8, m_type9 arg9) { PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); } +#define PASS10(m_name, m_type1, m_type2, m_type3, m_type4, m_type5, m_type6, m_type7, m_type8, m_type9, m_type10) \ + void m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2, m_type3 arg3, m_type4 arg4, m_type5 arg5, m_type6 arg6, m_type7 arg7, m_type8 arg8, m_type9 arg9, m_type10 arg10) { PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10); } +#define PASS11(m_name, m_type1, m_type2, m_type3, m_type4, m_type5, m_type6, m_type7, m_type8, m_type9, m_type10, m_type11) \ + void m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2, m_type3 arg3, m_type4 arg4, m_type5 arg5, m_type6 arg6, m_type7 arg7, m_type8 arg8, m_type9 arg9, m_type10 arg10, m_type11 arg11) { PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11); } +#define PASS12(m_name, m_type1, m_type2, m_type3, m_type4, m_type5, m_type6, m_type7, m_type8, m_type9, m_type10, m_type11, m_type12) \ + void m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2, m_type3 arg3, m_type4 arg4, m_type5 arg5, m_type6 arg6, m_type7 arg7, m_type8 arg8, m_type9 arg9, m_type10 arg10, m_type11 arg11, m_type12 arg12) { PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12); } +#define PASS13(m_name, m_type1, m_type2, m_type3, m_type4, m_type5, m_type6, m_type7, m_type8, m_type9, m_type10, m_type11, m_type12, m_type13) \ + void m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2, m_type3 arg3, m_type4 arg4, m_type5 arg5, m_type6 arg6, m_type7 arg7, m_type8 arg8, m_type9 arg9, m_type10 arg10, m_type11 arg11, m_type12 arg12, m_type13 arg13) { PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13); } +#define PASS14(m_name, m_type1, m_type2, m_type3, m_type4, m_type5, m_type6, m_type7, m_type8, m_type9, m_type10, m_type11, m_type12, m_type13, m_type14) \ + void m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2, m_type3 arg3, m_type4 arg4, m_type5 arg5, m_type6 arg6, m_type7 arg7, m_type8 arg8, m_type9 arg9, m_type10 arg10, m_type11 arg11, m_type12 arg12, m_type13 arg13, m_type14 arg14) { PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14); } +#define PASS15(m_name, m_type1, m_type2, m_type3, m_type4, m_type5, m_type6, m_type7, m_type8, m_type9, m_type10, m_type11, m_type12, m_type13, m_type14, m_type15) \ + void m_name(m_type1 arg1, m_type2 arg2, m_type3 arg3, m_type4 arg4, m_type5 arg5, m_type6 arg6, m_type7 arg7, m_type8 arg8, m_type9 arg9, m_type10 arg10, m_type11 arg11, m_type12 arg12, m_type13 arg13, m_type14 arg14, m_type15 arg15) { PASSBASE->m_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15); } + +#endif // PASS_FUNC_H diff --git a/core/variant/variant_call.cpp b/core/variant/variant_call.cpp index 214c424013..d588c83809 100644 --- a/core/variant/variant_call.cpp +++ b/core/variant/variant_call.cpp @@ -987,9 +987,9 @@ static void _register_variant_builtin_methods() { bind_method(Vector2, posmod, sarray("mod"), varray()); bind_method(Vector2, posmodv, sarray("modv"), varray()); bind_method(Vector2, project, sarray("b"), varray()); - bind_method(Vector2, lerp, sarray("with", "t"), varray()); - bind_method(Vector2, slerp, sarray("with", "t"), varray()); - bind_method(Vector2, cubic_interpolate, sarray("b", "pre_a", "post_b", "t"), varray()); + bind_method(Vector2, lerp, sarray("to", "weight"), varray()); + bind_method(Vector2, slerp, sarray("to", "weight"), varray()); + bind_method(Vector2, cubic_interpolate, sarray("b", "pre_a", "post_b", "weight"), varray()); bind_method(Vector2, move_toward, sarray("to", "delta"), varray()); bind_method(Vector2, rotated, sarray("phi"), varray()); bind_method(Vector2, tangent, sarray(), varray()); @@ -1060,9 +1060,9 @@ static void _register_variant_builtin_methods() { bind_method(Vector3, inverse, sarray(), varray()); bind_method(Vector3, snapped, sarray("by"), varray()); bind_method(Vector3, rotated, sarray("by_axis", "phi"), varray()); - bind_method(Vector3, lerp, sarray("b", "t"), varray()); - bind_method(Vector3, slerp, sarray("b", "t"), varray()); - bind_method(Vector3, cubic_interpolate, sarray("b", "pre_a", "post_b", "t"), varray()); + bind_method(Vector3, lerp, sarray("to", "weight"), varray()); + bind_method(Vector3, slerp, sarray("to", "weight"), varray()); + bind_method(Vector3, cubic_interpolate, sarray("b", "pre_a", "post_b", "weight"), varray()); bind_method(Vector3, move_toward, sarray("to", "delta"), varray()); bind_method(Vector3, dot, sarray("with"), varray()); bind_method(Vector3, cross, sarray("with"), varray()); @@ -1109,9 +1109,9 @@ static void _register_variant_builtin_methods() { bind_method(Quat, is_equal_approx, sarray("to"), varray()); bind_method(Quat, inverse, sarray(), varray()); bind_method(Quat, dot, sarray("with"), varray()); - bind_method(Quat, slerp, sarray("b", "t"), varray()); - bind_method(Quat, slerpni, sarray("b", "t"), varray()); - bind_method(Quat, cubic_slerp, sarray("b", "pre_a", "post_b", "t"), varray()); + bind_method(Quat, slerp, sarray("to", "weight"), varray()); + bind_method(Quat, slerpni, sarray("to", "weight"), varray()); + bind_method(Quat, cubic_slerp, sarray("b", "pre_a", "post_b", "weight"), varray()); bind_method(Quat, get_euler, sarray(), varray()); // FIXME: Quat is atomic, this should be done via construcror @@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@ static void _register_variant_builtin_methods() { bind_method(Color, to_rgba64, sarray(), varray()); bind_method(Color, inverted, sarray(), varray()); - bind_method(Color, lerp, sarray("b", "t"), varray()); + bind_method(Color, lerp, sarray("to", "weight"), varray()); bind_method(Color, lightened, sarray("amount"), varray()); bind_method(Color, darkened, sarray("amount"), varray()); bind_method(Color, to_html, sarray("with_alpha"), varray(true)); @@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@ static void _register_variant_builtin_methods() { bind_method(Transform2D, translated, sarray("offset"), varray()); bind_method(Transform2D, basis_xform, sarray("v"), varray()); bind_method(Transform2D, basis_xform_inv, sarray("v"), varray()); - bind_method(Transform2D, interpolate_with, sarray("xform", "t"), varray()); + bind_method(Transform2D, interpolate_with, sarray("xform", "weight"), varray()); bind_method(Transform2D, is_equal_approx, sarray("xform"), varray()); /* Basis */ @@ -1212,7 +1212,7 @@ static void _register_variant_builtin_methods() { bind_method(Basis, tdoty, sarray("with"), varray()); bind_method(Basis, tdotz, sarray("with"), varray()); bind_method(Basis, get_orthogonal_index, sarray(), varray()); - bind_method(Basis, slerp, sarray("b", "t"), varray()); + bind_method(Basis, slerp, sarray("to", "weight"), varray()); bind_method(Basis, is_equal_approx, sarray("b"), varray()); bind_method(Basis, get_rotation_quat, sarray(), varray()); diff --git a/core/variant/variant_op.cpp b/core/variant/variant_op.cpp index 07b024ecb4..df29ec7b63 100644 --- a/core/variant/variant_op.cpp +++ b/core/variant/variant_op.cpp @@ -1399,6 +1399,8 @@ void Variant::_register_variant_operators() { register_op<OperatorEvaluatorSub<Vector2i, Vector2i, Vector2i>>(Variant::OP_SUBTRACT, Variant::VECTOR2I, Variant::VECTOR2I); register_op<OperatorEvaluatorSub<Vector3, Vector3, Vector3>>(Variant::OP_SUBTRACT, Variant::VECTOR3, Variant::VECTOR3); register_op<OperatorEvaluatorSub<Vector3i, Vector3i, Vector3i>>(Variant::OP_SUBTRACT, Variant::VECTOR3I, Variant::VECTOR3I); + register_op<OperatorEvaluatorSub<Quat, Quat, Quat>>(Variant::OP_SUBTRACT, Variant::QUAT, Variant::QUAT); + register_op<OperatorEvaluatorSub<Color, Color, Color>>(Variant::OP_SUBTRACT, Variant::COLOR, Variant::COLOR); register_op<OperatorEvaluatorMul<int64_t, int64_t, int64_t>>(Variant::OP_MULTIPLY, Variant::INT, Variant::INT); register_op<OperatorEvaluatorMul<double, int64_t, double>>(Variant::OP_MULTIPLY, Variant::INT, Variant::FLOAT); diff --git a/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml b/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml index 0216d2ba35..f94eb7adef 100644 --- a/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml +++ b/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml @@ -2504,7 +2504,7 @@ <constant name="TYPE_INT" value="2" enum="Variant.Type"> Variable is of type [int]. </constant> - <constant name="TYPE_REAL" value="3" enum="Variant.Type"> + <constant name="TYPE_FLOAT" value="3" enum="Variant.Type"> Variable is of type [float] (real). </constant> <constant name="TYPE_STRING" value="4" enum="Variant.Type"> diff --git a/doc/classes/ArrayMesh.xml b/doc/classes/ArrayMesh.xml index dc834474ad..ef33d7ea77 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ArrayMesh.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ArrayMesh.xml @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ # Initialize the ArrayMesh. var arr_mesh = ArrayMesh.new() var arrays = [] - arrays.resize(ArrayMesh.ARRAY_MAX) - arrays[ArrayMesh.ARRAY_VERTEX] = vertices + arrays.resize(Mesh.ARRAY_MAX) + arrays[Mesh.ARRAY_VERTEX] = vertices # Create the Mesh. arr_mesh.add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, arrays) @@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ // Initialize the ArrayMesh. var arrMesh = new ArrayMesh(); var arrays = new Godot.Collections.Array(); - arrays.Resize((int)ArrayMesh.ArrayType.Max); - arrays[(int)ArrayMesh.ArrayType.Vertex] = vertices; + arrays.Resize((int)Mesh.ArrayType.Max); + arrays[(int)Mesh.ArrayType.Vertex] = vertices; // Create the Mesh. arrMesh.AddSurfaceFromArrays(Mesh.PrimitiveType.Triangles, arrays); @@ -71,12 +71,12 @@ <argument index="3" name="lods" type="Dictionary" default="{ }"> </argument> - <argument index="4" name="compress_flags" type="int" default="31744"> + <argument index="4" name="compress_flags" type="int" default="0"> </argument> <description> Creates a new surface. Surfaces are created to be rendered using a [code]primitive[/code], which may be any of the types defined in [enum Mesh.PrimitiveType]. (As a note, when using indices, it is recommended to only use points, lines or triangles.) [method Mesh.get_surface_count] will become the [code]surf_idx[/code] for this new surface. - The [code]arrays[/code] argument is an array of arrays. See [enum ArrayType] for the values used in this array. For example, [code]arrays[0][/code] is the array of vertices. That first vertex sub-array is always required; the others are optional. Adding an index array puts this function into "index mode" where the vertex and other arrays become the sources of data and the index array defines the vertex order. All sub-arrays must have the same length as the vertex array or be empty, except for [constant ARRAY_INDEX] if it is used. + The [code]arrays[/code] argument is an array of arrays. See [enum Mesh.ArrayType] for the values used in this array. For example, [code]arrays[0][/code] is the array of vertices. That first vertex sub-array is always required; the others are optional. Adding an index array puts this function into "index mode" where the vertex and other arrays become the sources of data and the index array defines the vertex order. All sub-arrays must have the same length as the vertex array or be empty, except for [constant Mesh.ARRAY_INDEX] if it is used. Adding an index array puts this function into "index mode" where the vertex and other arrays become the sources of data, and the index array defines the order of the vertices. </description> </method> @@ -209,77 +209,19 @@ </method> </methods> <members> - <member name="blend_shape_mode" type="int" setter="set_blend_shape_mode" getter="get_blend_shape_mode" enum="Mesh.BlendShapeMode" default="1"> - Sets the blend shape mode to one of [enum Mesh.BlendShapeMode]. + <member name="blend_shape_mode" type="int" setter="set_blend_shape_mode" getter="get_blend_shape_mode" enum="ArrayMesh.BlendShapeMode" default="1"> + Sets the blend shape mode to one of [enum ArrayMesh.BlendShapeMode]. </member> <member name="custom_aabb" type="AABB" setter="set_custom_aabb" getter="get_custom_aabb" default="AABB( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )"> Overrides the [AABB] with one defined by user for use with frustum culling. Especially useful to avoid unexpected culling when using a shader to offset vertices. </member> </members> <constants> - <constant name="NO_INDEX_ARRAY" value="-1"> - Default value used for index_array_len when no indices are present. + <constant name="BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_NORMALIZED" value="0" enum="BlendShapeMode"> + Blend shapes are normalized. </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_WEIGHTS_SIZE" value="4"> - Amount of weights/bone indices per vertex (always 4). - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_VERTEX" value="0" enum="ArrayType"> - [PackedVector3Array], [PackedVector2Array], or [Array] of vertex positions. - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_NORMAL" value="1" enum="ArrayType"> - [PackedVector3Array] of vertex normals. - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_TANGENT" value="2" enum="ArrayType"> - [PackedFloat32Array] of vertex tangents. Each element in groups of 4 floats, first 3 floats determine the tangent, and the last the binormal direction as -1 or 1. - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_COLOR" value="3" enum="ArrayType"> - [PackedColorArray] of vertex colors. - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_TEX_UV" value="4" enum="ArrayType"> - [PackedVector2Array] for UV coordinates. - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_TEX_UV2" value="5" enum="ArrayType"> - [PackedVector2Array] for second UV coordinates. - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_BONES" value="6" enum="ArrayType"> - [PackedFloat32Array] or [PackedInt32Array] of bone indices. Each element in groups of 4 floats. - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_WEIGHTS" value="7" enum="ArrayType"> - [PackedFloat32Array] of bone weights. Each element in groups of 4 floats. - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_INDEX" value="8" enum="ArrayType"> - [PackedInt32Array] of integers used as indices referencing vertices, colors, normals, tangents, and textures. All of those arrays must have the same number of elements as the vertex array. No index can be beyond the vertex array size. When this index array is present, it puts the function into "index mode," where the index selects the *i*'th vertex, normal, tangent, color, UV, etc. This means if you want to have different normals or colors along an edge, you have to duplicate the vertices. - For triangles, the index array is interpreted as triples, referring to the vertices of each triangle. For lines, the index array is in pairs indicating the start and end of each line. - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_MAX" value="9" enum="ArrayType"> - Represents the size of the [enum ArrayType] enum. - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_VERTEX" value="1" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Array format will include vertices (mandatory). - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_NORMAL" value="2" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Array format will include normals. - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_TANGENT" value="4" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Array format will include tangents. - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_COLOR" value="8" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Array format will include a color array. - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV" value="16" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Array format will include UVs. - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV2" value="32" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Array format will include another set of UVs. - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES" value="64" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Array format will include bone indices. - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS" value="128" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Array format will include bone weights. - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX" value="256" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Index array will be used. + <constant name="BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_RELATIVE" value="1" enum="BlendShapeMode"> + Blend shapes are relative to base weight. </constant> </constants> </class> diff --git a/doc/classes/Basis.xml b/doc/classes/Basis.xml index 877d3ca85a..4c9cd5702e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Basis.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Basis.xml @@ -201,9 +201,9 @@ <method name="slerp"> <return type="Basis"> </return> - <argument index="0" name="b" type="Basis"> + <argument index="0" name="to" type="Basis"> </argument> - <argument index="1" name="t" type="float"> + <argument index="1" name="weight" type="float"> </argument> <description> Assuming that the matrix is a proper rotation matrix, slerp performs a spherical-linear interpolation with another rotation matrix. diff --git a/doc/classes/CubeMesh.xml b/doc/classes/BoxMesh.xml index 1f64b4a21f..88d22ac899 100644 --- a/doc/classes/CubeMesh.xml +++ b/doc/classes/BoxMesh.xml @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> -<class name="CubeMesh" inherits="PrimitiveMesh" version="4.0"> +<class name="BoxMesh" inherits="PrimitiveMesh" version="4.0"> <brief_description> - Generate an axis-aligned cuboid [PrimitiveMesh]. + Generate an axis-aligned box [PrimitiveMesh]. </brief_description> <description> - Generate an axis-aligned cuboid [PrimitiveMesh]. - The cube's UV layout is arranged in a 3×2 layout that allows texturing each face individually. To apply the same texture on all faces, change the material's UV property to [code]Vector3(3, 2, 1)[/code]. + Generate an axis-aligned box [PrimitiveMesh]. + The box's UV layout is arranged in a 3×2 layout that allows texturing each face individually. To apply the same texture on all faces, change the material's UV property to [code]Vector3(3, 2, 1)[/code]. </description> <tutorials> </tutorials> @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ </methods> <members> <member name="size" type="Vector3" setter="set_size" getter="get_size" default="Vector3( 2, 2, 2 )"> - Size of the cuboid mesh. + Size of the box mesh. </member> <member name="subdivide_depth" type="int" setter="set_subdivide_depth" getter="get_subdivide_depth" default="0"> Number of extra edge loops inserted along the Z axis. diff --git a/doc/classes/CPUParticles2D.xml b/doc/classes/CPUParticles2D.xml index fcf2feb3b9..aa9f99a31e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/CPUParticles2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/CPUParticles2D.xml @@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ <method name="get_particle_flag" qualifiers="const"> <return type="bool"> </return> - <argument index="0" name="flag" type="int" enum="CPUParticles2D.Flags"> + <argument index="0" name="particle_flag" type="int" enum="CPUParticles2D.ParticleFlags"> </argument> <description> - Returns the enabled state of the given flag (see [enum Flags] for options). + Returns the enabled state of the given flag (see [enum ParticleFlags] for options). </description> </method> <method name="restart"> @@ -99,12 +99,12 @@ <method name="set_particle_flag"> <return type="void"> </return> - <argument index="0" name="flag" type="int" enum="CPUParticles2D.Flags"> + <argument index="0" name="particle_flag" type="int" enum="CPUParticles2D.ParticleFlags"> </argument> <argument index="1" name="enable" type="bool"> </argument> <description> - Enables or disables the given flag (see [enum Flags] for options). + Enables or disables the given flag (see [enum ParticleFlags] for options). </description> </method> </methods> @@ -196,9 +196,6 @@ <member name="fixed_fps" type="int" setter="set_fixed_fps" getter="get_fixed_fps" default="0"> The particle system's frame rate is fixed to a value. For instance, changing the value to 2 will make the particles render at 2 frames per second. Note this does not slow down the simulation of the particle system itself. </member> - <member name="flag_align_y" type="bool" setter="set_particle_flag" getter="get_particle_flag" default="false"> - Align Y axis of particle with the direction of its velocity. - </member> <member name="fract_delta" type="bool" setter="set_fractional_delta" getter="get_fractional_delta" default="true"> If [code]true[/code], results in fractional delta calculation which has a smoother particles display effect. </member> @@ -250,6 +247,9 @@ <member name="orbit_velocity_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness" default="0.0"> Orbital velocity randomness ratio. </member> + <member name="particle_flag_align_y" type="bool" setter="set_particle_flag" getter="get_particle_flag" default="false"> + Align Y axis of particle with the direction of its velocity. + </member> <member name="preprocess" type="float" setter="set_pre_process_time" getter="get_pre_process_time" default="0.0"> Particle system starts as if it had already run for this many seconds. </member> @@ -339,17 +339,17 @@ <constant name="PARAM_MAX" value="12" enum="Parameter"> Represents the size of the [enum Parameter] enum. </constant> - <constant name="FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY" value="0" enum="Flags"> - Use with [method set_particle_flag] to set [member flag_align_y]. + <constant name="PARTICLE_FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY" value="0" enum="ParticleFlags"> + Use with [method set_particle_flag] to set [member particle_flag_align_y]. </constant> - <constant name="FLAG_ROTATE_Y" value="1" enum="Flags"> + <constant name="PARTICLE_FLAG_ROTATE_Y" value="1" enum="ParticleFlags"> Present for consistency with 3D particle nodes, not used in 2D. </constant> - <constant name="FLAG_DISABLE_Z" value="2" enum="Flags"> + <constant name="PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z" value="2" enum="ParticleFlags"> Present for consistency with 3D particle nodes, not used in 2D. </constant> - <constant name="FLAG_MAX" value="3" enum="Flags"> - Represents the size of the [enum Flags] enum. + <constant name="PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX" value="3" enum="ParticleFlags"> + Represents the size of the [enum ParticleFlags] enum. </constant> <constant name="EMISSION_SHAPE_POINT" value="0" enum="EmissionShape"> All particles will be emitted from a single point. diff --git a/doc/classes/CPUParticles3D.xml b/doc/classes/CPUParticles3D.xml index 07da066bd9..0512efa8c2 100644 --- a/doc/classes/CPUParticles3D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/CPUParticles3D.xml @@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ <method name="get_particle_flag" qualifiers="const"> <return type="bool"> </return> - <argument index="0" name="flag" type="int" enum="CPUParticles3D.Flags"> + <argument index="0" name="particle_flag" type="int" enum="CPUParticles3D.ParticleFlags"> </argument> <description> - Returns the enabled state of the given flag (see [enum Flags] for options). + Returns the enabled state of the given particle flag (see [enum ParticleFlags] for options). </description> </method> <method name="restart"> @@ -98,12 +98,12 @@ <method name="set_particle_flag"> <return type="void"> </return> - <argument index="0" name="flag" type="int" enum="CPUParticles3D.Flags"> + <argument index="0" name="particle_flag" type="int" enum="CPUParticles3D.ParticleFlags"> </argument> <argument index="1" name="enable" type="bool"> </argument> <description> - Enables or disables the given flag (see [enum Flags] for options). + Enables or disables the given particle flag (see [enum ParticleFlags] for options). </description> </method> </methods> @@ -195,15 +195,6 @@ <member name="fixed_fps" type="int" setter="set_fixed_fps" getter="get_fixed_fps" default="0"> The particle system's frame rate is fixed to a value. For instance, changing the value to 2 will make the particles render at 2 frames per second. Note this does not slow down the particle system itself. </member> - <member name="flag_align_y" type="bool" setter="set_particle_flag" getter="get_particle_flag" default="false"> - Align Y axis of particle with the direction of its velocity. - </member> - <member name="flag_disable_z" type="bool" setter="set_particle_flag" getter="get_particle_flag" default="false"> - If [code]true[/code], particles will not move on the z axis. - </member> - <member name="flag_rotate_y" type="bool" setter="set_particle_flag" getter="get_particle_flag" default="false"> - If [code]true[/code], particles rotate around Y axis by [member angle]. - </member> <member name="flatness" type="float" setter="set_flatness" getter="get_flatness" default="0.0"> Amount of [member spread] in Y/Z plane. A value of [code]1[/code] restricts particles to X/Z plane. </member> @@ -254,7 +245,7 @@ </member> <member name="orbit_velocity" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param"> Orbital velocity applied to each particle. Makes the particles circle around origin in the local XY plane. Specified in number of full rotations around origin per second. - This property is only available when [member flag_disable_z] is [code]true[/code]. + This property is only available when [member particle_flag_disable_z] is [code]true[/code]. </member> <member name="orbit_velocity_curve" type="Curve" setter="set_param_curve" getter="get_param_curve"> Each particle's orbital velocity will vary along this [Curve]. @@ -262,6 +253,15 @@ <member name="orbit_velocity_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness"> Orbital velocity randomness ratio. </member> + <member name="particle_flag_align_y" type="bool" setter="set_particle_flag" getter="get_particle_flag" default="false"> + Align Y axis of particle with the direction of its velocity. + </member> + <member name="particle_flag_disable_z" type="bool" setter="set_particle_flag" getter="get_particle_flag" default="false"> + If [code]true[/code], particles will not move on the Z axis. + </member> + <member name="particle_flag_rotate_y" type="bool" setter="set_particle_flag" getter="get_particle_flag" default="false"> + If [code]true[/code], particles rotate around Y axis by [member angle]. + </member> <member name="preprocess" type="float" setter="set_pre_process_time" getter="get_pre_process_time" default="0.0"> Particle system starts as if it had already run for this many seconds. </member> @@ -351,17 +351,17 @@ <constant name="PARAM_MAX" value="12" enum="Parameter"> Represents the size of the [enum Parameter] enum. </constant> - <constant name="FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY" value="0" enum="Flags"> - Use with [method set_particle_flag] to set [member flag_align_y]. + <constant name="PARTICLE_FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY" value="0" enum="ParticleFlags"> + Use with [method set_particle_flag] to set [member particle_flag_align_y]. </constant> - <constant name="FLAG_ROTATE_Y" value="1" enum="Flags"> - Use with [method set_particle_flag] to set [member flag_rotate_y]. + <constant name="PARTICLE_FLAG_ROTATE_Y" value="1" enum="ParticleFlags"> + Use with [method set_particle_flag] to set [member particle_flag_rotate_y]. </constant> - <constant name="FLAG_DISABLE_Z" value="2" enum="Flags"> - Use with [method set_particle_flag] to set [member flag_disable_z]. + <constant name="PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z" value="2" enum="ParticleFlags"> + Use with [method set_particle_flag] to set [member particle_flag_disable_z]. </constant> - <constant name="FLAG_MAX" value="3" enum="Flags"> - Represents the size of the [enum Flags] enum. + <constant name="PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX" value="3" enum="ParticleFlags"> + Represents the size of the [enum ParticleFlags] enum. </constant> <constant name="EMISSION_SHAPE_POINT" value="0" enum="EmissionShape"> All particles will be emitted from a single point. diff --git a/doc/classes/Color.xml b/doc/classes/Color.xml index 9705a196ed..755fd7eea2 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Color.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Color.xml @@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ <method name="lerp"> <return type="Color"> </return> - <argument index="0" name="b" type="Color"> + <argument index="0" name="to" type="Color"> </argument> - <argument index="1" name="t" type="float"> + <argument index="1" name="weight" type="float"> </argument> <description> Returns the linear interpolation with another color. The interpolation factor [code]t[/code] is between 0 and 1. @@ -255,6 +255,14 @@ <description> </description> </method> + <method name="operator -" qualifiers="operator"> + <return type="Color"> + </return> + <argument index="0" name="right" type="Color"> + </argument> + <description> + </description> + </method> <method name="operator /" qualifiers="operator"> <return type="Color"> </return> diff --git a/doc/classes/Crypto.xml b/doc/classes/Crypto.xml index b3bbbae94f..1f6cb40cde 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Crypto.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Crypto.xml @@ -73,6 +73,18 @@ <tutorials> </tutorials> <methods> + <method name="constant_time_compare"> + <return type="bool"> + </return> + <argument index="0" name="trusted" type="PackedByteArray"> + </argument> + <argument index="1" name="received" type="PackedByteArray"> + </argument> + <description> + Compares two [PackedByteArray]s for equality without leaking timing information in order to prevent timing attacks. + See [url=https://paragonie.com/blog/2015/11/preventing-timing-attacks-on-string-comparison-with-double-hmac-strategy]this blog post[/url] for more information. + </description> + </method> <method name="decrypt"> <return type="PackedByteArray"> </return> @@ -147,6 +159,20 @@ [/codeblocks] </description> </method> + <method name="hmac_digest"> + <return type="PackedByteArray"> + </return> + <argument index="0" name="hash_type" type="int" enum="HashingContext.HashType"> + </argument> + <argument index="1" name="key" type="PackedByteArray"> + </argument> + <argument index="2" name="msg" type="PackedByteArray"> + </argument> + <description> + Generates an [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMAC]HMAC[/url] digest of [code]msg[/code] using [code]key[/code]. The [code]hash_type[/code] parameter is the hashing algorithm that is used for the inner and outer hashes. + Currently, only [constant HashingContext.HASH_SHA256] and [constant HashingContext.HASH_SHA1] are supported. + </description> + </method> <method name="sign"> <return type="PackedByteArray"> </return> diff --git a/doc/classes/HMACContext.xml b/doc/classes/HMACContext.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..00d528ef8f --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/classes/HMACContext.xml @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> +<class name="HMACContext" inherits="Reference" version="4.0"> + <brief_description> + Used to create an HMAC for a message using a key. + </brief_description> + <description> + The HMACContext class is useful for advanced HMAC use cases, such as streaming the message as it supports creating the message over time rather than providing it all at once. + [codeblocks] + [gdscript] + extends Node + var ctx = HMACContext.new() + + func _ready(): + var key = "supersecret".to_utf8() + var err = ctx.start(HashingContext.HASH_SHA256, key) + assert(err == OK) + var msg1 = "this is ".to_utf8() + var msg2 = "vewy vewy secret".to_utf8() + err = ctx.update(msg1) + assert(err == OK) + err = ctx.update(msg2) + assert(err == OK) + var hmac = ctx.finish() + print(hmac.hex_encode()) + + [/gdscript] + [csharp] + using Godot; + using System; + using System.Diagnostics; + + public class CryptoNode : Node + { + private HMACContext ctx = new HMACContext(); + public override void _Ready() + { + PackedByteArray key = String("supersecret").to_utf8(); + Error err = ctx.Start(HashingContext.HASH_SHA256, key); + GD.Assert(err == OK); + PackedByteArray msg1 = String("this is ").to_utf8(); + PackedByteArray msg2 = String("vewy vew secret").to_utf8(); + err = ctx.Update(msg1); + GD.Assert(err == OK); + err = ctx.Update(msg2); + GD.Assert(err == OK); + PackedByteArray hmac = ctx.Finish(); + GD.Print(hmac.HexEncode()); + } + } + + [/csharp] + [/codeblocks] + [b]Note:[/b] Not available in HTML5 exports. + </description> + <tutorials> + </tutorials> + <methods> + <method name="finish"> + <return type="PackedByteArray"> + </return> + <description> + Returns the resulting HMAC. If the HMAC failed, an empty [PackedByteArray] is returned. + </description> + </method> + <method name="start"> + <return type="int" enum="Error"> + </return> + <argument index="0" name="hash_type" type="int" enum="HashingContext.HashType"> + </argument> + <argument index="1" name="key" type="PackedByteArray"> + </argument> + <description> + Initializes the HMACContext. This method cannot be called again on the same HMACContext until [method finish] has been called. + </description> + </method> + <method name="update"> + <return type="int" enum="Error"> + </return> + <argument index="0" name="data" type="PackedByteArray"> + </argument> + <description> + Updates the message to be HMACed. This can be called multiple times before [method finish] is called to append [code]data[/code] to the message, but cannot be called until [method start] has been called. + </description> + </method> + </methods> + <constants> + </constants> +</class> diff --git a/doc/classes/LightOccluder2D.xml b/doc/classes/LightOccluder2D.xml index 9f128e5942..550daf9225 100644 --- a/doc/classes/LightOccluder2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/LightOccluder2D.xml @@ -12,12 +12,14 @@ <methods> </methods> <members> - <member name="light_mask" type="int" setter="set_occluder_light_mask" getter="get_occluder_light_mask" default="1"> - The LightOccluder2D's light mask. The LightOccluder2D will cast shadows only from Light2D(s) that have the same light mask(s). - </member> <member name="occluder" type="OccluderPolygon2D" setter="set_occluder_polygon" getter="get_occluder_polygon"> The [OccluderPolygon2D] used to compute the shadow. </member> + <member name="occluder_light_mask" type="int" setter="set_occluder_light_mask" getter="get_occluder_light_mask" default="1"> + The LightOccluder2D's occluder light mask. The LightOccluder2D will cast shadows only from Light2D(s) that have the same light mask(s). + </member> + <member name="sdf_collision" type="bool" setter="set_as_sdf_collision" getter="is_set_as_sdf_collision" default="true"> + </member> </members> <constants> </constants> diff --git a/doc/classes/LinkButton.xml b/doc/classes/LinkButton.xml index 4b8ab3a6cf..93384843de 100644 --- a/doc/classes/LinkButton.xml +++ b/doc/classes/LinkButton.xml @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ </method> </methods> <members> + <member name="focus_mode" type="int" setter="set_focus_mode" getter="get_focus_mode" override="true" enum="Control.FocusMode" default="0" /> <member name="language" type="String" setter="set_language" getter="get_language" default=""""> Language code used for line-breaking and text shaping algorithms, if left empty current locale is used instead. </member> diff --git a/doc/classes/MenuButton.xml b/doc/classes/MenuButton.xml index ac371d1e7b..a002ce636b 100644 --- a/doc/classes/MenuButton.xml +++ b/doc/classes/MenuButton.xml @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ <members> <member name="action_mode" type="int" setter="set_action_mode" getter="get_action_mode" override="true" enum="BaseButton.ActionMode" default="0" /> <member name="flat" type="bool" setter="set_flat" getter="is_flat" override="true" default="true" /> + <member name="focus_mode" type="int" setter="set_focus_mode" getter="get_focus_mode" override="true" enum="Control.FocusMode" default="0" /> <member name="switch_on_hover" type="bool" setter="set_switch_on_hover" getter="is_switch_on_hover" default="false"> If [code]true[/code], when the cursor hovers above another [MenuButton] within the same parent which also has [code]switch_on_hover[/code] enabled, it will close the current [MenuButton] and open the other one. </member> diff --git a/doc/classes/Mesh.xml b/doc/classes/Mesh.xml index 78db09feee..dff4b4f7ab 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Mesh.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Mesh.xml @@ -126,11 +126,63 @@ <constant name="PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP" value="4" enum="PrimitiveType"> Render array as triangle strips. </constant> - <constant name="BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_NORMALIZED" value="0" enum="BlendShapeMode"> - Blend shapes are normalized. + <constant name="ARRAY_VERTEX" value="0" enum="ArrayType"> + [PackedVector3Array], [PackedVector2Array], or [Array] of vertex positions. + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_NORMAL" value="1" enum="ArrayType"> + [PackedVector3Array] of vertex normals. + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_TANGENT" value="2" enum="ArrayType"> + [PackedFloat32Array] of vertex tangents. Each element in groups of 4 floats, first 3 floats determine the tangent, and the last the binormal direction as -1 or 1. + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_COLOR" value="3" enum="ArrayType"> + [PackedColorArray] of vertex colors. + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_TEX_UV" value="4" enum="ArrayType"> + [PackedVector2Array] for UV coordinates. + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_TEX_UV2" value="5" enum="ArrayType"> + [PackedVector2Array] for second UV coordinates. + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_CUSTOM0" value="6" enum="ArrayType"> + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_CUSTOM1" value="7" enum="ArrayType"> + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_CUSTOM2" value="8" enum="ArrayType"> + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_CUSTOM3" value="9" enum="ArrayType"> + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_BONES" value="10" enum="ArrayType"> + [PackedFloat32Array] or [PackedInt32Array] of bone indices. Each element is a group of 4 numbers. + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_WEIGHTS" value="11" enum="ArrayType"> + [PackedFloat32Array] of bone weights. Each element in groups of 4 floats. + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_INDEX" value="12" enum="ArrayType"> + [PackedInt32Array] of integers used as indices referencing vertices, colors, normals, tangents, and textures. All of those arrays must have the same number of elements as the vertex array. No index can be beyond the vertex array size. When this index array is present, it puts the function into "index mode," where the index selects the *i*'th vertex, normal, tangent, color, UV, etc. This means if you want to have different normals or colors along an edge, you have to duplicate the vertices. + For triangles, the index array is interpreted as triples, referring to the vertices of each triangle. For lines, the index array is in pairs indicating the start and end of each line. + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_MAX" value="13" enum="ArrayType"> + Represents the size of the [enum ArrayType] enum. + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA8_UNORM" value="0" enum="ArrayCustomFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA8_SNORM" value="1" enum="ArrayCustomFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_CUSTOM_RG_HALF" value="2" enum="ArrayCustomFormat"> </constant> - <constant name="BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_RELATIVE" value="1" enum="BlendShapeMode"> - Blend shapes are relative to base weight. + <constant name="ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA_HALF" value="3" enum="ArrayCustomFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_CUSTOM_R_FLOAT" value="4" enum="ArrayCustomFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_CUSTOM_RG_FLOAT" value="5" enum="ArrayCustomFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGB_FLOAT" value="6" enum="ArrayCustomFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA_FLOAT" value="7" enum="ArrayCustomFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_CUSTOM_MAX" value="8" enum="ArrayCustomFormat"> + Represents the size of the [enum ArrayCustomFormat] enum. </constant> <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_VERTEX" value="1" enum="ArrayFormat"> Mesh array contains vertices. All meshes require a vertex array so this should always be present. @@ -150,68 +202,45 @@ <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV2" value="32" enum="ArrayFormat"> Mesh array contains second UV. </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES" value="64" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Mesh array contains bones. - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS" value="128" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Mesh array contains bone weights. - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX" value="256" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Mesh array uses indices. - </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL" value="1024" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Flag used to mark a compressed (half float) normal array. + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM0" value="64" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT" value="2048" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Flag used to mark a compressed (half float) tangent array. + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM1" value="128" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_COMPRESS_COLOR" value="4096" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Flag used to mark a compressed (half float) color array. + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM2" value="256" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV" value="8192" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Flag used to mark a compressed (half float) UV coordinates array. + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM3" value="512" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2" value="16384" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Flag used to mark a compressed (half float) UV coordinates array for the second UV coordinates. + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES" value="1024" enum="ArrayFormat"> + Mesh array contains bones. </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_COMPRESS_INDEX" value="131072" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Flag used to mark a compressed index array. + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS" value="2048" enum="ArrayFormat"> + Mesh array contains bone weights. </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_FLAG_USE_2D_VERTICES" value="262144" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Flag used to mark that the array contains 2D vertices. + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX" value="4096" enum="ArrayFormat"> + Mesh array uses indices. </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT" value="31744" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Used to set flags [constant ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL], [constant ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT], [constant ARRAY_COMPRESS_COLOR], [constant ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV] and [constant ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2] quickly. + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_BLEND_SHAPE_MASK" value="2147475463" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_VERTEX" value="0" enum="ArrayType"> - Array of vertices. + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_BASE" value="13" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_NORMAL" value="1" enum="ArrayType"> - Array of normals. + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM0_SHIFT" value="13" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_TANGENT" value="2" enum="ArrayType"> - Array of tangents as an array of floats, 4 floats per tangent. + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM1_SHIFT" value="16" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_COLOR" value="3" enum="ArrayType"> - Array of colors. + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM2_SHIFT" value="19" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_TEX_UV" value="4" enum="ArrayType"> - Array of UV coordinates. + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM3_SHIFT" value="22" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_TEX_UV2" value="5" enum="ArrayType"> - Array of second set of UV coordinates. + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_MASK" value="7" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_BONES" value="6" enum="ArrayType"> - Array of bone data. + <constant name="ARRAY_COMPRESS_FLAGS_BASE" value="25" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_WEIGHTS" value="7" enum="ArrayType"> - Array of weights. + <constant name="ARRAY_FLAG_USE_2D_VERTICES" value="33554432" enum="ArrayFormat"> + Flag used to mark that the array contains 2D vertices. </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_INDEX" value="8" enum="ArrayType"> - Array of indices. + <constant name="ARRAY_FLAG_USE_DYNAMIC_UPDATE" value="67108864" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_MAX" value="9" enum="ArrayType"> - Represents the size of the [enum ArrayType] enum. + <constant name="ARRAY_FLAG_USE_8_BONE_WEIGHTS" value="134217728" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> </constants> </class> diff --git a/doc/classes/MeshDataTool.xml b/doc/classes/MeshDataTool.xml index e107b1a108..db7a3187f0 100644 --- a/doc/classes/MeshDataTool.xml +++ b/doc/classes/MeshDataTool.xml @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ [codeblocks] [gdscript] var mesh = ArrayMesh.new() - mesh.add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, CubeMesh.new().get_mesh_arrays()) + mesh.add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, BoxMesh.new().get_mesh_arrays()) var mdt = MeshDataTool.new() mdt.create_from_surface(mesh, 0) for i in range(mdt.get_vertex_count()): @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ [/gdscript] [csharp] var mesh = new ArrayMesh(); - mesh.AddSurfaceFromArrays(Mesh.PrimitiveType.Triangles, new CubeMesh().GetMeshArrays()); + mesh.AddSurfaceFromArrays(Mesh.PrimitiveType.Triangles, new BoxMesh().GetMeshArrays()); var mdt = new MeshDataTool(); mdt.CreateFromSurface(mesh, 0); for (var i = 0; i < mdt.GetVertexCount(); i++) @@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ <return type="int"> </return> <description> - Returns the [Mesh]'s format. Format is an integer made up of [Mesh] format flags combined together. For example, a mesh containing both vertices and normals would return a format of [code]3[/code] because [constant ArrayMesh.ARRAY_FORMAT_VERTEX] is [code]1[/code] and [constant ArrayMesh.ARRAY_FORMAT_NORMAL] is [code]2[/code]. - See [enum ArrayMesh.ArrayFormat] for a list of format flags. + Returns the [Mesh]'s format. Format is an integer made up of [Mesh] format flags combined together. For example, a mesh containing both vertices and normals would return a format of [code]3[/code] because [constant Mesh.ARRAY_FORMAT_VERTEX] is [code]1[/code] and [constant Mesh.ARRAY_FORMAT_NORMAL] is [code]2[/code]. + See [enum Mesh.ArrayFormat] for a list of format flags. </description> </method> <method name="get_material" qualifiers="const"> diff --git a/doc/classes/ParticlesMaterial.xml b/doc/classes/ParticlesMaterial.xml index 77df6245e9..85058cb9d4 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ParticlesMaterial.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ParticlesMaterial.xml @@ -11,15 +11,6 @@ <tutorials> </tutorials> <methods> - <method name="get_flag" qualifiers="const"> - <return type="bool"> - </return> - <argument index="0" name="flag" type="int" enum="ParticlesMaterial.Flags"> - </argument> - <description> - Returns [code]true[/code] if the specified flag is enabled. - </description> - </method> <method name="get_param" qualifiers="const"> <return type="float"> </return> @@ -47,15 +38,13 @@ Returns the [Texture2D] used by the specified parameter. </description> </method> - <method name="set_flag"> - <return type="void"> + <method name="get_particle_flag" qualifiers="const"> + <return type="bool"> </return> - <argument index="0" name="flag" type="int" enum="ParticlesMaterial.Flags"> - </argument> - <argument index="1" name="enable" type="bool"> + <argument index="0" name="particle_flag" type="int" enum="ParticlesMaterial.ParticleFlags"> </argument> <description> - If [code]true[/code], enables the specified flag. See [enum Flags] for options. + Returns [code]true[/code] if the specified particle flag is enabled. See [enum ParticleFlags] for options. </description> </method> <method name="set_param"> @@ -91,11 +80,22 @@ Sets the [Texture2D] for the specified [enum Parameter]. </description> </method> + <method name="set_particle_flag"> + <return type="void"> + </return> + <argument index="0" name="particle_flag" type="int" enum="ParticlesMaterial.ParticleFlags"> + </argument> + <argument index="1" name="enable" type="bool"> + </argument> + <description> + If [code]true[/code], enables the specified particle flag. See [enum ParticleFlags] for options. + </description> + </method> </methods> <members> <member name="angle" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param" default="0.0"> Initial rotation applied to each particle, in degrees. - Only applied when [member flag_disable_z] or [member flag_rotate_y] are [code]true[/code] or the [BaseMaterial3D] being used to draw the particle is using [constant BaseMaterial3D.BILLBOARD_PARTICLES]. + Only applied when [member particle_flag_disable_z] or [member particle_flag_rotate_y] are [code]true[/code] or the [BaseMaterial3D] being used to draw the particle is using [constant BaseMaterial3D.BILLBOARD_PARTICLES]. </member> <member name="angle_curve" type="Texture2D" setter="set_param_texture" getter="get_param_texture"> Each particle's rotation will be animated along this [CurveTexture]. @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ </member> <member name="angular_velocity" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param" default="0.0"> Initial angular velocity applied to each particle. Sets the speed of rotation of the particle. - Only applied when [member flag_disable_z] or [member flag_rotate_y] are [code]true[/code] or the [BaseMaterial3D] being used to draw the particle is using [constant BaseMaterial3D.BILLBOARD_PARTICLES]. + Only applied when [member particle_flag_disable_z] or [member particle_flag_rotate_y] are [code]true[/code] or the [BaseMaterial3D] being used to draw the particle is using [constant BaseMaterial3D.BILLBOARD_PARTICLES]. </member> <member name="angular_velocity_curve" type="Texture2D" setter="set_param_texture" getter="get_param_texture"> Each particle's angular velocity will vary along this [CurveTexture]. @@ -180,15 +180,6 @@ <member name="emission_sphere_radius" type="float" setter="set_emission_sphere_radius" getter="get_emission_sphere_radius"> The sphere's radius if [code]emission_shape[/code] is set to [constant EMISSION_SHAPE_SPHERE]. </member> - <member name="flag_align_y" type="bool" setter="set_flag" getter="get_flag" default="false"> - Align Y axis of particle with the direction of its velocity. - </member> - <member name="flag_disable_z" type="bool" setter="set_flag" getter="get_flag" default="false"> - If [code]true[/code], particles will not move on the z axis. - </member> - <member name="flag_rotate_y" type="bool" setter="set_flag" getter="get_flag" default="false"> - If [code]true[/code], particles rotate around Y axis by [member angle]. - </member> <member name="flatness" type="float" setter="set_flatness" getter="get_flatness" default="0.0"> Amount of [member spread] in Y/Z plane. A value of [code]1[/code] restricts particles to X/Z plane. </member> @@ -224,7 +215,7 @@ </member> <member name="orbit_velocity" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param"> Orbital velocity applied to each particle. Makes the particles circle around origin. Specified in number of full rotations around origin per second. - Only available when [member flag_disable_z] is [code]true[/code]. + Only available when [member particle_flag_disable_z] is [code]true[/code]. </member> <member name="orbit_velocity_curve" type="Texture2D" setter="set_param_texture" getter="get_param_texture"> Each particle's orbital velocity will vary along this [CurveTexture]. @@ -232,6 +223,15 @@ <member name="orbit_velocity_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness"> Orbital velocity randomness ratio. </member> + <member name="particle_flag_align_y" type="bool" setter="set_particle_flag" getter="get_particle_flag" default="false"> + Align Y axis of particle with the direction of its velocity. + </member> + <member name="particle_flag_disable_z" type="bool" setter="set_particle_flag" getter="get_particle_flag" default="false"> + If [code]true[/code], particles will not move on the z axis. + </member> + <member name="particle_flag_rotate_y" type="bool" setter="set_particle_flag" getter="get_particle_flag" default="false"> + If [code]true[/code], particles rotate around Y axis by [member angle]. + </member> <member name="radial_accel" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param" default="0.0"> Radial acceleration applied to each particle. Makes particle accelerate away from origin. </member> @@ -311,17 +311,17 @@ <constant name="PARAM_MAX" value="12" enum="Parameter"> Represents the size of the [enum Parameter] enum. </constant> - <constant name="FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY" value="0" enum="Flags"> - Use with [method set_flag] to set [member flag_align_y]. + <constant name="PARTICLE_FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY" value="0" enum="ParticleFlags"> + Use with [method set_particle_flag] to set [member particle_flag_align_y]. </constant> - <constant name="FLAG_ROTATE_Y" value="1" enum="Flags"> - Use with [method set_flag] to set [member flag_rotate_y]. + <constant name="PARTICLE_FLAG_ROTATE_Y" value="1" enum="ParticleFlags"> + Use with [method set_particle_flag] to set [member particle_flag_rotate_y]. </constant> - <constant name="FLAG_DISABLE_Z" value="2" enum="Flags"> - Use with [method set_flag] to set [member flag_disable_z]. + <constant name="PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z" value="2" enum="ParticleFlags"> + Use with [method set_particle_flag] to set [member particle_flag_disable_z]. </constant> - <constant name="FLAG_MAX" value="3" enum="Flags"> - Represents the size of the [enum Flags] enum. + <constant name="PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX" value="3" enum="ParticleFlags"> + Represents the size of the [enum ParticleFlags] enum. </constant> <constant name="EMISSION_SHAPE_POINT" value="0" enum="EmissionShape"> All particles will be emitted from a single point. diff --git a/doc/classes/PathFollow2D.xml b/doc/classes/PathFollow2D.xml index bbaeca12da..4b55e7b781 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PathFollow2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PathFollow2D.xml @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ <member name="offset" type="float" setter="set_offset" getter="get_offset" default="0.0"> The distance along the path in pixels. </member> - <member name="rotate" type="bool" setter="set_rotate" getter="is_rotating" default="true"> - If [code]true[/code], this node rotates to follow the path, making its descendants rotate. + <member name="rotates" type="bool" setter="set_rotates" getter="is_rotating" default="true"> + If [code]true[/code], this node rotates to follow the path, with the +X direction facing forward on the path. </member> <member name="unit_offset" type="float" setter="set_unit_offset" getter="get_unit_offset" default="0.0"> The distance along the path as a number in the range 0.0 (for the first vertex) to 1.0 (for the last). This is just another way of expressing the offset within the path, as the offset supplied is multiplied internally by the path's length. diff --git a/doc/classes/PhysicalBone3D.xml b/doc/classes/PhysicalBone3D.xml index 0808e4a724..dcf24c1d32 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PhysicalBone3D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PhysicalBone3D.xml @@ -117,9 +117,6 @@ <member name="mass" type="float" setter="set_mass" getter="get_mass" default="1.0"> The body's mass. </member> - <member name="weight" type="float" setter="set_weight" getter="get_weight" default="9.8"> - The body's weight based on its mass and the global 3D gravity. Global values are set in [b]Project > Project Settings > Physics > 3d[/b]. - </member> </members> <constants> <constant name="JOINT_TYPE_NONE" value="0" enum="JointType"> diff --git a/doc/classes/PrimitiveMesh.xml b/doc/classes/PrimitiveMesh.xml index 7e9bccc1d7..25943f6d47 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PrimitiveMesh.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PrimitiveMesh.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Base class for all primitive meshes. Handles applying a [Material] to a primitive mesh. </brief_description> <description> - Base class for all primitive meshes. Handles applying a [Material] to a primitive mesh. Examples include [CapsuleMesh], [CubeMesh], [CylinderMesh], [PlaneMesh], [PrismMesh], [QuadMesh], and [SphereMesh]. + Base class for all primitive meshes. Handles applying a [Material] to a primitive mesh. Examples include [BoxMesh], [CapsuleMesh], [CylinderMesh], [PlaneMesh], [PrismMesh], [QuadMesh], and [SphereMesh]. </description> <tutorials> </tutorials> diff --git a/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml b/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml index fa4ce9bc6d..eab06f633c 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml @@ -1084,6 +1084,10 @@ </member> <member name="rendering/quality/2d/snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel" type="bool" setter="" getter="" default="false"> </member> + <member name="rendering/quality/2d_sdf/oversize" type="int" setter="" getter="" default="1"> + </member> + <member name="rendering/quality/2d_sdf/scale" type="int" setter="" getter="" default="1"> + </member> <member name="rendering/quality/2d_shadow_atlas/size" type="int" setter="" getter="" default="2048"> </member> <member name="rendering/quality/depth_of_field/depth_of_field_bokeh_quality" type="int" setter="" getter="" default="2"> diff --git a/doc/classes/Quat.xml b/doc/classes/Quat.xml index 5932a624f2..425e82c744 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Quat.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Quat.xml @@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ </argument> <argument index="2" name="post_b" type="Quat"> </argument> - <argument index="3" name="t" type="float"> + <argument index="3" name="weight" type="float"> </argument> <description> - Performs a cubic spherical interpolation between quaternions [code]preA[/code], this vector, [code]b[/code], and [code]postB[/code], by the given amount [code]t[/code]. + Performs a cubic spherical interpolation between quaternions [code]pre_a[/code], this vector, [code]b[/code], and [code]post_b[/code], by the given amount [code]weight[/code]. </description> </method> <method name="dot"> @@ -218,6 +218,14 @@ <description> </description> </method> + <method name="operator -" qualifiers="operator"> + <return type="Quat"> + </return> + <argument index="0" name="right" type="Quat"> + </argument> + <description> + </description> + </method> <method name="operator /" qualifiers="operator"> <return type="Quat"> </return> @@ -253,9 +261,9 @@ <method name="slerp"> <return type="Quat"> </return> - <argument index="0" name="b" type="Quat"> + <argument index="0" name="to" type="Quat"> </argument> - <argument index="1" name="t" type="float"> + <argument index="1" name="weight" type="float"> </argument> <description> Returns the result of the spherical linear interpolation between this quaternion and [code]to[/code] by amount [code]weight[/code]. @@ -265,9 +273,9 @@ <method name="slerpni"> <return type="Quat"> </return> - <argument index="0" name="b" type="Quat"> + <argument index="0" name="to" type="Quat"> </argument> - <argument index="1" name="t" type="float"> + <argument index="1" name="weight" type="float"> </argument> <description> Returns the result of the spherical linear interpolation between this quaternion and [code]to[/code] by amount [code]weight[/code], but without checking if the rotation path is not bigger than 90 degrees. diff --git a/doc/classes/RDTextureFormat.xml b/doc/classes/RDTextureFormat.xml index 664d4cadff..e41ddff368 100644 --- a/doc/classes/RDTextureFormat.xml +++ b/doc/classes/RDTextureFormat.xml @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ </member> <member name="samples" type="int" setter="set_samples" getter="get_samples" enum="RenderingDevice.TextureSamples" default="0"> </member> - <member name="type" type="int" setter="set_type" getter="get_type" enum="RenderingDevice.TextureType" default="1"> + <member name="texture_type" type="int" setter="set_texture_type" getter="get_texture_type" enum="RenderingDevice.TextureType" default="1"> </member> <member name="usage_bits" type="int" setter="set_usage_bits" getter="get_usage_bits" default="0"> </member> diff --git a/doc/classes/RDUniform.xml b/doc/classes/RDUniform.xml index e5bace32af..bc8a21e985 100644 --- a/doc/classes/RDUniform.xml +++ b/doc/classes/RDUniform.xml @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ <members> <member name="binding" type="int" setter="set_binding" getter="get_binding" default="0"> </member> - <member name="type" type="int" setter="set_type" getter="get_type" enum="RenderingDevice.UniformType" default="3"> + <member name="uniform_type" type="int" setter="set_uniform_type" getter="get_uniform_type" enum="RenderingDevice.UniformType" default="3"> </member> </members> <constants> diff --git a/doc/classes/RenderingServer.xml b/doc/classes/RenderingServer.xml index 77a80cb8b6..74eb6a17e5 100644 --- a/doc/classes/RenderingServer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/RenderingServer.xml @@ -537,17 +537,6 @@ Sets the shape of the occluder polygon. </description> </method> - <method name="canvas_occluder_polygon_set_shape_as_lines"> - <return type="void"> - </return> - <argument index="0" name="occluder_polygon" type="RID"> - </argument> - <argument index="1" name="shape" type="PackedVector2Array"> - </argument> - <description> - Sets the shape of the occluder polygon as lines. - </description> - </method> <method name="canvas_set_item_mirroring"> <return type="void"> </return> @@ -1625,25 +1614,6 @@ Sets a shader material's shader. </description> </method> - <method name="mesh_add_surface_from_arrays"> - <return type="void"> - </return> - <argument index="0" name="mesh" type="RID"> - </argument> - <argument index="1" name="primitive" type="int" enum="RenderingServer.PrimitiveType"> - </argument> - <argument index="2" name="arrays" type="Array"> - </argument> - <argument index="3" name="blend_shapes" type="Array" default="[ ]"> - </argument> - <argument index="4" name="lods" type="Dictionary" default="{ -}"> - </argument> - <argument index="5" name="compress_format" type="int" default="31744"> - </argument> - <description> - </description> - </method> <method name="mesh_clear"> <return type="void"> </return> @@ -1742,32 +1712,46 @@ Returns a mesh's surface's arrays for blend shapes. </description> </method> - <method name="mesh_surface_get_format_offset" qualifiers="const"> + <method name="mesh_surface_get_format_attribute_stride" qualifiers="const"> <return type="int"> </return> <argument index="0" name="format" type="int"> </argument> - <argument index="1" name="vertex_len" type="int"> + <argument index="1" name="vertex_count" type="int"> + </argument> + <description> + </description> + </method> + <method name="mesh_surface_get_format_offset" qualifiers="const"> + <return type="int"> + </return> + <argument index="0" name="format" type="int"> </argument> - <argument index="2" name="index_len" type="int"> + <argument index="1" name="vertex_count" type="int"> </argument> - <argument index="3" name="array_index" type="int"> + <argument index="2" name="array_index" type="int"> </argument> <description> - Function is unused in Godot 3.x. </description> </method> - <method name="mesh_surface_get_format_stride" qualifiers="const"> + <method name="mesh_surface_get_format_skin_stride" qualifiers="const"> <return type="int"> </return> <argument index="0" name="format" type="int"> </argument> - <argument index="1" name="vertex_len" type="int"> + <argument index="1" name="vertex_count" type="int"> + </argument> + <description> + </description> + </method> + <method name="mesh_surface_get_format_vertex_stride" qualifiers="const"> + <return type="int"> + </return> + <argument index="0" name="format" type="int"> </argument> - <argument index="2" name="index_len" type="int"> + <argument index="1" name="vertex_count" type="int"> </argument> <description> - Function is unused in Godot 3.x. </description> </method> <method name="mesh_surface_get_material" qualifiers="const"> @@ -3084,16 +3068,24 @@ <constant name="ARRAY_TEX_UV2" value="5" enum="ArrayType"> Array is an UV coordinates array for the second UV coordinates. </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_BONES" value="6" enum="ArrayType"> + <constant name="ARRAY_CUSTOM0" value="6" enum="ArrayType"> + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_CUSTOM1" value="7" enum="ArrayType"> + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_CUSTOM2" value="8" enum="ArrayType"> + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_CUSTOM3" value="9" enum="ArrayType"> + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_BONES" value="10" enum="ArrayType"> Array contains bone information. </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_WEIGHTS" value="7" enum="ArrayType"> + <constant name="ARRAY_WEIGHTS" value="11" enum="ArrayType"> Array is weight information. </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_INDEX" value="8" enum="ArrayType"> + <constant name="ARRAY_INDEX" value="12" enum="ArrayType"> Array is index array. </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_MAX" value="9" enum="ArrayType"> + <constant name="ARRAY_MAX" value="13" enum="ArrayType"> Represents the size of the [enum ArrayType] enum. </constant> <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_VERTEX" value="1" enum="ArrayFormat"> @@ -3114,40 +3106,45 @@ <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV2" value="32" enum="ArrayFormat"> Flag used to mark an UV coordinates array for the second UV coordinates. </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES" value="64" enum="ArrayFormat"> + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM0" value="64" enum="ArrayFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM1" value="128" enum="ArrayFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM2" value="256" enum="ArrayFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM3" value="512" enum="ArrayFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES" value="1024" enum="ArrayFormat"> Flag used to mark a bone information array. </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS" value="128" enum="ArrayFormat"> + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS" value="2048" enum="ArrayFormat"> Flag used to mark a weights array. </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX" value="256" enum="ArrayFormat"> + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX" value="4096" enum="ArrayFormat"> Flag used to mark an index array. </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL" value="1024" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Flag used to mark a compressed (half float) normal array. + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_BLEND_SHAPE_MASK" value="2147475463" enum="ArrayFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_BASE" value="13" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT" value="2048" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Flag used to mark a compressed (half float) tangent array. + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM0_SHIFT" value="13" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_COMPRESS_COLOR" value="4096" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Flag used to mark a compressed (half float) color array. + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM1_SHIFT" value="16" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV" value="8192" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Flag used to mark a compressed (half float) UV coordinates array. + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM2_SHIFT" value="19" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2" value="16384" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Flag used to mark a compressed (half float) UV coordinates array for the second UV coordinates. + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM3_SHIFT" value="22" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_COMPRESS_INDEX" value="131072" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Flag used to mark a compressed index array. + <constant name="ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_MASK" value="7" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT" value="31744" enum="ArrayFormat"> - Used to set flags [constant ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL], [constant ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT], [constant ARRAY_COMPRESS_COLOR], [constant ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV] and [constant ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2] quickly. + <constant name="ARRAY_COMPRESS_FLAGS_BASE" value="25" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_FLAG_USE_2D_VERTICES" value="262144" enum="ArrayFormat"> + <constant name="ARRAY_FLAG_USE_2D_VERTICES" value="33554432" enum="ArrayFormat"> Flag used to mark that the array contains 2D vertices. </constant> - <constant name="ARRAY_FLAG_USE_DYNAMIC_UPDATE" value="1048576" enum="ArrayFormat"> + <constant name="ARRAY_FLAG_USE_DYNAMIC_UPDATE" value="67108864" enum="ArrayFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="ARRAY_FLAG_USE_8_BONE_WEIGHTS" value="134217728" enum="ArrayFormat"> </constant> <constant name="PRIMITIVE_POINTS" value="0" enum="PrimitiveType"> Primitive to draw consists of points. diff --git a/doc/classes/RichTextLabel.xml b/doc/classes/RichTextLabel.xml index 4faff95fd3..faf0d97766 100644 --- a/doc/classes/RichTextLabel.xml +++ b/doc/classes/RichTextLabel.xml @@ -329,9 +329,6 @@ The raw text of the label. When set, clears the tag stack and adds a raw text tag to the top of it. Does not parse BBCodes. Does not modify [member bbcode_text]. </member> - <member name="text_direction" type="int" setter="set_text_direction" getter="get_text_direction" enum="Control.TextDirection" default="0"> - Base text writing direction. - </member> <member name="visible_characters" type="int" setter="set_visible_characters" getter="get_visible_characters" default="-1"> The restricted number of characters to display in the label. If [code]-1[/code], all characters will be displayed. </member> diff --git a/doc/classes/SurfaceTool.xml b/doc/classes/SurfaceTool.xml index 4f02cd00dd..82ffe86251 100644 --- a/doc/classes/SurfaceTool.xml +++ b/doc/classes/SurfaceTool.xml @@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ [codeblock] var st = SurfaceTool.new() st.begin(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES) - st.add_color(Color(1, 0, 0)) - st.add_uv(Vector2(0, 0)) - st.add_vertex(Vector3(0, 0, 0)) + st.set_color(Color(1, 0, 0)) + st.set_uv(Vector2(0, 0)) + st.set_vertex(Vector3(0, 0, 0)) [/codeblock] - The above [SurfaceTool] now contains one vertex of a triangle which has a UV coordinate and a specified [Color]. If another vertex were added without calling [method add_uv] or [method add_color], then the last values would be used. + The above [SurfaceTool] now contains one vertex of a triangle which has a UV coordinate and a specified [Color]. If another vertex were added without calling [method set_uv] or [method set_color], then the last values would be used. Vertex attributes must be passed [b]before[/b] calling [method add_vertex]. Failure to do so will result in an error when committing the vertex information to a mesh. Additionally, the attributes used before the first vertex is added determine the format of the mesh. For example, if you only add UVs to the first vertex, you cannot add color to any of the subsequent vertices. See also [ArrayMesh], [ImmediateGeometry3D] and [MeshDataTool] for procedural geometry generation. @@ -22,25 +22,6 @@ <link title="3D Voxel Demo">https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/676</link> </tutorials> <methods> - <method name="add_bones"> - <return type="void"> - </return> - <argument index="0" name="bones" type="PackedInt32Array"> - </argument> - <description> - Adds an array of bones for the next vertex to use. [code]bones[/code] must contain 4 integers. - </description> - </method> - <method name="add_color"> - <return type="void"> - </return> - <argument index="0" name="color" type="Color"> - </argument> - <description> - Specifies a [Color] for the next vertex to use. - [b]Note:[/b] The material must have [member BaseMaterial3D.vertex_color_use_as_albedo] enabled for the vertex color to be visible. - </description> - </method> <method name="add_index"> <return type="void"> </return> @@ -50,15 +31,6 @@ Adds an index to index array if you are using indexed vertices. Does not need to be called before adding vertices. </description> </method> - <method name="add_normal"> - <return type="void"> - </return> - <argument index="0" name="normal" type="Vector3"> - </argument> - <description> - Specifies a normal for the next vertex to use. - </description> - </method> <method name="add_smooth_group"> <return type="void"> </return> @@ -68,15 +40,6 @@ Specifies whether the current vertex (if using only vertex arrays) or current index (if also using index arrays) should use smooth normals for normal calculation. </description> </method> - <method name="add_tangent"> - <return type="void"> - </return> - <argument index="0" name="tangent" type="Plane"> - </argument> - <description> - Specifies a tangent for the next vertex to use. - </description> - </method> <method name="add_triangle_fan"> <return type="void"> </return> @@ -97,24 +60,6 @@ Requires the primitive type be set to [constant Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES]. </description> </method> - <method name="add_uv"> - <return type="void"> - </return> - <argument index="0" name="uv" type="Vector2"> - </argument> - <description> - Specifies a set of UV coordinates to use for the next vertex. - </description> - </method> - <method name="add_uv2"> - <return type="void"> - </return> - <argument index="0" name="uv2" type="Vector2"> - </argument> - <description> - Specifies an optional second set of UV coordinates to use for the next vertex. - </description> - </method> <method name="add_vertex"> <return type="void"> </return> @@ -124,15 +69,6 @@ Specifies the position of current vertex. Should be called after specifying other vertex properties (e.g. Color, UV). </description> </method> - <method name="add_weights"> - <return type="void"> - </return> - <argument index="0" name="weights" type="PackedFloat32Array"> - </argument> - <description> - Specifies weight values for next vertex to use. [code]weights[/code] must contain 4 values. - </description> - </method> <method name="append_from"> <return type="void"> </return> @@ -167,11 +103,11 @@ </return> <argument index="0" name="existing" type="ArrayMesh" default="null"> </argument> - <argument index="1" name="flags" type="int" default="31744"> + <argument index="1" name="flags" type="int" default="0"> </argument> <description> Returns a constructed [ArrayMesh] from current information passed in. If an existing [ArrayMesh] is passed in as an argument, will add an extra surface to the existing [ArrayMesh]. - Default flag is [constant Mesh.ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT]. See [code]ARRAY_COMPRESS_*[/code] constants in [enum Mesh.ArrayFormat] for other flags. + [b]FIXME:[/b] Document possible values for [code]flags[/code], it changed in 4.0. Likely some combinations of [enum Mesh.ArrayFormat]. </description> </method> <method name="commit_to_arrays"> @@ -229,6 +165,20 @@ Generates a tangent vector for each vertex. Requires that each vertex have UVs and normals set already. </description> </method> + <method name="get_custom_format" qualifiers="const"> + <return type="int" enum="SurfaceTool.CustomFormat"> + </return> + <argument index="0" name="index" type="int"> + </argument> + <description> + </description> + </method> + <method name="get_skin_weight_count" qualifiers="const"> + <return type="int" enum="SurfaceTool.SkinWeightCount"> + </return> + <description> + </description> + </method> <method name="index"> <return type="void"> </return> @@ -236,6 +186,45 @@ Shrinks the vertex array by creating an index array (avoids reusing vertices). </description> </method> + <method name="set_bones"> + <return type="void"> + </return> + <argument index="0" name="bones" type="PackedInt32Array"> + </argument> + <description> + Specifies an array of bones for the next vertex to use. [code]bones[/code] must contain 4 integers. + </description> + </method> + <method name="set_color"> + <return type="void"> + </return> + <argument index="0" name="color" type="Color"> + </argument> + <description> + Specifies a [Color] for the next vertex to use. + [b]Note:[/b] The material must have [member BaseMaterial3D.vertex_color_use_as_albedo] enabled for the vertex color to be visible. + </description> + </method> + <method name="set_custom"> + <return type="void"> + </return> + <argument index="0" name="index" type="int"> + </argument> + <argument index="1" name="custom" type="Color"> + </argument> + <description> + </description> + </method> + <method name="set_custom_format"> + <return type="void"> + </return> + <argument index="0" name="index" type="int"> + </argument> + <argument index="1" name="format" type="int" enum="SurfaceTool.CustomFormat"> + </argument> + <description> + </description> + </method> <method name="set_material"> <return type="void"> </return> @@ -245,7 +234,82 @@ Sets [Material] to be used by the [Mesh] you are constructing. </description> </method> + <method name="set_normal"> + <return type="void"> + </return> + <argument index="0" name="normal" type="Vector3"> + </argument> + <description> + Specifies a normal for the next vertex to use. + </description> + </method> + <method name="set_skin_weight_count"> + <return type="void"> + </return> + <argument index="0" name="count" type="int" enum="SurfaceTool.SkinWeightCount"> + </argument> + <description> + </description> + </method> + <method name="set_tangent"> + <return type="void"> + </return> + <argument index="0" name="tangent" type="Plane"> + </argument> + <description> + Specifies a tangent for the next vertex to use. + </description> + </method> + <method name="set_uv"> + <return type="void"> + </return> + <argument index="0" name="uv" type="Vector2"> + </argument> + <description> + Specifies a set of UV coordinates to use for the next vertex. + </description> + </method> + <method name="set_uv2"> + <return type="void"> + </return> + <argument index="0" name="uv2" type="Vector2"> + </argument> + <description> + Specifies an optional second set of UV coordinates to use for the next vertex. + </description> + </method> + <method name="set_weights"> + <return type="void"> + </return> + <argument index="0" name="weights" type="PackedFloat32Array"> + </argument> + <description> + Specifies weight values for next vertex to use. [code]weights[/code] must contain 4 values. + </description> + </method> </methods> <constants> + <constant name="CUSTOM_RGBA8_UNORM" value="0" enum="CustomFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="CUSTOM_RGBA8_SNORM" value="1" enum="CustomFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="CUSTOM_RG_HALF" value="2" enum="CustomFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="CUSTOM_RGBA_HALF" value="3" enum="CustomFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="CUSTOM_R_FLOAT" value="4" enum="CustomFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="CUSTOM_RG_FLOAT" value="5" enum="CustomFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="CUSTOM_RGB_FLOAT" value="6" enum="CustomFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="CUSTOM_RGBA_FLOAT" value="7" enum="CustomFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="CUSTOM_MAX" value="8" enum="CustomFormat"> + </constant> + <constant name="SKIN_4_WEIGHTS" value="0" enum="SkinWeightCount"> + </constant> + <constant name="SKIN_8_WEIGHTS" value="1" enum="SkinWeightCount"> + </constant> </constants> </class> diff --git a/doc/classes/TextServer.xml b/doc/classes/TextServer.xml index 43388bb7f1..9c34c63e2f 100644 --- a/doc/classes/TextServer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/TextServer.xml @@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ <constant name="FEATURE_FONT_SYSTEM" value="32" enum="Feature"> TextServer supports loading system fonts. </constant> - <constant name="FEATURE_USE_SUPPORT_DATA" value="128" enum="Feature"> + <constant name="FEATURE_USE_SUPPORT_DATA" value="64" enum="Feature"> TextServer require external data file for some features. </constant> </constants> diff --git a/doc/classes/Transform2D.xml b/doc/classes/Transform2D.xml index ff291663fa..406774cbfe 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Transform2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Transform2D.xml @@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ </return> <argument index="0" name="xform" type="Transform2D"> </argument> - <argument index="1" name="t" type="float"> + <argument index="1" name="weight" type="float"> </argument> <description> - Returns a transform interpolated between this transform and another by a given weight (on the range of 0.0 to 1.0). + Returns a transform interpolated between this transform and another by a given [code]weight[/code] (on the range of 0.0 to 1.0). </description> </method> <method name="inverse"> diff --git a/doc/classes/Vector2.xml b/doc/classes/Vector2.xml index f99231de39..4e79560f3e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Vector2.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Vector2.xml @@ -137,10 +137,10 @@ </argument> <argument index="2" name="post_b" type="Vector2"> </argument> - <argument index="3" name="t" type="float"> + <argument index="3" name="weight" type="float"> </argument> <description> - Cubically interpolates between this vector and [code]b[/code] using [code]pre_a[/code] and [code]post_b[/code] as handles, and returns the result at position [code]t[/code]. [code]t[/code] is on the range of 0.0 to 1.0, representing the amount of interpolation. + Cubically interpolates between this vector and [code]b[/code] using [code]pre_a[/code] and [code]post_b[/code] as handles, and returns the result at position [code]weight[/code]. [code]weight[/code] is on the range of 0.0 to 1.0, representing the amount of interpolation. </description> </method> <method name="direction_to"> @@ -224,9 +224,9 @@ <method name="lerp"> <return type="Vector2"> </return> - <argument index="0" name="with" type="Vector2"> + <argument index="0" name="to" type="Vector2"> </argument> - <argument index="1" name="t" type="float"> + <argument index="1" name="weight" type="float"> </argument> <description> Returns the result of the linear interpolation between this vector and [code]b[/code] by amount [code]t[/code]. [code]t[/code] is on the range of 0.0 to 1.0, representing the amount of interpolation. @@ -452,9 +452,9 @@ <method name="slerp"> <return type="Vector2"> </return> - <argument index="0" name="with" type="Vector2"> + <argument index="0" name="to" type="Vector2"> </argument> - <argument index="1" name="t" type="float"> + <argument index="1" name="weight" type="float"> </argument> <description> Returns the result of spherical linear interpolation between this vector and [code]b[/code], by amount [code]t[/code]. [code]t[/code] is on the range of 0.0 to 1.0, representing the amount of interpolation. diff --git a/doc/classes/Vector3.xml b/doc/classes/Vector3.xml index 6ba0d6ab8d..2c2b30a644 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Vector3.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Vector3.xml @@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ </argument> <argument index="2" name="post_b" type="Vector3"> </argument> - <argument index="3" name="t" type="float"> + <argument index="3" name="weight" type="float"> </argument> <description> - Performs a cubic interpolation between vectors [code]pre_a[/code], [code]a[/code], [code]b[/code], [code]post_b[/code] ([code]a[/code] is current), by the given amount [code]t[/code]. [code]t[/code] is on the range of 0.0 to 1.0, representing the amount of interpolation. + Performs a cubic interpolation between vectors [code]pre_a[/code], [code]a[/code], [code]b[/code], [code]post_b[/code] ([code]a[/code] is current), by the given amount [code]weight[/code]. [code]weight[/code] is on the range of 0.0 to 1.0, representing the amount of interpolation. </description> </method> <method name="direction_to"> @@ -199,12 +199,12 @@ <method name="lerp"> <return type="Vector3"> </return> - <argument index="0" name="b" type="Vector3"> + <argument index="0" name="to" type="Vector3"> </argument> - <argument index="1" name="t" type="float"> + <argument index="1" name="weight" type="float"> </argument> <description> - Returns the result of the linear interpolation between this vector and [code]b[/code] by amount [code]t[/code]. [code]t[/code] is on the range of 0.0 to 1.0, representing the amount of interpolation. + Returns the result of the linear interpolation between this vector and [code]b[/code] by amount [code]weight[/code]. [code]weight[/code] is on the range of 0.0 to 1.0, representing the amount of interpolation. </description> </method> <method name="max_axis"> @@ -468,9 +468,9 @@ <method name="slerp"> <return type="Vector3"> </return> - <argument index="0" name="b" type="Vector3"> + <argument index="0" name="to" type="Vector3"> </argument> - <argument index="1" name="t" type="float"> + <argument index="1" name="weight" type="float"> </argument> <description> Returns the result of spherical linear interpolation between this vector and [code]b[/code], by amount [code]t[/code]. [code]t[/code] is on the range of 0.0 to 1.0, representing the amount of interpolation. diff --git a/doc/classes/VehicleBody3D.xml b/doc/classes/VehicleBody3D.xml index 1125a1da94..90d0591949 100644 --- a/doc/classes/VehicleBody3D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/VehicleBody3D.xml @@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ <member name="steering" type="float" setter="set_steering" getter="get_steering" default="0.0"> The steering angle for the vehicle. Setting this to a non-zero value will result in the vehicle turning when it's moving. Wheels that have [member VehicleWheel3D.use_as_steering] set to [code]true[/code] will automatically be rotated. </member> - <member name="weight" type="float" setter="set_weight" getter="get_weight" override="true" default="392.0" /> </members> <constants> </constants> diff --git a/doc/classes/Viewport.xml b/doc/classes/Viewport.xml index 85dc5e8fd8..e2cf848f45 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Viewport.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Viewport.xml @@ -234,6 +234,10 @@ <member name="screen_space_aa" type="int" setter="set_screen_space_aa" getter="get_screen_space_aa" enum="Viewport.ScreenSpaceAA" default="0"> Sets the screen-space antialiasing method used. Screen-space antialiasing works by selectively blurring edges in a post-process shader. It differs from MSAA which takes multiple coverage samples while rendering objects. Screen-space AA methods are typically faster than MSAA and will smooth out specular aliasing, but tend to make scenes appear blurry. </member> + <member name="sdf_oversize" type="int" setter="set_sdf_oversize" getter="get_sdf_oversize" enum="Viewport.SDFOversize" default="1"> + </member> + <member name="sdf_scale" type="int" setter="set_sdf_scale" getter="get_sdf_scale" enum="Viewport.SDFScale" default="1"> + </member> <member name="shadow_atlas_quad_0" type="int" setter="set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv" getter="get_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv" enum="Viewport.ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv" default="2"> The subdivision amount of the first quadrant on the shadow atlas. </member> @@ -428,5 +432,23 @@ <constant name="DEFAULT_CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_MAX" value="3" enum="DefaultCanvasItemTextureRepeat"> Max value for [enum DefaultCanvasItemTextureRepeat] enum. </constant> + <constant name="SDF_OVERSIZE_100_PERCENT" value="0" enum="SDFOversize"> + </constant> + <constant name="SDF_OVERSIZE_120_PERCENT" value="1" enum="SDFOversize"> + </constant> + <constant name="SDF_OVERSIZE_150_PERCENT" value="2" enum="SDFOversize"> + </constant> + <constant name="SDF_OVERSIZE_200_PERCENT" value="3" enum="SDFOversize"> + </constant> + <constant name="SDF_OVERSIZE_MAX" value="4" enum="SDFOversize"> + </constant> + <constant name="SDF_SCALE_100_PERCENT" value="0" enum="SDFScale"> + </constant> + <constant name="SDF_SCALE_50_PERCENT" value="1" enum="SDFScale"> + </constant> + <constant name="SDF_SCALE_25_PERCENT" value="2" enum="SDFScale"> + </constant> + <constant name="SDF_SCALE_MAX" value="3" enum="SDFScale"> + </constant> </constants> </class> diff --git a/doc/classes/XRPositionalTracker.xml b/doc/classes/XRPositionalTracker.xml index 0b57c9478f..5ed7a26b19 100644 --- a/doc/classes/XRPositionalTracker.xml +++ b/doc/classes/XRPositionalTracker.xml @@ -33,13 +33,6 @@ Returns the mesh related to a controller or anchor point if one is available. </description> </method> - <method name="get_name" qualifiers="const"> - <return type="StringName"> - </return> - <description> - Returns the controller or anchor point's name if available. - </description> - </method> <method name="get_orientation" qualifiers="const"> <return type="Basis"> </return> @@ -61,6 +54,20 @@ Returns the internal tracker ID. This uniquely identifies the tracker per tracker type and matches the ID you need to specify for nodes such as the [XRController3D] and [XRAnchor3D] nodes. </description> </method> + <method name="get_tracker_name" qualifiers="const"> + <return type="StringName"> + </return> + <description> + Returns the controller or anchor point's name, if applicable. + </description> + </method> + <method name="get_tracker_type" qualifiers="const"> + <return type="int" enum="XRServer.TrackerType"> + </return> + <description> + Returns the tracker's type, which will be one of the values from the [enum XRServer.TrackerType] enum. + </description> + </method> <method name="get_tracks_orientation" qualifiers="const"> <return type="bool"> </return> @@ -84,13 +91,6 @@ Returns the transform combining this device's orientation and position. </description> </method> - <method name="get_type" qualifiers="const"> - <return type="int" enum="XRServer.TrackerType"> - </return> - <description> - Returns the tracker's type. - </description> - </method> </methods> <members> <member name="rumble" type="float" setter="set_rumble" getter="get_rumble" default="0.0"> diff --git a/doc/classes/int.xml b/doc/classes/int.xml index b0d0a4bd7b..a63c509937 100644 --- a/doc/classes/int.xml +++ b/doc/classes/int.xml @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ <argument index="0" name="from" type="float"> </argument> <description> - Cast a float value to an integer value, this method simply removes the number fractions, so for example [code]int(2.7)[/code] will be equals to 2, [code]int(.1)[/code] will be equals to 0 and [code]int(-2.7)[/code] will be equals to -2. + Cast a float value to an integer value, this method simply removes the number fractions (i.e. rounds [code]from[/code] towards zero), so for example [code]int(2.7)[/code] will be equals to 2, [code]int(0.1)[/code] will be equals to 0 and [code]int(-2.7)[/code] will be equals to -2. This operation is also called truncation. </description> </method> <method name="operator !=" qualifiers="operator"> diff --git a/drivers/dummy/rasterizer_dummy.h b/drivers/dummy/rasterizer_dummy.h index 473535ebf5..a6c90fd0fd 100644 --- a/drivers/dummy/rasterizer_dummy.h +++ b/drivers/dummy/rasterizer_dummy.h @@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ #include "core/templates/rid_owner.h" #include "core/templates/self_list.h" #include "scene/resources/mesh.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.h" #include "servers/rendering_server.h" -class RasterizerSceneDummy : public RasterizerScene { +class RasterizerSceneDummy : public RendererSceneRender { public: /* SHADOW ATLAS API */ @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ public: ~RasterizerSceneDummy() {} }; -class RasterizerStorageDummy : public RasterizerStorage { +class RasterizerStorageDummy : public RendererStorage { public: /* TEXTURE API */ struct DummyTexture { @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ public: bool material_is_animated(RID p_material) override { return false; } bool material_casts_shadows(RID p_material) override { return false; } void material_get_instance_shader_parameters(RID p_material, List<InstanceShaderParam> *r_parameters) override {} - void material_update_dependency(RID p_material, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance) override {} + void material_update_dependency(RID p_material, InstanceBaseDependency *p_instance) override {} /* MESH API */ @@ -642,8 +642,8 @@ public: float reflection_probe_get_origin_max_distance(RID p_probe) const override { return 0.0; } bool reflection_probe_renders_shadows(RID p_probe) const override { return false; } - void base_update_dependency(RID p_base, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance) override {} - void skeleton_update_dependency(RID p_base, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance) override {} + void base_update_dependency(RID p_base, InstanceBaseDependency *p_instance) override {} + void skeleton_update_dependency(RID p_base, InstanceBaseDependency *p_instance) override {} /* DECAL API */ @@ -710,10 +710,10 @@ public: /* LIGHTMAP CAPTURE */ #if 0 struct Instantiable { - SelfList<RasterizerScene::InstanceBase>::List instance_list; + SelfList<RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase>::List instance_list; _FORCE_INLINE_ void instance_change_notify(bool p_aabb = true, bool p_materials = true) override { - SelfList<RasterizerScene::InstanceBase> *instances = instance_list.first(); + SelfList<RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase> *instances = instance_list.first(); while (instances) override { //instances->self()->base_changed(p_aabb, p_materials); instances = instances->next(); @@ -721,9 +721,9 @@ public: } _FORCE_INLINE_ void instance_remove_deps() override { - SelfList<RasterizerScene::InstanceBase> *instances = instance_list.first(); + SelfList<RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase> *instances = instance_list.first(); while (instances) override { - SelfList<RasterizerScene::InstanceBase> *next = instances->next(); + SelfList<RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase> *next = instances->next(); //instances->self()->base_removed(); instances = next; } @@ -826,8 +826,8 @@ public: int particles_get_draw_passes(RID p_particles) const override { return 0; } RID particles_get_draw_pass_mesh(RID p_particles, int p_pass) const override { return RID(); } - void particles_add_collision(RID p_particles, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance) override {} - void particles_remove_collision(RID p_particles, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance) override {} + void particles_add_collision(RID p_particles, InstanceBaseDependency *p_instance) override {} + void particles_remove_collision(RID p_particles, InstanceBaseDependency *p_instance) override {} void update_particles() override {} @@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ public: String get_video_adapter_name() const override { return String(); } String get_video_adapter_vendor() const override { return String(); } - static RasterizerStorage *base_singleton; + static RendererStorage *base_singleton; void capture_timestamps_begin() override {} void capture_timestamp(const String &p_name) override {} @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ public: ~RasterizerStorageDummy() {} }; -class RasterizerCanvasDummy : public RasterizerCanvas { +class RasterizerCanvasDummy : public RendererCanvasRender { public: PolygonID request_polygon(const Vector<int> &p_indices, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs = Vector<Point2>(), const Vector<int> &p_bones = Vector<int>(), const Vector<float> &p_weights = Vector<float>()) override { return 0; } void free_polygon(PolygonID p_polygon) override {} @@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ public: ~RasterizerCanvasDummy() {} }; -class RasterizerDummy : public Rasterizer { +class RasterizerDummy : public RendererCompositor { private: uint64_t frame = 1; float delta = 0; @@ -981,9 +981,9 @@ protected: RasterizerSceneDummy scene; public: - RasterizerStorage *get_storage() override { return &storage; } - RasterizerCanvas *get_canvas() override { return &canvas; } - RasterizerScene *get_scene() override { return &scene; } + RendererStorage *get_storage() override { return &storage; } + RendererCanvasRender *get_canvas() override { return &canvas; } + RendererSceneRender *get_scene() override { return &scene; } void set_boot_image(const Ref<Image> &p_image, const Color &p_color, bool p_scale, bool p_use_filter = true) override {} @@ -1004,7 +1004,7 @@ public: void finalize() override {} - static Rasterizer *_create_current() { + static RendererCompositor *_create_current() { return memnew(RasterizerDummy); } diff --git a/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp b/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp index 23e6b3bfb6..f857315e90 100644 --- a/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp +++ b/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp @@ -615,6 +615,7 @@ int RenderingDeviceVulkan::get_format_vertex_size(DataFormat p_format) { case DATA_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SNORM: case DATA_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UINT: case DATA_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SINT: + case DATA_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_UNORM_PACK32: return 4; case DATA_FORMAT_R16_UNORM: case DATA_FORMAT_R16_SNORM: @@ -1691,16 +1692,16 @@ RID RenderingDeviceVulkan::texture_create(const TextureFormat &p_format, const T #endif } - if (p_format.type == TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE || p_format.type == TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY) { + if (p_format.texture_type == TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE || p_format.texture_type == TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY) { image_create_info.flags |= VK_IMAGE_CREATE_CUBE_COMPATIBLE_BIT; } /*if (p_format.type == TEXTURE_TYPE_2D || p_format.type == TEXTURE_TYPE_2D_ARRAY) { image_create_info.flags |= VK_IMAGE_CREATE_2D_ARRAY_COMPATIBLE_BIT; }*/ - ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_format.type, TEXTURE_TYPE_MAX, RID()); + ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_format.texture_type, TEXTURE_TYPE_MAX, RID()); - image_create_info.imageType = vulkan_image_type[p_format.type]; + image_create_info.imageType = vulkan_image_type[p_format.texture_type]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_format.width < 1, RID(), "Width must be equal or greater than 1 for all textures"); @@ -1725,10 +1726,10 @@ RID RenderingDeviceVulkan::texture_create(const TextureFormat &p_format, const T image_create_info.mipLevels = p_format.mipmaps; - if (p_format.type == TEXTURE_TYPE_1D_ARRAY || p_format.type == TEXTURE_TYPE_2D_ARRAY || p_format.type == TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY || p_format.type == TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE) { + if (p_format.texture_type == TEXTURE_TYPE_1D_ARRAY || p_format.texture_type == TEXTURE_TYPE_2D_ARRAY || p_format.texture_type == TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY || p_format.texture_type == TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_format.array_layers < 1, RID(), "Amount of layers must be equal or greater than 1 for arrays and cubemaps."); - ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG((p_format.type == TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY || p_format.type == TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE) && (p_format.array_layers % 6) != 0, RID(), + ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG((p_format.texture_type == TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY || p_format.texture_type == TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE) && (p_format.array_layers % 6) != 0, RID(), "Cubemap and cubemap array textures must provide a layer number that is multiple of 6"); image_create_info.arrayLayers = p_format.array_layers; } else { @@ -1858,7 +1859,7 @@ RID RenderingDeviceVulkan::texture_create(const TextureFormat &p_format, const T VkResult err = vmaCreateImage(allocator, &image_create_info, &allocInfo, &texture.image, &texture.allocation, &texture.allocation_info); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err, RID(), "vmaCreateImage failed with error " + itos(err) + "."); - texture.type = p_format.type; + texture.type = p_format.texture_type; texture.format = p_format.format; texture.width = image_create_info.extent.width; texture.height = image_create_info.extent.height; @@ -1926,7 +1927,7 @@ RID RenderingDeviceVulkan::texture_create(const TextureFormat &p_format, const T VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY, }; - image_view_create_info.viewType = view_types[p_format.type]; + image_view_create_info.viewType = view_types[p_format.texture_type]; if (p_view.format_override == DATA_FORMAT_MAX) { image_view_create_info.format = image_create_info.format; } else { @@ -3528,7 +3529,7 @@ RenderingDevice::VertexFormatID RenderingDeviceVulkan::vertex_format_create(cons ERR_FAIL_COND_V(used_locations.has(p_vertex_formats[i].location), INVALID_ID); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(get_format_vertex_size(p_vertex_formats[i].format) == 0, INVALID_ID, - "Data format for attachment (" + itos(i) + ") is not valid for a vertex array."); + "Data format for attachment (" + itos(i) + "), '" + named_formats[p_vertex_formats[i].format] + "', is not valid for a vertex array."); vdcache.bindings[i].binding = i; vdcache.bindings[i].stride = p_vertex_formats[i].stride; @@ -4611,8 +4612,8 @@ RID RenderingDeviceVulkan::uniform_set_create(const Vector<Uniform> &p_uniforms, const Uniform &uniform = uniforms[uniform_idx]; - ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(uniform.type != set_uniform.type, RID(), - "Mismatch uniform type for binding (" + itos(set_uniform.binding) + "), set (" + itos(p_shader_set) + "). Expected '" + shader_uniform_names[set_uniform.type] + "', supplied: '" + shader_uniform_names[uniform.type] + "'."); + ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(uniform.uniform_type != set_uniform.type, RID(), + "Mismatch uniform type for binding (" + itos(set_uniform.binding) + "), set (" + itos(p_shader_set) + "). Expected '" + shader_uniform_names[set_uniform.type] + "', supplied: '" + shader_uniform_names[uniform.uniform_type] + "'."); VkWriteDescriptorSet write; //common header write.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_WRITE_DESCRIPTOR_SET; @@ -4627,7 +4628,7 @@ RID RenderingDeviceVulkan::uniform_set_create(const Vector<Uniform> &p_uniforms, write.pTexelBufferView = nullptr; uint32_t type_size = 1; - switch (uniform.type) { + switch (uniform.uniform_type) { case UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER: { if (uniform.ids.size() != set_uniform.length) { if (set_uniform.length > 1) { diff --git a/editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp b/editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp index 22adf4f267..25ff7f884a 100644 --- a/editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp +++ b/editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp @@ -507,14 +507,14 @@ Ref<Animation> AnimationBezierTrackEdit::get_animation() const { void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::set_animation_and_track(const Ref<Animation> &p_animation, int p_track) { animation = p_animation; track = p_track; - if (is_connected_compat("select_key", editor, "_key_selected")) { - disconnect_compat("select_key", editor, "_key_selected"); + if (is_connected("select_key", Callable(editor, "_key_selected"))) { + disconnect("select_key", Callable(editor, "_key_selected")); } - if (is_connected_compat("deselect_key", editor, "_key_deselected")) { - disconnect_compat("deselect_key", editor, "_key_deselected"); + if (is_connected("deselect_key", Callable(editor, "_key_deselected"))) { + disconnect("deselect_key", Callable(editor, "_key_deselected")); } - connect_compat("select_key", editor, "_key_selected", varray(p_track), CONNECT_DEFERRED); - connect_compat("deselect_key", editor, "_key_deselected", varray(p_track), CONNECT_DEFERRED); + connect("select_key", Callable(editor, "_key_selected"), varray(p_track), CONNECT_DEFERRED); + connect("deselect_key", Callable(editor, "_key_deselected"), varray(p_track), CONNECT_DEFERRED); update(); } @@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::set_timeline(AnimationTimelineEdit *p_timeline) { void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::set_editor(AnimationTrackEditor *p_editor) { editor = p_editor; - connect_compat("clear_selection", editor, "_clear_selection", varray(false)); + connect("clear_selection", Callable(editor, "_clear_selection"), varray(false)); } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_play_position_draw() { diff --git a/editor/code_editor.cpp b/editor/code_editor.cpp index 823fd7e852..556b5717b3 100644 --- a/editor/code_editor.cpp +++ b/editor/code_editor.cpp @@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ Ref<Texture2D> CodeTextEditor::_get_completion_icon(const ScriptCodeCompletionOp tex = get_theme_icon("MemberMethod", "EditorIcons"); break; case ScriptCodeCompletionOption::KIND_PLAIN_TEXT: - tex = get_theme_icon("CubeMesh", "EditorIcons"); + tex = get_theme_icon("BoxMesh", "EditorIcons"); break; default: tex = get_theme_icon("String", "EditorIcons"); diff --git a/editor/connections_dialog.cpp b/editor/connections_dialog.cpp index a04065a463..2630589912 100644 --- a/editor/connections_dialog.cpp +++ b/editor/connections_dialog.cpp @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ #include "connections_dialog.h" #include "core/string/print_string.h" +#include "editor/doc_tools.h" #include "editor_node.h" #include "editor_scale.h" #include "editor_settings.h" @@ -998,7 +999,7 @@ void ConnectionsDock::update_tree() { } if (!found) { - DocData *dd = EditorHelp::get_doc_data(); + DocTools *dd = EditorHelp::get_doc_data(); Map<String, DocData::ClassDoc>::Element *F = dd->class_list.find(base); while (F && descr == String()) { for (int i = 0; i < F->get().signals.size(); i++) { diff --git a/editor/doc_data.cpp b/editor/doc_tools.cpp index 165a5c8546..5ee9abb183 100644 --- a/editor/doc_data.cpp +++ b/editor/doc_tools.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* doc_data.cpp */ +/* doc_tools.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#include "doc_data.h" +#include "doc_tools.h" #include "core/config/engine.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" @@ -43,22 +43,22 @@ // Used for a hack preserving Mono properties on non-Mono builds. #include "modules/modules_enabled.gen.h" -void DocData::merge_from(const DocData &p_data) { - for (Map<String, ClassDoc>::Element *E = class_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - ClassDoc &c = E->get(); +void DocTools::merge_from(const DocTools &p_data) { + for (Map<String, DocData::ClassDoc>::Element *E = class_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + DocData::ClassDoc &c = E->get(); if (!p_data.class_list.has(c.name)) { continue; } - const ClassDoc &cf = p_data.class_list[c.name]; + const DocData::ClassDoc &cf = p_data.class_list[c.name]; c.description = cf.description; c.brief_description = cf.brief_description; c.tutorials = cf.tutorials; for (int i = 0; i < c.methods.size(); i++) { - MethodDoc &m = c.methods.write[i]; + DocData::MethodDoc &m = c.methods.write[i]; for (int j = 0; j < cf.methods.size(); j++) { if (cf.methods[j].name != m.name) { @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ void DocData::merge_from(const DocData &p_data) { continue; } - const MethodDoc &mf = cf.methods[j]; + const DocData::MethodDoc &mf = cf.methods[j]; m.description = mf.description; break; @@ -103,13 +103,13 @@ void DocData::merge_from(const DocData &p_data) { } for (int i = 0; i < c.signals.size(); i++) { - MethodDoc &m = c.signals.write[i]; + DocData::MethodDoc &m = c.signals.write[i]; for (int j = 0; j < cf.signals.size(); j++) { if (cf.signals[j].name != m.name) { continue; } - const MethodDoc &mf = cf.signals[j]; + const DocData::MethodDoc &mf = cf.signals[j]; m.description = mf.description; break; @@ -117,13 +117,13 @@ void DocData::merge_from(const DocData &p_data) { } for (int i = 0; i < c.constants.size(); i++) { - ConstantDoc &m = c.constants.write[i]; + DocData::ConstantDoc &m = c.constants.write[i]; for (int j = 0; j < cf.constants.size(); j++) { if (cf.constants[j].name != m.name) { continue; } - const ConstantDoc &mf = cf.constants[j]; + const DocData::ConstantDoc &mf = cf.constants[j]; m.description = mf.description; break; @@ -131,13 +131,13 @@ void DocData::merge_from(const DocData &p_data) { } for (int i = 0; i < c.properties.size(); i++) { - PropertyDoc &p = c.properties.write[i]; + DocData::PropertyDoc &p = c.properties.write[i]; for (int j = 0; j < cf.properties.size(); j++) { if (cf.properties[j].name != p.name) { continue; } - const PropertyDoc &pf = cf.properties[j]; + const DocData::PropertyDoc &pf = cf.properties[j]; p.description = pf.description; break; @@ -145,13 +145,13 @@ void DocData::merge_from(const DocData &p_data) { } for (int i = 0; i < c.theme_properties.size(); i++) { - PropertyDoc &p = c.theme_properties.write[i]; + DocData::PropertyDoc &p = c.theme_properties.write[i]; for (int j = 0; j < cf.theme_properties.size(); j++) { if (cf.theme_properties[j].name != p.name) { continue; } - const PropertyDoc &pf = cf.theme_properties[j]; + const DocData::PropertyDoc &pf = cf.theme_properties[j]; p.description = pf.description; break; @@ -177,57 +177,29 @@ void DocData::merge_from(const DocData &p_data) { } } -void DocData::remove_from(const DocData &p_data) { - for (Map<String, ClassDoc>::Element *E = p_data.class_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { +void DocTools::remove_from(const DocTools &p_data) { + for (Map<String, DocData::ClassDoc>::Element *E = p_data.class_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (class_list.has(E->key())) { class_list.erase(E->key()); } } } -static void return_doc_from_retinfo(DocData::MethodDoc &p_method, const PropertyInfo &p_retinfo) { - if (p_retinfo.type == Variant::INT && p_retinfo.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_CLASS_IS_ENUM) { - p_method.return_enum = p_retinfo.class_name; - if (p_method.return_enum.begins_with("_")) { //proxy class - p_method.return_enum = p_method.return_enum.substr(1, p_method.return_enum.length()); - } - p_method.return_type = "int"; - } else if (p_retinfo.class_name != StringName()) { - p_method.return_type = p_retinfo.class_name; - } else if (p_retinfo.type == Variant::ARRAY && p_retinfo.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_ARRAY_TYPE) { - p_method.return_type = p_retinfo.hint_string + "[]"; - } else if (p_retinfo.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE) { - p_method.return_type = p_retinfo.hint_string; - } else if (p_retinfo.type == Variant::NIL && p_retinfo.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT) { - p_method.return_type = "Variant"; - } else if (p_retinfo.type == Variant::NIL) { - p_method.return_type = "void"; - } else { - p_method.return_type = Variant::get_type_name(p_retinfo.type); - } +void DocTools::add_doc(const DocData::ClassDoc &p_class_doc) { + ERR_FAIL_COND(p_class_doc.name == ""); + class_list[p_class_doc.name] = p_class_doc; } -static void argument_doc_from_arginfo(DocData::ArgumentDoc &p_argument, const PropertyInfo &p_arginfo) { - p_argument.name = p_arginfo.name; +void DocTools::remove_doc(const String &p_class_name) { + ERR_FAIL_COND(p_class_name == "" || !class_list.has(p_class_name)); + class_list.erase(p_class_name); +} - if (p_arginfo.type == Variant::INT && p_arginfo.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_CLASS_IS_ENUM) { - p_argument.enumeration = p_arginfo.class_name; - if (p_argument.enumeration.begins_with("_")) { //proxy class - p_argument.enumeration = p_argument.enumeration.substr(1, p_argument.enumeration.length()); - } - p_argument.type = "int"; - } else if (p_arginfo.class_name != StringName()) { - p_argument.type = p_arginfo.class_name; - } else if (p_arginfo.type == Variant::ARRAY && p_arginfo.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_ARRAY_TYPE) { - p_argument.type = p_arginfo.hint_string + "[]"; - } else if (p_arginfo.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE) { - p_argument.type = p_arginfo.hint_string; - } else if (p_arginfo.type == Variant::NIL) { - // Parameters cannot be void, so PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT is not necessary - p_argument.type = "Variant"; - } else { - p_argument.type = Variant::get_type_name(p_arginfo.type); +bool DocTools::has_doc(const String &p_class_name) { + if (p_class_name == "") { + return false; } + return class_list.has(p_class_name); } static Variant get_documentation_default_value(const StringName &p_class_name, const StringName &p_property_name, bool &r_default_value_valid) { @@ -253,7 +225,7 @@ static Variant get_documentation_default_value(const StringName &p_class_name, c return default_value; } -void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { +void DocTools::generate(bool p_basic_types) { List<StringName> classes; ClassDB::get_class_list(&classes); classes.sort_custom<StringName::AlphCompare>(); @@ -277,8 +249,8 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { cname = cname.substr(1, name.length()); } - class_list[cname] = ClassDoc(); - ClassDoc &c = class_list[cname]; + class_list[cname] = DocData::ClassDoc(); + DocData::ClassDoc &c = class_list[cname]; c.name = cname; c.inherits = ClassDB::get_parent_class(name); @@ -305,7 +277,7 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { continue; } - PropertyDoc prop; + DocData::PropertyDoc prop; prop.name = E->get().name; @@ -409,7 +381,7 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { } } - MethodDoc method; + DocData::MethodDoc method; method.name = E->get().name; @@ -432,12 +404,12 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { for (int i = -1; i < E->get().arguments.size(); i++) { if (i == -1) { #ifdef DEBUG_METHODS_ENABLED - return_doc_from_retinfo(method, E->get().return_val); + DocData::return_doc_from_retinfo(method, E->get().return_val); #endif } else { const PropertyInfo &arginfo = E->get().arguments[i]; - ArgumentDoc argument; - argument_doc_from_arginfo(argument, arginfo); + DocData::ArgumentDoc argument; + DocData::argument_doc_from_arginfo(argument, arginfo); int darg_idx = i - (E->get().arguments.size() - E->get().default_arguments.size()); if (darg_idx >= 0) { @@ -457,12 +429,12 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { if (signal_list.size()) { for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *EV = signal_list.front(); EV; EV = EV->next()) { - MethodDoc signal; + DocData::MethodDoc signal; signal.name = EV->get().name; for (int i = 0; i < EV->get().arguments.size(); i++) { const PropertyInfo &arginfo = EV->get().arguments[i]; - ArgumentDoc argument; - argument_doc_from_arginfo(argument, arginfo); + DocData::ArgumentDoc argument; + DocData::argument_doc_from_arginfo(argument, arginfo); signal.arguments.push_back(argument); } @@ -475,7 +447,7 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { ClassDB::get_integer_constant_list(name, &constant_list, true); for (List<String>::Element *E = constant_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - ConstantDoc constant; + DocData::ConstantDoc constant; constant.name = E->get(); constant.value = itos(ClassDB::get_integer_constant(name, E->get())); constant.is_value_valid = true; @@ -489,7 +461,7 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { List<StringName> l; Theme::get_default()->get_constant_list(cname, &l); for (List<StringName>::Element *E = l.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - PropertyDoc pd; + DocData::PropertyDoc pd; pd.name = E->get(); pd.type = "int"; pd.default_value = itos(Theme::get_default()->get_constant(E->get(), cname)); @@ -499,7 +471,7 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { l.clear(); Theme::get_default()->get_color_list(cname, &l); for (List<StringName>::Element *E = l.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - PropertyDoc pd; + DocData::PropertyDoc pd; pd.name = E->get(); pd.type = "Color"; pd.default_value = Variant(Theme::get_default()->get_color(E->get(), cname)).get_construct_string(); @@ -509,7 +481,7 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { l.clear(); Theme::get_default()->get_icon_list(cname, &l); for (List<StringName>::Element *E = l.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - PropertyDoc pd; + DocData::PropertyDoc pd; pd.name = E->get(); pd.type = "Texture2D"; c.theme_properties.push_back(pd); @@ -517,7 +489,7 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { l.clear(); Theme::get_default()->get_font_list(cname, &l); for (List<StringName>::Element *E = l.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - PropertyDoc pd; + DocData::PropertyDoc pd; pd.name = E->get(); pd.type = "Font"; c.theme_properties.push_back(pd); @@ -525,7 +497,7 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { l.clear(); Theme::get_default()->get_font_size_list(cname, &l); for (List<StringName>::Element *E = l.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - PropertyDoc pd; + DocData::PropertyDoc pd; pd.name = E->get(); pd.type = "int"; c.theme_properties.push_back(pd); @@ -533,7 +505,7 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { l.clear(); Theme::get_default()->get_stylebox_list(cname, &l); for (List<StringName>::Element *E = l.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - PropertyDoc pd; + DocData::PropertyDoc pd; pd.name = E->get(); pd.type = "StyleBox"; c.theme_properties.push_back(pd); @@ -545,7 +517,7 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { { // So we can document the concept of Variant even if it's not a usable class per se. - class_list["Variant"] = ClassDoc(); + class_list["Variant"] = DocData::ClassDoc(); class_list["Variant"].name = "Variant"; } @@ -564,8 +536,8 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { String cname = Variant::get_type_name(Variant::Type(i)); - class_list[cname] = ClassDoc(); - ClassDoc &c = class_list[cname]; + class_list[cname] = DocData::ClassDoc(); + DocData::ClassDoc &c = class_list[cname]; c.name = cname; Callable::CallError cerror; @@ -642,7 +614,7 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = method_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { MethodInfo &mi = E->get(); - MethodDoc method; + DocData::MethodDoc method; method.name = mi.name; if (method.name == cname) { @@ -653,8 +625,8 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { for (int j = 0; j < mi.arguments.size(); j++) { PropertyInfo arginfo = mi.arguments[j]; - ArgumentDoc ad; - argument_doc_from_arginfo(ad, mi.arguments[j]); + DocData::ArgumentDoc ad; + DocData::argument_doc_from_arginfo(ad, mi.arguments[j]); ad.name = arginfo.name; int darg_idx = mi.default_arguments.size() - mi.arguments.size() + j; @@ -666,7 +638,7 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { method.arguments.push_back(ad); } - return_doc_from_retinfo(method, mi.return_val); + DocData::return_doc_from_retinfo(method, mi.return_val); if (mi.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VARARG) { if (method.qualifiers != "") { @@ -682,7 +654,7 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { v.get_property_list(&properties); for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = properties.front(); E; E = E->next()) { PropertyInfo pi = E->get(); - PropertyDoc property; + DocData::PropertyDoc property; property.name = pi.name; property.type = Variant::get_type_name(pi.type); property.default_value = v.get(pi.name).get_construct_string(); @@ -694,7 +666,7 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { Variant::get_constants_for_type(Variant::Type(i), &constants); for (List<StringName>::Element *E = constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - ConstantDoc constant; + DocData::ConstantDoc constant; constant.name = E->get(); Variant value = Variant::get_constant_value(Variant::Type(i), E->get()); constant.value = value.get_type() == Variant::INT ? itos(value) : value.get_construct_string(); @@ -707,12 +679,12 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { { String cname = "@GlobalScope"; - class_list[cname] = ClassDoc(); - ClassDoc &c = class_list[cname]; + class_list[cname] = DocData::ClassDoc(); + DocData::ClassDoc &c = class_list[cname]; c.name = cname; for (int i = 0; i < CoreConstants::get_global_constant_count(); i++) { - ConstantDoc cd; + DocData::ConstantDoc cd; cd.name = CoreConstants::get_global_constant_name(i); if (!CoreConstants::get_ignore_value_in_docs(i)) { cd.value = itos(CoreConstants::get_global_constant_value(i)); @@ -729,7 +701,7 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { //servers (this is kind of hackish) for (List<Engine::Singleton>::Element *E = singletons.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - PropertyDoc pd; + DocData::PropertyDoc pd; Engine::Singleton &s = E->get(); if (!s.ptr) { continue; @@ -749,7 +721,7 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { Variant::get_utility_function_list(&utility_functions); utility_functions.sort_custom<StringName::AlphCompare>(); for (List<StringName>::Element *E = utility_functions.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - MethodDoc md; + DocData::MethodDoc md; md.name = E->get(); //return if (Variant::has_utility_function_return_value(E->get())) { @@ -759,7 +731,7 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { pi.usage = PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT; } DocData::ArgumentDoc ad; - argument_doc_from_arginfo(ad, pi); + DocData::argument_doc_from_arginfo(ad, pi); md.return_type = ad.type; } @@ -774,7 +746,7 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { pi.usage = PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT; } DocData::ArgumentDoc ad; - argument_doc_from_arginfo(ad, pi); + DocData::argument_doc_from_arginfo(ad, pi); md.arguments.push_back(ad); } } @@ -791,7 +763,7 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { for (int i = 0; i < ScriptServer::get_language_count(); i++) { ScriptLanguage *lang = ScriptServer::get_language(i); String cname = "@" + lang->get_name(); - ClassDoc c; + DocData::ClassDoc c; c.name = cname; // Get functions. @@ -800,7 +772,7 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = minfo.front(); E; E = E->next()) { MethodInfo &mi = E->get(); - MethodDoc md; + DocData::MethodDoc md; md.name = mi.name; if (mi.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VARARG) { @@ -810,11 +782,11 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { md.qualifiers += "vararg"; } - return_doc_from_retinfo(md, mi.return_val); + DocData::return_doc_from_retinfo(md, mi.return_val); for (int j = 0; j < mi.arguments.size(); j++) { - ArgumentDoc ad; - argument_doc_from_arginfo(ad, mi.arguments[j]); + DocData::ArgumentDoc ad; + DocData::argument_doc_from_arginfo(ad, mi.arguments[j]); int darg_idx = j - (mi.arguments.size() - mi.default_arguments.size()); if (darg_idx >= 0) { @@ -833,7 +805,7 @@ void DocData::generate(bool p_basic_types) { lang->get_public_constants(&cinfo); for (List<Pair<String, Variant>>::Element *E = cinfo.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - ConstantDoc cd; + DocData::ConstantDoc cd; cd.name = E->get().first; cd.value = E->get().second; cd.is_value_valid = true; @@ -911,7 +883,7 @@ static Error _parse_methods(Ref<XMLParser> &parser, Vector<DocData::MethodDoc> & return OK; } -Error DocData::load_classes(const String &p_dir) { +Error DocTools::load_classes(const String &p_dir) { Error err; DirAccessRef da = DirAccess::open(p_dir, &err); if (!da) { @@ -939,7 +911,7 @@ Error DocData::load_classes(const String &p_dir) { return OK; } -Error DocData::erase_classes(const String &p_dir) { +Error DocTools::erase_classes(const String &p_dir) { Error err; DirAccessRef da = DirAccess::open(p_dir, &err); if (!da) { @@ -967,7 +939,7 @@ Error DocData::erase_classes(const String &p_dir) { return OK; } -Error DocData::_load(Ref<XMLParser> parser) { +Error DocTools::_load(Ref<XMLParser> parser) { Error err = OK; while ((err = parser->read()) == OK) { @@ -983,8 +955,8 @@ Error DocData::_load(Ref<XMLParser> parser) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!parser->has_attribute("name"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); String name = parser->get_attribute_value("name"); - class_list[name] = ClassDoc(); - ClassDoc &c = class_list[name]; + class_list[name] = DocData::ClassDoc(); + DocData::ClassDoc &c = class_list[name]; c.name = name; if (parser->has_attribute("inherits")) { @@ -1012,7 +984,7 @@ Error DocData::_load(Ref<XMLParser> parser) { String name3 = parser->get_node_name(); if (name3 == "link") { - TutorialDoc tutorial; + DocData::TutorialDoc tutorial; if (parser->has_attribute("title")) { tutorial.title = parser->get_attribute_value("title"); } @@ -1041,7 +1013,7 @@ Error DocData::_load(Ref<XMLParser> parser) { String name3 = parser->get_node_name(); if (name3 == "member") { - PropertyDoc prop2; + DocData::PropertyDoc prop2; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!parser->has_attribute("name"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); prop2.name = parser->get_attribute_value("name"); @@ -1078,7 +1050,7 @@ Error DocData::_load(Ref<XMLParser> parser) { String name3 = parser->get_node_name(); if (name3 == "theme_item") { - PropertyDoc prop2; + DocData::PropertyDoc prop2; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!parser->has_attribute("name"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); prop2.name = parser->get_attribute_value("name"); @@ -1106,7 +1078,7 @@ Error DocData::_load(Ref<XMLParser> parser) { String name3 = parser->get_node_name(); if (name3 == "constant") { - ConstantDoc constant2; + DocData::ConstantDoc constant2; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!parser->has_attribute("name"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); constant2.name = parser->get_attribute_value("name"); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!parser->has_attribute("value"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); @@ -1155,9 +1127,9 @@ static void _write_string(FileAccess *f, int p_tablevel, const String &p_string) f->store_string(tab + p_string + "\n"); } -Error DocData::save_classes(const String &p_default_path, const Map<String, String> &p_class_path) { - for (Map<String, ClassDoc>::Element *E = class_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - ClassDoc &c = E->get(); +Error DocTools::save_classes(const String &p_default_path, const Map<String, String> &p_class_path) { + for (Map<String, DocData::ClassDoc>::Element *E = class_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + DocData::ClassDoc &c = E->get(); String save_path; if (p_class_path.has(c.name)) { @@ -1192,7 +1164,7 @@ Error DocData::save_classes(const String &p_default_path, const Map<String, Stri _write_string(f, 1, "<tutorials>"); for (int i = 0; i < c.tutorials.size(); i++) { - TutorialDoc tutorial = c.tutorials.get(i); + DocData::TutorialDoc tutorial = c.tutorials.get(i); String title_attribute = (!tutorial.title.empty()) ? " title=\"" + tutorial.title.xml_escape() + "\"" : ""; _write_string(f, 2, "<link" + title_attribute + ">" + tutorial.link.xml_escape() + "</link>"); } @@ -1203,7 +1175,7 @@ Error DocData::save_classes(const String &p_default_path, const Map<String, Stri c.methods.sort(); for (int i = 0; i < c.methods.size(); i++) { - const MethodDoc &m = c.methods[i]; + const DocData::MethodDoc &m = c.methods[i]; String qualifiers; if (m.qualifiers != "") { @@ -1222,7 +1194,7 @@ Error DocData::save_classes(const String &p_default_path, const Map<String, Stri } for (int j = 0; j < m.arguments.size(); j++) { - const ArgumentDoc &a = m.arguments[j]; + const DocData::ArgumentDoc &a = m.arguments[j]; String enum_text; if (a.enumeration != String()) { @@ -1261,7 +1233,7 @@ Error DocData::save_classes(const String &p_default_path, const Map<String, Stri additional_attributes += " default=\"" + c.properties[i].default_value.xml_escape(true) + "\""; } - const PropertyDoc &p = c.properties[i]; + const DocData::PropertyDoc &p = c.properties[i]; if (c.properties[i].overridden) { _write_string(f, 2, "<member name=\"" + p.name + "\" type=\"" + p.type + "\" setter=\"" + p.setter + "\" getter=\"" + p.getter + "\" override=\"true\"" + additional_attributes + " />"); @@ -1279,10 +1251,10 @@ Error DocData::save_classes(const String &p_default_path, const Map<String, Stri _write_string(f, 1, "<signals>"); for (int i = 0; i < c.signals.size(); i++) { - const MethodDoc &m = c.signals[i]; + const DocData::MethodDoc &m = c.signals[i]; _write_string(f, 2, "<signal name=\"" + m.name + "\">"); for (int j = 0; j < m.arguments.size(); j++) { - const ArgumentDoc &a = m.arguments[j]; + const DocData::ArgumentDoc &a = m.arguments[j]; _write_string(f, 3, "<argument index=\"" + itos(j) + "\" name=\"" + a.name.xml_escape() + "\" type=\"" + a.type.xml_escape() + "\">"); _write_string(f, 3, "</argument>"); } @@ -1300,7 +1272,7 @@ Error DocData::save_classes(const String &p_default_path, const Map<String, Stri _write_string(f, 1, "<constants>"); for (int i = 0; i < c.constants.size(); i++) { - const ConstantDoc &k = c.constants[i]; + const DocData::ConstantDoc &k = c.constants[i]; if (k.is_value_valid) { if (k.enumeration != String()) { _write_string(f, 2, "<constant name=\"" + k.name + "\" value=\"" + k.value + "\" enum=\"" + k.enumeration + "\">"); @@ -1325,7 +1297,7 @@ Error DocData::save_classes(const String &p_default_path, const Map<String, Stri _write_string(f, 1, "<theme_items>"); for (int i = 0; i < c.theme_properties.size(); i++) { - const PropertyDoc &p = c.theme_properties[i]; + const DocData::PropertyDoc &p = c.theme_properties[i]; if (p.default_value != "") { _write_string(f, 2, "<theme_item name=\"" + p.name + "\" type=\"" + p.type + "\" default=\"" + p.default_value.xml_escape(true) + "\">"); @@ -1346,7 +1318,7 @@ Error DocData::save_classes(const String &p_default_path, const Map<String, Stri return OK; } -Error DocData::load_compressed(const uint8_t *p_data, int p_compressed_size, int p_uncompressed_size) { +Error DocTools::load_compressed(const uint8_t *p_data, int p_compressed_size, int p_uncompressed_size) { Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(p_uncompressed_size); Compression::decompress(data.ptrw(), p_uncompressed_size, p_data, p_compressed_size, Compression::MODE_DEFLATE); diff --git a/editor/doc_tools.h b/editor/doc_tools.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..db27e38c8b --- /dev/null +++ b/editor/doc_tools.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* doc_tools.h */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef DOC_TOOLS_H +#define DOC_TOOLS_H + +#include "core/doc_data.h" + +class DocTools { +public: + String version; + Map<String, DocData::ClassDoc> class_list; + + static Error erase_classes(const String &p_dir); + + void merge_from(const DocTools &p_data); + void remove_from(const DocTools &p_data); + void add_doc(const DocData::ClassDoc &p_class_doc); + void remove_doc(const String &p_class_name); + bool has_doc(const String &p_class_name); + void generate(bool p_basic_types = false); + Error load_classes(const String &p_dir); + Error save_classes(const String &p_default_path, const Map<String, String> &p_class_path); + + Error _load(Ref<XMLParser> parser); + Error load_compressed(const uint8_t *p_data, int p_compressed_size, int p_uncompressed_size); +}; + +#endif // DOC_DATA_H diff --git a/editor/editor_file_system.cpp b/editor/editor_file_system.cpp index c66bc9b3fa..738b88a86b 100644 --- a/editor/editor_file_system.cpp +++ b/editor/editor_file_system.cpp @@ -357,10 +357,12 @@ bool EditorFileSystem::_test_for_reimport(const String &p_path, bool p_only_impo List<String> to_check; + String importer_name; String source_file = ""; String source_md5 = ""; Vector<String> dest_files; String dest_md5 = ""; + int version = 0; while (true) { assign = Variant(); @@ -384,6 +386,10 @@ bool EditorFileSystem::_test_for_reimport(const String &p_path, bool p_only_impo for (int i = 0; i < fa.size(); i++) { to_check.push_back(fa[i]); } + } else if (assign == "importer_version") { + version = value; + } else if (assign == "importer") { + importer_name = value; } else if (!p_only_imported_files) { if (assign == "source_file") { source_file = value; @@ -399,6 +405,12 @@ bool EditorFileSystem::_test_for_reimport(const String &p_path, bool p_only_impo memdelete(f); + Ref<ResourceImporter> importer = ResourceFormatImporter::get_singleton()->get_importer_by_name(importer_name); + + if (importer->get_format_version() > version) { + return true; // version changed, reimport + } + // Read the md5's from a separate file (so the import parameters aren't dependent on the file version String base_path = ResourceFormatImporter::get_singleton()->get_import_base_path(p_path); FileAccess *md5s = FileAccess::open(base_path + ".md5", FileAccess::READ, &err); @@ -799,6 +811,20 @@ void EditorFileSystem::_scan_new_dir(EditorFileSystemDirectory *p_dir, DirAccess } } + for (int i = 0; i < ScriptServer::get_language_count(); i++) { + ScriptLanguage *lang = ScriptServer::get_language(i); + if (lang->supports_documentation() && fi->type == lang->get_type()) { + Ref<Script> script = ResourceLoader::load(path); + if (script == nullptr) { + continue; + } + const Vector<DocData::ClassDoc> &docs = script->get_documentation(); + for (int j = 0; j < docs.size(); j++) { + EditorHelp::get_doc_data()->add_doc(docs[j]); + } + } + } + p_dir->files.push_back(fi); p_progress.update(idx, total); } @@ -1562,6 +1588,10 @@ Error EditorFileSystem::_reimport_group(const String &p_group_file, const Vector f->store_line("[remap]"); f->store_line(""); f->store_line("importer=\"" + importer->get_importer_name() + "\""); + int version = importer->get_format_version(); + if (version > 0) { + f->store_line("importer_version=" + itos(importer->get_format_version())); + } if (importer->get_resource_type() != "") { f->store_line("type=\"" + importer->get_resource_type() + "\""); } diff --git a/editor/editor_help.cpp b/editor/editor_help.cpp index 2c49782fd2..4c553950a7 100644 --- a/editor/editor_help.cpp +++ b/editor/editor_help.cpp @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ #define CONTRIBUTE_URL "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/community/contributing/updating_the_class_reference.html" -DocData *EditorHelp::doc = nullptr; +DocTools *EditorHelp::doc = nullptr; void EditorHelp::_init_colors() { title_color = get_theme_color("accent_color", "Editor"); @@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ void EditorHelp::_update_doc() { } // Descendents - if (ClassDB::class_exists(cd.name)) { + if (cd.is_script_doc || ClassDB::class_exists(cd.name)) { bool found = false; bool prev = false; @@ -494,7 +494,19 @@ void EditorHelp::_update_doc() { Set<String> skip_methods; bool property_descr = false; - if (cd.properties.size()) { + bool has_properties = cd.properties.size() != 0; + if (cd.is_script_doc) { + has_properties = false; + for (int i = 0; i < cd.properties.size(); i++) { + if (cd.properties[i].name.begins_with("_") && cd.properties[i].description.empty()) { + continue; + } + has_properties = true; + break; + } + } + + if (has_properties) { section_line.push_back(Pair<String, int>(TTR("Properties"), class_desc->get_line_count() - 2)); class_desc->push_color(title_color); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); @@ -509,6 +521,10 @@ void EditorHelp::_update_doc() { class_desc->set_table_column_expand(1, true); for (int i = 0; i < cd.properties.size(); i++) { + // Ignore undocumented private. + if (cd.properties[i].name.begins_with("_") && cd.properties[i].description.empty()) { + continue; + } property_line[cd.properties[i].name] = class_desc->get_line_count() - 2; //gets overridden if description class_desc->push_cell(); @@ -565,6 +581,32 @@ void EditorHelp::_update_doc() { class_desc->pop(); } + if (cd.is_script_doc && (cd.properties[i].setter != "" || cd.properties[i].getter != "")) { + class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); + class_desc->add_text(" [" + TTR("property:") + " "); + class_desc->pop(); // color + + if (cd.properties[i].setter != "") { + class_desc->push_color(value_color); + class_desc->add_text("setter"); + class_desc->pop(); // color + } + if (cd.properties[i].getter != "") { + if (cd.properties[i].setter != "") { + class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); + class_desc->add_text(", "); + class_desc->pop(); // color + } + class_desc->push_color(value_color); + class_desc->add_text("getter"); + class_desc->pop(); // color + } + + class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); + class_desc->add_text("]"); + class_desc->pop(); // color + } + class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); @@ -590,6 +632,10 @@ void EditorHelp::_update_doc() { continue; } } + // Ignore undocumented private. + if (cd.methods[i].name.begins_with("_") && cd.methods[i].description.empty()) { + continue; + } methods.push_back(cd.methods[i]); } @@ -802,13 +848,17 @@ void EditorHelp::_update_doc() { Vector<DocData::ConstantDoc> constants; for (int i = 0; i < cd.constants.size(); i++) { - if (cd.constants[i].enumeration != String()) { + if (!cd.constants[i].enumeration.empty()) { if (!enums.has(cd.constants[i].enumeration)) { enums[cd.constants[i].enumeration] = Vector<DocData::ConstantDoc>(); } enums[cd.constants[i].enumeration].push_back(cd.constants[i]); } else { + // Ignore undocumented private. + if (cd.constants[i].name.begins_with("_") && cd.constants[i].description.empty()) { + continue; + } constants.push_back(cd.constants[i]); } } @@ -848,6 +898,19 @@ void EditorHelp::_update_doc() { class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); + // Enum description. + if (e != "@unnamed_enums" && cd.enums.has(e)) { + class_desc->push_color(text_color); + class_desc->push_font(doc_font); + class_desc->push_indent(1); + _add_text(cd.enums[e]); + class_desc->pop(); + class_desc->pop(); + class_desc->pop(); + class_desc->add_newline(); + class_desc->add_newline(); + } + class_desc->push_indent(1); Vector<DocData::ConstantDoc> enum_list = E->get(); @@ -1018,60 +1081,89 @@ void EditorHelp::_update_doc() { class_desc->pop(); // color } + if (cd.is_script_doc && (cd.properties[i].setter != "" || cd.properties[i].getter != "")) { + class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); + class_desc->add_text(" [" + TTR("property:") + " "); + class_desc->pop(); // color + + if (cd.properties[i].setter != "") { + class_desc->push_color(value_color); + class_desc->add_text("setter"); + class_desc->pop(); // color + } + if (cd.properties[i].getter != "") { + if (cd.properties[i].setter != "") { + class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); + class_desc->add_text(", "); + class_desc->pop(); // color + } + class_desc->push_color(value_color); + class_desc->add_text("getter"); + class_desc->pop(); // color + } + + class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); + class_desc->add_text("]"); + class_desc->pop(); // color + } + class_desc->pop(); // font class_desc->pop(); // cell - Map<String, DocData::MethodDoc> method_map; - for (int j = 0; j < methods.size(); j++) { - method_map[methods[j].name] = methods[j]; - } + // Script doc doesn't have setter, getter. + if (!cd.is_script_doc) { + Map<String, DocData::MethodDoc> method_map; + for (int j = 0; j < methods.size(); j++) { + method_map[methods[j].name] = methods[j]; + } - if (cd.properties[i].setter != "") { - class_desc->push_cell(); - class_desc->pop(); // cell + if (cd.properties[i].setter != "") { + class_desc->push_cell(); + class_desc->pop(); // cell - class_desc->push_cell(); - class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); - class_desc->push_color(text_color); - if (method_map[cd.properties[i].setter].arguments.size() > 1) { - // Setters with additional arguments are exposed in the method list, so we link them here for quick access. - class_desc->push_meta("@method " + cd.properties[i].setter); - class_desc->add_text(cd.properties[i].setter + TTR("(value)")); - class_desc->pop(); - } else { - class_desc->add_text(cd.properties[i].setter + TTR("(value)")); + class_desc->push_cell(); + class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); + class_desc->push_color(text_color); + if (method_map[cd.properties[i].setter].arguments.size() > 1) { + // Setters with additional arguments are exposed in the method list, so we link them here for quick access. + class_desc->push_meta("@method " + cd.properties[i].setter); + class_desc->add_text(cd.properties[i].setter + TTR("(value)")); + class_desc->pop(); + } else { + class_desc->add_text(cd.properties[i].setter + TTR("(value)")); + } + class_desc->pop(); // color + class_desc->push_color(comment_color); + class_desc->add_text(" setter"); + class_desc->pop(); // color + class_desc->pop(); // font + class_desc->pop(); // cell + method_line[cd.properties[i].setter] = property_line[cd.properties[i].name]; } - class_desc->pop(); // color - class_desc->push_color(comment_color); - class_desc->add_text(" setter"); - class_desc->pop(); // color - class_desc->pop(); // font - class_desc->pop(); // cell - method_line[cd.properties[i].setter] = property_line[cd.properties[i].name]; - } - if (cd.properties[i].getter != "") { - class_desc->push_cell(); - class_desc->pop(); // cell + if (cd.properties[i].getter != "") { + class_desc->push_cell(); + class_desc->pop(); // cell - class_desc->push_cell(); - class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); - class_desc->push_color(text_color); - if (method_map[cd.properties[i].getter].arguments.size() > 0) { - // Getters with additional arguments are exposed in the method list, so we link them here for quick access. - class_desc->push_meta("@method " + cd.properties[i].getter); - class_desc->add_text(cd.properties[i].getter + "()"); - class_desc->pop(); - } else { - class_desc->add_text(cd.properties[i].getter + "()"); + class_desc->push_cell(); + class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); + class_desc->push_color(text_color); + if (method_map[cd.properties[i].getter].arguments.size() > 0) { + // Getters with additional arguments are exposed in the method list, so we link them here for quick access. + class_desc->push_meta("@method " + cd.properties[i].getter); + class_desc->add_text(cd.properties[i].getter + "()"); + class_desc->pop(); + } else { + class_desc->add_text(cd.properties[i].getter + "()"); + } + class_desc->pop(); //color + class_desc->push_color(comment_color); + class_desc->add_text(" getter"); + class_desc->pop(); //color + class_desc->pop(); //font + class_desc->pop(); //cell + method_line[cd.properties[i].getter] = property_line[cd.properties[i].name]; } - class_desc->pop(); //color - class_desc->push_color(comment_color); - class_desc->add_text(" getter"); - class_desc->pop(); //color - class_desc->pop(); //font - class_desc->pop(); //cell - method_line[cd.properties[i].getter] = property_line[cd.properties[i].name]; } class_desc->pop(); // table @@ -1082,13 +1174,17 @@ void EditorHelp::_update_doc() { class_desc->push_color(text_color); class_desc->push_font(doc_font); class_desc->push_indent(1); - if (cd.properties[i].description.strip_edges() != String()) { + if (!cd.properties[i].description.strip_edges().empty()) { _add_text(DTR(cd.properties[i].description)); } else { class_desc->add_image(get_theme_icon("Error", "EditorIcons")); class_desc->add_text(" "); class_desc->push_color(comment_color); - class_desc->append_bbcode(TTR("There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by [color=$color][url=$url]contributing one[/url][/color]!").replace("$url", CONTRIBUTE_URL).replace("$color", link_color_text)); + if (cd.is_script_doc) { + class_desc->append_bbcode(TTR("There is currently no description for this property.")); + } else { + class_desc->append_bbcode(TTR("There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by [color=$color][url=$url]contributing one[/url][/color]!").replace("$url", CONTRIBUTE_URL).replace("$color", link_color_text)); + } class_desc->pop(); } class_desc->pop(); @@ -1133,13 +1229,17 @@ void EditorHelp::_update_doc() { class_desc->push_color(text_color); class_desc->push_font(doc_font); class_desc->push_indent(1); - if (methods_filtered[i].description.strip_edges() != String()) { + if (!methods_filtered[i].description.strip_edges().empty()) { _add_text(DTR(methods_filtered[i].description)); } else { class_desc->add_image(get_theme_icon("Error", "EditorIcons")); class_desc->add_text(" "); class_desc->push_color(comment_color); - class_desc->append_bbcode(TTR("There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by [color=$color][url=$url]contributing one[/url][/color]!").replace("$url", CONTRIBUTE_URL).replace("$color", link_color_text)); + if (cd.is_script_doc) { + class_desc->append_bbcode(TTR("There is currently no description for this method.")); + } else { + class_desc->append_bbcode(TTR("There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by [color=$color][url=$url]contributing one[/url][/color]!").replace("$url", CONTRIBUTE_URL).replace("$color", link_color_text)); + } class_desc->pop(); } @@ -1223,7 +1323,7 @@ void EditorHelp::_help_callback(const String &p_topic) { } static void _add_text_to_rt(const String &p_bbcode, RichTextLabel *p_rt) { - DocData *doc = EditorHelp::get_doc_data(); + DocTools *doc = EditorHelp::get_doc_data(); String base_path; Ref<Font> doc_font = p_rt->get_theme_font("doc", "EditorFonts"); @@ -1518,9 +1618,9 @@ void EditorHelp::_add_text(const String &p_bbcode) { } void EditorHelp::generate_doc() { - doc = memnew(DocData); + doc = memnew(DocTools); doc->generate(true); - DocData compdoc; + DocTools compdoc; compdoc.load_compressed(_doc_data_compressed, _doc_data_compressed_size, _doc_data_uncompressed_size); doc->merge_from(compdoc); //ensure all is up to date } @@ -1549,6 +1649,12 @@ void EditorHelp::go_to_class(const String &p_class, int p_scroll) { _goto_desc(p_class, p_scroll); } +void EditorHelp::update_doc() { + ERR_FAIL_COND(!doc->class_list.has(edited_class)); + ERR_FAIL_COND(!doc->class_list[edited_class].is_script_doc); + _update_doc(); +} + Vector<Pair<String, int>> EditorHelp::get_sections() { Vector<Pair<String, int>> sections; diff --git a/editor/editor_help.h b/editor/editor_help.h index cdb674cffd..737f841d30 100644 --- a/editor/editor_help.h +++ b/editor/editor_help.h @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ #define EDITOR_HELP_H #include "editor/code_editor.h" -#include "editor/doc_data.h" +#include "editor/doc_tools.h" #include "editor/editor_plugin.h" #include "scene/gui/margin_container.h" #include "scene/gui/menu_button.h" @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class EditorHelp : public VBoxContainer { RichTextLabel *class_desc; HSplitContainer *h_split; - static DocData *doc; + static DocTools *doc; ConfirmationDialog *search_dialog; LineEdit *search; @@ -166,10 +166,11 @@ protected: public: static void generate_doc(); - static DocData *get_doc_data() { return doc; } + static DocTools *get_doc_data() { return doc; } void go_to_help(const String &p_help); void go_to_class(const String &p_class, int p_scroll = 0); + void update_doc(); Vector<Pair<String, int>> get_sections(); void scroll_to_section(int p_section_index); diff --git a/editor/editor_inspector.cpp b/editor/editor_inspector.cpp index 0c419168c0..d88a0e3ff8 100644 --- a/editor/editor_inspector.cpp +++ b/editor/editor_inspector.cpp @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ #include "array_property_edit.h" #include "dictionary_property_edit.h" +#include "editor/doc_tools.h" #include "editor_feature_profile.h" #include "editor_node.h" #include "editor_scale.h" @@ -1708,7 +1709,7 @@ void EditorInspector::update_tree() { StringName type2 = p.name; if (!class_descr_cache.has(type2)) { String descr; - DocData *dd = EditorHelp::get_doc_data(); + DocTools *dd = EditorHelp::get_doc_data(); Map<String, DocData::ClassDoc>::Element *E = dd->class_list.find(type2); if (E) { descr = DTR(E->get().brief_description); @@ -1878,7 +1879,7 @@ void EditorInspector::update_tree() { } if (!found) { - DocData *dd = EditorHelp::get_doc_data(); + DocTools *dd = EditorHelp::get_doc_data(); Map<String, DocData::ClassDoc>::Element *F = dd->class_list.find(classname); while (F && descr == String()) { for (int i = 0; i < F->get().properties.size(); i++) { diff --git a/editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp b/editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp index f984f48c1c..1fdba10a74 100644 --- a/editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp +++ b/editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ void EditorPluginSettings::_notification(int p_what) { if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_WM_WINDOW_FOCUS_IN) { update_plugins(); } else if (p_what == Node::NOTIFICATION_READY) { - plugin_config_dialog->connect_compat("plugin_ready", EditorNode::get_singleton(), "_on_plugin_ready"); + plugin_config_dialog->connect("plugin_ready", Callable(EditorNode::get_singleton(), "_on_plugin_ready")); plugin_list->connect("button_pressed", callable_mp(this, &EditorPluginSettings::_cell_button_pressed)); } } diff --git a/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp b/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp index c65c796e5e..aa19bdf342 100644 --- a/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp +++ b/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp @@ -2368,16 +2368,16 @@ void FileSystemDock::_file_and_folders_fill_popup(PopupMenu *p_popup, Vector<Str } if (p_paths.size() == 1) { - p_popup->add_icon_item(get_theme_icon("ActionCopy", "EditorIcons"), TTR("Copy Path"), FILE_COPY_PATH); + p_popup->add_icon_shortcut(get_theme_icon("ActionCopy", "EditorIcons"), ED_GET_SHORTCUT("filesystem_dock/copy_path"), FILE_COPY_PATH); if (p_paths[0] != "res://") { - p_popup->add_icon_item(get_theme_icon("Rename", "EditorIcons"), TTR("Rename..."), FILE_RENAME); - p_popup->add_icon_item(get_theme_icon("Duplicate", "EditorIcons"), TTR("Duplicate..."), FILE_DUPLICATE); + p_popup->add_icon_shortcut(get_theme_icon("Rename", "EditorIcons"), ED_GET_SHORTCUT("filesystem_dock/rename"), FILE_RENAME); + p_popup->add_icon_shortcut(get_theme_icon("Duplicate", "EditorIcons"), ED_GET_SHORTCUT("filesystem_dock/duplicate"), FILE_DUPLICATE); } } if (p_paths.size() > 1 || p_paths[0] != "res://") { p_popup->add_icon_item(get_theme_icon("MoveUp", "EditorIcons"), TTR("Move To..."), FILE_MOVE); - p_popup->add_icon_item(get_theme_icon("Remove", "EditorIcons"), TTR("Move to Trash"), FILE_REMOVE); + p_popup->add_icon_shortcut(get_theme_icon("Remove", "EditorIcons"), ED_GET_SHORTCUT("filesystem_dock/delete"), FILE_REMOVE); } if (p_paths.size() == 1) { @@ -2511,7 +2511,11 @@ void FileSystemDock::_tree_gui_input(Ref<InputEvent> p_event) { _tree_rmb_option(FILE_REMOVE); } else if (ED_IS_SHORTCUT("filesystem_dock/rename", p_event)) { _tree_rmb_option(FILE_RENAME); + } else { + return; } + + accept_event(); } } @@ -2526,7 +2530,11 @@ void FileSystemDock::_file_list_gui_input(Ref<InputEvent> p_event) { _file_list_rmb_option(FILE_REMOVE); } else if (ED_IS_SHORTCUT("filesystem_dock/rename", p_event)) { _file_list_rmb_option(FILE_RENAME); + } else { + return; } + + accept_event(); } } @@ -2682,8 +2690,8 @@ FileSystemDock::FileSystemDock(EditorNode *p_editor) { // `KEY_MASK_CMD | KEY_C` conflicts with other editor shortcuts. ED_SHORTCUT("filesystem_dock/copy_path", TTR("Copy Path"), KEY_MASK_CMD | KEY_MASK_SHIFT | KEY_C); ED_SHORTCUT("filesystem_dock/duplicate", TTR("Duplicate..."), KEY_MASK_CMD | KEY_D); - ED_SHORTCUT("filesystem_dock/delete", TTR("Delete"), KEY_DELETE); - ED_SHORTCUT("filesystem_dock/rename", TTR("Rename")); + ED_SHORTCUT("filesystem_dock/delete", TTR("Move to Trash"), KEY_DELETE); + ED_SHORTCUT("filesystem_dock/rename", TTR("Rename..."), KEY_F2); VBoxContainer *top_vbc = memnew(VBoxContainer); add_child(top_vbc); diff --git a/editor/icons/CubeMesh.svg b/editor/icons/BoxMesh.svg index d540858248..d540858248 100644 --- a/editor/icons/CubeMesh.svg +++ b/editor/icons/BoxMesh.svg diff --git a/editor/import/editor_import_collada.cpp b/editor/import/editor_import_collada.cpp index 12cbaaa885..b14dff711f 100644 --- a/editor/import/editor_import_collada.cpp +++ b/editor/import/editor_import_collada.cpp @@ -470,9 +470,9 @@ Error ColladaImport::_create_mesh_surfaces(bool p_optimize, Ref<ArrayMesh> &p_me p_mesh->add_blend_shape(name); } if (p_morph_data->mode == "RELATIVE") { - p_mesh->set_blend_shape_mode(Mesh::BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_RELATIVE); + p_mesh->set_blend_shape_mode(ArrayMesh::BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_RELATIVE); } else if (p_morph_data->mode == "NORMALIZED") { - p_mesh->set_blend_shape_mode(Mesh::BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_NORMALIZED); + p_mesh->set_blend_shape_mode(ArrayMesh::BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_NORMALIZED); } } @@ -844,19 +844,19 @@ Error ColladaImport::_create_mesh_surfaces(bool p_optimize, Ref<ArrayMesh> &p_me for (int k = 0; k < vertex_array.size(); k++) { if (normal_src) { - surftool->add_normal(vertex_array[k].normal); + surftool->set_normal(vertex_array[k].normal); if (binormal_src && tangent_src) { - surftool->add_tangent(vertex_array[k].tangent); + surftool->set_tangent(vertex_array[k].tangent); } } if (uv_src) { - surftool->add_uv(Vector2(vertex_array[k].uv.x, vertex_array[k].uv.y)); + surftool->set_uv(Vector2(vertex_array[k].uv.x, vertex_array[k].uv.y)); } if (uv2_src) { - surftool->add_uv2(Vector2(vertex_array[k].uv2.x, vertex_array[k].uv2.y)); + surftool->set_uv2(Vector2(vertex_array[k].uv2.x, vertex_array[k].uv2.y)); } if (color_src) { - surftool->add_color(vertex_array[k].color); + surftool->set_color(vertex_array[k].color); } if (has_weights) { @@ -876,8 +876,8 @@ Error ColladaImport::_create_mesh_surfaces(bool p_optimize, Ref<ArrayMesh> &p_me } } - surftool->add_bones(bones); - surftool->add_weights(weights); + surftool->set_bones(bones); + surftool->set_weights(weights); } surftool->add_vertex(vertex_array[k].vertex); @@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ Error ColladaImport::_create_mesh_surfaces(bool p_optimize, Ref<ArrayMesh> &p_me mr.push_back(a); } - p_mesh->add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, d, mr, Dictionary(), p_use_compression ? Mesh::ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT : 0); + p_mesh->add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, d, mr, Dictionary(), 0); if (material.is_valid()) { if (p_use_mesh_material) { diff --git a/editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp b/editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp index 0c860a8965..ac76f67ef9 100644 --- a/editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp +++ b/editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp @@ -970,8 +970,7 @@ Error EditorSceneImporterGLTF::_parse_meshes(GLTFState &state) { return OK; } - bool compress_vert_data = state.import_flags & IMPORT_USE_COMPRESSION; - uint32_t mesh_flags = compress_vert_data ? Mesh::ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT : 0; + uint32_t mesh_flags = 0; Array meshes = state.json["meshes"]; for (GLTFMeshIndex i = 0; i < meshes.size(); i++) { @@ -1113,7 +1112,7 @@ Error EditorSceneImporterGLTF::_parse_meshes(GLTFState &state) { //ideally BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_RELATIVE since gltf2 stores in displacement //but it could require a larger refactor? - mesh.mesh->set_blend_shape_mode(Mesh::BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_NORMALIZED); + mesh.mesh->set_blend_shape_mode(ArrayMesh::BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_NORMALIZED); if (j == 0) { const Array &target_names = extras.has("targetNames") ? (Array)extras["targetNames"] : Array(); diff --git a/editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp b/editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp index 49b47bf4be..d4560a2984 100644 --- a/editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp +++ b/editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ static Error _parse_obj(const String &p_path, List<Ref<Mesh>> &r_meshes, bool p_ bool generate_tangents = p_generate_tangents; Vector3 scale_mesh = p_scale_mesh; Vector3 offset_mesh = p_offset_mesh; - int mesh_flags = p_optimize ? Mesh::ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT : 0; + int mesh_flags = 0; Vector<Vector3> vertices; Vector<Vector3> normals; @@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ static Error _parse_obj(const String &p_path, List<Ref<Mesh>> &r_meshes, bool p_ norm += normals.size() + 1; } ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(norm, normals.size(), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); - surf_tool->add_normal(normals[norm]); + surf_tool->set_normal(normals[norm]); } if (face[idx].size() >= 2 && face[idx][1] != String()) { @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ static Error _parse_obj(const String &p_path, List<Ref<Mesh>> &r_meshes, bool p_ uv += uvs.size() + 1; } ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(uv, uvs.size(), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); - surf_tool->add_uv(uvs[uv]); + surf_tool->set_uv(uvs[uv]); } int vtx = face[idx][0].to_int() - 1; @@ -473,6 +473,10 @@ String ResourceImporterOBJ::get_resource_type() const { return "Mesh"; } +int ResourceImporterOBJ::get_format_version() const { + return 1; +} + int ResourceImporterOBJ::get_preset_count() const { return 0; } diff --git a/editor/import/resource_importer_obj.h b/editor/import/resource_importer_obj.h index 4083bc7403..97f747b33c 100644 --- a/editor/import/resource_importer_obj.h +++ b/editor/import/resource_importer_obj.h @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ public: virtual void get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const override; virtual String get_save_extension() const override; virtual String get_resource_type() const override; + virtual int get_format_version() const override; virtual int get_preset_count() const override; virtual String get_preset_name(int p_idx) const override; diff --git a/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp b/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp index 5dcdf6bec4..fc4f673ec4 100644 --- a/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp +++ b/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp @@ -172,6 +172,10 @@ String ResourceImporterScene::get_resource_type() const { return "PackedScene"; } +int ResourceImporterScene::get_format_version() const { + return 1; +} + bool ResourceImporterScene::get_option_visibility(const String &p_option, const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_options) const { if (p_option.begins_with("animation/")) { if (p_option != "animation/import" && !bool(p_options["animation/import"])) { diff --git a/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.h b/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.h index 465d11116b..cd61ec01f2 100644 --- a/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.h +++ b/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.h @@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ public: virtual void get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const override; virtual String get_save_extension() const override; virtual String get_resource_type() const override; + virtual int get_format_version() const override; virtual int get_preset_count() const override; virtual String get_preset_name(int p_idx) const override; diff --git a/editor/input_map_editor.cpp b/editor/input_map_editor.cpp index 5b6d850096..686fd4c08b 100644 --- a/editor/input_map_editor.cpp +++ b/editor/input_map_editor.cpp @@ -35,47 +35,6 @@ #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "editor/editor_scale.h" -static const char *_button_descriptions[JOY_BUTTON_SDL_MAX] = { - TTRC("Bottom Action, Sony Cross, Xbox A, Nintendo B"), - TTRC("Right Action, Sony Circle, Xbox B, Nintendo A"), - TTRC("Left Action, Sony Square, Xbox X, Nintendo Y"), - TTRC("Top Action, Sony Triangle, Xbox Y, Nintendo X"), - TTRC("Back, Sony Select, Xbox Back, Nintendo -"), - TTRC("Guide, Sony PS, Xbox Home"), - TTRC("Start, Nintendo +"), - TTRC("Left Stick, Sony L3, Xbox L/LS"), - TTRC("Right Stick, Sony R3, Xbox R/RS"), - TTRC("Left Shoulder, Sony L1, Xbox LB"), - TTRC("Right Shoulder, Sony R1, Xbox RB"), - TTRC("D-pad Up"), - TTRC("D-pad Down"), - TTRC("D-pad Left"), - TTRC("D-pad Right"), -}; - -static const char *_axis_descriptions[JOY_AXIS_MAX * 2] = { - TTRC("Left Stick Left, Joystick 0 Left"), - TTRC("Left Stick Right, Joystick 0 Right"), - TTRC("Left Stick Up, Joystick 0 Up"), - TTRC("Left Stick Down, Joystick 0 Down"), - TTRC("Right Stick Left, Joystick 1 Left"), - TTRC("Right Stick Right, Joystick 1 Right"), - TTRC("Right Stick Up, Joystick 1 Up"), - TTRC("Right Stick Down, Joystick 1 Down"), - TTRC("Joystick 2 Left"), - TTRC("Left Trigger, L2, LT, Joystick 2 Right"), - TTRC("Joystick 2 Up"), - TTRC("Right Trigger, R2, RT, Joystick 2 Down"), - TTRC("Joystick 3 Left"), - TTRC("Joystick 3 Right"), - TTRC("Joystick 3 Up"), - TTRC("Joystick 3 Down"), - TTRC("Joystick 4 Left"), - TTRC("Joystick 4 Right"), - TTRC("Joystick 4 Up"), - TTRC("Joystick 4 Down"), -}; - void InputMapEditor::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: { @@ -395,6 +354,42 @@ void InputMapEditor::_show_last_added(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event, const Stri } } +// Maps to 2*axis if value is neg, or + 1 if value is pos. +static const char *_joy_axis_descriptions[JOY_AXIS_MAX * 2] = { + TTRC("Left Stick Left, Joystick 0 Left"), + TTRC("Left Stick Right, Joystick 0 Right"), + TTRC("Left Stick Up, Joystick 0 Up"), + TTRC("Left Stick Down, Joystick 0 Down"), + TTRC("Right Stick Left, Joystick 1 Left"), + TTRC("Right Stick Right, Joystick 1 Right"), + TTRC("Right Stick Up, Joystick 1 Up"), + TTRC("Right Stick Down, Joystick 1 Down"), + TTRC("Joystick 2 Left"), + TTRC("Left Trigger, Sony L2, Xbox LT, Joystick 2 Right"), + TTRC("Joystick 2 Up"), + TTRC("Right Trigger, Sony R2, Xbox RT, Joystick 2 Down"), + TTRC("Joystick 3 Left"), + TTRC("Joystick 3 Right"), + TTRC("Joystick 3 Up"), + TTRC("Joystick 3 Down"), + TTRC("Joystick 4 Left"), + TTRC("Joystick 4 Right"), + TTRC("Joystick 4 Up"), + TTRC("Joystick 4 Down"), +}; + +// Separate from `InputEvent::as_text()` since the descriptions need to be different for the input map editor. See #43660. +String InputMapEditor::_get_joypad_motion_event_text(const Ref<InputEventJoypadMotion> &p_event) { + ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_event.is_null(), String(), "Provided event is not a valid instance of InputEventJoypadMotion"); + + String desc = TTR("Unknown Joypad Axis"); + if (p_event->get_axis() < JOY_AXIS_MAX) { + desc = RTR(_joy_axis_descriptions[2 * p_event->get_axis() + (p_event->get_axis_value() < 0 ? 0 : 1)]); + } + + return vformat("Joypad Axis %s %s (%s)", itos(p_event->get_axis()), p_event->get_axis_value() < 0 ? "-" : "+", desc); +} + void InputMapEditor::_wait_for_key(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) { Ref<InputEventKey> k = p_event; @@ -481,9 +476,11 @@ void InputMapEditor::_add_item(int p_item, Ref<InputEvent> p_exiting_event) { device_index_label->set_text(TTR("Joypad Axis Index:")); device_index->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < JOY_AXIS_MAX * 2; i++) { - String desc = TTR("Axis") + " " + itos(i / 2) + " " + ((i & 1) ? "+" : "-") + - " (" + TTR(_axis_descriptions[i]) + ")"; - device_index->add_item(desc); + Ref<InputEventJoypadMotion> jm; + jm.instance(); + jm->set_axis(i / 2); + jm->set_axis_value((i & 1) ? 1 : -1); + device_index->add_item(_get_joypad_motion_event_text(jm)); } device_input->popup_centered(Size2(350, 95) * EDSCALE); @@ -502,11 +499,10 @@ void InputMapEditor::_add_item(int p_item, Ref<InputEvent> p_exiting_event) { device_index_label->set_text(TTR("Joypad Button Index:")); device_index->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < JOY_BUTTON_MAX; i++) { - String desc = TTR("Button") + " " + itos(i); - if (i < JOY_BUTTON_SDL_MAX) { - desc += " (" + TTR(_button_descriptions[i]) + ")"; - } - device_index->add_item(desc); + Ref<InputEventJoypadButton> jb; + jb.instance(); + jb->set_button_index(i); + device_index->add_item(jb->as_text()); } device_input->popup_centered(Size2(350, 95) * EDSCALE); @@ -714,14 +710,7 @@ void InputMapEditor::_update_actions() { Ref<InputEventJoypadButton> jb = event; if (jb.is_valid()) { - const int idx = jb->get_button_index(); - String str = _get_device_string(jb->get_device()) + ", " + - TTR("Button") + " " + itos(idx); - if (idx >= 0 && idx < JOY_BUTTON_SDL_MAX) { - str += String() + " (" + TTR(_button_descriptions[jb->get_button_index()]) + ")"; - } - - action2->set_text(0, str); + action2->set_text(0, jb->as_text()); action2->set_icon(0, input_editor->get_theme_icon("JoyButton", "EditorIcons")); } @@ -754,12 +743,8 @@ void InputMapEditor::_update_actions() { Ref<InputEventJoypadMotion> jm = event; if (jm.is_valid()) { - int ax = jm->get_axis(); - int n = 2 * ax + (jm->get_axis_value() < 0 ? 0 : 1); - String str = _get_device_string(jm->get_device()) + ", " + - TTR("Axis") + " " + itos(ax) + " " + (jm->get_axis_value() < 0 ? "-" : "+") + - " (" + _axis_descriptions[n] + ")"; - action2->set_text(0, str); + device_index->add_item(_get_joypad_motion_event_text(jm)); + action2->set_text(0, jm->as_text()); action2->set_icon(0, input_editor->get_theme_icon("JoyAxis", "EditorIcons")); } action2->set_metadata(0, i); diff --git a/editor/input_map_editor.h b/editor/input_map_editor.h index b9a3ce19d4..b59eb97e1d 100644 --- a/editor/input_map_editor.h +++ b/editor/input_map_editor.h @@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ class InputMapEditor : public Control { void _press_a_key_confirm(); void _show_last_added(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event, const String &p_name); + String _get_joypad_motion_event_text(const Ref<InputEventJoypadMotion> &p_event); + Variant get_drag_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, Control *p_from); bool can_drop_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data, Control *p_from) const; void drop_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data, Control *p_from); diff --git a/editor/node_3d_editor_gizmos.cpp b/editor/node_3d_editor_gizmos.cpp index b7f7d637d2..1f6c32ed70 100644 --- a/editor/node_3d_editor_gizmos.cpp +++ b/editor/node_3d_editor_gizmos.cpp @@ -398,10 +398,10 @@ void EditorNode3DGizmo::add_handles(const Vector<Vector3> &p_handles, const Ref< void EditorNode3DGizmo::add_solid_box(Ref<Material> &p_material, Vector3 p_size, Vector3 p_position) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!spatial_node); - CubeMesh cubem; - cubem.set_size(p_size); + BoxMesh box_mesh; + box_mesh.set_size(p_size); - Array arrays = cubem.surface_get_arrays(0); + Array arrays = box_mesh.surface_get_arrays(0); PackedVector3Array vertex = arrays[RS::ARRAY_VERTEX]; Vector3 *w = vertex.ptrw(); @@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ void EditorNode3DGizmo::add_solid_box(Ref<Material> &p_material, Vector3 p_size, arrays[RS::ARRAY_VERTEX] = vertex; Ref<ArrayMesh> m = memnew(ArrayMesh); - m->add_surface_from_arrays(cubem.surface_get_primitive_type(0), arrays); + m->add_surface_from_arrays(box_mesh.surface_get_primitive_type(0), arrays); m->surface_set_material(0, p_material); add_mesh(m); } @@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ bool Light3DGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<Light3D>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String Light3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String Light3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "Light3D"; } @@ -1061,7 +1061,7 @@ bool AudioStreamPlayer3DGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<AudioStreamPlayer3D>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String AudioStreamPlayer3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String AudioStreamPlayer3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "AudioStreamPlayer3D"; } @@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@ bool Camera3DGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<Camera3D>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String Camera3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String Camera3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "Camera3D"; } @@ -1432,7 +1432,7 @@ bool MeshInstance3DGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<MeshInstance3D>(p_spatial) != nullptr && Object::cast_to<SoftBody3D>(p_spatial) == nullptr; } -String MeshInstance3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String MeshInstance3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "MeshInstance3D"; } @@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ bool Sprite3DGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<Sprite3D>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String Sprite3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String Sprite3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "Sprite3D"; } @@ -1531,7 +1531,7 @@ bool Position3DGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<Position3D>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String Position3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String Position3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "Position3D"; } @@ -1556,7 +1556,7 @@ bool Skeleton3DGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<Skeleton3D>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String Skeleton3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String Skeleton3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "Skeleton3D"; } @@ -1625,13 +1625,13 @@ void Skeleton3DGizmoPlugin::redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) { int pointidx = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { bones.write[0] = parent; - surface_tool->add_bones(bones); - surface_tool->add_weights(weights); - surface_tool->add_color(rootcolor); + surface_tool->set_bones(bones); + surface_tool->set_weights(weights); + surface_tool->set_color(rootcolor); surface_tool->add_vertex(v0 - grests[parent].basis[j].normalized() * dist * 0.05); - surface_tool->add_bones(bones); - surface_tool->add_weights(weights); - surface_tool->add_color(rootcolor); + surface_tool->set_bones(bones); + surface_tool->set_weights(weights); + surface_tool->set_color(rootcolor); surface_tool->add_vertex(v0 + grests[parent].basis[j].normalized() * dist * 0.05); if (j == closest) { @@ -1654,24 +1654,24 @@ void Skeleton3DGizmoPlugin::redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) { point += axis * dist * 0.1; bones.write[0] = parent; - surface_tool->add_bones(bones); - surface_tool->add_weights(weights); - surface_tool->add_color(bonecolor); + surface_tool->set_bones(bones); + surface_tool->set_weights(weights); + surface_tool->set_color(bonecolor); surface_tool->add_vertex(v0); - surface_tool->add_bones(bones); - surface_tool->add_weights(weights); - surface_tool->add_color(bonecolor); + surface_tool->set_bones(bones); + surface_tool->set_weights(weights); + surface_tool->set_color(bonecolor); surface_tool->add_vertex(point); bones.write[0] = parent; - surface_tool->add_bones(bones); - surface_tool->add_weights(weights); - surface_tool->add_color(bonecolor); + surface_tool->set_bones(bones); + surface_tool->set_weights(weights); + surface_tool->set_color(bonecolor); surface_tool->add_vertex(point); bones.write[0] = i; - surface_tool->add_bones(bones); - surface_tool->add_weights(weights); - surface_tool->add_color(bonecolor); + surface_tool->set_bones(bones); + surface_tool->set_weights(weights); + surface_tool->set_color(bonecolor); surface_tool->add_vertex(v1); points[pointidx++] = point; } @@ -1680,13 +1680,13 @@ void Skeleton3DGizmoPlugin::redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) { SWAP(points[1], points[2]); for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { bones.write[0] = parent; - surface_tool->add_bones(bones); - surface_tool->add_weights(weights); - surface_tool->add_color(bonecolor); + surface_tool->set_bones(bones); + surface_tool->set_weights(weights); + surface_tool->set_color(bonecolor); surface_tool->add_vertex(points[j]); - surface_tool->add_bones(bones); - surface_tool->add_weights(weights); - surface_tool->add_color(bonecolor); + surface_tool->set_bones(bones); + surface_tool->set_weights(weights); + surface_tool->set_color(bonecolor); surface_tool->add_vertex(points[(j + 1) % 4]); } @@ -1758,7 +1758,7 @@ bool PhysicalBone3DGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<PhysicalBone3D>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String PhysicalBone3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String PhysicalBone3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "PhysicalBone3D"; } @@ -1895,7 +1895,7 @@ bool RayCast3DGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<RayCast3D>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String RayCast3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String RayCast3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "RayCast3D"; } @@ -1947,7 +1947,7 @@ bool SpringArm3DGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<SpringArm3D>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String SpringArm3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String SpringArm3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "SpringArm3D"; } @@ -1966,7 +1966,7 @@ bool VehicleWheel3DGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<VehicleWheel3D>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String VehicleWheel3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String VehicleWheel3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "VehicleWheel3D"; } @@ -2038,7 +2038,7 @@ bool SoftBody3DGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<SoftBody3D>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String SoftBody3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String SoftBody3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "SoftBody3D"; } @@ -2114,7 +2114,7 @@ bool VisibilityNotifier3DGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<VisibilityNotifier3D>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String VisibilityNotifier3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String VisibilityNotifier3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "VisibilityNotifier3D"; } @@ -2270,7 +2270,7 @@ bool CPUParticles3DGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<CPUParticles3D>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String CPUParticles3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String CPUParticles3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "CPUParticles3D"; } @@ -2302,7 +2302,7 @@ bool GPUParticles3DGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<GPUParticles3D>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String GPUParticles3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String GPUParticles3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "GPUParticles3D"; } @@ -2469,7 +2469,7 @@ bool GPUParticlesCollision3DGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return (Object::cast_to<GPUParticlesCollision3D>(p_spatial) != nullptr) || (Object::cast_to<GPUParticlesAttractor3D>(p_spatial) != nullptr); } -String GPUParticlesCollision3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String GPUParticlesCollision3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "GPUParticlesCollision3D"; } @@ -2733,7 +2733,7 @@ bool ReflectionProbeGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<ReflectionProbe>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String ReflectionProbeGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String ReflectionProbeGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "ReflectionProbe"; } @@ -2918,7 +2918,7 @@ bool DecalGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<Decal>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String DecalGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String DecalGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "Decal"; } @@ -3059,7 +3059,7 @@ bool GIProbeGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<GIProbe>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String GIProbeGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String GIProbeGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "GIProbe"; } @@ -3254,7 +3254,7 @@ bool BakedLightmapGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<BakedLightmap>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String BakedLightmapGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String BakedLightmapGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "BakedLightmap"; } @@ -3436,7 +3436,7 @@ bool LightmapProbeGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<LightmapProbe>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String LightmapProbeGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String LightmapProbeGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "LightmapProbe"; } @@ -3520,7 +3520,7 @@ bool CollisionShape3DGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<CollisionShape3D>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String CollisionShape3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String CollisionShape3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "CollisionShape3D"; } @@ -4120,7 +4120,7 @@ bool CollisionPolygon3DGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<CollisionPolygon3D>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String CollisionPolygon3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String CollisionPolygon3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "CollisionPolygon3D"; } @@ -4167,7 +4167,7 @@ bool NavigationRegion3DGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<NavigationRegion3D>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String NavigationRegion3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String NavigationRegion3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "NavigationRegion3D"; } @@ -4532,7 +4532,7 @@ bool Joint3DGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<Joint3D>(p_spatial) != nullptr; } -String Joint3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String Joint3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "Joint3D"; } diff --git a/editor/node_3d_editor_gizmos.h b/editor/node_3d_editor_gizmos.h index 4826054643..e418456d60 100644 --- a/editor/node_3d_editor_gizmos.h +++ b/editor/node_3d_editor_gizmos.h @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class Light3DGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; String get_handle_name(const EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo, int p_idx) const override; @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class AudioStreamPlayer3DGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; String get_handle_name(const EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo, int p_idx) const override; @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class Camera3DGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; String get_handle_name(const EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo, int p_idx) const override; @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class MeshInstance3DGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; bool can_be_hidden() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class Sprite3DGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; bool can_be_hidden() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class Position3DGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class Skeleton3DGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class PhysicalBone3DGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ class RayCast3DGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ class SpringArm3DGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ class VehicleWheel3DGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ class SoftBody3DGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; bool is_selectable_when_hidden() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ class VisibilityNotifier3DGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ class CPUParticles3DGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; bool is_selectable_when_hidden() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ class GPUParticles3DGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; bool is_selectable_when_hidden() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ class GPUParticlesCollision3DGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; @@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ class ReflectionProbeGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ class DecalGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ class GIProbeGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ class BakedLightmapGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; @@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ class LightmapProbeGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; @@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ class CollisionShape3DGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; @@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ class CollisionPolygon3DGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; CollisionPolygon3DGizmoPlugin(); @@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ class NavigationRegion3DGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; @@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ class Joint3DGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; diff --git a/editor/plugins/material_editor_plugin.h b/editor/plugins/material_editor_plugin.h index a6df790620..570ba9ae03 100644 --- a/editor/plugins/material_editor_plugin.h +++ b/editor/plugins/material_editor_plugin.h @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class MaterialEditor : public Control { Camera3D *camera; Ref<SphereMesh> sphere_mesh; - Ref<CubeMesh> box_mesh; + Ref<BoxMesh> box_mesh; TextureButton *sphere_switch; TextureButton *box_switch; diff --git a/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.cpp index ccf868b3d5..804a72bd1d 100644 --- a/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.cpp +++ b/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.cpp @@ -63,12 +63,15 @@ #define GIZMO_SCALE_OFFSET (GIZMO_CIRCLE_SIZE + 0.3) #define GIZMO_ARROW_OFFSET (GIZMO_CIRCLE_SIZE + 0.3) -#define ZOOM_MIN_DISTANCE 0.001 -#define ZOOM_MULTIPLIER 1.08 -#define ZOOM_INDICATOR_DELAY_S 1.5 - -#define FREELOOK_MIN_SPEED 0.01 -#define FREELOOK_SPEED_MULTIPLIER 1.08 +#define ZOOM_FREELOOK_MIN 0.01 +#define ZOOM_FREELOOK_MULTIPLIER 1.08 +#define ZOOM_FREELOOK_INDICATOR_DELAY_S 1.5 + +#ifdef REAL_T_IS_DOUBLE +#define ZOOM_FREELOOK_MAX 1'000'000'000'000 +#else +#define ZOOM_FREELOOK_MAX 10'000 +#endif #define MIN_Z 0.01 #define MAX_Z 1000000.0 @@ -1117,7 +1120,7 @@ void Node3DEditorViewport::_sinput(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) { if (b.is_valid()) { emit_signal("clicked", this); - float zoom_factor = 1 + (ZOOM_MULTIPLIER - 1) * b->get_factor(); + float zoom_factor = 1 + (ZOOM_FREELOOK_MULTIPLIER - 1) * b->get_factor(); switch (b->get_button_index()) { case BUTTON_WHEEL_UP: { if (is_freelook_active()) { @@ -2207,34 +2210,28 @@ void Node3DEditorViewport::set_freelook_active(bool active_now) { } void Node3DEditorViewport::scale_cursor_distance(real_t scale) { - // Prevents zero distance which would short-circuit any scaling - if (cursor.distance < ZOOM_MIN_DISTANCE) { - cursor.distance = ZOOM_MIN_DISTANCE; - } - - cursor.distance *= scale; - - if (cursor.distance < ZOOM_MIN_DISTANCE) { - cursor.distance = ZOOM_MIN_DISTANCE; + real_t min_distance = MAX(camera->get_znear() * 4, ZOOM_FREELOOK_MIN); + real_t max_distance = MIN(camera->get_zfar() / 4, ZOOM_FREELOOK_MAX); + if (unlikely(min_distance > max_distance)) { + cursor.distance = (min_distance + max_distance) / 2; + } else { + cursor.distance = CLAMP(cursor.distance * scale, min_distance, max_distance); } - zoom_indicator_delay = ZOOM_INDICATOR_DELAY_S; + zoom_indicator_delay = ZOOM_FREELOOK_INDICATOR_DELAY_S; surface->update(); } void Node3DEditorViewport::scale_freelook_speed(real_t scale) { - // Prevents zero distance which would short-circuit any scaling - if (freelook_speed < FREELOOK_MIN_SPEED) { - freelook_speed = FREELOOK_MIN_SPEED; - } - - freelook_speed *= scale; - - if (freelook_speed < FREELOOK_MIN_SPEED) { - freelook_speed = FREELOOK_MIN_SPEED; + real_t min_speed = MAX(camera->get_znear() * 4, ZOOM_FREELOOK_MIN); + real_t max_speed = MIN(camera->get_zfar() / 4, ZOOM_FREELOOK_MAX); + if (unlikely(min_speed > max_speed)) { + freelook_speed = (min_speed + max_speed) / 2; + } else { + freelook_speed = CLAMP(freelook_speed * scale, min_speed, max_speed); } - zoom_indicator_delay = ZOOM_INDICATOR_DELAY_S; + zoom_indicator_delay = ZOOM_FREELOOK_INDICATOR_DELAY_S; surface->update(); } @@ -2698,19 +2695,13 @@ void Node3DEditorViewport::_draw() { if (is_freelook_active()) { // Show speed - real_t min_speed = FREELOOK_MIN_SPEED; - real_t max_speed = camera->get_zfar(); + real_t min_speed = MAX(camera->get_znear() * 4, ZOOM_FREELOOK_MIN); + real_t max_speed = MIN(camera->get_zfar() / 4, ZOOM_FREELOOK_MAX); real_t scale_length = (max_speed - min_speed); if (!Math::is_zero_approx(scale_length)) { real_t logscale_t = 1.0 - Math::log(1 + freelook_speed - min_speed) / Math::log(1 + scale_length); - // There is no real maximum speed so that factor can become negative, - // Let's make it look asymptotic instead (will decrease slower and slower). - if (logscale_t < 0.25) { - logscale_t = 0.25 * Math::exp(4.0 * logscale_t - 1.0); - } - // Display the freelook speed to help the user get a better sense of scale. const int precision = freelook_speed < 1.0 ? 2 : 1; draw_indicator_bar( @@ -2725,19 +2716,13 @@ void Node3DEditorViewport::_draw() { } else { // Show zoom - real_t min_distance = ZOOM_MIN_DISTANCE; // TODO Why not pick znear to limit zoom? - real_t max_distance = camera->get_zfar(); + real_t min_distance = MAX(camera->get_znear() * 4, ZOOM_FREELOOK_MIN); + real_t max_distance = MIN(camera->get_zfar() / 4, ZOOM_FREELOOK_MAX); real_t scale_length = (max_distance - min_distance); if (!Math::is_zero_approx(scale_length)) { real_t logscale_t = 1.0 - Math::log(1 + cursor.distance - min_distance) / Math::log(1 + scale_length); - // There is no real maximum distance so that factor can become negative, - // Let's make it look asymptotic instead (will decrease slower and slower). - if (logscale_t < 0.25) { - logscale_t = 0.25 * Math::exp(4.0 * logscale_t - 1.0); - } - // Display the zoom center distance to help the user get a better sense of scale. const int precision = cursor.distance < 1.0 ? 2 : 1; draw_indicator_bar( @@ -2970,11 +2955,11 @@ void Node3DEditorViewport::_menu_option(int p_option) { int idx = view_menu->get_popup()->get_item_index(VIEW_GIZMOS); bool current = view_menu->get_popup()->is_item_checked(idx); current = !current; + uint32_t layers = ((1 << 20) - 1) | (1 << (GIZMO_BASE_LAYER + index)) | (1 << GIZMO_GRID_LAYER) | (1 << MISC_TOOL_LAYER); if (current) { - camera->set_cull_mask(((1 << 20) - 1) | (1 << (GIZMO_BASE_LAYER + index)) | (1 << GIZMO_EDIT_LAYER) | (1 << GIZMO_GRID_LAYER)); - } else { - camera->set_cull_mask(((1 << 20) - 1) | (1 << (GIZMO_BASE_LAYER + index)) | (1 << GIZMO_GRID_LAYER)); + layers |= (1 << GIZMO_EDIT_LAYER); } + camera->set_cull_mask(layers); view_menu->get_popup()->set_item_checked(idx, current); } break; @@ -3895,7 +3880,7 @@ Node3DEditorViewport::Node3DEditorViewport(Node3DEditor *p_spatial_editor, Edito surface->set_clip_contents(true); camera = memnew(Camera3D); camera->set_disable_gizmo(true); - camera->set_cull_mask(((1 << 20) - 1) | (1 << (GIZMO_BASE_LAYER + p_index)) | (1 << GIZMO_EDIT_LAYER) | (1 << GIZMO_GRID_LAYER)); + camera->set_cull_mask(((1 << 20) - 1) | (1 << (GIZMO_BASE_LAYER + p_index)) | (1 << GIZMO_EDIT_LAYER) | (1 << GIZMO_GRID_LAYER) | (1 << MISC_TOOL_LAYER)); viewport->add_child(camera); camera->make_current(); surface->set_focus_mode(FOCUS_ALL); @@ -4514,12 +4499,14 @@ Object *Node3DEditor::_get_editor_data(Object *p_what) { RS::get_singleton()->instance_geometry_set_cast_shadows_setting( si->sbox_instance, RS::SHADOW_CASTING_SETTING_OFF); + RS::get_singleton()->instance_set_layer_mask(si->sbox_instance, 1 << Node3DEditorViewport::MISC_TOOL_LAYER); si->sbox_instance_xray = RenderingServer::get_singleton()->instance_create2( selection_box_xray->get_rid(), sp->get_world_3d()->get_scenario()); RS::get_singleton()->instance_geometry_set_cast_shadows_setting( si->sbox_instance_xray, RS::SHADOW_CASTING_SETTING_OFF); + RS::get_singleton()->instance_set_layer_mask(si->sbox_instance_xray, 1 << Node3DEditorViewport::MISC_TOOL_LAYER); return si; } @@ -5360,7 +5347,7 @@ void Node3DEditor::_init_indicators() { Vector2 ofs = Vector2(Math::cos((Math_PI * 2.0 * k) / m), Math::sin((Math_PI * 2.0 * k) / m)); Vector3 normal = ivec * ofs.x + ivec2 * ofs.y; - surftool->add_normal(basis.xform(normal)); + surftool->set_normal(basis.xform(normal)); surftool->add_vertex(vertex); } } @@ -6680,7 +6667,7 @@ Node3DEditorPlugin::Node3DEditorPlugin(EditorNode *p_node) { editor->get_viewport()->add_child(spatial_editor); spatial_editor->hide(); - spatial_editor->connect_compat("transform_key_request", editor->get_inspector_dock(), "_transform_keyed"); + spatial_editor->connect("transform_key_request", Callable(editor->get_inspector_dock(), "_transform_keyed")); } Node3DEditorPlugin::~Node3DEditorPlugin() { @@ -6815,9 +6802,9 @@ Ref<StandardMaterial3D> EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin::get_material(const String &p_na return mat; } -String EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { - if (get_script_instance() && get_script_instance()->has_method("get_name")) { - return get_script_instance()->call("get_name"); +String EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { + if (get_script_instance() && get_script_instance()->has_method("get_gizmo_name")) { + return get_script_instance()->call("get_gizmo_name"); } return TTR("Nameless gizmo"); } diff --git a/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.h b/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.h index 2e98fcad4c..f46f40d646 100644 --- a/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.h +++ b/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.h @@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ public: GIZMO_BASE_LAYER = 27, GIZMO_EDIT_LAYER = 26, GIZMO_GRID_LAYER = 25, + MISC_TOOL_LAYER = 24, FRAME_TIME_HISTORY = 20, }; @@ -867,7 +868,7 @@ public: Ref<StandardMaterial3D> get_material(const String &p_name, const Ref<EditorNode3DGizmo> &p_gizmo = Ref<EditorNode3DGizmo>()); - virtual String get_name() const; + virtual String get_gizmo_name() const; virtual int get_priority() const; virtual bool can_be_hidden() const; virtual bool is_selectable_when_hidden() const; diff --git a/editor/plugins/path_3d_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/path_3d_editor_plugin.cpp index 280f6fafd8..febe2693c7 100644 --- a/editor/plugins/path_3d_editor_plugin.cpp +++ b/editor/plugins/path_3d_editor_plugin.cpp @@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ Ref<EditorNode3DGizmo> Path3DGizmoPlugin::create_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return ref; } -String Path3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String Path3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "Path3D"; } diff --git a/editor/plugins/path_3d_editor_plugin.h b/editor/plugins/path_3d_editor_plugin.h index be275944a6..3b92a59143 100644 --- a/editor/plugins/path_3d_editor_plugin.h +++ b/editor/plugins/path_3d_editor_plugin.h @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ protected: Ref<EditorNode3DGizmo> create_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; public: - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; Path3DGizmoPlugin(); }; diff --git a/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp index 6ee8193291..12790a6746 100644 --- a/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp +++ b/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp @@ -1249,13 +1249,35 @@ void ScriptEditor::_menu_option(int p_option) { RES resource = current->get_edited_resource(); Ref<TextFile> text_file = resource; + Ref<Script> script = resource; + if (text_file != nullptr) { current->apply_code(); _save_text_file(text_file, text_file->get_path()); break; } + + if (script != nullptr) { + const Vector<DocData::ClassDoc> &documentations = script->get_documentation(); + for (int j = 0; j < documentations.size(); j++) { + const DocData::ClassDoc &doc = documentations.get(j); + if (EditorHelp::get_doc_data()->has_doc(doc.name)) { + EditorHelp::get_doc_data()->remove_doc(doc.name); + } + } + } + editor->save_resource(resource); + if (script != nullptr) { + const Vector<DocData::ClassDoc> &documentations = script->get_documentation(); + for (int j = 0; j < documentations.size(); j++) { + const DocData::ClassDoc &doc = documentations.get(j); + EditorHelp::get_doc_data()->add_doc(doc); + update_doc(doc.name); + } + } + } break; case FILE_SAVE_AS: { if (trim_trailing_whitespace_on_save) { @@ -1274,6 +1296,8 @@ void ScriptEditor::_menu_option(int p_option) { RES resource = current->get_edited_resource(); Ref<TextFile> text_file = resource; + Ref<Script> script = resource; + if (text_file != nullptr) { file_dialog->set_file_mode(EditorFileDialog::FILE_MODE_SAVE_FILE); file_dialog->set_access(EditorFileDialog::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); @@ -1289,9 +1313,27 @@ void ScriptEditor::_menu_option(int p_option) { break; } + if (script != nullptr) { + const Vector<DocData::ClassDoc> &documentations = script->get_documentation(); + for (int j = 0; j < documentations.size(); j++) { + const DocData::ClassDoc &doc = documentations.get(j); + if (EditorHelp::get_doc_data()->has_doc(doc.name)) { + EditorHelp::get_doc_data()->remove_doc(doc.name); + } + } + } + editor->push_item(resource.ptr()); editor->save_resource_as(resource); + if (script != nullptr) { + const Vector<DocData::ClassDoc> &documentations = script->get_documentation(); + for (int j = 0; j < documentations.size(); j++) { + const DocData::ClassDoc &doc = documentations.get(j); + EditorHelp::get_doc_data()->add_doc(doc); + update_doc(doc.name); + } + } } break; case FILE_TOOL_RELOAD: @@ -2318,11 +2360,33 @@ void ScriptEditor::save_all_scripts() { if (edited_res->get_path() != "" && edited_res->get_path().find("local://") == -1 && edited_res->get_path().find("::") == -1) { Ref<TextFile> text_file = edited_res; + Ref<Script> script = edited_res; + if (text_file != nullptr) { _save_text_file(text_file, text_file->get_path()); continue; } + + if (script != nullptr) { + const Vector<DocData::ClassDoc> &documentations = script->get_documentation(); + for (int j = 0; j < documentations.size(); j++) { + const DocData::ClassDoc &doc = documentations.get(j); + if (EditorHelp::get_doc_data()->has_doc(doc.name)) { + EditorHelp::get_doc_data()->remove_doc(doc.name); + } + } + } + editor->save_resource(edited_res); //external script, save it + + if (script != nullptr) { + const Vector<DocData::ClassDoc> &documentations = script->get_documentation(); + for (int j = 0; j < documentations.size(); j++) { + const DocData::ClassDoc &doc = documentations.get(j); + EditorHelp::get_doc_data()->add_doc(doc); + update_doc(doc.name); + } + } } } @@ -2900,6 +2964,18 @@ void ScriptEditor::_help_class_goto(const String &p_desc) { _save_layout(); } +void ScriptEditor::update_doc(const String &p_name) { + ERR_FAIL_COND(!EditorHelp::get_doc_data()->has_doc(p_name)); + + for (int i = 0; i < tab_container->get_child_count(); i++) { + EditorHelp *eh = Object::cast_to<EditorHelp>(tab_container->get_child(i)); + if (eh && eh->get_class() == p_name) { + eh->update_doc(); + return; + } + } +} + void ScriptEditor::_update_selected_editor_menu() { for (int i = 0; i < tab_container->get_child_count(); i++) { bool current = tab_container->get_current_tab() == i; diff --git a/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.h b/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.h index f1453c3d20..cc02a1ccbe 100644 --- a/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.h +++ b/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.h @@ -482,6 +482,7 @@ public: void close_builtin_scripts_from_scene(const String &p_scene); void goto_help(const String &p_desc) { _help_class_goto(p_desc); } + void update_doc(const String &p_name); bool can_take_away_focus() const; diff --git a/editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp index 6d2fd65dd6..900a2c75a0 100644 --- a/editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp +++ b/editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp @@ -2359,8 +2359,8 @@ void TileSetEditor::_set_edited_collision_shape(const Ref<Shape2D> &p_shape) { } void TileSetEditor::_set_snap_step(Vector2 p_val) { - snap_step.x = CLAMP(p_val.x, 0, 256); - snap_step.y = CLAMP(p_val.y, 0, 256); + snap_step.x = CLAMP(p_val.x, 1, 256); + snap_step.y = CLAMP(p_val.y, 1, 256); workspace->update(); } @@ -3620,11 +3620,11 @@ void TileSetEditorPlugin::make_visible(bool p_visible) { if (p_visible) { tileset_editor_button->show(); editor->make_bottom_panel_item_visible(tileset_editor); - get_tree()->connect_compat("idle_frame", tileset_editor, "_on_workspace_process"); + get_tree()->connect("idle_frame", Callable(tileset_editor, "_on_workspace_process")); } else { editor->hide_bottom_panel(); tileset_editor_button->hide(); - get_tree()->disconnect_compat("idle_frame", tileset_editor, "_on_workspace_process"); + get_tree()->disconnect("idle_frame", Callable(tileset_editor, "_on_workspace_process")); } } diff --git a/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp index 14598237d8..6112e69299 100644 --- a/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp +++ b/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp @@ -499,16 +499,32 @@ void VisualShaderGraphPlugin::add_node(VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_id) { if (group_node->is_editable()) { HBoxContainer *hb2 = memnew(HBoxContainer); + String input_port_name = "input" + itos(group_node->get_free_input_port_id()); + String output_port_name = "output" + itos(group_node->get_free_output_port_id()); + + for (int i = 0; i < MAX(vsnode->get_input_port_count(), vsnode->get_output_port_count()); i++) { + if (i < vsnode->get_input_port_count()) { + if (input_port_name == vsnode->get_input_port_name(i)) { + input_port_name = "_" + input_port_name; + } + } + if (i < vsnode->get_output_port_count()) { + if (output_port_name == vsnode->get_output_port_name(i)) { + output_port_name = "_" + output_port_name; + } + } + } + Button *add_input_btn = memnew(Button); add_input_btn->set_text(TTR("Add Input")); - add_input_btn->connect("pressed", callable_mp(VisualShaderEditor::get_singleton(), &VisualShaderEditor::_add_input_port), varray(p_id, group_node->get_free_input_port_id(), VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_VECTOR, "input" + itos(group_node->get_free_input_port_id())), CONNECT_DEFERRED); + add_input_btn->connect("pressed", callable_mp(VisualShaderEditor::get_singleton(), &VisualShaderEditor::_add_input_port), varray(p_id, group_node->get_free_input_port_id(), VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_VECTOR, input_port_name), CONNECT_DEFERRED); hb2->add_child(add_input_btn); hb2->add_spacer(); Button *add_output_btn = memnew(Button); add_output_btn->set_text(TTR("Add Output")); - add_output_btn->connect("pressed", callable_mp(VisualShaderEditor::get_singleton(), &VisualShaderEditor::_add_output_port), varray(p_id, group_node->get_free_output_port_id(), VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_VECTOR, "output" + itos(group_node->get_free_output_port_id())), CONNECT_DEFERRED); + add_output_btn->connect("pressed", callable_mp(VisualShaderEditor::get_singleton(), &VisualShaderEditor::_add_output_port), varray(p_id, group_node->get_free_output_port_id(), VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_VECTOR, output_port_name), CONNECT_DEFERRED); hb2->add_child(add_output_btn); node->add_child(hb2); @@ -585,8 +601,8 @@ void VisualShaderGraphPlugin::add_node(VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_id) { name_box->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(65 * EDSCALE, 0)); name_box->set_h_size_flags(Control::SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); name_box->set_text(name_left); - name_box->connect("text_entered", callable_mp(VisualShaderEditor::get_singleton(), &VisualShaderEditor::_change_input_port_name), varray(name_box, p_id, i)); - name_box->connect("focus_exited", callable_mp(VisualShaderEditor::get_singleton(), &VisualShaderEditor::_port_name_focus_out), varray(name_box, p_id, i, false)); + name_box->connect("text_entered", callable_mp(VisualShaderEditor::get_singleton(), &VisualShaderEditor::_change_input_port_name), varray(name_box, p_id, i), CONNECT_DEFERRED); + name_box->connect("focus_exited", callable_mp(VisualShaderEditor::get_singleton(), &VisualShaderEditor::_port_name_focus_out), varray(name_box, p_id, i, false), CONNECT_DEFERRED); Button *remove_btn = memnew(Button); remove_btn->set_icon(EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_gui_base()->get_theme_icon("Remove", "EditorIcons")); @@ -626,8 +642,8 @@ void VisualShaderGraphPlugin::add_node(VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_id) { name_box->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(65 * EDSCALE, 0)); name_box->set_h_size_flags(Control::SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); name_box->set_text(name_right); - name_box->connect("text_entered", callable_mp(VisualShaderEditor::get_singleton(), &VisualShaderEditor::_change_output_port_name), varray(name_box, p_id, i)); - name_box->connect("focus_exited", callable_mp(VisualShaderEditor::get_singleton(), &VisualShaderEditor::_port_name_focus_out), varray(name_box, p_id, i, true)); + name_box->connect("text_entered", callable_mp(VisualShaderEditor::get_singleton(), &VisualShaderEditor::_change_output_port_name), varray(name_box, p_id, i), CONNECT_DEFERRED); + name_box->connect("focus_exited", callable_mp(VisualShaderEditor::get_singleton(), &VisualShaderEditor::_port_name_focus_out), varray(name_box, p_id, i, true), CONNECT_DEFERRED); OptionButton *type_box = memnew(OptionButton); hb->add_child(type_box); @@ -1337,29 +1353,57 @@ void VisualShaderEditor::_change_output_port_type(int p_type, int p_node, int p_ undo_redo->commit_action(); } -void VisualShaderEditor::_change_input_port_name(const String &p_text, Object *line_edit, int p_node_id, int p_port_id) { +void VisualShaderEditor::_change_input_port_name(const String &p_text, Object *p_line_edit, int p_node_id, int p_port_id) { VisualShader::Type type = get_current_shader_type(); Ref<VisualShaderNodeGroupBase> node = visual_shader->get_node(type, p_node_id); ERR_FAIL_COND(!node.is_valid()); + String prev_name = node->get_input_port_name(p_port_id); + if (prev_name == p_text) { + return; + } + + LineEdit *line_edit = Object::cast_to<LineEdit>(p_line_edit); + ERR_FAIL_COND(!line_edit); + + String validated_name = visual_shader->validate_port_name(p_text, node.ptr(), p_port_id, false); + if (validated_name == String() || prev_name == validated_name) { + line_edit->set_text(node->get_input_port_name(p_port_id)); + return; + } + undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Change Input Port Name")); - undo_redo->add_do_method(node.ptr(), "set_input_port_name", p_port_id, p_text); + undo_redo->add_do_method(node.ptr(), "set_input_port_name", p_port_id, validated_name); undo_redo->add_undo_method(node.ptr(), "set_input_port_name", p_port_id, node->get_input_port_name(p_port_id)); undo_redo->add_do_method(graph_plugin.ptr(), "update_node", type, p_node_id); undo_redo->add_undo_method(graph_plugin.ptr(), "update_node", type, p_node_id); undo_redo->commit_action(); } -void VisualShaderEditor::_change_output_port_name(const String &p_text, Object *line_edit, int p_node_id, int p_port_id) { +void VisualShaderEditor::_change_output_port_name(const String &p_text, Object *p_line_edit, int p_node_id, int p_port_id) { VisualShader::Type type = get_current_shader_type(); Ref<VisualShaderNodeGroupBase> node = visual_shader->get_node(type, p_node_id); ERR_FAIL_COND(!node.is_valid()); + String prev_name = node->get_output_port_name(p_port_id); + if (prev_name == p_text) { + return; + } + + LineEdit *line_edit = Object::cast_to<LineEdit>(p_line_edit); + ERR_FAIL_COND(!line_edit); + + String validated_name = visual_shader->validate_port_name(p_text, node.ptr(), p_port_id, true); + if (validated_name == String() || prev_name == validated_name) { + line_edit->set_text(node->get_output_port_name(p_port_id)); + return; + } + undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Change Output Port Name")); - undo_redo->add_do_method(node.ptr(), "set_output_port_name", p_port_id, p_text); - undo_redo->add_undo_method(node.ptr(), "set_output_port_name", p_port_id, node->get_output_port_name(p_port_id)); + undo_redo->add_do_method(node.ptr(), "set_output_port_name", p_port_id, validated_name); + undo_redo->add_undo_method(node.ptr(), "set_output_port_name", p_port_id, prev_name); undo_redo->add_do_method(graph_plugin.ptr(), "update_node", type, p_node_id); undo_redo->add_undo_method(graph_plugin.ptr(), "update_node", type, p_node_id); undo_redo->commit_action(); @@ -1609,53 +1653,10 @@ void VisualShaderEditor::_uniform_line_edit_focus_out(Object *line_edit, int p_n } void VisualShaderEditor::_port_name_focus_out(Object *line_edit, int p_node_id, int p_port_id, bool p_output) { - VisualShader::Type type = get_current_shader_type(); - - Ref<VisualShaderNodeGroupBase> node = visual_shader->get_node(type, p_node_id); - ERR_FAIL_COND(!node.is_valid()); - - String text = Object::cast_to<LineEdit>(line_edit)->get_text(); - - if (!p_output) { - if (node->get_input_port_name(p_port_id) == text) { - return; - } - } else { - if (node->get_output_port_name(p_port_id) == text) { - return; - } - } - - List<String> input_names; - List<String> output_names; - - for (int i = 0; i < node->get_input_port_count(); i++) { - if (!p_output && i == p_port_id) { - continue; - } - input_names.push_back(node->get_input_port_name(i)); - } - for (int i = 0; i < node->get_output_port_count(); i++) { - if (p_output && i == p_port_id) { - continue; - } - output_names.push_back(node->get_output_port_name(i)); - } - - String validated_name = visual_shader->validate_port_name(text, input_names, output_names); - if (validated_name == "") { - if (!p_output) { - Object::cast_to<LineEdit>(line_edit)->set_text(node->get_input_port_name(p_port_id)); - } else { - Object::cast_to<LineEdit>(line_edit)->set_text(node->get_output_port_name(p_port_id)); - } - return; - } - if (!p_output) { - _change_input_port_name(validated_name, line_edit, p_node_id, p_port_id); + _change_input_port_name(Object::cast_to<LineEdit>(line_edit)->get_text(), line_edit, p_node_id, p_port_id); } else { - _change_output_port_name(validated_name, line_edit, p_node_id, p_port_id); + _change_output_port_name(Object::cast_to<LineEdit>(line_edit)->get_text(), line_edit, p_node_id, p_port_id); } } diff --git a/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.h b/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.h index 73bebcd192..2e7e9a8898 100644 --- a/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.h +++ b/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.h @@ -354,12 +354,12 @@ class VisualShaderEditor : public VBoxContainer { void _add_input_port(int p_node, int p_port, int p_port_type, const String &p_name); void _remove_input_port(int p_node, int p_port); void _change_input_port_type(int p_type, int p_node, int p_port); - void _change_input_port_name(const String &p_text, Object *line_edit, int p_node, int p_port); + void _change_input_port_name(const String &p_text, Object *p_line_edit, int p_node, int p_port); void _add_output_port(int p_node, int p_port, int p_port_type, const String &p_name); void _remove_output_port(int p_node, int p_port); void _change_output_port_type(int p_type, int p_node, int p_port); - void _change_output_port_name(const String &p_text, Object *line_edit, int p_node, int p_port); + void _change_output_port_name(const String &p_text, Object *p_line_edit, int p_node, int p_port); void _expression_focus_out(Object *code_edit, int p_node); diff --git a/editor/project_export.cpp b/editor/project_export.cpp index 75509c7544..8435dccf4a 100644 --- a/editor/project_export.cpp +++ b/editor/project_export.cpp @@ -865,10 +865,10 @@ void ProjectExportDialog::_validate_export_path(const String &p_path) { if (invalid_path) { export_project->get_ok()->set_disabled(true); - export_project->get_line_edit()->disconnect_compat("text_entered", export_project, "_file_entered"); + export_project->get_line_edit()->disconnect("text_entered", Callable(export_project, "_file_entered")); } else { export_project->get_ok()->set_disabled(false); - export_project->get_line_edit()->connect_compat("text_entered", export_project, "_file_entered"); + export_project->get_line_edit()->connect("text_entered", Callable(export_project, "_file_entered")); } } @@ -900,9 +900,9 @@ void ProjectExportDialog::_export_project() { // with _validate_export_path. // FIXME: This is a hack, we should instead change EditorFileDialog to allow // disabling validation by the "text_entered" signal. - if (!export_project->get_line_edit()->is_connected_compat("text_entered", export_project, "_file_entered")) { + if (!export_project->get_line_edit()->is_connected("text_entered", Callable(export_project, "_file_entered"))) { export_project->get_ok()->set_disabled(false); - export_project->get_line_edit()->connect_compat("text_entered", export_project, "_file_entered"); + export_project->get_line_edit()->connect("text_entered", Callable(export_project, "_file_entered")); } export_project->set_file_mode(EditorFileDialog::FILE_MODE_SAVE_FILE); diff --git a/editor/property_selector.cpp b/editor/property_selector.cpp index 75420a1ef4..1ff73f25c5 100644 --- a/editor/property_selector.cpp +++ b/editor/property_selector.cpp @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ #include "property_selector.h" #include "core/os/keyboard.h" +#include "editor/doc_tools.h" #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "editor_scale.h" @@ -349,7 +350,7 @@ void PropertySelector::_item_selected() { class_type = base_type; } - DocData *dd = EditorHelp::get_doc_data(); + DocTools *dd = EditorHelp::get_doc_data(); String text; if (properties) { diff --git a/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp b/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp index fafb90e864..9c37ae584a 100644 --- a/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp +++ b/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp @@ -1073,14 +1073,14 @@ void SceneTreeDock::_notification(int p_what) { CanvasItemEditorPlugin *canvas_item_plugin = Object::cast_to<CanvasItemEditorPlugin>(editor_data->get_editor("2D")); if (canvas_item_plugin) { - canvas_item_plugin->get_canvas_item_editor()->connect_compat("item_lock_status_changed", scene_tree, "_update_tree"); - canvas_item_plugin->get_canvas_item_editor()->connect_compat("item_group_status_changed", scene_tree, "_update_tree"); + canvas_item_plugin->get_canvas_item_editor()->connect("item_lock_status_changed", Callable(scene_tree, "_update_tree")); + canvas_item_plugin->get_canvas_item_editor()->connect("item_group_status_changed", Callable(scene_tree, "_update_tree")); scene_tree->connect("node_changed", callable_mp((CanvasItem *)canvas_item_plugin->get_canvas_item_editor()->get_viewport_control(), &CanvasItem::update)); } Node3DEditorPlugin *spatial_editor_plugin = Object::cast_to<Node3DEditorPlugin>(editor_data->get_editor("3D")); - spatial_editor_plugin->get_spatial_editor()->connect_compat("item_lock_status_changed", scene_tree, "_update_tree"); - spatial_editor_plugin->get_spatial_editor()->connect_compat("item_group_status_changed", scene_tree, "_update_tree"); + spatial_editor_plugin->get_spatial_editor()->connect("item_lock_status_changed", Callable(scene_tree, "_update_tree")); + spatial_editor_plugin->get_spatial_editor()->connect("item_group_status_changed", Callable(scene_tree, "_update_tree")); button_add->set_icon(get_theme_icon("Add", "EditorIcons")); button_instance->set_icon(get_theme_icon("Instance", "EditorIcons")); diff --git a/glsl_builders.py b/glsl_builders.py index 29971fd4e7..57aaed5f9f 100644 --- a/glsl_builders.py +++ b/glsl_builders.py @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ def build_rd_header(filename): out_file_class = out_file_base.replace(".glsl.gen.h", "").title().replace("_", "").replace(".", "") + "ShaderRD" fd.write("\n") - fd.write('#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shader_rd.h"\n\n') + fd.write('#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shader_rd.h"\n\n') fd.write("class " + out_file_class + " : public ShaderRD {\n\n") fd.write("public:\n\n") diff --git a/main/main.cpp b/main/main.cpp index 3bef04b15d..a824b53e5a 100644 --- a/main/main.cpp +++ b/main/main.cpp @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ #include "servers/physics_server_2d.h" #include "servers/physics_server_3d.h" #include "servers/register_server_types.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rendering_server_raster.h" +#include "servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.h" #include "servers/rendering/rendering_server_wrap_mt.h" #include "servers/text_server.h" #include "servers/xr_server.h" @@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED -#include "editor/doc_data.h" #include "editor/doc_data_class_path.gen.h" +#include "editor/doc_tools.h" #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "editor/editor_settings.h" #include "editor/progress_dialog.h" @@ -1563,7 +1563,7 @@ Error Main::setup2(Thread::ID p_main_tid_override) { /* Initialize Visual Server */ - rendering_server = memnew(RenderingServerRaster); + rendering_server = memnew(RenderingServerDefault); if (OS::get_singleton()->get_render_thread_mode() != OS::RENDER_THREAD_UNSAFE) { rendering_server = memnew(RenderingServerWrapMT(rendering_server, OS::get_singleton()->get_render_thread_mode() == @@ -1914,10 +1914,10 @@ bool Main::start() { GLOBAL_DEF("mono/project/auto_update_project", true); #endif - DocData doc; + DocTools doc; doc.generate(doc_base); - DocData docsrc; + DocTools docsrc; Map<String, String> doc_data_classes; Set<String> checked_paths; print_line("Loading docs..."); @@ -1957,7 +1957,7 @@ bool Main::start() { doc.merge_from(docsrc); for (Set<String>::Element *E = checked_paths.front(); E; E = E->next()) { print_line("Erasing old docs at: " + E->get()); - DocData::erase_classes(E->get()); + DocTools::erase_classes(E->get()); } print_line("Generating new docs..."); diff --git a/misc/dist/html/full-size.html b/misc/dist/html/full-size.html index 7d29b35f61..85c5305b85 100644 --- a/misc/dist/html/full-size.html +++ b/misc/dist/html/full-size.html @@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ $GODOT_HEAD_INCLUDE const EXECUTABLE_NAME = '$GODOT_BASENAME'; const MAIN_PACK = '$GODOT_BASENAME.pck'; const EXTRA_ARGS = JSON.parse('$GODOT_ARGS'); + const GDNATIVE_LIBS = [$GODOT_GDNATIVE_LIBS]; const INDETERMINATE_STATUS_STEP_MS = 100; const FULL_WINDOW = $GODOT_FULL_WINDOW; @@ -263,6 +264,7 @@ $GODOT_HEAD_INCLUDE } else { setStatusMode('indeterminate'); engine.setCanvas(canvas); + engine.setGDNativeLibraries(GDNATIVE_LIBS); engine.startGame(EXECUTABLE_NAME, MAIN_PACK, EXTRA_ARGS).then(() => { setStatusMode('hidden'); initializing = false; diff --git a/modules/arkit/arkit_interface.mm b/modules/arkit/arkit_interface.mm index e8fa023ac7..6d69f4a2f4 100644 --- a/modules/arkit/arkit_interface.mm +++ b/modules/arkit/arkit_interface.mm @@ -712,8 +712,8 @@ void ARKitInterface::_add_or_update_anchor(GodotARAnchor *p_anchor) { int16_t index = planeAnchor.geometry.triangleIndices[j]; simd_float3 vrtx = planeAnchor.geometry.vertices[index]; simd_float2 textcoord = planeAnchor.geometry.textureCoordinates[index]; - surftool->add_uv(Vector2(textcoord[0], textcoord[1])); - surftool->add_color(Color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)); + surftool->set_uv(Vector2(textcoord[0], textcoord[1])); + surftool->set_color(Color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)); surftool->add_vertex(Vector3(vrtx[0], vrtx[1], vrtx[2])); } diff --git a/modules/assimp/editor_scene_importer_assimp.cpp b/modules/assimp/editor_scene_importer_assimp.cpp index e5becfd559..796ee27a7d 100644 --- a/modules/assimp/editor_scene_importer_assimp.cpp +++ b/modules/assimp/editor_scene_importer_assimp.cpp @@ -827,8 +827,7 @@ EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_generate_mesh_from_surface_indices(ImportState &stat Ref<ArrayMesh> mesh; mesh.instance(); bool has_uvs = false; - bool compress_vert_data = state.import_flags & IMPORT_USE_COMPRESSION; - uint32_t mesh_flags = compress_vert_data ? Mesh::ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT : 0; + uint32_t mesh_flags = 0; Map<String, uint32_t> morph_mesh_string_lookup; @@ -839,7 +838,7 @@ EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_generate_mesh_from_surface_indices(ImportState &stat String ai_anim_mesh_name = AssimpUtils::get_assimp_string(ai_mesh->mAnimMeshes[j]->mName); if (!morph_mesh_string_lookup.has(ai_anim_mesh_name)) { morph_mesh_string_lookup.insert(ai_anim_mesh_name, j); - mesh->set_blend_shape_mode(Mesh::BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_NORMALIZED); + mesh->set_blend_shape_mode(ArrayMesh::BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_NORMALIZED); if (ai_anim_mesh_name.empty()) { ai_anim_mesh_name = String("morph_") + itos(j); } @@ -904,33 +903,33 @@ EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_generate_mesh_from_surface_indices(ImportState &stat // Get the texture coordinates if they exist if (ai_mesh->HasTextureCoords(0)) { has_uvs = true; - st->add_uv(Vector2(ai_mesh->mTextureCoords[0][j].x, 1.0f - ai_mesh->mTextureCoords[0][j].y)); + st->set_uv(Vector2(ai_mesh->mTextureCoords[0][j].x, 1.0f - ai_mesh->mTextureCoords[0][j].y)); } if (ai_mesh->HasTextureCoords(1)) { has_uvs = true; - st->add_uv2(Vector2(ai_mesh->mTextureCoords[1][j].x, 1.0f - ai_mesh->mTextureCoords[1][j].y)); + st->set_uv2(Vector2(ai_mesh->mTextureCoords[1][j].x, 1.0f - ai_mesh->mTextureCoords[1][j].y)); } // Assign vertex colors if (ai_mesh->HasVertexColors(0)) { Color color = Color(ai_mesh->mColors[0]->r, ai_mesh->mColors[0]->g, ai_mesh->mColors[0]->b, ai_mesh->mColors[0]->a); - st->add_color(color); + st->set_color(color); } // Work out normal calculations? - this needs work it doesn't work properly on huestos if (ai_mesh->mNormals != nullptr) { const aiVector3D normals = ai_mesh->mNormals[j]; const Vector3 godot_normal = Vector3(normals.x, normals.y, normals.z); - st->add_normal(godot_normal); + st->set_normal(godot_normal); if (ai_mesh->HasTangentsAndBitangents()) { const aiVector3D tangents = ai_mesh->mTangents[j]; const Vector3 godot_tangent = Vector3(tangents.x, tangents.y, tangents.z); const aiVector3D bitangent = ai_mesh->mBitangents[j]; const Vector3 godot_bitangent = Vector3(bitangent.x, bitangent.y, bitangent.z); float d = godot_normal.cross(godot_tangent).dot(godot_bitangent) > 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f; - st->add_tangent(Plane(tangents.x, tangents.y, tangents.z, d)); + st->set_tangent(Plane(tangents.x, tangents.y, tangents.z, d)); } } @@ -948,8 +947,8 @@ EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_generate_mesh_from_surface_indices(ImportState &stat weights.write[k] = bone_info[k].weight; } - st->add_bones(bones); - st->add_weights(weights); + st->set_bones(bones); + st->set_weights(weights); } // Assign vertex diff --git a/modules/bullet/rigid_body_bullet.cpp b/modules/bullet/rigid_body_bullet.cpp index eb599df74c..0c64c3640f 100644 --- a/modules/bullet/rigid_body_bullet.cpp +++ b/modules/bullet/rigid_body_bullet.cpp @@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ void RigidBodyBullet::set_continuous_collision_detection(bool p_enable) { } btBody->setCcdSweptSphereRadius(radius * 0.2); } else { - btBody->setCcdMotionThreshold(10000.0); + btBody->setCcdMotionThreshold(0.); btBody->setCcdSweptSphereRadius(0.); } } @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ void RigidBodyBullet::reload_shapes() { btBody->updateInertiaTensor(); reload_kinematic_shapes(); - set_continuous_collision_detection(btBody->getCcdMotionThreshold() < 9998.0); + set_continuous_collision_detection(is_continuous_collision_detection_enabled()); reload_body(); } diff --git a/modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp b/modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp index cce72770f5..f8c05761bb 100644 --- a/modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp +++ b/modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp @@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ bool CSGShape3DGizmoPlugin::has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) { return Object::cast_to<CSGSphere3D>(p_spatial) || Object::cast_to<CSGBox3D>(p_spatial) || Object::cast_to<CSGCylinder3D>(p_spatial) || Object::cast_to<CSGTorus3D>(p_spatial) || Object::cast_to<CSGMesh3D>(p_spatial) || Object::cast_to<CSGPolygon3D>(p_spatial); } -String CSGShape3DGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { +String CSGShape3DGizmoPlugin::get_gizmo_name() const { return "CSGShape3D"; } diff --git a/modules/csg/csg_gizmos.h b/modules/csg/csg_gizmos.h index 83ee847caf..cf44f76f37 100644 --- a/modules/csg/csg_gizmos.h +++ b/modules/csg/csg_gizmos.h @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class CSGShape3DGizmoPlugin : public EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin { public: bool has_gizmo(Node3D *p_spatial) override; - String get_name() const override; + String get_gizmo_name() const override; int get_priority() const override; bool is_selectable_when_hidden() const override; void redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) override; diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp index f0f095ddf5..719fcbc927 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp @@ -308,11 +308,11 @@ GDNativeLibraryEditor::GDNativeLibraryEditor() { platform_android.library_extension = "*.so"; platforms["Android"] = platform_android; - // TODO: Javascript platform is not supported yet - // NativePlatformConfig platform_html5; - // platform_html5.name = "HTML5"; - // platform_html5.library_extension = "*.wasm"; - // platforms["Javascript"] = platform_html5; + NativePlatformConfig platform_html5; + platform_html5.name = "HTML5"; + platform_html5.entries.push_back("wasm32"); + platform_html5.library_extension = "*.wasm"; + platforms["HTML5"] = platform_html5; NativePlatformConfig platform_ios; platform_ios.name = "iOS"; diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/variant.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/variant.h index 0a611b76e9..2e803d602b 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/variant.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/variant.h @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ typedef enum godot_variant_type { // atomic types GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_BOOL, GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_INT, - GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_REAL, + GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_FLOAT, GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING, // math types diff --git a/modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.h b/modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.h index 2aaa4be325..e91d9b7bfb 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.h @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ #ifndef NATIVE_SCRIPT_H #define NATIVE_SCRIPT_H +#include "core/doc_data.h" #include "core/io/resource.h" #include "core/io/resource_loader.h" #include "core/io/resource_saver.h" @@ -152,6 +153,13 @@ public: virtual void set_source_code(const String &p_code) override; virtual Error reload(bool p_keep_state = false) override; +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + virtual const Vector<DocData::ClassDoc> &get_documentation() const override { + static Vector<DocData::ClassDoc> docs; + return docs; + } +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED + virtual bool has_method(const StringName &p_method) const override; virtual MethodInfo get_method_info(const StringName &p_method) const override; diff --git a/modules/gdnative/pluginscript/pluginscript_script.h b/modules/gdnative/pluginscript/pluginscript_script.h index 150de05e74..dc1ed6d576 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/pluginscript/pluginscript_script.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/pluginscript/pluginscript_script.h @@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ #define PLUGINSCRIPT_SCRIPT_H // Godot imports + +#include "core/doc_data.h" #include "core/object/script_language.h" // PluginScript imports #include "pluginscript_language.h" @@ -97,6 +99,13 @@ public: // TODO: load_source_code only allow utf-8 file, should handle bytecode as well ? virtual Error load_source_code(const String &p_path); +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + virtual const Vector<DocData::ClassDoc> &get_documentation() const override { + static Vector<DocData::ClassDoc> docs; + return docs; + } +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED + virtual bool has_method(const StringName &p_method) const override; virtual MethodInfo get_method_info(const StringName &p_method) const override; diff --git a/modules/gdnavigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp b/modules/gdnavigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp index 5329600e39..3310123ca9 100644 --- a/modules/gdnavigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnavigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp @@ -176,10 +176,10 @@ void NavigationMeshGenerator::_parse_geometry(Transform p_accumulated_transform, BoxShape3D *box = Object::cast_to<BoxShape3D>(*s); if (box) { - Ref<CubeMesh> cube_mesh; - cube_mesh.instance(); - cube_mesh->set_size(box->get_extents() * 2.0); - mesh = cube_mesh; + Ref<BoxMesh> box_mesh; + box_mesh.instance(); + box_mesh->set_size(box->get_extents() * 2.0); + mesh = box_mesh; } CapsuleShape3D *capsule = Object::cast_to<CapsuleShape3D>(*s); diff --git a/modules/gdscript/doc_classes/@GDScript.xml b/modules/gdscript/doc_classes/@GDScript.xml index d90b3e52d0..eeb66ebfc0 100644 --- a/modules/gdscript/doc_classes/@GDScript.xml +++ b/modules/gdscript/doc_classes/@GDScript.xml @@ -55,8 +55,7 @@ <description> Returns the absolute value of parameter [code]s[/code] (i.e. positive value). [codeblock] - # a is 1 - a = abs(-1) + a = abs(-1) # a is 1 [/codeblock] </description> </method> @@ -166,10 +165,10 @@ <description> Rounds [code]s[/code] upward (towards positive infinity), returning the smallest whole number that is not less than [code]s[/code]. [codeblock] - i = ceil(1.45) # i is 2 - i = ceil(1.001) # i is 2 + a = ceil(1.45) # a is 2.0 + a = ceil(1.001) # a is 2.0 [/codeblock] - See also [method floor], [method round], and [method stepify]. + See also [method floor], [method round], [method stepify], and [int]. </description> </method> <method name="char"> @@ -199,13 +198,9 @@ <description> Clamps [code]value[/code] and returns a value not less than [code]min[/code] and not more than [code]max[/code]. [codeblock] - speed = 1000 - # a is 20 - a = clamp(speed, 1, 20) - - speed = -10 - # a is 1 - a = clamp(speed, 1, 20) + a = clamp(1000, 1, 20) # a is 20 + a = clamp(-10, 1, 20) # a is 1 + a = clamp(15, 1, 20) # a is 15 [/codeblock] </description> </method> @@ -236,9 +231,8 @@ <description> Returns the cosine of angle [code]s[/code] in radians. [codeblock] - # Prints 1 then -1 - print(cos(PI * 2)) - print(cos(PI)) + a = cos(TAU) # a is 1.0 + a = cos(PI) # a is -1.0 [/codeblock] </description> </method> @@ -250,8 +244,7 @@ <description> Returns the hyperbolic cosine of [code]s[/code] in radians. [codeblock] - # Prints 1.543081 - print(cosh(1)) + print(cosh(1)) # Prints 1.543081 [/codeblock] </description> </method> @@ -276,8 +269,7 @@ <description> Returns the result of [code]value[/code] decreased by [code]step[/code] * [code]amount[/code]. [codeblock] - # a = 59 - a = dectime(60, 10, 0.1)) + a = dectime(60, 10, 0.1)) # a is 59.0 [/codeblock] </description> </method> @@ -289,8 +281,7 @@ <description> Converts an angle expressed in degrees to radians. [codeblock] - # r is 3.141593 - r = deg2rad(180) + r = deg2rad(180) # r is 3.141593 [/codeblock] </description> </method> @@ -300,7 +291,7 @@ <argument index="0" name="dict" type="Dictionary"> </argument> <description> - Converts a previously converted instance to a dictionary, back into an instance. Useful for deserializing. + Converts a dictionary (previously created with [method inst2dict]) back to an instance. Useful for deserializing. </description> </method> <method name="ease"> @@ -336,13 +327,12 @@ <description> Rounds [code]s[/code] downward (towards negative infinity), returning the largest whole number that is not more than [code]s[/code]. [codeblock] - # a is 2.0 - a = floor(2.99) - # a is -3.0 - a = floor(-2.99) + a = floor(2.45) # a is 2.0 + a = floor(2.99) # a is 2.0 + a = floor(-2.99) # a is -3.0 [/codeblock] - See also [method ceil], [method round], and [method stepify]. - [b]Note:[/b] This method returns a float. If you need an integer, you can use [code]int(s)[/code] directly. + See also [method ceil], [method round], [method stepify], and [int]. + [b]Note:[/b] This method returns a float. If you need an integer and [code]s[/code] is a non-negative number, you can use [code]int(s)[/code] directly. </description> </method> <method name="fmod"> @@ -355,8 +345,7 @@ <description> Returns the floating-point remainder of [code]a/b[/code], keeping the sign of [code]a[/code]. [codeblock] - # Remainder is 1.5 - var remainder = fmod(7, 5.5) + r = fmod(7, 5.5) # r is 1.5 [/codeblock] For the integer remainder operation, use the % operator. </description> @@ -776,7 +765,7 @@ <description> Returns the result of [code]x[/code] raised to the power of [code]y[/code]. [codeblock] - pow(2, 5) # Returns 32 + pow(2, 5) # Returns 32.0 [/codeblock] </description> </method> @@ -801,7 +790,7 @@ Converts one or more arguments to strings in the best way possible and prints them to the console. [codeblock] a = [1, 2, 3] - print("a", "b", a) # Prints ab[1, 2, 3] + print("a", "=", a) # Prints a=[1, 2, 3] [/codeblock] [b]Note:[/b] Consider using [method push_error] and [method push_warning] to print error and warning messages instead of [method print]. This distinguishes them from print messages used for debugging purposes, while also displaying a stack trace when an error or warning is printed. </description> @@ -900,7 +889,7 @@ <description> Converts an angle expressed in radians to degrees. [codeblock] - rad2deg(0.523599) # Returns 30 + rad2deg(0.523599) # Returns 30.0 [/codeblock] </description> </method> @@ -1022,9 +1011,11 @@ <description> Rounds [code]s[/code] to the nearest whole number, with halfway cases rounded away from zero. [codeblock] - round(2.6) # Returns 3 + a = round(2.49) # a is 2.0 + a = round(2.5) # a is 3.0 + a = round(2.51) # a is 3.0 [/codeblock] - See also [method floor], [method ceil], and [method stepify]. + See also [method floor], [method ceil], [method stepify], and [int]. </description> </method> <method name="seed"> @@ -1094,9 +1085,9 @@ This S-shaped curve is the cubic Hermite interpolator, given by [code]f(s) = 3*s^2 - 2*s^3[/code]. [codeblock] smoothstep(0, 2, -5.0) # Returns 0.0 - smoothstep(0, 2, 0.5) # Returns 0.15625 - smoothstep(0, 2, 1.0) # Returns 0.5 - smoothstep(0, 2, 2.0) # Returns 1.0 + smoothstep(0, 2, 0.5) # Returns 0.15625 + smoothstep(0, 2, 1.0) # Returns 0.5 + smoothstep(0, 2, 2.0) # Returns 1.0 [/codeblock] </description> </method> @@ -1121,12 +1112,9 @@ <description> Returns the position of the first non-zero digit, after the decimal point. Note that the maximum return value is 10, which is a design decision in the implementation. [codeblock] - # n is 0 - n = step_decimals(5) - # n is 4 - n = step_decimals(1.0005) - # n is 9 - n = step_decimals(0.000000005) + n = step_decimals(5) # n is 0 + n = step_decimals(1.0005) # n is 4 + n = step_decimals(0.000000005) # n is 9 [/codeblock] </description> </method> @@ -1140,10 +1128,10 @@ <description> Snaps float value [code]s[/code] to a given [code]step[/code]. This can also be used to round a floating point number to an arbitrary number of decimals. [codeblock] - stepify(100, 32) # Returns 96 + stepify(100, 32) # Returns 96.0 stepify(3.14159, 0.01) # Returns 3.14 [/codeblock] - See also [method ceil], [method floor], and [method round]. + See also [method ceil], [method floor], [method round], and [int]. </description> </method> <method name="str" qualifiers="vararg"> @@ -1193,8 +1181,8 @@ <description> Returns the hyperbolic tangent of [code]s[/code]. [codeblock] - a = log(2.0) # Returns 0.693147 - tanh(a) # Returns 0.6 + a = log(2.0) # a is 0.693147 + b = tanh(a) # b is 0.6 [/codeblock] </description> </method> diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp index 6b74abf15d..4425b59d62 100644 --- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp +++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ void GDScript::_placeholder_erased(PlaceHolderScriptInstance *p_placeholder) { } #endif -void GDScript::get_script_method_list(List<MethodInfo> *p_list) const { +void GDScript::_get_script_method_list(List<MethodInfo> *r_list, bool p_include_base) const { const GDScript *current = this; while (current) { for (const Map<StringName, GDScriptFunction *>::Element *E = current->member_functions.front(); E; E = E->next()) { @@ -239,18 +239,29 @@ void GDScript::get_script_method_list(List<MethodInfo> *p_list) const { MethodInfo mi; mi.name = E->key(); for (int i = 0; i < func->get_argument_count(); i++) { - mi.arguments.push_back(func->get_argument_type(i)); + PropertyInfo arginfo = func->get_argument_type(i); +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + arginfo.name = func->get_argument_name(i); +#endif + mi.arguments.push_back(arginfo); } mi.return_val = func->get_return_type(); - p_list->push_back(mi); + r_list->push_back(mi); + } + if (!p_include_base) { + return; } current = current->_base; } } -void GDScript::get_script_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const { +void GDScript::get_script_method_list(List<MethodInfo> *r_list) const { + _get_script_method_list(r_list, true); +} + +void GDScript::_get_script_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *r_list, bool p_include_base) const { const GDScript *sptr = this; List<PropertyInfo> props; @@ -269,15 +280,22 @@ void GDScript::get_script_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const { for (int i = 0; i < msort.size(); i++) { props.push_front(sptr->member_info[msort[i].name]); } + if (!p_include_base) { + break; + } sptr = sptr->_base; } for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - p_list->push_back(E->get()); + r_list->push_back(E->get()); } } +void GDScript::get_script_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *r_list) const { + _get_script_property_list(r_list, true); +} + bool GDScript::has_method(const StringName &p_method) const { return member_functions.has(p_method); } @@ -383,6 +401,183 @@ void GDScript::_update_exports_values(Map<StringName, Variant> &values, List<Pro propnames.push_back(E->get()); } } + +void GDScript::_add_doc(const DocData::ClassDoc &p_inner_class) { + if (_owner) { + _owner->_add_doc(p_inner_class); + } else { + for (int i = 0; i < docs.size(); i++) { + if (docs[i].name == p_inner_class.name) { + docs.remove(i); + break; + } + } + docs.append(p_inner_class); + } +} + +void GDScript::_clear_doc() { + docs.clear(); + doc = DocData::ClassDoc(); +} + +void GDScript::_update_doc() { + _clear_doc(); + + doc.script_path = "\"" + get_path().get_slice("://", 1) + "\""; + if (!name.empty()) { + doc.name = name; + } else { + doc.name = doc.script_path; + } + + if (_owner) { + doc.name = _owner->doc.name + "." + doc.name; + doc.script_path = doc.script_path + "." + doc.name; + } + + doc.is_script_doc = true; + + if (base.is_valid() && base->is_valid()) { + if (base->doc.name != String()) { + doc.inherits = base->doc.name; + } else { + doc.inherits = base->get_instance_base_type(); + } + } else if (native.is_valid()) { + doc.inherits = native->get_name(); + } + + doc.brief_description = doc_brief_description; + doc.description = doc_description; + doc.tutorials = doc_tutorials; + + for (Map<String, DocData::EnumDoc>::Element *E = doc_enums.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + if (E->value().description != "") { + doc.enums[E->key()] = E->value().description; + } + } + + List<MethodInfo> methods; + _get_script_method_list(&methods, false); + for (int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i++) { + // Ignore internal methods. + if (methods[i].name[0] == '@') { + continue; + } + + DocData::MethodDoc method_doc; + const String &class_name = methods[i].name; + if (member_functions.has(class_name)) { + GDScriptFunction *fn = member_functions[class_name]; + + // Change class name if return type is script reference. + GDScriptDataType return_type = fn->get_return_type(); + if (return_type.kind == GDScriptDataType::GDSCRIPT) { + methods[i].return_val.class_name = _get_gdscript_reference_class_name(Object::cast_to<GDScript>(return_type.script_type)); + } + + // Change class name if argumetn is script reference. + for (int j = 0; j < fn->get_argument_count(); j++) { + GDScriptDataType arg_type = fn->get_argument_type(j); + if (arg_type.kind == GDScriptDataType::GDSCRIPT) { + methods[i].arguments[j].class_name = _get_gdscript_reference_class_name(Object::cast_to<GDScript>(arg_type.script_type)); + } + } + } + if (doc_functions.has(methods[i].name)) { + DocData::method_doc_from_methodinfo(method_doc, methods[i], doc_functions[methods[i].name]); + } else { + DocData::method_doc_from_methodinfo(method_doc, methods[i], String()); + } + doc.methods.push_back(method_doc); + } + + List<PropertyInfo> props; + _get_script_property_list(&props, false); + for (int i = 0; i < props.size(); i++) { + ScriptMemberInfo scr_member_info; + scr_member_info.propinfo = props[i]; + scr_member_info.propinfo.usage |= PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT; + if (member_indices.has(props[i].name)) { + const MemberInfo &mi = member_indices[props[i].name]; + scr_member_info.setter = mi.setter; + scr_member_info.getter = mi.getter; + if (mi.data_type.kind == GDScriptDataType::GDSCRIPT) { + scr_member_info.propinfo.class_name = _get_gdscript_reference_class_name( + Object::cast_to<GDScript>(mi.data_type.script_type)); + } + } + if (member_default_values.has(props[i].name)) { + scr_member_info.has_default_value = true; + scr_member_info.default_value = member_default_values[props[i].name]; + } + if (doc_variables.has(props[i].name)) { + scr_member_info.doc_string = doc_variables[props[i].name]; + } + + DocData::PropertyDoc prop_doc; + DocData::property_doc_from_scriptmemberinfo(prop_doc, scr_member_info); + doc.properties.push_back(prop_doc); + } + + List<MethodInfo> signals; + _get_script_signal_list(&signals, false); + for (int i = 0; i < signals.size(); i++) { + DocData::MethodDoc signal_doc; + if (doc_signals.has(signals[i].name)) { + DocData::signal_doc_from_methodinfo(signal_doc, signals[i], signals[i].name); + } else { + DocData::signal_doc_from_methodinfo(signal_doc, signals[i], String()); + } + doc.signals.push_back(signal_doc); + } + + for (Map<StringName, Variant>::Element *E = constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + if (subclasses.has(E->key())) { + continue; + } + + // Enums. + bool is_enum = false; + if (E->value().get_type() == Variant::DICTIONARY) { + if (doc_enums.has(E->key())) { + is_enum = true; + for (int i = 0; i < doc_enums[E->key()].values.size(); i++) { + doc_enums[E->key()].values.write[i].enumeration = E->key(); + doc.constants.push_back(doc_enums[E->key()].values[i]); + } + } + } + if (!is_enum && doc_enums.has("@unnamed_enums")) { + for (int i = 0; i < doc_enums["@unnamed_enums"].values.size(); i++) { + if (E->key() == doc_enums["@unnamed_enums"].values[i].name) { + is_enum = true; + DocData::ConstantDoc constant_doc; + constant_doc.enumeration = "@unnamed_enums"; + DocData::constant_doc_from_variant(constant_doc, E->key(), E->value(), doc_enums["@unnamed_enums"].values[i].description); + doc.constants.push_back(constant_doc); + break; + } + } + } + if (!is_enum) { + DocData::ConstantDoc constant_doc; + String doc_description; + if (doc_constants.has(E->key())) { + doc_description = doc_constants[E->key()]; + } + DocData::constant_doc_from_variant(constant_doc, E->key(), E->value(), doc_description); + doc.constants.push_back(constant_doc); + } + } + + for (Map<StringName, Ref<GDScript>>::Element *E = subclasses.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + E->get()->_update_doc(); + } + + _add_doc(doc); +} #endif bool GDScript::_update_exports(bool *r_err, bool p_recursive_call) { @@ -642,6 +837,10 @@ Error GDScript::reload(bool p_keep_state) { GDScriptCompiler compiler; err = compiler.compile(&parser, this, p_keep_state); +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + _update_doc(); +#endif + if (err) { if (can_run) { if (EngineDebugger::is_active()) { @@ -915,7 +1114,7 @@ bool GDScript::has_script_signal(const StringName &p_signal) const { return false; } -void GDScript::get_script_signal_list(List<MethodInfo> *r_signals) const { +void GDScript::_get_script_signal_list(List<MethodInfo> *r_list, bool p_include_base) const { for (const Map<StringName, Vector<StringName>>::Element *E = _signals.front(); E; E = E->next()) { MethodInfo mi; mi.name = E->key(); @@ -924,20 +1123,43 @@ void GDScript::get_script_signal_list(List<MethodInfo> *r_signals) const { arg.name = E->get()[i]; mi.arguments.push_back(arg); } - r_signals->push_back(mi); + r_list->push_back(mi); + } + + if (!p_include_base) { + return; } if (base.is_valid()) { - base->get_script_signal_list(r_signals); + base->get_script_signal_list(r_list); } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED else if (base_cache.is_valid()) { - base_cache->get_script_signal_list(r_signals); + base_cache->get_script_signal_list(r_list); } #endif } +void GDScript::get_script_signal_list(List<MethodInfo> *r_signals) const { + _get_script_signal_list(r_signals, true); +} + +String GDScript::_get_gdscript_reference_class_name(const GDScript *p_gdscript) { + ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(p_gdscript, String()); + + String class_name; + while (p_gdscript) { + if (class_name == "") { + class_name = p_gdscript->get_script_class_name(); + } else { + class_name = p_gdscript->get_script_class_name() + "." + class_name; + } + p_gdscript = p_gdscript->_owner; + } + return class_name; +} + GDScript::GDScript() : script_list(this) { valid = false; @@ -1065,6 +1287,13 @@ GDScript::~GDScript() { _save_orphaned_subclasses(); +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + // Clearing inner class doc, script doc only cleared when the script source deleted. + if (_owner) { + _clear_doc(); + } +#endif + #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED { MutexLock lock(GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->lock); diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript.h b/modules/gdscript/gdscript.h index b69a6e39c0..3eb260f95f 100644 --- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript.h +++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript.h @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ #include "core/debugger/engine_debugger.h" #include "core/debugger/script_debugger.h" +#include "core/doc_data.h" #include "core/io/resource_loader.h" #include "core/io/resource_saver.h" #include "core/object/script_language.h" @@ -91,9 +92,7 @@ class GDScript : public Script { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED Map<StringName, int> member_lines; - Map<StringName, Variant> member_default_values; - List<PropertyInfo> members_cache; Map<StringName, Variant> member_default_values_cache; Ref<GDScript> base_cache; @@ -102,6 +101,20 @@ class GDScript : public Script { bool placeholder_fallback_enabled; void _update_exports_values(Map<StringName, Variant> &values, List<PropertyInfo> &propnames); + DocData::ClassDoc doc; + Vector<DocData::ClassDoc> docs; + String doc_brief_description; + String doc_description; + Vector<DocData::TutorialDoc> doc_tutorials; + Map<String, String> doc_functions; + Map<String, String> doc_variables; + Map<String, String> doc_constants; + Map<String, String> doc_signals; + Map<String, DocData::EnumDoc> doc_enums; + void _clear_doc(); + void _update_doc(); + void _add_doc(const DocData::ClassDoc &p_inner_class); + #endif Map<StringName, PropertyInfo> member_info; @@ -141,6 +154,13 @@ class GDScript : public Script { void _save_orphaned_subclasses(); void _init_rpc_methods_properties(); + void _get_script_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *r_list, bool p_include_base) const; + void _get_script_method_list(List<MethodInfo> *r_list, bool p_include_base) const; + void _get_script_signal_list(List<MethodInfo> *r_list, bool p_include_base) const; + + // This method will map the class name from "Reference" to "MyClass.InnerClass". + static String _get_gdscript_reference_class_name(const GDScript *p_gdscript); + protected: bool _get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const; bool _set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value); @@ -191,6 +211,12 @@ public: virtual void set_source_code(const String &p_code) override; virtual void update_exports() override; +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + virtual const Vector<DocData::ClassDoc> &get_documentation() const override { + return docs; + } +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED + virtual Error reload(bool p_keep_state = false) override; void set_script_path(const String &p_path) { path = p_path; } //because subclasses need a path too... @@ -444,6 +470,7 @@ public: virtual Script *create_script() const; virtual bool has_named_classes() const; virtual bool supports_builtin_mode() const; + virtual bool supports_documentation() const; virtual bool can_inherit_from_file() { return true; } virtual int find_function(const String &p_function, const String &p_code) const; virtual String make_function(const String &p_class, const String &p_name, const PackedStringArray &p_args) const; diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_analyzer.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_analyzer.cpp index aa2fa67ef2..1b76c7f967 100644 --- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_analyzer.cpp +++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_analyzer.cpp @@ -860,7 +860,12 @@ void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_function_signature(GDScriptParser::FunctionNode * parser->push_warning(p_function->parameters[i]->identifier, GDScriptWarning::UNUSED_PARAMETER, p_function->identifier->name, p_function->parameters[i]->identifier->name); } is_shadowing(p_function->parameters[i]->identifier, "function parameter"); -#endif +#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + if (p_function->parameters[i]->default_value && p_function->parameters[i]->default_value->is_constant) { + p_function->default_arg_values.push_back(p_function->parameters[i]->default_value->reduced_value); + } +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED } if (p_function->identifier->name == "_init") { @@ -1611,7 +1616,7 @@ void GDScriptAnalyzer::reduce_binary_op(GDScriptParser::BinaryOpNode *p_binary_o if (p_binary_op->reduced_value.get_type() == Variant::STRING) { push_error(vformat(R"(%s in operator %s.)", p_binary_op->reduced_value, Variant::get_operator_name(p_binary_op->variant_op)), p_binary_op); } else { - push_error(vformat(R"(Invalid operands to operator %s, %s and %s.".)", + push_error(vformat(R"(Invalid operands to operator %s, %s and %s.)", Variant::get_operator_name(p_binary_op->variant_op), Variant::get_type_name(p_binary_op->left_operand->reduced_value.get_type()), Variant::get_type_name(p_binary_op->right_operand->reduced_value.get_type())), diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_byte_codegen.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_byte_codegen.cpp index 7c20cda39c..d89b89c8b9 100644 --- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_byte_codegen.cpp +++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_byte_codegen.cpp @@ -40,10 +40,6 @@ uint32_t GDScriptByteCodeGenerator::add_parameter(const StringName &p_name, bool function->_argument_count++; function->argument_types.push_back(p_type); if (p_is_optional) { - if (function->_default_arg_count == 0) { - append(GDScriptFunction::OPCODE_JUMP_TO_DEF_ARGUMENT); - } - function->default_arguments.push_back(opcodes.size()); function->_default_arg_count++; } @@ -96,7 +92,12 @@ void GDScriptByteCodeGenerator::pop_temporary() { current_temporaries--; } -void GDScriptByteCodeGenerator::start_parameters() {} +void GDScriptByteCodeGenerator::start_parameters() { + if (function->_default_arg_count > 0) { + append(GDScriptFunction::OPCODE_JUMP_TO_DEF_ARGUMENT); + function->default_arguments.push_back(opcodes.size()); + } +} void GDScriptByteCodeGenerator::end_parameters() { function->default_arguments.invert(); @@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ GDScriptFunction *GDScriptByteCodeGenerator::write_end() { } if (function->default_arguments.size()) { - function->_default_arg_count = function->default_arguments.size(); + function->_default_arg_count = function->default_arguments.size() - 1; function->_default_arg_ptr = &function->default_arguments[0]; } else { function->_default_arg_count = 0; @@ -633,6 +634,11 @@ void GDScriptByteCodeGenerator::write_assign_false(const Address &p_target) { append(p_target); } +void GDScriptByteCodeGenerator::write_assign_default_parameter(const Address &p_dst, const Address &p_src) { + write_assign(p_dst, p_src); + function->default_arguments.push_back(opcodes.size()); +} + void GDScriptByteCodeGenerator::write_cast(const Address &p_target, const Address &p_source, const GDScriptDataType &p_type) { int index = 0; diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_byte_codegen.h b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_byte_codegen.h index 34d2bb6098..5cbd12a0ba 100644 --- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_byte_codegen.h +++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_byte_codegen.h @@ -401,6 +401,7 @@ public: virtual void write_assign(const Address &p_target, const Address &p_source) override; virtual void write_assign_true(const Address &p_target) override; virtual void write_assign_false(const Address &p_target) override; + virtual void write_assign_default_parameter(const Address &p_dst, const Address &p_src) override; virtual void write_cast(const Address &p_target, const Address &p_source, const GDScriptDataType &p_type) override; virtual void write_call(const Address &p_target, const Address &p_base, const StringName &p_function_name, const Vector<Address> &p_arguments) override; virtual void write_super_call(const Address &p_target, const StringName &p_function_name, const Vector<Address> &p_arguments) override; diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_codegen.h b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_codegen.h index 35e326c61f..559f9b8406 100644 --- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_codegen.h +++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_codegen.h @@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ public: virtual void write_assign(const Address &p_target, const Address &p_source) = 0; virtual void write_assign_true(const Address &p_target) = 0; virtual void write_assign_false(const Address &p_target) = 0; + virtual void write_assign_default_parameter(const Address &dst, const Address &src) = 0; virtual void write_cast(const Address &p_target, const Address &p_source, const GDScriptDataType &p_type) = 0; virtual void write_call(const Address &p_target, const Address &p_base, const StringName &p_function_name, const Vector<Address> &p_arguments) = 0; virtual void write_super_call(const Address &p_target, const StringName &p_function_name, const Vector<Address> &p_arguments) = 0; diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp index b41dc15324..e3f058886f 100644 --- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp +++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp @@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ GDScriptDataType GDScriptCompiler::_gdtype_from_datatype(const GDScriptParser::D } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT: { result.kind = GDScriptDataType::SCRIPT; - result.script_type = Ref<Script>(p_datatype.script_type).ptr(); + result.script_type_ref = Ref<Script>(p_datatype.script_type); + result.script_type = result.script_type_ref.ptr(); result.native_type = result.script_type->get_instance_base_type(); } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: { @@ -124,11 +125,13 @@ GDScriptDataType GDScriptCompiler::_gdtype_from_datatype(const GDScriptParser::D names.pop_back(); } result.kind = GDScriptDataType::GDSCRIPT; - result.script_type = script.ptr(); + result.script_type_ref = script; + result.script_type = result.script_type_ref.ptr(); result.native_type = script->get_instance_base_type(); } else { result.kind = GDScriptDataType::GDSCRIPT; - result.script_type = GDScriptCache::get_shallow_script(p_datatype.script_path, main_script->path).ptr(); + result.script_type_ref = GDScriptCache::get_shallow_script(p_datatype.script_path, main_script->path); + result.script_type = result.script_type_ref.ptr(); result.native_type = p_datatype.native_type; } } @@ -151,8 +154,8 @@ GDScriptDataType GDScriptCompiler::_gdtype_from_datatype(const GDScriptParser::D // Only hold strong reference to the script if it's not the owner of the // element qualified with this type, to avoid cyclic references (leaks). - if (result.script_type && result.script_type != p_owner) { - result.script_type_ref = Ref<Script>(result.script_type); + if (result.script_type && result.script_type == p_owner) { + result.script_type_ref = Ref<Script>(); } return result; @@ -1838,7 +1841,7 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_function(GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptParser return error; } GDScriptCodeGenerator::Address dst_addr = codegen.parameters[parameter->identifier->name]; - codegen.generator->write_assign(dst_addr, src_addr); + codegen.generator->write_assign_default_parameter(dst_addr, src_addr); if (src_addr.mode == GDScriptCodeGenerator::Address::TEMPORARY) { codegen.generator->pop_temporary(); } @@ -1883,6 +1886,7 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_function(GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptParser codegen.generator->set_initial_line(p_func->start_line); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED p_script->member_lines[func_name] = p_func->start_line; + p_script->doc_functions[func_name] = p_func->doc_description; #endif } else { codegen.generator->set_initial_line(0); @@ -1896,6 +1900,21 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_function(GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptParser p_script->implicit_initializer = gd_function; } + if (p_func) { + // if no return statement -> return type is void not unresolved Variant + if (p_func->body->has_return) { + gd_function->return_type = _gdtype_from_datatype(p_func->get_datatype()); + } else { + gd_function->return_type = GDScriptDataType(); + gd_function->return_type.has_type = true; + gd_function->return_type.kind = GDScriptDataType::BUILTIN; + gd_function->return_type.builtin_type = Variant::NIL; + } +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + gd_function->default_arg_values = p_func->default_arg_values; +#endif + } + p_script->member_functions[func_name] = gd_function; memdelete(codegen.generator); @@ -1993,6 +2012,24 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_class_level(GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptPar } } +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + p_script->doc_functions.clear(); + p_script->doc_variables.clear(); + p_script->doc_constants.clear(); + p_script->doc_enums.clear(); + p_script->doc_signals.clear(); + p_script->doc_tutorials.clear(); + + p_script->doc_brief_description = p_class->doc_brief_description; + p_script->doc_description = p_class->doc_description; + for (int i = 0; i < p_class->doc_tutorials.size(); i++) { + DocData::TutorialDoc td; + td.title = p_class->doc_tutorials[i].first; + td.link = p_class->doc_tutorials[i].second; + p_script->doc_tutorials.append(td); + } +#endif + p_script->native = Ref<GDScriptNativeClass>(); p_script->base = Ref<GDScript>(); p_script->_base = nullptr; @@ -2105,20 +2142,23 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_class_level(GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptPar prop_info.hint = export_info.hint; prop_info.hint_string = export_info.hint_string; prop_info.usage = export_info.usage; -#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED - if (variable->initializer != nullptr && variable->initializer->type == GDScriptParser::Node::LITERAL) { - p_script->member_default_values[name] = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::LiteralNode *>(variable->initializer)->value; - } -#endif } else { prop_info.usage = PROPERTY_USAGE_SCRIPT_VARIABLE; } +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + p_script->doc_variables[name] = variable->doc_description; +#endif p_script->member_info[name] = prop_info; p_script->member_indices[name] = minfo; p_script->members.insert(name); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + if (variable->initializer != nullptr && variable->initializer->is_constant) { + p_script->member_default_values[name] = variable->initializer->reduced_value; + } else { + p_script->member_default_values.erase(name); + } p_script->member_lines[name] = variable->start_line; #endif } break; @@ -2129,8 +2169,10 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_class_level(GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptPar p_script->constants.insert(name, constant->initializer->reduced_value); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED - p_script->member_lines[name] = constant->start_line; + if (constant->doc_description != String()) { + p_script->doc_constants[name] = constant->doc_description; + } #endif } break; @@ -2141,6 +2183,15 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_class_level(GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptPar p_script->constants.insert(name, enum_value.value); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED p_script->member_lines[name] = enum_value.identifier->start_line; + if (!p_script->doc_enums.has("@unnamed_enums")) { + p_script->doc_enums["@unnamed_enums"] = DocData::EnumDoc(); + p_script->doc_enums["@unnamed_enums"].name = "@unnamed_enums"; + } + DocData::ConstantDoc const_doc; + const_doc.name = enum_value.identifier->name; + const_doc.value = Variant(enum_value.value).operator String(); // TODO-DOC: enum value currently is int. + const_doc.description = enum_value.doc_description; + p_script->doc_enums["@unnamed_enums"].values.push_back(const_doc); #endif } break; @@ -2176,6 +2227,11 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_class_level(GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptPar parameters_names.write[j] = signal->parameters[j]->identifier->name; } p_script->_signals[name] = parameters_names; +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + if (!signal->doc_description.empty()) { + p_script->doc_signals[name] = signal->doc_description; + } +#endif } break; case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::ENUM: { @@ -2192,6 +2248,16 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_class_level(GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptPar p_script->constants.insert(enum_n->identifier->name, new_enum); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED p_script->member_lines[enum_n->identifier->name] = enum_n->start_line; + p_script->doc_enums[enum_n->identifier->name] = DocData::EnumDoc(); + p_script->doc_enums[enum_n->identifier->name].name = enum_n->identifier->name; + p_script->doc_enums[enum_n->identifier->name].description = enum_n->doc_description; + for (int j = 0; j < enum_n->values.size(); j++) { + DocData::ConstantDoc const_doc; + const_doc.name = enum_n->values[j].identifier->name; + const_doc.value = Variant(enum_n->values[j].value).operator String(); + const_doc.description = enum_n->values[j].doc_description; + p_script->doc_enums[enum_n->identifier->name].values.push_back(const_doc); + } #endif } break; default: diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_editor.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_editor.cpp index a426046797..af9673a9b8 100644 --- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_editor.cpp +++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_editor.cpp @@ -193,6 +193,10 @@ bool GDScriptLanguage::supports_builtin_mode() const { return true; } +bool GDScriptLanguage::supports_documentation() const { + return true; +} + int GDScriptLanguage::find_function(const String &p_function, const String &p_code) const { GDScriptTokenizer tokenizer; tokenizer.set_source_code(p_code); @@ -1054,10 +1058,8 @@ static void _find_identifiers(GDScriptParser::CompletionContext &p_context, bool } static const char *_keywords[] = { - "and", "in", "not", "or", "false", "PI", "TAU", "INF", "NAN", "self", "true", "as", "assert", - "breakpoint", "class", "extends", "is", "func", "preload", "signal", "tool", "await", - "const", "enum", "static", "super", "var", "break", "continue", "if", "elif", - "else", "for", "pass", "return", "match", "while", + "false", "PI", "TAU", "INF", "NAN", "self", "true", "breakpoint", "tool", "super", + "break", "continue", "pass", "return", 0 }; @@ -1068,6 +1070,33 @@ static void _find_identifiers(GDScriptParser::CompletionContext &p_context, bool kw++; } + static const char *_keywords_with_space[] = { + "and", "in", "not", "or", "as", "class", "extends", "is", "func", "signal", "await", + "const", "enum", "static", "var", "if", "elif", "else", "for", "match", "while", + 0 + }; + + const char **kws = _keywords_with_space; + while (*kws) { + ScriptCodeCompletionOption option(*kws, ScriptCodeCompletionOption::KIND_PLAIN_TEXT); + option.insert_text += " "; + r_result.insert(option.display, option); + kws++; + } + + static const char *_keywords_with_args[] = { + "assert", "preload", + 0 + }; + + const char **kwa = _keywords_with_args; + while (*kwa) { + ScriptCodeCompletionOption option(*kwa, ScriptCodeCompletionOption::KIND_FUNCTION); + option.insert_text += "("; + r_result.insert(option.display, option); + kwa++; + } + Map<StringName, ProjectSettings::AutoloadInfo> autoloads = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_autoload_list(); for (const Map<StringName, ProjectSettings::AutoloadInfo>::Element *E = autoloads.front(); E != nullptr; E = E->next()) { if (!E->value().is_singleton) { diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_function.h b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_function.h index bb5cc1284d..7bc20672d5 100644 --- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_function.h +++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_function.h @@ -379,6 +379,7 @@ private: #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED Vector<StringName> arg_names; + Vector<Variant> default_arg_values; #endif List<StackDebug> stack_debug; @@ -458,6 +459,11 @@ public: ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, default_arguments.size(), Variant()); return default_arguments[p_idx]; } +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + const Vector<Variant> &get_default_arg_values() const { + return default_arg_values; + } +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED Variant call(GDScriptInstance *p_instance, const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Callable::CallError &r_err, CallState *p_state = nullptr); diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_parser.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_parser.cpp index 372af204f5..48fca16ab1 100644 --- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_parser.cpp +++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_parser.cpp @@ -558,6 +558,17 @@ void GDScriptParser::parse_program() { parse_class_body(); +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + for (Map<int, GDScriptTokenizer::CommentData>::Element *E = tokenizer.get_comments().front(); E; E = E->next()) { + if (E->get().new_line && E->get().comment.begins_with("##")) { + class_doc_line = MIN(class_doc_line, E->key()); + } + } + if (has_comment(class_doc_line)) { + get_class_doc_comment(class_doc_line, head->doc_brief_description, head->doc_description, head->doc_tutorials, false); + } +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED + if (!check(GDScriptTokenizer::Token::TK_EOF)) { push_error("Expected end of file."); } @@ -668,6 +679,10 @@ void GDScriptParser::parse_class_member(T *(GDScriptParser::*p_parse_function)() if (member == nullptr) { return; } +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + int doc_comment_line = member->start_line - 1; +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED + // Consume annotations. while (!annotation_stack.empty()) { AnnotationNode *last_annotation = annotation_stack.back()->get(); @@ -680,7 +695,25 @@ void GDScriptParser::parse_class_member(T *(GDScriptParser::*p_parse_function)() clear_unused_annotations(); return; } +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + if (last_annotation->start_line == doc_comment_line) { + doc_comment_line--; + } +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED + } + +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + // Consume doc comments. + class_doc_line = MIN(class_doc_line, doc_comment_line - 1); + if (has_comment(doc_comment_line)) { + if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, ClassNode>) { + get_class_doc_comment(doc_comment_line, member->doc_brief_description, member->doc_description, member->doc_tutorials, true); + } else { + member->doc_description = get_doc_comment(doc_comment_line); + } } +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED + if (member->identifier != nullptr) { // Enums may be unnamed. // TODO: Consider names in outer scope too, for constants and classes (and static functions?) @@ -1050,6 +1083,7 @@ GDScriptParser::EnumNode *GDScriptParser::parse_enum() { item.parent_enum = enum_node; item.line = previous.start_line; item.leftmost_column = previous.leftmost_column; + item.rightmost_column = previous.rightmost_column; if (elements.has(item.identifier->name)) { push_error(vformat(R"(Name "%s" was already in this enum (at line %d).)", item.identifier->name, elements[item.identifier->name]), item.identifier); @@ -1088,6 +1122,31 @@ GDScriptParser::EnumNode *GDScriptParser::parse_enum() { pop_multiline(); consume(GDScriptTokenizer::Token::BRACE_CLOSE, R"(Expected closing "}" for enum.)"); +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + // Enum values documentaion. + for (int i = 0; i < enum_node->values.size(); i++) { + if (i == enum_node->values.size() - 1) { + // If close bracket is same line as last value. + if (enum_node->values[i].line != previous.start_line && has_comment(enum_node->values[i].line)) { + if (named) { + enum_node->values.write[i].doc_description = get_doc_comment(enum_node->values[i].line, true); + } else { + current_class->set_enum_value_doc(enum_node->values[i].identifier->name, get_doc_comment(enum_node->values[i].line, true)); + } + } + } else { + // If two values are same line. + if (enum_node->values[i].line != enum_node->values[i + 1].line && has_comment(enum_node->values[i].line)) { + if (named) { + enum_node->values.write[i].doc_description = get_doc_comment(enum_node->values[i].line, true); + } else { + current_class->set_enum_value_doc(enum_node->values[i].identifier->name, get_doc_comment(enum_node->values[i].line, true)); + } + } + } + } +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED + end_statement("enum"); return enum_node; @@ -2624,6 +2683,218 @@ GDScriptParser::TypeNode *GDScriptParser::parse_type(bool p_allow_void) { return type; } +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED +static bool _in_codeblock(String p_line, bool p_already_in, int *r_block_begins = nullptr) { + int start_block = p_line.rfind("[codeblock]"); + int end_block = p_line.rfind("[/codeblock]"); + + if (start_block != -1 && r_block_begins) { + *r_block_begins = start_block; + } + + if (p_already_in) { + if (end_block == -1) { + return true; + } else if (start_block == -1) { + return false; + } else { + return start_block > end_block; + } + } else { + if (start_block == -1) { + return false; + } else if (end_block == -1) { + return true; + } else { + return start_block > end_block; + } + } +} + +bool GDScriptParser::has_comment(int p_line) { + return tokenizer.get_comments().has(p_line); +} + +String GDScriptParser::get_doc_comment(int p_line, bool p_single_line) { + const Map<int, GDScriptTokenizer::CommentData> &comments = tokenizer.get_comments(); + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!comments.has(p_line), String()); + + if (p_single_line) { + if (comments[p_line].comment.begins_with("##")) { + return comments[p_line].comment.trim_prefix("##").strip_edges(); + } + return ""; + } + + String doc; + + int line = p_line; + bool in_codeblock = false; + + while (comments.has(line - 1)) { + if (!comments[line - 1].new_line || !comments[line - 1].comment.begins_with("##")) { + break; + } + line--; + } + + int codeblock_begins = 0; + while (comments.has(line)) { + if (!comments[line].new_line || !comments[line].comment.begins_with("##")) { + break; + } + String doc_line = comments[line].comment.trim_prefix("##"); + + in_codeblock = _in_codeblock(doc_line, in_codeblock, &codeblock_begins); + + if (in_codeblock) { + int i = 0; + for (; i < codeblock_begins; i++) { + if (doc_line[i] != ' ') { + break; + } + } + doc_line = doc_line.substr(i); + } else { + doc_line = doc_line.strip_edges(); + } + String line_join = (in_codeblock) ? "\n" : " "; + + doc = (doc.empty()) ? doc_line : doc + line_join + doc_line; + line++; + } + + return doc; +} + +void GDScriptParser::get_class_doc_comment(int p_line, String &p_brief, String &p_desc, Vector<Pair<String, String>> &p_tutorials, bool p_inner_class) { + const Map<int, GDScriptTokenizer::CommentData> &comments = tokenizer.get_comments(); + if (!comments.has(p_line)) { + return; + } + ERR_FAIL_COND(p_brief != "" || p_desc != "" || p_tutorials.size() != 0); + + int line = p_line; + bool in_codeblock = false; + enum Mode { + BRIEF, + DESC, + TUTORIALS, + DONE, + }; + Mode mode = BRIEF; + + if (p_inner_class) { + while (comments.has(line - 1)) { + if (!comments[line - 1].new_line || !comments[line - 1].comment.begins_with("##")) { + break; + } + line--; + } + } + + int codeblock_begins = 0; + while (comments.has(line)) { + if (!comments[line].new_line || !comments[line].comment.begins_with("##")) { + break; + } + + String title, link; // For tutorials. + String doc_line = comments[line++].comment.trim_prefix("##"); + String striped_line = doc_line.strip_edges(); + + // Set the read mode. + if (striped_line.begins_with("@desc:") && p_desc == "") { + mode = DESC; + striped_line = striped_line.trim_prefix("@desc:"); + in_codeblock = _in_codeblock(doc_line, in_codeblock); + + } else if (striped_line.begins_with("@tutorial")) { + int begin_scan = String("@tutorial").length(); + if (begin_scan >= striped_line.length()) { + continue; // invalid syntax. + } + + if (striped_line[begin_scan] == ':') { // No title. + // Syntax: ## @tutorial: https://godotengine.org/ // The title argument is optional. + title = ""; + link = striped_line.trim_prefix("@tutorial:").strip_edges(); + + } else { + /* Syntax: + @tutorial ( The Title Here ) : http://the.url/ + ^ open ^ close ^ colon ^ url + */ + int open_bracket_pos = begin_scan, close_bracket_pos = 0; + while (open_bracket_pos < striped_line.length() && (striped_line[open_bracket_pos] == ' ' || striped_line[open_bracket_pos] == '\t')) { + open_bracket_pos++; + } + if (open_bracket_pos == striped_line.length() || striped_line[open_bracket_pos++] != '(') { + continue; // invalid syntax. + } + close_bracket_pos = open_bracket_pos; + while (close_bracket_pos < striped_line.length() && striped_line[close_bracket_pos] != ')') { + close_bracket_pos++; + } + if (close_bracket_pos == striped_line.length()) { + continue; // invalid syntax. + } + + int colon_pos = close_bracket_pos + 1; + while (colon_pos < striped_line.length() && (striped_line[colon_pos] == ' ' || striped_line[colon_pos] == '\t')) { + colon_pos++; + } + if (colon_pos == striped_line.length() || striped_line[colon_pos++] != ':') { + continue; // invalid syntax. + } + + title = striped_line.substr(open_bracket_pos, close_bracket_pos - open_bracket_pos).strip_edges(); + link = striped_line.substr(colon_pos).strip_edges(); + } + + mode = TUTORIALS; + in_codeblock = false; + } else if (striped_line.empty()) { + continue; + } else { + // Tutorial docs are single line, we need a @tag after it. + if (mode == TUTORIALS) { + mode = DONE; + } + + in_codeblock = _in_codeblock(doc_line, in_codeblock, &codeblock_begins); + } + + if (in_codeblock) { + int i = 0; + for (; i < codeblock_begins; i++) { + if (doc_line[i] != ' ') { + break; + } + } + doc_line = doc_line.substr(i); + } else { + doc_line = striped_line; + } + String line_join = (in_codeblock) ? "\n" : " "; + + switch (mode) { + case BRIEF: + p_brief = (p_brief.length() == 0) ? doc_line : p_brief + line_join + doc_line; + break; + case DESC: + p_desc = (p_desc.length() == 0) ? doc_line : p_desc + line_join + doc_line; + break; + case TUTORIALS: + p_tutorials.append(Pair<String, String>(title, link)); + break; + case DONE: + return; + } + } +} +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED + GDScriptParser::ParseRule *GDScriptParser::get_rule(GDScriptTokenizer::Token::Type p_token_type) { // Function table for expression parsing. // clang-format destroys the alignment here, so turn off for the table. diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_parser.h b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_parser.h index b24acc4778..44605bc20f 100644 --- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_parser.h +++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_parser.h @@ -413,9 +413,16 @@ public: int line = 0; int leftmost_column = 0; int rightmost_column = 0; +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + String doc_description; +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED }; + IdentifierNode *identifier = nullptr; Vector<Value> values; +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + String doc_description; +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED EnumNode() { type = ENUM; @@ -568,6 +575,17 @@ public: Vector<StringName> extends; // List for indexing: extends A.B.C DataType base_type; String fqcn; // Fully-qualified class name. Identifies uniquely any class in the project. +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + String doc_description; + String doc_brief_description; + Vector<Pair<String, String>> doc_tutorials; + + // EnumValue docs are parsed after itself, so we need a method to add/modify the doc property later. + void set_enum_value_doc(const StringName &p_name, const String &p_doc_description) { + ERR_FAIL_INDEX(members_indices[p_name], members.size()); + members.write[members_indices[p_name]].enum_value.doc_description = p_doc_description; + } +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED bool resolved_interface = false; bool resolved_body = false; @@ -602,6 +620,9 @@ public: TypeNode *datatype_specifier = nullptr; bool infer_datatype = false; int usages = 0; +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + String doc_description; +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED ConstantNode() { type = CONSTANT; @@ -653,6 +674,10 @@ public: bool is_coroutine = false; MultiplayerAPI::RPCMode rpc_mode = MultiplayerAPI::RPC_MODE_DISABLED; MethodInfo info; +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + Vector<Variant> default_arg_values; + String doc_description; +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED bool resolved_signature = false; bool resolved_body = false; @@ -820,6 +845,9 @@ public: IdentifierNode *identifier = nullptr; Vector<ParameterNode *> parameters; HashMap<StringName, int> parameters_indices; +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + String doc_description; +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED SignalNode() { type = SIGNAL; @@ -1012,6 +1040,9 @@ public: MultiplayerAPI::RPCMode rpc_mode = MultiplayerAPI::RPC_MODE_DISABLED; int assignments = 0; int usages = 0; +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + String doc_description; +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED VariableNode() { type = VARIABLE; @@ -1270,6 +1301,13 @@ private: ExpressionNode *parse_subscript(ExpressionNode *p_previous_operand, bool p_can_assign); ExpressionNode *parse_invalid_token(ExpressionNode *p_previous_operand, bool p_can_assign); TypeNode *parse_type(bool p_allow_void = false); +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + // Doc comments. + int class_doc_line = 0x7FFFFFFF; + bool has_comment(int p_line); + String get_doc_comment(int p_line, bool p_single_line = false); + void get_class_doc_comment(int p_line, String &p_brief, String &p_desc, Vector<Pair<String, String>> &p_tutorials, bool p_inner_class); +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED public: Error parse(const String &p_source_code, const String &p_script_path, bool p_for_completion); diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_tokenizer.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_tokenizer.cpp index b91777ede1..ac43105254 100644 --- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_tokenizer.cpp +++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_tokenizer.cpp @@ -1014,9 +1014,17 @@ void GDScriptTokenizer::check_indent() { } if (_peek() == '#') { // Comment. Advance to the next line. +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + String comment; + while (_peek() != '\n' && !_is_at_end()) { + comment += _advance(); + } + comments[line] = CommentData(comment, true); +#else while (_peek() != '\n' && !_is_at_end()) { _advance(); } +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED if (_is_at_end()) { // Reached the end with an empty line, so just dedent as much as needed. pending_indents -= indent_level(); @@ -1125,18 +1133,26 @@ void GDScriptTokenizer::_skip_whitespace() { newline(!is_bol); // Don't create new line token if line is empty. check_indent(); break; - case '#': + case '#': { // Comment. +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + String comment; + while (_peek() != '\n' && !_is_at_end()) { + comment += _advance(); + } + comments[line] = CommentData(comment, is_bol); +#else while (_peek() != '\n' && !_is_at_end()) { _advance(); } +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED if (_is_at_end()) { return; } _advance(); // Consume '\n' newline(!is_bol); check_indent(); - break; + } break; default: return; } diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_tokenizer.h b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_tokenizer.h index d51f1f250f..f236c86f9f 100644 --- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_tokenizer.h +++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_tokenizer.h @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ #define GDSCRIPT_TOKENIZER_H #include "core/templates/list.h" +#include "core/templates/map.h" #include "core/templates/set.h" #include "core/templates/vector.h" #include "core/variant/variant.h" @@ -181,6 +182,21 @@ public: } }; +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + struct CommentData { + String comment; + bool new_line = false; + CommentData() {} + CommentData(const String &p_comment, bool p_new_line) { + comment = p_comment; + new_line = p_new_line; + } + }; + const Map<int, CommentData> &get_comments() const { + return comments; + } +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED + private: String source; const char32_t *_source = nullptr; @@ -207,6 +223,10 @@ private: int position = 0; int length = 0; +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + Map<int, CommentData> comments; +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED + _FORCE_INLINE_ bool _is_at_end() { return position >= length; } _FORCE_INLINE_ char32_t _peek(int p_offset = 0) { return position + p_offset >= 0 && position + p_offset < length ? _current[p_offset] : '\0'; } int indent_level() const { return indent_stack.size(); } diff --git a/modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_protocol.cpp b/modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_protocol.cpp index 6ddb0d149e..729be237ec 100644 --- a/modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_protocol.cpp +++ b/modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_protocol.cpp @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "core/io/json.h" #include "core/os/copymem.h" +#include "editor/doc_tools.h" #include "editor/editor_log.h" #include "editor/editor_node.h" @@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ Dictionary GDScriptLanguageProtocol::initialize(const Dictionary &p_params) { void GDScriptLanguageProtocol::initialized(const Variant &p_params) { lsp::GodotCapabilities capabilities; - DocData *doc = EditorHelp::get_doc_data(); + DocTools *doc = EditorHelp::get_doc_data(); for (Map<String, DocData::ClassDoc>::Element *E = doc->class_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { lsp::GodotNativeClassInfo gdclass; gdclass.name = E->get().name; diff --git a/modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_workspace.cpp b/modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_workspace.cpp index f6643d07f9..60668e7b31 100644 --- a/modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_workspace.cpp +++ b/modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_workspace.cpp @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ #include "../gdscript_parser.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "core/object/script_language.h" +#include "editor/doc_tools.h" #include "editor/editor_file_system.h" #include "editor/editor_help.h" #include "editor/editor_node.h" @@ -189,7 +190,7 @@ Error GDScriptWorkspace::initialize() { return OK; } - DocData *doc = EditorHelp::get_doc_data(); + DocTools *doc = EditorHelp::get_doc_data(); for (Map<String, DocData::ClassDoc>::Element *E = doc->class_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const DocData::ClassDoc &class_data = E->value(); lsp::DocumentSymbol class_symbol; diff --git a/modules/gdscript/language_server/lsp.hpp b/modules/gdscript/language_server/lsp.hpp index 288fd41c87..1029c53bbf 100644 --- a/modules/gdscript/language_server/lsp.hpp +++ b/modules/gdscript/language_server/lsp.hpp @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ #ifndef GODOT_LSP_H #define GODOT_LSP_H +#include "core/doc_data.h" #include "core/object/class_db.h" #include "core/templates/list.h" -#include "editor/doc_data.h" namespace lsp { diff --git a/modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp b/modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp index 0e6ec7f520..cda217acf0 100644 --- a/modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp +++ b/modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp @@ -1030,11 +1030,15 @@ void GridMapEditor::_notification(int p_what) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { grid[i] = RS::get_singleton()->mesh_create(); grid_instance[i] = RS::get_singleton()->instance_create2(grid[i], get_tree()->get_root()->get_world_3d()->get_scenario()); + RenderingServer::get_singleton()->instance_set_layer_mask(grid_instance[i], 1 << Node3DEditorViewport::MISC_TOOL_LAYER); selection_level_instance[i] = RenderingServer::get_singleton()->instance_create2(selection_level_mesh[i], get_tree()->get_root()->get_world_3d()->get_scenario()); + RenderingServer::get_singleton()->instance_set_layer_mask(selection_level_instance[i], 1 << Node3DEditorViewport::MISC_TOOL_LAYER); } selection_instance = RenderingServer::get_singleton()->instance_create2(selection_mesh, get_tree()->get_root()->get_world_3d()->get_scenario()); + RenderingServer::get_singleton()->instance_set_layer_mask(selection_instance, 1 << Node3DEditorViewport::MISC_TOOL_LAYER); paste_instance = RenderingServer::get_singleton()->instance_create2(paste_mesh, get_tree()->get_root()->get_world_3d()->get_scenario()); + RenderingServer::get_singleton()->instance_set_layer_mask(paste_instance, 1 << Node3DEditorViewport::MISC_TOOL_LAYER); _update_selection_transform(); _update_paste_indicator(); diff --git a/modules/lightmapper_rd/lightmapper_rd.cpp b/modules/lightmapper_rd/lightmapper_rd.cpp index 1ef991841b..49ae6e28b2 100644 --- a/modules/lightmapper_rd/lightmapper_rd.cpp +++ b/modules/lightmapper_rd/lightmapper_rd.cpp @@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ void LightmapperRD::_create_acceleration_structures(RenderingDevice *rd, Size2i tf.width = grid_size; tf.height = grid_size; tf.depth = grid_size; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_3D; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_3D; tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_UPDATE_BIT; Vector<Vector<uint8_t>> texdata; @@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ LightmapperRD::BakeError LightmapperRD::bake(BakeQuality p_quality, bool p_use_d tf.width = atlas_size.width; tf.height = atlas_size.height; tf.array_layers = atlas_slices; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D_ARRAY; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D_ARRAY; tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_UPDATE_BIT; tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM; @@ -826,84 +826,84 @@ LightmapperRD::BakeError LightmapperRD::bake(BakeQuality p_quality, bool p_use_d { { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(vertex_buffer); base_uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 2; u.ids.push_back(triangle_buffer); base_uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 3; u.ids.push_back(box_buffer); base_uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 4; u.ids.push_back(triangle_cell_indices_buffer); base_uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 5; u.ids.push_back(lights_buffer); base_uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 6; u.ids.push_back(seams_buffer); base_uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 7; u.ids.push_back(probe_positions_buffer); base_uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 8; u.ids.push_back(grid_texture); base_uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 9; u.ids.push_back(grid_texture_sdf); base_uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 10; u.ids.push_back(albedo_array_tex); base_uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 11; u.ids.push_back(emission_array_tex); base_uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.binding = 12; u.ids.push_back(sampler); base_uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ LightmapperRD::BakeError LightmapperRD::bake(BakeQuality p_quality, bool p_use_d tf.width = atlas_size.width; tf.height = atlas_size.height; tf.depth = 1; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT; tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT; @@ -1049,14 +1049,14 @@ LightmapperRD::BakeError LightmapperRD::bake(BakeQuality p_quality, bool p_use_d { { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(position_tex); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(unocclude_tex); //will be unused uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1089,42 +1089,42 @@ LightmapperRD::BakeError LightmapperRD::bake(BakeQuality p_quality, bool p_use_d { { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(light_source_tex); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(light_dest_tex); //will be unused uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 2; u.ids.push_back(position_tex); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 3; u.ids.push_back(normal_tex); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 4; u.ids.push_back(light_accum_tex); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 5; u.ids.push_back(light_primary_dynamic_tex); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1169,49 +1169,49 @@ LightmapperRD::BakeError LightmapperRD::bake(BakeQuality p_quality, bool p_use_d { { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(light_dest_tex); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(light_source_tex); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 2; u.ids.push_back(position_tex); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 3; u.ids.push_back(normal_tex); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 4; u.ids.push_back(light_accum_tex); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 5; u.ids.push_back(unocclude_tex); //reuse unocclude tex uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 6; u.ids.push_back(light_environment_tex); //reuse unocclude tex uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1317,28 +1317,28 @@ LightmapperRD::BakeError LightmapperRD::bake(BakeQuality p_quality, bool p_use_d { { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(light_probe_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(light_dest_tex); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 2; u.ids.push_back(light_primary_dynamic_tex); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 3; u.ids.push_back(light_environment_tex); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1463,14 +1463,14 @@ LightmapperRD::BakeError LightmapperRD::bake(BakeQuality p_quality, bool p_use_d { { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(light_accum_tex); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(light_accum_tex2); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1554,7 +1554,7 @@ LightmapperRD::BakeError LightmapperRD::bake(BakeQuality p_quality, bool p_use_d { { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(light_accum_tex2); uniforms.push_back(u); diff --git a/modules/mbedtls/SCsub b/modules/mbedtls/SCsub index 5f5d25a3ee..3b1739c6ee 100755 --- a/modules/mbedtls/SCsub +++ b/modules/mbedtls/SCsub @@ -100,3 +100,7 @@ if env["builtin_mbedtls"]: # Module sources env_mbed_tls.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, "*.cpp") + +if env["tests"]: + env_mbed_tls.Append(CPPDEFINES=["TESTS_ENABLED"]) + env_mbed_tls.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, "./tests/*.cpp") diff --git a/modules/mbedtls/crypto_mbedtls.cpp b/modules/mbedtls/crypto_mbedtls.cpp index bec792450a..4ea38ebd60 100644 --- a/modules/mbedtls/crypto_mbedtls.cpp +++ b/modules/mbedtls/crypto_mbedtls.cpp @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ #define PEM_END_CRT "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n" #include <mbedtls/debug.h> +#include <mbedtls/md.h> #include <mbedtls/pem.h> CryptoKey *CryptoKeyMbedTLS::create() { @@ -186,6 +187,68 @@ Error X509CertificateMbedTLS::save(String p_path) { return OK; } +bool HMACContextMbedTLS::is_md_type_allowed(mbedtls_md_type_t p_md_type) { + switch (p_md_type) { + case MBEDTLS_MD_SHA1: + case MBEDTLS_MD_SHA256: + return true; + default: + return false; + } +} + +HMACContext *HMACContextMbedTLS::create() { + return memnew(HMACContextMbedTLS); +} + +Error HMACContextMbedTLS::start(HashingContext::HashType p_hash_type, PackedByteArray p_key) { + ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(ctx != nullptr, ERR_FILE_ALREADY_IN_USE, "HMACContext already started."); + + // HMAC keys can be any size. + ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_key.empty(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Key must not be empty."); + + hash_type = p_hash_type; + mbedtls_md_type_t ht = CryptoMbedTLS::md_type_from_hashtype(p_hash_type, hash_len); + + bool allowed = HMACContextMbedTLS::is_md_type_allowed(ht); + ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!allowed, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Unsupported hash type."); + + ctx = memalloc(sizeof(mbedtls_md_context_t)); + mbedtls_md_init((mbedtls_md_context_t *)ctx); + + mbedtls_md_setup((mbedtls_md_context_t *)ctx, mbedtls_md_info_from_type((mbedtls_md_type_t)ht), 1); + int ret = mbedtls_md_hmac_starts((mbedtls_md_context_t *)ctx, (const uint8_t *)p_key.ptr(), (size_t)p_key.size()); + return ret ? FAILED : OK; +} + +Error HMACContextMbedTLS::update(PackedByteArray p_data) { + ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(ctx == nullptr, ERR_INVALID_DATA, "Start must be called before update."); + + ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_data.empty(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Src must not be empty."); + + int ret = mbedtls_md_hmac_update((mbedtls_md_context_t *)ctx, (const uint8_t *)p_data.ptr(), (size_t)p_data.size()); + return ret ? FAILED : OK; +} + +PackedByteArray HMACContextMbedTLS::finish() { + ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(ctx == nullptr, PackedByteArray(), "Start must be called before finish."); + ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(hash_len == 0, PackedByteArray(), "Unsupported hash type."); + + PackedByteArray out; + out.resize(hash_len); + + unsigned char *out_ptr = (unsigned char *)out.ptrw(); + int ret = mbedtls_md_hmac_finish((mbedtls_md_context_t *)ctx, out_ptr); + + mbedtls_md_free((mbedtls_md_context_t *)ctx); + memfree((mbedtls_md_context_t *)ctx); + ctx = nullptr; + hash_len = 0; + + ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(ret, PackedByteArray(), "Error received while finishing HMAC"); + return out; +} + Crypto *CryptoMbedTLS::create() { return memnew(CryptoMbedTLS); } @@ -199,6 +262,7 @@ void CryptoMbedTLS::initialize_crypto() { Crypto::_load_default_certificates = load_default_certificates; X509CertificateMbedTLS::make_default(); CryptoKeyMbedTLS::make_default(); + HMACContextMbedTLS::make_default(); } void CryptoMbedTLS::finalize_crypto() { @@ -210,6 +274,7 @@ void CryptoMbedTLS::finalize_crypto() { } X509CertificateMbedTLS::finalize(); CryptoKeyMbedTLS::finalize(); + HMACContextMbedTLS::finalize(); } CryptoMbedTLS::CryptoMbedTLS() { @@ -313,7 +378,7 @@ PackedByteArray CryptoMbedTLS::generate_random_bytes(int p_bytes) { return out; } -mbedtls_md_type_t CryptoMbedTLS::_md_type_from_hashtype(HashingContext::HashType p_hash_type, int &r_size) { +mbedtls_md_type_t CryptoMbedTLS::md_type_from_hashtype(HashingContext::HashType p_hash_type, int &r_size) { switch (p_hash_type) { case HashingContext::HASH_MD5: r_size = 16; @@ -332,7 +397,7 @@ mbedtls_md_type_t CryptoMbedTLS::_md_type_from_hashtype(HashingContext::HashType Vector<uint8_t> CryptoMbedTLS::sign(HashingContext::HashType p_hash_type, Vector<uint8_t> p_hash, Ref<CryptoKey> p_key) { int size; - mbedtls_md_type_t type = _md_type_from_hashtype(p_hash_type, size); + mbedtls_md_type_t type = CryptoMbedTLS::md_type_from_hashtype(p_hash_type, size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(type == MBEDTLS_MD_NONE, Vector<uint8_t>(), "Invalid hash type."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_hash.size() != size, Vector<uint8_t>(), "Invalid hash provided. Size must be " + itos(size)); Ref<CryptoKeyMbedTLS> key = static_cast<Ref<CryptoKeyMbedTLS>>(p_key); @@ -350,7 +415,7 @@ Vector<uint8_t> CryptoMbedTLS::sign(HashingContext::HashType p_hash_type, Vector bool CryptoMbedTLS::verify(HashingContext::HashType p_hash_type, Vector<uint8_t> p_hash, Vector<uint8_t> p_signature, Ref<CryptoKey> p_key) { int size; - mbedtls_md_type_t type = _md_type_from_hashtype(p_hash_type, size); + mbedtls_md_type_t type = CryptoMbedTLS::md_type_from_hashtype(p_hash_type, size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(type == MBEDTLS_MD_NONE, false, "Invalid hash type."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_hash.size() != size, false, "Invalid hash provided. Size must be " + itos(size)); Ref<CryptoKeyMbedTLS> key = static_cast<Ref<CryptoKeyMbedTLS>>(p_key); diff --git a/modules/mbedtls/crypto_mbedtls.h b/modules/mbedtls/crypto_mbedtls.h index e40ca08643..990f8ae578 100644 --- a/modules/mbedtls/crypto_mbedtls.h +++ b/modules/mbedtls/crypto_mbedtls.h @@ -101,12 +101,31 @@ public: friend class SSLContextMbedTLS; }; +class HMACContextMbedTLS : public HMACContext { +private: + HashingContext::HashType hash_type; + int hash_len = 0; + void *ctx = nullptr; + +public: + static HMACContext *create(); + static void make_default() { HMACContext::_create = create; } + static void finalize() { HMACContext::_create = nullptr; } + + static bool is_md_type_allowed(mbedtls_md_type_t p_md_type); + + virtual Error start(HashingContext::HashType p_hash_type, PackedByteArray p_key); + virtual Error update(PackedByteArray p_data); + virtual PackedByteArray finish(); + + HMACContextMbedTLS() {} +}; + class CryptoMbedTLS : public Crypto { private: mbedtls_entropy_context entropy; mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context ctr_drbg; static X509CertificateMbedTLS *default_certs; - mbedtls_md_type_t _md_type_from_hashtype(HashingContext::HashType p_hash_type, int &r_size); public: static Crypto *create(); @@ -114,6 +133,7 @@ public: static void finalize_crypto(); static X509CertificateMbedTLS *get_default_certificates(); static void load_default_certificates(String p_path); + static mbedtls_md_type_t md_type_from_hashtype(HashingContext::HashType p_hash_type, int &r_size); virtual PackedByteArray generate_random_bytes(int p_bytes); virtual Ref<CryptoKey> generate_rsa(int p_bytes); diff --git a/modules/mbedtls/register_types.cpp b/modules/mbedtls/register_types.cpp index 84a27c29bd..59abbac8ec 100644 --- a/modules/mbedtls/register_types.cpp +++ b/modules/mbedtls/register_types.cpp @@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ #include "packet_peer_mbed_dtls.h" #include "stream_peer_mbedtls.h" +#ifdef TESTS_ENABLED +#include "tests/test_crypto_mbedtls.h" +#endif + void register_mbedtls_types() { CryptoMbedTLS::initialize_crypto(); StreamPeerMbedTLS::initialize_ssl(); diff --git a/modules/mbedtls/tests/test_crypto_mbedtls.cpp b/modules/mbedtls/tests/test_crypto_mbedtls.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c5a27aa794 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/mbedtls/tests/test_crypto_mbedtls.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* test_crypto_mbedtls.cpp */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#include "modules/mbedtls/tests/test_crypto_mbedtls.h" + +#include "modules/mbedtls/crypto_mbedtls.h" +#include "tests/test_macros.h" + +namespace TestCryptoMbedTLS { + +void hmac_digest_test(HashingContext::HashType ht, String expected_hex) { + CryptoMbedTLS crypto; + PackedByteArray key = String("supersecretkey").to_utf8_buffer(); + PackedByteArray msg = String("Return of the MAC!").to_utf8_buffer(); + PackedByteArray digest = crypto.hmac_digest(ht, key, msg); + String hex = String::hex_encode_buffer(digest.ptr(), digest.size()); + CHECK(hex == expected_hex); +} + +void hmac_context_digest_test(HashingContext::HashType ht, String expected_hex) { + HMACContextMbedTLS ctx; + PackedByteArray key = String("supersecretkey").to_utf8_buffer(); + PackedByteArray msg1 = String("Return of ").to_utf8_buffer(); + PackedByteArray msg2 = String("the MAC!").to_utf8_buffer(); + Error err = ctx.start(ht, key); + CHECK(err == OK); + err = ctx.update(msg1); + CHECK(err == OK); + err = ctx.update(msg2); + CHECK(err == OK); + PackedByteArray digest = ctx.finish(); + String hex = String::hex_encode_buffer(digest.ptr(), digest.size()); + CHECK(hex == expected_hex); +} +} // namespace TestCryptoMbedTLS diff --git a/modules/mbedtls/tests/test_crypto_mbedtls.h b/modules/mbedtls/tests/test_crypto_mbedtls.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7b1e062239 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/mbedtls/tests/test_crypto_mbedtls.h @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* test_crypto_mbedtls.h */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef TEST_CRYPTO_MBEDTLS_H +#define TEST_CRYPTO_MBEDTLS_H + +#include "core/crypto/hashing_context.h" + +#include "tests/test_macros.h" + +namespace TestCryptoMbedTLS { + +void hmac_digest_test(HashingContext::HashType ht, String expected_hex); + +TEST_CASE("[CryptoMbedTLS] HMAC digest") { + // SHA-256 + hmac_digest_test(HashingContext::HashType::HASH_SHA256, "fe442023f8a7d36a810e1e7cd8a8e2816457f350a008fbf638296afa12085e59"); + + // SHA-1 + hmac_digest_test(HashingContext::HashType::HASH_SHA1, "a0ac4cd68a2f4812c355983d94e8d025afe7dddf"); +} + +void hmac_context_digest_test(HashingContext::HashType ht, String expected_hex); + +TEST_CASE("[HMACContext] HMAC digest") { + // SHA-256 + hmac_context_digest_test(HashingContext::HashType::HASH_SHA256, "fe442023f8a7d36a810e1e7cd8a8e2816457f350a008fbf638296afa12085e59"); + + // SHA-1 + hmac_context_digest_test(HashingContext::HashType::HASH_SHA1, "a0ac4cd68a2f4812c355983d94e8d025afe7dddf"); +} +} // namespace TestCryptoMbedTLS + +#endif // TEST_CRYPTO_MBEDTLS_H diff --git a/modules/minimp3/SCsub b/modules/minimp3/SCsub new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f4d1605d55 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/minimp3/SCsub @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python + +Import("env") +Import("env_modules") + +env_minimp3 = env_modules.Clone() + +thirdparty_dir = "#thirdparty/minimp3/" + +# Treat minimp3 headers as system headers to avoid raising warnings. Not supported on MSVC. +if not env.msvc: + env_minimp3.Append(CPPFLAGS=["-isystem", Dir(thirdparty_dir).path]) +else: + env_minimp3.Prepend(CPPPATH=[thirdparty_dir]) + +# Godot's own source files +env_minimp3.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, "*.cpp") diff --git a/modules/minimp3/audio_stream_mp3.cpp b/modules/minimp3/audio_stream_mp3.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b20c043e0c --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/minimp3/audio_stream_mp3.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* audio_stream_mp3.cpp */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#define MINIMP3_ONLY_MP3 +#define MINIMP3_FLOAT_OUTPUT +#define MINIMP3_IMPLEMENTATION +#define MINIMP3_NO_STDIO + +#include "audio_stream_mp3.h" + +#include "core/os/file_access.h" + +void AudioStreamPlaybackMP3::_mix_internal(AudioFrame *p_buffer, int p_frames) { + ERR_FAIL_COND(!active); + + int todo = p_frames; + + while (todo && active) { + mp3dec_frame_info_t frame_info; + mp3d_sample_t *buf_frame = nullptr; + + int samples_mixed = mp3dec_ex_read_frame(mp3d, &buf_frame, &frame_info, mp3_stream->channels); + + if (samples_mixed) { + p_buffer[p_frames - todo] = AudioFrame(buf_frame[0], buf_frame[samples_mixed - 1]); + --todo; + ++frames_mixed; + } + + else { + //EOF + if (mp3_stream->loop) { + seek(mp3_stream->loop_offset); + loops++; + } else { + //fill remainder with silence + for (int i = p_frames - todo; i < p_frames; i++) { + p_buffer[i] = AudioFrame(0, 0); + } + active = false; + todo = 0; + } + } + } +} + +float AudioStreamPlaybackMP3::get_stream_sampling_rate() { + return mp3_stream->sample_rate; +} + +void AudioStreamPlaybackMP3::start(float p_from_pos) { + active = true; + seek(p_from_pos); + loops = 0; + _begin_resample(); +} + +void AudioStreamPlaybackMP3::stop() { + active = false; +} + +bool AudioStreamPlaybackMP3::is_playing() const { + return active; +} + +int AudioStreamPlaybackMP3::get_loop_count() const { + return loops; +} + +float AudioStreamPlaybackMP3::get_playback_position() const { + return float(frames_mixed) / mp3_stream->sample_rate; +} + +void AudioStreamPlaybackMP3::seek(float p_time) { + if (!active) + return; + + if (p_time >= mp3_stream->get_length()) { + p_time = 0; + } + + frames_mixed = uint32_t(mp3_stream->sample_rate * p_time); + mp3dec_ex_seek(mp3d, frames_mixed * mp3_stream->channels); +} + +AudioStreamPlaybackMP3::~AudioStreamPlaybackMP3() { + if (mp3d) { + mp3dec_ex_close(mp3d); + memfree(mp3d); + } +} + +Ref<AudioStreamPlayback> AudioStreamMP3::instance_playback() { + Ref<AudioStreamPlaybackMP3> mp3s; + + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(data == nullptr, mp3s); + + mp3s.instance(); + mp3s->mp3_stream = Ref<AudioStreamMP3>(this); + mp3s->mp3d = (mp3dec_ex_t *)memalloc(sizeof(mp3dec_ex_t)); + + int errorcode = mp3dec_ex_open_buf(mp3s->mp3d, (const uint8_t *)data, data_len, MP3D_SEEK_TO_SAMPLE); + + mp3s->frames_mixed = 0; + mp3s->active = false; + mp3s->loops = 0; + + if (errorcode) { + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(errorcode, Ref<AudioStreamPlaybackMP3>()); + } + + return mp3s; +} + +String AudioStreamMP3::get_stream_name() const { + return ""; //return stream_name; +} + +void AudioStreamMP3::clear_data() { + if (data) { + memfree(data); + data = nullptr; + data_len = 0; + } +} + +void AudioStreamMP3::set_data(const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data) { + int src_data_len = p_data.size(); + const uint8_t *src_datar = p_data.ptr(); + + mp3dec_ex_t mp3d; + mp3dec_ex_open_buf(&mp3d, src_datar, src_data_len, MP3D_SEEK_TO_SAMPLE); + + channels = mp3d.info.channels; + sample_rate = mp3d.info.hz; + length = float(mp3d.samples) / (sample_rate * float(channels)); + + mp3dec_ex_close(&mp3d); + + clear_data(); + + data = memalloc(src_data_len); + copymem(data, src_datar, src_data_len); + data_len = src_data_len; +} + +Vector<uint8_t> AudioStreamMP3::get_data() const { + Vector<uint8_t> vdata; + + if (data_len && data) { + vdata.resize(data_len); + { + uint8_t *w = vdata.ptrw(); + copymem(w, data, data_len); + } + } + + return vdata; +} + +void AudioStreamMP3::set_loop(bool p_enable) { + loop = p_enable; +} + +bool AudioStreamMP3::has_loop() const { + return loop; +} + +void AudioStreamMP3::set_loop_offset(float p_seconds) { + loop_offset = p_seconds; +} + +float AudioStreamMP3::get_loop_offset() const { + return loop_offset; +} + +float AudioStreamMP3::get_length() const { + return length; +} + +void AudioStreamMP3::_bind_methods() { + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_data", "data"), &AudioStreamMP3::set_data); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_data"), &AudioStreamMP3::get_data); + + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_loop", "enable"), &AudioStreamMP3::set_loop); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_loop"), &AudioStreamMP3::has_loop); + + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_loop_offset", "seconds"), &AudioStreamMP3::set_loop_offset); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_loop_offset"), &AudioStreamMP3::get_loop_offset); + + ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY, "data", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NOEDITOR), "set_data", "get_data"); + ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "loop", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NOEDITOR), "set_loop", "has_loop"); + ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "loop_offset", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NOEDITOR), "set_loop_offset", "get_loop_offset"); +} + +AudioStreamMP3::AudioStreamMP3() { +} + +AudioStreamMP3::~AudioStreamMP3() { + clear_data(); +} diff --git a/modules/minimp3/audio_stream_mp3.h b/modules/minimp3/audio_stream_mp3.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8d67190ac5 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/minimp3/audio_stream_mp3.h @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* audio_stream_mp3.h */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef AUDIO_STREAM_MP3_H +#define AUDIO_STREAM_MP3_H + +#include "core/io/resource_loader.h" +#include "servers/audio/audio_stream.h" + +#include "minimp3_ex.h" + +class AudioStreamMP3; + +class AudioStreamPlaybackMP3 : public AudioStreamPlaybackResampled { + GDCLASS(AudioStreamPlaybackMP3, AudioStreamPlaybackResampled); + + mp3dec_ex_t *mp3d = nullptr; + uint32_t frames_mixed = 0; + bool active = false; + int loops = 0; + + friend class AudioStreamMP3; + + Ref<AudioStreamMP3> mp3_stream; + +protected: + virtual void _mix_internal(AudioFrame *p_buffer, int p_frames) override; + virtual float get_stream_sampling_rate() override; + +public: + virtual void start(float p_from_pos = 0.0) override; + virtual void stop() override; + virtual bool is_playing() const override; + + virtual int get_loop_count() const override; //times it looped + + virtual float get_playback_position() const override; + virtual void seek(float p_time) override; + + AudioStreamPlaybackMP3() {} + ~AudioStreamPlaybackMP3(); +}; + +class AudioStreamMP3 : public AudioStream { + GDCLASS(AudioStreamMP3, AudioStream); + OBJ_SAVE_TYPE(AudioStream) //children are all saved as AudioStream, so they can be exchanged + RES_BASE_EXTENSION("mp3str"); + + friend class AudioStreamPlaybackMP3; + + void *data = nullptr; + uint32_t data_len = 0; + + float sample_rate = 1; + int channels = 1; + float length = 0; + bool loop = false; + float loop_offset = 0; + void clear_data(); + +protected: + static void _bind_methods(); + +public: + void set_loop(bool p_enable); + bool has_loop() const; + + void set_loop_offset(float p_seconds); + float get_loop_offset() const; + + virtual Ref<AudioStreamPlayback> instance_playback() override; + virtual String get_stream_name() const override; + + void set_data(const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data); + Vector<uint8_t> get_data() const; + + virtual float get_length() const override; + + AudioStreamMP3(); + virtual ~AudioStreamMP3(); +}; + +#endif // AUDIO_STREAM_MP3_H diff --git a/modules/minimp3/config.py b/modules/minimp3/config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bd35d099b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/minimp3/config.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +def can_build(env, platform): + return True + + +def configure(env): + pass + + +def get_doc_classes(): + return [ + "AudioStreamMP3", + ] + + +def get_doc_path(): + return "doc_classes" diff --git a/modules/minimp3/doc_classes/AudioStreamMP3.xml b/modules/minimp3/doc_classes/AudioStreamMP3.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..92e777ca0f --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/minimp3/doc_classes/AudioStreamMP3.xml @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> +<class name="AudioStreamMP3" inherits="AudioStream" version="4.0"> + <brief_description> + MP3 audio stream driver. + </brief_description> + <description> + MP3 audio stream driver. + </description> + <tutorials> + </tutorials> + <methods> + </methods> + <members> + <member name="data" type="PackedByteArray" setter="set_data" getter="get_data" default="PackedByteArray( )"> + Contains the audio data in bytes. + </member> + <member name="loop" type="bool" setter="set_loop" getter="has_loop" default="false"> + If [code]true[/code], the stream will automatically loop when it reaches the end. + </member> + <member name="loop_offset" type="float" setter="set_loop_offset" getter="get_loop_offset" default="0.0"> + Time in seconds at which the stream starts after being looped. + </member> + </members> + <constants> + </constants> +</class> diff --git a/modules/minimp3/register_types.cpp b/modules/minimp3/register_types.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2c648b8efe --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/minimp3/register_types.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* register_types.cpp */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#include "register_types.h" + +#include "audio_stream_mp3.h" + +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED +#include "core/config/engine.h" +#include "resource_importer_mp3.h" +#endif + +void register_minimp3_types() { +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { + Ref<ResourceImporterMP3> mp3_import; + mp3_import.instance(); + ResourceFormatImporter::get_singleton()->add_importer(mp3_import); + } +#endif + ClassDB::register_class<AudioStreamMP3>(); +} + +void unregister_minimp3_types() { +} diff --git a/modules/minimp3/register_types.h b/modules/minimp3/register_types.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0d841e4987 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/minimp3/register_types.h @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* register_types.h */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef MINIMP3_REGISTER_TYPES_H +#define MINIMP3_REGISTER_TYPES_H + +void register_minimp3_types(); +void unregister_minimp3_types(); + +#endif // MINIMP3_REGISTER_TYPES_H diff --git a/modules/minimp3/resource_importer_mp3.cpp b/modules/minimp3/resource_importer_mp3.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..82e536a755 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/minimp3/resource_importer_mp3.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* resource_importer_mp3.cpp */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#include "resource_importer_mp3.h" + +#include "core/io/resource_saver.h" +#include "core/os/file_access.h" +#include "scene/resources/texture.h" + +String ResourceImporterMP3::get_importer_name() const { + return "mp3"; +} + +String ResourceImporterMP3::get_visible_name() const { + return "MP3"; +} + +void ResourceImporterMP3::get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const { + p_extensions->push_back("mp3"); +} + +String ResourceImporterMP3::get_save_extension() const { + return "mp3str"; +} + +String ResourceImporterMP3::get_resource_type() const { + return "AudioStreamMP3"; +} + +bool ResourceImporterMP3::get_option_visibility(const String &p_option, const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_options) const { + return true; +} + +int ResourceImporterMP3::get_preset_count() const { + return 0; +} + +String ResourceImporterMP3::get_preset_name(int p_idx) const { + return String(); +} + +void ResourceImporterMP3::get_import_options(List<ImportOption> *r_options, int p_preset) const { + r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "loop"), true)); + r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "loop_offset"), 0)); +} + +Error ResourceImporterMP3::import(const String &p_source_file, const String &p_save_path, const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_options, List<String> *r_platform_variants, List<String> *r_gen_files, Variant *r_metadata) { + bool loop = p_options["loop"]; + float loop_offset = p_options["loop_offset"]; + + FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_source_file, FileAccess::READ); + + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!f, ERR_CANT_OPEN); + + size_t len = f->get_len(); + + Vector<uint8_t> data; + data.resize(len); + uint8_t *w = data.ptrw(); + + f->get_buffer(w, len); + + memdelete(f); + + Ref<AudioStreamMP3> mp3_stream; + mp3_stream.instance(); + + mp3_stream->set_data(data); + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!mp3_stream->get_data().size(), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); + mp3_stream->set_loop(loop); + mp3_stream->set_loop_offset(loop_offset); + + return ResourceSaver::save(p_save_path + ".mp3str", mp3_stream); +} + +ResourceImporterMP3::ResourceImporterMP3() { +} diff --git a/modules/minimp3/resource_importer_mp3.h b/modules/minimp3/resource_importer_mp3.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c1e8315e21 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/minimp3/resource_importer_mp3.h @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* resource_importer_mp3.h */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef RESOURCE_IMPORTER_MP3_H +#define RESOURCE_IMPORTER_MP3_H + +#include "audio_stream_mp3.h" +#include "core/io/resource_importer.h" + +class ResourceImporterMP3 : public ResourceImporter { + GDCLASS(ResourceImporterMP3, ResourceImporter); + +public: + virtual String get_importer_name() const override; + virtual String get_visible_name() const override; + virtual void get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const override; + virtual String get_save_extension() const override; + virtual String get_resource_type() const override; + + virtual int get_preset_count() const override; + virtual String get_preset_name(int p_idx) const override; + + virtual void get_import_options(List<ImportOption> *r_options, int p_preset = 0) const override; + virtual bool get_option_visibility(const String &p_option, const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_options) const override; + + virtual Error import(const String &p_source_file, const String &p_save_path, const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_options, List<String> *r_platform_variants, List<String> *r_gen_files = nullptr, Variant *r_metadata = nullptr) override; + + ResourceImporterMP3(); +}; + +#endif // RESOURCE_IMPORTER_MP3_H diff --git a/modules/mono/build_scripts/make_android_mono_config.py b/modules/mono/build_scripts/make_android_mono_config.py index 04f8c80243..28494bff6e 100644 --- a/modules/mono/build_scripts/make_android_mono_config.py +++ b/modules/mono/build_scripts/make_android_mono_config.py @@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ String get_godot_android_mono_config() { Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(config_uncompressed_size); uint8_t* w = data.ptrw(); - Compression::decompress(w.ptr(), config_uncompressed_size, config_compressed_data, + Compression::decompress(w, config_uncompressed_size, config_compressed_data, config_compressed_size, Compression::MODE_DEFLATE); String s; - if (s.parse_utf8((const char *)w.ptr(), data.size())) { + if (s.parse_utf8((const char *)w, data.size())) { ERR_FAIL_V(String()); } return s; diff --git a/modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp b/modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp index b4537f531d..63ac0956f4 100644 --- a/modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp +++ b/modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp @@ -2984,7 +2984,7 @@ void CSharpScript::update_script_class_info(Ref<CSharpScript> p_script) { p_script->tool = nesting_class && nesting_class->has_attribute(CACHED_CLASS(ToolAttribute)); } -#if TOOLS_ENABLED +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (!p_script->tool) { p_script->tool = p_script->script_class->get_assembly() == GDMono::get_singleton()->get_tools_assembly(); } diff --git a/modules/mono/csharp_script.h b/modules/mono/csharp_script.h index 3e4e6c3f86..f482cc21f0 100644 --- a/modules/mono/csharp_script.h +++ b/modules/mono/csharp_script.h @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ #ifndef CSHARP_SCRIPT_H #define CSHARP_SCRIPT_H +#include "core/doc_data.h" #include "core/io/resource_loader.h" #include "core/io/resource_saver.h" #include "core/object/script_language.h" @@ -189,6 +190,14 @@ public: String get_source_code() const override; void set_source_code(const String &p_code) override; +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + virtual const Vector<DocData::ClassDoc> &get_documentation() const override { + // TODO + static Vector<DocData::ClassDoc> docs; + return docs; + } +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED + Error reload(bool p_keep_state = false) override; bool has_script_signal(const StringName &p_signal) const override; diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/GodotTools/GodotTools/Build/BuildOutputView.cs b/modules/mono/editor/GodotTools/GodotTools/Build/BuildOutputView.cs index 9514cc9622..1a1639aac7 100644 --- a/modules/mono/editor/GodotTools/GodotTools/Build/BuildOutputView.cs +++ b/modules/mono/editor/GodotTools/GodotTools/Build/BuildOutputView.cs @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ using Godot; using System; using Godot.Collections; using GodotTools.Internals; +using JetBrains.Annotations; using File = GodotTools.Utils.File; using Path = System.IO.Path; @@ -26,6 +27,9 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build private TextEdit buildLog; private PopupMenu issuesListContextMenu; + private readonly object pendingBuildLogTextLock = new object(); + [NotNull] private string pendingBuildLogText = string.Empty; + [Signal] public event Action BuildStateChanged; public bool HasBuildExited { get; private set; } = false; @@ -240,16 +244,34 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build EmitSignal(nameof(BuildStateChanged)); } + private void UpdateBuildLogText() + { + lock (pendingBuildLogTextLock) + { + buildLog.Text += pendingBuildLogText; + pendingBuildLogText = string.Empty; + ScrollToLastNonEmptyLogLine(); + } + } + private void StdOutputReceived(string text) { - buildLog.Text += text + "\n"; - ScrollToLastNonEmptyLogLine(); + lock (pendingBuildLogTextLock) + { + if (pendingBuildLogText.Length == 0) + CallDeferred(nameof(UpdateBuildLogText)); + pendingBuildLogText += text + "\n"; + } } private void StdErrorReceived(string text) { - buildLog.Text += text + "\n"; - ScrollToLastNonEmptyLogLine(); + lock (pendingBuildLogTextLock) + { + if (pendingBuildLogText.Length == 0) + CallDeferred(nameof(UpdateBuildLogText)); + pendingBuildLogText += text + "\n"; + } } private void ScrollToLastNonEmptyLogLine() @@ -377,12 +399,14 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build BuildManager.BuildStarted += BuildStarted; BuildManager.BuildFinished += BuildFinished; // StdOutput/Error can be received from different threads, so we need to use CallDeferred - BuildManager.StdOutputReceived += line => CallDeferred(nameof(StdOutputReceived), line); - BuildManager.StdErrorReceived += line => CallDeferred(nameof(StdErrorReceived), line); + BuildManager.StdOutputReceived += StdOutputReceived; + BuildManager.StdErrorReceived += StdErrorReceived; } public void OnBeforeSerialize() { + // In case it didn't update yet. We don't want to have to serialize any pending output. + UpdateBuildLogText(); } public void OnAfterDeserialize() diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/bindings_generator.cpp b/modules/mono/editor/bindings_generator.cpp index ff3122a77f..968f9f29c7 100644 --- a/modules/mono/editor/bindings_generator.cpp +++ b/modules/mono/editor/bindings_generator.cpp @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ String BindingsGenerator::bbcode_to_xml(const String &p_bbcode, const TypeInterf return String(); } - DocData *doc = EditorHelp::get_doc_data(); + DocTools *doc = EditorHelp::get_doc_data(); String bbcode = p_bbcode; diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/bindings_generator.h b/modules/mono/editor/bindings_generator.h index eeab518954..6fefcd48a4 100644 --- a/modules/mono/editor/bindings_generator.h +++ b/modules/mono/editor/bindings_generator.h @@ -31,9 +31,10 @@ #ifndef BINDINGS_GENERATOR_H #define BINDINGS_GENERATOR_H +#include "core/doc_data.h" #include "core/object/class_db.h" #include "core/string/string_builder.h" -#include "editor/doc_data.h" +#include "editor/doc_tools.h" #include "editor/editor_help.h" #if defined(DEBUG_METHODS_ENABLED) && defined(TOOLS_ENABLED) diff --git a/modules/mono/glue/GodotSharp/GodotSharp/Core/Quat.cs b/modules/mono/glue/GodotSharp/GodotSharp/Core/Quat.cs index b33490f9cb..bd3bcb0c58 100644 --- a/modules/mono/glue/GodotSharp/GodotSharp/Core/Quat.cs +++ b/modules/mono/glue/GodotSharp/GodotSharp/Core/Quat.cs @@ -120,13 +120,13 @@ namespace Godot /// <param name="b">The destination quaternion.</param> /// <param name="preA">A quaternion before this quaternion.</param> /// <param name="postB">A quaternion after `b`.</param> - /// <param name="t">A value on the range of 0.0 to 1.0, representing the amount of interpolation.</param> + /// <param name="weight">A value on the range of 0.0 to 1.0, representing the amount of interpolation.</param> /// <returns>The interpolated quaternion.</returns> - public Quat CubicSlerp(Quat b, Quat preA, Quat postB, real_t t) + public Quat CubicSlerp(Quat b, Quat preA, Quat postB, real_t weight) { - real_t t2 = (1.0f - t) * t * 2f; - Quat sp = Slerp(b, t); - Quat sq = preA.Slerpni(postB, t); + real_t t2 = (1.0f - weight) * weight * 2f; + Quat sp = Slerp(b, weight); + Quat sq = preA.Slerpni(postB, weight); return sp.Slerpni(sq, t2); } diff --git a/modules/mono/glue/GodotSharp/GodotSharp/Core/Vector2.cs b/modules/mono/glue/GodotSharp/GodotSharp/Core/Vector2.cs index d536b14eac..b74dd6f4f4 100644 --- a/modules/mono/glue/GodotSharp/GodotSharp/Core/Vector2.cs +++ b/modules/mono/glue/GodotSharp/GodotSharp/Core/Vector2.cs @@ -194,15 +194,16 @@ namespace Godot /// <param name="b">The destination vector.</param> /// <param name="preA">A vector before this vector.</param> /// <param name="postB">A vector after `b`.</param> - /// <param name="t">A value on the range of 0.0 to 1.0, representing the amount of interpolation.</param> + /// <param name="weight">A value on the range of 0.0 to 1.0, representing the amount of interpolation.</param> /// <returns>The interpolated vector.</returns> - public Vector2 CubicInterpolate(Vector2 b, Vector2 preA, Vector2 postB, real_t t) + public Vector2 CubicInterpolate(Vector2 b, Vector2 preA, Vector2 postB, real_t weight) { Vector2 p0 = preA; Vector2 p1 = this; Vector2 p2 = b; Vector2 p3 = postB; + real_t t = weight; real_t t2 = t * t; real_t t3 = t2 * t; diff --git a/modules/mono/glue/GodotSharp/GodotSharp/Core/Vector3.cs b/modules/mono/glue/GodotSharp/GodotSharp/Core/Vector3.cs index 4a4a2a43cd..07f5b3c38e 100644 --- a/modules/mono/glue/GodotSharp/GodotSharp/Core/Vector3.cs +++ b/modules/mono/glue/GodotSharp/GodotSharp/Core/Vector3.cs @@ -161,15 +161,16 @@ namespace Godot /// <param name="b">The destination vector.</param> /// <param name="preA">A vector before this vector.</param> /// <param name="postB">A vector after `b`.</param> - /// <param name="t">A value on the range of 0.0 to 1.0, representing the amount of interpolation.</param> + /// <param name="weight">A value on the range of 0.0 to 1.0, representing the amount of interpolation.</param> /// <returns>The interpolated vector.</returns> - public Vector3 CubicInterpolate(Vector3 b, Vector3 preA, Vector3 postB, real_t t) + public Vector3 CubicInterpolate(Vector3 b, Vector3 preA, Vector3 postB, real_t weight) { Vector3 p0 = preA; Vector3 p1 = this; Vector3 p2 = b; Vector3 p3 = postB; + real_t t = weight; real_t t2 = t * t; real_t t3 = t2 * t; diff --git a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_class.cpp b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_class.cpp index 6575cbc1c8..b734f52e4e 100644 --- a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_class.cpp +++ b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_class.cpp @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ bool GDMonoClass::has_public_parameterless_ctor() { return ctor && ctor->get_visibility() == IMonoClassMember::PUBLIC; } -GDMonoMethod *GDMonoClass::get_method(const StringName &p_name, int p_params_count) { +GDMonoMethod *GDMonoClass::get_method(const StringName &p_name, uint16_t p_params_count) { MethodKey key = MethodKey(p_name, p_params_count); GDMonoMethod **match = methods.getptr(key); @@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ GDMonoMethod *GDMonoClass::get_method(MonoMethod *p_raw_method, const StringName return get_method(p_raw_method, p_name, params_count); } -GDMonoMethod *GDMonoClass::get_method(MonoMethod *p_raw_method, const StringName &p_name, int p_params_count) { +GDMonoMethod *GDMonoClass::get_method(MonoMethod *p_raw_method, const StringName &p_name, uint16_t p_params_count) { ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(p_raw_method, nullptr); MethodKey key = MethodKey(p_name, p_params_count); diff --git a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_class.h b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_class.h index 87db2fa033..b93dfec30a 100644 --- a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_class.h +++ b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_class.h @@ -59,13 +59,12 @@ class GDMonoClass { MethodKey() {} - MethodKey(const StringName &p_name, int p_params_count) { - name = p_name; - params_count = p_params_count; + MethodKey(const StringName &p_name, uint16_t p_params_count) : + name(p_name), params_count(p_params_count) { } StringName name; - int params_count; + uint16_t params_count = 0; }; StringName namespace_name; @@ -139,10 +138,10 @@ public: bool implements_interface(GDMonoClass *p_interface); bool has_public_parameterless_ctor(); - GDMonoMethod *get_method(const StringName &p_name, int p_params_count = 0); + GDMonoMethod *get_method(const StringName &p_name, uint16_t p_params_count = 0); GDMonoMethod *get_method(MonoMethod *p_raw_method); GDMonoMethod *get_method(MonoMethod *p_raw_method, const StringName &p_name); - GDMonoMethod *get_method(MonoMethod *p_raw_method, const StringName &p_name, int p_params_count); + GDMonoMethod *get_method(MonoMethod *p_raw_method, const StringName &p_name, uint16_t p_params_count); GDMonoMethod *get_method_with_desc(const String &p_description, bool p_include_namespace); GDMonoField *get_field(const StringName &p_name); diff --git a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_field.cpp b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_field.cpp index 00a1e1e507..61d7f64a2a 100644 --- a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_field.cpp +++ b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_field.cpp @@ -46,29 +46,15 @@ void GDMonoField::set_value_raw(MonoObject *p_object, void *p_ptr) { } void GDMonoField::set_value_from_variant(MonoObject *p_object, const Variant &p_value) { -#define SET_FROM_STRUCT(m_type) \ - { \ - GDMonoMarshal::M_##m_type from = MARSHALLED_OUT(m_type, p_value.operator ::m_type()); \ - mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); \ - } - -#define SET_FROM_ARRAY(m_type) \ - { \ - MonoArray *managed = GDMonoMarshal::m_type##_to_mono_array(p_value.operator ::m_type()); \ - mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); \ - } - switch (type.type_encoding) { case MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN: { MonoBoolean val = p_value.operator bool(); mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &val); } break; - case MONO_TYPE_CHAR: { int16_t val = p_value.operator unsigned short(); mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &val); } break; - case MONO_TYPE_I1: { int8_t val = p_value.operator signed char(); mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &val); @@ -85,7 +71,6 @@ void GDMonoField::set_value_from_variant(MonoObject *p_object, const Variant &p_ int64_t val = p_value.operator int64_t(); mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &val); } break; - case MONO_TYPE_U1: { uint8_t val = p_value.operator unsigned char(); mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &val); @@ -102,93 +87,92 @@ void GDMonoField::set_value_from_variant(MonoObject *p_object, const Variant &p_ uint64_t val = p_value.operator uint64_t(); mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &val); } break; - case MONO_TYPE_R4: { float val = p_value.operator float(); mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &val); } break; - case MONO_TYPE_R8: { double val = p_value.operator double(); mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &val); } break; - - case MONO_TYPE_STRING: { - if (p_value.get_type() == Variant::NIL) { - // Otherwise, Variant -> String would return the string "Null" - MonoString *mono_string = nullptr; - mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, mono_string); - } else { - MonoString *mono_string = GDMonoMarshal::mono_string_from_godot(p_value); - mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, mono_string); - } - } break; - case MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE: { GDMonoClass *tclass = type.type_class; if (tclass == CACHED_CLASS(Vector2)) { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Vector2); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Vector2 from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Vector2, p_value.operator ::Vector2()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); break; } if (tclass == CACHED_CLASS(Vector2i)) { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Vector2i); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Vector2i from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Vector2i, p_value.operator ::Vector2i()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); break; } if (tclass == CACHED_CLASS(Rect2)) { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Rect2); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Rect2 from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Rect2, p_value.operator ::Rect2()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); break; } if (tclass == CACHED_CLASS(Rect2i)) { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Rect2i); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Rect2i from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Rect2i, p_value.operator ::Rect2i()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); break; } if (tclass == CACHED_CLASS(Transform2D)) { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Transform2D); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Transform2D from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Transform2D, p_value.operator ::Transform2D()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); break; } if (tclass == CACHED_CLASS(Vector3)) { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Vector3); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Vector3 from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Vector3, p_value.operator ::Vector3()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); break; } if (tclass == CACHED_CLASS(Vector3i)) { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Vector3i); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Vector3i from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Vector3i, p_value.operator ::Vector3i()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); break; } if (tclass == CACHED_CLASS(Basis)) { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Basis); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Basis from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Basis, p_value.operator ::Basis()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); break; } if (tclass == CACHED_CLASS(Quat)) { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Quat); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Quat from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Quat, p_value.operator ::Quat()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); break; } if (tclass == CACHED_CLASS(Transform)) { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Transform); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Transform from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Transform, p_value.operator ::Transform()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); break; } if (tclass == CACHED_CLASS(AABB)) { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(AABB); + GDMonoMarshal::M_AABB from = MARSHALLED_OUT(AABB, p_value.operator ::AABB()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); break; } if (tclass == CACHED_CLASS(Color)) { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Color); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Color from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Color, p_value.operator ::Color()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); break; } if (tclass == CACHED_CLASS(Plane)) { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Plane); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Plane from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Plane, p_value.operator ::Plane()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); break; } @@ -267,118 +251,35 @@ void GDMonoField::set_value_from_variant(MonoObject *p_object, const Variant &p_ ERR_FAIL_MSG("Attempted to set the value of a field of unmarshallable type: '" + tclass->get_name() + "'."); } break; - + case MONO_TYPE_STRING: { + if (p_value.get_type() == Variant::NIL) { + // Otherwise, Variant -> String would return the string "Null" + MonoString *mono_string = nullptr; + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, mono_string); + } else { + MonoString *mono_string = GDMonoMarshal::mono_string_from_godot(p_value); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, mono_string); + } + } break; case MONO_TYPE_ARRAY: case MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY: { - MonoArrayType *array_type = mono_type_get_array_type(type.type_class->get_mono_type()); - - if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(MonoObject)) { - SET_FROM_ARRAY(Array); - break; - } - - if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(uint8_t)) { - SET_FROM_ARRAY(PackedByteArray); - break; - } - - if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(int32_t)) { - SET_FROM_ARRAY(PackedInt32Array); - break; - } - - if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(int64_t)) { - SET_FROM_ARRAY(PackedInt64Array); - break; - } - - if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(float)) { - SET_FROM_ARRAY(PackedFloat32Array); - break; - } - - if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(double)) { - SET_FROM_ARRAY(PackedFloat64Array); - break; - } - - if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(String)) { - SET_FROM_ARRAY(PackedStringArray); - break; - } - - if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Vector2)) { - SET_FROM_ARRAY(PackedVector2Array); - break; - } - - if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Vector3)) { - SET_FROM_ARRAY(PackedVector3Array); - break; - } - - if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Color)) { - SET_FROM_ARRAY(PackedColorArray); - break; - } - - GDMonoClass *array_type_class = GDMono::get_singleton()->get_class(array_type->eklass); - if (CACHED_CLASS(GodotObject)->is_assignable_from(array_type_class)) { - MonoArray *managed = GDMonoMarshal::Array_to_mono_array(p_value.operator ::Array(), array_type_class); + MonoArray *managed = GDMonoMarshal::variant_to_mono_array(p_value, type.type_class); + if (likely(managed != nullptr)) { mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); - break; } - - ERR_FAIL_MSG("Attempted to convert Variant to a managed array of unmarshallable element type."); } break; - case MONO_TYPE_CLASS: { - GDMonoClass *type_class = type.type_class; - - // GodotObject - if (CACHED_CLASS(GodotObject)->is_assignable_from(type_class)) { - MonoObject *managed = GDMonoUtils::unmanaged_get_managed(p_value.operator Object *()); + MonoObject *managed = GDMonoMarshal::variant_to_mono_object_of_class(p_value, type.type_class); + if (likely(managed != nullptr)) { mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); - break; } - - if (CACHED_CLASS(StringName) == type_class) { - MonoObject *managed = GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_value.operator StringName()); - mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); - break; - } - - if (CACHED_CLASS(NodePath) == type_class) { - MonoObject *managed = GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_value.operator NodePath()); - mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); - break; - } - - if (CACHED_CLASS(RID) == type_class) { - MonoObject *managed = GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_value.operator ::RID()); - mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); - break; - } - - // Godot.Collections.Dictionary or IDictionary - if (CACHED_CLASS(Dictionary) == type_class || type_class == CACHED_CLASS(System_Collections_IDictionary)) { - MonoObject *managed = GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_value.operator Dictionary(), CACHED_CLASS(Dictionary)); - mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); - break; - } - - // Godot.Collections.Array or ICollection or IEnumerable - if (CACHED_CLASS(Array) == type_class || - type_class == CACHED_CLASS(System_Collections_ICollection) || - type_class == CACHED_CLASS(System_Collections_IEnumerable)) { - MonoObject *managed = GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_value.operator Array(), CACHED_CLASS(Array)); + } break; + case MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST: { + MonoObject *managed = GDMonoMarshal::variant_to_mono_object_of_genericinst(p_value, type.type_class); + if (likely(managed != nullptr)) { mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); - break; } - - ERR_FAIL_MSG("Attempted to set the value of a field of unmarshallable type: '" + type_class->get_name() + "'."); } break; - case MONO_TYPE_OBJECT: { // Variant switch (p_value.get_type()) { @@ -404,43 +305,56 @@ void GDMonoField::set_value_from_variant(MonoObject *p_object, const Variant &p_ mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, mono_string); } break; case Variant::VECTOR2: { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Vector2); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Vector2 from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Vector2, p_value.operator ::Vector2()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); } break; case Variant::VECTOR2I: { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Vector2i); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Vector2i from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Vector2i, p_value.operator ::Vector2i()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); } break; case Variant::RECT2: { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Rect2); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Rect2 from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Rect2, p_value.operator ::Rect2()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); } break; case Variant::RECT2I: { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Rect2i); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Rect2i from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Rect2i, p_value.operator ::Rect2i()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); } break; case Variant::VECTOR3: { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Vector3); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Vector3 from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Vector3, p_value.operator ::Vector3()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); } break; case Variant::VECTOR3I: { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Vector3i); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Vector3i from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Vector3i, p_value.operator ::Vector3i()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); } break; case Variant::TRANSFORM2D: { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Transform2D); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Transform2D from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Transform2D, p_value.operator ::Transform2D()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); } break; case Variant::PLANE: { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Plane); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Plane from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Plane, p_value.operator ::Plane()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); } break; case Variant::QUAT: { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Quat); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Quat from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Quat, p_value.operator ::Quat()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); } break; case Variant::AABB: { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(AABB); + GDMonoMarshal::M_AABB from = MARSHALLED_OUT(AABB, p_value.operator ::AABB()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); } break; case Variant::BASIS: { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Basis); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Basis from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Basis, p_value.operator ::Basis()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); } break; case Variant::TRANSFORM: { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Transform); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Transform from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Transform, p_value.operator ::Transform()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); } break; case Variant::COLOR: { - SET_FROM_STRUCT(Color); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Color from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Color, p_value.operator ::Color()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, &from); } break; case Variant::STRING_NAME: { MonoObject *managed = GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_value.operator StringName()); @@ -475,106 +389,49 @@ void GDMonoField::set_value_from_variant(MonoObject *p_object, const Variant &p_ mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); } break; case Variant::PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY: { - SET_FROM_ARRAY(PackedByteArray); + MonoArray *managed = GDMonoMarshal::PackedByteArray_to_mono_array(p_value.operator ::PackedByteArray()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); } break; case Variant::PACKED_INT32_ARRAY: { - SET_FROM_ARRAY(PackedInt32Array); + MonoArray *managed = GDMonoMarshal::PackedInt32Array_to_mono_array(p_value.operator ::PackedInt32Array()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); } break; case Variant::PACKED_INT64_ARRAY: { - SET_FROM_ARRAY(PackedInt64Array); + MonoArray *managed = GDMonoMarshal::PackedInt64Array_to_mono_array(p_value.operator ::PackedInt64Array()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); } break; case Variant::PACKED_FLOAT32_ARRAY: { - SET_FROM_ARRAY(PackedFloat32Array); + MonoArray *managed = GDMonoMarshal::PackedFloat32Array_to_mono_array(p_value.operator ::PackedFloat32Array()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); } break; case Variant::PACKED_FLOAT64_ARRAY: { - SET_FROM_ARRAY(PackedFloat64Array); + MonoArray *managed = GDMonoMarshal::PackedFloat64Array_to_mono_array(p_value.operator ::PackedFloat64Array()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); } break; case Variant::PACKED_STRING_ARRAY: { - SET_FROM_ARRAY(PackedStringArray); + MonoArray *managed = GDMonoMarshal::PackedStringArray_to_mono_array(p_value.operator ::PackedStringArray()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); } break; case Variant::PACKED_VECTOR2_ARRAY: { - SET_FROM_ARRAY(PackedVector2Array); + MonoArray *managed = GDMonoMarshal::PackedVector2Array_to_mono_array(p_value.operator ::PackedVector2Array()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); } break; case Variant::PACKED_VECTOR3_ARRAY: { - SET_FROM_ARRAY(PackedVector3Array); + MonoArray *managed = GDMonoMarshal::PackedVector3Array_to_mono_array(p_value.operator ::PackedVector3Array()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); } break; case Variant::PACKED_COLOR_ARRAY: { - SET_FROM_ARRAY(PackedColorArray); + MonoArray *managed = GDMonoMarshal::PackedColorArray_to_mono_array(p_value.operator ::PackedColorArray()); + mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); } break; default: break; } } break; - - case MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST: { - MonoReflectionType *reftype = mono_type_get_object(mono_domain_get(), type.type_class->get_mono_type()); - - // Godot.Collections.Dictionary<TKey, TValue> - if (GDMonoUtils::Marshal::type_is_generic_dictionary(reftype)) { - MonoObject *managed = GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_value.operator Dictionary(), type.type_class); - mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); - break; - } - - // Godot.Collections.Array<T> - if (GDMonoUtils::Marshal::type_is_generic_array(reftype)) { - MonoObject *managed = GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_value.operator Array(), type.type_class); - mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); - break; - } - - // System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<TKey, TValue> - if (GDMonoUtils::Marshal::type_is_system_generic_dictionary(reftype)) { - MonoReflectionType *key_reftype = nullptr; - MonoReflectionType *value_reftype = nullptr; - GDMonoUtils::Marshal::dictionary_get_key_value_types(reftype, &key_reftype, &value_reftype); - MonoObject *managed = GDMonoMarshal::Dictionary_to_system_generic_dict(p_value.operator Dictionary(), - type.type_class, key_reftype, value_reftype); - mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); - break; - } - - // System.Collections.Generic.List<T> - if (GDMonoUtils::Marshal::type_is_system_generic_list(reftype)) { - MonoReflectionType *elem_reftype = nullptr; - GDMonoUtils::Marshal::array_get_element_type(reftype, &elem_reftype); - MonoObject *managed = GDMonoMarshal::Array_to_system_generic_list(p_value.operator Array(), - type.type_class, elem_reftype); - mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); - break; - } - - // IDictionary<TKey, TValue> - if (GDMonoUtils::Marshal::type_is_generic_idictionary(reftype)) { - MonoReflectionType *key_reftype; - MonoReflectionType *value_reftype; - GDMonoUtils::Marshal::dictionary_get_key_value_types(reftype, &key_reftype, &value_reftype); - GDMonoClass *godot_dict_class = GDMonoUtils::Marshal::make_generic_dictionary_type(key_reftype, value_reftype); - - MonoObject *managed = GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_value.operator Dictionary(), godot_dict_class); - mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); - break; - } - - // ICollection<T> or IEnumerable<T> - if (GDMonoUtils::Marshal::type_is_generic_icollection(reftype) || GDMonoUtils::Marshal::type_is_generic_ienumerable(reftype)) { - MonoReflectionType *elem_reftype; - GDMonoUtils::Marshal::array_get_element_type(reftype, &elem_reftype); - GDMonoClass *godot_array_class = GDMonoUtils::Marshal::make_generic_array_type(elem_reftype); - - MonoObject *managed = GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_value.operator Array(), godot_array_class); - mono_field_set_value(p_object, mono_field, managed); - break; - } - } break; - default: { ERR_PRINT("Attempted to set the value of a field of unexpected type encoding: " + itos(type.type_encoding) + "."); } break; } - -#undef SET_FROM_ARRAY_AND_BREAK -#undef SET_FROM_STRUCT_AND_BREAK } MonoObject *GDMonoField::get_value(MonoObject *p_object) { diff --git a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_marshal.cpp b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_marshal.cpp index eee880ba60..64b350f270 100644 --- a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_marshal.cpp +++ b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_marshal.cpp @@ -311,152 +311,590 @@ bool try_get_array_element_type(const ManagedType &p_array_type, ManagedType &r_ return false; } -MonoObject *variant_to_mono_object(const Variant *p_var) { - ManagedType type; +MonoString *variant_to_mono_string(const Variant &p_var) { + if (p_var.get_type() == Variant::NIL) { + return nullptr; // Otherwise, Variant -> String would return the string "Null" + } + return mono_string_from_godot(p_var.operator String()); +} + +MonoArray *variant_to_mono_array(const Variant &p_var, GDMonoClass *p_type_class) { + MonoArrayType *array_type = mono_type_get_array_type(p_type_class->get_mono_type()); + + if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(MonoObject)) { + return Array_to_mono_array(p_var.operator Array()); + } + + if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(uint8_t)) { + return PackedByteArray_to_mono_array(p_var.operator PackedByteArray()); + } + + if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(int32_t)) { + return PackedInt32Array_to_mono_array(p_var.operator PackedInt32Array()); + } + + if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(int64_t)) { + return PackedInt64Array_to_mono_array(p_var.operator PackedInt64Array()); + } + + if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(float)) { + return PackedFloat32Array_to_mono_array(p_var.operator PackedFloat32Array()); + } + + if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(double)) { + return PackedFloat64Array_to_mono_array(p_var.operator PackedFloat64Array()); + } + + if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(String)) { + return PackedStringArray_to_mono_array(p_var.operator PackedStringArray()); + } + + if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Vector2)) { + return PackedVector2Array_to_mono_array(p_var.operator PackedVector2Array()); + } + + if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Vector3)) { + return PackedVector3Array_to_mono_array(p_var.operator PackedVector3Array()); + } + + if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Color)) { + return PackedColorArray_to_mono_array(p_var.operator PackedColorArray()); + } + + if (mono_class_is_assignable_from(CACHED_CLASS(GodotObject)->get_mono_ptr(), array_type->eklass)) { + return Array_to_mono_array(p_var.operator ::Array(), array_type->eklass); + } + + ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(nullptr, "Attempted to convert Variant to array of unsupported element type:" + + GDMonoClass::get_full_name(array_type->eklass) + "'."); +} + +MonoObject *variant_to_mono_object_of_class(const Variant &p_var, GDMonoClass *p_type_class) { + // GodotObject + if (CACHED_CLASS(GodotObject)->is_assignable_from(p_type_class)) { + return GDMonoUtils::unmanaged_get_managed(p_var.operator Object *()); + } + + if (CACHED_CLASS(StringName) == p_type_class) { + return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var.operator StringName()); + } + + if (CACHED_CLASS(NodePath) == p_type_class) { + return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var.operator NodePath()); + } - type.type_encoding = MONO_TYPE_OBJECT; - // type.type_class is not needed when we specify the MONO_TYPE_OBJECT encoding + if (CACHED_CLASS(RID) == p_type_class) { + return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var.operator ::RID()); + } + + // Godot.Collections.Dictionary or IDictionary + if (CACHED_CLASS(Dictionary) == p_type_class || CACHED_CLASS(System_Collections_IDictionary) == p_type_class) { + return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var.operator Dictionary(), CACHED_CLASS(Dictionary)); + } - return variant_to_mono_object(p_var, type); + // Godot.Collections.Array or ICollection or IEnumerable + if (CACHED_CLASS(Array) == p_type_class || + CACHED_CLASS(System_Collections_ICollection) == p_type_class || + CACHED_CLASS(System_Collections_IEnumerable) == p_type_class) { + return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var.operator Array(), CACHED_CLASS(Array)); + } + + ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(nullptr, "Attempted to convert Variant to unsupported type: '" + + p_type_class->get_full_name() + "'."); } -MonoObject *variant_to_mono_object(const Variant *p_var, const ManagedType &p_type) { +MonoObject *variant_to_mono_object_of_genericinst(const Variant &p_var, GDMonoClass *p_type_class) { + MonoReflectionType *reftype = mono_type_get_object(mono_domain_get(), p_type_class->get_mono_type()); + + // Godot.Collections.Dictionary<TKey, TValue> + if (GDMonoUtils::Marshal::type_is_generic_dictionary(reftype)) { + return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var.operator Dictionary(), p_type_class); + } + + // Godot.Collections.Array<T> + if (GDMonoUtils::Marshal::type_is_generic_array(reftype)) { + return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var.operator Array(), p_type_class); + } + + // System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<TKey, TValue> + if (GDMonoUtils::Marshal::type_is_system_generic_dictionary(reftype)) { + MonoReflectionType *key_reftype = nullptr; + MonoReflectionType *value_reftype = nullptr; + GDMonoUtils::Marshal::dictionary_get_key_value_types(reftype, &key_reftype, &value_reftype); + return Dictionary_to_system_generic_dict(p_var.operator Dictionary(), p_type_class, key_reftype, value_reftype); + } + + // System.Collections.Generic.List<T> + if (GDMonoUtils::Marshal::type_is_system_generic_list(reftype)) { + MonoReflectionType *elem_reftype = nullptr; + GDMonoUtils::Marshal::array_get_element_type(reftype, &elem_reftype); + return Array_to_system_generic_list(p_var.operator Array(), p_type_class, elem_reftype); + } + + // IDictionary<TKey, TValue> + if (GDMonoUtils::Marshal::type_is_generic_idictionary(reftype)) { + MonoReflectionType *key_reftype; + MonoReflectionType *value_reftype; + GDMonoUtils::Marshal::dictionary_get_key_value_types(reftype, &key_reftype, &value_reftype); + GDMonoClass *godot_dict_class = GDMonoUtils::Marshal::make_generic_dictionary_type(key_reftype, value_reftype); + + return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var.operator Dictionary(), godot_dict_class); + } + + // ICollection<T> or IEnumerable<T> + if (GDMonoUtils::Marshal::type_is_generic_icollection(reftype) || GDMonoUtils::Marshal::type_is_generic_ienumerable(reftype)) { + MonoReflectionType *elem_reftype; + GDMonoUtils::Marshal::array_get_element_type(reftype, &elem_reftype); + GDMonoClass *godot_array_class = GDMonoUtils::Marshal::make_generic_array_type(elem_reftype); + + return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var.operator Array(), godot_array_class); + } + + ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(nullptr, "Attempted to convert Variant to unsupported generic type: '" + + p_type_class->get_full_name() + "'."); +} + +MonoObject *variant_to_mono_object(const Variant &p_var) { + // Variant + switch (p_var.get_type()) { + case Variant::BOOL: { + MonoBoolean val = p_var.operator bool(); + return BOX_BOOLEAN(val); + } + case Variant::INT: { + int64_t val = p_var.operator int64_t(); + return BOX_INT64(val); + } + case Variant::FLOAT: { +#ifdef REAL_T_IS_DOUBLE + double val = p_var.operator double(); + return BOX_DOUBLE(val); +#else + float val = p_var.operator float(); + return BOX_FLOAT(val); +#endif + } + case Variant::STRING: + return (MonoObject *)mono_string_from_godot(p_var.operator String()); + case Variant::VECTOR2: { + GDMonoMarshal::M_Vector2 from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Vector2, p_var.operator ::Vector2()); + return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Vector2), &from); + } + case Variant::VECTOR2I: { + GDMonoMarshal::M_Vector2i from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Vector2i, p_var.operator ::Vector2i()); + return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Vector2i), &from); + } + case Variant::RECT2: { + GDMonoMarshal::M_Rect2 from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Rect2, p_var.operator ::Rect2()); + return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Rect2), &from); + } + case Variant::RECT2I: { + GDMonoMarshal::M_Rect2i from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Rect2i, p_var.operator ::Rect2i()); + return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Rect2i), &from); + } + case Variant::VECTOR3: { + GDMonoMarshal::M_Vector3 from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Vector3, p_var.operator ::Vector3()); + return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Vector3), &from); + } + case Variant::VECTOR3I: { + GDMonoMarshal::M_Vector3i from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Vector3i, p_var.operator ::Vector3i()); + return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Vector3i), &from); + } + case Variant::TRANSFORM2D: { + GDMonoMarshal::M_Transform2D from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Transform2D, p_var.operator ::Transform2D()); + return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Transform2D), &from); + } + case Variant::PLANE: { + GDMonoMarshal::M_Plane from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Plane, p_var.operator ::Plane()); + return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Plane), &from); + } + case Variant::QUAT: { + GDMonoMarshal::M_Quat from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Quat, p_var.operator ::Quat()); + return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Quat), &from); + } + case Variant::AABB: { + GDMonoMarshal::M_AABB from = MARSHALLED_OUT(AABB, p_var.operator ::AABB()); + return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(AABB), &from); + } + case Variant::BASIS: { + GDMonoMarshal::M_Basis from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Basis, p_var.operator ::Basis()); + return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Basis), &from); + } + case Variant::TRANSFORM: { + GDMonoMarshal::M_Transform from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Transform, p_var.operator ::Transform()); + return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Transform), &from); + } + case Variant::COLOR: { + GDMonoMarshal::M_Color from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Color, p_var.operator ::Color()); + return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Color), &from); + } + case Variant::STRING_NAME: + return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var.operator StringName()); + case Variant::NODE_PATH: + return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var.operator NodePath()); + case Variant::RID: + return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var.operator ::RID()); + case Variant::OBJECT: + return GDMonoUtils::unmanaged_get_managed(p_var.operator Object *()); + case Variant::CALLABLE: { + GDMonoMarshal::M_Callable from = GDMonoMarshal::callable_to_managed(p_var.operator Callable()); + return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Callable), &from); + } + case Variant::SIGNAL: { + GDMonoMarshal::M_SignalInfo from = GDMonoMarshal::signal_info_to_managed(p_var.operator Signal()); + return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(SignalInfo), &from); + } + case Variant::DICTIONARY: + return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var.operator Dictionary(), CACHED_CLASS(Dictionary)); + case Variant::ARRAY: + return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var.operator Array(), CACHED_CLASS(Array)); + case Variant::PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY: + return (MonoObject *)PackedByteArray_to_mono_array(p_var.operator PackedByteArray()); + case Variant::PACKED_INT32_ARRAY: + return (MonoObject *)PackedInt32Array_to_mono_array(p_var.operator PackedInt32Array()); + case Variant::PACKED_INT64_ARRAY: + return (MonoObject *)PackedInt64Array_to_mono_array(p_var.operator PackedInt64Array()); + case Variant::PACKED_FLOAT32_ARRAY: + return (MonoObject *)PackedFloat32Array_to_mono_array(p_var.operator PackedFloat32Array()); + case Variant::PACKED_FLOAT64_ARRAY: + return (MonoObject *)PackedFloat64Array_to_mono_array(p_var.operator PackedFloat64Array()); + case Variant::PACKED_STRING_ARRAY: + return (MonoObject *)PackedStringArray_to_mono_array(p_var.operator PackedStringArray()); + case Variant::PACKED_VECTOR2_ARRAY: + return (MonoObject *)PackedVector2Array_to_mono_array(p_var.operator PackedVector2Array()); + case Variant::PACKED_VECTOR3_ARRAY: + return (MonoObject *)PackedVector3Array_to_mono_array(p_var.operator PackedVector3Array()); + case Variant::PACKED_COLOR_ARRAY: + return (MonoObject *)PackedColorArray_to_mono_array(p_var.operator PackedColorArray()); + default: + return nullptr; + } +} + +size_t variant_get_managed_unboxed_size(const ManagedType &p_type) { + // This method prints no errors for unsupported types. It's called on all methods, not only + // those that end up being invoked with Variant parameters. + + // For MonoObject* we return 0, as it doesn't need to be stored. + constexpr size_t zero_for_mono_object = 0; + + switch (p_type.type_encoding) { + case MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN: + return sizeof(MonoBoolean); + case MONO_TYPE_CHAR: + return sizeof(uint16_t); + case MONO_TYPE_I1: + return sizeof(int8_t); + case MONO_TYPE_I2: + return sizeof(int16_t); + case MONO_TYPE_I4: + return sizeof(int32_t); + case MONO_TYPE_I8: + return sizeof(int64_t); + case MONO_TYPE_U1: + return sizeof(uint8_t); + case MONO_TYPE_U2: + return sizeof(uint16_t); + case MONO_TYPE_U4: + return sizeof(uint32_t); + case MONO_TYPE_U8: + return sizeof(uint64_t); + case MONO_TYPE_R4: + return sizeof(float); + case MONO_TYPE_R8: + return sizeof(double); + case MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE: { + GDMonoClass *vtclass = p_type.type_class; + +#define RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(m_struct) \ + if (vtclass == CACHED_CLASS(m_struct)) { \ + return sizeof(M_##m_struct); \ + } + + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Vector2); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Vector2i); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Rect2); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Rect2i); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Transform2D); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Vector3); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Vector3i); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Basis); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Quat); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Transform); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(AABB); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Color); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Plane); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Callable); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(SignalInfo); + +#undef RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT + + if (mono_class_is_enum(vtclass->get_mono_ptr())) { + MonoType *enum_basetype = mono_class_enum_basetype(vtclass->get_mono_ptr()); + switch (mono_type_get_type(enum_basetype)) { + case MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN: + return sizeof(MonoBoolean); + case MONO_TYPE_CHAR: + return sizeof(uint16_t); + case MONO_TYPE_I1: + return sizeof(int8_t); + case MONO_TYPE_I2: + return sizeof(int16_t); + case MONO_TYPE_I4: + return sizeof(int32_t); + case MONO_TYPE_I8: + return sizeof(int64_t); + case MONO_TYPE_U1: + return sizeof(uint8_t); + case MONO_TYPE_U2: + return sizeof(uint16_t); + case MONO_TYPE_U4: + return sizeof(uint32_t); + case MONO_TYPE_U8: + return sizeof(uint64_t); + default: { + // Enum with unsupported base type. We return nullptr MonoObject* on error. + return zero_for_mono_object; + } + } + } + + // Enum with unsupported value type. We return nullptr MonoObject* on error. + } break; + case MONO_TYPE_STRING: + return zero_for_mono_object; + case MONO_TYPE_ARRAY: + case MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY: + case MONO_TYPE_CLASS: + case MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST: + return zero_for_mono_object; + case MONO_TYPE_OBJECT: + return zero_for_mono_object; + } + + // Unsupported type encoding. We return nullptr MonoObject* on error. + return zero_for_mono_object; +} + +void *variant_to_managed_unboxed(const Variant &p_var, const ManagedType &p_type, void *r_buffer, unsigned int &r_offset) { +#define RETURN_TYPE_VAL(m_type, m_val) \ + *reinterpret_cast<m_type *>(r_buffer) = m_val; \ + r_offset += sizeof(m_type); \ + return r_buffer; + + switch (p_type.type_encoding) { + case MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN: + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(MonoBoolean, (MonoBoolean)p_var.operator bool()); + case MONO_TYPE_CHAR: + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(uint16_t, p_var.operator unsigned short()); + case MONO_TYPE_I1: + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(int8_t, p_var.operator signed char()); + case MONO_TYPE_I2: + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(int16_t, p_var.operator signed short()); + case MONO_TYPE_I4: + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(int32_t, p_var.operator signed int()); + case MONO_TYPE_I8: + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(int64_t, p_var.operator int64_t()); + case MONO_TYPE_U1: + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(uint8_t, p_var.operator unsigned char()); + case MONO_TYPE_U2: + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(uint16_t, p_var.operator unsigned short()); + case MONO_TYPE_U4: + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(uint32_t, p_var.operator unsigned int()); + case MONO_TYPE_U8: + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(uint64_t, p_var.operator uint64_t()); + case MONO_TYPE_R4: + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(float, p_var.operator float()); + case MONO_TYPE_R8: + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(double, p_var.operator double()); + case MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE: { + GDMonoClass *vtclass = p_type.type_class; + +#define RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(m_struct) \ + if (vtclass == CACHED_CLASS(m_struct)) { \ + GDMonoMarshal::M_##m_struct from = MARSHALLED_OUT(m_struct, p_var.operator ::m_struct()); \ + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(M_##m_struct, from); \ + } + + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Vector2); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Vector2i); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Rect2); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Rect2i); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Transform2D); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Vector3); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Vector3i); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Basis); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Quat); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Transform); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(AABB); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Color); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Plane); + +#undef RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT + + if (vtclass == CACHED_CLASS(Callable)) { + GDMonoMarshal::M_Callable from = GDMonoMarshal::callable_to_managed(p_var.operator Callable()); + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(M_Callable, from); + } + + if (vtclass == CACHED_CLASS(SignalInfo)) { + GDMonoMarshal::M_SignalInfo from = GDMonoMarshal::signal_info_to_managed(p_var.operator Signal()); + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(M_SignalInfo, from); + } + + if (mono_class_is_enum(vtclass->get_mono_ptr())) { + MonoType *enum_basetype = mono_class_enum_basetype(vtclass->get_mono_ptr()); + switch (mono_type_get_type(enum_basetype)) { + case MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN: { + MonoBoolean val = p_var.operator bool(); + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(MonoBoolean, val); + } + case MONO_TYPE_CHAR: { + uint16_t val = p_var.operator unsigned short(); + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(uint16_t, val); + } + case MONO_TYPE_I1: { + int8_t val = p_var.operator signed char(); + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(int8_t, val); + } + case MONO_TYPE_I2: { + int16_t val = p_var.operator signed short(); + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(int16_t, val); + } + case MONO_TYPE_I4: { + int32_t val = p_var.operator signed int(); + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(int32_t, val); + } + case MONO_TYPE_I8: { + int64_t val = p_var.operator int64_t(); + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(int64_t, val); + } + case MONO_TYPE_U1: { + uint8_t val = p_var.operator unsigned char(); + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(uint8_t, val); + } + case MONO_TYPE_U2: { + uint16_t val = p_var.operator unsigned short(); + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(uint16_t, val); + } + case MONO_TYPE_U4: { + uint32_t val = p_var.operator unsigned int(); + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(uint32_t, val); + } + case MONO_TYPE_U8: { + uint64_t val = p_var.operator uint64_t(); + RETURN_TYPE_VAL(uint64_t, val); + } + default: { + ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(nullptr, "Attempted to convert Variant to enum value of unsupported base type: '" + + GDMonoClass::get_full_name(mono_class_from_mono_type(enum_basetype)) + "'."); + } + } + } + + ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(nullptr, "Attempted to convert Variant to unsupported value type: '" + + p_type.type_class->get_full_name() + "'."); + } break; +#undef RETURN_TYPE_VAL + case MONO_TYPE_STRING: + return variant_to_mono_string(p_var); + case MONO_TYPE_ARRAY: + case MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY: + return variant_to_mono_array(p_var, p_type.type_class); + case MONO_TYPE_CLASS: + return variant_to_mono_object_of_class(p_var, p_type.type_class); + case MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST: + return variant_to_mono_object_of_genericinst(p_var, p_type.type_class); + case MONO_TYPE_OBJECT: + return variant_to_mono_object(p_var); + } + + ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(nullptr, "Attempted to convert Variant to unsupported type with encoding: " + + itos(p_type.type_encoding) + "."); +} + +MonoObject *variant_to_mono_object(const Variant &p_var, const ManagedType &p_type) { switch (p_type.type_encoding) { case MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN: { - MonoBoolean val = p_var->operator bool(); + MonoBoolean val = p_var.operator bool(); return BOX_BOOLEAN(val); } - case MONO_TYPE_CHAR: { - uint16_t val = p_var->operator unsigned short(); + uint16_t val = p_var.operator unsigned short(); return BOX_UINT16(val); } - case MONO_TYPE_I1: { - int8_t val = p_var->operator signed char(); + int8_t val = p_var.operator signed char(); return BOX_INT8(val); } case MONO_TYPE_I2: { - int16_t val = p_var->operator signed short(); + int16_t val = p_var.operator signed short(); return BOX_INT16(val); } case MONO_TYPE_I4: { - int32_t val = p_var->operator signed int(); + int32_t val = p_var.operator signed int(); return BOX_INT32(val); } case MONO_TYPE_I8: { - int64_t val = p_var->operator int64_t(); + int64_t val = p_var.operator int64_t(); return BOX_INT64(val); } - case MONO_TYPE_U1: { - uint8_t val = p_var->operator unsigned char(); + uint8_t val = p_var.operator unsigned char(); return BOX_UINT8(val); } case MONO_TYPE_U2: { - uint16_t val = p_var->operator unsigned short(); + uint16_t val = p_var.operator unsigned short(); return BOX_UINT16(val); } case MONO_TYPE_U4: { - uint32_t val = p_var->operator unsigned int(); + uint32_t val = p_var.operator unsigned int(); return BOX_UINT32(val); } case MONO_TYPE_U8: { - uint64_t val = p_var->operator uint64_t(); + uint64_t val = p_var.operator uint64_t(); return BOX_UINT64(val); } - case MONO_TYPE_R4: { - float val = p_var->operator float(); + float val = p_var.operator float(); return BOX_FLOAT(val); } case MONO_TYPE_R8: { - double val = p_var->operator double(); + double val = p_var.operator double(); return BOX_DOUBLE(val); } - - case MONO_TYPE_STRING: { - if (p_var->get_type() == Variant::NIL) { - return nullptr; // Otherwise, Variant -> String would return the string "Null" - } - return (MonoObject *)mono_string_from_godot(p_var->operator String()); - } break; - case MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE: { GDMonoClass *vtclass = p_type.type_class; - if (vtclass == CACHED_CLASS(Vector2)) { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Vector2 from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Vector2, p_var->operator ::Vector2()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Vector2), &from); - } - - if (vtclass == CACHED_CLASS(Vector2i)) { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Vector2i from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Vector2i, p_var->operator ::Vector2i()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Vector2i), &from); - } - - if (vtclass == CACHED_CLASS(Rect2)) { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Rect2 from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Rect2, p_var->operator ::Rect2()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Rect2), &from); - } - - if (vtclass == CACHED_CLASS(Rect2i)) { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Rect2i from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Rect2i, p_var->operator ::Rect2i()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Rect2i), &from); - } - - if (vtclass == CACHED_CLASS(Transform2D)) { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Transform2D from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Transform2D, p_var->operator ::Transform2D()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Transform2D), &from); - } - - if (vtclass == CACHED_CLASS(Vector3)) { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Vector3 from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Vector3, p_var->operator ::Vector3()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Vector3), &from); - } - - if (vtclass == CACHED_CLASS(Vector3i)) { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Vector3i from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Vector3i, p_var->operator ::Vector3i()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Vector3i), &from); - } - - if (vtclass == CACHED_CLASS(Basis)) { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Basis from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Basis, p_var->operator ::Basis()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Basis), &from); - } - - if (vtclass == CACHED_CLASS(Quat)) { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Quat from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Quat, p_var->operator ::Quat()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Quat), &from); - } - - if (vtclass == CACHED_CLASS(Transform)) { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Transform from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Transform, p_var->operator ::Transform()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Transform), &from); - } - - if (vtclass == CACHED_CLASS(AABB)) { - GDMonoMarshal::M_AABB from = MARSHALLED_OUT(AABB, p_var->operator ::AABB()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(AABB), &from); - } - - if (vtclass == CACHED_CLASS(Color)) { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Color from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Color, p_var->operator ::Color()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Color), &from); - } +#define RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(m_struct) \ + if (vtclass == CACHED_CLASS(m_struct)) { \ + GDMonoMarshal::M_##m_struct from = MARSHALLED_OUT(m_struct, p_var.operator ::m_struct()); \ + return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(m_struct), &from); \ + } - if (vtclass == CACHED_CLASS(Plane)) { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Plane from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Plane, p_var->operator ::Plane()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Plane), &from); - } + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Vector2); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Vector2i); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Rect2); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Rect2i); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Transform2D); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Vector3); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Vector3i); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Basis); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Quat); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Transform); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(AABB); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Color); + RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT(Plane); + +#undef RETURN_CHECK_FOR_STRUCT if (vtclass == CACHED_CLASS(Callable)) { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Callable from = GDMonoMarshal::callable_to_managed(p_var->operator Callable()); + GDMonoMarshal::M_Callable from = GDMonoMarshal::callable_to_managed(p_var.operator Callable()); return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Callable), &from); } if (vtclass == CACHED_CLASS(SignalInfo)) { - GDMonoMarshal::M_SignalInfo from = GDMonoMarshal::signal_info_to_managed(p_var->operator Signal()); + GDMonoMarshal::M_SignalInfo from = GDMonoMarshal::signal_info_to_managed(p_var.operator Signal()); return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(SignalInfo), &from); } @@ -465,316 +903,84 @@ MonoObject *variant_to_mono_object(const Variant *p_var, const ManagedType &p_ty MonoClass *enum_baseclass = mono_class_from_mono_type(enum_basetype); switch (mono_type_get_type(enum_basetype)) { case MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN: { - MonoBoolean val = p_var->operator bool(); + MonoBoolean val = p_var.operator bool(); return BOX_ENUM(enum_baseclass, val); } case MONO_TYPE_CHAR: { - uint16_t val = p_var->operator unsigned short(); + uint16_t val = p_var.operator unsigned short(); return BOX_ENUM(enum_baseclass, val); } case MONO_TYPE_I1: { - int8_t val = p_var->operator signed char(); + int8_t val = p_var.operator signed char(); return BOX_ENUM(enum_baseclass, val); } case MONO_TYPE_I2: { - int16_t val = p_var->operator signed short(); + int16_t val = p_var.operator signed short(); return BOX_ENUM(enum_baseclass, val); } case MONO_TYPE_I4: { - int32_t val = p_var->operator signed int(); + int32_t val = p_var.operator signed int(); return BOX_ENUM(enum_baseclass, val); } case MONO_TYPE_I8: { - int64_t val = p_var->operator int64_t(); + int64_t val = p_var.operator int64_t(); return BOX_ENUM(enum_baseclass, val); } case MONO_TYPE_U1: { - uint8_t val = p_var->operator unsigned char(); + uint8_t val = p_var.operator unsigned char(); return BOX_ENUM(enum_baseclass, val); } case MONO_TYPE_U2: { - uint16_t val = p_var->operator unsigned short(); + uint16_t val = p_var.operator unsigned short(); return BOX_ENUM(enum_baseclass, val); } case MONO_TYPE_U4: { - uint32_t val = p_var->operator unsigned int(); + uint32_t val = p_var.operator unsigned int(); return BOX_ENUM(enum_baseclass, val); } case MONO_TYPE_U8: { - uint64_t val = p_var->operator uint64_t(); + uint64_t val = p_var.operator uint64_t(); return BOX_ENUM(enum_baseclass, val); } default: { - ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(nullptr, "Attempted to convert Variant to a managed enum value of unmarshallable base type."); + ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(nullptr, "Attempted to convert Variant to enum value of unsupported base type: '" + + GDMonoClass::get_full_name(enum_baseclass) + "'."); } } } - } break; - - case MONO_TYPE_ARRAY: - case MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY: { - MonoArrayType *array_type = mono_type_get_array_type(p_type.type_class->get_mono_type()); - - if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(MonoObject)) { - return (MonoObject *)Array_to_mono_array(p_var->operator Array()); - } - - if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(uint8_t)) { - return (MonoObject *)PackedByteArray_to_mono_array(p_var->operator PackedByteArray()); - } - - if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(int32_t)) { - return (MonoObject *)PackedInt32Array_to_mono_array(p_var->operator PackedInt32Array()); - } - - if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(int64_t)) { - return (MonoObject *)PackedInt64Array_to_mono_array(p_var->operator PackedInt64Array()); - } - - if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(float)) { - return (MonoObject *)PackedFloat32Array_to_mono_array(p_var->operator PackedFloat32Array()); - } - - if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(double)) { - return (MonoObject *)PackedFloat64Array_to_mono_array(p_var->operator PackedFloat64Array()); - } - - if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(String)) { - return (MonoObject *)PackedStringArray_to_mono_array(p_var->operator PackedStringArray()); - } - - if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Vector2)) { - return (MonoObject *)PackedVector2Array_to_mono_array(p_var->operator PackedVector2Array()); - } - - if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Vector3)) { - return (MonoObject *)PackedVector3Array_to_mono_array(p_var->operator PackedVector3Array()); - } - - if (array_type->eklass == CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Color)) { - return (MonoObject *)PackedColorArray_to_mono_array(p_var->operator PackedColorArray()); - } - - GDMonoClass *array_type_class = GDMono::get_singleton()->get_class(array_type->eklass); - if (CACHED_CLASS(GodotObject)->is_assignable_from(array_type_class)) { - return (MonoObject *)Array_to_mono_array(p_var->operator Array(), array_type_class); - } - - ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(nullptr, "Attempted to convert Variant to a managed array of unmarshallable element type."); - } break; - - case MONO_TYPE_CLASS: { - GDMonoClass *type_class = p_type.type_class; - - // GodotObject - if (CACHED_CLASS(GodotObject)->is_assignable_from(type_class)) { - return GDMonoUtils::unmanaged_get_managed(p_var->operator Object *()); - } - - if (CACHED_CLASS(StringName) == type_class) { - return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var->operator StringName()); - } - - if (CACHED_CLASS(NodePath) == type_class) { - return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var->operator NodePath()); - } - - if (CACHED_CLASS(RID) == type_class) { - return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var->operator ::RID()); - } - - // Godot.Collections.Dictionary or IDictionary - if (CACHED_CLASS(Dictionary) == type_class || CACHED_CLASS(System_Collections_IDictionary) == type_class) { - return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var->operator Dictionary(), CACHED_CLASS(Dictionary)); - } - - // Godot.Collections.Array or ICollection or IEnumerable - if (CACHED_CLASS(Array) == type_class || - CACHED_CLASS(System_Collections_ICollection) == type_class || - CACHED_CLASS(System_Collections_IEnumerable) == type_class) { - return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var->operator Array(), CACHED_CLASS(Array)); - } - } break; - case MONO_TYPE_OBJECT: { - // Variant - switch (p_var->get_type()) { - case Variant::BOOL: { - MonoBoolean val = p_var->operator bool(); - return BOX_BOOLEAN(val); - } - case Variant::INT: { - int64_t val = p_var->operator int64_t(); - return BOX_INT64(val); - } - case Variant::FLOAT: { -#ifdef REAL_T_IS_DOUBLE - double val = p_var->operator double(); - return BOX_DOUBLE(val); -#else - float val = p_var->operator float(); - return BOX_FLOAT(val); -#endif - } - case Variant::STRING: - return (MonoObject *)mono_string_from_godot(p_var->operator String()); - case Variant::VECTOR2: { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Vector2 from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Vector2, p_var->operator ::Vector2()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Vector2), &from); - } - case Variant::VECTOR2I: { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Vector2i from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Vector2i, p_var->operator ::Vector2i()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Vector2i), &from); - } - case Variant::RECT2: { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Rect2 from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Rect2, p_var->operator ::Rect2()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Rect2), &from); - } - case Variant::RECT2I: { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Rect2i from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Rect2i, p_var->operator ::Rect2i()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Rect2i), &from); - } - case Variant::VECTOR3: { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Vector3 from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Vector3, p_var->operator ::Vector3()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Vector3), &from); - } - case Variant::VECTOR3I: { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Vector3i from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Vector3i, p_var->operator ::Vector3i()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Vector3i), &from); - } - case Variant::TRANSFORM2D: { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Transform2D from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Transform2D, p_var->operator ::Transform2D()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Transform2D), &from); - } - case Variant::PLANE: { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Plane from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Plane, p_var->operator ::Plane()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Plane), &from); - } - case Variant::QUAT: { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Quat from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Quat, p_var->operator ::Quat()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Quat), &from); - } - case Variant::AABB: { - GDMonoMarshal::M_AABB from = MARSHALLED_OUT(AABB, p_var->operator ::AABB()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(AABB), &from); - } - case Variant::BASIS: { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Basis from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Basis, p_var->operator ::Basis()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Basis), &from); - } - case Variant::TRANSFORM: { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Transform from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Transform, p_var->operator ::Transform()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Transform), &from); - } - case Variant::COLOR: { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Color from = MARSHALLED_OUT(Color, p_var->operator ::Color()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Color), &from); - } - case Variant::STRING_NAME: - return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var->operator StringName()); - case Variant::NODE_PATH: - return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var->operator NodePath()); - case Variant::RID: - return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var->operator ::RID()); - case Variant::OBJECT: - return GDMonoUtils::unmanaged_get_managed(p_var->operator Object *()); - case Variant::CALLABLE: { - GDMonoMarshal::M_Callable from = GDMonoMarshal::callable_to_managed(p_var->operator Callable()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(Callable), &from); - } - case Variant::SIGNAL: { - GDMonoMarshal::M_SignalInfo from = GDMonoMarshal::signal_info_to_managed(p_var->operator Signal()); - return mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(SignalInfo), &from); - } - case Variant::DICTIONARY: - return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var->operator Dictionary(), CACHED_CLASS(Dictionary)); - case Variant::ARRAY: - return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var->operator Array(), CACHED_CLASS(Array)); - case Variant::PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY: - return (MonoObject *)PackedByteArray_to_mono_array(p_var->operator PackedByteArray()); - case Variant::PACKED_INT32_ARRAY: - return (MonoObject *)PackedInt32Array_to_mono_array(p_var->operator PackedInt32Array()); - case Variant::PACKED_INT64_ARRAY: - return (MonoObject *)PackedInt64Array_to_mono_array(p_var->operator PackedInt64Array()); - case Variant::PACKED_FLOAT32_ARRAY: - return (MonoObject *)PackedFloat32Array_to_mono_array(p_var->operator PackedFloat32Array()); - case Variant::PACKED_FLOAT64_ARRAY: - return (MonoObject *)PackedFloat64Array_to_mono_array(p_var->operator PackedFloat64Array()); - case Variant::PACKED_STRING_ARRAY: - return (MonoObject *)PackedStringArray_to_mono_array(p_var->operator PackedStringArray()); - case Variant::PACKED_VECTOR2_ARRAY: - return (MonoObject *)PackedVector2Array_to_mono_array(p_var->operator PackedVector2Array()); - case Variant::PACKED_VECTOR3_ARRAY: - return (MonoObject *)PackedVector3Array_to_mono_array(p_var->operator PackedVector3Array()); - case Variant::PACKED_COLOR_ARRAY: - return (MonoObject *)PackedColorArray_to_mono_array(p_var->operator PackedColorArray()); - default: - return nullptr; - } - break; - case MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST: { - MonoReflectionType *reftype = mono_type_get_object(mono_domain_get(), p_type.type_class->get_mono_type()); - - // Godot.Collections.Dictionary<TKey, TValue> - if (GDMonoUtils::Marshal::type_is_generic_dictionary(reftype)) { - return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var->operator Dictionary(), p_type.type_class); - } - - // Godot.Collections.Array<T> - if (GDMonoUtils::Marshal::type_is_generic_array(reftype)) { - return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var->operator Array(), p_type.type_class); - } - - // System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<TKey, TValue> - if (GDMonoUtils::Marshal::type_is_system_generic_dictionary(reftype)) { - MonoReflectionType *key_reftype = nullptr; - MonoReflectionType *value_reftype = nullptr; - GDMonoUtils::Marshal::dictionary_get_key_value_types(reftype, &key_reftype, &value_reftype); - return Dictionary_to_system_generic_dict(p_var->operator Dictionary(), p_type.type_class, key_reftype, value_reftype); - } - - // System.Collections.Generic.List<T> - if (GDMonoUtils::Marshal::type_is_system_generic_list(reftype)) { - MonoReflectionType *elem_reftype = nullptr; - GDMonoUtils::Marshal::array_get_element_type(reftype, &elem_reftype); - return Array_to_system_generic_list(p_var->operator Array(), p_type.type_class, elem_reftype); - } - - // IDictionary<TKey, TValue> - if (GDMonoUtils::Marshal::type_is_generic_idictionary(reftype)) { - MonoReflectionType *key_reftype; - MonoReflectionType *value_reftype; - GDMonoUtils::Marshal::dictionary_get_key_value_types(reftype, &key_reftype, &value_reftype); - GDMonoClass *godot_dict_class = GDMonoUtils::Marshal::make_generic_dictionary_type(key_reftype, value_reftype); - - return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var->operator Dictionary(), godot_dict_class); - } - // ICollection<T> or IEnumerable<T> - if (GDMonoUtils::Marshal::type_is_generic_icollection(reftype) || GDMonoUtils::Marshal::type_is_generic_ienumerable(reftype)) { - MonoReflectionType *elem_reftype; - GDMonoUtils::Marshal::array_get_element_type(reftype, &elem_reftype); - GDMonoClass *godot_array_class = GDMonoUtils::Marshal::make_generic_array_type(elem_reftype); - - return GDMonoUtils::create_managed_from(p_var->operator Array(), godot_array_class); - } - } break; + ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(nullptr, "Attempted to convert Variant to unsupported value type: '" + + p_type.type_class->get_full_name() + "'."); } break; + case MONO_TYPE_STRING: + return (MonoObject *)variant_to_mono_string(p_var); + case MONO_TYPE_ARRAY: + case MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY: + return (MonoObject *)variant_to_mono_array(p_var, p_type.type_class); + case MONO_TYPE_CLASS: + return variant_to_mono_object_of_class(p_var, p_type.type_class); + case MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST: + return variant_to_mono_object_of_genericinst(p_var, p_type.type_class); + case MONO_TYPE_OBJECT: + return variant_to_mono_object(p_var); } - ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(nullptr, "Attempted to convert Variant to an unmarshallable managed type. Name: '" + - p_type.type_class->get_name() + "' Encoding: " + itos(p_type.type_encoding) + "."); + ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(nullptr, "Attempted to convert Variant to unsupported type with encoding: " + + itos(p_type.type_encoding) + "."); } Variant mono_object_to_variant_impl(MonoObject *p_obj, const ManagedType &p_type, bool p_fail_with_err = true) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!p_type.type_class, Variant()); +#ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED + CRASH_COND_MSG(p_type.type_encoding == MONO_TYPE_OBJECT, "Type of object should be known."); +#endif + switch (p_type.type_encoding) { case MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN: return (bool)unbox<MonoBoolean>(p_obj); - case MONO_TYPE_CHAR: return unbox<uint16_t>(p_obj); - case MONO_TYPE_I1: return unbox<int8_t>(p_obj); case MONO_TYPE_I2: @@ -783,7 +989,6 @@ Variant mono_object_to_variant_impl(MonoObject *p_obj, const ManagedType &p_type return unbox<int32_t>(p_obj); case MONO_TYPE_I8: return unbox<int64_t>(p_obj); - case MONO_TYPE_U1: return unbox<uint8_t>(p_obj); case MONO_TYPE_U2: @@ -792,19 +997,10 @@ Variant mono_object_to_variant_impl(MonoObject *p_obj, const ManagedType &p_type return unbox<uint32_t>(p_obj); case MONO_TYPE_U8: return unbox<uint64_t>(p_obj); - case MONO_TYPE_R4: return unbox<float>(p_obj); case MONO_TYPE_R8: return unbox<double>(p_obj); - - case MONO_TYPE_STRING: { - if (p_obj == nullptr) { - return Variant(); // NIL - } - return mono_string_to_godot_not_null((MonoString *)p_obj); - } break; - case MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE: { GDMonoClass *vtclass = p_type.type_class; @@ -872,7 +1068,12 @@ Variant mono_object_to_variant_impl(MonoObject *p_obj, const ManagedType &p_type return unbox<int32_t>(p_obj); } } break; - + case MONO_TYPE_STRING: { + if (p_obj == nullptr) { + return Variant(); // NIL + } + return mono_string_to_godot_not_null((MonoString *)p_obj); + } break; case MONO_TYPE_ARRAY: case MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY: { MonoArrayType *array_type = mono_type_get_array_type(p_type.type_class->get_mono_type()); @@ -928,7 +1129,6 @@ Variant mono_object_to_variant_impl(MonoObject *p_obj, const ManagedType &p_type return Variant(); } } break; - case MONO_TYPE_CLASS: { GDMonoClass *type_class = p_type.type_class; @@ -973,7 +1173,6 @@ Variant mono_object_to_variant_impl(MonoObject *p_obj, const ManagedType &p_type return ptr ? Variant(*ptr) : Variant(); } } break; - case MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST: { MonoReflectionType *reftype = mono_type_get_object(mono_domain_get(), p_type.type_class->get_mono_type()); @@ -1052,7 +1251,7 @@ String mono_object_to_variant_string(MonoObject *p_obj, MonoException **r_exc) { ManagedType type = ManagedType::from_class(mono_object_get_class(p_obj)); Variant var = GDMonoMarshal::mono_object_to_variant_no_err(p_obj, type); - if (var.get_type() == Variant::NIL && p_obj != nullptr) { + if (var.get_type() == Variant::NIL) { // `&& p_obj != nullptr` but omitted because always true // Cannot convert MonoObject* to Variant; fallback to 'ToString()'. MonoException *exc = nullptr; MonoString *mono_str = GDMonoUtils::object_to_string(p_obj, &exc); @@ -1115,9 +1314,10 @@ Dictionary system_generic_dict_to_Dictionary(MonoObject *p_obj, [[maybe_unused]] } MonoObject *Array_to_system_generic_list(const Array &p_array, GDMonoClass *p_class, MonoReflectionType *p_elem_reftype) { - GDMonoClass *elem_class = ManagedType::from_reftype(p_elem_reftype).type_class; + MonoType *elem_type = mono_reflection_type_get_type(p_elem_reftype); + MonoClass *elem_class = mono_class_from_mono_type(elem_type); - String ctor_desc = ":.ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<" + elem_class->get_type_desc() + ">)"; + String ctor_desc = ":.ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<" + GDMonoUtils::get_type_desc(elem_type) + ">)"; GDMonoMethod *ctor = p_class->get_method_with_desc(ctor_desc, true); CRASH_COND(ctor == nullptr); @@ -1156,9 +1356,9 @@ MonoArray *Array_to_mono_array(const Array &p_array) { return ret; } -MonoArray *Array_to_mono_array(const Array &p_array, GDMonoClass *p_array_type_class) { +MonoArray *Array_to_mono_array(const Array &p_array, MonoClass *p_array_type_class) { int length = p_array.size(); - MonoArray *ret = mono_array_new(mono_domain_get(), p_array_type_class->get_mono_ptr(), length); + MonoArray *ret = mono_array_new(mono_domain_get(), p_array_type_class, length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { MonoObject *boxed = variant_to_mono_object(p_array[i]); diff --git a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_marshal.h b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_marshal.h index d1d5f1f202..6d8227f8b4 100644 --- a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_marshal.h +++ b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_marshal.h @@ -90,15 +90,40 @@ _FORCE_INLINE_ MonoString *mono_string_from_godot(const String &p_string) { // Variant -MonoObject *variant_to_mono_object(const Variant *p_var, const ManagedType &p_type); -MonoObject *variant_to_mono_object(const Variant *p_var); - -_FORCE_INLINE_ MonoObject *variant_to_mono_object(const Variant &p_var) { - return variant_to_mono_object(&p_var); +size_t variant_get_managed_unboxed_size(const ManagedType &p_type); +void *variant_to_managed_unboxed(const Variant &p_var, const ManagedType &p_type, void *r_buffer, unsigned int &r_offset); +MonoObject *variant_to_mono_object(const Variant &p_var, const ManagedType &p_type); + +MonoObject *variant_to_mono_object(const Variant &p_var); +MonoArray *variant_to_mono_array(const Variant &p_var, GDMonoClass *p_type_class); +MonoObject *variant_to_mono_object_of_class(const Variant &p_var, GDMonoClass *p_type_class); +MonoObject *variant_to_mono_object_of_genericinst(const Variant &p_var, GDMonoClass *p_type_class); +MonoString *variant_to_mono_string(const Variant &p_var); + +// These overloads were added to avoid passing a `const Variant *` to the `const Variant &` +// parameter. That would result in the `Variant(bool)` copy constructor being called as +// pointers are implicitly converted to bool. Implicit conversions are f-ing evil. + +_FORCE_INLINE_ void *variant_to_managed_unboxed(const Variant *p_var, const ManagedType &p_type, void *r_buffer, unsigned int &r_offset) { + return variant_to_managed_unboxed(*p_var, p_type, r_buffer, r_offset); } - -_FORCE_INLINE_ MonoObject *variant_to_mono_object(const Variant &p_var, const ManagedType &p_type) { - return variant_to_mono_object(&p_var, p_type); +_FORCE_INLINE_ MonoObject *variant_to_mono_object(const Variant *p_var, const ManagedType &p_type) { + return variant_to_mono_object(*p_var, p_type); +} +_FORCE_INLINE_ MonoObject *variant_to_mono_object(const Variant *p_var) { + return variant_to_mono_object(*p_var); +} +_FORCE_INLINE_ MonoArray *variant_to_mono_array(const Variant *p_var, GDMonoClass *p_type_class) { + return variant_to_mono_array(*p_var, p_type_class); +} +_FORCE_INLINE_ MonoObject *variant_to_mono_object_of_class(const Variant *p_var, GDMonoClass *p_type_class) { + return variant_to_mono_object_of_class(*p_var, p_type_class); +} +_FORCE_INLINE_ MonoObject *variant_to_mono_object_of_genericinst(const Variant *p_var, GDMonoClass *p_type_class) { + return variant_to_mono_object_of_genericinst(*p_var, p_type_class); +} +_FORCE_INLINE_ MonoString *variant_to_mono_string(const Variant *p_var) { + return variant_to_mono_string(*p_var); } Variant mono_object_to_variant(MonoObject *p_obj); @@ -120,7 +145,7 @@ Array system_generic_list_to_Array(MonoObject *p_obj, GDMonoClass *p_class, Mono // Array MonoArray *Array_to_mono_array(const Array &p_array); -MonoArray *Array_to_mono_array(const Array &p_array, GDMonoClass *p_array_type_class); +MonoArray *Array_to_mono_array(const Array &p_array, MonoClass *p_array_type_class); Array mono_array_to_Array(MonoArray *p_array); // PackedInt32Array diff --git a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_method.cpp b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_method.cpp index 04f3b25a70..1d87726234 100644 --- a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_method.cpp +++ b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_method.cpp @@ -75,6 +75,10 @@ void GDMonoMethod::_update_signature(MonoMethodSignature *p_method_sig) { // clear the cache method_info_fetched = false; method_info = MethodInfo(); + + for (int i = 0; i < params_count; i++) { + params_buffer_size += GDMonoMarshal::variant_get_managed_unboxed_size(param_types[i]); + } } GDMonoClass *GDMonoMethod::get_enclosing_class() const { @@ -107,14 +111,15 @@ MonoObject *GDMonoMethod::invoke(MonoObject *p_object, const Variant **p_params, MonoObject *ret; if (params_count > 0) { - MonoArray *params = mono_array_new(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(MonoObject), params_count); + void **params = (void **)alloca(params_count * sizeof(void *)); + uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)alloca(params_buffer_size); + unsigned int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < params_count; i++) { - MonoObject *boxed_param = GDMonoMarshal::variant_to_mono_object(p_params[i], param_types[i]); - mono_array_setref(params, i, boxed_param); + params[i] = GDMonoMarshal::variant_to_managed_unboxed(p_params[i], param_types[i], buffer + offset, offset); } - ret = GDMonoUtils::runtime_invoke_array(mono_method, p_object, params, &exc); + ret = GDMonoUtils::runtime_invoke(mono_method, p_object, params, &exc); } else { ret = GDMonoUtils::runtime_invoke(mono_method, p_object, nullptr, &exc); } @@ -279,16 +284,8 @@ const MethodInfo &GDMonoMethod::get_method_info() { return method_info; } -GDMonoMethod::GDMonoMethod(StringName p_name, MonoMethod *p_method) { - name = p_name; - - mono_method = p_method; - - method_info_fetched = false; - - attrs_fetched = false; - attributes = nullptr; - +GDMonoMethod::GDMonoMethod(StringName p_name, MonoMethod *p_method) : + name(p_name), mono_method(p_method) { _update_signature(); } diff --git a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_method.h b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_method.h index f78f57dca0..115bd998fa 100644 --- a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_method.h +++ b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_method.h @@ -38,15 +38,16 @@ class GDMonoMethod : public IMonoClassMember { StringName name; - int params_count; + uint16_t params_count; + unsigned int params_buffer_size = 0; ManagedType return_type; Vector<ManagedType> param_types; - bool method_info_fetched; + bool method_info_fetched = false; MethodInfo method_info; - bool attrs_fetched; - MonoCustomAttrInfo *attributes; + bool attrs_fetched = false; + MonoCustomAttrInfo *attributes = nullptr; void _update_signature(); void _update_signature(MonoMethodSignature *p_method_sig); @@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ public: _FORCE_INLINE_ MonoMethod *get_mono_ptr() const { return mono_method; } - _FORCE_INLINE_ int get_parameters_count() const { return params_count; } + _FORCE_INLINE_ uint16_t get_parameters_count() const { return params_count; } _FORCE_INLINE_ ManagedType get_return_type() const { return return_type; } MonoObject *invoke(MonoObject *p_object, const Variant **p_params, MonoException **r_exc = nullptr) const; diff --git a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_property.cpp b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_property.cpp index bc3be97102..1027c08a4a 100644 --- a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_property.cpp +++ b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_property.cpp @@ -149,10 +149,9 @@ bool GDMonoProperty::has_setter() { void GDMonoProperty::set_value(MonoObject *p_object, MonoObject *p_value, MonoException **r_exc) { MonoMethod *prop_method = mono_property_get_set_method(mono_property); - MonoArray *params = mono_array_new(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(MonoObject), 1); - mono_array_setref(params, 0, p_value); + void *params[1] = { p_value }; MonoException *exc = nullptr; - GDMonoUtils::runtime_invoke_array(prop_method, p_object, params, &exc); + GDMonoUtils::runtime_invoke(prop_method, p_object, params, &exc); if (exc) { if (r_exc) { *r_exc = exc; diff --git a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_utils.cpp b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_utils.cpp index 97fc4c57f9..05fd57255c 100644 --- a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_utils.cpp +++ b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_utils.cpp @@ -480,6 +480,7 @@ void set_pending_exception(MonoException *p_exc) { #else if (get_runtime_invoke_count() == 0) { debug_unhandled_exception(p_exc); + return; } if (!mono_runtime_set_pending_exception(p_exc, false)) { @@ -498,13 +499,6 @@ MonoObject *runtime_invoke(MonoMethod *p_method, void *p_obj, void **p_params, M return ret; } -MonoObject *runtime_invoke_array(MonoMethod *p_method, void *p_obj, MonoArray *p_params, MonoException **r_exc) { - GD_MONO_BEGIN_RUNTIME_INVOKE; - MonoObject *ret = mono_runtime_invoke_array(p_method, p_obj, p_params, (MonoObject **)r_exc); - GD_MONO_END_RUNTIME_INVOKE; - return ret; -} - MonoString *object_to_string(MonoObject *p_obj, MonoException **r_exc) { GD_MONO_BEGIN_RUNTIME_INVOKE; MonoString *ret = mono_object_to_string(p_obj, (MonoObject **)r_exc); diff --git a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_utils.h b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_utils.h index 71c131f77c..faa3d24eeb 100644 --- a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_utils.h +++ b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_utils.h @@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ _FORCE_INLINE_ int &get_runtime_invoke_count_ref() { } MonoObject *runtime_invoke(MonoMethod *p_method, void *p_obj, void **p_params, MonoException **r_exc); -MonoObject *runtime_invoke_array(MonoMethod *p_method, void *p_obj, MonoArray *p_params, MonoException **r_exc); MonoString *object_to_string(MonoObject *p_obj, MonoException **r_exc); diff --git a/modules/mono/signal_awaiter_utils.cpp b/modules/mono/signal_awaiter_utils.cpp index bd67b03c8e..f220abfb4c 100644 --- a/modules/mono/signal_awaiter_utils.cpp +++ b/modules/mono/signal_awaiter_utils.cpp @@ -48,18 +48,10 @@ Error gd_mono_connect_signal_awaiter(Object *p_source, const StringName &p_signa } bool SignalAwaiterCallable::compare_equal(const CallableCustom *p_a, const CallableCustom *p_b) { + // Only called if both instances are of type SignalAwaiterCallable. Static cast is safe. const SignalAwaiterCallable *a = static_cast<const SignalAwaiterCallable *>(p_a); const SignalAwaiterCallable *b = static_cast<const SignalAwaiterCallable *>(p_b); - - if (a->target_id != b->target_id) { - return false; - } - - if (a->signal != b->signal) { - return false; - } - - return true; + return a->awaiter_handle.handle == b->awaiter_handle.handle; } bool SignalAwaiterCallable::compare_less(const CallableCustom *p_a, const CallableCustom *p_b) { @@ -109,11 +101,15 @@ void SignalAwaiterCallable::call(const Variant **p_arguments, int p_argcount, Va "Resumed after await, but class instance is gone."); #endif - MonoArray *signal_args = mono_array_new(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(MonoObject), p_argcount); + MonoArray *signal_args = nullptr; - for (int i = 0; i < p_argcount; i++) { - MonoObject *boxed = GDMonoMarshal::variant_to_mono_object(*p_arguments[i]); - mono_array_setref(signal_args, i, boxed); + if (p_argcount > 0) { + signal_args = mono_array_new(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS_RAW(MonoObject), p_argcount); + + for (int i = 0; i < p_argcount; i++) { + MonoObject *boxed = GDMonoMarshal::variant_to_mono_object(*p_arguments[i]); + mono_array_setref(signal_args, i, boxed); + } } MonoObject *awaiter = awaiter_handle.get_target(); diff --git a/modules/opensimplex/doc_classes/OpenSimplexNoise.xml b/modules/opensimplex/doc_classes/OpenSimplexNoise.xml index d89828037f..9fe4c9c249 100644 --- a/modules/opensimplex/doc_classes/OpenSimplexNoise.xml +++ b/modules/opensimplex/doc_classes/OpenSimplexNoise.xml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ <tutorials> </tutorials> <methods> - <method name="get_image"> + <method name="get_image" qualifiers="const"> <return type="Image"> </return> <argument index="0" name="width" type="int"> @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Generate a noise image with the requested [code]width[/code] and [code]height[/code], based on the current noise parameters. </description> </method> - <method name="get_noise_1d"> + <method name="get_noise_1d" qualifiers="const"> <return type="float"> </return> <argument index="0" name="x" type="float"> @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ [b]Note:[/b] This method actually returns the 2D noise value [code][-1,1][/code] with fixed y-coordinate value 0.0. </description> </method> - <method name="get_noise_2d"> + <method name="get_noise_2d" qualifiers="const"> <return type="float"> </return> <argument index="0" name="x" type="float"> @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Returns the 2D noise value [code][-1,1][/code] at the given position. </description> </method> - <method name="get_noise_2dv"> + <method name="get_noise_2dv" qualifiers="const"> <return type="float"> </return> <argument index="0" name="pos" type="Vector2"> @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Returns the 2D noise value [code][-1,1][/code] at the given position. </description> </method> - <method name="get_noise_3d"> + <method name="get_noise_3d" qualifiers="const"> <return type="float"> </return> <argument index="0" name="x" type="float"> @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Returns the 3D noise value [code][-1,1][/code] at the given position. </description> </method> - <method name="get_noise_3dv"> + <method name="get_noise_3dv" qualifiers="const"> <return type="float"> </return> <argument index="0" name="pos" type="Vector3"> @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Returns the 3D noise value [code][-1,1][/code] at the given position. </description> </method> - <method name="get_noise_4d"> + <method name="get_noise_4d" qualifiers="const"> <return type="float"> </return> <argument index="0" name="x" type="float"> @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ Returns the 4D noise value [code][-1,1][/code] at the given position. </description> </method> - <method name="get_seamless_image"> + <method name="get_seamless_image" qualifiers="const"> <return type="Image"> </return> <argument index="0" name="size" type="int"> diff --git a/modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.cpp b/modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.cpp index b08219d258..aded4d2a07 100644 --- a/modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.cpp +++ b/modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.cpp @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ void OpenSimplexNoise::set_seed(int p_seed) { emit_changed(); } -int OpenSimplexNoise::get_seed() { +int OpenSimplexNoise::get_seed() const { return seed; } @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ void OpenSimplexNoise::set_lacunarity(float p_lacunarity) { emit_changed(); } -Ref<Image> OpenSimplexNoise::get_image(int p_width, int p_height) { +Ref<Image> OpenSimplexNoise::get_image(int p_width, int p_height) const { Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(p_width * p_height * 4); @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ Ref<Image> OpenSimplexNoise::get_image(int p_width, int p_height) { return image; } -Ref<Image> OpenSimplexNoise::get_seamless_image(int p_size) { +Ref<Image> OpenSimplexNoise::get_seamless_image(int p_size) const { Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(p_size * p_size * 4); @@ -193,11 +193,11 @@ void OpenSimplexNoise::_bind_methods() { ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "lacunarity", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.1,4.0,0.01"), "set_lacunarity", "get_lacunarity"); } -float OpenSimplexNoise::get_noise_1d(float x) { +float OpenSimplexNoise::get_noise_1d(float x) const { return get_noise_2d(x, 1.0); } -float OpenSimplexNoise::get_noise_2d(float x, float y) { +float OpenSimplexNoise::get_noise_2d(float x, float y) const { x /= period; y /= period; @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ float OpenSimplexNoise::get_noise_2d(float x, float y) { return sum / max; } -float OpenSimplexNoise::get_noise_3d(float x, float y, float z) { +float OpenSimplexNoise::get_noise_3d(float x, float y, float z) const { x /= period; y /= period; z /= period; @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ float OpenSimplexNoise::get_noise_3d(float x, float y, float z) { return sum / max; } -float OpenSimplexNoise::get_noise_4d(float x, float y, float z, float w) { +float OpenSimplexNoise::get_noise_4d(float x, float y, float z, float w) const { x /= period; y /= period; z /= period; diff --git a/modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.h b/modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.h index 835f8ed35e..d9bf05115d 100644 --- a/modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.h +++ b/modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.h @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public: void _init_seeds(); void set_seed(int seed); - int get_seed(); + int get_seed() const; void set_octaves(int p_octaves); int get_octaves() const { return octaves; } @@ -75,22 +75,22 @@ public: void set_lacunarity(float p_lacunarity); float get_lacunarity() const { return lacunarity; } - Ref<Image> get_image(int p_width, int p_height); - Ref<Image> get_seamless_image(int p_size); + Ref<Image> get_image(int p_width, int p_height) const; + Ref<Image> get_seamless_image(int p_size) const; - float get_noise_1d(float x); - float get_noise_2d(float x, float y); - float get_noise_3d(float x, float y, float z); - float get_noise_4d(float x, float y, float z, float w); + float get_noise_1d(float x) const; + float get_noise_2d(float x, float y) const; + float get_noise_3d(float x, float y, float z) const; + float get_noise_4d(float x, float y, float z, float w) const; - _FORCE_INLINE_ float _get_octave_noise_2d(int octave, float x, float y) { return open_simplex_noise2(&(contexts[octave]), x, y); } - _FORCE_INLINE_ float _get_octave_noise_3d(int octave, float x, float y, float z) { return open_simplex_noise3(&(contexts[octave]), x, y, z); } - _FORCE_INLINE_ float _get_octave_noise_4d(int octave, float x, float y, float z, float w) { return open_simplex_noise4(&(contexts[octave]), x, y, z, w); } + _FORCE_INLINE_ float _get_octave_noise_2d(int octave, float x, float y) const { return open_simplex_noise2(&(contexts[octave]), x, y); } + _FORCE_INLINE_ float _get_octave_noise_3d(int octave, float x, float y, float z) const { return open_simplex_noise3(&(contexts[octave]), x, y, z); } + _FORCE_INLINE_ float _get_octave_noise_4d(int octave, float x, float y, float z, float w) const { return open_simplex_noise4(&(contexts[octave]), x, y, z, w); } // Convenience - _FORCE_INLINE_ float get_noise_2dv(Vector2 v) { return get_noise_2d(v.x, v.y); } - _FORCE_INLINE_ float get_noise_3dv(Vector3 v) { return get_noise_3d(v.x, v.y, v.z); } + _FORCE_INLINE_ float get_noise_2dv(const Vector2 &v) const { return get_noise_2d(v.x, v.y); } + _FORCE_INLINE_ float get_noise_3dv(const Vector3 &v) const { return get_noise_3d(v.x, v.y, v.z); } protected: static void _bind_methods(); diff --git a/modules/text_server_adv/bitmap_font_adv.cpp b/modules/text_server_adv/bitmap_font_adv.cpp index 10c3732fd7..f743000bc1 100644 --- a/modules/text_server_adv/bitmap_font_adv.cpp +++ b/modules/text_server_adv/bitmap_font_adv.cpp @@ -175,8 +175,9 @@ static hb_bool_t hb_bmp_get_font_h_extents(hb_font_t *font, void *font_data, hb_ return true; } -static hb_font_funcs_t *_hb_bmp_get_font_funcs() { - hb_font_funcs_t *funcs = hb_font_funcs_create(); +static hb_font_funcs_t *funcs = nullptr; +void hb_bmp_create_font_funcs() { + funcs = hb_font_funcs_create(); hb_font_funcs_set_font_h_extents_func(funcs, hb_bmp_get_font_h_extents, nullptr, nullptr); //hb_font_funcs_set_font_v_extents_func (funcs, hb_bmp_get_font_v_extents, nullptr, nullptr); @@ -194,12 +195,17 @@ static hb_font_funcs_t *_hb_bmp_get_font_funcs() { //hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_from_name_func (funcs, hb_bmp_get_glyph_from_name, nullptr, nullptr); hb_font_funcs_make_immutable(funcs); +} - return funcs; +void hb_bmp_free_font_funcs() { + if (funcs != nullptr) { + hb_font_funcs_destroy(funcs); + funcs = nullptr; + } } static void _hb_bmp_font_set_funcs(hb_font_t *p_font, BitmapFontDataAdvanced *p_face, int p_size, bool p_unref) { - hb_font_set_funcs(p_font, _hb_bmp_get_font_funcs(), _hb_bmp_font_create(p_face, p_size, p_unref), _hb_bmp_font_destroy); + hb_font_set_funcs(p_font, funcs, _hb_bmp_font_create(p_face, p_size, p_unref), _hb_bmp_font_destroy); } hb_font_t *hb_bmp_font_create(BitmapFontDataAdvanced *p_face, int p_size, hb_destroy_func_t p_destroy) { diff --git a/modules/text_server_adv/bitmap_font_adv.h b/modules/text_server_adv/bitmap_font_adv.h index b2fe7f43af..cb1a726f76 100644 --- a/modules/text_server_adv/bitmap_font_adv.h +++ b/modules/text_server_adv/bitmap_font_adv.h @@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ #include "font_adv.h" +void hb_bmp_create_font_funcs(); +void hb_bmp_free_font_funcs(); + struct BitmapFontDataAdvanced : public FontDataAdvanced { _THREAD_SAFE_CLASS_ diff --git a/modules/text_server_adv/dynamic_font_adv.cpp b/modules/text_server_adv/dynamic_font_adv.cpp index 90e5cc8831..a081890837 100644 --- a/modules/text_server_adv/dynamic_font_adv.cpp +++ b/modules/text_server_adv/dynamic_font_adv.cpp @@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ #include FT_STROKER_H #include FT_ADVANCES_H -HashMap<String, Vector<uint8_t>> DynamicFontDataAdvanced::font_mem_cache; - DynamicFontDataAdvanced::DataAtSize *DynamicFontDataAdvanced::get_data_for_size(int p_size, int p_outline_size) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!valid, nullptr); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_size < 0 || p_size > UINT16_MAX, nullptr); @@ -55,11 +53,10 @@ DynamicFontDataAdvanced::DataAtSize *DynamicFontDataAdvanced::get_data_for_size( if (E != nullptr) { fds = E->get(); } else { - // FT_OPEN_STREAM is extremely slow only on Android. - if (OS::get_singleton()->get_name() == "Android" && font_mem == nullptr && font_path != String()) { - if (font_mem_cache.has(font_path)) { - font_mem = font_mem_cache[font_path].ptr(); - font_mem_size = font_mem_cache[font_path].size(); + if (font_mem == nullptr && font_path != String()) { + if (!font_mem_cache.empty()) { + font_mem = font_mem_cache.ptr(); + font_mem_size = font_mem_cache.size(); } else { FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(font_path, FileAccess::READ); if (!f) { @@ -67,11 +64,9 @@ DynamicFontDataAdvanced::DataAtSize *DynamicFontDataAdvanced::get_data_for_size( } size_t len = f->get_len(); - font_mem_cache[font_path] = Vector<uint8_t>(); - Vector<uint8_t> &fontdata = font_mem_cache[font_path]; - fontdata.resize(len); - f->get_buffer(fontdata.ptrw(), len); - font_mem = fontdata.ptr(); + font_mem_cache.resize(len); + f->get_buffer(font_mem_cache.ptrw(), len); + font_mem = font_mem_cache.ptr(); font_mem_size = len; f->close(); } @@ -79,27 +74,7 @@ DynamicFontDataAdvanced::DataAtSize *DynamicFontDataAdvanced::get_data_for_size( int error = 0; fds = memnew(DataAtSize); - if (font_mem == nullptr && font_path != String()) { - FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(font_path, FileAccess::READ); - if (!f) { - memdelete(fds); - ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(nullptr, "Cannot open font file '" + font_path + "'."); - } - - memset(&fds->stream, 0, sizeof(FT_StreamRec)); - fds->stream.base = nullptr; - fds->stream.size = f->get_len(); - fds->stream.pos = 0; - fds->stream.descriptor.pointer = f; - fds->stream.read = _ft_stream_io; - fds->stream.close = _ft_stream_close; - - FT_Open_Args fargs; - memset(&fargs, 0, sizeof(FT_Open_Args)); - fargs.flags = FT_OPEN_STREAM; - fargs.stream = &fds->stream; - error = FT_Open_Face(library, &fargs, 0, &fds->face); - } else if (font_mem) { + if (font_mem) { memset(&fds->stream, 0, sizeof(FT_StreamRec)); fds->stream.base = (unsigned char *)font_mem; fds->stream.size = font_mem_size; @@ -169,25 +144,6 @@ DynamicFontDataAdvanced::DataAtSize *DynamicFontDataAdvanced::get_data_for_size( return fds; } -unsigned long DynamicFontDataAdvanced::_ft_stream_io(FT_Stream stream, unsigned long offset, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned long count) { - FileAccess *f = (FileAccess *)stream->descriptor.pointer; - - if (f->get_position() != offset) { - f->seek(offset); - } - if (count == 0) { - return 0; - } - - return f->get_buffer(buffer, count); -} - -void DynamicFontDataAdvanced::_ft_stream_close(FT_Stream stream) { - FileAccess *f = (FileAccess *)stream->descriptor.pointer; - f->close(); - memdelete(f); -} - Dictionary DynamicFontDataAdvanced::get_feature_list() const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ DataAtSize *fds = const_cast<DynamicFontDataAdvanced *>(this)->get_data_for_size(base_size); diff --git a/modules/text_server_adv/dynamic_font_adv.h b/modules/text_server_adv/dynamic_font_adv.h index 61cff3cde9..4ba120f203 100644 --- a/modules/text_server_adv/dynamic_font_adv.h +++ b/modules/text_server_adv/dynamic_font_adv.h @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ private: const uint8_t *font_mem = nullptr; int font_mem_size = 0; String font_path; - static HashMap<String, Vector<uint8_t>> font_mem_cache; + Vector<uint8_t> font_mem_cache; float rect_margin = 1.f; int base_size = 16; @@ -128,9 +128,6 @@ private: Map<CacheID, DataAtSize *> size_cache; Map<CacheID, DataAtSize *> size_cache_outline; - static unsigned long _ft_stream_io(FT_Stream stream, unsigned long offset, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned long count); - static void _ft_stream_close(FT_Stream stream); - DataAtSize *get_data_for_size(int p_size, int p_outline_size = 0); TexturePosition find_texture_pos_for_glyph(DataAtSize *p_data, int p_color_size, Image::Format p_image_format, int p_width, int p_height); diff --git a/modules/text_server_adv/script_iterator.cpp b/modules/text_server_adv/script_iterator.cpp index 8a2b2cced0..60a617c3a7 100644 --- a/modules/text_server_adv/script_iterator.cpp +++ b/modules/text_server_adv/script_iterator.cpp @@ -56,11 +56,12 @@ ScriptIterator::ScriptIterator(const String &p_string, int p_start, int p_length int paren_sp = -1; int start_sp = paren_sp; UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; + const char32_t *str = p_string.ptr(); do { script_code = USCRIPT_COMMON; for (script_start = script_end; script_end < p_length; script_end++) { - UChar32 ch = p_string[script_end]; + UChar32 ch = str[script_end]; UScriptCode sc = uscript_getScript(ch, &err); if (U_FAILURE(err)) { ERR_FAIL_MSG(u_errorName(err)); diff --git a/modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.cpp b/modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.cpp index e391777eea..dacf649987 100644 --- a/modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.cpp +++ b/modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.cpp @@ -1108,7 +1108,9 @@ bool TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_resize_object(RID p_shaped, Variant p_key, sd->width = 0; sd->upos = 0; sd->uthk = 0; - for (int i = 0; i < sd->glyphs.size(); i++) { + int sd_size = sd->glyphs.size(); + + for (int i = 0; i < sd_size; i++) { Glyph gl = sd->glyphs[i]; Variant key; if (gl.count == 1) { @@ -1128,8 +1130,8 @@ bool TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_resize_object(RID p_shaped, Variant p_key, sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, sd->objects[key].rect.size.y); } break; case VALIGN_CENTER: { - sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, sd->objects[key].rect.size.y / 2); - sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, sd->objects[key].rect.size.y / 2); + sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, Math::round(sd->objects[key].rect.size.y / 2)); + sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, Math::round(sd->objects[key].rect.size.y / 2)); } break; case VALIGN_BOTTOM: { sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, sd->objects[key].rect.size.y); @@ -1144,8 +1146,8 @@ bool TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_resize_object(RID p_shaped, Variant p_key, sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, sd->objects[key].rect.size.x); } break; case VALIGN_CENTER: { - sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, sd->objects[key].rect.size.x / 2); - sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, sd->objects[key].rect.size.x / 2); + sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, Math::round(sd->objects[key].rect.size.x / 2)); + sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, Math::round(sd->objects[key].rect.size.x / 2)); } break; case VALIGN_BOTTOM: { sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, sd->objects[key].rect.size.x); @@ -1160,19 +1162,19 @@ bool TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_resize_object(RID p_shaped, Variant p_key, sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, MAX(fd->get_ascent(gl.font_size), -gl.y_off)); sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, MAX(fd->get_descent(gl.font_size), gl.y_off)); } else { - sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5); - sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5); + sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, Math::round(fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5)); + sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, Math::round(fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5)); } sd->upos = MAX(sd->upos, font_get_underline_position(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size)); sd->uthk = MAX(sd->uthk, font_get_underline_thickness(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size)); } else if (sd->preserve_invalid || (sd->preserve_control && is_control(gl.index))) { // Glyph not found, replace with hex code box. if (sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { - sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.75f); - sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.25f); + sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.75f)); + sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.25f)); } else { - sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f); - sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f); + sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f)); + sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f)); } } sd->width += gl.advance * gl.repeat; @@ -1248,6 +1250,11 @@ RID TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_substr(RID p_shaped, int p_start, int p_leng new_sd->utf16 = new_sd->text.utf16(); new_sd->script_iter = memnew(ScriptIterator(new_sd->text, 0, new_sd->text.length())); + int sd_size = sd->glyphs.size(); + const Glyph *sd_glyphs = sd->glyphs.ptr(); + const FontDataAdvanced *fd = nullptr; + RID prev_rid = RID(); + for (int ov = 0; ov < sd->bidi_override.size(); ov++) { UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; @@ -1280,21 +1287,23 @@ RID TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_substr(RID p_shaped, int p_start, int p_leng int32_t bidi_run_start = _convert_pos(sd, sd->bidi_override[ov].x + start + _bidi_run_start); int32_t bidi_run_end = _convert_pos(sd, sd->bidi_override[ov].x + start + _bidi_run_start + _bidi_run_length); - for (int j = 0; j < sd->glyphs.size(); j++) { - if ((sd->glyphs[j].start >= bidi_run_start) && (sd->glyphs[j].end <= bidi_run_end)) { + for (int j = 0; j < sd_size; j++) { + if ((sd_glyphs[j].start >= bidi_run_start) && (sd_glyphs[j].end <= bidi_run_end)) { // Copy glyphs. - Glyph gl = sd->glyphs[j]; + Glyph gl = sd_glyphs[j]; Variant key; + bool find_embedded = false; if (gl.count == 1) { for (Map<Variant, ShapedTextData::EmbeddedObject>::Element *E = sd->objects.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get().pos == gl.start) { + find_embedded = true; key = E->key(); new_sd->objects[key] = E->get(); break; } } } - if (key != Variant()) { + if (find_embedded) { if (new_sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { new_sd->objects[key].rect.position.x = new_sd->width; new_sd->width += new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.x; @@ -1303,8 +1312,8 @@ RID TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_substr(RID p_shaped, int p_start, int p_leng new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.y); } break; case VALIGN_CENTER: { - new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.y / 2); - new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.y / 2); + new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, Math::round(new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.y / 2)); + new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, Math::round(new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.y / 2)); } break; case VALIGN_BOTTOM: { new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.y); @@ -1318,8 +1327,8 @@ RID TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_substr(RID p_shaped, int p_start, int p_leng new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.x); } break; case VALIGN_CENTER: { - new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.x / 2); - new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.x / 2); + new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, Math::round(new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.x / 2)); + new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, Math::round(new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.x / 2)); } break; case VALIGN_BOTTOM: { new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.x); @@ -1327,23 +1336,26 @@ RID TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_substr(RID p_shaped, int p_start, int p_leng } } } else { - const FontDataAdvanced *fd = font_owner.getornull(gl.font_rid); + if (prev_rid != gl.font_rid) { + fd = font_owner.getornull(gl.font_rid); + prev_rid = gl.font_rid; + } if (fd != nullptr) { if (new_sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, MAX(fd->get_ascent(gl.font_size), -gl.y_off)); new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, MAX(fd->get_descent(gl.font_size), gl.y_off)); } else { - new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5); - new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5); + new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, Math::round(fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5)); + new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, Math::round(fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5)); } } else if (new_sd->preserve_invalid || (new_sd->preserve_control && is_control(gl.index))) { // Glyph not found, replace with hex code box. if (new_sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { - new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.75f); - new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.25f); + new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.75f)); + new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.25f)); } else { - new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f); - new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f); + new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f)); + new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f)); } } new_sd->width += gl.advance * gl.repeat; @@ -1491,9 +1503,9 @@ float TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_fit_to_width(RID p_shaped, float p_width, if ((gl.flags & GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE) == GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE) { float old_adv = gl.advance; if ((gl.flags & GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL) == GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL) { - gl.advance = MAX(gl.advance + delta_width_per_space, 0.f); + gl.advance = Math::round(MAX(gl.advance + delta_width_per_space, 0.f)); } else { - gl.advance = MAX(gl.advance + delta_width_per_space, 0.05 * gl.font_size); + gl.advance = Math::round(MAX(gl.advance + delta_width_per_space, 0.05 * gl.font_size)); } sd->width += (gl.advance - old_adv); } @@ -1529,8 +1541,10 @@ float TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_tab_align(RID p_shaped, const Vector<float delta = -1; } + Glyph *gl = sd->glyphs.ptrw(); + for (int i = start; i != end; i += delta) { - if ((sd->glyphs[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_TAB) == GRAPHEME_IS_TAB) { + if ((gl[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_TAB) == GRAPHEME_IS_TAB) { float tab_off = 0.f; while (tab_off <= off) { tab_off += p_tab_stops[tab_index]; @@ -1539,13 +1553,13 @@ float TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_tab_align(RID p_shaped, const Vector<float tab_index = 0; } } - float old_adv = sd->glyphs.write[i].advance; - sd->glyphs.write[i].advance = (tab_off - off); - sd->width += sd->glyphs.write[i].advance - old_adv; + float old_adv = gl[i].advance; + gl[i].advance = tab_off - off; + sd->width += gl[i].advance - old_adv; off = 0; continue; } - off += sd->glyphs[i].advance * sd->glyphs[i].repeat; + off += gl[i].advance * gl[i].repeat; } return 0.f; @@ -1565,8 +1579,7 @@ bool TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_update_breaks(RID p_shaped) { const UChar *data = sd->utf16.ptr(); - Map<int, bool> breaks; - + HashMap<int, bool> breaks; UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; for (int i = 0; i < sd->spans.size(); i++) { UBreakIterator *bi = ubrk_open(UBRK_LINE, sd->spans[i].language.ascii().get_data(), data + _convert_pos_inv(sd, sd->spans[i].start), _convert_pos_inv(sd, sd->spans[i].end - sd->spans[i].start), &err); @@ -1598,40 +1611,48 @@ bool TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_update_breaks(RID p_shaped) { sd->sort_valid = false; sd->glyphs_logical.clear(); + int sd_size = sd->glyphs.size(); + const char32_t *ch = sd->text.ptr(); + Glyph *sd_glyphs = sd->glyphs.ptrw(); - for (int i = 0; i < sd->glyphs.size(); i++) { - if (sd->glyphs[i].count > 0) { - char32_t c = sd->text[sd->glyphs[i].start - sd->start]; + for (int i = 0; i < sd_size; i++) { + if (sd_glyphs[i].count > 0) { + char32_t c = ch[sd_glyphs[i].start - sd->start]; if (c == 0xfffc) { continue; } if (c == 0x0009 || c == 0x000b) { - sd->glyphs.write[i].flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_TAB; + sd_glyphs[i].flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_TAB; } if (breaks.has(sd->glyphs[i].start)) { if (breaks[sd->glyphs[i].start]) { - sd->glyphs.write[i].flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_HARD; + sd_glyphs[i].flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_HARD; } else { if (is_whitespace(c)) { - sd->glyphs.write[i].flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT; - sd->glyphs.write[i].flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE; + sd_glyphs[i].flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT; + sd_glyphs[i].flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE; } else { TextServer::Glyph gl; - gl.start = sd->glyphs[i].start; - gl.end = sd->glyphs[i].end; + gl.start = sd_glyphs[i].start; + gl.end = sd_glyphs[i].end; gl.count = 1; gl.repeat = 1; - gl.font_rid = sd->glyphs[i].font_rid; - gl.font_size = sd->glyphs[i].font_size; + gl.font_rid = sd_glyphs[i].font_rid; + gl.font_size = sd_glyphs[i].font_size; gl.flags = GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT | GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL; - sd->glyphs.insert(i + sd->glyphs[i].count, gl); // insert after - i += sd->glyphs[i].count; + sd->glyphs.insert(i + sd_glyphs[i].count, gl); // insert after + + // Update write pointer and size. + sd_size = sd->glyphs.size(); + sd_glyphs = sd->glyphs.ptrw(); + + i += sd_glyphs[i].count; continue; } } } - i += (sd->glyphs[i].count - 1); + i += (sd_glyphs[i].count - 1); } } @@ -1767,9 +1788,10 @@ bool TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_update_justification_ops(RID p_shaped) { sd->sort_valid = false; sd->glyphs_logical.clear(); + int sd_size = sd->glyphs.size(); if (jstops.size() > 0) { - for (int i = 0; i < sd->glyphs.size(); i++) { + for (int i = 0; i < sd_size; i++) { if (sd->glyphs[i].count > 0) { if (jstops.has(sd->glyphs[i].start)) { char32_t c = sd->text[sd->glyphs[i].start - sd->start]; @@ -1850,15 +1872,15 @@ TextServer::Glyph TextServerAdvanced::_shape_single_glyph(ShapedTextDataAdvanced if (glyph_count > 0) { if (p_sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { - gl.advance = glyph_pos[0].x_advance / (64.0 / fd->get_font_scale(p_font_size)); + gl.advance = Math::round(glyph_pos[0].x_advance / (64.0 / fd->get_font_scale(p_font_size))); } else { - gl.advance = -glyph_pos[0].y_advance / (64.0 / fd->get_font_scale(p_font_size)); + gl.advance = -Math::round(glyph_pos[0].y_advance / (64.0 / fd->get_font_scale(p_font_size))); } gl.count = 1; gl.index = glyph_info[0].codepoint; - gl.x_off = glyph_pos[0].x_offset / (64.0 / fd->get_font_scale(p_font_size)); - gl.y_off = -glyph_pos[0].y_offset / (64.0 / fd->get_font_scale(p_font_size)); + gl.x_off = Math::round(glyph_pos[0].x_offset / (64.0 / fd->get_font_scale(p_font_size))); + gl.y_off = -Math::round(glyph_pos[0].y_offset / (64.0 / fd->get_font_scale(p_font_size))); if ((glyph_info[0].codepoint != 0) || !u_isgraph(p_char)) { gl.flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_VALID; @@ -1873,8 +1895,9 @@ void TextServerAdvanced::_shape_run(ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_sd, int32_t p_star fd = font_owner.getornull(p_fonts[p_fb_index]); } + int fs = p_sd->spans[p_span].font_size; if (fd == nullptr) { - // Add fallback glyohs + // Add fallback glyphs for (int i = p_start; i < p_end; i++) { if (p_sd->preserve_invalid || (p_sd->preserve_control && is_control(p_sd->text[i]))) { TextServer::Glyph gl; @@ -1882,20 +1905,20 @@ void TextServerAdvanced::_shape_run(ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_sd, int32_t p_star gl.end = i + 1; gl.count = 1; gl.index = p_sd->text[i]; - gl.font_size = p_sd->spans[p_span].font_size; + gl.font_size = fs; gl.font_rid = RID(); gl.flags = 0; if (p_direction == HB_DIRECTION_RTL || p_direction == HB_DIRECTION_BTT) { gl.flags |= TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_RTL; } if (p_sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { - gl.advance = get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x; - p_sd->ascent = MAX(p_sd->ascent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.75f); - p_sd->descent = MAX(p_sd->descent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.25f); + gl.advance = get_hex_code_box_size(fs, gl.index).x; + p_sd->ascent = MAX(p_sd->ascent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(fs, gl.index).y * 0.75f)); + p_sd->descent = MAX(p_sd->descent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(fs, gl.index).y * 0.25f)); } else { - gl.advance = get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y; - p_sd->ascent = MAX(p_sd->ascent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f); - p_sd->descent = MAX(p_sd->descent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f); + gl.advance = get_hex_code_box_size(fs, gl.index).y; + p_sd->ascent = MAX(p_sd->ascent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(fs, gl.index).x * 0.5f)); + p_sd->descent = MAX(p_sd->descent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(fs, gl.index).x * 0.5f)); } p_sd->width += gl.advance; @@ -1905,7 +1928,7 @@ void TextServerAdvanced::_shape_run(ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_sd, int32_t p_star return; } - hb_font_t *hb_font = fd->get_hb_handle(p_sd->spans[p_span].font_size); + hb_font_t *hb_font = fd->get_hb_handle(fs); ERR_FAIL_COND(hb_font == nullptr); hb_buffer_clear_contents(p_sd->hb_buffer); @@ -1981,17 +2004,17 @@ void TextServerAdvanced::_shape_run(ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_sd, int32_t p_star gl.count = 0; gl.font_rid = p_fonts[p_fb_index]; - gl.font_size = p_sd->spans[p_span].font_size; + gl.font_size = fs; gl.index = glyph_info[i].codepoint; if (gl.index != 0) { if (p_sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { - gl.advance = glyph_pos[i].x_advance / (64.0 / fd->get_font_scale(gl.font_size)); + gl.advance = Math::round(glyph_pos[i].x_advance / (64.0 / fd->get_font_scale(fs))); } else { - gl.advance = -glyph_pos[i].y_advance / (64.0 / fd->get_font_scale(gl.font_size)); + gl.advance = -Math::round(glyph_pos[i].y_advance / (64.0 / fd->get_font_scale(fs))); } - gl.x_off = glyph_pos[i].x_offset / (64.0 / fd->get_font_scale(gl.font_size)); - gl.y_off = -glyph_pos[i].y_offset / (64.0 / fd->get_font_scale(gl.font_size)); + gl.x_off = Math::round(glyph_pos[i].x_offset / (64.0 / fd->get_font_scale(fs))); + gl.y_off = -Math::round(glyph_pos[i].y_offset / (64.0 / fd->get_font_scale(fs))); } if (p_sd->preserve_control) { @@ -2026,14 +2049,12 @@ void TextServerAdvanced::_shape_run(ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_sd, int32_t p_star } for (int j = 0; j < w[i].count; j++) { if (p_sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { - p_sd->ascent = MAX(p_sd->ascent, MAX(fd->get_ascent(w[i + j].font_size), w[i + j].y_off)); - p_sd->descent = MAX(p_sd->descent, MAX(fd->get_descent(w[i + j].font_size), w[i + j].y_off)); + p_sd->ascent = MAX(p_sd->ascent, -w[i + j].y_off); + p_sd->descent = MAX(p_sd->descent, w[i + j].y_off); } else { - p_sd->ascent = MAX(p_sd->ascent, fd->get_advance(w[i + j].index, w[i + j].font_size).x * 0.5); - p_sd->descent = MAX(p_sd->descent, fd->get_advance(w[i + j].index, w[i + j].font_size).x * 0.5); + p_sd->ascent = MAX(p_sd->ascent, Math::round(fd->get_advance(w[i + j].index, fs).x * 0.5)); + p_sd->descent = MAX(p_sd->descent, Math::round(fd->get_advance(w[i + j].index, fs).x * 0.5)); } - p_sd->upos = MAX(p_sd->upos, font_get_underline_position(w[i + j].font_rid, w[i + j].font_size)); - p_sd->uthk = MAX(p_sd->uthk, font_get_underline_thickness(w[i + j].font_rid, w[i + j].font_size)); p_sd->width += w[i + j].advance; p_sd->glyphs.push_back(w[i + j]); } @@ -2051,6 +2072,10 @@ void TextServerAdvanced::_shape_run(ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_sd, int32_t p_star if (failed_subrun_start != p_end + 1) { _shape_run(p_sd, failed_subrun_start, failed_subrun_end, p_script, p_direction, p_fonts, p_span, p_fb_index + 1); } + p_sd->ascent = MAX(p_sd->ascent, fd->get_ascent(fs)); + p_sd->descent = MAX(p_sd->descent, fd->get_descent(fs)); + p_sd->upos = MAX(p_sd->upos, fd->get_underline_position(fs)); + p_sd->uthk = MAX(p_sd->uthk, fd->get_underline_thickness(fs)); } } @@ -2180,8 +2205,8 @@ bool TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_shape(RID p_shaped) { sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.y); } break; case VALIGN_CENTER: { - sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.y / 2); - sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.y / 2); + sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, Math::round(sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.y / 2)); + sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, Math::round(sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.y / 2)); } break; case VALIGN_BOTTOM: { sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.y); @@ -2195,8 +2220,8 @@ bool TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_shape(RID p_shaped) { sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.x); } break; case VALIGN_CENTER: { - sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.x / 2); - sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.x / 2); + sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, Math::round(sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.x / 2)); + sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, Math::round(sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.x / 2)); } break; case VALIGN_BOTTOM: { sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.x); @@ -2507,9 +2532,11 @@ void TextServerAdvanced::register_server() { } TextServerAdvanced::TextServerAdvanced() { + hb_bmp_create_font_funcs(); } TextServerAdvanced::~TextServerAdvanced() { + hb_bmp_free_font_funcs(); u_cleanup(); #ifndef ICU_STATIC_DATA if (icu_data != nullptr) { diff --git a/modules/text_server_fb/dynamic_font_fb.cpp b/modules/text_server_fb/dynamic_font_fb.cpp index 6feeaec102..fbf9574a78 100644 --- a/modules/text_server_fb/dynamic_font_fb.cpp +++ b/modules/text_server_fb/dynamic_font_fb.cpp @@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ #include FT_STROKER_H #include FT_ADVANCES_H -HashMap<String, Vector<uint8_t>> DynamicFontDataFallback::font_mem_cache; - DynamicFontDataFallback::DataAtSize *DynamicFontDataFallback::get_data_for_size(int p_size, int p_outline_size) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!valid, nullptr); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_size < 0 || p_size > UINT16_MAX, nullptr); @@ -55,11 +53,10 @@ DynamicFontDataFallback::DataAtSize *DynamicFontDataFallback::get_data_for_size( if (E != nullptr) { fds = E->get(); } else { - // FT_OPEN_STREAM is extremely slow only on Android. - if (OS::get_singleton()->get_name() == "Android" && font_mem == nullptr && font_path != String()) { - if (font_mem_cache.has(font_path)) { - font_mem = font_mem_cache[font_path].ptr(); - font_mem_size = font_mem_cache[font_path].size(); + if (font_mem == nullptr && font_path != String()) { + if (!font_mem_cache.empty()) { + font_mem = font_mem_cache.ptr(); + font_mem_size = font_mem_cache.size(); } else { FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(font_path, FileAccess::READ); if (!f) { @@ -67,11 +64,9 @@ DynamicFontDataFallback::DataAtSize *DynamicFontDataFallback::get_data_for_size( } size_t len = f->get_len(); - font_mem_cache[font_path] = Vector<uint8_t>(); - Vector<uint8_t> &fontdata = font_mem_cache[font_path]; - fontdata.resize(len); - f->get_buffer(fontdata.ptrw(), len); - font_mem = fontdata.ptr(); + font_mem_cache.resize(len); + f->get_buffer(font_mem_cache.ptrw(), len); + font_mem = font_mem_cache.ptr(); font_mem_size = len; f->close(); } @@ -79,27 +74,7 @@ DynamicFontDataFallback::DataAtSize *DynamicFontDataFallback::get_data_for_size( int error = 0; fds = memnew(DataAtSize); - if (font_mem == nullptr && font_path != String()) { - FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(font_path, FileAccess::READ); - if (!f) { - memdelete(fds); - ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(nullptr, "Cannot open font file '" + font_path + "'."); - } - - memset(&fds->stream, 0, sizeof(FT_StreamRec)); - fds->stream.base = nullptr; - fds->stream.size = f->get_len(); - fds->stream.pos = 0; - fds->stream.descriptor.pointer = f; - fds->stream.read = _ft_stream_io; - fds->stream.close = _ft_stream_close; - - FT_Open_Args fargs; - memset(&fargs, 0, sizeof(FT_Open_Args)); - fargs.flags = FT_OPEN_STREAM; - fargs.stream = &fds->stream; - error = FT_Open_Face(library, &fargs, 0, &fds->face); - } else if (font_mem) { + if (font_mem) { memset(&fds->stream, 0, sizeof(FT_StreamRec)); fds->stream.base = (unsigned char *)font_mem; fds->stream.size = font_mem_size; @@ -161,25 +136,6 @@ DynamicFontDataFallback::DataAtSize *DynamicFontDataFallback::get_data_for_size( return fds; } -unsigned long DynamicFontDataFallback::_ft_stream_io(FT_Stream stream, unsigned long offset, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned long count) { - FileAccess *f = (FileAccess *)stream->descriptor.pointer; - - if (f->get_position() != offset) { - f->seek(offset); - } - if (count == 0) { - return 0; - } - - return f->get_buffer(buffer, count); -} - -void DynamicFontDataFallback::_ft_stream_close(FT_Stream stream) { - FileAccess *f = (FileAccess *)stream->descriptor.pointer; - f->close(); - memdelete(f); -} - DynamicFontDataFallback::TexturePosition DynamicFontDataFallback::find_texture_pos_for_glyph(DynamicFontDataFallback::DataAtSize *p_data, int p_color_size, Image::Format p_image_format, int p_width, int p_height) { TexturePosition ret; ret.index = -1; diff --git a/modules/text_server_fb/dynamic_font_fb.h b/modules/text_server_fb/dynamic_font_fb.h index 060b8cfbf9..6ac8cb52a8 100644 --- a/modules/text_server_fb/dynamic_font_fb.h +++ b/modules/text_server_fb/dynamic_font_fb.h @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ private: const uint8_t *font_mem = nullptr; int font_mem_size = 0; String font_path; - static HashMap<String, Vector<uint8_t>> font_mem_cache; + Vector<uint8_t> font_mem_cache; float rect_margin = 1.f; int base_size = 16; @@ -119,9 +119,6 @@ private: Map<CacheID, DataAtSize *> size_cache; Map<CacheID, DataAtSize *> size_cache_outline; - static unsigned long _ft_stream_io(FT_Stream stream, unsigned long offset, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned long count); - static void _ft_stream_close(FT_Stream stream); - DataAtSize *get_data_for_size(int p_size, int p_outline_size = 0); TexturePosition find_texture_pos_for_glyph(DataAtSize *p_data, int p_color_size, Image::Format p_image_format, int p_width, int p_height); diff --git a/modules/text_server_fb/text_server_fb.cpp b/modules/text_server_fb/text_server_fb.cpp index e74a1d9ef9..383250996d 100644 --- a/modules/text_server_fb/text_server_fb.cpp +++ b/modules/text_server_fb/text_server_fb.cpp @@ -625,7 +625,11 @@ bool TextServerFallback::shaped_text_resize_object(RID p_shaped, Variant p_key, sd->width = 0; sd->upos = 0; sd->uthk = 0; - for (int i = 0; i < sd->glyphs.size(); i++) { + int sd_size = sd->glyphs.size(); + const FontDataFallback *fd = nullptr; + RID prev_rid = RID(); + + for (int i = 0; i < sd_size; i++) { Glyph gl = sd->glyphs[i]; Variant key; if (gl.count == 1) { @@ -645,8 +649,8 @@ bool TextServerFallback::shaped_text_resize_object(RID p_shaped, Variant p_key, sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, sd->objects[key].rect.size.y); } break; case VALIGN_CENTER: { - sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, sd->objects[key].rect.size.y / 2); - sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, sd->objects[key].rect.size.y / 2); + sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, Math::round(sd->objects[key].rect.size.y / 2)); + sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, Math::round(sd->objects[key].rect.size.y / 2)); } break; case VALIGN_BOTTOM: { sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, sd->objects[key].rect.size.y); @@ -661,8 +665,8 @@ bool TextServerFallback::shaped_text_resize_object(RID p_shaped, Variant p_key, sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, sd->objects[key].rect.size.x); } break; case VALIGN_CENTER: { - sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, sd->objects[key].rect.size.x / 2); - sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, sd->objects[key].rect.size.x / 2); + sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, Math::round(sd->objects[key].rect.size.x / 2)); + sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, Math::round(sd->objects[key].rect.size.x / 2)); } break; case VALIGN_BOTTOM: { sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, sd->objects[key].rect.size.x); @@ -671,25 +675,28 @@ bool TextServerFallback::shaped_text_resize_object(RID p_shaped, Variant p_key, sd->glyphs.write[i].advance = sd->objects[key].rect.size.y; } } else { - const FontDataFallback *fd = font_owner.getornull(gl.font_rid); + if (prev_rid != gl.font_rid) { + fd = font_owner.getornull(gl.font_rid); + prev_rid = gl.font_rid; + } if (fd != nullptr) { if (sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, fd->get_ascent(gl.font_size)); sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, fd->get_descent(gl.font_size)); } else { - sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5); - sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5); + sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, Math::round(fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5)); + sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, Math::round(fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5)); } sd->upos = MAX(sd->upos, font_get_underline_position(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size)); sd->uthk = MAX(sd->uthk, font_get_underline_thickness(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size)); } else if (sd->preserve_invalid || (sd->preserve_control && is_control(gl.index))) { // Glyph not found, replace with hex code box. if (sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { - sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.75f); - sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.25f); + sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.75f)); + sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.25f)); } else { - sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f); - sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f); + sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f)); + sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f)); } } sd->width += gl.advance * gl.repeat; @@ -760,21 +767,25 @@ RID TextServerFallback::shaped_text_substr(RID p_shaped, int p_start, int p_leng if (p_length > 0) { new_sd->text = sd->text.substr(p_start, p_length); + int sd_size = sd->glyphs.size(); + const Glyph *sd_glyphs = sd->glyphs.ptr(); - for (int i = 0; i < sd->glyphs.size(); i++) { - if ((sd->glyphs[i].start >= new_sd->start) && (sd->glyphs[i].end <= new_sd->end)) { - Glyph gl = sd->glyphs[i]; + for (int i = 0; i < sd_size; i++) { + if ((sd_glyphs[i].start >= new_sd->start) && (sd_glyphs[i].end <= new_sd->end)) { + Glyph gl = sd_glyphs[i]; Variant key; + bool find_embedded = false; if (gl.count == 1) { for (Map<Variant, ShapedTextData::EmbeddedObject>::Element *E = sd->objects.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get().pos == gl.start) { + find_embedded = true; key = E->key(); new_sd->objects[key] = E->get(); break; } } } - if (key != Variant()) { + if (find_embedded) { if (new_sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { new_sd->objects[key].rect.position.x = new_sd->width; new_sd->width += new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.x; @@ -783,8 +794,8 @@ RID TextServerFallback::shaped_text_substr(RID p_shaped, int p_start, int p_leng new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.y); } break; case VALIGN_CENTER: { - new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.y / 2); - new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.y / 2); + new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, Math::round(new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.y / 2)); + new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, Math::round(new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.y / 2)); } break; case VALIGN_BOTTOM: { new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.y); @@ -798,8 +809,8 @@ RID TextServerFallback::shaped_text_substr(RID p_shaped, int p_start, int p_leng new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.x); } break; case VALIGN_CENTER: { - new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.x / 2); - new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.x / 2); + new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, Math::round(new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.x / 2)); + new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, Math::round(new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.x / 2)); } break; case VALIGN_BOTTOM: { new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.x); @@ -813,17 +824,17 @@ RID TextServerFallback::shaped_text_substr(RID p_shaped, int p_start, int p_leng new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, fd->get_ascent(gl.font_size)); new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, fd->get_descent(gl.font_size)); } else { - new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5); - new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5); + new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, Math::round(fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5)); + new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, Math::round(fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5)); } } else if (new_sd->preserve_invalid || (new_sd->preserve_control && is_control(gl.index))) { // Glyph not found, replace with hex code box. if (new_sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { - new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.75f); - new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.25f); + new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.75f)); + new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.25f)); } else { - new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f); - new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f); + new_sd->ascent = MAX(new_sd->ascent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f)); + new_sd->descent = MAX(new_sd->descent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f)); } } new_sd->width += gl.advance * gl.repeat; @@ -943,7 +954,7 @@ float TextServerFallback::shaped_text_fit_to_width(RID p_shaped, float p_width, if (gl.count > 0) { if ((gl.flags & GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE) == GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE) { float old_adv = gl.advance; - gl.advance = MAX(gl.advance + delta_width_per_space, 0.05 * gl.font_size); + gl.advance = Math::round(MAX(gl.advance + delta_width_per_space, 0.05 * gl.font_size)); sd->width += (gl.advance - old_adv); } } @@ -978,8 +989,10 @@ float TextServerFallback::shaped_text_tab_align(RID p_shaped, const Vector<float delta = -1; } + Glyph *gl = sd->glyphs.ptrw(); + for (int i = start; i != end; i += delta) { - if ((sd->glyphs[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_TAB) == GRAPHEME_IS_TAB) { + if ((gl[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_TAB) == GRAPHEME_IS_TAB) { float tab_off = 0.f; while (tab_off <= off) { tab_off += p_tab_stops[tab_index]; @@ -988,13 +1001,13 @@ float TextServerFallback::shaped_text_tab_align(RID p_shaped, const Vector<float tab_index = 0; } } - float old_adv = sd->glyphs.write[i].advance; - sd->glyphs.write[i].advance = (tab_off - off); - sd->width += sd->glyphs.write[i].advance - old_adv; + float old_adv = gl[i].advance; + gl[i].advance = tab_off - off; + sd->width += gl[i].advance - old_adv; off = 0; continue; } - off += sd->glyphs[i].advance * sd->glyphs[i].repeat; + off += gl[i].advance * gl[i].repeat; } return 0.f; @@ -1012,7 +1025,8 @@ bool TextServerFallback::shaped_text_update_breaks(RID p_shaped) { return true; // Noting to do. } - for (int i = 0; i < sd->glyphs.size(); i++) { + int sd_size = sd->glyphs.size(); + for (int i = 0; i < sd_size; i++) { if (sd->glyphs[i].count > 0) { char32_t c = sd->text[sd->glyphs[i].start]; if (is_whitespace(c) && !is_linebreak(c)) { @@ -1086,8 +1100,8 @@ bool TextServerFallback::shaped_text_shape(RID p_shaped) { sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.y); } break; case VALIGN_CENTER: { - sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.y / 2); - sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.y / 2); + sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, Math::round(sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.y / 2)); + sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, Math::round(sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.y / 2)); } break; case VALIGN_BOTTOM: { sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.y); @@ -1101,8 +1115,8 @@ bool TextServerFallback::shaped_text_shape(RID p_shaped) { sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.x); } break; case VALIGN_CENTER: { - sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.x / 2); - sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.x / 2); + sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, Math::round(sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.x / 2)); + sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, Math::round(sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.x / 2)); } break; case VALIGN_BOTTOM: { sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.x); @@ -1157,14 +1171,14 @@ bool TextServerFallback::shaped_text_shape(RID p_shaped) { sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, fd->get_descent(gl.font_size)); } else { gl.advance = fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).y; - gl.x_off = -fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5; + gl.x_off = -Math::round(fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5); gl.y_off = fd->get_ascent(gl.font_size); - sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5); - sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5); + sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, Math::round(fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5)); + sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, Math::round(fd->get_advance(gl.index, gl.font_size).x * 0.5)); } } - sd->upos = MAX(sd->upos, font_get_underline_position(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size)); - sd->uthk = MAX(sd->uthk, font_get_underline_thickness(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size)); + sd->upos = MAX(sd->upos, fd->get_underline_position(gl.font_size)); + sd->uthk = MAX(sd->uthk, fd->get_underline_thickness(gl.font_size)); // Add kerning to previous glyph. if (sd->glyphs.size() > 0) { @@ -1181,12 +1195,12 @@ bool TextServerFallback::shaped_text_shape(RID p_shaped) { // Glyph not found, replace with hex code box. if (sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { gl.advance = get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x; - sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.75f); - sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.25f); + sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.75f)); + sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y * 0.25f)); } else { gl.advance = get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y; - sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f); - sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f); + sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f)); + sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5f)); } } sd->width += gl.advance; diff --git a/modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp b/modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp index b10d4523f2..f9ef184579 100644 --- a/modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp +++ b/modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp @@ -2367,7 +2367,7 @@ void VisualScriptFunctionState::connect_to_signal(Object *p_obj, const String &p binds.push_back(p_binds[i]); } binds.push_back(Ref<VisualScriptFunctionState>(this)); //add myself on the back to avoid dying from unreferencing - p_obj->connect_compat(p_signal, this, "_signal_callback", binds, CONNECT_ONESHOT); + p_obj->connect(p_signal, Callable(this, "_signal_callback"), binds, CONNECT_ONESHOT); } bool VisualScriptFunctionState::is_valid() const { diff --git a/modules/visual_script/visual_script.h b/modules/visual_script/visual_script.h index 85dab4e6cf..59bdfb2fc3 100644 --- a/modules/visual_script/visual_script.h +++ b/modules/visual_script/visual_script.h @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ #include "core/debugger/engine_debugger.h" #include "core/debugger/script_debugger.h" +#include "core/doc_data.h" #include "core/object/script_language.h" #include "core/os/thread.h" @@ -342,6 +343,13 @@ public: virtual void set_source_code(const String &p_code) override; virtual Error reload(bool p_keep_state = false) override; +#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED + virtual const Vector<DocData::ClassDoc> &get_documentation() const override { + static Vector<DocData::ClassDoc> docs; + return docs; + } +#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED + virtual bool is_tool() const override; virtual bool is_valid() const override; diff --git a/modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp b/modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp index 875270e74f..54d86d5a9c 100644 --- a/modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp +++ b/modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ #include "visual_script_property_selector.h" #include "core/os/keyboard.h" +#include "editor/doc_tools.h" #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "editor/editor_scale.h" #include "modules/visual_script/visual_script.h" @@ -437,7 +438,7 @@ void VisualScriptPropertySelector::_item_selected() { class_type = base_type; } - DocData *dd = EditorHelp::get_doc_data(); + DocTools *dd = EditorHelp::get_doc_data(); String text; String at_class = class_type; diff --git a/modules/webrtc/library_godot_webrtc.js b/modules/webrtc/library_godot_webrtc.js index f725a10a6f..9f029407d2 100644 --- a/modules/webrtc/library_godot_webrtc.js +++ b/modules/webrtc/library_godot_webrtc.js @@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ const GodotRTCDataChannel = { }, }, + godot_js_rtc_datachannel_ready_state_get__sig: 'ii', godot_js_rtc_datachannel_ready_state_get: function (p_id) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { @@ -109,6 +110,7 @@ const GodotRTCDataChannel = { } }, + godot_js_rtc_datachannel_send__sig: 'iiiii', godot_js_rtc_datachannel_send: function (p_id, p_buffer, p_length, p_raw) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { @@ -129,14 +131,17 @@ const GodotRTCDataChannel = { return 0; }, + godot_js_rtc_datachannel_is_ordered__sig: 'ii', godot_js_rtc_datachannel_is_ordered: function (p_id) { return IDHandler.get_prop(p_id, 'ordered', true); }, + godot_js_rtc_datachannel_id_get__sig: 'ii', godot_js_rtc_datachannel_id_get: function (p_id) { return IDHandler.get_prop(p_id, 'id', 65535); }, + godot_js_rtc_datachannel_max_packet_lifetime_get__sig: 'ii', godot_js_rtc_datachannel_max_packet_lifetime_get: function (p_id) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { @@ -151,14 +156,17 @@ const GodotRTCDataChannel = { return 65535; }, + godot_js_rtc_datachannel_max_retransmits_get__sig: 'ii', godot_js_rtc_datachannel_max_retransmits_get: function (p_id) { return IDHandler.get_prop(p_id, 'maxRetransmits', 65535); }, - godot_js_rtc_datachannel_is_negotiated: function (p_id, p_def) { + godot_js_rtc_datachannel_is_negotiated__sig: 'ii', + godot_js_rtc_datachannel_is_negotiated: function (p_id) { return IDHandler.get_prop(p_id, 'negotiated', 65535); }, + godot_js_rtc_datachannel_label_get__sig: 'ii', godot_js_rtc_datachannel_label_get: function (p_id) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref || !ref.label) { @@ -167,6 +175,7 @@ const GodotRTCDataChannel = { return GodotRuntime.allocString(ref.label); }, + godot_js_rtc_datachannel_protocol_get__sig: 'ii', godot_js_rtc_datachannel_protocol_get: function (p_id) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref || !ref.protocol) { @@ -175,11 +184,13 @@ const GodotRTCDataChannel = { return GodotRuntime.allocString(ref.protocol); }, + godot_js_rtc_datachannel_destroy__sig: 'vi', godot_js_rtc_datachannel_destroy: function (p_id) { GodotRTCDataChannel.close(p_id); IDHandler.remove(p_id); }, + godot_js_rtc_datachannel_connect__sig: 'viiiiii', godot_js_rtc_datachannel_connect: function (p_id, p_ref, p_on_open, p_on_message, p_on_error, p_on_close) { const onopen = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_open).bind(null, p_ref); const onmessage = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_message).bind(null, p_ref); @@ -188,6 +199,7 @@ const GodotRTCDataChannel = { GodotRTCDataChannel.connect(p_id, onopen, onmessage, onerror, onclose); }, + godot_js_rtc_datachannel_close__sig: 'vi', godot_js_rtc_datachannel_close: function (p_id) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { @@ -280,6 +292,7 @@ const GodotRTCPeerConnection = { }, }, + godot_js_rtc_pc_create__sig: 'iiiiii', godot_js_rtc_pc_create: function (p_config, p_ref, p_on_state_change, p_on_candidate, p_on_datachannel) { const onstatechange = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_state_change).bind(null, p_ref); const oncandidate = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_candidate).bind(null, p_ref); @@ -302,6 +315,7 @@ const GodotRTCPeerConnection = { return id; }, + godot_js_rtc_pc_close__sig: 'vi', godot_js_rtc_pc_close: function (p_id) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { @@ -310,6 +324,7 @@ const GodotRTCPeerConnection = { ref.close(); }, + godot_js_rtc_pc_destroy__sig: 'vi', godot_js_rtc_pc_destroy: function (p_id) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { @@ -321,6 +336,7 @@ const GodotRTCPeerConnection = { IDHandler.remove(p_id); }, + godot_js_rtc_pc_offer_create__sig: 'viiii', godot_js_rtc_pc_offer_create: function (p_id, p_obj, p_on_session, p_on_error) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { @@ -335,6 +351,7 @@ const GodotRTCPeerConnection = { }); }, + godot_js_rtc_pc_local_description_set__sig: 'viiiii', godot_js_rtc_pc_local_description_set: function (p_id, p_type, p_sdp, p_obj, p_on_error) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { @@ -351,6 +368,7 @@ const GodotRTCPeerConnection = { }); }, + godot_js_rtc_pc_remote_description_set__sig: 'viiiiii', godot_js_rtc_pc_remote_description_set: function (p_id, p_type, p_sdp, p_obj, p_session_created, p_on_error) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { @@ -375,6 +393,7 @@ const GodotRTCPeerConnection = { }); }, + godot_js_rtc_pc_ice_candidate_add__sig: 'viiii', godot_js_rtc_pc_ice_candidate_add: function (p_id, p_mid_name, p_mline_idx, p_sdp) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { @@ -390,6 +409,7 @@ const GodotRTCPeerConnection = { }, godot_js_rtc_pc_datachannel_create__deps: ['$GodotRTCDataChannel'], + godot_js_rtc_pc_datachannel_create__sig: 'iiii', godot_js_rtc_pc_datachannel_create: function (p_id, p_label, p_config) { try { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); diff --git a/modules/websocket/library_godot_websocket.js b/modules/websocket/library_godot_websocket.js index 6ada4e7335..cf2c00a6a6 100644 --- a/modules/websocket/library_godot_websocket.js +++ b/modules/websocket/library_godot_websocket.js @@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ const GodotWebSocket = { }, }, + godot_js_websocket_create__sig: 'iiiiiiii', godot_js_websocket_create: function (p_ref, p_url, p_proto, p_on_open, p_on_message, p_on_error, p_on_close) { const on_open = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_open).bind(null, p_ref); const on_message = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_message).bind(null, p_ref); @@ -156,6 +157,7 @@ const GodotWebSocket = { return GodotWebSocket.create(socket, on_open, on_message, on_error, on_close); }, + godot_js_websocket_send__sig: 'iiiii', godot_js_websocket_send: function (p_id, p_buf, p_buf_len, p_raw) { const bytes_array = new Uint8Array(p_buf_len); let i = 0; @@ -169,12 +171,14 @@ const GodotWebSocket = { return GodotWebSocket.send(p_id, out); }, + godot_js_websocket_close__sig: 'viii', godot_js_websocket_close: function (p_id, p_code, p_reason) { const code = p_code; const reason = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_reason); GodotWebSocket.close(p_id, code, reason); }, + godot_js_websocket_destroy__sig: 'vi', godot_js_websocket_destroy: function (p_id) { GodotWebSocket.destroy(p_id); }, diff --git a/modules/xatlas_unwrap/register_types.cpp b/modules/xatlas_unwrap/register_types.cpp index 19b827929d..224038d604 100644 --- a/modules/xatlas_unwrap/register_types.cpp +++ b/modules/xatlas_unwrap/register_types.cpp @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ bool xatlas_mesh_lightmap_unwrap_callback(float p_texel_size, const float *p_ver ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err != xatlas::AddMeshError::Success, false, xatlas::StringForEnum(err)); printf("Generate..\n"); - xatlas::Generate(atlas, chart_options, xatlas::PackOptions()); + xatlas::Generate(atlas, chart_options, pack_options); *r_size_hint_x = atlas->width; *r_size_hint_y = atlas->height; diff --git a/platform/android/display_server_android.cpp b/platform/android/display_server_android.cpp index aab5da4fde..c8ed44d699 100644 --- a/platform/android/display_server_android.cpp +++ b/platform/android/display_server_android.cpp @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ #if defined(VULKAN_ENABLED) #include "drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.h" #include "platform/android/vulkan/vulkan_context_android.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_rd.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_compositor_rd.h" #endif DisplayServerAndroid *DisplayServerAndroid::get_singleton() { @@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ DisplayServerAndroid::DisplayServerAndroid(const String &p_rendering_driver, Dis rendering_device_vulkan = memnew(RenderingDeviceVulkan); rendering_device_vulkan->initialize(context_vulkan); - RasterizerRD::make_current(); + RendererCompositorRD::make_current(); } #endif diff --git a/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/input/GodotInputHandler.java b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/input/GodotInputHandler.java index f3e985f944..6d5be312f1 100644 --- a/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/input/GodotInputHandler.java +++ b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/input/GodotInputHandler.java @@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ public class GodotInputHandler implements InputDeviceListener { arr[i * 3 + 2] = event.getY(i); } final int action = event.getActionMasked(); + final int pointer_idx = event.getPointerId(event.getActionIndex()); mRenderView.queueOnRenderThread(new Runnable() { @Override @@ -189,12 +190,9 @@ public class GodotInputHandler implements InputDeviceListener { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: - case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: { - GodotLib.touch(event.getSource(), action, 0, evcount, arr); - } break; + case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP: case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: { - int pointer_idx = event.getPointerId(event.getActionIndex()); GodotLib.touch(event.getSource(), action, pointer_idx, evcount, arr); } break; } diff --git a/platform/iphone/display_server_iphone.h b/platform/iphone/display_server_iphone.h index 229b1e80db..2d77e9adff 100644 --- a/platform/iphone/display_server_iphone.h +++ b/platform/iphone/display_server_iphone.h @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ #if defined(VULKAN_ENABLED) #include "drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_rd.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_compositor_rd.h" #include "vulkan_context_iphone.h" diff --git a/platform/iphone/display_server_iphone.mm b/platform/iphone/display_server_iphone.mm index d47d131719..e8abf1e3fa 100644 --- a/platform/iphone/display_server_iphone.mm +++ b/platform/iphone/display_server_iphone.mm @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ DisplayServerIPhone::DisplayServerIPhone(const String &p_rendering_driver, Displ // return ERR_UNAVAILABLE; } - // rendering_server = memnew(RenderingServerRaster); + // rendering_server = memnew(RenderingServerDefault); // // FIXME: Reimplement threaded rendering // if (get_render_thread_mode() != RENDER_THREAD_UNSAFE) { // rendering_server = memnew(RenderingServerWrapMT(rendering_server, @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ DisplayServerIPhone::DisplayServerIPhone(const String &p_rendering_driver, Displ rendering_device_vulkan = memnew(RenderingDeviceVulkan); rendering_device_vulkan->initialize(context_vulkan); - RasterizerRD::make_current(); + RendererCompositorRD::make_current(); } #endif diff --git a/platform/iphone/os_iphone.h b/platform/iphone/os_iphone.h index 04a0a478d5..e98f870ba9 100644 --- a/platform/iphone/os_iphone.h +++ b/platform/iphone/os_iphone.h @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ #include "ios.h" #include "joypad_iphone.h" #include "servers/audio_server.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.h" #if defined(VULKAN_ENABLED) #include "drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.h" diff --git a/platform/iphone/os_iphone.mm b/platform/iphone/os_iphone.mm index b87e6f37a0..dac61f2d9d 100644 --- a/platform/iphone/os_iphone.mm +++ b/platform/iphone/os_iphone.mm @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ #import <dlfcn.h> #if defined(VULKAN_ENABLED) -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_rd.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_compositor_rd.h" #import <QuartzCore/CAMetalLayer.h> #include <vulkan/vulkan_metal.h> #endif diff --git a/platform/javascript/SCsub b/platform/javascript/SCsub index 627ae778b1..59f3dce3ad 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/SCsub +++ b/platform/javascript/SCsub @@ -12,13 +12,8 @@ javascript_files = [ "api/javascript_tools_editor_plugin.cpp", ] -build_targets = ["#bin/godot${PROGSUFFIX}.js", "#bin/godot${PROGSUFFIX}.wasm"] -if env["threads_enabled"]: - build_targets.append("#bin/godot${PROGSUFFIX}.worker.js") - -build = env.add_program(build_targets, javascript_files) - -env.AddJSLibraries( +sys_env = env.Clone() +sys_env.AddJSLibraries( [ "js/libs/library_godot_audio.js", "js/libs/library_godot_display.js", @@ -29,12 +24,48 @@ env.AddJSLibraries( ) if env["tools"]: - env.AddJSLibraries(["js/libs/library_godot_editor_tools.js"]) + sys_env.AddJSLibraries(["js/libs/library_godot_editor_tools.js"]) if env["javascript_eval"]: - env.AddJSLibraries(["js/libs/library_godot_eval.js"]) -for lib in env["JS_LIBS"]: - env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["--js-library", lib]) -env.Depends(build, env["JS_LIBS"]) + sys_env.AddJSLibraries(["js/libs/library_godot_eval.js"]) +for lib in sys_env["JS_LIBS"]: + sys_env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["--js-library", lib]) + +build = [] +if env["gdnative_enabled"]: + build_targets = ["#bin/godot${PROGSUFFIX}.js", "#bin/godot${PROGSUFFIX}.wasm"] + # Reset libraries. The main runtime will only link emscripten libraries, not godot ones. + sys_env["LIBS"] = [] + # We use IDBFS. Since Emscripten 1.39.1 it needs to be linked explicitly. + sys_env.Append(LIBS=["idbfs.js"]) + # JS prepended to the module code loading the side library. + sys_env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["--pre-js", sys_env.File("js/dynlink.pre.js")]) + # Configure it as a main module (dynamic linking support). + sys_env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-s", "MAIN_MODULE=1"]) + sys_env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "MAIN_MODULE=1"]) + sys_env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-s", "EXPORT_ALL=1"]) + sys_env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "EXPORT_ALL=1"]) + # Force exporting the standard library (printf, malloc, etc.) + sys_env["ENV"]["EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS"] = "libc,libc++,libc++abi" + # The main emscripten runtime, with exported standard libraries. + sys = sys_env.Program(build_targets, ["javascript_runtime.cpp"]) + sys_env.Depends(sys, "js/dynlink.pre.js") + + # The side library, containing all Godot code. + wasm_env = env.Clone() + wasm_env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["WASM_GDNATIVE"]) # So that OS knows it can run GDNative libraries. + wasm_env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-s", "SIDE_MODULE=2"]) + wasm_env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "SIDE_MODULE=2"]) + wasm = wasm_env.add_program("#bin/godot.side${PROGSUFFIX}.wasm", javascript_files) + build = [sys[0], sys[1], wasm[0]] +else: + build_targets = ["#bin/godot${PROGSUFFIX}.js", "#bin/godot${PROGSUFFIX}.wasm"] + if env["threads_enabled"]: + build_targets.append("#bin/godot${PROGSUFFIX}.worker.js") + # We use IDBFS. Since Emscripten 1.39.1 it needs to be linked explicitly. + sys_env.Append(LIBS=["idbfs.js"]) + build = sys_env.Program(build_targets, javascript_files + ["javascript_runtime.cpp"]) + +sys_env.Depends(build[0], sys_env["JS_LIBS"]) engine = [ "js/engine/preloader.js", @@ -61,8 +92,11 @@ out_files = [ ] html_file = "#misc/dist/html/editor.html" if env["tools"] else "#misc/dist/html/full-size.html" in_files = [js_wrapped, build[1], html_file, "#platform/javascript/js/libs/audio.worklet.js"] -if env["threads_enabled"]: - in_files.append(build[2]) +if env["gdnative_enabled"]: + in_files.append(build[2]) # Runtime + out_files.append(zip_dir.File(binary_name + ".side.wasm")) +elif env["threads_enabled"]: + in_files.append(build[2]) # Worker out_files.append(zip_dir.File(binary_name + ".worker.js")) zip_files = env.InstallAs(out_files, in_files) diff --git a/platform/javascript/detect.py b/platform/javascript/detect.py index 9f584d0899..f4fa5fb218 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/detect.py +++ b/platform/javascript/detect.py @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ def get_opts(): # eval() can be a security concern, so it can be disabled. BoolVariable("javascript_eval", "Enable JavaScript eval interface", True), BoolVariable("threads_enabled", "Enable WebAssembly Threads support (limited browser support)", False), + BoolVariable("gdnative_enabled", "Enable WebAssembly GDNative support (produces bigger binaries)", False), BoolVariable("use_closure_compiler", "Use closure compiler to minimize JavaScript code", False), ] @@ -85,10 +86,8 @@ def configure(env): # LTO if env["use_lto"]: - env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-s", "WASM_OBJECT_FILES=0"]) - env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "WASM_OBJECT_FILES=0"]) - env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-flto"]) - env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-flto"]) + env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-flto=full"]) + env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-flto=full"]) # Closure compiler if env["use_closure_compiler"]: @@ -135,6 +134,9 @@ def configure(env): if env["javascript_eval"]: env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["JAVASCRIPT_EVAL_ENABLED"]) + if env["threads_enabled"] and env["gdnative_enabled"]: + raise Exception("Threads and GDNative support can't be both enabled due to WebAssembly limitations") + # Thread support (via SharedArrayBuffer). if env["threads_enabled"]: env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["PTHREAD_NO_RENAME"]) @@ -146,14 +148,15 @@ def configure(env): else: env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["NO_THREADS"]) + if env["gdnative_enabled"]: + env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-s", "RELOCATABLE=1"]) + env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "RELOCATABLE=1"]) + env.extra_suffix = ".gdnative" + env.extra_suffix + # Reduce code size by generating less support code (e.g. skip NodeJS support). env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "ENVIRONMENT=web,worker"]) - # We use IDBFS in javascript_main.cpp. Since Emscripten 1.39.1 it needs to - # be linked explicitly. - env.Append(LIBS=["idbfs.js"]) - - env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "BINARYEN=1"]) + # Wrap the JavaScript support code around a closure named Godot. env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "MODULARIZE=1", "-s", "EXPORT_NAME='Godot'"]) # Allow increasing memory buffer size during runtime. This is efficient @@ -164,12 +167,14 @@ def configure(env): # This setting just makes WebGL 2 APIs available, it does NOT disable WebGL 1. env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "USE_WEBGL2=1"]) + # Do not call main immediately when the support code is ready. env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "INVOKE_RUN=0"]) # Allow use to take control of swapping WebGL buffers. env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "OFFSCREEN_FRAMEBUFFER=1"]) - # callMain for manual start, FS for preloading, PATH and ERRNO_CODES for BrowserFS. + # callMain for manual start. env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=['callMain']"]) + # Add code that allow exiting runtime. env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "EXIT_RUNTIME=1"]) diff --git a/platform/javascript/export/export.cpp b/platform/javascript/export/export.cpp index c3b7e0304e..f77bf6ab97 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/export/export.cpp +++ b/platform/javascript/export/export.cpp @@ -85,36 +85,44 @@ public: // Wrong protocol ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(req[0] != "GET" || req[2] != "HTTP/1.1", "Invalid method or HTTP version."); - String filepath = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_cache_dir().plus_file("tmp_js_export"); + const String cache_path = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_cache_dir(); const String basereq = "/tmp_js_export"; - String ctype = ""; + String filepath; + String ctype; if (req[1] == basereq + ".html") { - filepath += ".html"; + filepath = cache_path.plus_file(req[1].get_file()); ctype = "text/html"; } else if (req[1] == basereq + ".js") { - filepath += ".js"; + filepath = cache_path.plus_file(req[1].get_file()); ctype = "application/javascript"; } else if (req[1] == basereq + ".audio.worklet.js") { - filepath += ".audio.worklet.js"; + filepath = cache_path.plus_file(req[1].get_file()); ctype = "application/javascript"; } else if (req[1] == basereq + ".worker.js") { - filepath += ".worker.js"; + filepath = cache_path.plus_file(req[1].get_file()); ctype = "application/javascript"; } else if (req[1] == basereq + ".pck") { - filepath += ".pck"; + filepath = cache_path.plus_file(req[1].get_file()); ctype = "application/octet-stream"; } else if (req[1] == basereq + ".png" || req[1] == "/favicon.png") { // Also allow serving the generated favicon for a smoother loading experience. if (req[1] == "/favicon.png") { filepath = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_cache_dir().plus_file("favicon.png"); } else { - filepath += ".png"; + filepath = basereq + ".png"; } ctype = "image/png"; + } else if (req[1] == basereq + ".side.wasm") { + filepath = cache_path.plus_file(req[1].get_file()); + ctype = "application/wasm"; } else if (req[1] == basereq + ".wasm") { - filepath += ".wasm"; + filepath = cache_path.plus_file(req[1].get_file()); ctype = "application/wasm"; - } else { + } else if (req[1].ends_with(".wasm")) { + filepath = cache_path.plus_file(req[1].get_file()); // TODO dangerous? + ctype = "application/wasm"; + } + if (filepath.empty() || !FileAccess::exists(filepath)) { String s = "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n"; s += "Connection: Close\r\n"; s += "\r\n"; @@ -205,7 +213,33 @@ class EditorExportPlatformJavaScript : public EditorExportPlatform { Ref<ImageTexture> stop_icon; int menu_options; - void _fix_html(Vector<uint8_t> &p_html, const Ref<EditorExportPreset> &p_preset, const String &p_name, bool p_debug, int p_flags); + enum ExportMode { + EXPORT_MODE_NORMAL = 0, + EXPORT_MODE_THREADS = 1, + EXPORT_MODE_GDNATIVE = 2, + }; + + String _get_template_name(ExportMode p_mode, bool p_debug) const { + String name = "webassembly"; + switch (p_mode) { + case EXPORT_MODE_THREADS: + name += "_threads"; + break; + case EXPORT_MODE_GDNATIVE: + name += "_gdnative"; + break; + default: + break; + } + if (p_debug) { + name += "_debug.zip"; + } else { + name += "_release.zip"; + } + return name; + } + + void _fix_html(Vector<uint8_t> &p_html, const Ref<EditorExportPreset> &p_preset, const String &p_name, bool p_debug, int p_flags, const Vector<SharedObject> p_shared_objects); private: Ref<EditorHTTPServer> server; @@ -250,7 +284,7 @@ public: ~EditorExportPlatformJavaScript(); }; -void EditorExportPlatformJavaScript::_fix_html(Vector<uint8_t> &p_html, const Ref<EditorExportPreset> &p_preset, const String &p_name, bool p_debug, int p_flags) { +void EditorExportPlatformJavaScript::_fix_html(Vector<uint8_t> &p_html, const Ref<EditorExportPreset> &p_preset, const String &p_name, bool p_debug, int p_flags, const Vector<SharedObject> p_shared_objects) { String str_template = String::utf8(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(p_html.ptr()), p_html.size()); String str_export; Vector<String> lines = str_template.split("\n"); @@ -258,6 +292,10 @@ void EditorExportPlatformJavaScript::_fix_html(Vector<uint8_t> &p_html, const Re String flags_json; gen_export_flags(flags, p_flags); flags_json = JSON::print(flags); + String libs; + for (int i = 0; i < p_shared_objects.size(); i++) { + libs += "\"" + p_shared_objects[i].path.get_file() + "\","; + } for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { String current_line = lines[i]; @@ -265,6 +303,7 @@ void EditorExportPlatformJavaScript::_fix_html(Vector<uint8_t> &p_html, const Re current_line = current_line.replace("$GODOT_PROJECT_NAME", ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_setting("application/config/name")); current_line = current_line.replace("$GODOT_HEAD_INCLUDE", p_preset->get("html/head_include")); current_line = current_line.replace("$GODOT_FULL_WINDOW", p_preset->get("html/full_window_size") ? "true" : "false"); + current_line = current_line.replace("$GODOT_GDNATIVE_LIBS", libs); current_line = current_line.replace("$GODOT_DEBUG_ENABLED", p_debug ? "true" : "false"); current_line = current_line.replace("$GODOT_ARGS", flags_json); str_export += current_line + "\n"; @@ -291,12 +330,19 @@ void EditorExportPlatformJavaScript::get_preset_features(const Ref<EditorExportP r_features->push_back("etc2"); } } + ExportMode mode = (ExportMode)(int)p_preset->get("variant/export_type"); + if (mode == EXPORT_MODE_THREADS) { + r_features->push_back("threads"); + } else if (mode == EXPORT_MODE_GDNATIVE) { + r_features->push_back("wasm32"); + } } void EditorExportPlatformJavaScript::get_export_options(List<ExportOption> *r_options) { r_options->push_back(ExportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "custom_template/debug", PROPERTY_HINT_GLOBAL_FILE, "*.zip"), "")); r_options->push_back(ExportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "custom_template/release", PROPERTY_HINT_GLOBAL_FILE, "*.zip"), "")); + r_options->push_back(ExportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "variant/export_type", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Regular,Threads,GDNative"), 0)); // Export type. r_options->push_back(ExportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "vram_texture_compression/for_desktop"), true)); // S3TC r_options->push_back(ExportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "vram_texture_compression/for_mobile"), false)); // ETC or ETC2, depending on renderer @@ -320,11 +366,11 @@ Ref<Texture2D> EditorExportPlatformJavaScript::get_logo() const { bool EditorExportPlatformJavaScript::can_export(const Ref<EditorExportPreset> &p_preset, String &r_error, bool &r_missing_templates) const { String err; bool valid = false; + ExportMode mode = (ExportMode)(int)p_preset->get("variant/export_type"); // Look for export templates (first official, and if defined custom templates). - - bool dvalid = exists_export_template(EXPORT_TEMPLATE_WEBASSEMBLY_DEBUG, &err); - bool rvalid = exists_export_template(EXPORT_TEMPLATE_WEBASSEMBLY_RELEASE, &err); + bool dvalid = exists_export_template(_get_template_name(mode, true), &err); + bool rvalid = exists_export_template(_get_template_name(mode, false), &err); if (p_preset->get("custom_template/debug") != "") { dvalid = FileAccess::exists(p_preset->get("custom_template/debug")); @@ -377,11 +423,8 @@ Error EditorExportPlatformJavaScript::export_project(const Ref<EditorExportPrese template_path = template_path.strip_edges(); if (template_path == String()) { - if (p_debug) { - template_path = find_export_template(EXPORT_TEMPLATE_WEBASSEMBLY_DEBUG); - } else { - template_path = find_export_template(EXPORT_TEMPLATE_WEBASSEMBLY_RELEASE); - } + ExportMode mode = (ExportMode)(int)p_preset->get("variant/export_type"); + template_path = find_export_template(_get_template_name(mode, p_debug)); } if (!DirAccess::exists(p_path.get_base_dir())) { @@ -393,12 +436,24 @@ Error EditorExportPlatformJavaScript::export_project(const Ref<EditorExportPrese return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } + Vector<SharedObject> shared_objects; String pck_path = p_path.get_basename() + ".pck"; - Error error = save_pack(p_preset, pck_path); + Error error = save_pack(p_preset, pck_path, &shared_objects); if (error != OK) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Could not write file:") + "\n" + pck_path); return error; } + DirAccess *da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); + for (int i = 0; i < shared_objects.size(); i++) { + String dst = p_path.get_base_dir().plus_file(shared_objects[i].path.get_file()); + error = da->copy(shared_objects[i].path, dst); + if (error != OK) { + EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Could not write file:") + "\n" + shared_objects[i].path.get_file()); + memdelete(da); + return error; + } + } + memdelete(da); FileAccess *src_f = nullptr; zlib_filefunc_def io = zipio_create_io_from_file(&src_f); @@ -437,14 +492,18 @@ Error EditorExportPlatformJavaScript::export_project(const Ref<EditorExportPrese if (!custom_html.empty()) { continue; } - _fix_html(data, p_preset, p_path.get_file().get_basename(), p_debug, p_flags); + _fix_html(data, p_preset, p_path.get_file().get_basename(), p_debug, p_flags, shared_objects); file = p_path.get_file(); } else if (file == "godot.js") { file = p_path.get_file().get_basename() + ".js"; + } else if (file == "godot.worker.js") { file = p_path.get_file().get_basename() + ".worker.js"; + } else if (file == "godot.side.wasm") { + file = p_path.get_file().get_basename() + ".side.wasm"; + } else if (file == "godot.audio.worklet.js") { file = p_path.get_file().get_basename() + ".audio.worklet.js"; @@ -475,7 +534,7 @@ Error EditorExportPlatformJavaScript::export_project(const Ref<EditorExportPrese buf.resize(f->get_len()); f->get_buffer(buf.ptrw(), buf.size()); memdelete(f); - _fix_html(buf, p_preset, p_path.get_file().get_basename(), p_debug, p_flags); + _fix_html(buf, p_preset, p_path.get_file().get_basename(), p_debug, p_flags, shared_objects); f = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::WRITE); if (!f) { @@ -577,6 +636,7 @@ Error EditorExportPlatformJavaScript::run(const Ref<EditorExportPreset> &p_prese DirAccess::remove_file_or_error(basepath + ".audio.worklet.js"); DirAccess::remove_file_or_error(basepath + ".pck"); DirAccess::remove_file_or_error(basepath + ".png"); + DirAccess::remove_file_or_error(basepath + ".side.wasm"); DirAccess::remove_file_or_error(basepath + ".wasm"); DirAccess::remove_file_or_error(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_cache_dir().plus_file("favicon.png")); return err; diff --git a/platform/javascript/godot_audio.h b/platform/javascript/godot_audio.h index 7ebda3ad39..0ba6849715 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/godot_audio.h +++ b/platform/javascript/godot_audio.h @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ extern void godot_audio_capture_stop(); typedef int32_t GodotAudioState[4]; extern void godot_audio_worklet_create(int p_channels); extern void godot_audio_worklet_start(float *p_in_buf, int p_in_size, float *p_out_buf, int p_out_size, GodotAudioState p_state); -extern void godot_audio_worklet_state_add(GodotAudioState p_state, int p_idx, int p_value); +extern int godot_audio_worklet_state_add(GodotAudioState p_state, int p_idx, int p_value); extern int godot_audio_worklet_state_get(GodotAudioState p_state, int p_idx); extern int godot_audio_worklet_state_wait(int32_t *p_state, int p_idx, int32_t p_expected, int p_timeout); diff --git a/platform/javascript/http_request.h b/platform/javascript/http_request.h index 54e98c1927..41e4749216 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/http_request.h +++ b/platform/javascript/http_request.h @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ typedef enum { extern int godot_xhr_new(); extern void godot_xhr_reset(int p_xhr_id); -extern bool godot_xhr_free(int p_xhr_id); +extern void godot_xhr_free(int p_xhr_id); extern int godot_xhr_open(int p_xhr_id, const char *p_method, const char *p_url, const char *p_user = nullptr, const char *p_password = nullptr); diff --git a/platform/javascript/javascript_main.cpp b/platform/javascript/javascript_main.cpp index 2d28a63566..b4985a4f36 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/javascript_main.cpp +++ b/platform/javascript/javascript_main.cpp @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ void main_loop_callback() { } /// When calling main, it is assumed FS is setup and synced. -int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { +extern EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE int godot_js_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { os = new OS_JavaScript(); // We must override main when testing is enabled diff --git a/platform/javascript/javascript_runtime.cpp b/platform/javascript/javascript_runtime.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bfe9fbd1bc --- /dev/null +++ b/platform/javascript/javascript_runtime.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* javascript_runtime.cpp */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +extern int godot_js_main(int argc, char *argv[]); + +int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { + return godot_js_main(argc, argv); +} diff --git a/platform/javascript/js/dynlink.pre.js b/platform/javascript/js/dynlink.pre.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..34bc371ea9 --- /dev/null +++ b/platform/javascript/js/dynlink.pre.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Module['dynamicLibraries'] = [Module['thisProgram'] + '.side.wasm'].concat(Module['dynamicLibraries'] ? Module['dynamicLibraries'] : []); diff --git a/platform/javascript/js/engine/engine.js b/platform/javascript/js/engine/engine.js index 74153b672a..4b8a7dde69 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/js/engine/engine.js +++ b/platform/javascript/js/engine/engine.js @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ const Engine = (function () { this.onExecute = null; this.onExit = null; this.persistentPaths = ['/userfs']; + this.gdnativeLibs = []; } Engine.prototype.init = /** @param {string=} basePath */ function (basePath) { @@ -58,6 +59,10 @@ const Engine = (function () { initPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { config['locateFile'] = Utils.createLocateRewrite(loadPath); config['instantiateWasm'] = Utils.createInstantiatePromise(loadPromise); + // Emscripten configuration. + config['thisProgram'] = me.executableName; + config['noExitRuntime'] = true; + config['dynamicLibraries'] = me.gdnativeLibs; Godot(config).then(function (module) { module['initFS'](me.persistentPaths).then(function (fs_err) { me.rtenv = module; @@ -119,9 +124,6 @@ const Engine = (function () { locale = navigator.languages ? navigator.languages[0] : navigator.language; locale = locale.split('.')[0]; } - // Emscripten configuration. - me.rtenv['thisProgram'] = me.executableName; - me.rtenv['noExitRuntime'] = true; // Godot configuration. me.rtenv['initConfig']({ 'resizeCanvasOnStart': me.resizeCanvasOnStart, @@ -249,6 +251,10 @@ const Engine = (function () { this.persistentPaths = persistentPaths; }; + Engine.prototype.setGDNativeLibraries = function (gdnativeLibs) { + this.gdnativeLibs = gdnativeLibs; + }; + Engine.prototype.requestQuit = function () { if (this.rtenv) { this.rtenv['request_quit'](); @@ -277,6 +283,7 @@ const Engine = (function () { Engine.prototype['setOnExit'] = Engine.prototype.setOnExit; Engine.prototype['copyToFS'] = Engine.prototype.copyToFS; Engine.prototype['setPersistentPaths'] = Engine.prototype.setPersistentPaths; + Engine.prototype['setGDNativeLibraries'] = Engine.prototype.setGDNativeLibraries; Engine.prototype['requestQuit'] = Engine.prototype.requestQuit; return Engine; }()); diff --git a/platform/javascript/js/engine/utils.js b/platform/javascript/js/engine/utils.js index d0fca4e1cb..9273bbad42 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/js/engine/utils.js +++ b/platform/javascript/js/engine/utils.js @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ const Utils = { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars return `${execName}.audio.worklet.js`; } else if (path.endsWith('.js')) { return `${execName}.js`; + } else if (path.endsWith('.side.wasm')) { + return `${execName}.side.wasm`; } else if (path.endsWith('.wasm')) { return `${execName}.wasm`; } diff --git a/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_audio.js b/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_audio.js index 0c1f477f34..416e987513 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_audio.js +++ b/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_audio.js @@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ const GodotAudio = { }, }, + godot_audio_is_available__sig: 'i', godot_audio_is_available__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_is_available: function () { if (!(window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)) { @@ -145,12 +146,14 @@ const GodotAudio = { return 1; }, + godot_audio_init__sig: 'iiiii', godot_audio_init: function (p_mix_rate, p_latency, p_state_change, p_latency_update) { const statechange = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_state_change); const latencyupdate = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_latency_update); return GodotAudio.init(p_mix_rate, p_latency, statechange, latencyupdate); }, + godot_audio_resume__sig: 'v', godot_audio_resume: function () { if (GodotAudio.ctx && GodotAudio.ctx.state !== 'running') { GodotAudio.ctx.resume(); @@ -158,6 +161,7 @@ const GodotAudio = { }, godot_audio_capture_start__proxy: 'sync', + godot_audio_capture_start__sig: 'v', godot_audio_capture_start: function () { if (GodotAudio.input) { return; // Already started. @@ -168,6 +172,7 @@ const GodotAudio = { }, godot_audio_capture_stop__proxy: 'sync', + godot_audio_capture_stop__sig: 'v', godot_audio_capture_stop: function () { if (GodotAudio.input) { const tracks = GodotAudio.input['mediaStream']['getTracks'](); @@ -241,10 +246,12 @@ const GodotAudioWorklet = { }, }, + godot_audio_worklet_create__sig: 'vi', godot_audio_worklet_create: function (channels) { GodotAudioWorklet.create(channels); }, + godot_audio_worklet_start__sig: 'viiiii', godot_audio_worklet_start: function (p_in_buf, p_in_size, p_out_buf, p_out_size, p_state) { const out_buffer = GodotRuntime.heapSub(HEAPF32, p_out_buf, p_out_size); const in_buffer = GodotRuntime.heapSub(HEAPF32, p_in_buf, p_in_size); @@ -252,15 +259,18 @@ const GodotAudioWorklet = { GodotAudioWorklet.start(in_buffer, out_buffer, state); }, + godot_audio_worklet_state_wait__sig: 'iiii', godot_audio_worklet_state_wait: function (p_state, p_idx, p_expected, p_timeout) { Atomics.wait(HEAP32, (p_state >> 2) + p_idx, p_expected, p_timeout); return Atomics.load(HEAP32, (p_state >> 2) + p_idx); }, + godot_audio_worklet_state_add__sig: 'iiii', godot_audio_worklet_state_add: function (p_state, p_idx, p_value) { return Atomics.add(HEAP32, (p_state >> 2) + p_idx, p_value); }, + godot_audio_worklet_state_get__sig: 'iii', godot_audio_worklet_state_get: function (p_state, p_idx) { return Atomics.load(HEAP32, (p_state >> 2) + p_idx); }, @@ -330,10 +340,12 @@ const GodotAudioScript = { }, }, + godot_audio_script_create__sig: 'iii', godot_audio_script_create: function (buffer_length, channel_count) { return GodotAudioScript.create(buffer_length, channel_count); }, + godot_audio_script_start__sig: 'viiiii', godot_audio_script_start: function (p_in_buf, p_in_size, p_out_buf, p_out_size, p_cb) { const onprocess = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_cb); GodotAudioScript.start(p_in_buf, p_in_size, p_out_buf, p_out_size, onprocess); diff --git a/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_display.js b/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_display.js index 9651b48952..800d6f414f 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_display.js +++ b/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_display.js @@ -280,6 +280,7 @@ const GodotDisplay = { window_icon: '', }, + godot_js_display_is_swap_ok_cancel__sig: 'i', godot_js_display_is_swap_ok_cancel: function () { const win = (['Windows', 'Win64', 'Win32', 'WinCE']); const plat = navigator.platform || ''; @@ -289,10 +290,12 @@ const GodotDisplay = { return 0; }, + godot_js_display_alert__sig: 'vi', godot_js_display_alert: function (p_text) { window.alert(GodotRuntime.parseString(p_text)); // eslint-disable-line no-alert }, + godot_js_display_pixel_ratio_get__sig: 'f', godot_js_display_pixel_ratio_get: function () { return window.devicePixelRatio || 1; }, @@ -300,14 +303,17 @@ const GodotDisplay = { /* * Canvas */ + godot_js_display_canvas_focus__sig: 'v', godot_js_display_canvas_focus: function () { GodotConfig.canvas.focus(); }, + godot_js_display_canvas_is_focused__sig: 'i', godot_js_display_canvas_is_focused: function () { return document.activeElement === GodotConfig.canvas; }, + godot_js_display_canvas_bounding_rect_position_get__sig: 'vii', godot_js_display_canvas_bounding_rect_position_get: function (r_x, r_y) { const brect = GodotConfig.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_x, brect.x, 'i32'); @@ -317,6 +323,7 @@ const GodotDisplay = { /* * Touchscreen */ + godot_js_display_touchscreen_is_available__sig: 'i', godot_js_display_touchscreen_is_available: function () { return 'ontouchstart' in window; }, @@ -324,6 +331,7 @@ const GodotDisplay = { /* * Clipboard */ + godot_js_display_clipboard_set__sig: 'ii', godot_js_display_clipboard_set: function (p_text) { const text = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_text); if (!navigator.clipboard || !navigator.clipboard.writeText) { @@ -336,6 +344,7 @@ const GodotDisplay = { return 0; }, + godot_js_display_clipboard_get__sig: 'ii', godot_js_display_clipboard_get: function (callback) { const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(callback); try { @@ -354,6 +363,7 @@ const GodotDisplay = { /* * Window */ + godot_js_display_window_request_fullscreen__sig: 'v', godot_js_display_window_request_fullscreen: function () { const canvas = GodotConfig.canvas; (canvas.requestFullscreen || canvas.msRequestFullscreen @@ -362,10 +372,12 @@ const GodotDisplay = { ).call(canvas); }, + godot_js_display_window_title_set__sig: 'vi', godot_js_display_window_title_set: function (p_data) { document.title = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_data); }, + godot_js_display_window_icon_set__sig: 'vii', godot_js_display_window_icon_set: function (p_ptr, p_len) { let link = document.getElementById('-gd-engine-icon'); if (link === null) { @@ -386,6 +398,7 @@ const GodotDisplay = { /* * Cursor */ + godot_js_display_cursor_set_visible__sig: 'vi', godot_js_display_cursor_set_visible: function (p_visible) { const visible = p_visible !== 0; if (visible === GodotDisplayCursor.visible) { @@ -399,14 +412,17 @@ const GodotDisplay = { } }, + godot_js_display_cursor_is_hidden__sig: 'i', godot_js_display_cursor_is_hidden: function () { return !GodotDisplayCursor.visible; }, + godot_js_display_cursor_set_shape__sig: 'vi', godot_js_display_cursor_set_shape: function (p_string) { GodotDisplayCursor.set_shape(GodotRuntime.parseString(p_string)); }, + godot_js_display_cursor_set_custom_shape__sig: 'viiiii', godot_js_display_cursor_set_custom_shape: function (p_shape, p_ptr, p_len, p_hotspot_x, p_hotspot_y) { const shape = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_shape); const old_shape = GodotDisplayCursor.cursors[shape]; @@ -432,6 +448,7 @@ const GodotDisplay = { /* * Listeners */ + godot_js_display_notification_cb__sig: 'viiiii', godot_js_display_notification_cb: function (callback, p_enter, p_exit, p_in, p_out) { const canvas = GodotConfig.canvas; const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(callback); @@ -443,6 +460,7 @@ const GodotDisplay = { }); }, + godot_js_display_paste_cb__sig: 'vi', godot_js_display_paste_cb: function (callback) { const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(callback); GodotDisplayListeners.add(window, 'paste', function (evt) { @@ -453,6 +471,7 @@ const GodotDisplay = { }, false); }, + godot_js_display_drop_files_cb__sig: 'vi', godot_js_display_drop_files_cb: function (callback) { const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(callback); const dropFiles = function (files) { diff --git a/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_editor_tools.js b/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_editor_tools.js index f39fed04a8..12edc8e733 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_editor_tools.js +++ b/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_editor_tools.js @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ const GodotEditorTools = { godot_js_editor_download_file__deps: ['$FS'], + godot_js_editor_download_file__sig: 'viii', godot_js_editor_download_file: function (p_path, p_name, p_mime) { const path = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_path); const name = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_name); diff --git a/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_eval.js b/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_eval.js index 33ff231726..1a2440dd24 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_eval.js +++ b/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_eval.js @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ const GodotEval = { godot_js_eval__deps: ['$GodotRuntime'], + godot_js_eval__sig: 'iiiiiii', godot_js_eval: function (p_js, p_use_global_ctx, p_union_ptr, p_byte_arr, p_byte_arr_write, p_callback) { const js_code = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_js); let eval_ret = null; diff --git a/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_http_request.js b/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_http_request.js index 2b9aa88208..d4468bd5aa 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_http_request.js +++ b/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_http_request.js @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ const GodotHTTPRequest = { }, }, + godot_xhr_new__sig: 'i', godot_xhr_new: function () { const newId = GodotHTTPRequest.getUnusedRequestId(); GodotHTTPRequest.requests[newId] = new XMLHttpRequest(); @@ -57,30 +58,36 @@ const GodotHTTPRequest = { return newId; }, + godot_xhr_reset__sig: 'vi', godot_xhr_reset: function (xhrId) { GodotHTTPRequest.requests[xhrId] = new XMLHttpRequest(); GodotHTTPRequest.setupRequest(GodotHTTPRequest.requests[xhrId]); }, + godot_xhr_free__sig: 'vi', godot_xhr_free: function (xhrId) { GodotHTTPRequest.requests[xhrId].abort(); GodotHTTPRequest.requests[xhrId] = null; }, + godot_xhr_open__sig: 'viiiii', godot_xhr_open: function (xhrId, method, url, p_user, p_password) { const user = p_user > 0 ? GodotRuntime.parseString(p_user) : null; const password = p_password > 0 ? GodotRuntime.parseString(p_password) : null; GodotHTTPRequest.requests[xhrId].open(GodotRuntime.parseString(method), GodotRuntime.parseString(url), true, user, password); }, + godot_xhr_set_request_header__sig: 'viii', godot_xhr_set_request_header: function (xhrId, header, value) { GodotHTTPRequest.requests[xhrId].setRequestHeader(GodotRuntime.parseString(header), GodotRuntime.parseString(value)); }, + godot_xhr_send_null__sig: 'vi', godot_xhr_send_null: function (xhrId) { GodotHTTPRequest.requests[xhrId].send(); }, + godot_xhr_send_string__sig: 'vii', godot_xhr_send_string: function (xhrId, strPtr) { if (!strPtr) { GodotRuntime.error('Failed to send string per XHR: null pointer'); @@ -89,6 +96,7 @@ const GodotHTTPRequest = { GodotHTTPRequest.requests[xhrId].send(GodotRuntime.parseString(strPtr)); }, + godot_xhr_send_data__sig: 'viii', godot_xhr_send_data: function (xhrId, ptr, len) { if (!ptr) { GodotRuntime.error('Failed to send data per XHR: null pointer'); @@ -101,23 +109,28 @@ const GodotHTTPRequest = { GodotHTTPRequest.requests[xhrId].send(HEAPU8.subarray(ptr, ptr + len)); }, + godot_xhr_abort__sig: 'vi', godot_xhr_abort: function (xhrId) { GodotHTTPRequest.requests[xhrId].abort(); }, + godot_xhr_get_status__sig: 'ii', godot_xhr_get_status: function (xhrId) { return GodotHTTPRequest.requests[xhrId].status; }, + godot_xhr_get_ready_state__sig: 'ii', godot_xhr_get_ready_state: function (xhrId) { return GodotHTTPRequest.requests[xhrId].readyState; }, + godot_xhr_get_response_headers_length__sig: 'ii', godot_xhr_get_response_headers_length: function (xhrId) { const headers = GodotHTTPRequest.requests[xhrId].getAllResponseHeaders(); return headers === null ? 0 : GodotRuntime.strlen(headers); }, + godot_xhr_get_response_headers__sig: 'viii', godot_xhr_get_response_headers: function (xhrId, dst, len) { const str = GodotHTTPRequest.requests[xhrId].getAllResponseHeaders(); if (str === null) { @@ -126,11 +139,13 @@ const GodotHTTPRequest = { GodotRuntime.stringToHeap(str, dst, len); }, + godot_xhr_get_response_length__sig: 'ii', godot_xhr_get_response_length: function (xhrId) { const body = GodotHTTPRequest.requests[xhrId].response; return body === null ? 0 : body.byteLength; }, + godot_xhr_get_response__sig: 'viii', godot_xhr_get_response: function (xhrId, dst, len) { let buf = GodotHTTPRequest.requests[xhrId].response; if (buf === null) { diff --git a/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_os.js b/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_os.js index 44b104922e..260cfbf97f 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_os.js +++ b/platform/javascript/js/libs/library_godot_os.js @@ -75,14 +75,17 @@ const GodotConfig = { }, }, + godot_js_config_canvas_id_get__sig: 'vii', godot_js_config_canvas_id_get: function (p_ptr, p_ptr_max) { GodotRuntime.stringToHeap(`#${GodotConfig.canvas.id}`, p_ptr, p_ptr_max); }, + godot_js_config_locale_get__sig: 'vii', godot_js_config_locale_get: function (p_ptr, p_ptr_max) { GodotRuntime.stringToHeap(GodotConfig.locale, p_ptr, p_ptr_max); }, + godot_js_config_is_resize_on_start__sig: 'i', godot_js_config_is_resize_on_start: function () { return GodotConfig.resize_on_start ? 1 : 0; }, @@ -239,19 +242,23 @@ const GodotOS = { }, }, + godot_js_os_finish_async__sig: 'vi', godot_js_os_finish_async: function (p_callback) { const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_callback); GodotOS.finish_async(func); }, + godot_js_os_request_quit_cb__sig: 'vi', godot_js_os_request_quit_cb: function (p_callback) { GodotOS.request_quit = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_callback); }, + godot_js_os_fs_is_persistent__sig: 'i', godot_js_os_fs_is_persistent: function () { return GodotFS.is_persistent(); }, + godot_js_os_fs_sync__sig: 'vi', godot_js_os_fs_sync: function (callback) { const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(callback); GodotOS._fs_sync_promise = GodotFS.sync(); @@ -260,6 +267,7 @@ const GodotOS = { }); }, + godot_js_os_execute__sig: 'ii', godot_js_os_execute: function (p_json) { const json_args = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_json); const args = JSON.parse(json_args); @@ -270,6 +278,7 @@ const GodotOS = { return 1; }, + godot_js_os_shell_open__sig: 'vi', godot_js_os_shell_open: function (p_uri) { window.open(GodotRuntime.parseString(p_uri), '_blank'); }, diff --git a/platform/javascript/os_javascript.cpp b/platform/javascript/os_javascript.cpp index 80723d54fc..ebfcd7293e 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/os_javascript.cpp +++ b/platform/javascript/os_javascript.cpp @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ #include "modules/websocket/remote_debugger_peer_websocket.h" #endif +#include <dlfcn.h> #include <emscripten.h> #include <stdlib.h> @@ -127,12 +128,24 @@ int OS_JavaScript::get_process_id() const { } bool OS_JavaScript::_check_internal_feature_support(const String &p_feature) { - if (p_feature == "HTML5" || p_feature == "web") + if (p_feature == "HTML5" || p_feature == "web") { return true; + } #ifdef JAVASCRIPT_EVAL_ENABLED - if (p_feature == "JavaScript") + if (p_feature == "JavaScript") { + return true; + } +#endif +#ifndef NO_THREADS + if (p_feature == "threads") { return true; + } +#endif +#if WASM_GDNATIVE + if (p_feature == "wasm32") { + return true; + } #endif return false; @@ -187,6 +200,13 @@ bool OS_JavaScript::is_userfs_persistent() const { return idb_available; } +Error OS_JavaScript::open_dynamic_library(const String p_path, void *&p_library_handle, bool p_also_set_library_path) { + String path = p_path.get_file(); + p_library_handle = dlopen(path.utf8().get_data(), RTLD_NOW); + ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!p_library_handle, ERR_CANT_OPEN, "Can't open dynamic library: " + p_path + ". Error: " + dlerror()); + return OK; +} + OS_JavaScript *OS_JavaScript::get_singleton() { return static_cast<OS_JavaScript *>(OS::get_singleton()); } diff --git a/platform/javascript/os_javascript.h b/platform/javascript/os_javascript.h index 03a3053367..6682f8fd85 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/os_javascript.h +++ b/platform/javascript/os_javascript.h @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ public: String get_user_data_dir() const override; bool is_userfs_persistent() const override; + Error open_dynamic_library(const String p_path, void *&p_library_handle, bool p_also_set_library_path) override; void resume_audio(); diff --git a/platform/linuxbsd/display_server_x11.cpp b/platform/linuxbsd/display_server_x11.cpp index 356668a375..136bee68e3 100644 --- a/platform/linuxbsd/display_server_x11.cpp +++ b/platform/linuxbsd/display_server_x11.cpp @@ -40,9 +40,10 @@ #include "scene/resources/texture.h" #if defined(VULKAN_ENABLED) -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_rd.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_compositor_rd.h" #endif +#include <limits.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> @@ -4087,12 +4088,12 @@ DisplayServerX11::DisplayServerX11(const String &p_rendering_driver, WindowMode rendering_device_vulkan = memnew(RenderingDeviceVulkan); rendering_device_vulkan->initialize(context_vulkan); - RasterizerRD::make_current(); + RendererCompositorRD::make_current(); } #endif /* - rendering_server = memnew(RenderingServerRaster); + rendering_server = memnew(RenderingServerDefault); if (get_render_thread_mode() != RENDER_THREAD_UNSAFE) { rendering_server = memnew(RenderingServerWrapMT(rendering_server, get_render_thread_mode() == RENDER_SEPARATE_THREAD)); } diff --git a/platform/linuxbsd/display_server_x11.h b/platform/linuxbsd/display_server_x11.h index 61fb04cbf3..3c6f462e92 100644 --- a/platform/linuxbsd/display_server_x11.h +++ b/platform/linuxbsd/display_server_x11.h @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ #include "drivers/unix/os_unix.h" #include "joypad_linux.h" #include "servers/audio_server.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.h" #include "servers/rendering_server.h" #if defined(OPENGL_ENABLED) diff --git a/platform/linuxbsd/os_linuxbsd.h b/platform/linuxbsd/os_linuxbsd.h index cd4fbd9db5..6e93bf6ef2 100644 --- a/platform/linuxbsd/os_linuxbsd.h +++ b/platform/linuxbsd/os_linuxbsd.h @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ #include "drivers/unix/os_unix.h" #include "joypad_linux.h" #include "servers/audio_server.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.h" #include "servers/rendering_server.h" class OS_LinuxBSD : public OS_Unix { diff --git a/platform/osx/display_server_osx.mm b/platform/osx/display_server_osx.mm index 3025210195..c4c2426f1f 100644 --- a/platform/osx/display_server_osx.mm +++ b/platform/osx/display_server_osx.mm @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ #endif #if defined(VULKAN_ENABLED) -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_rd.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_compositor_rd.h" #include <QuartzCore/CAMetalLayer.h> #endif @@ -3870,7 +3870,7 @@ DisplayServerOSX::DisplayServerOSX(const String &p_rendering_driver, WindowMode rendering_device_vulkan = memnew(RenderingDeviceVulkan); rendering_device_vulkan->initialize(context_vulkan); - RasterizerRD::make_current(); + RendererCompositorRD::make_current(); } #endif diff --git a/platform/osx/export/export.cpp b/platform/osx/export/export.cpp index e988e51e72..f5aad91946 100644 --- a/platform/osx/export/export.cpp +++ b/platform/osx/export/export.cpp @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "editor/editor_settings.h" #include "platform/osx/logo.gen.h" -#include "string.h" + #include <sys/stat.h> class EditorExportPlatformOSX : public EditorExportPlatform { @@ -572,36 +572,36 @@ Error EditorExportPlatformOSX::export_project(const Ref<EditorExportPreset> &p_p pkg_name = "Unnamed"; } - String pkg_name_safe = OS::get_singleton()->get_safe_dir_name(pkg_name); - - Error err = OK; - String tmp_app_path_name = ""; + pkg_name = OS::get_singleton()->get_safe_dir_name(pkg_name); - DirAccess *tmp_app_path = nullptr; String export_format = use_dmg() && p_path.ends_with("dmg") ? "dmg" : "zip"; // Create our application bundle. - tmp_app_path_name = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_cache_dir().plus_file(pkg_name + ".app"); + String tmp_app_dir_name = pkg_name + ".app"; + String tmp_app_path_name = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_cache_dir().plus_file(tmp_app_dir_name); print_line("Exporting to " + tmp_app_path_name); - tmp_app_path = DirAccess::create_for_path(tmp_app_path_name); - if (!tmp_app_path) { + + Error err = OK; + + DirAccessRef tmp_app_dir = DirAccess::create_for_path(tmp_app_path_name); + if (!tmp_app_dir) { err = ERR_CANT_CREATE; } // Create our folder structure. if (err == OK) { print_line("Creating " + tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/MacOS"); - err = tmp_app_path->make_dir_recursive(tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/MacOS"); + err = tmp_app_dir->make_dir_recursive(tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/MacOS"); } if (err == OK) { print_line("Creating " + tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/Frameworks"); - err = tmp_app_path->make_dir_recursive(tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/Frameworks"); + err = tmp_app_dir->make_dir_recursive(tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/Frameworks"); } if (err == OK) { print_line("Creating " + tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/Resources"); - err = tmp_app_path->make_dir_recursive(tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/Resources"); + err = tmp_app_dir->make_dir_recursive(tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/Resources"); } // Now process our template. @@ -678,14 +678,14 @@ Error EditorExportPlatformOSX::export_project(const Ref<EditorExportPreset> &p_p ret = unzGoToNextFile(src_pkg_zip); continue; // skip } - file = file.replace("/data.mono.osx.64.release_debug/", "/data_" + pkg_name_safe + "/"); + file = file.replace("/data.mono.osx.64.release_debug/", "/data_" + pkg_name + "/"); } if (file.find("/data.mono.osx.64.release/") != -1) { if (p_debug) { ret = unzGoToNextFile(src_pkg_zip); continue; // skip } - file = file.replace("/data.mono.osx.64.release/", "/data_" + pkg_name_safe + "/"); + file = file.replace("/data.mono.osx.64.release/", "/data_" + pkg_name + "/"); } print_line("ADDING: " + file + " size: " + itos(data.size())); @@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ Error EditorExportPlatformOSX::export_project(const Ref<EditorExportPreset> &p_p // Write it into our application bundle. file = tmp_app_path_name.plus_file(file); if (err == OK) { - err = tmp_app_path->make_dir_recursive(file.get_base_dir()); + err = tmp_app_dir->make_dir_recursive(file.get_base_dir()); } if (err == OK) { FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(file, FileAccess::WRITE); @@ -797,7 +797,10 @@ Error EditorExportPlatformOSX::export_project(const Ref<EditorExportPreset> &p_p } // Clean up temporary .app dir. - OS::get_singleton()->move_to_trash(tmp_app_path_name); + tmp_app_dir->change_dir(tmp_app_path_name); + tmp_app_dir->erase_contents_recursive(); + tmp_app_dir->change_dir(".."); + tmp_app_dir->remove(tmp_app_dir_name); } return err; diff --git a/platform/server/os_server.cpp b/platform/server/os_server.cpp index 9937ae5b62..22af8ba985 100644 --- a/platform/server/os_server.cpp +++ b/platform/server/os_server.cpp @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ #include "core/string/print_string.h" #include "drivers/dummy/rasterizer_dummy.h" #include "drivers/dummy/texture_loader_dummy.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rendering_server_raster.h" +#include "servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.h" #include "main/main.h" @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Error OS_Server::initialize(const VideoMode &p_desired, int p_video_driver, int video_driver_index = p_video_driver; // unused in server platform, but should still be initialized - rendering_server = memnew(RenderingServerRaster); + rendering_server = memnew(RenderingServerDefault); rendering_server->init(); AudioDriverManager::initialize(p_audio_driver); diff --git a/platform/server/os_server.h b/platform/server/os_server.h index 06ea483fd4..a4ae6a0bf6 100644 --- a/platform/server/os_server.h +++ b/platform/server/os_server.h @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ #include "platform/x11/crash_handler_linuxbsd.h" #endif #include "servers/audio_server.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.h" #include "servers/rendering_server.h" #undef CursorShape diff --git a/platform/uwp/os_uwp.cpp b/platform/uwp/os_uwp.cpp index 79508055e5..780eba8407 100644 --- a/platform/uwp/os_uwp.cpp +++ b/platform/uwp/os_uwp.cpp @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ #include "main/main.h" #include "platform/windows/windows_terminal_logger.h" #include "servers/audio_server.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rendering_server_raster.h" +#include "servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.h" #include "servers/rendering/rendering_server_wrap_mt.h" #include "thread_uwp.h" @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ Error OS_UWP::initialize(const VideoMode &p_desired, int p_video_driver, int p_a set_video_mode(vm); - rendering_server = memnew(RenderingServerRaster); + rendering_server = memnew(RenderingServerDefault); // FIXME: Reimplement threaded rendering if (get_render_thread_mode() != RENDER_THREAD_UNSAFE) { rendering_server = memnew(RenderingServerWrapMT(rendering_server, false)); diff --git a/platform/uwp/os_uwp.h b/platform/uwp/os_uwp.h index 88961bf143..c2d1acf8a0 100644 --- a/platform/uwp/os_uwp.h +++ b/platform/uwp/os_uwp.h @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ #include "drivers/xaudio2/audio_driver_xaudio2.h" #include "joypad_uwp.h" #include "servers/audio_server.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.h" #include "servers/rendering_server.h" #include <fcntl.h> diff --git a/platform/windows/detect.py b/platform/windows/detect.py index e0b2a52014..ee13e3c774 100644 --- a/platform/windows/detect.py +++ b/platform/windows/detect.py @@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ def get_opts(): BoolVariable("use_mingw", "Use the Mingw compiler, even if MSVC is installed. Only used on Windows.", False), BoolVariable("use_llvm", "Use the LLVM compiler", False), BoolVariable("use_thinlto", "Use ThinLTO", False), + BoolVariable("use_static_cpp", "Link MinGW/MSVC C++ runtime libraries statically", True), ] @@ -221,7 +222,11 @@ def configure_msvc(env, manual_msvc_config): ## Compile/link flags - env.AppendUnique(CCFLAGS=["/MT", "/Gd", "/GR", "/nologo"]) + if env["use_static_cpp"]: + env.AppendUnique(CCFLAGS=["/MT"]) + else: + env.AppendUnique(CCFLAGS=["/MD"]) + env.AppendUnique(CCFLAGS=["/Gd", "/GR", "/nologo"]) # Force to use Unicode encoding env.AppendUnique(CCFLAGS=["/utf-8"]) env.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS=["/TP"]) # assume all sources are C++ @@ -373,12 +378,14 @@ def configure_mingw(env): mingw_prefix = "" if env["bits"] == "32": - env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-static"]) - env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-static-libgcc"]) - env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-static-libstdc++"]) + if env["use_static_cpp"]: + env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-static"]) + env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-static-libgcc"]) + env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-static-libstdc++"]) mingw_prefix = env["mingw_prefix_32"] else: - env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-static"]) + if env["use_static_cpp"]: + env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-static"]) mingw_prefix = env["mingw_prefix_64"] if env["use_llvm"]: diff --git a/platform/windows/display_server_windows.cpp b/platform/windows/display_server_windows.cpp index 2581cc3af6..62fcd20f61 100644 --- a/platform/windows/display_server_windows.cpp +++ b/platform/windows/display_server_windows.cpp @@ -3205,7 +3205,7 @@ DisplayServerWindows::DisplayServerWindows(const String &p_rendering_driver, Win rendering_device_vulkan = memnew(RenderingDeviceVulkan); rendering_device_vulkan->initialize(context_vulkan); - RasterizerRD::make_current(); + RendererCompositorRD::make_current(); } #endif diff --git a/platform/windows/display_server_windows.h b/platform/windows/display_server_windows.h index c64a1b3b09..684746919a 100644 --- a/platform/windows/display_server_windows.h +++ b/platform/windows/display_server_windows.h @@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ #include "joypad_windows.h" #include "key_mapping_windows.h" #include "servers/audio_server.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_rd.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_compositor_rd.h" #include "servers/rendering_server.h" #ifdef XAUDIO2_ENABLED diff --git a/platform/windows/joypad_windows.cpp b/platform/windows/joypad_windows.cpp index 2a5c8a7763..ae5e846dac 100644 --- a/platform/windows/joypad_windows.cpp +++ b/platform/windows/joypad_windows.cpp @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ bool JoypadWindows::setup_dinput_joypad(const DIDEVICEINSTANCE *instance) { const DWORD devtype = (instance->dwDevType & 0xFF); - if ((devtype != DI8DEVTYPE_JOYSTICK) && (devtype != DI8DEVTYPE_GAMEPAD) && (devtype != DI8DEVTYPE_1STPERSON)) { + if ((devtype != DI8DEVTYPE_JOYSTICK) && (devtype != DI8DEVTYPE_GAMEPAD) && (devtype != DI8DEVTYPE_1STPERSON) && (devtype != DI8DEVTYPE_DRIVING)) { return false; } diff --git a/platform/windows/os_windows.cpp b/platform/windows/os_windows.cpp index 646bc3aa4c..ae6b54513d 100644 --- a/platform/windows/os_windows.cpp +++ b/platform/windows/os_windows.cpp @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ #include "main/main.h" #include "platform/windows/display_server_windows.h" #include "servers/audio_server.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rendering_server_raster.h" +#include "servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.h" #include "servers/rendering/rendering_server_wrap_mt.h" #include "windows_terminal_logger.h" diff --git a/platform/windows/os_windows.h b/platform/windows/os_windows.h index a3dbb23182..5451e15d36 100644 --- a/platform/windows/os_windows.h +++ b/platform/windows/os_windows.h @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ #include "drivers/winmidi/midi_driver_winmidi.h" #include "key_mapping_windows.h" #include "servers/audio_server.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.h" #include "servers/rendering_server.h" #ifdef XAUDIO2_ENABLED #include "drivers/xaudio2/audio_driver_xaudio2.h" diff --git a/scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp b/scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp index ef2a9a4911..3649746c40 100644 --- a/scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp +++ b/scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp @@ -397,14 +397,14 @@ Ref<Gradient> CPUParticles2D::get_color_ramp() const { return color_ramp; } -void CPUParticles2D::set_particle_flag(Flags p_flag, bool p_enable) { - ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_flag, FLAG_MAX); - flags[p_flag] = p_enable; +void CPUParticles2D::set_particle_flag(ParticleFlags p_particle_flag, bool p_enable) { + ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_particle_flag, PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX); + particle_flags[p_particle_flag] = p_enable; } -bool CPUParticles2D::get_particle_flag(Flags p_flag) const { - ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_flag, FLAG_MAX, false); - return flags[p_flag]; +bool CPUParticles2D::get_particle_flag(ParticleFlags p_particle_flag) const { + ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_particle_flag, PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX, false); + return particle_flags[p_particle_flag]; } void CPUParticles2D::set_emission_shape(EmissionShape p_shape) { @@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ void CPUParticles2D::_particles_process(float p_delta) { p.color *= p.base_color; - if (flags[FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY]) { if (p.velocity.length() > 0.0) { p.transform.elements[1] = p.velocity.normalized(); p.transform.elements[0] = p.transform.elements[1].tangent(); @@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@ void CPUParticles2D::convert_from_particles(Node *p_particles) { set_color_ramp(gt->get_gradient()); } - set_particle_flag(FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY, material->get_flag(ParticlesMaterial::FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY)); + set_particle_flag(PARTICLE_FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY, material->get_particle_flag(ParticlesMaterial::PARTICLE_FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY)); set_emission_shape(EmissionShape(material->get_emission_shape())); set_emission_sphere_radius(material->get_emission_sphere_radius()); @@ -1246,8 +1246,8 @@ void CPUParticles2D::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_color_ramp", "ramp"), &CPUParticles2D::set_color_ramp); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_color_ramp"), &CPUParticles2D::get_color_ramp); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_particle_flag", "flag", "enable"), &CPUParticles2D::set_particle_flag); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_particle_flag", "flag"), &CPUParticles2D::get_particle_flag); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_particle_flag", "particle_flag", "enable"), &CPUParticles2D::set_particle_flag); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_particle_flag", "particle_flag"), &CPUParticles2D::get_particle_flag); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_emission_shape", "shape"), &CPUParticles2D::set_emission_shape); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_emission_shape"), &CPUParticles2D::get_emission_shape); @@ -1279,8 +1279,8 @@ void CPUParticles2D::_bind_methods() { ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::PACKED_VECTOR2_ARRAY, "emission_points"), "set_emission_points", "get_emission_points"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::PACKED_VECTOR2_ARRAY, "emission_normals"), "set_emission_normals", "get_emission_normals"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::PACKED_COLOR_ARRAY, "emission_colors"), "set_emission_colors", "get_emission_colors"); - ADD_GROUP("Flags", "flag_"); - ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "flag_align_y"), "set_particle_flag", "get_particle_flag", FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY); + ADD_GROUP("Particle Flags", "particle_flag_"); + ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "particle_flag_align_y"), "set_particle_flag", "get_particle_flag", PARTICLE_FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY); ADD_GROUP("Direction", ""); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "direction"), "set_direction", "get_direction"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "spread", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,180,0.01"), "set_spread", "get_spread"); @@ -1351,10 +1351,10 @@ void CPUParticles2D::_bind_methods() { BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PARAM_ANIM_OFFSET); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PARAM_MAX); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_ROTATE_Y); // Unused, but exposed for consistency with 3D. - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_DISABLE_Z); // Unused, but exposed for consistency with 3D. - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_MAX); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PARTICLE_FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PARTICLE_FLAG_ROTATE_Y); // Unused, but exposed for consistency with 3D. + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z); // Unused, but exposed for consistency with 3D. + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(EMISSION_SHAPE_POINT); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(EMISSION_SHAPE_SPHERE); @@ -1415,8 +1415,8 @@ CPUParticles2D::CPUParticles2D() { set_param_randomness(Parameter(i), 0); } - for (int i = 0; i < FLAG_MAX; i++) { - flags[i] = false; + for (int i = 0; i < PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX; i++) { + particle_flags[i] = false; } set_color(Color(1, 1, 1, 1)); diff --git a/scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.h b/scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.h index 0f2a3e4920..857f19b20f 100644 --- a/scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.h +++ b/scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.h @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ public: PARAM_MAX }; - enum Flags { - FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY, - FLAG_ROTATE_Y, // Unused, but exposed for consistency with 3D. - FLAG_DISABLE_Z, // Unused, but exposed for consistency with 3D. - FLAG_MAX + enum ParticleFlags { + PARTICLE_FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY, + PARTICLE_FLAG_ROTATE_Y, // Unused, but exposed for consistency with 3D. + PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z, // Unused, but exposed for consistency with 3D. + PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX }; enum EmissionShape { @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ private: Color color; Ref<Gradient> color_ramp; - bool flags[FLAG_MAX]; + bool particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX]; EmissionShape emission_shape; float emission_sphere_radius; @@ -253,8 +253,8 @@ public: void set_color_ramp(const Ref<Gradient> &p_ramp); Ref<Gradient> get_color_ramp() const; - void set_particle_flag(Flags p_flag, bool p_enable); - bool get_particle_flag(Flags p_flag) const; + void set_particle_flag(ParticleFlags p_particle_flag, bool p_enable); + bool get_particle_flag(ParticleFlags p_particle_flag) const; void set_emission_shape(EmissionShape p_shape); void set_emission_sphere_radius(float p_radius); @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ public: VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(CPUParticles2D::DrawOrder) VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(CPUParticles2D::Parameter) -VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(CPUParticles2D::Flags) +VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(CPUParticles2D::ParticleFlags) VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(CPUParticles2D::EmissionShape) #endif // CPU_PARTICLES_2D_H diff --git a/scene/2d/gpu_particles_2d.cpp b/scene/2d/gpu_particles_2d.cpp index a4a930455b..46096d7460 100644 --- a/scene/2d/gpu_particles_2d.cpp +++ b/scene/2d/gpu_particles_2d.cpp @@ -127,9 +127,9 @@ void GPUParticles2D::_update_particle_emission_transform() { void GPUParticles2D::set_process_material(const Ref<Material> &p_material) { process_material = p_material; Ref<ParticlesMaterial> pm = p_material; - if (pm.is_valid() && !pm->get_flag(ParticlesMaterial::FLAG_DISABLE_Z) && pm->get_gravity() == Vector3(0, -9.8, 0)) { + if (pm.is_valid() && !pm->get_particle_flag(ParticlesMaterial::PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z) && pm->get_gravity() == Vector3(0, -9.8, 0)) { // Likely a new (3D) material, modify it to match 2D space - pm->set_flag(ParticlesMaterial::FLAG_DISABLE_Z, true); + pm->set_particle_flag(ParticlesMaterial::PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z, true); pm->set_gravity(Vector3(0, 98, 0)); } RID material_rid; diff --git a/scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp b/scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp index 6908fbeada..b5b39ccc8f 100644 --- a/scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp +++ b/scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ Ref<OccluderPolygon2D> LightOccluder2D::get_occluder_polygon() const { void LightOccluder2D::set_occluder_light_mask(int p_mask) { mask = p_mask; - RS::get_singleton()->canvas_light_occluder_set_light_mask(occluder, mask); + RS::get_singleton()->canvas_light_occluder_set_light_mask(occluder, p_mask); } int LightOccluder2D::get_occluder_light_mask() const { @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ void LightOccluder2D::_bind_methods() { ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "occluder", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "OccluderPolygon2D"), "set_occluder_polygon", "get_occluder_polygon"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "sdf_collision"), "set_as_sdf_collision", "is_set_as_sdf_collision"); - ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "light_mask", PROPERTY_HINT_LAYERS_2D_RENDER), "set_occluder_light_mask", "get_occluder_light_mask"); + ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "occluder_light_mask", PROPERTY_HINT_LAYERS_2D_RENDER), "set_occluder_light_mask", "get_occluder_light_mask"); } LightOccluder2D::LightOccluder2D() { diff --git a/scene/2d/path_2d.cpp b/scene/2d/path_2d.cpp index d305f2805e..f40a993423 100644 --- a/scene/2d/path_2d.cpp +++ b/scene/2d/path_2d.cpp @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ void PathFollow2D::_update_transform() { } Vector2 pos = c->interpolate_baked(offset, cubic); - if (rotate) { + if (rotates) { float ahead = offset + lookahead; if (loop && ahead >= path_length) { @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ void PathFollow2D::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_unit_offset", "unit_offset"), &PathFollow2D::set_unit_offset); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_unit_offset"), &PathFollow2D::get_unit_offset); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_rotate", "enable"), &PathFollow2D::set_rotate); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_rotates", "enable"), &PathFollow2D::set_rotates); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_rotating"), &PathFollow2D::is_rotating); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_cubic_interpolation", "enable"), &PathFollow2D::set_cubic_interpolation); @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ void PathFollow2D::_bind_methods() { ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "unit_offset", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,1,0.0001,or_lesser,or_greater", PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR), "set_unit_offset", "get_unit_offset"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "h_offset"), "set_h_offset", "get_h_offset"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "v_offset"), "set_v_offset", "get_v_offset"); - ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "rotate"), "set_rotate", "is_rotating"); + ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "rotates"), "set_rotates", "is_rotating"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "cubic_interp"), "set_cubic_interpolation", "get_cubic_interpolation"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "loop"), "set_loop", "has_loop"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "lookahead", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.001,1024.0,0.001"), "set_lookahead", "get_lookahead"); @@ -371,13 +371,13 @@ float PathFollow2D::get_lookahead() const { return lookahead; } -void PathFollow2D::set_rotate(bool p_rotate) { - rotate = p_rotate; +void PathFollow2D::set_rotates(bool p_rotates) { + rotates = p_rotates; _update_transform(); } bool PathFollow2D::is_rotating() const { - return rotate; + return rotates; } void PathFollow2D::set_loop(bool p_loop) { @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ PathFollow2D::PathFollow2D() { h_offset = 0; v_offset = 0; path = nullptr; - rotate = true; + rotates = true; cubic = true; loop = true; lookahead = 4; diff --git a/scene/2d/path_2d.h b/scene/2d/path_2d.h index 7fea75cd7c..fcb8b40125 100644 --- a/scene/2d/path_2d.h +++ b/scene/2d/path_2d.h @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ private: real_t lookahead; bool cubic; bool loop; - bool rotate; + bool rotates; void _update_transform(); @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public: void set_loop(bool p_loop); bool has_loop() const; - void set_rotate(bool p_rotate); + void set_rotates(bool p_rotates); bool is_rotating() const; void set_cubic_interpolation(bool p_enable); diff --git a/scene/3d/cpu_particles_3d.cpp b/scene/3d/cpu_particles_3d.cpp index c977e0d4aa..215d9e062c 100644 --- a/scene/3d/cpu_particles_3d.cpp +++ b/scene/3d/cpu_particles_3d.cpp @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ AABB CPUParticles3D::get_aabb() const { return AABB(); } -Vector<Face3> CPUParticles3D::get_faces(uint32_t p_usage_flags) const { +Vector<Face3> CPUParticles3D::get_faces(uint32_t p_usage_particle_flags) const { return Vector<Face3>(); } @@ -368,17 +368,17 @@ Ref<Gradient> CPUParticles3D::get_color_ramp() const { return color_ramp; } -void CPUParticles3D::set_particle_flag(Flags p_flag, bool p_enable) { - ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_flag, FLAG_MAX); - flags[p_flag] = p_enable; - if (p_flag == FLAG_DISABLE_Z) { +void CPUParticles3D::set_particle_flag(ParticleFlags p_particle_flag, bool p_enable) { + ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_particle_flag, PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX); + particle_flags[p_particle_flag] = p_enable; + if (p_particle_flag == PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z) { _change_notify(); } } -bool CPUParticles3D::get_particle_flag(Flags p_flag) const { - ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_flag, FLAG_MAX, false); - return flags[p_flag]; +bool CPUParticles3D::get_particle_flag(ParticleFlags p_particle_flag) const { + ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_particle_flag, PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX, false); + return particle_flags[p_particle_flag]; } void CPUParticles3D::set_emission_shape(EmissionShape p_shape) { @@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ void CPUParticles3D::_validate_property(PropertyInfo &property) const { property.usage = 0; } - if (property.name.begins_with("orbit_") && !flags[FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { + if (property.name.begins_with("orbit_") && !particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { property.usage = 0; } } @@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ void CPUParticles3D::_particles_process(float p_delta) { p.hue_rot_rand = Math::randf(); p.anim_offset_rand = Math::randf(); - if (flags[FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { float angle1_rad = Math::atan2(direction.y, direction.x) + (Math::randf() * 2.0 - 1.0) * Math_PI * spread / 180.0; Vector3 rot = Vector3(Math::cos(angle1_rad), Math::sin(angle1_rad), 0.0); p.velocity = rot * parameters[PARAM_INITIAL_LINEAR_VELOCITY] * Math::lerp(1.0f, float(Math::randf()), randomness[PARAM_INITIAL_LINEAR_VELOCITY]); @@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ void CPUParticles3D::_particles_process(float p_delta) { p.transform.origin = emission_points.get(random_idx); if (emission_shape == EMISSION_SHAPE_DIRECTED_POINTS && emission_normals.size() == pc) { - if (flags[FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { Vector3 normal = emission_normals.get(random_idx); Vector2 normal_2d(normal.x, normal.y); Transform2D m2; @@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ void CPUParticles3D::_particles_process(float p_delta) { p.transform = emission_xform * p.transform; } - if (flags[FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { p.velocity.z = 0.0; p.transform.origin.z = 0.0; } @@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ void CPUParticles3D::_particles_process(float p_delta) { } float tex_orbit_velocity = 0.0; - if (flags[FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { if (curve_parameters[PARAM_ORBIT_VELOCITY].is_valid()) { tex_orbit_velocity = curve_parameters[PARAM_ORBIT_VELOCITY]->interpolate(p.custom[1]); } @@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ void CPUParticles3D::_particles_process(float p_delta) { Vector3 force = gravity; Vector3 position = p.transform.origin; - if (flags[FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { position.z = 0.0; } //apply linear acceleration @@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ void CPUParticles3D::_particles_process(float p_delta) { Vector3 diff = position - org; force += diff.length() > 0.0 ? diff.normalized() * (parameters[PARAM_RADIAL_ACCEL] + tex_radial_accel) * Math::lerp(1.0f, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), randomness[PARAM_RADIAL_ACCEL]) : Vector3(); //apply tangential acceleration; - if (flags[FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { Vector2 yx = Vector2(diff.y, diff.x); Vector2 yx2 = (yx * Vector2(-1.0, 1.0)).normalized(); force += yx.length() > 0.0 ? Vector3(yx2.x, yx2.y, 0.0) * ((parameters[PARAM_TANGENTIAL_ACCEL] + tex_tangential_accel) * Math::lerp(1.0f, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), randomness[PARAM_TANGENTIAL_ACCEL])) : Vector3(); @@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ void CPUParticles3D::_particles_process(float p_delta) { //apply attractor forces p.velocity += force * local_delta; //orbit velocity - if (flags[FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { float orbit_amount = (parameters[PARAM_ORBIT_VELOCITY] + tex_orbit_velocity) * Math::lerp(1.0f, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), randomness[PARAM_ORBIT_VELOCITY]); if (orbit_amount != 0.0) { float ang = orbit_amount * local_delta * Math_PI * 2.0; @@ -923,8 +923,8 @@ void CPUParticles3D::_particles_process(float p_delta) { p.color *= p.base_color; - if (flags[FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { - if (flags[FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY]) { if (p.velocity.length() > 0.0) { p.transform.basis.set_axis(1, p.velocity.normalized()); } else { @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ void CPUParticles3D::_particles_process(float p_delta) { } else { //orient particle Y towards velocity - if (flags[FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY]) { if (p.velocity.length() > 0.0) { p.transform.basis.set_axis(1, p.velocity.normalized()); } else { @@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ void CPUParticles3D::_particles_process(float p_delta) { } //turn particle by rotation in Y - if (flags[FLAG_ROTATE_Y]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_ROTATE_Y]) { Basis rot_y(Vector3(0, 1, 0), p.custom[0]); p.transform.basis = p.transform.basis * rot_y; } @@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ void CPUParticles3D::_particles_process(float p_delta) { p.transform.basis.scale(Vector3(1, 1, 1) * base_scale); - if (flags[FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { p.velocity.z = 0.0; p.transform.origin.z = 0.0; } @@ -1199,9 +1199,9 @@ void CPUParticles3D::convert_from_particles(Node *p_particles) { set_color_ramp(gt->get_gradient()); } - set_particle_flag(FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY, material->get_flag(ParticlesMaterial::FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY)); - set_particle_flag(FLAG_ROTATE_Y, material->get_flag(ParticlesMaterial::FLAG_ROTATE_Y)); - set_particle_flag(FLAG_DISABLE_Z, material->get_flag(ParticlesMaterial::FLAG_DISABLE_Z)); + set_particle_flag(PARTICLE_FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY, material->get_particle_flag(ParticlesMaterial::PARTICLE_FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY)); + set_particle_flag(PARTICLE_FLAG_ROTATE_Y, material->get_particle_flag(ParticlesMaterial::PARTICLE_FLAG_ROTATE_Y)); + set_particle_flag(PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z, material->get_particle_flag(ParticlesMaterial::PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z)); set_emission_shape(EmissionShape(material->get_emission_shape())); set_emission_sphere_radius(material->get_emission_sphere_radius()); @@ -1318,8 +1318,8 @@ void CPUParticles3D::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_color_ramp", "ramp"), &CPUParticles3D::set_color_ramp); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_color_ramp"), &CPUParticles3D::get_color_ramp); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_particle_flag", "flag", "enable"), &CPUParticles3D::set_particle_flag); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_particle_flag", "flag"), &CPUParticles3D::get_particle_flag); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_particle_flag", "particle_flag", "enable"), &CPUParticles3D::set_particle_flag); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_particle_flag", "particle_flag"), &CPUParticles3D::get_particle_flag); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_emission_shape", "shape"), &CPUParticles3D::set_emission_shape); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_emission_shape"), &CPUParticles3D::get_emission_shape); @@ -1351,10 +1351,10 @@ void CPUParticles3D::_bind_methods() { ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::PACKED_VECTOR3_ARRAY, "emission_points"), "set_emission_points", "get_emission_points"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::PACKED_VECTOR3_ARRAY, "emission_normals"), "set_emission_normals", "get_emission_normals"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::PACKED_COLOR_ARRAY, "emission_colors"), "set_emission_colors", "get_emission_colors"); - ADD_GROUP("Flags", "flag_"); - ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "flag_align_y"), "set_particle_flag", "get_particle_flag", FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY); - ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "flag_rotate_y"), "set_particle_flag", "get_particle_flag", FLAG_ROTATE_Y); - ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "flag_disable_z"), "set_particle_flag", "get_particle_flag", FLAG_DISABLE_Z); + ADD_GROUP("Particle Flags", "particle_flag_"); + ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "particle_flag_align_y"), "set_particle_flag", "get_particle_flag", PARTICLE_FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY); + ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "particle_flag_rotate_y"), "set_particle_flag", "get_particle_flag", PARTICLE_FLAG_ROTATE_Y); + ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "particle_flag_disable_z"), "set_particle_flag", "get_particle_flag", PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z); ADD_GROUP("Direction", ""); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR3, "direction"), "set_direction", "get_direction"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "spread", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,180,0.01"), "set_spread", "get_spread"); @@ -1426,10 +1426,10 @@ void CPUParticles3D::_bind_methods() { BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PARAM_ANIM_OFFSET); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PARAM_MAX); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_ROTATE_Y); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_DISABLE_Z); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_MAX); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PARTICLE_FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PARTICLE_FLAG_ROTATE_Y); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(EMISSION_SHAPE_POINT); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(EMISSION_SHAPE_SPHERE); @@ -1493,8 +1493,8 @@ CPUParticles3D::CPUParticles3D() { set_param_randomness(Parameter(i), 0); } - for (int i = 0; i < FLAG_MAX; i++) { - flags[i] = false; + for (int i = 0; i < PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX; i++) { + particle_flags[i] = false; } can_update = false; diff --git a/scene/3d/cpu_particles_3d.h b/scene/3d/cpu_particles_3d.h index da4811b60e..8c1b8a684c 100644 --- a/scene/3d/cpu_particles_3d.h +++ b/scene/3d/cpu_particles_3d.h @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ public: PARAM_MAX }; - enum Flags { - FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY, - FLAG_ROTATE_Y, - FLAG_DISABLE_Z, - FLAG_MAX + enum ParticleFlags { + PARTICLE_FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY, + PARTICLE_FLAG_ROTATE_Y, + PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z, + PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX }; enum EmissionShape { @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ private: Color color; Ref<Gradient> color_ramp; - bool flags[FLAG_MAX]; + bool particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX]; EmissionShape emission_shape; float emission_sphere_radius; @@ -256,8 +256,8 @@ public: void set_color_ramp(const Ref<Gradient> &p_ramp); Ref<Gradient> get_color_ramp() const; - void set_particle_flag(Flags p_flag, bool p_enable); - bool get_particle_flag(Flags p_flag) const; + void set_particle_flag(ParticleFlags p_particle_flag, bool p_enable); + bool get_particle_flag(ParticleFlags p_particle_flag) const; void set_emission_shape(EmissionShape p_shape); void set_emission_sphere_radius(float p_radius); @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ public: VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(CPUParticles3D::DrawOrder) VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(CPUParticles3D::Parameter) -VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(CPUParticles3D::Flags) +VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(CPUParticles3D::ParticleFlags) VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(CPUParticles3D::EmissionShape) #endif // CPU_PARTICLES_H diff --git a/scene/3d/navigation_region_3d.cpp b/scene/3d/navigation_region_3d.cpp index 3d3467583d..2ae01c7ab8 100644 --- a/scene/3d/navigation_region_3d.cpp +++ b/scene/3d/navigation_region_3d.cpp @@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ void NavigationRegion3D::bake_navigation_mesh() { void NavigationRegion3D::_bake_finished(Ref<NavigationMesh> p_nav_mesh) { set_navigation_mesh(p_nav_mesh); bake_thread = nullptr; + emit_signal("bake_finished"); } String NavigationRegion3D::get_configuration_warning() const { diff --git a/scene/3d/skeleton_3d.cpp b/scene/3d/skeleton_3d.cpp index 0ae1c0e3b6..4425af26f9 100644 --- a/scene/3d/skeleton_3d.cpp +++ b/scene/3d/skeleton_3d.cpp @@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ Ref<SkinReference> Skeleton3D::register_skin(const Ref<Skin> &p_skin) { skin_bindings.insert(skin_ref.operator->()); - skin->connect_compat("changed", skin_ref.operator->(), "_skin_changed"); + skin->connect("changed", Callable(skin_ref.operator->(), "_skin_changed")); _make_dirty(); //skin needs to be updated, so update skeleton diff --git a/scene/3d/soft_body_3d.cpp b/scene/3d/soft_body_3d.cpp index e633b1eb4a..d811b2e852 100644 --- a/scene/3d/soft_body_3d.cpp +++ b/scene/3d/soft_body_3d.cpp @@ -480,7 +480,6 @@ void SoftBody3D::become_mesh_owner() { Dictionary surface_lods = mesh->surface_get_lods(0); uint32_t surface_format = mesh->surface_get_format(0); - surface_format &= ~(Mesh::ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL); surface_format |= Mesh::ARRAY_FLAG_USE_DYNAMIC_UPDATE; Ref<ArrayMesh> soft_mesh; diff --git a/scene/3d/xr_nodes.cpp b/scene/3d/xr_nodes.cpp index c0015aa338..674868a04c 100644 --- a/scene/3d/xr_nodes.cpp +++ b/scene/3d/xr_nodes.cpp @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ String XRController3D::get_controller_name() const { return String("Not connected"); }; - return tracker->get_name(); + return tracker->get_tracker_name(); }; int XRController3D::get_joystick_id() const { @@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ String XRAnchor3D::get_anchor_name() const { return String("Not connected"); }; - return tracker->get_name(); + return tracker->get_tracker_name(); }; bool XRAnchor3D::get_is_active() const { diff --git a/scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp b/scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp index 17ce05f130..36552c966d 100644 --- a/scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp +++ b/scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp @@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ void AnimationNodeStateMachine::replace_node(const StringName &p_name, Ref<Anima { Ref<AnimationNode> node = states[p_name].node; if (node.is_valid()) { - node->disconnect_compat("tree_changed", this, "_tree_changed"); + node->disconnect("tree_changed", callable_mp(this, &AnimationNodeStateMachine::_tree_changed)); } } @@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ void AnimationNodeStateMachine::replace_node(const StringName &p_name, Ref<Anima emit_changed(); emit_signal("tree_changed"); - p_node->connect_compat("tree_changed", this, "_tree_changed", varray(), CONNECT_REFERENCE_COUNTED); + p_node->connect("tree_changed", callable_mp(this, &AnimationNodeStateMachine::_tree_changed), varray(), CONNECT_REFERENCE_COUNTED); } Ref<AnimationNode> AnimationNodeStateMachine::get_node(const StringName &p_name) const { diff --git a/scene/gui/control.cpp b/scene/gui/control.cpp index 46c3a44e98..f9b7d828f4 100644 --- a/scene/gui/control.cpp +++ b/scene/gui/control.cpp @@ -2983,7 +2983,6 @@ void Control::_bind_methods() { BIND_VMETHOD(MethodInfo("_structured_text_parser", PropertyInfo(Variant::ARRAY, "args"), PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "text"))); BIND_VMETHOD(MethodInfo("_gui_input", PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "event", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "InputEvent"))); - BIND_VMETHOD(MethodInfo("_unhandled_key_input", PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "event", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "InputEvent"))); BIND_VMETHOD(MethodInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "_get_minimum_size")); MethodInfo get_drag_data = MethodInfo("get_drag_data", PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "position")); diff --git a/scene/gui/item_list.cpp b/scene/gui/item_list.cpp index 53fe5712c7..5be7804ac1 100644 --- a/scene/gui/item_list.cpp +++ b/scene/gui/item_list.cpp @@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ void ItemList::add_icon_item(const Ref<Texture2D> &p_item, bool p_selectable) { item.icon_region = Rect2i(); item.icon_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 1); //item.text=p_item; + item.text_buf.instance(); item.selectable = p_selectable; item.selected = false; item.disabled = false; diff --git a/scene/gui/label.cpp b/scene/gui/label.cpp index e83c062e8a..566d77e3fd 100644 --- a/scene/gui/label.cpp +++ b/scene/gui/label.cpp @@ -64,16 +64,17 @@ bool Label::is_uppercase() const { } int Label::get_line_height(int p_line) const { + Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font("font"); if (p_line >= 0 && p_line < lines_rid.size()) { - return TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[p_line]).y; + return TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[p_line]).y + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM); } else if (lines_rid.size() > 0) { int h = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lines_rid.size(); i++) { - h = MAX(h, TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[i]).y); + h = MAX(h, TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[i]).y) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM); } return h; } else { - return get_theme_font("font")->get_height(get_theme_font_size("font_size")); + return font->get_height(get_theme_font_size("font_size")); } } @@ -138,6 +139,7 @@ void Label::_shape() { void Label::_update_visible() { int line_spacing = get_theme_constant("line_spacing", "Label"); Ref<StyleBox> style = get_theme_stylebox("normal", "Label"); + Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font("font"); int lines_visible = lines_rid.size(); if (max_lines_visible >= 0 && lines_visible > max_lines_visible) { @@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ void Label::_update_visible() { minsize.height = 0; int last_line = MIN(lines_rid.size(), lines_visible + lines_skipped); for (int64_t i = lines_skipped; i < last_line; i++) { - minsize.height += TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[i]).y + line_spacing; + minsize.height += TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[i]).y + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM) + line_spacing; if (minsize.height > (get_size().height - style->get_minimum_size().height + line_spacing)) { break; } @@ -197,7 +199,7 @@ void Label::_notification(int p_what) { // Get number of lines to fit to the height. for (int64_t i = lines_skipped; i < lines_rid.size(); i++) { - total_h += TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[i]).y + line_spacing; + total_h += TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[i]).y + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM) + line_spacing; if (total_h > (get_size().height - style->get_minimum_size().height + line_spacing)) { break; } @@ -213,7 +215,7 @@ void Label::_notification(int p_what) { // Get real total height. total_h = 0; for (int64_t i = lines_skipped; i < last_line; i++) { - total_h += TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[i]).y + line_spacing; + total_h += TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[i]).y + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM) + line_spacing; } int vbegin = 0, vsep = 0; @@ -249,8 +251,10 @@ void Label::_notification(int p_what) { if (percent_visible < 1) { int total_glyphs = 0; for (int i = lines_skipped; i < last_line; i++) { - const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> glyphs = TS->shaped_text_get_glyphs(lines_rid[i]); - for (int j = 0; j < glyphs.size(); j++) { + const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> visual = TS->shaped_text_get_glyphs(lines_rid[i]); + const TextServer::Glyph *glyphs = visual.ptr(); + int gl_size = visual.size(); + for (int j = 0; j < gl_size; j++) { if ((glyphs[j].flags & TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL) != TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL) { total_glyphs++; } @@ -263,7 +267,7 @@ void Label::_notification(int p_what) { ofs.y = style->get_offset().y + vbegin; for (int i = lines_skipped; i < last_line; i++) { ofs.x = 0; - ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines_rid[i]); + ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines_rid[i]) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP); switch (align) { case ALIGN_FILL: case ALIGN_LEFT: { @@ -285,11 +289,13 @@ void Label::_notification(int p_what) { } break; } - const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> glyphs = TS->shaped_text_get_glyphs(lines_rid[i]); + const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> visual = TS->shaped_text_get_glyphs(lines_rid[i]); + const TextServer::Glyph *glyphs = visual.ptr(); + int gl_size = visual.size(); float x = ofs.x; int outlines_drawn = glyhps_drawn; - for (int j = 0; j < glyphs.size(); j++) { + for (int j = 0; j < gl_size; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < glyphs[j].repeat; k++) { if (glyphs[j].font_rid != RID()) { if (font_color_shadow.a > 0) { @@ -318,7 +324,7 @@ void Label::_notification(int p_what) { } ofs.x = x; - for (int j = 0; j < glyphs.size(); j++) { + for (int j = 0; j < gl_size; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < glyphs[j].repeat; k++) { if (glyphs[j].font_rid != RID()) { TS->font_draw_glyph(glyphs[j].font_rid, ci, glyphs[j].font_size, ofs + Vector2(glyphs[j].x_off, glyphs[j].y_off), glyphs[j].index, font_color); @@ -337,7 +343,7 @@ void Label::_notification(int p_what) { } } - ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_descent(lines_rid[i]) + vsep + line_spacing; + ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_descent(lines_rid[i]) + vsep + line_spacing + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM); } } @@ -381,12 +387,13 @@ int Label::get_line_count() const { } int Label::get_visible_line_count() const { + Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font("font"); Ref<StyleBox> style = get_theme_stylebox("normal"); int line_spacing = get_theme_constant("line_spacing"); int lines_visible = 0; float total_h = 0; for (int64_t i = lines_skipped; i < lines_rid.size(); i++) { - total_h += TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[i]).y + line_spacing; + total_h += TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[i]).y + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM) + line_spacing; if (total_h > (get_size().height - style->get_minimum_size().height + line_spacing)) { break; } diff --git a/scene/gui/line_edit.cpp b/scene/gui/line_edit.cpp index 2eaa814419..d06bdaad91 100644 --- a/scene/gui/line_edit.cpp +++ b/scene/gui/line_edit.cpp @@ -732,6 +732,7 @@ void LineEdit::_notification(int p_what) { style = get_theme_stylebox("read_only"); draw_caret = false; } + Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font("font"); style->draw(ci, Rect2(Point2(), size)); @@ -742,7 +743,7 @@ void LineEdit::_notification(int p_what) { int x_ofs = 0; bool using_placeholder = text.empty() && ime_text.empty(); float text_width = TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid).x; - float text_height = TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid).y; + float text_height = TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid).y + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM); switch (align) { case ALIGN_FILL: @@ -833,14 +834,16 @@ void LineEdit::_notification(int p_what) { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, rect, selection_color); } } - const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> glyphs = TS->shaped_text_get_glyphs(text_rid); + const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> visual = TS->shaped_text_get_glyphs(text_rid); + const TextServer::Glyph *glyphs = visual.ptr(); + int gl_size = visual.size(); // Draw text. ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(text_rid); - for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.size(); i++) { + for (int i = 0; i < gl_size; i++) { bool selected = selection.enabled && glyphs[i].start >= selection.begin && glyphs[i].end <= selection.end; for (int j = 0; j < glyphs[i].repeat; j++) { - if (ceil(ofs.x) >= x_ofs && floor(ofs.x + glyphs[i].advance) <= ofs_max) { + if (ceil(ofs.x) >= x_ofs && (ofs.x + glyphs[i].advance) <= ofs_max) { if (glyphs[i].font_rid != RID()) { TS->font_draw_glyph(glyphs[i].font_rid, ci, glyphs[i].font_size, ofs + Vector2(glyphs[i].x_off, glyphs[i].y_off), glyphs[i].index, selected ? font_color_selected : font_color); } else if ((glyphs[i].flags & TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL) != TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL) { @@ -1570,7 +1573,7 @@ Size2 LineEdit::get_minimum_size() const { min_size.width = MAX(min_size.width, full_width + space_size); } - min_size.height = MAX(TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid).y, font->get_height(font_size)); + min_size.height = MAX(TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid).y + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM), font->get_height(font_size)); // Take icons into account. bool using_placeholder = text.empty() && ime_text.empty(); diff --git a/scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp b/scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp index 62ccd55e89..3a54ac7443 100644 --- a/scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp +++ b/scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp @@ -431,6 +431,7 @@ void ScrollContainer::update_scrollbars() { v_scroll->set_max(min.height); if (hide_scroll_v) { + v_scroll->set_page(size.height); v_scroll->hide(); scroll.y = 0; } else { @@ -446,6 +447,7 @@ void ScrollContainer::update_scrollbars() { h_scroll->set_max(min.width); if (hide_scroll_h) { + h_scroll->set_page(size.width); h_scroll->hide(); scroll.x = 0; } else { diff --git a/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp b/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp index b9818e139f..906dd94fff 100644 --- a/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp +++ b/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp @@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@ void TextEdit::_notification(int p_what) { // Draw line. RID rid = ldata->get_line_rid(line_wrap_index); - float text_height = TS->shaped_text_get_size(rid).y; + float text_height = TS->shaped_text_get_size(rid).y + cache.font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP) + cache.font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM); if (rtl) { char_margin = size.width - char_margin - TS->shaped_text_get_size(rid).x; @@ -1240,10 +1240,13 @@ void TextEdit::_notification(int p_what) { ofs_y += (row_height - text_height) / 2; - const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> glyphs = TS->shaped_text_get_glyphs(rid); + const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> visual = TS->shaped_text_get_glyphs(rid); + const TextServer::Glyph *glyphs = visual.ptr(); + int gl_size = visual.size(); + ofs_y += ldata->get_line_ascent(line_wrap_index); float char_ofs = 0.f; - for (int j = 0; j < glyphs.size(); j++) { + for (int j = 0; j < gl_size; j++) { if (color_map.has(glyphs[j].start)) { current_color = color_map[glyphs[j].start].get("color"); if (readonly && current_color.a > cache.font_color_readonly.a) { diff --git a/scene/register_scene_types.cpp b/scene/register_scene_types.cpp index 7082d70ae9..a711d28c76 100644 --- a/scene/register_scene_types.cpp +++ b/scene/register_scene_types.cpp @@ -670,8 +670,8 @@ void register_scene_types() { #ifndef _3D_DISABLED ClassDB::register_virtual_class<PrimitiveMesh>(); + ClassDB::register_class<BoxMesh>(); ClassDB::register_class<CapsuleMesh>(); - ClassDB::register_class<CubeMesh>(); ClassDB::register_class<CylinderMesh>(); ClassDB::register_class<PlaneMesh>(); ClassDB::register_class<PrismMesh>(); @@ -835,6 +835,7 @@ void register_scene_types() { ClassDB::add_compatibility_class("CSGShape", "CSGShape3D"); ClassDB::add_compatibility_class("CSGSphere", "CSGSphere3D"); ClassDB::add_compatibility_class("CSGTorus", "CSGTorus3D"); + ClassDB::add_compatibility_class("CubeMesh", "BoxMesh"); ClassDB::add_compatibility_class("CylinderShape", "CylinderShape3D"); ClassDB::add_compatibility_class("DirectionalLight", "DirectionalLight3D"); ClassDB::add_compatibility_class("EditorSpatialGizmo", "EditorNode3DGizmo"); diff --git a/scene/resources/font.cpp b/scene/resources/font.cpp index da35137a09..f88082c665 100644 --- a/scene/resources/font.cpp +++ b/scene/resources/font.cpp @@ -595,41 +595,41 @@ Dictionary Font::get_feature_list() const { float Font::get_height(int p_size) const { float ret = 0.f; for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { - ret += data[i]->get_height(p_size); + ret = MAX(ret, data[i]->get_height(p_size)); } - return (ret / data.size()) + spacing_top + spacing_bottom; + return ret + spacing_top + spacing_bottom; } float Font::get_ascent(int p_size) const { float ret = 0.f; for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { - ret += data[i]->get_ascent(p_size); + ret = MAX(ret, data[i]->get_ascent(p_size)); } - return (ret / data.size()) + spacing_top; + return ret + spacing_top; } float Font::get_descent(int p_size) const { float ret = 0.f; for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { - ret += data[i]->get_descent(p_size); + ret = MAX(ret, data[i]->get_descent(p_size)); } - return (ret / data.size()) + spacing_bottom; + return ret + spacing_bottom; } float Font::get_underline_position(int p_size) const { float ret = 0.f; for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { - ret += data[i]->get_underline_position(p_size); + ret = MAX(ret, data[i]->get_underline_position(p_size)); } - return (ret / data.size()); + return ret; } float Font::get_underline_thickness(int p_size) const { float ret = 0.f; for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { - ret += data[i]->get_underline_thickness(p_size); + ret = MAX(ret, data[i]->get_underline_thickness(p_size)); } - return (ret / data.size()); + return ret; } int Font::get_spacing(int p_type) const { diff --git a/scene/resources/material.cpp b/scene/resources/material.cpp index 35c967ce27..6e08af23f5 100644 --- a/scene/resources/material.cpp +++ b/scene/resources/material.cpp @@ -2417,10 +2417,10 @@ void BaseMaterial3D::_bind_methods() { ADD_GROUP("Height", "heightmap_"); ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "heightmap_enabled"), "set_feature", "get_feature", FEATURE_HEIGHT_MAPPING); - ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "heightmap_scale", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "-16,16,0.01"), "set_heightmap_scale", "get_heightmap_scale"); + ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "heightmap_scale", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "-16,16,0.001"), "set_heightmap_scale", "get_heightmap_scale"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "heightmap_deep_parallax"), "set_heightmap_deep_parallax", "is_heightmap_deep_parallax_enabled"); - ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "heightmap_min_layers", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1,32,1"), "set_heightmap_deep_parallax_min_layers", "get_heightmap_deep_parallax_min_layers"); - ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "heightmap_max_layers", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1,32,1"), "set_heightmap_deep_parallax_max_layers", "get_heightmap_deep_parallax_max_layers"); + ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "heightmap_min_layers", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1,64,1"), "set_heightmap_deep_parallax_min_layers", "get_heightmap_deep_parallax_min_layers"); + ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "heightmap_max_layers", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1,64,1"), "set_heightmap_deep_parallax_max_layers", "get_heightmap_deep_parallax_max_layers"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "heightmap_flip_tangent"), "set_heightmap_deep_parallax_flip_tangent", "get_heightmap_deep_parallax_flip_tangent"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "heightmap_flip_binormal"), "set_heightmap_deep_parallax_flip_binormal", "get_heightmap_deep_parallax_flip_binormal"); ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "heightmap_texture", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Texture2D"), "set_texture", "get_texture", TEXTURE_HEIGHTMAP); diff --git a/scene/resources/mesh.cpp b/scene/resources/mesh.cpp index 97c0c7a81d..c6815c8ecc 100644 --- a/scene/resources/mesh.cpp +++ b/scene/resources/mesh.cpp @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ void Mesh::generate_debug_mesh_indices(Vector<Vector3> &r_points) { bool Mesh::surface_is_softbody_friendly(int p_idx) const { const uint32_t surface_format = surface_get_format(p_idx); - return (surface_format & Mesh::ARRAY_FLAG_USE_DYNAMIC_UPDATE && (!(surface_format & Mesh::ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL))); + return (surface_format & Mesh::ARRAY_FLAG_USE_DYNAMIC_UPDATE); } Vector<Face3> Mesh::get_faces() const { @@ -480,8 +480,30 @@ void Mesh::_bind_methods() { BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_NORMALIZED); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_RELATIVE); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_VERTEX); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_NORMAL); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_TANGENT); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_COLOR); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_TEX_UV); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_TEX_UV2); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_CUSTOM0); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_CUSTOM1); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_CUSTOM2); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_CUSTOM3); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_BONES); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_WEIGHTS); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_INDEX); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_MAX); + + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA8_UNORM); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA8_SNORM); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_CUSTOM_RG_HALF); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA_HALF); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_CUSTOM_R_FLOAT); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_CUSTOM_RG_FLOAT); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGB_FLOAT); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA_FLOAT); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_CUSTOM_MAX); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_VERTEX); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_NORMAL); @@ -489,31 +511,28 @@ void Mesh::_bind_methods() { BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_COLOR); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV2); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM0); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM1); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM2); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM3); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_COMPRESS_COLOR); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_COMPRESS_INDEX); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_BLEND_SHAPE_MASK); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FLAG_USE_2D_VERTICES); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_BASE); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM0_SHIFT); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM1_SHIFT); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM2_SHIFT); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM3_SHIFT); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_MASK); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_COMPRESS_FLAGS_BASE); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_VERTEX); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_NORMAL); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_TANGENT); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_COLOR); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_TEX_UV); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_TEX_UV2); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_BONES); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_WEIGHTS); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_INDEX); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_MAX); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FLAG_USE_2D_VERTICES); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FLAG_USE_DYNAMIC_UPDATE); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FLAG_USE_8_BONE_WEIGHTS); } void Mesh::clear_cache() const { @@ -560,11 +579,50 @@ Vector<Ref<Shape3D>> Mesh::convex_decompose() const { Mesh::Mesh() { } +#if 0 static Vector<uint8_t> _fix_array_compatibility(const Vector<uint8_t> &p_src, uint32_t p_format, uint32_t p_elements) { - bool vertex_16bit = p_format & ((1 << (Mesh::ARRAY_VERTEX + Mesh::ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE))); - bool has_bones = (p_format & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES); - bool bone_8 = has_bones && !(p_format & (Mesh::ARRAY_COMPRESS_INDEX << 2)); - bool weight_32 = has_bones && !(p_format & (Mesh::ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2 << 2)); + enum ArrayType { + OLD_ARRAY_VERTEX = 0, + OLD_ARRAY_NORMAL = 1, + OLD_ARRAY_TANGENT = 2, + OLD_ARRAY_COLOR = 3, + OLD_ARRAY_TEX_UV = 4, + OLD_ARRAY_TEX_UV2 = 5, + OLD_ARRAY_BONES = 6, + OLD_ARRAY_WEIGHTS = 7, + OLD_ARRAY_INDEX = 8, + OLD_ARRAY_MAX = 9 + }; + + enum ArrayFormat { + /* OLD_ARRAY FORMAT FLAGS */ + OLD_ARRAY_FORMAT_VERTEX = 1 << OLD_ARRAY_VERTEX, // mandatory + OLD_ARRAY_FORMAT_NORMAL = 1 << OLD_ARRAY_NORMAL, + OLD_ARRAY_FORMAT_TANGENT = 1 << OLD_ARRAY_TANGENT, + OLD_ARRAY_FORMAT_COLOR = 1 << OLD_ARRAY_COLOR, + OLD_ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV = 1 << OLD_ARRAY_TEX_UV, + OLD_ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV2 = 1 << OLD_ARRAY_TEX_UV2, + OLD_ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES = 1 << OLD_ARRAY_BONES, + OLD_ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS = 1 << OLD_ARRAY_WEIGHTS, + OLD_ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX = 1 << OLD_ARRAY_INDEX, + + OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE = (OLD_ARRAY_INDEX + 1), + OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL = 1 << (OLD_ARRAY_NORMAL + OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE), + OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT = 1 << (OLD_ARRAY_TANGENT + OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE), + OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_COLOR = 1 << (OLD_ARRAY_COLOR + OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE), + OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV = 1 << (OLD_ARRAY_TEX_UV + OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE), + OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2 = 1 << (OLD_ARRAY_TEX_UV2 + OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE), + OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_INDEX = 1 << (OLD_ARRAY_INDEX + OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE), + OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT = OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL | OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT | OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_COLOR | OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV | OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2, + + OLD_ARRAY_FLAG_USE_2D_VERTICES = OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_INDEX << 1, + OLD_ARRAY_FLAG_USE_DYNAMIC_UPDATE = OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_INDEX << 3, + }; + + bool vertex_16bit = p_format & ((1 << (OLD_ARRAY_VERTEX + OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE))); + bool has_bones = (p_format & OLD_ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES); + bool bone_8 = has_bones && !(p_format & (OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_INDEX << 2)); + bool weight_32 = has_bones && !(p_format & (OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2 << 2)); print_line("convert vertex16: " + itos(vertex_16bit) + " convert bone 8 " + itos(bone_8) + " convert weight 32 " + itos(weight_32)); @@ -572,7 +630,7 @@ static Vector<uint8_t> _fix_array_compatibility(const Vector<uint8_t> &p_src, ui return p_src; } - bool vertex_2d = (p_format & (Mesh::ARRAY_COMPRESS_INDEX << 1)); + bool vertex_2d = (p_format & (OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_INDEX << 1)); uint32_t src_stride = p_src.size() / p_elements; uint32_t dst_stride = src_stride + (vertex_16bit ? 4 : 0) + (bone_8 ? 4 : 0) - (weight_32 ? 8 : 0); @@ -671,6 +729,7 @@ static Vector<uint8_t> _fix_array_compatibility(const Vector<uint8_t> &p_src, ui return ret; } +#endif bool ArrayMesh::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { String sname = p_name; @@ -727,6 +786,7 @@ bool ArrayMesh::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { add_surface_from_arrays(PrimitiveType(int(d["primitive"])), d["arrays"], d["morph_arrays"]); } else if (d.has("array_data")) { +#if 0 //print_line("array data (old style"); //older format (3.x) Vector<uint8_t> array_data = d["array_data"]; @@ -793,6 +853,7 @@ bool ArrayMesh::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { } add_surface(format, PrimitiveType(primitive), array_data, vertex_count, array_index_data, index_count, aabb, blend_shapes, bone_aabb); +#endif } else { ERR_FAIL_V(false); } @@ -824,6 +885,12 @@ Array ArrayMesh::_get_surfaces() const { data["primitive"] = surface.primitive; data["vertex_data"] = surface.vertex_data; data["vertex_count"] = surface.vertex_count; + if (surface.skin_data.size()) { + data["skin_data"] = surface.skin_data; + } + if (surface.attribute_data.size()) { + data["attribute_data"] = surface.attribute_data; + } data["aabb"] = surface.aabb; if (surface.index_count) { data["index_data"] = surface.index_data; @@ -848,9 +915,9 @@ Array ArrayMesh::_get_surfaces() const { data["bone_aabbs"] = bone_aabbs; } - Array blend_shapes; - for (int j = 0; j < surface.blend_shapes.size(); j++) { - blend_shapes.push_back(surface.blend_shapes[j]); + if (surface.blend_shape_data.size()) { + data["blend_shapes"] = surface.blend_shape_data; + data["blend_shapes_count"] = surface.blend_shape_count; } if (surfaces[i].material.is_valid()) { @@ -896,6 +963,12 @@ void ArrayMesh::_set_surfaces(const Array &p_surfaces) { surface.primitive = RS::PrimitiveType(int(d["primitive"])); surface.vertex_data = d["vertex_data"]; surface.vertex_count = d["vertex_count"]; + if (d.has("attribute_data")) { + surface.attribute_data = d["attribute_data"]; + } + if (d.has("skin_data")) { + surface.skin_data = d["skin_data"]; + } surface.aabb = d["aabb"]; if (d.has("index_data")) { @@ -922,11 +995,9 @@ void ArrayMesh::_set_surfaces(const Array &p_surfaces) { } } - if (d.has("blend_shapes")) { - Array blend_shapes; - for (int j = 0; j < blend_shapes.size(); j++) { - surface.blend_shapes.push_back(blend_shapes[j]); - } + if (d.has("blend_shapes") && d.has("blend_shape_count")) { + surface.blend_shape_data = d["blend_shapes"]; + surface.blend_shape_count = d["blend_shape_count"]; } Ref<Material> material; @@ -982,7 +1053,7 @@ void ArrayMesh::_set_surfaces(const Array &p_surfaces) { s.aabb = surface_data[i].aabb; if (i == 0) { aabb = s.aabb; - blend_shapes.resize(surface_data[i].blend_shapes.size()); + blend_shapes.resize(surface_data[i].blend_shape_count); } else { aabb.merge_with(s.aabb); } @@ -1070,7 +1141,7 @@ void ArrayMesh::_recompute_aabb() { #ifndef _MSC_VER #warning need to add binding to add_surface using future MeshSurfaceData object #endif -void ArrayMesh::add_surface(uint32_t p_format, PrimitiveType p_primitive, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_array, int p_vertex_count, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_index_array, int p_index_count, const AABB &p_aabb, const Vector<Vector<uint8_t>> &p_blend_shapes, const Vector<AABB> &p_bone_aabb, const Vector<RS::SurfaceData::LOD> &p_lods) { +void ArrayMesh::add_surface(uint32_t p_format, PrimitiveType p_primitive, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_array, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_attribute_array, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_skin_array, int p_vertex_count, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_index_array, int p_index_count, const AABB &p_aabb, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_blend_shape_data, uint32_t p_blend_shape_count, const Vector<AABB> &p_bone_aabbs, const Vector<RS::SurfaceData::LOD> &p_lods) { _create_if_empty(); Surface s; @@ -1090,10 +1161,13 @@ void ArrayMesh::add_surface(uint32_t p_format, PrimitiveType p_primitive, const sd.aabb = p_aabb; sd.vertex_count = p_vertex_count; sd.vertex_data = p_array; + sd.attribute_data = p_attribute_array; + sd.skin_data = p_skin_array; sd.index_count = p_index_count; sd.index_data = p_index_array; - sd.blend_shapes = p_blend_shapes; - sd.bone_aabbs = p_bone_aabb; + sd.blend_shape_data = p_blend_shape_data; + sd.blend_shape_count = p_blend_shape_count; + sd.bone_aabbs = p_bone_aabbs; sd.lods = p_lods; RenderingServer::get_singleton()->mesh_add_surface(mesh, sd); @@ -1111,15 +1185,17 @@ void ArrayMesh::add_surface_from_arrays(PrimitiveType p_primitive, const Array & Error err = RS::get_singleton()->mesh_create_surface_data_from_arrays(&surface, (RenderingServer::PrimitiveType)p_primitive, p_arrays, p_blend_shapes, p_lods, p_flags); ERR_FAIL_COND(err != OK); - /* print_line("format: " + itos(surface.format)); + /* Debug code. + print_line("format: " + itos(surface.format)); print_line("aabb: " + surface.aabb); print_line("array size: " + itos(surface.vertex_data.size())); print_line("vertex count: " + itos(surface.vertex_count)); print_line("index size: " + itos(surface.index_data.size())); print_line("index count: " + itos(surface.index_count)); print_line("primitive: " + itos(surface.primitive)); -*/ - add_surface(surface.format, PrimitiveType(surface.primitive), surface.vertex_data, surface.vertex_count, surface.index_data, surface.index_count, surface.aabb, surface.blend_shapes, surface.bone_aabbs, surface.lods); + */ + + add_surface(surface.format, PrimitiveType(surface.primitive), surface.vertex_data, surface.attribute_data, surface.skin_data, surface.vertex_count, surface.index_data, surface.index_count, surface.aabb, surface.blend_shape_data, surface.blend_shape_count, surface.bone_aabbs, surface.lods); } Array ArrayMesh::surface_get_arrays(int p_surface) const { @@ -1452,29 +1528,29 @@ Error ArrayMesh::lightmap_unwrap_cached(int *&r_cache_data, unsigned int &r_cach SurfaceTool::Vertex v = lightmap_surfaces[surface].vertices[uv_indices[gen_vertices[gen_indices[i + j]]].second]; if (lightmap_surfaces[surface].format & ARRAY_FORMAT_COLOR) { - surfaces_tools.write[surface]->add_color(v.color); + surfaces_tools.write[surface]->set_color(v.color); } if (lightmap_surfaces[surface].format & ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV) { - surfaces_tools.write[surface]->add_uv(v.uv); + surfaces_tools.write[surface]->set_uv(v.uv); } if (lightmap_surfaces[surface].format & ARRAY_FORMAT_NORMAL) { - surfaces_tools.write[surface]->add_normal(v.normal); + surfaces_tools.write[surface]->set_normal(v.normal); } if (lightmap_surfaces[surface].format & ARRAY_FORMAT_TANGENT) { Plane t; t.normal = v.tangent; t.d = v.binormal.dot(v.normal.cross(v.tangent)) < 0 ? -1 : 1; - surfaces_tools.write[surface]->add_tangent(t); + surfaces_tools.write[surface]->set_tangent(t); } if (lightmap_surfaces[surface].format & ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES) { - surfaces_tools.write[surface]->add_bones(v.bones); + surfaces_tools.write[surface]->set_bones(v.bones); } if (lightmap_surfaces[surface].format & ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS) { - surfaces_tools.write[surface]->add_weights(v.weights); + surfaces_tools.write[surface]->set_weights(v.weights); } Vector2 uv2(gen_uvs[gen_indices[i + j] * 2 + 0], gen_uvs[gen_indices[i + j] * 2 + 1]); - surfaces_tools.write[surface]->add_uv2(uv2); + surfaces_tools.write[surface]->set_uv2(uv2); surfaces_tools.write[surface]->add_vertex(v.vertex); } @@ -1507,7 +1583,7 @@ void ArrayMesh::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_blend_shape_mode", "mode"), &ArrayMesh::set_blend_shape_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_blend_shape_mode"), &ArrayMesh::get_blend_shape_mode); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_surface_from_arrays", "primitive", "arrays", "blend_shapes", "lods", "compress_flags"), &ArrayMesh::add_surface_from_arrays, DEFVAL(Array()), DEFVAL(Dictionary()), DEFVAL(ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT)); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_surface_from_arrays", "primitive", "arrays", "blend_shapes", "lods", "compress_flags"), &ArrayMesh::add_surface_from_arrays, DEFVAL(Array()), DEFVAL(Dictionary()), DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_surfaces"), &ArrayMesh::clear_surfaces); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("surface_update_region", "surf_idx", "offset", "data"), &ArrayMesh::surface_update_region); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("surface_get_array_len", "surf_idx"), &ArrayMesh::surface_get_array_len); @@ -1537,29 +1613,8 @@ void ArrayMesh::_bind_methods() { ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "blend_shape_mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Normalized,Relative"), "set_blend_shape_mode", "get_blend_shape_mode"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::AABB, "custom_aabb", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, ""), "set_custom_aabb", "get_custom_aabb"); - BIND_CONSTANT(NO_INDEX_ARRAY); - BIND_CONSTANT(ARRAY_WEIGHTS_SIZE); - - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_VERTEX); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_NORMAL); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_TANGENT); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_COLOR); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_TEX_UV); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_TEX_UV2); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_BONES); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_WEIGHTS); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_INDEX); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_MAX); - - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_VERTEX); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_NORMAL); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_TANGENT); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_COLOR); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV2); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_NORMALIZED); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_RELATIVE); } void ArrayMesh::reload_from_file() { diff --git a/scene/resources/mesh.h b/scene/resources/mesh.h index 642ae7e1b0..ae2139a0cf 100644 --- a/scene/resources/mesh.h +++ b/scene/resources/mesh.h @@ -61,6 +61,10 @@ public: ARRAY_COLOR = RenderingServer::ARRAY_COLOR, ARRAY_TEX_UV = RenderingServer::ARRAY_TEX_UV, ARRAY_TEX_UV2 = RenderingServer::ARRAY_TEX_UV2, + ARRAY_CUSTOM0 = RenderingServer::ARRAY_CUSTOM0, + ARRAY_CUSTOM1 = RenderingServer::ARRAY_CUSTOM1, + ARRAY_CUSTOM2 = RenderingServer::ARRAY_CUSTOM2, + ARRAY_CUSTOM3 = RenderingServer::ARRAY_CUSTOM3, ARRAY_BONES = RenderingServer::ARRAY_BONES, ARRAY_WEIGHTS = RenderingServer::ARRAY_WEIGHTS, ARRAY_INDEX = RenderingServer::ARRAY_INDEX, @@ -68,30 +72,47 @@ public: }; + enum ArrayCustomFormat { + ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA8_UNORM, + ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA8_SNORM, + ARRAY_CUSTOM_RG_HALF, + ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA_HALF, + ARRAY_CUSTOM_R_FLOAT, + ARRAY_CUSTOM_RG_FLOAT, + ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGB_FLOAT, + ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA_FLOAT, + ARRAY_CUSTOM_MAX + }; + enum ArrayFormat { - /* ARRAY FORMAT FLAGS */ - ARRAY_FORMAT_VERTEX = 1 << ARRAY_VERTEX, // mandatory - ARRAY_FORMAT_NORMAL = 1 << ARRAY_NORMAL, - ARRAY_FORMAT_TANGENT = 1 << ARRAY_TANGENT, - ARRAY_FORMAT_COLOR = 1 << ARRAY_COLOR, - ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV = 1 << ARRAY_TEX_UV, - ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV2 = 1 << ARRAY_TEX_UV2, - ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES = 1 << ARRAY_BONES, - ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS = 1 << ARRAY_WEIGHTS, - ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX = 1 << ARRAY_INDEX, - - ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE = (ARRAY_INDEX + 1), - ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL = 1 << (ARRAY_NORMAL + ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE), - ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT = 1 << (ARRAY_TANGENT + ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE), - ARRAY_COMPRESS_COLOR = 1 << (ARRAY_COLOR + ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE), - ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV = 1 << (ARRAY_TEX_UV + ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE), - ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2 = 1 << (ARRAY_TEX_UV2 + ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE), - ARRAY_COMPRESS_INDEX = 1 << (ARRAY_INDEX + ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE), - - ARRAY_FLAG_USE_2D_VERTICES = ARRAY_COMPRESS_INDEX << 1, - ARRAY_FLAG_USE_DYNAMIC_UPDATE = ARRAY_COMPRESS_INDEX << 3, - - ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT = ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL | ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT | ARRAY_COMPRESS_COLOR | ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV | ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2 + ARRAY_FORMAT_VERTEX = RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_VERTEX, + ARRAY_FORMAT_NORMAL = RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_NORMAL, + ARRAY_FORMAT_TANGENT = RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_TANGENT, + ARRAY_FORMAT_COLOR = RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_COLOR, + ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV = RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV, + ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV2 = RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV2, + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM0 = RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM0, + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM1 = RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM1, + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM2 = RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM2, + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM3 = RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM3, + ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES = RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES, + ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS = RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS, + ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX = RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX, + + ARRAY_FORMAT_BLEND_SHAPE_MASK = RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_BLEND_SHAPE_MASK, + + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_BASE = RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_BASE, + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM0_SHIFT = RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM0_SHIFT, + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM1_SHIFT = RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM1_SHIFT, + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM2_SHIFT = RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM2_SHIFT, + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM3_SHIFT = RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM3_SHIFT, + + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_MASK = RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_MASK, + ARRAY_COMPRESS_FLAGS_BASE = RS::ARRAY_COMPRESS_FLAGS_BASE, + + ARRAY_FLAG_USE_2D_VERTICES = RS::ARRAY_FLAG_USE_2D_VERTICES, + ARRAY_FLAG_USE_DYNAMIC_UPDATE = RS::ARRAY_FLAG_USE_DYNAMIC_UPDATE, + ARRAY_FLAG_USE_8_BONE_WEIGHTS = RS::ARRAY_FLAG_USE_8_BONE_WEIGHTS, }; @@ -104,11 +125,6 @@ public: PRIMITIVE_MAX = RenderingServer::PRIMITIVE_MAX, }; - enum BlendShapeMode { - BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_NORMALIZED = RS::BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_NORMALIZED, - BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_RELATIVE = RS::BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_RELATIVE, - }; - virtual int get_surface_count() const = 0; virtual int surface_get_array_len(int p_idx) const = 0; virtual int surface_get_array_index_len(int p_idx) const = 0; @@ -155,6 +171,12 @@ class ArrayMesh : public Mesh { Array _get_surfaces() const; void _set_surfaces(const Array &p_data); +public: + enum BlendShapeMode { + BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_NORMALIZED = RS::BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_NORMALIZED, + BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_RELATIVE = RS::BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_RELATIVE, + }; + private: struct Surface { uint32_t format; @@ -187,9 +209,9 @@ protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: - void add_surface_from_arrays(PrimitiveType p_primitive, const Array &p_arrays, const Array &p_blend_shapes = Array(), const Dictionary &p_lods = Dictionary(), uint32_t p_flags = ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT); + void add_surface_from_arrays(PrimitiveType p_primitive, const Array &p_arrays, const Array &p_blend_shapes = Array(), const Dictionary &p_lods = Dictionary(), uint32_t p_flags = 0); - void add_surface(uint32_t p_format, PrimitiveType p_primitive, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_array, int p_vertex_count, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_index_array, int p_index_count, const AABB &p_aabb, const Vector<Vector<uint8_t>> &p_blend_shapes = Vector<Vector<uint8_t>>(), const Vector<AABB> &p_bone_aabbs = Vector<AABB>(), const Vector<RS::SurfaceData::LOD> &p_lods = Vector<RS::SurfaceData::LOD>()); + void add_surface(uint32_t p_format, PrimitiveType p_primitive, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_array, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_attribute_array, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_skin_array, int p_vertex_count, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_index_array, int p_index_count, const AABB &p_aabb, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_blend_shape_data = Vector<uint8_t>(), uint32_t p_blend_shape_count = 0, const Vector<AABB> &p_bone_aabbs = Vector<AABB>(), const Vector<RS::SurfaceData::LOD> &p_lods = Vector<RS::SurfaceData::LOD>()); Array surface_get_arrays(int p_surface) const override; Array surface_get_blend_shape_arrays(int p_surface) const override; @@ -244,7 +266,8 @@ public: VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Mesh::ArrayType); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Mesh::ArrayFormat); +VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Mesh::ArrayCustomFormat); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Mesh::PrimitiveType); -VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Mesh::BlendShapeMode); +VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(ArrayMesh::BlendShapeMode); #endif diff --git a/scene/resources/particles_material.cpp b/scene/resources/particles_material.cpp index a286184aee..e2f96c54cb 100644 --- a/scene/resources/particles_material.cpp +++ b/scene/resources/particles_material.cpp @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ void ParticlesMaterial::_update_shader() { code += " float tex_linear_velocity = 0.0;\n"; } - if (flags[FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { code += " float angle1_rad = rand_from_seed_m1_p1(alt_seed) * spread_rad;\n"; code += " angle1_rad += direction.x != 0.0 ? atan(direction.y, direction.x) : sign(direction.y) * (pi / 2.0);\n"; code += " vec3 rot = vec3(cos(angle1_rad), sin(angle1_rad), 0.0);\n"; @@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ void ParticlesMaterial::_update_shader() { code += " TRANSFORM[3].xyz = texelFetch(emission_texture_points, emission_tex_ofs, 0).xyz;\n"; if (emission_shape == EMISSION_SHAPE_DIRECTED_POINTS) { - if (flags[FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { code += " mat2 rotm;"; code += " rotm[0] = texelFetch(emission_texture_normal, emission_tex_ofs, 0).xy;\n"; code += " rotm[1] = rotm[0].yx * vec2(1.0, -1.0);\n"; @@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ void ParticlesMaterial::_update_shader() { code += " if (RESTART_VELOCITY) VELOCITY = (EMISSION_TRANSFORM * vec4(VELOCITY, 0.0)).xyz;\n"; code += " TRANSFORM = EMISSION_TRANSFORM * TRANSFORM;\n"; - if (flags[FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { code += " VELOCITY.z = 0.0;\n"; code += " TRANSFORM[3].z = 0.0;\n"; } @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ void ParticlesMaterial::_update_shader() { code += " float tex_linear_velocity = 0.0;\n"; } - if (flags[FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { if (tex_parameters[PARAM_ORBIT_VELOCITY].is_valid()) { code += " float tex_orbit_velocity = textureLod(orbit_velocity_texture, vec2(CUSTOM.y, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n"; } else { @@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ void ParticlesMaterial::_update_shader() { code += " vec3 force = gravity;\n"; code += " vec3 pos = TRANSFORM[3].xyz;\n"; - if (flags[FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { code += " pos.z = 0.0;\n"; } code += " // apply linear acceleration\n"; @@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ void ParticlesMaterial::_update_shader() { code += " vec3 diff = pos - org;\n"; code += " force += length(diff) > 0.0 ? normalize(diff) * (radial_accel + tex_radial_accel) * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), radial_accel_random) : vec3(0.0);\n"; code += " // apply tangential acceleration;\n"; - if (flags[FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { code += " force += length(diff.yx) > 0.0 ? vec3(normalize(diff.yx * vec2(-1.0, 1.0)), 0.0) * ((tangent_accel + tex_tangent_accel) * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), tangent_accel_random)) : vec3(0.0);\n"; } else { @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ void ParticlesMaterial::_update_shader() { code += " // apply attractor forces\n"; code += " VELOCITY += force * DELTA;\n"; code += " // orbit velocity\n"; - if (flags[FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { code += " float orbit_amount = (orbit_velocity + tex_orbit_velocity) * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), orbit_velocity_random);\n"; code += " if (orbit_amount != 0.0) {\n"; code += " float ang = orbit_amount * DELTA * pi * 2.0;\n"; @@ -562,8 +562,8 @@ void ParticlesMaterial::_update_shader() { } code += "\n"; - if (flags[FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { - if (flags[FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY]) { code += " if (length(VELOCITY) > 0.0) {\n"; code += " TRANSFORM[1].xyz = normalize(VELOCITY);\n"; code += " } else {\n"; @@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ void ParticlesMaterial::_update_shader() { } else { // orient particle Y towards velocity - if (flags[FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY]) { code += " if (length(VELOCITY) > 0.0) {\n"; code += " TRANSFORM[1].xyz = normalize(VELOCITY);\n"; code += " } else {\n"; @@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ void ParticlesMaterial::_update_shader() { code += " TRANSFORM[2].xyz = normalize(TRANSFORM[2].xyz);\n"; } // turn particle by rotation in Y - if (flags[FLAG_ROTATE_Y]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_ROTATE_Y]) { code += " TRANSFORM = TRANSFORM * mat4(vec4(cos(CUSTOM.x), 0.0, -sin(CUSTOM.x), 0.0), vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), vec4(sin(CUSTOM.x), 0.0, cos(CUSTOM.x), 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));\n"; } } @@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ void ParticlesMaterial::_update_shader() { code += " TRANSFORM[0].xyz *= base_scale;\n"; code += " TRANSFORM[1].xyz *= base_scale;\n"; code += " TRANSFORM[2].xyz *= base_scale;\n"; - if (flags[FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { + if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { code += " VELOCITY.z = 0.0;\n"; code += " TRANSFORM[3].z = 0.0;\n"; } @@ -916,18 +916,18 @@ Ref<Texture2D> ParticlesMaterial::get_color_ramp() const { return color_ramp; } -void ParticlesMaterial::set_flag(Flags p_flag, bool p_enable) { - ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_flag, FLAG_MAX); - flags[p_flag] = p_enable; +void ParticlesMaterial::set_particle_flag(ParticleFlags p_particle_flag, bool p_enable) { + ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_particle_flag, PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX); + particle_flags[p_particle_flag] = p_enable; _queue_shader_change(); - if (p_flag == FLAG_DISABLE_Z) { + if (p_particle_flag == PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z) { _change_notify(); } } -bool ParticlesMaterial::get_flag(Flags p_flag) const { - ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_flag, FLAG_MAX, false); - return flags[p_flag]; +bool ParticlesMaterial::get_particle_flag(ParticleFlags p_particle_flag) const { + ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_particle_flag, PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX, false); + return particle_flags[p_particle_flag]; } void ParticlesMaterial::set_emission_shape(EmissionShape p_shape) { @@ -1056,7 +1056,7 @@ void ParticlesMaterial::_validate_property(PropertyInfo &property) const { property.usage = 0; } - if (property.name.begins_with("orbit_") && !flags[FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { + if (property.name.begins_with("orbit_") && !particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) { property.usage = 0; } } @@ -1170,8 +1170,8 @@ void ParticlesMaterial::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_color_ramp", "ramp"), &ParticlesMaterial::set_color_ramp); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_color_ramp"), &ParticlesMaterial::get_color_ramp); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_flag", "flag", "enable"), &ParticlesMaterial::set_flag); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_flag", "flag"), &ParticlesMaterial::get_flag); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_particle_flag", "particle_flag", "enable"), &ParticlesMaterial::set_particle_flag); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_particle_flag", "particle_flag"), &ParticlesMaterial::get_particle_flag); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_emission_shape", "shape"), &ParticlesMaterial::set_emission_shape); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_emission_shape"), &ParticlesMaterial::get_emission_shape); @@ -1238,10 +1238,10 @@ void ParticlesMaterial::_bind_methods() { ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "emission_normal_texture", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Texture2D"), "set_emission_normal_texture", "get_emission_normal_texture"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "emission_color_texture", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Texture2D"), "set_emission_color_texture", "get_emission_color_texture"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "emission_point_count", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,1000000,1"), "set_emission_point_count", "get_emission_point_count"); - ADD_GROUP("Flags", "flag_"); - ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "flag_align_y"), "set_flag", "get_flag", FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY); - ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "flag_rotate_y"), "set_flag", "get_flag", FLAG_ROTATE_Y); - ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "flag_disable_z"), "set_flag", "get_flag", FLAG_DISABLE_Z); + ADD_GROUP("ParticleFlags", "particle_flag_"); + ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "particle_flag_align_y"), "set_particle_flag", "get_particle_flag", PARTICLE_FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY); + ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "particle_flag_rotate_y"), "set_particle_flag", "get_particle_flag", PARTICLE_FLAG_ROTATE_Y); + ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "particle_flag_disable_z"), "set_particle_flag", "get_particle_flag", PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z); ADD_GROUP("Direction", ""); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR3, "direction"), "set_direction", "get_direction"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "spread", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,180,0.01"), "set_spread", "get_spread"); @@ -1327,10 +1327,10 @@ void ParticlesMaterial::_bind_methods() { BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PARAM_ANIM_OFFSET); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PARAM_MAX); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_ROTATE_Y); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_DISABLE_Z); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_MAX); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PARTICLE_FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PARTICLE_FLAG_ROTATE_Y); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(EMISSION_SHAPE_POINT); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(EMISSION_SHAPE_SPHERE); @@ -1385,8 +1385,8 @@ ParticlesMaterial::ParticlesMaterial() : set_param_randomness(Parameter(i), 0); } - for (int i = 0; i < FLAG_MAX; i++) { - flags[i] = false; + for (int i = 0; i < PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX; i++) { + particle_flags[i] = false; } set_color(Color(1, 1, 1, 1)); diff --git a/scene/resources/particles_material.h b/scene/resources/particles_material.h index 12fa53ef29..7e8f05b706 100644 --- a/scene/resources/particles_material.h +++ b/scene/resources/particles_material.h @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ public: PARAM_MAX }; - enum Flags { - FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY, - FLAG_ROTATE_Y, - FLAG_DISABLE_Z, - FLAG_MAX + enum ParticleFlags { + PARTICLE_FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY, + PARTICLE_FLAG_ROTATE_Y, + PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z, + PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX }; enum EmissionShape { @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ private: struct { uint32_t texture_mask : 16; uint32_t texture_color : 1; - uint32_t flags : 4; + uint32_t particle_flags : 4; uint32_t emission_shape : 2; uint32_t invalid_key : 1; uint32_t has_emission_color : 1; @@ -124,9 +124,9 @@ private: mk.texture_mask |= (1 << i); } } - for (int i = 0; i < FLAG_MAX; i++) { - if (flags[i]) { - mk.flags |= (1 << i); + for (int i = 0; i < PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX; i++) { + if (particle_flags[i]) { + mk.particle_flags |= (1 << i); } } @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ private: Color color; Ref<Texture2D> color_ramp; - bool flags[FLAG_MAX]; + bool particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_MAX]; EmissionShape emission_shape; float emission_sphere_radius; @@ -284,8 +284,8 @@ public: void set_color_ramp(const Ref<Texture2D> &p_texture); Ref<Texture2D> get_color_ramp() const; - void set_flag(Flags p_flag, bool p_enable); - bool get_flag(Flags p_flag) const; + void set_particle_flag(ParticleFlags p_particle_flag, bool p_enable); + bool get_particle_flag(ParticleFlags p_particle_flag) const; void set_emission_shape(EmissionShape p_shape); void set_emission_sphere_radius(float p_radius); @@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ public: }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(ParticlesMaterial::Parameter) -VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(ParticlesMaterial::Flags) +VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(ParticlesMaterial::ParticleFlags) VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(ParticlesMaterial::EmissionShape) VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(ParticlesMaterial::SubEmitterMode) diff --git a/scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp b/scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp index 8d9c5f07b2..06e181cb99 100644 --- a/scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp +++ b/scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ Array PrimitiveMesh::surface_get_blend_shape_arrays(int p_surface) const { uint32_t PrimitiveMesh::surface_get_format(int p_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, 1, 0); - return RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_VERTEX | RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_NORMAL | RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_TANGENT | RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV | RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX | RS::ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT; + return RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_VERTEX | RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_NORMAL | RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_TANGENT | RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV | RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX; } Mesh::PrimitiveType PrimitiveMesh::surface_get_primitive_type(int p_idx) const { @@ -477,10 +477,10 @@ CapsuleMesh::CapsuleMesh() { } /** - CubeMesh + BoxMesh */ -void CubeMesh::_create_mesh_array(Array &p_arr) const { +void BoxMesh::_create_mesh_array(Array &p_arr) const { int i, j, prevrow, thisrow, point; float x, y, z; float onethird = 1.0 / 3.0; @@ -672,16 +672,16 @@ void CubeMesh::_create_mesh_array(Array &p_arr) const { p_arr[RS::ARRAY_INDEX] = indices; } -void CubeMesh::_bind_methods() { - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_size", "size"), &CubeMesh::set_size); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_size"), &CubeMesh::get_size); +void BoxMesh::_bind_methods() { + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_size", "size"), &BoxMesh::set_size); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_size"), &BoxMesh::get_size); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_subdivide_width", "subdivide"), &CubeMesh::set_subdivide_width); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_subdivide_width"), &CubeMesh::get_subdivide_width); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_subdivide_height", "divisions"), &CubeMesh::set_subdivide_height); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_subdivide_height"), &CubeMesh::get_subdivide_height); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_subdivide_depth", "divisions"), &CubeMesh::set_subdivide_depth); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_subdivide_depth"), &CubeMesh::get_subdivide_depth); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_subdivide_width", "subdivide"), &BoxMesh::set_subdivide_width); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_subdivide_width"), &BoxMesh::get_subdivide_width); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_subdivide_height", "divisions"), &BoxMesh::set_subdivide_height); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_subdivide_height"), &BoxMesh::get_subdivide_height); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_subdivide_depth", "divisions"), &BoxMesh::set_subdivide_depth); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_subdivide_depth"), &BoxMesh::get_subdivide_depth); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR3, "size"), "set_size", "get_size"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "subdivide_width", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,100,1,or_greater"), "set_subdivide_width", "get_subdivide_width"); @@ -689,43 +689,43 @@ void CubeMesh::_bind_methods() { ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "subdivide_depth", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,100,1,or_greater"), "set_subdivide_depth", "get_subdivide_depth"); } -void CubeMesh::set_size(const Vector3 &p_size) { +void BoxMesh::set_size(const Vector3 &p_size) { size = p_size; _request_update(); } -Vector3 CubeMesh::get_size() const { +Vector3 BoxMesh::get_size() const { return size; } -void CubeMesh::set_subdivide_width(const int p_divisions) { +void BoxMesh::set_subdivide_width(const int p_divisions) { subdivide_w = p_divisions > 0 ? p_divisions : 0; _request_update(); } -int CubeMesh::get_subdivide_width() const { +int BoxMesh::get_subdivide_width() const { return subdivide_w; } -void CubeMesh::set_subdivide_height(const int p_divisions) { +void BoxMesh::set_subdivide_height(const int p_divisions) { subdivide_h = p_divisions > 0 ? p_divisions : 0; _request_update(); } -int CubeMesh::get_subdivide_height() const { +int BoxMesh::get_subdivide_height() const { return subdivide_h; } -void CubeMesh::set_subdivide_depth(const int p_divisions) { +void BoxMesh::set_subdivide_depth(const int p_divisions) { subdivide_d = p_divisions > 0 ? p_divisions : 0; _request_update(); } -int CubeMesh::get_subdivide_depth() const { +int BoxMesh::get_subdivide_depth() const { return subdivide_d; } -CubeMesh::CubeMesh() { +BoxMesh::BoxMesh() { // defaults size = Vector3(2.0, 2.0, 2.0); subdivide_w = 0; diff --git a/scene/resources/primitive_meshes.h b/scene/resources/primitive_meshes.h index f0ae611b5e..02aea9c5c8 100644 --- a/scene/resources/primitive_meshes.h +++ b/scene/resources/primitive_meshes.h @@ -130,10 +130,10 @@ public: }; /** - Similar to test cube but with subdivision support and different texture coordinates + A box */ -class CubeMesh : public PrimitiveMesh { - GDCLASS(CubeMesh, PrimitiveMesh); +class BoxMesh : public PrimitiveMesh { + GDCLASS(BoxMesh, PrimitiveMesh); private: Vector3 size; @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ public: void set_subdivide_depth(const int p_divisions); int get_subdivide_depth() const; - CubeMesh(); + BoxMesh(); }; /** diff --git a/scene/resources/surface_tool.cpp b/scene/resources/surface_tool.cpp index ff14a5a292..3166067573 100644 --- a/scene/resources/surface_tool.cpp +++ b/scene/resources/surface_tool.cpp @@ -74,6 +74,12 @@ bool SurfaceTool::Vertex::operator==(const Vertex &p_vertex) const { } } + for (int i = 0; i < RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_MAX; i++) { + if (custom[i] != p_vertex.custom[i]) { + return false; + } + } + return true; } @@ -87,6 +93,7 @@ uint32_t SurfaceTool::VertexHasher::hash(const Vertex &p_vtx) { h = hash_djb2_buffer((const uint8_t *)&p_vtx.color, sizeof(real_t) * 4, h); h = hash_djb2_buffer((const uint8_t *)p_vtx.bones.ptr(), p_vtx.bones.size() * sizeof(int), h); h = hash_djb2_buffer((const uint8_t *)p_vtx.weights.ptr(), p_vtx.weights.size() * sizeof(float), h); + h = hash_djb2_buffer((const uint8_t *)&p_vtx.custom[0], sizeof(Color) * RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_COUNT, h); return h; } @@ -111,8 +118,11 @@ void SurfaceTool::add_vertex(const Vector3 &p_vertex) { vtx.bones = last_bones; vtx.tangent = last_tangent.normal; vtx.binormal = last_normal.cross(last_tangent.normal).normalized() * last_tangent.d; + for (int i = 0; i < RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_COUNT; i++) { + vtx.custom[i] = last_custom[i]; + } - const int expected_vertices = 4; + const int expected_vertices = skin_weights == SKIN_8_WEIGHTS ? 8 : 4; if ((format & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS || format & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES) && (vtx.weights.size() != expected_vertices || vtx.bones.size() != expected_vertices)) { //ensure vertices are the expected amount @@ -163,7 +173,7 @@ void SurfaceTool::add_vertex(const Vector3 &p_vertex) { format |= Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_VERTEX; } -void SurfaceTool::add_color(Color p_color) { +void SurfaceTool::set_color(Color p_color) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!begun); ERR_FAIL_COND(!first && !(format & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_COLOR)); @@ -172,7 +182,7 @@ void SurfaceTool::add_color(Color p_color) { last_color = p_color; } -void SurfaceTool::add_normal(const Vector3 &p_normal) { +void SurfaceTool::set_normal(const Vector3 &p_normal) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!begun); ERR_FAIL_COND(!first && !(format & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_NORMAL)); @@ -181,7 +191,7 @@ void SurfaceTool::add_normal(const Vector3 &p_normal) { last_normal = p_normal; } -void SurfaceTool::add_tangent(const Plane &p_tangent) { +void SurfaceTool::set_tangent(const Plane &p_tangent) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!begun); ERR_FAIL_COND(!first && !(format & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_TANGENT)); @@ -189,7 +199,7 @@ void SurfaceTool::add_tangent(const Plane &p_tangent) { last_tangent = p_tangent; } -void SurfaceTool::add_uv(const Vector2 &p_uv) { +void SurfaceTool::set_uv(const Vector2 &p_uv) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!begun); ERR_FAIL_COND(!first && !(format & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV)); @@ -197,7 +207,7 @@ void SurfaceTool::add_uv(const Vector2 &p_uv) { last_uv = p_uv; } -void SurfaceTool::add_uv2(const Vector2 &p_uv2) { +void SurfaceTool::set_uv2(const Vector2 &p_uv2) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!begun); ERR_FAIL_COND(!first && !(format & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV2)); @@ -205,19 +215,40 @@ void SurfaceTool::add_uv2(const Vector2 &p_uv2) { last_uv2 = p_uv2; } -void SurfaceTool::add_bones(const Vector<int> &p_bones) { +void SurfaceTool::set_custom(int p_index, const Color &p_custom) { + ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_index, RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_COUNT); + ERR_FAIL_COND(!begun); + ERR_FAIL_COND(last_custom_format[p_index] == CUSTOM_MAX); + static const uint32_t mask[RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_COUNT] = { Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM0, Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM1, Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM2, Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM3 }; + static const uint32_t shift[RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_COUNT] = { Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM0_SHIFT, Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM1_SHIFT, Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM2_SHIFT, Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM3_SHIFT }; + ERR_FAIL_COND(!first && !(format & mask[p_index])); + + if (first) { + format |= mask[p_index]; + format |= last_custom_format[p_index] << shift[p_index]; + } + last_custom[p_index] = p_custom; +} + +void SurfaceTool::set_bones(const Vector<int> &p_bones) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!begun); ERR_FAIL_COND(!first && !(format & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES)); format |= Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES; + if (skin_weights == SKIN_8_WEIGHTS) { + format |= Mesh::ARRAY_FLAG_USE_8_BONE_WEIGHTS; + } last_bones = p_bones; } -void SurfaceTool::add_weights(const Vector<float> &p_weights) { +void SurfaceTool::set_weights(const Vector<float> &p_weights) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!begun); ERR_FAIL_COND(!first && !(format & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS)); format |= Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS; + if (skin_weights == SKIN_8_WEIGHTS) { + format |= Mesh::ARRAY_FLAG_USE_8_BONE_WEIGHTS; + } last_weights = p_weights; } @@ -238,15 +269,15 @@ void SurfaceTool::add_triangle_fan(const Vector<Vector3> &p_vertices, const Vect #define ADD_POINT(n) \ { \ if (p_colors.size() > n) \ - add_color(p_colors[n]); \ + set_color(p_colors[n]); \ if (p_uvs.size() > n) \ - add_uv(p_uvs[n]); \ + set_uv(p_uvs[n]); \ if (p_uv2s.size() > n) \ - add_uv2(p_uv2s[n]); \ + set_uv2(p_uv2s[n]); \ if (p_normals.size() > n) \ - add_normal(p_normals[n]); \ + set_normal(p_normals[n]); \ if (p_tangents.size() > n) \ - add_tangent(p_tangents[n]); \ + set_tangent(p_tangents[n]); \ add_vertex(p_vertices[n]); \ } @@ -358,18 +389,157 @@ Array SurfaceTool::commit_to_arrays() { a[i] = array; } break; + case Mesh::ARRAY_CUSTOM0: + case Mesh::ARRAY_CUSTOM1: + case Mesh::ARRAY_CUSTOM2: + case Mesh::ARRAY_CUSTOM3: { + int fmt = i - Mesh::ARRAY_CUSTOM0; + switch (last_custom_format[fmt]) { + case CUSTOM_RGBA8_UNORM: { + Vector<uint8_t> array; + array.resize(varr_len * 4); + uint8_t *w = array.ptrw(); + + int idx = 0; + for (List<Vertex>::Element *E = vertex_array.front(); E; E = E->next(), idx++) { + const Vertex &v = E->get(); + const Color &c = v.custom[idx]; + w[idx * 4 + 0] = CLAMP(int32_t(c.r * 255.0), 0, 255); + w[idx * 4 + 1] = CLAMP(int32_t(c.g * 255.0), 0, 255); + w[idx * 4 + 2] = CLAMP(int32_t(c.b * 255.0), 0, 255); + w[idx * 4 + 3] = CLAMP(int32_t(c.a * 255.0), 0, 255); + } + + a[i] = array; + } break; + case CUSTOM_RGBA8_SNORM: { + Vector<uint8_t> array; + array.resize(varr_len * 4); + uint8_t *w = array.ptrw(); + + int idx = 0; + for (List<Vertex>::Element *E = vertex_array.front(); E; E = E->next(), idx++) { + const Vertex &v = E->get(); + const Color &c = v.custom[idx]; + w[idx * 4 + 0] = uint8_t(int8_t(CLAMP(int32_t(c.r * 127.0), -128, 127))); + w[idx * 4 + 1] = uint8_t(int8_t(CLAMP(int32_t(c.g * 127.0), -128, 127))); + w[idx * 4 + 2] = uint8_t(int8_t(CLAMP(int32_t(c.b * 127.0), -128, 127))); + w[idx * 4 + 3] = uint8_t(int8_t(CLAMP(int32_t(c.a * 127.0), -128, 127))); + } + + a[i] = array; + } break; + case CUSTOM_RG_HALF: { + Vector<uint8_t> array; + array.resize(varr_len * 4); + uint16_t *w = (uint16_t *)array.ptrw(); + + int idx = 0; + for (List<Vertex>::Element *E = vertex_array.front(); E; E = E->next(), idx++) { + const Vertex &v = E->get(); + const Color &c = v.custom[idx]; + w[idx * 2 + 0] = Math::make_half_float(c.r); + w[idx * 2 + 1] = Math::make_half_float(c.g); + } + + a[i] = array; + } break; + case CUSTOM_RGBA_HALF: { + Vector<uint8_t> array; + array.resize(varr_len * 8); + uint16_t *w = (uint16_t *)array.ptrw(); + + int idx = 0; + for (List<Vertex>::Element *E = vertex_array.front(); E; E = E->next(), idx++) { + const Vertex &v = E->get(); + const Color &c = v.custom[idx]; + w[idx * 4 + 0] = Math::make_half_float(c.r); + w[idx * 4 + 1] = Math::make_half_float(c.g); + w[idx * 4 + 2] = Math::make_half_float(c.b); + w[idx * 4 + 3] = Math::make_half_float(c.a); + } + + a[i] = array; + } break; + case CUSTOM_R_FLOAT: { + Vector<float> array; + array.resize(varr_len); + float *w = (float *)array.ptrw(); + + int idx = 0; + for (List<Vertex>::Element *E = vertex_array.front(); E; E = E->next(), idx++) { + const Vertex &v = E->get(); + const Color &c = v.custom[idx]; + w[idx] = c.r; + } + + a[i] = array; + } break; + case CUSTOM_RG_FLOAT: { + Vector<float> array; + array.resize(varr_len * 2); + float *w = (float *)array.ptrw(); + + int idx = 0; + for (List<Vertex>::Element *E = vertex_array.front(); E; E = E->next(), idx++) { + const Vertex &v = E->get(); + const Color &c = v.custom[idx]; + w[idx * 2 + 0] = c.r; + w[idx * 2 + 1] = c.g; + } + + a[i] = array; + } break; + case CUSTOM_RGB_FLOAT: { + Vector<float> array; + array.resize(varr_len * 3); + float *w = (float *)array.ptrw(); + + int idx = 0; + for (List<Vertex>::Element *E = vertex_array.front(); E; E = E->next(), idx++) { + const Vertex &v = E->get(); + const Color &c = v.custom[idx]; + w[idx * 3 + 0] = c.r; + w[idx * 3 + 1] = c.g; + w[idx * 3 + 2] = c.b; + } + + a[i] = array; + } break; + case CUSTOM_RGBA_FLOAT: { + Vector<float> array; + array.resize(varr_len * 4); + float *w = (float *)array.ptrw(); + + int idx = 0; + for (List<Vertex>::Element *E = vertex_array.front(); E; E = E->next(), idx++) { + const Vertex &v = E->get(); + const Color &c = v.custom[idx]; + w[idx * 4 + 0] = c.r; + w[idx * 4 + 1] = c.g; + w[idx * 4 + 2] = c.b; + w[idx * 4 + 3] = c.a; + } + + a[i] = array; + } break; + default: { + } //unreachable but compiler warning anyway + } + } break; case Mesh::ARRAY_BONES: { + int count = skin_weights == SKIN_8_WEIGHTS ? 8 : 4; Vector<int> array; - array.resize(varr_len * 4); + array.resize(varr_len * count); int *w = array.ptrw(); int idx = 0; - for (List<Vertex>::Element *E = vertex_array.front(); E; E = E->next(), idx += 4) { + for (List<Vertex>::Element *E = vertex_array.front(); E; E = E->next(), idx += count) { const Vertex &v = E->get(); - ERR_CONTINUE(v.bones.size() != 4); + ERR_CONTINUE(v.bones.size() != count); - for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { + for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { w[idx + j] = v.bones[j]; } } @@ -379,15 +549,17 @@ Array SurfaceTool::commit_to_arrays() { } break; case Mesh::ARRAY_WEIGHTS: { Vector<float> array; - array.resize(varr_len * 4); + int count = skin_weights == SKIN_8_WEIGHTS ? 8 : 4; + + array.resize(varr_len * count); float *w = array.ptrw(); int idx = 0; - for (List<Vertex>::Element *E = vertex_array.front(); E; E = E->next(), idx += 4) { + for (List<Vertex>::Element *E = vertex_array.front(); E; E = E->next(), idx += count) { const Vertex &v = E->get(); - ERR_CONTINUE(v.weights.size() != 4); + ERR_CONTINUE(v.weights.size() != count); - for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { + for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { w[idx + j] = v.weights[j]; } } @@ -492,13 +664,13 @@ void SurfaceTool::deindex() { index_array.clear(); } -void SurfaceTool::_create_list(const Ref<Mesh> &p_existing, int p_surface, List<Vertex> *r_vertex, List<int> *r_index, int &lformat) { +void SurfaceTool::_create_list(const Ref<Mesh> &p_existing, int p_surface, List<Vertex> *r_vertex, List<int> *r_index, uint32_t &lformat) { Array arr = p_existing->surface_get_arrays(p_surface); ERR_FAIL_COND(arr.size() != RS::ARRAY_MAX); _create_list_from_arrays(arr, r_vertex, r_index, lformat); } -Vector<SurfaceTool::Vertex> SurfaceTool::create_vertex_array_from_triangle_arrays(const Array &p_arrays) { +Vector<SurfaceTool::Vertex> SurfaceTool::create_vertex_array_from_triangle_arrays(const Array &p_arrays, uint32_t *r_format) { Vector<SurfaceTool::Vertex> ret; Vector<Vector3> varr = p_arrays[RS::ARRAY_VERTEX]; @@ -509,9 +681,13 @@ Vector<SurfaceTool::Vertex> SurfaceTool::create_vertex_array_from_triangle_array Vector<Vector2> uv2arr = p_arrays[RS::ARRAY_TEX_UV2]; Vector<int> barr = p_arrays[RS::ARRAY_BONES]; Vector<float> warr = p_arrays[RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS]; + Vector<float> custom_float[RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_COUNT]; int vc = varr.size(); if (vc == 0) { + if (r_format) { + *r_format = 0; + } return ret; } @@ -534,12 +710,40 @@ Vector<SurfaceTool::Vertex> SurfaceTool::create_vertex_array_from_triangle_array if (uv2arr.size()) { lformat |= RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV2; } - if (barr.size()) { + int wcount = 0; + if (barr.size() && warr.size()) { lformat |= RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES; + lformat |= RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS; + + wcount = barr.size() / varr.size(); + if (wcount == 8) { + lformat |= RS::ARRAY_FLAG_USE_8_BONE_WEIGHTS; + } } + if (warr.size()) { lformat |= RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS; } + static const uint32_t custom_mask[RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_COUNT] = { Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM0, Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM1, Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM2, Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM3 }; + static const uint32_t custom_shift[RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_COUNT] = { Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM0_SHIFT, Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM1_SHIFT, Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM2_SHIFT, Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM3_SHIFT }; + + for (int i = 0; i < RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_COUNT; i++) { + ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(p_arrays[RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM0 + i].get_type() == Variant::PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY, "Extracting Byte/Half formats is not supported"); + if (p_arrays[RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM0 + i].get_type() == Variant::PACKED_FLOAT32_ARRAY) { + lformat |= custom_mask[i]; + custom_float[i] = p_arrays[RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM0 + i]; + int fmt = custom_float[i].size() / varr.size(); + if (fmt == 1) { + lformat |= CUSTOM_R_FLOAT << custom_shift[i]; + } else if (fmt == 2) { + lformat |= CUSTOM_RG_FLOAT << custom_shift[i]; + } else if (fmt == 3) { + lformat |= CUSTOM_RGB_FLOAT << custom_shift[i]; + } else if (fmt == 4) { + lformat |= CUSTOM_RGBA_FLOAT << custom_shift[i]; + } + } + } for (int i = 0; i < vc; i++) { Vertex v; @@ -565,112 +769,46 @@ Vector<SurfaceTool::Vertex> SurfaceTool::create_vertex_array_from_triangle_array } if (lformat & RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES) { Vector<int> b; - b.resize(4); - b.write[0] = barr[i * 4 + 0]; - b.write[1] = barr[i * 4 + 1]; - b.write[2] = barr[i * 4 + 2]; - b.write[3] = barr[i * 4 + 3]; + b.resize(wcount); + for (int j = 0; j < wcount; j++) { + b.write[j] = barr[i * wcount + j]; + } v.bones = b; } if (lformat & RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS) { Vector<float> w; - w.resize(4); - w.write[0] = warr[i * 4 + 0]; - w.write[1] = warr[i * 4 + 1]; - w.write[2] = warr[i * 4 + 2]; - w.write[3] = warr[i * 4 + 3]; + w.resize(wcount); + for (int j = 0; j < wcount; j++) { + w.write[j] = warr[i * wcount + j]; + } v.weights = w; } + for (int j = 0; j < RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_COUNT; j++) { + if (lformat & custom_mask[j]) { + int cc = custom_float[j].size() / varr.size(); + for (int k = 0; k < cc; k++) { + v.custom[j][k] = custom_float[j][i * cc + k]; + } + } + } + ret.push_back(v); } - return ret; -} - -void SurfaceTool::_create_list_from_arrays(Array arr, List<Vertex> *r_vertex, List<int> *r_index, int &lformat) { - Vector<Vector3> varr = arr[RS::ARRAY_VERTEX]; - Vector<Vector3> narr = arr[RS::ARRAY_NORMAL]; - Vector<float> tarr = arr[RS::ARRAY_TANGENT]; - Vector<Color> carr = arr[RS::ARRAY_COLOR]; - Vector<Vector2> uvarr = arr[RS::ARRAY_TEX_UV]; - Vector<Vector2> uv2arr = arr[RS::ARRAY_TEX_UV2]; - Vector<int> barr = arr[RS::ARRAY_BONES]; - Vector<float> warr = arr[RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS]; - - int vc = varr.size(); - if (vc == 0) { - return; + if (r_format) { + *r_format = lformat; } - lformat = 0; - if (varr.size()) { - lformat |= RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_VERTEX; - } - if (narr.size()) { - lformat |= RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_NORMAL; - } - if (tarr.size()) { - lformat |= RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_TANGENT; - } - if (carr.size()) { - lformat |= RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_COLOR; - } - if (uvarr.size()) { - lformat |= RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV; - } - if (uv2arr.size()) { - lformat |= RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV2; - } - if (barr.size()) { - lformat |= RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES; - } - if (warr.size()) { - lformat |= RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS; - } + return ret; +} - for (int i = 0; i < vc; i++) { - Vertex v; - if (lformat & RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_VERTEX) { - v.vertex = varr[i]; - } - if (lformat & RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_NORMAL) { - v.normal = narr[i]; - } - if (lformat & RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_TANGENT) { - Plane p(tarr[i * 4 + 0], tarr[i * 4 + 1], tarr[i * 4 + 2], tarr[i * 4 + 3]); - v.tangent = p.normal; - v.binormal = p.normal.cross(v.tangent).normalized() * p.d; - } - if (lformat & RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_COLOR) { - v.color = carr[i]; - } - if (lformat & RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV) { - v.uv = uvarr[i]; - } - if (lformat & RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV2) { - v.uv2 = uv2arr[i]; - } - if (lformat & RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES) { - Vector<int> b; - b.resize(4); - b.write[0] = barr[i * 4 + 0]; - b.write[1] = barr[i * 4 + 1]; - b.write[2] = barr[i * 4 + 2]; - b.write[3] = barr[i * 4 + 3]; - v.bones = b; - } - if (lformat & RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS) { - Vector<float> w; - w.resize(4); - w.write[0] = warr[i * 4 + 0]; - w.write[1] = warr[i * 4 + 1]; - w.write[2] = warr[i * 4 + 2]; - w.write[3] = warr[i * 4 + 3]; - v.weights = w; - } +void SurfaceTool::_create_list_from_arrays(Array arr, List<Vertex> *r_vertex, List<int> *r_index, uint32_t &lformat) { + Vector<Vertex> arrays = create_vertex_array_from_triangle_arrays(arr, &lformat); + ERR_FAIL_COND(arrays.size() == 0); - r_vertex->push_back(v); + for (int i = 0; i < arrays.size(); i++) { + r_vertex->push_back(arrays[i]); } //indices @@ -725,7 +863,7 @@ void SurfaceTool::append_from(const Ref<Mesh> &p_existing, int p_surface, const format = 0; } - int nformat; + uint32_t nformat; List<Vertex> nvertices; List<int> nindices; _create_list(p_existing, p_surface, &nvertices, &nindices, nformat); @@ -975,19 +1113,48 @@ void SurfaceTool::clear() { vertex_array.clear(); smooth_groups.clear(); material.unref(); + for (int i = 0; i < RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_COUNT; i++) { + last_custom_format[i] = CUSTOM_MAX; + } + skin_weights = SKIN_4_WEIGHTS; +} + +void SurfaceTool::set_skin_weight_count(SkinWeightCount p_weights) { + ERR_FAIL_COND(begun); + skin_weights = p_weights; +} +SurfaceTool::SkinWeightCount SurfaceTool::get_skin_weight_count() const { + return skin_weights; +} + +void SurfaceTool::set_custom_format(int p_index, CustomFormat p_format) { + ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_index, RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_COUNT); + ERR_FAIL_COND(begun); + last_custom_format[p_index] = p_format; +} +SurfaceTool::CustomFormat SurfaceTool::get_custom_format(int p_index) const { + ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_index, RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_COUNT, CUSTOM_MAX); + return last_custom_format[p_index]; } void SurfaceTool::_bind_methods() { + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_skin_weight_count", "count"), &SurfaceTool::set_skin_weight_count); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_skin_weight_count"), &SurfaceTool::get_skin_weight_count); + + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_custom_format", "index", "format"), &SurfaceTool::set_custom_format); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_custom_format", "index"), &SurfaceTool::get_custom_format); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("begin", "primitive"), &SurfaceTool::begin); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_vertex", "vertex"), &SurfaceTool::add_vertex); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_color", "color"), &SurfaceTool::add_color); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_normal", "normal"), &SurfaceTool::add_normal); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_tangent", "tangent"), &SurfaceTool::add_tangent); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_uv", "uv"), &SurfaceTool::add_uv); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_uv2", "uv2"), &SurfaceTool::add_uv2); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_bones", "bones"), &SurfaceTool::add_bones); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_weights", "weights"), &SurfaceTool::add_weights); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_color", "color"), &SurfaceTool::set_color); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_normal", "normal"), &SurfaceTool::set_normal); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_tangent", "tangent"), &SurfaceTool::set_tangent); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_uv", "uv"), &SurfaceTool::set_uv); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_uv2", "uv2"), &SurfaceTool::set_uv2); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_bones", "bones"), &SurfaceTool::set_bones); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_weights", "weights"), &SurfaceTool::set_weights); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_custom", "index", "custom"), &SurfaceTool::set_custom); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_smooth_group", "smooth"), &SurfaceTool::add_smooth_group); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_triangle_fan", "vertices", "uvs", "colors", "uv2s", "normals", "tangents"), &SurfaceTool::add_triangle_fan, DEFVAL(Vector<Vector2>()), DEFVAL(Vector<Color>()), DEFVAL(Vector<Vector2>()), DEFVAL(Vector<Vector3>()), DEFVAL(Vector<Plane>())); @@ -1006,13 +1173,29 @@ void SurfaceTool::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("create_from", "existing", "surface"), &SurfaceTool::create_from); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("create_from_blend_shape", "existing", "surface", "blend_shape"), &SurfaceTool::create_from_blend_shape); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("append_from", "existing", "surface", "transform"), &SurfaceTool::append_from); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("commit", "existing", "flags"), &SurfaceTool::commit, DEFVAL(Variant()), DEFVAL(Mesh::ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT)); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("commit", "existing", "flags"), &SurfaceTool::commit, DEFVAL(Variant()), DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("commit_to_arrays"), &SurfaceTool::commit_to_arrays); + + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(CUSTOM_RGBA8_UNORM); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(CUSTOM_RGBA8_SNORM); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(CUSTOM_RG_HALF); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(CUSTOM_RGBA_HALF); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(CUSTOM_R_FLOAT); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(CUSTOM_RG_FLOAT); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(CUSTOM_RGB_FLOAT); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(CUSTOM_RGBA_FLOAT); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(CUSTOM_MAX); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(SKIN_4_WEIGHTS); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(SKIN_8_WEIGHTS); } SurfaceTool::SurfaceTool() { first = false; begun = false; + for (int i = 0; i < RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_COUNT; i++) { + last_custom_format[i] = CUSTOM_MAX; + } primitive = Mesh::PRIMITIVE_LINES; + skin_weights = SKIN_4_WEIGHTS; format = 0; } diff --git a/scene/resources/surface_tool.h b/scene/resources/surface_tool.h index d7b255e695..4a5c7d990c 100644 --- a/scene/resources/surface_tool.h +++ b/scene/resources/surface_tool.h @@ -49,12 +49,30 @@ public: Vector2 uv2; Vector<int> bones; Vector<float> weights; + Color custom[RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_COUNT]; bool operator==(const Vertex &p_vertex) const; Vertex() {} }; + enum CustomFormat { + CUSTOM_RGBA8_UNORM = RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA8_UNORM, + CUSTOM_RGBA8_SNORM = RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA8_SNORM, + CUSTOM_RG_HALF = RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_RG_HALF, + CUSTOM_RGBA_HALF = RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA_HALF, + CUSTOM_R_FLOAT = RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_R_FLOAT, + CUSTOM_RG_FLOAT = RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_RG_FLOAT, + CUSTOM_RGB_FLOAT = RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGB_FLOAT, + CUSTOM_RGBA_FLOAT = RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA_FLOAT, + CUSTOM_MAX = RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_MAX + }; + + enum SkinWeightCount { + SKIN_4_WEIGHTS, + SKIN_8_WEIGHTS + }; + private: struct VertexHasher { static _FORCE_INLINE_ uint32_t hash(const Vertex &p_vtx); @@ -71,7 +89,7 @@ private: bool begun; bool first; Mesh::PrimitiveType primitive; - int format; + uint32_t format; Ref<Material> material; //arrays List<Vertex> vertex_array; @@ -87,8 +105,14 @@ private: Vector<float> last_weights; Plane last_tangent; - void _create_list_from_arrays(Array arr, List<Vertex> *r_vertex, List<int> *r_index, int &lformat); - void _create_list(const Ref<Mesh> &p_existing, int p_surface, List<Vertex> *r_vertex, List<int> *r_index, int &lformat); + SkinWeightCount skin_weights; + + Color last_custom[RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_COUNT]; + + CustomFormat last_custom_format[RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_COUNT]; + + void _create_list_from_arrays(Array arr, List<Vertex> *r_vertex, List<int> *r_index, uint32_t &lformat); + void _create_list(const Ref<Mesh> &p_existing, int p_surface, List<Vertex> *r_vertex, List<int> *r_index, uint32_t &lformat); //mikktspace callbacks static int mikktGetNumFaces(const SMikkTSpaceContext *pContext); @@ -103,18 +127,26 @@ protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: + void set_skin_weight_count(SkinWeightCount p_weights); + SkinWeightCount get_skin_weight_count() const; + + void set_custom_format(int p_index, CustomFormat p_format); + CustomFormat get_custom_format(int p_index) const; + void begin(Mesh::PrimitiveType p_primitive); + void set_color(Color p_color); + void set_normal(const Vector3 &p_normal); + void set_tangent(const Plane &p_tangent); + void set_uv(const Vector2 &p_uv); + void set_uv2(const Vector2 &p_uv2); + void set_custom(int p_index, const Color &p_custom); + void set_bones(const Vector<int> &p_bones); + void set_weights(const Vector<float> &p_weights); + void add_vertex(const Vector3 &p_vertex); - void add_color(Color p_color); - void add_normal(const Vector3 &p_normal); - void add_tangent(const Plane &p_tangent); - void add_uv(const Vector2 &p_uv); - void add_uv2(const Vector2 &p_uv2); - void add_bones(const Vector<int> &p_bones); - void add_weights(const Vector<float> &p_weights); - void add_smooth_group(bool p_smooth); + void add_smooth_group(bool p_smooth); void add_triangle_fan(const Vector<Vector3> &p_vertices, const Vector<Vector2> &p_uvs = Vector<Vector2>(), const Vector<Color> &p_colors = Vector<Color>(), const Vector<Vector2> &p_uv2s = Vector<Vector2>(), const Vector<Vector3> &p_normals = Vector<Vector3>(), const Vector<Plane> &p_tangents = Vector<Plane>()); void add_index(int p_index); @@ -131,14 +163,17 @@ public: List<Vertex> &get_vertex_array() { return vertex_array; } void create_from_triangle_arrays(const Array &p_arrays); - static Vector<Vertex> create_vertex_array_from_triangle_arrays(const Array &p_arrays); + static Vector<Vertex> create_vertex_array_from_triangle_arrays(const Array &p_arrays, uint32_t *r_format = nullptr); Array commit_to_arrays(); void create_from(const Ref<Mesh> &p_existing, int p_surface); void create_from_blend_shape(const Ref<Mesh> &p_existing, int p_surface, const String &p_blend_shape_name); void append_from(const Ref<Mesh> &p_existing, int p_surface, const Transform &p_xform); - Ref<ArrayMesh> commit(const Ref<ArrayMesh> &p_existing = Ref<ArrayMesh>(), uint32_t p_flags = Mesh::ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT); + Ref<ArrayMesh> commit(const Ref<ArrayMesh> &p_existing = Ref<ArrayMesh>(), uint32_t p_flags = 0); SurfaceTool(); }; +VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(SurfaceTool::CustomFormat) +VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(SurfaceTool::SkinWeightCount) + #endif diff --git a/scene/resources/text_line.cpp b/scene/resources/text_line.cpp index 5a419bb232..cc9b6758b6 100644 --- a/scene/resources/text_line.cpp +++ b/scene/resources/text_line.cpp @@ -113,6 +113,8 @@ RID TextLine::get_rid() const { void TextLine::clear() { TS->shaped_text_clear(rid); + spacing_top = 0; + spacing_bottom = 0; } void TextLine::set_preserve_invalid(bool p_enabled) { @@ -166,6 +168,8 @@ void TextLine::set_bidi_override(const Vector<Vector2i> &p_override) { bool TextLine::add_string(const String &p_text, const Ref<Font> &p_fonts, int p_size, const Dictionary &p_opentype_features, const String &p_language) { bool res = TS->shaped_text_add_string(rid, p_text, p_fonts->get_rids(), p_size, p_opentype_features, p_language); + spacing_top = p_fonts->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP); + spacing_bottom = p_fonts->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM); dirty = true; return res; } @@ -233,17 +237,21 @@ float TextLine::get_width() const { Size2 TextLine::get_size() const { const_cast<TextLine *>(this)->_shape(); - return TS->shaped_text_get_size(rid); + if (TS->shaped_text_get_orientation(rid) == TextServer::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { + return Size2(TS->shaped_text_get_size(rid).x, TS->shaped_text_get_size(rid).y + spacing_top + spacing_bottom); + } else { + return Size2(TS->shaped_text_get_size(rid).x + spacing_top + spacing_bottom, TS->shaped_text_get_size(rid).y); + } } float TextLine::get_line_ascent() const { const_cast<TextLine *>(this)->_shape(); - return TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(rid); + return TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(rid) + spacing_top; } float TextLine::get_line_descent() const { const_cast<TextLine *>(this)->_shape(); - return TS->shaped_text_get_descent(rid); + return TS->shaped_text_get_descent(rid) + spacing_bottom; } float TextLine::get_line_width() const { @@ -291,10 +299,10 @@ void TextLine::draw(RID p_canvas, const Vector2 &p_pos, const Color &p_color) co float clip_l; if (TS->shaped_text_get_orientation(rid) == TextServer::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { - ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(rid); + ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(rid) + spacing_top; clip_l = MAX(0, p_pos.x - ofs.x); } else { - ofs.x += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(rid); + ofs.x += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(rid) + spacing_top; clip_l = MAX(0, p_pos.y - ofs.y); } return TS->shaped_text_draw(rid, p_canvas, ofs, clip_l, clip_l + width, p_color); @@ -330,10 +338,10 @@ void TextLine::draw_outline(RID p_canvas, const Vector2 &p_pos, int p_outline_si float clip_l; if (TS->shaped_text_get_orientation(rid) == TextServer::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { - ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(rid); + ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(rid) + spacing_top; clip_l = MAX(0, p_pos.x - ofs.x); } else { - ofs.x += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(rid); + ofs.x += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(rid) + spacing_top; clip_l = MAX(0, p_pos.y - ofs.y); } return TS->shaped_text_draw_outline(rid, p_canvas, ofs, clip_l, clip_l + width, p_outline_size, p_color); @@ -347,6 +355,8 @@ int TextLine::hit_test(float p_coords) const { TextLine::TextLine(const String &p_text, const Ref<Font> &p_fonts, int p_size, const Dictionary &p_opentype_features, const String &p_language, TextServer::Direction p_direction, TextServer::Orientation p_orientation) { rid = TS->create_shaped_text(p_direction, p_orientation); + spacing_top = p_fonts->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP); + spacing_bottom = p_fonts->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM); TS->shaped_text_add_string(rid, p_text, p_fonts->get_rids(), p_size, p_opentype_features, p_language); } diff --git a/scene/resources/text_line.h b/scene/resources/text_line.h index ffa06cc5c1..6ed3558bd9 100644 --- a/scene/resources/text_line.h +++ b/scene/resources/text_line.h @@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ class TextLine : public Reference { GDCLASS(TextLine, Reference); RID rid; + int spacing_top = 0; + int spacing_bottom = 0; bool dirty = true; diff --git a/scene/resources/text_paragraph.cpp b/scene/resources/text_paragraph.cpp index d4f96ff9e8..fd6dd071eb 100644 --- a/scene/resources/text_paragraph.cpp +++ b/scene/resources/text_paragraph.cpp @@ -140,6 +140,8 @@ RID TextParagraph::get_line_rid(int p_line) const { } void TextParagraph::clear() { + spacing_top = 0; + spacing_bottom = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { TS->free(lines[i]); } @@ -187,6 +189,8 @@ TextServer::Orientation TextParagraph::get_orientation() const { bool TextParagraph::add_string(const String &p_text, const Ref<Font> &p_fonts, int p_size, const Dictionary &p_opentype_features, const String &p_language) { bool res = TS->shaped_text_add_string(rid, p_text, p_fonts->get_rids(), p_size, p_opentype_features, p_language); + spacing_top = p_fonts->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP); + spacing_bottom = p_fonts->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM); dirty_lines = true; return res; } @@ -260,7 +264,11 @@ float TextParagraph::get_width() const { Size2 TextParagraph::get_non_wraped_size() const { const_cast<TextParagraph *>(this)->_shape_lines(); - return TS->shaped_text_get_size(rid); + if (TS->shaped_text_get_orientation(rid) == TextServer::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { + return Size2(TS->shaped_text_get_size(rid).x, TS->shaped_text_get_size(rid).y + spacing_top + spacing_bottom); + } else { + return Size2(TS->shaped_text_get_size(rid).x + spacing_top + spacing_bottom, TS->shaped_text_get_size(rid).y); + } } Size2 TextParagraph::get_size() const { @@ -270,9 +278,9 @@ Size2 TextParagraph::get_size() const { Size2 lsize = TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines[i]); if (TS->shaped_text_get_orientation(lines[i]) == TextServer::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { size.x = MAX(size.x, lsize.x); - size.y += lsize.y; + size.y += lsize.y + spacing_top + spacing_bottom; } else { - size.x += lsize.x; + size.x += lsize.x + spacing_top + spacing_bottom; size.y = MAX(size.y, lsize.y); } } @@ -297,9 +305,9 @@ Rect2 TextParagraph::get_line_object_rect(int p_line, Variant p_key) const { for (int i = 0; i < p_line; i++) { Size2 lsize = TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines[i]); if (TS->shaped_text_get_orientation(lines[i]) == TextServer::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { - xrect.position.y += lsize.y; + xrect.position.y += lsize.y + spacing_top + spacing_bottom; } else { - xrect.position.x += lsize.x; + xrect.position.x += lsize.x + spacing_top + spacing_bottom; } } return xrect; @@ -308,7 +316,11 @@ Rect2 TextParagraph::get_line_object_rect(int p_line, Variant p_key) const { Size2 TextParagraph::get_line_size(int p_line) const { const_cast<TextParagraph *>(this)->_shape_lines(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_line < 0 || p_line >= lines.size(), Size2()); - return TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines[p_line]); + if (TS->shaped_text_get_orientation(lines[p_line]) == TextServer::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { + return Size2(TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines[p_line]).x, TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines[p_line]).y + spacing_top + spacing_bottom); + } else { + return Size2(TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines[p_line]).x + spacing_top + spacing_bottom, TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines[p_line]).y); + } } Vector2i TextParagraph::get_line_range(int p_line) const { @@ -320,13 +332,13 @@ Vector2i TextParagraph::get_line_range(int p_line) const { float TextParagraph::get_line_ascent(int p_line) const { const_cast<TextParagraph *>(this)->_shape_lines(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_line < 0 || p_line >= lines.size(), 0.f); - return TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines[p_line]); + return TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines[p_line]) + spacing_top; } float TextParagraph::get_line_descent(int p_line) const { const_cast<TextParagraph *>(this)->_shape_lines(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_line < 0 || p_line >= lines.size(), 0.f); - return TS->shaped_text_get_descent(lines[p_line]); + return TS->shaped_text_get_descent(lines[p_line]) + spacing_bottom; } float TextParagraph::get_line_width(int p_line) const { @@ -353,10 +365,10 @@ void TextParagraph::draw(RID p_canvas, const Vector2 &p_pos, const Color &p_colo for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (TS->shaped_text_get_orientation(lines[i]) == TextServer::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { ofs.x = p_pos.x; - ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines[i]); + ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines[i]) + spacing_top; } else { ofs.y = p_pos.y; - ofs.x += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines[i]); + ofs.x += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines[i]) + spacing_top; } float length = TS->shaped_text_get_width(lines[i]); if (width > 0) { @@ -389,10 +401,10 @@ void TextParagraph::draw(RID p_canvas, const Vector2 &p_pos, const Color &p_colo TS->shaped_text_draw(lines[i], p_canvas, ofs, clip_l, clip_l + width, p_color); if (TS->shaped_text_get_orientation(lines[i]) == TextServer::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { ofs.x = p_pos.x; - ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_descent(lines[i]); + ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_descent(lines[i]) + spacing_bottom; } else { ofs.y = p_pos.y; - ofs.x += TS->shaped_text_get_descent(lines[i]); + ofs.x += TS->shaped_text_get_descent(lines[i]) + spacing_bottom; } } } @@ -403,10 +415,10 @@ void TextParagraph::draw_outline(RID p_canvas, const Vector2 &p_pos, int p_outli for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (TS->shaped_text_get_orientation(lines[i]) == TextServer::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { ofs.x = p_pos.x; - ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines[i]); + ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines[i]) + spacing_top; } else { ofs.y = p_pos.y; - ofs.x += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines[i]); + ofs.x += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines[i]) + spacing_top; } float length = TS->shaped_text_get_width(lines[i]); if (width > 0) { @@ -439,10 +451,10 @@ void TextParagraph::draw_outline(RID p_canvas, const Vector2 &p_pos, int p_outli TS->shaped_text_draw_outline(lines[i], p_canvas, ofs, clip_l, clip_l + width, p_outline_size, p_color); if (TS->shaped_text_get_orientation(lines[i]) == TextServer::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { ofs.x = p_pos.x; - ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_descent(lines[i]); + ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_descent(lines[i]) + spacing_bottom; } else { ofs.y = p_pos.y; - ofs.x += TS->shaped_text_get_descent(lines[i]); + ofs.x += TS->shaped_text_get_descent(lines[i]) + spacing_bottom; } } } @@ -462,10 +474,12 @@ int TextParagraph::hit_test(const Point2 &p_coords) const { if ((p_coords.y >= ofs.y) && (p_coords.y <= ofs.y + TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines[i]).y)) { return TS->shaped_text_hit_test_position(lines[i], p_coords.x); } + ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines[i]).y + spacing_bottom + spacing_top; } else { if ((p_coords.x >= ofs.x) && (p_coords.x <= ofs.x + TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines[i]).x)) { return TS->shaped_text_hit_test_position(lines[i], p_coords.y); } + ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines[i]).x + spacing_bottom + spacing_top; } } return TS->shaped_text_get_range(rid).y; @@ -477,9 +491,9 @@ void TextParagraph::draw_line(RID p_canvas, const Vector2 &p_pos, int p_line, co Vector2 ofs = p_pos; if (TS->shaped_text_get_orientation(lines[p_line]) == TextServer::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { - ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines[p_line]); + ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines[p_line]) + spacing_top; } else { - ofs.x += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines[p_line]); + ofs.x += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines[p_line]) + spacing_top; } return TS->shaped_text_draw(lines[p_line], p_canvas, ofs, -1, -1, p_color); } @@ -490,9 +504,9 @@ void TextParagraph::draw_line_outline(RID p_canvas, const Vector2 &p_pos, int p_ Vector2 ofs = p_pos; if (TS->shaped_text_get_orientation(lines[p_line]) == TextServer::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { - ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines[p_line]); + ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines[p_line]) + spacing_top; } else { - ofs.x += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines[p_line]); + ofs.x += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines[p_line]) + spacing_top; } return TS->shaped_text_draw_outline(lines[p_line], p_canvas, ofs, -1, -1, p_outline_size, p_color); } @@ -500,8 +514,9 @@ void TextParagraph::draw_line_outline(RID p_canvas, const Vector2 &p_pos, int p_ TextParagraph::TextParagraph(const String &p_text, const Ref<Font> &p_fonts, int p_size, const Dictionary &p_opentype_features, const String &p_language, float p_width, TextServer::Direction p_direction, TextServer::Orientation p_orientation) { rid = TS->create_shaped_text(p_direction, p_orientation); TS->shaped_text_add_string(rid, p_text, p_fonts->get_rids(), p_size, p_opentype_features, p_language); + spacing_top = p_fonts->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP); + spacing_bottom = p_fonts->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM); width = p_width; - dirty_lines = true; } TextParagraph::TextParagraph() { diff --git a/scene/resources/text_paragraph.h b/scene/resources/text_paragraph.h index 587bb6bfc1..f7f49e9058 100644 --- a/scene/resources/text_paragraph.h +++ b/scene/resources/text_paragraph.h @@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ class TextParagraph : public Reference { RID rid; Vector<RID> lines; + int spacing_top = 0; + int spacing_bottom = 0; bool dirty_lines = true; diff --git a/scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp b/scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp index dd9f64693e..34129e35da 100644 --- a/scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp +++ b/scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp @@ -811,8 +811,12 @@ String VisualShader::generate_preview_shader(Type p_type, int p_node, int p_port #define IS_SYMBOL_CHAR(m_d) (((m_d) >= 'a' && (m_d) <= 'z') || ((m_d) >= 'A' && (m_d) <= 'Z') || ((m_d) >= '0' && (m_d) <= '9') || (m_d) == '_') -String VisualShader::validate_port_name(const String &p_name, const List<String> &p_input_ports, const List<String> &p_output_ports) const { - String name = p_name; +String VisualShader::validate_port_name(const String &p_port_name, VisualShaderNode *p_node, int p_port_id, bool p_output) const { + String name = p_port_name; + + if (name == String()) { + return String(); + } while (name.length() && !IS_INITIAL_CHAR(name[0])) { name = name.substr(1, name.length() - 1); @@ -830,29 +834,28 @@ String VisualShader::validate_port_name(const String &p_name, const List<String> } name = valid_name; + } else { + return String(); } - String valid_name = name; - bool is_equal = false; + List<String> input_names; + List<String> output_names; - for (int i = 0; i < p_input_ports.size(); i++) { - if (name == p_input_ports[i]) { - is_equal = true; - break; + for (int i = 0; i < p_node->get_input_port_count(); i++) { + if (!p_output && i == p_port_id) { + continue; } - } - - if (!is_equal) { - for (int i = 0; i < p_output_ports.size(); i++) { - if (name == p_output_ports[i]) { - is_equal = true; - break; - } + if (name == p_node->get_input_port_name(i)) { + return String(); } } - - if (is_equal) { - name = ""; + for (int i = 0; i < p_node->get_output_port_count(); i++) { + if (p_output && i == p_port_id) { + continue; + } + if (name == p_node->get_output_port_name(i)) { + return String(); + } } return name; diff --git a/scene/resources/visual_shader.h b/scene/resources/visual_shader.h index 41c4642ee3..a38c2886e2 100644 --- a/scene/resources/visual_shader.h +++ b/scene/resources/visual_shader.h @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ public: String generate_preview_shader(Type p_type, int p_node, int p_port, Vector<DefaultTextureParam> &r_default_tex_params) const; - String validate_port_name(const String &p_name, const List<String> &p_input_ports, const List<String> &p_output_ports) const; + String validate_port_name(const String &p_port_name, VisualShaderNode *p_node, int p_port_id, bool p_output) const; String validate_uniform_name(const String &p_name, const Ref<VisualShaderNodeUniform> &p_uniform) const; VisualShader(); diff --git a/servers/display_server.h b/servers/display_server.h index 59bee794b8..42b1562153 100644 --- a/servers/display_server.h +++ b/servers/display_server.h @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ protected: static DisplayServerCreate server_create_functions[MAX_SERVERS]; static int server_create_count; - friend class RenderingServerRaster; + friend class RenderingServerDefault; virtual void _set_use_vsync(bool p_enable); public: diff --git a/servers/register_server_types.cpp b/servers/register_server_types.cpp index 0ba9ce9e76..29e5ca3f77 100644 --- a/servers/register_server_types.cpp +++ b/servers/register_server_types.cpp @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ #include "physics_3d/physics_server_3d_sw.h" #include "physics_server_2d.h" #include "physics_server_3d.h" -#include "rendering/rasterizer.h" +#include "rendering/renderer_compositor.h" #include "rendering/rendering_device.h" #include "rendering/rendering_device_binds.h" #include "rendering_server.h" diff --git a/servers/rendering/SCsub b/servers/rendering/SCsub index 5ea0d40486..0939b68482 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/SCsub +++ b/servers/rendering/SCsub @@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Import("env") env.add_source_files(env.servers_sources, "*.cpp") -SConscript("rasterizer_rd/SCsub") +SConscript("renderer_rd/SCsub") diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer.h b/servers/rendering/rasterizer.h deleted file mode 100644 index 30577e6247..0000000000 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1415 +0,0 @@ -/*************************************************************************/ -/* rasterizer.h */ -/*************************************************************************/ -/* This file is part of: */ -/* GODOT ENGINE */ -/* https://godotengine.org */ -/*************************************************************************/ -/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ -/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ -/* */ -/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ -/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ -/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ -/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ -/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ -/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ -/* the following conditions: */ -/* */ -/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ -/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ -/* */ -/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ -/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ -/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ -/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ -/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ -/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ -/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -/*************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef RASTERIZER_H -#define RASTERIZER_H - -#include "core/math/camera_matrix.h" -#include "core/templates/pair.h" -#include "core/templates/self_list.h" -#include "servers/rendering_server.h" - -class RasterizerScene { -public: - /* SHADOW ATLAS API */ - - virtual RID shadow_atlas_create() = 0; - virtual void shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size) = 0; - virtual void shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_atlas, int p_quadrant, int p_subdivision) = 0; - virtual bool shadow_atlas_update_light(RID p_atlas, RID p_light_intance, float p_coverage, uint64_t p_light_version) = 0; - - virtual void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size) = 0; - virtual int get_directional_light_shadow_size(RID p_light_intance) = 0; - virtual void set_directional_shadow_count(int p_count) = 0; - - /* SDFGI UPDATE */ - - struct InstanceBase; - - virtual void sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, const Vector3 &p_world_position) = 0; - virtual int sdfgi_get_pending_region_count(RID p_render_buffers) const = 0; - virtual AABB sdfgi_get_pending_region_bounds(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region) const = 0; - virtual uint32_t sdfgi_get_pending_region_cascade(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region) const = 0; - virtual void sdfgi_update_probes(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, const RID *p_directional_light_instances, uint32_t p_directional_light_count, const RID *p_positional_light_instances, uint32_t p_positional_light_count) = 0; - - /* SKY API */ - - virtual RID sky_create() = 0; - virtual void sky_set_radiance_size(RID p_sky, int p_radiance_size) = 0; - virtual void sky_set_mode(RID p_sky, RS::SkyMode p_samples) = 0; - virtual void sky_set_material(RID p_sky, RID p_material) = 0; - virtual Ref<Image> sky_bake_panorama(RID p_sky, float p_energy, bool p_bake_irradiance, const Size2i &p_size) = 0; - - /* ENVIRONMENT API */ - - virtual RID environment_create() = 0; - - virtual void environment_set_background(RID p_env, RS::EnvironmentBG p_bg) = 0; - virtual void environment_set_sky(RID p_env, RID p_sky) = 0; - virtual void environment_set_sky_custom_fov(RID p_env, float p_scale) = 0; - virtual void environment_set_sky_orientation(RID p_env, const Basis &p_orientation) = 0; - virtual void environment_set_bg_color(RID p_env, const Color &p_color) = 0; - virtual void environment_set_bg_energy(RID p_env, float p_energy) = 0; - virtual void environment_set_canvas_max_layer(RID p_env, int p_max_layer) = 0; - virtual void environment_set_ambient_light(RID p_env, const Color &p_color, RS::EnvironmentAmbientSource p_ambient = RS::ENV_AMBIENT_SOURCE_BG, float p_energy = 1.0, float p_sky_contribution = 0.0, RS::EnvironmentReflectionSource p_reflection_source = RS::ENV_REFLECTION_SOURCE_BG, const Color &p_ao_color = Color()) = 0; -// FIXME: Disabled during Vulkan refactoring, should be ported. -#if 0 - virtual void environment_set_camera_feed_id(RID p_env, int p_camera_feed_id) = 0; -#endif - - virtual void environment_set_glow(RID p_env, bool p_enable, Vector<float> p_levels, float p_intensity, float p_strength, float p_mix, float p_bloom_threshold, RS::EnvironmentGlowBlendMode p_blend_mode, float p_hdr_bleed_threshold, float p_hdr_bleed_scale, float p_hdr_luminance_cap) = 0; - virtual void environment_glow_set_use_bicubic_upscale(bool p_enable) = 0; - virtual void environment_glow_set_use_high_quality(bool p_enable) = 0; - - virtual void environment_set_volumetric_fog(RID p_env, bool p_enable, float p_density, const Color &p_light, float p_light_energy, float p_length, float p_detail_spread, float p_gi_inject, RS::EnvVolumetricFogShadowFilter p_shadow_filter) = 0; - - virtual void environment_set_volumetric_fog_volume_size(int p_size, int p_depth) = 0; - virtual void environment_set_volumetric_fog_filter_active(bool p_enable) = 0; - virtual void environment_set_volumetric_fog_directional_shadow_shrink_size(int p_shrink_size) = 0; - virtual void environment_set_volumetric_fog_positional_shadow_shrink_size(int p_shrink_size) = 0; - - virtual void environment_set_ssr(RID p_env, bool p_enable, int p_max_steps, float p_fade_int, float p_fade_out, float p_depth_tolerance) = 0; - virtual void environment_set_ssr_roughness_quality(RS::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality p_quality) = 0; - - virtual void environment_set_ssao(RID p_env, bool p_enable, float p_radius, float p_intensity, float p_bias, float p_light_affect, float p_ao_channel_affect, RS::EnvironmentSSAOBlur p_blur, float p_bilateral_sharpness) = 0; - - virtual void environment_set_ssao_quality(RS::EnvironmentSSAOQuality p_quality, bool p_half_size) = 0; - - virtual void environment_set_sdfgi(RID p_env, bool p_enable, RS::EnvironmentSDFGICascades p_cascades, float p_min_cell_size, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIYScale p_y_scale, bool p_use_occlusion, bool p_use_multibounce, bool p_read_sky, float p_energy, float p_normal_bias, float p_probe_bias) = 0; - - virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount p_ray_count) = 0; - virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge p_frames) = 0; - - virtual void environment_set_tonemap(RID p_env, RS::EnvironmentToneMapper p_tone_mapper, float p_exposure, float p_white, bool p_auto_exposure, float p_min_luminance, float p_max_luminance, float p_auto_exp_speed, float p_auto_exp_scale) = 0; - - virtual void environment_set_adjustment(RID p_env, bool p_enable, float p_brightness, float p_contrast, float p_saturation, bool p_use_1d_color_correction, RID p_color_correction) = 0; - - virtual void environment_set_fog(RID p_env, bool p_enable, const Color &p_light_color, float p_light_energy, float p_sun_scatter, float p_density, float p_height, float p_height_density, float p_aerial_perspective) = 0; - - virtual Ref<Image> environment_bake_panorama(RID p_env, bool p_bake_irradiance, const Size2i &p_size) = 0; - - virtual bool is_environment(RID p_env) const = 0; - virtual RS::EnvironmentBG environment_get_background(RID p_env) const = 0; - virtual int environment_get_canvas_max_layer(RID p_env) const = 0; - - virtual RID camera_effects_create() = 0; - - virtual void camera_effects_set_dof_blur_quality(RS::DOFBlurQuality p_quality, bool p_use_jitter) = 0; - virtual void camera_effects_set_dof_blur_bokeh_shape(RS::DOFBokehShape p_shape) = 0; - - virtual void camera_effects_set_dof_blur(RID p_camera_effects, bool p_far_enable, float p_far_distance, float p_far_transition, bool p_near_enable, float p_near_distance, float p_near_transition, float p_amount) = 0; - virtual void camera_effects_set_custom_exposure(RID p_camera_effects, bool p_enable, float p_exposure) = 0; - - virtual void shadows_quality_set(RS::ShadowQuality p_quality) = 0; - virtual void directional_shadow_quality_set(RS::ShadowQuality p_quality) = 0; - - struct InstanceDependency { - void instance_notify_changed(bool p_aabb, bool p_dependencies); - void instance_notify_deleted(RID p_deleted); - - ~InstanceDependency(); - - private: - friend struct InstanceBase; - Map<InstanceBase *, uint32_t> instances; - }; - - struct InstanceBase { - RS::InstanceType base_type; - RID base; - - RID skeleton; - RID material_override; - - RID instance_data; - - Transform transform; - - int depth_layer; - uint32_t layer_mask; - uint32_t instance_version; - - //RID sampled_light; - - Vector<RID> materials; - Vector<RID> light_instances; - Vector<RID> reflection_probe_instances; - Vector<RID> gi_probe_instances; - - Vector<float> blend_values; - - RS::ShadowCastingSetting cast_shadows; - - //fit in 32 bits - bool mirror : 8; - bool receive_shadows : 8; - bool visible : 8; - bool baked_light : 2; //this flag is only to know if it actually did use baked light - bool dynamic_gi : 2; //this flag is only to know if it actually did use baked light - bool redraw_if_visible : 4; - - float depth; //used for sorting - - SelfList<InstanceBase> dependency_item; - - InstanceBase *lightmap; - Rect2 lightmap_uv_scale; - int lightmap_slice_index; - uint32_t lightmap_cull_index; - Vector<Color> lightmap_sh; //spherical harmonic - - AABB aabb; - AABB transformed_aabb; - - struct InstanceShaderParameter { - int32_t index = -1; - Variant value; - Variant default_value; - PropertyInfo info; - }; - - Map<StringName, InstanceShaderParameter> instance_shader_parameters; - bool instance_allocated_shader_parameters = false; - int32_t instance_allocated_shader_parameters_offset = -1; - - virtual void dependency_deleted(RID p_dependency) {} - virtual void dependency_changed(bool p_aabb, bool p_dependencies) {} - - Set<InstanceDependency *> dependencies; - - void instance_increase_version() { - instance_version++; - } - - void update_dependency(InstanceDependency *p_dependency) { - dependencies.insert(p_dependency); - p_dependency->instances[this] = instance_version; - } - - void clean_up_dependencies() { - List<Pair<InstanceDependency *, Map<InstanceBase *, uint32_t>::Element *>> to_clean_up; - for (Set<InstanceDependency *>::Element *E = dependencies.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - InstanceDependency *dep = E->get(); - Map<InstanceBase *, uint32_t>::Element *F = dep->instances.find(this); - ERR_CONTINUE(!F); - if (F->get() != instance_version) { - Pair<InstanceDependency *, Map<InstanceBase *, uint32_t>::Element *> p; - p.first = dep; - p.second = F; - to_clean_up.push_back(p); - } - } - - while (to_clean_up.size()) { - to_clean_up.front()->get().first->instances.erase(to_clean_up.front()->get().second); - to_clean_up.pop_front(); - } - } - - void clear_dependencies() { - for (Set<InstanceDependency *>::Element *E = dependencies.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - InstanceDependency *dep = E->get(); - dep->instances.erase(this); - } - dependencies.clear(); - } - - InstanceBase() : - dependency_item(this) { - base_type = RS::INSTANCE_NONE; - cast_shadows = RS::SHADOW_CASTING_SETTING_ON; - receive_shadows = true; - visible = true; - depth_layer = 0; - layer_mask = 1; - instance_version = 0; - baked_light = false; - dynamic_gi = false; - redraw_if_visible = false; - lightmap_slice_index = 0; - lightmap = nullptr; - lightmap_cull_index = 0; - } - - virtual ~InstanceBase() { - clear_dependencies(); - } - }; - - virtual RID light_instance_create(RID p_light) = 0; - virtual void light_instance_set_transform(RID p_light_instance, const Transform &p_transform) = 0; - virtual void light_instance_set_aabb(RID p_light_instance, const AABB &p_aabb) = 0; - virtual void light_instance_set_shadow_transform(RID p_light_instance, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_far, float p_split, int p_pass, float p_shadow_texel_size, float p_bias_scale = 1.0, float p_range_begin = 0, const Vector2 &p_uv_scale = Vector2()) = 0; - virtual void light_instance_mark_visible(RID p_light_instance) = 0; - virtual bool light_instances_can_render_shadow_cube() const { - return true; - } - - virtual RID reflection_atlas_create() = 0; - virtual void reflection_atlas_set_size(RID p_ref_atlas, int p_reflection_size, int p_reflection_count) = 0; - - virtual RID reflection_probe_instance_create(RID p_probe) = 0; - virtual void reflection_probe_instance_set_transform(RID p_instance, const Transform &p_transform) = 0; - virtual void reflection_probe_release_atlas_index(RID p_instance) = 0; - virtual bool reflection_probe_instance_needs_redraw(RID p_instance) = 0; - virtual bool reflection_probe_instance_has_reflection(RID p_instance) = 0; - virtual bool reflection_probe_instance_begin_render(RID p_instance, RID p_reflection_atlas) = 0; - virtual bool reflection_probe_instance_postprocess_step(RID p_instance) = 0; - - virtual RID decal_instance_create(RID p_decal) = 0; - virtual void decal_instance_set_transform(RID p_decal, const Transform &p_transform) = 0; - - virtual RID gi_probe_instance_create(RID p_gi_probe) = 0; - virtual void gi_probe_instance_set_transform_to_data(RID p_probe, const Transform &p_xform) = 0; - virtual bool gi_probe_needs_update(RID p_probe) const = 0; - virtual void gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instances, const Vector<RID> &p_light_instances, int p_dynamic_object_count, InstanceBase **p_dynamic_objects) = 0; - - virtual void gi_probe_set_quality(RS::GIProbeQuality) = 0; - - virtual void render_scene(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, RID *p_light_cull_result, int p_light_cull_count, RID *p_reflection_probe_cull_result, int p_reflection_probe_cull_count, RID *p_gi_probe_cull_result, int p_gi_probe_cull_count, RID *p_decal_cull_result, int p_decal_cull_count, InstanceBase **p_lightmap_cull_result, int p_lightmap_cull_count, RID p_environment, RID p_camera_effects, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, int p_reflection_probe_pass) = 0; - - virtual void render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p_pass, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count) = 0; - virtual void render_material(const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region) = 0; - virtual void render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count) = 0; - virtual void render_sdfgi_static_lights(RID p_render_buffers, uint32_t p_cascade_count, const uint32_t *p_cascade_indices, const RID **p_positional_light_cull_result, const uint32_t *p_positional_light_cull_count) = 0; - virtual void render_particle_collider_heightfield(RID p_collider, const Transform &p_transform, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count) = 0; - - virtual void set_scene_pass(uint64_t p_pass) = 0; - virtual void set_time(double p_time, double p_step) = 0; - virtual void set_debug_draw_mode(RS::ViewportDebugDraw p_debug_draw) = 0; - - virtual RID render_buffers_create() = 0; - virtual void render_buffers_configure(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_render_target, int p_width, int p_height, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa, RS::ViewportScreenSpaceAA p_screen_space_aa, bool p_use_debanding) = 0; - - virtual void screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active(bool p_enable, float p_amount, float p_limit) = 0; - virtual bool screen_space_roughness_limiter_is_active() const = 0; - - virtual void sub_surface_scattering_set_quality(RS::SubSurfaceScatteringQuality p_quality) = 0; - virtual void sub_surface_scattering_set_scale(float p_scale, float p_depth_scale) = 0; - - virtual TypedArray<Image> bake_render_uv2(RID p_base, const Vector<RID> &p_material_overrides, const Size2i &p_image_size) = 0; - - virtual bool free(RID p_rid) = 0; - - virtual void sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(const Vector3 &p_position, const Vector3 &p_dir) = 0; - - virtual void update() = 0; - virtual ~RasterizerScene() {} -}; - -class RasterizerStorage { - Color default_clear_color; - -public: - /* TEXTURE API */ - - virtual RID texture_2d_create(const Ref<Image> &p_image) = 0; - virtual RID texture_2d_layered_create(const Vector<Ref<Image>> &p_layers, RS::TextureLayeredType p_layered_type) = 0; - virtual RID texture_3d_create(Image::Format, int p_width, int p_height, int p_depth, bool p_mipmaps, const Vector<Ref<Image>> &p_data) = 0; - virtual RID texture_proxy_create(RID p_base) = 0; //all slices, then all the mipmaps, must be coherent - - virtual void texture_2d_update_immediate(RID p_texture, const Ref<Image> &p_image, int p_layer = 0) = 0; //mostly used for video and streaming - virtual void texture_2d_update(RID p_texture, const Ref<Image> &p_image, int p_layer = 0) = 0; - virtual void texture_3d_update(RID p_texture, const Vector<Ref<Image>> &p_data) = 0; - virtual void texture_proxy_update(RID p_proxy, RID p_base) = 0; - - //these two APIs can be used together or in combination with the others. - virtual RID texture_2d_placeholder_create() = 0; - virtual RID texture_2d_layered_placeholder_create(RenderingServer::TextureLayeredType p_layered_type) = 0; - virtual RID texture_3d_placeholder_create() = 0; - - virtual Ref<Image> texture_2d_get(RID p_texture) const = 0; - virtual Ref<Image> texture_2d_layer_get(RID p_texture, int p_layer) const = 0; - virtual Vector<Ref<Image>> texture_3d_get(RID p_texture) const = 0; - - virtual void texture_replace(RID p_texture, RID p_by_texture) = 0; - virtual void texture_set_size_override(RID p_texture, int p_width, int p_height) = 0; - - virtual void texture_set_path(RID p_texture, const String &p_path) = 0; - virtual String texture_get_path(RID p_texture) const = 0; - - virtual void texture_set_detect_3d_callback(RID p_texture, RS::TextureDetectCallback p_callback, void *p_userdata) = 0; - virtual void texture_set_detect_normal_callback(RID p_texture, RS::TextureDetectCallback p_callback, void *p_userdata) = 0; - virtual void texture_set_detect_roughness_callback(RID p_texture, RS::TextureDetectRoughnessCallback p_callback, void *p_userdata) = 0; - - virtual void texture_debug_usage(List<RS::TextureInfo> *r_info) = 0; - - virtual void texture_set_force_redraw_if_visible(RID p_texture, bool p_enable) = 0; - - virtual Size2 texture_size_with_proxy(RID p_proxy) = 0; - - virtual void texture_add_to_decal_atlas(RID p_texture, bool p_panorama_to_dp = false) = 0; - virtual void texture_remove_from_decal_atlas(RID p_texture, bool p_panorama_to_dp = false) = 0; - - /* CANVAS TEXTURE API */ - - virtual RID canvas_texture_create() = 0; - virtual void canvas_texture_set_channel(RID p_canvas_texture, RS::CanvasTextureChannel p_channel, RID p_texture) = 0; - virtual void canvas_texture_set_shading_parameters(RID p_canvas_texture, const Color &p_base_color, float p_shininess) = 0; - - virtual void canvas_texture_set_texture_filter(RID p_item, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_filter) = 0; - virtual void canvas_texture_set_texture_repeat(RID p_item, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_repeat) = 0; - - /* SHADER API */ - - virtual RID shader_create() = 0; - - virtual void shader_set_code(RID p_shader, const String &p_code) = 0; - virtual String shader_get_code(RID p_shader) const = 0; - virtual void shader_get_param_list(RID p_shader, List<PropertyInfo> *p_param_list) const = 0; - - virtual void shader_set_default_texture_param(RID p_shader, const StringName &p_name, RID p_texture) = 0; - virtual RID shader_get_default_texture_param(RID p_shader, const StringName &p_name) const = 0; - virtual Variant shader_get_param_default(RID p_material, const StringName &p_param) const = 0; - - /* COMMON MATERIAL API */ - - virtual RID material_create() = 0; - - virtual void material_set_render_priority(RID p_material, int priority) = 0; - virtual void material_set_shader(RID p_shader_material, RID p_shader) = 0; - - virtual void material_set_param(RID p_material, const StringName &p_param, const Variant &p_value) = 0; - virtual Variant material_get_param(RID p_material, const StringName &p_param) const = 0; - - virtual void material_set_next_pass(RID p_material, RID p_next_material) = 0; - - virtual bool material_is_animated(RID p_material) = 0; - virtual bool material_casts_shadows(RID p_material) = 0; - - struct InstanceShaderParam { - PropertyInfo info; - int index; - Variant default_value; - }; - - virtual void material_get_instance_shader_parameters(RID p_material, List<InstanceShaderParam> *r_parameters) = 0; - - virtual void material_update_dependency(RID p_material, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance) = 0; - - /* MESH API */ - - virtual RID mesh_create() = 0; - - /// Returns stride - virtual void mesh_add_surface(RID p_mesh, const RS::SurfaceData &p_surface) = 0; - - virtual int mesh_get_blend_shape_count(RID p_mesh) const = 0; - - virtual void mesh_set_blend_shape_mode(RID p_mesh, RS::BlendShapeMode p_mode) = 0; - virtual RS::BlendShapeMode mesh_get_blend_shape_mode(RID p_mesh) const = 0; - - virtual void mesh_surface_update_region(RID p_mesh, int p_surface, int p_offset, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data) = 0; - - virtual void mesh_surface_set_material(RID p_mesh, int p_surface, RID p_material) = 0; - virtual RID mesh_surface_get_material(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) const = 0; - - virtual RS::SurfaceData mesh_get_surface(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) const = 0; - - virtual int mesh_get_surface_count(RID p_mesh) const = 0; - - virtual void mesh_set_custom_aabb(RID p_mesh, const AABB &p_aabb) = 0; - virtual AABB mesh_get_custom_aabb(RID p_mesh) const = 0; - - virtual AABB mesh_get_aabb(RID p_mesh, RID p_skeleton = RID()) = 0; - - virtual void mesh_clear(RID p_mesh) = 0; - - /* MULTIMESH API */ - - virtual RID multimesh_create() = 0; - - virtual void multimesh_allocate(RID p_multimesh, int p_instances, RS::MultimeshTransformFormat p_transform_format, bool p_use_colors = false, bool p_use_custom_data = false) = 0; - - virtual int multimesh_get_instance_count(RID p_multimesh) const = 0; - - virtual void multimesh_set_mesh(RID p_multimesh, RID p_mesh) = 0; - virtual void multimesh_instance_set_transform(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Transform &p_transform) = 0; - virtual void multimesh_instance_set_transform_2d(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Transform2D &p_transform) = 0; - virtual void multimesh_instance_set_color(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Color &p_color) = 0; - virtual void multimesh_instance_set_custom_data(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Color &p_color) = 0; - - virtual RID multimesh_get_mesh(RID p_multimesh) const = 0; - - virtual Transform multimesh_instance_get_transform(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const = 0; - virtual Transform2D multimesh_instance_get_transform_2d(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const = 0; - virtual Color multimesh_instance_get_color(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const = 0; - virtual Color multimesh_instance_get_custom_data(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const = 0; - - virtual void multimesh_set_buffer(RID p_multimesh, const Vector<float> &p_buffer) = 0; - virtual Vector<float> multimesh_get_buffer(RID p_multimesh) const = 0; - - virtual void multimesh_set_visible_instances(RID p_multimesh, int p_visible) = 0; - virtual int multimesh_get_visible_instances(RID p_multimesh) const = 0; - - virtual AABB multimesh_get_aabb(RID p_multimesh) const = 0; - - /* IMMEDIATE API */ - - virtual RID immediate_create() = 0; - virtual void immediate_begin(RID p_immediate, RS::PrimitiveType p_rimitive, RID p_texture = RID()) = 0; - virtual void immediate_vertex(RID p_immediate, const Vector3 &p_vertex) = 0; - virtual void immediate_normal(RID p_immediate, const Vector3 &p_normal) = 0; - virtual void immediate_tangent(RID p_immediate, const Plane &p_tangent) = 0; - virtual void immediate_color(RID p_immediate, const Color &p_color) = 0; - virtual void immediate_uv(RID p_immediate, const Vector2 &tex_uv) = 0; - virtual void immediate_uv2(RID p_immediate, const Vector2 &tex_uv) = 0; - virtual void immediate_end(RID p_immediate) = 0; - virtual void immediate_clear(RID p_immediate) = 0; - virtual void immediate_set_material(RID p_immediate, RID p_material) = 0; - virtual RID immediate_get_material(RID p_immediate) const = 0; - virtual AABB immediate_get_aabb(RID p_immediate) const = 0; - - /* SKELETON API */ - - virtual RID skeleton_create() = 0; - virtual void skeleton_allocate(RID p_skeleton, int p_bones, bool p_2d_skeleton = false) = 0; - virtual int skeleton_get_bone_count(RID p_skeleton) const = 0; - virtual void skeleton_bone_set_transform(RID p_skeleton, int p_bone, const Transform &p_transform) = 0; - virtual Transform skeleton_bone_get_transform(RID p_skeleton, int p_bone) const = 0; - virtual void skeleton_bone_set_transform_2d(RID p_skeleton, int p_bone, const Transform2D &p_transform) = 0; - virtual Transform2D skeleton_bone_get_transform_2d(RID p_skeleton, int p_bone) const = 0; - virtual void skeleton_set_base_transform_2d(RID p_skeleton, const Transform2D &p_base_transform) = 0; - - /* Light API */ - - virtual RID light_create(RS::LightType p_type) = 0; - - RID directional_light_create() { return light_create(RS::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL); } - RID omni_light_create() { return light_create(RS::LIGHT_OMNI); } - RID spot_light_create() { return light_create(RS::LIGHT_SPOT); } - - virtual void light_set_color(RID p_light, const Color &p_color) = 0; - virtual void light_set_param(RID p_light, RS::LightParam p_param, float p_value) = 0; - virtual void light_set_shadow(RID p_light, bool p_enabled) = 0; - virtual void light_set_shadow_color(RID p_light, const Color &p_color) = 0; - virtual void light_set_projector(RID p_light, RID p_texture) = 0; - virtual void light_set_negative(RID p_light, bool p_enable) = 0; - virtual void light_set_cull_mask(RID p_light, uint32_t p_mask) = 0; - virtual void light_set_reverse_cull_face_mode(RID p_light, bool p_enabled) = 0; - virtual void light_set_bake_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightBakeMode p_bake_mode) = 0; - virtual void light_set_max_sdfgi_cascade(RID p_light, uint32_t p_cascade) = 0; - - virtual void light_omni_set_shadow_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightOmniShadowMode p_mode) = 0; - - virtual void light_directional_set_shadow_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightDirectionalShadowMode p_mode) = 0; - virtual void light_directional_set_blend_splits(RID p_light, bool p_enable) = 0; - virtual bool light_directional_get_blend_splits(RID p_light) const = 0; - virtual void light_directional_set_sky_only(RID p_light, bool p_sky_only) = 0; - virtual bool light_directional_is_sky_only(RID p_light) const = 0; - virtual void light_directional_set_shadow_depth_range_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightDirectionalShadowDepthRangeMode p_range_mode) = 0; - virtual RS::LightDirectionalShadowDepthRangeMode light_directional_get_shadow_depth_range_mode(RID p_light) const = 0; - - virtual RS::LightDirectionalShadowMode light_directional_get_shadow_mode(RID p_light) = 0; - virtual RS::LightOmniShadowMode light_omni_get_shadow_mode(RID p_light) = 0; - - virtual bool light_has_shadow(RID p_light) const = 0; - - virtual RS::LightType light_get_type(RID p_light) const = 0; - virtual AABB light_get_aabb(RID p_light) const = 0; - virtual float light_get_param(RID p_light, RS::LightParam p_param) = 0; - virtual Color light_get_color(RID p_light) = 0; - virtual RS::LightBakeMode light_get_bake_mode(RID p_light) = 0; - virtual uint32_t light_get_max_sdfgi_cascade(RID p_light) = 0; - virtual uint64_t light_get_version(RID p_light) const = 0; - - /* PROBE API */ - - virtual RID reflection_probe_create() = 0; - - virtual void reflection_probe_set_update_mode(RID p_probe, RS::ReflectionProbeUpdateMode p_mode) = 0; - virtual void reflection_probe_set_resolution(RID p_probe, int p_resolution) = 0; - virtual void reflection_probe_set_intensity(RID p_probe, float p_intensity) = 0; - virtual void reflection_probe_set_ambient_mode(RID p_probe, RS::ReflectionProbeAmbientMode p_mode) = 0; - virtual void reflection_probe_set_ambient_color(RID p_probe, const Color &p_color) = 0; - virtual void reflection_probe_set_ambient_energy(RID p_probe, float p_energy) = 0; - virtual void reflection_probe_set_max_distance(RID p_probe, float p_distance) = 0; - virtual void reflection_probe_set_extents(RID p_probe, const Vector3 &p_extents) = 0; - virtual void reflection_probe_set_origin_offset(RID p_probe, const Vector3 &p_offset) = 0; - virtual void reflection_probe_set_as_interior(RID p_probe, bool p_enable) = 0; - virtual void reflection_probe_set_enable_box_projection(RID p_probe, bool p_enable) = 0; - virtual void reflection_probe_set_enable_shadows(RID p_probe, bool p_enable) = 0; - virtual void reflection_probe_set_cull_mask(RID p_probe, uint32_t p_layers) = 0; - - virtual AABB reflection_probe_get_aabb(RID p_probe) const = 0; - virtual RS::ReflectionProbeUpdateMode reflection_probe_get_update_mode(RID p_probe) const = 0; - virtual uint32_t reflection_probe_get_cull_mask(RID p_probe) const = 0; - virtual Vector3 reflection_probe_get_extents(RID p_probe) const = 0; - virtual Vector3 reflection_probe_get_origin_offset(RID p_probe) const = 0; - virtual float reflection_probe_get_origin_max_distance(RID p_probe) const = 0; - virtual bool reflection_probe_renders_shadows(RID p_probe) const = 0; - - virtual void base_update_dependency(RID p_base, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance) = 0; - virtual void skeleton_update_dependency(RID p_base, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance) = 0; - - /* DECAL API */ - - virtual RID decal_create() = 0; - virtual void decal_set_extents(RID p_decal, const Vector3 &p_extents) = 0; - virtual void decal_set_texture(RID p_decal, RS::DecalTexture p_type, RID p_texture) = 0; - virtual void decal_set_emission_energy(RID p_decal, float p_energy) = 0; - virtual void decal_set_albedo_mix(RID p_decal, float p_mix) = 0; - virtual void decal_set_modulate(RID p_decal, const Color &p_modulate) = 0; - virtual void decal_set_cull_mask(RID p_decal, uint32_t p_layers) = 0; - virtual void decal_set_distance_fade(RID p_decal, bool p_enabled, float p_begin, float p_length) = 0; - virtual void decal_set_fade(RID p_decal, float p_above, float p_below) = 0; - virtual void decal_set_normal_fade(RID p_decal, float p_fade) = 0; - - virtual AABB decal_get_aabb(RID p_decal) const = 0; - - /* GI PROBE API */ - - virtual RID gi_probe_create() = 0; - - virtual void gi_probe_allocate(RID p_gi_probe, const Transform &p_to_cell_xform, const AABB &p_aabb, const Vector3i &p_octree_size, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_octree_cells, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data_cells, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_distance_field, const Vector<int> &p_level_counts) = 0; - - virtual AABB gi_probe_get_bounds(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; - virtual Vector3i gi_probe_get_octree_size(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; - virtual Vector<uint8_t> gi_probe_get_octree_cells(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; - virtual Vector<uint8_t> gi_probe_get_data_cells(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; - virtual Vector<uint8_t> gi_probe_get_distance_field(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; - - virtual Vector<int> gi_probe_get_level_counts(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; - virtual Transform gi_probe_get_to_cell_xform(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; - - virtual void gi_probe_set_dynamic_range(RID p_gi_probe, float p_range) = 0; - virtual float gi_probe_get_dynamic_range(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; - - virtual void gi_probe_set_propagation(RID p_gi_probe, float p_range) = 0; - virtual float gi_probe_get_propagation(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; - - virtual void gi_probe_set_energy(RID p_gi_probe, float p_energy) = 0; - virtual float gi_probe_get_energy(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; - - virtual void gi_probe_set_ao(RID p_gi_probe, float p_ao) = 0; - virtual float gi_probe_get_ao(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; - - virtual void gi_probe_set_ao_size(RID p_gi_probe, float p_strength) = 0; - virtual float gi_probe_get_ao_size(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; - - virtual void gi_probe_set_bias(RID p_gi_probe, float p_bias) = 0; - virtual float gi_probe_get_bias(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; - - virtual void gi_probe_set_normal_bias(RID p_gi_probe, float p_range) = 0; - virtual float gi_probe_get_normal_bias(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; - - virtual void gi_probe_set_interior(RID p_gi_probe, bool p_enable) = 0; - virtual bool gi_probe_is_interior(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; - - virtual void gi_probe_set_use_two_bounces(RID p_gi_probe, bool p_enable) = 0; - virtual bool gi_probe_is_using_two_bounces(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; - - virtual void gi_probe_set_anisotropy_strength(RID p_gi_probe, float p_strength) = 0; - virtual float gi_probe_get_anisotropy_strength(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; - - virtual uint32_t gi_probe_get_version(RID p_probe) = 0; - - /* LIGHTMAP CAPTURE */ - - virtual RID lightmap_create() = 0; - - virtual void lightmap_set_textures(RID p_lightmap, RID p_light, bool p_uses_spherical_haromics) = 0; - virtual void lightmap_set_probe_bounds(RID p_lightmap, const AABB &p_bounds) = 0; - virtual void lightmap_set_probe_interior(RID p_lightmap, bool p_interior) = 0; - virtual void lightmap_set_probe_capture_data(RID p_lightmap, const PackedVector3Array &p_points, const PackedColorArray &p_point_sh, const PackedInt32Array &p_tetrahedra, const PackedInt32Array &p_bsp_tree) = 0; - virtual PackedVector3Array lightmap_get_probe_capture_points(RID p_lightmap) const = 0; - virtual PackedColorArray lightmap_get_probe_capture_sh(RID p_lightmap) const = 0; - virtual PackedInt32Array lightmap_get_probe_capture_tetrahedra(RID p_lightmap) const = 0; - virtual PackedInt32Array lightmap_get_probe_capture_bsp_tree(RID p_lightmap) const = 0; - virtual AABB lightmap_get_aabb(RID p_lightmap) const = 0; - virtual void lightmap_tap_sh_light(RID p_lightmap, const Vector3 &p_point, Color *r_sh) = 0; - virtual bool lightmap_is_interior(RID p_lightmap) const = 0; - virtual void lightmap_set_probe_capture_update_speed(float p_speed) = 0; - virtual float lightmap_get_probe_capture_update_speed() const = 0; - - /* PARTICLES */ - - virtual RID particles_create() = 0; - - virtual void particles_set_emitting(RID p_particles, bool p_emitting) = 0; - virtual bool particles_get_emitting(RID p_particles) = 0; - - virtual void particles_set_amount(RID p_particles, int p_amount) = 0; - virtual void particles_set_lifetime(RID p_particles, float p_lifetime) = 0; - virtual void particles_set_one_shot(RID p_particles, bool p_one_shot) = 0; - virtual void particles_set_pre_process_time(RID p_particles, float p_time) = 0; - virtual void particles_set_explosiveness_ratio(RID p_particles, float p_ratio) = 0; - virtual void particles_set_randomness_ratio(RID p_particles, float p_ratio) = 0; - virtual void particles_set_custom_aabb(RID p_particles, const AABB &p_aabb) = 0; - virtual void particles_set_speed_scale(RID p_particles, float p_scale) = 0; - virtual void particles_set_use_local_coordinates(RID p_particles, bool p_enable) = 0; - virtual void particles_set_process_material(RID p_particles, RID p_material) = 0; - virtual void particles_set_fixed_fps(RID p_particles, int p_fps) = 0; - virtual void particles_set_fractional_delta(RID p_particles, bool p_enable) = 0; - virtual void particles_set_collision_base_size(RID p_particles, float p_size) = 0; - virtual void particles_restart(RID p_particles) = 0; - virtual void particles_emit(RID p_particles, const Transform &p_transform, const Vector3 &p_velocity, const Color &p_color, const Color &p_custom, uint32_t p_emit_flags) = 0; - virtual void particles_set_subemitter(RID p_particles, RID p_subemitter_particles) = 0; - - virtual bool particles_is_inactive(RID p_particles) const = 0; - - virtual void particles_set_draw_order(RID p_particles, RS::ParticlesDrawOrder p_order) = 0; - - virtual void particles_set_draw_passes(RID p_particles, int p_count) = 0; - virtual void particles_set_draw_pass_mesh(RID p_particles, int p_pass, RID p_mesh) = 0; - - virtual void particles_request_process(RID p_particles) = 0; - virtual AABB particles_get_current_aabb(RID p_particles) = 0; - virtual AABB particles_get_aabb(RID p_particles) const = 0; - - virtual void particles_set_emission_transform(RID p_particles, const Transform &p_transform) = 0; - - virtual int particles_get_draw_passes(RID p_particles) const = 0; - virtual RID particles_get_draw_pass_mesh(RID p_particles, int p_pass) const = 0; - - virtual void particles_set_view_axis(RID p_particles, const Vector3 &p_axis) = 0; - - virtual void particles_add_collision(RID p_particles, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance) = 0; - virtual void particles_remove_collision(RID p_particles, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance) = 0; - - virtual void update_particles() = 0; - - /* PARTICLES COLLISION */ - - virtual RID particles_collision_create() = 0; - virtual void particles_collision_set_collision_type(RID p_particles_collision, RS::ParticlesCollisionType p_type) = 0; - virtual void particles_collision_set_cull_mask(RID p_particles_collision, uint32_t p_cull_mask) = 0; - virtual void particles_collision_set_sphere_radius(RID p_particles_collision, float p_radius) = 0; //for spheres - virtual void particles_collision_set_box_extents(RID p_particles_collision, const Vector3 &p_extents) = 0; //for non-spheres - virtual void particles_collision_set_attractor_strength(RID p_particles_collision, float p_strength) = 0; - virtual void particles_collision_set_attractor_directionality(RID p_particles_collision, float p_directionality) = 0; - virtual void particles_collision_set_attractor_attenuation(RID p_particles_collision, float p_curve) = 0; - virtual void particles_collision_set_field_texture(RID p_particles_collision, RID p_texture) = 0; //for SDF and vector field, heightfield is dynamic - virtual void particles_collision_height_field_update(RID p_particles_collision) = 0; //for SDF and vector field - virtual void particles_collision_set_height_field_resolution(RID p_particles_collision, RS::ParticlesCollisionHeightfieldResolution p_resolution) = 0; //for SDF and vector field - virtual AABB particles_collision_get_aabb(RID p_particles_collision) const = 0; - virtual bool particles_collision_is_heightfield(RID p_particles_collision) const = 0; - virtual RID particles_collision_get_heightfield_framebuffer(RID p_particles_collision) const = 0; - - /* GLOBAL VARIABLES */ - - virtual void global_variable_add(const StringName &p_name, RS::GlobalVariableType p_type, const Variant &p_value) = 0; - virtual void global_variable_remove(const StringName &p_name) = 0; - virtual Vector<StringName> global_variable_get_list() const = 0; - - virtual void global_variable_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) = 0; - virtual void global_variable_set_override(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) = 0; - virtual Variant global_variable_get(const StringName &p_name) const = 0; - virtual RS::GlobalVariableType global_variable_get_type(const StringName &p_name) const = 0; - - virtual void global_variables_load_settings(bool p_load_textures = true) = 0; - virtual void global_variables_clear() = 0; - - virtual int32_t global_variables_instance_allocate(RID p_instance) = 0; - virtual void global_variables_instance_free(RID p_instance) = 0; - virtual void global_variables_instance_update(RID p_instance, int p_index, const Variant &p_value) = 0; - - /* RENDER TARGET */ - - enum RenderTargetFlags { - RENDER_TARGET_TRANSPARENT, - RENDER_TARGET_DIRECT_TO_SCREEN, - RENDER_TARGET_FLAG_MAX - }; - - virtual RID render_target_create() = 0; - virtual void render_target_set_position(RID p_render_target, int p_x, int p_y) = 0; - virtual void render_target_set_size(RID p_render_target, int p_width, int p_height) = 0; - virtual RID render_target_get_texture(RID p_render_target) = 0; - virtual void render_target_set_external_texture(RID p_render_target, unsigned int p_texture_id) = 0; - virtual void render_target_set_flag(RID p_render_target, RenderTargetFlags p_flag, bool p_value) = 0; - virtual bool render_target_was_used(RID p_render_target) = 0; - virtual void render_target_set_as_unused(RID p_render_target) = 0; - - virtual void render_target_request_clear(RID p_render_target, const Color &p_clear_color) = 0; - virtual bool render_target_is_clear_requested(RID p_render_target) = 0; - virtual Color render_target_get_clear_request_color(RID p_render_target) = 0; - virtual void render_target_disable_clear_request(RID p_render_target) = 0; - virtual void render_target_do_clear_request(RID p_render_target) = 0; - - virtual void render_target_set_sdf_size_and_scale(RID p_render_target, RS::ViewportSDFOversize p_size, RS::ViewportSDFScale p_scale) = 0; - virtual Rect2i render_target_get_sdf_rect(RID p_render_target) const = 0; - - virtual RS::InstanceType get_base_type(RID p_rid) const = 0; - virtual bool free(RID p_rid) = 0; - - virtual bool has_os_feature(const String &p_feature) const = 0; - - virtual void update_dirty_resources() = 0; - - virtual void set_debug_generate_wireframes(bool p_generate) = 0; - - virtual void render_info_begin_capture() = 0; - virtual void render_info_end_capture() = 0; - virtual int get_captured_render_info(RS::RenderInfo p_info) = 0; - - virtual int get_render_info(RS::RenderInfo p_info) = 0; - virtual String get_video_adapter_name() const = 0; - virtual String get_video_adapter_vendor() const = 0; - - static RasterizerStorage *base_singleton; - - void set_default_clear_color(const Color &p_color) { - default_clear_color = p_color; - } - - Color get_default_clear_color() const { - return default_clear_color; - } -#define TIMESTAMP_BEGIN() \ - { \ - if (RSG::storage->capturing_timestamps) \ - RSG::storage->capture_timestamps_begin(); \ - } - -#define RENDER_TIMESTAMP(m_text) \ - { \ - if (RSG::storage->capturing_timestamps) \ - RSG::storage->capture_timestamp(m_text); \ - } - - bool capturing_timestamps = false; - - virtual void capture_timestamps_begin() = 0; - virtual void capture_timestamp(const String &p_name) = 0; - virtual uint32_t get_captured_timestamps_count() const = 0; - virtual uint64_t get_captured_timestamps_frame() const = 0; - virtual uint64_t get_captured_timestamp_gpu_time(uint32_t p_index) const = 0; - virtual uint64_t get_captured_timestamp_cpu_time(uint32_t p_index) const = 0; - virtual String get_captured_timestamp_name(uint32_t p_index) const = 0; - - RasterizerStorage(); - virtual ~RasterizerStorage() {} -}; - -class RasterizerCanvas { -public: - static RasterizerCanvas *singleton; - - enum CanvasRectFlags { - CANVAS_RECT_REGION = 1, - CANVAS_RECT_TILE = 2, - CANVAS_RECT_FLIP_H = 4, - CANVAS_RECT_FLIP_V = 8, - CANVAS_RECT_TRANSPOSE = 16, - CANVAS_RECT_CLIP_UV = 32, - CANVAS_RECT_IS_GROUP = 64, - }; - - struct Light { - bool enabled; - Color color; - Transform2D xform; - float height; - float energy; - float scale; - int z_min; - int z_max; - int layer_min; - int layer_max; - int item_mask; - int item_shadow_mask; - float directional_distance; - RS::CanvasLightMode mode; - RS::CanvasLightBlendMode blend_mode; - RID texture; - Vector2 texture_offset; - RID canvas; - bool use_shadow; - int shadow_buffer_size; - RS::CanvasLightShadowFilter shadow_filter; - Color shadow_color; - float shadow_smooth; - - //void *texture_cache; // implementation dependent - Rect2 rect_cache; - Transform2D xform_cache; - float radius_cache; //used for shadow far plane - //CameraMatrix shadow_matrix_cache; - - Transform2D light_shader_xform; - //Vector2 light_shader_pos; - - Light *shadows_next_ptr; - Light *filter_next_ptr; - Light *next_ptr; - Light *directional_next_ptr; - - RID light_internal; - uint64_t version; - - int32_t render_index_cache; - - Light() { - version = 0; - enabled = true; - color = Color(1, 1, 1); - shadow_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0); - height = 0; - z_min = -1024; - z_max = 1024; - layer_min = 0; - layer_max = 0; - item_mask = 1; - scale = 1.0; - energy = 1.0; - item_shadow_mask = 1; - mode = RS::CANVAS_LIGHT_MODE_POINT; - blend_mode = RS::CANVAS_LIGHT_BLEND_MODE_ADD; - // texture_cache = nullptr; - next_ptr = nullptr; - directional_next_ptr = nullptr; - filter_next_ptr = nullptr; - use_shadow = false; - shadow_buffer_size = 2048; - shadow_filter = RS::CANVAS_LIGHT_FILTER_NONE; - shadow_smooth = 0.0; - render_index_cache = -1; - directional_distance = 10000.0; - } - }; - - //easier wrap to avoid mistakes - - struct Item; - - typedef uint64_t PolygonID; - virtual PolygonID request_polygon(const Vector<int> &p_indices, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs = Vector<Point2>(), const Vector<int> &p_bones = Vector<int>(), const Vector<float> &p_weights = Vector<float>()) = 0; - virtual void free_polygon(PolygonID p_polygon) = 0; - - //also easier to wrap to avoid mistakes - struct Polygon { - PolygonID polygon_id; - Rect2 rect_cache; - - _FORCE_INLINE_ void create(const Vector<int> &p_indices, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs = Vector<Point2>(), const Vector<int> &p_bones = Vector<int>(), const Vector<float> &p_weights = Vector<float>()) { - ERR_FAIL_COND(polygon_id != 0); - { - uint32_t pc = p_points.size(); - const Vector2 *v2 = p_points.ptr(); - rect_cache.position = *v2; - for (uint32_t i = 1; i < pc; i++) { - rect_cache.expand_to(v2[i]); - } - } - polygon_id = singleton->request_polygon(p_indices, p_points, p_colors, p_uvs, p_bones, p_weights); - } - - _FORCE_INLINE_ Polygon() { polygon_id = 0; } - _FORCE_INLINE_ ~Polygon() { - if (polygon_id) { - singleton->free_polygon(polygon_id); - } - } - }; - - //item - - struct Item { - //commands are allocated in blocks of 4k to improve performance - //and cache coherence. - //blocks always grow but never shrink. - - struct CommandBlock { - enum { - MAX_SIZE = 4096 - }; - uint32_t usage; - uint8_t *memory; - }; - - struct Command { - enum Type { - TYPE_RECT, - TYPE_NINEPATCH, - TYPE_POLYGON, - TYPE_PRIMITIVE, - TYPE_MESH, - TYPE_MULTIMESH, - TYPE_PARTICLES, - TYPE_TRANSFORM, - TYPE_CLIP_IGNORE, - }; - - Command *next; - Type type; - virtual ~Command() {} - }; - - struct CommandRect : public Command { - Rect2 rect; - Color modulate; - Rect2 source; - uint8_t flags; - - RID texture; - - CommandRect() { - flags = 0; - type = TYPE_RECT; - } - }; - - struct CommandNinePatch : public Command { - Rect2 rect; - Rect2 source; - float margin[4]; - bool draw_center; - Color color; - RS::NinePatchAxisMode axis_x; - RS::NinePatchAxisMode axis_y; - - RID texture; - - CommandNinePatch() { - draw_center = true; - type = TYPE_NINEPATCH; - } - }; - - struct CommandPolygon : public Command { - RS::PrimitiveType primitive; - Polygon polygon; - - RID texture; - - CommandPolygon() { - type = TYPE_POLYGON; - } - }; - - struct CommandPrimitive : public Command { - uint32_t point_count; - Vector2 points[4]; - Vector2 uvs[4]; - Color colors[4]; - - RID texture; - - CommandPrimitive() { - type = TYPE_PRIMITIVE; - } - }; - - struct CommandMesh : public Command { - RID mesh; - Transform2D transform; - Color modulate; - - RID texture; - - CommandMesh() { type = TYPE_MESH; } - }; - - struct CommandMultiMesh : public Command { - RID multimesh; - - RID texture; - - CommandMultiMesh() { type = TYPE_MULTIMESH; } - }; - - struct CommandParticles : public Command { - RID particles; - - RID texture; - - CommandParticles() { type = TYPE_PARTICLES; } - }; - - struct CommandTransform : public Command { - Transform2D xform; - CommandTransform() { type = TYPE_TRANSFORM; } - }; - - struct CommandClipIgnore : public Command { - bool ignore; - CommandClipIgnore() { - type = TYPE_CLIP_IGNORE; - ignore = false; - } - }; - - struct ViewportRender { - RenderingServer *owner; - void *udata; - Rect2 rect; - }; - - Transform2D xform; - bool clip; - bool visible; - bool behind; - bool update_when_visible; - - struct CanvasGroup { - RS::CanvasGroupMode mode; - bool fit_empty; - float fit_margin; - bool blur_mipmaps; - float clear_margin; - }; - - CanvasGroup *canvas_group = nullptr; - int light_mask; - int z_final; - - mutable bool custom_rect; - mutable bool rect_dirty; - mutable Rect2 rect; - RID material; - RID skeleton; - - Item *next; - - struct CopyBackBuffer { - Rect2 rect; - Rect2 screen_rect; - bool full; - }; - CopyBackBuffer *copy_back_buffer; - - Color final_modulate; - Transform2D final_transform; - Rect2 final_clip_rect; - Item *final_clip_owner; - Item *material_owner; - Item *canvas_group_owner; - ViewportRender *vp_render; - bool distance_field; - bool light_masked; - - Rect2 global_rect_cache; - - const Rect2 &get_rect() const { - if (custom_rect || (!rect_dirty && !update_when_visible)) { - return rect; - } - - //must update rect - - if (commands == nullptr) { - rect = Rect2(); - rect_dirty = false; - return rect; - } - - Transform2D xf; - bool found_xform = false; - bool first = true; - - const Item::Command *c = commands; - - while (c) { - Rect2 r; - - switch (c->type) { - case Item::Command::TYPE_RECT: { - const Item::CommandRect *crect = static_cast<const Item::CommandRect *>(c); - r = crect->rect; - - } break; - case Item::Command::TYPE_NINEPATCH: { - const Item::CommandNinePatch *style = static_cast<const Item::CommandNinePatch *>(c); - r = style->rect; - } break; - - case Item::Command::TYPE_POLYGON: { - const Item::CommandPolygon *polygon = static_cast<const Item::CommandPolygon *>(c); - r = polygon->polygon.rect_cache; - } break; - case Item::Command::TYPE_PRIMITIVE: { - const Item::CommandPrimitive *primitive = static_cast<const Item::CommandPrimitive *>(c); - for (uint32_t j = 0; j < primitive->point_count; j++) { - if (j == 0) { - r.position = primitive->points[0]; - } else { - r.expand_to(primitive->points[j]); - } - } - } break; - case Item::Command::TYPE_MESH: { - const Item::CommandMesh *mesh = static_cast<const Item::CommandMesh *>(c); - AABB aabb = RasterizerStorage::base_singleton->mesh_get_aabb(mesh->mesh, RID()); - - r = Rect2(aabb.position.x, aabb.position.y, aabb.size.x, aabb.size.y); - - } break; - case Item::Command::TYPE_MULTIMESH: { - const Item::CommandMultiMesh *multimesh = static_cast<const Item::CommandMultiMesh *>(c); - AABB aabb = RasterizerStorage::base_singleton->multimesh_get_aabb(multimesh->multimesh); - - r = Rect2(aabb.position.x, aabb.position.y, aabb.size.x, aabb.size.y); - - } break; - case Item::Command::TYPE_PARTICLES: { - const Item::CommandParticles *particles_cmd = static_cast<const Item::CommandParticles *>(c); - if (particles_cmd->particles.is_valid()) { - AABB aabb = RasterizerStorage::base_singleton->particles_get_aabb(particles_cmd->particles); - r = Rect2(aabb.position.x, aabb.position.y, aabb.size.x, aabb.size.y); - } - - } break; - case Item::Command::TYPE_TRANSFORM: { - const Item::CommandTransform *transform = static_cast<const Item::CommandTransform *>(c); - xf = transform->xform; - found_xform = true; - [[fallthrough]]; - } - default: { - c = c->next; - continue; - } - } - - if (found_xform) { - r = xf.xform(r); - found_xform = false; - } - - if (first) { - rect = r; - first = false; - } else { - rect = rect.merge(r); - } - c = c->next; - } - - rect_dirty = false; - return rect; - } - - Command *commands; - Command *last_command; - Vector<CommandBlock> blocks; - uint32_t current_block; - - template <class T> - T *alloc_command() { - T *command; - if (commands == nullptr) { - // As the most common use case of canvas items is to - // use only one command, the first is done with it's - // own allocation. The rest of them use blocks. - command = memnew(T); - command->next = nullptr; - commands = command; - last_command = command; - } else { - //Subsequent commands go into a block. - - while (true) { - if (unlikely(current_block == (uint32_t)blocks.size())) { - // If we need more blocks, we allocate them - // (they won't be freed until this CanvasItem is - // deleted, though). - CommandBlock cb; - cb.memory = (uint8_t *)memalloc(CommandBlock::MAX_SIZE); - cb.usage = 0; - blocks.push_back(cb); - } - - CommandBlock *c = &blocks.write[current_block]; - size_t space_left = CommandBlock::MAX_SIZE - c->usage; - if (space_left < sizeof(T)) { - current_block++; - continue; - } - - //allocate block and add to the linked list - void *memory = c->memory + c->usage; - command = memnew_placement(memory, T); - command->next = nullptr; - last_command->next = command; - last_command = command; - c->usage += sizeof(T); - break; - } - } - - rect_dirty = true; - return command; - } - - void clear() { - // The first one is always allocated on heap - // the rest go in the blocks - Command *c = commands; - while (c) { - Command *n = c->next; - if (c == commands) { - memdelete(commands); - commands = nullptr; - } else { - c->~Command(); - } - c = n; - } - { - uint32_t cbc = MIN((current_block + 1), (uint32_t)blocks.size()); - CommandBlock *blockptr = blocks.ptrw(); - for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cbc; i++) { - blockptr[i].usage = 0; - } - } - - last_command = nullptr; - commands = nullptr; - current_block = 0; - clip = false; - rect_dirty = true; - final_clip_owner = nullptr; - material_owner = nullptr; - light_masked = false; - } - - RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter texture_filter; - RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat texture_repeat; - - Item() { - commands = nullptr; - last_command = nullptr; - current_block = 0; - light_mask = 1; - vp_render = nullptr; - next = nullptr; - final_clip_owner = nullptr; - canvas_group_owner = nullptr; - clip = false; - final_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 1); - visible = true; - rect_dirty = true; - custom_rect = false; - behind = false; - material_owner = nullptr; - copy_back_buffer = nullptr; - distance_field = false; - light_masked = false; - update_when_visible = false; - z_final = 0; - texture_filter = RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_DEFAULT; - texture_repeat = RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DEFAULT; - } - virtual ~Item() { - clear(); - for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++) { - memfree(blocks[i].memory); - } - if (copy_back_buffer) { - memdelete(copy_back_buffer); - } - } - }; - - virtual void canvas_render_items(RID p_to_render_target, Item *p_item_list, const Color &p_modulate, Light *p_light_list, Light *p_directional_list, const Transform2D &p_canvas_transform, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_default_filter, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_default_repeat, bool p_snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel, bool &r_sdf_used) = 0; - virtual void canvas_debug_viewport_shadows(Light *p_lights_with_shadow) = 0; - - struct LightOccluderInstance { - bool enabled; - RID canvas; - RID polygon; - RID occluder; - Rect2 aabb_cache; - Transform2D xform; - Transform2D xform_cache; - int light_mask; - bool sdf_collision; - RS::CanvasOccluderPolygonCullMode cull_cache; - - LightOccluderInstance *next; - - LightOccluderInstance() { - enabled = true; - sdf_collision = false; - next = nullptr; - light_mask = 1; - cull_cache = RS::CANVAS_OCCLUDER_POLYGON_CULL_DISABLED; - } - }; - - virtual RID light_create() = 0; - virtual void light_set_texture(RID p_rid, RID p_texture) = 0; - virtual void light_set_use_shadow(RID p_rid, bool p_enable) = 0; - virtual void light_update_shadow(RID p_rid, int p_shadow_index, const Transform2D &p_light_xform, int p_light_mask, float p_near, float p_far, LightOccluderInstance *p_occluders) = 0; - virtual void light_update_directional_shadow(RID p_rid, int p_shadow_index, const Transform2D &p_light_xform, int p_light_mask, float p_cull_distance, const Rect2 &p_clip_rect, LightOccluderInstance *p_occluders) = 0; - - virtual void render_sdf(RID p_render_target, LightOccluderInstance *p_occluders) = 0; - - virtual RID occluder_polygon_create() = 0; - virtual void occluder_polygon_set_shape(RID p_occluder, const Vector<Vector2> &p_points, bool p_closed) = 0; - virtual void occluder_polygon_set_cull_mode(RID p_occluder, RS::CanvasOccluderPolygonCullMode p_mode) = 0; - virtual void set_shadow_texture_size(int p_size) = 0; - - virtual void draw_window_margins(int *p_margins, RID *p_margin_textures) = 0; - - virtual bool free(RID p_rid) = 0; - virtual void update() = 0; - - RasterizerCanvas() { singleton = this; } - virtual ~RasterizerCanvas() {} -}; - -class Rasterizer { -protected: - static Rasterizer *(*_create_func)(); - -public: - static Rasterizer *create(); - - virtual RasterizerStorage *get_storage() = 0; - virtual RasterizerCanvas *get_canvas() = 0; - virtual RasterizerScene *get_scene() = 0; - - virtual void set_boot_image(const Ref<Image> &p_image, const Color &p_color, bool p_scale, bool p_use_filter = true) = 0; - - virtual void initialize() = 0; - virtual void begin_frame(double frame_step) = 0; - - struct BlitToScreen { - RID render_target; - Rect2i rect; - //lens distorted parameters for VR should go here - }; - - virtual void prepare_for_blitting_render_targets() = 0; - virtual void blit_render_targets_to_screen(DisplayServer::WindowID p_screen, const BlitToScreen *p_render_targets, int p_amount) = 0; - - virtual void end_frame(bool p_swap_buffers) = 0; - virtual void finalize() = 0; - virtual uint64_t get_frame_number() const = 0; - virtual float get_frame_delta_time() const = 0; - - virtual bool is_low_end() const = 0; - - virtual ~Rasterizer() {} -}; - -#endif // RASTERIZER_H diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_canvas.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_canvas_cull.cpp index 0e61d53866..a397ba4389 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_canvas.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_canvas_cull.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* rendering_server_canvas.cpp */ +/* renderer_canvas_cull.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,20 +28,20 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#include "rendering_server_canvas.h" +#include "renderer_canvas_cull.h" #include "core/math/geometry_2d.h" +#include "renderer_viewport.h" +#include "rendering_server_default.h" #include "rendering_server_globals.h" -#include "rendering_server_raster.h" -#include "rendering_server_viewport.h" static const int z_range = RS::CANVAS_ITEM_Z_MAX - RS::CANVAS_ITEM_Z_MIN + 1; -void RenderingServerCanvas::_render_canvas_item_tree(RID p_to_render_target, Canvas::ChildItem *p_child_items, int p_child_item_count, Item *p_canvas_item, const Transform2D &p_transform, const Rect2 &p_clip_rect, const Color &p_modulate, RasterizerCanvas::Light *p_lights, RasterizerCanvas::Light *p_directional_lights, RenderingServer::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_default_filter, RenderingServer::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_default_repeat, bool p_snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel) { +void RendererCanvasCull::_render_canvas_item_tree(RID p_to_render_target, Canvas::ChildItem *p_child_items, int p_child_item_count, Item *p_canvas_item, const Transform2D &p_transform, const Rect2 &p_clip_rect, const Color &p_modulate, RendererCanvasRender::Light *p_lights, RendererCanvasRender::Light *p_directional_lights, RenderingServer::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_default_filter, RenderingServer::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_default_repeat, bool p_snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel) { RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Cull CanvasItem Tree"); - memset(z_list, 0, z_range * sizeof(RasterizerCanvas::Item *)); - memset(z_last_list, 0, z_range * sizeof(RasterizerCanvas::Item *)); + memset(z_list, 0, z_range * sizeof(RendererCanvasRender::Item *)); + memset(z_last_list, 0, z_range * sizeof(RendererCanvasRender::Item *)); for (int i = 0; i < p_child_item_count; i++) { _cull_canvas_item(p_child_items[i].item, p_transform, p_clip_rect, Color(1, 1, 1, 1), 0, z_list, z_last_list, nullptr, nullptr); @@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::_render_canvas_item_tree(RID p_to_render_target, Can _cull_canvas_item(p_canvas_item, p_transform, p_clip_rect, Color(1, 1, 1, 1), 0, z_list, z_last_list, nullptr, nullptr); } - RasterizerCanvas::Item *list = nullptr; - RasterizerCanvas::Item *list_end = nullptr; + RendererCanvasRender::Item *list = nullptr; + RendererCanvasRender::Item *list_end = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < z_range; i++) { if (!z_list[i]) { @@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::_render_canvas_item_tree(RID p_to_render_target, Can } } -void _collect_ysort_children(RenderingServerCanvas::Item *p_canvas_item, Transform2D p_transform, RenderingServerCanvas::Item *p_material_owner, RenderingServerCanvas::Item **r_items, int &r_index) { +void _collect_ysort_children(RendererCanvasCull::Item *p_canvas_item, Transform2D p_transform, RendererCanvasCull::Item *p_material_owner, RendererCanvasCull::Item **r_items, int &r_index) { int child_item_count = p_canvas_item->child_items.size(); - RenderingServerCanvas::Item **child_items = p_canvas_item->child_items.ptrw(); + RendererCanvasCull::Item **child_items = p_canvas_item->child_items.ptrw(); for (int i = 0; i < child_item_count; i++) { if (child_items[i]->visible) { if (r_items) { @@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ void _collect_ysort_children(RenderingServerCanvas::Item *p_canvas_item, Transfo } } -void _mark_ysort_dirty(RenderingServerCanvas::Item *ysort_owner, RID_PtrOwner<RenderingServerCanvas::Item> &canvas_item_owner) { +void _mark_ysort_dirty(RendererCanvasCull::Item *ysort_owner, RID_PtrOwner<RendererCanvasCull::Item> &canvas_item_owner) { do { ysort_owner->ysort_children_count = -1; ysort_owner = canvas_item_owner.owns(ysort_owner->parent) ? canvas_item_owner.getornull(ysort_owner->parent) : nullptr; } while (ysort_owner && ysort_owner->sort_y); } -void RenderingServerCanvas::_cull_canvas_item(Item *p_canvas_item, const Transform2D &p_transform, const Rect2 &p_clip_rect, const Color &p_modulate, int p_z, RasterizerCanvas::Item **z_list, RasterizerCanvas::Item **z_last_list, Item *p_canvas_clip, Item *p_material_owner) { +void RendererCanvasCull::_cull_canvas_item(Item *p_canvas_item, const Transform2D &p_transform, const Rect2 &p_clip_rect, const Color &p_modulate, int p_z, RendererCanvasRender::Item **z_list, RendererCanvasRender::Item **z_last_list, Item *p_canvas_clip, Item *p_material_owner) { Item *ci = p_canvas_item; if (!ci->visible) { @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::_cull_canvas_item(Item *p_canvas_item, const Transfo p_z = ci->z_index; } - RasterizerCanvas::Item *canvas_group_from = nullptr; + RendererCanvasRender::Item *canvas_group_from = nullptr; bool use_canvas_group = ci->canvas_group != nullptr && (ci->canvas_group->fit_empty || ci->commands != nullptr); if (use_canvas_group) { int zidx = p_z - RS::CANVAS_ITEM_Z_MIN; @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::_cull_canvas_item(Item *p_canvas_item, const Transfo //compute a global rect (in global coords) for children in the same z layer Rect2 rect_accum; - RasterizerCanvas::Item *c = canvas_group_from; + RendererCanvasRender::Item *c = canvas_group_from; while (c) { if (c == canvas_group_from) { rect_accum = c->global_rect_cache; @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::_cull_canvas_item(Item *p_canvas_item, const Transfo // We have two choices now, if user has drawn something, we must assume users wants to draw the "mask", so compute the size based on this. // If nothing has been drawn, we just take it over and draw it ourselves. if (ci->canvas_group->fit_empty && (ci->commands == nullptr || - (ci->commands->next == nullptr && ci->commands->type == Item::Command::TYPE_RECT && (static_cast<Item::CommandRect *>(ci->commands)->flags & RasterizerCanvas::CANVAS_RECT_IS_GROUP)))) { + (ci->commands->next == nullptr && ci->commands->type == Item::Command::TYPE_RECT && (static_cast<Item::CommandRect *>(ci->commands)->flags & RendererCanvasRender::CANVAS_RECT_IS_GROUP)))) { // No commands, or sole command is the one used to draw, so we (re)create the draw command. ci->clear(); @@ -238,9 +238,9 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::_cull_canvas_item(Item *p_canvas_item, const Transfo rect_accum = rect_accum.grow(ci->canvas_group->fit_margin); //draw it? - RasterizerCanvas::Item::CommandRect *crect = ci->alloc_command<RasterizerCanvas::Item::CommandRect>(); + RendererCanvasRender::Item::CommandRect *crect = ci->alloc_command<RendererCanvasRender::Item::CommandRect>(); - crect->flags = RasterizerCanvas::CANVAS_RECT_IS_GROUP; // so we can recognize it later + crect->flags = RendererCanvasRender::CANVAS_RECT_IS_GROUP; // so we can recognize it later crect->rect = xform.affine_inverse().xform(rect_accum); crect->modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 1); @@ -256,14 +256,14 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::_cull_canvas_item(Item *p_canvas_item, const Transfo global_rect.position += p_clip_rect.position; } - // Very important that this is cleared after used in RasterizerCanvas to avoid + // Very important that this is cleared after used in RendererCanvasRender to avoid // potential crashes. canvas_group_from->canvas_group_owner = ci; } } if (ci->update_when_visible) { - RenderingServerRaster::redraw_request(); + RenderingServerDefault::redraw_request(); } if ((ci->commands != nullptr && p_clip_rect.intersects(global_rect, true)) || ci->vp_render || ci->copy_back_buffer) { @@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::_cull_canvas_item(Item *p_canvas_item, const Transfo } } -void RenderingServerCanvas::render_canvas(RID p_render_target, Canvas *p_canvas, const Transform2D &p_transform, RasterizerCanvas::Light *p_lights, RasterizerCanvas::Light *p_directional_lights, const Rect2 &p_clip_rect, RenderingServer::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_default_filter, RenderingServer::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_default_repeat, bool p_snap_2d_transforms_to_pixel, bool p_snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel) { +void RendererCanvasCull::render_canvas(RID p_render_target, Canvas *p_canvas, const Transform2D &p_transform, RendererCanvasRender::Light *p_lights, RendererCanvasRender::Light *p_directional_lights, const Rect2 &p_clip_rect, RenderingServer::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_default_filter, RenderingServer::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_default_repeat, bool p_snap_2d_transforms_to_pixel, bool p_snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel) { RENDER_TIMESTAMP(">Render Canvas"); sdf_used = false; @@ -352,11 +352,11 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::render_canvas(RID p_render_target, Canvas *p_canvas, RENDER_TIMESTAMP("<End Render Canvas"); } -bool RenderingServerCanvas::was_sdf_used() { +bool RendererCanvasCull::was_sdf_used() { return sdf_used; } -RID RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_create() { +RID RendererCanvasCull::canvas_create() { Canvas *canvas = memnew(Canvas); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!canvas, RID()); RID rid = canvas_owner.make_rid(canvas); @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ RID RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_create() { return rid; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_set_item_mirroring(RID p_canvas, RID p_item, const Point2 &p_mirroring) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_set_item_mirroring(RID p_canvas, RID p_item, const Point2 &p_mirroring) { Canvas *canvas = canvas_owner.getornull(p_canvas); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas); Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); @@ -375,17 +375,17 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_set_item_mirroring(RID p_canvas, RID p_item, canvas->child_items.write[idx].mirror = p_mirroring; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_set_modulate(RID p_canvas, const Color &p_color) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_set_modulate(RID p_canvas, const Color &p_color) { Canvas *canvas = canvas_owner.getornull(p_canvas); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas); canvas->modulate = p_color; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_set_disable_scale(bool p_disable) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_set_disable_scale(bool p_disable) { disable_scale = p_disable; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_set_parent(RID p_canvas, RID p_parent, float p_scale) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_set_parent(RID p_canvas, RID p_parent, float p_scale) { Canvas *canvas = canvas_owner.getornull(p_canvas); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas); @@ -393,14 +393,14 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_set_parent(RID p_canvas, RID p_parent, float canvas->parent_scale = p_scale; } -RID RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_create() { +RID RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_create() { Item *canvas_item = memnew(Item); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!canvas_item, RID()); return canvas_item_owner.make_rid(canvas_item); } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_parent(RID p_item, RID p_parent) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_set_parent(RID p_item, RID p_parent) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); @@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_parent(RID p_item, RID p_parent) { canvas_item->parent = p_parent; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_visible(RID p_item, bool p_visible) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_set_visible(RID p_item, bool p_visible) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); @@ -453,35 +453,35 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_visible(RID p_item, bool p_visible) _mark_ysort_dirty(canvas_item, canvas_item_owner); } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_light_mask(RID p_item, int p_mask) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_set_light_mask(RID p_item, int p_mask) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); canvas_item->light_mask = p_mask; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_transform(RID p_item, const Transform2D &p_transform) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_set_transform(RID p_item, const Transform2D &p_transform) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); canvas_item->xform = p_transform; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_clip(RID p_item, bool p_clip) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_set_clip(RID p_item, bool p_clip) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); canvas_item->clip = p_clip; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_distance_field_mode(RID p_item, bool p_enable) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_set_distance_field_mode(RID p_item, bool p_enable) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); canvas_item->distance_field = p_enable; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_custom_rect(RID p_item, bool p_custom_rect, const Rect2 &p_rect) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_set_custom_rect(RID p_item, bool p_custom_rect, const Rect2 &p_rect) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); @@ -489,35 +489,35 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_custom_rect(RID p_item, bool p_custo canvas_item->rect = p_rect; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_modulate(RID p_item, const Color &p_color) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_set_modulate(RID p_item, const Color &p_color) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); canvas_item->modulate = p_color; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_self_modulate(RID p_item, const Color &p_color) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_set_self_modulate(RID p_item, const Color &p_color) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); canvas_item->self_modulate = p_color; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_draw_behind_parent(RID p_item, bool p_enable) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_set_draw_behind_parent(RID p_item, bool p_enable) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); canvas_item->behind = p_enable; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_update_when_visible(RID p_item, bool p_update) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_set_update_when_visible(RID p_item, bool p_update) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); canvas_item->update_when_visible = p_update; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_line(RID p_item, const Point2 &p_from, const Point2 &p_to, const Color &p_color, float p_width) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_add_line(RID p_item, const Point2 &p_from, const Point2 &p_to, const Color &p_color, float p_width) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); @@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_line(RID p_item, const Point2 &p_fro } } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_polyline(RID p_item, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, float p_width, bool p_antialiased) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_add_polyline(RID p_item, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, float p_width, bool p_antialiased) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_points.size() < 2); Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); @@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_polyline(RID p_item, const Vector<Po pline->polygon.create(indices, points, colors); } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_multiline(RID p_item, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, float p_width) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_add_multiline(RID p_item, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, float p_width) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_points.size() < 2); Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); @@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_multiline(RID p_item, const Vector<P } } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_rect(RID p_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Color &p_color) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_add_rect(RID p_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Color &p_color) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); @@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_rect(RID p_item, const Rect2 &p_rect rect->rect = p_rect; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_circle(RID p_item, const Point2 &p_pos, float p_radius, const Color &p_color) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_add_circle(RID p_item, const Point2 &p_pos, float p_radius, const Color &p_color) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); @@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_circle(RID p_item, const Point2 &p_p circle->polygon.create(indices, points, color); } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_texture_rect(RID p_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, RID p_texture, bool p_tile, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_add_texture_rect(RID p_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, RID p_texture, bool p_tile, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); @@ -750,28 +750,28 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_texture_rect(RID p_item, const Rect2 rect->rect = p_rect; rect->flags = 0; if (p_tile) { - rect->flags |= RasterizerCanvas::CANVAS_RECT_TILE; - rect->flags |= RasterizerCanvas::CANVAS_RECT_REGION; + rect->flags |= RendererCanvasRender::CANVAS_RECT_TILE; + rect->flags |= RendererCanvasRender::CANVAS_RECT_REGION; rect->source = Rect2(0, 0, fabsf(p_rect.size.width), fabsf(p_rect.size.height)); } if (p_rect.size.x < 0) { - rect->flags |= RasterizerCanvas::CANVAS_RECT_FLIP_H; + rect->flags |= RendererCanvasRender::CANVAS_RECT_FLIP_H; rect->rect.size.x = -rect->rect.size.x; } if (p_rect.size.y < 0) { - rect->flags |= RasterizerCanvas::CANVAS_RECT_FLIP_V; + rect->flags |= RendererCanvasRender::CANVAS_RECT_FLIP_V; rect->rect.size.y = -rect->rect.size.y; } if (p_transpose) { - rect->flags |= RasterizerCanvas::CANVAS_RECT_TRANSPOSE; + rect->flags |= RendererCanvasRender::CANVAS_RECT_TRANSPOSE; SWAP(rect->rect.size.x, rect->rect.size.y); } rect->texture = p_texture; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_texture_rect_region(RID p_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, RID p_texture, const Rect2 &p_src_rect, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose, bool p_clip_uv) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_add_texture_rect_region(RID p_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, RID p_texture, const Rect2 &p_src_rect, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_transpose, bool p_clip_uv) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); @@ -783,36 +783,36 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_texture_rect_region(RID p_item, cons rect->texture = p_texture; rect->source = p_src_rect; - rect->flags = RasterizerCanvas::CANVAS_RECT_REGION; + rect->flags = RendererCanvasRender::CANVAS_RECT_REGION; if (p_rect.size.x < 0) { - rect->flags |= RasterizerCanvas::CANVAS_RECT_FLIP_H; + rect->flags |= RendererCanvasRender::CANVAS_RECT_FLIP_H; rect->rect.size.x = -rect->rect.size.x; } if (p_src_rect.size.x < 0) { - rect->flags ^= RasterizerCanvas::CANVAS_RECT_FLIP_H; + rect->flags ^= RendererCanvasRender::CANVAS_RECT_FLIP_H; rect->source.size.x = -rect->source.size.x; } if (p_rect.size.y < 0) { - rect->flags |= RasterizerCanvas::CANVAS_RECT_FLIP_V; + rect->flags |= RendererCanvasRender::CANVAS_RECT_FLIP_V; rect->rect.size.y = -rect->rect.size.y; } if (p_src_rect.size.y < 0) { - rect->flags ^= RasterizerCanvas::CANVAS_RECT_FLIP_V; + rect->flags ^= RendererCanvasRender::CANVAS_RECT_FLIP_V; rect->source.size.y = -rect->source.size.y; } if (p_transpose) { - rect->flags |= RasterizerCanvas::CANVAS_RECT_TRANSPOSE; + rect->flags |= RendererCanvasRender::CANVAS_RECT_TRANSPOSE; SWAP(rect->rect.size.x, rect->rect.size.y); } if (p_clip_uv) { - rect->flags |= RasterizerCanvas::CANVAS_RECT_CLIP_UV; + rect->flags |= RendererCanvasRender::CANVAS_RECT_CLIP_UV; } } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_nine_patch(RID p_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Rect2 &p_source, RID p_texture, const Vector2 &p_topleft, const Vector2 &p_bottomright, RS::NinePatchAxisMode p_x_axis_mode, RS::NinePatchAxisMode p_y_axis_mode, bool p_draw_center, const Color &p_modulate) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_add_nine_patch(RID p_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Rect2 &p_source, RID p_texture, const Vector2 &p_topleft, const Vector2 &p_bottomright, RS::NinePatchAxisMode p_x_axis_mode, RS::NinePatchAxisMode p_y_axis_mode, bool p_draw_center, const Color &p_modulate) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); @@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_nine_patch(RID p_item, const Rect2 & style->axis_y = p_y_axis_mode; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_primitive(RID p_item, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs, RID p_texture, float p_width) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_add_primitive(RID p_item, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs, RID p_texture, float p_width) { uint32_t pc = p_points.size(); ERR_FAIL_COND(pc == 0 || pc > 4); @@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_primitive(RID p_item, const Vector<P prim->texture = p_texture; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_polygon(RID p_item, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs, RID p_texture) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_add_polygon(RID p_item, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs, RID p_texture) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED @@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_polygon(RID p_item, const Vector<Poi polygon->polygon.create(indices, p_points, p_colors, p_uvs); } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_triangle_array(RID p_item, const Vector<int> &p_indices, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs, const Vector<int> &p_bones, const Vector<float> &p_weights, RID p_texture, int p_count) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_add_triangle_array(RID p_item, const Vector<int> &p_indices, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs, const Vector<int> &p_bones, const Vector<float> &p_weights, RID p_texture, int p_count) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); @@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_triangle_array(RID p_item, const Vec polygon->primitive = RS::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_set_transform(RID p_item, const Transform2D &p_transform) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_add_set_transform(RID p_item, const Transform2D &p_transform) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); @@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_set_transform(RID p_item, const Tran tr->xform = p_transform; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_mesh(RID p_item, const RID &p_mesh, const Transform2D &p_transform, const Color &p_modulate, RID p_texture) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_add_mesh(RID p_item, const RID &p_mesh, const Transform2D &p_transform, const Color &p_modulate, RID p_texture) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); @@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_mesh(RID p_item, const RID &p_mesh, m->modulate = p_modulate; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_particles(RID p_item, RID p_particles, RID p_texture) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_add_particles(RID p_item, RID p_particles, RID p_texture) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); @@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_particles(RID p_item, RID p_particle RSG::storage->particles_request_process(p_particles); } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_multimesh(RID p_item, RID p_mesh, RID p_texture) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_add_multimesh(RID p_item, RID p_mesh, RID p_texture) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); @@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_multimesh(RID p_item, RID p_mesh, RI mm->texture = p_texture; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_clip_ignore(RID p_item, bool p_ignore) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_add_clip_ignore(RID p_item, bool p_ignore) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); @@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_add_clip_ignore(RID p_item, bool p_ignor ci->ignore = p_ignore; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_sort_children_by_y(RID p_item, bool p_enable) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_set_sort_children_by_y(RID p_item, bool p_enable) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); @@ -972,7 +972,7 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_sort_children_by_y(RID p_item, bool _mark_ysort_dirty(canvas_item, canvas_item_owner); } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_z_index(RID p_item, int p_z) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_set_z_index(RID p_item, int p_z) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_z < RS::CANVAS_ITEM_Z_MIN || p_z > RS::CANVAS_ITEM_Z_MAX); Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); @@ -981,25 +981,25 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_z_index(RID p_item, int p_z) { canvas_item->z_index = p_z; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_z_as_relative_to_parent(RID p_item, bool p_enable) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_set_z_as_relative_to_parent(RID p_item, bool p_enable) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); canvas_item->z_relative = p_enable; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_attach_skeleton(RID p_item, RID p_skeleton) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_attach_skeleton(RID p_item, RID p_skeleton) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); canvas_item->skeleton = p_skeleton; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_copy_to_backbuffer(RID p_item, bool p_enable, const Rect2 &p_rect) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_set_copy_to_backbuffer(RID p_item, bool p_enable, const Rect2 &p_rect) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); if (p_enable && (canvas_item->copy_back_buffer == nullptr)) { - canvas_item->copy_back_buffer = memnew(RasterizerCanvas::Item::CopyBackBuffer); + canvas_item->copy_back_buffer = memnew(RendererCanvasRender::Item::CopyBackBuffer); } if (!p_enable && (canvas_item->copy_back_buffer != nullptr)) { memdelete(canvas_item->copy_back_buffer); @@ -1012,14 +1012,14 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_copy_to_backbuffer(RID p_item, bool } } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_clear(RID p_item) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_clear(RID p_item) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); canvas_item->clear(); } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_draw_index(RID p_item, int p_index) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_set_draw_index(RID p_item, int p_index) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); @@ -1038,21 +1038,21 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_draw_index(RID p_item, int p_index) } } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_material(RID p_item, RID p_material) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_set_material(RID p_item, RID p_material) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); canvas_item->material = p_material; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_use_parent_material(RID p_item, bool p_enable) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_set_use_parent_material(RID p_item, bool p_enable) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); canvas_item->use_parent_material = p_enable; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_canvas_group_mode(RID p_item, RS::CanvasGroupMode p_mode, float p_clear_margin, bool p_fit_empty, float p_fit_margin, bool p_blur_mipmaps) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_set_canvas_group_mode(RID p_item, RS::CanvasGroupMode p_mode, float p_clear_margin, bool p_fit_empty, float p_fit_margin, bool p_blur_mipmaps) { Item *canvas_item = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_item); @@ -1063,7 +1063,7 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_canvas_group_mode(RID p_item, RS::Ca } } else { if (canvas_item->canvas_group == nullptr) { - canvas_item->canvas_group = memnew(RasterizerCanvas::Item::CanvasGroup); + canvas_item->canvas_group = memnew(RendererCanvasRender::Item::CanvasGroup); } canvas_item->canvas_group->mode = p_mode; canvas_item->canvas_group->fit_empty = p_fit_empty; @@ -1073,14 +1073,14 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_canvas_group_mode(RID p_item, RS::Ca } } -RID RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_create() { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *clight = memnew(RasterizerCanvas::Light); +RID RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_create() { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *clight = memnew(RendererCanvasRender::Light); clight->light_internal = RSG::canvas_render->light_create(); return canvas_light_owner.make_rid(clight); } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_mode(RID p_light, RS::CanvasLightMode p_mode) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_set_mode(RID p_light, RS::CanvasLightMode p_mode) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!clight); if (clight->mode == p_mode) { @@ -1100,8 +1100,8 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_mode(RID p_light, RS::CanvasLightMo } } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_attach_to_canvas(RID p_light, RID p_canvas) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_attach_to_canvas(RID p_light, RID p_canvas) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!clight); if (clight->canvas.is_valid()) { @@ -1129,29 +1129,29 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_attach_to_canvas(RID p_light, RID p_can } } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_enabled(RID p_light, bool p_enabled) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_set_enabled(RID p_light, bool p_enabled) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!clight); clight->enabled = p_enabled; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_texture_scale(RID p_light, float p_scale) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_set_texture_scale(RID p_light, float p_scale) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!clight); clight->scale = p_scale; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_transform(RID p_light, const Transform2D &p_transform) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_set_transform(RID p_light, const Transform2D &p_transform) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!clight); clight->xform = p_transform; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_texture(RID p_light, RID p_texture) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_set_texture(RID p_light, RID p_texture) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!clight); if (clight->texture == p_texture) { @@ -1162,80 +1162,80 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_texture(RID p_light, RID p_texture) RSG::canvas_render->light_set_texture(clight->light_internal, p_texture); } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_texture_offset(RID p_light, const Vector2 &p_offset) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_set_texture_offset(RID p_light, const Vector2 &p_offset) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!clight); clight->texture_offset = p_offset; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_color(RID p_light, const Color &p_color) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_set_color(RID p_light, const Color &p_color) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!clight); clight->color = p_color; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_height(RID p_light, float p_height) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_set_height(RID p_light, float p_height) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!clight); clight->height = p_height; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_energy(RID p_light, float p_energy) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_set_energy(RID p_light, float p_energy) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!clight); clight->energy = p_energy; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_z_range(RID p_light, int p_min_z, int p_max_z) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_set_z_range(RID p_light, int p_min_z, int p_max_z) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!clight); clight->z_min = p_min_z; clight->z_max = p_max_z; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_layer_range(RID p_light, int p_min_layer, int p_max_layer) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_set_layer_range(RID p_light, int p_min_layer, int p_max_layer) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!clight); clight->layer_max = p_max_layer; clight->layer_min = p_min_layer; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_item_cull_mask(RID p_light, int p_mask) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_set_item_cull_mask(RID p_light, int p_mask) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!clight); clight->item_mask = p_mask; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_item_shadow_cull_mask(RID p_light, int p_mask) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_set_item_shadow_cull_mask(RID p_light, int p_mask) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!clight); clight->item_shadow_mask = p_mask; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_directional_distance(RID p_light, float p_distance) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_set_directional_distance(RID p_light, float p_distance) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!clight); clight->directional_distance = p_distance; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_blend_mode(RID p_light, RS::CanvasLightBlendMode p_mode) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_set_blend_mode(RID p_light, RS::CanvasLightBlendMode p_mode) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!clight); clight->blend_mode = p_mode; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_shadow_enabled(RID p_light, bool p_enabled) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_set_shadow_enabled(RID p_light, bool p_enabled) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!clight); if (clight->use_shadow == p_enabled) { @@ -1246,34 +1246,34 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_shadow_enabled(RID p_light, bool p_ RSG::canvas_render->light_set_use_shadow(clight->light_internal, clight->use_shadow); } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_shadow_filter(RID p_light, RS::CanvasLightShadowFilter p_filter) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_set_shadow_filter(RID p_light, RS::CanvasLightShadowFilter p_filter) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!clight); clight->shadow_filter = p_filter; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_shadow_color(RID p_light, const Color &p_color) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_set_shadow_color(RID p_light, const Color &p_color) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!clight); clight->shadow_color = p_color; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_set_shadow_smooth(RID p_light, float p_smooth) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_set_shadow_smooth(RID p_light, float p_smooth) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *clight = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!clight); clight->shadow_smooth = p_smooth; } -RID RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_occluder_create() { - RasterizerCanvas::LightOccluderInstance *occluder = memnew(RasterizerCanvas::LightOccluderInstance); +RID RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_occluder_create() { + RendererCanvasRender::LightOccluderInstance *occluder = memnew(RendererCanvasRender::LightOccluderInstance); return canvas_light_occluder_owner.make_rid(occluder); } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_occluder_attach_to_canvas(RID p_occluder, RID p_canvas) { - RasterizerCanvas::LightOccluderInstance *occluder = canvas_light_occluder_owner.getornull(p_occluder); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_occluder_attach_to_canvas(RID p_occluder, RID p_canvas) { + RendererCanvasRender::LightOccluderInstance *occluder = canvas_light_occluder_owner.getornull(p_occluder); ERR_FAIL_COND(!occluder); if (occluder->canvas.is_valid()) { @@ -1293,15 +1293,15 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_occluder_attach_to_canvas(RID p_occlude } } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_occluder_set_enabled(RID p_occluder, bool p_enabled) { - RasterizerCanvas::LightOccluderInstance *occluder = canvas_light_occluder_owner.getornull(p_occluder); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_occluder_set_enabled(RID p_occluder, bool p_enabled) { + RendererCanvasRender::LightOccluderInstance *occluder = canvas_light_occluder_owner.getornull(p_occluder); ERR_FAIL_COND(!occluder); occluder->enabled = p_enabled; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_occluder_set_polygon(RID p_occluder, RID p_polygon) { - RasterizerCanvas::LightOccluderInstance *occluder = canvas_light_occluder_owner.getornull(p_occluder); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_occluder_set_polygon(RID p_occluder, RID p_polygon) { + RendererCanvasRender::LightOccluderInstance *occluder = canvas_light_occluder_owner.getornull(p_occluder); ERR_FAIL_COND(!occluder); if (occluder->polygon.is_valid()) { @@ -1328,32 +1328,32 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_occluder_set_polygon(RID p_occluder, RI } } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_occluder_set_as_sdf_collision(RID p_occluder, bool p_enable) { - RasterizerCanvas::LightOccluderInstance *occluder = canvas_light_occluder_owner.getornull(p_occluder); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_occluder_set_as_sdf_collision(RID p_occluder, bool p_enable) { + RendererCanvasRender::LightOccluderInstance *occluder = canvas_light_occluder_owner.getornull(p_occluder); ERR_FAIL_COND(!occluder); } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_occluder_set_transform(RID p_occluder, const Transform2D &p_xform) { - RasterizerCanvas::LightOccluderInstance *occluder = canvas_light_occluder_owner.getornull(p_occluder); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_occluder_set_transform(RID p_occluder, const Transform2D &p_xform) { + RendererCanvasRender::LightOccluderInstance *occluder = canvas_light_occluder_owner.getornull(p_occluder); ERR_FAIL_COND(!occluder); occluder->xform = p_xform; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_light_occluder_set_light_mask(RID p_occluder, int p_mask) { - RasterizerCanvas::LightOccluderInstance *occluder = canvas_light_occluder_owner.getornull(p_occluder); +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_light_occluder_set_light_mask(RID p_occluder, int p_mask) { + RendererCanvasRender::LightOccluderInstance *occluder = canvas_light_occluder_owner.getornull(p_occluder); ERR_FAIL_COND(!occluder); occluder->light_mask = p_mask; } -RID RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_occluder_polygon_create() { +RID RendererCanvasCull::canvas_occluder_polygon_create() { LightOccluderPolygon *occluder_poly = memnew(LightOccluderPolygon); occluder_poly->occluder = RSG::canvas_render->occluder_polygon_create(); return canvas_light_occluder_polygon_owner.make_rid(occluder_poly); } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_occluder_polygon_set_shape(RID p_occluder_polygon, const Vector<Vector2> &p_shape, bool p_closed) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_occluder_polygon_set_shape(RID p_occluder_polygon, const Vector<Vector2> &p_shape, bool p_closed) { LightOccluderPolygon *occluder_poly = canvas_light_occluder_polygon_owner.getornull(p_occluder_polygon); ERR_FAIL_COND(!occluder_poly); @@ -1372,66 +1372,66 @@ void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_occluder_polygon_set_shape(RID p_occluder_pol RSG::canvas_render->occluder_polygon_set_shape(occluder_poly->occluder, p_shape, p_closed); - for (Set<RasterizerCanvas::LightOccluderInstance *>::Element *E = occluder_poly->owners.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + for (Set<RendererCanvasRender::LightOccluderInstance *>::Element *E = occluder_poly->owners.front(); E; E = E->next()) { E->get()->aabb_cache = occluder_poly->aabb; } } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_occluder_polygon_set_cull_mode(RID p_occluder_polygon, RS::CanvasOccluderPolygonCullMode p_mode) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_occluder_polygon_set_cull_mode(RID p_occluder_polygon, RS::CanvasOccluderPolygonCullMode p_mode) { LightOccluderPolygon *occluder_poly = canvas_light_occluder_polygon_owner.getornull(p_occluder_polygon); ERR_FAIL_COND(!occluder_poly); occluder_poly->cull_mode = p_mode; RSG::canvas_render->occluder_polygon_set_cull_mode(occluder_poly->occluder, p_mode); - for (Set<RasterizerCanvas::LightOccluderInstance *>::Element *E = occluder_poly->owners.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + for (Set<RendererCanvasRender::LightOccluderInstance *>::Element *E = occluder_poly->owners.front(); E; E = E->next()) { E->get()->cull_cache = p_mode; } } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_set_shadow_texture_size(int p_size) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_set_shadow_texture_size(int p_size) { RSG::canvas_render->set_shadow_texture_size(p_size); } -RID RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_texture_create() { +RID RendererCanvasCull::canvas_texture_create() { return RSG::storage->canvas_texture_create(); } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_texture_set_channel(RID p_canvas_texture, RS::CanvasTextureChannel p_channel, RID p_texture) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_texture_set_channel(RID p_canvas_texture, RS::CanvasTextureChannel p_channel, RID p_texture) { RSG::storage->canvas_texture_set_channel(p_canvas_texture, p_channel, p_texture); } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_texture_set_shading_parameters(RID p_canvas_texture, const Color &p_base_color, float p_shininess) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_texture_set_shading_parameters(RID p_canvas_texture, const Color &p_base_color, float p_shininess) { RSG::storage->canvas_texture_set_shading_parameters(p_canvas_texture, p_base_color, p_shininess); } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_texture_set_texture_filter(RID p_canvas_texture, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_filter) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_texture_set_texture_filter(RID p_canvas_texture, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_filter) { RSG::storage->canvas_texture_set_texture_filter(p_canvas_texture, p_filter); } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_texture_set_texture_repeat(RID p_canvas_texture, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_repeat) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_texture_set_texture_repeat(RID p_canvas_texture, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_repeat) { RSG::storage->canvas_texture_set_texture_repeat(p_canvas_texture, p_repeat); } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_default_texture_filter(RID p_item, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_filter) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_set_default_texture_filter(RID p_item, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_filter) { Item *ci = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!ci); ci->texture_filter = p_filter; } -void RenderingServerCanvas::canvas_item_set_default_texture_repeat(RID p_item, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_repeat) { +void RendererCanvasCull::canvas_item_set_default_texture_repeat(RID p_item, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_repeat) { Item *ci = canvas_item_owner.getornull(p_item); ERR_FAIL_COND(!ci); ci->texture_repeat = p_repeat; } -bool RenderingServerCanvas::free(RID p_rid) { +bool RendererCanvasCull::free(RID p_rid) { if (canvas_owner.owns(p_rid)) { Canvas *canvas = canvas_owner.getornull(p_rid); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!canvas, false); while (canvas->viewports.size()) { - RenderingServerViewport::Viewport *vp = RSG::viewport->viewport_owner.getornull(canvas->viewports.front()->get()); + RendererViewport::Viewport *vp = RSG::viewport->viewport_owner.getornull(canvas->viewports.front()->get()); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!vp, true); - Map<RID, RenderingServerViewport::Viewport::CanvasData>::Element *E = vp->canvas_map.find(p_rid); + Map<RID, RendererViewport::Viewport::CanvasData>::Element *E = vp->canvas_map.find(p_rid); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!E, true); vp->canvas_map.erase(p_rid); @@ -1442,11 +1442,11 @@ bool RenderingServerCanvas::free(RID p_rid) { canvas->child_items[i].item->parent = RID(); } - for (Set<RasterizerCanvas::Light *>::Element *E = canvas->lights.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + for (Set<RendererCanvasRender::Light *>::Element *E = canvas->lights.front(); E; E = E->next()) { E->get()->canvas = RID(); } - for (Set<RasterizerCanvas::LightOccluderInstance *>::Element *E = canvas->occluders.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + for (Set<RendererCanvasRender::LightOccluderInstance *>::Element *E = canvas->occluders.front(); E; E = E->next()) { E->get()->canvas = RID(); } @@ -1487,7 +1487,7 @@ bool RenderingServerCanvas::free(RID p_rid) { memdelete(canvas_item); } else if (canvas_light_owner.owns(p_rid)) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *canvas_light = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_rid); + RendererCanvasRender::Light *canvas_light = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_rid); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!canvas_light, true); if (canvas_light->canvas.is_valid()) { @@ -1503,7 +1503,7 @@ bool RenderingServerCanvas::free(RID p_rid) { memdelete(canvas_light); } else if (canvas_light_occluder_owner.owns(p_rid)) { - RasterizerCanvas::LightOccluderInstance *occluder = canvas_light_occluder_owner.getornull(p_rid); + RendererCanvasRender::LightOccluderInstance *occluder = canvas_light_occluder_owner.getornull(p_rid); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!occluder, true); if (occluder->polygon.is_valid()) { @@ -1540,14 +1540,14 @@ bool RenderingServerCanvas::free(RID p_rid) { return true; } -RenderingServerCanvas::RenderingServerCanvas() { - z_list = (RasterizerCanvas::Item **)memalloc(z_range * sizeof(RasterizerCanvas::Item *)); - z_last_list = (RasterizerCanvas::Item **)memalloc(z_range * sizeof(RasterizerCanvas::Item *)); +RendererCanvasCull::RendererCanvasCull() { + z_list = (RendererCanvasRender::Item **)memalloc(z_range * sizeof(RendererCanvasRender::Item *)); + z_last_list = (RendererCanvasRender::Item **)memalloc(z_range * sizeof(RendererCanvasRender::Item *)); disable_scale = false; } -RenderingServerCanvas::~RenderingServerCanvas() { +RendererCanvasCull::~RendererCanvasCull() { memfree(z_list); memfree(z_last_list); } diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_canvas.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_canvas_cull.h index 89f511a8fb..ec2389bcb5 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_canvas.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_canvas_cull.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* rendering_server_canvas.h */ +/* renderer_canvas_cull.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#ifndef VISUALSERVERCANVAS_H -#define VISUALSERVERCANVAS_H +#ifndef RENDERING_SERVER_CANVAS_CULL_H +#define RENDERING_SERVER_CANVAS_CULL_H -#include "rasterizer.h" -#include "rendering_server_viewport.h" +#include "renderer_compositor.h" +#include "renderer_viewport.h" -class RenderingServerCanvas { +class RendererCanvasCull { public: - struct Item : public RasterizerCanvas::Item { + struct Item : public RendererCanvasRender::Item { RID parent; // canvas it belongs to List<Item *>::Element *E; int z_index; @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public: Rect2 aabb; RS::CanvasOccluderPolygonCullMode cull_mode; RID occluder; - Set<RasterizerCanvas::LightOccluderInstance *> owners; + Set<RendererCanvasRender::LightOccluderInstance *> owners; LightOccluderPolygon() { active = false; @@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ public: RID_PtrOwner<LightOccluderPolygon> canvas_light_occluder_polygon_owner; - RID_PtrOwner<RasterizerCanvas::LightOccluderInstance> canvas_light_occluder_owner; + RID_PtrOwner<RendererCanvasRender::LightOccluderInstance> canvas_light_occluder_owner; - struct Canvas : public RenderingServerViewport::CanvasBase { + struct Canvas : public RendererViewport::CanvasBase { Set<RID> viewports; struct ChildItem { Point2 mirror; @@ -115,10 +115,10 @@ public: } }; - Set<RasterizerCanvas::Light *> lights; - Set<RasterizerCanvas::Light *> directional_lights; + Set<RendererCanvasRender::Light *> lights; + Set<RendererCanvasRender::Light *> directional_lights; - Set<RasterizerCanvas::LightOccluderInstance *> occluders; + Set<RendererCanvasRender::LightOccluderInstance *> occluders; bool children_order_dirty; Vector<ChildItem> child_items; @@ -150,21 +150,21 @@ public: mutable RID_PtrOwner<Canvas> canvas_owner; RID_PtrOwner<Item> canvas_item_owner; - RID_PtrOwner<RasterizerCanvas::Light> canvas_light_owner; + RID_PtrOwner<RendererCanvasRender::Light> canvas_light_owner; bool disable_scale; bool sdf_used = false; bool snapping_2d_transforms_to_pixel = false; private: - void _render_canvas_item_tree(RID p_to_render_target, Canvas::ChildItem *p_child_items, int p_child_item_count, Item *p_canvas_item, const Transform2D &p_transform, const Rect2 &p_clip_rect, const Color &p_modulate, RasterizerCanvas::Light *p_lights, RasterizerCanvas::Light *p_directional_lights, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_default_filter, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_default_repeat, bool p_snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel); - void _cull_canvas_item(Item *p_canvas_item, const Transform2D &p_transform, const Rect2 &p_clip_rect, const Color &p_modulate, int p_z, RasterizerCanvas::Item **z_list, RasterizerCanvas::Item **z_last_list, Item *p_canvas_clip, Item *p_material_owner); + void _render_canvas_item_tree(RID p_to_render_target, Canvas::ChildItem *p_child_items, int p_child_item_count, Item *p_canvas_item, const Transform2D &p_transform, const Rect2 &p_clip_rect, const Color &p_modulate, RendererCanvasRender::Light *p_lights, RendererCanvasRender::Light *p_directional_lights, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_default_filter, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_default_repeat, bool p_snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel); + void _cull_canvas_item(Item *p_canvas_item, const Transform2D &p_transform, const Rect2 &p_clip_rect, const Color &p_modulate, int p_z, RendererCanvasRender::Item **z_list, RendererCanvasRender::Item **z_last_list, Item *p_canvas_clip, Item *p_material_owner); - RasterizerCanvas::Item **z_list; - RasterizerCanvas::Item **z_last_list; + RendererCanvasRender::Item **z_list; + RendererCanvasRender::Item **z_last_list; public: - void render_canvas(RID p_render_target, Canvas *p_canvas, const Transform2D &p_transform, RasterizerCanvas::Light *p_lights, RasterizerCanvas::Light *p_directional_lights, const Rect2 &p_clip_rect, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_default_filter, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_default_repeat, bool p_snap_2d_transforms_to_pixel, bool p_snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel); + void render_canvas(RID p_render_target, Canvas *p_canvas, const Transform2D &p_transform, RendererCanvasRender::Light *p_lights, RendererCanvasRender::Light *p_directional_lights, const Rect2 &p_clip_rect, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_default_filter, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_default_repeat, bool p_snap_2d_transforms_to_pixel, bool p_snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel); bool was_sdf_used(); @@ -272,8 +272,8 @@ public: void canvas_item_set_default_texture_repeat(RID p_item, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_repeat); bool free(RID p_rid); - RenderingServerCanvas(); - ~RenderingServerCanvas(); + RendererCanvasCull(); + ~RendererCanvasCull(); }; #endif // VISUALSERVERCANVAS_H diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_canvas_render.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_canvas_render.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9c7251763d --- /dev/null +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_canvas_render.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* renderer_canvas_render.cpp */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#include "renderer_canvas_render.h" diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_canvas_render.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_canvas_render.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ca95abcf65 --- /dev/null +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_canvas_render.h @@ -0,0 +1,604 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* renderer_canvas_render.h */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef RENDERINGSERVERCANVASRENDER_H +#define RENDERINGSERVERCANVASRENDER_H + +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_storage.h" + +class RendererCanvasRender { +public: + static RendererCanvasRender *singleton; + + enum CanvasRectFlags { + CANVAS_RECT_REGION = 1, + CANVAS_RECT_TILE = 2, + CANVAS_RECT_FLIP_H = 4, + CANVAS_RECT_FLIP_V = 8, + CANVAS_RECT_TRANSPOSE = 16, + CANVAS_RECT_CLIP_UV = 32, + CANVAS_RECT_IS_GROUP = 64, + }; + + struct Light { + bool enabled; + Color color; + Transform2D xform; + float height; + float energy; + float scale; + int z_min; + int z_max; + int layer_min; + int layer_max; + int item_mask; + int item_shadow_mask; + float directional_distance; + RS::CanvasLightMode mode; + RS::CanvasLightBlendMode blend_mode; + RID texture; + Vector2 texture_offset; + RID canvas; + bool use_shadow; + int shadow_buffer_size; + RS::CanvasLightShadowFilter shadow_filter; + Color shadow_color; + float shadow_smooth; + + //void *texture_cache; // implementation dependent + Rect2 rect_cache; + Transform2D xform_cache; + float radius_cache; //used for shadow far plane + //CameraMatrix shadow_matrix_cache; + + Transform2D light_shader_xform; + //Vector2 light_shader_pos; + + Light *shadows_next_ptr; + Light *filter_next_ptr; + Light *next_ptr; + Light *directional_next_ptr; + + RID light_internal; + uint64_t version; + + int32_t render_index_cache; + + Light() { + version = 0; + enabled = true; + color = Color(1, 1, 1); + shadow_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0); + height = 0; + z_min = -1024; + z_max = 1024; + layer_min = 0; + layer_max = 0; + item_mask = 1; + scale = 1.0; + energy = 1.0; + item_shadow_mask = 1; + mode = RS::CANVAS_LIGHT_MODE_POINT; + blend_mode = RS::CANVAS_LIGHT_BLEND_MODE_ADD; + // texture_cache = nullptr; + next_ptr = nullptr; + directional_next_ptr = nullptr; + filter_next_ptr = nullptr; + use_shadow = false; + shadow_buffer_size = 2048; + shadow_filter = RS::CANVAS_LIGHT_FILTER_NONE; + shadow_smooth = 0.0; + render_index_cache = -1; + directional_distance = 10000.0; + } + }; + + //easier wrap to avoid mistakes + + struct Item; + + typedef uint64_t PolygonID; + virtual PolygonID request_polygon(const Vector<int> &p_indices, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs = Vector<Point2>(), const Vector<int> &p_bones = Vector<int>(), const Vector<float> &p_weights = Vector<float>()) = 0; + virtual void free_polygon(PolygonID p_polygon) = 0; + + //also easier to wrap to avoid mistakes + struct Polygon { + PolygonID polygon_id; + Rect2 rect_cache; + + _FORCE_INLINE_ void create(const Vector<int> &p_indices, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs = Vector<Point2>(), const Vector<int> &p_bones = Vector<int>(), const Vector<float> &p_weights = Vector<float>()) { + ERR_FAIL_COND(polygon_id != 0); + { + uint32_t pc = p_points.size(); + const Vector2 *v2 = p_points.ptr(); + rect_cache.position = *v2; + for (uint32_t i = 1; i < pc; i++) { + rect_cache.expand_to(v2[i]); + } + } + polygon_id = singleton->request_polygon(p_indices, p_points, p_colors, p_uvs, p_bones, p_weights); + } + + _FORCE_INLINE_ Polygon() { polygon_id = 0; } + _FORCE_INLINE_ ~Polygon() { + if (polygon_id) { + singleton->free_polygon(polygon_id); + } + } + }; + + //item + + struct Item { + //commands are allocated in blocks of 4k to improve performance + //and cache coherence. + //blocks always grow but never shrink. + + struct CommandBlock { + enum { + MAX_SIZE = 4096 + }; + uint32_t usage; + uint8_t *memory; + }; + + struct Command { + enum Type { + TYPE_RECT, + TYPE_NINEPATCH, + TYPE_POLYGON, + TYPE_PRIMITIVE, + TYPE_MESH, + TYPE_MULTIMESH, + TYPE_PARTICLES, + TYPE_TRANSFORM, + TYPE_CLIP_IGNORE, + }; + + Command *next; + Type type; + virtual ~Command() {} + }; + + struct CommandRect : public Command { + Rect2 rect; + Color modulate; + Rect2 source; + uint8_t flags; + + RID texture; + + CommandRect() { + flags = 0; + type = TYPE_RECT; + } + }; + + struct CommandNinePatch : public Command { + Rect2 rect; + Rect2 source; + float margin[4]; + bool draw_center; + Color color; + RS::NinePatchAxisMode axis_x; + RS::NinePatchAxisMode axis_y; + + RID texture; + + CommandNinePatch() { + draw_center = true; + type = TYPE_NINEPATCH; + } + }; + + struct CommandPolygon : public Command { + RS::PrimitiveType primitive; + Polygon polygon; + + RID texture; + + CommandPolygon() { + type = TYPE_POLYGON; + } + }; + + struct CommandPrimitive : public Command { + uint32_t point_count; + Vector2 points[4]; + Vector2 uvs[4]; + Color colors[4]; + + RID texture; + + CommandPrimitive() { + type = TYPE_PRIMITIVE; + } + }; + + struct CommandMesh : public Command { + RID mesh; + Transform2D transform; + Color modulate; + + RID texture; + + CommandMesh() { type = TYPE_MESH; } + }; + + struct CommandMultiMesh : public Command { + RID multimesh; + + RID texture; + + CommandMultiMesh() { type = TYPE_MULTIMESH; } + }; + + struct CommandParticles : public Command { + RID particles; + + RID texture; + + CommandParticles() { type = TYPE_PARTICLES; } + }; + + struct CommandTransform : public Command { + Transform2D xform; + CommandTransform() { type = TYPE_TRANSFORM; } + }; + + struct CommandClipIgnore : public Command { + bool ignore; + CommandClipIgnore() { + type = TYPE_CLIP_IGNORE; + ignore = false; + } + }; + + struct ViewportRender { + RenderingServer *owner; + void *udata; + Rect2 rect; + }; + + Transform2D xform; + bool clip; + bool visible; + bool behind; + bool update_when_visible; + + struct CanvasGroup { + RS::CanvasGroupMode mode; + bool fit_empty; + float fit_margin; + bool blur_mipmaps; + float clear_margin; + }; + + CanvasGroup *canvas_group = nullptr; + int light_mask; + int z_final; + + mutable bool custom_rect; + mutable bool rect_dirty; + mutable Rect2 rect; + RID material; + RID skeleton; + + Item *next; + + struct CopyBackBuffer { + Rect2 rect; + Rect2 screen_rect; + bool full; + }; + CopyBackBuffer *copy_back_buffer; + + Color final_modulate; + Transform2D final_transform; + Rect2 final_clip_rect; + Item *final_clip_owner; + Item *material_owner; + Item *canvas_group_owner; + ViewportRender *vp_render; + bool distance_field; + bool light_masked; + + Rect2 global_rect_cache; + + const Rect2 &get_rect() const { + if (custom_rect || (!rect_dirty && !update_when_visible)) { + return rect; + } + + //must update rect + + if (commands == nullptr) { + rect = Rect2(); + rect_dirty = false; + return rect; + } + + Transform2D xf; + bool found_xform = false; + bool first = true; + + const Item::Command *c = commands; + + while (c) { + Rect2 r; + + switch (c->type) { + case Item::Command::TYPE_RECT: { + const Item::CommandRect *crect = static_cast<const Item::CommandRect *>(c); + r = crect->rect; + + } break; + case Item::Command::TYPE_NINEPATCH: { + const Item::CommandNinePatch *style = static_cast<const Item::CommandNinePatch *>(c); + r = style->rect; + } break; + + case Item::Command::TYPE_POLYGON: { + const Item::CommandPolygon *polygon = static_cast<const Item::CommandPolygon *>(c); + r = polygon->polygon.rect_cache; + } break; + case Item::Command::TYPE_PRIMITIVE: { + const Item::CommandPrimitive *primitive = static_cast<const Item::CommandPrimitive *>(c); + for (uint32_t j = 0; j < primitive->point_count; j++) { + if (j == 0) { + r.position = primitive->points[0]; + } else { + r.expand_to(primitive->points[j]); + } + } + } break; + case Item::Command::TYPE_MESH: { + const Item::CommandMesh *mesh = static_cast<const Item::CommandMesh *>(c); + AABB aabb = RendererStorage::base_singleton->mesh_get_aabb(mesh->mesh, RID()); + + r = Rect2(aabb.position.x, aabb.position.y, aabb.size.x, aabb.size.y); + + } break; + case Item::Command::TYPE_MULTIMESH: { + const Item::CommandMultiMesh *multimesh = static_cast<const Item::CommandMultiMesh *>(c); + AABB aabb = RendererStorage::base_singleton->multimesh_get_aabb(multimesh->multimesh); + + r = Rect2(aabb.position.x, aabb.position.y, aabb.size.x, aabb.size.y); + + } break; + case Item::Command::TYPE_PARTICLES: { + const Item::CommandParticles *particles_cmd = static_cast<const Item::CommandParticles *>(c); + if (particles_cmd->particles.is_valid()) { + AABB aabb = RendererStorage::base_singleton->particles_get_aabb(particles_cmd->particles); + r = Rect2(aabb.position.x, aabb.position.y, aabb.size.x, aabb.size.y); + } + + } break; + case Item::Command::TYPE_TRANSFORM: { + const Item::CommandTransform *transform = static_cast<const Item::CommandTransform *>(c); + xf = transform->xform; + found_xform = true; + [[fallthrough]]; + } + default: { + c = c->next; + continue; + } + } + + if (found_xform) { + r = xf.xform(r); + found_xform = false; + } + + if (first) { + rect = r; + first = false; + } else { + rect = rect.merge(r); + } + c = c->next; + } + + rect_dirty = false; + return rect; + } + + Command *commands; + Command *last_command; + Vector<CommandBlock> blocks; + uint32_t current_block; + + template <class T> + T *alloc_command() { + T *command; + if (commands == nullptr) { + // As the most common use case of canvas items is to + // use only one command, the first is done with it's + // own allocation. The rest of them use blocks. + command = memnew(T); + command->next = nullptr; + commands = command; + last_command = command; + } else { + //Subsequent commands go into a block. + + while (true) { + if (unlikely(current_block == (uint32_t)blocks.size())) { + // If we need more blocks, we allocate them + // (they won't be freed until this CanvasItem is + // deleted, though). + CommandBlock cb; + cb.memory = (uint8_t *)memalloc(CommandBlock::MAX_SIZE); + cb.usage = 0; + blocks.push_back(cb); + } + + CommandBlock *c = &blocks.write[current_block]; + size_t space_left = CommandBlock::MAX_SIZE - c->usage; + if (space_left < sizeof(T)) { + current_block++; + continue; + } + + //allocate block and add to the linked list + void *memory = c->memory + c->usage; + command = memnew_placement(memory, T); + command->next = nullptr; + last_command->next = command; + last_command = command; + c->usage += sizeof(T); + break; + } + } + + rect_dirty = true; + return command; + } + + void clear() { + // The first one is always allocated on heap + // the rest go in the blocks + Command *c = commands; + while (c) { + Command *n = c->next; + if (c == commands) { + memdelete(commands); + commands = nullptr; + } else { + c->~Command(); + } + c = n; + } + { + uint32_t cbc = MIN((current_block + 1), (uint32_t)blocks.size()); + CommandBlock *blockptr = blocks.ptrw(); + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cbc; i++) { + blockptr[i].usage = 0; + } + } + + last_command = nullptr; + commands = nullptr; + current_block = 0; + clip = false; + rect_dirty = true; + final_clip_owner = nullptr; + material_owner = nullptr; + light_masked = false; + } + + RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter texture_filter; + RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat texture_repeat; + + Item() { + commands = nullptr; + last_command = nullptr; + current_block = 0; + light_mask = 1; + vp_render = nullptr; + next = nullptr; + final_clip_owner = nullptr; + canvas_group_owner = nullptr; + clip = false; + final_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 1); + visible = true; + rect_dirty = true; + custom_rect = false; + behind = false; + material_owner = nullptr; + copy_back_buffer = nullptr; + distance_field = false; + light_masked = false; + update_when_visible = false; + z_final = 0; + texture_filter = RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_DEFAULT; + texture_repeat = RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DEFAULT; + } + virtual ~Item() { + clear(); + for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++) { + memfree(blocks[i].memory); + } + if (copy_back_buffer) { + memdelete(copy_back_buffer); + } + } + }; + + virtual void canvas_render_items(RID p_to_render_target, Item *p_item_list, const Color &p_modulate, Light *p_light_list, Light *p_directional_list, const Transform2D &p_canvas_transform, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_default_filter, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_default_repeat, bool p_snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel, bool &r_sdf_used) = 0; + virtual void canvas_debug_viewport_shadows(Light *p_lights_with_shadow) = 0; + + struct LightOccluderInstance { + bool enabled; + RID canvas; + RID polygon; + RID occluder; + Rect2 aabb_cache; + Transform2D xform; + Transform2D xform_cache; + int light_mask; + bool sdf_collision; + RS::CanvasOccluderPolygonCullMode cull_cache; + + LightOccluderInstance *next; + + LightOccluderInstance() { + enabled = true; + sdf_collision = false; + next = nullptr; + light_mask = 1; + cull_cache = RS::CANVAS_OCCLUDER_POLYGON_CULL_DISABLED; + } + }; + + virtual RID light_create() = 0; + virtual void light_set_texture(RID p_rid, RID p_texture) = 0; + virtual void light_set_use_shadow(RID p_rid, bool p_enable) = 0; + virtual void light_update_shadow(RID p_rid, int p_shadow_index, const Transform2D &p_light_xform, int p_light_mask, float p_near, float p_far, LightOccluderInstance *p_occluders) = 0; + virtual void light_update_directional_shadow(RID p_rid, int p_shadow_index, const Transform2D &p_light_xform, int p_light_mask, float p_cull_distance, const Rect2 &p_clip_rect, LightOccluderInstance *p_occluders) = 0; + + virtual void render_sdf(RID p_render_target, LightOccluderInstance *p_occluders) = 0; + + virtual RID occluder_polygon_create() = 0; + virtual void occluder_polygon_set_shape(RID p_occluder, const Vector<Vector2> &p_points, bool p_closed) = 0; + virtual void occluder_polygon_set_cull_mode(RID p_occluder, RS::CanvasOccluderPolygonCullMode p_mode) = 0; + virtual void set_shadow_texture_size(int p_size) = 0; + + virtual void draw_window_margins(int *p_margins, RID *p_margin_textures) = 0; + + virtual bool free(RID p_rid) = 0; + virtual void update() = 0; + + RendererCanvasRender() { singleton = this; } + virtual ~RendererCanvasRender() {} +}; + +#endif // RENDERINGSERVERCANVASRENDER_H diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e8c4a236fa --- /dev/null +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* renderer_compositor.cpp */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#include "renderer_compositor.h" + +#include "core/os/os.h" +#include "core/string/print_string.h" + +RendererCompositor *(*RendererCompositor::_create_func)() = nullptr; + +RendererCompositor *RendererCompositor::create() { + return _create_func(); +} + +RendererCanvasRender *RendererCanvasRender::singleton = nullptr; diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f328330efa --- /dev/null +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.h @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* renderer_compositor.h */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef RENDERING_SERVER_COMPOSITOR_H +#define RENDERING_SERVER_COMPOSITOR_H + +#include "core/math/camera_matrix.h" +#include "core/templates/pair.h" +#include "core/templates/self_list.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_canvas_render.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_scene.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_scene_render.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_storage.h" +#include "servers/rendering_server.h" + +class RendererCompositor { +protected: + static RendererCompositor *(*_create_func)(); + +public: + static RendererCompositor *create(); + + virtual RendererStorage *get_storage() = 0; + virtual RendererCanvasRender *get_canvas() = 0; + virtual RendererSceneRender *get_scene() = 0; + + virtual void set_boot_image(const Ref<Image> &p_image, const Color &p_color, bool p_scale, bool p_use_filter = true) = 0; + + virtual void initialize() = 0; + virtual void begin_frame(double frame_step) = 0; + + struct BlitToScreen { + RID render_target; + Rect2i rect; + //lens distorted parameters for VR should go here + }; + + virtual void prepare_for_blitting_render_targets() = 0; + virtual void blit_render_targets_to_screen(DisplayServer::WindowID p_screen, const BlitToScreen *p_render_targets, int p_amount) = 0; + + virtual void end_frame(bool p_swap_buffers) = 0; + virtual void finalize() = 0; + virtual uint64_t get_frame_number() const = 0; + virtual float get_frame_delta_time() const = 0; + + virtual bool is_low_end() const = 0; + + virtual ~RendererCompositor() {} +}; + +#endif // RASTERIZER_H diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/SCsub b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/SCsub index 6a2e682c67..6a2e682c67 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/SCsub +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/SCsub diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_effects_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects_rd.cpp index df94921652..cbb000cb8c 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_effects_rd.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects_rd.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* rasterizer_effects_rd.cpp */ +/* effects_rd.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#include "rasterizer_effects_rd.h" +#include "effects_rd.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "core/os/os.h" @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ static _FORCE_INLINE_ void store_camera(const CameraMatrix &p_mtx, float *p_arra } } -RID RasterizerEffectsRD::_get_uniform_set_from_image(RID p_image) { +RID EffectsRD::_get_uniform_set_from_image(RID p_image) { if (image_to_uniform_set_cache.has(p_image)) { RID uniform_set = image_to_uniform_set_cache[p_image]; if (RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(uniform_set)) { @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ RID RasterizerEffectsRD::_get_uniform_set_from_image(RID p_image) { } Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(p_image); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ RID RasterizerEffectsRD::_get_uniform_set_from_image(RID p_image) { return uniform_set; } -RID RasterizerEffectsRD::_get_uniform_set_from_texture(RID p_texture, bool p_use_mipmaps) { +RID EffectsRD::_get_uniform_set_from_texture(RID p_texture, bool p_use_mipmaps) { if (texture_to_uniform_set_cache.has(p_texture)) { RID uniform_set = texture_to_uniform_set_cache[p_texture]; if (RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(uniform_set)) { @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ RID RasterizerEffectsRD::_get_uniform_set_from_texture(RID p_texture, bool p_use Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(p_use_mipmaps ? default_mipmap_sampler : default_sampler); u.ids.push_back(p_texture); @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ RID RasterizerEffectsRD::_get_uniform_set_from_texture(RID p_texture, bool p_use return uniform_set; } -RID RasterizerEffectsRD::_get_compute_uniform_set_from_texture(RID p_texture, bool p_use_mipmaps) { +RID EffectsRD::_get_compute_uniform_set_from_texture(RID p_texture, bool p_use_mipmaps) { if (texture_to_compute_uniform_set_cache.has(p_texture)) { RID uniform_set = texture_to_compute_uniform_set_cache[p_texture]; if (RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(uniform_set)) { @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ RID RasterizerEffectsRD::_get_compute_uniform_set_from_texture(RID p_texture, bo Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(p_use_mipmaps ? default_mipmap_sampler : default_sampler); u.ids.push_back(p_texture); @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ RID RasterizerEffectsRD::_get_compute_uniform_set_from_texture(RID p_texture, bo return uniform_set; } -RID RasterizerEffectsRD::_get_compute_uniform_set_from_texture_pair(RID p_texture1, RID p_texture2, bool p_use_mipmaps) { +RID EffectsRD::_get_compute_uniform_set_from_texture_pair(RID p_texture1, RID p_texture2, bool p_use_mipmaps) { TexturePair tp; tp.texture1 = p_texture1; tp.texture2 = p_texture2; @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ RID RasterizerEffectsRD::_get_compute_uniform_set_from_texture_pair(RID p_textur Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(p_use_mipmaps ? default_mipmap_sampler : default_sampler); u.ids.push_back(p_texture1); @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ RID RasterizerEffectsRD::_get_compute_uniform_set_from_texture_pair(RID p_textur } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(p_use_mipmaps ? default_mipmap_sampler : default_sampler); u.ids.push_back(p_texture2); @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ RID RasterizerEffectsRD::_get_compute_uniform_set_from_texture_pair(RID p_textur return uniform_set; } -RID RasterizerEffectsRD::_get_compute_uniform_set_from_image_pair(RID p_texture1, RID p_texture2) { +RID EffectsRD::_get_compute_uniform_set_from_image_pair(RID p_texture1, RID p_texture2) { TexturePair tp; tp.texture1 = p_texture1; tp.texture2 = p_texture2; @@ -177,14 +177,14 @@ RID RasterizerEffectsRD::_get_compute_uniform_set_from_image_pair(RID p_texture1 Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(p_texture1); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(p_texture2); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ RID RasterizerEffectsRD::_get_compute_uniform_set_from_image_pair(RID p_texture1 return uniform_set; } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::copy_to_atlas_fb(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_framebuffer, const Rect2 &p_uv_rect, RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, bool p_flip_y, bool p_panorama) { +void EffectsRD::copy_to_atlas_fb(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_framebuffer, const Rect2 &p_uv_rect, RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, bool p_flip_y, bool p_panorama) { zeromem(©_to_fb.push_constant, sizeof(CopyToFbPushConstant)); copy_to_fb.push_constant.use_section = true; @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::copy_to_atlas_fb(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_f RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_draw(draw_list, true); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::copy_to_fb_rect(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_rect, bool p_flip_y, bool p_force_luminance, bool p_alpha_to_zero, bool p_srgb, RID p_secondary) { +void EffectsRD::copy_to_fb_rect(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_rect, bool p_flip_y, bool p_force_luminance, bool p_alpha_to_zero, bool p_srgb, RID p_secondary) { zeromem(©_to_fb.push_constant, sizeof(CopyToFbPushConstant)); if (p_flip_y) { @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::copy_to_fb_rect(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_fr RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_end(); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::copy_to_rect(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_texture, const Rect2i &p_rect, bool p_flip_y, bool p_force_luminance, bool p_all_source, bool p_8_bit_dst, bool p_alpha_to_one) { +void EffectsRD::copy_to_rect(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_texture, const Rect2i &p_rect, bool p_flip_y, bool p_force_luminance, bool p_all_source, bool p_8_bit_dst, bool p_alpha_to_one) { zeromem(©.push_constant, sizeof(CopyPushConstant)); if (p_flip_y) { copy.push_constant.flags |= COPY_FLAG_FLIP_Y; @@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::copy_to_rect(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_textu RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::copy_cubemap_to_panorama(RID p_source_cube, RID p_dest_panorama, const Size2i &p_panorama_size, float p_lod, bool p_is_array) { +void EffectsRD::copy_cubemap_to_panorama(RID p_source_cube, RID p_dest_panorama, const Size2i &p_panorama_size, float p_lod, bool p_is_array) { zeromem(©.push_constant, sizeof(CopyPushConstant)); copy.push_constant.section[0] = 0; @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::copy_cubemap_to_panorama(RID p_source_cube, RID p_dest RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::copy_depth_to_rect_and_linearize(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_texture, const Rect2i &p_rect, bool p_flip_y, float p_z_near, float p_z_far) { +void EffectsRD::copy_depth_to_rect_and_linearize(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_texture, const Rect2i &p_rect, bool p_flip_y, float p_z_near, float p_z_far) { zeromem(©.push_constant, sizeof(CopyPushConstant)); if (p_flip_y) { copy.push_constant.flags |= COPY_FLAG_FLIP_Y; @@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::copy_depth_to_rect_and_linearize(RID p_source_rd_textu RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::copy_depth_to_rect(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_texture, const Rect2i &p_rect, bool p_flip_y) { +void EffectsRD::copy_depth_to_rect(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_texture, const Rect2i &p_rect, bool p_flip_y) { zeromem(©.push_constant, sizeof(CopyPushConstant)); if (p_flip_y) { copy.push_constant.flags |= COPY_FLAG_FLIP_Y; @@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::copy_depth_to_rect(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::set_color(RID p_dest_texture, const Color &p_color, const Rect2i &p_region, bool p_8bit_dst) { +void EffectsRD::set_color(RID p_dest_texture, const Color &p_color, const Rect2i &p_region, bool p_8bit_dst) { zeromem(©.push_constant, sizeof(CopyPushConstant)); copy.push_constant.section[0] = 0; @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::set_color(RID p_dest_texture, const Color &p_color, co RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::gaussian_blur(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_texture, RID p_back_texture, const Rect2i &p_region, bool p_8bit_dst) { +void EffectsRD::gaussian_blur(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_texture, RID p_back_texture, const Rect2i &p_region, bool p_8bit_dst) { zeromem(©.push_constant, sizeof(CopyPushConstant)); uint32_t base_flags = 0; @@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::gaussian_blur(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_texture, RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::gaussian_glow(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_back_texture, const Size2i &p_size, float p_strength, bool p_high_quality, bool p_first_pass, float p_luminance_cap, float p_exposure, float p_bloom, float p_hdr_bleed_treshold, float p_hdr_bleed_scale, RID p_auto_exposure, float p_auto_exposure_grey) { +void EffectsRD::gaussian_glow(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_back_texture, const Size2i &p_size, float p_strength, bool p_high_quality, bool p_first_pass, float p_luminance_cap, float p_exposure, float p_bloom, float p_hdr_bleed_treshold, float p_hdr_bleed_scale, RID p_auto_exposure, float p_auto_exposure_grey) { zeromem(©.push_constant, sizeof(CopyPushConstant)); CopyMode copy_mode = p_first_pass && p_auto_exposure.is_valid() ? COPY_MODE_GAUSSIAN_GLOW_AUTO_EXPOSURE : COPY_MODE_GAUSSIAN_GLOW; @@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::gaussian_glow(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_back_text RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::screen_space_reflection(RID p_diffuse, RID p_normal_roughness, RenderingServer::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality p_roughness_quality, RID p_blur_radius, RID p_blur_radius2, RID p_metallic, const Color &p_metallic_mask, RID p_depth, RID p_scale_depth, RID p_scale_normal, RID p_output, RID p_output_blur, const Size2i &p_screen_size, int p_max_steps, float p_fade_in, float p_fade_out, float p_tolerance, const CameraMatrix &p_camera) { +void EffectsRD::screen_space_reflection(RID p_diffuse, RID p_normal_roughness, RenderingServer::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality p_roughness_quality, RID p_blur_radius, RID p_blur_radius2, RID p_metallic, const Color &p_metallic_mask, RID p_depth, RID p_scale_depth, RID p_scale_normal, RID p_output, RID p_output_blur, const Size2i &p_screen_size, int p_max_steps, float p_fade_in, float p_fade_out, float p_tolerance, const CameraMatrix &p_camera) { RD::ComputeListID compute_list = RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_begin(); int32_t x_groups = (p_screen_size.width - 1) / 8 + 1; @@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::screen_space_reflection(RID p_diffuse, RID p_normal_ro RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::sub_surface_scattering(RID p_diffuse, RID p_diffuse2, RID p_depth, const CameraMatrix &p_camera, const Size2i &p_screen_size, float p_scale, float p_depth_scale, RenderingServer::SubSurfaceScatteringQuality p_quality) { +void EffectsRD::sub_surface_scattering(RID p_diffuse, RID p_diffuse2, RID p_depth, const CameraMatrix &p_camera, const Size2i &p_screen_size, float p_scale, float p_depth_scale, RenderingServer::SubSurfaceScatteringQuality p_quality) { RD::ComputeListID compute_list = RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_begin(); int32_t x_groups = (p_screen_size.width - 1) / 8 + 1; @@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::sub_surface_scattering(RID p_diffuse, RID p_diffuse2, } } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::merge_specular(RID p_dest_framebuffer, RID p_specular, RID p_base, RID p_reflection) { +void EffectsRD::merge_specular(RID p_dest_framebuffer, RID p_specular, RID p_base, RID p_reflection) { RD::DrawListID draw_list = RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_begin(p_dest_framebuffer, RD::INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP, RD::FINAL_ACTION_READ, RD::INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP, RD::FINAL_ACTION_DISCARD, Vector<Color>()); if (p_reflection.is_valid()) { @@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::merge_specular(RID p_dest_framebuffer, RID p_specular, RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_end(); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::make_mipmap(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_texture, const Size2i &p_size) { +void EffectsRD::make_mipmap(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_texture, const Size2i &p_size) { zeromem(©.push_constant, sizeof(CopyPushConstant)); copy.push_constant.section[0] = 0; @@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::make_mipmap(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_textur RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::copy_cubemap_to_dp(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_texture, const Rect2i &p_rect, float p_z_near, float p_z_far, float p_bias, bool p_dp_flip) { +void EffectsRD::copy_cubemap_to_dp(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_texture, const Rect2i &p_rect, float p_z_near, float p_z_far, float p_bias, bool p_dp_flip) { CopyToDPPushConstant push_constant; push_constant.screen_size[0] = p_rect.size.x; push_constant.screen_size[1] = p_rect.size.y; @@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::copy_cubemap_to_dp(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::tonemapper(RID p_source_color, RID p_dst_framebuffer, const TonemapSettings &p_settings) { +void EffectsRD::tonemapper(RID p_source_color, RID p_dst_framebuffer, const TonemapSettings &p_settings) { zeromem(&tonemap.push_constant, sizeof(TonemapPushConstant)); tonemap.push_constant.use_bcs = p_settings.use_bcs; @@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::tonemapper(RID p_source_color, RID p_dst_framebuffer, RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_end(); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::luminance_reduction(RID p_source_texture, const Size2i p_source_size, const Vector<RID> p_reduce, RID p_prev_luminance, float p_min_luminance, float p_max_luminance, float p_adjust, bool p_set) { +void EffectsRD::luminance_reduction(RID p_source_texture, const Size2i p_source_size, const Vector<RID> p_reduce, RID p_prev_luminance, float p_min_luminance, float p_max_luminance, float p_adjust, bool p_set) { luminance_reduce.push_constant.source_size[0] = p_source_size.x; luminance_reduce.push_constant.source_size[1] = p_source_size.y; luminance_reduce.push_constant.max_luminance = p_max_luminance; @@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::luminance_reduction(RID p_source_texture, const Size2i RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::bokeh_dof(RID p_base_texture, RID p_depth_texture, const Size2i &p_base_texture_size, RID p_secondary_texture, RID p_halfsize_texture1, RID p_halfsize_texture2, bool p_dof_far, float p_dof_far_begin, float p_dof_far_size, bool p_dof_near, float p_dof_near_begin, float p_dof_near_size, float p_bokeh_size, RenderingServer::DOFBokehShape p_bokeh_shape, RS::DOFBlurQuality p_quality, bool p_use_jitter, float p_cam_znear, float p_cam_zfar, bool p_cam_orthogonal) { +void EffectsRD::bokeh_dof(RID p_base_texture, RID p_depth_texture, const Size2i &p_base_texture_size, RID p_secondary_texture, RID p_halfsize_texture1, RID p_halfsize_texture2, bool p_dof_far, float p_dof_far_begin, float p_dof_far_size, bool p_dof_near, float p_dof_near_begin, float p_dof_near_size, float p_bokeh_size, RenderingServer::DOFBokehShape p_bokeh_shape, RS::DOFBlurQuality p_quality, bool p_use_jitter, float p_cam_znear, float p_cam_zfar, bool p_cam_orthogonal) { bokeh.push_constant.blur_far_active = p_dof_far; bokeh.push_constant.blur_far_begin = p_dof_far_begin; bokeh.push_constant.blur_far_end = p_dof_far_begin + p_dof_far_size; @@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::bokeh_dof(RID p_base_texture, RID p_depth_texture, con RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::generate_ssao(RID p_depth_buffer, RID p_normal_buffer, const Size2i &p_depth_buffer_size, RID p_depth_mipmaps_texture, const Vector<RID> &depth_mipmaps, RID p_ao1, bool p_half_size, RID p_ao2, RID p_upscale_buffer, float p_intensity, float p_radius, float p_bias, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, RS::EnvironmentSSAOQuality p_quality, RS::EnvironmentSSAOBlur p_blur, float p_edge_sharpness) { +void EffectsRD::generate_ssao(RID p_depth_buffer, RID p_normal_buffer, const Size2i &p_depth_buffer_size, RID p_depth_mipmaps_texture, const Vector<RID> &depth_mipmaps, RID p_ao1, bool p_half_size, RID p_ao2, RID p_upscale_buffer, float p_intensity, float p_radius, float p_bias, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, RS::EnvironmentSSAOQuality p_quality, RS::EnvironmentSSAOBlur p_blur, float p_edge_sharpness) { //minify first ssao.minify_push_constant.orthogonal = p_projection.is_orthogonal(); ssao.minify_push_constant.z_near = p_projection.get_z_near(); @@ -1104,7 +1104,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::generate_ssao(RID p_depth_buffer, RID p_normal_buffer, RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::roughness_limit(RID p_source_normal, RID p_roughness, const Size2i &p_size, float p_curve) { +void EffectsRD::roughness_limit(RID p_source_normal, RID p_roughness, const Size2i &p_size, float p_curve) { roughness_limiter.push_constant.screen_size[0] = p_size.x; roughness_limiter.push_constant.screen_size[1] = p_size.y; roughness_limiter.push_constant.curve = p_curve; @@ -1124,7 +1124,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::roughness_limit(RID p_source_normal, RID p_roughness, RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::cubemap_roughness(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_framebuffer, uint32_t p_face_id, uint32_t p_sample_count, float p_roughness, float p_size) { +void EffectsRD::cubemap_roughness(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_framebuffer, uint32_t p_face_id, uint32_t p_sample_count, float p_roughness, float p_size) { zeromem(&roughness.push_constant, sizeof(CubemapRoughnessPushConstant)); roughness.push_constant.face_id = p_face_id > 9 ? 0 : p_face_id; @@ -1149,7 +1149,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::cubemap_roughness(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::cubemap_downsample(RID p_source_cubemap, RID p_dest_cubemap, const Size2i &p_size) { +void EffectsRD::cubemap_downsample(RID p_source_cubemap, RID p_dest_cubemap, const Size2i &p_size) { cubemap_downsampler.push_constant.face_size = p_size.x; RD::ComputeListID compute_list = RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_begin(); @@ -1167,11 +1167,11 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::cubemap_downsample(RID p_source_cubemap, RID p_dest_cu RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::cubemap_filter(RID p_source_cubemap, Vector<RID> p_dest_cubemap, bool p_use_array) { +void EffectsRD::cubemap_filter(RID p_source_cubemap, Vector<RID> p_dest_cubemap, bool p_use_array) { Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; for (int i = 0; i < p_dest_cubemap.size(); i++) { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = i; u.ids.push_back(p_dest_cubemap[i]); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1196,7 +1196,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::cubemap_filter(RID p_source_cubemap, Vector<RID> p_des RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::render_sky(RD::DrawListID p_list, float p_time, RID p_fb, RID p_samplers, RID p_fog, RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD *p_pipeline, RID p_uniform_set, RID p_texture_set, const CameraMatrix &p_camera, const Basis &p_orientation, float p_multiplier, const Vector3 &p_position) { +void EffectsRD::render_sky(RD::DrawListID p_list, float p_time, RID p_fb, RID p_samplers, RID p_fog, PipelineCacheRD *p_pipeline, RID p_uniform_set, RID p_texture_set, const CameraMatrix &p_camera, const Basis &p_orientation, float p_multiplier, const Vector3 &p_position) { SkyPushConstant sky_push_constant; zeromem(&sky_push_constant, sizeof(SkyPushConstant)); @@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::render_sky(RD::DrawListID p_list, float p_time, RID p_ RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_draw(draw_list, true); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::resolve_gi(RID p_source_depth, RID p_source_normal_roughness, RID p_source_giprobe, RID p_dest_depth, RID p_dest_normal_roughness, RID p_dest_giprobe, Vector2i p_screen_size, int p_samples) { +void EffectsRD::resolve_gi(RID p_source_depth, RID p_source_normal_roughness, RID p_source_giprobe, RID p_dest_depth, RID p_dest_normal_roughness, RID p_dest_giprobe, Vector2i p_screen_size, int p_samples) { ResolvePushConstant push_constant; push_constant.screen_size[0] = p_screen_size.x; push_constant.screen_size[1] = p_screen_size.y; @@ -1254,7 +1254,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::resolve_gi(RID p_source_depth, RID p_source_normal_rou RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::reduce_shadow(RID p_source_shadow, RID p_dest_shadow, const Size2i &p_source_size, const Rect2i &p_source_rect, int p_shrink_limit, RD::ComputeListID compute_list) { +void EffectsRD::reduce_shadow(RID p_source_shadow, RID p_dest_shadow, const Size2i &p_source_size, const Rect2i &p_source_rect, int p_shrink_limit, RD::ComputeListID compute_list) { uint32_t push_constant[8] = { (uint32_t)p_source_size.x, (uint32_t)p_source_size.y, (uint32_t)p_source_rect.position.x, (uint32_t)p_source_rect.position.y, (uint32_t)p_shrink_limit, 0, 0, 0 }; RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, shadow_reduce.pipelines[SHADOW_REDUCE_REDUCE]); @@ -1263,7 +1263,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::reduce_shadow(RID p_source_shadow, RID p_dest_shadow, RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, p_source_rect.size.width, p_source_rect.size.height, 1, 8, 8, 1); } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::filter_shadow(RID p_shadow, RID p_backing_shadow, const Size2i &p_source_size, const Rect2i &p_source_rect, RenderingServer::EnvVolumetricFogShadowFilter p_filter, RD::ComputeListID compute_list, bool p_vertical, bool p_horizontal) { +void EffectsRD::filter_shadow(RID p_shadow, RID p_backing_shadow, const Size2i &p_source_size, const Rect2i &p_source_rect, RenderingServer::EnvVolumetricFogShadowFilter p_filter, RD::ComputeListID compute_list, bool p_vertical, bool p_horizontal) { uint32_t push_constant[8] = { (uint32_t)p_source_size.x, (uint32_t)p_source_size.y, (uint32_t)p_source_rect.position.x, (uint32_t)p_source_rect.position.y, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; switch (p_filter) { @@ -1299,7 +1299,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::filter_shadow(RID p_shadow, RID p_backing_shadow, cons } } -void RasterizerEffectsRD::sort_buffer(RID p_uniform_set, int p_size) { +void EffectsRD::sort_buffer(RID p_uniform_set, int p_size) { Sort::PushConstant push_constant; push_constant.total_elements = p_size; @@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::sort_buffer(RID p_uniform_set, int p_size) { RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -RasterizerEffectsRD::RasterizerEffectsRD() { +EffectsRD::EffectsRD() { { // Initialize copy Vector<String> copy_modes; copy_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_GAUSSIAN_BLUR\n"); @@ -1591,7 +1591,7 @@ RasterizerEffectsRD::RasterizerEffectsRD() { Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(filter.coefficient_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1763,7 +1763,7 @@ RasterizerEffectsRD::RasterizerEffectsRD() { } } -RasterizerEffectsRD::~RasterizerEffectsRD() { +EffectsRD::~EffectsRD() { if (RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(filter.image_uniform_set)) { RD::get_singleton()->free(filter.image_uniform_set); } diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_effects_rd.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects_rd.h index 0b8d3a8f27..3afc111b9d 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_effects_rd.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects_rd.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* rasterizer_effects_rd.h */ +/* effects_rd.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,36 +28,36 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#ifndef RASTERIZER_EFFECTS_RD_H -#define RASTERIZER_EFFECTS_RD_H +#ifndef EFFECTS_RD_H +#define EFFECTS_RD_H #include "core/math/camera_matrix.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/render_pipeline_vertex_format_cache_rd.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/bokeh_dof.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/copy.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/copy_to_fb.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/cube_to_dp.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/cubemap_downsampler.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/cubemap_filter.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/cubemap_roughness.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/luminance_reduce.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/resolve.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/roughness_limiter.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection_filter.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection_scale.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/shadow_reduce.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sort.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/specular_merge.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/ssao.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/ssao_blur.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/ssao_minify.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/subsurface_scattering.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/tonemap.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/pipeline_cache_rd.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/bokeh_dof.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/copy.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/copy_to_fb.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cube_to_dp.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cubemap_downsampler.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cubemap_filter.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cubemap_roughness.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/luminance_reduce.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/resolve.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/roughness_limiter.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection_filter.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection_scale.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/shadow_reduce.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sort.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/specular_merge.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/ssao.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/ssao_blur.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/ssao_minify.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/subsurface_scattering.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/tonemap.glsl.gen.h" #include "servers/rendering_server.h" -class RasterizerEffectsRD { +class EffectsRD { enum CopyMode { COPY_MODE_GAUSSIAN_COPY, COPY_MODE_GAUSSIAN_COPY_8BIT, @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ class RasterizerEffectsRD { CopyToFbPushConstant push_constant; CopyToFbShaderRD shader; RID shader_version; - RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD pipelines[COPY_TO_FB_MAX]; + PipelineCacheRD pipelines[COPY_TO_FB_MAX]; } copy_to_fb; @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ class RasterizerEffectsRD { TonemapPushConstant push_constant; TonemapShaderRD shader; RID shader_version; - RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD pipelines[TONEMAP_MODE_MAX]; + PipelineCacheRD pipelines[TONEMAP_MODE_MAX]; } tonemap; enum LuminanceReduceMode { @@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ class RasterizerEffectsRD { struct SpecularMerge { SpecularMergeShaderRD shader; RID shader_version; - RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD pipelines[SPECULAR_MERGE_MAX]; + PipelineCacheRD pipelines[SPECULAR_MERGE_MAX]; } specular_merge; @@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ public: void roughness_limit(RID p_source_normal, RID p_roughness, const Size2i &p_size, float p_curve); void cubemap_downsample(RID p_source_cubemap, RID p_dest_cubemap, const Size2i &p_size); void cubemap_filter(RID p_source_cubemap, Vector<RID> p_dest_cubemap, bool p_use_array); - void render_sky(RD::DrawListID p_list, float p_time, RID p_fb, RID p_samplers, RID p_fog, RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD *p_pipeline, RID p_uniform_set, RID p_texture_set, const CameraMatrix &p_camera, const Basis &p_orientation, float p_multiplier, const Vector3 &p_position); + void render_sky(RD::DrawListID p_list, float p_time, RID p_fb, RID p_samplers, RID p_fog, PipelineCacheRD *p_pipeline, RID p_uniform_set, RID p_texture_set, const CameraMatrix &p_camera, const Basis &p_orientation, float p_multiplier, const Vector3 &p_position); void screen_space_reflection(RID p_diffuse, RID p_normal_roughness, RS::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality p_roughness_quality, RID p_blur_radius, RID p_blur_radius2, RID p_metallic, const Color &p_metallic_mask, RID p_depth, RID p_scale_depth, RID p_scale_normal, RID p_output, RID p_output_blur, const Size2i &p_screen_size, int p_max_steps, float p_fade_in, float p_fade_out, float p_tolerance, const CameraMatrix &p_camera); void merge_specular(RID p_dest_framebuffer, RID p_specular, RID p_base, RID p_reflection); @@ -684,8 +684,8 @@ public: void sort_buffer(RID p_uniform_set, int p_size); - RasterizerEffectsRD(); - ~RasterizerEffectsRD(); + EffectsRD(); + ~EffectsRD(); }; #endif // !RASTERIZER_EFFECTS_RD_H diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/light_cluster_builder.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/light_cluster_builder.cpp index efb48e6df7..b76b41ba26 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/light_cluster_builder.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/light_cluster_builder.cpp @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ void LightClusterBuilder::setup(uint32_t p_width, uint32_t p_height, uint32_t p_ { RD::TextureFormat tf; tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_3D; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_3D; tf.width = width; tf.height = height; tf.depth = depth; diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/light_cluster_builder.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/light_cluster_builder.h index b1da083dad..0767a96817 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/light_cluster_builder.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/light_cluster_builder.h @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ #ifndef LIGHT_CLUSTER_BUILDER_H #define LIGHT_CLUSTER_BUILDER_H -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_storage_rd.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.h" class LightClusterBuilder { public: diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/render_pipeline_vertex_format_cache_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/pipeline_cache_rd.cpp index 5cc3da8d4e..8319e3eed1 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/render_pipeline_vertex_format_cache_rd.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/pipeline_cache_rd.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* render_pipeline_vertex_format_cache_rd.cpp */ +/* pipeline_cache_rd.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#include "render_pipeline_vertex_format_cache_rd.h" +#include "pipeline_cache_rd.h" #include "core/os/memory.h" -RID RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD::_generate_version(RD::VertexFormatID p_vertex_format_id, RD::FramebufferFormatID p_framebuffer_format_id, bool p_wireframe) { +RID PipelineCacheRD::_generate_version(RD::VertexFormatID p_vertex_format_id, RD::FramebufferFormatID p_framebuffer_format_id, bool p_wireframe) { RD::PipelineMultisampleState multisample_state_version = multisample_state; multisample_state_version.sample_count = RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_format_get_texture_samples(p_framebuffer_format_id); @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ RID RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD::_generate_version(RD::VertexFormatID p_ve return pipeline; } -void RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD::_clear() { +void PipelineCacheRD::_clear() { if (versions) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < version_count; i++) { //shader may be gone, so this may not be valid @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ void RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD::_clear() { } } -void RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD::setup(RID p_shader, RD::RenderPrimitive p_primitive, const RD::PipelineRasterizationState &p_rasterization_state, RD::PipelineMultisampleState p_multisample, const RD::PipelineDepthStencilState &p_depth_stencil_state, const RD::PipelineColorBlendState &p_blend_state, int p_dynamic_state_flags) { +void PipelineCacheRD::setup(RID p_shader, RD::RenderPrimitive p_primitive, const RD::PipelineRasterizationState &p_rasterization_state, RD::PipelineMultisampleState p_multisample, const RD::PipelineDepthStencilState &p_depth_stencil_state, const RD::PipelineColorBlendState &p_blend_state, int p_dynamic_state_flags) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_shader.is_null()); _clear(); shader = p_shader; @@ -76,24 +76,24 @@ void RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD::setup(RID p_shader, RD::RenderPrimitive dynamic_state_flags = p_dynamic_state_flags; } -void RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD::update_shader(RID p_shader) { +void PipelineCacheRD::update_shader(RID p_shader) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_shader.is_null()); _clear(); setup(p_shader, render_primitive, rasterization_state, multisample_state, depth_stencil_state, blend_state, dynamic_state_flags); } -void RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD::clear() { +void PipelineCacheRD::clear() { _clear(); shader = RID(); //clear shader input_mask = 0; } -RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD::RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD() { +PipelineCacheRD::PipelineCacheRD() { version_count = 0; versions = nullptr; input_mask = 0; } -RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD::~RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD() { +PipelineCacheRD::~PipelineCacheRD() { _clear(); } diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/render_pipeline_vertex_format_cache_rd.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/pipeline_cache_rd.h index 6a72dbc77c..2f91c3c3b5 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/render_pipeline_vertex_format_cache_rd.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/pipeline_cache_rd.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* render_pipeline_vertex_format_cache_rd.h */ +/* pipeline_cache_rd.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#ifndef RENDER_PIPELINE_CACHE_RD_H -#define RENDER_PIPELINE_CACHE_RD_H +#ifndef PIPELINE_CACHE_RD_H +#define PIPELINE_CACHE_RD_H #include "core/os/spin_lock.h" #include "servers/rendering/rendering_device.h" -class RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD { +class PipelineCacheRD { SpinLock spin_lock; RID shader; @@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ public: return input_mask; } void clear(); - RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD(); - ~RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD(); + PipelineCacheRD(); + ~PipelineCacheRD(); }; #endif // RENDER_PIPELINE_CACHE_RD_H diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_canvas_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_canvas_render_rd.cpp index 921a7b966e..8fa56b182c 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_canvas_rd.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_canvas_render_rd.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* rasterizer_canvas_rd.cpp */ +/* renderer_canvas_render_rd.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#include "rasterizer_canvas_rd.h" +#include "renderer_canvas_render_rd.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "core/math/geometry_2d.h" #include "core/math/math_funcs.h" -#include "rasterizer_rd.h" +#include "renderer_compositor_rd.h" -void RasterizerCanvasRD::_update_transform_2d_to_mat4(const Transform2D &p_transform, float *p_mat4) { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::_update_transform_2d_to_mat4(const Transform2D &p_transform, float *p_mat4) { p_mat4[0] = p_transform.elements[0][0]; p_mat4[1] = p_transform.elements[0][1]; p_mat4[2] = 0; @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::_update_transform_2d_to_mat4(const Transform2D &p_trans p_mat4[15] = 1; } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::_update_transform_2d_to_mat2x4(const Transform2D &p_transform, float *p_mat2x4) { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::_update_transform_2d_to_mat2x4(const Transform2D &p_transform, float *p_mat2x4) { p_mat2x4[0] = p_transform.elements[0][0]; p_mat2x4[1] = p_transform.elements[1][0]; p_mat2x4[2] = 0; @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::_update_transform_2d_to_mat2x4(const Transform2D &p_tra p_mat2x4[7] = p_transform.elements[2][1]; } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::_update_transform_2d_to_mat2x3(const Transform2D &p_transform, float *p_mat2x3) { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::_update_transform_2d_to_mat2x3(const Transform2D &p_transform, float *p_mat2x3) { p_mat2x3[0] = p_transform.elements[0][0]; p_mat2x3[1] = p_transform.elements[0][1]; p_mat2x3[2] = p_transform.elements[1][0]; @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::_update_transform_2d_to_mat2x3(const Transform2D &p_tra p_mat2x3[5] = p_transform.elements[2][1]; } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::_update_transform_to_mat4(const Transform &p_transform, float *p_mat4) { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::_update_transform_to_mat4(const Transform &p_transform, float *p_mat4) { p_mat4[0] = p_transform.basis.elements[0][0]; p_mat4[1] = p_transform.basis.elements[1][0]; p_mat4[2] = p_transform.basis.elements[2][0]; @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::_update_transform_to_mat4(const Transform &p_transform, p_mat4[15] = 1; } -RasterizerCanvas::PolygonID RasterizerCanvasRD::request_polygon(const Vector<int> &p_indices, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs, const Vector<int> &p_bones, const Vector<float> &p_weights) { +RendererCanvasRender::PolygonID RendererCanvasRenderRD::request_polygon(const Vector<int> &p_indices, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs, const Vector<int> &p_bones, const Vector<float> &p_weights) { // Care must be taken to generate array formats // in ways where they could be reused, so we will // put single-occuring elements first, and repeated @@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ RasterizerCanvas::PolygonID RasterizerCanvasRD::request_polygon(const Vector<int Vector<uint8_t> polygon_buffer; polygon_buffer.resize(buffer_size * sizeof(float)); Vector<RD::VertexAttribute> descriptions; - descriptions.resize(4); + descriptions.resize(5); Vector<RID> buffers; - buffers.resize(4); + buffers.resize(5); { const uint8_t *r = polygon_buffer.ptr(); @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ RasterizerCanvas::PolygonID RasterizerCanvasRD::request_polygon(const Vector<int vd.stride = 0; descriptions.write[1] = vd; - buffers.write[1] = storage->mesh_get_default_rd_buffer(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_BUFFER_COLOR); + buffers.write[1] = storage->mesh_get_default_rd_buffer(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_BUFFER_COLOR); } //uvs @@ -212,13 +212,13 @@ RasterizerCanvas::PolygonID RasterizerCanvasRD::request_polygon(const Vector<int vd.stride = 0; descriptions.write[2] = vd; - buffers.write[2] = storage->mesh_get_default_rd_buffer(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_BUFFER_TEX_UV); + buffers.write[2] = storage->mesh_get_default_rd_buffer(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_BUFFER_TEX_UV); } //bones if ((uint32_t)p_indices.size() == vertex_count * 4 && (uint32_t)p_weights.size() == vertex_count * 4) { RD::VertexAttribute vd; - vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT; + vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UINT; vd.offset = base_offset * sizeof(float); vd.location = RS::ARRAY_BONES; vd.stride = stride * sizeof(float); @@ -226,16 +226,42 @@ RasterizerCanvas::PolygonID RasterizerCanvasRD::request_polygon(const Vector<int descriptions.write[3] = vd; const int *bone_ptr = p_bones.ptr(); - const float *weight_ptr = p_weights.ptr(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < vertex_count; i++) { uint16_t *bone16w = (uint16_t *)&uptr[base_offset + i * stride]; - uint16_t *weight16w = (uint16_t *)&uptr[base_offset + i * stride + 2]; bone16w[0] = bone_ptr[i * 4 + 0]; bone16w[1] = bone_ptr[i * 4 + 1]; bone16w[2] = bone_ptr[i * 4 + 2]; bone16w[3] = bone_ptr[i * 4 + 3]; + } + + base_offset += 2; + } else { + RD::VertexAttribute vd; + vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT; + vd.offset = 0; + vd.location = RS::ARRAY_BONES; + vd.stride = 0; + + descriptions.write[3] = vd; + buffers.write[3] = storage->mesh_get_default_rd_buffer(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_BUFFER_BONES); + } + + //weights + if ((uint32_t)p_weights.size() == vertex_count * 4) { + RD::VertexAttribute vd; + vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM; + vd.offset = base_offset * sizeof(float); + vd.location = RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS; + vd.stride = stride * sizeof(float); + + descriptions.write[4] = vd; + + const float *weight_ptr = p_weights.ptr(); + + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < vertex_count; i++) { + uint16_t *weight16w = (uint16_t *)&uptr[base_offset + i * stride]; weight16w[0] = CLAMP(weight_ptr[i * 4 + 0] * 65535, 0, 65535); weight16w[1] = CLAMP(weight_ptr[i * 4 + 1] * 65535, 0, 65535); @@ -243,16 +269,16 @@ RasterizerCanvas::PolygonID RasterizerCanvasRD::request_polygon(const Vector<int weight16w[3] = CLAMP(weight_ptr[i * 4 + 3] * 65535, 0, 65535); } - base_offset += 4; + base_offset += 2; } else { RD::VertexAttribute vd; - vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT; + vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT; vd.offset = 0; - vd.location = RS::ARRAY_BONES; + vd.location = RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS; vd.stride = 0; - descriptions.write[3] = vd; - buffers.write[3] = storage->mesh_get_default_rd_buffer(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_BUFFER_BONES); + descriptions.write[4] = vd; + buffers.write[4] = storage->mesh_get_default_rd_buffer(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_BUFFER_BONES); } //check that everything is as it should be @@ -293,7 +319,7 @@ RasterizerCanvas::PolygonID RasterizerCanvasRD::request_polygon(const Vector<int return id; } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::free_polygon(PolygonID p_polygon) { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::free_polygon(PolygonID p_polygon) { PolygonBuffers *pb_ptr = polygon_buffers.polygons.getptr(p_polygon); ERR_FAIL_COND(!pb_ptr); @@ -314,7 +340,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::free_polygon(PolygonID p_polygon) { //////////////////// -void RasterizerCanvasRD::_bind_canvas_texture(RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, RID p_texture, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_base_filter, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_base_repeat, RID &r_last_texture, PushConstant &push_constant, Size2 &r_texpixel_size) { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::_bind_canvas_texture(RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, RID p_texture, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_base_filter, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_base_repeat, RID &r_last_texture, PushConstant &push_constant, Size2 &r_texpixel_size) { if (p_texture == RID()) { p_texture = default_canvas_texture; } @@ -364,7 +390,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::_bind_canvas_texture(RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, RID p_ r_last_texture = p_texture; } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::_render_item(RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, const Item *p_item, RD::FramebufferFormatID p_framebuffer_format, const Transform2D &p_canvas_transform_inverse, Item *¤t_clip, Light *p_lights, PipelineVariants *p_pipeline_variants) { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::_render_item(RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, const Item *p_item, RD::FramebufferFormatID p_framebuffer_format, const Transform2D &p_canvas_transform_inverse, Item *¤t_clip, Light *p_lights, PipelineVariants *p_pipeline_variants) { //create an empty push constant RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter current_filter = default_filter; @@ -848,7 +874,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::_render_item(RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, const Item *p_ glVertexAttrib4f(RS::ARRAY_COLOR, 1, 1, 1, 1); //not used, so keep white - RenderingServerRaster::redraw_request(); + RenderingServerDefault::redraw_request(); storage->particles_request_process(particles_cmd->particles); //enable instancing @@ -990,13 +1016,13 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::_render_item(RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, const Item *p_ } } -RID RasterizerCanvasRD::_create_base_uniform_set(RID p_to_render_target, bool p_backbuffer) { +RID RendererCanvasRenderRD::_create_base_uniform_set(RID p_to_render_target, bool p_backbuffer) { //re create canvas state Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(state.canvas_state_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1004,7 +1030,7 @@ RID RasterizerCanvasRD::_create_base_uniform_set(RID p_to_render_target, bool p_ { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.binding = 2; u.ids.push_back(state.lights_uniform_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1012,7 +1038,7 @@ RID RasterizerCanvasRD::_create_base_uniform_set(RID p_to_render_target, bool p_ { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 3; u.ids.push_back(storage->decal_atlas_get_texture()); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1020,7 +1046,7 @@ RID RasterizerCanvasRD::_create_base_uniform_set(RID p_to_render_target, bool p_ { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 4; u.ids.push_back(state.shadow_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1028,7 +1054,7 @@ RID RasterizerCanvasRD::_create_base_uniform_set(RID p_to_render_target, bool p_ { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.binding = 5; u.ids.push_back(state.shadow_sampler); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1036,7 +1062,7 @@ RID RasterizerCanvasRD::_create_base_uniform_set(RID p_to_render_target, bool p_ { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 6; RID screen; if (p_backbuffer) { @@ -1044,7 +1070,7 @@ RID RasterizerCanvasRD::_create_base_uniform_set(RID p_to_render_target, bool p_ } else { screen = storage->render_target_get_rd_backbuffer(p_to_render_target); if (screen.is_null()) { //unallocated backbuffer - screen = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE); + screen = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE); } } u.ids.push_back(screen); @@ -1053,7 +1079,7 @@ RID RasterizerCanvasRD::_create_base_uniform_set(RID p_to_render_target, bool p_ { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 7; RID sdf = storage->render_target_get_sdf_texture(p_to_render_target); u.ids.push_back(sdf); @@ -1063,7 +1089,7 @@ RID RasterizerCanvasRD::_create_base_uniform_set(RID p_to_render_target, bool p_ { //needs samplers for the material (uses custom textures) create them RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.binding = 8; u.ids.resize(12); RID *ids_ptr = u.ids.ptrw(); @@ -1084,7 +1110,7 @@ RID RasterizerCanvasRD::_create_base_uniform_set(RID p_to_render_target, bool p_ { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 9; u.ids.push_back(storage->global_variables_get_storage_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1100,7 +1126,7 @@ RID RasterizerCanvasRD::_create_base_uniform_set(RID p_to_render_target, bool p_ return uniform_set; } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::_render_items(RID p_to_render_target, int p_item_count, const Transform2D &p_canvas_transform_inverse, Light *p_lights, bool p_to_backbuffer) { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::_render_items(RID p_to_render_target, int p_item_count, const Transform2D &p_canvas_transform_inverse, Light *p_lights, bool p_to_backbuffer) { Item *current_clip = nullptr; Transform2D canvas_transform_inverse = p_canvas_transform_inverse; @@ -1167,7 +1193,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::_render_items(RID p_to_render_target, int p_item_count, if (material != prev_material) { MaterialData *material_data = nullptr; if (material.is_valid()) { - material_data = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_2D); + material_data = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(material, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_2D); } if (material_data) { @@ -1192,7 +1218,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::_render_items(RID p_to_render_target, int p_item_count, RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_end(); } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::canvas_render_items(RID p_to_render_target, Item *p_item_list, const Color &p_modulate, Light *p_light_list, Light *p_directional_light_list, const Transform2D &p_canvas_transform, RenderingServer::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_default_filter, RenderingServer::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_default_repeat, bool p_snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel, bool &r_sdf_used) { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::canvas_render_items(RID p_to_render_target, Item *p_item_list, const Color &p_modulate, Light *p_light_list, Light *p_directional_light_list, const Transform2D &p_canvas_transform, RenderingServer::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_default_filter, RenderingServer::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_default_repeat, bool p_snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel, bool &r_sdf_used) { r_sdf_used = false; int item_count = 0; @@ -1423,7 +1449,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::canvas_render_items(RID p_to_render_target, Item *p_ite } if (ci->material.is_valid()) { - MaterialData *md = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(ci->material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_2D); + MaterialData *md = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(ci->material, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_2D); if (md && md->shader_data->valid) { if (md->shader_data->uses_screen_texture && canvas_group_owner == nullptr) { if (!material_screen_texture_found) { @@ -1435,12 +1461,12 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::canvas_render_items(RID p_to_render_target, Item *p_ite if (md->shader_data->uses_sdf) { r_sdf_used = true; } - if (md->last_frame != RasterizerRD::singleton->get_frame_number()) { - md->last_frame = RasterizerRD::singleton->get_frame_number(); + if (md->last_frame != RendererCompositorRD::singleton->get_frame_number()) { + md->last_frame = RendererCompositorRD::singleton->get_frame_number(); if (!RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(md->uniform_set)) { // uniform set may be gone because a dependency was erased. In this case, it will happen // if a texture is deleted, so just re-create it. - storage->material_force_update_textures(ci->material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_2D); + storage->material_force_update_textures(ci->material, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_2D); } } } @@ -1501,12 +1527,12 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::canvas_render_items(RID p_to_render_target, Item *p_ite } } -RID RasterizerCanvasRD::light_create() { +RID RendererCanvasRenderRD::light_create() { CanvasLight canvas_light; return canvas_light_owner.make_rid(canvas_light); } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::light_set_texture(RID p_rid, RID p_texture) { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::light_set_texture(RID p_rid, RID p_texture) { CanvasLight *cl = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_rid); ERR_FAIL_COND(!cl); if (cl->texture == p_texture) { @@ -1522,14 +1548,14 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::light_set_texture(RID p_rid, RID p_texture) { } } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::light_set_use_shadow(RID p_rid, bool p_enable) { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::light_set_use_shadow(RID p_rid, bool p_enable) { CanvasLight *cl = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_rid); ERR_FAIL_COND(!cl); cl->shadow.enabled = p_enable; } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::_update_shadow_atlas() { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::_update_shadow_atlas() { if (state.shadow_fb == RID()) { //ah, we lack the shadow texture.. RD::get_singleton()->free(state.shadow_texture); //erase placeholder @@ -1538,7 +1564,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::_update_shadow_atlas() { { //texture RD::TextureFormat tf; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; tf.width = state.shadow_texture_size; tf.height = state.max_lights_per_render * 2; tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT; @@ -1549,7 +1575,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::_update_shadow_atlas() { } { RD::TextureFormat tf; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; tf.width = state.shadow_texture_size; tf.height = state.max_lights_per_render * 2; tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT; @@ -1562,7 +1588,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::_update_shadow_atlas() { state.shadow_fb = RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_create(fb_textures); } } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::light_update_shadow(RID p_rid, int p_shadow_index, const Transform2D &p_light_xform, int p_light_mask, float p_near, float p_far, LightOccluderInstance *p_occluders) { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::light_update_shadow(RID p_rid, int p_shadow_index, const Transform2D &p_light_xform, int p_light_mask, float p_near, float p_far, LightOccluderInstance *p_occluders) { CanvasLight *cl = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_rid); ERR_FAIL_COND(!cl->shadow.enabled); @@ -1640,7 +1666,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::light_update_shadow(RID p_rid, int p_shadow_index, cons } } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::light_update_directional_shadow(RID p_rid, int p_shadow_index, const Transform2D &p_light_xform, int p_light_mask, float p_cull_distance, const Rect2 &p_clip_rect, LightOccluderInstance *p_occluders) { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::light_update_directional_shadow(RID p_rid, int p_shadow_index, const Transform2D &p_light_xform, int p_light_mask, float p_cull_distance, const Rect2 &p_clip_rect, LightOccluderInstance *p_occluders) { CanvasLight *cl = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_rid); ERR_FAIL_COND(!cl->shadow.enabled); @@ -1720,7 +1746,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::light_update_directional_shadow(RID p_rid, int p_shadow cl->shadow.directional_xform = to_shadow * to_light_xform; } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::render_sdf(RID p_render_target, LightOccluderInstance *p_occluders) { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::render_sdf(RID p_render_target, LightOccluderInstance *p_occluders) { RID fb = storage->render_target_get_sdf_framebuffer(p_render_target); Rect2i rect = storage->render_target_get_sdf_rect(p_render_target); @@ -1782,7 +1808,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::render_sdf(RID p_render_target, LightOccluderInstance * storage->render_target_sdf_process(p_render_target); //done rendering, process it } -RID RasterizerCanvasRD::occluder_polygon_create() { +RID RendererCanvasRenderRD::occluder_polygon_create() { OccluderPolygon occluder; occluder.line_point_count = 0; occluder.sdf_point_count = 0; @@ -1791,27 +1817,30 @@ RID RasterizerCanvasRD::occluder_polygon_create() { return occluder_polygon_owner.make_rid(occluder); } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::occluder_polygon_set_shape(RID p_occluder, const Vector<Vector2> &p_points, bool p_closed) { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::occluder_polygon_set_shape(RID p_occluder, const Vector<Vector2> &p_points, bool p_closed) { OccluderPolygon *oc = occluder_polygon_owner.getornull(p_occluder); ERR_FAIL_COND(!oc); Vector<Vector2> lines; - int lc = p_points.size() * 2; - lines.resize(lc - (p_closed ? 0 : 2)); - { - Vector2 *w = lines.ptrw(); - const Vector2 *r = p_points.ptr(); + if (p_points.size()) { + int lc = p_points.size() * 2; - int max = lc / 2; - if (!p_closed) { - max--; - } - for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { - Vector2 a = r[i]; - Vector2 b = r[(i + 1) % (lc / 2)]; - w[i * 2 + 0] = a; - w[i * 2 + 1] = b; + lines.resize(lc - (p_closed ? 0 : 2)); + { + Vector2 *w = lines.ptrw(); + const Vector2 *r = p_points.ptr(); + + int max = lc / 2; + if (!p_closed) { + max--; + } + for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { + Vector2 a = r[i]; + Vector2 b = r[(i + 1) % (lc / 2)]; + w[i * 2 + 0] = a; + w[i * 2 + 1] = b; + } } } @@ -1832,7 +1861,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::occluder_polygon_set_shape(RID p_occluder, const Vector if (lines.size()) { Vector<uint8_t> geometry; Vector<uint8_t> indices; - lc = lines.size(); + int lc = lines.size(); geometry.resize(lc * 6 * sizeof(float)); indices.resize(lc * 3 * sizeof(uint16_t)); @@ -1902,19 +1931,21 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::occluder_polygon_set_shape(RID p_occluder, const Vector Vector<int> sdf_indices; - if (p_closed) { - sdf_indices = Geometry2D::triangulate_polygon(p_points); - oc->sdf_is_lines = false; - } else { - int max = p_points.size(); - sdf_indices.resize(max * 2); + if (p_points.size()) { + if (p_closed) { + sdf_indices = Geometry2D::triangulate_polygon(p_points); + oc->sdf_is_lines = false; + } else { + int max = p_points.size(); + sdf_indices.resize(max * 2); - int *iw = sdf_indices.ptrw(); - for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { - iw[i * 2 + 0] = i; - iw[i * 2 + 1] = (i + 1) % max; + int *iw = sdf_indices.ptrw(); + for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { + iw[i * 2 + 0] = i; + iw[i * 2 + 1] = (i + 1) % max; + } + oc->sdf_is_lines = true; } - oc->sdf_is_lines = true; } if (oc->sdf_index_count != sdf_indices.size() && oc->sdf_point_count != p_points.size() && oc->sdf_vertex_array.is_valid()) { @@ -1955,13 +1986,13 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::occluder_polygon_set_shape(RID p_occluder, const Vector } } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::occluder_polygon_set_cull_mode(RID p_occluder, RS::CanvasOccluderPolygonCullMode p_mode) { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::occluder_polygon_set_cull_mode(RID p_occluder, RS::CanvasOccluderPolygonCullMode p_mode) { OccluderPolygon *oc = occluder_polygon_owner.getornull(p_occluder); ERR_FAIL_COND(!oc); oc->cull_mode = p_mode; } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::ShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::ShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) { //compile code = p_code; @@ -1994,7 +2025,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::ShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) { actions.uniforms = &uniforms; - RasterizerCanvasRD *canvas_singleton = (RasterizerCanvasRD *)RasterizerCanvas::singleton; + RendererCanvasRenderRD *canvas_singleton = (RendererCanvasRenderRD *)RendererCanvasRender::singleton; Error err = canvas_singleton->shader.compiler.compile(RS::SHADER_CANVAS_ITEM, code, &actions, path, gen_code); @@ -2139,7 +2170,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::ShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) { valid = true; } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::ShaderData::set_default_texture_param(const StringName &p_name, RID p_texture) { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::ShaderData::set_default_texture_param(const StringName &p_name, RID p_texture) { if (!p_texture.is_valid()) { default_texture_params.erase(p_name); } else { @@ -2147,7 +2178,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::ShaderData::set_default_texture_param(const StringName } } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::ShaderData::get_param_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_param_list) const { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::ShaderData::get_param_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_param_list) const { Map<int, StringName> order; for (Map<StringName, ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform>::Element *E = uniforms.front(); E; E = E->next()) { @@ -2168,13 +2199,13 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::ShaderData::get_param_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_param_ } } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::ShaderData::get_instance_param_list(List<RasterizerStorage::InstanceShaderParam> *p_param_list) const { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::ShaderData::get_instance_param_list(List<RendererStorage::InstanceShaderParam> *p_param_list) const { for (Map<StringName, ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform>::Element *E = uniforms.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get().scope != ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform::SCOPE_INSTANCE) { continue; } - RasterizerStorage::InstanceShaderParam p; + RendererStorage::InstanceShaderParam p; p.info = ShaderLanguage::uniform_to_property_info(E->get()); p.info.name = E->key(); //supply name p.index = E->get().instance_index; @@ -2183,7 +2214,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::ShaderData::get_instance_param_list(List<RasterizerStor } } -bool RasterizerCanvasRD::ShaderData::is_param_texture(const StringName &p_param) const { +bool RendererCanvasRenderRD::ShaderData::is_param_texture(const StringName &p_param) const { if (!uniforms.has(p_param)) { return false; } @@ -2191,15 +2222,15 @@ bool RasterizerCanvasRD::ShaderData::is_param_texture(const StringName &p_param) return uniforms[p_param].texture_order >= 0; } -bool RasterizerCanvasRD::ShaderData::is_animated() const { +bool RendererCanvasRenderRD::ShaderData::is_animated() const { return false; } -bool RasterizerCanvasRD::ShaderData::casts_shadows() const { +bool RendererCanvasRenderRD::ShaderData::casts_shadows() const { return false; } -Variant RasterizerCanvasRD::ShaderData::get_default_parameter(const StringName &p_parameter) const { +Variant RendererCanvasRenderRD::ShaderData::get_default_parameter(const StringName &p_parameter) const { if (uniforms.has(p_parameter)) { ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform uniform = uniforms[p_parameter]; Vector<ShaderLanguage::ConstantNode::Value> default_value = uniform.default_value; @@ -2208,14 +2239,14 @@ Variant RasterizerCanvasRD::ShaderData::get_default_parameter(const StringName & return Variant(); } -RasterizerCanvasRD::ShaderData::ShaderData() { +RendererCanvasRenderRD::ShaderData::ShaderData() { valid = false; uses_screen_texture = false; uses_sdf = false; } -RasterizerCanvasRD::ShaderData::~ShaderData() { - RasterizerCanvasRD *canvas_singleton = (RasterizerCanvasRD *)RasterizerCanvas::singleton; +RendererCanvasRenderRD::ShaderData::~ShaderData() { + RendererCanvasRenderRD *canvas_singleton = (RendererCanvasRenderRD *)RendererCanvasRender::singleton; ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas_singleton); //pipeline variants will clear themselves if shader is gone if (version.is_valid()) { @@ -2223,13 +2254,13 @@ RasterizerCanvasRD::ShaderData::~ShaderData() { } } -RasterizerStorageRD::ShaderData *RasterizerCanvasRD::_create_shader_func() { +RendererStorageRD::ShaderData *RendererCanvasRenderRD::_create_shader_func() { ShaderData *shader_data = memnew(ShaderData); return shader_data; } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::MaterialData::update_parameters(const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_parameters, bool p_uniform_dirty, bool p_textures_dirty) { - RasterizerCanvasRD *canvas_singleton = (RasterizerCanvasRD *)RasterizerCanvas::singleton; +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::MaterialData::update_parameters(const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_parameters, bool p_uniform_dirty, bool p_textures_dirty) { + RendererCanvasRenderRD *canvas_singleton = (RendererCanvasRenderRD *)RendererCanvasRender::singleton; if ((uint32_t)ubo_data.size() != shader_data->ubo_size) { p_uniform_dirty = true; @@ -2289,7 +2320,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::MaterialData::update_parameters(const Map<StringName, V { if (shader_data->ubo_size) { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(uniform_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -2298,7 +2329,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::MaterialData::update_parameters(const Map<StringName, V const RID *textures = texture_cache.ptrw(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tex_uniform_count; i++) { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 1 + i; u.ids.push_back(textures[i]); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -2308,7 +2339,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::MaterialData::update_parameters(const Map<StringName, V uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, canvas_singleton->shader.canvas_shader.version_get_shader(shader_data->version, 0), MATERIAL_UNIFORM_SET); } -RasterizerCanvasRD::MaterialData::~MaterialData() { +RendererCanvasRenderRD::MaterialData::~MaterialData() { if (uniform_set.is_valid() && RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(uniform_set)) { RD::get_singleton()->free(uniform_set); } @@ -2318,7 +2349,7 @@ RasterizerCanvasRD::MaterialData::~MaterialData() { } } -RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData *RasterizerCanvasRD::_create_material_func(ShaderData *p_shader) { +RendererStorageRD::MaterialData *RendererCanvasRenderRD::_create_material_func(ShaderData *p_shader) { MaterialData *material_data = memnew(MaterialData); material_data->shader_data = p_shader; material_data->last_frame = false; @@ -2326,14 +2357,14 @@ RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData *RasterizerCanvasRD::_create_material_func(Sha return material_data; } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::set_time(double p_time) { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::set_time(double p_time) { state.time = p_time; } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::update() { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::update() { } -RasterizerCanvasRD::RasterizerCanvasRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) { +RendererCanvasRenderRD::RendererCanvasRenderRD(RendererStorageRD *p_storage) { storage = p_storage; { //create default samplers @@ -2636,7 +2667,7 @@ RasterizerCanvasRD::RasterizerCanvasRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) { { //default shadow texture to keep uniform set happy RD::TextureFormat tf; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; tf.width = 4; tf.height = 4; tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT; @@ -2650,7 +2681,7 @@ RasterizerCanvasRD::RasterizerCanvasRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) { { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(storage->get_default_rd_storage_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -2664,8 +2695,8 @@ RasterizerCanvasRD::RasterizerCanvasRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) { state.shadow_texture_size = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/2d_shadow_atlas/size"); //create functions for shader and material - storage->shader_set_data_request_function(RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_2D, _create_shader_funcs); - storage->material_set_data_request_function(RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_2D, _create_material_funcs); + storage->shader_set_data_request_function(RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_2D, _create_shader_funcs); + storage->material_set_data_request_function(RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_2D, _create_material_funcs); state.time = 0; @@ -2679,7 +2710,7 @@ RasterizerCanvasRD::RasterizerCanvasRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) { static_assert(sizeof(PushConstant) == 128); } -bool RasterizerCanvasRD::free(RID p_rid) { +bool RendererCanvasRenderRD::free(RID p_rid) { if (canvas_light_owner.owns(p_rid)) { CanvasLight *cl = canvas_light_owner.getornull(p_rid); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!cl, false); @@ -2695,7 +2726,7 @@ bool RasterizerCanvasRD::free(RID p_rid) { return true; } -void RasterizerCanvasRD::set_shadow_texture_size(int p_size) { +void RendererCanvasRenderRD::set_shadow_texture_size(int p_size) { p_size = nearest_power_of_2_templated(p_size); if (p_size == state.shadow_texture_size) { return; @@ -2709,7 +2740,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::set_shadow_texture_size(int p_size) { { //create a default shadow texture to keep uniform set happy (and that it gets erased when a new one is created) RD::TextureFormat tf; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; tf.width = 4; tf.height = 4; tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT; @@ -2720,7 +2751,7 @@ void RasterizerCanvasRD::set_shadow_texture_size(int p_size) { } } -RasterizerCanvasRD::~RasterizerCanvasRD() { +RendererCanvasRenderRD::~RendererCanvasRenderRD() { //canvas state storage->free(default_canvas_group_material); diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_canvas_rd.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_canvas_render_rd.h index b09d6578f3..203d7a4890 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_canvas_rd.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_canvas_render_rd.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* rasterizer_canvas_rd.h */ +/* renderer_canvas_render_rd.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,19 +28,20 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#ifndef RASTERIZER_CANVAS_RD_H -#define RASTERIZER_CANVAS_RD_H +#ifndef RENDERING_SERVER_CANVAS_RENDER_RD_H +#define RENDERING_SERVER_CANVAS_RENDER_RD_H -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_storage_rd.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/render_pipeline_vertex_format_cache_rd.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shader_compiler_rd.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/canvas.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/canvas_occlusion.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_canvas_render.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/pipeline_cache_rd.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shader_compiler_rd.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/canvas.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/canvas_occlusion.glsl.gen.h" #include "servers/rendering/rendering_device.h" -class RasterizerCanvasRD : public RasterizerCanvas { - RasterizerStorageRD *storage; +class RendererCanvasRenderRD : public RendererCanvasRender { + RendererStorageRD *storage; enum { BASE_UNIFORM_SET = 0, @@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ class RasterizerCanvasRD : public RasterizerCanvas { }; struct PipelineVariants { - RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD variants[PIPELINE_LIGHT_MODE_MAX][PIPELINE_VARIANT_MAX]; + PipelineCacheRD variants[PIPELINE_LIGHT_MODE_MAX][PIPELINE_VARIANT_MAX]; }; struct { @@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ class RasterizerCanvasRD : public RasterizerCanvas { ShaderCompilerRD compiler; } shader; - struct ShaderData : public RasterizerStorageRD::ShaderData { + struct ShaderData : public RendererStorageRD::ShaderData { enum BlendMode { //used internally BLEND_MODE_MIX, BLEND_MODE_ADD, @@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ class RasterizerCanvasRD : public RasterizerCanvas { virtual void set_code(const String &p_Code); virtual void set_default_texture_param(const StringName &p_name, RID p_texture); virtual void get_param_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_param_list) const; - virtual void get_instance_param_list(List<RasterizerStorage::InstanceShaderParam> *p_param_list) const; + virtual void get_instance_param_list(List<RendererStorage::InstanceShaderParam> *p_param_list) const; virtual bool is_param_texture(const StringName &p_param) const; virtual bool is_animated() const; @@ -191,12 +192,12 @@ class RasterizerCanvasRD : public RasterizerCanvas { virtual ~ShaderData(); }; - RasterizerStorageRD::ShaderData *_create_shader_func(); - static RasterizerStorageRD::ShaderData *_create_shader_funcs() { - return static_cast<RasterizerCanvasRD *>(singleton)->_create_shader_func(); + RendererStorageRD::ShaderData *_create_shader_func(); + static RendererStorageRD::ShaderData *_create_shader_funcs() { + return static_cast<RendererCanvasRenderRD *>(singleton)->_create_shader_func(); } - struct MaterialData : public RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData { + struct MaterialData : public RendererStorageRD::MaterialData { uint64_t last_frame; ShaderData *shader_data; RID uniform_buffer; @@ -210,9 +211,9 @@ class RasterizerCanvasRD : public RasterizerCanvas { virtual ~MaterialData(); }; - RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData *_create_material_func(ShaderData *p_shader); - static RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData *_create_material_funcs(RasterizerStorageRD::ShaderData *p_shader) { - return static_cast<RasterizerCanvasRD *>(singleton)->_create_material_func(static_cast<ShaderData *>(p_shader)); + RendererStorageRD::MaterialData *_create_material_func(ShaderData *p_shader); + static RendererStorageRD::MaterialData *_create_material_funcs(RendererStorageRD::ShaderData *p_shader) { + return static_cast<RendererCanvasRenderRD *>(singleton)->_create_material_func(static_cast<ShaderData *>(p_shader)); } /**************************/ @@ -462,8 +463,8 @@ public: void set_time(double p_time); void update(); bool free(RID p_rid); - RasterizerCanvasRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage); - ~RasterizerCanvasRD(); + RendererCanvasRenderRD(RendererStorageRD *p_storage); + ~RendererCanvasRenderRD(); }; #endif // RASTERIZER_CANVAS_RD_H diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_compositor_rd.cpp index 5f8cf0ee8c..4ae7e68219 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_rd.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_compositor_rd.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* rasterizer_rd.cpp */ +/* renderer_compositor_rd.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#include "rasterizer_rd.h" +#include "renderer_compositor_rd.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" -void RasterizerRD::prepare_for_blitting_render_targets() { +void RendererCompositorRD::prepare_for_blitting_render_targets() { RD::get_singleton()->prepare_screen_for_drawing(); } -void RasterizerRD::blit_render_targets_to_screen(DisplayServer::WindowID p_screen, const BlitToScreen *p_render_targets, int p_amount) { +void RendererCompositorRD::blit_render_targets_to_screen(DisplayServer::WindowID p_screen, const BlitToScreen *p_render_targets, int p_amount) { RD::DrawListID draw_list = RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_begin_for_screen(p_screen); for (int i = 0; i < p_amount; i++) { @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ void RasterizerRD::blit_render_targets_to_screen(DisplayServer::WindowID p_scree if (!render_target_descriptors.has(rd_texture) || !RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(render_target_descriptors[rd_texture])) { Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(copy_viewports_sampler); u.ids.push_back(rd_texture); @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ void RasterizerRD::blit_render_targets_to_screen(DisplayServer::WindowID p_scree RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_end(); } -void RasterizerRD::begin_frame(double frame_step) { +void RendererCompositorRD::begin_frame(double frame_step) { frame++; delta = frame_step; time += frame_step; @@ -88,14 +88,14 @@ void RasterizerRD::begin_frame(double frame_step) { scene->set_time(time, frame_step); } -void RasterizerRD::end_frame(bool p_swap_buffers) { +void RendererCompositorRD::end_frame(bool p_swap_buffers) { #ifndef _MSC_VER #warning TODO: likely pass a bool to swap buffers to avoid display? #endif RD::get_singleton()->swap_buffers(); //probably should pass some bool to avoid display? } -void RasterizerRD::initialize() { +void RendererCompositorRD::initialize() { { //create framebuffer copy shader RenderingDevice::ShaderStageData vert; vert.shader_stage = RenderingDevice::SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX; @@ -154,10 +154,10 @@ void RasterizerRD::initialize() { } } -ThreadWorkPool RasterizerRD::thread_work_pool; -uint64_t RasterizerRD::frame = 1; +ThreadWorkPool RendererCompositorRD::thread_work_pool; +uint64_t RendererCompositorRD::frame = 1; -void RasterizerRD::finalize() { +void RendererCompositorRD::finalize() { thread_work_pool.finish(); memdelete(scene); @@ -170,14 +170,14 @@ void RasterizerRD::finalize() { RD::get_singleton()->free(copy_viewports_sampler); } -RasterizerRD *RasterizerRD::singleton = nullptr; +RendererCompositorRD *RendererCompositorRD::singleton = nullptr; -RasterizerRD::RasterizerRD() { +RendererCompositorRD::RendererCompositorRD() { singleton = this; thread_work_pool.init(); time = 0; - storage = memnew(RasterizerStorageRD); - canvas = memnew(RasterizerCanvasRD(storage)); - scene = memnew(RasterizerSceneHighEndRD(storage)); + storage = memnew(RendererStorageRD); + canvas = memnew(RendererCanvasRenderRD(storage)); + scene = memnew(RendererSceneRenderForward(storage)); } diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_rd.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_compositor_rd.h index 59fb8d2049..877f47d702 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_rd.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_compositor_rd.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* rasterizer_rd.h */ +/* renderer_compositor_rd.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,21 +28,21 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#ifndef RASTERIZER_RD_H -#define RASTERIZER_RD_H +#ifndef RENDERING_SERVER_COMPOSITOR_RD_H +#define RENDERING_SERVER_COMPOSITOR_RD_H #include "core/os/os.h" #include "core/templates/thread_work_pool.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_canvas_rd.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_high_end_rd.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_storage_rd.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_canvas_render_rd.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_forward.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.h" -class RasterizerRD : public Rasterizer { +class RendererCompositorRD : public RendererCompositor { protected: - RasterizerCanvasRD *canvas; - RasterizerStorageRD *storage; - RasterizerSceneHighEndRD *scene; + RendererCanvasRenderRD *canvas; + RendererStorageRD *storage; + RendererSceneRenderForward *scene; RID copy_viewports_rd_shader; RID copy_viewports_rd_pipeline; @@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ protected: static uint64_t frame; public: - RasterizerStorage *get_storage() { return storage; } - RasterizerCanvas *get_canvas() { return canvas; } - RasterizerScene *get_scene() { return scene; } + RendererStorage *get_storage() { return storage; } + RendererCanvasRender *get_canvas() { return canvas; } + RendererSceneRender *get_scene() { return scene; } void set_boot_image(const Ref<Image> &p_image, const Color &p_color, bool p_scale, bool p_use_filter) {} @@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ public: return OK; } - static Rasterizer *_create_current() { - return memnew(RasterizerRD); + static RendererCompositor *_create_current() { + return memnew(RendererCompositorRD); } static void make_current() { @@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ public: static ThreadWorkPool thread_work_pool; - static RasterizerRD *singleton; - RasterizerRD(); - ~RasterizerRD() {} + static RendererCompositorRD *singleton; + RendererCompositorRD(); + ~RendererCompositorRD() {} }; #endif // RASTERIZER_RD_H diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_high_end_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_forward.cpp index 313188ba87..d603d32de8 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_high_end_rd.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_forward.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* rasterizer_scene_high_end_rd.cpp */ +/* renderer_scene_render_forward.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#include "rasterizer_scene_high_end_rd.h" +#include "renderer_scene_render_forward.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "servers/rendering/rendering_device.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rendering_server_raster.h" +#include "servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.h" /* SCENE SHADER */ -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::ShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::ShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) { //compile code = p_code; @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::ShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) { actions.uniforms = &uniforms; - RasterizerSceneHighEndRD *scene_singleton = (RasterizerSceneHighEndRD *)RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::singleton; + RendererSceneRenderForward *scene_singleton = (RendererSceneRenderForward *)RendererSceneRenderForward::singleton; Error err = scene_singleton->shader.compiler.compile(RS::SHADER_SPATIAL, code, &actions, path, gen_code); @@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::ShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) { valid = true; } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::ShaderData::set_default_texture_param(const StringName &p_name, RID p_texture) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::ShaderData::set_default_texture_param(const StringName &p_name, RID p_texture) { if (!p_texture.is_valid()) { default_texture_params.erase(p_name); } else { @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::ShaderData::set_default_texture_param(const Strin } } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::ShaderData::get_param_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_param_list) const { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::ShaderData::get_param_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_param_list) const { Map<int, StringName> order; for (Map<StringName, ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform>::Element *E = uniforms.front(); E; E = E->next()) { @@ -351,13 +351,13 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::ShaderData::get_param_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_ } } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::ShaderData::get_instance_param_list(List<RasterizerStorage::InstanceShaderParam> *p_param_list) const { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::ShaderData::get_instance_param_list(List<RendererStorage::InstanceShaderParam> *p_param_list) const { for (Map<StringName, ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform>::Element *E = uniforms.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get().scope != ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform::SCOPE_INSTANCE) { continue; } - RasterizerStorage::InstanceShaderParam p; + RendererStorage::InstanceShaderParam p; p.info = ShaderLanguage::uniform_to_property_info(E->get()); p.info.name = E->key(); //supply name p.index = E->get().instance_index; @@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::ShaderData::get_instance_param_list(List<Rasteriz } } -bool RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::ShaderData::is_param_texture(const StringName &p_param) const { +bool RendererSceneRenderForward::ShaderData::is_param_texture(const StringName &p_param) const { if (!uniforms.has(p_param)) { return false; } @@ -374,15 +374,15 @@ bool RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::ShaderData::is_param_texture(const StringName &p_ return uniforms[p_param].texture_order >= 0; } -bool RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::ShaderData::is_animated() const { +bool RendererSceneRenderForward::ShaderData::is_animated() const { return false; } -bool RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::ShaderData::casts_shadows() const { +bool RendererSceneRenderForward::ShaderData::casts_shadows() const { return false; } -Variant RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::ShaderData::get_default_parameter(const StringName &p_parameter) const { +Variant RendererSceneRenderForward::ShaderData::get_default_parameter(const StringName &p_parameter) const { if (uniforms.has(p_parameter)) { ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform uniform = uniforms[p_parameter]; Vector<ShaderLanguage::ConstantNode::Value> default_value = uniform.default_value; @@ -391,13 +391,13 @@ Variant RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::ShaderData::get_default_parameter(const String return Variant(); } -RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::ShaderData::ShaderData() { +RendererSceneRenderForward::ShaderData::ShaderData() { valid = false; uses_screen_texture = false; } -RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::ShaderData::~ShaderData() { - RasterizerSceneHighEndRD *scene_singleton = (RasterizerSceneHighEndRD *)RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::singleton; +RendererSceneRenderForward::ShaderData::~ShaderData() { + RendererSceneRenderForward *scene_singleton = (RendererSceneRenderForward *)RendererSceneRenderForward::singleton; ERR_FAIL_COND(!scene_singleton); //pipeline variants will clear themselves if shader is gone if (version.is_valid()) { @@ -405,21 +405,21 @@ RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::ShaderData::~ShaderData() { } } -RasterizerStorageRD::ShaderData *RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_create_shader_func() { +RendererStorageRD::ShaderData *RendererSceneRenderForward::_create_shader_func() { ShaderData *shader_data = memnew(ShaderData); return shader_data; } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::MaterialData::set_render_priority(int p_priority) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::MaterialData::set_render_priority(int p_priority) { priority = p_priority - RS::MATERIAL_RENDER_PRIORITY_MIN; //8 bits } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::MaterialData::set_next_pass(RID p_pass) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::MaterialData::set_next_pass(RID p_pass) { next_pass = p_pass; } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::MaterialData::update_parameters(const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_parameters, bool p_uniform_dirty, bool p_textures_dirty) { - RasterizerSceneHighEndRD *scene_singleton = (RasterizerSceneHighEndRD *)RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::singleton; +void RendererSceneRenderForward::MaterialData::update_parameters(const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_parameters, bool p_uniform_dirty, bool p_textures_dirty) { + RendererSceneRenderForward *scene_singleton = (RendererSceneRenderForward *)RendererSceneRenderForward::singleton; if ((uint32_t)ubo_data.size() != shader_data->ubo_size) { p_uniform_dirty = true; @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::MaterialData::update_parameters(const Map<StringN { if (shader_data->ubo_size) { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(uniform_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::MaterialData::update_parameters(const Map<StringN const RID *textures = texture_cache.ptrw(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tex_uniform_count; i++) { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 1 + i; u.ids.push_back(textures[i]); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::MaterialData::update_parameters(const Map<StringN uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, scene_singleton->shader.scene_shader.version_get_shader(shader_data->version, 0), MATERIAL_UNIFORM_SET); } -RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::MaterialData::~MaterialData() { +RendererSceneRenderForward::MaterialData::~MaterialData() { if (uniform_set.is_valid() && RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(uniform_set)) { RD::get_singleton()->free(uniform_set); } @@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::MaterialData::~MaterialData() { } } -RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData *RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_create_material_func(ShaderData *p_shader) { +RendererStorageRD::MaterialData *RendererSceneRenderForward::_create_material_func(ShaderData *p_shader) { MaterialData *material_data = memnew(MaterialData); material_data->shader_data = p_shader; material_data->last_frame = false; @@ -516,11 +516,11 @@ RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData *RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_create_material_fu return material_data; } -RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::~RenderBufferDataHighEnd() { +RendererSceneRenderForward::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::~RenderBufferDataHighEnd() { clear(); } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::ensure_specular() { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::ensure_specular() { if (!specular.is_valid()) { RD::TextureFormat tf; tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT; @@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::ensure_specular() { } } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::ensure_gi() { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::ensure_gi() { if (!reflection_buffer.is_valid()) { RD::TextureFormat tf; tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT; @@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::ensure_gi() { } } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::ensure_giprobe() { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::ensure_giprobe() { if (!giprobe_buffer.is_valid()) { RD::TextureFormat tf; tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R8G8_UINT; @@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::ensure_giprobe() { } } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::clear() { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::clear() { if (ambient_buffer != RID() && ambient_buffer != color) { RD::get_singleton()->free(ambient_buffer); ambient_buffer = RID(); @@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::clear() { } } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::configure(RID p_color_buffer, RID p_depth_buffer, int p_width, int p_height, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::configure(RID p_color_buffer, RID p_depth_buffer, int p_width, int p_height, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa) { clear(); msaa = p_msaa; @@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::configure(RID p_color_bu tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT; tf.width = p_width; tf.height = p_height; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_COPY_FROM_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT; RD::TextureSamples ts[RS::VIEWPORT_MSAA_MAX] = { @@ -754,7 +754,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::configure(RID p_color_bu } } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_allocate_normal_roughness_texture(RenderBufferDataHighEnd *rb) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_allocate_normal_roughness_texture(RenderBufferDataHighEnd *rb) { if (rb->normal_roughness_buffer.is_valid()) { return; } @@ -792,18 +792,18 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_allocate_normal_roughness_texture(RenderBufferDa _render_buffers_clear_uniform_set(rb); } -RasterizerSceneRD::RenderBufferData *RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_create_render_buffer_data() { +RendererSceneRenderRD::RenderBufferData *RendererSceneRenderForward::_create_render_buffer_data() { return memnew(RenderBufferDataHighEnd); } -bool RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::free(RID p_rid) { - if (RasterizerSceneRD::free(p_rid)) { +bool RendererSceneRenderForward::free(RID p_rid) { + if (RendererSceneRenderRD::free(p_rid)) { return true; } return false; } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_fill_instances(RenderList::Element **p_elements, int p_element_count, bool p_for_depth, bool p_has_sdfgi, bool p_has_opaque_gi) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_fill_instances(RenderList::Element **p_elements, int p_element_count, bool p_for_depth, bool p_has_sdfgi, bool p_has_opaque_gi) { uint32_t lightmap_captures_used = 0; for (int i = 0; i < p_element_count; i++) { @@ -862,11 +862,11 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_fill_instances(RenderList::Element **p_elements, } if (store_transform) { - RasterizerStorageRD::store_transform(e->instance->transform, id.transform); - RasterizerStorageRD::store_transform(Transform(e->instance->transform.basis.inverse().transposed()), id.normal_transform); + RendererStorageRD::store_transform(e->instance->transform, id.transform); + RendererStorageRD::store_transform(Transform(e->instance->transform.basis.inverse().transposed()), id.normal_transform); } else { - RasterizerStorageRD::store_transform(Transform(), id.transform); - RasterizerStorageRD::store_transform(Transform(), id.normal_transform); + RendererStorageRD::store_transform(Transform(), id.transform); + RendererStorageRD::store_transform(Transform(), id.normal_transform); } if (p_for_depth) { @@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_fill_instances(RenderList::Element **p_elements, /// RENDERING /// -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_list(RenderingDevice::DrawListID p_draw_list, RenderingDevice::FramebufferFormatID p_framebuffer_Format, RenderList::Element **p_elements, int p_element_count, bool p_reverse_cull, PassMode p_pass_mode, bool p_no_gi, RID p_radiance_uniform_set, RID p_render_buffers_uniform_set, bool p_force_wireframe, const Vector2 &p_uv_offset) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_list(RenderingDevice::DrawListID p_draw_list, RenderingDevice::FramebufferFormatID p_framebuffer_Format, RenderList::Element **p_elements, int p_element_count, bool p_reverse_cull, PassMode p_pass_mode, bool p_no_gi, RID p_radiance_uniform_set, RID p_render_buffers_uniform_set, bool p_force_wireframe, const Vector2 &p_uv_offset) { RD::DrawListID draw_list = p_draw_list; RD::FramebufferFormatID framebuffer_format = p_framebuffer_Format; @@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_list(RenderingDevice::DrawListID p_draw_l } break; } - RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD *pipeline = nullptr; + PipelineCacheRD *pipeline = nullptr; pipeline = &shader->pipelines[cull_variant][primitive][shader_version]; @@ -1165,7 +1165,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_list(RenderingDevice::DrawListID p_draw_l } } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_environment(RID p_environment, RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, const Transform &p_cam_transform, RID p_reflection_probe, bool p_no_fog, const Size2 &p_screen_pixel_size, RID p_shadow_atlas, bool p_flip_y, const Color &p_default_bg_color, float p_znear, float p_zfar, bool p_opaque_render_buffers, bool p_pancake_shadows) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_environment(RID p_environment, RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, const Transform &p_cam_transform, RID p_reflection_probe, bool p_no_fog, const Size2 &p_screen_pixel_size, RID p_shadow_atlas, bool p_flip_y, const Color &p_default_bg_color, float p_znear, float p_zfar, bool p_opaque_render_buffers, bool p_pancake_shadows) { //CameraMatrix projection = p_cam_projection; //projection.flip_y(); // Vulkan and modern APIs use Y-Down CameraMatrix correction; @@ -1173,20 +1173,20 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_environment(RID p_environment, RID p_rende CameraMatrix projection = correction * p_cam_projection; //store camera into ubo - RasterizerStorageRD::store_camera(projection, scene_state.ubo.projection_matrix); - RasterizerStorageRD::store_camera(projection.inverse(), scene_state.ubo.inv_projection_matrix); - RasterizerStorageRD::store_transform(p_cam_transform, scene_state.ubo.camera_matrix); - RasterizerStorageRD::store_transform(p_cam_transform.affine_inverse(), scene_state.ubo.inv_camera_matrix); + RendererStorageRD::store_camera(projection, scene_state.ubo.projection_matrix); + RendererStorageRD::store_camera(projection.inverse(), scene_state.ubo.inv_projection_matrix); + RendererStorageRD::store_transform(p_cam_transform, scene_state.ubo.camera_matrix); + RendererStorageRD::store_transform(p_cam_transform.affine_inverse(), scene_state.ubo.inv_camera_matrix); scene_state.ubo.z_far = p_zfar; scene_state.ubo.z_near = p_znear; scene_state.ubo.pancake_shadows = p_pancake_shadows; - RasterizerStorageRD::store_soft_shadow_kernel(directional_penumbra_shadow_kernel_get(), scene_state.ubo.directional_penumbra_shadow_kernel); - RasterizerStorageRD::store_soft_shadow_kernel(directional_soft_shadow_kernel_get(), scene_state.ubo.directional_soft_shadow_kernel); - RasterizerStorageRD::store_soft_shadow_kernel(penumbra_shadow_kernel_get(), scene_state.ubo.penumbra_shadow_kernel); - RasterizerStorageRD::store_soft_shadow_kernel(soft_shadow_kernel_get(), scene_state.ubo.soft_shadow_kernel); + RendererStorageRD::store_soft_shadow_kernel(directional_penumbra_shadow_kernel_get(), scene_state.ubo.directional_penumbra_shadow_kernel); + RendererStorageRD::store_soft_shadow_kernel(directional_soft_shadow_kernel_get(), scene_state.ubo.directional_soft_shadow_kernel); + RendererStorageRD::store_soft_shadow_kernel(penumbra_shadow_kernel_get(), scene_state.ubo.penumbra_shadow_kernel); + RendererStorageRD::store_soft_shadow_kernel(soft_shadow_kernel_get(), scene_state.ubo.soft_shadow_kernel); scene_state.ubo.directional_penumbra_shadow_samples = directional_penumbra_shadow_samples_get(); scene_state.ubo.directional_soft_shadow_samples = directional_soft_shadow_samples_get(); @@ -1330,7 +1330,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_environment(RID p_environment, RID p_rende Basis sky_transform = environment_get_sky_orientation(p_environment); sky_transform = sky_transform.inverse() * p_cam_transform.basis; - RasterizerStorageRD::store_transform_3x3(sky_transform, scene_state.ubo.radiance_inverse_xform); + RendererStorageRD::store_transform_3x3(sky_transform, scene_state.ubo.radiance_inverse_xform); scene_state.ubo.use_ambient_cubemap = (ambient_src == RS::ENV_AMBIENT_SOURCE_BG && env_bg == RS::ENV_BG_SKY) || ambient_src == RS::ENV_AMBIENT_SOURCE_SKY; scene_state.ubo.use_ambient_light = scene_state.ubo.use_ambient_cubemap || ambient_src == RS::ENV_AMBIENT_SOURCE_COLOR; @@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_environment(RID p_environment, RID p_rende RD::get_singleton()->buffer_update(scene_state.uniform_buffer, 0, sizeof(SceneState::UBO), &scene_state.ubo, true); } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_add_geometry(InstanceBase *p_instance, uint32_t p_surface, RID p_material, PassMode p_pass_mode, uint32_t p_geometry_index, bool p_using_sdfgi) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_add_geometry(InstanceBase *p_instance, uint32_t p_surface, RID p_material, PassMode p_pass_mode, uint32_t p_geometry_index, bool p_using_sdfgi) { RID m_src; m_src = p_instance->material_override.is_valid() ? p_instance->material_override : p_material; @@ -1413,14 +1413,14 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_add_geometry(InstanceBase *p_instance, uint32_t MaterialData *material = nullptr; if (m_src.is_valid()) { - material = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(m_src, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D); + material = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(m_src, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D); if (!material || !material->shader_data->valid) { material = nullptr; } } if (!material) { - material = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(default_material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D); + material = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(default_material, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D); m_src = default_material; } @@ -1429,7 +1429,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_add_geometry(InstanceBase *p_instance, uint32_t _add_geometry_with_material(p_instance, p_surface, material, m_src, p_pass_mode, p_geometry_index, p_using_sdfgi); while (material->next_pass.is_valid()) { - material = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(material->next_pass, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D); + material = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(material->next_pass, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D); if (!material || !material->shader_data->valid) { break; } @@ -1437,7 +1437,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_add_geometry(InstanceBase *p_instance, uint32_t } } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_add_geometry_with_material(InstanceBase *p_instance, uint32_t p_surface, MaterialData *p_material, RID p_material_rid, PassMode p_pass_mode, uint32_t p_geometry_index, bool p_using_sdfgi) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_add_geometry_with_material(InstanceBase *p_instance, uint32_t p_surface, MaterialData *p_material, RID p_material_rid, PassMode p_pass_mode, uint32_t p_geometry_index, bool p_using_sdfgi) { bool has_read_screen_alpha = p_material->shader_data->uses_screen_texture || p_material->shader_data->uses_depth_texture || p_material->shader_data->uses_normal_texture; bool has_base_alpha = (p_material->shader_data->uses_alpha || has_read_screen_alpha); bool has_blend_alpha = p_material->shader_data->uses_blend_alpha; @@ -1468,9 +1468,9 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_add_geometry_with_material(InstanceBase *p_insta if ((p_pass_mode != PASS_MODE_DEPTH_MATERIAL && p_pass_mode != PASS_MODE_SDF) && !p_material->shader_data->writes_modelview_or_projection && !p_material->shader_data->uses_vertex && !p_material->shader_data->uses_discard && !p_material->shader_data->uses_depth_pre_pass) { //shader does not use discard and does not write a vertex position, use generic material if (p_pass_mode == PASS_MODE_SHADOW || p_pass_mode == PASS_MODE_DEPTH) { - p_material = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(default_material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D); + p_material = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(default_material, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D); } else if ((p_pass_mode == PASS_MODE_DEPTH_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS || p_pass_mode == PASS_MODE_DEPTH_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS_GIPROBE) && !p_material->shader_data->uses_normal && !p_material->shader_data->uses_roughness) { - p_material = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(default_material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D); + p_material = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(default_material, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D); } } @@ -1493,7 +1493,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_add_geometry_with_material(InstanceBase *p_insta if (e->material->last_pass != render_pass) { if (!RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(e->material->uniform_set)) { //uniform set no longer valid, probably a texture changed - storage->material_force_update_textures(p_material_rid, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D); + storage->material_force_update_textures(p_material_rid, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D); } e->material->last_pass = render_pass; e->material->index = scene_state.current_material_index++; @@ -1512,11 +1512,11 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_add_geometry_with_material(InstanceBase *p_insta e->priority = p_material->priority; if (p_material->shader_data->uses_time) { - RenderingServerRaster::redraw_request(); + RenderingServerDefault::redraw_request(); } } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_fill_render_list(InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, PassMode p_pass_mode, bool p_using_sdfgi) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_fill_render_list(InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, PassMode p_pass_mode, bool p_using_sdfgi) { scene_state.current_shader_index = 0; scene_state.current_material_index = 0; scene_state.used_sss = false; @@ -1619,7 +1619,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_fill_render_list(InstanceBase **p_cull_result, i } } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_lightmaps(InstanceBase **p_lightmap_cull_result, int p_lightmap_cull_count, const Transform &p_cam_transform) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_lightmaps(InstanceBase **p_lightmap_cull_result, int p_lightmap_cull_count, const Transform &p_cam_transform) { uint32_t lightmaps_used = 0; for (int i = 0; i < p_lightmap_cull_count; i++) { if (i >= (int)scene_state.max_lightmaps) { @@ -1629,7 +1629,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_lightmaps(InstanceBase **p_lightmap_cull_r InstanceBase *lm = p_lightmap_cull_result[i]; Basis to_lm = lm->transform.basis.inverse() * p_cam_transform.basis; to_lm = to_lm.inverse().transposed(); //will transform normals - RasterizerStorageRD::store_transform_3x3(to_lm, scene_state.lightmaps[i].normal_xform); + RendererStorageRD::store_transform_3x3(to_lm, scene_state.lightmaps[i].normal_xform); lm->lightmap_cull_index = i; lightmaps_used++; } @@ -1638,7 +1638,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_lightmaps(InstanceBase **p_lightmap_cull_r } } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, int p_directional_light_count, RID *p_gi_probe_cull_result, int p_gi_probe_cull_count, InstanceBase **p_lightmap_cull_result, int p_lightmap_cull_count, RID p_environment, RID p_camera_effects, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, int p_reflection_probe_pass, const Color &p_default_bg_color) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, int p_directional_light_count, RID *p_gi_probe_cull_result, int p_gi_probe_cull_count, InstanceBase **p_lightmap_cull_result, int p_lightmap_cull_count, RID p_environment, RID p_camera_effects, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, int p_reflection_probe_pass, const Color &p_default_bg_color) { RenderBufferDataHighEnd *render_buffer = nullptr; if (p_render_buffer.is_valid()) { render_buffer = (RenderBufferDataHighEnd *)render_buffers_get_data(p_render_buffer); @@ -2011,7 +2011,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transfor } } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_zfar, float p_bias, float p_normal_bias, bool p_use_dp, bool p_use_dp_flip, bool p_use_pancake) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_zfar, float p_bias, float p_normal_bias, bool p_use_dp, bool p_use_dp_flip, bool p_use_pancake) { RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Setup Rendering Shadow"); _update_render_base_uniform_set(); @@ -2044,7 +2044,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, InstanceBase ** } } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_particle_collider_heightfield(RID p_fb, const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_particle_collider_heightfield(RID p_fb, const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count) { RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Setup Render Collider Heightfield"); _update_render_base_uniform_set(); @@ -2077,7 +2077,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_particle_collider_heightfield(RID p_fb, c } } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_material(const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_material(const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region) { RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Setup Rendering Material"); _update_render_base_uniform_set(); @@ -2116,7 +2116,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_material(const Transform &p_cam_transform } } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_uv2(InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_uv2(InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region) { RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Setup Rendering UV2"); _update_render_base_uniform_set(); @@ -2177,7 +2177,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_uv2(InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_c } } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, const Vector3i &p_from, const Vector3i &p_size, const AABB &p_bounds, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, const RID &p_albedo_texture, const RID &p_emission_texture, const RID &p_emission_aniso_texture, const RID &p_geom_facing_texture) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, const Vector3i &p_from, const Vector3i &p_size, const AABB &p_bounds, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, const RID &p_albedo_texture, const RID &p_emission_texture, const RID &p_emission_aniso_texture, const RID &p_geom_facing_texture) { RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Render SDFGI"); _update_render_base_uniform_set(); @@ -2202,28 +2202,28 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, const Vector3 Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(p_albedo_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(p_emission_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 2; u.ids.push_back(p_emission_aniso_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 3; u.ids.push_back(p_geom_facing_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -2276,7 +2276,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, const Vector3 to_bounds.origin = p_bounds.position; to_bounds.basis.scale(p_bounds.size); - RasterizerStorageRD::store_transform(to_bounds.affine_inverse() * cam_xform, scene_state.ubo.sdf_to_bounds); + RendererStorageRD::store_transform(to_bounds.affine_inverse() * cam_xform, scene_state.ubo.sdf_to_bounds); _setup_environment(RID(), RID(), camera_proj, cam_xform, RID(), true, Vector2(1, 1), RID(), false, Color(), 0, 0); @@ -2292,14 +2292,14 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, const Vector3 } } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_base_uniforms_changed() { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_base_uniforms_changed() { if (!render_base_uniform_set.is_null() && RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(render_base_uniform_set)) { RD::get_singleton()->free(render_base_uniform_set); } render_base_uniform_set = RID(); } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { if (render_base_uniform_set.is_null() || !RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(render_base_uniform_set) || (lightmap_texture_array_version != storage->lightmap_array_get_version())) { if (render_base_uniform_set.is_valid() && RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(render_base_uniform_set)) { RD::get_singleton()->free(render_base_uniform_set); @@ -2311,7 +2311,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.binding = 1; u.ids.resize(12); RID *ids_ptr = u.ids.ptrw(); @@ -2333,7 +2333,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 2; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.ids.push_back(shadow_sampler); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -2341,14 +2341,14 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 3; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(scene_state.uniform_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 4; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(scene_state.instance_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -2356,7 +2356,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 5; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(get_positional_light_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -2364,42 +2364,42 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 6; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(get_reflection_probe_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 7; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(get_directional_light_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 10; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(scene_state.lightmap_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 11; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.ids = storage->lightmap_array_get_textures(); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 12; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(scene_state.lightmap_capture_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 13; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID decal_atlas = storage->decal_atlas_get_texture(); u.ids.push_back(decal_atlas); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -2407,7 +2407,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 14; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID decal_atlas = storage->decal_atlas_get_texture_srgb(); u.ids.push_back(decal_atlas); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -2415,7 +2415,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 15; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(get_decal_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -2423,14 +2423,14 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 16; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.ids.push_back(get_cluster_builder_texture()); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 17; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(get_cluster_builder_indices_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -2438,18 +2438,18 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 18; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; if (directional_shadow_get_texture().is_valid()) { u.ids.push_back(directional_shadow_get_texture()); } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE)); } uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 19; u.ids.push_back(storage->global_variables_get_storage_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -2457,7 +2457,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.binding = 20; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi_get_ubo()); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -2467,7 +2467,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { } } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_view_dependant_uniform_set(RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID *p_gi_probe_cull_result, int p_gi_probe_cull_count) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_view_dependant_uniform_set(RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID *p_gi_probe_cull_result, int p_gi_probe_cull_count) { if (view_dependant_uniform_set.is_valid() && RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(view_dependant_uniform_set)) { RD::get_singleton()->free(view_dependant_uniform_set); } @@ -2480,11 +2480,11 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_view_dependant_uniform_set(RID p_shadow_at RID ref_texture = p_reflection_atlas.is_valid() ? reflection_atlas_get_texture(p_reflection_atlas) : RID(); RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 0; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; if (ref_texture.is_valid()) { u.ids.push_back(ref_texture); } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_CUBEMAP_ARRAY_BLACK)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_CUBEMAP_ARRAY_BLACK)); } uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -2492,13 +2492,13 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_view_dependant_uniform_set(RID p_shadow_at { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 1; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID texture; if (p_shadow_atlas.is_valid()) { texture = shadow_atlas_get_texture(p_shadow_atlas); } if (!texture.is_valid()) { - texture = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE); + texture = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE); } u.ids.push_back(texture); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -2507,8 +2507,8 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_view_dependant_uniform_set(RID p_shadow_at { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 2; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; - RID default_tex = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE); + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + RID default_tex = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GI_PROBES; i++) { if (i < p_gi_probe_cull_count) { RID tex = gi_probe_instance_get_texture(p_gi_probe_cull_result[i]); @@ -2526,38 +2526,38 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_view_dependant_uniform_set(RID p_shadow_at view_dependant_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, default_shader_rd, VIEW_DEPENDANT_UNIFORM_SET); } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_buffers_clear_uniform_set(RenderBufferDataHighEnd *rb) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_buffers_clear_uniform_set(RenderBufferDataHighEnd *rb) { if (!rb->uniform_set.is_null() && RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(rb->uniform_set)) { RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->uniform_set); } rb->uniform_set = RID(); } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_buffers_uniform_set_changed(RID p_render_buffers) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_buffers_uniform_set_changed(RID p_render_buffers) { RenderBufferDataHighEnd *rb = (RenderBufferDataHighEnd *)render_buffers_get_data(p_render_buffers); _render_buffers_clear_uniform_set(rb); } -RID RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_buffers_get_normal_texture(RID p_render_buffers) { +RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_buffers_get_normal_texture(RID p_render_buffers) { RenderBufferDataHighEnd *rb = (RenderBufferDataHighEnd *)render_buffers_get_data(p_render_buffers); return rb->normal_roughness_buffer; } -RID RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_buffers_get_ambient_texture(RID p_render_buffers) { +RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_buffers_get_ambient_texture(RID p_render_buffers) { RenderBufferDataHighEnd *rb = (RenderBufferDataHighEnd *)render_buffers_get_data(p_render_buffers); return rb->ambient_buffer; } -RID RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_buffers_get_reflection_texture(RID p_render_buffers) { +RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_buffers_get_reflection_texture(RID p_render_buffers) { RenderBufferDataHighEnd *rb = (RenderBufferDataHighEnd *)render_buffers_get_data(p_render_buffers); return rb->reflection_buffer; } -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_buffers_uniform_set(RID p_render_buffers) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_update_render_buffers_uniform_set(RID p_render_buffers) { RenderBufferDataHighEnd *rb = (RenderBufferDataHighEnd *)render_buffers_get_data(p_render_buffers); if (rb->uniform_set.is_null() || !RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(rb->uniform_set)) { @@ -2565,25 +2565,25 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_buffers_uniform_set(RID p_render_b { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 0; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; - RID texture = false && rb->depth.is_valid() ? rb->depth : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE); + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + RID texture = false && rb->depth.is_valid() ? rb->depth : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE); u.ids.push_back(texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 1; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID bbt = render_buffers_get_back_buffer_texture(p_render_buffers); - RID texture = bbt.is_valid() ? bbt : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); + RID texture = bbt.is_valid() ? bbt : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); u.ids.push_back(texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 2; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; - RID texture = rb->normal_roughness_buffer.is_valid() ? rb->normal_roughness_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_NORMAL); + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + RID texture = rb->normal_roughness_buffer.is_valid() ? rb->normal_roughness_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_NORMAL); u.ids.push_back(texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -2591,9 +2591,9 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_buffers_uniform_set(RID p_render_b { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 4; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID aot = render_buffers_get_ao_texture(p_render_buffers); - RID texture = aot.is_valid() ? aot : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); + RID texture = aot.is_valid() ? aot : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); u.ids.push_back(texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -2601,8 +2601,8 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_buffers_uniform_set(RID p_render_b { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 5; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; - RID texture = rb->ambient_buffer.is_valid() ? rb->ambient_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + RID texture = rb->ambient_buffer.is_valid() ? rb->ambient_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); u.ids.push_back(texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -2610,20 +2610,20 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_buffers_uniform_set(RID p_render_b { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 6; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; - RID texture = rb->reflection_buffer.is_valid() ? rb->reflection_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + RID texture = rb->reflection_buffer.is_valid() ? rb->reflection_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); u.ids.push_back(texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 7; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID t; if (render_buffers_is_sdfgi_enabled(p_render_buffers)) { t = render_buffers_get_sdfgi_irradiance_probes(p_render_buffers); } else { - t = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_WHITE); + t = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_WHITE); } u.ids.push_back(t); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -2631,33 +2631,33 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_buffers_uniform_set(RID p_render_b { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 8; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; if (render_buffers_is_sdfgi_enabled(p_render_buffers)) { u.ids.push_back(render_buffers_get_sdfgi_occlusion_texture(p_render_buffers)); } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); } uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 9; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(render_buffers_get_gi_probe_buffer(p_render_buffers)); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 10; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID vfog = RID(); if (p_render_buffers.is_valid() && render_buffers_has_volumetric_fog(p_render_buffers)) { vfog = render_buffers_get_volumetric_fog_texture(p_render_buffers); if (vfog.is_null()) { - vfog = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE); + vfog = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE); } } else { - vfog = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE); + vfog = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE); } u.ids.push_back(vfog); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -2666,15 +2666,15 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_buffers_uniform_set(RID p_render_b } } -RasterizerSceneHighEndRD *RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::singleton = nullptr; +RendererSceneRenderForward *RendererSceneRenderForward::singleton = nullptr; -void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::set_time(double p_time, double p_step) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::set_time(double p_time, double p_step) { time = p_time; - RasterizerSceneRD::set_time(p_time, p_step); + RendererSceneRenderRD::set_time(p_time, p_step); } -RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RasterizerSceneHighEndRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) : - RasterizerSceneRD(p_storage) { +RendererSceneRenderForward::RendererSceneRenderForward(RendererStorageRD *p_storage) : + RendererSceneRenderRD(p_storage) { singleton = this; storage = p_storage; @@ -2723,8 +2723,8 @@ RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RasterizerSceneHighEndRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storag shader.scene_shader.initialize(shader_versions, defines); } - storage->shader_set_data_request_function(RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D, _create_shader_funcs); - storage->material_set_data_request_function(RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D, _create_material_funcs); + storage->shader_set_data_request_function(RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D, _create_shader_funcs); + storage->material_set_data_request_function(RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D, _create_material_funcs); { //shader compiler @@ -2795,6 +2795,12 @@ RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RasterizerSceneHighEndRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storag actions.renames["FOG"] = "custom_fog"; actions.renames["RADIANCE"] = "custom_radiance"; actions.renames["IRRADIANCE"] = "custom_irradiance"; + actions.renames["BONE_INDICES"] = "bone_attrib"; + actions.renames["BONE_WEIGHTS"] = "weight_attrib"; + actions.renames["CUSTOM0"] = "custom0_attrib"; + actions.renames["CUSTOM1"] = "custom1_attrib"; + actions.renames["CUSTOM2"] = "custom2_attrib"; + actions.renames["CUSTOM3"] = "custom3_attrib"; //for light actions.renames["VIEW"] = "view"; @@ -2817,6 +2823,12 @@ RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RasterizerSceneHighEndRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storag actions.usage_defines["AO_LIGHT_AFFECT"] = "#define AO_USED\n"; actions.usage_defines["UV"] = "#define UV_USED\n"; actions.usage_defines["UV2"] = "#define UV2_USED\n"; + actions.usage_defines["BONE_INDICES"] = "#define BONES_USED\n"; + actions.usage_defines["BONE_WEIGHTS"] = "#define WEIGHTS_USED\n"; + actions.usage_defines["CUSTOM0"] = "#define CUSTOM0\n"; + actions.usage_defines["CUSTOM1"] = "#define CUSTOM1\n"; + actions.usage_defines["CUSTOM2"] = "#define CUSTOM2\n"; + actions.usage_defines["CUSTOM3"] = "#define CUSTOM3\n"; actions.usage_defines["NORMALMAP"] = "#define NORMALMAP_USED\n"; actions.usage_defines["NORMALMAP_DEPTH"] = "@NORMALMAP"; actions.usage_defines["COLOR"] = "#define COLOR_USED\n"; @@ -2910,7 +2922,7 @@ RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RasterizerSceneHighEndRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storag default_material = storage->material_create(); storage->material_set_shader(default_material, default_shader); - MaterialData *md = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(default_material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D); + MaterialData *md = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(default_material, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D); default_shader_rd = shader.scene_shader.version_get_shader(md->shader_data->version, SHADER_VERSION_COLOR_PASS); default_shader_sdfgi_rd = shader.scene_shader.version_get_shader(md->shader_data->version, SHADER_VERSION_DEPTH_PASS_WITH_SDF); } @@ -2931,7 +2943,7 @@ RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RasterizerSceneHighEndRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storag default_vec4_xform_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->storage_buffer_create(256); Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(default_vec4_xform_buffer); u.binding = 0; uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -2952,8 +2964,8 @@ RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RasterizerSceneHighEndRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storag RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 0; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; - RID texture = storage->texture_rd_get_default(is_using_radiance_cubemap_array() ? RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_CUBEMAP_ARRAY_BLACK : RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_CUBEMAP_BLACK); + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + RID texture = storage->texture_rd_get_default(is_using_radiance_cubemap_array() ? RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_CUBEMAP_ARRAY_BLACK : RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_CUBEMAP_BLACK); u.ids.push_back(texture); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -2965,38 +2977,38 @@ RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RasterizerSceneHighEndRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storag for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = i; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; - RID texture = storage->texture_rd_get_default(i == 0 ? RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE : (i == 2 ? RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_NORMAL : RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK)); + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + RID texture = storage->texture_rd_get_default(i == 0 ? RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE : (i == 2 ? RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_NORMAL : RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK)); u.ids.push_back(texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 7; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; - RID texture = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_WHITE); + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + RID texture = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_WHITE); u.ids.push_back(texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 8; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 9; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(render_buffers_get_default_gi_probe_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 10; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -3004,7 +3016,7 @@ RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RasterizerSceneHighEndRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storag } } -RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::~RasterizerSceneHighEndRD() { +RendererSceneRenderForward::~RendererSceneRenderForward() { directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(0); //clear base uniform set if still valid diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_high_end_rd.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_forward.h index db083a75cc..7cea44cd38 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_high_end_rd.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_forward.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* rasterizer_scene_high_end_rd.h */ +/* renderer_scene_render_forward.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#ifndef RASTERIZER_SCENE_HIGHEND_RD_H -#define RASTERIZER_SCENE_HIGHEND_RD_H +#ifndef RENDERING_SERVER_SCENE_RENDER_FORWARD_H +#define RENDERING_SERVER_SCENE_RENDER_FORWARD_H -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_rd.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_storage_rd.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/render_pipeline_vertex_format_cache_rd.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/scene_high_end.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/pipeline_cache_rd.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_rd.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_high_end.glsl.gen.h" -class RasterizerSceneHighEndRD : public RasterizerSceneRD { +class RendererSceneRenderForward : public RendererSceneRenderRD { enum { SCENE_UNIFORM_SET = 0, RADIANCE_UNIFORM_SET = 1, @@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ class RasterizerSceneHighEndRD : public RasterizerSceneRD { ShaderCompilerRD compiler; } shader; - RasterizerStorageRD *storage; + RendererStorageRD *storage; /* Material */ - struct ShaderData : public RasterizerStorageRD::ShaderData { + struct ShaderData : public RendererStorageRD::ShaderData { enum BlendMode { //used internally BLEND_MODE_MIX, BLEND_MODE_ADD, @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ class RasterizerSceneHighEndRD : public RasterizerSceneRD { bool valid; RID version; uint32_t vertex_input_mask; - RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD pipelines[CULL_VARIANT_MAX][RS::PRIMITIVE_MAX][SHADER_VERSION_MAX]; + PipelineCacheRD pipelines[CULL_VARIANT_MAX][RS::PRIMITIVE_MAX][SHADER_VERSION_MAX]; String path; @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ class RasterizerSceneHighEndRD : public RasterizerSceneRD { virtual void set_code(const String &p_Code); virtual void set_default_texture_param(const StringName &p_name, RID p_texture); virtual void get_param_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_param_list) const; - void get_instance_param_list(List<RasterizerStorage::InstanceShaderParam> *p_param_list) const; + void get_instance_param_list(List<RendererStorage::InstanceShaderParam> *p_param_list) const; virtual bool is_param_texture(const StringName &p_param) const; virtual bool is_animated() const; @@ -172,12 +172,12 @@ class RasterizerSceneHighEndRD : public RasterizerSceneRD { virtual ~ShaderData(); }; - RasterizerStorageRD::ShaderData *_create_shader_func(); - static RasterizerStorageRD::ShaderData *_create_shader_funcs() { - return static_cast<RasterizerSceneHighEndRD *>(singleton)->_create_shader_func(); + RendererStorageRD::ShaderData *_create_shader_func(); + static RendererStorageRD::ShaderData *_create_shader_funcs() { + return static_cast<RendererSceneRenderForward *>(singleton)->_create_shader_func(); } - struct MaterialData : public RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData { + struct MaterialData : public RendererStorageRD::MaterialData { uint64_t last_frame; ShaderData *shader_data; RID uniform_buffer; @@ -194,9 +194,9 @@ class RasterizerSceneHighEndRD : public RasterizerSceneRD { virtual ~MaterialData(); }; - RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData *_create_material_func(ShaderData *p_shader); - static RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData *_create_material_funcs(RasterizerStorageRD::ShaderData *p_shader) { - return static_cast<RasterizerSceneHighEndRD *>(singleton)->_create_material_func(static_cast<ShaderData *>(p_shader)); + RendererStorageRD::MaterialData *_create_material_func(ShaderData *p_shader); + static RendererStorageRD::MaterialData *_create_material_funcs(RendererStorageRD::ShaderData *p_shader) { + return static_cast<RendererSceneRenderForward *>(singleton)->_create_material_func(static_cast<ShaderData *>(p_shader)); } /* Push Constant */ @@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ class RasterizerSceneHighEndRD : public RasterizerSceneRD { int max_elements; struct Element { - RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *instance; + RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase *instance; MaterialData *material; union { struct { @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ class RasterizerSceneHighEndRD : public RasterizerSceneRD { RenderList render_list; - static RasterizerSceneHighEndRD *singleton; + static RendererSceneRenderForward *singleton; uint64_t render_pass; double time; RID default_shader; @@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ public: virtual bool free(RID p_rid); - RasterizerSceneHighEndRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage); - ~RasterizerSceneHighEndRD(); + RendererSceneRenderForward(RendererStorageRD *p_storage); + ~RendererSceneRenderForward(); }; #endif // RASTERIZER_SCENE_HIGHEND_RD_H diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_rd.cpp index 3c4cac7ba9..13fc61eee6 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_rd.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_rd.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* rasterizer_scene_rd.cpp */ +/* renderer_scene_render_rd.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#include "rasterizer_scene_rd.h" +#include "renderer_scene_render_rd.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "core/os/os.h" -#include "rasterizer_rd.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rendering_server_raster.h" +#include "renderer_compositor_rd.h" +#include "servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.h" -uint64_t RasterizerSceneRD::auto_exposure_counter = 2; +uint64_t RendererSceneRenderRD::auto_exposure_counter = 2; void get_vogel_disk(float *r_kernel, int p_sample_count) { const float golden_angle = 2.4; @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ void get_vogel_disk(float *r_kernel, int p_sample_count) { } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_clear_reflection_data(ReflectionData &rd) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_clear_reflection_data(ReflectionData &rd) { rd.layers.clear(); rd.radiance_base_cubemap = RID(); if (rd.downsampled_radiance_cubemap.is_valid()) { @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_clear_reflection_data(ReflectionData &rd) { rd.coefficient_buffer = RID(); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_reflection_data(ReflectionData &rd, int p_size, int p_mipmaps, bool p_use_array, RID p_base_cube, int p_base_layer, bool p_low_quality) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_update_reflection_data(ReflectionData &rd, int p_size, int p_mipmaps, bool p_use_array, RID p_base_cube, int p_base_layer, bool p_low_quality) { //recreate radiance and all data int mipmaps = p_mipmaps; @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_reflection_data(ReflectionData &rd, int p_size, tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT; tf.width = 64; // Always 64x64 tf.height = 64; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE; tf.array_layers = 6; tf.mipmaps = 7; tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT; @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_reflection_data(ReflectionData &rd, int p_size, } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_create_reflection_fast_filter(ReflectionData &rd, bool p_use_arrays) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_create_reflection_fast_filter(ReflectionData &rd, bool p_use_arrays) { storage->get_effects()->cubemap_downsample(rd.radiance_base_cubemap, rd.downsampled_layer.mipmaps[0].view, rd.downsampled_layer.mipmaps[0].size); for (int i = 1; i < rd.downsampled_layer.mipmaps.size(); i++) { @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_create_reflection_fast_filter(ReflectionData &rd, bool storage->get_effects()->cubemap_filter(rd.downsampled_radiance_cubemap, views, p_use_arrays); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_create_reflection_importance_sample(ReflectionData &rd, bool p_use_arrays, int p_cube_side, int p_base_layer) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_create_reflection_importance_sample(ReflectionData &rd, bool p_use_arrays, int p_cube_side, int p_base_layer) { if (p_use_arrays) { //render directly to the layers storage->get_effects()->cubemap_roughness(rd.radiance_base_cubemap, rd.layers[p_base_layer].views[0], p_cube_side, sky_ggx_samples_quality, float(p_base_layer) / (rd.layers.size() - 1.0), rd.layers[p_base_layer].mipmaps[0].size.x); @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_create_reflection_importance_sample(ReflectionData &rd, } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_reflection_mipmaps(ReflectionData &rd, int p_start, int p_end) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_update_reflection_mipmaps(ReflectionData &rd, int p_start, int p_end) { for (int i = p_start; i < p_end; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < rd.layers[i].mipmaps.size() - 1; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++) { @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_reflection_mipmaps(ReflectionData &rd, int p_sta } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_sdfgi_erase(RenderBuffers *rb) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_sdfgi_erase(RenderBuffers *rb) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size(); i++) { const SDFGI::Cascade &c = rb->sdfgi->cascades[i]; RD::get_singleton()->free(c.light_data); @@ -236,9 +236,9 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_sdfgi_erase(RenderBuffers *rb) { rb->sdfgi = nullptr; } -const Vector3i RasterizerSceneRD::SDFGI::Cascade::DIRTY_ALL = Vector3i(0x7FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF); +const Vector3i RendererSceneRenderRD::SDFGI::Cascade::DIRTY_ALL = Vector3i(0x7FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF); -void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, const Vector3 &p_world_position) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, const Vector3 &p_world_position) { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_environment); RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); bool needs_sdfgi = env && env->sdfgi_enabled; @@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co tf_sdf.width = sdfgi->cascade_size; // Always 64x64 tf_sdf.height = sdfgi->cascade_size; tf_sdf.depth = sdfgi->cascade_size; - tf_sdf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_3D; + tf_sdf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_3D; tf_sdf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_COPY_TO_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_COPY_FROM_BIT; { @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co tf_probes.width = sdfgi->probe_axis_count * sdfgi->probe_axis_count; tf_probes.height = sdfgi->probe_axis_count * SDFGI::SH_SIZE; tf_probes.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_COPY_TO_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_COPY_FROM_BIT; - tf_probes.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D_ARRAY; + tf_probes.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D_ARRAY; sdfgi->history_size = requested_history_size; @@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co RD::TextureFormat tf_probe_average = tf_probes; tf_probe_average.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SINT; //signed integer because SH are signed - tf_probe_average.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; + tf_probe_average.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; sdfgi->lightprobe_history_scroll = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_probe_history, RD::TextureView()); sdfgi->lightprobe_average_scroll = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_probe_average, RD::TextureView()); @@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co tf_ambient.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT; //pack well with RGBE tf_ambient.width = sdfgi->probe_axis_count * sdfgi->probe_axis_count; tf_ambient.height = sdfgi->probe_axis_count; - tf_ambient.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D_ARRAY; + tf_ambient.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D_ARRAY; //lightprobe texture is an octahedral texture sdfgi->ambient_texture = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_ambient, RD::TextureView()); } @@ -443,21 +443,21 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_sdf[(passes & 1) ? 1 : 0]); //if passes are even, we read from buffer 0, else we read from buffer 1 uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 2; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_albedo); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 3; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_occlusion[j]); @@ -466,21 +466,21 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 4; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_emission); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 5; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_emission_aniso); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 6; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_geom_facing); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -488,28 +488,28 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 7; u.ids.push_back(cascade.sdf_tex); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 8; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->occlusion_data); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 10; u.ids.push_back(cascade.solid_cell_dispatch_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 11; u.ids.push_back(cascade.solid_cell_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -522,42 +522,42 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_albedo); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 2; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_geom_facing); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 3; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_emission); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 4; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_emission_aniso); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 5; u.ids.push_back(cascade.solid_cell_dispatch_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 6; u.ids.push_back(cascade.solid_cell_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 1; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_occlusion[j]); @@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 2; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->occlusion_data); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -596,12 +596,12 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 1; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; j++) { if (j < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()) { u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades[j].sdf_tex); } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); } } uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -609,63 +609,63 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 2; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.ids.push_back(storage->sampler_rd_get_default(RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED)); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 3; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(cascade.solid_cell_dispatch_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 4; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(cascade.solid_cell_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 5; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.ids.push_back(cascade.light_data); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 6; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.ids.push_back(cascade.light_aniso_0_tex); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 7; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.ids.push_back(cascade.light_aniso_1_tex); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 8; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades_ubo); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 9; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(cascade.lights_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 10; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->lightprobe_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -678,14 +678,14 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_albedo); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 2; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_sdf[0]); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -698,14 +698,14 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_albedo); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 2; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_sdf_half[0]); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -719,14 +719,14 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_sdf[0]); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 2; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_sdf[1]); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -741,14 +741,14 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_sdf_half[0]); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 2; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_sdf_half[1]); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -764,21 +764,21 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_albedo); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 2; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_sdf_half[(passes & 1) ? 0 : 1]); //reverse pass order because half size uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 3; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_sdf[(passes & 1) ? 0 : 1]); //reverse pass order because it needs an extra JFA pass uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -793,14 +793,14 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_albedo); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 2; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_occlusion[i]); @@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 3; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_geom_facing); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -826,12 +826,12 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 1; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; j++) { if (j < sdfgi->cascades.size()) { u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->cascades[j].sdf_tex); } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); } } uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -839,12 +839,12 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 2; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; j++) { if (j < sdfgi->cascades.size()) { u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->cascades[j].light_tex); } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); } } uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -852,12 +852,12 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 3; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; j++) { if (j < sdfgi->cascades.size()) { u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->cascades[j].light_aniso_0_tex); } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); } } uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -865,19 +865,19 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 4; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; j++) { if (j < sdfgi->cascades.size()) { u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->cascades[j].light_aniso_1_tex); } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); } } uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.binding = 6; u.ids.push_back(storage->sampler_rd_get_default(RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED)); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -885,14 +885,14 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.binding = 7; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->cascades_ubo); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 8; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->lightprobe_data); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -900,14 +900,14 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 9; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->cascades[i].lightprobe_history_tex); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 10; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->cascades[i].lightprobe_average_tex); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -915,21 +915,21 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 11; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->lightprobe_history_scroll); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 12; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->lightprobe_average_scroll); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 13; RID parent_average; if (i < sdfgi->cascades.size() - 1) { @@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 14; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->ambient_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, co } } -int RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_get_pending_region_count(RID p_render_buffers) const { +int RendererSceneRenderRD::sdfgi_get_pending_region_count(RID p_render_buffers) const { RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(rb == nullptr, 0); @@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ int RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_get_pending_region_count(RID p_render_buffers) cons return dirty_count; } -int RasterizerSceneRD::_sdfgi_get_pending_region_data(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region, Vector3i &r_local_offset, Vector3i &r_local_size, AABB &r_bounds) const { +int RendererSceneRenderRD::_sdfgi_get_pending_region_data(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region, Vector3i &r_local_offset, Vector3i &r_local_size, AABB &r_bounds) const { RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(rb == nullptr, -1); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(rb->sdfgi == nullptr, -1); @@ -1108,7 +1108,7 @@ int RasterizerSceneRD::_sdfgi_get_pending_region_data(RID p_render_buffers, int return -1; } -AABB RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_get_pending_region_bounds(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region) const { +AABB RendererSceneRenderRD::sdfgi_get_pending_region_bounds(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region) const { AABB bounds; Vector3i from; Vector3i size; @@ -1118,7 +1118,7 @@ AABB RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_get_pending_region_bounds(RID p_render_buffers, in return bounds; } -uint32_t RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_get_pending_region_cascade(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region) const { +uint32_t RendererSceneRenderRD::sdfgi_get_pending_region_cascade(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region) const { AABB bounds; Vector3i from; Vector3i size; @@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@ uint32_t RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_get_pending_region_cascade(RID p_render_buffer return _sdfgi_get_pending_region_data(p_render_buffers, p_region, from, size, bounds); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_sdfgi_update_cascades(RID p_render_buffers) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_sdfgi_update_cascades(RID p_render_buffers) { RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND(rb == nullptr); if (rb->sdfgi == nullptr) { @@ -1153,7 +1153,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_sdfgi_update_cascades(RID p_render_buffers) { RD::get_singleton()->buffer_update(rb->sdfgi->cascades_ubo, 0, sizeof(SDFGI::Cascade::UBO) * SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES, cascade_data, true); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update_probes(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, const RID *p_directional_light_instances, uint32_t p_directional_light_count, const RID *p_positional_light_instances, uint32_t p_positional_light_count) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::sdfgi_update_probes(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, const RID *p_directional_light_instances, uint32_t p_directional_light_count, const RID *p_positional_light_instances, uint32_t p_positional_light_count) { RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND(rb == nullptr); if (rb->sdfgi == nullptr) { @@ -1338,7 +1338,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update_probes(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environm { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(sky->radiance); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1346,7 +1346,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update_probes(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environm { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(storage->sampler_rd_get_default(RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR_WITH_MIPMAPS, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED)); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update_probes(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environm RENDER_TIMESTAMP("<SDFGI Update Probes"); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_setup_giprobes(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform &p_transform, RID *p_gi_probe_cull_result, int p_gi_probe_cull_count, uint32_t &r_gi_probes_used) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_setup_giprobes(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform &p_transform, RID *p_gi_probe_cull_result, int p_gi_probe_cull_count, uint32_t &r_gi_probes_used) { r_gi_probes_used = 0; RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND(rb == nullptr); @@ -1465,7 +1465,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_setup_giprobes(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform &p } if (texture == RID()) { - texture = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE); + texture = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE); } if (texture != rb->giprobe_textures[i]) { @@ -1494,7 +1494,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_setup_giprobes(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform &p } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_roughness_buffer, RID p_ambient_buffer, RID p_reflection_buffer, RID p_gi_probe_buffer, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, RID *p_gi_probe_cull_result, int p_gi_probe_cull_count) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_roughness_buffer, RID p_ambient_buffer, RID p_reflection_buffer, RID p_gi_probe_buffer, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, RID *p_gi_probe_cull_result, int p_gi_probe_cull_count) { RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Render GI"); RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); @@ -1614,12 +1614,12 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_roughness { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 1; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; j++) { if (rb->sdfgi && j < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()) { u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades[j].sdf_tex); } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); } } uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1627,12 +1627,12 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_roughness { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 2; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; j++) { if (rb->sdfgi && j < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()) { u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades[j].light_tex); } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); } } uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1640,12 +1640,12 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_roughness { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 3; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; j++) { if (rb->sdfgi && j < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()) { u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades[j].light_aniso_0_tex); } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); } } uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1653,37 +1653,37 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_roughness { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 4; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; j++) { if (rb->sdfgi && j < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()) { u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades[j].light_aniso_1_tex); } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); } } uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 5; if (rb->sdfgi) { u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->occlusion_texture); } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); } uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.binding = 6; u.ids.push_back(storage->sampler_rd_get_default(RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED)); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.binding = 7; u.ids.push_back(storage->sampler_rd_get_default(RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR_WITH_MIPMAPS, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED)); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1691,7 +1691,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_roughness { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 9; u.ids.push_back(p_ambient_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1699,7 +1699,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_roughness { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 10; u.ids.push_back(p_reflection_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1707,54 +1707,54 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_roughness { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 11; if (rb->sdfgi) { u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->lightprobe_texture); } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_WHITE)); } uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 12; u.ids.push_back(rb->depth_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 13; u.ids.push_back(p_normal_roughness_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 14; - RID buffer = p_gi_probe_buffer.is_valid() ? p_gi_probe_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); + RID buffer = p_gi_probe_buffer.is_valid() ? p_gi_probe_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); u.ids.push_back(buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.binding = 15; u.ids.push_back(gi.sdfgi_ubo); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.binding = 16; u.ids.push_back(rb->giprobe_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 17; for (int i = 0; i < RenderBuffers::MAX_GIPROBES; i++) { u.ids.push_back(rb->giprobe_textures[i]); @@ -1773,11 +1773,11 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_roughness RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::sky_create() { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::sky_create() { return sky_owner.make_rid(Sky()); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_sky_invalidate(Sky *p_sky) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_sky_invalidate(Sky *p_sky) { if (!p_sky->dirty) { p_sky->dirty = true; p_sky->dirty_list = dirty_sky_list; @@ -1785,7 +1785,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_sky_invalidate(Sky *p_sky) { } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::sky_set_radiance_size(RID p_sky, int p_radiance_size) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::sky_set_radiance_size(RID p_sky, int p_radiance_size) { Sky *sky = sky_owner.getornull(p_sky); ERR_FAIL_COND(!sky); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_radiance_size < 32 || p_radiance_size > 2048); @@ -1807,7 +1807,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sky_set_radiance_size(RID p_sky, int p_radiance_size) { _clear_reflection_data(sky->reflection); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::sky_set_mode(RID p_sky, RS::SkyMode p_mode) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::sky_set_mode(RID p_sky, RS::SkyMode p_mode) { Sky *sky = sky_owner.getornull(p_sky); ERR_FAIL_COND(!sky); @@ -1830,14 +1830,14 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::sky_set_mode(RID p_sky, RS::SkyMode p_mode) { _clear_reflection_data(sky->reflection); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::sky_set_material(RID p_sky, RID p_material) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::sky_set_material(RID p_sky, RID p_material) { Sky *sky = sky_owner.getornull(p_sky); ERR_FAIL_COND(!sky); sky->material = p_material; _sky_invalidate(sky); } -Ref<Image> RasterizerSceneRD::sky_bake_panorama(RID p_sky, float p_energy, bool p_bake_irradiance, const Size2i &p_size) { +Ref<Image> RendererSceneRenderRD::sky_bake_panorama(RID p_sky, float p_energy, bool p_bake_irradiance, const Size2i &p_size) { Sky *sky = sky_owner.getornull(p_sky); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!sky, Ref<Image>()); @@ -1873,7 +1873,7 @@ Ref<Image> RasterizerSceneRD::sky_bake_panorama(RID p_sky, float p_energy, bool return Ref<Image>(); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_dirty_skys() { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_update_dirty_skys() { Sky *sky = dirty_sky_list; while (sky) { @@ -1897,7 +1897,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_dirty_skys() { RD::TextureFormat tf; tf.array_layers = layers * 6; tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY; tf.mipmaps = mipmaps; tf.width = w; tf.height = h; @@ -1912,7 +1912,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_dirty_skys() { RD::TextureFormat tf; tf.array_layers = 6; tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE; tf.mipmaps = MIN(mipmaps, layers); tf.width = w; tf.height = h; @@ -1932,7 +1932,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_dirty_skys() { tformat.width = sky->screen_size.x / 2; tformat.height = sky->screen_size.y / 2; tformat.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT; - tformat.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; + tformat.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; sky->half_res_pass = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tformat, RD::TextureView()); Vector<RID> texs; @@ -1947,7 +1947,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_dirty_skys() { tformat.width = sky->screen_size.x / 4; tformat.height = sky->screen_size.y / 4; tformat.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT; - tformat.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; + tformat.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; sky->quarter_res_pass = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tformat, RD::TextureView()); Vector<RID> texs; @@ -1977,14 +1977,14 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_dirty_skys() { dirty_sky_list = nullptr; } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::sky_get_radiance_texture_rd(RID p_sky) const { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::sky_get_radiance_texture_rd(RID p_sky) const { Sky *sky = sky_owner.getornull(p_sky); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!sky, RID()); return sky->radiance; } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::sky_get_radiance_uniform_set_rd(RID p_sky, RID p_shader, int p_set) const { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::sky_get_radiance_uniform_set_rd(RID p_sky, RID p_shader, int p_set) const { Sky *sky = sky_owner.getornull(p_sky); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!sky, RID()); @@ -1994,7 +1994,7 @@ RID RasterizerSceneRD::sky_get_radiance_uniform_set_rd(RID p_sky, RID p_shader, Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(sky->radiance); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -2007,25 +2007,25 @@ RID RasterizerSceneRD::sky_get_radiance_uniform_set_rd(RID p_sky, RID p_shader, return sky->uniform_set; } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::_get_sky_textures(Sky *p_sky, SkyTextureSetVersion p_version) { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::_get_sky_textures(Sky *p_sky, SkyTextureSetVersion p_version) { if (p_sky->texture_uniform_sets[p_version].is_valid() && RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(p_sky->texture_uniform_sets[p_version])) { return p_sky->texture_uniform_sets[p_version]; } Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 0; if (p_sky->radiance.is_valid() && p_version <= SKY_TEXTURE_SET_QUARTER_RES) { u.ids.push_back(p_sky->radiance); } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_CUBEMAP_BLACK)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_CUBEMAP_BLACK)); } uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 1; // half res if (p_sky->half_res_pass.is_valid() && p_version != SKY_TEXTURE_SET_HALF_RES && p_version != SKY_TEXTURE_SET_CUBEMAP_HALF_RES) { if (p_version >= SKY_TEXTURE_SET_CUBEMAP) { @@ -2035,16 +2035,16 @@ RID RasterizerSceneRD::_get_sky_textures(Sky *p_sky, SkyTextureSetVersion p_vers } } else { if (p_version < SKY_TEXTURE_SET_CUBEMAP) { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE)); } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_CUBEMAP_BLACK)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_CUBEMAP_BLACK)); } } uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 2; // quarter res if (p_sky->quarter_res_pass.is_valid() && p_version != SKY_TEXTURE_SET_QUARTER_RES && p_version != SKY_TEXTURE_SET_CUBEMAP_QUARTER_RES) { if (p_version >= SKY_TEXTURE_SET_CUBEMAP) { @@ -2054,9 +2054,9 @@ RID RasterizerSceneRD::_get_sky_textures(Sky *p_sky, SkyTextureSetVersion p_vers } } else { if (p_version < SKY_TEXTURE_SET_CUBEMAP) { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE)); } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_CUBEMAP_BLACK)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_CUBEMAP_BLACK)); } } uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -2066,14 +2066,14 @@ RID RasterizerSceneRD::_get_sky_textures(Sky *p_sky, SkyTextureSetVersion p_vers return p_sky->texture_uniform_sets[p_version]; } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::sky_get_material(RID p_sky) const { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::sky_get_material(RID p_sky) const { Sky *sky = sky_owner.getornull(p_sky); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!sky, RID()); return sky->material; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_draw_sky(bool p_can_continue_color, bool p_can_continue_depth, RID p_fb, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_draw_sky(bool p_can_continue_color, bool p_can_continue_depth, RID p_fb, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!is_environment(p_environment)); SkyMaterialData *material = nullptr; @@ -2089,7 +2089,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_draw_sky(bool p_can_continue_color, bool p_can_continue sky_material = sky_get_material(environment_get_sky(p_environment)); if (sky_material.is_valid()) { - material = (SkyMaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(sky_material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY); + material = (SkyMaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(sky_material, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY); if (!material || !material->shader_data->valid) { material = nullptr; } @@ -2097,13 +2097,13 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_draw_sky(bool p_can_continue_color, bool p_can_continue if (!material) { sky_material = sky_shader.default_material; - material = (SkyMaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(sky_material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY); + material = (SkyMaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(sky_material, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY); } } if (background == RS::ENV_BG_CLEAR_COLOR || background == RS::ENV_BG_COLOR) { sky_material = sky_scene_state.fog_material; - material = (SkyMaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(sky_material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY); + material = (SkyMaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(sky_material, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY); } ERR_FAIL_COND(!material); @@ -2134,7 +2134,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_draw_sky(bool p_can_continue_color, bool p_can_continue sky_transform = p_transform.basis * sky_transform; if (shader_data->uses_quarter_res) { - RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD *pipeline = &shader_data->pipelines[SKY_VERSION_QUARTER_RES]; + PipelineCacheRD *pipeline = &shader_data->pipelines[SKY_VERSION_QUARTER_RES]; RID texture_uniform_set = _get_sky_textures(sky, SKY_TEXTURE_SET_QUARTER_RES); @@ -2147,7 +2147,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_draw_sky(bool p_can_continue_color, bool p_can_continue } if (shader_data->uses_half_res) { - RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD *pipeline = &shader_data->pipelines[SKY_VERSION_HALF_RES]; + PipelineCacheRD *pipeline = &shader_data->pipelines[SKY_VERSION_HALF_RES]; RID texture_uniform_set = _get_sky_textures(sky, SKY_TEXTURE_SET_HALF_RES); @@ -2159,7 +2159,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_draw_sky(bool p_can_continue_color, bool p_can_continue RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_end(); } - RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD *pipeline = &shader_data->pipelines[SKY_VERSION_BACKGROUND]; + PipelineCacheRD *pipeline = &shader_data->pipelines[SKY_VERSION_BACKGROUND]; RID texture_uniform_set; if (sky) { @@ -2173,7 +2173,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_draw_sky(bool p_can_continue_color, bool p_can_continue RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_end(); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_setup_sky(RID p_environment, RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, const Size2i p_screen_size) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_setup_sky(RID p_environment, RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, const Size2i p_screen_size) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!is_environment(p_environment)); SkyMaterialData *material = nullptr; @@ -2191,7 +2191,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_setup_sky(RID p_environment, RID p_render_buffers, cons sky_material = sky_get_material(environment_get_sky(p_environment)); if (sky_material.is_valid()) { - material = (SkyMaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(sky_material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY); + material = (SkyMaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(sky_material, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY); if (!material || !material->shader_data->valid) { material = nullptr; } @@ -2199,7 +2199,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_setup_sky(RID p_environment, RID p_render_buffers, cons if (!material) { sky_material = sky_shader.default_material; - material = (SkyMaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(sky_material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY); + material = (SkyMaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(sky_material, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY); } ERR_FAIL_COND(!material); @@ -2242,7 +2242,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_setup_sky(RID p_environment, RID p_render_buffers, cons if (shader_data->uses_time && time - sky->prev_time > 0.00001) { sky->prev_time = time; sky->reflection.dirty = true; - RenderingServerRaster::redraw_request(); + RenderingServerDefault::redraw_request(); } if (material != sky->prev_material) { @@ -2290,7 +2290,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_setup_sky(RID p_environment, RID p_render_buffers, cons if (light_data_dirty) { RD::get_singleton()->buffer_update(sky_scene_state.directional_light_buffer, 0, sizeof(SkyDirectionalLightData) * sky_scene_state.max_directional_lights, sky_scene_state.directional_lights, true); - RasterizerSceneRD::SkyDirectionalLightData *temp = sky_scene_state.last_frame_directional_lights; + RendererSceneRenderRD::SkyDirectionalLightData *temp = sky_scene_state.last_frame_directional_lights; sky_scene_state.last_frame_directional_lights = sky_scene_state.directional_lights; sky_scene_state.directional_lights = temp; sky_scene_state.last_frame_directional_light_count = sky_scene_state.ubo.directional_light_count; @@ -2343,7 +2343,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_setup_sky(RID p_environment, RID p_render_buffers, cons RD::get_singleton()->buffer_update(sky_scene_state.uniform_buffer, 0, sizeof(SkySceneState::UBO), &sky_scene_state.ubo, true); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_sky(RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_update_sky(RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!is_environment(p_environment)); Sky *sky = sky_owner.getornull(environment_get_sky(p_environment)); @@ -2354,7 +2354,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_sky(RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_pro SkyMaterialData *material = nullptr; if (sky_material.is_valid()) { - material = (SkyMaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(sky_material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY); + material = (SkyMaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(sky_material, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY); if (!material || !material->shader_data->valid) { material = nullptr; } @@ -2362,7 +2362,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_sky(RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_pro if (!material) { sky_material = sky_shader.default_material; - material = (SkyMaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(sky_material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY); + material = (SkyMaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(sky_material, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY); } ERR_FAIL_COND(!material); @@ -2423,7 +2423,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_sky(RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_pro cm = correction * cm; if (shader_data->uses_quarter_res) { - RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD *pipeline = &shader_data->pipelines[SKY_VERSION_CUBEMAP_QUARTER_RES]; + PipelineCacheRD *pipeline = &shader_data->pipelines[SKY_VERSION_CUBEMAP_QUARTER_RES]; Vector<Color> clear_colors; clear_colors.push_back(Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); @@ -2441,7 +2441,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_sky(RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_pro } if (shader_data->uses_half_res) { - RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD *pipeline = &shader_data->pipelines[SKY_VERSION_CUBEMAP_HALF_RES]; + PipelineCacheRD *pipeline = &shader_data->pipelines[SKY_VERSION_CUBEMAP_HALF_RES]; Vector<Color> clear_colors; clear_colors.push_back(Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); @@ -2459,7 +2459,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_sky(RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_pro } RD::DrawListID cubemap_draw_list; - RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD *pipeline = &shader_data->pipelines[SKY_VERSION_CUBEMAP]; + PipelineCacheRD *pipeline = &shader_data->pipelines[SKY_VERSION_CUBEMAP]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Transform local_view; @@ -2510,7 +2510,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_sky(RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_pro /* SKY SHADER */ -void RasterizerSceneRD::SkyShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::SkyShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) { //compile code = p_code; @@ -2559,7 +2559,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::SkyShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) { actions.uniforms = &uniforms; - RasterizerSceneRD *scene_singleton = (RasterizerSceneRD *)RasterizerSceneRD::singleton; + RendererSceneRenderRD *scene_singleton = (RendererSceneRenderRD *)RendererSceneRenderRD::singleton; Error err = scene_singleton->sky_shader.compiler.compile(RS::SHADER_SKY, code, &actions, path, gen_code); @@ -2604,7 +2604,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::SkyShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) { valid = true; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::SkyShaderData::set_default_texture_param(const StringName &p_name, RID p_texture) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::SkyShaderData::set_default_texture_param(const StringName &p_name, RID p_texture) { if (!p_texture.is_valid()) { default_texture_params.erase(p_name); } else { @@ -2612,7 +2612,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::SkyShaderData::set_default_texture_param(const StringNam } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::SkyShaderData::get_param_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_param_list) const { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::SkyShaderData::get_param_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_param_list) const { Map<int, StringName> order; for (Map<StringName, ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform>::Element *E = uniforms.front(); E; E = E->next()) { @@ -2634,13 +2634,13 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::SkyShaderData::get_param_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_para } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::SkyShaderData::get_instance_param_list(List<RasterizerStorage::InstanceShaderParam> *p_param_list) const { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::SkyShaderData::get_instance_param_list(List<RendererStorage::InstanceShaderParam> *p_param_list) const { for (Map<StringName, ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform>::Element *E = uniforms.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get().scope != ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform::SCOPE_INSTANCE) { continue; } - RasterizerStorage::InstanceShaderParam p; + RendererStorage::InstanceShaderParam p; p.info = ShaderLanguage::uniform_to_property_info(E->get()); p.info.name = E->key(); //supply name p.index = E->get().instance_index; @@ -2649,7 +2649,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::SkyShaderData::get_instance_param_list(List<RasterizerSt } } -bool RasterizerSceneRD::SkyShaderData::is_param_texture(const StringName &p_param) const { +bool RendererSceneRenderRD::SkyShaderData::is_param_texture(const StringName &p_param) const { if (!uniforms.has(p_param)) { return false; } @@ -2657,15 +2657,15 @@ bool RasterizerSceneRD::SkyShaderData::is_param_texture(const StringName &p_para return uniforms[p_param].texture_order >= 0; } -bool RasterizerSceneRD::SkyShaderData::is_animated() const { +bool RendererSceneRenderRD::SkyShaderData::is_animated() const { return false; } -bool RasterizerSceneRD::SkyShaderData::casts_shadows() const { +bool RendererSceneRenderRD::SkyShaderData::casts_shadows() const { return false; } -Variant RasterizerSceneRD::SkyShaderData::get_default_parameter(const StringName &p_parameter) const { +Variant RendererSceneRenderRD::SkyShaderData::get_default_parameter(const StringName &p_parameter) const { if (uniforms.has(p_parameter)) { ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform uniform = uniforms[p_parameter]; Vector<ShaderLanguage::ConstantNode::Value> default_value = uniform.default_value; @@ -2674,12 +2674,12 @@ Variant RasterizerSceneRD::SkyShaderData::get_default_parameter(const StringName return Variant(); } -RasterizerSceneRD::SkyShaderData::SkyShaderData() { +RendererSceneRenderRD::SkyShaderData::SkyShaderData() { valid = false; } -RasterizerSceneRD::SkyShaderData::~SkyShaderData() { - RasterizerSceneRD *scene_singleton = (RasterizerSceneRD *)RasterizerSceneRD::singleton; +RendererSceneRenderRD::SkyShaderData::~SkyShaderData() { + RendererSceneRenderRD *scene_singleton = (RendererSceneRenderRD *)RendererSceneRenderRD::singleton; ERR_FAIL_COND(!scene_singleton); //pipeline variants will clear themselves if shader is gone if (version.is_valid()) { @@ -2687,13 +2687,13 @@ RasterizerSceneRD::SkyShaderData::~SkyShaderData() { } } -RasterizerStorageRD::ShaderData *RasterizerSceneRD::_create_sky_shader_func() { +RendererStorageRD::ShaderData *RendererSceneRenderRD::_create_sky_shader_func() { SkyShaderData *shader_data = memnew(SkyShaderData); return shader_data; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::SkyMaterialData::update_parameters(const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_parameters, bool p_uniform_dirty, bool p_textures_dirty) { - RasterizerSceneRD *scene_singleton = (RasterizerSceneRD *)RasterizerSceneRD::singleton; +void RendererSceneRenderRD::SkyMaterialData::update_parameters(const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_parameters, bool p_uniform_dirty, bool p_textures_dirty) { + RendererSceneRenderRD *scene_singleton = (RendererSceneRenderRD *)RendererSceneRenderRD::singleton; uniform_set_updated = true; @@ -2755,7 +2755,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::SkyMaterialData::update_parameters(const Map<StringName, { if (shader_data->ubo_size) { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(uniform_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -2764,7 +2764,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::SkyMaterialData::update_parameters(const Map<StringName, const RID *textures = texture_cache.ptrw(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tex_uniform_count; i++) { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 1 + i; u.ids.push_back(textures[i]); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -2774,7 +2774,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::SkyMaterialData::update_parameters(const Map<StringName, uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, scene_singleton->sky_shader.shader.version_get_shader(shader_data->version, 0), SKY_SET_MATERIAL); } -RasterizerSceneRD::SkyMaterialData::~SkyMaterialData() { +RendererSceneRenderRD::SkyMaterialData::~SkyMaterialData() { if (uniform_set.is_valid() && RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(uniform_set)) { RD::get_singleton()->free(uniform_set); } @@ -2784,7 +2784,7 @@ RasterizerSceneRD::SkyMaterialData::~SkyMaterialData() { } } -RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData *RasterizerSceneRD::_create_sky_material_func(SkyShaderData *p_shader) { +RendererStorageRD::MaterialData *RendererSceneRenderRD::_create_sky_material_func(SkyShaderData *p_shader) { SkyMaterialData *material_data = memnew(SkyMaterialData); material_data->shader_data = p_shader; material_data->last_frame = false; @@ -2792,53 +2792,53 @@ RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData *RasterizerSceneRD::_create_sky_material_func( return material_data; } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::environment_create() { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_create() { return environment_owner.make_rid(Environment()); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_background(RID p_env, RS::EnvironmentBG p_bg) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_background(RID p_env, RS::EnvironmentBG p_bg) { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND(!env); env->background = p_bg; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_sky(RID p_env, RID p_sky) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_sky(RID p_env, RID p_sky) { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND(!env); env->sky = p_sky; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_sky_custom_fov(RID p_env, float p_scale) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_sky_custom_fov(RID p_env, float p_scale) { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND(!env); env->sky_custom_fov = p_scale; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_sky_orientation(RID p_env, const Basis &p_orientation) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_sky_orientation(RID p_env, const Basis &p_orientation) { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND(!env); env->sky_orientation = p_orientation; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_bg_color(RID p_env, const Color &p_color) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_bg_color(RID p_env, const Color &p_color) { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND(!env); env->bg_color = p_color; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_bg_energy(RID p_env, float p_energy) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_bg_energy(RID p_env, float p_energy) { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND(!env); env->bg_energy = p_energy; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_canvas_max_layer(RID p_env, int p_max_layer) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_canvas_max_layer(RID p_env, int p_max_layer) { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND(!env); env->canvas_max_layer = p_max_layer; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_ambient_light(RID p_env, const Color &p_color, RS::EnvironmentAmbientSource p_ambient, float p_energy, float p_sky_contribution, RS::EnvironmentReflectionSource p_reflection_source, const Color &p_ao_color) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_ambient_light(RID p_env, const Color &p_color, RS::EnvironmentAmbientSource p_ambient, float p_energy, float p_sky_contribution, RS::EnvironmentReflectionSource p_reflection_source, const Color &p_ao_color) { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND(!env); env->ambient_light = p_color; @@ -2849,85 +2849,85 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_ambient_light(RID p_env, const Color &p_ env->ao_color = p_ao_color; } -RS::EnvironmentBG RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_background(RID p_env) const { +RS::EnvironmentBG RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_background(RID p_env) const { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, RS::ENV_BG_MAX); return env->background; } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_sky(RID p_env) const { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_sky(RID p_env) const { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, RID()); return env->sky; } -float RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_sky_custom_fov(RID p_env) const { +float RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_sky_custom_fov(RID p_env) const { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, 0); return env->sky_custom_fov; } -Basis RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_sky_orientation(RID p_env) const { +Basis RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_sky_orientation(RID p_env) const { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, Basis()); return env->sky_orientation; } -Color RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_bg_color(RID p_env) const { +Color RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_bg_color(RID p_env) const { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, Color()); return env->bg_color; } -float RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_bg_energy(RID p_env) const { +float RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_bg_energy(RID p_env) const { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, 0); return env->bg_energy; } -int RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_canvas_max_layer(RID p_env) const { +int RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_canvas_max_layer(RID p_env) const { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, 0); return env->canvas_max_layer; } -Color RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_ambient_light_color(RID p_env) const { +Color RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_ambient_light_color(RID p_env) const { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, Color()); return env->ambient_light; } -RS::EnvironmentAmbientSource RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_ambient_source(RID p_env) const { +RS::EnvironmentAmbientSource RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_ambient_source(RID p_env) const { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, RS::ENV_AMBIENT_SOURCE_BG); return env->ambient_source; } -float RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_ambient_light_energy(RID p_env) const { +float RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_ambient_light_energy(RID p_env) const { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, 0); return env->ambient_light_energy; } -float RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_ambient_sky_contribution(RID p_env) const { +float RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_ambient_sky_contribution(RID p_env) const { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, 0); return env->ambient_sky_contribution; } -RS::EnvironmentReflectionSource RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_reflection_source(RID p_env) const { +RS::EnvironmentReflectionSource RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_reflection_source(RID p_env) const { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, RS::ENV_REFLECTION_SOURCE_DISABLED); return env->reflection_source; } -Color RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_ao_color(RID p_env) const { +Color RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_ao_color(RID p_env) const { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, Color()); return env->ao_color; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_tonemap(RID p_env, RS::EnvironmentToneMapper p_tone_mapper, float p_exposure, float p_white, bool p_auto_exposure, float p_min_luminance, float p_max_luminance, float p_auto_exp_speed, float p_auto_exp_scale) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_tonemap(RID p_env, RS::EnvironmentToneMapper p_tone_mapper, float p_exposure, float p_white, bool p_auto_exposure, float p_min_luminance, float p_max_luminance, float p_auto_exp_speed, float p_auto_exp_scale) { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND(!env); env->exposure = p_exposure; @@ -2943,7 +2943,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_tonemap(RID p_env, RS::EnvironmentToneMa env->auto_exp_scale = p_auto_exp_scale; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_glow(RID p_env, bool p_enable, Vector<float> p_levels, float p_intensity, float p_strength, float p_mix, float p_bloom_threshold, RS::EnvironmentGlowBlendMode p_blend_mode, float p_hdr_bleed_threshold, float p_hdr_bleed_scale, float p_hdr_luminance_cap) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_glow(RID p_env, bool p_enable, Vector<float> p_levels, float p_intensity, float p_strength, float p_mix, float p_bloom_threshold, RS::EnvironmentGlowBlendMode p_blend_mode, float p_hdr_bleed_threshold, float p_hdr_bleed_scale, float p_hdr_luminance_cap) { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND(!env); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_levels.size() != 7, "Size of array of glow levels must be 7"); @@ -2959,15 +2959,15 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_glow(RID p_env, bool p_enable, Vector<fl env->glow_hdr_luminance_cap = p_hdr_luminance_cap; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_glow_set_use_bicubic_upscale(bool p_enable) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_glow_set_use_bicubic_upscale(bool p_enable) { glow_bicubic_upscale = p_enable; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_glow_set_use_high_quality(bool p_enable) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_glow_set_use_high_quality(bool p_enable) { glow_high_quality = p_enable; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_sdfgi(RID p_env, bool p_enable, RS::EnvironmentSDFGICascades p_cascades, float p_min_cell_size, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIYScale p_y_scale, bool p_use_occlusion, bool p_use_multibounce, bool p_read_sky, float p_energy, float p_normal_bias, float p_probe_bias) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_sdfgi(RID p_env, bool p_enable, RS::EnvironmentSDFGICascades p_cascades, float p_min_cell_size, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIYScale p_y_scale, bool p_use_occlusion, bool p_use_multibounce, bool p_read_sky, float p_energy, float p_normal_bias, float p_probe_bias) { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND(!env); @@ -2983,7 +2983,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_sdfgi(RID p_env, bool p_enable, RS::Envi env->sdfgi_y_scale = p_y_scale; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_fog(RID p_env, bool p_enable, const Color &p_light_color, float p_light_energy, float p_sun_scatter, float p_density, float p_height, float p_height_density, float p_fog_aerial_perspective) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_fog(RID p_env, bool p_enable, const Color &p_light_color, float p_light_energy, float p_sun_scatter, float p_density, float p_height, float p_height_density, float p_fog_aerial_perspective) { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND(!env); @@ -2997,51 +2997,51 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_fog(RID p_env, bool p_enable, const Colo env->fog_aerial_perspective = p_fog_aerial_perspective; } -bool RasterizerSceneRD::environment_is_fog_enabled(RID p_env) const { +bool RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_is_fog_enabled(RID p_env) const { const Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, false); return env->fog_enabled; } -Color RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_fog_light_color(RID p_env) const { +Color RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_fog_light_color(RID p_env) const { const Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, Color()); return env->fog_light_color; } -float RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_fog_light_energy(RID p_env) const { +float RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_fog_light_energy(RID p_env) const { const Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, 0); return env->fog_light_energy; } -float RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_fog_sun_scatter(RID p_env) const { +float RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_fog_sun_scatter(RID p_env) const { const Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, 0); return env->fog_sun_scatter; } -float RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_fog_density(RID p_env) const { +float RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_fog_density(RID p_env) const { const Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, 0); return env->fog_density; } -float RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_fog_height(RID p_env) const { +float RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_fog_height(RID p_env) const { const Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, 0); return env->fog_height; } -float RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_fog_height_density(RID p_env) const { +float RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_fog_height_density(RID p_env) const { const Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, 0); return env->fog_height_density; } -float RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_fog_aerial_perspective(RID p_env) const { +float RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_fog_aerial_perspective(RID p_env) const { const Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, 0); return env->fog_aerial_perspective; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_volumetric_fog(RID p_env, bool p_enable, float p_density, const Color &p_light, float p_light_energy, float p_length, float p_detail_spread, float p_gi_inject, RenderingServer::EnvVolumetricFogShadowFilter p_shadow_filter) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_volumetric_fog(RID p_env, bool p_enable, float p_density, const Color &p_light, float p_light_energy, float p_length, float p_detail_spread, float p_gi_inject, RenderingServer::EnvVolumetricFogShadowFilter p_shadow_filter) { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND(!env); @@ -3055,15 +3055,15 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_volumetric_fog(RID p_env, bool p_enable, env->volumetric_fog_gi_inject = p_gi_inject; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_volumetric_fog_volume_size(int p_size, int p_depth) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_volumetric_fog_volume_size(int p_size, int p_depth) { volumetric_fog_size = p_size; volumetric_fog_depth = p_depth; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_volumetric_fog_filter_active(bool p_enable) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_volumetric_fog_filter_active(bool p_enable) { volumetric_fog_filter_active = p_enable; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_volumetric_fog_directional_shadow_shrink_size(int p_shrink_size) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_volumetric_fog_directional_shadow_shrink_size(int p_shrink_size) { p_shrink_size = nearest_power_of_2_templated(p_shrink_size); if (volumetric_fog_directional_shadow_shrink == (uint32_t)p_shrink_size) { return; @@ -3071,7 +3071,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_volumetric_fog_directional_shadow_shrink _clear_shadow_shrink_stages(directional_shadow.shrink_stages); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_volumetric_fog_positional_shadow_shrink_size(int p_shrink_size) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_volumetric_fog_positional_shadow_shrink_size(int p_shrink_size) { p_shrink_size = nearest_power_of_2_templated(p_shrink_size); if (volumetric_fog_positional_shadow_shrink == (uint32_t)p_shrink_size) { return; @@ -3083,15 +3083,15 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_volumetric_fog_positional_shadow_shrink_ } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount p_ray_count) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount p_ray_count) { sdfgi_ray_count = p_ray_count; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge p_frames) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge p_frames) { sdfgi_frames_to_converge = p_frames; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_ssr(RID p_env, bool p_enable, int p_max_steps, float p_fade_int, float p_fade_out, float p_depth_tolerance) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_ssr(RID p_env, bool p_enable, int p_max_steps, float p_fade_int, float p_fade_out, float p_depth_tolerance) { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND(!env); @@ -3102,15 +3102,15 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_ssr(RID p_env, bool p_enable, int p_max_ env->ssr_depth_tolerance = p_depth_tolerance; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_ssr_roughness_quality(RS::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality p_quality) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_ssr_roughness_quality(RS::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality p_quality) { ssr_roughness_quality = p_quality; } -RS::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_ssr_roughness_quality() const { +RS::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_ssr_roughness_quality() const { return ssr_roughness_quality; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_ssao(RID p_env, bool p_enable, float p_radius, float p_intensity, float p_bias, float p_light_affect, float p_ao_channel_affect, RS::EnvironmentSSAOBlur p_blur, float p_bilateral_sharpness) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_ssao(RID p_env, bool p_enable, float p_radius, float p_intensity, float p_bias, float p_light_affect, float p_ao_channel_affect, RS::EnvironmentSSAOBlur p_blur, float p_bilateral_sharpness) { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND(!env); @@ -3123,45 +3123,45 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_ssao(RID p_env, bool p_enable, float p_r env->ssao_blur = p_blur; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_ssao_quality(RS::EnvironmentSSAOQuality p_quality, bool p_half_size) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_ssao_quality(RS::EnvironmentSSAOQuality p_quality, bool p_half_size) { ssao_quality = p_quality; ssao_half_size = p_half_size; } -bool RasterizerSceneRD::environment_is_ssao_enabled(RID p_env) const { +bool RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_is_ssao_enabled(RID p_env) const { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, false); return env->ssao_enabled; } -float RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_ssao_ao_affect(RID p_env) const { +float RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_ssao_ao_affect(RID p_env) const { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, false); return env->ssao_ao_channel_affect; } -float RasterizerSceneRD::environment_get_ssao_light_affect(RID p_env) const { +float RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_get_ssao_light_affect(RID p_env) const { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, false); return env->ssao_direct_light_affect; } -bool RasterizerSceneRD::environment_is_ssr_enabled(RID p_env) const { +bool RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_is_ssr_enabled(RID p_env) const { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, false); return env->ssr_enabled; } -bool RasterizerSceneRD::environment_is_sdfgi_enabled(RID p_env) const { +bool RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_is_sdfgi_enabled(RID p_env) const { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, false); return env->sdfgi_enabled; } -bool RasterizerSceneRD::is_environment(RID p_env) const { +bool RendererSceneRenderRD::is_environment(RID p_env) const { return environment_owner.owns(p_env); } -Ref<Image> RasterizerSceneRD::environment_bake_panorama(RID p_env, bool p_bake_irradiance, const Size2i &p_size) { +Ref<Image> RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_bake_panorama(RID p_env, bool p_bake_irradiance, const Size2i &p_size) { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, Ref<Image>()); @@ -3200,7 +3200,7 @@ Ref<Image> RasterizerSceneRD::environment_bake_panorama(RID p_env, bool p_bake_i //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -RID RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_atlas_create() { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::reflection_atlas_create() { ReflectionAtlas ra; ra.count = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/reflection_atlas/reflection_count"); ra.size = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/reflection_atlas/reflection_size"); @@ -3208,7 +3208,7 @@ RID RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_atlas_create() { return reflection_atlas_owner.make_rid(ra); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_atlas_set_size(RID p_ref_atlas, int p_reflection_size, int p_reflection_count) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::reflection_atlas_set_size(RID p_ref_atlas, int p_reflection_size, int p_reflection_count) { ReflectionAtlas *ra = reflection_atlas_owner.getornull(p_ref_atlas); ERR_FAIL_COND(!ra); @@ -3240,13 +3240,13 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_atlas_set_size(RID p_ref_atlas, int p_reflect } //////////////////////// -RID RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_probe_instance_create(RID p_probe) { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::reflection_probe_instance_create(RID p_probe) { ReflectionProbeInstance rpi; rpi.probe = p_probe; return reflection_probe_instance_owner.make_rid(rpi); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_probe_instance_set_transform(RID p_instance, const Transform &p_transform) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::reflection_probe_instance_set_transform(RID p_instance, const Transform &p_transform) { ReflectionProbeInstance *rpi = reflection_probe_instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rpi); @@ -3254,7 +3254,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_probe_instance_set_transform(RID p_instance, rpi->dirty = true; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_probe_release_atlas_index(RID p_instance) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::reflection_probe_release_atlas_index(RID p_instance) { ReflectionProbeInstance *rpi = reflection_probe_instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rpi); @@ -3269,7 +3269,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_probe_release_atlas_index(RID p_instance) { rpi->atlas = RID(); } -bool RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_probe_instance_needs_redraw(RID p_instance) { +bool RendererSceneRenderRD::reflection_probe_instance_needs_redraw(RID p_instance) { ReflectionProbeInstance *rpi = reflection_probe_instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rpi, false); @@ -3288,14 +3288,14 @@ bool RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_probe_instance_needs_redraw(RID p_instance) { return rpi->atlas_index == -1; } -bool RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_probe_instance_has_reflection(RID p_instance) { +bool RendererSceneRenderRD::reflection_probe_instance_has_reflection(RID p_instance) { ReflectionProbeInstance *rpi = reflection_probe_instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rpi, false); return rpi->atlas.is_valid(); } -bool RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_probe_instance_begin_render(RID p_instance, RID p_reflection_atlas) { +bool RendererSceneRenderRD::reflection_probe_instance_begin_render(RID p_instance, RID p_reflection_atlas) { ReflectionAtlas *atlas = reflection_atlas_owner.getornull(p_reflection_atlas); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!atlas, false); @@ -3331,7 +3331,7 @@ bool RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_probe_instance_begin_render(RID p_instance, R RD::TextureFormat tf; tf.array_layers = 6 * atlas->count; tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY; tf.mipmaps = mipmaps; tf.width = atlas->size; tf.height = atlas->size; @@ -3394,7 +3394,7 @@ bool RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_probe_instance_begin_render(RID p_instance, R return true; } -bool RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_probe_instance_postprocess_step(RID p_instance) { +bool RendererSceneRenderRD::reflection_probe_instance_postprocess_step(RID p_instance) { ReflectionProbeInstance *rpi = reflection_probe_instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rpi, false); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rpi->rendering, false); @@ -3440,7 +3440,7 @@ bool RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_probe_instance_postprocess_step(RID p_instanc return false; } -uint32_t RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_probe_instance_get_resolution(RID p_instance) { +uint32_t RendererSceneRenderRD::reflection_probe_instance_get_resolution(RID p_instance) { ReflectionProbeInstance *rpi = reflection_probe_instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rpi, 0); @@ -3449,7 +3449,7 @@ uint32_t RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_probe_instance_get_resolution(RID p_insta return atlas->size; } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_probe_instance_get_framebuffer(RID p_instance, int p_index) { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::reflection_probe_instance_get_framebuffer(RID p_instance, int p_index) { ReflectionProbeInstance *rpi = reflection_probe_instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rpi, RID()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_index, 6, RID()); @@ -3459,7 +3459,7 @@ RID RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_probe_instance_get_framebuffer(RID p_instance, return atlas->reflections[rpi->atlas_index].fbs[p_index]; } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_probe_instance_get_depth_framebuffer(RID p_instance, int p_index) { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::reflection_probe_instance_get_depth_framebuffer(RID p_instance, int p_index) { ReflectionProbeInstance *rpi = reflection_probe_instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rpi, RID()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_index, 6, RID()); @@ -3471,11 +3471,11 @@ RID RasterizerSceneRD::reflection_probe_instance_get_depth_framebuffer(RID p_ins /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -RID RasterizerSceneRD::shadow_atlas_create() { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::shadow_atlas_create() { return shadow_atlas_owner.make_rid(ShadowAtlas()); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size) { ShadowAtlas *shadow_atlas = shadow_atlas_owner.getornull(p_atlas); ERR_FAIL_COND(!shadow_atlas); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_size < 0); @@ -3520,7 +3520,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size) { } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_atlas, int p_quadrant, int p_subdivision) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_atlas, int p_quadrant, int p_subdivision) { ShadowAtlas *shadow_atlas = shadow_atlas_owner.getornull(p_atlas); ERR_FAIL_COND(!shadow_atlas); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_quadrant, 4); @@ -3582,7 +3582,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_atlas, int p } while (swaps > 0); } -bool RasterizerSceneRD::_shadow_atlas_find_shadow(ShadowAtlas *shadow_atlas, int *p_in_quadrants, int p_quadrant_count, int p_current_subdiv, uint64_t p_tick, int &r_quadrant, int &r_shadow) { +bool RendererSceneRenderRD::_shadow_atlas_find_shadow(ShadowAtlas *shadow_atlas, int *p_in_quadrants, int p_quadrant_count, int p_current_subdiv, uint64_t p_tick, int &r_quadrant, int &r_shadow) { for (int i = p_quadrant_count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int qidx = p_in_quadrants[i]; @@ -3637,7 +3637,7 @@ bool RasterizerSceneRD::_shadow_atlas_find_shadow(ShadowAtlas *shadow_atlas, int return false; } -bool RasterizerSceneRD::shadow_atlas_update_light(RID p_atlas, RID p_light_intance, float p_coverage, uint64_t p_light_version) { +bool RendererSceneRenderRD::shadow_atlas_update_light(RID p_atlas, RID p_light_intance, float p_coverage, uint64_t p_light_version) { ShadowAtlas *shadow_atlas = shadow_atlas_owner.getornull(p_atlas); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!shadow_atlas, false); @@ -3772,7 +3772,7 @@ bool RasterizerSceneRD::shadow_atlas_update_light(RID p_atlas, RID p_light_intan return false; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size) { p_size = nearest_power_of_2_templated(p_size); if (directional_shadow.size == p_size) { @@ -3800,7 +3800,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size) { _base_uniforms_changed(); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::set_directional_shadow_count(int p_count) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::set_directional_shadow_count(int p_count) { directional_shadow.light_count = p_count; directional_shadow.current_light = 0; } @@ -3827,7 +3827,7 @@ static Rect2i _get_directional_shadow_rect(int p_size, int p_shadow_count, int p return rect; } -int RasterizerSceneRD::get_directional_light_shadow_size(RID p_light_intance) { +int RendererSceneRenderRD::get_directional_light_shadow_size(RID p_light_intance) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(directional_shadow.light_count == 0, 0); Rect2i r = _get_directional_shadow_rect(directional_shadow.size, directional_shadow.light_count, 0); @@ -3851,20 +3851,20 @@ int RasterizerSceneRD::get_directional_light_shadow_size(RID p_light_intance) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////// -RID RasterizerSceneRD::camera_effects_create() { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::camera_effects_create() { return camera_effects_owner.make_rid(CameraEffects()); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::camera_effects_set_dof_blur_quality(RS::DOFBlurQuality p_quality, bool p_use_jitter) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::camera_effects_set_dof_blur_quality(RS::DOFBlurQuality p_quality, bool p_use_jitter) { dof_blur_quality = p_quality; dof_blur_use_jitter = p_use_jitter; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::camera_effects_set_dof_blur_bokeh_shape(RS::DOFBokehShape p_shape) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::camera_effects_set_dof_blur_bokeh_shape(RS::DOFBokehShape p_shape) { dof_blur_bokeh_shape = p_shape; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::camera_effects_set_dof_blur(RID p_camera_effects, bool p_far_enable, float p_far_distance, float p_far_transition, bool p_near_enable, float p_near_distance, float p_near_transition, float p_amount) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::camera_effects_set_dof_blur(RID p_camera_effects, bool p_far_enable, float p_far_distance, float p_far_transition, bool p_near_enable, float p_near_distance, float p_near_transition, float p_amount) { CameraEffects *camfx = camera_effects_owner.getornull(p_camera_effects); ERR_FAIL_COND(!camfx); @@ -3879,7 +3879,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::camera_effects_set_dof_blur(RID p_camera_effects, bool p camfx->dof_blur_amount = p_amount; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::camera_effects_set_custom_exposure(RID p_camera_effects, bool p_enable, float p_exposure) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::camera_effects_set_custom_exposure(RID p_camera_effects, bool p_enable, float p_exposure) { CameraEffects *camfx = camera_effects_owner.getornull(p_camera_effects); ERR_FAIL_COND(!camfx); @@ -3887,7 +3887,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::camera_effects_set_custom_exposure(RID p_camera_effects, camfx->override_exposure = p_exposure; } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::light_instance_create(RID p_light) { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::light_instance_create(RID p_light) { RID li = light_instance_owner.make_rid(LightInstance()); LightInstance *light_instance = light_instance_owner.getornull(li); @@ -3899,21 +3899,21 @@ RID RasterizerSceneRD::light_instance_create(RID p_light) { return li; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::light_instance_set_transform(RID p_light_instance, const Transform &p_transform) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::light_instance_set_transform(RID p_light_instance, const Transform &p_transform) { LightInstance *light_instance = light_instance_owner.getornull(p_light_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!light_instance); light_instance->transform = p_transform; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::light_instance_set_aabb(RID p_light_instance, const AABB &p_aabb) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::light_instance_set_aabb(RID p_light_instance, const AABB &p_aabb) { LightInstance *light_instance = light_instance_owner.getornull(p_light_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!light_instance); light_instance->aabb = p_aabb; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::light_instance_set_shadow_transform(RID p_light_instance, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_far, float p_split, int p_pass, float p_shadow_texel_size, float p_bias_scale, float p_range_begin, const Vector2 &p_uv_scale) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::light_instance_set_shadow_transform(RID p_light_instance, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_far, float p_split, int p_pass, float p_shadow_texel_size, float p_bias_scale, float p_range_begin, const Vector2 &p_uv_scale) { LightInstance *light_instance = light_instance_owner.getornull(p_light_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!light_instance); @@ -3933,14 +3933,14 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::light_instance_set_shadow_transform(RID p_light_instance light_instance->shadow_transform[p_pass].uv_scale = p_uv_scale; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::light_instance_mark_visible(RID p_light_instance) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::light_instance_mark_visible(RID p_light_instance) { LightInstance *light_instance = light_instance_owner.getornull(p_light_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!light_instance); light_instance->last_scene_pass = scene_pass; } -RasterizerSceneRD::ShadowCubemap *RasterizerSceneRD::_get_shadow_cubemap(int p_size) { +RendererSceneRenderRD::ShadowCubemap *RendererSceneRenderRD::_get_shadow_cubemap(int p_size) { if (!shadow_cubemaps.has(p_size)) { ShadowCubemap sc; { @@ -3948,7 +3948,7 @@ RasterizerSceneRD::ShadowCubemap *RasterizerSceneRD::_get_shadow_cubemap(int p_s tf.format = RD::get_singleton()->texture_is_format_supported_for_usage(RD::DATA_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT, RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT) ? RD::DATA_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT : RD::DATA_FORMAT_X8_D24_UNORM_PACK32; tf.width = p_size; tf.height = p_size; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE; tf.array_layers = 6; tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT; sc.cubemap = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); @@ -3967,7 +3967,7 @@ RasterizerSceneRD::ShadowCubemap *RasterizerSceneRD::_get_shadow_cubemap(int p_s return &shadow_cubemaps[p_size]; } -RasterizerSceneRD::ShadowMap *RasterizerSceneRD::_get_shadow_map(const Size2i &p_size) { +RendererSceneRenderRD::ShadowMap *RendererSceneRenderRD::_get_shadow_map(const Size2i &p_size) { if (!shadow_maps.has(p_size)) { ShadowMap sm; { @@ -3992,13 +3992,13 @@ RasterizerSceneRD::ShadowMap *RasterizerSceneRD::_get_shadow_map(const Size2i &p ////////////////////////// -RID RasterizerSceneRD::decal_instance_create(RID p_decal) { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::decal_instance_create(RID p_decal) { DecalInstance di; di.decal = p_decal; return decal_instance_owner.make_rid(di); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::decal_instance_set_transform(RID p_decal, const Transform &p_transform) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::decal_instance_set_transform(RID p_decal, const Transform &p_transform) { DecalInstance *di = decal_instance_owner.getornull(p_decal); ERR_FAIL_COND(!di); di->transform = p_transform; @@ -4006,21 +4006,21 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::decal_instance_set_transform(RID p_decal, const Transfor ///////////////////////////////// -RID RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_instance_create(RID p_base) { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::gi_probe_instance_create(RID p_base) { GIProbeInstance gi_probe; gi_probe.probe = p_base; RID rid = gi_probe_instance_owner.make_rid(gi_probe); return rid; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_instance_set_transform_to_data(RID p_probe, const Transform &p_xform) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::gi_probe_instance_set_transform_to_data(RID p_probe, const Transform &p_xform) { GIProbeInstance *gi_probe = gi_probe_instance_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!gi_probe); gi_probe->transform = p_xform; } -bool RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_needs_update(RID p_probe) const { +bool RendererSceneRenderRD::gi_probe_needs_update(RID p_probe) const { GIProbeInstance *gi_probe = gi_probe_instance_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, false); @@ -4028,7 +4028,7 @@ bool RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_needs_update(RID p_probe) const { return gi_probe->last_probe_version != storage->gi_probe_get_version(gi_probe->probe); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instances, const Vector<RID> &p_light_instances, int p_dynamic_object_count, InstanceBase **p_dynamic_objects) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instances, const Vector<RID> &p_light_instances, int p_dynamic_object_count, InstanceBase **p_dynamic_objects) { GIProbeInstance *gi_probe = gi_probe_instance_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!gi_probe); @@ -4062,7 +4062,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instanc tf.width = octree_size.x; tf.height = octree_size.y; tf.depth = octree_size.z; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_3D; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_3D; tf.mipmaps = levels.size(); tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_COPY_TO_BIT; @@ -4093,14 +4093,14 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instanc Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(storage->gi_probe_get_octree_buffer(gi_probe->probe)); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 2; u.ids.push_back(storage->gi_probe_get_data_buffer(gi_probe->probe)); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -4108,21 +4108,21 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instanc { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 4; u.ids.push_back(gi_probe->write_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 9; u.ids.push_back(storage->gi_probe_get_sdf_texture(gi_probe->probe)); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.binding = 10; u.ids.push_back(storage->sampler_rd_get_default(RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR_WITH_MIPMAPS, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED)); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -4133,7 +4133,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instanc if (i == 0) { { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.binding = 3; u.ids.push_back(gi_probe_lights_uniform); copy_uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -4145,7 +4145,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instanc { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 5; u.ids.push_back(gi_probe->texture); copy_uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -4158,7 +4158,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instanc { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 5; u.ids.push_back(mipmap.texture); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -4232,7 +4232,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instanc Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.binding = 3; u.ids.push_back(gi_probe_lights_uniform); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -4240,56 +4240,56 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instanc { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 5; u.ids.push_back(dmap.albedo); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 6; u.ids.push_back(dmap.normal); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 7; u.ids.push_back(dmap.orm); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 8; u.ids.push_back(dmap.fb_depth); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 9; u.ids.push_back(storage->gi_probe_get_sdf_texture(gi_probe->probe)); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.binding = 10; u.ids.push_back(storage->sampler_rd_get_default(RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR_WITH_MIPMAPS, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED)); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 11; u.ids.push_back(dmap.texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 12; u.ids.push_back(dmap.depth); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -4305,14 +4305,14 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instanc { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 5; u.ids.push_back(gi_probe->dynamic_maps[gi_probe->dynamic_maps.size() - 1].texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 6; u.ids.push_back(gi_probe->dynamic_maps[gi_probe->dynamic_maps.size() - 1].depth); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -4321,14 +4321,14 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instanc if (write) { { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 7; u.ids.push_back(dmap.texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 8; u.ids.push_back(dmap.depth); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -4337,14 +4337,14 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instanc { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 9; u.ids.push_back(storage->gi_probe_get_sdf_texture(gi_probe->probe)); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.binding = 10; u.ids.push_back(storage->sampler_rd_get_default(RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR_WITH_MIPMAPS, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED)); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -4353,7 +4353,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instanc if (plot) { { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 11; u.ids.push_back(gi_probe->mipmaps[dmap.mipmap].texture); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -4728,7 +4728,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instanc gi_probe->last_probe_version = storage->gi_probe_get_version(gi_probe->probe); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_debug_giprobe(RID p_gi_probe, RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, RID p_framebuffer, const CameraMatrix &p_camera_with_transform, bool p_lighting, bool p_emission, float p_alpha) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_debug_giprobe(RID p_gi_probe, RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, RID p_framebuffer, const CameraMatrix &p_camera_with_transform, bool p_lighting, bool p_emission, float p_alpha) { GIProbeInstance *gi_probe = gi_probe_instance_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!gi_probe); @@ -4764,21 +4764,21 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_debug_giprobe(RID p_gi_probe, RD::DrawListID p_draw_lis Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(storage->gi_probe_get_data_buffer(gi_probe->probe)); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 2; u.ids.push_back(gi_probe->texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.binding = 3; u.ids.push_back(storage->sampler_rd_get_default(RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED)); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -4798,7 +4798,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_debug_giprobe(RID p_gi_probe, RD::DrawListID p_draw_lis RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_draw(p_draw_list, false, cell_count, 36); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_debug_sdfgi_probes(RID p_render_buffers, RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, RID p_framebuffer, const CameraMatrix &p_camera_with_transform) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_debug_sdfgi_probes(RID p_render_buffers, RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, RID p_framebuffer, const CameraMatrix &p_camera_with_transform) { RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rb); @@ -4837,28 +4837,28 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_debug_sdfgi_probes(RID p_render_buffers, RD::DrawListID { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 1; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades_ubo); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 2; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->lightprobe_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 3; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.ids.push_back(storage->sampler_rd_get_default(RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED)); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 4; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->occlusion_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -4935,13 +4935,13 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_debug_sdfgi_probes(RID p_render_buffers, RD::DrawListID } //////////////////////////////// -RID RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_create() { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_create() { RenderBuffers rb; rb.data = _create_render_buffer_data(); return render_buffers_owner.make_rid(rb); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_allocate_blur_textures(RenderBuffers *rb) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_allocate_blur_textures(RenderBuffers *rb) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!rb->blur[0].texture.is_null()); uint32_t mipmaps_required = Image::get_image_required_mipmaps(rb->width, rb->height, Image::FORMAT_RGBAH); @@ -4950,7 +4950,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_allocate_blur_textures(RenderBuffers *rb) { tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT; tf.width = rb->width; tf.height = rb->height; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_COPY_TO_BIT; tf.mipmaps = mipmaps_required; @@ -4984,7 +4984,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_allocate_blur_textures(RenderBuffers *rb) { } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_allocate_luminance_textures(RenderBuffers *rb) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_allocate_luminance_textures(RenderBuffers *rb) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!rb->luminance.current.is_null()); int w = rb->width; @@ -5017,7 +5017,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_allocate_luminance_textures(RenderBuffers *rb) { } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_free_render_buffer_data(RenderBuffers *rb) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_free_render_buffer_data(RenderBuffers *rb) { if (rb->texture.is_valid()) { RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->texture); rb->texture = RID(); @@ -5082,7 +5082,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_free_render_buffer_data(RenderBuffers *rb) { } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_sss(RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatrix &p_camera) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_process_sss(RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatrix &p_camera) { RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rb); @@ -5101,7 +5101,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_sss(RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatrix &p storage->get_effects()->sub_surface_scattering(rb->texture, rb->blur[0].mipmaps[0].texture, rb->depth_texture, p_camera, Size2i(rb->width, rb->height), sss_scale, sss_depth_scale, sss_quality); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_ssr(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_dest_framebuffer, RID p_normal_buffer, RID p_specular_buffer, RID p_metallic, const Color &p_metallic_mask, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, bool p_use_additive) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_process_ssr(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_dest_framebuffer, RID p_normal_buffer, RID p_specular_buffer, RID p_metallic, const Color &p_metallic_mask, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, bool p_use_additive) { RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rb); @@ -5123,7 +5123,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_ssr(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_dest_framebuffe tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32_SFLOAT; tf.width = rb->width / 2; tf.height = rb->height / 2; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT; rb->ssr.depth_scaled = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); @@ -5138,7 +5138,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_ssr(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_dest_framebuffe tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R8_UNORM; tf.width = rb->width / 2; tf.height = rb->height / 2; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT; rb->ssr.blur_radius[0] = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); @@ -5154,7 +5154,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_ssr(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_dest_framebuffe storage->get_effects()->merge_specular(p_dest_framebuffer, p_specular_buffer, p_use_additive ? RID() : rb->texture, rb->blur[0].mipmaps[1].texture); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_ssao(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, RID p_normal_buffer, const CameraMatrix &p_projection) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_process_ssao(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, RID p_normal_buffer, const CameraMatrix &p_projection) { RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rb); @@ -5223,7 +5223,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_ssao(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, R storage->get_effects()->generate_ssao(rb->depth_texture, p_normal_buffer, Size2i(rb->width, rb->height), rb->ssao.depth, rb->ssao.depth_slices, rb->ssao.ao[0], rb->ssao.ao_full.is_valid(), rb->ssao.ao[1], rb->ssao.ao_full, env->ssao_intensity, env->ssao_radius, env->ssao_bias, p_projection, ssao_quality, env->ssao_blur, env->ssao_blur_edge_sharpness); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_render_buffers_post_process_and_tonemap(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, RID p_camera_effects, const CameraMatrix &p_projection) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_render_buffers_post_process_and_tonemap(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, RID p_camera_effects, const CameraMatrix &p_projection) { RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rb); @@ -5257,7 +5257,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_render_buffers_post_process_and_tonemap(RID p_render_bu //swap final reduce with prev luminance SWAP(rb->luminance.current, rb->luminance.reduce.write[rb->luminance.reduce.size() - 1]); - RenderingServerRaster::redraw_request(); //redraw all the time if auto exposure rendering is on + RenderingServerDefault::redraw_request(); //redraw all the time if auto exposure rendering is on } int max_glow_level = -1; @@ -5298,19 +5298,19 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_render_buffers_post_process_and_tonemap(RID p_render_bu { //tonemap - RasterizerEffectsRD::TonemapSettings tonemap; + EffectsRD::TonemapSettings tonemap; if (can_use_effects && env && env->auto_exposure && rb->luminance.current.is_valid()) { tonemap.use_auto_exposure = true; tonemap.exposure_texture = rb->luminance.current; tonemap.auto_exposure_grey = env->auto_exp_scale; } else { - tonemap.exposure_texture = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE); + tonemap.exposure_texture = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE); } if (can_use_effects && env && env->glow_enabled) { tonemap.use_glow = true; - tonemap.glow_mode = RasterizerEffectsRD::TonemapSettings::GlowMode(env->glow_blend_mode); + tonemap.glow_mode = EffectsRD::TonemapSettings::GlowMode(env->glow_blend_mode); tonemap.glow_intensity = env->glow_blend_mode == RS::ENV_GLOW_BLEND_MODE_MIX ? env->glow_mix : env->glow_intensity; for (int i = 0; i < RS::MAX_GLOW_LEVELS; i++) { tonemap.glow_levels[i] = env->glow_levels[i]; @@ -5320,7 +5320,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_render_buffers_post_process_and_tonemap(RID p_render_bu tonemap.glow_use_bicubic_upscale = glow_bicubic_upscale; tonemap.glow_texture = rb->blur[1].texture; } else { - tonemap.glow_texture = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); + tonemap.glow_texture = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); } if (rb->screen_space_aa == RS::VIEWPORT_SCREEN_SPACE_AA_FXAA) { @@ -5336,18 +5336,19 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_render_buffers_post_process_and_tonemap(RID p_render_bu tonemap.exposure = env->exposure; } + tonemap.use_color_correction = false; + tonemap.use_1d_color_correction = false; + tonemap.color_correction_texture = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE); + if (can_use_effects && env) { tonemap.use_bcs = env->adjustments_enabled; tonemap.brightness = env->adjustments_brightness; tonemap.contrast = env->adjustments_contrast; tonemap.saturation = env->adjustments_saturation; - tonemap.use_1d_color_correction = env->use_1d_color_correction; if (env->adjustments_enabled && env->color_correction.is_valid()) { tonemap.use_color_correction = true; + tonemap.use_1d_color_correction = env->use_1d_color_correction; tonemap.color_correction_texture = storage->texture_get_rd_texture(env->color_correction); - } else { - tonemap.use_color_correction = false; - tonemap.color_correction_texture = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE); } } @@ -5357,8 +5358,8 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_render_buffers_post_process_and_tonemap(RID p_render_bu storage->render_target_disable_clear_request(rb->render_target); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_render_buffers_debug_draw(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_shadow_atlas) { - RasterizerEffectsRD *effects = storage->get_effects(); +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_render_buffers_debug_draw(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_shadow_atlas) { + EffectsRD *effects = storage->get_effects(); RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rb); @@ -5418,7 +5419,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_render_buffers_debug_draw(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_s } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_adjustment(RID p_env, bool p_enable, float p_brightness, float p_contrast, float p_saturation, bool p_use_1d_color_correction, RID p_color_correction) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_adjustment(RID p_env, bool p_enable, float p_brightness, float p_contrast, float p_saturation, bool p_use_1d_color_correction, RID p_color_correction) { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); ERR_FAIL_COND(!env); @@ -5430,7 +5431,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_adjustment(RID p_env, bool p_enable, flo env->color_correction = p_color_correction; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_sdfgi_debug_draw(RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_sdfgi_debug_draw(RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform) { RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rb); @@ -5443,12 +5444,12 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_sdfgi_debug_draw(RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatr { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 1; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; i++) { if (i < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()) { u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].sdf_tex); } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); } } uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -5456,12 +5457,12 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_sdfgi_debug_draw(RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatr { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 2; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; i++) { if (i < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()) { u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].light_tex); } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); } } uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -5469,12 +5470,12 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_sdfgi_debug_draw(RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatr { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 3; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; i++) { if (i < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()) { u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].light_aniso_0_tex); } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); } } uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -5482,12 +5483,12 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_sdfgi_debug_draw(RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatr { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 4; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; i++) { if (i < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()) { u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].light_aniso_1_tex); } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE)); } } uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -5495,35 +5496,35 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_sdfgi_debug_draw(RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatr { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 5; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->occlusion_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 8; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.ids.push_back(storage->sampler_rd_get_default(RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED)); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 9; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades_ubo); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 10; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.ids.push_back(rb->texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 11; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->lightprobe_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -5576,7 +5577,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_sdfgi_debug_draw(RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatr storage->get_effects()->copy_to_fb_rect(rb->texture, storage->render_target_get_rd_framebuffer(rb->render_target), Rect2(Vector2(), rtsize), true); } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_back_buffer_texture(RID p_render_buffers) { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_back_buffer_texture(RID p_render_buffers) { RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, RID()); if (!rb->blur[0].texture.is_valid()) { @@ -5585,14 +5586,14 @@ RID RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_back_buffer_texture(RID p_render_buffe return rb->blur[0].texture; } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_ao_texture(RID p_render_buffers) { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_ao_texture(RID p_render_buffers) { RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, RID()); return rb->ssao.ao_full.is_valid() ? rb->ssao.ao_full : rb->ssao.ao[0]; } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_gi_probe_buffer(RID p_render_buffers) { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_gi_probe_buffer(RID p_render_buffers) { RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, RID()); if (rb->giprobe_buffer.is_null()) { @@ -5601,24 +5602,24 @@ RID RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_gi_probe_buffer(RID p_render_buffers) return rb->giprobe_buffer; } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_default_gi_probe_buffer() { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_default_gi_probe_buffer() { return default_giprobe_buffer; } -uint32_t RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_count(RID p_render_buffers) const { +uint32_t RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_count(RID p_render_buffers) const { const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, 0); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, 0); return rb->sdfgi->cascades.size(); } -bool RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_is_sdfgi_enabled(RID p_render_buffers) const { +bool RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_is_sdfgi_enabled(RID p_render_buffers) const { const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, false); return rb->sdfgi != nullptr; } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_irradiance_probes(RID p_render_buffers) const { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_irradiance_probes(RID p_render_buffers) const { const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, RID()); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, RID()); @@ -5626,7 +5627,7 @@ RID RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_irradiance_probes(RID p_render_b return rb->sdfgi->lightprobe_texture; } -Vector3 RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_offset(RID p_render_buffers, uint32_t p_cascade) const { +Vector3 RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_offset(RID p_render_buffers, uint32_t p_cascade) const { const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, Vector3()); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, Vector3()); @@ -5635,7 +5636,7 @@ Vector3 RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_offset(RID p_render_ return Vector3((Vector3i(1, 1, 1) * -int32_t(rb->sdfgi->cascade_size >> 1) + rb->sdfgi->cascades[p_cascade].position)) * rb->sdfgi->cascades[p_cascade].cell_size; } -Vector3i RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_probe_offset(RID p_render_buffers, uint32_t p_cascade) const { +Vector3i RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_probe_offset(RID p_render_buffers, uint32_t p_cascade) const { const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, Vector3i()); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, Vector3i()); @@ -5645,14 +5646,14 @@ Vector3i RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_probe_offset(RID p_ return rb->sdfgi->cascades[p_cascade].position / probe_divisor; } -float RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_normal_bias(RID p_render_buffers) const { +float RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_normal_bias(RID p_render_buffers) const { const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, 0); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, 0); return rb->sdfgi->normal_bias; } -float RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_probe_size(RID p_render_buffers, uint32_t p_cascade) const { +float RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_probe_size(RID p_render_buffers, uint32_t p_cascade) const { const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, 0); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, 0); @@ -5660,7 +5661,7 @@ float RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_probe_size(RID p_rende return float(rb->sdfgi->cascade_size) * rb->sdfgi->cascades[p_cascade].cell_size / float(rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count - 1); } -uint32_t RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_probe_count(RID p_render_buffers) const { +uint32_t RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_probe_count(RID p_render_buffers) const { const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, 0); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, 0); @@ -5668,7 +5669,7 @@ uint32_t RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_probe_count(RID p_r return rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count; } -uint32_t RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_size(RID p_render_buffers) const { +uint32_t RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_size(RID p_render_buffers) const { const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, 0); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, 0); @@ -5676,7 +5677,7 @@ uint32_t RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_size(RID p_render_b return rb->sdfgi->cascade_size; } -bool RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_is_sdfgi_using_occlusion(RID p_render_buffers) const { +bool RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_is_sdfgi_using_occlusion(RID p_render_buffers) const { const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, false); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, false); @@ -5684,14 +5685,14 @@ bool RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_is_sdfgi_using_occlusion(RID p_render_buf return rb->sdfgi->uses_occlusion; } -float RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_energy(RID p_render_buffers) const { +float RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_energy(RID p_render_buffers) const { const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, 0); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, false); return rb->sdfgi->energy; } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_occlusion_texture(RID p_render_buffers) const { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_occlusion_texture(RID p_render_buffers) const { const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, RID()); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, RID()); @@ -5699,20 +5700,20 @@ RID RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_occlusion_texture(RID p_render_b return rb->sdfgi->occlusion_texture; } -bool RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_has_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers) const { +bool RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_has_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers) const { const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, false); return rb->volumetric_fog != nullptr; } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_volumetric_fog_texture(RID p_render_buffers) { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_volumetric_fog_texture(RID p_render_buffers) { const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb || !rb->volumetric_fog, RID()); return rb->volumetric_fog->fog_map; } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_volumetric_fog_sky_uniform_set(RID p_render_buffers) { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_volumetric_fog_sky_uniform_set(RID p_render_buffers) { const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, RID()); @@ -5723,18 +5724,18 @@ RID RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_volumetric_fog_sky_uniform_set(RID p_r return rb->volumetric_fog->sky_uniform_set; } -float RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_volumetric_fog_end(RID p_render_buffers) { +float RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_volumetric_fog_end(RID p_render_buffers) { const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb || !rb->volumetric_fog, 0); return rb->volumetric_fog->length; } -float RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_volumetric_fog_detail_spread(RID p_render_buffers) { +float RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_volumetric_fog_detail_spread(RID p_render_buffers) { const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb || !rb->volumetric_fog, 0); return rb->volumetric_fog->spread; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_configure(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_render_target, int p_width, int p_height, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa, RenderingServer::ViewportScreenSpaceAA p_screen_space_aa, bool p_use_debanding) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_configure(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_render_target, int p_width, int p_height, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa, RenderingServer::ViewportScreenSpaceAA p_screen_space_aa, bool p_use_debanding) { RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); rb->width = p_width; rb->height = p_height; @@ -5784,20 +5785,20 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_configure(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_ren _render_buffers_uniform_set_changed(p_render_buffers); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::sub_surface_scattering_set_quality(RS::SubSurfaceScatteringQuality p_quality) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::sub_surface_scattering_set_quality(RS::SubSurfaceScatteringQuality p_quality) { sss_quality = p_quality; } -RS::SubSurfaceScatteringQuality RasterizerSceneRD::sub_surface_scattering_get_quality() const { +RS::SubSurfaceScatteringQuality RendererSceneRenderRD::sub_surface_scattering_get_quality() const { return sss_quality; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::sub_surface_scattering_set_scale(float p_scale, float p_depth_scale) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::sub_surface_scattering_set_scale(float p_scale, float p_depth_scale) { sss_scale = p_scale; sss_depth_scale = p_depth_scale; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::shadows_quality_set(RS::ShadowQuality p_quality) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::shadows_quality_set(RS::ShadowQuality p_quality) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_MSG(p_quality, RS::SHADOW_QUALITY_MAX, "Shadow quality too high, please see RenderingServer's ShadowQuality enum"); if (shadows_quality != p_quality) { @@ -5837,7 +5838,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::shadows_quality_set(RS::ShadowQuality p_quality) { } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::directional_shadow_quality_set(RS::ShadowQuality p_quality) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::directional_shadow_quality_set(RS::ShadowQuality p_quality) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_MSG(p_quality, RS::SHADOW_QUALITY_MAX, "Shadow quality too high, please see RenderingServer's ShadowQuality enum"); if (directional_shadow_quality != p_quality) { @@ -5877,21 +5878,21 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::directional_shadow_quality_set(RS::ShadowQuality p_quali } } -int RasterizerSceneRD::get_roughness_layers() const { +int RendererSceneRenderRD::get_roughness_layers() const { return roughness_layers; } -bool RasterizerSceneRD::is_using_radiance_cubemap_array() const { +bool RendererSceneRenderRD::is_using_radiance_cubemap_array() const { return sky_use_cubemap_array; } -RasterizerSceneRD::RenderBufferData *RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_data(RID p_render_buffers) { +RendererSceneRenderRD::RenderBufferData *RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_data(RID p_render_buffers) { RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, nullptr); return rb->data; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_setup_reflections(RID *p_reflection_probe_cull_result, int p_reflection_probe_cull_count, const Transform &p_camera_inverse_transform, RID p_environment) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_setup_reflections(RID *p_reflection_probe_cull_result, int p_reflection_probe_cull_count, const Transform &p_camera_inverse_transform, RID p_environment) { for (int i = 0; i < p_reflection_probe_cull_count; i++) { RID rpi = p_reflection_probe_cull_result[i]; @@ -5939,7 +5940,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_setup_reflections(RID *p_reflection_probe_cull_result, Transform transform = reflection_probe_instance_get_transform(rpi); Transform proj = (p_camera_inverse_transform * transform).inverse(); - RasterizerStorageRD::store_transform(proj, reflection_ubo.local_matrix); + RendererStorageRD::store_transform(proj, reflection_ubo.local_matrix); cluster.builder.add_reflection_probe(transform, extents); @@ -5951,7 +5952,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_setup_reflections(RID *p_reflection_probe_cull_result, } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_setup_lights(RID *p_light_cull_result, int p_light_cull_count, const Transform &p_camera_inverse_transform, RID p_shadow_atlas, bool p_using_shadows, uint32_t &r_directional_light_count, uint32_t &r_positional_light_count) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_setup_lights(RID *p_light_cull_result, int p_light_cull_count, const Transform &p_camera_inverse_transform, RID p_shadow_atlas, bool p_using_shadows, uint32_t &r_directional_light_count, uint32_t &r_positional_light_count) { uint32_t light_count = 0; r_directional_light_count = 0; r_positional_light_count = 0; @@ -6105,7 +6106,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_setup_lights(RID *p_light_cull_result, int p_light_cull light_data.shadow_transmittance_bias[j] = storage->light_get_transmittance_bias(base) * bias_scale; light_data.shadow_z_range[j] = light_instance_get_shadow_range(li, j); light_data.shadow_range_begin[j] = light_instance_get_shadow_range_begin(li, j); - RasterizerStorageRD::store_camera(shadow_mtx, light_data.shadow_matrices[j]); + RendererStorageRD::store_camera(shadow_mtx, light_data.shadow_matrices[j]); Vector2 uv_scale = light_instance_get_shadow_uv_scale(li, j); uv_scale *= atlas_rect.size; //adapt to atlas size @@ -6258,7 +6259,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_setup_lights(RID *p_light_cull_result, int p_light_cull light_data.atlas_rect[3] *= 0.5; //one paraboloid on top of another Transform proj = (p_camera_inverse_transform * light_transform).inverse(); - RasterizerStorageRD::store_transform(proj, light_data.shadow_matrix); + RendererStorageRD::store_transform(proj, light_data.shadow_matrix); if (size > 0.0) { light_data.soft_shadow_size = size; @@ -6273,7 +6274,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_setup_lights(RID *p_light_cull_result, int p_light_cull bias.set_light_bias(); CameraMatrix shadow_mtx = bias * light_instance_get_shadow_camera(li, 0) * modelview; - RasterizerStorageRD::store_camera(shadow_mtx, light_data.shadow_matrix); + RendererStorageRD::store_camera(shadow_mtx, light_data.shadow_matrix); if (size > 0.0) { CameraMatrix cm = light_instance_get_shadow_camera(li, 0); @@ -6311,7 +6312,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_setup_lights(RID *p_light_cull_result, int p_light_cull } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_setup_decals(const RID *p_decal_instances, int p_decal_count, const Transform &p_camera_inverse_xform) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_setup_decals(const RID *p_decal_instances, int p_decal_count, const Transform &p_camera_inverse_xform) { Transform uv_xform; uv_xform.basis.scale(Vector3(2.0, 1.0, 2.0)); uv_xform.origin = Vector3(-1.0, 0.0, -1.0); @@ -6347,7 +6348,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_setup_decals(const RID *p_decal_instances, int p_decal_ Transform scale_xform; scale_xform.basis.scale(Vector3(decal_extents.x, decal_extents.y, decal_extents.z)); Transform to_decal_xform = (p_camera_inverse_xform * decal_instance_get_transform(di) * scale_xform * uv_xform).affine_inverse(); - RasterizerStorageRD::store_transform(to_decal_xform, dd.xform); + RendererStorageRD::store_transform(to_decal_xform, dd.xform); Vector3 normal = xform.basis.get_axis(Vector3::AXIS_Y).normalized(); normal = p_camera_inverse_xform.basis.xform(normal); //camera is normalized, so fine @@ -6385,7 +6386,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_setup_decals(const RID *p_decal_instances, int p_decal_ dd.normal_rect[3] = rect.size.y; Basis normal_xform = p_camera_inverse_xform.basis * xform.basis.orthonormalized(); - RasterizerStorageRD::store_basis_3x4(normal_xform, dd.normal_xform); + RendererStorageRD::store_basis_3x4(normal_xform, dd.normal_xform); } else { dd.normal_rect[0] = 0; dd.normal_rect[1] = 0; @@ -6441,7 +6442,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_setup_decals(const RID *p_decal_instances, int p_decal_ } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_volumetric_fog_erase(RenderBuffers *rb) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_volumetric_fog_erase(RenderBuffers *rb) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!rb->volumetric_fog); RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->volumetric_fog->light_density_map); @@ -6465,7 +6466,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_volumetric_fog_erase(RenderBuffers *rb) { rb->volumetric_fog = nullptr; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_allocate_shadow_shrink_stages(RID p_base, int p_base_size, Vector<ShadowShrinkStage> &shrink_stages, uint32_t p_target_size) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_allocate_shadow_shrink_stages(RID p_base, int p_base_size, Vector<ShadowShrinkStage> &shrink_stages, uint32_t p_target_size) { //create fog mipmaps uint32_t fog_texture_size = p_target_size; uint32_t base_texture_size = p_base_size; @@ -6498,7 +6499,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_allocate_shadow_shrink_stages(RID p_base, int p_base_si } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_clear_shadow_shrink_stages(Vector<ShadowShrinkStage> &shrink_stages) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_clear_shadow_shrink_stages(Vector<ShadowShrinkStage> &shrink_stages) { for (int i = 1; i < shrink_stages.size(); i++) { RD::get_singleton()->free(shrink_stages[i].texture); if (shrink_stages[i].filter_texture.is_valid()) { @@ -6508,7 +6509,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_clear_shadow_shrink_stages(Vector<ShadowShrinkStage> &s shrink_stages.clear(); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, const Transform &p_cam_transform, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p_directional_light_count, bool p_use_directional_shadows, int p_positional_light_count, int p_gi_probe_count) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_update_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, const Transform &p_cam_transform, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p_directional_light_count, bool p_use_directional_shadows, int p_positional_light_count, int p_gi_probe_count) { RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rb); Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_environment); @@ -6542,7 +6543,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envir tf.width = target_width; tf.height = target_height; tf.depth = volumetric_fog_depth; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_3D; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_3D; tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT; rb->volumetric_fog->light_density_map = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); @@ -6556,7 +6557,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envir { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 0; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.ids.push_back(rb->volumetric_fog->fog_map); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -6729,10 +6730,10 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envir { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 1; if (shadow_atlas == nullptr || shadow_atlas->shrink_stages.size() == 0) { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK)); } else { u.ids.push_back(shadow_atlas->shrink_stages[shadow_atlas->shrink_stages.size() - 1].texture); } @@ -6742,10 +6743,10 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envir { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 2; if (directional_shadow.shrink_stages.size() == 0) { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK)); } else { u.ids.push_back(directional_shadow.shrink_stages[directional_shadow.shrink_stages.size() - 1].texture); } @@ -6754,7 +6755,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envir { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 3; u.ids.push_back(get_positional_light_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -6762,7 +6763,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envir { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.binding = 4; u.ids.push_back(get_directional_light_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -6770,7 +6771,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envir { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 5; u.ids.push_back(get_cluster_builder_texture()); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -6778,7 +6779,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envir { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 6; u.ids.push_back(get_cluster_builder_indices_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -6786,7 +6787,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envir { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.binding = 7; u.ids.push_back(storage->sampler_rd_get_default(RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED)); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -6794,7 +6795,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envir { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 8; u.ids.push_back(rb->volumetric_fog->light_density_map); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -6802,7 +6803,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envir { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 9; u.ids.push_back(rb->volumetric_fog->fog_map); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -6810,7 +6811,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envir { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.binding = 10; u.ids.push_back(shadow_sampler); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -6818,7 +6819,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envir { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.binding = 11; u.ids.push_back(render_buffers_get_gi_probe_buffer(p_render_buffers)); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -6826,7 +6827,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envir { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 12; for (int i = 0; i < RenderBuffers::MAX_GIPROBES; i++) { u.ids.push_back(rb->giprobe_textures[i]); @@ -6835,7 +6836,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envir } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.binding = 13; u.ids.push_back(storage->sampler_rd_get_default(RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR_WITH_MIPMAPS, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED)); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -6856,7 +6857,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envir { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(gi.sdfgi_ubo); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -6864,7 +6865,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envir { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->ambient_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -6872,7 +6873,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envir { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 2; u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->occlusion_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -6987,7 +6988,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_volumetric_fog(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envir RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::render_scene(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, RID *p_light_cull_result, int p_light_cull_count, RID *p_reflection_probe_cull_result, int p_reflection_probe_cull_count, RID *p_gi_probe_cull_result, int p_gi_probe_cull_count, RID *p_decal_cull_result, int p_decal_cull_count, InstanceBase **p_lightmap_cull_result, int p_lightmap_cull_count, RID p_environment, RID p_camera_effects, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, int p_reflection_probe_pass) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_scene(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, RID *p_light_cull_result, int p_light_cull_count, RID *p_reflection_probe_cull_result, int p_reflection_probe_cull_count, RID *p_gi_probe_cull_result, int p_gi_probe_cull_count, RID *p_decal_cull_result, int p_decal_cull_count, InstanceBase **p_lightmap_cull_result, int p_lightmap_cull_count, RID p_environment, RID p_camera_effects, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, int p_reflection_probe_pass) { Color clear_color; if (p_render_buffers.is_valid()) { RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); @@ -7057,7 +7058,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::render_scene(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform &p_ca } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p_pass, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p_pass, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count) { LightInstance *light_instance = light_instance_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!light_instance); @@ -7233,11 +7234,11 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p_pas } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::render_material(const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_material(const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region) { _render_material(p_cam_transform, p_cam_projection, p_cam_ortogonal, p_cull_result, p_cull_count, p_framebuffer, p_region); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count) { //print_line("rendering region " + itos(p_region)); RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rb); @@ -7575,7 +7576,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region, Instanc } } -void RasterizerSceneRD::render_particle_collider_heightfield(RID p_collider, const Transform &p_transform, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_particle_collider_heightfield(RID p_collider, const Transform &p_transform, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!storage->particles_collision_is_heightfield(p_collider)); Vector3 extents = storage->particles_collision_get_extents(p_collider) * p_transform.basis.get_scale(); CameraMatrix cm; @@ -7592,7 +7593,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::render_particle_collider_heightfield(RID p_collider, con _render_particle_collider_heightfield(fb, cam_xform, cm, p_cull_result, p_cull_count); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::render_sdfgi_static_lights(RID p_render_buffers, uint32_t p_cascade_count, const uint32_t *p_cascade_indices, const RID **p_positional_light_cull_result, const uint32_t *p_positional_light_cull_count) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_sdfgi_static_lights(RID p_render_buffers, uint32_t p_cascade_count, const uint32_t *p_cascade_indices, const RID **p_positional_light_cull_result, const uint32_t *p_positional_light_cull_count) { RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rb); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rb->sdfgi); @@ -7699,7 +7700,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::render_sdfgi_static_lights(RID p_render_buffers, uint32_ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -bool RasterizerSceneRD::free(RID p_rid) { +bool RendererSceneRenderRD::free(RID p_rid) { if (render_buffers_owner.owns(p_rid)) { RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_rid); _free_render_buffer_data(rb); @@ -7798,38 +7799,38 @@ bool RasterizerSceneRD::free(RID p_rid) { return true; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::set_debug_draw_mode(RS::ViewportDebugDraw p_debug_draw) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::set_debug_draw_mode(RS::ViewportDebugDraw p_debug_draw) { debug_draw = p_debug_draw; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::update() { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::update() { _update_dirty_skys(); } -void RasterizerSceneRD::set_time(double p_time, double p_step) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::set_time(double p_time, double p_step) { time = p_time; time_step = p_step; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active(bool p_enable, float p_amount, float p_limit) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active(bool p_enable, float p_amount, float p_limit) { screen_space_roughness_limiter = p_enable; screen_space_roughness_limiter_amount = p_amount; screen_space_roughness_limiter_limit = p_limit; } -bool RasterizerSceneRD::screen_space_roughness_limiter_is_active() const { +bool RendererSceneRenderRD::screen_space_roughness_limiter_is_active() const { return screen_space_roughness_limiter; } -float RasterizerSceneRD::screen_space_roughness_limiter_get_amount() const { +float RendererSceneRenderRD::screen_space_roughness_limiter_get_amount() const { return screen_space_roughness_limiter_amount; } -float RasterizerSceneRD::screen_space_roughness_limiter_get_limit() const { +float RendererSceneRenderRD::screen_space_roughness_limiter_get_limit() const { return screen_space_roughness_limiter_limit; } -TypedArray<Image> RasterizerSceneRD::bake_render_uv2(RID p_base, const Vector<RID> &p_material_overrides, const Size2i &p_image_size) { +TypedArray<Image> RendererSceneRenderRD::bake_render_uv2(RID p_base, const Vector<RID> &p_material_overrides, const Size2i &p_image_size) { RD::TextureFormat tf; tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM; tf.width = p_image_size.width; // Always 64x64 @@ -7920,38 +7921,38 @@ TypedArray<Image> RasterizerSceneRD::bake_render_uv2(RID p_base, const Vector<RI return ret; } -void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(const Vector3 &p_position, const Vector3 &p_dir) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(const Vector3 &p_position, const Vector3 &p_dir) { sdfgi_debug_probe_pos = p_position; sdfgi_debug_probe_dir = p_dir; } -RasterizerSceneRD *RasterizerSceneRD::singleton = nullptr; +RendererSceneRenderRD *RendererSceneRenderRD::singleton = nullptr; -RID RasterizerSceneRD::get_cluster_builder_texture() { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::get_cluster_builder_texture() { return cluster.builder.get_cluster_texture(); } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::get_cluster_builder_indices_buffer() { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::get_cluster_builder_indices_buffer() { return cluster.builder.get_cluster_indices_buffer(); } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::get_reflection_probe_buffer() { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::get_reflection_probe_buffer() { return cluster.reflection_buffer; } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::get_positional_light_buffer() { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::get_positional_light_buffer() { return cluster.light_buffer; } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::get_directional_light_buffer() { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::get_directional_light_buffer() { return cluster.directional_light_buffer; } -RID RasterizerSceneRD::get_decal_buffer() { +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::get_decal_buffer() { return cluster.decal_buffer; } -int RasterizerSceneRD::get_max_directional_lights() const { +int RendererSceneRenderRD::get_max_directional_lights() const { return cluster.max_directional_lights; } -RasterizerSceneRD::RasterizerSceneRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) { +RendererSceneRenderRD::RendererSceneRenderRD(RendererStorageRD *p_storage) { storage = p_storage; singleton = this; @@ -8040,8 +8041,8 @@ RasterizerSceneRD::RasterizerSceneRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) { } // register our shader funds - storage->shader_set_data_request_function(RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY, _create_sky_shader_funcs); - storage->material_set_data_request_function(RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY, _create_sky_material_funcs); + storage->shader_set_data_request_function(RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY, _create_sky_shader_funcs); + storage->material_set_data_request_function(RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY, _create_sky_material_funcs); { ShaderCompilerRD::DefaultIdentifierActions actions; @@ -8105,7 +8106,7 @@ RasterizerSceneRD::RasterizerSceneRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) { sky_shader.default_material = storage->material_create(); storage->material_set_shader(sky_shader.default_material, sky_shader.default_shader); - SkyMaterialData *md = (SkyMaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(sky_shader.default_material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY); + SkyMaterialData *md = (SkyMaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(sky_shader.default_material, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY); sky_shader.default_shader_rd = sky_shader.shader.version_get_shader(md->shader_data->version, SKY_VERSION_BACKGROUND); sky_scene_state.uniform_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_buffer_create(sizeof(SkySceneState::UBO)); @@ -8114,7 +8115,7 @@ RasterizerSceneRD::RasterizerSceneRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) { { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.binding = 0; u.ids.resize(12); RID *ids_ptr = u.ids.ptrw(); @@ -8135,7 +8136,7 @@ RasterizerSceneRD::RasterizerSceneRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) { { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(storage->global_variables_get_storage_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -8144,7 +8145,7 @@ RasterizerSceneRD::RasterizerSceneRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) { { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 2; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(sky_scene_state.uniform_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -8152,7 +8153,7 @@ RasterizerSceneRD::RasterizerSceneRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) { { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 3; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(sky_scene_state.directional_light_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -8165,8 +8166,8 @@ RasterizerSceneRD::RasterizerSceneRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) { { RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 0; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; - RID vfog = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE); + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + RID vfog = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE); u.ids.push_back(vfog); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -8184,23 +8185,23 @@ RasterizerSceneRD::RasterizerSceneRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) { Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 0; - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_CUBEMAP_BLACK)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_CUBEMAP_BLACK)); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 1; - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE)); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 2; - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE)); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -8262,14 +8263,14 @@ RasterizerSceneRD::RasterizerSceneRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) { { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 0; - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_CUBEMAP_WHITE)); + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_CUBEMAP_WHITE)); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(storage->sampler_rd_get_default(RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR_WITH_MIPMAPS, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED)); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -8414,7 +8415,7 @@ RasterizerSceneRD::RasterizerSceneRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) { environment_set_volumetric_fog_positional_shadow_shrink_size(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/volumetric_fog/positional_shadow_shrink")); } -RasterizerSceneRD::~RasterizerSceneRD() { +RendererSceneRenderRD::~RendererSceneRenderRD() { for (Map<Vector2i, ShadowMap>::Element *E = shadow_maps.front(); E; E = E->next()) { RD::get_singleton()->free(E->get().depth); } @@ -8442,7 +8443,7 @@ RasterizerSceneRD::~RasterizerSceneRD() { volumetric_fog.shader.version_free(volumetric_fog.shader_version); memdelete_arr(gi_probe_lights); - SkyMaterialData *md = (SkyMaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(sky_shader.default_material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY); + SkyMaterialData *md = (SkyMaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(sky_shader.default_material, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY); sky_shader.shader.version_free(md->shader_data->version); RD::get_singleton()->free(sky_scene_state.directional_light_buffer); RD::get_singleton()->free(sky_scene_state.uniform_buffer); diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_rd.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_rd.h index 6aa79208ea..8c994849c3 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_rd.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_rd.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* rasterizer_scene_rd.h */ +/* renderer_scene_render_rd.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,27 +28,28 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#ifndef RASTERIZER_SCENE_RD_H -#define RASTERIZER_SCENE_RD_H +#ifndef RENDERING_SERVER_SCENE_RENDER_RD_H +#define RENDERING_SERVER_SCENE_RENDER_RD_H #include "core/templates/local_vector.h" #include "core/templates/rid_owner.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/light_cluster_builder.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_storage_rd.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/gi.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/giprobe.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/giprobe_debug.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug_probes.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_direct_light.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_integrate.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_preprocess.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sky.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/volumetric_fog.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/light_cluster_builder.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/gi.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/giprobe.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/giprobe_debug.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug_probes.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_direct_light.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_integrate.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_preprocess.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sky.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/volumetric_fog.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_scene_render.h" #include "servers/rendering/rendering_device.h" -class RasterizerSceneRD : public RasterizerScene { +class RendererSceneRenderRD : public RendererSceneRender { protected: double time; @@ -138,11 +139,11 @@ protected: private: RS::ViewportDebugDraw debug_draw = RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_DISABLED; double time_step = 0; - static RasterizerSceneRD *singleton; + static RendererSceneRenderRD *singleton; int roughness_layers; - RasterizerStorageRD *storage; + RendererStorageRD *storage; struct ReflectionData { struct Layer { @@ -200,11 +201,11 @@ private: RID default_shader_rd; } sky_shader; - struct SkyShaderData : public RasterizerStorageRD::ShaderData { + struct SkyShaderData : public RendererStorageRD::ShaderData { bool valid; RID version; - RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD pipelines[SKY_VERSION_MAX]; + PipelineCacheRD pipelines[SKY_VERSION_MAX]; Map<StringName, ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform> uniforms; Vector<ShaderCompilerRD::GeneratedCode::Texture> texture_uniforms; @@ -224,7 +225,7 @@ private: virtual void set_code(const String &p_Code); virtual void set_default_texture_param(const StringName &p_name, RID p_texture); virtual void get_param_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_param_list) const; - virtual void get_instance_param_list(List<RasterizerStorage::InstanceShaderParam> *p_param_list) const; + virtual void get_instance_param_list(List<RendererStorage::InstanceShaderParam> *p_param_list) const; virtual bool is_param_texture(const StringName &p_param) const; virtual bool is_animated() const; virtual bool casts_shadows() const; @@ -233,12 +234,12 @@ private: virtual ~SkyShaderData(); }; - RasterizerStorageRD::ShaderData *_create_sky_shader_func(); - static RasterizerStorageRD::ShaderData *_create_sky_shader_funcs() { - return static_cast<RasterizerSceneRD *>(singleton)->_create_sky_shader_func(); + RendererStorageRD::ShaderData *_create_sky_shader_func(); + static RendererStorageRD::ShaderData *_create_sky_shader_funcs() { + return static_cast<RendererSceneRenderRD *>(singleton)->_create_sky_shader_func(); }; - struct SkyMaterialData : public RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData { + struct SkyMaterialData : public RendererStorageRD::MaterialData { uint64_t last_frame; SkyShaderData *shader_data; RID uniform_buffer; @@ -253,9 +254,9 @@ private: virtual ~SkyMaterialData(); }; - RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData *_create_sky_material_func(SkyShaderData *p_shader); - static RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData *_create_sky_material_funcs(RasterizerStorageRD::ShaderData *p_shader) { - return static_cast<RasterizerSceneRD *>(singleton)->_create_sky_material_func(static_cast<SkyShaderData *>(p_shader)); + RendererStorageRD::MaterialData *_create_sky_material_func(SkyShaderData *p_shader); + static RendererStorageRD::MaterialData *_create_sky_material_funcs(RendererStorageRD::ShaderData *p_shader) { + return static_cast<RendererSceneRenderRD *>(singleton)->_create_sky_material_func(static_cast<SkyShaderData *>(p_shader)); }; enum SkyTextureSetVersion { @@ -512,7 +513,7 @@ private: GiprobeDebugShaderRD giprobe_debug_shader; RID giprobe_debug_shader_version; RID giprobe_debug_shader_version_shaders[GI_PROBE_DEBUG_MAX]; - RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD giprobe_debug_shader_version_pipelines[GI_PROBE_DEBUG_MAX]; + PipelineCacheRD giprobe_debug_shader_version_pipelines[GI_PROBE_DEBUG_MAX]; RID giprobe_debug_uniform_set; /* SHADOW ATLAS */ @@ -1077,7 +1078,7 @@ private: RID debug_probes_shader; RID debug_probes_shader_version; - RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD debug_probes_pipeline[PROBE_DEBUG_MAX]; + PipelineCacheRD debug_probes_pipeline[PROBE_DEBUG_MAX]; struct Light { float color[3]; @@ -1951,8 +1952,8 @@ public: void sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(const Vector3 &p_position, const Vector3 &p_dir); - RasterizerSceneRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage); - ~RasterizerSceneRD(); + RendererSceneRenderRD(RendererStorageRD *p_storage); + ~RendererSceneRenderRD(); }; #endif // RASTERIZER_SCENE_RD_H diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_storage_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.cpp index a4d79ffc87..96f6d5ea32 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_storage_rd.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* rasterizer_storage_rd.cpp */ +/* renderer_storage_rd.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#include "rasterizer_storage_rd.h" +#include "renderer_storage_rd.h" #include "core/config/engine.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "core/io/resource_loader.h" -#include "rasterizer_rd.h" +#include "renderer_compositor_rd.h" #include "servers/rendering/shader_language.h" -Ref<Image> RasterizerStorageRD::_validate_texture_format(const Ref<Image> &p_image, TextureToRDFormat &r_format) { +Ref<Image> RendererStorageRD::_validate_texture_format(const Ref<Image> &p_image, TextureToRDFormat &r_format) { Ref<Image> image = p_image->duplicate(); switch (p_image->get_format()) { @@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ Ref<Image> RasterizerStorageRD::_validate_texture_format(const Ref<Image> &p_ima return image; } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::texture_2d_create(const Ref<Image> &p_image) { +RID RendererStorageRD::texture_2d_create(const Ref<Image> &p_image) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_image.is_null(), RID()); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_image->empty(), RID()); @@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::texture_2d_create(const Ref<Image> &p_image) { rd_format.depth = 1; rd_format.array_layers = 1; rd_format.mipmaps = texture.mipmaps; - rd_format.type = texture.rd_type; + rd_format.texture_type = texture.rd_type; rd_format.samples = RD::TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1; rd_format.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_UPDATE_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_COPY_FROM_BIT; if (texture.rd_format_srgb != RD::DATA_FORMAT_MAX) { @@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::texture_2d_create(const Ref<Image> &p_image) { return texture_owner.make_rid(texture); } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::texture_2d_layered_create(const Vector<Ref<Image>> &p_layers, RS::TextureLayeredType p_layered_type) { +RID RendererStorageRD::texture_2d_layered_create(const Vector<Ref<Image>> &p_layers, RS::TextureLayeredType p_layered_type) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_layers.size() == 0, RID()); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_layered_type == RS::TEXTURE_LAYERED_CUBEMAP && p_layers.size() != 6, RID()); @@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::texture_2d_layered_create(const Vector<Ref<Image>> &p_l rd_format.depth = 1; rd_format.array_layers = texture.layers; rd_format.mipmaps = texture.mipmaps; - rd_format.type = texture.rd_type; + rd_format.texture_type = texture.rd_type; rd_format.samples = RD::TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1; rd_format.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_UPDATE_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_COPY_FROM_BIT; if (texture.rd_format_srgb != RD::DATA_FORMAT_MAX) { @@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::texture_2d_layered_create(const Vector<Ref<Image>> &p_l return texture_owner.make_rid(texture); } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::texture_3d_create(Image::Format p_format, int p_width, int p_height, int p_depth, bool p_mipmaps, const Vector<Ref<Image>> &p_data) { +RID RendererStorageRD::texture_3d_create(Image::Format p_format, int p_width, int p_height, int p_depth, bool p_mipmaps, const Vector<Ref<Image>> &p_data) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_data.size() == 0, RID()); Image::Image3DValidateError verr = Image::validate_3d_image(p_format, p_width, p_height, p_depth, p_mipmaps, p_data); if (verr != Image::VALIDATE_3D_OK) { @@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::texture_3d_create(Image::Format p_format, int p_width, rd_format.depth = texture.depth; rd_format.array_layers = 1; rd_format.mipmaps = texture.mipmaps; - rd_format.type = texture.rd_type; + rd_format.texture_type = texture.rd_type; rd_format.samples = RD::TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1; rd_format.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_UPDATE_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_COPY_FROM_BIT; if (texture.rd_format_srgb != RD::DATA_FORMAT_MAX) { @@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::texture_3d_create(Image::Format p_format, int p_width, return texture_owner.make_rid(texture); } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::texture_proxy_create(RID p_base) { +RID RendererStorageRD::texture_proxy_create(RID p_base) { Texture *tex = texture_owner.getornull(p_base); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tex, RID()); Texture proxy_tex = *tex; @@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::texture_proxy_create(RID p_base) { return rid; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::_texture_2d_update(RID p_texture, const Ref<Image> &p_image, int p_layer, bool p_immediate) { +void RendererStorageRD::_texture_2d_update(RID p_texture, const Ref<Image> &p_image, int p_layer, bool p_immediate) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_image.is_null() || p_image->empty()); Texture *tex = texture_owner.getornull(p_texture); @@ -876,15 +876,15 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_texture_2d_update(RID p_texture, const Ref<Image> &p_ RD::get_singleton()->texture_update(tex->rd_texture, p_layer, validated->get_data(), !p_immediate); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::texture_2d_update_immediate(RID p_texture, const Ref<Image> &p_image, int p_layer) { +void RendererStorageRD::texture_2d_update_immediate(RID p_texture, const Ref<Image> &p_image, int p_layer) { _texture_2d_update(p_texture, p_image, p_layer, true); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::texture_2d_update(RID p_texture, const Ref<Image> &p_image, int p_layer) { +void RendererStorageRD::texture_2d_update(RID p_texture, const Ref<Image> &p_image, int p_layer) { _texture_2d_update(p_texture, p_image, p_layer, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::texture_3d_update(RID p_texture, const Vector<Ref<Image>> &p_data) { +void RendererStorageRD::texture_3d_update(RID p_texture, const Vector<Ref<Image>> &p_data) { Texture *tex = texture_owner.getornull(p_texture); ERR_FAIL_COND(!tex); ERR_FAIL_COND(tex->type != Texture::TYPE_3D); @@ -921,7 +921,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::texture_3d_update(RID p_texture, const Vector<Ref<Imag RD::get_singleton()->texture_update(tex->rd_texture, 0, all_data, true); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::texture_proxy_update(RID p_texture, RID p_proxy_to) { +void RendererStorageRD::texture_proxy_update(RID p_texture, RID p_proxy_to) { Texture *tex = texture_owner.getornull(p_texture); ERR_FAIL_COND(!tex); ERR_FAIL_COND(!tex->is_proxy); @@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::texture_proxy_update(RID p_texture, RID p_proxy_to) { } //these two APIs can be used together or in combination with the others. -RID RasterizerStorageRD::texture_2d_placeholder_create() { +RID RendererStorageRD::texture_2d_placeholder_create() { //this could be better optimized to reuse an existing image , done this way //for now to get it working Ref<Image> image; @@ -977,7 +977,7 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::texture_2d_placeholder_create() { return texture_2d_create(image); } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::texture_2d_layered_placeholder_create(RS::TextureLayeredType p_layered_type) { +RID RendererStorageRD::texture_2d_layered_placeholder_create(RS::TextureLayeredType p_layered_type) { //this could be better optimized to reuse an existing image , done this way //for now to get it working Ref<Image> image; @@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::texture_2d_layered_placeholder_create(RS::TextureLayere return texture_2d_layered_create(images, p_layered_type); } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::texture_3d_placeholder_create() { +RID RendererStorageRD::texture_3d_placeholder_create() { //this could be better optimized to reuse an existing image , done this way //for now to get it working Ref<Image> image; @@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::texture_3d_placeholder_create() { return texture_3d_create(Image::FORMAT_RGBA8, 4, 4, 4, false, images); } -Ref<Image> RasterizerStorageRD::texture_2d_get(RID p_texture) const { +Ref<Image> RendererStorageRD::texture_2d_get(RID p_texture) const { Texture *tex = texture_owner.getornull(p_texture); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tex, Ref<Image>()); @@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@ Ref<Image> RasterizerStorageRD::texture_2d_get(RID p_texture) const { return image; } -Ref<Image> RasterizerStorageRD::texture_2d_layer_get(RID p_texture, int p_layer) const { +Ref<Image> RendererStorageRD::texture_2d_layer_get(RID p_texture, int p_layer) const { Texture *tex = texture_owner.getornull(p_texture); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tex, Ref<Image>()); @@ -1070,7 +1070,7 @@ Ref<Image> RasterizerStorageRD::texture_2d_layer_get(RID p_texture, int p_layer) return image; } -Vector<Ref<Image>> RasterizerStorageRD::texture_3d_get(RID p_texture) const { +Vector<Ref<Image>> RendererStorageRD::texture_3d_get(RID p_texture) const { Texture *tex = texture_owner.getornull(p_texture); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tex, Vector<Ref<Image>>()); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(tex->type != Texture::TYPE_3D, Vector<Ref<Image>>()); @@ -1101,7 +1101,7 @@ Vector<Ref<Image>> RasterizerStorageRD::texture_3d_get(RID p_texture) const { return ret; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::texture_replace(RID p_texture, RID p_by_texture) { +void RendererStorageRD::texture_replace(RID p_texture, RID p_by_texture) { Texture *tex = texture_owner.getornull(p_texture); ERR_FAIL_COND(!tex); ERR_FAIL_COND(tex->proxy_to.is_valid()); //can't replace proxy @@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::texture_replace(RID p_texture, RID p_by_texture) { } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::texture_set_size_override(RID p_texture, int p_width, int p_height) { +void RendererStorageRD::texture_set_size_override(RID p_texture, int p_width, int p_height) { Texture *tex = texture_owner.getornull(p_texture); ERR_FAIL_COND(!tex); ERR_FAIL_COND(tex->type != Texture::TYPE_2D); @@ -1158,53 +1158,53 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::texture_set_size_override(RID p_texture, int p_width, tex->height_2d = p_height; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::texture_set_path(RID p_texture, const String &p_path) { +void RendererStorageRD::texture_set_path(RID p_texture, const String &p_path) { Texture *tex = texture_owner.getornull(p_texture); ERR_FAIL_COND(!tex); tex->path = p_path; } -String RasterizerStorageRD::texture_get_path(RID p_texture) const { +String RendererStorageRD::texture_get_path(RID p_texture) const { return String(); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::texture_set_detect_3d_callback(RID p_texture, RS::TextureDetectCallback p_callback, void *p_userdata) { +void RendererStorageRD::texture_set_detect_3d_callback(RID p_texture, RS::TextureDetectCallback p_callback, void *p_userdata) { Texture *tex = texture_owner.getornull(p_texture); ERR_FAIL_COND(!tex); tex->detect_3d_callback_ud = p_userdata; tex->detect_3d_callback = p_callback; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::texture_set_detect_normal_callback(RID p_texture, RS::TextureDetectCallback p_callback, void *p_userdata) { +void RendererStorageRD::texture_set_detect_normal_callback(RID p_texture, RS::TextureDetectCallback p_callback, void *p_userdata) { Texture *tex = texture_owner.getornull(p_texture); ERR_FAIL_COND(!tex); tex->detect_normal_callback_ud = p_userdata; tex->detect_normal_callback = p_callback; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::texture_set_detect_roughness_callback(RID p_texture, RS::TextureDetectRoughnessCallback p_callback, void *p_userdata) { +void RendererStorageRD::texture_set_detect_roughness_callback(RID p_texture, RS::TextureDetectRoughnessCallback p_callback, void *p_userdata) { Texture *tex = texture_owner.getornull(p_texture); ERR_FAIL_COND(!tex); tex->detect_roughness_callback_ud = p_userdata; tex->detect_roughness_callback = p_callback; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::texture_debug_usage(List<RS::TextureInfo> *r_info) { +void RendererStorageRD::texture_debug_usage(List<RS::TextureInfo> *r_info) { } -void RasterizerStorageRD::texture_set_proxy(RID p_proxy, RID p_base) { +void RendererStorageRD::texture_set_proxy(RID p_proxy, RID p_base) { } -void RasterizerStorageRD::texture_set_force_redraw_if_visible(RID p_texture, bool p_enable) { +void RendererStorageRD::texture_set_force_redraw_if_visible(RID p_texture, bool p_enable) { } -Size2 RasterizerStorageRD::texture_size_with_proxy(RID p_proxy) { +Size2 RendererStorageRD::texture_size_with_proxy(RID p_proxy) { return texture_2d_get_size(p_proxy); } /* CANVAS TEXTURE */ -void RasterizerStorageRD::CanvasTexture::clear_sets() { +void RendererStorageRD::CanvasTexture::clear_sets() { if (cleared_cache) { return; } @@ -1219,15 +1219,15 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::CanvasTexture::clear_sets() { cleared_cache = true; } -RasterizerStorageRD::CanvasTexture::~CanvasTexture() { +RendererStorageRD::CanvasTexture::~CanvasTexture() { clear_sets(); } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::canvas_texture_create() { +RID RendererStorageRD::canvas_texture_create() { return canvas_texture_owner.make_rid(memnew(CanvasTexture)); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::canvas_texture_set_channel(RID p_canvas_texture, RS::CanvasTextureChannel p_channel, RID p_texture) { +void RendererStorageRD::canvas_texture_set_channel(RID p_canvas_texture, RS::CanvasTextureChannel p_channel, RID p_texture) { CanvasTexture *ct = canvas_texture_owner.getornull(p_canvas_texture); switch (p_channel) { case RS::CANVAS_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_DIFFUSE: { @@ -1244,7 +1244,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::canvas_texture_set_channel(RID p_canvas_texture, RS::C ct->clear_sets(); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::canvas_texture_set_shading_parameters(RID p_canvas_texture, const Color &p_specular_color, float p_shininess) { +void RendererStorageRD::canvas_texture_set_shading_parameters(RID p_canvas_texture, const Color &p_specular_color, float p_shininess) { CanvasTexture *ct = canvas_texture_owner.getornull(p_canvas_texture); ct->specular_color.r = p_specular_color.r; ct->specular_color.g = p_specular_color.g; @@ -1253,19 +1253,19 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::canvas_texture_set_shading_parameters(RID p_canvas_tex ct->clear_sets(); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::canvas_texture_set_texture_filter(RID p_canvas_texture, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_filter) { +void RendererStorageRD::canvas_texture_set_texture_filter(RID p_canvas_texture, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_filter) { CanvasTexture *ct = canvas_texture_owner.getornull(p_canvas_texture); ct->texture_filter = p_filter; ct->clear_sets(); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::canvas_texture_set_texture_repeat(RID p_canvas_texture, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_repeat) { +void RendererStorageRD::canvas_texture_set_texture_repeat(RID p_canvas_texture, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_repeat) { CanvasTexture *ct = canvas_texture_owner.getornull(p_canvas_texture); ct->texture_repeat = p_repeat; ct->clear_sets(); } -bool RasterizerStorageRD::canvas_texture_get_uniform_set(RID p_texture, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_base_filter, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_base_repeat, RID p_base_shader, int p_base_set, RID &r_uniform_set, Size2i &r_size, Color &r_specular_shininess, bool &r_use_normal, bool &r_use_specular) { +bool RendererStorageRD::canvas_texture_get_uniform_set(RID p_texture, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_base_filter, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_base_repeat, RID p_base_shader, int p_base_set, RID &r_uniform_set, Size2i &r_size, Color &r_specular_shininess, bool &r_use_normal, bool &r_use_specular) { CanvasTexture *ct = nullptr; Texture *t = texture_owner.getornull(p_texture); @@ -1298,7 +1298,7 @@ bool RasterizerStorageRD::canvas_texture_get_uniform_set(RID p_texture, RS::Canv Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { //diffuse RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 0; t = texture_owner.getornull(ct->diffuse); @@ -1313,7 +1313,7 @@ bool RasterizerStorageRD::canvas_texture_get_uniform_set(RID p_texture, RS::Canv } { //normal RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 1; t = texture_owner.getornull(ct->normalmap); @@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ bool RasterizerStorageRD::canvas_texture_get_uniform_set(RID p_texture, RS::Canv } { //specular RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 2; t = texture_owner.getornull(ct->specular); @@ -1343,7 +1343,7 @@ bool RasterizerStorageRD::canvas_texture_get_uniform_set(RID p_texture, RS::Canv } { //sampler RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.binding = 3; u.ids.push_back(sampler_rd_get_default(filter, repeat)); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1365,7 +1365,7 @@ bool RasterizerStorageRD::canvas_texture_get_uniform_set(RID p_texture, RS::Canv /* SHADER API */ -RID RasterizerStorageRD::shader_create() { +RID RendererStorageRD::shader_create() { Shader shader; shader.data = nullptr; shader.type = SHADER_TYPE_MAX; @@ -1373,7 +1373,7 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::shader_create() { return shader_owner.make_rid(shader); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::shader_set_code(RID p_shader, const String &p_code) { +void RendererStorageRD::shader_set_code(RID p_shader, const String &p_code) { Shader *shader = shader_owner.getornull(p_shader); ERR_FAIL_COND(!shader); @@ -1443,13 +1443,13 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::shader_set_code(RID p_shader, const String &p_code) { } } -String RasterizerStorageRD::shader_get_code(RID p_shader) const { +String RendererStorageRD::shader_get_code(RID p_shader) const { Shader *shader = shader_owner.getornull(p_shader); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!shader, String()); return shader->code; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::shader_get_param_list(RID p_shader, List<PropertyInfo> *p_param_list) const { +void RendererStorageRD::shader_get_param_list(RID p_shader, List<PropertyInfo> *p_param_list) const { Shader *shader = shader_owner.getornull(p_shader); ERR_FAIL_COND(!shader); if (shader->data) { @@ -1457,7 +1457,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::shader_get_param_list(RID p_shader, List<PropertyInfo> } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::shader_set_default_texture_param(RID p_shader, const StringName &p_name, RID p_texture) { +void RendererStorageRD::shader_set_default_texture_param(RID p_shader, const StringName &p_name, RID p_texture) { Shader *shader = shader_owner.getornull(p_shader); ERR_FAIL_COND(!shader); @@ -1475,7 +1475,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::shader_set_default_texture_param(RID p_shader, const S } } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::shader_get_default_texture_param(RID p_shader, const StringName &p_name) const { +RID RendererStorageRD::shader_get_default_texture_param(RID p_shader, const StringName &p_name) const { Shader *shader = shader_owner.getornull(p_shader); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!shader, RID()); if (shader->default_texture_parameter.has(p_name)) { @@ -1485,7 +1485,7 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::shader_get_default_texture_param(RID p_shader, const St return RID(); } -Variant RasterizerStorageRD::shader_get_param_default(RID p_shader, const StringName &p_param) const { +Variant RendererStorageRD::shader_get_param_default(RID p_shader, const StringName &p_param) const { Shader *shader = shader_owner.getornull(p_shader); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!shader, Variant()); if (shader->data) { @@ -1494,14 +1494,14 @@ Variant RasterizerStorageRD::shader_get_param_default(RID p_shader, const String return Variant(); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::shader_set_data_request_function(ShaderType p_shader_type, ShaderDataRequestFunction p_function) { +void RendererStorageRD::shader_set_data_request_function(ShaderType p_shader_type, ShaderDataRequestFunction p_function) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_shader_type, SHADER_TYPE_MAX); shader_data_request_func[p_shader_type] = p_function; } /* COMMON MATERIAL API */ -RID RasterizerStorageRD::material_create() { +RID RendererStorageRD::material_create() { Material material; material.data = nullptr; material.shader = nullptr; @@ -1519,7 +1519,7 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::material_create() { return id; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::_material_queue_update(Material *material, bool p_uniform, bool p_texture) { +void RendererStorageRD::_material_queue_update(Material *material, bool p_uniform, bool p_texture) { if (material->update_requested) { return; } @@ -1531,7 +1531,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_material_queue_update(Material *material, bool p_unif material->texture_dirty = material->texture_dirty || p_texture; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::material_set_shader(RID p_material, RID p_shader) { +void RendererStorageRD::material_set_shader(RID p_material, RID p_shader) { Material *material = material_owner.getornull(p_material); ERR_FAIL_COND(!material); @@ -1572,7 +1572,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::material_set_shader(RID p_material, RID p_shader) { _material_queue_update(material, true, true); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::material_set_param(RID p_material, const StringName &p_param, const Variant &p_value) { +void RendererStorageRD::material_set_param(RID p_material, const StringName &p_param, const Variant &p_value) { Material *material = material_owner.getornull(p_material); ERR_FAIL_COND(!material); @@ -1590,7 +1590,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::material_set_param(RID p_material, const StringName &p } } -Variant RasterizerStorageRD::material_get_param(RID p_material, const StringName &p_param) const { +Variant RendererStorageRD::material_get_param(RID p_material, const StringName &p_param) const { Material *material = material_owner.getornull(p_material); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!material, Variant()); if (material->params.has(p_param)) { @@ -1600,7 +1600,7 @@ Variant RasterizerStorageRD::material_get_param(RID p_material, const StringName } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::material_set_next_pass(RID p_material, RID p_next_material) { +void RendererStorageRD::material_set_next_pass(RID p_material, RID p_next_material) { Material *material = material_owner.getornull(p_material); ERR_FAIL_COND(!material); @@ -1616,7 +1616,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::material_set_next_pass(RID p_material, RID p_next_mate material->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(false, true); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::material_set_render_priority(RID p_material, int priority) { +void RendererStorageRD::material_set_render_priority(RID p_material, int priority) { Material *material = material_owner.getornull(p_material); ERR_FAIL_COND(!material); material->priority = priority; @@ -1625,7 +1625,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::material_set_render_priority(RID p_material, int prior } } -bool RasterizerStorageRD::material_is_animated(RID p_material) { +bool RendererStorageRD::material_is_animated(RID p_material) { Material *material = material_owner.getornull(p_material); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!material, false); if (material->shader && material->shader->data) { @@ -1638,7 +1638,7 @@ bool RasterizerStorageRD::material_is_animated(RID p_material) { return false; //by default nothing is animated } -bool RasterizerStorageRD::material_casts_shadows(RID p_material) { +bool RendererStorageRD::material_casts_shadows(RID p_material) { Material *material = material_owner.getornull(p_material); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!material, true); if (material->shader && material->shader->data) { @@ -1651,7 +1651,7 @@ bool RasterizerStorageRD::material_casts_shadows(RID p_material) { return true; //by default everything casts shadows } -void RasterizerStorageRD::material_get_instance_shader_parameters(RID p_material, List<InstanceShaderParam> *r_parameters) { +void RendererStorageRD::material_get_instance_shader_parameters(RID p_material, List<InstanceShaderParam> *r_parameters) { Material *material = material_owner.getornull(p_material); ERR_FAIL_COND(!material); if (material->shader && material->shader->data) { @@ -1663,7 +1663,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::material_get_instance_shader_parameters(RID p_material } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::material_update_dependency(RID p_material, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance) { +void RendererStorageRD::material_update_dependency(RID p_material, InstanceBaseDependency *p_instance) { Material *material = material_owner.getornull(p_material); ERR_FAIL_COND(!material); p_instance->update_dependency(&material->instance_dependency); @@ -1672,7 +1672,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::material_update_dependency(RID p_material, RasterizerS } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::material_set_data_request_function(ShaderType p_shader_type, MaterialDataRequestFunction p_function) { +void RendererStorageRD::material_set_data_request_function(ShaderType p_shader_type, MaterialDataRequestFunction p_function) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_shader_type, SHADER_TYPE_MAX); material_data_request_func[p_shader_type] = p_function; } @@ -2119,7 +2119,7 @@ _FORCE_INLINE_ static void _fill_std140_ubo_empty(ShaderLanguage::DataType type, } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData::update_uniform_buffer(const Map<StringName, ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform> &p_uniforms, const uint32_t *p_uniform_offsets, const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_parameters, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint32_t p_buffer_size, bool p_use_linear_color) { +void RendererStorageRD::MaterialData::update_uniform_buffer(const Map<StringName, ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform> &p_uniforms, const uint32_t *p_uniform_offsets, const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_parameters, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint32_t p_buffer_size, bool p_use_linear_color) { bool uses_global_buffer = false; for (Map<StringName, ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform>::Element *E = p_uniforms.front(); E; E = E->next()) { @@ -2133,7 +2133,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData::update_uniform_buffer(const Map<StringNa if (E->get().scope == ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform::SCOPE_GLOBAL) { //this is a global variable, get the index to it - RasterizerStorageRD *rs = base_singleton; + RendererStorageRD *rs = base_singleton; GlobalVariables::Variable *gv = rs->global_variables.variables.getptr(E->key()); uint32_t index = 0; @@ -2180,7 +2180,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData::update_uniform_buffer(const Map<StringNa } if (uses_global_buffer != (global_buffer_E != nullptr)) { - RasterizerStorageRD *rs = base_singleton; + RendererStorageRD *rs = base_singleton; if (uses_global_buffer) { global_buffer_E = rs->global_variables.materials_using_buffer.push_back(self); } else { @@ -2190,16 +2190,16 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData::update_uniform_buffer(const Map<StringNa } } -RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData::~MaterialData() { +RendererStorageRD::MaterialData::~MaterialData() { if (global_buffer_E) { //unregister global buffers - RasterizerStorageRD *rs = base_singleton; + RendererStorageRD *rs = base_singleton; rs->global_variables.materials_using_buffer.erase(global_buffer_E); } if (global_texture_E) { //unregister global textures - RasterizerStorageRD *rs = base_singleton; + RendererStorageRD *rs = base_singleton; for (Map<StringName, uint64_t>::Element *E = used_global_textures.front(); E; E = E->next()) { GlobalVariables::Variable *v = rs->global_variables.variables.getptr(E->key()); @@ -2212,8 +2212,8 @@ RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData::~MaterialData() { } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData::update_textures(const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_parameters, const Map<StringName, RID> &p_default_textures, const Vector<ShaderCompilerRD::GeneratedCode::Texture> &p_texture_uniforms, RID *p_textures, bool p_use_linear_color) { - RasterizerStorageRD *singleton = (RasterizerStorageRD *)RasterizerStorage::base_singleton; +void RendererStorageRD::MaterialData::update_textures(const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_parameters, const Map<StringName, RID> &p_default_textures, const Vector<ShaderCompilerRD::GeneratedCode::Texture> &p_texture_uniforms, RID *p_textures, bool p_use_linear_color) { + RendererStorageRD *singleton = (RendererStorageRD *)RendererStorage::base_singleton; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED Texture *roughness_detect_texture = nullptr; RS::TextureDetectRoughnessChannel roughness_channel = RS::TEXTURE_DETECT_ROUGNHESS_R; @@ -2229,7 +2229,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData::update_textures(const Map<StringName, Va RID texture; if (p_texture_uniforms[i].global) { - RasterizerStorageRD *rs = base_singleton; + RendererStorageRD *rs = base_singleton; uses_global_textures = true; @@ -2330,7 +2330,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData::update_textures(const Map<StringName, Va { //for textures no longer used, unregister them List<Map<StringName, uint64_t>::Element *> to_delete; - RasterizerStorageRD *rs = base_singleton; + RendererStorageRD *rs = base_singleton; for (Map<StringName, uint64_t>::Element *E = used_global_textures.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get() != global_textures_pass) { @@ -2359,7 +2359,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData::update_textures(const Map<StringName, Va } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::material_force_update_textures(RID p_material, ShaderType p_shader_type) { +void RendererStorageRD::material_force_update_textures(RID p_material, ShaderType p_shader_type) { Material *material = material_owner.getornull(p_material); if (material->shader_type != p_shader_type) { return; @@ -2369,7 +2369,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::material_force_update_textures(RID p_material, ShaderT } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::_update_queued_materials() { +void RendererStorageRD::_update_queued_materials() { Material *material = material_update_list; while (material) { Material *next = material->update_next; @@ -2388,23 +2388,25 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_update_queued_materials() { /* MESH API */ -RID RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_create() { +RID RendererStorageRD::mesh_create() { return mesh_owner.make_rid(Mesh()); } /// Returns stride -void RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_add_surface(RID p_mesh, const RS::SurfaceData &p_surface) { +void RendererStorageRD::mesh_add_surface(RID p_mesh, const RS::SurfaceData &p_surface) { Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_mesh); ERR_FAIL_COND(!mesh); //ensure blend shape consistency - ERR_FAIL_COND(mesh->blend_shape_count && p_surface.blend_shapes.size() != (int)mesh->blend_shape_count); + ERR_FAIL_COND(mesh->blend_shape_count && p_surface.blend_shape_count != mesh->blend_shape_count); ERR_FAIL_COND(mesh->blend_shape_count && p_surface.bone_aabbs.size() != mesh->bone_aabbs.size()); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED //do a validation, to catch errors first { uint32_t stride = 0; + uint32_t attrib_stride = 0; + uint32_t skin_stride = 0; for (int i = 0; i < RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS; i++) { if ((p_surface.format & (1 << i))) { @@ -2418,59 +2420,54 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_add_surface(RID p_mesh, const RS::SurfaceData &p_ } break; case RS::ARRAY_NORMAL: { - if (p_surface.format & RS::ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL) { - stride += sizeof(int8_t) * 4; - } else { - stride += sizeof(float) * 4; - } + stride += sizeof(int32_t); } break; case RS::ARRAY_TANGENT: { - if (p_surface.format & RS::ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT) { - stride += sizeof(int8_t) * 4; - } else { - stride += sizeof(float) * 4; - } + stride += sizeof(int32_t); } break; case RS::ARRAY_COLOR: { - if (p_surface.format & RS::ARRAY_COMPRESS_COLOR) { - stride += sizeof(int8_t) * 4; - } else { - stride += sizeof(float) * 4; - } - + attrib_stride += sizeof(int16_t) * 4; } break; case RS::ARRAY_TEX_UV: { - if (p_surface.format & RS::ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV) { - stride += sizeof(int16_t) * 2; - } else { - stride += sizeof(float) * 2; - } + attrib_stride += sizeof(float) * 2; } break; case RS::ARRAY_TEX_UV2: { - if (p_surface.format & RS::ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2) { - stride += sizeof(int16_t) * 2; - } else { - stride += sizeof(float) * 2; - } + attrib_stride += sizeof(float) * 2; } break; - case RS::ARRAY_BONES: { - //assumed weights too - - //unique format, internally 16 bits, exposed as single array for 32 - - stride += sizeof(int32_t) * 4; + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM0: + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM1: + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM2: + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM3: { + int idx = i - RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM0; + uint32_t fmt_shift[RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_COUNT] = { RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM0_SHIFT, RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM1_SHIFT, RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM2_SHIFT, RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM3_SHIFT }; + uint32_t fmt = (p_surface.format >> fmt_shift[idx]) & RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_MASK; + uint32_t fmtsize[RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_MAX] = { 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 8, 12, 16 }; + attrib_stride += fmtsize[fmt]; } break; + case RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS: + case RS::ARRAY_BONES: { + //uses a separate array + bool use_8 = p_surface.format & RS::ARRAY_FLAG_USE_8_BONE_WEIGHTS; + skin_stride += sizeof(int16_t) * (use_8 ? 8 : 4); + } break; } } } int expected_size = stride * p_surface.vertex_count; - ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(expected_size != p_surface.vertex_data.size(), "Size of data provided (" + itos(p_surface.vertex_data.size()) + ") does not match expected (" + itos(expected_size) + ")"); + ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(expected_size != p_surface.vertex_data.size(), "Size of vertex data provided (" + itos(p_surface.vertex_data.size()) + ") does not match expected (" + itos(expected_size) + ")"); + int expected_attrib_size = attrib_stride * p_surface.vertex_count; + ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(expected_attrib_size != p_surface.attribute_data.size(), "Size of attribute data provided (" + itos(p_surface.attribute_data.size()) + ") does not match expected (" + itos(expected_attrib_size) + ")"); + + if ((p_surface.format & RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS) && (p_surface.format & RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES)) { + expected_size = skin_stride * p_surface.vertex_count; + ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(expected_size != p_surface.skin_data.size(), "Size of skin data provided (" + itos(p_surface.skin_data.size()) + ") does not match expected (" + itos(expected_size) + ")"); + } } #endif @@ -2481,6 +2478,12 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_add_surface(RID p_mesh, const RS::SurfaceData &p_ s->primitive = p_surface.primitive; s->vertex_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->vertex_buffer_create(p_surface.vertex_data.size(), p_surface.vertex_data); + if (p_surface.attribute_data.size()) { + s->attribute_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->vertex_buffer_create(p_surface.attribute_data.size(), p_surface.attribute_data); + } + if (p_surface.skin_data.size()) { + s->skin_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->vertex_buffer_create(p_surface.skin_data.size(), p_surface.skin_data); + } s->vertex_count = p_surface.vertex_count; if (p_surface.index_count) { @@ -2504,7 +2507,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_add_surface(RID p_mesh, const RS::SurfaceData &p_ s->aabb = p_surface.aabb; s->bone_aabbs = p_surface.bone_aabbs; //only really useful for returning them. - +#if 0 for (int i = 0; i < p_surface.blend_shapes.size(); i++) { if (p_surface.blend_shapes[i].size() != p_surface.vertex_data.size()) { memdelete(s); @@ -2513,8 +2516,8 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_add_surface(RID p_mesh, const RS::SurfaceData &p_ RID vertex_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->vertex_buffer_create(p_surface.blend_shapes[i].size(), p_surface.blend_shapes[i]); s->blend_shapes.push_back(vertex_buffer); } - - mesh->blend_shape_count = p_surface.blend_shapes.size(); +#endif + mesh->blend_shape_count = p_surface.blend_shape_count; if (mesh->surface_count == 0) { mesh->bone_aabbs = p_surface.bone_aabbs; @@ -2537,13 +2540,13 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_add_surface(RID p_mesh, const RS::SurfaceData &p_ mesh->material_cache.clear(); } -int RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_get_blend_shape_count(RID p_mesh) const { +int RendererStorageRD::mesh_get_blend_shape_count(RID p_mesh) const { const Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_mesh); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!mesh, -1); return mesh->blend_shape_count; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_set_blend_shape_mode(RID p_mesh, RS::BlendShapeMode p_mode) { +void RendererStorageRD::mesh_set_blend_shape_mode(RID p_mesh, RS::BlendShapeMode p_mode) { Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_mesh); ERR_FAIL_COND(!mesh); ERR_FAIL_INDEX((int)p_mode, 2); @@ -2551,13 +2554,13 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_set_blend_shape_mode(RID p_mesh, RS::BlendShapeMo mesh->blend_shape_mode = p_mode; } -RS::BlendShapeMode RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_get_blend_shape_mode(RID p_mesh) const { +RS::BlendShapeMode RendererStorageRD::mesh_get_blend_shape_mode(RID p_mesh) const { Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_mesh); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!mesh, RS::BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_NORMALIZED); return mesh->blend_shape_mode; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_surface_update_region(RID p_mesh, int p_surface, int p_offset, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data) { +void RendererStorageRD::mesh_surface_update_region(RID p_mesh, int p_surface, int p_offset, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data) { Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_mesh); ERR_FAIL_COND(!mesh); ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX((uint32_t)p_surface, mesh->surface_count); @@ -2568,7 +2571,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_surface_update_region(RID p_mesh, int p_surface, RD::get_singleton()->buffer_update(mesh->surfaces[p_surface]->vertex_buffer, p_offset, data_size, r); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_surface_set_material(RID p_mesh, int p_surface, RID p_material) { +void RendererStorageRD::mesh_surface_set_material(RID p_mesh, int p_surface, RID p_material) { Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_mesh); ERR_FAIL_COND(!mesh); ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX((uint32_t)p_surface, mesh->surface_count); @@ -2578,7 +2581,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_surface_set_material(RID p_mesh, int p_surface, R mesh->material_cache.clear(); } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_surface_get_material(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) const { +RID RendererStorageRD::mesh_surface_get_material(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) const { Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_mesh); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!mesh, RID()); ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX_V((uint32_t)p_surface, mesh->surface_count, RID()); @@ -2586,7 +2589,7 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_surface_get_material(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) co return mesh->surfaces[p_surface]->material; } -RS::SurfaceData RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_get_surface(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) const { +RS::SurfaceData RendererStorageRD::mesh_get_surface(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) const { Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_mesh); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!mesh, RS::SurfaceData()); ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX_V((uint32_t)p_surface, mesh->surface_count, RS::SurfaceData()); @@ -2596,6 +2599,12 @@ RS::SurfaceData RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_get_surface(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) RS::SurfaceData sd; sd.format = s.format; sd.vertex_data = RD::get_singleton()->buffer_get_data(s.vertex_buffer); + if (s.attribute_buffer.is_valid()) { + sd.attribute_data = RD::get_singleton()->buffer_get_data(s.attribute_buffer); + } + if (s.skin_buffer.is_valid()) { + sd.skin_data = RD::get_singleton()->buffer_get_data(s.skin_buffer); + } sd.vertex_count = s.vertex_count; sd.index_count = s.index_count; sd.primitive = s.primitive; @@ -2613,33 +2622,32 @@ RS::SurfaceData RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_get_surface(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) sd.bone_aabbs = s.bone_aabbs; - for (int i = 0; i < s.blend_shapes.size(); i++) { - Vector<uint8_t> bs = RD::get_singleton()->buffer_get_data(s.blend_shapes[i]); - sd.blend_shapes.push_back(bs); + if (s.blend_shape_buffer.is_valid()) { + sd.blend_shape_data = RD::get_singleton()->buffer_get_data(s.blend_shape_buffer); } return sd; } -int RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_get_surface_count(RID p_mesh) const { +int RendererStorageRD::mesh_get_surface_count(RID p_mesh) const { Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_mesh); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!mesh, 0); return mesh->surface_count; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_set_custom_aabb(RID p_mesh, const AABB &p_aabb) { +void RendererStorageRD::mesh_set_custom_aabb(RID p_mesh, const AABB &p_aabb) { Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_mesh); ERR_FAIL_COND(!mesh); mesh->custom_aabb = p_aabb; } -AABB RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_get_custom_aabb(RID p_mesh) const { +AABB RendererStorageRD::mesh_get_custom_aabb(RID p_mesh) const { Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_mesh); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!mesh, AABB()); return mesh->custom_aabb; } -AABB RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_get_aabb(RID p_mesh, RID p_skeleton) { +AABB RendererStorageRD::mesh_get_aabb(RID p_mesh, RID p_skeleton) { Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_mesh); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!mesh, AABB()); @@ -2744,12 +2752,18 @@ AABB RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_get_aabb(RID p_mesh, RID p_skeleton) { return aabb; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_clear(RID p_mesh) { +void RendererStorageRD::mesh_clear(RID p_mesh) { Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_mesh); ERR_FAIL_COND(!mesh); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mesh->surface_count; i++) { Mesh::Surface &s = *mesh->surfaces[i]; RD::get_singleton()->free(s.vertex_buffer); //clears arrays as dependency automatically, including all versions + if (s.attribute_buffer.is_valid()) { + RD::get_singleton()->free(s.attribute_buffer); + } + if (s.skin_buffer.is_valid()) { + RD::get_singleton()->free(s.skin_buffer); + } if (s.versions) { memfree(s.versions); //reallocs, so free with memfree. } @@ -2765,12 +2779,8 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_clear(RID p_mesh) { memdelete_arr(s.lods); } - for (int32_t j = 0; j < s.blend_shapes.size(); j++) { - RD::get_singleton()->free(s.blend_shapes[j]); - } - - if (s.blend_shape_base_buffer.is_valid()) { - RD::get_singleton()->free(s.blend_shape_base_buffer); + if (s.blend_shape_buffer.is_valid()) { + RD::get_singleton()->free(s.blend_shape_buffer); } memdelete(mesh->surfaces[i]); @@ -2785,7 +2795,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::mesh_clear(RID p_mesh) { mesh->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, true); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::_mesh_surface_generate_version_for_input_mask(Mesh::Surface *s, uint32_t p_input_mask) { +void RendererStorageRD::_mesh_surface_generate_version_for_input_mask(Mesh::Surface *s, uint32_t p_input_mask) { uint32_t version = s->version_count; s->version_count++; s->versions = (Mesh::Surface::Version *)memrealloc(s->versions, sizeof(Mesh::Surface::Version) * s->version_count); @@ -2796,8 +2806,10 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_mesh_surface_generate_version_for_input_mask(Mesh::Su Vector<RID> buffers; uint32_t stride = 0; + uint32_t attribute_stride = 0; + uint32_t skin_stride = 0; - for (int i = 0; i < RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS; i++) { + for (int i = 0; i < RS::ARRAY_INDEX; i++) { RD::VertexAttribute vd; RID buffer; vd.location = i; @@ -2805,6 +2817,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_mesh_surface_generate_version_for_input_mask(Mesh::Su if (!(s->format & (1 << i))) { // Not supplied by surface, use default value buffer = mesh_default_rd_buffers[i]; + vd.stride = 0; switch (i) { case RS::ARRAY_VERTEX: { vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SFLOAT; @@ -2827,20 +2840,31 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_mesh_surface_generate_version_for_input_mask(Mesh::Su case RS::ARRAY_TEX_UV2: { vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32_SFLOAT; } break; + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM0: + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM1: + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM2: + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM3: { + //assumed weights too + vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT; + } break; case RS::ARRAY_BONES: { //assumed weights too vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT; } break; + case RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS: { + //assumed weights too + vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT; + } break; } } else { //Supplied, use it - vd.offset = stride; - vd.stride = 1; //mark that it needs a stride set - buffer = s->vertex_buffer; + vd.stride = 1; //mark that it needs a stride set (default uses 0) switch (i) { case RS::ARRAY_VERTEX: { + vd.offset = stride; + if (s->format & RS::ARRAY_FLAG_USE_2D_VERTICES) { vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32_SFLOAT; stride += sizeof(float) * 2; @@ -2849,71 +2873,80 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_mesh_surface_generate_version_for_input_mask(Mesh::Su stride += sizeof(float) * 3; } + buffer = s->vertex_buffer; + } break; case RS::ARRAY_NORMAL: { - if (s->format & RS::ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL) { - vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM; - stride += sizeof(int8_t) * 4; - } else { - vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT; - stride += sizeof(float) * 4; - } + vd.offset = stride; + + vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_UNORM_PACK32; + stride += sizeof(uint32_t); + buffer = s->vertex_buffer; } break; case RS::ARRAY_TANGENT: { - if (s->format & RS::ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT) { - vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM; - stride += sizeof(int8_t) * 4; - } else { - vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT; - stride += sizeof(float) * 4; - } + vd.offset = stride; + vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_UNORM_PACK32; + stride += sizeof(uint32_t); + buffer = s->vertex_buffer; } break; case RS::ARRAY_COLOR: { - if (s->format & RS::ARRAY_COMPRESS_COLOR) { - vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM; - stride += sizeof(int8_t) * 4; - } else { - vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT; - stride += sizeof(float) * 4; - } + vd.offset = attribute_stride; + vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT; + attribute_stride += sizeof(int16_t) * 4; + buffer = s->attribute_buffer; } break; case RS::ARRAY_TEX_UV: { - if (s->format & RS::ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV) { - vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16_SFLOAT; - stride += sizeof(int16_t) * 2; - } else { - vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32_SFLOAT; - stride += sizeof(float) * 2; - } + vd.offset = attribute_stride; + + vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32_SFLOAT; + attribute_stride += sizeof(float) * 2; + buffer = s->attribute_buffer; } break; case RS::ARRAY_TEX_UV2: { - if (s->format & RS::ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2) { - vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16_SFLOAT; - stride += sizeof(int16_t) * 2; - } else { - vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32_SFLOAT; - stride += sizeof(float) * 2; - } + vd.offset = attribute_stride; + vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32_SFLOAT; + attribute_stride += sizeof(float) * 2; + buffer = s->attribute_buffer; + } break; + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM0: + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM1: + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM2: + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM3: { + vd.offset = attribute_stride; + + int idx = i - RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM0; + uint32_t fmt_shift[RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_COUNT] = { RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM0_SHIFT, RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM1_SHIFT, RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM2_SHIFT, RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM3_SHIFT }; + uint32_t fmt = (s->format >> fmt_shift[idx]) & RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_MASK; + uint32_t fmtsize[RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_MAX] = { 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 8, 12, 16 }; + RD::DataFormat fmtrd[RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_MAX] = { RD::DATA_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, RD::DATA_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM, RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16_SFLOAT, RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT, RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32_SFLOAT, RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32_SFLOAT, RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SFLOAT, RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT }; + vd.format = fmtrd[fmt]; + attribute_stride += fmtsize[fmt]; + buffer = s->attribute_buffer; } break; case RS::ARRAY_BONES: { - //assumed weights too + vd.offset = skin_stride; - //unique format, internally 16 bits, exposed as single array for 32 - - vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT; - stride += sizeof(int32_t) * 4; + vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UINT; + skin_stride += sizeof(int16_t) * 4; + buffer = s->skin_buffer; + } break; + case RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS: { + vd.offset = skin_stride; + vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM; + skin_stride += sizeof(int16_t) * 4; + buffer = s->skin_buffer; } break; } } if (!(p_input_mask & (1 << i))) { - continue; // Shader does not need this, skip it + continue; // Shader does not need this, skip it (but computing stride was important anyway) } attributes.push_back(vd); @@ -2922,8 +2955,17 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_mesh_surface_generate_version_for_input_mask(Mesh::Su //update final stride for (int i = 0; i < attributes.size(); i++) { - if (attributes[i].stride == 1) { + if (attributes[i].stride == 0) { + continue; //default location + } + int loc = attributes[i].location; + + if (loc < RS::ARRAY_COLOR) { attributes.write[i].stride = stride; + } else if (loc < RS::ARRAY_BONES) { + attributes.write[i].stride = attribute_stride; + } else { + attributes.write[i].stride = skin_stride; } } @@ -2934,11 +2976,11 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_mesh_surface_generate_version_for_input_mask(Mesh::Su ////////////////// MULTIMESH -RID RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_create() { +RID RendererStorageRD::multimesh_create() { return multimesh_owner.make_rid(MultiMesh()); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_allocate(RID p_multimesh, int p_instances, RS::MultimeshTransformFormat p_transform_format, bool p_use_colors, bool p_use_custom_data) { +void RendererStorageRD::multimesh_allocate(RID p_multimesh, int p_instances, RS::MultimeshTransformFormat p_transform_format, bool p_use_colors, bool p_use_custom_data) { MultiMesh *multimesh = multimesh_owner.getornull(p_multimesh); ERR_FAIL_COND(!multimesh); @@ -2978,13 +3020,13 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_allocate(RID p_multimesh, int p_instances, R } } -int RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_get_instance_count(RID p_multimesh) const { +int RendererStorageRD::multimesh_get_instance_count(RID p_multimesh) const { MultiMesh *multimesh = multimesh_owner.getornull(p_multimesh); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!multimesh, 0); return multimesh->instances; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_set_mesh(RID p_multimesh, RID p_mesh) { +void RendererStorageRD::multimesh_set_mesh(RID p_multimesh, RID p_mesh) { MultiMesh *multimesh = multimesh_owner.getornull(p_multimesh); ERR_FAIL_COND(!multimesh); if (multimesh->mesh == p_mesh) { @@ -3014,7 +3056,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_set_mesh(RID p_multimesh, RID p_mesh) { #define MULTIMESH_DIRTY_REGION_SIZE 512 -void RasterizerStorageRD::_multimesh_make_local(MultiMesh *multimesh) const { +void RendererStorageRD::_multimesh_make_local(MultiMesh *multimesh) const { if (multimesh->data_cache.size() > 0) { return; //already local } @@ -3043,7 +3085,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_multimesh_make_local(MultiMesh *multimesh) const { multimesh->data_cache_used_dirty_regions = 0; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::_multimesh_mark_dirty(MultiMesh *multimesh, int p_index, bool p_aabb) { +void RendererStorageRD::_multimesh_mark_dirty(MultiMesh *multimesh, int p_index, bool p_aabb) { uint32_t region_index = p_index / MULTIMESH_DIRTY_REGION_SIZE; #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED uint32_t data_cache_dirty_region_count = (multimesh->instances - 1) / MULTIMESH_DIRTY_REGION_SIZE + 1; @@ -3065,7 +3107,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_multimesh_mark_dirty(MultiMesh *multimesh, int p_inde } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::_multimesh_mark_all_dirty(MultiMesh *multimesh, bool p_data, bool p_aabb) { +void RendererStorageRD::_multimesh_mark_all_dirty(MultiMesh *multimesh, bool p_data, bool p_aabb) { if (p_data) { uint32_t data_cache_dirty_region_count = (multimesh->instances - 1) / MULTIMESH_DIRTY_REGION_SIZE + 1; @@ -3088,7 +3130,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_multimesh_mark_all_dirty(MultiMesh *multimesh, bool p } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::_multimesh_re_create_aabb(MultiMesh *multimesh, const float *p_data, int p_instances) { +void RendererStorageRD::_multimesh_re_create_aabb(MultiMesh *multimesh, const float *p_data, int p_instances) { ERR_FAIL_COND(multimesh->mesh.is_null()); AABB aabb; AABB mesh_aabb = mesh_get_aabb(multimesh->mesh); @@ -3130,7 +3172,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_multimesh_re_create_aabb(MultiMesh *multimesh, const multimesh->aabb = aabb; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_instance_set_transform(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Transform &p_transform) { +void RendererStorageRD::multimesh_instance_set_transform(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Transform &p_transform) { MultiMesh *multimesh = multimesh_owner.getornull(p_multimesh); ERR_FAIL_COND(!multimesh); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_index, multimesh->instances); @@ -3160,7 +3202,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_instance_set_transform(RID p_multimesh, int _multimesh_mark_dirty(multimesh, p_index, true); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_instance_set_transform_2d(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Transform2D &p_transform) { +void RendererStorageRD::multimesh_instance_set_transform_2d(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Transform2D &p_transform) { MultiMesh *multimesh = multimesh_owner.getornull(p_multimesh); ERR_FAIL_COND(!multimesh); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_index, multimesh->instances); @@ -3186,7 +3228,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_instance_set_transform_2d(RID p_multimesh, i _multimesh_mark_dirty(multimesh, p_index, true); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_instance_set_color(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Color &p_color) { +void RendererStorageRD::multimesh_instance_set_color(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Color &p_color) { MultiMesh *multimesh = multimesh_owner.getornull(p_multimesh); ERR_FAIL_COND(!multimesh); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_index, multimesh->instances); @@ -3208,7 +3250,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_instance_set_color(RID p_multimesh, int p_in _multimesh_mark_dirty(multimesh, p_index, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_instance_set_custom_data(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Color &p_color) { +void RendererStorageRD::multimesh_instance_set_custom_data(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Color &p_color) { MultiMesh *multimesh = multimesh_owner.getornull(p_multimesh); ERR_FAIL_COND(!multimesh); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_index, multimesh->instances); @@ -3230,14 +3272,14 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_instance_set_custom_data(RID p_multimesh, in _multimesh_mark_dirty(multimesh, p_index, false); } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_get_mesh(RID p_multimesh) const { +RID RendererStorageRD::multimesh_get_mesh(RID p_multimesh) const { MultiMesh *multimesh = multimesh_owner.getornull(p_multimesh); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!multimesh, RID()); return multimesh->mesh; } -Transform RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_instance_get_transform(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const { +Transform RendererStorageRD::multimesh_instance_get_transform(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const { MultiMesh *multimesh = multimesh_owner.getornull(p_multimesh); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!multimesh, Transform()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_index, multimesh->instances, Transform()); @@ -3268,7 +3310,7 @@ Transform RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_instance_get_transform(RID p_multimesh, return t; } -Transform2D RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_instance_get_transform_2d(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const { +Transform2D RendererStorageRD::multimesh_instance_get_transform_2d(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const { MultiMesh *multimesh = multimesh_owner.getornull(p_multimesh); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!multimesh, Transform2D()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_index, multimesh->instances, Transform2D()); @@ -3293,7 +3335,7 @@ Transform2D RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_instance_get_transform_2d(RID p_multi return t; } -Color RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_instance_get_color(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const { +Color RendererStorageRD::multimesh_instance_get_color(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const { MultiMesh *multimesh = multimesh_owner.getornull(p_multimesh); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!multimesh, Color()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_index, multimesh->instances, Color()); @@ -3316,7 +3358,7 @@ Color RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_instance_get_color(RID p_multimesh, int p_i return c; } -Color RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_instance_get_custom_data(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const { +Color RendererStorageRD::multimesh_instance_get_custom_data(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const { MultiMesh *multimesh = multimesh_owner.getornull(p_multimesh); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!multimesh, Color()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_index, multimesh->instances, Color()); @@ -3339,7 +3381,7 @@ Color RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_instance_get_custom_data(RID p_multimesh, i return c; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_set_buffer(RID p_multimesh, const Vector<float> &p_buffer) { +void RendererStorageRD::multimesh_set_buffer(RID p_multimesh, const Vector<float> &p_buffer) { MultiMesh *multimesh = multimesh_owner.getornull(p_multimesh); ERR_FAIL_COND(!multimesh); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_buffer.size() != (multimesh->instances * (int)multimesh->stride_cache)); @@ -3372,7 +3414,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_set_buffer(RID p_multimesh, const Vector<flo } } -Vector<float> RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_get_buffer(RID p_multimesh) const { +Vector<float> RendererStorageRD::multimesh_get_buffer(RID p_multimesh) const { MultiMesh *multimesh = multimesh_owner.getornull(p_multimesh); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!multimesh, Vector<float>()); if (multimesh->buffer.is_null()) { @@ -3395,7 +3437,7 @@ Vector<float> RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_get_buffer(RID p_multimesh) const { } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_set_visible_instances(RID p_multimesh, int p_visible) { +void RendererStorageRD::multimesh_set_visible_instances(RID p_multimesh, int p_visible) { MultiMesh *multimesh = multimesh_owner.getornull(p_multimesh); ERR_FAIL_COND(!multimesh); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_visible < -1 || p_visible > multimesh->instances); @@ -3411,22 +3453,22 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_set_visible_instances(RID p_multimesh, int p multimesh->visible_instances = p_visible; } -int RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_get_visible_instances(RID p_multimesh) const { +int RendererStorageRD::multimesh_get_visible_instances(RID p_multimesh) const { MultiMesh *multimesh = multimesh_owner.getornull(p_multimesh); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!multimesh, 0); return multimesh->visible_instances; } -AABB RasterizerStorageRD::multimesh_get_aabb(RID p_multimesh) const { +AABB RendererStorageRD::multimesh_get_aabb(RID p_multimesh) const { MultiMesh *multimesh = multimesh_owner.getornull(p_multimesh); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!multimesh, AABB()); if (multimesh->aabb_dirty) { - const_cast<RasterizerStorageRD *>(this)->_update_dirty_multimeshes(); + const_cast<RendererStorageRD *>(this)->_update_dirty_multimeshes(); } return multimesh->aabb; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::_update_dirty_multimeshes() { +void RendererStorageRD::_update_dirty_multimeshes() { while (multimesh_dirty_list) { MultiMesh *multimesh = multimesh_dirty_list; @@ -3481,25 +3523,25 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_update_dirty_multimeshes() { /* PARTICLES */ -RID RasterizerStorageRD::particles_create() { +RID RendererStorageRD::particles_create() { return particles_owner.make_rid(Particles()); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_emitting(RID p_particles, bool p_emitting) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_emitting(RID p_particles, bool p_emitting) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); particles->emitting = p_emitting; } -bool RasterizerStorageRD::particles_get_emitting(RID p_particles) { +bool RendererStorageRD::particles_get_emitting(RID p_particles) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!particles, false); return particles->emitting; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::_particles_free_data(Particles *particles) { +void RendererStorageRD::_particles_free_data(Particles *particles) { if (!particles->particle_buffer.is_valid()) { return; } @@ -3526,7 +3568,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_particles_free_data(Particles *particles) { } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_amount(RID p_particles, int p_amount) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_amount(RID p_particles, int p_amount) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); @@ -3549,14 +3591,14 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_amount(RID p_particles, int p_amount) { { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(particles->particle_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 2; u.ids.push_back(particles->particle_instance_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -3572,111 +3614,111 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_amount(RID p_particles, int p_amount) { particles->clear = true; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_lifetime(RID p_particles, float p_lifetime) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_lifetime(RID p_particles, float p_lifetime) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); particles->lifetime = p_lifetime; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_one_shot(RID p_particles, bool p_one_shot) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_one_shot(RID p_particles, bool p_one_shot) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); particles->one_shot = p_one_shot; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_pre_process_time(RID p_particles, float p_time) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_pre_process_time(RID p_particles, float p_time) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); particles->pre_process_time = p_time; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_explosiveness_ratio(RID p_particles, float p_ratio) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_explosiveness_ratio(RID p_particles, float p_ratio) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); particles->explosiveness = p_ratio; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_randomness_ratio(RID p_particles, float p_ratio) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_randomness_ratio(RID p_particles, float p_ratio) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); particles->randomness = p_ratio; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_custom_aabb(RID p_particles, const AABB &p_aabb) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_custom_aabb(RID p_particles, const AABB &p_aabb) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); particles->custom_aabb = p_aabb; particles->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_speed_scale(RID p_particles, float p_scale) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_speed_scale(RID p_particles, float p_scale) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); particles->speed_scale = p_scale; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_use_local_coordinates(RID p_particles, bool p_enable) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_use_local_coordinates(RID p_particles, bool p_enable) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); particles->use_local_coords = p_enable; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_fixed_fps(RID p_particles, int p_fps) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_fixed_fps(RID p_particles, int p_fps) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); particles->fixed_fps = p_fps; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_fractional_delta(RID p_particles, bool p_enable) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_fractional_delta(RID p_particles, bool p_enable) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); particles->fractional_delta = p_enable; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_collision_base_size(RID p_particles, float p_size) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_collision_base_size(RID p_particles, float p_size) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); particles->collision_base_size = p_size; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_process_material(RID p_particles, RID p_material) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_process_material(RID p_particles, RID p_material) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); particles->process_material = p_material; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_draw_order(RID p_particles, RS::ParticlesDrawOrder p_order) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_draw_order(RID p_particles, RS::ParticlesDrawOrder p_order) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); particles->draw_order = p_order; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_draw_passes(RID p_particles, int p_passes) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_draw_passes(RID p_particles, int p_passes) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); particles->draw_passes.resize(p_passes); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_draw_pass_mesh(RID p_particles, int p_pass, RID p_mesh) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_draw_pass_mesh(RID p_particles, int p_pass, RID p_mesh) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_pass, particles->draw_passes.size()); particles->draw_passes.write[p_pass] = p_mesh; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_restart(RID p_particles) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_restart(RID p_particles) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); particles->restart_request = true; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::_particles_allocate_emission_buffer(Particles *particles) { +void RendererStorageRD::_particles_allocate_emission_buffer(Particles *particles) { ERR_FAIL_COND(particles->emission_buffer != nullptr); particles->emission_buffer_data.resize(sizeof(ParticleEmissionBuffer::Data) * particles->amount + sizeof(uint32_t) * 4); @@ -3693,7 +3735,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_particles_allocate_emission_buffer(Particles *particl } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_subemitter(RID p_particles, RID p_subemitter_particles) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_subemitter(RID p_particles, RID p_subemitter_particles) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_particles == p_subemitter_particles); @@ -3706,7 +3748,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_subemitter(RID p_particles, RID p_subemi } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_emit(RID p_particles, const Transform &p_transform, const Vector3 &p_velocity, const Color &p_color, const Color &p_custom, uint32_t p_emit_flags) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_emit(RID p_particles, const Transform &p_transform, const Vector3 &p_velocity, const Color &p_color, const Color &p_custom, uint32_t p_emit_flags) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(particles->amount == 0); @@ -3749,7 +3791,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_emit(RID p_particles, const Transform &p_tra } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_request_process(RID p_particles) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_request_process(RID p_particles) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); @@ -3760,7 +3802,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_request_process(RID p_particles) { } } -AABB RasterizerStorageRD::particles_get_current_aabb(RID p_particles) { +AABB RendererStorageRD::particles_get_current_aabb(RID p_particles) { const Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!particles, AABB()); @@ -3804,28 +3846,28 @@ AABB RasterizerStorageRD::particles_get_current_aabb(RID p_particles) { return aabb; } -AABB RasterizerStorageRD::particles_get_aabb(RID p_particles) const { +AABB RendererStorageRD::particles_get_aabb(RID p_particles) const { const Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!particles, AABB()); return particles->custom_aabb; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_emission_transform(RID p_particles, const Transform &p_transform) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_emission_transform(RID p_particles, const Transform &p_transform) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); particles->emission_transform = p_transform; } -int RasterizerStorageRD::particles_get_draw_passes(RID p_particles) const { +int RendererStorageRD::particles_get_draw_passes(RID p_particles) const { const Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!particles, 0); return particles->draw_passes.size(); } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::particles_get_draw_pass_mesh(RID p_particles, int p_pass) const { +RID RendererStorageRD::particles_get_draw_pass_mesh(RID p_particles, int p_pass) const { const Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!particles, RID()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_pass, particles->draw_passes.size(), RID()); @@ -3833,36 +3875,40 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::particles_get_draw_pass_mesh(RID p_particles, int p_pas return particles->draw_passes[p_pass]; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_add_collision(RID p_particles, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_add_collision(RID p_particles, InstanceBaseDependency *p_instance) { + RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase *instance = static_cast<RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase *>(p_instance); + Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); - ERR_FAIL_COND(p_instance->base_type != RS::INSTANCE_PARTICLES_COLLISION); + ERR_FAIL_COND(instance->base_type != RS::INSTANCE_PARTICLES_COLLISION); - particles->collisions.insert(p_instance); + particles->collisions.insert(instance); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_remove_collision(RID p_particles, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_remove_collision(RID p_particles, InstanceBaseDependency *p_instance) { + RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase *instance = static_cast<RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase *>(p_instance); + Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); - particles->collisions.erase(p_instance); + particles->collisions.erase(instance); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::_particles_process(Particles *p_particles, float p_delta) { +void RendererStorageRD::_particles_process(Particles *p_particles, float p_delta) { if (p_particles->particles_material_uniform_set.is_null() || !RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(p_particles->particles_material_uniform_set)) { Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(p_particles->frame_params_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(p_particles->particle_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -3870,7 +3916,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_particles_process(Particles *p_particles, float p_del { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 2; if (p_particles->emission_storage_buffer.is_valid()) { u.ids.push_back(p_particles->emission_storage_buffer); @@ -3881,7 +3927,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_particles_process(Particles *p_particles, float p_del } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 3; Particles *sub_emitter = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles->sub_emitter); if (sub_emitter) { @@ -3918,7 +3964,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_particles_process(Particles *p_particles, float p_del p_particles->phase = new_phase; - frame_params.time = RasterizerRD::singleton->get_total_time(); + frame_params.time = RendererCompositorRD::singleton->get_total_time(); frame_params.delta = p_delta * p_particles->speed_scale; frame_params.random_seed = p_particles->random_seed; frame_params.explosiveness = p_particles->explosiveness; @@ -3946,7 +3992,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_particles_process(Particles *p_particles, float p_del to_particles = p_particles->emission_transform.affine_inverse(); } uint32_t collision_3d_textures_used = 0; - for (const Set<RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *>::Element *E = p_particles->collisions.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + for (const Set<RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase *>::Element *E = p_particles->collisions.front(); E; E = E->next()) { ParticlesCollision *pc = particles_collision_owner.getornull(E->get()->base); Transform to_collider = E->get()->transform; if (p_particles->use_local_coords) { @@ -4088,7 +4134,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_particles_process(Particles *p_particles, float p_del { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ParticlesFrameParams::MAX_3D_TEXTURES; i++) { RID rd_tex; @@ -4108,7 +4154,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_particles_process(Particles *p_particles, float p_del } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 1; if (collision_heightmap_texture.is_valid()) { u.ids.push_back(collision_heightmap_texture); @@ -4188,7 +4234,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_particles_process(Particles *p_particles, float p_del RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_view_axis(RID p_particles, const Vector3 &p_axis) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_view_axis(RID p_particles, const Vector3 &p_axis) { Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles); @@ -4209,7 +4255,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_view_axis(RID p_particles, const Vector3 { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(particles->particles_sort_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -4254,7 +4300,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_set_view_axis(RID p_particles, const Vector3 RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::update_particles() { +void RendererStorageRD::update_particles() { while (particle_update_list) { //use transform feedback to process particles @@ -4289,7 +4335,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::update_particles() { particles->inactive = false; particles->inactive_time = 0; } else { - particles->inactive_time += particles->speed_scale * RasterizerRD::singleton->get_frame_delta_time(); + particles->inactive_time += particles->speed_scale * RendererCompositorRD::singleton->get_frame_delta_time(); if (particles->inactive_time > particles->lifetime * 1.2) { particles->inactive = true; continue; @@ -4323,7 +4369,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::update_particles() { frame_time = 1.0 / particles->fixed_fps; decr = frame_time; } - float delta = RasterizerRD::singleton->get_frame_delta_time(); + float delta = RendererCompositorRD::singleton->get_frame_delta_time(); if (delta > 0.1) { //avoid recursive stalls if fps goes below 10 delta = 0.1; } else if (delta <= 0.0) { //unlikely but.. @@ -4342,7 +4388,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::update_particles() { if (zero_time_scale) _particles_process(particles, 0.0); else - _particles_process(particles, RasterizerRD::singleton->get_frame_delta_time()); + _particles_process(particles, RendererCompositorRD::singleton->get_frame_delta_time()); } //copy particles to instance buffer @@ -4365,7 +4411,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::update_particles() { } } -bool RasterizerStorageRD::particles_is_inactive(RID p_particles) const { +bool RendererStorageRD::particles_is_inactive(RID p_particles) const { const Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!particles, false); return !particles->emitting && particles->inactive; @@ -4373,7 +4419,7 @@ bool RasterizerStorageRD::particles_is_inactive(RID p_particles) const { /* SKY SHADER */ -void RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) { +void RendererStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) { //compile code = p_code; @@ -4421,7 +4467,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) { valid = true; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::set_default_texture_param(const StringName &p_name, RID p_texture) { +void RendererStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::set_default_texture_param(const StringName &p_name, RID p_texture) { if (!p_texture.is_valid()) { default_texture_params.erase(p_name); } else { @@ -4429,7 +4475,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::set_default_texture_param(const S } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::get_param_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_param_list) const { +void RendererStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::get_param_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_param_list) const { Map<int, StringName> order; for (Map<StringName, ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform>::Element *E = uniforms.front(); E; E = E->next()) { @@ -4451,13 +4497,13 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::get_param_list(List<PropertyInfo> } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::get_instance_param_list(List<RasterizerStorage::InstanceShaderParam> *p_param_list) const { +void RendererStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::get_instance_param_list(List<RendererStorage::InstanceShaderParam> *p_param_list) const { for (Map<StringName, ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform>::Element *E = uniforms.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get().scope != ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform::SCOPE_INSTANCE) { continue; } - RasterizerStorage::InstanceShaderParam p; + RendererStorage::InstanceShaderParam p; p.info = ShaderLanguage::uniform_to_property_info(E->get()); p.info.name = E->key(); //supply name p.index = E->get().instance_index; @@ -4466,7 +4512,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::get_instance_param_list(List<Rast } } -bool RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::is_param_texture(const StringName &p_param) const { +bool RendererStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::is_param_texture(const StringName &p_param) const { if (!uniforms.has(p_param)) { return false; } @@ -4474,15 +4520,15 @@ bool RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::is_param_texture(const StringName return uniforms[p_param].texture_order >= 0; } -bool RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::is_animated() const { +bool RendererStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::is_animated() const { return false; } -bool RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::casts_shadows() const { +bool RendererStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::casts_shadows() const { return false; } -Variant RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::get_default_parameter(const StringName &p_parameter) const { +Variant RendererStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::get_default_parameter(const StringName &p_parameter) const { if (uniforms.has(p_parameter)) { ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform uniform = uniforms[p_parameter]; Vector<ShaderLanguage::ConstantNode::Value> default_value = uniform.default_value; @@ -4491,23 +4537,23 @@ Variant RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::get_default_parameter(const St return Variant(); } -RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::ParticlesShaderData() { +RendererStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::ParticlesShaderData() { valid = false; } -RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::~ParticlesShaderData() { +RendererStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::~ParticlesShaderData() { //pipeline variants will clear themselves if shader is gone if (version.is_valid()) { base_singleton->particles_shader.shader.version_free(version); } } -RasterizerStorageRD::ShaderData *RasterizerStorageRD::_create_particles_shader_func() { +RendererStorageRD::ShaderData *RendererStorageRD::_create_particles_shader_func() { ParticlesShaderData *shader_data = memnew(ParticlesShaderData); return shader_data; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesMaterialData::update_parameters(const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_parameters, bool p_uniform_dirty, bool p_textures_dirty) { +void RendererStorageRD::ParticlesMaterialData::update_parameters(const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_parameters, bool p_uniform_dirty, bool p_textures_dirty) { uniform_set_updated = true; if ((uint32_t)ubo_data.size() != shader_data->ubo_size) { @@ -4568,7 +4614,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesMaterialData::update_parameters(const Map<Str { if (shader_data->ubo_size) { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(uniform_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -4577,7 +4623,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesMaterialData::update_parameters(const Map<Str const RID *textures = texture_cache.ptrw(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tex_uniform_count; i++) { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.binding = 1 + i; u.ids.push_back(textures[i]); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -4587,7 +4633,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesMaterialData::update_parameters(const Map<Str uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, base_singleton->particles_shader.shader.version_get_shader(shader_data->version, 0), 3); } -RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesMaterialData::~ParticlesMaterialData() { +RendererStorageRD::ParticlesMaterialData::~ParticlesMaterialData() { if (uniform_set.is_valid() && RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(uniform_set)) { RD::get_singleton()->free(uniform_set); } @@ -4597,7 +4643,7 @@ RasterizerStorageRD::ParticlesMaterialData::~ParticlesMaterialData() { } } -RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData *RasterizerStorageRD::_create_particles_material_func(ParticlesShaderData *p_shader) { +RendererStorageRD::MaterialData *RendererStorageRD::_create_particles_material_func(ParticlesShaderData *p_shader) { ParticlesMaterialData *material_data = memnew(ParticlesMaterialData); material_data->shader_data = p_shader; material_data->last_frame = false; @@ -4608,11 +4654,11 @@ RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData *RasterizerStorageRD::_create_particles_materi /* PARTICLES COLLISION API */ -RID RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_create() { +RID RendererStorageRD::particles_collision_create() { return particles_collision_owner.make_rid(ParticlesCollision()); } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_get_heightfield_framebuffer(RID p_particles_collision) const { +RID RendererStorageRD::particles_collision_get_heightfield_framebuffer(RID p_particles_collision) const { ParticlesCollision *particles_collision = particles_collision_owner.getornull(p_particles_collision); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!particles_collision, RID()); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(particles_collision->type != RS::PARTICLES_COLLISION_TYPE_HEIGHTFIELD_COLLIDE, RID()); @@ -4633,7 +4679,7 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_get_heightfield_framebuffer(RID p_p tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT; tf.width = size.x; tf.height = size.y; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT; particles_collision->heightfield_texture = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); @@ -4647,7 +4693,7 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_get_heightfield_framebuffer(RID p_p return particles_collision->heightfield_fb; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_set_collision_type(RID p_particles_collision, RS::ParticlesCollisionType p_type) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_collision_set_collision_type(RID p_particles_collision, RS::ParticlesCollisionType p_type) { ParticlesCollision *particles_collision = particles_collision_owner.getornull(p_particles_collision); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles_collision); @@ -4663,13 +4709,13 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_set_collision_type(RID p_particles particles_collision->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_set_cull_mask(RID p_particles_collision, uint32_t p_cull_mask) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_collision_set_cull_mask(RID p_particles_collision, uint32_t p_cull_mask) { ParticlesCollision *particles_collision = particles_collision_owner.getornull(p_particles_collision); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles_collision); particles_collision->cull_mask = p_cull_mask; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_set_sphere_radius(RID p_particles_collision, float p_radius) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_collision_set_sphere_radius(RID p_particles_collision, float p_radius) { ParticlesCollision *particles_collision = particles_collision_owner.getornull(p_particles_collision); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles_collision); @@ -4677,7 +4723,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_set_sphere_radius(RID p_particles_ particles_collision->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_set_box_extents(RID p_particles_collision, const Vector3 &p_extents) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_collision_set_box_extents(RID p_particles_collision, const Vector3 &p_extents) { ParticlesCollision *particles_collision = particles_collision_owner.getornull(p_particles_collision); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles_collision); @@ -4685,41 +4731,41 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_set_box_extents(RID p_particles_co particles_collision->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_set_attractor_strength(RID p_particles_collision, float p_strength) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_collision_set_attractor_strength(RID p_particles_collision, float p_strength) { ParticlesCollision *particles_collision = particles_collision_owner.getornull(p_particles_collision); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles_collision); particles_collision->attractor_strength = p_strength; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_set_attractor_directionality(RID p_particles_collision, float p_directionality) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_collision_set_attractor_directionality(RID p_particles_collision, float p_directionality) { ParticlesCollision *particles_collision = particles_collision_owner.getornull(p_particles_collision); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles_collision); particles_collision->attractor_directionality = p_directionality; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_set_attractor_attenuation(RID p_particles_collision, float p_curve) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_collision_set_attractor_attenuation(RID p_particles_collision, float p_curve) { ParticlesCollision *particles_collision = particles_collision_owner.getornull(p_particles_collision); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles_collision); particles_collision->attractor_attenuation = p_curve; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_set_field_texture(RID p_particles_collision, RID p_texture) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_collision_set_field_texture(RID p_particles_collision, RID p_texture) { ParticlesCollision *particles_collision = particles_collision_owner.getornull(p_particles_collision); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles_collision); particles_collision->field_texture = p_texture; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_height_field_update(RID p_particles_collision) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_collision_height_field_update(RID p_particles_collision) { ParticlesCollision *particles_collision = particles_collision_owner.getornull(p_particles_collision); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles_collision); particles_collision->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_set_height_field_resolution(RID p_particles_collision, RS::ParticlesCollisionHeightfieldResolution p_resolution) { +void RendererStorageRD::particles_collision_set_height_field_resolution(RID p_particles_collision, RS::ParticlesCollisionHeightfieldResolution p_resolution) { ParticlesCollision *particles_collision = particles_collision_owner.getornull(p_particles_collision); ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles_collision); @@ -4735,7 +4781,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_set_height_field_resolution(RID p_ } } -AABB RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_get_aabb(RID p_particles_collision) const { +AABB RendererStorageRD::particles_collision_get_aabb(RID p_particles_collision) const { ParticlesCollision *particles_collision = particles_collision_owner.getornull(p_particles_collision); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!particles_collision, AABB()); @@ -4758,13 +4804,13 @@ AABB RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_get_aabb(RID p_particles_collision return AABB(); } -Vector3 RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_get_extents(RID p_particles_collision) const { +Vector3 RendererStorageRD::particles_collision_get_extents(RID p_particles_collision) const { const ParticlesCollision *particles_collision = particles_collision_owner.getornull(p_particles_collision); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!particles_collision, Vector3()); return particles_collision->extents; } -bool RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_is_heightfield(RID p_particles_collision) const { +bool RendererStorageRD::particles_collision_is_heightfield(RID p_particles_collision) const { const ParticlesCollision *particles_collision = particles_collision_owner.getornull(p_particles_collision); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!particles_collision, false); return particles_collision->type == RS::PARTICLES_COLLISION_TYPE_HEIGHTFIELD_COLLIDE; @@ -4772,11 +4818,11 @@ bool RasterizerStorageRD::particles_collision_is_heightfield(RID p_particles_col /* SKELETON API */ -RID RasterizerStorageRD::skeleton_create() { +RID RendererStorageRD::skeleton_create() { return skeleton_owner.make_rid(Skeleton()); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::_skeleton_make_dirty(Skeleton *skeleton) { +void RendererStorageRD::_skeleton_make_dirty(Skeleton *skeleton) { if (!skeleton->dirty) { skeleton->dirty = true; skeleton->dirty_list = skeleton_dirty_list; @@ -4784,7 +4830,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_skeleton_make_dirty(Skeleton *skeleton) { } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::skeleton_allocate(RID p_skeleton, int p_bones, bool p_2d_skeleton) { +void RendererStorageRD::skeleton_allocate(RID p_skeleton, int p_bones, bool p_2d_skeleton) { Skeleton *skeleton = skeleton_owner.getornull(p_skeleton); ERR_FAIL_COND(!skeleton); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_bones < 0); @@ -4812,14 +4858,14 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::skeleton_allocate(RID p_skeleton, int p_bones, bool p_ } } -int RasterizerStorageRD::skeleton_get_bone_count(RID p_skeleton) const { +int RendererStorageRD::skeleton_get_bone_count(RID p_skeleton) const { Skeleton *skeleton = skeleton_owner.getornull(p_skeleton); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!skeleton, 0); return skeleton->size; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::skeleton_bone_set_transform(RID p_skeleton, int p_bone, const Transform &p_transform) { +void RendererStorageRD::skeleton_bone_set_transform(RID p_skeleton, int p_bone, const Transform &p_transform) { Skeleton *skeleton = skeleton_owner.getornull(p_skeleton); ERR_FAIL_COND(!skeleton); @@ -4844,7 +4890,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::skeleton_bone_set_transform(RID p_skeleton, int p_bone _skeleton_make_dirty(skeleton); } -Transform RasterizerStorageRD::skeleton_bone_get_transform(RID p_skeleton, int p_bone) const { +Transform RendererStorageRD::skeleton_bone_get_transform(RID p_skeleton, int p_bone) const { Skeleton *skeleton = skeleton_owner.getornull(p_skeleton); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!skeleton, Transform()); @@ -4871,7 +4917,7 @@ Transform RasterizerStorageRD::skeleton_bone_get_transform(RID p_skeleton, int p return t; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::skeleton_bone_set_transform_2d(RID p_skeleton, int p_bone, const Transform2D &p_transform) { +void RendererStorageRD::skeleton_bone_set_transform_2d(RID p_skeleton, int p_bone, const Transform2D &p_transform) { Skeleton *skeleton = skeleton_owner.getornull(p_skeleton); ERR_FAIL_COND(!skeleton); @@ -4892,7 +4938,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::skeleton_bone_set_transform_2d(RID p_skeleton, int p_b _skeleton_make_dirty(skeleton); } -Transform2D RasterizerStorageRD::skeleton_bone_get_transform_2d(RID p_skeleton, int p_bone) const { +Transform2D RendererStorageRD::skeleton_bone_get_transform_2d(RID p_skeleton, int p_bone) const { Skeleton *skeleton = skeleton_owner.getornull(p_skeleton); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!skeleton, Transform2D()); @@ -4912,7 +4958,7 @@ Transform2D RasterizerStorageRD::skeleton_bone_get_transform_2d(RID p_skeleton, return t; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::skeleton_set_base_transform_2d(RID p_skeleton, const Transform2D &p_base_transform) { +void RendererStorageRD::skeleton_set_base_transform_2d(RID p_skeleton, const Transform2D &p_base_transform) { Skeleton *skeleton = skeleton_owner.getornull(p_skeleton); ERR_FAIL_COND(!skeleton->use_2d); @@ -4920,7 +4966,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::skeleton_set_base_transform_2d(RID p_skeleton, const T skeleton->base_transform_2d = p_base_transform; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::_update_dirty_skeletons() { +void RendererStorageRD::_update_dirty_skeletons() { while (skeleton_dirty_list) { Skeleton *skeleton = skeleton_dirty_list; @@ -4941,7 +4987,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_update_dirty_skeletons() { /* LIGHT */ -RID RasterizerStorageRD::light_create(RS::LightType p_type) { +RID RendererStorageRD::light_create(RS::LightType p_type) { Light light; light.type = p_type; @@ -4965,14 +5011,14 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::light_create(RS::LightType p_type) { return light_owner.make_rid(light); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::light_set_color(RID p_light, const Color &p_color) { +void RendererStorageRD::light_set_color(RID p_light, const Color &p_color) { Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!light); light->color = p_color; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::light_set_param(RID p_light, RS::LightParam p_param, float p_value) { +void RendererStorageRD::light_set_param(RID p_light, RS::LightParam p_param, float p_value) { Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!light); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_param, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_MAX); @@ -4997,7 +5043,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::light_set_param(RID p_light, RS::LightParam p_param, f light->param[p_param] = p_value; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::light_set_shadow(RID p_light, bool p_enabled) { +void RendererStorageRD::light_set_shadow(RID p_light, bool p_enabled) { Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!light); light->shadow = p_enabled; @@ -5006,13 +5052,13 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::light_set_shadow(RID p_light, bool p_enabled) { light->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::light_set_shadow_color(RID p_light, const Color &p_color) { +void RendererStorageRD::light_set_shadow_color(RID p_light, const Color &p_color) { Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!light); light->shadow_color = p_color; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::light_set_projector(RID p_light, RID p_texture) { +void RendererStorageRD::light_set_projector(RID p_light, RID p_texture) { Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!light); @@ -5031,14 +5077,14 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::light_set_projector(RID p_light, RID p_texture) { } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::light_set_negative(RID p_light, bool p_enable) { +void RendererStorageRD::light_set_negative(RID p_light, bool p_enable) { Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!light); light->negative = p_enable; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::light_set_cull_mask(RID p_light, uint32_t p_mask) { +void RendererStorageRD::light_set_cull_mask(RID p_light, uint32_t p_mask) { Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!light); @@ -5048,7 +5094,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::light_set_cull_mask(RID p_light, uint32_t p_mask) { light->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::light_set_reverse_cull_face_mode(RID p_light, bool p_enabled) { +void RendererStorageRD::light_set_reverse_cull_face_mode(RID p_light, bool p_enabled) { Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!light); @@ -5058,7 +5104,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::light_set_reverse_cull_face_mode(RID p_light, bool p_e light->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::light_set_bake_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightBakeMode p_bake_mode) { +void RendererStorageRD::light_set_bake_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightBakeMode p_bake_mode) { Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!light); @@ -5068,7 +5114,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::light_set_bake_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightBakeMode p_b light->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::light_set_max_sdfgi_cascade(RID p_light, uint32_t p_cascade) { +void RendererStorageRD::light_set_max_sdfgi_cascade(RID p_light, uint32_t p_cascade) { Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!light); @@ -5078,7 +5124,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::light_set_max_sdfgi_cascade(RID p_light, uint32_t p_ca light->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::light_omni_set_shadow_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightOmniShadowMode p_mode) { +void RendererStorageRD::light_omni_set_shadow_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightOmniShadowMode p_mode) { Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!light); @@ -5088,14 +5134,14 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::light_omni_set_shadow_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightOmniS light->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -RS::LightOmniShadowMode RasterizerStorageRD::light_omni_get_shadow_mode(RID p_light) { +RS::LightOmniShadowMode RendererStorageRD::light_omni_get_shadow_mode(RID p_light) { const Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!light, RS::LIGHT_OMNI_SHADOW_CUBE); return light->omni_shadow_mode; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::light_directional_set_shadow_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightDirectionalShadowMode p_mode) { +void RendererStorageRD::light_directional_set_shadow_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightDirectionalShadowMode p_mode) { Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!light); @@ -5104,7 +5150,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::light_directional_set_shadow_mode(RID p_light, RS::Lig light->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::light_directional_set_blend_splits(RID p_light, bool p_enable) { +void RendererStorageRD::light_directional_set_blend_splits(RID p_light, bool p_enable) { Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!light); @@ -5113,70 +5159,70 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::light_directional_set_blend_splits(RID p_light, bool p light->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -bool RasterizerStorageRD::light_directional_get_blend_splits(RID p_light) const { +bool RendererStorageRD::light_directional_get_blend_splits(RID p_light) const { const Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!light, false); return light->directional_blend_splits; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::light_directional_set_sky_only(RID p_light, bool p_sky_only) { +void RendererStorageRD::light_directional_set_sky_only(RID p_light, bool p_sky_only) { Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!light); light->directional_sky_only = p_sky_only; } -bool RasterizerStorageRD::light_directional_is_sky_only(RID p_light) const { +bool RendererStorageRD::light_directional_is_sky_only(RID p_light) const { const Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!light, false); return light->directional_sky_only; } -RS::LightDirectionalShadowMode RasterizerStorageRD::light_directional_get_shadow_mode(RID p_light) { +RS::LightDirectionalShadowMode RendererStorageRD::light_directional_get_shadow_mode(RID p_light) { const Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!light, RS::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL_SHADOW_ORTHOGONAL); return light->directional_shadow_mode; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::light_directional_set_shadow_depth_range_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightDirectionalShadowDepthRangeMode p_range_mode) { +void RendererStorageRD::light_directional_set_shadow_depth_range_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightDirectionalShadowDepthRangeMode p_range_mode) { Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND(!light); light->directional_range_mode = p_range_mode; } -RS::LightDirectionalShadowDepthRangeMode RasterizerStorageRD::light_directional_get_shadow_depth_range_mode(RID p_light) const { +RS::LightDirectionalShadowDepthRangeMode RendererStorageRD::light_directional_get_shadow_depth_range_mode(RID p_light) const { const Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!light, RS::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL_SHADOW_DEPTH_RANGE_STABLE); return light->directional_range_mode; } -uint32_t RasterizerStorageRD::light_get_max_sdfgi_cascade(RID p_light) { +uint32_t RendererStorageRD::light_get_max_sdfgi_cascade(RID p_light) { const Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!light, 0); return light->max_sdfgi_cascade; } -RS::LightBakeMode RasterizerStorageRD::light_get_bake_mode(RID p_light) { +RS::LightBakeMode RendererStorageRD::light_get_bake_mode(RID p_light) { const Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!light, RS::LIGHT_BAKE_DISABLED); return light->bake_mode; } -uint64_t RasterizerStorageRD::light_get_version(RID p_light) const { +uint64_t RendererStorageRD::light_get_version(RID p_light) const { const Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!light, 0); return light->version; } -AABB RasterizerStorageRD::light_get_aabb(RID p_light) const { +AABB RendererStorageRD::light_get_aabb(RID p_light) const { const Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!light, AABB()); @@ -5200,11 +5246,11 @@ AABB RasterizerStorageRD::light_get_aabb(RID p_light) const { /* REFLECTION PROBE */ -RID RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_create() { +RID RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_create() { return reflection_probe_owner.make_rid(ReflectionProbe()); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_update_mode(RID p_probe, RS::ReflectionProbeUpdateMode p_mode) { +void RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_update_mode(RID p_probe, RS::ReflectionProbeUpdateMode p_mode) { ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!reflection_probe); @@ -5212,35 +5258,35 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_update_mode(RID p_probe, RS::Refl reflection_probe->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_intensity(RID p_probe, float p_intensity) { +void RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_intensity(RID p_probe, float p_intensity) { ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!reflection_probe); reflection_probe->intensity = p_intensity; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_ambient_mode(RID p_probe, RS::ReflectionProbeAmbientMode p_mode) { +void RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_ambient_mode(RID p_probe, RS::ReflectionProbeAmbientMode p_mode) { ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!reflection_probe); reflection_probe->ambient_mode = p_mode; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_ambient_color(RID p_probe, const Color &p_color) { +void RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_ambient_color(RID p_probe, const Color &p_color) { ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!reflection_probe); reflection_probe->ambient_color = p_color; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_ambient_energy(RID p_probe, float p_energy) { +void RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_ambient_energy(RID p_probe, float p_energy) { ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!reflection_probe); reflection_probe->ambient_color_energy = p_energy; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_max_distance(RID p_probe, float p_distance) { +void RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_max_distance(RID p_probe, float p_distance) { ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!reflection_probe); @@ -5249,7 +5295,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_max_distance(RID p_probe, float p reflection_probe->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_extents(RID p_probe, const Vector3 &p_extents) { +void RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_extents(RID p_probe, const Vector3 &p_extents) { ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!reflection_probe); @@ -5260,7 +5306,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_extents(RID p_probe, const Vector reflection_probe->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_origin_offset(RID p_probe, const Vector3 &p_offset) { +void RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_origin_offset(RID p_probe, const Vector3 &p_offset) { ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!reflection_probe); @@ -5268,7 +5314,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_origin_offset(RID p_probe, const reflection_probe->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_as_interior(RID p_probe, bool p_enable) { +void RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_as_interior(RID p_probe, bool p_enable) { ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!reflection_probe); @@ -5276,14 +5322,14 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_as_interior(RID p_probe, bool p_e reflection_probe->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_enable_box_projection(RID p_probe, bool p_enable) { +void RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_enable_box_projection(RID p_probe, bool p_enable) { ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!reflection_probe); reflection_probe->box_projection = p_enable; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_enable_shadows(RID p_probe, bool p_enable) { +void RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_enable_shadows(RID p_probe, bool p_enable) { ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!reflection_probe); @@ -5291,7 +5337,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_enable_shadows(RID p_probe, bool reflection_probe->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_cull_mask(RID p_probe, uint32_t p_layers) { +void RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_cull_mask(RID p_probe, uint32_t p_layers) { ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!reflection_probe); @@ -5299,7 +5345,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_cull_mask(RID p_probe, uint32_t p reflection_probe->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_resolution(RID p_probe, int p_resolution) { +void RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_resolution(RID p_probe, int p_resolution) { ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!reflection_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_resolution < 32); @@ -5307,7 +5353,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_resolution(RID p_probe, int p_res reflection_probe->resolution = p_resolution; } -AABB RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_aabb(RID p_probe) const { +AABB RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_aabb(RID p_probe) const { const ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!reflection_probe, AABB()); @@ -5318,107 +5364,107 @@ AABB RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_aabb(RID p_probe) const { return aabb; } -RS::ReflectionProbeUpdateMode RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_update_mode(RID p_probe) const { +RS::ReflectionProbeUpdateMode RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_update_mode(RID p_probe) const { const ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!reflection_probe, RS::REFLECTION_PROBE_UPDATE_ALWAYS); return reflection_probe->update_mode; } -uint32_t RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_cull_mask(RID p_probe) const { +uint32_t RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_cull_mask(RID p_probe) const { const ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!reflection_probe, 0); return reflection_probe->cull_mask; } -Vector3 RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_extents(RID p_probe) const { +Vector3 RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_extents(RID p_probe) const { const ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!reflection_probe, Vector3()); return reflection_probe->extents; } -Vector3 RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_origin_offset(RID p_probe) const { +Vector3 RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_origin_offset(RID p_probe) const { const ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!reflection_probe, Vector3()); return reflection_probe->origin_offset; } -bool RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_renders_shadows(RID p_probe) const { +bool RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_renders_shadows(RID p_probe) const { const ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!reflection_probe, false); return reflection_probe->enable_shadows; } -float RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_origin_max_distance(RID p_probe) const { +float RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_origin_max_distance(RID p_probe) const { const ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!reflection_probe, 0); return reflection_probe->max_distance; } -int RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_resolution(RID p_probe) const { +int RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_resolution(RID p_probe) const { const ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!reflection_probe, 0); return reflection_probe->resolution; } -float RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_intensity(RID p_probe) const { +float RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_intensity(RID p_probe) const { const ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!reflection_probe, 0); return reflection_probe->intensity; } -bool RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_is_interior(RID p_probe) const { +bool RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_is_interior(RID p_probe) const { const ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!reflection_probe, false); return reflection_probe->interior; } -bool RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_is_box_projection(RID p_probe) const { +bool RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_is_box_projection(RID p_probe) const { const ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!reflection_probe, false); return reflection_probe->box_projection; } -RS::ReflectionProbeAmbientMode RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_ambient_mode(RID p_probe) const { +RS::ReflectionProbeAmbientMode RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_ambient_mode(RID p_probe) const { const ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!reflection_probe, RS::REFLECTION_PROBE_AMBIENT_DISABLED); return reflection_probe->ambient_mode; } -Color RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_ambient_color(RID p_probe) const { +Color RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_ambient_color(RID p_probe) const { const ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!reflection_probe, Color()); return reflection_probe->ambient_color; } -float RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_ambient_color_energy(RID p_probe) const { +float RendererStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_ambient_color_energy(RID p_probe) const { const ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!reflection_probe, 0); return reflection_probe->ambient_color_energy; } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::decal_create() { +RID RendererStorageRD::decal_create() { return decal_owner.make_rid(Decal()); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::decal_set_extents(RID p_decal, const Vector3 &p_extents) { +void RendererStorageRD::decal_set_extents(RID p_decal, const Vector3 &p_extents) { Decal *decal = decal_owner.getornull(p_decal); ERR_FAIL_COND(!decal); decal->extents = p_extents; decal->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::decal_set_texture(RID p_decal, RS::DecalTexture p_type, RID p_texture) { +void RendererStorageRD::decal_set_texture(RID p_decal, RS::DecalTexture p_type, RID p_texture) { Decal *decal = decal_owner.getornull(p_decal); ERR_FAIL_COND(!decal); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_type, RS::DECAL_TEXTURE_MAX); @@ -5442,32 +5488,32 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::decal_set_texture(RID p_decal, RS::DecalTexture p_type decal->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(false, true); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::decal_set_emission_energy(RID p_decal, float p_energy) { +void RendererStorageRD::decal_set_emission_energy(RID p_decal, float p_energy) { Decal *decal = decal_owner.getornull(p_decal); ERR_FAIL_COND(!decal); decal->emission_energy = p_energy; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::decal_set_albedo_mix(RID p_decal, float p_mix) { +void RendererStorageRD::decal_set_albedo_mix(RID p_decal, float p_mix) { Decal *decal = decal_owner.getornull(p_decal); ERR_FAIL_COND(!decal); decal->albedo_mix = p_mix; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::decal_set_modulate(RID p_decal, const Color &p_modulate) { +void RendererStorageRD::decal_set_modulate(RID p_decal, const Color &p_modulate) { Decal *decal = decal_owner.getornull(p_decal); ERR_FAIL_COND(!decal); decal->modulate = p_modulate; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::decal_set_cull_mask(RID p_decal, uint32_t p_layers) { +void RendererStorageRD::decal_set_cull_mask(RID p_decal, uint32_t p_layers) { Decal *decal = decal_owner.getornull(p_decal); ERR_FAIL_COND(!decal); decal->cull_mask = p_layers; decal->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::decal_set_distance_fade(RID p_decal, bool p_enabled, float p_begin, float p_length) { +void RendererStorageRD::decal_set_distance_fade(RID p_decal, bool p_enabled, float p_begin, float p_length) { Decal *decal = decal_owner.getornull(p_decal); ERR_FAIL_COND(!decal); decal->distance_fade = p_enabled; @@ -5475,31 +5521,31 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::decal_set_distance_fade(RID p_decal, bool p_enabled, f decal->distance_fade_length = p_length; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::decal_set_fade(RID p_decal, float p_above, float p_below) { +void RendererStorageRD::decal_set_fade(RID p_decal, float p_above, float p_below) { Decal *decal = decal_owner.getornull(p_decal); ERR_FAIL_COND(!decal); decal->upper_fade = p_above; decal->lower_fade = p_below; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::decal_set_normal_fade(RID p_decal, float p_fade) { +void RendererStorageRD::decal_set_normal_fade(RID p_decal, float p_fade) { Decal *decal = decal_owner.getornull(p_decal); ERR_FAIL_COND(!decal); decal->normal_fade = p_fade; } -AABB RasterizerStorageRD::decal_get_aabb(RID p_decal) const { +AABB RendererStorageRD::decal_get_aabb(RID p_decal) const { Decal *decal = decal_owner.getornull(p_decal); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!decal, AABB()); return AABB(-decal->extents, decal->extents * 2.0); } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_create() { +RID RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_create() { return gi_probe_owner.make_rid(GIProbe()); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_allocate(RID p_gi_probe, const Transform &p_to_cell_xform, const AABB &p_aabb, const Vector3i &p_octree_size, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_octree_cells, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data_cells, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_distance_field, const Vector<int> &p_level_counts) { +void RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_allocate(RID p_gi_probe, const Transform &p_to_cell_xform, const AABB &p_aabb, const Vector3i &p_octree_size, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_octree_cells, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data_cells, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_distance_field, const Vector<int> &p_level_counts) { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!gi_probe); @@ -5542,7 +5588,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_allocate(RID p_gi_probe, const Transform &p_t tf.width = gi_probe->octree_size.x; tf.height = gi_probe->octree_size.y; tf.depth = gi_probe->octree_size.z; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_3D; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_3D; tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_UPDATE_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_COPY_FROM_BIT; Vector<Vector<uint8_t>> s; s.push_back(p_distance_field); @@ -5571,21 +5617,21 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_allocate(RID p_gi_probe, const Transform &p_t Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(gi_probe->octree_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 2; u.ids.push_back(gi_probe->data_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 3; u.ids.push_back(shared_tex); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -5624,20 +5670,20 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_allocate(RID p_gi_probe, const Transform &p_t gi_probe->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false); } -AABB RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_bounds(RID p_gi_probe) const { +AABB RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_get_bounds(RID p_gi_probe) const { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, AABB()); return gi_probe->bounds; } -Vector3i RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_octree_size(RID p_gi_probe) const { +Vector3i RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_get_octree_size(RID p_gi_probe) const { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, Vector3i()); return gi_probe->octree_size; } -Vector<uint8_t> RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_octree_cells(RID p_gi_probe) const { +Vector<uint8_t> RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_get_octree_cells(RID p_gi_probe) const { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, Vector<uint8_t>()); @@ -5647,7 +5693,7 @@ Vector<uint8_t> RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_octree_cells(RID p_gi_probe) c return Vector<uint8_t>(); } -Vector<uint8_t> RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_data_cells(RID p_gi_probe) const { +Vector<uint8_t> RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_get_data_cells(RID p_gi_probe) const { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, Vector<uint8_t>()); @@ -5657,7 +5703,7 @@ Vector<uint8_t> RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_data_cells(RID p_gi_probe) con return Vector<uint8_t>(); } -Vector<uint8_t> RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_distance_field(RID p_gi_probe) const { +Vector<uint8_t> RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_get_distance_field(RID p_gi_probe) const { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, Vector<uint8_t>()); @@ -5667,21 +5713,21 @@ Vector<uint8_t> RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_distance_field(RID p_gi_probe) return Vector<uint8_t>(); } -Vector<int> RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_level_counts(RID p_gi_probe) const { +Vector<int> RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_get_level_counts(RID p_gi_probe) const { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, Vector<int>()); return gi_probe->level_counts; } -Transform RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_to_cell_xform(RID p_gi_probe) const { +Transform RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_get_to_cell_xform(RID p_gi_probe) const { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, Transform()); return gi_probe->to_cell_xform; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_set_dynamic_range(RID p_gi_probe, float p_range) { +void RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_set_dynamic_range(RID p_gi_probe, float p_range) { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!gi_probe); @@ -5689,14 +5735,14 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_set_dynamic_range(RID p_gi_probe, float p_ran gi_probe->version++; } -float RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_dynamic_range(RID p_gi_probe) const { +float RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_get_dynamic_range(RID p_gi_probe) const { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, 0); return gi_probe->dynamic_range; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_set_propagation(RID p_gi_probe, float p_range) { +void RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_set_propagation(RID p_gi_probe, float p_range) { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!gi_probe); @@ -5704,98 +5750,98 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_set_propagation(RID p_gi_probe, float p_range gi_probe->version++; } -float RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_propagation(RID p_gi_probe) const { +float RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_get_propagation(RID p_gi_probe) const { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, 0); return gi_probe->propagation; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_set_energy(RID p_gi_probe, float p_energy) { +void RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_set_energy(RID p_gi_probe, float p_energy) { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!gi_probe); gi_probe->energy = p_energy; } -float RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_energy(RID p_gi_probe) const { +float RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_get_energy(RID p_gi_probe) const { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, 0); return gi_probe->energy; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_set_ao(RID p_gi_probe, float p_ao) { +void RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_set_ao(RID p_gi_probe, float p_ao) { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!gi_probe); gi_probe->ao = p_ao; } -float RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_ao(RID p_gi_probe) const { +float RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_get_ao(RID p_gi_probe) const { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, 0); return gi_probe->ao; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_set_ao_size(RID p_gi_probe, float p_strength) { +void RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_set_ao_size(RID p_gi_probe, float p_strength) { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!gi_probe); gi_probe->ao_size = p_strength; } -float RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_ao_size(RID p_gi_probe) const { +float RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_get_ao_size(RID p_gi_probe) const { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, 0); return gi_probe->ao_size; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_set_bias(RID p_gi_probe, float p_bias) { +void RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_set_bias(RID p_gi_probe, float p_bias) { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!gi_probe); gi_probe->bias = p_bias; } -float RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_bias(RID p_gi_probe) const { +float RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_get_bias(RID p_gi_probe) const { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, 0); return gi_probe->bias; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_set_normal_bias(RID p_gi_probe, float p_normal_bias) { +void RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_set_normal_bias(RID p_gi_probe, float p_normal_bias) { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!gi_probe); gi_probe->normal_bias = p_normal_bias; } -float RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_normal_bias(RID p_gi_probe) const { +float RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_get_normal_bias(RID p_gi_probe) const { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, 0); return gi_probe->normal_bias; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_set_anisotropy_strength(RID p_gi_probe, float p_strength) { +void RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_set_anisotropy_strength(RID p_gi_probe, float p_strength) { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!gi_probe); gi_probe->anisotropy_strength = p_strength; } -float RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_anisotropy_strength(RID p_gi_probe) const { +float RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_get_anisotropy_strength(RID p_gi_probe) const { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, 0); return gi_probe->anisotropy_strength; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_set_interior(RID p_gi_probe, bool p_enable) { +void RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_set_interior(RID p_gi_probe, bool p_enable) { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!gi_probe); gi_probe->interior = p_enable; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_set_use_two_bounces(RID p_gi_probe, bool p_enable) { +void RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_set_use_two_bounces(RID p_gi_probe, bool p_enable) { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND(!gi_probe); @@ -5803,43 +5849,43 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_set_use_two_bounces(RID p_gi_probe, bool p_en gi_probe->version++; } -bool RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_is_using_two_bounces(RID p_gi_probe) const { +bool RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_is_using_two_bounces(RID p_gi_probe) const { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, false); return gi_probe->use_two_bounces; } -bool RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_is_interior(RID p_gi_probe) const { +bool RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_is_interior(RID p_gi_probe) const { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, 0); return gi_probe->interior; } -uint32_t RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_version(RID p_gi_probe) { +uint32_t RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_get_version(RID p_gi_probe) { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, 0); return gi_probe->version; } -uint32_t RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_data_version(RID p_gi_probe) { +uint32_t RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_get_data_version(RID p_gi_probe) { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, 0); return gi_probe->data_version; } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_octree_buffer(RID p_gi_probe) const { +RID RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_get_octree_buffer(RID p_gi_probe) const { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, RID()); return gi_probe->octree_buffer; } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_data_buffer(RID p_gi_probe) const { +RID RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_get_data_buffer(RID p_gi_probe) const { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, RID()); return gi_probe->data_buffer; } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_sdf_texture(RID p_gi_probe) { +RID RendererStorageRD::gi_probe_get_sdf_texture(RID p_gi_probe) { GIProbe *gi_probe = gi_probe_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!gi_probe, RID()); @@ -5848,11 +5894,11 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::gi_probe_get_sdf_texture(RID p_gi_probe) { /* LIGHTMAP API */ -RID RasterizerStorageRD::lightmap_create() { +RID RendererStorageRD::lightmap_create() { return lightmap_owner.make_rid(Lightmap()); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::lightmap_set_textures(RID p_lightmap, RID p_light, bool p_uses_spherical_haromics) { +void RendererStorageRD::lightmap_set_textures(RID p_lightmap, RID p_light, bool p_uses_spherical_haromics) { Lightmap *lm = lightmap_owner.getornull(p_lightmap); ERR_FAIL_COND(!lm); @@ -5900,19 +5946,19 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::lightmap_set_textures(RID p_lightmap, RID p_light, boo } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::lightmap_set_probe_bounds(RID p_lightmap, const AABB &p_bounds) { +void RendererStorageRD::lightmap_set_probe_bounds(RID p_lightmap, const AABB &p_bounds) { Lightmap *lm = lightmap_owner.getornull(p_lightmap); ERR_FAIL_COND(!lm); lm->bounds = p_bounds; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::lightmap_set_probe_interior(RID p_lightmap, bool p_interior) { +void RendererStorageRD::lightmap_set_probe_interior(RID p_lightmap, bool p_interior) { Lightmap *lm = lightmap_owner.getornull(p_lightmap); ERR_FAIL_COND(!lm); lm->interior = p_interior; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::lightmap_set_probe_capture_data(RID p_lightmap, const PackedVector3Array &p_points, const PackedColorArray &p_point_sh, const PackedInt32Array &p_tetrahedra, const PackedInt32Array &p_bsp_tree) { +void RendererStorageRD::lightmap_set_probe_capture_data(RID p_lightmap, const PackedVector3Array &p_points, const PackedColorArray &p_point_sh, const PackedInt32Array &p_tetrahedra, const PackedInt32Array &p_bsp_tree) { Lightmap *lm = lightmap_owner.getornull(p_lightmap); ERR_FAIL_COND(!lm); @@ -5928,36 +5974,36 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::lightmap_set_probe_capture_data(RID p_lightmap, const lm->tetrahedra = p_tetrahedra; } -PackedVector3Array RasterizerStorageRD::lightmap_get_probe_capture_points(RID p_lightmap) const { +PackedVector3Array RendererStorageRD::lightmap_get_probe_capture_points(RID p_lightmap) const { Lightmap *lm = lightmap_owner.getornull(p_lightmap); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!lm, PackedVector3Array()); return lm->points; } -PackedColorArray RasterizerStorageRD::lightmap_get_probe_capture_sh(RID p_lightmap) const { +PackedColorArray RendererStorageRD::lightmap_get_probe_capture_sh(RID p_lightmap) const { Lightmap *lm = lightmap_owner.getornull(p_lightmap); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!lm, PackedColorArray()); return lm->point_sh; } -PackedInt32Array RasterizerStorageRD::lightmap_get_probe_capture_tetrahedra(RID p_lightmap) const { +PackedInt32Array RendererStorageRD::lightmap_get_probe_capture_tetrahedra(RID p_lightmap) const { Lightmap *lm = lightmap_owner.getornull(p_lightmap); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!lm, PackedInt32Array()); return lm->tetrahedra; } -PackedInt32Array RasterizerStorageRD::lightmap_get_probe_capture_bsp_tree(RID p_lightmap) const { +PackedInt32Array RendererStorageRD::lightmap_get_probe_capture_bsp_tree(RID p_lightmap) const { Lightmap *lm = lightmap_owner.getornull(p_lightmap); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!lm, PackedInt32Array()); return lm->bsp_tree; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::lightmap_set_probe_capture_update_speed(float p_speed) { +void RendererStorageRD::lightmap_set_probe_capture_update_speed(float p_speed) { lightmap_probe_capture_update_speed = p_speed; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::lightmap_tap_sh_light(RID p_lightmap, const Vector3 &p_point, Color *r_sh) { +void RendererStorageRD::lightmap_tap_sh_light(RID p_lightmap, const Vector3 &p_point, Color *r_sh) { Lightmap *lm = lightmap_owner.getornull(p_lightmap); ERR_FAIL_COND(!lm); @@ -6007,13 +6053,13 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::lightmap_tap_sh_light(RID p_lightmap, const Vector3 &p } } -bool RasterizerStorageRD::lightmap_is_interior(RID p_lightmap) const { +bool RendererStorageRD::lightmap_is_interior(RID p_lightmap) const { const Lightmap *lm = lightmap_owner.getornull(p_lightmap); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!lm, false); return lm->interior; } -AABB RasterizerStorageRD::lightmap_get_aabb(RID p_lightmap) const { +AABB RendererStorageRD::lightmap_get_aabb(RID p_lightmap) const { const Lightmap *lm = lightmap_owner.getornull(p_lightmap); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!lm, AABB()); return lm->bounds; @@ -6021,7 +6067,7 @@ AABB RasterizerStorageRD::lightmap_get_aabb(RID p_lightmap) const { /* RENDER TARGET API */ -void RasterizerStorageRD::_clear_render_target(RenderTarget *rt) { +void RendererStorageRD::_clear_render_target(RenderTarget *rt) { //free in reverse dependency order if (rt->framebuffer.is_valid()) { RD::get_singleton()->free(rt->framebuffer); @@ -6049,7 +6095,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_clear_render_target(RenderTarget *rt) { rt->color = RID(); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::_update_render_target(RenderTarget *rt) { +void RendererStorageRD::_update_render_target(RenderTarget *rt) { if (rt->texture.is_null()) { //create a placeholder until updated rt->texture = texture_2d_placeholder_create(); @@ -6076,7 +6122,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_update_render_target(RenderTarget *rt) { rd_format.depth = 1; rd_format.array_layers = 1; rd_format.mipmaps = 1; - rd_format.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; + rd_format.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; rd_format.samples = RD::TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1; rd_format.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_COPY_FROM_BIT; rd_format.shareable_formats.push_back(rt->color_format); @@ -6137,7 +6183,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_update_render_target(RenderTarget *rt) { } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::_create_render_target_backbuffer(RenderTarget *rt) { +void RendererStorageRD::_create_render_target_backbuffer(RenderTarget *rt) { ERR_FAIL_COND(rt->backbuffer.is_valid()); uint32_t mipmaps_required = Image::get_image_required_mipmaps(rt->size.width, rt->size.height, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8); @@ -6145,7 +6191,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_create_render_target_backbuffer(RenderTarget *rt) { tf.format = rt->color_format; tf.width = rt->size.width; tf.height = rt->size.height; - tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; + tf.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_COPY_TO_BIT; tf.mipmaps = mipmaps_required; @@ -6185,7 +6231,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_create_render_target_backbuffer(RenderTarget *rt) { } } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_create() { +RID RendererStorageRD::render_target_create() { RenderTarget render_target; render_target.was_used = false; @@ -6198,11 +6244,11 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_create() { return render_target_owner.make_rid(render_target); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_set_position(RID p_render_target, int p_x, int p_y) { +void RendererStorageRD::render_target_set_position(RID p_render_target, int p_x, int p_y) { //unused for this render target } -void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_set_size(RID p_render_target, int p_width, int p_height) { +void RendererStorageRD::render_target_set_size(RID p_render_target, int p_width, int p_height) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rt); rt->size.x = p_width; @@ -6210,63 +6256,63 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_set_size(RID p_render_target, int p_widt _update_render_target(rt); } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_get_texture(RID p_render_target) { +RID RendererStorageRD::render_target_get_texture(RID p_render_target) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rt, RID()); return rt->texture; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_set_external_texture(RID p_render_target, unsigned int p_texture_id) { +void RendererStorageRD::render_target_set_external_texture(RID p_render_target, unsigned int p_texture_id) { } -void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_set_flag(RID p_render_target, RenderTargetFlags p_flag, bool p_value) { +void RendererStorageRD::render_target_set_flag(RID p_render_target, RenderTargetFlags p_flag, bool p_value) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rt); rt->flags[p_flag] = p_value; _update_render_target(rt); } -bool RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_was_used(RID p_render_target) { +bool RendererStorageRD::render_target_was_used(RID p_render_target) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rt, false); return rt->was_used; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_set_as_unused(RID p_render_target) { +void RendererStorageRD::render_target_set_as_unused(RID p_render_target) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rt); rt->was_used = false; } -Size2 RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_get_size(RID p_render_target) { +Size2 RendererStorageRD::render_target_get_size(RID p_render_target) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rt, Size2()); return rt->size; } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_get_rd_framebuffer(RID p_render_target) { +RID RendererStorageRD::render_target_get_rd_framebuffer(RID p_render_target) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rt, RID()); return rt->framebuffer; } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_get_rd_texture(RID p_render_target) { +RID RendererStorageRD::render_target_get_rd_texture(RID p_render_target) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rt, RID()); return rt->color; } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_get_rd_backbuffer(RID p_render_target) { +RID RendererStorageRD::render_target_get_rd_backbuffer(RID p_render_target) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rt, RID()); return rt->backbuffer; } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_get_rd_backbuffer_framebuffer(RID p_render_target) { +RID RendererStorageRD::render_target_get_rd_backbuffer_framebuffer(RID p_render_target) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rt, RID()); @@ -6277,32 +6323,32 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_get_rd_backbuffer_framebuffer(RID p_rende return rt->backbuffer_fb; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_request_clear(RID p_render_target, const Color &p_clear_color) { +void RendererStorageRD::render_target_request_clear(RID p_render_target, const Color &p_clear_color) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rt); rt->clear_requested = true; rt->clear_color = p_clear_color; } -bool RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_is_clear_requested(RID p_render_target) { +bool RendererStorageRD::render_target_is_clear_requested(RID p_render_target) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rt, false); return rt->clear_requested; } -Color RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_get_clear_request_color(RID p_render_target) { +Color RendererStorageRD::render_target_get_clear_request_color(RID p_render_target) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rt, Color()); return rt->clear_color; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_disable_clear_request(RID p_render_target) { +void RendererStorageRD::render_target_disable_clear_request(RID p_render_target) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rt); rt->clear_requested = false; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_do_clear_request(RID p_render_target) { +void RendererStorageRD::render_target_do_clear_request(RID p_render_target) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rt); if (!rt->clear_requested) { @@ -6315,7 +6361,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_do_clear_request(RID p_render_target) { rt->clear_requested = false; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_set_sdf_size_and_scale(RID p_render_target, RS::ViewportSDFOversize p_size, RS::ViewportSDFScale p_scale) { +void RendererStorageRD::render_target_set_sdf_size_and_scale(RID p_render_target, RS::ViewportSDFOversize p_size, RS::ViewportSDFScale p_scale) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rt); if (rt->sdf_oversize == p_size && rt->sdf_scale == p_scale) { @@ -6328,7 +6374,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_set_sdf_size_and_scale(RID p_render_targ _render_target_clear_sdf(rt); } -Rect2i RasterizerStorageRD::_render_target_get_sdf_rect(const RenderTarget *rt) const { +Rect2i RendererStorageRD::_render_target_get_sdf_rect(const RenderTarget *rt) const { Size2i margin; int scale; switch (rt->sdf_oversize) { @@ -6357,14 +6403,14 @@ Rect2i RasterizerStorageRD::_render_target_get_sdf_rect(const RenderTarget *rt) return r; } -Rect2i RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_get_sdf_rect(RID p_render_target) const { +Rect2i RendererStorageRD::render_target_get_sdf_rect(RID p_render_target) const { const RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rt, Rect2i()); return _render_target_get_sdf_rect(rt); } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_get_sdf_texture(RID p_render_target) { +RID RendererStorageRD::render_target_get_sdf_texture(RID p_render_target) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rt, RID()); if (rt->sdf_buffer_read.is_null()) { @@ -6374,7 +6420,7 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_get_sdf_texture(RID p_render_target) { tformat.width = 4; tformat.height = 4; tformat.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT; - tformat.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; + tformat.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; Vector<uint8_t> pv; pv.resize(16 * 4); @@ -6387,7 +6433,7 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_get_sdf_texture(RID p_render_target) { return rt->sdf_buffer_read; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::_render_target_allocate_sdf(RenderTarget *rt) { +void RendererStorageRD::_render_target_allocate_sdf(RenderTarget *rt) { ERR_FAIL_COND(rt->sdf_buffer_write_fb.is_valid()); if (rt->sdf_buffer_read.is_valid()) { RD::get_singleton()->free(rt->sdf_buffer_read); @@ -6401,7 +6447,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_render_target_allocate_sdf(RenderTarget *rt) { tformat.width = size.width; tformat.height = size.height; tformat.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT; - tformat.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; + tformat.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; rt->sdf_buffer_write = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tformat, RD::TextureView()); @@ -6448,28 +6494,28 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_render_target_allocate_sdf(RenderTarget *rt) { Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 1; u.ids.push_back(rt->sdf_buffer_write); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 2; u.ids.push_back(rt->sdf_buffer_read); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 3; u.ids.push_back(rt->sdf_buffer_process[0]); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 4; u.ids.push_back(rt->sdf_buffer_process[1]); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -6481,7 +6527,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_render_target_allocate_sdf(RenderTarget *rt) { } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::_render_target_clear_sdf(RenderTarget *rt) { +void RendererStorageRD::_render_target_clear_sdf(RenderTarget *rt) { if (rt->sdf_buffer_read.is_valid()) { RD::get_singleton()->free(rt->sdf_buffer_read); rt->sdf_buffer_read = RID(); @@ -6499,7 +6545,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_render_target_clear_sdf(RenderTarget *rt) { } } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_get_sdf_framebuffer(RID p_render_target) { +RID RendererStorageRD::render_target_get_sdf_framebuffer(RID p_render_target) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rt, RID()); @@ -6509,7 +6555,7 @@ RID RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_get_sdf_framebuffer(RID p_render_target) return rt->sdf_buffer_write_fb; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_sdf_process(RID p_render_target) { +void RendererStorageRD::render_target_sdf_process(RID p_render_target) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rt); ERR_FAIL_COND(rt->sdf_buffer_write_fb.is_null()); @@ -6584,7 +6630,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_sdf_process(RID p_render_target) { RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_copy_to_back_buffer(RID p_render_target, const Rect2i &p_region, bool p_gen_mipmaps) { +void RendererStorageRD::render_target_copy_to_back_buffer(RID p_render_target, const Rect2i &p_region, bool p_gen_mipmaps) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rt); if (!rt->backbuffer.is_valid()) { @@ -6624,7 +6670,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_copy_to_back_buffer(RID p_render_target, } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_clear_back_buffer(RID p_render_target, const Rect2i &p_region, const Color &p_color) { +void RendererStorageRD::render_target_clear_back_buffer(RID p_render_target, const Rect2i &p_region, const Color &p_color) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rt); if (!rt->backbuffer.is_valid()) { @@ -6645,7 +6691,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_clear_back_buffer(RID p_render_target, c effects.set_color(rt->backbuffer_mipmap0, p_color, region, true); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_gen_back_buffer_mipmaps(RID p_render_target, const Rect2i &p_region) { +void RendererStorageRD::render_target_gen_back_buffer_mipmaps(RID p_render_target, const Rect2i &p_region) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rt); if (!rt->backbuffer.is_valid()) { @@ -6677,29 +6723,29 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_gen_back_buffer_mipmaps(RID p_render_tar } } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_get_framebuffer_uniform_set(RID p_render_target) { +RID RendererStorageRD::render_target_get_framebuffer_uniform_set(RID p_render_target) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rt, RID()); return rt->framebuffer_uniform_set; } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_get_backbuffer_uniform_set(RID p_render_target) { +RID RendererStorageRD::render_target_get_backbuffer_uniform_set(RID p_render_target) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rt, RID()); return rt->backbuffer_uniform_set; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_set_framebuffer_uniform_set(RID p_render_target, RID p_uniform_set) { +void RendererStorageRD::render_target_set_framebuffer_uniform_set(RID p_render_target, RID p_uniform_set) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rt); rt->framebuffer_uniform_set = p_uniform_set; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::render_target_set_backbuffer_uniform_set(RID p_render_target, RID p_uniform_set) { +void RendererStorageRD::render_target_set_backbuffer_uniform_set(RID p_render_target, RID p_uniform_set) { RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target); ERR_FAIL_COND(!rt); rt->backbuffer_uniform_set = p_uniform_set; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::base_update_dependency(RID p_base, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance) { +void RendererStorageRD::base_update_dependency(RID p_base, InstanceBaseDependency *p_instance) { if (mesh_owner.owns(p_base)) { Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_base); p_instance->update_dependency(&mesh->instance_dependency); @@ -6733,14 +6779,14 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::base_update_dependency(RID p_base, RasterizerScene::In } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::skeleton_update_dependency(RID p_skeleton, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance) { +void RendererStorageRD::skeleton_update_dependency(RID p_skeleton, InstanceBaseDependency *p_instance) { Skeleton *skeleton = skeleton_owner.getornull(p_skeleton); ERR_FAIL_COND(!skeleton); p_instance->update_dependency(&skeleton->instance_dependency); } -RS::InstanceType RasterizerStorageRD::get_base_type(RID p_rid) const { +RS::InstanceType RendererStorageRD::get_base_type(RID p_rid) const { if (mesh_owner.owns(p_rid)) { return RS::INSTANCE_MESH; } @@ -6772,7 +6818,7 @@ RS::InstanceType RasterizerStorageRD::get_base_type(RID p_rid) const { return RS::INSTANCE_NONE; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::texture_add_to_decal_atlas(RID p_texture, bool p_panorama_to_dp) { +void RendererStorageRD::texture_add_to_decal_atlas(RID p_texture, bool p_panorama_to_dp) { if (!decal_atlas.textures.has(p_texture)) { DecalAtlas::Texture t; t.users = 1; @@ -6788,7 +6834,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::texture_add_to_decal_atlas(RID p_texture, bool p_panor } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::texture_remove_from_decal_atlas(RID p_texture, bool p_panorama_to_dp) { +void RendererStorageRD::texture_remove_from_decal_atlas(RID p_texture, bool p_panorama_to_dp) { DecalAtlas::Texture *t = decal_atlas.textures.getptr(p_texture); ERR_FAIL_COND(!t); t->users--; @@ -6802,15 +6848,15 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::texture_remove_from_decal_atlas(RID p_texture, bool p_ } } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::decal_atlas_get_texture() const { +RID RendererStorageRD::decal_atlas_get_texture() const { return decal_atlas.texture; } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::decal_atlas_get_texture_srgb() const { +RID RendererStorageRD::decal_atlas_get_texture_srgb() const { return decal_atlas.texture_srgb; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::_update_decal_atlas() { +void RendererStorageRD::_update_decal_atlas() { if (!decal_atlas.dirty) { return; //nothing to do } @@ -6937,7 +6983,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_update_decal_atlas() { tformat.width = decal_atlas.size.width; tformat.height = decal_atlas.size.height; tformat.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_COPY_TO_BIT; - tformat.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; + tformat.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; tformat.mipmaps = decal_atlas.mipmaps; tformat.shareable_formats.push_back(RD::DATA_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM); tformat.shareable_formats.push_back(RD::DATA_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB); @@ -7002,7 +7048,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_update_decal_atlas() { } } -int32_t RasterizerStorageRD::_global_variable_allocate(uint32_t p_elements) { +int32_t RendererStorageRD::_global_variable_allocate(uint32_t p_elements) { int32_t idx = 0; while (idx + p_elements <= global_variables.buffer_size) { if (global_variables.buffer_usage[idx].elements == 0) { @@ -7028,7 +7074,7 @@ int32_t RasterizerStorageRD::_global_variable_allocate(uint32_t p_elements) { return -1; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::_global_variable_store_in_buffer(int32_t p_index, RS::GlobalVariableType p_type, const Variant &p_value) { +void RendererStorageRD::_global_variable_store_in_buffer(int32_t p_index, RS::GlobalVariableType p_type, const Variant &p_value) { switch (p_type) { case RS::GLOBAL_VAR_TYPE_BOOL: { GlobalVariables::Value &bv = global_variables.buffer_values[p_index]; @@ -7305,7 +7351,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_global_variable_store_in_buffer(int32_t p_index, RS:: } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::_global_variable_mark_buffer_dirty(int32_t p_index, int32_t p_elements) { +void RendererStorageRD::_global_variable_mark_buffer_dirty(int32_t p_index, int32_t p_elements) { int32_t prev_chunk = -1; for (int32_t i = 0; i < p_elements; i++) { @@ -7321,7 +7367,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_global_variable_mark_buffer_dirty(int32_t p_index, in } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::global_variable_add(const StringName &p_name, RS::GlobalVariableType p_type, const Variant &p_value) { +void RendererStorageRD::global_variable_add(const StringName &p_name, RS::GlobalVariableType p_type, const Variant &p_value) { ERR_FAIL_COND(global_variables.variables.has(p_name)); GlobalVariables::Variable gv; gv.type = p_type; @@ -7359,7 +7405,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::global_variable_add(const StringName &p_name, RS::Glob global_variables.variables[p_name] = gv; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::global_variable_remove(const StringName &p_name) { +void RendererStorageRD::global_variable_remove(const StringName &p_name) { if (!global_variables.variables.has(p_name)) { return; } @@ -7375,7 +7421,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::global_variable_remove(const StringName &p_name) { global_variables.variables.erase(p_name); } -Vector<StringName> RasterizerStorageRD::global_variable_get_list() const { +Vector<StringName> RendererStorageRD::global_variable_get_list() const { if (!Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(Vector<StringName>(), "This function should never be used outside the editor, it can severely damage performance."); } @@ -7389,7 +7435,7 @@ Vector<StringName> RasterizerStorageRD::global_variable_get_list() const { return names; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::global_variable_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { +void RendererStorageRD::global_variable_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!global_variables.variables.has(p_name)); GlobalVariables::Variable &gv = global_variables.variables[p_name]; gv.value = p_value; @@ -7409,7 +7455,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::global_variable_set(const StringName &p_name, const Va } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::global_variable_set_override(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { +void RendererStorageRD::global_variable_set_override(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { if (!global_variables.variables.has(p_name)) { return; //variable may not exist } @@ -7437,7 +7483,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::global_variable_set_override(const StringName &p_name, } } -Variant RasterizerStorageRD::global_variable_get(const StringName &p_name) const { +Variant RendererStorageRD::global_variable_get(const StringName &p_name) const { if (!Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(Variant(), "This function should never be used outside the editor, it can severely damage performance."); } @@ -7449,7 +7495,7 @@ Variant RasterizerStorageRD::global_variable_get(const StringName &p_name) const return global_variables.variables[p_name].value; } -RS::GlobalVariableType RasterizerStorageRD::global_variable_get_type_internal(const StringName &p_name) const { +RS::GlobalVariableType RendererStorageRD::global_variable_get_type_internal(const StringName &p_name) const { if (!global_variables.variables.has(p_name)) { return RS::GLOBAL_VAR_TYPE_MAX; } @@ -7457,7 +7503,7 @@ RS::GlobalVariableType RasterizerStorageRD::global_variable_get_type_internal(co return global_variables.variables[p_name].type; } -RS::GlobalVariableType RasterizerStorageRD::global_variable_get_type(const StringName &p_name) const { +RS::GlobalVariableType RendererStorageRD::global_variable_get_type(const StringName &p_name) const { if (!Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(RS::GLOBAL_VAR_TYPE_MAX, "This function should never be used outside the editor, it can severely damage performance."); } @@ -7465,7 +7511,7 @@ RS::GlobalVariableType RasterizerStorageRD::global_variable_get_type(const Strin return global_variable_get_type_internal(p_name); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::global_variables_load_settings(bool p_load_textures) { +void RendererStorageRD::global_variables_load_settings(bool p_load_textures) { List<PropertyInfo> settings; ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_property_list(&settings); @@ -7546,15 +7592,15 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::global_variables_load_settings(bool p_load_textures) { } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::global_variables_clear() { +void RendererStorageRD::global_variables_clear() { global_variables.variables.clear(); //not right but for now enough } -RID RasterizerStorageRD::global_variables_get_storage_buffer() const { +RID RendererStorageRD::global_variables_get_storage_buffer() const { return global_variables.buffer; } -int32_t RasterizerStorageRD::global_variables_instance_allocate(RID p_instance) { +int32_t RendererStorageRD::global_variables_instance_allocate(RID p_instance) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(global_variables.instance_buffer_pos.has(p_instance), -1); int32_t pos = _global_variable_allocate(ShaderLanguage::MAX_INSTANCE_UNIFORM_INDICES); global_variables.instance_buffer_pos[p_instance] = pos; //save anyway @@ -7563,7 +7609,7 @@ int32_t RasterizerStorageRD::global_variables_instance_allocate(RID p_instance) return pos; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::global_variables_instance_free(RID p_instance) { +void RendererStorageRD::global_variables_instance_free(RID p_instance) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!global_variables.instance_buffer_pos.has(p_instance)); int32_t pos = global_variables.instance_buffer_pos[p_instance]; if (pos >= 0) { @@ -7572,7 +7618,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::global_variables_instance_free(RID p_instance) { global_variables.instance_buffer_pos.erase(p_instance); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::global_variables_instance_update(RID p_instance, int p_index, const Variant &p_value) { +void RendererStorageRD::global_variables_instance_update(RID p_instance, int p_index, const Variant &p_value) { if (!global_variables.instance_buffer_pos.has(p_instance)) { return; //just not allocated, ignore } @@ -7615,7 +7661,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::global_variables_instance_update(RID p_instance, int p _global_variable_mark_buffer_dirty(pos, 1); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::_update_global_variables() { +void RendererStorageRD::_update_global_variables() { if (global_variables.buffer_dirty_region_count > 0) { uint32_t total_regions = global_variables.buffer_size / GlobalVariables::BUFFER_DIRTY_REGION_SIZE; if (total_regions / global_variables.buffer_dirty_region_count <= 4) { @@ -7665,7 +7711,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::_update_global_variables() { } } -void RasterizerStorageRD::update_dirty_resources() { +void RendererStorageRD::update_dirty_resources() { _update_global_variables(); //must do before materials, so it can queue them for update _update_queued_materials(); _update_dirty_multimeshes(); @@ -7673,7 +7719,7 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::update_dirty_resources() { _update_decal_atlas(); } -bool RasterizerStorageRD::has_os_feature(const String &p_feature) const { +bool RendererStorageRD::has_os_feature(const String &p_feature) const { if (p_feature == "rgtc" && RD::get_singleton()->texture_is_format_supported_for_usage(RD::DATA_FORMAT_BC5_UNORM_BLOCK, RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT)) { return true; } @@ -7697,7 +7743,7 @@ bool RasterizerStorageRD::has_os_feature(const String &p_feature) const { return false; } -bool RasterizerStorageRD::free(RID p_rid) { +bool RendererStorageRD::free(RID p_rid) { if (texture_owner.owns(p_rid)) { Texture *t = texture_owner.getornull(p_rid); @@ -7840,41 +7886,41 @@ bool RasterizerStorageRD::free(RID p_rid) { return true; } -RasterizerEffectsRD *RasterizerStorageRD::get_effects() { +EffectsRD *RendererStorageRD::get_effects() { return &effects; } -void RasterizerStorageRD::capture_timestamps_begin() { +void RendererStorageRD::capture_timestamps_begin() { RD::get_singleton()->capture_timestamp("Frame Begin", false); } -void RasterizerStorageRD::capture_timestamp(const String &p_name) { +void RendererStorageRD::capture_timestamp(const String &p_name) { RD::get_singleton()->capture_timestamp(p_name, true); } -uint32_t RasterizerStorageRD::get_captured_timestamps_count() const { +uint32_t RendererStorageRD::get_captured_timestamps_count() const { return RD::get_singleton()->get_captured_timestamps_count(); } -uint64_t RasterizerStorageRD::get_captured_timestamps_frame() const { +uint64_t RendererStorageRD::get_captured_timestamps_frame() const { return RD::get_singleton()->get_captured_timestamps_frame(); } -uint64_t RasterizerStorageRD::get_captured_timestamp_gpu_time(uint32_t p_index) const { +uint64_t RendererStorageRD::get_captured_timestamp_gpu_time(uint32_t p_index) const { return RD::get_singleton()->get_captured_timestamp_gpu_time(p_index); } -uint64_t RasterizerStorageRD::get_captured_timestamp_cpu_time(uint32_t p_index) const { +uint64_t RendererStorageRD::get_captured_timestamp_cpu_time(uint32_t p_index) const { return RD::get_singleton()->get_captured_timestamp_cpu_time(p_index); } -String RasterizerStorageRD::get_captured_timestamp_name(uint32_t p_index) const { +String RendererStorageRD::get_captured_timestamp_name(uint32_t p_index) const { return RD::get_singleton()->get_captured_timestamp_name(p_index); } -RasterizerStorageRD *RasterizerStorageRD::base_singleton = nullptr; +RendererStorageRD *RendererStorageRD::base_singleton = nullptr; -RasterizerStorageRD::RasterizerStorageRD() { +RendererStorageRD::RendererStorageRD() { base_singleton = this; for (int i = 0; i < SHADER_TYPE_MAX; i++) { @@ -7900,7 +7946,7 @@ RasterizerStorageRD::RasterizerStorageRD() { tformat.width = 4; tformat.height = 4; tformat.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_UPDATE_BIT; - tformat.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; + tformat.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; Vector<uint8_t> pv; pv.resize(16 * 4); @@ -7992,7 +8038,7 @@ RasterizerStorageRD::RasterizerStorageRD() { tformat.height = 4; tformat.array_layers = 6; tformat.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_UPDATE_BIT; - tformat.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY; + tformat.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY; Vector<uint8_t> pv; pv.resize(16 * 4); @@ -8020,7 +8066,7 @@ RasterizerStorageRD::RasterizerStorageRD() { tformat.height = 4; tformat.array_layers = 6; tformat.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_UPDATE_BIT; - tformat.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE; + tformat.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE; Vector<uint8_t> pv; pv.resize(16 * 4); @@ -8048,7 +8094,7 @@ RasterizerStorageRD::RasterizerStorageRD() { tformat.height = 4; tformat.array_layers = 6; tformat.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_UPDATE_BIT; - tformat.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE; + tformat.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE; Vector<uint8_t> pv; pv.resize(16 * 4); @@ -8076,7 +8122,7 @@ RasterizerStorageRD::RasterizerStorageRD() { tformat.height = 4; tformat.depth = 4; tformat.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_UPDATE_BIT; - tformat.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_3D; + tformat.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_3D; Vector<uint8_t> pv; pv.resize(64 * 4); @@ -8102,7 +8148,7 @@ RasterizerStorageRD::RasterizerStorageRD() { tformat.height = 4; tformat.array_layers = 1; tformat.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_UPDATE_BIT; - tformat.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D_ARRAY; + tformat.texture_type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D_ARRAY; Vector<uint8_t> pv; pv.resize(16 * 4); @@ -8263,6 +8309,19 @@ RasterizerStorageRD::RasterizerStorageRD() { mesh_default_rd_buffers[DEFAULT_RD_BUFFER_TEX_UV2] = RD::get_singleton()->vertex_buffer_create(buffer.size(), buffer); } + for (int i = 0; i < RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM_COUNT; i++) { + buffer.resize(sizeof(float) * 4); + { + uint8_t *w = buffer.ptrw(); + float *fptr = (float *)w; + fptr[0] = 0.0; + fptr[1] = 0.0; + fptr[2] = 0.0; + fptr[3] = 0.0; + } + mesh_default_rd_buffers[DEFAULT_RD_BUFFER_CUSTOM0 + i] = RD::get_singleton()->vertex_buffer_create(buffer.size(), buffer); + } + { //bones buffer.resize(sizeof(uint32_t) * 4); { @@ -8325,8 +8384,8 @@ RasterizerStorageRD::RasterizerStorageRD() { particles_modes.push_back(""); particles_shader.shader.initialize(particles_modes, String()); } - shader_set_data_request_function(RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_PARTICLES, _create_particles_shader_funcs); - material_set_data_request_function(RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_PARTICLES, _create_particles_material_funcs); + shader_set_data_request_function(RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_PARTICLES, _create_particles_shader_funcs); + material_set_data_request_function(RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_PARTICLES, _create_particles_material_funcs); { ShaderCompilerRD::DefaultIdentifierActions actions; @@ -8387,14 +8446,14 @@ RasterizerStorageRD::RasterizerStorageRD() { particles_shader.default_material = material_create(); material_set_shader(particles_shader.default_material, particles_shader.default_shader); - ParticlesMaterialData *md = (ParticlesMaterialData *)material_get_data(particles_shader.default_material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_PARTICLES); + ParticlesMaterialData *md = (ParticlesMaterialData *)material_get_data(particles_shader.default_material, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_PARTICLES); particles_shader.default_shader_rd = particles_shader.shader.version_get_shader(md->shader_data->version, 0); Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER; u.binding = 1; u.ids.resize(12); RID *ids_ptr = u.ids.ptrw(); @@ -8415,7 +8474,7 @@ RasterizerStorageRD::RasterizerStorageRD() { { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 2; u.ids.push_back(global_variables_get_storage_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -8460,7 +8519,7 @@ RasterizerStorageRD::RasterizerStorageRD() { } } -RasterizerStorageRD::~RasterizerStorageRD() { +RendererStorageRD::~RendererStorageRD() { memdelete_arr(global_variables.buffer_values); memdelete_arr(global_variables.buffer_usage); memdelete_arr(global_variables.buffer_dirty_regions); @@ -8485,6 +8544,7 @@ RasterizerStorageRD::~RasterizerStorageRD() { giprobe_sdf_shader.version_free(giprobe_sdf_shader_version); particles_shader.copy_shader.version_free(particles_shader.copy_shader_version); + rt_sdf.shader.version_free(rt_sdf.shader_version); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->free(particles_shader.default_material); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->free(particles_shader.default_shader); diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_storage_rd.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.h index 42dd0616b0..b6a26fc9d0 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_storage_rd.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* rasterizer_storage_rd.h */ +/* renderer_storage_rd.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,20 +28,21 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#ifndef RASTERIZER_STORAGE_RD_H -#define RASTERIZER_STORAGE_RD_H +#ifndef RENDERING_SERVER_STORAGE_RD_H +#define RENDERING_SERVER_STORAGE_RD_H #include "core/templates/rid_owner.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_effects_rd.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shader_compiler_rd.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/canvas_sdf.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/giprobe_sdf.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/particles.glsl.gen.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/particles_copy.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects_rd.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shader_compiler_rd.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/canvas_sdf.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/giprobe_sdf.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/particles.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/particles_copy.glsl.gen.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_scene_render.h" #include "servers/rendering/rendering_device.h" -class RasterizerStorageRD : public RasterizerStorage { +class RendererStorageRD : public RendererStorage { public: static _FORCE_INLINE_ void store_transform(const Transform &p_mtx, float *p_array) { p_array[0] = p_mtx.basis.elements[0][0]; @@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ public: virtual ~MaterialData(); private: - friend class RasterizerStorageRD; + friend class RendererStorageRD; RID self; List<RID>::Element *global_buffer_E = nullptr; List<RID>::Element *global_texture_E = nullptr; @@ -170,6 +171,10 @@ public: DEFAULT_RD_BUFFER_COLOR, DEFAULT_RD_BUFFER_TEX_UV, DEFAULT_RD_BUFFER_TEX_UV2, + DEFAULT_RD_BUFFER_CUSTOM0, + DEFAULT_RD_BUFFER_CUSTOM1, + DEFAULT_RD_BUFFER_CUSTOM2, + DEFAULT_RD_BUFFER_CUSTOM3, DEFAULT_RD_BUFFER_BONES, DEFAULT_RD_BUFFER_WEIGHTS, DEFAULT_RD_BUFFER_MAX, @@ -360,7 +365,7 @@ private: Map<StringName, Variant> params; int32_t priority; RID next_pass; - RasterizerScene::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; + RendererStorage::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; }; MaterialDataRequestFunction material_data_request_func[SHADER_TYPE_MAX]; @@ -378,6 +383,8 @@ private: uint32_t format = 0; RID vertex_buffer; + RID attribute_buffer; + RID skin_buffer; uint32_t vertex_count = 0; // A different pipeline needs to be allocated @@ -414,8 +421,7 @@ private: Vector<AABB> bone_aabbs; - Vector<RID> blend_shapes; - RID blend_shape_base_buffer; //source buffer goes here when using blend shapes, and main one is uncompressed + RID blend_shape_buffer; RID material; @@ -442,7 +448,7 @@ private: Vector<RID> material_cache; - RasterizerScene::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; + RendererStorage::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; }; mutable RID_Owner<Mesh> mesh_owner; @@ -476,7 +482,7 @@ private: bool dirty = false; MultiMesh *dirty_list = nullptr; - RasterizerScene::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; + RendererStorage::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; }; mutable RID_Owner<MultiMesh> multimesh_owner; @@ -647,7 +653,7 @@ private: ParticleEmissionBuffer *emission_buffer = nullptr; RID emission_storage_buffer; - Set<RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *> collisions; + Set<RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase *> collisions; Particles() : inactive(true), @@ -674,7 +680,7 @@ private: clear(true) { } - RasterizerScene::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; + RendererStorage::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; ParticlesFrameParams frame_params; }; @@ -729,7 +735,7 @@ private: bool valid; RID version; - //RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD pipelines[SKY_VERSION_MAX]; + //PipelineCacheRD pipelines[SKY_VERSION_MAX]; Map<StringName, ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform> uniforms; Vector<ShaderCompilerRD::GeneratedCode::Texture> texture_uniforms; @@ -747,7 +753,7 @@ private: virtual void set_code(const String &p_Code); virtual void set_default_texture_param(const StringName &p_name, RID p_texture); virtual void get_param_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_param_list) const; - virtual void get_instance_param_list(List<RasterizerStorage::InstanceShaderParam> *p_param_list) const; + virtual void get_instance_param_list(List<RendererStorage::InstanceShaderParam> *p_param_list) const; virtual bool is_param_texture(const StringName &p_param) const; virtual bool is_animated() const; virtual bool casts_shadows() const; @@ -757,7 +763,7 @@ private: }; ShaderData *_create_particles_shader_func(); - static RasterizerStorageRD::ShaderData *_create_particles_shader_funcs() { + static RendererStorageRD::ShaderData *_create_particles_shader_funcs() { return base_singleton->_create_particles_shader_func(); } @@ -777,7 +783,7 @@ private: }; MaterialData *_create_particles_material_func(ParticlesShaderData *p_shader); - static RasterizerStorageRD::MaterialData *_create_particles_material_funcs(ShaderData *p_shader) { + static RendererStorageRD::MaterialData *_create_particles_material_funcs(ShaderData *p_shader) { return base_singleton->_create_particles_material_func(static_cast<ParticlesShaderData *>(p_shader)); } @@ -802,7 +808,7 @@ private: RS::ParticlesCollisionHeightfieldResolution heightfield_resolution = RS::PARTICLES_COLLISION_HEIGHTFIELD_RESOLUTION_1024; - RasterizerScene::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; + RendererStorage::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; }; mutable RID_Owner<ParticlesCollision> particles_collision_owner; @@ -821,7 +827,7 @@ private: RID uniform_set_3d; - RasterizerScene::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; + RendererStorage::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; }; mutable RID_Owner<Skeleton> skeleton_owner; @@ -853,7 +859,7 @@ private: bool directional_sky_only = false; uint64_t version = 0; - RasterizerScene::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; + RendererStorage::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; }; mutable RID_Owner<Light> light_owner; @@ -875,7 +881,7 @@ private: bool enable_shadows = false; uint32_t cull_mask = (1 << 20) - 1; - RasterizerScene::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; + RendererStorage::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; }; mutable RID_Owner<ReflectionProbe> reflection_probe_owner; @@ -896,7 +902,7 @@ private: float distance_fade_length = 1; float normal_fade = 0.0; - RasterizerScene::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; + RendererStorage::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; }; mutable RID_Owner<Decal> decal_owner; @@ -934,7 +940,7 @@ private: uint32_t version = 1; uint32_t data_version = 1; - RasterizerScene::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; + RendererStorage::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; }; GiprobeSdfShaderRD giprobe_sdf_shader; @@ -963,7 +969,7 @@ private: int32_t over = EMPTY_LEAF, under = EMPTY_LEAF; }; - RasterizerScene::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; + RendererStorage::InstanceDependency instance_dependency; }; bool using_lightmap_array; //high end uses this @@ -1124,7 +1130,7 @@ private: void _update_global_variables(); /* EFFECTS */ - RasterizerEffectsRD effects; + EffectsRD effects; public: /* TEXTURE API */ @@ -1256,7 +1262,7 @@ public: void material_get_instance_shader_parameters(RID p_material, List<InstanceShaderParam> *r_parameters); - void material_update_dependency(RID p_material, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance); + void material_update_dependency(RID p_material, InstanceBaseDependency *p_instance); void material_force_update_textures(RID p_material, ShaderType p_shader_type); void material_set_data_request_function(ShaderType p_shader_type, MaterialDataRequestFunction p_function); @@ -1457,7 +1463,7 @@ public: if (!multimesh->uniform_set_3d.is_valid()) { Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(multimesh->buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1505,7 +1511,7 @@ public: if (!skeleton->uniform_set_3d.is_valid()) { Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms; RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(skeleton->buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1655,8 +1661,8 @@ public: Color reflection_probe_get_ambient_color(RID p_probe) const; float reflection_probe_get_ambient_color_energy(RID p_probe) const; - void base_update_dependency(RID p_base, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance); - void skeleton_update_dependency(RID p_skeleton, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance); + void base_update_dependency(RID p_base, InstanceBaseDependency *p_instance); + void skeleton_update_dependency(RID p_skeleton, InstanceBaseDependency *p_instance); /* DECAL API */ @@ -1894,7 +1900,7 @@ public: { RD::Uniform u; - u.type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.binding = 0; u.ids.push_back(particles->particle_instance_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -1906,8 +1912,8 @@ public: return particles->particles_transforms_buffer_uniform_set; } - virtual void particles_add_collision(RID p_particles, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance); - virtual void particles_remove_collision(RID p_particles, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance); + virtual void particles_add_collision(RID p_particles, InstanceBaseDependency *p_instance); + virtual void particles_remove_collision(RID p_particles, InstanceBaseDependency *p_instance); /* PARTICLES COLLISION */ @@ -2016,12 +2022,12 @@ public: RID get_default_rd_storage_buffer() { return default_rd_storage_buffer; } - static RasterizerStorageRD *base_singleton; + static RendererStorageRD *base_singleton; - RasterizerEffectsRD *get_effects(); + EffectsRD *get_effects(); - RasterizerStorageRD(); - ~RasterizerStorageRD(); + RendererStorageRD(); + ~RendererStorageRD(); }; #endif // RASTERIZER_STORAGE_RD_H diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shader_compiler_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shader_compiler_rd.cpp index df5513435a..2c1d2a84fd 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shader_compiler_rd.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shader_compiler_rd.cpp @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "core/os/os.h" -#include "rasterizer_storage_rd.h" +#include "renderer_storage_rd.h" #include "servers/rendering_server.h" #define SL ShaderLanguage @@ -1238,7 +1238,7 @@ String ShaderCompilerRD::_dump_node_code(const SL::Node *p_node, int p_level, Ge } ShaderLanguage::DataType ShaderCompilerRD::_get_variable_type(const StringName &p_type) { - RS::GlobalVariableType gvt = ((RasterizerStorageRD *)(RasterizerStorage::base_singleton))->global_variable_get_type_internal(p_type); + RS::GlobalVariableType gvt = ((RendererStorageRD *)(RendererStorage::base_singleton))->global_variable_get_type_internal(p_type); return RS::global_variable_type_get_shader_datatype(gvt); } diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shader_compiler_rd.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shader_compiler_rd.h index 694f8fff91..694f8fff91 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shader_compiler_rd.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shader_compiler_rd.h diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shader_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shader_rd.cpp index 865a1e1bbe..bf7ec54b9c 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shader_rd.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shader_rd.cpp @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ #include "shader_rd.h" #include "core/string/string_builder.h" -#include "rasterizer_rd.h" +#include "renderer_compositor_rd.h" #include "servers/rendering/rendering_device.h" void ShaderRD::setup(const char *p_vertex_code, const char *p_fragment_code, const char *p_compute_code, const char *p_name) { @@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ void ShaderRD::_compile_version(Version *p_version) { p_version->variants = memnew_arr(RID, variant_defines.size()); #if 1 - RasterizerRD::thread_work_pool.do_work(variant_defines.size(), this, &ShaderRD::_compile_variant, p_version); + RendererCompositorRD::thread_work_pool.do_work(variant_defines.size(), this, &ShaderRD::_compile_variant, p_version); #else for (int i = 0; i < variant_defines.size(); i++) { _compile_variant(i, p_version); diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shader_rd.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shader_rd.h index 0c379db6f2..0c379db6f2 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shader_rd.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shader_rd.h diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/SCsub b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/SCsub index 4cddf0f685..4cddf0f685 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/SCsub +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/SCsub diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/bokeh_dof.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/bokeh_dof.glsl index 63f086a83d..63f086a83d 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/bokeh_dof.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/bokeh_dof.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/canvas.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/canvas.glsl index 51d7193a03..7808e7ed52 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/canvas.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/canvas.glsl @@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ layout(location = 0) in vec2 vertex_attrib; layout(location = 3) in vec4 color_attrib; layout(location = 4) in vec2 uv_attrib; -layout(location = 6) in uvec4 bones_attrib; +layout(location = 10) in uvec4 bone_attrib; +layout(location = 11) in vec4 weight_attrib; #endif @@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ void main() { color = vec4(unpackHalf2x16(draw_data.colors[4]), unpackHalf2x16(draw_data.colors[5])); } uvec4 bones = uvec4(0, 0, 0, 0); + vec4 bone_weights = vec4(0.0); #elif defined(USE_ATTRIBUTES) @@ -68,7 +70,8 @@ void main() { vec4 color = color_attrib; vec2 uv = uv_attrib; - uvec4 bones = bones_attrib; + uvec4 bones = bone_attrib; + vec4 bone_weights = weight_attrib; #else vec2 vertex_base_arr[4] = vec2[](vec2(0.0, 0.0), vec2(0.0, 1.0), vec2(1.0, 1.0), vec2(1.0, 0.0)); diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/canvas_occlusion.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/canvas_occlusion.glsl index 5c25235c58..5c25235c58 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/canvas_occlusion.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/canvas_occlusion.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/canvas_sdf.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/canvas_sdf.glsl index 302ad03b41..302ad03b41 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/canvas_sdf.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/canvas_sdf.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/canvas_uniforms_inc.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/canvas_uniforms_inc.glsl index cf7678ea31..cf7678ea31 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/canvas_uniforms_inc.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/canvas_uniforms_inc.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/cluster_data_inc.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cluster_data_inc.glsl index e723468dd8..e723468dd8 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/cluster_data_inc.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cluster_data_inc.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/copy.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/copy.glsl index cdd35dfb3f..cdd35dfb3f 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/copy.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/copy.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/copy_to_fb.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/copy_to_fb.glsl index 9751e13b4e..9751e13b4e 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/copy_to_fb.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/copy_to_fb.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/cube_to_dp.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cube_to_dp.glsl index 54d67db6c6..54d67db6c6 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/cube_to_dp.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cube_to_dp.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/cubemap_downsampler.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cubemap_downsampler.glsl index 7f269b7af3..7f269b7af3 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/cubemap_downsampler.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cubemap_downsampler.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/cubemap_filter.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cubemap_filter.glsl index 987545fb76..987545fb76 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/cubemap_filter.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cubemap_filter.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/cubemap_roughness.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cubemap_roughness.glsl index 5cbb00baa4..5cbb00baa4 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/cubemap_roughness.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cubemap_roughness.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/gi.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/gi.glsl index 8011dadc72..8011dadc72 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/gi.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/gi.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/giprobe.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/giprobe.glsl index ea4237a45e..ea4237a45e 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/giprobe.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/giprobe.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/giprobe_debug.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/giprobe_debug.glsl index 515cc35507..515cc35507 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/giprobe_debug.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/giprobe_debug.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/giprobe_sdf.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/giprobe_sdf.glsl index 5b3dec0ee7..5b3dec0ee7 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/giprobe_sdf.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/giprobe_sdf.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/giprobe_write.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/giprobe_write.glsl index 9c794f1bcc..9c794f1bcc 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/giprobe_write.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/giprobe_write.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/luminance_reduce.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/luminance_reduce.glsl index 8a11c35b78..8a11c35b78 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/luminance_reduce.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/luminance_reduce.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/particles.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/particles.glsl index 926c7ef9fc..926c7ef9fc 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/particles.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/particles.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/particles_copy.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/particles_copy.glsl index 6c782b6045..6c782b6045 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/particles_copy.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/particles_copy.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/resolve.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/resolve.glsl index 9429a66dc9..9429a66dc9 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/resolve.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/resolve.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/roughness_limiter.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/roughness_limiter.glsl index 464895928a..464895928a 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/roughness_limiter.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/roughness_limiter.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/scene_high_end.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_high_end.glsl index 285698f060..5d87dec79f 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/scene_high_end.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_high_end.glsl @@ -24,7 +24,29 @@ layout(location = 4) in vec2 uv_attrib; layout(location = 5) in vec2 uv2_attrib; #endif -layout(location = 6) in uvec4 bone_attrib; // always bound, even if unused +#if defined(CUSTOM0_USED) +layout(location = 6) in vec4 custom0_attrib; +#endif + +#if defined(CUSTOM1_USED) +layout(location = 7) in vec4 custom1_attrib; +#endif + +#if defined(CUSTOM2_USED) +layout(location = 8) in vec4 custom2_attrib; +#endif + +#if defined(CUSTOM3_USED) +layout(location = 9) in vec4 custom3_attrib; +#endif + +#if defined(BONES_USED) +layout(location = 10) in uvec4 bone_attrib; +#endif + +#if defined(WEIGHTS_USED) +layout(location = 11) in vec4 weight_attrib; +#endif /* Varyings */ @@ -116,14 +138,15 @@ void main() { } vec3 vertex = vertex_attrib; - vec3 normal = normal_attrib; + vec3 normal = normal_attrib * 2.0 - 1.0; #if defined(TANGENT_USED) || defined(NORMALMAP_USED) || defined(LIGHT_ANISOTROPY_USED) - vec3 tangent = tangent_attrib.xyz; - float binormalf = tangent_attrib.a; + vec3 tangent = tangent_attrib.xyz * 2.0 - 1.0; + float binormalf = tangent_attrib.a * 2.0 - 1.0; vec3 binormal = normalize(cross(normal, tangent) * binormalf); #endif +#if 0 if (bool(instances.data[instance_index].flags & INSTANCE_FLAGS_SKELETON)) { //multimesh, instances are for it @@ -147,7 +170,7 @@ void main() { binormal = (vec4(binormal, 0.0) * m).xyz; #endif } - +#endif uv_interp = uv_attrib; #if defined(UV2_USED) || defined(USE_LIGHTMAP) diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/scene_high_end_inc.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_high_end_inc.glsl index e29a490ca1..e29a490ca1 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/scene_high_end_inc.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_high_end_inc.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection.glsl index 06dc4b13de..06dc4b13de 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection_filter.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection_filter.glsl index a5afe74cb2..a5afe74cb2 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection_filter.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection_filter.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection_scale.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection_scale.glsl index 218605a962..218605a962 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection_scale.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection_scale.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug.glsl index 813ea29fa1..813ea29fa1 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug_probes.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug_probes.glsl index 08da283dad..08da283dad 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug_probes.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug_probes.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_direct_light.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_direct_light.glsl index 61e4bf5e18..61e4bf5e18 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_direct_light.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_direct_light.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_fields.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_fields.glsl index eec0a90c0d..eec0a90c0d 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_fields.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_fields.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_integrate.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_integrate.glsl index d516ab22c3..d516ab22c3 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_integrate.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_integrate.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_preprocess.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_preprocess.glsl index 916c60ac89..916c60ac89 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_preprocess.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_preprocess.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/shadow_reduce.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/shadow_reduce.glsl index 29443ae7db..29443ae7db 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/shadow_reduce.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/shadow_reduce.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sky.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sky.glsl index 6c985e1f5c..6c985e1f5c 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sky.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sky.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sort.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sort.glsl index e5ebb9c64b..e5ebb9c64b 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sort.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sort.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/specular_merge.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/specular_merge.glsl index 0b8f406213..0b8f406213 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/specular_merge.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/specular_merge.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/ssao.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/ssao.glsl index 346338181a..346338181a 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/ssao.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/ssao.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/ssao_blur.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/ssao_blur.glsl index 3e63e3cb59..3e63e3cb59 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/ssao_blur.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/ssao_blur.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/ssao_minify.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/ssao_minify.glsl index 263fca386f..263fca386f 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/ssao_minify.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/ssao_minify.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/subsurface_scattering.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/subsurface_scattering.glsl index 88a953562f..88a953562f 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/subsurface_scattering.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/subsurface_scattering.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/tonemap.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/tonemap.glsl index 7de91fd541..7de91fd541 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/tonemap.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/tonemap.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/volumetric_fog.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/volumetric_fog.glsl index 13b162f0c9..13b162f0c9 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/volumetric_fog.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/volumetric_fog.glsl diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_scene.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1da8fc59de --- /dev/null +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* renderer_scene.cpp */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#include "renderer_scene.h" + +RendererScene::RendererScene() { +} + +RendererScene::~RendererScene() { +} diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_scene.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3da08f10af --- /dev/null +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene.h @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* renderer_scene.h */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef RENDERINGSERVERSCENE_H +#define RENDERINGSERVERSCENE_H + +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.h" +#include "servers/xr/xr_interface.h" + +class RendererScene { +public: + virtual RID camera_create() = 0; + + virtual void camera_set_perspective(RID p_camera, float p_fovy_degrees, float p_z_near, float p_z_far) = 0; + virtual void camera_set_orthogonal(RID p_camera, float p_size, float p_z_near, float p_z_far) = 0; + virtual void camera_set_frustum(RID p_camera, float p_size, Vector2 p_offset, float p_z_near, float p_z_far) = 0; + virtual void camera_set_transform(RID p_camera, const Transform &p_transform) = 0; + virtual void camera_set_cull_mask(RID p_camera, uint32_t p_layers) = 0; + virtual void camera_set_environment(RID p_camera, RID p_env) = 0; + virtual void camera_set_camera_effects(RID p_camera, RID p_fx) = 0; + virtual void camera_set_use_vertical_aspect(RID p_camera, bool p_enable) = 0; + virtual bool is_camera(RID p_camera) const = 0; + + virtual RID scenario_create() = 0; + + virtual void scenario_set_debug(RID p_scenario, RS::ScenarioDebugMode p_debug_mode) = 0; + virtual void scenario_set_environment(RID p_scenario, RID p_environment) = 0; + virtual void scenario_set_camera_effects(RID p_scenario, RID p_fx) = 0; + virtual void scenario_set_fallback_environment(RID p_scenario, RID p_environment) = 0; + virtual void scenario_set_reflection_atlas_size(RID p_scenario, int p_reflection_size, int p_reflection_count) = 0; + virtual bool is_scenario(RID p_scenario) const = 0; + virtual RID scenario_get_environment(RID p_scenario) = 0; + + virtual RID instance_create() = 0; + + virtual void instance_set_base(RID p_instance, RID p_base) = 0; + virtual void instance_set_scenario(RID p_instance, RID p_scenario) = 0; + virtual void instance_set_layer_mask(RID p_instance, uint32_t p_mask) = 0; + virtual void instance_set_transform(RID p_instance, const Transform &p_transform) = 0; + virtual void instance_attach_object_instance_id(RID p_instance, ObjectID p_id) = 0; + virtual void instance_set_blend_shape_weight(RID p_instance, int p_shape, float p_weight) = 0; + virtual void instance_set_surface_material(RID p_instance, int p_surface, RID p_material) = 0; + virtual void instance_set_visible(RID p_instance, bool p_visible) = 0; + + virtual void instance_set_custom_aabb(RID p_instance, AABB p_aabb) = 0; + + virtual void instance_attach_skeleton(RID p_instance, RID p_skeleton) = 0; + virtual void instance_set_exterior(RID p_instance, bool p_enabled) = 0; + + virtual void instance_set_extra_visibility_margin(RID p_instance, real_t p_margin) = 0; + + // don't use these in a game! + virtual Vector<ObjectID> instances_cull_aabb(const AABB &p_aabb, RID p_scenario = RID()) const = 0; + virtual Vector<ObjectID> instances_cull_ray(const Vector3 &p_from, const Vector3 &p_to, RID p_scenario = RID()) const = 0; + virtual Vector<ObjectID> instances_cull_convex(const Vector<Plane> &p_convex, RID p_scenario = RID()) const = 0; + + virtual void instance_geometry_set_flag(RID p_instance, RS::InstanceFlags p_flags, bool p_enabled) = 0; + virtual void instance_geometry_set_cast_shadows_setting(RID p_instance, RS::ShadowCastingSetting p_shadow_casting_setting) = 0; + virtual void instance_geometry_set_material_override(RID p_instance, RID p_material) = 0; + + virtual void instance_geometry_set_draw_range(RID p_instance, float p_min, float p_max, float p_min_margin, float p_max_margin) = 0; + virtual void instance_geometry_set_as_instance_lod(RID p_instance, RID p_as_lod_of_instance) = 0; + virtual void instance_geometry_set_lightmap(RID p_instance, RID p_lightmap, const Rect2 &p_lightmap_uv_scale, int p_slice_index) = 0; + + virtual void instance_geometry_set_shader_parameter(RID p_instance, const StringName &p_parameter, const Variant &p_value) = 0; + virtual void instance_geometry_get_shader_parameter_list(RID p_instance, List<PropertyInfo> *p_parameters) const = 0; + virtual Variant instance_geometry_get_shader_parameter(RID p_instance, const StringName &p_parameter) const = 0; + virtual Variant instance_geometry_get_shader_parameter_default_value(RID p_instance, const StringName &p_parameter) const = 0; + + virtual void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size) = 0; + + /* SKY API */ + + virtual RID sky_create() = 0; + virtual void sky_set_radiance_size(RID p_sky, int p_radiance_size) = 0; + virtual void sky_set_mode(RID p_sky, RS::SkyMode p_samples) = 0; + virtual void sky_set_material(RID p_sky, RID p_material) = 0; + virtual Ref<Image> sky_bake_panorama(RID p_sky, float p_energy, bool p_bake_irradiance, const Size2i &p_size) = 0; + + /* ENVIRONMENT API */ + + virtual RID environment_create() = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_background(RID p_env, RS::EnvironmentBG p_bg) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_sky(RID p_env, RID p_sky) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_sky_custom_fov(RID p_env, float p_scale) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_sky_orientation(RID p_env, const Basis &p_orientation) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_bg_color(RID p_env, const Color &p_color) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_bg_energy(RID p_env, float p_energy) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_canvas_max_layer(RID p_env, int p_max_layer) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_ambient_light(RID p_env, const Color &p_color, RS::EnvironmentAmbientSource p_ambient = RS::ENV_AMBIENT_SOURCE_BG, float p_energy = 1.0, float p_sky_contribution = 0.0, RS::EnvironmentReflectionSource p_reflection_source = RS::ENV_REFLECTION_SOURCE_BG, const Color &p_ao_color = Color()) = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_glow(RID p_env, bool p_enable, Vector<float> p_levels, float p_intensity, float p_strength, float p_mix, float p_bloom_threshold, RS::EnvironmentGlowBlendMode p_blend_mode, float p_hdr_bleed_threshold, float p_hdr_bleed_scale, float p_hdr_luminance_cap) = 0; + virtual void environment_glow_set_use_bicubic_upscale(bool p_enable) = 0; + virtual void environment_glow_set_use_high_quality(bool p_enable) = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_volumetric_fog(RID p_env, bool p_enable, float p_density, const Color &p_light, float p_light_energy, float p_length, float p_detail_spread, float p_gi_inject, RS::EnvVolumetricFogShadowFilter p_shadow_filter) = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_volumetric_fog_volume_size(int p_size, int p_depth) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_volumetric_fog_filter_active(bool p_enable) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_volumetric_fog_directional_shadow_shrink_size(int p_shrink_size) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_volumetric_fog_positional_shadow_shrink_size(int p_shrink_size) = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_ssr(RID p_env, bool p_enable, int p_max_steps, float p_fade_int, float p_fade_out, float p_depth_tolerance) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_ssr_roughness_quality(RS::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality p_quality) = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_ssao(RID p_env, bool p_enable, float p_radius, float p_intensity, float p_bias, float p_light_affect, float p_ao_channel_affect, RS::EnvironmentSSAOBlur p_blur, float p_bilateral_sharpness) = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_ssao_quality(RS::EnvironmentSSAOQuality p_quality, bool p_half_size) = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_sdfgi(RID p_env, bool p_enable, RS::EnvironmentSDFGICascades p_cascades, float p_min_cell_size, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIYScale p_y_scale, bool p_use_occlusion, bool p_use_multibounce, bool p_read_sky, float p_energy, float p_normal_bias, float p_probe_bias) = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount p_ray_count) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge p_frames) = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_tonemap(RID p_env, RS::EnvironmentToneMapper p_tone_mapper, float p_exposure, float p_white, bool p_auto_exposure, float p_min_luminance, float p_max_luminance, float p_auto_exp_speed, float p_auto_exp_scale) = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_adjustment(RID p_env, bool p_enable, float p_brightness, float p_contrast, float p_saturation, bool p_use_1d_color_correction, RID p_color_correction) = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_fog(RID p_env, bool p_enable, const Color &p_light_color, float p_light_energy, float p_sun_scatter, float p_density, float p_height, float p_height_density, float p_aerial_perspective) = 0; + + virtual Ref<Image> environment_bake_panorama(RID p_env, bool p_bake_irradiance, const Size2i &p_size) = 0; + + virtual RS::EnvironmentBG environment_get_background(RID p_Env) const = 0; + virtual int environment_get_canvas_max_layer(RID p_env) const = 0; + + virtual bool is_environment(RID p_environment) const = 0; + + virtual void screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active(bool p_enable, float p_amount, float p_limit) = 0; + virtual void sub_surface_scattering_set_quality(RS::SubSurfaceScatteringQuality p_quality) = 0; + virtual void sub_surface_scattering_set_scale(float p_scale, float p_depth_scale) = 0; + + /* Camera Effects */ + + virtual RID camera_effects_create() = 0; + + virtual void camera_effects_set_dof_blur_quality(RS::DOFBlurQuality p_quality, bool p_use_jitter) = 0; + virtual void camera_effects_set_dof_blur_bokeh_shape(RS::DOFBokehShape p_shape) = 0; + + virtual void camera_effects_set_dof_blur(RID p_camera_effects, bool p_far_enable, float p_far_distance, float p_far_transition, bool p_near_enable, float p_near_distance, float p_near_transition, float p_amount) = 0; + virtual void camera_effects_set_custom_exposure(RID p_camera_effects, bool p_enable, float p_exposure) = 0; + + virtual void shadows_quality_set(RS::ShadowQuality p_quality) = 0; + virtual void directional_shadow_quality_set(RS::ShadowQuality p_quality) = 0; + + virtual RID shadow_atlas_create() = 0; + virtual void shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size) = 0; + virtual void shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_atlas, int p_quadrant, int p_subdivision) = 0; + + /* Render Buffers */ + + virtual RID render_buffers_create() = 0; + virtual void render_buffers_configure(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_render_target, int p_width, int p_height, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa, RS::ViewportScreenSpaceAA p_screen_space_aa, bool p_use_debanding) = 0; + + virtual void set_debug_draw_mode(RS::ViewportDebugDraw p_debug_draw) = 0; + + virtual TypedArray<Image> bake_render_uv2(RID p_base, const Vector<RID> &p_material_overrides, const Size2i &p_image_size) = 0; + virtual void gi_probe_set_quality(RS::GIProbeQuality) = 0; + + virtual void sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(const Vector3 &p_position, const Vector3 &p_dir) = 0; + + virtual void render_empty_scene(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_scenario, RID p_shadow_atlas) = 0; + virtual void render_camera(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_camera, RID p_scenario, Size2 p_viewport_size, RID p_shadow_atlas) = 0; + virtual void render_camera(RID p_render_buffers, Ref<XRInterface> &p_interface, XRInterface::Eyes p_eye, RID p_camera, RID p_scenario, Size2 p_viewport_size, RID p_shadow_atlas) = 0; + + virtual void update() = 0; + virtual void render_probes() = 0; + + virtual bool free(RID p_rid) = 0; + + RendererScene(); + virtual ~RendererScene(); +}; + +#endif // RENDERINGSERVERSCENE_H diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_scene.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_cull.cpp index b933a550e2..26c50d25ca 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_scene.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_cull.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* rendering_server_scene.cpp */ +/* renderer_scene_cull.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,22 +28,22 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#include "rendering_server_scene.h" +#include "renderer_scene_cull.h" #include "core/os/os.h" +#include "rendering_server_default.h" #include "rendering_server_globals.h" -#include "rendering_server_raster.h" #include <new> /* CAMERA API */ -RID RenderingServerScene::camera_create() { +RID RendererSceneCull::camera_create() { Camera *camera = memnew(Camera); return camera_owner.make_rid(camera); } -void RenderingServerScene::camera_set_perspective(RID p_camera, float p_fovy_degrees, float p_z_near, float p_z_far) { +void RendererSceneCull::camera_set_perspective(RID p_camera, float p_fovy_degrees, float p_z_near, float p_z_far) { Camera *camera = camera_owner.getornull(p_camera); ERR_FAIL_COND(!camera); camera->type = Camera::PERSPECTIVE; @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::camera_set_perspective(RID p_camera, float p_fovy_deg camera->zfar = p_z_far; } -void RenderingServerScene::camera_set_orthogonal(RID p_camera, float p_size, float p_z_near, float p_z_far) { +void RendererSceneCull::camera_set_orthogonal(RID p_camera, float p_size, float p_z_near, float p_z_far) { Camera *camera = camera_owner.getornull(p_camera); ERR_FAIL_COND(!camera); camera->type = Camera::ORTHOGONAL; @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::camera_set_orthogonal(RID p_camera, float p_size, flo camera->zfar = p_z_far; } -void RenderingServerScene::camera_set_frustum(RID p_camera, float p_size, Vector2 p_offset, float p_z_near, float p_z_far) { +void RendererSceneCull::camera_set_frustum(RID p_camera, float p_size, Vector2 p_offset, float p_z_near, float p_z_far) { Camera *camera = camera_owner.getornull(p_camera); ERR_FAIL_COND(!camera); camera->type = Camera::FRUSTUM; @@ -71,41 +71,45 @@ void RenderingServerScene::camera_set_frustum(RID p_camera, float p_size, Vector camera->zfar = p_z_far; } -void RenderingServerScene::camera_set_transform(RID p_camera, const Transform &p_transform) { +void RendererSceneCull::camera_set_transform(RID p_camera, const Transform &p_transform) { Camera *camera = camera_owner.getornull(p_camera); ERR_FAIL_COND(!camera); camera->transform = p_transform.orthonormalized(); } -void RenderingServerScene::camera_set_cull_mask(RID p_camera, uint32_t p_layers) { +void RendererSceneCull::camera_set_cull_mask(RID p_camera, uint32_t p_layers) { Camera *camera = camera_owner.getornull(p_camera); ERR_FAIL_COND(!camera); camera->visible_layers = p_layers; } -void RenderingServerScene::camera_set_environment(RID p_camera, RID p_env) { +void RendererSceneCull::camera_set_environment(RID p_camera, RID p_env) { Camera *camera = camera_owner.getornull(p_camera); ERR_FAIL_COND(!camera); camera->env = p_env; } -void RenderingServerScene::camera_set_camera_effects(RID p_camera, RID p_fx) { +void RendererSceneCull::camera_set_camera_effects(RID p_camera, RID p_fx) { Camera *camera = camera_owner.getornull(p_camera); ERR_FAIL_COND(!camera); camera->effects = p_fx; } -void RenderingServerScene::camera_set_use_vertical_aspect(RID p_camera, bool p_enable) { +void RendererSceneCull::camera_set_use_vertical_aspect(RID p_camera, bool p_enable) { Camera *camera = camera_owner.getornull(p_camera); ERR_FAIL_COND(!camera); camera->vaspect = p_enable; } +bool RendererSceneCull::is_camera(RID p_camera) const { + return camera_owner.owns(p_camera); +} + /* SCENARIO API */ -void *RenderingServerScene::_instance_pair(void *p_self, OctreeElementID, Instance *p_A, int, OctreeElementID, Instance *p_B, int) { - //RenderingServerScene *self = (RenderingServerScene*)p_self; +void *RendererSceneCull::_instance_pair(void *p_self, OctreeElementID, Instance *p_A, int, OctreeElementID, Instance *p_B, int) { + //RendererSceneCull *self = (RendererSceneCull*)p_self; Instance *A = p_A; Instance *B = p_B; @@ -165,7 +169,7 @@ void *RenderingServerScene::_instance_pair(void *p_self, OctreeElementID, Instan pinfo.geometry = A; pinfo.L = geom->lightmap_captures.push_back(B); List<InstanceLightmapData::PairInfo>::Element *E = lightmap_data->geometries.push_back(pinfo); - ((RenderingServerScene *)p_self)->_instance_queue_update(A, false, false); //need to update capture + ((RendererSceneCull *)p_self)->_instance_queue_update(A, false, false); //need to update capture return E; //this element should make freeing faster } else { return nullptr; @@ -200,8 +204,8 @@ void *RenderingServerScene::_instance_pair(void *p_self, OctreeElementID, Instan return nullptr; } -void RenderingServerScene::_instance_unpair(void *p_self, OctreeElementID, Instance *p_A, int, OctreeElementID, Instance *p_B, int, void *udata) { - //RenderingServerScene *self = (RenderingServerScene*)p_self; +void RendererSceneCull::_instance_unpair(void *p_self, OctreeElementID, Instance *p_A, int, OctreeElementID, Instance *p_B, int, void *udata) { + //RendererSceneCull *self = (RendererSceneCull*)p_self; Instance *A = p_A; Instance *B = p_B; @@ -253,7 +257,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_instance_unpair(void *p_self, OctreeElementID, Insta geom->lightmap_captures.erase(E->get().L); lightmap_data->geometries.erase(E); - ((RenderingServerScene *)p_self)->_instance_queue_update(A, false, false); //need to update capture + ((RendererSceneCull *)p_self)->_instance_queue_update(A, false, false); //need to update capture } } else if (B->base_type == RS::INSTANCE_GI_PROBE && ((1 << A->base_type) & RS::INSTANCE_GEOMETRY_MASK)) { @@ -281,7 +285,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_instance_unpair(void *p_self, OctreeElementID, Insta } } -RID RenderingServerScene::scenario_create() { +RID RendererSceneCull::scenario_create() { Scenario *scenario = memnew(Scenario); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!scenario, RID()); RID scenario_rid = scenario_owner.make_rid(scenario); @@ -289,49 +293,59 @@ RID RenderingServerScene::scenario_create() { scenario->octree.set_pair_callback(_instance_pair, this); scenario->octree.set_unpair_callback(_instance_unpair, this); - scenario->reflection_probe_shadow_atlas = RSG::scene_render->shadow_atlas_create(); - RSG::scene_render->shadow_atlas_set_size(scenario->reflection_probe_shadow_atlas, 1024); //make enough shadows for close distance, don't bother with rest - RSG::scene_render->shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(scenario->reflection_probe_shadow_atlas, 0, 4); - RSG::scene_render->shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(scenario->reflection_probe_shadow_atlas, 1, 4); - RSG::scene_render->shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(scenario->reflection_probe_shadow_atlas, 2, 4); - RSG::scene_render->shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(scenario->reflection_probe_shadow_atlas, 3, 8); - scenario->reflection_atlas = RSG::scene_render->reflection_atlas_create(); + scenario->reflection_probe_shadow_atlas = scene_render->shadow_atlas_create(); + scene_render->shadow_atlas_set_size(scenario->reflection_probe_shadow_atlas, 1024); //make enough shadows for close distance, don't bother with rest + scene_render->shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(scenario->reflection_probe_shadow_atlas, 0, 4); + scene_render->shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(scenario->reflection_probe_shadow_atlas, 1, 4); + scene_render->shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(scenario->reflection_probe_shadow_atlas, 2, 4); + scene_render->shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(scenario->reflection_probe_shadow_atlas, 3, 8); + scenario->reflection_atlas = scene_render->reflection_atlas_create(); return scenario_rid; } -void RenderingServerScene::scenario_set_debug(RID p_scenario, RS::ScenarioDebugMode p_debug_mode) { +void RendererSceneCull::scenario_set_debug(RID p_scenario, RS::ScenarioDebugMode p_debug_mode) { Scenario *scenario = scenario_owner.getornull(p_scenario); ERR_FAIL_COND(!scenario); scenario->debug = p_debug_mode; } -void RenderingServerScene::scenario_set_environment(RID p_scenario, RID p_environment) { +void RendererSceneCull::scenario_set_environment(RID p_scenario, RID p_environment) { Scenario *scenario = scenario_owner.getornull(p_scenario); ERR_FAIL_COND(!scenario); scenario->environment = p_environment; } -void RenderingServerScene::scenario_set_camera_effects(RID p_scenario, RID p_camera_effects) { +void RendererSceneCull::scenario_set_camera_effects(RID p_scenario, RID p_camera_effects) { Scenario *scenario = scenario_owner.getornull(p_scenario); ERR_FAIL_COND(!scenario); scenario->camera_effects = p_camera_effects; } -void RenderingServerScene::scenario_set_fallback_environment(RID p_scenario, RID p_environment) { +void RendererSceneCull::scenario_set_fallback_environment(RID p_scenario, RID p_environment) { Scenario *scenario = scenario_owner.getornull(p_scenario); ERR_FAIL_COND(!scenario); scenario->fallback_environment = p_environment; } -void RenderingServerScene::scenario_set_reflection_atlas_size(RID p_scenario, int p_reflection_size, int p_reflection_count) { +void RendererSceneCull::scenario_set_reflection_atlas_size(RID p_scenario, int p_reflection_size, int p_reflection_count) { Scenario *scenario = scenario_owner.getornull(p_scenario); ERR_FAIL_COND(!scenario); - RSG::scene_render->reflection_atlas_set_size(scenario->reflection_atlas, p_reflection_size, p_reflection_count); + scene_render->reflection_atlas_set_size(scenario->reflection_atlas, p_reflection_size, p_reflection_count); +} + +bool RendererSceneCull::is_scenario(RID p_scenario) const { + return scenario_owner.owns(p_scenario); +} + +RID RendererSceneCull::scenario_get_environment(RID p_scenario) { + Scenario *scenario = scenario_owner.getornull(p_scenario); + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!scenario, RID()); + return scenario->environment; } /* INSTANCING API */ -void RenderingServerScene::_instance_queue_update(Instance *p_instance, bool p_update_aabb, bool p_update_dependencies) { +void RendererSceneCull::_instance_queue_update(Instance *p_instance, bool p_update_aabb, bool p_update_dependencies) { if (p_update_aabb) { p_instance->update_aabb = true; } @@ -346,7 +360,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_instance_queue_update(Instance *p_instance, bool p_u _instance_update_list.add(&p_instance->update_item); } -RID RenderingServerScene::instance_create() { +RID RendererSceneCull::instance_create() { Instance *instance = memnew(Instance); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!instance, RID()); @@ -356,7 +370,7 @@ RID RenderingServerScene::instance_create() { return instance_rid; } -void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_base(RID p_instance, RID p_base) { +void RendererSceneCull::instance_set_base(RID p_instance, RID p_base) { Instance *instance = instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!instance); @@ -387,18 +401,18 @@ void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_base(RID p_instance, RID p_base) { scenario->directional_lights.erase(light->D); light->D = nullptr; } - RSG::scene_render->free(light->instance); + scene_render->free(light->instance); } break; case RS::INSTANCE_REFLECTION_PROBE: { InstanceReflectionProbeData *reflection_probe = static_cast<InstanceReflectionProbeData *>(instance->base_data); - RSG::scene_render->free(reflection_probe->instance); + scene_render->free(reflection_probe->instance); if (reflection_probe->update_list.in_list()) { reflection_probe_render_list.remove(&reflection_probe->update_list); } } break; case RS::INSTANCE_DECAL: { InstanceDecalData *decal = static_cast<InstanceDecalData *>(instance->base_data); - RSG::scene_render->free(decal->instance); + scene_render->free(decal->instance); } break; case RS::INSTANCE_LIGHTMAP: { @@ -424,7 +438,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_base(RID p_instance, RID p_base) { gi_probe_update_list.remove(&gi_probe->update_element); } - RSG::scene_render->free(gi_probe->probe_instance); + scene_render->free(gi_probe->probe_instance); } break; default: { @@ -455,7 +469,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_base(RID p_instance, RID p_base) { light->D = scenario->directional_lights.push_back(instance); } - light->instance = RSG::scene_render->light_instance_create(p_base); + light->instance = scene_render->light_instance_create(p_base); instance->base_data = light; } break; @@ -474,19 +488,19 @@ void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_base(RID p_instance, RID p_base) { reflection_probe->owner = instance; instance->base_data = reflection_probe; - reflection_probe->instance = RSG::scene_render->reflection_probe_instance_create(p_base); + reflection_probe->instance = scene_render->reflection_probe_instance_create(p_base); } break; case RS::INSTANCE_DECAL: { InstanceDecalData *decal = memnew(InstanceDecalData); decal->owner = instance; instance->base_data = decal; - decal->instance = RSG::scene_render->decal_instance_create(p_base); + decal->instance = scene_render->decal_instance_create(p_base); } break; case RS::INSTANCE_LIGHTMAP: { InstanceLightmapData *lightmap_data = memnew(InstanceLightmapData); instance->base_data = lightmap_data; - //lightmap_data->instance = RSG::scene_render->lightmap_data_instance_create(p_base); + //lightmap_data->instance = scene_render->lightmap_data_instance_create(p_base); } break; case RS::INSTANCE_GI_PROBE: { InstanceGIProbeData *gi_probe = memnew(InstanceGIProbeData); @@ -497,7 +511,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_base(RID p_instance, RID p_base) { gi_probe_update_list.add(&gi_probe->update_element); } - gi_probe->probe_instance = RSG::scene_render->gi_probe_instance_create(p_base); + gi_probe->probe_instance = scene_render->gi_probe_instance_create(p_base); } break; default: { @@ -513,7 +527,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_base(RID p_instance, RID p_base) { _instance_queue_update(instance, true, true); } -void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_scenario(RID p_instance, RID p_scenario) { +void RendererSceneCull::instance_set_scenario(RID p_instance, RID p_scenario) { Instance *instance = instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!instance); @@ -540,7 +554,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_scenario(RID p_instance, RID p_scenario) } break; case RS::INSTANCE_REFLECTION_PROBE: { InstanceReflectionProbeData *reflection_probe = static_cast<InstanceReflectionProbeData *>(instance->base_data); - RSG::scene_render->reflection_probe_release_atlas_index(reflection_probe->instance); + scene_render->reflection_probe_release_atlas_index(reflection_probe->instance); } break; case RS::INSTANCE_PARTICLES_COLLISION: { @@ -601,14 +615,14 @@ void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_scenario(RID p_instance, RID p_scenario) } } -void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_layer_mask(RID p_instance, uint32_t p_mask) { +void RendererSceneCull::instance_set_layer_mask(RID p_instance, uint32_t p_mask) { Instance *instance = instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!instance); instance->layer_mask = p_mask; } -void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_transform(RID p_instance, const Transform &p_transform) { +void RendererSceneCull::instance_set_transform(RID p_instance, const Transform &p_transform) { Instance *instance = instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!instance); @@ -633,14 +647,14 @@ void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_transform(RID p_instance, const Transfor _instance_queue_update(instance, true); } -void RenderingServerScene::instance_attach_object_instance_id(RID p_instance, ObjectID p_id) { +void RendererSceneCull::instance_attach_object_instance_id(RID p_instance, ObjectID p_id) { Instance *instance = instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!instance); instance->object_id = p_id; } -void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_blend_shape_weight(RID p_instance, int p_shape, float p_weight) { +void RendererSceneCull::instance_set_blend_shape_weight(RID p_instance, int p_shape, float p_weight) { Instance *instance = instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!instance); @@ -652,7 +666,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_blend_shape_weight(RID p_instance, int p instance->blend_values.write[p_shape] = p_weight; } -void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_surface_material(RID p_instance, int p_surface, RID p_material) { +void RendererSceneCull::instance_set_surface_material(RID p_instance, int p_surface, RID p_material) { Instance *instance = instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!instance); @@ -668,7 +682,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_surface_material(RID p_instance, int p_s _instance_queue_update(instance, false, true); } -void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_visible(RID p_instance, bool p_visible) { +void RendererSceneCull::instance_set_visible(RID p_instance, bool p_visible) { Instance *instance = instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!instance); @@ -724,7 +738,7 @@ inline bool is_geometry_instance(RenderingServer::InstanceType p_type) { return p_type == RS::INSTANCE_MESH || p_type == RS::INSTANCE_MULTIMESH || p_type == RS::INSTANCE_PARTICLES || p_type == RS::INSTANCE_IMMEDIATE; } -void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_custom_aabb(RID p_instance, AABB p_aabb) { +void RendererSceneCull::instance_set_custom_aabb(RID p_instance, AABB p_aabb) { Instance *instance = instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!is_geometry_instance(instance->base_type)); @@ -749,7 +763,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_custom_aabb(RID p_instance, AABB p_aabb) } } -void RenderingServerScene::instance_attach_skeleton(RID p_instance, RID p_skeleton) { +void RendererSceneCull::instance_attach_skeleton(RID p_instance, RID p_skeleton) { Instance *instance = instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!instance); @@ -766,10 +780,10 @@ void RenderingServerScene::instance_attach_skeleton(RID p_instance, RID p_skelet _instance_queue_update(instance, true, true); } -void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_exterior(RID p_instance, bool p_enabled) { +void RendererSceneCull::instance_set_exterior(RID p_instance, bool p_enabled) { } -void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_extra_visibility_margin(RID p_instance, real_t p_margin) { +void RendererSceneCull::instance_set_extra_visibility_margin(RID p_instance, real_t p_margin) { Instance *instance = instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!instance); @@ -777,12 +791,12 @@ void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_extra_visibility_margin(RID p_instance, _instance_queue_update(instance, true, false); } -Vector<ObjectID> RenderingServerScene::instances_cull_aabb(const AABB &p_aabb, RID p_scenario) const { +Vector<ObjectID> RendererSceneCull::instances_cull_aabb(const AABB &p_aabb, RID p_scenario) const { Vector<ObjectID> instances; Scenario *scenario = scenario_owner.getornull(p_scenario); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!scenario, instances); - const_cast<RenderingServerScene *>(this)->update_dirty_instances(); // check dirty instances before culling + const_cast<RendererSceneCull *>(this)->update_dirty_instances(); // check dirty instances before culling int culled = 0; Instance *cull[1024]; @@ -801,11 +815,11 @@ Vector<ObjectID> RenderingServerScene::instances_cull_aabb(const AABB &p_aabb, R return instances; } -Vector<ObjectID> RenderingServerScene::instances_cull_ray(const Vector3 &p_from, const Vector3 &p_to, RID p_scenario) const { +Vector<ObjectID> RendererSceneCull::instances_cull_ray(const Vector3 &p_from, const Vector3 &p_to, RID p_scenario) const { Vector<ObjectID> instances; Scenario *scenario = scenario_owner.getornull(p_scenario); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!scenario, instances); - const_cast<RenderingServerScene *>(this)->update_dirty_instances(); // check dirty instances before culling + const_cast<RendererSceneCull *>(this)->update_dirty_instances(); // check dirty instances before culling int culled = 0; Instance *cull[1024]; @@ -824,11 +838,11 @@ Vector<ObjectID> RenderingServerScene::instances_cull_ray(const Vector3 &p_from, return instances; } -Vector<ObjectID> RenderingServerScene::instances_cull_convex(const Vector<Plane> &p_convex, RID p_scenario) const { +Vector<ObjectID> RendererSceneCull::instances_cull_convex(const Vector<Plane> &p_convex, RID p_scenario) const { Vector<ObjectID> instances; Scenario *scenario = scenario_owner.getornull(p_scenario); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!scenario, instances); - const_cast<RenderingServerScene *>(this)->update_dirty_instances(); // check dirty instances before culling + const_cast<RendererSceneCull *>(this)->update_dirty_instances(); // check dirty instances before culling int culled = 0; Instance *cull[1024]; @@ -848,7 +862,7 @@ Vector<ObjectID> RenderingServerScene::instances_cull_convex(const Vector<Plane> return instances; } -void RenderingServerScene::instance_geometry_set_flag(RID p_instance, RS::InstanceFlags p_flags, bool p_enabled) { +void RendererSceneCull::instance_geometry_set_flag(RID p_instance, RS::InstanceFlags p_flags, bool p_enabled) { Instance *instance = instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!instance); @@ -885,7 +899,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::instance_geometry_set_flag(RID p_instance, RS::Instan } } -void RenderingServerScene::instance_geometry_set_cast_shadows_setting(RID p_instance, RS::ShadowCastingSetting p_shadow_casting_setting) { +void RendererSceneCull::instance_geometry_set_cast_shadows_setting(RID p_instance, RS::ShadowCastingSetting p_shadow_casting_setting) { Instance *instance = instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!instance); @@ -893,7 +907,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::instance_geometry_set_cast_shadows_setting(RID p_inst _instance_queue_update(instance, false, true); } -void RenderingServerScene::instance_geometry_set_material_override(RID p_instance, RID p_material) { +void RendererSceneCull::instance_geometry_set_material_override(RID p_instance, RID p_material) { Instance *instance = instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!instance); @@ -901,13 +915,13 @@ void RenderingServerScene::instance_geometry_set_material_override(RID p_instanc _instance_queue_update(instance, false, true); } -void RenderingServerScene::instance_geometry_set_draw_range(RID p_instance, float p_min, float p_max, float p_min_margin, float p_max_margin) { +void RendererSceneCull::instance_geometry_set_draw_range(RID p_instance, float p_min, float p_max, float p_min_margin, float p_max_margin) { } -void RenderingServerScene::instance_geometry_set_as_instance_lod(RID p_instance, RID p_as_lod_of_instance) { +void RendererSceneCull::instance_geometry_set_as_instance_lod(RID p_instance, RID p_as_lod_of_instance) { } -void RenderingServerScene::instance_geometry_set_lightmap(RID p_instance, RID p_lightmap, const Rect2 &p_lightmap_uv_scale, int p_slice_index) { +void RendererSceneCull::instance_geometry_set_lightmap(RID p_instance, RID p_lightmap, const Rect2 &p_lightmap_uv_scale, int p_slice_index) { Instance *instance = instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!instance); @@ -929,14 +943,14 @@ void RenderingServerScene::instance_geometry_set_lightmap(RID p_instance, RID p_ } } -void RenderingServerScene::instance_geometry_set_shader_parameter(RID p_instance, const StringName &p_parameter, const Variant &p_value) { +void RendererSceneCull::instance_geometry_set_shader_parameter(RID p_instance, const StringName &p_parameter, const Variant &p_value) { Instance *instance = instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!instance); - Map<StringName, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase::InstanceShaderParameter>::Element *E = instance->instance_shader_parameters.find(p_parameter); + Map<StringName, RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase::InstanceShaderParameter>::Element *E = instance->instance_shader_parameters.find(p_parameter); if (!E) { - RasterizerScene::InstanceBase::InstanceShaderParameter isp; + RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase::InstanceShaderParameter isp; isp.index = -1; isp.info = PropertyInfo(); isp.value = p_value; @@ -950,8 +964,8 @@ void RenderingServerScene::instance_geometry_set_shader_parameter(RID p_instance } } -Variant RenderingServerScene::instance_geometry_get_shader_parameter(RID p_instance, const StringName &p_parameter) const { - const Instance *instance = const_cast<RenderingServerScene *>(this)->instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); +Variant RendererSceneCull::instance_geometry_get_shader_parameter(RID p_instance, const StringName &p_parameter) const { + const Instance *instance = const_cast<RendererSceneCull *>(this)->instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!instance, Variant()); if (instance->instance_shader_parameters.has(p_parameter)) { @@ -960,8 +974,8 @@ Variant RenderingServerScene::instance_geometry_get_shader_parameter(RID p_insta return Variant(); } -Variant RenderingServerScene::instance_geometry_get_shader_parameter_default_value(RID p_instance, const StringName &p_parameter) const { - const Instance *instance = const_cast<RenderingServerScene *>(this)->instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); +Variant RendererSceneCull::instance_geometry_get_shader_parameter_default_value(RID p_instance, const StringName &p_parameter) const { + const Instance *instance = const_cast<RendererSceneCull *>(this)->instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!instance, Variant()); if (instance->instance_shader_parameters.has(p_parameter)) { @@ -970,14 +984,14 @@ Variant RenderingServerScene::instance_geometry_get_shader_parameter_default_val return Variant(); } -void RenderingServerScene::instance_geometry_get_shader_parameter_list(RID p_instance, List<PropertyInfo> *p_parameters) const { - const Instance *instance = const_cast<RenderingServerScene *>(this)->instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); +void RendererSceneCull::instance_geometry_get_shader_parameter_list(RID p_instance, List<PropertyInfo> *p_parameters) const { + const Instance *instance = const_cast<RendererSceneCull *>(this)->instance_owner.getornull(p_instance); ERR_FAIL_COND(!instance); - const_cast<RenderingServerScene *>(this)->update_dirty_instances(); + const_cast<RendererSceneCull *>(this)->update_dirty_instances(); Vector<StringName> names; - for (Map<StringName, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase::InstanceShaderParameter>::Element *E = instance->instance_shader_parameters.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + for (Map<StringName, RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase::InstanceShaderParameter>::Element *E = instance->instance_shader_parameters.front(); E; E = E->next()) { names.push_back(E->key()); } names.sort_custom<StringName::AlphCompare>(); @@ -987,14 +1001,14 @@ void RenderingServerScene::instance_geometry_get_shader_parameter_list(RID p_ins } } -void RenderingServerScene::_update_instance(Instance *p_instance) { +void RendererSceneCull::_update_instance(Instance *p_instance) { p_instance->version++; if (p_instance->base_type == RS::INSTANCE_LIGHT) { InstanceLightData *light = static_cast<InstanceLightData *>(p_instance->base_data); - RSG::scene_render->light_instance_set_transform(light->instance, p_instance->transform); - RSG::scene_render->light_instance_set_aabb(light->instance, p_instance->transform.xform(p_instance->aabb)); + scene_render->light_instance_set_transform(light->instance, p_instance->transform); + scene_render->light_instance_set_aabb(light->instance, p_instance->transform.xform(p_instance->aabb)); light->shadow_dirty = true; RS::LightBakeMode bake_mode = RSG::storage->light_get_bake_mode(p_instance->base); @@ -1019,20 +1033,20 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_update_instance(Instance *p_instance) { if (p_instance->base_type == RS::INSTANCE_REFLECTION_PROBE) { InstanceReflectionProbeData *reflection_probe = static_cast<InstanceReflectionProbeData *>(p_instance->base_data); - RSG::scene_render->reflection_probe_instance_set_transform(reflection_probe->instance, p_instance->transform); + scene_render->reflection_probe_instance_set_transform(reflection_probe->instance, p_instance->transform); reflection_probe->reflection_dirty = true; } if (p_instance->base_type == RS::INSTANCE_DECAL) { InstanceDecalData *decal = static_cast<InstanceDecalData *>(p_instance->base_data); - RSG::scene_render->decal_instance_set_transform(decal->instance, p_instance->transform); + scene_render->decal_instance_set_transform(decal->instance, p_instance->transform); } if (p_instance->base_type == RS::INSTANCE_GI_PROBE) { InstanceGIProbeData *gi_probe = static_cast<InstanceGIProbeData *>(p_instance->base_data); - RSG::scene_render->gi_probe_instance_set_transform_to_data(gi_probe->probe_instance, p_instance->transform); + scene_render->gi_probe_instance_set_transform_to_data(gi_probe->probe_instance, p_instance->transform); } if (p_instance->base_type == RS::INSTANCE_PARTICLES) { @@ -1129,7 +1143,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_update_instance(Instance *p_instance) { } } -void RenderingServerScene::_update_instance_aabb(Instance *p_instance) { +void RendererSceneCull::_update_instance_aabb(Instance *p_instance) { AABB new_aabb; ERR_FAIL_COND(p_instance->base_type != RS::INSTANCE_NONE && !p_instance->base.is_valid()); @@ -1207,7 +1221,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_update_instance_aabb(Instance *p_instance) { p_instance->aabb = new_aabb; } -void RenderingServerScene::_update_instance_lightmap_captures(Instance *p_instance) { +void RendererSceneCull::_update_instance_lightmap_captures(Instance *p_instance) { bool first_set = p_instance->lightmap_sh.size() == 0; p_instance->lightmap_sh.resize(9); //using SH p_instance->lightmap_target_sh.resize(9); //using SH @@ -1285,7 +1299,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_update_instance_lightmap_captures(Instance *p_instan } } -bool RenderingServerScene::_light_instance_update_shadow(Instance *p_instance, const Transform p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_orthogonal, bool p_cam_vaspect, RID p_shadow_atlas, Scenario *p_scenario) { +bool RendererSceneCull::_light_instance_update_shadow(Instance *p_instance, const Transform p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_orthogonal, bool p_cam_vaspect, RID p_shadow_atlas, Scenario *p_scenario) { InstanceLightData *light = static_cast<InstanceLightData *>(p_instance->base_data); Transform light_transform = p_instance->transform; @@ -1372,7 +1386,7 @@ bool RenderingServerScene::_light_instance_update_shadow(Instance *p_instance, c distances[splits] = max_distance; - real_t texture_size = RSG::scene_render->get_directional_light_shadow_size(light->instance); + real_t texture_size = scene_render->get_directional_light_shadow_size(light->instance); bool overlap = RSG::storage->light_directional_get_blend_splits(p_instance->base); @@ -1654,17 +1668,17 @@ bool RenderingServerScene::_light_instance_update_shadow(Instance *p_instance, c cull_max = dir_in_view.dot(max_in_view); } - RSG::scene_render->light_instance_set_shadow_transform(light->instance, ortho_camera, ortho_transform, z_max - z_min_cam, distances[i + 1], i, radius * 2.0 / texture_size, bias_scale * aspect_bias_scale * min_distance_bias_scale, z_max, uv_scale); + scene_render->light_instance_set_shadow_transform(light->instance, ortho_camera, ortho_transform, z_max - z_min_cam, distances[i + 1], i, radius * 2.0 / texture_size, bias_scale * aspect_bias_scale * min_distance_bias_scale, z_max, uv_scale); } - RSG::scene_render->render_shadow(light->instance, p_shadow_atlas, i, (RasterizerScene::InstanceBase **)instance_shadow_cull_result, cull_count); + scene_render->render_shadow(light->instance, p_shadow_atlas, i, (RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase **)instance_shadow_cull_result, cull_count); } } break; case RS::LIGHT_OMNI: { RS::LightOmniShadowMode shadow_mode = RSG::storage->light_omni_get_shadow_mode(p_instance->base); - if (shadow_mode == RS::LIGHT_OMNI_SHADOW_DUAL_PARABOLOID || !RSG::scene_render->light_instances_can_render_shadow_cube()) { + if (shadow_mode == RS::LIGHT_OMNI_SHADOW_DUAL_PARABOLOID || !scene_render->light_instances_can_render_shadow_cube()) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { //using this one ensures that raster deferred will have it RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Culling Shadow Paraboloid" + itos(i)); @@ -1700,8 +1714,8 @@ bool RenderingServerScene::_light_instance_update_shadow(Instance *p_instance, c } } - RSG::scene_render->light_instance_set_shadow_transform(light->instance, CameraMatrix(), light_transform, radius, 0, i, 0); - RSG::scene_render->render_shadow(light->instance, p_shadow_atlas, i, (RasterizerScene::InstanceBase **)instance_shadow_cull_result, cull_count); + scene_render->light_instance_set_shadow_transform(light->instance, CameraMatrix(), light_transform, radius, 0, i, 0); + scene_render->render_shadow(light->instance, p_shadow_atlas, i, (RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase **)instance_shadow_cull_result, cull_count); } } else { //shadow cube @@ -1752,12 +1766,12 @@ bool RenderingServerScene::_light_instance_update_shadow(Instance *p_instance, c } } - RSG::scene_render->light_instance_set_shadow_transform(light->instance, cm, xform, radius, 0, i, 0); - RSG::scene_render->render_shadow(light->instance, p_shadow_atlas, i, (RasterizerScene::InstanceBase **)instance_shadow_cull_result, cull_count); + scene_render->light_instance_set_shadow_transform(light->instance, cm, xform, radius, 0, i, 0); + scene_render->render_shadow(light->instance, p_shadow_atlas, i, (RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase **)instance_shadow_cull_result, cull_count); } //restore the regular DP matrix - RSG::scene_render->light_instance_set_shadow_transform(light->instance, CameraMatrix(), light_transform, radius, 0, 0, 0); + scene_render->light_instance_set_shadow_transform(light->instance, CameraMatrix(), light_transform, radius, 0, 0, 0); } } break; @@ -1789,8 +1803,8 @@ bool RenderingServerScene::_light_instance_update_shadow(Instance *p_instance, c } } - RSG::scene_render->light_instance_set_shadow_transform(light->instance, cm, light_transform, radius, 0, 0, 0); - RSG::scene_render->render_shadow(light->instance, p_shadow_atlas, 0, (RasterizerScene::InstanceBase **)instance_shadow_cull_result, cull_count); + scene_render->light_instance_set_shadow_transform(light->instance, cm, light_transform, radius, 0, 0, 0); + scene_render->render_shadow(light->instance, p_shadow_atlas, 0, (RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase **)instance_shadow_cull_result, cull_count); } break; } @@ -1798,7 +1812,7 @@ bool RenderingServerScene::_light_instance_update_shadow(Instance *p_instance, c return animated_material_found; } -void RenderingServerScene::render_camera(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_camera, RID p_scenario, Size2 p_viewport_size, RID p_shadow_atlas) { +void RendererSceneCull::render_camera(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_camera, RID p_scenario, Size2 p_viewport_size, RID p_shadow_atlas) { // render to mono camera #ifndef _3D_DISABLED @@ -1848,7 +1862,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::render_camera(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_camera, RID #endif } -void RenderingServerScene::render_camera(RID p_render_buffers, Ref<XRInterface> &p_interface, XRInterface::Eyes p_eye, RID p_camera, RID p_scenario, Size2 p_viewport_size, RID p_shadow_atlas) { +void RendererSceneCull::render_camera(RID p_render_buffers, Ref<XRInterface> &p_interface, XRInterface::Eyes p_eye, RID p_camera, RID p_scenario, Size2 p_viewport_size, RID p_shadow_atlas) { // render for AR/VR interface Camera *camera = camera_owner.getornull(p_camera); @@ -1932,7 +1946,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::render_camera(RID p_render_buffers, Ref<XRInterface> _render_scene(p_render_buffers, cam_transform, camera_matrix, false, environment, camera->effects, p_scenario, p_shadow_atlas, RID(), -1); }; -void RenderingServerScene::_prepare_scene(const Transform p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_orthogonal, bool p_cam_vaspect, RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, uint32_t p_visible_layers, RID p_scenario, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, bool p_using_shadows) { +void RendererSceneCull::_prepare_scene(const Transform p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_orthogonal, bool p_cam_vaspect, RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, uint32_t p_visible_layers, RID p_scenario, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, bool p_using_shadows) { // Note, in stereo rendering: // - p_cam_transform will be a transform in the middle of our two eyes // - p_cam_projection is a wider frustrum that encompasses both eyes @@ -1942,10 +1956,10 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_prepare_scene(const Transform p_cam_transform, const render_pass++; uint32_t camera_layer_mask = p_visible_layers; - RSG::scene_render->set_scene_pass(render_pass); + scene_render->set_scene_pass(render_pass); if (p_render_buffers.is_valid()) { - RSG::scene_render->sdfgi_update(p_render_buffers, p_environment, p_cam_transform.origin); //update conditions for SDFGI (whether its used or not) + scene_render->sdfgi_update(p_render_buffers, p_environment, p_cam_transform.origin); //update conditions for SDFGI (whether its used or not) } RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Frustum Culling"); @@ -1998,7 +2012,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_prepare_scene(const Transform p_cam_transform, const light_cull_result[light_cull_count] = ins; light_instance_cull_result[light_cull_count] = light->instance; if (p_shadow_atlas.is_valid() && RSG::storage->light_has_shadow(ins->base)) { - RSG::scene_render->light_instance_mark_visible(light->instance); //mark it visible for shadow allocation later + scene_render->light_instance_mark_visible(light->instance); //mark it visible for shadow allocation later } light_cull_count++; @@ -2014,7 +2028,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_prepare_scene(const Transform p_cam_transform, const if (!reflection_probe->geometries.empty()) { //do not add this light if no geometry is affected by it.. - if (reflection_probe->reflection_dirty || RSG::scene_render->reflection_probe_instance_needs_redraw(reflection_probe->instance)) { + if (reflection_probe->reflection_dirty || scene_render->reflection_probe_instance_needs_redraw(reflection_probe->instance)) { if (!reflection_probe->update_list.in_list()) { reflection_probe->render_step = 0; reflection_probe_render_list.add_last(&reflection_probe->update_list); @@ -2023,7 +2037,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_prepare_scene(const Transform p_cam_transform, const reflection_probe->reflection_dirty = false; } - if (RSG::scene_render->reflection_probe_instance_has_reflection(reflection_probe->instance)) { + if (scene_render->reflection_probe_instance_has_reflection(reflection_probe->instance)) { reflection_probe_instance_cull_result[reflection_probe_cull_count] = reflection_probe->instance; reflection_probe_cull_count++; } @@ -2063,7 +2077,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_prepare_scene(const Transform p_cam_transform, const InstanceGeometryData *geom = static_cast<InstanceGeometryData *>(ins->base_data); if (ins->redraw_if_visible) { - RenderingServerRaster::redraw_request(); + RenderingServerDefault::redraw_request(); } if (ins->base_type == RS::INSTANCE_PARTICLES) { @@ -2075,7 +2089,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_prepare_scene(const Transform p_cam_transform, const RSG::storage->particles_request_process(ins->base); RSG::storage->particles_set_view_axis(ins->base, -p_cam_transform.basis.get_axis(2).normalized()); //particles visible? request redraw - RenderingServerRaster::redraw_request(); + RenderingServerDefault::redraw_request(); } } @@ -2177,7 +2191,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_prepare_scene(const Transform p_cam_transform, const } } - RSG::scene_render->set_directional_shadow_count(directional_shadow_count); + scene_render->set_directional_shadow_count(directional_shadow_count); for (int i = 0; i < directional_shadow_count; i++) { RENDER_TIMESTAMP(">Rendering Directional Light " + itos(i)); @@ -2276,7 +2290,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_prepare_scene(const Transform p_cam_transform, const light->shadow_dirty = false; } - bool redraw = RSG::scene_render->shadow_atlas_update_light(p_shadow_atlas, light->instance, coverage, light->last_version); + bool redraw = scene_render->shadow_atlas_update_light(p_shadow_atlas, light->instance, coverage, light->last_version); if (redraw) { //must redraw! @@ -2297,9 +2311,9 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_prepare_scene(const Transform p_cam_transform, const uint32_t sdfgi_light_cull_count = 0; uint32_t prev_cascade = 0xFFFFFFFF; - for (int i = 0; i < RSG::scene_render->sdfgi_get_pending_region_count(p_render_buffers); i++) { - AABB region = RSG::scene_render->sdfgi_get_pending_region_bounds(p_render_buffers, i); - uint32_t region_cascade = RSG::scene_render->sdfgi_get_pending_region_cascade(p_render_buffers, i); + for (int i = 0; i < scene_render->sdfgi_get_pending_region_count(p_render_buffers); i++) { + AABB region = scene_render->sdfgi_get_pending_region_bounds(p_render_buffers, i); + uint32_t region_cascade = scene_render->sdfgi_get_pending_region_cascade(p_render_buffers, i); if (region_cascade != prev_cascade) { cascade_sizes[cascade_count] = 0; @@ -2341,21 +2355,21 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_prepare_scene(const Transform p_cam_transform, const } } - RSG::scene_render->render_sdfgi(p_render_buffers, i, (RasterizerScene::InstanceBase **)instance_shadow_cull_result, sdfgi_cull_count); + scene_render->render_sdfgi(p_render_buffers, i, (RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase **)instance_shadow_cull_result, sdfgi_cull_count); //have to save updated cascades, then update static lights. } if (sdfgi_light_cull_count) { - RSG::scene_render->render_sdfgi_static_lights(p_render_buffers, cascade_count, cascade_index, cascade_ptrs, cascade_sizes); + scene_render->render_sdfgi_static_lights(p_render_buffers, cascade_count, cascade_index, cascade_ptrs, cascade_sizes); } - RSG::scene_render->sdfgi_update_probes(p_render_buffers, p_environment, directional_light_ptr, directional_light_count, scenario->dynamic_lights.ptr(), scenario->dynamic_lights.size()); + scene_render->sdfgi_update_probes(p_render_buffers, p_environment, directional_light_ptr, directional_light_count, scenario->dynamic_lights.ptr(), scenario->dynamic_lights.size()); } } -RID RenderingServerScene::_render_get_environment(RID p_camera, RID p_scenario) { +RID RendererSceneCull::_render_get_environment(RID p_camera, RID p_scenario) { Camera *camera = camera_owner.getornull(p_camera); - if (camera && RSG::scene_render->is_environment(camera->env)) { + if (camera && scene_render->is_environment(camera->env)) { return camera->env; } @@ -2363,18 +2377,18 @@ RID RenderingServerScene::_render_get_environment(RID p_camera, RID p_scenario) if (!scenario) { return RID(); } - if (RSG::scene_render->is_environment(scenario->environment)) { + if (scene_render->is_environment(scenario->environment)) { return scenario->environment; } - if (RSG::scene_render->is_environment(scenario->fallback_environment)) { + if (scene_render->is_environment(scenario->fallback_environment)) { return scenario->fallback_environment; } return RID(); } -void RenderingServerScene::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_orthogonal, RID p_environment, RID p_force_camera_effects, RID p_scenario, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, int p_reflection_probe_pass) { +void RendererSceneCull::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_orthogonal, RID p_environment, RID p_force_camera_effects, RID p_scenario, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, int p_reflection_probe_pass) { Scenario *scenario = scenario_owner.getornull(p_scenario); RID camera_effects; @@ -2386,10 +2400,10 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform p /* PROCESS GEOMETRY AND DRAW SCENE */ RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Render Scene "); - RSG::scene_render->render_scene(p_render_buffers, p_cam_transform, p_cam_projection, p_cam_orthogonal, (RasterizerScene::InstanceBase **)instance_cull_result, instance_cull_count, light_instance_cull_result, light_cull_count + directional_light_count, reflection_probe_instance_cull_result, reflection_probe_cull_count, gi_probe_instance_cull_result, gi_probe_cull_count, decal_instance_cull_result, decal_cull_count, (RasterizerScene::InstanceBase **)lightmap_cull_result, lightmap_cull_count, p_environment, camera_effects, p_shadow_atlas, p_reflection_probe.is_valid() ? RID() : scenario->reflection_atlas, p_reflection_probe, p_reflection_probe_pass); + scene_render->render_scene(p_render_buffers, p_cam_transform, p_cam_projection, p_cam_orthogonal, (RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase **)instance_cull_result, instance_cull_count, light_instance_cull_result, light_cull_count + directional_light_count, reflection_probe_instance_cull_result, reflection_probe_cull_count, gi_probe_instance_cull_result, gi_probe_cull_count, decal_instance_cull_result, decal_cull_count, (RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase **)lightmap_cull_result, lightmap_cull_count, p_environment, camera_effects, p_shadow_atlas, p_reflection_probe.is_valid() ? RID() : scenario->reflection_atlas, p_reflection_probe, p_reflection_probe_pass); } -void RenderingServerScene::render_empty_scene(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_scenario, RID p_shadow_atlas) { +void RendererSceneCull::render_empty_scene(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_scenario, RID p_shadow_atlas) { #ifndef _3D_DISABLED Scenario *scenario = scenario_owner.getornull(p_scenario); @@ -2401,19 +2415,19 @@ void RenderingServerScene::render_empty_scene(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_scenar environment = scenario->fallback_environment; } RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Render Empty Scene "); - RSG::scene_render->render_scene(p_render_buffers, Transform(), CameraMatrix(), true, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, environment, RID(), p_shadow_atlas, scenario->reflection_atlas, RID(), 0); + scene_render->render_scene(p_render_buffers, Transform(), CameraMatrix(), true, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, environment, RID(), p_shadow_atlas, scenario->reflection_atlas, RID(), 0); #endif } -bool RenderingServerScene::_render_reflection_probe_step(Instance *p_instance, int p_step) { +bool RendererSceneCull::_render_reflection_probe_step(Instance *p_instance, int p_step) { InstanceReflectionProbeData *reflection_probe = static_cast<InstanceReflectionProbeData *>(p_instance->base_data); Scenario *scenario = p_instance->scenario; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!scenario, true); - RenderingServerRaster::redraw_request(); //update, so it updates in editor + RenderingServerDefault::redraw_request(); //update, so it updates in editor if (p_step == 0) { - if (!RSG::scene_render->reflection_probe_instance_begin_render(reflection_probe->instance, scenario->reflection_atlas)) { + if (!scene_render->reflection_probe_instance_begin_render(reflection_probe->instance, scenario->reflection_atlas)) { return true; //all full } } @@ -2468,13 +2482,13 @@ bool RenderingServerScene::_render_reflection_probe_step(Instance *p_instance, i } else { //do roughness postprocess step until it believes it's done RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Post-Process Reflection Probe, Step " + itos(p_step)); - return RSG::scene_render->reflection_probe_instance_postprocess_step(reflection_probe->instance); + return scene_render->reflection_probe_instance_postprocess_step(reflection_probe->instance); } return false; } -void RenderingServerScene::render_probes() { +void RendererSceneCull::render_probes() { /* REFLECTION PROBES */ SelfList<InstanceReflectionProbeData> *ref_probe = reflection_probe_render_list.first(); @@ -2611,7 +2625,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::render_probes() { cache_count = idx; } - bool update_lights = RSG::scene_render->gi_probe_needs_update(probe->probe_instance); + bool update_lights = scene_render->gi_probe_needs_update(probe->probe_instance); if (cache_dirty) { probe->light_cache.resize(cache_count); @@ -2702,7 +2716,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::render_probes() { } } - RSG::scene_render->gi_probe_update(probe->probe_instance, update_lights, probe->light_instances, instance_cull_count, (RasterizerScene::InstanceBase **)instance_cull_result); + scene_render->gi_probe_update(probe->probe_instance, update_lights, probe->light_instances, instance_cull_count, (RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase **)instance_cull_result); gi_probe_update_list.remove(gi_probe); @@ -2710,7 +2724,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::render_probes() { } } -void RenderingServerScene::render_particle_colliders() { +void RendererSceneCull::render_particle_colliders() { while (heightfield_particle_colliders_update_list.front()) { Instance *hfpc = heightfield_particle_colliders_update_list.front()->get(); @@ -2725,16 +2739,16 @@ void RenderingServerScene::render_particle_colliders() { } } - RSG::scene_render->render_particle_collider_heightfield(hfpc->base, hfpc->transform, (RasterizerScene::InstanceBase **)instance_cull_result, cull_count); + scene_render->render_particle_collider_heightfield(hfpc->base, hfpc->transform, (RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase **)instance_cull_result, cull_count); } heightfield_particle_colliders_update_list.erase(heightfield_particle_colliders_update_list.front()); } } -void RenderingServerScene::_update_instance_shader_parameters_from_material(Map<StringName, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase::InstanceShaderParameter> &isparams, const Map<StringName, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase::InstanceShaderParameter> &existing_isparams, RID p_material) { - List<RasterizerStorage::InstanceShaderParam> plist; +void RendererSceneCull::_update_instance_shader_parameters_from_material(Map<StringName, RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase::InstanceShaderParameter> &isparams, const Map<StringName, RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase::InstanceShaderParameter> &existing_isparams, RID p_material) { + List<RendererStorage::InstanceShaderParam> plist; RSG::storage->material_get_instance_shader_parameters(p_material, &plist); - for (List<RasterizerStorage::InstanceShaderParam>::Element *E = plist.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + for (List<RendererStorage::InstanceShaderParam>::Element *E = plist.front(); E; E = E->next()) { StringName name = E->get().info.name; if (isparams.has(name)) { if (isparams[name].info.type != E->get().info.type) { @@ -2746,7 +2760,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_update_instance_shader_parameters_from_material(Map< continue; //first one found always has priority } - RasterizerScene::InstanceBase::InstanceShaderParameter isp; + RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase::InstanceShaderParameter isp; isp.index = E->get().index; isp.info = E->get().info; isp.default_value = E->get().default_value; @@ -2759,7 +2773,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_update_instance_shader_parameters_from_material(Map< } } -void RenderingServerScene::_update_dirty_instance(Instance *p_instance) { +void RendererSceneCull::_update_dirty_instance(Instance *p_instance) { if (p_instance->update_aabb) { _update_instance_aabb(p_instance); } @@ -2795,7 +2809,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_update_dirty_instance(Instance *p_instance) { bool can_cast_shadows = true; bool is_animated = false; - Map<StringName, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase::InstanceShaderParameter> isparams; + Map<StringName, RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase::InstanceShaderParameter> isparams; if (p_instance->cast_shadows == RS::SHADOW_CASTING_SETTING_OFF) { can_cast_shadows = false; @@ -2946,7 +2960,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_update_dirty_instance(Instance *p_instance) { p_instance->instance_allocated_shader_parameters = (p_instance->instance_shader_parameters.size() > 0); if (p_instance->instance_allocated_shader_parameters) { p_instance->instance_allocated_shader_parameters_offset = RSG::storage->global_variables_instance_allocate(p_instance->self); - for (Map<StringName, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase::InstanceShaderParameter>::Element *E = p_instance->instance_shader_parameters.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + for (Map<StringName, RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase::InstanceShaderParameter>::Element *E = p_instance->instance_shader_parameters.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get().value.get_type() != Variant::NIL) { RSG::storage->global_variables_instance_update(p_instance->self, E->get().index, E->get().value); } @@ -2973,7 +2987,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_update_dirty_instance(Instance *p_instance) { p_instance->update_dependencies = false; } -void RenderingServerScene::update_dirty_instances() { +void RendererSceneCull::update_dirty_instances() { RSG::storage->update_dirty_resources(); while (_instance_update_list.first()) { @@ -2981,7 +2995,17 @@ void RenderingServerScene::update_dirty_instances() { } } -bool RenderingServerScene::free(RID p_rid) { +void RendererSceneCull::update() { + scene_render->update(); + update_dirty_instances(); + render_particle_colliders(); +} + +bool RendererSceneCull::free(RID p_rid) { + if (scene_render->free(p_rid)) { + return true; + } + if (camera_owner.owns(p_rid)) { Camera *camera = camera_owner.getornull(p_rid); @@ -2994,8 +3018,8 @@ bool RenderingServerScene::free(RID p_rid) { while (scenario->instances.first()) { instance_set_scenario(scenario->instances.first()->self()->self, RID()); } - RSG::scene_render->free(scenario->reflection_probe_shadow_atlas); - RSG::scene_render->free(scenario->reflection_atlas); + scene_render->free(scenario->reflection_probe_shadow_atlas); + scene_render->free(scenario->reflection_atlas); scenario_owner.free(p_rid); memdelete(scenario); @@ -3027,16 +3051,22 @@ bool RenderingServerScene::free(RID p_rid) { return true; } -TypedArray<Image> RenderingServerScene::bake_render_uv2(RID p_base, const Vector<RID> &p_material_overrides, const Size2i &p_image_size) { - return RSG::scene_render->bake_render_uv2(p_base, p_material_overrides, p_image_size); +TypedArray<Image> RendererSceneCull::bake_render_uv2(RID p_base, const Vector<RID> &p_material_overrides, const Size2i &p_image_size) { + return scene_render->bake_render_uv2(p_base, p_material_overrides, p_image_size); } -RenderingServerScene *RenderingServerScene::singleton = nullptr; +/*******************************/ +/* Passthrough to Scene Render */ +/*******************************/ + +/* ENVIRONMENT API */ + +RendererSceneCull *RendererSceneCull::singleton = nullptr; -RenderingServerScene::RenderingServerScene() { +RendererSceneCull::RendererSceneCull() { render_pass = 1; singleton = this; } -RenderingServerScene::~RenderingServerScene() { +RendererSceneCull::~RendererSceneCull() { } diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_scene.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_cull.h index eb438be273..46ca983986 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_scene.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_cull.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* rendering_server_scene.h */ +/* renderer_scene_cull.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,10 +28,11 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#ifndef VISUALSERVERSCENE_H -#define VISUALSERVERSCENE_H +#ifndef RENDERING_SERVER_SCENE_CULL_H +#define RENDERING_SERVER_SCENE_CULL_H -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer.h" +#include "core/templates/pass_func.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.h" #include "core/math/geometry_3d.h" #include "core/math/octree.h" @@ -40,10 +41,14 @@ #include "core/templates/local_vector.h" #include "core/templates/rid_owner.h" #include "core/templates/self_list.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_scene.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_scene_render.h" #include "servers/xr/xr_interface.h" -class RenderingServerScene { +class RendererSceneCull : public RendererScene { public: + RendererSceneRender *scene_render; + enum { MAX_INSTANCE_CULL = 65536, MAX_LIGHTS_CULLED = 4096, @@ -57,7 +62,7 @@ public: uint64_t render_pass; - static RenderingServerScene *singleton; + static RendererSceneCull *singleton; /* CAMERA API */ @@ -102,6 +107,7 @@ public: virtual void camera_set_environment(RID p_camera, RID p_env); virtual void camera_set_camera_effects(RID p_camera, RID p_fx); virtual void camera_set_use_vertical_aspect(RID p_camera, bool p_enable); + virtual bool is_camera(RID p_camera) const; /* SCENARIO API */ @@ -139,6 +145,8 @@ public: virtual void scenario_set_camera_effects(RID p_scenario, RID p_fx); virtual void scenario_set_fallback_environment(RID p_scenario, RID p_environment); virtual void scenario_set_reflection_atlas_size(RID p_scenario, int p_reflection_size, int p_reflection_count); + virtual bool is_scenario(RID p_scenario) const; + virtual RID scenario_get_environment(RID p_scenario); /* INSTANCING API */ @@ -146,7 +154,7 @@ public: virtual ~InstanceBaseData() {} }; - struct Instance : RasterizerScene::InstanceBase { + struct Instance : RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase { RID self; //scenario stuff OctreeElementID octree_id; @@ -438,7 +446,7 @@ public: virtual void instance_geometry_set_as_instance_lod(RID p_instance, RID p_as_lod_of_instance); virtual void instance_geometry_set_lightmap(RID p_instance, RID p_lightmap, const Rect2 &p_lightmap_uv_scale, int p_slice_index); - void _update_instance_shader_parameters_from_material(Map<StringName, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase::InstanceShaderParameter> &isparams, const Map<StringName, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase::InstanceShaderParameter> &existing_isparams, RID p_material); + void _update_instance_shader_parameters_from_material(Map<StringName, RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase::InstanceShaderParameter> &isparams, const Map<StringName, RendererSceneRender::InstanceBase::InstanceShaderParameter> &existing_isparams, RID p_material); virtual void instance_geometry_set_shader_parameter(RID p_instance, const StringName &p_parameter, const Variant &p_value); virtual void instance_geometry_get_shader_parameter_list(RID p_instance, List<PropertyInfo> *p_parameters) const; @@ -464,14 +472,112 @@ public: void update_dirty_instances(); void render_particle_colliders(); - void render_probes(); + virtual void render_probes(); TypedArray<Image> bake_render_uv2(RID p_base, const Vector<RID> &p_material_overrides, const Size2i &p_image_size); + //pass to scene render + + /* ENVIRONMENT API */ + +#ifdef PASSBASE +#undef PASSBASE +#endif + +#define PASSBASE scene_render + + PASS1(directional_shadow_atlas_set_size, int) + PASS1(gi_probe_set_quality, RS::GIProbeQuality) + + /* SKY API */ + + PASS0R(RID, sky_create) + PASS2(sky_set_radiance_size, RID, int) + PASS2(sky_set_mode, RID, RS::SkyMode) + PASS2(sky_set_material, RID, RID) + PASS4R(Ref<Image>, sky_bake_panorama, RID, float, bool, const Size2i &) + + PASS0R(RID, environment_create) + + PASS1RC(bool, is_environment, RID) + + PASS2(environment_set_background, RID, RS::EnvironmentBG) + PASS2(environment_set_sky, RID, RID) + PASS2(environment_set_sky_custom_fov, RID, float) + PASS2(environment_set_sky_orientation, RID, const Basis &) + PASS2(environment_set_bg_color, RID, const Color &) + PASS2(environment_set_bg_energy, RID, float) + PASS2(environment_set_canvas_max_layer, RID, int) + PASS7(environment_set_ambient_light, RID, const Color &, RS::EnvironmentAmbientSource, float, float, RS::EnvironmentReflectionSource, const Color &) + + PASS6(environment_set_ssr, RID, bool, int, float, float, float) + PASS1(environment_set_ssr_roughness_quality, RS::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality) + + PASS9(environment_set_ssao, RID, bool, float, float, float, float, float, RS::EnvironmentSSAOBlur, float) + PASS2(environment_set_ssao_quality, RS::EnvironmentSSAOQuality, bool) + + PASS11(environment_set_glow, RID, bool, Vector<float>, float, float, float, float, RS::EnvironmentGlowBlendMode, float, float, float) + PASS1(environment_glow_set_use_bicubic_upscale, bool) + PASS1(environment_glow_set_use_high_quality, bool) + + PASS9(environment_set_tonemap, RID, RS::EnvironmentToneMapper, float, float, bool, float, float, float, float) + + PASS7(environment_set_adjustment, RID, bool, float, float, float, bool, RID) + + PASS9(environment_set_fog, RID, bool, const Color &, float, float, float, float, float, float) + PASS9(environment_set_volumetric_fog, RID, bool, float, const Color &, float, float, float, float, RS::EnvVolumetricFogShadowFilter) + + PASS2(environment_set_volumetric_fog_volume_size, int, int) + PASS1(environment_set_volumetric_fog_filter_active, bool) + PASS1(environment_set_volumetric_fog_directional_shadow_shrink_size, int) + PASS1(environment_set_volumetric_fog_positional_shadow_shrink_size, int) + + PASS11(environment_set_sdfgi, RID, bool, RS::EnvironmentSDFGICascades, float, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIYScale, bool, bool, bool, float, float, float) + PASS1(environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount) + PASS1(environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge) + + PASS1RC(RS::EnvironmentBG, environment_get_background, RID) + PASS1RC(int, environment_get_canvas_max_layer, RID) + + PASS3R(Ref<Image>, environment_bake_panorama, RID, bool, const Size2i &) + + PASS3(screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active, bool, float, float) + PASS1(sub_surface_scattering_set_quality, RS::SubSurfaceScatteringQuality) + PASS2(sub_surface_scattering_set_scale, float, float) + + /* CAMERA EFFECTS */ + + PASS0R(RID, camera_effects_create) + + PASS2(camera_effects_set_dof_blur_quality, RS::DOFBlurQuality, bool) + PASS1(camera_effects_set_dof_blur_bokeh_shape, RS::DOFBokehShape) + + PASS8(camera_effects_set_dof_blur, RID, bool, float, float, bool, float, float, float) + PASS3(camera_effects_set_custom_exposure, RID, bool, float) + + PASS1(shadows_quality_set, RS::ShadowQuality) + PASS1(directional_shadow_quality_set, RS::ShadowQuality) + + PASS2(sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select, const Vector3 &, const Vector3 &) + + /* Render Buffers */ + + PASS0R(RID, render_buffers_create) + PASS7(render_buffers_configure, RID, RID, int, int, RS::ViewportMSAA, RS::ViewportScreenSpaceAA, bool) + + /* Shadow Atlas */ + PASS0R(RID, shadow_atlas_create) + PASS2(shadow_atlas_set_size, RID, int) + PASS3(shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision, RID, int, int) + + PASS1(set_debug_draw_mode, RS::ViewportDebugDraw) + + virtual void update(); + bool free(RID p_rid); - RenderingServerScene(); - virtual ~RenderingServerScene(); + RendererSceneCull(); + virtual ~RendererSceneCull(); }; #endif // VISUALSERVERSCENE_H diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_render.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_render.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2c36c5c59d --- /dev/null +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_render.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* renderer_scene_render.cpp */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#include "renderer_scene_render.h" diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_render.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_render.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cc543a7599 --- /dev/null +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_render.h @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* renderer_scene_render.h */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef RENDERINGSERVERSCENERENDER_H +#define RENDERINGSERVERSCENERENDER_H + +#include "core/math/camera_matrix.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_storage.h" + +class RendererSceneRender { +public: + /* SHADOW ATLAS API */ + + virtual RID shadow_atlas_create() = 0; + virtual void shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size) = 0; + virtual void shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_atlas, int p_quadrant, int p_subdivision) = 0; + virtual bool shadow_atlas_update_light(RID p_atlas, RID p_light_intance, float p_coverage, uint64_t p_light_version) = 0; + + virtual void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size) = 0; + virtual int get_directional_light_shadow_size(RID p_light_intance) = 0; + virtual void set_directional_shadow_count(int p_count) = 0; + + /* SDFGI UPDATE */ + + struct InstanceBase; + + virtual void sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, const Vector3 &p_world_position) = 0; + virtual int sdfgi_get_pending_region_count(RID p_render_buffers) const = 0; + virtual AABB sdfgi_get_pending_region_bounds(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region) const = 0; + virtual uint32_t sdfgi_get_pending_region_cascade(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region) const = 0; + virtual void sdfgi_update_probes(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, const RID *p_directional_light_instances, uint32_t p_directional_light_count, const RID *p_positional_light_instances, uint32_t p_positional_light_count) = 0; + + /* SKY API */ + + virtual RID sky_create() = 0; + virtual void sky_set_radiance_size(RID p_sky, int p_radiance_size) = 0; + virtual void sky_set_mode(RID p_sky, RS::SkyMode p_samples) = 0; + virtual void sky_set_material(RID p_sky, RID p_material) = 0; + virtual Ref<Image> sky_bake_panorama(RID p_sky, float p_energy, bool p_bake_irradiance, const Size2i &p_size) = 0; + + /* ENVIRONMENT API */ + + virtual RID environment_create() = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_background(RID p_env, RS::EnvironmentBG p_bg) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_sky(RID p_env, RID p_sky) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_sky_custom_fov(RID p_env, float p_scale) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_sky_orientation(RID p_env, const Basis &p_orientation) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_bg_color(RID p_env, const Color &p_color) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_bg_energy(RID p_env, float p_energy) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_canvas_max_layer(RID p_env, int p_max_layer) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_ambient_light(RID p_env, const Color &p_color, RS::EnvironmentAmbientSource p_ambient = RS::ENV_AMBIENT_SOURCE_BG, float p_energy = 1.0, float p_sky_contribution = 0.0, RS::EnvironmentReflectionSource p_reflection_source = RS::ENV_REFLECTION_SOURCE_BG, const Color &p_ao_color = Color()) = 0; +// FIXME: Disabled during Vulkan refactoring, should be ported. +#if 0 + virtual void environment_set_camera_feed_id(RID p_env, int p_camera_feed_id) = 0; +#endif + + virtual void environment_set_glow(RID p_env, bool p_enable, Vector<float> p_levels, float p_intensity, float p_strength, float p_mix, float p_bloom_threshold, RS::EnvironmentGlowBlendMode p_blend_mode, float p_hdr_bleed_threshold, float p_hdr_bleed_scale, float p_hdr_luminance_cap) = 0; + virtual void environment_glow_set_use_bicubic_upscale(bool p_enable) = 0; + virtual void environment_glow_set_use_high_quality(bool p_enable) = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_volumetric_fog(RID p_env, bool p_enable, float p_density, const Color &p_light, float p_light_energy, float p_length, float p_detail_spread, float p_gi_inject, RS::EnvVolumetricFogShadowFilter p_shadow_filter) = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_volumetric_fog_volume_size(int p_size, int p_depth) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_volumetric_fog_filter_active(bool p_enable) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_volumetric_fog_directional_shadow_shrink_size(int p_shrink_size) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_volumetric_fog_positional_shadow_shrink_size(int p_shrink_size) = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_ssr(RID p_env, bool p_enable, int p_max_steps, float p_fade_int, float p_fade_out, float p_depth_tolerance) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_ssr_roughness_quality(RS::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality p_quality) = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_ssao(RID p_env, bool p_enable, float p_radius, float p_intensity, float p_bias, float p_light_affect, float p_ao_channel_affect, RS::EnvironmentSSAOBlur p_blur, float p_bilateral_sharpness) = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_ssao_quality(RS::EnvironmentSSAOQuality p_quality, bool p_half_size) = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_sdfgi(RID p_env, bool p_enable, RS::EnvironmentSDFGICascades p_cascades, float p_min_cell_size, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIYScale p_y_scale, bool p_use_occlusion, bool p_use_multibounce, bool p_read_sky, float p_energy, float p_normal_bias, float p_probe_bias) = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount p_ray_count) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge p_frames) = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_tonemap(RID p_env, RS::EnvironmentToneMapper p_tone_mapper, float p_exposure, float p_white, bool p_auto_exposure, float p_min_luminance, float p_max_luminance, float p_auto_exp_speed, float p_auto_exp_scale) = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_adjustment(RID p_env, bool p_enable, float p_brightness, float p_contrast, float p_saturation, bool p_use_1d_color_correction, RID p_color_correction) = 0; + + virtual void environment_set_fog(RID p_env, bool p_enable, const Color &p_light_color, float p_light_energy, float p_sun_scatter, float p_density, float p_height, float p_height_density, float p_aerial_perspective) = 0; + + virtual Ref<Image> environment_bake_panorama(RID p_env, bool p_bake_irradiance, const Size2i &p_size) = 0; + + virtual bool is_environment(RID p_env) const = 0; + virtual RS::EnvironmentBG environment_get_background(RID p_env) const = 0; + virtual int environment_get_canvas_max_layer(RID p_env) const = 0; + + virtual RID camera_effects_create() = 0; + + virtual void camera_effects_set_dof_blur_quality(RS::DOFBlurQuality p_quality, bool p_use_jitter) = 0; + virtual void camera_effects_set_dof_blur_bokeh_shape(RS::DOFBokehShape p_shape) = 0; + + virtual void camera_effects_set_dof_blur(RID p_camera_effects, bool p_far_enable, float p_far_distance, float p_far_transition, bool p_near_enable, float p_near_distance, float p_near_transition, float p_amount) = 0; + virtual void camera_effects_set_custom_exposure(RID p_camera_effects, bool p_enable, float p_exposure) = 0; + + virtual void shadows_quality_set(RS::ShadowQuality p_quality) = 0; + virtual void directional_shadow_quality_set(RS::ShadowQuality p_quality) = 0; + + struct InstanceBase : public RendererStorage::InstanceBaseDependency { + RS::InstanceType base_type; + RID base; + + RID skeleton; + RID material_override; + + RID instance_data; + + Transform transform; + + int depth_layer; + uint32_t layer_mask; + + //RID sampled_light; + + Vector<RID> materials; + Vector<RID> light_instances; + Vector<RID> reflection_probe_instances; + Vector<RID> gi_probe_instances; + + Vector<float> blend_values; + + RS::ShadowCastingSetting cast_shadows; + + //fit in 32 bits + bool mirror : 8; + bool receive_shadows : 8; + bool visible : 8; + bool baked_light : 2; //this flag is only to know if it actually did use baked light + bool dynamic_gi : 2; //this flag is only to know if it actually did use baked light + bool redraw_if_visible : 4; + + float depth; //used for sorting + + InstanceBase *lightmap; + Rect2 lightmap_uv_scale; + int lightmap_slice_index; + uint32_t lightmap_cull_index; + Vector<Color> lightmap_sh; //spherical harmonic + + AABB aabb; + AABB transformed_aabb; + + struct InstanceShaderParameter { + int32_t index = -1; + Variant value; + Variant default_value; + PropertyInfo info; + }; + + Map<StringName, InstanceShaderParameter> instance_shader_parameters; + bool instance_allocated_shader_parameters = false; + int32_t instance_allocated_shader_parameters_offset = -1; + + InstanceBase() { + base_type = RS::INSTANCE_NONE; + cast_shadows = RS::SHADOW_CASTING_SETTING_ON; + receive_shadows = true; + visible = true; + depth_layer = 0; + layer_mask = 1; + instance_version = 0; + baked_light = false; + dynamic_gi = false; + redraw_if_visible = false; + lightmap_slice_index = 0; + lightmap = nullptr; + lightmap_cull_index = 0; + } + + virtual ~InstanceBase() { + } + }; + + virtual RID light_instance_create(RID p_light) = 0; + virtual void light_instance_set_transform(RID p_light_instance, const Transform &p_transform) = 0; + virtual void light_instance_set_aabb(RID p_light_instance, const AABB &p_aabb) = 0; + virtual void light_instance_set_shadow_transform(RID p_light_instance, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_far, float p_split, int p_pass, float p_shadow_texel_size, float p_bias_scale = 1.0, float p_range_begin = 0, const Vector2 &p_uv_scale = Vector2()) = 0; + virtual void light_instance_mark_visible(RID p_light_instance) = 0; + virtual bool light_instances_can_render_shadow_cube() const { + return true; + } + + virtual RID reflection_atlas_create() = 0; + virtual void reflection_atlas_set_size(RID p_ref_atlas, int p_reflection_size, int p_reflection_count) = 0; + + virtual RID reflection_probe_instance_create(RID p_probe) = 0; + virtual void reflection_probe_instance_set_transform(RID p_instance, const Transform &p_transform) = 0; + virtual void reflection_probe_release_atlas_index(RID p_instance) = 0; + virtual bool reflection_probe_instance_needs_redraw(RID p_instance) = 0; + virtual bool reflection_probe_instance_has_reflection(RID p_instance) = 0; + virtual bool reflection_probe_instance_begin_render(RID p_instance, RID p_reflection_atlas) = 0; + virtual bool reflection_probe_instance_postprocess_step(RID p_instance) = 0; + + virtual RID decal_instance_create(RID p_decal) = 0; + virtual void decal_instance_set_transform(RID p_decal, const Transform &p_transform) = 0; + + virtual RID gi_probe_instance_create(RID p_gi_probe) = 0; + virtual void gi_probe_instance_set_transform_to_data(RID p_probe, const Transform &p_xform) = 0; + virtual bool gi_probe_needs_update(RID p_probe) const = 0; + virtual void gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instances, const Vector<RID> &p_light_instances, int p_dynamic_object_count, InstanceBase **p_dynamic_objects) = 0; + + virtual void gi_probe_set_quality(RS::GIProbeQuality) = 0; + + virtual void render_scene(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, RID *p_light_cull_result, int p_light_cull_count, RID *p_reflection_probe_cull_result, int p_reflection_probe_cull_count, RID *p_gi_probe_cull_result, int p_gi_probe_cull_count, RID *p_decal_cull_result, int p_decal_cull_count, InstanceBase **p_lightmap_cull_result, int p_lightmap_cull_count, RID p_environment, RID p_camera_effects, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, int p_reflection_probe_pass) = 0; + + virtual void render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p_pass, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count) = 0; + virtual void render_material(const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region) = 0; + virtual void render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count) = 0; + virtual void render_sdfgi_static_lights(RID p_render_buffers, uint32_t p_cascade_count, const uint32_t *p_cascade_indices, const RID **p_positional_light_cull_result, const uint32_t *p_positional_light_cull_count) = 0; + virtual void render_particle_collider_heightfield(RID p_collider, const Transform &p_transform, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count) = 0; + + virtual void set_scene_pass(uint64_t p_pass) = 0; + virtual void set_time(double p_time, double p_step) = 0; + virtual void set_debug_draw_mode(RS::ViewportDebugDraw p_debug_draw) = 0; + + virtual RID render_buffers_create() = 0; + virtual void render_buffers_configure(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_render_target, int p_width, int p_height, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa, RS::ViewportScreenSpaceAA p_screen_space_aa, bool p_use_debanding) = 0; + + virtual void screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active(bool p_enable, float p_amount, float p_limit) = 0; + virtual bool screen_space_roughness_limiter_is_active() const = 0; + + virtual void sub_surface_scattering_set_quality(RS::SubSurfaceScatteringQuality p_quality) = 0; + virtual void sub_surface_scattering_set_scale(float p_scale, float p_depth_scale) = 0; + + virtual TypedArray<Image> bake_render_uv2(RID p_base, const Vector<RID> &p_material_overrides, const Size2i &p_image_size) = 0; + + virtual bool free(RID p_rid) = 0; + + virtual void sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(const Vector3 &p_position, const Vector3 &p_dir) = 0; + + virtual void update() = 0; + virtual ~RendererSceneRender() {} +}; + +#endif // RENDERINGSERVERSCENERENDER_H diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_storage.cpp index 32084c8a3e..1b2773e404 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_storage.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* rasterizer.cpp */ +/* renderer_storage.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,49 +28,38 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#include "rasterizer.h" +#include "renderer_storage.h" -#include "core/os/os.h" -#include "core/string/print_string.h" +RendererStorage *RendererStorage::base_singleton = nullptr; -Rasterizer *(*Rasterizer::_create_func)() = nullptr; - -void RasterizerScene::InstanceDependency::instance_notify_changed(bool p_aabb, bool p_dependencies) { - for (Map<InstanceBase *, uint32_t>::Element *E = instances.front(); E; E = E->next()) { +void RendererStorage::InstanceDependency::instance_notify_changed(bool p_aabb, bool p_dependencies) { + for (Map<InstanceBaseDependency *, uint32_t>::Element *E = instances.front(); E; E = E->next()) { E->key()->dependency_changed(p_aabb, p_dependencies); } } -void RasterizerScene::InstanceDependency::instance_notify_deleted(RID p_deleted) { - for (Map<InstanceBase *, uint32_t>::Element *E = instances.front(); E; E = E->next()) { +void RendererStorage::InstanceDependency::instance_notify_deleted(RID p_deleted) { + for (Map<InstanceBaseDependency *, uint32_t>::Element *E = instances.front(); E; E = E->next()) { E->key()->dependency_deleted(p_deleted); } - for (Map<InstanceBase *, uint32_t>::Element *E = instances.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + for (Map<InstanceBaseDependency *, uint32_t>::Element *E = instances.front(); E; E = E->next()) { E->key()->dependencies.erase(this); } instances.clear(); } -RasterizerScene::InstanceDependency::~InstanceDependency() { +RendererStorage::InstanceDependency::~InstanceDependency() { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (instances.size()) { WARN_PRINT("Leaked instance dependency: Bug - did not call instance_notify_deleted when freeing."); - for (Map<InstanceBase *, uint32_t>::Element *E = instances.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + for (Map<InstanceBaseDependency *, uint32_t>::Element *E = instances.front(); E; E = E->next()) { E->key()->dependencies.erase(this); } } #endif } -Rasterizer *Rasterizer::create() { - return _create_func(); -} - -RasterizerCanvas *RasterizerCanvas::singleton = nullptr; - -RasterizerStorage *RasterizerStorage::base_singleton = nullptr; - -RasterizerStorage::RasterizerStorage() { +RendererStorage::RendererStorage() { base_singleton = this; } diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_storage.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_storage.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..03d4397d77 --- /dev/null +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_storage.h @@ -0,0 +1,581 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* renderer_storage.h */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef RENDERINGSERVERSTORAGE_H +#define RENDERINGSERVERSTORAGE_H + +#include "servers/rendering_server.h" + +class RendererStorage { + Color default_clear_color; + +public: + struct InstanceBaseDependency; + + struct InstanceDependency { + void instance_notify_changed(bool p_aabb, bool p_dependencies); + void instance_notify_deleted(RID p_deleted); + + ~InstanceDependency(); + + private: + friend struct InstanceBaseDependency; + Map<InstanceBaseDependency *, uint32_t> instances; + }; + + struct InstanceBaseDependency { + uint32_t instance_version; + Set<InstanceDependency *> dependencies; + + virtual void dependency_deleted(RID p_dependency) {} + virtual void dependency_changed(bool p_aabb, bool p_dependencies) {} + + void instance_increase_version() { + instance_version++; + } + + void update_dependency(InstanceDependency *p_dependency) { + dependencies.insert(p_dependency); + p_dependency->instances[this] = instance_version; + } + + void clean_up_dependencies() { + List<Pair<InstanceDependency *, Map<InstanceBaseDependency *, uint32_t>::Element *>> to_clean_up; + for (Set<InstanceDependency *>::Element *E = dependencies.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + InstanceDependency *dep = E->get(); + Map<InstanceBaseDependency *, uint32_t>::Element *F = dep->instances.find(this); + ERR_CONTINUE(!F); + if (F->get() != instance_version) { + Pair<InstanceDependency *, Map<InstanceBaseDependency *, uint32_t>::Element *> p; + p.first = dep; + p.second = F; + to_clean_up.push_back(p); + } + } + + while (to_clean_up.size()) { + to_clean_up.front()->get().first->instances.erase(to_clean_up.front()->get().second); + to_clean_up.pop_front(); + } + } + + void clear_dependencies() { + for (Set<InstanceDependency *>::Element *E = dependencies.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + InstanceDependency *dep = E->get(); + dep->instances.erase(this); + } + dependencies.clear(); + } + + virtual ~InstanceBaseDependency() { clear_dependencies(); } + }; + + /* TEXTURE API */ + + virtual RID texture_2d_create(const Ref<Image> &p_image) = 0; + virtual RID texture_2d_layered_create(const Vector<Ref<Image>> &p_layers, RS::TextureLayeredType p_layered_type) = 0; + virtual RID texture_3d_create(Image::Format, int p_width, int p_height, int p_depth, bool p_mipmaps, const Vector<Ref<Image>> &p_data) = 0; + virtual RID texture_proxy_create(RID p_base) = 0; //all slices, then all the mipmaps, must be coherent + + virtual void texture_2d_update_immediate(RID p_texture, const Ref<Image> &p_image, int p_layer = 0) = 0; //mostly used for video and streaming + virtual void texture_2d_update(RID p_texture, const Ref<Image> &p_image, int p_layer = 0) = 0; + virtual void texture_3d_update(RID p_texture, const Vector<Ref<Image>> &p_data) = 0; + virtual void texture_proxy_update(RID p_proxy, RID p_base) = 0; + + //these two APIs can be used together or in combination with the others. + virtual RID texture_2d_placeholder_create() = 0; + virtual RID texture_2d_layered_placeholder_create(RenderingServer::TextureLayeredType p_layered_type) = 0; + virtual RID texture_3d_placeholder_create() = 0; + + virtual Ref<Image> texture_2d_get(RID p_texture) const = 0; + virtual Ref<Image> texture_2d_layer_get(RID p_texture, int p_layer) const = 0; + virtual Vector<Ref<Image>> texture_3d_get(RID p_texture) const = 0; + + virtual void texture_replace(RID p_texture, RID p_by_texture) = 0; + virtual void texture_set_size_override(RID p_texture, int p_width, int p_height) = 0; + + virtual void texture_set_path(RID p_texture, const String &p_path) = 0; + virtual String texture_get_path(RID p_texture) const = 0; + + virtual void texture_set_detect_3d_callback(RID p_texture, RS::TextureDetectCallback p_callback, void *p_userdata) = 0; + virtual void texture_set_detect_normal_callback(RID p_texture, RS::TextureDetectCallback p_callback, void *p_userdata) = 0; + virtual void texture_set_detect_roughness_callback(RID p_texture, RS::TextureDetectRoughnessCallback p_callback, void *p_userdata) = 0; + + virtual void texture_debug_usage(List<RS::TextureInfo> *r_info) = 0; + + virtual void texture_set_force_redraw_if_visible(RID p_texture, bool p_enable) = 0; + + virtual Size2 texture_size_with_proxy(RID p_proxy) = 0; + + virtual void texture_add_to_decal_atlas(RID p_texture, bool p_panorama_to_dp = false) = 0; + virtual void texture_remove_from_decal_atlas(RID p_texture, bool p_panorama_to_dp = false) = 0; + + /* CANVAS TEXTURE API */ + + virtual RID canvas_texture_create() = 0; + virtual void canvas_texture_set_channel(RID p_canvas_texture, RS::CanvasTextureChannel p_channel, RID p_texture) = 0; + virtual void canvas_texture_set_shading_parameters(RID p_canvas_texture, const Color &p_base_color, float p_shininess) = 0; + + virtual void canvas_texture_set_texture_filter(RID p_item, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_filter) = 0; + virtual void canvas_texture_set_texture_repeat(RID p_item, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_repeat) = 0; + + /* SHADER API */ + + virtual RID shader_create() = 0; + + virtual void shader_set_code(RID p_shader, const String &p_code) = 0; + virtual String shader_get_code(RID p_shader) const = 0; + virtual void shader_get_param_list(RID p_shader, List<PropertyInfo> *p_param_list) const = 0; + + virtual void shader_set_default_texture_param(RID p_shader, const StringName &p_name, RID p_texture) = 0; + virtual RID shader_get_default_texture_param(RID p_shader, const StringName &p_name) const = 0; + virtual Variant shader_get_param_default(RID p_material, const StringName &p_param) const = 0; + + /* COMMON MATERIAL API */ + + virtual RID material_create() = 0; + + virtual void material_set_render_priority(RID p_material, int priority) = 0; + virtual void material_set_shader(RID p_shader_material, RID p_shader) = 0; + + virtual void material_set_param(RID p_material, const StringName &p_param, const Variant &p_value) = 0; + virtual Variant material_get_param(RID p_material, const StringName &p_param) const = 0; + + virtual void material_set_next_pass(RID p_material, RID p_next_material) = 0; + + virtual bool material_is_animated(RID p_material) = 0; + virtual bool material_casts_shadows(RID p_material) = 0; + + struct InstanceShaderParam { + PropertyInfo info; + int index; + Variant default_value; + }; + + virtual void material_get_instance_shader_parameters(RID p_material, List<InstanceShaderParam> *r_parameters) = 0; + + virtual void material_update_dependency(RID p_material, InstanceBaseDependency *p_instance) = 0; + + /* MESH API */ + + virtual RID mesh_create() = 0; + + /// Returns stride + virtual void mesh_add_surface(RID p_mesh, const RS::SurfaceData &p_surface) = 0; + + virtual int mesh_get_blend_shape_count(RID p_mesh) const = 0; + + virtual void mesh_set_blend_shape_mode(RID p_mesh, RS::BlendShapeMode p_mode) = 0; + virtual RS::BlendShapeMode mesh_get_blend_shape_mode(RID p_mesh) const = 0; + + virtual void mesh_surface_update_region(RID p_mesh, int p_surface, int p_offset, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data) = 0; + + virtual void mesh_surface_set_material(RID p_mesh, int p_surface, RID p_material) = 0; + virtual RID mesh_surface_get_material(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) const = 0; + + virtual RS::SurfaceData mesh_get_surface(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) const = 0; + + virtual int mesh_get_surface_count(RID p_mesh) const = 0; + + virtual void mesh_set_custom_aabb(RID p_mesh, const AABB &p_aabb) = 0; + virtual AABB mesh_get_custom_aabb(RID p_mesh) const = 0; + + virtual AABB mesh_get_aabb(RID p_mesh, RID p_skeleton = RID()) = 0; + + virtual void mesh_clear(RID p_mesh) = 0; + + /* MULTIMESH API */ + + virtual RID multimesh_create() = 0; + + virtual void multimesh_allocate(RID p_multimesh, int p_instances, RS::MultimeshTransformFormat p_transform_format, bool p_use_colors = false, bool p_use_custom_data = false) = 0; + + virtual int multimesh_get_instance_count(RID p_multimesh) const = 0; + + virtual void multimesh_set_mesh(RID p_multimesh, RID p_mesh) = 0; + virtual void multimesh_instance_set_transform(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Transform &p_transform) = 0; + virtual void multimesh_instance_set_transform_2d(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Transform2D &p_transform) = 0; + virtual void multimesh_instance_set_color(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Color &p_color) = 0; + virtual void multimesh_instance_set_custom_data(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Color &p_color) = 0; + + virtual RID multimesh_get_mesh(RID p_multimesh) const = 0; + + virtual Transform multimesh_instance_get_transform(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const = 0; + virtual Transform2D multimesh_instance_get_transform_2d(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const = 0; + virtual Color multimesh_instance_get_color(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const = 0; + virtual Color multimesh_instance_get_custom_data(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const = 0; + + virtual void multimesh_set_buffer(RID p_multimesh, const Vector<float> &p_buffer) = 0; + virtual Vector<float> multimesh_get_buffer(RID p_multimesh) const = 0; + + virtual void multimesh_set_visible_instances(RID p_multimesh, int p_visible) = 0; + virtual int multimesh_get_visible_instances(RID p_multimesh) const = 0; + + virtual AABB multimesh_get_aabb(RID p_multimesh) const = 0; + + /* IMMEDIATE API */ + + virtual RID immediate_create() = 0; + virtual void immediate_begin(RID p_immediate, RS::PrimitiveType p_rimitive, RID p_texture = RID()) = 0; + virtual void immediate_vertex(RID p_immediate, const Vector3 &p_vertex) = 0; + virtual void immediate_normal(RID p_immediate, const Vector3 &p_normal) = 0; + virtual void immediate_tangent(RID p_immediate, const Plane &p_tangent) = 0; + virtual void immediate_color(RID p_immediate, const Color &p_color) = 0; + virtual void immediate_uv(RID p_immediate, const Vector2 &tex_uv) = 0; + virtual void immediate_uv2(RID p_immediate, const Vector2 &tex_uv) = 0; + virtual void immediate_end(RID p_immediate) = 0; + virtual void immediate_clear(RID p_immediate) = 0; + virtual void immediate_set_material(RID p_immediate, RID p_material) = 0; + virtual RID immediate_get_material(RID p_immediate) const = 0; + virtual AABB immediate_get_aabb(RID p_immediate) const = 0; + + /* SKELETON API */ + + virtual RID skeleton_create() = 0; + virtual void skeleton_allocate(RID p_skeleton, int p_bones, bool p_2d_skeleton = false) = 0; + virtual int skeleton_get_bone_count(RID p_skeleton) const = 0; + virtual void skeleton_bone_set_transform(RID p_skeleton, int p_bone, const Transform &p_transform) = 0; + virtual Transform skeleton_bone_get_transform(RID p_skeleton, int p_bone) const = 0; + virtual void skeleton_bone_set_transform_2d(RID p_skeleton, int p_bone, const Transform2D &p_transform) = 0; + virtual Transform2D skeleton_bone_get_transform_2d(RID p_skeleton, int p_bone) const = 0; + virtual void skeleton_set_base_transform_2d(RID p_skeleton, const Transform2D &p_base_transform) = 0; + + /* Light API */ + + virtual RID light_create(RS::LightType p_type) = 0; + + RID directional_light_create() { return light_create(RS::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL); } + RID omni_light_create() { return light_create(RS::LIGHT_OMNI); } + RID spot_light_create() { return light_create(RS::LIGHT_SPOT); } + + virtual void light_set_color(RID p_light, const Color &p_color) = 0; + virtual void light_set_param(RID p_light, RS::LightParam p_param, float p_value) = 0; + virtual void light_set_shadow(RID p_light, bool p_enabled) = 0; + virtual void light_set_shadow_color(RID p_light, const Color &p_color) = 0; + virtual void light_set_projector(RID p_light, RID p_texture) = 0; + virtual void light_set_negative(RID p_light, bool p_enable) = 0; + virtual void light_set_cull_mask(RID p_light, uint32_t p_mask) = 0; + virtual void light_set_reverse_cull_face_mode(RID p_light, bool p_enabled) = 0; + virtual void light_set_bake_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightBakeMode p_bake_mode) = 0; + virtual void light_set_max_sdfgi_cascade(RID p_light, uint32_t p_cascade) = 0; + + virtual void light_omni_set_shadow_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightOmniShadowMode p_mode) = 0; + + virtual void light_directional_set_shadow_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightDirectionalShadowMode p_mode) = 0; + virtual void light_directional_set_blend_splits(RID p_light, bool p_enable) = 0; + virtual bool light_directional_get_blend_splits(RID p_light) const = 0; + virtual void light_directional_set_sky_only(RID p_light, bool p_sky_only) = 0; + virtual bool light_directional_is_sky_only(RID p_light) const = 0; + virtual void light_directional_set_shadow_depth_range_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightDirectionalShadowDepthRangeMode p_range_mode) = 0; + virtual RS::LightDirectionalShadowDepthRangeMode light_directional_get_shadow_depth_range_mode(RID p_light) const = 0; + + virtual RS::LightDirectionalShadowMode light_directional_get_shadow_mode(RID p_light) = 0; + virtual RS::LightOmniShadowMode light_omni_get_shadow_mode(RID p_light) = 0; + + virtual bool light_has_shadow(RID p_light) const = 0; + + virtual RS::LightType light_get_type(RID p_light) const = 0; + virtual AABB light_get_aabb(RID p_light) const = 0; + virtual float light_get_param(RID p_light, RS::LightParam p_param) = 0; + virtual Color light_get_color(RID p_light) = 0; + virtual RS::LightBakeMode light_get_bake_mode(RID p_light) = 0; + virtual uint32_t light_get_max_sdfgi_cascade(RID p_light) = 0; + virtual uint64_t light_get_version(RID p_light) const = 0; + + /* PROBE API */ + + virtual RID reflection_probe_create() = 0; + + virtual void reflection_probe_set_update_mode(RID p_probe, RS::ReflectionProbeUpdateMode p_mode) = 0; + virtual void reflection_probe_set_resolution(RID p_probe, int p_resolution) = 0; + virtual void reflection_probe_set_intensity(RID p_probe, float p_intensity) = 0; + virtual void reflection_probe_set_ambient_mode(RID p_probe, RS::ReflectionProbeAmbientMode p_mode) = 0; + virtual void reflection_probe_set_ambient_color(RID p_probe, const Color &p_color) = 0; + virtual void reflection_probe_set_ambient_energy(RID p_probe, float p_energy) = 0; + virtual void reflection_probe_set_max_distance(RID p_probe, float p_distance) = 0; + virtual void reflection_probe_set_extents(RID p_probe, const Vector3 &p_extents) = 0; + virtual void reflection_probe_set_origin_offset(RID p_probe, const Vector3 &p_offset) = 0; + virtual void reflection_probe_set_as_interior(RID p_probe, bool p_enable) = 0; + virtual void reflection_probe_set_enable_box_projection(RID p_probe, bool p_enable) = 0; + virtual void reflection_probe_set_enable_shadows(RID p_probe, bool p_enable) = 0; + virtual void reflection_probe_set_cull_mask(RID p_probe, uint32_t p_layers) = 0; + + virtual AABB reflection_probe_get_aabb(RID p_probe) const = 0; + virtual RS::ReflectionProbeUpdateMode reflection_probe_get_update_mode(RID p_probe) const = 0; + virtual uint32_t reflection_probe_get_cull_mask(RID p_probe) const = 0; + virtual Vector3 reflection_probe_get_extents(RID p_probe) const = 0; + virtual Vector3 reflection_probe_get_origin_offset(RID p_probe) const = 0; + virtual float reflection_probe_get_origin_max_distance(RID p_probe) const = 0; + virtual bool reflection_probe_renders_shadows(RID p_probe) const = 0; + + virtual void base_update_dependency(RID p_base, InstanceBaseDependency *p_instance) = 0; + virtual void skeleton_update_dependency(RID p_base, InstanceBaseDependency *p_instance) = 0; + + /* DECAL API */ + + virtual RID decal_create() = 0; + virtual void decal_set_extents(RID p_decal, const Vector3 &p_extents) = 0; + virtual void decal_set_texture(RID p_decal, RS::DecalTexture p_type, RID p_texture) = 0; + virtual void decal_set_emission_energy(RID p_decal, float p_energy) = 0; + virtual void decal_set_albedo_mix(RID p_decal, float p_mix) = 0; + virtual void decal_set_modulate(RID p_decal, const Color &p_modulate) = 0; + virtual void decal_set_cull_mask(RID p_decal, uint32_t p_layers) = 0; + virtual void decal_set_distance_fade(RID p_decal, bool p_enabled, float p_begin, float p_length) = 0; + virtual void decal_set_fade(RID p_decal, float p_above, float p_below) = 0; + virtual void decal_set_normal_fade(RID p_decal, float p_fade) = 0; + + virtual AABB decal_get_aabb(RID p_decal) const = 0; + + /* GI PROBE API */ + + virtual RID gi_probe_create() = 0; + + virtual void gi_probe_allocate(RID p_gi_probe, const Transform &p_to_cell_xform, const AABB &p_aabb, const Vector3i &p_octree_size, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_octree_cells, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data_cells, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_distance_field, const Vector<int> &p_level_counts) = 0; + + virtual AABB gi_probe_get_bounds(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; + virtual Vector3i gi_probe_get_octree_size(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; + virtual Vector<uint8_t> gi_probe_get_octree_cells(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; + virtual Vector<uint8_t> gi_probe_get_data_cells(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; + virtual Vector<uint8_t> gi_probe_get_distance_field(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; + + virtual Vector<int> gi_probe_get_level_counts(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; + virtual Transform gi_probe_get_to_cell_xform(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; + + virtual void gi_probe_set_dynamic_range(RID p_gi_probe, float p_range) = 0; + virtual float gi_probe_get_dynamic_range(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; + + virtual void gi_probe_set_propagation(RID p_gi_probe, float p_range) = 0; + virtual float gi_probe_get_propagation(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; + + virtual void gi_probe_set_energy(RID p_gi_probe, float p_energy) = 0; + virtual float gi_probe_get_energy(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; + + virtual void gi_probe_set_ao(RID p_gi_probe, float p_ao) = 0; + virtual float gi_probe_get_ao(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; + + virtual void gi_probe_set_ao_size(RID p_gi_probe, float p_strength) = 0; + virtual float gi_probe_get_ao_size(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; + + virtual void gi_probe_set_bias(RID p_gi_probe, float p_bias) = 0; + virtual float gi_probe_get_bias(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; + + virtual void gi_probe_set_normal_bias(RID p_gi_probe, float p_range) = 0; + virtual float gi_probe_get_normal_bias(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; + + virtual void gi_probe_set_interior(RID p_gi_probe, bool p_enable) = 0; + virtual bool gi_probe_is_interior(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; + + virtual void gi_probe_set_use_two_bounces(RID p_gi_probe, bool p_enable) = 0; + virtual bool gi_probe_is_using_two_bounces(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; + + virtual void gi_probe_set_anisotropy_strength(RID p_gi_probe, float p_strength) = 0; + virtual float gi_probe_get_anisotropy_strength(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0; + + virtual uint32_t gi_probe_get_version(RID p_probe) = 0; + + /* LIGHTMAP CAPTURE */ + + virtual RID lightmap_create() = 0; + + virtual void lightmap_set_textures(RID p_lightmap, RID p_light, bool p_uses_spherical_haromics) = 0; + virtual void lightmap_set_probe_bounds(RID p_lightmap, const AABB &p_bounds) = 0; + virtual void lightmap_set_probe_interior(RID p_lightmap, bool p_interior) = 0; + virtual void lightmap_set_probe_capture_data(RID p_lightmap, const PackedVector3Array &p_points, const PackedColorArray &p_point_sh, const PackedInt32Array &p_tetrahedra, const PackedInt32Array &p_bsp_tree) = 0; + virtual PackedVector3Array lightmap_get_probe_capture_points(RID p_lightmap) const = 0; + virtual PackedColorArray lightmap_get_probe_capture_sh(RID p_lightmap) const = 0; + virtual PackedInt32Array lightmap_get_probe_capture_tetrahedra(RID p_lightmap) const = 0; + virtual PackedInt32Array lightmap_get_probe_capture_bsp_tree(RID p_lightmap) const = 0; + virtual AABB lightmap_get_aabb(RID p_lightmap) const = 0; + virtual void lightmap_tap_sh_light(RID p_lightmap, const Vector3 &p_point, Color *r_sh) = 0; + virtual bool lightmap_is_interior(RID p_lightmap) const = 0; + virtual void lightmap_set_probe_capture_update_speed(float p_speed) = 0; + virtual float lightmap_get_probe_capture_update_speed() const = 0; + + /* PARTICLES */ + + virtual RID particles_create() = 0; + + virtual void particles_set_emitting(RID p_particles, bool p_emitting) = 0; + virtual bool particles_get_emitting(RID p_particles) = 0; + + virtual void particles_set_amount(RID p_particles, int p_amount) = 0; + virtual void particles_set_lifetime(RID p_particles, float p_lifetime) = 0; + virtual void particles_set_one_shot(RID p_particles, bool p_one_shot) = 0; + virtual void particles_set_pre_process_time(RID p_particles, float p_time) = 0; + virtual void particles_set_explosiveness_ratio(RID p_particles, float p_ratio) = 0; + virtual void particles_set_randomness_ratio(RID p_particles, float p_ratio) = 0; + virtual void particles_set_custom_aabb(RID p_particles, const AABB &p_aabb) = 0; + virtual void particles_set_speed_scale(RID p_particles, float p_scale) = 0; + virtual void particles_set_use_local_coordinates(RID p_particles, bool p_enable) = 0; + virtual void particles_set_process_material(RID p_particles, RID p_material) = 0; + virtual void particles_set_fixed_fps(RID p_particles, int p_fps) = 0; + virtual void particles_set_fractional_delta(RID p_particles, bool p_enable) = 0; + virtual void particles_set_collision_base_size(RID p_particles, float p_size) = 0; + virtual void particles_restart(RID p_particles) = 0; + virtual void particles_emit(RID p_particles, const Transform &p_transform, const Vector3 &p_velocity, const Color &p_color, const Color &p_custom, uint32_t p_emit_flags) = 0; + virtual void particles_set_subemitter(RID p_particles, RID p_subemitter_particles) = 0; + + virtual bool particles_is_inactive(RID p_particles) const = 0; + + virtual void particles_set_draw_order(RID p_particles, RS::ParticlesDrawOrder p_order) = 0; + + virtual void particles_set_draw_passes(RID p_particles, int p_count) = 0; + virtual void particles_set_draw_pass_mesh(RID p_particles, int p_pass, RID p_mesh) = 0; + + virtual void particles_request_process(RID p_particles) = 0; + virtual AABB particles_get_current_aabb(RID p_particles) = 0; + virtual AABB particles_get_aabb(RID p_particles) const = 0; + + virtual void particles_set_emission_transform(RID p_particles, const Transform &p_transform) = 0; + + virtual int particles_get_draw_passes(RID p_particles) const = 0; + virtual RID particles_get_draw_pass_mesh(RID p_particles, int p_pass) const = 0; + + virtual void particles_set_view_axis(RID p_particles, const Vector3 &p_axis) = 0; + + virtual void particles_add_collision(RID p_particles, InstanceBaseDependency *p_instance) = 0; + virtual void particles_remove_collision(RID p_particles, InstanceBaseDependency *p_instance) = 0; + + virtual void update_particles() = 0; + + /* PARTICLES COLLISION */ + + virtual RID particles_collision_create() = 0; + virtual void particles_collision_set_collision_type(RID p_particles_collision, RS::ParticlesCollisionType p_type) = 0; + virtual void particles_collision_set_cull_mask(RID p_particles_collision, uint32_t p_cull_mask) = 0; + virtual void particles_collision_set_sphere_radius(RID p_particles_collision, float p_radius) = 0; //for spheres + virtual void particles_collision_set_box_extents(RID p_particles_collision, const Vector3 &p_extents) = 0; //for non-spheres + virtual void particles_collision_set_attractor_strength(RID p_particles_collision, float p_strength) = 0; + virtual void particles_collision_set_attractor_directionality(RID p_particles_collision, float p_directionality) = 0; + virtual void particles_collision_set_attractor_attenuation(RID p_particles_collision, float p_curve) = 0; + virtual void particles_collision_set_field_texture(RID p_particles_collision, RID p_texture) = 0; //for SDF and vector field, heightfield is dynamic + virtual void particles_collision_height_field_update(RID p_particles_collision) = 0; //for SDF and vector field + virtual void particles_collision_set_height_field_resolution(RID p_particles_collision, RS::ParticlesCollisionHeightfieldResolution p_resolution) = 0; //for SDF and vector field + virtual AABB particles_collision_get_aabb(RID p_particles_collision) const = 0; + virtual bool particles_collision_is_heightfield(RID p_particles_collision) const = 0; + virtual RID particles_collision_get_heightfield_framebuffer(RID p_particles_collision) const = 0; + + /* GLOBAL VARIABLES */ + + virtual void global_variable_add(const StringName &p_name, RS::GlobalVariableType p_type, const Variant &p_value) = 0; + virtual void global_variable_remove(const StringName &p_name) = 0; + virtual Vector<StringName> global_variable_get_list() const = 0; + + virtual void global_variable_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) = 0; + virtual void global_variable_set_override(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) = 0; + virtual Variant global_variable_get(const StringName &p_name) const = 0; + virtual RS::GlobalVariableType global_variable_get_type(const StringName &p_name) const = 0; + + virtual void global_variables_load_settings(bool p_load_textures = true) = 0; + virtual void global_variables_clear() = 0; + + virtual int32_t global_variables_instance_allocate(RID p_instance) = 0; + virtual void global_variables_instance_free(RID p_instance) = 0; + virtual void global_variables_instance_update(RID p_instance, int p_index, const Variant &p_value) = 0; + + /* RENDER TARGET */ + + enum RenderTargetFlags { + RENDER_TARGET_TRANSPARENT, + RENDER_TARGET_DIRECT_TO_SCREEN, + RENDER_TARGET_FLAG_MAX + }; + + virtual RID render_target_create() = 0; + virtual void render_target_set_position(RID p_render_target, int p_x, int p_y) = 0; + virtual void render_target_set_size(RID p_render_target, int p_width, int p_height) = 0; + virtual RID render_target_get_texture(RID p_render_target) = 0; + virtual void render_target_set_external_texture(RID p_render_target, unsigned int p_texture_id) = 0; + virtual void render_target_set_flag(RID p_render_target, RenderTargetFlags p_flag, bool p_value) = 0; + virtual bool render_target_was_used(RID p_render_target) = 0; + virtual void render_target_set_as_unused(RID p_render_target) = 0; + + virtual void render_target_request_clear(RID p_render_target, const Color &p_clear_color) = 0; + virtual bool render_target_is_clear_requested(RID p_render_target) = 0; + virtual Color render_target_get_clear_request_color(RID p_render_target) = 0; + virtual void render_target_disable_clear_request(RID p_render_target) = 0; + virtual void render_target_do_clear_request(RID p_render_target) = 0; + + virtual void render_target_set_sdf_size_and_scale(RID p_render_target, RS::ViewportSDFOversize p_size, RS::ViewportSDFScale p_scale) = 0; + virtual Rect2i render_target_get_sdf_rect(RID p_render_target) const = 0; + + virtual RS::InstanceType get_base_type(RID p_rid) const = 0; + virtual bool free(RID p_rid) = 0; + + virtual bool has_os_feature(const String &p_feature) const = 0; + + virtual void update_dirty_resources() = 0; + + virtual void set_debug_generate_wireframes(bool p_generate) = 0; + + virtual void render_info_begin_capture() = 0; + virtual void render_info_end_capture() = 0; + virtual int get_captured_render_info(RS::RenderInfo p_info) = 0; + + virtual int get_render_info(RS::RenderInfo p_info) = 0; + virtual String get_video_adapter_name() const = 0; + virtual String get_video_adapter_vendor() const = 0; + + static RendererStorage *base_singleton; + + void set_default_clear_color(const Color &p_color) { + default_clear_color = p_color; + } + + Color get_default_clear_color() const { + return default_clear_color; + } +#define TIMESTAMP_BEGIN() \ + { \ + if (RSG::storage->capturing_timestamps) \ + RSG::storage->capture_timestamps_begin(); \ + } + +#define RENDER_TIMESTAMP(m_text) \ + { \ + if (RSG::storage->capturing_timestamps) \ + RSG::storage->capture_timestamp(m_text); \ + } + + bool capturing_timestamps = false; + + virtual void capture_timestamps_begin() = 0; + virtual void capture_timestamp(const String &p_name) = 0; + virtual uint32_t get_captured_timestamps_count() const = 0; + virtual uint64_t get_captured_timestamps_frame() const = 0; + virtual uint64_t get_captured_timestamp_gpu_time(uint32_t p_index) const = 0; + virtual uint64_t get_captured_timestamp_cpu_time(uint32_t p_index) const = 0; + virtual String get_captured_timestamp_name(uint32_t p_index) const = 0; + + RendererStorage(); + virtual ~RendererStorage() {} +}; + +#endif // RENDERINGSERVERSTORAGE_H diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_viewport.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.cpp index c048aa381f..86bfda056b 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_viewport.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* rendering_server_viewport.cpp */ +/* renderer_viewport.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#include "rendering_server_viewport.h" +#include "renderer_viewport.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" -#include "rendering_server_canvas.h" +#include "renderer_canvas_cull.h" +#include "renderer_scene_cull.h" #include "rendering_server_globals.h" -#include "rendering_server_scene.h" -static Transform2D _canvas_get_transform(RenderingServerViewport::Viewport *p_viewport, RenderingServerCanvas::Canvas *p_canvas, RenderingServerViewport::Viewport::CanvasData *p_canvas_data, const Vector2 &p_vp_size) { +static Transform2D _canvas_get_transform(RendererViewport::Viewport *p_viewport, RendererCanvasCull::Canvas *p_canvas, RendererViewport::Viewport::CanvasData *p_canvas_data, const Vector2 &p_vp_size) { Transform2D xf = p_viewport->global_transform; float scale = 1.0; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ static Transform2D _canvas_get_transform(RenderingServerViewport::Viewport *p_vi return xf; } -void RenderingServerViewport::_draw_3d(Viewport *p_viewport, XRInterface::Eyes p_eye) { +void RendererViewport::_draw_3d(Viewport *p_viewport, XRInterface::Eyes p_eye) { RENDER_TIMESTAMP(">Begin Rendering 3D Scene"); Ref<XRInterface> xr_interface; @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::_draw_3d(Viewport *p_viewport, XRInterface::Eyes p RENDER_TIMESTAMP("<End Rendering 3D Scene"); } -void RenderingServerViewport::_draw_viewport(Viewport *p_viewport, XRInterface::Eyes p_eye) { +void RendererViewport::_draw_viewport(Viewport *p_viewport, XRInterface::Eyes p_eye) { if (p_viewport->measure_render_time) { String rt_id = "vp_begin_" + itos(p_viewport->self.get_id()); RSG::storage->capture_timestamp(rt_id); @@ -101,17 +101,15 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::_draw_viewport(Viewport *p_viewport, XRInterface:: Color bgcolor = RSG::storage->get_default_clear_color(); - if (!p_viewport->hide_canvas && !p_viewport->disable_environment && RSG::scene->scenario_owner.owns(p_viewport->scenario)) { - RenderingServerScene::Scenario *scenario = RSG::scene->scenario_owner.getornull(p_viewport->scenario); - ERR_FAIL_COND(!scenario); - if (RSG::scene_render->is_environment(scenario->environment)) { - scenario_draw_canvas_bg = RSG::scene_render->environment_get_background(scenario->environment) == RS::ENV_BG_CANVAS; - - scenario_canvas_max_layer = RSG::scene_render->environment_get_canvas_max_layer(scenario->environment); + if (!p_viewport->hide_canvas && !p_viewport->disable_environment && RSG::scene->is_scenario(p_viewport->scenario)) { + RID environment = RSG::scene->scenario_get_environment(p_viewport->scenario); + if (RSG::scene->is_environment(environment)) { + scenario_draw_canvas_bg = RSG::scene->environment_get_background(environment) == RS::ENV_BG_CANVAS; + scenario_canvas_max_layer = RSG::scene->environment_get_canvas_max_layer(environment); } } - bool can_draw_3d = RSG::scene->camera_owner.owns(p_viewport->camera); + bool can_draw_3d = RSG::scene->is_camera(p_viewport->camera); if (p_viewport->clear_mode != RS::VIEWPORT_CLEAR_NEVER) { if (p_viewport->transparent_bg) { @@ -124,8 +122,8 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::_draw_viewport(Viewport *p_viewport, XRInterface:: if ((scenario_draw_canvas_bg || can_draw_3d) && !p_viewport->render_buffers.is_valid()) { //wants to draw 3D but there is no render buffer, create - p_viewport->render_buffers = RSG::scene_render->render_buffers_create(); - RSG::scene_render->render_buffers_configure(p_viewport->render_buffers, p_viewport->render_target, p_viewport->size.width, p_viewport->size.height, p_viewport->msaa, p_viewport->screen_space_aa, p_viewport->use_debanding); + p_viewport->render_buffers = RSG::scene->render_buffers_create(); + RSG::scene->render_buffers_configure(p_viewport->render_buffers, p_viewport->render_target, p_viewport->size.width, p_viewport->size.height, p_viewport->msaa, p_viewport->screen_space_aa, p_viewport->use_debanding); } RSG::storage->render_target_request_clear(p_viewport->render_target, bgcolor); @@ -140,25 +138,25 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::_draw_viewport(Viewport *p_viewport, XRInterface:: Map<Viewport::CanvasKey, Viewport::CanvasData *> canvas_map; Rect2 clip_rect(0, 0, p_viewport->size.x, p_viewport->size.y); - RasterizerCanvas::Light *lights = nullptr; - RasterizerCanvas::Light *lights_with_shadow = nullptr; + RendererCanvasRender::Light *lights = nullptr; + RendererCanvasRender::Light *lights_with_shadow = nullptr; - RasterizerCanvas::Light *directional_lights = nullptr; - RasterizerCanvas::Light *directional_lights_with_shadow = nullptr; + RendererCanvasRender::Light *directional_lights = nullptr; + RendererCanvasRender::Light *directional_lights_with_shadow = nullptr; if (p_viewport->sdf_active) { //process SDF Rect2 sdf_rect = RSG::storage->render_target_get_sdf_rect(p_viewport->render_target); - RasterizerCanvas::LightOccluderInstance *occluders = nullptr; + RendererCanvasRender::LightOccluderInstance *occluders = nullptr; //make list of occluders for (Map<RID, Viewport::CanvasData>::Element *E = p_viewport->canvas_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - RenderingServerCanvas::Canvas *canvas = static_cast<RenderingServerCanvas::Canvas *>(E->get().canvas); + RendererCanvasCull::Canvas *canvas = static_cast<RendererCanvasCull::Canvas *>(E->get().canvas); Transform2D xf = _canvas_get_transform(p_viewport, canvas, &E->get(), clip_rect.size); - for (Set<RasterizerCanvas::LightOccluderInstance *>::Element *F = canvas->occluders.front(); F; F = F->next()) { + for (Set<RendererCanvasRender::LightOccluderInstance *>::Element *F = canvas->occluders.front(); F; F = F->next()) { if (!F->get()->enabled) { continue; } @@ -184,14 +182,14 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::_draw_viewport(Viewport *p_viewport, XRInterface:: RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Cull Canvas Lights"); for (Map<RID, Viewport::CanvasData>::Element *E = p_viewport->canvas_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - RenderingServerCanvas::Canvas *canvas = static_cast<RenderingServerCanvas::Canvas *>(E->get().canvas); + RendererCanvasCull::Canvas *canvas = static_cast<RendererCanvasCull::Canvas *>(E->get().canvas); Transform2D xf = _canvas_get_transform(p_viewport, canvas, &E->get(), clip_rect.size); //find lights in canvas - for (Set<RasterizerCanvas::Light *>::Element *F = canvas->lights.front(); F; F = F->next()) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *cl = F->get(); + for (Set<RendererCanvasRender::Light *>::Element *F = canvas->lights.front(); F; F = F->next()) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *cl = F->get(); if (cl->enabled && cl->texture.is_valid()) { //not super efficient.. Size2 tsize = RSG::storage->texture_size_with_proxy(cl->texture); @@ -228,8 +226,8 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::_draw_viewport(Viewport *p_viewport, XRInterface:: } } - for (Set<RasterizerCanvas::Light *>::Element *F = canvas->directional_lights.front(); F; F = F->next()) { - RasterizerCanvas::Light *cl = F->get(); + for (Set<RendererCanvasRender::Light *>::Element *F = canvas->directional_lights.front(); F; F = F->next()) { + RendererCanvasRender::Light *cl = F->get(); if (cl->enabled) { cl->filter_next_ptr = directional_lights; directional_lights = cl; @@ -254,17 +252,17 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::_draw_viewport(Viewport *p_viewport, XRInterface:: if (lights_with_shadow) { //update shadows if any - RasterizerCanvas::LightOccluderInstance *occluders = nullptr; + RendererCanvasRender::LightOccluderInstance *occluders = nullptr; RENDER_TIMESTAMP(">Render 2D Shadows"); RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Cull Occluders"); //make list of occluders for (Map<RID, Viewport::CanvasData>::Element *E = p_viewport->canvas_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - RenderingServerCanvas::Canvas *canvas = static_cast<RenderingServerCanvas::Canvas *>(E->get().canvas); + RendererCanvasCull::Canvas *canvas = static_cast<RendererCanvasCull::Canvas *>(E->get().canvas); Transform2D xf = _canvas_get_transform(p_viewport, canvas, &E->get(), clip_rect.size); - for (Set<RasterizerCanvas::LightOccluderInstance *>::Element *F = canvas->occluders.front(); F; F = F->next()) { + for (Set<RendererCanvasRender::LightOccluderInstance *>::Element *F = canvas->occluders.front(); F; F = F->next()) { if (!F->get()->enabled) { continue; } @@ -277,7 +275,7 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::_draw_viewport(Viewport *p_viewport, XRInterface:: } //update the light shadowmaps with them - RasterizerCanvas::Light *light = lights_with_shadow; + RendererCanvasRender::Light *light = lights_with_shadow; while (light) { RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Render Shadow"); @@ -290,7 +288,7 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::_draw_viewport(Viewport *p_viewport, XRInterface:: if (directional_lights_with_shadow) { //update shadows if any - RasterizerCanvas::Light *light = directional_lights_with_shadow; + RendererCanvasRender::Light *light = directional_lights_with_shadow; while (light) { Vector2 light_dir = -light->xform_cache.elements[1].normalized(); // Y is light direction float cull_distance = light->directional_distance; @@ -335,17 +333,17 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::_draw_viewport(Viewport *p_viewport, XRInterface:: Vector2 xf_points[6]; - RasterizerCanvas::LightOccluderInstance *occluders = nullptr; + RendererCanvasRender::LightOccluderInstance *occluders = nullptr; RENDER_TIMESTAMP(">Render Directional 2D Shadows"); //make list of occluders int occ_cullded = 0; for (Map<RID, Viewport::CanvasData>::Element *E = p_viewport->canvas_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - RenderingServerCanvas::Canvas *canvas = static_cast<RenderingServerCanvas::Canvas *>(E->get().canvas); + RendererCanvasCull::Canvas *canvas = static_cast<RendererCanvasCull::Canvas *>(E->get().canvas); Transform2D xf = _canvas_get_transform(p_viewport, canvas, &E->get(), clip_rect.size); - for (Set<RasterizerCanvas::LightOccluderInstance *>::Element *F = canvas->occluders.front(); F; F = F->next()) { + for (Set<RendererCanvasRender::LightOccluderInstance *>::Element *F = canvas->occluders.front(); F; F = F->next()) { if (!F->get()->enabled) { continue; } @@ -381,14 +379,14 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::_draw_viewport(Viewport *p_viewport, XRInterface:: } for (Map<Viewport::CanvasKey, Viewport::CanvasData *>::Element *E = canvas_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - RenderingServerCanvas::Canvas *canvas = static_cast<RenderingServerCanvas::Canvas *>(E->get()->canvas); + RendererCanvasCull::Canvas *canvas = static_cast<RendererCanvasCull::Canvas *>(E->get()->canvas); Transform2D xform = _canvas_get_transform(p_viewport, canvas, E->get(), clip_rect.size); - RasterizerCanvas::Light *canvas_lights = nullptr; - RasterizerCanvas::Light *canvas_directional_lights = nullptr; + RendererCanvasRender::Light *canvas_lights = nullptr; + RendererCanvasRender::Light *canvas_directional_lights = nullptr; - RasterizerCanvas::Light *ptr = lights; + RendererCanvasRender::Light *ptr = lights; while (ptr) { if (E->get()->layer >= ptr->layer_min && E->get()->layer <= ptr->layer_max) { ptr->next_ptr = canvas_lights; @@ -444,7 +442,7 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::_draw_viewport(Viewport *p_viewport, XRInterface:: } } -void RenderingServerViewport::draw_viewports() { +void RendererViewport::draw_viewports() { timestamp_vp_map.clear(); // get our xr interface in case we need it @@ -464,7 +462,7 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::draw_viewports() { //sort viewports active_viewports.sort_custom<ViewportSort>(); - Map<DisplayServer::WindowID, Vector<Rasterizer::BlitToScreen>> blit_to_screen_list; + Map<DisplayServer::WindowID, Vector<RendererCompositor::BlitToScreen>> blit_to_screen_list; //draw viewports RENDER_TIMESTAMP(">Render Viewports"); @@ -559,7 +557,7 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::draw_viewports() { { RSG::storage->render_target_set_external_texture(vp->render_target, 0); - RSG::scene_render->set_debug_draw_mode(vp->debug_draw); + RSG::scene->set_debug_draw_mode(vp->debug_draw); RSG::storage->render_info_begin_capture(); // render standard mono camera @@ -575,7 +573,7 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::draw_viewports() { if (vp->viewport_to_screen != DisplayServer::INVALID_WINDOW_ID && (!vp->viewport_render_direct_to_screen || !RSG::rasterizer->is_low_end())) { //copy to screen if set as such - Rasterizer::BlitToScreen blit; + RendererCompositor::BlitToScreen blit; blit.render_target = vp->render_target; if (vp->viewport_to_screen_rect != Rect2()) { blit.rect = vp->viewport_to_screen_rect; @@ -585,7 +583,7 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::draw_viewports() { } if (!blit_to_screen_list.has(vp->viewport_to_screen)) { - blit_to_screen_list[vp->viewport_to_screen] = Vector<Rasterizer::BlitToScreen>(); + blit_to_screen_list[vp->viewport_to_screen] = Vector<RendererCompositor::BlitToScreen>(); } blit_to_screen_list[vp->viewport_to_screen].push_back(blit); @@ -598,18 +596,18 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::draw_viewports() { RENDER_TIMESTAMP("<Rendering Viewport " + itos(i)); } - RSG::scene_render->set_debug_draw_mode(RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_DISABLED); + RSG::scene->set_debug_draw_mode(RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_DISABLED); RENDER_TIMESTAMP("<Render Viewports"); //this needs to be called to make screen swapping more efficient RSG::rasterizer->prepare_for_blitting_render_targets(); - for (Map<int, Vector<Rasterizer::BlitToScreen>>::Element *E = blit_to_screen_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + for (Map<int, Vector<RendererCompositor::BlitToScreen>>::Element *E = blit_to_screen_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { RSG::rasterizer->blit_render_targets_to_screen(E->key(), E->get().ptr(), E->get().size()); } } -RID RenderingServerViewport::viewport_create() { +RID RendererViewport::viewport_create() { Viewport *viewport = memnew(Viewport); RID rid = viewport_owner.make_rid(viewport); @@ -618,20 +616,20 @@ RID RenderingServerViewport::viewport_create() { viewport->hide_scenario = false; viewport->hide_canvas = false; viewport->render_target = RSG::storage->render_target_create(); - viewport->shadow_atlas = RSG::scene_render->shadow_atlas_create(); + viewport->shadow_atlas = RSG::scene->shadow_atlas_create(); viewport->viewport_render_direct_to_screen = false; return rid; } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_use_xr(RID p_viewport, bool p_use_xr) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_use_xr(RID p_viewport, bool p_use_xr) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); viewport->use_xr = p_use_xr; } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_size(RID p_viewport, int p_width, int p_height) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_size(RID p_viewport, int p_width, int p_height) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_width < 0 && p_height < 0); Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); @@ -641,15 +639,15 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_size(RID p_viewport, int p_width, int RSG::storage->render_target_set_size(viewport->render_target, p_width, p_height); if (viewport->render_buffers.is_valid()) { if (p_width == 0 || p_height == 0) { - RSG::scene_render->free(viewport->render_buffers); + RSG::scene->free(viewport->render_buffers); viewport->render_buffers = RID(); } else { - RSG::scene_render->render_buffers_configure(viewport->render_buffers, viewport->render_target, viewport->size.width, viewport->size.height, viewport->msaa, viewport->screen_space_aa, viewport->use_debanding); + RSG::scene->render_buffers_configure(viewport->render_buffers, viewport->render_target, viewport->size.width, viewport->size.height, viewport->msaa, viewport->screen_space_aa, viewport->use_debanding); } } } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_active(RID p_viewport, bool p_active) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_active(RID p_viewport, bool p_active) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); @@ -661,21 +659,21 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_active(RID p_viewport, bool p_active) } } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_parent_viewport(RID p_viewport, RID p_parent_viewport) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_parent_viewport(RID p_viewport, RID p_parent_viewport) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); viewport->parent = p_parent_viewport; } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_clear_mode(RID p_viewport, RS::ViewportClearMode p_clear_mode) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_clear_mode(RID p_viewport, RS::ViewportClearMode p_clear_mode) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); viewport->clear_mode = p_clear_mode; } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_attach_to_screen(RID p_viewport, const Rect2 &p_rect, DisplayServer::WindowID p_screen) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_attach_to_screen(RID p_viewport, const Rect2 &p_rect, DisplayServer::WindowID p_screen) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); @@ -701,7 +699,7 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_attach_to_screen(RID p_viewport, const Re } } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_render_direct_to_screen(RID p_viewport, bool p_enable) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_render_direct_to_screen(RID p_viewport, bool p_enable) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); @@ -715,7 +713,7 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_render_direct_to_screen(RID p_viewpor RSG::storage->render_target_set_size(viewport->render_target, viewport->size.x, viewport->size.y); } - RSG::storage->render_target_set_flag(viewport->render_target, RasterizerStorage::RENDER_TARGET_DIRECT_TO_SCREEN, p_enable); + RSG::storage->render_target_set_flag(viewport->render_target, RendererStorage::RENDER_TARGET_DIRECT_TO_SCREEN, p_enable); viewport->viewport_render_direct_to_screen = p_enable; // if attached to screen already, setup screen size and position, this needs to happen after setting flag to avoid an unnecessary buffer allocation @@ -725,61 +723,61 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_render_direct_to_screen(RID p_viewpor } } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_update_mode(RID p_viewport, RS::ViewportUpdateMode p_mode) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_update_mode(RID p_viewport, RS::ViewportUpdateMode p_mode) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); viewport->update_mode = p_mode; } -RID RenderingServerViewport::viewport_get_texture(RID p_viewport) const { +RID RendererViewport::viewport_get_texture(RID p_viewport) const { const Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!viewport, RID()); return RSG::storage->render_target_get_texture(viewport->render_target); } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_hide_scenario(RID p_viewport, bool p_hide) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_hide_scenario(RID p_viewport, bool p_hide) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); viewport->hide_scenario = p_hide; } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_hide_canvas(RID p_viewport, bool p_hide) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_hide_canvas(RID p_viewport, bool p_hide) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); viewport->hide_canvas = p_hide; } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_disable_environment(RID p_viewport, bool p_disable) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_disable_environment(RID p_viewport, bool p_disable) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); viewport->disable_environment = p_disable; } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_attach_camera(RID p_viewport, RID p_camera) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_attach_camera(RID p_viewport, RID p_camera) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); viewport->camera = p_camera; } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_scenario(RID p_viewport, RID p_scenario) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_scenario(RID p_viewport, RID p_scenario) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); viewport->scenario = p_scenario; } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_attach_canvas(RID p_viewport, RID p_canvas) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_attach_canvas(RID p_viewport, RID p_canvas) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(viewport->canvas_map.has(p_canvas)); - RenderingServerCanvas::Canvas *canvas = RSG::canvas->canvas_owner.getornull(p_canvas); + RendererCanvasCull::Canvas *canvas = RSG::canvas->canvas_owner.getornull(p_canvas); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas); canvas->viewports.insert(p_viewport); @@ -789,18 +787,18 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_attach_canvas(RID p_viewport, RID p_canva viewport->canvas_map[p_canvas].canvas = canvas; } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_remove_canvas(RID p_viewport, RID p_canvas) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_remove_canvas(RID p_viewport, RID p_canvas) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); - RenderingServerCanvas::Canvas *canvas = RSG::canvas->canvas_owner.getornull(p_canvas); + RendererCanvasCull::Canvas *canvas = RSG::canvas->canvas_owner.getornull(p_canvas); ERR_FAIL_COND(!canvas); viewport->canvas_map.erase(p_canvas); canvas->viewports.erase(p_viewport); } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_canvas_transform(RID p_viewport, RID p_canvas, const Transform2D &p_offset) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_canvas_transform(RID p_viewport, RID p_canvas, const Transform2D &p_offset) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); @@ -808,22 +806,22 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_canvas_transform(RID p_viewport, RID viewport->canvas_map[p_canvas].transform = p_offset; } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_transparent_background(RID p_viewport, bool p_enabled) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_transparent_background(RID p_viewport, bool p_enabled) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); - RSG::storage->render_target_set_flag(viewport->render_target, RasterizerStorage::RENDER_TARGET_TRANSPARENT, p_enabled); + RSG::storage->render_target_set_flag(viewport->render_target, RendererStorage::RENDER_TARGET_TRANSPARENT, p_enabled); viewport->transparent_bg = p_enabled; } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_global_canvas_transform(RID p_viewport, const Transform2D &p_transform) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_global_canvas_transform(RID p_viewport, const Transform2D &p_transform) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); viewport->global_transform = p_transform; } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_canvas_stacking(RID p_viewport, RID p_canvas, int p_layer, int p_sublayer) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_canvas_stacking(RID p_viewport, RID p_canvas, int p_layer, int p_sublayer) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); @@ -832,23 +830,23 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_canvas_stacking(RID p_viewport, RID p viewport->canvas_map[p_canvas].sublayer = p_sublayer; } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size(RID p_viewport, int p_size) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size(RID p_viewport, int p_size) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); viewport->shadow_atlas_size = p_size; - RSG::scene_render->shadow_atlas_set_size(viewport->shadow_atlas, viewport->shadow_atlas_size); + RSG::scene->shadow_atlas_set_size(viewport->shadow_atlas, viewport->shadow_atlas_size); } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_viewport, int p_quadrant, int p_subdiv) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_viewport, int p_quadrant, int p_subdiv) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); - RSG::scene_render->shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(viewport->shadow_atlas, p_quadrant, p_subdiv); + RSG::scene->shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(viewport->shadow_atlas, p_quadrant, p_subdiv); } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_msaa(RID p_viewport, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_msaa(RID p_viewport, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); @@ -857,11 +855,11 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_msaa(RID p_viewport, RS::ViewportMSAA } viewport->msaa = p_msaa; if (viewport->render_buffers.is_valid()) { - RSG::scene_render->render_buffers_configure(viewport->render_buffers, viewport->render_target, viewport->size.width, viewport->size.height, p_msaa, viewport->screen_space_aa, viewport->use_debanding); + RSG::scene->render_buffers_configure(viewport->render_buffers, viewport->render_target, viewport->size.width, viewport->size.height, p_msaa, viewport->screen_space_aa, viewport->use_debanding); } } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_screen_space_aa(RID p_viewport, RS::ViewportScreenSpaceAA p_mode) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_screen_space_aa(RID p_viewport, RS::ViewportScreenSpaceAA p_mode) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); @@ -870,11 +868,11 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_screen_space_aa(RID p_viewport, RS::V } viewport->screen_space_aa = p_mode; if (viewport->render_buffers.is_valid()) { - RSG::scene_render->render_buffers_configure(viewport->render_buffers, viewport->render_target, viewport->size.width, viewport->size.height, viewport->msaa, p_mode, viewport->use_debanding); + RSG::scene->render_buffers_configure(viewport->render_buffers, viewport->render_target, viewport->size.width, viewport->size.height, viewport->msaa, p_mode, viewport->use_debanding); } } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_use_debanding(RID p_viewport, bool p_use_debanding) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_use_debanding(RID p_viewport, bool p_use_debanding) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); @@ -883,11 +881,11 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_use_debanding(RID p_viewport, bool p_ } viewport->use_debanding = p_use_debanding; if (viewport->render_buffers.is_valid()) { - RSG::scene_render->render_buffers_configure(viewport->render_buffers, viewport->render_target, viewport->size.width, viewport->size.height, viewport->msaa, viewport->screen_space_aa, p_use_debanding); + RSG::scene->render_buffers_configure(viewport->render_buffers, viewport->render_target, viewport->size.width, viewport->size.height, viewport->msaa, viewport->screen_space_aa, p_use_debanding); } } -int RenderingServerViewport::viewport_get_render_info(RID p_viewport, RS::ViewportRenderInfo p_info) { +int RendererViewport::viewport_get_render_info(RID p_viewport, RS::ViewportRenderInfo p_info) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_info, RS::VIEWPORT_RENDER_INFO_MAX, -1); Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); @@ -898,54 +896,54 @@ int RenderingServerViewport::viewport_get_render_info(RID p_viewport, RS::Viewpo return viewport->render_info[p_info]; } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_debug_draw(RID p_viewport, RS::ViewportDebugDraw p_draw) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_debug_draw(RID p_viewport, RS::ViewportDebugDraw p_draw) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); viewport->debug_draw = p_draw; } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_measure_render_time(RID p_viewport, bool p_enable) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_measure_render_time(RID p_viewport, bool p_enable) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); viewport->measure_render_time = p_enable; } -float RenderingServerViewport::viewport_get_measured_render_time_cpu(RID p_viewport) const { +float RendererViewport::viewport_get_measured_render_time_cpu(RID p_viewport) const { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!viewport, 0); return double(viewport->time_cpu_end - viewport->time_cpu_begin) / 1000.0; } -float RenderingServerViewport::viewport_get_measured_render_time_gpu(RID p_viewport) const { +float RendererViewport::viewport_get_measured_render_time_gpu(RID p_viewport) const { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!viewport, 0); return double((viewport->time_gpu_end - viewport->time_gpu_begin) / 1000) / 1000.0; } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_snap_2d_transforms_to_pixel(RID p_viewport, bool p_enabled) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_snap_2d_transforms_to_pixel(RID p_viewport, bool p_enabled) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); viewport->snap_2d_transforms_to_pixel = p_enabled; } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel(RID p_viewport, bool p_enabled) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel(RID p_viewport, bool p_enabled) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); viewport->snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel = p_enabled; } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_default_canvas_item_texture_filter(RID p_viewport, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_filter) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_default_canvas_item_texture_filter(RID p_viewport, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_filter) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_filter == RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_DEFAULT, "Viewport does not accept DEFAULT as texture filter (it's the topmost choice already).)"); Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); viewport->texture_filter = p_filter; } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_default_canvas_item_texture_repeat(RID p_viewport, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_repeat) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_default_canvas_item_texture_repeat(RID p_viewport, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_repeat) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_repeat == RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DEFAULT, "Viewport does not accept DEFAULT as texture repeat (it's the topmost choice already).)"); Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); @@ -953,21 +951,21 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_default_canvas_item_texture_repeat(RI viewport->texture_repeat = p_repeat; } -void RenderingServerViewport::viewport_set_sdf_oversize_and_scale(RID p_viewport, RS::ViewportSDFOversize p_size, RS::ViewportSDFScale p_scale) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_sdf_oversize_and_scale(RID p_viewport, RS::ViewportSDFOversize p_size, RS::ViewportSDFScale p_scale) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); RSG::storage->render_target_set_sdf_size_and_scale(viewport->render_target, p_size, p_scale); } -bool RenderingServerViewport::free(RID p_rid) { +bool RendererViewport::free(RID p_rid) { if (viewport_owner.owns(p_rid)) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_rid); RSG::storage->free(viewport->render_target); - RSG::scene_render->free(viewport->shadow_atlas); + RSG::scene->free(viewport->shadow_atlas); if (viewport->render_buffers.is_valid()) { - RSG::scene_render->free(viewport->render_buffers); + RSG::scene->free(viewport->render_buffers); } while (viewport->canvas_map.front()) { @@ -986,7 +984,7 @@ bool RenderingServerViewport::free(RID p_rid) { return false; } -void RenderingServerViewport::handle_timestamp(String p_timestamp, uint64_t p_cpu_time, uint64_t p_gpu_time) { +void RendererViewport::handle_timestamp(String p_timestamp, uint64_t p_cpu_time, uint64_t p_gpu_time) { RID *vp = timestamp_vp_map.getptr(p_timestamp); if (!vp) { return; @@ -1008,9 +1006,9 @@ void RenderingServerViewport::handle_timestamp(String p_timestamp, uint64_t p_cp } } -void RenderingServerViewport::set_default_clear_color(const Color &p_color) { +void RendererViewport::set_default_clear_color(const Color &p_color) { RSG::storage->set_default_clear_color(p_color); } -RenderingServerViewport::RenderingServerViewport() { +RendererViewport::RendererViewport() { } diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_viewport.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.h index ba55b2e66e..6634ef66e2 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_viewport.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* rendering_server_viewport.h */ +/* renderer_viewport.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ #include "core/templates/rid_owner.h" #include "core/templates/self_list.h" -#include "rasterizer.h" +#include "renderer_compositor.h" #include "servers/rendering_server.h" #include "servers/xr/xr_interface.h" -class RenderingServerViewport { +class RendererViewport { public: struct CanvasBase { }; @@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ public: bool free(RID p_rid); - RenderingServerViewport(); - virtual ~RenderingServerViewport() {} + RendererViewport(); + virtual ~RendererViewport() {} }; #endif // VISUALSERVERVIEWPORT_H diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_device.h b/servers/rendering/rendering_device.h index f1f8b3cda0..5fa37c2ce4 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_device.h +++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_device.h @@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ public: uint32_t depth; uint32_t array_layers; uint32_t mipmaps; - TextureType type; + TextureType texture_type; TextureSamples samples; uint32_t usage_bits; Vector<DataFormat> shareable_formats; @@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ public: depth = 1; array_layers = 1; mipmaps = 1; - type = TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; + texture_type = TEXTURE_TYPE_2D; samples = TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1; usage_bits = 0; } @@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ public: virtual RID texture_buffer_create(uint32_t p_size_elements, DataFormat p_format, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data = Vector<uint8_t>()) = 0; struct Uniform { - UniformType type; + UniformType uniform_type; int binding; //binding index as specified in shader //for single items, provide one ID, for @@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ public: Vector<RID> ids; Uniform() { - type = UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; + uniform_type = UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; binding = 0; } }; diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_device_binds.h b/servers/rendering/rendering_device_binds.h index 66c6a1c3a9..5deeec3ffe 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_device_binds.h +++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_device_binds.h @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public: RD_SETGET(uint32_t, depth) RD_SETGET(uint32_t, array_layers) RD_SETGET(uint32_t, mipmaps) - RD_SETGET(RD::TextureType, type) + RD_SETGET(RD::TextureType, texture_type) RD_SETGET(RD::TextureSamples, samples) RD_SETGET(uint32_t, usage_bits) @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ protected: RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDTextureFormat, depth); RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDTextureFormat, array_layers); RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDTextureFormat, mipmaps); - RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDTextureFormat, type); + RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDTextureFormat, texture_type); RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDTextureFormat, samples); RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDTextureFormat, usage_bits); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_shareable_format", "format"), &RDTextureFormat::add_shareable_format); @@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ class RDUniform : public Reference { RD::Uniform base; public: - RD_SETGET(RD::UniformType, type) + RD_SETGET(RD::UniformType, uniform_type) RD_SETGET(int32_t, binding) void add_id(const RID &p_id) { base.ids.push_back(p_id); } @@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ protected: } } static void _bind_methods() { - RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDUniform, type); + RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDUniform, uniform_type); RD_BIND(Variant::INT, RDUniform, binding); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_id", "id"), &RDUniform::add_id); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_ids"), &RDUniform::clear_ids); diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_raster.cpp b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.cpp index 94cfb6b752..47f7fa07d5 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_raster.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* rendering_server_raster.cpp */ +/* rendering_server_default.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,43 +28,43 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#include "rendering_server_raster.h" +#include "rendering_server_default.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "core/io/marshalls.h" #include "core/os/os.h" #include "core/templates/sort_array.h" -#include "rendering_server_canvas.h" +#include "renderer_canvas_cull.h" +#include "renderer_scene_cull.h" #include "rendering_server_globals.h" -#include "rendering_server_scene.h" // careful, these may run in different threads than the visual server -int RenderingServerRaster::changes = 0; +int RenderingServerDefault::changes = 0; /* BLACK BARS */ -void RenderingServerRaster::black_bars_set_margins(int p_left, int p_top, int p_right, int p_bottom) { +void RenderingServerDefault::black_bars_set_margins(int p_left, int p_top, int p_right, int p_bottom) { black_margin[MARGIN_LEFT] = p_left; black_margin[MARGIN_TOP] = p_top; black_margin[MARGIN_RIGHT] = p_right; black_margin[MARGIN_BOTTOM] = p_bottom; } -void RenderingServerRaster::black_bars_set_images(RID p_left, RID p_top, RID p_right, RID p_bottom) { +void RenderingServerDefault::black_bars_set_images(RID p_left, RID p_top, RID p_right, RID p_bottom) { black_image[MARGIN_LEFT] = p_left; black_image[MARGIN_TOP] = p_top; black_image[MARGIN_RIGHT] = p_right; black_image[MARGIN_BOTTOM] = p_bottom; } -void RenderingServerRaster::_draw_margins() { +void RenderingServerDefault::_draw_margins() { RSG::canvas_render->draw_window_margins(black_margin, black_image); }; /* FREE */ -void RenderingServerRaster::free(RID p_rid) { +void RenderingServerDefault::free(RID p_rid) { if (RSG::storage->free(p_rid)) { return; } @@ -77,14 +77,11 @@ void RenderingServerRaster::free(RID p_rid) { if (RSG::scene->free(p_rid)) { return; } - if (RSG::scene_render->free(p_rid)) { - return; - } } /* EVENT QUEUING */ -void RenderingServerRaster::request_frame_drawn_callback(Object *p_where, const StringName &p_method, const Variant &p_userdata) { +void RenderingServerDefault::request_frame_drawn_callback(Object *p_where, const StringName &p_method, const Variant &p_userdata) { ERR_FAIL_NULL(p_where); FrameDrawnCallbacks fdc; fdc.object = p_where->get_instance_id(); @@ -94,7 +91,7 @@ void RenderingServerRaster::request_frame_drawn_callback(Object *p_where, const frame_drawn_callbacks.push_back(fdc); } -void RenderingServerRaster::draw(bool p_swap_buffers, double frame_step) { +void RenderingServerDefault::draw(bool p_swap_buffers, double frame_step) { //needs to be done before changes is reset to 0, to not force the editor to redraw RS::get_singleton()->emit_signal("frame_pre_draw"); @@ -104,11 +101,8 @@ void RenderingServerRaster::draw(bool p_swap_buffers, double frame_step) { TIMESTAMP_BEGIN() - RSG::scene_render->update(); //update scenes stuff before updating instances - - RSG::scene->update_dirty_instances(); //update scene stuff + RSG::scene->update(); //update scenes stuff before updating instances - RSG::scene->render_particle_colliders(); RSG::storage->update_particles(); //need to be done after instances are updated (colliders and particle transforms), and colliders are rendered RSG::scene->render_probes(); @@ -165,18 +159,18 @@ void RenderingServerRaster::draw(bool p_swap_buffers, double frame_step) { frame_profile_frame = RSG::storage->get_captured_timestamps_frame(); } -void RenderingServerRaster::sync() { +void RenderingServerDefault::sync() { } -bool RenderingServerRaster::has_changed() const { +bool RenderingServerDefault::has_changed() const { return changes > 0; } -void RenderingServerRaster::init() { +void RenderingServerDefault::init() { RSG::rasterizer->initialize(); } -void RenderingServerRaster::finish() { +void RenderingServerDefault::finish() { if (test_cube.is_valid()) { free(test_cube); } @@ -186,69 +180,69 @@ void RenderingServerRaster::finish() { /* STATUS INFORMATION */ -int RenderingServerRaster::get_render_info(RenderInfo p_info) { +int RenderingServerDefault::get_render_info(RenderInfo p_info) { return RSG::storage->get_render_info(p_info); } -String RenderingServerRaster::get_video_adapter_name() const { +String RenderingServerDefault::get_video_adapter_name() const { return RSG::storage->get_video_adapter_name(); } -String RenderingServerRaster::get_video_adapter_vendor() const { +String RenderingServerDefault::get_video_adapter_vendor() const { return RSG::storage->get_video_adapter_vendor(); } -void RenderingServerRaster::set_frame_profiling_enabled(bool p_enable) { +void RenderingServerDefault::set_frame_profiling_enabled(bool p_enable) { RSG::storage->capturing_timestamps = p_enable; } -uint64_t RenderingServerRaster::get_frame_profile_frame() { +uint64_t RenderingServerDefault::get_frame_profile_frame() { return frame_profile_frame; } -Vector<RenderingServer::FrameProfileArea> RenderingServerRaster::get_frame_profile() { +Vector<RenderingServer::FrameProfileArea> RenderingServerDefault::get_frame_profile() { return frame_profile; } /* TESTING */ -void RenderingServerRaster::set_boot_image(const Ref<Image> &p_image, const Color &p_color, bool p_scale, bool p_use_filter) { +void RenderingServerDefault::set_boot_image(const Ref<Image> &p_image, const Color &p_color, bool p_scale, bool p_use_filter) { redraw_request(); RSG::rasterizer->set_boot_image(p_image, p_color, p_scale, p_use_filter); } -void RenderingServerRaster::set_default_clear_color(const Color &p_color) { +void RenderingServerDefault::set_default_clear_color(const Color &p_color) { RSG::viewport->set_default_clear_color(p_color); } -bool RenderingServerRaster::has_feature(Features p_feature) const { +bool RenderingServerDefault::has_feature(Features p_feature) const { return false; } -void RenderingServerRaster::sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(const Vector3 &p_position, const Vector3 &p_dir) { - RSG::scene_render->sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(p_position, p_dir); +void RenderingServerDefault::sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(const Vector3 &p_position, const Vector3 &p_dir) { + RSG::scene->sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(p_position, p_dir); } -RID RenderingServerRaster::get_test_cube() { +RID RenderingServerDefault::get_test_cube() { if (!test_cube.is_valid()) { test_cube = _make_test_cube(); } return test_cube; } -bool RenderingServerRaster::has_os_feature(const String &p_feature) const { +bool RenderingServerDefault::has_os_feature(const String &p_feature) const { return RSG::storage->has_os_feature(p_feature); } -void RenderingServerRaster::set_debug_generate_wireframes(bool p_generate) { +void RenderingServerDefault::set_debug_generate_wireframes(bool p_generate) { RSG::storage->set_debug_generate_wireframes(p_generate); } -void RenderingServerRaster::call_set_use_vsync(bool p_enable) { +void RenderingServerDefault::call_set_use_vsync(bool p_enable) { DisplayServer::get_singleton()->_set_use_vsync(p_enable); } -bool RenderingServerRaster::is_low_end() const { +bool RenderingServerDefault::is_low_end() const { // FIXME: Commented out when rebasing vulkan branch on master, // causes a crash, it seems rasterizer is not initialized yet the // first time it's called. @@ -256,14 +250,15 @@ bool RenderingServerRaster::is_low_end() const { return false; } -RenderingServerRaster::RenderingServerRaster() { - RSG::canvas = memnew(RenderingServerCanvas); - RSG::viewport = memnew(RenderingServerViewport); - RSG::scene = memnew(RenderingServerScene); - RSG::rasterizer = Rasterizer::create(); +RenderingServerDefault::RenderingServerDefault() { + RSG::canvas = memnew(RendererCanvasCull); + RSG::viewport = memnew(RendererViewport); + RendererSceneCull *sr = memnew(RendererSceneCull); + RSG::scene = sr; + RSG::rasterizer = RendererCompositor::create(); RSG::storage = RSG::rasterizer->get_storage(); RSG::canvas_render = RSG::rasterizer->get_canvas(); - RSG::scene_render = RSG::rasterizer->get_scene(); + sr->scene_render = RSG::rasterizer->get_scene(); frame_profile_frame = 0; @@ -273,7 +268,7 @@ RenderingServerRaster::RenderingServerRaster() { } } -RenderingServerRaster::~RenderingServerRaster() { +RenderingServerDefault::~RenderingServerDefault() { memdelete(RSG::canvas); memdelete(RSG::viewport); memdelete(RSG::rasterizer); diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_raster.h b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.h index 76ceccb3c5..e75fd0ee53 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_raster.h +++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*************************************************************************/ -/* rendering_server_raster.h */ +/* rendering_server_default.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ @@ -28,18 +28,18 @@ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#ifndef RENDERING_SERVER_RASTER_H -#define RENDERING_SERVER_RASTER_H +#ifndef RENDERING_SERVER_DEFAULT_H +#define RENDERING_SERVER_DEFAULT_H #include "core/math/octree.h" -#include "rendering_server_canvas.h" +#include "renderer_canvas_cull.h" +#include "renderer_scene_cull.h" +#include "renderer_viewport.h" #include "rendering_server_globals.h" -#include "rendering_server_scene.h" -#include "rendering_server_viewport.h" -#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.h" #include "servers/rendering_server.h" -class RenderingServerRaster : public RenderingServer { +class RenderingServerDefault : public RenderingServer { enum { MAX_INSTANCE_CULL = 8192, MAX_INSTANCE_LIGHTS = 4, @@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ public: #undef BINDBASE //from now on, calls forwarded to this singleton -#define BINDBASE RSG::scene_render +#define BINDBASE RSG::scene BIND1(directional_shadow_atlas_set_size, int) BIND1(gi_probe_set_quality, GIProbeQuality) @@ -853,8 +853,8 @@ public: virtual void sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(const Vector3 &p_position, const Vector3 &p_dir); - RenderingServerRaster(); - ~RenderingServerRaster(); + RenderingServerDefault(); + ~RenderingServerDefault(); #undef DISPLAY_CHANGED diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_globals.cpp b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_globals.cpp index 5a270520a9..b9df36e93a 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_globals.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_globals.cpp @@ -30,11 +30,10 @@ #include "rendering_server_globals.h" -RasterizerStorage *RenderingServerGlobals::storage = nullptr; -RasterizerCanvas *RenderingServerGlobals::canvas_render = nullptr; -RasterizerScene *RenderingServerGlobals::scene_render = nullptr; -Rasterizer *RenderingServerGlobals::rasterizer = nullptr; +RendererStorage *RenderingServerGlobals::storage = nullptr; +RendererCanvasRender *RenderingServerGlobals::canvas_render = nullptr; +RendererCompositor *RenderingServerGlobals::rasterizer = nullptr; -RenderingServerCanvas *RenderingServerGlobals::canvas = nullptr; -RenderingServerViewport *RenderingServerGlobals::viewport = nullptr; -RenderingServerScene *RenderingServerGlobals::scene = nullptr; +RendererCanvasCull *RenderingServerGlobals::canvas = nullptr; +RendererViewport *RenderingServerGlobals::viewport = nullptr; +RendererScene *RenderingServerGlobals::scene = nullptr; diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_globals.h b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_globals.h index b33f328b69..580526f7e0 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_globals.h +++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_globals.h @@ -31,22 +31,23 @@ #ifndef RENDERING_SERVER_GLOBALS_H #define RENDERING_SERVER_GLOBALS_H -#include "rasterizer.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_canvas_cull.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_canvas_render.h" +#include "servers/rendering/renderer_scene.h" -class RenderingServerCanvas; -class RenderingServerViewport; -class RenderingServerScene; +class RendererCanvasCull; +class RendererViewport; +class RendererScene; class RenderingServerGlobals { public: - static RasterizerStorage *storage; - static RasterizerCanvas *canvas_render; - static RasterizerScene *scene_render; - static Rasterizer *rasterizer; + static RendererStorage *storage; + static RendererCanvasRender *canvas_render; + static RendererCompositor *rasterizer; - static RenderingServerCanvas *canvas; - static RenderingServerViewport *viewport; - static RenderingServerScene *scene; + static RendererCanvasCull *canvas; + static RendererViewport *viewport; + static RendererScene *scene; }; #define RSG RenderingServerGlobals diff --git a/servers/rendering/shader_language.cpp b/servers/rendering/shader_language.cpp index 1ab353c9d0..2f7e950841 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/shader_language.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/shader_language.cpp @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ const char *ShaderLanguage::token_names[TK_MAX] = { String ShaderLanguage::get_token_text(Token p_token) { String name = token_names[p_token.type]; - if (p_token.type == TK_INT_CONSTANT || p_token.type == TK_REAL_CONSTANT) { + if (p_token.type == TK_INT_CONSTANT || p_token.type == TK_FLOAT_CONSTANT) { name += "(" + rtos(p_token.constant) + ")"; } else if (p_token.type == TK_IDENTIFIER) { name += "(" + String(p_token.text) + ")"; @@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ ShaderLanguage::Token ShaderLanguage::_get_token() { char_idx += str.length(); Token tk; if (period_found || exponent_found || float_suffix_found) { - tk.type = TK_REAL_CONSTANT; + tk.type = TK_FLOAT_CONSTANT; } else { tk.type = TK_INT_CONSTANT; } @@ -3269,7 +3269,7 @@ ShaderLanguage::Node *ShaderLanguage::_parse_expression(BlockNode *p_block, cons return nullptr; } - } else if (tk.type == TK_REAL_CONSTANT) { + } else if (tk.type == TK_FLOAT_CONSTANT) { ConstantNode *constant = alloc_node<ConstantNode>(); ConstantNode::Value v; v.real = tk.constant; @@ -6260,7 +6260,7 @@ Error ShaderLanguage::_parse_shader(const Map<StringName, FunctionInfo> &p_funct tk = _get_token(); } - if (tk.type != TK_REAL_CONSTANT && tk.type != TK_INT_CONSTANT) { + if (tk.type != TK_FLOAT_CONSTANT && tk.type != TK_INT_CONSTANT) { _set_error("Expected integer constant"); return ERR_PARSE_ERROR; } @@ -6284,7 +6284,7 @@ Error ShaderLanguage::_parse_shader(const Map<StringName, FunctionInfo> &p_funct tk = _get_token(); } - if (tk.type != TK_REAL_CONSTANT && tk.type != TK_INT_CONSTANT) { + if (tk.type != TK_FLOAT_CONSTANT && tk.type != TK_INT_CONSTANT) { _set_error("Expected integer constant after ','"); return ERR_PARSE_ERROR; } @@ -6297,7 +6297,7 @@ Error ShaderLanguage::_parse_shader(const Map<StringName, FunctionInfo> &p_funct if (tk.type == TK_COMMA) { tk = _get_token(); - if (tk.type != TK_REAL_CONSTANT && tk.type != TK_INT_CONSTANT) { + if (tk.type != TK_FLOAT_CONSTANT && tk.type != TK_INT_CONSTANT) { _set_error("Expected integer constant after ','"); return ERR_PARSE_ERROR; } diff --git a/servers/rendering/shader_language.h b/servers/rendering/shader_language.h index 3a9f408dc0..cb77324489 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/shader_language.h +++ b/servers/rendering/shader_language.h @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public: TK_IDENTIFIER, TK_TRUE, TK_FALSE, - TK_REAL_CONSTANT, + TK_FLOAT_CONSTANT, TK_INT_CONSTANT, TK_TYPE_VOID, TK_TYPE_BOOL, diff --git a/servers/rendering/shader_types.cpp b/servers/rendering/shader_types.cpp index bd61f2a549..0c9b2ddf2f 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/shader_types.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/shader_types.cpp @@ -67,6 +67,12 @@ ShaderTypes::ShaderTypes() { shader_modes[RS::SHADER_SPATIAL].functions["vertex"].built_ins["INSTANCE_ID"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_INT); shader_modes[RS::SHADER_SPATIAL].functions["vertex"].built_ins["INSTANCE_CUSTOM"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_VEC4); shader_modes[RS::SHADER_SPATIAL].functions["vertex"].built_ins["ROUGHNESS"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_FLOAT; + shader_modes[RS::SHADER_SPATIAL].functions["vertex"].built_ins["BONE_INDICES"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_UVEC4; + shader_modes[RS::SHADER_SPATIAL].functions["vertex"].built_ins["BONE_WEIGHTS"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_VEC4; + shader_modes[RS::SHADER_SPATIAL].functions["vertex"].built_ins["CUSTOM0"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_VEC4; + shader_modes[RS::SHADER_SPATIAL].functions["vertex"].built_ins["CUSTOM1"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_VEC4; + shader_modes[RS::SHADER_SPATIAL].functions["vertex"].built_ins["CUSTOM2"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_VEC4; + shader_modes[RS::SHADER_SPATIAL].functions["vertex"].built_ins["CUSTOM3"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_VEC4; shader_modes[RS::SHADER_SPATIAL].functions["vertex"].can_discard = false; //builtins diff --git a/servers/rendering_server.cpp b/servers/rendering_server.cpp index 9c8342b34d..433b56ab41 100644 --- a/servers/rendering_server.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering_server.cpp @@ -315,8 +315,10 @@ RID RenderingServer::get_white_texture() { #define SMALL_VEC2 Vector2(0.00001, 0.00001) #define SMALL_VEC3 Vector3(0.00001, 0.00001, 0.00001) -Error RenderingServer::_surface_set_data(Array p_arrays, uint32_t p_format, uint32_t *p_offsets, uint32_t p_stride, Vector<uint8_t> &r_vertex_array, int p_vertex_array_len, Vector<uint8_t> &r_index_array, int p_index_array_len, AABB &r_aabb, Vector<AABB> &r_bone_aabb) { +Error RenderingServer::_surface_set_data(Array p_arrays, uint32_t p_format, uint32_t *p_offsets, uint32_t p_vertex_stride, uint32_t p_attrib_stride, uint32_t p_skin_stride, Vector<uint8_t> &r_vertex_array, Vector<uint8_t> &r_attrib_array, Vector<uint8_t> &r_skin_array, int p_vertex_array_len, Vector<uint8_t> &r_index_array, int p_index_array_len, AABB &r_aabb, Vector<AABB> &r_bone_aabb) { uint8_t *vw = r_vertex_array.ptrw(); + uint8_t *aw = r_attrib_array.ptrw(); + uint8_t *sw = r_skin_array.ptrw(); uint8_t *iw = nullptr; if (r_index_array.size()) { @@ -345,7 +347,7 @@ Error RenderingServer::_surface_set_data(Array p_arrays, uint32_t p_format, uint for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { float vector[2] = { src[i].x, src[i].y }; - copymem(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_stride], vector, sizeof(float) * 2); + copymem(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_vertex_stride], vector, sizeof(float) * 2); if (i == 0) { aabb = Rect2(src[i], SMALL_VEC2); //must have a bit of size @@ -370,7 +372,7 @@ Error RenderingServer::_surface_set_data(Array p_arrays, uint32_t p_format, uint for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { float vector[3] = { src[i].x, src[i].y, src[i].z }; - copymem(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_stride], vector, sizeof(float) * 3); + copymem(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_vertex_stride], vector, sizeof(float) * 3); if (i == 0) { aabb = AABB(src[i], SMALL_VEC3); @@ -391,26 +393,15 @@ Error RenderingServer::_surface_set_data(Array p_arrays, uint32_t p_format, uint ERR_FAIL_COND_V(array.size() != p_vertex_array_len, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); const Vector3 *src = array.ptr(); + for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { + Vector3 n = src[i] * Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) + Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); - // setting vertices means regenerating the AABB + uint32_t value = 0; + value |= CLAMP(int(n.x * 1023.0), 0, 1023); + value |= CLAMP(int(n.y * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 10; + value |= CLAMP(int(n.z * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 20; - if (p_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL) { - for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { - int8_t vector[4] = { - (int8_t)CLAMP(src[i].x * 127, -128, 127), - (int8_t)CLAMP(src[i].y * 127, -128, 127), - (int8_t)CLAMP(src[i].z * 127, -128, 127), - 0, - }; - - copymem(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_stride], vector, 4); - } - - } else { - for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { - float vector[3] = { src[i].x, src[i].y, src[i].z }; - copymem(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_stride], vector, 3 * 4); - } + copymem(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_vertex_stride], &value, 4); } } break; @@ -424,29 +415,14 @@ Error RenderingServer::_surface_set_data(Array p_arrays, uint32_t p_format, uint const real_t *src = array.ptr(); - if (p_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT) { - for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { - int8_t xyzw[4] = { - (int8_t)CLAMP(src[i * 4 + 0] * 127, -128, 127), - (int8_t)CLAMP(src[i * 4 + 1] * 127, -128, 127), - (int8_t)CLAMP(src[i * 4 + 2] * 127, -128, 127), - (int8_t)CLAMP(src[i * 4 + 3] * 127, -128, 127) - }; - - copymem(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_stride], xyzw, 4); - } + for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { + uint32_t value = 0; + value |= CLAMP(int((src[i * 4 + 0] * 0.5 + 0.5) * 1023.0), 0, 1023); + value |= CLAMP(int((src[i * 4 + 1] * 0.5 + 0.5) * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 10; + value |= CLAMP(int((src[i * 4 + 2] * 0.5 + 0.5) * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 20; + value |= CLAMP(int((src[i * 4 + 3] * 0.5 + 0.5) * 3.0), 0, 3) << 30; - } else { - for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { - float xyzw[4] = { - src[i * 4 + 0], - src[i * 4 + 1], - src[i * 4 + 2], - src[i * 4 + 3] - }; - - copymem(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_stride], xyzw, 4 * 4); - } + copymem(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_vertex_stride], &value, 4); } } break; @@ -458,23 +434,14 @@ Error RenderingServer::_surface_set_data(Array p_arrays, uint32_t p_format, uint ERR_FAIL_COND_V(array.size() != p_vertex_array_len, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); const Color *src = array.ptr(); - - if (p_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_COLOR) { - for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { - uint8_t colors[4]; - - for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { - colors[j] = CLAMP(int((src[i][j]) * 255.0), 0, 255); - } - - copymem(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_stride], colors, 4); - } - } else { - for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { - copymem(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_stride], &src[i], 4 * 4); - } + uint16_t color16[4]; + for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { + color16[0] = Math::make_half_float(src[i].r); + color16[1] = Math::make_half_float(src[i].g); + color16[2] = Math::make_half_float(src[i].b); + color16[3] = Math::make_half_float(src[i].a); + copymem(&aw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_attrib_stride], color16, 8); } - } break; case RS::ARRAY_TEX_UV: { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_arrays[ai].get_type() != Variant::PACKED_VECTOR3_ARRAY && p_arrays[ai].get_type() != Variant::PACKED_VECTOR2_ARRAY, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); @@ -485,18 +452,10 @@ Error RenderingServer::_surface_set_data(Array p_arrays, uint32_t p_format, uint const Vector2 *src = array.ptr(); - if (p_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV) { - for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { - uint16_t uv[2] = { Math::make_half_float(src[i].x), Math::make_half_float(src[i].y) }; - copymem(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_stride], uv, 2 * 2); - } - - } else { - for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { - float uv[2] = { src[i].x, src[i].y }; + for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { + float uv[2] = { src[i].x, src[i].y }; - copymem(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_stride], uv, 2 * 4); - } + copymem(&aw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_attrib_stride], uv, 2 * 4); } } break; @@ -510,37 +469,90 @@ Error RenderingServer::_surface_set_data(Array p_arrays, uint32_t p_format, uint const Vector2 *src = array.ptr(); - if (p_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2) { - for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { - uint16_t uv[2] = { Math::make_half_float(src[i].x), Math::make_half_float(src[i].y) }; - copymem(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_stride], uv, 2 * 2); - } + for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { + uint16_t uv[2] = { Math::make_half_float(src[i].x), Math::make_half_float(src[i].y) }; + copymem(&aw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_attrib_stride], uv, 2 * 2); + } + } break; + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM0: + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM1: + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM2: + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM3: { + uint32_t type = (p_format >> (ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_BASE + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_BITS * (RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM0 - ai))) & ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_MASK; + switch (type) { + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA8_UNORM: + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA8_SNORM: + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_RG_HALF: { + //size 4 + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_arrays[ai].get_type() != Variant::PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); - } else { - for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { - float uv[2] = { src[i].x, src[i].y }; + Vector<uint8_t> array = p_arrays[ai]; + + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(array.size() != p_vertex_array_len * 4, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); + + const uint8_t *src = array.ptr(); + + for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { + copymem(&aw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_attrib_stride], &src[i * 4], 4); + } + + } break; + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA_HALF: { + //size 8 + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_arrays[ai].get_type() != Variant::PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); + + Vector<uint8_t> array = p_arrays[ai]; + + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(array.size() != p_vertex_array_len * 8, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); + + const uint8_t *src = array.ptr(); - copymem(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_stride], uv, 2 * 4); + for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { + copymem(&aw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_attrib_stride], &src[i * 8], 8); + } + } break; + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_R_FLOAT: + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_RG_FLOAT: + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGB_FLOAT: + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA_FLOAT: { + //RF + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_arrays[ai].get_type() != Variant::PACKED_FLOAT32_ARRAY, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); + + Vector<float> array = p_arrays[ai]; + int32_t s = ARRAY_CUSTOM_R_FLOAT - ai + 1; + + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(array.size() != p_vertex_array_len * s, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); + + const float *src = array.ptr(); + + for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { + copymem(&aw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_attrib_stride], &src[i * s], 4 * s); + } + } break; + default: { } } + } break; case RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS: { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_arrays[ai].get_type() != Variant::PACKED_FLOAT32_ARRAY, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); + uint32_t bone_count = (p_format & ARRAY_FLAG_USE_8_BONE_WEIGHTS) ? 8 : 4; + Vector<real_t> array = p_arrays[ai]; - ERR_FAIL_COND_V(array.size() != p_vertex_array_len * RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS_SIZE, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(array.size() != (int32_t)(p_vertex_array_len * bone_count), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); const real_t *src = array.ptr(); { + uint16_t data[8]; for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { - uint16_t data[RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS_SIZE]; - for (int j = 0; j < RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS_SIZE; j++) { - data[j] = CLAMP(src[i * RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS_SIZE + j] * 65535, 0, 65535); + for (uint32_t j = 0; j < bone_count; j++) { + data[j] = CLAMP(src[i * bone_count + j] * 65535, 0, 65535); } - copymem(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_stride], data, 2 * 4); + copymem(&sw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_skin_stride], data, 2 * bone_count); } } @@ -550,21 +562,25 @@ Error RenderingServer::_surface_set_data(Array p_arrays, uint32_t p_format, uint Vector<int> array = p_arrays[ai]; - ERR_FAIL_COND_V(array.size() != p_vertex_array_len * RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS_SIZE, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); + uint32_t bone_count = (p_format & ARRAY_FLAG_USE_8_BONE_WEIGHTS) ? 8 : 4; + + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(array.size() != (int32_t)(p_vertex_array_len * bone_count), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); const int *src = array.ptr(); + uint16_t data[8]; + for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) { - uint16_t data[RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS_SIZE]; - for (int j = 0; j < RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS_SIZE; j++) { - data[j] = src[i * RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS_SIZE + j]; + for (uint32_t j = 0; j < bone_count; j++) { + data[j] = src[i * bone_count + j]; max_bone = MAX(data[j], max_bone); } - copymem(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_stride], data, 2 * 4); + copymem(&sw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_skin_stride], data, 2 * bone_count); } } break; + case RS::ARRAY_INDEX: { ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(iw, ERR_INVALID_DATA); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_index_array_len <= 0, ERR_INVALID_DATA); @@ -652,23 +668,62 @@ Error RenderingServer::_surface_set_data(Array p_arrays, uint32_t p_format, uint return OK; } -uint32_t RenderingServer::mesh_surface_get_format_offset(uint32_t p_format, int p_vertex_len, int p_index_len, int p_array_index) const { +uint32_t RenderingServer::mesh_surface_get_format_offset(uint32_t p_format, int p_vertex_len, int p_array_index) const { + p_format &= ~ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX; uint32_t offsets[ARRAY_MAX]; - mesh_surface_make_offsets_from_format(p_format, p_vertex_len, p_index_len, offsets); + uint32_t vstr; + uint32_t astr; + uint32_t sstr; + mesh_surface_make_offsets_from_format(p_format, p_vertex_len, 0, offsets, vstr, astr, sstr); return offsets[p_array_index]; } -uint32_t RenderingServer::mesh_surface_get_format_stride(uint32_t p_format, int p_vertex_len, int p_index_len) const { +uint32_t RenderingServer::mesh_surface_get_format_vertex_stride(uint32_t p_format, int p_vertex_len) const { + p_format &= ~ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX; uint32_t offsets[ARRAY_MAX]; - return mesh_surface_make_offsets_from_format(p_format, p_vertex_len, p_index_len, offsets); + uint32_t vstr; + uint32_t astr; + uint32_t sstr; + mesh_surface_make_offsets_from_format(p_format, p_vertex_len, 0, offsets, vstr, astr, sstr); + return vstr; } +uint32_t RenderingServer::mesh_surface_get_format_attribute_stride(uint32_t p_format, int p_vertex_len) const { + p_format &= ~ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX; + uint32_t offsets[ARRAY_MAX]; + uint32_t vstr; + uint32_t astr; + uint32_t sstr; + mesh_surface_make_offsets_from_format(p_format, p_vertex_len, 0, offsets, vstr, astr, sstr); + return astr; +} +uint32_t RenderingServer::mesh_surface_get_format_skin_stride(uint32_t p_format, int p_vertex_len) const { + p_format &= ~ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX; + uint32_t offsets[ARRAY_MAX]; + uint32_t vstr; + uint32_t astr; + uint32_t sstr; + mesh_surface_make_offsets_from_format(p_format, p_vertex_len, 0, offsets, vstr, astr, sstr); + return sstr; +} + +void RenderingServer::mesh_surface_make_offsets_from_format(uint32_t p_format, int p_vertex_len, int p_index_len, uint32_t *r_offsets, uint32_t &r_vertex_element_size, uint32_t &r_attrib_element_size, uint32_t &r_skin_element_size) const { + r_vertex_element_size = 0; + r_attrib_element_size = 0; + r_skin_element_size = 0; -uint32_t RenderingServer::mesh_surface_make_offsets_from_format(uint32_t p_format, int p_vertex_len, int p_index_len, uint32_t *r_offsets) const { - int total_elem_size = 0; + uint32_t *size_accum; for (int i = 0; i < RS::ARRAY_MAX; i++) { r_offsets[i] = 0; //reset + if (i == RS::ARRAY_VERTEX) { + size_accum = &r_vertex_element_size; + } else if (i == RS::ARRAY_COLOR) { + size_accum = &r_attrib_element_size; + } else if (i == RS::ARRAY_BONES) { + size_accum = &r_skin_element_size; + } + if (!(p_format & (1 << i))) { // no array continue; } @@ -693,53 +748,64 @@ uint32_t RenderingServer::mesh_surface_make_offsets_from_format(uint32_t p_forma } break; case RS::ARRAY_NORMAL: { - if (p_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL) { - elem_size = sizeof(uint32_t); - } else { - elem_size = sizeof(float) * 3; - } - + elem_size = 4; } break; case RS::ARRAY_TANGENT: { - if (p_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT) { - elem_size = sizeof(uint32_t); - } else { - elem_size = sizeof(float) * 4; - } - + elem_size = 4; } break; case RS::ARRAY_COLOR: { - if (p_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_COLOR) { - elem_size = sizeof(uint32_t); - } else { - elem_size = sizeof(float) * 4; - } + elem_size = 8; } break; case RS::ARRAY_TEX_UV: { - if (p_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV) { - elem_size = sizeof(uint32_t); - } else { - elem_size = sizeof(float) * 2; - } + elem_size = 8; } break; case RS::ARRAY_TEX_UV2: { - if (p_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2) { - elem_size = sizeof(uint32_t); - } else { - elem_size = sizeof(float) * 2; - } + elem_size = 8; } break; + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM0: + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM1: + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM2: + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM3: { + uint32_t format = (p_format >> (ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_BASE + (ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_BITS * (i - ARRAY_CUSTOM0)))) & ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_MASK; + switch (format) { + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA8_UNORM: { + elem_size = 4; + } break; + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA8_SNORM: { + elem_size = 4; + } break; + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_RG_HALF: { + elem_size = 4; + } break; + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA_HALF: { + elem_size = 8; + } break; + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_R_FLOAT: { + elem_size = 4; + } break; + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_RG_FLOAT: { + elem_size = 8; + } break; + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGB_FLOAT: { + elem_size = 12; + } break; + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA_FLOAT: { + elem_size = 16; + } break; + } + } break; case RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS: { - elem_size = sizeof(uint16_t) * 4; + uint32_t bone_count = (p_format & ARRAY_FLAG_USE_8_BONE_WEIGHTS) ? 8 : 4; + elem_size = sizeof(uint16_t) * bone_count; } break; case RS::ARRAY_BONES: { - elem_size = sizeof(uint16_t) * 4; - + uint32_t bone_count = (p_format & ARRAY_FLAG_USE_8_BONE_WEIGHTS) ? 8 : 4; + elem_size = sizeof(uint16_t) * bone_count; } break; case RS::ARRAY_INDEX: { if (p_index_len <= 0) { @@ -757,14 +823,13 @@ uint32_t RenderingServer::mesh_surface_make_offsets_from_format(uint32_t p_forma continue; } default: { - ERR_FAIL_V(0); + ERR_FAIL(); } } - r_offsets[i] = total_elem_size; - total_elem_size += elem_size; + r_offsets[i] = (*size_accum); + (*size_accum) += elem_size; } - return total_elem_size; } Error RenderingServer::mesh_create_surface_data_from_arrays(SurfaceData *r_surface_data, PrimitiveType p_primitive, const Array &p_arrays, const Array &p_blend_shapes, const Dictionary &p_lods, uint32_t p_compress_format) { @@ -785,20 +850,20 @@ Error RenderingServer::mesh_create_surface_data_from_arrays(SurfaceData *r_surfa format |= (1 << i); if (i == RS::ARRAY_VERTEX) { - Variant var = p_arrays[i]; - switch (var.get_type()) { + switch (p_arrays[i].get_type()) { case Variant::PACKED_VECTOR2_ARRAY: { - Vector<Vector2> v2 = var; + Vector<Vector2> v2 = p_arrays[i]; + array_len = v2.size(); } break; case Variant::PACKED_VECTOR3_ARRAY: { - Vector<Vector3> v3 = var; + Vector<Vector3> v3 = p_arrays[i]; + array_len = v3.size(); } break; default: { - Array v = var; + ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_INVALID_DATA); } break; } - array_len = PackedVector3Array(p_arrays[i]).size(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(array_len == 0, ERR_INVALID_DATA); } else if (i == RS::ARRAY_INDEX) { index_array_len = PackedInt32Array(p_arrays[i]).size(); @@ -824,117 +889,28 @@ Error RenderingServer::mesh_create_surface_data_from_arrays(SurfaceData *r_surfa uint32_t offsets[RS::ARRAY_MAX]; - int total_elem_size = 0; - - for (int i = 0; i < RS::ARRAY_MAX; i++) { - offsets[i] = 0; //reset - - if (!(format & (1 << i))) { // no array - continue; - } - - int elem_size = 0; - - switch (i) { - case RS::ARRAY_VERTEX: { - Variant arr = p_arrays[0]; - if (arr.get_type() == Variant::PACKED_VECTOR2_ARRAY) { - elem_size = 2; - p_compress_format |= ARRAY_FLAG_USE_2D_VERTICES; - } else if (arr.get_type() == Variant::PACKED_VECTOR3_ARRAY) { - p_compress_format &= ~ARRAY_FLAG_USE_2D_VERTICES; - elem_size = 3; - } else { - elem_size = (p_compress_format & ARRAY_FLAG_USE_2D_VERTICES) ? 2 : 3; - } - - { - elem_size *= sizeof(float); - } - - } break; - case RS::ARRAY_NORMAL: { - if (p_compress_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL) { - elem_size = sizeof(uint32_t); - } else { - elem_size = sizeof(float) * 3; - } - - } break; - - case RS::ARRAY_TANGENT: { - if (p_compress_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT) { - elem_size = sizeof(uint32_t); - } else { - elem_size = sizeof(float) * 4; - } - - } break; - case RS::ARRAY_COLOR: { - if (p_compress_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_COLOR) { - elem_size = sizeof(uint32_t); - } else { - elem_size = sizeof(float) * 4; - } - } break; - case RS::ARRAY_TEX_UV: { - if (p_compress_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV) { - elem_size = sizeof(uint32_t); - } else { - elem_size = sizeof(float) * 2; - } - - } break; - - case RS::ARRAY_TEX_UV2: { - if (p_compress_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2) { - elem_size = sizeof(uint32_t); - } else { - elem_size = sizeof(float) * 2; - } - - } break; - case RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS: { - elem_size = sizeof(uint16_t) * 4; - - } break; - case RS::ARRAY_BONES: { - elem_size = sizeof(uint16_t) * 4; - - } break; - case RS::ARRAY_INDEX: { - if (index_array_len <= 0) { - ERR_PRINT("index_array_len==NO_INDEX_ARRAY"); - break; - } - /* determine whether using 16 or 32 bits indices */ - if (array_len >= (1 << 16)) { - elem_size = 4; - - } else { - elem_size = 2; - } - offsets[i] = elem_size; - continue; - } - default: { - ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_BUG); - } - } + uint32_t vertex_element_size; + uint32_t attrib_element_size; + uint32_t skin_element_size; - offsets[i] = total_elem_size; - total_elem_size += elem_size; - } + mesh_surface_make_offsets_from_format(format, array_len, index_array_len, offsets, vertex_element_size, attrib_element_size, skin_element_size); uint32_t mask = (1 << ARRAY_MAX) - 1; format |= (~mask) & p_compress_format; //make the full format - int array_size = total_elem_size * array_len; + int vertex_array_size = vertex_element_size * array_len; + int attrib_array_size = attrib_element_size * array_len; + int skin_array_size = skin_element_size * array_len; + int index_array_size = offsets[RS::ARRAY_INDEX] * index_array_len; Vector<uint8_t> vertex_array; - vertex_array.resize(array_size); + vertex_array.resize(vertex_array_size); - int index_array_size = offsets[RS::ARRAY_INDEX] * index_array_len; + Vector<uint8_t> attrib_array; + attrib_array.resize(attrib_array_size); + + Vector<uint8_t> skin_array; + skin_array.resize(skin_array_size); Vector<uint8_t> index_array; index_array.resize(index_array_size); @@ -942,22 +918,29 @@ Error RenderingServer::mesh_create_surface_data_from_arrays(SurfaceData *r_surfa AABB aabb; Vector<AABB> bone_aabb; - Error err = _surface_set_data(p_arrays, format, offsets, total_elem_size, vertex_array, array_len, index_array, index_array_len, aabb, bone_aabb); + Error err = _surface_set_data(p_arrays, format, offsets, vertex_element_size, attrib_element_size, skin_element_size, vertex_array, attrib_array, skin_array, array_len, index_array, index_array_len, aabb, bone_aabb); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err != OK, ERR_INVALID_DATA, "Invalid array format for surface."); - Vector<Vector<uint8_t>> blend_shape_data; - - for (int i = 0; i < p_blend_shapes.size(); i++) { - Vector<uint8_t> vertex_array_shape; - vertex_array_shape.resize(array_size); - Vector<uint8_t> noindex; + Vector<uint8_t> blend_shape_data; + uint32_t blend_shape_count = 0; - AABB laabb; - Error err2 = _surface_set_data(p_blend_shapes[i], format & ~ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX, offsets, total_elem_size, vertex_array_shape, array_len, noindex, 0, laabb, bone_aabb); - aabb.merge_with(laabb); - ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err2 != OK, ERR_INVALID_DATA, "Invalid blend shape array format for surface."); - - blend_shape_data.push_back(vertex_array_shape); + if (p_blend_shapes.size()) { + uint32_t bs_format = format & RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_BLEND_SHAPE_MASK; + for (int i = 0; i < p_blend_shapes.size(); i++) { + Vector<uint8_t> vertex_array_shape; + vertex_array_shape.resize(vertex_array_size); + Vector<uint8_t> noindex; + Vector<uint8_t> noattrib; + Vector<uint8_t> noskin; + + AABB laabb; + Error err2 = _surface_set_data(p_blend_shapes[i], bs_format, offsets, vertex_element_size, 0, 0, vertex_array_shape, noattrib, noskin, array_len, noindex, 0, laabb, bone_aabb); + aabb.merge_with(laabb); + ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err2 != OK, ERR_INVALID_DATA, "Invalid blend shape array format for surface."); + + blend_shape_data.append_array(vertex_array_shape); + blend_shape_count++; + } } Vector<SurfaceData::LOD> lods; if (index_array_len) { @@ -1004,10 +987,13 @@ Error RenderingServer::mesh_create_surface_data_from_arrays(SurfaceData *r_surfa surface_data.primitive = p_primitive; surface_data.aabb = aabb; surface_data.vertex_data = vertex_array; + surface_data.attribute_data = attrib_array; + surface_data.skin_data = skin_array; surface_data.vertex_count = array_len; surface_data.index_data = index_array; surface_data.index_count = index_array_len; - surface_data.blend_shapes = blend_shape_data; + surface_data.blend_shape_count = blend_shape_count; + surface_data.blend_shape_data = blend_shape_data; surface_data.bone_aabbs = bone_aabb; surface_data.lods = lods; @@ -1023,110 +1009,20 @@ void RenderingServer::mesh_add_surface_from_arrays(RID p_mesh, PrimitiveType p_p mesh_add_surface(p_mesh, sd); } -Array RenderingServer::_get_array_from_surface(uint32_t p_format, Vector<uint8_t> p_vertex_data, int p_vertex_len, Vector<uint8_t> p_index_data, int p_index_len) const { - uint32_t offsets[ARRAY_MAX]; - - int total_elem_size = 0; - - for (int i = 0; i < RS::ARRAY_MAX; i++) { - offsets[i] = 0; //reset - - if (!(p_format & (1 << i))) { // no array - continue; - } - - int elem_size = 0; - - switch (i) { - case RS::ARRAY_VERTEX: { - if (p_format & ARRAY_FLAG_USE_2D_VERTICES) { - elem_size = 2; - } else { - elem_size = 3; - } - - { - elem_size *= sizeof(float); - } - - } break; - case RS::ARRAY_NORMAL: { - if (p_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL) { - elem_size = sizeof(uint32_t); - } else { - elem_size = sizeof(float) * 3; - } - - } break; - - case RS::ARRAY_TANGENT: { - if (p_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT) { - elem_size = sizeof(uint32_t); - } else { - elem_size = sizeof(float) * 4; - } - - } break; - case RS::ARRAY_COLOR: { - if (p_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_COLOR) { - elem_size = sizeof(uint32_t); - } else { - elem_size = sizeof(float) * 4; - } - } break; - case RS::ARRAY_TEX_UV: { - if (p_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV) { - elem_size = sizeof(uint32_t); - } else { - elem_size = sizeof(float) * 2; - } - - } break; - - case RS::ARRAY_TEX_UV2: { - if (p_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2) { - elem_size = sizeof(uint32_t); - } else { - elem_size = sizeof(float) * 2; - } - - } break; - case RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS: { - elem_size = sizeof(uint16_t) * 4; - - } break; - case RS::ARRAY_BONES: { - elem_size = sizeof(uint16_t) * 4; - - } break; - case RS::ARRAY_INDEX: { - if (p_index_len <= 0) { - ERR_PRINT("index_array_len==NO_INDEX_ARRAY"); - break; - } - /* determine whether using 16 or 32 bits indices */ - if (p_vertex_len >= (1 << 16)) { - elem_size = 4; - - } else { - elem_size = 2; - } - offsets[i] = elem_size; - continue; - } - default: { - ERR_FAIL_V(Array()); - } - } +Array RenderingServer::_get_array_from_surface(uint32_t p_format, Vector<uint8_t> p_vertex_data, Vector<uint8_t> p_attrib_data, Vector<uint8_t> p_skin_data, int p_vertex_len, Vector<uint8_t> p_index_data, int p_index_len) const { + uint32_t offsets[RS::ARRAY_MAX]; - offsets[i] = total_elem_size; - total_elem_size += elem_size; - } + uint32_t vertex_elem_size; + uint32_t attrib_elem_size; + uint32_t skin_elem_size; + mesh_surface_make_offsets_from_format(p_format, p_vertex_len, p_index_len, offsets, vertex_elem_size, attrib_elem_size, skin_elem_size); Array ret; ret.resize(RS::ARRAY_MAX); const uint8_t *r = p_vertex_data.ptr(); + const uint8_t *ar = p_attrib_data.ptr(); + const uint8_t *sr = p_skin_data.ptr(); for (int i = 0; i < RS::ARRAY_MAX; i++) { if (!(p_format & (1 << i))) { @@ -1143,7 +1039,7 @@ Array RenderingServer::_get_array_from_surface(uint32_t p_format, Vector<uint8_t Vector2 *w = arr_2d.ptrw(); for (int j = 0; j < p_vertex_len; j++) { - const float *v = (const float *)&r[j * total_elem_size + offsets[i]]; + const float *v = (const float *)&r[j * vertex_elem_size + offsets[i]]; w[j] = Vector2(v[0], v[1]); } } @@ -1157,7 +1053,7 @@ Array RenderingServer::_get_array_from_surface(uint32_t p_format, Vector<uint8_t Vector3 *w = arr_3d.ptrw(); for (int j = 0; j < p_vertex_len; j++) { - const float *v = (const float *)&r[j * total_elem_size + offsets[i]]; + const float *v = (const float *)&r[j * vertex_elem_size + offsets[i]]; w[j] = Vector3(v[0], v[1], v[2]); } } @@ -1170,21 +1066,11 @@ Array RenderingServer::_get_array_from_surface(uint32_t p_format, Vector<uint8_t Vector<Vector3> arr; arr.resize(p_vertex_len); - if (p_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL) { - Vector3 *w = arr.ptrw(); - const float multiplier = 1.f / 127.f; + Vector3 *w = arr.ptrw(); - for (int j = 0; j < p_vertex_len; j++) { - const int8_t *v = (const int8_t *)&r[j * total_elem_size + offsets[i]]; - w[j] = Vector3(float(v[0]) * multiplier, float(v[1]) * multiplier, float(v[2]) * multiplier); - } - } else { - Vector3 *w = arr.ptrw(); - - for (int j = 0; j < p_vertex_len; j++) { - const float *v = (const float *)&r[j * total_elem_size + offsets[i]]; - w[j] = Vector3(v[0], v[1], v[2]); - } + for (int j = 0; j < p_vertex_len; j++) { + const uint32_t v = *(const uint32_t *)&r[j * vertex_elem_size + offsets[i]]; + w[j] = Vector3((v & 0x3FF) / 1023.0, ((v >> 10) & 0x3FF) / 1023.0, ((v >> 20) & 0x3FF) / 1023.0) * Vector3(2, 2, 2) - Vector3(1, 1, 1); } ret[i] = arr; @@ -1194,24 +1080,16 @@ Array RenderingServer::_get_array_from_surface(uint32_t p_format, Vector<uint8_t case RS::ARRAY_TANGENT: { Vector<float> arr; arr.resize(p_vertex_len * 4); - if (p_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT) { - float *w = arr.ptrw(); - for (int j = 0; j < p_vertex_len; j++) { - const int8_t *v = (const int8_t *)&r[j * total_elem_size + offsets[i]]; - for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { - w[j * 4 + k] = float(v[k] / 127.0); - } - } - } else { - float *w = arr.ptrw(); + float *w = arr.ptrw(); - for (int j = 0; j < p_vertex_len; j++) { - const float *v = (const float *)&r[j * total_elem_size + offsets[i]]; - for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { - w[j * 4 + k] = v[k]; - } - } + for (int j = 0; j < p_vertex_len; j++) { + const uint32_t v = *(const uint32_t *)&r[j * vertex_elem_size + offsets[i]]; + + w[j * 4 + 0] = ((v & 0x3FF) / 1023.0) * 2.0 - 1.0; + w[j * 4 + 1] = (((v >> 10) & 0x3FF) / 1023.0) * 2.0 - 1.0; + w[j * 4 + 2] = (((v >> 20) & 0x3FF) / 1023.0) * 2.0 - 1.0; + w[j * 4 + 3] = ((v >> 30) / 3.0) * 2.0 - 1.0; } ret[i] = arr; @@ -1221,20 +1099,11 @@ Array RenderingServer::_get_array_from_surface(uint32_t p_format, Vector<uint8_t Vector<Color> arr; arr.resize(p_vertex_len); - if (p_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_COLOR) { - Color *w = arr.ptrw(); + Color *w = arr.ptrw(); - for (int j = 0; j < p_vertex_len; j++) { - const uint8_t *v = (const uint8_t *)&r[j * total_elem_size + offsets[i]]; - w[j] = Color(float(v[0] / 255.0), float(v[1] / 255.0), float(v[2] / 255.0), float(v[3] / 255.0)); - } - } else { - Color *w = arr.ptrw(); - - for (int j = 0; j < p_vertex_len; j++) { - const float *v = (const float *)&r[j * total_elem_size + offsets[i]]; - w[j] = Color(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]); - } + for (int32_t j = 0; j < p_vertex_len; j++) { + const uint16_t *v = (const uint16_t *)&ar[j * attrib_elem_size + offsets[i]]; + w[j] = Color(Math::half_to_float(v[0]), Math::half_to_float(v[1]), Math::half_to_float(v[2]), Math::half_to_float(v[3])); } ret[i] = arr; @@ -1243,20 +1112,11 @@ Array RenderingServer::_get_array_from_surface(uint32_t p_format, Vector<uint8_t Vector<Vector2> arr; arr.resize(p_vertex_len); - if (p_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV) { - Vector2 *w = arr.ptrw(); + Vector2 *w = arr.ptrw(); - for (int j = 0; j < p_vertex_len; j++) { - const uint16_t *v = (const uint16_t *)&r[j * total_elem_size + offsets[i]]; - w[j] = Vector2(Math::halfptr_to_float(&v[0]), Math::halfptr_to_float(&v[1])); - } - } else { - Vector2 *w = arr.ptrw(); - - for (int j = 0; j < p_vertex_len; j++) { - const float *v = (const float *)&r[j * total_elem_size + offsets[i]]; - w[j] = Vector2(v[0], v[1]); - } + for (int j = 0; j < p_vertex_len; j++) { + const float *v = (const float *)&ar[j * attrib_elem_size + offsets[i]]; + w[j] = Vector2(v[0], v[1]); } ret[i] = arr; @@ -1266,35 +1126,74 @@ Array RenderingServer::_get_array_from_surface(uint32_t p_format, Vector<uint8_t Vector<Vector2> arr; arr.resize(p_vertex_len); - if (p_format & ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2) { - Vector2 *w = arr.ptrw(); - - for (int j = 0; j < p_vertex_len; j++) { - const uint16_t *v = (const uint16_t *)&r[j * total_elem_size + offsets[i]]; - w[j] = Vector2(Math::halfptr_to_float(&v[0]), Math::halfptr_to_float(&v[1])); - } - } else { - Vector2 *w = arr.ptrw(); + Vector2 *w = arr.ptrw(); - for (int j = 0; j < p_vertex_len; j++) { - const float *v = (const float *)&r[j * total_elem_size + offsets[i]]; - w[j] = Vector2(v[0], v[1]); - } + for (int j = 0; j < p_vertex_len; j++) { + const float *v = (const float *)&ar[j * attrib_elem_size + offsets[i]]; + w[j] = Vector2(v[0], v[1]); } ret[i] = arr; } break; + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM0: + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM1: + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM2: + case RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM3: { + uint32_t type = (p_format >> (ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_BASE + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_BITS * (RS::ARRAY_CUSTOM0 - i))) & ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_MASK; + switch (type) { + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA8_UNORM: + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA8_SNORM: + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_RG_HALF: + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA_HALF: { + //size 4 + int s = type == ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA_HALF ? 8 : 4; + Vector<uint8_t> arr; + arr.resize(p_vertex_len * s); + + uint8_t *w = arr.ptrw(); + + for (int j = 0; j < p_vertex_len; j++) { + const uint8_t *v = (const uint8_t *)&ar[j * attrib_elem_size + offsets[i]]; + copymem(&w[j * s], v, s); + } + + ret[i] = arr; + + } break; + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_R_FLOAT: + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_RG_FLOAT: + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGB_FLOAT: + case ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA_FLOAT: { + uint32_t s = type - ARRAY_CUSTOM_R_FLOAT + 1; + + Vector<float> arr; + float *w = arr.ptrw(); + + for (int j = 0; j < p_vertex_len; j++) { + const float *v = (const float *)&ar[j * attrib_elem_size + offsets[i]]; + copymem(&w[j * s], v, s * sizeof(float)); + } + ret[i] = arr; + + } break; + default: { + } + } + + } break; case RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS: { + uint32_t bone_count = (p_format & ARRAY_FLAG_USE_8_BONE_WEIGHTS) ? 8 : 4; + Vector<float> arr; - arr.resize(p_vertex_len * 4); + arr.resize(p_vertex_len * bone_count); { float *w = arr.ptrw(); for (int j = 0; j < p_vertex_len; j++) { - const uint16_t *v = (const uint16_t *)&r[j * total_elem_size + offsets[i]]; - for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { - w[j * 4 + k] = float(v[k] / 65535.0); + const uint16_t *v = (const uint16_t *)&sr[j * skin_elem_size + offsets[i]]; + for (uint32_t k = 0; k < bone_count; k++) { + w[j * bone_count + k] = float(v[k] / 65535.0); } } } @@ -1303,15 +1202,17 @@ Array RenderingServer::_get_array_from_surface(uint32_t p_format, Vector<uint8_t } break; case RS::ARRAY_BONES: { + uint32_t bone_count = (p_format & ARRAY_FLAG_USE_8_BONE_WEIGHTS) ? 8 : 4; + Vector<int> arr; - arr.resize(p_vertex_len * 4); + arr.resize(p_vertex_len * bone_count); int *w = arr.ptrw(); for (int j = 0; j < p_vertex_len; j++) { - const uint16_t *v = (const uint16_t *)&r[j * total_elem_size + offsets[i]]; - for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { - w[j * 4 + k] = v[k]; + const uint16_t *v = (const uint16_t *)&sr[j * skin_elem_size + offsets[i]]; + for (uint32_t k = 0; k < bone_count; k++) { + w[j * bone_count + k] = v[k]; } } @@ -1394,20 +1295,30 @@ Array RenderingServer::mesh_surface_get_blend_shape_arrays(RID p_mesh, int p_sur SurfaceData sd = mesh_get_surface(p_mesh, p_surface); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(sd.vertex_count == 0, Array()); - Vector<Vector<uint8_t>> blend_shape_data = sd.blend_shapes; + Vector<uint8_t> blend_shape_data = sd.blend_shape_data; if (blend_shape_data.size() > 0) { - int vertex_len = sd.vertex_count; + uint32_t bs_offsets[RS::ARRAY_MAX]; + uint32_t bs_format = (sd.format & RS::ARRAY_FORMAT_BLEND_SHAPE_MASK); + uint32_t vertex_elem_size; + uint32_t attrib_elem_size; + uint32_t skin_elem_size; - Vector<uint8_t> index_data = sd.index_data; - int index_len = sd.index_count; + mesh_surface_make_offsets_from_format(bs_format, sd.vertex_count, 0, bs_offsets, vertex_elem_size, attrib_elem_size, skin_elem_size); - uint32_t format = sd.format; + int divisor = vertex_elem_size * sd.vertex_count; + ERR_FAIL_COND_V((blend_shape_data.size() % divisor) != 0, Array()); + + uint32_t blend_shape_count = blend_shape_data.size() / divisor; + + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(blend_shape_count != sd.blend_shape_count, Array()); Array blend_shape_array; - blend_shape_array.resize(blend_shape_data.size()); - for (int i = 0; i < blend_shape_data.size(); i++) { - blend_shape_array.set(i, _get_array_from_surface(format, blend_shape_data[i], vertex_len, index_data, index_len)); + blend_shape_array.resize(blend_shape_count); + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < blend_shape_count; i++) { + Vector<uint8_t> bs_data = blend_shape_data.subarray(i * divisor, (i + 1) * divisor - 1); + Vector<uint8_t> unused; + blend_shape_array.set(i, _get_array_from_surface(bs_format, bs_data, unused, unused, sd.vertex_count, unused, 0)); } return blend_shape_array; @@ -1418,6 +1329,8 @@ Array RenderingServer::mesh_surface_get_blend_shape_arrays(RID p_mesh, int p_sur Array RenderingServer::mesh_create_arrays_from_surface_data(const SurfaceData &p_data) const { Vector<uint8_t> vertex_data = p_data.vertex_data; + Vector<uint8_t> attrib_data = p_data.attribute_data; + Vector<uint8_t> skin_data = p_data.skin_data; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(vertex_data.size() == 0, Array()); int vertex_len = p_data.vertex_count; @@ -1427,7 +1340,7 @@ Array RenderingServer::mesh_create_arrays_from_surface_data(const SurfaceData &p uint32_t format = p_data.format; - return _get_array_from_surface(format, vertex_data, vertex_len, index_data, index_len); + return _get_array_from_surface(format, vertex_data, attrib_data, skin_data, vertex_len, index_data, index_len); } #if 0 Array RenderingServer::_mesh_surface_get_skeleton_aabb_bind(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) const { @@ -1540,9 +1453,11 @@ void RenderingServer::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("material_set_next_pass", "material", "next_material"), &RenderingServer::material_set_next_pass); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("mesh_create"), &RenderingServer::mesh_create); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("mesh_surface_get_format_offset", "format", "vertex_len", "index_len", "array_index"), &RenderingServer::mesh_surface_get_format_offset); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("mesh_surface_get_format_stride", "format", "vertex_len", "index_len"), &RenderingServer::mesh_surface_get_format_stride); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("mesh_add_surface_from_arrays", "mesh", "primitive", "arrays", "blend_shapes", "lods", "compress_format"), &RenderingServer::mesh_add_surface_from_arrays, DEFVAL(Array()), DEFVAL(Dictionary()), DEFVAL(ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT)); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("mesh_surface_get_format_offset", "format", "vertex_count", "array_index"), &RenderingServer::mesh_surface_get_format_offset); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("mesh_surface_get_format_vertex_stride", "format", "vertex_count"), &RenderingServer::mesh_surface_get_format_vertex_stride); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("mesh_surface_get_format_attribute_stride", "format", "vertex_count"), &RenderingServer::mesh_surface_get_format_attribute_stride); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("mesh_surface_get_format_skin_stride", "format", "vertex_count"), &RenderingServer::mesh_surface_get_format_skin_stride); + //ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("mesh_add_surface_from_arrays", "mesh", "primitive", "arrays", "blend_shapes", "lods", "compress_format"), &RenderingServer::mesh_add_surface_from_arrays, DEFVAL(Array()), DEFVAL(Dictionary()), DEFVAL(ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("mesh_get_blend_shape_count", "mesh"), &RenderingServer::mesh_get_blend_shape_count); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("mesh_set_blend_shape_mode", "mesh", "mode"), &RenderingServer::mesh_set_blend_shape_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("mesh_get_blend_shape_mode", "mesh"), &RenderingServer::mesh_get_blend_shape_mode); @@ -1932,6 +1847,10 @@ void RenderingServer::_bind_methods() { BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_COLOR); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_TEX_UV); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_TEX_UV2); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_CUSTOM0); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_CUSTOM1); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_CUSTOM2); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_CUSTOM3); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_BONES); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_WEIGHTS); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_INDEX); @@ -1943,20 +1862,28 @@ void RenderingServer::_bind_methods() { BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_COLOR); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV2); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM0); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM1); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM2); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM3); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_COMPRESS_COLOR); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_COMPRESS_INDEX); - BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_BLEND_SHAPE_MASK); + + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_BASE); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM0_SHIFT); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM1_SHIFT); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM2_SHIFT); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM3_SHIFT); + + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_MASK); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_COMPRESS_FLAGS_BASE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FLAG_USE_2D_VERTICES); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FLAG_USE_DYNAMIC_UPDATE); + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ARRAY_FLAG_USE_8_BONE_WEIGHTS); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PRIMITIVE_POINTS); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PRIMITIVE_LINES); diff --git a/servers/rendering_server.h b/servers/rendering_server.h index 6102958aaa..abe3cc6975 100644 --- a/servers/rendering_server.h +++ b/servers/rendering_server.h @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class RenderingServer : public Object { void _camera_set_orthogonal(RID p_camera, float p_size, float p_z_near, float p_z_far); void _canvas_item_add_style_box(RID p_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Rect2 &p_source, RID p_texture, const Vector<float> &p_margins, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1)); - Array _get_array_from_surface(uint32_t p_format, Vector<uint8_t> p_vertex_data, int p_vertex_len, Vector<uint8_t> p_index_data, int p_index_len) const; + Array _get_array_from_surface(uint32_t p_format, Vector<uint8_t> p_vertex_data, Vector<uint8_t> p_attrib_data, Vector<uint8_t> p_skin_data, int p_vertex_len, Vector<uint8_t> p_index_data, int p_index_len) const; protected: RID _make_test_cube(); @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ protected: RID white_texture; RID test_material; - Error _surface_set_data(Array p_arrays, uint32_t p_format, uint32_t *p_offsets, uint32_t p_stride, Vector<uint8_t> &r_vertex_array, int p_vertex_array_len, Vector<uint8_t> &r_index_array, int p_index_array_len, AABB &r_aabb, Vector<AABB> &r_bone_aabb); + Error _surface_set_data(Array p_arrays, uint32_t p_format, uint32_t *p_offsets, uint32_t p_vertex_stride, uint32_t p_attrib_stride, uint32_t p_skin_stride, Vector<uint8_t> &r_vertex_array, Vector<uint8_t> &r_attrib_array, Vector<uint8_t> &r_skin_array, int p_vertex_array_len, Vector<uint8_t> &r_index_array, int p_index_array_len, AABB &r_aabb, Vector<AABB> &r_bone_aabb); static RenderingServer *(*create_func)(); static void _bind_methods(); @@ -199,16 +199,36 @@ public: /* MESH API */ enum ArrayType { - ARRAY_VERTEX = 0, - ARRAY_NORMAL = 1, - ARRAY_TANGENT = 2, - ARRAY_COLOR = 3, - ARRAY_TEX_UV = 4, - ARRAY_TEX_UV2 = 5, - ARRAY_BONES = 6, - ARRAY_WEIGHTS = 7, - ARRAY_INDEX = 8, - ARRAY_MAX = 9 + ARRAY_VERTEX = 0, // RG32F or RGB32F (depending on 2D bit) + ARRAY_NORMAL = 1, // A2B10G10R10 + ARRAY_TANGENT = 2, // A2B10G10R10, A flips sign of binormal + ARRAY_COLOR = 3, // RGBA16F + ARRAY_TEX_UV = 4, // RG32F + ARRAY_TEX_UV2 = 5, // RG32F + ARRAY_CUSTOM0 = 6, // depends on ArrayCustomFormat + ARRAY_CUSTOM1 = 7, + ARRAY_CUSTOM2 = 8, + ARRAY_CUSTOM3 = 9, + ARRAY_BONES = 10, // RGBA16UI (x2 if 8 weights) + ARRAY_WEIGHTS = 11, // RGBA16UNORM (x2 if 8 weights) + ARRAY_INDEX = 12, // 16 or 32 bits depending on length > 0xFFFF + ARRAY_MAX = 13 + }; + + enum { + ARRAY_CUSTOM_COUNT = ARRAY_BONES - ARRAY_CUSTOM0 + }; + + enum ArrayCustomFormat { + ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA8_UNORM, + ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA8_SNORM, + ARRAY_CUSTOM_RG_HALF, + ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA_HALF, + ARRAY_CUSTOM_R_FLOAT, + ARRAY_CUSTOM_RG_FLOAT, + ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGB_FLOAT, + ARRAY_CUSTOM_RGBA_FLOAT, + ARRAY_CUSTOM_MAX }; enum ArrayFormat { @@ -219,21 +239,29 @@ public: ARRAY_FORMAT_COLOR = 1 << ARRAY_COLOR, ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV = 1 << ARRAY_TEX_UV, ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV2 = 1 << ARRAY_TEX_UV2, + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM0 = 1 << ARRAY_CUSTOM0, + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM1 = 1 << ARRAY_CUSTOM1, + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM2 = 1 << ARRAY_CUSTOM2, + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM3 = 1 << ARRAY_CUSTOM3, ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES = 1 << ARRAY_BONES, ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS = 1 << ARRAY_WEIGHTS, ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX = 1 << ARRAY_INDEX, - ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE = (ARRAY_INDEX + 1), - ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL = 1 << (ARRAY_NORMAL + ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE), - ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT = 1 << (ARRAY_TANGENT + ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE), - ARRAY_COMPRESS_COLOR = 1 << (ARRAY_COLOR + ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE), - ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV = 1 << (ARRAY_TEX_UV + ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE), - ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2 = 1 << (ARRAY_TEX_UV2 + ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE), - ARRAY_COMPRESS_INDEX = 1 << (ARRAY_INDEX + ARRAY_COMPRESS_BASE), - ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT = ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL | ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT | ARRAY_COMPRESS_COLOR | ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV | ARRAY_COMPRESS_TEX_UV2, + ARRAY_FORMAT_BLEND_SHAPE_MASK = (~(ARRAY_FORMAT_COLOR | ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV | ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV2 | ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES | ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS | ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM0 | ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM1 | ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM2 | ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM3 | ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX)) & 0x7FFFFFFF, - ARRAY_FLAG_USE_2D_VERTICES = ARRAY_COMPRESS_INDEX << 1, - ARRAY_FLAG_USE_DYNAMIC_UPDATE = ARRAY_COMPRESS_INDEX << 3, + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_BASE = (ARRAY_INDEX + 1), + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_BITS = 3, + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM0_SHIFT = (ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_BASE + 0), + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM1_SHIFT = (ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_BASE + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_BITS), + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM2_SHIFT = (ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_BASE + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_BITS * 2), + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM3_SHIFT = (ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_BASE + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_BITS * 3), + + ARRAY_FORMAT_CUSTOM_MASK = 0x7, + ARRAY_COMPRESS_FLAGS_BASE = (ARRAY_INDEX + 1 + 12), + + ARRAY_FLAG_USE_2D_VERTICES = 1 << (ARRAY_COMPRESS_FLAGS_BASE + 0), + ARRAY_FLAG_USE_DYNAMIC_UPDATE = 1 << (ARRAY_COMPRESS_FLAGS_BASE + 1), + ARRAY_FLAG_USE_8_BONE_WEIGHTS = 1 << (ARRAY_COMPRESS_FLAGS_BASE + 2), }; enum PrimitiveType { @@ -249,11 +277,15 @@ public: PrimitiveType primitive = PRIMITIVE_MAX; uint32_t format = 0; - Vector<uint8_t> vertex_data; + Vector<uint8_t> vertex_data; // vertex, normal, tangent (change with skinning, blendshape) + Vector<uint8_t> attribute_data; // color,uv, uv2, custom0-3 + Vector<uint8_t> skin_data; // bone index, bone weight uint32_t vertex_count = 0; Vector<uint8_t> index_data; uint32_t index_count = 0; + uint32_t blend_shape_count = 0; + AABB aabb; struct LOD { float edge_length; @@ -262,7 +294,7 @@ public: Vector<LOD> lods; Vector<AABB> bone_aabbs; - Vector<Vector<uint8_t>> blend_shapes; + Vector<uint8_t> blend_shape_data; RID material; }; @@ -270,17 +302,20 @@ public: virtual RID mesh_create_from_surfaces(const Vector<SurfaceData> &p_surfaces) = 0; virtual RID mesh_create() = 0; - virtual uint32_t mesh_surface_get_format_offset(uint32_t p_format, int p_vertex_len, int p_index_len, int p_array_index) const; - virtual uint32_t mesh_surface_get_format_stride(uint32_t p_format, int p_vertex_len, int p_index_len) const; + virtual uint32_t mesh_surface_get_format_offset(uint32_t p_format, int p_vertex_len, int p_array_index) const; + virtual uint32_t mesh_surface_get_format_vertex_stride(uint32_t p_format, int p_vertex_len) const; + virtual uint32_t mesh_surface_get_format_attribute_stride(uint32_t p_format, int p_vertex_len) const; + virtual uint32_t mesh_surface_get_format_skin_stride(uint32_t p_format, int p_vertex_len) const; + /// Returns stride - virtual uint32_t mesh_surface_make_offsets_from_format(uint32_t p_format, int p_vertex_len, int p_index_len, uint32_t *r_offsets) const; - virtual Error mesh_create_surface_data_from_arrays(SurfaceData *r_surface_data, PrimitiveType p_primitive, const Array &p_arrays, const Array &p_blend_shapes = Array(), const Dictionary &p_lods = Dictionary(), uint32_t p_compress_format = ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT); + virtual void mesh_surface_make_offsets_from_format(uint32_t p_format, int p_vertex_len, int p_index_len, uint32_t *r_offsets, uint32_t &r_vertex_element_size, uint32_t &r_attrib_element_size, uint32_t &r_skin_element_size) const; + virtual Error mesh_create_surface_data_from_arrays(SurfaceData *r_surface_data, PrimitiveType p_primitive, const Array &p_arrays, const Array &p_blend_shapes = Array(), const Dictionary &p_lods = Dictionary(), uint32_t p_compress_format = 0); Array mesh_create_arrays_from_surface_data(const SurfaceData &p_data) const; Array mesh_surface_get_arrays(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) const; Array mesh_surface_get_blend_shape_arrays(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) const; Dictionary mesh_surface_get_lods(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) const; - virtual void mesh_add_surface_from_arrays(RID p_mesh, PrimitiveType p_primitive, const Array &p_arrays, const Array &p_blend_shapes = Array(), const Dictionary &p_lods = Dictionary(), uint32_t p_compress_format = ARRAY_COMPRESS_DEFAULT); + virtual void mesh_add_surface_from_arrays(RID p_mesh, PrimitiveType p_primitive, const Array &p_arrays, const Array &p_blend_shapes = Array(), const Dictionary &p_lods = Dictionary(), uint32_t p_compress_format = 0); virtual void mesh_add_surface(RID p_mesh, const SurfaceData &p_surface) = 0; virtual int mesh_get_blend_shape_count(RID p_mesh) const = 0; diff --git a/servers/text_server.cpp b/servers/text_server.cpp index 74bf437a25..23bcefa80d 100644 --- a/servers/text_server.cpp +++ b/servers/text_server.cpp @@ -554,14 +554,18 @@ Vector<Vector2i> TextServer::shaped_text_get_line_breaks_adv(RID p_shaped, const int line_start = MAX(p_start, range.x); int last_safe_break = -1; int chunk = 0; - for (int i = 0; i < logical.size(); i++) { - if (logical[i].start < p_start) { + + int l_size = logical.size(); + const Glyph *l_gl = logical.ptr(); + + for (int i = 0; i < l_size; i++) { + if (l_gl[i].start < p_start) { continue; } - if (logical[i].count > 0) { - if ((p_width[chunk] > 0) && (width + logical[i].advance > p_width[chunk]) && (last_safe_break >= 0)) { - lines.push_back(Vector2i(line_start, logical[last_safe_break].end)); - line_start = logical[last_safe_break].end; + if (l_gl[i].count > 0) { + if ((p_width[chunk] > 0) && (width + l_gl[i].advance > p_width[chunk]) && (last_safe_break >= 0)) { + lines.push_back(Vector2i(line_start, l_gl[last_safe_break].end)); + line_start = l_gl[last_safe_break].end; i = last_safe_break; last_safe_break = -1; width = 0; @@ -575,9 +579,9 @@ Vector<Vector2i> TextServer::shaped_text_get_line_breaks_adv(RID p_shaped, const continue; } if ((p_break_flags & BREAK_MANDATORY) == BREAK_MANDATORY) { - if ((logical[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_HARD) == GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_HARD) { - lines.push_back(Vector2i(line_start, logical[i].end)); - line_start = logical[i].end; + if ((l_gl[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_HARD) == GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_HARD) { + lines.push_back(Vector2i(line_start, l_gl[i].end)); + line_start = l_gl[i].end; last_safe_break = -1; width = 0; chunk = 0; @@ -588,7 +592,7 @@ Vector<Vector2i> TextServer::shaped_text_get_line_breaks_adv(RID p_shaped, const } } if ((p_break_flags & BREAK_WORD_BOUND) == BREAK_WORD_BOUND) { - if ((logical[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT) == GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT) { + if ((l_gl[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT) == GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT) { last_safe_break = i; } } @@ -596,10 +600,10 @@ Vector<Vector2i> TextServer::shaped_text_get_line_breaks_adv(RID p_shaped, const last_safe_break = i; } } - width += logical[i].advance; + width += l_gl[i].advance; } - if (logical.size() > 0) { + if (l_size > 0) { lines.push_back(Vector2i(line_start, range.y)); } else { lines.push_back(Vector2i(0, 0)); @@ -618,30 +622,34 @@ Vector<Vector2i> TextServer::shaped_text_get_line_breaks(RID p_shaped, float p_w float width = 0.f; int line_start = MAX(p_start, range.x); int last_safe_break = -1; - for (int i = 0; i < logical.size(); i++) { - if (logical[i].start < p_start) { + + int l_size = logical.size(); + const Glyph *l_gl = logical.ptr(); + + for (int i = 0; i < l_size; i++) { + if (l_gl[i].start < p_start) { continue; } - if (logical[i].count > 0) { - if ((p_width > 0) && (width + logical[i].advance > p_width) && (last_safe_break >= 0)) { - lines.push_back(Vector2i(line_start, logical[last_safe_break].end)); - line_start = logical[last_safe_break].end; + if (l_gl[i].count > 0) { + if ((p_width > 0) && (width + l_gl[i].advance > p_width) && (last_safe_break >= 0)) { + lines.push_back(Vector2i(line_start, l_gl[last_safe_break].end)); + line_start = l_gl[last_safe_break].end; i = last_safe_break; last_safe_break = -1; width = 0; continue; } if ((p_break_flags & BREAK_MANDATORY) == BREAK_MANDATORY) { - if ((logical[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_HARD) == GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_HARD) { - lines.push_back(Vector2i(line_start, logical[i].end)); - line_start = logical[i].end; + if ((l_gl[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_HARD) == GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_HARD) { + lines.push_back(Vector2i(line_start, l_gl[i].end)); + line_start = l_gl[i].end; last_safe_break = -1; width = 0; continue; } } if ((p_break_flags & BREAK_WORD_BOUND) == BREAK_WORD_BOUND) { - if ((logical[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT) == GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT) { + if ((l_gl[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT) == GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT) { last_safe_break = i; } } @@ -649,10 +657,10 @@ Vector<Vector2i> TextServer::shaped_text_get_line_breaks(RID p_shaped, float p_w last_safe_break = i; } } - width += logical[i].advance; + width += l_gl[i].advance; } - if (logical.size() > 0) { + if (l_size > 0) { if (lines.size() == 0 || lines[lines.size() - 1].y < range.y) { lines.push_back(Vector2i(line_start, range.y)); } @@ -671,15 +679,19 @@ Vector<Vector2i> TextServer::shaped_text_get_word_breaks(RID p_shaped) const { const Vector2i &range = shaped_text_get_range(p_shaped); int word_start = range.x; - for (int i = 0; i < logical.size(); i++) { - if (logical[i].count > 0) { - if ((logical[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE) == GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE) { - words.push_back(Vector2i(word_start, logical[i].end - 1)); - word_start = logical[i].end; + + int l_size = logical.size(); + const Glyph *l_gl = logical.ptr(); + + for (int i = 0; i < l_size; i++) { + if (l_gl[i].count > 0) { + if ((l_gl[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE) == GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE) { + words.push_back(Vector2i(word_start, l_gl[i].end - 1)); + word_start = l_gl[i].end; } } } - if (logical.size() > 0) { + if (l_size > 0) { words.push_back(Vector2i(word_start, range.y)); } @@ -688,7 +700,7 @@ Vector<Vector2i> TextServer::shaped_text_get_word_breaks(RID p_shaped) const { void TextServer::shaped_text_get_carets(RID p_shaped, int p_position, Rect2 &p_leading_caret, Direction &p_leading_dir, Rect2 &p_trailing_caret, Direction &p_trailing_dir) const { Vector<Rect2> carets; - const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> glyphs = shaped_text_get_glyphs(p_shaped); + const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> visual = shaped_text_get_glyphs(p_shaped); TextServer::Orientation orientation = shaped_text_get_orientation(p_shaped); const Vector2 &range = shaped_text_get_range(p_shaped); float ascent = shaped_text_get_ascent(p_shaped); @@ -698,7 +710,11 @@ void TextServer::shaped_text_get_carets(RID p_shaped, int p_position, Rect2 &p_l float off = 0.0f; p_leading_dir = DIRECTION_AUTO; p_trailing_dir = DIRECTION_AUTO; - for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.size(); i++) { + + int v_size = visual.size(); + const Glyph *glyphs = visual.ptr(); + + for (int i = 0; i < v_size; i++) { if (glyphs[i].count > 0) { // Caret before grapheme (top / left). if (p_position == glyphs[i].start && ((glyphs[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL) != GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL)) { @@ -831,7 +847,7 @@ void TextServer::shaped_text_get_carets(RID p_shaped, int p_position, Rect2 &p_l } TextServer::Direction TextServer::shaped_text_get_dominant_direciton_in_range(RID p_shaped, int p_start, int p_end) const { - const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> glyphs = shaped_text_get_glyphs(p_shaped); + const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> visual = shaped_text_get_glyphs(p_shaped); if (p_start == p_end) { return DIRECTION_AUTO; @@ -843,7 +859,10 @@ TextServer::Direction TextServer::shaped_text_get_dominant_direciton_in_range(RI int rtl = 0; int ltr = 0; - for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.size(); i++) { + int v_size = visual.size(); + const Glyph *glyphs = visual.ptr(); + + for (int i = 0; i < v_size; i++) { if ((glyphs[i].end > start) && (glyphs[i].start < end)) { if (glyphs[i].count > 0) { if ((glyphs[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_RTL) == GRAPHEME_IS_RTL) { @@ -865,7 +884,7 @@ TextServer::Direction TextServer::shaped_text_get_dominant_direciton_in_range(RI Vector<Vector2> TextServer::shaped_text_get_selection(RID p_shaped, int p_start, int p_end) const { Vector<Vector2> ranges; - const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> glyphs = shaped_text_get_glyphs(p_shaped); + const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> visual = shaped_text_get_glyphs(p_shaped); if (p_start == p_end) { return ranges; @@ -874,8 +893,11 @@ Vector<Vector2> TextServer::shaped_text_get_selection(RID p_shaped, int p_start, int start = MIN(p_start, p_end); int end = MAX(p_start, p_end); + int v_size = visual.size(); + const Glyph *glyphs = visual.ptr(); + float off = 0.0f; - for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.size(); i++) { + for (int i = 0; i < v_size; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < glyphs[i].repeat; k++) { if (glyphs[i].count > 0 && glyphs[i].index != 0) { if (glyphs[i].start < end && glyphs[i].end > start) { @@ -951,11 +973,15 @@ Vector<Vector2> TextServer::shaped_text_get_selection(RID p_shaped, int p_start, } int TextServer::shaped_text_hit_test_grapheme(RID p_shaped, float p_coords) const { - const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> glyphs = shaped_text_get_glyphs(p_shaped); + const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> visual = shaped_text_get_glyphs(p_shaped); // Exact grapheme hit test, return -1 if missed. float off = 0.0f; - for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.size(); i++) { + + int v_size = visual.size(); + const Glyph *glyphs = visual.ptr(); + + for (int i = 0; i < v_size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < glyphs[i].repeat; j++) { if (p_coords >= off && p_coords < off + glyphs[i].advance) { return i; @@ -967,13 +993,16 @@ int TextServer::shaped_text_hit_test_grapheme(RID p_shaped, float p_coords) cons } int TextServer::shaped_text_hit_test_position(RID p_shaped, float p_coords) const { - const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> glyphs = shaped_text_get_glyphs(p_shaped); + const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> visual = shaped_text_get_glyphs(p_shaped); + + int v_size = visual.size(); + const Glyph *glyphs = visual.ptr(); // Cursor placement hit test. // Place caret to the left of the leftmost grapheme, or to position 0 if string is empty. if (p_coords <= 0) { - if (glyphs.size() > 0) { + if (v_size > 0) { if ((glyphs[0].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_RTL) == GRAPHEME_IS_RTL) { return glyphs[0].end; } else { @@ -986,11 +1015,11 @@ int TextServer::shaped_text_hit_test_position(RID p_shaped, float p_coords) cons // Place caret to the right of the rightmost grapheme, or to position 0 if string is empty. if (p_coords >= shaped_text_get_width(p_shaped)) { - if (glyphs.size() > 0) { - if ((glyphs[glyphs.size() - 1].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_RTL) == GRAPHEME_IS_RTL) { - return glyphs[glyphs.size() - 1].start; + if (v_size > 0) { + if ((glyphs[v_size - 1].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_RTL) == GRAPHEME_IS_RTL) { + return glyphs[v_size - 1].start; } else { - return glyphs[glyphs.size() - 1].end; + return glyphs[v_size - 1].end; } } else { return 0; @@ -998,7 +1027,7 @@ int TextServer::shaped_text_hit_test_position(RID p_shaped, float p_coords) cons } float off = 0.0f; - for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.size(); i++) { + for (int i = 0; i < v_size; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < glyphs[i].repeat; k++) { if (glyphs[i].count > 0) { float advance = 0.f; @@ -1029,8 +1058,10 @@ int TextServer::shaped_text_hit_test_position(RID p_shaped, float p_coords) cons } int TextServer::shaped_text_next_grapheme_pos(RID p_shaped, int p_pos) { - const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> glyphs = shaped_text_get_glyphs(p_shaped); - for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.size(); i++) { + const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> visual = shaped_text_get_glyphs(p_shaped); + int v_size = visual.size(); + const Glyph *glyphs = visual.ptr(); + for (int i = 0; i < v_size; i++) { if (p_pos >= glyphs[i].start && p_pos < glyphs[i].end) { return glyphs[i].end; } @@ -1039,8 +1070,10 @@ int TextServer::shaped_text_next_grapheme_pos(RID p_shaped, int p_pos) { } int TextServer::shaped_text_prev_grapheme_pos(RID p_shaped, int p_pos) { - const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> glyphs = shaped_text_get_glyphs(p_shaped); - for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.size(); i++) { + const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> visual = shaped_text_get_glyphs(p_shaped); + int v_size = visual.size(); + const Glyph *glyphs = visual.ptr(); + for (int i = 0; i < v_size; i++) { if (p_pos > glyphs[i].start && p_pos <= glyphs[i].end) { return glyphs[i].start; } @@ -1050,13 +1083,16 @@ int TextServer::shaped_text_prev_grapheme_pos(RID p_shaped, int p_pos) { } void TextServer::shaped_text_draw(RID p_shaped, RID p_canvas, const Vector2 &p_pos, float p_clip_l, float p_clip_r, const Color &p_color) const { - const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> glyphs = shaped_text_get_glyphs(p_shaped); + const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> visual = shaped_text_get_glyphs(p_shaped); TextServer::Orientation orientation = shaped_text_get_orientation(p_shaped); bool hex_codes = shaped_text_get_preserve_control(p_shaped) || shaped_text_get_preserve_invalid(p_shaped); + int v_size = visual.size(); + const Glyph *glyphs = visual.ptr(); + Vector2 ofs = p_pos; // Draw at the baseline. - for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.size(); i++) { + for (int i = 0; i < v_size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < glyphs[i].repeat; j++) { if (p_clip_r > 0) { // Clip right / bottom. @@ -1099,12 +1135,14 @@ void TextServer::shaped_text_draw(RID p_shaped, RID p_canvas, const Vector2 &p_p } void TextServer::shaped_text_draw_outline(RID p_shaped, RID p_canvas, const Vector2 &p_pos, float p_clip_l, float p_clip_r, int p_outline_size, const Color &p_color) const { - const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> glyphs = shaped_text_get_glyphs(p_shaped); + const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> visual = shaped_text_get_glyphs(p_shaped); TextServer::Orientation orientation = shaped_text_get_orientation(p_shaped); + int v_size = visual.size(); + const Glyph *glyphs = visual.ptr(); Vector2 ofs = p_pos; // Draw at the baseline. - for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.size(); i++) { + for (int i = 0; i < v_size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < glyphs[i].repeat; j++) { if (p_clip_r > 0) { // Clip right / bottom. diff --git a/servers/xr/xr_interface.h b/servers/xr/xr_interface.h index 99fcef7925..8afcf115d2 100644 --- a/servers/xr/xr_interface.h +++ b/servers/xr/xr_interface.h @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ #include "core/math/camera_matrix.h" #include "core/os/thread_safe.h" -#include "scene/main/window.h" #include "servers/xr_server.h" /** diff --git a/servers/xr/xr_positional_tracker.cpp b/servers/xr/xr_positional_tracker.cpp index ad5cee92ea..a59565fe0d 100644 --- a/servers/xr/xr_positional_tracker.cpp +++ b/servers/xr/xr_positional_tracker.cpp @@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ void XRPositionalTracker::_bind_methods() { BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(TRACKER_RIGHT_HAND); // this class is read only from GDScript, so we only have access to getters.. - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_type"), &XRPositionalTracker::get_type); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_tracker_type"), &XRPositionalTracker::get_tracker_type); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_tracker_id"), &XRPositionalTracker::get_tracker_id); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_name"), &XRPositionalTracker::get_name); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_tracker_name"), &XRPositionalTracker::get_tracker_name); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_joy_id"), &XRPositionalTracker::get_joy_id); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_tracks_orientation"), &XRPositionalTracker::get_tracks_orientation); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_orientation"), &XRPositionalTracker::get_orientation); @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ void XRPositionalTracker::set_type(XRServer::TrackerType p_type) { }; }; -XRServer::TrackerType XRPositionalTracker::get_type() const { +XRServer::TrackerType XRPositionalTracker::get_tracker_type() const { return type; }; @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ void XRPositionalTracker::set_name(const String &p_name) { name = p_name; }; -StringName XRPositionalTracker::get_name() const { +StringName XRPositionalTracker::get_tracker_name() const { return name; }; diff --git a/servers/xr/xr_positional_tracker.h b/servers/xr/xr_positional_tracker.h index 515359e9b1..8834b64464 100644 --- a/servers/xr/xr_positional_tracker.h +++ b/servers/xr/xr_positional_tracker.h @@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ protected: public: void set_type(XRServer::TrackerType p_type); - XRServer::TrackerType get_type() const; + XRServer::TrackerType get_tracker_type() const; void set_name(const String &p_name); - StringName get_name() const; + StringName get_tracker_name() const; int get_tracker_id() const; void set_joy_id(int p_joy_id); int get_joy_id() const; diff --git a/servers/xr_server.cpp b/servers/xr_server.cpp index 45199edd24..9d35825ae9 100644 --- a/servers/xr_server.cpp +++ b/servers/xr_server.cpp @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ Array XRServer::get_interfaces() const { bool XRServer::is_tracker_id_in_use_for_type(TrackerType p_tracker_type, int p_tracker_id) const { for (int i = 0; i < trackers.size(); i++) { - if (trackers[i]->get_type() == p_tracker_type && trackers[i]->get_tracker_id() == p_tracker_id) { + if (trackers[i]->get_tracker_type() == p_tracker_type && trackers[i]->get_tracker_id() == p_tracker_id) { return true; }; }; @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ void XRServer::add_tracker(XRPositionalTracker *p_tracker) { ERR_FAIL_NULL(p_tracker); trackers.push_back(p_tracker); - emit_signal("tracker_added", p_tracker->get_name(), p_tracker->get_type(), p_tracker->get_tracker_id()); + emit_signal("tracker_added", p_tracker->get_tracker_name(), p_tracker->get_tracker_type(), p_tracker->get_tracker_id()); }; void XRServer::remove_tracker(XRPositionalTracker *p_tracker) { @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ void XRServer::remove_tracker(XRPositionalTracker *p_tracker) { ERR_FAIL_COND(idx == -1); - emit_signal("tracker_removed", p_tracker->get_name(), p_tracker->get_type(), p_tracker->get_tracker_id()); + emit_signal("tracker_removed", p_tracker->get_tracker_name(), p_tracker->get_tracker_type(), p_tracker->get_tracker_id()); trackers.remove(idx); }; @@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ XRPositionalTracker *XRServer::find_by_type_and_id(TrackerType p_tracker_type, i ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_tracker_id == 0, nullptr); for (int i = 0; i < trackers.size(); i++) { - if (trackers[i]->get_type() == p_tracker_type && trackers[i]->get_tracker_id() == p_tracker_id) { + if (trackers[i]->get_tracker_type() == p_tracker_type && trackers[i]->get_tracker_id() == p_tracker_id) { return trackers[i]; }; }; @@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ uint64_t XRServer::get_last_frame_usec() { }; void XRServer::_process() { - /* called from rendering_server_viewport.draw_viewports right before we start drawing our viewports */ + /* called from renderer_viewport.draw_viewports right before we start drawing our viewports */ /* mark for our frame timing */ last_process_usec = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); diff --git a/tests/test_crypto.h b/tests/test_crypto.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9e219ceec9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/test_crypto.h @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* test_crypto.h */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef TEST_CRYPTO_H +#define TEST_CRYPTO_H + +#include "core/crypto/crypto.h" +#include "tests/test_macros.h" +#include <stdio.h> + +namespace TestCrypto { + +class _MockCrypto : public Crypto { + virtual PackedByteArray generate_random_bytes(int p_bytes) { return PackedByteArray(); } + virtual Ref<CryptoKey> generate_rsa(int p_bytes) { return nullptr; } + virtual Ref<X509Certificate> generate_self_signed_certificate(Ref<CryptoKey> p_key, String p_issuer_name, String p_not_before, String p_not_after) { return nullptr; } + + virtual Vector<uint8_t> sign(HashingContext::HashType p_hash_type, Vector<uint8_t> p_hash, Ref<CryptoKey> p_key) { return Vector<uint8_t>(); } + virtual bool verify(HashingContext::HashType p_hash_type, Vector<uint8_t> p_hash, Vector<uint8_t> p_signature, Ref<CryptoKey> p_key) { return false; } + virtual Vector<uint8_t> encrypt(Ref<CryptoKey> p_key, Vector<uint8_t> p_plaintext) { return Vector<uint8_t>(); } + virtual Vector<uint8_t> decrypt(Ref<CryptoKey> p_key, Vector<uint8_t> p_ciphertext) { return Vector<uint8_t>(); } + virtual PackedByteArray hmac_digest(HashingContext::HashType p_hash_type, PackedByteArray p_key, PackedByteArray p_msg) { return PackedByteArray(); } +}; + +PackedByteArray raw_to_pba(const uint8_t *arr, size_t len) { + PackedByteArray pba; + pba.resize(len); + for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { + pba.set(i, arr[i]); + } + return pba; +} + +TEST_CASE("[Crypto] PackedByteArray constant time compare") { + const uint8_t hm1[] = { 144, 140, 176, 38, 88, 113, 101, 45, 71, 105, 10, 91, 248, 16, 117, 244, 189, 30, 238, 29, 219, 134, 82, 130, 212, 114, 161, 166, 188, 169, 200, 106 }; + const uint8_t hm2[] = { 80, 30, 144, 228, 108, 38, 188, 125, 150, 64, 165, 127, 221, 118, 144, 232, 45, 100, 15, 248, 193, 244, 245, 34, 116, 147, 132, 200, 110, 27, 38, 75 }; + PackedByteArray p1 = raw_to_pba(hm1, sizeof(hm1) / sizeof(hm1[0])); + PackedByteArray p2 = raw_to_pba(hm2, sizeof(hm2) / sizeof(hm2[0])); + _MockCrypto crypto; + bool equal = crypto.constant_time_compare(p1, p1); + CHECK(equal); + equal = crypto.constant_time_compare(p1, p2); + CHECK(!equal); +} +} // namespace TestCrypto + +#endif // TEST_CRYPTO_H diff --git a/tests/test_main.cpp b/tests/test_main.cpp index 9d1e7da6f7..dd8c36e737 100644 --- a/tests/test_main.cpp +++ b/tests/test_main.cpp @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ #include "test_color.h" #include "test_command_queue.h" #include "test_config_file.h" +#include "test_crypto.h" #include "test_curve.h" #include "test_expression.h" #include "test_gradient.h" diff --git a/thirdparty/README.md b/thirdparty/README.md index e86d688ec1..b2707e7f7c 100644 --- a/thirdparty/README.md +++ b/thirdparty/README.md @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ Collection of single-file libraries used in Godot components. * License: Apache 2.0 - `open-simplex-noise.{c,h}` * Upstream: https://github.com/smcameron/open-simplex-noise-in-c - * Version: git (0fef0dbedd76f767da7e3c894822729d0f07e54d, 2020) + custom changes + * Version: git (826f1dd1724e6fb3ff45f58e48c0fbae864c3403, 2020) + custom changes * License: Unlicense - `pcg.{cpp,h}` * Upstream: http://www.pcg-random.org diff --git a/thirdparty/minimp3/LICENSE b/thirdparty/minimp3/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2c4afabdb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/thirdparty/minimp3/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +CC0 1.0 Universal + +Statement of Purpose + +The laws of most jurisdictions throughout the world automatically confer +exclusive Copyright and Related Rights (defined below) upon the creator and +subsequent owner(s) (each and all, an "owner") of an original work of +authorship and/or a database (each, a "Work"). + +Certain owners wish to permanently relinquish those rights to a Work for the +purpose of contributing to a commons of creative, cultural and scientific +works ("Commons") that the public can reliably and without fear of later +claims of infringement build upon, modify, incorporate in other works, reuse +and redistribute as freely as possible in any form whatsoever and for any +purposes, including without limitation commercial purposes. These owners may +contribute to the Commons to promote the ideal of a free culture and the +further production of creative, cultural and scientific works, or to gain +reputation or greater distribution for their Work in part through the use and +efforts of others. + +For these and/or other purposes and motivations, and without any expectation +of additional consideration or compensation, the person associating CC0 with a +Work (the "Affirmer"), to the extent that he or she is an owner of Copyright +and Related Rights in the Work, voluntarily elects to apply CC0 to the Work +and publicly distribute the Work under its terms, with knowledge of his or her +Copyright and Related Rights in the Work and the meaning and intended legal +effect of CC0 on those rights. + +1. Copyright and Related Rights. A Work made available under CC0 may be +protected by copyright and related or neighboring rights ("Copyright and +Related Rights"). Copyright and Related Rights include, but are not limited +to, the following: + + i. the right to reproduce, adapt, distribute, perform, display, communicate, + and translate a Work; + + ii. moral rights retained by the original author(s) and/or performer(s); + + iii. publicity and privacy rights pertaining to a person's image or likeness + depicted in a Work; + + iv. rights protecting against unfair competition in regards to a Work, + subject to the limitations in paragraph 4(a), below; + + v. rights protecting the extraction, dissemination, use and reuse of data in + a Work; + + vi. database rights (such as those arising under Directive 96/9/EC of the + European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal + protection of databases, and under any national implementation thereof, + including any amended or successor version of such directive); and + + vii. other similar, equivalent or corresponding rights throughout the world + based on applicable law or treaty, and any national implementations thereof. + +2. 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Affirmer understands and acknowledges that Creative Commons is not a + party to this document and has no duty or obligation with respect to this + CC0 or use of the Work. + +For more information, please see +<http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/> + diff --git a/thirdparty/minimp3/minimp3.h b/thirdparty/minimp3/minimp3.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..796cbc1f8e --- /dev/null +++ b/thirdparty/minimp3/minimp3.h @@ -0,0 +1,1855 @@ +#ifndef MINIMP3_H +#define MINIMP3_H +/* + https://github.com/lieff/minimp3 + To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. + This software is distributed without any warranty. + See <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>. +*/ +#include <stdint.h> + +#define MINIMP3_MAX_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME (1152*2) + +typedef struct +{ + int frame_bytes, frame_offset, channels, hz, layer, bitrate_kbps; +} mp3dec_frame_info_t; + +typedef struct +{ + float mdct_overlap[2][9*32], qmf_state[15*2*32]; + int reserv, free_format_bytes; + unsigned char header[4], reserv_buf[511]; +} mp3dec_t; + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif /* __cplusplus */ + +void mp3dec_init(mp3dec_t *dec); +#ifndef MINIMP3_FLOAT_OUTPUT +typedef int16_t mp3d_sample_t; +#else /* MINIMP3_FLOAT_OUTPUT */ +typedef float mp3d_sample_t; +void mp3dec_f32_to_s16(const float *in, int16_t *out, int num_samples); +#endif /* MINIMP3_FLOAT_OUTPUT */ +int mp3dec_decode_frame(mp3dec_t *dec, const uint8_t *mp3, int mp3_bytes, mp3d_sample_t *pcm, mp3dec_frame_info_t *info); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif /* __cplusplus */ + +#endif /* MINIMP3_H */ +#if defined(MINIMP3_IMPLEMENTATION) && !defined(_MINIMP3_IMPLEMENTATION_GUARD) +#define _MINIMP3_IMPLEMENTATION_GUARD + +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <string.h> + +#define MAX_FREE_FORMAT_FRAME_SIZE 2304 /* more than ISO spec's */ +#ifndef MAX_FRAME_SYNC_MATCHES +#define MAX_FRAME_SYNC_MATCHES 10 +#endif /* MAX_FRAME_SYNC_MATCHES */ + +#define MAX_L3_FRAME_PAYLOAD_BYTES MAX_FREE_FORMAT_FRAME_SIZE /* MUST be >= 320000/8/32000*1152 = 1440 */ + +#define MAX_BITRESERVOIR_BYTES 511 +#define SHORT_BLOCK_TYPE 2 +#define STOP_BLOCK_TYPE 3 +#define MODE_MONO 3 +#define MODE_JOINT_STEREO 1 +#define HDR_SIZE 4 +#define HDR_IS_MONO(h) (((h[3]) & 0xC0) == 0xC0) +#define HDR_IS_MS_STEREO(h) (((h[3]) & 0xE0) == 0x60) +#define HDR_IS_FREE_FORMAT(h) (((h[2]) & 0xF0) == 0) +#define HDR_IS_CRC(h) (!((h[1]) & 1)) +#define HDR_TEST_PADDING(h) ((h[2]) & 0x2) +#define HDR_TEST_MPEG1(h) ((h[1]) & 0x8) +#define HDR_TEST_NOT_MPEG25(h) ((h[1]) & 0x10) +#define HDR_TEST_I_STEREO(h) ((h[3]) & 0x10) +#define HDR_TEST_MS_STEREO(h) ((h[3]) & 0x20) +#define HDR_GET_STEREO_MODE(h) (((h[3]) >> 6) & 3) +#define HDR_GET_STEREO_MODE_EXT(h) (((h[3]) >> 4) & 3) +#define HDR_GET_LAYER(h) (((h[1]) >> 1) & 3) +#define HDR_GET_BITRATE(h) ((h[2]) >> 4) +#define HDR_GET_SAMPLE_RATE(h) (((h[2]) >> 2) & 3) +#define HDR_GET_MY_SAMPLE_RATE(h) (HDR_GET_SAMPLE_RATE(h) + (((h[1] >> 3) & 1) + ((h[1] >> 4) & 1))*3) +#define HDR_IS_FRAME_576(h) ((h[1] & 14) == 2) +#define HDR_IS_LAYER_1(h) ((h[1] & 6) == 6) + +#define BITS_DEQUANTIZER_OUT -1 +#define MAX_SCF (255 + BITS_DEQUANTIZER_OUT*4 - 210) +#define MAX_SCFI ((MAX_SCF + 3) & ~3) + +#define MINIMP3_MIN(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (b) : (a)) +#define MINIMP3_MAX(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a)) + +#if !defined(MINIMP3_NO_SIMD) + +#if !defined(MINIMP3_ONLY_SIMD) && (defined(_M_X64) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__aarch64__) || defined(_M_ARM64)) +/* x64 always have SSE2, arm64 always have neon, no need for generic code */ +#define MINIMP3_ONLY_SIMD +#endif /* SIMD checks... */ + +#if (defined(_MSC_VER) && (defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64))) || ((defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)) && defined(__SSE2__)) +#if defined(_MSC_VER) +#include <intrin.h> +#endif /* defined(_MSC_VER) */ +#include <immintrin.h> +#define HAVE_SSE 1 +#define HAVE_SIMD 1 +#define VSTORE _mm_storeu_ps +#define VLD _mm_loadu_ps +#define VSET _mm_set1_ps +#define VADD _mm_add_ps +#define VSUB _mm_sub_ps +#define VMUL _mm_mul_ps +#define VMAC(a, x, y) _mm_add_ps(a, _mm_mul_ps(x, y)) +#define VMSB(a, x, y) _mm_sub_ps(a, _mm_mul_ps(x, y)) +#define VMUL_S(x, s) _mm_mul_ps(x, _mm_set1_ps(s)) +#define VREV(x) _mm_shuffle_ps(x, x, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 1, 2, 3)) +typedef __m128 f4; +#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(MINIMP3_ONLY_SIMD) +#define minimp3_cpuid __cpuid +#else /* defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(MINIMP3_ONLY_SIMD) */ +static __inline__ __attribute__((always_inline)) void minimp3_cpuid(int CPUInfo[], const int InfoType) +{ +#if defined(__PIC__) + __asm__ __volatile__( +#if defined(__x86_64__) + "push %%rbx\n" + "cpuid\n" + "xchgl %%ebx, %1\n" + "pop %%rbx\n" +#else /* defined(__x86_64__) */ + "xchgl %%ebx, %1\n" + "cpuid\n" + "xchgl %%ebx, %1\n" +#endif /* defined(__x86_64__) */ + : "=a" (CPUInfo[0]), "=r" (CPUInfo[1]), "=c" (CPUInfo[2]), "=d" (CPUInfo[3]) + : "a" (InfoType)); +#else /* defined(__PIC__) */ + __asm__ __volatile__( + "cpuid" + : "=a" (CPUInfo[0]), "=b" (CPUInfo[1]), "=c" (CPUInfo[2]), "=d" (CPUInfo[3]) + : "a" (InfoType)); +#endif /* defined(__PIC__)*/ +} +#endif /* defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(MINIMP3_ONLY_SIMD) */ +static int have_simd(void) +{ +#ifdef MINIMP3_ONLY_SIMD + return 1; +#else /* MINIMP3_ONLY_SIMD */ + static int g_have_simd; + int CPUInfo[4]; +#ifdef MINIMP3_TEST + static int g_counter; + if (g_counter++ > 100) + return 0; +#endif /* MINIMP3_TEST */ + if (g_have_simd) + goto end; + minimp3_cpuid(CPUInfo, 0); + g_have_simd = 1; + if (CPUInfo[0] > 0) + { + minimp3_cpuid(CPUInfo, 1); + g_have_simd = (CPUInfo[3] & (1 << 26)) + 1; /* SSE2 */ + } +end: + return g_have_simd - 1; +#endif /* MINIMP3_ONLY_SIMD */ +} +#elif defined(__ARM_NEON) || defined(__aarch64__) || defined(_M_ARM64) +#include <arm_neon.h> +#define HAVE_SSE 0 +#define HAVE_SIMD 1 +#define VSTORE vst1q_f32 +#define VLD vld1q_f32 +#define VSET vmovq_n_f32 +#define VADD vaddq_f32 +#define VSUB vsubq_f32 +#define VMUL vmulq_f32 +#define VMAC(a, x, y) vmlaq_f32(a, x, y) +#define VMSB(a, x, y) vmlsq_f32(a, x, y) +#define VMUL_S(x, s) vmulq_f32(x, vmovq_n_f32(s)) +#define VREV(x) vcombine_f32(vget_high_f32(vrev64q_f32(x)), vget_low_f32(vrev64q_f32(x))) +typedef float32x4_t f4; +static int have_simd() +{ /* TODO: detect neon for !MINIMP3_ONLY_SIMD */ + return 1; +} +#else /* SIMD checks... */ +#define HAVE_SSE 0 +#define HAVE_SIMD 0 +#ifdef MINIMP3_ONLY_SIMD +#error MINIMP3_ONLY_SIMD used, but SSE/NEON not enabled +#endif /* MINIMP3_ONLY_SIMD */ +#endif /* SIMD checks... */ +#else /* !defined(MINIMP3_NO_SIMD) */ +#define HAVE_SIMD 0 +#endif /* !defined(MINIMP3_NO_SIMD) */ + +#if defined(__ARM_ARCH) && (__ARM_ARCH >= 6) && !defined(__aarch64__) && !defined(_M_ARM64) +#define HAVE_ARMV6 1 +static __inline__ __attribute__((always_inline)) int32_t minimp3_clip_int16_arm(int32_t a) +{ + int32_t x = 0; + __asm__ ("ssat %0, #16, %1" : "=r"(x) : "r"(a)); + return x; +} +#else +#define HAVE_ARMV6 0 +#endif + +typedef struct +{ + const uint8_t *buf; + int pos, limit; +} bs_t; + +typedef struct +{ + float scf[3*64]; + uint8_t total_bands, stereo_bands, bitalloc[64], scfcod[64]; +} L12_scale_info; + +typedef struct +{ + uint8_t tab_offset, code_tab_width, band_count; +} L12_subband_alloc_t; + +typedef struct +{ + const uint8_t *sfbtab; + uint16_t part_23_length, big_values, scalefac_compress; + uint8_t global_gain, block_type, mixed_block_flag, n_long_sfb, n_short_sfb; + uint8_t table_select[3], region_count[3], subblock_gain[3]; + uint8_t preflag, scalefac_scale, count1_table, scfsi; +} L3_gr_info_t; + +typedef struct +{ + bs_t bs; + uint8_t maindata[MAX_BITRESERVOIR_BYTES + MAX_L3_FRAME_PAYLOAD_BYTES]; + L3_gr_info_t gr_info[4]; + float grbuf[2][576], scf[40], syn[18 + 15][2*32]; + uint8_t ist_pos[2][39]; +} mp3dec_scratch_t; + +static void bs_init(bs_t *bs, const uint8_t *data, int bytes) +{ + bs->buf = data; + bs->pos = 0; + bs->limit = bytes*8; +} + +static uint32_t get_bits(bs_t *bs, int n) +{ + uint32_t next, cache = 0, s = bs->pos & 7; + int shl = n + s; + const uint8_t *p = bs->buf + (bs->pos >> 3); + if ((bs->pos += n) > bs->limit) + return 0; + next = *p++ & (255 >> s); + while ((shl -= 8) > 0) + { + cache |= next << shl; + next = *p++; + } + return cache | (next >> -shl); +} + +static int hdr_valid(const uint8_t *h) +{ + return h[0] == 0xff && + ((h[1] & 0xF0) == 0xf0 || (h[1] & 0xFE) == 0xe2) && + (HDR_GET_LAYER(h) != 0) && + (HDR_GET_BITRATE(h) != 15) && + (HDR_GET_SAMPLE_RATE(h) != 3); +} + +static int hdr_compare(const uint8_t *h1, const uint8_t *h2) +{ + return hdr_valid(h2) && + ((h1[1] ^ h2[1]) & 0xFE) == 0 && + ((h1[2] ^ h2[2]) & 0x0C) == 0 && + !(HDR_IS_FREE_FORMAT(h1) ^ HDR_IS_FREE_FORMAT(h2)); +} + +static unsigned hdr_bitrate_kbps(const uint8_t *h) +{ + static const uint8_t halfrate[2][3][15] = { + { { 0,4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,40,48,56,64,72,80 }, { 0,4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,40,48,56,64,72,80 }, { 0,16,24,28,32,40,48,56,64,72,80,88,96,112,128 } }, + { { 0,16,20,24,28,32,40,48,56,64,80,96,112,128,160 }, { 0,16,24,28,32,40,48,56,64,80,96,112,128,160,192 }, { 0,16,32,48,64,80,96,112,128,144,160,176,192,208,224 } }, + }; + return 2*halfrate[!!HDR_TEST_MPEG1(h)][HDR_GET_LAYER(h) - 1][HDR_GET_BITRATE(h)]; +} + +static unsigned hdr_sample_rate_hz(const uint8_t *h) +{ + static const unsigned g_hz[3] = { 44100, 48000, 32000 }; + return g_hz[HDR_GET_SAMPLE_RATE(h)] >> (int)!HDR_TEST_MPEG1(h) >> (int)!HDR_TEST_NOT_MPEG25(h); +} + +static unsigned hdr_frame_samples(const uint8_t *h) +{ + return HDR_IS_LAYER_1(h) ? 384 : (1152 >> (int)HDR_IS_FRAME_576(h)); +} + +static int hdr_frame_bytes(const uint8_t *h, int free_format_size) +{ + int frame_bytes = hdr_frame_samples(h)*hdr_bitrate_kbps(h)*125/hdr_sample_rate_hz(h); + if (HDR_IS_LAYER_1(h)) + { + frame_bytes &= ~3; /* slot align */ + } + return frame_bytes ? frame_bytes : free_format_size; +} + +static int hdr_padding(const uint8_t *h) +{ + return HDR_TEST_PADDING(h) ? (HDR_IS_LAYER_1(h) ? 4 : 1) : 0; +} + +#ifndef MINIMP3_ONLY_MP3 +static const L12_subband_alloc_t *L12_subband_alloc_table(const uint8_t *hdr, L12_scale_info *sci) +{ + const L12_subband_alloc_t *alloc; + int mode = HDR_GET_STEREO_MODE(hdr); + int nbands, stereo_bands = (mode == MODE_MONO) ? 0 : (mode == MODE_JOINT_STEREO) ? (HDR_GET_STEREO_MODE_EXT(hdr) << 2) + 4 : 32; + + if (HDR_IS_LAYER_1(hdr)) + { + static const L12_subband_alloc_t g_alloc_L1[] = { { 76, 4, 32 } }; + alloc = g_alloc_L1; + nbands = 32; + } else if (!HDR_TEST_MPEG1(hdr)) + { + static const L12_subband_alloc_t g_alloc_L2M2[] = { { 60, 4, 4 }, { 44, 3, 7 }, { 44, 2, 19 } }; + alloc = g_alloc_L2M2; + nbands = 30; + } else + { + static const L12_subband_alloc_t g_alloc_L2M1[] = { { 0, 4, 3 }, { 16, 4, 8 }, { 32, 3, 12 }, { 40, 2, 7 } }; + int sample_rate_idx = HDR_GET_SAMPLE_RATE(hdr); + unsigned kbps = hdr_bitrate_kbps(hdr) >> (int)(mode != MODE_MONO); + if (!kbps) /* free-format */ + { + kbps = 192; + } + + alloc = g_alloc_L2M1; + nbands = 27; + if (kbps < 56) + { + static const L12_subband_alloc_t g_alloc_L2M1_lowrate[] = { { 44, 4, 2 }, { 44, 3, 10 } }; + alloc = g_alloc_L2M1_lowrate; + nbands = sample_rate_idx == 2 ? 12 : 8; + } else if (kbps >= 96 && sample_rate_idx != 1) + { + nbands = 30; + } + } + + sci->total_bands = (uint8_t)nbands; + sci->stereo_bands = (uint8_t)MINIMP3_MIN(stereo_bands, nbands); + + return alloc; +} + +static void L12_read_scalefactors(bs_t *bs, uint8_t *pba, uint8_t *scfcod, int bands, float *scf) +{ + static const float g_deq_L12[18*3] = { +#define DQ(x) 9.53674316e-07f/x, 7.56931807e-07f/x, 6.00777173e-07f/x + DQ(3),DQ(7),DQ(15),DQ(31),DQ(63),DQ(127),DQ(255),DQ(511),DQ(1023),DQ(2047),DQ(4095),DQ(8191),DQ(16383),DQ(32767),DQ(65535),DQ(3),DQ(5),DQ(9) + }; + int i, m; + for (i = 0; i < bands; i++) + { + float s = 0; + int ba = *pba++; + int mask = ba ? 4 + ((19 >> scfcod[i]) & 3) : 0; + for (m = 4; m; m >>= 1) + { + if (mask & m) + { + int b = get_bits(bs, 6); + s = g_deq_L12[ba*3 - 6 + b % 3]*(1 << 21 >> b/3); + } + *scf++ = s; + } + } +} + +static void L12_read_scale_info(const uint8_t *hdr, bs_t *bs, L12_scale_info *sci) +{ + static const uint8_t g_bitalloc_code_tab[] = { + 0,17, 3, 4, 5,6,7, 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, + 0,17,18, 3,19,4,5, 6,7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,16, + 0,17,18, 3,19,4,5,16, + 0,17,18,16, + 0,17,18,19, 4,5,6, 7,8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15, + 0,17,18, 3,19,4,5, 6,7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14, + 0, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7, 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 + }; + const L12_subband_alloc_t *subband_alloc = L12_subband_alloc_table(hdr, sci); + + int i, k = 0, ba_bits = 0; + const uint8_t *ba_code_tab = g_bitalloc_code_tab; + + for (i = 0; i < sci->total_bands; i++) + { + uint8_t ba; + if (i == k) + { + k += subband_alloc->band_count; + ba_bits = subband_alloc->code_tab_width; + ba_code_tab = g_bitalloc_code_tab + subband_alloc->tab_offset; + subband_alloc++; + } + ba = ba_code_tab[get_bits(bs, ba_bits)]; + sci->bitalloc[2*i] = ba; + if (i < sci->stereo_bands) + { + ba = ba_code_tab[get_bits(bs, ba_bits)]; + } + sci->bitalloc[2*i + 1] = sci->stereo_bands ? ba : 0; + } + + for (i = 0; i < 2*sci->total_bands; i++) + { + sci->scfcod[i] = sci->bitalloc[i] ? HDR_IS_LAYER_1(hdr) ? 2 : get_bits(bs, 2) : 6; + } + + L12_read_scalefactors(bs, sci->bitalloc, sci->scfcod, sci->total_bands*2, sci->scf); + + for (i = sci->stereo_bands; i < sci->total_bands; i++) + { + sci->bitalloc[2*i + 1] = 0; + } +} + +static int L12_dequantize_granule(float *grbuf, bs_t *bs, L12_scale_info *sci, int group_size) +{ + int i, j, k, choff = 576; + for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) + { + float *dst = grbuf + group_size*j; + for (i = 0; i < 2*sci->total_bands; i++) + { + int ba = sci->bitalloc[i]; + if (ba != 0) + { + if (ba < 17) + { + int half = (1 << (ba - 1)) - 1; + for (k = 0; k < group_size; k++) + { + dst[k] = (float)((int)get_bits(bs, ba) - half); + } + } else + { + unsigned mod = (2 << (ba - 17)) + 1; /* 3, 5, 9 */ + unsigned code = get_bits(bs, mod + 2 - (mod >> 3)); /* 5, 7, 10 */ + for (k = 0; k < group_size; k++, code /= mod) + { + dst[k] = (float)((int)(code % mod - mod/2)); + } + } + } + dst += choff; + choff = 18 - choff; + } + } + return group_size*4; +} + +static void L12_apply_scf_384(L12_scale_info *sci, const float *scf, float *dst) +{ + int i, k; + memcpy(dst + 576 + sci->stereo_bands*18, dst + sci->stereo_bands*18, (sci->total_bands - sci->stereo_bands)*18*sizeof(float)); + for (i = 0; i < sci->total_bands; i++, dst += 18, scf += 6) + { + for (k = 0; k < 12; k++) + { + dst[k + 0] *= scf[0]; + dst[k + 576] *= scf[3]; + } + } +} +#endif /* MINIMP3_ONLY_MP3 */ + +static int L3_read_side_info(bs_t *bs, L3_gr_info_t *gr, const uint8_t *hdr) +{ + static const uint8_t g_scf_long[8][23] = { + { 6,6,6,6,6,6,8,10,12,14,16,20,24,28,32,38,46,52,60,68,58,54,0 }, + { 12,12,12,12,12,12,16,20,24,28,32,40,48,56,64,76,90,2,2,2,2,2,0 }, + { 6,6,6,6,6,6,8,10,12,14,16,20,24,28,32,38,46,52,60,68,58,54,0 }, + { 6,6,6,6,6,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,22,26,32,38,46,54,62,70,76,36,0 }, + { 6,6,6,6,6,6,8,10,12,14,16,20,24,28,32,38,46,52,60,68,58,54,0 }, + { 4,4,4,4,4,4,6,6,8,8,10,12,16,20,24,28,34,42,50,54,76,158,0 }, + { 4,4,4,4,4,4,6,6,6,8,10,12,16,18,22,28,34,40,46,54,54,192,0 }, + { 4,4,4,4,4,4,6,6,8,10,12,16,20,24,30,38,46,56,68,84,102,26,0 } + }; + static const uint8_t g_scf_short[8][40] = { + { 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,6,6,6,8,8,8,10,10,10,12,12,12,14,14,14,18,18,18,24,24,24,30,30,30,40,40,40,18,18,18,0 }, + { 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,12,12,12,16,16,16,20,20,20,24,24,24,28,28,28,36,36,36,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,26,26,26,0 }, + { 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,6,6,6,6,6,6,8,8,8,10,10,10,14,14,14,18,18,18,26,26,26,32,32,32,42,42,42,18,18,18,0 }, + { 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,6,6,6,8,8,8,10,10,10,12,12,12,14,14,14,18,18,18,24,24,24,32,32,32,44,44,44,12,12,12,0 }, + { 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,6,6,6,8,8,8,10,10,10,12,12,12,14,14,14,18,18,18,24,24,24,30,30,30,40,40,40,18,18,18,0 }, + { 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,6,6,6,8,8,8,10,10,10,12,12,12,14,14,14,18,18,18,22,22,22,30,30,30,56,56,56,0 }, + { 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,6,6,6,6,6,6,10,10,10,12,12,12,14,14,14,16,16,16,20,20,20,26,26,26,66,66,66,0 }, + { 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,6,6,6,8,8,8,12,12,12,16,16,16,20,20,20,26,26,26,34,34,34,42,42,42,12,12,12,0 } + }; + static const uint8_t g_scf_mixed[8][40] = { + { 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,8,8,8,10,10,10,12,12,12,14,14,14,18,18,18,24,24,24,30,30,30,40,40,40,18,18,18,0 }, + { 12,12,12,4,4,4,8,8,8,12,12,12,16,16,16,20,20,20,24,24,24,28,28,28,36,36,36,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,26,26,26,0 }, + { 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,8,8,8,10,10,10,14,14,14,18,18,18,26,26,26,32,32,32,42,42,42,18,18,18,0 }, + { 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,8,8,8,10,10,10,12,12,12,14,14,14,18,18,18,24,24,24,32,32,32,44,44,44,12,12,12,0 }, + { 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,8,8,8,10,10,10,12,12,12,14,14,14,18,18,18,24,24,24,30,30,30,40,40,40,18,18,18,0 }, + { 4,4,4,4,4,4,6,6,4,4,4,6,6,6,8,8,8,10,10,10,12,12,12,14,14,14,18,18,18,22,22,22,30,30,30,56,56,56,0 }, + { 4,4,4,4,4,4,6,6,4,4,4,6,6,6,6,6,6,10,10,10,12,12,12,14,14,14,16,16,16,20,20,20,26,26,26,66,66,66,0 }, + { 4,4,4,4,4,4,6,6,4,4,4,6,6,6,8,8,8,12,12,12,16,16,16,20,20,20,26,26,26,34,34,34,42,42,42,12,12,12,0 } + }; + + unsigned tables, scfsi = 0; + int main_data_begin, part_23_sum = 0; + int sr_idx = HDR_GET_MY_SAMPLE_RATE(hdr); sr_idx -= (sr_idx != 0); + int gr_count = HDR_IS_MONO(hdr) ? 1 : 2; + + if (HDR_TEST_MPEG1(hdr)) + { + gr_count *= 2; + main_data_begin = get_bits(bs, 9); + scfsi = get_bits(bs, 7 + gr_count); + } else + { + main_data_begin = get_bits(bs, 8 + gr_count) >> gr_count; + } + + do + { + if (HDR_IS_MONO(hdr)) + { + scfsi <<= 4; + } + gr->part_23_length = (uint16_t)get_bits(bs, 12); + part_23_sum += gr->part_23_length; + gr->big_values = (uint16_t)get_bits(bs, 9); + if (gr->big_values > 288) + { + return -1; + } + gr->global_gain = (uint8_t)get_bits(bs, 8); + gr->scalefac_compress = (uint16_t)get_bits(bs, HDR_TEST_MPEG1(hdr) ? 4 : 9); + gr->sfbtab = g_scf_long[sr_idx]; + gr->n_long_sfb = 22; + gr->n_short_sfb = 0; + if (get_bits(bs, 1)) + { + gr->block_type = (uint8_t)get_bits(bs, 2); + if (!gr->block_type) + { + return -1; + } + gr->mixed_block_flag = (uint8_t)get_bits(bs, 1); + gr->region_count[0] = 7; + gr->region_count[1] = 255; + if (gr->block_type == SHORT_BLOCK_TYPE) + { + scfsi &= 0x0F0F; + if (!gr->mixed_block_flag) + { + gr->region_count[0] = 8; + gr->sfbtab = g_scf_short[sr_idx]; + gr->n_long_sfb = 0; + gr->n_short_sfb = 39; + } else + { + gr->sfbtab = g_scf_mixed[sr_idx]; + gr->n_long_sfb = HDR_TEST_MPEG1(hdr) ? 8 : 6; + gr->n_short_sfb = 30; + } + } + tables = get_bits(bs, 10); + tables <<= 5; + gr->subblock_gain[0] = (uint8_t)get_bits(bs, 3); + gr->subblock_gain[1] = (uint8_t)get_bits(bs, 3); + gr->subblock_gain[2] = (uint8_t)get_bits(bs, 3); + } else + { + gr->block_type = 0; + gr->mixed_block_flag = 0; + tables = get_bits(bs, 15); + gr->region_count[0] = (uint8_t)get_bits(bs, 4); + gr->region_count[1] = (uint8_t)get_bits(bs, 3); + gr->region_count[2] = 255; + } + gr->table_select[0] = (uint8_t)(tables >> 10); + gr->table_select[1] = (uint8_t)((tables >> 5) & 31); + gr->table_select[2] = (uint8_t)((tables) & 31); + gr->preflag = HDR_TEST_MPEG1(hdr) ? get_bits(bs, 1) : (gr->scalefac_compress >= 500); + gr->scalefac_scale = (uint8_t)get_bits(bs, 1); + gr->count1_table = (uint8_t)get_bits(bs, 1); + gr->scfsi = (uint8_t)((scfsi >> 12) & 15); + scfsi <<= 4; + gr++; + } while(--gr_count); + + if (part_23_sum + bs->pos > bs->limit + main_data_begin*8) + { + return -1; + } + + return main_data_begin; +} + +static void L3_read_scalefactors(uint8_t *scf, uint8_t *ist_pos, const uint8_t *scf_size, const uint8_t *scf_count, bs_t *bitbuf, int scfsi) +{ + int i, k; + for (i = 0; i < 4 && scf_count[i]; i++, scfsi *= 2) + { + int cnt = scf_count[i]; + if (scfsi & 8) + { + memcpy(scf, ist_pos, cnt); + } else + { + int bits = scf_size[i]; + if (!bits) + { + memset(scf, 0, cnt); + memset(ist_pos, 0, cnt); + } else + { + int max_scf = (scfsi < 0) ? (1 << bits) - 1 : -1; + for (k = 0; k < cnt; k++) + { + int s = get_bits(bitbuf, bits); + ist_pos[k] = (s == max_scf ? -1 : s); + scf[k] = s; + } + } + } + ist_pos += cnt; + scf += cnt; + } + scf[0] = scf[1] = scf[2] = 0; +} + +static float L3_ldexp_q2(float y, int exp_q2) +{ + static const float g_expfrac[4] = { 9.31322575e-10f,7.83145814e-10f,6.58544508e-10f,5.53767716e-10f }; + int e; + do + { + e = MINIMP3_MIN(30*4, exp_q2); + y *= g_expfrac[e & 3]*(1 << 30 >> (e >> 2)); + } while ((exp_q2 -= e) > 0); + return y; +} + +static void L3_decode_scalefactors(const uint8_t *hdr, uint8_t *ist_pos, bs_t *bs, const L3_gr_info_t *gr, float *scf, int ch) +{ + static const uint8_t g_scf_partitions[3][28] = { + { 6,5,5, 5,6,5,5,5,6,5, 7,3,11,10,0,0, 7, 7, 7,0, 6, 6,6,3, 8, 8,5,0 }, + { 8,9,6,12,6,9,9,9,6,9,12,6,15,18,0,0, 6,15,12,0, 6,12,9,6, 6,18,9,0 }, + { 9,9,6,12,9,9,9,9,9,9,12,6,18,18,0,0,12,12,12,0,12, 9,9,6,15,12,9,0 } + }; + const uint8_t *scf_partition = g_scf_partitions[!!gr->n_short_sfb + !gr->n_long_sfb]; + uint8_t scf_size[4], iscf[40]; + int i, scf_shift = gr->scalefac_scale + 1, gain_exp, scfsi = gr->scfsi; + float gain; + + if (HDR_TEST_MPEG1(hdr)) + { + static const uint8_t g_scfc_decode[16] = { 0,1,2,3, 12,5,6,7, 9,10,11,13, 14,15,18,19 }; + int part = g_scfc_decode[gr->scalefac_compress]; + scf_size[1] = scf_size[0] = (uint8_t)(part >> 2); + scf_size[3] = scf_size[2] = (uint8_t)(part & 3); + } else + { + static const uint8_t g_mod[6*4] = { 5,5,4,4,5,5,4,1,4,3,1,1,5,6,6,1,4,4,4,1,4,3,1,1 }; + int k, modprod, sfc, ist = HDR_TEST_I_STEREO(hdr) && ch; + sfc = gr->scalefac_compress >> ist; + for (k = ist*3*4; sfc >= 0; sfc -= modprod, k += 4) + { + for (modprod = 1, i = 3; i >= 0; i--) + { + scf_size[i] = (uint8_t)(sfc / modprod % g_mod[k + i]); + modprod *= g_mod[k + i]; + } + } + scf_partition += k; + scfsi = -16; + } + L3_read_scalefactors(iscf, ist_pos, scf_size, scf_partition, bs, scfsi); + + if (gr->n_short_sfb) + { + int sh = 3 - scf_shift; + for (i = 0; i < gr->n_short_sfb; i += 3) + { + iscf[gr->n_long_sfb + i + 0] += gr->subblock_gain[0] << sh; + iscf[gr->n_long_sfb + i + 1] += gr->subblock_gain[1] << sh; + iscf[gr->n_long_sfb + i + 2] += gr->subblock_gain[2] << sh; + } + } else if (gr->preflag) + { + static const uint8_t g_preamp[10] = { 1,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,2 }; + for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) + { + iscf[11 + i] += g_preamp[i]; + } + } + + gain_exp = gr->global_gain + BITS_DEQUANTIZER_OUT*4 - 210 - (HDR_IS_MS_STEREO(hdr) ? 2 : 0); + gain = L3_ldexp_q2(1 << (MAX_SCFI/4), MAX_SCFI - gain_exp); + for (i = 0; i < (int)(gr->n_long_sfb + gr->n_short_sfb); i++) + { + scf[i] = L3_ldexp_q2(gain, iscf[i] << scf_shift); + } +} + +static const float g_pow43[129 + 16] = { + 0,-1,-2.519842f,-4.326749f,-6.349604f,-8.549880f,-10.902724f,-13.390518f,-16.000000f,-18.720754f,-21.544347f,-24.463781f,-27.473142f,-30.567351f,-33.741992f,-36.993181f, + 0,1,2.519842f,4.326749f,6.349604f,8.549880f,10.902724f,13.390518f,16.000000f,18.720754f,21.544347f,24.463781f,27.473142f,30.567351f,33.741992f,36.993181f,40.317474f,43.711787f,47.173345f,50.699631f,54.288352f,57.937408f,61.644865f,65.408941f,69.227979f,73.100443f,77.024898f,81.000000f,85.024491f,89.097188f,93.216975f,97.382800f,101.593667f,105.848633f,110.146801f,114.487321f,118.869381f,123.292209f,127.755065f,132.257246f,136.798076f,141.376907f,145.993119f,150.646117f,155.335327f,160.060199f,164.820202f,169.614826f,174.443577f,179.305980f,184.201575f,189.129918f,194.090580f,199.083145f,204.107210f,209.162385f,214.248292f,219.364564f,224.510845f,229.686789f,234.892058f,240.126328f,245.389280f,250.680604f,256.000000f,261.347174f,266.721841f,272.123723f,277.552547f,283.008049f,288.489971f,293.998060f,299.532071f,305.091761f,310.676898f,316.287249f,321.922592f,327.582707f,333.267377f,338.976394f,344.709550f,350.466646f,356.247482f,362.051866f,367.879608f,373.730522f,379.604427f,385.501143f,391.420496f,397.362314f,403.326427f,409.312672f,415.320884f,421.350905f,427.402579f,433.475750f,439.570269f,445.685987f,451.822757f,457.980436f,464.158883f,470.357960f,476.577530f,482.817459f,489.077615f,495.357868f,501.658090f,507.978156f,514.317941f,520.677324f,527.056184f,533.454404f,539.871867f,546.308458f,552.764065f,559.238575f,565.731879f,572.243870f,578.774440f,585.323483f,591.890898f,598.476581f,605.080431f,611.702349f,618.342238f,625.000000f,631.675540f,638.368763f,645.079578f +}; + +static float L3_pow_43(int x) +{ + float frac; + int sign, mult = 256; + + if (x < 129) + { + return g_pow43[16 + x]; + } + + if (x < 1024) + { + mult = 16; + x <<= 3; + } + + sign = 2*x & 64; + frac = (float)((x & 63) - sign) / ((x & ~63) + sign); + return g_pow43[16 + ((x + sign) >> 6)]*(1.f + frac*((4.f/3) + frac*(2.f/9)))*mult; +} + +static void L3_huffman(float *dst, bs_t *bs, const L3_gr_info_t *gr_info, const float *scf, int layer3gr_limit) +{ + static const int16_t tabs[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 785,785,785,785,784,784,784,784,513,513,513,513,513,513,513,513,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256, + -255,1313,1298,1282,785,785,785,785,784,784,784,784,769,769,769,769,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,290,288, + -255,1313,1298,1282,769,769,769,769,529,529,529,529,529,529,529,529,528,528,528,528,528,528,528,528,512,512,512,512,512,512,512,512,290,288, + -253,-318,-351,-367,785,785,785,785,784,784,784,784,769,769,769,769,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,819,818,547,547,275,275,275,275,561,560,515,546,289,274,288,258, + -254,-287,1329,1299,1314,1312,1057,1057,1042,1042,1026,1026,784,784,784,784,529,529,529,529,529,529,529,529,769,769,769,769,768,768,768,768,563,560,306,306,291,259, + -252,-413,-477,-542,1298,-575,1041,1041,784,784,784,784,769,769,769,769,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,-383,-399,1107,1092,1106,1061,849,849,789,789,1104,1091,773,773,1076,1075,341,340,325,309,834,804,577,577,532,532,516,516,832,818,803,816,561,561,531,531,515,546,289,289,288,258, + -252,-429,-493,-559,1057,1057,1042,1042,529,529,529,529,529,529,529,529,784,784,784,784,769,769,769,769,512,512,512,512,512,512,512,512,-382,1077,-415,1106,1061,1104,849,849,789,789,1091,1076,1029,1075,834,834,597,581,340,340,339,324,804,833,532,532,832,772,818,803,817,787,816,771,290,290,290,290,288,258, + -253,-349,-414,-447,-463,1329,1299,-479,1314,1312,1057,1057,1042,1042,1026,1026,785,785,785,785,784,784,784,784,769,769,769,769,768,768,768,768,-319,851,821,-335,836,850,805,849,341,340,325,336,533,533,579,579,564,564,773,832,578,548,563,516,321,276,306,291,304,259, + -251,-572,-733,-830,-863,-879,1041,1041,784,784,784,784,769,769,769,769,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,-511,-527,-543,1396,1351,1381,1366,1395,1335,1380,-559,1334,1138,1138,1063,1063,1350,1392,1031,1031,1062,1062,1364,1363,1120,1120,1333,1348,881,881,881,881,375,374,359,373,343,358,341,325,791,791,1123,1122,-703,1105,1045,-719,865,865,790,790,774,774,1104,1029,338,293,323,308,-799,-815,833,788,772,818,803,816,322,292,307,320,561,531,515,546,289,274,288,258, + -251,-525,-605,-685,-765,-831,-846,1298,1057,1057,1312,1282,785,785,785,785,784,784,784,784,769,769,769,769,512,512,512,512,512,512,512,512,1399,1398,1383,1367,1382,1396,1351,-511,1381,1366,1139,1139,1079,1079,1124,1124,1364,1349,1363,1333,882,882,882,882,807,807,807,807,1094,1094,1136,1136,373,341,535,535,881,775,867,822,774,-591,324,338,-671,849,550,550,866,864,609,609,293,336,534,534,789,835,773,-751,834,804,308,307,833,788,832,772,562,562,547,547,305,275,560,515,290,290, + -252,-397,-477,-557,-622,-653,-719,-735,-750,1329,1299,1314,1057,1057,1042,1042,1312,1282,1024,1024,785,785,785,785,784,784,784,784,769,769,769,769,-383,1127,1141,1111,1126,1140,1095,1110,869,869,883,883,1079,1109,882,882,375,374,807,868,838,881,791,-463,867,822,368,263,852,837,836,-543,610,610,550,550,352,336,534,534,865,774,851,821,850,805,593,533,579,564,773,832,578,578,548,548,577,577,307,276,306,291,516,560,259,259, + -250,-2107,-2507,-2764,-2909,-2974,-3007,-3023,1041,1041,1040,1040,769,769,769,769,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,-767,-1052,-1213,-1277,-1358,-1405,-1469,-1535,-1550,-1582,-1614,-1647,-1662,-1694,-1726,-1759,-1774,-1807,-1822,-1854,-1886,1565,-1919,-1935,-1951,-1967,1731,1730,1580,1717,-1983,1729,1564,-1999,1548,-2015,-2031,1715,1595,-2047,1714,-2063,1610,-2079,1609,-2095,1323,1323,1457,1457,1307,1307,1712,1547,1641,1700,1699,1594,1685,1625,1442,1442,1322,1322,-780,-973,-910,1279,1278,1277,1262,1276,1261,1275,1215,1260,1229,-959,974,974,989,989,-943,735,478,478,495,463,506,414,-1039,1003,958,1017,927,942,987,957,431,476,1272,1167,1228,-1183,1256,-1199,895,895,941,941,1242,1227,1212,1135,1014,1014,490,489,503,487,910,1013,985,925,863,894,970,955,1012,847,-1343,831,755,755,984,909,428,366,754,559,-1391,752,486,457,924,997,698,698,983,893,740,740,908,877,739,739,667,667,953,938,497,287,271,271,683,606,590,712,726,574,302,302,738,736,481,286,526,725,605,711,636,724,696,651,589,681,666,710,364,467,573,695,466,466,301,465,379,379,709,604,665,679,316,316,634,633,436,436,464,269,424,394,452,332,438,363,347,408,393,448,331,422,362,407,392,421,346,406,391,376,375,359,1441,1306,-2367,1290,-2383,1337,-2399,-2415,1426,1321,-2431,1411,1336,-2447,-2463,-2479,1169,1169,1049,1049,1424,1289,1412,1352,1319,-2495,1154,1154,1064,1064,1153,1153,416,390,360,404,403,389,344,374,373,343,358,372,327,357,342,311,356,326,1395,1394,1137,1137,1047,1047,1365,1392,1287,1379,1334,1364,1349,1378,1318,1363,792,792,792,792,1152,1152,1032,1032,1121,1121,1046,1046,1120,1120,1030,1030,-2895,1106,1061,1104,849,849,789,789,1091,1076,1029,1090,1060,1075,833,833,309,324,532,532,832,772,818,803,561,561,531,560,515,546,289,274,288,258, + -250,-1179,-1579,-1836,-1996,-2124,-2253,-2333,-2413,-2477,-2542,-2574,-2607,-2622,-2655,1314,1313,1298,1312,1282,785,785,785,785,1040,1040,1025,1025,768,768,768,768,-766,-798,-830,-862,-895,-911,-927,-943,-959,-975,-991,-1007,-1023,-1039,-1055,-1070,1724,1647,-1103,-1119,1631,1767,1662,1738,1708,1723,-1135,1780,1615,1779,1599,1677,1646,1778,1583,-1151,1777,1567,1737,1692,1765,1722,1707,1630,1751,1661,1764,1614,1736,1676,1763,1750,1645,1598,1721,1691,1762,1706,1582,1761,1566,-1167,1749,1629,767,766,751,765,494,494,735,764,719,749,734,763,447,447,748,718,477,506,431,491,446,476,461,505,415,430,475,445,504,399,460,489,414,503,383,474,429,459,502,502,746,752,488,398,501,473,413,472,486,271,480,270,-1439,-1455,1357,-1471,-1487,-1503,1341,1325,-1519,1489,1463,1403,1309,-1535,1372,1448,1418,1476,1356,1462,1387,-1551,1475,1340,1447,1402,1386,-1567,1068,1068,1474,1461,455,380,468,440,395,425,410,454,364,467,466,464,453,269,409,448,268,432,1371,1473,1432,1417,1308,1460,1355,1446,1459,1431,1083,1083,1401,1416,1458,1445,1067,1067,1370,1457,1051,1051,1291,1430,1385,1444,1354,1415,1400,1443,1082,1082,1173,1113,1186,1066,1185,1050,-1967,1158,1128,1172,1097,1171,1081,-1983,1157,1112,416,266,375,400,1170,1142,1127,1065,793,793,1169,1033,1156,1096,1141,1111,1155,1080,1126,1140,898,898,808,808,897,897,792,792,1095,1152,1032,1125,1110,1139,1079,1124,882,807,838,881,853,791,-2319,867,368,263,822,852,837,866,806,865,-2399,851,352,262,534,534,821,836,594,594,549,549,593,593,533,533,848,773,579,579,564,578,548,563,276,276,577,576,306,291,516,560,305,305,275,259, + -251,-892,-2058,-2620,-2828,-2957,-3023,-3039,1041,1041,1040,1040,769,769,769,769,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,-511,-527,-543,-559,1530,-575,-591,1528,1527,1407,1526,1391,1023,1023,1023,1023,1525,1375,1268,1268,1103,1103,1087,1087,1039,1039,1523,-604,815,815,815,815,510,495,509,479,508,463,507,447,431,505,415,399,-734,-782,1262,-815,1259,1244,-831,1258,1228,-847,-863,1196,-879,1253,987,987,748,-767,493,493,462,477,414,414,686,669,478,446,461,445,474,429,487,458,412,471,1266,1264,1009,1009,799,799,-1019,-1276,-1452,-1581,-1677,-1757,-1821,-1886,-1933,-1997,1257,1257,1483,1468,1512,1422,1497,1406,1467,1496,1421,1510,1134,1134,1225,1225,1466,1451,1374,1405,1252,1252,1358,1480,1164,1164,1251,1251,1238,1238,1389,1465,-1407,1054,1101,-1423,1207,-1439,830,830,1248,1038,1237,1117,1223,1148,1236,1208,411,426,395,410,379,269,1193,1222,1132,1235,1221,1116,976,976,1192,1162,1177,1220,1131,1191,963,963,-1647,961,780,-1663,558,558,994,993,437,408,393,407,829,978,813,797,947,-1743,721,721,377,392,844,950,828,890,706,706,812,859,796,960,948,843,934,874,571,571,-1919,690,555,689,421,346,539,539,944,779,918,873,932,842,903,888,570,570,931,917,674,674,-2575,1562,-2591,1609,-2607,1654,1322,1322,1441,1441,1696,1546,1683,1593,1669,1624,1426,1426,1321,1321,1639,1680,1425,1425,1305,1305,1545,1668,1608,1623,1667,1592,1638,1666,1320,1320,1652,1607,1409,1409,1304,1304,1288,1288,1664,1637,1395,1395,1335,1335,1622,1636,1394,1394,1319,1319,1606,1621,1392,1392,1137,1137,1137,1137,345,390,360,375,404,373,1047,-2751,-2767,-2783,1062,1121,1046,-2799,1077,-2815,1106,1061,789,789,1105,1104,263,355,310,340,325,354,352,262,339,324,1091,1076,1029,1090,1060,1075,833,833,788,788,1088,1028,818,818,803,803,561,561,531,531,816,771,546,546,289,274,288,258, + -253,-317,-381,-446,-478,-509,1279,1279,-811,-1179,-1451,-1756,-1900,-2028,-2189,-2253,-2333,-2414,-2445,-2511,-2526,1313,1298,-2559,1041,1041,1040,1040,1025,1025,1024,1024,1022,1007,1021,991,1020,975,1019,959,687,687,1018,1017,671,671,655,655,1016,1015,639,639,758,758,623,623,757,607,756,591,755,575,754,559,543,543,1009,783,-575,-621,-685,-749,496,-590,750,749,734,748,974,989,1003,958,988,973,1002,942,987,957,972,1001,926,986,941,971,956,1000,910,985,925,999,894,970,-1071,-1087,-1102,1390,-1135,1436,1509,1451,1374,-1151,1405,1358,1480,1420,-1167,1507,1494,1389,1342,1465,1435,1450,1326,1505,1310,1493,1373,1479,1404,1492,1464,1419,428,443,472,397,736,526,464,464,486,457,442,471,484,482,1357,1449,1434,1478,1388,1491,1341,1490,1325,1489,1463,1403,1309,1477,1372,1448,1418,1433,1476,1356,1462,1387,-1439,1475,1340,1447,1402,1474,1324,1461,1371,1473,269,448,1432,1417,1308,1460,-1711,1459,-1727,1441,1099,1099,1446,1386,1431,1401,-1743,1289,1083,1083,1160,1160,1458,1445,1067,1067,1370,1457,1307,1430,1129,1129,1098,1098,268,432,267,416,266,400,-1887,1144,1187,1082,1173,1113,1186,1066,1050,1158,1128,1143,1172,1097,1171,1081,420,391,1157,1112,1170,1142,1127,1065,1169,1049,1156,1096,1141,1111,1155,1080,1126,1154,1064,1153,1140,1095,1048,-2159,1125,1110,1137,-2175,823,823,1139,1138,807,807,384,264,368,263,868,838,853,791,867,822,852,837,866,806,865,790,-2319,851,821,836,352,262,850,805,849,-2399,533,533,835,820,336,261,578,548,563,577,532,532,832,772,562,562,547,547,305,275,560,515,290,290,288,258 }; + static const uint8_t tab32[] = { 130,162,193,209,44,28,76,140,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,190,254,222,238,126,94,157,157,109,61,173,205 }; + static const uint8_t tab33[] = { 252,236,220,204,188,172,156,140,124,108,92,76,60,44,28,12 }; + static const int16_t tabindex[2*16] = { 0,32,64,98,0,132,180,218,292,364,426,538,648,746,0,1126,1460,1460,1460,1460,1460,1460,1460,1460,1842,1842,1842,1842,1842,1842,1842,1842 }; + static const uint8_t g_linbits[] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,2,3,4,6,8,10,13,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,13 }; + +#define PEEK_BITS(n) (bs_cache >> (32 - n)) +#define FLUSH_BITS(n) { bs_cache <<= (n); bs_sh += (n); } +#define CHECK_BITS while (bs_sh >= 0) { bs_cache |= (uint32_t)*bs_next_ptr++ << bs_sh; bs_sh -= 8; } +#define BSPOS ((bs_next_ptr - bs->buf)*8 - 24 + bs_sh) + + float one = 0.0f; + int ireg = 0, big_val_cnt = gr_info->big_values; + const uint8_t *sfb = gr_info->sfbtab; + const uint8_t *bs_next_ptr = bs->buf + bs->pos/8; + uint32_t bs_cache = (((bs_next_ptr[0]*256u + bs_next_ptr[1])*256u + bs_next_ptr[2])*256u + bs_next_ptr[3]) << (bs->pos & 7); + int pairs_to_decode, np, bs_sh = (bs->pos & 7) - 8; + bs_next_ptr += 4; + + while (big_val_cnt > 0) + { + int tab_num = gr_info->table_select[ireg]; + int sfb_cnt = gr_info->region_count[ireg++]; + const int16_t *codebook = tabs + tabindex[tab_num]; + int linbits = g_linbits[tab_num]; + if (linbits) + { + do + { + np = *sfb++ / 2; + pairs_to_decode = MINIMP3_MIN(big_val_cnt, np); + one = *scf++; + do + { + int j, w = 5; + int leaf = codebook[PEEK_BITS(w)]; + while (leaf < 0) + { + FLUSH_BITS(w); + w = leaf & 7; + leaf = codebook[PEEK_BITS(w) - (leaf >> 3)]; + } + FLUSH_BITS(leaf >> 8); + + for (j = 0; j < 2; j++, dst++, leaf >>= 4) + { + int lsb = leaf & 0x0F; + if (lsb == 15) + { + lsb += PEEK_BITS(linbits); + FLUSH_BITS(linbits); + CHECK_BITS; + *dst = one*L3_pow_43(lsb)*((int32_t)bs_cache < 0 ? -1: 1); + } else + { + *dst = g_pow43[16 + lsb - 16*(bs_cache >> 31)]*one; + } + FLUSH_BITS(lsb ? 1 : 0); + } + CHECK_BITS; + } while (--pairs_to_decode); + } while ((big_val_cnt -= np) > 0 && --sfb_cnt >= 0); + } else + { + do + { + np = *sfb++ / 2; + pairs_to_decode = MINIMP3_MIN(big_val_cnt, np); + one = *scf++; + do + { + int j, w = 5; + int leaf = codebook[PEEK_BITS(w)]; + while (leaf < 0) + { + FLUSH_BITS(w); + w = leaf & 7; + leaf = codebook[PEEK_BITS(w) - (leaf >> 3)]; + } + FLUSH_BITS(leaf >> 8); + + for (j = 0; j < 2; j++, dst++, leaf >>= 4) + { + int lsb = leaf & 0x0F; + *dst = g_pow43[16 + lsb - 16*(bs_cache >> 31)]*one; + FLUSH_BITS(lsb ? 1 : 0); + } + CHECK_BITS; + } while (--pairs_to_decode); + } while ((big_val_cnt -= np) > 0 && --sfb_cnt >= 0); + } + } + + for (np = 1 - big_val_cnt;; dst += 4) + { + const uint8_t *codebook_count1 = (gr_info->count1_table) ? tab33 : tab32; + int leaf = codebook_count1[PEEK_BITS(4)]; + if (!(leaf & 8)) + { + leaf = codebook_count1[(leaf >> 3) + (bs_cache << 4 >> (32 - (leaf & 3)))]; + } + FLUSH_BITS(leaf & 7); + if (BSPOS > layer3gr_limit) + { + break; + } +#define RELOAD_SCALEFACTOR if (!--np) { np = *sfb++/2; if (!np) break; one = *scf++; } +#define DEQ_COUNT1(s) if (leaf & (128 >> s)) { dst[s] = ((int32_t)bs_cache < 0) ? -one : one; FLUSH_BITS(1) } + RELOAD_SCALEFACTOR; + DEQ_COUNT1(0); + DEQ_COUNT1(1); + RELOAD_SCALEFACTOR; + DEQ_COUNT1(2); + DEQ_COUNT1(3); + CHECK_BITS; + } + + bs->pos = layer3gr_limit; +} + +static void L3_midside_stereo(float *left, int n) +{ + int i = 0; + float *right = left + 576; +#if HAVE_SIMD + if (have_simd()) for (; i < n - 3; i += 4) + { + f4 vl = VLD(left + i); + f4 vr = VLD(right + i); + VSTORE(left + i, VADD(vl, vr)); + VSTORE(right + i, VSUB(vl, vr)); + } +#endif /* HAVE_SIMD */ + for (; i < n; i++) + { + float a = left[i]; + float b = right[i]; + left[i] = a + b; + right[i] = a - b; + } +} + +static void L3_intensity_stereo_band(float *left, int n, float kl, float kr) +{ + int i; + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) + { + left[i + 576] = left[i]*kr; + left[i] = left[i]*kl; + } +} + +static void L3_stereo_top_band(const float *right, const uint8_t *sfb, int nbands, int max_band[3]) +{ + int i, k; + + max_band[0] = max_band[1] = max_band[2] = -1; + + for (i = 0; i < nbands; i++) + { + for (k = 0; k < sfb[i]; k += 2) + { + if (right[k] != 0 || right[k + 1] != 0) + { + max_band[i % 3] = i; + break; + } + } + right += sfb[i]; + } +} + +static void L3_stereo_process(float *left, const uint8_t *ist_pos, const uint8_t *sfb, const uint8_t *hdr, int max_band[3], int mpeg2_sh) +{ + static const float g_pan[7*2] = { 0,1,0.21132487f,0.78867513f,0.36602540f,0.63397460f,0.5f,0.5f,0.63397460f,0.36602540f,0.78867513f,0.21132487f,1,0 }; + unsigned i, max_pos = HDR_TEST_MPEG1(hdr) ? 7 : 64; + + for (i = 0; sfb[i]; i++) + { + unsigned ipos = ist_pos[i]; + if ((int)i > max_band[i % 3] && ipos < max_pos) + { + float kl, kr, s = HDR_TEST_MS_STEREO(hdr) ? 1.41421356f : 1; + if (HDR_TEST_MPEG1(hdr)) + { + kl = g_pan[2*ipos]; + kr = g_pan[2*ipos + 1]; + } else + { + kl = 1; + kr = L3_ldexp_q2(1, (ipos + 1) >> 1 << mpeg2_sh); + if (ipos & 1) + { + kl = kr; + kr = 1; + } + } + L3_intensity_stereo_band(left, sfb[i], kl*s, kr*s); + } else if (HDR_TEST_MS_STEREO(hdr)) + { + L3_midside_stereo(left, sfb[i]); + } + left += sfb[i]; + } +} + +static void L3_intensity_stereo(float *left, uint8_t *ist_pos, const L3_gr_info_t *gr, const uint8_t *hdr) +{ + int max_band[3], n_sfb = gr->n_long_sfb + gr->n_short_sfb; + int i, max_blocks = gr->n_short_sfb ? 3 : 1; + + L3_stereo_top_band(left + 576, gr->sfbtab, n_sfb, max_band); + if (gr->n_long_sfb) + { + max_band[0] = max_band[1] = max_band[2] = MINIMP3_MAX(MINIMP3_MAX(max_band[0], max_band[1]), max_band[2]); + } + for (i = 0; i < max_blocks; i++) + { + int default_pos = HDR_TEST_MPEG1(hdr) ? 3 : 0; + int itop = n_sfb - max_blocks + i; + int prev = itop - max_blocks; + ist_pos[itop] = max_band[i] >= prev ? default_pos : ist_pos[prev]; + } + L3_stereo_process(left, ist_pos, gr->sfbtab, hdr, max_band, gr[1].scalefac_compress & 1); +} + +static void L3_reorder(float *grbuf, float *scratch, const uint8_t *sfb) +{ + int i, len; + float *src = grbuf, *dst = scratch; + + for (;0 != (len = *sfb); sfb += 3, src += 2*len) + { + for (i = 0; i < len; i++, src++) + { + *dst++ = src[0*len]; + *dst++ = src[1*len]; + *dst++ = src[2*len]; + } + } + memcpy(grbuf, scratch, (dst - scratch)*sizeof(float)); +} + +static void L3_antialias(float *grbuf, int nbands) +{ + static const float g_aa[2][8] = { + {0.85749293f,0.88174200f,0.94962865f,0.98331459f,0.99551782f,0.99916056f,0.99989920f,0.99999316f}, + {0.51449576f,0.47173197f,0.31337745f,0.18191320f,0.09457419f,0.04096558f,0.01419856f,0.00369997f} + }; + + for (; nbands > 0; nbands--, grbuf += 18) + { + int i = 0; +#if HAVE_SIMD + if (have_simd()) for (; i < 8; i += 4) + { + f4 vu = VLD(grbuf + 18 + i); + f4 vd = VLD(grbuf + 14 - i); + f4 vc0 = VLD(g_aa[0] + i); + f4 vc1 = VLD(g_aa[1] + i); + vd = VREV(vd); + VSTORE(grbuf + 18 + i, VSUB(VMUL(vu, vc0), VMUL(vd, vc1))); + vd = VADD(VMUL(vu, vc1), VMUL(vd, vc0)); + VSTORE(grbuf + 14 - i, VREV(vd)); + } +#endif /* HAVE_SIMD */ +#ifndef MINIMP3_ONLY_SIMD + for(; i < 8; i++) + { + float u = grbuf[18 + i]; + float d = grbuf[17 - i]; + grbuf[18 + i] = u*g_aa[0][i] - d*g_aa[1][i]; + grbuf[17 - i] = u*g_aa[1][i] + d*g_aa[0][i]; + } +#endif /* MINIMP3_ONLY_SIMD */ + } +} + +static void L3_dct3_9(float *y) +{ + float s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, t0, t2, t4; + + s0 = y[0]; s2 = y[2]; s4 = y[4]; s6 = y[6]; s8 = y[8]; + t0 = s0 + s6*0.5f; + s0 -= s6; + t4 = (s4 + s2)*0.93969262f; + t2 = (s8 + s2)*0.76604444f; + s6 = (s4 - s8)*0.17364818f; + s4 += s8 - s2; + + s2 = s0 - s4*0.5f; + y[4] = s4 + s0; + s8 = t0 - t2 + s6; + s0 = t0 - t4 + t2; + s4 = t0 + t4 - s6; + + s1 = y[1]; s3 = y[3]; s5 = y[5]; s7 = y[7]; + + s3 *= 0.86602540f; + t0 = (s5 + s1)*0.98480775f; + t4 = (s5 - s7)*0.34202014f; + t2 = (s1 + s7)*0.64278761f; + s1 = (s1 - s5 - s7)*0.86602540f; + + s5 = t0 - s3 - t2; + s7 = t4 - s3 - t0; + s3 = t4 + s3 - t2; + + y[0] = s4 - s7; + y[1] = s2 + s1; + y[2] = s0 - s3; + y[3] = s8 + s5; + y[5] = s8 - s5; + y[6] = s0 + s3; + y[7] = s2 - s1; + y[8] = s4 + s7; +} + +static void L3_imdct36(float *grbuf, float *overlap, const float *window, int nbands) +{ + int i, j; + static const float g_twid9[18] = { + 0.73727734f,0.79335334f,0.84339145f,0.88701083f,0.92387953f,0.95371695f,0.97629601f,0.99144486f,0.99904822f,0.67559021f,0.60876143f,0.53729961f,0.46174861f,0.38268343f,0.30070580f,0.21643961f,0.13052619f,0.04361938f + }; + + for (j = 0; j < nbands; j++, grbuf += 18, overlap += 9) + { + float co[9], si[9]; + co[0] = -grbuf[0]; + si[0] = grbuf[17]; + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) + { + si[8 - 2*i] = grbuf[4*i + 1] - grbuf[4*i + 2]; + co[1 + 2*i] = grbuf[4*i + 1] + grbuf[4*i + 2]; + si[7 - 2*i] = grbuf[4*i + 4] - grbuf[4*i + 3]; + co[2 + 2*i] = -(grbuf[4*i + 3] + grbuf[4*i + 4]); + } + L3_dct3_9(co); + L3_dct3_9(si); + + si[1] = -si[1]; + si[3] = -si[3]; + si[5] = -si[5]; + si[7] = -si[7]; + + i = 0; + +#if HAVE_SIMD + if (have_simd()) for (; i < 8; i += 4) + { + f4 vovl = VLD(overlap + i); + f4 vc = VLD(co + i); + f4 vs = VLD(si + i); + f4 vr0 = VLD(g_twid9 + i); + f4 vr1 = VLD(g_twid9 + 9 + i); + f4 vw0 = VLD(window + i); + f4 vw1 = VLD(window + 9 + i); + f4 vsum = VADD(VMUL(vc, vr1), VMUL(vs, vr0)); + VSTORE(overlap + i, VSUB(VMUL(vc, vr0), VMUL(vs, vr1))); + VSTORE(grbuf + i, VSUB(VMUL(vovl, vw0), VMUL(vsum, vw1))); + vsum = VADD(VMUL(vovl, vw1), VMUL(vsum, vw0)); + VSTORE(grbuf + 14 - i, VREV(vsum)); + } +#endif /* HAVE_SIMD */ + for (; i < 9; i++) + { + float ovl = overlap[i]; + float sum = co[i]*g_twid9[9 + i] + si[i]*g_twid9[0 + i]; + overlap[i] = co[i]*g_twid9[0 + i] - si[i]*g_twid9[9 + i]; + grbuf[i] = ovl*window[0 + i] - sum*window[9 + i]; + grbuf[17 - i] = ovl*window[9 + i] + sum*window[0 + i]; + } + } +} + +static void L3_idct3(float x0, float x1, float x2, float *dst) +{ + float m1 = x1*0.86602540f; + float a1 = x0 - x2*0.5f; + dst[1] = x0 + x2; + dst[0] = a1 + m1; + dst[2] = a1 - m1; +} + +static void L3_imdct12(float *x, float *dst, float *overlap) +{ + static const float g_twid3[6] = { 0.79335334f,0.92387953f,0.99144486f, 0.60876143f,0.38268343f,0.13052619f }; + float co[3], si[3]; + int i; + + L3_idct3(-x[0], x[6] + x[3], x[12] + x[9], co); + L3_idct3(x[15], x[12] - x[9], x[6] - x[3], si); + si[1] = -si[1]; + + for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) + { + float ovl = overlap[i]; + float sum = co[i]*g_twid3[3 + i] + si[i]*g_twid3[0 + i]; + overlap[i] = co[i]*g_twid3[0 + i] - si[i]*g_twid3[3 + i]; + dst[i] = ovl*g_twid3[2 - i] - sum*g_twid3[5 - i]; + dst[5 - i] = ovl*g_twid3[5 - i] + sum*g_twid3[2 - i]; + } +} + +static void L3_imdct_short(float *grbuf, float *overlap, int nbands) +{ + for (;nbands > 0; nbands--, overlap += 9, grbuf += 18) + { + float tmp[18]; + memcpy(tmp, grbuf, sizeof(tmp)); + memcpy(grbuf, overlap, 6*sizeof(float)); + L3_imdct12(tmp, grbuf + 6, overlap + 6); + L3_imdct12(tmp + 1, grbuf + 12, overlap + 6); + L3_imdct12(tmp + 2, overlap, overlap + 6); + } +} + +static void L3_change_sign(float *grbuf) +{ + int b, i; + for (b = 0, grbuf += 18; b < 32; b += 2, grbuf += 36) + for (i = 1; i < 18; i += 2) + grbuf[i] = -grbuf[i]; +} + +static void L3_imdct_gr(float *grbuf, float *overlap, unsigned block_type, unsigned n_long_bands) +{ + static const float g_mdct_window[2][18] = { + { 0.99904822f,0.99144486f,0.97629601f,0.95371695f,0.92387953f,0.88701083f,0.84339145f,0.79335334f,0.73727734f,0.04361938f,0.13052619f,0.21643961f,0.30070580f,0.38268343f,0.46174861f,0.53729961f,0.60876143f,0.67559021f }, + { 1,1,1,1,1,1,0.99144486f,0.92387953f,0.79335334f,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.13052619f,0.38268343f,0.60876143f } + }; + if (n_long_bands) + { + L3_imdct36(grbuf, overlap, g_mdct_window[0], n_long_bands); + grbuf += 18*n_long_bands; + overlap += 9*n_long_bands; + } + if (block_type == SHORT_BLOCK_TYPE) + L3_imdct_short(grbuf, overlap, 32 - n_long_bands); + else + L3_imdct36(grbuf, overlap, g_mdct_window[block_type == STOP_BLOCK_TYPE], 32 - n_long_bands); +} + +static void L3_save_reservoir(mp3dec_t *h, mp3dec_scratch_t *s) +{ + int pos = (s->bs.pos + 7)/8u; + int remains = s->bs.limit/8u - pos; + if (remains > MAX_BITRESERVOIR_BYTES) + { + pos += remains - MAX_BITRESERVOIR_BYTES; + remains = MAX_BITRESERVOIR_BYTES; + } + if (remains > 0) + { + memmove(h->reserv_buf, s->maindata + pos, remains); + } + h->reserv = remains; +} + +static int L3_restore_reservoir(mp3dec_t *h, bs_t *bs, mp3dec_scratch_t *s, int main_data_begin) +{ + int frame_bytes = (bs->limit - bs->pos)/8; + int bytes_have = MINIMP3_MIN(h->reserv, main_data_begin); + memcpy(s->maindata, h->reserv_buf + MINIMP3_MAX(0, h->reserv - main_data_begin), MINIMP3_MIN(h->reserv, main_data_begin)); + memcpy(s->maindata + bytes_have, bs->buf + bs->pos/8, frame_bytes); + bs_init(&s->bs, s->maindata, bytes_have + frame_bytes); + return h->reserv >= main_data_begin; +} + +static void L3_decode(mp3dec_t *h, mp3dec_scratch_t *s, L3_gr_info_t *gr_info, int nch) +{ + int ch; + + for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ch++) + { + int layer3gr_limit = s->bs.pos + gr_info[ch].part_23_length; + L3_decode_scalefactors(h->header, s->ist_pos[ch], &s->bs, gr_info + ch, s->scf, ch); + L3_huffman(s->grbuf[ch], &s->bs, gr_info + ch, s->scf, layer3gr_limit); + } + + if (HDR_TEST_I_STEREO(h->header)) + { + L3_intensity_stereo(s->grbuf[0], s->ist_pos[1], gr_info, h->header); + } else if (HDR_IS_MS_STEREO(h->header)) + { + L3_midside_stereo(s->grbuf[0], 576); + } + + for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ch++, gr_info++) + { + int aa_bands = 31; + int n_long_bands = (gr_info->mixed_block_flag ? 2 : 0) << (int)(HDR_GET_MY_SAMPLE_RATE(h->header) == 2); + + if (gr_info->n_short_sfb) + { + aa_bands = n_long_bands - 1; + L3_reorder(s->grbuf[ch] + n_long_bands*18, s->syn[0], gr_info->sfbtab + gr_info->n_long_sfb); + } + + L3_antialias(s->grbuf[ch], aa_bands); + L3_imdct_gr(s->grbuf[ch], h->mdct_overlap[ch], gr_info->block_type, n_long_bands); + L3_change_sign(s->grbuf[ch]); + } +} + +static void mp3d_DCT_II(float *grbuf, int n) +{ + static const float g_sec[24] = { + 10.19000816f,0.50060302f,0.50241929f,3.40760851f,0.50547093f,0.52249861f,2.05778098f,0.51544732f,0.56694406f,1.48416460f,0.53104258f,0.64682180f,1.16943991f,0.55310392f,0.78815460f,0.97256821f,0.58293498f,1.06067765f,0.83934963f,0.62250412f,1.72244716f,0.74453628f,0.67480832f,5.10114861f + }; + int i, k = 0; +#if HAVE_SIMD + if (have_simd()) for (; k < n; k += 4) + { + f4 t[4][8], *x; + float *y = grbuf + k; + + for (x = t[0], i = 0; i < 8; i++, x++) + { + f4 x0 = VLD(&y[i*18]); + f4 x1 = VLD(&y[(15 - i)*18]); + f4 x2 = VLD(&y[(16 + i)*18]); + f4 x3 = VLD(&y[(31 - i)*18]); + f4 t0 = VADD(x0, x3); + f4 t1 = VADD(x1, x2); + f4 t2 = VMUL_S(VSUB(x1, x2), g_sec[3*i + 0]); + f4 t3 = VMUL_S(VSUB(x0, x3), g_sec[3*i + 1]); + x[0] = VADD(t0, t1); + x[8] = VMUL_S(VSUB(t0, t1), g_sec[3*i + 2]); + x[16] = VADD(t3, t2); + x[24] = VMUL_S(VSUB(t3, t2), g_sec[3*i + 2]); + } + for (x = t[0], i = 0; i < 4; i++, x += 8) + { + f4 x0 = x[0], x1 = x[1], x2 = x[2], x3 = x[3], x4 = x[4], x5 = x[5], x6 = x[6], x7 = x[7], xt; + xt = VSUB(x0, x7); x0 = VADD(x0, x7); + x7 = VSUB(x1, x6); x1 = VADD(x1, x6); + x6 = VSUB(x2, x5); x2 = VADD(x2, x5); + x5 = VSUB(x3, x4); x3 = VADD(x3, x4); + x4 = VSUB(x0, x3); x0 = VADD(x0, x3); + x3 = VSUB(x1, x2); x1 = VADD(x1, x2); + x[0] = VADD(x0, x1); + x[4] = VMUL_S(VSUB(x0, x1), 0.70710677f); + x5 = VADD(x5, x6); + x6 = VMUL_S(VADD(x6, x7), 0.70710677f); + x7 = VADD(x7, xt); + x3 = VMUL_S(VADD(x3, x4), 0.70710677f); + x5 = VSUB(x5, VMUL_S(x7, 0.198912367f)); /* rotate by PI/8 */ + x7 = VADD(x7, VMUL_S(x5, 0.382683432f)); + x5 = VSUB(x5, VMUL_S(x7, 0.198912367f)); + x0 = VSUB(xt, x6); xt = VADD(xt, x6); + x[1] = VMUL_S(VADD(xt, x7), 0.50979561f); + x[2] = VMUL_S(VADD(x4, x3), 0.54119611f); + x[3] = VMUL_S(VSUB(x0, x5), 0.60134488f); + x[5] = VMUL_S(VADD(x0, x5), 0.89997619f); + x[6] = VMUL_S(VSUB(x4, x3), 1.30656302f); + x[7] = VMUL_S(VSUB(xt, x7), 2.56291556f); + } + + if (k > n - 3) + { +#if HAVE_SSE +#define VSAVE2(i, v) _mm_storel_pi((__m64 *)(void*)&y[i*18], v) +#else /* HAVE_SSE */ +#define VSAVE2(i, v) vst1_f32((float32_t *)&y[i*18], vget_low_f32(v)) +#endif /* HAVE_SSE */ + for (i = 0; i < 7; i++, y += 4*18) + { + f4 s = VADD(t[3][i], t[3][i + 1]); + VSAVE2(0, t[0][i]); + VSAVE2(1, VADD(t[2][i], s)); + VSAVE2(2, VADD(t[1][i], t[1][i + 1])); + VSAVE2(3, VADD(t[2][1 + i], s)); + } + VSAVE2(0, t[0][7]); + VSAVE2(1, VADD(t[2][7], t[3][7])); + VSAVE2(2, t[1][7]); + VSAVE2(3, t[3][7]); + } else + { +#define VSAVE4(i, v) VSTORE(&y[i*18], v) + for (i = 0; i < 7; i++, y += 4*18) + { + f4 s = VADD(t[3][i], t[3][i + 1]); + VSAVE4(0, t[0][i]); + VSAVE4(1, VADD(t[2][i], s)); + VSAVE4(2, VADD(t[1][i], t[1][i + 1])); + VSAVE4(3, VADD(t[2][1 + i], s)); + } + VSAVE4(0, t[0][7]); + VSAVE4(1, VADD(t[2][7], t[3][7])); + VSAVE4(2, t[1][7]); + VSAVE4(3, t[3][7]); + } + } else +#endif /* HAVE_SIMD */ +#ifdef MINIMP3_ONLY_SIMD + {} +#else /* MINIMP3_ONLY_SIMD */ + for (; k < n; k++) + { + float t[4][8], *x, *y = grbuf + k; + + for (x = t[0], i = 0; i < 8; i++, x++) + { + float x0 = y[i*18]; + float x1 = y[(15 - i)*18]; + float x2 = y[(16 + i)*18]; + float x3 = y[(31 - i)*18]; + float t0 = x0 + x3; + float t1 = x1 + x2; + float t2 = (x1 - x2)*g_sec[3*i + 0]; + float t3 = (x0 - x3)*g_sec[3*i + 1]; + x[0] = t0 + t1; + x[8] = (t0 - t1)*g_sec[3*i + 2]; + x[16] = t3 + t2; + x[24] = (t3 - t2)*g_sec[3*i + 2]; + } + for (x = t[0], i = 0; i < 4; i++, x += 8) + { + float x0 = x[0], x1 = x[1], x2 = x[2], x3 = x[3], x4 = x[4], x5 = x[5], x6 = x[6], x7 = x[7], xt; + xt = x0 - x7; x0 += x7; + x7 = x1 - x6; x1 += x6; + x6 = x2 - x5; x2 += x5; + x5 = x3 - x4; x3 += x4; + x4 = x0 - x3; x0 += x3; + x3 = x1 - x2; x1 += x2; + x[0] = x0 + x1; + x[4] = (x0 - x1)*0.70710677f; + x5 = x5 + x6; + x6 = (x6 + x7)*0.70710677f; + x7 = x7 + xt; + x3 = (x3 + x4)*0.70710677f; + x5 -= x7*0.198912367f; /* rotate by PI/8 */ + x7 += x5*0.382683432f; + x5 -= x7*0.198912367f; + x0 = xt - x6; xt += x6; + x[1] = (xt + x7)*0.50979561f; + x[2] = (x4 + x3)*0.54119611f; + x[3] = (x0 - x5)*0.60134488f; + x[5] = (x0 + x5)*0.89997619f; + x[6] = (x4 - x3)*1.30656302f; + x[7] = (xt - x7)*2.56291556f; + + } + for (i = 0; i < 7; i++, y += 4*18) + { + y[0*18] = t[0][i]; + y[1*18] = t[2][i] + t[3][i] + t[3][i + 1]; + y[2*18] = t[1][i] + t[1][i + 1]; + y[3*18] = t[2][i + 1] + t[3][i] + t[3][i + 1]; + } + y[0*18] = t[0][7]; + y[1*18] = t[2][7] + t[3][7]; + y[2*18] = t[1][7]; + y[3*18] = t[3][7]; + } +#endif /* MINIMP3_ONLY_SIMD */ +} + +#ifndef MINIMP3_FLOAT_OUTPUT +static int16_t mp3d_scale_pcm(float sample) +{ +#if HAVE_ARMV6 + int32_t s32 = (int32_t)(sample + .5f); + s32 -= (s32 < 0); + int16_t s = (int16_t)minimp3_clip_int16_arm(s32); +#else + if (sample >= 32766.5) return (int16_t) 32767; + if (sample <= -32767.5) return (int16_t)-32768; + int16_t s = (int16_t)(sample + .5f); + s -= (s < 0); /* away from zero, to be compliant */ +#endif + return s; +} +#else /* MINIMP3_FLOAT_OUTPUT */ +static float mp3d_scale_pcm(float sample) +{ + return sample*(1.f/32768.f); +} +#endif /* MINIMP3_FLOAT_OUTPUT */ + +static void mp3d_synth_pair(mp3d_sample_t *pcm, int nch, const float *z) +{ + float a; + a = (z[14*64] - z[ 0]) * 29; + a += (z[ 1*64] + z[13*64]) * 213; + a += (z[12*64] - z[ 2*64]) * 459; + a += (z[ 3*64] + z[11*64]) * 2037; + a += (z[10*64] - z[ 4*64]) * 5153; + a += (z[ 5*64] + z[ 9*64]) * 6574; + a += (z[ 8*64] - z[ 6*64]) * 37489; + a += z[ 7*64] * 75038; + pcm[0] = mp3d_scale_pcm(a); + + z += 2; + a = z[14*64] * 104; + a += z[12*64] * 1567; + a += z[10*64] * 9727; + a += z[ 8*64] * 64019; + a += z[ 6*64] * -9975; + a += z[ 4*64] * -45; + a += z[ 2*64] * 146; + a += z[ 0*64] * -5; + pcm[16*nch] = mp3d_scale_pcm(a); +} + +static void mp3d_synth(float *xl, mp3d_sample_t *dstl, int nch, float *lins) +{ + int i; + float *xr = xl + 576*(nch - 1); + mp3d_sample_t *dstr = dstl + (nch - 1); + + static const float g_win[] = { + -1,26,-31,208,218,401,-519,2063,2000,4788,-5517,7134,5959,35640,-39336,74992, + -1,24,-35,202,222,347,-581,2080,1952,4425,-5879,7640,5288,33791,-41176,74856, + -1,21,-38,196,225,294,-645,2087,1893,4063,-6237,8092,4561,31947,-43006,74630, + -1,19,-41,190,227,244,-711,2085,1822,3705,-6589,8492,3776,30112,-44821,74313, + -1,17,-45,183,228,197,-779,2075,1739,3351,-6935,8840,2935,28289,-46617,73908, + -1,16,-49,176,228,153,-848,2057,1644,3004,-7271,9139,2037,26482,-48390,73415, + -2,14,-53,169,227,111,-919,2032,1535,2663,-7597,9389,1082,24694,-50137,72835, + -2,13,-58,161,224,72,-991,2001,1414,2330,-7910,9592,70,22929,-51853,72169, + -2,11,-63,154,221,36,-1064,1962,1280,2006,-8209,9750,-998,21189,-53534,71420, + -2,10,-68,147,215,2,-1137,1919,1131,1692,-8491,9863,-2122,19478,-55178,70590, + -3,9,-73,139,208,-29,-1210,1870,970,1388,-8755,9935,-3300,17799,-56778,69679, + -3,8,-79,132,200,-57,-1283,1817,794,1095,-8998,9966,-4533,16155,-58333,68692, + -4,7,-85,125,189,-83,-1356,1759,605,814,-9219,9959,-5818,14548,-59838,67629, + -4,7,-91,117,177,-106,-1428,1698,402,545,-9416,9916,-7154,12980,-61289,66494, + -5,6,-97,111,163,-127,-1498,1634,185,288,-9585,9838,-8540,11455,-62684,65290 + }; + float *zlin = lins + 15*64; + const float *w = g_win; + + zlin[4*15] = xl[18*16]; + zlin[4*15 + 1] = xr[18*16]; + zlin[4*15 + 2] = xl[0]; + zlin[4*15 + 3] = xr[0]; + + zlin[4*31] = xl[1 + 18*16]; + zlin[4*31 + 1] = xr[1 + 18*16]; + zlin[4*31 + 2] = xl[1]; + zlin[4*31 + 3] = xr[1]; + + mp3d_synth_pair(dstr, nch, lins + 4*15 + 1); + mp3d_synth_pair(dstr + 32*nch, nch, lins + 4*15 + 64 + 1); + mp3d_synth_pair(dstl, nch, lins + 4*15); + mp3d_synth_pair(dstl + 32*nch, nch, lins + 4*15 + 64); + +#if HAVE_SIMD + if (have_simd()) for (i = 14; i >= 0; i--) + { +#define VLOAD(k) f4 w0 = VSET(*w++); f4 w1 = VSET(*w++); f4 vz = VLD(&zlin[4*i - 64*k]); f4 vy = VLD(&zlin[4*i - 64*(15 - k)]); +#define V0(k) { VLOAD(k) b = VADD(VMUL(vz, w1), VMUL(vy, w0)) ; a = VSUB(VMUL(vz, w0), VMUL(vy, w1)); } +#define V1(k) { VLOAD(k) b = VADD(b, VADD(VMUL(vz, w1), VMUL(vy, w0))); a = VADD(a, VSUB(VMUL(vz, w0), VMUL(vy, w1))); } +#define V2(k) { VLOAD(k) b = VADD(b, VADD(VMUL(vz, w1), VMUL(vy, w0))); a = VADD(a, VSUB(VMUL(vy, w1), VMUL(vz, w0))); } + f4 a, b; + zlin[4*i] = xl[18*(31 - i)]; + zlin[4*i + 1] = xr[18*(31 - i)]; + zlin[4*i + 2] = xl[1 + 18*(31 - i)]; + zlin[4*i + 3] = xr[1 + 18*(31 - i)]; + zlin[4*i + 64] = xl[1 + 18*(1 + i)]; + zlin[4*i + 64 + 1] = xr[1 + 18*(1 + i)]; + zlin[4*i - 64 + 2] = xl[18*(1 + i)]; + zlin[4*i - 64 + 3] = xr[18*(1 + i)]; + + V0(0) V2(1) V1(2) V2(3) V1(4) V2(5) V1(6) V2(7) + + { +#ifndef MINIMP3_FLOAT_OUTPUT +#if HAVE_SSE + static const f4 g_max = { 32767.0f, 32767.0f, 32767.0f, 32767.0f }; + static const f4 g_min = { -32768.0f, -32768.0f, -32768.0f, -32768.0f }; + __m128i pcm8 = _mm_packs_epi32(_mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_max_ps(_mm_min_ps(a, g_max), g_min)), + _mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_max_ps(_mm_min_ps(b, g_max), g_min))); + dstr[(15 - i)*nch] = _mm_extract_epi16(pcm8, 1); + dstr[(17 + i)*nch] = _mm_extract_epi16(pcm8, 5); + dstl[(15 - i)*nch] = _mm_extract_epi16(pcm8, 0); + dstl[(17 + i)*nch] = _mm_extract_epi16(pcm8, 4); + dstr[(47 - i)*nch] = _mm_extract_epi16(pcm8, 3); + dstr[(49 + i)*nch] = _mm_extract_epi16(pcm8, 7); + dstl[(47 - i)*nch] = _mm_extract_epi16(pcm8, 2); + dstl[(49 + i)*nch] = _mm_extract_epi16(pcm8, 6); +#else /* HAVE_SSE */ + int16x4_t pcma, pcmb; + a = VADD(a, VSET(0.5f)); + b = VADD(b, VSET(0.5f)); + pcma = vqmovn_s32(vqaddq_s32(vcvtq_s32_f32(a), vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vcltq_f32(a, VSET(0))))); + pcmb = vqmovn_s32(vqaddq_s32(vcvtq_s32_f32(b), vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vcltq_f32(b, VSET(0))))); + vst1_lane_s16(dstr + (15 - i)*nch, pcma, 1); + vst1_lane_s16(dstr + (17 + i)*nch, pcmb, 1); + vst1_lane_s16(dstl + (15 - i)*nch, pcma, 0); + vst1_lane_s16(dstl + (17 + i)*nch, pcmb, 0); + vst1_lane_s16(dstr + (47 - i)*nch, pcma, 3); + vst1_lane_s16(dstr + (49 + i)*nch, pcmb, 3); + vst1_lane_s16(dstl + (47 - i)*nch, pcma, 2); + vst1_lane_s16(dstl + (49 + i)*nch, pcmb, 2); +#endif /* HAVE_SSE */ + +#else /* MINIMP3_FLOAT_OUTPUT */ + + static const f4 g_scale = { 1.0f/32768.0f, 1.0f/32768.0f, 1.0f/32768.0f, 1.0f/32768.0f }; + a = VMUL(a, g_scale); + b = VMUL(b, g_scale); +#if HAVE_SSE + _mm_store_ss(dstr + (15 - i)*nch, _mm_shuffle_ps(a, a, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1))); + _mm_store_ss(dstr + (17 + i)*nch, _mm_shuffle_ps(b, b, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1))); + _mm_store_ss(dstl + (15 - i)*nch, _mm_shuffle_ps(a, a, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0))); + _mm_store_ss(dstl + (17 + i)*nch, _mm_shuffle_ps(b, b, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0))); + _mm_store_ss(dstr + (47 - i)*nch, _mm_shuffle_ps(a, a, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3))); + _mm_store_ss(dstr + (49 + i)*nch, _mm_shuffle_ps(b, b, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3))); + _mm_store_ss(dstl + (47 - i)*nch, _mm_shuffle_ps(a, a, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2))); + _mm_store_ss(dstl + (49 + i)*nch, _mm_shuffle_ps(b, b, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2))); +#else /* HAVE_SSE */ + vst1q_lane_f32(dstr + (15 - i)*nch, a, 1); + vst1q_lane_f32(dstr + (17 + i)*nch, b, 1); + vst1q_lane_f32(dstl + (15 - i)*nch, a, 0); + vst1q_lane_f32(dstl + (17 + i)*nch, b, 0); + vst1q_lane_f32(dstr + (47 - i)*nch, a, 3); + vst1q_lane_f32(dstr + (49 + i)*nch, b, 3); + vst1q_lane_f32(dstl + (47 - i)*nch, a, 2); + vst1q_lane_f32(dstl + (49 + i)*nch, b, 2); +#endif /* HAVE_SSE */ +#endif /* MINIMP3_FLOAT_OUTPUT */ + } + } else +#endif /* HAVE_SIMD */ +#ifdef MINIMP3_ONLY_SIMD + {} +#else /* MINIMP3_ONLY_SIMD */ + for (i = 14; i >= 0; i--) + { +#define LOAD(k) float w0 = *w++; float w1 = *w++; float *vz = &zlin[4*i - k*64]; float *vy = &zlin[4*i - (15 - k)*64]; +#define S0(k) { int j; LOAD(k); for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) b[j] = vz[j]*w1 + vy[j]*w0, a[j] = vz[j]*w0 - vy[j]*w1; } +#define S1(k) { int j; LOAD(k); for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) b[j] += vz[j]*w1 + vy[j]*w0, a[j] += vz[j]*w0 - vy[j]*w1; } +#define S2(k) { int j; LOAD(k); for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) b[j] += vz[j]*w1 + vy[j]*w0, a[j] += vy[j]*w1 - vz[j]*w0; } + float a[4], b[4]; + + zlin[4*i] = xl[18*(31 - i)]; + zlin[4*i + 1] = xr[18*(31 - i)]; + zlin[4*i + 2] = xl[1 + 18*(31 - i)]; + zlin[4*i + 3] = xr[1 + 18*(31 - i)]; + zlin[4*(i + 16)] = xl[1 + 18*(1 + i)]; + zlin[4*(i + 16) + 1] = xr[1 + 18*(1 + i)]; + zlin[4*(i - 16) + 2] = xl[18*(1 + i)]; + zlin[4*(i - 16) + 3] = xr[18*(1 + i)]; + + S0(0) S2(1) S1(2) S2(3) S1(4) S2(5) S1(6) S2(7) + + dstr[(15 - i)*nch] = mp3d_scale_pcm(a[1]); + dstr[(17 + i)*nch] = mp3d_scale_pcm(b[1]); + dstl[(15 - i)*nch] = mp3d_scale_pcm(a[0]); + dstl[(17 + i)*nch] = mp3d_scale_pcm(b[0]); + dstr[(47 - i)*nch] = mp3d_scale_pcm(a[3]); + dstr[(49 + i)*nch] = mp3d_scale_pcm(b[3]); + dstl[(47 - i)*nch] = mp3d_scale_pcm(a[2]); + dstl[(49 + i)*nch] = mp3d_scale_pcm(b[2]); + } +#endif /* MINIMP3_ONLY_SIMD */ +} + +static void mp3d_synth_granule(float *qmf_state, float *grbuf, int nbands, int nch, mp3d_sample_t *pcm, float *lins) +{ + int i; + for (i = 0; i < nch; i++) + { + mp3d_DCT_II(grbuf + 576*i, nbands); + } + + memcpy(lins, qmf_state, sizeof(float)*15*64); + + for (i = 0; i < nbands; i += 2) + { + mp3d_synth(grbuf + i, pcm + 32*nch*i, nch, lins + i*64); + } +#ifndef MINIMP3_NONSTANDARD_BUT_LOGICAL + if (nch == 1) + { + for (i = 0; i < 15*64; i += 2) + { + qmf_state[i] = lins[nbands*64 + i]; + } + } else +#endif /* MINIMP3_NONSTANDARD_BUT_LOGICAL */ + { + memcpy(qmf_state, lins + nbands*64, sizeof(float)*15*64); + } +} + +static int mp3d_match_frame(const uint8_t *hdr, int mp3_bytes, int frame_bytes) +{ + int i, nmatch; + for (i = 0, nmatch = 0; nmatch < MAX_FRAME_SYNC_MATCHES; nmatch++) + { + i += hdr_frame_bytes(hdr + i, frame_bytes) + hdr_padding(hdr + i); + if (i + HDR_SIZE > mp3_bytes) + return nmatch > 0; + if (!hdr_compare(hdr, hdr + i)) + return 0; + } + return 1; +} + +static int mp3d_find_frame(const uint8_t *mp3, int mp3_bytes, int *free_format_bytes, int *ptr_frame_bytes) +{ + int i, k; + for (i = 0; i < mp3_bytes - HDR_SIZE; i++, mp3++) + { + if (hdr_valid(mp3)) + { + int frame_bytes = hdr_frame_bytes(mp3, *free_format_bytes); + int frame_and_padding = frame_bytes + hdr_padding(mp3); + + for (k = HDR_SIZE; !frame_bytes && k < MAX_FREE_FORMAT_FRAME_SIZE && i + 2*k < mp3_bytes - HDR_SIZE; k++) + { + if (hdr_compare(mp3, mp3 + k)) + { + int fb = k - hdr_padding(mp3); + int nextfb = fb + hdr_padding(mp3 + k); + if (i + k + nextfb + HDR_SIZE > mp3_bytes || !hdr_compare(mp3, mp3 + k + nextfb)) + continue; + frame_and_padding = k; + frame_bytes = fb; + *free_format_bytes = fb; + } + } + if ((frame_bytes && i + frame_and_padding <= mp3_bytes && + mp3d_match_frame(mp3, mp3_bytes - i, frame_bytes)) || + (!i && frame_and_padding == mp3_bytes)) + { + *ptr_frame_bytes = frame_and_padding; + return i; + } + *free_format_bytes = 0; + } + } + *ptr_frame_bytes = 0; + return mp3_bytes; +} + +void mp3dec_init(mp3dec_t *dec) +{ + dec->header[0] = 0; +} + +int mp3dec_decode_frame(mp3dec_t *dec, const uint8_t *mp3, int mp3_bytes, mp3d_sample_t *pcm, mp3dec_frame_info_t *info) +{ + int i = 0, igr, frame_size = 0, success = 1; + const uint8_t *hdr; + bs_t bs_frame[1]; + mp3dec_scratch_t scratch; + + if (mp3_bytes > 4 && dec->header[0] == 0xff && hdr_compare(dec->header, mp3)) + { + frame_size = hdr_frame_bytes(mp3, dec->free_format_bytes) + hdr_padding(mp3); + if (frame_size != mp3_bytes && (frame_size + HDR_SIZE > mp3_bytes || !hdr_compare(mp3, mp3 + frame_size))) + { + frame_size = 0; + } + } + if (!frame_size) + { + memset(dec, 0, sizeof(mp3dec_t)); + i = mp3d_find_frame(mp3, mp3_bytes, &dec->free_format_bytes, &frame_size); + if (!frame_size || i + frame_size > mp3_bytes) + { + info->frame_bytes = i; + return 0; + } + } + + hdr = mp3 + i; + memcpy(dec->header, hdr, HDR_SIZE); + info->frame_bytes = i + frame_size; + info->frame_offset = i; + info->channels = HDR_IS_MONO(hdr) ? 1 : 2; + info->hz = hdr_sample_rate_hz(hdr); + info->layer = 4 - HDR_GET_LAYER(hdr); + info->bitrate_kbps = hdr_bitrate_kbps(hdr); + + if (!pcm) + { + return hdr_frame_samples(hdr); + } + + bs_init(bs_frame, hdr + HDR_SIZE, frame_size - HDR_SIZE); + if (HDR_IS_CRC(hdr)) + { + get_bits(bs_frame, 16); + } + + if (info->layer == 3) + { + int main_data_begin = L3_read_side_info(bs_frame, scratch.gr_info, hdr); + if (main_data_begin < 0 || bs_frame->pos > bs_frame->limit) + { + mp3dec_init(dec); + return 0; + } + success = L3_restore_reservoir(dec, bs_frame, &scratch, main_data_begin); + if (success) + { + for (igr = 0; igr < (HDR_TEST_MPEG1(hdr) ? 2 : 1); igr++, pcm += 576*info->channels) + { + memset(scratch.grbuf[0], 0, 576*2*sizeof(float)); + L3_decode(dec, &scratch, scratch.gr_info + igr*info->channels, info->channels); + mp3d_synth_granule(dec->qmf_state, scratch.grbuf[0], 18, info->channels, pcm, scratch.syn[0]); + } + } + L3_save_reservoir(dec, &scratch); + } else + { +#ifdef MINIMP3_ONLY_MP3 + return 0; +#else /* MINIMP3_ONLY_MP3 */ + L12_scale_info sci[1]; + L12_read_scale_info(hdr, bs_frame, sci); + + memset(scratch.grbuf[0], 0, 576*2*sizeof(float)); + for (i = 0, igr = 0; igr < 3; igr++) + { + if (12 == (i += L12_dequantize_granule(scratch.grbuf[0] + i, bs_frame, sci, info->layer | 1))) + { + i = 0; + L12_apply_scf_384(sci, sci->scf + igr, scratch.grbuf[0]); + mp3d_synth_granule(dec->qmf_state, scratch.grbuf[0], 12, info->channels, pcm, scratch.syn[0]); + memset(scratch.grbuf[0], 0, 576*2*sizeof(float)); + pcm += 384*info->channels; + } + if (bs_frame->pos > bs_frame->limit) + { + mp3dec_init(dec); + return 0; + } + } +#endif /* MINIMP3_ONLY_MP3 */ + } + return success*hdr_frame_samples(dec->header); +} + +#ifdef MINIMP3_FLOAT_OUTPUT +void mp3dec_f32_to_s16(const float *in, int16_t *out, int num_samples) +{ + int i = 0; +#if HAVE_SIMD + int aligned_count = num_samples & ~7; + for(; i < aligned_count; i += 8) + { + static const f4 g_scale = { 32768.0f, 32768.0f, 32768.0f, 32768.0f }; + f4 a = VMUL(VLD(&in[i ]), g_scale); + f4 b = VMUL(VLD(&in[i+4]), g_scale); +#if HAVE_SSE + static const f4 g_max = { 32767.0f, 32767.0f, 32767.0f, 32767.0f }; + static const f4 g_min = { -32768.0f, -32768.0f, -32768.0f, -32768.0f }; + __m128i pcm8 = _mm_packs_epi32(_mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_max_ps(_mm_min_ps(a, g_max), g_min)), + _mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_max_ps(_mm_min_ps(b, g_max), g_min))); + out[i ] = _mm_extract_epi16(pcm8, 0); + out[i+1] = _mm_extract_epi16(pcm8, 1); + out[i+2] = _mm_extract_epi16(pcm8, 2); + out[i+3] = _mm_extract_epi16(pcm8, 3); + out[i+4] = _mm_extract_epi16(pcm8, 4); + out[i+5] = _mm_extract_epi16(pcm8, 5); + out[i+6] = _mm_extract_epi16(pcm8, 6); + out[i+7] = _mm_extract_epi16(pcm8, 7); +#else /* HAVE_SSE */ + int16x4_t pcma, pcmb; + a = VADD(a, VSET(0.5f)); + b = VADD(b, VSET(0.5f)); + pcma = vqmovn_s32(vqaddq_s32(vcvtq_s32_f32(a), vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vcltq_f32(a, VSET(0))))); + pcmb = vqmovn_s32(vqaddq_s32(vcvtq_s32_f32(b), vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vcltq_f32(b, VSET(0))))); + vst1_lane_s16(out+i , pcma, 0); + vst1_lane_s16(out+i+1, pcma, 1); + vst1_lane_s16(out+i+2, pcma, 2); + vst1_lane_s16(out+i+3, pcma, 3); + vst1_lane_s16(out+i+4, pcmb, 0); + vst1_lane_s16(out+i+5, pcmb, 1); + vst1_lane_s16(out+i+6, pcmb, 2); + vst1_lane_s16(out+i+7, pcmb, 3); +#endif /* HAVE_SSE */ + } +#endif /* HAVE_SIMD */ + for(; i < num_samples; i++) + { + float sample = in[i] * 32768.0f; + if (sample >= 32766.5) + out[i] = (int16_t) 32767; + else if (sample <= -32767.5) + out[i] = (int16_t)-32768; + else + { + int16_t s = (int16_t)(sample + .5f); + s -= (s < 0); /* away from zero, to be compliant */ + out[i] = s; + } + } +} +#endif /* MINIMP3_FLOAT_OUTPUT */ +#endif /* MINIMP3_IMPLEMENTATION && !_MINIMP3_IMPLEMENTATION_GUARD */ diff --git a/thirdparty/minimp3/minimp3_ex.h b/thirdparty/minimp3/minimp3_ex.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e29dd15b2e --- /dev/null +++ b/thirdparty/minimp3/minimp3_ex.h @@ -0,0 +1,1394 @@ +#ifndef MINIMP3_EXT_H +#define MINIMP3_EXT_H +/* + https://github.com/lieff/minimp3 + To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. + This software is distributed without any warranty. + See <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>. +*/ +#include "minimp3.h" + +/* flags for mp3dec_ex_open_* functions */ +#define MP3D_SEEK_TO_BYTE 0 /* mp3dec_ex_seek seeks to byte in stream */ +#define MP3D_SEEK_TO_SAMPLE 1 /* mp3dec_ex_seek precisely seeks to sample using index (created during duration calculation scan or when mp3dec_ex_seek called) */ +#define MP3D_DO_NOT_SCAN 2 /* do not scan whole stream for duration if vbrtag not found, mp3dec_ex_t::samples will be filled only if mp3dec_ex_t::vbr_tag_found == 1 */ +#ifdef MINIMP3_ALLOW_MONO_STEREO_TRANSITION +#define MP3D_ALLOW_MONO_STEREO_TRANSITION 4 +#define MP3D_FLAGS_MASK 7 +#else +#define MP3D_FLAGS_MASK 3 +#endif + +/* compile-time config */ +#define MINIMP3_PREDECODE_FRAMES 2 /* frames to pre-decode and skip after seek (to fill internal structures) */ +/*#define MINIMP3_SEEK_IDX_LINEAR_SEARCH*/ /* define to use linear index search instead of binary search on seek */ +#define MINIMP3_IO_SIZE (128*1024) /* io buffer size for streaming functions, must be greater than MINIMP3_BUF_SIZE */ +#define MINIMP3_BUF_SIZE (16*1024) /* buffer which can hold minimum 10 consecutive mp3 frames (~16KB) worst case */ +/*#define MINIMP3_SCAN_LIMIT (256*1024)*/ /* how many bytes will be scanned to search first valid mp3 frame, to prevent stall on large non-mp3 files */ +#define MINIMP3_ENABLE_RING 0 /* WIP enable hardware magic ring buffer if available, to make less input buffer memmove(s) in callback IO mode */ + +/* return error codes */ +#define MP3D_E_PARAM -1 +#define MP3D_E_MEMORY -2 +#define MP3D_E_IOERROR -3 +#define MP3D_E_USER -4 /* can be used to stop processing from callbacks without indicating specific error */ +#define MP3D_E_DECODE -5 /* decode error which can't be safely skipped, such as sample rate, layer and channels change */ + +typedef struct +{ + mp3d_sample_t *buffer; + size_t samples; /* channels included, byte size = samples*sizeof(mp3d_sample_t) */ + int channels, hz, layer, avg_bitrate_kbps; +} mp3dec_file_info_t; + +typedef struct +{ + const uint8_t *buffer; + size_t size; +} mp3dec_map_info_t; + +typedef struct +{ + uint64_t sample; + uint64_t offset; +} mp3dec_frame_t; + +typedef struct +{ + mp3dec_frame_t *frames; + size_t num_frames, capacity; +} mp3dec_index_t; + +typedef size_t (*MP3D_READ_CB)(void *buf, size_t size, void *user_data); +typedef int (*MP3D_SEEK_CB)(uint64_t position, void *user_data); + +typedef struct +{ + MP3D_READ_CB read; + void *read_data; + MP3D_SEEK_CB seek; + void *seek_data; +} mp3dec_io_t; + +typedef struct +{ + mp3dec_t mp3d; + mp3dec_map_info_t file; + mp3dec_io_t *io; + mp3dec_index_t index; + uint64_t offset, samples, detected_samples, cur_sample, start_offset, end_offset; + mp3dec_frame_info_t info; + mp3d_sample_t buffer[MINIMP3_MAX_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME]; + size_t input_consumed, input_filled; + int is_file, flags, vbr_tag_found, indexes_built; + int free_format_bytes; + int buffer_samples, buffer_consumed, to_skip, start_delay; + int last_error; +} mp3dec_ex_t; + +typedef int (*MP3D_ITERATE_CB)(void *user_data, const uint8_t *frame, int frame_size, int free_format_bytes, size_t buf_size, uint64_t offset, mp3dec_frame_info_t *info); +typedef int (*MP3D_PROGRESS_CB)(void *user_data, size_t file_size, uint64_t offset, mp3dec_frame_info_t *info); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* detect mp3/mpa format */ +int mp3dec_detect_buf(const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size); +int mp3dec_detect_cb(mp3dec_io_t *io, uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size); +/* decode whole buffer block */ +int mp3dec_load_buf(mp3dec_t *dec, const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size, mp3dec_file_info_t *info, MP3D_PROGRESS_CB progress_cb, void *user_data); +int mp3dec_load_cb(mp3dec_t *dec, mp3dec_io_t *io, uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size, mp3dec_file_info_t *info, MP3D_PROGRESS_CB progress_cb, void *user_data); +/* iterate through frames */ +int mp3dec_iterate_buf(const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size, MP3D_ITERATE_CB callback, void *user_data); +int mp3dec_iterate_cb(mp3dec_io_t *io, uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size, MP3D_ITERATE_CB callback, void *user_data); +/* streaming decoder with seeking capability */ +int mp3dec_ex_open_buf(mp3dec_ex_t *dec, const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size, int flags); +int mp3dec_ex_open_cb(mp3dec_ex_t *dec, mp3dec_io_t *io, int flags); +void mp3dec_ex_close(mp3dec_ex_t *dec); +int mp3dec_ex_seek(mp3dec_ex_t *dec, uint64_t position); +size_t mp3dec_ex_read_frame(mp3dec_ex_t *dec, mp3d_sample_t **buf, mp3dec_frame_info_t *frame_info, size_t max_samples); +size_t mp3dec_ex_read(mp3dec_ex_t *dec, mp3d_sample_t *buf, size_t samples); +#ifndef MINIMP3_NO_STDIO +/* stdio versions of file detect, load, iterate and stream */ +int mp3dec_detect(const char *file_name); +int mp3dec_load(mp3dec_t *dec, const char *file_name, mp3dec_file_info_t *info, MP3D_PROGRESS_CB progress_cb, void *user_data); +int mp3dec_iterate(const char *file_name, MP3D_ITERATE_CB callback, void *user_data); +int mp3dec_ex_open(mp3dec_ex_t *dec, const char *file_name, int flags); +#ifdef _WIN32 +int mp3dec_detect_w(const wchar_t *file_name); +int mp3dec_load_w(mp3dec_t *dec, const wchar_t *file_name, mp3dec_file_info_t *info, MP3D_PROGRESS_CB progress_cb, void *user_data); +int mp3dec_iterate_w(const wchar_t *file_name, MP3D_ITERATE_CB callback, void *user_data); +int mp3dec_ex_open_w(mp3dec_ex_t *dec, const wchar_t *file_name, int flags); +#endif +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /*MINIMP3_EXT_H*/ + +#ifdef MINIMP3_IMPLEMENTATION +#include <limits.h> + +static void mp3dec_skip_id3v1(const uint8_t *buf, size_t *pbuf_size) +{ + size_t buf_size = *pbuf_size; +#ifndef MINIMP3_NOSKIP_ID3V1 + if (buf_size >= 128 && !memcmp(buf + buf_size - 128, "TAG", 3)) + { + buf_size -= 128; + if (buf_size >= 227 && !memcmp(buf + buf_size - 227, "TAG+", 4)) + buf_size -= 227; + } +#endif +#ifndef MINIMP3_NOSKIP_APEV2 + if (buf_size > 32 && !memcmp(buf + buf_size - 32, "APETAGEX", 8)) + { + buf_size -= 32; + const uint8_t *tag = buf + buf_size + 8 + 4; + uint32_t tag_size = (uint32_t)(tag[3] << 24) | (tag[2] << 16) | (tag[1] << 8) | tag[0]; + if (buf_size >= tag_size) + buf_size -= tag_size; + } +#endif + *pbuf_size = buf_size; +} + +static size_t mp3dec_skip_id3v2(const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size) +{ +#define MINIMP3_ID3_DETECT_SIZE 10 +#ifndef MINIMP3_NOSKIP_ID3V2 + if (buf_size >= MINIMP3_ID3_DETECT_SIZE && !memcmp(buf, "ID3", 3) && !((buf[5] & 15) || (buf[6] & 0x80) || (buf[7] & 0x80) || (buf[8] & 0x80) || (buf[9] & 0x80))) + { + size_t id3v2size = (((buf[6] & 0x7f) << 21) | ((buf[7] & 0x7f) << 14) | ((buf[8] & 0x7f) << 7) | (buf[9] & 0x7f)) + 10; + if ((buf[5] & 16)) + id3v2size += 10; /* footer */ + return id3v2size; + } +#endif + return 0; +} + +static void mp3dec_skip_id3(const uint8_t **pbuf, size_t *pbuf_size) +{ + uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *)(*pbuf); + size_t buf_size = *pbuf_size; + size_t id3v2size = mp3dec_skip_id3v2(buf, buf_size); + if (id3v2size) + { + if (id3v2size >= buf_size) + id3v2size = buf_size; + buf += id3v2size; + buf_size -= id3v2size; + } + mp3dec_skip_id3v1(buf, &buf_size); + *pbuf = (const uint8_t *)buf; + *pbuf_size = buf_size; +} + +static int mp3dec_check_vbrtag(const uint8_t *frame, int frame_size, uint32_t *frames, int *delay, int *padding) +{ + static const char g_xing_tag[4] = { 'X', 'i', 'n', 'g' }; + static const char g_info_tag[4] = { 'I', 'n', 'f', 'o' }; +#define FRAMES_FLAG 1 +#define BYTES_FLAG 2 +#define TOC_FLAG 4 +#define VBR_SCALE_FLAG 8 + /* Side info offsets after header: + / Mono Stereo + / MPEG1 17 32 + / MPEG2 & 2.5 9 17*/ + bs_t bs[1]; + L3_gr_info_t gr_info[4]; + bs_init(bs, frame + HDR_SIZE, frame_size - HDR_SIZE); + if (HDR_IS_CRC(frame)) + get_bits(bs, 16); + if (L3_read_side_info(bs, gr_info, frame) < 0) + return 0; /* side info corrupted */ + + const uint8_t *tag = frame + HDR_SIZE + bs->pos/8; + if (memcmp(g_xing_tag, tag, 4) && memcmp(g_info_tag, tag, 4)) + return 0; + int flags = tag[7]; + if (!((flags & FRAMES_FLAG))) + return -1; + tag += 8; + *frames = (uint32_t)(tag[0] << 24) | (tag[1] << 16) | (tag[2] << 8) | tag[3]; + tag += 4; + if (flags & BYTES_FLAG) + tag += 4; + if (flags & TOC_FLAG) + tag += 100; + if (flags & VBR_SCALE_FLAG) + tag += 4; + *delay = *padding = 0; + if (*tag) + { /* extension, LAME, Lavc, etc. Should be the same structure. */ + tag += 21; + if (tag - frame + 14 >= frame_size) + return 0; + *delay = ((tag[0] << 4) | (tag[1] >> 4)) + (528 + 1); + *padding = (((tag[1] & 0xF) << 8) | tag[2]) - (528 + 1); + } + return 1; +} + +int mp3dec_detect_buf(const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size) +{ + return mp3dec_detect_cb(0, (uint8_t *)buf, buf_size); +} + +int mp3dec_detect_cb(mp3dec_io_t *io, uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size) +{ + if (!buf || (size_t)-1 == buf_size || (io && buf_size < MINIMP3_BUF_SIZE)) + return MP3D_E_PARAM; + size_t filled = buf_size; + if (io) + { + if (io->seek(0, io->seek_data)) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + filled = io->read(buf, MINIMP3_ID3_DETECT_SIZE, io->read_data); + if (filled > MINIMP3_ID3_DETECT_SIZE) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + } + if (filled < MINIMP3_ID3_DETECT_SIZE) + return MP3D_E_USER; /* too small, can't be mp3/mpa */ + if (mp3dec_skip_id3v2(buf, filled)) + return 0; /* id3v2 tag is enough evidence */ + if (io) + { + size_t readed = io->read(buf + MINIMP3_ID3_DETECT_SIZE, buf_size - MINIMP3_ID3_DETECT_SIZE, io->read_data); + if (readed > (buf_size - MINIMP3_ID3_DETECT_SIZE)) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + filled += readed; + if (filled < MINIMP3_BUF_SIZE) + mp3dec_skip_id3v1(buf, &filled); + } else + { + mp3dec_skip_id3v1(buf, &filled); + if (filled > MINIMP3_BUF_SIZE) + filled = MINIMP3_BUF_SIZE; + } + int free_format_bytes, frame_size; + mp3d_find_frame(buf, filled, &free_format_bytes, &frame_size); + if (frame_size) + return 0; /* MAX_FRAME_SYNC_MATCHES consecutive frames found */ + return MP3D_E_USER; +} + +int mp3dec_load_buf(mp3dec_t *dec, const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size, mp3dec_file_info_t *info, MP3D_PROGRESS_CB progress_cb, void *user_data) +{ + return mp3dec_load_cb(dec, 0, (uint8_t *)buf, buf_size, info, progress_cb, user_data); +} + +int mp3dec_load_cb(mp3dec_t *dec, mp3dec_io_t *io, uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size, mp3dec_file_info_t *info, MP3D_PROGRESS_CB progress_cb, void *user_data) +{ + if (!dec || !buf || !info || (size_t)-1 == buf_size || (io && buf_size < MINIMP3_BUF_SIZE)) + return MP3D_E_PARAM; + uint64_t detected_samples = 0; + size_t orig_buf_size = buf_size; + int to_skip = 0; + mp3dec_frame_info_t frame_info; + memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info)); + memset(&frame_info, 0, sizeof(frame_info)); + + /* skip id3 */ + size_t filled = 0, consumed = 0; + int eof = 0, ret = 0; + if (io) + { + if (io->seek(0, io->seek_data)) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + filled = io->read(buf, MINIMP3_ID3_DETECT_SIZE, io->read_data); + if (filled > MINIMP3_ID3_DETECT_SIZE) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + if (MINIMP3_ID3_DETECT_SIZE != filled) + return 0; + size_t id3v2size = mp3dec_skip_id3v2(buf, filled); + if (id3v2size) + { + if (io->seek(id3v2size, io->seek_data)) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + filled = io->read(buf, buf_size, io->read_data); + if (filled > buf_size) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + } else + { + size_t readed = io->read(buf + MINIMP3_ID3_DETECT_SIZE, buf_size - MINIMP3_ID3_DETECT_SIZE, io->read_data); + if (readed > (buf_size - MINIMP3_ID3_DETECT_SIZE)) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + filled += readed; + } + if (filled < MINIMP3_BUF_SIZE) + mp3dec_skip_id3v1(buf, &filled); + } else + { + mp3dec_skip_id3((const uint8_t **)&buf, &buf_size); + if (!buf_size) + return 0; + } + /* try to make allocation size assumption by first frame or vbr tag */ + mp3dec_init(dec); + int samples; + do + { + uint32_t frames; + int i, delay, padding, free_format_bytes = 0, frame_size = 0; + const uint8_t *hdr; + if (io) + { + if (!eof && filled - consumed < MINIMP3_BUF_SIZE) + { /* keep minimum 10 consecutive mp3 frames (~16KB) worst case */ + memmove(buf, buf + consumed, filled - consumed); + filled -= consumed; + consumed = 0; + size_t readed = io->read(buf + filled, buf_size - filled, io->read_data); + if (readed > (buf_size - filled)) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + if (readed != (buf_size - filled)) + eof = 1; + filled += readed; + if (eof) + mp3dec_skip_id3v1(buf, &filled); + } + i = mp3d_find_frame(buf + consumed, filled - consumed, &free_format_bytes, &frame_size); + consumed += i; + hdr = buf + consumed; + } else + { + i = mp3d_find_frame(buf, buf_size, &free_format_bytes, &frame_size); + buf += i; + buf_size -= i; + hdr = buf; + } + if (i && !frame_size) + continue; + if (!frame_size) + return 0; + frame_info.channels = HDR_IS_MONO(hdr) ? 1 : 2; + frame_info.hz = hdr_sample_rate_hz(hdr); + frame_info.layer = 4 - HDR_GET_LAYER(hdr); + frame_info.bitrate_kbps = hdr_bitrate_kbps(hdr); + frame_info.frame_bytes = frame_size; + samples = hdr_frame_samples(hdr)*frame_info.channels; + if (3 != frame_info.layer) + break; + int ret = mp3dec_check_vbrtag(hdr, frame_size, &frames, &delay, &padding); + if (ret > 0) + { + padding *= frame_info.channels; + to_skip = delay*frame_info.channels; + detected_samples = samples*(uint64_t)frames; + if (detected_samples >= (uint64_t)to_skip) + detected_samples -= to_skip; + if (padding > 0 && detected_samples >= (uint64_t)padding) + detected_samples -= padding; + if (!detected_samples) + return 0; + } + if (ret) + { + if (io) + { + consumed += frame_size; + } else + { + buf += frame_size; + buf_size -= frame_size; + } + } + break; + } while(1); + size_t allocated = MINIMP3_MAX_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*sizeof(mp3d_sample_t); + if (detected_samples) + allocated += detected_samples*sizeof(mp3d_sample_t); + else + allocated += (buf_size/frame_info.frame_bytes)*samples*sizeof(mp3d_sample_t); + info->buffer = (mp3d_sample_t*)malloc(allocated); + if (!info->buffer) + return MP3D_E_MEMORY; + /* save info */ + info->channels = frame_info.channels; + info->hz = frame_info.hz; + info->layer = frame_info.layer; + /* decode all frames */ + size_t avg_bitrate_kbps = 0, frames = 0; + do + { + if ((allocated - info->samples*sizeof(mp3d_sample_t)) < MINIMP3_MAX_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*sizeof(mp3d_sample_t)) + { + allocated *= 2; + mp3d_sample_t *alloc_buf = (mp3d_sample_t*)realloc(info->buffer, allocated); + if (!alloc_buf) + return MP3D_E_MEMORY; + info->buffer = alloc_buf; + } + if (io) + { + if (!eof && filled - consumed < MINIMP3_BUF_SIZE) + { /* keep minimum 10 consecutive mp3 frames (~16KB) worst case */ + memmove(buf, buf + consumed, filled - consumed); + filled -= consumed; + consumed = 0; + size_t readed = io->read(buf + filled, buf_size - filled, io->read_data); + if (readed != (buf_size - filled)) + eof = 1; + filled += readed; + if (eof) + mp3dec_skip_id3v1(buf, &filled); + } + samples = mp3dec_decode_frame(dec, buf + consumed, filled - consumed, info->buffer + info->samples, &frame_info); + consumed += frame_info.frame_bytes; + } else + { + samples = mp3dec_decode_frame(dec, buf, MINIMP3_MIN(buf_size, (size_t)INT_MAX), info->buffer + info->samples, &frame_info); + buf += frame_info.frame_bytes; + buf_size -= frame_info.frame_bytes; + } + if (samples) + { + if (info->hz != frame_info.hz || info->layer != frame_info.layer) + { + ret = MP3D_E_DECODE; + break; + } + if (info->channels && info->channels != frame_info.channels) + { +#ifdef MINIMP3_ALLOW_MONO_STEREO_TRANSITION + info->channels = 0; /* mark file with mono-stereo transition */ +#else + ret = MP3D_E_DECODE; + break; +#endif + } + samples *= frame_info.channels; + if (to_skip) + { + size_t skip = MINIMP3_MIN(samples, to_skip); + to_skip -= skip; + samples -= skip; + memmove(info->buffer, info->buffer + skip, samples*sizeof(mp3d_sample_t)); + } + info->samples += samples; + avg_bitrate_kbps += frame_info.bitrate_kbps; + frames++; + if (progress_cb) + { + ret = progress_cb(user_data, orig_buf_size, orig_buf_size - buf_size, &frame_info); + if (ret) + break; + } + } + } while (frame_info.frame_bytes); + if (detected_samples && info->samples > detected_samples) + info->samples = detected_samples; /* cut padding */ + /* reallocate to normal buffer size */ + if (allocated != info->samples*sizeof(mp3d_sample_t)) + { + mp3d_sample_t *alloc_buf = (mp3d_sample_t*)realloc(info->buffer, info->samples*sizeof(mp3d_sample_t)); + if (!alloc_buf && info->samples) + return MP3D_E_MEMORY; + info->buffer = alloc_buf; + } + if (frames) + info->avg_bitrate_kbps = avg_bitrate_kbps/frames; + return ret; +} + +int mp3dec_iterate_buf(const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size, MP3D_ITERATE_CB callback, void *user_data) +{ + const uint8_t *orig_buf = buf; + if (!buf || (size_t)-1 == buf_size || !callback) + return MP3D_E_PARAM; + /* skip id3 */ + mp3dec_skip_id3(&buf, &buf_size); + if (!buf_size) + return 0; + mp3dec_frame_info_t frame_info; + memset(&frame_info, 0, sizeof(frame_info)); + do + { + int free_format_bytes = 0, frame_size = 0, ret; + int i = mp3d_find_frame(buf, buf_size, &free_format_bytes, &frame_size); + buf += i; + buf_size -= i; + if (i && !frame_size) + continue; + if (!frame_size) + break; + const uint8_t *hdr = buf; + frame_info.channels = HDR_IS_MONO(hdr) ? 1 : 2; + frame_info.hz = hdr_sample_rate_hz(hdr); + frame_info.layer = 4 - HDR_GET_LAYER(hdr); + frame_info.bitrate_kbps = hdr_bitrate_kbps(hdr); + frame_info.frame_bytes = frame_size; + + if (callback) + { + if ((ret = callback(user_data, hdr, frame_size, free_format_bytes, buf_size, hdr - orig_buf, &frame_info))) + return ret; + } + buf += frame_size; + buf_size -= frame_size; + } while (1); + return 0; +} + +int mp3dec_iterate_cb(mp3dec_io_t *io, uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size, MP3D_ITERATE_CB callback, void *user_data) +{ + if (!io || !buf || (size_t)-1 == buf_size || buf_size < MINIMP3_BUF_SIZE || !callback) + return MP3D_E_PARAM; + size_t filled = io->read(buf, MINIMP3_ID3_DETECT_SIZE, io->read_data), consumed = 0; + uint64_t readed = 0; + mp3dec_frame_info_t frame_info; + int eof = 0; + memset(&frame_info, 0, sizeof(frame_info)); + if (filled > MINIMP3_ID3_DETECT_SIZE) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + if (MINIMP3_ID3_DETECT_SIZE != filled) + return 0; + size_t id3v2size = mp3dec_skip_id3v2(buf, filled); + if (id3v2size) + { + if (io->seek(id3v2size, io->seek_data)) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + filled = io->read(buf, buf_size, io->read_data); + if (filled > buf_size) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + readed += id3v2size; + } else + { + size_t readed = io->read(buf + MINIMP3_ID3_DETECT_SIZE, buf_size - MINIMP3_ID3_DETECT_SIZE, io->read_data); + if (readed > (buf_size - MINIMP3_ID3_DETECT_SIZE)) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + filled += readed; + } + if (filled < MINIMP3_BUF_SIZE) + mp3dec_skip_id3v1(buf, &filled); + do + { + int free_format_bytes = 0, frame_size = 0, ret; + int i = mp3d_find_frame(buf + consumed, filled - consumed, &free_format_bytes, &frame_size); + if (i && !frame_size) + { + consumed += i; + continue; + } + if (!frame_size) + break; + const uint8_t *hdr = buf + consumed + i; + frame_info.channels = HDR_IS_MONO(hdr) ? 1 : 2; + frame_info.hz = hdr_sample_rate_hz(hdr); + frame_info.layer = 4 - HDR_GET_LAYER(hdr); + frame_info.bitrate_kbps = hdr_bitrate_kbps(hdr); + frame_info.frame_bytes = frame_size; + + readed += i; + if (callback) + { + if ((ret = callback(user_data, hdr, frame_size, free_format_bytes, filled - consumed, readed, &frame_info))) + return ret; + } + readed += frame_size; + consumed += i + frame_size; + if (!eof && filled - consumed < MINIMP3_BUF_SIZE) + { /* keep minimum 10 consecutive mp3 frames (~16KB) worst case */ + memmove(buf, buf + consumed, filled - consumed); + filled -= consumed; + consumed = 0; + size_t readed = io->read(buf + filled, buf_size - filled, io->read_data); + if (readed > (buf_size - filled)) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + if (readed != (buf_size - filled)) + eof = 1; + filled += readed; + if (eof) + mp3dec_skip_id3v1(buf, &filled); + } + } while (1); + return 0; +} + +static int mp3dec_load_index(void *user_data, const uint8_t *frame, int frame_size, int free_format_bytes, size_t buf_size, uint64_t offset, mp3dec_frame_info_t *info) +{ + mp3dec_frame_t *idx_frame; + mp3dec_ex_t *dec = (mp3dec_ex_t *)user_data; + if (!dec->index.frames && !dec->start_offset) + { /* detect VBR tag and try to avoid full scan */ + uint32_t frames; + int delay, padding; + dec->info = *info; + dec->start_offset = dec->offset = offset; + dec->end_offset = offset + buf_size; + dec->free_format_bytes = free_format_bytes; /* should not change */ + if (3 == dec->info.layer) + { + int ret = mp3dec_check_vbrtag(frame, frame_size, &frames, &delay, &padding); + if (ret) + dec->start_offset = dec->offset = offset + frame_size; + if (ret > 0) + { + padding *= info->channels; + dec->start_delay = dec->to_skip = delay*info->channels; + dec->samples = hdr_frame_samples(frame)*info->channels*(uint64_t)frames; + if (dec->samples >= (uint64_t)dec->start_delay) + dec->samples -= dec->start_delay; + if (padding > 0 && dec->samples >= (uint64_t)padding) + dec->samples -= padding; + dec->detected_samples = dec->samples; + dec->vbr_tag_found = 1; + return MP3D_E_USER; + } else if (ret < 0) + return 0; + } + } + if (dec->flags & MP3D_DO_NOT_SCAN) + return MP3D_E_USER; + if (dec->index.num_frames + 1 > dec->index.capacity) + { + if (!dec->index.capacity) + dec->index.capacity = 4096; + else + dec->index.capacity *= 2; + mp3dec_frame_t *alloc_buf = (mp3dec_frame_t *)realloc((void*)dec->index.frames, sizeof(mp3dec_frame_t)*dec->index.capacity); + if (!alloc_buf) + return MP3D_E_MEMORY; + dec->index.frames = alloc_buf; + } + idx_frame = &dec->index.frames[dec->index.num_frames++]; + idx_frame->offset = offset; + idx_frame->sample = dec->samples; + if (!dec->buffer_samples && dec->index.num_frames < 256) + { /* for some cutted mp3 frames, bit-reservoir not filled and decoding can't be started from first frames */ + /* try to decode up to 255 first frames till samples starts to decode */ + dec->buffer_samples = mp3dec_decode_frame(&dec->mp3d, frame, MINIMP3_MIN(buf_size, (size_t)INT_MAX), dec->buffer, info); + dec->samples += dec->buffer_samples*info->channels; + } else + dec->samples += hdr_frame_samples(frame)*info->channels; + return 0; +} + +int mp3dec_ex_open_buf(mp3dec_ex_t *dec, const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size, int flags) +{ + if (!dec || !buf || (size_t)-1 == buf_size || (flags & (~MP3D_FLAGS_MASK))) + return MP3D_E_PARAM; + memset(dec, 0, sizeof(*dec)); + dec->file.buffer = buf; + dec->file.size = buf_size; + dec->flags = flags; + mp3dec_init(&dec->mp3d); + int ret = mp3dec_iterate_buf(dec->file.buffer, dec->file.size, mp3dec_load_index, dec); + if (ret && MP3D_E_USER != ret) + return ret; + mp3dec_init(&dec->mp3d); + dec->buffer_samples = 0; + dec->indexes_built = !(dec->vbr_tag_found || (flags & MP3D_DO_NOT_SCAN)); + dec->flags &= (~MP3D_DO_NOT_SCAN); + return 0; +} + +#ifndef MINIMP3_SEEK_IDX_LINEAR_SEARCH +static size_t mp3dec_idx_binary_search(mp3dec_index_t *idx, uint64_t position) +{ + size_t end = idx->num_frames, start = 0, index = 0; + while (start <= end) + { + size_t mid = (start + end) / 2; + if (idx->frames[mid].sample >= position) + { /* move left side. */ + if (idx->frames[mid].sample == position) + return mid; + end = mid - 1; + } else + { /* move to right side */ + index = mid; + start = mid + 1; + if (start == idx->num_frames) + break; + } + } + return index; +} +#endif + +int mp3dec_ex_seek(mp3dec_ex_t *dec, uint64_t position) +{ + size_t i; + if (!dec) + return MP3D_E_PARAM; + if (!(dec->flags & MP3D_SEEK_TO_SAMPLE)) + { + if (dec->io) + { + dec->offset = position; + } else + { + dec->offset = MINIMP3_MIN(position, dec->file.size); + } + dec->cur_sample = 0; + goto do_exit; + } + dec->cur_sample = position; + position += dec->start_delay; + if (0 == position) + { /* optimize seek to zero, no index needed */ +seek_zero: + dec->offset = dec->start_offset; + dec->to_skip = 0; + goto do_exit; + } + if (!dec->indexes_built) + { /* no index created yet (vbr tag used to calculate track length or MP3D_DO_NOT_SCAN open flag used) */ + dec->indexes_built = 1; + dec->samples = 0; + dec->buffer_samples = 0; + if (dec->io) + { + if (dec->io->seek(dec->start_offset, dec->io->seek_data)) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + int ret = mp3dec_iterate_cb(dec->io, (uint8_t *)dec->file.buffer, dec->file.size, mp3dec_load_index, dec); + if (ret && MP3D_E_USER != ret) + return ret; + } else + { + int ret = mp3dec_iterate_buf(dec->file.buffer + dec->start_offset, dec->file.size - dec->start_offset, mp3dec_load_index, dec); + if (ret && MP3D_E_USER != ret) + return ret; + } + for (i = 0; i < dec->index.num_frames; i++) + dec->index.frames[i].offset += dec->start_offset; + dec->samples = dec->detected_samples; + } + if (!dec->index.frames) + goto seek_zero; /* no frames in file - seek to zero */ +#ifdef MINIMP3_SEEK_IDX_LINEAR_SEARCH + for (i = 0; i < dec->index.num_frames; i++) + { + if (dec->index.frames[i].sample >= position) + break; + } +#else + i = mp3dec_idx_binary_search(&dec->index, position); +#endif + if (i) + { + int to_fill_bytes = 511; + int skip_frames = MINIMP3_PREDECODE_FRAMES +#ifdef MINIMP3_SEEK_IDX_LINEAR_SEARCH + + ((dec->index.frames[i].sample == position) ? 0 : 1) +#endif + ; + i -= MINIMP3_MIN(i, (size_t)skip_frames); + if (3 == dec->info.layer) + { + while (i && to_fill_bytes) + { /* make sure bit-reservoir is filled when we start decoding */ + bs_t bs[1]; + L3_gr_info_t gr_info[4]; + int frame_bytes, frame_size; + const uint8_t *hdr; + if (dec->io) + { + hdr = dec->file.buffer; + if (dec->io->seek(dec->index.frames[i - 1].offset, dec->io->seek_data)) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + size_t readed = dec->io->read((uint8_t *)hdr, HDR_SIZE, dec->io->read_data); + if (readed != HDR_SIZE) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + frame_size = hdr_frame_bytes(hdr, dec->free_format_bytes) + hdr_padding(hdr); + readed = dec->io->read((uint8_t *)hdr + HDR_SIZE, frame_size - HDR_SIZE, dec->io->read_data); + if (readed != (size_t)(frame_size - HDR_SIZE)) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + bs_init(bs, hdr + HDR_SIZE, frame_size - HDR_SIZE); + } else + { + hdr = dec->file.buffer + dec->index.frames[i - 1].offset; + frame_size = hdr_frame_bytes(hdr, dec->free_format_bytes) + hdr_padding(hdr); + bs_init(bs, hdr + HDR_SIZE, frame_size - HDR_SIZE); + } + if (HDR_IS_CRC(hdr)) + get_bits(bs, 16); + i--; + if (L3_read_side_info(bs, gr_info, hdr) < 0) + break; /* frame not decodable, we can start from here */ + frame_bytes = (bs->limit - bs->pos)/8; + to_fill_bytes -= MINIMP3_MIN(to_fill_bytes, frame_bytes); + } + } + } + dec->offset = dec->index.frames[i].offset; + dec->to_skip = position - dec->index.frames[i].sample; + while ((i + 1) < dec->index.num_frames && !dec->index.frames[i].sample && !dec->index.frames[i + 1].sample) + { /* skip not decodable first frames */ + const uint8_t *hdr; + if (dec->io) + { + hdr = dec->file.buffer; + if (dec->io->seek(dec->index.frames[i].offset, dec->io->seek_data)) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + size_t readed = dec->io->read((uint8_t *)hdr, HDR_SIZE, dec->io->read_data); + if (readed != HDR_SIZE) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + } else + hdr = dec->file.buffer + dec->index.frames[i].offset; + dec->to_skip += hdr_frame_samples(hdr)*dec->info.channels; + i++; + } +do_exit: + if (dec->io) + { + if (dec->io->seek(dec->offset, dec->io->seek_data)) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + } + dec->buffer_samples = 0; + dec->buffer_consumed = 0; + dec->input_consumed = 0; + dec->input_filled = 0; + dec->last_error = 0; + mp3dec_init(&dec->mp3d); + return 0; +} + +size_t mp3dec_ex_read_frame(mp3dec_ex_t *dec, mp3d_sample_t **buf, mp3dec_frame_info_t *frame_info, size_t max_samples) +{ + if (!dec || !buf || !frame_info) + { + if (dec) + dec->last_error = MP3D_E_PARAM; + return 0; + } + if (dec->detected_samples && dec->cur_sample >= dec->detected_samples) + return 0; /* at end of stream */ + if (dec->last_error) + return 0; /* error eof state, seek can reset it */ + *buf = NULL; + uint64_t end_offset = dec->end_offset ? dec->end_offset : dec->file.size; + int eof = 0; + while (dec->buffer_consumed == dec->buffer_samples) + { + const uint8_t *dec_buf; + if (dec->io) + { + if (!eof && (dec->input_filled - dec->input_consumed) < MINIMP3_BUF_SIZE) + { /* keep minimum 10 consecutive mp3 frames (~16KB) worst case */ + memmove((uint8_t*)dec->file.buffer, (uint8_t*)dec->file.buffer + dec->input_consumed, dec->input_filled - dec->input_consumed); + dec->input_filled -= dec->input_consumed; + dec->input_consumed = 0; + size_t readed = dec->io->read((uint8_t*)dec->file.buffer + dec->input_filled, dec->file.size - dec->input_filled, dec->io->read_data); + if (readed > (dec->file.size - dec->input_filled)) + { + dec->last_error = MP3D_E_IOERROR; + readed = 0; + } + if (readed != (dec->file.size - dec->input_filled)) + eof = 1; + dec->input_filled += readed; + if (eof) + mp3dec_skip_id3v1((uint8_t*)dec->file.buffer, &dec->input_filled); + } + dec_buf = dec->file.buffer + dec->input_consumed; + if (!(dec->input_filled - dec->input_consumed)) + return 0; + dec->buffer_samples = mp3dec_decode_frame(&dec->mp3d, dec_buf, dec->input_filled - dec->input_consumed, dec->buffer, frame_info); + dec->input_consumed += frame_info->frame_bytes; + } else + { + dec_buf = dec->file.buffer + dec->offset; + uint64_t buf_size = end_offset - dec->offset; + if (!buf_size) + return 0; + dec->buffer_samples = mp3dec_decode_frame(&dec->mp3d, dec_buf, MINIMP3_MIN(buf_size, (uint64_t)INT_MAX), dec->buffer, frame_info); + } + dec->buffer_consumed = 0; + if (dec->info.hz != frame_info->hz || dec->info.layer != frame_info->layer) + { +return_e_decode: + dec->last_error = MP3D_E_DECODE; + return 0; + } + if (dec->buffer_samples) + { + dec->buffer_samples *= frame_info->channels; + if (dec->to_skip) + { + size_t skip = MINIMP3_MIN(dec->buffer_samples, dec->to_skip); + dec->buffer_consumed += skip; + dec->to_skip -= skip; + } + if ( +#ifdef MINIMP3_ALLOW_MONO_STEREO_TRANSITION + !(dec->flags & MP3D_ALLOW_MONO_STEREO_TRANSITION) && +#endif + dec->buffer_consumed != dec->buffer_samples && dec->info.channels != frame_info->channels) + { + goto return_e_decode; + } + } else if (dec->to_skip) + { /* In mp3 decoding not always can start decode from any frame because of bit reservoir, + count skip samples for such frames */ + int frame_samples = hdr_frame_samples(dec_buf)*frame_info->channels; + dec->to_skip -= MINIMP3_MIN(frame_samples, dec->to_skip); + } + dec->offset += frame_info->frame_bytes; + } + size_t out_samples = MINIMP3_MIN((size_t)(dec->buffer_samples - dec->buffer_consumed), max_samples); + if (dec->detected_samples) + { /* count decoded samples to properly cut padding */ + if (dec->cur_sample + out_samples >= dec->detected_samples) + out_samples = dec->detected_samples - dec->cur_sample; + } + dec->cur_sample += out_samples; + *buf = dec->buffer + dec->buffer_consumed; + dec->buffer_consumed += out_samples; + return out_samples; +} + +size_t mp3dec_ex_read(mp3dec_ex_t *dec, mp3d_sample_t *buf, size_t samples) +{ + if (!dec || !buf) + { + if (dec) + dec->last_error = MP3D_E_PARAM; + return 0; + } + mp3dec_frame_info_t frame_info; + memset(&frame_info, 0, sizeof(frame_info)); + size_t samples_requested = samples; + while (samples) + { + mp3d_sample_t *buf_frame = NULL; + size_t read_samples = mp3dec_ex_read_frame(dec, &buf_frame, &frame_info, samples); + if (!read_samples) + { + break; + } + memcpy(buf, buf_frame, read_samples * sizeof(mp3d_sample_t)); + buf += read_samples; + samples -= read_samples; + } + return samples_requested - samples; +} + +int mp3dec_ex_open_cb(mp3dec_ex_t *dec, mp3dec_io_t *io, int flags) +{ + if (!dec || !io || (flags & (~MP3D_FLAGS_MASK))) + return MP3D_E_PARAM; + memset(dec, 0, sizeof(*dec)); +#ifdef MINIMP3_HAVE_RING + int ret; + if (ret = mp3dec_open_ring(&dec->file, MINIMP3_IO_SIZE)) + return ret; +#else + dec->file.size = MINIMP3_IO_SIZE; + dec->file.buffer = (const uint8_t*)malloc(dec->file.size); + if (!dec->file.buffer) + return MP3D_E_MEMORY; +#endif + dec->flags = flags; + dec->io = io; + mp3dec_init(&dec->mp3d); + if (io->seek(0, io->seek_data)) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + int ret = mp3dec_iterate_cb(io, (uint8_t *)dec->file.buffer, dec->file.size, mp3dec_load_index, dec); + if (ret && MP3D_E_USER != ret) + return ret; + if (dec->io->seek(dec->start_offset, dec->io->seek_data)) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + mp3dec_init(&dec->mp3d); + dec->buffer_samples = 0; + dec->indexes_built = !(dec->vbr_tag_found || (flags & MP3D_DO_NOT_SCAN)); + dec->flags &= (~MP3D_DO_NOT_SCAN); + return 0; +} + + +#ifndef MINIMP3_NO_STDIO + +#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) +#include <errno.h> +#include <sys/mman.h> +#include <sys/types.h> +#include <sys/stat.h> +#include <unistd.h> +#include <fcntl.h> +#if !defined(_GNU_SOURCE) +#include <sys/ipc.h> +#include <sys/shm.h> +#endif +#if !defined(MAP_POPULATE) && defined(__linux__) +#define MAP_POPULATE 0x08000 +#elif !defined(MAP_POPULATE) +#define MAP_POPULATE 0 +#endif + +static void mp3dec_close_file(mp3dec_map_info_t *map_info) +{ + if (map_info->buffer && MAP_FAILED != map_info->buffer) + munmap((void *)map_info->buffer, map_info->size); + map_info->buffer = 0; + map_info->size = 0; +} + +static int mp3dec_open_file(const char *file_name, mp3dec_map_info_t *map_info) +{ + if (!file_name) + return MP3D_E_PARAM; + int file; + struct stat st; + memset(map_info, 0, sizeof(*map_info)); +retry_open: + file = open(file_name, O_RDONLY); + if (file < 0 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR)) + goto retry_open; + if (file < 0 || fstat(file, &st) < 0) + { + close(file); + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + } + + map_info->size = st.st_size; +retry_mmap: + map_info->buffer = (const uint8_t *)mmap(NULL, st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_POPULATE, file, 0); + if (MAP_FAILED == map_info->buffer && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR)) + goto retry_mmap; + close(file); + if (MAP_FAILED == map_info->buffer) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + return 0; +} + +#if MINIMP3_ENABLE_RING && defined(__linux__) && defined(_GNU_SOURCE) +#define MINIMP3_HAVE_RING +static void mp3dec_close_ring(mp3dec_map_info_t *map_info) +{ +#if defined(__linux__) && defined(_GNU_SOURCE) + if (map_info->buffer && MAP_FAILED != map_info->buffer) + munmap((void *)map_info->buffer, map_info->size*2); +#else + if (map_info->buffer) + { + shmdt(map_info->buffer); + shmdt(map_info->buffer + map_info->size); + } +#endif + map_info->buffer = 0; + map_info->size = 0; +} + +static int mp3dec_open_ring(mp3dec_map_info_t *map_info, size_t size) +{ + int memfd, page_size; +#if defined(__linux__) && defined(_GNU_SOURCE) + void *buffer; + int res; +#endif + memset(map_info, 0, sizeof(*map_info)); + +#ifdef _SC_PAGESIZE + page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); +#else + page_size = getpagesize(); +#endif + map_info->size = (size + page_size - 1)/page_size*page_size; + +#if defined(__linux__) && defined(_GNU_SOURCE) + memfd = memfd_create("mp3_ring", 0); + if (memfd < 0) + return MP3D_E_MEMORY; + +retry_ftruncate: + res = ftruncate(memfd, map_info->size); + if (res && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR)) + goto retry_ftruncate; + if (res) + goto error; + +retry_mmap: + map_info->buffer = (const uint8_t *)mmap(NULL, map_info->size*2, PROT_NONE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0); + if (MAP_FAILED == map_info->buffer && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR)) + goto retry_mmap; + if (MAP_FAILED == map_info->buffer || !map_info->buffer) + goto error; +retry_mmap2: + buffer = mmap((void *)map_info->buffer, map_info->size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_FIXED | MAP_SHARED, memfd, 0); + if (MAP_FAILED == map_info->buffer && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR)) + goto retry_mmap2; + if (MAP_FAILED == map_info->buffer || buffer != (void *)map_info->buffer) + goto error; +retry_mmap3: + buffer = mmap((void *)map_info->buffer + map_info->size, map_info->size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_FIXED | MAP_SHARED, memfd, 0); + if (MAP_FAILED == map_info->buffer && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR)) + goto retry_mmap3; + if (MAP_FAILED == map_info->buffer || buffer != (void *)(map_info->buffer + map_info->size)) + goto error; + + close(memfd); + return 0; +error: + close(memfd); + mp3dec_close_ring(map_info); + return MP3D_E_MEMORY; +#else + memfd = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, map_info->size, IPC_CREAT | 0700); + if (memfd < 0) + return MP3D_E_MEMORY; +retry_mmap: + map_info->buffer = (const uint8_t *)mmap(NULL, map_info->size*2, PROT_NONE, MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0); + if (MAP_FAILED == map_info->buffer && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR)) + goto retry_mmap; + if (MAP_FAILED == map_info->buffer) + goto error; + if (map_info->buffer != shmat(memfd, map_info->buffer, 0)) + goto error; + if ((map_info->buffer + map_info->size) != shmat(memfd, map_info->buffer + map_info->size, 0)) + goto error; + if (shmctl(memfd, IPC_RMID, NULL) < 0) + return MP3D_E_MEMORY; + return 0; +error: + shmctl(memfd, IPC_RMID, NULL); + mp3dec_close_ring(map_info); + return MP3D_E_MEMORY; +#endif +} +#endif /*MINIMP3_ENABLE_RING*/ +#elif defined(_WIN32) +#include <windows.h> + +static void mp3dec_close_file(mp3dec_map_info_t *map_info) +{ + if (map_info->buffer) + UnmapViewOfFile(map_info->buffer); + map_info->buffer = 0; + map_info->size = 0; +} + +static int mp3dec_open_file_h(HANDLE file, mp3dec_map_info_t *map_info) +{ + memset(map_info, 0, sizeof(*map_info)); + + HANDLE mapping = NULL; + LARGE_INTEGER s; + s.LowPart = GetFileSize(file, (DWORD*)&s.HighPart); + if (s.LowPart == INVALID_FILE_SIZE && GetLastError() != NO_ERROR) + goto error; + map_info->size = s.QuadPart; + + mapping = CreateFileMapping(file, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); + if (!mapping) + goto error; + map_info->buffer = (const uint8_t*)MapViewOfFile(mapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, s.QuadPart); + CloseHandle(mapping); + if (!map_info->buffer) + goto error; + + CloseHandle(file); + return 0; +error: + mp3dec_close_file(map_info); + CloseHandle(file); + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; +} + +static int mp3dec_open_file(const char *file_name, mp3dec_map_info_t *map_info) +{ + if (!file_name) + return MP3D_E_PARAM; + HANDLE file = CreateFileA(file_name, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); + if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == file) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + return mp3dec_open_file_h(file, map_info); +} + +static int mp3dec_open_file_w(const wchar_t *file_name, mp3dec_map_info_t *map_info) +{ + if (!file_name) + return MP3D_E_PARAM; + HANDLE file = CreateFileW(file_name, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); + if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == file) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + return mp3dec_open_file_h(file, map_info); +} +#else +#include <stdio.h> + +static void mp3dec_close_file(mp3dec_map_info_t *map_info) +{ + if (map_info->buffer) + free((void *)map_info->buffer); + map_info->buffer = 0; + map_info->size = 0; +} + +static int mp3dec_open_file(const char *file_name, mp3dec_map_info_t *map_info) +{ + if (!file_name) + return MP3D_E_PARAM; + memset(map_info, 0, sizeof(*map_info)); + FILE *file = fopen(file_name, "rb"); + if (!file) + return MP3D_E_IOERROR; + int res = MP3D_E_IOERROR; + long size = -1; + if (fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END)) + goto error; + size = ftell(file); + if (size < 0) + goto error; + map_info->size = (size_t)size; + if (fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET)) + goto error; + map_info->buffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(map_info->size); + if (!map_info->buffer) + { + res = MP3D_E_MEMORY; + goto error; + } + if (fread((void *)map_info->buffer, 1, map_info->size, file) != map_info->size) + goto error; + fclose(file); + return 0; +error: + mp3dec_close_file(map_info); + fclose(file); + return res; +} +#endif + +static int mp3dec_detect_mapinfo(mp3dec_map_info_t *map_info) +{ + int ret = mp3dec_detect_buf(map_info->buffer, map_info->size); + mp3dec_close_file(map_info); + return ret; +} + +static int mp3dec_load_mapinfo(mp3dec_t *dec, mp3dec_map_info_t *map_info, mp3dec_file_info_t *info, MP3D_PROGRESS_CB progress_cb, void *user_data) +{ + int ret = mp3dec_load_buf(dec, map_info->buffer, map_info->size, info, progress_cb, user_data); + mp3dec_close_file(map_info); + return ret; +} + +static int mp3dec_iterate_mapinfo(mp3dec_map_info_t *map_info, MP3D_ITERATE_CB callback, void *user_data) +{ + int ret = mp3dec_iterate_buf(map_info->buffer, map_info->size, callback, user_data); + mp3dec_close_file(map_info); + return ret; +} + +static int mp3dec_ex_open_mapinfo(mp3dec_ex_t *dec, int flags) +{ + int ret = mp3dec_ex_open_buf(dec, dec->file.buffer, dec->file.size, flags); + dec->is_file = 1; + if (ret) + mp3dec_ex_close(dec); + return ret; +} + +int mp3dec_detect(const char *file_name) +{ + int ret; + mp3dec_map_info_t map_info; + if ((ret = mp3dec_open_file(file_name, &map_info))) + return ret; + return mp3dec_detect_mapinfo(&map_info); +} + +int mp3dec_load(mp3dec_t *dec, const char *file_name, mp3dec_file_info_t *info, MP3D_PROGRESS_CB progress_cb, void *user_data) +{ + int ret; + mp3dec_map_info_t map_info; + if ((ret = mp3dec_open_file(file_name, &map_info))) + return ret; + return mp3dec_load_mapinfo(dec, &map_info, info, progress_cb, user_data); +} + +int mp3dec_iterate(const char *file_name, MP3D_ITERATE_CB callback, void *user_data) +{ + int ret; + mp3dec_map_info_t map_info; + if ((ret = mp3dec_open_file(file_name, &map_info))) + return ret; + return mp3dec_iterate_mapinfo(&map_info, callback, user_data); +} + +int mp3dec_ex_open(mp3dec_ex_t *dec, const char *file_name, int flags) +{ + int ret; + if (!dec) + return MP3D_E_PARAM; + if ((ret = mp3dec_open_file(file_name, &dec->file))) + return ret; + return mp3dec_ex_open_mapinfo(dec, flags); +} + +void mp3dec_ex_close(mp3dec_ex_t *dec) +{ +#ifdef MINIMP3_HAVE_RING + if (dec->io) + mp3dec_close_ring(&dec->file); +#else + if (dec->io && dec->file.buffer) + free((void*)dec->file.buffer); +#endif + if (dec->is_file) + mp3dec_close_file(&dec->file); + if (dec->index.frames) + free(dec->index.frames); + memset(dec, 0, sizeof(*dec)); +} + +#ifdef _WIN32 +int mp3dec_detect_w(const wchar_t *file_name) +{ + int ret; + mp3dec_map_info_t map_info; + if ((ret = mp3dec_open_file_w(file_name, &map_info))) + return ret; + return mp3dec_detect_mapinfo(&map_info); +} + +int mp3dec_load_w(mp3dec_t *dec, const wchar_t *file_name, mp3dec_file_info_t *info, MP3D_PROGRESS_CB progress_cb, void *user_data) +{ + int ret; + mp3dec_map_info_t map_info; + if ((ret = mp3dec_open_file_w(file_name, &map_info))) + return ret; + return mp3dec_load_mapinfo(dec, &map_info, info, progress_cb, user_data); +} + +int mp3dec_iterate_w(const wchar_t *file_name, MP3D_ITERATE_CB callback, void *user_data) +{ + int ret; + mp3dec_map_info_t map_info; + if ((ret = mp3dec_open_file_w(file_name, &map_info))) + return ret; + return mp3dec_iterate_mapinfo(&map_info, callback, user_data); +} + +int mp3dec_ex_open_w(mp3dec_ex_t *dec, const wchar_t *file_name, int flags) +{ + int ret; + if ((ret = mp3dec_open_file_w(file_name, &dec->file))) + return ret; + return mp3dec_ex_open_mapinfo(dec, flags); +} +#endif +#else /* MINIMP3_NO_STDIO */ +void mp3dec_ex_close(mp3dec_ex_t *dec) +{ +#ifdef MINIMP3_HAVE_RING + if (dec->io) + mp3dec_close_ring(&dec->file); +#else + if (dec->io && dec->file.buffer) + free((void*)dec->file.buffer); +#endif + if (dec->index.frames) + free(dec->index.frames); + memset(dec, 0, sizeof(*dec)); +} +#endif + +#endif /*MINIMP3_IMPLEMENTATION*/ diff --git a/thirdparty/misc/open-simplex-noise.c b/thirdparty/misc/open-simplex-noise.c index 88fbd3e51d..44a072cad1 100644 --- a/thirdparty/misc/open-simplex-noise.c +++ b/thirdparty/misc/open-simplex-noise.c @@ -100,27 +100,27 @@ static const signed char gradients4D[] = { -3, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, }; -static double extrapolate2(struct osn_context *ctx, int xsb, int ysb, double dx, double dy) +static double extrapolate2(const struct osn_context *ctx, int xsb, int ysb, double dx, double dy) { - int16_t *perm = ctx->perm; + const int16_t *perm = ctx->perm; int index = perm[(perm[xsb & 0xFF] + ysb) & 0xFF] & 0x0E; return gradients2D[index] * dx + gradients2D[index + 1] * dy; } -static double extrapolate3(struct osn_context *ctx, int xsb, int ysb, int zsb, double dx, double dy, double dz) +static double extrapolate3(const struct osn_context *ctx, int xsb, int ysb, int zsb, double dx, double dy, double dz) { - int16_t *perm = ctx->perm; - int16_t *permGradIndex3D = ctx->permGradIndex3D; + const int16_t *perm = ctx->perm; + const int16_t *permGradIndex3D = ctx->permGradIndex3D; int index = permGradIndex3D[(perm[(perm[xsb & 0xFF] + ysb) & 0xFF] + zsb) & 0xFF]; return gradients3D[index] * dx + gradients3D[index + 1] * dy + gradients3D[index + 2] * dz; } -static double extrapolate4(struct osn_context *ctx, int xsb, int ysb, int zsb, int wsb, double dx, double dy, double dz, double dw) +static double extrapolate4(const struct osn_context *ctx, int xsb, int ysb, int zsb, int wsb, double dx, double dy, double dz, double dw) { - int16_t *perm = ctx->perm; + const int16_t *perm = ctx->perm; int index = perm[(perm[(perm[(perm[xsb & 0xFF] + ysb) & 0xFF] + zsb) & 0xFF] + wsb) & 0xFF] & 0xFC; return gradients4D[index] * dx + gradients4D[index + 1] * dy @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ void open_simplex_noise_free(struct osn_context *ctx) // -- GODOT end -- /* 2D OpenSimplex (Simplectic) Noise. */ -double open_simplex_noise2(struct osn_context *ctx, double x, double y) +double open_simplex_noise2(const struct osn_context *ctx, double x, double y) { /* Place input coordinates onto grid. */ @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ double open_simplex_noise2(struct osn_context *ctx, double x, double y) /* * 3D OpenSimplex (Simplectic) Noise */ -double open_simplex_noise3(struct osn_context *ctx, double x, double y, double z) +double open_simplex_noise3(const struct osn_context *ctx, double x, double y, double z) { /* Place input coordinates on simplectic honeycomb. */ @@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ double open_simplex_noise3(struct osn_context *ctx, double x, double y, double z /* * 4D OpenSimplex (Simplectic) Noise. */ -double open_simplex_noise4(struct osn_context *ctx, double x, double y, double z, double w) +double open_simplex_noise4(const struct osn_context *ctx, double x, double y, double z, double w) { double uins; double dx1, dy1, dz1, dw1; diff --git a/thirdparty/misc/open-simplex-noise.h b/thirdparty/misc/open-simplex-noise.h index 89e0df8218..fd9248c3a1 100644 --- a/thirdparty/misc/open-simplex-noise.h +++ b/thirdparty/misc/open-simplex-noise.h @@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ int open_simplex_noise(int64_t seed, struct osn_context *ctx); //int open_simplex_noise_init_perm(struct osn_context *ctx, int16_t p[], int nelements); // -- GODOT end -- void open_simplex_noise_free(struct osn_context *ctx); -double open_simplex_noise2(struct osn_context *ctx, double x, double y); -double open_simplex_noise3(struct osn_context *ctx, double x, double y, double z); -double open_simplex_noise4(struct osn_context *ctx, double x, double y, double z, double w); +double open_simplex_noise2(const struct osn_context *ctx, double x, double y); +double open_simplex_noise3(const struct osn_context *ctx, double x, double y, double z); +double open_simplex_noise4(const struct osn_context *ctx, double x, double y, double z, double w); #ifdef __cplusplus } |