diff options
94 files changed, 9478 insertions, 1416 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 58c3733d22..9376fbcc06 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -100,15 +100,15 @@ matrix:
- *linux_deps
- - name: Javascript export template (release, emscripten latest)
- stage: build
- env: PLATFORM=javascript TOOLS=no TARGET=release CACHE_NAME=${PLATFORM}-emcc-latest EXTRA_ARGS="use_closure_compiler=yes"
- os: linux
- compiler: clang
- addons:
- apt:
- packages:
- - *linux_deps
+# - name: Javascript export template (release, emscripten latest)
+# stage: build
+# env: PLATFORM=javascript TOOLS=no TARGET=release CACHE_NAME=${PLATFORM}-emcc-latest EXTRA_ARGS="use_closure_compiler=yes"
+# os: linux
+# compiler: clang
+# addons:
+# apt:
+# packages:
+# - *linux_deps
- eval "${MATRIX_EVAL}"
diff --git a/core/bind/core_bind.cpp b/core/bind/core_bind.cpp
index 267391c4d6..cb82dc7f8f 100644
--- a/core/bind/core_bind.cpp
+++ b/core/bind/core_bind.cpp
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ Dictionary _OS::get_datetime_from_unix_time(int64_t unix_time_val) const {
} else {
dayno = (unix_time_val - SECS_DAY + 1) / SECS_DAY;
dayclock = unix_time_val - dayno * SECS_DAY;
- date.weekday = static_cast<OS::Weekday>((dayno - 3) % 7 + 7);
+ date.weekday = static_cast<OS::Weekday>(((dayno % 7) + 11) % 7);
do {
dayno += YEARSIZE(year);
diff --git a/core/local_vector.h b/core/local_vector.h
index 7f96b25f8b..d97f3330dc 100644
--- a/core/local_vector.h
+++ b/core/local_vector.h
@@ -45,6 +45,14 @@ private:
T *data = nullptr;
+ T *ptr() {
+ return data;
+ }
+ const T *ptr() const {
+ return data;
+ }
_FORCE_INLINE_ void push_back(T p_elem) {
if (unlikely(count == capacity)) {
if (capacity == 0) {
diff --git a/core/math/basis.cpp b/core/math/basis.cpp
index df5199b0f9..dd38e25bb1 100644
--- a/core/math/basis.cpp
+++ b/core/math/basis.cpp
@@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ Basis::operator String() const {
mtx += ", ";
- mtx += rtos(elements[i][j]);
+ mtx += rtos(elements[j][i]); //matrix is stored transposed for performance, so print it transposed
diff --git a/core/math/geometry_2d.cpp b/core/math/geometry_2d.cpp
index 7d8fde8bcc..4636e1c774 100644
--- a/core/math/geometry_2d.cpp
+++ b/core/math/geometry_2d.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-/* geometry.cpp */
+/* geometry_2d.cpp */
/* This file is part of: */
diff --git a/core/math/geometry_3d.cpp b/core/math/geometry_3d.cpp
index 3b30f4b1fe..7807ab19a7 100644
--- a/core/math/geometry_3d.cpp
+++ b/core/math/geometry_3d.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-/* geometry.cpp */
+/* geometry_3d.cpp */
/* This file is part of: */
@@ -993,6 +993,8 @@ Vector<uint32_t> Geometry3D::generate_edf(const Vector<bool> &p_voxels, const Ve
+ memdelete_arr(work_memory);
return ret;
diff --git a/core/math/geometry_3d.h b/core/math/geometry_3d.h
index 64cd34892e..6bbf518141 100644
--- a/core/math/geometry_3d.h
+++ b/core/math/geometry_3d.h
@@ -945,6 +945,16 @@ public:
return Color(va6 * v6, vb6 * v6, vc6 * v6, vd6 * v6);
#undef STP
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ static Vector3 octahedron_map_decode(const Vector2 &p_uv) {
+ //
+ Vector2 f = p_uv * 2.0 - Vector2(1.0, 1.0);
+ Vector3 n = Vector3(f.x, f.y, 1.0f - Math::abs(f.x) - Math::abs(f.y));
+ float t = CLAMP(-n.z, 0.0, 1.0);
+ n.x += n.x >= 0 ? -t : t;
+ n.y += n.y >= 0 ? -t : t;
+ return n.normalized();
+ }
#endif // GEOMETRY_3D_H
diff --git a/core/variant_op.cpp b/core/variant_op.cpp
index 2c79e2029e..0c9a4a992a 100644
--- a/core/variant_op.cpp
+++ b/core/variant_op.cpp
@@ -1786,6 +1786,7 @@ Variant Variant::get_named(const StringName &p_index, bool *r_valid) const {
if (r_valid) {
*r_valid = true;
switch (type) {
case VECTOR2: {
const Vector2 *v = reinterpret_cast<const Vector2 *>(_data._mem);
diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorInterface.xml b/doc/classes/EditorInterface.xml
index dbe725f08b..c2c73a8b83 100644
--- a/doc/classes/EditorInterface.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/EditorInterface.xml
@@ -204,6 +204,7 @@
<member name="distraction_free_mode" type="bool" setter="set_distraction_free_mode" getter="is_distraction_free_mode_enabled">
+ If [code]true[/code], enables distraction-free mode which hides side docks to increase the space available for the main view.
diff --git a/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp b/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp
index c9e78678a8..f37e21aa93 100644
--- a/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp
+++ b/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
#include "thirdparty/spirv-reflect/spirv_reflect.h"
void RenderingDeviceVulkan::_add_dependency(RID p_id, RID p_depends_on) {
if (!dependency_map.has(p_depends_on)) {
@@ -3203,6 +3203,63 @@ RenderingDevice::FramebufferFormatID RenderingDeviceVulkan::framebuffer_format_c
return id;
+RenderingDevice::FramebufferFormatID RenderingDeviceVulkan::framebuffer_format_create_empty(const Size2i &p_size) {
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_size.width <= 0 || p_size.height <= 0, INVALID_FORMAT_ID);
+ FramebufferFormatKey key;
+ key.empty_size = p_size;
+ const Map<FramebufferFormatKey, FramebufferFormatID>::Element *E = framebuffer_format_cache.find(key);
+ if (E) {
+ //exists, return
+ return E->get();
+ }
+ VkSubpassDescription subpass;
+ subpass.flags = 0;
+ subpass.pipelineBindPoint = VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS;
+ subpass.inputAttachmentCount = 0; //unsupported for now
+ subpass.pInputAttachments = nullptr;
+ subpass.colorAttachmentCount = 0;
+ subpass.pColorAttachments = nullptr;
+ subpass.pDepthStencilAttachment = nullptr;
+ subpass.pResolveAttachments = nullptr;
+ subpass.preserveAttachmentCount = 0;
+ subpass.pPreserveAttachments = nullptr;
+ VkRenderPassCreateInfo render_pass_create_info;
+ render_pass_create_info.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_RENDER_PASS_CREATE_INFO;
+ render_pass_create_info.pNext = nullptr;
+ render_pass_create_info.flags = 0;
+ render_pass_create_info.attachmentCount = 0;
+ render_pass_create_info.pAttachments = nullptr;
+ render_pass_create_info.subpassCount = 1;
+ render_pass_create_info.pSubpasses = &subpass;
+ render_pass_create_info.dependencyCount = 0;
+ render_pass_create_info.pDependencies = nullptr;
+ VkRenderPass render_pass;
+ VkResult res = vkCreateRenderPass(device, &render_pass_create_info, nullptr, &render_pass);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(res, VK_NULL_HANDLE, "vkCreateRenderPass for empty fb failed with error " + itos(res) + ".");
+ if (render_pass == VK_NULL_HANDLE) { //was likely invalid
+ return INVALID_ID;
+ }
+ FramebufferFormatID id = FramebufferFormatID(framebuffer_format_cache.size()) | (FramebufferFormatID(ID_TYPE_FRAMEBUFFER_FORMAT) << FramebufferFormatID(ID_BASE_SHIFT));
+ E = framebuffer_format_cache.insert(key, id);
+ FramebufferFormat fb_format;
+ fb_format.E = E;
+ fb_format.color_attachments = 0;
+ fb_format.render_pass = render_pass;
+ fb_format.samples = TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1;
+ framebuffer_formats[id] = fb_format;
+ return id;
RenderingDevice::TextureSamples RenderingDeviceVulkan::framebuffer_format_get_texture_samples(FramebufferFormatID p_format) {
Map<FramebufferFormatID, FramebufferFormat>::Element *E = framebuffer_formats.find(p_format);
@@ -3214,6 +3271,16 @@ RenderingDevice::TextureSamples RenderingDeviceVulkan::framebuffer_format_get_te
/**** RENDER TARGET ****/
+RID RenderingDeviceVulkan::framebuffer_create_empty(const Size2i &p_size, FramebufferFormatID p_format_check) {
+ Framebuffer framebuffer;
+ framebuffer.format_id = framebuffer_format_create_empty(p_size);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_format_check != INVALID_FORMAT_ID && framebuffer.format_id != p_format_check, RID());
+ framebuffer.size = p_size;
+ return framebuffer_owner.make_rid(framebuffer);
RID RenderingDeviceVulkan::framebuffer_create(const Vector<RID> &p_texture_attachments, FramebufferFormatID p_format_check) {
@@ -4205,13 +4272,18 @@ RID RenderingDeviceVulkan::uniform_buffer_create(uint32_t p_size_bytes, const Ve
return uniform_buffer_owner.make_rid(buffer);
-RID RenderingDeviceVulkan::storage_buffer_create(uint32_t p_size_bytes, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data) {
+RID RenderingDeviceVulkan::storage_buffer_create(uint32_t p_size_bytes, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data, uint32_t p_usage) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_data.size() && (uint32_t)p_data.size() != p_size_bytes, RID());
Buffer buffer;
+ buffer.usage = p_usage;
+ }
+ Error err = _buffer_allocate(&buffer, p_size_bytes, flags, VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_ONLY);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, RID());
if (p_data.size()) {
@@ -4420,7 +4492,7 @@ RID RenderingDeviceVulkan::uniform_set_create(const Vector<Uniform> &p_uniforms,
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(uniform_idx == -1, RID(),
- "All the shader bindings for the given set must be covered by the uniforms provided.");
+ "All the shader bindings for the given set must be covered by the uniforms provided. Binding (" + itos(set_uniform.binding) + ") was not provided.");
const Uniform &uniform = uniforms[uniform_idx];
@@ -5475,7 +5547,7 @@ Error RenderingDeviceVulkan::_draw_list_setup_framebuffer(Framebuffer *p_framebu
return OK;
-Error RenderingDeviceVulkan::_draw_list_render_pass_begin(Framebuffer *framebuffer, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_colors, float p_clear_depth, uint32_t p_clear_stencil, Point2i viewport_offset, Point2i viewport_size, VkFramebuffer vkframebuffer, VkRenderPass render_pass, VkCommandBuffer command_buffer, VkSubpassContents subpass_contents) {
+Error RenderingDeviceVulkan::_draw_list_render_pass_begin(Framebuffer *framebuffer, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_colors, float p_clear_depth, uint32_t p_clear_stencil, Point2i viewport_offset, Point2i viewport_size, VkFramebuffer vkframebuffer, VkRenderPass render_pass, VkCommandBuffer command_buffer, VkSubpassContents subpass_contents, const Vector<RID> &p_storage_textures) {
VkRenderPassBeginInfo render_pass_begin;
render_pass_begin.pNext = nullptr;
@@ -5520,6 +5592,37 @@ Error RenderingDeviceVulkan::_draw_list_render_pass_begin(Framebuffer *framebuff
render_pass_begin.clearValueCount = clear_values.size();
render_pass_begin.pClearValues = clear_values.ptr();
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_storage_textures.size(); i++) {
+ Texture *texture = texture_owner.getornull(p_storage_textures[i]);
+ ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!(texture->usage_flags & TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT), "Supplied storage texture " + itos(i) + " for draw list ist not set to be used for storage.");
+ if (texture->usage_flags & TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT) {
+ //must change layout to general
+ VkImageMemoryBarrier image_memory_barrier;
+ image_memory_barrier.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_MEMORY_BARRIER;
+ image_memory_barrier.pNext = nullptr;
+ image_memory_barrier.srcAccessMask = VK_ACCESS_SHADER_READ_BIT | VK_ACCESS_SHADER_WRITE_BIT;
+ image_memory_barrier.dstAccessMask = VK_ACCESS_SHADER_READ_BIT | VK_ACCESS_SHADER_WRITE_BIT;
+ image_memory_barrier.oldLayout = texture->layout;
+ image_memory_barrier.newLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL;
+ image_memory_barrier.srcQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
+ image_memory_barrier.dstQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
+ image_memory_barrier.image = texture->image;
+ image_memory_barrier.subresourceRange.aspectMask = texture->read_aspect_mask;
+ image_memory_barrier.subresourceRange.baseMipLevel = texture->base_mipmap;
+ image_memory_barrier.subresourceRange.levelCount = texture->mipmaps;
+ image_memory_barrier.subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer = texture->base_layer;
+ image_memory_barrier.subresourceRange.layerCount = texture->layers;
+ vkCmdPipelineBarrier(command_buffer, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT | VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_INPUT_BIT, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 1, &image_memory_barrier);
+ texture->layout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL;
+ draw_list_storage_textures.push_back(p_storage_textures[i]);
+ }
+ }
vkCmdBeginRenderPass(command_buffer, &render_pass_begin, subpass_contents);
//mark textures as bound
@@ -5576,7 +5679,7 @@ void RenderingDeviceVulkan::_draw_list_insert_clear_region(DrawList *draw_list,
vkCmdClearAttachments(draw_list->command_buffer, clear_attachments.size(), clear_attachments.ptr(), 1, &cr);
-RenderingDevice::DrawListID RenderingDeviceVulkan::draw_list_begin(RID p_framebuffer, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_color_values, float p_clear_depth, uint32_t p_clear_stencil, const Rect2 &p_region) {
+RenderingDevice::DrawListID RenderingDeviceVulkan::draw_list_begin(RID p_framebuffer, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_color_values, float p_clear_depth, uint32_t p_clear_stencil, const Rect2 &p_region, const Vector<RID> &p_storage_textures) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(draw_list != nullptr, INVALID_ID, "Only one draw list can be active at the same time.");
@@ -5626,7 +5729,7 @@ RenderingDevice::DrawListID RenderingDeviceVulkan::draw_list_begin(RID p_framebu
VkCommandBuffer command_buffer = frames[frame].draw_command_buffer;
- err = _draw_list_render_pass_begin(framebuffer, p_initial_color_action, p_final_color_action, p_initial_depth_action, p_final_depth_action, p_clear_color_values, p_clear_depth, p_clear_stencil, viewport_offset, viewport_size, vkframebuffer, render_pass, command_buffer, VK_SUBPASS_CONTENTS_INLINE);
+ err = _draw_list_render_pass_begin(framebuffer, p_initial_color_action, p_final_color_action, p_initial_depth_action, p_final_depth_action, p_clear_color_values, p_clear_depth, p_clear_stencil, viewport_offset, viewport_size, vkframebuffer, render_pass, command_buffer, VK_SUBPASS_CONTENTS_INLINE, p_storage_textures);
if (err != OK) {
return INVALID_ID;
@@ -5666,7 +5769,7 @@ RenderingDevice::DrawListID RenderingDeviceVulkan::draw_list_begin(RID p_framebu
-Error RenderingDeviceVulkan::draw_list_begin_split(RID p_framebuffer, uint32_t p_splits, DrawListID *r_split_ids, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_color_values, float p_clear_depth, uint32_t p_clear_stencil, const Rect2 &p_region) {
+Error RenderingDeviceVulkan::draw_list_begin_split(RID p_framebuffer, uint32_t p_splits, DrawListID *r_split_ids, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_color_values, float p_clear_depth, uint32_t p_clear_stencil, const Rect2 &p_region, const Vector<RID> &p_storage_textures) {
@@ -5748,7 +5851,7 @@ Error RenderingDeviceVulkan::draw_list_begin_split(RID p_framebuffer, uint32_t p
VkCommandBuffer frame_command_buffer = frames[frame].draw_command_buffer;
- err = _draw_list_render_pass_begin(framebuffer, p_initial_color_action, p_final_color_action, p_initial_depth_action, p_final_depth_action, p_clear_color_values, p_clear_depth, p_clear_stencil, viewport_offset, viewport_size, vkframebuffer, render_pass, frame_command_buffer, VK_SUBPASS_CONTENTS_SECONDARY_COMMAND_BUFFERS);
+ err = _draw_list_render_pass_begin(framebuffer, p_initial_color_action, p_final_color_action, p_initial_depth_action, p_final_depth_action, p_clear_color_values, p_clear_depth, p_clear_stencil, viewport_offset, viewport_size, vkframebuffer, render_pass, frame_command_buffer, VK_SUBPASS_CONTENTS_SECONDARY_COMMAND_BUFFERS, p_storage_textures);
if (err != OK) {
@@ -6229,6 +6332,33 @@ void RenderingDeviceVulkan::draw_list_end() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < draw_list_storage_textures.size(); i++) {
+ Texture *texture = texture_owner.getornull(draw_list_storage_textures[i]);
+ VkImageMemoryBarrier image_memory_barrier;
+ image_memory_barrier.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_MEMORY_BARRIER;
+ image_memory_barrier.pNext = nullptr;
+ image_memory_barrier.srcAccessMask = VK_ACCESS_SHADER_READ_BIT | VK_ACCESS_SHADER_WRITE_BIT;
+ image_memory_barrier.dstAccessMask = VK_ACCESS_SHADER_READ_BIT;
+ image_memory_barrier.oldLayout = texture->layout;
+ image_memory_barrier.newLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL;
+ image_memory_barrier.srcQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
+ image_memory_barrier.dstQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
+ image_memory_barrier.image = texture->image;
+ image_memory_barrier.subresourceRange.aspectMask = texture->read_aspect_mask;
+ image_memory_barrier.subresourceRange.baseMipLevel = texture->base_mipmap;
+ image_memory_barrier.subresourceRange.levelCount = texture->mipmaps;
+ image_memory_barrier.subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer = texture->base_layer;
+ image_memory_barrier.subresourceRange.layerCount = texture->layers;
+ }
+ draw_list_storage_textures.clear();
// To ensure proper synchronization, we must make sure rendering is done before:
// * Some buffer is copied
// * Another render pass happens (since we may be done
@@ -6495,6 +6625,62 @@ void RenderingDeviceVulkan::compute_list_dispatch(ComputeListID p_list, uint32_t
vkCmdDispatch(cl->command_buffer, p_x_groups, p_y_groups, p_z_groups);
+void RenderingDeviceVulkan::compute_list_dispatch_indirect(ComputeListID p_list, RID p_buffer, uint32_t p_offset) {
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(!compute_list);
+ ComputeList *cl = compute_list;
+ Buffer *buffer = storage_buffer_owner.getornull(p_buffer);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(!buffer);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!(buffer->usage & STORAGE_BUFFER_USAGE_DISPATCH_INDIRECT), "Buffer provided was not created to do indirect dispatch.");
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_offset + 12 > buffer->size, "Offset provided (+12) is past the end of buffer.");
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!cl->, "Submitted Compute Lists can no longer be modified.");
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!cl->validation.pipeline_active, "No compute pipeline was set before attempting to draw.");
+ if (cl->validation.pipeline_push_constant_size > 0) {
+ //using push constants, check that they were supplied
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!cl->validation.pipeline_push_constant_supplied,
+ "The shader in this pipeline requires a push constant to be set before drawing, but it's not present.");
+ }
+ //Bind descriptor sets
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cl->state.set_count; i++) {
+ if (cl->state.sets[i].pipeline_expected_format == 0) {
+ continue; //nothing expected by this pipeline
+ }
+ if (cl->state.sets[i].pipeline_expected_format != cl->state.sets[i].uniform_set_format) {
+ if (cl->state.sets[i].uniform_set_format == 0) {
+ ERR_FAIL_MSG("Uniforms were never supplied for set (" + itos(i) + ") at the time of drawing, which are required by the pipeline");
+ } else if (uniform_set_owner.owns(cl->state.sets[i].uniform_set)) {
+ UniformSet *us = uniform_set_owner.getornull(cl->state.sets[i].uniform_set);
+ ERR_FAIL_MSG("Uniforms supplied for set (" + itos(i) + "):\n" + _shader_uniform_debug(us->shader_id, us->shader_set) + "\nare not the same format as required by the pipeline shader. Pipeline shader requires the following bindings:\n" + _shader_uniform_debug(cl->state.pipeline_shader));
+ } else {
+ ERR_FAIL_MSG("Uniforms supplied for set (" + itos(i) + ", which was was just freed) are not the same format as required by the pipeline shader. Pipeline shader requires the following bindings:\n" + _shader_uniform_debug(cl->state.pipeline_shader));
+ }
+ }
+ if (!cl->state.sets[i].bound) {
+ //All good, see if this requires re-binding
+ vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(cl->command_buffer, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_COMPUTE, cl->state.pipeline_layout, i, 1, &cl->state.sets[i].descriptor_set, 0, nullptr);
+ cl->state.sets[i].bound = true;
+ }
+ }
+ vkCmdDispatchIndirect(cl->command_buffer, buffer->buffer, p_offset);
void RenderingDeviceVulkan::compute_list_add_barrier(ComputeListID p_list) {
@@ -6534,10 +6720,17 @@ void RenderingDeviceVulkan::compute_list_end() {
+void RenderingDeviceVulkan::full_barrier() {
+ ERR_PRINT("Full barrier is debug-only, should not be used in production");
+ _full_barrier(true);
#if 0
void RenderingDeviceVulkan::draw_list_render_secondary_to_framebuffer(ID p_framebuffer, ID *p_draw_lists, uint32_t p_draw_list_count, InitialAction p_initial_action, FinalAction p_final_action, const Vector<Variant> &p_clear_colors) {
diff --git a/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.h b/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.h
index eac3250bf7..936448dbbd 100644
--- a/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.h
+++ b/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.h
@@ -204,10 +204,17 @@ class RenderingDeviceVulkan : public RenderingDevice {
Error _insert_staging_block();
struct Buffer {
- uint32_t size = 0;
- VkBuffer buffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
- VmaAllocation allocation = nullptr;
+ uint32_t size;
+ uint32_t usage;
+ VkBuffer buffer;
+ VmaAllocation allocation;
VkDescriptorBufferInfo buffer_info; //used for binding
+ Buffer() {
+ size = 0;
+ usage = 0;
+ buffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+ allocation = nullptr;
+ }
Error _buffer_allocate(Buffer *p_buffer, uint32_t p_size, uint32_t p_usage, VmaMemoryUsage p_mapping);
@@ -229,8 +236,13 @@ class RenderingDeviceVulkan : public RenderingDevice {
// used for the render pipelines.
struct FramebufferFormatKey {
+ Size2i empty_size;
Vector<AttachmentFormat> attachments;
bool operator<(const FramebufferFormatKey &p_key) const {
+ if (empty_size != p_key.empty_size) {
+ return empty_size < p_key.empty_size;
+ }
int as = attachments.size();
int bs = p_key.attachments.size();
if (as != bs) {
@@ -773,12 +785,13 @@ class RenderingDeviceVulkan : public RenderingDevice {
uint32_t draw_list_count;
bool draw_list_split;
Vector<RID> draw_list_bound_textures;
+ Vector<RID> draw_list_storage_textures;
bool draw_list_unbind_color_textures;
bool draw_list_unbind_depth_textures;
void _draw_list_insert_clear_region(DrawList *draw_list, Framebuffer *framebuffer, Point2i viewport_offset, Point2i viewport_size, bool p_clear_color, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_colors, bool p_clear_depth, float p_depth, uint32_t p_stencil);
Error _draw_list_setup_framebuffer(Framebuffer *p_framebuffer, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, VkFramebuffer *r_framebuffer, VkRenderPass *r_render_pass);
- Error _draw_list_render_pass_begin(Framebuffer *framebuffer, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_colors, float p_clear_depth, uint32_t p_clear_stencil, Point2i viewport_offset, Point2i viewport_size, VkFramebuffer vkframebuffer, VkRenderPass render_pass, VkCommandBuffer command_buffer, VkSubpassContents subpass_contents);
+ Error _draw_list_render_pass_begin(Framebuffer *framebuffer, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_colors, float p_clear_depth, uint32_t p_clear_stencil, Point2i viewport_offset, Point2i viewport_size, VkFramebuffer vkframebuffer, VkRenderPass render_pass, VkCommandBuffer command_buffer, VkSubpassContents subpass_contents, const Vector<RID> &p_storage_textures);
_FORCE_INLINE_ DrawList *_get_draw_list_ptr(DrawListID p_id);
@@ -923,9 +936,11 @@ public:
virtual FramebufferFormatID framebuffer_format_create(const Vector<AttachmentFormat> &p_format);
+ virtual FramebufferFormatID framebuffer_format_create_empty(const Size2i &p_size);
virtual TextureSamples framebuffer_format_get_texture_samples(FramebufferFormatID p_format);
virtual RID framebuffer_create(const Vector<RID> &p_texture_attachments, FramebufferFormatID p_format_check = INVALID_ID);
+ virtual RID framebuffer_create_empty(const Size2i &p_size, FramebufferFormatID p_format_check = INVALID_ID);
virtual FramebufferFormatID framebuffer_get_format(RID p_framebuffer);
@@ -961,7 +976,7 @@ public:
virtual RID uniform_buffer_create(uint32_t p_size_bytes, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data = Vector<uint8_t>());
- virtual RID storage_buffer_create(uint32_t p_size_bytes, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data = Vector<uint8_t>());
+ virtual RID storage_buffer_create(uint32_t p_size_bytes, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data = Vector<uint8_t>(), uint32_t p_usage = 0);
virtual RID texture_buffer_create(uint32_t p_size_elements, DataFormat p_format, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data = Vector<uint8_t>());
virtual RID uniform_set_create(const Vector<Uniform> &p_uniforms, RID p_shader, uint32_t p_shader_set);
@@ -998,8 +1013,8 @@ public:
virtual DrawListID draw_list_begin_for_screen(DisplayServer::WindowID p_screen = 0, const Color &p_clear_color = Color());
- virtual DrawListID draw_list_begin(RID p_framebuffer, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_color_values = Vector<Color>(), float p_clear_depth = 1.0, uint32_t p_clear_stencil = 0, const Rect2 &p_region = Rect2());
- virtual Error draw_list_begin_split(RID p_framebuffer, uint32_t p_splits, DrawListID *r_split_ids, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_color_values = Vector<Color>(), float p_clear_depth = 1.0, uint32_t p_clear_stencil = 0, const Rect2 &p_region = Rect2());
+ virtual DrawListID draw_list_begin(RID p_framebuffer, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_color_values = Vector<Color>(), float p_clear_depth = 1.0, uint32_t p_clear_stencil = 0, const Rect2 &p_region = Rect2(), const Vector<RID> &p_storage_textures = Vector<RID>());
+ virtual Error draw_list_begin_split(RID p_framebuffer, uint32_t p_splits, DrawListID *r_split_ids, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_color_values = Vector<Color>(), float p_clear_depth = 1.0, uint32_t p_clear_stencil = 0, const Rect2 &p_region = Rect2(), const Vector<RID> &p_storage_textures = Vector<RID>());
virtual void draw_list_bind_render_pipeline(DrawListID p_list, RID p_render_pipeline);
virtual void draw_list_bind_uniform_set(DrawListID p_list, RID p_uniform_set, uint32_t p_index);
@@ -1026,8 +1041,11 @@ public:
virtual void compute_list_add_barrier(ComputeListID p_list);
virtual void compute_list_dispatch(ComputeListID p_list, uint32_t p_x_groups, uint32_t p_y_groups, uint32_t p_z_groups);
+ virtual void compute_list_dispatch_indirect(ComputeListID p_list, RID p_buffer, uint32_t p_offset);
virtual void compute_list_end();
+ virtual void full_barrier();
/**** FREE ****/
diff --git a/editor/editor_node.cpp b/editor/editor_node.cpp
index d8bc555d6d..f2f8805aaf 100644
--- a/editor/editor_node.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_node.cpp
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ void EditorNode::_notification(int p_what) {
bool dof_jitter = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/depth_of_field/depth_of_field_use_jitter");
RS::get_singleton()->camera_effects_set_dof_blur_quality(dof_quality, dof_jitter);
RS::get_singleton()->environment_set_ssao_quality(RS::EnvironmentSSAOQuality(int(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/ssao/quality"))), GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/ssao/half_size"));
- RS::get_singleton()->screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter"), GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter_curve"));
+ RS::get_singleton()->screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter_enable"), GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter_amount"), GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter_limit"));
bool glow_bicubic = int(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/glow/upscale_mode")) > 0;
RS::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality ssr_roughness_quality = RS::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality(int(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/screen_space_reflection/roughness_quality")));
@@ -376,6 +376,12 @@ void EditorNode::_notification(int p_what) {
float probe_update_speed = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/lightmapper/probe_capture_update_speed");
+ RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge frames_to_converge = RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge(int(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_converge")));
+ RS::get_singleton()->environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(frames_to_converge);
+ RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount ray_count = RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount(int(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/sdfgi/probe_ray_count")));
+ RS::get_singleton()->environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count(ray_count);
+ RS::GIProbeQuality gi_probe_quality = RS::GIProbeQuality(int(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/gi_probes/quality")));
+ RS::get_singleton()->gi_probe_set_quality(gi_probe_quality);
@@ -3637,16 +3643,13 @@ Ref<Texture2D> EditorNode::get_object_icon(const Object *p_object, const String
Ref<Texture2D> EditorNode::get_class_icon(const String &p_class, const String &p_fallback) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_class.empty(), nullptr, "Class name cannot be empty.");
- if (gui_base->has_theme_icon(p_class, "EditorIcons")) {
- return gui_base->get_theme_icon(p_class, "EditorIcons");
- }
if (ScriptServer::is_global_class(p_class)) {
Ref<ImageTexture> icon;
Ref<Script> script = EditorNode::get_editor_data().script_class_load_script(p_class);
+ StringName name = p_class;
while (script.is_valid()) {
- StringName name = EditorNode::get_editor_data().script_class_get_name(script->get_path());
+ name = EditorNode::get_editor_data().script_class_get_name(script->get_path());
String current_icon_path = EditorNode::get_editor_data().script_class_get_icon_path(name);
icon = _load_custom_class_icon(current_icon_path);
if (icon.is_valid()) {
@@ -3656,7 +3659,7 @@ Ref<Texture2D> EditorNode::get_class_icon(const String &p_class, const String &p
if (icon.is_null()) {
- icon = gui_base->get_theme_icon(ScriptServer::get_global_class_base(p_class), "EditorIcons");
+ icon = gui_base->get_theme_icon(ScriptServer::get_global_class_base(name), "EditorIcons");
return icon;
@@ -3674,6 +3677,10 @@ Ref<Texture2D> EditorNode::get_class_icon(const String &p_class, const String &p
+ if (gui_base->has_theme_icon(p_class, "EditorIcons")) {
+ return gui_base->get_theme_icon(p_class, "EditorIcons");
+ }
if (p_fallback.length() && gui_base->has_theme_icon(p_fallback, "EditorIcons")) {
return gui_base->get_theme_icon(p_fallback, "EditorIcons");
@@ -4152,7 +4159,6 @@ void EditorNode::_update_dock_slots_visibility() {
- bottom_panel->hide();
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < DOCK_SLOT_MAX; i++) {
int tabs_visible = 0;
@@ -4182,7 +4188,6 @@ void EditorNode::_update_dock_slots_visibility() {
- bottom_panel->show();
if (right_l_vsplit->is_visible() || right_r_vsplit->is_visible()) {
@@ -6483,6 +6488,7 @@ EditorNode::EditorNode() {
+ resource_preview->add_preview_generator(Ref<EditorImagePreviewPlugin>(memnew(EditorImagePreviewPlugin)));
diff --git a/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
index e35cbfcfb0..3af0b0d4e1 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -6149,6 +6149,11 @@ bool CanvasItemEditorViewport::_create_instance(Node *parent, String &path, cons
Vector2 target_pos = canvas_item_editor->get_canvas_transform().affine_inverse().xform(p_point);
target_pos = canvas_item_editor->snap_point(target_pos);
target_pos = parent_ci->get_global_transform_with_canvas().affine_inverse().xform(target_pos);
+ // Preserve instance position of the original scene.
+ CanvasItem *instance_ci = Object::cast_to<CanvasItem>(instanced_scene);
+ if (instance_ci) {
+ target_pos += instance_ci->_edit_get_position();
+ }
editor_data->get_undo_redo().add_do_method(instanced_scene, "set_position", target_pos);
diff --git a/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.cpp
index ebd9c7f070..b51ea9e1c6 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -487,6 +487,10 @@ ObjectID Node3DEditorViewport::_select_ray(const Point2 &p_pos, bool p_append, b
Vector3 pos = _get_ray_pos(p_pos);
Vector2 shrinked_pos = p_pos / subviewport_container->get_stretch_shrink();
+ if (viewport->get_debug_draw() == Viewport::DEBUG_DRAW_SDFGI_PROBES) {
+ RS::get_singleton()->sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(pos, ray);
+ }
Vector<ObjectID> instances = RenderingServer::get_singleton()->instances_cull_ray(pos, ray, get_tree()->get_root()->get_world_3d()->get_scenario());
Set<Ref<EditorNode3DGizmo>> found_gizmos;
@@ -2984,7 +2988,9 @@ void Node3DEditorViewport::_menu_option(int p_option) {
static const int display_options[] = {
@@ -3000,9 +3006,11 @@ void Node3DEditorViewport::_menu_option(int p_option) {
static const Viewport::DebugDraw debug_draw_modes[] = {
@@ -3020,9 +3028,11 @@ void Node3DEditorViewport::_menu_option(int p_option) {
int idx = 0;
@@ -3898,11 +3908,14 @@ Node3DEditorViewport::Node3DEditorViewport(Node3DEditor *p_spatial_editor, Edito
display_submenu->add_radio_check_item(TTR("GIProbe Albedo"), VIEW_DISPLAY_DEBUG_GIPROBE_ALBEDO);
display_submenu->add_radio_check_item(TTR("GIProbe Emission"), VIEW_DISPLAY_DEBUG_GIPROBE_EMISSION);
+ display_submenu->add_radio_check_item(TTR("SDFGI Cascades"), VIEW_DISPLAY_DEBUG_SDFGI);
+ display_submenu->add_radio_check_item(TTR("SDFGI Probes"), VIEW_DISPLAY_DEBUG_SDFGI_PROBES);
+ display_submenu->add_separator();
display_submenu->add_radio_check_item(TTR("Scene Luminance"), VIEW_DISPLAY_DEBUG_SCENE_LUMINANCE);
display_submenu->add_radio_check_item(TTR("SSAO"), VIEW_DISPLAY_DEBUG_SSAO);
- display_submenu->add_radio_check_item(TTR("Roughness Limiter"), VIEW_DISPLAY_DEBUG_ROUGHNESS_LIMITER);
+ display_submenu->add_radio_check_item(TTR("GI Buffer"), VIEW_DISPLAY_DEBUG_GI_BUFFER);
view_menu->get_popup()->add_submenu_item(TTR("Display Advanced..."), "display_advanced", VIEW_DISPLAY_ADVANCED);
diff --git a/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.h b/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.h
index 2fe1938f28..a40de78795 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.h
+++ b/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.h
@@ -214,9 +214,11 @@ class Node3DEditorViewport : public Control {
diff --git a/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
index 158f9e8587..307a8a9001 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ void TileMapEditor::_notification(int p_what) {
paint_button->set_icon(get_theme_icon("Edit", "EditorIcons"));
+ line_button->set_icon(get_theme_icon("CurveLinear", "EditorIcons"));
+ rectangle_button->set_icon(get_theme_icon("RectangleShape2D", "EditorIcons"));
bucket_fill_button->set_icon(get_theme_icon("Bucket", "EditorIcons"));
picker_button->set_icon(get_theme_icon("ColorPick", "EditorIcons"));
select_button->set_icon(get_theme_icon("ActionCopy", "EditorIcons"));
@@ -91,9 +93,10 @@ void TileMapEditor::_notification(int p_what) {
void TileMapEditor::_update_button_tool() {
- Button *tb[4] = { paint_button, bucket_fill_button, picker_button, select_button };
+ Button *tb[6] = { paint_button, line_button, rectangle_button, bucket_fill_button, picker_button, select_button };
// Unpress all buttons
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
@@ -103,6 +106,12 @@ void TileMapEditor::_update_button_tool() {
} break;
+ line_button->set_pressed(true);
+ } break;
+ rectangle_button->set_pressed(true);
+ } break;
} break;
@@ -993,19 +1002,8 @@ bool TileMapEditor::forward_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
if (tool == TOOL_NONE) {
- if (mb->get_shift()) {
- if (mb->get_command()) {
- } else {
- }
- selection_active = false;
- rectangle_begin = over_tile;
- _update_button_tool();
- return true;
- }
+ _update_button_tool();
if (mb->get_command()) {
@@ -1014,12 +1012,14 @@ bool TileMapEditor::forward_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
return true;
- _update_button_tool();
- if (tool == TOOL_PAINTING) {
+ if (tool == TOOL_LINE_PAINT || tool == TOOL_RECTANGLE_PAINT) {
+ selection_active = false;
+ rectangle_begin = over_tile;
+ mouse_down = true;
+ } else if (tool == TOOL_PAINTING) {
Vector<int> ids = get_selected_tiles();
if (ids.size() > 0 && ids[0] != TileMap::INVALID_CELL) {
@@ -1050,6 +1050,10 @@ bool TileMapEditor::forward_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
} else if (tool == TOOL_LINE_PAINT) {
+ if (!mouse_down) {
+ return true;
+ }
Vector<int> ids = get_selected_tiles();
if (ids.size() > 0 && ids[0] != TileMap::INVALID_CELL) {
@@ -1062,8 +1066,17 @@ bool TileMapEditor::forward_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
+ mouse_down = false;
+ return true;
+ mouse_down = false;
} else if (tool == TOOL_RECTANGLE_PAINT) {
+ if (!mouse_down) {
+ return true;
+ }
Vector<int> ids = get_selected_tiles();
if (ids.size() > 0 && ids[0] != TileMap::INVALID_CELL) {
@@ -1076,7 +1089,12 @@ bool TileMapEditor::forward_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
+ mouse_down = false;
+ return true;
+ mouse_down = false;
} else if (tool == TOOL_PASTING) {
Point2 ofs = over_tile - rectangle.position;
Vector<int> ids;
@@ -1141,6 +1159,28 @@ bool TileMapEditor::forward_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
if (tool == TOOL_PASTING) {
tool = TOOL_NONE;
+ CanvasItemEditor::get_singleton()->update_viewport();
+ _update_button_tool();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (tool == TOOL_LINE_PAINT) {
+ mouse_down = true;
+ rectangle_begin = over_tile;
+ CanvasItemEditor::get_singleton()->update_viewport();
+ _update_button_tool();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (tool == TOOL_RECTANGLE_PAINT) {
+ mouse_down = true;
+ rectangle_begin = over_tile;
@@ -1155,39 +1195,74 @@ bool TileMapEditor::forward_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
Point2 local = node->world_to_map(xform_inv.xform(mb->get_position()));
_start_undo(TTR("Erase TileMap"));
+ tool = TOOL_ERASING;
+ _set_cell(local, invalid_cell);
- if (mb->get_shift()) {
- if (mb->get_command()) {
- } else {
+ _update_button_tool();
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (tool == TOOL_LINE_ERASE) {
+ if (!mouse_down) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ _update_button_tool();
+ Vector<int> ids = get_selected_tiles();
+ if (ids.size() > 0 && ids[0] != TileMap::INVALID_CELL) {
+ _start_undo(TTR("Line Erase"));
+ for (Map<Point2i, CellOp>::Element *E = paint_undo.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ _set_cell(E->key(), invalid_cell, flip_h, flip_v, transpose);
+ _finish_undo();
+ paint_undo.clear();
- selection_active = false;
- rectangle_begin = local;
- } else {
- tool = TOOL_ERASING;
+ CanvasItemEditor::get_singleton()->update_viewport();
- _set_cell(local, invalid_cell);
+ mouse_down = false;
+ return true;
+ mouse_down = false;
+ } else if (tool == TOOL_RECTANGLE_ERASE) {
+ if (!mouse_down) {
+ return true;
+ }
- return true;
- }
- } else {
- if (tool == TOOL_ERASING || tool == TOOL_RECTANGLE_ERASE || tool == TOOL_LINE_ERASE) {
- _finish_undo();
+ Vector<int> ids = get_selected_tiles();
+ if (ids.size() > 0 && ids[0] != TileMap::INVALID_CELL) {
+ _start_undo(TTR("Rectangle Erase"));
+ for (int i = rectangle.position.y; i <= rectangle.position.y + rectangle.size.y; i++) {
+ for (int j = rectangle.position.x; j <= rectangle.position.x + rectangle.size.x; j++) {
+ _set_cell(Point2i(j, i), invalid_cell, flip_h, flip_v, transpose);
+ }
+ }
+ _finish_undo();
+ paint_undo.clear();
- if (tool == TOOL_RECTANGLE_ERASE || tool == TOOL_LINE_ERASE) {
+ mouse_down = false;
+ return true;
- tool = TOOL_NONE;
+ mouse_down = false;
+ }
+ if (tool == TOOL_ERASING) {
+ tool = TOOL_NONE;
- return true;
+ return true;
} else if (tool == TOOL_BUCKET) {
Vector<int> ids;
ids.push_back(node->get_cell(over_tile.x, over_tile.y));
@@ -1278,6 +1353,10 @@ bool TileMapEditor::forward_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
Vector<int> tmp_cell;
bool erasing = (tool == TOOL_LINE_ERASE);
+ if (!mouse_down) {
+ return true;
+ }
if (erasing && paint_undo.size()) {
for (Map<Point2i, CellOp>::Element *E = paint_undo.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
@@ -1308,7 +1387,20 @@ bool TileMapEditor::forward_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
Vector<int> tmp_cell;
- _select(rectangle_begin, over_tile);
+ Point2i end_tile = over_tile;
+ if (!mouse_down) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (mm->get_shift()) {
+ int size = fmax(ABS(end_tile.x - rectangle_begin.x), ABS(end_tile.y - rectangle_begin.y));
+ int xDirection = MAX(MIN(end_tile.x - rectangle_begin.x, 1), -1);
+ int yDirection = MAX(MIN(end_tile.y - rectangle_begin.y, 1), -1);
+ end_tile = rectangle_begin + Point2i(xDirection * size, yDirection * size);
+ }
+ _select(rectangle_begin, end_tile);
if (paint_undo.size()) {
@@ -1379,6 +1471,20 @@ bool TileMapEditor::forward_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
return true;
+ if (ED_IS_SHORTCUT("tile_map_editor/line_fill", p_event)) {
+ CanvasItemEditor::get_singleton()->update_viewport();
+ _update_button_tool();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (ED_IS_SHORTCUT("tile_map_editor/rectangle_fill", p_event)) {
+ CanvasItemEditor::get_singleton()->update_viewport();
+ _update_button_tool();
+ return true;
+ }
if (ED_IS_SHORTCUT("tile_map_editor/bucket_fill", p_event)) {
@@ -1637,6 +1743,10 @@ void TileMapEditor::forward_canvas_draw_over_viewport(Control *p_overlay) {
if (tool == TOOL_LINE_PAINT) {
+ if (!mouse_down) {
+ return;
+ }
if (paint_undo.empty()) {
@@ -1652,6 +1762,10 @@ void TileMapEditor::forward_canvas_draw_over_viewport(Control *p_overlay) {
} else if (tool == TOOL_RECTANGLE_PAINT) {
+ if (!mouse_down) {
+ return;
+ }
Vector<int> ids = get_selected_tiles();
if (ids.size() == 1 && ids[0] == TileMap::INVALID_CELL) {
@@ -1865,6 +1979,7 @@ TileMapEditor::TileMapEditor(EditorNode *p_editor) {
tool = TOOL_NONE;
selection_active = false;
mouse_over = false;
+ mouse_down = false;
flip_h = false;
flip_v = false;
@@ -1962,11 +2077,27 @@ TileMapEditor::TileMapEditor(EditorNode *p_editor) {
paint_button = memnew(Button);
paint_button->set_shortcut(ED_SHORTCUT("tile_map_editor/paint_tile", TTR("Paint Tile"), KEY_P));
- paint_button->set_tooltip(TTR("Shift+LMB: Line Draw\nShift+Ctrl+LMB: Rectangle Paint"));
+ paint_button->set_tooltip(TTR("RMB: Erase"));
paint_button->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &TileMapEditor::_button_tool_select), make_binds(TOOL_NONE));
+ line_button = memnew(Button);
+ line_button->set_flat(true);
+ line_button->set_shortcut(ED_SHORTCUT("tile_map_editor/line_fill", TTR("Line Fill"), KEY_L));
+ line_button->set_tooltip(TTR("RMB: Erase"));
+ line_button->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &TileMapEditor::_button_tool_select), make_binds(TOOL_LINE_PAINT));
+ line_button->set_toggle_mode(true);
+ toolbar->add_child(line_button);
+ rectangle_button = memnew(Button);
+ rectangle_button->set_flat(true);
+ rectangle_button->set_shortcut(ED_SHORTCUT("tile_map_editor/rectangle_fill", TTR("Rectangle Fill"), KEY_O));
+ rectangle_button->set_tooltip(TTR("Shift+LMB: Keep 1:1 proporsions\nRMB: Erase"));
+ rectangle_button->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &TileMapEditor::_button_tool_select), make_binds(TOOL_RECTANGLE_PAINT));
+ rectangle_button->set_toggle_mode(true);
+ toolbar->add_child(rectangle_button);
bucket_fill_button = memnew(Button);
bucket_fill_button->set_shortcut(ED_SHORTCUT("tile_map_editor/bucket_fill", TTR("Bucket Fill"), KEY_B));
diff --git a/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.h b/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.h
index 1d2ecdb61f..135a9bd5a5 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.h
+++ b/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.h
@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ class TileMapEditor : public VBoxContainer {
MenuButton *options;
Button *paint_button;
+ Button *line_button;
+ Button *rectangle_button;
Button *bucket_fill_button;
Button *picker_button;
Button *select_button;
@@ -106,6 +108,7 @@ class TileMapEditor : public VBoxContainer {
bool selection_active;
bool mouse_over;
+ bool mouse_down;
bool flip_h;
bool flip_v;
diff --git a/editor/quick_open.cpp b/editor/quick_open.cpp
index bcef29dfa6..4719fcaae4 100644
--- a/editor/quick_open.cpp
+++ b/editor/quick_open.cpp
@@ -32,21 +32,18 @@
#include "core/os/keyboard.h"
-void EditorQuickOpen::popup_dialog(const StringName &p_base, bool p_enable_multi, bool p_add_dirs, bool p_dontclear) {
- add_directories = p_add_dirs;
- popup_centered_ratio(0.6);
+void EditorQuickOpen::popup_dialog(const StringName &p_base, bool p_enable_multi, bool p_dontclear) {
+ base_type = p_base;
+ search_options->set_select_mode(p_enable_multi ? Tree::SELECT_MULTI : Tree::SELECT_SINGLE);
+ popup_centered_ratio(0.4);
if (p_dontclear) {
} else {
- if (p_enable_multi) {
- search_options->set_select_mode(Tree::SELECT_MULTI);
- } else {
- search_options->set_select_mode(Tree::SELECT_SINGLE);
- }
- base_type = p_base;
@@ -101,7 +98,6 @@ void EditorQuickOpen::_sbox_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_ie) {
} break;
@@ -124,61 +120,25 @@ float EditorQuickOpen::_path_cmp(String search, String path) const {
void EditorQuickOpen::_parse_fs(EditorFileSystemDirectory *efsd, Vector<Pair<String, Ref<Texture2D>>> &list) {
- if (!add_directories) {
- for (int i = 0; i < efsd->get_subdir_count(); i++) {
- _parse_fs(efsd->get_subdir(i), list);
- }
+ for (int i = 0; i < efsd->get_subdir_count(); i++) {
+ _parse_fs(efsd->get_subdir(i), list);
String search_text = search_box->get_text();
- if (add_directories) {
- String path = efsd->get_path();
- if (!path.ends_with("/")) {
- path += "/";
- }
- if (path != "res://") {
- path = path.substr(6, path.length());
- if (search_text.is_subsequence_ofi(path)) {
- Pair<String, Ref<Texture2D>> pair;
- pair.first = path;
- pair.second = search_options->get_theme_icon("folder", "FileDialog");
- if (search_text != String() && list.size() > 0) {
- float this_sim = _path_cmp(search_text, path);
- float other_sim = _path_cmp(list[0].first, path);
- int pos = 1;
- while (pos < list.size() && this_sim <= other_sim) {
- other_sim = _path_cmp(list[pos++].first, path);
- }
- pos = this_sim >= other_sim ? pos - 1 : pos;
- list.insert(pos, pair);
- } else {
- list.push_back(pair);
- }
- }
- }
- }
for (int i = 0; i < efsd->get_file_count(); i++) {
String file = efsd->get_file_path(i);
file = file.substr(6, file.length());
- if (ClassDB::is_parent_class(efsd->get_file_type(i), base_type) && (search_text.is_subsequence_ofi(file))) {
+ StringName file_type = efsd->get_file_type(i);
+ if (ClassDB::is_parent_class(file_type, base_type) && search_text.is_subsequence_ofi(file)) {
Pair<String, Ref<Texture2D>> pair;
pair.first = file;
- pair.second = search_options->get_theme_icon((search_options->has_theme_icon(efsd->get_file_type(i), ei) ? efsd->get_file_type(i) : ot), ei);
+ StringName icon_name = search_options->has_theme_icon(file_type, ei) ? file_type : ot;
+ pair.second = search_options->get_theme_icon(icon_name, ei);
- if (add_directories) {
- for (int i = 0; i < efsd->get_subdir_count(); i++) {
- _parse_fs(efsd->get_subdir(i), list);
- }
- }
Vector<Pair<String, Ref<Texture2D>>> EditorQuickOpen::_sort_fs(Vector<Pair<String, Ref<Texture2D>>> &list) {
@@ -250,7 +210,7 @@ void EditorQuickOpen::_confirmed() {
void EditorQuickOpen::_theme_changed() {
- search_box->set_right_icon(search_options->get_theme_icon("Search", "EditorIcons"));
+ search_box->set_right_icon(search_options->get_theme_icon("Search", ei));
void EditorQuickOpen::_notification(int p_what) {
@@ -277,23 +237,25 @@ void EditorQuickOpen::_bind_methods() {
EditorQuickOpen::EditorQuickOpen() {
VBoxContainer *vbc = memnew(VBoxContainer);
vbc->connect("theme_changed", callable_mp(this, &EditorQuickOpen::_theme_changed));
search_box = memnew(LineEdit);
- vbc->add_margin_child(TTR("Search:"), search_box);
search_box->connect("text_changed", callable_mp(this, &EditorQuickOpen::_text_changed));
search_box->connect("gui_input", callable_mp(this, &EditorQuickOpen::_sbox_input));
+ vbc->add_margin_child(TTR("Search:"), search_box);
search_options = memnew(Tree);
+ search_options->connect("item_activated", callable_mp(this, &EditorQuickOpen::_confirmed));
+ search_options->set_hide_root(true);
+ search_options->set_hide_folding(true);
+ search_options->add_theme_constant_override("draw_guides", 1);
vbc->add_margin_child(TTR("Matches:"), search_options, true);
- search_options->connect("item_activated", callable_mp(this, &EditorQuickOpen::_confirmed));
- search_options->set_hide_root(true);
- search_options->set_hide_folding(true);
- search_options->add_theme_constant_override("draw_guides", 1);
ei = "EditorIcons";
ot = "Object";
- add_directories = false;
diff --git a/editor/quick_open.h b/editor/quick_open.h
index e446ed6823..8670bb1ade 100644
--- a/editor/quick_open.h
+++ b/editor/quick_open.h
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#include "editor_file_system.h"
#include "scene/gui/dialogs.h"
#include "scene/gui/tree.h"
class EditorQuickOpen : public ConfirmationDialog {
GDCLASS(EditorQuickOpen, ConfirmationDialog);
@@ -43,7 +44,6 @@ class EditorQuickOpen : public ConfirmationDialog {
StringName base_type;
StringName ei;
StringName ot;
- bool add_directories;
void _update_search();
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ public:
String get_selected() const;
Vector<String> get_selected_files() const;
- void popup_dialog(const StringName &p_base, bool p_enable_multi = false, bool p_add_dirs = false, bool p_dontclear = false);
+ void popup_dialog(const StringName &p_base, bool p_enable_multi = false, bool p_dontclear = false);
diff --git a/main/tests/test_basis.cpp b/main/tests/test_basis.cpp
index ac25151fd8..5904fc386a 100644
--- a/main/tests/test_basis.cpp
+++ b/main/tests/test_basis.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-/* test_fbx.cpp */
+/* test_basis.cpp */
/* This file is part of: */
diff --git a/main/tests/test_basis.h b/main/tests/test_basis.h
index 67c9db8877..63297bd3b8 100644
--- a/main/tests/test_basis.h
+++ b/main/tests/test_basis.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-/* test_fbx.h */
+/* test_basis.h */
/* This file is part of: */
diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/packed_arrays.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/packed_arrays.h
index 8cff6d49a5..87d467a5b8 100644
--- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/packed_arrays.h
+++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/packed_arrays.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-/* packed_arrays.h */
+/* packed_arrays.h */
/* This file is part of: */
diff --git a/modules/gdnative/videodecoder/video_stream_gdnative.cpp b/modules/gdnative/videodecoder/video_stream_gdnative.cpp
index 9d9c5b6473..fe7c10cad9 100644
--- a/modules/gdnative/videodecoder/video_stream_gdnative.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdnative/videodecoder/video_stream_gdnative.cpp
@@ -214,6 +214,11 @@ void VideoStreamPlaybackGDNative::cleanup() {
if (pcm) {
+ if (file) {
+ file->close();
+ memdelete(file);
+ file = nullptr;
+ }
pcm = nullptr;
time = 0;
num_channels = -1;
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/doc_classes/@GDScript.xml b/modules/gdscript/doc_classes/@GDScript.xml
index be159b6407..f04cb4b4c3 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/doc_classes/@GDScript.xml
+++ b/modules/gdscript/doc_classes/@GDScript.xml
@@ -619,11 +619,11 @@
<argument index="0" name="path" type="String">
- Loads a resource from the filesystem located at [code]path[/code].
- [b]Note:[/b] Resource paths can be obtained by right-clicking on a resource in the FileSystem dock and choosing [b]Copy Path[/b].
+ Loads a resource from the filesystem located at [code]path[/code]. The resource is loaded on the method call (unless it's referenced already elsewhere, e.g. in another script or in the scene), which might cause slight delay, especially when loading scenes. To avoid unnecessary delays when loading something multiple times, either store the resource in a variable or use [method preload].
+ [b]Note:[/b] Resource paths can be obtained by right-clicking on a resource in the FileSystem dock and choosing "Copy Path" or by dragging the file from the FileSystem dock into the script.
- # Load a scene called main located in the root of the project directory.
- var main = load("res://main.tscn")
+ # Load a scene called main located in the root of the project directory and cache it in a variable.
+ var main = load("res://main.tscn") # main will contain a PackedScene resource.
[b]Important:[/b] The path must be absolute, a local path will just return [code]null[/code].
@@ -797,11 +797,11 @@
<argument index="0" name="path" type="String">
- Returns a resource from the filesystem that is loaded during script parsing.
- [b]Note:[/b] Resource paths can be obtained by right clicking on a resource in the Assets Panel and choosing "Copy Path".
+ Returns a [Resource] from the filesystem located at [code]path[/code]. The resource is loaded during script parsing, i.e. is loaded with the script and [method preload] effectively acts as a reference to that resource. Note that the method requires a constant path. If you want to load a resource from a dynamic/variable path, use [method load].
+ [b]Note:[/b] Resource paths can be obtained by right clicking on a resource in the Assets Panel and choosing "Copy Path" or by dragging the file from the FileSystem dock into the script.
- # Load a scene called main located in the root of the project directory.
- var main = preload("res://main.tscn")
+ # Instance a scene.
+ var diamond = preload("res://diamond.tscn").instance()
diff --git a/modules/mono/build_scripts/ b/modules/mono/build_scripts/
index 371819fd72..03f4e57f02 100644
--- a/modules/mono/build_scripts/
+++ b/modules/mono/build_scripts/
@@ -142,9 +142,7 @@ def build_solution(env, solution_path, build_config, extra_msbuild_args=[]):
# Build solution
- targets = ["Restore", "Build"]
- msbuild_args += [solution_path, "/t:%s" % ",".join(targets), "/p:Configuration=" + build_config]
+ msbuild_args += [solution_path, "/restore", "/t:Build", "/p:Configuration=" + build_config]
msbuild_args += extra_msbuild_args
run_command(msbuild_path, msbuild_args, env_override=msbuild_env, name="msbuild")
diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/GodotTools/GodotTools/Build/BuildSystem.cs b/modules/mono/editor/GodotTools/GodotTools/Build/BuildSystem.cs
index e55558c100..34e42489eb 100644
--- a/modules/mono/editor/GodotTools/GodotTools/Build/BuildSystem.cs
+++ b/modules/mono/editor/GodotTools/GodotTools/Build/BuildSystem.cs
@@ -47,19 +47,14 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
private static bool PrintBuildOutput =>
- private static Process LaunchBuild(string solution, IEnumerable<string> targets, string config, string loggerOutputDir, IEnumerable<string> customProperties = null)
+ private static Process LaunchBuild(BuildInfo buildInfo)
(string msbuildPath, BuildTool buildTool) = MsBuildFinder.FindMsBuild();
if (msbuildPath == null)
throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot find the MSBuild executable.");
- var customPropertiesList = new List<string>();
- if (customProperties != null)
- customPropertiesList.AddRange(customProperties);
- string compilerArgs = BuildArguments(buildTool, solution, targets, config, loggerOutputDir, customPropertiesList);
+ string compilerArgs = BuildArguments(buildTool, buildInfo);
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(msbuildPath, compilerArgs);
@@ -100,19 +95,7 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
public static int Build(BuildInfo buildInfo)
- return Build(buildInfo.Solution, buildInfo.Targets, buildInfo.Configuration,
- buildInfo.LogsDirPath, buildInfo.CustomProperties);
- }
- public static Task<int> BuildAsync(BuildInfo buildInfo)
- {
- return BuildAsync(buildInfo.Solution, buildInfo.Targets, buildInfo.Configuration,
- buildInfo.LogsDirPath, buildInfo.CustomProperties);
- }
- public static int Build(string solution, string[] targets, string config, string loggerOutputDir, IEnumerable<string> customProperties = null)
- {
- using (var process = LaunchBuild(solution, targets, config, loggerOutputDir, customProperties))
+ using (var process = LaunchBuild(buildInfo))
@@ -120,9 +103,9 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
- public static async Task<int> BuildAsync(string solution, IEnumerable<string> targets, string config, string loggerOutputDir, IEnumerable<string> customProperties = null)
+ public static async Task<int> BuildAsync(BuildInfo buildInfo)
- using (var process = LaunchBuild(solution, targets, config, loggerOutputDir, customProperties))
+ using (var process = LaunchBuild(buildInfo))
await process.WaitForExitAsync();
@@ -130,17 +113,18 @@ namespace GodotTools.Build
- private static string BuildArguments(BuildTool buildTool, string solution, IEnumerable<string> targets, string config, string loggerOutputDir, IEnumerable<string> customProperties)
+ private static string BuildArguments(BuildTool buildTool, BuildInfo buildInfo)
string arguments = string.Empty;
if (buildTool == BuildTool.DotnetCli)
arguments += "msbuild "; // `dotnet msbuild` command
- arguments += $@"""{solution}"" /v:normal /t:{string.Join(",", targets)} ""/p:{"Configuration=" + config}"" " +
- $@"""/l:{typeof(GodotBuildLogger).FullName},{GodotBuildLogger.AssemblyPath};{loggerOutputDir}""";
+ arguments += $@"""{buildInfo.Solution}"" /t:{string.Join(",", buildInfo.Targets)} " +
+ $@"""/p:{"Configuration=" + buildInfo.Configuration}"" /v:normal " +
+ $@"""/l:{typeof(GodotBuildLogger).FullName},{GodotBuildLogger.AssemblyPath};{buildInfo.LogsDirPath}""";
- foreach (string customProperty in customProperties)
+ foreach (string customProperty in buildInfo.CustomProperties)
arguments += " /p:" + customProperty;
diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/GodotTools/GodotTools/BuildInfo.cs b/modules/mono/editor/GodotTools/GodotTools/BuildInfo.cs
index cca0983c01..ab090c46e7 100644
--- a/modules/mono/editor/GodotTools/GodotTools/BuildInfo.cs
+++ b/modules/mono/editor/GodotTools/GodotTools/BuildInfo.cs
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ namespace GodotTools
public string Solution { get; }
public string[] Targets { get; }
public string Configuration { get; }
+ public bool Restore { get; }
public Array<string> CustomProperties { get; } = new Array<string>(); // TODO Use List once we have proper serialization
public string LogsDirPath => Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.BuildLogsDirs, $"{Solution.MD5Text()}_{Configuration}");
@@ -39,11 +40,12 @@ namespace GodotTools
- public BuildInfo(string solution, string[] targets, string configuration)
+ public BuildInfo(string solution, string[] targets, string configuration, bool restore)
Solution = solution;
Targets = targets;
Configuration = configuration;
+ Restore = restore;
diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/GodotTools/GodotTools/BuildManager.cs b/modules/mono/editor/GodotTools/GodotTools/BuildManager.cs
index 598787ba03..0974d23176 100644
--- a/modules/mono/editor/GodotTools/GodotTools/BuildManager.cs
+++ b/modules/mono/editor/GodotTools/GodotTools/BuildManager.cs
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ namespace GodotTools
pr.Step("Building project solution", 0);
- var buildInfo = new BuildInfo(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath, targets: new[] {"Restore", "Build"}, config);
+ var buildInfo = new BuildInfo(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath, targets: new[] {"Build"}, config, restore: true);
bool escapeNeedsDoubleBackslash = buildTool == BuildTool.MsBuildMono || buildTool == BuildTool.DotnetCli;
diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/GodotTools/GodotTools/BuildTab.cs b/modules/mono/editor/GodotTools/GodotTools/BuildTab.cs
index 0106e1f1ac..8596cd24af 100644
--- a/modules/mono/editor/GodotTools/GodotTools/BuildTab.cs
+++ b/modules/mono/editor/GodotTools/GodotTools/BuildTab.cs
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ namespace GodotTools
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Item list index out of range");
// Get correct issue idx from issue list
- int issueIndex = (int)issuesList.GetItemMetadata(idx);
+ int issueIndex = (int)(long)issuesList.GetItemMetadata(idx);
if (issueIndex < 0 || issueIndex >= issues.Count)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Issue index out of range");
diff --git a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_internals.cpp b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_internals.cpp
index 27e402d777..abb2761909 100644
--- a/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_internals.cpp
+++ b/modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_internals.cpp
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ void tie_managed_to_unmanaged(MonoObject *managed, Object *unmanaged) {
void unhandled_exception(MonoException *p_exc) {
- mono_unhandled_exception((MonoObject *)p_exc); // prints the exception as well
+ mono_print_unhandled_exception((MonoObject *)p_exc);
if (GDMono::get_singleton()->get_unhandled_exception_policy() == GDMono::POLICY_TERMINATE_APP) {
// Too bad 'mono_invoke_unhandled_exception_hook' is not exposed to embedders
diff --git a/platform/android/export/export.cpp b/platform/android/export/export.cpp
index a663a847c2..2f6f483edf 100644
--- a/platform/android/export/export.cpp
+++ b/platform/android/export/export.cpp
@@ -862,6 +862,7 @@ class EditorExportPlatformAndroid : public EditorExportPlatform {
String tname = string_table[name];
uint32_t attrcount = decode_uint32(&p_manifest[iofs + 20]);
iofs += 28;
+ bool is_focus_aware_metadata = false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < attrcount; i++) {
uint32_t attr_nspace = decode_uint32(&p_manifest[iofs]);
@@ -929,9 +930,9 @@ class EditorExportPlatformAndroid : public EditorExportPlatform {
- if (tname == "meta-data" && attrname == "value" && value == "oculus_focus_aware_value") {
+ if (tname == "meta-data" && attrname == "value" && is_focus_aware_metadata) {
// Update the focus awareness meta-data value
- string_table.write[attr_value] = xr_mode_index == /* XRMode.OVR */ 1 && focus_awareness ? "true" : "false";
+ encode_uint32(xr_mode_index == /* XRMode.OVR */ 1 && focus_awareness ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0, &p_manifest.write[iofs + 16]);
if (tname == "meta-data" && attrname == "value" && value == "plugins_value" && !plugins_names.empty()) {
@@ -939,6 +940,7 @@ class EditorExportPlatformAndroid : public EditorExportPlatform {
string_table.write[attr_value] = plugins_names;
+ is_focus_aware_metadata = tname == "meta-data" && attrname == "name" && value == "com.oculus.vr.focusaware";
iofs += 20;
diff --git a/platform/android/java/app/AndroidManifest.xml b/platform/android/java/app/AndroidManifest.xml
index dbf1dc0f3c..48c09552c1 100644
--- a/platform/android/java/app/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ b/platform/android/java/app/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
tools:ignore="UnusedAttribute" >
- <!-- Focus awareness metadata populated at export time if the user enables it in the 'Xr Features' section. -->
- <meta-data android:name="com.oculus.vr.focusaware" android:value="oculus_focus_aware_value" />
+ <!-- Focus awareness metadata is updated at export time if the user enables it in the 'Xr Features' section. -->
+ <meta-data android:name="com.oculus.vr.focusaware" android:value="false" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
diff --git a/platform/android/java/app/src/com/godot/game/ b/platform/android/java/app/src/com/godot/game/
index eb884404cd..1af5950cbe 100644
--- a/platform/android/java/app/src/com/godot/game/
+++ b/platform/android/java/app/src/com/godot/game/
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@
-import org.godotengine.godot.Godot;
+import org.godotengine.godot.FullScreenGodotApp;
* Template activity for Godot Android custom builds.
* Feel free to extend and modify this class for your custom logic.
-public class GodotApp extends Godot {
+public class GodotApp extends FullScreenGodotApp {
diff --git a/platform/android/java/lib/res/layout/godot_app_layout.xml b/platform/android/java/lib/res/layout/godot_app_layout.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..386ded1c5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/android/java/lib/res/layout/godot_app_layout.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""
+ android:id="@+id/godot_fragment_container"
+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
+ android:layout_height="match_parent" />
diff --git a/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/ b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..138c2de94c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* */
+/* This file is part of: */
+/* */
+/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
+/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
+/* */
+/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
+/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
+/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
+/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
+/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
+/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
+/* the following conditions: */
+/* */
+/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
+/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
+/* */
+package org.godotengine.godot;
+import android.content.Intent;
+import android.os.Bundle;
+import android.view.KeyEvent;
+ * Base activity for Android apps intending to use Godot as the primary and only screen.
+ *
+ * It's also a reference implementation for how to setup and use the {@link Godot} fragment
+ * within an Android app.
+ */
+public abstract class FullScreenGodotApp extends FragmentActivity {
+ protected Godot godotFragment;
+ @Override
+ public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
+ super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
+ setContentView(R.layout.godot_app_layout);
+ godotFragment = new Godot();
+ getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(, godotFragment).setPrimaryNavigationFragment(godotFragment).commitNowAllowingStateLoss();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
+ if (godotFragment != null) {
+ godotFragment.onNewIntent(intent);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onBackPressed() {
+ if (godotFragment != null) {
+ godotFragment.onBackPressed();
+ } else {
+ super.onBackPressed();
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean onKeyMultiple(final int inKeyCode, int repeatCount, KeyEvent event) {
+ if (godotFragment != null && godotFragment.onKeyMultiple(inKeyCode, repeatCount, event)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return super.onKeyMultiple(inKeyCode, repeatCount, event);
+ }
diff --git a/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/ b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/
index fcbbc86100..1b55090451 100644
--- a/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/
+++ b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
package org.godotengine.godot;
+import static android.content.Context.MODE_PRIVATE;
+import static android.content.Context.WINDOW_SERVICE;
import org.godotengine.godot.input.GodotEditText;
import org.godotengine.godot.plugin.GodotPlugin;
import org.godotengine.godot.plugin.GodotPluginRegistry;
@@ -68,6 +71,7 @@ import android.os.Vibrator;
import android.provider.Settings.Secure;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
+import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.Surface;
import android.view.View;
@@ -84,7 +88,7 @@ import android.widget.TextView;
import androidx.annotation.CallSuper;
import androidx.annotation.Keep;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
@@ -102,7 +106,7 @@ import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
-public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListener, IDownloaderClient {
+public class Godot extends Fragment implements SensorEventListener, IDownloaderClient {
private IStub mDownloaderClientStub;
private TextView mStatusText;
private TextView mProgressFraction;
@@ -130,7 +134,6 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
static private Intent mCurrentIntent;
- @Override
public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
mCurrentIntent = intent;
@@ -156,6 +159,7 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
private String[] command_line;
private boolean use_apk_expansion;
+ private ViewGroup containerLayout;
public GodotRenderView mRenderView;
private boolean godot_initialized = false;
@@ -174,7 +178,7 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
public ResultCallback result_callback;
- protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
+ public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
if (result_callback != null) {
result_callback.callback(requestCode, resultCode, data);
result_callback = null;
@@ -211,27 +215,28 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
private void onVideoInit() {
- final FrameLayout layout = new FrameLayout(this);
- layout.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT));
- setContentView(layout);
+ final Activity activity = getActivity();
+ containerLayout = new FrameLayout(activity);
+ containerLayout.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT));
// GodotEditText layout
- GodotEditText editText = new GodotEditText(this);
+ GodotEditText editText = new GodotEditText(activity);
editText.setLayoutParams(new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));
// ...add to FrameLayout
- layout.addView(editText);
+ containerLayout.addView(editText);
final String videoDriver = GodotLib.getGlobal("rendering/quality/driver/driver_name");
if (videoDriver.equals("Vulkan")) {
- mRenderView = new GodotVulkanRenderView(this);
+ mRenderView = new GodotVulkanRenderView(activity, this);
} else {
- mRenderView = new GodotGLRenderView(this, xrMode, use_32_bits, use_debug_opengl);
+ mRenderView = new GodotGLRenderView(activity, this, xrMode, use_32_bits,
+ use_debug_opengl);
View view = mRenderView.getView();
- layout.addView(view, new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT));
+ containerLayout.addView(view, new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT));
@@ -239,7 +244,7 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
public void onGlobalLayout() {
Point fullSize = new Point();
- getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getSize(fullSize);
+ activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getSize(fullSize);
Rect gameSize = new Rect();
@@ -262,9 +267,9 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
// Include the returned non-null views in the Godot view hierarchy.
for (GodotPlugin plugin : pluginRegistry.getAllPlugins()) {
- View pluginView = plugin.onMainCreate(this);
+ View pluginView = plugin.onMainCreate(activity);
if (pluginView != null) {
- layout.addView(pluginView);
+ containerLayout.addView(pluginView);
@@ -274,9 +279,9 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
public void run() {
if (p_enabled) {
- getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON);
+ getActivity().getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON);
} else {
- getWindow().clearFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON);
+ getActivity().getWindow().clearFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON);
@@ -290,7 +295,7 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
private void vibrate(int durationMs) {
if (requestPermission("VIBRATE")) {
- Vibrator v = (Vibrator)getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);
+ Vibrator v = (Vibrator)getContext().getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);
if (v != null) {
v.vibrate(VibrationEffect.createOneShot(durationMs, VibrationEffect.DEFAULT_AMPLITUDE));
@@ -314,13 +319,16 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
// Using instrumentation is a way of making the whole app process restart, because Android
// will kill any process of the same package which was already running.
- Bundle args = new Bundle();
- args.putParcelable("intent", mCurrentIntent);
- startInstrumentation(new ComponentName(this, GodotInstrumentation.class), null, args);
+ final Activity activity = getActivity();
+ if (activity != null) {
+ Bundle args = new Bundle();
+ args.putParcelable("intent", mCurrentIntent);
+ activity.startInstrumentation(new ComponentName(activity, GodotInstrumentation.class), null, args);
+ }
public void alert(final String message, final String title) {
- final Activity activity = this;
+ final Activity activity = getActivity();
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
@@ -340,7 +348,7 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
public int getGLESVersionCode() {
- ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager)this.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
+ ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager)getContext().getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
ConfigurationInfo deviceInfo = am.getDeviceConfigurationInfo();
return deviceInfo.reqGlEsVersion;
@@ -349,7 +357,7 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
protected String[] getCommandLine() {
InputStream is;
try {
- is = getAssets().open("_cl_");
+ is = getActivity().getAssets().open("_cl_");
byte[] len = new byte[4];
int r =;
if (r < 4) {
@@ -426,11 +434,12 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
command_line = new_cmdline;
- io = new GodotIO(this);
- io.unique_id = Secure.getString(getContentResolver(), Secure.ANDROID_ID);
+ final Activity activity = getActivity();
+ io = new GodotIO(activity);
+ io.unique_id = Secure.getString(activity.getContentResolver(), Secure.ANDROID_ID); = io;
- netUtils = new GodotNetUtils(this);
- mSensorManager = (SensorManager)getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);
+ netUtils = new GodotNetUtils(activity);
+ mSensorManager = (SensorManager)activity.getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);
mAccelerometer = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER);
mSensorManager.registerListener(this, mAccelerometer, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME);
mGravity = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_GRAVITY);
@@ -440,7 +449,7 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
mGyroscope = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE);
mSensorManager.registerListener(this, mGyroscope, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME);
- GodotLib.initialize(this, getAssets(), use_apk_expansion);
+ GodotLib.initialize(activity, this, activity.getAssets(), use_apk_expansion);
result_callback = null;
@@ -454,151 +463,152 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
- protected void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
- super.onCreate(icicle);
- Window window = getWindow();
+ public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle icicle) {
+ final Activity activity = getActivity();
+ Window window = activity.getWindow();
- mClipboard = (ClipboardManager)getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);
+ mClipboard = (ClipboardManager)activity.getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);
pluginRegistry = GodotPluginRegistry.initializePluginRegistry(this);
//check for apk expansion API
- if (true) {
- boolean md5mismatch = false;
- command_line = getCommandLine();
- String main_pack_md5 = null;
- String main_pack_key = null;
- List<String> new_args = new LinkedList<String>();
- for (int i = 0; i < command_line.length; i++) {
- boolean has_extra = i < command_line.length - 1;
- if (command_line[i].equals(XRMode.REGULAR.cmdLineArg)) {
- xrMode = XRMode.REGULAR;
- } else if (command_line[i].equals(XRMode.OVR.cmdLineArg)) {
- xrMode = XRMode.OVR;
- } else if (command_line[i].equals("--use_depth_32")) {
- use_32_bits = true;
- } else if (command_line[i].equals("--debug_opengl")) {
- use_debug_opengl = true;
- } else if (command_line[i].equals("--use_immersive")) {
- use_immersive = true;
- if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { // check if the application runs on an android 4.4+
- window.getDecorView().setSystemUiVisibility(
- View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION | // hide nav bar
- View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN | // hide status bar
- UiChangeListener();
- }
- } else if (command_line[i].equals("--use_apk_expansion")) {
- use_apk_expansion = true;
- } else if (has_extra && command_line[i].equals("--apk_expansion_md5")) {
- main_pack_md5 = command_line[i + 1];
- i++;
- } else if (has_extra && command_line[i].equals("--apk_expansion_key")) {
- main_pack_key = command_line[i + 1];
- SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences("app_data_keys", MODE_PRIVATE);
- Editor editor = prefs.edit();
- editor.putString("store_public_key", main_pack_key);
- editor.apply();
- i++;
- } else if (command_line[i].trim().length() != 0) {
- new_args.add(command_line[i]);
+ boolean md5mismatch = false;
+ command_line = getCommandLine();
+ String main_pack_md5 = null;
+ String main_pack_key = null;
+ List<String> new_args = new LinkedList<String>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < command_line.length; i++) {
+ boolean has_extra = i < command_line.length - 1;
+ if (command_line[i].equals(XRMode.REGULAR.cmdLineArg)) {
+ xrMode = XRMode.REGULAR;
+ } else if (command_line[i].equals(XRMode.OVR.cmdLineArg)) {
+ xrMode = XRMode.OVR;
+ } else if (command_line[i].equals("--use_depth_32")) {
+ use_32_bits = true;
+ } else if (command_line[i].equals("--debug_opengl")) {
+ use_debug_opengl = true;
+ } else if (command_line[i].equals("--use_immersive")) {
+ use_immersive = true;
+ if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { // check if the application runs on an android 4.4+
+ window.getDecorView().setSystemUiVisibility(
+ View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION | // hide nav bar
+ View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN | // hide status bar
+ UiChangeListener();
+ } else if (command_line[i].equals("--use_apk_expansion")) {
+ use_apk_expansion = true;
+ } else if (has_extra && command_line[i].equals("--apk_expansion_md5")) {
+ main_pack_md5 = command_line[i + 1];
+ i++;
+ } else if (has_extra && command_line[i].equals("--apk_expansion_key")) {
+ main_pack_key = command_line[i + 1];
+ SharedPreferences prefs = activity.getSharedPreferences("app_data_keys",
+ Editor editor = prefs.edit();
+ editor.putString("store_public_key", main_pack_key);
+ editor.apply();
+ i++;
+ } else if (command_line[i].trim().length() != 0) {
+ new_args.add(command_line[i]);
+ }
- if (new_args.isEmpty()) {
- command_line = null;
- } else {
- command_line = new_args.toArray(new String[new_args.size()]);
+ if (new_args.isEmpty()) {
+ command_line = null;
+ } else {
+ command_line = new_args.toArray(new String[new_args.size()]);
+ }
+ if (use_apk_expansion && main_pack_md5 != null && main_pack_key != null) {
+ //check that environment is ok!
+ if (!Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED)) {
+ //show popup and die
- if (use_apk_expansion && main_pack_md5 != null && main_pack_key != null) {
- //check that environment is ok!
- if (!Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED)) {
- //show popup and die
- }
- // Build the full path to the app's expansion files
- try {
- expansion_pack_path = Helpers.getSaveFilePath(getApplicationContext());
- expansion_pack_path += "/main." + getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), 0).versionCode + "." + this.getPackageName() + ".obb";
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
+ // Build the full path to the app's expansion files
+ try {
+ expansion_pack_path = Helpers.getSaveFilePath(getContext());
+ expansion_pack_path += "/main." + activity.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(activity.getPackageName(), 0).versionCode + "." + activity.getPackageName() + ".obb";
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
- File f = new File(expansion_pack_path);
+ File f = new File(expansion_pack_path);
- boolean pack_valid = true;
+ boolean pack_valid = true;
- if (!f.exists()) {
- pack_valid = false;
+ if (!f.exists()) {
+ pack_valid = false;
- } else if (obbIsCorrupted(expansion_pack_path, main_pack_md5)) {
- pack_valid = false;
- try {
- f.delete();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- }
+ } else if (obbIsCorrupted(expansion_pack_path, main_pack_md5)) {
+ pack_valid = false;
+ try {
+ f.delete();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ }
- if (!pack_valid) {
- Intent notifierIntent = new Intent(this, this.getClass());
- notifierIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK |
+ if (!pack_valid) {
+ Intent notifierIntent = new Intent(activity, activity.getClass());
+ notifierIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK |
- PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0,
- notifierIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
+ PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(activity, 0,
+ notifierIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
- int startResult;
- try {
- startResult = DownloaderClientMarshaller.startDownloadServiceIfRequired(
- getApplicationContext(),
- pendingIntent,
+ int startResult;
+ try {
+ startResult = DownloaderClientMarshaller.startDownloadServiceIfRequired(
+ getContext(),
+ pendingIntent,
+ GodotDownloaderService.class);
+ if (startResult != DownloaderClientMarshaller.NO_DOWNLOAD_REQUIRED) {
+ // This is where you do set up to display the download
+ // progress (next step)
+ mDownloaderClientStub = DownloaderClientMarshaller.CreateStub(this,
- if (startResult != DownloaderClientMarshaller.NO_DOWNLOAD_REQUIRED) {
- // This is where you do set up to display the download
- // progress (next step)
- mDownloaderClientStub = DownloaderClientMarshaller.CreateStub(this,
- GodotDownloaderService.class);
- setContentView(R.layout.downloading_expansion);
- mPB = (ProgressBar)findViewById(;
- mStatusText = (TextView)findViewById(;
- mProgressFraction = (TextView)findViewById(;
- mProgressPercent = (TextView)findViewById(;
- mAverageSpeed = (TextView)findViewById(;
- mTimeRemaining = (TextView)findViewById(;
- mDashboard = findViewById(;
- mCellMessage = findViewById(;
- mPauseButton = (Button)findViewById(;
- mWiFiSettingsButton = (Button)findViewById(;
- return;
- }
- } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+ View downloadingExpansionView =
+ inflater.inflate(R.layout.downloading_expansion, container, false);
+ mPB = (ProgressBar)downloadingExpansionView.findViewById(;
+ mStatusText = (TextView)downloadingExpansionView.findViewById(;
+ mProgressFraction = (TextView)downloadingExpansionView.findViewById(;
+ mProgressPercent = (TextView)downloadingExpansionView.findViewById(;
+ mAverageSpeed = (TextView)downloadingExpansionView.findViewById(;
+ mTimeRemaining = (TextView)downloadingExpansionView.findViewById(;
+ mDashboard = downloadingExpansionView.findViewById(;
+ mCellMessage = downloadingExpansionView.findViewById(;
+ mPauseButton = (Button)downloadingExpansionView.findViewById(;
+ mWiFiSettingsButton = (Button)downloadingExpansionView.findViewById(;
+ return downloadingExpansionView;
+ } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
+ // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- mCurrentIntent = getIntent();
+ mCurrentIntent = activity.getIntent();
+ return containerLayout;
- protected void onDestroy() {
+ public void onDestroy() {
for (GodotPlugin plugin : pluginRegistry.getAllPlugins()) {
- GodotLib.ondestroy(this);
+ GodotLib.ondestroy();
@@ -608,13 +618,13 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
- protected void onPause() {
+ public void onPause() {
activityResumed = false;
if (!godot_initialized) {
if (null != mDownloaderClientStub) {
- mDownloaderClientStub.disconnect(this);
+ mDownloaderClientStub.disconnect(getActivity());
@@ -644,12 +654,12 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
- protected void onResume() {
+ public void onResume() {
activityResumed = true;
if (!godot_initialized) {
if (null != mDownloaderClientStub) {
- mDownloaderClientStub.connect(this);
+ mDownloaderClientStub.connect(getActivity());
@@ -662,7 +672,7 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
mSensorManager.registerListener(this, mGyroscope, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME);
if (use_immersive && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { // check if the application runs on an android 4.4+
- Window window = getWindow();
+ Window window = getActivity().getWindow();
@@ -678,7 +688,7 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
public void UiChangeListener() {
- final View decorView = getWindow().getDecorView();
+ final View decorView = getActivity().getWindow().getDecorView();
decorView.setOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener(new View.OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener() {
public void onSystemUiVisibilityChange(int visibility) {
@@ -699,7 +709,8 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
- Display display = ((WindowManager)getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay();
+ Display display =
+ ((WindowManager)getActivity().getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay();
int displayRotation = display.getRotation();
float[] adjustedValues = new float[3];
@@ -762,7 +773,6 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
- @Override
public void onBackPressed() {
boolean shouldQuit = true;
@@ -793,6 +803,12 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
+ public final void runOnUiThread(@NonNull Runnable action) {
+ if (getActivity() != null) {
+ getActivity().runOnUiThread(action);
+ }
+ }
private void forceQuit() {
@@ -895,18 +911,17 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
return true;
- @Override
public boolean onKeyMultiple(final int inKeyCode, int repeatCount, KeyEvent event) {
String s = event.getCharacters();
if (s == null || s.length() == 0)
- return super.onKeyMultiple(inKeyCode, repeatCount, event);
+ return false;
final char[] cc = s.toCharArray();
int cnt = 0;
for (int i = cc.length; --i >= 0; cnt += cc[i] != 0 ? 1 : 0)
if (cnt == 0)
- return super.onKeyMultiple(inKeyCode, repeatCount, event);
+ return false;
mRenderView.queueOnRenderThread(new Runnable() {
// This method will be called on the rendering thread:
public void run() {
@@ -924,15 +939,15 @@ public abstract class Godot extends FragmentActivity implements SensorEventListe
public boolean requestPermission(String p_name) {
- return PermissionsUtil.requestPermission(p_name, this);
+ return PermissionsUtil.requestPermission(p_name, getActivity());
public boolean requestPermissions() {
- return PermissionsUtil.requestManifestPermissions(this);
+ return PermissionsUtil.requestManifestPermissions(getActivity());
public String[] getGrantedPermissions() {
- return PermissionsUtil.getGrantedPermissions(this);
+ return PermissionsUtil.getGrantedPermissions(getActivity());
diff --git a/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/ b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/
index 14dd893faa..4da2f31250 100644
--- a/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/
+++ b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import org.godotengine.godot.xr.regular.RegularContextFactory;
import org.godotengine.godot.xr.regular.RegularFallbackConfigChooser;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
+import android.content.Context;
import android.opengl.GLSurfaceView;
import android.view.GestureDetector;
@@ -68,19 +69,20 @@ import android.view.SurfaceView;
* bit depths). Failure to do so would result in an EGL_BAD_MATCH error.
public class GodotGLRenderView extends GLSurfaceView implements GodotRenderView {
- private final Godot activity;
+ private final Godot godot;
private final GodotInputHandler inputHandler;
private final GestureDetector detector;
private final GodotRenderer godotRenderer;
- public GodotGLRenderView(Godot activity, XRMode xrMode, boolean p_use_32_bits, boolean p_use_debug_opengl) {
- super(activity);
+ public GodotGLRenderView(Context context, Godot godot, XRMode xrMode, boolean p_use_32_bits,
+ boolean p_use_debug_opengl) {
+ super(context);
GLUtils.use_32 = p_use_32_bits;
GLUtils.use_debug_opengl = p_use_debug_opengl;
- this.activity = activity;
+ this.godot = godot;
this.inputHandler = new GodotInputHandler(this);
- this.detector = new GestureDetector(activity, new GodotGestureHandler(this));
+ this.detector = new GestureDetector(context, new GodotGestureHandler(this));
this.godotRenderer = new GodotRenderer();
init(xrMode, false, 16, 0);
@@ -112,7 +114,7 @@ public class GodotGLRenderView extends GLSurfaceView implements GodotRenderView
public void onBackPressed() {
- activity.onBackPressed();
+ godot.onBackPressed();
@@ -120,7 +122,7 @@ public class GodotGLRenderView extends GLSurfaceView implements GodotRenderView
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
- return activity.gotTouchEvent(event);
+ return godot.gotTouchEvent(event);
diff --git a/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/ b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/
index 93f4786e83..4dd228e53b 100644
--- a/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/
+++ b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ package org.godotengine.godot;
import org.godotengine.godot.input.*;
import android.content.*;
import android.content.Intent;
@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ import java.util.Locale;
public class GodotIO {
AssetManager am;
- Godot activity;
+ final Activity activity;
GodotEditText edit;
final int SCREEN_LANDSCAPE = 0;
@@ -314,7 +315,7 @@ public class GodotIO {
- GodotIO(Godot p_activity) {
+ GodotIO(Activity p_activity) {
am = p_activity.getAssets();
activity = p_activity;
//streams = new HashMap<Integer, AssetData>();
diff --git a/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/ b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/
index 3693f36557..318e2816ff 100644
--- a/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/
+++ b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ public class GodotLib {
* Invoked on the main thread to initialize Godot native layer.
- public static native void initialize(Godot p_instance, Object p_asset_manager, boolean use_apk_expansion);
+ public static native void initialize(Activity activity, Godot p_instance, Object p_asset_manager, boolean use_apk_expansion);
* Invoked on the main thread to clean up Godot native layer.
- * @see Activity#onDestroy()
+ * @see
- public static native void ondestroy(Godot p_instance);
+ public static native void ondestroy();
* Invoked on the GL thread to complete setup for the Godot native layer logic.
@@ -161,14 +161,14 @@ public class GodotLib {
public static native void joyconnectionchanged(int p_device, boolean p_connected, String p_name);
- * Invoked when the Android activity resumes.
- * @see Activity#onResume()
+ * Invoked when the Android app resumes.
+ * @see
public static native void focusin();
- * Invoked when the Android activity pauses.
- * @see Activity#onPause()
+ * Invoked when the Android app pauses.
+ * @see
public static native void focusout();
diff --git a/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/ b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/
index e9872b58ff..aace593bae 100644
--- a/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/
+++ b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/
@@ -36,23 +36,24 @@ import org.godotengine.godot.vulkan.VkRenderer;
import org.godotengine.godot.vulkan.VkSurfaceView;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
+import android.content.Context;
import android.view.GestureDetector;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.SurfaceView;
public class GodotVulkanRenderView extends VkSurfaceView implements GodotRenderView {
- private final Godot mActivity;
+ private final Godot godot;
private final GodotInputHandler mInputHandler;
private final GestureDetector mGestureDetector;
private final VkRenderer mRenderer;
- public GodotVulkanRenderView(Godot activity) {
- super(activity);
+ public GodotVulkanRenderView(Context context, Godot godot) {
+ super(context);
- mActivity = activity;
+ this.godot = godot;
mInputHandler = new GodotInputHandler(this);
- mGestureDetector = new GestureDetector(mActivity, new GodotGestureHandler(this));
+ mGestureDetector = new GestureDetector(context, new GodotGestureHandler(this));
mRenderer = new VkRenderer();
@@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ public class GodotVulkanRenderView extends VkSurfaceView implements GodotRenderV
public void onBackPressed() {
- mActivity.onBackPressed();
+ godot.onBackPressed();
@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ public class GodotVulkanRenderView extends VkSurfaceView implements GodotRenderV
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
- return mActivity.gotTouchEvent(event);
+ return godot.gotTouchEvent(event);
diff --git a/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/plugin/ b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/plugin/
index ce85880fa3..93c204935c 100644
--- a/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/plugin/
+++ b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/plugin/
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ public abstract class GodotPlugin {
protected Activity getActivity() {
- return godot;
+ return godot.getActivity();
diff --git a/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/plugin/ b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/plugin/
index 12d2ed09fb..1c2d1a6563 100644
--- a/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/plugin/
+++ b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/plugin/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ package org.godotengine.godot.plugin;
import org.godotengine.godot.Godot;
import android.os.Bundle;
@@ -121,9 +122,11 @@ public final class GodotPluginRegistry {
private void loadPlugins(Godot godot) {
try {
- ApplicationInfo appInfo = godot
+ final Activity activity = godot.getActivity();
+ ApplicationInfo appInfo = activity
- .getApplicationInfo(godot.getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
+ .getApplicationInfo(activity.getPackageName(),
+ PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
Bundle metaData = appInfo.metaData;
if (metaData == null || metaData.isEmpty()) {
diff --git a/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/utils/ b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/utils/
index 0832a9b965..c89118ad55 100644
--- a/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/utils/
+++ b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/utils/
@@ -30,8 +30,7 @@
package org.godotengine.godot.utils;
-import org.godotengine.godot.Godot;
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Log;
@@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ public class GodotNetUtils {
/* A single, reference counted, multicast lock, or null if permission CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE is missing */
private WifiManager.MulticastLock multicastLock;
- public GodotNetUtils(Godot p_activity) {
+ public GodotNetUtils(Activity p_activity) {
if (PermissionsUtil.hasManifestPermission(p_activity, "android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE")) {
WifiManager wifi = (WifiManager)p_activity.getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
multicastLock = wifi.createMulticastLock("GodotMulticastLock");
diff --git a/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/utils/ b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/utils/
index 6837e4f147..7104baf86e 100644
--- a/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/utils/
+++ b/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/utils/
@@ -30,9 +30,8 @@
package org.godotengine.godot.utils;
-import org.godotengine.godot.Godot;
import android.Manifest;
@@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ public final class PermissionsUtil {
* @param activity the caller activity for this method.
* @return true/false. "true" if permission was granted otherwise returns "false".
- public static boolean requestPermission(String name, Godot activity) {
+ public static boolean requestPermission(String name, Activity activity) {
// Not necessary, asked on install already
return true;
@@ -93,7 +92,7 @@ public final class PermissionsUtil {
* @param activity the caller activity for this method.
* @return true/false. "true" if all permissions were granted otherwise returns "false".
- public static boolean requestManifestPermissions(Godot activity) {
+ public static boolean requestManifestPermissions(Activity activity) {
return true;
@@ -138,7 +137,7 @@ public final class PermissionsUtil {
* @param activity the caller activity for this method.
* @return granted permissions list
- public static String[] getGrantedPermissions(Godot activity) {
+ public static String[] getGrantedPermissions(Activity activity) {
String[] manifestPermissions;
try {
manifestPermissions = getManifestPermissions(activity);
@@ -172,7 +171,7 @@ public final class PermissionsUtil {
* @param permission the permession to look for in the manifest file.
* @return "true" if the permission is in the manifest file of the activity, "false" otherwise.
- public static boolean hasManifestPermission(Godot activity, String permission) {
+ public static boolean hasManifestPermission(Activity activity, String permission) {
try {
for (String p : getManifestPermissions(activity)) {
if (permission.equals(p))
@@ -190,7 +189,7 @@ public final class PermissionsUtil {
* @return manifest permissions list
* @throws PackageManager.NameNotFoundException the exception is thrown when a given package, application, or component name cannot be found.
- private static String[] getManifestPermissions(Godot activity) throws PackageManager.NameNotFoundException {
+ private static String[] getManifestPermissions(Activity activity) throws PackageManager.NameNotFoundException {
PackageManager packageManager = activity.getPackageManager();
PackageInfo packageInfo = packageManager.getPackageInfo(activity.getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_PERMISSIONS);
if (packageInfo.requestedPermissions == null)
@@ -205,7 +204,7 @@ public final class PermissionsUtil {
* @return permission info object
* @throws PackageManager.NameNotFoundException the exception is thrown when a given package, application, or component name cannot be found.
- private static PermissionInfo getPermissionInfo(Godot activity, String permission) throws PackageManager.NameNotFoundException {
+ private static PermissionInfo getPermissionInfo(Activity activity, String permission) throws PackageManager.NameNotFoundException {
PackageManager packageManager = activity.getPackageManager();
return packageManager.getPermissionInfo(permission, 0);
diff --git a/platform/android/java_class_wrapper.cpp b/platform/android/java_class_wrapper.cpp
index 39de3cb642..9b44ac4b41 100644
--- a/platform/android/java_class_wrapper.cpp
+++ b/platform/android/java_class_wrapper.cpp
@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@ JavaClassWrapper::JavaClassWrapper(jobject p_activity) {
JNIEnv *env = ThreadAndroid::get_env();
- jclass activityClass = env->FindClass("org/godotengine/godot/Godot");
+ jclass activityClass = env->FindClass("android/app/Activity");
jmethodID getClassLoader = env->GetMethodID(activityClass, "getClassLoader", "()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;");
classLoader = env->CallObjectMethod(p_activity, getClassLoader);
classLoader = (jclass)env->NewGlobalRef(classLoader);
diff --git a/platform/android/java_godot_lib_jni.cpp b/platform/android/java_godot_lib_jni.cpp
index 8667727b1d..a032ae8d2c 100644
--- a/platform/android/java_godot_lib_jni.cpp
+++ b/platform/android/java_godot_lib_jni.cpp
@@ -77,14 +77,14 @@ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_godotengine_godot_GodotLib_setVirtualKeyboardHei
-JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_godotengine_godot_GodotLib_initialize(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jobject activity, jobject p_asset_manager, jboolean p_use_apk_expansion) {
+JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_godotengine_godot_GodotLib_initialize(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jobject activity, jobject godot_instance, jobject p_asset_manager, jboolean p_use_apk_expansion) {
initialized = true;
JavaVM *jvm;
// create our wrapper classes
- godot_java = new GodotJavaWrapper(env, activity); // our activity is our godot instance is our activity..
+ godot_java = new GodotJavaWrapper(env, activity, godot_instance);
godot_io_java = new GodotIOJavaWrapper(env, godot_java->get_member_object("io", "Lorg/godotengine/godot/GodotIO;", env));
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_godotengine_godot_GodotLib_initialize(JNIEnv *en
-JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_godotengine_godot_GodotLib_ondestroy(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jobject activity) {
+JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_godotengine_godot_GodotLib_ondestroy(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz) {
// lets cleanup
if (godot_io_java) {
delete godot_io_java;
diff --git a/platform/android/java_godot_lib_jni.h b/platform/android/java_godot_lib_jni.h
index e8be7be0d0..07584518e5 100644
--- a/platform/android/java_godot_lib_jni.h
+++ b/platform/android/java_godot_lib_jni.h
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
// These functions can be called from within JAVA and are the means by which our JAVA implementation calls back into our C++ code.
// See java/src/org/godotengine/godot/ for the JAVA side of this (yes that's why we have the long names)
extern "C" {
-JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_godotengine_godot_GodotLib_initialize(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jobject activity, jobject p_asset_manager, jboolean p_use_apk_expansion);
-JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_godotengine_godot_GodotLib_ondestroy(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jobject activity);
+JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_godotengine_godot_GodotLib_initialize(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jobject activity, jobject godot_instance, jobject p_asset_manager, jboolean p_use_apk_expansion);
+JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_godotengine_godot_GodotLib_ondestroy(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_godotengine_godot_GodotLib_setup(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jobjectArray p_cmdline);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_godotengine_godot_GodotLib_resize(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jobject p_surface, jint p_width, jint p_height);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_godotengine_godot_GodotLib_newcontext(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jobject p_surface, jboolean p_32_bits);
diff --git a/platform/android/java_godot_wrapper.cpp b/platform/android/java_godot_wrapper.cpp
index 8ef99dfab0..cff591d903 100644
--- a/platform/android/java_godot_wrapper.cpp
+++ b/platform/android/java_godot_wrapper.cpp
@@ -37,36 +37,47 @@
// TODO we could probably create a base class for this...
-GodotJavaWrapper::GodotJavaWrapper(JNIEnv *p_env, jobject p_godot_instance) {
+GodotJavaWrapper::GodotJavaWrapper(JNIEnv *p_env, jobject p_activity, jobject p_godot_instance) {
godot_instance = p_env->NewGlobalRef(p_godot_instance);
+ activity = p_env->NewGlobalRef(p_activity);
// get info about our Godot class so we can get pointers and stuff...
- cls = p_env->FindClass("org/godotengine/godot/Godot");
- if (cls) {
- cls = (jclass)p_env->NewGlobalRef(cls);
+ godot_class = p_env->FindClass("org/godotengine/godot/Godot");
+ if (godot_class) {
+ godot_class = (jclass)p_env->NewGlobalRef(godot_class);
+ } else {
+ // this is a pretty serious fail.. bail... pointers will stay 0
+ return;
+ }
+ activity_class = p_env->FindClass("android/app/Activity");
+ if (activity_class) {
+ activity_class = (jclass)p_env->NewGlobalRef(activity_class);
} else {
// this is a pretty serious fail.. bail... pointers will stay 0
- // get some method pointers...
- _on_video_init = p_env->GetMethodID(cls, "onVideoInit", "()V");
- _restart = p_env->GetMethodID(cls, "restart", "()V");
- _finish = p_env->GetMethodID(cls, "forceQuit", "()V");
- _set_keep_screen_on = p_env->GetMethodID(cls, "setKeepScreenOn", "(Z)V");
- _alert = p_env->GetMethodID(cls, "alert", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V");
- _get_GLES_version_code = p_env->GetMethodID(cls, "getGLESVersionCode", "()I");
- _get_clipboard = p_env->GetMethodID(cls, "getClipboard", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
- _set_clipboard = p_env->GetMethodID(cls, "setClipboard", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
- _request_permission = p_env->GetMethodID(cls, "requestPermission", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z");
- _request_permissions = p_env->GetMethodID(cls, "requestPermissions", "()Z");
- _get_granted_permissions = p_env->GetMethodID(cls, "getGrantedPermissions", "()[Ljava/lang/String;");
- _init_input_devices = p_env->GetMethodID(cls, "initInputDevices", "()V");
- _get_surface = p_env->GetMethodID(cls, "getSurface", "()Landroid/view/Surface;");
- _is_activity_resumed = p_env->GetMethodID(cls, "isActivityResumed", "()Z");
- _vibrate = p_env->GetMethodID(cls, "vibrate", "(I)V");
- _get_input_fallback_mapping = p_env->GetMethodID(cls, "getInputFallbackMapping", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
- _on_godot_main_loop_started = p_env->GetMethodID(cls, "onGodotMainLoopStarted", "()V");
+ // get some Godot method pointers...
+ _on_video_init = p_env->GetMethodID(godot_class, "onVideoInit", "()V");
+ _restart = p_env->GetMethodID(godot_class, "restart", "()V");
+ _finish = p_env->GetMethodID(godot_class, "forceQuit", "()V");
+ _set_keep_screen_on = p_env->GetMethodID(godot_class, "setKeepScreenOn", "(Z)V");
+ _alert = p_env->GetMethodID(godot_class, "alert", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V");
+ _get_GLES_version_code = p_env->GetMethodID(godot_class, "getGLESVersionCode", "()I");
+ _get_clipboard = p_env->GetMethodID(godot_class, "getClipboard", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
+ _set_clipboard = p_env->GetMethodID(godot_class, "setClipboard", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
+ _request_permission = p_env->GetMethodID(godot_class, "requestPermission", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z");
+ _request_permissions = p_env->GetMethodID(godot_class, "requestPermissions", "()Z");
+ _get_granted_permissions = p_env->GetMethodID(godot_class, "getGrantedPermissions", "()[Ljava/lang/String;");
+ _init_input_devices = p_env->GetMethodID(godot_class, "initInputDevices", "()V");
+ _get_surface = p_env->GetMethodID(godot_class, "getSurface", "()Landroid/view/Surface;");
+ _is_activity_resumed = p_env->GetMethodID(godot_class, "isActivityResumed", "()Z");
+ _vibrate = p_env->GetMethodID(godot_class, "vibrate", "(I)V");
+ _get_input_fallback_mapping = p_env->GetMethodID(godot_class, "getInputFallbackMapping", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
+ _on_godot_main_loop_started = p_env->GetMethodID(godot_class, "onGodotMainLoopStarted", "()V");
+ // get some Activity method pointers...
+ _get_class_loader = p_env->GetMethodID(activity_class, "getClassLoader", "()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;");
GodotJavaWrapper::~GodotJavaWrapper() {
@@ -74,27 +85,25 @@ GodotJavaWrapper::~GodotJavaWrapper() {
jobject GodotJavaWrapper::get_activity() {
- // our godot instance is our activity
- return godot_instance;
+ return activity;
jobject GodotJavaWrapper::get_member_object(const char *p_name, const char *p_class, JNIEnv *p_env) {
- if (cls) {
+ if (godot_class) {
if (p_env == nullptr)
p_env = ThreadAndroid::get_env();
- jfieldID fid = p_env->GetStaticFieldID(cls, p_name, p_class);
- return p_env->GetStaticObjectField(cls, fid);
+ jfieldID fid = p_env->GetStaticFieldID(godot_class, p_name, p_class);
+ return p_env->GetStaticObjectField(godot_class, fid);
} else {
return nullptr;
jobject GodotJavaWrapper::get_class_loader() {
- if (cls) {
+ if (_get_class_loader) {
JNIEnv *env = ThreadAndroid::get_env();
- jmethodID getClassLoader = env->GetMethodID(cls, "getClassLoader", "()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;");
- return env->CallObjectMethod(godot_instance, getClassLoader);
+ return env->CallObjectMethod(godot_instance, _get_class_loader);
} else {
return nullptr;
diff --git a/platform/android/java_godot_wrapper.h b/platform/android/java_godot_wrapper.h
index 89d6b6db46..e0c3809a64 100644
--- a/platform/android/java_godot_wrapper.h
+++ b/platform/android/java_godot_wrapper.h
@@ -43,7 +43,9 @@
class GodotJavaWrapper {
jobject godot_instance;
- jclass cls;
+ jobject activity;
+ jclass godot_class;
+ jclass activity_class;
jmethodID _on_video_init = 0;
jmethodID _restart = 0;
@@ -62,9 +64,10 @@ private:
jmethodID _vibrate = 0;
jmethodID _get_input_fallback_mapping = 0;
jmethodID _on_godot_main_loop_started = 0;
+ jmethodID _get_class_loader = 0;
- GodotJavaWrapper(JNIEnv *p_env, jobject p_godot_instance);
+ GodotJavaWrapper(JNIEnv *p_env, jobject p_activity, jobject p_godot_instance);
jobject get_activity();
diff --git a/scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp b/scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
index a41eaf9da0..e867891ec0 100644
--- a/scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
+++ b/scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
@@ -894,13 +894,13 @@ BakedLightmap::BakeError BakedLightmap::bake(Node *p_from_node, String p_image_d
if (Object::cast_to<DirectionalLight3D>(light)) {
DirectionalLight3D *l = Object::cast_to<DirectionalLight3D>(light);
- lightmapper->add_directional_light(light->get_bake_mode() == Light3D::BAKE_ALL, -xf.basis.get_axis(Vector3::AXIS_Z).normalized(), l->get_color(), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_ENERGY), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_SIZE));
+ lightmapper->add_directional_light(light->get_bake_mode() == Light3D::BAKE_STATIC, -xf.basis.get_axis(Vector3::AXIS_Z).normalized(), l->get_color(), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_ENERGY), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_SIZE));
} else if (Object::cast_to<OmniLight3D>(light)) {
OmniLight3D *l = Object::cast_to<OmniLight3D>(light);
- lightmapper->add_omni_light(light->get_bake_mode() == Light3D::BAKE_ALL, xf.origin, l->get_color(), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_ENERGY), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_RANGE), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_ATTENUATION), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_SIZE));
+ lightmapper->add_omni_light(light->get_bake_mode() == Light3D::BAKE_STATIC, xf.origin, l->get_color(), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_ENERGY), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_RANGE), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_ATTENUATION), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_SIZE));
} else if (Object::cast_to<SpotLight3D>(light)) {
SpotLight3D *l = Object::cast_to<SpotLight3D>(light);
- lightmapper->add_spot_light(light->get_bake_mode() == Light3D::BAKE_ALL, xf.origin, -xf.basis.get_axis(Vector3::AXIS_Z).normalized(), l->get_color(), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_ENERGY), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_RANGE), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_ATTENUATION), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_SPOT_ANGLE), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_SPOT_ATTENUATION), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_SIZE));
+ lightmapper->add_spot_light(light->get_bake_mode() == Light3D::BAKE_STATIC, xf.origin, -xf.basis.get_axis(Vector3::AXIS_Z).normalized(), l->get_color(), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_ENERGY), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_RANGE), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_ATTENUATION), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_SPOT_ANGLE), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_SPOT_ATTENUATION), l->get_param(Light3D::PARAM_SIZE));
for (int i = 0; i < probes_found.size(); i++) {
diff --git a/scene/3d/camera_3d.cpp b/scene/3d/camera_3d.cpp
index 7ffca4bd9e..689afa5608 100644
--- a/scene/3d/camera_3d.cpp
+++ b/scene/3d/camera_3d.cpp
@@ -318,8 +318,8 @@ Vector3 Camera3D::project_ray_origin(const Point2 &p_pos) const {
bool Camera3D::is_position_behind(const Vector3 &p_pos) const {
Transform t = get_global_transform();
- Vector3 eyedir = -get_global_transform().basis.get_axis(2).normalized();
- return < ( + near);
+ Vector3 eyedir = -t.basis.get_axis(2).normalized();
+ return - t.origin) < near;
Vector<Vector3> Camera3D::get_near_plane_points() const {
diff --git a/scene/3d/light_3d.cpp b/scene/3d/light_3d.cpp
index 9270b548b7..cc1622722e 100644
--- a/scene/3d/light_3d.cpp
+++ b/scene/3d/light_3d.cpp
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ Vector<Face3> Light3D::get_faces(uint32_t p_usage_flags) const {
void Light3D::set_bake_mode(BakeMode p_mode) {
bake_mode = p_mode;
- RS::get_singleton()->light_set_use_gi(light, p_mode != BAKE_DISABLED);
+ RS::get_singleton()->light_set_bake_mode(light, RS::LightBakeMode(p_mode));
Light3D::BakeMode Light3D::get_bake_mode() const {
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ void Light3D::_bind_methods() {
ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "light_angular_distance", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,90,0.01"), "set_param", "get_param", PARAM_SIZE);
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "light_negative"), "set_negative", "is_negative");
ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "light_specular", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,1,0.01"), "set_param", "get_param", PARAM_SPECULAR);
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "light_bake_mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disable,Indirect,All"), "set_bake_mode", "get_bake_mode");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "light_bake_mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,Dynamic,Static"), "set_bake_mode", "get_bake_mode");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "light_cull_mask", PROPERTY_HINT_LAYERS_3D_RENDER), "set_cull_mask", "get_cull_mask");
ADD_GROUP("Shadow", "shadow_");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "shadow_enabled"), "set_shadow", "has_shadow");
@@ -296,8 +296,8 @@ void Light3D::_bind_methods() {
Light3D::Light3D(RenderingServer::LightType p_type) {
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ Light3D::Light3D(RenderingServer::LightType p_type) {
RS::get_singleton()->instance_set_base(get_instance(), light);
reverse_cull = false;
- bake_mode = BAKE_INDIRECT;
+ bake_mode = BAKE_DYNAMIC;
editor_only = false;
set_color(Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
diff --git a/scene/3d/light_3d.h b/scene/3d/light_3d.h
index f16773f6ae..09fc81b216 100644
--- a/scene/3d/light_3d.h
+++ b/scene/3d/light_3d.h
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ public:
enum BakeMode {
diff --git a/scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp b/scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
index b1f19053d9..c7948395d3 100644
--- a/scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
+++ b/scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
@@ -39,31 +39,32 @@ float ReflectionProbe::get_intensity() const {
return intensity;
-void ReflectionProbe::set_interior_ambient(Color p_ambient) {
- interior_ambient = p_ambient;
- RS::get_singleton()->reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient(probe, p_ambient);
+void ReflectionProbe::set_ambient_mode(AmbientMode p_mode) {
+ ambient_mode = p_mode;
+ RS::get_singleton()->reflection_probe_set_ambient_mode(probe, RS::ReflectionProbeAmbientMode(p_mode));
+ _change_notify();
-void ReflectionProbe::set_interior_ambient_energy(float p_energy) {
- interior_ambient_energy = p_energy;
- RS::get_singleton()->reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient_energy(probe, p_energy);
+ReflectionProbe::AmbientMode ReflectionProbe::get_ambient_mode() const {
+ return ambient_mode;
-float ReflectionProbe::get_interior_ambient_energy() const {
- return interior_ambient_energy;
+void ReflectionProbe::set_ambient_color(Color p_ambient) {
+ ambient_color = p_ambient;
+ RS::get_singleton()->reflection_probe_set_ambient_color(probe, p_ambient);
-Color ReflectionProbe::get_interior_ambient() const {
- return interior_ambient;
+void ReflectionProbe::set_ambient_color_energy(float p_energy) {
+ ambient_color_energy = p_energy;
+ RS::get_singleton()->reflection_probe_set_ambient_energy(probe, p_energy);
-void ReflectionProbe::set_interior_ambient_probe_contribution(float p_contribution) {
- interior_ambient_probe_contribution = p_contribution;
- RS::get_singleton()->reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient_probe_contribution(probe, p_contribution);
+float ReflectionProbe::get_ambient_color_energy() const {
+ return ambient_color_energy;
-float ReflectionProbe::get_interior_ambient_probe_contribution() const {
- return interior_ambient_probe_contribution;
+Color ReflectionProbe::get_ambient_color() const {
+ return ambient_color;
void ReflectionProbe::set_max_distance(float p_distance) {
@@ -130,7 +131,6 @@ bool ReflectionProbe::is_box_projection_enabled() const {
void ReflectionProbe::set_as_interior(bool p_enable) {
interior = p_enable;
RS::get_singleton()->reflection_probe_set_as_interior(probe, interior);
- _change_notify();
bool ReflectionProbe::is_set_as_interior() const {
@@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ Vector<Face3> ReflectionProbe::get_faces(uint32_t p_usage_flags) const {
void ReflectionProbe::_validate_property(PropertyInfo &property) const {
- if ( == "interior/ambient_color" || == "interior/ambient_energy" || == "interior/ambient_contrib") {
- if (!interior) {
+ if ( == "interior/ambient_color" || == "interior/ambient_color_energy") {
+ if (ambient_mode != AMBIENT_COLOR) {
@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@ void ReflectionProbe::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_intensity", "intensity"), &ReflectionProbe::set_intensity);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_intensity"), &ReflectionProbe::get_intensity);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_interior_ambient", "ambient"), &ReflectionProbe::set_interior_ambient);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_interior_ambient"), &ReflectionProbe::get_interior_ambient);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_ambient_mode", "ambient"), &ReflectionProbe::set_ambient_mode);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_ambient_mode"), &ReflectionProbe::get_ambient_mode);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_interior_ambient_energy", "ambient_energy"), &ReflectionProbe::set_interior_ambient_energy);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_interior_ambient_energy"), &ReflectionProbe::get_interior_ambient_energy);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_ambient_color", "ambient"), &ReflectionProbe::set_ambient_color);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_ambient_color"), &ReflectionProbe::get_ambient_color);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_interior_ambient_probe_contribution", "ambient_probe_contribution"), &ReflectionProbe::set_interior_ambient_probe_contribution);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_interior_ambient_probe_contribution"), &ReflectionProbe::get_interior_ambient_probe_contribution);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_ambient_color_energy", "ambient_energy"), &ReflectionProbe::set_ambient_color_energy);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_ambient_color_energy"), &ReflectionProbe::get_ambient_color_energy);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_max_distance", "max_distance"), &ReflectionProbe::set_max_distance);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_max_distance"), &ReflectionProbe::get_max_distance);
@@ -226,24 +226,28 @@ void ReflectionProbe::_bind_methods() {
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR3, "extents"), "set_extents", "get_extents");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR3, "origin_offset"), "set_origin_offset", "get_origin_offset");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "box_projection"), "set_enable_box_projection", "is_box_projection_enabled");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "interior"), "set_as_interior", "is_set_as_interior");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "enable_shadows"), "set_enable_shadows", "are_shadows_enabled");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "cull_mask", PROPERTY_HINT_LAYERS_3D_RENDER), "set_cull_mask", "get_cull_mask");
- ADD_GROUP("Interior", "interior_");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "interior_enable"), "set_as_interior", "is_set_as_interior");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::COLOR, "interior_ambient_color", PROPERTY_HINT_COLOR_NO_ALPHA), "set_interior_ambient", "get_interior_ambient");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "interior_ambient_energy", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,16,0.01"), "set_interior_ambient_energy", "get_interior_ambient_energy");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "interior_ambient_contrib", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,1,0.01"), "set_interior_ambient_probe_contribution", "get_interior_ambient_probe_contribution");
+ ADD_GROUP("Ambient", "ambient_");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "ambient_mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,Environment,ConstantColor"), "set_ambient_mode", "get_ambient_mode");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::COLOR, "ambient_color", PROPERTY_HINT_COLOR_NO_ALPHA), "set_ambient_color", "get_ambient_color");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "ambient_color_energy", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,16,0.01"), "set_ambient_color_energy", "get_ambient_color_energy");
ReflectionProbe::ReflectionProbe() {
intensity = 1.0;
- interior_ambient = Color(0, 0, 0);
- interior_ambient_probe_contribution = 0;
- interior_ambient_energy = 1.0;
+ ambient_mode = AMBIENT_ENVIRONMENT;
+ ambient_color = Color(0, 0, 0);
+ ambient_color_energy = 1.0;
max_distance = 0;
extents = Vector3(1, 1, 1);
origin_offset = Vector3(0, 0, 0);
diff --git a/scene/3d/reflection_probe.h b/scene/3d/reflection_probe.h
index 3867d13435..c708804f96 100644
--- a/scene/3d/reflection_probe.h
+++ b/scene/3d/reflection_probe.h
@@ -45,6 +45,12 @@ public:
+ enum AmbientMode {
+ };
RID probe;
float intensity;
@@ -54,9 +60,9 @@ private:
bool box_projection;
bool enable_shadows;
bool interior;
- Color interior_ambient;
- float interior_ambient_energy;
- float interior_ambient_probe_contribution;
+ AmbientMode ambient_mode;
+ Color ambient_color;
+ float ambient_color_energy;
uint32_t cull_mask;
UpdateMode update_mode;
@@ -69,11 +75,14 @@ public:
void set_intensity(float p_intensity);
float get_intensity() const;
- void set_interior_ambient(Color p_ambient);
- Color get_interior_ambient() const;
+ void set_ambient_mode(AmbientMode p_mode);
+ AmbientMode get_ambient_mode() const;
+ void set_ambient_color(Color p_ambient);
+ Color get_ambient_color() const;
- void set_interior_ambient_energy(float p_energy);
- float get_interior_ambient_energy() const;
+ void set_ambient_color_energy(float p_energy);
+ float get_ambient_color_energy() const;
void set_interior_ambient_probe_contribution(float p_contribution);
float get_interior_ambient_probe_contribution() const;
@@ -109,6 +118,7 @@ public:
diff --git a/scene/main/viewport.cpp b/scene/main/viewport.cpp
index 8544d67ecc..606f39370b 100644
--- a/scene/main/viewport.cpp
+++ b/scene/main/viewport.cpp
@@ -3404,9 +3404,11 @@ void Viewport::_bind_methods() {
diff --git a/scene/main/viewport.h b/scene/main/viewport.h
index 4536b558f9..11fe4f00d2 100644
--- a/scene/main/viewport.h
+++ b/scene/main/viewport.h
@@ -137,9 +137,11 @@ public:
enum DefaultCanvasItemTextureFilter {
diff --git a/scene/resources/environment.cpp b/scene/resources/environment.cpp
index 80ee0c148d..854a9ee9da 100644
--- a/scene/resources/environment.cpp
+++ b/scene/resources/environment.cpp
@@ -745,6 +745,135 @@ bool Environment::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) {
+void Environment::set_sdfgi_enabled(bool p_enabled) {
+ sdfgi_enabled = p_enabled;
+ _update_sdfgi();
+bool Environment::is_sdfgi_enabled() const {
+ return sdfgi_enabled;
+void Environment::set_sdfgi_cascades(SDFGICascades p_cascades) {
+ sdfgi_cascades = p_cascades;
+ _update_sdfgi();
+Environment::SDFGICascades Environment::get_sdfgi_cascades() const {
+ return sdfgi_cascades;
+void Environment::set_sdfgi_min_cell_size(float p_size) {
+ sdfgi_min_cell_size = p_size;
+ _change_notify("sdfgi_max_distance");
+ _change_notify("sdfgi_cascade0_distance");
+ _update_sdfgi();
+float Environment::get_sdfgi_min_cell_size() const {
+ return sdfgi_min_cell_size;
+void Environment::set_sdfgi_max_distance(float p_size) {
+ p_size /= 64.0;
+ int cc[3] = { 4, 6, 8 };
+ int cascades = cc[sdfgi_cascades];
+ for (int i = 0; i < cascades; i++) {
+ p_size *= 0.5; //halve for each cascade
+ }
+ sdfgi_min_cell_size = p_size;
+ _change_notify("sdfgi_min_cell_size");
+ _change_notify("sdfgi_cascade0_distance");
+ _update_sdfgi();
+float Environment::get_sdfgi_max_distance() const {
+ float md = sdfgi_min_cell_size;
+ md *= 64.0;
+ int cc[3] = { 4, 6, 8 };
+ int cascades = cc[sdfgi_cascades];
+ for (int i = 0; i < cascades; i++) {
+ md *= 2.0;
+ }
+ return md;
+void Environment::set_sdfgi_cascade0_distance(float p_size) {
+ sdfgi_min_cell_size = p_size / 64.0;
+ _change_notify("sdfgi_min_cell_size");
+ _change_notify("sdfgi_max_distance");
+ _update_sdfgi();
+float Environment::get_sdfgi_cascade0_distance() const {
+ return sdfgi_min_cell_size * 64.0;
+void Environment::set_sdfgi_use_occlusion(bool p_enable) {
+ sdfgi_use_occlusion = p_enable;
+ _update_sdfgi();
+bool Environment::is_sdfgi_using_occlusion() const {
+ return sdfgi_use_occlusion;
+void Environment::set_sdfgi_use_multi_bounce(bool p_enable) {
+ sdfgi_use_multibounce = p_enable;
+ _update_sdfgi();
+bool Environment::is_sdfgi_using_multi_bounce() const {
+ return sdfgi_use_multibounce;
+void Environment::set_sdfgi_use_enhance_ssr(bool p_enable) {
+ sdfgi_enhance_ssr = p_enable;
+ _update_sdfgi();
+bool Environment::is_sdfgi_using_enhance_ssr() const {
+ return sdfgi_enhance_ssr;
+void Environment::set_sdfgi_read_sky_light(bool p_enable) {
+ sdfgi_read_sky_light = p_enable;
+ _update_sdfgi();
+bool Environment::is_sdfgi_reading_sky_light() const {
+ return sdfgi_read_sky_light;
+void Environment::set_sdfgi_energy(float p_energy) {
+ sdfgi_energy = p_energy;
+ _update_sdfgi();
+float Environment::get_sdfgi_energy() const {
+ return sdfgi_energy;
+void Environment::set_sdfgi_normal_bias(float p_bias) {
+ sdfgi_normal_bias = p_bias;
+ _update_sdfgi();
+float Environment::get_sdfgi_normal_bias() const {
+ return sdfgi_normal_bias;
+void Environment::set_sdfgi_probe_bias(float p_bias) {
+ sdfgi_probe_bias = p_bias;
+ _update_sdfgi();
+float Environment::get_sdfgi_probe_bias() const {
+ return sdfgi_probe_bias;
+void Environment::set_sdfgi_y_scale(SDFGIYScale p_y_scale) {
+ sdfgi_y_scale = p_y_scale;
+ _update_sdfgi();
+Environment::SDFGIYScale Environment::get_sdfgi_y_scale() const {
+ return sdfgi_y_scale;
+void Environment::_update_sdfgi() {
+ RS::get_singleton()->environment_set_sdfgi(environment, sdfgi_enabled, RS::EnvironmentSDFGICascades(sdfgi_cascades), sdfgi_min_cell_size, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIYScale(sdfgi_y_scale), sdfgi_use_occlusion, sdfgi_use_multibounce, sdfgi_read_sky_light, sdfgi_enhance_ssr, sdfgi_energy, sdfgi_normal_bias, sdfgi_probe_bias);
void Environment::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_background", "mode"), &Environment::set_background);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_sky", "sky"), &Environment::set_sky);
@@ -944,6 +1073,56 @@ void Environment::_bind_methods() {
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "ssao_blur", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1x1,2x2,3x3"), "set_ssao_blur", "get_ssao_blur");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "ssao_edge_sharpness", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,32,0.01"), "set_ssao_edge_sharpness", "get_ssao_edge_sharpness");
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_sdfgi_enabled", "enabled"), &Environment::set_sdfgi_enabled);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_sdfgi_enabled"), &Environment::is_sdfgi_enabled);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_sdfgi_cascades", "amount"), &Environment::set_sdfgi_cascades);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_sdfgi_cascades"), &Environment::get_sdfgi_cascades);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_sdfgi_min_cell_size", "strength"), &Environment::set_sdfgi_min_cell_size);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_sdfgi_min_cell_size"), &Environment::get_sdfgi_min_cell_size);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_sdfgi_max_distance", "strength"), &Environment::set_sdfgi_max_distance);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_sdfgi_max_distance"), &Environment::get_sdfgi_max_distance);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_sdfgi_cascade0_distance", "strength"), &Environment::set_sdfgi_cascade0_distance);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_sdfgi_cascade0_distance"), &Environment::get_sdfgi_cascade0_distance);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_sdfgi_use_occlusion", "enable"), &Environment::set_sdfgi_use_occlusion);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_sdfgi_using_occlusion"), &Environment::is_sdfgi_using_occlusion);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_sdfgi_use_multi_bounce", "enable"), &Environment::set_sdfgi_use_multi_bounce);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_sdfgi_using_multi_bounce"), &Environment::is_sdfgi_using_multi_bounce);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_sdfgi_read_sky_light", "enable"), &Environment::set_sdfgi_read_sky_light);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_sdfgi_reading_sky_light"), &Environment::is_sdfgi_reading_sky_light);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_sdfgi_energy", "amount"), &Environment::set_sdfgi_energy);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_sdfgi_energy"), &Environment::get_sdfgi_energy);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_sdfgi_normal_bias", "bias"), &Environment::set_sdfgi_normal_bias);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_sdfgi_normal_bias"), &Environment::get_sdfgi_normal_bias);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_sdfgi_probe_bias", "bias"), &Environment::set_sdfgi_probe_bias);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_sdfgi_probe_bias"), &Environment::get_sdfgi_probe_bias);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_sdfgi_y_scale", "scale"), &Environment::set_sdfgi_y_scale);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_sdfgi_y_scale"), &Environment::get_sdfgi_y_scale);
+ ADD_GROUP("SDFGI", "sdfgi_");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "sdfgi_enabled"), "set_sdfgi_enabled", "is_sdfgi_enabled");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "sdfgi_use_multi_bounce"), "set_sdfgi_use_multi_bounce", "is_sdfgi_using_multi_bounce");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "sdfgi_use_occlusion"), "set_sdfgi_use_occlusion", "is_sdfgi_using_occlusion");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "sdfgi_read_sky_light"), "set_sdfgi_read_sky_light", "is_sdfgi_reading_sky_light");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "sdfgi_cascades", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "4 Cascades,6 Cascades,8 Cascades"), "set_sdfgi_cascades", "get_sdfgi_cascades");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "sdfgi_min_cell_size", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.01,64,0.01"), "set_sdfgi_min_cell_size", "get_sdfgi_min_cell_size");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "sdfgi_cascade0_distance", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.1,16384,0.1,or_greater"), "set_sdfgi_cascade0_distance", "get_sdfgi_cascade0_distance");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "sdfgi_max_distance", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.1,16384,0.1,or_greater"), "set_sdfgi_max_distance", "get_sdfgi_max_distance");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "sdfgi_y_scale", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disable,75%,50%"), "set_sdfgi_y_scale", "get_sdfgi_y_scale");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "sdfgi_energy"), "set_sdfgi_energy", "get_sdfgi_energy");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "sdfgi_normal_bias"), "set_sdfgi_normal_bias", "get_sdfgi_normal_bias");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "sdfgi_probe_bias"), "set_sdfgi_probe_bias", "get_sdfgi_probe_bias");
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_glow_enabled", "enabled"), &Environment::set_glow_enabled);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_glow_enabled"), &Environment::is_glow_enabled);
@@ -1128,6 +1307,19 @@ Environment::Environment() {
set_fog_color(Color(0.5, 0.6, 0.7));
set_fog_sun_color(Color(1.0, 0.9, 0.7));
+ sdfgi_enabled = false;
+ sdfgi_cascades = SDFGI_CASCADES_6;
+ sdfgi_min_cell_size = 0.2;
+ sdfgi_use_occlusion = false;
+ sdfgi_use_multibounce = false;
+ sdfgi_read_sky_light = false;
+ sdfgi_enhance_ssr = false;
+ sdfgi_energy = 1.0;
+ sdfgi_normal_bias = 1.1;
+ sdfgi_probe_bias = 1.1;
+ sdfgi_y_scale = SDFGI_Y_SCALE_DISABLED;
+ _update_sdfgi();
Environment::~Environment() {
diff --git a/scene/resources/environment.h b/scene/resources/environment.h
index b8caa59aab..83a5fe939c 100644
--- a/scene/resources/environment.h
+++ b/scene/resources/environment.h
@@ -86,6 +86,18 @@ public:
+ enum SDFGICascades {
+ };
+ enum SDFGIYScale {
+ };
RID environment;
@@ -163,6 +175,20 @@ private:
float fog_height_max;
float fog_height_curve;
+ bool sdfgi_enabled;
+ SDFGICascades sdfgi_cascades;
+ float sdfgi_min_cell_size;
+ bool sdfgi_use_occlusion;
+ bool sdfgi_use_multibounce;
+ bool sdfgi_read_sky_light;
+ bool sdfgi_enhance_ssr;
+ float sdfgi_energy;
+ float sdfgi_normal_bias;
+ float sdfgi_probe_bias;
+ SDFGIYScale sdfgi_y_scale;
+ void _update_sdfgi();
static void _bind_methods();
virtual void _validate_property(PropertyInfo &property) const;
@@ -354,6 +380,45 @@ public:
void set_fog_height_curve(float p_distance);
float get_fog_height_curve() const;
+ void set_sdfgi_enabled(bool p_enabled);
+ bool is_sdfgi_enabled() const;
+ void set_sdfgi_cascades(SDFGICascades p_cascades);
+ SDFGICascades get_sdfgi_cascades() const;
+ void set_sdfgi_min_cell_size(float p_size);
+ float get_sdfgi_min_cell_size() const;
+ void set_sdfgi_cascade0_distance(float p_size);
+ float get_sdfgi_cascade0_distance() const;
+ void set_sdfgi_max_distance(float p_size);
+ float get_sdfgi_max_distance() const;
+ void set_sdfgi_use_occlusion(bool p_enable);
+ bool is_sdfgi_using_occlusion() const;
+ void set_sdfgi_use_multi_bounce(bool p_enable);
+ bool is_sdfgi_using_multi_bounce() const;
+ void set_sdfgi_use_enhance_ssr(bool p_enable);
+ bool is_sdfgi_using_enhance_ssr() const;
+ void set_sdfgi_read_sky_light(bool p_enable);
+ bool is_sdfgi_reading_sky_light() const;
+ void set_sdfgi_energy(float p_energy);
+ float get_sdfgi_energy() const;
+ void set_sdfgi_normal_bias(float p_bias);
+ float get_sdfgi_normal_bias() const;
+ void set_sdfgi_probe_bias(float p_bias);
+ float get_sdfgi_probe_bias() const;
+ void set_sdfgi_y_scale(SDFGIYScale p_y_scale);
+ SDFGIYScale get_sdfgi_y_scale() const;
virtual RID get_rid() const;
@@ -366,6 +431,8 @@ VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Environment::ReflectionSource)
class CameraEffects : public Resource {
GDCLASS(CameraEffects, Resource);
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer.h b/servers/rendering/rasterizer.h
index 026725bf01..1027034902 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer.h
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer.h
@@ -50,6 +50,16 @@ public:
virtual int get_directional_light_shadow_size(RID p_light_intance) = 0;
virtual void set_directional_shadow_count(int p_count) = 0;
+ struct InstanceBase;
+ virtual void sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, const Vector3 &p_world_position) = 0;
+ virtual int sdfgi_get_pending_region_count(RID p_render_buffers) const = 0;
+ virtual AABB sdfgi_get_pending_region_bounds(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region) const = 0;
+ virtual uint32_t sdfgi_get_pending_region_cascade(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region) const = 0;
+ virtual void sdfgi_update_probes(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, const RID *p_directional_light_instances, uint32_t p_directional_light_count, const RID *p_positional_light_instances, uint32_t p_positional_light_count) = 0;
/* SKY API */
virtual RID sky_create() = 0;
@@ -86,6 +96,11 @@ public:
virtual void environment_set_ssao_quality(RS::EnvironmentSSAOQuality p_quality, bool p_half_size) = 0;
+ virtual void environment_set_sdfgi(RID p_env, bool p_enable, RS::EnvironmentSDFGICascades p_cascades, float p_min_cell_size, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIYScale p_y_scale, bool p_use_occlusion, bool p_use_multibounce, bool p_read_sky, bool p_enhance_ssr, float p_energy, float p_normal_bias, float p_probe_bias) = 0;
+ virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount p_ray_count) = 0;
+ virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge p_frames) = 0;
virtual void environment_set_tonemap(RID p_env, RS::EnvironmentToneMapper p_tone_mapper, float p_exposure, float p_white, bool p_auto_exposure, float p_min_luminance, float p_max_luminance, float p_auto_exp_speed, float p_auto_exp_scale) = 0;
virtual void environment_set_adjustment(RID p_env, bool p_enable, float p_brightness, float p_contrast, float p_saturation, RID p_ramp) = 0;
@@ -111,8 +126,6 @@ public:
virtual void shadows_quality_set(RS::ShadowQuality p_quality) = 0;
virtual void directional_shadow_quality_set(RS::ShadowQuality p_quality) = 0;
- struct InstanceBase;
struct InstanceDependency {
void instance_notify_changed(bool p_aabb, bool p_dependencies);
void instance_notify_deleted(RID p_deleted);
@@ -248,6 +261,7 @@ public:
virtual RID light_instance_create(RID p_light) = 0;
virtual void light_instance_set_transform(RID p_light_instance, const Transform &p_transform) = 0;
+ virtual void light_instance_set_aabb(RID p_light_instance, const AABB &p_aabb) = 0;
virtual void light_instance_set_shadow_transform(RID p_light_instance, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_far, float p_split, int p_pass, float p_shadow_texel_size, float p_bias_scale = 1.0, float p_range_begin = 0, const Vector2 &p_uv_scale = Vector2()) = 0;
virtual void light_instance_mark_visible(RID p_light_instance) = 0;
virtual bool light_instances_can_render_shadow_cube() const {
@@ -273,10 +287,14 @@ public:
virtual bool gi_probe_needs_update(RID p_probe) const = 0;
virtual void gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instances, const Vector<RID> &p_light_instances, int p_dynamic_object_count, InstanceBase **p_dynamic_objects) = 0;
+ virtual void gi_probe_set_quality(RS::GIProbeQuality) = 0;
virtual void render_scene(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, RID *p_light_cull_result, int p_light_cull_count, RID *p_reflection_probe_cull_result, int p_reflection_probe_cull_count, RID *p_gi_probe_cull_result, int p_gi_probe_cull_count, RID *p_decal_cull_result, int p_decal_cull_count, InstanceBase **p_lightmap_cull_result, int p_lightmap_cull_count, RID p_environment, RID p_camera_effects, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, int p_reflection_probe_pass) = 0;
virtual void render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p_pass, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count) = 0;
virtual void render_material(const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region) = 0;
+ virtual void render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count) = 0;
+ virtual void render_sdfgi_static_lights(RID p_render_buffers, uint32_t p_cascade_count, const uint32_t *p_cascade_indices, const RID **p_positional_light_cull_result, const uint32_t *p_positional_light_cull_count) = 0;
virtual void set_scene_pass(uint64_t p_pass) = 0;
virtual void set_time(double p_time, double p_step) = 0;
@@ -285,7 +303,7 @@ public:
virtual RID render_buffers_create() = 0;
virtual void render_buffers_configure(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_render_target, int p_width, int p_height, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa, RS::ViewportScreenSpaceAA p_screen_space_aa) = 0;
- virtual void screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active(bool p_enable, float p_curve) = 0;
+ virtual void screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active(bool p_enable, float p_amount, float p_limit) = 0;
virtual bool screen_space_roughness_limiter_is_active() const = 0;
virtual void sub_surface_scattering_set_quality(RS::SubSurfaceScatteringQuality p_quality) = 0;
@@ -295,6 +313,8 @@ public:
virtual bool free(RID p_rid) = 0;
+ virtual void sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(const Vector3 &p_position, const Vector3 &p_dir) = 0;
virtual void update() = 0;
virtual ~RasterizerScene() {}
@@ -484,7 +504,8 @@ public:
virtual void light_set_negative(RID p_light, bool p_enable) = 0;
virtual void light_set_cull_mask(RID p_light, uint32_t p_mask) = 0;
virtual void light_set_reverse_cull_face_mode(RID p_light, bool p_enabled) = 0;
- virtual void light_set_use_gi(RID p_light, bool p_enable) = 0;
+ virtual void light_set_bake_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightBakeMode p_bake_mode) = 0;
+ virtual void light_set_max_sdfgi_cascade(RID p_light, uint32_t p_cascade) = 0;
virtual void light_omni_set_shadow_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightOmniShadowMode p_mode) = 0;
@@ -503,7 +524,8 @@ public:
virtual AABB light_get_aabb(RID p_light) const = 0;
virtual float light_get_param(RID p_light, RS::LightParam p_param) = 0;
virtual Color light_get_color(RID p_light) = 0;
- virtual bool light_get_use_gi(RID p_light) = 0;
+ virtual RS::LightBakeMode light_get_bake_mode(RID p_light) = 0;
+ virtual uint32_t light_get_max_sdfgi_cascade(RID p_light) = 0;
virtual uint64_t light_get_version(RID p_light) const = 0;
@@ -513,9 +535,9 @@ public:
virtual void reflection_probe_set_update_mode(RID p_probe, RS::ReflectionProbeUpdateMode p_mode) = 0;
virtual void reflection_probe_set_resolution(RID p_probe, int p_resolution) = 0;
virtual void reflection_probe_set_intensity(RID p_probe, float p_intensity) = 0;
- virtual void reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient(RID p_probe, const Color &p_ambient) = 0;
- virtual void reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient_energy(RID p_probe, float p_energy) = 0;
- virtual void reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient_probe_contribution(RID p_probe, float p_contrib) = 0;
+ virtual void reflection_probe_set_ambient_mode(RID p_probe, RS::ReflectionProbeAmbientMode p_mode) = 0;
+ virtual void reflection_probe_set_ambient_color(RID p_probe, const Color &p_color) = 0;
+ virtual void reflection_probe_set_ambient_energy(RID p_probe, float p_energy) = 0;
virtual void reflection_probe_set_max_distance(RID p_probe, float p_distance) = 0;
virtual void reflection_probe_set_extents(RID p_probe, const Vector3 &p_extents) = 0;
virtual void reflection_probe_set_origin_offset(RID p_probe, const Vector3 &p_offset) = 0;
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_canvas_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_canvas_rd.cpp
index 4c477ca5f4..aad2be45c6 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_canvas_rd.cpp
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_canvas_rd.cpp
@@ -2497,7 +2497,7 @@ RasterizerCanvasRD::~RasterizerCanvasRD() {
//anything remains?
if (bindings.texture_bindings.size()) {
- ERR_PRINT("Some texture bindings were not properly freed (leaked canvasitems?");
+ ERR_PRINT("Some texture bindings were not properly freed (leaked CanvasItems?)");
const TextureBindingID *key = nullptr;
while ((key = {
TextureBinding *tb = bindings.texture_bindings[*key];
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_effects_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_effects_rd.cpp
index 303cb7ad42..3f594ab264 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_effects_rd.cpp
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_effects_rd.cpp
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::copy_to_atlas_fb(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_f
RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_draw(draw_list, true);
-void RasterizerEffectsRD::copy_to_fb_rect(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_rect, bool p_flip_y, bool p_force_luminance, bool p_alpha_to_zero) {
+void RasterizerEffectsRD::copy_to_fb_rect(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_rect, bool p_flip_y, bool p_force_luminance, bool p_alpha_to_zero, bool p_srgb, RID p_secondary) {
zeromem(&copy_to_fb.push_constant, sizeof(CopyToFbPushConstant));
if (p_flip_y) {
@@ -230,10 +230,16 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::copy_to_fb_rect(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_fr
if (p_alpha_to_zero) {
copy_to_fb.push_constant.alpha_to_zero = true;
+ if (p_srgb) {
+ copy_to_fb.push_constant.srgb = true;
+ }
RD::DrawListID draw_list = RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_begin(p_dest_framebuffer, RD::INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP, RD::FINAL_ACTION_READ, RD::INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP, RD::FINAL_ACTION_DISCARD, Vector<Color>(), 1.0, 0, p_rect);
- RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_bind_render_pipeline(draw_list, copy_to_fb.pipelines[COPY_TO_FB_COPY].get_render_pipeline(RD::INVALID_ID, RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_get_format(p_dest_framebuffer)));
+ RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_bind_render_pipeline(draw_list, copy_to_fb.pipelines[p_secondary.is_valid() ? COPY_TO_FB_COPY2 : COPY_TO_FB_COPY].get_render_pipeline(RD::INVALID_ID, RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_get_format(p_dest_framebuffer)));
RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_bind_uniform_set(draw_list, _get_uniform_set_from_texture(p_source_rd_texture), 0);
+ if (p_secondary.is_valid()) {
+ RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_bind_uniform_set(draw_list, _get_uniform_set_from_texture(p_secondary), 1);
+ }
RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_bind_index_array(draw_list, index_array);
RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_set_push_constant(draw_list, &copy_to_fb.push_constant, sizeof(CopyToFbPushConstant));
RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_draw(draw_list, true);
@@ -434,7 +440,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::gaussian_glow(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_texture,
-void RasterizerEffectsRD::screen_space_reflection(RID p_diffuse, RID p_normal, RenderingServer::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality p_roughness_quality, RID p_roughness, RID p_blur_radius, RID p_blur_radius2, RID p_metallic, const Color &p_metallic_mask, RID p_depth, RID p_scale_depth, RID p_scale_normal, RID p_output, RID p_output_blur, const Size2i &p_screen_size, int p_max_steps, float p_fade_in, float p_fade_out, float p_tolerance, const CameraMatrix &p_camera) {
+void RasterizerEffectsRD::screen_space_reflection(RID p_diffuse, RID p_normal_roughness, RenderingServer::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality p_roughness_quality, RID p_blur_radius, RID p_blur_radius2, RID p_metallic, const Color &p_metallic_mask, RID p_depth, RID p_scale_depth, RID p_scale_normal, RID p_output, RID p_output_blur, const Size2i &p_screen_size, int p_max_steps, float p_fade_in, float p_fade_out, float p_tolerance, const CameraMatrix &p_camera) {
RD::ComputeListID compute_list = RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_begin();
int32_t x_groups = (p_screen_size.width - 1) / 8 + 1;
@@ -451,7 +457,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::screen_space_reflection(RID p_diffuse, RID p_normal, R
RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, ssr_scale.pipeline);
RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, _get_compute_uniform_set_from_texture(p_diffuse), 0);
- RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, _get_compute_uniform_set_from_texture_pair(p_depth, p_normal), 1);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, _get_compute_uniform_set_from_texture_pair(p_depth, p_normal_roughness), 1);
RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, _get_uniform_set_from_image(p_output_blur), 2);
RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, _get_compute_uniform_set_from_image_pair(p_scale_depth, p_scale_normal), 3);
@@ -491,7 +497,7 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::screen_space_reflection(RID p_diffuse, RID p_normal, R
if (p_roughness_quality != RS::ENV_SSR_ROUGNESS_QUALITY_DISABLED) {
RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, _get_compute_uniform_set_from_image_pair(p_output, p_blur_radius), 1);
- RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, _get_compute_uniform_set_from_texture_pair(p_metallic, p_roughness), 3);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, _get_compute_uniform_set_from_texture_pair(p_metallic, p_normal_roughness), 3);
} else {
RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, _get_uniform_set_from_image(p_output), 1);
RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, _get_compute_uniform_set_from_texture(p_metallic), 3);
@@ -1201,6 +1207,28 @@ void RasterizerEffectsRD::render_sky(RD::DrawListID p_list, float p_time, RID p_
RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_draw(draw_list, true);
+void RasterizerEffectsRD::resolve_gi(RID p_source_depth, RID p_source_normal_roughness, RID p_source_giprobe, RID p_dest_depth, RID p_dest_normal_roughness, RID p_dest_giprobe, Vector2i p_screen_size, int p_samples) {
+ ResolvePushConstant push_constant;
+ push_constant.screen_size[0] = p_screen_size.x;
+ push_constant.screen_size[1] = p_screen_size.y;
+ push_constant.samples = p_samples;
+ RD::ComputeListID compute_list = RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_begin();
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, resolve.pipelines[p_source_giprobe.is_valid() ? RESOLVE_MODE_GI_GIPROBE : RESOLVE_MODE_GI]);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, _get_compute_uniform_set_from_texture_pair(p_source_depth, p_source_normal_roughness), 0);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, _get_compute_uniform_set_from_image_pair(p_dest_depth, p_dest_normal_roughness), 1);
+ if (p_source_giprobe.is_valid()) {
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, _get_compute_uniform_set_from_texture(p_source_giprobe), 2);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, _get_uniform_set_from_image(p_dest_giprobe), 3);
+ }
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(ResolvePushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, p_screen_size.x, p_screen_size.y, 1, 8, 8, 1);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end();
RasterizerEffectsRD::RasterizerEffectsRD() {
{ // Initialize copy
Vector<String> copy_modes;
@@ -1228,6 +1256,7 @@ RasterizerEffectsRD::RasterizerEffectsRD() {
Vector<String> copy_modes;
copy_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_PANORAMA_TO_DP\n");
+ copy_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_TWO_SOURCES\n");
@@ -1517,6 +1546,20 @@ RasterizerEffectsRD::RasterizerEffectsRD() {
+ {
+ Vector<String> resolve_modes;
+ resolve_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_RESOLVE_GI\n");
+ resolve_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_RESOLVE_GI\n#define GIPROBE_RESOLVE\n");
+ resolve.shader.initialize(resolve_modes);
+ resolve.shader_version = resolve.shader.version_create();
+ for (int i = 0; i < RESOLVE_MODE_MAX; i++) {
+ resolve.pipelines[i] = RD::get_singleton()->compute_pipeline_create(resolve.shader.version_get_shader(resolve.shader_version, i));
+ }
+ }
RD::SamplerState sampler;
sampler.mag_filter = RD::SAMPLER_FILTER_LINEAR;
sampler.min_filter = RD::SAMPLER_FILTER_LINEAR;
@@ -1569,6 +1612,7 @@ RasterizerEffectsRD::~RasterizerEffectsRD() {
+ resolve.shader.version_free(resolve.shader_version);
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_effects_rd.h b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_effects_rd.h
index 8a55d2d13c..80849654de 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_effects_rd.h
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_effects_rd.h
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/cubemap_filter.glsl.gen.h"
#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/cubemap_roughness.glsl.gen.h"
#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/luminance_reduce.glsl.gen.h"
+#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/resolve.glsl.gen.h"
#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/roughness_limiter.glsl.gen.h"
#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection.glsl.gen.h"
#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection_filter.glsl.gen.h"
@@ -114,6 +115,7 @@ class RasterizerEffectsRD {
enum CopyToFBMode {
@@ -126,7 +128,8 @@ class RasterizerEffectsRD {
uint32_t force_luminance;
uint32_t alpha_to_zero;
- uint32_t pad[2];
+ uint32_t srgb;
+ uint32_t pad;
struct CopyToFb {
@@ -512,6 +515,25 @@ class RasterizerEffectsRD {
RID pipelines[3]; //3 quality levels
} sss;
+ struct ResolvePushConstant {
+ int32_t screen_size[2];
+ int32_t samples;
+ uint32_t pad;
+ };
+ enum ResolveMode {
+ };
+ struct Resolve {
+ ResolvePushConstant push_constant;
+ ResolveShaderRD shader;
+ RID shader_version;
+ RID pipelines[RESOLVE_MODE_MAX]; //3 quality levels
+ } resolve;
RID default_sampler;
RID default_mipmap_sampler;
RID index_buffer;
@@ -544,7 +566,7 @@ class RasterizerEffectsRD {
RID _get_compute_uniform_set_from_image_pair(RID p_texture, RID p_texture2);
- void copy_to_fb_rect(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_rect, bool p_flip_y = false, bool p_force_luminance = false, bool p_alpha_to_zero = false);
+ void copy_to_fb_rect(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_rect, bool p_flip_y = false, bool p_force_luminance = false, bool p_alpha_to_zero = false, bool p_srgb = false, RID p_secondary = RID());
void copy_to_rect(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_texture, const Rect2i &p_rect, bool p_flip_y = false, bool p_force_luminance = false, bool p_all_source = false, bool p_8_bit_dst = false);
void copy_cubemap_to_panorama(RID p_source_cube, RID p_dest_panorama, const Size2i &p_panorama_size, float p_lod, bool p_is_array);
void copy_depth_to_rect(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_rect, bool p_flip_y = false);
@@ -605,10 +627,12 @@ public:
void cubemap_filter(RID p_source_cubemap, Vector<RID> p_dest_cubemap, bool p_use_array);
void render_sky(RD::DrawListID p_list, float p_time, RID p_fb, RID p_samplers, RID p_lights, RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD *p_pipeline, RID p_uniform_set, RID p_texture_set, const CameraMatrix &p_camera, const Basis &p_orientation, float p_multiplier, const Vector3 &p_position);
- void screen_space_reflection(RID p_diffuse, RID p_normal, RS::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality p_roughness_quality, RID p_roughness, RID p_blur_radius, RID p_blur_radius2, RID p_metallic, const Color &p_metallic_mask, RID p_depth, RID p_scale_depth, RID p_scale_normal, RID p_output, RID p_output_blur, const Size2i &p_screen_size, int p_max_steps, float p_fade_in, float p_fade_out, float p_tolerance, const CameraMatrix &p_camera);
+ void screen_space_reflection(RID p_diffuse, RID p_normal_roughness, RS::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality p_roughness_quality, RID p_blur_radius, RID p_blur_radius2, RID p_metallic, const Color &p_metallic_mask, RID p_depth, RID p_scale_depth, RID p_scale_normal, RID p_output, RID p_output_blur, const Size2i &p_screen_size, int p_max_steps, float p_fade_in, float p_fade_out, float p_tolerance, const CameraMatrix &p_camera);
void merge_specular(RID p_dest_framebuffer, RID p_specular, RID p_base, RID p_reflection);
void sub_surface_scattering(RID p_diffuse, RID p_diffuse2, RID p_depth, const CameraMatrix &p_camera, const Size2i &p_screen_size, float p_scale, float p_depth_scale, RS::SubSurfaceScatteringQuality p_quality);
+ void resolve_gi(RID p_source_depth, RID p_source_normal_roughness, RID p_source_giprobe, RID p_dest_depth, RID p_dest_normal_roughness, RID p_dest_giprobe, Vector2i p_screen_size, int p_samples);
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_rd.h b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_rd.h
index cb53a531ac..cdcc6bfd73 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_rd.h
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_rd.h
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ public:
_ALWAYS_INLINE_ uint64_t get_frame_number() const { return frame; }
_ALWAYS_INLINE_ float get_frame_delta_time() const { return delta; }
+ _ALWAYS_INLINE_ double get_total_time() const { return time; }
static Error is_viable() {
return OK;
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_high_end_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_high_end_rd.cpp
index 7d351f249a..890ada019f 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_high_end_rd.cpp
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_high_end_rd.cpp
@@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::ShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) {
RD::PipelineColorBlendState blend_state_opaque = RD::PipelineColorBlendState::create_disabled(1);
RD::PipelineColorBlendState blend_state_opaque_specular = RD::PipelineColorBlendState::create_disabled(2);
- RD::PipelineColorBlendState blend_state_depth_normal = RD::PipelineColorBlendState::create_disabled(1);
- RD::PipelineColorBlendState blend_state_depth_normal_roughness = RD::PipelineColorBlendState::create_disabled(2);
+ RD::PipelineColorBlendState blend_state_depth_normal_roughness = RD::PipelineColorBlendState::create_disabled(1);
+ RD::PipelineColorBlendState blend_state_depth_normal_roughness_giprobe = RD::PipelineColorBlendState::create_disabled(2);
//update pipelines
@@ -310,12 +310,12 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::ShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) {
RD::PipelineDepthStencilState depth_stencil = depth_stencil_state;
if (uses_alpha || uses_blend_alpha) {
blend_state = blend_state_blend;
if (depth_draw == DEPTH_DRAW_OPAQUE) {
depth_stencil.enable_depth_write = false; //alpha does not draw depth
//none, blend state contains nothing
@@ -328,20 +328,23 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::ShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) {
continue; // do not use this version (will error if using it is attempted)
} else {
blend_state = blend_state_opaque;
//none, leave empty
- blend_state = blend_state_depth_normal;
blend_state = blend_state_depth_normal_roughness;
+ blend_state = blend_state_depth_normal_roughness_giprobe;
blend_state = RD::PipelineColorBlendState::create_disabled(5); //writes to normal and roughness in opaque way
+ blend_state = RD::PipelineColorBlendState(); //no color targets for SDF
} else {
//specular write
blend_state = blend_state_opaque_specular;
+ depth_stencil.enable_depth_test = false;
+ depth_stencil.enable_depth_write = false;
@@ -607,7 +610,78 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::ensure_specular() {
+void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::ensure_gi() {
+ if (!reflection_buffer.is_valid()) {
+ RD::TextureFormat tf;
+ tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT;
+ tf.width = width;
+ tf.height = height;
+ reflection_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView());
+ ambient_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView());
+ }
+void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::ensure_giprobe() {
+ if (!giprobe_buffer.is_valid()) {
+ RD::TextureFormat tf;
+ tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R8G8_UINT;
+ tf.width = width;
+ tf.height = height;
+ RD::TextureFormat tf_aa = tf;
+ tf_aa.samples = texture_samples;
+ giprobe_buffer_msaa = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_aa, RD::TextureView());
+ } else {
+ }
+ tf.usage_bits |= RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT;
+ giprobe_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView());
+ Vector<RID> fb;
+ fb.push_back(depth_msaa);
+ fb.push_back(normal_roughness_buffer_msaa);
+ fb.push_back(giprobe_buffer_msaa);
+ } else {
+ fb.push_back(depth);
+ fb.push_back(normal_roughness_buffer);
+ fb.push_back(giprobe_buffer);
+ }
+ depth_normal_roughness_giprobe_fb = RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_create(fb);
+ }
void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::clear() {
+ if (ambient_buffer != RID() && ambient_buffer != color) {
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(ambient_buffer);
+ ambient_buffer = RID();
+ }
+ if (reflection_buffer != RID() && reflection_buffer != specular) {
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(reflection_buffer);
+ reflection_buffer = RID();
+ }
+ if (giprobe_buffer != RID()) {
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(giprobe_buffer);
+ giprobe_buffer = RID();
+ if (giprobe_buffer_msaa.is_valid()) {
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(giprobe_buffer_msaa);
+ giprobe_buffer_msaa = RID();
+ }
+ depth_normal_roughness_giprobe_fb = RID();
+ }
if (color_msaa.is_valid()) {
color_msaa = RID();
@@ -634,24 +708,18 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::clear() {
color_fb = RID();
depth_fb = RID();
- if (normal_buffer.is_valid()) {
- RD::get_singleton()->free(normal_buffer);
- if (normal_buffer_msaa.is_valid()) {
- RD::get_singleton()->free(normal_buffer_msaa);
- normal_buffer_msaa = RID();
+ if (normal_roughness_buffer.is_valid()) {
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(normal_roughness_buffer);
+ if (normal_roughness_buffer_msaa.is_valid()) {
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(normal_roughness_buffer_msaa);
+ normal_roughness_buffer_msaa = RID();
- normal_buffer = RID();
- depth_normal_fb = RID();
+ normal_roughness_buffer = RID();
+ depth_normal_roughness_fb = RID();
- if (roughness_buffer.is_valid()) {
- RD::get_singleton()->free(roughness_buffer);
- if (roughness_buffer_msaa.is_valid()) {
- RD::get_singleton()->free(roughness_buffer_msaa);
- roughness_buffer_msaa = RID();
- }
- roughness_buffer = RID();
- depth_normal_roughness_fb = RID();
+ if (!render_sdfgi_uniform_set.is_null() && RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(render_sdfgi_uniform_set)) {
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(render_sdfgi_uniform_set);
@@ -686,7 +754,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::configure(RID p_color_bu
tf.width = p_width;
tf.height = p_height;
tf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D;
RD::TextureSamples ts[RS::VIEWPORT_MSAA_MAX] = {
@@ -702,7 +770,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::configure(RID p_color_bu
color_msaa = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView());
tf.format = RD::get_singleton()->texture_is_format_supported_for_usage(RD::DATA_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT, RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT) ? RD::DATA_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT : RD::DATA_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT_S8_UINT;
depth_msaa = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView());
@@ -722,80 +790,38 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RenderBufferDataHighEnd::configure(RID p_color_bu
-void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_allocate_normal_texture(RenderBufferDataHighEnd *rb) {
- if (rb->normal_buffer.is_valid()) {
+void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_allocate_normal_roughness_texture(RenderBufferDataHighEnd *rb) {
+ if (rb->normal_roughness_buffer.is_valid()) {
RD::TextureFormat tf;
- tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_UNORM_PACK32;
+ tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
tf.width = rb->width;
tf.height = rb->height;
if (rb->msaa != RS::VIEWPORT_MSAA_DISABLED) {
- tf.usage_bits |= RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_COPY_TO_BIT;
- } else {
- }
- rb->normal_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView());
- if (rb->msaa == RS::VIEWPORT_MSAA_DISABLED) {
- Vector<RID> fb;
- fb.push_back(rb->depth);
- fb.push_back(rb->normal_buffer);
- rb->depth_normal_fb = RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_create(fb);
- } else {
- tf.samples = rb->texture_samples;
- rb->normal_buffer_msaa = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView());
- Vector<RID> fb;
- fb.push_back(rb->depth_msaa);
- fb.push_back(rb->normal_buffer_msaa);
- rb->depth_normal_fb = RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_create(fb);
- }
- _render_buffers_clear_uniform_set(rb);
-void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_allocate_roughness_texture(RenderBufferDataHighEnd *rb) {
- if (rb->roughness_buffer.is_valid()) {
- return;
- }
- ERR_FAIL_COND(rb->normal_buffer.is_null());
- RD::TextureFormat tf;
- tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R8_UNORM;
- tf.width = rb->width;
- tf.height = rb->height;
- if (rb->msaa != RS::VIEWPORT_MSAA_DISABLED) {
- tf.usage_bits |= RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_COPY_TO_BIT;
} else {
- rb->roughness_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView());
+ rb->normal_roughness_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView());
if (rb->msaa == RS::VIEWPORT_MSAA_DISABLED) {
Vector<RID> fb;
- fb.push_back(rb->normal_buffer);
- fb.push_back(rb->roughness_buffer);
+ fb.push_back(rb->normal_roughness_buffer);
rb->depth_normal_roughness_fb = RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_create(fb);
} else {
tf.samples = rb->texture_samples;
- rb->roughness_buffer_msaa = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView());
+ rb->normal_roughness_buffer_msaa = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView());
Vector<RID> fb;
- fb.push_back(rb->normal_buffer_msaa);
- fb.push_back(rb->roughness_buffer_msaa);
+ fb.push_back(rb->normal_roughness_buffer_msaa);
rb->depth_normal_roughness_fb = RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_create(fb);
@@ -813,7 +839,7 @@ bool RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::free(RID p_rid) {
return false;
-void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_fill_instances(RenderList::Element **p_elements, int p_element_count, bool p_for_depth) {
+void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_fill_instances(RenderList::Element **p_elements, int p_element_count, bool p_for_depth, bool p_has_sdfgi, bool p_has_opaque_gi) {
uint32_t lightmap_captures_used = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < p_element_count; i++) {
@@ -855,37 +881,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_fill_instances(RenderList::Element **p_elements,
- if (!e->instance->gi_probe_instances.empty()) {
- uint32_t written = 0;
- for (int j = 0; j < e->instance->gi_probe_instances.size(); j++) {
- RID probe = e->instance->gi_probe_instances[j];
- int slot = gi_probe_instance_get_slot(probe);
- if (slot < 0) {
- continue; //unallocated, dont render
- }
- if (render_pass != gi_probe_instance_get_render_pass(probe)) {
- continue; //not rendered in this frame
- }
- uint32_t index = gi_probe_instance_get_render_index(probe);
- if (written == 0) {
- id.gi_offset = index;
- written = 1;
- } else {
- id.gi_offset = index << 16;
- written = 2;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (written == 0) {
- id.gi_offset = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- } else if (written == 1) {
- id.gi_offset |= 0xFFFF0000;
- }
- } else if (e->instance->lightmap) {
+ if (e->instance->lightmap) {
int32_t lightmap_index = storage->lightmap_get_array_index(e->instance->lightmap->base);
if (lightmap_index >= 0) {
id.gi_offset = lightmap_index;
@@ -916,8 +912,40 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_fill_instances(RenderList::Element **p_elements,
id.gi_offset = lightmap_captures_used;
} else {
- id.gi_offset = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ if (p_has_opaque_gi) {
+ }
+ if (!e->instance->gi_probe_instances.empty()) {
+ uint32_t written = 0;
+ for (int j = 0; j < e->instance->gi_probe_instances.size(); j++) {
+ RID probe = e->instance->gi_probe_instances[j];
+ uint32_t index = gi_probe_instance_get_render_index(probe);
+ if (written == 0) {
+ id.gi_offset = index;
+ written = 1;
+ } else {
+ id.gi_offset = index << 16;
+ written = 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (written == 0) {
+ id.gi_offset = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ } else if (written == 1) {
+ id.gi_offset |= 0xFFFF0000;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (p_has_sdfgi && (e->instance->baked_light || e->instance->dynamic_gi)) {
+ }
+ id.gi_offset = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ }
@@ -970,7 +998,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_list(RenderingDevice::DrawListID p_draw_l
//find cull variant
ShaderData::CullVariant cull_variant;
- if (p_pass_mode == PASS_MODE_DEPTH_MATERIAL || ((p_pass_mode == PASS_MODE_SHADOW || p_pass_mode == PASS_MODE_SHADOW_DP) && e->instance->cast_shadows == RS::SHADOW_CASTING_SETTING_DOUBLE_SIDED)) {
+ if (p_pass_mode == PASS_MODE_DEPTH_MATERIAL || p_pass_mode == PASS_MODE_SDF || ((p_pass_mode == PASS_MODE_SHADOW || p_pass_mode == PASS_MODE_SHADOW_DP) && e->instance->cast_shadows == RS::SHADOW_CASTING_SETTING_DOUBLE_SIDED)) {
cull_variant = ShaderData::CULL_VARIANT_DOUBLE_SIDED;
} else {
bool mirror = e->instance->mirror;
@@ -1016,8 +1044,8 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_list(RenderingDevice::DrawListID p_draw_l
if (e->uses_lightmap) {
- } else if (e->uses_vct) {
+ } else if (e->uses_forward_gi) {
} else {
@@ -1025,8 +1053,6 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_list(RenderingDevice::DrawListID p_draw_l
if (e->uses_lightmap) {
- } else if (e->uses_vct) {
} else {
@@ -1038,15 +1064,18 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_list(RenderingDevice::DrawListID p_draw_l
} break;
- } break;
} break;
+ } break;
} break;
+ case PASS_MODE_SDF: {
+ } break;
RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD *pipeline = nullptr;
@@ -1134,7 +1163,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_list(RenderingDevice::DrawListID p_draw_l
-void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_environment(RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, const Transform &p_cam_transform, RID p_reflection_probe, bool p_no_fog, const Size2 &p_screen_pixel_size, RID p_shadow_atlas, bool p_flip_y, const Color &p_default_bg_color, float p_znear, float p_zfar, bool p_opaque_render_buffers, bool p_pancake_shadows) {
+void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_environment(RID p_environment, RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, const Transform &p_cam_transform, RID p_reflection_probe, bool p_no_fog, const Size2 &p_screen_pixel_size, RID p_shadow_atlas, bool p_flip_y, const Color &p_default_bg_color, float p_znear, float p_zfar, bool p_opaque_render_buffers, bool p_pancake_shadows) {
//CameraMatrix projection = p_cam_projection;
//projection.flip_y(); // Vulkan and modern APIs use Y-Down
CameraMatrix correction;
@@ -1178,6 +1207,70 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_environment(RID p_environment, const Camer
//time global variables
scene_state.ubo.time = time;
+ scene_state.ubo.gi_upscale_for_msaa = false;
+ if (p_render_buffers.is_valid()) {
+ RenderBufferDataHighEnd *render_buffers = (RenderBufferDataHighEnd *)render_buffers_get_data(p_render_buffers);
+ if (render_buffers->msaa != RS::VIEWPORT_MSAA_DISABLED) {
+ scene_state.ubo.gi_upscale_for_msaa = true;
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+ if (p_render_buffers.is_valid() && render_buffers_is_sdfgi_enabled(p_render_buffers)) {
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_cascade_count = render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_count(p_render_buffers);
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_probe_axis_size = render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_probe_count(p_render_buffers);
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_cascade_probe_size[0] = scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_probe_axis_size - 1; //float version for performance
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_cascade_probe_size[1] = scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_probe_axis_size - 1;
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_cascade_probe_size[2] = scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_probe_axis_size - 1;
+ float csize = render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_size(p_render_buffers);
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_probe_to_uvw = 1.0 / float(scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_cascade_probe_size[0]);
+ float occ_bias = 0.0;
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_occlusion_bias = occ_bias / csize;
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_use_occlusion = render_buffers_is_sdfgi_using_occlusion(p_render_buffers);
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_energy = render_buffers_get_sdfgi_energy(p_render_buffers);
+ float cascade_voxel_size = (csize / scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_cascade_probe_size[0]);
+ float occlusion_clamp = (cascade_voxel_size - 0.5) / cascade_voxel_size;
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_occlusion_clamp[0] = occlusion_clamp;
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_occlusion_clamp[1] = occlusion_clamp;
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_occlusion_clamp[2] = occlusion_clamp;
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_normal_bias = (render_buffers_get_sdfgi_normal_bias(p_render_buffers) / csize) * scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_cascade_probe_size[0];
+ //vec2 tex_pixel_size = 1.0 / vec2(ivec2( (OCT_SIZE+2) * params.probe_axis_size * params.probe_axis_size, (OCT_SIZE+2) * params.probe_axis_size ) );
+ //vec3 probe_uv_offset = (ivec3(OCT_SIZE+2,OCT_SIZE+2,(OCT_SIZE+2) * params.probe_axis_size)) * tex_pixel_size.xyx;
+ uint32_t oct_size = sdfgi_get_lightprobe_octahedron_size();
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_lightprobe_tex_pixel_size[0] = 1.0 / ((oct_size + 2) * scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_probe_axis_size * scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_probe_axis_size);
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_lightprobe_tex_pixel_size[1] = 1.0 / ((oct_size + 2) * scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_probe_axis_size);
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_lightprobe_tex_pixel_size[2] = 1.0;
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_probe_uv_offset[0] = float(oct_size + 2) * scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_lightprobe_tex_pixel_size[0];
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_probe_uv_offset[1] = float(oct_size + 2) * scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_lightprobe_tex_pixel_size[1];
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_probe_uv_offset[2] = float((oct_size + 2) * scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_probe_axis_size) * scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_lightprobe_tex_pixel_size[0];
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_occlusion_renormalize[0] = 0.5;
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_occlusion_renormalize[1] = 1.0;
+ scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_occlusion_renormalize[2] = 1.0 / float(scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_cascade_count);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_cascade_count; i++) {
+ SceneState::UBO::SDFGICascade &c = scene_state.ubo.sdfgi_cascades[i];
+ Vector3 pos = render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_offset(p_render_buffers, i);
+ pos -= p_cam_transform.origin; //make pos local to camera, to reduce numerical error
+ c.position[0] = pos.x;
+ c.position[1] = pos.y;
+ c.position[2] = pos.z;
+ c.to_probe = 1.0 / render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_probe_size(p_render_buffers, i);
+ Vector3i probe_ofs = render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_probe_offset(p_render_buffers, i);
+ c.probe_world_offset[0] = probe_ofs.x;
+ c.probe_world_offset[1] = probe_ofs.y;
+ c.probe_world_offset[2] = probe_ofs.z;
+ }
+ }
if (get_debug_draw_mode() == RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_UNSHADED) {
scene_state.ubo.use_ambient_light = true;
scene_state.ubo.ambient_light_color_energy[0] = 1;
@@ -1260,11 +1353,13 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_environment(RID p_environment, const Camer
scene_state.ubo.roughness_limiter_enabled = p_opaque_render_buffers && screen_space_roughness_limiter_is_active();
+ scene_state.ubo.roughness_limiter_amount = screen_space_roughness_limiter_get_amount();
+ scene_state.ubo.roughness_limiter_limit = screen_space_roughness_limiter_get_limit();
RD::get_singleton()->buffer_update(scene_state.uniform_buffer, 0, sizeof(SceneState::UBO), &scene_state.ubo, true);
-void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_add_geometry(InstanceBase *p_instance, uint32_t p_surface, RID p_material, PassMode p_pass_mode, uint32_t p_geometry_index) {
+void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_add_geometry(InstanceBase *p_instance, uint32_t p_surface, RID p_material, PassMode p_pass_mode, uint32_t p_geometry_index, bool p_using_sdfgi) {
RID m_src;
m_src = p_instance->material_override.is_valid() ? p_instance->material_override : p_material;
@@ -1293,18 +1388,18 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_add_geometry(InstanceBase *p_instance, uint32_t
- _add_geometry_with_material(p_instance, p_surface, material, m_src, p_pass_mode, p_geometry_index);
+ _add_geometry_with_material(p_instance, p_surface, material, m_src, p_pass_mode, p_geometry_index, p_using_sdfgi);
while (material->next_pass.is_valid()) {
material = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(material->next_pass, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D);
if (!material || !material->shader_data->valid) {
+ _add_geometry_with_material(p_instance, p_surface, material, material->next_pass, p_pass_mode, p_geometry_index, p_using_sdfgi);
- _add_geometry_with_material(p_instance, p_surface, material, material->next_pass, p_pass_mode, p_geometry_index);
-void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_add_geometry_with_material(InstanceBase *p_instance, uint32_t p_surface, MaterialData *p_material, RID p_material_rid, PassMode p_pass_mode, uint32_t p_geometry_index) {
+void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_add_geometry_with_material(InstanceBase *p_instance, uint32_t p_surface, MaterialData *p_material, RID p_material_rid, PassMode p_pass_mode, uint32_t p_geometry_index, bool p_using_sdfgi) {
bool has_read_screen_alpha = p_material->shader_data->uses_screen_texture || p_material->shader_data->uses_depth_texture || p_material->shader_data->uses_normal_texture;
bool has_base_alpha = (p_material->shader_data->uses_alpha || has_read_screen_alpha);
bool has_blend_alpha = p_material->shader_data->uses_blend_alpha;
@@ -1332,13 +1427,11 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_add_geometry_with_material(InstanceBase *p_insta
- if (p_pass_mode != PASS_MODE_DEPTH_MATERIAL && !p_material->shader_data->writes_modelview_or_projection && !p_material->shader_data->uses_vertex && !p_material->shader_data->uses_discard && !p_material->shader_data->uses_depth_pre_pass) {
+ if ((p_pass_mode != PASS_MODE_DEPTH_MATERIAL && p_pass_mode != PASS_MODE_SDF) && !p_material->shader_data->writes_modelview_or_projection && !p_material->shader_data->uses_vertex && !p_material->shader_data->uses_discard && !p_material->shader_data->uses_depth_pre_pass) {
//shader does not use discard and does not write a vertex position, use generic material
if (p_pass_mode == PASS_MODE_SHADOW || p_pass_mode == PASS_MODE_DEPTH) {
p_material = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(default_material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D);
- } else if (p_pass_mode == PASS_MODE_DEPTH_NORMAL && !p_material->shader_data->uses_normal) {
- p_material = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(default_material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D);
- } else if (p_pass_mode == PASS_MODE_DEPTH_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS && !p_material->shader_data->uses_normal && !p_material->shader_data->uses_roughness) {
+ } else if ((p_pass_mode == PASS_MODE_DEPTH_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS || p_pass_mode == PASS_MODE_DEPTH_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS_GIPROBE) && !p_material->shader_data->uses_normal && !p_material->shader_data->uses_roughness) {
p_material = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(default_material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D);
@@ -1346,7 +1439,9 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_add_geometry_with_material(InstanceBase *p_insta
has_alpha = false;
- RenderList::Element *e = (has_alpha || p_material->shader_data->depth_test == ShaderData::DEPTH_TEST_DISABLED) ? render_list.add_alpha_element() : render_list.add_element();
+ has_alpha = has_alpha || p_material->shader_data->depth_test == ShaderData::DEPTH_TEST_DISABLED;
+ RenderList::Element *e = has_alpha ? render_list.add_alpha_element() : render_list.add_element();
if (!e) {
@@ -1373,7 +1468,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_add_geometry_with_material(InstanceBase *p_insta
e->material_index = e->material->index;
e->uses_instancing = e->instance->base_type == RS::INSTANCE_MULTIMESH;
e->uses_lightmap = e->instance->lightmap != nullptr || !e->instance->lightmap_sh.empty();
- e->uses_vct = e->instance->gi_probe_instances.size();
+ e->uses_forward_gi = has_alpha && (e->instance->gi_probe_instances.size() || p_using_sdfgi);
e->shader_index = e->shader_index;
e->depth_layer = e->instance->depth_layer;
e->priority = p_material->priority;
@@ -1383,7 +1478,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_add_geometry_with_material(InstanceBase *p_insta
-void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_fill_render_list(InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, PassMode p_pass_mode, bool p_no_gi) {
+void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_fill_render_list(InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, PassMode p_pass_mode, bool p_using_sdfgi) {
scene_state.current_shader_index = 0;
scene_state.current_material_index = 0;
scene_state.used_sss = false;
@@ -1415,7 +1510,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_fill_render_list(InstanceBase **p_cull_result, i
RID material = inst_materials[j].is_valid() ? inst_materials[j] : materials[j];
uint32_t surface_index = storage->mesh_surface_get_render_pass_index(inst->base, j, render_pass, &geometry_index);
- _add_geometry(inst, j, material, p_pass_mode, surface_index);
+ _add_geometry(inst, j, material, p_pass_mode, surface_index, p_using_sdfgi);
@@ -1443,7 +1538,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_fill_render_list(InstanceBase **p_cull_result, i
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < surface_count; j++) {
uint32_t surface_index = storage->mesh_surface_get_multimesh_render_pass_index(mesh, j, render_pass, &geometry_index);
- _add_geometry(inst, j, materials[j], p_pass_mode, surface_index);
+ _add_geometry(inst, j, materials[j], p_pass_mode, surface_index, p_using_sdfgi);
} break;
@@ -1525,30 +1620,13 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_reflections(RID *p_reflection_probe_cull_r
reflection_ubo.params[2] = interior ? 1.0 : 0.0;
reflection_ubo.params[3] = box_projection ? 1.0 : 0.0;
- if (interior) {
- Color ambient_linear = storage->reflection_probe_get_interior_ambient(base_probe).to_linear();
- float interior_ambient_energy = storage->reflection_probe_get_interior_ambient_energy(base_probe);
- float interior_ambient_probe_contrib = storage->reflection_probe_get_interior_ambient_probe_contribution(base_probe);
- reflection_ubo.ambient[0] = ambient_linear.r * interior_ambient_energy;
- reflection_ubo.ambient[1] = ambient_linear.g * interior_ambient_energy;
- reflection_ubo.ambient[2] = ambient_linear.b * interior_ambient_energy;
- reflection_ubo.ambient[3] = interior_ambient_probe_contrib;
- } else {
- Color ambient_linear = storage->reflection_probe_get_interior_ambient(base_probe).to_linear();
- if (is_environment(p_environment)) {
- Color env_ambient_color = environment_get_ambient_light_color(p_environment).to_linear();
- float env_ambient_energy = environment_get_ambient_light_energy(p_environment);
- ambient_linear = env_ambient_color;
- ambient_linear.r *= env_ambient_energy;
- ambient_linear.g *= env_ambient_energy;
- ambient_linear.b *= env_ambient_energy;
- }
- reflection_ubo.ambient[0] = ambient_linear.r;
- reflection_ubo.ambient[1] = ambient_linear.g;
- reflection_ubo.ambient[2] = ambient_linear.b;
- reflection_ubo.ambient[3] = 0; //not used in exterior mode, since it just blends with regular ambient light
- }
+ Color ambient_linear = storage->reflection_probe_get_ambient_color(base_probe).to_linear();
+ float interior_ambient_energy = storage->reflection_probe_get_ambient_color_energy(base_probe);
+ uint32_t ambient_mode = storage->reflection_probe_get_ambient_mode(base_probe);
+ reflection_ubo.ambient[0] = ambient_linear.r * interior_ambient_energy;
+ reflection_ubo.ambient[1] = ambient_linear.g * interior_ambient_energy;
+ reflection_ubo.ambient[2] = ambient_linear.b * interior_ambient_energy;
+ reflection_ubo.ambient_mode = ambient_mode;
Transform transform = reflection_probe_instance_get_transform(rpi);
Transform proj = (p_camera_inverse_transform * transform).inverse();
@@ -1583,59 +1661,6 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_lightmaps(InstanceBase **p_lightmap_cull_r
-void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_gi_probes(RID *p_gi_probe_probe_cull_result, int p_gi_probe_probe_cull_count, const Transform &p_camera_transform) {
- int index = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < p_gi_probe_probe_cull_count; i++) {
- RID rpi = p_gi_probe_probe_cull_result[i];
- if (index >= (int)scene_state.max_gi_probes) {
- continue;
- }
- int slot = gi_probe_instance_get_slot(rpi);
- if (slot < 0) {
- continue; //not usable
- }
- RID base_probe = gi_probe_instance_get_base_probe(rpi);
- GIProbeData &gi_probe_ubo = scene_state.gi_probes[index];
- Transform to_cell = gi_probe_instance_get_transform_to_cell(rpi) * p_camera_transform;
- store_transform(to_cell, gi_probe_ubo.xform);
- Vector3 bounds = storage->gi_probe_get_octree_size(base_probe);
- gi_probe_ubo.bounds[0] = bounds.x;
- gi_probe_ubo.bounds[1] = bounds.y;
- gi_probe_ubo.bounds[2] = bounds.z;
- gi_probe_ubo.dynamic_range = storage->gi_probe_get_dynamic_range(base_probe) * storage->gi_probe_get_energy(base_probe);
- gi_probe_ubo.bias = storage->gi_probe_get_bias(base_probe);
- gi_probe_ubo.normal_bias = storage->gi_probe_get_normal_bias(base_probe);
- gi_probe_ubo.blend_ambient = !storage->gi_probe_is_interior(base_probe);
- gi_probe_ubo.texture_slot = gi_probe_instance_get_slot(rpi);
- gi_probe_ubo.anisotropy_strength = storage->gi_probe_get_anisotropy_strength(base_probe);
- = storage->gi_probe_get_ao(base_probe);
- gi_probe_ubo.ao_size = Math::pow(storage->gi_probe_get_ao_size(base_probe), 4.0f);
- if (gi_probe_is_anisotropic()) {
- gi_probe_ubo.texture_slot *= 3;
- }
- gi_probe_instance_set_render_index(rpi, index);
- gi_probe_instance_set_render_pass(rpi, render_pass);
- index++;
- }
- if (index) {
- RD::get_singleton()->buffer_update(scene_state.gi_probe_buffer, 0, index * sizeof(GIProbeData), scene_state.gi_probes, true);
- }
void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_lights(RID *p_light_cull_result, int p_light_cull_count, const Transform &p_camera_inverse_transform, RID p_shadow_atlas, bool p_using_shadows) {
uint32_t light_count = 0;
scene_state.ubo.directional_light_count = 0;
@@ -2156,6 +2181,8 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transfor
Vector<Color> depth_pass_clear;
bool using_separate_specular = false;
bool using_ssr = false;
+ bool using_sdfgi = false;
+ bool using_giprobe = false;
if (render_buffer) {
screen_pixel_size.width = 1.0 / render_buffer->width;
@@ -2165,43 +2192,55 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transfor
opaque_framebuffer = render_buffer->color_fb;
- if (p_environment.is_valid() && environment_is_ssr_enabled(p_environment)) {
- render_buffer->ensure_specular();
- using_separate_specular = true;
- using_ssr = true;
- opaque_specular_framebuffer = render_buffer->color_specular_fb;
- } else if (screen_space_roughness_limiter_is_active()) {
- depth_pass_mode = PASS_MODE_DEPTH_NORMAL;
- //we need to allocate both these, if not allocated
- _allocate_normal_texture(render_buffer);
- _allocate_roughness_texture(render_buffer);
+ if (p_gi_probe_cull_count > 0) {
+ using_giprobe = true;
+ render_buffer->ensure_gi();
+ }
+ if (!p_environment.is_valid() && using_giprobe) {
+ } else if (p_environment.is_valid() && (environment_is_ssr_enabled(p_environment) || environment_is_sdfgi_enabled(p_environment) || using_giprobe)) {
+ if (environment_is_sdfgi_enabled(p_environment)) {
+ depth_pass_mode = using_giprobe ? PASS_MODE_DEPTH_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS_GIPROBE : PASS_MODE_DEPTH_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS; // also giprobe
+ using_sdfgi = true;
+ render_buffer->ensure_gi();
+ } else {
+ }
+ if (environment_is_ssr_enabled(p_environment)) {
+ render_buffer->ensure_specular();
+ using_separate_specular = true;
+ using_ssr = true;
+ opaque_specular_framebuffer = render_buffer->color_specular_fb;
+ }
} else if (p_environment.is_valid() && (environment_is_ssao_enabled(p_environment) || get_debug_draw_mode() == RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_NORMAL_BUFFER)) {
- depth_pass_mode = PASS_MODE_DEPTH_NORMAL;
switch (depth_pass_mode) {
depth_framebuffer = render_buffer->depth_fb;
} break;
- _allocate_normal_texture(render_buffer);
- depth_framebuffer = render_buffer->depth_normal_fb;
- depth_pass_clear.push_back(Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0));
- } break;
- _allocate_normal_texture(render_buffer);
- _allocate_roughness_texture(render_buffer);
+ _allocate_normal_roughness_texture(render_buffer);
depth_framebuffer = render_buffer->depth_normal_roughness_fb;
depth_pass_clear.push_back(Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0));
- depth_pass_clear.push_back(Color());
+ } break;
+ _allocate_normal_roughness_texture(render_buffer);
+ render_buffer->ensure_giprobe();
+ depth_framebuffer = render_buffer->depth_normal_roughness_giprobe_fb;
+ depth_pass_clear.push_back(Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0));
+ depth_pass_clear.push_back(Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
} break;
default: {
alpha_framebuffer = opaque_framebuffer;
} else if (p_reflection_probe.is_valid()) {
uint32_t resolution = reflection_probe_instance_get_resolution(p_reflection_probe);
screen_pixel_size.width = 1.0 / resolution;
@@ -2216,7 +2255,6 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transfor
if (storage->reflection_probe_is_interior(reflection_probe_instance_get_probe(p_reflection_probe))) {
p_environment = RID(); //no environment on interiors
} else {
ERR_FAIL(); //bug?
@@ -2226,16 +2264,15 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transfor
_setup_lights(p_light_cull_result, p_light_cull_count, p_cam_transform.affine_inverse(), p_shadow_atlas, using_shadows);
_setup_decals(p_decal_cull_result, p_decal_cull_count, p_cam_transform.affine_inverse());
_setup_reflections(p_reflection_probe_cull_result, p_reflection_probe_cull_count, p_cam_transform.affine_inverse(), p_environment);
- _setup_gi_probes(p_gi_probe_cull_result, p_gi_probe_cull_count, p_cam_transform);
_setup_lightmaps(p_lightmap_cull_result, p_lightmap_cull_count, p_cam_transform);
- _setup_environment(p_environment, p_cam_projection, p_cam_transform, p_reflection_probe, p_reflection_probe.is_valid(), screen_pixel_size, p_shadow_atlas, !p_reflection_probe.is_valid(), p_default_bg_color, p_cam_projection.get_z_near(), p_cam_projection.get_z_far(), false);
+ _setup_environment(p_environment, p_render_buffer, p_cam_projection, p_cam_transform, p_reflection_probe, p_reflection_probe.is_valid(), screen_pixel_size, p_shadow_atlas, !p_reflection_probe.is_valid(), p_default_bg_color, p_cam_projection.get_z_near(), p_cam_projection.get_z_far(), false);
cluster_builder.bake_cluster(); //bake to cluster
_update_render_base_uniform_set(); //may have changed due to the above (light buffer enlarged, as an example)
- _fill_render_list(p_cull_result, p_cull_count, PASS_MODE_COLOR, render_buffer == nullptr);
+ _fill_render_list(p_cull_result, p_cull_count, PASS_MODE_COLOR, using_sdfgi);
bool using_sss = render_buffer && scene_state.used_sss && sub_surface_scattering_get_quality() != RS::SUB_SURFACE_SCATTERING_QUALITY_DISABLED;
@@ -2307,47 +2344,46 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transfor
clear_color = p_default_bg_color;
- _setup_view_dependant_uniform_set(p_shadow_atlas, p_reflection_atlas);
+ _setup_view_dependant_uniform_set(p_shadow_atlas, p_reflection_atlas, p_gi_probe_cull_result, p_gi_probe_cull_count);
- _fill_instances(render_list.elements, render_list.element_count, false);
+ _fill_instances(render_list.elements, render_list.element_count, false, false, using_sdfgi || using_giprobe);
bool debug_giprobes = get_debug_draw_mode() == RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_GI_PROBE_ALBEDO || get_debug_draw_mode() == RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_GI_PROBE_LIGHTING || get_debug_draw_mode() == RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_GI_PROBE_EMISSION;
+ bool debug_sdfgi_probes = get_debug_draw_mode() == RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_SDFGI_PROBES;
bool depth_pre_pass = depth_framebuffer.is_valid();
RID render_buffers_uniform_set;
bool using_ssao = depth_pre_pass && p_render_buffer.is_valid() && p_environment.is_valid() && environment_is_ssao_enabled(p_environment);
+ bool continue_depth = false;
if (depth_pre_pass) { //depth pre pass
RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Render Depth Pre-Pass");
- bool finish_depth = using_ssao;
+ bool finish_depth = using_ssao || using_sdfgi || using_giprobe;
RD::DrawListID draw_list = RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_begin(depth_framebuffer, RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR, RD::FINAL_ACTION_READ, RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR, finish_depth ? RD::FINAL_ACTION_READ : RD::FINAL_ACTION_CONTINUE, depth_pass_clear);
_render_list(draw_list, RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_get_format(depth_framebuffer), render_list.elements, render_list.element_count, false, depth_pass_mode, render_buffer == nullptr, radiance_uniform_set, RID(), get_debug_draw_mode() == RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_WIREFRAME);
if (render_buffer && render_buffer->msaa != RS::VIEWPORT_MSAA_DISABLED) {
- if (finish_depth) {
+ static int texture_samples[RS::VIEWPORT_MSAA_MAX] = { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 };
+ storage->get_effects()->resolve_gi(render_buffer->depth_msaa, render_buffer->normal_roughness_buffer_msaa, using_giprobe ? render_buffer->giprobe_buffer_msaa : RID(), render_buffer->depth, render_buffer->normal_roughness_buffer, using_giprobe ? render_buffer->giprobe_buffer : RID(), Vector2i(render_buffer->width, render_buffer->height), texture_samples[render_buffer->msaa]);
+ } else if (finish_depth) {
RD::get_singleton()->texture_resolve_multisample(render_buffer->depth_msaa, render_buffer->depth, true);
- if (depth_pass_mode == PASS_MODE_DEPTH_NORMAL || depth_pass_mode == PASS_MODE_DEPTH_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS) {
- RD::get_singleton()->texture_resolve_multisample(render_buffer->normal_buffer_msaa, render_buffer->normal_buffer, true);
- if (depth_pass_mode == PASS_MODE_DEPTH_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS) {
- RD::get_singleton()->texture_resolve_multisample(render_buffer->roughness_buffer_msaa, render_buffer->roughness_buffer, true);
- }
- }
+ continue_depth = !finish_depth;
if (using_ssao) {
- _process_ssao(p_render_buffer, p_environment, render_buffer->normal_buffer, p_cam_projection);
+ _process_ssao(p_render_buffer, p_environment, render_buffer->normal_roughness_buffer, p_cam_projection);
- if (p_render_buffer.is_valid() && screen_space_roughness_limiter_is_active()) {
- storage->get_effects()->roughness_limit(render_buffer->normal_buffer, render_buffer->roughness_buffer, Size2(render_buffer->width, render_buffer->height), screen_space_roughness_limiter_get_curve());
+ if (using_sdfgi || using_giprobe) {
+ _process_gi(p_render_buffer, render_buffer->normal_roughness_buffer, render_buffer->ambient_buffer, render_buffer->reflection_buffer, render_buffer->giprobe_buffer, p_environment, p_cam_projection, p_cam_transform, p_gi_probe_cull_result, p_gi_probe_cull_count);
if (p_render_buffer.is_valid()) {
@@ -2356,7 +2392,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transfor
render_buffers_uniform_set = render_buffer->uniform_set;
- _setup_environment(p_environment, p_cam_projection, p_cam_transform, p_reflection_probe, p_reflection_probe.is_valid(), screen_pixel_size, p_shadow_atlas, !p_reflection_probe.is_valid(), p_default_bg_color, p_cam_projection.get_z_near(), p_cam_projection.get_z_far(), p_render_buffer.is_valid());
+ _setup_environment(p_environment, p_render_buffer, p_cam_projection, p_cam_transform, p_reflection_probe, p_reflection_probe.is_valid(), screen_pixel_size, p_shadow_atlas, !p_reflection_probe.is_valid(), p_default_bg_color, p_cam_projection.get_z_near(), p_cam_projection.get_z_far(), p_render_buffer.is_valid());
RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Render Opaque Pass");
@@ -2364,8 +2400,8 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transfor
bool can_continue_depth = !scene_state.used_depth_texture && !using_ssr && !using_sss;
- bool will_continue_color = (can_continue_color || draw_sky || debug_giprobes);
- bool will_continue_depth = (can_continue_depth || draw_sky || debug_giprobes);
+ bool will_continue_color = (can_continue_color || draw_sky || debug_giprobes || debug_sdfgi_probes);
+ bool will_continue_depth = (can_continue_depth || draw_sky || debug_giprobes || debug_sdfgi_probes);
//regular forward for now
Vector<Color> c;
@@ -2379,7 +2415,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transfor
RID framebuffer = using_separate_specular ? opaque_specular_framebuffer : opaque_framebuffer;
- RD::DrawListID draw_list = RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_begin(framebuffer, keep_color ? RD::INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP : RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR, will_continue_color ? RD::FINAL_ACTION_CONTINUE : RD::FINAL_ACTION_READ, depth_pre_pass ? (using_ssao ? RD::INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP : RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CONTINUE) : RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR, will_continue_depth ? RD::FINAL_ACTION_CONTINUE : RD::FINAL_ACTION_READ, c, 1.0, 0);
+ RD::DrawListID draw_list = RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_begin(framebuffer, keep_color ? RD::INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP : RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR, will_continue_color ? RD::FINAL_ACTION_CONTINUE : RD::FINAL_ACTION_READ, depth_pre_pass ? (continue_depth ? RD::INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP : RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CONTINUE) : RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR, will_continue_depth ? RD::FINAL_ACTION_CONTINUE : RD::FINAL_ACTION_READ, c, 1.0, 0);
_render_list(draw_list, RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_get_format(framebuffer), render_list.elements, render_list.element_count, false, using_separate_specular ? PASS_MODE_COLOR_SPECULAR : PASS_MODE_COLOR, render_buffer == nullptr, radiance_uniform_set, render_buffers_uniform_set, get_debug_draw_mode() == RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_WIREFRAME);
@@ -2405,6 +2441,19 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transfor
+ if (debug_sdfgi_probes) {
+ //debug giprobes
+ bool will_continue_color = (can_continue_color || draw_sky);
+ bool will_continue_depth = (can_continue_depth || draw_sky);
+ CameraMatrix dc;
+ dc.set_depth_correction(true);
+ CameraMatrix cm = (dc * p_cam_projection) * CameraMatrix(p_cam_transform.affine_inverse());
+ RD::DrawListID draw_list = RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_begin(opaque_framebuffer, RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CONTINUE, will_continue_color ? RD::FINAL_ACTION_CONTINUE : RD::FINAL_ACTION_READ, RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CONTINUE, will_continue_depth ? RD::FINAL_ACTION_CONTINUE : RD::FINAL_ACTION_READ);
+ _debug_sdfgi_probes(p_render_buffer, draw_list, opaque_framebuffer, cm);
+ RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_end();
+ }
if (draw_sky) {
@@ -2437,7 +2486,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transfor
if (using_ssr) {
RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Screen Space Reflection");
- _process_ssr(p_render_buffer, render_buffer->color_fb, render_buffer->normal_buffer, render_buffer->roughness_buffer, render_buffer->specular, render_buffer->specular, Color(0, 0, 0, 1), p_environment, p_cam_projection, render_buffer->msaa == RS::VIEWPORT_MSAA_DISABLED);
+ _process_ssr(p_render_buffer, render_buffer->color_fb, render_buffer->normal_roughness_buffer, render_buffer->specular, render_buffer->specular, Color(0, 0, 0, 1), p_environment, p_cam_projection, render_buffer->msaa == RS::VIEWPORT_MSAA_DISABLED);
} else {
//just mix specular back
RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Merge Specular");
@@ -2447,11 +2496,11 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transfor
RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Render Transparent Pass");
- _setup_environment(p_environment, p_cam_projection, p_cam_transform, p_reflection_probe, p_reflection_probe.is_valid(), screen_pixel_size, p_shadow_atlas, !p_reflection_probe.is_valid(), p_default_bg_color, p_cam_projection.get_z_near(), p_cam_projection.get_z_far(), false);
+ _setup_environment(p_environment, p_render_buffer, p_cam_projection, p_cam_transform, p_reflection_probe, p_reflection_probe.is_valid(), screen_pixel_size, p_shadow_atlas, !p_reflection_probe.is_valid(), p_default_bg_color, p_cam_projection.get_z_near(), p_cam_projection.get_z_far(), false);
- _fill_instances(&render_list.elements[render_list.max_elements - render_list.alpha_element_count], render_list.alpha_element_count, false);
+ _fill_instances(&render_list.elements[render_list.max_elements - render_list.alpha_element_count], render_list.alpha_element_count, false, using_sdfgi);
RD::DrawListID draw_list = RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_begin(alpha_framebuffer, can_continue_color ? RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CONTINUE : RD::INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP, RD::FINAL_ACTION_READ, can_continue_depth ? RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CONTINUE : RD::INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP, RD::FINAL_ACTION_READ);
@@ -2473,15 +2522,15 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, InstanceBase **
scene_state.ubo.dual_paraboloid_side = p_use_dp_flip ? -1 : 1;
- _setup_environment(RID(), p_projection, p_transform, RID(), true, Vector2(1, 1), RID(), true, Color(), 0, p_zfar, false, p_use_pancake);
+ _setup_environment(RID(), RID(), p_projection, p_transform, RID(), true, Vector2(1, 1), RID(), true, Color(), 0, p_zfar, false, p_use_pancake);
PassMode pass_mode = p_use_dp ? PASS_MODE_SHADOW_DP : PASS_MODE_SHADOW;
- _fill_render_list(p_cull_result, p_cull_count, pass_mode, true);
+ _fill_render_list(p_cull_result, p_cull_count, pass_mode);
- _setup_view_dependant_uniform_set(RID(), RID());
+ _setup_view_dependant_uniform_set(RID(), RID(), nullptr, 0);
RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Render Shadow");
@@ -2507,14 +2556,14 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_material(const Transform &p_cam_transform
scene_state.ubo.dual_paraboloid_side = 0;
scene_state.ubo.material_uv2_mode = true;
- _setup_environment(RID(), p_cam_projection, p_cam_transform, RID(), true, Vector2(1, 1), RID(), false, Color(), 0, 0);
+ _setup_environment(RID(), RID(), p_cam_projection, p_cam_transform, RID(), true, Vector2(1, 1), RID(), false, Color(), 0, 0);
PassMode pass_mode = PASS_MODE_DEPTH_MATERIAL;
- _fill_render_list(p_cull_result, p_cull_count, pass_mode, true);
+ _fill_render_list(p_cull_result, p_cull_count, pass_mode);
- _setup_view_dependant_uniform_set(RID(), RID());
+ _setup_view_dependant_uniform_set(RID(), RID(), nullptr, 0);
RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Render Material");
@@ -2546,14 +2595,14 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_uv2(InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_c
scene_state.ubo.dual_paraboloid_side = 0;
scene_state.ubo.material_uv2_mode = true;
- _setup_environment(RID(), CameraMatrix(), Transform(), RID(), true, Vector2(1, 1), RID(), false, Color(), 0, 0);
+ _setup_environment(RID(), RID(), CameraMatrix(), Transform(), RID(), true, Vector2(1, 1), RID(), false, Color(), 0, 0);
PassMode pass_mode = PASS_MODE_DEPTH_MATERIAL;
- _fill_render_list(p_cull_result, p_cull_count, pass_mode, true);
+ _fill_render_list(p_cull_result, p_cull_count, pass_mode);
- _setup_view_dependant_uniform_set(RID(), RID());
+ _setup_view_dependant_uniform_set(RID(), RID(), nullptr, 0);
RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Render Material");
@@ -2597,6 +2646,121 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_uv2(InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_c
+void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, const Vector3i &p_from, const Vector3i &p_size, const AABB &p_bounds, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, const RID &p_albedo_texture, const RID &p_emission_texture, const RID &p_emission_aniso_texture, const RID &p_geom_facing_texture) {
+ _update_render_base_uniform_set();
+ RenderBufferDataHighEnd *render_buffer = (RenderBufferDataHighEnd *)render_buffers_get_data(p_render_buffers);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(!render_buffer);
+ render_pass++;
+ render_list.clear();
+ PassMode pass_mode = PASS_MODE_SDF;
+ _fill_render_list(p_cull_result, p_cull_count, pass_mode);
+ render_list.sort_by_key(false);
+ _fill_instances(render_list.elements, render_list.element_count, true);
+ _setup_view_dependant_uniform_set(RID(), RID(), nullptr, 0);
+ Vector3 half_extents = p_bounds.size * 0.5;
+ Vector3 center = p_bounds.position + half_extents;
+ if (render_buffer->render_sdfgi_uniform_set.is_null() || !RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(render_buffer->render_sdfgi_uniform_set)) {
+ Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms;
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 0;
+ u.ids.push_back(p_albedo_texture);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 1;
+ u.ids.push_back(p_emission_texture);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 2;
+ u.ids.push_back(p_emission_aniso_texture);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 3;
+ u.ids.push_back(p_geom_facing_texture);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ render_buffer->render_sdfgi_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, default_shader_sdfgi_rd, RENDER_BUFFERS_UNIFORM_SET);
+ }
+ Vector<RID> sbs;
+ sbs.push_back(p_albedo_texture);
+ sbs.push_back(p_emission_texture);
+ sbs.push_back(p_emission_aniso_texture);
+ sbs.push_back(p_geom_facing_texture);
+ //print_line("re-render " + p_from + " - " + p_size + " bounds " + p_bounds);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ scene_state.ubo.sdf_offset[i] = p_from[i];
+ scene_state.ubo.sdf_size[i] = p_size[i];
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ Vector3 axis;
+ axis[i] = 1.0;
+ Vector3 up, right;
+ int right_axis = (i + 1) % 3;
+ int up_axis = (i + 2) % 3;
+ up[up_axis] = 1.0;
+ right[right_axis] = 1.0;
+ Size2i fb_size;
+ fb_size.x = p_size[right_axis];
+ fb_size.y = p_size[up_axis];
+ Transform cam_xform;
+ cam_xform.origin = center + axis * half_extents;
+ cam_xform.basis.set_axis(0, right);
+ cam_xform.basis.set_axis(1, up);
+ cam_xform.basis.set_axis(2, axis);
+ //print_line("pass: " + itos(i) + " xform " + cam_xform);
+ float h_size = half_extents[right_axis];
+ float v_size = half_extents[up_axis];
+ float d_size = half_extents[i] * 2.0;
+ CameraMatrix camera_proj;
+ camera_proj.set_orthogonal(-h_size, h_size, -v_size, v_size, 0, d_size);
+ //print_line("pass: " + itos(i) + " cam hsize: " + rtos(h_size) + " vsize: " + rtos(v_size) + " dsize " + rtos(d_size));
+ Transform to_bounds;
+ to_bounds.origin = p_bounds.position;
+ to_bounds.basis.scale(p_bounds.size);
+ store_transform(to_bounds.affine_inverse() * cam_xform, scene_state.ubo.sdf_to_bounds);
+ _setup_environment(RID(), RID(), camera_proj, cam_xform, RID(), true, Vector2(1, 1), RID(), false, Color(), 0, 0);
+ Map<Size2i, RID>::Element *E = sdfgi_framebuffer_size_cache.find(fb_size);
+ if (!E) {
+ RID fb = RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_create_empty(fb_size);
+ E = sdfgi_framebuffer_size_cache.insert(fb_size, fb);
+ }
+ RD::DrawListID draw_list = RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_begin(E->get(), RD::INITIAL_ACTION_DROP, RD::FINAL_ACTION_DISCARD, RD::INITIAL_ACTION_DROP, RD::FINAL_ACTION_DISCARD, Vector<Color>(), 1.0, 0, Rect2(), sbs);
+ _render_list(draw_list, RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_get_format(E->get()), render_list.elements, render_list.element_count, true, pass_mode, true, RID(), render_buffer->render_sdfgi_uniform_set, false); //second regular triangles
+ RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_end();
+ }
void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_base_uniforms_changed() {
if (!render_base_uniform_set.is_null() && RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(render_base_uniform_set)) {
@@ -2682,49 +2846,6 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_base_uniform_set() {
RD::Uniform u;
- u.binding = 8;
- u.ids.push_back(scene_state.gi_probe_buffer);
- uniforms.push_back(u);
- }
- {
- RD::Uniform u;
- u.binding = 9;
- int slot_count = gi_probe_get_slots().size();
- if (gi_probe_is_anisotropic()) {
- u.ids.resize(slot_count * 3);
- } else {
- u.ids.resize(slot_count);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < slot_count; i++) {
- RID probe = gi_probe_get_slots()[i];
- if (gi_probe_is_anisotropic()) {
- if (probe.is_null()) {
- RID empty_tex = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE);
- u.ids.write[i * 3 + 0] = empty_tex;
- u.ids.write[i * 3 + 1] = empty_tex;
- u.ids.write[i * 3 + 2] = empty_tex;
- } else {
- u.ids.write[i * 3 + 0] = gi_probe_instance_get_texture(probe);
- u.ids.write[i * 3 + 1] = gi_probe_instance_get_aniso_texture(probe, 0);
- u.ids.write[i * 3 + 2] = gi_probe_instance_get_aniso_texture(probe, 1);
- }
- } else {
- if (probe.is_null()) {
- u.ids.write[i] = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE);
- } else {
- u.ids.write[i] = gi_probe_instance_get_texture(probe);
- }
- }
- }
- uniforms.push_back(u);
- }
- {
- RD::Uniform u;
u.binding = 10;
@@ -2803,11 +2924,19 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_base_uniform_set() {
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 20;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi_get_ubo());
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
render_base_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, default_shader_rd, SCENE_UNIFORM_SET);
-void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_view_dependant_uniform_set(RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas) {
+void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_view_dependant_uniform_set(RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID *p_gi_probe_cull_result, int p_gi_probe_cull_count) {
if (view_dependant_uniform_set.is_valid() && RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(view_dependant_uniform_set)) {
@@ -2844,6 +2973,25 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_setup_view_dependant_uniform_set(RID p_shadow_at
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 2;
+ RID default_tex = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE);
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GI_PROBES; i++) {
+ if (i < p_gi_probe_cull_count) {
+ RID tex = gi_probe_instance_get_texture(p_gi_probe_cull_result[i]);
+ if (!tex.is_valid()) {
+ tex = default_tex;
+ }
+ u.ids.push_back(tex);
+ } else {
+ u.ids.push_back(default_tex);
+ }
+ }
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
view_dependant_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, default_shader_rd, VIEW_DEPENDANT_UNIFORM_SET);
@@ -2860,16 +3008,22 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_buffers_uniform_set_changed(RID p_render_
-RID RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_buffers_get_roughness_texture(RID p_render_buffers) {
+RID RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_buffers_get_normal_texture(RID p_render_buffers) {
RenderBufferDataHighEnd *rb = (RenderBufferDataHighEnd *)render_buffers_get_data(p_render_buffers);
- return rb->roughness_buffer;
+ return rb->normal_roughness_buffer;
-RID RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_buffers_get_normal_texture(RID p_render_buffers) {
+RID RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_buffers_get_ambient_texture(RID p_render_buffers) {
RenderBufferDataHighEnd *rb = (RenderBufferDataHighEnd *)render_buffers_get_data(p_render_buffers);
- return rb->normal_buffer;
+ return rb->ambient_buffer;
+RID RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_render_buffers_get_reflection_texture(RID p_render_buffers) {
+ RenderBufferDataHighEnd *rb = (RenderBufferDataHighEnd *)render_buffers_get_data(p_render_buffers);
+ return rb->reflection_buffer;
void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_buffers_uniform_set(RID p_render_buffers) {
@@ -2898,30 +3052,70 @@ void RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::_update_render_buffers_uniform_set(RID p_render_b
RD::Uniform u;
u.binding = 2;
- RID texture = rb->normal_buffer.is_valid() ? rb->normal_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_NORMAL);
+ RID texture = rb->normal_roughness_buffer.is_valid() ? rb->normal_roughness_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_NORMAL);
RD::Uniform u;
- u.binding = 3;
+ u.binding = 4;
- RID texture = rb->roughness_buffer.is_valid() ? rb->roughness_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK);
+ RID aot = render_buffers_get_ao_texture(p_render_buffers);
+ RID texture = aot.is_valid() ? aot : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK);
RD::Uniform u;
- u.binding = 4;
+ u.binding = 5;
- RID aot = render_buffers_get_ao_texture(p_render_buffers);
- RID texture = aot.is_valid() ? aot : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK);
+ RID texture = rb->ambient_buffer.is_valid() ? rb->ambient_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK);
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 6;
+ RID texture = rb->reflection_buffer.is_valid() ? rb->reflection_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK);
+ u.ids.push_back(texture);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 7;
+ RID t;
+ if (render_buffers_is_sdfgi_enabled(p_render_buffers)) {
+ t = render_buffers_get_sdfgi_irradiance_probes(p_render_buffers);
+ } else {
+ t = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_WHITE);
+ }
+ u.ids.push_back(t);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 8;
+ if (render_buffers_is_sdfgi_enabled(p_render_buffers)) {
+ u.ids.push_back(render_buffers_get_sdfgi_occlusion_texture(p_render_buffers));
+ } else {
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE));
+ }
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 9;
+ u.ids.push_back(render_buffers_get_gi_probe_buffer(p_render_buffers));
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
rb->uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, default_shader_rd, RENDER_BUFFERS_UNIFORM_SET);
@@ -2946,6 +3140,7 @@ RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RasterizerSceneHighEndRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storag
if (is_using_radiance_cubemap_array()) {
defines += "\n#define USE_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_ARRAY \n";
+ defines += "\n#define SDFGI_OCT_SIZE " + itos(sdfgi_get_lightprobe_octahedron_size()) + "\n";
uint32_t uniform_max_size = RD::get_singleton()->limit_get(RD::LIMIT_MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_SIZE);
@@ -2977,36 +3172,6 @@ RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RasterizerSceneHighEndRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storag
scene_state.directional_light_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_buffer_create(directional_light_buffer_size);
defines += "\n#define MAX_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT_DATA_STRUCTS " + itos(scene_state.max_directional_lights) + "\n";
- { //giprobes
- int slot_count = gi_probe_get_slots().size();
- if (gi_probe_is_anisotropic()) {
- slot_count *= 3;
- defines += "\n#define GI_PROBE_USE_ANISOTROPY\n";
- }
- if (gi_probe_get_quality() == GIPROBE_QUALITY_ULTRA_LOW) {
- defines += "\n#define GI_PROBE_LOW_QUALITY\n";
- } else if (gi_probe_get_quality() == GIPROBE_QUALITY_HIGH) {
- defines += "\n#define GI_PROBE_HIGH_QUALITY\n";
- }
- defines += "\n#define MAX_GI_PROBE_TEXTURES " + itos(slot_count) + "\n";
- uint32_t giprobe_buffer_size;
- if (uniform_max_size < 65536) {
- //Yes, you guessed right, ARM again
- giprobe_buffer_size = uniform_max_size;
- } else {
- giprobe_buffer_size = 65536;
- }
- giprobe_buffer_size = MIN(sizeof(GIProbeData) * gi_probe_get_slots().size(), giprobe_buffer_size);
- scene_state.max_gi_probes = giprobe_buffer_size / sizeof(GIProbeData);
- scene_state.gi_probes = memnew_arr(GIProbeData, scene_state.max_gi_probes);
- scene_state.gi_probe_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_buffer_create(sizeof(GIProbeData) * scene_state.max_gi_probes);
- defines += "\n#define MAX_GI_PROBES " + itos(scene_state.max_gi_probes) + "\n";
- }
scene_state.max_lightmaps = storage->lightmap_array_get_size();
@@ -3036,13 +3201,13 @@ RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RasterizerSceneHighEndRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storag
Vector<String> shader_versions;
shader_versions.push_back("\n#define MODE_RENDER_DEPTH\n");
shader_versions.push_back("\n#define MODE_RENDER_DEPTH\n#define MODE_DUAL_PARABOLOID\n");
- shader_versions.push_back("\n#define MODE_RENDER_DEPTH\n#define MODE_RENDER_NORMAL\n");
- shader_versions.push_back("\n#define MODE_RENDER_DEPTH\n#define MODE_RENDER_NORMAL\n#define MODE_RENDER_ROUGHNESS\n");
+ shader_versions.push_back("\n#define MODE_RENDER_DEPTH\n#define MODE_RENDER_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS\n");
+ shader_versions.push_back("\n#define MODE_RENDER_DEPTH\n#define MODE_RENDER_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS\n#define MODE_RENDER_GIPROBE\n");
shader_versions.push_back("\n#define MODE_RENDER_DEPTH\n#define MODE_RENDER_MATERIAL\n");
+ shader_versions.push_back("\n#define MODE_RENDER_DEPTH\n#define MODE_RENDER_SDF\n");
+ shader_versions.push_back("\n#define USE_FORWARD_GI\n");
shader_versions.push_back("\n#define MODE_MULTIPLE_RENDER_TARGETS\n");
- shader_versions.push_back("\n#define USE_VOXEL_CONE_TRACING\n");
- shader_versions.push_back("\n#define MODE_MULTIPLE_RENDER_TARGETS\n#define USE_VOXEL_CONE_TRACING\n");
shader_versions.push_back("\n#define USE_LIGHTMAP\n");
shader_versions.push_back("\n#define MODE_MULTIPLE_RENDER_TARGETS\n#define USE_LIGHTMAP\n");
shader.scene_shader.initialize(shader_versions, defines);
@@ -3109,7 +3274,7 @@ RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RasterizerSceneHighEndRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storag
actions.renames["SCREEN_UV"] = "screen_uv";
actions.renames["SCREEN_TEXTURE"] = "color_buffer";
actions.renames["DEPTH_TEXTURE"] = "depth_buffer";
- actions.renames["NORMAL_TEXTURE"] = "normal_buffer";
+ actions.renames["NORMAL_ROUGHNESS_TEXTURE"] = "normal_roughness_buffer";
actions.renames["DEPTH"] = "gl_FragDepth";
actions.renames["OUTPUT_IS_SRGB"] = "true";
@@ -3219,6 +3384,7 @@ RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RasterizerSceneHighEndRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storag
MaterialData *md = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(default_material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D);
default_shader_rd = shader.scene_shader.version_get_shader(md->shader_data->version, SHADER_VERSION_COLOR_PASS);
+ default_shader_sdfgi_rd = shader.scene_shader.version_get_shader(md->shader_data->version, SHADER_VERSION_DEPTH_PASS_WITH_SDF);
@@ -3268,7 +3434,7 @@ RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RasterizerSceneHighEndRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storag
{ //render buffers
Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms;
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
RD::Uniform u;
u.binding = i;
@@ -3276,6 +3442,28 @@ RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::RasterizerSceneHighEndRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storag
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 7;
+ RID texture = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_WHITE);
+ u.ids.push_back(texture);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 8;
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE));
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 9;
+ u.ids.push_back(render_buffers_get_default_gi_probe_buffer());
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
default_render_buffers_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, default_shader_rd, RENDER_BUFFERS_UNIFORM_SET);
@@ -3307,7 +3495,6 @@ RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::~RasterizerSceneHighEndRD() {
- RD::get_singleton()->free(scene_state.gi_probe_buffer);
@@ -3315,7 +3502,6 @@ RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::~RasterizerSceneHighEndRD() {
- memdelete_arr(scene_state.gi_probes);
@@ -3323,4 +3509,9 @@ RasterizerSceneHighEndRD::~RasterizerSceneHighEndRD() {
+ while (sdfgi_framebuffer_size_cache.front()) {
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(sdfgi_framebuffer_size_cache.front()->get());
+ sdfgi_framebuffer_size_cache.erase(sdfgi_framebuffer_size_cache.front());
+ }
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_high_end_rd.h b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_high_end_rd.h
index 8438a4f730..cb03da48c1 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_high_end_rd.h
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_high_end_rd.h
@@ -47,18 +47,23 @@ class RasterizerSceneHighEndRD : public RasterizerSceneRD {
+ enum {
+ };
/* Scene Shader */
enum ShaderVersion {
@@ -203,8 +208,11 @@ class RasterizerSceneHighEndRD : public RasterizerSceneRD {
RID color;
RID depth;
RID specular;
- RID normal_buffer;
- RID roughness_buffer;
+ RID normal_roughness_buffer;
+ RID giprobe_buffer;
+ RID ambient_buffer;
+ RID reflection_buffer;
RS::ViewportMSAA msaa;
RD::TextureSamples texture_samples;
@@ -212,18 +220,22 @@ class RasterizerSceneHighEndRD : public RasterizerSceneRD {
RID color_msaa;
RID depth_msaa;
RID specular_msaa;
- RID normal_buffer_msaa;
+ RID normal_roughness_buffer_msaa;
RID roughness_buffer_msaa;
+ RID giprobe_buffer_msaa;
RID depth_fb;
- RID depth_normal_fb;
RID depth_normal_roughness_fb;
+ RID depth_normal_roughness_giprobe_fb;
RID color_fb;
RID color_specular_fb;
RID specular_only_fb;
int width, height;
+ RID render_sdfgi_uniform_set;
void ensure_specular();
+ void ensure_gi();
+ void ensure_giprobe();
void clear();
virtual void configure(RID p_color_buffer, RID p_depth_buffer, int p_width, int p_height, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa);
@@ -233,8 +245,7 @@ class RasterizerSceneHighEndRD : public RasterizerSceneRD {
virtual RenderBufferData *_create_render_buffer_data();
- void _allocate_normal_texture(RenderBufferDataHighEnd *rb);
- void _allocate_roughness_texture(RenderBufferDataHighEnd *rb);
+ void _allocate_normal_roughness_texture(RenderBufferDataHighEnd *rb);
RID shadow_sampler;
RID render_base_uniform_set;
@@ -245,11 +256,12 @@ class RasterizerSceneHighEndRD : public RasterizerSceneRD {
virtual void _base_uniforms_changed();
void _render_buffers_clear_uniform_set(RenderBufferDataHighEnd *rb);
virtual void _render_buffers_uniform_set_changed(RID p_render_buffers);
- virtual RID _render_buffers_get_roughness_texture(RID p_render_buffers);
virtual RID _render_buffers_get_normal_texture(RID p_render_buffers);
+ virtual RID _render_buffers_get_ambient_texture(RID p_render_buffers);
+ virtual RID _render_buffers_get_reflection_texture(RID p_render_buffers);
void _update_render_base_uniform_set();
- void _setup_view_dependant_uniform_set(RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas);
+ void _setup_view_dependant_uniform_set(RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID *p_gi_probe_cull_result, int p_gi_probe_cull_count);
void _update_render_buffers_uniform_set(RID p_render_buffers);
/* Scene State UBO */
@@ -260,7 +272,8 @@ class RasterizerSceneHighEndRD : public RasterizerSceneRD {
float box_offset[3];
uint32_t mask;
float params[4]; // intensity, 0, interior , boxproject
- float ambient[4]; // ambient color, energy
+ float ambient[3]; // ambient color,
+ uint32_t ambient_mode;
float local_matrix[16]; // up to here for spot and omni, rest is for directional
@@ -315,22 +328,6 @@ class RasterizerSceneHighEndRD : public RasterizerSceneRD {
float uv_scale4[2];
- struct GIProbeData {
- float xform[16];
- float bounds[3];
- float dynamic_range;
- float bias;
- float normal_bias;
- uint32_t blend_ambient;
- uint32_t texture_slot;
- float anisotropy_strength;
- float ao;
- float ao_size;
- uint32_t pad[1];
- };
struct LightmapData {
float normal_xform[12];
@@ -358,6 +355,8 @@ class RasterizerSceneHighEndRD : public RasterizerSceneRD {
enum {
@@ -430,10 +429,19 @@ class RasterizerSceneHighEndRD : public RasterizerSceneRD {
float ssao_ao_affect;
uint32_t roughness_limiter_enabled;
+ float roughness_limiter_amount;
+ float roughness_limiter_limit;
+ uint32_t roughness_limiter_pad[2];
float ao_color[4];
+ float sdf_to_bounds[16];
+ int32_t sdf_offset[3];
uint32_t material_uv2_mode;
- uint32_t pad_material[3];
+ int32_t sdf_size[3];
+ uint32_t gi_upscale_for_msaa;
UBO ubo;
@@ -445,11 +453,6 @@ class RasterizerSceneHighEndRD : public RasterizerSceneRD {
RID reflection_buffer;
uint32_t max_reflection_probes_per_instance;
- GIProbeData *gi_probes;
- uint32_t max_gi_probes;
- RID gi_probe_buffer;
- uint32_t max_gi_probe_probes_per_instance;
LightmapData *lightmaps;
uint32_t max_lightmaps;
RID lightmap_buffer;
@@ -498,7 +501,7 @@ class RasterizerSceneHighEndRD : public RasterizerSceneRD {
uint64_t material_index : 15;
uint64_t shader_index : 12;
uint64_t uses_instancing : 1;
- uint64_t uses_vct : 1;
+ uint64_t uses_forward_gi : 1;
uint64_t uses_lightmap : 1;
uint64_t depth_layer : 4;
uint64_t priority : 8;
@@ -625,6 +628,7 @@ class RasterizerSceneHighEndRD : public RasterizerSceneRD {
RID wireframe_material_shader;
RID wireframe_material;
RID default_shader_rd;
+ RID default_shader_sdfgi_rd;
RID default_radiance_uniform_set;
RID default_render_buffers_uniform_set;
@@ -640,30 +644,33 @@ class RasterizerSceneHighEndRD : public RasterizerSceneRD {
- void _setup_environment(RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, const Transform &p_cam_transform, RID p_reflection_probe, bool p_no_fog, const Size2 &p_screen_pixel_size, RID p_shadow_atlas, bool p_flip_y, const Color &p_default_bg_color, float p_znear, float p_zfar, bool p_opaque_render_buffers = false, bool p_pancake_shadows = false);
+ void _setup_environment(RID p_environment, RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, const Transform &p_cam_transform, RID p_reflection_probe, bool p_no_fog, const Size2 &p_screen_pixel_size, RID p_shadow_atlas, bool p_flip_y, const Color &p_default_bg_color, float p_znear, float p_zfar, bool p_opaque_render_buffers = false, bool p_pancake_shadows = false);
void _setup_lights(RID *p_light_cull_result, int p_light_cull_count, const Transform &p_camera_inverse_transform, RID p_shadow_atlas, bool p_using_shadows);
void _setup_decals(const RID *p_decal_instances, int p_decal_count, const Transform &p_camera_inverse_xform);
void _setup_reflections(RID *p_reflection_probe_cull_result, int p_reflection_probe_cull_count, const Transform &p_camera_inverse_transform, RID p_environment);
- void _setup_gi_probes(RID *p_gi_probe_probe_cull_result, int p_gi_probe_probe_cull_count, const Transform &p_camera_transform);
void _setup_lightmaps(InstanceBase **p_lightmap_cull_result, int p_lightmap_cull_count, const Transform &p_cam_transform);
- void _fill_instances(RenderList::Element **p_elements, int p_element_count, bool p_for_depth);
+ void _fill_instances(RenderList::Element **p_elements, int p_element_count, bool p_for_depth, bool p_has_sdfgi = false, bool p_has_opaque_gi = false);
void _render_list(RenderingDevice::DrawListID p_draw_list, RenderingDevice::FramebufferFormatID p_framebuffer_Format, RenderList::Element **p_elements, int p_element_count, bool p_reverse_cull, PassMode p_pass_mode, bool p_no_gi, RID p_radiance_uniform_set, RID p_render_buffers_uniform_set, bool p_force_wireframe = false, const Vector2 &p_uv_offset = Vector2());
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void _add_geometry(InstanceBase *p_instance, uint32_t p_surface, RID p_material, PassMode p_pass_mode, uint32_t p_geometry_index);
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void _add_geometry_with_material(InstanceBase *p_instance, uint32_t p_surface, MaterialData *p_material, RID p_material_rid, PassMode p_pass_mode, uint32_t p_geometry_index);
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void _add_geometry(InstanceBase *p_instance, uint32_t p_surface, RID p_material, PassMode p_pass_mode, uint32_t p_geometry_index, bool p_using_sdfgi = false);
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void _add_geometry_with_material(InstanceBase *p_instance, uint32_t p_surface, MaterialData *p_material, RID p_material_rid, PassMode p_pass_mode, uint32_t p_geometry_index, bool p_using_sdfgi = false);
+ void _fill_render_list(InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, PassMode p_pass_mode, bool p_using_sdfgi = false);
- void _fill_render_list(InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, PassMode p_pass_mode, bool p_no_gi);
+ Map<Size2i, RID> sdfgi_framebuffer_size_cache;
virtual void _render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, RID *p_light_cull_result, int p_light_cull_count, RID *p_reflection_probe_cull_result, int p_reflection_probe_cull_count, RID *p_gi_probe_cull_result, int p_gi_probe_cull_count, RID *p_decal_cull_result, int p_decal_cull_count, InstanceBase **p_lightmap_cull_result, int p_lightmap_cull_count, RID p_environment, RID p_camera_effects, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, int p_reflection_probe_pass, const Color &p_default_bg_color);
virtual void _render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_zfar, float p_bias, float p_normal_bias, bool p_use_dp, bool p_use_dp_flip, bool p_use_pancake);
virtual void _render_material(const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region);
virtual void _render_uv2(InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region);
+ virtual void _render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, const Vector3i &p_from, const Vector3i &p_size, const AABB &p_bounds, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, const RID &p_albedo_texture, const RID &p_emission_texture, const RID &p_emission_aniso_texture, const RID &p_geom_facing_texture);
virtual void set_time(double p_time, double p_step);
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_rd.cpp
index 689552be2f..8754fe6acb 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_rd.cpp
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_rd.cpp
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
#include "core/os/os.h"
#include "core/project_settings.h"
+#include "rasterizer_rd.h"
#include "servers/rendering/rendering_server_raster.h"
uint64_t RasterizerSceneRD::auto_exposure_counter = 2;
void get_vogel_disk(float *r_kernel, int p_sample_count) {
@@ -195,6 +195,1541 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_update_reflection_mipmaps(ReflectionData &rd) {
+void RasterizerSceneRD::_sdfgi_erase(RenderBuffers *rb) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size(); i++) {
+ const SDFGI::Cascade &c = rb->sdfgi->cascades[i];
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(c.light_data);
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(c.light_aniso_0_tex);
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(c.light_aniso_1_tex);
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(c.sdf_tex);
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(c.solid_cell_dispatch_buffer);
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(c.solid_cell_buffer);
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(c.lightprobe_history_tex);
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(c.lightprobe_average_tex);
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(c.lights_buffer);
+ }
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->sdfgi->render_albedo);
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->sdfgi->render_emission);
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->sdfgi->render_emission_aniso);
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->sdfgi->render_sdf[0]);
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->sdfgi->render_sdf[1]);
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->sdfgi->render_sdf_half[0]);
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->sdfgi->render_sdf_half[1]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->sdfgi->render_occlusion[i]);
+ }
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->sdfgi->render_geom_facing);
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->sdfgi->lightprobe_data);
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->sdfgi->lightprobe_history_scroll);
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->sdfgi->occlusion_data);
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->sdfgi->cascades_ubo);
+ memdelete(rb->sdfgi);
+ rb->sdfgi = nullptr;
+const Vector3i RasterizerSceneRD::SDFGI::Cascade::DIRTY_ALL = Vector3i(0x7FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF);
+void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, const Vector3 &p_world_position) {
+ Environent *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_environment);
+ RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ bool needs_sdfgi = env && env->sdfgi_enabled;
+ if (!needs_sdfgi) {
+ if (rb->sdfgi != nullptr) {
+ //erase it
+ _sdfgi_erase(rb);
+ _render_buffers_uniform_set_changed(p_render_buffers);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ static const uint32_t history_frames_to_converge[RS::ENV_SDFGI_CONVERGE_MAX] = { 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 };
+ uint32_t requested_history_size = history_frames_to_converge[sdfgi_frames_to_converge];
+ if (rb->sdfgi && (rb->sdfgi->cascade_mode != env->sdfgi_cascades || rb->sdfgi->min_cell_size != env->sdfgi_min_cell_size || requested_history_size != rb->sdfgi->history_size || rb->sdfgi->uses_occlusion != env->sdfgi_use_occlusion || rb->sdfgi->y_scale_mode != env->sdfgi_y_scale)) {
+ //configuration changed, erase
+ _sdfgi_erase(rb);
+ }
+ SDFGI *sdfgi = rb->sdfgi;
+ if (sdfgi == nullptr) {
+ //re-create
+ rb->sdfgi = memnew(SDFGI);
+ sdfgi = rb->sdfgi;
+ sdfgi->cascade_mode = env->sdfgi_cascades;
+ sdfgi->min_cell_size = env->sdfgi_min_cell_size;
+ sdfgi->uses_occlusion = env->sdfgi_use_occlusion;
+ sdfgi->y_scale_mode = env->sdfgi_y_scale;
+ static const float y_scale[3] = { 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 };
+ sdfgi->y_mult = y_scale[sdfgi->y_scale_mode];
+ static const int cascasde_size[3] = { 4, 6, 8 };
+ sdfgi->cascades.resize(cascasde_size[sdfgi->cascade_mode]);
+ sdfgi->probe_axis_count = SDFGI::PROBE_DIVISOR + 1;
+ sdfgi->solid_cell_ratio = sdfgi_solid_cell_ratio;
+ sdfgi->solid_cell_count = uint32_t(float(sdfgi->cascade_size * sdfgi->cascade_size * sdfgi->cascade_size) * sdfgi->solid_cell_ratio);
+ float base_cell_size = sdfgi->min_cell_size;
+ RD::TextureFormat tf_sdf;
+ tf_sdf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R8_UNORM;
+ tf_sdf.width = sdfgi->cascade_size; // Always 64x64
+ tf_sdf.height = sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ tf_sdf.depth = sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ tf_sdf.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_3D;
+ {
+ RD::TextureFormat tf_render = tf_sdf;
+ tf_render.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16_UINT;
+ sdfgi->render_albedo = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_render, RD::TextureView());
+ tf_render.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32_UINT;
+ sdfgi->render_emission = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_render, RD::TextureView());
+ sdfgi->render_emission_aniso = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_render, RD::TextureView());
+ tf_render.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R8_UNORM; //at least its easy to visualize
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ sdfgi->render_occlusion[i] = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_render, RD::TextureView());
+ }
+ tf_render.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32_UINT;
+ sdfgi->render_geom_facing = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_render, RD::TextureView());
+ tf_render.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT;
+ sdfgi->render_sdf[0] = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_render, RD::TextureView());
+ sdfgi->render_sdf[1] = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_render, RD::TextureView());
+ tf_render.width /= 2;
+ tf_render.height /= 2;
+ tf_render.depth /= 2;
+ sdfgi->render_sdf_half[0] = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_render, RD::TextureView());
+ sdfgi->render_sdf_half[1] = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_render, RD::TextureView());
+ }
+ RD::TextureFormat tf_occlusion = tf_sdf;
+ tf_occlusion.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16_UINT;
+ tf_occlusion.shareable_formats.push_back(RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16_UINT);
+ tf_occlusion.shareable_formats.push_back(RD::DATA_FORMAT_R4G4B4A4_UNORM_PACK16);
+ tf_occlusion.depth *= sdfgi->cascades.size(); //use depth for occlusion slices
+ tf_occlusion.width *= 2; //use width for the other half
+ RD::TextureFormat tf_light = tf_sdf;
+ tf_light.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32_UINT;
+ tf_light.shareable_formats.push_back(RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32_UINT);
+ tf_light.shareable_formats.push_back(RD::DATA_FORMAT_E5B9G9R9_UFLOAT_PACK32);
+ RD::TextureFormat tf_aniso0 = tf_sdf;
+ tf_aniso0.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
+ RD::TextureFormat tf_aniso1 = tf_sdf;
+ tf_aniso1.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM;
+ int passes = nearest_shift(sdfgi->cascade_size) - 1;
+ //store lightprobe SH
+ RD::TextureFormat tf_probes;
+ tf_probes.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT;
+ tf_probes.width = sdfgi->probe_axis_count * sdfgi->probe_axis_count;
+ tf_probes.height = sdfgi->probe_axis_count * SDFGI::SH_SIZE;
+ tf_probes.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D_ARRAY;
+ sdfgi->history_size = requested_history_size;
+ RD::TextureFormat tf_probe_history = tf_probes;
+ tf_probe_history.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SINT; //signed integer because SH are signed
+ tf_probe_history.array_layers = sdfgi->history_size;
+ RD::TextureFormat tf_probe_average = tf_probes;
+ tf_probe_average.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SINT; //signed integer because SH are signed
+ tf_probe_average.type = RD::TEXTURE_TYPE_2D_ARRAY;
+ tf_probe_average.array_layers = 1;
+ sdfgi->lightprobe_history_scroll = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_probe_history, RD::TextureView());
+ sdfgi->lightprobe_average_scroll = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_probe_average, RD::TextureView());
+ {
+ //octahedral lightprobes
+ RD::TextureFormat tf_octprobes = tf_probes;
+ tf_octprobes.array_layers = sdfgi->cascades.size() * 2;
+ tf_octprobes.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32_UINT; //pack well with RGBE
+ tf_octprobes.width = sdfgi->probe_axis_count * sdfgi->probe_axis_count * (SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE + 2);
+ tf_octprobes.height = sdfgi->probe_axis_count * (SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE + 2);
+ tf_octprobes.shareable_formats.push_back(RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32_UINT);
+ tf_octprobes.shareable_formats.push_back(RD::DATA_FORMAT_E5B9G9R9_UFLOAT_PACK32);
+ //lightprobe texture is an octahedral texture
+ sdfgi->lightprobe_data = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_octprobes, RD::TextureView());
+ RD::TextureView tv;
+ tv.format_override = RD::DATA_FORMAT_E5B9G9R9_UFLOAT_PACK32;
+ sdfgi->lightprobe_texture = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create_shared(tv, sdfgi->lightprobe_data);
+ }
+ sdfgi->cascades_ubo = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_buffer_create(sizeof(SDFGI::Cascade::UBO) * SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES);
+ sdfgi->occlusion_data = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_occlusion, RD::TextureView());
+ {
+ RD::TextureView tv;
+ tv.format_override = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R4G4B4A4_UNORM_PACK16;
+ sdfgi->occlusion_texture = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create_shared(tv, sdfgi->occlusion_data);
+ }
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sdfgi->cascades.size(); i++) {
+ SDFGI::Cascade &cascade = sdfgi->cascades[i];
+ /* 3D Textures */
+ cascade.sdf_tex = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_sdf, RD::TextureView());
+ cascade.light_data = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_light, RD::TextureView());
+ cascade.light_aniso_0_tex = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_aniso0, RD::TextureView());
+ cascade.light_aniso_1_tex = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_aniso1, RD::TextureView());
+ {
+ RD::TextureView tv;
+ tv.format_override = RD::DATA_FORMAT_E5B9G9R9_UFLOAT_PACK32;
+ cascade.light_tex = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create_shared(tv, cascade.light_data);
+ RD::get_singleton()->texture_clear(cascade.light_tex, Color(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 1, 0, 1);
+ RD::get_singleton()->texture_clear(cascade.light_aniso_0_tex, Color(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 1, 0, 1);
+ RD::get_singleton()->texture_clear(cascade.light_aniso_1_tex, Color(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 1, 0, 1);
+ }
+ cascade.cell_size = base_cell_size;
+ Vector3 world_position = p_world_position;
+ world_position.y *= sdfgi->y_mult;
+ int32_t probe_cells = sdfgi->cascade_size / SDFGI::PROBE_DIVISOR;
+ Vector3 probe_size = Vector3(1, 1, 1) * cascade.cell_size * probe_cells;
+ Vector3i probe_pos = Vector3i((world_position / probe_size + Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)).floor());
+ cascade.position = probe_pos * probe_cells;
+ cascade.dirty_regions = SDFGI::Cascade::DIRTY_ALL;
+ base_cell_size *= 2.0;
+ /* Probe History */
+ cascade.lightprobe_history_tex = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_probe_history, RD::TextureView());
+ RD::get_singleton()->texture_clear(cascade.lightprobe_history_tex, Color(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 1, 0, tf_probe_history.array_layers); //needs to be cleared for average to work
+ cascade.lightprobe_average_tex = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf_probe_average, RD::TextureView());
+ RD::get_singleton()->texture_clear(cascade.lightprobe_average_tex, Color(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 1, 0, 1); //needs to be cleared for average to work
+ /* Buffers */
+ cascade.solid_cell_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->storage_buffer_create(sizeof(SDFGI::Cascade::SolidCell) * sdfgi->solid_cell_count);
+ cascade.solid_cell_dispatch_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->storage_buffer_create(sizeof(uint32_t) * 4, Vector<uint8_t>(), RD::STORAGE_BUFFER_USAGE_DISPATCH_INDIRECT);
+ cascade.lights_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->storage_buffer_create(sizeof(SDGIShader::Light) * MAX(SDFGI::MAX_STATIC_LIGHTS, SDFGI::MAX_DYNAMIC_LIGHTS));
+ {
+ Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms;
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 1;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_sdf[(passes & 1) ? 1 : 0]); //if passes are even, we read from buffer 0, else we read from buffer 1
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 2;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_albedo);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 3;
+ for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_occlusion[j]);
+ }
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 4;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_emission);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 5;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_emission_aniso);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 6;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_geom_facing);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 7;
+ u.ids.push_back(cascade.sdf_tex);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 8;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->occlusion_data);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 10;
+ u.ids.push_back(cascade.solid_cell_dispatch_buffer);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 11;
+ u.ids.push_back(cascade.solid_cell_buffer);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ cascade.sdf_store_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, sdfgi_shader.preprocess.version_get_shader(sdfgi_shader.preprocess_shader, SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_STORE), 0);
+ }
+ {
+ Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms;
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 1;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_albedo);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 2;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_geom_facing);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 3;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_emission);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 4;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_emission_aniso);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 5;
+ u.ids.push_back(cascade.solid_cell_dispatch_buffer);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 6;
+ u.ids.push_back(cascade.solid_cell_buffer);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ cascade.scroll_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, sdfgi_shader.preprocess.version_get_shader(sdfgi_shader.preprocess_shader, SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_SCROLL), 0);
+ }
+ {
+ Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms;
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 1;
+ for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_occlusion[j]);
+ }
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 2;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->occlusion_data);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ cascade.scroll_occlusion_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, sdfgi_shader.preprocess.version_get_shader(sdfgi_shader.preprocess_shader, SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_SCROLL_OCCLUSION), 0);
+ }
+ }
+ //direct light
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sdfgi->cascades.size(); i++) {
+ SDFGI::Cascade &cascade = sdfgi->cascades[i];
+ Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms;
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 1;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; j++) {
+ if (j < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()) {
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades[j].sdf_tex);
+ } else {
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE));
+ }
+ }
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 2;
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->sampler_rd_get_default(RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED));
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 3;
+ u.ids.push_back(cascade.solid_cell_dispatch_buffer);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 4;
+ u.ids.push_back(cascade.solid_cell_buffer);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 5;
+ u.ids.push_back(cascade.light_data);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 6;
+ u.ids.push_back(cascade.light_aniso_0_tex);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 7;
+ u.ids.push_back(cascade.light_aniso_1_tex);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 8;
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades_ubo);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 9;
+ u.ids.push_back(cascade.lights_buffer);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 10;
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->lightprobe_texture);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ cascade.sdf_direct_light_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, sdfgi_shader.direct_light.version_get_shader(sdfgi_shader.direct_light_shader, 0), 0);
+ }
+ //preprocess initialize uniform set
+ {
+ Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms;
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 1;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_albedo);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 2;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_sdf[0]);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ sdfgi->sdf_initialize_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, sdfgi_shader.preprocess.version_get_shader(sdfgi_shader.preprocess_shader, SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_JUMP_FLOOD_INITIALIZE), 0);
+ }
+ {
+ Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms;
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 1;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_albedo);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 2;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_sdf_half[0]);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ sdfgi->sdf_initialize_half_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, sdfgi_shader.preprocess.version_get_shader(sdfgi_shader.preprocess_shader, SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_JUMP_FLOOD_INITIALIZE_HALF), 0);
+ }
+ //jump flood uniform set
+ {
+ Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms;
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 1;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_sdf[0]);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 2;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_sdf[1]);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ sdfgi->jump_flood_uniform_set[0] = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, sdfgi_shader.preprocess.version_get_shader(sdfgi_shader.preprocess_shader, SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_JUMP_FLOOD), 0);
+ SWAP(uniforms.write[0].ids.write[0], uniforms.write[1].ids.write[0]);
+ sdfgi->jump_flood_uniform_set[1] = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, sdfgi_shader.preprocess.version_get_shader(sdfgi_shader.preprocess_shader, SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_JUMP_FLOOD), 0);
+ }
+ //jump flood half uniform set
+ {
+ Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms;
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 1;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_sdf_half[0]);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 2;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_sdf_half[1]);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ sdfgi->jump_flood_half_uniform_set[0] = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, sdfgi_shader.preprocess.version_get_shader(sdfgi_shader.preprocess_shader, SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_JUMP_FLOOD), 0);
+ SWAP(uniforms.write[0].ids.write[0], uniforms.write[1].ids.write[0]);
+ sdfgi->jump_flood_half_uniform_set[1] = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, sdfgi_shader.preprocess.version_get_shader(sdfgi_shader.preprocess_shader, SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_JUMP_FLOOD), 0);
+ }
+ //upscale half size sdf
+ {
+ Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms;
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 1;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_albedo);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 2;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_sdf_half[(passes & 1) ? 0 : 1]); //reverse pass order because half size
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 3;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_sdf[(passes & 1) ? 0 : 1]); //reverse pass order because it needs an extra JFA pass
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ sdfgi->upscale_jfa_uniform_set_index = (passes & 1) ? 0 : 1;
+ sdfgi->sdf_upscale_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, sdfgi_shader.preprocess.version_get_shader(sdfgi_shader.preprocess_shader, SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_JUMP_FLOOD_UPSCALE), 0);
+ }
+ //occlusion uniform set
+ {
+ Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms;
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 1;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_albedo);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_occlusion[i]);
+ }
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 3;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->render_geom_facing);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ sdfgi->occlusion_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, sdfgi_shader.preprocess.version_get_shader(sdfgi_shader.preprocess_shader, SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_OCCLUSION), 0);
+ }
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sdfgi->cascades.size(); i++) {
+ //integrate uniform
+ Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms;
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 1;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; j++) {
+ if (j < sdfgi->cascades.size()) {
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->cascades[j].sdf_tex);
+ } else {
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE));
+ }
+ }
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 2;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; j++) {
+ if (j < sdfgi->cascades.size()) {
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->cascades[j].light_tex);
+ } else {
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE));
+ }
+ }
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 3;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; j++) {
+ if (j < sdfgi->cascades.size()) {
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->cascades[j].light_aniso_0_tex);
+ } else {
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE));
+ }
+ }
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 4;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; j++) {
+ if (j < sdfgi->cascades.size()) {
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->cascades[j].light_aniso_1_tex);
+ } else {
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE));
+ }
+ }
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 6;
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->sampler_rd_get_default(RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED));
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 7;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->cascades_ubo);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 8;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->lightprobe_data);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 9;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->cascades[i].lightprobe_history_tex);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 10;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->cascades[i].lightprobe_average_tex);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 11;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->lightprobe_history_scroll);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 12;
+ u.ids.push_back(sdfgi->lightprobe_average_scroll);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 13;
+ RID parent_average;
+ if (i < sdfgi->cascades.size() - 1) {
+ parent_average = sdfgi->cascades[i + 1].lightprobe_average_tex;
+ } else {
+ parent_average = sdfgi->cascades[i - 1].lightprobe_average_tex; //to use something, but it wont be used
+ }
+ u.ids.push_back(parent_average);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ sdfgi->cascades[i].integrate_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, sdfgi_shader.integrate.version_get_shader(sdfgi_shader.integrate_shader, 0), 0);
+ }
+ sdfgi->uses_multibounce = env->sdfgi_use_multibounce;
+ sdfgi->energy = env->sdfgi_energy;
+ sdfgi->normal_bias = env->sdfgi_normal_bias;
+ sdfgi->probe_bias = env->sdfgi_probe_bias;
+ sdfgi->reads_sky = env->sdfgi_read_sky_light;
+ _render_buffers_uniform_set_changed(p_render_buffers);
+ return; //done. all levels will need to be rendered which its going to take a bit
+ }
+ //check for updates
+ sdfgi->uses_multibounce = env->sdfgi_use_multibounce;
+ sdfgi->energy = env->sdfgi_energy;
+ sdfgi->normal_bias = env->sdfgi_normal_bias;
+ sdfgi->probe_bias = env->sdfgi_probe_bias;
+ sdfgi->reads_sky = env->sdfgi_read_sky_light;
+ int32_t drag_margin = (sdfgi->cascade_size / SDFGI::PROBE_DIVISOR) / 2;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sdfgi->cascades.size(); i++) {
+ SDFGI::Cascade &cascade = sdfgi->cascades[i];
+ cascade.dirty_regions = Vector3i();
+ Vector3 probe_half_size = Vector3(1, 1, 1) * cascade.cell_size * float(sdfgi->cascade_size / SDFGI::PROBE_DIVISOR) * 0.5;
+ probe_half_size = Vector3(0, 0, 0);
+ Vector3 world_position = p_world_position;
+ world_position.y *= sdfgi->y_mult;
+ Vector3i pos_in_cascade = Vector3i((world_position + probe_half_size) / cascade.cell_size);
+ for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ if (pos_in_cascade[j] < cascade.position[j]) {
+ while (pos_in_cascade[j] < (cascade.position[j] - drag_margin)) {
+ cascade.position[j] -= drag_margin * 2;
+ cascade.dirty_regions[j] += drag_margin * 2;
+ }
+ } else if (pos_in_cascade[j] > cascade.position[j]) {
+ while (pos_in_cascade[j] > (cascade.position[j] + drag_margin)) {
+ cascade.position[j] += drag_margin * 2;
+ cascade.dirty_regions[j] -= drag_margin * 2;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cascade.dirty_regions[j] == 0) {
+ continue; // not dirty
+ } else if (uint32_t(ABS(cascade.dirty_regions[j])) >= sdfgi->cascade_size) {
+ //moved too much, just redraw everything (make all dirty)
+ cascade.dirty_regions = SDFGI::Cascade::DIRTY_ALL;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cascade.dirty_regions != Vector3i() && cascade.dirty_regions != SDFGI::Cascade::DIRTY_ALL) {
+ //see how much the total dirty volume represents from the total volume
+ uint32_t total_volume = sdfgi->cascade_size * sdfgi->cascade_size * sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ uint32_t safe_volume = 1;
+ for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ safe_volume *= sdfgi->cascade_size - ABS(cascade.dirty_regions[j]);
+ }
+ uint32_t dirty_volume = total_volume - safe_volume;
+ if (dirty_volume > (safe_volume / 2)) {
+ //more than half the volume is dirty, make all dirty so its only rendered once
+ cascade.dirty_regions = SDFGI::Cascade::DIRTY_ALL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+int RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_get_pending_region_count(RID p_render_buffers) const {
+ RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(rb == nullptr, 0);
+ if (rb->sdfgi == nullptr) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int dirty_count = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size(); i++) {
+ const SDFGI::Cascade &c = rb->sdfgi->cascades[i];
+ if (c.dirty_regions == SDFGI::Cascade::DIRTY_ALL) {
+ dirty_count++;
+ } else {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ if (c.dirty_regions[j] != 0) {
+ dirty_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return dirty_count;
+int RasterizerSceneRD::_sdfgi_get_pending_region_data(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region, Vector3i &r_local_offset, Vector3i &r_local_size, AABB &r_bounds) const {
+ RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(rb == nullptr, -1);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(rb->sdfgi == nullptr, -1);
+ int dirty_count = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size(); i++) {
+ const SDFGI::Cascade &c = rb->sdfgi->cascades[i];
+ if (c.dirty_regions == SDFGI::Cascade::DIRTY_ALL) {
+ if (dirty_count == p_region) {
+ r_local_offset = Vector3i();
+ r_local_size = Vector3i(1, 1, 1) * rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ r_bounds.position = Vector3((Vector3i(1, 1, 1) * -int32_t(rb->sdfgi->cascade_size >> 1) + c.position)) * c.cell_size * Vector3(1, 1.0 / rb->sdfgi->y_mult, 1);
+ r_bounds.size = Vector3(r_local_size) * c.cell_size * Vector3(1, 1.0 / rb->sdfgi->y_mult, 1);
+ return i;
+ }
+ dirty_count++;
+ } else {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ if (c.dirty_regions[j] != 0) {
+ if (dirty_count == p_region) {
+ Vector3i from = Vector3i(0, 0, 0);
+ Vector3i to = Vector3i(1, 1, 1) * rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ if (c.dirty_regions[j] > 0) {
+ //fill from the beginning
+ to[j] = c.dirty_regions[j];
+ } else {
+ //fill from the end
+ from[j] = to[j] + c.dirty_regions[j];
+ }
+ for (int k = 0; k < j; k++) {
+ // "chip" away previous regions to avoid re-voxelizing the same thing
+ if (c.dirty_regions[k] > 0) {
+ from[k] += c.dirty_regions[k];
+ } else if (c.dirty_regions[k] < 0) {
+ to[k] += c.dirty_regions[k];
+ }
+ }
+ r_local_offset = from;
+ r_local_size = to - from;
+ r_bounds.position = Vector3(from + Vector3i(1, 1, 1) * -int32_t(rb->sdfgi->cascade_size >> 1) + c.position) * c.cell_size * Vector3(1, 1.0 / rb->sdfgi->y_mult, 1);
+ r_bounds.size = Vector3(r_local_size) * c.cell_size * Vector3(1, 1.0 / rb->sdfgi->y_mult, 1);
+ return i;
+ }
+ dirty_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+AABB RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_get_pending_region_bounds(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region) const {
+ AABB bounds;
+ Vector3i from;
+ Vector3i size;
+ int c = _sdfgi_get_pending_region_data(p_render_buffers, p_region, from, size, bounds);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(c == -1, AABB());
+ return bounds;
+uint32_t RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_get_pending_region_cascade(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region) const {
+ AABB bounds;
+ Vector3i from;
+ Vector3i size;
+ return _sdfgi_get_pending_region_data(p_render_buffers, p_region, from, size, bounds);
+void RasterizerSceneRD::_sdfgi_update_cascades(RID p_render_buffers) {
+ RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(rb == nullptr);
+ if (rb->sdfgi == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //update cascades
+ SDFGI::Cascade::UBO cascade_data[SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES];
+ int32_t probe_divisor = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size / SDFGI::PROBE_DIVISOR;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size(); i++) {
+ Vector3 pos = Vector3((Vector3i(1, 1, 1) * -int32_t(rb->sdfgi->cascade_size >> 1) + rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].position)) * rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].cell_size;
+ cascade_data[i].offset[0] = pos.x;
+ cascade_data[i].offset[1] = pos.y;
+ cascade_data[i].offset[2] = pos.z;
+ cascade_data[i].to_cell = 1.0 / rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].cell_size;
+ cascade_data[i].probe_offset[0] = rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].position.x / probe_divisor;
+ cascade_data[i].probe_offset[1] = rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].position.y / probe_divisor;
+ cascade_data[i].probe_offset[2] = rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].position.z / probe_divisor;
+ cascade_data[i].pad = 0;
+ }
+ RD::get_singleton()->buffer_update(rb->sdfgi->cascades_ubo, 0, sizeof(SDFGI::Cascade::UBO) * SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES, cascade_data, true);
+void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_update_probes(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, const RID *p_directional_light_instances, uint32_t p_directional_light_count, const RID *p_positional_light_instances, uint32_t p_positional_light_count) {
+ RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(rb == nullptr);
+ if (rb->sdfgi == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Environent *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_environment);
+ /* Update Cascades UBO */
+ _sdfgi_update_cascades(p_render_buffers);
+ /* Update Dynamic Lights Buffer */
+ RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Update Lights");
+ /* Update dynamic lights */
+ {
+ RD::ComputeListID compute_list = RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_begin();
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.direct_light_pipeline[SDGIShader::DIRECT_LIGHT_MODE_DYNAMIC]);
+ SDGIShader::DirectLightPushConstant push_constant;
+ push_constant.grid_size[0] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ push_constant.grid_size[1] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ push_constant.grid_size[2] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ push_constant.max_cascades = rb->sdfgi->cascades.size();
+ push_constant.probe_axis_size = rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count;
+ push_constant.multibounce = rb->sdfgi->uses_multibounce;
+ push_constant.y_mult = rb->sdfgi->y_mult;
+ push_constant.process_offset = 0;
+ push_constant.process_increment = 1;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size(); i++) {
+ SDFGI::Cascade &cascade = rb->sdfgi->cascades[i];
+ { //fill light buffer
+ SDGIShader::Light lights[SDFGI::MAX_DYNAMIC_LIGHTS];
+ uint32_t idx = 0;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < p_directional_light_count; j++) {
+ break;
+ }
+ LightInstance *li = light_instance_owner.getornull(p_directional_light_instances[j]);
+ Vector3 dir = -li->transform.basis.get_axis(Vector3::AXIS_Z);
+ dir.y *= rb->sdfgi->y_mult;
+ dir.normalize();
+ lights[idx].direction[0] = dir.x;
+ lights[idx].direction[1] = dir.y;
+ lights[idx].direction[2] = dir.z;
+ Color color = storage->light_get_color(li->light);
+ color = color.to_linear();
+ lights[idx].color[0] = color.r;
+ lights[idx].color[1] = color.g;
+ lights[idx].color[2] = color.b;
+ lights[idx].type = RS::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL;
+ lights[idx].energy = storage->light_get_param(li->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_ENERGY);
+ lights[idx].has_shadow = storage->light_has_shadow(li->light);
+ idx++;
+ }
+ AABB cascade_aabb;
+ cascade_aabb.position = Vector3((Vector3i(1, 1, 1) * -int32_t(rb->sdfgi->cascade_size >> 1) + cascade.position)) * cascade.cell_size;
+ cascade_aabb.size = Vector3(1, 1, 1) * rb->sdfgi->cascade_size * cascade.cell_size;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < p_positional_light_count; j++) {
+ break;
+ }
+ LightInstance *li = light_instance_owner.getornull(p_positional_light_instances[j]);
+ uint32_t max_sdfgi_cascade = storage->light_get_max_sdfgi_cascade(li->light);
+ if (i > max_sdfgi_cascade) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!cascade_aabb.intersects(li->aabb)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Vector3 dir = -li->transform.basis.get_axis(Vector3::AXIS_Z);
+ //faster to not do this here
+ //dir.y *= rb->sdfgi->y_mult;
+ //dir.normalize();
+ lights[idx].direction[0] = dir.x;
+ lights[idx].direction[1] = dir.y;
+ lights[idx].direction[2] = dir.z;
+ Vector3 pos = li->transform.origin;
+ pos.y *= rb->sdfgi->y_mult;
+ lights[idx].position[0] = pos.x;
+ lights[idx].position[1] = pos.y;
+ lights[idx].position[2] = pos.z;
+ Color color = storage->light_get_color(li->light);
+ color = color.to_linear();
+ lights[idx].color[0] = color.r;
+ lights[idx].color[1] = color.g;
+ lights[idx].color[2] = color.b;
+ lights[idx].type = storage->light_get_type(li->light);
+ lights[idx].energy = storage->light_get_param(li->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_ENERGY);
+ lights[idx].has_shadow = storage->light_has_shadow(li->light);
+ lights[idx].attenuation = storage->light_get_param(li->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_ATTENUATION);
+ lights[idx].radius = storage->light_get_param(li->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_RANGE);
+ lights[idx].spot_angle = Math::deg2rad(storage->light_get_param(li->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_SPOT_ANGLE));
+ lights[idx].spot_attenuation = storage->light_get_param(li->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_SPOT_ATTENUATION);
+ idx++;
+ }
+ if (idx > 0) {
+ RD::get_singleton()->buffer_update(cascade.lights_buffer, 0, idx * sizeof(SDGIShader::Light), lights, true);
+ }
+ push_constant.light_count = idx;
+ }
+ push_constant.cascade = i;
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, cascade.sdf_direct_light_uniform_set, 0);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::DirectLightPushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_indirect(compute_list, cascade.solid_cell_dispatch_buffer, 0);
+ }
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end();
+ }
+ SDGIShader::IntegratePushConstant push_constant;
+ push_constant.grid_size[1] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ push_constant.grid_size[2] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ push_constant.grid_size[0] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ push_constant.max_cascades = rb->sdfgi->cascades.size();
+ push_constant.probe_axis_size = rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count;
+ push_constant.history_index = rb->sdfgi->render_pass % rb->sdfgi->history_size;
+ push_constant.history_size = rb->sdfgi->history_size;
+ static const uint32_t ray_count[RS::ENV_SDFGI_RAY_COUNT_MAX] = { 8, 16, 32, 64, 96, 128 };
+ push_constant.ray_count = ray_count[sdfgi_ray_count];
+ push_constant.ray_bias = rb->sdfgi->probe_bias;
+ push_constant.image_size[0] = rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count * rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count;
+ push_constant.image_size[1] = rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count;
+ RID sky_uniform_set = sdfgi_shader.integrate_default_sky_uniform_set;
+ push_constant.sky_mode = SDGIShader::IntegratePushConstant::SKY_MODE_DISABLED;
+ push_constant.y_mult = rb->sdfgi->y_mult;
+ if (rb->sdfgi->reads_sky && env) {
+ push_constant.sky_energy = env->bg_energy;
+ if (env->background == RS::ENV_BG_CLEAR_COLOR) {
+ push_constant.sky_mode = SDGIShader::IntegratePushConstant::SKY_MODE_COLOR;
+ Color c = storage->get_default_clear_color().to_linear();
+ push_constant.sky_color[0] = c.r;
+ push_constant.sky_color[1] = c.g;
+ push_constant.sky_color[2] = c.b;
+ } else if (env->background == RS::ENV_BG_COLOR) {
+ push_constant.sky_mode = SDGIShader::IntegratePushConstant::SKY_MODE_COLOR;
+ Color c = env->bg_color;
+ push_constant.sky_color[0] = c.r;
+ push_constant.sky_color[1] = c.g;
+ push_constant.sky_color[2] = c.b;
+ } else if (env->background == RS::ENV_BG_SKY) {
+ Sky *sky = sky_owner.getornull(env->sky);
+ if (sky && sky->radiance.is_valid()) {
+ if (sky->sdfgi_integrate_sky_uniform_set.is_null() || !RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(sky->sdfgi_integrate_sky_uniform_set)) {
+ Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms;
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 0;
+ u.ids.push_back(sky->radiance);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 1;
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ sky->sdfgi_integrate_sky_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, sdfgi_shader.integrate.version_get_shader(sdfgi_shader.integrate_shader, 0), 1);
+ }
+ sky_uniform_set = sky->sdfgi_integrate_sky_uniform_set;
+ push_constant.sky_mode = SDGIShader::IntegratePushConstant::SKY_MODE_SKY;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rb->sdfgi->render_pass++;
+ RD::ComputeListID compute_list = RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_begin();
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.integrate_pipeline[SDGIShader::INTEGRATE_MODE_PROCESS]);
+ int32_t probe_divisor = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size / SDFGI::PROBE_DIVISOR;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size(); i++) {
+ push_constant.cascade = i;
+ push_constant.world_offset[0] = rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].position.x / probe_divisor;
+ push_constant.world_offset[1] = rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].position.y / probe_divisor;
+ push_constant.world_offset[2] = rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].position.z / probe_divisor;
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].integrate_uniform_set, 0);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, sky_uniform_set, 1);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::IntegratePushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count * rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count, rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count, 1, 8, 8, 1);
+ }
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_add_barrier(compute_list); //wait until done
+ // Then store values into the lightprobe texture. Separating these steps has a small performance hit, but it allows for multiple bounces
+ RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Average Probes");
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.integrate_pipeline[SDGIShader::INTEGRATE_MODE_STORE]);
+ //convert to octahedral to store
+ push_constant.image_size[0] *= SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE;
+ push_constant.image_size[1] *= SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size(); i++) {
+ push_constant.cascade = i;
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].integrate_uniform_set, 0);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::IntegratePushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count * rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count * SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE, rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count * SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE, 1, 8, 8, 1);
+ }
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end();
+void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_roughness_buffer, RID p_ambient_buffer, RID p_reflection_buffer, RID p_gi_probe_buffer, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, RID *p_gi_probe_cull_result, int p_gi_probe_cull_count) {
+ RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(rb == nullptr);
+ Environent *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_environment);
+ GI::PushConstant push_constant;
+ push_constant.screen_size[0] = rb->width;
+ push_constant.screen_size[1] = rb->height;
+ push_constant.z_near = p_projection.get_z_near();
+ push_constant.z_far = p_projection.get_z_far();
+ push_constant.orthogonal = p_projection.is_orthogonal();
+ push_constant.proj_info[0] = -2.0f / (rb->width * p_projection.matrix[0][0]);
+ push_constant.proj_info[1] = -2.0f / (rb->height * p_projection.matrix[1][1]);
+ push_constant.proj_info[2] = (1.0f - p_projection.matrix[0][2]) / p_projection.matrix[0][0];
+ push_constant.proj_info[3] = (1.0f + p_projection.matrix[1][2]) / p_projection.matrix[1][1];
+ push_constant.max_giprobes = MIN(RenderBuffers::MAX_GIPROBES, p_gi_probe_cull_count);
+ push_constant.high_quality_vct = gi_probe_quality == RS::GI_PROBE_QUALITY_HIGH;
+ push_constant.use_sdfgi = rb->sdfgi != nullptr;
+ if (env) {
+ push_constant.ao_color[0] = env->ao_color.r;
+ push_constant.ao_color[1] = env->ao_color.g;
+ push_constant.ao_color[2] = env->ao_color.b;
+ } else {
+ push_constant.ao_color[0] = 0;
+ push_constant.ao_color[1] = 0;
+ push_constant.ao_color[2] = 0;
+ }
+ push_constant.cam_rotation[0] = p_transform.basis[0][0];
+ push_constant.cam_rotation[1] = p_transform.basis[1][0];
+ push_constant.cam_rotation[2] = p_transform.basis[2][0];
+ push_constant.cam_rotation[3] = 0;
+ push_constant.cam_rotation[4] = p_transform.basis[0][1];
+ push_constant.cam_rotation[5] = p_transform.basis[1][1];
+ push_constant.cam_rotation[6] = p_transform.basis[2][1];
+ push_constant.cam_rotation[7] = 0;
+ push_constant.cam_rotation[8] = p_transform.basis[0][2];
+ push_constant.cam_rotation[9] = p_transform.basis[1][2];
+ push_constant.cam_rotation[10] = p_transform.basis[2][2];
+ push_constant.cam_rotation[11] = 0;
+ if (rb->sdfgi) {
+ GI::SDFGIData sdfgi_data;
+ sdfgi_data.grid_size[0] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ sdfgi_data.grid_size[1] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ sdfgi_data.grid_size[2] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ sdfgi_data.max_cascades = rb->sdfgi->cascades.size();
+ sdfgi_data.probe_axis_size = rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count;
+ sdfgi_data.cascade_probe_size[0] = sdfgi_data.probe_axis_size - 1; //float version for performance
+ sdfgi_data.cascade_probe_size[1] = sdfgi_data.probe_axis_size - 1;
+ sdfgi_data.cascade_probe_size[2] = sdfgi_data.probe_axis_size - 1;
+ float csize = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ sdfgi_data.probe_to_uvw = 1.0 / float(sdfgi_data.cascade_probe_size[0]);
+ sdfgi_data.use_occlusion = rb->sdfgi->uses_occlusion;
+ // = rb->sdfgi->energy;
+ sdfgi_data.y_mult = rb->sdfgi->y_mult;
+ float cascade_voxel_size = (csize / sdfgi_data.cascade_probe_size[0]);
+ float occlusion_clamp = (cascade_voxel_size - 0.5) / cascade_voxel_size;
+ sdfgi_data.occlusion_clamp[0] = occlusion_clamp;
+ sdfgi_data.occlusion_clamp[1] = occlusion_clamp;
+ sdfgi_data.occlusion_clamp[2] = occlusion_clamp;
+ sdfgi_data.normal_bias = (rb->sdfgi->normal_bias / csize) * sdfgi_data.cascade_probe_size[0];
+ //vec2 tex_pixel_size = 1.0 / vec2(ivec2( (OCT_SIZE+2) * params.probe_axis_size * params.probe_axis_size, (OCT_SIZE+2) * params.probe_axis_size ) );
+ //vec3 probe_uv_offset = (ivec3(OCT_SIZE+2,OCT_SIZE+2,(OCT_SIZE+2) * params.probe_axis_size)) * tex_pixel_size.xyx;
+ uint32_t oct_size = SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE;
+ sdfgi_data.lightprobe_tex_pixel_size[0] = 1.0 / ((oct_size + 2) * sdfgi_data.probe_axis_size * sdfgi_data.probe_axis_size);
+ sdfgi_data.lightprobe_tex_pixel_size[1] = 1.0 / ((oct_size + 2) * sdfgi_data.probe_axis_size);
+ sdfgi_data.lightprobe_tex_pixel_size[2] = 1.0;
+ = rb->sdfgi->energy;
+ sdfgi_data.lightprobe_uv_offset[0] = float(oct_size + 2) * sdfgi_data.lightprobe_tex_pixel_size[0];
+ sdfgi_data.lightprobe_uv_offset[1] = float(oct_size + 2) * sdfgi_data.lightprobe_tex_pixel_size[1];
+ sdfgi_data.lightprobe_uv_offset[2] = float((oct_size + 2) * sdfgi_data.probe_axis_size) * sdfgi_data.lightprobe_tex_pixel_size[0];
+ sdfgi_data.occlusion_renormalize[0] = 0.5;
+ sdfgi_data.occlusion_renormalize[1] = 1.0;
+ sdfgi_data.occlusion_renormalize[2] = 1.0 / float(sdfgi_data.max_cascades);
+ int32_t probe_divisor = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size / SDFGI::PROBE_DIVISOR;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sdfgi_data.max_cascades; i++) {
+ GI::SDFGIData::ProbeCascadeData &c = sdfgi_data.cascades[i];
+ Vector3 pos = Vector3((Vector3i(1, 1, 1) * -int32_t(rb->sdfgi->cascade_size >> 1) + rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].position)) * rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].cell_size;
+ Vector3 cam_origin = p_transform.origin;
+ cam_origin.y *= rb->sdfgi->y_mult;
+ pos -= cam_origin; //make pos local to camera, to reduce numerical error
+ c.position[0] = pos.x;
+ c.position[1] = pos.y;
+ c.position[2] = pos.z;
+ c.to_probe = 1.0 / (float(rb->sdfgi->cascade_size) * rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].cell_size / float(rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count - 1));
+ Vector3i probe_ofs = rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].position / probe_divisor;
+ c.probe_world_offset[0] = probe_ofs.x;
+ c.probe_world_offset[1] = probe_ofs.y;
+ c.probe_world_offset[2] = probe_ofs.z;
+ c.to_cell = 1.0 / rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].cell_size;
+ }
+ RD::get_singleton()->buffer_update(gi.sdfgi_ubo, 0, sizeof(GI::SDFGIData), &sdfgi_data, true);
+ }
+ {
+ RID gi_probe_buffer = render_buffers_get_gi_probe_buffer(p_render_buffers);
+ GI::GIProbeData gi_probe_data[RenderBuffers::MAX_GIPROBES];
+ bool giprobes_changed = false;
+ Transform to_camera;
+ to_camera.origin = p_transform.origin; //only translation, make local
+ for (int i = 0; i < RenderBuffers::MAX_GIPROBES; i++) {
+ RID texture;
+ if (i < p_gi_probe_cull_count) {
+ GIProbeInstance *gipi = gi_probe_instance_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe_cull_result[i]);
+ if (gipi) {
+ texture = gipi->texture;
+ GI::GIProbeData &gipd = gi_probe_data[i];
+ RID base_probe = gipi->probe;
+ Transform to_cell = storage->gi_probe_get_to_cell_xform(gipi->probe) * gipi->transform.affine_inverse() * to_camera;
+ gipd.xform[0] = to_cell.basis.elements[0][0];
+ gipd.xform[1] = to_cell.basis.elements[1][0];
+ gipd.xform[2] = to_cell.basis.elements[2][0];
+ gipd.xform[3] = 0;
+ gipd.xform[4] = to_cell.basis.elements[0][1];
+ gipd.xform[5] = to_cell.basis.elements[1][1];
+ gipd.xform[6] = to_cell.basis.elements[2][1];
+ gipd.xform[7] = 0;
+ gipd.xform[8] = to_cell.basis.elements[0][2];
+ gipd.xform[9] = to_cell.basis.elements[1][2];
+ gipd.xform[10] = to_cell.basis.elements[2][2];
+ gipd.xform[11] = 0;
+ gipd.xform[12] = to_cell.origin.x;
+ gipd.xform[13] = to_cell.origin.y;
+ gipd.xform[14] = to_cell.origin.z;
+ gipd.xform[15] = 1;
+ Vector3 bounds = storage->gi_probe_get_octree_size(base_probe);
+ gipd.bounds[0] = bounds.x;
+ gipd.bounds[1] = bounds.y;
+ gipd.bounds[2] = bounds.z;
+ gipd.dynamic_range = storage->gi_probe_get_dynamic_range(base_probe) * storage->gi_probe_get_energy(base_probe);
+ gipd.bias = storage->gi_probe_get_bias(base_probe);
+ gipd.normal_bias = storage->gi_probe_get_normal_bias(base_probe);
+ gipd.blend_ambient = !storage->gi_probe_is_interior(base_probe);
+ gipd.anisotropy_strength = 0;
+ = storage->gi_probe_get_ao(base_probe);
+ gipd.ao_size = Math::pow(storage->gi_probe_get_ao_size(base_probe), 4.0f);
+ }
+ }
+ if (texture == RID()) {
+ texture = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE);
+ }
+ if (texture != rb->giprobe_textures[i]) {
+ giprobes_changed = true;
+ rb->giprobe_textures[i] = texture;
+ }
+ }
+ if (giprobes_changed) {
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->gi_uniform_set);
+ rb->gi_uniform_set = RID();
+ }
+ if (p_gi_probe_cull_count > 0) {
+ RD::get_singleton()->buffer_update(gi_probe_buffer, 0, sizeof(GI::GIProbeData) * MIN(RenderBuffers::MAX_GIPROBES, p_gi_probe_cull_count), gi_probe_data, true);
+ }
+ }
+ if (rb->gi_uniform_set.is_null() || !RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(rb->gi_uniform_set)) {
+ Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms;
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 1;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; j++) {
+ if (rb->sdfgi && j < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()) {
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades[j].sdf_tex);
+ } else {
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE));
+ }
+ }
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 2;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; j++) {
+ if (rb->sdfgi && j < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()) {
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades[j].light_tex);
+ } else {
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE));
+ }
+ }
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 3;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; j++) {
+ if (rb->sdfgi && j < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()) {
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades[j].light_aniso_0_tex);
+ } else {
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE));
+ }
+ }
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 4;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; j++) {
+ if (rb->sdfgi && j < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()) {
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades[j].light_aniso_1_tex);
+ } else {
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE));
+ }
+ }
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 5;
+ if (rb->sdfgi) {
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->occlusion_texture);
+ } else {
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE));
+ }
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 6;
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->sampler_rd_get_default(RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED));
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 7;
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 9;
+ u.ids.push_back(p_ambient_buffer);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 10;
+ u.ids.push_back(p_reflection_buffer);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 11;
+ if (rb->sdfgi) {
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->lightprobe_texture);
+ } else {
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_WHITE));
+ }
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 12;
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->depth_texture);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 13;
+ u.ids.push_back(p_normal_roughness_buffer);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 14;
+ RID buffer = p_gi_probe_buffer.is_valid() ? p_gi_probe_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK);
+ u.ids.push_back(buffer);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 15;
+ u.ids.push_back(gi.sdfgi_ubo);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 16;
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->giprobe_buffer);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 17;
+ for (int i = 0; i < RenderBuffers::MAX_GIPROBES; i++) {
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->giprobe_textures[i]);
+ }
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ rb->gi_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, gi.shader.version_get_shader(gi.shader_version, 0), 0);
+ }
+ RD::ComputeListID compute_list = RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_begin();
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, gi.pipelines[0]);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->gi_uniform_set, 0);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(GI::PushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->width, rb->height, 1, 8, 8, 1);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end();
RID RasterizerSceneRD::sky_create() {
return sky_owner.make_rid(Sky());
@@ -1291,6 +2826,31 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_glow_set_use_bicubic_upscale(bool p_enable)
glow_bicubic_upscale = p_enable;
+void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_sdfgi(RID p_env, bool p_enable, RS::EnvironmentSDFGICascades p_cascades, float p_min_cell_size, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIYScale p_y_scale, bool p_use_occlusion, bool p_use_multibounce, bool p_read_sky, bool p_enhance_ssr, float p_energy, float p_normal_bias, float p_probe_bias) {
+ Environent *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(!env);
+ env->sdfgi_enabled = p_enable;
+ env->sdfgi_cascades = p_cascades;
+ env->sdfgi_min_cell_size = p_min_cell_size;
+ env->sdfgi_use_occlusion = p_use_occlusion;
+ env->sdfgi_use_multibounce = p_use_multibounce;
+ env->sdfgi_read_sky_light = p_read_sky;
+ env->sdfgi_enhance_ssr = p_enhance_ssr;
+ env->sdfgi_energy = p_energy;
+ env->sdfgi_normal_bias = p_normal_bias;
+ env->sdfgi_probe_bias = p_probe_bias;
+ env->sdfgi_y_scale = p_y_scale;
+void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount p_ray_count) {
+ sdfgi_ray_count = p_ray_count;
+void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge p_frames) {
+ sdfgi_frames_to_converge = p_frames;
void RasterizerSceneRD::environment_set_ssr(RID p_env, bool p_enable, int p_max_steps, float p_fade_int, float p_fade_out, float p_depth_tolerance) {
Environent *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env);
@@ -1351,6 +2911,11 @@ bool RasterizerSceneRD::environment_is_ssr_enabled(RID p_env) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, false);
return env->ssr_enabled;
+bool RasterizerSceneRD::environment_is_sdfgi_enabled(RID p_env) const {
+ Environent *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!env, false);
+ return env->sdfgi_enabled;
bool RasterizerSceneRD::is_environment(RID p_env) const {
return environment_owner.owns(p_env);
@@ -2099,6 +3664,13 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::light_instance_set_transform(RID p_light_instance, const
light_instance->transform = p_transform;
+void RasterizerSceneRD::light_instance_set_aabb(RID p_light_instance, const AABB &p_aabb) {
+ LightInstance *light_instance = light_instance_owner.getornull(p_light_instance);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(!light_instance);
+ light_instance->aabb = p_aabb;
void RasterizerSceneRD::light_instance_set_shadow_transform(RID p_light_instance, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_far, float p_split, int p_pass, float p_shadow_texel_size, float p_bias_scale, float p_range_begin, const Vector2 &p_uv_scale) {
LightInstance *light_instance = light_instance_owner.getornull(p_light_instance);
@@ -2193,23 +3765,9 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::decal_instance_set_transform(RID p_decal, const Transfor
RID RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_instance_create(RID p_base) {
- //find a free slot
- int index = -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < gi_probe_slots.size(); i++) {
- if (gi_probe_slots[i] == RID()) {
- index = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(index == -1, RID());
GIProbeInstance gi_probe;
- gi_probe.slot = index;
gi_probe.probe = p_base;
RID rid = gi_probe_instance_owner.make_rid(gi_probe);
- gi_probe_slots.write[index] = rid;
return rid;
@@ -2240,10 +3798,6 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instanc
//need to re-create everything
if (gi_probe->texture.is_valid()) {
- if (gi_probe_use_anisotropy) {
- RD::get_singleton()->free(gi_probe->anisotropy_r16[0]);
- RD::get_singleton()->free(gi_probe->anisotropy_r16[1]);
- }
@@ -2275,47 +3829,18 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instanc
RD::get_singleton()->texture_clear(gi_probe->texture, Color(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, levels.size(), 0, 1, false);
- if (gi_probe_use_anisotropy) {
- tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16_UINT;
- tf.shareable_formats.push_back(RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16_UINT);
- tf.shareable_formats.push_back(RD::DATA_FORMAT_R5G6B5_UNORM_PACK16);
- //need to create R16 first, else driver does not like the storage bit for compute..
- gi_probe->anisotropy_r16[0] = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView());
- gi_probe->anisotropy_r16[1] = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView());
- RD::TextureView tv;
- tv.format_override = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R5G6B5_UNORM_PACK16;
- gi_probe->anisotropy[0] = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create_shared(tv, gi_probe->anisotropy_r16[0]);
- gi_probe->anisotropy[1] = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create_shared(tv, gi_probe->anisotropy_r16[1]);
- RD::get_singleton()->texture_clear(gi_probe->anisotropy[0], Color(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, levels.size(), 0, 1, false);
- RD::get_singleton()->texture_clear(gi_probe->anisotropy[1], Color(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, levels.size(), 0, 1, false);
- }
int total_elements = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < levels.size(); i++) {
total_elements += levels[i];
- if (gi_probe_use_anisotropy) {
- total_elements *= 6;
- }
gi_probe->write_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->storage_buffer_create(total_elements * 16);
for (int i = 0; i < levels.size(); i++) {
GIProbeInstance::Mipmap mipmap;
mipmap.texture = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create_shared_from_slice(RD::TextureView(), gi_probe->texture, 0, i, RD::TEXTURE_SLICE_3D);
- if (gi_probe_use_anisotropy) {
- RD::TextureView tv;
- tv.format_override = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16_UINT;
- mipmap.anisotropy[0] = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create_shared_from_slice(tv, gi_probe->anisotropy[0], 0, i, RD::TEXTURE_SLICE_3D);
- mipmap.anisotropy[1] = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create_shared_from_slice(tv, gi_probe->anisotropy[1], 0, i, RD::TEXTURE_SLICE_3D);
- }
mipmap.level = levels.size() - i - 1;
mipmap.cell_offset = 0;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < mipmap.level; j++) {
@@ -2383,24 +3908,6 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instanc
- if (gi_probe_use_anisotropy) {
- {
- RD::Uniform u;
- u.binding = 7;
- u.ids.push_back(gi_probe->anisotropy[0]);
- copy_uniforms.push_back(u);
- }
- {
- RD::Uniform u;
- u.binding = 8;
- u.ids.push_back(gi_probe->anisotropy[1]);
- copy_uniforms.push_back(u);
- }
- }
mipmap.second_bounce_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(copy_uniforms, giprobe_lighting_shader_version_shaders[GI_PROBE_SHADER_VERSION_COMPUTE_SECOND_BOUNCE], 0);
} else {
mipmap.uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(copy_uniforms, giprobe_lighting_shader_version_shaders[GI_PROBE_SHADER_VERSION_COMPUTE_MIPMAP], 0);
@@ -2415,23 +3922,6 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instanc
- if (gi_probe_use_anisotropy) {
- {
- RD::Uniform u;
- u.binding = 6;
- u.ids.push_back(mipmap.anisotropy[0]);
- uniforms.push_back(u);
- }
- {
- RD::Uniform u;
- u.binding = 7;
- u.ids.push_back(mipmap.anisotropy[1]);
- uniforms.push_back(u);
- }
- }
mipmap.write_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, giprobe_lighting_shader_version_shaders[GI_PROBE_SHADER_VERSION_WRITE_TEXTURE], 0);
@@ -2626,22 +4116,6 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instanc
- if (gi_probe_is_anisotropic()) {
- {
- RD::Uniform u;
- u.binding = 12;
- u.ids.push_back(gi_probe->mipmaps[dmap.mipmap].anisotropy[0]);
- uniforms.push_back(u);
- }
- {
- RD::Uniform u;
- u.binding = 13;
- u.ids.push_back(gi_probe->mipmaps[dmap.mipmap].anisotropy[1]);
- uniforms.push_back(u);
- }
- }
dmap.uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, giprobe_lighting_shader_version_shaders[(write && plot) ? GI_PROBE_SHADER_VERSION_DYNAMIC_SHRINK_WRITE_PLOT : write ? GI_PROBE_SHADER_VERSION_DYNAMIC_SHRINK_WRITE : GI_PROBE_SHADER_VERSION_DYNAMIC_SHRINK_PLOT], 0);
@@ -2663,10 +4137,6 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instanc
if (gi_probe->has_dynamic_object_data) {
//if it has dynamic object data, it needs to be cleared
RD::get_singleton()->texture_clear(gi_probe->texture, Color(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, gi_probe->mipmaps.size(), 0, 1, true);
- if (gi_probe_is_anisotropic()) {
- RD::get_singleton()->texture_clear(gi_probe->anisotropy[0], Color(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, gi_probe->mipmaps.size(), 0, 1, true);
- RD::get_singleton()->texture_clear(gi_probe->anisotropy[1], Color(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, gi_probe->mipmaps.size(), 0, 1, true);
- }
uint32_t light_count = 0;
@@ -2733,7 +4203,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instanc
push_constant.propagation = storage->gi_probe_get_propagation(gi_probe->probe);
push_constant.dynamic_range = storage->gi_probe_get_dynamic_range(gi_probe->probe);
push_constant.light_count = light_count;
- push_constant.aniso_strength = storage->gi_probe_get_anisotropy_strength(gi_probe->probe);
+ push_constant.aniso_strength = 0;
/* print_line("probe update to version " + itos(gi_probe->last_probe_version));
print_line("propagation " + rtos(push_constant.propagation));
@@ -3067,23 +4537,6 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_debug_giprobe(RID p_gi_probe, RD::DrawListID p_draw_lis
- if (gi_probe_use_anisotropy) {
- {
- RD::Uniform u;
- u.binding = 4;
- u.ids.push_back(gi_probe->anisotropy[0]);
- uniforms.push_back(u);
- }
- {
- RD::Uniform u;
- u.binding = 5;
- u.ids.push_back(gi_probe->anisotropy[1]);
- uniforms.push_back(u);
- }
- }
int cell_count;
if (!p_emission && p_lighting && gi_probe->has_dynamic_object_data) {
cell_count = push_constant.bounds[0] * push_constant.bounds[1] * push_constant.bounds[2];
@@ -3098,12 +4551,140 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_debug_giprobe(RID p_gi_probe, RD::DrawListID p_draw_lis
RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_draw(p_draw_list, false, cell_count, 36);
-const Vector<RID> &RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_get_slots() const {
- return gi_probe_slots;
+void RasterizerSceneRD::_debug_sdfgi_probes(RID p_render_buffers, RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, RID p_framebuffer, const CameraMatrix &p_camera_with_transform) {
+ RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ if (!rb->sdfgi) {
+ return; //nothing to debug
+ }
+ SDGIShader::DebugProbesPushConstant push_constant;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
+ push_constant.projection[i * 4 + j] = p_camera_with_transform.matrix[i][j];
+ }
+ }
+ //gen spheres from strips
+ uint32_t band_points = 16;
+ push_constant.band_power = 4;
+ push_constant.sections_in_band = ((band_points / 2) - 1);
+ push_constant.band_mask = band_points - 2;
+ push_constant.section_arc = (Math_PI * 2.0) / float(push_constant.sections_in_band);
+ push_constant.y_mult = rb->sdfgi->y_mult;
+ uint32_t total_points = push_constant.sections_in_band * band_points;
+ uint32_t total_probes = rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count * rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count * rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count;
+ push_constant.grid_size[0] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ push_constant.grid_size[1] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ push_constant.grid_size[2] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ push_constant.cascade = 0;
+ push_constant.probe_axis_size = rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count;
+ if (!rb->sdfgi->debug_probes_uniform_set.is_valid() || !RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(rb->sdfgi->debug_probes_uniform_set)) {
+ Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms;
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 1;
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades_ubo);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 2;
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->lightprobe_texture);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 3;
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->sampler_rd_get_default(RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED));
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 4;
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->occlusion_texture);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ rb->sdfgi->debug_probes_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, sdfgi_shader.debug_probes.version_get_shader(sdfgi_shader.debug_probes_shader, 0), 0);
+ }
+ RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_bind_render_pipeline(p_draw_list, sdfgi_shader.debug_probes_pipeline[SDGIShader::PROBE_DEBUG_PROBES].get_render_pipeline(RD::INVALID_FORMAT_ID, RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_get_format(p_framebuffer)));
+ RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_bind_uniform_set(p_draw_list, rb->sdfgi->debug_probes_uniform_set, 0);
+ RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_set_push_constant(p_draw_list, &push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::DebugProbesPushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_draw(p_draw_list, false, total_probes, total_points);
+ if (sdfgi_debug_probe_dir != Vector3()) {
+ print_line("CLICK DEBUG ME?");
+ uint32_t cascade = 0;
+ Vector3 offset = Vector3((Vector3i(1, 1, 1) * -int32_t(rb->sdfgi->cascade_size >> 1) + rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].position)) * rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].cell_size * Vector3(1.0, 1.0 / rb->sdfgi->y_mult, 1.0);
+ Vector3 probe_size = rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].cell_size * (rb->sdfgi->cascade_size / SDFGI::PROBE_DIVISOR) * Vector3(1.0, 1.0 / rb->sdfgi->y_mult, 1.0);
+ Vector3 ray_from = sdfgi_debug_probe_pos;
+ Vector3 ray_to = sdfgi_debug_probe_pos + sdfgi_debug_probe_dir * rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].cell_size * Math::sqrt(3.0) * rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ float sphere_radius = 0.2;
+ float closest_dist = 1e20;
+ sdfgi_debug_probe_enabled = false;
+ Vector3i probe_from = rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].position / (rb->sdfgi->cascade_size / SDFGI::PROBE_DIVISOR);
+ for (int i = 0; i < (SDFGI::PROBE_DIVISOR + 1); i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < (SDFGI::PROBE_DIVISOR + 1); j++) {
+ for (int k = 0; k < (SDFGI::PROBE_DIVISOR + 1); k++) {
+ Vector3 pos = offset + probe_size * Vector3(i, j, k);
+ Vector3 res;
+ if (Geometry3D::segment_intersects_sphere(ray_from, ray_to, pos, sphere_radius, &res)) {
+ float d = ray_from.distance_to(res);
+ if (d < closest_dist) {
+ closest_dist = d;
+ sdfgi_debug_probe_enabled = true;
+ sdfgi_debug_probe_index = probe_from + Vector3i(i, j, k);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (sdfgi_debug_probe_enabled) {
+ print_line("found: " + sdfgi_debug_probe_index);
+ } else {
+ print_line("no found");
+ }
+ sdfgi_debug_probe_dir = Vector3();
+ }
+ if (sdfgi_debug_probe_enabled) {
+ uint32_t cascade = 0;
+ uint32_t probe_cells = (rb->sdfgi->cascade_size / SDFGI::PROBE_DIVISOR);
+ Vector3i probe_from = rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].position / probe_cells;
+ Vector3i ofs = sdfgi_debug_probe_index - probe_from;
+ if (ofs.x < 0 || ofs.y < 0 || ofs.z < 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
-RasterizerSceneRD::GIProbeQuality RasterizerSceneRD::gi_probe_get_quality() const {
- return gi_probe_quality;
+ uint32_t mult = (SDFGI::PROBE_DIVISOR + 1);
+ uint32_t index = ofs.z * mult * mult + ofs.y * mult + ofs.x;
+ push_constant.probe_debug_index = index;
+ uint32_t cell_count = probe_cells * 2 * probe_cells * 2 * probe_cells * 2;
+ RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_bind_render_pipeline(p_draw_list, sdfgi_shader.debug_probes_pipeline[SDGIShader::PROBE_DEBUG_VISIBILITY].get_render_pipeline(RD::INVALID_FORMAT_ID, RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_get_format(p_framebuffer)));
+ RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_bind_uniform_set(p_draw_list, rb->sdfgi->debug_probes_uniform_set, 0);
+ RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_set_push_constant(p_draw_list, &push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::DebugProbesPushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_draw(p_draw_list, false, cell_count, total_points);
+ }
@@ -3273,7 +4854,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_sss(RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatrix &p
storage->get_effects()->sub_surface_scattering(rb->texture, rb->blur[0].mipmaps[0].texture, rb->depth_texture, p_camera, Size2i(rb->width, rb->height), sss_scale, sss_depth_scale, sss_quality);
-void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_ssr(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_dest_framebuffer, RID p_normal_buffer, RID p_roughness_buffer, RID p_specular_buffer, RID p_metallic, const Color &p_metallic_mask, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, bool p_use_additive) {
+void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_ssr(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_dest_framebuffer, RID p_normal_buffer, RID p_specular_buffer, RID p_metallic, const Color &p_metallic_mask, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, bool p_use_additive) {
RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
@@ -3322,7 +4903,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_process_ssr(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_dest_framebuffe
- storage->get_effects()->screen_space_reflection(rb->texture, p_normal_buffer, ssr_roughness_quality, p_roughness_buffer, rb->ssr.blur_radius[0], rb->ssr.blur_radius[1], p_metallic, p_metallic_mask, rb->depth_texture, rb->ssr.depth_scaled, rb->ssr.normal_scaled, rb->blur[0].mipmaps[1].texture, rb->blur[1].mipmaps[0].texture, Size2i(rb->width / 2, rb->height / 2), env->ssr_max_steps, env->ssr_fade_in, env->ssr_fade_out, env->ssr_depth_tolerance, p_projection);
+ storage->get_effects()->screen_space_reflection(rb->texture, p_normal_buffer, ssr_roughness_quality, rb->ssr.blur_radius[0], rb->ssr.blur_radius[1], p_metallic, p_metallic_mask, rb->depth_texture, rb->ssr.depth_scaled, rb->ssr.normal_scaled, rb->blur[0].mipmaps[1].texture, rb->blur[1].mipmaps[0].texture, Size2i(rb->width / 2, rb->height / 2), env->ssr_max_steps, env->ssr_fade_in, env->ssr_fade_out, env->ssr_depth_tolerance, p_projection);
storage->get_effects()->merge_specular(p_dest_framebuffer, p_specular_buffer, p_use_additive ? RID() : rb->texture, rb->blur[0].mipmaps[1].texture);
@@ -3563,17 +5144,165 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::_render_buffers_debug_draw(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_s
effects->copy_to_fb_rect(ao_buf, storage->render_target_get_rd_framebuffer(rb->render_target), Rect2(Vector2(), rtsize), false, true);
- if (debug_draw == RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_ROUGHNESS_LIMITER && _render_buffers_get_roughness_texture(p_render_buffers).is_valid()) {
+ if (debug_draw == RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_NORMAL_BUFFER && _render_buffers_get_normal_texture(p_render_buffers).is_valid()) {
Size2 rtsize = storage->render_target_get_size(rb->render_target);
- effects->copy_to_fb_rect(_render_buffers_get_roughness_texture(p_render_buffers), storage->render_target_get_rd_framebuffer(rb->render_target), Rect2(Vector2(), rtsize), false, true);
+ effects->copy_to_fb_rect(_render_buffers_get_normal_texture(p_render_buffers), storage->render_target_get_rd_framebuffer(rb->render_target), Rect2(Vector2(), rtsize), false, false);
- if (debug_draw == RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_NORMAL_BUFFER && _render_buffers_get_normal_texture(p_render_buffers).is_valid()) {
+ if (debug_draw == RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_GI_BUFFER && _render_buffers_get_ambient_texture(p_render_buffers).is_valid()) {
Size2 rtsize = storage->render_target_get_size(rb->render_target);
- effects->copy_to_fb_rect(_render_buffers_get_normal_texture(p_render_buffers), storage->render_target_get_rd_framebuffer(rb->render_target), Rect2(Vector2(), rtsize), false, false);
+ RID ambient_texture = _render_buffers_get_ambient_texture(p_render_buffers);
+ RID reflection_texture = _render_buffers_get_reflection_texture(p_render_buffers);
+ effects->copy_to_fb_rect(ambient_texture, storage->render_target_get_rd_framebuffer(rb->render_target), Rect2(Vector2(), rtsize), false, false, false, true, reflection_texture);
+void RasterizerSceneRD::_sdfgi_debug_draw(RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform) {
+ RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ if (!rb->sdfgi) {
+ return; //eh
+ }
+ if (!rb->sdfgi->debug_uniform_set.is_valid() || !RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(rb->sdfgi->debug_uniform_set)) {
+ Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms;
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 1;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; i++) {
+ if (i < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()) {
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].sdf_tex);
+ } else {
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE));
+ }
+ }
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 2;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; i++) {
+ if (i < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()) {
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].light_tex);
+ } else {
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE));
+ }
+ }
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 3;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; i++) {
+ if (i < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()) {
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].light_aniso_0_tex);
+ } else {
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE));
+ }
+ }
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 4;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES; i++) {
+ if (i < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()) {
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].light_aniso_1_tex);
+ } else {
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE));
+ }
+ }
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 5;
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->occlusion_texture);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 8;
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->sampler_rd_get_default(RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED));
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 9;
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->cascades_ubo);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 10;
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->texture);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 11;
+ u.ids.push_back(rb->sdfgi->lightprobe_texture);
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ rb->sdfgi->debug_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, sdfgi_shader.debug_shader_version, 0);
+ }
+ RD::ComputeListID compute_list = RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_begin();
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.debug_pipeline);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->debug_uniform_set, 0);
+ SDGIShader::DebugPushConstant push_constant;
+ push_constant.grid_size[0] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ push_constant.grid_size[1] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ push_constant.grid_size[2] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ push_constant.max_cascades = rb->sdfgi->cascades.size();
+ push_constant.screen_size[0] = rb->width;
+ push_constant.screen_size[1] = rb->height;
+ push_constant.probe_axis_size = rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count;
+ push_constant.use_occlusion = rb->sdfgi->uses_occlusion;
+ push_constant.y_mult = rb->sdfgi->y_mult;
+ Vector2 vp_half = p_projection.get_viewport_half_extents();
+ push_constant.cam_extent[0] = vp_half.x;
+ push_constant.cam_extent[1] = vp_half.y;
+ push_constant.cam_extent[2] = -p_projection.get_z_near();
+ push_constant.cam_transform[0] = p_transform.basis.elements[0][0];
+ push_constant.cam_transform[1] = p_transform.basis.elements[1][0];
+ push_constant.cam_transform[2] = p_transform.basis.elements[2][0];
+ push_constant.cam_transform[3] = 0;
+ push_constant.cam_transform[4] = p_transform.basis.elements[0][1];
+ push_constant.cam_transform[5] = p_transform.basis.elements[1][1];
+ push_constant.cam_transform[6] = p_transform.basis.elements[2][1];
+ push_constant.cam_transform[7] = 0;
+ push_constant.cam_transform[8] = p_transform.basis.elements[0][2];
+ push_constant.cam_transform[9] = p_transform.basis.elements[1][2];
+ push_constant.cam_transform[10] = p_transform.basis.elements[2][2];
+ push_constant.cam_transform[11] = 0;
+ push_constant.cam_transform[12] = p_transform.origin.x;
+ push_constant.cam_transform[13] = p_transform.origin.y;
+ push_constant.cam_transform[14] = p_transform.origin.z;
+ push_constant.cam_transform[15] = 1;
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::DebugPushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->width, rb->height, 1, 8, 8, 1);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end();
+ Size2 rtsize = storage->render_target_get_size(rb->render_target);
+ storage->get_effects()->copy_to_fb_rect(rb->texture, storage->render_target_get_rd_framebuffer(rb->render_target), Rect2(Vector2(), rtsize), true);
RID RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_back_buffer_texture(RID p_render_buffers) {
RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
@@ -3590,6 +5319,113 @@ RID RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_ao_texture(RID p_render_buffers) {
return rb->ssao.ao_full.is_valid() ? rb->ssao.ao_full : rb->[0];
+RID RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_gi_probe_buffer(RID p_render_buffers) {
+ RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, RID());
+ if (rb->giprobe_buffer.is_null()) {
+ rb->giprobe_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_buffer_create(sizeof(GI::GIProbeData) * RenderBuffers::MAX_GIPROBES);
+ }
+ return rb->giprobe_buffer;
+RID RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_default_gi_probe_buffer() {
+ return default_giprobe_buffer;
+uint32_t RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_count(RID p_render_buffers) const {
+ const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, 0);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, 0);
+ return rb->sdfgi->cascades.size();
+bool RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_is_sdfgi_enabled(RID p_render_buffers) const {
+ const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, false);
+ return rb->sdfgi != nullptr;
+RID RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_irradiance_probes(RID p_render_buffers) const {
+ const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, RID());
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, RID());
+ return rb->sdfgi->lightprobe_texture;
+Vector3 RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_offset(RID p_render_buffers, uint32_t p_cascade) const {
+ const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, Vector3());
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, Vector3());
+ ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX_V(p_cascade, rb->sdfgi->cascades.size(), Vector3());
+ return Vector3((Vector3i(1, 1, 1) * -int32_t(rb->sdfgi->cascade_size >> 1) + rb->sdfgi->cascades[p_cascade].position)) * rb->sdfgi->cascades[p_cascade].cell_size;
+Vector3i RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_probe_offset(RID p_render_buffers, uint32_t p_cascade) const {
+ const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, Vector3i());
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, Vector3i());
+ ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX_V(p_cascade, rb->sdfgi->cascades.size(), Vector3i());
+ int32_t probe_divisor = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size / SDFGI::PROBE_DIVISOR;
+ return rb->sdfgi->cascades[p_cascade].position / probe_divisor;
+float RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_normal_bias(RID p_render_buffers) const {
+ const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, 0);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, 0);
+ return rb->sdfgi->normal_bias;
+float RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_probe_size(RID p_render_buffers, uint32_t p_cascade) const {
+ const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, 0);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, 0);
+ ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX_V(p_cascade, rb->sdfgi->cascades.size(), 0);
+ return float(rb->sdfgi->cascade_size) * rb->sdfgi->cascades[p_cascade].cell_size / float(rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count - 1);
+uint32_t RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_probe_count(RID p_render_buffers) const {
+ const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, 0);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, 0);
+ return rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count;
+uint32_t RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_size(RID p_render_buffers) const {
+ const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, 0);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, 0);
+ return rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+bool RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_is_sdfgi_using_occlusion(RID p_render_buffers) const {
+ const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, false);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, false);
+ return rb->sdfgi->uses_occlusion;
+float RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_energy(RID p_render_buffers) const {
+ const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, 0);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, false);
+ return rb->sdfgi->energy;
+RID RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_occlusion_texture(RID p_render_buffers) const {
+ const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, RID());
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb->sdfgi, RID());
+ return rb->sdfgi->occlusion_texture;
void RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_configure(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_render_target, int p_width, int p_height, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa, RenderingServer::ViewportScreenSpaceAA p_screen_space_aa) {
RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
rb->width = p_width;
@@ -3606,7 +5442,7 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_configure(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_ren
tf.height = rb->height;
if (rb->msaa != RS::VIEWPORT_MSAA_DISABLED) {
- tf.usage_bits |= RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_COPY_TO_BIT;
} else {
@@ -3616,12 +5452,20 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::render_buffers_configure(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_ren
RD::TextureFormat tf;
- tf.format = RD::get_singleton()->texture_is_format_supported_for_usage(RD::DATA_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT, RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT) ? RD::DATA_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT : RD::DATA_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT_S8_UINT;
+ if (rb->msaa == RS::VIEWPORT_MSAA_DISABLED) {
+ tf.format = RD::get_singleton()->texture_is_format_supported_for_usage(RD::DATA_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT, RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT) ? RD::DATA_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT : RD::DATA_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT_S8_UINT;
+ } else {
+ tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32_SFLOAT;
+ }
tf.width = p_width;
tf.height = p_height;
if (rb->msaa != RS::VIEWPORT_MSAA_DISABLED) {
- tf.usage_bits |= RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_CAN_COPY_TO_BIT;
+ } else {
rb->depth_texture = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView());
@@ -3748,6 +5592,14 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::render_scene(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform &p_ca
clear_color = storage->get_default_clear_color();
+ //assign render indices to giprobes
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_gi_probe_cull_count; i++) {
+ GIProbeInstance *giprobe_inst = gi_probe_instance_owner.getornull(p_gi_probe_cull_result[i]);
+ if (giprobe_inst) {
+ giprobe_inst->render_index = i;
+ }
+ }
_render_scene(p_render_buffers, p_cam_transform, p_cam_projection, p_cam_ortogonal, p_cull_result, p_cull_count, p_light_cull_result, p_light_cull_count, p_reflection_probe_cull_result, p_reflection_probe_cull_count, p_gi_probe_cull_result, p_gi_probe_cull_count, p_decal_cull_result, p_decal_cull_count, p_lightmap_cull_result, p_lightmap_cull_count, p_environment, p_camera_effects, p_shadow_atlas, p_reflection_atlas, p_reflection_probe, p_reflection_probe_pass, clear_color);
if (p_render_buffers.is_valid()) {
@@ -3755,6 +5607,9 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::render_scene(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform &p_ca
_render_buffers_post_process_and_tonemap(p_render_buffers, p_environment, p_camera_effects, p_cam_projection);
_render_buffers_debug_draw(p_render_buffers, p_shadow_atlas);
+ if (debug_draw == RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_SDFGI) {
+ _sdfgi_debug_draw(p_render_buffers, p_cam_projection, p_cam_transform);
+ }
@@ -3938,11 +5793,455 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::render_material(const Transform &p_cam_transform, const
_render_material(p_cam_transform, p_cam_projection, p_cam_ortogonal, p_cull_result, p_cull_count, p_framebuffer, p_region);
+void RasterizerSceneRD::render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count) {
+ //print_line("rendering region " + itos(p_region));
+ RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(!rb->sdfgi);
+ AABB bounds;
+ Vector3i from;
+ Vector3i size;
+ int cascade_prev = _sdfgi_get_pending_region_data(p_render_buffers, p_region - 1, from, size, bounds);
+ int cascade_next = _sdfgi_get_pending_region_data(p_render_buffers, p_region + 1, from, size, bounds);
+ int cascade = _sdfgi_get_pending_region_data(p_render_buffers, p_region, from, size, bounds);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(cascade < 0);
+ if (cascade_prev != cascade) {
+ //initialize render
+ RD::get_singleton()->texture_clear(rb->sdfgi->render_albedo, Color(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 1, 0, 1, true);
+ RD::get_singleton()->texture_clear(rb->sdfgi->render_emission, Color(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 1, 0, 1, true);
+ RD::get_singleton()->texture_clear(rb->sdfgi->render_emission_aniso, Color(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 1, 0, 1, true);
+ RD::get_singleton()->texture_clear(rb->sdfgi->render_geom_facing, Color(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 1, 0, 1, true);
+ }
+ //print_line("rendering cascade " + itos(p_region) + " objects: " + itos(p_cull_count) + " bounds: " + bounds + " from: " + from + " size: " + size + " cell size: " + rtos(rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].cell_size));
+ _render_sdfgi(p_render_buffers, from, size, bounds, p_cull_result, p_cull_count, rb->sdfgi->render_albedo, rb->sdfgi->render_emission, rb->sdfgi->render_emission_aniso, rb->sdfgi->render_geom_facing);
+ if (cascade_next != cascade) {
+ //done rendering! must update SDF
+ //clear dispatch indirect data
+ SDGIShader::PreprocessPushConstant push_constant;
+ zeromem(&push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::PreprocessPushConstant));
+ //scroll
+ if (rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].dirty_regions != SDFGI::Cascade::DIRTY_ALL) {
+ //for scroll
+ Vector3i dirty = rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].dirty_regions;
+ push_constant.scroll[0] = dirty.x;
+ push_constant.scroll[1] = dirty.y;
+ push_constant.scroll[2] = dirty.z;
+ } else {
+ //for no scroll
+ push_constant.scroll[0] = 0;
+ push_constant.scroll[1] = 0;
+ push_constant.scroll[2] = 0;
+ }
+ push_constant.grid_size = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ push_constant.cascade = cascade;
+ RD::ComputeListID compute_list = RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_begin();
+ if (rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].dirty_regions != SDFGI::Cascade::DIRTY_ALL) {
+ //must pre scroll existing data because not all is dirty
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.preprocess_pipeline[SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_SCROLL]);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].scroll_uniform_set, 0);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::PreprocessPushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_indirect(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].solid_cell_dispatch_buffer, 0);
+ // no barrier do all together
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.preprocess_pipeline[SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_SCROLL_OCCLUSION]);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].scroll_occlusion_uniform_set, 0);
+ Vector3i dirty = rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].dirty_regions;
+ Vector3i groups;
+ groups.x = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size - ABS(dirty.x);
+ groups.y = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size - ABS(dirty.y);
+ groups.z = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size - ABS(dirty.z);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::PreprocessPushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, groups.x, groups.y, groups.z, 4, 4, 4);
+ //no barrier, continue together
+ {
+ //scroll probes and their history also
+ SDGIShader::IntegratePushConstant ipush_constant;
+ ipush_constant.grid_size[1] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ ipush_constant.grid_size[2] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ ipush_constant.grid_size[0] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ ipush_constant.max_cascades = rb->sdfgi->cascades.size();
+ ipush_constant.probe_axis_size = rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count;
+ ipush_constant.history_index = 0;
+ ipush_constant.history_size = rb->sdfgi->history_size;
+ ipush_constant.ray_count = 0;
+ ipush_constant.ray_bias = 0;
+ ipush_constant.sky_mode = 0;
+ ipush_constant.sky_energy = 0;
+ ipush_constant.sky_color[0] = 0;
+ ipush_constant.sky_color[1] = 0;
+ ipush_constant.sky_color[2] = 0;
+ ipush_constant.y_mult = rb->sdfgi->y_mult;
+ ipush_constant.image_size[0] = rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count * rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count;
+ ipush_constant.image_size[1] = rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count;
+ ipush_constant.image_size[1] = rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count;
+ int32_t probe_divisor = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size / SDFGI::PROBE_DIVISOR;
+ ipush_constant.cascade = cascade;
+ ipush_constant.world_offset[0] = rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].position.x / probe_divisor;
+ ipush_constant.world_offset[1] = rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].position.y / probe_divisor;
+ ipush_constant.world_offset[2] = rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].position.z / probe_divisor;
+ ipush_constant.scroll[0] = dirty.x / probe_divisor;
+ ipush_constant.scroll[1] = dirty.y / probe_divisor;
+ ipush_constant.scroll[2] = dirty.z / probe_divisor;
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.integrate_pipeline[SDGIShader::INTEGRATE_MODE_SCROLL]);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].integrate_uniform_set, 0);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.integrate_default_sky_uniform_set, 1);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &ipush_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::IntegratePushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count * rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count, rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count, 1, 8, 8, 1);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_add_barrier(compute_list);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.integrate_pipeline[SDGIShader::INTEGRATE_MODE_SCROLL_STORE]);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].integrate_uniform_set, 0);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.integrate_default_sky_uniform_set, 1);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &ipush_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::IntegratePushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count * rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count, rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count, 1, 8, 8, 1);
+ }
+ //ok finally barrier
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_add_barrier(compute_list);
+ }
+ //clear dispatch indirect data
+ uint32_t dispatch_indirct_data[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ RD::get_singleton()->buffer_update(rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].solid_cell_dispatch_buffer, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * 4, dispatch_indirct_data, true);
+ bool half_size = true; //much faster, very little differnce
+ static const int optimized_jf_group_size = 8;
+ if (half_size) {
+ push_constant.grid_size >>= 1;
+ uint32_t cascade_half_size = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size >> 1;
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.preprocess_pipeline[SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_JUMP_FLOOD_INITIALIZE_HALF]);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->sdf_initialize_half_uniform_set, 0);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::PreprocessPushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, cascade_half_size, cascade_half_size, cascade_half_size, 4, 4, 4);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_add_barrier(compute_list);
+ //must start with regular jumpflood
+ push_constant.half_size = true;
+ {
+ RENDER_TIMESTAMP("SDFGI Jump Flood (Half Size)");
+ uint32_t s = cascade_half_size;
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.preprocess_pipeline[SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_JUMP_FLOOD]);
+ int jf_us = 0;
+ //start with regular jump flood for very coarse reads, as this is impossible to optimize
+ while (s > 1) {
+ s /= 2;
+ push_constant.step_size = s;
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->jump_flood_half_uniform_set[jf_us], 0);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::PreprocessPushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, cascade_half_size, cascade_half_size, cascade_half_size, 4, 4, 4);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_add_barrier(compute_list);
+ jf_us = jf_us == 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ if (cascade_half_size / (s / 2) >= optimized_jf_group_size) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ RENDER_TIMESTAMP("SDFGI Jump Flood Optimized (Half Size)");
+ //continue with optimized jump flood for smaller reads
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.preprocess_pipeline[SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_JUMP_FLOOD_OPTIMIZED]);
+ while (s > 1) {
+ s /= 2;
+ push_constant.step_size = s;
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->jump_flood_half_uniform_set[jf_us], 0);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::PreprocessPushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, cascade_half_size, cascade_half_size, cascade_half_size, optimized_jf_group_size, optimized_jf_group_size, optimized_jf_group_size);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_add_barrier(compute_list);
+ jf_us = jf_us == 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // restore grid size for last passes
+ push_constant.grid_size = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.preprocess_pipeline[SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_JUMP_FLOOD_UPSCALE]);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->sdf_upscale_uniform_set, 0);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::PreprocessPushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, 4, 4, 4);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_add_barrier(compute_list);
+ //run one pass of fullsize jumpflood to fix up half size arctifacts
+ push_constant.half_size = false;
+ push_constant.step_size = 1;
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.preprocess_pipeline[SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_JUMP_FLOOD_OPTIMIZED]);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->jump_flood_uniform_set[rb->sdfgi->upscale_jfa_uniform_set_index], 0);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::PreprocessPushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, optimized_jf_group_size, optimized_jf_group_size, optimized_jf_group_size);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_add_barrier(compute_list);
+ } else {
+ //full size jumpflood
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.preprocess_pipeline[SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_JUMP_FLOOD_INITIALIZE]);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->sdf_initialize_uniform_set, 0);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::PreprocessPushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, 4, 4, 4);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_add_barrier(compute_list);
+ push_constant.half_size = false;
+ {
+ uint32_t s = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.preprocess_pipeline[SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_JUMP_FLOOD]);
+ int jf_us = 0;
+ //start with regular jump flood for very coarse reads, as this is impossible to optimize
+ while (s > 1) {
+ s /= 2;
+ push_constant.step_size = s;
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->jump_flood_uniform_set[jf_us], 0);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::PreprocessPushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, 4, 4, 4);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_add_barrier(compute_list);
+ jf_us = jf_us == 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ if (rb->sdfgi->cascade_size / (s / 2) >= optimized_jf_group_size) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ RENDER_TIMESTAMP("SDFGI Jump Flood Optimized");
+ //continue with optimized jump flood for smaller reads
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.preprocess_pipeline[SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_JUMP_FLOOD_OPTIMIZED]);
+ while (s > 1) {
+ s /= 2;
+ push_constant.step_size = s;
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->jump_flood_uniform_set[jf_us], 0);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::PreprocessPushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, optimized_jf_group_size, optimized_jf_group_size, optimized_jf_group_size);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_add_barrier(compute_list);
+ jf_us = jf_us == 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // occlusion
+ {
+ uint32_t probe_size = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size / SDFGI::PROBE_DIVISOR;
+ Vector3i probe_global_pos = rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].position / probe_size;
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.preprocess_pipeline[SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_OCCLUSION]);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->occlusion_uniform_set, 0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ //dispatch all at once for performance
+ Vector3i offset(i & 1, (i >> 1) & 1, (i >> 2) & 1);
+ if ((probe_global_pos.x & 1) != 0) {
+ offset.x = (offset.x + 1) & 1;
+ }
+ if ((probe_global_pos.y & 1) != 0) {
+ offset.y = (offset.y + 1) & 1;
+ }
+ if ((probe_global_pos.z & 1) != 0) {
+ offset.z = (offset.z + 1) & 1;
+ }
+ push_constant.probe_offset[0] = offset.x;
+ push_constant.probe_offset[1] = offset.y;
+ push_constant.probe_offset[2] = offset.z;
+ push_constant.occlusion_index = i;
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::PreprocessPushConstant));
+ Vector3i groups = Vector3i(probe_size + 1, probe_size + 1, probe_size + 1) - offset; //if offseted, its one less probe per axis to compute
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch(compute_list, groups.x, groups.y, groups.z);
+ }
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_add_barrier(compute_list);
+ }
+ // store
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.preprocess_pipeline[SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_STORE]);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].sdf_store_uniform_set, 0);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::PreprocessPushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, 4, 4, 4);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end();
+ //clear these textures, as they will have previous garbage on next draw
+ RD::get_singleton()->texture_clear(rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].light_tex, Color(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 1, 0, 1, true);
+ RD::get_singleton()->texture_clear(rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].light_aniso_0_tex, Color(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 1, 0, 1, true);
+ RD::get_singleton()->texture_clear(rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].light_aniso_1_tex, Color(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 1, 0, 1, true);
+#if 0
+ Vector<uint8_t> data = RD::get_singleton()->texture_get_data(rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].sdf, 0);
+ Ref<Image> img;
+ img.instance();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rb->sdfgi->cascade_size; i++) {
+ Vector<uint8_t> subarr = data.subarray(128 * 128 * i, 128 * 128 * (i + 1) - 1);
+ img->create(rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, false, Image::FORMAT_L8, subarr);
+ img->save_png("res://cascade_sdf_" + itos(cascade) + "_" + itos(i) + ".png");
+ }
+ //finalize render and update sdf
+#if 0
+ Vector<uint8_t> data = RD::get_singleton()->texture_get_data(rb->sdfgi->render_albedo, 0);
+ Ref<Image> img;
+ img.instance();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rb->sdfgi->cascade_size; i++) {
+ Vector<uint8_t> subarr = data.subarray(128 * 128 * i * 2, 128 * 128 * (i + 1) * 2 - 1);
+ img->create(rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, rb->sdfgi->cascade_size, false, Image::FORMAT_RGB565, subarr);
+ img->convert(Image::FORMAT_RGBA8);
+ img->save_png("res://cascade_" + itos(cascade) + "_" + itos(i) + ".png");
+ }
+ //finalize render and update sdf
+ }
+void RasterizerSceneRD::render_sdfgi_static_lights(RID p_render_buffers, uint32_t p_cascade_count, const uint32_t *p_cascade_indices, const RID **p_positional_light_cull_result, const uint32_t *p_positional_light_cull_count) {
+ RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(!rb->sdfgi);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(p_positional_light_cull_count == 0);
+ _sdfgi_update_cascades(p_render_buffers); //need cascades updated for this
+ RD::ComputeListID compute_list = RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_begin();
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.direct_light_pipeline[SDGIShader::DIRECT_LIGHT_MODE_STATIC]);
+ SDGIShader::DirectLightPushConstant dl_push_constant;
+ dl_push_constant.grid_size[0] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ dl_push_constant.grid_size[1] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ dl_push_constant.grid_size[2] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size;
+ dl_push_constant.max_cascades = rb->sdfgi->cascades.size();
+ dl_push_constant.probe_axis_size = rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count;
+ dl_push_constant.multibounce = false; // this is static light, do not multibounce yet
+ dl_push_constant.y_mult = rb->sdfgi->y_mult;
+ //all must be processed
+ dl_push_constant.process_offset = 0;
+ dl_push_constant.process_increment = 1;
+ SDGIShader::Light lights[SDFGI::MAX_STATIC_LIGHTS];
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_cascade_count; i++) {
+ ERR_CONTINUE(p_cascade_indices[i] >= rb->sdfgi->cascades.size());
+ SDFGI::Cascade &cc = rb->sdfgi->cascades[p_cascade_indices[i]];
+ { //fill light buffer
+ AABB cascade_aabb;
+ cascade_aabb.position = Vector3((Vector3i(1, 1, 1) * -int32_t(rb->sdfgi->cascade_size >> 1) + cc.position)) * cc.cell_size;
+ cascade_aabb.size = Vector3(1, 1, 1) * rb->sdfgi->cascade_size * cc.cell_size;
+ int idx = 0;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < p_positional_light_cull_count[i]; j++) {
+ if (idx == SDFGI::MAX_STATIC_LIGHTS) {
+ break;
+ }
+ LightInstance *li = light_instance_owner.getornull(p_positional_light_cull_result[i][j]);
+ uint32_t max_sdfgi_cascade = storage->light_get_max_sdfgi_cascade(li->light);
+ if (p_cascade_indices[i] > max_sdfgi_cascade) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!cascade_aabb.intersects(li->aabb)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ lights[idx].type = storage->light_get_type(li->light);
+ Vector3 dir = -li->transform.basis.get_axis(Vector3::AXIS_Z);
+ if (lights[idx].type == RS::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL) {
+ dir.y *= rb->sdfgi->y_mult; //only makes sense for directional
+ dir.normalize();
+ }
+ lights[idx].direction[0] = dir.x;
+ lights[idx].direction[1] = dir.y;
+ lights[idx].direction[2] = dir.z;
+ Vector3 pos = li->transform.origin;
+ pos.y *= rb->sdfgi->y_mult;
+ lights[idx].position[0] = pos.x;
+ lights[idx].position[1] = pos.y;
+ lights[idx].position[2] = pos.z;
+ Color color = storage->light_get_color(li->light);
+ color = color.to_linear();
+ lights[idx].color[0] = color.r;
+ lights[idx].color[1] = color.g;
+ lights[idx].color[2] = color.b;
+ lights[idx].energy = storage->light_get_param(li->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_ENERGY);
+ lights[idx].has_shadow = storage->light_has_shadow(li->light);
+ lights[idx].attenuation = storage->light_get_param(li->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_ATTENUATION);
+ lights[idx].radius = storage->light_get_param(li->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_RANGE);
+ lights[idx].spot_angle = Math::deg2rad(storage->light_get_param(li->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_SPOT_ANGLE));
+ lights[idx].spot_attenuation = storage->light_get_param(li->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_SPOT_ATTENUATION);
+ idx++;
+ }
+ if (idx > 0) {
+ RD::get_singleton()->buffer_update(cc.lights_buffer, 0, idx * sizeof(SDGIShader::Light), lights, true);
+ }
+ dl_push_constant.light_count = idx;
+ }
+ dl_push_constant.cascade = p_cascade_indices[i];
+ if (dl_push_constant.light_count > 0) {
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, cc.sdf_direct_light_uniform_set, 0);
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &dl_push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::DirectLightPushConstant));
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_indirect(compute_list, cc.solid_cell_dispatch_buffer, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end();
bool RasterizerSceneRD::free(RID p_rid) {
if (render_buffers_owner.owns(p_rid)) {
RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_rid);
+ if (rb->sdfgi) {
+ _sdfgi_erase(rb);
+ };
} else if (environment_owner.owns(p_rid)) {
//not much to delete, just free it
@@ -3966,18 +6265,12 @@ bool RasterizerSceneRD::free(RID p_rid) {
- if (gi_probe->anisotropy[0].is_valid()) {
- RD::get_singleton()->free(gi_probe->anisotropy[0]);
- RD::get_singleton()->free(gi_probe->anisotropy[1]);
- }
for (int i = 0; i < gi_probe->dynamic_maps.size(); i++) {
- gi_probe_slots.write[gi_probe->slot] = RID();
} else if (sky_owner.owns(p_rid)) {
@@ -4050,17 +6343,22 @@ void RasterizerSceneRD::set_time(double p_time, double p_step) {
time_step = p_step;
-void RasterizerSceneRD::screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active(bool p_enable, float p_curve) {
+void RasterizerSceneRD::screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active(bool p_enable, float p_amount, float p_limit) {
screen_space_roughness_limiter = p_enable;
- screen_space_roughness_limiter_curve = p_curve;
+ screen_space_roughness_limiter_amount = p_amount;
+ screen_space_roughness_limiter_limit = p_limit;
bool RasterizerSceneRD::screen_space_roughness_limiter_is_active() const {
return screen_space_roughness_limiter;
-float RasterizerSceneRD::screen_space_roughness_limiter_get_curve() const {
- return screen_space_roughness_limiter_curve;
+float RasterizerSceneRD::screen_space_roughness_limiter_get_amount() const {
+ return screen_space_roughness_limiter_amount;
+float RasterizerSceneRD::screen_space_roughness_limiter_get_limit() const {
+ return screen_space_roughness_limiter_limit;
TypedArray<Image> RasterizerSceneRD::bake_render_uv2(RID p_base, const Vector<RID> &p_material_overrides, const Size2i &p_image_size) {
@@ -4154,6 +6452,11 @@ TypedArray<Image> RasterizerSceneRD::bake_render_uv2(RID p_base, const Vector<RI
return ret;
+void RasterizerSceneRD::sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(const Vector3 &p_position, const Vector3 &p_dir) {
+ sdfgi_debug_probe_pos = p_position;
+ sdfgi_debug_probe_dir = p_dir;
RasterizerSceneRD *RasterizerSceneRD::singleton = nullptr;
RasterizerSceneRD::RasterizerSceneRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) {
@@ -4165,7 +6468,7 @@ RasterizerSceneRD::RasterizerSceneRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) {
sky_use_cubemap_array = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/reflections/texture_array_reflections");
// sky_use_cubemap_array = false;
- uint32_t textures_per_stage = RD::get_singleton()->limit_get(RD::LIMIT_MAX_TEXTURES_PER_SHADER_STAGE);
+ //uint32_t textures_per_stage = RD::get_singleton()->limit_get(RD::LIMIT_MAX_TEXTURES_PER_SHADER_STAGE);
//kinda complicated to compute the amount of slots, we try to use as many as we can
@@ -4174,34 +6477,9 @@ RasterizerSceneRD::RasterizerSceneRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) {
gi_probe_lights = memnew_arr(GIProbeLight, gi_probe_max_lights);
gi_probe_lights_uniform = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_buffer_create(gi_probe_max_lights * sizeof(GIProbeLight));
- gi_probe_use_anisotropy = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/gi_probes/anisotropic");
- gi_probe_quality = GIProbeQuality(CLAMP(int(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/gi_probes/quality")), 0, 2));
- if (textures_per_stage <= 16) {
- gi_probe_slots.resize(2); //thats all you can get
- gi_probe_use_anisotropy = false;
- } else if (textures_per_stage <= 31) {
- gi_probe_slots.resize(4); //thats all you can get, iOS
- gi_probe_use_anisotropy = false;
- } else if (textures_per_stage <= 128) {
- gi_probe_slots.resize(32); //old intel
- gi_probe_use_anisotropy = false;
- } else if (textures_per_stage <= 256) {
- gi_probe_slots.resize(64); //old intel too
- gi_probe_use_anisotropy = false;
- } else {
- if (gi_probe_use_anisotropy) {
- gi_probe_slots.resize(1024 / 3); //needs 3 textures
- } else {
- gi_probe_slots.resize(1024); //modern intel, nvidia, 8192 or greater
- }
- }
+ gi_probe_quality = RS::GIProbeQuality(CLAMP(int(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/gi_probes/quality")), 0, 1));
String defines = "\n#define MAX_LIGHTS " + itos(gi_probe_max_lights) + "\n";
- if (gi_probe_use_anisotropy) {
- defines += "\n#define MODE_ANISOTROPIC\n";
- }
Vector<String> versions;
versions.push_back("\n#define MODE_COMPUTE_LIGHT\n");
@@ -4223,9 +6501,6 @@ RasterizerSceneRD::RasterizerSceneRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) {
String defines;
- if (gi_probe_use_anisotropy) {
- defines += "\n#define USE_ANISOTROPY\n";
- }
Vector<String> versions;
versions.push_back("\n#define MODE_DEBUG_COLOR\n");
versions.push_back("\n#define MODE_DEBUG_LIGHT\n");
@@ -4373,11 +6648,131 @@ RasterizerSceneRD::RasterizerSceneRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage) {
sky_scene_state.sampler_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, sky_shader.default_shader_rd, SKY_SET_SAMPLERS);
+ {
+ Vector<String> preprocess_modes;
+ preprocess_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_SCROLL\n");
+ preprocess_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_SCROLL_OCCLUSION\n");
+ preprocess_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_INITIALIZE_JUMP_FLOOD\n");
+ preprocess_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_INITIALIZE_JUMP_FLOOD_HALF\n");
+ preprocess_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_JUMPFLOOD\n");
+ preprocess_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_JUMPFLOOD_OPTIMIZED\n");
+ preprocess_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_UPSCALE_JUMP_FLOOD\n");
+ preprocess_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_OCCLUSION\n");
+ preprocess_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_STORE\n");
+ String defines = "\n#define OCCLUSION_SIZE " + itos(SDFGI::CASCADE_SIZE / SDFGI::PROBE_DIVISOR) + "\n";
+ sdfgi_shader.preprocess.initialize(preprocess_modes, defines);
+ sdfgi_shader.preprocess_shader = sdfgi_shader.preprocess.version_create();
+ for (int i = 0; i < SDGIShader::PRE_PROCESS_MAX; i++) {
+ sdfgi_shader.preprocess_pipeline[i] = RD::get_singleton()->compute_pipeline_create(sdfgi_shader.preprocess.version_get_shader(sdfgi_shader.preprocess_shader, i));
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ //calculate tables
+ String defines = "\n#define OCT_SIZE " + itos(SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE) + "\n";
+ Vector<String> direct_light_modes;
+ direct_light_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_PROCESS_STATIC\n");
+ direct_light_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_PROCESS_DYNAMIC\n");
+ sdfgi_shader.direct_light.initialize(direct_light_modes, defines);
+ sdfgi_shader.direct_light_shader = sdfgi_shader.direct_light.version_create();
+ for (int i = 0; i < SDGIShader::DIRECT_LIGHT_MODE_MAX; i++) {
+ sdfgi_shader.direct_light_pipeline[i] = RD::get_singleton()->compute_pipeline_create(sdfgi_shader.direct_light.version_get_shader(sdfgi_shader.direct_light_shader, i));
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ //calculate tables
+ String defines = "\n#define OCT_SIZE " + itos(SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE) + "\n";
+ defines += "\n#define SH_SIZE " + itos(SDFGI::SH_SIZE) + "\n";
+ Vector<String> integrate_modes;
+ integrate_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_PROCESS\n");
+ integrate_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_STORE\n");
+ integrate_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_SCROLL\n");
+ integrate_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_SCROLL_STORE\n");
+ sdfgi_shader.integrate.initialize(integrate_modes, defines);
+ sdfgi_shader.integrate_shader = sdfgi_shader.integrate.version_create();
+ for (int i = 0; i < SDGIShader::INTEGRATE_MODE_MAX; i++) {
+ sdfgi_shader.integrate_pipeline[i] = RD::get_singleton()->compute_pipeline_create(sdfgi_shader.integrate.version_get_shader(sdfgi_shader.integrate_shader, i));
+ }
+ {
+ Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms;
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 0;
+ u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RasterizerStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE));
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ {
+ RD::Uniform u;
+ u.binding = 1;
+ uniforms.push_back(u);
+ }
+ sdfgi_shader.integrate_default_sky_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, sdfgi_shader.integrate.version_get_shader(sdfgi_shader.integrate_shader, 0), 1);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ //calculate tables
+ String defines = "\n#define SDFGI_OCT_SIZE " + itos(SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE) + "\n";
+ Vector<String> gi_modes;
+ gi_modes.push_back("");
+ gi.shader.initialize(gi_modes, defines);
+ gi.shader_version = gi.shader.version_create();
+ for (int i = 0; i < GI::MODE_MAX; i++) {
+ gi.pipelines[i] = RD::get_singleton()->compute_pipeline_create(gi.shader.version_get_shader(gi.shader_version, i));
+ }
+ gi.sdfgi_ubo = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_buffer_create(sizeof(GI::SDFGIData));
+ }
+ {
+ String defines = "\n#define OCT_SIZE " + itos(SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE) + "\n";
+ Vector<String> debug_modes;
+ debug_modes.push_back("");
+ sdfgi_shader.debug.initialize(debug_modes, defines);
+ sdfgi_shader.debug_shader = sdfgi_shader.debug.version_create();
+ sdfgi_shader.debug_shader_version = sdfgi_shader.debug.version_get_shader(sdfgi_shader.debug_shader, 0);
+ sdfgi_shader.debug_pipeline = RD::get_singleton()->compute_pipeline_create(sdfgi_shader.debug_shader_version);
+ }
+ {
+ String defines = "\n#define OCT_SIZE " + itos(SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE) + "\n";
+ Vector<String> versions;
+ versions.push_back("\n#define MODE_PROBES\n");
+ versions.push_back("\n#define MODE_VISIBILITY\n");
+ sdfgi_shader.debug_probes.initialize(versions, defines);
+ sdfgi_shader.debug_probes_shader = sdfgi_shader.debug_probes.version_create();
+ {
+ RD::PipelineRasterizationState rs;
+ rs.cull_mode = RD::POLYGON_CULL_DISABLED;
+ RD::PipelineDepthStencilState ds;
+ ds.enable_depth_test = true;
+ ds.enable_depth_write = true;
+ ds.depth_compare_operator = RD::COMPARE_OP_LESS_OR_EQUAL;
+ for (int i = 0; i < SDGIShader::PROBE_DEBUG_MAX; i++) {
+ RID debug_probes_shader_version = sdfgi_shader.debug_probes.version_get_shader(sdfgi_shader.debug_probes_shader, i);
+ sdfgi_shader.debug_probes_pipeline[i].setup(debug_probes_shader_version, RD::RENDER_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIPS, rs, RD::PipelineMultisampleState(), ds, RD::PipelineColorBlendState::create_disabled(), 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ default_giprobe_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_buffer_create(sizeof(GI::GIProbeData) * RenderBuffers::MAX_GIPROBES);
camera_effects_set_dof_blur_quality(RS::DOFBlurQuality(int(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/depth_of_field/depth_of_field_bokeh_quality"))), GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/depth_of_field/depth_of_field_use_jitter"));
environment_set_ssao_quality(RS::EnvironmentSSAOQuality(int(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/ssao/quality"))), GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/ssao/half_size"));
- screen_space_roughness_limiter = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter");
- screen_space_roughness_limiter_curve = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter_curve");
+ screen_space_roughness_limiter = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter_enabled");
+ screen_space_roughness_limiter_amount = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter_amount");
+ screen_space_roughness_limiter_limit = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter_limit");
glow_bicubic_upscale = int(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/glow/upscale_mode")) > 0;
ssr_roughness_quality = RS::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality(int(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/screen_space_reflection/roughness_quality")));
sss_quality = RS::SubSurfaceScatteringQuality(int(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/subsurface_scattering/subsurface_scattering_quality")));
@@ -4406,9 +6801,19 @@ RasterizerSceneRD::~RasterizerSceneRD() {
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(default_giprobe_buffer);
+ RD::get_singleton()->free(gi.sdfgi_ubo);
+ gi.shader.version_free(gi.shader_version);
+ sdfgi_shader.debug_probes.version_free(sdfgi_shader.debug_probes_shader);
+ sdfgi_shader.debug.version_free(sdfgi_shader.debug_shader);
+ sdfgi_shader.direct_light.version_free(sdfgi_shader.direct_light_shader);
+ sdfgi_shader.integrate.version_free(sdfgi_shader.integrate_shader);
+ sdfgi_shader.preprocess.version_free(sdfgi_shader.preprocess_shader);
SkyMaterialData *md = (SkyMaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(sky_shader.default_material, RasterizerStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_SKY);
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_rd.h b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_rd.h
index 781dbd50cc..88c2f5a5e6 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_rd.h
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_scene_rd.h
@@ -31,22 +31,22 @@
+#include "core/local_vector.h"
#include "core/rid_owner.h"
#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer.h"
#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_storage_rd.h"
+#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/gi.glsl.gen.h"
#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/giprobe.glsl.gen.h"
#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/giprobe_debug.glsl.gen.h"
+#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug.glsl.gen.h"
+#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug_probes.glsl.gen.h"
+#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_direct_light.glsl.gen.h"
+#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_integrate.glsl.gen.h"
+#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_preprocess.glsl.gen.h"
#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sky.glsl.gen.h"
#include "servers/rendering/rendering_device.h"
class RasterizerSceneRD : public RasterizerScene {
- enum GIProbeQuality {
- };
double time;
@@ -81,23 +81,27 @@ protected:
virtual void _render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_zfar, float p_bias, float p_normal_bias, bool p_use_dp, bool use_dp_flip, bool p_use_pancake) = 0;
virtual void _render_material(const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region) = 0;
virtual void _render_uv2(InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region) = 0;
+ virtual void _render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, const Vector3i &p_from, const Vector3i &p_size, const AABB &p_bounds, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, const RID &p_albedo_texture, const RID &p_emission_texture, const RID &p_emission_aniso_texture, const RID &p_geom_facing_texture) = 0;
virtual void _debug_giprobe(RID p_gi_probe, RenderingDevice::DrawListID p_draw_list, RID p_framebuffer, const CameraMatrix &p_camera_with_transform, bool p_lighting, bool p_emission, float p_alpha);
+ void _debug_sdfgi_probes(RID p_render_buffers, RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, RID p_framebuffer, const CameraMatrix &p_camera_with_transform);
RenderBufferData *render_buffers_get_data(RID p_render_buffers);
virtual void _base_uniforms_changed() = 0;
virtual void _render_buffers_uniform_set_changed(RID p_render_buffers) = 0;
- virtual RID _render_buffers_get_roughness_texture(RID p_render_buffers) = 0;
virtual RID _render_buffers_get_normal_texture(RID p_render_buffers) = 0;
+ virtual RID _render_buffers_get_ambient_texture(RID p_render_buffers) = 0;
+ virtual RID _render_buffers_get_reflection_texture(RID p_render_buffers) = 0;
void _process_ssao(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, RID p_normal_buffer, const CameraMatrix &p_projection);
- void _process_ssr(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_dest_framebuffer, RID p_normal_buffer, RID p_roughness_buffer, RID p_specular_buffer, RID p_metallic, const Color &p_metallic_mask, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, bool p_use_additive);
+ void _process_ssr(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_dest_framebuffer, RID p_normal_buffer, RID p_specular_buffer, RID p_metallic, const Color &p_metallic_mask, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, bool p_use_additive);
void _process_sss(RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatrix &p_camera);
void _setup_sky(RID p_environment, const Vector3 &p_position, const Size2i p_screen_size);
void _update_sky(RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform);
void _draw_sky(bool p_can_continue_color, bool p_can_continue_depth, RID p_fb, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform);
+ void _process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_roughness_buffer, RID p_ambient_buffer, RID p_reflection_buffer, RID p_gi_probe_buffer, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, RID *p_gi_probe_cull_result, int p_gi_probe_cull_count);
RS::ViewportDebugDraw debug_draw = RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_DISABLED;
@@ -267,6 +271,8 @@ private:
SkyMaterialData *prev_material;
Vector3 prev_position;
float prev_time;
+ RID sdfgi_integrate_sky_uniform_set;
Sky *dirty_sky_list = nullptr;
@@ -388,13 +394,10 @@ private:
struct GIProbeInstance {
RID probe;
RID texture;
- RID anisotropy[2]; //only if anisotropy is used
- RID anisotropy_r16[2]; //only if anisotropy is used
RID write_buffer;
struct Mipmap {
RID texture;
- RID anisotropy[2]; //only if anisotropy is used
RID uniform_set;
RID second_bounce_uniform_set;
RID write_uniform_set;
@@ -423,7 +426,7 @@ private:
uint32_t last_probe_version = 0;
uint32_t last_probe_data_version = 0;
- uint64_t last_pass = 0;
+ //uint64_t last_pass = 0;
uint32_t render_index = 0;
bool has_dynamic_object_data = false;
@@ -435,11 +438,6 @@ private:
uint32_t gi_probe_max_lights;
RID gi_probe_lights_uniform;
- bool gi_probe_use_anisotropy = false;
- GIProbeQuality gi_probe_quality = GIPROBE_QUALITY_MEDIUM;
- Vector<RID> gi_probe_slots;
enum {
@@ -458,6 +456,8 @@ private:
mutable RID_Owner<GIProbeInstance> gi_probe_instance_owner;
+ RS::GIProbeQuality gi_probe_quality = RS::GI_PROBE_QUALITY_HIGH;
enum {
@@ -591,6 +591,7 @@ private:
ShadowTransform shadow_transform[4];
+ AABB aabb;
RID self;
RID light;
Transform transform;
@@ -680,6 +681,19 @@ private:
float ssr_fade_in = 0.15;
float ssr_fade_out = 2.0;
float ssr_depth_tolerance = 0.2;
+ /// SDFGI
+ bool sdfgi_enabled = false;
+ RS::EnvironmentSDFGICascades sdfgi_cascades;
+ float sdfgi_min_cell_size = 0.2;
+ bool sdfgi_use_occlusion = false;
+ bool sdfgi_use_multibounce = false;
+ bool sdfgi_read_sky_light = false;
+ bool sdfgi_enhance_ssr = false;
+ float sdfgi_energy = 1.0;
+ float sdfgi_normal_bias = 1.1;
+ float sdfgi_probe_bias = 1.1;
+ RS::EnvironmentSDFGIYScale sdfgi_y_scale = RS::ENV_SDFGI_Y_SCALE_DISABLED;
RS::EnvironmentSSAOQuality ssao_quality = RS::ENV_SSAO_QUALITY_MEDIUM;
@@ -719,7 +733,13 @@ private:
+ struct SDFGI;
struct RenderBuffers {
+ enum {
+ };
RenderBufferData *data = nullptr;
int width = 0, height = 0;
@@ -732,6 +752,9 @@ private:
RID texture; //main texture for rendering to, must be filled after done rendering
RID depth_texture; //main depth texture
+ RID gi_uniform_set;
+ SDFGI *sdfgi = nullptr;
//built-in textures used for ping pong image processing and blurring
struct Blur {
RID texture;
@@ -764,10 +787,389 @@ private:
RID depth_scaled;
RID blur_radius[2];
} ssr;
+ RID giprobe_textures[MAX_GIPROBES];
+ RID giprobe_buffer;
+ RID default_giprobe_buffer;
+ /* SDFGI */
+ struct SDFGI {
+ enum {
+ SH_SIZE = 16
+ };
+ struct Cascade {
+ struct UBO {
+ float offset[3];
+ float to_cell;
+ int32_t probe_offset[3];
+ uint32_t pad;
+ };
+ //cascade blocks are full-size for volume (128^3), half size for albedo/emission
+ RID sdf_tex;
+ RID light_tex;
+ RID light_aniso_0_tex;
+ RID light_aniso_1_tex;
+ RID light_data;
+ RID light_aniso_0_data;
+ RID light_aniso_1_data;
+ struct SolidCell { // this struct is unused, but remains as reference for size
+ uint32_t position;
+ uint32_t albedo;
+ uint32_t static_light;
+ uint32_t static_light_aniso;
+ };
+ RID solid_cell_dispatch_buffer; //buffer for indirect compute dispatch
+ RID solid_cell_buffer;
+ RID lightprobe_history_tex;
+ RID lightprobe_average_tex;
+ float cell_size;
+ Vector3i position;
+ static const Vector3i DIRTY_ALL;
+ Vector3i dirty_regions; //(0,0,0 is not dirty, negative is refresh from the end, DIRTY_ALL is refresh all.
+ RID sdf_store_uniform_set;
+ RID sdf_direct_light_uniform_set;
+ RID scroll_uniform_set;
+ RID scroll_occlusion_uniform_set;
+ RID integrate_uniform_set;
+ RID lights_buffer;
+ };
+ //used for rendering (voxelization)
+ RID render_albedo;
+ RID render_emission;
+ RID render_emission_aniso;
+ RID render_occlusion[8];
+ RID render_geom_facing;
+ RID render_sdf[2];
+ RID render_sdf_half[2];
+ //used for ping pong processing in cascades
+ RID sdf_initialize_uniform_set;
+ RID sdf_initialize_half_uniform_set;
+ RID jump_flood_uniform_set[2];
+ RID jump_flood_half_uniform_set[2];
+ RID sdf_upscale_uniform_set;
+ int upscale_jfa_uniform_set_index;
+ RID occlusion_uniform_set;
+ uint32_t cascade_size = 128;
+ LocalVector<Cascade> cascades;
+ RID lightprobe_texture;
+ RID lightprobe_data;
+ RID occlusion_texture;
+ RID occlusion_data;
+ RID lightprobe_history_scroll; //used for scrolling lightprobes
+ RID lightprobe_average_scroll; //used for scrolling lightprobes
+ uint32_t history_size = 0;
+ float solid_cell_ratio = 0;
+ uint32_t solid_cell_count = 0;
+ RS::EnvironmentSDFGICascades cascade_mode;
+ float min_cell_size = 0;
+ uint32_t probe_axis_count = 0; //amount of probes per axis, this is an odd number because it encloses endpoints
+ RID debug_uniform_set;
+ RID debug_probes_uniform_set;
+ RID cascades_ubo;
+ bool uses_occlusion = false;
+ bool uses_multibounce = false;
+ bool reads_sky = false;
+ float energy = 1.0;
+ float normal_bias = 1.1;
+ float probe_bias = 1.1;
+ RS::EnvironmentSDFGIYScale y_scale_mode = RS::ENV_SDFGI_Y_SCALE_DISABLED;
+ float y_mult = 1.0;
+ uint32_t render_pass = 0;
+ };
+ RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount sdfgi_ray_count = RS::ENV_SDFGI_RAY_COUNT_16;
+ RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge sdfgi_frames_to_converge = RS::ENV_SDFGI_CONVERGE_IN_10_FRAMES;
+ float sdfgi_solid_cell_ratio = 0.25;
+ Vector3 sdfgi_debug_probe_pos;
+ Vector3 sdfgi_debug_probe_dir;
+ bool sdfgi_debug_probe_enabled = false;
+ Vector3i sdfgi_debug_probe_index;
+ struct SDGIShader {
+ enum SDFGIPreprocessShaderVersion {
+ };
+ struct PreprocessPushConstant {
+ int32_t scroll[3];
+ int32_t grid_size;
+ int32_t probe_offset[3];
+ int32_t step_size;
+ int32_t half_size;
+ uint32_t occlusion_index;
+ int32_t cascade;
+ uint32_t pad;
+ };
+ SdfgiPreprocessShaderRD preprocess;
+ RID preprocess_shader;
+ RID preprocess_pipeline[PRE_PROCESS_MAX];
+ struct DebugPushConstant {
+ float grid_size[3];
+ uint32_t max_cascades;
+ int32_t screen_size[2];
+ uint32_t use_occlusion;
+ float y_mult;
+ float cam_extent[3];
+ uint32_t probe_axis_size;
+ float cam_transform[16];
+ };
+ SdfgiDebugShaderRD debug;
+ RID debug_shader;
+ RID debug_shader_version;
+ RID debug_pipeline;
+ enum ProbeDebugMode {
+ };
+ struct DebugProbesPushConstant {
+ float projection[16];
+ uint32_t band_power;
+ uint32_t sections_in_band;
+ uint32_t band_mask;
+ float section_arc;
+ float grid_size[3];
+ uint32_t cascade;
+ uint32_t pad;
+ float y_mult;
+ int32_t probe_debug_index;
+ int32_t probe_axis_size;
+ };
+ SdfgiDebugProbesShaderRD debug_probes;
+ RID debug_probes_shader;
+ RID debug_probes_shader_version;
+ RenderPipelineVertexFormatCacheRD debug_probes_pipeline[PROBE_DEBUG_MAX];
+ struct Light {
+ float color[3];
+ float energy;
+ float direction[3];
+ uint32_t has_shadow;
+ float position[3];
+ float attenuation;
+ uint32_t type;
+ float spot_angle;
+ float spot_attenuation;
+ float radius;
+ float shadow_color[4];
+ };
+ struct DirectLightPushConstant {
+ float grid_size[3];
+ uint32_t max_cascades;
+ uint32_t cascade;
+ uint32_t light_count;
+ uint32_t process_offset;
+ uint32_t process_increment;
+ int32_t probe_axis_size;
+ uint32_t multibounce;
+ float y_mult;
+ uint32_t pad;
+ };
+ enum {
+ };
+ SdfgiDirectLightShaderRD direct_light;
+ RID direct_light_shader;
+ RID direct_light_pipeline[DIRECT_LIGHT_MODE_MAX];
+ enum {
+ };
+ struct IntegratePushConstant {
+ enum {
+ };
+ float grid_size[3];
+ uint32_t max_cascades;
+ uint32_t probe_axis_size;
+ uint32_t cascade;
+ uint32_t history_index;
+ uint32_t history_size;
+ uint32_t ray_count;
+ float ray_bias;
+ int32_t image_size[2];
+ int32_t world_offset[3];
+ uint32_t sky_mode;
+ int32_t scroll[3];
+ float sky_energy;
+ float sky_color[3];
+ float y_mult;
+ };
+ SdfgiIntegrateShaderRD integrate;
+ RID integrate_shader;
+ RID integrate_pipeline[INTEGRATE_MODE_MAX];
+ RID integrate_default_sky_uniform_set;
+ } sdfgi_shader;
+ void _sdfgi_erase(RenderBuffers *rb);
+ int _sdfgi_get_pending_region_data(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region, Vector3i &r_local_offset, Vector3i &r_local_size, AABB &r_bounds) const;
+ void _sdfgi_update_cascades(RID p_render_buffers);
+ /* GI */
+ struct GI {
+ struct SDFGIData {
+ float grid_size[3];
+ uint32_t max_cascades;
+ uint32_t use_occlusion;
+ int32_t probe_axis_size;
+ float probe_to_uvw;
+ float normal_bias;
+ float lightprobe_tex_pixel_size[3];
+ float energy;
+ float lightprobe_uv_offset[3];
+ float y_mult;
+ float occlusion_clamp[3];
+ uint32_t pad3;
+ float occlusion_renormalize[3];
+ uint32_t pad4;
+ float cascade_probe_size[3];
+ uint32_t pad5;
+ struct ProbeCascadeData {
+ float position[3]; //offset of (0,0,0) in world coordinates
+ float to_probe; // 1/bounds * grid_size
+ int32_t probe_world_offset[3];
+ float to_cell; // 1/bounds * grid_size
+ };
+ ProbeCascadeData cascades[SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES];
+ };
+ struct GIProbeData {
+ float xform[16];
+ float bounds[3];
+ float dynamic_range;
+ float bias;
+ float normal_bias;
+ uint32_t blend_ambient;
+ uint32_t texture_slot;
+ float anisotropy_strength;
+ float ao;
+ float ao_size;
+ uint32_t pad[1];
+ };
+ struct PushConstant {
+ int32_t screen_size[2];
+ float z_near;
+ float z_far;
+ float proj_info[4];
+ uint32_t max_giprobes;
+ uint32_t high_quality_vct;
+ uint32_t use_sdfgi;
+ uint32_t orthogonal;
+ float ao_color[3];
+ uint32_t pad;
+ float cam_rotation[12];
+ };
+ RID sdfgi_ubo;
+ enum {
+ MODE_MAX = 1
+ };
+ GiShaderRD shader;
+ RID shader_version;
+ RID pipelines[MODE_MAX];
+ } gi;
bool screen_space_roughness_limiter = false;
- float screen_space_roughness_limiter_curve = 1.0;
+ float screen_space_roughness_limiter_amount = 0.25;
+ float screen_space_roughness_limiter_limit = 0.18;
mutable RID_Owner<RenderBuffers> render_buffers_owner;
@@ -777,10 +1179,16 @@ private:
void _render_buffers_debug_draw(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_shadow_atlas);
void _render_buffers_post_process_and_tonemap(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, RID p_camera_effects, const CameraMatrix &p_projection);
+ void _sdfgi_debug_draw(RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform);
uint64_t scene_pass = 0;
uint64_t shadow_atlas_realloc_tolerance_msec = 500;
+ struct SDFGICosineNeighbour {
+ uint32_t neighbour;
+ float weight;
+ };
@@ -818,6 +1226,15 @@ public:
return Size2i(directional_shadow.size, directional_shadow.size);
+ int sdfgi_get_lightprobe_octahedron_size() const { return SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE; }
+ virtual void sdfgi_update(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, const Vector3 &p_world_position);
+ virtual int sdfgi_get_pending_region_count(RID p_render_buffers) const;
+ virtual AABB sdfgi_get_pending_region_bounds(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region) const;
+ virtual uint32_t sdfgi_get_pending_region_cascade(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region) const;
+ virtual void sdfgi_update_probes(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, const RID *p_directional_light_instances, uint32_t p_directional_light_count, const RID *p_positional_light_instances, uint32_t p_positional_light_count);
+ RID sdfgi_get_ubo() const { return gi.sdfgi_ubo; }
/* SKY API */
RID sky_create();
@@ -871,6 +1288,11 @@ public:
float environment_get_ssao_ao_affect(RID p_env) const;
float environment_get_ssao_light_affect(RID p_env) const;
bool environment_is_ssr_enabled(RID p_env) const;
+ bool environment_is_sdfgi_enabled(RID p_env) const;
+ virtual void environment_set_sdfgi(RID p_env, bool p_enable, RS::EnvironmentSDFGICascades p_cascades, float p_min_cell_size, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIYScale p_y_scale, bool p_use_occlusion, bool p_use_multibounce, bool p_read_sky, bool p_enhance_ssr, float p_energy, float p_normal_bias, float p_probe_bias);
+ virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount p_ray_count);
+ virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge p_frames);
void environment_set_ssr_roughness_quality(RS::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality p_quality);
RS::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality environment_get_ssr_roughness_quality() const;
@@ -894,6 +1316,7 @@ public:
RID light_instance_create(RID p_light);
void light_instance_set_transform(RID p_light_instance, const Transform &p_transform);
+ void light_instance_set_aabb(RID p_light_instance, const AABB &p_aabb);
void light_instance_set_shadow_transform(RID p_light_instance, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_far, float p_split, int p_pass, float p_shadow_texel_size, float p_bias_scale = 1.0, float p_range_begin = 0, const Vector2 &p_uv_scale = Vector2());
void light_instance_mark_visible(RID p_light_instance);
@@ -1107,6 +1530,8 @@ public:
bool gi_probe_needs_update(RID p_probe) const;
void gi_probe_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instances, const Vector<RID> &p_light_instances, int p_dynamic_object_count, InstanceBase **p_dynamic_objects);
+ void gi_probe_set_quality(RS::GIProbeQuality p_quality) { gi_probe_quality = p_quality; }
_FORCE_INLINE_ uint32_t gi_probe_instance_get_slot(RID p_probe) {
GIProbeInstance *gi_probe = gi_probe_instance_owner.getornull(p_probe);
return gi_probe->slot;
@@ -1124,10 +1549,6 @@ public:
GIProbeInstance *gi_probe = gi_probe_instance_owner.getornull(p_probe);
return gi_probe->texture;
- _FORCE_INLINE_ RID gi_probe_instance_get_aniso_texture(RID p_probe, int p_index) {
- GIProbeInstance *gi_probe = gi_probe_instance_owner.getornull(p_probe);
- return gi_probe->anisotropy[p_index];
- }
_FORCE_INLINE_ void gi_probe_instance_set_render_index(RID p_instance, uint32_t p_render_index) {
GIProbeInstance *gi_probe = gi_probe_instance_owner.getornull(p_instance);
@@ -1141,7 +1562,7 @@ public:
return gi_probe->render_index;
+ /*
_FORCE_INLINE_ void gi_probe_instance_set_render_pass(RID p_instance, uint32_t p_render_pass) {
GIProbeInstance *g_probe = gi_probe_instance_owner.getornull(p_instance);
@@ -1154,18 +1575,27 @@ public:
return g_probe->last_pass;
- const Vector<RID> &gi_probe_get_slots() const;
- _FORCE_INLINE_ bool gi_probe_is_anisotropic() const {
- return gi_probe_use_anisotropy;
- }
- GIProbeQuality gi_probe_get_quality() const;
RID render_buffers_create();
void render_buffers_configure(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_render_target, int p_width, int p_height, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa, RS::ViewportScreenSpaceAA p_screen_space_aa);
RID render_buffers_get_ao_texture(RID p_render_buffers);
RID render_buffers_get_back_buffer_texture(RID p_render_buffers);
+ RID render_buffers_get_gi_probe_buffer(RID p_render_buffers);
+ RID render_buffers_get_default_gi_probe_buffer();
+ uint32_t render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_count(RID p_render_buffers) const;
+ bool render_buffers_is_sdfgi_enabled(RID p_render_buffers) const;
+ RID render_buffers_get_sdfgi_irradiance_probes(RID p_render_buffers) const;
+ Vector3 render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_offset(RID p_render_buffers, uint32_t p_cascade) const;
+ Vector3i render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_probe_offset(RID p_render_buffers, uint32_t p_cascade) const;
+ float render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_probe_size(RID p_render_buffers, uint32_t p_cascade) const;
+ float render_buffers_get_sdfgi_normal_bias(RID p_render_buffers) const;
+ uint32_t render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_probe_count(RID p_render_buffers) const;
+ uint32_t render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_size(RID p_render_buffers) const;
+ bool render_buffers_is_sdfgi_using_occlusion(RID p_render_buffers) const;
+ float render_buffers_get_sdfgi_energy(RID p_render_buffers) const;
+ RID render_buffers_get_sdfgi_occlusion_texture(RID p_render_buffers) const;
void render_scene(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, RID *p_light_cull_result, int p_light_cull_count, RID *p_reflection_probe_cull_result, int p_reflection_probe_cull_count, RID *p_gi_probe_cull_result, int p_gi_probe_cull_count, RID *p_decal_cull_result, int p_decal_cull_count, InstanceBase **p_lightmap_cull_result, int p_lightmap_cull_count, RID p_environment, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_camera_effects, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, int p_reflection_probe_pass);
@@ -1173,6 +1603,9 @@ public:
void render_material(const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region);
+ void render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region, InstanceBase **p_cull_result, int p_cull_count);
+ void render_sdfgi_static_lights(RID p_render_buffers, uint32_t p_cascade_count, const uint32_t *p_cascade_indices, const RID **p_positional_light_cull_result, const uint32_t *p_positional_light_cull_count);
virtual void set_scene_pass(uint64_t p_pass) {
scene_pass = p_pass;
@@ -1180,9 +1613,10 @@ public:
return scene_pass;
- virtual void screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active(bool p_enable, float p_curve);
+ virtual void screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active(bool p_enable, float p_amount, float p_limit);
virtual bool screen_space_roughness_limiter_is_active() const;
- virtual float screen_space_roughness_limiter_get_curve() const;
+ virtual float screen_space_roughness_limiter_get_amount() const;
+ virtual float screen_space_roughness_limiter_get_limit() const;
virtual void sub_surface_scattering_set_quality(RS::SubSurfaceScatteringQuality p_quality);
RS::SubSurfaceScatteringQuality sub_surface_scattering_get_quality() const;
@@ -1221,6 +1655,8 @@ public:
virtual void set_time(double p_time, double p_step);
+ void sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(const Vector3 &p_position, const Vector3 &p_dir);
RasterizerSceneRD(RasterizerStorageRD *p_storage);
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_storage_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_storage_rd.cpp
index a5151d1ff8..8f3e2c25f9 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_storage_rd.cpp
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_storage_rd.cpp
@@ -3387,11 +3387,21 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::light_set_reverse_cull_face_mode(RID p_light, bool p_e
light->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false);
-void RasterizerStorageRD::light_set_use_gi(RID p_light, bool p_enabled) {
+void RasterizerStorageRD::light_set_bake_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightBakeMode p_bake_mode) {
Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light);
- light->use_gi = p_enabled;
+ light->bake_mode = p_bake_mode;
+ light->version++;
+ light->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false);
+void RasterizerStorageRD::light_set_max_sdfgi_cascade(RID p_light, uint32_t p_cascade) {
+ Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(!light);
+ light->max_sdfgi_cascade = p_cascade;
light->instance_dependency.instance_notify_changed(true, false);
@@ -3460,11 +3470,18 @@ RS::LightDirectionalShadowDepthRangeMode RasterizerStorageRD::light_directional_
return light->directional_range_mode;
-bool RasterizerStorageRD::light_get_use_gi(RID p_light) {
- Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light);
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!light, false);
+uint32_t RasterizerStorageRD::light_get_max_sdfgi_cascade(RID p_light) {
+ const Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!light, 0);
+ return light->max_sdfgi_cascade;
+RS::LightBakeMode RasterizerStorageRD::light_get_bake_mode(RID p_light) {
+ const Light *light = light_owner.getornull(p_light);
- return light->use_gi;
+ return light->bake_mode;
uint64_t RasterizerStorageRD::light_get_version(RID p_light) const {
@@ -3517,25 +3534,25 @@ void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_intensity(RID p_probe, float p_in
reflection_probe->intensity = p_intensity;
-void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient(RID p_probe, const Color &p_ambient) {
+void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_ambient_mode(RID p_probe, RS::ReflectionProbeAmbientMode p_mode) {
ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe);
- reflection_probe->interior_ambient = p_ambient;
+ reflection_probe->ambient_mode = p_mode;
-void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient_energy(RID p_probe, float p_energy) {
+void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_ambient_color(RID p_probe, const Color &p_color) {
ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe);
- reflection_probe->interior_ambient_energy = p_energy;
+ reflection_probe->ambient_color = p_color;
-void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient_probe_contribution(RID p_probe, float p_contrib) {
+void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_ambient_energy(RID p_probe, float p_energy) {
ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe);
- reflection_probe->interior_ambient_probe_contrib = p_contrib;
+ reflection_probe->ambient_color_energy = p_energy;
void RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_set_max_distance(RID p_probe, float p_distance) {
@@ -3683,25 +3700,23 @@ bool RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_is_box_projection(RID p_probe) const
return reflection_probe->box_projection;
-Color RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_interior_ambient(RID p_probe) const {
+RS::ReflectionProbeAmbientMode RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_ambient_mode(RID p_probe) const {
const ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe);
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!reflection_probe, Color());
- return reflection_probe->interior_ambient;
+ return reflection_probe->ambient_mode;
-float RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_interior_ambient_energy(RID p_probe) const {
+Color RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_ambient_color(RID p_probe) const {
const ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe);
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!reflection_probe, 0);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!reflection_probe, Color());
- return reflection_probe->interior_ambient_energy;
+ return reflection_probe->ambient_color;
-float RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_interior_ambient_probe_contribution(RID p_probe) const {
+float RasterizerStorageRD::reflection_probe_get_ambient_color_energy(RID p_probe) const {
const ReflectionProbe *reflection_probe = reflection_probe_owner.getornull(p_probe);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!reflection_probe, 0);
- return reflection_probe->interior_ambient_probe_contrib;
+ return reflection_probe->ambient_color_energy;
RID RasterizerStorageRD::decal_create() {
@@ -5878,6 +5893,20 @@ RasterizerStorageRD::RasterizerStorageRD() {
default_rd_textures[DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_MULTIMESH_BUFFER] = RD::get_singleton()->texture_buffer_create(16, RD::DATA_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, pv);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+ pv.set(i * 4 + 0, 0);
+ pv.set(i * 4 + 1, 0);
+ pv.set(i * 4 + 2, 0);
+ pv.set(i * 4 + 3, 0);
+ }
+ {
+ tformat.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT;
+ Vector<Vector<uint8_t>> vpv;
+ vpv.push_back(pv);
+ default_rd_textures[DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_2D_UINT] = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tformat, RD::TextureView(), vpv);
+ }
{ //create default cubemap
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_storage_rd.h b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_storage_rd.h
index fe9377192e..b1146f1386 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_storage_rd.h
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_storage_rd.h
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ public:
@@ -420,7 +421,8 @@ private:
bool shadow = false;
bool negative = false;
bool reverse_cull = false;
- bool use_gi = true;
+ RS::LightBakeMode bake_mode = RS::LIGHT_BAKE_DYNAMIC;
+ uint32_t max_sdfgi_cascade = 2;
uint32_t cull_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
RS::LightOmniShadowMode omni_shadow_mode = RS::LIGHT_OMNI_SHADOW_DUAL_PARABOLOID;
RS::LightDirectionalShadowMode directional_shadow_mode = RS::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL_SHADOW_ORTHOGONAL;
@@ -439,9 +441,9 @@ private:
RS::ReflectionProbeUpdateMode update_mode = RS::REFLECTION_PROBE_UPDATE_ONCE;
int resolution = 256;
float intensity = 1.0;
- Color interior_ambient;
- float interior_ambient_energy = 1.0;
- float interior_ambient_probe_contrib = 0.0;
+ RS::ReflectionProbeAmbientMode ambient_mode = RS::REFLECTION_PROBE_AMBIENT_ENVIRONMENT;
+ Color ambient_color;
+ float ambient_color_energy = 1.0;
float max_distance = 0;
Vector3 extents = Vector3(1, 1, 1);
Vector3 origin_offset;
@@ -1041,7 +1043,8 @@ public:
void light_set_negative(RID p_light, bool p_enable);
void light_set_cull_mask(RID p_light, uint32_t p_mask);
void light_set_reverse_cull_face_mode(RID p_light, bool p_enabled);
- void light_set_use_gi(RID p_light, bool p_enabled);
+ void light_set_bake_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightBakeMode p_bake_mode);
+ void light_set_max_sdfgi_cascade(RID p_light, uint32_t p_cascade);
void light_omni_set_shadow_mode(RID p_light, RS::LightOmniShadowMode p_mode);
@@ -1118,7 +1121,8 @@ public:
- bool light_get_use_gi(RID p_light);
+ RS::LightBakeMode light_get_bake_mode(RID p_light);
+ uint32_t light_get_max_sdfgi_cascade(RID p_light);
uint64_t light_get_version(RID p_light) const;
@@ -1127,9 +1131,9 @@ public:
void reflection_probe_set_update_mode(RID p_probe, RS::ReflectionProbeUpdateMode p_mode);
void reflection_probe_set_intensity(RID p_probe, float p_intensity);
- void reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient(RID p_probe, const Color &p_ambient);
- void reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient_energy(RID p_probe, float p_energy);
- void reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient_probe_contribution(RID p_probe, float p_contrib);
+ void reflection_probe_set_ambient_mode(RID p_probe, RS::ReflectionProbeAmbientMode p_mode);
+ void reflection_probe_set_ambient_color(RID p_probe, const Color &p_color);
+ void reflection_probe_set_ambient_energy(RID p_probe, float p_energy);
void reflection_probe_set_max_distance(RID p_probe, float p_distance);
void reflection_probe_set_extents(RID p_probe, const Vector3 &p_extents);
void reflection_probe_set_origin_offset(RID p_probe, const Vector3 &p_offset);
@@ -1151,9 +1155,9 @@ public:
float reflection_probe_get_intensity(RID p_probe) const;
bool reflection_probe_is_interior(RID p_probe) const;
bool reflection_probe_is_box_projection(RID p_probe) const;
- Color reflection_probe_get_interior_ambient(RID p_probe) const;
- float reflection_probe_get_interior_ambient_energy(RID p_probe) const;
- float reflection_probe_get_interior_ambient_probe_contribution(RID p_probe) const;
+ RS::ReflectionProbeAmbientMode reflection_probe_get_ambient_mode(RID p_probe) const;
+ Color reflection_probe_get_ambient_color(RID p_probe) const;
+ float reflection_probe_get_ambient_color_energy(RID p_probe) const;
void base_update_dependency(RID p_base, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance);
void skeleton_update_dependency(RID p_skeleton, RasterizerScene::InstanceBase *p_instance);
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/SCsub b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/SCsub
index a454d144aa..67f4edc626 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/SCsub
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/SCsub
@@ -28,3 +28,10 @@ if "RD_GLSL" in env["BUILDERS"]:
+ env.RD_GLSL("gi.glsl")
+ env.RD_GLSL("resolve.glsl")
+ env.RD_GLSL("sdfgi_preprocess.glsl")
+ env.RD_GLSL("sdfgi_integrate.glsl")
+ env.RD_GLSL("sdfgi_direct_light.glsl")
+ env.RD_GLSL("sdfgi_debug.glsl")
+ env.RD_GLSL("sdfgi_debug_probes.glsl")
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/copy_to_fb.glsl b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/copy_to_fb.glsl
index b1cfe1e91e..9751e13b4e 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/copy_to_fb.glsl
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/copy_to_fb.glsl
@@ -47,16 +47,26 @@ layout(push_constant, binding = 1, std430) uniform Params {
bool force_luminance;
bool alpha_to_zero;
- uint pad[2];
+ bool srgb;
+ uint pad;
layout(location = 0) in vec2 uv_interp;
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform sampler2D source_color;
+layout(set = 1, binding = 0) uniform sampler2D source_color2;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 frag_color;
+vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 color) {
+ //if going to srgb, clamp from 0 to 1.
+ color = clamp(color, vec3(0.0), vec3(1.0));
+ const vec3 a = vec3(0.055f);
+ return mix((vec3(1.0f) + a) * pow(color.rgb, vec3(1.0f / 2.4f)) - a, 12.92f * color.rgb, lessThan(color.rgb, vec3(0.0031308f)));
void main() {
vec2 uv = uv_interp;
@@ -89,11 +99,17 @@ void main() {
vec4 color = textureLod(source_color, uv, 0.0);
+ color += textureLod(source_color2, uv, 0.0);
if (params.force_luminance) {
color.rgb = vec3(max(max(color.r, color.g), color.b));
if (params.alpha_to_zero) {
color.rgb *= color.a;
+ if (params.srgb) {
+ color.rgb = linear_to_srgb(color.rgb);
+ }
frag_color = color;
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/gi.glsl b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/gi.glsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1939f75ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/gi.glsl
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+#version 450
+layout(local_size_x = 8, local_size_y = 8, local_size_z = 1) in;
+#define M_PI 3.141592
+//set 0 for SDFGI and render buffers
+layout(set = 0, binding = 1) uniform texture3D sdf_cascades[SDFGI_MAX_CASCADES];
+layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform texture3D light_cascades[SDFGI_MAX_CASCADES];
+layout(set = 0, binding = 3) uniform texture3D aniso0_cascades[SDFGI_MAX_CASCADES];
+layout(set = 0, binding = 4) uniform texture3D aniso1_cascades[SDFGI_MAX_CASCADES];
+layout(set = 0, binding = 5) uniform texture3D occlusion_texture;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 6) uniform sampler linear_sampler;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 7) uniform sampler linear_sampler_with_mipmaps;
+struct ProbeCascadeData {
+ vec3 position;
+ float to_probe;
+ ivec3 probe_world_offset;
+ float to_cell; // 1/bounds * grid_size
+layout(rgba16f, set = 0, binding = 9) uniform restrict writeonly image2D ambient_buffer;
+layout(rgba16f, set = 0, binding = 10) uniform restrict writeonly image2D reflection_buffer;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 11) uniform texture2DArray lightprobe_texture;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 12) uniform texture2D depth_buffer;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 13) uniform texture2D normal_roughness_buffer;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 14) uniform utexture2D giprobe_buffer;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 15, std140) uniform SDFGI {
+ vec3 grid_size;
+ uint max_cascades;
+ bool use_occlusion;
+ int probe_axis_size;
+ float probe_to_uvw;
+ float normal_bias;
+ vec3 lightprobe_tex_pixel_size;
+ float energy;
+ vec3 lightprobe_uv_offset;
+ float y_mult;
+ vec3 occlusion_clamp;
+ uint pad3;
+ vec3 occlusion_renormalize;
+ uint pad4;
+ vec3 cascade_probe_size;
+ uint pad5;
+ ProbeCascadeData cascades[SDFGI_MAX_CASCADES];
+#define MAX_GI_PROBES 8
+struct GIProbeData {
+ mat4 xform;
+ vec3 bounds;
+ float dynamic_range;
+ float bias;
+ float normal_bias;
+ bool blend_ambient;
+ uint texture_slot;
+ float anisotropy_strength;
+ float ambient_occlusion;
+ float ambient_occlusion_size;
+ uint pad2;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 16, std140) uniform GIProbes {
+ GIProbeData data[MAX_GI_PROBES];
+layout(set = 0, binding = 17) uniform texture3D gi_probe_textures[MAX_GI_PROBES];
+layout(push_constant, binding = 0, std430) uniform Params {
+ ivec2 screen_size;
+ float z_near;
+ float z_far;
+ vec4 proj_info;
+ uint max_giprobes;
+ bool high_quality_vct;
+ bool use_sdfgi;
+ bool orthogonal;
+ vec3 ao_color;
+ uint pad;
+ mat3x4 cam_rotation;
+vec2 octahedron_wrap(vec2 v) {
+ vec2 signVal;
+ signVal.x = v.x >= 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
+ signVal.y = v.y >= 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
+ return (1.0 - abs(v.yx)) * signVal;
+vec2 octahedron_encode(vec3 n) {
+ //
+ n /= (abs(n.x) + abs(n.y) + abs(n.z));
+ n.xy = n.z >= 0.0 ? n.xy : octahedron_wrap(n.xy);
+ n.xy = n.xy * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ return n.xy;
+vec4 blend_color(vec4 src, vec4 dst) {
+ vec4 res;
+ float sa = 1.0 - src.a;
+ res.a = dst.a * sa + src.a;
+ if (res.a == 0.0) {
+ res.rgb = vec3(0);
+ } else {
+ res.rgb = (dst.rgb * dst.a * sa + src.rgb * src.a) / res.a;
+ }
+ return res;
+vec3 reconstruct_position(ivec2 screen_pos) {
+ vec3 pos;
+ pos.z = texelFetch(sampler2D(depth_buffer, linear_sampler), screen_pos, 0).r;
+ pos.z = pos.z * 2.0 - 1.0;
+ if (params.orthogonal) {
+ pos.z = ((pos.z + (params.z_far + params.z_near) / (params.z_far - params.z_near)) * (params.z_far - params.z_near)) / 2.0;
+ } else {
+ pos.z = 2.0 * params.z_near * params.z_far / (params.z_far + params.z_near - pos.z * (params.z_far - params.z_near));
+ }
+ pos.z = -pos.z;
+ pos.xy = vec2(screen_pos) * params.proj_info.xy +;
+ if (!params.orthogonal) {
+ pos.xy *= pos.z;
+ }
+ return pos;
+void sdfgi_probe_process(uint cascade, vec3 cascade_pos, vec3 cam_pos, vec3 cam_normal, vec3 cam_specular_normal, float roughness, out vec3 diffuse_light, out vec3 specular_light) {
+ cascade_pos += cam_normal * sdfgi.normal_bias;
+ vec3 base_pos = floor(cascade_pos);
+ //cascade_pos += mix(vec3(0.0),vec3(0.01),lessThan(abs(cascade_pos-base_pos),vec3(0.01))) * cam_normal;
+ ivec3 probe_base_pos = ivec3(base_pos);
+ vec4 diffuse_accum = vec4(0.0);
+ vec3 specular_accum;
+ ivec3 tex_pos = ivec3(probe_base_pos.xy, int(cascade));
+ tex_pos.x += probe_base_pos.z * sdfgi.probe_axis_size;
+ tex_pos.xy = tex_pos.xy * (SDFGI_OCT_SIZE + 2) + ivec2(1);
+ vec3 diffuse_posf = (vec3(tex_pos) + vec3(octahedron_encode(cam_normal) * float(SDFGI_OCT_SIZE), 0.0)) * sdfgi.lightprobe_tex_pixel_size;
+ vec3 specular_posf = (vec3(tex_pos) + vec3(octahedron_encode(cam_specular_normal) * float(SDFGI_OCT_SIZE), 0.0)) * sdfgi.lightprobe_tex_pixel_size;
+ specular_accum = vec3(0.0);
+ vec4 light_accum = vec4(0.0);
+ float weight_accum = 0.0;
+ for (uint j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+ ivec3 offset = (ivec3(j) >> ivec3(0, 1, 2)) & ivec3(1, 1, 1);
+ ivec3 probe_posi = probe_base_pos;
+ probe_posi += offset;
+ // Compute weight
+ vec3 probe_pos = vec3(probe_posi);
+ vec3 probe_to_pos = cascade_pos - probe_pos;
+ vec3 probe_dir = normalize(-probe_to_pos);
+ vec3 trilinear = vec3(1.0) - abs(probe_to_pos);
+ float weight = trilinear.x * trilinear.y * trilinear.z * max(0.005, dot(cam_normal, probe_dir));
+ // Compute lightprobe occlusion
+ if (sdfgi.use_occlusion) {
+ ivec3 occ_indexv = abs((sdfgi.cascades[cascade].probe_world_offset + probe_posi) & ivec3(1, 1, 1)) * ivec3(1, 2, 4);
+ vec4 occ_mask = mix(vec4(0.0), vec4(1.0), equal(ivec4(occ_indexv.x | occ_indexv.y), ivec4(0, 1, 2, 3)));
+ vec3 occ_pos = clamp(cascade_pos, probe_pos - sdfgi.occlusion_clamp, probe_pos + sdfgi.occlusion_clamp) * sdfgi.probe_to_uvw;
+ occ_pos.z += float(cascade);
+ if (occ_indexv.z != 0) { //z bit is on, means index is >=4, so make it switch to the other half of textures
+ occ_pos.x += 1.0;
+ }
+ occ_pos *= sdfgi.occlusion_renormalize;
+ float occlusion = dot(textureLod(sampler3D(occlusion_texture, linear_sampler), occ_pos, 0.0), occ_mask);
+ weight *= max(occlusion, 0.01);
+ }
+ // Compute lightprobe texture position
+ vec3 diffuse;
+ vec3 pos_uvw = diffuse_posf;
+ pos_uvw.xy += vec2(offset.xy) * sdfgi.lightprobe_uv_offset.xy;
+ pos_uvw.x += float(offset.z) * sdfgi.lightprobe_uv_offset.z;
+ diffuse = textureLod(sampler2DArray(lightprobe_texture, linear_sampler), pos_uvw, 0.0).rgb;
+ diffuse_accum += vec4(diffuse * weight, weight);
+ {
+ vec3 specular = vec3(0.0);
+ vec3 pos_uvw = specular_posf;
+ pos_uvw.xy += vec2(offset.xy) * sdfgi.lightprobe_uv_offset.xy;
+ pos_uvw.x += float(offset.z) * sdfgi.lightprobe_uv_offset.z;
+ if (roughness < 0.99) {
+ specular = textureLod(sampler2DArray(lightprobe_texture, linear_sampler), pos_uvw + vec3(0, 0, float(sdfgi.max_cascades)), 0.0).rgb;
+ }
+ if (roughness > 0.2) {
+ specular = mix(specular, textureLod(sampler2DArray(lightprobe_texture, linear_sampler), pos_uvw, 0.0).rgb, (roughness - 0.2) * 1.25);
+ }
+ specular_accum += specular * weight;
+ }
+ }
+ if (diffuse_accum.a > 0.0) {
+ diffuse_accum.rgb /= diffuse_accum.a;
+ }
+ diffuse_light = diffuse_accum.rgb;
+ if (diffuse_accum.a > 0.0) {
+ specular_accum /= diffuse_accum.a;
+ }
+ specular_light = specular_accum;
+void sdfgi_process(vec3 vertex, vec3 normal, vec3 reflection, float roughness, out vec4 ambient_light, out vec4 reflection_light) {
+ //make vertex orientation the world one, but still align to camera
+ vertex.y *= sdfgi.y_mult;
+ normal.y *= sdfgi.y_mult;
+ reflection.y *= sdfgi.y_mult;
+ //renormalize
+ normal = normalize(normal);
+ reflection = normalize(reflection);
+ vec3 cam_pos = vertex;
+ vec3 cam_normal = normal;
+ vec4 light_accum = vec4(0.0);
+ float weight_accum = 0.0;
+ vec4 light_blend_accum = vec4(0.0);
+ float weight_blend_accum = 0.0;
+ float blend = -1.0;
+ // helper constants, compute once
+ uint cascade = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ vec3 cascade_pos;
+ vec3 cascade_normal;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < sdfgi.max_cascades; i++) {
+ cascade_pos = (cam_pos - sdfgi.cascades[i].position) * sdfgi.cascades[i].to_probe;
+ if (any(lessThan(cascade_pos, vec3(0.0))) || any(greaterThanEqual(cascade_pos, sdfgi.cascade_probe_size))) {
+ continue; //skip cascade
+ }
+ cascade = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (cascade < SDFGI_MAX_CASCADES) {
+ ambient_light = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);
+ reflection_light = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);
+ float blend;
+ vec3 diffuse, specular;
+ sdfgi_probe_process(cascade, cascade_pos, cam_pos, cam_normal, reflection, roughness, diffuse, specular);
+ {
+ //process blend
+ float blend_from = (float(sdfgi.probe_axis_size - 1) / 2.0) - 2.5;
+ float blend_to = blend_from + 2.0;
+ vec3 inner_pos = cam_pos * sdfgi.cascades[cascade].to_probe;
+ float len = length(inner_pos);
+ inner_pos = abs(normalize(inner_pos));
+ len *= max(inner_pos.x, max(inner_pos.y, inner_pos.z));
+ if (len >= blend_from) {
+ blend = smoothstep(blend_from, blend_to, len);
+ } else {
+ blend = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (blend > 0.0) {
+ //blend
+ if (cascade == sdfgi.max_cascades - 1) {
+ ambient_light.a = 1.0 - blend;
+ reflection_light.a = 1.0 - blend;
+ } else {
+ vec3 diffuse2, specular2;
+ cascade_pos = (cam_pos - sdfgi.cascades[cascade + 1].position) * sdfgi.cascades[cascade + 1].to_probe;
+ sdfgi_probe_process(cascade + 1, cascade_pos, cam_pos, cam_normal, reflection, roughness, diffuse2, specular2);
+ diffuse = mix(diffuse, diffuse2, blend);
+ specular = mix(specular, specular2, blend);
+ }
+ }
+ ambient_light.rgb = diffuse;
+#if 1
+ if (roughness < 0.2) {
+ vec3 pos_to_uvw = 1.0 / sdfgi.grid_size;
+ vec4 light_accum = vec4(0.0);
+ float blend_size = (sdfgi.grid_size.x / float(sdfgi.probe_axis_size - 1)) * 0.5;
+ float radius_sizes[SDFGI_MAX_CASCADES];
+ cascade = 0xFFFF;
+ float base_distance = length(cam_pos);
+ for (uint i = 0; i < sdfgi.max_cascades; i++) {
+ radius_sizes[i] = (1.0 / sdfgi.cascades[i].to_cell) * (sdfgi.grid_size.x * 0.5 - blend_size);
+ if (cascade == 0xFFFF && base_distance < radius_sizes[i]) {
+ cascade = i;
+ }
+ }
+ cascade = min(cascade, sdfgi.max_cascades - 1);
+ float max_distance = radius_sizes[sdfgi.max_cascades - 1];
+ vec3 ray_pos = cam_pos;
+ vec3 ray_dir = reflection;
+ {
+ float prev_radius = cascade > 0 ? radius_sizes[cascade - 1] : 0.0;
+ float base_blend = (base_distance - prev_radius) / (radius_sizes[cascade] - prev_radius);
+ float bias = (1.0 + base_blend) * 1.1;
+ vec3 abs_ray_dir = abs(ray_dir);
+ //ray_pos += ray_dir * (bias / sdfgi.cascades[cascade].to_cell); //bias to avoid self occlusion
+ ray_pos += (ray_dir * 1.0 / max(abs_ray_dir.x, max(abs_ray_dir.y, abs_ray_dir.z)) + cam_normal * 1.4) * bias / sdfgi.cascades[cascade].to_cell;
+ }
+ float softness = 0.2 + min(1.0, roughness * 5.0) * 4.0; //approximation to roughness so it does not seem like a hard fade
+ while (length(ray_pos) < max_distance) {
+ for (uint i = 0; i < sdfgi.max_cascades; i++) {
+ if (i >= cascade && length(ray_pos) < radius_sizes[i]) {
+ cascade = max(i, cascade); //never go down
+ vec3 pos = ray_pos - sdfgi.cascades[i].position;
+ pos *= sdfgi.cascades[i].to_cell * pos_to_uvw;
+ float distance = texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[i], linear_sampler), pos).r * 255.0 - 1.1;
+ vec4 hit_light = vec4(0.0);
+ if (distance < softness) {
+ hit_light.rgb = texture(sampler3D(light_cascades[i], linear_sampler), pos).rgb;
+ hit_light.rgb *= 0.5; //approximation given value read is actually meant for anisotropy
+ hit_light.a = clamp(1.0 - (distance / softness), 0.0, 1.0);
+ hit_light.rgb *= hit_light.a;
+ }
+ distance /= sdfgi.cascades[i].to_cell;
+ if (i < (sdfgi.max_cascades - 1)) {
+ pos = ray_pos - sdfgi.cascades[i + 1].position;
+ pos *= sdfgi.cascades[i + 1].to_cell * pos_to_uvw;
+ float distance2 = texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[i + 1], linear_sampler), pos).r * 255.0 - 1.1;
+ vec4 hit_light2 = vec4(0.0);
+ if (distance2 < softness) {
+ hit_light2.rgb = texture(sampler3D(light_cascades[i + 1], linear_sampler), pos).rgb;
+ hit_light2.rgb *= 0.5; //approximation given value read is actually meant for anisotropy
+ hit_light2.a = clamp(1.0 - (distance2 / softness), 0.0, 1.0);
+ hit_light2.rgb *= hit_light2.a;
+ }
+ float prev_radius = i == 0 ? 0.0 : radius_sizes[i - 1];
+ float blend = clamp((length(ray_pos) - prev_radius) / (radius_sizes[i] - prev_radius), 0.0, 1.0);
+ distance2 /= sdfgi.cascades[i + 1].to_cell;
+ hit_light = mix(hit_light, hit_light2, blend);
+ distance = mix(distance, distance2, blend);
+ }
+ light_accum += hit_light;
+ ray_pos += ray_dir * distance;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (light_accum.a > 0.99) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ vec3 light = light_accum.rgb / max(light_accum.a, 0.00001);
+ float alpha = min(1.0, light_accum.a);
+ float b = min(1.0, roughness * 5.0);
+ float sa = 1.0 - b;
+ reflection_light.a = alpha * sa + b;
+ if (reflection_light.a == 0) {
+ specular = vec3(0.0);
+ } else {
+ specular = (light * alpha * sa + specular * b) / reflection_light.a;
+ }
+ }
+ reflection_light.rgb = specular;
+ ambient_light.rgb *=;
+ reflection_light.rgb *=;
+ } else {
+ ambient_light = vec4(0);
+ reflection_light = vec4(0);
+ }
+//standard voxel cone trace
+vec4 voxel_cone_trace(texture3D probe, vec3 cell_size, vec3 pos, vec3 direction, float tan_half_angle, float max_distance, float p_bias) {
+ float dist = p_bias;
+ vec4 color = vec4(0.0);
+ while (dist < max_distance && color.a < 0.95) {
+ float diameter = max(1.0, 2.0 * tan_half_angle * dist);
+ vec3 uvw_pos = (pos + dist * direction) * cell_size;
+ float half_diameter = diameter * 0.5;
+ //check if outside, then break
+ if (any(greaterThan(abs(uvw_pos - 0.5), vec3(0.5f + half_diameter * cell_size)))) {
+ break;
+ }
+ vec4 scolor = textureLod(sampler3D(probe, linear_sampler_with_mipmaps), uvw_pos, log2(diameter));
+ float a = (1.0 - color.a);
+ color += a * scolor;
+ dist += half_diameter;
+ }
+ return color;
+vec4 voxel_cone_trace_45_degrees(texture3D probe, vec3 cell_size, vec3 pos, vec3 direction, float max_distance, float p_bias) {
+ float dist = p_bias;
+ vec4 color = vec4(0.0);
+ float radius = max(0.5, dist);
+ float lod_level = log2(radius * 2.0);
+ while (dist < max_distance && color.a < 0.95) {
+ vec3 uvw_pos = (pos + dist * direction) * cell_size;
+ //check if outside, then break
+ if (any(greaterThan(abs(uvw_pos - 0.5), vec3(0.5f + radius * cell_size)))) {
+ break;
+ }
+ vec4 scolor = textureLod(sampler3D(probe, linear_sampler_with_mipmaps), uvw_pos, lod_level);
+ lod_level += 1.0;
+ float a = (1.0 - color.a);
+ scolor *= a;
+ color += scolor;
+ dist += radius;
+ radius = max(0.5, dist);
+ }
+ return color;
+void gi_probe_compute(uint index, vec3 position, vec3 normal, vec3 ref_vec, mat3 normal_xform, float roughness, inout vec4 out_spec, inout vec4 out_diff, inout float out_blend) {
+ position = ([index].xform * vec4(position, 1.0)).xyz;
+ ref_vec = normalize(([index].xform * vec4(ref_vec, 0.0)).xyz);
+ normal = normalize(([index].xform * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz);
+ position += normal *[index].normal_bias;
+ //this causes corrupted pixels, i have no idea why..
+ if (any(bvec2(any(lessThan(position, vec3(0.0))), any(greaterThan(position,[index].bounds))))) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mat3 dir_xform = mat3([index].xform) * normal_xform;
+ vec3 blendv = abs(position /[index].bounds * 2.0 - 1.0);
+ float blend = clamp(1.0 - max(blendv.x, max(blendv.y, blendv.z)), 0.0, 1.0);
+ //float blend=1.0;
+ float max_distance = length([index].bounds);
+ vec3 cell_size = 1.0 /[index].bounds;
+ //irradiance
+ vec4 light = vec4(0.0);
+ if (params.high_quality_vct) {
+ const uint cone_dir_count = 6;
+ vec3 cone_dirs[cone_dir_count] = vec3[](
+ vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ vec3(0.866025, 0.0, 0.5),
+ vec3(0.267617, 0.823639, 0.5),
+ vec3(-0.700629, 0.509037, 0.5),
+ vec3(-0.700629, -0.509037, 0.5),
+ vec3(0.267617, -0.823639, 0.5));
+ float cone_weights[cone_dir_count] = float[](0.25, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15);
+ float cone_angle_tan = 0.577;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < cone_dir_count; i++) {
+ vec3 dir = normalize(dir_xform * cone_dirs[i]);
+ light += cone_weights[i] * voxel_cone_trace(gi_probe_textures[index], cell_size, position, dir, cone_angle_tan, max_distance,[index].bias);
+ }
+ } else {
+ const uint cone_dir_count = 4;
+ vec3 cone_dirs[cone_dir_count] = vec3[](
+ vec3(0.707107, 0.0, 0.707107),
+ vec3(0.0, 0.707107, 0.707107),
+ vec3(-0.707107, 0.0, 0.707107),
+ vec3(0.0, -0.707107, 0.707107));
+ float cone_weights[cone_dir_count] = float[](0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25);
+ for (int i = 0; i < cone_dir_count; i++) {
+ vec3 dir = normalize(dir_xform * cone_dirs[i]);
+ light += cone_weights[i] * voxel_cone_trace_45_degrees(gi_probe_textures[index], cell_size, position, dir, max_distance,[index].bias);
+ }
+ }
+ if ([index].ambient_occlusion > 0.001) {
+ float size = 1.0 +[index].ambient_occlusion_size * 7.0;
+ float taps, blend;
+ blend = modf(size, taps);
+ float ao = 0.0;
+ for (float i = 1.0; i <= taps; i++) {
+ vec3 ofs = (position + normal * (i * 0.5 + 1.0)) * cell_size;
+ ao += textureLod(sampler3D(gi_probe_textures[index], linear_sampler_with_mipmaps), ofs, i - 1.0).a * i;
+ }
+ if (blend > 0.001) {
+ vec3 ofs = (position + normal * ((taps + 1.0) * 0.5 + 1.0)) * cell_size;
+ ao += textureLod(sampler3D(gi_probe_textures[index], linear_sampler_with_mipmaps), ofs, taps).a * (taps + 1.0) * blend;
+ }
+ ao = 1.0 - min(1.0, ao);
+ light.rgb = mix(params.ao_color, light.rgb, mix(1.0, ao,[index].ambient_occlusion));
+ }
+ light.rgb *=[index].dynamic_range;
+ if (![index].blend_ambient) {
+ light.a = 1.0;
+ }
+ out_diff += light * blend;
+ //radiance
+ vec4 irr_light = voxel_cone_trace(gi_probe_textures[index], cell_size, position, ref_vec, tan(roughness * 0.5 * M_PI * 0.99), max_distance,[index].bias);
+ irr_light.rgb *=[index].dynamic_range;
+ if (![index].blend_ambient) {
+ irr_light.a = 1.0;
+ }
+ out_spec += irr_light * blend;
+ out_blend += blend;
+vec4 fetch_normal_and_roughness(ivec2 pos) {
+ vec4 normal_roughness = texelFetch(sampler2D(normal_roughness_buffer, linear_sampler), pos, 0);
+ = normalize( * 2.0 - 1.0);
+ return normal_roughness;
+void main() {
+ // Pixel being shaded
+ ivec2 pos = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);
+ if (any(greaterThanEqual(pos, params.screen_size))) { //too large, do nothing
+ return;
+ }
+ vec3 vertex = reconstruct_position(pos);
+ vertex.y = -vertex.y;
+ vec4 normal_roughness = fetch_normal_and_roughness(pos);
+ vec3 normal =;
+ vec4 ambient_light = vec4(0.0), reflection_light = vec4(0.0);
+ if (normal.length() > 0.5) {
+ //valid normal, can do GI
+ float roughness = normal_roughness.w;
+ vertex = mat3(params.cam_rotation) * vertex;
+ normal = normalize(mat3(params.cam_rotation) * normal);
+ vec3 reflection = normalize(reflect(normalize(vertex), normal));
+ if (params.use_sdfgi) {
+ sdfgi_process(vertex, normal, reflection, roughness, ambient_light, reflection_light);
+ }
+ if (params.max_giprobes > 0) {
+ uvec2 giprobe_tex = texelFetch(usampler2D(giprobe_buffer, linear_sampler), pos, 0).rg;
+ roughness *= roughness;
+ //find arbitrary tangent and bitangent, then build a matrix
+ vec3 v0 = abs(normal.z) < 0.999 ? vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) : vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+ vec3 tangent = normalize(cross(v0, normal));
+ vec3 bitangent = normalize(cross(tangent, normal));
+ mat3 normal_mat = mat3(tangent, bitangent, normal);
+ vec4 amb_accum = vec4(0.0);
+ vec4 spec_accum = vec4(0.0);
+ float blend_accum = 0.0;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < params.max_giprobes; i++) {
+ if (any(equal(uvec2(i), giprobe_tex))) {
+ gi_probe_compute(i, vertex, normal, reflection, normal_mat, roughness, spec_accum, amb_accum, blend_accum);
+ }
+ }
+ if (blend_accum > 0.0) {
+ amb_accum /= blend_accum;
+ spec_accum /= blend_accum;
+ }
+ if (params.use_sdfgi) {
+ reflection_light = blend_color(spec_accum, reflection_light);
+ ambient_light = blend_color(amb_accum, ambient_light);
+ } else {
+ reflection_light = spec_accum;
+ ambient_light = amb_accum;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ imageStore(ambient_buffer, pos, ambient_light);
+ imageStore(reflection_buffer, pos, reflection_light);
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/resolve.glsl b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/resolve.glsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9429a66dc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/resolve.glsl
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+#version 450
+layout(local_size_x = 8, local_size_y = 8, local_size_z = 1) in;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform sampler2DMS source_depth;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 1) uniform sampler2DMS source_normal_roughness;
+layout(r32f, set = 1, binding = 0) uniform restrict writeonly image2D dest_depth;
+layout(rgba8, set = 1, binding = 1) uniform restrict writeonly image2D dest_normal_roughness;
+layout(set = 2, binding = 0) uniform usampler2DMS source_giprobe;
+layout(rg8ui, set = 3, binding = 0) uniform restrict writeonly uimage2D dest_giprobe;
+layout(push_constant, binding = 16, std430) uniform Params {
+ ivec2 screen_size;
+ int sample_count;
+ uint pad;
+void main() {
+ // Pixel being shaded
+ ivec2 pos = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);
+ if (any(greaterThanEqual(pos, params.screen_size))) { //too large, do nothing
+ return;
+ }
+ float best_depth = 1e20;
+ vec4 best_normal_roughness = vec4(0.0);
+ uvec2 best_giprobe;
+#if 0
+ for(int i=0;i<params.sample_count;i++) {
+ float depth = texelFetch(source_depth,pos,i).r;
+ if (depth < best_depth) { //use the depth closest to camera
+ best_depth = depth;
+ best_normal_roughness = texelFetch(source_normal_roughness,pos,i);
+ best_giprobe = texelFetch(source_giprobe,pos,i).rg;
+ }
+ }
+ float depths[16];
+ int depth_indices[16];
+ int depth_amount[16];
+ int depth_count = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < params.sample_count; i++) {
+ float depth = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, i).r;
+ int depth_index = -1;
+ for (int j = 0; j < depth_count; j++) {
+ if (abs(depths[j] - depth) < 0.000001) {
+ depth_index = j;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (depth_index == -1) {
+ depths[depth_count] = depth;
+ depth_indices[depth_count] = i;
+ depth_amount[depth_count] = 1;
+ depth_count += 1;
+ } else {
+ depth_amount[depth_index] += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ int depth_least = 0xFFFF;
+ int best_index = 0;
+ for (int j = 0; j < depth_count; j++) {
+ if (depth_amount[j] < depth_least) {
+ best_index = depth_indices[j];
+ depth_least = depth_amount[j];
+ }
+ }
+ best_depth = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, best_index).r;
+ best_normal_roughness = texelFetch(source_normal_roughness, pos, best_index);
+ best_giprobe = texelFetch(source_giprobe, pos, best_index).rg;
+ imageStore(dest_depth, pos, vec4(best_depth));
+ imageStore(dest_normal_roughness, pos, vec4(best_normal_roughness));
+ imageStore(dest_giprobe, pos, uvec4(best_giprobe, 0, 0));
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/scene_high_end.glsl b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/scene_high_end.glsl
index 9f42b0f814..d6a56b2543 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/scene_high_end.glsl
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/scene_high_end.glsl
@@ -258,7 +258,6 @@ VERTEX_SHADER_CODE
if (scene_data.material_uv2_mode) {
gl_Position.xy = (uv2_attrib.xy + draw_call.bake_uv2_offset) * 2.0 - 1.0;
@@ -341,11 +340,13 @@ layout(location = 4) out float depth_output_buffer;
-layout(location = 0) out vec4 normal_output_buffer;
-layout(location = 1) out float roughness_output_buffer;
+layout(location = 0) out vec4 normal_roughness_output_buffer;
+layout(location = 1) out uvec2 giprobe_buffer;
@@ -1321,37 +1322,39 @@ void reflection_process(uint ref_index, vec3 vertex, vec3 normal, float roughnes
reflection_accum += reflection;
-#if !defined(USE_LIGHTMAP) && !defined(USE_VOXEL_CONE_TRACING)
- if ([ref_index].ambient.a > 0.0) { //compute ambient using skybox
+ switch ([ref_index].ambient_mode) {
+ //do nothing
+ } break;
+ //do nothing
+ vec3 local_amb_vec = ([ref_index].local_matrix * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz;
- vec3 local_amb_vec = ([ref_index].local_matrix * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz;
+ vec4 ambient_out;
- vec4 ambient_out;
- ambient_out.rgb = textureLod(samplerCubeArray(reflection_atlas, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_WITH_MIPMAPS_CLAMP]), vec4(local_amb_vec,[ref_index].index), MAX_ROUGHNESS_LOD).rgb;
- ambient_out.a = blend;
- ambient_out.rgb = mix([ref_index].ambient.rgb, ambient_out.rgb,[ref_index].ambient.a);
- if ([ref_index].params.z < 0.5) {
- ambient_out.rgb = mix(ambient_light, ambient_out.rgb, blend);
- }
+ ambient_out.rgb = textureLod(samplerCubeArray(reflection_atlas, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_WITH_MIPMAPS_CLAMP]), vec4(local_amb_vec,[ref_index].index), MAX_ROUGHNESS_LOD).rgb;
+ ambient_out.a = blend;
+ if ([ref_index].params.z < 0.5) { //interior
+ ambient_out.rgb = mix(ambient_light, ambient_out.rgb, blend);
+ }
- ambient_out.rgb *= ambient_out.a;
- ambient_accum += ambient_out;
- } else {
- vec4 ambient_out;
- ambient_out.a = blend;
- ambient_out.rgb =[ref_index].ambient.rgb;
- if ([ref_index].params.z < 0.5) {
- ambient_out.rgb = mix(ambient_light, ambient_out.rgb, blend);
- }
- ambient_out.rgb *= ambient_out.a;
- ambient_accum += ambient_out;
+ ambient_out.rgb *= ambient_out.a;
+ ambient_accum += ambient_out;
+ } break;
+ vec4 ambient_out;
+ ambient_out.a = blend;
+ ambient_out.rgb =[ref_index].ambient;
+ if ([ref_index].params.z < 0.5) {
+ ambient_out.rgb = mix(ambient_light, ambient_out.rgb, blend);
+ }
+ ambient_out.rgb *= ambient_out.a;
+ ambient_accum += ambient_out;
+ } break;
-#endif //USE_LIGHTMAP or VCT
//standard voxel cone trace
vec4 voxel_cone_trace(texture3D probe, vec3 cell_size, vec3 pos, vec3 direction, float tan_half_angle, float max_distance, float p_bias) {
@@ -1375,42 +1378,6 @@ vec4 voxel_cone_trace(texture3D probe, vec3 cell_size, vec3 pos, vec3 direction,
return color;
-//faster version for 45 degrees
-vec4 voxel_cone_trace_anisotropic_45_degrees(texture3D probe, texture3D aniso_pos, texture3D aniso_neg, vec3 normal, vec3 cell_size, vec3 pos, vec3 direction, float tan_half_angle, float max_distance, float p_bias) {
- float dist = p_bias;
- vec4 color = vec4(0.0);
- float radius = max(0.5, tan_half_angle * dist);
- float lod_level = log2(radius * 2.0);
- while (dist < max_distance && color.a < 0.95) {
- vec3 uvw_pos = (pos + dist * direction) * cell_size;
- //check if outside, then break
- if (any(greaterThan(abs(uvw_pos - 0.5), vec3(0.5f + radius * cell_size)))) {
- break;
- }
- vec4 scolor = textureLod(sampler3D(probe, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_WITH_MIPMAPS_CLAMP]), uvw_pos, lod_level);
- vec3 aniso_neg = textureLod(sampler3D(aniso_neg, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_WITH_MIPMAPS_CLAMP]), uvw_pos, lod_level).rgb;
- vec3 aniso_pos = textureLod(sampler3D(aniso_pos, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_WITH_MIPMAPS_CLAMP]), uvw_pos, lod_level).rgb;
- scolor.rgb *= dot(max(vec3(0.0), (normal * aniso_pos)), vec3(1.0)) + dot(max(vec3(0.0), (-normal * aniso_neg)), vec3(1.0));
- lod_level += 1.0;
- float a = (1.0 - color.a);
- scolor *= a;
- color += scolor;
- dist += radius;
- radius = max(0.5, tan_half_angle * dist);
- }
- return color;
vec4 voxel_cone_trace_45_degrees(texture3D probe, vec3 cell_size, vec3 pos, vec3 direction, float tan_half_angle, float max_distance, float p_bias) {
float dist = p_bias;
vec4 color = vec4(0.0);
@@ -1437,41 +1404,6 @@ vec4 voxel_cone_trace_45_degrees(texture3D probe, vec3 cell_size, vec3 pos, vec3
return color;
-//standard voxel cone trace
-vec4 voxel_cone_trace_anisotropic(texture3D probe, texture3D aniso_pos, texture3D aniso_neg, vec3 normal, vec3 cell_size, vec3 pos, vec3 direction, float tan_half_angle, float max_distance, float p_bias) {
- float dist = p_bias;
- vec4 color = vec4(0.0);
- while (dist < max_distance && color.a < 0.95) {
- float diameter = max(1.0, 2.0 * tan_half_angle * dist);
- vec3 uvw_pos = (pos + dist * direction) * cell_size;
- float half_diameter = diameter * 0.5;
- //check if outside, then break
- if (any(greaterThan(abs(uvw_pos - 0.5), vec3(0.5f + half_diameter * cell_size)))) {
- break;
- }
- float log2_diameter = log2(diameter);
- vec4 scolor = textureLod(sampler3D(probe, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_WITH_MIPMAPS_CLAMP]), uvw_pos, log2_diameter);
- vec3 aniso_neg = textureLod(sampler3D(aniso_neg, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_WITH_MIPMAPS_CLAMP]), uvw_pos, log2_diameter).rgb;
- vec3 aniso_pos = textureLod(sampler3D(aniso_pos, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_WITH_MIPMAPS_CLAMP]), uvw_pos, log2_diameter).rgb;
- scolor.rgb *= dot(max(vec3(0.0), (normal * aniso_pos)), vec3(1.0)) + dot(max(vec3(0.0), (-normal * aniso_neg)), vec3(1.0));
- float a = (1.0 - color.a);
- scolor *= a;
- color += scolor;
- dist += half_diameter;
- }
- return color;
void gi_probe_compute(uint index, vec3 position, vec3 normal, vec3 ref_vec, mat3 normal_xform, float roughness, vec3 ambient, vec3 environment, inout vec4 out_spec, inout vec4 out_diff) {
position = ([index].xform * vec4(position, 1.0)).xyz;
ref_vec = normalize(([index].xform * vec4(ref_vec, 0.0)).xyz);
@@ -1493,31 +1425,6 @@ void gi_probe_compute(uint index, vec3 position, vec3 normal, vec3 ref_vec, mat3
-#define MAX_CONE_DIRS 6
- vec3 cone_dirs[MAX_CONE_DIRS] = vec3[](
- vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
- vec3(0.866025, 0.0, 0.5),
- vec3(0.267617, 0.823639, 0.5),
- vec3(-0.700629, 0.509037, 0.5),
- vec3(-0.700629, -0.509037, 0.5),
- vec3(0.267617, -0.823639, 0.5));
- float cone_weights[MAX_CONE_DIRS] = float[](0.25, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15);
- float cone_angle_tan = 0.577;
-#elif defined(GI_PROBE_LOW_QUALITY)
-#define MAX_CONE_DIRS 1
- vec3 cone_dirs[MAX_CONE_DIRS] = vec3[](
- vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
- float cone_weights[MAX_CONE_DIRS] = float[](1.0);
- float cone_angle_tan = 4; //~76 degrees
#define MAX_CONE_DIRS 4
vec3 cone_dirs[MAX_CONE_DIRS] = vec3[](
@@ -1529,31 +1436,13 @@ void gi_probe_compute(uint index, vec3 position, vec3 normal, vec3 ref_vec, mat3
float cone_weights[MAX_CONE_DIRS] = float[](0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25);
float cone_angle_tan = 0.98269;
vec3 light = vec3(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CONE_DIRS; i++) {
vec3 dir = normalize(([index].xform * vec4(normal_xform * cone_dirs[i], 0.0)).xyz);
- vec4 cone_light = voxel_cone_trace_anisotropic(gi_probe_textures[[index].texture_slot], gi_probe_textures[[index].texture_slot + 1], gi_probe_textures[[index].texture_slot + 2], normalize(mix(dir, normal,[index].anisotropy_strength)), cell_size, position, dir, cone_angle_tan, max_distance,[index].bias);
- vec4 cone_light = voxel_cone_trace(gi_probe_textures[[index].texture_slot], cell_size, position, dir, cone_angle_tan, max_distance,[index].bias);
- vec4 cone_light = voxel_cone_trace_anisotropic_45_degrees(gi_probe_textures[[index].texture_slot], gi_probe_textures[[index].texture_slot + 1], gi_probe_textures[[index].texture_slot + 2], normalize(mix(dir, normal,[index].anisotropy_strength)), cell_size, position, dir, cone_angle_tan, max_distance,[index].bias);
- vec4 cone_light = voxel_cone_trace_45_degrees(gi_probe_textures[[index].texture_slot], cell_size, position, dir, cone_angle_tan, max_distance,[index].bias);
+ vec4 cone_light = voxel_cone_trace_45_degrees(gi_probe_textures[index], cell_size, position, dir, cone_angle_tan, max_distance,[index].bias);
if ([index].blend_ambient) {
cone_light.rgb = mix(ambient, cone_light.rgb, min(1.0, cone_light.a / 0.95));
@@ -1562,33 +1451,10 @@ void gi_probe_compute(uint index, vec3 position, vec3 normal, vec3 ref_vec, mat3
light *=[index].dynamic_range;
- if ([index].ambient_occlusion > 0.001) {
- float size = 1.0 +[index].ambient_occlusion_size * 7.0;
- float taps, blend;
- blend = modf(size, taps);
- float ao = 0.0;
- for (float i = 1.0; i <= taps; i++) {
- vec3 ofs = (position + normal * (i * 0.5 + 1.0)) * cell_size;
- ao += textureLod(sampler3D(gi_probe_textures[[index].texture_slot], material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_WITH_MIPMAPS_CLAMP]), ofs, i - 1.0).a * i;
- }
- if (blend > 0.001) {
- vec3 ofs = (position + normal * ((taps + 1.0) * 0.5 + 1.0)) * cell_size;
- ao += textureLod(sampler3D(gi_probe_textures[[index].texture_slot], material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_WITH_MIPMAPS_CLAMP]), ofs, taps).a * (taps + 1.0) * blend;
- }
- ao = 1.0 - min(1.0, ao);
- light = mix(scene_data.ao_color.rgb, light, mix(1.0, ao,[index].ambient_occlusion));
- }
out_diff += vec4(light * blend, blend);
- vec4 irr_light = voxel_cone_trace(gi_probe_textures[[index].texture_slot], cell_size, position, ref_vec, tan(roughness * 0.5 * M_PI * 0.99), max_distance,[index].bias);
+ vec4 irr_light = voxel_cone_trace(gi_probe_textures[index], cell_size, position, ref_vec, tan(roughness * 0.5 * M_PI * 0.99), max_distance,[index].bias);
if ([index].blend_ambient) {
irr_light.rgb = mix(environment, irr_light.rgb, min(1.0, irr_light.a / 0.95));
@@ -1596,10 +1462,142 @@ void gi_probe_compute(uint index, vec3 position, vec3 normal, vec3 ref_vec, mat3
out_spec += vec4(irr_light.rgb * blend, blend);
+#endif //USE_FORWARD_GI
+vec2 octahedron_wrap(vec2 v) {
+ vec2 signVal;
+ signVal.x = v.x >= 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
+ signVal.y = v.y >= 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
+ return (1.0 - abs(v.yx)) * signVal;
+vec2 octahedron_encode(vec3 n) {
+ //
+ n /= (abs(n.x) + abs(n.y) + abs(n.z));
+ n.xy = n.z >= 0.0 ? n.xy : octahedron_wrap(n.xy);
+ n.xy = n.xy * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ return n.xy;
+void sdfgi_process(uint cascade, vec3 cascade_pos, vec3 cam_pos, vec3 cam_normal, vec3 cam_specular_normal, bool use_specular, float roughness, out vec3 diffuse_light, out vec3 specular_light, out float blend) {
+ cascade_pos += cam_normal * sdfgi.normal_bias;
+ vec3 base_pos = floor(cascade_pos);
+ //cascade_pos += mix(vec3(0.0),vec3(0.01),lessThan(abs(cascade_pos-base_pos),vec3(0.01))) * cam_normal;
+ ivec3 probe_base_pos = ivec3(base_pos);
+ vec4 diffuse_accum = vec4(0.0);
+ vec3 specular_accum;
+ ivec3 tex_pos = ivec3(probe_base_pos.xy, int(cascade));
+ tex_pos.x += probe_base_pos.z * sdfgi.probe_axis_size;
+ tex_pos.xy = tex_pos.xy * (SDFGI_OCT_SIZE + 2) + ivec2(1);
+ vec3 diffuse_posf = (vec3(tex_pos) + vec3(octahedron_encode(cam_normal) * float(SDFGI_OCT_SIZE), 0.0)) * sdfgi.lightprobe_tex_pixel_size;
+ vec3 specular_posf;
+ if (use_specular) {
+ specular_accum = vec3(0.0);
+ specular_posf = (vec3(tex_pos) + vec3(octahedron_encode(cam_specular_normal) * float(SDFGI_OCT_SIZE), 0.0)) * sdfgi.lightprobe_tex_pixel_size;
+ }
+ vec4 light_accum = vec4(0.0);
+ float weight_accum = 0.0;
+ for (uint j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+ ivec3 offset = (ivec3(j) >> ivec3(0, 1, 2)) & ivec3(1, 1, 1);
+ ivec3 probe_posi = probe_base_pos;
+ probe_posi += offset;
+ // Compute weight
+ vec3 probe_pos = vec3(probe_posi);
+ vec3 probe_to_pos = cascade_pos - probe_pos;
+ vec3 probe_dir = normalize(-probe_to_pos);
+ vec3 trilinear = vec3(1.0) - abs(probe_to_pos);
+ float weight = trilinear.x * trilinear.y * trilinear.z * max(0.005, dot(cam_normal, probe_dir));
+ // Compute lightprobe occlusion
+ if (sdfgi.use_occlusion) {
+ ivec3 occ_indexv = abs((sdfgi.cascades[cascade].probe_world_offset + probe_posi) & ivec3(1, 1, 1)) * ivec3(1, 2, 4);
+ vec4 occ_mask = mix(vec4(0.0), vec4(1.0), equal(ivec4(occ_indexv.x | occ_indexv.y), ivec4(0, 1, 2, 3)));
+ vec3 occ_pos = clamp(cascade_pos, probe_pos - sdfgi.occlusion_clamp, probe_pos + sdfgi.occlusion_clamp) * sdfgi.probe_to_uvw;
+ occ_pos.z += float(cascade);
+ if (occ_indexv.z != 0) { //z bit is on, means index is >=4, so make it switch to the other half of textures
+ occ_pos.x += 1.0;
+ }
+ occ_pos *= sdfgi.occlusion_renormalize;
+ float occlusion = dot(textureLod(sampler3D(sdfgi_occlusion_cascades, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), occ_pos, 0.0), occ_mask);
+ weight *= max(occlusion, 0.01);
+ }
+ // Compute lightprobe texture position
+ vec3 diffuse;
+ vec3 pos_uvw = diffuse_posf;
+ pos_uvw.xy += vec2(offset.xy) * sdfgi.lightprobe_uv_offset.xy;
+ pos_uvw.x += float(offset.z) * sdfgi.lightprobe_uv_offset.z;
+ diffuse = textureLod(sampler2DArray(sdfgi_lightprobe_texture, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), pos_uvw, 0.0).rgb;
+ diffuse_accum += vec4(diffuse * weight, weight);
+ if (use_specular) {
+ vec3 specular = vec3(0.0);
+ vec3 pos_uvw = specular_posf;
+ pos_uvw.xy += vec2(offset.xy) * sdfgi.lightprobe_uv_offset.xy;
+ pos_uvw.x += float(offset.z) * sdfgi.lightprobe_uv_offset.z;
+ if (roughness < 0.99) {
+ specular = textureLod(sampler2DArray(sdfgi_lightprobe_texture, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), pos_uvw + vec3(0, 0, float(sdfgi.max_cascades)), 0.0).rgb;
+ }
+ if (roughness > 0.5) {
+ specular = mix(specular, textureLod(sampler2DArray(sdfgi_lightprobe_texture, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), pos_uvw, 0.0).rgb, (roughness - 0.5) * 2.0);
+ }
+ specular_accum += specular * weight;
+ }
+ }
+ if (diffuse_accum.a > 0.0) {
+ diffuse_accum.rgb /= diffuse_accum.a;
+ }
+ diffuse_light = diffuse_accum.rgb;
+ if (use_specular) {
+ if (diffuse_accum.a > 0.0) {
+ specular_accum /= diffuse_accum.a;
+ }
+ specular_light = specular_accum;
+ }
+ {
+ //process blend
+ float blend_from = (float(sdfgi.probe_axis_size - 1) / 2.0) - 2.5;
+ float blend_to = blend_from + 2.0;
+ vec3 inner_pos = cam_pos * sdfgi.cascades[cascade].to_probe;
+ float len = length(inner_pos);
+ inner_pos = abs(normalize(inner_pos));
+ len *= max(inner_pos.x, max(inner_pos.y, inner_pos.z));
+ if (len >= blend_from) {
+ blend = smoothstep(blend_from, blend_to, len);
+ } else {
+ blend = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
#endif //!defined(MODE_RENDER_DEPTH) && !defined(MODE_UNSHADED)
@@ -1812,6 +1810,15 @@ FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE
#endif //not render depth
/////////////////////// LIGHTING //////////////////////////////
+ if (scene_data.roughness_limiter_enabled) {
+ //
+ float roughness2 = roughness * roughness;
+ vec3 dndu = dFdx(normal), dndv = dFdx(normal);
+ float variance = scene_data.roughness_limiter_amount * (dot(dndu, dndu) + dot(dndv, dndv));
+ float kernelRoughness2 = min(2.0 * variance, scene_data.roughness_limiter_limit); //limit effect
+ float filteredRoughness2 = min(1.0, roughness2 + kernelRoughness2);
+ roughness = sqrt(filteredRoughness2);
+ }
//apply energy conservation
vec3 specular_light = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
@@ -1820,11 +1827,6 @@ FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE
#if !defined(MODE_RENDER_DEPTH) && !defined(MODE_UNSHADED)
- if (scene_data.roughness_limiter_enabled) {
- float limit = texelFetch(sampler2D(roughness_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_NEAREST_CLAMP]), ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy), 0).r;
- roughness = max(roughness, limit);
- }
if (scene_data.use_reflection_cubemap) {
vec3 ref_vec = reflect(-view, normal);
ref_vec = scene_data.radiance_inverse_xform * ref_vec;
@@ -1871,7 +1873,6 @@ FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE
#if !defined(MODE_RENDER_DEPTH) && !defined(MODE_UNSHADED)
- //gi probes
@@ -1928,10 +1929,80 @@ FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE
ambient_light += textureLod(sampler2DArray(lightmap_textures[ofs], material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uvw, 0.0).rgb;
- //lightmap capture
+#elif defined(USE_FORWARD_GI)
+ if (bool([instance_index].flags & INSTANCE_FLAGS_USE_SDFGI)) { //has lightmap capture
+ //make vertex orientation the world one, but still align to camera
+ vec3 cam_pos = mat3(scene_data.camera_matrix) * vertex;
+ vec3 cam_normal = mat3(scene_data.camera_matrix) * normal;
+ vec3 cam_reflection = mat3(scene_data.camera_matrix) * reflect(-view, normal);
+ //apply y-mult
+ cam_pos.y *= sdfgi.y_mult;
+ cam_normal.y *= sdfgi.y_mult;
+ cam_normal = normalize(cam_normal);
+ cam_reflection.y *= sdfgi.y_mult;
+ cam_normal = normalize(cam_normal);
+ cam_reflection = normalize(cam_reflection);
+ vec4 light_accum = vec4(0.0);
+ float weight_accum = 0.0;
+ vec4 light_blend_accum = vec4(0.0);
+ float weight_blend_accum = 0.0;
+ float blend = -1.0;
+ // helper constants, compute once
+ uint cascade = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ vec3 cascade_pos;
+ vec3 cascade_normal;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < sdfgi.max_cascades; i++) {
+ cascade_pos = (cam_pos - sdfgi.cascades[i].position) * sdfgi.cascades[i].to_probe;
+ if (any(lessThan(cascade_pos, vec3(0.0))) || any(greaterThanEqual(cascade_pos, sdfgi.cascade_probe_size))) {
+ continue; //skip cascade
+ }
+ cascade = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (cascade < SDFGI_MAX_CASCADES) {
+ bool use_specular = true;
+ float blend;
+ vec3 diffuse, specular;
+ sdfgi_process(cascade, cascade_pos, cam_pos, cam_normal, cam_reflection, use_specular, roughness, diffuse, specular, blend);
+ if (blend > 0.0) {
+ //blend
+ if (cascade == sdfgi.max_cascades - 1) {
+ diffuse = mix(diffuse, ambient_light, blend);
+ if (use_specular) {
+ specular = mix(specular, specular_light, blend);
+ }
+ } else {
+ vec3 diffuse2, specular2;
+ float blend2;
+ cascade_pos = (cam_pos - sdfgi.cascades[cascade + 1].position) * sdfgi.cascades[cascade + 1].to_probe;
+ sdfgi_process(cascade + 1, cascade_pos, cam_pos, cam_normal, cam_reflection, use_specular, roughness, diffuse2, specular2, blend2);
+ diffuse = mix(diffuse, diffuse2, blend);
+ if (use_specular) {
+ specular = mix(specular, specular2, blend);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ambient_light = diffuse;
+ if (use_specular) {
+ specular_light = specular;
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (bool([instance_index].flags & INSTANCE_FLAGS_USE_GIPROBE)) { // process giprobes
uint index1 =[instance_index].gi_offset & 0xFFFF;
@@ -1963,6 +2034,56 @@ FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE
specular_light = spec_accum.rgb;
ambient_light = amb_accum.rgb;
+ if (bool([instance_index].flags & INSTANCE_FLAGS_USE_GI_BUFFERS)) { //use GI buffers
+ ivec2 coord;
+ if (scene_data.gi_upscale_for_msaa) {
+ /*
+ //find the closest depth to upscale from, based on neighbours
+ ivec2 base_coord = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
+ float z_dist = gl_FragCoord.z;
+ ivec2 closest_coord = base_coord;
+ float closest_z_dist = abs(texelFetch(sampler2D(depth_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), base_coord,0).r-z_dist);
+ for(int i=0;i<4;i++) {
+ const ivec2 neighbours[4]=ivec2[](ivec2(-1,0),ivec2(1,0),ivec2(0,-1),ivec2(0,1));
+ ivec2 neighbour_coord = base_coord + neighbours[i];
+ float neighbour_z_dist = abs(texelFetch(sampler2D(depth_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), neighbour_coord,0).r-z_dist);
+ if (neighbour_z_dist < closest_z_dist) {
+ closest_z_dist = neighbour_z_dist;
+ closest_coord = neighbour_coord;
+ }
+ }
+ ivec2 base_coord = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
+ ivec2 closest_coord = base_coord;
+ float closest_ang = dot(normal, texelFetch(sampler2D(normal_roughness_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), base_coord, 0).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ const ivec2 neighbours[4] = ivec2[](ivec2(-1, 0), ivec2(1, 0), ivec2(0, -1), ivec2(0, 1));
+ ivec2 neighbour_coord = base_coord + neighbours[i];
+ float neighbour_ang = dot(normal, texelFetch(sampler2D(normal_roughness_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), neighbour_coord, 0).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0);
+ if (neighbour_ang > closest_ang) {
+ closest_ang = neighbour_ang;
+ closest_coord = neighbour_coord;
+ }
+ }
+ coord = closest_coord;
+ } else {
+ coord = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
+ }
+ vec4 buffer_ambient = texelFetch(sampler2D(ambient_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), coord, 0);
+ vec4 buffer_reflection = texelFetch(sampler2D(reflection_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), coord, 0);
+ ambient_light = mix(ambient_light, buffer_ambient.rgb, buffer_ambient.a);
+ specular_light = mix(specular_light, buffer_reflection.rgb, buffer_reflection.a);
+ }
{ // process reflections
@@ -2376,6 +2497,97 @@ FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE
+ {
+ vec3 local_pos = (scene_data.sdf_to_bounds * vec4(vertex, 1.0)).xyz;
+ ivec3 grid_pos = scene_data.sdf_offset + ivec3(local_pos * vec3(scene_data.sdf_size));
+ uint albedo16 = 0x1; //solid flag
+ albedo16 |= clamp(uint(albedo.r * 31.0), 0, 31) << 11;
+ albedo16 |= clamp(uint(albedo.g * 31.0), 0, 31) << 6;
+ albedo16 |= clamp(uint(albedo.b * 31.0), 0, 31) << 1;
+ imageStore(albedo_volume_grid, grid_pos, uvec4(albedo16));
+ uint facing_bits = 0;
+ const vec3 aniso_dir[6] = vec3[](
+ vec3(1, 0, 0),
+ vec3(0, 1, 0),
+ vec3(0, 0, 1),
+ vec3(-1, 0, 0),
+ vec3(0, -1, 0),
+ vec3(0, 0, -1));
+ vec3 cam_normal = mat3(scene_data.camera_matrix) * normalize(normal_interp);
+ float closest_dist = -1e20;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ float d = dot(cam_normal, aniso_dir[i]);
+ if (d > closest_dist) {
+ closest_dist = d;
+ facing_bits = (1 << i);
+ }
+ }
+ imageAtomicOr(geom_facing_grid, grid_pos, facing_bits); //store facing bits
+ if (length(emission) > 0.001) {
+ float lumas[6];
+ vec3 light_total = vec3(0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ float strength = max(0.0, dot(cam_normal, aniso_dir[i]));
+ vec3 light = emission * strength;
+ light_total += light;
+ lumas[i] = max(light.r, max(light.g, light.b));
+ }
+ float luma_total = max(light_total.r, max(light_total.g, light_total.b));
+ uint light_aniso = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ light_aniso |= min(31, uint((lumas[i] / luma_total) * 31.0)) << (i * 5);
+ }
+ //compress to RGBE9995 to save space
+ const float pow2to9 = 512.0f;
+ const float B = 15.0f;
+ const float N = 9.0f;
+ const float LN2 = 0.6931471805599453094172321215;
+ float cRed = clamp(light_total.r, 0.0, 65408.0);
+ float cGreen = clamp(light_total.g, 0.0, 65408.0);
+ float cBlue = clamp(light_total.b, 0.0, 65408.0);
+ float cMax = max(cRed, max(cGreen, cBlue));
+ float expp = max(-B - 1.0f, floor(log(cMax) / LN2)) + 1.0f + B;
+ float sMax = floor((cMax / pow(2.0f, expp - B - N)) + 0.5f);
+ float exps = expp + 1.0f;
+ if (0.0 <= sMax && sMax < pow2to9) {
+ exps = expp;
+ }
+ float sRed = floor((cRed / pow(2.0f, exps - B - N)) + 0.5f);
+ float sGreen = floor((cGreen / pow(2.0f, exps - B - N)) + 0.5f);
+ float sBlue = floor((cBlue / pow(2.0f, exps - B - N)) + 0.5f);
+ //store as 8985 to have 2 extra neighbour bits
+ uint light_rgbe = ((uint(sRed) & 0x1FF) >> 1) | ((uint(sGreen) & 0x1FF) << 8) | (((uint(sBlue) & 0x1FF) >> 1) << 17) | ((uint(exps) & 0x1F) << 25);
+ imageStore(emission_grid, grid_pos, uvec4(light_rgbe));
+ imageStore(emission_aniso_grid, grid_pos, uvec4(light_aniso));
+ }
+ }
albedo_output_buffer.rgb = albedo;
@@ -2398,11 +2610,21 @@ FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE
emission_output_buffer.a = 0.0;
- normal_output_buffer = vec4(normal * 0.5 + 0.5, 0.0);
- roughness_output_buffer = roughness;
+ normal_roughness_output_buffer = vec4(normal * 0.5 + 0.5, roughness);
+ if (bool([instance_index].flags & INSTANCE_FLAGS_USE_GIPROBE)) { // process giprobes
+ uint index1 =[instance_index].gi_offset & 0xFFFF;
+ uint index2 =[instance_index].gi_offset >> 16;
+ giprobe_buffer.x = index1 & 0xFF;
+ giprobe_buffer.y = index2 & 0xFF;
+ } else {
+ giprobe_buffer.x = 0xFF;
+ giprobe_buffer.y = 0xFF;
+ }
//nothing happens, so a tree-ssa optimizer will result in no fragment shader :)
@@ -2455,7 +2677,6 @@ FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE
diffuse_buffer = vec4(emission + diffuse_light + ambient_light, sss_strength);
specular_buffer = vec4(specular_light, metallic);
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/scene_high_end_inc.glsl b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/scene_high_end_inc.glsl
index 1cac12406a..1244599097 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/scene_high_end_inc.glsl
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/scene_high_end_inc.glsl
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#define M_PI 3.14159265359
+#define MAX_GI_PROBES 8
layout(push_constant, binding = 0, std430) uniform DrawCall {
uint instance_index;
uint pad; //16 bits minimum size
@@ -27,6 +29,8 @@ layout(set = 0, binding = 1) uniform sampler material_samplers[12];
layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform sampler shadow_sampler;
layout(set = 0, binding = 3, std140) uniform SceneData {
mat4 projection_matrix;
mat4 inv_projection_matrix;
@@ -76,11 +80,19 @@ layout(set = 0, binding = 3, std140) uniform SceneData {
float ssao_ao_affect;
bool roughness_limiter_enabled;
+ float roughness_limiter_amount;
+ float roughness_limiter_limit;
+ uvec2 roughness_limiter_pad;
vec4 ao_color;
+ mat4 sdf_to_bounds;
+ ivec3 sdf_offset;
bool material_uv2_mode;
- uint pad_material0;
- uint pad_material1;
- uint pad_material2;
+ ivec3 sdf_size;
+ bool gi_upscale_for_msaa;
#if 0
vec4 ambient_light_color;
@@ -120,6 +132,8 @@ layout(set = 0, binding = 3, std140) uniform SceneData {
+#define INSTANCE_FLAGS_USE_SDFGI (1 << 7)
@@ -175,13 +189,18 @@ layout(set = 0, binding = 5, std430) restrict readonly buffer Lights {
struct ReflectionData {
vec3 box_extents;
float index;
vec3 box_offset;
uint mask;
vec4 params; // intensity, 0, interior , boxproject
- vec4 ambient; // ambient color, energy
+ vec3 ambient; // ambient color
+ uint ambient_mode;
mat4 local_matrix; // up to here for spot and omni, rest is for directional
// notes: for ambientblend, use distance to edge to blend between already existing global environment
@@ -229,29 +248,6 @@ layout(set = 0, binding = 7, std140) uniform DirectionalLights {
-struct GIProbeData {
- mat4 xform;
- vec3 bounds;
- float dynamic_range;
- float bias;
- float normal_bias;
- bool blend_ambient;
- uint texture_slot;
- float anisotropy_strength;
- float ambient_occlusion;
- float ambient_occlusion_size;
- uint pad2;
-layout(set = 0, binding = 8, std140) uniform GIProbes {
- GIProbeData data[MAX_GI_PROBES];
-layout(set = 0, binding = 9) uniform texture3D gi_probe_textures[MAX_GI_PROBE_TEXTURES];
@@ -319,6 +315,41 @@ layout(set = 0, binding = 19, std430) restrict readonly buffer GlobalVariableDat
+struct SDFGIProbeCascadeData {
+ vec3 position;
+ float to_probe;
+ ivec3 probe_world_offset;
+ float to_cell; // 1/bounds * grid_size
+layout(set = 0, binding = 20, std140) uniform SDFGI {
+ vec3 grid_size;
+ uint max_cascades;
+ bool use_occlusion;
+ int probe_axis_size;
+ float probe_to_uvw;
+ float normal_bias;
+ vec3 lightprobe_tex_pixel_size;
+ float energy;
+ vec3 lightprobe_uv_offset;
+ float y_mult;
+ vec3 occlusion_clamp;
+ uint pad3;
+ vec3 occlusion_renormalize;
+ uint pad4;
+ vec3 cascade_probe_size;
+ uint pad5;
+ SDFGIProbeCascadeData cascades[SDFGI_MAX_CASCADES];
// decal atlas
/* Set 1, Radiance */
@@ -339,13 +370,57 @@ layout(set = 2, binding = 0) uniform textureCubeArray reflection_atlas;
layout(set = 2, binding = 1) uniform texture2D shadow_atlas;
+layout(set = 2, binding = 2) uniform texture3D gi_probe_textures[MAX_GI_PROBES];
/* Set 3, Render Buffers */
+layout(r16ui, set = 3, binding = 0) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D albedo_volume_grid;
+layout(r32ui, set = 3, binding = 1) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D emission_grid;
+layout(r32ui, set = 3, binding = 2) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D emission_aniso_grid;
+layout(r32ui, set = 3, binding = 3) uniform restrict uimage3D geom_facing_grid;
+//still need to be present for shaders that use it, so remap them to something
+#define depth_buffer shadow_atlas
+#define color_buffer shadow_atlas
+#define normal_roughness_buffer shadow_atlas
layout(set = 3, binding = 0) uniform texture2D depth_buffer;
layout(set = 3, binding = 1) uniform texture2D color_buffer;
-layout(set = 3, binding = 2) uniform texture2D normal_buffer;
-layout(set = 3, binding = 3) uniform texture2D roughness_buffer;
+layout(set = 3, binding = 2) uniform texture2D normal_roughness_buffer;
layout(set = 3, binding = 4) uniform texture2D ao_buffer;
+layout(set = 3, binding = 5) uniform texture2D ambient_buffer;
+layout(set = 3, binding = 6) uniform texture2D reflection_buffer;
+layout(set = 3, binding = 7) uniform texture2DArray sdfgi_lightprobe_texture;
+layout(set = 3, binding = 8) uniform texture3D sdfgi_occlusion_cascades;
+struct GIProbeData {
+ mat4 xform;
+ vec3 bounds;
+ float dynamic_range;
+ float bias;
+ float normal_bias;
+ bool blend_ambient;
+ uint texture_slot;
+ float anisotropy_strength;
+ float ambient_occlusion;
+ float ambient_occlusion_size;
+ uint pad2;
+layout(set = 3, binding = 9, std140) uniform GIProbes {
+ GIProbeData data[MAX_GI_PROBES];
/* Set 4 Skeleton & Instancing (Multimesh) */
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection.glsl b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection.glsl
index 084f28d932..a8ee33a664 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection.glsl
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/screen_space_reflection.glsl
@@ -12,11 +12,8 @@ layout(rgba16f, set = 1, binding = 0) uniform restrict writeonly image2D ssr_ima
layout(r8, set = 1, binding = 1) uniform restrict writeonly image2D blur_radius_image;
-layout(rgba8, set = 2, binding = 0) uniform restrict readonly image2D source_normal;
+layout(rgba8, set = 2, binding = 0) uniform restrict readonly image2D source_normal_roughness;
layout(set = 3, binding = 0) uniform sampler2D source_metallic;
-#ifdef MODE_ROUGH
-layout(set = 3, binding = 1) uniform sampler2D source_roughness;
layout(push_constant, binding = 2, std430) uniform Params {
vec4 proj_info;
@@ -75,7 +72,8 @@ void main() {
// World space point being shaded
vec3 vertex = reconstructCSPosition(uv * vec2(params.screen_size), base_depth);
- vec3 normal = imageLoad(source_normal, ssC).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0;
+ vec4 normal_roughness = imageLoad(source_normal_roughness, ssC);
+ vec3 normal = * 2.0 - 1.0;
normal = normalize(normal);
normal.y = -normal.y; //because this code reads flipped
@@ -208,7 +206,7 @@ void main() {
// if roughness is enabled, do screen space cone tracing
float blur_radius = 0.0;
- float roughness = texelFetch(source_roughness, ssC << 1, 0).r;
+ float roughness = normal_roughness.w;
if (roughness > 0.001) {
float cone_angle = min(roughness, 0.999) * M_PI * 0.5;
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug.glsl b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug.glsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..813ea29fa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug.glsl
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+#version 450
+layout(local_size_x = 8, local_size_y = 8, local_size_z = 1) in;
+#define MAX_CASCADES 8
+layout(set = 0, binding = 1) uniform texture3D sdf_cascades[MAX_CASCADES];
+layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform texture3D light_cascades[MAX_CASCADES];
+layout(set = 0, binding = 3) uniform texture3D aniso0_cascades[MAX_CASCADES];
+layout(set = 0, binding = 4) uniform texture3D aniso1_cascades[MAX_CASCADES];
+layout(set = 0, binding = 5) uniform texture3D occlusion_texture;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 8) uniform sampler linear_sampler;
+struct CascadeData {
+ vec3 offset; //offset of (0,0,0) in world coordinates
+ float to_cell; // 1/bounds * grid_size
+ ivec3 probe_world_offset;
+ uint pad;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 9, std140) uniform Cascades {
+ CascadeData data[MAX_CASCADES];
+layout(rgba16f, set = 0, binding = 10) uniform restrict writeonly image2D screen_buffer;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 11) uniform texture2DArray lightprobe_texture;
+layout(push_constant, binding = 0, std430) uniform Params {
+ vec3 grid_size;
+ uint max_cascades;
+ ivec2 screen_size;
+ bool use_occlusion;
+ float y_mult;
+ vec3 cam_extent;
+ int probe_axis_size;
+ mat4 cam_transform;
+vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 color) {
+ //if going to srgb, clamp from 0 to 1.
+ color = clamp(color, vec3(0.0), vec3(1.0));
+ const vec3 a = vec3(0.055f);
+ return mix((vec3(1.0f) + a) * pow(color.rgb, vec3(1.0f / 2.4f)) - a, 12.92f * color.rgb, lessThan(color.rgb, vec3(0.0031308f)));
+vec2 octahedron_wrap(vec2 v) {
+ vec2 signVal;
+ signVal.x = v.x >= 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
+ signVal.y = v.y >= 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
+ return (1.0 - abs(v.yx)) * signVal;
+vec2 octahedron_encode(vec3 n) {
+ //
+ n /= (abs(n.x) + abs(n.y) + abs(n.z));
+ n.xy = n.z >= 0.0 ? n.xy : octahedron_wrap(n.xy);
+ n.xy = n.xy * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ return n.xy;
+void main() {
+ // Pixel being shaded
+ ivec2 screen_pos = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);
+ if (any(greaterThanEqual(screen_pos, params.screen_size))) { //too large, do nothing
+ return;
+ }
+ vec3 ray_pos;
+ vec3 ray_dir;
+ {
+ ray_pos = params.cam_transform[3].xyz;
+ ray_dir.xy = params.cam_extent.xy * ((vec2(screen_pos) / vec2(params.screen_size)) * 2.0 - 1.0);
+ ray_dir.z = params.cam_extent.z;
+ ray_dir = normalize(mat3(params.cam_transform) * ray_dir);
+ }
+ ray_pos.y *= params.y_mult;
+ ray_dir.y *= params.y_mult;
+ ray_dir = normalize(ray_dir);
+ vec3 pos_to_uvw = 1.0 / params.grid_size;
+ vec3 light = vec3(0.0);
+ float blend = 0.0;
+#if 1
+ vec3 inv_dir = 1.0 / ray_dir;
+ float rough = 0.5;
+ bool hit = false;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < params.max_cascades; i++) {
+ //convert to local bounds
+ vec3 pos = ray_pos -[i].offset;
+ pos *=[i].to_cell;
+ // Should never happen for debug, since we start mostly at the bounds center,
+ // but add anyway.
+ //if (any(lessThan(pos,vec3(0.0))) || any(greaterThanEqual(pos,params.grid_size))) {
+ // continue; //already past bounds for this cascade, goto next
+ //}
+ //find maximum advance distance (until reaching bounds)
+ vec3 t0 = -pos * inv_dir;
+ vec3 t1 = (params.grid_size - pos) * inv_dir;
+ vec3 tmax = max(t0, t1);
+ float max_advance = min(tmax.x, min(tmax.y, tmax.z));
+ float advance = 0.0;
+ vec3 uvw;
+ hit = false;
+ while (advance < max_advance) {
+ //read how much to advance from SDF
+ uvw = (pos + ray_dir * advance) * pos_to_uvw;
+ float distance = texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[i], linear_sampler), uvw).r * 255.0 - 1.7;
+ if (distance < 0.001) {
+ //consider hit
+ hit = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ advance += distance;
+ }
+ if (!hit) {
+ pos += ray_dir * min(advance, max_advance);
+ pos /=[i].to_cell;
+ pos +=[i].offset;
+ ray_pos = pos;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //compute albedo, emission and normal at hit point
+ const float EPSILON = 0.001;
+ vec3 hit_normal = normalize(vec3(
+ texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[i], linear_sampler), uvw + vec3(EPSILON, 0.0, 0.0)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[i], linear_sampler), uvw - vec3(EPSILON, 0.0, 0.0)).r,
+ texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[i], linear_sampler), uvw + vec3(0.0, EPSILON, 0.0)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[i], linear_sampler), uvw - vec3(0.0, EPSILON, 0.0)).r,
+ texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[i], linear_sampler), uvw + vec3(0.0, 0.0, EPSILON)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[i], linear_sampler), uvw - vec3(0.0, 0.0, EPSILON)).r));
+ vec3 hit_light = texture(sampler3D(light_cascades[i], linear_sampler), uvw).rgb;
+ vec4 aniso0 = texture(sampler3D(aniso0_cascades[i], linear_sampler), uvw);
+ vec3 hit_aniso0 = aniso0.rgb;
+ vec3 hit_aniso1 = vec3(aniso0.a, texture(sampler3D(aniso1_cascades[i], linear_sampler), uvw).rg);
+ hit_light *= (dot(max(vec3(0.0), (hit_normal * hit_aniso0)), vec3(1.0)) + dot(max(vec3(0.0), (-hit_normal * hit_aniso1)), vec3(1.0)));
+ if (blend > 0.0) {
+ light = mix(light, hit_light, blend);
+ blend = 0.0;
+ } else {
+ light = hit_light;
+ //process blend
+ float blend_from = (float(params.probe_axis_size - 1) / 2.0) - 2.5;
+ float blend_to = blend_from + 2.0;
+ vec3 cam_pos = params.cam_transform[3].xyz -[i].offset;
+ cam_pos *=[i].to_cell;
+ pos += ray_dir * min(advance, max_advance);
+ vec3 inner_pos = pos - cam_pos;
+ inner_pos = inner_pos * float(params.probe_axis_size - 1) / params.grid_size.x;
+ float len = length(inner_pos);
+ inner_pos = abs(normalize(inner_pos));
+ len *= max(inner_pos.x, max(inner_pos.y, inner_pos.z));
+ if (len >= blend_from) {
+ blend = smoothstep(blend_from, blend_to, len);
+ pos /=[i].to_cell;
+ pos +=[i].offset;
+ ray_pos = pos;
+ hit = false; //continue trace for blend
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ light = mix(light, vec3(0.0), blend);
+ vec3 inv_dir = 1.0 / ray_dir;
+ bool hit = false;
+ vec4 light_accum = vec4(0.0);
+ float blend_size = (params.grid_size.x / float(params.probe_axis_size - 1)) * 0.5;
+ float radius_sizes[MAX_CASCADES];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < params.max_cascades; i++) {
+ radius_sizes[i] = (1.0 /[i].to_cell) * (params.grid_size.x * 0.5 - blend_size);
+ }
+ float max_distance = radius_sizes[params.max_cascades - 1];
+ float advance = 0;
+ while (advance < max_distance) {
+ for (uint i = 0; i < params.max_cascades; i++) {
+ if (advance < radius_sizes[i]) {
+ vec3 pos = (ray_pos + ray_dir * advance) -[i].offset;
+ pos *=[i].to_cell * pos_to_uvw;
+ float distance = texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[i], linear_sampler), pos).r * 255.0 - 1.0;
+ vec4 hit_light = vec4(0.0);
+ if (distance < 1.0) {
+ hit_light.a = max(0.0, 1.0 - distance);
+ hit_light.rgb = texture(sampler3D(light_cascades[i], linear_sampler), pos).rgb;
+ hit_light.rgb *= hit_light.a;
+ }
+ distance /=[i].to_cell;
+ if (i < (params.max_cascades - 1)) {
+ pos = (ray_pos + ray_dir * advance) -[i + 1].offset;
+ pos *=[i + 1].to_cell * pos_to_uvw;
+ float distance2 = texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[i + 1], linear_sampler), pos).r * 255.0 - 1.0;
+ vec4 hit_light2 = vec4(0.0);
+ if (distance2 < 1.0) {
+ hit_light2.a = max(0.0, 1.0 - distance2);
+ hit_light2.rgb = texture(sampler3D(light_cascades[i + 1], linear_sampler), pos).rgb;
+ hit_light2.rgb *= hit_light2.a;
+ }
+ float prev_radius = i == 0 ? 0.0 : radius_sizes[i - 1];
+ float blend = (advance - prev_radius) / (radius_sizes[i] - prev_radius);
+ distance2 /=[i + 1].to_cell;
+ hit_light = mix(hit_light, hit_light2, blend);
+ distance = mix(distance, distance2, blend);
+ }
+ light_accum += hit_light;
+ advance += distance;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (light_accum.a > 0.98) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ light = light_accum.rgb / light_accum.a;
+ imageStore(screen_buffer, screen_pos, vec4(linear_to_srgb(light), 1.0));
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug_probes.glsl b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug_probes.glsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08da283dad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug_probes.glsl
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+#version 450
+#define MAX_CASCADES 8
+layout(push_constant, binding = 0, std430) uniform Params {
+ mat4 projection;
+ uint band_power;
+ uint sections_in_band;
+ uint band_mask;
+ float section_arc;
+ vec3 grid_size;
+ uint cascade;
+ uint pad;
+ float y_mult;
+ uint probe_debug_index;
+ int probe_axis_size;
+vec3 get_sphere_vertex(uint p_vertex_id) {
+ float x_angle = float(p_vertex_id & 1u) + (p_vertex_id >> params.band_power);
+ float y_angle =
+ float((p_vertex_id & params.band_mask) >> 1) + ((p_vertex_id >> params.band_power) * params.sections_in_band);
+ x_angle *= params.section_arc * 0.5f; // remember - 180AA x rot not 360
+ y_angle *= -params.section_arc;
+ vec3 point = vec3(sin(x_angle) * sin(y_angle), cos(x_angle), sin(x_angle) * cos(y_angle));
+ return point;
+layout(location = 0) out vec3 normal_interp;
+layout(location = 1) out flat uint probe_index;
+layout(location = 0) out float visibility;
+struct CascadeData {
+ vec3 offset; //offset of (0,0,0) in world coordinates
+ float to_cell; // 1/bounds * grid_size
+ ivec3 probe_world_offset;
+ uint pad;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 1, std140) uniform Cascades {
+ CascadeData data[MAX_CASCADES];
+layout(set = 0, binding = 4) uniform texture3D occlusion_texture;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 3) uniform sampler linear_sampler;
+void main() {
+ probe_index = gl_InstanceIndex;
+ normal_interp = get_sphere_vertex(gl_VertexIndex);
+ vec3 vertex = normal_interp * 0.2;
+ float probe_cell_size = float(params.grid_size / float(params.probe_axis_size - 1)) /[params.cascade].to_cell;
+ ivec3 probe_cell;
+ probe_cell.x = int(probe_index % params.probe_axis_size);
+ probe_cell.y = int(probe_index / (params.probe_axis_size * params.probe_axis_size));
+ probe_cell.z = int((probe_index / params.probe_axis_size) % params.probe_axis_size);
+ vertex += ([params.cascade].offset + vec3(probe_cell) * probe_cell_size) / vec3(1.0, params.y_mult, 1.0);
+ gl_Position = params.projection * vec4(vertex, 1.0);
+ int probe_index = int(params.probe_debug_index);
+ vec3 vertex = get_sphere_vertex(gl_VertexIndex) * 0.01;
+ float probe_cell_size = float(params.grid_size / float(params.probe_axis_size - 1)) /[params.cascade].to_cell;
+ ivec3 probe_cell;
+ probe_cell.x = int(probe_index % params.probe_axis_size);
+ probe_cell.y = int((probe_index % (params.probe_axis_size * params.probe_axis_size)) / params.probe_axis_size);
+ probe_cell.z = int(probe_index / (params.probe_axis_size * params.probe_axis_size));
+ vertex += ([params.cascade].offset + vec3(probe_cell) * probe_cell_size) / vec3(1.0, params.y_mult, 1.0);
+ int probe_voxels = int(params.grid_size.x) / int(params.probe_axis_size - 1);
+ int occluder_index = int(gl_InstanceIndex);
+ int diameter = probe_voxels * 2;
+ ivec3 occluder_pos;
+ occluder_pos.x = int(occluder_index % diameter);
+ occluder_pos.y = int(occluder_index / (diameter * diameter));
+ occluder_pos.z = int((occluder_index / diameter) % diameter);
+ float cell_size = 1.0 /[params.cascade].to_cell;
+ ivec3 occluder_offset = occluder_pos - ivec3(diameter / 2);
+ vertex += ((vec3(occluder_offset) + vec3(0.5)) * cell_size) / vec3(1.0, params.y_mult, 1.0);
+ ivec3 global_cell = probe_cell +[params.cascade].probe_world_offset;
+ uint occlusion_layer = 0;
+ if ((global_cell.x & 1) != 0) {
+ occlusion_layer |= 1;
+ }
+ if ((global_cell.y & 1) != 0) {
+ occlusion_layer |= 2;
+ }
+ if ((global_cell.z & 1) != 0) {
+ occlusion_layer |= 4;
+ }
+ ivec3 tex_pos = probe_cell * probe_voxels + occluder_offset;
+ const vec4 layer_axis[4] = vec4[](
+ vec4(1, 0, 0, 0),
+ vec4(0, 1, 0, 0),
+ vec4(0, 0, 1, 0),
+ vec4(0, 0, 0, 1));
+ tex_pos.z += int(params.cascade) * int(params.grid_size);
+ if (occlusion_layer >= 4) {
+ tex_pos.x += int(params.grid_size.x);
+ occlusion_layer &= 3;
+ }
+ visibility = dot(texelFetch(sampler3D(occlusion_texture, linear_sampler), tex_pos, 0), layer_axis[occlusion_layer]);
+ gl_Position = params.projection * vec4(vertex, 1.0);
+#version 450
+layout(location = 0) out vec4 frag_color;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform texture2DArray lightprobe_texture;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 3) uniform sampler linear_sampler;
+layout(push_constant, binding = 0, std430) uniform Params {
+ mat4 projection;
+ uint band_power;
+ uint sections_in_band;
+ uint band_mask;
+ float section_arc;
+ vec3 grid_size;
+ uint cascade;
+ uint pad;
+ float y_mult;
+ uint probe_debug_index;
+ int probe_axis_size;
+layout(location = 0) in vec3 normal_interp;
+layout(location = 1) in flat uint probe_index;
+layout(location = 0) in float visibility;
+vec2 octahedron_wrap(vec2 v) {
+ vec2 signVal;
+ signVal.x = v.x >= 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
+ signVal.y = v.y >= 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
+ return (1.0 - abs(v.yx)) * signVal;
+vec2 octahedron_encode(vec3 n) {
+ //
+ n /= (abs(n.x) + abs(n.y) + abs(n.z));
+ n.xy = n.z >= 0.0 ? n.xy : octahedron_wrap(n.xy);
+ n.xy = n.xy * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ return n.xy;
+void main() {
+ ivec3 tex_pos;
+ tex_pos.x = int(probe_index) % params.probe_axis_size; //x
+ tex_pos.y = int(probe_index) / (params.probe_axis_size * params.probe_axis_size);
+ tex_pos.x += params.probe_axis_size * ((int(probe_index) / params.probe_axis_size) % params.probe_axis_size); //z
+ tex_pos.z = int(params.cascade);
+ vec3 tex_pos_ofs = vec3(octahedron_encode(normal_interp) * float(OCT_SIZE), 0.0);
+ vec3 tex_posf = vec3(vec2(tex_pos.xy * (OCT_SIZE + 2) + ivec2(1)), float(tex_pos.z)) + tex_pos_ofs;
+ tex_posf.xy /= vec2(ivec2(params.probe_axis_size * params.probe_axis_size * (OCT_SIZE + 2), params.probe_axis_size * (OCT_SIZE + 2)));
+ vec4 indirect_light = textureLod(sampler2DArray(lightprobe_texture, linear_sampler), tex_posf, 0.0);
+ frag_color = indirect_light;
+ frag_color = vec4(vec3(1, visibility, visibility), 1.0);
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_direct_light.glsl b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_direct_light.glsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4b29216d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_direct_light.glsl
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+#version 450
+layout(local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;
+#define MAX_CASCADES 8
+layout(set = 0, binding = 1) uniform texture3D sdf_cascades[MAX_CASCADES];
+layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform sampler linear_sampler;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 3, std430) restrict readonly buffer DispatchData {
+ uint x;
+ uint y;
+ uint z;
+ uint total_count;
+struct ProcessVoxel {
+ uint position; //xyz 7 bit packed, extra 11 bits for neigbours
+ uint albedo; //rgb bits 0-15 albedo, bits 16-21 are normal bits (set if geometry exists toward that side), extra 11 bits for neibhbours
+ uint light; //rgbe8985 encoded total saved light, extra 2 bits for neighbous
+ uint light_aniso; //55555 light anisotropy, extra 2 bits for neighbours
+ //total neighbours: 26
+layout(set = 0, binding = 4, std430) restrict buffer ProcessVoxels {
+layout(set = 0, binding = 4, std430) restrict buffer readonly ProcessVoxels {
+ ProcessVoxel data[];
+layout(r32ui, set = 0, binding = 5) uniform restrict uimage3D dst_light;
+layout(rgba8, set = 0, binding = 6) uniform restrict image3D dst_aniso0;
+layout(rg8, set = 0, binding = 7) uniform restrict image3D dst_aniso1;
+struct CascadeData {
+ vec3 offset; //offset of (0,0,0) in world coordinates
+ float to_cell; // 1/bounds * grid_size
+ ivec3 probe_world_offset;
+ uint pad;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 8, std140) uniform Cascades {
+ CascadeData data[MAX_CASCADES];
+#define LIGHT_TYPE_OMNI 1
+#define LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT 2
+struct Light {
+ vec3 color;
+ float energy;
+ vec3 direction;
+ bool has_shadow;
+ vec3 position;
+ float attenuation;
+ uint type;
+ float spot_angle;
+ float spot_attenuation;
+ float radius;
+ vec4 shadow_color;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 9, std140) buffer restrict readonly Lights {
+ Light data[];
+layout(set = 0, binding = 10) uniform texture2DArray lightprobe_texture;
+layout(push_constant, binding = 0, std430) uniform Params {
+ vec3 grid_size;
+ uint max_cascades;
+ uint cascade;
+ uint light_count;
+ uint process_offset;
+ uint process_increment;
+ int probe_axis_size;
+ bool multibounce;
+ float y_mult;
+ uint pad;
+vec2 octahedron_wrap(vec2 v) {
+ vec2 signVal;
+ signVal.x = v.x >= 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
+ signVal.y = v.y >= 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
+ return (1.0 - abs(v.yx)) * signVal;
+vec2 octahedron_encode(vec3 n) {
+ //
+ n /= (abs(n.x) + abs(n.y) + abs(n.z));
+ n.xy = n.z >= 0.0 ? n.xy : octahedron_wrap(n.xy);
+ n.xy = n.xy * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ return n.xy;
+void main() {
+ uint voxel_index = uint(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x);
+ //used for skipping voxels every N frames
+ voxel_index = params.process_offset + voxel_index * params.process_increment;
+ if (voxel_index >= dispatch_data.total_count) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint voxel_position =[voxel_index].position;
+ //keep for storing to texture
+ ivec3 positioni = ivec3((uvec3(voxel_position, voxel_position, voxel_position) >> uvec3(0, 7, 14)) & uvec3(0x7F));
+ vec3 position = vec3(positioni) + vec3(0.5);
+ position /=[params.cascade].to_cell;
+ position +=[params.cascade].offset;
+ uint voxel_albedo =[voxel_index].albedo;
+ vec3 albedo = vec3(uvec3(voxel_albedo >> 10, voxel_albedo >> 5, voxel_albedo) & uvec3(0x1F)) / float(0x1F);
+ vec3 light_accum[6];
+ uint valid_aniso = (voxel_albedo >> 15) & 0x3F;
+ {
+ uint rgbe =[voxel_index].light;
+ //read rgbe8985
+ float r = float((rgbe & 0xff) << 1);
+ float g = float((rgbe >> 8) & 0x1ff);
+ float b = float(((rgbe >> 17) & 0xff) << 1);
+ float e = float((rgbe >> 25) & 0x1F);
+ float m = pow(2.0, e - 15.0 - 9.0);
+ vec3 l = vec3(r, g, b) * m;
+ uint aniso =[voxel_index].light_aniso;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ float strength = ((aniso >> (i * 5)) & 0x1F) / float(0x1F);
+ light_accum[i] = l * strength;
+ }
+ }
+ const vec3 aniso_dir[6] = vec3[](
+ vec3(1, 0, 0),
+ vec3(0, 1, 0),
+ vec3(0, 0, 1),
+ vec3(-1, 0, 0),
+ vec3(0, -1, 0),
+ vec3(0, 0, -1));
+ // Raytrace light
+ vec3 pos_to_uvw = 1.0 / params.grid_size;
+ vec3 uvw_ofs = pos_to_uvw * 0.5;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < params.light_count; i++) {
+ float attenuation = 1.0;
+ vec3 direction;
+ float light_distance = 1e20;
+ switch ([i].type) {
+ direction =[i].direction;
+ } break;
+ vec3 rel_vec =[i].position - position;
+ direction = normalize(rel_vec);
+ light_distance = length(rel_vec);
+ rel_vec.y /= params.y_mult;
+ attenuation = pow(clamp(1.0 - length(rel_vec) /[i].radius, 0.0, 1.0),[i].attenuation);
+ } break;
+ vec3 rel_vec =[i].position - position;
+ direction = normalize(rel_vec);
+ light_distance = length(rel_vec);
+ rel_vec.y /= params.y_mult;
+ attenuation = pow(clamp(1.0 - length(rel_vec) /[i].radius, 0.0, 1.0),[i].attenuation);
+ float angle = acos(dot(normalize(rel_vec),[i].direction));
+ if (angle >[i].spot_angle) {
+ attenuation = 0.0;
+ } else {
+ float d = clamp(angle /[i].spot_angle, 0, 1);
+ attenuation *= pow(1.0 - d,[i].spot_attenuation);
+ }
+ } break;
+ }
+ if (attenuation < 0.001) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ bool hit = false;
+ vec3 ray_pos = position;
+ vec3 ray_dir = direction;
+ vec3 inv_dir = 1.0 / ray_dir;
+ //this is how to properly bias outgoing rays
+ float cell_size = 1.0 /[params.cascade].to_cell;
+ ray_pos += sign(direction) * cell_size * 0.48; // go almost to the box edge but remain inside
+ ray_pos += ray_dir * 0.4 * cell_size; //apply a small bias from there
+ for (uint j = params.cascade; j < params.max_cascades; j++) {
+ //convert to local bounds
+ vec3 pos = ray_pos -[j].offset;
+ pos *=[j].to_cell;
+ float local_distance = light_distance *[j].to_cell;
+ if (any(lessThan(pos, vec3(0.0))) || any(greaterThanEqual(pos, params.grid_size))) {
+ continue; //already past bounds for this cascade, goto next
+ }
+ //find maximum advance distance (until reaching bounds)
+ vec3 t0 = -pos * inv_dir;
+ vec3 t1 = (params.grid_size - pos) * inv_dir;
+ vec3 tmax = max(t0, t1);
+ float max_advance = min(tmax.x, min(tmax.y, tmax.z));
+ max_advance = min(local_distance, max_advance);
+ float advance = 0.0;
+ float occlusion = 1.0;
+ while (advance < max_advance) {
+ //read how much to advance from SDF
+ vec3 uvw = (pos + ray_dir * advance) * pos_to_uvw;
+ float distance = texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw).r * 255.0 - 1.0;
+ if (distance < 0.001) {
+ //consider hit
+ hit = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ occlusion = min(occlusion, distance);
+ advance += distance;
+ }
+ if (hit) {
+ attenuation *= occlusion;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (advance >= local_distance) {
+ break; //past light distance, abandon search
+ }
+ //change ray origin to collision with bounds
+ pos += ray_dir * max_advance;
+ pos /=[j].to_cell;
+ pos +=[j].offset;
+ light_distance -= max_advance /[j].to_cell;
+ ray_pos = pos;
+ }
+ if (!hit) {
+ vec3 light = albedo *[i].color.rgb *[i].energy * attenuation;
+ for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
+ if (bool(valid_aniso & (1 << j))) {
+ light_accum[j] += max(0.0, dot(aniso_dir[j], direction)) * light;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Add indirect light
+ if (params.multibounce) {
+ vec3 pos = (vec3(positioni) + vec3(0.5)) * float(params.probe_axis_size - 1) / params.grid_size;
+ ivec3 probe_base_pos = ivec3(pos);
+ vec4 probe_accum[6] = vec4[](vec4(0.0), vec4(0.0), vec4(0.0), vec4(0.0), vec4(0.0), vec4(0.0));
+ float weight_accum[6] = float[](0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ ivec3 tex_pos = ivec3(probe_base_pos.xy, int(params.cascade));
+ tex_pos.x += probe_base_pos.z * int(params.probe_axis_size);
+ tex_pos.xy = tex_pos.xy * (OCT_SIZE + 2) + ivec2(1);
+ vec3 base_tex_posf = vec3(tex_pos);
+ vec2 tex_pixel_size = 1.0 / vec2(ivec2((OCT_SIZE + 2) * params.probe_axis_size * params.probe_axis_size, (OCT_SIZE + 2) * params.probe_axis_size));
+ vec3 probe_uv_offset = (ivec3(OCT_SIZE + 2, OCT_SIZE + 2, (OCT_SIZE + 2) * params.probe_axis_size)) * tex_pixel_size.xyx;
+ for (uint j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+ ivec3 offset = (ivec3(j) >> ivec3(0, 1, 2)) & ivec3(1, 1, 1);
+ ivec3 probe_posi = probe_base_pos;
+ probe_posi += offset;
+ // Compute weight
+ vec3 probe_pos = vec3(probe_posi);
+ vec3 probe_to_pos = pos - probe_pos;
+ vec3 probe_dir = normalize(-probe_to_pos);
+ // Compute lightprobe texture position
+ vec3 trilinear = vec3(1.0) - abs(probe_to_pos);
+ for (uint k = 0; k < 6; k++) {
+ if (bool(valid_aniso & (1 << k))) {
+ vec3 n = aniso_dir[k];
+ float weight = trilinear.x * trilinear.y * trilinear.z * max(0.005, dot(n, probe_dir));
+ vec3 tex_posf = base_tex_posf + vec3(octahedron_encode(n) * float(OCT_SIZE), 0.0);
+ tex_posf.xy *= tex_pixel_size;
+ vec3 pos_uvw = tex_posf;
+ pos_uvw.xy += vec2(offset.xy) * probe_uv_offset.xy;
+ pos_uvw.x += float(offset.z) * probe_uv_offset.z;
+ vec4 indirect_light = textureLod(sampler2DArray(lightprobe_texture, linear_sampler), pos_uvw, 0.0);
+ probe_accum[k] += indirect_light * weight;
+ weight_accum[k] += weight;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (uint k = 0; k < 6; k++) {
+ if (weight_accum[k] > 0.0) {
+ light_accum[k] += probe_accum[k].rgb * albedo / weight_accum[k];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Store the light in the light texture
+ float lumas[6];
+ vec3 light_total = vec3(0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ light_total += light_accum[i];
+ lumas[i] = max(light_accum[i].r, max(light_accum[i].g, light_accum[i].b));
+ }
+ float luma_total = max(light_total.r, max(light_total.g, light_total.b));
+ uint light_total_rgbe;
+ {
+ //compress to RGBE9995 to save space
+ const float pow2to9 = 512.0f;
+ const float B = 15.0f;
+ const float N = 9.0f;
+ const float LN2 = 0.6931471805599453094172321215;
+ float cRed = clamp(light_total.r, 0.0, 65408.0);
+ float cGreen = clamp(light_total.g, 0.0, 65408.0);
+ float cBlue = clamp(light_total.b, 0.0, 65408.0);
+ float cMax = max(cRed, max(cGreen, cBlue));
+ float expp = max(-B - 1.0f, floor(log(cMax) / LN2)) + 1.0f + B;
+ float sMax = floor((cMax / pow(2.0f, expp - B - N)) + 0.5f);
+ float exps = expp + 1.0f;
+ if (0.0 <= sMax && sMax < pow2to9) {
+ exps = expp;
+ }
+ float sRed = floor((cRed / pow(2.0f, exps - B - N)) + 0.5f);
+ float sGreen = floor((cGreen / pow(2.0f, exps - B - N)) + 0.5f);
+ float sBlue = floor((cBlue / pow(2.0f, exps - B - N)) + 0.5f);
+ //since its self-save, use RGBE8985
+ light_total_rgbe = ((uint(sRed) & 0x1FF) >> 1) | ((uint(sGreen) & 0x1FF) << 8) | (((uint(sBlue) & 0x1FF) >> 1) << 17) | ((uint(exps) & 0x1F) << 25);
+ light_total_rgbe = (uint(sRed) & 0x1FF) | ((uint(sGreen) & 0x1FF) << 9) | ((uint(sBlue) & 0x1FF) << 18) | ((uint(exps) & 0x1F) << 27);
+ }
+ vec4 aniso0;
+ aniso0.r = lumas[0] / luma_total;
+ aniso0.g = lumas[1] / luma_total;
+ aniso0.b = lumas[2] / luma_total;
+ aniso0.a = lumas[3] / luma_total;
+ vec2 aniso1;
+ aniso1.r = lumas[4] / luma_total;
+ aniso1.g = lumas[5] / luma_total;
+ //save to 3D textures
+ imageStore(dst_aniso0, positioni, aniso0);
+ imageStore(dst_aniso1, positioni, vec4(aniso1, 0.0, 0.0));
+ imageStore(dst_light, positioni, uvec4(light_total_rgbe));
+ //also fill neighbours, so light interpolation during the indirect pass works
+ //recover the neighbour list from the leftover bits
+ uint neighbours = (voxel_albedo >> 21) | ((voxel_position >> 21) << 11) | (([voxel_index].light >> 30) << 22) | (([voxel_index].light_aniso >> 30) << 24);
+ const uint max_neighbours = 26;
+ const ivec3 neighbour_positions[max_neighbours] = ivec3[](
+ ivec3(-1, -1, -1),
+ ivec3(-1, -1, 0),
+ ivec3(-1, -1, 1),
+ ivec3(-1, 0, -1),
+ ivec3(-1, 0, 0),
+ ivec3(-1, 0, 1),
+ ivec3(-1, 1, -1),
+ ivec3(-1, 1, 0),
+ ivec3(-1, 1, 1),
+ ivec3(0, -1, -1),
+ ivec3(0, -1, 0),
+ ivec3(0, -1, 1),
+ ivec3(0, 0, -1),
+ ivec3(0, 0, 1),
+ ivec3(0, 1, -1),
+ ivec3(0, 1, 0),
+ ivec3(0, 1, 1),
+ ivec3(1, -1, -1),
+ ivec3(1, -1, 0),
+ ivec3(1, -1, 1),
+ ivec3(1, 0, -1),
+ ivec3(1, 0, 0),
+ ivec3(1, 0, 1),
+ ivec3(1, 1, -1),
+ ivec3(1, 1, 0),
+ ivec3(1, 1, 1));
+ for (uint i = 0; i < max_neighbours; i++) {
+ if (bool(neighbours & (1 << i))) {
+ ivec3 neighbour_pos = positioni + neighbour_positions[i];
+ imageStore(dst_light, neighbour_pos, uvec4(light_total_rgbe));
+ imageStore(dst_aniso0, neighbour_pos, aniso0);
+ imageStore(dst_aniso1, neighbour_pos, vec4(aniso1, 0.0, 0.0));
+ }
+ }
+ //save back the anisotropic
+ uint light =[voxel_index].light & (3 << 30);
+ light |= light_total_rgbe;
+[voxel_index].light = light; //replace
+ uint light_aniso =[voxel_index].light_aniso & (3 << 30);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ light_aniso |= min(31, uint((lumas[i] / luma_total) * 31.0)) << (i * 5);
+ }
+[voxel_index].light_aniso = light_aniso;
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_fields.glsl b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_fields.glsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eec0a90c0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_fields.glsl
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+/* clang-format off */
+#version 450
+layout(local_size_x = OCT_RES, local_size_y = OCT_RES, local_size_z = 1) in;
+/* clang-format on */
+#define MAX_CASCADES 8
+layout(rgba16f, set = 0, binding = 1) uniform restrict image2DArray irradiance_texture;
+layout(rg16f, set = 0, binding = 2) uniform restrict image2DArray depth_texture;
+ayout(rgba32ui, set = 0, binding = 3) uniform restrict uimage2DArray irradiance_history_texture;
+layout(rg32ui, set = 0, binding = 4) uniform restrict uimage2DArray depth_history_texture;
+struct CascadeData {
+ vec3 offset; //offset of (0,0,0) in world coordinates
+ float to_cell; // 1/bounds * grid_size
+layout(set = 0, binding = 5, std140) uniform Cascades {
+ CascadeData data[MAX_CASCADES];
+layout(push_constant, binding = 0, std430) uniform Params {
+ vec3 grid_size;
+ uint max_cascades;
+ uint probe_axis_size;
+ uint cascade;
+ uint history_size;
+ uint pad0;
+ ivec3 scroll; //scroll in probes
+ uint pad1;
+void main() {
+ ivec2 local = ivec2(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy);
+ ivec2 probe = ivec2(gl_WorkGroupID.xy);
+ ivec3 probe_cell;
+ probe_cell.x = probe.x % int(params.probe_axis_size);
+ probe_cell.y = probe.y;
+ probe_cell.z = probe.x / int(params.probe_axis_size);
+ ivec3 read_cell = probe_cell - params.scroll;
+ uint src_layer = (params.history_size + 1) * params.cascade;
+ uint dst_layer = (params.history_size + 1) * params.max_cascades;
+ for (uint i = 0; i <= params.history_size; i++) {
+ ivec3 write_pos = ivec3(probe * OCT_RES + local, int(i));
+ if (any(lessThan(read_pos, ivec3(0))) || any(greaterThanEqual(read_pos, ivec3(params.probe_axis_size)))) {
+ // nowhere to read from for scrolling, try finding the value from upper probes
+ imageStore(irradiance_history_texture, write_pos, uvec4(0));
+#ifdef MODE_DEPTH
+ imageStore(depth_history_texture, write_pos, uvec4(0));
+ } else {
+ ivec3 read_pos;
+ read_pos.xy = read_cell.xy;
+ read_pos.x += read_cell.z * params.probe_axis_size;
+ read_pos.xy = read_pos.xy * OCT_RES + local;
+ read_pos.z = int(i);
+ uvec4 value = imageLoad(irradiance_history_texture, read_pos);
+ imageStore(irradiance_history_texture, write_pos, value);
+#ifdef MODE_DEPTH
+ uvec2 value = imageLoad(depth_history_texture, read_pos);
+ imageStore(depth_history_texture, write_pos, value);
+ }
+ }
+ uint src_layer = (params.history_size + 1) * params.max_cascades;
+ uint dst_layer = (params.history_size + 1) * params.cascade;
+ for (uint i = 0; i <= params.history_size; i++) {
+ ivec3 pos = ivec3(probe * OCT_RES + local, int(i));
+ uvec4 value = imageLoad(irradiance_history_texture, read_pos);
+ imageStore(irradiance_history_texture, write_pos, value);
+#ifdef MODE_DEPTH
+ uvec2 value = imageLoad(depth_history_texture, read_pos);
+ imageStore(depth_history_texture, write_pos, value);
+ }
+#ifdef MODE_STORE
+ uint src_layer = (params.history_size + 1) * params.cascade + params.history_size;
+ ivec3 read_pos = ivec3(probe * OCT_RES + local, int(src_layer));
+ ivec3 write_pos = ivec3(probe * (OCT_RES + 2) + ivec2(1), int(params.cascade));
+ ivec3 copy_to[4] = ivec3[](write_pos, ivec3(-2, -2, -2), ivec3(-2, -2, -2), ivec3(-2, -2, -2));
+ uvec4 average = imageLoad(irradiance_history_texture, read_pos);
+ vec4 light_accum = vec4(average / params.history_size) / float(1 << IRRADIANCE_HISTORY_BITS);
+#ifdef MODE_DEPTH
+ uvec2 value = imageLoad(depth_history_texture, read_pos);
+ vec2 depth_accum = vec4(average / params.history_size) / float(1 << IRRADIANCE_HISTORY_BITS);
+ float probe_cell_size = float(params.grid_size / float(params.probe_axis_size - 1)) /[params.cascade].to_cell;
+ float max_depth = length(params.grid_size /[params.max_cascades - 1].to_cell);
+ max_depth /= probe_cell_size;
+ depth_value = (vec2(average / params.history_size) / float(1 << DEPTH_HISTORY_BITS)) * vec2(max_depth, max_depth * max_depth);
+ /* Fill the border if required */
+ if (local == ivec2(0, 0)) {
+ copy_to[1] = texture_pos + ivec3(OCT_RES - 1, -1, 0);
+ copy_to[2] = texture_pos + ivec3(-1, OCT_RES - 1, 0);
+ copy_to[3] = texture_pos + ivec3(OCT_RES, OCT_RES, 0);
+ } else if (local == ivec2(OCT_RES - 1, 0)) {
+ copy_to[1] = texture_pos + ivec3(0, -1, 0);
+ copy_to[2] = texture_pos + ivec3(OCT_RES, OCT_RES - 1, 0);
+ copy_to[3] = texture_pos + ivec3(-1, OCT_RES, 0);
+ } else if (local == ivec2(0, OCT_RES - 1)) {
+ copy_to[1] = texture_pos + ivec3(-1, 0, 0);
+ copy_to[2] = texture_pos + ivec3(OCT_RES - 1, OCT_RES, 0);
+ copy_to[3] = texture_pos + ivec3(OCT_RES, -1, 0);
+ } else if (local == ivec2(OCT_RES - 1, OCT_RES - 1)) {
+ copy_to[1] = texture_pos + ivec3(0, OCT_RES, 0);
+ copy_to[2] = texture_pos + ivec3(OCT_RES, 0, 0);
+ copy_to[3] = texture_pos + ivec3(-1, -1, 0);
+ } else if (local.y == 0) {
+ copy_to[1] = texture_pos + ivec3(OCT_RES - local.x - 1, local.y - 1, 0);
+ } else if (local.x == 0) {
+ copy_to[1] = texture_pos + ivec3(local.x - 1, OCT_RES - local.y - 1, 0);
+ } else if (local.y == OCT_RES - 1) {
+ copy_to[1] = texture_pos + ivec3(OCT_RES - local.x - 1, local.y + 1, 0);
+ } else if (local.x == OCT_RES - 1) {
+ copy_to[1] = texture_pos + ivec3(local.x + 1, OCT_RES - local.y - 1, 0);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ if (copy_to[i] == ivec3(-2, -2, -2)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ imageStore(irradiance_texture, copy_to[i], light_accum);
+#ifdef MODE_DEPTH
+ imageStore(depth_texture, copy_to[i], vec4(depth_value, 0.0, 0.0));
+ }
+#endif // MODE_STORE
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_integrate.glsl b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_integrate.glsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4779aafaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_integrate.glsl
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+#version 450
+layout(local_size_x = 8, local_size_y = 8, local_size_z = 1) in;
+#define MAX_CASCADES 8
+layout(set = 0, binding = 1) uniform texture3D sdf_cascades[MAX_CASCADES];
+layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform texture3D light_cascades[MAX_CASCADES];
+layout(set = 0, binding = 3) uniform texture3D aniso0_cascades[MAX_CASCADES];
+layout(set = 0, binding = 4) uniform texture3D aniso1_cascades[MAX_CASCADES];
+layout(set = 0, binding = 6) uniform sampler linear_sampler;
+struct CascadeData {
+ vec3 offset; //offset of (0,0,0) in world coordinates
+ float to_cell; // 1/bounds * grid_size
+ ivec3 probe_world_offset;
+ uint pad;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 7, std140) uniform Cascades {
+ CascadeData data[MAX_CASCADES];
+layout(r32ui, set = 0, binding = 8) uniform restrict uimage2DArray lightprobe_texture_data;
+layout(rgba16i, set = 0, binding = 9) uniform restrict iimage2DArray lightprobe_history_texture;
+layout(rgba32i, set = 0, binding = 10) uniform restrict iimage2D lightprobe_average_texture;
+//used for scrolling
+layout(rgba16i, set = 0, binding = 11) uniform restrict iimage2DArray lightprobe_history_scroll_texture;
+layout(rgba32i, set = 0, binding = 12) uniform restrict iimage2D lightprobe_average_scroll_texture;
+layout(rgba32i, set = 0, binding = 13) uniform restrict iimage2D lightprobe_average_parent_texture;
+layout(set = 1, binding = 0) uniform textureCube sky_irradiance;
+layout(set = 1, binding = 1) uniform sampler linear_sampler_mipmaps;
+#define HISTORY_BITS 10
+#define SKY_MODE_COLOR 1
+#define SKY_MODE_SKY 2
+layout(push_constant, binding = 0, std430) uniform Params {
+ vec3 grid_size;
+ uint max_cascades;
+ uint probe_axis_size;
+ uint cascade;
+ uint history_index;
+ uint history_size;
+ uint ray_count;
+ float ray_bias;
+ ivec2 image_size;
+ ivec3 world_offset;
+ uint sky_mode;
+ ivec3 scroll;
+ float sky_energy;
+ vec3 sky_color;
+ float y_mult;
+const float PI = 3.14159265f;
+const float GOLDEN_ANGLE = PI * (3.0 - sqrt(5.0));
+vec3 vogel_hemisphere(uint p_index, uint p_count, float p_offset) {
+ float r = sqrt(float(p_index) + 0.5f) / sqrt(float(p_count));
+ float theta = float(p_index) * GOLDEN_ANGLE + p_offset;
+ float y = cos(r * PI * 0.5);
+ float l = sin(r * PI * 0.5);
+ return vec3(l * cos(theta), l * sin(theta), y * (float(p_index & 1) * 2.0 - 1.0));
+uvec3 hash3(uvec3 x) {
+ x = ((x >> 16) ^ x) * 0x45d9f3b;
+ x = ((x >> 16) ^ x) * 0x45d9f3b;
+ x = (x >> 16) ^ x;
+ return x;
+float hashf3(vec3 co) {
+ return fract(sin(dot(co, vec3(12.9898, 78.233, 137.13451))) * 43758.5453);
+vec3 octahedron_encode(vec2 f) {
+ //
+ f = f * 2.0 - 1.0;
+ vec3 n = vec3(f.x, f.y, 1.0f - abs(f.x) - abs(f.y));
+ float t = clamp(-n.z, 0.0, 1.0);
+ n.x += n.x >= 0 ? -t : t;
+ n.y += n.y >= 0 ? -t : t;
+ return normalize(n);
+uint rgbe_encode(vec3 color) {
+ const float pow2to9 = 512.0f;
+ const float B = 15.0f;
+ const float N = 9.0f;
+ const float LN2 = 0.6931471805599453094172321215;
+ float cRed = clamp(color.r, 0.0, 65408.0);
+ float cGreen = clamp(color.g, 0.0, 65408.0);
+ float cBlue = clamp(color.b, 0.0, 65408.0);
+ float cMax = max(cRed, max(cGreen, cBlue));
+ float expp = max(-B - 1.0f, floor(log(cMax) / LN2)) + 1.0f + B;
+ float sMax = floor((cMax / pow(2.0f, expp - B - N)) + 0.5f);
+ float exps = expp + 1.0f;
+ if (0.0 <= sMax && sMax < pow2to9) {
+ exps = expp;
+ }
+ float sRed = floor((cRed / pow(2.0f, exps - B - N)) + 0.5f);
+ float sGreen = floor((cGreen / pow(2.0f, exps - B - N)) + 0.5f);
+ float sBlue = floor((cBlue / pow(2.0f, exps - B - N)) + 0.5f);
+ return (uint(sRed) & 0x1FF) | ((uint(sGreen) & 0x1FF) << 9) | ((uint(sBlue) & 0x1FF) << 18) | ((uint(exps) & 0x1F) << 27);
+void main() {
+ ivec2 pos = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);
+ if (any(greaterThanEqual(pos, params.image_size))) { //too large, do nothing
+ return;
+ }
+ float probe_cell_size = float(params.grid_size.x / float(params.probe_axis_size - 1)) /[params.cascade].to_cell;
+ ivec3 probe_cell;
+ probe_cell.x = pos.x % int(params.probe_axis_size);
+ probe_cell.y = pos.y;
+ probe_cell.z = pos.x / int(params.probe_axis_size);
+ vec3 probe_pos =[params.cascade].offset + vec3(probe_cell) * probe_cell_size;
+ vec3 pos_to_uvw = 1.0 / params.grid_size;
+ vec4 probe_sh_accum[SH_SIZE] = vec4[](
+ vec4(0.0),
+ vec4(0.0),
+ vec4(0.0),
+ vec4(0.0),
+ vec4(0.0),
+ vec4(0.0),
+ vec4(0.0),
+ vec4(0.0),
+ vec4(0.0)
+#if (SH_SIZE == 16)
+ ,
+ vec4(0.0),
+ vec4(0.0),
+ vec4(0.0),
+ vec4(0.0),
+ vec4(0.0),
+ vec4(0.0),
+ vec4(0.0)
+ );
+ // quickly ensure each probe has a different "offset" for the vogel function, based on integer world position
+ uvec3 h3 = hash3(uvec3(params.world_offset + probe_cell));
+ float offset = hashf3(vec3(h3 & uvec3(0xFFFFF)));
+ //for a more homogeneous hemisphere, alternate based on history frames
+ uint ray_offset = params.history_index;
+ uint ray_mult = params.history_size;
+ uint ray_total = ray_mult * params.ray_count;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < params.ray_count; i++) {
+ vec3 ray_dir = vogel_hemisphere(ray_offset + i * ray_mult, ray_total, offset);
+ ray_dir.y *= params.y_mult;
+ ray_dir = normalize(ray_dir);
+ //needs to be visible
+ vec3 ray_pos = probe_pos;
+ vec3 inv_dir = 1.0 / ray_dir;
+ bool hit = false;
+ vec3 hit_normal;
+ vec3 hit_light;
+ vec3 hit_aniso0;
+ vec3 hit_aniso1;
+ float bias = params.ray_bias;
+ vec3 abs_ray_dir = abs(ray_dir);
+ ray_pos += ray_dir * 1.0 / max(abs_ray_dir.x, max(abs_ray_dir.y, abs_ray_dir.z)) * bias /[params.cascade].to_cell;
+ for (uint j = params.cascade; j < params.max_cascades; j++) {
+ //convert to local bounds
+ vec3 pos = ray_pos -[j].offset;
+ pos *=[j].to_cell;
+ if (any(lessThan(pos, vec3(0.0))) || any(greaterThanEqual(pos, params.grid_size))) {
+ continue; //already past bounds for this cascade, goto next
+ }
+ //find maximum advance distance (until reaching bounds)
+ vec3 t0 = -pos * inv_dir;
+ vec3 t1 = (params.grid_size - pos) * inv_dir;
+ vec3 tmax = max(t0, t1);
+ float max_advance = min(tmax.x, min(tmax.y, tmax.z));
+ float advance = 0.0;
+ vec3 uvw;
+ while (advance < max_advance) {
+ //read how much to advance from SDF
+ uvw = (pos + ray_dir * advance) * pos_to_uvw;
+ float distance = texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw).r * 255.0 - 1.0;
+ if (distance < 0.001) {
+ //consider hit
+ hit = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ advance += distance;
+ }
+ if (hit) {
+ const float EPSILON = 0.001;
+ hit_normal = normalize(vec3(
+ texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw + vec3(EPSILON, 0.0, 0.0)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw - vec3(EPSILON, 0.0, 0.0)).r,
+ texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw + vec3(0.0, EPSILON, 0.0)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw - vec3(0.0, EPSILON, 0.0)).r,
+ texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw + vec3(0.0, 0.0, EPSILON)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw - vec3(0.0, 0.0, EPSILON)).r));
+ hit_light = texture(sampler3D(light_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw).rgb;
+ vec4 aniso0 = texture(sampler3D(aniso0_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw);
+ hit_aniso0 = aniso0.rgb;
+ hit_aniso1 = vec3(aniso0.a, texture(sampler3D(aniso1_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw).rg);
+ break;
+ }
+ //change ray origin to collision with bounds
+ pos += ray_dir * max_advance;
+ pos /=[j].to_cell;
+ pos +=[j].offset;
+ ray_pos = pos;
+ }
+ vec4 light;
+ if (hit) {
+ //one liner magic
+ light.rgb = hit_light * (dot(max(vec3(0.0), (hit_normal * hit_aniso0)), vec3(1.0)) + dot(max(vec3(0.0), (-hit_normal * hit_aniso1)), vec3(1.0)));
+ light.a = 1.0;
+ } else if (params.sky_mode == SKY_MODE_SKY) {
+ light.rgb = textureLod(samplerCube(sky_irradiance, linear_sampler_mipmaps), ray_dir, 2.0).rgb; //use second mipmap because we dont usually throw a lot of rays, so this compensates
+ light.rgb *= params.sky_energy;
+ light.a = 0.0;
+ } else if (params.sky_mode == SKY_MODE_COLOR) {
+ light.rgb = params.sky_color;
+ light.rgb *= params.sky_energy;
+ light.a = 0.0;
+ } else {
+ light = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ vec3 ray_dir2 = ray_dir * ray_dir;
+ float c[SH_SIZE] = float[](
+ 0.282095, //l0
+ 0.488603 * ray_dir.y, //l1n1
+ 0.488603 * ray_dir.z, //l1n0
+ 0.488603 * ray_dir.x, //l1p1
+ 1.092548 * ray_dir.x * ray_dir.y, //l2n2
+ 1.092548 * ray_dir.y * ray_dir.z, //l2n1
+ 0.315392 * (3.0 * ray_dir2.z - 1.0), //l20
+ 1.092548 * ray_dir.x * ray_dir.z, //l2p1
+ 0.546274 * (ray_dir2.x - ray_dir2.y) //l2p2
+#if (SH_SIZE == 16)
+ ,
+ 0.590043 * ray_dir.y * (3.0f * ray_dir2.x - ray_dir2.y),
+ 2.890611 * ray_dir.y * ray_dir.x * ray_dir.z,
+ 0.646360 * ray_dir.y * (-1.0f + 5.0f * ray_dir2.z),
+ 0.373176 * (5.0f * ray_dir2.z * ray_dir.z - 3.0f * ray_dir.z),
+ 0.457045 * ray_dir.x * (-1.0f + 5.0f * ray_dir2.z),
+ 1.445305 * (ray_dir2.x - ray_dir2.y) * ray_dir.z,
+ 0.590043 * ray_dir.x * (ray_dir2.x - 3.0f * ray_dir2.y)
+ );
+ for (uint j = 0; j < SH_SIZE; j++) {
+ probe_sh_accum[j] += light * c[j];
+ }
+ }
+ for (uint i = 0; i < SH_SIZE; i++) {
+ // store in history texture
+ ivec3 prev_pos = ivec3(pos.x, pos.y * SH_SIZE + i, int(params.history_index));
+ ivec2 average_pos = prev_pos.xy;
+ vec4 value = probe_sh_accum[i] * 4.0 / float(params.ray_count);
+ ivec4 ivalue = clamp(ivec4(value * float(1 << HISTORY_BITS)), -32768, 32767); //clamp to 16 bits, so higher values don't break average
+ ivec4 prev_value = imageLoad(lightprobe_history_texture, prev_pos);
+ ivec4 average = imageLoad(lightprobe_average_texture, average_pos);
+ average -= prev_value;
+ average += ivalue;
+ imageStore(lightprobe_history_texture, prev_pos, ivalue);
+ imageStore(lightprobe_average_texture, average_pos, average);
+ }
+#endif // MODE PROCESS
+#ifdef MODE_STORE
+ // converting to octahedral in this step is requiered because
+ // octahedral is much faster to read from the screen than spherical harmonics,
+ // despite the very slight quality loss
+ ivec2 sh_pos = (pos / OCT_SIZE) * ivec2(1, SH_SIZE);
+ ivec2 oct_pos = (pos / OCT_SIZE) * (OCT_SIZE + 2) + ivec2(1);
+ ivec2 local_pos = pos % OCT_SIZE;
+ //fill the spherical harmonic
+ vec4 sh[SH_SIZE];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < SH_SIZE; i++) {
+ // store in history texture
+ ivec2 average_pos = sh_pos + ivec2(0, i);
+ ivec4 average = imageLoad(lightprobe_average_texture, average_pos);
+ sh[i] = (vec4(average) / float(params.history_size)) / float(1 << HISTORY_BITS);
+ }
+ //compute the octahedral normal for this texel
+ vec3 normal = octahedron_encode(vec2(local_pos) / float(OCT_SIZE));
+ /*
+ // read the spherical harmonic
+ const float c1 = 0.429043;
+ const float c2 = 0.511664;
+ const float c3 = 0.743125;
+ const float c4 = 0.886227;
+ const float c5 = 0.247708;
+ vec4 light = (c1 * sh[8] * (normal.x * normal.x - normal.y * normal.y) +
+ c3 * sh[6] * normal.z * normal.z +
+ c4 * sh[0] -
+ c5 * sh[6] +
+ 2.0 * c1 * sh[4] * normal.x * normal.y +
+ 2.0 * c1 * sh[7] * normal.x * normal.z +
+ 2.0 * c1 * sh[5] * normal.y * normal.z +
+ 2.0 * c2 * sh[3] * normal.x +
+ 2.0 * c2 * sh[1] * normal.y +
+ 2.0 * c2 * sh[2] * normal.z);
+ vec3 normal2 = normal * normal;
+ float c[SH_SIZE] = float[](
+ 0.282095, //l0
+ 0.488603 * normal.y, //l1n1
+ 0.488603 * normal.z, //l1n0
+ 0.488603 * normal.x, //l1p1
+ 1.092548 * normal.x * normal.y, //l2n2
+ 1.092548 * normal.y * normal.z, //l2n1
+ 0.315392 * (3.0 * normal2.z - 1.0), //l20
+ 1.092548 * normal.x * normal.z, //l2p1
+ 0.546274 * (normal2.x - normal2.y) //l2p2
+#if (SH_SIZE == 16)
+ ,
+ 0.590043 * normal.y * (3.0f * normal2.x - normal2.y),
+ 2.890611 * normal.y * normal.x * normal.z,
+ 0.646360 * normal.y * (-1.0f + 5.0f * normal2.z),
+ 0.373176 * (5.0f * normal2.z * normal.z - 3.0f * normal.z),
+ 0.457045 * normal.x * (-1.0f + 5.0f * normal2.z),
+ 1.445305 * (normal2.x - normal2.y) * normal.z,
+ 0.590043 * normal.x * (normal2.x - 3.0f * normal2.y)
+ );
+ const float l_mult[SH_SIZE] = float[](
+ 1.0,
+ 2.0 / 3.0,
+ 2.0 / 3.0,
+ 2.0 / 3.0,
+ 1.0 / 4.0,
+ 1.0 / 4.0,
+ 1.0 / 4.0,
+ 1.0 / 4.0,
+ 1.0 / 4.0
+#if (SH_SIZE == 16)
+ , // l4 does not contribute to irradiance
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0
+ );
+ vec3 irradiance = vec3(0.0);
+ vec3 radiance = vec3(0.0);
+ for (uint i = 0; i < SH_SIZE; i++) {
+ vec3 m = sh[i].rgb * c[i] * 4.0;
+ irradiance += m * l_mult[i];
+ radiance += m;
+ }
+ //encode RGBE9995 for the final texture
+ uint irradiance_rgbe = rgbe_encode(irradiance);
+ uint radiance_rgbe = rgbe_encode(radiance);
+ //store in octahedral map
+ ivec3 texture_pos = ivec3(oct_pos, int(params.cascade));
+ ivec3 copy_to[4] = ivec3[](ivec3(-2, -2, -2), ivec3(-2, -2, -2), ivec3(-2, -2, -2), ivec3(-2, -2, -2));
+ copy_to[0] = texture_pos + ivec3(local_pos, 0);
+ if (local_pos == ivec2(0, 0)) {
+ copy_to[1] = texture_pos + ivec3(OCT_SIZE - 1, -1, 0);
+ copy_to[2] = texture_pos + ivec3(-1, OCT_SIZE - 1, 0);
+ copy_to[3] = texture_pos + ivec3(OCT_SIZE, OCT_SIZE, 0);
+ } else if (local_pos == ivec2(OCT_SIZE - 1, 0)) {
+ copy_to[1] = texture_pos + ivec3(0, -1, 0);
+ copy_to[2] = texture_pos + ivec3(OCT_SIZE, OCT_SIZE - 1, 0);
+ copy_to[3] = texture_pos + ivec3(-1, OCT_SIZE, 0);
+ } else if (local_pos == ivec2(0, OCT_SIZE - 1)) {
+ copy_to[1] = texture_pos + ivec3(-1, 0, 0);
+ copy_to[2] = texture_pos + ivec3(OCT_SIZE - 1, OCT_SIZE, 0);
+ copy_to[3] = texture_pos + ivec3(OCT_SIZE, -1, 0);
+ } else if (local_pos == ivec2(OCT_SIZE - 1, OCT_SIZE - 1)) {
+ copy_to[1] = texture_pos + ivec3(0, OCT_SIZE, 0);
+ copy_to[2] = texture_pos + ivec3(OCT_SIZE, 0, 0);
+ copy_to[3] = texture_pos + ivec3(-1, -1, 0);
+ } else if (local_pos.y == 0) {
+ copy_to[1] = texture_pos + ivec3(OCT_SIZE - local_pos.x - 1, local_pos.y - 1, 0);
+ } else if (local_pos.x == 0) {
+ copy_to[1] = texture_pos + ivec3(local_pos.x - 1, OCT_SIZE - local_pos.y - 1, 0);
+ } else if (local_pos.y == OCT_SIZE - 1) {
+ copy_to[1] = texture_pos + ivec3(OCT_SIZE - local_pos.x - 1, local_pos.y + 1, 0);
+ } else if (local_pos.x == OCT_SIZE - 1) {
+ copy_to[1] = texture_pos + ivec3(local_pos.x + 1, OCT_SIZE - local_pos.y - 1, 0);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ if (copy_to[i] == ivec3(-2, -2, -2)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ imageStore(lightprobe_texture_data, copy_to[i], uvec4(irradiance_rgbe));
+ imageStore(lightprobe_texture_data, copy_to[i] + ivec3(0, 0, int(params.max_cascades)), uvec4(radiance_rgbe));
+ }
+ ivec3 probe_cell;
+ probe_cell.x = pos.x % int(params.probe_axis_size);
+ probe_cell.y = pos.y;
+ probe_cell.z = pos.x / int(params.probe_axis_size);
+ ivec3 read_probe = probe_cell - params.scroll;
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(read_probe, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(read_probe, ivec3(params.probe_axis_size)))) {
+ // can scroll
+ ivec2 tex_pos;
+ tex_pos = read_probe.xy;
+ tex_pos.x += read_probe.z * int(params.probe_axis_size);
+ //scroll
+ for (uint j = 0; j < params.history_size; j++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < SH_SIZE; i++) {
+ // copy from history texture
+ ivec3 src_pos = ivec3(tex_pos.x, tex_pos.y * SH_SIZE + i, int(j));
+ ivec3 dst_pos = ivec3(pos.x, pos.y * SH_SIZE + i, int(j));
+ ivec4 value = imageLoad(lightprobe_history_texture, src_pos);
+ imageStore(lightprobe_history_scroll_texture, dst_pos, value);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < SH_SIZE; i++) {
+ // copy from average texture
+ ivec2 src_pos = ivec2(tex_pos.x, tex_pos.y * SH_SIZE + i);
+ ivec2 dst_pos = ivec2(pos.x, pos.y * SH_SIZE + i);
+ ivec4 value = imageLoad(lightprobe_average_texture, src_pos);
+ imageStore(lightprobe_average_scroll_texture, dst_pos, value);
+ }
+ } else if (params.cascade < params.max_cascades - 1) {
+ //cant scroll, must look for position in parent cascade
+ //to global coords
+ float probe_cell_size = float(params.grid_size.x / float(params.probe_axis_size - 1)) /[params.cascade].to_cell;
+ vec3 probe_pos =[params.cascade].offset + vec3(probe_cell) * probe_cell_size;
+ //to parent local coords
+ probe_pos -=[params.cascade + 1].offset;
+ probe_pos *=[params.cascade + 1].to_cell;
+ probe_pos = probe_pos * float(params.probe_axis_size - 1) / float(params.grid_size.x);
+ ivec3 probe_posi = ivec3(probe_pos);
+ //add up all light, no need to use occlusion here, since occlusion will do its work afterwards
+ vec4 average_light[SH_SIZE] = vec4[](vec4(0), vec4(0), vec4(0), vec4(0), vec4(0), vec4(0), vec4(0), vec4(0), vec4(0)
+#if (SH_SIZE == 16)
+ ,
+ vec4(0), vec4(0), vec4(0), vec4(0), vec4(0), vec4(0), vec4(0)
+ );
+ float total_weight = 0.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ ivec3 offset = probe_posi + ((ivec3(i) >> ivec3(0, 1, 2)) & ivec3(1, 1, 1));
+ vec3 trilinear = vec3(1.0) - abs(probe_pos - vec3(offset));
+ float weight = trilinear.x * trilinear.y * trilinear.z;
+ ivec2 tex_pos;
+ tex_pos = offset.xy;
+ tex_pos.x += offset.z * int(params.probe_axis_size);
+ for (int j = 0; j < SH_SIZE; j++) {
+ // copy from history texture
+ ivec2 src_pos = ivec2(tex_pos.x, tex_pos.y * SH_SIZE + j);
+ ivec4 average = imageLoad(lightprobe_average_parent_texture, src_pos);
+ vec4 value = (vec4(average) / float(params.history_size)) / float(1 << HISTORY_BITS);
+ average_light[j] += value * weight;
+ }
+ total_weight += weight;
+ }
+ if (total_weight > 0.0) {
+ total_weight = 1.0 / total_weight;
+ }
+ //store the averaged values everywhere
+ for (int i = 0; i < SH_SIZE; i++) {
+ ivec4 ivalue = clamp(ivec4(average_light[i] * total_weight * float(1 << HISTORY_BITS)), ivec4(-32768), ivec4(32767)); //clamp to 16 bits, so higher values don't break average
+ // copy from history texture
+ ivec3 dst_pos = ivec3(pos.x, pos.y * SH_SIZE + i, 0);
+ for (uint j = 0; j < params.history_size; j++) {
+ dst_pos.z = int(j);
+ imageStore(lightprobe_history_scroll_texture, dst_pos, ivalue);
+ }
+ ivalue *= int(params.history_size); //average needs to have all history added up
+ imageStore(lightprobe_average_scroll_texture, dst_pos.xy, ivalue);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // clear and let it re-raytrace, only for the last cascade, which happens very un-often
+ //scroll
+ for (uint j = 0; j < params.history_size; j++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < SH_SIZE; i++) {
+ // copy from history texture
+ ivec3 dst_pos = ivec3(pos.x, pos.y * SH_SIZE + i, int(j));
+ imageStore(lightprobe_history_scroll_texture, dst_pos, ivec4(0));
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < SH_SIZE; i++) {
+ // copy from average texture
+ ivec2 dst_pos = ivec2(pos.x, pos.y * SH_SIZE + i);
+ imageStore(lightprobe_average_scroll_texture, dst_pos, ivec4(0));
+ }
+ }
+ //do not update probe texture, as these will be updated later
+ for (uint j = 0; j < params.history_size; j++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < SH_SIZE; i++) {
+ // copy from history texture
+ ivec3 spos = ivec3(pos.x, pos.y * SH_SIZE + i, int(j));
+ ivec4 value = imageLoad(lightprobe_history_scroll_texture, spos);
+ imageStore(lightprobe_history_texture, spos, value);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < SH_SIZE; i++) {
+ // copy from average texture
+ ivec2 spos = ivec2(pos.x, pos.y * SH_SIZE + i);
+ ivec4 average = imageLoad(lightprobe_average_scroll_texture, spos);
+ imageStore(lightprobe_average_texture, spos, average);
+ }
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_preprocess.glsl b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_preprocess.glsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7d19897e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/rendering/rasterizer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_preprocess.glsl
@@ -0,0 +1,1056 @@
+#version 450
+#define GROUP_SIZE 8
+layout(local_size_x = GROUP_SIZE, local_size_y = GROUP_SIZE, local_size_z = GROUP_SIZE) in;
+#elif defined(MODE_OCCLUSION) || defined(MODE_SCROLL)
+//buffer layout
+layout(local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;
+//grid layout
+layout(local_size_x = 4, local_size_y = 4, local_size_z = 4) in;
+layout(r16ui, set = 0, binding = 1) uniform restrict readonly uimage3D src_color;
+layout(rgba8ui, set = 0, binding = 2) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D dst_positions;
+layout(r16ui, set = 0, binding = 1) uniform restrict readonly uimage3D src_color;
+layout(rgba8ui, set = 0, binding = 2) uniform restrict readonly uimage3D src_positions_half;
+layout(rgba8ui, set = 0, binding = 3) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D dst_positions;
+layout(rgba8ui, set = 0, binding = 1) uniform restrict readonly uimage3D src_positions;
+layout(rgba8ui, set = 0, binding = 2) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D dst_positions;
+shared uvec4 group_positions[(GROUP_SIZE + 2) * (GROUP_SIZE + 2) * (GROUP_SIZE + 2)]; //4x4x4 with margins
+void group_store(ivec3 p_pos, uvec4 p_value) {
+ uint offset = uint(p_pos.z * (GROUP_SIZE + 2) * (GROUP_SIZE + 2) + p_pos.y * (GROUP_SIZE + 2) + p_pos.x);
+ group_positions[offset] = p_value;
+uvec4 group_load(ivec3 p_pos) {
+ uint offset = uint(p_pos.z * (GROUP_SIZE + 2) * (GROUP_SIZE + 2) + p_pos.y * (GROUP_SIZE + 2) + p_pos.x);
+ return group_positions[offset];
+layout(r16ui, set = 0, binding = 1) uniform restrict readonly uimage3D src_color;
+layout(r8, set = 0, binding = 2) uniform restrict image3D dst_occlusion[8];
+layout(r32ui, set = 0, binding = 3) uniform restrict readonly uimage3D src_facing;
+const uvec2 group_size_offset[11] = uvec2[](uvec2(1, 0), uvec2(3, 1), uvec2(6, 4), uvec2(10, 10), uvec2(15, 20), uvec2(21, 35), uvec2(28, 56), uvec2(36, 84), uvec2(42, 120), uvec2(46, 162), uvec2(48, 208));
+const uint group_pos[256] = uint[](0,
+ 65536, 256, 1,
+ 131072, 65792, 512, 65537, 257, 2,
+ 196608, 131328, 66048, 768, 131073, 65793, 513, 65538, 258, 3,
+ 262144, 196864, 131584, 66304, 1024, 196609, 131329, 66049, 769, 131074, 65794, 514, 65539, 259, 4,
+ 327680, 262400, 197120, 131840, 66560, 1280, 262145, 196865, 131585, 66305, 1025, 196610, 131330, 66050, 770, 131075, 65795, 515, 65540, 260, 5,
+ 393216, 327936, 262656, 197376, 132096, 66816, 1536, 327681, 262401, 197121, 131841, 66561, 1281, 262146, 196866, 131586, 66306, 1026, 196611, 131331, 66051, 771, 131076, 65796, 516, 65541, 261, 6,
+ 458752, 393472, 328192, 262912, 197632, 132352, 67072, 1792, 393217, 327937, 262657, 197377, 132097, 66817, 1537, 327682, 262402, 197122, 131842, 66562, 1282, 262147, 196867, 131587, 66307, 1027, 196612, 131332, 66052, 772, 131077, 65797, 517, 65542, 262, 7,
+ 459008, 393728, 328448, 263168, 197888, 132608, 67328, 458753, 393473, 328193, 262913, 197633, 132353, 67073, 1793, 393218, 327938, 262658, 197378, 132098, 66818, 1538, 327683, 262403, 197123, 131843, 66563, 1283, 262148, 196868, 131588, 66308, 1028, 196613, 131333, 66053, 773, 131078, 65798, 518, 65543, 263,
+ 459264, 393984, 328704, 263424, 198144, 132864, 459009, 393729, 328449, 263169, 197889, 132609, 67329, 458754, 393474, 328194, 262914, 197634, 132354, 67074, 1794, 393219, 327939, 262659, 197379, 132099, 66819, 1539, 327684, 262404, 197124, 131844, 66564, 1284, 262149, 196869, 131589, 66309, 1029, 196614, 131334, 66054, 774, 131079, 65799, 519,
+ 459520, 394240, 328960, 263680, 198400, 459265, 393985, 328705, 263425, 198145, 132865, 459010, 393730, 328450, 263170, 197890, 132610, 67330, 458755, 393475, 328195, 262915, 197635, 132355, 67075, 1795, 393220, 327940, 262660, 197380, 132100, 66820, 1540, 327685, 262405, 197125, 131845, 66565, 1285, 262150, 196870, 131590, 66310, 1030, 196615, 131335, 66055, 775);
+shared uint occlusion_facing[((OCCLUSION_SIZE * 2) * (OCCLUSION_SIZE * 2) * (OCCLUSION_SIZE * 2)) / 4];
+uint get_facing(ivec3 p_pos) {
+ uint ofs = uint(p_pos.z * OCCLUSION_SIZE * 2 * OCCLUSION_SIZE * 2 + p_pos.y * OCCLUSION_SIZE * 2 + p_pos.x);
+ uint v = occlusion_facing[ofs / 4];
+ return (v >> ((ofs % 4) * 8)) & 0xFF;
+#ifdef MODE_STORE
+layout(rgba8ui, set = 0, binding = 1) uniform restrict readonly uimage3D src_positions;
+layout(r16ui, set = 0, binding = 2) uniform restrict readonly uimage3D src_albedo;
+layout(r8, set = 0, binding = 3) uniform restrict readonly image3D src_occlusion[8];
+layout(r32ui, set = 0, binding = 4) uniform restrict readonly uimage3D src_light;
+layout(r32ui, set = 0, binding = 5) uniform restrict readonly uimage3D src_light_aniso;
+layout(r32ui, set = 0, binding = 6) uniform restrict readonly uimage3D src_facing;
+layout(r8, set = 0, binding = 7) uniform restrict writeonly image3D dst_sdf;
+layout(r16ui, set = 0, binding = 8) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D dst_occlusion;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 10, std430) restrict buffer DispatchData {
+ uint x;
+ uint y;
+ uint z;
+ uint total_count;
+struct ProcessVoxel {
+ uint position; //xyz 7 bit packed, extra 11 bits for neigbours
+ uint albedo; //rgb bits 0-15 albedo, bits 16-21 are normal bits (set if geometry exists toward that side), extra 11 bits for neibhbours
+ uint light; //rgbe8985 encoded total saved light, extra 2 bits for neighbous
+ uint light_aniso; //55555 light anisotropy, extra 2 bits for neighbours
+ //total neighbours: 26
+layout(set = 0, binding = 11, std430) restrict buffer writeonly ProcessVoxels {
+ ProcessVoxel data[];
+shared ProcessVoxel store_positions[4 * 4 * 4];
+shared uint store_position_count;
+shared uint store_from_index;
+layout(r16ui, set = 0, binding = 1) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D dst_albedo;
+layout(r32ui, set = 0, binding = 2) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D dst_facing;
+layout(r32ui, set = 0, binding = 3) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D dst_light;
+layout(r32ui, set = 0, binding = 4) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D dst_light_aniso;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 5, std430) restrict buffer readonly DispatchData {
+ uint x;
+ uint y;
+ uint z;
+ uint total_count;
+struct ProcessVoxel {
+ uint position; //xyz 7 bit packed, extra 11 bits for neigbours
+ uint albedo; //rgb bits 0-15 albedo, bits 16-21 are normal bits (set if geometry exists toward that side), extra 11 bits for neibhbours
+ uint light; //rgbe8985 encoded total saved light, extra 2 bits for neighbous
+ uint light_aniso; //55555 light anisotropy, extra 2 bits for neighbours
+ //total neighbours: 26
+layout(set = 0, binding = 6, std430) restrict buffer readonly ProcessVoxels {
+ ProcessVoxel data[];
+layout(r8, set = 0, binding = 1) uniform restrict image3D dst_occlusion[8];
+layout(r16ui, set = 0, binding = 2) uniform restrict readonly uimage3D src_occlusion;
+layout(push_constant, binding = 0, std430) uniform Params {
+ ivec3 scroll;
+ int grid_size;
+ ivec3 probe_offset;
+ int step_size;
+ bool half_size;
+ uint occlusion_index;
+ int cascade;
+ uint pad;
+void main() {
+ // Pixel being shaded
+ int index = int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x);
+ if (index >= dispatch_data.total_count) { //too big
+ return;
+ }
+ ivec3 read_pos = (ivec3([index].position) >> ivec3(0, 7, 14)) & ivec3(0x7F);
+ ivec3 write_pos = read_pos + params.scroll;
+ if (any(lessThan(write_pos, ivec3(0))) || any(greaterThanEqual(write_pos, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ return; //fits outside the 3D texture, dont do anything
+ }
+ uint albedo = (([index].albedo & 0x7FFF) << 1) | 1; //add solid bit
+ imageStore(dst_albedo, write_pos, uvec4(albedo));
+ uint facing = ([index].albedo >> 15) & 0x3F; //6 anisotropic facing bits
+ imageStore(dst_facing, write_pos, uvec4(facing));
+ uint light =[index].light & 0x3fffffff; //30 bits of RGBE8985
+ imageStore(dst_light, write_pos, uvec4(light));
+ uint light_aniso =[index].light_aniso & 0x3fffffff; //30 bits of 6 anisotropic 5 bits values
+ imageStore(dst_light_aniso, write_pos, uvec4(light_aniso));
+ ivec3 pos = ivec3(;
+ if (any(greaterThanEqual(pos, ivec3(params.grid_size) - abs(params.scroll)))) { //too large, do nothing
+ return;
+ }
+ ivec3 read_pos = pos + max(ivec3(0), -params.scroll);
+ ivec3 write_pos = pos + max(ivec3(0), params.scroll);
+ read_pos.z += params.cascade * params.grid_size;
+ uint occlusion = imageLoad(src_occlusion, read_pos).r;
+ read_pos.x += params.grid_size;
+ occlusion |= imageLoad(src_occlusion, read_pos).r << 16;
+ const uint occlusion_shift[8] = uint[](12, 8, 4, 0, 28, 24, 20, 16);
+ for (uint i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ float o = float((occlusion >> occlusion_shift[i]) & 0xF) / 15.0;
+ imageStore(dst_occlusion[i], write_pos, vec4(o));
+ }
+ ivec3 pos = ivec3(;
+ uint c = imageLoad(src_color, pos).r;
+ uvec4 v;
+ if (bool(c & 0x1)) {
+ //bit set means this is solid
+ = uvec3(pos);
+ v.w = 255; //not zero means used
+ } else {
+ = uvec3(0);
+ v.w = 0; // zero means unused
+ }
+ imageStore(dst_positions, pos, v);
+ ivec3 pos = ivec3(;
+ ivec3 base_pos = pos * 2;
+ //since we store in half size, lets kind of randomize what we store, so
+ //the half size jump flood has a bit better chance to find something
+ uvec4 closest[8];
+ int closest_count = 0;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ ivec3 src_pos = base_pos + ((ivec3(i) >> ivec3(0, 1, 2)) & ivec3(1, 1, 1));
+ uint c = imageLoad(src_color, src_pos).r;
+ if (bool(c & 1)) {
+ uvec4 v = uvec4(uvec3(src_pos), 255);
+ closest[closest_count] = v;
+ closest_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (closest_count == 0) {
+ imageStore(dst_positions, pos, uvec4(0));
+ } else {
+ ivec3 indexv = (pos & ivec3(1, 1, 1)) * ivec3(1, 2, 4);
+ int index = (indexv.x | indexv.y | indexv.z) % closest_count;
+ imageStore(dst_positions, pos, closest[index]);
+ }
+ //regular jumpflood, efficent for large steps, inefficient for small steps
+ ivec3 pos = ivec3(;
+ vec3 posf = vec3(pos);
+ if (params.half_size) {
+ posf = posf * 2.0 + 0.5;
+ }
+ uvec4 p = imageLoad(src_positions, pos);
+ if (!params.half_size && p == uvec4(uvec3(pos), 255)) {
+ imageStore(dst_positions, pos, p);
+ return; //points to itself and valid, nothing better can be done, just pass
+ }
+ float p_dist;
+ if (p.w != 0) {
+ p_dist = distance(posf, vec3(;
+ } else {
+ p_dist = 0.0; //should not matter
+ }
+ const uint offset_count = 26;
+ const ivec3 offsets[offset_count] = ivec3[](
+ ivec3(-1, -1, -1),
+ ivec3(-1, -1, 0),
+ ivec3(-1, -1, 1),
+ ivec3(-1, 0, -1),
+ ivec3(-1, 0, 0),
+ ivec3(-1, 0, 1),
+ ivec3(-1, 1, -1),
+ ivec3(-1, 1, 0),
+ ivec3(-1, 1, 1),
+ ivec3(0, -1, -1),
+ ivec3(0, -1, 0),
+ ivec3(0, -1, 1),
+ ivec3(0, 0, -1),
+ ivec3(0, 0, 1),
+ ivec3(0, 1, -1),
+ ivec3(0, 1, 0),
+ ivec3(0, 1, 1),
+ ivec3(1, -1, -1),
+ ivec3(1, -1, 0),
+ ivec3(1, -1, 1),
+ ivec3(1, 0, -1),
+ ivec3(1, 0, 0),
+ ivec3(1, 0, 1),
+ ivec3(1, 1, -1),
+ ivec3(1, 1, 0),
+ ivec3(1, 1, 1));
+ for (uint i = 0; i < offset_count; i++) {
+ ivec3 ofs = pos + offsets[i] * params.step_size;
+ if (any(lessThan(ofs, ivec3(0))) || any(greaterThanEqual(ofs, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ uvec4 q = imageLoad(src_positions, ofs);
+ if (q.w == 0) {
+ continue; //was not initialized yet, ignore
+ }
+ float q_dist = distance(posf, vec3(;
+ if (p.w == 0 || q_dist < p_dist) {
+ p = q; //just replace because current is unused
+ p_dist = q_dist;
+ }
+ }
+ imageStore(dst_positions, pos, p);
+ //optimized version using shared compute memory
+ ivec3 group_offset = ivec3( % params.step_size;
+ ivec3 group_pos = group_offset + (ivec3( / params.step_size) * ivec3(GROUP_SIZE * params.step_size);
+ //load data into local group memory
+ if (all(lessThan(ivec3(, ivec3((GROUP_SIZE + 2) / 2)))) {
+ //use this thread for loading, this method uses less threads for this but its simpler and less divergent
+ ivec3 base_pos = ivec3( * 2;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ ivec3 load_pos = base_pos + ((ivec3(i) >> ivec3(0, 1, 2)) & ivec3(1, 1, 1));
+ ivec3 load_global_pos = group_pos + (load_pos - ivec3(1)) * params.step_size;
+ uvec4 q;
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(load_global_pos, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(load_global_pos, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ q = imageLoad(src_positions, load_global_pos);
+ } else {
+ q = uvec4(0); //unused
+ }
+ group_store(load_pos, q);
+ }
+ }
+ ivec3 global_pos = group_pos + ivec3( * params.step_size;
+ if (any(lessThan(global_pos, ivec3(0))) || any(greaterThanEqual(global_pos, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ return; //do nothing else, end here because outside range
+ }
+ //sync
+ groupMemoryBarrier();
+ barrier();
+ ivec3 local_pos = ivec3( + ivec3(1);
+ const uint offset_count = 27;
+ const ivec3 offsets[offset_count] = ivec3[](
+ ivec3(-1, -1, -1),
+ ivec3(-1, -1, 0),
+ ivec3(-1, -1, 1),
+ ivec3(-1, 0, -1),
+ ivec3(-1, 0, 0),
+ ivec3(-1, 0, 1),
+ ivec3(-1, 1, -1),
+ ivec3(-1, 1, 0),
+ ivec3(-1, 1, 1),
+ ivec3(0, -1, -1),
+ ivec3(0, -1, 0),
+ ivec3(0, -1, 1),
+ ivec3(0, 0, -1),
+ ivec3(0, 0, 0),
+ ivec3(0, 0, 1),
+ ivec3(0, 1, -1),
+ ivec3(0, 1, 0),
+ ivec3(0, 1, 1),
+ ivec3(1, -1, -1),
+ ivec3(1, -1, 0),
+ ivec3(1, -1, 1),
+ ivec3(1, 0, -1),
+ ivec3(1, 0, 0),
+ ivec3(1, 0, 1),
+ ivec3(1, 1, -1),
+ ivec3(1, 1, 0),
+ ivec3(1, 1, 1));
+ //only makes sense if point is inside screen
+ uvec4 closest = uvec4(0);
+ float closest_dist = 0.0;
+ vec3 posf = vec3(global_pos);
+ if (params.half_size) {
+ posf = posf * 2.0 + 0.5;
+ }
+ for (uint i = 0; i < offset_count; i++) {
+ uvec4 point = group_load(local_pos + offsets[i]);
+ if (point.w == 0) {
+ continue; //was not initialized yet, ignore
+ }
+ float dist = distance(posf, vec3(;
+ if (closest.w == 0 || dist < closest_dist) {
+ closest = point;
+ closest_dist = dist;
+ }
+ }
+ imageStore(dst_positions, global_pos, closest);
+ ivec3 pos = ivec3(;
+ uint c = imageLoad(src_color, pos).r;
+ uvec4 v;
+ if (bool(c & 1)) {
+ //bit set means this is solid
+ = uvec3(pos);
+ v.w = 255; //not zero means used
+ } else {
+ v = imageLoad(src_positions_half, pos >> 1);
+ float d = length(vec3(ivec3( - pos));
+ ivec3 vbase = ivec3( - ( & uvec3(1)));
+ //search around if there is a better candidate from the same block
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ ivec3 bits = ((ivec3(i) >> ivec3(0, 1, 2)) & ivec3(1, 1, 1));
+ ivec3 p = vbase + bits;
+ float d2 = length(vec3(p - pos));
+ if (d2 < d) { //check valid distance before test so we avoid a read
+ uint c2 = imageLoad(src_color, p).r;
+ if (bool(c2 & 1)) {
+ = uvec3(p);
+ d = d2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //could validate better position..
+ }
+ imageStore(dst_positions, pos, v);
+ uint invocation_idx = uint(gl_LocalInvocationID.x);
+ ivec3 region = ivec3(gl_WorkGroupID);
+ ivec3 region_offset = -ivec3(OCCLUSION_SIZE);
+ region_offset += region * OCCLUSION_SIZE * 2;
+ region_offset += params.probe_offset * OCCLUSION_SIZE;
+ if (params.scroll != ivec3(0)) {
+ //validate scroll region
+ ivec3 region_offset_to = region_offset + ivec3(OCCLUSION_SIZE * 2);
+ uvec3 scroll_mask = uvec3(notEqual(params.scroll, ivec3(0))); //save which axes acre scrolling
+ ivec3 scroll_from = mix(ivec3(0), ivec3(params.grid_size) + params.scroll, lessThan(params.scroll, ivec3(0)));
+ ivec3 scroll_to = mix(ivec3(params.grid_size), params.scroll, greaterThan(params.scroll, ivec3(0)));
+ if ((uvec3(lessThanEqual(region_offset_to, scroll_from)) | uvec3(greaterThanEqual(region_offset, scroll_to))) * scroll_mask == scroll_mask) { //all axes that scroll are out, exit
+ return; //region outside scroll bounds, quit
+ }
+ }
+ ivec3 local_ofs = ivec3(uvec3(invocation_idx % OCC_HALF_SIZE, (invocation_idx % (OCC_HALF_SIZE * OCC_HALF_SIZE)) / OCC_HALF_SIZE, invocation_idx / (OCC_HALF_SIZE * OCC_HALF_SIZE))) * 4;
+ /* for(int i=0;i<64;i++) {
+ ivec3 offset = region_offset + local_ofs + ((ivec3(i) >> ivec3(0,2,4)) & ivec3(3,3,3));
+ uint facig =
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(offset,ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(offset,ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {*/
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { //skip x, so it can be packed
+ ivec3 offset = local_ofs + ((ivec3(i * 4) >> ivec3(0, 2, 4)) & ivec3(3, 3, 3));
+ uint facing_pack = 0;
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
+ ivec3 foffset = region_offset + offset + ivec3(j, 0, 0);
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(foffset, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(foffset, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ uint f = imageLoad(src_facing, foffset).r;
+ facing_pack |= f << (j * 8);
+ }
+ }
+ occlusion_facing[(offset.z * (OCCLUSION_SIZE * 2 * OCCLUSION_SIZE * 2) + offset.y * (OCCLUSION_SIZE * 2) + offset.x) / 4] = facing_pack;
+ }
+ //sync occlusion saved
+ groupMemoryBarrier();
+ barrier();
+ //process occlusion
+#define OCC_STEPS (OCCLUSION_SIZE * 3 - 2)
+ for (int step = 0; step < OCC_STEPS; step++) {
+ bool shrink = step >= OCC_HALF_STEPS;
+ int occ_step = shrink ? OCC_HALF_STEPS - (step - OCC_HALF_STEPS) - 1 : step;
+ if (invocation_idx < group_size_offset[occ_step].x) {
+ uint pv = group_pos[group_size_offset[occ_step].y + invocation_idx];
+ ivec3 proc_abs = (ivec3(int(pv)) >> ivec3(0, 8, 16)) & ivec3(0xFF);
+ if (shrink) {
+ proc_abs = ivec3(OCCLUSION_SIZE) - proc_abs - ivec3(1);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ ivec3 bits = ((ivec3(i) >> ivec3(0, 1, 2)) & ivec3(1, 1, 1));
+ ivec3 proc_sign = bits * 2 - 1;
+ ivec3 local_offset = ivec3(OCCLUSION_SIZE) + proc_abs * proc_sign - (ivec3(1) - bits);
+ ivec3 offset = local_offset + region_offset;
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(offset, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(offset, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ float occ;
+ uint facing = get_facing(local_offset);
+ if (facing != 0) { //solid
+ occ = 0.0;
+ } else if (step == 0) {
+#if 0
+ occ = 0.0;
+ if (get_facing(local_offset - ivec3(proc_sign.x,0,0))==0) {
+ occ+=1.0;
+ }
+ if (get_facing(local_offset - ivec3(0,proc_sign.y,0))==0) {
+ occ+=1.0;
+ }
+ if (get_facing(local_offset - ivec3(0,0,proc_sign.z))==0) {
+ occ+=1.0;
+ }
+ /*
+ if (get_facing(local_offset - proc_sign)==0) {
+ occ+=1.0;
+ }*/
+ occ/=3.0;
+ occ = 1.0;
+ } else {
+ ivec3 read_dir = -proc_sign;
+ ivec3 major_axis;
+ if (proc_abs.x < proc_abs.y) {
+ if (proc_abs.z < proc_abs.y) {
+ major_axis = ivec3(0, 1, 0);
+ } else {
+ major_axis = ivec3(0, 0, 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (proc_abs.z < proc_abs.x) {
+ major_axis = ivec3(1, 0, 0);
+ } else {
+ major_axis = ivec3(0, 0, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ float avg = 0.0;
+ occ = 0.0;
+ ivec3 read_x = offset + ivec3(read_dir.x, 0, 0) + (proc_abs.x == 0 ? major_axis * read_dir : ivec3(0));
+ ivec3 read_y = offset + ivec3(0, read_dir.y, 0) + (proc_abs.y == 0 ? major_axis * read_dir : ivec3(0));
+ ivec3 read_z = offset + ivec3(0, 0, read_dir.z) + (proc_abs.z == 0 ? major_axis * read_dir : ivec3(0));
+ uint facing_x = get_facing(read_x - region_offset);
+ if (facing_x == 0) {
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(read_x, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(read_x, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ occ += imageLoad(dst_occlusion[params.occlusion_index], read_x).r;
+ avg += 1.0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (proc_abs.x != 0) { //do not occlude from voxels in the opposite octant
+ avg += 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ uint facing_y = get_facing(read_y - region_offset);
+ if (facing_y == 0) {
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(read_y, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(read_y, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ occ += imageLoad(dst_occlusion[params.occlusion_index], read_y).r;
+ avg += 1.0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (proc_abs.y != 0) {
+ avg += 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ uint facing_z = get_facing(read_z - region_offset);
+ if (facing_z == 0) {
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(read_z, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(read_z, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ occ += imageLoad(dst_occlusion[params.occlusion_index], read_z).r;
+ avg += 1.0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (proc_abs.z != 0) {
+ avg += 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (avg > 0.0) {
+ occ /= avg;
+ }
+ }
+ imageStore(dst_occlusion[params.occlusion_index], offset, vec4(occ));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ groupMemoryBarrier();
+ barrier();
+ }
+#if 1
+ //bias solid voxels away
+ for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
+ ivec3 local_offset = local_ofs + ((ivec3(i) >> ivec3(0, 2, 4)) & ivec3(3, 3, 3));
+ ivec3 offset = region_offset + local_offset;
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(offset, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(offset, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ uint facing = get_facing(local_offset);
+ if (facing != 0) {
+ //only work on solids
+ ivec3 proc_pos = local_offset - ivec3(OCCLUSION_SIZE);
+ proc_pos += mix(ivec3(0), ivec3(1), greaterThanEqual(proc_pos, ivec3(0)));
+ float avg = 0.0;
+ float occ = 0.0;
+ ivec3 read_dir = -sign(proc_pos);
+ ivec3 read_dir_x = ivec3(read_dir.x, 0, 0);
+ ivec3 read_dir_y = ivec3(0, read_dir.y, 0);
+ ivec3 read_dir_z = ivec3(0, 0, read_dir.z);
+ //solid
+#if 0
+ uvec3 facing_pos_base = (uvec3(facing) >> uvec3(0,1,2)) & uvec3(1,1,1);
+ uvec3 facing_neg_base = (uvec3(facing) >> uvec3(3,4,5)) & uvec3(1,1,1);
+ uvec3 facing_pos= facing_pos_base &((~facing_neg_base)&uvec3(1,1,1));
+ uvec3 facing_neg= facing_neg_base &((~facing_pos_base)&uvec3(1,1,1));
+ uvec3 facing_pos = (uvec3(facing) >> uvec3(0, 1, 2)) & uvec3(1, 1, 1);
+ uvec3 facing_neg = (uvec3(facing) >> uvec3(3, 4, 5)) & uvec3(1, 1, 1);
+ bvec3 read_valid = bvec3(mix(facing_neg, facing_pos, greaterThan(read_dir, ivec3(0))));
+ //sides
+ if (read_valid.x) {
+ ivec3 read_offset = local_offset + read_dir_x;
+ uint f = get_facing(read_offset);
+ if (f == 0) {
+ read_offset += region_offset;
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(read_offset, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(read_offset, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ occ += imageLoad(dst_occlusion[params.occlusion_index], read_offset).r;
+ avg += 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (read_valid.y) {
+ ivec3 read_offset = local_offset + read_dir_y;
+ uint f = get_facing(read_offset);
+ if (f == 0) {
+ read_offset += region_offset;
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(read_offset, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(read_offset, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ occ += imageLoad(dst_occlusion[params.occlusion_index], read_offset).r;
+ avg += 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (read_valid.z) {
+ ivec3 read_offset = local_offset + read_dir_z;
+ uint f = get_facing(read_offset);
+ if (f == 0) {
+ read_offset += region_offset;
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(read_offset, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(read_offset, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ occ += imageLoad(dst_occlusion[params.occlusion_index], read_offset).r;
+ avg += 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //adjacents
+ if (all(read_valid.yz)) {
+ ivec3 read_offset = local_offset + read_dir_y + read_dir_z;
+ uint f = get_facing(read_offset);
+ if (f == 0) {
+ read_offset += region_offset;
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(read_offset, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(read_offset, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ occ += imageLoad(dst_occlusion[params.occlusion_index], read_offset).r;
+ avg += 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (all(read_valid.xz)) {
+ ivec3 read_offset = local_offset + read_dir_x + read_dir_z;
+ uint f = get_facing(read_offset);
+ if (f == 0) {
+ read_offset += region_offset;
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(read_offset, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(read_offset, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ occ += imageLoad(dst_occlusion[params.occlusion_index], read_offset).r;
+ avg += 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (all(read_valid.xy)) {
+ ivec3 read_offset = local_offset + read_dir_x + read_dir_y;
+ uint f = get_facing(read_offset);
+ if (f == 0) {
+ read_offset += region_offset;
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(read_offset, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(read_offset, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ occ += imageLoad(dst_occlusion[params.occlusion_index], read_offset).r;
+ avg += 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //diagonal
+ if (all(read_valid)) {
+ ivec3 read_offset = local_offset + read_dir;
+ uint f = get_facing(read_offset);
+ if (f == 0) {
+ read_offset += region_offset;
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(read_offset, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(read_offset, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ occ += imageLoad(dst_occlusion[params.occlusion_index], read_offset).r;
+ avg += 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (avg > 0.0) {
+ occ /= avg;
+ }
+ imageStore(dst_occlusion[params.occlusion_index], offset, vec4(occ));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#if 1
+ groupMemoryBarrier();
+ barrier();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
+ ivec3 local_offset = local_ofs + ((ivec3(i) >> ivec3(0, 2, 4)) & ivec3(3, 3, 3));
+ ivec3 offset = region_offset + local_offset;
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(offset, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(offset, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ uint facing = get_facing(local_offset);
+ if (facing == 0) {
+ ivec3 proc_pos = local_offset - ivec3(OCCLUSION_SIZE);
+ proc_pos += mix(ivec3(0), ivec3(1), greaterThanEqual(proc_pos, ivec3(0)));
+ ivec3 proc_abs = abs(proc_pos);
+ ivec3 read_dir = sign(proc_pos); //opposite direction
+ ivec3 read_dir_x = ivec3(read_dir.x, 0, 0);
+ ivec3 read_dir_y = ivec3(0, read_dir.y, 0);
+ ivec3 read_dir_z = ivec3(0, 0, read_dir.z);
+ //solid
+ uvec3 read_mask = mix(uvec3(1, 2, 4), uvec3(8, 16, 32), greaterThan(read_dir, ivec3(0))); //match positive with negative normals
+ uvec3 block_mask = mix(uvec3(1, 2, 4), uvec3(8, 16, 32), lessThan(read_dir, ivec3(0))); //match positive with negative normals
+ block_mask = uvec3(0);
+ float visible = 0.0;
+ float occlude_total = 0.0;
+ if (proc_abs.x < OCCLUSION_SIZE) {
+ ivec3 read_offset = local_offset + read_dir_x;
+ uint x_mask = get_facing(read_offset);
+ if (x_mask != 0) {
+ read_offset += region_offset;
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(read_offset, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(read_offset, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ occlude_total += 1.0;
+ if (bool(x_mask & read_mask.x) && !bool(x_mask & block_mask.x)) {
+ visible += 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (proc_abs.y < OCCLUSION_SIZE) {
+ ivec3 read_offset = local_offset + read_dir_y;
+ uint y_mask = get_facing(read_offset);
+ if (y_mask != 0) {
+ read_offset += region_offset;
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(read_offset, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(read_offset, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ occlude_total += 1.0;
+ if (bool(y_mask & read_mask.y) && !bool(y_mask & block_mask.y)) {
+ visible += 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (proc_abs.z < OCCLUSION_SIZE) {
+ ivec3 read_offset = local_offset + read_dir_z;
+ uint z_mask = get_facing(read_offset);
+ if (z_mask != 0) {
+ read_offset += region_offset;
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(read_offset, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(read_offset, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ occlude_total += 1.0;
+ if (bool(z_mask & read_mask.z) && !bool(z_mask & block_mask.z)) {
+ visible += 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //if near the cartesian plane, test in opposite direction too
+ read_mask = mix(uvec3(1, 2, 4), uvec3(8, 16, 32), lessThan(read_dir, ivec3(0))); //match negative with positive normals
+ block_mask = mix(uvec3(1, 2, 4), uvec3(8, 16, 32), greaterThan(read_dir, ivec3(0))); //match negative with positive normals
+ block_mask = uvec3(0);
+ if (proc_abs.x == 1) {
+ ivec3 read_offset = local_offset - read_dir_x;
+ uint x_mask = get_facing(read_offset);
+ if (x_mask != 0) {
+ read_offset += region_offset;
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(read_offset, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(read_offset, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ occlude_total += 1.0;
+ if (bool(x_mask & read_mask.x) && !bool(x_mask & block_mask.x)) {
+ visible += 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (proc_abs.y == 1) {
+ ivec3 read_offset = local_offset - read_dir_y;
+ uint y_mask = get_facing(read_offset);
+ if (y_mask != 0) {
+ read_offset += region_offset;
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(read_offset, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(read_offset, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ occlude_total += 1.0;
+ if (bool(y_mask & read_mask.y) && !bool(y_mask & block_mask.y)) {
+ visible += 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (proc_abs.z == 1) {
+ ivec3 read_offset = local_offset - read_dir_z;
+ uint z_mask = get_facing(read_offset);
+ if (z_mask != 0) {
+ read_offset += region_offset;
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(read_offset, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(read_offset, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ occlude_total += 1.0;
+ if (bool(z_mask & read_mask.z) && !bool(z_mask & block_mask.z)) {
+ visible += 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (occlude_total > 0.0) {
+ float occ = imageLoad(dst_occlusion[params.occlusion_index], offset).r;
+ occ *= visible / occlude_total;
+ imageStore(dst_occlusion[params.occlusion_index], offset, vec4(occ));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ for(int i=0;i<8;i++) {
+ ivec3 local_offset = local_pos + ((ivec3(i) >> ivec3(2,1,0)) & ivec3(1,1,1)) * OCCLUSION_SIZE;
+ ivec3 offset = local_offset - ivec3(OCCLUSION_SIZE); //looking around probe, so starts negative
+ offset += region * OCCLUSION_SIZE * 2; //offset by region
+ offset += params.probe_offset * OCCLUSION_SIZE; // offset by probe offset
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(offset,ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(offset,ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ imageStore(dst_occlusion[params.occlusion_index],offset,vec4( occlusion_data[ to_linear(local_offset) ] ));
+ //imageStore(dst_occlusion[params.occlusion_index],offset,vec4( occlusion_solid[ to_linear(local_offset) ] ));
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef MODE_STORE
+ ivec3 local = ivec3(;
+ ivec3 pos = ivec3(;
+ // store SDF
+ uvec4 p = imageLoad(src_positions, pos);
+ bool solid = false;
+ float d;
+ if (ivec3( == pos) {
+ //solid block
+ d = 0;
+ solid = true;
+ } else {
+ //distance block
+ d = 1.0 + length(vec3( - vec3(pos));
+ }
+ d /= 255.0;
+ imageStore(dst_sdf, pos, vec4(d));
+ uint occlusion = 0;
+ const uint occlusion_shift[8] = uint[](12, 8, 4, 0, 28, 24, 20, 16);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ float occ = imageLoad(src_occlusion[i], pos).r;
+ occlusion |= uint(clamp(occ * 15.0, 0.0, 15.0)) << occlusion_shift[i];
+ }
+ {
+ ivec3 occ_pos = pos;
+ occ_pos.z += params.cascade * params.grid_size;
+ imageStore(dst_occlusion, occ_pos, uvec4(occlusion & 0xFFFF));
+ occ_pos.x += params.grid_size;
+ imageStore(dst_occlusion, occ_pos, uvec4(occlusion >> 16));
+ }
+ if (local == ivec3(0)) {
+ store_position_count = 0; //base one stores as zero, the others wait
+ }
+ groupMemoryBarrier();
+ barrier();
+ if (solid) {
+ uint index = atomicAdd(store_position_count, 1);
+ // At least do the conversion work in parallel
+ store_positions[index].position = uint(pos.x | (pos.y << 7) | (pos.z << 14));
+ //see around which voxels point to this one, add them to the list
+ uint bit_index = 0;
+ uint neighbour_bits = 0;
+ for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
+ for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++) {
+ for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++) {
+ if (i == 0 && j == 0 && k == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ivec3 npos = pos + ivec3(i, j, k);
+ if (all(greaterThanEqual(npos, ivec3(0))) && all(lessThan(npos, ivec3(params.grid_size)))) {
+ p = imageLoad(src_positions, npos);
+ if (ivec3( == pos) {
+ neighbour_bits |= (1 << bit_index);
+ }
+ }
+ bit_index++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ uint rgb = imageLoad(src_albedo, pos).r;
+ uint facing = imageLoad(src_facing, pos).r;
+ store_positions[index].albedo = rgb >> 1; //store as it comes (555) to avoid precision loss (and move away the alpha bit)
+ store_positions[index].albedo |= (facing & 0x3F) << 15; // store facing in bits 15-21
+ store_positions[index].albedo |= neighbour_bits << 21; //store lower 11 bits of neighbours with remaining albedo
+ store_positions[index].position |= (neighbour_bits >> 11) << 21; //store 11 bits more of neighbours with position
+ store_positions[index].light = imageLoad(src_light, pos).r;
+ store_positions[index].light_aniso = imageLoad(src_light_aniso, pos).r;
+ //add neighbours
+ store_positions[index].light |= (neighbour_bits >> 22) << 30; //store 2 bits more of neighbours with light
+ store_positions[index].light_aniso |= (neighbour_bits >> 24) << 30; //store 2 bits more of neighbours with aniso
+ }
+ groupMemoryBarrier();
+ barrier();
+ // global increment only once per group, to reduce pressure
+ if (local == ivec3(0) && store_position_count > 0) {
+ store_from_index = atomicAdd(dispatch_data.total_count, store_position_count);
+ uint group_count = (store_from_index + store_position_count - 1) / 64 + 1;
+ atomicMax(dispatch_data.x, group_count);
+ }
+ groupMemoryBarrier();
+ barrier();
+ uint read_index = uint(local.z * 4 * 4 + local.y * 4 + local.x);
+ uint write_index = store_from_index + read_index;
+ if (read_index < store_position_count) {
+[write_index] = store_positions[read_index];
+ }
+ if (pos == ivec3(0)) {
+ //this thread clears y and z
+ dispatch_data.y = 1;
+ dispatch_data.z = 1;
+ }
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_device.cpp b/servers/rendering/rendering_device.cpp
index 55b65d2747..7c70148180 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rendering_device.cpp
+++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_device.cpp
@@ -212,10 +212,14 @@ RID RenderingDevice::_render_pipeline_create(RID p_shader, FramebufferFormatID p
return render_pipeline_create(p_shader, p_framebuffer_format, p_vertex_format, p_render_primitive, rasterization_state, multisample_state, depth_stencil_state, color_blend_state, p_dynamic_state_flags);
-Vector<int64_t> RenderingDevice::_draw_list_begin_split(RID p_framebuffer, uint32_t p_splits, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_color_values, float p_clear_depth, uint32_t p_clear_stencil, const Rect2 &p_region) {
+Vector<int64_t> RenderingDevice::_draw_list_begin_split(RID p_framebuffer, uint32_t p_splits, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_color_values, float p_clear_depth, uint32_t p_clear_stencil, const Rect2 &p_region, const TypedArray<RID> &p_storage_textures) {
Vector<DrawListID> splits;
- draw_list_begin_split(p_framebuffer, p_splits, splits.ptrw(), p_initial_color_action, p_final_color_action, p_initial_depth_action, p_final_depth_action, p_clear_color_values, p_clear_depth, p_clear_stencil, p_region);
+ Vector<RID> stextures;
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_storage_textures.size(); i++) {
+ stextures.push_back(p_storage_textures[i]);
+ }
+ draw_list_begin_split(p_framebuffer, p_splits, splits.ptrw(), p_initial_color_action, p_final_color_action, p_initial_depth_action, p_final_depth_action, p_clear_color_values, p_clear_depth, p_clear_stencil, p_region, stextures);
Vector<int64_t> split_ids;
@@ -236,6 +240,10 @@ void RenderingDevice::_compute_list_set_push_constant(ComputeListID p_list, cons
compute_list_set_push_constant(p_list, p_data.ptr(), p_data_size);
+void RenderingDevice::compute_list_dispatch_threads(ComputeListID p_list, uint32_t p_x_threads, uint32_t p_y_threads, uint32_t p_z_threads, uint32_t p_x_local_group, uint32_t p_y_local_group, uint32_t p_z_local_group) {
+ compute_list_dispatch(p_list, (p_x_threads - 1) / p_x_local_group + 1, (p_y_threads - 1) / p_y_local_group + 1, (p_z_threads - 1) / p_z_local_group + 1);
void RenderingDevice::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("texture_create", "format", "view", "data"), &RenderingDevice::_texture_create, DEFVAL(Array()));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("texture_create_shared", "view", "with_texture"), &RenderingDevice::_texture_create_shared);
@@ -254,8 +262,10 @@ void RenderingDevice::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("texture_resolve_multisample", "from_texture", "to_texture", "sync_with_draw"), &RenderingDevice::texture_resolve_multisample, DEFVAL(false));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("framebuffer_format_create", "attachments"), &RenderingDevice::_framebuffer_format_create);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("framebuffer_format_create_empty", "size"), &RenderingDevice::framebuffer_format_create_empty);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("framebuffer_format_get_texture_samples", "format"), &RenderingDevice::framebuffer_format_get_texture_samples);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("framebuffer_create", "textures", "validate_with_format"), &RenderingDevice::_framebuffer_create, DEFVAL(INVALID_FORMAT_ID));
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("framebuffer_create_empty", "size", "validate_with_format"), &RenderingDevice::framebuffer_create_empty, DEFVAL(INVALID_FORMAT_ID));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("framebuffer_get_format", "framebuffer"), &RenderingDevice::framebuffer_get_format);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("sampler_create", "state"), &RenderingDevice::_sampler_create);
@@ -292,8 +302,8 @@ void RenderingDevice::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_list_begin_for_screen", "screen", "clear_color"), &RenderingDevice::draw_list_begin_for_screen, DEFVAL(DisplayServer::MAIN_WINDOW_ID), DEFVAL(Color()));
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_list_begin", "framebuffer", "initial_color_action", "final_color_action", "initial_depth_action", "final_depth_action", "clear_color_values", "clear_depth", "clear_stencil", "region"), &RenderingDevice::draw_list_begin, DEFVAL(Vector<Color>()), DEFVAL(1.0), DEFVAL(0), DEFVAL(Rect2i()));
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_list_begin_split", "framebuffer", "splits", "initial_color_action", "final_color_action", "initial_depth_action", "final_depth_action", "clear_color_values", "clear_depth", "clear_stencil", "region"), &RenderingDevice::_draw_list_begin_split, DEFVAL(Vector<Color>()), DEFVAL(1.0), DEFVAL(0), DEFVAL(Rect2i()));
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_list_begin", "framebuffer", "initial_color_action", "final_color_action", "initial_depth_action", "final_depth_action", "clear_color_values", "clear_depth", "clear_stencil", "region", "storage_textures"), &RenderingDevice::draw_list_begin, DEFVAL(Vector<Color>()), DEFVAL(1.0), DEFVAL(0), DEFVAL(Rect2i()), DEFVAL(TypedArray<RID>()));
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_list_begin_split", "framebuffer", "splits", "initial_color_action", "final_color_action", "initial_depth_action", "final_depth_action", "clear_color_values", "clear_depth", "clear_stencil", "region", "storage_textures"), &RenderingDevice::_draw_list_begin_split, DEFVAL(Vector<Color>()), DEFVAL(1.0), DEFVAL(0), DEFVAL(Rect2i()), DEFVAL(TypedArray<RID>()));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_list_bind_render_pipeline", "draw_list", "render_pipeline"), &RenderingDevice::draw_list_bind_render_pipeline);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_list_bind_uniform_set", "draw_list", "uniform_set", "set_index"), &RenderingDevice::draw_list_bind_uniform_set);
@@ -625,6 +635,8 @@ void RenderingDevice::_bind_methods() {
BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER); //for sampling only (sampler GLSL type)
BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER_WITH_TEXTURE); // for sampling only); but includes a texture); (samplerXX GLSL type)); first a sampler then a texture
BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE); //only texture); (textureXX GLSL type)
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_device.h b/servers/rendering/rendering_device.h
index ee39ee11ed..72afc7c621 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rendering_device.h
+++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_device.h
@@ -467,9 +467,11 @@ public:
// This ID is warranted to be unique for the same formats, does not need to be freed
virtual FramebufferFormatID framebuffer_format_create(const Vector<AttachmentFormat> &p_format) = 0;
+ virtual FramebufferFormatID framebuffer_format_create_empty(const Size2i &p_size) = 0;
virtual TextureSamples framebuffer_format_get_texture_samples(FramebufferFormatID p_format) = 0;
virtual RID framebuffer_create(const Vector<RID> &p_texture_attachments, FramebufferFormatID p_format_check = INVALID_ID) = 0;
+ virtual RID framebuffer_create_empty(const Size2i &p_size, FramebufferFormatID p_format_check = INVALID_ID) = 0;
virtual FramebufferFormatID framebuffer_get_format(RID p_framebuffer) = 0;
@@ -618,8 +620,12 @@ public:
+ enum StorageBufferUsage {
+ };
virtual RID uniform_buffer_create(uint32_t p_size_bytes, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data = Vector<uint8_t>()) = 0;
- virtual RID storage_buffer_create(uint32_t p_size, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data = Vector<uint8_t>()) = 0;
+ virtual RID storage_buffer_create(uint32_t p_size, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data = Vector<uint8_t>(), uint32_t p_usage = 0) = 0;
virtual RID texture_buffer_create(uint32_t p_size_elements, DataFormat p_format, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data = Vector<uint8_t>()) = 0;
struct Uniform {
@@ -940,8 +946,8 @@ public:
typedef int64_t DrawListID;
virtual DrawListID draw_list_begin_for_screen(DisplayServer::WindowID p_screen = 0, const Color &p_clear_color = Color()) = 0;
- virtual DrawListID draw_list_begin(RID p_framebuffer, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_color_values = Vector<Color>(), float p_clear_depth = 1.0, uint32_t p_clear_stencil = 0, const Rect2 &p_region = Rect2()) = 0;
- virtual Error draw_list_begin_split(RID p_framebuffer, uint32_t p_splits, DrawListID *r_split_ids, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_color_values = Vector<Color>(), float p_clear_depth = 1.0, uint32_t p_clear_stencil = 0, const Rect2 &p_region = Rect2()) = 0;
+ virtual DrawListID draw_list_begin(RID p_framebuffer, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_color_values = Vector<Color>(), float p_clear_depth = 1.0, uint32_t p_clear_stencil = 0, const Rect2 &p_region = Rect2(), const Vector<RID> &p_storage_textures = Vector<RID>()) = 0;
+ virtual Error draw_list_begin_split(RID p_framebuffer, uint32_t p_splits, DrawListID *r_split_ids, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_color_values = Vector<Color>(), float p_clear_depth = 1.0, uint32_t p_clear_stencil = 0, const Rect2 &p_region = Rect2(), const Vector<RID> &p_storage_textures = Vector<RID>()) = 0;
virtual void draw_list_bind_render_pipeline(DrawListID p_list, RID p_render_pipeline) = 0;
virtual void draw_list_bind_uniform_set(DrawListID p_list, RID p_uniform_set, uint32_t p_index) = 0;
@@ -968,10 +974,14 @@ public:
virtual void compute_list_bind_uniform_set(ComputeListID p_list, RID p_uniform_set, uint32_t p_index) = 0;
virtual void compute_list_set_push_constant(ComputeListID p_list, const void *p_data, uint32_t p_data_size) = 0;
virtual void compute_list_dispatch(ComputeListID p_list, uint32_t p_x_groups, uint32_t p_y_groups, uint32_t p_z_groups) = 0;
+ virtual void compute_list_dispatch_threads(ComputeListID p_list, uint32_t p_x_threads, uint32_t p_y_threads, uint32_t p_z_threads, uint32_t p_x_local_group, uint32_t p_y_local_group, uint32_t p_z_local_group);
+ virtual void compute_list_dispatch_indirect(ComputeListID p_list, RID p_buffer, uint32_t p_offset) = 0;
virtual void compute_list_add_barrier(ComputeListID p_list) = 0;
virtual void compute_list_end() = 0;
+ virtual void full_barrier() = 0;
/**** FREE! ****/
@@ -1070,7 +1080,7 @@ protected:
RID _render_pipeline_create(RID p_shader, FramebufferFormatID p_framebuffer_format, VertexFormatID p_vertex_format, RenderPrimitive p_render_primitive, const Ref<RDPipelineRasterizationState> &p_rasterization_state, const Ref<RDPipelineMultisampleState> &p_multisample_state, const Ref<RDPipelineDepthStencilState> &p_depth_stencil_state, const Ref<RDPipelineColorBlendState> &p_blend_state, int p_dynamic_state_flags = 0);
- Vector<int64_t> _draw_list_begin_split(RID p_framebuffer, uint32_t p_splits, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_color_values = Vector<Color>(), float p_clear_depth = 1.0, uint32_t p_clear_stencil = 0, const Rect2 &p_region = Rect2());
+ Vector<int64_t> _draw_list_begin_split(RID p_framebuffer, uint32_t p_splits, InitialAction p_initial_color_action, FinalAction p_final_color_action, InitialAction p_initial_depth_action, FinalAction p_final_depth_action, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_color_values = Vector<Color>(), float p_clear_depth = 1.0, uint32_t p_clear_stencil = 0, const Rect2 &p_region = Rect2(), const TypedArray<RID> &p_storage_textures = TypedArray<RID>());
void _draw_list_set_push_constant(DrawListID p_list, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data, uint32_t p_data_size);
void _compute_list_set_push_constant(ComputeListID p_list, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data, uint32_t p_data_size);
@@ -1089,6 +1099,7 @@ VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(RenderingDevice::SamplerRepeatMode)
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_raster.cpp b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_raster.cpp
index d30160702b..b12e2ff3c1 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_raster.cpp
+++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_raster.cpp
@@ -222,6 +222,10 @@ bool RenderingServerRaster::has_feature(Features p_feature) const {
return false;
+void RenderingServerRaster::sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(const Vector3 &p_position, const Vector3 &p_dir) {
+ RSG::scene_render->sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(p_position, p_dir);
RID RenderingServerRaster::get_test_cube() {
if (!test_cube.is_valid()) {
test_cube = _make_test_cube();
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_raster.h b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_raster.h
index 8a3c55118d..27fc6b6f07 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_raster.h
+++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_raster.h
@@ -322,7 +322,8 @@ public:
BIND2(light_set_negative, RID, bool)
BIND2(light_set_cull_mask, RID, uint32_t)
BIND2(light_set_reverse_cull_face_mode, RID, bool)
- BIND2(light_set_use_gi, RID, bool)
+ BIND2(light_set_bake_mode, RID, LightBakeMode)
+ BIND2(light_set_max_sdfgi_cascade, RID, uint32_t)
BIND2(light_omni_set_shadow_mode, RID, LightOmniShadowMode)
@@ -336,9 +337,9 @@ public:
BIND2(reflection_probe_set_update_mode, RID, ReflectionProbeUpdateMode)
BIND2(reflection_probe_set_intensity, RID, float)
- BIND2(reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient, RID, const Color &)
- BIND2(reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient_energy, RID, float)
- BIND2(reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient_probe_contribution, RID, float)
+ BIND2(reflection_probe_set_ambient_color, RID, const Color &)
+ BIND2(reflection_probe_set_ambient_energy, RID, float)
+ BIND2(reflection_probe_set_ambient_mode, RID, ReflectionProbeAmbientMode)
BIND2(reflection_probe_set_max_distance, RID, float)
BIND2(reflection_probe_set_extents, RID, const Vector3 &)
BIND2(reflection_probe_set_origin_offset, RID, const Vector3 &)
@@ -523,6 +524,7 @@ public:
#define BINDBASE RSG::scene_render
BIND1(directional_shadow_atlas_set_size, int)
+ BIND1(gi_probe_set_quality, GIProbeQuality)
/* SKY API */
@@ -564,9 +566,13 @@ public:
BIND7(environment_set_fog_depth, RID, bool, float, float, float, bool, float)
BIND5(environment_set_fog_height, RID, bool, float, float, float)
+ BIND12(environment_set_sdfgi, RID, bool, EnvironmentSDFGICascades, float, EnvironmentSDFGIYScale, bool, bool, bool, bool, float, float, float)
+ BIND1(environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count, EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount)
+ BIND1(environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge, EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge)
BIND3R(Ref<Image>, environment_bake_panorama, RID, bool, const Size2i &)
- BIND2(screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active, bool, float)
+ BIND3(screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active, bool, float, float)
BIND1(sub_surface_scattering_set_quality, SubSurfaceScatteringQuality)
BIND2(sub_surface_scattering_set_scale, float, float)
@@ -793,6 +799,8 @@ public:
virtual bool is_low_end() const;
+ virtual void sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(const Vector3 &p_position, const Vector3 &p_dir);
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_scene.cpp b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_scene.cpp
index 7b8504036e..75a5834791 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_scene.cpp
+++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_scene.cpp
@@ -369,6 +369,11 @@ void RenderingServerScene::instance_set_base(RID p_instance, RID p_base) {
switch (instance->base_type) {
InstanceLightData *light = static_cast<InstanceLightData *>(instance->base_data);
+ if (RSG::storage->light_get_type(instance->base) != RS::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL && light->bake_mode == RS::LIGHT_BAKE_DYNAMIC) {
+ instance->scenario->dynamic_lights.erase(light->instance);
+ }
if (light->geometries.size()) {
ERR_PRINT("BUG, indexing did not unpair geometries from light.");
@@ -976,7 +981,26 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_update_instance(Instance *p_instance) {
InstanceLightData *light = static_cast<InstanceLightData *>(p_instance->base_data);
RSG::scene_render->light_instance_set_transform(light->instance, p_instance->transform);
+ RSG::scene_render->light_instance_set_aabb(light->instance, p_instance->transform.xform(p_instance->aabb));
light->shadow_dirty = true;
+ RS::LightBakeMode bake_mode = RSG::storage->light_get_bake_mode(p_instance->base);
+ if (RSG::storage->light_get_type(p_instance->base) != RS::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL && bake_mode != light->bake_mode) {
+ if (light->bake_mode == RS::LIGHT_BAKE_DYNAMIC) {
+ p_instance->scenario->dynamic_lights.erase(light->instance);
+ }
+ light->bake_mode = bake_mode;
+ if (light->bake_mode == RS::LIGHT_BAKE_DYNAMIC) {
+ p_instance->scenario->dynamic_lights.push_back(light->instance);
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t max_sdfgi_cascade = RSG::storage->light_get_max_sdfgi_cascade(p_instance->base);
+ if (light->max_sdfgi_cascade != max_sdfgi_cascade) {
+ light->max_sdfgi_cascade = max_sdfgi_cascade; //should most likely make sdfgi dirty in scenario
+ }
if (p_instance->base_type == RS::INSTANCE_REFLECTION_PROBE) {
@@ -1788,8 +1812,10 @@ void RenderingServerScene::render_camera(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_camera, RID
} break;
- _prepare_scene(camera->transform, camera_matrix, ortho, camera->vaspect, camera->env, camera->effects, camera->visible_layers, p_scenario, p_shadow_atlas, RID());
- _render_scene(p_render_buffers, camera->transform, camera_matrix, ortho, camera->env, camera->effects, p_scenario, p_shadow_atlas, RID(), -1);
+ RID environment = _render_get_environment(p_camera, p_scenario);
+ _prepare_scene(camera->transform, camera_matrix, ortho, camera->vaspect, p_render_buffers, environment, camera->visible_layers, p_scenario, p_shadow_atlas, RID());
+ _render_scene(p_render_buffers, camera->transform, camera_matrix, ortho, environment, camera->effects, p_scenario, p_shadow_atlas, RID(), -1);
@@ -1808,6 +1834,8 @@ void RenderingServerScene::render_camera(RID p_render_buffers, Ref<XRInterface>
Transform world_origin = XRServer::get_singleton()->get_world_origin();
Transform cam_transform = p_interface->get_transform_for_eye(p_eye, world_origin);
+ RID environment = _render_get_environment(p_camera, p_scenario);
// For stereo render we only prepare for our left eye and then reuse the outcome for our right eye
if (p_eye == XRInterface::EYE_LEFT) {
// Center our transform, we assume basis is equal.
@@ -1865,17 +1893,17 @@ void RenderingServerScene::render_camera(RID p_render_buffers, Ref<XRInterface>
mono_transform *= apply_z_shift;
// now prepare our scene with our adjusted transform projection matrix
- _prepare_scene(mono_transform, combined_matrix, false, false, camera->env, camera->effects, camera->visible_layers, p_scenario, p_shadow_atlas, RID());
+ _prepare_scene(mono_transform, combined_matrix, false, false, p_render_buffers, environment, camera->visible_layers, p_scenario, p_shadow_atlas, RID());
} else if (p_eye == XRInterface::EYE_MONO) {
// For mono render, prepare as per usual
- _prepare_scene(cam_transform, camera_matrix, false, false, camera->env, camera->effects, camera->visible_layers, p_scenario, p_shadow_atlas, RID());
+ _prepare_scene(cam_transform, camera_matrix, false, false, p_render_buffers, environment, camera->visible_layers, p_scenario, p_shadow_atlas, RID());
// And render our scene...
- _render_scene(p_render_buffers, cam_transform, camera_matrix, false, camera->env, camera->effects, p_scenario, p_shadow_atlas, RID(), -1);
+ _render_scene(p_render_buffers, cam_transform, camera_matrix, false, environment, camera->effects, p_scenario, p_shadow_atlas, RID(), -1);
-void RenderingServerScene::_prepare_scene(const Transform p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_orthogonal, bool p_cam_vaspect, RID p_force_environment, RID p_force_camera_effects, uint32_t p_visible_layers, RID p_scenario, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, bool p_using_shadows) {
+void RenderingServerScene::_prepare_scene(const Transform p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_orthogonal, bool p_cam_vaspect, RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, uint32_t p_visible_layers, RID p_scenario, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, bool p_using_shadows) {
// Note, in stereo rendering:
// - p_cam_transform will be a transform in the middle of our two eyes
// - p_cam_projection is a wider frustrum that encompasses both eyes
@@ -1887,6 +1915,10 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_prepare_scene(const Transform p_cam_transform, const
+ if (p_render_buffers.is_valid()) {
+ RSG::scene_render->sdfgi_update(p_render_buffers, p_environment, p_cam_transform.origin); //update conditions for SDFGI (whether its used or not)
+ }
RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Frustum Culling");
//rasterizer->set_camera(camera->transform, camera_matrix,ortho);
@@ -2224,22 +2256,97 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_prepare_scene(const Transform p_cam_transform, const
+ if (p_render_buffers.is_valid()) {
+ uint32_t cascade_index[8];
+ uint32_t cascade_sizes[8];
+ const RID *cascade_ptrs[8];
+ uint32_t cascade_count = 0;
+ uint32_t sdfgi_light_cull_count = 0;
+ uint32_t prev_cascade = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ for (int i = 0; i < RSG::scene_render->sdfgi_get_pending_region_count(p_render_buffers); i++) {
+ AABB region = RSG::scene_render->sdfgi_get_pending_region_bounds(p_render_buffers, i);
+ uint32_t region_cascade = RSG::scene_render->sdfgi_get_pending_region_cascade(p_render_buffers, i);
+ if (region_cascade != prev_cascade) {
+ cascade_sizes[cascade_count] = 0;
+ cascade_index[cascade_count] = region_cascade;
+ cascade_ptrs[cascade_count] = &sdfgi_light_cull_result[sdfgi_light_cull_count];
+ cascade_count++;
+ sdfgi_light_cull_pass++;
+ prev_cascade = region_cascade;
+ }
+ uint32_t sdfgi_cull_count = scenario->octree.cull_aabb(region, instance_shadow_cull_result, MAX_INSTANCE_CULL);
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < sdfgi_cull_count; j++) {
+ Instance *ins = instance_shadow_cull_result[j];
+ bool keep = false;
+ if (ins->base_type == RS::INSTANCE_LIGHT && ins->visible) {
+ InstanceLightData *instance_light = (InstanceLightData *)ins->base_data;
+ if (instance_light->bake_mode != RS::LIGHT_BAKE_STATIC || region_cascade > instance_light->max_sdfgi_cascade) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (sdfgi_light_cull_pass != instance_light->sdfgi_cascade_light_pass && sdfgi_light_cull_count < MAX_LIGHTS_CULLED) {
+ instance_light->sdfgi_cascade_light_pass = sdfgi_light_cull_pass;
+ sdfgi_light_cull_result[sdfgi_light_cull_count++] = instance_light->instance;
+ cascade_sizes[cascade_count - 1]++;
+ }
+ } else if ((1 << ins->base_type) & RS::INSTANCE_GEOMETRY_MASK) {
+ if (ins->baked_light) {
+ keep = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!keep) {
+ // remove, no reason to keep
+ sdfgi_cull_count--;
+ SWAP(instance_shadow_cull_result[j], instance_shadow_cull_result[sdfgi_cull_count]);
+ j--;
+ }
+ }
+ RSG::scene_render->render_sdfgi(p_render_buffers, i, (RasterizerScene::InstanceBase **)instance_shadow_cull_result, sdfgi_cull_count);
+ //have to save updated cascades, then update static lights.
+ }
+ if (sdfgi_light_cull_count) {
+ RSG::scene_render->render_sdfgi_static_lights(p_render_buffers, cascade_count, cascade_index, cascade_ptrs, cascade_sizes);
+ }
+ RSG::scene_render->sdfgi_update_probes(p_render_buffers, p_environment, directional_light_ptr, directional_light_count, scenario->dynamic_lights.ptr(), scenario->dynamic_lights.size());
+ }
-void RenderingServerScene::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_orthogonal, RID p_force_environment, RID p_force_camera_effects, RID p_scenario, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, int p_reflection_probe_pass) {
- Scenario *scenario = scenario_owner.getornull(p_scenario);
+RID RenderingServerScene::_render_get_environment(RID p_camera, RID p_scenario) {
+ Camera *camera = camera_owner.getornull(p_camera);
+ if (camera && RSG::scene_render->is_environment(camera->env)) {
+ return camera->env;
+ }
+ Scenario *scenario = scenario_owner.getornull(p_scenario);
+ if (!scenario) {
+ return RID();
+ }
+ if (RSG::scene_render->is_environment(scenario->environment)) {
+ return scenario->environment;
+ }
- RID environment;
- if (p_force_environment.is_valid()) { //camera has more environment priority
- environment = p_force_environment;
- } else if (scenario->environment.is_valid()) {
- environment = scenario->environment;
- } else {
- environment = scenario->fallback_environment;
+ if (RSG::scene_render->is_environment(scenario->fallback_environment)) {
+ return scenario->fallback_environment;
+ return RID();
+void RenderingServerScene::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_orthogonal, RID p_environment, RID p_force_camera_effects, RID p_scenario, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, int p_reflection_probe_pass) {
+ Scenario *scenario = scenario_owner.getornull(p_scenario);
RID camera_effects;
if (p_force_camera_effects.is_valid()) {
camera_effects = p_force_camera_effects;
@@ -2249,7 +2356,7 @@ void RenderingServerScene::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform p
RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Render Scene ");
- RSG::scene_render->render_scene(p_render_buffers, p_cam_transform, p_cam_projection, p_cam_orthogonal, (RasterizerScene::InstanceBase **)instance_cull_result, instance_cull_count, light_instance_cull_result, light_cull_count + directional_light_count, reflection_probe_instance_cull_result, reflection_probe_cull_count, gi_probe_instance_cull_result, gi_probe_cull_count, decal_instance_cull_result, decal_cull_count, (RasterizerScene::InstanceBase **)lightmap_cull_result, lightmap_cull_count, environment, camera_effects, p_shadow_atlas, p_reflection_probe.is_valid() ? RID() : scenario->reflection_atlas, p_reflection_probe, p_reflection_probe_pass);
+ RSG::scene_render->render_scene(p_render_buffers, p_cam_transform, p_cam_projection, p_cam_orthogonal, (RasterizerScene::InstanceBase **)instance_cull_result, instance_cull_count, light_instance_cull_result, light_cull_count + directional_light_count, reflection_probe_instance_cull_result, reflection_probe_cull_count, gi_probe_instance_cull_result, gi_probe_cull_count, decal_instance_cull_result, decal_cull_count, (RasterizerScene::InstanceBase **)lightmap_cull_result, lightmap_cull_count, p_environment, camera_effects, p_shadow_atlas, p_reflection_probe.is_valid() ? RID() : scenario->reflection_atlas, p_reflection_probe, p_reflection_probe_pass);
void RenderingServerScene::render_empty_scene(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_scenario, RID p_shadow_atlas) {
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_scene.h b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_scene.h
index f2e2918f21..165c3784c1 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_scene.h
+++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_scene.h
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
#include "servers/rendering/rasterizer.h"
+#include "core/local_vector.h"
+#include "core/math/geometry_3d.h"
#include "core/math/octree.h"
#include "core/os/semaphore.h"
#include "core/os/thread.h"
@@ -121,6 +123,8 @@ public:
SelfList<Instance>::List instances;
+ LocalVector<RID> dynamic_lights;
Scenario() { debug = RS::SCENARIO_DEBUG_DISABLED; }
@@ -309,7 +313,13 @@ public:
Instance *baked_light;
+ RS::LightBakeMode bake_mode;
+ uint32_t max_sdfgi_cascade = 2;
+ uint64_t sdfgi_cascade_light_pass = 0;
InstanceLightData() {
+ bake_mode = RS::LIGHT_BAKE_DISABLED;
shadow_dirty = true;
D = nullptr;
last_version = 0;
@@ -379,7 +389,9 @@ public:
Instance *instance_cull_result[MAX_INSTANCE_CULL];
Instance *instance_shadow_cull_result[MAX_INSTANCE_CULL]; //used for generating shadowmaps
Instance *light_cull_result[MAX_LIGHTS_CULLED];
+ RID sdfgi_light_cull_result[MAX_LIGHTS_CULLED];
RID light_instance_cull_result[MAX_LIGHTS_CULLED];
+ uint64_t sdfgi_light_cull_pass = 0;
int light_cull_count;
int directional_light_count;
RID reflection_probe_instance_cull_result[MAX_REFLECTION_PROBES_CULLED];
@@ -438,9 +450,11 @@ public:
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool _light_instance_update_shadow(Instance *p_instance, const Transform p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_orthogonal, bool p_cam_vaspect, RID p_shadow_atlas, Scenario *p_scenario);
+ RID _render_get_environment(RID p_camera, RID p_scenario);
bool _render_reflection_probe_step(Instance *p_instance, int p_step);
- void _prepare_scene(const Transform p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_orthogonal, bool p_cam_vaspect, RID p_force_environment, RID p_force_camera_effects, uint32_t p_visible_layers, RID p_scenario, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, bool p_using_shadows = true);
- void _render_scene(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_orthogonal, RID p_force_environment, RID p_force_camera_effects, RID p_scenario, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, int p_reflection_probe_pass);
+ void _prepare_scene(const Transform p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_orthogonal, bool p_cam_vaspect, RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, uint32_t p_visible_layers, RID p_scenario, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, bool p_using_shadows = true);
+ void _render_scene(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_orthogonal, RID p_environment, RID p_force_camera_effects, RID p_scenario, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, int p_reflection_probe_pass);
void render_empty_scene(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_scenario, RID p_shadow_atlas);
void render_camera(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_camera, RID p_scenario, Size2 p_viewport_size, RID p_shadow_atlas);
diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_wrap_mt.h b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_wrap_mt.h
index a746aa52b2..5c03fbc0eb 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_wrap_mt.h
+++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_wrap_mt.h
@@ -237,7 +237,8 @@ public:
FUNC2(light_set_negative, RID, bool)
FUNC2(light_set_cull_mask, RID, uint32_t)
FUNC2(light_set_reverse_cull_face_mode, RID, bool)
- FUNC2(light_set_use_gi, RID, bool)
+ FUNC2(light_set_bake_mode, RID, LightBakeMode)
+ FUNC2(light_set_max_sdfgi_cascade, RID, uint32_t)
FUNC2(light_omni_set_shadow_mode, RID, LightOmniShadowMode)
@@ -251,9 +252,9 @@ public:
FUNC2(reflection_probe_set_update_mode, RID, ReflectionProbeUpdateMode)
FUNC2(reflection_probe_set_intensity, RID, float)
- FUNC2(reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient, RID, const Color &)
- FUNC2(reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient_energy, RID, float)
- FUNC2(reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient_probe_contribution, RID, float)
+ FUNC2(reflection_probe_set_ambient_color, RID, const Color &)
+ FUNC2(reflection_probe_set_ambient_energy, RID, float)
+ FUNC2(reflection_probe_set_ambient_mode, RID, ReflectionProbeAmbientMode)
FUNC2(reflection_probe_set_max_distance, RID, float)
FUNC2(reflection_probe_set_extents, RID, const Vector3 &)
FUNC2(reflection_probe_set_origin_offset, RID, const Vector3 &)
@@ -321,6 +322,8 @@ public:
FUNC2(gi_probe_set_anisotropy_strength, RID, float)
FUNC1RC(float, gi_probe_get_anisotropy_strength, RID)
+ FUNC1(gi_probe_set_quality, GIProbeQuality)
@@ -465,6 +468,10 @@ public:
FUNC2(environment_set_ssao_quality, EnvironmentSSAOQuality, bool)
+ FUNC12(environment_set_sdfgi, RID, bool, EnvironmentSDFGICascades, float, EnvironmentSDFGIYScale, bool, bool, bool, bool, float, float, float)
+ FUNC1(environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count, EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount)
+ FUNC1(environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge, EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge)
FUNC11(environment_set_glow, RID, bool, int, float, float, float, float, EnvironmentGlowBlendMode, float, float, float)
FUNC1(environment_glow_set_use_bicubic_upscale, bool)
@@ -478,7 +485,7 @@ public:
FUNC3R(Ref<Image>, environment_bake_panorama, RID, bool, const Size2i &)
- FUNC2(screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active, bool, float)
+ FUNC3(screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active, bool, float, float)
FUNC1(sub_surface_scattering_set_quality, SubSurfaceScatteringQuality)
FUNC2(sub_surface_scattering_set_scale, float, float)
@@ -714,6 +721,10 @@ public:
return rendering_server->get_frame_profile();
+ virtual void sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(const Vector3 &p_position, const Vector3 &p_dir) {
+ rendering_server->sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(p_position, p_dir);
+ }
RenderingServerWrapMT(RenderingServer *p_contained, bool p_create_thread);
diff --git a/servers/rendering/shader_language.cpp b/servers/rendering/shader_language.cpp
index 14a28554f9..809b03520b 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/shader_language.cpp
+++ b/servers/rendering/shader_language.cpp
@@ -5585,6 +5585,12 @@ Error ShaderLanguage::_parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, const Map<StringName, Bui
} else if (tk.type == TK_CF_RETURN) {
//check return type
BlockNode *b = p_block;
+ if (b && b->parent_function && (b->parent_function->name == "vertex" || b->parent_function->name == "fragment" || b->parent_function->name == "light")) {
+ _set_error(vformat("Using 'return' in '%s' processor function results in undefined behavior!", b->parent_function->name));
+ }
while (b && !b->parent_function) {
b = b->parent_block;
diff --git a/servers/rendering/shader_types.cpp b/servers/rendering/shader_types.cpp
index 2601efa9e2..06cb6171a5 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/shader_types.cpp
+++ b/servers/rendering/shader_types.cpp
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ ShaderTypes::ShaderTypes() {
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_SPATIAL].functions["fragment"].built_ins["AO_LIGHT_AFFECT"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_FLOAT;
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_SPATIAL].functions["fragment"].built_ins["EMISSION"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_VEC3;
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_SPATIAL].functions["fragment"].built_ins["SCREEN_TEXTURE"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_SAMPLER2D;
+ shader_modes[RS::SHADER_SPATIAL].functions["fragment"].built_ins["NORMAL_ROUGHNESS_TEXTURE"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_SAMPLER2D;
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_SPATIAL].functions["fragment"].built_ins["DEPTH_TEXTURE"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_SAMPLER2D;
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_SPATIAL].functions["fragment"].built_ins["DEPTH"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_FLOAT;
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_SPATIAL].functions["fragment"].built_ins["SCREEN_UV"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_VEC2;
diff --git a/servers/rendering_server.cpp b/servers/rendering_server.cpp
index 7edab1418d..d4d5080109 100644
--- a/servers/rendering_server.cpp
+++ b/servers/rendering_server.cpp
@@ -1608,7 +1608,7 @@ void RenderingServer::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("light_set_negative", "light", "enable"), &RenderingServer::light_set_negative);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("light_set_cull_mask", "light", "mask"), &RenderingServer::light_set_cull_mask);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("light_set_reverse_cull_face_mode", "light", "enabled"), &RenderingServer::light_set_reverse_cull_face_mode);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("light_set_use_gi", "light", "enabled"), &RenderingServer::light_set_use_gi);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("light_set_bake_mode", "light", "bake_mode"), &RenderingServer::light_set_bake_mode);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("light_omni_set_shadow_mode", "light", "mode"), &RenderingServer::light_omni_set_shadow_mode);
@@ -1619,9 +1619,9 @@ void RenderingServer::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("reflection_probe_create"), &RenderingServer::reflection_probe_create);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("reflection_probe_set_update_mode", "probe", "mode"), &RenderingServer::reflection_probe_set_update_mode);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("reflection_probe_set_intensity", "probe", "intensity"), &RenderingServer::reflection_probe_set_intensity);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient", "probe", "color"), &RenderingServer::reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient_energy", "probe", "energy"), &RenderingServer::reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient_energy);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient_probe_contribution", "probe", "contrib"), &RenderingServer::reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient_probe_contribution);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("reflection_probe_set_ambient_mode", "probe", "mode"), &RenderingServer::reflection_probe_set_ambient_mode);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("reflection_probe_set_ambient_color", "probe", "color"), &RenderingServer::reflection_probe_set_ambient_color);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("reflection_probe_set_ambient_energy", "probe", "energy"), &RenderingServer::reflection_probe_set_ambient_energy);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("reflection_probe_set_max_distance", "probe", "distance"), &RenderingServer::reflection_probe_set_max_distance);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("reflection_probe_set_extents", "probe", "extents"), &RenderingServer::reflection_probe_set_extents);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("reflection_probe_set_origin_offset", "probe", "offset"), &RenderingServer::reflection_probe_set_origin_offset);
@@ -2060,9 +2060,11 @@ void RenderingServer::_bind_methods() {
@@ -2346,7 +2348,7 @@ RenderingServer::RenderingServer() {
GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/gi_probes/anisotropic", false);
GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/gi_probes/quality", 1);
- ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/gi_probes/quality", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/gi_probes/quality", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Lowest (1 Cone - Fast),Medium (4 Cones - Average),High (6 Cones - Slow)"));
+ ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/gi_probes/quality", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/gi_probes/quality", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Low (4 Cones - Fast),High (6 Cones - Slow)"));
GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shading/force_vertex_shading", false);
GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shading/", true);
@@ -2372,10 +2374,11 @@ RenderingServer::RenderingServer() {
ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/ssao/quality", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/ssao/quality", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Low (Fast),Medium (Average),High (Slow),Ultra (Slower)"));
GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/ssao/half_size", false);
- GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter", 0);
- ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled (Fast),Enabled (Average)"));
- GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter_curve", 1.0);
- ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter_curve", PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter_curve", PROPERTY_HINT_EXP_EASING, "0.01,8,0.01"));
+ GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter_enable", true);
+ GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter_amount", 0.25);
+ GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter_limit", 0.18);
+ ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter_amount", PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter_amount", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.01,4.0,0.01"));
+ ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter_limit", PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "rendering/quality/screen_filters/screen_space_roughness_limiter_limit", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.01,1.0,0.01"));
GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/glow/upscale_mode", 1);
ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/glow/upscale_mode", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/glow/upscale_mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Linear (Fast),Bicubic (Slow)"));
@@ -2395,6 +2398,11 @@ RenderingServer::RenderingServer() {
GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/lightmapper/probe_capture_update_speed", 15);
ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/lightmapper/probe_capture_update_speed", PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "rendering/lightmapper/probe_capture_update_speed", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.001,256,0.001"));
+ GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/sdfgi/probe_ray_count", 2);
+ ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/sdfgi/probe_ray_count", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/sdfgi/probe_ray_count", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "8 (Fastest),16,32,64,96,128 (Slowest)"));
+ GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_converge", 1);
+ ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_converge", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_converge", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "5 (Less Latency but Lower Quality),10,15,20,25,30 (More Latency but Higher Quality)"));
RenderingServer::~RenderingServer() {
diff --git a/servers/rendering_server.h b/servers/rendering_server.h
index 56a8325630..9fdaa8a93e 100644
--- a/servers/rendering_server.h
+++ b/servers/rendering_server.h
@@ -406,7 +406,15 @@ public:
virtual void light_set_negative(RID p_light, bool p_enable) = 0;
virtual void light_set_cull_mask(RID p_light, uint32_t p_mask) = 0;
virtual void light_set_reverse_cull_face_mode(RID p_light, bool p_enabled) = 0;
- virtual void light_set_use_gi(RID p_light, bool p_enable) = 0;
+ enum LightBakeMode {
+ };
+ virtual void light_set_bake_mode(RID p_light, LightBakeMode p_bake_mode) = 0;
+ virtual void light_set_max_sdfgi_cascade(RID p_light, uint32_t p_cascade) = 0;
// omni light
enum LightOmniShadowMode {
@@ -445,9 +453,16 @@ public:
virtual void reflection_probe_set_update_mode(RID p_probe, ReflectionProbeUpdateMode p_mode) = 0;
virtual void reflection_probe_set_intensity(RID p_probe, float p_intensity) = 0;
- virtual void reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient(RID p_probe, const Color &p_color) = 0;
- virtual void reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient_energy(RID p_probe, float p_energy) = 0;
- virtual void reflection_probe_set_interior_ambient_probe_contribution(RID p_probe, float p_contrib) = 0;
+ enum ReflectionProbeAmbientMode {
+ };
+ virtual void reflection_probe_set_ambient_mode(RID p_probe, ReflectionProbeAmbientMode p_mode) = 0;
+ virtual void reflection_probe_set_ambient_color(RID p_probe, const Color &p_color) = 0;
+ virtual void reflection_probe_set_ambient_energy(RID p_probe, float p_energy) = 0;
virtual void reflection_probe_set_max_distance(RID p_probe, float p_distance) = 0;
virtual void reflection_probe_set_extents(RID p_probe, const Vector3 &p_extents) = 0;
virtual void reflection_probe_set_origin_offset(RID p_probe, const Vector3 &p_offset) = 0;
@@ -522,6 +537,13 @@ public:
virtual void gi_probe_set_anisotropy_strength(RID p_gi_probe, float p_strength) = 0;
virtual float gi_probe_get_anisotropy_strength(RID p_gi_probe) const = 0;
+ enum GIProbeQuality {
+ };
+ virtual void gi_probe_set_quality(GIProbeQuality) = 0;
virtual RID lightmap_create() = 0;
@@ -690,9 +712,12 @@ public:
virtual void viewport_set_debug_draw(RID p_viewport, ViewportDebugDraw p_draw) = 0;
@@ -807,13 +832,51 @@ public:
virtual void environment_set_ssao_quality(EnvironmentSSAOQuality p_quality, bool p_half_size) = 0;
+ enum EnvironmentSDFGICascades {
+ };
+ enum EnvironmentSDFGIYScale {
+ };
+ virtual void environment_set_sdfgi(RID p_env, bool p_enable, EnvironmentSDFGICascades p_cascades, float p_min_cell_size, EnvironmentSDFGIYScale p_y_scale, bool p_use_occlusion, bool p_use_multibounce, bool p_read_sky, bool p_enhance_ssr, float p_energy, float p_normal_bias, float p_probe_bias) = 0;
+ enum EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount {
+ };
+ virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count(EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount p_ray_count) = 0;
+ enum EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge {
+ };
+ virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge p_frames) = 0;
virtual void environment_set_fog(RID p_env, bool p_enable, const Color &p_color, const Color &p_sun_color, float p_sun_amount) = 0;
virtual void environment_set_fog_depth(RID p_env, bool p_enable, float p_depth_begin, float p_depth_end, float p_depth_curve, bool p_transmit, float p_transmit_curve) = 0;
virtual void environment_set_fog_height(RID p_env, bool p_enable, float p_min_height, float p_max_height, float p_height_curve) = 0;
virtual Ref<Image> environment_bake_panorama(RID p_env, bool p_bake_irradiance, const Size2i &p_size) = 0;
- virtual void screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active(bool p_enable, float p_curve) = 0;
+ virtual void screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active(bool p_enable, float p_amount, float p_limit) = 0;
enum SubSurfaceScatteringQuality {
@@ -1207,6 +1270,8 @@ public:
virtual RID get_test_texture();
virtual RID get_white_texture();
+ virtual void sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(const Vector3 &p_position, const Vector3 &p_dir) = 0;
virtual RID make_sphere_mesh(int p_lats, int p_lons, float p_radius);
virtual void mesh_add_surface_from_mesh_data(RID p_mesh, const Geometry3D::MeshData &p_mesh_data);
@@ -1248,10 +1313,12 @@ VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(RenderingServer::BlendShapeMode);