diff options
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 2702 deletions
diff --git a/tools/export/blender25/ b/tools/export/blender25/
deleted file mode 100644
index c91f55b51c..0000000000
--- a/tools/export/blender25/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,576 +0,0 @@
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
-# Script copyright (c) Andreas Esau
-import bpy
-from bpy.props import (StringProperty, BoolProperty, EnumProperty,
- FloatProperty, IntProperty, CollectionProperty)
-import os
-from import persistent
-from mathutils import Matrix
-bl_info = {
- "name": "Godot Export Manager",
- "author": "Andreas Esau",
- "version": (1, 0),
- "blender": (2, 7, 0),
- "location": "Scene Properties > Godot Export Manager",
- "description": "Godot Export Manager uses the Better Collada Exporter"
- "to manage Export Groups and automatically export the objects groups"
- "to Collada Files.",
- "warning": "",
- "wiki_url": (""),
- "tracker_url": "",
- "category": "Import-Export"}
-class godot_export_manager(bpy.types.Panel):
- bl_label = "Godot Export Manager"
- bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
- bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
- bl_context = "scene"
- bpy.types.Scene.godot_export_on_save = BoolProperty(default=False)
- def draw(self, context):
- """ Draw function for all ui elements """
- layout = self.layout
- split = self.layout.split()
- scene =[0]
- ob = context.object
- scene = context.scene
- row = layout.row()
- col = row.column()
- col.prop(scene, "godot_export_on_save", text="Export Groups on save")
- row = layout.row()
- col = row.column(align=True)
- op = col.operator("scene.godot_add_objects_to_group",
- text="Add selected objects to Group",
- icon="COPYDOWN")
- op = col.operator("scene.godot_delete_objects_from_group",
- text="Delete selected objects from Group",
- icon="PASTEDOWN")
- row = layout.row()
- col = row.column()
- col.label(text="Export Groups:")
- row = layout.row()
- col = row.column()
- col.template_list("UI_List_Godot", "dummy", scene,
- "godot_export_groups", scene,
- "godot_export_groups_index", rows=1, maxrows=10,
- type='DEFAULT')
- col = row.column(align=True)
- col.operator("scene.godot_add_export_group", text="", icon="ZOOMIN")
- col.operator("scene.godot_delete_export_group", text="",
- icon="ZOOMOUT")
- col.operator("scene.godot_export_all_groups", text="", icon="EXPORT")
- if len(scene.godot_export_groups) > 0:
- row = layout.row()
- col = row.column()
- group = scene.godot_export_groups[scene.godot_export_groups_index]
- col.prop(group, "name", text="Group Name")
- col.prop(group, "export_name", text="Export Name")
- col.prop(group, "export_path", text="Export Filepath")
- row = layout.row()
- col = row.column()
- row = layout.row()
- col = row.column()
- col.label(text="Export Settings:")
- col = col.row(align=True)
- col.prop(group, "apply_loc", toggle=True, icon="MAN_TRANS")
- col.prop(group, "apply_rot", toggle=True, icon="MAN_ROT")
- col.prop(group, "apply_scale", toggle=True, icon="MAN_SCALE")
- row = layout.row()
- col = row.column()
- col.prop(group, "use_include_particle_duplicates")
- col.prop(group, "use_mesh_modifiers")
- col.prop(group, "use_tangent_arrays")
- col.prop(group, "use_triangles")
- col.prop(group, "use_copy_images")
- col.prop(group, "use_active_layers")
- col.prop(group, "use_anim")
- col.prop(group, "use_anim_action_all")
- col.prop(group, "use_anim_skip_noexp")
- col.prop(group, "use_anim_optimize")
- col.prop(group, "anim_optimize_precision")
- col.prop(group, "use_metadata")
-class UI_List_Godot(bpy.types.UIList):
- """ Custom template_list look """
- def draw_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data,
- active_propname, index):
- ob = data
- slot = item
- col = layout.row(align=True)
- col.label(, icon="GROUP")
- col.prop(item, "active", text="")
- op = col.operator("scene.godot_select_group_objects",
- text="", emboss=False, icon="RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF")
- op.idx = index
- op = col.operator("scene.godot_export_group", text="", emboss=False,
- icon="EXPORT")
- op.idx = index
-class add_objects_to_group(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "scene.godot_add_objects_to_group"
- bl_label = "Add Objects to Group"
- bl_description = "Adds the selected Objects to the active group below."
- undo = BoolProperty(default=True)
- def execute(self, context):
- scene = context.scene
- objects_str = ""
- if len(scene.godot_export_groups) > 0:
- for i, object in enumerate(context.selected_objects):
- if not in scene.godot_export_groups[
- scene.godot_export_groups_index].nodes:
- node = scene.godot_export_groups[
- scene.godot_export_groups_index].nodes.add()
- =
- if i == 0:
- objects_str +=
- else:
- objects_str += ", "
-{'INFO'}, objects_str + " added to group.")
- if self.undo:
- bpy.ops.ed.undo_push(message="Objects added to group")
- else:
-{'WARNING'}, "Create a group first.")
- return {'FINISHED'}
-class del_objects_from_group(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "scene.godot_delete_objects_from_group"
- bl_label = "Delete Objects from Group"
- bl_description = "Delets the selected Objects from the active group below."
- def execute(self, context):
- scene = context.scene
- if len(scene.godot_export_groups) > 0:
- selected_objects = []
- for object in context.selected_objects:
- selected_objects.append(
- objects_str = ""
- j = 0
- for i, node in enumerate(scene.godot_export_groups[
- scene.godot_export_groups_index].nodes):
- if in selected_objects:
- scene.godot_export_groups[
- scene.godot_export_groups_index].nodes.remove(i)
- if j == 0:
- objects_str +=
- else:
- objects_str += ", "
- j += 1
-{'INFO'}, objects_str + " deleted from group.")
- bpy.ops.ed.undo_push(message="Objects deleted from group")
- else:
-{'WARNING'}, "There is no group to delete from.")
- return {'FINISHED'}
-class select_group_objects(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "scene.godot_select_group_objects"
- bl_label = "Select Group Objects"
- bl_description = "Will select all group Objects in the scene."
- idx = IntProperty()
- def execute(self, context):
- scene = context.scene
- for object in context.scene.objects:
- = False
- for node in scene.godot_export_groups[self.idx].nodes:
- if in
-[].select = True
- =[]
- return {'FINISHED'}
-class export_groups_autosave(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "scene.godot_export_groups_autosave"
- bl_label = "Export All Groups"
- bl_description = "Exports all groups to Collada."
- def execute(self, context):
- scene = context.scene
- if scene.godot_export_on_save:
- for i in range(len(scene.godot_export_groups)):
- if scene.godot_export_groups[i].active:
- bpy.ops.scene.godot_export_group(idx=i)
-{'INFO'}, "All Groups exported.")
- bpy.ops.ed.undo_push(message="Export all Groups")
- return {'FINISHED'}
-class export_all_groups(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "scene.godot_export_all_groups"
- bl_label = "Export All Groups"
- bl_description = "Exports all groups to Collada."
- def execute(self, context):
- scene = context.scene
- for i in range(0, len(scene.godot_export_groups)):
- bpy.ops.scene.godot_export_group(idx=i, export_all=True)
-{'INFO'}, "All Groups exported.")
- return {'FINISHED'}
-class export_group(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "scene.godot_export_group"
- bl_label = "Export Group"
- bl_description = "Exports the active group to destination folder"\
- " as Collada file."
- idx = IntProperty(default=0)
- export_all = BoolProperty(default=False)
- def copy_object_recursive(self, ob, parent, single_user=True):
- new_ob =[].copy()
- if single_user or ob.type == "ARMATURE":
- new_mesh_data =
- = new_mesh_data
- if ob != parent:
- new_ob.parent = parent
- else:
- new_ob.parent = None
- for child in ob.children:
- self.copy_object_recursive(child, new_ob, single_user)
- = True
- return new_ob
- def delete_object(self, ob):
- if ob is not None:
- for child in ob.children:
- self.delete_object(child)
- bpy.context.scene.objects.unlink(ob)
- def convert_group_to_node(self, group):
- if group.dupli_group is not None:
- for object in group.dupli_group.objects:
- if object.parent is None:
- object = self.copy_object_recursive(object, object, True)
- matrix = Matrix(object.matrix_local)
- object.matrix_local = Matrix()
- object.matrix_local *= group.matrix_local
- object.matrix_local *= matrix
- self.delete_object(group)
- def execute(self, context):
- scene = context.scene
- group = context.scene.godot_export_groups
- if not group[self.idx].active and self.export_all:
- return{'FINISHED'}
- for i, object in enumerate(group[self.idx].nodes):
- if in
- pass
- else:
- group[self.idx].nodes.remove(i)
- bpy.ops.ed.undo_push(message="Clear not existent Group Nodes.")
- path = group[self.idx].export_path
- if (path.find("//") == 0 or path.find("\\\\") == 0):
- # If relative, convert to absolute
- path = bpy.path.abspath(path)
- path = path.replace("\\", "/")
- # If path exists and group export name is set the group will be
- # exported
- if os.path.exists(path) and group[self.idx].export_name != "":
- context.scene.layers = [True] * 20
- if group[self.idx].export_name.endswith(".dae"):
- path = os.path.join(path, group[self.idx].export_name)
- else:
- path = os.path.join(path, group[self.idx].export_name+".dae")
- hide_select = []
- for object in context.scene.objects:
- hide_select.append(object.hide_select)
- object.hide_select = False
- = False
- = None
- # Make particle duplicates, parent and select them
- nodes_to_be_added = []
- if group[self.idx].use_include_particle_duplicates:
- for i, object in enumerate(group[self.idx].nodes):
- if[].type != "EMPTY":
- =[
-[].select = True
- bpy.ops.object.duplicates_make_real()
- for object in context.selected_objects:
- nodes_to_be_added.append(object)
- bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type="OBJECT",
- keep_transform=False)
- for object in context.selected_objects:
- = False
-[].select = False
- = None
- for object in nodes_to_be_added:
- = True
- # Select all other nodes from the group
- for i, object in enumerate(group[self.idx].nodes):
- if[].type == "EMPTY":
- self.convert_group_to_node([])
- else:
-[].select = True
- bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=group[self.idx].apply_loc,
- rotation=group[self.idx].apply_rot,
- scale=group[self.idx].apply_scale)
- bpy.ops.export_scene.dae(
- check_existing=True, filepath=path, filter_glob="*.dae",
- object_types=group[self.idx].object_types,
- use_export_selected=group[self.idx].use_export_selected,
- use_mesh_modifiers=group[self.idx].use_mesh_modifiers,
- use_tangent_arrays=group[self.idx].use_tangent_arrays,
- use_triangles=group[self.idx].use_triangles,
- use_copy_images=group[self.idx].use_copy_images,
- use_active_layers=group[self.idx].use_active_layers,
- use_anim=group[self.idx].use_anim,
- use_anim_action_all=group[self.idx].use_anim_action_all,
- use_anim_skip_noexp=group[self.idx].use_anim_skip_noexp,
- use_anim_optimize=group[self.idx].use_anim_optimize,
- anim_optimize_precision=group[
- self.idx].anim_optimize_precision,
- use_metadata=group[self.idx].use_metadata)
- '"' + group[self.idx].name + '" Group exported.')
- msg = "Export Group "+group[self.idx].name
- bpy.ops.ed.undo_push(message="")
- bpy.ops.ed.undo()
- bpy.ops.ed.undo_push(message=msg)
- else:
-{'INFO'}, "Define Export Name and Export Path.")
- return{'FINISHED'}
-class add_export_group(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "scene.godot_add_export_group"
- bl_label = "Adds a new export Group"
- bl_description = "Creates a new Export Group with the selected"\
- " Objects assigned to it."
- def execute(self, context):
- scene = context.scene
- item = scene.godot_export_groups.add()
- = "New Group"
- for object in context.selected_objects:
- node = item.nodes.add()
- =
- scene.godot_export_groups_index = len(scene.godot_export_groups)-1
- bpy.ops.ed.undo_push(message="Create New Export Group")
- return{'FINISHED'}
-class del_export_group(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "scene.godot_delete_export_group"
- bl_label = "Delets the selected export Group"
- bl_description = "Delets the active Export Group."
- def invoke(self, context, event):
- wm = context.window_manager
- return wm.invoke_confirm(self, event)
- def execute(self, context):
- scene = context.scene
- scene.godot_export_groups.remove(scene.godot_export_groups_index)
- if scene.godot_export_groups_index > 0:
- scene.godot_export_groups_index -= 1
- bpy.ops.ed.undo_push(message="Delete Export Group")
- return {'FINISHED'}
-class godot_node_list(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
- name = StringProperty()
-class godot_export_groups(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
- name = StringProperty(name="Group Name")
- export_name = StringProperty(name="scene_name")
- nodes = CollectionProperty(type=godot_node_list)
- export_path = StringProperty(subtype="DIR_PATH")
- active = BoolProperty(default=True, description="Export Group")
- object_types = EnumProperty(name="Object Types", options={'ENUM_FLAG'},
- items=(('EMPTY', "Empty", ""),
- ('CAMERA', "Camera", ""),
- ('LAMP', "Lamp", ""),
- ('ARMATURE', "Armature", ""),
- ('MESH', "Mesh", ""),
- ('CURVE', "Curve", ""), ),
- default={'EMPTY', 'CAMERA', 'LAMP',
- apply_scale = BoolProperty(name="Apply Scale",
- description="Apply Scale before export.",
- default=False)
- apply_rot = BoolProperty(name="Apply Rotation",
- description="Apply Rotation before export.",
- default=False)
- apply_loc = BoolProperty(name="Apply Location",
- description="Apply Location before export.",
- default=False)
- use_export_selected = BoolProperty(name="Selected Objects",
- description="Export only selected"
- "objects (and visible in active layers "
- "if that applies).", default=True)
- use_mesh_modifiers = BoolProperty(name="Apply Modifiers",
- description="Apply modifiers to mesh"
- " objects (on a copy!).", default=True)
- use_tangent_arrays = BoolProperty(name="Tangent Arrays",
- description="Export Tangent and Binormal"
- " arrays (for normalmapping).",
- default=False)
- use_triangles = BoolProperty(name="Triangulate",
- description="Export Triangles instead of"
- " Polygons.", default=False)
- use_copy_images = BoolProperty(name="Copy Images",
- description="Copy Images (create images/ "
- "subfolder)", default=False)
- use_active_layers = BoolProperty(name="Active Layers",
- description="Export only objects on the"
- " active layers.", default=True)
- use_anim = BoolProperty(name="Export Animation",
- description="Export keyframe animation",
- default=False)
- use_anim_action_all = BoolProperty(name="All Actions",
- description=("Export all actions for "
- "the first armature found"
- " in separate DAE files"),
- default=False)
- use_anim_skip_noexp = BoolProperty(name="Skip (-noexp) Actions",
- description="Skip exporting of"
- " actions whose name end in (-noexp)."
- " Useful to skip control animations.",
- default=True)
- use_anim_optimize = BoolProperty(name="Optimize Keyframes",
- description="Remove double keyframes",
- default=True)
- anim_optimize_precision = FloatProperty(
- name="Precision", description=("Tolerence for comparing double "
- "keyframes (higher for greater "
- "accuracy)"), min=1, max=16,
- soft_min=1, soft_max=16, default=6.0)
- use_metadata = BoolProperty(name="Use Metadata", default=True,
- options={'HIDDEN'})
- use_include_particle_duplicates = BoolProperty(
- name="Include Particle Duplicates", default=True)
-def register():
- bpy.utils.register_class(godot_export_manager)
- bpy.utils.register_class(godot_node_list)
- bpy.utils.register_class(godot_export_groups)
- bpy.utils.register_class(add_export_group)
- bpy.utils.register_class(del_export_group)
- bpy.utils.register_class(export_all_groups)
- bpy.utils.register_class(export_groups_autosave)
- bpy.utils.register_class(export_group)
- bpy.utils.register_class(add_objects_to_group)
- bpy.utils.register_class(del_objects_from_group)
- bpy.utils.register_class(select_group_objects)
- bpy.utils.register_class(UI_List_Godot)
- bpy.types.Scene.godot_export_groups = CollectionProperty(
- type=godot_export_groups)
- bpy.types.Scene.godot_export_groups_index = IntProperty(default=0, min=0)
-def unregister():
- bpy.utils.unregister_class(godot_export_manager)
- bpy.utils.unregister_class(godot_node_list)
- bpy.utils.unregister_class(godot_export_groups)
- bpy.utils.unregister_class(export_groups_autosave)
- bpy.utils.unregister_class(add_export_group)
- bpy.utils.unregister_class(del_export_group)
- bpy.utils.unregister_class(export_all_groups)
- bpy.utils.unregister_class(export_group)
- bpy.utils.unregister_class(add_objects_to_group)
- bpy.utils.unregister_class(del_objects_from_group)
- bpy.utils.unregister_class(select_group_objects)
- bpy.utils.unregister_class(UI_List_Godot)
-def auto_export(dummy):
- bpy.ops.scene.godot_export_groups_autosave()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- register()
diff --git a/tools/export/blender25/install.txt b/tools/export/blender25/install.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 049af8848e..0000000000
--- a/tools/export/blender25/install.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Godot Author's Own Collada Exporter
-1) Copy the "io_scene_dae" directory to wherever blender stores the
- scripts/addons folder (You will see many other io_scene_blahblah like
- folders). Copy the entire dir, not just the contents, make it just like
- the others.
-2) Go to Blender settings and enable the "Better Collada" plugin
-3) Enjoy proper Collada export.
-4) If it's broken, contact us.
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/export/blender25/io_scene_dae/ b/tools/export/blender25/io_scene_dae/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b82e1537b..0000000000
--- a/tools/export/blender25/io_scene_dae/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
-# <pep8-80 compliant>
-import bpy
-from bpy.props import StringProperty, BoolProperty, FloatProperty, EnumProperty
-from bpy_extras.io_utils import ExportHelper
-bl_info = {
- "name": "Better Collada Exporter",
- "author": "Juan Linietsky",
- "blender": (2, 5, 8),
- "api": 38691,
- "location": "File > Import-Export",
- "description": ("Export DAE Scenes, This plugin actually works better! "
- "otherwise contact me."),
- "warning": "",
- "wiki_url": (""),
- "tracker_url": "",
- "support": 'OFFICIAL',
- "category": "Import-Export"}
-if "bpy" in locals():
- import imp
- if "export_dae" in locals():
- imp.reload(export_dae)
-class ExportDAE(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
- '''Selection to DAE'''
- bl_idname = "export_scene.dae"
- bl_label = "Export DAE"
- bl_options = {'PRESET'}
- filename_ext = ".dae"
- filter_glob = StringProperty(default="*.dae", options={'HIDDEN'})
- # List of operator properties, the attributes will be assigned
- # to the class instance from the operator settings before calling.
- object_types = EnumProperty(
- name="Object Types",
- options={'ENUM_FLAG'},
- items=(('EMPTY', "Empty", ""),
- ('CAMERA', "Camera", ""),
- ('LAMP', "Lamp", ""),
- ('ARMATURE', "Armature", ""),
- ('MESH', "Mesh", ""),
- ('CURVE', "Curve", ""),
- ),
- default={'EMPTY', 'CAMERA', 'LAMP', 'ARMATURE', 'MESH', 'CURVE'},
- )
- use_export_selected = BoolProperty(
- name="Selected Objects",
- description="Export only selected objects (and visible in active "
- "layers if that applies).",
- default=False,
- )
- use_mesh_modifiers = BoolProperty(
- name="Apply Modifiers",
- description="Apply modifiers to mesh objects (on a copy!).",
- default=False,
- )
- use_tangent_arrays = BoolProperty(
- name="Tangent Arrays",
- description="Export Tangent and Binormal arrays "
- "(for normalmapping).",
- default=False,
- )
- use_triangles = BoolProperty(
- name="Triangulate",
- description="Export Triangles instead of Polygons.",
- default=False,
- )
- use_copy_images = BoolProperty(
- name="Copy Images",
- description="Copy Images (create images/ subfolder)",
- default=False,
- )
- use_active_layers = BoolProperty(
- name="Active Layers",
- description="Export only objects on the active layers.",
- default=True,
- )
- use_anim = BoolProperty(
- name="Export Animation",
- description="Export keyframe animation",
- default=False,
- )
- use_anim_action_all = BoolProperty(
- name="All Actions",
- description=("Export all actions for the first armature found "
- "in separate DAE files"),
- default=False,
- )
- use_anim_skip_noexp = BoolProperty(
- name="Skip (-noexp) Actions",
- description="Skip exporting of actions whose name end in (-noexp)."
- " Useful to skip control animations.",
- default=True,
- )
- use_anim_optimize = BoolProperty(
- name="Optimize Keyframes",
- description="Remove double keyframes",
- default=True,
- )
- anim_optimize_precision = FloatProperty(
- name="Precision",
- description=("Tolerence for comparing double keyframes "
- "(higher for greater accuracy)"),
- min=1, max=16,
- soft_min=1, soft_max=16,
- default=6.0,
- )
- use_metadata = BoolProperty(
- name="Use Metadata",
- default=True,
- options={'HIDDEN'},
- )
- @property
- def check_extension(self):
- # return self.batch_mode == 'OFF'
- return True
- def check(self, context):
- return True
- """
- isretur_def_change = super().check(context)
- return (is_xna_change or is_def_change)
- """
- def execute(self, context):
- if not self.filepath:
- raise Exception("filepath not set")
- """ global_matrix = Matrix()
- global_matrix[0][0] = \
- global_matrix[1][1] = \
- global_matrix[2][2] = self.global_scale
- """
- keywords = self.as_keywords(ignore=("axis_forward",
- "axis_up",
- "global_scale",
- "check_existing",
- "filter_glob",
- "xna_validate",
- ))
- from . import export_dae
- return, context, **keywords)
-def menu_func(self, context):
- self.layout.operator(ExportDAE.bl_idname, text="Better Collada (.dae)")
-def register():
- bpy.utils.register_module(__name__)
- bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_export.append(menu_func)
-def unregister():
- bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__)
- bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_export.remove(menu_func)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- register()
diff --git a/tools/export/blender25/io_scene_dae/ b/tools/export/blender25/io_scene_dae/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f8458c0da..0000000000
--- a/tools/export/blender25/io_scene_dae/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1923 +0,0 @@
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
-# <pep8 compliant>
-# Script copyright (C) Juan Linietsky
-# Contact Info:
-This script is an exporter to the Khronos Collada file format.
-# TODO:
-# Materials & Textures
-# Optionally export Vertex Colors
-# Morph Targets
-# Control bone removal
-# Copy textures
-# Export Keyframe Optimization
-# --
-# Morph Targets
-# Blender native material? (?)
-import os
-import time
-import math # math.pi
-import shutil
-import bpy
-import bmesh
-from mathutils import Vector, Matrix
-# According to collada spec, order matters
-S_ASSET = 0
-S_IMGS = 1
-S_FX = 2
-S_MATS = 3
-S_GEOM = 4
-S_MORPH = 5
-S_SKIN = 6
-S_CONT = 7
-S_CAMS = 8
-S_LAMPS = 9
-S_NODES = 11
-S_ANIM = 12
-CMP_EPSILON = 0.0001
-def snap_tup(tup):
- ret = ()
- for x in tup:
- ret += (x - math.fmod(x, 0.0001), )
- return tup
-def strmtx(mtx):
- s = " "
- for x in range(4):
- for y in range(4):
- s += str(mtx[x][y])
- s += " "
- s += " "
- return s
-def numarr(a, mult=1.0):
- s = " "
- for x in a:
- s += " " + str(x * mult)
- s += " "
- return s
-def numarr_alpha(a, mult=1.0):
- s = " "
- for x in a:
- s += " " + str(x * mult)
- if len(a) == 3:
- s += " 1.0"
- s += " "
- return s
-def strarr(arr):
- s = " "
- for x in arr:
- s += " " + str(x)
- s += " "
- return s
-class DaeExporter:
- def validate_id(self, d):
- if (d.find("id-") == 0):
- return "z" + d
- return d
- def new_id(self, t):
- self.last_id += 1
- return "id-" + t + "-" + str(self.last_id)
- class Vertex:
- def close_to(self, v):
- if self.vertex - v.vertex.length() > CMP_EPSILON:
- return False
- if self.normal - v.normal.length() > CMP_EPSILON:
- return False
- if self.uv - v.uv.length() > CMP_EPSILON:
- return False
- if self.uv2 - v.uv2.length() > CMP_EPSILON:
- return False
- return True
- def get_tup(self):
- tup = (self.vertex.x, self.vertex.y, self.vertex.z, self.normal.x,
- self.normal.y, self.normal.z)
- for t in self.uv:
- tup = tup + (t.x, t.y)
- if self.color is not None:
- tup = tup + (self.color.x, self.color.y, self.color.z)
- if self.tangent is not None:
- tup = tup + (self.tangent.x, self.tangent.y, self.tangent.z)
- if self.bitangent is not None:
- tup = tup + (self.bitangent.x, self.bitangent.y,
- self.bitangent.z)
- for t in self.bones:
- tup = tup + (float(t), )
- for t in self.weights:
- tup = tup + (float(t), )
- return tup
- def __init__(self):
- self.vertex = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
- self.normal = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
- self.tangent = None
- self.bitangent = None
- self.color = None
- self.uv = []
- self.uv2 = Vector((0.0, 0.0))
- self.bones = []
- self.weights = []
- def writel(self, section, indent, text):
- if (not (section in self.sections)):
- self.sections[section] = []
- line = ""
- for x in range(indent):
- line += "\t"
- line += text
- self.sections[section].append(line)
- def export_image(self, image):
- if (image in self.image_cache):
- return self.image_cache[image]
- imgpath = image.filepath
- if (imgpath.find("//") == 0 or imgpath.find("\\\\") == 0):
- # If relative, convert to absolute
- imgpath = bpy.path.abspath(imgpath)
- # Path is absolute, now do something!
- if (self.config["use_copy_images"]):
- # copy image
- basedir = os.path.dirname(self.path) + "/images"
- if (not os.path.isdir(basedir)):
- os.makedirs(basedir)
- if os.path.isfile(imgpath):
- dstfile = basedir + "/" + os.path.basename(imgpath)
- if not os.path.isfile(dstfile):
- shutil.copy(imgpath, dstfile)
- imgpath = "images/" + os.path.basename(imgpath)
- else:
- # If file is not found save it as png file in the destination
- # folder
- img_tmp_path = image.filepath
- if img_tmp_path.endswith((".bmp", ".rgb", ".png", ".jpeg",
- ".jpg", ".jp2", ".tga", ".cin",
- ".dpx", ".exr", ".hdr", ".tif")):
- image.filepath = basedir + "/" + \
- os.path.basename(img_tmp_path)
- else:
- image.filepath = basedir + "/" + + ".png"
- dstfile = basedir + "/" + os.path.basename(image.filepath)
- if not os.path.isfile(dstfile):
- imgpath = "images/" + os.path.basename(image.filepath)
- image.filepath = img_tmp_path
- else:
- # Export relative, always, no one wants absolute paths.
- try:
- # Export unix compatible always
- imgpath = os.path.relpath(
- imgpath, os.path.dirname(self.path)).replace("\\", "/")
- except:
- # Fails sometimes, not sure why
- pass
- imgid = self.new_id("image")
- print("FOR: " + imgpath)
-# if (not os.path.isfile(imgpath)):
-# print("NOT FILE?")
-# if imgpath.endswith((".bmp", ".rgb", ".png", ".jpeg", ".jpg",
-# ".jp2", ".tga", ".cin", ".dpx", ".exr",
-# ".hdr", ".tif")):
-# imgpath="images/"+os.path.basename(imgpath)
-# else:
-# imgpath="images/"".png"
- self.writel(S_IMGS, 1, '<image id="' + imgid +
- '" name="' + + '">')
- self.writel(S_IMGS, 2, '<init_from>' + imgpath + '</init_from>')
- self.writel(S_IMGS, 1, '</image>')
- self.image_cache[image] = imgid
- return imgid
- def export_material(self, material, double_sided_hint=True):
- if (material in self.material_cache):
- return self.material_cache[material]
- fxid = self.new_id("fx")
- self.writel(S_FX, 1, '<effect id="' + fxid + '" name="' +
- + '-fx">')
- self.writel(S_FX, 2, '<profile_COMMON>')
- # Find and fetch the textures and create sources
- sampler_table = {}
- diffuse_tex = None
- specular_tex = None
- emission_tex = None
- normal_tex = None
- for i in range(len(material.texture_slots)):
- ts = material.texture_slots[i]
- if not ts:
- continue
- if not ts.use:
- continue
- if not ts.texture:
- continue
- if ts.texture.type != "IMAGE":
- continue
- if ts.texture.image is None:
- continue
- # Image
- imgid = self.export_image(ts.texture.image)
- # Surface
- surface_sid = self.new_id("fx_surf")
- self.writel(S_FX, 3, '<newparam sid="' + surface_sid + '">')
- self.writel(S_FX, 4, '<surface type="2D">')
- # This is sooo weird
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '<init_from>' + imgid + '</init_from>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '<format>A8R8G8B8</format>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 4, '</surface>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 3, '</newparam>')
- # Sampler, collada sure likes it difficult
- sampler_sid = self.new_id("fx_sampler")
- self.writel(S_FX, 3, '<newparam sid="' + sampler_sid + '">')
- self.writel(S_FX, 4, '<sampler2D>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '<source>' + surface_sid + '</source>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 4, '</sampler2D>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 3, '</newparam>')
- sampler_table[i] = sampler_sid
- if ts.use_map_color_diffuse and diffuse_tex is None:
- diffuse_tex = sampler_sid
- if ts.use_map_color_spec and specular_tex is None:
- specular_tex = sampler_sid
- if ts.use_map_emit and emission_tex is None:
- emission_tex = sampler_sid
- if ts.use_map_normal and normal_tex is None:
- normal_tex = sampler_sid
- self.writel(S_FX, 3, '<technique sid="common">')
- shtype = "blinn"
- self.writel(S_FX, 4, '<' + shtype + '>')
- # Ambient? from where?
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '<emission>')
- if emission_tex is not None:
- self.writel(S_FX, 6, '<texture texture="' + emission_tex +
- '" texcoord="CHANNEL1"/>')
- else:
- self.writel(S_FX, 6, '<color>' +
- numarr_alpha(material.diffuse_color, material.emit) +
- ' </color>') # not totally right but good enough
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '</emission>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '<ambient>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 6, '<color>' +
- numarr_alpha(,
- material.ambient) + ' </color>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '</ambient>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '<diffuse>')
- if diffuse_tex is not None:
- self.writel(S_FX, 6, '<texture texture="' + diffuse_tex +
- '" texcoord="CHANNEL1"/>')
- else:
- self.writel(S_FX, 6,
- '<color>' + numarr_alpha(material.diffuse_color,
- material.diffuse_intensity) +
- '</color>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '</diffuse>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '<specular>')
- if specular_tex is not None:
- self.writel(S_FX, 6, '<texture texture="' + specular_tex +
- '" texcoord="CHANNEL1"/>')
- else:
- self.writel(S_FX, 6, '<color>' + numarr_alpha(
- material.specular_color, material.specular_intensity) +
- '</color>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '</specular>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '<shininess>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 6, '<float>' + str(material.specular_hardness) +
- '</float>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '</shininess>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '<reflective>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 6, '<color>' + numarr_alpha(material.mirror_color) +
- '</color>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '</reflective>')
- if (material.use_transparency):
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '<transparency>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 6, '<float>' + str(material.alpha) + '</float>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '</transparency>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '<index_of_refraction>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 6, '<float>' + str(material.specular_ior) +
- '</float>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '</index_of_refraction>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 4, '</' + shtype + '>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 4, '<extra>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '<technique profile="FCOLLADA">')
- if (normal_tex):
- self.writel(S_FX, 6, '<bump bumptype="NORMALMAP">')
- self.writel(S_FX, 7, '<texture texture="' + normal_tex +
- '" texcoord="CHANNEL1"/>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 6, '</bump>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '</technique>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '<technique profile="GOOGLEEARTH">')
- self.writel(S_FX, 6, '<double_sided>' + ["0", "1"][double_sided_hint] +
- "</double_sided>")
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '</technique>')
- if (material.use_shadeless):
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '<technique profile="GODOT">')
- self.writel(S_FX, 6, '<unshaded>1</unshaded>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 5, '</technique>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 4, '</extra>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 3, '</technique>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 2, '</profile_COMMON>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 1, '</effect>')
- # Also export blender material in all it's glory (if set as active)
- # Material
- matid = self.new_id("material")
- self.writel(S_MATS, 1, '<material id="' + matid + '" name="' +
- + '">')
- self.writel(S_MATS, 2, '<instance_effect url="#' + fxid + '"/>')
- self.writel(S_MATS, 1, '</material>')
- self.material_cache[material] = matid
- return matid
- def export_mesh(self, node, armature=None, skeyindex=-1, skel_source=None,
- custom_name=None):
- mesh =
- if ( in self.mesh_cache):
- return self.mesh_cache[mesh]
- if (skeyindex == -1 and mesh.shape_keys is not None and len(
- mesh.shape_keys.key_blocks)):
- values = []
- morph_targets = []
- md = None
- for k in range(0, len(mesh.shape_keys.key_blocks)):
- shape =[k]
- values += [shape.value] # save value
- shape.value = 0
- mid = self.new_id("morph")
- for k in range(0, len(mesh.shape_keys.key_blocks)):
- shape =[k]
- node.show_only_shape_key = True
- node.active_shape_key_index = k
- shape.value = 1.0
- mesh.update()
- """
- oldval = shape.value
- shape.value = 1.0
- """
- p =
- v = node.to_mesh(bpy.context.scene, True, "RENDER")
- = v
-# self.export_node(node, il,
- if (armature and k == 0):
- md = self.export_mesh(node, armature, k, mid,
- else:
- md = self.export_mesh(node, None, k, None,
- = p
- shape.value = 0.0
- morph_targets.append(md)
- """
- shape.value = oldval
- """
- node.show_only_shape_key = False
- node.active_shape_key_index = 0
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 1, '<controller id="' + mid + '" name="">')
- # if ("skin_id" in morph_targets[0]):
- # self.writel(S_MORPH, 2, '<morph source="#'+morph_targets[0][
- # "skin_id"]+'" method="NORMALIZED">')
- # else:
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 2, '<morph source="#' +
- morph_targets[0]["id"] + '" method="NORMALIZED">')
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 3, '<source id="' + mid + '-morph-targets">')
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 4, '<IDREF_array id="' + mid +
- '-morph-targets-array" count="' +
- str(len(morph_targets) - 1) + '">')
- marr = ""
- warr = ""
- for i in range(len(morph_targets)):
- if (i == 0):
- continue
- elif (i > 1):
- marr += " "
- if ("skin_id" in morph_targets[i]):
- marr += morph_targets[i]["skin_id"]
- else:
- marr += morph_targets[i]["id"]
- warr += " 0"
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 5, marr)
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 4, '</IDREF_array>')
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 4, '<technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 5, '<accessor source="#' + mid +
- '-morph-targets-array" count="' +
- str(len(morph_targets) - 1) + '" stride="1">')
- self.writel(
- S_MORPH, 6, '<param name="MORPH_TARGET" type="IDREF"/>')
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 5, '</accessor>')
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 4, '</technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 3, '</source>')
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 3, '<source id="' + mid + '-morph-weights">')
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 4, '<float_array id="' + mid +
- '-morph-weights-array" count="' +
- str(len(morph_targets) - 1) + '" >')
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 5, warr)
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 4, '</float_array>')
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 4, '<technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 5, '<accessor source="#' + mid +
- '-morph-weights-array" count="' +
- str(len(morph_targets) - 1) + '" stride="1">')
- self.writel(
- S_MORPH, 6, '<param name="MORPH_WEIGHT" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 5, '</accessor>')
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 4, '</technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 3, '</source>')
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 3, '<targets>')
- self.writel(
- S_MORPH, 4, '<input semantic="MORPH_TARGET" source="#' + mid +
- '-morph-targets"/>')
- self.writel(
- S_MORPH, 4, '<input semantic="MORPH_WEIGHT" source="#' + mid +
- '-morph-weights"/>')
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 3, '</targets>')
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 2, '</morph>')
- self.writel(S_MORPH, 1, '</controller>')
- if armature is not None:
- self.armature_for_morph[node] = armature
- meshdata = {}
- if (armature):
- meshdata = morph_targets[0]
- meshdata["morph_id"] = mid
- else:
- meshdata["id"] = morph_targets[0]["id"]
- meshdata["morph_id"] = mid
- meshdata["material_assign"] = morph_targets[
- 0]["material_assign"]
- self.mesh_cache[] = meshdata
- return meshdata
- apply_modifiers = len(node.modifiers) and self.config[
- "use_mesh_modifiers"]
- name_to_use =
- # print("name to use: "
- if (custom_name is not None and custom_name != ""):
- name_to_use = custom_name
- mesh = node.to_mesh(self.scene, apply_modifiers,
- "RENDER") # is this allright?
- triangulate = self.config["use_triangles"]
- if (triangulate):
- bm =
- bm.from_mesh(mesh)
- bmesh.ops.triangulate(bm, faces=bm.faces)
- bm.to_mesh(mesh)
- mesh.update(calc_tessface=True)
- vertices = []
- vertex_map = {}
- surface_indices = {}
- materials = {}
- materials = {}
- si = None
- if armature is not None:
- si = self.skeleton_info[armature]
- has_uv = False
- has_uv2 = False
- has_weights = armature is not None
- has_tangents = self.config["use_tangent_arrays"] # could detect..
- has_colors = len(mesh.vertex_colors)
- mat_assign = []
- uv_layer_count = len(mesh.uv_textures)
- if has_tangents and len(mesh.uv_textures):
- try:
- mesh.calc_tangents()
- except:
- {'WARNING'}, 'CalcTangets failed for mesh "' + +
- '", no tangets will be exported.')
- # uv_layer_count=0
- mesh.calc_normals_split()
- has_tangents = False
- else:
- mesh.calc_normals_split()
- has_tangents = False
- for fi in range(len(mesh.polygons)):
- f = mesh.polygons[fi]
- if not (f.material_index in surface_indices):
- surface_indices[f.material_index] = []
- # print("Type: " + str(type(f.material_index)))
- # print("IDX: " + str(f.material_index) + "/" + str(
- # len(mesh.materials)))
- try:
- # Bizarre blender behavior i don't understand,
- # so catching exception
- mat = mesh.materials[f.material_index]
- except:
- mat = None
- if (mat is not None):
- materials[f.material_index] = self.export_material(
- mat, mesh.show_double_sided)
- else:
- # weird, has no material?
- materials[f.material_index] = None
- indices = surface_indices[f.material_index]
- vi = []
- # Vertices always 3
- """
- if (len(f.vertices)==3):
- vi.append(0)
- vi.append(1)
- vi.append(2)
- elif (len(f.vertices)==4):
- #todo, should use shortest path
- vi.append(0)
- vi.append(1)
- vi.append(2)
- vi.append(0)
- vi.append(2)
- vi.append(3)
- """
- for lt in range(f.loop_total):
- loop_index = f.loop_start + lt
- ml = mesh.loops[loop_index]
- mv = mesh.vertices[ml.vertex_index]
- v = self.Vertex()
- v.vertex = Vector(
- for xt in mesh.uv_layers:
- v.uv.append(Vector([loop_index].uv))
- if (has_colors):
- v.color = Vector(
- mesh.vertex_colors[0].data[loop_index].color)
- v.normal = Vector(ml.normal)
- if (has_tangents):
- v.tangent = Vector(ml.tangent)
- v.bitangent = Vector(ml.bitangent)
- # if (armature):
- # v.vertex = node.matrix_world * v.vertex
- # v.color=Vertex(mv. ???
- if armature is not None:
- wsum = 0.0
- zero_bones = []
- for vg in mv.groups:
- if >= len(node.vertex_groups):
- continue
- name = node.vertex_groups[].name
- if (name in si["bone_index"]):
- # could still put the weight as 0.0001 maybe
- # blender has a lot of zero weight stuff
- if (vg.weight > 0.001):
- v.bones.append(si["bone_index"][name])
- v.weights.append(vg.weight)
- wsum += vg.weight
- if (wsum == 0.0):
- if not self.wrongvtx_report:
- {'WARNING'}, 'Mesh for object "' + +
- '" has unassigned weights. '
- 'This may look wrong in exported model.')
- self.wrongvtx_report = True
- # blender can have bones assigned that weight zero
- # so they remain local
- # this is the best it can be done?
- v.bones.append(0)
- v.weights.append(1)
- tup = v.get_tup()
- idx = 0
- # do not optmize if using shapekeys
- if (skeyindex == -1 and tup in vertex_map):
- idx = vertex_map[tup]
- else:
- idx = len(vertices)
- vertices.append(v)
- vertex_map[tup] = idx
- vi.append(idx)
- if (len(vi) > 2):
- # only triangles and above
- indices.append(vi)
- meshid = self.new_id("mesh")
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 1, '<geometry id="' + meshid +
- '" name="' + name_to_use + '">')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 2, '<mesh>')
- # Vertex Array
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '<source id="' + meshid + '-positions">')
- float_values = ""
- for v in vertices:
- float_values += " " + str(v.vertex.x) + " " + \
- str(v.vertex.y) + " " + str(v.vertex.z)
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<float_array id="' + meshid +
- '-positions-array" count="' +
- str(len(vertices) * 3) + '">' + float_values +
- '</float_array>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<accessor source="#' + meshid +
- '-positions-array" count="' + str(len(vertices)) +
- '" stride="3">')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="X" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="Y" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="Z" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '</accessor>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '</technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '</source>')
- # Normal Array
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '<source id="' + meshid + '-normals">')
- float_values = ""
- for v in vertices:
- float_values += " " + str(v.normal.x) + " " + \
- str(v.normal.y) + " " + str(v.normal.z)
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<float_array id="' + meshid +
- '-normals-array" count="' +
- str(len(vertices) * 3) + '">' + float_values +
- '</float_array>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<accessor source="#' + meshid +
- '-normals-array" count="' + str(len(vertices)) +
- '" stride="3">')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="X" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="Y" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="Z" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '</accessor>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '</technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '</source>')
- if (has_tangents):
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '<source id="' + meshid + '-tangents">')
- float_values = ""
- for v in vertices:
- float_values += " " + \
- str(v.tangent.x) + " " + \
- str(v.tangent.y) + " " + str(v.tangent.z)
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<float_array id="' + meshid +
- '-tangents-array" count="' +
- str(len(vertices) * 3) + '">' + float_values +
- '</float_array>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<accessor source="#' + meshid +
- '-tangents-array" count="' + str(len(vertices)) +
- '" stride="3">')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="X" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="Y" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="Z" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '</accessor>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '</technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '</source>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '<source id="' + meshid + '-bitangents">')
- float_values = ""
- for v in vertices:
- float_values += " " + \
- str(v.bitangent.x) + " " + \
- str(v.bitangent.y) + " " + str(v.bitangent.z)
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<float_array id="' + meshid +
- '-bitangents-array" count="' +
- str(len(vertices) * 3) + '">' + float_values +
- '</float_array>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<accessor source="#' + meshid +
- '-bitangents-array" count="' + str(len(vertices)) +
- '" stride="3">')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="X" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="Y" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="Z" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '</accessor>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '</technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '</source>')
- # UV Arrays
- for uvi in range(uv_layer_count):
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '<source id="' + meshid +
- '-texcoord-' + str(uvi) + '">')
- float_values = ""
- for v in vertices:
- try:
- float_values += " " + \
- str(v.uv[uvi].x) + " " + str(v.uv[uvi].y)
- except:
- # I don't understand this weird multi-uv-layer API, but
- # with this it seems to works
- float_values += " 0 0 "
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<float_array id="' + meshid +
- '-texcoord-' + str(uvi) +
- '-array" count="' + str(len(vertices) * 2) + '">' +
- float_values + '</float_array>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<accessor source="#' + meshid +
- '-texcoord-' +
- str(uvi) + '-array" count="' + str(len(vertices)) +
- '" stride="2">')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="S" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="T" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '</accessor>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '</technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '</source>')
- # Color Arrays
- if (has_colors):
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '<source id="' + meshid + '-colors">')
- float_values = ""
- for v in vertices:
- float_values += " " + \
- str(v.color.x) + " " + \
- str(v.color.y) + " " + str(v.color.z)
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<float_array id="' + meshid +
- '-colors-array" count="' +
- str(len(vertices) * 3) + '">' + float_values +
- '</float_array>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<accessor source="#' + meshid +
- '-colors-array" count="' + str(len(vertices)) +
- '" stride="3">')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="X" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="Y" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="Z" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '</accessor>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '</technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '</source>')
- # Triangle Lists
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '<vertices id="' + meshid + '-vertices">')
- self.writel(
- S_GEOM, 4, '<input semantic="POSITION" source="#' + meshid +
- '-positions"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '</vertices>')
- prim_type = ""
- if (triangulate):
- prim_type = "triangles"
- else:
- prim_type = "polygons"
- for m in surface_indices:
- indices = surface_indices[m]
- mat = materials[m]
- if (mat is not None):
- matref = self.new_id("trimat")
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '<' + prim_type + ' count="' + str(
- int(len(indices))) + '" material="' + matref +
- '">') # todo material
- mat_assign.append((mat, matref))
- else:
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '<' + prim_type + ' count="' +
- str(int(len(indices))) + '">') # todo material
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<input semantic="VERTEX" source="#' +
- meshid + '-vertices" offset="0"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<input semantic="NORMAL" source="#' +
- meshid + '-normals" offset="0"/>')
- for uvi in range(uv_layer_count):
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<input semantic="TEXCOORD" source="#' +
- meshid +
- '-texcoord-' + str(uvi) + '" offset="0" set="' +
- str(uvi) + '"/>')
- if (has_colors):
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<input semantic="COLOR" source="#' +
- meshid + '-colors" offset="0"/>')
- if (has_tangents):
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4,
- '<input semantic="TEXTANGENT" source="#' +
- meshid + '-tangents" offset="0"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4,
- '<input semantic="TEXBINORMAL" source="#' +
- meshid + '-bitangents" offset="0"/>')
- if (triangulate):
- int_values = "<p>"
- for p in indices:
- for i in p:
- int_values += " " + str(i)
- int_values += " </p>"
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, int_values)
- else:
- for p in indices:
- int_values = "<p>"
- for i in p:
- int_values += " " + str(i)
- int_values += " </p>"
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, int_values)
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '</' + prim_type + '>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 2, '</mesh>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 1, '</geometry>')
- meshdata = {}
- meshdata["id"] = meshid
- meshdata["material_assign"] = mat_assign
- if (skeyindex == -1):
- self.mesh_cache[] = meshdata
- # Export armature data (if armature exists)
- if (armature is not None and (
- skel_source is not None or skeyindex == -1)):
- contid = self.new_id("controller")
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 1, '<controller id="' + contid + '">')
- if (skel_source is not None):
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 2, '<skin source="#' + skel_source + '">')
- else:
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 2, '<skin source="#' + meshid + '">')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 3, '<bind_shape_matrix>' +
- strmtx(node.matrix_world) + '</bind_shape_matrix>')
- # Joint Names
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 3, '<source id="' + contid + '-joints">')
- name_values = ""
- for v in si["bone_names"]:
- name_values += " " + v
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 4, '<Name_array id="' + contid +
- '-joints-array" count="' +
- str(len(si["bone_names"])) + '">' + name_values +
- '</Name_array>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 4, '<technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 4, '<accessor source="#' + contid +
- '-joints-array" count="' + str(len(si["bone_names"])) +
- '" stride="1">')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 5, '<param name="JOINT" type="Name"/>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 4, '</accessor>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 4, '</technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 3, '</source>')
- # Pose Matrices!
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 3, '<source id="' + contid + '-bind_poses">')
- pose_values = ""
- for v in si["bone_bind_poses"]:
- pose_values += " " + strmtx(v)
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 4, '<float_array id="' + contid +
- '-bind_poses-array" count="' +
- str(len(si["bone_bind_poses"]) * 16) + '">' +
- pose_values + '</float_array>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 4, '<technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 4, '<accessor source="#' + contid +
- '-bind_poses-array" count="' +
- str(len(si["bone_bind_poses"])) + '" stride="16">')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 5, '<param name="TRANSFORM" type="float4x4"/>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 4, '</accessor>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 4, '</technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 3, '</source>')
- # Skin Weights!
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 3, '<source id="' + contid + '-skin_weights">')
- skin_weights = ""
- skin_weights_total = 0
- for v in vertices:
- skin_weights_total += len(v.weights)
- for w in v.weights:
- skin_weights += " " + str(w)
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 4, '<float_array id="' + contid +
- '-skin_weights-array" count="' +
- str(skin_weights_total) + '">' + skin_weights +
- '</float_array>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 4, '<technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 4, '<accessor source="#' + contid +
- '-skin_weights-array" count="' +
- str(skin_weights_total) + '" stride="1">')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 5, '<param name="WEIGHT" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 4, '</accessor>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 4, '</technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 3, '</source>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 3, '<joints>')
- self.writel(
- S_SKIN, 4, '<input semantic="JOINT" source="#' + contid +
- '-joints"/>')
- self.writel(
- S_SKIN, 4, '<input semantic="INV_BIND_MATRIX" source="#' +
- contid + '-bind_poses"/>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 3, '</joints>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 3, '<vertex_weights count="' +
- str(len(vertices)) + '">')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 4, '<input semantic="JOINT" source="#' +
- contid + '-joints" offset="0"/>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 4, '<input semantic="WEIGHT" source="#' +
- contid + '-skin_weights" offset="1"/>')
- vcounts = ""
- vs = ""
- vcount = 0
- for v in vertices:
- vcounts += " " + str(len(v.weights))
- for b in v.bones:
- vs += " " + str(b)
- vs += " " + str(vcount)
- vcount += 1
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 4, '<vcount>' + vcounts + '</vcount>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 4, '<v>' + vs + '</v>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 3, '</vertex_weights>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 2, '</skin>')
- self.writel(S_SKIN, 1, '</controller>')
- meshdata["skin_id"] = contid
- return meshdata
- def export_mesh_node(self, node, il):
- if ( is None):
- return
- armature = None
- armcount = 0
- for n in node.modifiers:
- if (n.type == "ARMATURE"):
- armcount += 1
- if (node.parent is not None):
- if (node.parent.type == "ARMATURE"):
- armature = node.parent
- if (armcount > 1):
-{'WARNING'}, 'Object "' + +
- '" refers to more than one armature! '
- 'This is unsupported.')
- if (armcount == 0):
-{'WARNING'}, 'Object "' + +
- '" is child of an armature, but has '
- 'no armature modifier.')
- if (armcount > 0 and not armature):
-{'WARNING'}, 'Object "' + +
- '" has armature modifier, but is not a child '
- 'of an armature. This is unsupported.')
- if ( is not None):
- sk =
- if (sk.animation_data):
- # print("HAS ANIM")
- # print("DRIVERS: "+str(len(sk.animation_data.drivers)))
- for d in sk.animation_data.drivers:
- if (d.driver):
- for v in d.driver.variables:
- for t in v.targets:
- if ( is not None and
- in self.scene.objects):
- # print("LINKING " + str(node) + " WITH " +
- # str(
- self.armature_for_morph[
- node] = self.scene.objects[]
- meshdata = self.export_mesh(node, armature)
- close_controller = False
- if ("skin_id" in meshdata):
- close_controller = True
- self.writel(S_NODES, il, '<instance_controller url="#' +
- meshdata["skin_id"] + '">')
- for sn in self.skeleton_info[armature]["skeleton_nodes"]:
- self.writel(S_NODES, il + 1, '<skeleton>#' +
- sn + '</skeleton>')
- elif ("morph_id" in meshdata):
- self.writel(S_NODES, il, '<instance_controller url="#' +
- meshdata["morph_id"] + '">')
- close_controller = True
- elif (armature is None):
- self.writel(S_NODES, il, '<instance_geometry url="#' +
- meshdata["id"] + '">')
- if (len(meshdata["material_assign"]) > 0):
- self.writel(S_NODES, il + 1, '<bind_material>')
- self.writel(S_NODES, il + 2, '<technique_common>')
- for m in meshdata["material_assign"]:
- self.writel(S_NODES, il + 3, '<instance_material symbol="' +
- m[1] + '" target="#' + m[0] + '"/>')
- self.writel(S_NODES, il + 2, '</technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_NODES, il + 1, '</bind_material>')
- if (close_controller):
- self.writel(S_NODES, il, '</instance_controller>')
- else:
- self.writel(S_NODES, il, '</instance_geometry>')
- def export_armature_bone(self, bone, il, si):
- boneid = self.new_id("bone")
- boneidx = si["bone_count"]
- si["bone_count"] += 1
- bonesid = si["id"] + "-" + str(boneidx)
- if ( in self.used_bones):
- if (self.config["use_anim_action_all"]):
-{'WARNING'}, 'Bone name "' + +
- '" used in more than one skeleton. '
- 'Actions might export wrong.')
- else:
- self.used_bones.append(
- si["bone_index"][] = boneidx
- si["bone_ids"][bone] = boneid
- si["bone_names"].append(bonesid)
- self.writel(S_NODES, il, '<node id="' + boneid + '" sid="' +
- bonesid + '" name="' + + '" type="JOINT">')
- il += 1
- xform = bone.matrix_local
- si["bone_bind_poses"].append((si["armature_xform"] * xform).inverted())
- if (bone.parent is not None):
- xform = bone.parent.matrix_local.inverted() * xform
- else:
- si["skeleton_nodes"].append(boneid)
- self.writel(S_NODES, il, '<matrix sid="transform">' +
- strmtx(xform) + '</matrix>')
- for c in bone.children:
- self.export_armature_bone(c, il, si)
- il -= 1
- self.writel(S_NODES, il, '</node>')
- def export_armature_node(self, node, il):
- if ( is None):
- return
- self.skeletons.append(node)
- armature =
- self.skeleton_info[node] = {
- "bone_count": 0,
- "id": self.new_id("skelbones"),
- "name":, "bone_index": {},
- "bone_ids": {}, "bone_names": [], "bone_bind_poses": [],
- "skeleton_nodes": [],
- "armature_xform": node.matrix_world}
- for b in armature.bones:
- if (b.parent is not None):
- continue
- self.export_armature_bone(b, il, self.skeleton_info[node])
- if (node.pose):
- for b in node.pose.bones:
- for x in b.constraints:
- if (x.type == 'ACTION'):
- self.action_constraints.append(x.action)
- def export_camera_node(self, node, il):
- if ( is None):
- return
- camera =
- camid = self.new_id("camera")
- self.writel(S_CAMS, 1, '<camera id="' + camid +
- '" name="' + + '">')
- self.writel(S_CAMS, 2, '<optics>')
- self.writel(S_CAMS, 3, '<technique_common>')
- if (camera.type == "PERSP"):
- self.writel(S_CAMS, 4, '<perspective>')
- self.writel(S_CAMS, 5, '<yfov> ' +
- # I think?
- str(math.degrees(camera.angle)) + ' </yfov>')
- self.writel(S_CAMS, 5, '<aspect_ratio> ' +
- str(self.scene.render.resolution_x /
- self.scene.render.resolution_y) +
- ' </aspect_ratio>')
- self.writel(S_CAMS, 5, '<znear> ' +
- str(camera.clip_start) + ' </znear>')
- self.writel(S_CAMS, 5, '<zfar> ' +
- str(camera.clip_end) + ' </zfar>')
- self.writel(S_CAMS, 4, '</perspective>')
- else:
- self.writel(S_CAMS, 4, '<orthographic>')
- self.writel(S_CAMS, 5, '<xmag> ' +
- str(camera.ortho_scale * 0.5) + ' </xmag>') # I think?
- self.writel(S_CAMS, 5, '<aspect_ratio> ' + str(
- self.scene.render.resolution_x /
- self.scene.render.resolution_y) + ' </aspect_ratio>')
- self.writel(S_CAMS, 5, '<znear> ' +
- str(camera.clip_start) + ' </znear>')
- self.writel(S_CAMS, 5, '<zfar> ' +
- str(camera.clip_end) + ' </zfar>')
- self.writel(S_CAMS, 4, '</orthographic>')
- self.writel(S_CAMS, 3, '</technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_CAMS, 2, '</optics>')
- self.writel(S_CAMS, 1, '</camera>')
- self.writel(S_NODES, il, '<instance_camera url="#' + camid + '"/>')
- def export_lamp_node(self, node, il):
- if ( is None):
- return
- light =
- lightid = self.new_id("light")
- self.writel(S_LAMPS, 1, '<light id="' + lightid +
- '" name="' + + '">')
- # self.writel(S_LAMPS, 2, '<optics>')
- self.writel(S_LAMPS, 3, '<technique_common>')
- if (light.type == "POINT"):
- self.writel(S_LAMPS, 4, '<point>')
- self.writel(S_LAMPS, 5, '<color>' +
- strarr(light.color) + '</color>')
- # convert to linear attenuation
- att_by_distance = 2.0 / light.distance
- self.writel(S_LAMPS, 5, '<linear_attenuation>' +
- str(att_by_distance) + '</linear_attenuation>')
- if (light.use_sphere):
- self.writel(S_LAMPS, 5, '<zfar>' +
- str(light.distance) + '</zfar>')
- self.writel(S_LAMPS, 4, '</point>')
- elif (light.type == "SPOT"):
- self.writel(S_LAMPS, 4, '<spot>')
- self.writel(S_LAMPS, 5, '<color>' +
- strarr(light.color) + '</color>')
- # convert to linear attenuation
- att_by_distance = 2.0 / light.distance
- self.writel(S_LAMPS, 5, '<linear_attenuation>' +
- str(att_by_distance) + '</linear_attenuation>')
- self.writel(S_LAMPS, 5, '<falloff_angle>' +
- str(math.degrees(light.spot_size / 2)) +
- '</falloff_angle>')
- self.writel(S_LAMPS, 4, '</spot>')
- else: # write a sun lamp for everything else (not supported)
- self.writel(S_LAMPS, 4, '<directional>')
- self.writel(S_LAMPS, 5, '<color>' +
- strarr(light.color) + '</color>')
- self.writel(S_LAMPS, 4, '</directional>')
- self.writel(S_LAMPS, 3, '</technique_common>')
- # self.writel(S_LAMPS, 2, '</optics>')
- self.writel(S_LAMPS, 1, '</light>')
- self.writel(S_NODES, il, '<instance_light url="#' + lightid + '"/>')
- def export_empty_node(self, node, il):
- self.writel(S_NODES, 4, '<extra>')
- self.writel(S_NODES, 5, '<technique profile="GODOT">')
- self.writel(S_NODES, 6, '<empty_draw_type>' +
- node.empty_draw_type + '</empty_draw_type>')
- self.writel(S_NODES, 5, '</technique>')
- self.writel(S_NODES, 4, '</extra>')
- def export_curve(self, curve):
- splineid = self.new_id("spline")
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 1, '<geometry id="' +
- splineid + '" name="' + + '">')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 2, '<spline closed="0">')
- points = []
- interps = []
- handles_in = []
- handles_out = []
- tilts = []
- for cs in curve.splines:
- if (cs.type == "BEZIER"):
- for s in cs.bezier_points:
- points.append([0])
- points.append([1])
- points.append([2])
- handles_in.append(s.handle_left[0])
- handles_in.append(s.handle_left[1])
- handles_in.append(s.handle_left[2])
- handles_out.append(s.handle_right[0])
- handles_out.append(s.handle_right[1])
- handles_out.append(s.handle_right[2])
- tilts.append(s.tilt)
- interps.append("BEZIER")
- else:
- for s in cs.points:
- points.append([0])
- points.append([1])
- points.append([2])
- handles_in.append([0])
- handles_in.append([1])
- handles_in.append([2])
- handles_out.append([0])
- handles_out.append([1])
- handles_out.append([2])
- tilts.append(s.tilt)
- interps.append("LINEAR")
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '<source id="' + splineid + '-positions">')
- position_values = ""
- for x in points:
- position_values += " " + str(x)
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<float_array id="' + splineid +
- '-positions-array" count="' +
- str(len(points)) + '">' + position_values +
- '</float_array>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<accessor source="#' + splineid +
- '-positions-array" count="' + str(len(points) / 3) +
- '" stride="3">')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="X" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="Y" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="Z" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '</accessor>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '</source>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '<source id="' + splineid + '-intangents">')
- intangent_values = ""
- for x in handles_in:
- intangent_values += " " + str(x)
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<float_array id="' + splineid +
- '-intangents-array" count="' +
- str(len(points)) + '">' + intangent_values +
- '</float_array>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<accessor source="#' + splineid +
- '-intangents-array" count="' + str(len(points) / 3) +
- '" stride="3">')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="X" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="Y" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="Z" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '</accessor>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '</source>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '<source id="' + splineid + '-outtangents">')
- outtangent_values = ""
- for x in handles_out:
- outtangent_values += " " + str(x)
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<float_array id="' + splineid +
- '-outtangents-array" count="' +
- str(len(points)) + '">' + outtangent_values +
- '</float_array>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<accessor source="#' + splineid +
- '-outtangents-array" count="' + str(len(points) / 3) +
- '" stride="3">')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="X" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="Y" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="Z" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '</accessor>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '</source>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '<source id="' + splineid + '-interpolations">')
- interpolation_values = ""
- for x in interps:
- interpolation_values += " " + x
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<Name_array id="' + splineid +
- '-interpolations-array" count="' +
- str(len(interps)) + '">' + interpolation_values +
- '</Name_array>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<accessor source="#' + splineid +
- '-interpolations-array" count="' + str(len(interps)) +
- '" stride="1">')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="INTERPOLATION" type="name"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '</accessor>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '</source>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '<source id="' + splineid + '-tilts">')
- tilt_values = ""
- for x in tilts:
- tilt_values += " " + str(x)
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<float_array id="' + splineid +
- '-tilts-array" count="' +
- str(len(tilts)) + '">' + tilt_values + '</float_array>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<accessor source="#' + splineid +
- '-tilts-array" count="' + str(len(tilts)) +
- '" stride="1">')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 5, '<param name="TILT" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '</accessor>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '</source>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '<control_vertices>')
- self.writel(
- S_GEOM, 4, '<input semantic="POSITION" source="#' + splineid +
- '-positions"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<input semantic="IN_TANGENT" source="#' +
- splineid + '-intangents"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<input semantic="OUT_TANGENT" source="#' +
- splineid + '-outtangents"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<input semantic="INTERPOLATION" source="#' +
- splineid + '-interpolations"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 4, '<input semantic="TILT" source="#' +
- splineid + '-tilts"/>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 3, '</control_vertices>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 2, '</spline>')
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 1, '</geometry>')
- return splineid
- def export_curve_node(self, node, il):
- if ( is None):
- return
- curveid = self.export_curve(
- self.writel(S_NODES, il, '<instance_geometry url="#' + curveid + '">')
- self.writel(S_NODES, il, '</instance_geometry>')
- def export_node(self, node, il):
- if (node not in self.valid_nodes):
- return
- prev_node =
- = node
- self.writel(S_NODES, il, '<node id="' + self.validate_id( +
- '" name="' + + '" type="NODE">')
- il += 1
- self.writel(S_NODES, il, '<matrix sid="transform">' +
- strmtx(node.matrix_local) + '</matrix>')
- # print("NODE TYPE: "+node.type+" NAME: "
- if (node.type == "MESH"):
- self.export_mesh_node(node, il)
- elif (node.type == "CURVE"):
- self.export_curve_node(node, il)
- elif (node.type == "ARMATURE"):
- self.export_armature_node(node, il)
- elif (node.type == "CAMERA"):
- self.export_camera_node(node, il)
- elif (node.type == "LAMP"):
- self.export_lamp_node(node, il)
- elif (node.type == "EMPTY"):
- self.export_empty_node(node, il)
- for x in node.children:
- self.export_node(x, il)
- il -= 1
- self.writel(S_NODES, il, '</node>')
- # make previous node active again
- = prev_node
- def is_node_valid(self, node):
- if (node.type not in self.config["object_types"]):
- return False
- if (self.config["use_active_layers"]):
- valid = False
- # print("NAME: "
- for i in range(20):
- if (node.layers[i] and self.scene.layers[i]):
- valid = True
- break
- if (not valid):
- return False
- if (self.config["use_export_selected"] and not
- return False
- return True
- def export_scene(self):
- self.writel(S_NODES, 0, '<library_visual_scenes>')
- self.writel(S_NODES, 1, '<visual_scene id="' +
- self.scene_name + '" name="scene">')
- # validate nodes
- for obj in self.scene.objects:
- if (obj in self.valid_nodes):
- continue
- if (self.is_node_valid(obj)):
- n = obj
- while (n is not None):
- if (n not in self.valid_nodes):
- self.valid_nodes.append(n)
- n = n.parent
- for obj in self.scene.objects:
- if (obj in self.valid_nodes and obj.parent is None):
- self.export_node(obj, 2)
- self.writel(S_NODES, 1, '</visual_scene>')
- self.writel(S_NODES, 0, '</library_visual_scenes>')
- def export_asset(self):
- self.writel(S_ASSET, 0, '<asset>')
- # Why is this time stuff mandatory?, no one could care less...
- self.writel(S_ASSET, 1, '<contributor>')
- # Who made Collada, the FBI ?
- self.writel(S_ASSET, 2, '<author> Anonymous </author>')
- # Who made Collada, the FBI ?
- self.writel(
- S_ASSET, 2, '<authoring_tool> Collada Exporter for Blender 2.6+, '
- 'by Juan Linietsky ( </authoring_tool>')
- self.writel(S_ASSET, 1, '</contributor>')
- self.writel(S_ASSET, 1, '<created>' +
- time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ ") + '</created>')
- self.writel(S_ASSET, 1, '<modified>' +
- time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") + '</modified>')
- self.writel(S_ASSET, 1, '<unit meter="1.0" name="meter"/>')
- self.writel(S_ASSET, 1, '<up_axis>Z_UP</up_axis>')
- self.writel(S_ASSET, 0, '</asset>')
- def export_animation_transform_channel(self, target, keys, matrices=True):
- frame_total = len(keys)
- anim_id = self.new_id("anim")
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 1, '<animation id="' + anim_id + '">')
- source_frames = ""
- source_transforms = ""
- source_interps = ""
- for k in keys:
- source_frames += " " + str(k[0])
- if (matrices):
- source_transforms += " " + strmtx(k[1])
- else:
- source_transforms += " " + str(k[1])
- source_interps += " LINEAR"
- # Time Source
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 2, '<source id="' + anim_id + '-input">')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 3, '<float_array id="' + anim_id +
- '-input-array" count="' +
- str(frame_total) + '">' + source_frames + '</float_array>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 3, '<technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 4, '<accessor source="#' + anim_id +
- '-input-array" count="' + str(frame_total) +
- '" stride="1">')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 5, '<param name="TIME" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 4, '</accessor>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 3, '</technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 2, '</source>')
- if (matrices):
- # Transform Source
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 2, '<source id="' +
- anim_id + '-transform-output">')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 3, '<float_array id="' + anim_id +
- '-transform-output-array" count="' +
- str(frame_total * 16) + '">' + source_transforms +
- '</float_array>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 3, '<technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 4, '<accessor source="#' + anim_id +
- '-transform-output-array" count="' + str(frame_total) +
- '" stride="16">')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 5, '<param name="TRANSFORM" type="float4x4"/>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 4, '</accessor>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 3, '</technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 2, '</source>')
- else:
- # Value Source
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 2, '<source id="' +
- anim_id + '-transform-output">')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 3, '<float_array id="' + anim_id +
- '-transform-output-array" count="' +
- str(frame_total) + '">' + source_transforms +
- '</float_array>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 3, '<technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 4, '<accessor source="#' + anim_id +
- '-transform-output-array" count="' + str(frame_total) +
- '" stride="1">')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 5, '<param name="X" type="float"/>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 4, '</accessor>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 3, '</technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 2, '</source>')
- # Interpolation Source
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 2, '<source id="' +
- anim_id + '-interpolation-output">')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 3, '<Name_array id="' + anim_id +
- '-interpolation-output-array" count="' +
- str(frame_total) + '">' + source_interps + '</Name_array>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 3, '<technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 4, '<accessor source="#' + anim_id +
- '-interpolation-output-array" count="' + str(frame_total) +
- '" stride="1">')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 5, '<param name="INTERPOLATION" type="Name"/>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 4, '</accessor>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 3, '</technique_common>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 2, '</source>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 2, '<sampler id="' + anim_id + '-sampler">')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 3, '<input semantic="INPUT" source="#' +
- anim_id + '-input"/>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 3, '<input semantic="OUTPUT" source="#' +
- anim_id + '-transform-output"/>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 3, '<input semantic="INTERPOLATION" source="#' +
- anim_id + '-interpolation-output"/>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 2, '</sampler>')
- if (matrices):
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 2, '<channel source="#' + anim_id +
- '-sampler" target="' + target + '/transform"/>')
- else:
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 2, '<channel source="#' +
- anim_id + '-sampler" target="' + target + '"/>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 1, '</animation>')
- return [anim_id]
- def export_animation(self, start, end, allowed=None):
- # Blender -> Collada frames needs a little work
- # Collada starts from 0, blender usually from 1
- # The last frame must be included also
- frame_orig = self.scene.frame_current
- frame_len = 1.0 / self.scene.render.fps
- frame_total = end - start + 1
- frame_sub = 0
- if (start > 0):
- frame_sub = start * frame_len
- tcn = []
- xform_cache = {}
- blend_cache = {}
- # Change frames first, export objects last
- # This improves performance enormously
- # print("anim from: " + str(start) + " to " + str(end) + " allowed: " +
- # str(allowed))
- for t in range(start, end + 1):
- self.scene.frame_set(t)
- key = t * frame_len - frame_sub
-# print("Export Anim Frame "+str(t)+"/"+str(self.scene.frame_end+1))
- for node in self.scene.objects:
- if (node not in self.valid_nodes):
- continue
- if (allowed is not None and not (node in allowed)):
- if (node.type == "MESH" and is not None and
- (node in self.armature_for_morph) and (
- self.armature_for_morph[node] in allowed)):
- # all good you pass with flying colors for morphs
- # inside of action
- pass
- else:
- # print("fail "+str((node in self.armature_for_morph)))
- continue
- if (node.type == "MESH" and is not None and
- is not None and (
- in self.mesh_cache) and len(
- target = self.mesh_cache[]["morph_id"]
- for i in range(len(
- if (i == 0):
- continue
- name = target + "-morph-weights(" + str(i - 1) + ")"
- if (not (name in blend_cache)):
- blend_cache[name] = []
- blend_cache[name].append(
- (key,[i].value))
- if (node.type == "MESH" and node.parent and
- node.parent.type == "ARMATURE"):
- # In Collada, nodes that have skin modifier must not export
- # animation, animate the skin instead.
- continue
- if (len(node.constraints) > 0 or
- node.animation_data is not None):
- # If the node has constraints, or animation data, then
- # export a sampled animation track
- name = self.validate_id(
- if (not (name in xform_cache)):
- xform_cache[name] = []
- mtx = node.matrix_world.copy()
- if (node.parent):
- mtx = node.parent.matrix_world.inverted() * mtx
- xform_cache[name].append((key, mtx))
- if (node.type == "ARMATURE"):
- # All bones exported for now
- for bone in
- bone_name = self.skeleton_info[node]["bone_ids"][bone]
- if (not (bone_name in xform_cache)):
- # print("has bone: " + bone_name)
- xform_cache[bone_name] = []
- posebone = node.pose.bones[]
- parent_posebone = None
- mtx = posebone.matrix.copy()
- if (bone.parent):
- parent_posebone = node.pose.bones[]
- parent_invisible = False
- for i in range(3):
- if (parent_posebone.scale[i] == 0.0):
- parent_invisible = True
- if (not parent_invisible):
- mtx = parent_posebone.matrix.inverted() * mtx
- xform_cache[bone_name].append((key, mtx))
- self.scene.frame_set(frame_orig)
- # export animation xml
- for nid in xform_cache:
- tcn += self.export_animation_transform_channel(
- nid, xform_cache[nid], True)
- for nid in blend_cache:
- tcn += self.export_animation_transform_channel(
- nid, blend_cache[nid], False)
- return tcn
- def export_animations(self):
- tmp_mat = []
- for s in self.skeletons:
- tmp_bone_mat = []
- for bone in s.pose.bones:
- tmp_bone_mat.append(Matrix(bone.matrix_basis))
- bone.matrix_basis = Matrix()
- tmp_mat.append([Matrix(s.matrix_local), tmp_bone_mat])
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 0, '<library_animations>')
- if (self.config["use_anim_action_all"] and len(self.skeletons)):
- cached_actions = {}
- for s in self.skeletons:
- if s.animation_data and s.animation_data.action:
- cached_actions[s] =
- self.writel(S_ANIM_CLIPS, 0, '<library_animation_clips>')
- for x in[:]:
- if x.users == 0 or x in self.action_constraints:
- continue
- if (self.config["use_anim_skip_noexp"] and
- continue
- bones = []
- # find bones used
- for p in x.fcurves:
- dp = str(p.data_path)
- base = "pose.bones[\""
- if (dp.find(base) == 0):
- dp = dp[len(base):]
- if (dp.find('"') != -1):
- dp = dp[:dp.find('"')]
- if (dp not in bones):
- bones.append(dp)
- allowed_skeletons = []
- for i, y in enumerate(self.skeletons):
- if (y.animation_data):
- for z in y.pose.bones:
- if ( in bones):
- if (y not in allowed_skeletons):
- allowed_skeletons.append(y)
- y.animation_data.action = x
- y.matrix_local = tmp_mat[i][0]
- for j, bone in enumerate(s.pose.bones):
- bone.matrix_basis = Matrix()
- # print("allowed skeletons "+str(allowed_skeletons))
- # print(str(x))
- tcn = self.export_animation(int(x.frame_range[0]), int(
- x.frame_range[1] + 0.5), allowed_skeletons)
- framelen = (1.0 / self.scene.render.fps)
- start = x.frame_range[0] * framelen
- end = x.frame_range[1] * framelen
- # print("Export anim: "
- self.writel(
- S_ANIM_CLIPS, 1, '<animation_clip name="' + +
- '" start="' + str(start) + '" end="' + str(end) + '">')
- for z in tcn:
- self.writel(S_ANIM_CLIPS, 2,
- '<instance_animation url="#' + z + '"/>')
- self.writel(S_ANIM_CLIPS, 1, '</animation_clip>')
- if (len(tcn) == 0):
- {'WARNING'}, 'Animation clip "' + +
- '" contains no tracks.')
- self.writel(S_ANIM_CLIPS, 0, '</library_animation_clips>')
- for i, s in enumerate(self.skeletons):
- if (s.animation_data is None):
- continue
- if s in cached_actions:
- s.animation_data.action =[
- cached_actions[s]]
- else:
- s.animation_data.action = None
- for j, bone in enumerate(s.pose.bones):
- bone.matrix_basis = tmp_mat[i][1][j]
- else:
- self.export_animation(self.scene.frame_start, self.scene.frame_end)
- self.writel(S_ANIM, 0, '</library_animations>')
- def export(self):
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 0, '<library_geometries>')
- self.writel(S_CONT, 0, '<library_controllers>')
- self.writel(S_CAMS, 0, '<library_cameras>')
- self.writel(S_LAMPS, 0, '<library_lights>')
- self.writel(S_IMGS, 0, '<library_images>')
- self.writel(S_MATS, 0, '<library_materials>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 0, '<library_effects>')
- self.skeletons = []
- self.action_constraints = []
- self.export_asset()
- self.export_scene()
- self.writel(S_GEOM, 0, '</library_geometries>')
- # morphs always go before skin controllers
- if S_MORPH in self.sections:
- for l in self.sections[S_MORPH]:
- self.writel(S_CONT, 0, l)
- del self.sections[S_MORPH]
- # morphs always go before skin controllers
- if S_SKIN in self.sections:
- for l in self.sections[S_SKIN]:
- self.writel(S_CONT, 0, l)
- del self.sections[S_SKIN]
- self.writel(S_CONT, 0, '</library_controllers>')
- self.writel(S_CAMS, 0, '</library_cameras>')
- self.writel(S_LAMPS, 0, '</library_lights>')
- self.writel(S_IMGS, 0, '</library_images>')
- self.writel(S_MATS, 0, '</library_materials>')
- self.writel(S_FX, 0, '</library_effects>')
- if (self.config["use_anim"]):
- self.export_animations()
- try:
- f = open(self.path, "wb")
- except:
- return False
- f.write(bytes('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n', "UTF-8"))
- f.write(bytes(
- '<COLLADA xmlns="" '
- 'version="1.4.1">\n', "UTF-8"))
- s = []
- for x in self.sections.keys():
- s.append(x)
- s.sort()
- for x in s:
- for l in self.sections[x]:
- f.write(bytes(l + "\n", "UTF-8"))
- f.write(bytes('<scene>\n', "UTF-8"))
- f.write(bytes('\t<instance_visual_scene url="#' +
- self.scene_name + '" />\n', "UTF-8"))
- f.write(bytes('</scene>\n', "UTF-8"))
- f.write(bytes('</COLLADA>\n', "UTF-8"))
- return True
- def __init__(self, path, kwargs, operator):
- self.operator = operator
- self.scene = bpy.context.scene
- self.last_id = 0
- self.scene_name = self.new_id("scene")
- self.sections = {}
- self.path = path
- self.mesh_cache = {}
- self.curve_cache = {}
- self.material_cache = {}
- self.image_cache = {}
- self.skeleton_info = {}
- self.config = kwargs
- self.valid_nodes = []
- self.armature_for_morph = {}
- self.used_bones = []
- self.wrongvtx_report = False
-def save(operator, context, filepath="", use_selection=False, **kwargs):
- exp = DaeExporter(filepath, kwargs, operator)
- exp.export()
- return {'FINISHED'} # so the script wont run after we have batch exported.