diff options
9 files changed, 357 insertions, 795 deletions
diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorResourcePicker.xml b/doc/classes/EditorResourcePicker.xml
index e31a681b8b..30c73daa77 100644
--- a/doc/classes/EditorResourcePicker.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/EditorResourcePicker.xml
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
Godot editor's control for selecting [Resource] type properties.
- This is a [Control] node similar to the one used in the Inspector dock when editing [Resource]s. It provides options for creating, loading, saving and converting resources.
- [b]Note:[/b] It does not include an editor for the resource.
+ This [Control] node is used in the editor's Inspector dock to allow editing of [Resource] type properties. It provides options for creating, loading, saving and converting resources. Can be used with [EditorInspectorPlugin] to recreate the same behavior.
+ [b]Note:[/b] This [Control] does not include any editor for the resource, as editing is controlled by the Inspector dock itself or sub-Inspectors.
@@ -51,6 +51,34 @@
+ <method name="handle_menu_selected" qualifiers="virtual">
+ <return type="void">
+ </return>
+ <argument index="0" name="id" type="int">
+ </argument>
+ <description>
+ This virtual method can be implemented to handle context menu items not handled by default. See [method set_create_options].
+ </description>
+ </method>
+ <method name="set_create_options" qualifiers="virtual">
+ <return type="void">
+ </return>
+ <argument index="0" name="menu_node" type="Object">
+ </argument>
+ <description>
+ This virtual method is called when updating the context menu of [EditorResourcePicker]. Implement this method to override the "New ..." items with your own options. [code]menu_node[/code] is a reference to the [PopupMenu] node.
+ [b]Note:[/b] Implement [method handle_menu_selected] to handle these custom items.
+ </description>
+ </method>
+ <method name="set_toggle_pressed">
+ <return type="void">
+ </return>
+ <argument index="0" name="pressed" type="bool">
+ </argument>
+ <description>
+ Sets the toggle mode state for the main button. Works only if [member toggle_mode] is set to [code]true[/code].
+ </description>
+ </method>
<member name="base_type" type="String" setter="set_base_type" getter="get_base_type" default="&quot;&quot;">
@@ -62,6 +90,9 @@
<member name="edited_resource" type="Resource" setter="set_edited_resource" getter="get_edited_resource">
The edited resource value.
+ <member name="toggle_mode" type="bool" setter="set_toggle_mode" getter="is_toggle_mode" default="false">
+ If [code]true[/code], the main button with the resource preview works in the toggle mode. Use [method set_toggle_pressed] to manually set the state.
+ </member>
<signal name="resource_changed">
diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorScriptPicker.xml b/doc/classes/EditorScriptPicker.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8334676d92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/classes/EditorScriptPicker.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<class name="EditorScriptPicker" inherits="EditorResourcePicker" version="4.0">
+ <brief_description>
+ Godot editor's control for selecting the [code]script[/code] property of a [Node].
+ </brief_description>
+ <description>
+ Similar to [EditorResourcePicker] this [Control] node is used in the editor's Inspector dock, but only to edit the [code]script[/code] property of a [Node]. Default options for creating new resources of all possible subtypes are replaced with dedicated buttons that open the "Attach Node Script" dialog. Can be used with [EditorInspectorPlugin] to recreate the same behavior.
+ [b]Note:[/b] You must set the [member script_owner] for the custom context menu items to work.
+ </description>
+ <tutorials>
+ </tutorials>
+ <methods>
+ </methods>
+ <members>
+ <member name="script_owner" type="Node" setter="set_script_owner" getter="get_script_owner">
+ The owner [Node] of the script property that holds the edited resource.
+ </member>
+ </members>
+ <constants>
+ </constants>
diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorSpinSlider.xml b/doc/classes/EditorSpinSlider.xml
index 381f4fae04..f2c5a00640 100644
--- a/doc/classes/EditorSpinSlider.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/EditorSpinSlider.xml
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<class name="EditorSpinSlider" inherits="Range" version="4.0">
+ Godot editor's control for editing numertic values.
+ This [Control] node is used in the editor's Inspector dock to allow editing of numeric values. Can be used with [EditorInspectorPlugin] to recreate the same behavior.
diff --git a/editor/editor_node.cpp b/editor/editor_node.cpp
index 9d7fc0a6ad..72963012d6 100644
--- a/editor/editor_node.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_node.cpp
@@ -3760,6 +3760,7 @@ void EditorNode::register_editor_types() {
+ ClassDB::register_class<EditorScriptPicker>();
diff --git a/editor/editor_properties.cpp b/editor/editor_properties.cpp
index ee55ec4c0b..7beff4147d 100644
--- a/editor/editor_properties.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_properties.cpp
@@ -2384,426 +2384,64 @@ EditorPropertyRID::EditorPropertyRID() {
////////////// RESOURCE //////////////////////
-void EditorPropertyResource::_file_selected(const String &p_path) {
- RES res = ResourceLoader::load(p_path);
- ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(res.is_null(), "Cannot load resource from path '" + p_path + "'.");
- List<PropertyInfo> prop_list;
- get_edited_object()->get_property_list(&prop_list);
- String property_types;
- for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = prop_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- if (E->get().name == get_edited_property() && (E->get().hint & PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE)) {
- property_types = E->get().hint_string;
- }
- }
- if (!property_types.is_empty()) {
- bool any_type_matches = false;
- const Vector<String> split_property_types = property_types.split(",");
- for (int i = 0; i < split_property_types.size(); ++i) {
- if (res->is_class(split_property_types[i])) {
- any_type_matches = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!any_type_matches) {
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(vformat(TTR("The selected resource (%s) does not match any type expected for this property (%s)."), res->get_class(), property_types));
- }
+void EditorPropertyResource::_resource_selected(const RES &p_resource) {
+ if (use_sub_inspector) {
+ bool unfold = !get_edited_object()->editor_is_section_unfolded(get_edited_property());
+ get_edited_object()->editor_set_section_unfold(get_edited_property(), unfold);
+ update_property();
+ } else {
+ emit_signal("resource_selected", get_edited_property(), p_resource);
- emit_changed(get_edited_property(), res);
- update_property();
-void EditorPropertyResource::_menu_option(int p_which) {
- //scene_tree->popup_scenetree_dialog();
- switch (p_which) {
- case OBJ_MENU_LOAD: {
- if (!file) {
- file = memnew(EditorFileDialog);
- file->connect("file_selected", callable_mp(this, &EditorPropertyResource::_file_selected));
- add_child(file);
- }
- file->set_file_mode(EditorFileDialog::FILE_MODE_OPEN_FILE);
- String type = base_type;
- List<String> extensions;
- for (int i = 0; i < type.get_slice_count(","); i++) {
- ResourceLoader::get_recognized_extensions_for_type(type.get_slice(",", i), &extensions);
- }
- Set<String> valid_extensions;
- for (List<String>::Element *E = extensions.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- valid_extensions.insert(E->get());
- }
- file->clear_filters();
- for (Set<String>::Element *E = valid_extensions.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- file->add_filter("*." + E->get() + " ; " + E->get().to_upper());
- }
- file->popup_file_dialog();
- } break;
- case OBJ_MENU_EDIT: {
- RES res = get_edited_object()->get(get_edited_property());
+void EditorPropertyResource::_resource_changed(const RES &p_resource) {
+ // Make visual script the correct type.
+ Ref<Script> s = p_resource;
+ if (get_edited_object() && s.is_valid()) {
+ s->call("set_instance_base_type", get_edited_object()->get_class());
+ }
- if (!res.is_null()) {
- emit_signal("resource_selected", get_edited_property(), res);
- }
- } break;
- case OBJ_MENU_CLEAR: {
+ // Prevent the creation of invalid ViewportTextures when possible.
+ Ref<ViewportTexture> vpt = p_resource;
+ if (vpt.is_valid()) {
+ Resource *r = Object::cast_to<Resource>(get_edited_object());
+ if (r && r->get_path().is_resource_file()) {
+ EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Can't create a ViewportTexture on resources saved as a file.\nResource needs to belong to a scene."));
emit_changed(get_edited_property(), RES());
- } break;
- RES res_orig = get_edited_object()->get(get_edited_property());
- if (res_orig.is_null()) {
- return;
- }
- List<PropertyInfo> property_list;
- res_orig->get_property_list(&property_list);
- List<Pair<String, Variant>> propvalues;
- for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = property_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- Pair<String, Variant> p;
- PropertyInfo &pi = E->get();
- if (pi.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE) {
- p.first =;
- p.second = res_orig->get(;
- }
- propvalues.push_back(p);
- }
- String orig_type = res_orig->get_class();
- Object *inst = ClassDB::instance(orig_type);
- Ref<Resource> res = Ref<Resource>(Object::cast_to<Resource>(inst));
- ERR_FAIL_COND(res.is_null());
- for (List<Pair<String, Variant>>::Element *E = propvalues.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- Pair<String, Variant> &p = E->get();
- res->set(p.first, p.second);
- }
- emit_changed(get_edited_property(), res);
- update_property();
- } break;
- case OBJ_MENU_SAVE: {
- RES res = get_edited_object()->get(get_edited_property());
- if (res.is_null()) {
- return;
- }
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->save_resource(res);
- } break;
- case OBJ_MENU_COPY: {
- RES res = get_edited_object()->get(get_edited_property());
- EditorSettings::get_singleton()->set_resource_clipboard(res);
- } break;
- case OBJ_MENU_PASTE: {
- RES res = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_resource_clipboard();
- emit_changed(get_edited_property(), res);
- update_property();
- } break;
- if (Object::cast_to<Node>(get_edited_object())) {
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_scene_tree_dock()->open_script_dialog(Object::cast_to<Node>(get_edited_object()), false);
- }
- } break;
- if (Object::cast_to<Node>(get_edited_object())) {
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_scene_tree_dock()->open_script_dialog(Object::cast_to<Node>(get_edited_object()), true);
- }
- } break;
- RES res = get_edited_object()->get(get_edited_property());
- FileSystemDock *file_system_dock = EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_filesystem_dock();
- file_system_dock->navigate_to_path(res->get_path());
- // Ensure that the FileSystem dock is visible.
- TabContainer *tab_container = (TabContainer *)file_system_dock->get_parent_control();
- tab_container->set_current_tab(file_system_dock->get_index());
- } break;
- default: {
- RES res = get_edited_object()->get(get_edited_property());
- if (p_which >= CONVERT_BASE_ID) {
- int to_type = p_which - CONVERT_BASE_ID;
- Vector<Ref<EditorResourceConversionPlugin>> conversions = EditorNode::get_singleton()->find_resource_conversion_plugin(res);
- ERR_FAIL_INDEX(to_type, conversions.size());
- Ref<Resource> new_res = conversions[to_type]->convert(res);
- emit_changed(get_edited_property(), new_res);
- update_property();
- break;
- }
- ERR_FAIL_COND(inheritors_array.is_empty());
- String intype = inheritors_array[p_which - TYPE_BASE_ID];
- if (intype == "ViewportTexture") {
- Resource *r = Object::cast_to<Resource>(get_edited_object());
- if (r && r->get_path().is_resource_file()) {
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Can't create a ViewportTexture on resources saved as a file.\nResource needs to belong to a scene."));
- return;
- }
- if (r && !r->is_local_to_scene()) {
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Can't create a ViewportTexture on this resource because it's not set as local to scene.\nPlease switch on the 'local to scene' property on it (and all resources containing it up to a node)."));
- return;
- }
- if (!scene_tree) {
- scene_tree = memnew(SceneTreeDialog);
- Vector<StringName> valid_types;
- valid_types.push_back("Viewport");
- scene_tree->get_scene_tree()->set_valid_types(valid_types);
- scene_tree->get_scene_tree()->set_show_enabled_subscene(true);
- add_child(scene_tree);
- scene_tree->connect("selected", callable_mp(this, &EditorPropertyResource::_viewport_selected));
- scene_tree->set_title(TTR("Pick a Viewport"));
- }
- scene_tree->popup_scenetree_dialog();
- return;
- }
- Variant obj;
- if (ScriptServer::is_global_class(intype)) {
- obj = ClassDB::instance(ScriptServer::get_global_class_native_base(intype));
- if (obj) {
- Ref<Script> script = ResourceLoader::load(ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(intype));
- if (script.is_valid()) {
- ((Object *)obj)->set_script(script);
- }
- }
- } else {
- obj = ClassDB::instance(intype);
- }
- if (!obj) {
- obj = EditorNode::get_editor_data().instance_custom_type(intype, "Resource");
- }
- Resource *resp = Object::cast_to<Resource>(obj);
- ERR_BREAK(!resp);
- if (get_edited_object() && base_type != String() && base_type == "Script") {
- //make visual script the right type
- resp->call("set_instance_base_type", get_edited_object()->get_class());
- }
- res = RES(resp);
- emit_changed(get_edited_property(), res);
- update_property();
- } break;
- }
-void EditorPropertyResource::_resource_preview(const String &p_path, const Ref<Texture2D> &p_preview, const Ref<Texture2D> &p_small_preview, ObjectID p_obj) {
- RES p = get_edited_object()->get(get_edited_property());
- if (p.is_valid() && p->get_instance_id() == p_obj) {
- String type = p->get_class_name();
- if (ClassDB::is_parent_class(type, "Script")) {
- assign->set_text(p->get_path().get_file());
- if (p_preview.is_valid()) {
- preview->set_offset(SIDE_LEFT, assign->get_icon()->get_width() + assign->get_theme_stylebox("normal")->get_default_margin(SIDE_LEFT) + get_theme_constant("hseparation", "Button"));
- if (type == "GradientTexture") {
- preview->set_stretch_mode(TextureRect::STRETCH_SCALE);
- assign->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(1, 1));
- } else {
- preview->set_stretch_mode(TextureRect::STRETCH_KEEP_ASPECT_CENTERED);
- int thumbnail_size = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("filesystem/file_dialog/thumbnail_size");
- thumbnail_size *= EDSCALE;
- assign->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(1, thumbnail_size));
- }
- preview->set_texture(p_preview);
- assign->set_text("");
- }
- }
-void EditorPropertyResource::_update_menu_items() {
- //////////////////// UPDATE MENU //////////////////////////
- RES res = get_edited_object()->get(get_edited_property());
- menu->clear();
- if (get_edited_property() == "script" && base_type == "Script" && Object::cast_to<Node>(get_edited_object())) {
- menu->add_icon_item(get_theme_icon("ScriptCreate", "EditorIcons"), TTR("New Script"), OBJ_MENU_NEW_SCRIPT);
- menu->add_icon_item(get_theme_icon("ScriptExtend", "EditorIcons"), TTR("Extend Script"), OBJ_MENU_EXTEND_SCRIPT);
- menu->add_separator();
- } else if (base_type != "") {
- int idx = 0;
- Vector<EditorData::CustomType> custom_resources;
- if (EditorNode::get_editor_data().get_custom_types().has("Resource")) {
- custom_resources = EditorNode::get_editor_data().get_custom_types()["Resource"];
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < base_type.get_slice_count(","); i++) {
- String base = base_type.get_slice(",", i);
- Set<String> valid_inheritors;
- valid_inheritors.insert(base);
- List<StringName> inheritors;
- ClassDB::get_inheriters_from_class(base.strip_edges(), &inheritors);
- for (int j = 0; j < custom_resources.size(); j++) {
- inheritors.push_back(custom_resources[j].name);
- }
- List<StringName>::Element *E = inheritors.front();
- while (E) {
- valid_inheritors.insert(E->get());
- E = E->next();
- }
- List<StringName> global_classes;
- ScriptServer::get_global_class_list(&global_classes);
- E = global_classes.front();
- while (E) {
- if (EditorNode::get_editor_data().script_class_is_parent(E->get(), base_type)) {
- valid_inheritors.insert(E->get());
- }
- E = E->next();
- }
- for (Set<String>::Element *F = valid_inheritors.front(); F; F = F->next()) {
- const String &t = F->get();
- bool is_custom_resource = false;
- Ref<Texture2D> icon;
- if (!custom_resources.is_empty()) {
- for (int j = 0; j < custom_resources.size(); j++) {
- if (custom_resources[j].name == t) {
- is_custom_resource = true;
- if (custom_resources[j].icon.is_valid()) {
- icon = custom_resources[j].icon;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!is_custom_resource && !(ScriptServer::is_global_class(t) || ClassDB::can_instance(t))) {
- continue;
- }
- inheritors_array.push_back(t);
- if (!icon.is_valid()) {
- icon = get_theme_icon(has_theme_icon(t, "EditorIcons") ? t : "Object", "EditorIcons");
- }
- int id = TYPE_BASE_ID + idx;
- menu->add_icon_item(icon, vformat(TTR("New %s"), t), id);
- idx++;
- }
- }
- if (menu->get_item_count()) {
- menu->add_separator();
- }
- }
- menu->add_icon_item(get_theme_icon("Load", "EditorIcons"), TTR("Load"), OBJ_MENU_LOAD);
- if (!res.is_null()) {
- menu->add_icon_item(get_theme_icon("Edit", "EditorIcons"), TTR("Edit"), OBJ_MENU_EDIT);
- menu->add_icon_item(get_theme_icon("Clear", "EditorIcons"), TTR("Clear"), OBJ_MENU_CLEAR);
- menu->add_icon_item(get_theme_icon("Duplicate", "EditorIcons"), TTR("Make Unique"), OBJ_MENU_MAKE_UNIQUE);
- menu->add_icon_item(get_theme_icon("Save", "EditorIcons"), TTR("Save"), OBJ_MENU_SAVE);
- RES r = res;
- if (r.is_valid() && r->get_path().is_resource_file()) {
- menu->add_separator();
- menu->add_item(TTR("Show in FileSystem"), OBJ_MENU_SHOW_IN_FILE_SYSTEM);
- }
- }
- RES cb = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_resource_clipboard();
- bool paste_valid = false;
- if (cb.is_valid()) {
- if (base_type == "") {
- paste_valid = true;
- } else {
- for (int i = 0; i < base_type.get_slice_count(","); i++) {
- if (ClassDB::is_parent_class(cb->get_class(), base_type.get_slice(",", i))) {
- paste_valid = true;
- break;
- }
- }
+ if (r && !r->is_local_to_scene()) {
+ EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Can't create a ViewportTexture on this resource because it's not set as local to scene.\nPlease switch on the 'local to scene' property on it (and all resources containing it up to a node)."));
+ emit_changed(get_edited_property(), RES());
+ update_property();
+ return;
- if (!res.is_null() || paste_valid) {
- menu->add_separator();
+ emit_changed(get_edited_property(), p_resource);
+ update_property();
- if (!res.is_null()) {
- menu->add_item(TTR("Copy"), OBJ_MENU_COPY);
- }
+ // Automatically suggest setting up the path for a ViewportTexture.
+ if (vpt.is_valid() && vpt->get_viewport_path_in_scene().is_empty()) {
+ if (!scene_tree) {
+ scene_tree = memnew(SceneTreeDialog);
+ scene_tree->set_title(TTR("Pick a Viewport"));
- if (paste_valid) {
- menu->add_item(TTR("Paste"), OBJ_MENU_PASTE);
- }
- }
+ Vector<StringName> valid_types;
+ valid_types.push_back("Viewport");
+ scene_tree->get_scene_tree()->set_valid_types(valid_types);
+ scene_tree->get_scene_tree()->set_show_enabled_subscene(true);
- if (!res.is_null()) {
- Vector<Ref<EditorResourceConversionPlugin>> conversions = EditorNode::get_singleton()->find_resource_conversion_plugin(res);
- if (conversions.size()) {
- menu->add_separator();
+ add_child(scene_tree);
+ scene_tree->connect("selected", callable_mp(this, &EditorPropertyResource::_viewport_selected));
- for (int i = 0; i < conversions.size(); i++) {
- String what = conversions[i]->converts_to();
- Ref<Texture2D> icon;
- if (has_theme_icon(what, "EditorIcons")) {
- icon = get_theme_icon(what, "EditorIcons");
- } else {
- icon = get_theme_icon(what, "Resource");
- }
- menu->add_icon_item(icon, vformat(TTR("Convert To %s"), what), CONVERT_BASE_ID + i);
- }
+ scene_tree->popup_scenetree_dialog();
-void EditorPropertyResource::_update_menu() {
- _update_menu_items();
- Rect2 gt = edit->get_screen_rect();
- menu->set_as_minsize();
- int ms = menu->get_contents_minimum_size().width;
- Vector2 popup_pos = gt.position + gt.size - Vector2(ms, 0);
- menu->set_position(popup_pos);
- menu->popup();
void EditorPropertyResource::_sub_inspector_property_keyed(const String &p_property, const Variant &p_value, bool) {
emit_signal("property_keyed_with_value", String(get_edited_property()) + ":" + p_property, p_value, false);
@@ -2816,24 +2454,11 @@ void EditorPropertyResource::_sub_inspector_object_id_selected(int p_id) {
emit_signal("object_id_selected", get_edited_property(), p_id);
-void EditorPropertyResource::_button_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
- Ref<InputEventMouseButton> mb = p_event;
- if (mb.is_valid()) {
- if (mb->is_pressed() && mb->get_button_index() == MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT) {
- _update_menu_items();
- Vector2 pos = get_screen_position() + mb->get_position();
- //pos = assign->get_global_transform().xform(pos);
- menu->set_as_minsize();
- menu->set_position(pos);
- menu->popup();
- }
- }
void EditorPropertyResource::_open_editor_pressed() {
RES res = get_edited_object()->get(get_edited_property());
if (res.is_valid()) {
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->call_deferred("edit_item_resource", res); //may clear the editor so do it deferred
+ // May clear the editor so do it deferred.
+ EditorNode::get_singleton()->call_deferred("edit_item_resource", res);
@@ -2843,28 +2468,28 @@ void EditorPropertyResource::_fold_other_editors(Object *p_self) {
RES res = get_edited_object()->get(get_edited_property());
if (!res.is_valid()) {
bool use_editor = false;
for (int i = 0; i < EditorNode::get_editor_data().get_editor_plugin_count(); i++) {
EditorPlugin *ep = EditorNode::get_editor_data().get_editor_plugin(i);
if (ep->handles(res.ptr())) {
use_editor = true;
+ break;
if (!use_editor) {
- bool unfolded = get_edited_object()->editor_is_section_unfolded(get_edited_property());
opened_editor = false;
+ bool unfolded = get_edited_object()->editor_is_section_unfolded(get_edited_property());
if (unfolded) {
- //refold
- assign->set_pressed(false);
+ // Refold.
+ resource_picker->set_toggle_pressed(false);
get_edited_object()->editor_set_section_unfold(get_edited_property(), false);
@@ -2876,6 +2501,7 @@ void EditorPropertyResource::_update_property_bg() {
updating_theme = true;
if (sub_inspector != nullptr) {
int count_subinspectors = 0;
Node *n = get_parent();
@@ -2905,12 +2531,60 @@ void EditorPropertyResource::_update_property_bg() {
updating_theme = false;
+void EditorPropertyResource::_viewport_selected(const NodePath &p_path) {
+ Node *to_node = get_node(p_path);
+ if (!Object::cast_to<Viewport>(to_node)) {
+ EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Selected node is not a Viewport!"));
+ return;
+ }
+ Ref<ViewportTexture> vt;
+ vt.instance();
+ vt->set_viewport_path_in_scene(get_tree()->get_edited_scene_root()->get_path_to(to_node));
+ vt->setup_local_to_scene();
+ emit_changed(get_edited_property(), vt);
+ update_property();
+void EditorPropertyResource::setup(Object *p_object, const String &p_path, const String &p_base_type) {
+ if (resource_picker) {
+ resource_picker->disconnect("resource_selected", callable_mp(this, &EditorPropertyResource::_resource_selected));
+ resource_picker->disconnect("resource_changed", callable_mp(this, &EditorPropertyResource::_resource_changed));
+ memdelete(resource_picker);
+ }
+ if (p_path == "script" && p_base_type == "Script" && Object::cast_to<Node>(p_object)) {
+ EditorScriptPicker *script_picker = memnew(EditorScriptPicker);
+ script_picker->set_script_owner(Object::cast_to<Node>(p_object));
+ resource_picker = script_picker;
+ } else {
+ resource_picker = memnew(EditorResourcePicker);
+ }
+ resource_picker->set_base_type(p_base_type);
+ resource_picker->set_editable(true);
+ resource_picker->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
+ add_child(resource_picker);
+ resource_picker->connect("resource_selected", callable_mp(this, &EditorPropertyResource::_resource_selected));
+ resource_picker->connect("resource_changed", callable_mp(this, &EditorPropertyResource::_resource_changed));
+ for (int i = 0; i < resource_picker->get_child_count(); i++) {
+ Button *b = Object::cast_to<Button>(resource_picker->get_child(i));
+ if (b) {
+ add_focusable(b);
+ }
+ }
void EditorPropertyResource::update_property() {
RES res = get_edited_object()->get(get_edited_property());
if (use_sub_inspector) {
- if (res.is_valid() != assign->is_toggle_mode()) {
- assign->set_toggle_mode(res.is_valid());
+ if (res.is_valid() != resource_picker->is_toggle_mode()) {
+ resource_picker->set_toggle_mode(res.is_valid());
if (res.is_valid() && get_edited_object()->editor_is_section_unfolded(get_edited_property())) {
@@ -2935,7 +2609,7 @@ void EditorPropertyResource::update_property() {
- assign->set_pressed(true);
+ resource_picker->set_toggle_pressed(true);
bool use_editor = false;
for (int i = 0; i < EditorNode::get_editor_data().get_editor_plugin_count(); i++) {
@@ -2946,7 +2620,7 @@ void EditorPropertyResource::update_property() {
if (use_editor) {
- //open editor directly and hide other open of these
+ // Open editor directly and hide other such editors which are currently open.
if (is_inside_tree()) {
get_tree()->call_deferred("call_group", "_editor_resource_properties", "_fold_other_editors", this);
@@ -2967,102 +2641,18 @@ void EditorPropertyResource::update_property() {
sub_inspector = nullptr;
sub_inspector_vbox = nullptr;
if (opened_editor) {
opened_editor = false;
- preview->set_texture(Ref<Texture2D>());
- if (res == RES()) {
- assign->set_icon(Ref<Texture2D>());
- assign->set_text(TTR("[empty]"));
- assign->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(1, 1));
- } else {
- assign->set_icon(EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_object_icon(res.operator->(), "Object"));
- if (res->get_name() != String()) {
- assign->set_text(res->get_name());
- } else if (res->get_path().is_resource_file()) {
- assign->set_text(res->get_path().get_file());
- assign->set_tooltip(res->get_path());
- } else {
- assign->set_text(res->get_class());
- }
- if (res->get_path().is_resource_file()) {
- assign->set_tooltip(res->get_path());
- }
- //preview will override the above, so called at the end
- EditorResourcePreview::get_singleton()->queue_edited_resource_preview(res, this, "_resource_preview", res->get_instance_id());
- }
-void EditorPropertyResource::_resource_selected() {
- RES res = get_edited_object()->get(get_edited_property());
- if (res.is_null()) {
- edit->set_pressed(true);
- _update_menu();
- return;
- }
- if (use_sub_inspector) {
- bool unfold = !get_edited_object()->editor_is_section_unfolded(get_edited_property());
- get_edited_object()->editor_set_section_unfold(get_edited_property(), unfold);
- update_property();
- } else {
- emit_signal("resource_selected", get_edited_property(), res);
- }
-void EditorPropertyResource::setup(const String &p_base_type) {
- base_type = p_base_type;
-void EditorPropertyResource::_notification(int p_what) {
- if (updating_theme) {
- return;
- }
- Ref<Texture2D> t = get_theme_icon("select_arrow", "Tree");
- edit->set_icon(t);
- _update_property_bg();
- }
- if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_DRAG_BEGIN) {
- if (_is_drop_valid(get_viewport()->gui_get_drag_data())) {
- dropping = true;
- assign->update();
- }
- }
- if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_DRAG_END) {
- if (dropping) {
- dropping = false;
- assign->update();
- }
- }
-void EditorPropertyResource::_viewport_selected(const NodePath &p_path) {
- Node *to_node = get_node(p_path);
- if (!Object::cast_to<Viewport>(to_node)) {
- EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Selected node is not a Viewport!"));
- return;
- }
- Ref<ViewportTexture> vt;
- vt.instance();
- vt->set_viewport_path_in_scene(get_tree()->get_edited_scene_root()->get_path_to(to_node));
- vt->setup_local_to_scene();
- emit_changed(get_edited_property(), vt);
- update_property();
+ resource_picker->set_edited_resource(res);
void EditorPropertyResource::collapse_all_folding() {
@@ -3077,204 +2667,29 @@ void EditorPropertyResource::expand_all_folding() {
-void EditorPropertyResource::_button_draw() {
- if (dropping) {
- Color color = get_theme_color("accent_color", "Editor");
- assign->draw_rect(Rect2(Point2(), assign->get_size()), color, false);
- }
-Variant EditorPropertyResource::get_drag_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, Control *p_from) {
- RES res = get_edited_object()->get(get_edited_property());
- if (res.is_valid()) {
- return EditorNode::get_singleton()->drag_resource(res, p_from);
- }
- return Variant();
-bool EditorPropertyResource::_is_drop_valid(const Dictionary &p_drag_data) const {
- Vector<String> allowed_types = base_type.split(",");
- int size = allowed_types.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- String at = allowed_types[i].strip_edges();
- if (at == "StandardMaterial3D") {
- allowed_types.append("Texture2D");
- } else if (at == "ShaderMaterial") {
- allowed_types.append("Shader");
- } else if (at == "Font") {
- allowed_types.append("FontData");
- }
- }
- Dictionary drag_data = p_drag_data;
- Ref<Resource> res;
- if (drag_data.has("type") && String(drag_data["type"]) == "script_list_element") {
- ScriptEditorBase *se = Object::cast_to<ScriptEditorBase>(drag_data["script_list_element"]);
- res = se->get_edited_resource();
- } else if (drag_data.has("type") && String(drag_data["type"]) == "resource") {
- res = drag_data["resource"];
- }
- if (res.is_valid()) {
- for (int i = 0; i < allowed_types.size(); i++) {
- String at = allowed_types[i].strip_edges();
- if (ClassDB::is_parent_class(res->get_class(), at)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (drag_data.has("type") && String(drag_data["type"]) == "files") {
- Vector<String> files = drag_data["files"];
- if (files.size() == 1) {
- String file = files[0];
- String ftype = EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->get_file_type(file);
- if (ftype != "") {
- for (int i = 0; i < allowed_types.size(); i++) {
- String at = allowed_types[i].strip_edges();
- if (ClassDB::is_parent_class(ftype, at)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-bool EditorPropertyResource::can_drop_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data, Control *p_from) const {
- return _is_drop_valid(p_data);
+void EditorPropertyResource::set_use_sub_inspector(bool p_enable) {
+ use_sub_inspector = p_enable;
-void EditorPropertyResource::drop_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data, Control *p_from) {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!_is_drop_valid(p_data));
- Dictionary drag_data = p_data;
- Ref<Resource> res;
- if (drag_data.has("type") && String(drag_data["type"]) == "script_list_element") {
- ScriptEditorBase *se = Object::cast_to<ScriptEditorBase>(drag_data["script_list_element"]);
- res = se->get_edited_resource();
- } else if (drag_data.has("type") && String(drag_data["type"]) == "resource") {
- res = drag_data["resource"];
- }
- if (!res.is_valid() && drag_data.has("type") && String(drag_data["type"]) == "files") {
- Vector<String> files = drag_data["files"];
- if (files.size() == 1) {
- String file = files[0];
- res = ResourceLoader::load(file);
- }
- }
- if (res.is_valid()) {
- bool need_convert = true;
- Vector<String> allowed_types = base_type.split(",");
- for (int i = 0; i < allowed_types.size(); i++) {
- String at = allowed_types[i].strip_edges();
- if (ClassDB::is_parent_class(res->get_class(), at)) {
- need_convert = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (need_convert) {
- for (int i = 0; i < allowed_types.size(); i++) {
- String at = allowed_types[i].strip_edges();
- if (at == "StandardMaterial3D" && ClassDB::is_parent_class(res->get_class(), "Texture2D")) {
- Ref<StandardMaterial3D> mat = memnew(StandardMaterial3D);
- mat->set_texture(StandardMaterial3D::TextureParam::TEXTURE_ALBEDO, res);
- res = mat;
- break;
- }
- if (at == "ShaderMaterial" && ClassDB::is_parent_class(res->get_class(), "Shader")) {
- Ref<ShaderMaterial> mat = memnew(ShaderMaterial);
- mat->set_shader(res);
- res = mat;
- break;
- }
- if (at == "Font" && ClassDB::is_parent_class(res->get_class(), "FontData")) {
- Ref<Font> font = memnew(Font);
- font->add_data(res);
- res = font;
- break;
- }
+void EditorPropertyResource::_notification(int p_what) {
+ switch (p_what) {
+ if (!updating_theme) {
+ _update_property_bg();
- }
- emit_changed(get_edited_property(), res);
- update_property();
- return;
+ } break;
-void EditorPropertyResource::set_use_sub_inspector(bool p_enable) {
- use_sub_inspector = p_enable;
void EditorPropertyResource::_bind_methods() {
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_resource_preview"), &EditorPropertyResource::_resource_preview);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_drag_data_fw"), &EditorPropertyResource::get_drag_data_fw);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("can_drop_data_fw"), &EditorPropertyResource::can_drop_data_fw);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("drop_data_fw"), &EditorPropertyResource::drop_data_fw);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_open_editor_pressed"), &EditorPropertyResource::_open_editor_pressed);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_fold_other_editors"), &EditorPropertyResource::_fold_other_editors);
EditorPropertyResource::EditorPropertyResource() {
- opened_editor = false;
- sub_inspector = nullptr;
- sub_inspector_vbox = nullptr;
use_sub_inspector = bool(EDITOR_GET("interface/inspector/open_resources_in_current_inspector"));
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew(HBoxContainer);
- add_child(hbc);
- assign = memnew(Button);
- assign->set_flat(true);
- assign->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- assign->set_clip_text(true);
- assign->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &EditorPropertyResource::_resource_selected));
- assign->set_drag_forwarding(this);
- assign->connect("draw", callable_mp(this, &EditorPropertyResource::_button_draw));
- hbc->add_child(assign);
- add_focusable(assign);
- preview = memnew(TextureRect);
- preview->set_expand(true);
- preview->set_anchors_and_offsets_preset(PRESET_WIDE);
- preview->set_offset(SIDE_TOP, 1);
- preview->set_offset(SIDE_BOTTOM, -1);
- preview->set_offset(SIDE_RIGHT, -1);
- // This is required to draw the focus outline in front of the preview, rather than behind.
- preview->set_draw_behind_parent(true);
- assign->add_child(preview);
- assign->connect("gui_input", callable_mp(this, &EditorPropertyResource::_button_input));
- menu = memnew(PopupMenu);
- add_child(menu);
- edit = memnew(Button);
- edit->set_flat(true);
- edit->set_toggle_mode(true);
- menu->connect("id_pressed", callable_mp(this, &EditorPropertyResource::_menu_option));
- menu->connect("popup_hide", callable_mp((BaseButton *)edit, &BaseButton::set_pressed), varray(false));
- edit->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &EditorPropertyResource::_update_menu));
- hbc->add_child(edit);
- edit->connect("gui_input", callable_mp(this, &EditorPropertyResource::_button_input));
- add_focusable(edit);
- file = nullptr;
- scene_tree = nullptr;
- dropping = false;
@@ -3751,7 +3166,7 @@ bool EditorInspectorDefaultPlugin::parse_property(Object *p_object, Variant::Typ
} break;
case Variant::OBJECT: {
EditorPropertyResource *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyResource);
- editor->setup(p_hint == PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE ? p_hint_text : "Resource");
+ editor->setup(p_object, p_path, p_hint == PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE ? p_hint_text : "Resource");
String open_in_new = EDITOR_GET("interface/inspector/resources_to_open_in_new_inspector");
diff --git a/editor/editor_properties.h b/editor/editor_properties.h
index 07a1e72319..07f496f54d 100644
--- a/editor/editor_properties.h
+++ b/editor/editor_properties.h
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include "editor/create_dialog.h"
#include "editor/editor_inspector.h"
+#include "editor/editor_resource_picker.h"
#include "editor/editor_spin_slider.h"
#include "editor/property_selector.h"
#include "editor/scene_tree_editor.h"
@@ -599,64 +600,26 @@ public:
class EditorPropertyResource : public EditorProperty {
GDCLASS(EditorPropertyResource, EditorProperty);
- enum MenuOption {
- TYPE_BASE_ID = 100,
+ EditorResourcePicker *resource_picker = nullptr;
+ SceneTreeDialog *scene_tree = nullptr;
- };
- Button *assign;
- TextureRect *preview;
- Button *edit;
- PopupMenu *menu;
- EditorFileDialog *file;
- Vector<String> inheritors_array;
- EditorInspector *sub_inspector;
- VBoxContainer *sub_inspector_vbox;
- bool use_sub_inspector;
- bool dropping;
- String base_type;
+ bool use_sub_inspector = false;
+ EditorInspector *sub_inspector = nullptr;
+ VBoxContainer *sub_inspector_vbox = nullptr;
+ bool updating_theme = false;
+ bool opened_editor = false;
- SceneTreeDialog *scene_tree;
+ void _resource_selected(const RES &p_resource);
+ void _resource_changed(const RES &p_resource);
- void _file_selected(const String &p_path);
- void _menu_option(int p_which);
- void _resource_preview(const String &p_path, const Ref<Texture2D> &p_preview, const Ref<Texture2D> &p_small_preview, ObjectID p_obj);
- void _resource_selected();
void _viewport_selected(const NodePath &p_path);
- void _update_menu_items();
- void _update_menu();
void _sub_inspector_property_keyed(const String &p_property, const Variant &p_value, bool);
void _sub_inspector_resource_selected(const RES &p_resource, const String &p_property);
void _sub_inspector_object_id_selected(int p_id);
- void _button_draw();
- Variant get_drag_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, Control *p_from);
- bool _is_drop_valid(const Dictionary &p_drag_data) const;
- bool can_drop_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data, Control *p_from) const;
- void drop_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data, Control *p_from);
- void _button_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event);
void _open_editor_pressed();
void _fold_other_editors(Object *p_self);
- bool opened_editor;
- bool updating_theme = false;
void _update_property_bg();
@@ -665,7 +628,7 @@ protected:
virtual void update_property() override;
- void setup(const String &p_base_type);
+ void setup(Object *p_object, const String &p_path, const String &p_base_type);
void collapse_all_folding() override;
void expand_all_folding() override;
diff --git a/editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp b/editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp
index fb2980c948..3bc29856f1 100644
--- a/editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp
@@ -902,7 +902,7 @@ void EditorPropertyDictionary::update_property() {
} else {
EditorPropertyResource *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyResource);
- editor->setup("Resource");
+ editor->setup(object.ptr(), prop_name, "Resource");
prop = editor;
diff --git a/editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp b/editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
index c72d240962..086afde07c 100644
--- a/editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
@@ -144,54 +144,7 @@ void EditorResourcePicker::_update_menu_items() {
// Add options for creating specific subtypes of the base resource type.
- if (base_type != "") {
- int idx = 0;
- Set<String> allowed_types;
- _get_allowed_types(false, &allowed_types);
- Vector<EditorData::CustomType> custom_resources;
- if (EditorNode::get_editor_data().get_custom_types().has("Resource")) {
- custom_resources = EditorNode::get_editor_data().get_custom_types()["Resource"];
- }
- for (Set<String>::Element *E = allowed_types.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- const String &t = E->get();
- bool is_custom_resource = false;
- Ref<Texture2D> icon;
- if (!custom_resources.is_empty()) {
- for (int j = 0; j < custom_resources.size(); j++) {
- if (custom_resources[j].name == t) {
- is_custom_resource = true;
- if (custom_resources[j].icon.is_valid()) {
- icon = custom_resources[j].icon;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!is_custom_resource && !(ScriptServer::is_global_class(t) || ClassDB::can_instance(t))) {
- continue;
- }
- inheritors_array.push_back(t);
- if (!icon.is_valid()) {
- icon = get_theme_icon(has_theme_icon(t, "EditorIcons") ? t : "Object", "EditorIcons");
- }
- int id = TYPE_BASE_ID + idx;
- edit_menu->add_icon_item(icon, vformat(TTR("New %s"), t), id);
- idx++;
- }
- if (edit_menu->get_item_count()) {
- edit_menu->add_separator();
- }
- }
+ set_create_options(edit_menu);
// Add an option to load a resource from a file.
edit_menu->add_icon_item(get_theme_icon("Load", "EditorIcons"), TTR("Load"), OBJ_MENU_LOAD);
@@ -352,6 +305,11 @@ void EditorResourcePicker::_edit_menu_cbk(int p_which) {
} break;
default: {
+ // Allow subclasses to handle their own options first, only then fallback on the default branch logic.
+ if (handle_menu_selected(p_which)) {
+ break;
+ }
if (p_which >= CONVERT_BASE_ID) {
int to_type = p_which - CONVERT_BASE_ID;
Vector<Ref<EditorResourceConversionPlugin>> conversions = EditorNode::get_singleton()->find_resource_conversion_plugin(edited_resource);
@@ -394,6 +352,72 @@ void EditorResourcePicker::_edit_menu_cbk(int p_which) {
+void EditorResourcePicker::set_create_options(Object *p_menu_node) {
+ // If a subclass implements this method, use it to replace all create items.
+ if (get_script_instance() && get_script_instance()->has_method("set_create_options")) {
+ get_script_instance()->call("set_create_options", p_menu_node);
+ return;
+ }
+ // By default provide generic "New ..." options.
+ if (base_type != "") {
+ int idx = 0;
+ Set<String> allowed_types;
+ _get_allowed_types(false, &allowed_types);
+ Vector<EditorData::CustomType> custom_resources;
+ if (EditorNode::get_editor_data().get_custom_types().has("Resource")) {
+ custom_resources = EditorNode::get_editor_data().get_custom_types()["Resource"];
+ }
+ for (Set<String>::Element *E = allowed_types.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ const String &t = E->get();
+ bool is_custom_resource = false;
+ Ref<Texture2D> icon;
+ if (!custom_resources.is_empty()) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < custom_resources.size(); j++) {
+ if (custom_resources[j].name == t) {
+ is_custom_resource = true;
+ if (custom_resources[j].icon.is_valid()) {
+ icon = custom_resources[j].icon;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!is_custom_resource && !(ScriptServer::is_global_class(t) || ClassDB::can_instance(t))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ inheritors_array.push_back(t);
+ if (!icon.is_valid()) {
+ icon = get_theme_icon(has_theme_icon(t, "EditorIcons") ? t : "Object", "EditorIcons");
+ }
+ int id = TYPE_BASE_ID + idx;
+ edit_menu->add_icon_item(icon, vformat(TTR("New %s"), t), id);
+ idx++;
+ }
+ if (edit_menu->get_item_count()) {
+ edit_menu->add_separator();
+ }
+ }
+bool EditorResourcePicker::handle_menu_selected(int p_which) {
+ if (get_script_instance() && get_script_instance()->has_method("handle_menu_selected")) {
+ return get_script_instance()->call("handle_menu_selected", p_which);
+ }
+ return false;
void EditorResourcePicker::_button_draw() {
if (dropping) {
Color color = get_theme_color("accent_color", "Editor");
@@ -603,12 +627,19 @@ void EditorResourcePicker::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_allowed_types"), &EditorResourcePicker::get_allowed_types);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_edited_resource", "resource"), &EditorResourcePicker::set_edited_resource);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_edited_resource"), &EditorResourcePicker::get_edited_resource);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_toggle_mode", "enable"), &EditorResourcePicker::set_toggle_mode);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_toggle_mode"), &EditorResourcePicker::is_toggle_mode);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_toggle_pressed", "pressed"), &EditorResourcePicker::set_toggle_pressed);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_editable", "enable"), &EditorResourcePicker::set_editable);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_editable"), &EditorResourcePicker::is_editable);
+ ClassDB::add_virtual_method(get_class_static(), MethodInfo("set_create_options", PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "menu_node")));
+ ClassDB::add_virtual_method(get_class_static(), MethodInfo("handle_menu_selected", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "id")));
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "base_type"), "set_base_type", "get_base_type");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "edited_resource", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Resource", 0), "set_edited_resource", "get_edited_resource");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "editable"), "set_editable", "is_editable");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "toggle_mode"), "set_toggle_mode", "is_toggle_mode");
ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("resource_selected", PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "resource", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Resource")));
ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("resource_changed", PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "resource", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Resource")));
@@ -689,6 +720,8 @@ Vector<String> EditorResourcePicker::get_allowed_types() const {
void EditorResourcePicker::set_edited_resource(RES p_resource) {
if (!p_resource.is_valid()) {
+ edited_resource = RES();
+ _update_resource();
@@ -717,6 +750,22 @@ RES EditorResourcePicker::get_edited_resource() {
return edited_resource;
+void EditorResourcePicker::set_toggle_mode(bool p_enable) {
+ assign_button->set_toggle_mode(p_enable);
+bool EditorResourcePicker::is_toggle_mode() const {
+ return assign_button->is_toggle_mode();
+void EditorResourcePicker::set_toggle_pressed(bool p_pressed) {
+ if (!is_toggle_mode()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ assign_button->set_pressed(p_pressed);
void EditorResourcePicker::set_editable(bool p_editable) {
editable = p_editable;
@@ -762,3 +811,52 @@ EditorResourcePicker::EditorResourcePicker() {
file_dialog->connect("file_selected", callable_mp(this, &EditorResourcePicker::_file_selected));
+void EditorScriptPicker::set_create_options(Object *p_menu_node) {
+ PopupMenu *menu_node = Object::cast_to<PopupMenu>(p_menu_node);
+ if (!menu_node) {
+ return;
+ }
+ menu_node->add_icon_item(get_theme_icon("ScriptCreate", "EditorIcons"), TTR("New Script"), OBJ_MENU_NEW_SCRIPT);
+ menu_node->add_icon_item(get_theme_icon("ScriptExtend", "EditorIcons"), TTR("Extend Script"), OBJ_MENU_EXTEND_SCRIPT);
+ menu_node->add_separator();
+bool EditorScriptPicker::handle_menu_selected(int p_which) {
+ switch (p_which) {
+ if (script_owner) {
+ EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_scene_tree_dock()->open_script_dialog(script_owner, false);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (script_owner) {
+ EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_scene_tree_dock()->open_script_dialog(script_owner, true);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void EditorScriptPicker::set_script_owner(Node *p_owner) {
+ script_owner = p_owner;
+Node *EditorScriptPicker::get_script_owner() const {
+ return script_owner;
+void EditorScriptPicker::_bind_methods() {
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_script_owner", "owner_node"), &EditorScriptPicker::set_script_owner);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_script_owner"), &EditorScriptPicker::get_script_owner);
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "script_owner", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Node", 0), "set_script_owner", "get_script_owner");
+EditorScriptPicker::EditorScriptPicker() {
diff --git a/editor/editor_resource_picker.h b/editor/editor_resource_picker.h
index 8123b5e966..20fafe1780 100644
--- a/editor/editor_resource_picker.h
+++ b/editor/editor_resource_picker.h
@@ -98,13 +98,44 @@ public:
void set_base_type(const String &p_base_type);
String get_base_type() const;
Vector<String> get_allowed_types() const;
void set_edited_resource(RES p_resource);
RES get_edited_resource();
+ void set_toggle_mode(bool p_enable);
+ bool is_toggle_mode() const;
+ void set_toggle_pressed(bool p_pressed);
void set_editable(bool p_editable);
bool is_editable() const;
+ virtual void set_create_options(Object *p_menu_node);
+ virtual bool handle_menu_selected(int p_which);
+class EditorScriptPicker : public EditorResourcePicker {
+ GDCLASS(EditorScriptPicker, EditorResourcePicker);
+ enum ExtraMenuOption {
+ };
+ Node *script_owner = nullptr;
+ static void _bind_methods();
+ virtual void set_create_options(Object *p_menu_node) override;
+ virtual bool handle_menu_selected(int p_which) override;
+ void set_script_owner(Node *p_owner);
+ Node *get_script_owner() const;
+ EditorScriptPicker();