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2 files changed, 28 insertions, 239 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp b/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp
index 277d1e7b06..5044fc2da9 100644
--- a/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp
+++ b/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp
@@ -4562,198 +4562,6 @@ String RenderingDeviceVulkan::_shader_uniform_debug(RID p_shader, int p_set) {
return ret;
-#if 0
-bool RenderingDeviceVulkan::_uniform_add_binding(Vector<Vector<VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding> > &bindings, Vector<Vector<UniformInfo> > &uniform_infos, const glslang::TObjectReflection &reflection, RenderingDevice::ShaderStage p_stage, Shader::PushConstant &push_constant, String *r_error) {
- VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding layout_binding;
- UniformInfo info;
- switch (reflection.getType()->getBasicType()) {
- case glslang::EbtSampler: {
- //print_line("DEBUG: IsSampler");
- if (reflection.getType()->getSampler().dim == glslang::EsdBuffer) {
- // Texture buffers.
- if (reflection.getType()->getSampler().isCombined()) {
- layout_binding.descriptorType = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER;
- //print_line("DEBUG: SAMPLER: texel combined");
- } else if (reflection.getType()->getSampler().isTexture()) {
- layout_binding.descriptorType = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER;
- //print_line("DEBUG: SAMPLER: texel alone");
- } else if (reflection.getType()->getSampler().isImage()) {
- layout_binding.descriptorType = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER;
- //print_line("DEBUG: SAMPLER: texel buffer");
- } else {
- if (r_error) {
- *r_error = "On shader stage '" + String(shader_stage_names[p_stage]) + "', uniform '" + + "' is of unsupported buffer type.";
- }
- return false;
- }
- } else if (reflection.getType()->getSampler().isCombined()) {
- layout_binding.descriptorType = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER;
- //print_line("DEBUG: SAMPLER: combined");
- } else if (reflection.getType()->getSampler().isPureSampler()) {
- layout_binding.descriptorType = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLER;
- //print_line("DEBUG: SAMPLER: sampler");
- } else if (reflection.getType()->getSampler().isTexture()) {
- layout_binding.descriptorType = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLED_IMAGE;
- //print_line("DEBUG: SAMPLER: image");
- } else if (reflection.getType()->getSampler().isImage()) {
- layout_binding.descriptorType = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_IMAGE;
- info.type = UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE;
- //print_line("DEBUG: SAMPLER: storage image");
- } else {
- //print_line("DEBUG: sampler unknown");
- if (r_error) {
- *r_error = "On shader stage '" + String(shader_stage_names[p_stage]) + "', uniform '" + + "' is of unsupported sampler type.";
- }
- return false;
- }
- if (reflection.getType()->isArray()) {
- layout_binding.descriptorCount = reflection.getType()->getArraySizes()->getCumulativeSize();
- //print_line("DEBUG: array of size: " + itos(layout_binding.descriptorCount));
- } else {
- layout_binding.descriptorCount = 1;
- }
- info.length = layout_binding.descriptorCount;
- } break;
- /*case glslang::EbtStruct: {
- print_line("DEBUG: Struct");
- } break;*/
- case glslang::EbtBlock: {
- //print_line("DEBUG: Block");
- if (reflection.getType()->getQualifier().storage == glslang::EvqUniform) {
- if (reflection.getType()->getQualifier().layoutPushConstant) {
- uint32_t len = reflection.size;
- if (push_constant.push_constant_size != 0 && push_constant.push_constant_size != len) {
- *r_error = "On shader stage '" + String(shader_stage_names[p_stage]) + "', uniform '" + + "' push constants for different stages should all be the same size.";
- return false;
- }
- push_constant.push_constant_size = len;
- push_constant.push_constants_vk_stage |= shader_stage_masks[p_stage];
- return true;
- }
- //print_line("DEBUG: Uniform buffer");
- layout_binding.descriptorType = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER;
- } else if (reflection.getType()->getQualifier().storage == glslang::EvqBuffer) {
- layout_binding.descriptorType = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER;
- //print_line("DEBUG: Storage buffer");
- } else {
- if (r_error) {
- *r_error = "On shader stage '" + String(shader_stage_names[p_stage]) + "', uniform '" + + "' is of unsupported block type: (" + itos(reflection.getType()->getQualifier().storage) + ").";
- }
- return false;
- }
- if (reflection.getType()->isArray()) {
- layout_binding.descriptorCount = reflection.getType()->getArraySizes()->getCumulativeSize();
- //print_line("DEBUG: array of size: " + itos(layout_binding.descriptorCount));
- } else {
- layout_binding.descriptorCount = 1;
- }
- info.length = reflection.size;
- } break;
- /*case glslang::EbtReference: {
- } break;*/
- /*case glslang::EbtAtomicUint: {
- } break;*/
- default: {
- if (reflection.getType()->getQualifier().hasOffset() ||".") != std::string::npos) {
- // Member of uniform block?
- return true;
- }
- if (r_error) {
- *r_error = "On shader stage '" + String(shader_stage_names[p_stage]) + "', uniform '" + + "' unsupported uniform type.";
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (!reflection.getType()->getQualifier().hasBinding()) {
- if (r_error) {
- *r_error = "On shader stage '" + String(shader_stage_names[p_stage]) + "', uniform '" + + "' lacks a binding number.";
- }
- return false;
- }
- uint32_t set = reflection.getType()->getQualifier().hasSet() ? reflection.getType()->getQualifier().layoutSet : 0;
- if (set >= MAX_UNIFORM_SETS) {
- if (r_error) {
- *r_error = "On shader stage '" + String(shader_stage_names[p_stage]) + "', uniform '" + + "' uses a set (" + itos(set) + ") index larger than what is supported (" + itos(MAX_UNIFORM_SETS) + ").";
- }
- return false;
- }
- if (set >= limits.maxBoundDescriptorSets) {
- if (r_error) {
- *r_error = "On shader stage '" + String(shader_stage_names[p_stage]) + "', uniform '" + + "' uses a set (" + itos(set) + ") index larger than what is supported by the hardware (" + itos(limits.maxBoundDescriptorSets) + ").";
- }
- return false;
- }
- uint32_t binding = reflection.getType()->getQualifier().layoutBinding;
- if (set < (uint32_t)bindings.size()) {
- // Check if this already exists.
- for (int i = 0; i < bindings[set].size(); i++) {
- if (bindings[set][i].binding == binding) {
- // Already exists, verify that it's the same type.
- if (bindings[set][i].descriptorType != layout_binding.descriptorType) {
- if (r_error) {
- *r_error = "On shader stage '" + String(shader_stage_names[p_stage]) + "', uniform '" + + "' trying to re-use location for set=" + itos(set) + ", binding=" + itos(binding) + " with different uniform type.";
- }
- return false;
- }
- // Also, verify that it's the same size.
- if (bindings[set][i].descriptorCount != layout_binding.descriptorCount || uniform_infos[set][i].length != info.length) {
- if (r_error) {
- *r_error = "On shader stage '" + String(shader_stage_names[p_stage]) + "', uniform '" + + "' trying to re-use location for set=" + itos(set) + ", binding=" + itos(binding) + " with different uniform size.";
- }
- return false;
- }
- // Just append stage mask and return.
- bindings.write[set].write[i].stageFlags |= shader_stage_masks[p_stage];
- uniform_infos.write[set].write[i].stages |= 1 << p_stage;
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- layout_binding.binding = binding;
- layout_binding.stageFlags = shader_stage_masks[p_stage];
- layout_binding.pImmutableSamplers = nullptr; // No support for this yet.
- info.stages = 1 << p_stage;
- info.binding = binding;
- if (set >= (uint32_t)bindings.size()) {
- bindings.resize(set + 1);
- uniform_infos.resize(set + 1);
- }
-#if 0
- print_line("stage: " + String(shader_stage_names[p_stage]) + " set: " + itos(set) + " binding: " + itos(info.binding) + " type:" + shader_uniform_names[info.type] + " length: " + itos(info.length));
- bindings.write[set].push_back(layout_binding);
- uniform_infos.write[set].push_back(info);
- return true;
// Version 1: initial.
// Version 2: Added shader name.
@@ -4786,30 +4594,19 @@ struct RenderingDeviceVulkanShaderBinarySpecializationConstant {
struct RenderingDeviceVulkanShaderBinaryData {
uint32_t vertex_input_mask;
- uint32_t fragment_outputs;
- uint32_t specialization_constant_count;
+ uint32_t fragment_output_mask;
+ uint32_t specialization_constants_count;
uint32_t is_compute;
uint32_t compute_local_size[3];
uint32_t set_count;
uint32_t push_constant_size;
- uint32_t push_constants_vk_stage;
+ uint32_t push_constant_vk_stages_mask;
uint32_t stage_count;
uint32_t shader_name_len;
Vector<uint8_t> RenderingDeviceVulkan::shader_compile_binary_from_spirv(const Vector<ShaderStageSPIRVData> &p_spirv, const String &p_shader_name) {
- RenderingDeviceVulkanShaderBinaryData binary_data;
- binary_data.vertex_input_mask = 0;
- binary_data.fragment_outputs = 0;
- binary_data.specialization_constant_count = 0;
- binary_data.is_compute = 0;
- binary_data.compute_local_size[0] = 0;
- binary_data.compute_local_size[1] = 0;
- binary_data.compute_local_size[2] = 0;
- binary_data.set_count = 0;
- binary_data.push_constant_size = 0;
- binary_data.push_constants_vk_stage = 0;
+ RenderingDeviceVulkanShaderBinaryData binary_data{};
Vector<Vector<RenderingDeviceVulkanShaderBinaryDataBinding>> uniform_info; // Set bindings.
Vector<RenderingDeviceVulkanShaderBinarySpecializationConstant> specialization_constants;
@@ -5085,7 +4882,7 @@ Vector<uint8_t> RenderingDeviceVulkan::shader_compile_binary_from_spirv(const Ve
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < ov_count; j++) {
const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable *refvar = output_vars[j];
if (refvar != nullptr && refvar->built_in != SpvBuiltInFragDepth) {
- binary_data.fragment_outputs |= 1 << refvar->location;
+ binary_data.fragment_output_mask |= 1 << refvar->location;
@@ -5116,9 +4913,9 @@ Vector<uint8_t> RenderingDeviceVulkan::shader_compile_binary_from_spirv(const Ve
"Reflection of SPIR-V shader stage '" + String(shader_stage_names[p_spirv[i].shader_stage]) + "': Push constant block must be the same across shader stages.");
binary_data.push_constant_size = pconstants[0]->size;
- binary_data.push_constants_vk_stage |= shader_stage_masks[stage];
+ binary_data.push_constant_vk_stages_mask |= shader_stage_masks[stage];
- //print_line("Stage: " + String(shader_stage_names[stage]) + " push constant of size=" + itos(push_constant.push_constant_size));
+ //print_line("Stage: " + String(shader_stage_names[stage]) + " push constant of size=" + itos(push_constant.size));
// Destroy the reflection data when no longer required.
@@ -5167,7 +4964,7 @@ Vector<uint8_t> RenderingDeviceVulkan::shader_compile_binary_from_spirv(const Ve
stages_binary_size += s;
- binary_data.specialization_constant_count = specialization_constants.size();
+ binary_data.specialization_constants_count = specialization_constants.size();
binary_data.set_count = uniform_info.size();
binary_data.stage_count = p_spirv.size();
@@ -5273,12 +5070,12 @@ RID RenderingDeviceVulkan::shader_create_from_bytecode(const Vector<uint8_t> &p_
const RenderingDeviceVulkanShaderBinaryData &binary_data = *(reinterpret_cast<const RenderingDeviceVulkanShaderBinaryData *>(binptr + 12));
Shader::PushConstant push_constant;
- push_constant.push_constant_size = binary_data.push_constant_size;
- push_constant.push_constants_vk_stage = binary_data.push_constants_vk_stage;
+ push_constant.size = binary_data.push_constant_size;
+ push_constant.vk_stages_mask = binary_data.push_constant_vk_stages_mask;
uint32_t vertex_input_mask = binary_data.vertex_input_mask;
- uint32_t fragment_outputs = binary_data.fragment_outputs;
+ uint32_t fragment_output_mask = binary_data.fragment_output_mask;
bool is_compute = binary_data.is_compute;
@@ -5374,11 +5171,11 @@ RID RenderingDeviceVulkan::shader_create_from_bytecode(const Vector<uint8_t> &p_
read_offset += set_size;
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(read_offset + binary_data.specialization_constant_count * sizeof(RenderingDeviceVulkanShaderBinarySpecializationConstant) >= binsize, RID());
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(read_offset + binary_data.specialization_constants_count * sizeof(RenderingDeviceVulkanShaderBinarySpecializationConstant) >= binsize, RID());
Vector<Shader::SpecializationConstant> specialization_constants;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < binary_data.specialization_constant_count; i++) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < binary_data.specialization_constants_count; i++) {
const RenderingDeviceVulkanShaderBinarySpecializationConstant &src_sc = *(reinterpret_cast<const RenderingDeviceVulkanShaderBinarySpecializationConstant *>(binptr + read_offset));
Shader::SpecializationConstant sc;
sc.constant.int_value = src_sc.int_value;
@@ -5444,7 +5241,7 @@ RID RenderingDeviceVulkan::shader_create_from_bytecode(const Vector<uint8_t> &p_
Shader shader;
shader.vertex_input_mask = vertex_input_mask;
- shader.fragment_output_mask = fragment_outputs;
+ shader.fragment_output_mask = fragment_output_mask;
shader.push_constant = push_constant;
shader.is_compute = is_compute;
shader.compute_local_size[0] = compute_local_size[0];
@@ -5474,19 +5271,11 @@ RID RenderingDeviceVulkan::shader_create_from_bytecode(const Vector<uint8_t> &p_
- const VkShaderStageFlagBits shader_stage_bits[SHADER_STAGE_MAX] = {
- };
VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo shader_stage;
shader_stage.pNext = nullptr;
shader_stage.flags = 0;
- shader_stage.stage = shader_stage_bits[stage_type[i]];
+ shader_stage.stage = shader_stage_masks[stage_type[i]];
shader_stage.module = module;
shader_stage.pName = "main";
shader_stage.pSpecializationInfo = nullptr;
@@ -5558,10 +5347,10 @@ RID RenderingDeviceVulkan::shader_create_from_bytecode(const Vector<uint8_t> &p_
// Needs to be declared in this outer scope, otherwise it may not outlive its assignment
// to pipeline_layout_create_info.
VkPushConstantRange push_constant_range;
- if (push_constant.push_constant_size) {
- push_constant_range.stageFlags = push_constant.push_constants_vk_stage;
+ if (push_constant.size) {
+ push_constant_range.stageFlags = push_constant.vk_stages_mask;
push_constant_range.offset = 0;
- push_constant_range.size = push_constant.push_constant_size;
+ push_constant_range.size = push_constant.size;
pipeline_layout_create_info.pushConstantRangeCount = 1;
pipeline_layout_create_info.pPushConstantRanges = &push_constant_range;
@@ -6878,10 +6667,10 @@ RID RenderingDeviceVulkan::render_pipeline_create(RID p_shader, FramebufferForma
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err, RID(), "vkCreateGraphicsPipelines failed with error " + itos(err) + " for shader '" + shader->name + "'.");
pipeline.set_formats = shader->set_formats;
- pipeline.push_constant_stages = shader->push_constant.push_constants_vk_stage;
+ pipeline.push_constant_stages_mask = shader->push_constant.vk_stages_mask;
pipeline.pipeline_layout = shader->pipeline_layout;
pipeline.shader = p_shader;
- pipeline.push_constant_size = shader->push_constant.push_constant_size;
+ pipeline.push_constant_size = shader->push_constant.size;
pipeline.validation.dynamic_state = p_dynamic_state_flags;
@@ -6993,10 +6782,10 @@ RID RenderingDeviceVulkan::compute_pipeline_create(RID p_shader, const Vector<Pi
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err, RID(), "vkCreateComputePipelines failed with error " + itos(err) + ".");
pipeline.set_formats = shader->set_formats;
- pipeline.push_constant_stages = shader->push_constant.push_constants_vk_stage;
+ pipeline.push_constant_stages_mask = shader->push_constant.vk_stages_mask;
pipeline.pipeline_layout = shader->pipeline_layout;
pipeline.shader = p_shader;
- pipeline.push_constant_size = shader->push_constant.push_constant_size;
+ pipeline.push_constant_size = shader->push_constant.size;
pipeline.local_group_size[0] = shader->compute_local_size[0];
pipeline.local_group_size[1] = shader->compute_local_size[1];
pipeline.local_group_size[2] = shader->compute_local_size[2];
@@ -7638,7 +7427,7 @@ void RenderingDeviceVulkan::draw_list_bind_render_pipeline(DrawListID p_list, RI
dl->state.set_count = pcount; // Update set count.
if (pipeline->push_constant_size) {
- dl->state.pipeline_push_constant_stages = pipeline->push_constant_stages;
+ dl->state.pipeline_push_constant_stages = pipeline->push_constant_stages_mask;
dl->validation.pipeline_push_constant_supplied = false;
@@ -8254,7 +8043,7 @@ void RenderingDeviceVulkan::compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(ComputeListID p_l
cl->state.set_count = pcount; // Update set count.
if (pipeline->push_constant_size) {
- cl->state.pipeline_push_constant_stages = pipeline->push_constant_stages;
+ cl->state.pipeline_push_constant_stages = pipeline->push_constant_stages_mask;
cl->validation.pipeline_push_constant_supplied = false;
diff --git a/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.h b/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.h
index 031f662d56..1977d816de 100644
--- a/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.h
+++ b/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.h
@@ -628,8 +628,8 @@ class RenderingDeviceVulkan : public RenderingDevice {
uint32_t fragment_output_mask = 0;
struct PushConstant {
- uint32_t push_constant_size = 0;
- uint32_t push_constants_vk_stage = 0;
+ uint32_t size = 0;
+ uint32_t vk_stages_mask = 0;
PushConstant push_constant;
@@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ class RenderingDeviceVulkan : public RenderingDevice {
VkPipelineLayout pipeline_layout = VK_NULL_HANDLE; // Not owned, needed for push constants.
VkPipeline pipeline = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
uint32_t push_constant_size = 0;
- uint32_t push_constant_stages = 0;
+ uint32_t push_constant_stages_mask = 0;
RID_Owner<RenderPipeline, true> render_pipeline_owner;
@@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ class RenderingDeviceVulkan : public RenderingDevice {
VkPipelineLayout pipeline_layout = VK_NULL_HANDLE; // Not owned, needed for push constants.
VkPipeline pipeline = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
uint32_t push_constant_size = 0;
- uint32_t push_constant_stages = 0;
+ uint32_t push_constant_stages_mask = 0;
uint32_t local_group_size[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };