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4 files changed, 94 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/servers/physics_2d/godot_body_pair_2d.cpp b/servers/physics_2d/godot_body_pair_2d.cpp
index f8ec0b6512..ca67277d1c 100644
--- a/servers/physics_2d/godot_body_pair_2d.cpp
+++ b/servers/physics_2d/godot_body_pair_2d.cpp
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ void GodotBodyPair2D::_validate_contacts() {
-bool GodotBodyPair2D::_test_ccd(real_t p_step, GodotBody2D *p_A, int p_shape_A, const Transform2D &p_xform_A, GodotBody2D *p_B, int p_shape_B, const Transform2D &p_xform_B, bool p_swap_result) {
+bool GodotBodyPair2D::_test_ccd(real_t p_step, GodotBody2D *p_A, int p_shape_A, const Transform2D &p_xform_A, GodotBody2D *p_B, int p_shape_B, const Transform2D &p_xform_B) {
Vector2 motion = p_A->get_linear_velocity() * p_step;
real_t mlen = motion.length();
if (mlen < CMP_EPSILON) {
@@ -171,14 +171,18 @@ bool GodotBodyPair2D::_test_ccd(real_t p_step, GodotBody2D *p_A, int p_shape_A,
real_t min, max;
p_A->get_shape(p_shape_A)->project_rangev(mnormal, p_xform_A, min, max);
- bool fast_object = mlen > (max - min) * 0.3; //going too fast in that direction
- if (!fast_object) { //did it move enough in this direction to even attempt raycast? let's say it should move more than 1/3 the size of the object in that axis
+ // Did it move enough in this direction to even attempt raycast?
+ // Let's say it should move more than 1/3 the size of the object in that axis.
+ bool fast_object = mlen > (max - min) * 0.3;
+ if (!fast_object) {
return false;
- //cast a segment from support in motion normal, in the same direction of motion by motion length
- //support is the worst case collision point, so real collision happened before
+ // Going too fast in that direction.
+ // Cast a segment from support in motion normal, in the same direction of motion by motion length.
+ // Support is the worst case collision point, so real collision happened before.
int a;
Vector2 s[2];
p_A->get_shape(p_shape_A)->get_supports(p_xform_A.basis_xform(mnormal).normalized(), s, a);
@@ -187,7 +191,8 @@ bool GodotBodyPair2D::_test_ccd(real_t p_step, GodotBody2D *p_A, int p_shape_A,
Transform2D from_inv = p_xform_B.affine_inverse();
- Vector2 local_from = from_inv.xform(from - mnormal * mlen * 0.1); //start from a little inside the bounding box
+ // Start from a little inside the bounding box.
+ Vector2 local_from = from_inv.xform(from - mnormal * mlen * 0.1);
Vector2 local_to = from_inv.xform(to);
Vector2 rpos, rnorm;
@@ -195,20 +200,22 @@ bool GodotBodyPair2D::_test_ccd(real_t p_step, GodotBody2D *p_A, int p_shape_A,
return false;
- //ray hit something
+ // Check one-way collision based on motion direction.
+ if (p_A->get_shape(p_shape_A)->allows_one_way_collision() && p_B->is_shape_set_as_one_way_collision(p_shape_B)) {
+ Vector2 direction = p_xform_B.get_axis(1).normalized();
+ if ( < CMP_EPSILON) {
+ collided = false;
+ oneway_disabled = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Shorten the linear velocity so it does not hit, but gets close enough,
+ // next frame will hit softly or soft enough.
Vector2 hitpos = p_xform_B.xform(rpos);
- Vector2 contact_A = to;
- Vector2 contact_B = hitpos;
- //create a contact
- if (p_swap_result) {
- _contact_added_callback(contact_B, contact_A);
- } else {
- _contact_added_callback(contact_A, contact_B);
- }
+ real_t newlen = hitpos.distance_to(from) - (max - min) * 0.01;
+ p_A->set_linear_velocity(mnormal * (newlen / p_step));
return true;
@@ -222,6 +229,8 @@ real_t combine_friction(GodotBody2D *A, GodotBody2D *B) {
bool GodotBodyPair2D::setup(real_t p_step) {
+ check_ccd = false;
if (!A->interacts_with(B) || A->has_exception(B->get_self()) || B->has_exception(A->get_self())) {
collided = false;
return false;
@@ -269,24 +278,19 @@ bool GodotBodyPair2D::setup(real_t p_step) {
collided = GodotCollisionSolver2D::solve(shape_A_ptr, xform_A, motion_A, shape_B_ptr, xform_B, motion_B, _add_contact, this, &sep_axis);
if (!collided) {
- //test ccd (currently just a raycast)
+ oneway_disabled = false;
if (A->get_continuous_collision_detection_mode() == PhysicsServer2D::CCD_MODE_CAST_RAY && collide_A) {
- if (_test_ccd(p_step, A, shape_A, xform_A, B, shape_B, xform_B)) {
- collided = true;
- }
+ check_ccd = true;
+ return true;
if (B->get_continuous_collision_detection_mode() == PhysicsServer2D::CCD_MODE_CAST_RAY && collide_B) {
- if (_test_ccd(p_step, B, shape_B, xform_B, A, shape_A, xform_A, true)) {
- collided = true;
- }
+ check_ccd = true;
+ return true;
- if (!collided) {
- oneway_disabled = false;
- return false;
- }
+ return false;
if (oneway_disabled) {
@@ -335,7 +339,29 @@ bool GodotBodyPair2D::setup(real_t p_step) {
bool GodotBodyPair2D::pre_solve(real_t p_step) {
- if (!collided || oneway_disabled) {
+ if (oneway_disabled) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!collided) {
+ if (check_ccd) {
+ const Vector2 &offset_A = A->get_transform().get_origin();
+ Transform2D xform_Au = A->get_transform().untranslated();
+ Transform2D xform_A = xform_Au * A->get_shape_transform(shape_A);
+ Transform2D xform_Bu = B->get_transform();
+ xform_Bu.elements[2] -= offset_A;
+ Transform2D xform_B = xform_Bu * B->get_shape_transform(shape_B);
+ if (A->get_continuous_collision_detection_mode() == PhysicsServer2D::CCD_MODE_CAST_RAY && collide_A) {
+ _test_ccd(p_step, A, shape_A, xform_A, B, shape_B, xform_B);
+ }
+ if (B->get_continuous_collision_detection_mode() == PhysicsServer2D::CCD_MODE_CAST_RAY && collide_B) {
+ _test_ccd(p_step, B, shape_B, xform_B, A, shape_A, xform_A);
+ }
+ }
return false;
diff --git a/servers/physics_2d/godot_body_pair_2d.h b/servers/physics_2d/godot_body_pair_2d.h
index aa1b5b7886..0a086a78b1 100644
--- a/servers/physics_2d/godot_body_pair_2d.h
+++ b/servers/physics_2d/godot_body_pair_2d.h
@@ -79,10 +79,11 @@ class GodotBodyPair2D : public GodotConstraint2D {
Contact contacts[MAX_CONTACTS];
int contact_count = 0;
bool collided = false;
+ bool check_ccd = false;
bool oneway_disabled = false;
bool report_contacts_only = false;
- bool _test_ccd(real_t p_step, GodotBody2D *p_A, int p_shape_A, const Transform2D &p_xform_A, GodotBody2D *p_B, int p_shape_B, const Transform2D &p_xform_B, bool p_swap_result = false);
+ bool _test_ccd(real_t p_step, GodotBody2D *p_A, int p_shape_A, const Transform2D &p_xform_A, GodotBody2D *p_B, int p_shape_B, const Transform2D &p_xform_B);
void _validate_contacts();
static void _add_contact(const Vector2 &p_point_A, const Vector2 &p_point_B, void *p_self);
_FORCE_INLINE_ void _contact_added_callback(const Vector2 &p_point_A, const Vector2 &p_point_B);
diff --git a/servers/physics_3d/godot_body_pair_3d.cpp b/servers/physics_3d/godot_body_pair_3d.cpp
index 5c25ba9537..dd82a02059 100644
--- a/servers/physics_3d/godot_body_pair_3d.cpp
+++ b/servers/physics_3d/godot_body_pair_3d.cpp
@@ -172,21 +172,26 @@ bool GodotBodyPair3D::_test_ccd(real_t p_step, GodotBody3D *p_A, int p_shape_A,
real_t min, max;
p_A->get_shape(p_shape_A)->project_range(mnormal, p_xform_A, min, max);
- bool fast_object = mlen > (max - min) * 0.3; //going too fast in that direction
- if (!fast_object) { //did it move enough in this direction to even attempt raycast? let's say it should move more than 1/3 the size of the object in that axis
+ // Did it move enough in this direction to even attempt raycast?
+ // Let's say it should move more than 1/3 the size of the object in that axis.
+ bool fast_object = mlen > (max - min) * 0.3;
+ if (!fast_object) {
return false;
- //cast a segment from support in motion normal, in the same direction of motion by motion length
- //support is the worst case collision point, so real collision happened before
+ // Going too fast in that direction.
+ // Cast a segment from support in motion normal, in the same direction of motion by motion length.
+ // Support is the worst case collision point, so real collision happened before.
Vector3 s = p_A->get_shape(p_shape_A)->get_support(p_xform_A.basis.xform(mnormal).normalized());
Vector3 from = p_xform_A.xform(s);
Vector3 to = from + motion;
Transform3D from_inv = p_xform_B.affine_inverse();
- Vector3 local_from = from_inv.xform(from - mnormal * mlen * 0.1); //start from a little inside the bounding box
+ // Start from a little inside the bounding box.
+ Vector3 local_from = from_inv.xform(from - mnormal * mlen * 0.1);
Vector3 local_to = from_inv.xform(to);
Vector3 rpos, rnorm;
@@ -194,7 +199,8 @@ bool GodotBodyPair3D::_test_ccd(real_t p_step, GodotBody3D *p_A, int p_shape_A,
return false;
- //shorten the linear velocity so it does not hit, but gets close enough, next frame will hit softly or soft enough
+ // Shorten the linear velocity so it does not hit, but gets close enough,
+ // next frame will hit softly or soft enough.
Vector3 hitpos = p_xform_B.xform(rpos);
real_t newlen = hitpos.distance_to(from) - (max - min) * 0.01;
@@ -212,6 +218,8 @@ real_t combine_friction(GodotBody3D *A, GodotBody3D *B) {
bool GodotBodyPair3D::setup(real_t p_step) {
+ check_ccd = false;
if (!A->interacts_with(B) || A->has_exception(B->get_self()) || B->has_exception(A->get_self())) {
collided = false;
return false;
@@ -248,14 +256,14 @@ bool GodotBodyPair3D::setup(real_t p_step) {
collided = GodotCollisionSolver3D::solve_static(shape_A_ptr, xform_A, shape_B_ptr, xform_B, _contact_added_callback, this, &sep_axis);
if (!collided) {
- //test ccd (currently just a raycast)
if (A->is_continuous_collision_detection_enabled() && collide_A) {
- _test_ccd(p_step, A, shape_A, xform_A, B, shape_B, xform_B);
+ check_ccd = true;
+ return true;
if (B->is_continuous_collision_detection_enabled() && collide_B) {
- _test_ccd(p_step, B, shape_B, xform_B, A, shape_A, xform_A);
+ check_ccd = true;
+ return true;
return false;
@@ -266,6 +274,24 @@ bool GodotBodyPair3D::setup(real_t p_step) {
bool GodotBodyPair3D::pre_solve(real_t p_step) {
if (!collided) {
+ if (check_ccd) {
+ const Vector3 &offset_A = A->get_transform().get_origin();
+ Transform3D xform_Au = Transform3D(A->get_transform().basis, Vector3());
+ Transform3D xform_A = xform_Au * A->get_shape_transform(shape_A);
+ Transform3D xform_Bu = B->get_transform();
+ xform_Bu.origin -= offset_A;
+ Transform3D xform_B = xform_Bu * B->get_shape_transform(shape_B);
+ if (A->is_continuous_collision_detection_enabled() && collide_A) {
+ _test_ccd(p_step, A, shape_A, xform_A, B, shape_B, xform_B);
+ }
+ if (B->is_continuous_collision_detection_enabled() && collide_B) {
+ _test_ccd(p_step, B, shape_B, xform_B, A, shape_A, xform_A);
+ }
+ }
return false;
diff --git a/servers/physics_3d/godot_body_pair_3d.h b/servers/physics_3d/godot_body_pair_3d.h
index 7c2c31704b..8a9664e7e1 100644
--- a/servers/physics_3d/godot_body_pair_3d.h
+++ b/servers/physics_3d/godot_body_pair_3d.h
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ protected:
Vector3 sep_axis;
bool collided = false;
+ bool check_ccd = false;
GodotSpace3D *space = nullptr;