diff options
11 files changed, 364 insertions, 263 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/pulseaudio/audio_driver_pulseaudio.cpp b/drivers/pulseaudio/audio_driver_pulseaudio.cpp
index 1798c84d85..e4c8641a3b 100644
--- a/drivers/pulseaudio/audio_driver_pulseaudio.cpp
+++ b/drivers/pulseaudio/audio_driver_pulseaudio.cpp
@@ -31,23 +31,144 @@
-#include <pulse/error.h>
+#include <pulse/pulseaudio.h>
#include "os/os.h"
#include "project_settings.h"
+void pa_state_cb(pa_context *c, void *userdata) {
+ pa_context_state_t state;
+ int *pa_ready = (int *)userdata;
+ state = pa_context_get_state(c);
+ switch (state) {
+ *pa_ready = 2;
+ break;
+ *pa_ready = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+void sink_info_cb(pa_context *c, const pa_sink_info *l, int eol, void *userdata) {
+ unsigned int *channels = (unsigned int *)userdata;
+ // If eol is set to a positive number, you're at the end of the list
+ if (eol > 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ *channels = l->channel_map.channels;
+void server_info_cb(pa_context *c, const pa_server_info *i, void *userdata) {
+ char *default_output = (char *)userdata;
+ strncpy(default_output, i->default_sink_name, 1024);
+static unsigned int detect_channels() {
+ pa_mainloop *pa_ml;
+ pa_mainloop_api *pa_mlapi;
+ pa_operation *pa_op;
+ pa_context *pa_ctx;
+ int state = 0;
+ int pa_ready = 0;
+ char default_output[1024];
+ unsigned int channels = 2;
+ pa_ml = pa_mainloop_new();
+ pa_mlapi = pa_mainloop_get_api(pa_ml);
+ pa_ctx = pa_context_new(pa_mlapi, "Godot");
+ int ret = pa_context_connect(pa_ctx, NULL, PA_CONTEXT_NOFLAGS, NULL);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ pa_context_unref(pa_ctx);
+ pa_mainloop_free(pa_ml);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ pa_context_set_state_callback(pa_ctx, pa_state_cb, &pa_ready);
+ // Wait until the pa server is ready
+ while (pa_ready == 0) {
+ pa_mainloop_iterate(pa_ml, 1, NULL);
+ }
+ // Check if there was an error connecting to the pa server
+ if (pa_ready == 2) {
+ pa_context_disconnect(pa_ctx);
+ pa_context_unref(pa_ctx);
+ pa_mainloop_free(pa_ml);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ // Get the default output device name
+ pa_op = pa_context_get_server_info(pa_ctx, &server_info_cb, (void *)default_output);
+ if (pa_op) {
+ while (pa_operation_get_state(pa_op) == PA_OPERATION_RUNNING) {
+ ret = pa_mainloop_iterate(pa_ml, 1, NULL);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ ERR_PRINT("pa_mainloop_iterate error");
+ }
+ }
+ pa_operation_unref(pa_op);
+ // Now using the device name get the amount of channels
+ pa_op = pa_context_get_sink_info_by_name(pa_ctx, default_output, &sink_info_cb, (void *)&channels);
+ if (pa_op) {
+ while (pa_operation_get_state(pa_op) == PA_OPERATION_RUNNING) {
+ ret = pa_mainloop_iterate(pa_ml, 1, NULL);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ ERR_PRINT("pa_mainloop_iterate error");
+ }
+ }
+ pa_operation_unref(pa_op);
+ } else {
+ ERR_PRINT("pa_context_get_sink_info_by_name error");
+ }
+ } else {
+ ERR_PRINT("pa_context_get_server_info error");
+ }
+ pa_context_disconnect(pa_ctx);
+ pa_context_unref(pa_ctx);
+ pa_mainloop_free(pa_ml);
+ return channels;
Error AudioDriverPulseAudio::init() {
active = false;
thread_exited = false;
exit_thread = false;
- pcm_open = false;
- samples_in = NULL;
- samples_out = NULL;
mix_rate = GLOBAL_DEF("audio/mix_rate", DEFAULT_MIX_RATE);
- speaker_mode = SPEAKER_MODE_STEREO;
- channels = 2;
+ channels = detect_channels();
+ switch (channels) {
+ case 2: // Stereo
+ case 4: // Surround 3.1
+ case 6: // Surround 5.1
+ case 8: // Surround 7.1
+ break;
+ default:
+ ERR_PRINTS("PulseAudio: Unsupported number of channels: " + itos(channels));
+ break;
+ }
pa_sample_spec spec;
spec.format = PA_SAMPLE_S16LE;
@@ -59,7 +180,8 @@ Error AudioDriverPulseAudio::init() {
buffer_size = buffer_frames * channels;
if (OS::get_singleton()->is_stdout_verbose()) {
- print_line("audio buffer frames: " + itos(buffer_frames) + " calculated latency: " + itos(buffer_frames * 1000 / mix_rate) + "ms");
+ print_line("PulseAudio: detected " + itos(channels) + " channels");
+ print_line("PulseAudio: audio buffer frames: " + itos(buffer_frames) + " calculated latency: " + itos(buffer_frames * 1000 / mix_rate) + "ms");
pa_buffer_attr attr;
@@ -86,8 +208,8 @@ Error AudioDriverPulseAudio::init() {
- samples_in = memnew_arr(int32_t, buffer_size);
- samples_out = memnew_arr(int16_t, buffer_size);
+ samples_in.resize(buffer_size);
+ samples_out.resize(buffer_size);
mutex = Mutex::create();
thread = Thread::create(AudioDriverPulseAudio::thread_func, this);
@@ -119,7 +241,7 @@ void AudioDriverPulseAudio::thread_func(void *p_udata) {
} else {
- ad->audio_server_process(ad->buffer_frames, ad->samples_in);
+ ad->audio_server_process(ad->buffer_frames, ad->samples_in.ptr());
@@ -132,7 +254,7 @@ void AudioDriverPulseAudio::thread_func(void *p_udata) {
int error_code;
int byte_size = ad->buffer_size * sizeof(int16_t);
- if (pa_simple_write(ad->pulse, ad->samples_out, byte_size, &error_code) < 0) {
+ if (pa_simple_write(ad->pulse, ad->samples_out.ptr(), byte_size, &error_code) < 0) {
// can't recover here
fprintf(stderr, "PulseAudio failed and can't recover: %s\n", pa_strerror(error_code));
ad->active = false;
@@ -156,7 +278,7 @@ int AudioDriverPulseAudio::get_mix_rate() const {
AudioDriver::SpeakerMode AudioDriverPulseAudio::get_speaker_mode() const {
- return speaker_mode;
+ return get_speaker_mode_by_total_channels(channels);
void AudioDriverPulseAudio::lock() {
@@ -186,16 +308,6 @@ void AudioDriverPulseAudio::finish() {
pulse = NULL;
- if (samples_in) {
- memdelete_arr(samples_in);
- samples_in = NULL;
- }
- if (samples_out) {
- memdelete_arr(samples_out);
- samples_out = NULL;
- }
if (mutex) {
@@ -207,11 +319,21 @@ void AudioDriverPulseAudio::finish() {
AudioDriverPulseAudio::AudioDriverPulseAudio() {
- samples_in = NULL;
- samples_out = NULL;
mutex = NULL;
thread = NULL;
pulse = NULL;
+ samples_in.clear();
+ samples_out.clear();
+ mix_rate = 0;
+ buffer_size = 0;
+ channels = 0;
+ active = false;
+ thread_exited = false;
+ exit_thread = false;
latency = 0;
buffer_frames = 0;
buffer_size = 0;
diff --git a/drivers/pulseaudio/audio_driver_pulseaudio.h b/drivers/pulseaudio/audio_driver_pulseaudio.h
index 9ae0b7e50c..3ede684496 100644
--- a/drivers/pulseaudio/audio_driver_pulseaudio.h
+++ b/drivers/pulseaudio/audio_driver_pulseaudio.h
@@ -43,14 +43,10 @@ class AudioDriverPulseAudio : public AudioDriver {
pa_simple *pulse;
- int32_t *samples_in;
- int16_t *samples_out;
- static void thread_func(void *p_udata);
+ Vector<int32_t> samples_in;
+ Vector<int16_t> samples_out;
unsigned int mix_rate;
- SpeakerMode speaker_mode;
unsigned int buffer_frames;
unsigned int buffer_size;
int channels;
@@ -58,10 +54,11 @@ class AudioDriverPulseAudio : public AudioDriver {
bool active;
bool thread_exited;
mutable bool exit_thread;
- bool pcm_open;
float latency;
+ static void thread_func(void *p_udata);
const char *get_name() const {
return "PulseAudio";
diff --git a/drivers/wasapi/audio_driver_wasapi.cpp b/drivers/wasapi/audio_driver_wasapi.cpp
index 29d1e5deed..eb86491dec 100644
--- a/drivers/wasapi/audio_driver_wasapi.cpp
+++ b/drivers/wasapi/audio_driver_wasapi.cpp
@@ -67,12 +67,13 @@ Error AudioDriverWASAPI::init_device() {
switch (channels) {
case 2: // Stereo
+ case 4: // Surround 3.1
case 6: // Surround 5.1
case 8: // Surround 7.1
- ERR_PRINT("WASAPI: Unsupported number of channels");
+ ERR_PRINTS("WASAPI: Unsupported number of channels: " + itos(channels));
@@ -119,7 +120,8 @@ Error AudioDriverWASAPI::init_device() {
if (OS::get_singleton()->is_stdout_verbose()) {
- print_line("audio buffer frames: " + itos(buffer_frames) + " calculated latency: " + itos(buffer_frames * 1000 / mix_rate) + "ms");
+ print_line("WASAPI: detected " + itos(channels) + " channels");
+ print_line("WASAPI: audio buffer frames: " + itos(buffer_frames) + " calculated latency: " + itos(buffer_frames * 1000 / mix_rate) + "ms");
return OK;
@@ -185,7 +187,7 @@ int AudioDriverWASAPI::get_mix_rate() const {
AudioDriver::SpeakerMode AudioDriverWASAPI::get_speaker_mode() const {
+ return get_speaker_mode_by_total_channels(channels);
void AudioDriverWASAPI::thread_func(void *p_udata) {
diff --git a/editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp b/editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
index 29159c7ad5..a36faeb0de 100644
--- a/editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
@@ -39,10 +39,13 @@ void EditorAudioBus::_notification(int p_what) {
if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_READY) {
- vu_l->set_under_texture(get_icon("BusVuEmpty", "EditorIcons"));
- vu_l->set_progress_texture(get_icon("BusVuFull", "EditorIcons"));
- vu_r->set_under_texture(get_icon("BusVuEmpty", "EditorIcons"));
- vu_r->set_progress_texture(get_icon("BusVuFull", "EditorIcons"));
+ for (int i = 0; i < cc; i++) {
+ channel[i].vu_l->set_under_texture(get_icon("BusVuEmpty", "EditorIcons"));
+ channel[i].vu_l->set_progress_texture(get_icon("BusVuFull", "EditorIcons"));
+ channel[i].vu_r->set_under_texture(get_icon("BusVuEmpty", "EditorIcons"));
+ channel[i].vu_r->set_progress_texture(get_icon("BusVuFull", "EditorIcons"));
+ channel[i].prev_active = true;
+ }
scale->set_texture(get_icon("BusVuDb", "EditorIcons"));
disabled_vu = get_icon("BusVuFrozen", "EditorIcons");
@@ -53,7 +56,6 @@ void EditorAudioBus::_notification(int p_what) {
bus_options->set_icon(get_icon("GuiMiniTabMenu", "EditorIcons"));
- prev_active = true;
@@ -67,60 +69,52 @@ void EditorAudioBus::_notification(int p_what) {
- float real_peak[2] = { -100, -100 };
- bool activity_found = false;
- int cc = 0;
- switch (AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_speaker_mode()) {
- case AudioServer::SPEAKER_MODE_STEREO: cc = 1; break;
- case AudioServer::SPEAKER_SURROUND_51: cc = 4; break;
- case AudioServer::SPEAKER_SURROUND_71: cc = 5; break;
- default:
- ERR_PRINT("Unknown speaker_mode");
- break;
- }
for (int i = 0; i < cc; i++) {
+ float real_peak[2] = { -100, -100 };
+ bool activity_found = false;
if (AudioServer::get_singleton()->is_bus_channel_active(get_index(), i)) {
activity_found = true;
real_peak[0] = MAX(real_peak[0], AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_bus_peak_volume_left_db(get_index(), i));
real_peak[1] = MAX(real_peak[1], AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_bus_peak_volume_right_db(get_index(), i));
- }
- if (real_peak[0] > peak_l) {
- peak_l = real_peak[0];
- } else {
- peak_l -= get_process_delta_time() * 60.0;
- }
- if (real_peak[1] > peak_r) {
- peak_r = real_peak[1];
- } else {
- peak_r -= get_process_delta_time() * 60.0;
- }
- vu_l->set_value(peak_l);
- vu_r->set_value(peak_r);
+ if (real_peak[0] > channel[i].peak_l) {
+ channel[i].peak_l = real_peak[0];
+ } else {
+ channel[i].peak_l -= get_process_delta_time() * 60.0;
+ }
- if (activity_found != prev_active) {
- if (activity_found) {
- vu_l->set_over_texture(Ref<Texture>());
- vu_r->set_over_texture(Ref<Texture>());
+ if (real_peak[1] > channel[i].peak_r) {
+ channel[i].peak_r = real_peak[1];
} else {
- vu_l->set_over_texture(disabled_vu);
- vu_r->set_over_texture(disabled_vu);
+ channel[i].peak_r -= get_process_delta_time() * 60.0;
- prev_active = activity_found;
+ channel[i].vu_l->set_value(channel[i].peak_l);
+ channel[i].vu_r->set_value(channel[i].peak_r);
+ if (activity_found != channel[i].prev_active) {
+ if (activity_found) {
+ channel[i].vu_l->set_over_texture(Ref<Texture>());
+ channel[i].vu_r->set_over_texture(Ref<Texture>());
+ } else {
+ channel[i].vu_l->set_over_texture(disabled_vu);
+ channel[i].vu_r->set_over_texture(disabled_vu);
+ }
+ channel[i].prev_active = activity_found;
+ }
- peak_l = -100;
- peak_r = -100;
- prev_active = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ channel[i].peak_l = -100;
+ channel[i].peak_r = -100;
+ channel[i].prev_active = true;
+ }
@@ -683,19 +677,24 @@ EditorAudioBus::EditorAudioBus(EditorAudioBuses *p_buses) {
slider->connect("value_changed", this, "_volume_db_changed");
- vu_l = memnew(TextureProgress);
- vu_l->set_fill_mode(TextureProgress::FILL_BOTTOM_TO_TOP);
- hb->add_child(vu_l);
- vu_l->set_min(-80);
- vu_l->set_max(24);
- vu_l->set_step(0.1);
- vu_r = memnew(TextureProgress);
- vu_r->set_fill_mode(TextureProgress::FILL_BOTTOM_TO_TOP);
- hb->add_child(vu_r);
- vu_r->set_min(-80);
- vu_r->set_max(24);
- vu_r->set_step(0.1);
+ cc = AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_channel_count();
+ for (int i = 0; i < cc; i++) {
+ channel[i].vu_l = memnew(TextureProgress);
+ channel[i].vu_l->set_fill_mode(TextureProgress::FILL_BOTTOM_TO_TOP);
+ hb->add_child(channel[i].vu_l);
+ channel[i].vu_l->set_min(-80);
+ channel[i].vu_l->set_max(24);
+ channel[i].vu_l->set_step(0.1);
+ channel[i].vu_r = memnew(TextureProgress);
+ channel[i].vu_r->set_fill_mode(TextureProgress::FILL_BOTTOM_TO_TOP);
+ hb->add_child(channel[i].vu_r);
+ channel[i].vu_r->set_min(-80);
+ channel[i].vu_r->set_max(24);
+ channel[i].vu_r->set_step(0.1);
+ }
scale = memnew(TextureRect);
diff --git a/editor/editor_audio_buses.h b/editor/editor_audio_buses.h
index 2c61228bde..dba1b73295 100644
--- a/editor/editor_audio_buses.h
+++ b/editor/editor_audio_buses.h
@@ -52,16 +52,23 @@ class EditorAudioBus : public PanelContainer {
GDCLASS(EditorAudioBus, PanelContainer)
- bool prev_active;
- float peak_l;
- float peak_r;
Ref<Texture> disabled_vu;
LineEdit *track_name;
MenuButton *bus_options;
VSlider *slider;
- TextureProgress *vu_l;
- TextureProgress *vu_r;
+ int cc;
+ struct {
+ bool prev_active;
+ float peak_l;
+ float peak_r;
+ TextureProgress *vu_l;
+ TextureProgress *vu_r;
+ } channel[4];
TextureRect *scale;
OptionButton *send;
diff --git a/platform/osx/audio_driver_osx.cpp b/platform/osx/audio_driver_osx.cpp
index 78c52af201..3b3ba60507 100644
--- a/platform/osx/audio_driver_osx.cpp
+++ b/platform/osx/audio_driver_osx.cpp
@@ -58,14 +58,14 @@ Error AudioDriverOSX::initDevice() {
AudioStreamBasicDescription strdesc;
- // TODO: Implement this
- /*zeromem(&strdesc, sizeof(strdesc));
+ zeromem(&strdesc, sizeof(strdesc));
UInt32 size = sizeof(strdesc);
result = AudioUnitGetProperty(audio_unit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Output, kOutputBus, &strdesc, &size);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(result != noErr, FAILED);
switch (strdesc.mChannelsPerFrame) {
case 2: // Stereo
+ case 4: // Surround 3.1
case 6: // Surround 5.1
case 8: // Surround 7.1
channels = strdesc.mChannelsPerFrame;
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Error AudioDriverOSX::initDevice() {
// Unknown number of channels, default to stereo
channels = 2;
- }*/
+ }
mix_rate = GLOBAL_DEF("audio/mix_rate", DEFAULT_MIX_RATE);
@@ -103,7 +103,8 @@ Error AudioDriverOSX::initDevice() {
if (OS::get_singleton()->is_stdout_verbose()) {
- print_line("audio buffer frames: " + itos(buffer_frames) + " calculated latency: " + itos(buffer_frames * 1000 / mix_rate) + "ms");
+ print_line("CoreAudio: detected " + itos(channels) + " channels");
+ print_line("CoreAudio: audio buffer frames: " + itos(buffer_frames) + " calculated latency: " + itos(buffer_frames * 1000 / mix_rate) + "ms");
AURenderCallbackStruct callback;
@@ -242,7 +243,7 @@ int AudioDriverOSX::get_mix_rate() const {
AudioDriver::SpeakerMode AudioDriverOSX::get_speaker_mode() const {
+ return get_speaker_mode_by_total_channels(channels);
void AudioDriverOSX::lock() {
diff --git a/scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp b/scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp
index d2a8e3315a..1120aa0366 100644
--- a/scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp
+++ b/scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp
@@ -57,52 +57,32 @@ void AudioStreamPlayer2D::_mix_audio() {
AudioFrame vol_inc = (current.vol - prev_outputs[i].vol) / float(buffer_size);
AudioFrame vol = current.vol;
- switch (AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_speaker_mode()) {
+ int cc = AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_channel_count();
- case AudioServer::SPEAKER_MODE_STEREO: {
- AudioFrame *target = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(current.bus_index, 0);
+ if (cc == 1) {
+ AudioFrame *target = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(current.bus_index, 0);
- for (int j = 0; j < buffer_size; j++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < buffer_size; j++) {
- target[j] += buffer[j] * vol;
- vol += vol_inc;
- }
- } break;
- case AudioServer::SPEAKER_SURROUND_51: {
- AudioFrame *targets[2] = {
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(current.bus_index, 1),
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(current.bus_index, 2),
- };
- for (int j = 0; j < buffer_size; j++) {
- AudioFrame frame = buffer[j] * vol;
- targets[0][j] += frame;
- targets[1][j] += frame;
- vol += vol_inc;
- }
+ target[j] += buffer[j] * vol;
+ vol += vol_inc;
+ }
- } break;
- case AudioServer::SPEAKER_SURROUND_71: {
+ } else {
+ AudioFrame *targets[4];
- AudioFrame *targets[3] = {
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(current.bus_index, 1),
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(current.bus_index, 2),
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(current.bus_index, 3)
- };
+ for (int k = 0; k < cc; k++) {
+ targets[k] = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(current.bus_index, k);
+ }
- for (int j = 0; j < buffer_size; j++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < buffer_size; j++) {
- AudioFrame frame = buffer[j] * vol;
- targets[0][j] += frame;
- targets[1][j] += frame;
- targets[2][j] += frame;
- vol += vol_inc;
+ AudioFrame frame = buffer[j] * vol;
+ for (int k = 0; k < cc; k++) {
+ targets[k][j] += frame;
- } break;
+ vol += vol_inc;
+ }
prev_outputs[i] = current;
diff --git a/scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp b/scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
index 2073ebf94e..50c9321b83 100644
--- a/scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
+++ b/scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
@@ -72,34 +72,13 @@ void AudioStreamPlayer3D::_mix_audio() {
- int buffers = 0;
- int first = 0;
- switch (AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_speaker_mode()) {
- case AudioServer::SPEAKER_MODE_STEREO: {
- buffers = 1;
- first = 0;
- } break;
- case AudioServer::SPEAKER_SURROUND_51: {
- buffers = 2;
- first = 1;
- } break;
- case AudioServer::SPEAKER_SURROUND_71: {
- buffers = 3;
- first = 1;
- } break;
- }
+ int buffers = AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_channel_count();
for (int k = 0; k < buffers; k++) {
AudioFrame vol_inc = (current.vol[k] - prev_outputs[i].vol[k]) / float(buffer_size);
AudioFrame vol = current.vol[k];
- AudioFrame *target = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(current.bus_index, first + k);
+ AudioFrame *target = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(current.bus_index, k);
@@ -146,7 +125,7 @@ void AudioStreamPlayer3D::_mix_audio() {
if (current.reverb_bus_index >= 0) {
- AudioFrame *rtarget = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(current.reverb_bus_index, first + k);
+ AudioFrame *rtarget = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(current.reverb_bus_index, k);
if (current.reverb_bus_index == prev_outputs[i].reverb_bus_index) {
AudioFrame rvol_inc = (current.reverb_vol[k] - prev_outputs[i].reverb_vol[k]) / float(buffer_size);
@@ -341,49 +320,57 @@ void AudioStreamPlayer3D::_notification(int p_what) {
flat_pos.y = 0;
- switch (AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_speaker_mode()) {
+ unsigned int cc = AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_channel_count();
+ if (cc == 1) {
+ // Stereo pair
+ float c = flat_pos.x * 0.5 + 0.5;
- case AudioServer::SPEAKER_MODE_STEREO: {
- float c = flat_pos.x * 0.5 + 0.5;
- output.vol[0].l = 1.0 - c;
- output.vol[0].r = c;
- output.vol[0] *= multiplier;
+ output.vol[0].l = 1.0 - c;
+ output.vol[0].r = c;
+ } else {
+ Vector3 camtopos = global_pos - camera->get_global_transform().origin;
+ float c = camtopos.normalized().dot(get_global_transform().basis.get_axis(2).normalized()); //it's z negative
+ float angle = Math::rad2deg(Math::acos(c));
+ float av = angle * (flat_pos.x < 0 ? -1 : 1) / 180.0;
- } break;
- case AudioServer::SPEAKER_SURROUND_51: {
+ if (cc >= 1) {
+ // Stereo pair
+ float fl = Math::abs(1.0 - Math::abs(-0.8 - av));
+ float fr = Math::abs(1.0 - Math::abs(0.8 - av));
- float xl = Vector3(-1, 0, -1).normalized().dot(flat_pos) * 0.5 + 0.5;
- float xr = Vector3(1, 0, -1).normalized().dot(flat_pos) * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ output.vol[0].l = fl;
+ output.vol[0].r = fr;
+ }
- output.vol[0].l = xl;
- output.vol[1].r = 1.0 - xl;
- output.vol[0].r = xr;
- output.vol[1].l = 1.0 - xr;
+ if (cc >= 2) {
+ // Center pair
+ float center = 1.0 - Math::sin(Math::acos(c));
- output.vol[0] *= multiplier;
- output.vol[1] *= multiplier;
- } break;
- case AudioServer::SPEAKER_SURROUND_71: {
+ output.vol[1].l = center;
+ output.vol[1].r = center;
+ }
- float xl = Vector3(-1, 0, -1).normalized().dot(flat_pos) * 0.5 + 0.5;
- float xr = Vector3(1, 0, -1).normalized().dot(flat_pos) * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ if (cc >= 3) {
+ // Side pair
+ float sl = Math::abs(1.0 - Math::abs(-0.4 - av));
+ float sr = Math::abs(1.0 - Math::abs(0.4 - av));
- output.vol[0].l = xl;
- output.vol[1].r = 1.0 - xl;
- output.vol[0].r = xr;
- output.vol[1].l = 1.0 - xr;
+ output.vol[2].l = sl;
+ output.vol[2].r = sr;
+ }
- float c = flat_pos.x * 0.5 + 0.5;
- output.vol[2].l = 1.0 - c;
- output.vol[2].r = c;
+ if (cc >= 4) {
+ // Rear pair
+ float rl = Math::abs(1.0 - Math::abs(-0.2 - av));
+ float rr = Math::abs(1.0 - Math::abs(0.2 - av));
- output.vol[0] *= multiplier;
- output.vol[1] *= multiplier;
- output.vol[2] *= multiplier;
+ output.vol[3].l = rl;
+ output.vol[3].r = rr;
+ }
+ }
- } break;
+ for (int k = 0; k < cc; k++) {
+ output.vol[k] *= multiplier;
bool filled_reverb = false;
@@ -422,41 +409,30 @@ void AudioStreamPlayer3D::_notification(int p_what) {
rev_pos.y = 0;
- switch (AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_speaker_mode()) {
- case AudioServer::SPEAKER_MODE_STEREO: {
- float c = rev_pos.x * 0.5 + 0.5;
- output.reverb_vol[0].l = 1.0 - c;
- output.reverb_vol[0].r = c;
- } break;
- case AudioServer::SPEAKER_SURROUND_51: {
- float xl = Vector3(-1, 0, -1).normalized().dot(rev_pos) * 0.5 + 0.5;
- float xr = Vector3(1, 0, -1).normalized().dot(rev_pos) * 0.5 + 0.5;
- output.reverb_vol[0].l = xl;
- output.reverb_vol[1].r = 1.0 - xl;
- output.reverb_vol[0].r = xr;
- output.reverb_vol[1].l = 1.0 - xr;
- } break;
- case AudioServer::SPEAKER_SURROUND_71: {
- float xl = Vector3(-1, 0, -1).normalized().dot(rev_pos) * 0.5 + 0.5;
- float xr = Vector3(1, 0, -1).normalized().dot(rev_pos) * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ if (cc >= 1) {
+ // Stereo pair
+ float c = rev_pos.x * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ output.reverb_vol[0].l = 1.0 - c;
+ output.reverb_vol[0].r = c;
+ }
- output.reverb_vol[0].l = xl;
- output.reverb_vol[1].r = 1.0 - xl;
- output.reverb_vol[0].r = xr;
- output.reverb_vol[1].l = 1.0 - xr;
+ if (cc >= 3) {
+ // Center pair + Side pair
+ float xl = Vector3(-1, 0, -1).normalized().dot(rev_pos) * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ float xr = Vector3(1, 0, -1).normalized().dot(rev_pos) * 0.5 + 0.5;
- float c = rev_pos.x * 0.5 + 0.5;
- output.reverb_vol[2].l = 1.0 - c;
- output.reverb_vol[2].r = c;
+ output.reverb_vol[1].l = xl;
+ output.reverb_vol[1].r = xr;
+ output.reverb_vol[2].l = 1.0 - xr;
+ output.reverb_vol[2].r = 1.0 - xl;
+ }
- } break;
+ if (cc >= 4) {
+ // Rear pair
+ // FIXME: Not sure what math should be done here
+ float c = rev_pos.x * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ output.reverb_vol[3].l = 1.0 - c;
+ output.reverb_vol[3].r = c;
for (int i = 0; i < vol_index_max; i++) {
diff --git a/scene/audio/audio_player.cpp b/scene/audio/audio_player.cpp
index 341ae45ce8..fb12867156 100644
--- a/scene/audio/audio_player.cpp
+++ b/scene/audio/audio_player.cpp
@@ -66,29 +66,27 @@ void AudioStreamPlayer::_mix_audio() {
//set volume for next mix
mix_volume_db = volume_db;
- AudioFrame *targets[3] = { NULL, NULL, NULL };
+ AudioFrame *targets[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
if (AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_speaker_mode() == AudioServer::SPEAKER_MODE_STEREO) {
targets[0] = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(bus_index, 0);
} else {
switch (mix_target) {
- targets[0] = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(bus_index, 1);
+ targets[0] = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(bus_index, 0);
} break;
- targets[0] = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(bus_index, 1);
- targets[1] = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(bus_index, 2);
- if (AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_speaker_mode() == AudioServer::SPEAKER_SURROUND_71) {
- targets[2] = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(bus_index, 3);
+ for (int i = 0; i < AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_channel_count(); i++) {
+ targets[i] = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(bus_index, i);
} break;
- targets[0] = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(bus_index, 0);
+ targets[0] = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(bus_index, 1);
} break;
- for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
+ for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
if (!targets[c])
for (int i = 0; i < buffer_size; i++) {
diff --git a/servers/audio_server.cpp b/servers/audio_server.cpp
index 29014a7ced..ed62e65846 100644
--- a/servers/audio_server.cpp
+++ b/servers/audio_server.cpp
@@ -77,6 +77,28 @@ double AudioDriver::get_mix_time() const {
return total;
+AudioDriver::SpeakerMode AudioDriver::get_speaker_mode_by_total_channels(int p_channels) const {
+ switch (p_channels) {
+ case 4: return SPEAKER_SURROUND_31;
+ case 6: return SPEAKER_SURROUND_51;
+ case 8: return SPEAKER_SURROUND_71;
+ }
+ // Default to STEREO
+int AudioDriver::get_total_channels_by_speaker_mode(AudioDriver::SpeakerMode p_mode) const {
+ switch (p_mode) {
+ case SPEAKER_MODE_STEREO: return 2;
+ case SPEAKER_SURROUND_31: return 4;
+ case SPEAKER_SURROUND_51: return 6;
+ case SPEAKER_SURROUND_71: return 8;
+ }
+ ERR_FAIL_V(2);
AudioDriver::AudioDriver() {
_last_mix_time = 0;
@@ -424,8 +446,8 @@ void AudioServer::set_bus_count(int p_count) {
buses[i] = memnew(Bus);
- buses[i]->channels.resize(_get_channel_count());
- for (int j = 0; j < _get_channel_count(); j++) {
+ buses[i]->channels.resize(get_channel_count());
+ for (int j = 0; j < get_channel_count(); j++) {
buses[i]->name = attempt;
@@ -494,8 +516,8 @@ void AudioServer::add_bus(int p_at_pos) {
Bus *bus = memnew(Bus);
- bus->channels.resize(_get_channel_count());
- for (int j = 0; j < _get_channel_count(); j++) {
+ bus->channels.resize(get_channel_count());
+ for (int j = 0; j < get_channel_count(); j++) {
bus->name = attempt;
@@ -798,17 +820,8 @@ void AudioServer::init() {
channel_disable_threshold_db = GLOBAL_DEF("audio/channel_disable_threshold_db", -60.0);
channel_disable_frames = float(GLOBAL_DEF("audio/channel_disable_time", 2.0)) * get_mix_rate();
buffer_size = 1024; //harcoded for now
- switch (get_speaker_mode()) {
- temp_buffer.resize(1);
- } break;
- temp_buffer.resize(3);
- } break;
- temp_buffer.resize(4);
- } break;
- }
+ temp_buffer.resize(get_channel_count());
for (int i = 0; i < temp_buffer.size(); i++) {
@@ -816,11 +829,11 @@ void AudioServer::init() {
mix_count = 0;
- ;
set_bus_name(0, "Master");
if (AudioDriver::get_singleton())
set_edited(false); //avoid editors from thinking this was edited
@@ -992,8 +1005,8 @@ void AudioServer::set_bus_layout(const Ref<AudioBusLayout> &p_bus_layout) {
bus_map[bus->name] = bus;
buses[i] = bus;
- buses[i]->channels.resize(_get_channel_count());
- for (int j = 0; j < _get_channel_count(); j++) {
+ buses[i]->channels.resize(get_channel_count());
+ for (int j = 0; j < get_channel_count(); j++) {
diff --git a/servers/audio_server.h b/servers/audio_server.h
index 13a74856c8..c479d09a3c 100644
--- a/servers/audio_server.h
+++ b/servers/audio_server.h
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ public:
enum SpeakerMode {
@@ -72,6 +73,9 @@ public:
virtual float get_latency() { return 0; }
+ SpeakerMode get_speaker_mode_by_total_channels(int p_channels) const;
+ int get_total_channels_by_speaker_mode(SpeakerMode) const;
virtual ~AudioDriver() {}
@@ -101,6 +105,7 @@ public:
//re-expose this her, as AudioDriver is not exposed to script
enum SpeakerMode {
@@ -163,15 +168,6 @@ private:
Vector<Bus *> buses;
Map<StringName, Bus *> bus_map;
- _FORCE_INLINE_ int _get_channel_count() const {
- switch (AudioDriver::get_singleton()->get_speaker_mode()) {
- case AudioDriver::SPEAKER_MODE_STEREO: return 1;
- case AudioDriver::SPEAKER_SURROUND_51: return 3;
- case AudioDriver::SPEAKER_SURROUND_71: return 4;
- }
- ERR_FAIL_V(1);
- }
void _update_bus_effects(int p_bus);
static AudioServer *singleton;
@@ -205,6 +201,16 @@ protected:
static void _bind_methods();
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ int get_channel_count() const {
+ switch (get_speaker_mode()) {
+ case SPEAKER_MODE_STEREO: return 1;
+ case SPEAKER_SURROUND_31: return 2;
+ case SPEAKER_SURROUND_51: return 3;
+ case SPEAKER_SURROUND_71: return 4;
+ }
+ ERR_FAIL_V(1);
+ }
//do not use from outside audio thread
AudioFrame *thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(int p_bus, int p_buffer);
int thread_get_mix_buffer_size() const;