diff options
115 files changed, 7324 insertions, 17957 deletions
diff --git a/doc/classes/MultiplayerAPI.xml b/doc/classes/MultiplayerAPI.xml index fcc259fb44..c168695d61 100644 --- a/doc/classes/MultiplayerAPI.xml +++ b/doc/classes/MultiplayerAPI.xml @@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ High-level multiplayer API. </brief_description> <description> - This class implements most of the logic behind the high-level multiplayer API. + This class implements most of the logic behind the high-level multiplayer API. See also [NetworkedMultiplayerPeer]. By default, [SceneTree] has a reference to this class that is used to provide multiplayer capabilities (i.e. RPC/RSET) across the whole scene. It is possible to override the MultiplayerAPI instance used by specific Nodes by setting the [member Node.custom_multiplayer] property, effectively allowing to run both client and server in the same scene. + [b]Note:[/b] The high-level multiplayer API protocol is an implementation detail and isn't meant to be used by non-Godot servers. It may change without notice. </description> <tutorials> </tutorials> diff --git a/doc/classes/NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.xml b/doc/classes/NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.xml index 954d31794a..06ea46f023 100644 --- a/doc/classes/NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.xml @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ A high-level network interface to simplify multiplayer interactions. </brief_description> <description> - Manages the connection to network peers. Assigns unique IDs to each client connected to the server. + Manages the connection to network peers. Assigns unique IDs to each client connected to the server. See also [MultiplayerAPI]. + [b]Note:[/b] The high-level multiplayer API protocol is an implementation detail and isn't meant to be used by non-Godot servers. It may change without notice. </description> <tutorials> <link title="High-level multiplayer">https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/networking/high_level_multiplayer.html</link> diff --git a/doc/classes/Resource.xml b/doc/classes/Resource.xml index a9697c7fce..2548f8d911 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Resource.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Resource.xml @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ If [code]true[/code], the resource will be made unique in each instance of its local scene. It can thus be modified in a scene instance without impacting other instances of that same scene. </member> <member name="resource_name" type="String" setter="set_name" getter="get_name" default=""""> - The name of the resource. This is an optional identifier. + The name of the resource. This is an optional identifier. If [member resource_name] is not empty, its value will be displayed to represent the current resource in the editor inspector. For built-in scripts, the [member resource_name] will be displayed as the tab name in the script editor. </member> <member name="resource_path" type="String" setter="set_path" getter="get_path" default=""""> The path to the resource. In case it has its own file, it will return its filepath. If it's tied to the scene, it will return the scene's path, followed by the resource's index. diff --git a/doc/classes/SceneTree.xml b/doc/classes/SceneTree.xml index 2c99815abf..cfe6e4f738 100644 --- a/doc/classes/SceneTree.xml +++ b/doc/classes/SceneTree.xml @@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ yield(get_tree().create_timer(1.0), "timeout") print("end") [/codeblock] + The timer will be automatically freed after its time elapses. </description> </method> <method name="get_frame" qualifiers="const"> diff --git a/drivers/dummy/rasterizer_dummy.h b/drivers/dummy/rasterizer_dummy.h index 2507add506..72ab18d115 100644 --- a/drivers/dummy/rasterizer_dummy.h +++ b/drivers/dummy/rasterizer_dummy.h @@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ public: /* SHADOW ATLAS API */ RID shadow_atlas_create() override { return RID(); } - void shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size) override {} + void shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size, bool p_16_bits = false) override {} void shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_atlas, int p_quadrant, int p_subdivision) override {} bool shadow_atlas_update_light(RID p_atlas, RID p_light_intance, float p_coverage, uint64_t p_light_version) override { return false; } - void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size) override {} + void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size, bool p_16_bits = false) override {} int get_directional_light_shadow_size(RID p_light_intance) override { return 0; } void set_directional_shadow_count(int p_count) override {} @@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ public: void environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount p_ray_count) override {} void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge p_frames) override {} + void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_update_light(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight p_update) override {} void environment_set_tonemap(RID p_env, RS::EnvironmentToneMapper p_tone_mapper, float p_exposure, float p_white, bool p_auto_exposure, float p_min_luminance, float p_max_luminance, float p_auto_exp_speed, float p_auto_exp_scale) override {} @@ -189,6 +190,7 @@ public: RID render_buffers_create() override { return RID(); } void render_buffers_configure(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_render_target, int p_width, int p_height, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa, RS::ViewportScreenSpaceAA p_screen_space_aa, bool p_use_debanding) override {} + void gi_set_use_half_resolution(bool p_enable) override {} void screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active(bool p_enable, float p_amount, float p_curve) override {} bool screen_space_roughness_limiter_is_active() const override { return false; } diff --git a/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp b/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp index 3dcdaef699..45987f4ee9 100644 --- a/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp +++ b/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp @@ -3104,6 +3104,7 @@ VkRenderPass RenderingDeviceVulkan::_render_pass_create(const Vector<AttachmentF // the read. If this is a performance issue, one could track the actual last accessor of each resource, adding only that // stage switch (is_depth_stencil ? p_initial_depth_action : p_initial_color_action) { + case INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR_REGION: case INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR: { description.loadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR; description.stencilLoadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR; @@ -3116,9 +3117,9 @@ VkRenderPass RenderingDeviceVulkan::_render_pass_create(const Vector<AttachmentF description.initialLayout = is_sampled ? VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL : (is_storage ? VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL : VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL); description.stencilLoadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_DONT_CARE; } else if (p_format[i].usage_flags & TEXTURE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT) { - description.loadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR; - description.initialLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED; //don't care what is there - description.stencilLoadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR; + description.loadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_LOAD; + description.initialLayout = is_sampled ? VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL : (is_storage ? VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL : VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL); + description.stencilLoadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_LOAD; dependency_from_external.srcStageMask |= reading_stages; } else { description.loadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_DONT_CARE; @@ -5726,11 +5727,18 @@ Error RenderingDeviceVulkan::_draw_list_render_pass_begin(Framebuffer *framebuff render_pass_begin.pNext = nullptr; render_pass_begin.renderPass = render_pass; render_pass_begin.framebuffer = vkframebuffer; - + /* + * Given how API works, it makes sense to always fully operate on the whole framebuffer. + * This allows better continue operations for operations like shadowmapping. render_pass_begin.renderArea.extent.width = viewport_size.width; render_pass_begin.renderArea.extent.height = viewport_size.height; render_pass_begin.renderArea.offset.x = viewport_offset.x; render_pass_begin.renderArea.offset.y = viewport_offset.y; + */ + render_pass_begin.renderArea.extent.width = framebuffer->size.width; + render_pass_begin.renderArea.extent.height = framebuffer->size.height; + render_pass_begin.renderArea.offset.x = 0; + render_pass_begin.renderArea.offset.y = 0; Vector<VkClearValue> clear_values; clear_values.resize(framebuffer->texture_ids.size()); @@ -5879,11 +5887,11 @@ RenderingDevice::DrawListID RenderingDeviceVulkan::draw_list_begin(RID p_framebu viewport_offset = regioni.position; viewport_size = regioni.size; - if (p_initial_color_action == INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR) { + if (p_initial_color_action == INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR_REGION) { needs_clear_color = true; p_initial_color_action = INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP; } - if (p_initial_depth_action == INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR) { + if (p_initial_depth_action == INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR_REGION) { needs_clear_depth = true; p_initial_depth_action = INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP; } @@ -5969,11 +5977,11 @@ Error RenderingDeviceVulkan::draw_list_begin_split(RID p_framebuffer, uint32_t p viewport_offset = regioni.position; viewport_size = regioni.size; - if (p_initial_color_action == INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR) { + if (p_initial_color_action == INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR_REGION) { needs_clear_color = true; p_initial_color_action = INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP; } - if (p_initial_depth_action == INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR) { + if (p_initial_depth_action == INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR_REGION) { needs_clear_depth = true; p_initial_depth_action = INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP; } diff --git a/editor/editor_node.cpp b/editor/editor_node.cpp index 23d51c5f4b..2cef6a6ede 100644 --- a/editor/editor_node.cpp +++ b/editor/editor_node.cpp @@ -498,6 +498,11 @@ void EditorNode::_notification(int p_what) { float sss_scale = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/subsurface_scattering/subsurface_scattering_scale"); float sss_depth_scale = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/subsurface_scattering/subsurface_scattering_depth_scale"); RS::get_singleton()->sub_surface_scattering_set_scale(sss_scale, sss_depth_scale); + + uint32_t directional_shadow_size = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/directional_shadow/size"); + uint32_t directional_shadow_16_bits = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/directional_shadow/16_bits"); + RS::get_singleton()->directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(directional_shadow_size, directional_shadow_16_bits); + RS::ShadowQuality shadows_quality = RS::ShadowQuality(int(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/shadows/soft_shadow_quality"))); RS::get_singleton()->shadows_quality_set(shadows_quality); RS::ShadowQuality directional_shadow_quality = RS::ShadowQuality(int(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/directional_shadow/soft_shadow_quality"))); @@ -516,6 +521,9 @@ void EditorNode::_notification(int p_what) { RS::get_singleton()->environment_set_volumetric_fog_positional_shadow_shrink_size(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/volumetric_fog/positional_shadow_shrink")); RS::get_singleton()->canvas_set_shadow_texture_size(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/2d_shadow_atlas/size")); + bool use_half_res_gi = GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/gi/use_half_resolution", false); + RS::get_singleton()->gi_set_use_half_resolution(use_half_res_gi); + bool snap_2d_transforms = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/2d/snap_2d_transforms_to_pixel"); scene_root->set_snap_2d_transforms_to_pixel(snap_2d_transforms); bool snap_2d_vertices = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/2d/snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel"); diff --git a/editor/editor_settings.cpp b/editor/editor_settings.cpp index 3eee7b2bfb..7a602912c9 100644 --- a/editor/editor_settings.cpp +++ b/editor/editor_settings.cpp @@ -659,6 +659,10 @@ void EditorSettings::_load_defaults(Ref<ConfigFile> p_extra_config) { _initial_set("editors/animation/onion_layers_past_color", Color(1, 0, 0)); _initial_set("editors/animation/onion_layers_future_color", Color(0, 1, 0)); + // Visual editors + _initial_set("editors/visual_editors/minimap_opacity", 0.85); + hints["editors/visual_editors/minimap_opacity"] = PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "editors/visual_editors/minimap_opacity", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.0,1.0,0.01", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT); + /* Run */ // Window placement diff --git a/editor/editor_themes.cpp b/editor/editor_themes.cpp index b7064ef08e..8f877a4762 100644 --- a/editor/editor_themes.cpp +++ b/editor/editor_themes.cpp @@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ static Ref<Texture2D> flip_icon(Ref<Texture2D> p_texture, bool p_flip_y = false, Ref<ImageTexture> texture(memnew(ImageTexture)); Ref<Image> img = p_texture->get_data(); + img = img->duplicate(); if (p_flip_y) { img->flip_y(); @@ -1098,7 +1099,11 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) { theme->set_constant("bezier_len_neg", "GraphEdit", 160 * EDSCALE); // GraphEditMinimap - theme->set_stylebox("bg", "GraphEditMinimap", make_flat_stylebox(dark_color_1, 0, 0, 0, 0)); + Ref<StyleBoxFlat> style_minimap_bg = make_flat_stylebox(dark_color_1, 0, 0, 0, 0); + style_minimap_bg->set_border_color(dark_color_3); + style_minimap_bg->set_border_width_all(1); + theme->set_stylebox("bg", "GraphEditMinimap", style_minimap_bg); + Ref<StyleBoxFlat> style_minimap_camera; Ref<StyleBoxFlat> style_minimap_node; if (dark_theme) { @@ -1115,9 +1120,15 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) { theme->set_stylebox("camera", "GraphEditMinimap", style_minimap_camera); theme->set_stylebox("node", "GraphEditMinimap", style_minimap_node); - Ref<Texture2D> resizer_icon = theme->get_icon("GuiResizer", "EditorIcons"); - theme->set_icon("resizer", "GraphEditMinimap", flip_icon(resizer_icon, true, true)); - theme->set_color("resizer_color", "GraphEditMinimap", Color(1, 1, 1, 0.65)); + Ref<Texture2D> minimap_resizer_icon = theme->get_icon("GuiResizer", "EditorIcons"); + Color minimap_resizer_color; + if (dark_theme) { + minimap_resizer_color = Color(1, 1, 1, 0.65); + } else { + minimap_resizer_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.65); + } + theme->set_icon("resizer", "GraphEditMinimap", flip_icon(minimap_resizer_icon, true, true)); + theme->set_color("resizer_color", "GraphEditMinimap", minimap_resizer_color); // GraphNode const float mv = dark_theme ? 0.0 : 1.0; diff --git a/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp b/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp index ead1f7c3e9..9944712931 100644 --- a/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp +++ b/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp @@ -1129,6 +1129,7 @@ void ResourceImporterScene::get_import_options(List<ImportOption> *r_options, in r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "meshes/ensure_tangents"), true)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "meshes/storage", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Built-In,Files (.mesh),Files (.tres)"), meshes_out ? 1 : 0)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "meshes/generate_lods"), true)); + r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "meshes/create_shadow_meshes"), true)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "meshes/light_baking", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,Enable,Gen Lightmaps", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_UPDATE_ALL_IF_MODIFIED), 0)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "meshes/lightmap_texel_size", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.001,100,0.001"), 0.1)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "skins/use_named_skins"), true)); @@ -1221,7 +1222,7 @@ Ref<Animation> ResourceImporterScene::import_animation_from_other_importer(Edito return importer->import_animation(p_path, p_flags, p_bake_fps); } -void ResourceImporterScene::_generate_meshes(Node *p_node, bool p_generate_lods) { +void ResourceImporterScene::_generate_meshes(Node *p_node, bool p_generate_lods, bool p_create_shadow_meshes) { EditorSceneImporterMeshNode3D *src_mesh_node = Object::cast_to<EditorSceneImporterMeshNode3D>(p_node); if (src_mesh_node) { //is mesh @@ -1237,8 +1238,12 @@ void ResourceImporterScene::_generate_meshes(Node *p_node, bool p_generate_lods) if (p_generate_lods) { src_mesh_node->get_mesh()->generate_lods(); } + if (p_create_shadow_meshes) { + src_mesh_node->get_mesh()->create_shadow_mesh(); + } } mesh = src_mesh_node->get_mesh()->get_mesh(); + if (mesh.is_valid()) { mesh_node->set_mesh(mesh); for (int i = 0; i < mesh->get_surface_count(); i++) { @@ -1252,7 +1257,7 @@ void ResourceImporterScene::_generate_meshes(Node *p_node, bool p_generate_lods) } for (int i = 0; i < p_node->get_child_count(); i++) { - _generate_meshes(p_node->get_child(i), p_generate_lods); + _generate_meshes(p_node->get_child(i), p_generate_lods, p_create_shadow_meshes); } } Error ResourceImporterScene::import(const String &p_source_file, const String &p_save_path, const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_options, List<String> *r_platform_variants, List<String> *r_gen_files, Variant *r_metadata) { @@ -1348,8 +1353,9 @@ Error ResourceImporterScene::import(const String &p_source_file, const String &p } bool gen_lods = bool(p_options["meshes/generate_lods"]); + bool create_shadow_meshes = bool(p_options["meshes/create_shadow_meshes"]); - _generate_meshes(scene, gen_lods); + _generate_meshes(scene, gen_lods, create_shadow_meshes); err = OK; diff --git a/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.h b/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.h index 66c317f858..aced0226ff 100644 --- a/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.h +++ b/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.h @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class ResourceImporterScene : public ResourceImporter { }; void _replace_owner(Node *p_node, Node *p_scene, Node *p_new_owner); - void _generate_meshes(Node *p_node, bool p_generate_lods); + void _generate_meshes(Node *p_node, bool p_generate_lods, bool p_create_shadow_meshes); public: static ResourceImporterScene *get_singleton() { return singleton; } diff --git a/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.cpp b/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.cpp index 620437af0e..78a7cd84f1 100644 --- a/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.cpp +++ b/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.cpp @@ -250,6 +250,11 @@ Ref<ArrayMesh> EditorSceneImporterMesh::get_mesh() { mesh->surface_set_name(mesh->get_surface_count() - 1, surfaces[i].name); } } + + if (shadow_mesh.is_valid()) { + Ref<ArrayMesh> shadow = shadow_mesh->get_mesh(); + mesh->set_shadow_mesh(shadow); + } } return mesh; @@ -261,6 +266,103 @@ void EditorSceneImporterMesh::clear() { mesh.unref(); } +void EditorSceneImporterMesh::create_shadow_mesh() { + if (shadow_mesh.is_valid()) { + shadow_mesh.unref(); + } + + //no shadow mesh for blendshapes + if (blend_shapes.size() > 0) { + return; + } + //no shadow mesh for skeletons + for (int i = 0; i < surfaces.size(); i++) { + if (surfaces[i].arrays[RS::ARRAY_BONES].get_type() != Variant::NIL) { + return; + } + if (surfaces[i].arrays[RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS].get_type() != Variant::NIL) { + return; + } + } + + shadow_mesh.instance(); + + for (int i = 0; i < surfaces.size(); i++) { + LocalVector<int> vertex_remap; + Vector<Vector3> new_vertices; + Vector<Vector3> vertices = surfaces[i].arrays[RS::ARRAY_VERTEX]; + int vertex_count = vertices.size(); + { + Map<Vector3, int> unique_vertices; + const Vector3 *vptr = vertices.ptr(); + for (int j = 0; j < vertex_count; j++) { + Vector3 v = vptr[j]; + + Map<Vector3, int>::Element *E = unique_vertices.find(v); + + if (E) { + vertex_remap.push_back(E->get()); + } else { + int vcount = unique_vertices.size(); + unique_vertices[v] = vcount; + vertex_remap.push_back(vcount); + new_vertices.push_back(v); + } + } + } + + Array new_surface; + new_surface.resize(RS::ARRAY_MAX); + Dictionary lods; + + // print_line("original vertex count: " + itos(vertices.size()) + " new vertex count: " + itos(new_vertices.size())); + + new_surface[RS::ARRAY_VERTEX] = new_vertices; + + Vector<int> indices = surfaces[i].arrays[RS::ARRAY_INDEX]; + if (indices.size()) { + int index_count = indices.size(); + const int *index_rptr = indices.ptr(); + Vector<int> new_indices; + new_indices.resize(indices.size()); + int *index_wptr = new_indices.ptrw(); + + for (int j = 0; j < index_count; j++) { + int index = index_rptr[j]; + ERR_FAIL_INDEX(index, vertex_count); + index_wptr[j] = vertex_remap[index]; + } + + new_surface[RS::ARRAY_INDEX] = new_indices; + + // Make sure the same LODs as the full version are used. + // This makes it more coherent between rendered model and its shadows. + for (int j = 0; j < surfaces[i].lods.size(); j++) { + indices = surfaces[i].lods[j].indices; + + index_count = indices.size(); + index_rptr = indices.ptr(); + new_indices.resize(indices.size()); + index_wptr = new_indices.ptrw(); + + for (int k = 0; k < index_count; k++) { + int index = index_rptr[j]; + ERR_FAIL_INDEX(index, vertex_count); + index_wptr[j] = vertex_remap[index]; + } + + lods[surfaces[i].lods[j].distance] = new_indices; + } + } + + shadow_mesh->add_surface(surfaces[i].primitive, new_surface, Array(), lods, Ref<Material>(), surfaces[i].name); + } +} + +Ref<EditorSceneImporterMesh> EditorSceneImporterMesh::get_shadow_mesh() const { + return shadow_mesh; +} + void EditorSceneImporterMesh::_set_data(const Dictionary &p_data) { clear(); if (p_data.has("blend_shape_names")) { diff --git a/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.h b/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.h index 2adeb76b6c..42507cbe8c 100644 --- a/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.h +++ b/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.h @@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ class EditorSceneImporterMesh : public Resource { Ref<ArrayMesh> mesh; + Ref<EditorSceneImporterMesh> shadow_mesh; + protected: void _set_data(const Dictionary &p_data); Dictionary _get_data() const; @@ -89,6 +91,9 @@ public: void generate_lods(); + void create_shadow_mesh(); + Ref<EditorSceneImporterMesh> get_shadow_mesh() const; + bool has_mesh() const; Ref<ArrayMesh> get_mesh(); void clear(); diff --git a/editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp index fbfcac3d22..e7e069e8b6 100644 --- a/editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp +++ b/editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp @@ -255,6 +255,9 @@ void AnimationNodeBlendTreeEditor::_update_graph() { graph->connect_node(from, 0, to, to_idx); } + + float graph_minimap_opacity = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("editors/visual_editors/minimap_opacity"); + graph->set_minimap_opacity(graph_minimap_opacity); } void AnimationNodeBlendTreeEditor::_file_opened(const String &p_file) { @@ -888,6 +891,8 @@ AnimationNodeBlendTreeEditor::AnimationNodeBlendTreeEditor() { graph->connect("scroll_offset_changed", callable_mp(this, &AnimationNodeBlendTreeEditor::_scroll_changed)); graph->connect("delete_nodes_request", callable_mp(this, &AnimationNodeBlendTreeEditor::_delete_nodes_request)); graph->connect("popup_request", callable_mp(this, &AnimationNodeBlendTreeEditor::_popup_request)); + float graph_minimap_opacity = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("editors/visual_editors/minimap_opacity"); + graph->set_minimap_opacity(graph_minimap_opacity); VSeparator *vs = memnew(VSeparator); graph->get_zoom_hbox()->add_child(vs); diff --git a/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.cpp index 7717a9a27e..4fb0013620 100644 --- a/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.cpp +++ b/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.cpp @@ -2445,12 +2445,14 @@ void Node3DEditorViewport::_notification(int p_what) { //update shadow atlas if changed int shadowmap_size = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size"); + bool shadowmap_16_bits = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/16_bits"); int atlas_q0 = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_0_subdiv"); int atlas_q1 = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_1_subdiv"); int atlas_q2 = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_2_subdiv"); int atlas_q3 = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_3_subdiv"); viewport->set_shadow_atlas_size(shadowmap_size); + viewport->set_shadow_atlas_16_bits(shadowmap_16_bits); viewport->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(0, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv(atlas_q0)); viewport->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(1, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv(atlas_q1)); viewport->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(2, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv(atlas_q2)); diff --git a/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp index 08f139090b..edd0f7eeba 100644 --- a/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp +++ b/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp @@ -1282,6 +1282,9 @@ void VisualShaderEditor::_update_graph() { graph->connect_node(itos(from), from_idx, itos(to), to_idx); } + + float graph_minimap_opacity = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("editors/visual_editors/minimap_opacity"); + graph->set_minimap_opacity(graph_minimap_opacity); } VisualShader::Type VisualShaderEditor::get_current_shader_type() const { @@ -3161,6 +3164,8 @@ VisualShaderEditor::VisualShaderEditor() { graph->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); add_child(graph); graph->set_drag_forwarding(this); + float graph_minimap_opacity = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("editors/visual_editors/minimap_opacity"); + graph->set_minimap_opacity(graph_minimap_opacity); graph->add_valid_right_disconnect_type(VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_SCALAR); graph->add_valid_right_disconnect_type(VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_SCALAR_INT); graph->add_valid_right_disconnect_type(VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_BOOLEAN); diff --git a/main/main.cpp b/main/main.cpp index a6e050a9a5..f454829100 100644 --- a/main/main.cpp +++ b/main/main.cpp @@ -171,6 +171,8 @@ static bool disable_render_loop = false; static int fixed_fps = -1; static bool print_fps = false; +bool profile_gpu = false; + /* Helper methods */ // Used by Mono module, should likely be registered in Engine singleton instead @@ -357,6 +359,7 @@ void Main::print_help(const char *p_binary) { OS::get_singleton()->print(" --disable-crash-handler Disable crash handler when supported by the platform code.\n"); OS::get_singleton()->print(" --fixed-fps <fps> Force a fixed number of frames per second. This setting disables real-time synchronization.\n"); OS::get_singleton()->print(" --print-fps Print the frames per second to the stdout.\n"); + OS::get_singleton()->print(" --profile-gpu Show a simple profile of the tasks that took more time during frame rendering.\n"); OS::get_singleton()->print("\n"); OS::get_singleton()->print("Standalone tools:\n"); @@ -1006,6 +1009,8 @@ Error Main::setup(const char *execpath, int argc, char *argv[], bool p_second_ph } } else if (I->get() == "--print-fps") { print_fps = true; + } else if (I->get() == "--profile-gpu") { + profile_gpu = true; } else if (I->get() == "--disable-crash-handler") { OS::get_singleton()->disable_crash_handler(); } else if (I->get() == "--skip-breakpoints") { @@ -1574,6 +1579,10 @@ Error Main::setup2(Thread::ID p_main_tid_override) { rendering_server->init(); rendering_server->set_render_loop_enabled(!disable_render_loop); + if (profile_gpu) { + rendering_server->set_print_gpu_profile(true); + } + OS::get_singleton()->initialize_joypads(); /* Initialize Audio Driver */ @@ -2142,11 +2151,6 @@ bool Main::start() { } #endif - { - int directional_atlas_size = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/directional_shadow/size"); - RenderingServer::get_singleton()->directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(directional_atlas_size); - } - if (!editor && !project_manager) { //standard helpers that can be changed from main config @@ -2190,22 +2194,6 @@ bool Main::start() { DisplayServer::get_singleton()->window_set_title(appname); #endif - int shadow_atlas_size = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size"); - int shadow_atlas_q0_subdiv = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_0_subdiv"); - int shadow_atlas_q1_subdiv = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_1_subdiv"); - int shadow_atlas_q2_subdiv = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_2_subdiv"); - int shadow_atlas_q3_subdiv = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_3_subdiv"); - - sml->get_root()->set_shadow_atlas_size(shadow_atlas_size); - sml->get_root()->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(0, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv( - shadow_atlas_q0_subdiv)); - sml->get_root()->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(1, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv( - shadow_atlas_q1_subdiv)); - sml->get_root()->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(2, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv( - shadow_atlas_q2_subdiv)); - sml->get_root()->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(3, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv( - shadow_atlas_q3_subdiv)); - bool snap_controls = GLOBAL_DEF("gui/common/snap_controls_to_pixels", true); sml->get_root()->set_snap_controls_to_pixels(snap_controls); diff --git a/misc/dist/html/editor.html b/misc/dist/html/editor.html index de3cd07a93..53ad826730 100644 --- a/misc/dist/html/editor.html +++ b/misc/dist/html/editor.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ <meta charset='utf-8' /> <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, user-scalable=no' /> <link id='-gd-engine-icon' rel='icon' type='image/png' href='favicon.png' /> - <title></title> + <title>Godot Engine Web Editor ($GODOT_VERSION)</title> <style type='text/css'> *:focus { @@ -189,8 +189,17 @@ <br /> <img src="logo.svg" width="1024" height="414" style="width: auto; height: auto; max-width: 85%; max-height: 250px" /> <br /> + $GODOT_VERSION + <br /> + <a href="releases/">Need an old version?</a> + <br /> + <br /> + <br /> <label for="zip-file" style="margin-right: 1rem">Preload project ZIP:</label> <input id="zip-file" type="file" id="files" name="files" style="margin-bottom: 1rem"/> <br /> +<a href="demo.zip">(Try this for example)</a> + <br /> + <br /> <button id="startButton" class="btn" style="margin-bottom: 4rem">Start Godot editor</button> <br /> <button class="btn" onclick="clearPersistence()">Clear persistent data</button> diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/aabb.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/aabb.cpp index 41b5029ef4..5d3f224adc 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/aabb.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/aabb.cpp @@ -31,195 +31,15 @@ #include "gdnative/aabb.h" #include "core/math/aabb.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_aabb) == sizeof(AABB), "AABB size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_aabb) == sizeof(AABB), "AABB size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_aabb_new(godot_aabb *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_pos, const godot_vector3 *p_size) { - const Vector3 *pos = (const Vector3 *)p_pos; - const Vector3 *size = (const Vector3 *)p_size; - AABB *dest = (AABB *)r_dest; - *dest = AABB(*pos, *size); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_position(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - godot_vector3 raw_ret; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - Vector3 *ret = (Vector3 *)&raw_ret; - *ret = self->position; - return raw_ret; -} - -void GDAPI godot_aabb_set_position(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v) { - AABB *self = (AABB *)p_self; - const Vector3 *v = (const Vector3 *)p_v; - self->position = *v; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_size(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - godot_vector3 raw_ret; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - Vector3 *ret = (Vector3 *)&raw_ret; - *ret = self->size; - return raw_ret; -} - -void GDAPI godot_aabb_set_size(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v) { - AABB *self = (AABB *)p_self; - const Vector3 *v = (const Vector3 *)p_v; - self->size = *v; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_aabb_as_string(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_aabb_abs(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - godot_aabb dest; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - *((AABB *)&dest) = self->abs(); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_aabb_get_area(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - return self->get_area(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_has_no_area(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - return self->has_no_area(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_has_no_surface(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - return self->has_no_surface(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_intersects(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_with) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - const AABB *with = (const AABB *)p_with; - return self->intersects(*with); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_encloses(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_with) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - const AABB *with = (const AABB *)p_with; - return self->encloses(*with); -} - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_aabb_merge(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_with) { - godot_aabb dest; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - const AABB *with = (const AABB *)p_with; - *((AABB *)&dest) = self->merge(*with); - return dest; -} - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_aabb_intersection(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_with) { - godot_aabb dest; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - const AABB *with = (const AABB *)p_with; - *((AABB *)&dest) = self->intersection(*with); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_intersects_plane(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_plane *p_plane) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - const Plane *plane = (const Plane *)p_plane; - return self->intersects_plane(*plane); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_intersects_segment(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_from, const godot_vector3 *p_to) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - const Vector3 *from = (const Vector3 *)p_from; - const Vector3 *to = (const Vector3 *)p_to; - return self->intersects_segment(*from, *to); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_has_point(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_point) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - const Vector3 *point = (const Vector3 *)p_point; - return self->has_point(*point); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_support(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_dir) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - const Vector3 *dir = (const Vector3 *)p_dir; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->get_support(*dir); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_longest_axis(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->get_longest_axis(); - return dest; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_aabb_get_longest_axis_index(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - return self->get_longest_axis_index(); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_aabb_get_longest_axis_size(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - return self->get_longest_axis_size(); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->get_shortest_axis(); - return dest; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis_index(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - return self->get_shortest_axis_index(); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis_size(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - return self->get_shortest_axis_size(); -} - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_aabb_expand(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_to_point) { - godot_aabb dest; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - const Vector3 *to_point = (const Vector3 *)p_to_point; - *((AABB *)&dest) = self->expand(*to_point); - return dest; -} - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_aabb_grow(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_real p_by) { - godot_aabb dest; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - - *((AABB *)&dest) = self->grow(p_by); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_endpoint(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->get_endpoint(p_idx); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_operator_equal(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_b) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - const AABB *b = (const AABB *)p_b; - return *self == *b; +void GDAPI godot_aabb_new(godot_aabb *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, AABB); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/array.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/array.cpp index 7099b9d459..87a8c8e376 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/array.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/array.cpp @@ -33,369 +33,20 @@ #include "core/os/memory.h" #include "core/variant/array.h" -#include "core/math/color.h" - -#include "core/variant/variant.h" +static_assert(sizeof(godot_array) == sizeof(Array), "Array size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_array) == sizeof(Array), "Array size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_array_new(godot_array *r_dest) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_copy(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_src) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - const Array *src = (const Array *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Array(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_color_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_color_array *p_pca) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - Vector<Color> *pca = (Vector<Color> *)p_pca; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); - dest->resize(pca->size()); - - for (int i = 0; i < dest->size(); i++) { - Variant v = pca->operator[](i); - dest->operator[](i) = v; - } -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_vector3_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_pv3a) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - Vector<Vector3> *pca = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_pv3a; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); - dest->resize(pca->size()); - - for (int i = 0; i < dest->size(); i++) { - Variant v = pca->operator[](i); - dest->operator[](i) = v; - } -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_vector2_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_pv2a) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - Vector<Vector2> *pca = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_pv2a; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); - dest->resize(pca->size()); - - for (int i = 0; i < dest->size(); i++) { - Variant v = pca->operator[](i); - dest->operator[](i) = v; - } -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_vector2i_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_pv2a) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - Vector<Vector2i> *pca = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_pv2a; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); - dest->resize(pca->size()); - - for (int i = 0; i < dest->size(); i++) { - Variant v = pca->operator[](i); - dest->operator[](i) = v; - } -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_string_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_string_array *p_psa) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - Vector<String> *pca = (Vector<String> *)p_psa; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); - dest->resize(pca->size()); - - for (int i = 0; i < dest->size(); i++) { - Variant v = pca->operator[](i); - dest->operator[](i) = v; - } -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_float32_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_float32_array *p_pra) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - Vector<float> *pca = (Vector<float> *)p_pra; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); - dest->resize(pca->size()); - - for (int i = 0; i < dest->size(); i++) { - Variant v = pca->operator[](i); - dest->operator[](i) = v; - } -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_float64_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_float64_array *p_pra) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - Vector<double> *pca = (Vector<double> *)p_pra; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); - dest->resize(pca->size()); - - for (int i = 0; i < dest->size(); i++) { - Variant v = pca->operator[](i); - dest->operator[](i) = v; - } -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_int32_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_int32_array *p_pia) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - Vector<int32_t> *pca = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_pia; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); - dest->resize(pca->size()); - - for (int i = 0; i < dest->size(); i++) { - Variant v = pca->operator[](i); - dest->operator[](i) = v; - } -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_int64_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_int64_array *p_pia) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - Vector<int64_t> *pca = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_pia; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); - dest->resize(pca->size()); - - for (int i = 0; i < dest->size(); i++) { - Variant v = pca->operator[](i); - dest->operator[](i) = v; - } -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_byte_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_byte_array *p_pba) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - Vector<uint8_t> *pca = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_pba; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); - dest->resize(pca->size()); - - for (int i = 0; i < dest->size(); i++) { - Variant v = pca->operator[](i); - dest->operator[](i) = v; - } -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_set(godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_variant *p_value) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - Variant *val = (Variant *)p_value; - self->operator[](p_idx) = *val; -} - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_get(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - godot_variant raw_dest; - Variant *dest = (Variant *)&raw_dest; - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - memnew_placement(dest, Variant(self->operator[](p_idx))); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_variant GDAPI *godot_array_operator_index(godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - return (godot_variant *)&self->operator[](p_idx); -} - -const godot_variant GDAPI *godot_array_operator_index_const(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - return (const godot_variant *)&self->operator[](p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_append(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - Variant *val = (Variant *)p_value; - self->append(*val); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_clear(godot_array *p_self) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - self->clear(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_count(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - const Variant *val = (const Variant *)p_value; - return self->count(*val); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_array_is_empty(const godot_array *p_self) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_erase(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - const Variant *val = (const Variant *)p_value; - self->erase(*val); -} - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_front(const godot_array *p_self) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - godot_variant v; - Variant *val = (Variant *)&v; - memnew_placement(val, Variant); - *val = self->front(); - return v; -} - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_back(const godot_array *p_self) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - godot_variant v; - Variant *val = (Variant *)&v; - memnew_placement(val, Variant); - *val = self->back(); - return v; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_find(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_what, const godot_int p_from) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - const Variant *val = (const Variant *)p_what; - return self->find(*val, p_from); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_find_last(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_what) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - const Variant *val = (const Variant *)p_what; - return self->find_last(*val); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_array_has(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - const Variant *val = (const Variant *)p_value; - return self->has(*val); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_hash(const godot_array *p_self) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - return self->hash(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_insert(godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_pos, const godot_variant *p_value) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - const Variant *val = (const Variant *)p_value; - self->insert(p_pos, *val); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_invert(godot_array *p_self) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_pop_back(godot_array *p_self) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - godot_variant v; - Variant *val = (Variant *)&v; - memnew_placement(val, Variant); - *val = self->pop_back(); - return v; -} - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_pop_front(godot_array *p_self) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - godot_variant v; - Variant *val = (Variant *)&v; - memnew_placement(val, Variant); - *val = self->pop_front(); - return v; -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_push_back(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - const Variant *val = (const Variant *)p_value; - self->push_back(*val); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_push_front(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - const Variant *val = (const Variant *)p_value; - self->push_front(*val); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_remove(godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_resize(godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_rfind(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_what, const godot_int p_from) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - const Variant *val = (const Variant *)p_what; - return self->rfind(*val, p_from); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_size(const godot_array *p_self) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_sort(godot_array *p_self) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_sort_custom(godot_array *p_self, godot_object *p_obj, const godot_string *p_func) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - const String *func = (const String *)p_func; - self->sort_custom((Object *)p_obj, *func); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_bsearch(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value, const godot_bool p_before) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - return self->bsearch(*(const Variant *)p_value, p_before); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_bsearch_custom(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value, godot_object *p_obj, const godot_string *p_func, const godot_bool p_before) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - const String *func = (const String *)p_func; - return self->bsearch_custom(*(const Variant *)p_value, (Object *)p_obj, *func, p_before); +void GDAPI godot_array_new(godot_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Array); } void GDAPI godot_array_destroy(godot_array *p_self) { ((Array *)p_self)->~Array(); } -godot_array GDAPI godot_array_duplicate(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_bool p_deep) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - godot_array res; - Array *val = (Array *)&res; - memnew_placement(val, Array); - *val = self->duplicate(p_deep); - return res; -} - -godot_array GDAPI godot_array_slice(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_begin, const godot_int p_end, const godot_int p_step, const godot_bool p_deep) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - godot_array res; - Array *val = (Array *)&res; - memnew_placement(val, Array); - *val = self->slice(p_begin, p_end, p_step, p_deep); - return res; -} - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_max(const godot_array *p_self) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - godot_variant v; - Variant *val = (Variant *)&v; - memnew_placement(val, Variant); - *val = self->max(); - return v; -} - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_min(const godot_array *p_self) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - godot_variant v; - Variant *val = (Variant *)&v; - memnew_placement(val, Variant); - *val = self->min(); - return v; -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_shuffle(godot_array *p_self) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - self->shuffle(); -} - #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/basis.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/basis.cpp index bfcd9bbf2c..86a6d6216c 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/basis.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/basis.cpp @@ -31,266 +31,15 @@ #include "gdnative/basis.h" #include "core/math/basis.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_basis) == sizeof(Basis), "Basis size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_basis) == sizeof(Basis), "Basis size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_basis_new_with_rows(godot_basis *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_x_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_y_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_z_axis) { - const Vector3 *x_axis = (const Vector3 *)p_x_axis; - const Vector3 *y_axis = (const Vector3 *)p_y_axis; - const Vector3 *z_axis = (const Vector3 *)p_z_axis; - Basis *dest = (Basis *)r_dest; - *dest = Basis(*x_axis, *y_axis, *z_axis); -} - -void GDAPI godot_basis_new_with_axis_and_angle(godot_basis *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_phi) { - const Vector3 *axis = (const Vector3 *)p_axis; - Basis *dest = (Basis *)r_dest; - *dest = Basis(*axis, p_phi); -} - -void GDAPI godot_basis_new_with_euler(godot_basis *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_euler) { - const Vector3 *euler = (const Vector3 *)p_euler; - Basis *dest = (Basis *)r_dest; - *dest = Basis(*euler); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_basis_as_string(const godot_basis *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_inverse(const godot_basis *p_self) { - godot_basis dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - *((Basis *)&dest) = self->inverse(); - return dest; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_transposed(const godot_basis *p_self) { - godot_basis dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - *((Basis *)&dest) = self->transposed(); - return dest; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_orthonormalized(const godot_basis *p_self) { - godot_basis dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - *((Basis *)&dest) = self->orthonormalized(); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_basis_determinant(const godot_basis *p_self) { - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - return self->determinant(); -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_rotated(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_phi) { - godot_basis dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *axis = (const Vector3 *)p_axis; - *((Basis *)&dest) = self->rotated(*axis, p_phi); - return dest; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_scaled(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_scale) { - godot_basis dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *scale = (const Vector3 *)p_scale; - *((Basis *)&dest) = self->scaled(*scale); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_get_scale(const godot_basis *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->get_scale(); - return dest; -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_basis_get_quat(const godot_basis *p_self) { - godot_quat dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - *((Quat *)&dest) = self->get_quat(); - return dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_quat(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_quat *p_quat) { - Basis *self = (Basis *)p_self; - const Quat *quat = (const Quat *)p_quat; - self->set_quat(*quat); -} - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_axis_angle_scale(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, godot_real p_phi, const godot_vector3 *p_scale) { - Basis *self = (Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *axis = (const Vector3 *)p_axis; - const Vector3 *scale = (const Vector3 *)p_scale; - self->set_axis_angle_scale(*axis, p_phi, *scale); -} - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_euler_scale(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_euler, const godot_vector3 *p_scale) { - Basis *self = (Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *euler = (const Vector3 *)p_euler; - const Vector3 *scale = (const Vector3 *)p_scale; - self->set_euler_scale(*euler, *scale); -} - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_quat_scale(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_quat *p_quat, const godot_vector3 *p_scale) { - Basis *self = (Basis *)p_self; - const Quat *quat = (const Quat *)p_quat; - const Vector3 *scale = (const Vector3 *)p_scale; - self->set_quat_scale(*quat, *scale); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_get_euler(const godot_basis *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->get_euler(); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_basis_tdotx(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_with) { - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *with = (const Vector3 *)p_with; - return self->tdotx(*with); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_basis_tdoty(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_with) { - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *with = (const Vector3 *)p_with; - return self->tdoty(*with); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_basis_tdotz(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_with) { - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *with = (const Vector3 *)p_with; - return self->tdotz(*with); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_xform(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *v = (const Vector3 *)p_v; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->xform(*v); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_xform_inv(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *v = (const Vector3 *)p_v; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->xform_inv(*v); - return dest; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_basis_get_orthogonal_index(const godot_basis *p_self) { - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - return self->get_orthogonal_index(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_basis_new(godot_basis *r_dest) { - Basis *dest = (Basis *)r_dest; - *dest = Basis(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_basis_new_with_euler_quat(godot_basis *r_dest, const godot_quat *p_euler) { - Basis *dest = (Basis *)r_dest; - const Quat *euler = (const Quat *)p_euler; - *dest = Basis(*euler); -} - -// p_elements is a pointer to an array of 3 (!!) vector3 -void GDAPI godot_basis_get_elements(const godot_basis *p_self, godot_vector3 *p_elements) { - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - Vector3 *elements = (Vector3 *)p_elements; - elements[0] = self->elements[0]; - elements[1] = self->elements[1]; - elements[2] = self->elements[2]; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_get_axis(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_int p_axis) { - godot_vector3 dest; - Vector3 *d = (Vector3 *)&dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - *d = self->get_axis(p_axis); - return dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_axis(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_int p_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_value) { - Basis *self = (Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *value = (const Vector3 *)p_value; - self->set_axis(p_axis, *value); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_get_row(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_int p_row) { - godot_vector3 dest; - Vector3 *d = (Vector3 *)&dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - *d = self->get_row(p_row); - return dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_row(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_int p_row, const godot_vector3 *p_value) { - Basis *self = (Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *value = (const Vector3 *)p_value; - self->set_row(p_row, *value); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_basis_operator_equal(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_basis *p_b) { - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Basis *b = (const Basis *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_operator_add(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_basis *p_b) { - godot_basis raw_dest; - Basis *dest = (Basis *)&raw_dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Basis *b = (const Basis *)p_b; - *dest = *self + *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_operator_subtract(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_basis *p_b) { - godot_basis raw_dest; - Basis *dest = (Basis *)&raw_dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Basis *b = (const Basis *)p_b; - *dest = *self - *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_operator_multiply_vector(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_basis *p_b) { - godot_basis raw_dest; - Basis *dest = (Basis *)&raw_dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Basis *b = (const Basis *)p_b; - *dest = *self * *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_operator_multiply_scalar(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_real p_b) { - godot_basis raw_dest; - Basis *dest = (Basis *)&raw_dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - *dest = *self * p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_slerp(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_basis *p_b, const godot_real p_t) { - godot_basis raw_dest; - Basis *dest = (Basis *)&raw_dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Basis *b = (const Basis *)p_b; - *dest = self->slerp(*b, p_t); - return raw_dest; +void GDAPI godot_basis_new(godot_basis *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Basis); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/callable.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/callable.cpp index d4730a14b3..7c62b5928f 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/callable.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/callable.cpp @@ -30,36 +30,17 @@ #include "gdnative/callable.h" -#include "core/io/resource.h" #include "core/variant/callable.h" #include "core/variant/variant.h" +static_assert(sizeof(godot_callable) == sizeof(Callable), "Callable size mismatch"); + #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_callable) == sizeof(Callable), "Callable size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_signal) == sizeof(Signal), "Signal size mismatch"); - -// Callable - -void GDAPI godot_callable_new_with_object(godot_callable *r_dest, const godot_object *p_object, const godot_string_name *p_method) { - Callable *dest = (Callable *)r_dest; - const Object *object = (const Object *)p_object; - const StringName *method = (const StringName *)p_method; - memnew_placement(dest, Callable(object, *method)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_callable_new_with_object_id(godot_callable *r_dest, uint64_t p_objectid, const godot_string_name *p_method) { - Callable *dest = (Callable *)r_dest; - const StringName *method = (const StringName *)p_method; - memnew_placement(dest, Callable(ObjectID(p_objectid), *method)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_callable_new_copy(godot_callable *r_dest, const godot_callable *p_src) { - Callable *dest = (Callable *)r_dest; - const Callable *src = (const Callable *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Callable(*src)); +void GDAPI godot_callable_new(godot_callable *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Callable); } void GDAPI godot_callable_destroy(godot_callable *p_self) { @@ -67,186 +48,6 @@ void GDAPI godot_callable_destroy(godot_callable *p_self) { self->~Callable(); } -godot_int GDAPI godot_callable_call(const godot_callable *p_self, const godot_variant **p_arguments, godot_int p_argcount, godot_variant *r_return_value) { - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - const Variant **arguments = (const Variant **)p_arguments; - Variant *return_value = (Variant *)r_return_value; - Variant ret; - Callable::CallError err; - self->call(arguments, p_argcount, ret, err); - if (return_value) - (*return_value) = ret; - return (godot_int)err.error; -} - -void GDAPI godot_callable_call_deferred(const godot_callable *p_self, const godot_variant **p_arguments, godot_int p_argcount) { - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - const Variant **arguments = (const Variant **)p_arguments; - self->call_deferred(arguments, p_argcount); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_callable_is_null(const godot_callable *p_self) { - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - return self->is_null(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_callable_is_custom(const godot_callable *p_self) { - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - return self->is_custom(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_callable_is_standard(const godot_callable *p_self) { - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - return self->is_standard(); -} - -godot_object GDAPI *godot_callable_get_object(const godot_callable *p_self) { - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - return (godot_object *)self->get_object(); -} - -uint64_t GDAPI godot_callable_get_object_id(const godot_callable *p_self) { - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - return (uint64_t)self->get_object_id(); -} - -godot_string_name GDAPI godot_callable_get_method(const godot_callable *p_self) { - godot_string_name raw_dest; - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - StringName *dest = (StringName *)&raw_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, StringName(self->get_method())); - return raw_dest; -} - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_callable_hash(const godot_callable *p_self) { - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - return self->hash(); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_callable_as_string(const godot_callable *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_callable_operator_equal(const godot_callable *p_self, const godot_callable *p_other) { - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - const Callable *other = (const Callable *)p_other; - return *self == *other; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_callable_operator_less(const godot_callable *p_self, const godot_callable *p_other) { - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - const Callable *other = (const Callable *)p_other; - return *self < *other; -} - -// Signal - -void GDAPI godot_signal_new_with_object(godot_signal *r_dest, const godot_object *p_object, const godot_string_name *p_name) { - Signal *dest = (Signal *)r_dest; - const Object *object = (const Object *)p_object; - const StringName *name = (const StringName *)p_name; - memnew_placement(dest, Signal(object, *name)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_signal_new_with_object_id(godot_signal *r_dest, uint64_t p_objectid, const godot_string_name *p_name) { - Signal *dest = (Signal *)r_dest; - const StringName *name = (const StringName *)p_name; - memnew_placement(dest, Signal(ObjectID(p_objectid), *name)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_signal_new_copy(godot_signal *r_dest, const godot_signal *p_src) { - Signal *dest = (Signal *)r_dest; - const Signal *src = (const Signal *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Signal(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_signal_destroy(godot_signal *p_self) { - Signal *self = (Signal *)p_self; - self->~Signal(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_signal_emit(const godot_signal *p_self, const godot_variant **p_arguments, godot_int p_argcount) { - const Signal *self = (const Signal *)p_self; - const Variant **arguments = (const Variant **)p_arguments; - return (godot_int)self->emit(arguments, p_argcount); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_signal_connect(godot_signal *p_self, const godot_callable *p_callable, const godot_array *p_binds, uint32_t p_flags) { - Signal *self = (Signal *)p_self; - const Callable *callable = (const Callable *)p_callable; - const Array *binds_ar = (const Array *)p_binds; - Vector<Variant> binds; - for (int i = 0; i < binds_ar->size(); i++) { - binds.push_back(binds_ar->get(i)); - } - return (godot_int)self->connect(*callable, binds, p_flags); -} - -void GDAPI godot_signal_disconnect(godot_signal *p_self, const godot_callable *p_callable) { - Signal *self = (Signal *)p_self; - const Callable *callable = (const Callable *)p_callable; - self->disconnect(*callable); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_signal_is_null(const godot_signal *p_self) { - const Signal *self = (const Signal *)p_self; - return self->is_null(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_signal_is_connected(const godot_signal *p_self, const godot_callable *p_callable) { - const Signal *self = (const Signal *)p_self; - const Callable *callable = (const Callable *)p_callable; - return self->is_connected(*callable); -} - -godot_array GDAPI godot_signal_get_connections(const godot_signal *p_self) { - godot_array raw_dest; - const Signal *self = (const Signal *)p_self; - Array *dest = (Array *)&raw_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Array(self->get_connections())); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_object GDAPI *godot_signal_get_object(const godot_signal *p_self) { - const Signal *self = (const Signal *)p_self; - return (godot_object *)self->get_object(); -} - -uint64_t GDAPI godot_signal_get_object_id(const godot_signal *p_self) { - const Signal *self = (const Signal *)p_self; - return (uint64_t)self->get_object_id(); -} - -godot_string_name GDAPI godot_signal_get_name(const godot_signal *p_self) { - godot_string_name raw_dest; - const Signal *self = (const Signal *)p_self; - StringName *dest = (StringName *)&raw_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, StringName(self->get_name())); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_signal_as_string(const godot_signal *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Signal *self = (const Signal *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_signal_operator_equal(const godot_signal *p_self, const godot_signal *p_other) { - const Signal *self = (const Signal *)p_self; - const Signal *other = (const Signal *)p_other; - return *self == *other; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_signal_operator_less(const godot_signal *p_self, const godot_signal *p_other) { - const Signal *self = (const Signal *)p_self; - const Signal *other = (const Signal *)p_other; - return *self < *other; -} - #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/color.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/color.cpp index 939dec3a47..784c8d439e 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/color.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/color.cpp @@ -31,178 +31,15 @@ #include "gdnative/color.h" #include "core/math/color.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_color) == sizeof(Color), "Color size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_color) == sizeof(Color), "Color size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_color_new_rgba(godot_color *r_dest, const godot_real p_r, const godot_real p_g, const godot_real p_b, const godot_real p_a) { - Color *dest = (Color *)r_dest; - *dest = Color(p_r, p_g, p_b, p_a); -} - -void GDAPI godot_color_new_rgb(godot_color *r_dest, const godot_real p_r, const godot_real p_g, const godot_real p_b) { - Color *dest = (Color *)r_dest; - *dest = Color(p_r, p_g, p_b); -} - -godot_real godot_color_get_r(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->r; -} - -void godot_color_set_r(godot_color *p_self, const godot_real val) { - Color *self = (Color *)p_self; - self->r = val; -} - -godot_real godot_color_get_g(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->g; -} - -void godot_color_set_g(godot_color *p_self, const godot_real val) { - Color *self = (Color *)p_self; - self->g = val; -} - -godot_real godot_color_get_b(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->b; -} - -void godot_color_set_b(godot_color *p_self, const godot_real val) { - Color *self = (Color *)p_self; - self->b = val; -} - -godot_real godot_color_get_a(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->a; -} - -void godot_color_set_a(godot_color *p_self, const godot_real val) { - Color *self = (Color *)p_self; - self->a = val; -} - -godot_real godot_color_get_h(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->get_h(); -} - -godot_real godot_color_get_s(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->get_s(); -} - -godot_real godot_color_get_v(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->get_v(); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_color_as_string(const godot_color *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_rgba32(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->to_rgba32(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_abgr32(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->to_abgr32(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_abgr64(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->to_abgr64(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_argb64(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->to_argb64(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_rgba64(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->to_rgba64(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_argb32(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->to_argb32(); -} - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_inverted(const godot_color *p_self) { - godot_color dest; - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - *((Color *)&dest) = self->inverted(); - return dest; -} - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_lerp(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_color *p_b, const godot_real p_t) { - godot_color dest; - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - const Color *b = (const Color *)p_b; - *((Color *)&dest) = self->lerp(*b, p_t); - return dest; -} - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_blend(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_color *p_over) { - godot_color dest; - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - const Color *over = (const Color *)p_over; - *((Color *)&dest) = self->blend(*over); - return dest; -} - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_darkened(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_real p_amount) { - godot_color dest; - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - *((Color *)&dest) = self->darkened(p_amount); - return dest; -} - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_from_hsv(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_real p_h, const godot_real p_s, const godot_real p_v, const godot_real p_a) { - godot_color dest; - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - *((Color *)&dest) = self->from_hsv(p_h, p_s, p_v, p_a); - return dest; -} - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_lightened(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_real p_amount) { - godot_color dest; - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - *((Color *)&dest) = self->lightened(p_amount); - return dest; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_color_to_html(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_bool p_with_alpha) { - godot_string dest; - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - - memnew_placement(&dest, String(self->to_html(p_with_alpha))); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_color_operator_equal(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_color *p_b) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - const Color *b = (const Color *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_color_operator_less(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_color *p_b) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - const Color *b = (const Color *)p_b; - return *self < *b; +void GDAPI godot_color_new(godot_color *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Color); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/dictionary.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/dictionary.cpp index f3c040428a..d58e08f4b0 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/dictionary.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/dictionary.cpp @@ -30,26 +30,16 @@ #include "gdnative/dictionary.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" -// core/variant/variant.h before to avoid compile errors with MSVC -#include "core/io/json.h" #include "core/variant/dictionary.h" +static_assert(sizeof(godot_dictionary) == sizeof(Dictionary), "Dictionary size mismatch"); + #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_dictionary) == sizeof(Dictionary), "Dictionary size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_dictionary_new(godot_dictionary *r_dest) { - Dictionary *dest = (Dictionary *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Dictionary); -} - -void GDAPI godot_dictionary_new_copy(godot_dictionary *r_dest, const godot_dictionary *p_src) { - Dictionary *dest = (Dictionary *)r_dest; - const Dictionary *src = (const Dictionary *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Dictionary(*src)); +void GDAPI godot_dictionary_new(godot_dictionary *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Dictionary); } void GDAPI godot_dictionary_destroy(godot_dictionary *p_self) { @@ -57,135 +47,6 @@ void GDAPI godot_dictionary_destroy(godot_dictionary *p_self) { self->~Dictionary(); } -godot_dictionary GDAPI godot_dictionary_duplicate(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_bool p_deep) { - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - godot_dictionary res; - Dictionary *val = (Dictionary *)&res; - memnew_placement(val, Dictionary); - *val = self->duplicate(p_deep); - return res; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_dictionary_size(const godot_dictionary *p_self) { - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_dictionary_is_empty(const godot_dictionary *p_self) { - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_dictionary_clear(godot_dictionary *p_self) { - Dictionary *self = (Dictionary *)p_self; - self->clear(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_dictionary_has(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key) { - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; - return self->has(*key); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_dictionary_has_all(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_array *p_keys) { - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - const Array *keys = (const Array *)p_keys; - return self->has_all(*keys); -} - -void GDAPI godot_dictionary_erase(godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key) { - Dictionary *self = (Dictionary *)p_self; - const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; - self->erase(*key); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_dictionary_hash(const godot_dictionary *p_self) { - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - return self->hash(); -} - -godot_array GDAPI godot_dictionary_keys(const godot_dictionary *p_self) { - godot_array dest; - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&dest, Array(self->keys())); - return dest; -} - -godot_array GDAPI godot_dictionary_values(const godot_dictionary *p_self) { - godot_array dest; - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&dest, Array(self->values())); - return dest; -} - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_dictionary_get(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key) { - godot_variant raw_dest; - Variant *dest = (Variant *)&raw_dest; - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; - memnew_placement(dest, Variant(self->operator[](*key))); - return raw_dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_dictionary_set(godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, const godot_variant *p_value) { - Dictionary *self = (Dictionary *)p_self; - const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; - const Variant *value = (const Variant *)p_value; - self->operator[](*key) = *value; -} - -godot_variant GDAPI *godot_dictionary_operator_index(godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key) { - Dictionary *self = (Dictionary *)p_self; - const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; - return (godot_variant *)&self->operator[](*key); -} - -const godot_variant GDAPI *godot_dictionary_operator_index_const(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key) { - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; - return (const godot_variant *)&self->operator[](*key); -} - -godot_variant GDAPI *godot_dictionary_next(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key) { - Dictionary *self = (Dictionary *)p_self; - const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; - return (godot_variant *)self->next(key); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_dictionary_operator_equal(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_dictionary *p_b) { - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - const Dictionary *b = (const Dictionary *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_dictionary_to_json(const godot_dictionary *p_self) { - godot_string raw_dest; - String *dest = (String *)&raw_dest; - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - memnew_placement(dest, String(JSON::print(Variant(*self)))); - return raw_dest; -} - -// GDNative core 1.1 - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_dictionary_erase_with_return(godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key) { - Dictionary *self = (Dictionary *)p_self; - const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; - return self->erase(*key); -} - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_dictionary_get_with_default(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, const godot_variant *p_default) { - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; - const Variant *def = (const Variant *)p_default; - - godot_variant raw_dest; - Variant *dest = (Variant *)&raw_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Variant(self->get(*key, *def))); - - return raw_dest; -} - #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/gdnative.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/gdnative.cpp index 1c11130d89..c3d25f81c7 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/gdnative.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/gdnative.cpp @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ godot_class_constructor GDAPI godot_get_class_constructor(const char *p_classnam godot_dictionary GDAPI godot_get_global_constants() { godot_dictionary constants; - godot_dictionary_new(&constants); + memnew_placement(&constants, Dictionary); Dictionary *p_constants = (Dictionary *)&constants; const int constants_count = CoreConstants::get_global_constant_count(); for (int i = 0; i < constants_count; ++i) { @@ -127,18 +127,6 @@ void GDAPI godot_free(void *p_ptr) { memfree(p_ptr); } -void GDAPI godot_print_error(const char *p_description, const char *p_function, const char *p_file, int p_line) { - _err_print_error(p_function, p_file, p_line, p_description, ERR_HANDLER_ERROR); -} - -void GDAPI godot_print_warning(const char *p_description, const char *p_function, const char *p_file, int p_line) { - _err_print_error(p_function, p_file, p_line, p_description, ERR_HANDLER_WARNING); -} - -void GDAPI godot_print(const godot_string *p_message) { - print_line(*(String *)p_message); -} - void _gdnative_report_version_mismatch(const godot_object *p_library, const char *p_ext, godot_gdnative_api_version p_want, godot_gdnative_api_version p_have) { String message = "Error loading GDNative file "; GDNativeLibrary *library = (GDNativeLibrary *)p_library; diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/node_path.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/node_path.cpp index 7b215c0d0b..02c2f9b22b 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/node_path.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/node_path.cpp @@ -31,24 +31,15 @@ #include "gdnative/node_path.h" #include "core/string/node_path.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_node_path) == sizeof(NodePath), "NodePath size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_node_path) == sizeof(NodePath), "NodePath size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_node_path_new(godot_node_path *r_dest, const godot_string *p_from) { - NodePath *dest = (NodePath *)r_dest; - const String *from = (const String *)p_from; - memnew_placement(dest, NodePath(*from)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_node_path_new_copy(godot_node_path *r_dest, const godot_node_path *p_src) { - NodePath *dest = (NodePath *)r_dest; - const NodePath *src = (const NodePath *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, NodePath(*src)); +void GDAPI godot_node_path_new(godot_node_path *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, NodePath); } void GDAPI godot_node_path_destroy(godot_node_path *p_self) { @@ -56,71 +47,6 @@ void GDAPI godot_node_path_destroy(godot_node_path *p_self) { self->~NodePath(); } -godot_string GDAPI godot_node_path_as_string(const godot_node_path *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const NodePath *self = (const NodePath *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_node_path_is_absolute(const godot_node_path *p_self) { - const NodePath *self = (const NodePath *)p_self; - return self->is_absolute(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_node_path_get_name_count(const godot_node_path *p_self) { - const NodePath *self = (const NodePath *)p_self; - return self->get_name_count(); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_node_path_get_name(const godot_node_path *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - godot_string dest; - const NodePath *self = (const NodePath *)p_self; - - memnew_placement(&dest, String(self->get_name(p_idx))); - return dest; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_node_path_get_subname_count(const godot_node_path *p_self) { - const NodePath *self = (const NodePath *)p_self; - return self->get_subname_count(); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_node_path_get_subname(const godot_node_path *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - godot_string dest; - const NodePath *self = (const NodePath *)p_self; - - memnew_placement(&dest, String(self->get_subname(p_idx))); - return dest; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_node_path_get_concatenated_subnames(const godot_node_path *p_self) { - godot_string dest; - const NodePath *self = (const NodePath *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&dest, String(self->get_concatenated_subnames())); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_node_path_is_empty(const godot_node_path *p_self) { - const NodePath *self = (const NodePath *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_node_path_operator_equal(const godot_node_path *p_self, const godot_node_path *p_b) { - const NodePath *self = (const NodePath *)p_self; - const NodePath *b = (const NodePath *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_node_path godot_node_path_get_as_property_path(const godot_node_path *p_self) { - const NodePath *self = (const NodePath *)p_self; - godot_node_path res; - NodePath *val = (NodePath *)&res; - memnew_placement(val, NodePath); - *val = self->get_as_property_path(); - return res; -} - #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/packed_arrays.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/packed_arrays.cpp index e714999234..9e4c6e6f38 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/packed_arrays.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/packed_arrays.cpp @@ -30,882 +30,103 @@ #include "gdnative/packed_arrays.h" -#include "core/variant/array.h" - #include "core/variant/variant.h" -#include "core/math/color.h" #include "core/math/vector2.h" -#include "core/math/vector3.h" +#include "core/math/vector3i.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_byte_array) == sizeof(PackedByteArray), "PackedByteArray size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_int32_array) == sizeof(PackedInt32Array), "PackedInt32Array size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_int64_array) == sizeof(PackedInt64Array), "PackedInt64Array size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_float32_array) == sizeof(PackedFloat32Array), "PackedFloat32Array size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_float64_array) == sizeof(PackedFloat64Array), "PackedFloat64Array size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_string_array) == sizeof(PackedStringArray), "PackedStringArray size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_vector2_array) == sizeof(PackedVector2Array), "PackedVector2Array size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_vector2i_array) == sizeof(Vector<Vector2i>), "Vector<Vector2i> size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_vector3_array) == sizeof(PackedVector3Array), "PackedVector3Array size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_vector3i_array) == sizeof(Vector<Vector3i>), "Vector<Vector3i> size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_color_array) == sizeof(PackedColorArray), "PackedColorArray size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_byte_array) == sizeof(Vector<uint8_t>), "Vector<uint8_t> size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_int32_array) == sizeof(Vector<int32_t>), "Vector<int32_t> size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_int64_array) == sizeof(Vector<int64_t>), "Vector<int64_t> size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_float32_array) == sizeof(Vector<float>), "Vector<float> size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_float64_array) == sizeof(Vector<double>), "Vector<double> size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_string_array) == sizeof(Vector<String>), "Vector<String> size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_vector2_array) == sizeof(Vector<Vector2>), "Vector<Vector2> size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_vector2i_array) == sizeof(Vector<Vector2i>), "Vector<Vector2i> size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_vector3_array) == sizeof(Vector<Vector3>), "Vector<Vector3> size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_color_array) == sizeof(Vector<Color>), "Vector<Color> size mismatch"); - #define memnew_placement_custom(m_placement, m_class, m_constr) _post_initialize(new (m_placement, sizeof(m_class), "") m_constr) // byte -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_new(godot_packed_byte_array *r_dest) { - Vector<uint8_t> *dest = (Vector<uint8_t> *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<uint8_t>); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_new_copy(godot_packed_byte_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_byte_array *p_src) { - Vector<uint8_t> *dest = (Vector<uint8_t> *)r_dest; - const Vector<uint8_t> *src = (const Vector<uint8_t> *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<uint8_t>(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_byte_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a) { - Vector<uint8_t> *dest = (Vector<uint8_t> *)r_dest; - Array *a = (Array *)p_a; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<uint8_t>); - - dest->resize(a->size()); - for (int i = 0; i < a->size(); i++) { - dest->set(i, (*a)[i]); - } -} - -const uint8_t GDAPI *godot_packed_byte_array_ptr(const godot_packed_byte_array *p_self) { - const Vector<uint8_t> *self = (const Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - return self->ptr(); -} - -uint8_t GDAPI *godot_packed_byte_array_ptrw(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - return self->ptrw(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_append(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const uint8_t p_data) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - self->push_back(p_data); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_append_array(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_packed_byte_array *p_array) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - Vector<uint8_t> *array = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_array; - self->append_array(*array); -} - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_insert(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const uint8_t p_data) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - return (godot_error)self->insert(p_idx, p_data); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_has(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const uint8_t p_value) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - return (godot_bool)self->has(p_value); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_sort(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_invert(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_push_back(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const uint8_t p_data) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - self->push_back(p_data); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_remove(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_resize(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_set(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const uint8_t p_data) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - self->set(p_idx, p_data); -} - -uint8_t GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_get(const godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Vector<uint8_t> *self = (const Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - return self->get(p_idx); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_size(const godot_packed_byte_array *p_self) { - const Vector<uint8_t> *self = (const Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_byte_array *p_self) { - const Vector<uint8_t> *self = (const Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_new(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, PackedByteArray); } void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_destroy(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self) { - ((Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self)->~Vector(); + ((PackedByteArray *)p_self)->~PackedByteArray(); } // int32 -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_new(godot_packed_int32_array *r_dest) { - Vector<int32_t> *dest = (Vector<int32_t> *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<int32_t>); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_new_copy(godot_packed_int32_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_int32_array *p_src) { - Vector<int32_t> *dest = (Vector<int32_t> *)r_dest; - const Vector<int32_t> *src = (const Vector<int32_t> *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<int32_t>(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_int32_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a) { - Vector<int32_t> *dest = (Vector<int32_t> *)r_dest; - Array *a = (Array *)p_a; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<int32_t>); - - dest->resize(a->size()); - for (int i = 0; i < a->size(); i++) { - dest->set(i, (*a)[i]); - } -} - -const int32_t GDAPI *godot_packed_int32_array_ptr(const godot_packed_int32_array *p_self) { - const Vector<int32_t> *self = (const Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - return self->ptr(); -} - -int32_t GDAPI *godot_packed_int32_array_ptrw(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - return self->ptrw(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_append(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const int32_t p_data) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - self->push_back(p_data); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_append_array(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_packed_int32_array *p_array) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - Vector<int32_t> *array = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_array; - self->append_array(*array); -} - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_insert(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const int32_t p_data) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - return (godot_error)self->insert(p_idx, p_data); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_has(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const int32_t p_value) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - return (godot_bool)self->has(p_value); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_sort(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_invert(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_push_back(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const int32_t p_data) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - self->push_back(p_data); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_remove(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_resize(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_set(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const int32_t p_data) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - self->set(p_idx, p_data); -} - -int32_t GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_get(const godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Vector<int32_t> *self = (const Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - return self->get(p_idx); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_size(const godot_packed_int32_array *p_self) { - const Vector<int32_t> *self = (const Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_int32_array *p_self) { - const Vector<int32_t> *self = (const Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_new(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, PackedInt32Array); } void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_destroy(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self) { - ((Vector<int32_t> *)p_self)->~Vector(); + ((PackedInt32Array *)p_self)->~PackedInt32Array(); } // int64 -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_new(godot_packed_int64_array *r_dest) { - Vector<int64_t> *dest = (Vector<int64_t> *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<int64_t>); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_new_copy(godot_packed_int64_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_int64_array *p_src) { - Vector<int64_t> *dest = (Vector<int64_t> *)r_dest; - const Vector<int64_t> *src = (const Vector<int64_t> *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<int64_t>(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_int64_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a) { - Vector<int64_t> *dest = (Vector<int64_t> *)r_dest; - Array *a = (Array *)p_a; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<int64_t>); - - dest->resize(a->size()); - for (int i = 0; i < a->size(); i++) { - dest->set(i, (*a)[i]); - } -} - -const int64_t GDAPI *godot_packed_int64_array_ptr(const godot_packed_int64_array *p_self) { - const Vector<int64_t> *self = (const Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - return self->ptr(); -} - -int64_t GDAPI *godot_packed_int64_array_ptrw(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - return self->ptrw(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_append(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const int64_t p_data) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - self->push_back(p_data); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_append_array(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_packed_int64_array *p_array) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - Vector<int64_t> *array = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_array; - self->append_array(*array); -} - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_insert(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const int64_t p_data) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - return (godot_error)self->insert(p_idx, p_data); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_has(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const int64_t p_value) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - return (godot_bool)self->has(p_value); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_sort(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_invert(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_push_back(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const int64_t p_data) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - self->push_back(p_data); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_remove(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_resize(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_set(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const int64_t p_data) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - self->set(p_idx, p_data); -} - -int64_t GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_get(const godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Vector<int64_t> *self = (const Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - return self->get(p_idx); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_size(const godot_packed_int64_array *p_self) { - const Vector<int64_t> *self = (const Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_int64_array *p_self) { - const Vector<int64_t> *self = (const Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_new(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, PackedInt64Array); } void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_destroy(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self) { - ((Vector<int64_t> *)p_self)->~Vector(); + ((PackedInt64Array *)p_self)->~PackedInt64Array(); } // float32 -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_new(godot_packed_float32_array *r_dest) { - Vector<float> *dest = (Vector<float> *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<float>); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_new_copy(godot_packed_float32_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_float32_array *p_src) { - Vector<float> *dest = (Vector<float> *)r_dest; - const Vector<float> *src = (const Vector<float> *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<float>(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_float32_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a) { - Vector<float> *dest = (Vector<float> *)r_dest; - Array *a = (Array *)p_a; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<float>); - - dest->resize(a->size()); - for (int i = 0; i < a->size(); i++) { - dest->set(i, (*a)[i]); - } -} - -const float GDAPI *godot_packed_float32_array_ptr(const godot_packed_float32_array *p_self) { - const Vector<float> *self = (const Vector<float> *)p_self; - return self->ptr(); -} - -float GDAPI *godot_packed_float32_array_ptrw(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - return self->ptrw(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_append(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const float p_data) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - self->push_back(p_data); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_append_array(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_packed_float32_array *p_array) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - Vector<float> *array = (Vector<float> *)p_array; - self->append_array(*array); -} - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_insert(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const float p_data) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - return (godot_error)self->insert(p_idx, p_data); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_has(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const float p_value) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - return (godot_bool)self->has(p_value); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_sort(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_invert(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_push_back(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const float p_data) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - self->push_back(p_data); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_remove(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_resize(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_set(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const float p_data) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - self->set(p_idx, p_data); -} - -float GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_get(const godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Vector<float> *self = (const Vector<float> *)p_self; - return self->get(p_idx); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_size(const godot_packed_float32_array *p_self) { - const Vector<float> *self = (const Vector<float> *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_float32_array *p_self) { - const Vector<float> *self = (const Vector<float> *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_new(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, PackedFloat32Array); } void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_destroy(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self) { - ((Vector<float> *)p_self)->~Vector(); + ((PackedFloat32Array *)p_self)->~PackedFloat32Array(); } // float64 -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_new(godot_packed_float64_array *r_dest) { - Vector<double> *dest = (Vector<double> *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<double>); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_new_copy(godot_packed_float64_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_float64_array *p_src) { - Vector<double> *dest = (Vector<double> *)r_dest; - const Vector<double> *src = (const Vector<double> *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<double>(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_float64_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a) { - Vector<double> *dest = (Vector<double> *)r_dest; - Array *a = (Array *)p_a; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<double>); - - dest->resize(a->size()); - for (int i = 0; i < a->size(); i++) { - dest->set(i, (*a)[i]); - } -} - -const double GDAPI *godot_packed_float64_array_ptr(const godot_packed_float64_array *p_self) { - const Vector<double> *self = (const Vector<double> *)p_self; - return self->ptr(); -} - -double GDAPI *godot_packed_float64_array_ptrw(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - return self->ptrw(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_append(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const double p_data) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - self->push_back(p_data); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_append_array(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_packed_float64_array *p_array) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - Vector<double> *array = (Vector<double> *)p_array; - self->append_array(*array); -} - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_insert(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const double p_data) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - return (godot_error)self->insert(p_idx, p_data); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_has(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const double p_value) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - return (godot_bool)self->has(p_value); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_sort(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_invert(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_push_back(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const double p_data) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - self->push_back(p_data); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_remove(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_resize(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_set(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const double p_data) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - self->set(p_idx, p_data); -} - -double GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_get(const godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Vector<double> *self = (const Vector<double> *)p_self; - return self->get(p_idx); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_size(const godot_packed_float64_array *p_self) { - const Vector<double> *self = (const Vector<double> *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_float64_array *p_self) { - const Vector<double> *self = (const Vector<double> *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_new(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, PackedFloat64Array); } void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_destroy(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self) { - ((Vector<double> *)p_self)->~Vector(); + ((PackedFloat64Array *)p_self)->~PackedFloat64Array(); } // string -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_new(godot_packed_string_array *r_dest) { - Vector<String> *dest = (Vector<String> *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<String>); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_new_copy(godot_packed_string_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_string_array *p_src) { - Vector<String> *dest = (Vector<String> *)r_dest; - const Vector<String> *src = (const Vector<String> *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<String>(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_string_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a) { - Vector<String> *dest = (Vector<String> *)r_dest; - Array *a = (Array *)p_a; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<String>); - - dest->resize(a->size()); - for (int i = 0; i < a->size(); i++) { - dest->set(i, (*a)[i]); - } -} - -const godot_string GDAPI *godot_packed_string_array_ptr(const godot_packed_string_array *p_self) { - const Vector<String> *self = (const Vector<String> *)p_self; - return (const godot_string *)self->ptr(); -} - -godot_string GDAPI *godot_packed_string_array_ptrw(godot_packed_string_array *p_self) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - return (godot_string *)self->ptrw(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_append(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_string *p_data) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - String &s = *(String *)p_data; - self->push_back(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_append_array(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_array) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - Vector<String> *array = (Vector<String> *)p_array; - self->append_array(*array); -} - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_insert(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_string *p_data) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - String &s = *(String *)p_data; - return (godot_error)self->insert(p_idx, s); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_has(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_string *p_value) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - String &s = *(String *)p_value; - return (godot_bool)self->has(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_sort(godot_packed_string_array *p_self) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_invert(godot_packed_string_array *p_self) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_push_back(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_string *p_data) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - String &s = *(String *)p_data; - self->push_back(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_remove(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_resize(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_set(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_string *p_data) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - String &s = *(String *)p_data; - self->set(p_idx, s); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_get(const godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Vector<String> *self = (const Vector<String> *)p_self; - godot_string str; - String *s = (String *)&str; - memnew_placement(s, String); - *s = self->get(p_idx); - return str; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_size(const godot_packed_string_array *p_self) { - const Vector<String> *self = (const Vector<String> *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_string_array *p_self) { - const Vector<String> *self = (const Vector<String> *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_new(godot_packed_string_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, PackedStringArray); } void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_destroy(godot_packed_string_array *p_self) { - ((Vector<String> *)p_self)->~Vector(); + ((PackedStringArray *)p_self)->~PackedStringArray(); } // vector2 -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_new(godot_packed_vector2_array *r_dest) { - Vector<Vector2> *dest = (Vector<Vector2> *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Vector2>); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_new_copy(godot_packed_vector2_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_src) { - Vector<Vector2> *dest = (Vector<Vector2> *)r_dest; - const Vector<Vector2> *src = (const Vector<Vector2> *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Vector2>(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_vector2_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a) { - Vector<Vector2> *dest = (Vector<Vector2> *)r_dest; - Array *a = (Array *)p_a; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Vector2>); - - dest->resize(a->size()); - for (int i = 0; i < a->size(); i++) { - dest->set(i, (*a)[i]); - } -} - -const godot_vector2 GDAPI *godot_packed_vector2_array_ptr(const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Vector2> *self = (const Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - return (const godot_vector2 *)self->ptr(); -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI *godot_packed_vector2_array_ptrw(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - return (godot_vector2 *)self->ptrw(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_append(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_data) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - Vector2 &s = *(Vector2 *)p_data; - self->push_back(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_append_array(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_array) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - Vector<Vector2> *array = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_array; - self->append_array(*array); -} - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_insert(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector2 *p_data) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - Vector2 &s = *(Vector2 *)p_data; - return (godot_error)self->insert(p_idx, s); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_has(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_value) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - Vector2 &v = *(Vector2 *)p_value; - return (godot_bool)self->has(v); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_sort(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_invert(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_push_back(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_data) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - Vector2 &s = *(Vector2 *)p_data; - self->push_back(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_remove(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_resize(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_set(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector2 *p_data) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - Vector2 &s = *(Vector2 *)p_data; - self->set(p_idx, s); -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_get(const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Vector<Vector2> *self = (const Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - godot_vector2 v; - Vector2 *s = (Vector2 *)&v; - *s = self->get(p_idx); - return v; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_size(const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Vector2> *self = (const Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Vector2> *self = (const Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_new(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, PackedVector2Array); } void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_destroy(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self) { - ((Vector<Vector2> *)p_self)->~Vector(); + ((PackedVector2Array *)p_self)->~PackedVector2Array(); } // vector2i -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_new(godot_packed_vector2i_array *r_dest) { - Vector<Vector2i> *dest = (Vector<Vector2i> *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Vector2i>); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_new_copy(godot_packed_vector2i_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_src) { - Vector<Vector2i> *dest = (Vector<Vector2i> *)r_dest; - const Vector<Vector2i> *src = (const Vector<Vector2i> *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Vector2i>(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_vector2i_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a) { - Vector<Vector2i> *dest = (Vector<Vector2i> *)r_dest; - Array *a = (Array *)p_a; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Vector2i>); - - dest->resize(a->size()); - for (int i = 0; i < a->size(); i++) { - dest->set(i, (*a)[i]); - } -} - -const godot_vector2i GDAPI *godot_packed_vector2i_array_ptr(const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Vector2i> *self = (const Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - return (const godot_vector2i *)self->ptr(); -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI *godot_packed_vector2i_array_ptrw(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - return (godot_vector2i *)self->ptrw(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_append(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_data) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - Vector2i &s = *(Vector2i *)p_data; - self->push_back(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_append_array(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_array) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - Vector<Vector2i> *array = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_array; - self->append_array(*array); -} - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_insert(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector2i *p_data) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - Vector2i &s = *(Vector2i *)p_data; - return (godot_error)self->insert(p_idx, s); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_has(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_value) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - Vector2i &v = *(Vector2i *)p_value; - return (godot_bool)self->has(v); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_sort(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_invert(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_push_back(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_data) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - Vector2i &s = *(Vector2i *)p_data; - self->push_back(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_remove(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_resize(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_set(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector2i *p_data) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - Vector2i &s = *(Vector2i *)p_data; - self->set(p_idx, s); -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_get(const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Vector<Vector2i> *self = (const Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - godot_vector2i v; - Vector2i *s = (Vector2i *)&v; - *s = self->get(p_idx); - return v; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_size(const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Vector2i> *self = (const Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Vector2i> *self = (const Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_new(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Vector<Vector2i>); } void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_destroy(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self) { @@ -914,226 +135,32 @@ void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_destroy(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_se // vector3 -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_new(godot_packed_vector3_array *r_dest) { - Vector<Vector3> *dest = (Vector<Vector3> *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Vector3>); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_new_copy(godot_packed_vector3_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_src) { - Vector<Vector3> *dest = (Vector<Vector3> *)r_dest; - const Vector<Vector3> *src = (const Vector<Vector3> *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Vector3>(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_vector3_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a) { - Vector<Vector3> *dest = (Vector<Vector3> *)r_dest; - Array *a = (Array *)p_a; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Vector3>); - - dest->resize(a->size()); - for (int i = 0; i < a->size(); i++) { - dest->set(i, (*a)[i]); - } -} - -const godot_vector3 GDAPI *godot_packed_vector3_array_ptr(const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Vector3> *self = (const Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - return (const godot_vector3 *)self->ptr(); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI *godot_packed_vector3_array_ptrw(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - return (godot_vector3 *)self->ptrw(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_append(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_data) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - Vector3 &s = *(Vector3 *)p_data; - self->push_back(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_append_array(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_array) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - Vector<Vector3> *array = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_array; - self->append_array(*array); -} - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_insert(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector3 *p_data) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - Vector3 &s = *(Vector3 *)p_data; - return (godot_error)self->insert(p_idx, s); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_has(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_value) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - Vector3 &v = *(Vector3 *)p_value; - return (godot_bool)self->has(v); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_sort(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_invert(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_push_back(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_data) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - Vector3 &s = *(Vector3 *)p_data; - self->push_back(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_remove(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_resize(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_set(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector3 *p_data) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - Vector3 &s = *(Vector3 *)p_data; - self->set(p_idx, s); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_get(const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Vector<Vector3> *self = (const Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - godot_vector3 v; - Vector3 *s = (Vector3 *)&v; - *s = self->get(p_idx); - return v; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_size(const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Vector3> *self = (const Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Vector3> *self = (const Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_new(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, PackedVector3Array); } void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_destroy(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self) { - ((Vector<Vector3> *)p_self)->~Vector(); + ((PackedVector3Array *)p_self)->~PackedVector3Array(); } -// color - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_new(godot_packed_color_array *r_dest) { - Vector<Color> *dest = (Vector<Color> *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Color>); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_new_copy(godot_packed_color_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_color_array *p_src) { - Vector<Color> *dest = (Vector<Color> *)r_dest; - const Vector<Color> *src = (const Vector<Color> *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Color>(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_color_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a) { - Vector<Color> *dest = (Vector<Color> *)r_dest; - Array *a = (Array *)p_a; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Color>); +// vector3i - dest->resize(a->size()); - for (int i = 0; i < a->size(); i++) { - dest->set(i, (*a)[i]); - } +void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3i_array_new(godot_packed_vector3i_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Vector<Vector3i>); } -const godot_color GDAPI *godot_packed_color_array_ptr(const godot_packed_color_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Color> *self = (const Vector<Color> *)p_self; - return (const godot_color *)self->ptr(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3i_array_destroy(godot_packed_vector3i_array *p_self) { + ((Vector<Vector3i> *)p_self)->~Vector(); } -godot_color GDAPI *godot_packed_color_array_ptrw(godot_packed_color_array *p_self) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - return (godot_color *)self->ptrw(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_append(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_color *p_data) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - Color &s = *(Color *)p_data; - self->push_back(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_append_array(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_packed_color_array *p_array) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - Vector<Color> *array = (Vector<Color> *)p_array; - self->append_array(*array); -} - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_insert(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_color *p_data) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - Color &s = *(Color *)p_data; - return (godot_error)self->insert(p_idx, s); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_has(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_color *p_value) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - Color &c = *(Color *)p_value; - return (godot_bool)self->has(c); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_sort(godot_packed_color_array *p_self) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_invert(godot_packed_color_array *p_self) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_push_back(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_color *p_data) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - Color &s = *(Color *)p_data; - self->push_back(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_remove(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_resize(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_set(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_color *p_data) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - Color &s = *(Color *)p_data; - self->set(p_idx, s); -} - -godot_color GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_get(const godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Vector<Color> *self = (const Vector<Color> *)p_self; - godot_color v; - Color *s = (Color *)&v; - *s = self->get(p_idx); - return v; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_size(const godot_packed_color_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Color> *self = (const Vector<Color> *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} +// color -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_color_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Color> *self = (const Vector<Color> *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_new(godot_packed_color_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, PackedColorArray); } void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_destroy(godot_packed_color_array *p_self) { - ((Vector<Color> *)p_self)->~Vector(); + ((PackedColorArray *)p_self)->~PackedColorArray(); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/plane.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/plane.cpp index 32a90d08fa..61d5e09fad 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/plane.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/plane.cpp @@ -31,139 +31,15 @@ #include "gdnative/plane.h" #include "core/math/plane.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_plane) == sizeof(Plane), "Plane size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_plane) == sizeof(Plane), "Plane size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_plane_new_with_reals(godot_plane *r_dest, const godot_real p_a, const godot_real p_b, const godot_real p_c, const godot_real p_d) { - Plane *dest = (Plane *)r_dest; - *dest = Plane(p_a, p_b, p_c, p_d); -} - -void GDAPI godot_plane_new_with_vectors(godot_plane *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_v1, const godot_vector3 *p_v2, const godot_vector3 *p_v3) { - const Vector3 *v1 = (const Vector3 *)p_v1; - const Vector3 *v2 = (const Vector3 *)p_v2; - const Vector3 *v3 = (const Vector3 *)p_v3; - Plane *dest = (Plane *)r_dest; - *dest = Plane(*v1, *v2, *v3); -} - -void GDAPI godot_plane_new_with_normal(godot_plane *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_normal, const godot_real p_d) { - const Vector3 *normal = (const Vector3 *)p_normal; - Plane *dest = (Plane *)r_dest; - *dest = Plane(*normal, p_d); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_plane_as_string(const godot_plane *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_plane GDAPI godot_plane_normalized(const godot_plane *p_self) { - godot_plane dest; - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - *((Plane *)&dest) = self->normalized(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_plane_center(const godot_plane *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->center(); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_is_point_over(const godot_plane *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_point) { - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - const Vector3 *point = (const Vector3 *)p_point; - return self->is_point_over(*point); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_plane_distance_to(const godot_plane *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_point) { - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - const Vector3 *point = (const Vector3 *)p_point; - return self->distance_to(*point); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_has_point(const godot_plane *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_point, const godot_real p_epsilon) { - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - const Vector3 *point = (const Vector3 *)p_point; - return self->has_point(*point, p_epsilon); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_plane_project(const godot_plane *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_point) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - const Vector3 *point = (const Vector3 *)p_point; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->project(*point); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_intersect_3(const godot_plane *p_self, godot_vector3 *r_dest, const godot_plane *p_b, const godot_plane *p_c) { - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - const Plane *b = (const Plane *)p_b; - const Plane *c = (const Plane *)p_c; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)r_dest; - return self->intersect_3(*b, *c, dest); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_intersects_ray(const godot_plane *p_self, godot_vector3 *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_from, const godot_vector3 *p_dir) { - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - const Vector3 *from = (const Vector3 *)p_from; - const Vector3 *dir = (const Vector3 *)p_dir; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)r_dest; - return self->intersects_ray(*from, *dir, dest); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_intersects_segment(const godot_plane *p_self, godot_vector3 *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_begin, const godot_vector3 *p_end) { - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - const Vector3 *begin = (const Vector3 *)p_begin; - const Vector3 *end = (const Vector3 *)p_end; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)r_dest; - return self->intersects_segment(*begin, *end, dest); -} - -godot_plane GDAPI godot_plane_operator_neg(const godot_plane *p_self) { - godot_plane raw_dest; - Plane *dest = (Plane *)&raw_dest; - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - *dest = -(*self); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_operator_equal(const godot_plane *p_self, const godot_plane *p_b) { - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - const Plane *b = (const Plane *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -void GDAPI godot_plane_set_normal(godot_plane *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_normal) { - Plane *self = (Plane *)p_self; - const Vector3 *normal = (const Vector3 *)p_normal; - self->set_normal(*normal); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_plane_get_normal(const godot_plane *p_self) { - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - const Vector3 normal = self->get_normal(); - godot_vector3 *v3 = (godot_vector3 *)&normal; - return *v3; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_plane_get_d(const godot_plane *p_self) { - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - return self->d; -} - -void GDAPI godot_plane_set_d(godot_plane *p_self, const godot_real p_d) { - Plane *self = (Plane *)p_self; - self->d = p_d; +void GDAPI godot_plane_new(godot_plane *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Plane); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/quat.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/quat.cpp index 29edad6636..87f1d7d8e5 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/quat.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/quat.cpp @@ -31,205 +31,15 @@ #include "gdnative/quat.h" #include "core/math/quat.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_quat) == sizeof(Quat), "Quat size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_quat) == sizeof(Quat), "Quat size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_quat_new(godot_quat *r_dest, const godot_real p_x, const godot_real p_y, const godot_real p_z, const godot_real p_w) { - Quat *dest = (Quat *)r_dest; - *dest = Quat(p_x, p_y, p_z, p_w); -} - -void GDAPI godot_quat_new_with_axis_angle(godot_quat *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_angle) { - const Vector3 *axis = (const Vector3 *)p_axis; - Quat *dest = (Quat *)r_dest; - *dest = Quat(*axis, p_angle); -} - -void GDAPI godot_quat_new_with_basis(godot_quat *r_dest, const godot_basis *p_basis) { - const Basis *basis = (const Basis *)p_basis; - Quat *dest = (Quat *)r_dest; - *dest = Quat(*basis); -} - -void GDAPI godot_quat_new_with_euler(godot_quat *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_euler) { - const Vector3 *euler = (const Vector3 *)p_euler; - Quat *dest = (Quat *)r_dest; - *dest = Quat(*euler); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_get_x(const godot_quat *p_self) { - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - return self->x; -} - -void GDAPI godot_quat_set_x(godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real val) { - Quat *self = (Quat *)p_self; - self->x = val; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_get_y(const godot_quat *p_self) { - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - return self->y; -} - -void GDAPI godot_quat_set_y(godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real val) { - Quat *self = (Quat *)p_self; - self->y = val; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_get_z(const godot_quat *p_self) { - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - return self->z; -} - -void GDAPI godot_quat_set_z(godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real val) { - Quat *self = (Quat *)p_self; - self->z = val; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_get_w(const godot_quat *p_self) { - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - return self->w; -} - -void GDAPI godot_quat_set_w(godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real val) { - Quat *self = (Quat *)p_self; - self->w = val; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_quat_as_string(const godot_quat *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_length(const godot_quat *p_self) { - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - return self->length(); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_length_squared(const godot_quat *p_self) { - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - return self->length_squared(); -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_normalized(const godot_quat *p_self) { - godot_quat dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - *((Quat *)&dest) = self->normalized(); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_quat_is_normalized(const godot_quat *p_self) { - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - return self->is_normalized(); -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_inverse(const godot_quat *p_self) { - godot_quat dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - *((Quat *)&dest) = self->inverse(); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_dot(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b) { - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - const Quat *b = (const Quat *)p_b; - return self->dot(*b); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_quat_xform(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - const Vector3 *v = (const Vector3 *)p_v; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->xform(*v); - return dest; -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_slerp(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b, const godot_real p_t) { - godot_quat dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - const Quat *b = (const Quat *)p_b; - *((Quat *)&dest) = self->slerp(*b, p_t); - return dest; -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_slerpni(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b, const godot_real p_t) { - godot_quat dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - const Quat *b = (const Quat *)p_b; - *((Quat *)&dest) = self->slerpni(*b, p_t); - return dest; -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_cubic_slerp(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b, const godot_quat *p_pre_a, const godot_quat *p_post_b, const godot_real p_t) { - godot_quat dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - const Quat *b = (const Quat *)p_b; - const Quat *pre_a = (const Quat *)p_pre_a; - const Quat *post_b = (const Quat *)p_post_b; - *((Quat *)&dest) = self->cubic_slerp(*b, *pre_a, *post_b, p_t); - return dest; -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_operator_multiply(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real p_b) { - godot_quat raw_dest; - Quat *dest = (Quat *)&raw_dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - *dest = *self * p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_operator_add(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b) { - godot_quat raw_dest; - Quat *dest = (Quat *)&raw_dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - const Quat *b = (const Quat *)p_b; - *dest = *self + *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_operator_subtract(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b) { - godot_quat raw_dest; - Quat *dest = (Quat *)&raw_dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - const Quat *b = (const Quat *)p_b; - *dest = *self - *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_operator_divide(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real p_b) { - godot_quat raw_dest; - Quat *dest = (Quat *)&raw_dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - *dest = *self / p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_quat_operator_equal(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b) { - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - const Quat *b = (const Quat *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_operator_neg(const godot_quat *p_self) { - godot_quat raw_dest; - Quat *dest = (Quat *)&raw_dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - *dest = -(*self); - return raw_dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_quat_set_axis_angle(godot_quat *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_angle) { - Quat *self = (Quat *)p_self; - const Vector3 *axis = (const Vector3 *)p_axis; - self->set_axis_angle(*axis, p_angle); +void GDAPI godot_quat_new(godot_quat *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Quat); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/rect2.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/rect2.cpp index 40e8e64ca1..086592ec22 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/rect2.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/rect2.cpp @@ -30,300 +30,21 @@ #include "gdnative/rect2.h" -#include "core/math/transform_2d.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif +#include "core/math/rect2.h" static_assert(sizeof(godot_rect2) == sizeof(Rect2), "Rect2 size mismatch"); static_assert(sizeof(godot_rect2i) == sizeof(Rect2i), "Rect2i size mismatch"); -// Rect2 - -void GDAPI godot_rect2_new_with_position_and_size(godot_rect2 *r_dest, const godot_vector2 *p_pos, const godot_vector2 *p_size) { - const Vector2 *position = (const Vector2 *)p_pos; - const Vector2 *size = (const Vector2 *)p_size; - Rect2 *dest = (Rect2 *)r_dest; - *dest = Rect2(*position, *size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_rect2_new(godot_rect2 *r_dest, const godot_real p_x, const godot_real p_y, const godot_real p_width, const godot_real p_height) { - Rect2 *dest = (Rect2 *)r_dest; - *dest = Rect2(p_x, p_y, p_width, p_height); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_rect2_as_string(const godot_rect2 *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2_as_rect2i(const godot_rect2 *p_self) { - godot_rect2i dest; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - *((Rect2i *)&dest) = Rect2i(*self); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_rect2_get_area(const godot_rect2 *p_self) { - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - return self->get_area(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2_intersects(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_b) { - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - const Rect2 *b = (const Rect2 *)p_b; - return self->intersects(*b); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2_encloses(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_b) { - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - const Rect2 *b = (const Rect2 *)p_b; - return self->encloses(*b); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2_has_no_area(const godot_rect2 *p_self) { - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - return self->has_no_area(); -} - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_intersection(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_b) { - godot_rect2 dest; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - const Rect2 *b = (const Rect2 *)p_b; - *((Rect2 *)&dest) = self->intersection(*b); - return dest; -} - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_merge(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_b) { - godot_rect2 dest; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - const Rect2 *b = (const Rect2 *)p_b; - *((Rect2 *)&dest) = self->merge(*b); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2_has_point(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_point) { - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *point = (const Vector2 *)p_point; - return self->has_point(*point); -} - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_grow(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_real p_by) { - godot_rect2 dest; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - - *((Rect2 *)&dest) = self->grow(p_by); - return dest; -} - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_grow_individual(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_real p_left, const godot_real p_top, const godot_real p_right, const godot_real p_bottom) { - godot_rect2 dest; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - *((Rect2 *)&dest) = self->grow_individual(p_left, p_top, p_right, p_bottom); - return dest; -} - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_grow_side(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_int p_side, const godot_real p_by) { - godot_rect2 dest; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - *((Rect2 *)&dest) = self->grow_side((Side)p_side, p_by); - return dest; -} - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_abs(const godot_rect2 *p_self) { - godot_rect2 dest; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - *((Rect2 *)&dest) = self->abs(); - return dest; -} - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_expand(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to) { - godot_rect2 dest; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *to = (const Vector2 *)p_to; - *((Rect2 *)&dest) = self->expand(*to); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2_operator_equal(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_b) { - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - const Rect2 *b = (const Rect2 *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_rect2_get_position(const godot_rect2 *p_self) { - godot_vector2 dest; - Vector2 *d = (Vector2 *)&dest; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - *d = self->get_position(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_rect2_get_size(const godot_rect2 *p_self) { - godot_vector2 dest; - Vector2 *d = (Vector2 *)&dest; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - *d = self->get_size(); - return dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_rect2_set_position(godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_pos) { - Rect2 *self = (Rect2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *position = (const Vector2 *)p_pos; - self->set_position(*position); -} - -void GDAPI godot_rect2_set_size(godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_size) { - Rect2 *self = (Rect2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *size = (const Vector2 *)p_size; - self->set_size(*size); -} - -// Rect2i - -void GDAPI godot_rect2i_new_with_position_and_size(godot_rect2i *r_dest, const godot_vector2i *p_pos, const godot_vector2i *p_size) { - const Vector2i *position = (const Vector2i *)p_pos; - const Vector2i *size = (const Vector2i *)p_size; - Rect2i *dest = (Rect2i *)r_dest; - *dest = Rect2i(*position, *size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_rect2i_new(godot_rect2i *r_dest, const godot_int p_x, const godot_int p_y, const godot_int p_width, const godot_int p_height) { - Rect2i *dest = (Rect2i *)r_dest; - *dest = Rect2i(p_x, p_y, p_width, p_height); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_rect2i_as_string(const godot_rect2i *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2i_as_rect2(const godot_rect2i *p_self) { - godot_rect2 dest; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - *((Rect2 *)&dest) = Rect2(*self); - return dest; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_rect2i_get_area(const godot_rect2i *p_self) { - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - return self->get_area(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2i_intersects(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_rect2i *p_b) { - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - const Rect2i *b = (const Rect2i *)p_b; - return self->intersects(*b); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2i_encloses(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_rect2i *p_b) { - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - const Rect2i *b = (const Rect2i *)p_b; - return self->encloses(*b); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2i_has_no_area(const godot_rect2i *p_self) { - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - return self->has_no_area(); -} - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_intersection(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_rect2i *p_b) { - godot_rect2i dest; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - const Rect2i *b = (const Rect2i *)p_b; - *((Rect2i *)&dest) = self->intersection(*b); - return dest; -} - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_merge(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_rect2i *p_b) { - godot_rect2i dest; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - const Rect2i *b = (const Rect2i *)p_b; - *((Rect2i *)&dest) = self->merge(*b); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2i_has_point(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_point) { - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - const Vector2i *point = (const Vector2i *)p_point; - return self->has_point(*point); -} - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_grow(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_int p_by) { - godot_rect2i dest; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - - *((Rect2i *)&dest) = self->grow(p_by); - return dest; -} - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_grow_individual(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_int p_left, const godot_int p_top, const godot_int p_right, const godot_int p_bottom) { - godot_rect2i dest; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - *((Rect2i *)&dest) = self->grow_individual(p_left, p_top, p_right, p_bottom); - return dest; -} - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_grow_side(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_int p_side, const godot_int p_by) { - godot_rect2i dest; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - *((Rect2i *)&dest) = self->grow_side((Side)p_side, p_by); - return dest; -} - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_abs(const godot_rect2i *p_self) { - godot_rect2i dest; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - *((Rect2i *)&dest) = self->abs(); - return dest; -} - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_expand(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_to) { - godot_rect2i dest; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - const Vector2i *to = (const Vector2i *)p_to; - *((Rect2i *)&dest) = self->expand(*to); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2i_operator_equal(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_rect2i *p_b) { - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - const Rect2i *b = (const Rect2i *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_get_position(const godot_rect2i *p_self) { - godot_vector2i dest; - Vector2i *d = (Vector2i *)&dest; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - *d = self->get_position(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_get_size(const godot_rect2i *p_self) { - godot_vector2i dest; - Vector2i *d = (Vector2i *)&dest; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - *d = self->get_size(); - return dest; -} +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif -void GDAPI godot_rect2i_set_position(godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_pos) { - Rect2i *self = (Rect2i *)p_self; - const Vector2i *position = (const Vector2i *)p_pos; - self->set_position(*position); +void GDAPI godot_rect2_new(godot_rect2 *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Rect2); } -void GDAPI godot_rect2i_set_size(godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_size) { - Rect2i *self = (Rect2i *)p_self; - const Vector2i *size = (const Vector2i *)p_size; - self->set_size(*size); +void GDAPI godot_rect2i_new(godot_rect2i *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Rect2i); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/rid.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/rid.cpp index 33685ef51f..5cab9a21ed 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/rid.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/rid.cpp @@ -30,45 +30,17 @@ #include "gdnative/rid.h" -#include "core/io/resource.h" +#include "core/os/memory.h" #include "core/templates/rid.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_rid) == sizeof(RID), "RID size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_rid) == sizeof(RID), "RID size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_rid_new(godot_rid *r_dest) { - RID *dest = (RID *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, RID); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_rid_get_id(const godot_rid *p_self) { - const RID *self = (const RID *)p_self; - return self->get_id(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_rid_new_with_resource(godot_rid *r_dest, const godot_object *p_from) { - const Resource *res_from = Object::cast_to<Resource>((Object *)p_from); - godot_rid_new(r_dest); - if (res_from) { - RID *dest = (RID *)r_dest; - *dest = RID(res_from->get_rid()); - } -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rid_operator_equal(const godot_rid *p_self, const godot_rid *p_b) { - const RID *self = (const RID *)p_self; - const RID *b = (const RID *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rid_operator_less(const godot_rid *p_self, const godot_rid *p_b) { - const RID *self = (const RID *)p_self; - const RID *b = (const RID *)p_b; - return *self < *b; +void GDAPI godot_rid_new(godot_rid *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, RID); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/signal.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/signal.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bcb4c93b62 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/signal.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* signal.cpp */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#include "gdnative/signal.h" + +#include "core/variant/callable.h" +#include "core/variant/variant.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_signal) == sizeof(Signal), "Signal size mismatch"); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +void GDAPI godot_signal_new(godot_signal *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Signal); +} + +void GDAPI godot_signal_destroy(godot_signal *p_self) { + Signal *self = (Signal *)p_self; + self->~Signal(); +} + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/string.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/string.cpp index 734bbe0d16..19d95f2048 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/string.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/string.cpp @@ -30,57 +30,15 @@ #include "gdnative/string.h" -#include "core/string/string_name.h" #include "core/string/ustring.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" -#include <string.h> +static_assert(sizeof(godot_string) == sizeof(String), "String size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_char_type) == sizeof(char32_t), "char32_t size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_char16_string) == sizeof(Char16String), "Char16String size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_char_string) == sizeof(CharString), "CharString size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_string) == sizeof(String), "String size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_char_type) == sizeof(char32_t), "char32_t size mismatch"); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_char_string_length(const godot_char_string *p_cs) { - const CharString *cs = (const CharString *)p_cs; - - return cs->length(); -} - -const char GDAPI *godot_char_string_get_data(const godot_char_string *p_cs) { - const CharString *cs = (const CharString *)p_cs; - - return cs->get_data(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_char_string_destroy(godot_char_string *p_cs) { - CharString *cs = (CharString *)p_cs; - - cs->~CharString(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_char16_string_length(const godot_char16_string *p_cs) { - const Char16String *cs = (const Char16String *)p_cs; - - return cs->length(); -} - -const char16_t GDAPI *godot_char16_string_get_data(const godot_char16_string *p_cs) { - const Char16String *cs = (const Char16String *)p_cs; - - return cs->get_data(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_char16_string_destroy(godot_char16_string *p_cs) { - Char16String *cs = (Char16String *)p_cs; - - cs->~Char16String(); -} - void GDAPI godot_string_new(godot_string *r_dest) { String *dest = (String *)r_dest; memnew_placement(dest, String); @@ -167,1206 +125,11 @@ void GDAPI godot_string_new_with_wide_chars_and_len(godot_string *r_dest, const } } -const godot_char_type GDAPI *godot_string_operator_index(godot_string *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - String *self = (String *)p_self; - return &(self->operator[](p_idx)); -} - -godot_char_type GDAPI godot_string_operator_index_const(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - return self->operator[](p_idx); -} - -const godot_char_type GDAPI *godot_string_get_data(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - return self->get_data(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_operator_equal(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_b) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *b = (const String *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_operator_less(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_b) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *b = (const String *)p_b; - return *self < *b; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_operator_plus(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_b) { - godot_string ret; - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *b = (const String *)p_b; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self + *b)); - return ret; -} - void GDAPI godot_string_destroy(godot_string *p_self) { String *self = (String *)p_self; self->~String(); } -/* Standard size stuff */ - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_length(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->length(); -} - -/* Helpers */ - -signed char GDAPI godot_string_casecmp_to(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_str) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *str = (const String *)p_str; - - return self->casecmp_to(*str); -} - -signed char GDAPI godot_string_nocasecmp_to(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_str) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *str = (const String *)p_str; - - return self->nocasecmp_to(*str); -} - -signed char GDAPI godot_string_naturalnocasecmp_to(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_str) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *str = (const String *)p_str; - - return self->naturalnocasecmp_to(*str); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_begins_with(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_string) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *string = (const String *)p_string; - - return self->begins_with(*string); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_begins_with_char_array(const godot_string *p_self, const char *p_char_array) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->begins_with(p_char_array); -} - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_bigrams(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_packed_string_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<String>(self->bigrams())); - return ret; -}; - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_chr(godot_char_type p_character) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::chr(p_character))); - - return result; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_ends_with(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_string) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *string = (const String *)p_string; - - return self->ends_with(*string); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_ends_with_char_array(const godot_string *p_self, const char *p_char_array) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->ends_with(p_char_array); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_count(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from, godot_int p_to) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *what = (const String *)p_what; - - return self->count(*what, p_from, p_to); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_countn(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from, godot_int p_to) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *what = (const String *)p_what; - - return self->countn(*what, p_from, p_to); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_find(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *what = (const String *)p_what; - - return self->find(*what); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_find_from(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *what = (const String *)p_what; - - return self->find(*what, p_from); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_findmk(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_keys) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Vector<String> *keys = (const Vector<String> *)p_keys; - return self->findmk(*keys); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_findmk_from(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_keys, godot_int p_from) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Vector<String> *keys = (const Vector<String> *)p_keys; - return self->findmk(*keys, p_from); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_findmk_from_in_place(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_keys, godot_int p_from, godot_int *r_key) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Vector<String> *keys = (const Vector<String> *)p_keys; - int key; - int ret = self->findmk(*keys, p_from, &key); - if (r_key) { - *r_key = key; - } - return ret; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_findn(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *what = (const String *)p_what; - - return self->findn(*what); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_findn_from(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *what = (const String *)p_what; - - return self->findn(*what, p_from); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_format(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_variant *p_values) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Variant *values = (const Variant *)p_values; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->format(*values))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_format_with_custom_placeholder(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_variant *p_values, const char *p_placeholder) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Variant *values = (const Variant *)p_values; - String placeholder = String(p_placeholder); - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->format(*values, placeholder))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_hex_encode_buffer(const uint8_t *p_buffer, godot_int p_len) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::hex_encode_buffer(p_buffer, p_len))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_insert(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_at_pos, const godot_string *p_string) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *content = (const String *)p_string; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->insert(p_at_pos, *content))); - - return result; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_numeric(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_numeric(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_subsequence_of(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_string) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *string = (const String *)p_string; - - return self->is_subsequence_of(*string); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_subsequence_ofi(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_string) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *string = (const String *)p_string; - - return self->is_subsequence_ofi(*string); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_lpad(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_min_length) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->lpad(p_min_length))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_lpad_with_custom_character(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_min_length, const godot_string *p_character) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *character = (const String *)p_character; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->lpad(p_min_length, *character))); - - return result; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_match(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_wildcard) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *wildcard = (const String *)p_wildcard; - - return self->match(*wildcard); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_matchn(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_wildcard) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *wildcard = (const String *)p_wildcard; - - return self->matchn(*wildcard); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_md5(const uint8_t *p_md5) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::md5(p_md5))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num(double p_num) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::num(p_num))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num_int64(int64_t p_num, godot_int p_base) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::num_int64(p_num, p_base))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num_int64_capitalized(int64_t p_num, godot_int p_base, godot_bool p_capitalize_hex) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::num_int64(p_num, p_base, true))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num_real(double p_num) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::num_real(p_num))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num_scientific(double p_num) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::num_scientific(p_num))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num_with_decimals(double p_num, godot_int p_decimals) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::num(p_num, p_decimals))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_pad_decimals(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_digits) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->pad_decimals(p_digits))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_pad_zeros(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_digits) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->pad_zeros(p_digits))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_replace(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_key, const godot_string *p_with) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *key = (const String *)p_key; - const String *with = (const String *)p_with; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->replace(*key, *with))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_replacen(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_key, const godot_string *p_with) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *key = (const String *)p_key; - const String *with = (const String *)p_with; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->replacen(*key, *with))); - - return result; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_rfind(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *what = (const String *)p_what; - - return self->rfind(*what); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_rfindn(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *what = (const String *)p_what; - - return self->rfindn(*what); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_rfind_from(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *what = (const String *)p_what; - - return self->rfind(*what, p_from); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_rfindn_from(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *what = (const String *)p_what; - - return self->rfindn(*what, p_from); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_replace_first(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_key, const godot_string *p_with) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *key = (const String *)p_key; - const String *with = (const String *)p_with; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->replace_first(*key, *with))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_rpad(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_min_length) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->rpad(p_min_length))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_rpad_with_custom_character(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_min_length, const godot_string *p_character) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *character = (const String *)p_character; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->rpad(p_min_length, *character))); - - return result; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_string_similarity(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_string) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *string = (const String *)p_string; - - return self->similarity(*string); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_sprintf(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_array *p_values, godot_bool *p_error) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Array *values = (const Array *)p_values; - - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->sprintf(*values, p_error); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_substr(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_from, godot_int p_chars) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->substr(p_from, p_chars))); - - return result; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_to_int(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->to_int(); -} - -double GDAPI godot_string_to_float(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->to_float(); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_capitalize(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->capitalize())); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_camelcase_to_underscore(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->camelcase_to_underscore(false))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_camelcase_to_underscore_lowercased(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->camelcase_to_underscore())); - - return result; -} - -double GDAPI godot_string_char_to_float(const char *p_what) { - return String::to_float(p_what); -} - -double GDAPI godot_string_wchar_to_float(const wchar_t *p_str, const wchar_t **r_end) { - return String::to_float(p_str, r_end); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_char_to_int(const char *p_what) { - return String::to_int(p_what); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_wchar_to_int(const wchar_t *p_str) { - return String::to_int(p_str); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_char_to_int_with_len(const char *p_what, godot_int p_len) { - return String::to_int(p_what, p_len); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_wchar_to_int_with_len(const wchar_t *p_str, int p_len) { - return String::to_int(p_str, p_len); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_hex_to_int(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->hex_to_int(false); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_hex_to_int_with_prefix(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->hex_to_int(); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_slice(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter, godot_int p_slice) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->get_slice(*splitter, p_slice))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_slicec(const godot_string *p_self, godot_char_type p_splitter, godot_int p_slice) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->get_slicec(p_splitter, p_slice))); - - return result; -} - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_split(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - godot_packed_string_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<String>(self->split(*splitter, false))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_split_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - godot_packed_string_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<String>(self->split(*splitter, true))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_split_with_maxsplit(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter, const godot_bool p_allow_empty, const godot_int p_maxsplit) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - godot_packed_string_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<String>(self->split(*splitter, p_allow_empty, p_maxsplit))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_rsplit(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - - godot_packed_string_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<String>(self->rsplit(*splitter, false))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_rsplit_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - - godot_packed_string_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<String>(self->rsplit(*splitter, true))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_rsplit_with_maxsplit(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter, const godot_bool p_allow_empty, const godot_int p_maxsplit) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - - godot_packed_string_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<String>(self->rsplit(*splitter, p_allow_empty, p_maxsplit))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_float32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_floats(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - - godot_packed_float32_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<float>(self->split_floats(*splitter, false))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_float32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_floats_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - - godot_packed_float32_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<float>(self->split_floats(*splitter, true))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_float32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_floats_mk(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_splitters) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Vector<String> *splitters = (const Vector<String> *)p_splitters; - - godot_packed_float32_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<float>(self->split_floats_mk(*splitters, false))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_float32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_floats_mk_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_splitters) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Vector<String> *splitters = (const Vector<String> *)p_splitters; - - godot_packed_float32_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<float>(self->split_floats_mk(*splitters, true))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_int32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_ints(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - - godot_packed_int32_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<int>(self->split_ints(*splitter, false))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_int32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_ints_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - - godot_packed_int32_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<int>(self->split_ints(*splitter, true))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_int32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_ints_mk(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_splitters) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Vector<String> *splitters = (const Vector<String> *)p_splitters; - - godot_packed_int32_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<int>(self->split_ints_mk(*splitters, false))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_int32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_ints_mk_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_splitters) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Vector<String> *splitters = (const Vector<String> *)p_splitters; - - godot_packed_int32_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<int>(self->split_ints_mk(*splitters, true))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_split_spaces(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - godot_packed_string_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<String>(self->split_spaces())); - return ret; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_get_slice_count(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - - return self->get_slice_count(*splitter); -} - -godot_char_type GDAPI godot_string_char_lowercase(godot_char_type p_char) { - return String::char_lowercase(p_char); -} - -godot_char_type GDAPI godot_string_char_uppercase(godot_char_type p_char) { - return String::char_uppercase(p_char); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_to_lower(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->to_lower())); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_to_upper(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->to_upper())); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_basename(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->get_basename())); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_extension(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->get_extension())); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_left(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_pos) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->left(p_pos))); - - return result; -} - -godot_char_type GDAPI godot_string_ord_at(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_idx) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->ord_at(p_idx); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_plus_file(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_file) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *file = (const String *)p_file; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->plus_file(*file))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_right(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_pos) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->right(p_pos))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_repeat(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_count) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->repeat(p_count))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_strip_edges(const godot_string *p_self, godot_bool p_left, godot_bool p_right) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->strip_edges(p_left, p_right))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_strip_escapes(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->strip_escapes())); - - return result; -} - -void GDAPI godot_string_erase(godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_pos, godot_int p_chars) { - String *self = (String *)p_self; - - return self->erase(p_pos, p_chars); -} - -godot_char_string GDAPI godot_string_ascii(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_char_string result; - - memnew_placement(&result, CharString(self->ascii())); - - return result; -} - -godot_char_string GDAPI godot_string_latin1(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - godot_char_string result; - - memnew_placement(&result, CharString(self->ascii(true))); - - return result; -} - -godot_char_string GDAPI godot_string_utf8(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - godot_char_string result; - - memnew_placement(&result, CharString(self->utf8())); - - return result; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_parse_utf8(godot_string *p_self, const char *p_utf8) { - String *self = (String *)p_self; - - return self->parse_utf8(p_utf8); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_parse_utf8_with_len(godot_string *p_self, const char *p_utf8, godot_int p_len) { - String *self = (String *)p_self; - - return self->parse_utf8(p_utf8, p_len); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_chars_to_utf8(const char *p_utf8) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::utf8(p_utf8))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_chars_to_utf8_with_len(const char *p_utf8, godot_int p_len) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::utf8(p_utf8, p_len))); - - return result; -} - -godot_char16_string GDAPI godot_string_utf16(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - godot_char16_string result; - - memnew_placement(&result, Char16String(self->utf16())); - - return result; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_parse_utf16(godot_string *p_self, const char16_t *p_utf16) { - String *self = (String *)p_self; - - return self->parse_utf16(p_utf16); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_parse_utf16_with_len(godot_string *p_self, const char16_t *p_utf16, godot_int p_len) { - String *self = (String *)p_self; - - return self->parse_utf16(p_utf16, p_len); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_chars_to_utf16(const char16_t *p_utf16) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::utf16(p_utf16))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_chars_to_utf16_with_len(const char16_t *p_utf16, godot_int p_len) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::utf16(p_utf16, p_len))); - - return result; -} - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_hash(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->hash(); -} - -uint64_t GDAPI godot_string_hash64(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->hash64(); -} - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_hash_chars(const char *p_cstr) { - return String::hash(p_cstr); -} - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_hash_chars_with_len(const char *p_cstr, godot_int p_len) { - return String::hash(p_cstr, p_len); -} - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_hash_wide_chars(const wchar_t *p_str) { - return String::hash(p_str); -} - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_hash_wide_chars_with_len(const wchar_t *p_str, godot_int p_len) { - return String::hash(p_str, p_len); -} - -godot_packed_byte_array GDAPI godot_string_md5_buffer(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_packed_byte_array result; - memnew_placement(&result, PackedByteArray(self->md5_buffer())); - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_md5_text(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->md5_text())); - - return result; -} - -godot_packed_byte_array GDAPI godot_string_sha1_buffer(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_packed_byte_array result; - memnew_placement(&result, PackedByteArray(self->sha1_buffer())); - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_sha1_text(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->sha1_text())); - - return result; -} - -godot_packed_byte_array GDAPI godot_string_sha256_buffer(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_packed_byte_array result; - memnew_placement(&result, PackedByteArray(self->sha256_buffer())); - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_sha256_text(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->sha256_text())); - - return result; -} - -godot_bool godot_string_is_empty(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_empty(); -} - -// path functions -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_base_dir(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->get_base_dir(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_file(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->get_file(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_humanize_size(uint64_t p_size) { - godot_string result; - String return_value = String::humanize_size(p_size); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_abs_path(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_abs_path(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_rel_path(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_rel_path(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_resource_file(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_resource_file(); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_path_to(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_path) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - String *path = (String *)p_path; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->path_to(*path); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_path_to_file(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_path) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - String *path = (String *)p_path; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->path_to_file(*path); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_simplify_path(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->simplify_path(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_c_escape(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->c_escape(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_c_escape_multiline(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->c_escape_multiline(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_c_unescape(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->c_unescape(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_http_escape(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->http_escape(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_http_unescape(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->http_unescape(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_json_escape(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->json_escape(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_xml_escape(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->xml_escape(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_xml_escape_with_quotes(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->xml_escape(true); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_xml_unescape(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->xml_unescape(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_percent_decode(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->percent_decode(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_percent_encode(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->percent_encode(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_join(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_parts) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Vector<String> *parts = (const Vector<String> *)p_parts; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->join(*parts); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_filename(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_valid_filename(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_float(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_valid_float(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_hex_number(const godot_string *p_self, godot_bool p_with_prefix) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_valid_hex_number(p_with_prefix); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_html_color(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_valid_html_color(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_identifier(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_valid_identifier(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_integer(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_valid_integer(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_ip_address(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_valid_ip_address(); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_dedent(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->dedent(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_trim_prefix(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_prefix) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - String *prefix = (String *)p_prefix; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->trim_prefix(*prefix); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_trim_suffix(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_suffix) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - String *suffix = (String *)p_suffix; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->trim_suffix(*suffix); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_lstrip(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_chars) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - String *chars = (String *)p_chars; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->lstrip(*chars); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_rstrip(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_chars) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - String *chars = (String *)p_chars; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->rstrip(*chars); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/string_name.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/string_name.cpp index 3d83f744d6..c9d2dd5bc3 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/string_name.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/string_name.cpp @@ -31,54 +31,27 @@ #include "gdnative/string_name.h" #include "core/string/string_name.h" -#include "core/string/ustring.h" -#include <string.h> +static_assert(sizeof(godot_string_name) == sizeof(StringName), "StringName size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_string_name) == sizeof(StringName), "StringName size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_string_name_new(godot_string_name *r_dest, const godot_string *p_name) { +void GDAPI godot_string_name_new(godot_string_name *r_dest) { StringName *dest = (StringName *)r_dest; - const String *name = (const String *)p_name; - memnew_placement(dest, StringName(*name)); + memnew_placement(dest, StringName); } -void GDAPI godot_string_name_new_data(godot_string_name *r_dest, const char *p_name) { +void GDAPI godot_string_name_new_copy(godot_string_name *r_dest, const godot_string_name *p_src) { StringName *dest = (StringName *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, StringName(p_name)); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_name_get_name(const godot_string_name *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const StringName *self = (const StringName *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_name_get_hash(const godot_string_name *p_self) { - const StringName *self = (const StringName *)p_self; - return self->hash(); -} - -const void GDAPI *godot_string_name_get_data_unique_pointer(const godot_string_name *p_self) { - const StringName *self = (const StringName *)p_self; - return self->data_unique_pointer(); + const StringName *src = (const StringName *)p_src; + memnew_placement(dest, StringName(*src)); } -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_name_operator_equal(const godot_string_name *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_other) { - const StringName *self = (const StringName *)p_self; - const StringName *other = (const StringName *)p_other; - return self == other; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_name_operator_less(const godot_string_name *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_other) { - const StringName *self = (const StringName *)p_self; - const StringName *other = (const StringName *)p_other; - return self < other; +void GDAPI godot_string_name_new_with_latin1_chars(godot_string_name *r_dest, const char *p_contents) { + StringName *dest = (StringName *)r_dest; + memnew_placement(dest, StringName(p_contents)); } void GDAPI godot_string_name_destroy(godot_string_name *p_self) { diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/transform.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/transform.cpp index 059e12b401..eae981bd07 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/transform.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/transform.cpp @@ -31,198 +31,15 @@ #include "gdnative/transform.h" #include "core/math/transform.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_transform) == sizeof(Transform), "Transform size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_transform) == sizeof(Transform), "Transform size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_transform_new_with_axis_origin(godot_transform *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_x_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_y_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_z_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_origin) { - const Vector3 *x_axis = (const Vector3 *)p_x_axis; - const Vector3 *y_axis = (const Vector3 *)p_y_axis; - const Vector3 *z_axis = (const Vector3 *)p_z_axis; - const Vector3 *origin = (const Vector3 *)p_origin; - Transform *dest = (Transform *)r_dest; - dest->basis.set_axis(0, *x_axis); - dest->basis.set_axis(1, *y_axis); - dest->basis.set_axis(2, *z_axis); - dest->origin = *origin; -} - -void GDAPI godot_transform_new(godot_transform *r_dest, const godot_basis *p_basis, const godot_vector3 *p_origin) { - const Basis *basis = (const Basis *)p_basis; - const Vector3 *origin = (const Vector3 *)p_origin; - Transform *dest = (Transform *)r_dest; - *dest = Transform(*basis, *origin); -} - -void GDAPI godot_transform_new_with_quat(godot_transform *r_dest, const godot_quat *p_quat) { - const Quat *quat = (const Quat *)p_quat; - Transform *dest = (Transform *)r_dest; - *dest = Transform(*quat); -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_transform_get_basis(const godot_transform *p_self) { - godot_basis dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - *((Basis *)&dest) = self->basis; - return dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_transform_set_basis(godot_transform *p_self, const godot_basis *p_v) { - Transform *self = (Transform *)p_self; - const Basis *v = (const Basis *)p_v; - self->basis = *v; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_transform_get_origin(const godot_transform *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->origin; - return dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_transform_set_origin(godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v) { - Transform *self = (Transform *)p_self; - const Vector3 *v = (const Vector3 *)p_v; - self->origin = *v; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_transform_as_string(const godot_transform *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_inverse(const godot_transform *p_self) { - godot_transform dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - *((Transform *)&dest) = self->inverse(); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_affine_inverse(const godot_transform *p_self) { - godot_transform dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - *((Transform *)&dest) = self->affine_inverse(); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_orthonormalized(const godot_transform *p_self) { - godot_transform dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - *((Transform *)&dest) = self->orthonormalized(); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_rotated(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_phi) { - godot_transform dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const Vector3 *axis = (const Vector3 *)p_axis; - *((Transform *)&dest) = self->rotated(*axis, p_phi); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_scaled(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_scale) { - godot_transform dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const Vector3 *scale = (const Vector3 *)p_scale; - *((Transform *)&dest) = self->scaled(*scale); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_translated(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_ofs) { - godot_transform dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const Vector3 *ofs = (const Vector3 *)p_ofs; - *((Transform *)&dest) = self->translated(*ofs); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_looking_at(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_target, const godot_vector3 *p_up) { - godot_transform dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const Vector3 *target = (const Vector3 *)p_target; - const Vector3 *up = (const Vector3 *)p_up; - *((Transform *)&dest) = self->looking_at(*target, *up); - return dest; -} - -godot_plane GDAPI godot_transform_xform_plane(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_plane *p_v) { - godot_plane raw_dest; - Plane *dest = (Plane *)&raw_dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const Plane *v = (const Plane *)p_v; - *dest = self->xform(*v); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_plane GDAPI godot_transform_xform_inv_plane(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_plane *p_v) { - godot_plane raw_dest; - Plane *dest = (Plane *)&raw_dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const Plane *v = (const Plane *)p_v; - *dest = self->xform_inv(*v); - return raw_dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_transform_new_identity(godot_transform *r_dest) { - Transform *dest = (Transform *)r_dest; - *dest = Transform(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_transform_operator_equal(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_transform *p_b) { - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const Transform *b = (const Transform *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_operator_multiply(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_transform *p_b) { - godot_transform raw_dest; - Transform *dest = (Transform *)&raw_dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const Transform *b = (const Transform *)p_b; - *dest = *self * *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_transform_xform_vector3(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v) { - godot_vector3 raw_dest; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)&raw_dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const Vector3 *v = (const Vector3 *)p_v; - *dest = self->xform(*v); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_transform_xform_inv_vector3(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v) { - godot_vector3 raw_dest; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)&raw_dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const Vector3 *v = (const Vector3 *)p_v; - *dest = self->xform_inv(*v); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_transform_xform_aabb(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_v) { - godot_aabb raw_dest; - AABB *dest = (AABB *)&raw_dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const AABB *v = (const AABB *)p_v; - *dest = self->xform(*v); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_transform_xform_inv_aabb(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_v) { - godot_aabb raw_dest; - AABB *dest = (AABB *)&raw_dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const AABB *v = (const AABB *)p_v; - *dest = self->xform_inv(*v); - return raw_dest; +void GDAPI godot_transform_new(godot_transform *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Transform); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/transform2d.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/transform2d.cpp index 878599514d..e2c933f1ea 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/transform2d.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/transform2d.cpp @@ -31,179 +31,15 @@ #include "gdnative/transform2d.h" #include "core/math/transform_2d.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_transform2d) == sizeof(Transform2D), "Transform2D size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_transform2d) == sizeof(Transform2D), "Transform2D size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_transform2d_new(godot_transform2d *r_dest, const godot_real p_rot, const godot_vector2 *p_pos) { - const Vector2 *pos = (const Vector2 *)p_pos; - Transform2D *dest = (Transform2D *)r_dest; - *dest = Transform2D(p_rot, *pos); -} - -void GDAPI godot_transform2d_new_axis_origin(godot_transform2d *r_dest, const godot_vector2 *p_x_axis, const godot_vector2 *p_y_axis, const godot_vector2 *p_origin) { - const Vector2 *x_axis = (const Vector2 *)p_x_axis; - const Vector2 *y_axis = (const Vector2 *)p_y_axis; - const Vector2 *origin = (const Vector2 *)p_origin; - Transform2D *dest = (Transform2D *)r_dest; - *dest = Transform2D(x_axis->x, x_axis->y, y_axis->x, y_axis->y, origin->x, origin->y); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_transform2d_as_string(const godot_transform2d *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_inverse(const godot_transform2d *p_self) { - godot_transform2d dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - *((Transform2D *)&dest) = self->inverse(); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_affine_inverse(const godot_transform2d *p_self) { - godot_transform2d dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - *((Transform2D *)&dest) = self->affine_inverse(); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_transform2d_get_rotation(const godot_transform2d *p_self) { - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - return self->get_rotation(); -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_get_origin(const godot_transform2d *p_self) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->get_origin(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_get_scale(const godot_transform2d *p_self) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->get_scale(); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_orthonormalized(const godot_transform2d *p_self) { - godot_transform2d dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - *((Transform2D *)&dest) = self->orthonormalized(); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_rotated(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_real p_phi) { - godot_transform2d dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - - *((Transform2D *)&dest) = self->rotated(p_phi); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_scaled(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_scale) { - godot_transform2d dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Vector2 *scale = (const Vector2 *)p_scale; - *((Transform2D *)&dest) = self->scaled(*scale); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_translated(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_offset) { - godot_transform2d dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Vector2 *offset = (const Vector2 *)p_offset; - *((Transform2D *)&dest) = self->translated(*offset); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_xform_vector2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_v) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Vector2 *v = (const Vector2 *)p_v; - *dest = self->xform(*v); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_xform_inv_vector2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_v) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Vector2 *v = (const Vector2 *)p_v; - *dest = self->xform_inv(*v); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_basis_xform_vector2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_v) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Vector2 *v = (const Vector2 *)p_v; - *dest = self->basis_xform(*v); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_basis_xform_inv_vector2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_v) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Vector2 *v = (const Vector2 *)p_v; - *dest = self->basis_xform_inv(*v); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_interpolate_with(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_transform2d *p_m, const godot_real p_c) { - godot_transform2d dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Transform2D *m = (const Transform2D *)p_m; - *((Transform2D *)&dest) = self->interpolate_with(*m, p_c); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_transform2d_operator_equal(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_transform2d *p_b) { - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Transform2D *b = (const Transform2D *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_operator_multiply(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_transform2d *p_b) { - godot_transform2d raw_dest; - Transform2D *dest = (Transform2D *)&raw_dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Transform2D *b = (const Transform2D *)p_b; - *dest = *self * *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_transform2d_new_identity(godot_transform2d *r_dest) { - Transform2D *dest = (Transform2D *)r_dest; - *dest = Transform2D(); -} - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_xform_rect2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_v) { - godot_rect2 raw_dest; - Rect2 *dest = (Rect2 *)&raw_dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Rect2 *v = (const Rect2 *)p_v; - *dest = self->xform(*v); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_xform_inv_rect2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_v) { - godot_rect2 raw_dest; - Rect2 *dest = (Rect2 *)&raw_dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Rect2 *v = (const Rect2 *)p_v; - *dest = self->xform_inv(*v); - return raw_dest; +void GDAPI godot_transform2d_new(godot_transform2d *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Transform2D); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/variant.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/variant.cpp index 7ee5fe59e2..79f5a536e5 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/variant.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/variant.cpp @@ -55,16 +55,11 @@ static_assert(sizeof(godot_variant) == sizeof(Variant), "Variant size mismatch") #pragma GCC pop_options #endif -// Constructors - -godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_type(const godot_variant *p_self) { - const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; - return (godot_variant_type)self->get_type(); -} +// Memory void GDAPI godot_variant_new_copy(godot_variant *p_dest, const godot_variant *p_src) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)p_dest; - Variant *src = (Variant *)p_src; + const Variant *src = (const Variant *)p_src; memnew_placement(dest, Variant(*src)); } @@ -78,139 +73,134 @@ void GDAPI godot_variant_new_bool(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_bool p_b) { memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(p_b)); } -void GDAPI godot_variant_new_uint(godot_variant *r_dest, const uint64_t p_i) { +void GDAPI godot_variant_new_int(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_int p_i) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(p_i)); } -void GDAPI godot_variant_new_int(godot_variant *r_dest, const int64_t p_i) { - Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(p_i)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_variant_new_real(godot_variant *r_dest, const double p_r) { +void GDAPI godot_variant_new_float(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_float p_r) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(p_r)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_string(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_string *p_s) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - String *s = (String *)p_s; + const String *s = (const String *)p_s; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*s)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_string_name(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_string_name *p_s) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - StringName *s = (StringName *)p_s; + const StringName *s = (const StringName *)p_s; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*s)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_vector2(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_vector2 *p_v2) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Vector2 *v2 = (Vector2 *)p_v2; + const Vector2 *v2 = (const Vector2 *)p_v2; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*v2)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_vector2i(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_vector2i *p_v2) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Vector2i *v2 = (Vector2i *)p_v2; + const Vector2i *v2 = (const Vector2i *)p_v2; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*v2)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_rect2(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_rect2 *p_rect2) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Rect2 *rect2 = (Rect2 *)p_rect2; + const Rect2 *rect2 = (const Rect2 *)p_rect2; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*rect2)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_rect2i(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_rect2i *p_rect2) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Rect2i *rect2 = (Rect2i *)p_rect2; + const Rect2i *rect2 = (const Rect2i *)p_rect2; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*rect2)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_vector3(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_v3) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Vector3 *v3 = (Vector3 *)p_v3; + const Vector3 *v3 = (const Vector3 *)p_v3; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*v3)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_vector3i(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_vector3i *p_v3) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Vector3i *v3 = (Vector3i *)p_v3; + const Vector3i *v3 = (const Vector3i *)p_v3; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*v3)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_transform2d(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_transform2d *p_t2d) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Transform2D *t2d = (Transform2D *)p_t2d; + const Transform2D *t2d = (const Transform2D *)p_t2d; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*t2d)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_plane(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_plane *p_plane) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Plane *plane = (Plane *)p_plane; + const Plane *plane = (const Plane *)p_plane; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*plane)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_quat(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_quat *p_quat) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Quat *quat = (Quat *)p_quat; + const Quat *quat = (const Quat *)p_quat; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*quat)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_aabb(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_aabb *p_aabb) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - AABB *aabb = (AABB *)p_aabb; + const AABB *aabb = (const AABB *)p_aabb; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*aabb)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_basis(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_basis *p_basis) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Basis *basis = (Basis *)p_basis; + const Basis *basis = (const Basis *)p_basis; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*basis)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_transform(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_transform *p_trans) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Transform *trans = (Transform *)p_trans; + const Transform *trans = (const Transform *)p_trans; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*trans)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_color(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_color *p_color) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Color *color = (Color *)p_color; + const Color *color = (const Color *)p_color; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*color)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_node_path(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_node_path *p_np) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - NodePath *np = (NodePath *)p_np; + const NodePath *np = (const NodePath *)p_np; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*np)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_rid(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_rid *p_rid) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - RID *rid = (RID *)p_rid; + const RID *rid = (const RID *)p_rid; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*rid)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_callable(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_callable *p_cb) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Callable *cb = (Callable *)p_cb; + const Callable *cb = (const Callable *)p_cb; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*cb)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_signal(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_signal *p_signal) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Signal *signal = (Signal *)p_signal; + const Signal *signal = (const Signal *)p_signal; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*signal)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_object(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_object *p_obj) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Object *obj = (Object *)p_obj; - Reference *reference = Object::cast_to<Reference>(obj); + const Object *obj = (const Object *)p_obj; + const Reference *reference = Object::cast_to<Reference>(obj); REF ref; if (reference) { ref = REF(reference); @@ -229,67 +219,67 @@ void GDAPI godot_variant_new_object(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_object *p void GDAPI godot_variant_new_dictionary(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_dictionary *p_dict) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Dictionary *dict = (Dictionary *)p_dict; + const Dictionary *dict = (const Dictionary *)p_dict; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*dict)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_array *p_arr) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Array *arr = (Array *)p_arr; + const Array *arr = (const Array *)p_arr; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*arr)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_byte_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_byte_array *p_pba) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - PackedByteArray *pba = (PackedByteArray *)p_pba; + const PackedByteArray *pba = (const PackedByteArray *)p_pba; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*pba)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_int32_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_int32_array *p_pia) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - PackedInt32Array *pia = (PackedInt32Array *)p_pia; + const PackedInt32Array *pia = (const PackedInt32Array *)p_pia; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*pia)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_int64_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_int64_array *p_pia) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - PackedInt64Array *pia = (PackedInt64Array *)p_pia; + const PackedInt64Array *pia = (const PackedInt64Array *)p_pia; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*pia)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_float32_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_float32_array *p_pra) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - PackedFloat32Array *pra = (PackedFloat32Array *)p_pra; + const PackedFloat32Array *pra = (const PackedFloat32Array *)p_pra; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*pra)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_float64_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_float64_array *p_pra) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - PackedFloat64Array *pra = (PackedFloat64Array *)p_pra; + const PackedFloat64Array *pra = (const PackedFloat64Array *)p_pra; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*pra)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_string_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_string_array *p_psa) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - PackedStringArray *psa = (PackedStringArray *)p_psa; + const PackedStringArray *psa = (const PackedStringArray *)p_psa; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*psa)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_vector2_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_pv2a) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - PackedVector2Array *pv2a = (PackedVector2Array *)p_pv2a; + const PackedVector2Array *pv2a = (const PackedVector2Array *)p_pv2a; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*pv2a)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_vector3_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_pv3a) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - PackedVector3Array *pv3a = (PackedVector3Array *)p_pv3a; + const PackedVector3Array *pv3a = (const PackedVector3Array *)p_pv3a; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*pv3a)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_color_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_color_array *p_pca) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - PackedColorArray *pca = (PackedColorArray *)p_pca; + const PackedColorArray *pca = (const PackedColorArray *)p_pca; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*pca)); } @@ -298,17 +288,12 @@ godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_as_bool(const godot_variant *p_self) { return self->operator bool(); } -uint64_t GDAPI godot_variant_as_uint(const godot_variant *p_self) { - const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; - return self->operator uint64_t(); -} - -int64_t GDAPI godot_variant_as_int(const godot_variant *p_self) { +godot_int GDAPI godot_variant_as_int(const godot_variant *p_self) { const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; return self->operator int64_t(); } -double GDAPI godot_variant_as_real(const godot_variant *p_self) { +godot_float GDAPI godot_variant_as_float(const godot_variant *p_self) { const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; return self->operator double(); } @@ -569,47 +554,137 @@ godot_packed_color_array GDAPI godot_variant_as_packed_color_array(const godot_v return raw_dest; } -godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_call(godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string *p_method, const godot_variant **p_args, const godot_int p_argcount, godot_variant_call_error *r_error) { +void GDAPI godot_variant_destroy(godot_variant *p_self) { Variant *self = (Variant *)p_self; - String *method = (String *)p_method; + self->~Variant(); +} + +// Dynamic interaction. + +void GDAPI godot_variant_call(godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_method, const godot_variant **p_args, const godot_int p_argcount, godot_variant *r_return, godot_variant_call_error *r_error) { + Variant *self = (Variant *)p_self; + const StringName *method = (const StringName *)p_method; const Variant **args = (const Variant **)p_args; - godot_variant raw_dest; - Variant *dest = (Variant *)&raw_dest; - Callable::CallError error; Variant ret; + Callable::CallError error; self->call(*method, args, p_argcount, ret, error); - memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(ret)); + memnew_placement_custom(r_return, Variant, Variant(ret)); + if (r_error) { r_error->error = (godot_variant_call_error_error)error.error; r_error->argument = error.argument; r_error->expected = (godot_variant_type)error.expected; } - return raw_dest; } -godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_method(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string *p_method) { +void GDAPI godot_variant_evaluate(godot_variant_operator p_op, const godot_variant *p_a, const godot_variant *p_b, godot_variant *r_return, bool *r_valid) { + Variant::Operator op = (Variant::Operator)p_op; + const Variant *a = (const Variant *)p_a; + const Variant *b = (const Variant *)p_b; + Variant *ret = (Variant *)r_return; + Variant::evaluate(op, *a, *b, *ret, *r_valid); +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_set(godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_valid) { + Variant *self = (Variant *)p_self; + const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; + const Variant *value = (const Variant *)p_value; + + self->set(*key, *value, r_valid); +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_set_named(godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_name, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_valid) { + Variant *self = (Variant *)p_self; + const StringName *name = (const StringName *)p_name; + const Variant *value = (const Variant *)p_value; + + self->set_named(*name, *value, *r_valid); +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_set_keyed(godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_valid) { + Variant *self = (Variant *)p_self; + const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; + const Variant *value = (const Variant *)p_value; + + self->set_keyed(*key, *value, *r_valid); +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_set_indexed(godot_variant *p_self, godot_int p_index, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_valid, bool *r_oob) { + Variant *self = (Variant *)p_self; + const Variant *value = (const Variant *)p_value; + + self->set_indexed(p_index, value, *r_valid, *r_oob); +} + +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, bool *r_valid) { const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; - const String *method = (const String *)p_method; - return self->has_method(*method); + const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; + Variant ret; + + ret = self->get(*key, r_valid); + godot_variant result; + memnew_placement_custom(&result, Variant, Variant(ret)); + return result; } -godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_operator_equal(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_other) { +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_named(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_key, bool *r_valid) { const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; - const Variant *other = (const Variant *)p_other; - return self->operator==(*other); + const StringName *key = (const StringName *)p_key; + Variant ret; + + ret = self->get_named(*key, *r_valid); + godot_variant result; + memnew_placement_custom(&result, Variant, Variant(ret)); + return result; } -godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_operator_less(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_other) { +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_keyed(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, bool *r_valid) { const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; - const Variant *other = (const Variant *)p_other; - return self->operator<(*other); + const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; + Variant ret; + + ret = self->get_keyed(*key, *r_valid); + godot_variant result; + memnew_placement_custom(&result, Variant, Variant(ret)); + return result; +} + +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_indexed(const godot_variant *p_self, godot_int p_index, bool *r_valid, bool *r_oob) { + const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; + Variant ret; + + ret = self->get_indexed(p_index, *r_valid, *r_oob); + godot_variant result; + memnew_placement_custom(&result, Variant, Variant(ret)); + return result; +} + +/// Iteration. +bool GDAPI godot_variant_iter_init(const godot_variant *p_self, godot_variant *r_iter, bool *r_valid) { + const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; + Variant *iter = (Variant *)r_iter; + + return self->iter_init(*iter, *r_valid); } -uint32_t GDAPI godot_variant_hash(const godot_variant *p_self) { +bool GDAPI godot_variant_iter_next(const godot_variant *p_self, godot_variant *r_iter, bool *r_valid) { const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; - return self->hash(); + Variant *iter = (Variant *)r_iter; + + return self->iter_next(*iter, *r_valid); +} + +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_iter_get(const godot_variant *p_self, godot_variant *r_iter, bool *r_valid) { + const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; + Variant *iter = (Variant *)r_iter; + + Variant result = self->iter_next(*iter, *r_valid); + godot_variant ret; + memnew_placement_custom(&ret, Variant, Variant(result)); + return ret; } +/// Variant functions. godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_hash_compare(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_other) { const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; const Variant *other = (const Variant *)p_other; @@ -621,27 +696,487 @@ godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_booleanize(const godot_variant *p_self) { return self->booleanize(); } -void GDAPI godot_variant_destroy(godot_variant *p_self) { - Variant *self = (Variant *)p_self; - self->~Variant(); +void GDAPI godot_variant_blend(const godot_variant *p_a, const godot_variant *p_b, float p_c, godot_variant *r_dst) { + const Variant *a = (const Variant *)p_a; + const Variant *b = (const Variant *)p_b; + Variant *dst = (Variant *)r_dst; + Variant::blend(*a, *b, p_c, *dst); } -// GDNative core 1.1 +void GDAPI godot_variant_interpolate(const godot_variant *p_a, const godot_variant *p_b, float p_c, godot_variant *r_dst) { + const Variant *a = (const Variant *)p_a; + const Variant *b = (const Variant *)p_b; + Variant *dst = (Variant *)r_dst; + Variant::interpolate(*a, *b, p_c, *dst); +} -godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_operator_name(godot_variant_operator p_op) { - Variant::Operator op = (Variant::Operator)p_op; - godot_string raw_dest; - String *dest = (String *)&raw_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, String(Variant::get_operator_name(op))); // operator = is overloaded by String - return raw_dest; +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_duplicate(const godot_variant *p_self, godot_bool p_deep) { + const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; + Variant result = self->duplicate(p_deep); + godot_variant ret; + memnew_placement_custom(&ret, Variant, Variant(result)); + return ret; } -void GDAPI godot_variant_evaluate(godot_variant_operator p_op, const godot_variant *p_a, const godot_variant *p_b, godot_variant *r_ret, godot_bool *r_valid) { - Variant::Operator op = (Variant::Operator)p_op; - const Variant *a = (const Variant *)p_a; - const Variant *b = (const Variant *)p_b; +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_stringify(const godot_variant *p_self) { + const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; + String result = *self; + godot_string ret; + memnew_placement_custom(&ret, String, String(result)); + return ret; +} + +// Discovery API + +/// Operators +godot_validated_operator_evaluator GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_operator_evaluator(godot_variant_operator p_operator, godot_variant_type p_type_a, godot_variant_type p_type_b) { + return (godot_validated_operator_evaluator)Variant::get_validated_operator_evaluator((Variant::Operator)p_operator, (Variant::Type)p_type_a, (Variant::Type)p_type_b); +} + +godot_ptr_operator_evaluator GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_operator_evaluator(godot_variant_operator p_operator, godot_variant_type p_type_a, godot_variant_type p_type_b) { + return (godot_ptr_operator_evaluator)Variant::get_ptr_operator_evaluator((Variant::Operator)p_operator, (Variant::Type)p_type_a, (Variant::Type)p_type_b); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_operator_return_type(godot_variant_operator p_operator, godot_variant_type p_type_a, godot_variant_type p_type_b) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_operator_return_type((Variant::Operator)p_operator, (Variant::Type)p_type_a, (Variant::Type)p_type_b); +} + +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_operator_name(godot_variant_operator p_operator) { + String op_name = Variant::get_operator_name((Variant::Operator)p_operator); + godot_string ret; + memnew_placement_custom(&ret, String, String(op_name)); + return ret; +} + +/// Built-in Methods + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_builtin_method(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method) { + return Variant::has_builtin_method((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_method)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_builtin_method_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method) { + return Variant::has_builtin_method((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_method)); +} + +godot_validated_builtin_method GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_builtin_method(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method) { + return (godot_validated_builtin_method)Variant::get_validated_builtin_method((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_method)); +} + +godot_validated_builtin_method GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_builtin_method_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method) { + return (godot_validated_builtin_method)Variant::get_validated_builtin_method((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_method)); +} + +godot_ptr_builtin_method GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_builtin_method(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method) { + return (godot_ptr_builtin_method)Variant::get_ptr_builtin_method((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_method)); +} + +godot_ptr_builtin_method GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_builtin_method_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method) { + return (godot_ptr_builtin_method)Variant::get_ptr_builtin_method((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_method)); +} + +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_count(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method) { + return Variant::get_builtin_method_argument_count((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_method)); +} + +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_count_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method) { + return Variant::get_builtin_method_argument_count((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_method)); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_type(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method, int p_argument) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_builtin_method_argument_type((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_method), p_argument); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_type_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method, int p_argument) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_builtin_method_argument_type((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_method), p_argument); +} + +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_name(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method, int p_argument) { + String name = Variant::get_builtin_method_argument_name((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_method), p_argument); + return *(godot_string *)&name; +} + +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_name_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method, int p_argument) { + String name = Variant::get_builtin_method_argument_name((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_method), p_argument); + return *(godot_string *)&name; +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_builtin_method_return_value(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method) { + return Variant::has_builtin_method_return_value((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_method)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_builtin_method_return_value_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method) { + return Variant::has_builtin_method_return_value((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_method)); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_return_type(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_builtin_method_return_type((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_method)); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_return_type_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_builtin_method_return_type((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_method)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_builtin_method_const(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method) { + return Variant::is_builtin_method_const((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_method)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_builtin_method_const_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method) { + return Variant::is_builtin_method_const((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_method)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_builtin_method_vararg(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method) { + return Variant::is_builtin_method_vararg((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_method)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_builtin_method_vararg_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method) { + return Variant::is_builtin_method_vararg((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_method)); +} + +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_count(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return Variant::get_builtin_method_count((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_list(godot_variant_type p_type, godot_string_name *r_list) { + List<StringName> list; + Variant::get_builtin_method_list((Variant::Type)p_type, &list); + int i = 0; + for (const List<StringName>::Element *E = list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + memnew_placement_custom(&r_list[i], StringName, StringName(E->get())); + } +} + +/// Constructors + +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_constructor_count(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return Variant::get_constructor_count((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_validated_constructor GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_constructor(godot_variant_type p_type, int p_constructor) { + return (godot_validated_constructor)Variant::get_validated_constructor((Variant::Type)p_type, p_constructor); +} + +godot_ptr_constructor GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_constructor(godot_variant_type p_type, int p_constructor) { + return (godot_ptr_constructor)Variant::get_ptr_constructor((Variant::Type)p_type, p_constructor); +} + +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_constructor_argument_count(godot_variant_type p_type, int p_constructor) { + return Variant::get_constructor_argument_count((Variant::Type)p_type, p_constructor); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_constructor_argument_type(godot_variant_type p_type, int p_constructor, int p_argument) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_constructor_argument_type((Variant::Type)p_type, p_constructor, p_argument); +} + +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_constructor_argument_name(godot_variant_type p_type, int p_constructor, int p_argument) { + String name = Variant::get_constructor_argument_name((Variant::Type)p_type, p_constructor, p_argument); + godot_string ret; + memnew_placement(&ret, String(name)); + return ret; +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_construct(godot_variant_type p_type, godot_variant *p_base, const godot_variant **p_args, int p_argcount, godot_variant_call_error *r_error) { + Variant::construct((Variant::Type)p_type, *((Variant *)p_base), (const Variant **)p_args, p_argcount, *((Callable::CallError *)r_error)); +} + +/// Properties. +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_member_type(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_member_type((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_member)); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_member_type_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_member) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_member_type((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_member)); +} + +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_member_count(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return Variant::get_member_count((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_get_member_list(godot_variant_type p_type, godot_string_name *r_list) { + List<StringName> members; + Variant::get_member_list((Variant::Type)p_type, &members); + int i = 0; + for (const List<StringName>::Element *E = members.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + memnew_placement_custom(&r_list[i++], StringName, StringName(E->get())); + } +} + +godot_validated_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_setter(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member) { + return (godot_validated_setter)Variant::get_member_validated_setter((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_member)); +} + +godot_validated_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_setter_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_member) { + return (godot_validated_setter)Variant::get_member_validated_setter((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_member)); +} + +godot_validated_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_getter(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member) { + return (godot_validated_getter)Variant::get_member_validated_getter((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_member)); +} + +godot_validated_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_getter_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_member) { + return (godot_validated_getter)Variant::get_member_validated_getter((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_member)); +} + +godot_ptr_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_setter(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member) { + return (godot_ptr_setter)Variant::get_member_ptr_setter((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_member)); +} + +godot_ptr_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_setter_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_member) { + return (godot_ptr_setter)Variant::get_member_ptr_setter((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_member)); +} + +godot_ptr_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_getter(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member) { + return (godot_ptr_getter)Variant::get_member_ptr_getter((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_member)); +} + +godot_ptr_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_getter_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_member) { + return (godot_ptr_getter)Variant::get_member_ptr_getter((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_member)); +} + +/// Indexing. +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_indexing(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return Variant::has_indexing((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_indexed_element_type(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_indexed_element_type((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_validated_indexed_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_indexed_setter(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_validated_indexed_setter)Variant::get_member_validated_indexed_setter((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_validated_indexed_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_indexed_getter(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_validated_indexed_getter)Variant::get_member_validated_indexed_getter((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_ptr_indexed_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_indexed_setter(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_ptr_indexed_setter)Variant::get_member_ptr_indexed_setter((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_ptr_indexed_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_indexed_getter(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_ptr_indexed_getter)Variant::get_member_ptr_indexed_getter((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +uint64_t GDAPI godot_variant_get_indexed_size(const godot_variant *p_self) { + const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; + return self->get_indexed_size(); +} + +/// Keying. +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_keyed(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return Variant::is_keyed((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_validated_keyed_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_keyed_setter(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_validated_keyed_setter)Variant::get_member_validated_keyed_setter((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_validated_keyed_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_keyed_getter(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_validated_keyed_getter)Variant::get_member_validated_keyed_getter((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_validated_keyed_checker GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_keyed_checker(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_validated_keyed_checker)Variant::get_member_validated_keyed_checker((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_ptr_keyed_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_keyed_setter(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_ptr_keyed_setter)Variant::get_member_ptr_keyed_setter((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_ptr_keyed_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_keyed_getter(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_ptr_keyed_getter)Variant::get_member_ptr_keyed_getter((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_ptr_keyed_checker GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_keyed_checker(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_ptr_keyed_checker)Variant::get_member_ptr_keyed_checker((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +/// Constants. +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_constants_count(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return Variant::get_constants_count_for_type((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_get_constants_list(godot_variant_type p_type, godot_string_name *r_list) { + List<StringName> constants; + int i = 0; + Variant::get_constants_for_type((Variant::Type)p_type, &constants); + for (const List<StringName>::Element *E = constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + memnew_placement_custom(&r_list[i++], StringName, StringName(E->get())); + } +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_constant(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_constant) { + return Variant::has_constant((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_constant)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_constant_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_constant) { + return Variant::has_constant((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_constant)); +} + +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_constant_value(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_constant) { + Variant constant = Variant::get_constant_value((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_constant)); + godot_variant ret; + memnew_placement_custom(&ret, Variant, Variant(constant)); + return ret; +} + +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_constant_value_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_constant) { + Variant constant = Variant::get_constant_value((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_constant)); + godot_variant ret; + memnew_placement_custom(&ret, Variant, Variant(constant)); + return ret; +} + +/// Utilities. +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_utility_function(const godot_string_name *p_function) { + return Variant::has_utility_function(*((const StringName *)p_function)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_utility_function_with_cstring(const char *p_function) { + return Variant::has_utility_function(StringName(p_function)); +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_call_utility_function(const godot_string_name *p_function, godot_variant *r_ret, const godot_variant **p_args, int p_argument_count, godot_variant_call_error *r_error) { + const StringName *function = (const StringName *)p_function; Variant *ret = (Variant *)r_ret; - Variant::evaluate(op, *a, *b, *ret, *r_valid); + const Variant **args = (const Variant **)p_args; + Callable::CallError error; + + Variant::call_utility_function(*function, ret, args, p_argument_count, error); + + if (r_error) { + r_error->error = (godot_variant_call_error_error)error.error; + r_error->argument = error.argument; + r_error->expected = (godot_variant_type)error.expected; + } +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_call_utility_function_with_cstring(const char *p_function, godot_variant *r_ret, const godot_variant **p_args, int p_argument_count, godot_variant_call_error *r_error) { + Variant *ret = (Variant *)r_ret; + const Variant **args = (const Variant **)p_args; + Callable::CallError error; + + Variant::call_utility_function(StringName(p_function), ret, args, p_argument_count, error); + + if (r_error) { + r_error->error = (godot_variant_call_error_error)error.error; + r_error->argument = error.argument; + r_error->expected = (godot_variant_type)error.expected; + } +} + +godot_variant_utility_function_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_type(const godot_string_name *p_function) { + return (godot_variant_utility_function_type)Variant::get_utility_function_type(*((const StringName *)p_function)); +} + +godot_variant_utility_function_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_type_with_cstring(const char *p_function) { + return (godot_variant_utility_function_type)Variant::get_utility_function_type(StringName(p_function)); +} + +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_count(const godot_string_name *p_function) { + return Variant::get_utility_function_argument_count(*((const StringName *)p_function)); +} + +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_count_with_cstring(const char *p_function) { + return Variant::get_utility_function_argument_count(StringName(p_function)); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_type(const godot_string_name *p_function, int p_argument) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_utility_function_argument_type(*((const StringName *)p_function), p_argument); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_type_with_cstring(const char *p_function, int p_argument) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_utility_function_argument_type(StringName(p_function), p_argument); +} + +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_name(const godot_string_name *p_function, int p_argument) { + String argument_name = Variant::get_utility_function_argument_name(*((const StringName *)p_function), p_argument); + godot_string ret; + memnew_placement_custom(&ret, String, String(argument_name)); + return ret; +} + +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_name_with_cstring(const char *p_function, int p_argument) { + String argument_name = Variant::get_utility_function_argument_name(StringName(p_function), p_argument); + godot_string ret; + memnew_placement_custom(&ret, String, String(argument_name)); + return ret; +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_utility_function_return_value(const godot_string_name *p_function) { + return Variant::has_utility_function_return_value(*((const StringName *)p_function)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_utility_function_return_value_with_cstring(const char *p_function) { + return Variant::has_utility_function_return_value(StringName(p_function)); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_return_type(const godot_string_name *p_function) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_utility_function_return_type(*((const StringName *)p_function)); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_return_type_with_cstring(const char *p_function) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_utility_function_return_type(StringName(p_function)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_utility_function_vararg(const godot_string_name *p_function) { + return Variant::is_utility_function_vararg(*((const StringName *)p_function)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_utility_function_vararg_with_cstring(const char *p_function) { + return Variant::is_utility_function_vararg(StringName(p_function)); +} + +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_count() { + return Variant::get_utility_function_count(); +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_list(godot_string_name *r_functions) { + List<StringName> functions; + godot_string_name *func = r_functions; + Variant::get_utility_function_list(&functions); + + for (const List<StringName>::Element *E = functions.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + memnew_placement_custom(func++, StringName, StringName(E->get())); + } +} + +// Introspection. + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_type(const godot_variant *p_self) { + const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; + return (godot_variant_type)self->get_type(); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_method(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_method) { + const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; + const StringName *method = (const StringName *)p_method; + return self->has_method(*method); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_member(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member) { + return Variant::has_member((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_member)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_key(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, bool *r_valid) { + const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; + const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; + return self->has_key(*key, *r_valid); +} + +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_type_name(godot_variant_type p_type) { + String name = Variant::get_type_name((Variant::Type)p_type); + godot_string ret; + memnew_placement_custom(&ret, String, String(name)); + return ret; +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_can_convert(godot_variant_type p_from, godot_variant_type p_to) { + return Variant::can_convert((Variant::Type)p_from, (Variant::Type)p_to); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_can_convert_strict(godot_variant_type p_from, godot_variant_type p_to) { + return Variant::can_convert_strict((Variant::Type)p_from, (Variant::Type)p_to); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/vector2.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/vector2.cpp index 6f42935228..e2f957e4f2 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/vector2.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/vector2.cpp @@ -31,430 +31,20 @@ #include "gdnative/vector2.h" #include "core/math/vector2.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif static_assert(sizeof(godot_vector2) == sizeof(Vector2), "Vector2 size mismatch"); static_assert(sizeof(godot_vector2i) == sizeof(Vector2i), "Vector2i size mismatch"); -// Vector2 - -void GDAPI godot_vector2_new(godot_vector2 *r_dest, const godot_real p_x, const godot_real p_y) { - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)r_dest; - *dest = Vector2(p_x, p_y); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_vector2_as_string(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2_as_vector2i(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - godot_vector2i dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - *((Vector2i *)&dest) = Vector2i(*self); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_normalized(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->normalized(); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_length(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - return self->length(); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_angle(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - return self->angle(); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_length_squared(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - return self->length_squared(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector2_is_normalized(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - return self->is_normalized(); -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_direction_to(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *to = (const Vector2 *)p_to; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->direction_to(*to); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_distance_to(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *to = (const Vector2 *)p_to; - return self->distance_to(*to); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_distance_squared_to(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *to = (const Vector2 *)p_to; - return self->distance_squared_to(*to); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_angle_to(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *to = (const Vector2 *)p_to; - return self->angle_to(*to); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_angle_to_point(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *to = (const Vector2 *)p_to; - return self->angle_to_point(*to); -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_lerp(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b, const godot_real p_t) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *b = (const Vector2 *)p_b; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->lerp(*b, p_t); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_cubic_interpolate(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b, const godot_vector2 *p_pre_a, const godot_vector2 *p_post_b, const godot_real p_t) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *b = (const Vector2 *)p_b; - const Vector2 *pre_a = (const Vector2 *)p_pre_a; - const Vector2 *post_b = (const Vector2 *)p_post_b; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->cubic_interpolate(*b, *pre_a, *post_b, p_t); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_move_toward(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to, const godot_real p_delta) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *to = (const Vector2 *)p_to; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->move_toward(*to, p_delta); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_rotated(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_phi) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->rotated(p_phi); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_orthogonal(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->orthogonal(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_floor(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->floor(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_sign(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->sign(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_snapped(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_by) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *by = (const Vector2 *)p_by; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->snapped(*by); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_aspect(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - return self->aspect(); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_dot(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_with) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *with = (const Vector2 *)p_with; - return self->dot(*with); -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_slide(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_n) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *n = (const Vector2 *)p_n; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->slide(*n); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_bounce(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_n) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *n = (const Vector2 *)p_n; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->bounce(*n); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_reflect(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_n) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *n = (const Vector2 *)p_n; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->reflect(*n); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_abs(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->abs(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_clamped(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_length) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->clamped(p_length); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_add(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *b = (const Vector2 *)p_b; - *dest = *self + *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_subtract(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *b = (const Vector2 *)p_b; - *dest = *self - *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_multiply_vector(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *b = (const Vector2 *)p_b; - *dest = *self * *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_multiply_scalar(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_b) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - *dest = *self * p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_divide_vector(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *b = (const Vector2 *)p_b; - *dest = *self / *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_divide_scalar(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_b) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - *dest = *self / p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_equal(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *b = (const Vector2 *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_less(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *b = (const Vector2 *)p_b; - return *self < *b; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_neg(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - *dest = -(*self); - return raw_dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_vector2_set_x(godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_x) { - Vector2 *self = (Vector2 *)p_self; - self->x = p_x; -} - -void GDAPI godot_vector2_set_y(godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_y) { - Vector2 *self = (Vector2 *)p_self; - self->y = p_y; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_get_x(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - return self->x; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_get_y(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - return self->y; -} - -// Vector2i - -void GDAPI godot_vector2i_new(godot_vector2i *r_dest, const godot_int p_x, const godot_int p_y) { - Vector2i *dest = (Vector2i *)r_dest; - *dest = Vector2i(p_x, p_y); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_vector2i_as_string(const godot_vector2i *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2i_as_vector2(const godot_vector2i *p_self) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = Vector2(*self); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2i_aspect(const godot_vector2i *p_self) { - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - return self->aspect(); -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_abs(const godot_vector2i *p_self) { - godot_vector2i dest; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - *((Vector2i *)&dest) = self->abs(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_sign(const godot_vector2i *p_self) { - godot_vector2i dest; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - *((Vector2i *)&dest) = self->sign(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_add(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b) { - godot_vector2i raw_dest; - Vector2i *dest = (Vector2i *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - const Vector2i *b = (const Vector2i *)p_b; - *dest = *self + *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_subtract(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b) { - godot_vector2i raw_dest; - Vector2i *dest = (Vector2i *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - const Vector2i *b = (const Vector2i *)p_b; - *dest = *self - *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_multiply_vector(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b) { - godot_vector2i raw_dest; - Vector2i *dest = (Vector2i *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - const Vector2i *b = (const Vector2i *)p_b; - *dest = *self * *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_multiply_scalar(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_int p_b) { - godot_vector2i raw_dest; - Vector2i *dest = (Vector2i *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - *dest = *self * p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_divide_vector(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b) { - godot_vector2i raw_dest; - Vector2i *dest = (Vector2i *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - const Vector2i *b = (const Vector2i *)p_b; - *dest = *self / *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_divide_scalar(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_int p_b) { - godot_vector2i raw_dest; - Vector2i *dest = (Vector2i *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - *dest = *self / p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_equal(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b) { - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - const Vector2i *b = (const Vector2i *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_less(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b) { - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - const Vector2i *b = (const Vector2i *)p_b; - return *self < *b; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_neg(const godot_vector2i *p_self) { - godot_vector2i raw_dest; - Vector2i *dest = (Vector2i *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - *dest = -(*self); - return raw_dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_vector2i_set_x(godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_int p_x) { - Vector2i *self = (Vector2i *)p_self; - self->x = p_x; -} - -void GDAPI godot_vector2i_set_y(godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_int p_y) { - Vector2i *self = (Vector2i *)p_self; - self->y = p_y; -} +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector2i_get_x(const godot_vector2i *p_self) { - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - return self->x; +void GDAPI godot_vector2_new(godot_vector2 *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Vector2); } -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector2i_get_y(const godot_vector2i *p_self) { - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - return self->y; +void GDAPI godot_vector2i_new(godot_vector2i *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Vector2i); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/vector3.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/vector3.cpp index 75aeb59c87..ee365edaec 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/vector3.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/vector3.cpp @@ -30,433 +30,21 @@ #include "gdnative/vector3.h" -#include "core/templates/vector.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif +#include "core/math/vector3.h" static_assert(sizeof(godot_vector3) == sizeof(Vector3), "Vector3 size mismatch"); static_assert(sizeof(godot_vector3i) == sizeof(Vector3i), "Vector3i size mismatch"); -// Vector3 - -void GDAPI godot_vector3_new(godot_vector3 *r_dest, const godot_real p_x, const godot_real p_y, const godot_real p_z) { - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)r_dest; - *dest = Vector3(p_x, p_y, p_z); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_vector3_as_string(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3_as_vector3i(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - godot_vector3i dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - *((Vector3i *)&dest) = Vector3i(*self); - return dest; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector3_min_axis(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - return self->min_axis(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector3_max_axis(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - return self->max_axis(); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_length(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - return self->length(); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_length_squared(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - return self->length_squared(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector3_is_normalized(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - return self->is_normalized(); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_normalized(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->normalized(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_inverse(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->inverse(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_snapped(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_by) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *snap_axis = (const Vector3 *)p_by; - - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->snapped(*snap_axis); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_rotated(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_phi) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *axis = (const Vector3 *)p_axis; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->rotated(*axis, p_phi); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_lerp(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b, const godot_real p_t) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->lerp(*b, p_t); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_cubic_interpolate(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b, const godot_vector3 *p_pre_a, const godot_vector3 *p_post_b, const godot_real p_t) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - const Vector3 *pre_a = (const Vector3 *)p_pre_a; - const Vector3 *post_b = (const Vector3 *)p_post_b; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->cubic_interpolate(*b, *pre_a, *post_b, p_t); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_move_toward(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_to, const godot_real p_delta) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *to = (const Vector3 *)p_to; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->move_toward(*to, p_delta); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_dot(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - return self->dot(*b); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_cross(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->cross(*b); - return dest; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_vector3_outer(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - godot_basis dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - *((Basis *)&dest) = self->outer(*b); - return dest; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_vector3_to_diagonal_matrix(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - godot_basis dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - *((Basis *)&dest) = self->to_diagonal_matrix(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_abs(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->abs(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_sign(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->sign(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_floor(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->floor(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_ceil(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->ceil(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_direction_to(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_to) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *to = (const Vector3 *)p_to; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->direction_to(*to); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_distance_to(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - return self->distance_to(*b); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_distance_squared_to(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - return self->distance_squared_to(*b); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_angle_to(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_to) { - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *to = (const Vector3 *)p_to; - return self->angle_to(*to); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_slide(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_n) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *n = (const Vector3 *)p_n; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->slide(*n); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_bounce(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_n) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *n = (const Vector3 *)p_n; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->bounce(*n); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_reflect(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_n) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *n = (const Vector3 *)p_n; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->reflect(*n); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_add(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - godot_vector3 raw_dest; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)&raw_dest; - Vector3 *self = (Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - *dest = *self + *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_subtract(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - godot_vector3 raw_dest; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)&raw_dest; - Vector3 *self = (Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - *dest = *self - *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_multiply_vector(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - godot_vector3 raw_dest; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)&raw_dest; - Vector3 *self = (Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - *dest = *self * *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_multiply_scalar(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_real p_b) { - godot_vector3 raw_dest; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)&raw_dest; - Vector3 *self = (Vector3 *)p_self; - *dest = *self * p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_divide_vector(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - godot_vector3 raw_dest; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)&raw_dest; - Vector3 *self = (Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - *dest = *self / *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_divide_scalar(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_real p_b) { - godot_vector3 raw_dest; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)&raw_dest; - Vector3 *self = (Vector3 *)p_self; - *dest = *self / p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_equal(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - Vector3 *self = (Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_less(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - Vector3 *self = (Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - return *self < *b; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_neg(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - godot_vector3 raw_dest; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)&raw_dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - *dest = -(*self); - return raw_dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_vector3_set_axis(godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3_axis p_axis, const godot_real p_val) { - Vector3 *self = (Vector3 *)p_self; - self->set_axis(p_axis, p_val); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_get_axis(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3_axis p_axis) { - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - return self->get_axis(p_axis); -} - -// Vector3i - -void GDAPI godot_vector3i_new(godot_vector3i *r_dest, const godot_int p_x, const godot_int p_y, const godot_int p_z) { - Vector3i *dest = (Vector3i *)r_dest; - *dest = Vector3i(p_x, p_y, p_z); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_vector3i_as_string(const godot_vector3i *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Vector3i *self = (const Vector3i *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3i_as_vector3(const godot_vector3i *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3i *self = (const Vector3i *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = Vector3(*self); - return dest; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector3i_min_axis(const godot_vector3i *p_self) { - const Vector3i *self = (const Vector3i *)p_self; - return self->min_axis(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector3i_max_axis(const godot_vector3i *p_self) { - const Vector3i *self = (const Vector3i *)p_self; - return self->max_axis(); -} - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_abs(const godot_vector3i *p_self) { - godot_vector3i dest; - const Vector3i *self = (const Vector3i *)p_self; - *((Vector3i *)&dest) = self->abs(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_sign(const godot_vector3i *p_self) { - godot_vector3i dest; - const Vector3i *self = (const Vector3i *)p_self; - *((Vector3i *)&dest) = self->sign(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_add(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b) { - godot_vector3i raw_dest; - Vector3i *dest = (Vector3i *)&raw_dest; - Vector3i *self = (Vector3i *)p_self; - const Vector3i *b = (const Vector3i *)p_b; - *dest = *self + *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_subtract(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b) { - godot_vector3i raw_dest; - Vector3i *dest = (Vector3i *)&raw_dest; - Vector3i *self = (Vector3i *)p_self; - const Vector3i *b = (const Vector3i *)p_b; - *dest = *self - *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_multiply_vector(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b) { - godot_vector3i raw_dest; - Vector3i *dest = (Vector3i *)&raw_dest; - Vector3i *self = (Vector3i *)p_self; - const Vector3i *b = (const Vector3i *)p_b; - *dest = *self * *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_multiply_scalar(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_int p_b) { - godot_vector3i raw_dest; - Vector3i *dest = (Vector3i *)&raw_dest; - Vector3i *self = (Vector3i *)p_self; - *dest = *self * p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_divide_vector(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b) { - godot_vector3i raw_dest; - Vector3i *dest = (Vector3i *)&raw_dest; - Vector3i *self = (Vector3i *)p_self; - const Vector3i *b = (const Vector3i *)p_b; - *dest = *self / *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_divide_scalar(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_int p_b) { - godot_vector3i raw_dest; - Vector3i *dest = (Vector3i *)&raw_dest; - Vector3i *self = (Vector3i *)p_self; - *dest = *self / p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_equal(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b) { - Vector3i *self = (Vector3i *)p_self; - const Vector3i *b = (const Vector3i *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_less(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b) { - Vector3i *self = (Vector3i *)p_self; - const Vector3i *b = (const Vector3i *)p_b; - return *self < *b; -} - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_neg(const godot_vector3i *p_self) { - godot_vector3i raw_dest; - Vector3i *dest = (Vector3i *)&raw_dest; - const Vector3i *self = (const Vector3i *)p_self; - *dest = -(*self); - return raw_dest; -} +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif -void GDAPI godot_vector3i_set_axis(godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3_axis p_axis, const godot_int p_val) { - Vector3i *self = (Vector3i *)p_self; - self->set_axis(p_axis, p_val); +void GDAPI godot_vector3_new(godot_vector3 *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Vector3); } -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector3i_get_axis(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3_axis p_axis) { - const Vector3i *self = (const Vector3i *)p_self; - return self->get_axis(p_axis); +void GDAPI godot_vector3i_new(godot_vector3i *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Vector3i); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative_api.json b/modules/gdnative/gdnative_api.json index a29a0808ca..909e91393e 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative_api.json +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative_api.json @@ -1,8074 +1,4535 @@ { - "core": { - "type": "CORE", - "version": { - "major": 4, - "minor": 0 - }, - "next": null, - "api": [ - { - "name": "godot_aabb_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_aabb *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_pos"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_size"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_position", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_set_position", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_v"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_size", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_set_size", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_v"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_as_string", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_abs", - "return_type": "godot_aabb", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_area", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_has_no_area", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_has_no_surface", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_intersects", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_with"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_encloses", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_with"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_merge", - "return_type": "godot_aabb", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_with"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_intersection", - "return_type": "godot_aabb", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_with"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_intersects_plane", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_plane *", "p_plane"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_intersects_segment", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_from"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_to"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_has_point", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_point"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_support", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_dir"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_longest_axis", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_longest_axis_index", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_longest_axis_size", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis_index", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis_size", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_expand", - "return_type": "godot_aabb", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_to_point"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_grow", - "return_type": "godot_aabb", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_by"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_endpoint", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_idx"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_operator_equal", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_copy", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_array *", "p_src"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_packed_color_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_color_array *", "p_pca"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_packed_vector3_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_vector3_array *", "p_pv3a"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_packed_vector2_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_vector2_array *", "p_pv2a"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_packed_vector2i_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_vector2i_array *", "p_pv2a"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_packed_string_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_string_array *", "p_psa"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_packed_float32_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_float32_array *", "p_pra"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_packed_float64_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_float64_array *", "p_pra"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_packed_int32_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_int32_array *", "p_pia"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_packed_int64_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_int64_array *", "p_pia"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_packed_byte_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_byte_array *", "p_pba"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_set", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_idx"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_get", - "return_type": "godot_variant", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_idx"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_operator_index", - "return_type": "godot_variant *", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_idx"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_operator_index_const", - "return_type": "const godot_variant *", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_idx"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_append", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_clear", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_count", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_duplicate", - "return_type": "godot_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_bool", "p_deep"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_is_empty", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_erase", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_front", - "return_type": "godot_variant", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_back", - "return_type": "godot_variant", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_find", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_what"], - ["const godot_int", "p_from"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_find_last", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_what"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_has", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_hash", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_insert", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_pos"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_invert", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_max", - "return_type": "godot_variant", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_min", - "return_type": "godot_variant", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_pop_back", - "return_type": "godot_variant", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_pop_front", - "return_type": "godot_variant", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_push_back", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_push_front", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_remove", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_idx"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_resize", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_size"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_rfind", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_what"], - ["const godot_int", "p_from"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_size", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_shuffle", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_slice", - "return_type": "godot_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_begin"], - ["const godot_int", "p_end"], - ["const godot_int", "p_step"], - ["const godot_bool", "p_deep"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_sort", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_sort_custom", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["godot_object *", "p_obj"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_func"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_bsearch", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_value"], - ["const godot_bool", "p_before"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_bsearch_custom", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_value"], - ["godot_object *", "p_obj"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_func"], - ["const godot_bool", "p_before"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_destroy", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_new_with_rows", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_basis *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_x_axis"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_y_axis"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_z_axis"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_new_with_axis_and_angle", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_basis *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_axis"], - ["const godot_real", "p_phi"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_new_with_euler", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_basis *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_euler"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_as_string", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_inverse", - "return_type": "godot_basis", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_transposed", - "return_type": "godot_basis", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_orthonormalized", - "return_type": "godot_basis", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_determinant", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_rotated", - "return_type": "godot_basis", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_axis"], - ["const godot_real", "p_phi"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_scaled", - "return_type": "godot_basis", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_scale"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_get_scale", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_get_euler", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_tdotx", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_with"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_tdoty", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_with"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_tdotz", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_with"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_xform", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_v"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_xform_inv", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - 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["const godot_vector3 *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_get_row", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_row"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_set_row", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_row"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_operator_equal", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_basis *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_operator_add", - "return_type": "godot_basis", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_basis *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_operator_subtract", - "return_type": "godot_basis", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_basis *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_operator_multiply_vector", - "return_type": "godot_basis", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_basis *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_operator_multiply_scalar", - "return_type": "godot_basis", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_slerp", - "return_type": "godot_basis", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_basis *", "p_b"], - ["const godot_real", "p_t"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_get_quat", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_set_quat", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_quat *", "p_quat"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_set_axis_angle_scale", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_axis"], - ["godot_real", "p_phi"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_scale"] - 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"godot_signal_connect", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_signal *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_callable *", "p_callable"], - ["const godot_array *", "p_binds"], - ["uint32_t", "p_flags"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_signal_disconnect", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_signal *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_callable *", "p_callable"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_signal_is_null", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_signal *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_signal_is_connected", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_signal *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_callable *", "p_callable"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_signal_get_connections", - "return_type": "godot_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_signal *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_signal_get_object", - "return_type": "godot_object *", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_signal *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_signal_get_object_id", - "return_type": "uint64_t", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_signal *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_signal_get_name", - "return_type": "godot_string_name", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_signal *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_signal_as_string", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_signal *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_signal_operator_equal", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_signal *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_signal *", "p_other"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_signal_operator_less", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_signal *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_signal *", "p_other"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_color_new_rgba", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_color *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_real", "p_r"], - ["const godot_real", "p_g"], - ["const godot_real", "p_b"], - ["const godot_real", "p_a"] - ] - }, - { 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"p_v"], - ["const godot_real", "p_a"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_color_lightened", - "return_type": "godot_color", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_color *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_amount"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_dictionary *", "r_dest"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_new_copy", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_dictionary *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_src"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_destroy", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_dictionary *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_size", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_is_empty", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_clear", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_dictionary *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_has", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_key"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_has_all", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_array *", "p_keys"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_erase", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_dictionary *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_key"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_hash", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_keys", - "return_type": "godot_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_values", - "return_type": "godot_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": 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"godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_to_json", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_duplicate", - "return_type": "godot_dictionary", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_bool", "p_deep"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_get_with_default", - "return_type": "godot_variant", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_key"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_default"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_erase_with_return", - "return_type": "bool", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_dictionary *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_key"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_node_path_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_node_path *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_string *", 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["godot_packed_vector2_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_vector2_array_sort", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_packed_vector2_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_vector2_array_invert", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_packed_vector2_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_vector2_array_push_back", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_packed_vector2_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_data"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_vector2_array_remove", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_packed_vector2_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_idx"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_vector2_array_resize", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_packed_vector2_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_size"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_vector2_array_ptr", - "return_type": 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"godot_plane_intersect_3", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_plane *", "p_self"], - ["godot_vector3 *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_plane *", "p_b"], - ["const godot_plane *", "p_c"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_plane_intersects_ray", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_plane *", "p_self"], - ["godot_vector3 *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_from"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_dir"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_plane_intersects_segment", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_plane *", "p_self"], - ["godot_vector3 *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_begin"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_end"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_plane_operator_neg", - "return_type": "godot_plane", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_plane *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_plane_operator_equal", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_plane *", "p_self"], - ["const 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- ["const godot_real", "p_angle"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_new_with_basis", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_quat *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_basis *", "p_basis"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_new_with_euler", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_quat *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_euler"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_get_x", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_set_x", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "val"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_get_y", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_set_y", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "val"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_get_z", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const 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["const godot_quat *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_normalized", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_is_normalized", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_inverse", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_dot", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_quat *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_xform", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_v"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_slerp", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_quat *", "p_b"], - ["const godot_real", "p_t"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_slerpni", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_quat *", "p_b"], - ["const godot_real", "p_t"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_cubic_slerp", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_quat *", "p_b"], - ["const godot_quat *", "p_pre_a"], - ["const godot_quat *", "p_post_b"], - ["const godot_real", "p_t"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_operator_multiply", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_operator_add", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_quat *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_operator_subtract", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_quat *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_operator_divide", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_operator_equal", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_quat *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_operator_neg", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_new_with_position_and_size", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_rect2 *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_pos"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_size"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_rect2 *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_real", "p_x"], - ["const godot_real", "p_y"], - ["const godot_real", "p_width"], - ["const godot_real", "p_height"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_as_rect2i", - "return_type": "godot_rect2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_as_string", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_get_area", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_grow_individual", - "return_type": "godot_rect2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_left"], - ["const godot_real", "p_top"], - ["const godot_real", "p_right"], - ["const godot_real", "p_bottom"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_grow_side", - "return_type": "godot_rect2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_side"], - ["const godot_real", "p_by"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_abs", - "return_type": "godot_rect2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_intersects", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_encloses", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_has_no_area", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_intersection", - "return_type": "godot_rect2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_merge", - "return_type": "godot_rect2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_has_point", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_point"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_grow", - "return_type": "godot_rect2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_by"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_expand", - "return_type": "godot_rect2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_to"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_operator_equal", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_get_position", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_get_size", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_set_position", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_pos"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_set_size", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_size"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2i_new_with_position_and_size", - "return_type": "void", - 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["const godot_rect2i *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2i_get_size", - "return_type": "godot_vector2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2i *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2i_set_position", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_rect2i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_pos"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2i_set_size", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_rect2i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_size"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rid_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_rid *", "r_dest"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rid_get_id", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rid *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rid_new_with_resource", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_rid *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_object *", "p_from"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rid_operator_equal", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rid *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_rid *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rid_operator_less", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rid *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_rid *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_char_string_length", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_char_string *", "p_cs"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_char_string_get_data", - "return_type": "const char *", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_char_string *", "p_cs"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_char_string_destroy", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_char_string *", "p_cs"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_char16_string_length", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_char16_string *", "p_cs"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_char16_string_get_data", - "return_type": "const char16_t *", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_char16_string *", "p_cs"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_char16_string_destroy", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_char16_string *", "p_cs"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new_copy", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_src"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"], - ["const char *", "p_contents"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"], - ["const char *", "p_contents"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new_with_utf16_chars", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"], - ["const char16_t *", "p_contents"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new_with_utf32_chars", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"], - ["const char32_t *", "p_contents"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new_with_wide_chars", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"], - ["const wchar_t *", "p_contents"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars_and_len", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"], - ["const char *", "p_contents"], - ["const int", "p_size"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars_and_len", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"], - ["const char *", "p_contents"], - ["const int", "p_size"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new_with_utf16_chars_and_len", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"], - ["const char16_t *", "p_contents"], - ["const int", "p_size"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new_with_utf32_chars_and_len", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"], - ["const char32_t *", "p_contents"], - ["const int", "p_size"] - 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godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_operator_plus", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_count", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_what"], - ["godot_int", "p_from"], - ["godot_int", "p_to"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_countn", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_what"], - ["godot_int", "p_from"], - ["godot_int", "p_to"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_dedent", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_length", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_casecmp_to", - 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["godot_int", "p_digits"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_pad_zeros", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["godot_int", "p_digits"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_replace_first", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_key"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_with"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_replace", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_key"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_with"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_replacen", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_key"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_with"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_rfind", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_what"] - ] - }, 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- "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_string"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_sprintf", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_array *", "p_values"], - ["godot_bool *", "p_error"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_substr", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["godot_int", "p_from"], - ["godot_int", "p_chars"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_to_int", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_to_float", - "return_type": "double", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_camelcase_to_underscore", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_camelcase_to_underscore_lowercased", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_capitalize", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_char_to_float", - "return_type": "double", - "arguments": [ - ["const char *", "p_what"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_wchar_to_float", - "return_type": "double", - "arguments": [ - ["const wchar_t *", "p_str"], - ["const wchar_t **", "r_end"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_char_to_int", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const char *", "p_what"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_wchar_to_int", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const wchar_t *", "p_str"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_char_to_int_with_len", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const char *", "p_what"], - ["godot_int", "p_len"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_wchar_to_int_with_len", - 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"godot_string_split", - "return_type": "godot_packed_string_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_splitter"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_split_allow_empty", - "return_type": "godot_packed_string_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_splitter"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_split_with_maxsplit", - "return_type": "godot_packed_string_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_splitter"], - ["const godot_bool", "p_allow_empty"], - ["const godot_int", "p_maxsplit"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_rsplit", - "return_type": "godot_packed_string_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_splitter"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_rsplit_allow_empty", - "return_type": "godot_packed_string_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const 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"godot_string_split_spaces", - "return_type": "godot_packed_string_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_lstrip", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_chars"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_rstrip", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_chars"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_trim_prefix", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_prefix"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_trim_suffix", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_suffix"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_char_lowercase", - "return_type": "godot_char_type", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_char_type", "p_char"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_char_uppercase", - "return_type": "godot_char_type", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_char_type", "p_char"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_to_lower", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_to_upper", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_get_basename", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_get_extension", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_left", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["godot_int", "p_pos"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_ord_at", - "return_type": "godot_char_type", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["godot_int", "p_idx"] - ] - }, - { - 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["godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const char16_t *", "p_utf16"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_parse_utf16_with_len", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const char16_t *", "p_utf16"], - ["godot_int", "p_len"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_hash", - "return_type": "uint32_t", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_hash64", - "return_type": "uint64_t", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_hash_chars", - "return_type": "uint32_t", - "arguments": [ - ["const char *", "p_cstr"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_hash_chars_with_len", - "return_type": "uint32_t", - "arguments": [ - ["const char *", "p_cstr"], - ["godot_int", "p_len"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_hash_wide_chars", - "return_type": "uint32_t", - "arguments": [ - ["const wchar_t *", "p_str"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_hash_wide_chars_with_len", 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"godot_string_is_empty", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_get_base_dir", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_get_file", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_humanize_size", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["uint64_t", "p_size"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_is_abs_path", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_is_rel_path", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_is_resource_file", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_path_to", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_path"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_path_to_file", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_path"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_simplify_path", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_c_escape", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_c_escape_multiline", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_c_unescape", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_http_escape", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - 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"godot_transform_operator_multiply", - "return_type": "godot_transform", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_transform *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform_xform_vector3", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_v"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform_xform_inv_vector3", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_v"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform_xform_aabb", - "return_type": "godot_aabb", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_v"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform_xform_inv_aabb", - "return_type": "godot_aabb", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_v"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_transform2d *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_real", "p_rot"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_pos"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_new_axis_origin", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_transform2d *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_x_axis"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_y_axis"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_origin"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_as_string", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform2d *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_inverse", - "return_type": "godot_transform2d", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform2d *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_affine_inverse", - "return_type": "godot_transform2d", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform2d *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_get_rotation", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform2d *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_get_origin", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform2d *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_get_scale", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform2d *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_orthonormalized", - "return_type": "godot_transform2d", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform2d *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_rotated", - "return_type": "godot_transform2d", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform2d *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_phi"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_scaled", - "return_type": "godot_transform2d", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform2d *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_scale"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_translated", - "return_type": "godot_transform2d", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform2d *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_offset"] - ] - }, 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"r_dest"], - ["const godot_basis *", "p_basis"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_transform", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_transform *", "p_trans"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_color", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_color *", "p_color"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_node_path", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_node_path *", "p_np"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_rid", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_rid *", "p_rid"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_object", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_object *", "p_obj"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_callable", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_callable *", "p_cb"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_signal", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_signal *", "p_signal"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_dictionary", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_dict"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_array *", "p_arr"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_byte_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_byte_array *", "p_pba"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_int32_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_int32_array *", "p_pia"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_int64_array", - "return_type": "void", - 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["const godot_packed_vector3_array *", "p_pv3a"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_color_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_color_array *", "p_pca"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_bool", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_uint", - "return_type": "uint64_t", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_int", - "return_type": "int64_t", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_real", - "return_type": "double", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_string", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_string_name", - "return_type": "godot_string_name", - 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"p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_rid", - "return_type": "godot_rid", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_object", - "return_type": "godot_object *", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_callable", - "return_type": "godot_callable", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_signal", - "return_type": "godot_signal", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_dictionary", - "return_type": "godot_dictionary", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_array", - "return_type": "godot_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_byte_array", - "return_type": "godot_packed_byte_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_int32_array", - "return_type": "godot_packed_int32_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_int64_array", - "return_type": "godot_packed_int64_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_float32_array", - "return_type": "godot_packed_float32_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_float64_array", - "return_type": "godot_packed_float64_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_string_array", - "return_type": "godot_packed_string_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_vector2_array", - "return_type": "godot_packed_vector2_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] 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"godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_other"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_operator_less", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_other"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_get_operator_name", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant_operator", "p_op"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_evaluate", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant_operator", "p_op"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_a"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_b"], - ["godot_variant *", "r_ret"], - ["godot_bool *", "r_valid"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_hash_compare", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_other"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_booleanize", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_destroy", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_as_vector2i", - "return_type": "godot_vector2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_sign", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_move_toward", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_to"], - ["const godot_real", "p_delta"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_direction_to", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_to"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_vector2 *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_real", "p_x"], - ["const godot_real", "p_y"] - ] - }, - { - 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"godot_vector2_operator_subtract", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_operator_multiply_vector", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_operator_multiply_scalar", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_operator_divide_vector", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_operator_divide_scalar", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_operator_equal", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_operator_less", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_operator_neg", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_set_x", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_x"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_set_y", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_y"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_get_x", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_get_y", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_vector2i *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_int", "p_x"], - ["const godot_int", "p_y"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_as_string", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_as_vector2", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_aspect", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_abs", - "return_type": "godot_vector2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_sign", - "return_type": "godot_vector2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_operator_add", - "return_type": "godot_vector2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_operator_subtract", - "return_type": "godot_vector2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_operator_multiply_vector", - "return_type": "godot_vector2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_operator_multiply_scalar", - "return_type": "godot_vector2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_operator_divide_vector", - "return_type": "godot_vector2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_operator_divide_scalar", - "return_type": "godot_vector2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - 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"godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_as_vector3i", - "return_type": "godot_vector3i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_sign", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_move_toward", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_to"], - ["const godot_real", "p_delta"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_direction_to", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_to"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_vector3 *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_real", "p_x"], - ["const godot_real", "p_y"], - ["const godot_real", "p_z"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_as_string", - 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"p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_n"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_operator_add", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_operator_subtract", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_operator_multiply_vector", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_operator_multiply_scalar", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_operator_divide_vector", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_operator_divide_scalar", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_operator_equal", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_operator_less", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_operator_neg", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_set_axis", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_vector3 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3_axis", "p_axis"], - ["const godot_real", "p_val"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_get_axis", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"], - ["const 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"godot_vector3i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3i *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3i_operator_add", - "return_type": "godot_vector3i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3i *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3i_operator_subtract", - "return_type": "godot_vector3i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3i *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3i_operator_multiply_vector", - "return_type": "godot_vector3i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3i *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3i_operator_multiply_scalar", - "return_type": "godot_vector3i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3i_operator_divide_vector", - "return_type": "godot_vector3i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3i *", "p_self"], - ["const 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["const char *", "call_type"], - ["native_call_cb", "p_callback"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_alloc", - "return_type": "void *", - "arguments": [ - ["int", "p_bytes"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_realloc", - "return_type": "void *", - "arguments": [ - ["void *", "p_ptr"], - ["int", "p_bytes"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_free", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["void *", "p_ptr"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_print_error", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["const char *", "p_description"], - ["const char *", "p_function"], - ["const char *", "p_file"], - ["int", "p_line"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_print_warning", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["const char *", "p_description"], - ["const char *", "p_function"], - ["const char *", "p_file"], - ["int", "p_line"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_print", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_message"] - ] - } - ] - }, - "extensions": [ - { - "name": "nativescript", - 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["const godot_packed_glyph_array *", "p_array"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_insert", - "return_type": "godot_error", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_packed_glyph_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_idx"], - ["const godot_glyph *", "p_data"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_has", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_packed_glyph_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_glyph *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_sort", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_packed_glyph_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_invert", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_packed_glyph_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_push_back", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_packed_glyph_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_glyph *", "p_data"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_remove", - "return_type": "void", 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"const godot_packed_int32_array *", + "p_pia" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_int64_array", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_dest" + ], + [ + "const godot_packed_int64_array *", + "p_pia" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_float32_array", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_dest" + ], + [ + "const godot_packed_float32_array *", + "p_pra" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_float64_array", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_dest" + ], + [ + "const godot_packed_float64_array *", + "p_pra" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_string_array", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_dest" + ], + [ + "const godot_packed_string_array *", + "p_psa" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_vector2_array", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_dest" + ], + [ + "const godot_packed_vector2_array *", + "p_pv2a" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_vector3_array", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_dest" + ], + [ + "const godot_packed_vector3_array *", + "p_pv3a" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_color_array", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_dest" + ], + [ + "const godot_packed_color_array *", + "p_pca" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_bool", + "return_type": "godot_bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_int", + "return_type": "int64_t", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_float", + "return_type": "double", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_string", + "return_type": "godot_string", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_string_name", + "return_type": "godot_string_name", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_vector2", + "return_type": "godot_vector2", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_vector2i", + "return_type": "godot_vector2i", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_rect2", + "return_type": "godot_rect2", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_rect2i", + "return_type": "godot_rect2i", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_vector3", + "return_type": "godot_vector3", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_vector3i", + 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"godot_variant_as_color", + "return_type": "godot_color", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_node_path", + "return_type": "godot_node_path", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_rid", + "return_type": "godot_rid", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_object", + "return_type": "godot_object *", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_callable", + "return_type": "godot_callable", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_signal", + "return_type": "godot_signal", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_dictionary", + "return_type": "godot_dictionary", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_array", + "return_type": "godot_array", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_byte_array", + "return_type": "godot_packed_byte_array", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_int32_array", + "return_type": "godot_packed_int32_array", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_int64_array", + "return_type": "godot_packed_int64_array", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_float32_array", + "return_type": "godot_packed_float32_array", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_float64_array", + "return_type": "godot_packed_float64_array", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_string_array", + "return_type": "godot_packed_string_array", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_vector2_array", + "return_type": "godot_packed_vector2_array", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_vector3_array", + "return_type": "godot_packed_vector3_array", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_color_array", + "return_type": "godot_packed_color_array", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_destroy", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_call", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + 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"bool *", + "r_valid" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_set_keyed", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_key" + ], + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_value" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_valid" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_set_indexed", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_int", + "p_index" + ], + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_value" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_valid" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_oob" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get", + "return_type": "godot_variant", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_key" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_valid" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_named", + "return_type": "godot_variant", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_key" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_valid" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_keyed", + "return_type": "godot_variant", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_key" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_valid" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_indexed", + "return_type": "godot_variant", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_int", + "p_index" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_valid" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_oob" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_iter_init", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_iter" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_valid" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_iter_next", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_iter" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_valid" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_iter_get", + "return_type": "godot_variant", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_iter" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_valid" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_hash_compare", + "return_type": "godot_bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_other" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_booleanize", + "return_type": "godot_bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_blend", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_a" + ], + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_b" + ], + [ + "float", + "p_c" + ], + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_dst" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_interpolate", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_a" + ], + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_b" + ], + [ + "float", + "p_c" + ], + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_dst" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_duplicate", + "return_type": "godot_variant", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_bool", + "p_deep" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_stringify", + "return_type": "godot_string", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_validated_operator_evaluator", + "return_type": "godot_validated_operator_evaluator", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_operator", + "p_operator" + ], + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type_a" + ], + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type_b" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_ptr_operator_evaluator", + "return_type": "godot_ptr_operator_evaluator", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_operator", + "p_operator" + ], + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type_a" + ], + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type_b" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_operator_return_type", + "return_type": "godot_variant_type", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_operator", + "p_operator" + ], + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type_a" + ], + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type_b" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_operator_name", + "return_type": "godot_string", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_operator", + "p_operator" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_has_builtin_method", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_has_builtin_method_with_cstring", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_validated_builtin_method", + "return_type": "godot_validated_builtin_method", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_validated_builtin_method_with_cstring", + "return_type": "godot_validated_builtin_method", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_ptr_builtin_method", + "return_type": "godot_ptr_builtin_method", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_ptr_builtin_method_with_cstring", + "return_type": "godot_ptr_builtin_method", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_count", + "return_type": "int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_count_with_cstring", + "return_type": "int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_type", + "return_type": "godot_variant_type", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_method" + ], + [ + "int", + "p_argument" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_type_with_cstring", + "return_type": "godot_variant_type", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_method" + ], + [ + "int", + "p_argument" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_name", + "return_type": "godot_string", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_method" + ], + [ + "int", + "p_argument" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_name_with_cstring", + "return_type": "godot_string", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_method" + ], + [ + "int", + "p_argument" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_has_builtin_method_return_value", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_has_builtin_method_return_value_with_cstring", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_builtin_method_return_type", + "return_type": "godot_variant_type", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_builtin_method_return_type_with_cstring", + "return_type": "godot_variant_type", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_is_builtin_method_const", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_is_builtin_method_const_with_cstring", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_is_builtin_method_vararg", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_is_builtin_method_vararg_with_cstring", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_builtin_method_count", + "return_type": "int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_builtin_method_list", 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"godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_member" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_member_count", + "return_type": "int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_member_list", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "godot_string_name *", + "r_list" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_validated_setter", + "return_type": "godot_validated_setter", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_member" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_validated_setter_with_cstring", + "return_type": "godot_validated_setter", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_member" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_validated_getter", + "return_type": "godot_validated_getter", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + 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"godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_name_with_cstring", + "return_type": "godot_string", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const char *", + "p_function" + ], + [ + "int", + "p_argument" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_has_utility_function_return_value", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_function" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_has_utility_function_return_value_with_cstring", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const char *", + "p_function" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_utility_function_return_type", + "return_type": "godot_variant_type", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_function" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_utility_function_return_type_with_cstring", + "return_type": "godot_variant_type", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const char *", + "p_function" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_is_utility_function_vararg", + "return_type": "bool", + 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"godot_vector3i *", + "r_dest" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + "extensions": [ + { + "name": "nativescript", + "type": "NATIVESCRIPT", + "version": { + "major": 4, + "minor": 0 + }, + "next": null, + "api": [ + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_register_class", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "p_gdnative_handle" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_base" + ], + [ + "godot_nativescript_instance_create_func", + "p_create_func" + ], + [ + "godot_nativescript_instance_destroy_func", + "p_destroy_func" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_register_tool_class", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "p_gdnative_handle" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_base" + ], + [ + "godot_nativescript_instance_create_func", + "p_create_func" + ], + [ + "godot_nativescript_instance_destroy_func", + "p_destroy_func" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_register_method", + 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"godot_nativescript_property_get_func", + "p_get_func" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_register_signal", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "p_gdnative_handle" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "const godot_nativescript_signal *", + "p_signal" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_get_userdata", + "return_type": "void *", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_object *", + "p_instance" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_set_class_documentation", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "p_gdnative_handle" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "godot_string", + "p_documentation" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_set_method_documentation", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "p_gdnative_handle" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_function_name" + ], + [ + "godot_string", + "p_documentation" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_set_property_documentation", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "p_gdnative_handle" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_path" + ], + [ + "godot_string", + "p_documentation" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_set_signal_documentation", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "p_gdnative_handle" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_signal_name" + ], + [ + "godot_string", + "p_documentation" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_set_global_type_tag", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "int", + "p_idx" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "const void *", + "p_type_tag" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_get_global_type_tag", + "return_type": "const void *", + "arguments": [ + [ + "int", + "p_idx" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_set_type_tag", + 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"p_signature" + ], + [ + "uint64_t", + "p_line" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "pluginscript", + "type": "PLUGINSCRIPT", + "version": { + "major": 1, + "minor": 0 + }, + "next": null, + "api": [ + { + "name": "godot_pluginscript_register_language", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_pluginscript_language_desc *", + "language_desc" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "android", + "type": "ANDROID", + "version": { + "major": 1, + "minor": 1 + }, + "next": null, + "api": [ + { + "name": "godot_android_get_env", + "return_type": "JNIEnv*", + "arguments": [] + }, + { + "name": "godot_android_get_activity", + "return_type": "jobject", + "arguments": [] + }, + { + "name": "godot_android_get_surface", + "return_type": "jobject", + "arguments": [] + }, + { + "name": "godot_android_is_activity_resumed", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "xr", + "type": "XR", + "version": { + "major": 1, + "minor": 1 + }, + "next": null, + "api": [ 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"godot_xr_remove_controller", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_int", + "p_controller_id" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_xr_set_controller_transform", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_int", + "p_controller_id" + ], + [ + "godot_transform *", + "p_transform" + ], + [ + "godot_bool", + "p_tracks_orientation" + ], + [ + "godot_bool", + "p_tracks_position" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_xr_set_controller_button", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_int", + "p_controller_id" + ], + [ + "godot_int", + "p_button" + ], + [ + "godot_bool", + "p_is_pressed" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_xr_set_controller_axis", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_int", + "p_controller_id" + ], + [ + "godot_int", + "p_exis" + ], + [ + "godot_float", + "p_value" + ], + [ + "godot_bool", + "p_can_be_negative" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_xr_get_controller_rumble", + "return_type": "godot_float", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_int", + "p_controller_id" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "videodecoder", + "type": "VIDEODECODER", + "version": { + "major": 0, + "minor": 1 + }, + "next": null, + "api": [ + { + "name": "godot_videodecoder_file_read", + "return_type": "godot_int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "file_ptr" + ], + [ + "uint8_t *", + "buf" + ], + [ + "int", + "buf_size" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_videodecoder_file_seek", + "return_type": "int64_t", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "file_ptr" + ], + [ + "int64_t", + "pos" + ], + [ + "int", + "whence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_videodecoder_register_decoder", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_videodecoder_interface_gdnative *", + "p_interface" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "net", + "type": "NET", + "version": { + "major": 4, + "minor": 0 + }, + "next": null, + "api": [ + { + "name": "godot_net_bind_stream_peer", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_object *", + "p_obj" + ], + [ + "const godot_net_stream_peer *", + "p_interface" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_net_bind_packet_peer", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_object *", + "p_obj" + ], + [ + "const godot_net_packet_peer *", + "p_interface" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_net_bind_multiplayer_peer", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_object *", + "p_obj" + ], + [ + "const godot_net_multiplayer_peer *", + "p_interface" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_net_set_webrtc_library", + "return_type": "godot_error", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_net_webrtc_library *", + "p_library" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_net_bind_webrtc_peer_connection", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_object *", + "p_obj" + ], + [ + "const godot_net_webrtc_peer_connection *", + "p_interface" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_net_bind_webrtc_data_channel", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_object *", + "p_obj" + ], + [ + "const godot_net_webrtc_data_channel *", + "p_interface" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "text", + "type": "TEXT", + "version": { + "major": 1, + "minor": 0 + }, + "next": null, + "api": [ + { + "name": "godot_text_register_interface", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_text_interface_gdnative *", + "p_interface" + ], + [ + "const godot_string *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "uint32_t", + "p_features" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_new", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_glyph *", + "r_dest" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_get_range", + "return_type": "godot_vector2i", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_set_range", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_vector2i *", + "p_range" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_get_count", + "return_type": "godot_int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_set_count", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_int", + "p_count" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_get_repeat", + "return_type": "godot_int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_set_repeat", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_int", + "p_repeat" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_get_flags", + "return_type": "godot_int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_set_flags", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_int", + "p_flags" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_get_offset", + "return_type": "godot_vector2", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_set_offset", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_vector2 *", + "p_offset" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_get_advance", + "return_type": "godot_float", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_set_advance", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_float", + "p_advance" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_get_font", + "return_type": "godot_rid", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_set_font", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_rid *", + "p_font" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_get_font_size", + "return_type": "godot_int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_set_font_size", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_int", + "p_size" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_get_index", + "return_type": "godot_int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_set_index", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_int", + "p_index" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_new", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "r_dest" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_new_copy", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "r_dest" + ], + [ + "const godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_src" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_is_empty", + "return_type": "godot_bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_append", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_data" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_append_array", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_array" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_insert", + "return_type": "godot_error", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_int", + "p_idx" + ], + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_data" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_has", + "return_type": "godot_bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_value" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_sort", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_invert", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_push_back", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_data" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_remove", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_int", + "p_idx" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_resize", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_int", + "p_size" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_ptr", + "return_type": "const godot_glyph *", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_ptrw", + "return_type": "godot_glyph *", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_set", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_int", + "p_idx" + ], + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_data" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_get", + "return_type": "godot_glyph", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_int", + "p_idx" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_size", + "return_type": "godot_int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_destroy", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + } + ] + } + ] } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/aabb.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/aabb.h index daf5ebfdd8..1373530fda 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/aabb.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/aabb.h @@ -46,72 +46,9 @@ typedef struct { } godot_aabb; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/plane.h> -#include <gdnative/vector3.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_aabb_new(godot_aabb *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_pos, const godot_vector3 *p_size); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_position(const godot_aabb *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_aabb_set_position(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_size(const godot_aabb *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_aabb_set_size(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_aabb_as_string(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_aabb_abs(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_aabb_get_area(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_has_no_area(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_has_no_surface(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_intersects(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_with); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_encloses(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_with); - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_aabb_merge(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_with); - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_aabb_intersection(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_with); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_intersects_plane(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_plane *p_plane); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_intersects_segment(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_from, const godot_vector3 *p_to); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_has_point(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_point); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_support(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_dir); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_longest_axis(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_aabb_get_longest_axis_index(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_aabb_get_longest_axis_size(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis_index(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis_size(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_aabb_expand(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_to_point); - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_aabb_grow(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_real p_by); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_endpoint(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_operator_equal(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_b); +void GDAPI godot_aabb_new(godot_aabb *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/array.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/array.h index 9cc5bdfad5..d734d49232 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/array.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/array.h @@ -46,103 +46,11 @@ typedef struct { } godot_array; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - -#include <gdnative/packed_arrays.h> -#include <gdnative/variant.h> - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_array_new(godot_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_copy(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_color_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_color_array *p_pca); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_vector3_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_pv3a); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_vector2_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_pv2a); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_vector2i_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_pv2a); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_string_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_string_array *p_psa); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_float32_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_float32_array *p_pra); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_float64_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_float64_array *p_pra); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_int32_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_int32_array *p_pia); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_int64_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_int64_array *p_pia); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_byte_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_byte_array *p_pba); - -void GDAPI godot_array_set(godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_variant *p_value); - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_get(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_variant GDAPI *godot_array_operator_index(godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -const godot_variant GDAPI *godot_array_operator_index_const(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_array_append(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_array_clear(godot_array *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_count(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_array_is_empty(const godot_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_array_erase(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value); - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_front(const godot_array *p_self); - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_back(const godot_array *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_find(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_what, const godot_int p_from); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_find_last(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_what); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_array_has(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_hash(const godot_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_array_insert(godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_pos, const godot_variant *p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_array_invert(godot_array *p_self); - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_pop_back(godot_array *p_self); - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_pop_front(godot_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_array_push_back(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_array_push_front(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_array_remove(godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_array_resize(godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_rfind(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_what, const godot_int p_from); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_size(const godot_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_array_sort(godot_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_array_sort_custom(godot_array *p_self, godot_object *p_obj, const godot_string *p_func); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_bsearch(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value, const godot_bool p_before); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_bsearch_custom(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value, godot_object *p_obj, const godot_string *p_func, const godot_bool p_before); - +void GDAPI godot_array_new(godot_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_array_destroy(godot_array *p_self); -godot_array GDAPI godot_array_duplicate(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_bool p_deep); - -godot_array GDAPI godot_array_slice(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_begin, const godot_int p_end, const godot_int p_step, const godot_bool p_deep); - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_max(const godot_array *p_self); - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_min(const godot_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_array_shuffle(godot_array *p_self); - #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/basis.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/basis.h index c6dab4c3c1..191ad660d5 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/basis.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/basis.h @@ -46,88 +46,9 @@ typedef struct { } godot_basis; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/quat.h> -#include <gdnative/vector3.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_basis_new_with_rows(godot_basis *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_x_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_y_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_z_axis); -void GDAPI godot_basis_new_with_axis_and_angle(godot_basis *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_phi); -void GDAPI godot_basis_new_with_euler(godot_basis *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_euler); -void GDAPI godot_basis_new_with_euler_quat(godot_basis *r_dest, const godot_quat *p_euler); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_basis_as_string(const godot_basis *p_self); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_inverse(const godot_basis *p_self); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_transposed(const godot_basis *p_self); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_orthonormalized(const godot_basis *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_basis_determinant(const godot_basis *p_self); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_rotated(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_phi); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_scaled(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_scale); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_get_scale(const godot_basis *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_get_euler(const godot_basis *p_self); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_basis_get_quat(const godot_basis *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_quat(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_quat *p_quat); - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_axis_angle_scale(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, godot_real p_phi, const godot_vector3 *p_scale); - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_euler_scale(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_euler, const godot_vector3 *p_scale); - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_quat_scale(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_quat *p_quat, const godot_vector3 *p_scale); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_basis_tdotx(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_with); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_basis_tdoty(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_with); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_basis_tdotz(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_with); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_xform(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_xform_inv(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_basis_get_orthogonal_index(const godot_basis *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_basis_new(godot_basis *r_dest); - -// p_elements is a pointer to an array of 3 (!!) vector3 -void GDAPI godot_basis_get_elements(const godot_basis *p_self, godot_vector3 *p_elements); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_get_axis(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_int p_axis); - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_axis(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_int p_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_value); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_get_row(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_int p_row); - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_row(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_int p_row, const godot_vector3 *p_value); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_basis_operator_equal(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_basis *p_b); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_operator_add(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_basis *p_b); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_operator_subtract(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_basis *p_b); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_operator_multiply_vector(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_basis *p_b); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_operator_multiply_scalar(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_real p_b); -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_slerp(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_basis *p_b, const godot_real p_t); +void GDAPI godot_basis_new(godot_basis *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/callable.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/callable.h index b3daaa7d0c..6f359ada5e 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/callable.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/callable.h @@ -46,79 +46,11 @@ typedef struct { } godot_callable; #endif -#define GODOT_SIGNAL_SIZE (16) - -#ifndef GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_SIGNAL_TYPE_DEFINED -#define GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_SIGNAL_TYPE_DEFINED -typedef struct { - uint8_t _dont_touch_that[GODOT_SIGNAL_SIZE]; -} godot_signal; -#endif - -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/string_name.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -// Callable - -void GDAPI godot_callable_new_with_object(godot_callable *r_dest, const godot_object *p_object, const godot_string_name *p_method); -void GDAPI godot_callable_new_with_object_id(godot_callable *r_dest, uint64_t p_objectid, const godot_string_name *p_method); -void GDAPI godot_callable_new_copy(godot_callable *r_dest, const godot_callable *p_src); +void GDAPI godot_callable_new(godot_callable *p_self); void GDAPI godot_callable_destroy(godot_callable *p_self); -godot_int GDAPI godot_callable_call(const godot_callable *p_self, const godot_variant **p_arguments, godot_int p_argcount, godot_variant *r_return_value); -void GDAPI godot_callable_call_deferred(const godot_callable *p_self, const godot_variant **p_arguments, godot_int p_argcount); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_callable_is_null(const godot_callable *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_callable_is_custom(const godot_callable *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_callable_is_standard(const godot_callable *p_self); - -godot_object GDAPI *godot_callable_get_object(const godot_callable *p_self); -uint64_t GDAPI godot_callable_get_object_id(const godot_callable *p_self); -godot_string_name GDAPI godot_callable_get_method(const godot_callable *p_self); - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_callable_hash(const godot_callable *p_self); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_callable_as_string(const godot_callable *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_callable_operator_equal(const godot_callable *p_self, const godot_callable *p_other); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_callable_operator_less(const godot_callable *p_self, const godot_callable *p_other); - -// Signal - -void GDAPI godot_signal_new_with_object(godot_signal *r_dest, const godot_object *p_object, const godot_string_name *p_name); -void GDAPI godot_signal_new_with_object_id(godot_signal *r_dest, uint64_t p_objectid, const godot_string_name *p_name); -void GDAPI godot_signal_new_copy(godot_signal *r_dest, const godot_signal *p_src); - -void GDAPI godot_signal_destroy(godot_signal *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_signal_emit(const godot_signal *p_self, const godot_variant **p_arguments, godot_int p_argcount); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_signal_connect(godot_signal *p_self, const godot_callable *p_callable, const godot_array *p_binds, uint32_t p_flags); -void GDAPI godot_signal_disconnect(godot_signal *p_self, const godot_callable *p_callable); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_signal_is_null(const godot_signal *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_signal_is_connected(const godot_signal *p_self, const godot_callable *p_callable); - -godot_array GDAPI godot_signal_get_connections(const godot_signal *p_self); - -godot_object GDAPI *godot_signal_get_object(const godot_signal *p_self); -uint64_t GDAPI godot_signal_get_object_id(const godot_signal *p_self); -godot_string_name GDAPI godot_signal_get_name(const godot_signal *p_self); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_signal_as_string(const godot_signal *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_signal_operator_equal(const godot_signal *p_self, const godot_signal *p_other); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_signal_operator_less(const godot_signal *p_self, const godot_signal *p_other); - #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/color.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/color.h index c6ef921ad9..dd5d5383e3 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/color.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/color.h @@ -46,68 +46,9 @@ typedef struct { } godot_color; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/string.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_color_new_rgba(godot_color *r_dest, const godot_real p_r, const godot_real p_g, const godot_real p_b, const godot_real p_a); -void GDAPI godot_color_new_rgb(godot_color *r_dest, const godot_real p_r, const godot_real p_g, const godot_real p_b); - -godot_real godot_color_get_r(const godot_color *p_self); -void godot_color_set_r(godot_color *p_self, const godot_real r); - -godot_real godot_color_get_g(const godot_color *p_self); -void godot_color_set_g(godot_color *p_self, const godot_real g); - -godot_real godot_color_get_b(const godot_color *p_self); -void godot_color_set_b(godot_color *p_self, const godot_real b); - -godot_real godot_color_get_a(const godot_color *p_self); -void godot_color_set_a(godot_color *p_self, const godot_real a); - -godot_real godot_color_get_h(const godot_color *p_self); -godot_real godot_color_get_s(const godot_color *p_self); -godot_real godot_color_get_v(const godot_color *p_self); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_color_as_string(const godot_color *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_rgba32(const godot_color *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_abgr32(const godot_color *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_abgr64(const godot_color *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_argb64(const godot_color *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_rgba64(const godot_color *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_argb32(const godot_color *p_self); - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_inverted(const godot_color *p_self); - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_lerp(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_color *p_b, const godot_real p_t); - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_blend(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_color *p_over); - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_darkened(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_real p_amount); - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_from_hsv(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_real p_h, const godot_real p_s, const godot_real p_v, const godot_real p_a); - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_lightened(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_real p_amount); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_color_to_html(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_bool p_with_alpha); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_color_operator_equal(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_color *p_b); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_color_operator_less(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_color *p_b); +void GDAPI godot_color_new(godot_color *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/dictionary.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/dictionary.h index 3f664567d8..231d2ef578 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/dictionary.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/dictionary.h @@ -46,62 +46,11 @@ typedef struct { } godot_dictionary; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - -#include <gdnative/array.h> #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/variant.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif -void GDAPI godot_dictionary_new(godot_dictionary *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_dictionary_new_copy(godot_dictionary *r_dest, const godot_dictionary *p_src); +void GDAPI godot_dictionary_new(godot_dictionary *p_self); void GDAPI godot_dictionary_destroy(godot_dictionary *p_self); -godot_dictionary GDAPI godot_dictionary_duplicate(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_bool p_deep); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_dictionary_size(const godot_dictionary *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_dictionary_is_empty(const godot_dictionary *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_dictionary_clear(godot_dictionary *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_dictionary_has(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_dictionary_has_all(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_array *p_keys); - -void GDAPI godot_dictionary_erase(godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_dictionary_hash(const godot_dictionary *p_self); - -godot_array GDAPI godot_dictionary_keys(const godot_dictionary *p_self); - -godot_array GDAPI godot_dictionary_values(const godot_dictionary *p_self); - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_dictionary_get(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key); -void GDAPI godot_dictionary_set(godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, const godot_variant *p_value); - -godot_variant GDAPI *godot_dictionary_operator_index(godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key); - -const godot_variant GDAPI *godot_dictionary_operator_index_const(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key); - -godot_variant GDAPI *godot_dictionary_next(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_dictionary_operator_equal(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_dictionary *p_b); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_dictionary_to_json(const godot_dictionary *p_self); - -// GDNative core 1.1 - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_dictionary_erase_with_return(godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key); - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_dictionary_get_with_default(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, const godot_variant *p_default); - #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/gdnative.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/gdnative.h index cc8bf52fe4..630966b035 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/gdnative.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/gdnative.h @@ -118,21 +118,6 @@ typedef enum { GODOT_ERR_PRINTER_ON_FIRE, /// the parallel port printer is engulfed in flames } godot_error; -////// bool - -typedef bool godot_bool; - -#define GODOT_TRUE 1 -#define GODOT_FALSE 0 - -/////// int - -typedef int64_t godot_int; - -/////// real - -typedef float godot_real; - /////// Object (forward declared) typedef void godot_object; @@ -215,7 +200,7 @@ void GDAPI godot_object_destroy(godot_object *p_o); ////// Singleton API -godot_object GDAPI *godot_global_get_singleton(char *p_name); // result shouldn't be freed +godot_object GDAPI *godot_global_get_singleton(char *p_name); // Result shouldn't be freed. ////// MethodBind API @@ -281,13 +266,6 @@ void GDAPI *godot_alloc(int p_bytes); void GDAPI *godot_realloc(void *p_ptr, int p_bytes); void GDAPI godot_free(void *p_ptr); -//print using Godot's error handler list -void GDAPI godot_print_error(const char *p_description, const char *p_function, const char *p_file, int p_line); -void GDAPI godot_print_warning(const char *p_description, const char *p_function, const char *p_file, int p_line); -void GDAPI godot_print(const godot_string *p_message); - -// GDNATIVE CORE 1.0.2? - //tags used for safe dynamic casting void GDAPI *godot_get_class_tag(const godot_string_name *p_class); godot_object GDAPI *godot_object_cast_to(const godot_object *p_object, void *p_class_tag); @@ -301,4 +279,4 @@ uint64_t GDAPI godot_object_get_instance_id(const godot_object *p_object); } #endif -#endif // GODOT_C_H +#endif // GODOT_GDNATIVE_H diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/node_path.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/node_path.h index 052e4469a2..3c31b9a98f 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/node_path.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/node_path.h @@ -46,42 +46,11 @@ typedef struct { } godot_node_path; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/string.h> -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_node_path_new(godot_node_path *r_dest, const godot_string *p_from); -void GDAPI godot_node_path_new_copy(godot_node_path *r_dest, const godot_node_path *p_src); +void GDAPI godot_node_path_new(godot_node_path *p_self); void GDAPI godot_node_path_destroy(godot_node_path *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_node_path_as_string(const godot_node_path *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_node_path_is_absolute(const godot_node_path *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_node_path_get_name_count(const godot_node_path *p_self); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_node_path_get_name(const godot_node_path *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_node_path_get_subname_count(const godot_node_path *p_self); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_node_path_get_subname(const godot_node_path *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_node_path_get_concatenated_subnames(const godot_node_path *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_node_path_is_empty(const godot_node_path *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_node_path_operator_equal(const godot_node_path *p_self, const godot_node_path *p_b); - -godot_node_path godot_node_path_get_as_property_path(const godot_node_path *p_self); - #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/packed_arrays.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/packed_arrays.h index f5b95eadd3..1a26d8ed6d 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/packed_arrays.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/packed_arrays.h @@ -136,6 +136,17 @@ typedef struct { } godot_packed_vector3_array; #endif +/////// PackedVector3iArray + +#define GODOT_PACKED_VECTOR3I_ARRAY_SIZE (2 * sizeof(void *)) + +#ifndef GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_PACKED_VECTOR3I_ARRAY_TYPE_DEFINED +#define GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_PACKED_VECTOR3I_ARRAY_TYPE_DEFINED +typedef struct { + uint8_t _dont_touch_that[GODOT_PACKED_VECTOR3I_ARRAY_SIZE]; +} godot_packed_vector3i_array; +#endif + /////// PackedColorArray #define GODOT_PACKED_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE (2 * sizeof(void *)) @@ -147,380 +158,56 @@ typedef struct { } godot_packed_color_array; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - -#include <gdnative/array.h> -#include <gdnative/color.h> -#include <gdnative/vector2.h> -#include <gdnative/vector3.h> - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -// byte - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_new(godot_packed_byte_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_new_copy(godot_packed_byte_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_byte_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_byte_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a); - -const uint8_t GDAPI *godot_packed_byte_array_ptr(const godot_packed_byte_array *p_self); -uint8_t GDAPI *godot_packed_byte_array_ptrw(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_append(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const uint8_t p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_append_array(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_packed_byte_array *p_array); - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_insert(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const uint8_t p_data); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_has(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const uint8_t p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_sort(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_invert(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_push_back(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const uint8_t p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_remove(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_resize(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_set(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const uint8_t p_data); -uint8_t GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_get(const godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_size(const godot_packed_byte_array *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_byte_array *p_self); +// Byte. +void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_new(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_destroy(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self); -// int32 - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_new(godot_packed_int32_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_new_copy(godot_packed_int32_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_int32_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_int32_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a); - -const int32_t GDAPI *godot_packed_int32_array_ptr(const godot_packed_int32_array *p_self); -int32_t GDAPI *godot_packed_int32_array_ptrw(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_append(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const int32_t p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_append_array(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_packed_int32_array *p_array); - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_insert(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const int32_t p_data); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_has(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const int32_t p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_sort(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_invert(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_push_back(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const int32_t p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_remove(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_resize(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_set(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const int32_t p_data); -int32_t GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_get(const godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_size(const godot_packed_int32_array *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_int32_array *p_self); +// Int32. +void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_new(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_destroy(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self); -// int64 - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_new(godot_packed_int64_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_new_copy(godot_packed_int64_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_int64_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_int64_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a); - -const int64_t GDAPI *godot_packed_int64_array_ptr(const godot_packed_int64_array *p_self); -int64_t GDAPI *godot_packed_int64_array_ptrw(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_append(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const int64_t p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_append_array(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_packed_int64_array *p_array); - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_insert(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const int64_t p_data); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_has(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const int64_t p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_sort(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_invert(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_push_back(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const int64_t p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_remove(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_resize(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_set(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const int64_t p_data); -int64_t GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_get(const godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_size(const godot_packed_int64_array *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_int64_array *p_self); +// Int64. +void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_new(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_destroy(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self); -// float32 - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_new(godot_packed_float32_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_new_copy(godot_packed_float32_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_float32_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_float32_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a); - -const float GDAPI *godot_packed_float32_array_ptr(const godot_packed_float32_array *p_self); -float GDAPI *godot_packed_float32_array_ptrw(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_append(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const float p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_append_array(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_packed_float32_array *p_array); - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_insert(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const float p_data); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_has(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const float p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_sort(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_invert(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_push_back(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const float p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_remove(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_resize(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_set(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const float p_data); -float GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_get(const godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_size(const godot_packed_float32_array *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_float32_array *p_self); +// Float32. +void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_new(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_destroy(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self); -// float64 - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_new(godot_packed_float64_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_new_copy(godot_packed_float64_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_float64_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_float64_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a); - -const double GDAPI *godot_packed_float64_array_ptr(const godot_packed_float64_array *p_self); -double GDAPI *godot_packed_float64_array_ptrw(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_append(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const double p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_append_array(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_packed_float64_array *p_array); - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_insert(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const double p_data); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_has(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const double p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_sort(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_invert(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_push_back(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const double p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_remove(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_resize(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_set(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const double p_data); -double GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_get(const godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_size(const godot_packed_float64_array *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_float64_array *p_self); +// Float64. +void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_new(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_destroy(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self); -// string - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_new(godot_packed_string_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_new_copy(godot_packed_string_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_string_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_string_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a); - -const godot_string GDAPI *godot_packed_string_array_ptr(const godot_packed_string_array *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI *godot_packed_string_array_ptrw(godot_packed_string_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_append(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_string *p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_append_array(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_array); - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_insert(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_string *p_data); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_has(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_string *p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_sort(godot_packed_string_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_invert(godot_packed_string_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_push_back(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_string *p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_remove(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_resize(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_set(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_string *p_data); -godot_string GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_get(const godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_size(const godot_packed_string_array *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_string_array *p_self); +// String. +void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_new(godot_packed_string_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_destroy(godot_packed_string_array *p_self); -// vector2 - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_new(godot_packed_vector2_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_new_copy(godot_packed_vector2_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_vector2_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a); - -const godot_vector2 GDAPI *godot_packed_vector2_array_ptr(const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self); -godot_vector2 GDAPI *godot_packed_vector2_array_ptrw(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_append(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_append_array(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_array); - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_insert(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector2 *p_data); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_has(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_sort(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_invert(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_push_back(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_remove(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_resize(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_set(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector2 *p_data); -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_get(const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_size(const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self); +// Vector2. +void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_new(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_destroy(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self); -// vector2i - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_new(godot_packed_vector2i_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_new_copy(godot_packed_vector2i_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_vector2i_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a); - -const godot_vector2i GDAPI *godot_packed_vector2i_array_ptr(const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self); -godot_vector2i GDAPI *godot_packed_vector2i_array_ptrw(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_append(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_append_array(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_array); - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_insert(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector2i *p_data); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_has(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_sort(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_invert(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_push_back(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_remove(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_resize(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_set(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector2i *p_data); -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_get(const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_size(const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self); +// Vector2i. +void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_new(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_destroy(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self); -// vector3 - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_new(godot_packed_vector3_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_new_copy(godot_packed_vector3_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_vector3_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a); - -const godot_vector3 GDAPI *godot_packed_vector3_array_ptr(const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self); -godot_vector3 GDAPI *godot_packed_vector3_array_ptrw(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_append(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_append_array(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_array); - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_insert(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector3 *p_data); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_has(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_sort(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_invert(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_push_back(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_remove(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_resize(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_set(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector3 *p_data); -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_get(const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_size(const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self); +// Vector3. +void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_new(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_destroy(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self); -// color - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_new(godot_packed_color_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_new_copy(godot_packed_color_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_color_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_color_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a); - -const godot_color GDAPI *godot_packed_color_array_ptr(const godot_packed_color_array *p_self); -godot_color GDAPI *godot_packed_color_array_ptrw(godot_packed_color_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_append(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_color *p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_append_array(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_packed_color_array *p_array); - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_insert(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_color *p_data); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_has(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_color *p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_sort(godot_packed_color_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_invert(godot_packed_color_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_push_back(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_color *p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_remove(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_resize(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_set(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_color *p_data); -godot_color GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_get(const godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_size(const godot_packed_color_array *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_color_array *p_self); +// Color. +void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_new(godot_packed_color_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_destroy(godot_packed_color_array *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/plane.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/plane.h index a8625d4cd6..7480c2d17c 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/plane.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/plane.h @@ -46,53 +46,9 @@ typedef struct { } godot_plane; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/vector3.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_plane_new_with_reals(godot_plane *r_dest, const godot_real p_a, const godot_real p_b, const godot_real p_c, const godot_real p_d); -void GDAPI godot_plane_new_with_vectors(godot_plane *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_v1, const godot_vector3 *p_v2, const godot_vector3 *p_v3); -void GDAPI godot_plane_new_with_normal(godot_plane *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_normal, const godot_real p_d); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_plane_as_string(const godot_plane *p_self); - -godot_plane GDAPI godot_plane_normalized(const godot_plane *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_plane_center(const godot_plane *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_is_point_over(const godot_plane *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_point); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_plane_distance_to(const godot_plane *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_point); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_has_point(const godot_plane *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_point, const godot_real p_epsilon); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_plane_project(const godot_plane *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_point); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_intersect_3(const godot_plane *p_self, godot_vector3 *r_dest, const godot_plane *p_b, const godot_plane *p_c); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_intersects_ray(const godot_plane *p_self, godot_vector3 *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_from, const godot_vector3 *p_dir); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_intersects_segment(const godot_plane *p_self, godot_vector3 *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_begin, const godot_vector3 *p_end); - -godot_plane GDAPI godot_plane_operator_neg(const godot_plane *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_operator_equal(const godot_plane *p_self, const godot_plane *p_b); - -void GDAPI godot_plane_set_normal(godot_plane *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_normal); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_plane_get_normal(const godot_plane *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_plane_get_d(const godot_plane *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_plane_set_d(godot_plane *p_self, const godot_real p_d); +void GDAPI godot_plane_new(godot_plane *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/quat.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/quat.h index 68ca1765dd..fbb067ad41 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/quat.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/quat.h @@ -46,70 +46,9 @@ typedef struct { } godot_quat; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/vector3.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_quat_new(godot_quat *r_dest, const godot_real p_x, const godot_real p_y, const godot_real p_z, const godot_real p_w); -void GDAPI godot_quat_new_with_axis_angle(godot_quat *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_angle); -void GDAPI godot_quat_new_with_basis(godot_quat *r_dest, const godot_basis *p_basis); -void GDAPI godot_quat_new_with_euler(godot_quat *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_euler); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_get_x(const godot_quat *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_quat_set_x(godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real val); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_get_y(const godot_quat *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_quat_set_y(godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real val); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_get_z(const godot_quat *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_quat_set_z(godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real val); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_get_w(const godot_quat *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_quat_set_w(godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real val); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_quat_as_string(const godot_quat *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_length(const godot_quat *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_length_squared(const godot_quat *p_self); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_normalized(const godot_quat *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_quat_is_normalized(const godot_quat *p_self); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_inverse(const godot_quat *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_dot(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_quat_xform(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_slerp(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b, const godot_real p_t); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_slerpni(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b, const godot_real p_t); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_cubic_slerp(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b, const godot_quat *p_pre_a, const godot_quat *p_post_b, const godot_real p_t); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_operator_multiply(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real p_b); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_operator_add(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_operator_subtract(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_operator_divide(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_quat_operator_equal(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_operator_neg(const godot_quat *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_quat_set_axis_angle(godot_quat *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_angle); +void GDAPI godot_quat_new(godot_quat *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/rect2.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/rect2.h index d3cb276e14..9f4bc9fb3a 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/rect2.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/rect2.h @@ -51,103 +51,10 @@ typedef struct godot_rect2i { } godot_rect2i; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/vector2.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -// Rect2 - -void GDAPI godot_rect2_new_with_position_and_size(godot_rect2 *r_dest, const godot_vector2 *p_pos, const godot_vector2 *p_size); -void GDAPI godot_rect2_new(godot_rect2 *r_dest, const godot_real p_x, const godot_real p_y, const godot_real p_width, const godot_real p_height); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_rect2_as_string(const godot_rect2 *p_self); - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2_as_rect2i(const godot_rect2 *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_rect2_get_area(const godot_rect2 *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2_intersects(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2_encloses(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2_has_no_area(const godot_rect2 *p_self); - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_intersection(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_b); - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_merge(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2_has_point(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_point); - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_grow(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_real p_by); - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_grow_individual(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_real p_left, const godot_real p_top, const godot_real p_right, const godot_real p_bottom); - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_grow_side(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_int p_margin, const godot_real p_by); - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_abs(const godot_rect2 *p_self); - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_expand(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2_operator_equal(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_b); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_rect2_get_position(const godot_rect2 *p_self); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_rect2_get_size(const godot_rect2 *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_rect2_set_position(godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_pos); - -void GDAPI godot_rect2_set_size(godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_size); - -// Rect2I - -void GDAPI godot_rect2i_new_with_position_and_size(godot_rect2i *r_dest, const godot_vector2i *p_pos, const godot_vector2i *p_size); -void GDAPI godot_rect2i_new(godot_rect2i *r_dest, const godot_int p_x, const godot_int p_y, const godot_int p_width, const godot_int p_height); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_rect2i_as_string(const godot_rect2i *p_self); - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2i_as_rect2(const godot_rect2i *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_rect2i_get_area(const godot_rect2i *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2i_intersects(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_rect2i *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2i_encloses(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_rect2i *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2i_has_no_area(const godot_rect2i *p_self); - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_intersection(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_rect2i *p_b); - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_merge(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_rect2i *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2i_has_point(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_point); - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_grow(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_int p_by); - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_grow_individual(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_int p_left, const godot_int p_top, const godot_int p_right, const godot_int p_bottom); - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_grow_side(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_int p_margin, const godot_int p_by); - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_abs(const godot_rect2i *p_self); - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_expand(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_to); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2i_operator_equal(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_rect2i *p_b); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_get_position(const godot_rect2i *p_self); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_get_size(const godot_rect2i *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_rect2i_set_position(godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_pos); -void GDAPI godot_rect2i_set_size(godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_size); +void GDAPI godot_rect2_new(godot_rect2 *p_self); +void GDAPI godot_rect2i_new(godot_rect2i *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/rid.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/rid.h index cbf066d47f..7ea8cfd174 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/rid.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/rid.h @@ -46,26 +46,9 @@ typedef struct { } godot_rid; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_rid_new(godot_rid *r_dest); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_rid_get_id(const godot_rid *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_rid_new_with_resource(godot_rid *r_dest, const godot_object *p_from); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rid_operator_equal(const godot_rid *p_self, const godot_rid *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rid_operator_less(const godot_rid *p_self, const godot_rid *p_b); +void GDAPI godot_rid_new(godot_rid *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/signal.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/signal.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ad84542677 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/signal.h @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* signal.h */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef GODOT_SIGNAL_H +#define GODOT_SIGNAL_H + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#include <stdint.h> + +#define GODOT_SIGNAL_SIZE (16) + +#ifndef GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_SIGNAL_TYPE_DEFINED +#define GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_SIGNAL_TYPE_DEFINED +typedef struct { + uint8_t _dont_touch_that[GODOT_SIGNAL_SIZE]; +} godot_signal; +#endif + +#include <gdnative/gdnative.h> + +void GDAPI godot_signal_new(godot_signal *p_self); +void GDAPI godot_signal_destroy(godot_signal *p_self); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/string.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/string.h index e58be18b21..10fbb2c078 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/string.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/string.h @@ -39,61 +39,26 @@ extern "C" { #include <stdint.h> #ifndef __cplusplus -typedef uint32_t char32_t; typedef uint16_t char16_t; +typedef uint32_t char32_t; #endif typedef char32_t godot_char_type; #define GODOT_STRING_SIZE sizeof(void *) -#define GODOT_CHAR_STRING_SIZE sizeof(void *) -#define GODOT_CHAR16_STRING_SIZE sizeof(void *) #ifndef GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_STRING_TYPE_DEFINED #define GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_STRING_TYPE_DEFINED typedef struct { uint8_t _dont_touch_that[GODOT_STRING_SIZE]; } godot_string; - -#endif - -#ifndef GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_CHAR_STRING_TYPE_DEFINED -#define GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_CHAR_STRING_TYPE_DEFINED -typedef struct { - uint8_t _dont_touch_that[GODOT_CHAR_STRING_SIZE]; -} godot_char_string; -#endif - -#ifndef GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_CHAR16_STRING_TYPE_DEFINED -#define GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_CHAR16_STRING_TYPE_DEFINED -typedef struct { - uint8_t _dont_touch_that[GODOT_CHAR16_STRING_SIZE]; -} godot_char16_string; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - -#include <gdnative/array.h> #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/variant.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -godot_int GDAPI godot_char_string_length(const godot_char_string *p_cs); -const char GDAPI *godot_char_string_get_data(const godot_char_string *p_cs); -void GDAPI godot_char_string_destroy(godot_char_string *p_cs); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_char16_string_length(const godot_char16_string *p_cs); -const char16_t GDAPI *godot_char16_string_get_data(const godot_char16_string *p_cs); -void GDAPI godot_char16_string_destroy(godot_char16_string *p_cs); void GDAPI godot_string_new(godot_string *r_dest); void GDAPI godot_string_new_copy(godot_string *r_dest, const godot_string *p_src); +void GDAPI godot_string_destroy(godot_string *p_self); void GDAPI godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(godot_string *r_dest, const char *p_contents); void GDAPI godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(godot_string *r_dest, const char *p_contents); @@ -107,198 +72,6 @@ void GDAPI godot_string_new_with_utf16_chars_and_len(godot_string *r_dest, const void GDAPI godot_string_new_with_utf32_chars_and_len(godot_string *r_dest, const char32_t *p_contents, const int p_size); void GDAPI godot_string_new_with_wide_chars_and_len(godot_string *r_dest, const wchar_t *p_contents, const int p_size); -const godot_char_type GDAPI *godot_string_operator_index(godot_string *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); -godot_char_type GDAPI godot_string_operator_index_const(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); -const godot_char_type GDAPI *godot_string_get_data(const godot_string *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_operator_equal(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_b); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_operator_less(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_b); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_operator_plus(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_b); - -/* Standard size stuff */ - -/*+++*/ godot_int GDAPI godot_string_length(const godot_string *p_self); - -/* Helpers */ - -signed char GDAPI godot_string_casecmp_to(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_str); -signed char GDAPI godot_string_nocasecmp_to(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_str); -signed char GDAPI godot_string_naturalnocasecmp_to(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_str); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_begins_with(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_string); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_begins_with_char_array(const godot_string *p_self, const char *p_char_array); -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_bigrams(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_chr(godot_char_type p_character); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_ends_with(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_string); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_ends_with_char_array(const godot_string *p_self, const char *p_char_array); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_count(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from, godot_int p_to); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_countn(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from, godot_int p_to); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_find(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_find_from(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_findmk(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_keys); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_findmk_from(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_keys, godot_int p_from); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_findmk_from_in_place(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_keys, godot_int p_from, godot_int *r_key); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_findn(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_findn_from(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_format(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_variant *p_values); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_format_with_custom_placeholder(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_variant *p_values, const char *p_placeholder); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_hex_encode_buffer(const uint8_t *p_buffer, godot_int p_len); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_hex_to_int(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_hex_to_int_with_prefix(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_insert(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_at_pos, const godot_string *p_string); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_numeric(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_subsequence_of(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_string); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_subsequence_ofi(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_string); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_lpad(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_min_length); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_lpad_with_custom_character(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_min_length, const godot_string *p_character); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_match(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_wildcard); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_matchn(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_wildcard); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_md5(const uint8_t *p_md5); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num(double p_num); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num_int64(int64_t p_num, godot_int p_base); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num_int64_capitalized(int64_t p_num, godot_int p_base, godot_bool p_capitalize_hex); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num_real(double p_num); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num_scientific(double p_num); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num_with_decimals(double p_num, godot_int p_decimals); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_pad_decimals(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_digits); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_pad_zeros(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_digits); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_replace_first(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_key, const godot_string *p_with); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_replace(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_key, const godot_string *p_with); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_replacen(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_key, const godot_string *p_with); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_rfind(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_rfindn(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_rfind_from(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_rfindn_from(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_rpad(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_min_length); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_rpad_with_custom_character(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_min_length, const godot_string *p_character); -godot_real GDAPI godot_string_similarity(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_string); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_sprintf(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_array *p_values, godot_bool *p_error); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_substr(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_from, godot_int p_chars); -double GDAPI godot_string_to_float(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_to_int(const godot_string *p_self); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_camelcase_to_underscore(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_camelcase_to_underscore_lowercased(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_capitalize(const godot_string *p_self); - -double GDAPI godot_string_char_to_float(const char *p_what); -double GDAPI godot_string_wchar_to_float(const wchar_t *p_str, const wchar_t **r_end); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_char_to_int(const char *p_what); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_wchar_to_int(const wchar_t *p_str); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_char_to_int_with_len(const char *p_what, godot_int p_len); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_wchar_to_int_with_len(const wchar_t *p_str, int p_len); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_get_slice_count(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_slice(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter, godot_int p_slice); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_slicec(const godot_string *p_self, godot_char_type p_splitter, godot_int p_slice); - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_split(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter); -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_split_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter); -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_split_with_maxsplit(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter, const godot_bool p_allow_empty, const godot_int p_maxsplit); - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_rsplit(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter); -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_rsplit_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter); -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_rsplit_with_maxsplit(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter, const godot_bool p_allow_empty, const godot_int p_maxsplit); - -godot_packed_float32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_floats(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter); -godot_packed_float32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_floats_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter); -godot_packed_float32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_floats_mk(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_splitters); -godot_packed_float32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_floats_mk_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_splitters); -godot_packed_int32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_ints(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter); -godot_packed_int32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_ints_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter); -godot_packed_int32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_ints_mk(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_splitters); -godot_packed_int32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_ints_mk_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_splitters); - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_split_spaces(const godot_string *p_self); - -godot_char_type GDAPI godot_string_char_lowercase(godot_char_type p_char); -godot_char_type GDAPI godot_string_char_uppercase(godot_char_type p_char); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_to_lower(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_to_upper(const godot_string *p_self); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_basename(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_extension(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_left(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_pos); -godot_char_type GDAPI godot_string_ord_at(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_idx); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_plus_file(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_file); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_right(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_pos); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_repeat(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_count); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_strip_edges(const godot_string *p_self, godot_bool p_left, godot_bool p_right); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_strip_escapes(const godot_string *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_string_erase(godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_pos, godot_int p_chars); - -godot_char_string GDAPI godot_string_ascii(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_char_string GDAPI godot_string_latin1(const godot_string *p_self); - -godot_char_string GDAPI godot_string_utf8(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_parse_utf8(godot_string *p_self, const char *p_utf8); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_parse_utf8_with_len(godot_string *p_self, const char *p_utf8, godot_int p_len); - -godot_char16_string GDAPI godot_string_utf16(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_parse_utf16(godot_string *p_self, const char16_t *p_utf16); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_parse_utf16_with_len(godot_string *p_self, const char16_t *p_utf16, godot_int p_len); - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_hash(const godot_string *p_self); -uint64_t GDAPI godot_string_hash64(const godot_string *p_self); - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_hash_chars(const char *p_cstr); -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_hash_chars_with_len(const char *p_cstr, godot_int p_len); -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_hash_wide_chars(const wchar_t *p_str); -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_hash_wide_chars_with_len(const wchar_t *p_str, godot_int p_len); - -godot_packed_byte_array GDAPI godot_string_md5_buffer(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_md5_text(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_packed_byte_array GDAPI godot_string_sha1_buffer(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_sha1_text(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_packed_byte_array GDAPI godot_string_sha256_buffer(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_sha256_text(const godot_string *p_self); - -godot_bool godot_string_is_empty(const godot_string *p_self); - -// path functions -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_base_dir(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_file(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_humanize_size(uint64_t p_size); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_abs_path(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_rel_path(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_resource_file(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_path_to(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_path); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_path_to_file(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_path); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_simplify_path(const godot_string *p_self); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_c_escape(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_c_escape_multiline(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_c_unescape(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_http_escape(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_http_unescape(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_json_escape(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_xml_escape(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_xml_escape_with_quotes(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_xml_unescape(const godot_string *p_self); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_percent_decode(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_percent_encode(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_join(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_parts); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_filename(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_float(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_hex_number(const godot_string *p_self, godot_bool p_with_prefix); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_html_color(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_identifier(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_integer(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_ip_address(const godot_string *p_self); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_dedent(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_trim_prefix(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_prefix); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_trim_suffix(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_suffix); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_lstrip(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_chars); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_rstrip(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_chars); - -void GDAPI godot_string_destroy(godot_string *p_self); - #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/string_name.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/string_name.h index b468f716e1..346f626e81 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/string_name.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/string_name.h @@ -47,30 +47,14 @@ typedef struct { } godot_string_name; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_string_name_new(godot_string_name *r_dest, const godot_string *p_name); -void GDAPI godot_string_name_new_data(godot_string_name *r_dest, const char *p_name); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_name_get_name(const godot_string_name *p_self); - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_name_get_hash(const godot_string_name *p_self); -const void GDAPI *godot_string_name_get_data_unique_pointer(const godot_string_name *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_name_operator_equal(const godot_string_name *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_other); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_name_operator_less(const godot_string_name *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_other); - +void GDAPI godot_string_name_new(godot_string_name *r_dest); +void GDAPI godot_string_name_new_copy(godot_string_name *r_dest, const godot_string_name *p_src); void GDAPI godot_string_name_destroy(godot_string_name *p_self); +void GDAPI godot_string_name_new_with_latin1_chars(godot_string_name *r_dest, const char *p_contents); + #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/transform.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/transform.h index 948cb2ecfd..b5aeeff4bd 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/transform.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/transform.h @@ -46,63 +46,9 @@ typedef struct { } godot_transform; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - -#include <gdnative/basis.h> #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/variant.h> -#include <gdnative/vector3.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_transform_new_with_axis_origin(godot_transform *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_x_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_y_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_z_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_origin); -void GDAPI godot_transform_new(godot_transform *r_dest, const godot_basis *p_basis, const godot_vector3 *p_origin); -void GDAPI godot_transform_new_with_quat(godot_transform *r_dest, const godot_quat *p_quat); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_transform_get_basis(const godot_transform *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_transform_set_basis(godot_transform *p_self, const godot_basis *p_v); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_transform_get_origin(const godot_transform *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_transform_set_origin(godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_transform_as_string(const godot_transform *p_self); - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_inverse(const godot_transform *p_self); - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_affine_inverse(const godot_transform *p_self); - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_orthonormalized(const godot_transform *p_self); - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_rotated(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_phi); - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_scaled(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_scale); - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_translated(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_ofs); - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_looking_at(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_target, const godot_vector3 *p_up); - -godot_plane GDAPI godot_transform_xform_plane(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_plane *p_v); - -godot_plane GDAPI godot_transform_xform_inv_plane(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_plane *p_v); - -void GDAPI godot_transform_new_identity(godot_transform *r_dest); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_transform_operator_equal(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_transform *p_b); - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_operator_multiply(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_transform *p_b); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_transform_xform_vector3(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_transform_xform_inv_vector3(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v); - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_transform_xform_aabb(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_v); -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_transform_xform_inv_aabb(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_v); +void GDAPI godot_transform_new(godot_transform *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/transform2d.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/transform2d.h index 51c5306c7d..07a7cc8e79 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/transform2d.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/transform2d.h @@ -46,61 +46,9 @@ typedef struct { } godot_transform2d; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/variant.h> -#include <gdnative/vector2.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_transform2d_new(godot_transform2d *r_dest, const godot_real p_rot, const godot_vector2 *p_pos); -void GDAPI godot_transform2d_new_axis_origin(godot_transform2d *r_dest, const godot_vector2 *p_x_axis, const godot_vector2 *p_y_axis, const godot_vector2 *p_origin); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_transform2d_as_string(const godot_transform2d *p_self); - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_inverse(const godot_transform2d *p_self); - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_affine_inverse(const godot_transform2d *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_transform2d_get_rotation(const godot_transform2d *p_self); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_get_origin(const godot_transform2d *p_self); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_get_scale(const godot_transform2d *p_self); - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_orthonormalized(const godot_transform2d *p_self); - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_rotated(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_real p_phi); - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_scaled(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_scale); - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_translated(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_offset); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_xform_vector2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_v); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_xform_inv_vector2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_v); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_basis_xform_vector2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_v); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_basis_xform_inv_vector2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_v); - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_interpolate_with(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_transform2d *p_m, const godot_real p_c); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_transform2d_operator_equal(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_transform2d *p_b); - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_operator_multiply(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_transform2d *p_b); - -void GDAPI godot_transform2d_new_identity(godot_transform2d *r_dest); - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_xform_rect2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_v); -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_xform_inv_rect2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_v); +void GDAPI godot_transform2d_new(godot_transform2d *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/variant.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/variant.h index a50947cb72..219010443a 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/variant.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/variant.h @@ -37,6 +37,21 @@ extern "C" { #include <stdint.h> +////// bool + +typedef bool godot_bool; + +#define GODOT_TRUE 1 +#define GODOT_FALSE 0 + +/////// int + +typedef int64_t godot_int; + +/////// float + +typedef double godot_float; + #define GODOT_VARIANT_SIZE (16 + sizeof(int64_t)) #ifndef GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_DEFINED @@ -146,10 +161,35 @@ typedef enum godot_variant_operator { GODOT_VARIANT_OP_MAX, } godot_variant_operator; -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif +typedef enum godot_variant_utility_function_type { + GODOT_UTILITY_FUNC_TYPE_MATH, + GODOT_UTILITY_FUNC_TYPE_RANDOM, + GODOT_UTILITY_FUNC_TYPE_GENERAL, +} godot_variant_utility_function_type; + +// Types for function pointers. +typedef void (*godot_validated_operator_evaluator)(const godot_variant *p_left, const godot_variant *p_right, godot_variant *r_result); +typedef void (*godot_ptr_operator_evaluator)(const void *p_left, const void *p_right, void *r_result); +typedef void (*godot_validated_builtin_method)(godot_variant *p_base, const godot_variant **p_args, int p_argument_count, godot_variant *r_return); +typedef void (*godot_ptr_builtin_method)(void *p_base, const void **p_args, void *r_return, int p_argument_count); +typedef void (*godot_validated_constructor)(godot_variant *p_base, const godot_variant **p_args); +typedef void (*godot_ptr_constructor)(void *p_base, const void **p_args); +typedef void (*godot_validated_setter)(godot_variant *p_base, const godot_variant *p_value); +typedef void (*godot_validated_getter)(const godot_variant *p_base, godot_variant *r_value); +typedef void (*godot_ptr_setter)(void *p_base, const void *p_value); +typedef void (*godot_ptr_getter)(const void *p_base, void *r_value); +typedef void (*godot_validated_indexed_setter)(godot_variant *p_base, godot_int p_index, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_oob); +typedef void (*godot_validated_indexed_getter)(const godot_variant *p_base, godot_int p_index, godot_variant *r_value, bool *r_oob); +typedef void (*godot_ptr_indexed_setter)(void *p_base, godot_int p_index, const void *p_value); +typedef void (*godot_ptr_indexed_getter)(const void *p_base, godot_int p_index, void *r_value); +typedef void (*godot_validated_keyed_setter)(godot_variant *p_base, const godot_variant *p_key, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_valid); +typedef void (*godot_validated_keyed_getter)(const godot_variant *p_base, const godot_variant *p_key, godot_variant *r_value, bool *r_valid); +typedef bool (*godot_validated_keyed_checker)(const godot_variant *p_base, const godot_variant *p_key, bool *r_valid); +typedef void (*godot_ptr_keyed_setter)(void *p_base, const void *p_key, const void *p_value); +typedef void (*godot_ptr_keyed_getter)(const void *p_base, const void *p_key, void *r_value); +typedef bool (*godot_ptr_keyed_checker)(const godot_variant *p_base, const godot_variant *p_key); +typedef void (*godot_validated_utility_function)(godot_variant *r_return, const godot_variant **p_arguments, int p_argument_count); +typedef void (*godot_ptr_utility_function)(void *r_return, const void **p_arguments, int p_argument_count); #include <gdnative/aabb.h> #include <gdnative/array.h> @@ -163,6 +203,7 @@ typedef enum godot_variant_operator { #include <gdnative/quat.h> #include <gdnative/rect2.h> #include <gdnative/rid.h> +#include <gdnative/signal.h> #include <gdnative/string.h> #include <gdnative/string_name.h> #include <gdnative/transform.h> @@ -173,22 +214,15 @@ typedef enum godot_variant_operator { #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_type(const godot_variant *p_v); +// Memory. void GDAPI godot_variant_new_copy(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_variant *p_src); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_nil(godot_variant *r_dest); - void GDAPI godot_variant_new_bool(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_bool p_b); -void GDAPI godot_variant_new_uint(godot_variant *r_dest, const uint64_t p_i); -void GDAPI godot_variant_new_int(godot_variant *r_dest, const int64_t p_i); -void GDAPI godot_variant_new_real(godot_variant *r_dest, const double p_r); +void GDAPI godot_variant_new_int(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_int p_i); +void GDAPI godot_variant_new_float(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_float p_f); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_string(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_string *p_s); -void GDAPI godot_variant_new_string_name(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_string_name *p_s); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_vector2(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_vector2 *p_v2); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_vector2i(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_vector2i *p_v2); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_rect2(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_rect2 *p_rect2); @@ -202,11 +236,12 @@ void GDAPI godot_variant_new_aabb(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_aabb *p_aab void GDAPI godot_variant_new_basis(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_basis *p_basis); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_transform(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_transform *p_trans); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_color(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_color *p_color); +void GDAPI godot_variant_new_string_name(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_string_name *p_s); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_node_path(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_node_path *p_np); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_rid(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_rid *p_rid); +void GDAPI godot_variant_new_object(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_object *p_obj); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_callable(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_callable *p_callable); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_signal(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_signal *p_signal); -void GDAPI godot_variant_new_object(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_object *p_obj); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_dictionary(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_dictionary *p_dict); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_array *p_arr); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_byte_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_byte_array *p_pba); @@ -220,11 +255,9 @@ void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_vector3_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const g void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_color_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_color_array *p_pca); godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_as_bool(const godot_variant *p_self); -uint64_t GDAPI godot_variant_as_uint(const godot_variant *p_self); -int64_t GDAPI godot_variant_as_int(const godot_variant *p_self); -double GDAPI godot_variant_as_real(const godot_variant *p_self); +godot_int GDAPI godot_variant_as_int(const godot_variant *p_self); +godot_float GDAPI godot_variant_as_float(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_as_string(const godot_variant *p_self); -godot_string_name GDAPI godot_variant_as_string_name(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_variant_as_vector2(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_variant_as_vector2i(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_variant_as_rect2(const godot_variant *p_self); @@ -238,11 +271,12 @@ godot_aabb GDAPI godot_variant_as_aabb(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_basis GDAPI godot_variant_as_basis(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_transform GDAPI godot_variant_as_transform(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_color GDAPI godot_variant_as_color(const godot_variant *p_self); +godot_string_name GDAPI godot_variant_as_string_name(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_node_path GDAPI godot_variant_as_node_path(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_rid GDAPI godot_variant_as_rid(const godot_variant *p_self); +godot_object GDAPI *godot_variant_as_object(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_callable GDAPI godot_variant_as_callable(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_signal GDAPI godot_variant_as_signal(const godot_variant *p_self); -godot_object GDAPI *godot_variant_as_object(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_dictionary GDAPI godot_variant_as_dictionary(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_array GDAPI godot_variant_as_array(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_packed_byte_array GDAPI godot_variant_as_packed_byte_array(const godot_variant *p_self); @@ -255,24 +289,149 @@ godot_packed_vector2_array GDAPI godot_variant_as_packed_vector2_array(const god godot_packed_vector3_array GDAPI godot_variant_as_packed_vector3_array(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_packed_color_array GDAPI godot_variant_as_packed_color_array(const godot_variant *p_self); -godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_call(godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string *p_method, const godot_variant **p_args, const godot_int p_argcount, godot_variant_call_error *r_error); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_method(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string *p_method); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_operator_equal(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_other); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_operator_less(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_other); +void GDAPI godot_variant_destroy(godot_variant *p_self); -uint32_t GDAPI godot_variant_hash(const godot_variant *p_self); +// Dynamic interaction. + +void GDAPI godot_variant_call(godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_method, const godot_variant **p_args, const godot_int p_argument_count, godot_variant *r_return, godot_variant_call_error *r_error); +void GDAPI godot_variant_call_with_cstring(godot_variant *p_self, const char *p_method, const godot_variant **p_args, const godot_int p_argument_count, godot_variant *r_return, godot_variant_call_error *r_error); +void GDAPI godot_variant_evaluate(godot_variant_operator p_op, const godot_variant *p_a, const godot_variant *p_b, godot_variant *r_return, bool *r_valid); +void GDAPI godot_variant_set(godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_valid); +void GDAPI godot_variant_set_named(godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_name, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_valid); +void GDAPI godot_variant_set_named_with_cstring(godot_variant *p_self, const char *p_name, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_valid); +void GDAPI godot_variant_set_keyed(godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_valid); +void GDAPI godot_variant_set_indexed(godot_variant *p_self, godot_int p_index, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_valid, bool *r_oob); +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, bool *r_valid); +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_named(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_key, bool *r_valid); +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_named_with_cstring(const godot_variant *p_self, const char *p_key, bool *r_valid); +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_keyed(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, bool *r_valid); +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_indexed(const godot_variant *p_self, godot_int p_index, bool *r_valid, bool *r_oob); +/// Iteration. +bool GDAPI godot_variant_iter_init(const godot_variant *p_self, godot_variant *r_iter, bool *r_valid); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_iter_next(const godot_variant *p_self, godot_variant *r_iter, bool *r_valid); +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_iter_get(const godot_variant *p_self, godot_variant *r_iter, bool *r_valid); + +/// Variant functions. godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_hash_compare(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_other); - godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_booleanize(const godot_variant *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_variant_destroy(godot_variant *p_self); - -// GDNative core 1.1 - -godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_operator_name(godot_variant_operator p_op); -void GDAPI godot_variant_evaluate(godot_variant_operator p_op, const godot_variant *p_a, const godot_variant *p_b, godot_variant *r_ret, godot_bool *r_valid); +void GDAPI godot_variant_blend(const godot_variant *p_a, const godot_variant *p_b, float p_c, godot_variant *r_dst); +void GDAPI godot_variant_interpolate(const godot_variant *p_a, const godot_variant *p_b, float p_c, godot_variant *r_dst); +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_duplicate(const godot_variant *p_self, godot_bool p_deep); +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_stringify(const godot_variant *p_self); + +// Discovery API. + +/// Operators. +godot_validated_operator_evaluator GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_operator_evaluator(godot_variant_operator p_operator, godot_variant_type p_type_a, godot_variant_type p_type_b); +godot_ptr_operator_evaluator GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_operator_evaluator(godot_variant_operator p_operator, godot_variant_type p_type_a, godot_variant_type p_type_b); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_operator_return_type(godot_variant_operator p_operator, godot_variant_type p_type_a, godot_variant_type p_type_b); +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_operator_name(godot_variant_operator p_operator); + +/// Built-in methods. +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_builtin_method(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_builtin_method_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method); +godot_validated_builtin_method GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_builtin_method(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method); +godot_validated_builtin_method GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_builtin_method_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method); +godot_ptr_builtin_method GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_builtin_method(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method); +godot_ptr_builtin_method GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_builtin_method_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method); +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_count(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method); +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_count_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_type(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method, int p_argument); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_type_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method, int p_argument); +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_name(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method, int p_argument); +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_name_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method, int p_argument); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_builtin_method_return_value(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_builtin_method_return_value_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_return_type(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_return_type_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_builtin_method_const(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_builtin_method_const_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_builtin_method_vararg(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_builtin_method_vararg_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method); +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_count(godot_variant_type p_type); +void GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_list(godot_variant_type p_type, godot_string_name *r_list); + +/// Constructors. +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_constructor_count(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_validated_constructor GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_constructor(godot_variant_type p_type, int p_constructor); +godot_ptr_constructor GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_constructor(godot_variant_type p_type, int p_constructor); +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_constructor_argument_count(godot_variant_type p_type, int p_constructor); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_constructor_argument_type(godot_variant_type p_type, int p_constructor, int p_argument); +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_constructor_argument_name(godot_variant_type p_type, int p_constructor, int p_argument); +void GDAPI godot_variant_construct(godot_variant_type p_type, godot_variant *p_base, const godot_variant **p_args, int p_argument_count, godot_variant_call_error *r_error); + +/// Properties. +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_member_type(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_member_type_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_member); +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_member_count(godot_variant_type p_type); +void GDAPI godot_variant_get_member_list(godot_variant_type p_type, godot_string_name *r_list); +godot_validated_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_setter(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member); +godot_validated_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_setter_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_member); +godot_validated_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_getter(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member); +godot_validated_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_getter_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_member); +godot_ptr_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_setter(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member); +godot_ptr_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_setter_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_member); +godot_ptr_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_getter(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member); +godot_ptr_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_getter_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_member); + +/// Indexing. +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_indexing(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_indexed_element_type(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_validated_indexed_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_indexed_setter(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_validated_indexed_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_indexed_getter(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_ptr_indexed_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_indexed_setter(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_ptr_indexed_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_indexed_getter(godot_variant_type p_type); +uint64_t GDAPI godot_variant_get_indexed_size(const godot_variant *p_self); + +/// Keying. +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_keyed(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_validated_keyed_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_keyed_setter(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_validated_keyed_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_keyed_getter(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_validated_keyed_checker GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_keyed_checker(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_ptr_keyed_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_keyed_setter(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_ptr_keyed_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_keyed_getter(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_ptr_keyed_checker GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_keyed_checker(godot_variant_type p_type); + +/// Constants. +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_constants_count(godot_variant_type p_type); +void GDAPI godot_variant_get_constants_list(godot_variant_type p_type, godot_string_name *r_list); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_constant(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_constant); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_constant_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_constant); +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_constant_value(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_constant); +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_constant_value_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_constant); + +/// Utilities. +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_utility_function(const godot_string_name *p_function); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_utility_function_with_cstring(const char *p_function); +void GDAPI godot_variant_call_utility_function(const godot_string_name *p_function, godot_variant *r_ret, const godot_variant **p_args, int p_argument_count, godot_variant_call_error *r_error); +void GDAPI godot_variant_call_utility_function_with_cstring(const char *p_function, godot_variant *r_ret, const godot_variant **p_args, int p_argument_count, godot_variant_call_error *r_error); +godot_variant_utility_function_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_type(const godot_string_name *p_function); +godot_variant_utility_function_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_type_with_cstring(const char *p_function); +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_count(const godot_string_name *p_function); +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_count_with_cstring(const char *p_function); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_type(const godot_string_name *p_function, int p_argument); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_type_with_cstring(const char *p_function, int p_argument); +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_name(const godot_string_name *p_function, int p_argument); +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_name_with_cstring(const char *p_function, int p_argument); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_utility_function_return_value(const godot_string_name *p_function); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_utility_function_return_value_with_cstring(const char *p_function); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_return_type(const godot_string_name *p_function); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_return_type_with_cstring(const char *p_function); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_utility_function_vararg(const godot_string_name *p_function); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_utility_function_vararg_with_cstring(const char *p_function); +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_count(); +void GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_list(godot_string_name *r_functions); + +// Introspection. + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_type(const godot_variant *p_self); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_method(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_method); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_member(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_key(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, bool *r_valid); + +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_type_name(godot_variant_type p_type); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_can_convert(godot_variant_type p_from, godot_variant_type p_to); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_can_convert_strict(godot_variant_type p_from, godot_variant_type p_to); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/vector2.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/vector2.h index eb146a9232..69b67ae166 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/vector2.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/vector2.h @@ -55,140 +55,10 @@ typedef struct { } godot_vector2i; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -// Vector2 - -void GDAPI godot_vector2_new(godot_vector2 *r_dest, const godot_real p_x, const godot_real p_y); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_vector2_as_string(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2_as_vector2i(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_normalized(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_length(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_angle(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_length_squared(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector2_is_normalized(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_direction_to(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_distance_to(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_distance_squared_to(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_angle_to(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_angle_to_point(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_lerp(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b, const godot_real p_t); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_cubic_interpolate(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b, const godot_vector2 *p_pre_a, const godot_vector2 *p_post_b, const godot_real p_t); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_move_toward(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to, const godot_real p_delta); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_rotated(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_phi); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_orthogonal(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_floor(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_sign(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_snapped(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_by); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_aspect(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_dot(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_with); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_slide(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_n); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_bounce(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_n); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_reflect(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_n); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_abs(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_clamped(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_length); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_add(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_subtract(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_multiply_vector(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_multiply_scalar(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_b); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_divide_vector(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_divide_scalar(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_equal(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_less(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_neg(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_vector2_set_x(godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_x); - -void GDAPI godot_vector2_set_y(godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_y); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_get_x(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_get_y(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -// Vector2i - -void GDAPI godot_vector2i_new(godot_vector2i *r_dest, const godot_int p_x, const godot_int p_y); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_vector2i_as_string(const godot_vector2i *p_self); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2i_as_vector2(const godot_vector2i *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2i_aspect(const godot_vector2i *p_self); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_abs(const godot_vector2i *p_self); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_sign(const godot_vector2i *p_self); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_add(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_subtract(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_multiply_vector(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_multiply_scalar(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_int p_b); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_divide_vector(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_divide_scalar(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_int p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_equal(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_less(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_neg(const godot_vector2i *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_vector2i_set_x(godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_int p_x); - -void GDAPI godot_vector2i_set_y(godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_int p_y); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector2i_get_x(const godot_vector2i *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector2i_get_y(const godot_vector2i *p_self); +void GDAPI godot_vector2_new(godot_vector2 *p_self); +void GDAPI godot_vector2i_new(godot_vector2i *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/vector3.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/vector3.h index e0205c2fc7..d531c638e1 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/vector3.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/vector3.h @@ -55,145 +55,10 @@ typedef struct { } godot_vector3i; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - -#include <gdnative/basis.h> #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -typedef enum { - GODOT_VECTOR3_AXIS_X, - GODOT_VECTOR3_AXIS_Y, - GODOT_VECTOR3_AXIS_Z, -} godot_vector3_axis; - -// Vector3 - -void GDAPI godot_vector3_new(godot_vector3 *r_dest, const godot_real p_x, const godot_real p_y, const godot_real p_z); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_vector3_as_string(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3_as_vector3i(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector3_min_axis(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector3_max_axis(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_length(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_length_squared(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector3_is_normalized(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_normalized(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_inverse(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_snapped(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_by); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_rotated(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_phi); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_lerp(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b, const godot_real p_t); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_cubic_interpolate(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b, const godot_vector3 *p_pre_a, const godot_vector3 *p_post_b, const godot_real p_t); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_move_toward(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_to, const godot_real p_delta); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_dot(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_cross(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_vector3_outer(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_vector3_to_diagonal_matrix(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_abs(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_sign(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_floor(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_ceil(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_direction_to(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_distance_to(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_distance_squared_to(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_angle_to(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_to); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_slide(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_n); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_bounce(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_n); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_reflect(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_n); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_add(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_subtract(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_multiply_vector(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_multiply_scalar(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_real p_b); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_divide_vector(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_divide_scalar(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_real p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_equal(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_less(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_neg(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_vector3_set_axis(godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3_axis p_axis, const godot_real p_val); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_get_axis(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3_axis p_axis); - -// Vector3i - -void GDAPI godot_vector3i_new(godot_vector3i *r_dest, const godot_int p_x, const godot_int p_y, const godot_int p_z); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_vector3i_as_string(const godot_vector3i *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3i_as_vector3(const godot_vector3i *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector3i_min_axis(const godot_vector3i *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector3i_max_axis(const godot_vector3i *p_self); - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_abs(const godot_vector3i *p_self); - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_sign(const godot_vector3i *p_self); - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_add(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b); - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_subtract(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b); - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_multiply_vector(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b); - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_multiply_scalar(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_int p_b); - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_divide_vector(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b); - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_divide_scalar(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_int p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_equal(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_less(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b); - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_neg(const godot_vector3i *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_vector3i_set_axis(godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3_axis p_axis, const godot_int p_val); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector3i_get_axis(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3_axis p_axis); +void GDAPI godot_vector3_new(godot_vector3 *p_self); +void GDAPI godot_vector3i_new(godot_vector3i *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/text/godot_text.h b/modules/gdnative/include/text/godot_text.h index 9de47edf87..44fac3c190 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/text/godot_text.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/text/godot_text.h @@ -175,8 +175,8 @@ void GDAPI godot_glyph_set_flags(godot_glyph *p_self, godot_int p_flags); godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_glyph_get_offset(const godot_glyph *p_self); void GDAPI godot_glyph_set_offset(godot_glyph *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_offset); -godot_real GDAPI godot_glyph_get_advance(const godot_glyph *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_glyph_set_advance(godot_glyph *p_self, godot_real p_advance); +godot_float GDAPI godot_glyph_get_advance(const godot_glyph *p_self); +void GDAPI godot_glyph_set_advance(godot_glyph *p_self, godot_float p_advance); godot_rid GDAPI godot_glyph_get_font(const godot_glyph *p_self); void GDAPI godot_glyph_set_font(godot_glyph *p_self, godot_rid *p_font); diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/videodecoder/godot_videodecoder.h b/modules/gdnative/include/videodecoder/godot_videodecoder.h index e5a2657997..dc2cf5ec07 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/videodecoder/godot_videodecoder.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/videodecoder/godot_videodecoder.h @@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ typedef struct const char *(*get_plugin_name)(); const char **(*get_supported_extensions)(int *count); godot_bool (*open_file)(void *, void *); // data struct, and a FileAccess pointer - godot_real (*get_length)(const void *); - godot_real (*get_playback_position)(const void *); - void (*seek)(void *, godot_real); + godot_float (*get_length)(const void *); + godot_float (*get_playback_position)(const void *); + void (*seek)(void *, godot_float); void (*set_audio_track)(void *, godot_int); - void (*update)(void *, godot_real); + void (*update)(void *, godot_float); godot_packed_byte_array *(*get_videoframe)(void *); godot_int (*get_audioframe)(void *, float *, int); godot_int (*get_channels)(const void *); diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/xr/godot_xr.h b/modules/gdnative/include/xr/godot_xr.h index 235242bc84..7eaf1c7ec3 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/xr/godot_xr.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/xr/godot_xr.h @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ typedef struct { void (*uninitialize)(void *); godot_vector2 (*get_render_targetsize)(const void *); godot_transform (*get_transform_for_eye)(void *, godot_int, godot_transform *); - void (*fill_projection_for_eye)(void *, godot_real *, godot_int, godot_real, godot_real, godot_real); + void (*fill_projection_for_eye)(void *, godot_float *, godot_int, godot_float, godot_float, godot_float); void (*commit_for_eye)(void *, godot_int, godot_rid *, godot_rect2 *); void (*process)(void *); godot_int (*get_external_texture_for_eye)(void *, godot_int); @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ typedef struct { void GDAPI godot_xr_register_interface(const godot_xr_interface_gdnative *p_interface); // helper functions to access XRServer data -godot_real GDAPI godot_xr_get_worldscale(); +godot_float GDAPI godot_xr_get_worldscale(); godot_transform GDAPI godot_xr_get_reference_frame(); // helper functions for rendering @@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ godot_int GDAPI godot_xr_add_controller(char *p_device_name, godot_int p_hand, g void GDAPI godot_xr_remove_controller(godot_int p_controller_id); void GDAPI godot_xr_set_controller_transform(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_transform *p_transform, godot_bool p_tracks_orientation, godot_bool p_tracks_position); void GDAPI godot_xr_set_controller_button(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_int p_button, godot_bool p_is_pressed); -void GDAPI godot_xr_set_controller_axis(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_int p_axis, godot_real p_value, godot_bool p_can_be_negative); -godot_real GDAPI godot_xr_get_controller_rumble(godot_int p_controller_id); +void GDAPI godot_xr_set_controller_axis(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_int p_axis, godot_float p_value, godot_bool p_can_be_negative); +godot_float GDAPI godot_xr_get_controller_rumble(godot_int p_controller_id); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/tests/test_string.h b/modules/gdnative/tests/test_string.h deleted file mode 100644 index 3e2ba7451b..0000000000 --- a/modules/gdnative/tests/test_string.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1979 +0,0 @@ -/*************************************************************************/ -/* test_string.h */ -/*************************************************************************/ -/* This file is part of: */ -/* GODOT ENGINE */ -/* https://godotengine.org */ -/*************************************************************************/ -/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ -/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ -/* */ -/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ -/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ -/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ -/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ -/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ -/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ -/* the following conditions: */ -/* */ -/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ -/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ -/* */ -/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ -/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ -/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ -/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ -/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ -/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ -/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -/*************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef TEST_GDNATIVE_STRING_H -#define TEST_GDNATIVE_STRING_H - -namespace TestGDNativeString { - -#include "gdnative/string.h" - -#include "tests/test_macros.h" - -int u32scmp(const char32_t *l, const char32_t *r) { - for (; *l == *r && *l && *r; l++, r++) - ; - return *l - *r; -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Construct from Latin-1 char string") { - godot_string s; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Hello"); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"Hello") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars_and_len(&s, "Hello", 3); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"Hel") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Construct from wchar_t string") { - godot_string s; - - godot_string_new_with_wide_chars(&s, L"Give me"); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"Give me") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_wide_chars_and_len(&s, L"Give me", 3); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"Giv") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Construct from UTF-8 char string") { - static const char32_t u32str[] = { 0x0045, 0x0020, 0x304A, 0x360F, 0x3088, 0x3046, 0x1F3A4, 0 }; - static const char32_t u32str_short[] = { 0x0045, 0x0020, 0x304A, 0 }; - static const uint8_t u8str[] = { 0x45, 0x20, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x8A, 0xE3, 0x98, 0x8F, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x88, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x86, 0xF0, 0x9F, 0x8E, 0xA4, 0 }; - - godot_string s; - - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(&s, (const char *)u8str); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars_and_len(&s, (const char *)u8str, 5); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str_short) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_utf32_chars(&s, u32str); - godot_char_string cs = godot_string_utf8(&s); - godot_string_parse_utf8(&s, godot_char_string_get_data(&cs)); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_char_string_destroy(&cs); - - godot_string_new_with_utf32_chars(&s, u32str); - cs = godot_string_utf8(&s); - godot_string_parse_utf8_with_len(&s, godot_char_string_get_data(&cs), godot_char_string_length(&cs)); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_char_string_destroy(&cs); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Construct from UTF-8 string with BOM") { - static const char32_t u32str[] = { 0x0045, 0x0020, 0x304A, 0x360F, 0x3088, 0x3046, 0x1F3A4, 0 }; - static const char32_t u32str_short[] = { 0x0045, 0x0020, 0x304A, 0 }; - static const uint8_t u8str[] = { 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF, 0x45, 0x20, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x8A, 0xE3, 0x98, 0x8F, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x88, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x86, 0xF0, 0x9F, 0x8E, 0xA4, 0 }; - - godot_string s; - - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(&s, (const char *)u8str); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars_and_len(&s, (const char *)u8str, 8); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str_short) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Construct from UTF-16 string") { - static const char32_t u32str[] = { 0x0045, 0x0020, 0x1F3A4, 0x360F, 0x3088, 0x3046, 0x1F3A4, 0 }; - static const char32_t u32str_short[] = { 0x0045, 0x0020, 0x1F3A4, 0 }; - static const char16_t u16str[] = { 0x0045, 0x0020, 0xD83C, 0xDFA4, 0x360F, 0x3088, 0x3046, 0xD83C, 0xDFA4, 0 }; - - godot_string s; - - godot_string_new_with_utf16_chars(&s, u16str); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_utf16_chars_and_len(&s, u16str, 4); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str_short) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_utf32_chars(&s, u32str); - godot_char16_string cs = godot_string_utf16(&s); - godot_string_parse_utf16(&s, godot_char16_string_get_data(&cs)); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_char16_string_destroy(&cs); - - godot_string_new_with_utf32_chars(&s, u32str); - cs = godot_string_utf16(&s); - godot_string_parse_utf16_with_len(&s, godot_char16_string_get_data(&cs), godot_char16_string_length(&cs)); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_char16_string_destroy(&cs); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Construct from UTF-16 string with BOM ") { - static const char32_t u32str[] = { 0x0045, 0x0020, 0x1F3A4, 0x360F, 0x3088, 0x3046, 0x1F3A4, 0 }; - static const char32_t u32str_short[] = { 0x0045, 0x0020, 0x1F3A4, 0 }; - static const char16_t u16str[] = { 0xFEFF, 0x0045, 0x0020, 0xD83C, 0xDFA4, 0x360F, 0x3088, 0x3046, 0xD83C, 0xDFA4, 0 }; - static const char16_t u16str_swap[] = { 0xFFFE, 0x4500, 0x2000, 0x3CD8, 0xA4DF, 0x0F36, 0x8830, 0x4630, 0x3CD8, 0xA4DF, 0 }; - - godot_string s; - - godot_string_new_with_utf16_chars(&s, u16str); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_utf16_chars(&s, u16str_swap); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_utf16_chars_and_len(&s, u16str, 5); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str_short) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_utf16_chars_and_len(&s, u16str_swap, 5); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str_short) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Construct string copy") { - godot_string s, t; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Hello"); - godot_string_new_copy(&t, &s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), U"Hello") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Construct empty string") { - godot_string s; - - godot_string_new(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] ASCII/Latin-1") { - godot_string s; - godot_string_new_with_utf32_chars(&s, U"Primero Leche"); - - godot_char_string cs = godot_string_ascii(&s); - CHECK(strcmp(godot_char_string_get_data(&cs), "Primero Leche") == 0); - godot_char_string_destroy(&cs); - - cs = godot_string_latin1(&s); - CHECK(strcmp(godot_char_string_get_data(&cs), "Primero Leche") == 0); - godot_char_string_destroy(&cs); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Comparisons (equal)") { - godot_string s, t; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Test Compare"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Test Compare"); - CHECK(godot_string_operator_equal(&s, &t)); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&t); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Comparisons (operator <)") { - godot_string s, t; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Bees"); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Elephant"); - CHECK(godot_string_operator_less(&s, &t)); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Amber"); - CHECK(!godot_string_operator_less(&s, &t)); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Beatrix"); - CHECK(!godot_string_operator_less(&s, &t)); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Concatenation (operator +)") { - godot_string s, t, x; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Hel"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "lo"); - x = godot_string_operator_plus(&s, &t); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&x), U"Hello") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&x); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&t); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Testing size and length of string") { - godot_string s; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Mellon"); - CHECK(godot_string_length(&s) == 6); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Mellon1"); - CHECK(godot_string_length(&s) == 7); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Testing for empty string") { - godot_string s; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Mellon"); - CHECK(!godot_string_is_empty(&s)); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, ""); - CHECK(godot_string_is_empty(&s)); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Test chr") { - godot_string s; - - s = godot_string_chr('H'); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"H") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_chr(0x3012); - CHECK(godot_string_operator_index_const(&s, 0) == 0x3012); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - ERR_PRINT_OFF - s = godot_string_chr(0xd812); - CHECK(godot_string_operator_index_const(&s, 0) == 0xfffd); // Unpaired UTF-16 surrogate - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_chr(0x20d812); - CHECK(godot_string_operator_index_const(&s, 0) == 0xfffd); // Outside UTF-32 range - godot_string_destroy(&s); - ERR_PRINT_ON -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Operator []") { - godot_string s; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Hello"); - CHECK(*godot_string_operator_index(&s, 1) == 'e'); - CHECK(godot_string_operator_index_const(&s, 0) == 'H'); - CHECK(godot_string_ord_at(&s, 0) == 'H'); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Case function test") { - godot_string s, t; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "MoMoNgA"); - - t = godot_string_to_upper(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), U"MOMONGA") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - t = godot_string_to_lower(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), U"momonga") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Case compare function test") { - godot_string s, t; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "MoMoNgA"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "momonga"); - - CHECK(godot_string_casecmp_to(&s, &t) != 0); - CHECK(godot_string_nocasecmp_to(&s, &t) == 0); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&t); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Natural compare function test") { - godot_string s, t; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "img2.png"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "img10.png"); - - CHECK(godot_string_nocasecmp_to(&s, &t) > 0); - CHECK(godot_string_naturalnocasecmp_to(&s, &t) < 0); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&t); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] hex_encode_buffer") { - static const uint8_t u8str[] = { 0x45, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x8A, 0x8F, 0xE3 }; - godot_string s = godot_string_hex_encode_buffer(u8str, 6); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"45e3818a8fe3") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Substr") { - godot_string s, t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Killer Baby"); - t = godot_string_substr(&s, 3, 4); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), U"ler ") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Find") { - godot_string s, t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Pretty Woman Woman"); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Revenge of the Monster Truck"); - CHECK(godot_string_find(&s, &t) == -1); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "tty"); - CHECK(godot_string_find(&s, &t) == 3); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Wo"); - CHECK(godot_string_find_from(&s, &t, 9) == 13); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "man"); - CHECK(godot_string_rfind(&s, &t) == 15); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Find no case") { - godot_string s, t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Pretty Whale Whale"); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "WHA"); - CHECK(godot_string_findn(&s, &t) == 7); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "WHA"); - CHECK(godot_string_findn_from(&s, &t, 9) == 13); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "WHA"); - CHECK(godot_string_rfindn(&s, &t) == 13); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Revenge of the Monster SawFish"); - CHECK(godot_string_findn(&s, &t) == -1); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Find MK") { - godot_packed_string_array keys; - godot_packed_string_array_new(&keys); - -#define PUSH_KEY(x) \ - { \ - godot_string t; \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, x); \ - godot_packed_string_array_push_back(&keys, &t); \ - godot_string_destroy(&t); \ - } - - PUSH_KEY("sty") - PUSH_KEY("tty") - PUSH_KEY("man") - - godot_string s; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Pretty Woman"); - godot_int key = 0; - - CHECK(godot_string_findmk(&s, &keys) == 3); - CHECK(godot_string_findmk_from_in_place(&s, &keys, 0, &key) == 3); - CHECK(key == 1); - - CHECK(godot_string_findmk_from(&s, &keys, 5) == 9); - CHECK(godot_string_findmk_from_in_place(&s, &keys, 5, &key) == 9); - CHECK(key == 2); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_packed_string_array_destroy(&keys); - -#undef PUSH_KEY -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Find and replace") { - godot_string s, c, w; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Happy Birthday, Anna!"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&c, "Birthday"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&w, "Halloween"); - godot_string t = godot_string_replace(&s, &c, &w); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), U"Happy Halloween, Anna!") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&c); - godot_string_destroy(&w); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&c, "H"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&w, "W"); - s = godot_string_replace_first(&t, &c, &w); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_destroy(&c); - godot_string_destroy(&w); - - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"Wappy Halloween, Anna!") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Insertion") { - godot_string s, t, r, u; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Who is Frederic?"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "?"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&r, " Chopin"); - - u = godot_string_insert(&s, godot_string_find(&s, &t), &r); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), U"Who is Frederic Chopin?") == 0); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_destroy(&r); - godot_string_destroy(&u); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Number to string") { - godot_string s; - s = godot_string_num(3.141593); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"3.141593") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_num_with_decimals(3.141593, 3); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"3.142") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_num_real(3.141593); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"3.141593") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_num_scientific(30000000); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"3e+07") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_num_int64(3141593, 10); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"3141593") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_num_int64(0xA141593, 16); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"a141593") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_num_int64_capitalized(0xA141593, 16, true); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"A141593") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] String to integer") { - static const wchar_t *wnums[4] = { L"1237461283", L"- 22", L"0", L" - 1123412" }; - static const char *nums[4] = { "1237461283", "- 22", "0", " - 1123412" }; - static const int num[4] = { 1237461283, -22, 0, -1123412 }; - - for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { - godot_string s; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, nums[i]); - CHECK(godot_string_to_int(&s) == num[i]); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - CHECK(godot_string_char_to_int(nums[i]) == num[i]); - CHECK(godot_string_wchar_to_int(wnums[i]) == num[i]); - } -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Hex to integer") { - static const char *nums[4] = { "0xFFAE", "22", "0", "AADDAD" }; - static const int64_t num[4] = { 0xFFAE, 0x22, 0, 0xAADDAD }; - static const bool wo_prefix[4] = { false, true, true, true }; - static const bool w_prefix[4] = { true, false, true, false }; - - for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { - godot_string s; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, nums[i]); - CHECK((godot_string_hex_to_int_with_prefix(&s) == num[i]) == w_prefix[i]); - CHECK((godot_string_hex_to_int(&s) == num[i]) == wo_prefix[i]); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - } -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] String to float") { - static const wchar_t *wnums[4] = { L"-12348298412.2", L"0.05", L"2.0002", L" -0.0001" }; - static const char *nums[4] = { "-12348298412.2", "0.05", "2.0002", " -0.0001" }; - static const double num[4] = { -12348298412.2, 0.05, 2.0002, -0.0001 }; - - for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { - godot_string s; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, nums[i]); - CHECK(!(ABS(godot_string_to_float(&s) - num[i]) > 0.00001)); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - CHECK(!(ABS(godot_string_char_to_float(nums[i]) - num[i]) > 0.00001)); - CHECK(!(ABS(godot_string_wchar_to_float(wnums[i], nullptr) - num[i]) > 0.00001)); - } -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] CamelCase to underscore") { - godot_string s, t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "TestTestStringGD"); - - t = godot_string_camelcase_to_underscore(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), U"Test_Test_String_GD") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - t = godot_string_camelcase_to_underscore_lowercased(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), U"test_test_string_gd") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Slicing") { - godot_string s, c; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&c, ","); - - const char32_t *slices[4] = { U"Mars", U"Jupiter", U"Saturn", U"Uranus" }; - for (int i = 0; i < godot_string_get_slice_count(&s, &c); i++) { - godot_string t; - t = godot_string_get_slice(&s, &c, i); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), slices[i]) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - t = godot_string_get_slicec(&s, U',', i); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), slices[i]) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - } - - godot_string_destroy(&c); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Splitting") { - godot_string s, c; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&c, ","); - - godot_packed_string_array l; - - const char32_t *slices_l[3] = { U"Mars", U"Jupiter", U"Saturn,Uranus" }; - const char32_t *slices_r[3] = { U"Mars,Jupiter", U"Saturn", U"Uranus" }; - - l = godot_string_split_with_maxsplit(&s, &c, true, 2); - CHECK(godot_packed_string_array_size(&l) == 3); - for (int i = 0; i < godot_packed_string_array_size(&l); i++) { - godot_string t = godot_packed_string_array_get(&l, i); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), slices_l[i]) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - } - godot_packed_string_array_destroy(&l); - - l = godot_string_rsplit_with_maxsplit(&s, &c, true, 2); - CHECK(godot_packed_string_array_size(&l) == 3); - for (int i = 0; i < godot_packed_string_array_size(&l); i++) { - godot_string t = godot_packed_string_array_get(&l, i); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), slices_r[i]) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - } - godot_packed_string_array_destroy(&l); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus"); - const char32_t *slices_s[4] = { U"Mars", U"Jupiter", U"Saturn", U"Uranus" }; - l = godot_string_split_spaces(&s); - for (int i = 0; i < godot_packed_string_array_size(&l); i++) { - godot_string t = godot_packed_string_array_get(&l, i); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), slices_s[i]) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - } - godot_packed_string_array_destroy(&l); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string c1, c2; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&c1, ";"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&c2, " "); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "1.2;2.3 4.5"); - const double slices_d[3] = { 1.2, 2.3, 4.5 }; - - godot_packed_float32_array lf = godot_string_split_floats_allow_empty(&s, &c1); - CHECK(godot_packed_float32_array_size(&lf) == 2); - for (int i = 0; i < godot_packed_float32_array_size(&lf); i++) { - CHECK(ABS(godot_packed_float32_array_get(&lf, i) - slices_d[i]) <= 0.00001); - } - godot_packed_float32_array_destroy(&lf); - - godot_packed_string_array keys; - godot_packed_string_array_new(&keys); - godot_packed_string_array_push_back(&keys, &c1); - godot_packed_string_array_push_back(&keys, &c2); - - lf = godot_string_split_floats_mk_allow_empty(&s, &keys); - CHECK(godot_packed_float32_array_size(&lf) == 3); - for (int i = 0; i < godot_packed_float32_array_size(&lf); i++) { - CHECK(ABS(godot_packed_float32_array_get(&lf, i) - slices_d[i]) <= 0.00001); - } - godot_packed_float32_array_destroy(&lf); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "1;2 4"); - const int slices_i[3] = { 1, 2, 4 }; - - godot_packed_int32_array li = godot_string_split_ints_allow_empty(&s, &c1); - CHECK(godot_packed_int32_array_size(&li) == 2); - for (int i = 0; i < godot_packed_int32_array_size(&li); i++) { - CHECK(godot_packed_int32_array_get(&li, i) == slices_i[i]); - } - godot_packed_int32_array_destroy(&li); - - li = godot_string_split_ints_mk_allow_empty(&s, &keys); - CHECK(godot_packed_int32_array_size(&li) == 3); - for (int i = 0; i < godot_packed_int32_array_size(&li); i++) { - CHECK(godot_packed_int32_array_get(&li, i) == slices_i[i]); - } - godot_packed_int32_array_destroy(&li); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&c); - godot_string_destroy(&c1); - godot_string_destroy(&c2); - godot_packed_string_array_destroy(&keys); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Erasing") { - godot_string s, t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Josephine is such a cute girl!"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "cute "); - - godot_string_erase(&s, godot_string_find(&s, &t), godot_string_length(&t)); - - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"Josephine is such a girl!") == 0); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&t); -} - -struct test_27_data { - char const *data; - char const *part; - bool expected; -}; - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Begins with") { - test_27_data tc[] = { - { "res://foobar", "res://", true }, - { "res", "res://", false }, - { "abc", "abc", true } - }; - size_t count = sizeof(tc) / sizeof(tc[0]); - bool state = true; - for (size_t i = 0; state && i < count; ++i) { - godot_string s; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, tc[i].data); - - state = godot_string_begins_with_char_array(&s, tc[i].part) == tc[i].expected; - if (state) { - godot_string t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, tc[i].part); - state = godot_string_begins_with(&s, &t) == tc[i].expected; - godot_string_destroy(&t); - } - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - CHECK(state); - if (!state) { - break; - } - }; - CHECK(state); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Ends with") { - test_27_data tc[] = { - { "res://foobar", "foobar", true }, - { "res", "res://", false }, - { "abc", "abc", true } - }; - size_t count = sizeof(tc) / sizeof(tc[0]); - bool state = true; - for (size_t i = 0; state && i < count; ++i) { - godot_string s; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, tc[i].data); - - state = godot_string_ends_with_char_array(&s, tc[i].part) == tc[i].expected; - if (state) { - godot_string t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, tc[i].part); - state = godot_string_ends_with(&s, &t) == tc[i].expected; - godot_string_destroy(&t); - } - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - CHECK(state); - if (!state) { - break; - } - }; - CHECK(state); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] format") { - godot_string value_format, t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&value_format, "red=\"$red\" green=\"$green\" blue=\"$blue\" alpha=\"$alpha\""); - - godot_variant key_v, val_v; - godot_dictionary value_dictionary; - godot_dictionary_new(&value_dictionary); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "red"); - godot_variant_new_string(&key_v, &t); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_variant_new_int(&val_v, 10); - godot_dictionary_set(&value_dictionary, &key_v, &val_v); - godot_variant_destroy(&key_v); - godot_variant_destroy(&val_v); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "green"); - godot_variant_new_string(&key_v, &t); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_variant_new_int(&val_v, 20); - godot_dictionary_set(&value_dictionary, &key_v, &val_v); - godot_variant_destroy(&key_v); - godot_variant_destroy(&val_v); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "blue"); - godot_variant_new_string(&key_v, &t); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "bla"); - godot_variant_new_string(&val_v, &t); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_dictionary_set(&value_dictionary, &key_v, &val_v); - godot_variant_destroy(&key_v); - godot_variant_destroy(&val_v); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "alpha"); - godot_variant_new_string(&key_v, &t); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_variant_new_real(&val_v, 0.4); - godot_dictionary_set(&value_dictionary, &key_v, &val_v); - godot_variant_destroy(&key_v); - godot_variant_destroy(&val_v); - - godot_variant dict_v; - godot_variant_new_dictionary(&dict_v, &value_dictionary); - godot_string s = godot_string_format_with_custom_placeholder(&value_format, &dict_v, "$_"); - - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"red=\"10\" green=\"20\" blue=\"bla\" alpha=\"0.4\"") == 0); - - godot_dictionary_destroy(&value_dictionary); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_variant_destroy(&dict_v); - godot_string_destroy(&value_format); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] sprintf") { - //godot_string GDAPI (const godot_string *p_self, const godot_array *p_values, godot_bool *p_error); - godot_string format, output; - godot_array args; - bool error; - -#define ARRAY_PUSH_STRING(x) \ - { \ - godot_variant v; \ - godot_string t; \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, x); \ - godot_variant_new_string(&v, &t); \ - godot_string_destroy(&t); \ - godot_array_push_back(&args, &v); \ - godot_variant_destroy(&v); \ - } - -#define ARRAY_PUSH_INT(x) \ - { \ - godot_variant v; \ - godot_variant_new_int(&v, x); \ - godot_array_push_back(&args, &v); \ - godot_variant_destroy(&v); \ - } - -#define ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(x) \ - { \ - godot_variant v; \ - godot_variant_new_real(&v, x); \ - godot_array_push_back(&args, &v); \ - godot_variant_destroy(&v); \ - } - - godot_array_new(&args); - - // %% - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %% frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish % frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - //////// INTS - - // Int - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %d frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(5); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 5 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Int left padded with zeroes. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %05d frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(5); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 00005 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Int left padded with spaces. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %5d frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(5); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 5 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Int right padded with spaces. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %-5d frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(5); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 5 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Int with sign (positive). - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %+d frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(5); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish +5 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Negative int. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %d frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(-5); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish -5 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Hex (lower) - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %x frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(45); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 2d frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Hex (upper) - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %X frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(45); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 2D frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Octal - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %o frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 143 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - ////// REALS - - // Real - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99.99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 99.990000 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Real left-padded - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %11f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99.99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 99.990000 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Real right-padded - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %-11f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99.99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 99.990000 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Real given int. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 99.000000 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Real with sign (positive). - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %+f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99.99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish +99.990000 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Real with 1 decimals. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %.1f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99.99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 100.0 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Real with 12 decimals. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %.12f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99.99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 99.990000000000 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Real with no decimals. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %.f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99.99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 100 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - /////// Strings. - - // String - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %s frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("cheese"); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish cheese frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // String left-padded - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %10s frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("cheese"); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish cheese frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // String right-padded - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %-10s frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("cheese"); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish cheese frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - ///// Characters - - // Character as string. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %c frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("A"); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish A frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Character as int. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %c frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(65); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish A frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - ///// Dynamic width - - // String dynamic width - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %*s frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(10); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("cheese"); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - REQUIRE(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish cheese frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Int dynamic width - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %*d frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(10); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - REQUIRE(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 99 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Float dynamic width - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %*.*f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(10); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(3); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99.99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 99.990 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - ///// Errors - - // More formats than arguments. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %s %s frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("cheese"); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"not enough arguments for format string") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // More arguments than formats. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %s frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("hello"); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("cheese"); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"not all arguments converted during string formatting") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Incomplete format. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %10"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("cheese"); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"incomplete format") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Bad character in format string - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %&f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("cheese"); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"unsupported format character") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Too many decimals. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %2.2.2f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99.99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"too many decimal points in format") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // * not a number - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %*f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("cheese"); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99.99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"* wants number") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Character too long. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %c frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("sc"); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"%c requires number or single-character string") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Character bad type. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %c frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - godot_array t; - godot_array_new(&t); - godot_variant v; - godot_variant_new_array(&v, &t); - godot_array_destroy(&t); - godot_array_push_back(&args, &v); - godot_variant_destroy(&v); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"%c requires number or single-character string") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - godot_array_destroy(&args); -#undef ARRAY_PUSH_INT -#undef ARRAY_PUSH_REAL -#undef ARRAY_PUSH_STRING -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] is_numeric") { -#define IS_NUM_TEST(x, r) \ - { \ - godot_string t; \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, x); \ - CHECK(godot_string_is_numeric(&t) == r); \ - godot_string_destroy(&t); \ - } - - IS_NUM_TEST("12", true); - IS_NUM_TEST("1.2", true); - IS_NUM_TEST("AF", false); - IS_NUM_TEST("-12", true); - IS_NUM_TEST("-1.2", true); - -#undef IS_NUM_TEST -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] pad") { - godot_string s, c; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "test"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&c, "x"); - - godot_string l = godot_string_lpad_with_custom_character(&s, 10, &c); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&l), U"xxxxxxtest") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&l); - - godot_string r = godot_string_rpad_with_custom_character(&s, 10, &c); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&r), U"testxxxxxx") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&r); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&c); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "10.10"); - c = godot_string_pad_decimals(&s, 4); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&c), U"10.1000") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&c); - c = godot_string_pad_zeros(&s, 4); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&c), U"0010.10") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&c); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] is_subsequence_of") { - godot_string a, t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&a, "is subsequence of"); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "sub"); - CHECK(godot_string_is_subsequence_of(&t, &a)); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Sub"); - CHECK(!godot_string_is_subsequence_of(&t, &a)); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Sub"); - CHECK(godot_string_is_subsequence_ofi(&t, &a)); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&a); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] match") { - godot_string s, t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "*.png"); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "img1.png"); - CHECK(godot_string_match(&t, &s)); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "img1.jpeg"); - CHECK(!godot_string_match(&t, &s)); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "img1.Png"); - CHECK(!godot_string_match(&t, &s)); - CHECK(godot_string_matchn(&t, &s)); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] IPVX address to string") { - godot_string ip; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&ip, ""); - CHECK(godot_string_is_valid_ip_address(&ip)); - godot_string_destroy(&ip); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&ip, "192.368.0.1"); - CHECK(!godot_string_is_valid_ip_address(&ip)); - godot_string_destroy(&ip); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&ip, "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"); - CHECK(godot_string_is_valid_ip_address(&ip)); - godot_string_destroy(&ip); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&ip, "2001:0db8:85j3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"); - CHECK(!godot_string_is_valid_ip_address(&ip)); - godot_string_destroy(&ip); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&ip, "2001:0db8:85f345:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"); - CHECK(!godot_string_is_valid_ip_address(&ip)); - godot_string_destroy(&ip); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&ip, "2001:0db8::0:8a2e:370:7334"); - CHECK(godot_string_is_valid_ip_address(&ip)); - godot_string_destroy(&ip); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&ip, "::ffff:"); - CHECK(godot_string_is_valid_ip_address(&ip)); - godot_string_destroy(&ip); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Capitalize against many strings") { -#define CAP_TEST(i, o) \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&input, i); \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&output, o); \ - test = godot_string_capitalize(&input); \ - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), godot_string_get_data(&test)) == 0); \ - godot_string_destroy(&input); \ - godot_string_destroy(&output); \ - godot_string_destroy(&test); - - godot_string input, output, test; - - CAP_TEST("bytes2var", "Bytes 2 Var"); - CAP_TEST("linear2db", "Linear 2 Db"); - CAP_TEST("vector3", "Vector 3"); - CAP_TEST("sha256", "Sha 256"); - CAP_TEST("2db", "2 Db"); - CAP_TEST("PascalCase", "Pascal Case"); - CAP_TEST("PascalPascalCase", "Pascal Pascal Case"); - CAP_TEST("snake_case", "Snake Case"); - CAP_TEST("snake_snake_case", "Snake Snake Case"); - CAP_TEST("sha256sum", "Sha 256 Sum"); - CAP_TEST("cat2dog", "Cat 2 Dog"); - CAP_TEST("function(name)", "Function(name)"); - CAP_TEST("snake_case_function(snake_case_arg)", "Snake Case Function(snake Case Arg)"); - CAP_TEST("snake_case_function( snake_case_arg )", "Snake Case Function( Snake Case Arg )"); - -#undef CAP_TEST -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] lstrip and rstrip") { -#define LSTRIP_TEST(x, y, z) \ - { \ - godot_string xx, yy, zz, rr; \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&xx, x); \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&yy, y); \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&zz, z); \ - rr = godot_string_lstrip(&xx, &yy); \ - state = state && (u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&rr), godot_string_get_data(&zz)) == 0); \ - godot_string_destroy(&xx); \ - godot_string_destroy(&yy); \ - godot_string_destroy(&zz); \ - godot_string_destroy(&rr); \ - } - -#define RSTRIP_TEST(x, y, z) \ - { \ - godot_string xx, yy, zz, rr; \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&xx, x); \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&yy, y); \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&zz, z); \ - rr = godot_string_rstrip(&xx, &yy); \ - state = state && (u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&rr), godot_string_get_data(&zz)) == 0); \ - godot_string_destroy(&xx); \ - godot_string_destroy(&yy); \ - godot_string_destroy(&zz); \ - godot_string_destroy(&rr); \ - } - -#define LSTRIP_UTF8_TEST(x, y, z) \ - { \ - godot_string xx, yy, zz, rr; \ - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(&xx, x); \ - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(&yy, y); \ - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(&zz, z); \ - rr = godot_string_lstrip(&xx, &yy); \ - state = state && (u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&rr), godot_string_get_data(&zz)) == 0); \ - godot_string_destroy(&xx); \ - godot_string_destroy(&yy); \ - godot_string_destroy(&zz); \ - godot_string_destroy(&rr); \ - } - -#define RSTRIP_UTF8_TEST(x, y, z) \ - { \ - godot_string xx, yy, zz, rr; \ - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(&xx, x); \ - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(&yy, y); \ - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(&zz, z); \ - rr = godot_string_rstrip(&xx, &yy); \ - state = state && (u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&rr), godot_string_get_data(&zz)) == 0); \ - godot_string_destroy(&xx); \ - godot_string_destroy(&yy); \ - godot_string_destroy(&zz); \ - godot_string_destroy(&rr); \ - } - - bool state = true; - - // strip none - LSTRIP_TEST("abc", "", "abc"); - RSTRIP_TEST("abc", "", "abc"); - // strip one - LSTRIP_TEST("abc", "a", "bc"); - RSTRIP_TEST("abc", "c", "ab"); - // strip lots - LSTRIP_TEST("bababbababccc", "ab", "ccc"); - RSTRIP_TEST("aaabcbcbcbbcbbc", "cb", "aaa"); - // strip empty string - LSTRIP_TEST("", "", ""); - RSTRIP_TEST("", "", ""); - // strip to empty string - LSTRIP_TEST("abcabcabc", "bca", ""); - RSTRIP_TEST("abcabcabc", "bca", ""); - // don't strip wrong end - LSTRIP_TEST("abc", "c", "abc"); - LSTRIP_TEST("abca", "a", "bca"); - RSTRIP_TEST("abc", "a", "abc"); - RSTRIP_TEST("abca", "a", "abc"); - // in utf-8 "¿" (\u00bf) has the same first byte as "µ" (\u00b5) - // and the same second as "ÿ" (\u00ff) - LSTRIP_UTF8_TEST("¿", "µÿ", "¿"); - RSTRIP_UTF8_TEST("¿", "µÿ", "¿"); - LSTRIP_UTF8_TEST("µ¿ÿ", "µÿ", "¿ÿ"); - RSTRIP_UTF8_TEST("µ¿ÿ", "µÿ", "µ¿"); - - // the above tests repeated with additional superfluous strip chars - - // strip none - LSTRIP_TEST("abc", "qwjkl", "abc"); - RSTRIP_TEST("abc", "qwjkl", "abc"); - // strip one - LSTRIP_TEST("abc", "qwajkl", "bc"); - RSTRIP_TEST("abc", "qwcjkl", "ab"); - // strip lots - LSTRIP_TEST("bababbababccc", "qwabjkl", "ccc"); - RSTRIP_TEST("aaabcbcbcbbcbbc", "qwcbjkl", "aaa"); - // strip empty string - LSTRIP_TEST("", "qwjkl", ""); - RSTRIP_TEST("", "qwjkl", ""); - // strip to empty string - LSTRIP_TEST("abcabcabc", "qwbcajkl", ""); - RSTRIP_TEST("abcabcabc", "qwbcajkl", ""); - // don't strip wrong end - LSTRIP_TEST("abc", "qwcjkl", "abc"); - LSTRIP_TEST("abca", "qwajkl", "bca"); - RSTRIP_TEST("abc", "qwajkl", "abc"); - RSTRIP_TEST("abca", "qwajkl", "abc"); - // in utf-8 "¿" (\u00bf) has the same first byte as "µ" (\u00b5) - // and the same second as "ÿ" (\u00ff) - LSTRIP_UTF8_TEST("¿", "qwaµÿjkl", "¿"); - RSTRIP_UTF8_TEST("¿", "qwaµÿjkl", "¿"); - LSTRIP_UTF8_TEST("µ¿ÿ", "qwaµÿjkl", "¿ÿ"); - RSTRIP_UTF8_TEST("µ¿ÿ", "qwaµÿjkl", "µ¿"); - - CHECK(state); - -#undef LSTRIP_TEST -#undef RSTRIP_TEST -#undef LSTRIP_UTF8_TEST -#undef RSTRIP_UTF8_TEST -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Cyrillic to_lower()") { - godot_string upper, lower, test; - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(&upper, "АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ"); - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(&lower, "абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя"); - - test = godot_string_to_lower(&upper); - - CHECK((u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&test), godot_string_get_data(&lower)) == 0)); - - godot_string_destroy(&upper); - godot_string_destroy(&lower); - godot_string_destroy(&test); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Count and countn functionality") { -#define COUNT_TEST(x, y, r) \ - { \ - godot_string s, t; \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, x); \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, y); \ - state = state && (godot_string_count(&s, &t, 0, 0) == r); \ - godot_string_destroy(&s); \ - godot_string_destroy(&t); \ - } - -#define COUNTR_TEST(x, y, a, b, r) \ - { \ - godot_string s, t; \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, x); \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, y); \ - state = state && (godot_string_count(&s, &t, a, b) == r); \ - godot_string_destroy(&s); \ - godot_string_destroy(&t); \ - } - -#define COUNTN_TEST(x, y, r) \ - { \ - godot_string s, t; \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, x); \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, y); \ - state = state && (godot_string_countn(&s, &t, 0, 0) == r); \ - godot_string_destroy(&s); \ - godot_string_destroy(&t); \ - } - -#define COUNTNR_TEST(x, y, a, b, r) \ - { \ - godot_string s, t; \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, x); \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, y); \ - state = state && (godot_string_countn(&s, &t, a, b) == r); \ - godot_string_destroy(&s); \ - godot_string_destroy(&t); \ - } - bool state = true; - - COUNT_TEST("", "Test", 0); - COUNT_TEST("Test", "", 0); - COUNT_TEST("Test", "test", 0); - COUNT_TEST("Test", "TEST", 0); - COUNT_TEST("TEST", "TEST", 1); - COUNT_TEST("Test", "Test", 1); - COUNT_TEST("aTest", "Test", 1); - COUNT_TEST("Testa", "Test", 1); - COUNT_TEST("TestTestTest", "Test", 3); - COUNT_TEST("TestTestTest", "TestTest", 1); - COUNT_TEST("TestGodotTestGodotTestGodot", "Test", 3); - - COUNTR_TEST("TestTestTestTest", "Test", 4, 8, 1); - COUNTR_TEST("TestTestTestTest", "Test", 4, 12, 2); - COUNTR_TEST("TestTestTestTest", "Test", 4, 16, 3); - COUNTR_TEST("TestTestTestTest", "Test", 4, 0, 3); - - COUNTN_TEST("Test", "test", 1); - COUNTN_TEST("Test", "TEST", 1); - COUNTN_TEST("testTest-Testatest", "tEst", 4); - COUNTNR_TEST("testTest-TeStatest", "tEsT", 4, 16, 2); - - CHECK(state); - -#undef COUNT_TEST -#undef COUNTR_TEST -#undef COUNTN_TEST -#undef COUNTNR_TEST -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Bigrams") { - godot_string s, t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "abcd"); - godot_packed_string_array bigr = godot_string_bigrams(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - CHECK(godot_packed_string_array_size(&bigr) == 3); - - t = godot_packed_string_array_get(&bigr, 0); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), U"ab") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - t = godot_packed_string_array_get(&bigr, 1); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), U"bc") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - t = godot_packed_string_array_get(&bigr, 2); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), U"cd") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_packed_string_array_destroy(&bigr); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] c-escape/unescape") { - godot_string s; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "\\1\a2\b\f3\n45\r6\t7\v8\'9\?0\""); - godot_string t = godot_string_c_escape(&s); - godot_string u = godot_string_c_unescape(&t); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&s)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] dedent") { - godot_string s, t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, " aaa\n bbb"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "aaa\nbbb"); - godot_string u = godot_string_dedent(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Path functions") { - static const char *path[4] = { "C:\\Godot\\project\\test.tscn", "/Godot/project/test.xscn", "../Godot/project/test.scn", "Godot\\test.doc" }; - static const char *base_dir[4] = { "C:\\Godot\\project", "/Godot/project", "../Godot/project", "Godot" }; - static const char *base_name[4] = { "C:\\Godot\\project\\test", "/Godot/project/test", "../Godot/project/test", "Godot\\test" }; - static const char *ext[4] = { "tscn", "xscn", "scn", "doc" }; - static const char *file[4] = { "test.tscn", "test.xscn", "test.scn", "test.doc" }; - static const bool abs[4] = { true, true, false, false }; - - for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { - godot_string s, t, u, f; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, path[i]); - - t = godot_string_get_base_dir(&s); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&u, base_dir[i]); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - t = godot_string_get_basename(&s); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&u, base_name[i]); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - t = godot_string_get_extension(&s); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&u, ext[i]); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - t = godot_string_get_file(&s); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&u, file[i]); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string s_simp; - s_simp = godot_string_simplify_path(&s); - t = godot_string_get_base_dir(&s_simp); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&u, file[i]); - f = godot_string_plus_file(&t, &u); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&f), godot_string_get_data(&s_simp)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&f); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_destroy(&s_simp); - - CHECK(godot_string_is_abs_path(&s) == abs[i]); - CHECK(godot_string_is_rel_path(&s) != abs[i]); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - } - - static const char *file_name[3] = { "test.tscn", "test://.xscn", "?tes*t.scn" }; - static const bool valid[3] = { true, false, false }; - for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { - godot_string s; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, file_name[i]); - CHECK(godot_string_is_valid_filename(&s) == valid[i]); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - } -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] hash") { - godot_string a, b, c; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&a, "Test"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&b, "Test"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&c, "West"); - CHECK(godot_string_hash(&a) == godot_string_hash(&b)); - CHECK(godot_string_hash(&a) != godot_string_hash(&c)); - - CHECK(godot_string_hash64(&a) == godot_string_hash64(&b)); - CHECK(godot_string_hash64(&a) != godot_string_hash64(&c)); - - godot_string_destroy(&a); - godot_string_destroy(&b); - godot_string_destroy(&c); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] http_escape/unescape") { - godot_string s, t, u; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Godot Engine:'docs'"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Godot%20Engine%3A%27docs%27"); - - u = godot_string_http_escape(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - - u = godot_string_http_unescape(&t); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&s)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&t); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] percent_encode/decode") { - godot_string s, t, u; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Godot Engine:'docs'"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Godot%20Engine%3a%27docs%27"); - - u = godot_string_percent_encode(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - - u = godot_string_percent_decode(&t); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&s)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&t); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] xml_escape/unescape") { - godot_string s, t, u; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "\"Test\" <test@test&'test'>"); - - t = godot_string_xml_escape_with_quotes(&s); - u = godot_string_xml_unescape(&t); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&s)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - t = godot_string_xml_escape(&s); - u = godot_string_xml_unescape(&t); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&s)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Strip escapes") { - godot_string s, t, u; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "\t\tTest Test\r\n Test"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Test Test Test"); - - u = godot_string_strip_escapes(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Strip edges") { - godot_string s, t, u; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "\t Test Test "); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Test Test "); - u = godot_string_strip_edges(&s, true, false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "\t Test Test"); - u = godot_string_strip_edges(&s, false, true); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Test Test"); - u = godot_string_strip_edges(&s, true, true); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Similarity") { - godot_string a, b, c; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&a, "Test"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&b, "West"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&c, "Toad"); - - CHECK(godot_string_similarity(&a, &b) > godot_string_similarity(&a, &c)); - - godot_string_destroy(&a); - godot_string_destroy(&b); - godot_string_destroy(&c); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Trim") { - godot_string s, t, u, p; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "aaaTestbbb"); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&p, "aaa"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Testbbb"); - u = godot_string_trim_prefix(&s, &p); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_destroy(&p); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&p, "bbb"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "aaaTest"); - u = godot_string_trim_suffix(&s, &p); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_destroy(&p); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&p, "Test"); - u = godot_string_trim_suffix(&s, &p); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&s)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&p); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Right/Left") { - godot_string s, t, u; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "aaaTestbbb"); - // ^ - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "tbbb"); - u = godot_string_right(&s, 6); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "aaaTes"); - u = godot_string_left(&s, 6); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Repeat") { - godot_string t, u; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "ab"); - - u = godot_string_repeat(&t, 4); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), U"abababab") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - - godot_string_destroy(&t); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] SHA1/SHA256/MD5") { - godot_string s, t, sha1, sha256, md5; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Godot"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&sha1, "a1e91f39b9fce6a9998b14bdbe2aa2b39dc2d201"); - static uint8_t sha1_buf[20] = { - 0xA1, 0xE9, 0x1F, 0x39, 0xB9, 0xFC, 0xE6, 0xA9, 0x99, 0x8B, 0x14, 0xBD, 0xBE, 0x2A, 0xA2, 0xB3, - 0x9D, 0xC2, 0xD2, 0x01 - }; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&sha256, "2a02b2443f7985d89d09001086ae3dcfa6eb0f55c6ef170715d42328e16e6cb8"); - static uint8_t sha256_buf[32] = { - 0x2A, 0x02, 0xB2, 0x44, 0x3F, 0x79, 0x85, 0xD8, 0x9D, 0x09, 0x00, 0x10, 0x86, 0xAE, 0x3D, 0xCF, - 0xA6, 0xEB, 0x0F, 0x55, 0xC6, 0xEF, 0x17, 0x07, 0x15, 0xD4, 0x23, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x6E, 0x6C, 0xB8 - }; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&md5, "4a336d087aeb0390da10ee2ea7cb87f8"); - static uint8_t md5_buf[16] = { - 0x4A, 0x33, 0x6D, 0x08, 0x7A, 0xEB, 0x03, 0x90, 0xDA, 0x10, 0xEE, 0x2E, 0xA7, 0xCB, 0x87, 0xF8 - }; - - godot_packed_byte_array buf = godot_string_sha1_buffer(&s); - CHECK(memcmp(sha1_buf, godot_packed_byte_array_ptr(&buf), 20) == 0); - godot_packed_byte_array_destroy(&buf); - - t = godot_string_sha1_text(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), godot_string_get_data(&sha1)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - buf = godot_string_sha256_buffer(&s); - CHECK(memcmp(sha256_buf, godot_packed_byte_array_ptr(&buf), 32) == 0); - godot_packed_byte_array_destroy(&buf); - - t = godot_string_sha256_text(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), godot_string_get_data(&sha256)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - buf = godot_string_md5_buffer(&s); - CHECK(memcmp(md5_buf, godot_packed_byte_array_ptr(&buf), 16) == 0); - godot_packed_byte_array_destroy(&buf); - - t = godot_string_md5_text(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), godot_string_get_data(&md5)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&sha1); - godot_string_destroy(&sha256); - godot_string_destroy(&md5); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Join") { - godot_string s, t, u; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, ", "); - - godot_packed_string_array parts; - godot_packed_string_array_new(&parts); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "One"); - godot_packed_string_array_push_back(&parts, &t); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "B"); - godot_packed_string_array_push_back(&parts, &t); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "C"); - godot_packed_string_array_push_back(&parts, &t); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&u, "One, B, C"); - t = godot_string_join(&s, &parts); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_packed_string_array_destroy(&parts); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Is_*") { - static const char *data[12] = { "-30", "100", "10.1", "10,1", "1e2", "1e-2", "1e2e3", "0xAB", "AB", "Test1", "1Test", "Test*1" }; - static bool isnum[12] = { true, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }; - static bool isint[12] = { true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }; - static bool ishex[12] = { true, true, false, false, true, false, true, false, true, false, false, false }; - static bool ishex_p[12] = { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false }; - static bool isflt[12] = { true, true, true, false, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false }; - static bool isid[12] = { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, false, false }; - - for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { - godot_string s; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, data[i]); - CHECK(godot_string_is_numeric(&s) == isnum[i]); - CHECK(godot_string_is_valid_integer(&s) == isint[i]); - CHECK(godot_string_is_valid_hex_number(&s, false) == ishex[i]); - CHECK(godot_string_is_valid_hex_number(&s, true) == ishex_p[i]); - CHECK(godot_string_is_valid_float(&s) == isflt[i]); - CHECK(godot_string_is_valid_identifier(&s) == isid[i]); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - } -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] humanize_size") { - godot_string s; - - s = godot_string_humanize_size(1000); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"1000 B") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_humanize_size(1025); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"1.00 KiB") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_humanize_size(1025300); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"1001.2 KiB") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_humanize_size(100523550); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"95.86 MiB") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_humanize_size(5345555000); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"4.97 GiB") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} -} // namespace TestGDNativeString - -#endif // TEST_GDNATIVE_STRING_H diff --git a/modules/gdnative/tests/test_variant.h b/modules/gdnative/tests/test_variant.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5284bf26f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/gdnative/tests/test_variant.h @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* test_variant.h */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef TEST_GDNATIVE_VARIANT_H +#define TEST_GDNATIVE_VARIANT_H + +#include <gdnative/gdnative.h> +#include <gdnative/variant.h> + +#include "tests/test_macros.h" + +namespace TestGDNativeVariant { + +TEST_CASE("[GDNative Variant] New Variant with copy") { + godot_variant src; + godot_variant_new_int(&src, 42); + + godot_variant copy; + godot_variant_new_copy(©, &src); + + CHECK(godot_variant_as_int(©) == 42); + CHECK(godot_variant_get_type(©) == GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_INT); + + godot_variant_destroy(&src); + godot_variant_destroy(©); +} + +TEST_CASE("[GDNative Variant] New Variant with Nil") { + godot_variant val; + godot_variant_new_nil(&val); + + CHECK(godot_variant_get_type(&val) == GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_NIL); + + godot_variant_destroy(&val); +} + +TEST_CASE("[GDNative Variant] New Variant with bool") { + godot_variant val; + godot_variant_new_bool(&val, true); + + CHECK(godot_variant_as_bool(&val)); + CHECK(godot_variant_get_type(&val) == GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_BOOL); + + godot_variant_destroy(&val); +} + +TEST_CASE("[GDNative Variant] New Variant with float") { + godot_variant val; + godot_variant_new_float(&val, 4.2); + + CHECK(godot_variant_as_float(&val) == 4.2); + CHECK(godot_variant_get_type(&val) == GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_FLOAT); + + godot_variant_destroy(&val); +} + +TEST_CASE("[GDNative Variant] New Variant with String") { + String str = "something"; + + godot_variant val; + godot_variant_new_string(&val, (godot_string *)&str); + godot_string gd_str = godot_variant_as_string(&val); + String *result = (String *)&gd_str; + + CHECK(*result == String("something")); + CHECK(godot_variant_get_type(&val) == GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING); + + godot_variant_destroy(&val); + godot_string_destroy(&gd_str); +} + +TEST_CASE("[GDNative Variant] Variant call") { + String str("something"); + godot_variant self; + godot_variant_new_string(&self, (godot_string *)&str); + + godot_variant ret; + + godot_string_name method; + godot_string_name_new_with_latin1_chars(&method, "is_valid_identifier"); + + godot_variant_call_error error; + godot_variant_call(&self, &method, NULL, 0, &ret, &error); + + CHECK(godot_variant_get_type(&ret) == GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_BOOL); + CHECK(godot_variant_as_bool(&ret)); + + godot_variant_destroy(&ret); + godot_variant_destroy(&self); + godot_string_name_destroy(&method); +} + +TEST_CASE("[GDNative Variant] Variant evaluate") { + godot_variant one; + godot_variant_new_int(&one, 1); + godot_variant two; + godot_variant_new_int(&two, 2); + + godot_variant three; + bool valid = false; + + godot_variant_evaluate(GODOT_VARIANT_OP_ADD, &one, &two, &three, &valid); + + CHECK(godot_variant_get_type(&three) == GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_INT); + CHECK(godot_variant_as_int(&three) == 3); + CHECK(valid); + + godot_variant_destroy(&one); + godot_variant_destroy(&two); + godot_variant_destroy(&three); +} + +TEST_CASE("[GDNative Variant] Variant set/get named") { + godot_string_name x; + godot_string_name_new_with_latin1_chars(&x, "x"); + + Vector2 vec(0, 0); + godot_variant self; + godot_variant_new_vector2(&self, (godot_vector2 *)&vec); + + godot_variant set; + godot_variant_new_float(&set, 1.0); + + bool set_valid = false; + godot_variant_set_named(&self, &x, &set, &set_valid); + + bool get_valid = false; + godot_variant get = godot_variant_get_named(&self, &x, &get_valid); + + CHECK(get_valid); + CHECK(set_valid); + CHECK(godot_variant_get_type(&get) == GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_FLOAT); + CHECK(godot_variant_as_float(&get) == 1.0); + + godot_string_name_destroy(&x); + godot_variant_destroy(&self); + godot_variant_destroy(&set); + godot_variant_destroy(&get); +} + +TEST_CASE("[GDNative Variant] Get utility function argument name") { + godot_string_name function; + godot_string_name_new_with_latin1_chars(&function, "pow"); + + godot_string arg_name = godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_name(&function, 0); + + String *arg_name_str = (String *)&arg_name; + + CHECK(*arg_name_str == "base"); + + godot_string_destroy(&arg_name); + godot_string_name_destroy(&function); +} + +TEST_CASE("[GDNative Variant] Get utility function list") { + int count = godot_variant_get_utility_function_count(); + + godot_string_name *c_list = (godot_string_name *)godot_alloc(count * sizeof(godot_string_name)); + godot_variant_get_utility_function_list(c_list); + + List<StringName> cpp_list; + Variant::get_utility_function_list(&cpp_list); + + godot_string_name *cur = c_list; + + for (const List<StringName>::Element *E = cpp_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + const StringName &cpp_name = E->get(); + StringName *c_name = (StringName *)cur++; + + CHECK(*c_name == cpp_name); + } + + godot_free(c_list); +} +} // namespace TestGDNativeVariant + +#endif // TEST_GDNATIVE_VARIANT_H diff --git a/modules/gdnative/text/text_server_gdnative.cpp b/modules/gdnative/text/text_server_gdnative.cpp index f670d4af6f..f7a3cb8135 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/text/text_server_gdnative.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/text/text_server_gdnative.cpp @@ -703,12 +703,12 @@ void GDAPI godot_glyph_set_offset(godot_glyph *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_of self->y_off = offset->y; } -godot_real GDAPI godot_glyph_get_advance(const godot_glyph *p_self) { +godot_float GDAPI godot_glyph_get_advance(const godot_glyph *p_self) { const TextServer::Glyph *self = (const TextServer::Glyph *)p_self; return self->advance; } -void GDAPI godot_glyph_set_advance(godot_glyph *p_self, godot_real p_advance) { +void GDAPI godot_glyph_set_advance(godot_glyph *p_self, godot_float p_advance) { TextServer::Glyph *self = (TextServer::Glyph *)p_self; self->advance = p_advance; } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/xr/xr_interface_gdnative.cpp b/modules/gdnative/xr/xr_interface_gdnative.cpp index d4fd2876b5..5bbf70174c 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/xr/xr_interface_gdnative.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/xr/xr_interface_gdnative.cpp @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ CameraMatrix XRInterfaceGDNative::get_projection_for_eye(XRInterface::Eyes p_eye ERR_FAIL_COND_V(interface == nullptr, CameraMatrix()); - interface->fill_projection_for_eye(data, (godot_real *)cm.matrix, (godot_int)p_eye, p_aspect, p_z_near, p_z_far); + interface->fill_projection_for_eye(data, (godot_float *)cm.matrix, (godot_int)p_eye, p_aspect, p_z_near, p_z_far); return cm; } @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ void GDAPI godot_xr_register_interface(const godot_xr_interface_gdnative *p_inte XRServer::get_singleton()->add_interface(new_interface); } -godot_real GDAPI godot_xr_get_worldscale() { +godot_float GDAPI godot_xr_get_worldscale() { XRServer *xr_server = XRServer::get_singleton(); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(xr_server, 1.0); @@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ godot_transform GDAPI godot_xr_get_reference_frame() { if (xr_server != nullptr) { *reference_frame_ptr = xr_server->get_reference_frame(); } else { - godot_transform_new_identity(&reference_frame); + memnew_placement(&reference_frame, Transform); } return reference_frame; @@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ void GDAPI godot_xr_set_controller_button(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_int p } } -void GDAPI godot_xr_set_controller_axis(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_int p_axis, godot_real p_value, godot_bool p_can_be_negative) { +void GDAPI godot_xr_set_controller_axis(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_int p_axis, godot_float p_value, godot_bool p_can_be_negative) { XRServer *xr_server = XRServer::get_singleton(); ERR_FAIL_NULL(xr_server); @@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ void GDAPI godot_xr_set_controller_axis(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_int p_a } } -godot_real GDAPI godot_xr_get_controller_rumble(godot_int p_controller_id) { +godot_float GDAPI godot_xr_get_controller_rumble(godot_int p_controller_id) { XRServer *xr_server = XRServer::get_singleton(); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(xr_server, 0.0); diff --git a/modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.cpp b/modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.cpp index 8b05611089..8e4771685d 100644 --- a/modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.cpp +++ b/modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.cpp @@ -1602,11 +1602,18 @@ bool TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_update_breaks(RID p_shaped) { HashMap<int, bool> breaks; UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; - for (int i = 0; i < sd->spans.size(); i++) { - UBreakIterator *bi = ubrk_open(UBRK_LINE, sd->spans[i].language.ascii().get_data(), data + _convert_pos_inv(sd, sd->spans[i].start), _convert_pos_inv(sd, sd->spans[i].end - sd->spans[i].start), &err); + int i = 0; + while (i < sd->spans.size()) { + String language = sd->spans[i].language; + int r_start = sd->spans[i].start; + while (i + 1 < sd->spans.size() && language == sd->spans[i + 1].language) { + i++; + } + int r_end = sd->spans[i].end; + UBreakIterator *bi = ubrk_open(UBRK_LINE, language.ascii().get_data(), data + _convert_pos_inv(sd, r_start), _convert_pos_inv(sd, r_end - r_start), &err); if (U_FAILURE(err)) { //No data loaded - use fallback. - for (int j = sd->spans[i].start; j < sd->spans[i].end; j++) { + for (int j = r_start; j < r_end; j++) { char32_t c = sd->text[j - sd->start]; if (is_whitespace(c)) { breaks[j] = false; @@ -1617,8 +1624,8 @@ bool TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_update_breaks(RID p_shaped) { } } else { while (ubrk_next(bi) != UBRK_DONE) { - int pos = _convert_pos(sd, ubrk_current(bi)) + sd->spans[i].start - 1; - if (pos != sd->spans[i].end) { + int pos = _convert_pos(sd, ubrk_current(bi)) + r_start - 1; + if (pos != r_end) { if ((ubrk_getRuleStatus(bi) >= UBRK_LINE_HARD) && (ubrk_getRuleStatus(bi) < UBRK_LINE_HARD_LIMIT)) { breaks[pos] = true; } else if ((ubrk_getRuleStatus(bi) >= UBRK_LINE_SOFT) && (ubrk_getRuleStatus(bi) < UBRK_LINE_SOFT_LIMIT)) { @@ -1628,6 +1635,7 @@ bool TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_update_breaks(RID p_shaped) { } } ubrk_close(bi); + i++; } sd->sort_valid = false; @@ -1636,7 +1644,7 @@ bool TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_update_breaks(RID p_shaped) { const char32_t *ch = sd->text.ptr(); Glyph *sd_glyphs = sd->glyphs.ptrw(); - for (int i = 0; i < sd_size; i++) { + for (i = 0; i < sd_size; i++) { if (sd_glyphs[i].count > 0) { char32_t c = ch[sd_glyphs[i].start - sd->start]; if (c == 0xfffc) { diff --git a/modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp b/modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp index 1e82259e59..78e4a7f113 100644 --- a/modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp +++ b/modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp @@ -981,6 +981,10 @@ void VisualScriptEditor::_update_graph(int p_only_id) { } _update_graph_connections(); + + float graph_minimap_opacity = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("editors/visual_editors/minimap_opacity"); + graph->set_minimap_opacity(graph_minimap_opacity); + // Use default_func instead of default_func for now I think that should be good stop gap solution to ensure not breaking anything. graph->call_deferred("set_scroll_ofs", script->get_scroll() * EDSCALE); updating_graph = false; @@ -4326,6 +4330,8 @@ VisualScriptEditor::VisualScriptEditor() { graph->connect("duplicate_nodes_request", callable_mp(this, &VisualScriptEditor::_on_nodes_duplicate)); graph->connect("gui_input", callable_mp(this, &VisualScriptEditor::_graph_gui_input)); graph->set_drag_forwarding(this); + float graph_minimap_opacity = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("editors/visual_editors/minimap_opacity"); + graph->set_minimap_opacity(graph_minimap_opacity); graph->hide(); graph->connect("scroll_offset_changed", callable_mp(this, &VisualScriptEditor::_graph_ofs_changed)); diff --git a/platform/javascript/SCsub b/platform/javascript/SCsub index b0302a5f88..11a45d2811 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/SCsub +++ b/platform/javascript/SCsub @@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ if env["gdnative_enabled"]: sys_env["LIBS"] = [] # We use IDBFS. Since Emscripten 1.39.1 it needs to be linked explicitly. sys_env.Append(LIBS=["idbfs.js"]) - # JS prepended to the module code loading the side library. - sys_env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["--pre-js", sys_env.File("js/dynlink.pre.js")]) # Configure it as a main module (dynamic linking support). sys_env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-s", "MAIN_MODULE=1"]) sys_env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "MAIN_MODULE=1"]) @@ -53,7 +51,6 @@ if env["gdnative_enabled"]: sys_env["ENV"]["EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS"] = "libc,libc++,libc++abi" # The main emscripten runtime, with exported standard libraries. sys = sys_env.Program(build_targets, ["javascript_runtime.cpp"]) - sys_env.Depends(sys, "js/dynlink.pre.js") # The side library, containing all Godot code. wasm_env = env.Clone() @@ -97,7 +94,13 @@ out_files = [ zip_dir.File(binary_name + ".html"), zip_dir.File(binary_name + ".audio.worklet.js"), ] -html_file = "#misc/dist/html/editor.html" if env["tools"] else "#misc/dist/html/full-size.html" +html_file = "#misc/dist/html/full-size.html" +if env["tools"]: + subst_dict = {"\$GODOT_VERSION": env.GetBuildVersion()} + html_file = env.Substfile( + target="#bin/godot${PROGSUFFIX}.html", source="#misc/dist/html/editor.html", SUBST_DICT=subst_dict + ) + in_files = [js_wrapped, build[1], html_file, "#platform/javascript/js/libs/audio.worklet.js"] if env["gdnative_enabled"]: in_files.append(build[2]) # Runtime diff --git a/platform/javascript/detect.py b/platform/javascript/detect.py index 0d57f8aad1..76683da947 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/detect.py +++ b/platform/javascript/detect.py @@ -1,7 +1,14 @@ import os import sys -from emscripten_helpers import run_closure_compiler, create_engine_file, add_js_libraries, add_js_pre, add_js_externs +from emscripten_helpers import ( + run_closure_compiler, + create_engine_file, + add_js_libraries, + add_js_pre, + add_js_externs, + get_build_version, +) from methods import get_compiler_version from SCons.Util import WhereIs @@ -51,11 +58,13 @@ def get_flags(): def configure(env): if not isinstance(env["initial_memory"], int): - print("Initial memory must be a valid integer") - sys.exit(255) + try: + env["initial_memory"] = int(env["initial_memory"]) + except: + print("Initial memory must be a valid integer") + sys.exit(255) ## Build type - if env["target"] == "release": # Use -Os to prioritize optimizing for reduced file size. This is # particularly valuable for the web platform because it directly @@ -139,6 +148,9 @@ def configure(env): env.AddMethod(add_js_pre, "AddJSPre") env.AddMethod(add_js_externs, "AddJSExterns") + # Add method for getting build version string. + env.AddMethod(get_build_version, "GetBuildVersion") + # Add method that joins/compiles our Engine files. env.AddMethod(create_engine_file, "CreateEngineFile") diff --git a/platform/javascript/emscripten_helpers.py b/platform/javascript/emscripten_helpers.py index 8b8c492e22..d08555916b 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/emscripten_helpers.py +++ b/platform/javascript/emscripten_helpers.py @@ -15,6 +15,15 @@ def run_closure_compiler(target, source, env, for_signature): return " ".join(cmd) +def get_build_version(env): + import version + + name = "custom_build" + if os.getenv("BUILD_NAME") != None: + name = os.getenv("BUILD_NAME") + return "%d.%d.%d.%s.%s" % (version.major, version.minor, version.patch, version.status, name) + + def create_engine_file(env, target, source, externs): if env["use_closure_compiler"]: return env.BuildJS(target, source, JSEXTERNS=externs) diff --git a/platform/javascript/export/export.cpp b/platform/javascript/export/export.cpp index 48ccc1f87a..dd0938ee3e 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/export/export.cpp +++ b/platform/javascript/export/export.cpp @@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ public: s += "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\n"; s += "Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin\r\n"; s += "Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp\r\n"; + s += "Cache-Control: no-store, max-age=0\r\n"; s += "\r\n"; CharString cs = s.utf8(); Error err = connection->put_data((const uint8_t *)cs.get_data(), cs.size() - 1); diff --git a/platform/javascript/js/dynlink.pre.js b/platform/javascript/js/dynlink.pre.js deleted file mode 100644 index 34bc371ea9..0000000000 --- a/platform/javascript/js/dynlink.pre.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Module['dynamicLibraries'] = [Module['thisProgram'] + '.side.wasm'].concat(Module['dynamicLibraries'] ? Module['dynamicLibraries'] : []); diff --git a/platform/javascript/js/engine/engine.js b/platform/javascript/js/engine/engine.js index 4b8a7dde69..01232cbece 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/js/engine/engine.js +++ b/platform/javascript/js/engine/engine.js @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ const Engine = (function () { // Emscripten configuration. config['thisProgram'] = me.executableName; config['noExitRuntime'] = true; - config['dynamicLibraries'] = me.gdnativeLibs; + config['dynamicLibraries'] = [`${me.executableName}.side.wasm`].concat(me.gdnativeLibs); Godot(config).then(function (module) { module['initFS'](me.persistentPaths).then(function (fs_err) { me.rtenv = module; diff --git a/scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp b/scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp index b00a0ec30b..0565193437 100644 --- a/scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp +++ b/scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp @@ -520,7 +520,10 @@ String GIProbe::get_configuration_warning() const { warning += "\n\n"; } warning += TTR("GIProbes are not supported by the GLES2 video driver.\nUse a BakedLightmap instead."); + } else if (probe_data.is_null()) { + warning += TTR("No GIProbe data set, so this node is disabled. Bake static objects to enable GI."); } + return warning; } diff --git a/scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp b/scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp index 6662992d46..bc87aabb2c 100644 --- a/scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp +++ b/scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp @@ -154,6 +154,10 @@ Vector2 GraphEditMinimap::_convert_to_graph_position(const Vector2 &p_position) } void GraphEditMinimap::_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_ev) { + if (!ge->is_minimap_enabled()) { + return; + } + Ref<InputEventMouseButton> mb = p_ev; Ref<InputEventMouseMotion> mm = p_ev; @@ -1754,7 +1758,7 @@ GraphEdit::GraphEdit() { top_layer->add_child(minimap); minimap->set_name("_minimap"); minimap->set_modulate(Color(1, 1, 1, minimap_opacity)); - minimap->set_mouse_filter(MOUSE_FILTER_STOP); + minimap->set_mouse_filter(MOUSE_FILTER_PASS); minimap->set_custom_minimum_size(Vector2(50, 50)); minimap->set_size(minimap_size); minimap->set_anchors_preset(Control::PRESET_BOTTOM_RIGHT); diff --git a/scene/main/scene_tree.cpp b/scene/main/scene_tree.cpp index f18ac3b801..1c9d81e87c 100644 --- a/scene/main/scene_tree.cpp +++ b/scene/main/scene_tree.cpp @@ -1372,6 +1372,26 @@ SceneTree::SceneTree() { bool snap_2d_vertices = GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/2d/snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel", false); root->set_snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel(snap_2d_vertices); + int shadowmap_size = GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size", 4096); + ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "256,16384")); + GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size.mobile", 2048); + bool shadowmap_16_bits = GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/16_bits", true); + int atlas_q0 = GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_0_subdiv", 2); + int atlas_q1 = GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_1_subdiv", 2); + int atlas_q2 = GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_2_subdiv", 3); + int atlas_q3 = GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_3_subdiv", 4); + ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_0_subdiv", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_0_subdiv", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows")); + ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_1_subdiv", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_1_subdiv", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows")); + ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_2_subdiv", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_2_subdiv", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows")); + ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_3_subdiv", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_3_subdiv", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows")); + + root->set_shadow_atlas_size(shadowmap_size); + root->set_shadow_atlas_16_bits(shadowmap_16_bits); + root->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(0, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv(atlas_q0)); + root->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(1, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv(atlas_q1)); + root->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(2, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv(atlas_q2)); + root->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(3, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv(atlas_q3)); + Viewport::SDFOversize sdf_oversize = Viewport::SDFOversize(int(GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/2d_sdf/oversize", 1))); root->set_sdf_oversize(sdf_oversize); Viewport::SDFScale sdf_scale = Viewport::SDFScale(int(GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/2d_sdf/scale", 1))); diff --git a/scene/main/viewport.cpp b/scene/main/viewport.cpp index 31496366de..82053e1557 100644 --- a/scene/main/viewport.cpp +++ b/scene/main/viewport.cpp @@ -1416,18 +1416,26 @@ Ref<ViewportTexture> Viewport::get_texture() const { } void Viewport::set_shadow_atlas_size(int p_size) { - if (shadow_atlas_size == p_size) { - return; - } - shadow_atlas_size = p_size; - RS::get_singleton()->viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size(viewport, p_size); + RS::get_singleton()->viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size(viewport, p_size, shadow_atlas_16_bits); } int Viewport::get_shadow_atlas_size() const { return shadow_atlas_size; } +void Viewport::set_shadow_atlas_16_bits(bool p_16_bits) { + if (shadow_atlas_16_bits == p_16_bits) { + return; + } + + shadow_atlas_16_bits = p_16_bits; + RS::get_singleton()->viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size(viewport, shadow_atlas_size, shadow_atlas_16_bits); +} + +bool Viewport::get_shadow_atlas_16_bits() const { + return shadow_atlas_16_bits; +} void Viewport::set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(int p_quadrant, ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv p_subdiv) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_quadrant, 4); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_subdiv, SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_MAX); @@ -3481,6 +3489,9 @@ void Viewport::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_shadow_atlas_size", "size"), &Viewport::set_shadow_atlas_size); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_shadow_atlas_size"), &Viewport::get_shadow_atlas_size); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_shadow_atlas_16_bits", "enable"), &Viewport::set_shadow_atlas_16_bits); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_shadow_atlas_16_bits"), &Viewport::get_shadow_atlas_16_bits); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_snap_controls_to_pixels", "enabled"), &Viewport::set_snap_controls_to_pixels); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_snap_controls_to_pixels_enabled"), &Viewport::is_snap_controls_to_pixels_enabled); @@ -3548,6 +3559,7 @@ void Viewport::_bind_methods() { ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "sdf_scale", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "100%,50%,25%"), "set_sdf_scale", "get_sdf_scale"); ADD_GROUP("Shadow Atlas", "shadow_atlas_"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "shadow_atlas_size"), "set_shadow_atlas_size", "get_shadow_atlas_size"); + ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "shadow_atlas_16_bits"), "set_shadow_atlas_16_bits", "get_shadow_atlas_16_bits"); ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "shadow_atlas_quad_0", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows"), "set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv", "get_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv", 0); ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "shadow_atlas_quad_1", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows"), "set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv", "get_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv", 1); ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "shadow_atlas_quad_2", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows"), "set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv", "get_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv", 2); @@ -3662,7 +3674,10 @@ Viewport::Viewport() { physics_has_last_mousepos = false; physics_last_mousepos = Vector2(Math_INF, Math_INF); - shadow_atlas_size = 0; + shadow_atlas_16_bits = true; + shadow_atlas_size = 2048; + set_shadow_atlas_size(shadow_atlas_size); + for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv[i] = SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_MAX; } diff --git a/scene/main/viewport.h b/scene/main/viewport.h index 7473b6937f..17d4835c63 100644 --- a/scene/main/viewport.h +++ b/scene/main/viewport.h @@ -297,6 +297,7 @@ private: DebugDraw debug_draw; int shadow_atlas_size; + bool shadow_atlas_16_bits = true; ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv[4]; MSAA msaa; @@ -537,6 +538,9 @@ public: void set_shadow_atlas_size(int p_size); int get_shadow_atlas_size() const; + void set_shadow_atlas_16_bits(bool p_16_bits); + bool get_shadow_atlas_16_bits() const; + void set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(int p_quadrant, ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv p_subdiv); ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv get_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(int p_quadrant) const; diff --git a/scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp b/scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp index 377b6db873..5449fdc039 100644 --- a/scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp +++ b/scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp @@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ static Ref<Texture2D> flip_icon(Ref<Texture2D> p_texture, bool p_flip_y = false, Ref<ImageTexture> texture(memnew(ImageTexture)); Ref<Image> img = p_texture->get_data(); + img = img->duplicate(); if (p_flip_y) { img->flip_y(); diff --git a/scene/resources/mesh.cpp b/scene/resources/mesh.cpp index 32fede1e5f..e812ad3a01 100644 --- a/scene/resources/mesh.cpp +++ b/scene/resources/mesh.cpp @@ -1565,6 +1565,19 @@ Error ArrayMesh::lightmap_unwrap_cached(int *&r_cache_data, unsigned int &r_cach return OK; } +void ArrayMesh::set_shadow_mesh(const Ref<ArrayMesh> &p_mesh) { + shadow_mesh = p_mesh; + if (shadow_mesh.is_valid()) { + RS::get_singleton()->mesh_set_shadow_mesh(mesh, shadow_mesh->get_rid()); + } else { + RS::get_singleton()->mesh_set_shadow_mesh(mesh, RID()); + } +} + +Ref<ArrayMesh> ArrayMesh::get_shadow_mesh() const { + return shadow_mesh; +} + void ArrayMesh::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_blend_shape", "name"), &ArrayMesh::add_blend_shape); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_blend_shape_count"), &ArrayMesh::get_blend_shape_count); @@ -1596,6 +1609,9 @@ void ArrayMesh::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_custom_aabb", "aabb"), &ArrayMesh::set_custom_aabb); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_custom_aabb"), &ArrayMesh::get_custom_aabb); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_shadow_mesh", "mesh"), &ArrayMesh::set_shadow_mesh); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_shadow_mesh"), &ArrayMesh::get_shadow_mesh); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_set_blend_shape_names", "blend_shape_names"), &ArrayMesh::_set_blend_shape_names); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_get_blend_shape_names"), &ArrayMesh::_get_blend_shape_names); @@ -1606,6 +1622,7 @@ void ArrayMesh::_bind_methods() { ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::ARRAY, "_surfaces", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NOEDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL), "_set_surfaces", "_get_surfaces"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "blend_shape_mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Normalized,Relative"), "set_blend_shape_mode", "get_blend_shape_mode"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::AABB, "custom_aabb", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, ""), "set_custom_aabb", "get_custom_aabb"); + ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "shadow_mesh", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "ArrayMesh"), "set_shadow_mesh", "get_shadow_mesh"); } void ArrayMesh::reload_from_file() { diff --git a/scene/resources/mesh.h b/scene/resources/mesh.h index 2f25ecd60b..1fd45c880a 100644 --- a/scene/resources/mesh.h +++ b/scene/resources/mesh.h @@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ class ArrayMesh : public Mesh { Array _get_surfaces() const; void _set_surfaces(const Array &p_data); + Ref<ArrayMesh> shadow_mesh; private: struct Surface { @@ -259,6 +260,9 @@ public: virtual void reload_from_file() override; + void set_shadow_mesh(const Ref<ArrayMesh> &p_mesh); + Ref<ArrayMesh> get_shadow_mesh() const; + ArrayMesh(); ~ArrayMesh(); diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects_rd.cpp index 6e1d61ff94..27d6cb086d 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects_rd.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects_rd.cpp @@ -702,27 +702,24 @@ void EffectsRD::make_mipmap(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_texture, const S RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void EffectsRD::copy_cubemap_to_dp(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_texture, const Rect2i &p_rect, float p_z_near, float p_z_far, float p_bias, bool p_dp_flip) { +void EffectsRD::copy_cubemap_to_dp(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dst_framebuffer, const Rect2 &p_rect, float p_z_near, float p_z_far, bool p_dp_flip) { CopyToDPPushConstant push_constant; - push_constant.screen_size[0] = p_rect.size.x; - push_constant.screen_size[1] = p_rect.size.y; - push_constant.dest_offset[0] = p_rect.position.x; - push_constant.dest_offset[1] = p_rect.position.y; - push_constant.bias = p_bias; + push_constant.screen_rect[0] = p_rect.position.x; + push_constant.screen_rect[1] = p_rect.position.y; + push_constant.screen_rect[2] = p_rect.size.width; + push_constant.screen_rect[3] = p_rect.size.height; push_constant.z_far = p_z_far; push_constant.z_near = p_z_near; push_constant.z_flip = p_dp_flip; - int32_t x_groups = (p_rect.size.width - 1) / 8 + 1; - int32_t y_groups = (p_rect.size.height - 1) / 8 + 1; + RD::DrawListID draw_list = RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_begin(p_dst_framebuffer, RD::INITIAL_ACTION_DROP, RD::FINAL_ACTION_DISCARD, RD::INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP, RD::FINAL_ACTION_READ); + RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_bind_render_pipeline(draw_list, cube_to_dp.pipeline.get_render_pipeline(RD::INVALID_ID, RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_get_format(p_dst_framebuffer))); + RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_bind_uniform_set(draw_list, _get_uniform_set_from_texture(p_source_rd_texture), 0); + RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_bind_index_array(draw_list, index_array); - RD::ComputeListID compute_list = RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_begin(); - RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, cube_to_dp.pipeline); - RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, _get_compute_uniform_set_from_texture(p_source_rd_texture), 0); - RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, _get_uniform_set_from_image(p_dest_texture), 1); - RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(CopyToDPPushConstant)); - RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch(compute_list, x_groups, y_groups, 1); - RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); + RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_set_push_constant(draw_list, &push_constant, sizeof(CopyToDPPushConstant)); + RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_draw(draw_list, true); + RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_end(); } void EffectsRD::tonemapper(RID p_source_color, RID p_dst_framebuffer, const TonemapSettings &p_settings) { @@ -1678,8 +1675,12 @@ EffectsRD::EffectsRD() { cube_to_dp.shader.initialize(copy_modes); cube_to_dp.shader_version = cube_to_dp.shader.version_create(); - - cube_to_dp.pipeline = RD::get_singleton()->compute_pipeline_create(cube_to_dp.shader.version_get_shader(cube_to_dp.shader_version, 0)); + RID shader = cube_to_dp.shader.version_get_shader(cube_to_dp.shader_version, 0); + RD::PipelineDepthStencilState dss; + dss.enable_depth_test = true; + dss.depth_compare_operator = RD::COMPARE_OP_ALWAYS; + dss.enable_depth_write = true; + cube_to_dp.pipeline.setup(shader, RD::RENDER_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, RD::PipelineRasterizationState(), RD::PipelineMultisampleState(), dss, RD::PipelineColorBlendState(), 0); } { diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects_rd.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects_rd.h index e2cdd0c3d8..00309b4d0f 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects_rd.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects_rd.h @@ -234,18 +234,17 @@ class EffectsRD { } luminance_reduce; struct CopyToDPPushConstant { - int32_t screen_size[2]; - int32_t dest_offset[2]; - float bias; float z_far; float z_near; uint32_t z_flip; + uint32_t pad; + float screen_rect[4]; }; struct CoptToDP { CubeToDpShaderRD shader; RID shader_version; - RID pipeline; + PipelineCacheRD pipeline; } cube_to_dp; struct BokehPushConstant { @@ -687,7 +686,7 @@ public: void cubemap_roughness(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_framebuffer, uint32_t p_face_id, uint32_t p_sample_count, float p_roughness, float p_size); void make_mipmap(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_texture, const Size2i &p_size); - void copy_cubemap_to_dp(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_texture, const Rect2i &p_rect, float p_z_near, float p_z_far, float p_bias, bool p_dp_flip); + void copy_cubemap_to_dp(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_texture, const Rect2 &p_rect, float p_z_near, float p_z_far, bool p_dp_flip); void luminance_reduction(RID p_source_texture, const Size2i p_source_size, const Vector<RID> p_reduce, RID p_prev_luminance, float p_min_luminance, float p_max_luminance, float p_adjust, bool p_set = false); void bokeh_dof(RID p_base_texture, RID p_depth_texture, const Size2i &p_base_texture_size, RID p_secondary_texture, RID p_bokeh_texture1, RID p_bokeh_texture2, bool p_dof_far, float p_dof_far_begin, float p_dof_far_size, bool p_dof_near, float p_dof_near_begin, float p_dof_near_size, float p_bokeh_size, RS::DOFBokehShape p_bokeh_shape, RS::DOFBlurQuality p_quality, bool p_use_jitter, float p_cam_znear, float p_cam_zfar, bool p_cam_orthogonal); diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_forward.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_forward.cpp index f3b09399f9..11ac95a0da 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_forward.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_forward.cpp @@ -583,19 +583,6 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::RenderBufferDataForward::ensure_specular() { } } -void RendererSceneRenderForward::RenderBufferDataForward::ensure_gi() { - if (!reflection_buffer.is_valid()) { - RD::TextureFormat tf; - tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT; - tf.width = width; - tf.height = height; - tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT; - - reflection_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); - ambient_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); - } -} - void RendererSceneRenderForward::RenderBufferDataForward::ensure_giprobe() { if (!giprobe_buffer.is_valid()) { RD::TextureFormat tf; @@ -633,16 +620,6 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::RenderBufferDataForward::ensure_giprobe() { } void RendererSceneRenderForward::RenderBufferDataForward::clear() { - if (ambient_buffer != RID() && ambient_buffer != color) { - RD::get_singleton()->free(ambient_buffer); - ambient_buffer = RID(); - } - - if (reflection_buffer != RID() && reflection_buffer != specular) { - RD::get_singleton()->free(reflection_buffer); - reflection_buffer = RID(); - } - if (giprobe_buffer != RID()) { RD::get_singleton()->free(giprobe_buffer); giprobe_buffer = RID(); @@ -842,7 +819,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_list_template(RenderingDevice::DrawList ShaderData *shader; void *mesh_surface; - if (shadow_pass) { + if (shadow_pass || p_params->pass_mode == PASS_MODE_DEPTH) { //regular depth pass can use these too material_uniform_set = surf->material_uniform_set_shadow; shader = surf->shader_shadow; mesh_surface = surf->surface_shadow; @@ -1403,6 +1380,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_fill_render_list(const PagedArray<GeometryInst } inst->push_constant.gi_offset = probe0_index | (probe1_index << 16); + flags |= INSTANCE_DATA_FLAG_USE_GIPROBE; uses_gi = true; } else { if (p_using_sdfgi && inst->can_sdfgi) { @@ -1553,7 +1531,6 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transf if (!low_end && p_gi_probes.size() > 0) { using_giprobe = true; - render_buffer->ensure_gi(); } if (!p_environment.is_valid() && using_giprobe) { @@ -1563,7 +1540,6 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transf if (environment_is_sdfgi_enabled(p_environment)) { depth_pass_mode = using_giprobe ? PASS_MODE_DEPTH_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS_GIPROBE : PASS_MODE_DEPTH_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS; // also giprobe using_sdfgi = true; - render_buffer->ensure_gi(); } else { depth_pass_mode = using_giprobe ? PASS_MODE_DEPTH_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS_GIPROBE : PASS_MODE_DEPTH_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS; } @@ -1739,14 +1715,14 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transf } if (using_sdfgi || using_giprobe) { - _process_gi(p_render_buffer, render_buffer->normal_roughness_buffer, render_buffer->ambient_buffer, render_buffer->reflection_buffer, render_buffer->giprobe_buffer, p_environment, p_cam_projection, p_cam_transform, p_gi_probes); + _process_gi(p_render_buffer, render_buffer->normal_roughness_buffer, render_buffer->giprobe_buffer, p_environment, p_cam_projection, p_cam_transform, p_gi_probes); } _setup_environment(p_environment, p_render_buffer, p_cam_projection, p_cam_transform, p_reflection_probe, p_reflection_probe.is_valid(), screen_size, p_cluster_size, p_max_cluster_elements, p_shadow_atlas, !p_reflection_probe.is_valid(), p_default_bg_color, p_cam_projection.get_z_near(), p_cam_projection.get_z_far(), p_render_buffer.is_valid()); RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Render Opaque Pass"); - RID rp_uniform_set = _setup_render_pass_uniform_set(p_render_buffer, radiance_texture, p_shadow_atlas, p_reflection_atlas, p_cluster_buffer, p_gi_probes, p_lightmaps); + RID rp_uniform_set = _setup_render_pass_uniform_set(p_render_buffer, radiance_texture, p_shadow_atlas, p_reflection_atlas, p_cluster_buffer, p_gi_probes, p_lightmaps, true); bool can_continue_color = !scene_state.used_screen_texture && !using_ssr && !using_sss; bool can_continue_depth = !scene_state.used_depth_texture && !using_ssr && !using_sss; @@ -1862,7 +1838,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transf } } -void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_zfar, float p_bias, float p_normal_bias, bool p_use_dp, bool p_use_dp_flip, bool p_use_pancake, const Plane &p_camera_plane, float p_lod_distance_multiplier, float p_screen_lod_threshold) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_zfar, float p_bias, float p_normal_bias, bool p_use_dp, bool p_use_dp_flip, bool p_use_pancake, const Plane &p_camera_plane, float p_lod_distance_multiplier, float p_screen_lod_threshold, const Rect2i &p_rect, bool p_flip_y, bool p_clear_region, bool p_begin, bool p_end) { RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Setup Rendering Shadow"); _update_render_base_uniform_set(); @@ -1871,7 +1847,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, const PagedAr scene_state.ubo.dual_paraboloid_side = p_use_dp_flip ? -1 : 1; - _setup_environment(RID(), RID(), p_projection, p_transform, RID(), true, Vector2(1, 1), 1, 32, RID(), true, Color(), 0, p_zfar, false, p_use_pancake); + _setup_environment(RID(), RID(), p_projection, p_transform, RID(), true, Vector2(1, 1), 1, 32, RID(), !p_flip_y, Color(), 0, p_zfar, false, p_use_pancake); if (get_debug_draw_mode() == RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_DISABLE_LOD) { p_screen_lod_threshold = 0.0; @@ -1889,8 +1865,12 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, const PagedAr { //regular forward for now - RenderListParameters render_list_params(render_list.elements, render_list.element_count, p_use_dp_flip, pass_mode, true, rp_uniform_set, false, Vector2(), p_camera_plane, p_lod_distance_multiplier, p_screen_lod_threshold); - _render_list_with_threads(&render_list_params, p_framebuffer, RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR, RD::FINAL_ACTION_READ, RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR, RD::FINAL_ACTION_READ); + bool flip_cull = p_use_dp_flip; + if (p_flip_y) { + flip_cull = !flip_cull; + } + RenderListParameters render_list_params(render_list.elements, render_list.element_count, flip_cull, pass_mode, true, rp_uniform_set, false, Vector2(), p_camera_plane, p_lod_distance_multiplier, p_screen_lod_threshold); + _render_list_with_threads(&render_list_params, p_framebuffer, RD::INITIAL_ACTION_DROP, RD::FINAL_ACTION_DISCARD, p_begin ? (p_clear_region ? RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR_REGION : RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR) : RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CONTINUE, p_end ? RD::FINAL_ACTION_READ : RD::FINAL_ACTION_CONTINUE, Vector<Color>(), 1.0, 0, p_rect); } } @@ -1930,7 +1910,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_material(const Transform &p_cam_transfo render_pass++; scene_state.ubo.dual_paraboloid_side = 0; - scene_state.ubo.material_uv2_mode = true; + scene_state.ubo.material_uv2_mode = false; _setup_environment(RID(), RID(), p_cam_projection, p_cam_transform, RID(), true, Vector2(1, 1), 1, 32, RID(), false, Color(), 0, 0); @@ -2152,14 +2132,14 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 5; + u.binding = 4; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(get_omni_light_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 6; + u.binding = 5; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(get_spot_light_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -2167,35 +2147,35 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 7; + u.binding = 6; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(get_reflection_probe_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 8; + u.binding = 7; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(get_directional_light_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 10; + u.binding = 8; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(scene_state.lightmap_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 11; + u.binding = 9; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(scene_state.lightmap_capture_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 12; + u.binding = 10; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID decal_atlas = storage->decal_atlas_get_texture(); u.ids.push_back(decal_atlas); @@ -2203,7 +2183,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 13; + u.binding = 11; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID decal_atlas = storage->decal_atlas_get_texture_srgb(); u.ids.push_back(decal_atlas); @@ -2211,7 +2191,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 14; + u.binding = 12; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(get_decal_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -2219,20 +2199,8 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 15; - u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; - if (directional_shadow_get_texture().is_valid()) { - u.ids.push_back(directional_shadow_get_texture()); - } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE)); - } - uniforms.push_back(u); - } - - { - RD::Uniform u; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; - u.binding = 16; + u.binding = 13; u.ids.push_back(storage->global_variables_get_storage_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -2240,7 +2208,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { if (!low_end) { RD::Uniform u; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; - u.binding = 17; + u.binding = 14; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi_get_ubo()); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -2249,7 +2217,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { } } -RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_radiance_texture, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID p_cluster_buffer, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes, const PagedArray<RID> &p_lightmaps) { +RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_radiance_texture, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID p_cluster_buffer, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes, const PagedArray<RID> &p_lightmaps, bool p_use_directional_shadow_atlas) { if (render_pass_uniform_set.is_valid() && RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(render_pass_uniform_set)) { RD::get_singleton()->free(render_pass_uniform_set); } @@ -2308,6 +2276,17 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buff RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 3; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + if (p_use_directional_shadow_atlas && directional_shadow_get_texture().is_valid()) { + u.ids.push_back(directional_shadow_get_texture()); + } else { + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE)); + } + uniforms.push_back(u); + } + { + RD::Uniform u; + u.binding = 4; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.ids.resize(scene_state.max_lightmaps); RID default_tex = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_WHITE); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < scene_state.max_lightmaps; i++) { @@ -2325,7 +2304,7 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buff } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 4; + u.binding = 5; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.ids.resize(MAX_GI_PROBES); RID default_tex = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE); @@ -2346,7 +2325,7 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buff { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 5; + u.binding = 6; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; RID cb = p_cluster_buffer.is_valid() ? p_cluster_buffer : default_vec4_xform_buffer; u.ids.push_back(cb); @@ -2355,7 +2334,7 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buff { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 6; + u.binding = 7; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID texture = (false && rb && rb->depth.is_valid()) ? rb->depth : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE); u.ids.push_back(texture); @@ -2363,7 +2342,7 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buff } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 7; + u.binding = 8; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID bbt = rb ? render_buffers_get_back_buffer_texture(p_render_buffers) : RID(); RID texture = bbt.is_valid() ? bbt : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); @@ -2374,7 +2353,7 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buff if (!low_end) { { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 8; + u.binding = 9; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID texture = rb && rb->normal_roughness_buffer.is_valid() ? rb->normal_roughness_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_NORMAL); u.ids.push_back(texture); @@ -2383,7 +2362,7 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buff { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 9; + u.binding = 10; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID aot = rb ? render_buffers_get_ao_texture(p_render_buffers) : RID(); RID texture = aot.is_valid() ? aot : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); @@ -2393,24 +2372,26 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buff { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 10; + u.binding = 11; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; - RID texture = rb && rb->ambient_buffer.is_valid() ? rb->ambient_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); + RID ambient_buffer = p_render_buffers.is_valid() ? render_buffers_get_gi_ambient_texture(p_render_buffers) : RID(); + RID texture = ambient_buffer.is_valid() ? ambient_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); u.ids.push_back(texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 11; + u.binding = 12; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; - RID texture = rb && rb->reflection_buffer.is_valid() ? rb->reflection_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); + RID reflection_buffer = p_render_buffers.is_valid() ? render_buffers_get_gi_reflection_texture(p_render_buffers) : RID(); + RID texture = reflection_buffer.is_valid() ? reflection_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); u.ids.push_back(texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 12; + u.binding = 13; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID t; if (rb && render_buffers_is_sdfgi_enabled(p_render_buffers)) { @@ -2423,7 +2404,7 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buff } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 13; + u.binding = 14; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; if (rb && render_buffers_is_sdfgi_enabled(p_render_buffers)) { u.ids.push_back(render_buffers_get_sdfgi_occlusion_texture(p_render_buffers)); @@ -2434,14 +2415,14 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buff } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 14; + u.binding = 15; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(rb ? render_buffers_get_gi_probe_buffer(p_render_buffers) : render_buffers_get_default_gi_probe_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 15; + u.binding = 16; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID vfog = RID(); if (rb && render_buffers_has_volumetric_fog(p_render_buffers)) { @@ -2499,10 +2480,20 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_sdfgi_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_albed } { - // No Lightmaps + // No directional shadow atlas. RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 3; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + RID texture = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE); + u.ids.push_back(texture); + uniforms.push_back(u); + } + + { + // No Lightmaps + RD::Uniform u; + u.binding = 4; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.ids.resize(scene_state.max_lightmaps); RID default_tex = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_WHITE); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < scene_state.max_lightmaps; i++) { @@ -2515,7 +2506,7 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_sdfgi_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_albed { // No GIProbes RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 4; + u.binding = 5; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.ids.resize(MAX_GI_PROBES); RID default_tex = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE); @@ -2528,7 +2519,7 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_sdfgi_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_albed { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 5; + u.binding = 6; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; RID cb = default_vec4_xform_buffer; u.ids.push_back(cb); @@ -2540,28 +2531,28 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_sdfgi_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_albed { RD::Uniform u; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; - u.binding = 6; + u.binding = 7; u.ids.push_back(p_albedo_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; - u.binding = 7; + u.binding = 8; u.ids.push_back(p_emission_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; - u.binding = 8; + u.binding = 9; u.ids.push_back(p_emission_aniso_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; - u.binding = 9; + u.binding = 10; u.ids.push_back(p_geom_facing_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -2585,18 +2576,6 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_buffers_get_normal_texture(RID p_render_ return rb->normal_roughness_buffer; } -RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_buffers_get_ambient_texture(RID p_render_buffers) { - RenderBufferDataForward *rb = (RenderBufferDataForward *)render_buffers_get_data(p_render_buffers); - - return rb->ambient_buffer; -} - -RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_buffers_get_reflection_texture(RID p_render_buffers) { - RenderBufferDataForward *rb = (RenderBufferDataForward *)render_buffers_get_data(p_render_buffers); - - return rb->reflection_buffer; -} - RendererSceneRenderForward *RendererSceneRenderForward::singleton = nullptr; void RendererSceneRenderForward::set_time(double p_time, double p_step) { @@ -2666,10 +2645,17 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_geometry_instance_add_surface_with_material(Ge } MaterialData *material_shadow = nullptr; - //void *surface_shadow = nullptr; + void *surface_shadow = nullptr; if (!p_material->shader_data->writes_modelview_or_projection && !p_material->shader_data->uses_vertex && !p_material->shader_data->uses_discard && !p_material->shader_data->uses_depth_pre_pass) { flags |= GeometryInstanceSurfaceDataCache::FLAG_USES_SHARED_SHADOW_MATERIAL; material_shadow = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(default_material, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D); + + RID shadow_mesh = storage->mesh_get_shadow_mesh(p_mesh); + + if (shadow_mesh.is_valid()) { + surface_shadow = storage->mesh_get_surface(shadow_mesh, p_surface); + } + } else { material_shadow = p_material; } @@ -2691,7 +2677,8 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_geometry_instance_add_surface_with_material(Ge //shadow sdcache->shader_shadow = material_shadow->shader_data; sdcache->material_uniform_set_shadow = material_shadow->uniform_set; - sdcache->surface_shadow = sdcache->surface; //when adding special shadow meshes, will use this + + sdcache->surface_shadow = surface_shadow ? surface_shadow : sdcache->surface; sdcache->owner = ginstance; diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_forward.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_forward.h index d4a4c9a3a9..0b57c7f76c 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_forward.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_forward.h @@ -213,9 +213,6 @@ class RendererSceneRenderForward : public RendererSceneRenderRD { RID normal_roughness_buffer; RID giprobe_buffer; - RID ambient_buffer; - RID reflection_buffer; - RS::ViewportMSAA msaa; RD::TextureSamples texture_samples; @@ -236,7 +233,6 @@ class RendererSceneRenderForward : public RendererSceneRenderRD { RID render_sdfgi_uniform_set; void ensure_specular(); - void ensure_gi(); void ensure_giprobe(); void clear(); virtual void configure(RID p_color_buffer, RID p_depth_buffer, int p_width, int p_height, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa); @@ -258,12 +254,10 @@ class RendererSceneRenderForward : public RendererSceneRenderRD { void _render_buffers_clear_uniform_set(RenderBufferDataForward *rb); virtual void _render_buffers_uniform_set_changed(RID p_render_buffers); virtual RID _render_buffers_get_normal_texture(RID p_render_buffers); - virtual RID _render_buffers_get_ambient_texture(RID p_render_buffers); - virtual RID _render_buffers_get_reflection_texture(RID p_render_buffers); void _update_render_base_uniform_set(); RID _setup_sdfgi_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_albedo_texture, RID p_emission_texture, RID p_emission_aniso_texture, RID p_geom_facing_texture); - RID _setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_radiance_texture, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID p_cluster_buffer, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes, const PagedArray<RID> &p_lightmaps); + RID _setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_radiance_texture, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID p_cluster_buffer, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes, const PagedArray<RID> &p_lightmaps, bool p_use_directional_shadow_atlas = false); struct LightmapData { float normal_xform[12]; @@ -707,7 +701,7 @@ class RendererSceneRenderForward : public RendererSceneRenderRD { protected: virtual void _render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, int p_directional_light_count, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes, const PagedArray<RID> &p_lightmaps, RID p_environment, RID p_cluster_buffer, uint32_t p_cluster_size, uint32_t p_max_cluster_elements, RID p_camera_effects, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, int p_reflection_probe_pass, const Color &p_default_bg_color, float p_lod_threshold); - virtual void _render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_zfar, float p_bias, float p_normal_bias, bool p_use_dp, bool p_use_dp_flip, bool p_use_pancake, const Plane &p_camera_plane = Plane(), float p_lod_distance_multiplier = 0.0, float p_screen_lod_threshold = 0.0); + virtual void _render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_zfar, float p_bias, float p_normal_bias, bool p_use_dp, bool use_dp_flip, bool p_use_pancake, const Plane &p_camera_plane = Plane(), float p_lod_distance_multiplier = 0.0, float p_screen_lod_threshold = 0.0, const Rect2i &p_rect = Rect2i(), bool p_flip_y = false, bool p_clear_region = true, bool p_begin = true, bool p_end = true); virtual void _render_material(const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region); virtual void _render_uv2(const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region); virtual void _render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, const Vector3i &p_from, const Vector3i &p_size, const AABB &p_bounds, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, const RID &p_albedo_texture, const RID &p_emission_texture, const RID &p_emission_aniso_texture, const RID &p_geom_facing_texture); diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_rd.cpp index 885c1a69dc..357e7c8d8a 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_rd.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_rd.cpp @@ -1276,14 +1276,26 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::sdfgi_update_probes(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envi push_constant.multibounce = rb->sdfgi->uses_multibounce; push_constant.y_mult = rb->sdfgi->y_mult; - push_constant.process_offset = 0; - push_constant.process_increment = 1; - for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size(); i++) { SDFGI::Cascade &cascade = rb->sdfgi->cascades[i]; push_constant.light_count = cascade_light_count[i]; push_constant.cascade = i; + if (rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].all_dynamic_lights_dirty || sdfgi_frames_to_update_light == RS::ENV_SDFGI_UPDATE_LIGHT_IN_1_FRAME) { + push_constant.process_offset = 0; + push_constant.process_increment = 1; + } else { + static uint32_t frames_to_update_table[RS::ENV_SDFGI_UPDATE_LIGHT_MAX] = { + 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 + }; + + uint32_t frames_to_update = frames_to_update_table[sdfgi_frames_to_update_light]; + + push_constant.process_offset = RSG::rasterizer->get_frame_number() % frames_to_update; + push_constant.process_increment = frames_to_update; + } + rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].all_dynamic_lights_dirty = false; + RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, cascade.sdf_direct_light_uniform_set, 0); RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::DirectLightPushConstant)); RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_indirect(compute_list, cascade.solid_cell_dispatch_buffer, 0); @@ -1301,7 +1313,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::sdfgi_update_probes(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envi push_constant.probe_axis_size = rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count; push_constant.history_index = rb->sdfgi->render_pass % rb->sdfgi->history_size; push_constant.history_size = rb->sdfgi->history_size; - static const uint32_t ray_count[RS::ENV_SDFGI_RAY_COUNT_MAX] = { 8, 16, 32, 64, 96, 128 }; + static const uint32_t ray_count[RS::ENV_SDFGI_RAY_COUNT_MAX] = { 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 96, 128 }; push_constant.ray_count = ray_count[sdfgi_ray_count]; push_constant.ray_bias = rb->sdfgi->probe_bias; push_constant.image_size[0] = rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count * rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count; @@ -1492,13 +1504,35 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::_setup_giprobes(RID p_render_buffers, const Transfor } } -void RendererSceneRenderRD::_process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_roughness_buffer, RID p_ambient_buffer, RID p_reflection_buffer, RID p_gi_probe_buffer, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_roughness_buffer, RID p_gi_probe_buffer, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes) { RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Render GI"); RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND(rb == nullptr); Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_environment); + if (rb->ambient_buffer.is_null() || rb->using_half_size_gi != gi.half_resolution) { + if (rb->ambient_buffer.is_valid()) { + RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->ambient_buffer); + RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->reflection_buffer); + } + + RD::TextureFormat tf; + tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT; + tf.width = rb->width; + tf.height = rb->height; + if (gi.half_resolution) { + tf.width >>= 1; + tf.height >>= 1; + } + tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT; + rb->reflection_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); + rb->ambient_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); + rb->using_half_size_gi = gi.half_resolution; + + _render_buffers_uniform_set_changed(p_render_buffers); + } + GI::PushConstant push_constant; push_constant.screen_size[0] = rb->width; @@ -1693,7 +1727,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::_process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_rough RD::Uniform u; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 9; - u.ids.push_back(p_ambient_buffer); + u.ids.push_back(rb->ambient_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -1701,7 +1735,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::_process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_rough RD::Uniform u; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 10; - u.ids.push_back(p_reflection_buffer); + u.ids.push_back(rb->reflection_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -1765,12 +1799,23 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::_process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_rough rb->gi_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, gi.shader.version_get_shader(gi.shader_version, 0), 0); } - GI::Mode mode = (use_sdfgi && use_giprobes) ? GI::MODE_COMBINED : (use_sdfgi ? GI::MODE_SDFGI : GI::MODE_GIPROBE); + GI::Mode mode; + + if (rb->using_half_size_gi) { + mode = (use_sdfgi && use_giprobes) ? GI::MODE_HALF_RES_COMBINED : (use_sdfgi ? GI::MODE_HALF_RES_SDFGI : GI::MODE_HALF_RES_GIPROBE); + } else { + mode = (use_sdfgi && use_giprobes) ? GI::MODE_COMBINED : (use_sdfgi ? GI::MODE_SDFGI : GI::MODE_GIPROBE); + } RD::ComputeListID compute_list = RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_begin(); RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, gi.pipelines[mode]); RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->gi_uniform_set, 0); RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(GI::PushConstant)); - RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->width, rb->height, 1, 8, 8, 1); + + if (rb->using_half_size_gi) { + RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->width >> 1, rb->height >> 1, 1, 8, 8, 1); + } else { + RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->width, rb->height, 1, 8, 8, 1); + } RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } @@ -3105,6 +3150,9 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count(RS::EnvironmentSDFGI void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge p_frames) { sdfgi_frames_to_converge = p_frames; } +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_update_light(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight p_update) { + sdfgi_frames_to_update_light = p_update; +} void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_ssr(RID p_env, bool p_enable, int p_max_steps, float p_fade_int, float p_fade_out, float p_depth_tolerance) { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); @@ -3516,13 +3564,28 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderRD::shadow_atlas_create() { return shadow_atlas_owner.make_rid(ShadowAtlas()); } -void RendererSceneRenderRD::shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_update_shadow_atlas(ShadowAtlas *shadow_atlas) { + if (shadow_atlas->size > 0 && shadow_atlas->depth.is_null()) { + RD::TextureFormat tf; + tf.format = shadow_atlas->use_16_bits ? RD::DATA_FORMAT_D16_UNORM : RD::DATA_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT; + tf.width = shadow_atlas->size; + tf.height = shadow_atlas->size; + tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT; + + shadow_atlas->depth = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); + Vector<RID> fb_tex; + fb_tex.push_back(shadow_atlas->depth); + shadow_atlas->fb = RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_create(fb_tex); + } +} + +void RendererSceneRenderRD::shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size, bool p_16_bits) { ShadowAtlas *shadow_atlas = shadow_atlas_owner.getornull(p_atlas); ERR_FAIL_COND(!shadow_atlas); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_size < 0); p_size = next_power_of_2(p_size); - if (p_size == shadow_atlas->size) { + if (p_size == shadow_atlas->size && p_16_bits == shadow_atlas->use_16_bits) { return; } @@ -3549,16 +3612,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size) { shadow_atlas->shadow_owners.clear(); shadow_atlas->size = p_size; - - if (shadow_atlas->size) { - RD::TextureFormat tf; - tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32_SFLOAT; - tf.width = shadow_atlas->size; - tf.height = shadow_atlas->size; - tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT; - - shadow_atlas->depth = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); - } + shadow_atlas->use_16_bits = p_size; } void RendererSceneRenderRD::shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_atlas, int p_quadrant, int p_subdivision) { @@ -3813,10 +3867,24 @@ bool RendererSceneRenderRD::shadow_atlas_update_light(RID p_atlas, RID p_light_i return false; } -void RendererSceneRenderRD::directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_update_directional_shadow_atlas() { + if (directional_shadow.depth.is_null() && directional_shadow.size > 0) { + RD::TextureFormat tf; + tf.format = directional_shadow.use_16_bits ? RD::DATA_FORMAT_D16_UNORM : RD::DATA_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT; + tf.width = directional_shadow.size; + tf.height = directional_shadow.size; + tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT; + + directional_shadow.depth = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); + Vector<RID> fb_tex; + fb_tex.push_back(directional_shadow.depth); + directional_shadow.fb = RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_create(fb_tex); + } +} +void RendererSceneRenderRD::directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size, bool p_16_bits) { p_size = nearest_power_of_2_templated(p_size); - if (directional_shadow.size == p_size) { + if (directional_shadow.size == p_size && directional_shadow.use_16_bits == p_16_bits) { return; } @@ -3826,19 +3894,8 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size) { RD::get_singleton()->free(directional_shadow.depth); _clear_shadow_shrink_stages(directional_shadow.shrink_stages); directional_shadow.depth = RID(); + _base_uniforms_changed(); } - - if (p_size > 0) { - RD::TextureFormat tf; - tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32_SFLOAT; - tf.width = p_size; - tf.height = p_size; - tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT; - - directional_shadow.depth = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); - } - - _base_uniforms_changed(); } void RendererSceneRenderRD::set_directional_shadow_count(int p_count) { @@ -4008,29 +4065,6 @@ RendererSceneRenderRD::ShadowCubemap *RendererSceneRenderRD::_get_shadow_cubemap return &shadow_cubemaps[p_size]; } -RendererSceneRenderRD::ShadowMap *RendererSceneRenderRD::_get_shadow_map(const Size2i &p_size) { - if (!shadow_maps.has(p_size)) { - ShadowMap sm; - { - RD::TextureFormat tf; - tf.format = RD::get_singleton()->texture_is_format_supported_for_usage(RD::DATA_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT, RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT) ? RD::DATA_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT : RD::DATA_FORMAT_X8_D24_UNORM_PACK32; - tf.width = p_size.width; - tf.height = p_size.height; - tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT; - - sm.depth = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); - } - - Vector<RID> fbtex; - fbtex.push_back(sm.depth); - sm.fb = RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_create(fbtex); - - shadow_maps[p_size] = sm; - } - - return &shadow_maps[p_size]; -} - ////////////////////////// RID RendererSceneRenderRD::decal_instance_create(RID p_decal) { @@ -5159,6 +5193,13 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::_free_render_buffer_data(RenderBuffers *rb) { RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->ssr.normal_scaled); rb->ssr.normal_scaled = RID(); } + + if (rb->ambient_buffer.is_valid()) { + RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->ambient_buffer); + RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->reflection_buffer); + rb->ambient_buffer = RID(); + rb->reflection_buffer = RID(); + } } void RendererSceneRenderRD::_process_sss(RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatrix &p_camera) { @@ -5558,10 +5599,10 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::_render_buffers_debug_draw(RID p_render_buffers, RID effects->copy_to_fb_rect(_render_buffers_get_normal_texture(p_render_buffers), storage->render_target_get_rd_framebuffer(rb->render_target), Rect2(Vector2(), rtsize), false, false); } - if (debug_draw == RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_GI_BUFFER && _render_buffers_get_ambient_texture(p_render_buffers).is_valid()) { + if (debug_draw == RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_GI_BUFFER && rb->ambient_buffer.is_valid()) { Size2 rtsize = storage->render_target_get_size(rb->render_target); - RID ambient_texture = _render_buffers_get_ambient_texture(p_render_buffers); - RID reflection_texture = _render_buffers_get_reflection_texture(p_render_buffers); + RID ambient_texture = rb->ambient_buffer; + RID reflection_texture = rb->reflection_buffer; effects->copy_to_fb_rect(ambient_texture, storage->render_target_get_rd_framebuffer(rb->render_target), Rect2(Vector2(), rtsize), false, false, false, true, reflection_texture); } } @@ -5753,6 +5794,17 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_default_gi_probe_buffer() { return default_giprobe_buffer; } +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_gi_ambient_texture(RID p_render_buffers) { + RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, RID()); + return rb->ambient_buffer; +} +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_gi_reflection_texture(RID p_render_buffers) { + RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, RID()); + return rb->reflection_buffer; +} + uint32_t RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_count(RID p_render_buffers) const { const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, 0); @@ -5939,6 +5991,10 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_configure(RID p_render_buffers, RID p rb->cluster_builder->setup(Size2i(p_width, p_height), max_cluster_elements, rb->depth_texture, storage->sampler_rd_get_default(RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED), rb->texture); } +void RendererSceneRenderRD::gi_set_use_half_resolution(bool p_enable) { + gi.half_resolution = p_enable; +} + void RendererSceneRenderRD::sub_surface_scattering_set_quality(RS::SubSurfaceScatteringQuality p_quality) { sss_quality = p_quality; } @@ -7386,26 +7442,31 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p ERR_FAIL_COND(!light_instance); Rect2i atlas_rect; - RID atlas_texture; + uint32_t atlas_size; + RID atlas_fb; bool using_dual_paraboloid = false; bool using_dual_paraboloid_flip = false; - float znear = 0; - float zfar = 0; RID render_fb; RID render_texture; - float bias = 0; - float normal_bias = 0; + float zfar; bool use_pancake = false; - bool use_linear_depth = false; bool render_cubemap = false; bool finalize_cubemap = false; + bool flip_y = false; + CameraMatrix light_projection; Transform light_transform; + bool clear_region = true; + bool begin_texture = true; + bool end_texture = true; + if (storage->light_get_type(light_instance->light) == RS::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL) { + _update_directional_shadow_atlas(); + //set pssm stuff if (light_instance->last_scene_shadow_pass != scene_pass) { light_instance->directional_rect = _get_directional_shadow_rect(directional_shadow.size, directional_shadow.light_count, directional_shadow.current_light); @@ -7422,6 +7483,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p atlas_rect.size.width = light_instance->directional_rect.size.x; atlas_rect.size.height = light_instance->directional_rect.size.y; + int pass_count = 1; if (storage->light_directional_get_shadow_mode(light_instance->light) == RS::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL_SHADOW_PARALLEL_4_SPLITS) { atlas_rect.size.width /= 2; atlas_rect.size.height /= 2; @@ -7434,7 +7496,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p atlas_rect.position.x += atlas_rect.size.width; atlas_rect.position.y += atlas_rect.size.height; } - + pass_count = 4; } else if (storage->light_directional_get_shadow_mode(light_instance->light) == RS::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL_SHADOW_PARALLEL_2_SPLITS) { atlas_rect.size.height /= 2; @@ -7442,6 +7504,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p } else { atlas_rect.position.y += atlas_rect.size.height; } + pass_count = 2; } light_instance->shadow_transform[p_pass].atlas_rect = atlas_rect; @@ -7449,15 +7512,15 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p light_instance->shadow_transform[p_pass].atlas_rect.position /= directional_shadow.size; light_instance->shadow_transform[p_pass].atlas_rect.size /= directional_shadow.size; - float bias_mult = light_instance->shadow_transform[p_pass].bias_scale; zfar = storage->light_get_param(light_instance->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_RANGE); - bias = storage->light_get_param(light_instance->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_SHADOW_BIAS) * bias_mult; - normal_bias = storage->light_get_param(light_instance->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_SHADOW_NORMAL_BIAS) * bias_mult; - ShadowMap *shadow_map = _get_shadow_map(atlas_rect.size); - render_fb = shadow_map->fb; - render_texture = shadow_map->depth; - atlas_texture = directional_shadow.depth; + render_fb = directional_shadow.fb; + render_texture = RID(); + flip_y = true; + + clear_region = false; + begin_texture = (directional_shadow.current_light == 1) && (p_pass == 0); //light is 1-index because it was incremented above + end_texture = (directional_shadow.current_light == directional_shadow.light_count) && (p_pass == pass_count - 1); } else { //set from shadow atlas @@ -7466,6 +7529,8 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p ERR_FAIL_COND(!shadow_atlas); ERR_FAIL_COND(!shadow_atlas->shadow_owners.has(p_light)); + _update_shadow_atlas(shadow_atlas); + uint32_t key = shadow_atlas->shadow_owners[p_light]; uint32_t quadrant = (key >> ShadowAtlas::QUADRANT_SHIFT) & 0x3; @@ -7484,11 +7549,8 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p atlas_rect.size.width = shadow_size; atlas_rect.size.height = shadow_size; - atlas_texture = shadow_atlas->depth; zfar = storage->light_get_param(light_instance->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_RANGE); - bias = storage->light_get_param(light_instance->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_SHADOW_BIAS); - normal_bias = storage->light_get_param(light_instance->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_SHADOW_NORMAL_BIAS); if (storage->light_get_type(light_instance->light) == RS::LIGHT_OMNI) { if (storage->light_omni_get_shadow_mode(light_instance->light) == RS::LIGHT_OMNI_SHADOW_CUBE) { @@ -7501,6 +7563,10 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p light_transform = light_instance->shadow_transform[0].transform; render_cubemap = true; finalize_cubemap = p_pass == 5; + atlas_fb = shadow_atlas->fb; + + atlas_size = shadow_atlas->size; + clear_region = false; } else { light_projection = light_instance->shadow_transform[0].camera; @@ -7511,22 +7577,17 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p using_dual_paraboloid = true; using_dual_paraboloid_flip = p_pass == 1; - - ShadowMap *shadow_map = _get_shadow_map(atlas_rect.size); - render_fb = shadow_map->fb; - render_texture = shadow_map->depth; + render_fb = shadow_atlas->fb; + flip_y = true; } } else if (storage->light_get_type(light_instance->light) == RS::LIGHT_SPOT) { light_projection = light_instance->shadow_transform[0].camera; light_transform = light_instance->shadow_transform[0].transform; - ShadowMap *shadow_map = _get_shadow_map(atlas_rect.size); - render_fb = shadow_map->fb; - render_texture = shadow_map->depth; + render_fb = shadow_atlas->fb; - znear = light_instance->shadow_transform[0].camera.get_z_near(); - use_linear_depth = true; + flip_y = true; } } @@ -7535,25 +7596,19 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p _render_shadow(render_fb, p_instances, light_projection, light_transform, zfar, 0, 0, false, false, use_pancake, p_camera_plane, p_lod_distance_multiplier, p_screen_lod_threshold); if (finalize_cubemap) { //reblit - atlas_rect.size.height /= 2; - storage->get_effects()->copy_cubemap_to_dp(render_texture, atlas_texture, atlas_rect, light_projection.get_z_near(), light_projection.get_z_far(), 0.0, false); - atlas_rect.position.y += atlas_rect.size.height; - storage->get_effects()->copy_cubemap_to_dp(render_texture, atlas_texture, atlas_rect, light_projection.get_z_near(), light_projection.get_z_far(), 0.0, true); + Rect2 atlas_rect_norm = atlas_rect; + atlas_rect_norm.position.x /= float(atlas_size); + atlas_rect_norm.position.y /= float(atlas_size); + atlas_rect_norm.size.x /= float(atlas_size); + atlas_rect_norm.size.y /= float(atlas_size); + atlas_rect_norm.size.height /= 2; + storage->get_effects()->copy_cubemap_to_dp(render_texture, atlas_fb, atlas_rect_norm, light_projection.get_z_near(), light_projection.get_z_far(), false); + atlas_rect_norm.position.y += atlas_rect_norm.size.height; + storage->get_effects()->copy_cubemap_to_dp(render_texture, atlas_fb, atlas_rect_norm, light_projection.get_z_near(), light_projection.get_z_far(), true); } } else { //render shadow - - _render_shadow(render_fb, p_instances, light_projection, light_transform, zfar, bias, normal_bias, using_dual_paraboloid, using_dual_paraboloid_flip, use_pancake, p_camera_plane, p_lod_distance_multiplier, p_screen_lod_threshold); - - //copy to atlas - if (use_linear_depth) { - storage->get_effects()->copy_depth_to_rect_and_linearize(render_texture, atlas_texture, atlas_rect, true, znear, zfar); - } else { - storage->get_effects()->copy_depth_to_rect(render_texture, atlas_texture, atlas_rect, true); - } - - //does not work from depth to color - //RD::get_singleton()->texture_copy(render_texture, atlas_texture, Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(atlas_rect.position.x, atlas_rect.position.y, 0), Vector3(atlas_rect.size.x, atlas_rect.size.y, 1), 0, 0, 0, 0, true); + _render_shadow(render_fb, p_instances, light_projection, light_transform, zfar, 0, 0, using_dual_paraboloid, using_dual_paraboloid_flip, use_pancake, p_camera_plane, p_lod_distance_multiplier, p_screen_lod_threshold, atlas_rect, flip_y, clear_region, begin_texture, end_texture); } } @@ -7609,6 +7664,9 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region, con push_constant.scroll[1] = 0; push_constant.scroll[2] = 0; } + + rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].all_dynamic_lights_dirty = true; + push_constant.grid_size = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size; push_constant.cascade = cascade; @@ -7684,6 +7742,23 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region, con RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.integrate_default_sky_uniform_set, 1); RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &ipush_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::IntegratePushConstant)); RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count * rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count, rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count, 1, 8, 8, 1); + + RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_add_barrier(compute_list); + + if (rb->sdfgi->uses_multibounce) { + //multibounce requires this to be stored so direct light can read from it + + RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.integrate_pipeline[SDGIShader::INTEGRATE_MODE_STORE]); + + //convert to octahedral to store + ipush_constant.image_size[0] *= SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE; + ipush_constant.image_size[1] *= SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE; + + RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].integrate_uniform_set, 0); + RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.integrate_default_sky_uniform_set, 1); + RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &ipush_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::IntegratePushConstant)); + RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count * rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count * SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE, rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count * SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE, 1, 8, 8, 1); + } } //ok finally barrier @@ -7922,25 +7997,8 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_sdfgi_static_lights(RID p_render_buffers, uin _sdfgi_update_cascades(p_render_buffers); //need cascades updated for this - RD::ComputeListID compute_list = RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_begin(); - - RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.direct_light_pipeline[SDGIShader::DIRECT_LIGHT_MODE_STATIC]); - - SDGIShader::DirectLightPushConstant dl_push_constant; - - dl_push_constant.grid_size[0] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size; - dl_push_constant.grid_size[1] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size; - dl_push_constant.grid_size[2] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size; - dl_push_constant.max_cascades = rb->sdfgi->cascades.size(); - dl_push_constant.probe_axis_size = rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count; - dl_push_constant.multibounce = false; // this is static light, do not multibounce yet - dl_push_constant.y_mult = rb->sdfgi->y_mult; - - //all must be processed - dl_push_constant.process_offset = 0; - dl_push_constant.process_increment = 1; - SDGIShader::Light lights[SDFGI::MAX_STATIC_LIGHTS]; + uint32_t light_count[SDFGI::MAX_STATIC_LIGHTS]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_cascade_count; i++) { ERR_CONTINUE(p_cascade_indices[i] >= rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()); @@ -8005,9 +8063,36 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_sdfgi_static_lights(RID p_render_buffers, uin if (idx > 0) { RD::get_singleton()->buffer_update(cc.lights_buffer, 0, idx * sizeof(SDGIShader::Light), lights, true); } - dl_push_constant.light_count = idx; + + light_count[i] = idx; } + } + /* Static Lights */ + RD::ComputeListID compute_list = RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_begin(); + + RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.direct_light_pipeline[SDGIShader::DIRECT_LIGHT_MODE_STATIC]); + + SDGIShader::DirectLightPushConstant dl_push_constant; + + dl_push_constant.grid_size[0] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size; + dl_push_constant.grid_size[1] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size; + dl_push_constant.grid_size[2] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size; + dl_push_constant.max_cascades = rb->sdfgi->cascades.size(); + dl_push_constant.probe_axis_size = rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count; + dl_push_constant.multibounce = false; // this is static light, do not multibounce yet + dl_push_constant.y_mult = rb->sdfgi->y_mult; + + //all must be processed + dl_push_constant.process_offset = 0; + dl_push_constant.process_increment = 1; + + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_cascade_count; i++) { + ERR_CONTINUE(p_cascade_indices[i] >= rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()); + + SDFGI::Cascade &cc = rb->sdfgi->cascades[p_cascade_indices[i]]; + + dl_push_constant.light_count = light_count[i]; dl_push_constant.cascade = p_cascade_indices[i]; if (dl_push_constant.light_count > 0) { @@ -8299,7 +8384,13 @@ RendererSceneRenderRD::RendererSceneRenderRD(RendererStorageRD *p_storage) { roughness_layers = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/reflections/roughness_layers"); sky_ggx_samples_quality = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/reflections/ggx_samples"); sky_use_cubemap_array = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/reflections/texture_array_reflections"); - // sky_use_cubemap_array = false; + + sdfgi_ray_count = RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount(CLAMP(int32_t(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/sdfgi/probe_ray_count")), 0, int32_t(RS::ENV_SDFGI_RAY_COUNT_MAX - 1))); + sdfgi_frames_to_converge = RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge(CLAMP(int32_t(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_converge")), 0, int32_t(RS::ENV_SDFGI_CONVERGE_MAX - 1))); + sdfgi_frames_to_update_light = RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight(CLAMP(int32_t(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_update_lights")), 0, int32_t(RS::ENV_SDFGI_UPDATE_LIGHT_MAX - 1))); + + directional_shadow.size = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/directional_shadow/size"); + directional_shadow.use_16_bits = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/directional_shadow/16_bits"); uint32_t textures_per_stage = RD::get_singleton()->limit_get(RD::LIMIT_MAX_TEXTURES_PER_SHADER_STAGE); @@ -8632,9 +8723,12 @@ RendererSceneRenderRD::RendererSceneRenderRD(RendererStorageRD *p_storage) { //calculate tables String defines = "\n#define SDFGI_OCT_SIZE " + itos(SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE) + "\n"; Vector<String> gi_modes; - gi_modes.push_back("\n#define USE_GIPROBE\n"); + gi_modes.push_back("\n#define USE_GIPROBES\n"); gi_modes.push_back("\n#define USE_SDFGI\n"); - gi_modes.push_back("\n#define USE_SDFGI\n\n#define USE_GIPROBE\n"); + gi_modes.push_back("\n#define USE_SDFGI\n\n#define USE_GIPROBES\n"); + gi_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_HALF_RES\n#define USE_GIPROBES\n"); + gi_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_HALF_RES\n#define USE_SDFGI\n"); + gi_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_HALF_RES\n#define USE_SDFGI\n\n#define USE_GIPROBES\n"); gi.shader.initialize(gi_modes, defines); gi.shader_version = gi.shader.version_create(); @@ -8766,12 +8860,11 @@ RendererSceneRenderRD::RendererSceneRenderRD(RendererStorageRD *p_storage) { environment_set_volumetric_fog_positional_shadow_shrink_size(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/volumetric_fog/positional_shadow_shrink")); cull_argument.set_page_pool(&cull_argument_pool); + + gi.half_resolution = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/gi/use_half_resolution"); } RendererSceneRenderRD::~RendererSceneRenderRD() { - for (Map<Vector2i, ShadowMap>::Element *E = shadow_maps.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - RD::get_singleton()->free(E->get().depth); - } for (Map<int, ShadowCubemap>::Element *E = shadow_cubemaps.front(); E; E = E->next()) { RD::get_singleton()->free(E->get().cubemap); } diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_rd.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_rd.h index 3e69335225..af8cdb9b71 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_rd.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_rd.h @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ protected: void _setup_giprobes(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform &p_transform, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes, uint32_t &r_gi_probes_used); virtual void _render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, int p_directional_light_count, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes, const PagedArray<RID> &p_lightmaps, RID p_environment, RID p_cluster_buffer, uint32_t p_cluster_size, uint32_t p_cluster_max_elements, RID p_camera_effects, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, int p_reflection_probe_pass, const Color &p_default_color, float p_screen_lod_threshold) = 0; - virtual void _render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_zfar, float p_bias, float p_normal_bias, bool p_use_dp, bool use_dp_flip, bool p_use_pancake, const Plane &p_camera_plane = Plane(), float p_lod_distance_multiplier = 0.0, float p_screen_lod_threshold = 0.0) = 0; + virtual void _render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_zfar, float p_bias, float p_normal_bias, bool p_use_dp, bool use_dp_flip, bool p_use_pancake, const Plane &p_camera_plane = Plane(), float p_lod_distance_multiplier = 0.0, float p_screen_lod_threshold = 0.0, const Rect2i &p_rect = Rect2i(), bool p_flip_y = false, bool p_clear_region = true, bool p_begin = true, bool p_end = true) = 0; virtual void _render_material(const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region) = 0; virtual void _render_uv2(const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region) = 0; virtual void _render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, const Vector3i &p_from, const Vector3i &p_size, const AABB &p_bounds, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, const RID &p_albedo_texture, const RID &p_emission_texture, const RID &p_emission_aniso_texture, const RID &p_geom_facing_texture) = 0; @@ -124,8 +124,6 @@ protected: virtual void _base_uniforms_changed() = 0; virtual void _render_buffers_uniform_set_changed(RID p_render_buffers) = 0; virtual RID _render_buffers_get_normal_texture(RID p_render_buffers) = 0; - virtual RID _render_buffers_get_ambient_texture(RID p_render_buffers) = 0; - virtual RID _render_buffers_get_reflection_texture(RID p_render_buffers) = 0; void _process_ssao(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, RID p_normal_buffer, const CameraMatrix &p_projection); void _process_ssr(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_dest_framebuffer, RID p_normal_buffer, RID p_specular_buffer, RID p_metallic, const Color &p_metallic_mask, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, bool p_use_additive); @@ -134,7 +132,7 @@ protected: void _setup_sky(RID p_environment, RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, const Size2i p_screen_size); void _update_sky(RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform); void _draw_sky(bool p_can_continue_color, bool p_can_continue_depth, RID p_fb, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform); - void _process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_roughness_buffer, RID p_ambient_buffer, RID p_reflection_buffer, RID p_gi_probe_buffer, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes); + void _process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_roughness_buffer, RID p_gi_probe_buffer, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes); // needed for a single argument calls (material and uv2) PagedArrayPool<GeometryInstance *> cull_argument_pool; @@ -574,6 +572,7 @@ private: uint32_t smallest_subdiv = 0; int size = 0; + bool use_16_bits = false; RID depth; RID fb; //for copying @@ -585,6 +584,8 @@ private: RID_Owner<ShadowAtlas> shadow_atlas_owner; + void _update_shadow_atlas(ShadowAtlas *shadow_atlas); + bool _shadow_atlas_find_shadow(ShadowAtlas *shadow_atlas, int *p_in_quadrants, int p_quadrant_count, int p_current_subdiv, uint64_t p_tick, int &r_quadrant, int &r_shadow); RS::ShadowQuality shadows_quality = RS::SHADOW_QUALITY_MAX; //So it always updates when first set @@ -605,9 +606,11 @@ private: struct DirectionalShadow { RID depth; + RID fb; //when renderign direct int light_count = 0; int size = 0; + bool use_16_bits = false; int current_light = 0; Vector<ShadowShrinkStage> shrink_stages; @@ -617,6 +620,8 @@ private: void _allocate_shadow_shrink_stages(RID p_base, int p_base_size, Vector<ShadowShrinkStage> &shrink_stages, uint32_t p_target_size); void _clear_shadow_shrink_stages(Vector<ShadowShrinkStage> &shrink_stages); + void _update_directional_shadow_atlas(); + /* SHADOW CUBEMAPS */ struct ShadowCubemap { @@ -627,14 +632,6 @@ private: Map<int, ShadowCubemap> shadow_cubemaps; ShadowCubemap *_get_shadow_cubemap(int p_size); - struct ShadowMap { - RID depth; - RID fb; - }; - - Map<Vector2i, ShadowMap> shadow_maps; - ShadowMap *_get_shadow_map(const Size2i &p_size); - void _create_shadow_cubemaps(); /* LIGHT INSTANCE */ @@ -904,6 +901,16 @@ private: RID giprobe_textures[MAX_GIPROBES]; RID giprobe_buffer; + + RID ambient_buffer; + RID reflection_buffer; + bool using_half_size_gi = false; + + struct GI { + RID full_buffer; + RID full_dispatch; + RID full_mask; + } gi; }; RID default_giprobe_buffer; @@ -965,6 +972,8 @@ private: RID scroll_occlusion_uniform_set; RID integrate_uniform_set; RID lights_buffer; + + bool all_dynamic_lights_dirty = true; }; //used for rendering (voxelization) @@ -1026,6 +1035,8 @@ private: RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount sdfgi_ray_count = RS::ENV_SDFGI_RAY_COUNT_16; RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge sdfgi_frames_to_converge = RS::ENV_SDFGI_CONVERGE_IN_10_FRAMES; + RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight sdfgi_frames_to_update_light = RS::ENV_SDFGI_UPDATE_LIGHT_IN_4_FRAMES; + float sdfgi_solid_cell_ratio = 0.25; Vector3 sdfgi_debug_probe_pos; Vector3 sdfgi_debug_probe_dir; @@ -1263,14 +1274,12 @@ private: float z_far; float proj_info[4]; - + float ao_color[3]; uint32_t max_giprobes; + uint32_t high_quality_vct; - uint32_t pad2; uint32_t orthogonal; - - float ao_color[3]; - uint32_t pad; + uint32_t pad[2]; float cam_rotation[12]; }; @@ -1280,9 +1289,13 @@ private: MODE_GIPROBE, MODE_SDFGI, MODE_COMBINED, + MODE_HALF_RES_GIPROBE, + MODE_HALF_RES_SDFGI, + MODE_HALF_RES_COMBINED, MODE_MAX }; + bool half_resolution = false; GiShaderRD shader; RID shader_version; RID pipelines[MODE_MAX]; @@ -1541,7 +1554,7 @@ public: /* SHADOW ATLAS API */ RID shadow_atlas_create(); - void shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size); + void shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size, bool p_16_bits = false); void shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_atlas, int p_quadrant, int p_subdivision); bool shadow_atlas_update_light(RID p_atlas, RID p_light_intance, float p_coverage, uint64_t p_light_version); _FORCE_INLINE_ bool shadow_atlas_owns_light_instance(RID p_atlas, RID p_light_intance) { @@ -1562,7 +1575,7 @@ public: return Size2(atlas->size, atlas->size); } - void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size); + void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size, bool p_16_bits = false); int get_directional_light_shadow_size(RID p_light_intance); void set_directional_shadow_count(int p_count); @@ -1657,6 +1670,7 @@ public: virtual void environment_set_sdfgi(RID p_env, bool p_enable, RS::EnvironmentSDFGICascades p_cascades, float p_min_cell_size, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIYScale p_y_scale, bool p_use_occlusion, bool p_use_multibounce, bool p_read_sky, float p_energy, float p_normal_bias, float p_probe_bias); virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount p_ray_count); virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge p_frames); + virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_update_light(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight p_update); void environment_set_ssr_roughness_quality(RS::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality p_quality); RS::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality environment_get_ssr_roughness_quality() const; @@ -1955,11 +1969,14 @@ public: */ RID render_buffers_create(); void render_buffers_configure(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_render_target, int p_width, int p_height, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa, RS::ViewportScreenSpaceAA p_screen_space_aa, bool p_use_debanding); + void gi_set_use_half_resolution(bool p_enable); RID render_buffers_get_ao_texture(RID p_render_buffers); RID render_buffers_get_back_buffer_texture(RID p_render_buffers); RID render_buffers_get_gi_probe_buffer(RID p_render_buffers); RID render_buffers_get_default_gi_probe_buffer(); + RID render_buffers_get_gi_ambient_texture(RID p_render_buffers); + RID render_buffers_get_gi_reflection_texture(RID p_render_buffers); uint32_t render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_count(RID p_render_buffers) const; bool render_buffers_is_sdfgi_enabled(RID p_render_buffers) const; diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.cpp index 6203f3ba64..96dd5a6669 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.cpp @@ -2609,6 +2609,12 @@ void RendererStorageRD::mesh_add_surface(RID p_mesh, const RS::SurfaceData &p_su mesh->dependency.changed_notify(DEPENDENCY_CHANGED_MESH); + for (Set<Mesh *>::Element *E = mesh->shadow_owners.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + Mesh *shadow_owner = E->get(); + shadow_owner->shadow_mesh = RID(); + shadow_owner->dependency.changed_notify(DEPENDENCY_CHANGED_MESH); + } + mesh->material_cache.clear(); } @@ -2824,6 +2830,25 @@ AABB RendererStorageRD::mesh_get_aabb(RID p_mesh, RID p_skeleton) { return aabb; } +void RendererStorageRD::mesh_set_shadow_mesh(RID p_mesh, RID p_shadow_mesh) { + Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_mesh); + ERR_FAIL_COND(!mesh); + + Mesh *shadow_mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(mesh->shadow_mesh); + if (shadow_mesh) { + shadow_mesh->shadow_owners.erase(mesh); + } + mesh->shadow_mesh = p_shadow_mesh; + + shadow_mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(mesh->shadow_mesh); + + if (shadow_mesh) { + shadow_mesh->shadow_owners.insert(mesh); + } + + mesh->dependency.changed_notify(DEPENDENCY_CHANGED_MESH); +} + void RendererStorageRD::mesh_clear(RID p_mesh) { Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_mesh); ERR_FAIL_COND(!mesh); @@ -2871,6 +2896,12 @@ void RendererStorageRD::mesh_clear(RID p_mesh) { } mesh->has_bone_weights = false; mesh->dependency.changed_notify(DEPENDENCY_CHANGED_MESH); + + for (Set<Mesh *>::Element *E = mesh->shadow_owners.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + Mesh *shadow_owner = E->get(); + shadow_owner->shadow_mesh = RID(); + shadow_owner->dependency.changed_notify(DEPENDENCY_CHANGED_MESH); + } } bool RendererStorageRD::mesh_needs_instance(RID p_mesh, bool p_has_skeleton) { @@ -8161,17 +8192,26 @@ bool RendererStorageRD::free(RID p_rid) { material_owner.free(p_rid); } else if (mesh_owner.owns(p_rid)) { mesh_clear(p_rid); + mesh_set_shadow_mesh(p_rid, RID()); Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_rid); mesh->dependency.deleted_notify(p_rid); if (mesh->instances.size()) { ERR_PRINT("deleting mesh with active instances"); } + if (mesh->shadow_owners.size()) { + for (Set<Mesh *>::Element *E = mesh->shadow_owners.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + Mesh *shadow_owner = E->get(); + shadow_owner->shadow_mesh = RID(); + shadow_owner->dependency.changed_notify(DEPENDENCY_CHANGED_MESH); + } + } mesh_owner.free(p_rid); } else if (mesh_instance_owner.owns(p_rid)) { MeshInstance *mi = mesh_instance_owner.getornull(p_rid); _mesh_instance_clear(mi); mi->mesh->instances.erase(mi->I); mi->I = nullptr; + mesh_instance_owner.free(p_rid); memdelete(mi); diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.h index 2fb66ac573..aa7195232a 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.h @@ -478,6 +478,9 @@ private: List<MeshInstance *> instances; + RID shadow_mesh; + Set<Mesh *> shadow_owners; + Dependency dependency; }; @@ -1423,6 +1426,7 @@ public: virtual AABB mesh_get_custom_aabb(RID p_mesh) const; virtual AABB mesh_get_aabb(RID p_mesh, RID p_skeleton = RID()); + virtual void mesh_set_shadow_mesh(RID p_mesh, RID p_shadow_mesh); virtual void mesh_clear(RID p_mesh); @@ -1461,6 +1465,13 @@ public: return mesh->surfaces[p_surface_index]; } + _FORCE_INLINE_ RID mesh_get_shadow_mesh(RID p_mesh) { + Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_mesh); + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!mesh, RID()); + + return mesh->shadow_mesh; + } + _FORCE_INLINE_ RS::PrimitiveType mesh_surface_get_primitive(void *p_surface) { Mesh::Surface *surface = reinterpret_cast<Mesh::Surface *>(p_surface); return surface->primitive; diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cube_to_dp.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cube_to_dp.glsl index 54d67db6c6..c3ac0bee57 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cube_to_dp.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cube_to_dp.glsl @@ -1,33 +1,48 @@ -#[compute] +#[vertex] #version 450 VERSION_DEFINES -layout(local_size_x = 8, local_size_y = 8, local_size_z = 1) in; +layout(push_constant, binding = 1, std430) uniform Params { + float z_far; + float z_near; + bool z_flip; + uint pad; + vec4 screen_rect; +} +params; + +layout(location = 0) out vec2 uv_interp; + +void main() { + vec2 base_arr[4] = vec2[](vec2(0.0, 0.0), vec2(0.0, 1.0), vec2(1.0, 1.0), vec2(1.0, 0.0)); + uv_interp = base_arr[gl_VertexIndex]; + vec2 screen_pos = uv_interp * params.screen_rect.zw + params.screen_rect.xy; + gl_Position = vec4(screen_pos * 2.0 - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); +} + +#[fragment] + +#version 450 + +VERSION_DEFINES + +layout(location = 0) in vec2 uv_interp; layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform samplerCube source_cube; layout(push_constant, binding = 1, std430) uniform Params { - ivec2 screen_size; - ivec2 offset; - float bias; float z_far; float z_near; bool z_flip; + uint pad; + vec4 screen_rect; } params; -layout(r32f, set = 1, binding = 0) uniform restrict writeonly image2D depth_buffer; - void main() { - ivec2 pos = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy); - if (any(greaterThan(pos, params.screen_size))) { //too large, do nothing - return; - } - - vec2 pixel_size = 1.0 / vec2(params.screen_size); - vec2 uv = (vec2(pos) + 0.5) * pixel_size; + vec2 uv = uv_interp; vec3 normal = vec3(uv * 2.0 - 1.0, 0.0); @@ -65,5 +80,5 @@ void main() { float linear_depth = 2.0 * params.z_near * params.z_far / (params.z_far + params.z_near - depth * (params.z_far - params.z_near)); depth = (linear_depth * depth_fix) / params.z_far; - imageStore(depth_buffer, pos + params.offset, vec4(depth)); + gl_FragDepth = depth; } diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/gi.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/gi.glsl index c2965f9874..35522103df 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/gi.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/gi.glsl @@ -97,13 +97,12 @@ layout(push_constant, binding = 0, std430) uniform Params { vec4 proj_info; + vec3 ao_color; uint max_giprobes; + bool high_quality_vct; - uint pad2; bool orthogonal; - - vec3 ao_color; - uint pad; + uint pad[2]; mat3x4 cam_rotation; } @@ -594,28 +593,16 @@ vec4 fetch_normal_and_roughness(ivec2 pos) { return normal_roughness; } -void main() { - // Pixel being shaded - ivec2 pos = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy); - if (any(greaterThanEqual(pos, params.screen_size))) { //too large, do nothing - return; - } - - vec3 vertex = reconstruct_position(pos); - vertex.y = -vertex.y; - +void process_gi(ivec2 pos, vec3 vertex, inout vec4 ambient_light, inout vec4 reflection_light) { vec4 normal_roughness = fetch_normal_and_roughness(pos); - vec3 normal = normal_roughness.xyz; - vec4 ambient_light = vec4(0.0), reflection_light = vec4(0.0); + vec3 normal = normal_roughness.xyz; if (normal.length() > 0.5) { //valid normal, can do GI float roughness = normal_roughness.w; - vertex = mat3(params.cam_rotation) * vertex; normal = normalize(mat3(params.cam_rotation) * normal); - vec3 reflection = normalize(reflect(normalize(vertex), normal)); #ifdef USE_SDFGI @@ -646,16 +633,39 @@ void main() { spec_accum /= blend_accum; } - if (params.use_sdfgi) { - reflection_light = blend_color(spec_accum, reflection_light); - ambient_light = blend_color(amb_accum, ambient_light); - } else { - reflection_light = spec_accum; - ambient_light = amb_accum; - } +#ifdef USE_SDFGI + reflection_light = blend_color(spec_accum, reflection_light); + ambient_light = blend_color(amb_accum, ambient_light); +#else + reflection_light = spec_accum; + ambient_light = amb_accum; +#endif } #endif } +} + +void main() { + ivec2 pos = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy); + +#ifdef MODE_HALF_RES + pos <<= 1; +#endif + if (any(greaterThanEqual(pos, params.screen_size))) { //too large, do nothing + return; + } + + vec4 ambient_light = vec4(0.0); + vec4 reflection_light = vec4(0.0); + + vec3 vertex = reconstruct_position(pos); + vertex.y = -vertex.y; + + process_gi(pos, vertex, ambient_light, reflection_light); + +#ifdef MODE_HALF_RES + pos >>= 1; +#endif imageStore(ambient_buffer, pos, ambient_light); imageStore(reflection_buffer, pos, reflection_light); diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/resolve.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/resolve.glsl index 9429a66dc9..e83c4ca93b 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/resolve.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/resolve.glsl @@ -58,6 +58,116 @@ void main() { #else +#if 1 + + vec4 group1; + vec4 group2; + vec4 group3; + vec4 group4; + int best_index = 0; + + //2X + group1.x = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 0).r; + group1.y = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 1).r; + + //4X + if (params.sample_count >= 4) { + group1.z = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 2).r; + group1.w = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 3).r; + } + //8X + if (params.sample_count >= 8) { + group2.x = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 4).r; + group2.y = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 5).r; + group2.z = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 6).r; + group2.w = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 7).r; + } + //16X + if (params.sample_count >= 16) { + group3.x = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 8).r; + group3.y = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 9).r; + group3.z = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 10).r; + group3.w = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 11).r; + + group4.x = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 12).r; + group4.y = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 13).r; + group4.z = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 14).r; + group4.w = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 15).r; + } + + if (params.sample_count == 2) { + best_index = (pos.x & 1) ^ ((pos.y >> 1) & 1); //not much can be done here + } else if (params.sample_count == 4) { + vec4 freq = vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group1.x))); + freq += vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group1.y))); + freq += vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group1.z))); + freq += vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group1.w))); + + float min_f = freq.x; + best_index = 0; + if (freq.y < min_f) { + best_index = 1; + min_f = freq.y; + } + if (freq.z < min_f) { + best_index = 2; + min_f = freq.z; + } + if (freq.w < min_f) { + best_index = 3; + } + } else if (params.sample_count == 8) { + vec4 freq0 = vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group1.x))); + vec4 freq1 = vec4(equal(group2, vec4(group1.x))); + freq0 += vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group1.y))); + freq1 += vec4(equal(group2, vec4(group1.y))); + freq0 += vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group1.z))); + freq1 += vec4(equal(group2, vec4(group1.z))); + freq0 += vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group1.w))); + freq1 += vec4(equal(group2, vec4(group1.w))); + freq0 += vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group2.x))); + freq1 += vec4(equal(group2, vec4(group2.x))); + freq0 += vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group2.y))); + freq1 += vec4(equal(group2, vec4(group2.y))); + freq0 += vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group2.z))); + freq1 += vec4(equal(group2, vec4(group2.z))); + freq0 += vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group2.w))); + freq1 += vec4(equal(group2, vec4(group2.w))); + + float min_f0 = freq0.x; + int best_index0 = 0; + if (freq0.y < min_f0) { + best_index0 = 1; + min_f0 = freq0.y; + } + if (freq0.z < min_f0) { + best_index0 = 2; + min_f0 = freq0.z; + } + if (freq0.w < min_f0) { + best_index0 = 3; + min_f0 = freq0.w; + } + + float min_f1 = freq1.x; + int best_index1 = 4; + if (freq1.y < min_f1) { + best_index1 = 5; + min_f1 = freq1.y; + } + if (freq1.z < min_f1) { + best_index1 = 6; + min_f1 = freq1.z; + } + if (freq1.w < min_f1) { + best_index1 = 7; + min_f1 = freq1.w; + } + + best_index = mix(best_index0, best_index1, min_f0 < min_f1); + } + +#else float depths[16]; int depth_indices[16]; int depth_amount[16]; @@ -91,7 +201,7 @@ void main() { depth_least = depth_amount[j]; } } - +#endif best_depth = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, best_index).r; best_normal_roughness = texelFetch(source_normal_roughness, pos, best_index); #ifdef GIPROBE_RESOLVE diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward.glsl index c3e7e2acbf..ea203c8abe 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward.glsl @@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@ float light_process_spot_shadow(uint idx, vec3 vertex, vec3 normal) { } else { #endif //hard shadow - vec4 shadow_uv = vec4(splane.xy * spot_lights.data[idx].atlas_rect.zw + spot_lights.data[idx].atlas_rect.xy, z_norm, 1.0); + vec4 shadow_uv = vec4(splane.xy * spot_lights.data[idx].atlas_rect.zw + spot_lights.data[idx].atlas_rect.xy, splane.z, 1.0); shadow = sample_pcf_shadow(shadow_atlas, spot_lights.data[idx].soft_shadow_scale * scene_data.shadow_atlas_pixel_size, shadow_uv); #ifdef USE_SOFT_SHADOWS @@ -2371,17 +2371,17 @@ FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE if (bool(draw_call.flags & INSTANCE_FLAGS_USE_GI_BUFFERS)) { //use GI buffers - ivec2 coord; + vec2 coord; if (scene_data.gi_upscale_for_msaa) { - ivec2 base_coord = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy); - ivec2 closest_coord = base_coord; - float closest_ang = dot(normal, texelFetch(sampler2D(normal_roughness_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), base_coord, 0).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0); + vec2 base_coord = screen_uv; + vec2 closest_coord = base_coord; + float closest_ang = dot(normal, textureLod(sampler2D(normal_roughness_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), base_coord, 0.0).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { - const ivec2 neighbours[4] = ivec2[](ivec2(-1, 0), ivec2(1, 0), ivec2(0, -1), ivec2(0, 1)); - ivec2 neighbour_coord = base_coord + neighbours[i]; - float neighbour_ang = dot(normal, texelFetch(sampler2D(normal_roughness_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), neighbour_coord, 0).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0); + const vec2 neighbours[4] = vec2[](vec2(-1, 0), vec2(1, 0), vec2(0, -1), vec2(0, 1)); + vec2 neighbour_coord = base_coord + neighbours[i] * scene_data.screen_pixel_size; + float neighbour_ang = dot(normal, textureLod(sampler2D(normal_roughness_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), neighbour_coord, 0.0).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0); if (neighbour_ang > closest_ang) { closest_ang = neighbour_ang; closest_coord = neighbour_coord; @@ -2391,11 +2391,11 @@ FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE coord = closest_coord; } else { - coord = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy); + coord = screen_uv; } - vec4 buffer_ambient = texelFetch(sampler2D(ambient_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), coord, 0); - vec4 buffer_reflection = texelFetch(sampler2D(reflection_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), coord, 0); + vec4 buffer_ambient = textureLod(sampler2D(ambient_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), coord, 0.0); + vec4 buffer_reflection = textureLod(sampler2D(reflection_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), coord, 0.0); ambient_light = mix(ambient_light, buffer_ambient.rgb, buffer_ambient.a); specular_light = mix(specular_light, buffer_reflection.rgb, buffer_reflection.a); diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward_inc.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward_inc.glsl index a37e32e1fc..e9b79e1560 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward_inc.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward_inc.glsl @@ -153,22 +153,22 @@ scene_data; #define INSTANCE_FLAGS_SKELETON (1 << 19) #define INSTANCE_FLAGS_NON_UNIFORM_SCALE (1 << 20) -layout(set = 0, binding = 5, std430) restrict readonly buffer OmniLights { +layout(set = 0, binding = 4, std430) restrict readonly buffer OmniLights { LightData data[]; } omni_lights; -layout(set = 0, binding = 6, std430) restrict readonly buffer SpotLights { +layout(set = 0, binding = 5, std430) restrict readonly buffer SpotLights { LightData data[]; } spot_lights; -layout(set = 0, binding = 7) buffer restrict readonly ReflectionProbeData { +layout(set = 0, binding = 6) buffer restrict readonly ReflectionProbeData { ReflectionData data[]; } reflections; -layout(set = 0, binding = 8, std140) uniform DirectionalLights { +layout(set = 0, binding = 7, std140) uniform DirectionalLights { DirectionalLightData data[MAX_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT_DATA_STRUCTS]; } directional_lights; @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ struct Lightmap { mat3 normal_xform; }; -layout(set = 0, binding = 10, std140) restrict readonly buffer Lightmaps { +layout(set = 0, binding = 8, std140) restrict readonly buffer Lightmaps { Lightmap data[]; } lightmaps; @@ -189,22 +189,20 @@ struct LightmapCapture { vec4 sh[9]; }; -layout(set = 0, binding = 11, std140) restrict readonly buffer LightmapCaptures { +layout(set = 0, binding = 9, std140) restrict readonly buffer LightmapCaptures { LightmapCapture data[]; } lightmap_captures; -layout(set = 0, binding = 12) uniform texture2D decal_atlas; -layout(set = 0, binding = 13) uniform texture2D decal_atlas_srgb; +layout(set = 0, binding = 10) uniform texture2D decal_atlas; +layout(set = 0, binding = 11) uniform texture2D decal_atlas_srgb; -layout(set = 0, binding = 14, std430) restrict readonly buffer Decals { +layout(set = 0, binding = 12, std430) restrict readonly buffer Decals { DecalData data[]; } decals; -layout(set = 0, binding = 15) uniform texture2D directional_shadow_atlas; - -layout(set = 0, binding = 16, std430) restrict readonly buffer GlobalVariableData { +layout(set = 0, binding = 13, std430) restrict readonly buffer GlobalVariableData { vec4 data[]; } global_variables; @@ -218,7 +216,7 @@ struct SDFGIProbeCascadeData { float to_cell; // 1/bounds * grid_size }; -layout(set = 0, binding = 17, std140) uniform SDFGI { +layout(set = 0, binding = 14, std140) uniform SDFGI { vec3 grid_size; uint max_cascades; @@ -268,13 +266,15 @@ layout(set = 1, binding = 1) uniform textureCubeArray reflection_atlas; layout(set = 1, binding = 2) uniform texture2D shadow_atlas; -layout(set = 1, binding = 3) uniform texture2DArray lightmap_textures[MAX_LIGHTMAP_TEXTURES]; +layout(set = 1, binding = 3) uniform texture2D directional_shadow_atlas; + +layout(set = 1, binding = 4) uniform texture2DArray lightmap_textures[MAX_LIGHTMAP_TEXTURES]; #ifndef LOW_END_MODE -layout(set = 1, binding = 4) uniform texture3D gi_probe_textures[MAX_GI_PROBES]; +layout(set = 1, binding = 5) uniform texture3D gi_probe_textures[MAX_GI_PROBES]; #endif -layout(set = 1, binding = 5, std430) buffer restrict readonly ClusterBuffer { +layout(set = 1, binding = 6, std430) buffer restrict readonly ClusterBuffer { uint data[]; } cluster_buffer; @@ -283,10 +283,10 @@ cluster_buffer; #ifdef MODE_RENDER_SDF -layout(r16ui, set = 1, binding = 6) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D albedo_volume_grid; -layout(r32ui, set = 1, binding = 7) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D emission_grid; -layout(r32ui, set = 1, binding = 8) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D emission_aniso_grid; -layout(r32ui, set = 1, binding = 9) uniform restrict uimage3D geom_facing_grid; +layout(r16ui, set = 1, binding = 7) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D albedo_volume_grid; +layout(r32ui, set = 1, binding = 8) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D emission_grid; +layout(r32ui, set = 1, binding = 9) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D emission_aniso_grid; +layout(r32ui, set = 1, binding = 10) uniform restrict uimage3D geom_facing_grid; //still need to be present for shaders that use it, so remap them to something #define depth_buffer shadow_atlas @@ -295,17 +295,17 @@ layout(r32ui, set = 1, binding = 9) uniform restrict uimage3D geom_facing_grid; #else -layout(set = 1, binding = 6) uniform texture2D depth_buffer; -layout(set = 1, binding = 7) uniform texture2D color_buffer; +layout(set = 1, binding = 7) uniform texture2D depth_buffer; +layout(set = 1, binding = 8) uniform texture2D color_buffer; #ifndef LOW_END_MODE -layout(set = 1, binding = 8) uniform texture2D normal_roughness_buffer; -layout(set = 1, binding = 9) uniform texture2D ao_buffer; -layout(set = 1, binding = 10) uniform texture2D ambient_buffer; -layout(set = 1, binding = 11) uniform texture2D reflection_buffer; -layout(set = 1, binding = 12) uniform texture2DArray sdfgi_lightprobe_texture; -layout(set = 1, binding = 13) uniform texture3D sdfgi_occlusion_cascades; +layout(set = 1, binding = 9) uniform texture2D normal_roughness_buffer; +layout(set = 1, binding = 10) uniform texture2D ao_buffer; +layout(set = 1, binding = 11) uniform texture2D ambient_buffer; +layout(set = 1, binding = 12) uniform texture2D reflection_buffer; +layout(set = 1, binding = 13) uniform texture2DArray sdfgi_lightprobe_texture; +layout(set = 1, binding = 14) uniform texture3D sdfgi_occlusion_cascades; struct GIProbeData { mat4 xform; @@ -323,12 +323,12 @@ struct GIProbeData { uint mipmaps; }; -layout(set = 1, binding = 14, std140) uniform GIProbes { +layout(set = 1, binding = 15, std140) uniform GIProbes { GIProbeData data[MAX_GI_PROBES]; } gi_probes; -layout(set = 1, binding = 15) uniform texture3D volumetric_fog_texture; +layout(set = 1, binding = 16) uniform texture3D volumetric_fog_texture; #endif // LOW_END_MODE diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug.glsl index 813ea29fa1..e4c3f3a84b 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug.glsl @@ -97,6 +97,8 @@ void main() { float blend = 0.0; #if 1 + // No interpolation + vec3 inv_dir = 1.0 / ray_dir; float rough = 0.5; @@ -161,114 +163,11 @@ void main() { hit_light *= (dot(max(vec3(0.0), (hit_normal * hit_aniso0)), vec3(1.0)) + dot(max(vec3(0.0), (-hit_normal * hit_aniso1)), vec3(1.0))); - if (blend > 0.0) { - light = mix(light, hit_light, blend); - blend = 0.0; - } else { - light = hit_light; - - //process blend - float blend_from = (float(params.probe_axis_size - 1) / 2.0) - 2.5; - float blend_to = blend_from + 2.0; - - vec3 cam_pos = params.cam_transform[3].xyz - cascades.data[i].offset; - cam_pos *= cascades.data[i].to_cell; - - pos += ray_dir * min(advance, max_advance); - vec3 inner_pos = pos - cam_pos; - - inner_pos = inner_pos * float(params.probe_axis_size - 1) / params.grid_size.x; - - float len = length(inner_pos); - - inner_pos = abs(normalize(inner_pos)); - len *= max(inner_pos.x, max(inner_pos.y, inner_pos.z)); - - if (len >= blend_from) { - blend = smoothstep(blend_from, blend_to, len); - - pos /= cascades.data[i].to_cell; - pos += cascades.data[i].offset; - ray_pos = pos; - hit = false; //continue trace for blend - - continue; - } - } + light = hit_light; break; } - light = mix(light, vec3(0.0), blend); - -#else - - vec3 inv_dir = 1.0 / ray_dir; - - bool hit = false; - vec4 light_accum = vec4(0.0); - - float blend_size = (params.grid_size.x / float(params.probe_axis_size - 1)) * 0.5; - - float radius_sizes[MAX_CASCADES]; - for (uint i = 0; i < params.max_cascades; i++) { - radius_sizes[i] = (1.0 / cascades.data[i].to_cell) * (params.grid_size.x * 0.5 - blend_size); - } - - float max_distance = radius_sizes[params.max_cascades - 1]; - float advance = 0; - while (advance < max_distance) { - for (uint i = 0; i < params.max_cascades; i++) { - if (advance < radius_sizes[i]) { - vec3 pos = (ray_pos + ray_dir * advance) - cascades.data[i].offset; - pos *= cascades.data[i].to_cell * pos_to_uvw; - - float distance = texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[i], linear_sampler), pos).r * 255.0 - 1.0; - - vec4 hit_light = vec4(0.0); - if (distance < 1.0) { - hit_light.a = max(0.0, 1.0 - distance); - hit_light.rgb = texture(sampler3D(light_cascades[i], linear_sampler), pos).rgb; - hit_light.rgb *= hit_light.a; - } - - distance /= cascades.data[i].to_cell; - - if (i < (params.max_cascades - 1)) { - pos = (ray_pos + ray_dir * advance) - cascades.data[i + 1].offset; - pos *= cascades.data[i + 1].to_cell * pos_to_uvw; - - float distance2 = texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[i + 1], linear_sampler), pos).r * 255.0 - 1.0; - - vec4 hit_light2 = vec4(0.0); - if (distance2 < 1.0) { - hit_light2.a = max(0.0, 1.0 - distance2); - hit_light2.rgb = texture(sampler3D(light_cascades[i + 1], linear_sampler), pos).rgb; - hit_light2.rgb *= hit_light2.a; - } - - float prev_radius = i == 0 ? 0.0 : radius_sizes[i - 1]; - float blend = (advance - prev_radius) / (radius_sizes[i] - prev_radius); - - distance2 /= cascades.data[i + 1].to_cell; - - hit_light = mix(hit_light, hit_light2, blend); - distance = mix(distance, distance2, blend); - } - - light_accum += hit_light; - advance += distance; - break; - } - } - - if (light_accum.a > 0.98) { - break; - } - } - - light = light_accum.rgb / light_accum.a; - #endif imageStore(screen_buffer, screen_pos, vec4(linear_to_srgb(light), 1.0)); diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_direct_light.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_direct_light.glsl index ed0a8a4b86..bcdfe8cc85 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_direct_light.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_direct_light.glsl @@ -125,7 +125,10 @@ void main() { uint voxel_index = uint(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x); //used for skipping voxels every N frames - voxel_index = params.process_offset + voxel_index * params.process_increment; + if (params.process_increment > 1) { + voxel_index *= params.process_increment; + voxel_index += params.process_offset; + } if (voxel_index >= dispatch_data.total_count) { return; diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_integrate.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_integrate.glsl index 67630a3aa1..d122e7a38a 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_integrate.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_integrate.glsl @@ -189,14 +189,12 @@ void main() { vec3 inv_dir = 1.0 / ray_dir; bool hit = false; - vec3 hit_normal; - vec3 hit_light; - vec3 hit_aniso0; - vec3 hit_aniso1; + uint hit_cascade; float bias = params.ray_bias; vec3 abs_ray_dir = abs(ray_dir); ray_pos += ray_dir * 1.0 / max(abs_ray_dir.x, max(abs_ray_dir.y, abs_ray_dir.z)) * bias / cascades.data[params.cascade].to_cell; + vec3 uvw; for (uint j = params.cascade; j < params.max_cascades; j++) { //convert to local bounds @@ -215,14 +213,12 @@ void main() { float advance = 0.0; - vec3 uvw; - while (advance < max_advance) { //read how much to advance from SDF uvw = (pos + ray_dir * advance) * pos_to_uvw; float distance = texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw).r * 255.0 - 1.0; - if (distance < 0.001) { + if (distance < 0.05) { //consider hit hit = true; break; @@ -232,17 +228,7 @@ void main() { } if (hit) { - const float EPSILON = 0.001; - hit_normal = normalize(vec3( - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw + vec3(EPSILON, 0.0, 0.0)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw - vec3(EPSILON, 0.0, 0.0)).r, - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw + vec3(0.0, EPSILON, 0.0)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw - vec3(0.0, EPSILON, 0.0)).r, - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw + vec3(0.0, 0.0, EPSILON)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw - vec3(0.0, 0.0, EPSILON)).r)); - - hit_light = texture(sampler3D(light_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw).rgb; - vec4 aniso0 = texture(sampler3D(aniso0_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw); - hit_aniso0 = aniso0.rgb; - hit_aniso1 = vec3(aniso0.a, texture(sampler3D(aniso1_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw).rg); - + hit_cascade = j; break; } @@ -255,6 +241,17 @@ void main() { vec4 light; if (hit) { + const float EPSILON = 0.001; + vec3 hit_normal = normalize(vec3( + texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[hit_cascade], linear_sampler), uvw + vec3(EPSILON, 0.0, 0.0)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[hit_cascade], linear_sampler), uvw - vec3(EPSILON, 0.0, 0.0)).r, + texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[hit_cascade], linear_sampler), uvw + vec3(0.0, EPSILON, 0.0)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[hit_cascade], linear_sampler), uvw - vec3(0.0, EPSILON, 0.0)).r, + texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[hit_cascade], linear_sampler), uvw + vec3(0.0, 0.0, EPSILON)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[hit_cascade], linear_sampler), uvw - vec3(0.0, 0.0, EPSILON)).r)); + + vec3 hit_light = texture(sampler3D(light_cascades[hit_cascade], linear_sampler), uvw).rgb; + vec4 aniso0 = texture(sampler3D(aniso0_cascades[hit_cascade], linear_sampler), uvw); + vec3 hit_aniso0 = aniso0.rgb; + vec3 hit_aniso1 = vec3(aniso0.a, texture(sampler3D(aniso1_cascades[hit_cascade], linear_sampler), uvw).rg); + //one liner magic light.rgb = hit_light * (dot(max(vec3(0.0), (hit_normal * hit_aniso0)), vec3(1.0)) + dot(max(vec3(0.0), (-hit_normal * hit_aniso1)), vec3(1.0))); light.a = 1.0; @@ -490,13 +487,15 @@ void main() { //can't scroll, must look for position in parent cascade //to global coords - float probe_cell_size = float(params.grid_size.x / float(params.probe_axis_size - 1)) / cascades.data[params.cascade].to_cell; + float cell_to_probe = float(params.grid_size.x / float(params.probe_axis_size - 1)); + + float probe_cell_size = cell_to_probe / cascades.data[params.cascade].to_cell; vec3 probe_pos = cascades.data[params.cascade].offset + vec3(probe_cell) * probe_cell_size; //to parent local coords + float probe_cell_size_next = cell_to_probe / cascades.data[params.cascade + 1].to_cell; probe_pos -= cascades.data[params.cascade + 1].offset; - probe_pos *= cascades.data[params.cascade + 1].to_cell; - probe_pos = probe_pos * float(params.probe_axis_size - 1) / float(params.grid_size.x); + probe_pos /= probe_cell_size_next; ivec3 probe_posi = ivec3(probe_pos); //add up all light, no need to use occlusion here, since occlusion will do its work afterwards @@ -549,20 +548,28 @@ void main() { } } else { - // clear and let it re-raytrace, only for the last cascade, which happens very un-often - //scroll + //scroll at the edge of the highest cascade, just copy what is there, + //since its the closest we have anyway + for (uint j = 0; j < params.history_size; j++) { + ivec2 tex_pos; + tex_pos = probe_cell.xy; + tex_pos.x += probe_cell.z * int(params.probe_axis_size); + for (int i = 0; i < SH_SIZE; i++) { // copy from history texture + ivec3 src_pos = ivec3(tex_pos.x, tex_pos.y * SH_SIZE + i, int(j)); ivec3 dst_pos = ivec3(pos.x, pos.y * SH_SIZE + i, int(j)); - imageStore(lightprobe_history_scroll_texture, dst_pos, ivec4(0)); + ivec4 value = imageLoad(lightprobe_history_texture, dst_pos); + imageStore(lightprobe_history_scroll_texture, dst_pos, value); } } for (int i = 0; i < SH_SIZE; i++) { // copy from average texture - ivec2 dst_pos = ivec2(pos.x, pos.y * SH_SIZE + i); - imageStore(lightprobe_average_scroll_texture, dst_pos, ivec4(0)); + ivec2 spos = ivec2(pos.x, pos.y * SH_SIZE + i); + ivec4 average = imageLoad(lightprobe_average_texture, spos); + imageStore(lightprobe_average_scroll_texture, spos, average); } } diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_scene.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene.h index c483898fed..d92642886c 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_scene.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene.h @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public: virtual Variant instance_geometry_get_shader_parameter(RID p_instance, const StringName &p_parameter) const = 0; virtual Variant instance_geometry_get_shader_parameter_default_value(RID p_instance, const StringName &p_parameter) const = 0; - virtual void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size) = 0; + virtual void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size, bool p_16_bits = false) = 0; /* SKY API */ @@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ public: virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount p_ray_count) = 0; virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge p_frames) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_update_light(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight p_update) = 0; virtual void environment_set_tonemap(RID p_env, RS::EnvironmentToneMapper p_tone_mapper, float p_exposure, float p_white, bool p_auto_exposure, float p_min_luminance, float p_max_luminance, float p_auto_exp_speed, float p_auto_exp_scale) = 0; @@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ public: virtual void directional_shadow_quality_set(RS::ShadowQuality p_quality) = 0; virtual RID shadow_atlas_create() = 0; - virtual void shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size) = 0; + virtual void shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size, bool p_use_16_bits = false) = 0; virtual void shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_atlas, int p_quadrant, int p_subdivision) = 0; /* Render Buffers */ @@ -180,6 +181,8 @@ public: virtual RID render_buffers_create() = 0; virtual void render_buffers_configure(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_render_target, int p_width, int p_height, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa, RS::ViewportScreenSpaceAA p_screen_space_aa, bool p_use_debanding) = 0; + virtual void gi_set_use_half_resolution(bool p_enable) = 0; + virtual void set_debug_draw_mode(RS::ViewportDebugDraw p_debug_draw) = 0; virtual TypedArray<Image> bake_render_uv2(RID p_base, const Vector<RID> &p_material_overrides, const Size2i &p_image_size) = 0; diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_cull.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_cull.h index 796fb14743..2ffaf48675 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_cull.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_cull.h @@ -795,6 +795,7 @@ public: lightmaps.set_page_pool(p_rid_pool); reflections.set_page_pool(p_rid_pool); decals.set_page_pool(p_rid_pool); + gi_probes.set_page_pool(p_rid_pool); mesh_instances.set_page_pool(p_rid_pool); for (int i = 0; i < RendererSceneRender::MAX_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < RendererSceneRender::MAX_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT_CASCADES; j++) { @@ -946,7 +947,7 @@ public: #define PASSBASE scene_render - PASS1(directional_shadow_atlas_set_size, int) + PASS2(directional_shadow_atlas_set_size, int, bool) PASS1(gi_probe_set_quality, RS::GIProbeQuality) /* SKY API */ @@ -995,6 +996,7 @@ public: PASS11(environment_set_sdfgi, RID, bool, RS::EnvironmentSDFGICascades, float, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIYScale, bool, bool, bool, float, float, float) PASS1(environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount) PASS1(environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge) + PASS1(environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_update_light, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight) PASS1RC(RS::EnvironmentBG, environment_get_background, RID) PASS1RC(int, environment_get_canvas_max_layer, RID) @@ -1024,10 +1026,11 @@ public: PASS0R(RID, render_buffers_create) PASS7(render_buffers_configure, RID, RID, int, int, RS::ViewportMSAA, RS::ViewportScreenSpaceAA, bool) + PASS1(gi_set_use_half_resolution, bool) /* Shadow Atlas */ PASS0R(RID, shadow_atlas_create) - PASS2(shadow_atlas_set_size, RID, int) + PASS3(shadow_atlas_set_size, RID, int, bool) PASS3(shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision, RID, int, int) PASS1(set_debug_draw_mode, RS::ViewportDebugDraw) diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_render.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_render.h index 85353c400d..ecec03db94 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_render.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_render.h @@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ public: virtual RID shadow_atlas_create() = 0; - virtual void shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size) = 0; + virtual void shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size, bool p_16_bits = false) = 0; virtual void shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_atlas, int p_quadrant, int p_subdivision) = 0; virtual bool shadow_atlas_update_light(RID p_atlas, RID p_light_intance, float p_coverage, uint64_t p_light_version) = 0; - virtual void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size) = 0; + virtual void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size, bool p_16_bits = false) = 0; virtual int get_directional_light_shadow_size(RID p_light_intance) = 0; virtual void set_directional_shadow_count(int p_count) = 0; @@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ public: virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount p_ray_count) = 0; virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge p_frames) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_update_light(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight p_update) = 0; virtual void environment_set_tonemap(RID p_env, RS::EnvironmentToneMapper p_tone_mapper, float p_exposure, float p_white, bool p_auto_exposure, float p_min_luminance, float p_max_luminance, float p_auto_exp_speed, float p_auto_exp_scale) = 0; @@ -208,6 +209,7 @@ public: virtual RID render_buffers_create() = 0; virtual void render_buffers_configure(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_render_target, int p_width, int p_height, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa, RS::ViewportScreenSpaceAA p_screen_space_aa, bool p_use_debanding) = 0; + virtual void gi_set_use_half_resolution(bool p_enable) = 0; virtual void screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active(bool p_enable, float p_amount, float p_limit) = 0; virtual bool screen_space_roughness_limiter_is_active() const = 0; diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_storage.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_storage.h index 64c23c7803..7a80c2b0bf 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_storage.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_storage.h @@ -234,6 +234,8 @@ public: virtual AABB mesh_get_aabb(RID p_mesh, RID p_skeleton = RID()) = 0; + virtual void mesh_set_shadow_mesh(RID p_mesh, RID p_shadow_mesh) = 0; + virtual void mesh_clear(RID p_mesh) = 0; virtual bool mesh_needs_instance(RID p_mesh, bool p_has_skeleton) = 0; diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.cpp index 9956e4050b..d52da5b331 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.cpp @@ -831,13 +831,14 @@ void RendererViewport::viewport_set_canvas_stacking(RID p_viewport, RID p_canvas viewport->canvas_map[p_canvas].sublayer = p_sublayer; } -void RendererViewport::viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size(RID p_viewport, int p_size) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size(RID p_viewport, int p_size, bool p_16_bits) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); viewport->shadow_atlas_size = p_size; + viewport->shadow_atlas_16_bits = p_16_bits; - RSG::scene->shadow_atlas_set_size(viewport->shadow_atlas, viewport->shadow_atlas_size); + RSG::scene->shadow_atlas_set_size(viewport->shadow_atlas, viewport->shadow_atlas_size, viewport->shadow_atlas_16_bits); } void RendererViewport::viewport_set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_viewport, int p_quadrant, int p_subdiv) { diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.h index c3ff52a836..979cbb095b 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.h @@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ public: RID shadow_atlas; int shadow_atlas_size; + bool shadow_atlas_16_bits = false; bool sdf_active; @@ -217,7 +218,7 @@ public: void viewport_set_global_canvas_transform(RID p_viewport, const Transform2D &p_transform); void viewport_set_canvas_stacking(RID p_viewport, RID p_canvas, int p_layer, int p_sublayer); - void viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size(RID p_viewport, int p_size); + void viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size(RID p_viewport, int p_size, bool p_16_bits = false); void viewport_set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_viewport, int p_quadrant, int p_subdiv); void viewport_set_msaa(RID p_viewport, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa); diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_device.cpp b/servers/rendering/rendering_device.cpp index 9ae3e5819e..89483d9f50 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_device.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_device.cpp @@ -745,6 +745,7 @@ void RenderingDevice::_bind_methods() { BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(DYNAMIC_STATE_STENCIL_REFERENCE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR); //start rendering and clear the framebuffer (supply params) + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR_REGION); //start rendering and clear the framebuffer (supply params) BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP); //start rendering); but keep attached color texture contents (depth will be cleared) BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(INITIAL_ACTION_DROP); //start rendering); ignore what is there); just write above it BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(INITIAL_ACTION_CONTINUE); //continue rendering (framebuffer must have been left in "continue" state as final action previously) diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_device.h b/servers/rendering/rendering_device.h index f67e4dfbab..eb051067d3 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_device.h +++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_device.h @@ -931,7 +931,8 @@ public: /********************/ enum InitialAction { - INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR, //start rendering and clear the framebuffer (supply params) + INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR, //start rendering and clear the whole framebuffer (region or not) (supply params) + INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR_REGION, //start rendering and clear the framebuffer in the specified region (supply params) INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP, //start rendering, but keep attached color texture contents (depth will be cleared) INITIAL_ACTION_DROP, //start rendering, ignore what is there, just write above it INITIAL_ACTION_CONTINUE, //continue rendering (framebuffer must have been left in "continue" state as final action previously) diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.cpp b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.cpp index 8c6e97a0af..360b333454 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.cpp @@ -162,6 +162,51 @@ void RenderingServerDefault::draw(bool p_swap_buffers, double frame_step) { } frame_profile_frame = RSG::storage->get_captured_timestamps_frame(); + + if (print_gpu_profile) { + if (print_frame_profile_ticks_from == 0) { + print_frame_profile_ticks_from = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); + } + float total_time = 0.0; + + for (int i = 0; i < frame_profile.size() - 1; i++) { + String name = frame_profile[i].name; + if (name[0] == '<' || name[0] == '>') { + continue; + } + + float time = frame_profile[i + 1].gpu_msec - frame_profile[i].gpu_msec; + + if (name[0] != '<' && name[0] != '>') { + if (print_gpu_profile_task_time.has(name)) { + print_gpu_profile_task_time[name] += time; + } else { + print_gpu_profile_task_time[name] = time; + } + } + } + + if (frame_profile.size()) { + total_time = frame_profile[frame_profile.size() - 1].gpu_msec; + } + + uint64_t ticks_elapsed = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - print_frame_profile_ticks_from; + print_frame_profile_frame_count++; + if (ticks_elapsed > 1000000) { + print_line("GPU PROFILE (total " + rtos(total_time) + "ms): "); + + float print_threshold = 0.01; + for (OrderedHashMap<String, float>::Element E = print_gpu_profile_task_time.front(); E; E = E.next()) { + float time = E.value() / float(print_frame_profile_frame_count); + if (time > print_threshold) { + print_line("\t-" + E.key() + ": " + rtos(time) + "ms"); + } + } + print_gpu_profile_task_time.clear(); + print_frame_profile_ticks_from = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); + print_frame_profile_frame_count = 0; + } + } } float RenderingServerDefault::get_frame_setup_time_cpu() const { @@ -232,6 +277,11 @@ void RenderingServerDefault::sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(const Vector3 &p_posit RSG::scene->sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(p_position, p_dir); } +void RenderingServerDefault::set_print_gpu_profile(bool p_enable) { + RSG::storage->capturing_timestamps = p_enable; + print_gpu_profile = p_enable; +} + RID RenderingServerDefault::get_test_cube() { if (!test_cube.is_valid()) { test_cube = _make_test_cube(); diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.h b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.h index 71f459f34a..83afd9096d 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.h +++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.h @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ #define RENDERING_SERVER_DEFAULT_H #include "core/math/octree.h" +#include "core/templates/ordered_hash_map.h" #include "renderer_canvas_cull.h" #include "renderer_scene_cull.h" #include "renderer_viewport.h" @@ -74,6 +75,12 @@ class RenderingServerDefault : public RenderingServer { float frame_setup_time = 0; + //for printing + bool print_gpu_profile = false; + OrderedHashMap<String, float> print_gpu_profile_task_time; + uint64_t print_frame_profile_ticks_from = 0; + uint32_t print_frame_profile_frame_count = 0; + public: //if editor is redrawing when it shouldn't, enable this and put a breakpoint in _changes_changed() //#define DEBUG_CHANGES @@ -267,6 +274,8 @@ public: BIND2(mesh_set_custom_aabb, RID, const AABB &) BIND1RC(AABB, mesh_get_custom_aabb, RID) + BIND2(mesh_set_shadow_mesh, RID, RID) + BIND1(mesh_clear, RID) /* MULTIMESH API */ @@ -544,7 +553,7 @@ public: BIND2(viewport_set_global_canvas_transform, RID, const Transform2D &) BIND4(viewport_set_canvas_stacking, RID, RID, int, int) - BIND2(viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size, RID, int) + BIND3(viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size, RID, int, bool) BIND3(viewport_set_sdf_oversize_and_scale, RID, ViewportSDFOversize, ViewportSDFScale) BIND3(viewport_set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdivision, RID, int, int) BIND2(viewport_set_msaa, RID, ViewportMSAA) @@ -565,7 +574,7 @@ public: //from now on, calls forwarded to this singleton #define BINDBASE RSG::scene - BIND1(directional_shadow_atlas_set_size, int) + BIND2(directional_shadow_atlas_set_size, int, bool) BIND1(gi_probe_set_quality, GIProbeQuality) /* SKY API */ @@ -616,6 +625,7 @@ public: BIND11(environment_set_sdfgi, RID, bool, EnvironmentSDFGICascades, float, EnvironmentSDFGIYScale, bool, bool, bool, float, float, float) BIND1(environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count, EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount) BIND1(environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge, EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge) + BIND1(environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_update_light, EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight) BIND3R(Ref<Image>, environment_bake_panorama, RID, bool, const Size2i &) @@ -688,6 +698,8 @@ public: BIND3R(TypedArray<Image>, bake_render_uv2, RID, const Vector<RID> &, const Size2i &) + BIND1(gi_set_use_half_resolution, bool) + #undef BINDBASE //from now on, calls forwarded to this singleton #define BINDBASE RSG::canvas @@ -865,6 +877,8 @@ public: virtual void sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(const Vector3 &p_position, const Vector3 &p_dir); + virtual void set_print_gpu_profile(bool p_enable); + RenderingServerDefault(); ~RenderingServerDefault(); diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_wrap_mt.h b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_wrap_mt.h index 3db90c32df..2f76577474 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_wrap_mt.h +++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_wrap_mt.h @@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ public: FUNC2(mesh_set_custom_aabb, RID, const AABB &) FUNC1RC(AABB, mesh_get_custom_aabb, RID) + FUNC2(mesh_set_shadow_mesh, RID, RID) FUNC1(mesh_clear, RID) /* MULTIMESH API */ @@ -445,7 +446,7 @@ public: FUNC2(viewport_set_global_canvas_transform, RID, const Transform2D &) FUNC4(viewport_set_canvas_stacking, RID, RID, int, int) - FUNC2(viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size, RID, int) + FUNC3(viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size, RID, int, bool) FUNC3(viewport_set_sdf_oversize_and_scale, RID, ViewportSDFOversize, ViewportSDFScale) FUNC3(viewport_set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdivision, RID, int, int) @@ -470,7 +471,7 @@ public: return rendering_server->viewport_get_measured_render_time_gpu(p_viewport); } - FUNC1(directional_shadow_atlas_set_size, int) + FUNC2(directional_shadow_atlas_set_size, int, bool) /* SKY API */ @@ -507,6 +508,7 @@ public: FUNC11(environment_set_sdfgi, RID, bool, EnvironmentSDFGICascades, float, EnvironmentSDFGIYScale, bool, bool, bool, float, float, float) FUNC1(environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count, EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount) FUNC1(environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge, EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge) + FUNC1(environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_update_light, EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight) FUNC11(environment_set_glow, RID, bool, Vector<float>, float, float, float, float, EnvironmentGlowBlendMode, float, float, float) FUNC1(environment_glow_set_use_bicubic_upscale, bool) @@ -744,6 +746,8 @@ public: return rendering_server->get_video_adapter_vendor(); } + FUNC1(gi_set_use_half_resolution, bool) + FUNC4(set_boot_image, const Ref<Image> &, const Color &, bool, bool) FUNC1(set_default_clear_color, const Color &) @@ -786,6 +790,10 @@ public: rendering_server->sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(p_position, p_dir); } + virtual void set_print_gpu_profile(bool p_enable) { + rendering_server->set_print_gpu_profile(p_enable); + } + RenderingServerWrapMT(RenderingServer *p_contained, bool p_create_thread); ~RenderingServerWrapMT(); diff --git a/servers/rendering_server.cpp b/servers/rendering_server.cpp index 23716263b5..9ac66cd4bf 100644 --- a/servers/rendering_server.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering_server.cpp @@ -1661,7 +1661,7 @@ void RenderingServer::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("viewport_set_transparent_background", "viewport", "enabled"), &RenderingServer::viewport_set_transparent_background); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("viewport_set_global_canvas_transform", "viewport", "transform"), &RenderingServer::viewport_set_global_canvas_transform); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("viewport_set_canvas_stacking", "viewport", "canvas", "layer", "sublayer"), &RenderingServer::viewport_set_canvas_stacking); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size", "viewport", "size"), &RenderingServer::viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size", "viewport", "size", "use_16_bits"), &RenderingServer::viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size, DEFVAL(false)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("viewport_set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdivision", "viewport", "quadrant", "subdivision"), &RenderingServer::viewport_set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdivision); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("viewport_set_msaa", "viewport", "msaa"), &RenderingServer::viewport_set_msaa); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("viewport_set_use_debanding", "viewport", "enable"), &RenderingServer::viewport_set_use_debanding); @@ -2272,6 +2272,7 @@ RenderingServer::RenderingServer() { GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/directional_shadow/soft_shadow_quality", 2); GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/directional_shadow/soft_shadow_quality.mobile", 0); ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/directional_shadow/soft_shadow_quality", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/directional_shadow/soft_shadow_quality", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Hard (Fastest),Soft Low (Fast),Soft Medium (Average),Soft High (Slow),Soft Ultra (Slowest)")); + GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/directional_shadow/16_bits", true); GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadows/soft_shadow_quality", 2); GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadows/soft_shadow_quality.mobile", 0); @@ -2282,18 +2283,6 @@ RenderingServer::RenderingServer() { GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/rd_renderer/use_low_end_renderer", false); GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/rd_renderer/use_low_end_renderer.mobile", true); - GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size", 4096); - GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size.mobile", 2048); - ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "256,16384")); - GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_0_subdiv", 1); - GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_1_subdiv", 2); - GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_2_subdiv", 3); - GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_3_subdiv", 4); - ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_0_subdiv", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_0_subdiv", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows")); - ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_1_subdiv", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_1_subdiv", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows")); - ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_2_subdiv", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_2_subdiv", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows")); - ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_3_subdiv", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_3_subdiv", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows")); - GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/reflections/roughness_layers", 8); GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/reflections/texture_array_reflections", true); GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/reflections/texture_array_reflections.mobile", false); @@ -2304,6 +2293,8 @@ RenderingServer::RenderingServer() { GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/reflection_atlas/reflection_size.mobile", 128); GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/reflection_atlas/reflection_count", 64); + GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/gi/use_half_resolution", false); + GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/gi_probes/anisotropic", false); GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/gi_probes/quality", 1); ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/gi_probes/quality", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/gi_probes/quality", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Low (4 Cones - Fast),High (6 Cones - Slow)")); @@ -2367,10 +2358,12 @@ RenderingServer::RenderingServer() { GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/lightmapper/probe_capture_update_speed", 15); ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/lightmapper/probe_capture_update_speed", PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "rendering/lightmapper/probe_capture_update_speed", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.001,256,0.001")); - GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/sdfgi/probe_ray_count", 2); + GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/sdfgi/probe_ray_count", 1); ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/sdfgi/probe_ray_count", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/sdfgi/probe_ray_count", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "8 (Fastest),16,32,64,96,128 (Slowest)")); - GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_converge", 1); + GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_converge", 4); ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_converge", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_converge", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "5 (Less Latency but Lower Quality),10,15,20,25,30 (More Latency but Higher Quality)")); + GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_update_lights", 2); + ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_update_lights", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_update_lights", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "1 (Slower),2,4,8,16 (Faster)")); GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/volumetric_fog/volume_size", 64); ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/volumetric_fog/volume_size", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/volumetric_fog/volume_size", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "16,512,1")); diff --git a/servers/rendering_server.h b/servers/rendering_server.h index 1d83f1ae48..fd8d8cd21d 100644 --- a/servers/rendering_server.h +++ b/servers/rendering_server.h @@ -354,6 +354,8 @@ public: virtual void mesh_set_custom_aabb(RID p_mesh, const AABB &p_aabb) = 0; virtual AABB mesh_get_custom_aabb(RID p_mesh) const = 0; + virtual void mesh_set_shadow_mesh(RID p_mesh, RID p_shadow_mesh) = 0; + virtual void mesh_clear(RID p_mesh) = 0; /* MULTIMESH API */ @@ -798,7 +800,7 @@ public: virtual void viewport_set_sdf_oversize_and_scale(RID p_viewport, ViewportSDFOversize p_oversize, ViewportSDFScale p_scale) = 0; - virtual void viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size(RID p_viewport, int p_size) = 0; + virtual void viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size(RID p_viewport, int p_size, bool p_16_bits = false) = 0; virtual void viewport_set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_viewport, int p_quadrant, int p_subdiv) = 0; enum ViewportMSAA { @@ -868,7 +870,7 @@ public: virtual float viewport_get_measured_render_time_cpu(RID p_viewport) const = 0; virtual float viewport_get_measured_render_time_gpu(RID p_viewport) const = 0; - virtual void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size) = 0; + virtual void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size, bool p_16_bits = false) = 0; /* SKY API */ @@ -986,6 +988,7 @@ public: virtual void environment_set_sdfgi(RID p_env, bool p_enable, EnvironmentSDFGICascades p_cascades, float p_min_cell_size, EnvironmentSDFGIYScale p_y_scale, bool p_use_occlusion, bool p_use_multibounce, bool p_read_sky, float p_energy, float p_normal_bias, float p_probe_bias) = 0; enum EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount { + ENV_SDFGI_RAY_COUNT_4, ENV_SDFGI_RAY_COUNT_8, ENV_SDFGI_RAY_COUNT_16, ENV_SDFGI_RAY_COUNT_32, @@ -1009,6 +1012,17 @@ public: virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge p_frames) = 0; + enum EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight { + ENV_SDFGI_UPDATE_LIGHT_IN_1_FRAME, + ENV_SDFGI_UPDATE_LIGHT_IN_2_FRAMES, + ENV_SDFGI_UPDATE_LIGHT_IN_4_FRAMES, + ENV_SDFGI_UPDATE_LIGHT_IN_8_FRAMES, + ENV_SDFGI_UPDATE_LIGHT_IN_16_FRAMES, + ENV_SDFGI_UPDATE_LIGHT_MAX, + }; + + virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_update_light(EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight p_update) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_fog(RID p_env, bool p_enable, const Color &p_light_color, float p_light_energy, float p_sun_scatter, float p_density, float p_height, float p_height_density, float p_aerial_perspective) = 0; enum EnvVolumetricFogShadowFilter { @@ -1430,6 +1444,8 @@ public: virtual float get_frame_setup_time_cpu() const = 0; + virtual void gi_set_use_half_resolution(bool p_enable) = 0; + /* TESTING */ virtual RID get_test_cube() = 0; @@ -1462,6 +1478,8 @@ public: virtual bool is_low_end() const = 0; + virtual void set_print_gpu_profile(bool p_enable) = 0; + RenderingDevice *create_local_rendering_device() const; bool is_render_loop_enabled() const; diff --git a/tests/test_main.cpp b/tests/test_main.cpp index e07a0a7d7b..5c635de25c 100644 --- a/tests/test_main.cpp +++ b/tests/test_main.cpp @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ #include "test_list.h" #include "test_local_vector.h" #include "test_lru.h" +#include "test_marshalls.h" #include "test_math.h" #include "test_method_bind.h" #include "test_node_path.h" diff --git a/tests/test_marshalls.h b/tests/test_marshalls.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6bd916164e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/test_marshalls.h @@ -0,0 +1,329 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* test_marshalls.h */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef TEST_MARSHALLS_H +#define TEST_MARSHALLS_H + +#include "core/io/marshalls.h" + +#include "tests/test_macros.h" + +namespace TestMarshalls { + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Unsigned 16 bit integer encoding") { + uint8_t arr[2]; + + unsigned int actual_size = encode_uint16(0x1234, arr); + CHECK(actual_size == sizeof(uint16_t)); + CHECK_MESSAGE(arr[0] == 0x34, "First encoded byte value should be equal to low order byte value."); + CHECK_MESSAGE(arr[1] == 0x12, "Last encoded byte value should be equal to high order byte value."); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Unsigned 32 bit integer encoding") { + uint8_t arr[4]; + + unsigned int actual_size = encode_uint32(0x12345678, arr); + CHECK(actual_size == sizeof(uint32_t)); + CHECK_MESSAGE(arr[0] == 0x78, "First encoded byte value should be equal to low order byte value."); + CHECK(arr[1] == 0x56); + CHECK(arr[2] == 0x34); + CHECK_MESSAGE(arr[3] == 0x12, "Last encoded byte value should be equal to high order byte value."); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Unsigned 64 bit integer encoding") { + uint8_t arr[8]; + + unsigned int actual_size = encode_uint64(0x0f123456789abcdef, arr); + CHECK(actual_size == sizeof(uint64_t)); + CHECK_MESSAGE(arr[0] == 0xef, "First encoded byte value should be equal to low order byte value."); + CHECK(arr[1] == 0xcd); + CHECK(arr[2] == 0xab); + CHECK(arr[3] == 0x89); + CHECK(arr[4] == 0x67); + CHECK(arr[5] == 0x45); + CHECK(arr[6] == 0x23); + CHECK_MESSAGE(arr[7] == 0xf1, "Last encoded byte value should be equal to high order byte value."); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Unsigned 16 bit integer decoding") { + uint8_t arr[] = { 0x34, 0x12 }; + + CHECK(decode_uint16(arr) == 0x1234); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Unsigned 32 bit integer decoding") { + uint8_t arr[] = { 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12 }; + + CHECK(decode_uint32(arr) == 0x12345678); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Unsigned 64 bit integer decoding") { + uint8_t arr[] = { 0xef, 0xcd, 0xab, 0x89, 0x67, 0x45, 0x23, 0xf1 }; + + CHECK(decode_uint64(arr) == 0x0f123456789abcdef); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Floating point single precision encoding") { + uint8_t arr[4]; + + // Decimal: 0.15625 + // IEEE 754 single-precision binary floating-point format: + // sign exponent (8 bits) fraction (23 bits) + // 0 01111100 01000000000000000000000 + // Hexadecimal: 0x3E200000 + unsigned int actual_size = encode_float(0.15625f, arr); + CHECK(actual_size == sizeof(uint32_t)); + CHECK(arr[0] == 0x00); + CHECK(arr[1] == 0x00); + CHECK(arr[2] == 0x20); + CHECK(arr[3] == 0x3e); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Floating point double precision encoding") { + uint8_t arr[8]; + + // Decimal: 0.333333333333333314829616256247390992939472198486328125 + // IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point format: + // sign exponent (11 bits) fraction (52 bits) + // 0 01111111101 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 + // Hexadecimal: 0x3FD5555555555555 + unsigned int actual_size = encode_double(0.33333333333333333, arr); + CHECK(actual_size == sizeof(uint64_t)); + CHECK(arr[0] == 0x55); + CHECK(arr[1] == 0x55); + CHECK(arr[2] == 0x55); + CHECK(arr[3] == 0x55); + CHECK(arr[4] == 0x55); + CHECK(arr[5] == 0x55); + CHECK(arr[6] == 0xd5); + CHECK(arr[7] == 0x3f); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Floating point single precision decoding") { + uint8_t arr[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x3e }; + + // See floating point encoding test case for details behind expected values + CHECK(decode_float(arr) == 0.15625f); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Floating point double precision decoding") { + uint8_t arr[] = { 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0xd5, 0x3f }; + + // See floating point encoding test case for details behind expected values + CHECK(decode_double(arr) == 0.33333333333333333); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] C string encoding") { + char cstring[] = "Godot"; // 5 characters + uint8_t data[6]; + + int actual_size = encode_cstring(cstring, data); + CHECK(actual_size == 6); + CHECK(data[0] == 'G'); + CHECK(data[1] == 'o'); + CHECK(data[2] == 'd'); + CHECK(data[3] == 'o'); + CHECK(data[4] == 't'); + CHECK(data[5] == '\0'); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] NIL Variant encoding") { + int r_len; + Variant variant; + uint8_t buffer[4]; + + CHECK(encode_variant(variant, buffer, r_len) == OK); + CHECK_MESSAGE(r_len == 4, "Length == 4 bytes for Variant::Type"); + CHECK_MESSAGE(buffer[0] == 0x00, "Variant::NIL"); + CHECK(buffer[1] == 0x00); + CHECK(buffer[2] == 0x00); + CHECK(buffer[3] == 0x00); + // No value +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] INT 32 bit Variant encoding") { + int r_len; + Variant variant(0x12345678); + uint8_t buffer[8]; + + CHECK(encode_variant(variant, buffer, r_len) == OK); + CHECK_MESSAGE(r_len == 8, "Length == 4 bytes for Variant::Type + 4 bytes for int32_t"); + CHECK_MESSAGE(buffer[0] == 0x02, "Variant::INT"); + CHECK(buffer[1] == 0x00); + CHECK(buffer[2] == 0x00); + CHECK(buffer[3] == 0x00); + // Check value + CHECK(buffer[4] == 0x78); + CHECK(buffer[5] == 0x56); + CHECK(buffer[6] == 0x34); + CHECK(buffer[7] == 0x12); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] INT 64 bit Variant encoding") { + int r_len; + Variant variant(uint64_t(0x0f123456789abcdef)); + uint8_t buffer[12]; + + CHECK(encode_variant(variant, buffer, r_len) == OK); + CHECK_MESSAGE(r_len == 12, "Length == 4 bytes for Variant::Type + 8 bytes for int64_t"); + CHECK_MESSAGE(buffer[0] == 0x02, "Variant::INT"); + CHECK(buffer[1] == 0x00); + CHECK_MESSAGE(buffer[2] == 0x01, "ENCODE_FLAG_64"); + CHECK(buffer[3] == 0x00); + // Check value + CHECK(buffer[4] == 0xef); + CHECK(buffer[5] == 0xcd); + CHECK(buffer[6] == 0xab); + CHECK(buffer[7] == 0x89); + CHECK(buffer[8] == 0x67); + CHECK(buffer[9] == 0x45); + CHECK(buffer[10] == 0x23); + CHECK(buffer[11] == 0xf1); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] FLOAT single precision Variant encoding") { + int r_len; + Variant variant(0.15625f); + uint8_t buffer[8]; + + CHECK(encode_variant(variant, buffer, r_len) == OK); + CHECK_MESSAGE(r_len == 8, "Length == 4 bytes for Variant::Type + 4 bytes for float"); + CHECK_MESSAGE(buffer[0] == 0x03, "Variant::FLOAT"); + CHECK(buffer[1] == 0x00); + CHECK(buffer[2] == 0x00); + CHECK(buffer[3] == 0x00); + // Check value + CHECK(buffer[4] == 0x00); + CHECK(buffer[5] == 0x00); + CHECK(buffer[6] == 0x20); + CHECK(buffer[7] == 0x3e); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] FLOAT double precision Variant encoding") { + int r_len; + Variant variant(0.33333333333333333); + uint8_t buffer[12]; + + CHECK(encode_variant(variant, buffer, r_len) == OK); + CHECK_MESSAGE(r_len == 12, "Length == 4 bytes for Variant::Type + 8 bytes for double"); + CHECK_MESSAGE(buffer[0] == 0x03, "Variant::FLOAT"); + CHECK(buffer[1] == 0x00); + CHECK_MESSAGE(buffer[2] == 0x01, "ENCODE_FLAG_64"); + CHECK(buffer[3] == 0x00); + // Check value + CHECK(buffer[4] == 0x55); + CHECK(buffer[5] == 0x55); + CHECK(buffer[6] == 0x55); + CHECK(buffer[7] == 0x55); + CHECK(buffer[8] == 0x55); + CHECK(buffer[9] == 0x55); + CHECK(buffer[10] == 0xd5); + CHECK(buffer[11] == 0x3f); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Invalid data Variant decoding") { + Variant variant; + int r_len = 0; + uint8_t some_buffer[1] = { 0x00 }; + uint8_t out_of_range_type_buffer[4] = { 0xff }; // Greater than Variant::VARIANT_MAX + + CHECK(decode_variant(variant, some_buffer, /* less than 4 */ 1, &r_len) == ERR_INVALID_DATA); + CHECK(r_len == 0); + + CHECK(decode_variant(variant, out_of_range_type_buffer, 4, &r_len) == ERR_INVALID_DATA); + CHECK(r_len == 0); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] NIL Variant decoding") { + Variant variant; + int r_len; + uint8_t buffer[] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 // Variant::NIL + }; + + CHECK(decode_variant(variant, buffer, 4, &r_len) == OK); + CHECK(r_len == 4); + CHECK(variant == Variant()); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] INT 32 bit Variant decoding") { + Variant variant; + int r_len; + uint8_t buffer[] = { + 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Variant::INT + 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12 // value + }; + + CHECK(decode_variant(variant, buffer, 8, &r_len) == OK); + CHECK(r_len == 8); + CHECK(variant == Variant(0x12345678)); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] INT 64 bit Variant decoding") { + Variant variant; + int r_len; + uint8_t buffer[] = { + 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, // Variant::INT & ENCODE_FLAG_64 + 0xef, 0xcd, 0xab, 0x89, 0x67, 0x45, 0x23, 0xf1 // value + }; + + CHECK(decode_variant(variant, buffer, 12, &r_len) == OK); + CHECK(r_len == 12); + CHECK(variant == Variant(uint64_t(0x0f123456789abcdef))); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] FLOAT single precision Variant decoding") { + Variant variant; + int r_len; + uint8_t buffer[] = { + 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Variant::FLOAT + 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x3e // value + }; + + CHECK(decode_variant(variant, buffer, 8, &r_len) == OK); + CHECK(r_len == 8); + CHECK(variant == Variant(0.15625f)); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] FLOAT double precision Variant decoding") { + Variant variant; + int r_len; + uint8_t buffer[] = { + 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, // Variant::FLOAT & ENCODE_FLAG_64 + 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0xd5, 0x3f // value + }; + + CHECK(decode_variant(variant, buffer, 12, &r_len) == OK); + CHECK(r_len == 12); + CHECK(variant == Variant(0.33333333333333333)); +} +} // namespace TestMarshalls + +#endif // TEST_MARSHALLS_H |