diff options
79 files changed, 4496 insertions, 568 deletions
diff --git a/COPYRIGHT.txt b/COPYRIGHT.txt
index eb82c42e6f..c007a7e2b3 100644
--- a/COPYRIGHT.txt
+++ b/COPYRIGHT.txt
@@ -55,6 +55,14 @@ Comment: Godot Engine logo
Copyright: 2017, Andrea CalabrĂ³
License: CC-BY-4.0
+Files: ./core/math/convex_hull.cpp
+ ./core/math/convex_hull.h
+Comment: Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
+Copyright: 2011, Ole Kniemeyer, MAXON,
+ 2007-2021, Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur.
+ 2014-2021, Godot Engine contributors.
+License: Expat and Zlib
Files: ./modules/fbx/fbx_parser/
Comment: Open Asset Import Library (FBX parser)
Copyright: 2006-2020, assimp team
diff --git a/core/input/input_map.cpp b/core/input/input_map.cpp
index 424509eb47..a43ad4ed7d 100644
--- a/core/input/input_map.cpp
+++ b/core/input/input_map.cpp
@@ -353,6 +353,7 @@ static const _BuiltinActionDisplayName _builtin_action_display_names[] = {
{ "ui_text_scroll_down", TTRC("Scroll Down") },
{ "ui_text_scroll_down.OSX", TTRC("Scroll Down") },
{ "ui_text_select_all", TTRC("Select All") },
+ { "ui_text_select_word_under_caret", TTRC("Select Word Under Caret") },
{ "ui_text_toggle_insert_mode", TTRC("Toggle Insert Mode") },
{ "ui_graph_duplicate", TTRC("Duplicate Nodes") },
{ "ui_graph_delete", TTRC("Delete Nodes") },
@@ -651,6 +652,10 @@ const OrderedHashMap<String, List<Ref<InputEvent>>> &InputMap::get_builtins() {
default_builtin_cache.insert("ui_text_select_all", inputs);
inputs = List<Ref<InputEvent>>();
+ inputs.push_back(InputEventKey::create_reference(KEY_D | KEY_MASK_CMD));
+ default_builtin_cache.insert("ui_text_select_word_under_caret", inputs);
+ inputs = List<Ref<InputEvent>>();
default_builtin_cache.insert("ui_text_toggle_insert_mode", inputs);
diff --git a/core/io/file_access_zip.cpp b/core/io/file_access_zip.cpp
index 304e24ee90..d7ff1b7e00 100644
--- a/core/io/file_access_zip.cpp
+++ b/core/io/file_access_zip.cpp
@@ -226,9 +226,7 @@ ZipArchive::ZipArchive() {
ZipArchive::~ZipArchive() {
for (int i = 0; i < packages.size(); i++) {
- FileAccess *f = (FileAccess *)unzGetOpaque(packages[i].zfile);
- memdelete(f);
diff --git a/core/math/convex_hull.cpp b/core/math/convex_hull.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..682a7ea39e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/math/convex_hull.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2290 @@
+/* convex_hull.cpp */
+/* This file is part of: */
+/* */
+/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
+/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
+/* */
+/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
+/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
+/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
+/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
+/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
+/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
+/* the following conditions: */
+/* */
+/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
+/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
+/* */
+ * Based on Godot's patched VHACD-version of Bullet's btConvexHullComputer.
+ * See /thirdparty/vhacd/btConvexHullComputer.cpp at 64403ddcab9f1dca2408f0a412a22d899708bbb1
+ * In turn, based on /src/LinearMath/btConvexHullComputer.cpp in <>
+ * at 73b217fb07e7e3ce126caeb28ab3c9ddd0718467
+ *
+ * Changes:
+ * - int32_t is consistently used instead of int in some cases
+ * - integrated patch db0d6c92927f5a1358b887f2645c11f3014f0e8a from Bullet (CWE-190 integer overflow in btConvexHullComputer)
+ * - adapted to Godot's code style
+ * - replaced Bullet's types (e.g. vectors) with Godot's
+ * - replaced custom Pool implementation with PagedAllocator
+ */
+Copyright (c) 2011 Ole Kniemeyer, MAXON,
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
+subject to the following restrictions:
+1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
+2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
+3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+#include "convex_hull.h"
+#include "core/error/error_macros.h"
+#include "core/math/aabb.h"
+#include "core/math/math_defs.h"
+#include "core/os/memory.h"
+#include "core/templates/paged_allocator.h"
+#include <string.h>
+// -- GODOT start --
+// Assembly optimizations are not used at the moment.
+//#define USE_X86_64_ASM
+// -- GODOT end --
+#define CHULL_ASSERT(m_cond) \
+ do { \
+ if (unlikely(!(m_cond))) { \
+ ERR_PRINT("Assertion \"" _STR(m_cond) "\" failed."); \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+#define CHULL_ASSERT(m_cond) \
+ do { \
+ } while (0)
+#if defined(DEBUG_CONVEX_HULL) || defined(SHOW_ITERATIONS)
+#include <stdio.h>
+// Convex hull implementation based on Preparata and Hong
+// Ole Kniemeyer, MAXON Computer GmbH
+class ConvexHullInternal {
+ class Point64 {
+ public:
+ int64_t x;
+ int64_t y;
+ int64_t z;
+ Point64(int64_t p_x, int64_t p_y, int64_t p_z) {
+ x = p_x;
+ y = p_y;
+ z = p_z;
+ }
+ bool is_zero() {
+ return (x == 0) && (y == 0) && (z == 0);
+ }
+ int64_t dot(const Point64 &b) const {
+ return x * b.x + y * b.y + z * b.z;
+ }
+ };
+ class Point32 {
+ public:
+ int32_t x = 0;
+ int32_t y = 0;
+ int32_t z = 0;
+ int32_t index = -1;
+ Point32() {
+ }
+ Point32(int32_t p_x, int32_t p_y, int32_t p_z) {
+ x = p_x;
+ y = p_y;
+ z = p_z;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const Point32 &b) const {
+ return (x == b.x) && (y == b.y) && (z == b.z);
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const Point32 &b) const {
+ return (x != b.x) || (y != b.y) || (z != b.z);
+ }
+ bool is_zero() {
+ return (x == 0) && (y == 0) && (z == 0);
+ }
+ Point64 cross(const Point32 &b) const {
+ return Point64((int64_t)y * b.z - (int64_t)z * b.y, (int64_t)z * b.x - (int64_t)x * b.z, (int64_t)x * b.y - (int64_t)y * b.x);
+ }
+ Point64 cross(const Point64 &b) const {
+ return Point64(y * b.z - z * b.y, z * b.x - x * b.z, x * b.y - y * b.x);
+ }
+ int64_t dot(const Point32 &b) const {
+ return (int64_t)x * b.x + (int64_t)y * b.y + (int64_t)z * b.z;
+ }
+ int64_t dot(const Point64 &b) const {
+ return x * b.x + y * b.y + z * b.z;
+ }
+ Point32 operator+(const Point32 &b) const {
+ return Point32(x + b.x, y + b.y, z + b.z);
+ }
+ Point32 operator-(const Point32 &b) const {
+ return Point32(x - b.x, y - b.y, z - b.z);
+ }
+ };
+ class Int128 {
+ public:
+ uint64_t low = 0;
+ uint64_t high = 0;
+ Int128() {
+ }
+ Int128(uint64_t p_low, uint64_t p_high) {
+ low = p_low;
+ high = p_high;
+ }
+ Int128(uint64_t p_low) {
+ low = p_low;
+ high = 0;
+ }
+ Int128(int64_t p_value) {
+ low = p_value;
+ if (p_value >= 0) {
+ high = 0;
+ } else {
+ high = (uint64_t)-1LL;
+ }
+ }
+ static Int128 mul(int64_t a, int64_t b);
+ static Int128 mul(uint64_t a, uint64_t b);
+ Int128 operator-() const {
+ return Int128((uint64_t) - (int64_t)low, ~high + (low == 0));
+ }
+ Int128 operator+(const Int128 &b) const {
+#ifdef USE_X86_64_ASM
+ Int128 result;
+ __asm__("addq %[bl], %[rl]\n\t"
+ "adcq %[bh], %[rh]\n\t"
+ : [rl] "=r"(result.low), [rh] "=r"(result.high)
+ : "0"(low), "1"(high), [bl] "g"(b.low), [bh] "g"(b.high)
+ : "cc");
+ return result;
+ uint64_t lo = low + b.low;
+ return Int128(lo, high + b.high + (lo < low));
+ }
+ Int128 operator-(const Int128 &b) const {
+#ifdef USE_X86_64_ASM
+ Int128 result;
+ __asm__("subq %[bl], %[rl]\n\t"
+ "sbbq %[bh], %[rh]\n\t"
+ : [rl] "=r"(result.low), [rh] "=r"(result.high)
+ : "0"(low), "1"(high), [bl] "g"(b.low), [bh] "g"(b.high)
+ : "cc");
+ return result;
+ return *this + -b;
+ }
+ Int128 &operator+=(const Int128 &b) {
+#ifdef USE_X86_64_ASM
+ __asm__("addq %[bl], %[rl]\n\t"
+ "adcq %[bh], %[rh]\n\t"
+ : [rl] "=r"(low), [rh] "=r"(high)
+ : "0"(low), "1"(high), [bl] "g"(b.low), [bh] "g"(b.high)
+ : "cc");
+ uint64_t lo = low + b.low;
+ if (lo < low) {
+ ++high;
+ }
+ low = lo;
+ high += b.high;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Int128 &operator++() {
+ if (++low == 0) {
+ ++high;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Int128 operator*(int64_t b) const;
+ real_t to_scalar() const {
+ return ((int64_t)high >= 0) ? real_t(high) * (real_t(0x100000000LL) * real_t(0x100000000LL)) + real_t(low) : -(-*this).to_scalar();
+ }
+ int32_t get_sign() const {
+ return ((int64_t)high < 0) ? -1 : (high || low) ? 1 :
+ 0;
+ }
+ bool operator<(const Int128 &b) const {
+ return (high < b.high) || ((high == b.high) && (low < b.low));
+ }
+ int32_t ucmp(const Int128 &b) const {
+ if (high < b.high) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (high > b.high) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (low < b.low) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (low > b.low) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ };
+ class Rational64 {
+ private:
+ uint64_t numerator;
+ uint64_t denominator;
+ int32_t sign;
+ public:
+ Rational64(int64_t p_numerator, int64_t p_denominator) {
+ if (p_numerator > 0) {
+ sign = 1;
+ numerator = (uint64_t)p_numerator;
+ } else if (p_numerator < 0) {
+ sign = -1;
+ numerator = (uint64_t)-p_numerator;
+ } else {
+ sign = 0;
+ numerator = 0;
+ }
+ if (p_denominator > 0) {
+ denominator = (uint64_t)p_denominator;
+ } else if (p_denominator < 0) {
+ sign = -sign;
+ denominator = (uint64_t)-p_denominator;
+ } else {
+ denominator = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ bool is_negative_infinity() const {
+ return (sign < 0) && (denominator == 0);
+ }
+ bool is_nan() const {
+ return (sign == 0) && (denominator == 0);
+ }
+ int32_t compare(const Rational64 &b) const;
+ real_t to_scalar() const {
+ return sign * ((denominator == 0) ? FLT_MAX : (real_t)numerator / denominator);
+ }
+ };
+ class Rational128 {
+ private:
+ Int128 numerator;
+ Int128 denominator;
+ int32_t sign;
+ bool is_int_64;
+ public:
+ Rational128(int64_t p_value) {
+ if (p_value > 0) {
+ sign = 1;
+ this->numerator = p_value;
+ } else if (p_value < 0) {
+ sign = -1;
+ this->numerator = -p_value;
+ } else {
+ sign = 0;
+ this->numerator = (uint64_t)0;
+ }
+ this->denominator = (uint64_t)1;
+ is_int_64 = true;
+ }
+ Rational128(const Int128 &p_numerator, const Int128 &p_denominator) {
+ sign = p_numerator.get_sign();
+ if (sign >= 0) {
+ this->numerator = p_numerator;
+ } else {
+ this->numerator = -p_numerator;
+ }
+ int32_t dsign = p_denominator.get_sign();
+ if (dsign >= 0) {
+ this->denominator = p_denominator;
+ } else {
+ sign = -sign;
+ this->denominator = -p_denominator;
+ }
+ is_int_64 = false;
+ }
+ int32_t compare(const Rational128 &b) const;
+ int32_t compare(int64_t b) const;
+ real_t to_scalar() const {
+ return sign * ((denominator.get_sign() == 0) ? FLT_MAX : numerator.to_scalar() / denominator.to_scalar());
+ }
+ };
+ class PointR128 {
+ public:
+ Int128 x;
+ Int128 y;
+ Int128 z;
+ Int128 denominator;
+ PointR128() {
+ }
+ PointR128(Int128 p_x, Int128 p_y, Int128 p_z, Int128 p_denominator) {
+ x = p_x;
+ y = p_y;
+ z = p_z;
+ denominator = p_denominator;
+ }
+ real_t xvalue() const {
+ return x.to_scalar() / denominator.to_scalar();
+ }
+ real_t yvalue() const {
+ return y.to_scalar() / denominator.to_scalar();
+ }
+ real_t zvalue() const {
+ return z.to_scalar() / denominator.to_scalar();
+ }
+ };
+ class Edge;
+ class Face;
+ class Vertex {
+ public:
+ Vertex *next = nullptr;
+ Vertex *prev = nullptr;
+ Edge *edges = nullptr;
+ Face *first_nearby_face = nullptr;
+ Face *last_nearby_face = nullptr;
+ PointR128 point128;
+ Point32 point;
+ int32_t copy = -1;
+ Vertex() {
+ }
+ void print() {
+ printf("V%d (%d, %d, %d)", point.index, point.x, point.y, point.z);
+ }
+ void print_graph();
+ Point32 operator-(const Vertex &b) const {
+ return point - b.point;
+ }
+ Rational128 dot(const Point64 &b) const {
+ return (point.index >= 0) ? Rational128( : Rational128(point128.x * b.x + point128.y * b.y + point128.z * b.z, point128.denominator);
+ }
+ real_t xvalue() const {
+ return (point.index >= 0) ? real_t(point.x) : point128.xvalue();
+ }
+ real_t yvalue() const {
+ return (point.index >= 0) ? real_t(point.y) : point128.yvalue();
+ }
+ real_t zvalue() const {
+ return (point.index >= 0) ? real_t(point.z) : point128.zvalue();
+ }
+ void receive_nearby_faces(Vertex *p_src) {
+ if (last_nearby_face) {
+ last_nearby_face->next_with_same_nearby_vertex = p_src->first_nearby_face;
+ } else {
+ first_nearby_face = p_src->first_nearby_face;
+ }
+ if (p_src->last_nearby_face) {
+ last_nearby_face = p_src->last_nearby_face;
+ }
+ for (Face *f = p_src->first_nearby_face; f; f = f->next_with_same_nearby_vertex) {
+ CHULL_ASSERT(f->nearby_vertex == p_src);
+ f->nearby_vertex = this;
+ }
+ p_src->first_nearby_face = nullptr;
+ p_src->last_nearby_face = nullptr;
+ }
+ };
+ class Edge {
+ public:
+ Edge *next = nullptr;
+ Edge *prev = nullptr;
+ Edge *reverse = nullptr;
+ Vertex *target = nullptr;
+ Face *face = nullptr;
+ int32_t copy = -1;
+ void link(Edge *n) {
+ CHULL_ASSERT(reverse->target == n->reverse->target);
+ next = n;
+ n->prev = this;
+ }
+ void print() {
+ printf("E%p : %d -> %d, n=%p p=%p (0 %d\t%d\t%d) -> (%d %d %d)", this, reverse->target->point.index, target->point.index, next, prev,
+ reverse->target->point.x, reverse->target->point.y, reverse->target->point.z, target->point.x, target->point.y, target->point.z);
+ }
+ };
+ class Face {
+ public:
+ Face *next = nullptr;
+ Vertex *nearby_vertex = nullptr;
+ Face *next_with_same_nearby_vertex = nullptr;
+ Point32 origin;
+ Point32 dir0;
+ Point32 dir1;
+ Face() {
+ }
+ void init(Vertex *p_a, Vertex *p_b, Vertex *p_c) {
+ nearby_vertex = p_a;
+ origin = p_a->point;
+ dir0 = *p_b - *p_a;
+ dir1 = *p_c - *p_a;
+ if (p_a->last_nearby_face) {
+ p_a->last_nearby_face->next_with_same_nearby_vertex = this;
+ } else {
+ p_a->first_nearby_face = this;
+ }
+ p_a->last_nearby_face = this;
+ }
+ Point64 get_normal() {
+ return dir0.cross(dir1);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename UWord, typename UHWord>
+ class DMul {
+ private:
+ static uint32_t high(uint64_t p_value) {
+ return (uint32_t)(p_value >> 32);
+ }
+ static uint32_t low(uint64_t p_value) {
+ return (uint32_t)p_value;
+ }
+ static uint64_t mul(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
+ return (uint64_t)a * (uint64_t)b;
+ }
+ static void shl_half(uint64_t &p_value) {
+ p_value <<= 32;
+ }
+ static uint64_t high(Int128 p_value) {
+ return p_value.high;
+ }
+ static uint64_t low(Int128 p_value) {
+ return p_value.low;
+ }
+ static Int128 mul(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
+ return Int128::mul(a, b);
+ }
+ static void shl_half(Int128 &p_value) {
+ p_value.high = p_value.low;
+ p_value.low = 0;
+ }
+ public:
+ static void mul(UWord p_a, UWord p_b, UWord &r_low, UWord &r_high) {
+ UWord p00 = mul(low(p_a), low(p_b));
+ UWord p01 = mul(low(p_a), high(p_b));
+ UWord p10 = mul(high(p_a), low(p_b));
+ UWord p11 = mul(high(p_a), high(p_b));
+ UWord p0110 = UWord(low(p01)) + UWord(low(p10));
+ p11 += high(p01);
+ p11 += high(p10);
+ p11 += high(p0110);
+ shl_half(p0110);
+ p00 += p0110;
+ if (p00 < p0110) {
+ ++p11;
+ }
+ r_low = p00;
+ r_high = p11;
+ }
+ };
+ class IntermediateHull {
+ public:
+ Vertex *min_xy = nullptr;
+ Vertex *max_xy = nullptr;
+ Vertex *min_yx = nullptr;
+ Vertex *max_yx = nullptr;
+ IntermediateHull() {
+ }
+ void print();
+ };
+ enum Orientation { NONE,
+ Vector3 scaling;
+ Vector3 center;
+ PagedAllocator<Vertex> vertex_pool;
+ PagedAllocator<Edge> edge_pool;
+ PagedAllocator<Face> face_pool;
+ LocalVector<Vertex *> original_vertices;
+ int32_t merge_stamp = 0;
+ int32_t min_axis = 0;
+ int32_t med_axis = 0;
+ int32_t max_axis = 0;
+ int32_t used_edge_pairs = 0;
+ int32_t max_used_edge_pairs = 0;
+ static Orientation get_orientation(const Edge *p_prev, const Edge *p_next, const Point32 &p_s, const Point32 &p_t);
+ Edge *find_max_angle(bool p_ccw, const Vertex *p_start, const Point32 &p_s, const Point64 &p_rxs, const Point64 &p_ssxrxs, Rational64 &p_min_cot);
+ void find_edge_for_coplanar_faces(Vertex *p_c0, Vertex *p_c1, Edge *&p_e0, Edge *&p_e1, Vertex *p_stop0, Vertex *p_stop1);
+ Edge *new_edge_pair(Vertex *p_from, Vertex *p_to);
+ void remove_edge_pair(Edge *p_edge) {
+ Edge *n = p_edge->next;
+ Edge *r = p_edge->reverse;
+ CHULL_ASSERT(p_edge->target && r->target);
+ if (n != p_edge) {
+ n->prev = p_edge->prev;
+ p_edge->prev->next = n;
+ r->target->edges = n;
+ } else {
+ r->target->edges = nullptr;
+ }
+ n = r->next;
+ if (n != r) {
+ n->prev = r->prev;
+ r->prev->next = n;
+ p_edge->target->edges = n;
+ } else {
+ p_edge->target->edges = nullptr;
+ }
+ used_edge_pairs--;
+ }
+ void compute_internal(int32_t p_start, int32_t p_end, IntermediateHull &r_result);
+ bool merge_projection(IntermediateHull &p_h0, IntermediateHull &p_h1, Vertex *&r_c0, Vertex *&r_c1);
+ void merge(IntermediateHull &p_h0, IntermediateHull &p_h1);
+ Vector3 to_gd_vector(const Point32 &p_v);
+ Vector3 get_gd_normal(Face *p_face);
+ bool shift_face(Face *p_face, real_t p_amount, LocalVector<Vertex *> p_stack);
+ ~ConvexHullInternal() {
+ vertex_pool.reset(true);
+ edge_pool.reset(true);
+ face_pool.reset(true);
+ }
+ Vertex *vertex_list;
+ void compute(const Vector3 *p_coords, int32_t p_count);
+ Vector3 get_coordinates(const Vertex *p_v);
+ real_t shrink(real_t amount, real_t p_clamp_amount);
+ConvexHullInternal::Int128 ConvexHullInternal::Int128::operator*(int64_t b) const {
+ bool negative = (int64_t)high < 0;
+ Int128 a = negative ? -*this : *this;
+ if (b < 0) {
+ negative = !negative;
+ b = -b;
+ }
+ Int128 result = mul(a.low, (uint64_t)b);
+ result.high += a.high * (uint64_t)b;
+ return negative ? -result : result;
+ConvexHullInternal::Int128 ConvexHullInternal::Int128::mul(int64_t a, int64_t b) {
+ Int128 result;
+#ifdef USE_X86_64_ASM
+ __asm__("imulq %[b]"
+ : "=a"(result.low), "=d"(result.high)
+ : "0"(a), [b] "r"(b)
+ : "cc");
+ return result;
+ bool negative = a < 0;
+ if (negative) {
+ a = -a;
+ }
+ if (b < 0) {
+ negative = !negative;
+ b = -b;
+ }
+ DMul<uint64_t, uint32_t>::mul((uint64_t)a, (uint64_t)b, result.low, result.high);
+ return negative ? -result : result;
+ConvexHullInternal::Int128 ConvexHullInternal::Int128::mul(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
+ Int128 result;
+#ifdef USE_X86_64_ASM
+ __asm__("mulq %[b]"
+ : "=a"(result.low), "=d"(result.high)
+ : "0"(a), [b] "r"(b)
+ : "cc");
+ DMul<uint64_t, uint32_t>::mul(a, b, result.low, result.high);
+ return result;
+int32_t ConvexHullInternal::Rational64::compare(const Rational64 &b) const {
+ if (sign != b.sign) {
+ return sign - b.sign;
+ } else if (sign == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // return (numerator * b.denominator > b.numerator * denominator) ? sign : (numerator * b.denominator < b.numerator * denominator) ? -sign : 0;
+#ifdef USE_X86_64_ASM
+ int32_t result;
+ int64_t tmp;
+ int64_t dummy;
+ __asm__("mulq %[bn]\n\t"
+ "movq %%rax, %[tmp]\n\t"
+ "movq %%rdx, %%rbx\n\t"
+ "movq %[tn], %%rax\n\t"
+ "mulq %[bd]\n\t"
+ "subq %[tmp], %%rax\n\t"
+ "sbbq %%rbx, %%rdx\n\t" // rdx:rax contains 128-bit-difference "numerator*b.denominator - b.numerator*denominator"
+ "setnsb %%bh\n\t" // bh=1 if difference is non-negative, bh=0 otherwise
+ "orq %%rdx, %%rax\n\t"
+ "setnzb %%bl\n\t" // bl=1 if difference if non-zero, bl=0 if it is zero
+ "decb %%bh\n\t" // now bx=0x0000 if difference is zero, 0xff01 if it is negative, 0x0001 if it is positive (i.e., same sign as difference)
+ "shll $16, %%ebx\n\t" // ebx has same sign as difference
+ : "=&b"(result), [tmp] "=&r"(tmp), "=a"(dummy)
+ : "a"(denominator), [bn] "g"(b.numerator), [tn] "g"(numerator), [bd] "g"(b.denominator)
+ : "%rdx", "cc");
+ return result ? result ^ sign // if sign is +1, only bit 0 of result is inverted, which does not change the sign of result (and cannot result in zero)
+ // if sign is -1, all bits of result are inverted, which changes the sign of result (and again cannot result in zero)
+ :
+ 0;
+ return sign * Int128::mul(numerator, b.denominator).ucmp(Int128::mul(denominator, b.numerator));
+int32_t ConvexHullInternal::Rational128::compare(const Rational128 &b) const {
+ if (sign != b.sign) {
+ return sign - b.sign;
+ } else if (sign == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (is_int_64) {
+ return * (int64_t)numerator.low);
+ }
+ Int128 nbd_low, nbd_high, dbn_low, dbn_high;
+ DMul<Int128, uint64_t>::mul(numerator, b.denominator, nbd_low, nbd_high);
+ DMul<Int128, uint64_t>::mul(denominator, b.numerator, dbn_low, dbn_high);
+ int32_t cmp = nbd_high.ucmp(dbn_high);
+ if (cmp) {
+ return cmp * sign;
+ }
+ return nbd_low.ucmp(dbn_low) * sign;
+int32_t ConvexHullInternal::Rational128::compare(int64_t b) const {
+ if (is_int_64) {
+ int64_t a = sign * (int64_t)numerator.low;
+ return (a > b) ? 1 : (a < b) ? -1 :
+ 0;
+ }
+ if (b > 0) {
+ if (sign <= 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else if (b < 0) {
+ if (sign >= 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ b = -b;
+ } else {
+ return sign;
+ }
+ return numerator.ucmp(denominator * b) * sign;
+ConvexHullInternal::Edge *ConvexHullInternal::new_edge_pair(Vertex *p_from, Vertex *p_to) {
+ CHULL_ASSERT(p_from && p_to);
+ Edge *e = edge_pool.alloc();
+ Edge *r = edge_pool.alloc();
+ e->reverse = r;
+ r->reverse = e;
+ e->copy = merge_stamp;
+ r->copy = merge_stamp;
+ e->target = p_to;
+ r->target = p_from;
+ e->face = nullptr;
+ r->face = nullptr;
+ used_edge_pairs++;
+ if (used_edge_pairs > max_used_edge_pairs) {
+ max_used_edge_pairs = used_edge_pairs;
+ }
+ return e;
+bool ConvexHullInternal::merge_projection(IntermediateHull &r_h0, IntermediateHull &r_h1, Vertex *&r_c0, Vertex *&r_c1) {
+ Vertex *v0 = r_h0.max_yx;
+ Vertex *v1 = r_h1.min_yx;
+ if ((v0->point.x == v1->point.x) && (v0->point.y == v1->point.y)) {
+ CHULL_ASSERT(v0->point.z < v1->point.z);
+ Vertex *v1p = v1->prev;
+ if (v1p == v1) {
+ r_c0 = v0;
+ if (v1->edges) {
+ CHULL_ASSERT(v1->edges->next == v1->edges);
+ v1 = v1->edges->target;
+ CHULL_ASSERT(v1->edges->next == v1->edges);
+ }
+ r_c1 = v1;
+ return false;
+ }
+ Vertex *v1n = v1->next;
+ v1p->next = v1n;
+ v1n->prev = v1p;
+ if (v1 == r_h1.min_xy) {
+ if ((v1n->point.x < v1p->point.x) || ((v1n->point.x == v1p->point.x) && (v1n->point.y < v1p->point.y))) {
+ r_h1.min_xy = v1n;
+ } else {
+ r_h1.min_xy = v1p;
+ }
+ }
+ if (v1 == r_h1.max_xy) {
+ if ((v1n->point.x > v1p->point.x) || ((v1n->point.x == v1p->point.x) && (v1n->point.y > v1p->point.y))) {
+ r_h1.max_xy = v1n;
+ } else {
+ r_h1.max_xy = v1p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ v0 = r_h0.max_xy;
+ v1 = r_h1.max_xy;
+ Vertex *v00 = nullptr;
+ Vertex *v10 = nullptr;
+ int32_t sign = 1;
+ for (int32_t side = 0; side <= 1; side++) {
+ int32_t dx = (v1->point.x - v0->point.x) * sign;
+ if (dx > 0) {
+ while (true) {
+ int32_t dy = v1->point.y - v0->point.y;
+ Vertex *w0 = side ? v0->next : v0->prev;
+ if (w0 != v0) {
+ int32_t dx0 = (w0->point.x - v0->point.x) * sign;
+ int32_t dy0 = w0->point.y - v0->point.y;
+ if ((dy0 <= 0) && ((dx0 == 0) || ((dx0 < 0) && (dy0 * dx <= dy * dx0)))) {
+ v0 = w0;
+ dx = (v1->point.x - v0->point.x) * sign;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ Vertex *w1 = side ? v1->next : v1->prev;
+ if (w1 != v1) {
+ int32_t dx1 = (w1->point.x - v1->point.x) * sign;
+ int32_t dy1 = w1->point.y - v1->point.y;
+ int32_t dxn = (w1->point.x - v0->point.x) * sign;
+ if ((dxn > 0) && (dy1 < 0) && ((dx1 == 0) || ((dx1 < 0) && (dy1 * dx < dy * dx1)))) {
+ v1 = w1;
+ dx = dxn;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (dx < 0) {
+ while (true) {
+ int32_t dy = v1->point.y - v0->point.y;
+ Vertex *w1 = side ? v1->prev : v1->next;
+ if (w1 != v1) {
+ int32_t dx1 = (w1->point.x - v1->point.x) * sign;
+ int32_t dy1 = w1->point.y - v1->point.y;
+ if ((dy1 >= 0) && ((dx1 == 0) || ((dx1 < 0) && (dy1 * dx <= dy * dx1)))) {
+ v1 = w1;
+ dx = (v1->point.x - v0->point.x) * sign;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ Vertex *w0 = side ? v0->prev : v0->next;
+ if (w0 != v0) {
+ int32_t dx0 = (w0->point.x - v0->point.x) * sign;
+ int32_t dy0 = w0->point.y - v0->point.y;
+ int32_t dxn = (v1->point.x - w0->point.x) * sign;
+ if ((dxn < 0) && (dy0 > 0) && ((dx0 == 0) || ((dx0 < 0) && (dy0 * dx < dy * dx0)))) {
+ v0 = w0;
+ dx = dxn;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ int32_t x = v0->point.x;
+ int32_t y0 = v0->point.y;
+ Vertex *w0 = v0;
+ Vertex *t;
+ while (((t = side ? w0->next : w0->prev) != v0) && (t->point.x == x) && (t->point.y <= y0)) {
+ w0 = t;
+ y0 = t->point.y;
+ }
+ v0 = w0;
+ int32_t y1 = v1->point.y;
+ Vertex *w1 = v1;
+ while (((t = side ? w1->prev : w1->next) != v1) && (t->point.x == x) && (t->point.y >= y1)) {
+ w1 = t;
+ y1 = t->point.y;
+ }
+ v1 = w1;
+ }
+ if (side == 0) {
+ v00 = v0;
+ v10 = v1;
+ v0 = r_h0.min_xy;
+ v1 = r_h1.min_xy;
+ sign = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ v0->prev = v1;
+ v1->next = v0;
+ v00->next = v10;
+ v10->prev = v00;
+ if (r_h1.min_xy->point.x < r_h0.min_xy->point.x) {
+ r_h0.min_xy = r_h1.min_xy;
+ }
+ if (r_h1.max_xy->point.x >= r_h0.max_xy->point.x) {
+ r_h0.max_xy = r_h1.max_xy;
+ }
+ r_h0.max_yx = r_h1.max_yx;
+ r_c0 = v00;
+ r_c1 = v10;
+ return true;
+void ConvexHullInternal::compute_internal(int32_t p_start, int32_t p_end, IntermediateHull &r_result) {
+ int32_t n = p_end - p_start;
+ switch (n) {
+ case 0:
+ r_result.min_xy = nullptr;
+ r_result.max_xy = nullptr;
+ r_result.min_yx = nullptr;
+ r_result.max_yx = nullptr;
+ return;
+ case 2: {
+ Vertex *v = original_vertices[p_start];
+ Vertex *w = original_vertices[p_start + 1];
+ if (v->point != w->point) {
+ int32_t dx = v->point.x - w->point.x;
+ int32_t dy = v->point.y - w->point.y;
+ if ((dx == 0) && (dy == 0)) {
+ if (v->point.z > w->point.z) {
+ Vertex *t = w;
+ w = v;
+ v = t;
+ }
+ CHULL_ASSERT(v->point.z < w->point.z);
+ v->next = v;
+ v->prev = v;
+ r_result.min_xy = v;
+ r_result.max_xy = v;
+ r_result.min_yx = v;
+ r_result.max_yx = v;
+ } else {
+ v->next = w;
+ v->prev = w;
+ w->next = v;
+ w->prev = v;
+ if ((dx < 0) || ((dx == 0) && (dy < 0))) {
+ r_result.min_xy = v;
+ r_result.max_xy = w;
+ } else {
+ r_result.min_xy = w;
+ r_result.max_xy = v;
+ }
+ if ((dy < 0) || ((dy == 0) && (dx < 0))) {
+ r_result.min_yx = v;
+ r_result.max_yx = w;
+ } else {
+ r_result.min_yx = w;
+ r_result.max_yx = v;
+ }
+ }
+ Edge *e = new_edge_pair(v, w);
+ e->link(e);
+ v->edges = e;
+ e = e->reverse;
+ e->link(e);
+ w->edges = e;
+ return;
+ }
+ [[fallthrough]];
+ }
+ case 1: {
+ Vertex *v = original_vertices[p_start];
+ v->edges = nullptr;
+ v->next = v;
+ v->prev = v;
+ r_result.min_xy = v;
+ r_result.max_xy = v;
+ r_result.min_yx = v;
+ r_result.max_yx = v;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ int32_t split0 = p_start + n / 2;
+ Point32 p = original_vertices[split0 - 1]->point;
+ int32_t split1 = split0;
+ while ((split1 < p_end) && (original_vertices[split1]->point == p)) {
+ split1++;
+ }
+ compute_internal(p_start, split0, r_result);
+ IntermediateHull hull1;
+ compute_internal(split1, p_end, hull1);
+ printf("\n\nMerge\n");
+ r_result.print();
+ hull1.print();
+ merge(r_result, hull1);
+ printf("\n Result\n");
+ r_result.print();
+void ConvexHullInternal::IntermediateHull::print() {
+ printf(" Hull\n");
+ for (Vertex *v = min_xy; v;) {
+ printf(" ");
+ v->print();
+ if (v == max_xy) {
+ printf(" max_xy");
+ }
+ if (v == min_yx) {
+ printf(" min_yx");
+ }
+ if (v == max_yx) {
+ printf(" max_yx");
+ }
+ if (v->next->prev != v) {
+ printf(" Inconsistency");
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ v = v->next;
+ if (v == min_xy) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (min_xy) {
+ min_xy->copy = (min_xy->copy == -1) ? -2 : -1;
+ min_xy->print_graph();
+ }
+void ConvexHullInternal::Vertex::print_graph() {
+ print();
+ printf("\nEdges\n");
+ Edge *e = edges;
+ if (e) {
+ do {
+ e->print();
+ printf("\n");
+ e = e->next;
+ } while (e != edges);
+ do {
+ Vertex *v = e->target;
+ if (v->copy != copy) {
+ v->copy = copy;
+ v->print_graph();
+ }
+ e = e->next;
+ } while (e != edges);
+ }
+ConvexHullInternal::Orientation ConvexHullInternal::get_orientation(const Edge *p_prev, const Edge *p_next, const Point32 &p_s, const Point32 &p_t) {
+ CHULL_ASSERT(p_prev->reverse->target == p_next->reverse->target);
+ if (p_prev->next == p_next) {
+ if (p_prev->prev == p_next) {
+ Point64 n = p_t.cross(p_s);
+ Point64 m = (*p_prev->target - *p_next->reverse->target).cross(*p_next->target - *p_next->reverse->target);
+ CHULL_ASSERT(!m.is_zero());
+ int64_t dot =;
+ CHULL_ASSERT(dot != 0);
+ return (dot > 0) ? COUNTER_CLOCKWISE : CLOCKWISE;
+ }
+ } else if (p_prev->prev == p_next) {
+ return CLOCKWISE;
+ } else {
+ return NONE;
+ }
+ConvexHullInternal::Edge *ConvexHullInternal::find_max_angle(bool p_ccw, const Vertex *p_start, const Point32 &p_s, const Point64 &p_rxs, const Point64 &p_sxrxs, Rational64 &p_min_cot) {
+ Edge *min_edge = nullptr;
+ printf("find max edge for %d\n", p_start->point.index);
+ Edge *e = p_start->edges;
+ if (e) {
+ do {
+ if (e->copy > merge_stamp) {
+ Point32 t = *e->target - *p_start;
+ Rational64 cot(,;
+ printf(" Angle is %f (%d) for ", Math::atan(cot.to_scalar()), (int32_t)cot.is_nan());
+ e->print();
+ if (cot.is_nan()) {
+ CHULL_ASSERT(p_ccw ? ( < 0) : ( > 0));
+ } else {
+ int32_t cmp;
+ if (min_edge == nullptr) {
+ p_min_cot = cot;
+ min_edge = e;
+ } else if ((cmp = < 0) {
+ p_min_cot = cot;
+ min_edge = e;
+ } else if ((cmp == 0) && (p_ccw == (get_orientation(min_edge, e, p_s, t) == COUNTER_CLOCKWISE))) {
+ min_edge = e;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ e = e->next;
+ } while (e != p_start->edges);
+ }
+ return min_edge;
+void ConvexHullInternal::find_edge_for_coplanar_faces(Vertex *p_c0, Vertex *p_c1, Edge *&p_e0, Edge *&p_e1, Vertex *p_stop0, Vertex *p_stop1) {
+ Edge *start0 = p_e0;
+ Edge *start1 = p_e1;
+ Point32 et0 = start0 ? start0->target->point : p_c0->point;
+ Point32 et1 = start1 ? start1->target->point : p_c1->point;
+ Point32 s = p_c1->point - p_c0->point;
+ Point64 normal = ((start0 ? start0 : start1)->target->point - p_c0->point).cross(s);
+ int64_t dist = p_c0->;
+ CHULL_ASSERT(!start1 || (start1->target-> == dist));
+ Point64 perp = s.cross(normal);
+ CHULL_ASSERT(!perp.is_zero());
+ printf(" Advancing %d %d (%p %p, %d %d)\n", p_c0->point.index, p_c1->point.index, start0, start1, start0 ? start0->target->point.index : -1, start1 ? start1->target->point.index : -1);
+ int64_t max_dot0 =;
+ if (p_e0) {
+ while (p_e0->target != p_stop0) {
+ Edge *e = p_e0->reverse->prev;
+ if (e->target-> < dist) {
+ break;
+ }
+ CHULL_ASSERT(e->target-> == dist);
+ if (e->copy == merge_stamp) {
+ break;
+ }
+ int64_t dot = e->target->;
+ if (dot <= max_dot0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ max_dot0 = dot;
+ p_e0 = e;
+ et0 = e->target->point;
+ }
+ }
+ int64_t max_dot1 =;
+ if (p_e1) {
+ while (p_e1->target != p_stop1) {
+ Edge *e = p_e1->reverse->next;
+ if (e->target-> < dist) {
+ break;
+ }
+ CHULL_ASSERT(e->target-> == dist);
+ if (e->copy == merge_stamp) {
+ break;
+ }
+ int64_t dot = e->target->;
+ if (dot <= max_dot1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ max_dot1 = dot;
+ p_e1 = e;
+ et1 = e->target->point;
+ }
+ }
+ printf(" Starting at %d %d\n", et0.index, et1.index);
+ int64_t dx = max_dot1 - max_dot0;
+ if (dx > 0) {
+ while (true) {
+ int64_t dy = (et1 - et0).dot(s);
+ if (p_e0 && (p_e0->target != p_stop0)) {
+ Edge *f0 = p_e0->next->reverse;
+ if (f0->copy > merge_stamp) {
+ int64_t dx0 = (f0->target->point - et0).dot(perp);
+ int64_t dy0 = (f0->target->point - et0).dot(s);
+ if ((dx0 == 0) ? (dy0 < 0) : ((dx0 < 0) && (Rational64(dy0, dx0).compare(Rational64(dy, dx)) >= 0))) {
+ et0 = f0->target->point;
+ dx = (et1 - et0).dot(perp);
+ p_e0 = (p_e0 == start0) ? nullptr : f0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (p_e1 && (p_e1->target != p_stop1)) {
+ Edge *f1 = p_e1->reverse->next;
+ if (f1->copy > merge_stamp) {
+ Point32 d1 = f1->target->point - et1;
+ if ( == 0) {
+ int64_t dx1 =;
+ int64_t dy1 =;
+ int64_t dxn = (f1->target->point - et0).dot(perp);
+ if ((dxn > 0) && ((dx1 == 0) ? (dy1 < 0) : ((dx1 < 0) && (Rational64(dy1, dx1).compare(Rational64(dy, dx)) > 0)))) {
+ p_e1 = f1;
+ et1 = p_e1->target->point;
+ dx = dxn;
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ CHULL_ASSERT((p_e1 == start1) && ( < 0));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (dx < 0) {
+ while (true) {
+ int64_t dy = (et1 - et0).dot(s);
+ if (p_e1 && (p_e1->target != p_stop1)) {
+ Edge *f1 = p_e1->prev->reverse;
+ if (f1->copy > merge_stamp) {
+ int64_t dx1 = (f1->target->point - et1).dot(perp);
+ int64_t dy1 = (f1->target->point - et1).dot(s);
+ if ((dx1 == 0) ? (dy1 > 0) : ((dx1 < 0) && (Rational64(dy1, dx1).compare(Rational64(dy, dx)) <= 0))) {
+ et1 = f1->target->point;
+ dx = (et1 - et0).dot(perp);
+ p_e1 = (p_e1 == start1) ? nullptr : f1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (p_e0 && (p_e0->target != p_stop0)) {
+ Edge *f0 = p_e0->reverse->prev;
+ if (f0->copy > merge_stamp) {
+ Point32 d0 = f0->target->point - et0;
+ if ( == 0) {
+ int64_t dx0 =;
+ int64_t dy0 =;
+ int64_t dxn = (et1 - f0->target->point).dot(perp);
+ if ((dxn < 0) && ((dx0 == 0) ? (dy0 > 0) : ((dx0 < 0) && (Rational64(dy0, dx0).compare(Rational64(dy, dx)) < 0)))) {
+ p_e0 = f0;
+ et0 = p_e0->target->point;
+ dx = dxn;
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ CHULL_ASSERT((p_e0 == start0) && ( < 0));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ printf(" Advanced edges to %d %d\n", et0.index, et1.index);
+void ConvexHullInternal::merge(IntermediateHull &p_h0, IntermediateHull &p_h1) {
+ if (!p_h1.max_xy) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!p_h0.max_xy) {
+ p_h0 = p_h1;
+ return;
+ }
+ merge_stamp--;
+ Vertex *c0 = nullptr;
+ Edge *to_prev0 = nullptr;
+ Edge *first_new0 = nullptr;
+ Edge *pending_head0 = nullptr;
+ Edge *pending_tail0 = nullptr;
+ Vertex *c1 = nullptr;
+ Edge *to_prev1 = nullptr;
+ Edge *first_new1 = nullptr;
+ Edge *pending_head1 = nullptr;
+ Edge *pending_tail1 = nullptr;
+ Point32 prev_point;
+ if (merge_projection(p_h0, p_h1, c0, c1)) {
+ Point32 s = *c1 - *c0;
+ Point64 normal = Point32(0, 0, -1).cross(s);
+ Point64 t = s.cross(normal);
+ CHULL_ASSERT(!t.is_zero());
+ Edge *e = c0->edges;
+ Edge *start0 = nullptr;
+ if (e) {
+ do {
+ int64_t dot = (*e->target - *c0).dot(normal);
+ CHULL_ASSERT(dot <= 0);
+ if ((dot == 0) && ((*e->target - *c0).dot(t) > 0)) {
+ if (!start0 || (get_orientation(start0, e, s, Point32(0, 0, -1)) == CLOCKWISE)) {
+ start0 = e;
+ }
+ }
+ e = e->next;
+ } while (e != c0->edges);
+ }
+ e = c1->edges;
+ Edge *start1 = nullptr;
+ if (e) {
+ do {
+ int64_t dot = (*e->target - *c1).dot(normal);
+ CHULL_ASSERT(dot <= 0);
+ if ((dot == 0) && ((*e->target - *c1).dot(t) > 0)) {
+ if (!start1 || (get_orientation(start1, e, s, Point32(0, 0, -1)) == COUNTER_CLOCKWISE)) {
+ start1 = e;
+ }
+ }
+ e = e->next;
+ } while (e != c1->edges);
+ }
+ if (start0 || start1) {
+ find_edge_for_coplanar_faces(c0, c1, start0, start1, nullptr, nullptr);
+ if (start0) {
+ c0 = start0->target;
+ }
+ if (start1) {
+ c1 = start1->target;
+ }
+ }
+ prev_point = c1->point;
+ prev_point.z++;
+ } else {
+ prev_point = c1->point;
+ prev_point.x++;
+ }
+ Vertex *first0 = c0;
+ Vertex *first1 = c1;
+ bool first_run = true;
+ while (true) {
+ Point32 s = *c1 - *c0;
+ Point32 r = prev_point - c0->point;
+ Point64 rxs = r.cross(s);
+ Point64 sxrxs = s.cross(rxs);
+ printf("\n Checking %d %d\n", c0->point.index, c1->point.index);
+ Rational64 min_cot0(0, 0);
+ Edge *min0 = find_max_angle(false, c0, s, rxs, sxrxs, min_cot0);
+ Rational64 min_cot1(0, 0);
+ Edge *min1 = find_max_angle(true, c1, s, rxs, sxrxs, min_cot1);
+ if (!min0 && !min1) {
+ Edge *e = new_edge_pair(c0, c1);
+ e->link(e);
+ c0->edges = e;
+ e = e->reverse;
+ e->link(e);
+ c1->edges = e;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ int32_t cmp = !min0 ? 1 : !min1 ? -1 :
+ printf(" -> Result %d\n", cmp);
+ if (first_run || ((cmp >= 0) ? !min_cot1.is_negative_infinity() : !min_cot0.is_negative_infinity())) {
+ Edge *e = new_edge_pair(c0, c1);
+ if (pending_tail0) {
+ pending_tail0->prev = e;
+ } else {
+ pending_head0 = e;
+ }
+ e->next = pending_tail0;
+ pending_tail0 = e;
+ e = e->reverse;
+ if (pending_tail1) {
+ pending_tail1->next = e;
+ } else {
+ pending_head1 = e;
+ }
+ e->prev = pending_tail1;
+ pending_tail1 = e;
+ }
+ Edge *e0 = min0;
+ Edge *e1 = min1;
+ printf(" Found min edges to %d %d\n", e0 ? e0->target->point.index : -1, e1 ? e1->target->point.index : -1);
+ if (cmp == 0) {
+ find_edge_for_coplanar_faces(c0, c1, e0, e1, nullptr, nullptr);
+ }
+ if ((cmp >= 0) && e1) {
+ if (to_prev1) {
+ for (Edge *e = to_prev1->next, *n = nullptr; e != min1; e = n) {
+ n = e->next;
+ remove_edge_pair(e);
+ }
+ }
+ if (pending_tail1) {
+ if (to_prev1) {
+ to_prev1->link(pending_head1);
+ } else {
+ min1->prev->link(pending_head1);
+ first_new1 = pending_head1;
+ }
+ pending_tail1->link(min1);
+ pending_head1 = nullptr;
+ pending_tail1 = nullptr;
+ } else if (!to_prev1) {
+ first_new1 = min1;
+ }
+ prev_point = c1->point;
+ c1 = e1->target;
+ to_prev1 = e1->reverse;
+ }
+ if ((cmp <= 0) && e0) {
+ if (to_prev0) {
+ for (Edge *e = to_prev0->prev, *n = nullptr; e != min0; e = n) {
+ n = e->prev;
+ remove_edge_pair(e);
+ }
+ }
+ if (pending_tail0) {
+ if (to_prev0) {
+ pending_head0->link(to_prev0);
+ } else {
+ pending_head0->link(min0->next);
+ first_new0 = pending_head0;
+ }
+ min0->link(pending_tail0);
+ pending_head0 = nullptr;
+ pending_tail0 = nullptr;
+ } else if (!to_prev0) {
+ first_new0 = min0;
+ }
+ prev_point = c0->point;
+ c0 = e0->target;
+ to_prev0 = e0->reverse;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((c0 == first0) && (c1 == first1)) {
+ if (to_prev0 == nullptr) {
+ pending_head0->link(pending_tail0);
+ c0->edges = pending_tail0;
+ } else {
+ for (Edge *e = to_prev0->prev, *n = nullptr; e != first_new0; e = n) {
+ n = e->prev;
+ remove_edge_pair(e);
+ }
+ if (pending_tail0) {
+ pending_head0->link(to_prev0);
+ first_new0->link(pending_tail0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (to_prev1 == nullptr) {
+ pending_tail1->link(pending_head1);
+ c1->edges = pending_tail1;
+ } else {
+ for (Edge *e = to_prev1->next, *n = nullptr; e != first_new1; e = n) {
+ n = e->next;
+ remove_edge_pair(e);
+ }
+ if (pending_tail1) {
+ to_prev1->link(pending_head1);
+ pending_tail1->link(first_new1);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ first_run = false;
+ }
+struct PointComparator {
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator()(const ConvexHullInternal::Point32 &p, const ConvexHullInternal::Point32 &q) const {
+ return (p.y < q.y) || ((p.y == q.y) && ((p.x < q.x) || ((p.x == q.x) && (p.z < q.z))));
+ }
+void ConvexHullInternal::compute(const Vector3 *p_coords, int32_t p_count) {
+ AABB aabb;
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < p_count; i++) {
+ Vector3 p = p_coords[i];
+ if (i == 0) {
+ aabb.position = p;
+ } else {
+ aabb.expand_to(p);
+ }
+ }
+ Vector3 s = aabb.size;
+ max_axis = s.max_axis();
+ min_axis = s.min_axis();
+ if (min_axis == max_axis) {
+ min_axis = (max_axis + 1) % 3;
+ }
+ med_axis = 3 - max_axis - min_axis;
+ s /= real_t(10216);
+ if (((med_axis + 1) % 3) != max_axis) {
+ s *= -1;
+ }
+ scaling = s;
+ if (s[0] != 0) {
+ s[0] = real_t(1) / s[0];
+ }
+ if (s[1] != 0) {
+ s[1] = real_t(1) / s[1];
+ }
+ if (s[2] != 0) {
+ s[2] = real_t(1) / s[2];
+ }
+ center = aabb.position;
+ LocalVector<Point32> points;
+ points.resize(p_count);
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < p_count; i++) {
+ Vector3 p = p_coords[i];
+ p = (p - center) * s;
+ points[i].x = (int32_t)p[med_axis];
+ points[i].y = (int32_t)p[max_axis];
+ points[i].z = (int32_t)p[min_axis];
+ points[i].index = i;
+ }
+ points.sort_custom<PointComparator>();
+ vertex_pool.reset(true);
+ original_vertices.resize(p_count);
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < p_count; i++) {
+ Vertex *v = vertex_pool.alloc();
+ v->edges = nullptr;
+ v->point = points[i];
+ v->copy = -1;
+ original_vertices[i] = v;
+ }
+ points.clear();
+ edge_pool.reset(true);
+ used_edge_pairs = 0;
+ max_used_edge_pairs = 0;
+ merge_stamp = -3;
+ IntermediateHull hull;
+ compute_internal(0, p_count, hull);
+ vertex_list = hull.min_xy;
+ printf("max. edges %d (3v = %d)", max_used_edge_pairs, 3 * p_count);
+Vector3 ConvexHullInternal::to_gd_vector(const Point32 &p_v) {
+ Vector3 p;
+ p[med_axis] = real_t(p_v.x);
+ p[max_axis] = real_t(p_v.y);
+ p[min_axis] = real_t(p_v.z);
+ return p * scaling;
+Vector3 ConvexHullInternal::get_gd_normal(Face *p_face) {
+ return to_gd_vector(p_face->dir0).cross(to_gd_vector(p_face->dir1)).normalized();
+Vector3 ConvexHullInternal::get_coordinates(const Vertex *p_v) {
+ Vector3 p;
+ p[med_axis] = p_v->xvalue();
+ p[max_axis] = p_v->yvalue();
+ p[min_axis] = p_v->zvalue();
+ return p * scaling + center;
+real_t ConvexHullInternal::shrink(real_t p_amount, real_t p_clamp_amount) {
+ if (!vertex_list) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int32_t stamp = --merge_stamp;
+ LocalVector<Vertex *> stack;
+ vertex_list->copy = stamp;
+ stack.push_back(vertex_list);
+ LocalVector<Face *> faces;
+ Point32 ref = vertex_list->point;
+ Int128 hull_center_x(0, 0);
+ Int128 hull_center_y(0, 0);
+ Int128 hull_center_z(0, 0);
+ Int128 volume(0, 0);
+ while (stack.size() > 0) {
+ Vertex *v = stack[stack.size() - 1];
+ stack.remove(stack.size() - 1);
+ Edge *e = v->edges;
+ if (e) {
+ do {
+ if (e->target->copy != stamp) {
+ e->target->copy = stamp;
+ stack.push_back(e->target);
+ }
+ if (e->copy != stamp) {
+ Face *face = face_pool.alloc();
+ face->init(e->target, e->reverse->prev->target, v);
+ faces.push_back(face);
+ Edge *f = e;
+ Vertex *a = nullptr;
+ Vertex *b = nullptr;
+ do {
+ if (a && b) {
+ int64_t vol = (v->point - ref).dot((a->point - ref).cross(b->point - ref));
+ CHULL_ASSERT(vol >= 0);
+ Point32 c = v->point + a->point + b->point + ref;
+ hull_center_x += vol * c.x;
+ hull_center_y += vol * c.y;
+ hull_center_z += vol * c.z;
+ volume += vol;
+ }
+ CHULL_ASSERT(f->copy != stamp);
+ f->copy = stamp;
+ f->face = face;
+ a = b;
+ b = f->target;
+ f = f->reverse->prev;
+ } while (f != e);
+ }
+ e = e->next;
+ } while (e != v->edges);
+ }
+ }
+ if (volume.get_sign() <= 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Vector3 hull_center;
+ hull_center[med_axis] = hull_center_x.to_scalar();
+ hull_center[max_axis] = hull_center_y.to_scalar();
+ hull_center[min_axis] = hull_center_z.to_scalar();
+ hull_center /= 4 * volume.to_scalar();
+ hull_center *= scaling;
+ int32_t face_count = faces.size();
+ if (p_clamp_amount > 0) {
+ real_t min_dist = FLT_MAX;
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < face_count; i++) {
+ Vector3 normal = get_gd_normal(faces[i]);
+ real_t dist =[i]->origin) - hull_center);
+ if (dist < min_dist) {
+ min_dist = dist;
+ }
+ }
+ if (min_dist <= 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ p_amount = MIN(p_amount, min_dist * p_clamp_amount);
+ }
+ uint32_t seed = 243703;
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < face_count; i++, seed = 1664525 * seed + 1013904223) {
+ SWAP(faces[i], faces[seed % face_count]);
+ }
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < face_count; i++) {
+ if (!shift_face(faces[i], p_amount, stack)) {
+ return -p_amount;
+ }
+ }
+ return p_amount;
+bool ConvexHullInternal::shift_face(Face *p_face, real_t p_amount, LocalVector<Vertex *> p_stack) {
+ Vector3 orig_shift = get_gd_normal(p_face) * -p_amount;
+ if (scaling[0] != 0) {
+ orig_shift[0] /= scaling[0];
+ }
+ if (scaling[1] != 0) {
+ orig_shift[1] /= scaling[1];
+ }
+ if (scaling[2] != 0) {
+ orig_shift[2] /= scaling[2];
+ }
+ Point32 shift((int32_t)orig_shift[med_axis], (int32_t)orig_shift[max_axis], (int32_t)orig_shift[min_axis]);
+ if (shift.is_zero()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ Point64 normal = p_face->get_normal();
+ printf("\nShrinking p_face (%d %d %d) (%d %d %d) (%d %d %d) by (%d %d %d)\n",
+ p_face->origin.x, p_face->origin.y, p_face->origin.z, p_face->dir0.x, p_face->dir0.y, p_face->dir0.z, p_face->dir1.x, p_face->dir1.y, p_face->dir1.z, shift.x, shift.y, shift.z);
+ int64_t orig_dot = p_face->;
+ Point32 shifted_origin = p_face->origin + shift;
+ int64_t shifted_dot =;
+ CHULL_ASSERT(shifted_dot <= orig_dot);
+ if (shifted_dot >= orig_dot) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Edge *intersection = nullptr;
+ Edge *start_edge = p_face->nearby_vertex->edges;
+ printf("Start edge is ");
+ start_edge->print();
+ printf(", normal is (%lld %lld %lld), shifted dot is %lld\n", normal.x, normal.y, normal.z, shifted_dot);
+ Rational128 opt_dot = p_face->nearby_vertex->dot(normal);
+ int32_t cmp =;
+ int32_t n = 0;
+ if (cmp >= 0) {
+ Edge *e = start_edge;
+ do {
+ n++;
+ Rational128 dot = e->target->dot(normal);
+ CHULL_ASSERT( <= 0);
+ printf("Moving downwards, edge is ");
+ e->print();
+ printf(", dot is %f (%f %lld)\n", (float)dot.to_scalar(), (float)opt_dot.to_scalar(), shifted_dot);
+ if ( < 0) {
+ int32_t c =;
+ opt_dot = dot;
+ e = e->reverse;
+ start_edge = e;
+ if (c < 0) {
+ intersection = e;
+ break;
+ }
+ cmp = c;
+ }
+ e = e->prev;
+ } while (e != start_edge);
+ if (!intersection) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ Edge *e = start_edge;
+ do {
+ n++;
+ Rational128 dot = e->target->dot(normal);
+ CHULL_ASSERT( <= 0);
+ printf("Moving upwards, edge is ");
+ e->print();
+ printf(", dot is %f (%f %lld)\n", (float)dot.to_scalar(), (float)opt_dot.to_scalar(), shifted_dot);
+ if ( > 0) {
+ cmp =;
+ if (cmp >= 0) {
+ intersection = e;
+ break;
+ }
+ opt_dot = dot;
+ e = e->reverse;
+ start_edge = e;
+ }
+ e = e->prev;
+ } while (e != start_edge);
+ if (!intersection) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("Needed %d iterations to find initial intersection\n", n);
+ if (cmp == 0) {
+ Edge *e = intersection->reverse->next;
+ n = 0;
+ while (e->target->dot(normal).compare(shifted_dot) <= 0) {
+ n++;
+ e = e->next;
+ if (e == intersection->reverse) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ printf("Checking for outwards edge, current edge is ");
+ e->print();
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ printf("Needed %d iterations to check for complete containment\n", n);
+ }
+ Edge *first_intersection = nullptr;
+ Edge *face_edge = nullptr;
+ Edge *first_face_edge = nullptr;
+ int32_t m = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ m++;
+ printf("Intersecting edge is ");
+ intersection->print();
+ printf("\n");
+ if (cmp == 0) {
+ Edge *e = intersection->reverse->next;
+ start_edge = e;
+ n = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ n++;
+ if (e->target->dot(normal).compare(shifted_dot) >= 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ intersection = e->reverse;
+ e = e->next;
+ if (e == start_edge) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("Needed %d iterations to advance intersection\n", n);
+ }
+ printf("Advanced intersecting edge to ");
+ intersection->print();
+ printf(", cmp = %d\n", cmp);
+ if (!first_intersection) {
+ first_intersection = intersection;
+ } else if (intersection == first_intersection) {
+ break;
+ }
+ int32_t prev_cmp = cmp;
+ Edge *prev_intersection = intersection;
+ Edge *prev_face_edge = face_edge;
+ Edge *e = intersection->reverse;
+ n = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ n++;
+ e = e->reverse->prev;
+ CHULL_ASSERT(e != intersection->reverse);
+ cmp = e->target->dot(normal).compare(shifted_dot);
+ printf("Testing edge ");
+ e->print();
+ printf(" -> cmp = %d\n", cmp);
+ if (cmp >= 0) {
+ intersection = e;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("Needed %d iterations to find other intersection of p_face\n", n);
+ if (cmp > 0) {
+ Vertex *removed = intersection->target;
+ e = intersection->reverse;
+ if (e->prev == e) {
+ removed->edges = nullptr;
+ } else {
+ removed->edges = e->prev;
+ e->prev->link(e->next);
+ e->link(e);
+ }
+ printf("1: Removed part contains (%d %d %d)\n", removed->point.x, removed->point.y, removed->point.z);
+ Point64 n0 = intersection->face->get_normal();
+ Point64 n1 = intersection->reverse->face->get_normal();
+ int64_t m00 = p_face->;
+ int64_t m01 = p_face->;
+ int64_t m10 = p_face->;
+ int64_t m11 = p_face->;
+ int64_t r0 = (intersection->face->origin - shifted_origin).dot(n0);
+ int64_t r1 = (intersection->reverse->face->origin - shifted_origin).dot(n1);
+ Int128 det = Int128::mul(m00, m11) - Int128::mul(m01, m10);
+ CHULL_ASSERT(det.get_sign() != 0);
+ Vertex *v = vertex_pool.alloc();
+ v->point.index = -1;
+ v->copy = -1;
+ v->point128 = PointR128(Int128::mul(p_face->dir0.x * r0, m11) - Int128::mul(p_face->dir0.x * r1, m01) + Int128::mul(p_face->dir1.x * r1, m00) - Int128::mul(p_face->dir1.x * r0, m10) + det * shifted_origin.x,
+ Int128::mul(p_face->dir0.y * r0, m11) - Int128::mul(p_face->dir0.y * r1, m01) + Int128::mul(p_face->dir1.y * r1, m00) - Int128::mul(p_face->dir1.y * r0, m10) + det * shifted_origin.y,
+ Int128::mul(p_face->dir0.z * r0, m11) - Int128::mul(p_face->dir0.z * r1, m01) + Int128::mul(p_face->dir1.z * r1, m00) - Int128::mul(p_face->dir1.z * r0, m10) + det * shifted_origin.z,
+ det);
+ v->point.x = (int32_t)v->point128.xvalue();
+ v->point.y = (int32_t)v->point128.yvalue();
+ v->point.z = (int32_t)v->point128.zvalue();
+ intersection->target = v;
+ v->edges = e;
+ p_stack.push_back(v);
+ p_stack.push_back(removed);
+ p_stack.push_back(nullptr);
+ }
+ if (cmp || prev_cmp || (prev_intersection->reverse->next->target != intersection->target)) {
+ face_edge = new_edge_pair(prev_intersection->target, intersection->target);
+ if (prev_cmp == 0) {
+ face_edge->link(prev_intersection->reverse->next);
+ }
+ if ((prev_cmp == 0) || prev_face_edge) {
+ prev_intersection->reverse->link(face_edge);
+ }
+ if (cmp == 0) {
+ intersection->reverse->prev->link(face_edge->reverse);
+ }
+ face_edge->reverse->link(intersection->reverse);
+ } else {
+ face_edge = prev_intersection->reverse->next;
+ }
+ if (prev_face_edge) {
+ if (prev_cmp > 0) {
+ face_edge->link(prev_face_edge->reverse);
+ } else if (face_edge != prev_face_edge->reverse) {
+ p_stack.push_back(prev_face_edge->target);
+ while (face_edge->next != prev_face_edge->reverse) {
+ Vertex *removed = face_edge->next->target;
+ remove_edge_pair(face_edge->next);
+ p_stack.push_back(removed);
+ printf("2: Removed part contains (%d %d %d)\n", removed->point.x, removed->point.y, removed->point.z);
+ }
+ p_stack.push_back(nullptr);
+ }
+ }
+ face_edge->face = p_face;
+ face_edge->reverse->face = intersection->face;
+ if (!first_face_edge) {
+ first_face_edge = face_edge;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("Needed %d iterations to process all intersections\n", m);
+ if (cmp > 0) {
+ first_face_edge->reverse->target = face_edge->target;
+ first_intersection->reverse->link(first_face_edge);
+ first_face_edge->link(face_edge->reverse);
+ } else if (first_face_edge != face_edge->reverse) {
+ p_stack.push_back(face_edge->target);
+ while (first_face_edge->next != face_edge->reverse) {
+ Vertex *removed = first_face_edge->next->target;
+ remove_edge_pair(first_face_edge->next);
+ p_stack.push_back(removed);
+ printf("3: Removed part contains (%d %d %d)\n", removed->point.x, removed->point.y, removed->point.z);
+ }
+ p_stack.push_back(nullptr);
+ }
+ CHULL_ASSERT(p_stack.size() > 0);
+ vertex_list = p_stack[0];
+ printf("Removing part\n");
+ n = 0;
+ uint32_t pos = 0;
+ while (pos < p_stack.size()) {
+ uint32_t end = p_stack.size();
+ while (pos < end) {
+ Vertex *kept = p_stack[pos++];
+ kept->print();
+ bool deeper = false;
+ Vertex *removed;
+ while ((removed = p_stack[pos++]) != nullptr) {
+ n++;
+ kept->receive_nearby_faces(removed);
+ while (removed->edges) {
+ if (!deeper) {
+ deeper = true;
+ p_stack.push_back(kept);
+ }
+ p_stack.push_back(removed->edges->target);
+ remove_edge_pair(removed->edges);
+ }
+ }
+ if (deeper) {
+ p_stack.push_back(nullptr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ printf("Needed %d iterations to remove part\n", n);
+ p_stack.resize(0);
+ p_face->origin = shifted_origin;
+ return true;
+static int32_t get_vertex_copy(ConvexHullInternal::Vertex *p_vertex, LocalVector<ConvexHullInternal::Vertex *> &p_vertices) {
+ int32_t index = p_vertex->copy;
+ if (index < 0) {
+ index = p_vertices.size();
+ p_vertex->copy = index;
+ p_vertices.push_back(p_vertex);
+ printf("Vertex %d gets index *%d\n", p_vertex->point.index, index);
+ }
+ return index;
+real_t ConvexHullComputer::compute(const Vector3 *p_coords, int32_t p_count, real_t p_shrink, real_t p_shrink_clamp) {
+ if (p_count <= 0) {
+ vertices.clear();
+ edges.clear();
+ faces.clear();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ConvexHullInternal hull;
+ hull.compute(p_coords, p_count);
+ real_t shift = 0;
+ if ((p_shrink > 0) && ((shift = hull.shrink(p_shrink, p_shrink_clamp)) < 0)) {
+ vertices.clear();
+ edges.clear();
+ faces.clear();
+ return shift;
+ }
+ vertices.resize(0);
+ edges.resize(0);
+ faces.resize(0);
+ LocalVector<ConvexHullInternal::Vertex *> old_vertices;
+ get_vertex_copy(hull.vertex_list, old_vertices);
+ int32_t copied = 0;
+ while (copied < (int32_t)old_vertices.size()) {
+ ConvexHullInternal::Vertex *v = old_vertices[copied];
+ vertices.push_back(hull.get_coordinates(v));
+ ConvexHullInternal::Edge *first_edge = v->edges;
+ if (first_edge) {
+ int32_t first_copy = -1;
+ int32_t prev_copy = -1;
+ ConvexHullInternal::Edge *e = first_edge;
+ do {
+ if (e->copy < 0) {
+ int32_t s = edges.size();
+ edges.push_back(Edge());
+ edges.push_back(Edge());
+ Edge *c = &edges[s];
+ Edge *r = &edges[s + 1];
+ e->copy = s;
+ e->reverse->copy = s + 1;
+ c->reverse = 1;
+ r->reverse = -1;
+ c->target_vertex = get_vertex_copy(e->target, old_vertices);
+ r->target_vertex = copied;
+ printf(" CREATE: Vertex *%d has edge to *%d\n", copied, c->get_target_vertex());
+ }
+ if (prev_copy >= 0) {
+ edges[e->copy].next = prev_copy - e->copy;
+ } else {
+ first_copy = e->copy;
+ }
+ prev_copy = e->copy;
+ e = e->next;
+ } while (e != first_edge);
+ edges[first_copy].next = prev_copy - first_copy;
+ }
+ copied++;
+ }
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < copied; i++) {
+ ConvexHullInternal::Vertex *v = old_vertices[i];
+ ConvexHullInternal::Edge *first_edge = v->edges;
+ if (first_edge) {
+ ConvexHullInternal::Edge *e = first_edge;
+ do {
+ if (e->copy >= 0) {
+ printf("Vertex *%d has edge to *%d\n", i, edges[e->copy].get_target_vertex());
+ faces.push_back(e->copy);
+ ConvexHullInternal::Edge *f = e;
+ do {
+ printf(" Face *%d\n", edges[f->copy].get_target_vertex());
+ f->copy = -1;
+ f = f->reverse->prev;
+ } while (f != e);
+ }
+ e = e->next;
+ } while (e != first_edge);
+ }
+ }
+ return shift;
+Error ConvexHullComputer::convex_hull(const Vector<Vector3> &p_points, Geometry3D::MeshData &r_mesh) {
+ r_mesh = Geometry3D::MeshData(); // clear
+ if (p_points.size() == 0) {
+ return FAILED; // matches QuickHull
+ }
+ ConvexHullComputer ch;
+ ch.compute(p_points.ptr(), p_points.size(), -1.0, -1.0);
+ r_mesh.vertices = ch.vertices;
+ r_mesh.edges.resize(ch.edges.size());
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ch.edges.size(); i++) {
+ r_mesh.edges.write[i].a = (&ch.edges[i])->get_source_vertex();
+ r_mesh.edges.write[i].b = (&ch.edges[i])->get_target_vertex();
+ }
+ r_mesh.faces.resize(ch.faces.size());
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ch.faces.size(); i++) {
+ const Edge *e_start = &ch.edges[ch.faces[i]];
+ const Edge *e = e_start;
+ Geometry3D::MeshData::Face &face = r_mesh.faces.write[i];
+ do {
+ face.indices.push_back(e->get_target_vertex());
+ e = e->get_next_edge_of_face();
+ } while (e != e_start);
+ // compute normal
+ if (face.indices.size() >= 3) {
+ face.plane = Plane(r_mesh.vertices[face.indices[0]], r_mesh.vertices[face.indices[2]], r_mesh.vertices[face.indices[1]]);
+ } else {
+ WARN_PRINT("Too few vertices per face.");
+ }
+ }
+ return OK;
diff --git a/core/math/convex_hull.h b/core/math/convex_hull.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba7be9c5e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/math/convex_hull.h
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+/* convex_hull.h */
+/* This file is part of: */
+/* */
+/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
+/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
+/* */
+/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
+/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
+/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
+/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
+/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
+/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
+/* the following conditions: */
+/* */
+/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
+/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
+/* */
+Copyright (c) 2011 Ole Kniemeyer, MAXON,
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
+subject to the following restrictions:
+1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
+2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
+3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+#ifndef CONVEX_HULL_H
+#define CONVEX_HULL_H
+#include "core/math/geometry_3d.h"
+#include "core/math/vector3.h"
+#include "core/templates/local_vector.h"
+#include "core/templates/vector.h"
+/// Convex hull implementation based on Preparata and Hong
+/// See
+/// Ole Kniemeyer, MAXON Computer GmbH
+class ConvexHullComputer {
+ class Edge {
+ private:
+ int32_t next = 0;
+ int32_t reverse = 0;
+ int32_t target_vertex = 0;
+ friend class ConvexHullComputer;
+ public:
+ int32_t get_source_vertex() const {
+ return (this + reverse)->target_vertex;
+ }
+ int32_t get_target_vertex() const {
+ return target_vertex;
+ }
+ const Edge *get_next_edge_of_vertex() const // clockwise list of all edges of a vertex
+ {
+ return this + next;
+ }
+ const Edge *get_next_edge_of_face() const // counter-clockwise list of all edges of a face
+ {
+ return (this + reverse)->get_next_edge_of_vertex();
+ }
+ const Edge *get_reverse_edge() const {
+ return this + reverse;
+ }
+ };
+ // Vertices of the output hull
+ Vector<Vector3> vertices;
+ // Edges of the output hull
+ LocalVector<Edge> edges;
+ // Faces of the convex hull. Each entry is an index into the "edges" array pointing to an edge of the face. Faces are planar n-gons
+ LocalVector<int32_t> faces;
+ /*
+ Compute convex hull of "count" vertices stored in "coords".
+ If "shrink" is positive, the convex hull is shrunken by that amount (each face is moved by "shrink" length units
+ towards the center along its normal).
+ If "shrinkClamp" is positive, "shrink" is clamped to not exceed "shrinkClamp * innerRadius", where "innerRadius"
+ is the minimum distance of a face to the center of the convex hull.
+ The returned value is the amount by which the hull has been shrunken. If it is negative, the amount was so large
+ that the resulting convex hull is empty.
+ The output convex hull can be found in the member variables "vertices", "edges", "faces".
+ */
+ real_t compute(const Vector3 *p_coords, int32_t p_count, real_t p_shrink, real_t p_shrink_clamp);
+ static Error convex_hull(const Vector<Vector3> &p_points, Geometry3D::MeshData &r_mesh);
+#endif // CONVEX_HULL_H
diff --git a/core/templates/paged_allocator.h b/core/templates/paged_allocator.h
index 7002034710..481289309f 100644
--- a/core/templates/paged_allocator.h
+++ b/core/templates/paged_allocator.h
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
#include "core/os/spin_lock.h"
#include "core/typedefs.h"
+#include <type_traits>
template <class T, bool thread_safe = false>
class PagedAllocator {
T **page_pool = nullptr;
@@ -89,8 +91,10 @@ public:
- void reset() {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(allocs_available < pages_allocated * page_size);
+ void reset(bool p_allow_unfreed = false) {
+ if (!p_allow_unfreed || !std::is_trivially_destructible<T>::value) {
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(allocs_available < pages_allocated * page_size);
+ }
if (pages_allocated) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pages_allocated; i++) {
diff --git a/doc/classes/CodeEdit.xml b/doc/classes/CodeEdit.xml
index 81795abcdd..42a6df866f 100644
--- a/doc/classes/CodeEdit.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/CodeEdit.xml
@@ -193,8 +193,6 @@
<theme_item name="line_spacing" type="int" default="4">
- <theme_item name="mark_color" type="Color" default="Color( 1, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4 )">
- </theme_item>
<theme_item name="normal" type="StyleBox">
<theme_item name="outline_size" type="int" default="0">
diff --git a/doc/classes/GPUParticles2D.xml b/doc/classes/GPUParticles2D.xml
index ebe4e3b00d..ebd6d2b92c 100644
--- a/doc/classes/GPUParticles2D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/GPUParticles2D.xml
@@ -31,7 +31,9 @@
<member name="amount" type="int" setter="set_amount" getter="get_amount" default="8">
Number of particles emitted in one emission cycle.
- <member name="draw_order" type="int" setter="set_draw_order" getter="get_draw_order" enum="GPUParticles2D.DrawOrder" default="0">
+ <member name="collision_base_size" type="float" setter="set_collision_base_size" getter="get_collision_base_size" default="1.0">
+ </member>
+ <member name="draw_order" type="int" setter="set_draw_order" getter="get_draw_order" enum="GPUParticles2D.DrawOrder" default="1">
Particle draw order. Uses [enum DrawOrder] values.
<member name="emitting" type="bool" setter="set_emitting" getter="is_emitting" default="true">
@@ -40,7 +42,7 @@
<member name="explosiveness" type="float" setter="set_explosiveness_ratio" getter="get_explosiveness_ratio" default="0.0">
How rapidly particles in an emission cycle are emitted. If greater than [code]0[/code], there will be a gap in emissions before the next cycle begins.
- <member name="fixed_fps" type="int" setter="set_fixed_fps" getter="get_fixed_fps" default="0">
+ <member name="fixed_fps" type="int" setter="set_fixed_fps" getter="get_fixed_fps" default="30">
The particle system's frame rate is fixed to a value. For instance, changing the value to 2 will make the particles render at 2 frames per second. Note this does not slow down the simulation of the particle system itself.
<member name="fract_delta" type="bool" setter="set_fractional_delta" getter="get_fractional_delta" default="true">
@@ -70,6 +72,14 @@
<member name="texture" type="Texture2D" setter="set_texture" getter="get_texture">
Particle texture. If [code]null[/code], particles will be squares.
+ <member name="trail_enabled" type="bool" setter="set_trail_enabled" getter="is_trail_enabled" default="false">
+ </member>
+ <member name="trail_length_secs" type="float" setter="set_trail_length" getter="get_trail_length" default="0.3">
+ </member>
+ <member name="trail_section_subdivisions" type="int" setter="set_trail_section_subdivisions" getter="get_trail_section_subdivisions" default="4">
+ </member>
+ <member name="trail_sections" type="int" setter="set_trail_sections" getter="get_trail_sections" default="8">
+ </member>
<member name="visibility_rect" type="Rect2" setter="set_visibility_rect" getter="get_visibility_rect" default="Rect2( -100, -100, 200, 200 )">
The [Rect2] that determines the node's region which needs to be visible on screen for the particle system to be active.
Grow the rect if particles suddenly appear/disappear when the node enters/exits the screen. The [Rect2] can be grown via code or with the [b]Particles → Generate Visibility Rect[/b] editor tool.
@@ -82,5 +92,7 @@
<constant name="DRAW_ORDER_LIFETIME" value="1" enum="DrawOrder">
Particles are drawn in order of remaining lifetime.
+ <constant name="DRAW_ORDER_REVERSE_LIFETIME" value="2" enum="DrawOrder">
+ </constant>
diff --git a/doc/classes/GPUParticles3D.xml b/doc/classes/GPUParticles3D.xml
index e5d6581ddc..76f0fdb406 100644
--- a/doc/classes/GPUParticles3D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/GPUParticles3D.xml
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
<member name="sub_emitter" type="NodePath" setter="set_sub_emitter" getter="get_sub_emitter" default="NodePath(&quot;&quot;)">
- <member name="trail_enabled" type="bool" setter="set_enable_trail" getter="is_trail_enabled" default="false">
+ <member name="trail_enabled" type="bool" setter="set_trail_enabled" getter="is_trail_enabled" default="false">
<member name="trail_length_secs" type="float" setter="set_trail_length" getter="get_trail_length" default="0.3">
@@ -144,7 +144,9 @@
<constant name="DRAW_ORDER_LIFETIME" value="1" enum="DrawOrder">
Particles are drawn in order of remaining lifetime.
- <constant name="DRAW_ORDER_VIEW_DEPTH" value="2" enum="DrawOrder">
+ <constant name="DRAW_ORDER_REVERSE_LIFETIME" value="2" enum="DrawOrder">
+ </constant>
+ <constant name="DRAW_ORDER_VIEW_DEPTH" value="3" enum="DrawOrder">
Particles are drawn in order of depth.
<constant name="EMIT_FLAG_POSITION" value="1" enum="EmitFlags">
diff --git a/doc/classes/ParticlesMaterial.xml b/doc/classes/ParticlesMaterial.xml
index 6d7f99a55b..3c364b621a 100644
--- a/doc/classes/ParticlesMaterial.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/ParticlesMaterial.xml
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
<member name="collision_bounce" type="float" setter="set_collision_bounce" getter="get_collision_bounce" default="0.0">
- <member name="collision_enabled" type="bool" setter="set_collision_enabled" getter="is_collision_enabled" default="true">
+ <member name="collision_enabled" type="bool" setter="set_collision_enabled" getter="is_collision_enabled" default="false">
<member name="collision_friction" type="float" setter="set_collision_friction" getter="get_collision_friction" default="0.0">
diff --git a/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml b/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml
index 24d4a8a46e..690c90a16e 100644
--- a/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml
@@ -732,6 +732,10 @@
<member name="input/ui_text_select_all" type="Dictionary" setter="" getter="">
+ <member name="input/ui_text_select_word_under_caret" type="Dictionary" setter="" getter="">
+ If no selection is currently active, selects the word currently under the caret in text fields. If a selection is currently active, deselects the current selection.
+ [b]Note:[/b] Currently, this is only implemented in [TextEdit], not [LineEdit].
+ </member>
<member name="input/ui_text_toggle_insert_mode" type="Dictionary" setter="" getter="">
<member name="input/ui_undo" type="Dictionary" setter="" getter="">
diff --git a/doc/classes/RenderingServer.xml b/doc/classes/RenderingServer.xml
index 638b0bb297..7a345f726d 100644
--- a/doc/classes/RenderingServer.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/RenderingServer.xml
@@ -3388,7 +3388,7 @@
<constant name="PARTICLES_DRAW_ORDER_LIFETIME" value="1" enum="ParticlesDrawOrder">
Sort particles based on their lifetime.
- <constant name="PARTICLES_DRAW_ORDER_VIEW_DEPTH" value="2" enum="ParticlesDrawOrder">
+ <constant name="PARTICLES_DRAW_ORDER_VIEW_DEPTH" value="3" enum="ParticlesDrawOrder">
Sort particles based on their distance to the camera.
<constant name="VIEWPORT_UPDATE_DISABLED" value="0" enum="ViewportUpdateMode">
diff --git a/doc/classes/Sprite2D.xml b/doc/classes/Sprite2D.xml
index 617ad3a371..c320adb1be 100644
--- a/doc/classes/Sprite2D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/Sprite2D.xml
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
<member name="frame" type="int" setter="set_frame" getter="get_frame" default="0">
Current frame to display from sprite sheet. [member hframes] or [member vframes] must be greater than 1.
- <member name="frame_coords" type="Vector2" setter="set_frame_coords" getter="get_frame_coords" default="Vector2( 0, 0 )">
+ <member name="frame_coords" type="Vector2i" setter="set_frame_coords" getter="get_frame_coords" default="Vector2i( 0, 0 )">
Coordinates of the frame to display from sprite sheet. This is as an alias for the [member frame] property. [member hframes] or [member vframes] must be greater than 1.
<member name="hframes" type="int" setter="set_hframes" getter="get_hframes" default="1">
diff --git a/doc/classes/Sprite3D.xml b/doc/classes/Sprite3D.xml
index 658fd1a4f2..a7d61a6bab 100644
--- a/doc/classes/Sprite3D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/Sprite3D.xml
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<member name="frame" type="int" setter="set_frame" getter="get_frame" default="0">
Current frame to display from sprite sheet. [member hframes] or [member vframes] must be greater than 1.
- <member name="frame_coords" type="Vector2" setter="set_frame_coords" getter="get_frame_coords" default="Vector2( 0, 0 )">
+ <member name="frame_coords" type="Vector2i" setter="set_frame_coords" getter="get_frame_coords" default="Vector2i( 0, 0 )">
Coordinates of the frame to display from sprite sheet. This is as an alias for the [member frame] property. [member hframes] or [member vframes] must be greater than 1.
<member name="hframes" type="int" setter="set_hframes" getter="get_hframes" default="1">
diff --git a/doc/classes/TextEdit.xml b/doc/classes/TextEdit.xml
index b97728ccd4..29067b5534 100644
--- a/doc/classes/TextEdit.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/TextEdit.xml
@@ -167,6 +167,15 @@
Returns the text of a specific line.
+ <method name="get_line_background_color">
+ <return type="Color">
+ </return>
+ <argument index="0" name="line" type="int">
+ </argument>
+ <description>
+ Returns the current background color of the line. [code]Color(0, 0, 0, 0)[/code] is returned if no color is set.
+ </description>
+ </method>
<method name="get_line_count" qualifiers="const">
<return type="int">
@@ -548,6 +557,17 @@
If [code]true[/code], hides the line of the specified index.
+ <method name="set_line_background_color">
+ <return type="void">
+ </return>
+ <argument index="0" name="line" type="int">
+ </argument>
+ <argument index="1" name="color" type="Color">
+ </argument>
+ <description>
+ Sets the current background color of the line. Set to [code]Color(0, 0, 0, 0)[/code] for no color.
+ </description>
+ </method>
<method name="set_line_gutter_clickable">
<return type="void">
@@ -987,9 +1007,6 @@
<theme_item name="line_spacing" type="int" default="4">
Sets the spacing between the lines.
- <theme_item name="mark_color" type="Color" default="Color( 1, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4 )">
- Sets the [Color] of marked text.
- </theme_item>
<theme_item name="normal" type="StyleBox">
Sets the [StyleBox] of this [TextEdit].
diff --git a/editor/animation_track_editor.cpp b/editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
index 9d5811dcbd..3620fda4f8 100644
--- a/editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
+++ b/editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
@@ -1659,7 +1659,7 @@ void AnimationTimelineEdit::_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
int x = mb->get_position().x - get_name_limit();
float ofs = x / get_zoom_scale() + get_value();
- emit_signal("timeline_changed", ofs, false);
+ emit_signal("timeline_changed", ofs, false, Input::get_singleton()->is_key_pressed(KEY_ALT));
dragging_timeline = true;
if (!dragging_timeline && mb->get_button_index() == MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE) {
@@ -1698,7 +1698,7 @@ void AnimationTimelineEdit::_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
if (dragging_timeline) {
int x = mm->get_position().x - get_name_limit();
float ofs = x / get_zoom_scale() + get_value();
- emit_signal("timeline_changed", ofs, false);
+ emit_signal("timeline_changed", ofs, false, Input::get_singleton()->is_key_pressed(KEY_ALT));
if (panning_timeline) {
int x = mm->get_position().x - get_name_limit();
@@ -3254,8 +3254,8 @@ void AnimationTrackEditor::_name_limit_changed() {
-void AnimationTrackEditor::_timeline_changed(float p_new_pos, bool p_drag) {
- emit_signal("timeline_changed", p_new_pos, p_drag);
+void AnimationTrackEditor::_timeline_changed(float p_new_pos, bool p_drag, bool p_timeline_only) {
+ emit_signal("timeline_changed", p_new_pos, p_drag, p_timeline_only);
void AnimationTrackEditor::_track_remove_request(int p_track) {
diff --git a/editor/animation_track_editor.h b/editor/animation_track_editor.h
index c25865effb..8befc830fa 100644
--- a/editor/animation_track_editor.h
+++ b/editor/animation_track_editor.h
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ class AnimationTrackEditor : public VBoxContainer {
void _update_tracks();
void _name_limit_changed();
- void _timeline_changed(float p_new_pos, bool p_drag);
+ void _timeline_changed(float p_new_pos, bool p_drag, bool p_timeline_only = false);
void _track_remove_request(int p_track);
void _track_grab_focus(int p_track);
diff --git a/editor/code_editor.cpp b/editor/code_editor.cpp
index 12e78c3120..87ac16fdcf 100644
--- a/editor/code_editor.cpp
+++ b/editor/code_editor.cpp
@@ -1474,6 +1474,34 @@ void CodeTextEditor::goto_error() {
+void CodeTextEditor::_update_text_editor_theme() {
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("background_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/background_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("completion_background_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/completion_background_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("completion_selected_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/completion_selected_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("completion_existing_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/completion_existing_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("completion_scroll_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/completion_scroll_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("completion_font_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/completion_font_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("font_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/text_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("line_number_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/line_number_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("caret_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/caret_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("caret_background_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/caret_background_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("font_selected_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/text_selected_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("selection_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/selection_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("brace_mismatch_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/brace_mismatch_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("current_line_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/current_line_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("line_length_guideline_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/line_length_guideline_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("word_highlighted_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/word_highlighted_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("bookmark_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/bookmark_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("breakpoint_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/breakpoint_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("executing_line_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/executing_line_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("code_folding_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/code_folding_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("search_result_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/search_result_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_color_override("search_result_border_color", EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/search_result_border_color"));
+ text_editor->add_theme_constant_override("line_spacing", EDITOR_DEF("text_editor/theme/line_spacing", 6));
+ emit_signal("load_theme_settings");
+ _load_theme_settings();
void CodeTextEditor::_update_font() {
text_editor->add_theme_font_override("font", get_theme_font("source", "EditorFonts"));
text_editor->add_theme_font_size_override("font_size", get_theme_font_size("source_size", "EditorFonts"));
@@ -1497,6 +1525,7 @@ void CodeTextEditor::_update_font() {
void CodeTextEditor::_on_settings_change() {
+ _update_text_editor_theme();
font_size = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("interface/editor/code_font_size");
@@ -1583,14 +1612,11 @@ void CodeTextEditor::_error_pressed(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
void CodeTextEditor::_notification(int p_what) {
switch (p_what) {
- _load_theme_settings();
- emit_signal("load_theme_settings");
- } break;
if (toggle_scripts_button->is_visible()) {
+ _update_text_editor_theme();
} break;
diff --git a/editor/code_editor.h b/editor/code_editor.h
index e201da446e..e6dadbd6fa 100644
--- a/editor/code_editor.h
+++ b/editor/code_editor.h
@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ class CodeTextEditor : public VBoxContainer {
void _on_settings_change();
+ void _update_text_editor_theme();
void _update_font();
void _complete_request();
Ref<Texture2D> _get_completion_icon(const ScriptCodeCompletionOption &p_option);
diff --git a/editor/editor_help.cpp b/editor/editor_help.cpp
index 3f94f43710..9361981db6 100644
--- a/editor/editor_help.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_help.cpp
@@ -1593,7 +1593,7 @@ void EditorHelp::_notification(int p_what) {
} break;
- if (is_visible_in_tree()) {
+ if (is_inside_tree()) {
} break;
diff --git a/editor/editor_inspector.cpp b/editor/editor_inspector.cpp
index c730277069..0616ab07bd 100644
--- a/editor/editor_inspector.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_inspector.cpp
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ void EditorProperty::_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
if (use_keying_next()) {
if (property == "frame_coords" && (object->is_class("Sprite2D") || object->is_class("Sprite3D"))) {
- Vector2 new_coords = object->get(property);
+ Vector2i new_coords = object->get(property);
if (new_coords.x >= object->get("hframes").operator int64_t()) {
new_coords.x = 0;
diff --git a/editor/editor_log.cpp b/editor/editor_log.cpp
index 469fb41406..622b3fe355 100644
--- a/editor/editor_log.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_log.cpp
@@ -234,7 +234,9 @@ void EditorLog::_add_log_line(LogMessage &p_message, bool p_replace_previous) {
if (p_replace_previous) {
// Remove last line if replacing, as it will be replace by the next added line.
- log->remove_line(log->get_line_count() - 1);
+ // Why - 2? RichTextLabel is weird. When you add a line, it also adds a NEW line, which is null,
+ // but it still counts as a line. So if you remove the last line (count - 1) you are actually removing nothing...
+ log->remove_line(log->get_line_count() - 2);
diff --git a/editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp b/editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp
index 942a2d35ab..657dcfa760 100644
--- a/editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ void EditorSpinSlider::_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
grabbing_spinner_dist_cache = 0;
pre_grab_value = get_value();
grabbing_spinner = false;
+ grabbing_spinner_mouse_pos = get_global_mouse_position();
} else {
if (grabbing_spinner_attempt) {
diff --git a/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.cpp b/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.cpp
index bc7e8a1626..fa1a027a8d 100644
--- a/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.cpp
+++ b/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.cpp
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include "scene_importer_mesh.h"
+#include "core/math/math_defs.h"
#include "scene/resources/surface_tool.h"
void EditorSceneImporterMesh::add_blend_shape(const String &p_name) {
@@ -141,6 +142,18 @@ void EditorSceneImporterMesh::set_surface_material(int p_surface, const Ref<Mate
surfaces.write[p_surface].material = p_material;
+Basis EditorSceneImporterMesh::compute_rotation_matrix_from_ortho_6d(Vector3 p_x_raw, Vector3 p_y_raw) {
+ Vector3 x = p_x_raw.normalized();
+ Vector3 z = x.cross(p_y_raw);
+ z = z.normalized();
+ Vector3 y = z.cross(x);
+ Basis basis;
+ basis.set_axis(Vector3::AXIS_X, x);
+ basis.set_axis(Vector3::AXIS_Y, y);
+ basis.set_axis(Vector3::AXIS_Z, z);
+ return basis;
void EditorSceneImporterMesh::generate_lods() {
if (!SurfaceTool::simplify_func) {
@@ -151,6 +164,9 @@ void EditorSceneImporterMesh::generate_lods() {
if (!SurfaceTool::simplify_sloppy_func) {
+ if (!SurfaceTool::simplify_with_attrib_func) {
+ return;
+ }
for (int i = 0; i < surfaces.size(); i++) {
if (surfaces[i].primitive != Mesh::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES) {
@@ -163,59 +179,62 @@ void EditorSceneImporterMesh::generate_lods() {
if (indices.size() == 0) {
continue; //no lods if no indices
+ Vector<Vector3> normals = surfaces[i].arrays[RS::ARRAY_NORMAL];
uint32_t vertex_count = vertices.size();
const Vector3 *vertices_ptr = vertices.ptr();
- int min_indices = 10;
- int index_target = indices.size() / 2;
- print_line("Total indices: " + itos(indices.size()));
- float mesh_scale = SurfaceTool::simplify_scale_func((const float *)vertices_ptr, vertex_count, sizeof(Vector3));
- const float target_error = 1e-3f;
- float abs_target_error = target_error / mesh_scale;
+ Vector<float> attributes;
+ Vector<float> normal_weights;
+ int32_t attribute_count = 6;
+ if (normals.size()) {
+ attributes.resize(normals.size() * attribute_count);
+ for (int32_t normal_i = 0; normal_i < normals.size(); normal_i++) {
+ Basis basis;
+ basis.set_euler(normals[normal_i]);
+ Vector3 basis_x = basis.get_axis(0);
+ Vector3 basis_y = basis.get_axis(1);
+ basis = compute_rotation_matrix_from_ortho_6d(basis_x, basis_y);
+ basis_x = basis.get_axis(0);
+ basis_y = basis.get_axis(1);
+ attributes.write[normal_i * attribute_count + 0] = basis_x.x;
+ attributes.write[normal_i * attribute_count + 1] = basis_x.y;
+ attributes.write[normal_i * attribute_count + 2] = basis_x.z;
+ attributes.write[normal_i * attribute_count + 3] = basis_y.x;
+ attributes.write[normal_i * attribute_count + 4] = basis_y.y;
+ attributes.write[normal_i * attribute_count + 5] = basis_y.z;
+ }
+ normal_weights.resize(vertex_count);
+ for (int32_t weight_i = 0; weight_i < normal_weights.size(); weight_i++) {
+ normal_weights.write[weight_i] = 1.0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ attribute_count = 0;
+ }
+ const int min_indices = 10;
+ const float error_tolerance = 1.44224'95703; // Cube root of 3
+ const float threshold = 1.0 / error_tolerance;
+ int index_target = indices.size() * threshold;
+ float max_mesh_error_percentage = 1e0f;
+ float mesh_error = 0.0f;
while (index_target > min_indices) {
- float error;
Vector<int> new_indices;
- size_t new_len = SurfaceTool::simplify_func((unsigned int *)new_indices.ptrw(), (const unsigned int *)indices.ptr(), indices.size(), (const float *)vertices_ptr, vertex_count, sizeof(Vector3), index_target, abs_target_error, &error);
- if ((int)new_len > (index_target * 120 / 100)) {
- // Attribute discontinuities break normals.
- bool is_sloppy = false;
- if (is_sloppy) {
- abs_target_error = target_error / mesh_scale;
- index_target = new_len;
- while (index_target > min_indices) {
- Vector<int> sloppy_new_indices;
- sloppy_new_indices.resize(indices.size());
- new_len = SurfaceTool::simplify_sloppy_func((unsigned int *)sloppy_new_indices.ptrw(), (const unsigned int *)indices.ptr(), indices.size(), (const float *)vertices_ptr, vertex_count, sizeof(Vector3), index_target, abs_target_error, &error);
- if ((int)new_len > (index_target * 120 / 100)) {
- break; // 20 percent tolerance
- }
- sloppy_new_indices.resize(new_len);
- Surface::LOD lod;
- lod.distance = error * mesh_scale;
- abs_target_error = lod.distance;
- if (Math::is_equal_approx(abs_target_error, 0.0f)) {
- return;
- }
- lod.indices = sloppy_new_indices;
- print_line("Lod " + itos(surfaces.write[i].lods.size()) + " shoot for " + itos(index_target / 3) + " triangles, got " + itos(new_len / 3) + " triangles. Distance " + rtos(lod.distance) + ". Use simplify sloppy.");
- surfaces.write[i].lods.push_back(lod);
- index_target /= 2;
- }
- }
- break; // 20 percent tolerance
+ size_t new_len = SurfaceTool::simplify_with_attrib_func((unsigned int *)new_indices.ptrw(), (const unsigned int *)indices.ptr(), indices.size(), (const float *)vertices_ptr, vertex_count, sizeof(Vector3), index_target, max_mesh_error_percentage, &mesh_error, (float *)attributes.ptrw(), normal_weights.ptrw(), attribute_count);
+ if ((int)new_len > (index_target * error_tolerance)) {
+ break;
- new_indices.resize(new_len);
Surface::LOD lod;
- lod.distance = error * mesh_scale;
- abs_target_error = lod.distance;
- if (Math::is_equal_approx(abs_target_error, 0.0f)) {
- return;
+ lod.distance = mesh_error;
+ if (Math::is_equal_approx(mesh_error, 0.0f)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (new_len <= 0) {
+ break;
+ new_indices.resize(new_len);
lod.indices = new_indices;
- print_line("Lod " + itos(surfaces.write[i].lods.size()) + " shoot for " + itos(index_target / 3) + " triangles, got " + itos(new_len / 3) + " triangles. Distance " + rtos(lod.distance));
+ print_line("Lod " + itos(surfaces.write[i].lods.size()) + " begin with " + itos(indices.size() / 3) + " triangles and shoot for " + itos(index_target / 3) + " triangles. Got " + itos(new_len / 3) + " triangles. Lod screen ratio " + rtos(lod.distance));
- index_target /= 2;
+ index_target *= threshold;
diff --git a/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.h b/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.h
index b3e8137e0a..c00339a620 100644
--- a/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.h
+++ b/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.h
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ class EditorSceneImporterMesh : public Resource {
Ref<EditorSceneImporterMesh> shadow_mesh;
Size2i lightmap_size_hint;
+ Basis compute_rotation_matrix_from_ortho_6d(Vector3 p_x_raw, Vector3 y_raw);
void _set_data(const Dictionary &p_data);
diff --git a/editor/node_3d_editor_gizmos.cpp b/editor/node_3d_editor_gizmos.cpp
index afafd7d195..cc261ea868 100644
--- a/editor/node_3d_editor_gizmos.cpp
+++ b/editor/node_3d_editor_gizmos.cpp
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
#include "node_3d_editor_gizmos.h"
+#include "core/math/convex_hull.h"
#include "core/math/geometry_2d.h"
#include "core/math/geometry_3d.h"
-#include "core/math/quick_hull.h"
#include "scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.h"
#include "scene/3d/baked_lightmap.h"
#include "scene/3d/collision_polygon_3d.h"
@@ -4161,7 +4161,7 @@ void CollisionShape3DGizmoPlugin::redraw(EditorNode3DGizmo *p_gizmo) {
if (points.size() > 3) {
Vector<Vector3> varr = Variant(points);
Geometry3D::MeshData md;
- Error err = QuickHull::build(varr, md);
+ Error err = ConvexHullComputer::convex_hull(varr, md);
if (err == OK) {
Vector<Vector3> points2;
points2.resize(md.edges.size() * 2);
diff --git a/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
index e459d2f756..bd88d96a66 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ void AnimationPlayerEditor::_animation_duplicate() {
-void AnimationPlayerEditor::_seek_value_changed(float p_value, bool p_set) {
+void AnimationPlayerEditor::_seek_value_changed(float p_value, bool p_set, bool p_timeline_only) {
if (updating || !player || player->is_playing()) {
@@ -1015,18 +1015,18 @@ void AnimationPlayerEditor::_seek_value_changed(float p_value, bool p_set) {
pos = Math::snapped(pos, _get_editor_step());
- if (player->is_valid() && !p_set) {
- float cpos = player->get_current_animation_position();
+ if (!p_timeline_only) {
+ if (player->is_valid() && !p_set) {
+ float cpos = player->get_current_animation_position();
- player->seek_delta(pos, pos - cpos);
- } else {
- player->stop(true);
- player->seek(pos, true);
+ player->seek_delta(pos, pos - cpos);
+ } else {
+ player->stop(true);
+ player->seek(pos, true);
+ }
- updating = true;
void AnimationPlayerEditor::_animation_player_changed(Object *p_pl) {
@@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ void AnimationPlayerEditor::_animation_key_editor_anim_len_changed(float p_len)
-void AnimationPlayerEditor::_animation_key_editor_seek(float p_pos, bool p_drag) {
+void AnimationPlayerEditor::_animation_key_editor_seek(float p_pos, bool p_drag, bool p_timeline_only) {
timeline_position = p_pos;
if (!is_visible_in_tree()) {
@@ -1070,7 +1070,7 @@ void AnimationPlayerEditor::_animation_key_editor_seek(float p_pos, bool p_drag)
updating = true;
frame->set_value(Math::snapped(p_pos, _get_editor_step()));
updating = false;
- _seek_value_changed(p_pos, !p_drag);
+ _seek_value_changed(p_pos, !p_drag, p_timeline_only);
void AnimationPlayerEditor::_animation_tool_menu(int p_option) {
@@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@ AnimationPlayerEditor::AnimationPlayerEditor(EditorNode *p_editor, AnimationPlay
animation->connect("item_selected", callable_mp(this, &AnimationPlayerEditor::_animation_selected));
file->connect("file_selected", callable_mp(this, &AnimationPlayerEditor::_dialog_action));
- frame->connect("value_changed", callable_mp(this, &AnimationPlayerEditor::_seek_value_changed), make_binds(true));
+ frame->connect("value_changed", callable_mp(this, &AnimationPlayerEditor::_seek_value_changed), make_binds(true, false));
scale->connect("text_entered", callable_mp(this, &AnimationPlayerEditor::_scale_changed));
renaming = false;
diff --git a/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.h b/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.h
index 2f6bf55e4c..5c2348f86b 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.h
+++ b/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.h
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ class AnimationPlayerEditor : public VBoxContainer {
void _scale_changed(const String &p_scale);
void _dialog_action(String p_file);
void _seek_frame_changed(const String &p_frame);
- void _seek_value_changed(float p_value, bool p_set = false);
+ void _seek_value_changed(float p_value, bool p_set = false, bool p_timeline_only = false);
void _blend_editor_next_changed(const int p_idx);
void _list_changed();
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ class AnimationPlayerEditor : public VBoxContainer {
void _animation_player_changed(Object *p_pl);
- void _animation_key_editor_seek(float p_pos, bool p_drag);
+ void _animation_key_editor_seek(float p_pos, bool p_drag, bool p_timeline_only = false);
void _animation_key_editor_anim_len_changed(float p_len);
void _unhandled_key_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_ev);
diff --git a/editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp b/editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
index 25755cc6cc..72a4bd8243 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
@@ -170,66 +170,25 @@ void ScriptTextEditor::_load_theme_settings() {
CodeEdit *text_edit = code_editor->get_text_editor();
+ Color updated_marked_line_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/mark_color");
Color updated_safe_line_number_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/safe_line_number_color");
- if (updated_safe_line_number_color != safe_line_number_color) {
+ bool safe_line_number_color_updated = updated_safe_line_number_color != safe_line_number_color;
+ bool marked_line_color_updated = updated_marked_line_color != marked_line_color;
+ if (safe_line_number_color_updated || marked_line_color_updated) {
safe_line_number_color = updated_safe_line_number_color;
for (int i = 0; i < text_edit->get_line_count(); i++) {
- if (text_edit->get_line_gutter_item_color(i, line_number_gutter) != default_line_number_color) {
+ if (marked_line_color_updated && text_edit->get_line_background_color(i) == marked_line_color) {
+ text_edit->set_line_background_color(i, updated_marked_line_color);
+ }
+ if (safe_line_number_color_updated && text_edit->get_line_gutter_item_color(i, line_number_gutter) != default_line_number_color) {
text_edit->set_line_gutter_item_color(i, line_number_gutter, safe_line_number_color);
+ marked_line_color = updated_marked_line_color;
- Color background_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/background_color");
- Color completion_background_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/completion_background_color");
- Color completion_selected_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/completion_selected_color");
- Color completion_existing_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/completion_existing_color");
- Color completion_scroll_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/completion_scroll_color");
- Color completion_font_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/completion_font_color");
- Color text_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/text_color");
- Color line_number_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/line_number_color");
- Color caret_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/caret_color");
- Color caret_background_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/caret_background_color");
- Color text_selected_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/text_selected_color");
- Color selection_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/selection_color");
- Color brace_mismatch_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/brace_mismatch_color");
- Color current_line_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/current_line_color");
- Color line_length_guideline_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/line_length_guideline_color");
- Color word_highlighted_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/word_highlighted_color");
- Color mark_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/mark_color");
- Color bookmark_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/bookmark_color");
- Color breakpoint_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/breakpoint_color");
- Color executing_line_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/executing_line_color");
- Color code_folding_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/code_folding_color");
- Color search_result_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/search_result_color");
- Color search_result_border_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/search_result_border_color");
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("background_color", background_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("completion_background_color", completion_background_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("completion_selected_color", completion_selected_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("completion_existing_color", completion_existing_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("completion_scroll_color", completion_scroll_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("completion_font_color", completion_font_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("font_color", text_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("line_number_color", line_number_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("caret_color", caret_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("caret_background_color", caret_background_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("font_selected_color", text_selected_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("selection_color", selection_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("brace_mismatch_color", brace_mismatch_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("current_line_color", current_line_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("line_length_guideline_color", line_length_guideline_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("word_highlighted_color", word_highlighted_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("bookmark_color", bookmark_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("breakpoint_color", breakpoint_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("executing_line_color", executing_line_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("mark_color", mark_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("code_folding_color", code_folding_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("search_result_color", search_result_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("search_result_border_color", search_result_border_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_constant_override("line_spacing", EDITOR_DEF("text_editor/theme/line_spacing", 6));
theme_loaded = true;
if (!script.is_null()) {
@@ -546,7 +505,7 @@ void ScriptTextEditor::_validate_script() {
bool highlight_safe = EDITOR_DEF("text_editor/highlighting/highlight_type_safe_lines", true);
bool last_is_safe = false;
for (int i = 0; i < te->get_line_count(); i++) {
- te->set_line_as_marked(i, line == i);
+ te->set_line_background_color(i, (line == i) ? marked_line_color : Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
if (highlight_safe) {
if (safe_lines.has(i + 1)) {
te->set_line_gutter_item_color(i, line_number_gutter, safe_line_number_color);
@@ -1937,7 +1896,7 @@ void ScriptTextEditor::register_editor() {
ED_SHORTCUT("script_text_editor/clone_down", TTR("Clone Down"), KEY_MASK_SHIFT | KEY_MASK_CMD | KEY_C);
- ED_SHORTCUT("script_text_editor/clone_down", TTR("Clone Down"), KEY_MASK_CMD | KEY_D);
+ ED_SHORTCUT("script_text_editor/clone_down", TTR("Clone Down"), KEY_MASK_SHIFT | KEY_MASK_CMD | KEY_D);
ED_SHORTCUT("script_text_editor/evaluate_selection", TTR("Evaluate Selection"), KEY_MASK_CMD | KEY_MASK_SHIFT | KEY_E);
ED_SHORTCUT("script_text_editor/trim_trailing_whitespace", TTR("Trim Trailing Whitespace"), KEY_MASK_CMD | KEY_MASK_ALT | KEY_T);
diff --git a/editor/plugins/script_text_editor.h b/editor/plugins/script_text_editor.h
index f79abc60ab..f784bbe1f8 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/script_text_editor.h
+++ b/editor/plugins/script_text_editor.h
@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ class ScriptTextEditor : public ScriptEditorBase {
Color default_line_number_color = Color(1, 1, 1);
Color safe_line_number_color = Color(1, 1, 1);
+ Color marked_line_color = Color(1, 1, 1);
PopupPanel *color_panel = nullptr;
ColorPicker *color_picker = nullptr;
Vector2 color_position;
diff --git a/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
index 3cdba9cf16..a210a46127 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -37,12 +37,18 @@
#include "editor/editor_node.h"
#include "editor/editor_scale.h"
#include "editor/editor_settings.h"
+#include "editor/project_settings_editor.h"
#include "editor/property_editor.h"
#include "servers/display_server.h"
#include "servers/rendering/shader_types.h"
+static bool saved_warnings_enabled = false;
+static bool saved_treat_warning_as_errors = false;
+static Map<ShaderWarning::Code, bool> saved_warnings;
+static uint32_t saved_warning_flags = 0U;
Ref<Shader> ShaderTextEditor::get_edited_shader() const {
return shader;
@@ -57,6 +63,8 @@ void ShaderTextEditor::set_edited_shader(const Ref<Shader> &p_shader) {
+ get_text_editor()->call_deferred("set_h_scroll", 0);
+ get_text_editor()->call_deferred("set_v_scroll", 0);
@@ -82,54 +90,21 @@ void ShaderTextEditor::reload_text() {
+void ShaderTextEditor::set_warnings_panel(RichTextLabel *p_warnings_panel) {
+ warnings_panel = p_warnings_panel;
void ShaderTextEditor::_load_theme_settings() {
- Color background_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/background_color");
- Color completion_background_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/completion_background_color");
- Color completion_selected_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/completion_selected_color");
- Color completion_existing_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/completion_existing_color");
- Color completion_scroll_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/completion_scroll_color");
- Color completion_font_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/completion_font_color");
- Color text_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/text_color");
- Color line_number_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/line_number_color");
- Color caret_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/caret_color");
- Color caret_background_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/caret_background_color");
- Color text_selected_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/text_selected_color");
- Color selection_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/selection_color");
- Color brace_mismatch_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/brace_mismatch_color");
- Color current_line_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/current_line_color");
- Color line_length_guideline_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/line_length_guideline_color");
- Color word_highlighted_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/word_highlighted_color");
- Color mark_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/mark_color");
- Color bookmark_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/bookmark_color");
- Color breakpoint_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/breakpoint_color");
- Color executing_line_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/executing_line_color");
- Color code_folding_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/code_folding_color");
- Color search_result_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/search_result_color");
- Color search_result_border_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/search_result_border_color");
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("background_color", background_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("completion_background_color", completion_background_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("completion_selected_color", completion_selected_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("completion_existing_color", completion_existing_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("completion_scroll_color", completion_scroll_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("completion_font_color", completion_font_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("font_color", text_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("line_number_color", line_number_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("caret_color", caret_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("caret_background_color", caret_background_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("font_selected_color", text_selected_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("selection_color", selection_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("brace_mismatch_color", brace_mismatch_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("current_line_color", current_line_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("line_length_guideline_color", line_length_guideline_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("word_highlighted_color", word_highlighted_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("mark_color", mark_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("bookmark_color", bookmark_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("breakpoint_color", breakpoint_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("executing_line_color", executing_line_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("code_folding_color", code_folding_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("search_result_color", search_result_color);
- get_text_editor()->add_theme_color_override("search_result_border_color", search_result_border_color);
+ CodeEdit *text_editor = get_text_editor();
+ Color updated_marked_line_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/mark_color");
+ if (updated_marked_line_color != marked_line_color) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < text_editor->get_line_count(); i++) {
+ if (text_editor->get_line_background_color(i) == marked_line_color) {
+ text_editor->set_line_background_color(i, updated_marked_line_color);
+ }
+ }
+ marked_line_color = updated_marked_line_color;
+ }
@@ -178,6 +153,12 @@ void ShaderTextEditor::_load_theme_settings() {
syntax_highlighter->add_color_region("/*", "*/", comment_color, false);
syntax_highlighter->add_color_region("//", "", comment_color, true);
+ if (warnings_panel) {
+ // Warnings panel
+ warnings_panel->add_theme_font_override("normal_font", EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_gui_base()->get_theme_font("main", "EditorFonts"));
+ warnings_panel->add_theme_font_size_override("normal_font_size", EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_gui_base()->get_theme_font_size("main_size", "EditorFonts"));
+ }
void ShaderTextEditor::_check_shader_mode() {
@@ -224,6 +205,9 @@ void ShaderTextEditor::_validate_script() {
ShaderLanguage sl;
+ sl.enable_warning_checking(saved_warnings_enabled);
+ sl.set_warning_flags(saved_warning_flags);
Error err = sl.compile(code, ShaderTypes::get_singleton()->get_functions(RenderingServer::ShaderMode(shader->get_mode())), ShaderTypes::get_singleton()->get_modes(RenderingServer::ShaderMode(shader->get_mode())), ShaderLanguage::VaryingFunctionNames(), ShaderTypes::get_singleton()->get_types(), _get_global_variable_type);
if (err != OK) {
@@ -231,20 +215,70 @@ void ShaderTextEditor::_validate_script() {
set_error_pos(sl.get_error_line() - 1, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < get_text_editor()->get_line_count(); i++) {
- get_text_editor()->set_line_as_marked(i, false);
+ get_text_editor()->set_line_background_color(i, Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
- get_text_editor()->set_line_as_marked(sl.get_error_line() - 1, true);
+ get_text_editor()->set_line_background_color(sl.get_error_line() - 1, marked_line_color);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < get_text_editor()->get_line_count(); i++) {
- get_text_editor()->set_line_as_marked(i, false);
+ get_text_editor()->set_line_background_color(i, Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
+ if (warnings.size() > 0 || err != OK) {
+ warnings_panel->clear();
+ }
+ warnings.clear();
+ for (List<ShaderWarning>::Element *E = sl.get_warnings_ptr(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ warnings.push_back(E->get());
+ }
+ if (warnings.size() > 0 && err == OK) {
+ warnings.sort_custom<WarningsComparator>();
+ _update_warning_panel();
+ } else {
+ set_warning_nb(0);
+ }
+void ShaderTextEditor::_update_warning_panel() {
+ int warning_count = 0;
+ warnings_panel->push_table(2);
+ for (int i = 0; i < warnings.size(); i++) {
+ ShaderWarning &w = warnings[i];
+ if (warning_count == 0) {
+ if (saved_treat_warning_as_errors) {
+ String error_text = "error(" + itos(w.get_line()) + "): " + w.get_message() + " " + TTR("Warnings should be fixed to prevent errors.");
+ set_error_pos(w.get_line() - 1, 0);
+ set_error(error_text);
+ get_text_editor()->set_line_background_color(w.get_line() - 1, marked_line_color);
+ }
+ }
+ warning_count++;
+ // First cell.
+ warnings_panel->push_cell();
+ warnings_panel->push_meta(w.get_line() - 1);
+ warnings_panel->push_color(warnings_panel->get_theme_color("warning_color", "Editor"));
+ warnings_panel->add_text(TTR("Line") + " " + itos(w.get_line()));
+ warnings_panel->add_text(" (" + w.get_name() + "):");
+ warnings_panel->pop(); // Color.
+ warnings_panel->pop(); // Meta goto.
+ warnings_panel->pop(); // Cell.
+ // Second cell.
+ warnings_panel->push_cell();
+ warnings_panel->add_text(w.get_message());
+ warnings_panel->pop(); // Cell.
+ }
+ warnings_panel->pop(); // Table.
+ set_warning_nb(warning_count);
void ShaderTextEditor::_bind_methods() {
@@ -358,10 +392,6 @@ void ShaderEditor::_notification(int p_what) {
-void ShaderEditor::_params_changed() {
- shader_editor->_validate_script();
void ShaderEditor::_editor_settings_changed() {
@@ -370,8 +400,19 @@ void ShaderEditor::_editor_settings_changed() {
+void ShaderEditor::_show_warnings_panel(bool p_show) {
+ warnings_panel->set_visible(p_show);
+void ShaderEditor::_warning_clicked(Variant p_line) {
+ if (p_line.get_type() == Variant::INT) {
+ shader_editor->get_text_editor()->cursor_set_line(p_line.operator int64_t());
+ }
void ShaderEditor::_bind_methods() {
- ClassDB::bind_method("_params_changed", &ShaderEditor::_params_changed);
+ ClassDB::bind_method("_show_warnings_panel", &ShaderEditor::_show_warnings_panel);
+ ClassDB::bind_method("_warning_clicked", &ShaderEditor::_warning_clicked);
void ShaderEditor::ensure_select_current() {
@@ -389,6 +430,47 @@ void ShaderEditor::goto_line_selection(int p_line, int p_begin, int p_end) {
shader_editor->goto_line_selection(p_line, p_begin, p_end);
+void ShaderEditor::_project_settings_changed() {
+ _update_warnings(true);
+void ShaderEditor::_update_warnings(bool p_validate) {
+ bool changed = false;
+ bool warnings_enabled = GLOBAL_GET("debug/shader_language/warnings/enable").booleanize();
+ if (warnings_enabled != saved_warnings_enabled) {
+ saved_warnings_enabled = warnings_enabled;
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ bool treat_warning_as_errors = GLOBAL_GET("debug/shader_language/warnings/treat_warnings_as_errors").booleanize();
+ if (treat_warning_as_errors != saved_treat_warning_as_errors) {
+ saved_treat_warning_as_errors = treat_warning_as_errors;
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ bool update_flags = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ShaderWarning::WARNING_MAX; i++) {
+ ShaderWarning::Code code = (ShaderWarning::Code)i;
+ bool value = GLOBAL_GET("debug/shader_language/warnings/" + ShaderWarning::get_name_from_code(code).to_lower());
+ if (saved_warnings[code] != value) {
+ saved_warnings[code] = value;
+ update_flags = true;
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (update_flags) {
+ saved_warning_flags = (uint32_t)ShaderWarning::get_flags_from_codemap(saved_warnings);
+ }
+ if (p_validate && changed && shader_editor && shader_editor->get_edited_shader().is_valid()) {
+ shader_editor->validate_script();
+ }
void ShaderEditor::_check_for_external_edit() {
if (shader.is_null() || !shader.is_valid()) {
@@ -560,13 +642,22 @@ void ShaderEditor::_make_context_menu(bool p_selection, Vector2 p_position) {
ShaderEditor::ShaderEditor(EditorNode *p_node) {
+ GLOBAL_DEF("debug/shader_language/warnings/enable", true);
+ GLOBAL_DEF("debug/shader_language/warnings/treat_warnings_as_errors", false);
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int)ShaderWarning::WARNING_MAX; i++) {
+ GLOBAL_DEF("debug/shader_language/warnings/" + ShaderWarning::get_name_from_code((ShaderWarning::Code)i).to_lower(), true);
+ }
+ _update_warnings(false);
shader_editor = memnew(ShaderTextEditor);
shader_editor->add_theme_constant_override("separation", 0);
+ shader_editor->connect("show_warnings_panel", callable_mp(this, &ShaderEditor::_show_warnings_panel));
shader_editor->connect("script_changed", callable_mp(this, &ShaderEditor::apply_shaders));
EditorSettings::get_singleton()->connect("settings_changed", callable_mp(this, &ShaderEditor::_editor_settings_changed));
+ ProjectSettingsEditor::get_singleton()->connect("confirmed", callable_mp(this, &ShaderEditor::_project_settings_changed));
@@ -651,7 +742,23 @@ ShaderEditor::ShaderEditor(EditorNode *p_node) {
hbc->add_theme_style_override("panel", p_node->get_gui_base()->get_theme_stylebox("ScriptEditorPanel", "EditorStyles"));
- main_container->add_child(shader_editor);
+ VSplitContainer *editor_box = memnew(VSplitContainer);
+ main_container->add_child(editor_box);
+ editor_box->set_anchors_and_offsets_preset(Control::PRESET_WIDE);
+ editor_box->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
+ editor_box->add_child(shader_editor);
+ warnings_panel = memnew(RichTextLabel);
+ warnings_panel->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(0, 100 * EDSCALE));
+ warnings_panel->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
+ warnings_panel->set_meta_underline(true);
+ warnings_panel->set_selection_enabled(true);
+ warnings_panel->set_focus_mode(FOCUS_CLICK);
+ warnings_panel->hide();
+ warnings_panel->connect("meta_clicked", callable_mp(this, &ShaderEditor::_warning_clicked));
+ editor_box->add_child(warnings_panel);
+ shader_editor->set_warnings_panel(warnings_panel);
goto_line_dialog = memnew(GotoLineDialog);
diff --git a/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.h b/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.h
index 731c0a5b7e..d7da73f2ae 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.h
+++ b/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.h
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#include "editor/editor_plugin.h"
#include "scene/gui/menu_button.h"
#include "scene/gui/panel_container.h"
+#include "scene/gui/rich_text_label.h"
#include "scene/gui/tab_container.h"
#include "scene/gui/text_edit.h"
#include "scene/main/timer.h"
@@ -44,10 +45,19 @@
class ShaderTextEditor : public CodeTextEditor {
GDCLASS(ShaderTextEditor, CodeTextEditor);
+ Color marked_line_color = Color(1, 1, 1);
+ struct WarningsComparator {
+ _ALWAYS_INLINE_ bool operator()(const ShaderWarning &p_a, const ShaderWarning &p_b) const { return (p_a.get_line() < p_b.get_line()); }
+ };
Ref<CodeHighlighter> syntax_highlighter;
+ RichTextLabel *warnings_panel = nullptr;
Ref<Shader> shader;
+ List<ShaderWarning> warnings;
void _check_shader_mode();
+ void _update_warning_panel();
static void _bind_methods();
@@ -59,6 +69,7 @@ public:
virtual void _validate_script() override;
void reload_text();
+ void set_warnings_panel(RichTextLabel *p_warnings_panel);
Ref<Shader> get_edited_shader() const;
void set_edited_shader(const Ref<Shader> &p_shader);
@@ -100,6 +111,7 @@ class ShaderEditor : public PanelContainer {
PopupMenu *bookmarks_menu;
MenuButton *help_menu;
PopupMenu *context_menu;
+ RichTextLabel *warnings_panel = nullptr;
uint64_t idle;
GotoLineDialog *goto_line_dialog;
@@ -109,13 +121,16 @@ class ShaderEditor : public PanelContainer {
ShaderTextEditor *shader_editor;
void _menu_option(int p_option);
- void _params_changed();
mutable Ref<Shader> shader;
void _editor_settings_changed();
+ void _project_settings_changed();
void _check_for_external_edit();
void _reload_shader_from_disk();
+ void _show_warnings_panel(bool p_show);
+ void _warning_clicked(Variant p_line);
+ void _update_warnings(bool p_validate);
void _notification(int p_what);
diff --git a/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
index 551d1c027a..59bc8f9e55 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ void SpriteFramesEditor::_sheet_zoom_out() {
void SpriteFramesEditor::_sheet_zoom_reset() {
// Default the zoom to match the editor scale, but don't dezoom on editor scales below 100% to prevent pixel art from looking bad.
- sheet_zoom = MAX(1.0, EDSCALE);
+ sheet_zoom = MAX(1.0f, EDSCALE);
Size2 texture_size = split_sheet_preview->get_texture()->get_size();
split_sheet_preview->set_custom_minimum_size(texture_size * sheet_zoom);
@@ -252,10 +252,10 @@ void SpriteFramesEditor::_prepare_sprite_sheet(const String &p_file) {
EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Unable to load images"));
- bool new_texture = texture != split_sheet_preview->get_texture();
last_frame_selected = -1;
+ bool new_texture = texture != split_sheet_preview->get_texture();
if (new_texture) {
//different texture, reset to 4x4
@@ -280,17 +280,17 @@ void SpriteFramesEditor::_notification(int p_what) {
move_down->set_icon(get_theme_icon("MoveRight", "EditorIcons"));
_delete->set_icon(get_theme_icon("Remove", "EditorIcons"));
zoom_out->set_icon(get_theme_icon("ZoomLess", "EditorIcons"));
- zoom_1->set_icon(get_theme_icon("ZoomReset", "EditorIcons"));
+ zoom_reset->set_icon(get_theme_icon("ZoomReset", "EditorIcons"));
zoom_in->set_icon(get_theme_icon("ZoomMore", "EditorIcons"));
new_anim->set_icon(get_theme_icon("New", "EditorIcons"));
remove_anim->set_icon(get_theme_icon("Remove", "EditorIcons"));
split_sheet_zoom_out->set_icon(get_theme_icon("ZoomLess", "EditorIcons"));
- split_sheet_zoom_1->set_icon(get_theme_icon("ZoomReset", "EditorIcons"));
+ split_sheet_zoom_reset->set_icon(get_theme_icon("ZoomReset", "EditorIcons"));
split_sheet_zoom_in->set_icon(get_theme_icon("ZoomMore", "EditorIcons"));
- splite_sheet_scroll->add_theme_style_override("bg", get_theme_stylebox("bg", "Tree"));
+ split_sheet_scroll->add_theme_style_override("bg", get_theme_stylebox("bg", "Tree"));
} break;
add_theme_constant_override("autohide", 1); // Fixes the dragger always showing up.
@@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ void SpriteFramesEditor::_zoom_out() {
void SpriteFramesEditor::_zoom_reset() {
- thumbnail_zoom = MAX(1.0, EDSCALE);
+ thumbnail_zoom = MAX(1.0f, EDSCALE);
tree->set_fixed_column_width(thumbnail_default_size * 3 / 2);
tree->set_fixed_icon_size(Size2(thumbnail_default_size, thumbnail_default_size));
@@ -1086,11 +1086,13 @@ SpriteFramesEditor::SpriteFramesEditor() {
zoom_out->set_tooltip(TTR("Zoom Out"));
- zoom_1 = memnew(Button);
- zoom_1->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &SpriteFramesEditor::_zoom_reset));
- zoom_1->set_flat(true);
- zoom_1->set_tooltip(TTR("Zoom Reset"));
- hbc->add_child(zoom_1);
+ zoom_reset = memnew(Button);
+ zoom_reset->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &SpriteFramesEditor::_zoom_reset));
+ zoom_reset->set_flat(true);
+ zoom_reset->set_tooltip(TTR("Zoom Reset"));
+ hbc->add_child(zoom_reset);
zoom_in = memnew(Button);
zoom_in->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &SpriteFramesEditor::_zoom_in));
@@ -1183,16 +1185,16 @@ SpriteFramesEditor::SpriteFramesEditor() {
split_sheet_preview->connect("draw", callable_mp(this, &SpriteFramesEditor::_sheet_preview_draw));
split_sheet_preview->connect("gui_input", callable_mp(this, &SpriteFramesEditor::_sheet_preview_input));
- splite_sheet_scroll = memnew(ScrollContainer);
- splite_sheet_scroll->set_enable_h_scroll(true);
- splite_sheet_scroll->set_enable_v_scroll(true);
- splite_sheet_scroll->connect("gui_input", callable_mp(this, &SpriteFramesEditor::_sheet_scroll_input));
- split_sheet_panel->add_child(splite_sheet_scroll);
+ split_sheet_scroll = memnew(ScrollContainer);
+ split_sheet_scroll->set_enable_h_scroll(true);
+ split_sheet_scroll->set_enable_v_scroll(true);
+ split_sheet_scroll->connect("gui_input", callable_mp(this, &SpriteFramesEditor::_sheet_scroll_input));
+ split_sheet_panel->add_child(split_sheet_scroll);
CenterContainer *cc = memnew(CenterContainer);
- splite_sheet_scroll->add_child(cc);
+ split_sheet_scroll->add_child(cc);
MarginContainer *split_sheet_zoom_margin = memnew(MarginContainer);
@@ -1209,12 +1211,14 @@ SpriteFramesEditor::SpriteFramesEditor() {
split_sheet_zoom_out->set_tooltip(TTR("Zoom Out"));
split_sheet_zoom_out->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &SpriteFramesEditor::_sheet_zoom_out));
- split_sheet_zoom_1 = memnew(Button);
- split_sheet_zoom_1->set_flat(true);
- split_sheet_zoom_1->set_focus_mode(FOCUS_NONE);
- split_sheet_zoom_1->set_tooltip(TTR("Zoom Reset"));
- split_sheet_zoom_1->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &SpriteFramesEditor::_sheet_zoom_reset));
- split_sheet_zoom_hb->add_child(split_sheet_zoom_1);
+ split_sheet_zoom_reset = memnew(Button);
+ split_sheet_zoom_reset->set_flat(true);
+ split_sheet_zoom_reset->set_focus_mode(FOCUS_NONE);
+ split_sheet_zoom_reset->set_tooltip(TTR("Zoom Reset"));
+ split_sheet_zoom_reset->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &SpriteFramesEditor::_sheet_zoom_reset));
+ split_sheet_zoom_hb->add_child(split_sheet_zoom_reset);
split_sheet_zoom_in = memnew(Button);
@@ -1230,14 +1234,14 @@ SpriteFramesEditor::SpriteFramesEditor() {
// Config scale.
scale_ratio = 1.2f;
- thumbnail_default_size = 96 * MAX(1.0, EDSCALE);
- thumbnail_zoom = MAX(1.0, EDSCALE);
- max_thumbnail_zoom = 8.0f * MAX(1.0, EDSCALE);
- min_thumbnail_zoom = 0.1f * MAX(1.0, EDSCALE);
+ thumbnail_default_size = 96 * MAX(1, EDSCALE);
+ thumbnail_zoom = MAX(1.0f, EDSCALE);
+ max_thumbnail_zoom = 8.0f * MAX(1.0f, EDSCALE);
+ min_thumbnail_zoom = 0.1f * MAX(1.0f, EDSCALE);
// Default the zoom to match the editor scale, but don't dezoom on editor scales below 100% to prevent pixel art from looking bad.
- sheet_zoom = MAX(1.0, EDSCALE);
- max_sheet_zoom = 16.0f * MAX(1.0, EDSCALE);
- min_sheet_zoom = 0.01f * MAX(1.0, EDSCALE);
+ sheet_zoom = MAX(1.0f, EDSCALE);
+ max_sheet_zoom = 16.0f * MAX(1.0f, EDSCALE);
+ min_sheet_zoom = 0.01f * MAX(1.0f, EDSCALE);
diff --git a/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.h b/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.h
index bbc26ca726..77cdbb4af6 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.h
+++ b/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.h
@@ -54,13 +54,12 @@ class SpriteFramesEditor : public HSplitContainer {
Button *move_up;
Button *move_down;
Button *zoom_out;
- Button *zoom_1;
+ Button *zoom_reset;
Button *zoom_in;
ItemList *tree;
bool loading_scene;
int sel;
- HSplitContainer *split;
Button *new_anim;
Button *remove_anim;
@@ -79,12 +78,12 @@ class SpriteFramesEditor : public HSplitContainer {
ConfirmationDialog *delete_dialog;
ConfirmationDialog *split_sheet_dialog;
- ScrollContainer *splite_sheet_scroll;
+ ScrollContainer *split_sheet_scroll;
TextureRect *split_sheet_preview;
SpinBox *split_sheet_h;
SpinBox *split_sheet_v;
Button *split_sheet_zoom_out;
- Button *split_sheet_zoom_1;
+ Button *split_sheet_zoom_reset;
Button *split_sheet_zoom_in;
EditorFileDialog *file_split_sheet;
Set<int> frames_selected;
diff --git a/editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp b/editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
index e6fb2710ae..1edcbd2cc9 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
@@ -59,58 +59,7 @@ void TextEditor::_change_syntax_highlighter(int p_idx) {
void TextEditor::_load_theme_settings() {
- CodeEdit *text_edit = code_editor->get_text_editor();
- text_edit->get_syntax_highlighter()->update_cache();
- Color background_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/background_color");
- Color completion_background_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/completion_background_color");
- Color completion_selected_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/completion_selected_color");
- Color completion_existing_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/completion_existing_color");
- Color completion_scroll_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/completion_scroll_color");
- Color completion_font_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/completion_font_color");
- Color text_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/text_color");
- Color line_number_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/line_number_color");
- Color caret_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/caret_color");
- Color caret_background_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/caret_background_color");
- Color text_selected_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/text_selected_color");
- Color selection_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/selection_color");
- Color brace_mismatch_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/brace_mismatch_color");
- Color current_line_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/current_line_color");
- Color line_length_guideline_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/line_length_guideline_color");
- Color word_highlighted_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/word_highlighted_color");
- Color mark_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/mark_color");
- Color bookmark_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/bookmark_color");
- Color breakpoint_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/breakpoint_color");
- Color executing_line_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/executing_line_color");
- Color code_folding_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/code_folding_color");
- Color search_result_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/search_result_color");
- Color search_result_border_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/search_result_border_color");
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("background_color", background_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("completion_background_color", completion_background_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("completion_selected_color", completion_selected_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("completion_existing_color", completion_existing_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("completion_scroll_color", completion_scroll_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("completion_font_color", completion_font_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("font_color", text_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("line_number_color", line_number_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("caret_color", caret_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("caret_background_color", caret_background_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("font_selected_color", text_selected_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("selection_color", selection_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("brace_mismatch_color", brace_mismatch_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("current_line_color", current_line_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("line_length_guideline_color", line_length_guideline_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("word_highlighted_color", word_highlighted_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("breakpoint_color", breakpoint_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("executing_line_color", executing_line_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("mark_color", mark_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("bookmark_color", bookmark_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("code_folding_color", code_folding_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("search_result_color", search_result_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_color_override("search_result_border_color", search_result_border_color);
- text_edit->add_theme_constant_override("line_spacing", EDITOR_DEF("text_editor/theme/line_spacing", 6));
+ code_editor->get_text_editor()->get_syntax_highlighter()->update_cache();
String TextEditor::get_name() {
diff --git a/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
index 18a1e7f693..72b19a9074 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -349,6 +349,8 @@ void VisualShaderGraphPlugin::add_node(VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_id) {
Ref<VisualShaderNodeGroupBase> group_node = Object::cast_to<VisualShaderNodeGroupBase>(vsnode.ptr());
bool is_group = !group_node.is_null();
+ bool is_comment = false;
Ref<VisualShaderNodeExpression> expression_node = Object::cast_to<VisualShaderNodeExpression>(group_node.ptr());
bool is_expression = !expression_node.is_null();
String expression = "";
@@ -392,13 +394,13 @@ void VisualShaderGraphPlugin::add_node(VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_id) {
if (is_resizable) {
Ref<VisualShaderNodeComment> comment_node = Object::cast_to<VisualShaderNodeComment>(vsnode.ptr());
if (comment_node.is_valid()) {
+ is_comment = true;
Label *comment_label = memnew(Label);
- comment_label->set_mouse_filter(Control::MouseFilter::MOUSE_FILTER_STOP);
@@ -773,6 +775,9 @@ void VisualShaderGraphPlugin::add_node(VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_id) {
if (!uniform.is_valid()) {
+ if (is_comment) {
+ VisualShaderEditor::get_singleton()->graph->move_child(node, 0); // to prevents a bug where comment node overlaps its content
+ }
if (is_resizable) {
VisualShaderEditor::get_singleton()->call_deferred("_set_node_size", (int)p_type, p_id, size);
@@ -1812,47 +1817,6 @@ void VisualShaderEditor::_edit_port_default_input(Object *p_button, int p_node,
editing_port = p_port;
-void VisualShaderEditor::_add_custom_node(const String &p_path) {
- int idx = -1;
- for (int i = custom_node_option_idx; i < add_options.size(); i++) {
- if (add_options[i].script.is_valid()) {
- if (add_options[i].script->get_path() == p_path) {
- idx = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (idx != -1) {
- _add_node(idx);
- }
-void VisualShaderEditor::_add_cubemap_node(const String &p_path) {
- VisualShaderNodeCubemap *cubemap = (VisualShaderNodeCubemap *)_add_node(cubemap_node_option_idx, -1);
- cubemap->set_cube_map(ResourceLoader::load(p_path));
-void VisualShaderEditor::_add_texture2d_node(const String &p_path) {
- VisualShaderNodeTexture *texture2d = (VisualShaderNodeTexture *)_add_node(texture2d_node_option_idx, -1);
- texture2d->set_texture(ResourceLoader::load(p_path));
-void VisualShaderEditor::_add_texture2d_array_node(const String &p_path) {
- VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArray *texture2d_array = (VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArray *)_add_node(texture2d_array_node_option_idx, -1);
- texture2d_array->set_texture_array(ResourceLoader::load(p_path));
-void VisualShaderEditor::_add_texture3d_node(const String &p_path) {
- VisualShaderNodeTexture3D *texture3d = (VisualShaderNodeTexture3D *)_add_node(texture3d_node_option_idx, -1);
- texture3d->set_texture(ResourceLoader::load(p_path));
-void VisualShaderEditor::_add_curve_node(const String &p_path) {
- VisualShaderNodeCurveTexture *curve = (VisualShaderNodeCurveTexture *)_add_node(curve_node_option_idx, -1);
- curve->set_texture(ResourceLoader::load(p_path));
void VisualShaderEditor::_setup_node(VisualShaderNode *p_node, int p_op_idx) {
@@ -2041,8 +2005,8 @@ void VisualShaderEditor::_setup_node(VisualShaderNode *p_node, int p_op_idx) {
-VisualShaderNode *VisualShaderEditor::_add_node(int p_idx, int p_op_idx) {
- ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, add_options.size(), nullptr);
+void VisualShaderEditor::_add_node(int p_idx, int p_op_idx, String p_resource_path, int p_node_idx) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, add_options.size());
Ref<VisualShaderNode> vsnode;
@@ -2050,7 +2014,7 @@ VisualShaderNode *VisualShaderEditor::_add_node(int p_idx, int p_op_idx) {
if (!is_custom && add_options[p_idx].type != String()) {
VisualShaderNode *vsn = Object::cast_to<VisualShaderNode>(ClassDB::instance(add_options[p_idx].type));
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!vsn, nullptr);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(!vsn);
VisualShaderNodeFloatConstant *constant = Object::cast_to<VisualShaderNodeFloatConstant>(vsn);
@@ -2072,10 +2036,10 @@ VisualShaderNode *VisualShaderEditor::_add_node(int p_idx, int p_op_idx) {
vsnode = Ref<VisualShaderNode>(vsn);
} else {
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(add_options[p_idx].script.is_null(), nullptr);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(add_options[p_idx].script.is_null());
String base_type = add_options[p_idx].script->get_instance_base_type();
VisualShaderNode *vsn = Object::cast_to<VisualShaderNode>(ClassDB::instance(base_type));
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!vsn, nullptr);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(!vsn);
vsnode = Ref<VisualShaderNode>(vsn);
@@ -2094,7 +2058,11 @@ VisualShaderNode *VisualShaderEditor::_add_node(int p_idx, int p_op_idx) {
int id_to_use = visual_shader->get_valid_node_id(type);
- undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Add Node to Visual Shader"));
+ if (p_resource_path.is_empty()) {
+ undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Add Node to Visual Shader"));
+ } else {
+ id_to_use += p_node_idx;
+ }
undo_redo->add_do_method(visual_shader.ptr(), "add_node", type, vsnode, position, id_to_use);
undo_redo->add_undo_method(visual_shader.ptr(), "remove_node", type, id_to_use);
undo_redo->add_do_method(graph_plugin.ptr(), "add_node", type, id_to_use);
@@ -2209,8 +2177,30 @@ VisualShaderNode *VisualShaderEditor::_add_node(int p_idx, int p_op_idx) {
graph_plugin->call_deferred("update_curve", id_to_use);
- undo_redo->commit_action();
- return vsnode.ptr();
+ if (p_resource_path.is_empty()) {
+ undo_redo->commit_action();
+ } else {
+ //post-initialization
+ VisualShaderNodeTexture *texture2d = Object::cast_to<VisualShaderNodeTexture>(vsnode.ptr());
+ VisualShaderNodeTexture3D *texture3d = Object::cast_to<VisualShaderNodeTexture3D>(vsnode.ptr());
+ if (texture2d || texture3d || curve) {
+ undo_redo->add_do_method(vsnode.ptr(), "set_texture", ResourceLoader::load(p_resource_path));
+ return;
+ }
+ VisualShaderNodeCubemap *cubemap = Object::cast_to<VisualShaderNodeCubemap>(vsnode.ptr());
+ if (cubemap) {
+ undo_redo->add_do_method(vsnode.ptr(), "set_cube_map", ResourceLoader::load(p_resource_path));
+ return;
+ }
+ VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArray *texture2d_array = Object::cast_to<VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArray>(vsnode.ptr());
+ if (texture2d_array) {
+ undo_redo->add_do_method(vsnode.ptr(), "set_texture_array", ResourceLoader::load(p_resource_path));
+ }
+ }
void VisualShaderEditor::_node_dragged(const Vector2 &p_from, const Vector2 &p_to, int p_node) {
@@ -3334,43 +3324,49 @@ void VisualShaderEditor::drop_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_da
_add_node(idx, add_options[idx].sub_func);
} else if (d.has("files")) {
if (d["files"].get_type() == Variant::PACKED_STRING_ARRAY) {
- int j = 0;
PackedStringArray arr = d["files"];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
String type = ResourceLoader::get_resource_type(arr[i]);
if (type == "GDScript") {
Ref<Script> script = ResourceLoader::load(arr[i]);
if (script->get_instance_base_type() == "VisualShaderNodeCustom") {
- saved_node_pos = p_point + Vector2(0, j * 210 * EDSCALE);
+ saved_node_pos = p_point + Vector2(0, i * 250 * EDSCALE);
saved_node_pos_dirty = true;
- _add_custom_node(arr[i]);
- j++;
+ int idx = -1;
+ for (int j = custom_node_option_idx; j < add_options.size(); j++) {
+ if (add_options[j].script.is_valid()) {
+ if (add_options[j].script->get_path() == arr[i]) {
+ idx = j;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (idx != -1) {
+ _add_node(idx, -1, arr[i], i);
+ }
} else if (type == "CurveTexture") {
- saved_node_pos = p_point + Vector2(0, j * 210 * EDSCALE);
+ saved_node_pos = p_point + Vector2(0, i * 250 * EDSCALE);
saved_node_pos_dirty = true;
- _add_curve_node(arr[i]);
- j++;
+ _add_node(curve_node_option_idx, -1, arr[i], i);
} else if (ClassDB::get_parent_class(type) == "Texture2D") {
- saved_node_pos = p_point + Vector2(0, j * 210 * EDSCALE);
+ saved_node_pos = p_point + Vector2(0, i * 250 * EDSCALE);
saved_node_pos_dirty = true;
- _add_texture2d_node(arr[i]);
- j++;
+ _add_node(texture2d_node_option_idx, -1, arr[i], i);
} else if (type == "Texture2DArray") {
- saved_node_pos = p_point + Vector2(0, j * 210 * EDSCALE);
+ saved_node_pos = p_point + Vector2(0, i * 250 * EDSCALE);
saved_node_pos_dirty = true;
- _add_texture2d_array_node(arr[i]);
- j++;
+ _add_node(texture2d_array_node_option_idx, -1, arr[i], i);
} else if (ClassDB::get_parent_class(type) == "Texture3D") {
- saved_node_pos = p_point + Vector2(0, j * 210 * EDSCALE);
+ saved_node_pos = p_point + Vector2(0, i * 250 * EDSCALE);
saved_node_pos_dirty = true;
- _add_texture3d_node(arr[i]);
- j++;
+ _add_node(texture3d_node_option_idx, -1, arr[i], i);
} else if (type == "Cubemap") {
- saved_node_pos = p_point + Vector2(0, j * 210 * EDSCALE);
+ saved_node_pos = p_point + Vector2(0, i * 250 * EDSCALE);
saved_node_pos_dirty = true;
- _add_cubemap_node(arr[i]);
- j++;
+ _add_node(cubemap_node_option_idx, -1, arr[i], i);
@@ -3429,10 +3425,11 @@ void VisualShaderEditor::_update_preview() {
Error err = sl.compile(code, ShaderTypes::get_singleton()->get_functions(RenderingServer::ShaderMode(visual_shader->get_mode())), ShaderTypes::get_singleton()->get_modes(RenderingServer::ShaderMode(visual_shader->get_mode())), ShaderLanguage::VaryingFunctionNames(), ShaderTypes::get_singleton()->get_types(), _get_global_variable_type);
for (int i = 0; i < preview_text->get_line_count(); i++) {
- preview_text->set_line_as_marked(i, false);
+ preview_text->set_line_background_color(i, Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
if (err != OK) {
- preview_text->set_line_as_marked(sl.get_error_line() - 1, true);
+ Color error_line_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/mark_color");
+ preview_text->set_line_background_color(sl.get_error_line() - 1, error_line_color);
String text = "error(" + itos(sl.get_error_line()) + "): " + sl.get_error_text();
diff --git a/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.h b/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.h
index 6d57d38cab..2f438cc6c8 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.h
+++ b/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.h
@@ -290,15 +290,8 @@ class VisualShaderEditor : public VBoxContainer {
void _draw_color_over_button(Object *obj, Color p_color);
- void _add_custom_node(const String &p_path);
- void _add_cubemap_node(const String &p_path);
- void _add_texture2d_node(const String &p_path);
- void _add_texture2d_array_node(const String &p_path);
- void _add_texture3d_node(const String &p_path);
- void _add_curve_node(const String &p_path);
void _setup_node(VisualShaderNode *p_node, int p_op_idx);
- VisualShaderNode *_add_node(int p_idx, int p_op_idx = -1);
+ void _add_node(int p_idx, int p_op_idx = -1, String p_resource_path = "", int p_node_idx = -1);
void _update_options_menu();
void _set_mode(int p_which);
diff --git a/modules/gdnavigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp b/modules/gdnavigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
index a7d4e79148..7d30ce0f44 100644
--- a/modules/gdnavigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdnavigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
#include "navigation_mesh_generator.h"
-#include "core/math/quick_hull.h"
+#include "core/math/convex_hull.h"
#include "core/os/thread.h"
#include "scene/3d/collision_shape_3d.h"
#include "scene/3d/mesh_instance_3d.h"
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ void NavigationMeshGenerator::_parse_geometry(Transform p_accumulated_transform,
Vector<Vector3> varr = Variant(convex_polygon->get_points());
Geometry3D::MeshData md;
- Error err = QuickHull::build(varr, md);
+ Error err = ConvexHullComputer::convex_hull(varr, md);
if (err == OK) {
PackedVector3Array faces;
diff --git a/modules/meshoptimizer/register_types.cpp b/modules/meshoptimizer/register_types.cpp
index a03310f518..77cc82a4e2 100644
--- a/modules/meshoptimizer/register_types.cpp
+++ b/modules/meshoptimizer/register_types.cpp
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
void register_meshoptimizer_types() {
SurfaceTool::optimize_vertex_cache_func = meshopt_optimizeVertexCache;
SurfaceTool::simplify_func = meshopt_simplify;
+ SurfaceTool::simplify_with_attrib_func = meshopt_simplifyWithAttributes;
SurfaceTool::simplify_scale_func = meshopt_simplifyScale;
SurfaceTool::simplify_sloppy_func = meshopt_simplifySloppy;
diff --git a/platform/linuxbsd/os_linuxbsd.cpp b/platform/linuxbsd/os_linuxbsd.cpp
index e7d3c9552e..23e448fbd7 100644
--- a/platform/linuxbsd/os_linuxbsd.cpp
+++ b/platform/linuxbsd/os_linuxbsd.cpp
@@ -116,6 +116,8 @@ String OS_LinuxBSD::get_name() const {
return "FreeBSD";
#elif defined(__NetBSD__)
return "NetBSD";
+#elif defined(__OpenBSD__)
+ return "OpenBSD";
return "BSD";
diff --git a/platform/osx/ b/platform/osx/
index a9e9aa889a..4c761e77b5 100644
--- a/platform/osx/
+++ b/platform/osx/
@@ -368,6 +368,10 @@ static NSCursor *_cursorFromSelector(SEL selector, SEL fallback = nil) {
if (wd.resize_disabled) {
[wd.window_object setStyleMask:[wd.window_object styleMask] & ~NSWindowStyleMaskResizable];
+ if (wd.on_top) {
+ [wd.window_object setLevel:NSFloatingWindowLevel];
+ }
- (void)windowDidChangeBackingProperties:(NSNotification *)notification {
@@ -2437,7 +2441,7 @@ void DisplayServerOSX::_update_window(WindowData p_wd) {
[p_wd.window_object setHidesOnDeactivate:YES];
} else {
// Reset these when our window is not a borderless window that covers up the screen
- if (p_wd.on_top) {
+ if (p_wd.on_top && !p_wd.fullscreen) {
[p_wd.window_object setLevel:NSFloatingWindowLevel];
} else {
[p_wd.window_object setLevel:NSNormalWindowLevel];
@@ -2786,6 +2790,7 @@ void DisplayServerOSX::window_set_mode(WindowMode p_mode, WindowID p_window) {
[wd.window_object deminiaturize:nil];
} break;
+ [wd.window_object setLevel:NSNormalWindowLevel];
if (wd.layered_window) {
_set_window_per_pixel_transparency_enabled(true, p_window);
@@ -2903,6 +2908,9 @@ void DisplayServerOSX::window_set_flag(WindowFlags p_flag, bool p_enabled, Windo
} break;
wd.on_top = p_enabled;
+ if (wd.fullscreen) {
+ return;
+ }
if (p_enabled) {
[wd.window_object setLevel:NSFloatingWindowLevel];
} else {
@@ -2940,7 +2948,11 @@ bool DisplayServerOSX::window_get_flag(WindowFlags p_flag, WindowID p_window) co
return [wd.window_object styleMask] == NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless;
} break;
- return [wd.window_object level] == NSFloatingWindowLevel;
+ if (wd.fullscreen) {
+ return wd.on_top;
+ } else {
+ return [wd.window_object level] == NSFloatingWindowLevel;
+ }
} break;
return wd.layered_window;
diff --git a/scene/2d/gpu_particles_2d.cpp b/scene/2d/gpu_particles_2d.cpp
index 774a194e39..066835ef0a 100644
--- a/scene/2d/gpu_particles_2d.cpp
+++ b/scene/2d/gpu_particles_2d.cpp
@@ -140,6 +140,62 @@ void GPUParticles2D::set_process_material(const Ref<Material> &p_material) {
+void GPUParticles2D::set_trail_enabled(bool p_enabled) {
+ trail_enabled = p_enabled;
+ RS::get_singleton()->particles_set_trails(particles, trail_enabled, trail_length);
+ update_configuration_warnings();
+ update();
+ RS::get_singleton()->particles_set_transform_align(particles, p_enabled ? RS::PARTICLES_TRANSFORM_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY : RS::PARTICLES_TRANSFORM_ALIGN_DISABLED);
+void GPUParticles2D::set_trail_length(float p_seconds) {
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(p_seconds < 0.001);
+ trail_length = p_seconds;
+ RS::get_singleton()->particles_set_trails(particles, trail_enabled, trail_length);
+ update();
+void GPUParticles2D::set_trail_sections(int p_sections) {
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(p_sections < 2);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(p_sections > 128);
+ trail_sections = p_sections;
+ update();
+void GPUParticles2D::set_trail_section_subdivisions(int p_subdivisions) {
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(trail_section_subdivisions < 1);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(trail_section_subdivisions > 1024);
+ trail_section_subdivisions = p_subdivisions;
+ update();
+bool GPUParticles2D::is_trail_enabled() const {
+ return trail_enabled;
+float GPUParticles2D::get_trail_length() const {
+ return trail_length;
+void GPUParticles2D::_update_collision_size() {
+ float csize = collision_base_size;
+ if (texture.is_valid()) {
+ csize *= (texture->get_width() + texture->get_height()) / 4.0; //half size since its a radius
+ }
+ RS::get_singleton()->particles_set_collision_base_size(particles, csize);
+void GPUParticles2D::set_collision_base_size(float p_size) {
+ collision_base_size = p_size;
+ _update_collision_size();
+float GPUParticles2D::get_collision_base_size() const {
+ return collision_base_size;
void GPUParticles2D::set_speed_scale(float p_scale) {
speed_scale = p_scale;
RS::get_singleton()->particles_set_speed_scale(particles, p_scale);
@@ -157,6 +213,13 @@ float GPUParticles2D::get_lifetime() const {
return lifetime;
+int GPUParticles2D::get_trail_sections() const {
+ return trail_sections;
+int GPUParticles2D::get_trail_section_subdivisions() const {
+ return trail_section_subdivisions;
bool GPUParticles2D::get_one_shot() const {
return one_shot;
@@ -253,6 +316,7 @@ Rect2 GPUParticles2D::capture_rect() const {
void GPUParticles2D::set_texture(const Ref<Texture2D> &p_texture) {
texture = p_texture;
+ _update_collision_size();
@@ -271,10 +335,119 @@ void GPUParticles2D::restart() {
void GPUParticles2D::_notification(int p_what) {
if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_DRAW) {
RID texture_rid;
+ Size2 size;
if (texture.is_valid()) {
texture_rid = texture->get_rid();
+ size = texture->get_size();
+ } else {
+ size = Size2(1, 1);
+ if (trail_enabled) {
+ RS::get_singleton()->mesh_clear(mesh);
+ PackedVector2Array points;
+ PackedVector2Array uvs;
+ PackedInt32Array bone_indices;
+ PackedFloat32Array bone_weights;
+ PackedInt32Array indices;
+ int total_segments = trail_sections * trail_section_subdivisions;
+ float depth = size.height * trail_sections;
+ for (int j = 0; j <= total_segments; j++) {
+ float v = j;
+ v /= total_segments;
+ float y = depth * v;
+ y = (depth * 0.5) - y;
+ int bone = j / trail_section_subdivisions;
+ float blend = 1.0 - float(j % trail_section_subdivisions) / float(trail_section_subdivisions);
+ float s = size.width;
+ points.push_back(Vector2(-s * 0.5, 0));
+ points.push_back(Vector2(+s * 0.5, 0));
+ uvs.push_back(Vector2(0, v));
+ uvs.push_back(Vector2(1, v));
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ bone_indices.push_back(bone);
+ bone_indices.push_back(MIN(trail_sections, bone + 1));
+ bone_indices.push_back(0);
+ bone_indices.push_back(0);
+ bone_weights.push_back(blend);
+ bone_weights.push_back(1.0 - blend);
+ bone_weights.push_back(0);
+ bone_weights.push_back(0);
+ }
+ if (j > 0) {
+ int base = j * 2 - 2;
+ indices.push_back(base + 0);
+ indices.push_back(base + 1);
+ indices.push_back(base + 2);
+ indices.push_back(base + 1);
+ indices.push_back(base + 3);
+ indices.push_back(base + 2);
+ }
+ }
+ Array arr;
+ arr.resize(RS::ARRAY_MAX);
+ arr[RS::ARRAY_VERTEX] = points;
+ arr[RS::ARRAY_TEX_UV] = uvs;
+ arr[RS::ARRAY_BONES] = bone_indices;
+ arr[RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS] = bone_weights;
+ arr[RS::ARRAY_INDEX] = indices;
+ RS::get_singleton()->mesh_add_surface_from_arrays(mesh, RS::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, arr, Array(), Dictionary(), RS::ARRAY_FLAG_USE_2D_VERTICES);
+ Vector<Transform> xforms;
+ for (int i = 0; i <= trail_sections; i++) {
+ Transform xform;
+ /*
+ xform.origin.y = depth / 2.0 - size.height * float(i);
+ xform.origin.y = -xform.origin.y; //bind is an inverse transform, so negate y */
+ xforms.push_back(xform);
+ }
+ RS::get_singleton()->particles_set_trail_bind_poses(particles, xforms);
+ } else {
+ RS::get_singleton()->mesh_clear(mesh);
+ Vector<Vector2> points;
+ points.resize(4);
+ points.write[0] = Vector2(-size.x / 2.0, -size.y / 2.0);
+ points.write[1] = Vector2(size.x / 2.0, -size.y / 2.0);
+ points.write[2] = Vector2(size.x / 2.0, size.y / 2.0);
+ points.write[3] = Vector2(-size.x / 2.0, size.y / 2.0);
+ Vector<Vector2> uvs;
+ uvs.resize(4);
+ uvs.write[0] = Vector2(0, 0);
+ uvs.write[1] = Vector2(1, 0);
+ uvs.write[2] = Vector2(1, 1);
+ uvs.write[3] = Vector2(0, 1);
+ Vector<int> indices;
+ indices.resize(6);
+ indices.write[0] = 0;
+ indices.write[1] = 1;
+ indices.write[2] = 2;
+ indices.write[3] = 0;
+ indices.write[4] = 2;
+ indices.write[5] = 3;
+ Array arr;
+ arr.resize(RS::ARRAY_MAX);
+ arr[RS::ARRAY_VERTEX] = points;
+ arr[RS::ARRAY_TEX_UV] = uvs;
+ arr[RS::ARRAY_INDEX] = indices;
+ RS::get_singleton()->mesh_add_surface_from_arrays(mesh, RS::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, arr, Array(), Dictionary(), RS::ARRAY_FLAG_USE_2D_VERTICES);
+ RS::get_singleton()->particles_set_trail_bind_poses(particles, Vector<Transform>());
+ }
RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_particles(get_canvas_item(), particles, texture_rid);
@@ -318,6 +491,7 @@ void GPUParticles2D::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_fractional_delta", "enable"), &GPUParticles2D::set_fractional_delta);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_process_material", "material"), &GPUParticles2D::set_process_material);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_speed_scale", "scale"), &GPUParticles2D::set_speed_scale);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_collision_base_size", "size"), &GPUParticles2D::set_collision_base_size);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_emitting"), &GPUParticles2D::is_emitting);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_amount"), &GPUParticles2D::get_amount);
@@ -332,6 +506,7 @@ void GPUParticles2D::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_fractional_delta"), &GPUParticles2D::get_fractional_delta);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_process_material"), &GPUParticles2D::get_process_material);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_speed_scale"), &GPUParticles2D::get_speed_scale);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_collision_base_size"), &GPUParticles2D::get_collision_base_size);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_draw_order", "order"), &GPUParticles2D::set_draw_order);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_draw_order"), &GPUParticles2D::get_draw_order);
@@ -343,6 +518,18 @@ void GPUParticles2D::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("restart"), &GPUParticles2D::restart);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_trail_enabled", "enabled"), &GPUParticles2D::set_trail_enabled);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_trail_length", "secs"), &GPUParticles2D::set_trail_length);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_trail_enabled"), &GPUParticles2D::is_trail_enabled);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_trail_length"), &GPUParticles2D::get_trail_length);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_trail_sections", "sections"), &GPUParticles2D::set_trail_sections);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_trail_sections"), &GPUParticles2D::get_trail_sections);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_trail_section_subdivisions", "subdivisions"), &GPUParticles2D::set_trail_section_subdivisions);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_trail_section_subdivisions"), &GPUParticles2D::get_trail_section_subdivisions);
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "emitting"), "set_emitting", "is_emitting");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "amount", PROPERTY_HINT_EXP_RANGE, "1,1000000,1"), "set_amount", "get_amount");
ADD_GROUP("Time", "");
@@ -354,10 +541,17 @@ void GPUParticles2D::_bind_methods() {
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "randomness", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,1,0.01"), "set_randomness_ratio", "get_randomness_ratio");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "fixed_fps", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,1000,1"), "set_fixed_fps", "get_fixed_fps");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "fract_delta"), "set_fractional_delta", "get_fractional_delta");
+ ADD_GROUP("Collision", "collision_");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "collision_base_size", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,128,0.01,or_greater"), "set_collision_base_size", "get_collision_base_size");
ADD_GROUP("Drawing", "");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::RECT2, "visibility_rect"), "set_visibility_rect", "get_visibility_rect");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "local_coords"), "set_use_local_coordinates", "get_use_local_coordinates");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "draw_order", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Index,Lifetime"), "set_draw_order", "get_draw_order");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "draw_order", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Index,Lifetime,Reverse Lifetime"), "set_draw_order", "get_draw_order");
+ ADD_GROUP("Trails", "trail_");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "trail_enabled"), "set_trail_enabled", "is_trail_enabled");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "trail_length_secs", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.01,10,0.01"), "set_trail_length", "get_trail_length");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "trail_sections", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "2,128,1"), "set_trail_sections", "get_trail_sections");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "trail_section_subdivisions", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1,1024,1"), "set_trail_section_subdivisions", "get_trail_section_subdivisions");
ADD_GROUP("Process Material", "process_");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "process_material", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "ShaderMaterial,ParticlesMaterial"), "set_process_material", "get_process_material");
ADD_GROUP("Textures", "");
@@ -365,12 +559,17 @@ void GPUParticles2D::_bind_methods() {
GPUParticles2D::GPUParticles2D() {
particles = RS::get_singleton()->particles_create();
RS::get_singleton()->particles_set_mode(particles, RS::PARTICLES_MODE_2D);
+ mesh = RS::get_singleton()->mesh_create();
+ RS::get_singleton()->particles_set_draw_passes(particles, 1);
+ RS::get_singleton()->particles_set_draw_pass_mesh(particles, 0, mesh);
one_shot = false; // Needed so that set_emitting doesn't access uninitialized values
@@ -383,10 +582,13 @@ GPUParticles2D::GPUParticles2D() {
set_visibility_rect(Rect2(Vector2(-100, -100), Vector2(200, 200)));
- set_draw_order(DRAW_ORDER_INDEX);
+ set_draw_order(DRAW_ORDER_LIFETIME);
+ set_fixed_fps(30);
+ set_collision_base_size(collision_base_size);
GPUParticles2D::~GPUParticles2D() {
+ RS::get_singleton()->free(mesh);
diff --git a/scene/2d/gpu_particles_2d.h b/scene/2d/gpu_particles_2d.h
index 20f9f768ed..9d8e61daf7 100644
--- a/scene/2d/gpu_particles_2d.h
+++ b/scene/2d/gpu_particles_2d.h
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ public:
enum DrawOrder {
@@ -68,11 +69,23 @@ private:
void _update_particle_emission_transform();
+ NodePath sub_emitter;
+ float collision_base_size = 1.0;
+ bool trail_enabled = false;
+ float trail_length = 0.3;
+ int trail_sections = 8;
+ int trail_section_subdivisions = 4;
+ RID mesh;
static void _bind_methods();
virtual void _validate_property(PropertyInfo &property) const override;
void _notification(int p_what);
+ void _update_collision_size();
void set_emitting(bool p_emitting);
void set_amount(int p_amount);
@@ -85,6 +98,11 @@ public:
void set_use_local_coordinates(bool p_enable);
void set_process_material(const Ref<Material> &p_material);
void set_speed_scale(float p_scale);
+ void set_collision_base_size(float p_ratio);
+ void set_trail_enabled(bool p_enabled);
+ void set_trail_length(float p_seconds);
+ void set_trail_sections(int p_sections);
+ void set_trail_section_subdivisions(int p_subdivisions);
bool is_emitting() const;
int get_amount() const;
@@ -98,6 +116,12 @@ public:
Ref<Material> get_process_material() const;
float get_speed_scale() const;
+ float get_collision_base_size() const;
+ bool is_trail_enabled() const;
+ float get_trail_length() const;
+ int get_trail_sections() const;
+ int get_trail_section_subdivisions() const;
void set_fixed_fps(int p_count);
int get_fixed_fps() const;
diff --git a/scene/2d/sprite_2d.cpp b/scene/2d/sprite_2d.cpp
index 7c93edbff9..20169b1075 100644
--- a/scene/2d/sprite_2d.cpp
+++ b/scene/2d/sprite_2d.cpp
@@ -254,15 +254,15 @@ int Sprite2D::get_frame() const {
return frame;
-void Sprite2D::set_frame_coords(const Vector2 &p_coord) {
- ERR_FAIL_INDEX(int(p_coord.x), hframes);
- ERR_FAIL_INDEX(int(p_coord.y), vframes);
+void Sprite2D::set_frame_coords(const Vector2i &p_coord) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_coord.x, hframes);
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_coord.y, vframes);
- set_frame(int(p_coord.y) * hframes + int(p_coord.x));
+ set_frame(p_coord.y * hframes + p_coord.x);
-Vector2 Sprite2D::get_frame_coords() const {
- return Vector2(frame % hframes, frame / hframes);
+Vector2i Sprite2D::get_frame_coords() const {
+ return Vector2i(frame % hframes, frame / hframes);
void Sprite2D::set_vframes(int p_amount) {
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ void Sprite2D::_bind_methods() {
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "hframes", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1,16384,1"), "set_hframes", "get_hframes");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "vframes", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1,16384,1"), "set_vframes", "get_vframes");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "frame"), "set_frame", "get_frame");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "frame_coords", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR), "set_frame_coords", "get_frame_coords");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2I, "frame_coords", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR), "set_frame_coords", "get_frame_coords");
ADD_GROUP("Region", "region_");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "region_enabled"), "set_region_enabled", "is_region_enabled");
diff --git a/scene/2d/sprite_2d.h b/scene/2d/sprite_2d.h
index 9db74cfe26..49df78c59d 100644
--- a/scene/2d/sprite_2d.h
+++ b/scene/2d/sprite_2d.h
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ public:
void set_frame(int p_frame);
int get_frame() const;
- void set_frame_coords(const Vector2 &p_coord);
- Vector2 get_frame_coords() const;
+ void set_frame_coords(const Vector2i &p_coord);
+ Vector2i get_frame_coords() const;
void set_vframes(int p_amount);
int get_vframes() const;
diff --git a/scene/3d/collision_object_3d.cpp b/scene/3d/collision_object_3d.cpp
index 914b3ad816..cba769a8f8 100644
--- a/scene/3d/collision_object_3d.cpp
+++ b/scene/3d/collision_object_3d.cpp
@@ -215,6 +215,11 @@ void CollisionObject3D::_shape_changed(const Ref<Shape3D> &p_shape) {
void CollisionObject3D::_update_debug_shapes() {
+ if (!is_inside_tree()) {
+ debug_shapes_to_update.clear();
+ return;
+ }
for (Set<uint32_t>::Element *shapedata_idx = debug_shapes_to_update.front(); shapedata_idx; shapedata_idx = shapedata_idx->next()) {
if (shapes.has(shapedata_idx->get())) {
ShapeData &shapedata = shapes[shapedata_idx->get()];
diff --git a/scene/3d/gpu_particles_3d.cpp b/scene/3d/gpu_particles_3d.cpp
index 50044ddc67..83181064c3 100644
--- a/scene/3d/gpu_particles_3d.cpp
+++ b/scene/3d/gpu_particles_3d.cpp
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ void GPUParticles3D::set_draw_order(DrawOrder p_order) {
RS::get_singleton()->particles_set_draw_order(particles, RS::ParticlesDrawOrder(p_order));
-void GPUParticles3D::set_enable_trail(bool p_enabled) {
+void GPUParticles3D::set_trail_enabled(bool p_enabled) {
trail_enabled = p_enabled;
RS::get_singleton()->particles_set_trails(particles, trail_enabled, trail_length);
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ void GPUParticles3D::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("emit_particle", "xform", "velocity", "color", "custom", "flags"), &GPUParticles3D::emit_particle);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_enable_trail", "enabled"), &GPUParticles3D::set_enable_trail);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_trail_enabled", "enabled"), &GPUParticles3D::set_trail_enabled);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_trail_length", "secs"), &GPUParticles3D::set_trail_length);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_trail_enabled"), &GPUParticles3D::is_trail_enabled);
@@ -579,11 +579,11 @@ void GPUParticles3D::_bind_methods() {
ADD_GROUP("Drawing", "");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::AABB, "visibility_aabb"), "set_visibility_aabb", "get_visibility_aabb");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "local_coords"), "set_use_local_coordinates", "get_use_local_coordinates");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "draw_order", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Index,Lifetime,View Depth"), "set_draw_order", "get_draw_order");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "draw_order", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Index,Lifetime,Reverse Lifetime,View Depth"), "set_draw_order", "get_draw_order");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "transform_align", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,ZBillboard,YToVelocity,ZBillboardYToVelocity"), "set_transform_align", "get_transform_align");
ADD_GROUP("Trails", "trail_");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "trail_enabled"), "set_enable_trail", "is_trail_enabled");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "trail_length_secs", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.01,4,0.01"), "set_trail_length", "get_trail_length");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "trail_enabled"), "set_trail_enabled", "is_trail_enabled");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "trail_length_secs", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.01,10,0.01"), "set_trail_length", "get_trail_length");
ADD_GROUP("Process Material", "");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "process_material", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "ShaderMaterial,ParticlesMaterial"), "set_process_material", "get_process_material");
ADD_GROUP("Draw Passes", "draw_");
@@ -595,6 +595,7 @@ void GPUParticles3D::_bind_methods() {
@@ -632,7 +633,7 @@ GPUParticles3D::GPUParticles3D() {
- set_collision_base_size(0.01);
+ set_collision_base_size(collision_base_size);
diff --git a/scene/3d/gpu_particles_3d.h b/scene/3d/gpu_particles_3d.h
index 1f9cea79b6..1b354b0d2a 100644
--- a/scene/3d/gpu_particles_3d.h
+++ b/scene/3d/gpu_particles_3d.h
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ public:
enum DrawOrder {
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ private:
bool fractional_delta;
bool interpolate = true;
NodePath sub_emitter;
- float collision_base_size;
+ float collision_base_size = 0.01;
bool trail_enabled = false;
float trail_length = 0.3;
@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ public:
void set_process_material(const Ref<Material> &p_material);
void set_speed_scale(float p_scale);
void set_collision_base_size(float p_ratio);
- void set_enable_trail(bool p_enabled);
+ void set_trail_enabled(bool p_enabled);
void set_trail_length(float p_seconds);
bool is_emitting() const;
diff --git a/scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp b/scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
index 33b8b488c6..be474e82e0 100644
--- a/scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
+++ b/scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
@@ -551,15 +551,15 @@ int Sprite3D::get_frame() const {
return frame;
-void Sprite3D::set_frame_coords(const Vector2 &p_coord) {
- ERR_FAIL_INDEX(int(p_coord.x), hframes);
- ERR_FAIL_INDEX(int(p_coord.y), vframes);
+void Sprite3D::set_frame_coords(const Vector2i &p_coord) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_coord.x, hframes);
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_coord.y, vframes);
- set_frame(int(p_coord.y) * hframes + int(p_coord.x));
+ set_frame(p_coord.y * hframes + p_coord.x);
-Vector2 Sprite3D::get_frame_coords() const {
- return Vector2(frame % hframes, frame / hframes);
+Vector2i Sprite3D::get_frame_coords() const {
+ return Vector2i(frame % hframes, frame / hframes);
void Sprite3D::set_vframes(int p_amount) {
@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ void Sprite3D::_bind_methods() {
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "hframes", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1,16384,1"), "set_hframes", "get_hframes");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "vframes", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1,16384,1"), "set_vframes", "get_vframes");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "frame"), "set_frame", "get_frame");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "frame_coords", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR), "set_frame_coords", "get_frame_coords");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2I, "frame_coords", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR), "set_frame_coords", "get_frame_coords");
ADD_GROUP("Region", "region_");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "region_enabled"), "set_region_enabled", "is_region_enabled");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::RECT2, "region_rect"), "set_region_rect", "get_region_rect");
diff --git a/scene/3d/sprite_3d.h b/scene/3d/sprite_3d.h
index 5e47e66bcb..e3dd117804 100644
--- a/scene/3d/sprite_3d.h
+++ b/scene/3d/sprite_3d.h
@@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ public:
void set_frame(int p_frame);
int get_frame() const;
- void set_frame_coords(const Vector2 &p_coord);
- Vector2 get_frame_coords() const;
+ void set_frame_coords(const Vector2i &p_coord);
+ Vector2i get_frame_coords() const;
void set_vframes(int p_amount);
int get_vframes() const;
diff --git a/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp b/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
index e305c6210d..d19d95f6f4 100644
--- a/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
+++ b/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
@@ -253,7 +253,6 @@ void TextEdit::Text::set(int p_line, const String &p_text, const Vector<Vector2i
void TextEdit::Text::insert(int p_at, const String &p_text, const Vector<Vector2i> &p_bidi_override) {
Line line;
- line.marked = false;
line.hidden = false; = p_text;
line.bidi_override = p_bidi_override;
@@ -867,6 +866,8 @@ void TextEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
Dictionary color_map = _get_line_syntax_highlighting(minimap_line);
+ Color line_background_color = text.get_line_background_color(minimap_line);
+ line_background_color.a *= 0.6;
Color current_color = cache.font_color;
if (readonly) {
current_color = cache.font_readonly_color;
@@ -901,6 +902,12 @@ void TextEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
} else {
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2((xmargin_end + 2), i * 3, cache.minimap_width, 2), cache.current_line_color);
+ } else if (line_background_color != Color(0, 0, 0, 0)) {
+ if (rtl) {
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(size.width - (xmargin_end + 2) - cache.minimap_width, i * 3, cache.minimap_width, 2), line_background_color);
+ } else {
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2((xmargin_end + 2), i * 3, cache.minimap_width, 2), line_background_color);
+ }
Color previous_color;
@@ -1048,11 +1055,11 @@ void TextEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
- if (text.is_marked(line)) {
+ if (text.get_line_background_color(line) != Color(0, 0, 0, 0)) {
if (rtl) {
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(size.width - ofs_x - xmargin_end, ofs_y, xmargin_end - xmargin_beg, row_height), cache.mark_color);
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(size.width - ofs_x - xmargin_end, ofs_y, xmargin_end - xmargin_beg, row_height), text.get_line_background_color(line));
} else {
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(xmargin_beg + ofs_x, ofs_y, xmargin_end - xmargin_beg, row_height), cache.mark_color);
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(xmargin_beg + ofs_x, ofs_y, xmargin_end - xmargin_beg, row_height), text.get_line_background_color(line));
@@ -3374,13 +3381,18 @@ void TextEdit::_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_gui_input) {
if (k->is_action("ui_text_select_all", true)) {
+ if (k->is_action("ui_text_select_word_under_caret", true)) {
+ select_word_under_caret();
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
if (k->is_action("ui_cut", true)) {
@@ -4789,7 +4801,6 @@ void TextEdit::_update_caches() {
cache.font_selected_color = get_theme_color("font_selected_color");
cache.font_readonly_color = get_theme_color("font_readonly_color");
cache.selection_color = get_theme_color("selection_color");
- cache.mark_color = get_theme_color("mark_color");
cache.current_line_color = get_theme_color("current_line_color");
cache.line_length_guideline_color = get_theme_color("line_length_guideline_color");
cache.code_folding_color = get_theme_color("code_folding_color");
@@ -5019,6 +5030,18 @@ bool TextEdit::is_line_gutter_clickable(int p_line, int p_gutter) const {
return text.is_line_gutter_clickable(p_line, p_gutter);
+// Line style
+void TextEdit::set_line_background_color(int p_line, const Color &p_color) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size());
+ text.set_line_background_color(p_line, p_color);
+ update();
+Color TextEdit::get_line_background_color(int p_line) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), Color());
+ return text.get_line_background_color(p_line);
void TextEdit::add_keyword(const String &p_keyword) {
@@ -5131,6 +5154,39 @@ void TextEdit::select_all() {
+void TextEdit::select_word_under_caret() {
+ if (!selecting_enabled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (text.size() == 1 && text[0].length() == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( {
+ // Allow toggling selection by pressing the shortcut a second time.
+ // This is also usable as a general-purpose "deselect" shortcut after
+ // selecting anything.
+ deselect();
+ return;
+ }
+ int begin = 0;
+ int end = 0;
+ const Vector<Vector2i> words = TS->shaped_text_get_word_breaks(text.get_line_data(cursor.line)->get_rid());
+ for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
+ if (words[i].x <= cursor.column && words[i].y >= cursor.column) {
+ begin = words[i].x;
+ end = words[i].y;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ select(cursor.line, begin, cursor.line, end);
+ // Move the cursor to the end of the word for easier editing.
+ cursor_set_column(end, false);
void TextEdit::deselect() { = false;
@@ -5437,12 +5493,6 @@ void TextEdit::_text_changed_emit() {
text_changed_dirty = false;
-void TextEdit::set_line_as_marked(int p_line, bool p_marked) {
- ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size());
- text.set_marked(p_line, p_marked);
- update();
void TextEdit::set_line_as_hidden(int p_line, bool p_hidden) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size());
if (is_hiding_enabled() || !p_hidden) {
@@ -6980,6 +7030,10 @@ void TextEdit::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_line_gutter_clickable", "line", "gutter", "clickable"), &TextEdit::set_line_gutter_clickable);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_line_gutter_clickable", "line", "gutter"), &TextEdit::is_line_gutter_clickable);
+ // Line style
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_line_background_color", "line", "color"), &TextEdit::set_line_background_color);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_line_background_color", "line"), &TextEdit::get_line_background_color);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_highlight_current_line", "enabled"), &TextEdit::set_highlight_current_line);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_highlight_current_line_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_highlight_current_line_enabled);
diff --git a/scene/gui/text_edit.h b/scene/gui/text_edit.h
index b0c7314c65..6ca50f3e2d 100644
--- a/scene/gui/text_edit.h
+++ b/scene/gui/text_edit.h
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ private:
Vector<Vector2i> bidi_override;
Ref<TextParagraph> data_buf;
- bool marked = false;
+ Color background_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
bool hidden = false;
Line() {
@@ -129,12 +129,11 @@ private:
void set_width(float p_width);
int get_line_wrap_amount(int p_line) const;
Vector<Vector2i> get_line_wrap_ranges(int p_line) const;
const Ref<TextParagraph> get_line_data(int p_line) const;
void set(int p_line, const String &p_text, const Vector<Vector2i> &p_bidi_override);
- void set_marked(int p_line, bool p_marked) { text.write[p_line].marked = p_marked; }
- bool is_marked(int p_line) const { return text[p_line].marked; }
void set_hidden(int p_line, bool p_hidden) { text.write[p_line].hidden = p_hidden; }
bool is_hidden(int p_line) const { return text[p_line].hidden; }
void insert(int p_at, const String &p_text, const Vector<Vector2i> &p_bidi_override);
@@ -167,6 +166,10 @@ private:
void set_line_gutter_clickable(int p_line, int p_gutter, bool p_clickable) { text.write[p_line].gutters.write[p_gutter].clickable = p_clickable; }
bool is_line_gutter_clickable(int p_line, int p_gutter) const { return text[p_line].gutters[p_gutter].clickable; }
+ /* Line style. */
+ void set_line_background_color(int p_line, const Color &p_color) { text.write[p_line].background_color = p_color; }
+ const Color get_line_background_color(int p_line) const { return text[p_line].background_color; }
struct Cursor {
@@ -484,7 +487,6 @@ protected:
Color font_selected_color;
Color font_readonly_color;
Color selection_color;
- Color mark_color;
Color code_folding_color;
Color current_line_color;
Color line_length_guideline_color;
@@ -561,6 +563,10 @@ public:
void set_line_gutter_clickable(int p_line, int p_gutter, bool p_clickable);
bool is_line_gutter_clickable(int p_line, int p_gutter) const;
+ // Line style
+ void set_line_background_color(int p_line, const Color &p_color);
+ Color get_line_background_color(int p_line);
enum MenuItems {
@@ -637,7 +643,6 @@ public:
void insert_text_at_cursor(const String &p_text);
void insert_at(const String &p_text, int at);
int get_line_count() const;
- void set_line_as_marked(int p_line, bool p_marked);
void set_line_as_hidden(int p_line, bool p_hidden);
bool is_line_hidden(int p_line) const;
@@ -726,6 +731,7 @@ public:
void copy();
void paste();
void select_all();
+ void select_word_under_caret();
void select(int p_from_line, int p_from_column, int p_to_line, int p_to_column);
void deselect();
void swap_lines(int line1, int line2);
diff --git a/scene/resources/convex_polygon_shape_3d.cpp b/scene/resources/convex_polygon_shape_3d.cpp
index 9e030bc077..6b895da606 100644
--- a/scene/resources/convex_polygon_shape_3d.cpp
+++ b/scene/resources/convex_polygon_shape_3d.cpp
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
#include "convex_polygon_shape_3d.h"
-#include "core/math/quick_hull.h"
+#include "core/math/convex_hull.h"
#include "servers/physics_server_3d.h"
Vector<Vector3> ConvexPolygonShape3D::get_debug_mesh_lines() const {
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Vector<Vector3> ConvexPolygonShape3D::get_debug_mesh_lines() const {
if (points.size() > 3) {
Vector<Vector3> varr = Variant(points);
Geometry3D::MeshData md;
- Error err = QuickHull::build(varr, md);
+ Error err = ConvexHullComputer::convex_hull(varr, md);
if (err == OK) {
Vector<Vector3> lines;
lines.resize(md.edges.size() * 2);
diff --git a/scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp b/scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
index b671ee4644..6e67daf15f 100644
--- a/scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
+++ b/scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
@@ -451,7 +451,6 @@ void fill_default_theme(Ref<Theme> &theme, const Ref<Font> &default_font, const
theme->set_color("font_readonly_color", "TextEdit", Color(control_font_color.r, control_font_color.g, control_font_color.b, 0.5f));
theme->set_color("font_outline_color", "TextEdit", Color(1, 1, 1));
theme->set_color("selection_color", "TextEdit", control_selection_color);
- theme->set_color("mark_color", "TextEdit", Color(1.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4));
theme->set_color("code_folding_color", "TextEdit", Color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8));
theme->set_color("current_line_color", "TextEdit", Color(0.25, 0.25, 0.26, 0.8));
theme->set_color("caret_color", "TextEdit", control_font_color);
@@ -494,7 +493,6 @@ void fill_default_theme(Ref<Theme> &theme, const Ref<Font> &default_font, const
theme->set_color("font_readonly_color", "CodeEdit", Color(control_font_color.r, control_font_color.g, control_font_color.b, 0.5f));
theme->set_color("font_outline_color", "CodeEdit", Color(1, 1, 1));
theme->set_color("selection_color", "CodeEdit", control_selection_color);
- theme->set_color("mark_color", "CodeEdit", Color(1.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4));
theme->set_color("bookmark_color", "CodeEdit", Color(0.5, 0.64, 1, 0.8));
theme->set_color("breakpoint_color", "CodeEdit", Color(0.9, 0.29, 0.3));
theme->set_color("executing_line_color", "CodeEdit", Color(0.98, 0.89, 0.27));
diff --git a/scene/resources/particles_material.cpp b/scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
index 59e699326d..a965317c81 100644
--- a/scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
+++ b/scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
@@ -1391,7 +1391,7 @@ ParticlesMaterial::ParticlesMaterial() :
- set_collision_enabled(true);
+ set_collision_enabled(false);
diff --git a/scene/resources/surface_tool.cpp b/scene/resources/surface_tool.cpp
index ff682a40f4..f2143e683d 100644
--- a/scene/resources/surface_tool.cpp
+++ b/scene/resources/surface_tool.cpp
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
SurfaceTool::OptimizeVertexCacheFunc SurfaceTool::optimize_vertex_cache_func = nullptr;
SurfaceTool::SimplifyFunc SurfaceTool::simplify_func = nullptr;
+SurfaceTool::SimplifyWithAttribFunc SurfaceTool::simplify_with_attrib_func = nullptr;
SurfaceTool::SimplifyScaleFunc SurfaceTool::simplify_scale_func = nullptr;
SurfaceTool::SimplifySloppyFunc SurfaceTool::simplify_sloppy_func = nullptr;
diff --git a/scene/resources/surface_tool.h b/scene/resources/surface_tool.h
index 28addf2245..f5f3a95b14 100644
--- a/scene/resources/surface_tool.h
+++ b/scene/resources/surface_tool.h
@@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ public:
static OptimizeVertexCacheFunc optimize_vertex_cache_func;
typedef size_t (*SimplifyFunc)(unsigned int *destination, const unsigned int *indices, size_t index_count, const float *vertex_positions, size_t vertex_count, size_t vertex_positions_stride, size_t target_index_count, float target_error, float *r_error);
static SimplifyFunc simplify_func;
+ typedef size_t (*SimplifyWithAttribFunc)(unsigned int *destination, const unsigned int *indices, size_t index_count, const float *vertex_data, size_t vertex_count, size_t vertex_stride, size_t target_index_count, float target_error, float *result_error, const float *attributes, const float *attribute_weights, size_t attribute_count);
+ static SimplifyWithAttribFunc simplify_with_attrib_func;
typedef float (*SimplifyScaleFunc)(const float *vertex_positions, size_t vertex_count, size_t vertex_positions_stride);
static SimplifyScaleFunc simplify_scale_func;
typedef size_t (*SimplifySloppyFunc)(unsigned int *destination, const unsigned int *indices, size_t index_count, const float *vertex_positions_data, size_t vertex_count, size_t vertex_positions_stride, size_t target_index_count, float target_error, float *out_result_error);
diff --git a/servers/physics_3d/shape_3d_sw.cpp b/servers/physics_3d/shape_3d_sw.cpp
index ccd37ca742..ca7248993f 100644
--- a/servers/physics_3d/shape_3d_sw.cpp
+++ b/servers/physics_3d/shape_3d_sw.cpp
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
#include "shape_3d_sw.h"
#include "core/io/image.h"
+#include "core/math/convex_hull.h"
#include "core/math/geometry_3d.h"
-#include "core/math/quick_hull.h"
#include "core/templates/sort_array.h"
// HeightMapShape3DSW is based on Bullet btHeightfieldTerrainShape.
@@ -1089,9 +1089,9 @@ Vector3 ConvexPolygonShape3DSW::get_moment_of_inertia(real_t p_mass) const {
void ConvexPolygonShape3DSW::_setup(const Vector<Vector3> &p_vertices) {
- Error err = QuickHull::build(p_vertices, mesh);
+ Error err = ConvexHullComputer::convex_hull(p_vertices, mesh);
if (err != OK) {
- ERR_PRINT("Failed to build QuickHull");
+ ERR_PRINT("Failed to build convex hull");
AABB _aabb;
diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_canvas_render_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_canvas_render_rd.cpp
index f448698976..1f27dd54ec 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_canvas_render_rd.cpp
+++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_canvas_render_rd.cpp
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include "core/math/geometry_2d.h"
#include "core/math/math_funcs.h"
#include "renderer_compositor_rd.h"
+#include "servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.h"
void RendererCanvasRenderRD::_update_transform_2d_to_mat4(const Transform2D &p_transform, float *p_mat4) {
p_mat4[0] = p_transform.elements[0][0];
@@ -390,7 +391,7 @@ void RendererCanvasRenderRD::_bind_canvas_texture(RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, RI
r_last_texture = p_texture;
-void RendererCanvasRenderRD::_render_item(RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, const Item *p_item, RD::FramebufferFormatID p_framebuffer_format, const Transform2D &p_canvas_transform_inverse, Item *&current_clip, Light *p_lights, PipelineVariants *p_pipeline_variants) {
+void RendererCanvasRenderRD::_render_item(RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, RID p_render_target, const Item *p_item, RD::FramebufferFormatID p_framebuffer_format, const Transform2D &p_canvas_transform_inverse, Item *&current_clip, Light *p_lights, PipelineVariants *p_pipeline_variants) {
//create an empty push constant
RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter current_filter = default_filter;
@@ -747,9 +748,15 @@ void RendererCanvasRenderRD::_render_item(RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, const Item
} else if (c->type == Item::Command::TYPE_PARTICLES) {
const Item::CommandParticles *pt = static_cast<const Item::CommandParticles *>(c);
ERR_BREAK(storage->particles_get_mode(pt->particles) != RS::PARTICLES_MODE_2D);
+ storage->particles_request_process(pt->particles);
if (storage->particles_is_inactive(pt->particles)) {
+ RenderingServerDefault::redraw_request(); // active particles means redraw request
+ bool local_coords = true;
int dpc = storage->particles_get_draw_passes(pt->particles);
if (dpc == 0) {
break; //nothing to draw
@@ -768,6 +775,30 @@ void RendererCanvasRenderRD::_render_item(RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, const Item
mesh = storage->particles_get_draw_pass_mesh(pt->particles, 0); //higher ones are ignored
texture = pt->texture;
+ if (storage->particles_has_collision(pt->particles) && storage->render_target_is_sdf_enabled(p_render_target)) {
+ //pass collision information
+ Transform2D xform;
+ if (local_coords) {
+ xform = p_item->final_transform;
+ } else {
+ xform = p_canvas_transform_inverse;
+ }
+ RID sdf_texture = storage->render_target_get_sdf_texture(p_render_target);
+ Rect2 to_screen;
+ {
+ Rect2 sdf_rect = storage->render_target_get_sdf_rect(p_render_target);
+ to_screen.size = Vector2(1.0 / sdf_rect.size.width, 1.0 / sdf_rect.size.height);
+ to_screen.position = -sdf_rect.position * to_screen.size;
+ }
+ storage->particles_set_canvas_sdf_collision(pt->particles, true, xform, to_screen, sdf_texture);
+ } else {
+ storage->particles_set_canvas_sdf_collision(pt->particles, false, Transform2D(), Rect2(), RID());
+ }
if (mesh.is_null()) {
@@ -1052,7 +1083,7 @@ void RendererCanvasRenderRD::_render_items(RID p_to_render_target, int p_item_co
- _render_item(draw_list, ci, fb_format, canvas_transform_inverse, current_clip, p_lights, pipeline_variants);
+ _render_item(draw_list, p_to_render_target, ci, fb_format, canvas_transform_inverse, current_clip, p_lights, pipeline_variants);
prev_material = material;
@@ -1280,6 +1311,7 @@ void RendererCanvasRenderRD::canvas_render_items(RID p_to_render_target, Item *p
Item *canvas_group_owner = nullptr;
bool update_skeletons = false;
+ bool time_used = false;
while (ci) {
if (ci->copy_back_buffer && canvas_group_owner == nullptr) {
@@ -1305,6 +1337,9 @@ void RendererCanvasRenderRD::canvas_render_items(RID p_to_render_target, Item *p
if (md->shader_data->uses_sdf) {
r_sdf_used = true;
+ if (md->shader_data->uses_time) {
+ time_used = true;
+ }
if (md->last_frame != RendererCompositorRD::singleton->get_frame_number()) {
md->last_frame = RendererCompositorRD::singleton->get_frame_number();
if (!RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(md->uniform_set)) {
@@ -1401,6 +1436,10 @@ void RendererCanvasRenderRD::canvas_render_items(RID p_to_render_target, Item *p
ci = ci->next;
+ if (time_used) {
+ RenderingServerDefault::redraw_request();
+ }
RID RendererCanvasRenderRD::light_create() {
@@ -1877,6 +1916,7 @@ void RendererCanvasRenderRD::ShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) {
uses_screen_texture = false;
uses_sdf = false;
+ uses_time = false;
if (code == String()) {
return; //just invalid, but no error
@@ -1901,6 +1941,7 @@ void RendererCanvasRenderRD::ShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) {
actions.usage_flag_pointers["SCREEN_TEXTURE"] = &uses_screen_texture;
actions.usage_flag_pointers["texture_sdf"] = &uses_sdf;
+ actions.usage_flag_pointers["TIME"] = &uses_time;
actions.uniforms = &uniforms;
diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_canvas_render_rd.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_canvas_render_rd.h
index 8129cc6c9b..890a4e3649 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_canvas_render_rd.h
+++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_canvas_render_rd.h
@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ class RendererCanvasRenderRD : public RendererCanvasRender {
bool uses_screen_texture = false;
bool uses_sdf = false;
+ bool uses_time = false;
virtual void set_code(const String &p_Code);
virtual void set_default_texture_param(const StringName &p_name, RID p_texture);
@@ -425,7 +426,7 @@ class RendererCanvasRenderRD : public RendererCanvasRender {
RID _create_base_uniform_set(RID p_to_render_target, bool p_backbuffer);
inline void _bind_canvas_texture(RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, RID p_texture, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter p_base_filter, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat p_base_repeat, RID &r_last_texture, PushConstant &push_constant, Size2 &r_texpixel_size); //recursive, so regular inline used instead.
- void _render_item(RenderingDevice::DrawListID p_draw_list, const Item *p_item, RenderingDevice::FramebufferFormatID p_framebuffer_format, const Transform2D &p_canvas_transform_inverse, Item *&current_clip, Light *p_lights, PipelineVariants *p_pipeline_variants);
+ void _render_item(RenderingDevice::DrawListID p_draw_list, RID p_render_target, const Item *p_item, RenderingDevice::FramebufferFormatID p_framebuffer_format, const Transform2D &p_canvas_transform_inverse, Item *&current_clip, Light *p_lights, PipelineVariants *p_pipeline_variants);
void _render_items(RID p_to_render_target, int p_item_count, const Transform2D &p_canvas_transform_inverse, Light *p_lights, bool p_to_backbuffer = false);
_FORCE_INLINE_ void _update_transform_2d_to_mat2x4(const Transform2D &p_transform, float *p_mat2x4);
diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.cpp
index f419875d58..26ddd74a80 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.cpp
+++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.cpp
@@ -4305,6 +4305,15 @@ void RendererStorageRD::particles_remove_collision(RID p_particles, RID p_partic
+void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_canvas_sdf_collision(RID p_particles, bool p_enable, const Transform2D &p_xform, const Rect2 &p_to_screen, RID p_texture) {
+ Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(!particles);
+ particles->has_sdf_collision = p_enable;
+ particles->sdf_collision_transform = p_xform;
+ particles->sdf_collision_to_screen = p_to_screen;
+ particles->sdf_collision_texture = p_texture;
void RendererStorageRD::_particles_process(Particles *p_particles, float p_delta) {
if (p_particles->particles_material_uniform_set.is_null() || !RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(p_particles->particles_material_uniform_set)) {
Vector<RD::Uniform> uniforms;
@@ -4410,6 +4419,50 @@ void RendererStorageRD::_particles_process(Particles *p_particles, float p_delta
if (p_particles->use_local_coords) {
to_particles = p_particles->emission_transform.affine_inverse();
+ if (p_particles->has_sdf_collision && RD::get_singleton()->texture_is_valid(p_particles->sdf_collision_texture)) {
+ //2D collision
+ Transform2D xform = p_particles->sdf_collision_transform; //will use dotproduct manually so invert beforehand
+ Transform2D revert = xform.affine_inverse();
+ frame_params.collider_count = 1;
+ frame_params.colliders[0].transform[0] = xform.elements[0][0];
+ frame_params.colliders[0].transform[1] = xform.elements[0][1];
+ frame_params.colliders[0].transform[2] = 0;
+ frame_params.colliders[0].transform[3] = xform.elements[2][0];
+ frame_params.colliders[0].transform[4] = xform.elements[1][0];
+ frame_params.colliders[0].transform[5] = xform.elements[1][1];
+ frame_params.colliders[0].transform[6] = 0;
+ frame_params.colliders[0].transform[7] = xform.elements[2][1];
+ frame_params.colliders[0].transform[8] = revert.elements[0][0];
+ frame_params.colliders[0].transform[9] = revert.elements[0][1];
+ frame_params.colliders[0].transform[10] = 0;
+ frame_params.colliders[0].transform[11] = revert.elements[2][0];
+ frame_params.colliders[0].transform[12] = revert.elements[1][0];
+ frame_params.colliders[0].transform[13] = revert.elements[1][1];
+ frame_params.colliders[0].transform[14] = 0;
+ frame_params.colliders[0].transform[15] = revert.elements[2][1];
+ frame_params.colliders[0].extents[0] = p_particles->sdf_collision_to_screen.size.x;
+ frame_params.colliders[0].extents[1] = p_particles->sdf_collision_to_screen.size.y;
+ frame_params.colliders[0].extents[2] = p_particles->sdf_collision_to_screen.position.x;
+ frame_params.colliders[0].scale = p_particles->sdf_collision_to_screen.position.y;
+ frame_params.colliders[0].texture_index = 0;
+ frame_params.colliders[0].type = ParticlesFrameParams::COLLISION_TYPE_2D_SDF;
+ collision_heightmap_texture = p_particles->sdf_collision_texture;
+ //replace in all other history frames where used because parameters are no longer valid if screen moves
+ for (uint32_t i = 1; i < p_particles->frame_history.size(); i++) {
+ if (p_particles->frame_history[i].collider_count > 0 && p_particles->frame_history[i].colliders[0].type == ParticlesFrameParams::COLLISION_TYPE_2D_SDF) {
+ p_particles->frame_history[i].colliders[0] = frame_params.colliders[0];
+ }
+ }
+ }
uint32_t collision_3d_textures_used = 0;
for (const Set<RID>::Element *E = p_particles->collisions.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
ParticlesCollisionInstance *pci = particles_collision_instance_owner.getornull(E->get());
@@ -4657,6 +4710,8 @@ void RendererStorageRD::_particles_process(Particles *p_particles, float p_delta
+ p_particles->has_collision_cache = m->shader_data->uses_collision;
//todo should maybe compute all particle systems together?
RD::ComputeListID compute_list = RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_begin();
RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, m->shader_data->pipeline);
@@ -4740,6 +4795,11 @@ void RendererStorageRD::particles_set_view_axis(RID p_particles, const Vector3 &
copy_push_constant.trail_total = 1;
copy_push_constant.frame_delta = 0.0;
+ copy_push_constant.order_by_lifetime = (particles->draw_order == RS::PARTICLES_DRAW_ORDER_LIFETIME || particles->draw_order == RS::PARTICLES_DRAW_ORDER_REVERSE_LIFETIME);
+ copy_push_constant.lifetime_split = MIN(particles->amount * particles->phase, particles->amount - 1);
+ copy_push_constant.lifetime_reverse = particles->draw_order == RS::PARTICLES_DRAW_ORDER_REVERSE_LIFETIME;
copy_push_constant.frame_remainder = particles->interpolate ? particles->frame_remainder : 0.0;
copy_push_constant.total_particles = particles->amount;
@@ -5019,6 +5079,10 @@ void RendererStorageRD::update_particles() {
copy_push_constant.frame_delta = 0.0;
+ copy_push_constant.order_by_lifetime = (particles->draw_order == RS::PARTICLES_DRAW_ORDER_LIFETIME || particles->draw_order == RS::PARTICLES_DRAW_ORDER_REVERSE_LIFETIME);
+ copy_push_constant.lifetime_split = MIN(particles->amount * particles->phase, particles->amount - 1);
+ copy_push_constant.lifetime_reverse = particles->draw_order == RS::PARTICLES_DRAW_ORDER_REVERSE_LIFETIME;
RD::ComputeListID compute_list = RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_begin();
RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, particles_shader.copy_pipelines[particles->mode == RS::PARTICLES_MODE_2D ? ParticlesShader::COPY_MODE_FILL_INSTANCES_2D : ParticlesShader::COPY_MODE_FILL_INSTANCES]);
RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, particles->particles_copy_uniform_set, 0);
@@ -5049,6 +5113,7 @@ void RendererStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) {
valid = false;
ubo_size = 0;
+ uses_collision = false;
if (code == String()) {
return; //just invalid, but no error
@@ -5068,6 +5133,8 @@ void RendererStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) {
actions.usage_flag_pointers["TIME"] = &uses_time;
+ actions.usage_flag_pointers["COLLIDED"] = &uses_collision;
actions.uniforms = &uniforms;
Error err = base_singleton->particles_shader.compiler.compile(RS::SHADER_PARTICLES, code, &actions, path, gen_code);
@@ -7133,6 +7200,20 @@ Rect2i RendererStorageRD::render_target_get_sdf_rect(RID p_render_target) const
return _render_target_get_sdf_rect(rt);
+void RendererStorageRD::render_target_mark_sdf_enabled(RID p_render_target, bool p_enabled) {
+ RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target);
+ rt->sdf_enabled = p_enabled;
+bool RendererStorageRD::render_target_is_sdf_enabled(RID p_render_target) const {
+ const RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rt, false);
+ return rt->sdf_enabled;
RID RendererStorageRD::render_target_get_sdf_texture(RID p_render_target) {
RenderTarget *rt = render_target_owner.getornull(p_render_target);
@@ -7200,7 +7281,7 @@ void RendererStorageRD::_render_target_allocate_sdf(RenderTarget *rt) {
rt->process_size.x = MAX(rt->process_size.x, 1);
rt->process_size.y = MAX(rt->process_size.y, 1);
- tformat.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16_UINT;
+ tformat.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16_SINT;
tformat.width = rt->process_size.width;
tformat.height = rt->process_size.height;
tformat.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT;
@@ -7208,7 +7289,7 @@ void RendererStorageRD::_render_target_allocate_sdf(RenderTarget *rt) {
rt->sdf_buffer_process[0] = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tformat, RD::TextureView());
rt->sdf_buffer_process[1] = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tformat, RD::TextureView());
- tformat.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16_UNORM;
+ tformat.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16_SNORM;
rt->sdf_buffer_read = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tformat, RD::TextureView());
diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.h
index 49f7f3dba6..67fbeb3008 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.h
+++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.h
@@ -638,7 +638,9 @@ private:
struct Collider {
@@ -710,6 +712,13 @@ private:
bool restart_request = false;
AABB custom_aabb = AABB(Vector3(-4, -4, -4), Vector3(8, 8, 8));
bool use_local_coords = true;
+ bool has_collision_cache = false;
+ bool has_sdf_collision = false;
+ Transform2D sdf_collision_transform;
+ Rect2 sdf_collision_to_screen;
+ RID sdf_collision_texture;
RID process_material;
uint32_t frame_counter = 0;
RS::ParticlesTransformAlign transform_align = RS::PARTICLES_TRANSFORM_ALIGN_DISABLED;
@@ -820,6 +829,11 @@ private:
float align_up[3];
uint32_t align_mode;
+ uint32_t order_by_lifetime;
+ uint32_t lifetime_split;
+ uint32_t lifetime_reverse;
+ uint32_t pad;
enum {
@@ -843,6 +857,7 @@ private:
struct ParticlesShaderData : public ShaderData {
bool valid;
RID version;
+ bool uses_collision = false;
//PipelineCacheRD pipelines[SKY_VERSION_MAX];
Map<StringName, ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform> uniforms;
@@ -1120,6 +1135,8 @@ private:
+ bool sdf_enabled = false;
RID backbuffer; //used for effects
RID backbuffer_fb;
RID backbuffer_mipmap0;
@@ -2175,6 +2192,13 @@ public:
return particles->amount * r_trail_divisor;
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ bool particles_has_collision(RID p_particles) {
+ Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!particles, 0);
+ return particles->has_collision_cache;
+ }
_FORCE_INLINE_ uint32_t particles_is_using_local_coords(RID p_particles) {
Particles *particles = particles_owner.getornull(p_particles);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!particles, false);
@@ -2206,6 +2230,7 @@ public:
virtual void particles_add_collision(RID p_particles, RID p_particles_collision_instance);
virtual void particles_remove_collision(RID p_particles, RID p_particles_collision_instance);
+ virtual void particles_set_canvas_sdf_collision(RID p_particles, bool p_enable, const Transform2D &p_xform, const Rect2 &p_to_screen, RID p_texture);
@@ -2280,6 +2305,8 @@ public:
RID render_target_get_sdf_framebuffer(RID p_render_target);
void render_target_sdf_process(RID p_render_target);
virtual Rect2i render_target_get_sdf_rect(RID p_render_target) const;
+ void render_target_mark_sdf_enabled(RID p_render_target, bool p_enabled);
+ bool render_target_is_sdf_enabled(RID p_render_target) const;
Size2 render_target_get_size(RID p_render_target);
RID render_target_get_rd_framebuffer(RID p_render_target);
diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/canvas.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/canvas.glsl
index cf4c77db0d..2186bd174b 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/canvas.glsl
+++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/canvas.glsl
@@ -101,36 +101,34 @@ void main() {
uint offset = trail_size * stride * gl_InstanceIndex;
- mat4 matrix;
vec4 pcolor;
+ vec2 new_vertex;
uint boffset = offset + bone_attrib.x * stride;
- matrix = mat4([boffset + 0],[boffset + 1], vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) * weight_attrib.x;
- pcolor =[boffset + 3] * weight_attrib.x;
+ new_vertex = (vec4(vertex, 0.0, 1.0) * mat4([boffset + 0],[boffset + 1], vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))).xy * weight_attrib.x;
+ pcolor =[boffset + 2] * weight_attrib.x;
if (weight_attrib.y > 0.001) {
uint boffset = offset + bone_attrib.y * stride;
- matrix += mat4([boffset + 0],[boffset + 1], vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) * weight_attrib.y;
- pcolor +=[boffset + 3] * weight_attrib.y;
+ new_vertex += (vec4(vertex, 0.0, 1.0) * mat4([boffset + 0],[boffset + 1], vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))).xy * weight_attrib.y;
+ pcolor +=[boffset + 2] * weight_attrib.y;
if (weight_attrib.z > 0.001) {
uint boffset = offset + bone_attrib.z * stride;
- matrix += mat4([boffset + 0],[boffset + 1], vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) * weight_attrib.z;
- pcolor +=[boffset + 3] * weight_attrib.z;
+ new_vertex += (vec4(vertex, 0.0, 1.0) * mat4([boffset + 0],[boffset + 1], vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))).xy * weight_attrib.z;
+ pcolor +=[boffset + 2] * weight_attrib.z;
if (weight_attrib.w > 0.001) {
uint boffset = offset + bone_attrib.w * stride;
- matrix += mat4([boffset + 0],[boffset + 1], vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) * weight_attrib.w;
- pcolor +=[boffset + 3] * weight_attrib.w;
+ new_vertex += (vec4(vertex, 0.0, 1.0) * mat4([boffset + 0],[boffset + 1], vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))).xy * weight_attrib.w;
+ pcolor +=[boffset + 2] * weight_attrib.w;
- instance_custom =[offset + 4];
+ instance_custom =[offset + 3];
+ vertex = new_vertex;
color *= pcolor;
- matrix = transpose(matrix);
- world_matrix = world_matrix * matrix;
} else
@@ -283,7 +281,7 @@ vec2 screen_uv_to_sdf(vec2 p_uv) {
float texture_sdf(vec2 p_sdf) {
vec2 uv = p_sdf * canvas_data.sdf_to_tex.xy +;
float d = texture(sampler2D(sdf_texture, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uv).r;
- d = d * SDF_MAX_LENGTH - 1.0;
return d * canvas_data.tex_to_sdf;
diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/canvas_sdf.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/canvas_sdf.glsl
index 65a554e839..2bdfbabfcf 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/canvas_sdf.glsl
+++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/canvas_sdf.glsl
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
layout(local_size_x = 8, local_size_y = 8, local_size_z = 1) in;
layout(r8, set = 0, binding = 1) uniform restrict readonly image2D src_pixels;
-layout(r16, set = 0, binding = 2) uniform restrict writeonly image2D dst_sdf;
+layout(r16_snorm, set = 0, binding = 2) uniform restrict writeonly image2D dst_sdf;
layout(rg16i, set = 0, binding = 3) uniform restrict readonly iimage2D src_process;
layout(rg16i, set = 0, binding = 4) uniform restrict writeonly iimage2D dst_process;
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ void main() {
#ifdef MODE_LOAD
bool solid = imageLoad(src_pixels, pos).r > 0.5;
- imageStore(dst_process, pos, solid ? ivec4(pos, 0, 0) : ivec4(ivec2(32767), 0, 0));
+ imageStore(dst_process, pos, solid ? ivec4(ivec2(-32767), 0, 0) : ivec4(ivec2(32767), 0, 0));
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ void main() {
ivec2 rel = ivec2(32767);
float d = 1e20;
+ int found = 0;
+ int solid_found = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < s; j++) {
ivec2 src_pos = base + ivec2(i, j);
@@ -56,10 +58,17 @@ void main() {
d = dist;
rel = src_pos;
+ solid_found++;
+ found++;
+ if (solid_found == found) {
+ //mark solid only if all are solid
+ rel = ivec2(-32767);
+ }
imageStore(dst_process, pos, ivec4(rel, 0, 0));
@@ -70,6 +79,12 @@ void main() {
ivec2 rel = imageLoad(src_process, pos).xy;
+ bool solid = rel.x < 0;
+ if (solid) {
+ rel = -rel - ivec2(1);
+ }
if (center != rel) {
//only process if it does not point to itself
const int ofs_table_size = 8;
@@ -92,6 +107,15 @@ void main() {
ivec2 src_rel = imageLoad(src_process, src_pos).xy;
+ bool src_solid = src_rel.x < 0;
+ if (src_solid) {
+ src_rel = -src_rel - ivec2(1);
+ }
+ if (src_solid != solid) {
+ src_rel = ivec2(src_pos << params.shift); //point to itself if of different type
+ }
float src_dist = length(vec2(src_rel - center));
if (src_dist < dist) {
dist = src_dist;
@@ -100,18 +124,31 @@ void main() {
+ if (solid) {
+ rel = -rel - ivec2(1);
+ }
imageStore(dst_process, pos, ivec4(rel, 0, 0));
ivec2 rel = imageLoad(src_process, pos).xy;
+ bool solid = rel.x < 0;
+ if (solid) {
+ rel = -rel - ivec2(1);
+ }
float d = length(vec2(rel - pos));
- if (d > 0.01) {
- d += 1.0; //make it signed
+ if (solid) {
+ d = -d;
- d = clamp(d, 0.0, 1.0);
+ d = clamp(d, -1.0, 1.0);
imageStore(dst_sdf, pos, vec4(d));
@@ -122,13 +159,20 @@ void main() {
ivec2 center = base + ivec2(params.shift);
ivec2 rel = imageLoad(src_process, pos).xy;
+ bool solid = rel.x < 0;
+ if (solid) {
+ rel = -rel - ivec2(1);
+ }
float d = length(vec2(rel - center));
- if (d > 0.01) {
- d += 1.0; //make it signed
+ if (solid) {
+ d = -d;
- d = clamp(d, 0.0, 1.0);
+ d = clamp(d, -1.0, 1.0);
imageStore(dst_sdf, pos, vec4(d));
diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/particles.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/particles.glsl
index beaff10793..9f8410fd8a 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/particles.glsl
+++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/particles.glsl
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ layout(local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;
+#define SDF_MAX_LENGTH 16384.0
layout(set = 0, binding = 1) uniform sampler material_samplers[12];
@@ -54,6 +56,7 @@ struct Attractor {
struct Collider {
mat4 transform;
@@ -452,128 +455,167 @@ void main() {
- for (uint i = 0; i < FRAME.collider_count; i++) {
- vec3 normal;
- float depth;
- bool col = false;
+ if (FRAME.collider_count == 1 && FRAME.colliders[0].type == COLLIDER_TYPE_2D_SDF) {
+ //2D collision
- vec3 rel_vec = PARTICLE.xform[3].xyz - FRAME.colliders[i].transform[3].xyz;
- vec3 local_pos = rel_vec * mat3(FRAME.colliders[i].transform);
+ vec2 pos = PARTICLE.xform[3].xy;
+ vec4 to_sdf_x = FRAME.colliders[0].transform[0];
+ vec4 to_sdf_y = FRAME.colliders[0].transform[1];
+ vec2 sdf_pos = vec2(dot(vec4(pos, 0, 1), to_sdf_x), dot(vec4(pos, 0, 1), to_sdf_y));
- switch (FRAME.colliders[i].type) {
- float d = length(rel_vec) - (particle_size + FRAME.colliders[i].extents.x);
+ vec4 sdf_to_screen = vec4(FRAME.colliders[0].extents, FRAME.colliders[0].scale);
- if (d < 0.0) {
- col = true;
- depth = -d;
- normal = normalize(rel_vec);
- }
+ vec2 uv_pos = sdf_pos * sdf_to_screen.xy +;
- } break;
- vec3 abs_pos = abs(local_pos);
- vec3 sgn_pos = sign(local_pos);
+ if (all(greaterThan(uv_pos, vec2(0.0))) && all(lessThan(uv_pos, vec2(1.0)))) {
+ vec2 pos2 = pos + vec2(0, particle_size);
+ vec2 sdf_pos2 = vec2(dot(vec4(pos2, 0, 1), to_sdf_x), dot(vec4(pos2, 0, 1), to_sdf_y));
+ float sdf_particle_size = distance(sdf_pos, sdf_pos2);
+ float d = texture(sampler2D(height_field_texture, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uv_pos).r * SDF_MAX_LENGTH;
+ d -= sdf_particle_size;
+ if (d < 0.0) {
+ const float EPSILON = 0.001;
+ vec2 n = normalize(vec2(
+ texture(sampler2D(height_field_texture, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uv_pos + vec2(EPSILON, 0.0)).r - texture(sampler2D(height_field_texture, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uv_pos - vec2(EPSILON, 0.0)).r,
+ texture(sampler2D(height_field_texture, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uv_pos + vec2(0.0, EPSILON)).r - texture(sampler2D(height_field_texture, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uv_pos - vec2(0.0, EPSILON)).r));
+ collided = true;
+ sdf_pos2 = sdf_pos + n * d;
+ pos2 = vec2(dot(vec4(sdf_pos2, 0, 1), FRAME.colliders[0].transform[2]), dot(vec4(sdf_pos2, 0, 1), FRAME.colliders[0].transform[3]));
+ n = pos - pos2;
+ collision_normal = normalize(vec3(n, 0.0));
+ collision_depth = length(n);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (uint i = 0; i < FRAME.collider_count; i++) {
+ vec3 normal;
+ float depth;
+ bool col = false;
- if (any(greaterThan(abs_pos, FRAME.colliders[i].extents))) {
- //point outside box
+ vec3 rel_vec = PARTICLE.xform[3].xyz - FRAME.colliders[i].transform[3].xyz;
+ vec3 local_pos = rel_vec * mat3(FRAME.colliders[i].transform);
- vec3 closest = min(abs_pos, FRAME.colliders[i].extents);
- vec3 rel = abs_pos - closest;
- depth = length(rel) - particle_size;
- if (depth < 0.0) {
+ switch (FRAME.colliders[i].type) {
+ float d = length(rel_vec) - (particle_size + FRAME.colliders[i].extents.x);
+ if (d < 0.0) {
col = true;
- normal = mat3(FRAME.colliders[i].transform) * (normalize(rel) * sgn_pos);
- depth = -depth;
+ depth = -d;
+ normal = normalize(rel_vec);
- } else {
- //point inside box
- vec3 axis_len = FRAME.colliders[i].extents - abs_pos;
- // there has to be a faster way to do this?
- if (all(lessThan(axis_len.xx, axis_len.yz))) {
- normal = vec3(1, 0, 0);
- } else if (all(lessThan(axis_len.yy, axis_len.xz))) {
- normal = vec3(0, 1, 0);
+ } break;
+ vec3 abs_pos = abs(local_pos);
+ vec3 sgn_pos = sign(local_pos);
+ if (any(greaterThan(abs_pos, FRAME.colliders[i].extents))) {
+ //point outside box
+ vec3 closest = min(abs_pos, FRAME.colliders[i].extents);
+ vec3 rel = abs_pos - closest;
+ depth = length(rel) - particle_size;
+ if (depth < 0.0) {
+ col = true;
+ normal = mat3(FRAME.colliders[i].transform) * (normalize(rel) * sgn_pos);
+ depth = -depth;
+ }
} else {
- normal = vec3(0, 0, 1);
+ //point inside box
+ vec3 axis_len = FRAME.colliders[i].extents - abs_pos;
+ // there has to be a faster way to do this?
+ if (all(lessThan(axis_len.xx, axis_len.yz))) {
+ normal = vec3(1, 0, 0);
+ } else if (all(lessThan(axis_len.yy, axis_len.xz))) {
+ normal = vec3(0, 1, 0);
+ } else {
+ normal = vec3(0, 0, 1);
+ }
+ col = true;
+ depth = dot(normal * axis_len, vec3(1)) + particle_size;
+ normal = mat3(FRAME.colliders[i].transform) * (normal * sgn_pos);
- col = true;
- depth = dot(normal * axis_len, vec3(1)) + particle_size;
- normal = mat3(FRAME.colliders[i].transform) * (normal * sgn_pos);
- }
+ } break;
+ vec3 apos = abs(local_pos);
+ float extra_dist = 0.0;
+ if (any(greaterThan(apos, FRAME.colliders[i].extents))) { //outside
+ vec3 mpos = min(apos, FRAME.colliders[i].extents);
+ extra_dist = distance(mpos, apos);
+ }
- } break;
- vec3 apos = abs(local_pos);
- float extra_dist = 0.0;
- if (any(greaterThan(apos, FRAME.colliders[i].extents))) { //outside
- vec3 mpos = min(apos, FRAME.colliders[i].extents);
- extra_dist = distance(mpos, apos);
- }
+ if (extra_dist > particle_size) {
+ continue;
+ }
- if (extra_dist > particle_size) {
- continue;
- }
+ vec3 uvw_pos = (local_pos / FRAME.colliders[i].extents) * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ float s = texture(sampler3D(sdf_vec_textures[FRAME.colliders[i].texture_index], material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uvw_pos).r;
+ s *= FRAME.colliders[i].scale;
+ s += extra_dist;
+ if (s < particle_size) {
+ col = true;
+ depth = particle_size - s;
+ const float EPSILON = 0.001;
+ normal = mat3(FRAME.colliders[i].transform) *
+ normalize(
+ vec3(
+ texture(sampler3D(sdf_vec_textures[FRAME.colliders[i].texture_index], material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uvw_pos + vec3(EPSILON, 0.0, 0.0)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_vec_textures[FRAME.colliders[i].texture_index], material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uvw_pos - vec3(EPSILON, 0.0, 0.0)).r,
+ texture(sampler3D(sdf_vec_textures[FRAME.colliders[i].texture_index], material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uvw_pos + vec3(0.0, EPSILON, 0.0)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_vec_textures[FRAME.colliders[i].texture_index], material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uvw_pos - vec3(0.0, EPSILON, 0.0)).r,
+ texture(sampler3D(sdf_vec_textures[FRAME.colliders[i].texture_index], material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uvw_pos + vec3(0.0, 0.0, EPSILON)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_vec_textures[FRAME.colliders[i].texture_index], material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uvw_pos - vec3(0.0, 0.0, EPSILON)).r));
+ }
- vec3 uvw_pos = (local_pos / FRAME.colliders[i].extents) * 0.5 + 0.5;
- float s = texture(sampler3D(sdf_vec_textures[FRAME.colliders[i].texture_index], material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uvw_pos).r;
- s *= FRAME.colliders[i].scale;
- s += extra_dist;
- if (s < particle_size) {
- col = true;
- depth = particle_size - s;
- const float EPSILON = 0.001;
- normal = mat3(FRAME.colliders[i].transform) *
- normalize(
- vec3(
- texture(sampler3D(sdf_vec_textures[FRAME.colliders[i].texture_index], material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uvw_pos + vec3(EPSILON, 0.0, 0.0)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_vec_textures[FRAME.colliders[i].texture_index], material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uvw_pos - vec3(EPSILON, 0.0, 0.0)).r,
- texture(sampler3D(sdf_vec_textures[FRAME.colliders[i].texture_index], material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uvw_pos + vec3(0.0, EPSILON, 0.0)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_vec_textures[FRAME.colliders[i].texture_index], material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uvw_pos - vec3(0.0, EPSILON, 0.0)).r,
- texture(sampler3D(sdf_vec_textures[FRAME.colliders[i].texture_index], material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uvw_pos + vec3(0.0, 0.0, EPSILON)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_vec_textures[FRAME.colliders[i].texture_index], material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uvw_pos - vec3(0.0, 0.0, EPSILON)).r));
- }
+ } break;
+ vec3 local_pos_bottom = local_pos;
+ local_pos_bottom.y -= particle_size;
- } break;
- vec3 local_pos_bottom = local_pos;
- local_pos_bottom.y -= particle_size;
+ if (any(greaterThan(abs(local_pos_bottom), FRAME.colliders[i].extents))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const float DELTA = 1.0 / 8192.0;
- if (any(greaterThan(abs(local_pos_bottom), FRAME.colliders[i].extents))) {
- continue;
- }
+ vec3 uvw_pos = vec3(local_pos_bottom / FRAME.colliders[i].extents) * 0.5 + 0.5;
- const float DELTA = 1.0 / 8192.0;
+ float y = 1.0 - texture(sampler2D(height_field_texture, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uvw_pos.xz).r;
- vec3 uvw_pos = vec3(local_pos_bottom / FRAME.colliders[i].extents) * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ if (y > uvw_pos.y) {
+ //inside heightfield
- float y = 1.0 - texture(sampler2D(height_field_texture, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uvw_pos.xz).r;
+ vec3 pos1 = (vec3(uvw_pos.x, y, uvw_pos.z) * 2.0 - 1.0) * FRAME.colliders[i].extents;
+ vec3 pos2 = (vec3(uvw_pos.x + DELTA, 1.0 - texture(sampler2D(height_field_texture, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uvw_pos.xz + vec2(DELTA, 0)).r, uvw_pos.z) * 2.0 - 1.0) * FRAME.colliders[i].extents;
+ vec3 pos3 = (vec3(uvw_pos.x, 1.0 - texture(sampler2D(height_field_texture, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uvw_pos.xz + vec2(0, DELTA)).r, uvw_pos.z + DELTA) * 2.0 - 1.0) * FRAME.colliders[i].extents;
- if (y > uvw_pos.y) {
- //inside heightfield
+ normal = normalize(cross(pos1 - pos2, pos1 - pos3));
+ float local_y = (vec3(local_pos / FRAME.colliders[i].extents) * 0.5 + 0.5).y;
- vec3 pos1 = (vec3(uvw_pos.x, y, uvw_pos.z) * 2.0 - 1.0) * FRAME.colliders[i].extents;
- vec3 pos2 = (vec3(uvw_pos.x + DELTA, 1.0 - texture(sampler2D(height_field_texture, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uvw_pos.xz + vec2(DELTA, 0)).r, uvw_pos.z) * 2.0 - 1.0) * FRAME.colliders[i].extents;
- vec3 pos3 = (vec3(uvw_pos.x, 1.0 - texture(sampler2D(height_field_texture, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), uvw_pos.xz + vec2(0, DELTA)).r, uvw_pos.z + DELTA) * 2.0 - 1.0) * FRAME.colliders[i].extents;
+ col = true;
+ depth = dot(normal, pos1) - dot(normal, local_pos_bottom);
+ }
- normal = normalize(cross(pos1 - pos2, pos1 - pos3));
- float local_y = (vec3(local_pos / FRAME.colliders[i].extents) * 0.5 + 0.5).y;
+ } break;
+ }
- col = true;
- depth = dot(normal, pos1) - dot(normal, local_pos_bottom);
+ if (col) {
+ if (!collided) {
+ collided = true;
+ collision_normal = normal;
+ collision_depth = depth;
+ } else {
+ vec3 c = collision_normal * collision_depth;
+ c += normal * max(0.0, depth - dot(normal, c));
+ collision_normal = normalize(c);
+ collision_depth = length(c);
- } break;
- }
- if (col) {
- if (!collided) {
- collided = true;
- collision_normal = normal;
- collision_depth = depth;
- } else {
- vec3 c = collision_normal * collision_depth;
- c += normal * max(0.0, depth - dot(normal, c));
- collision_normal = normalize(c);
- collision_depth = length(c);
diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/particles_copy.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/particles_copy.glsl
index e2bebadf1a..4dceeea995 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/particles_copy.glsl
+++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/particles_copy.glsl
@@ -53,6 +53,11 @@ layout(push_constant, binding = 0, std430) uniform Params {
vec3 align_up;
uint align_mode;
+ bool order_by_lifetime;
+ uint lifetime_split;
+ bool lifetime_reverse;
+ uint pad;
@@ -80,7 +85,6 @@ void main() {
uint particle = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
- uint write_offset = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x * (3 + 1 + 1); //xform + color + custom
if (particle >= params.total_particles) {
return; //discard
@@ -93,7 +97,41 @@ void main() {
} else {
particle = uint([particle].y); //use index from sort buffer
+ if (params.order_by_lifetime) {
+ if (params.trail_size > 1) {
+ uint limit = (params.total_particles / params.trail_size) - params.lifetime_split;
+ uint base_index = particle / params.trail_size;
+ uint base_offset = particle % params.trail_size;
+ if (params.lifetime_reverse) {
+ base_index = (params.total_particles / params.trail_size) - base_index - 1;
+ }
+ if (base_index < limit) {
+ base_index = params.lifetime_split + base_index;
+ } else {
+ base_index -= limit;
+ }
+ particle = base_index * params.trail_size + base_offset;
+ } else {
+ uint limit = params.total_particles - params.lifetime_split;
+ if (params.lifetime_reverse) {
+ particle = params.total_particles - particle - 1;
+ }
+ if (particle < limit) {
+ particle = params.lifetime_split + particle;
+ } else {
+ particle -= limit;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif // USE_SORT_BUFFER
mat4 txform;
@@ -165,12 +203,17 @@ void main() {
#ifdef MODE_2D
+ uint write_offset = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x * (2 + 1 + 1); //xform + color + custom
+[write_offset + 0] = txform[0];[write_offset + 1] = txform[1];[write_offset + 2] =[particle].color;[write_offset + 3] =[particle].custom;
+ uint write_offset = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x * (3 + 1 + 1); //xform + color + custom
+[write_offset + 0] = txform[0];[write_offset + 1] = txform[1];[write_offset + 2] = txform[2];
diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_storage.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_storage.h
index cc4ff5d55e..75975e909d 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/renderer_storage.h
+++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_storage.h
@@ -534,6 +534,8 @@ public:
virtual void particles_add_collision(RID p_particles, RID p_particles_collision_instance) = 0;
virtual void particles_remove_collision(RID p_particles, RID p_particles_collision_instance) = 0;
+ virtual void particles_set_canvas_sdf_collision(RID p_particles, bool p_enable, const Transform2D &p_xform, const Rect2 &p_to_screen, RID p_texture) = 0;
virtual void update_particles() = 0;
@@ -603,6 +605,7 @@ public:
virtual void render_target_set_sdf_size_and_scale(RID p_render_target, RS::ViewportSDFOversize p_size, RS::ViewportSDFScale p_scale) = 0;
virtual Rect2i render_target_get_sdf_rect(RID p_render_target) const = 0;
+ virtual void render_target_mark_sdf_enabled(RID p_render_target, bool p_enabled) = 0;
virtual RS::InstanceType get_base_type(RID p_rid) const = 0;
virtual bool free(RID p_rid) = 0;
diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.cpp
index 9ac2c1918f..f97e24947d 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.cpp
+++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.cpp
@@ -186,8 +186,11 @@ void RendererViewport::_draw_viewport(Viewport *p_viewport, XRInterface::Eyes p_
RSG::canvas_render->render_sdf(p_viewport->render_target, occluders);
+ RSG::storage->render_target_mark_sdf_enabled(p_viewport->render_target, true);
p_viewport->sdf_active = false; // if used, gets set active again
+ } else {
+ RSG::storage->render_target_mark_sdf_enabled(p_viewport->render_target, false);
Rect2 shadow_rect;
diff --git a/servers/rendering/shader_language.cpp b/servers/rendering/shader_language.cpp
index e92940b31a..2ce7707257 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/shader_language.cpp
+++ b/servers/rendering/shader_language.cpp
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
#include "core/string/print_string.h"
#include "servers/rendering_server.h"
+#define HAS_WARNING(flag) (warning_flags & flag)
static bool _is_text_char(char32_t c) {
return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '_';
@@ -901,6 +903,8 @@ bool ShaderLanguage::is_token_nonvoid_datatype(TokenType p_type) {
void ShaderLanguage::clear() {
current_function = StringName();
+ last_name = StringName();
+ last_type = IDENTIFIER_MAX;
completion_type = COMPLETION_NONE;
completion_block = nullptr;
@@ -908,12 +912,20 @@ void ShaderLanguage::clear() {
completion_class = SubClassTag::TAG_GLOBAL;
completion_struct = StringName();
+ used_constants.clear();
+ used_varyings.clear();
+ used_uniforms.clear();
+ used_functions.clear();
+ used_structs.clear();
+ warnings.clear();
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
error_line = 0;
tk_line = 1;
char_idx = 0;
error_set = false;
error_str = "";
- last_const = false;
while (nodes) {
Node *n = nodes;
nodes = nodes->next;
@@ -921,6 +933,35 @@ void ShaderLanguage::clear() {
+void ShaderLanguage::_parse_used_identifier(const StringName &p_identifier, IdentifierType p_type) {
+ switch (p_type) {
+ case IdentifierType::IDENTIFIER_CONSTANT:
+ if (HAS_WARNING(ShaderWarning::UNUSED_CONSTANT_FLAG) && used_constants.has(p_identifier)) {
+ used_constants[p_identifier].used = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case IdentifierType::IDENTIFIER_VARYING:
+ if (HAS_WARNING(ShaderWarning::UNUSED_VARYING_FLAG) && used_varyings.has(p_identifier)) {
+ used_varyings[p_identifier].used = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case IdentifierType::IDENTIFIER_UNIFORM:
+ if (HAS_WARNING(ShaderWarning::UNUSED_UNIFORM_FLAG) && used_uniforms.has(p_identifier)) {
+ used_uniforms[p_identifier].used = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case IdentifierType::IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION:
+ if (HAS_WARNING(ShaderWarning::UNUSED_FUNCTION_FLAG) && used_functions.has(p_identifier)) {
+ used_functions[p_identifier].used = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
bool ShaderLanguage::_find_identifier(const BlockNode *p_block, bool p_allow_reassign, const FunctionInfo &p_function_info, const StringName &p_identifier, DataType *r_data_type, IdentifierType *r_type, bool *r_is_const, int *r_array_size, StringName *r_struct_name, ConstantNode::Value *r_constant_value) {
if (p_function_info.built_ins.has(p_identifier)) {
if (r_data_type) {
@@ -3602,6 +3643,11 @@ ShaderLanguage::Node *ShaderLanguage::_parse_expression(BlockNode *p_block, cons
if (shader->structs.has(identifier)) {
pstruct = shader->structs[identifier].shader_struct;
+ if (check_warnings && HAS_WARNING(ShaderWarning::UNUSED_STRUCT_FLAG) && used_structs.has(identifier)) {
+ used_structs[identifier].used = true;
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
struct_init = true;
@@ -3825,11 +3871,17 @@ ShaderLanguage::Node *ShaderLanguage::_parse_expression(BlockNode *p_block, cons
expr = func;
+ if (check_warnings) {
+ _parse_used_identifier(name, IdentifierType::IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
} else {
//an identifier
- last_const = false;
+ last_name = identifier;
+ last_type = IDENTIFIER_MAX;
DataType data_type;
@@ -3874,12 +3926,16 @@ ShaderLanguage::Node *ShaderLanguage::_parse_expression(BlockNode *p_block, cons
- last_const = is_const;
if (ident_type == IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION) {
_set_error("Can't use function as identifier: " + String(identifier));
return nullptr;
+ if (is_const) {
+ } else {
+ last_type = ident_type;
+ }
Node *index_expression = nullptr;
@@ -3953,7 +4009,6 @@ ShaderLanguage::Node *ShaderLanguage::_parse_expression(BlockNode *p_block, cons
arrname->assign_expression = assign_expression;
arrname->is_const = is_const;
expr = arrname;
} else {
VariableNode *varname = alloc_node<VariableNode>();
varname->name = identifier;
@@ -3962,6 +4017,11 @@ ShaderLanguage::Node *ShaderLanguage::_parse_expression(BlockNode *p_block, cons
varname->struct_name = struct_name;
expr = varname;
+ if (check_warnings) {
+ _parse_used_identifier(identifier, ident_type);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
} else if (tk.type == TK_OP_ADD) {
continue; //this one does nothing
@@ -4290,8 +4350,7 @@ ShaderLanguage::Node *ShaderLanguage::_parse_expression(BlockNode *p_block, cons
if (array_size > 0) {
tk = _get_token();
if (tk.type == TK_OP_ASSIGN) {
- if (last_const) {
- last_const = false;
+ if (last_type == IDENTIFIER_CONSTANT) {
_set_error("Constants cannot be modified.");
return nullptr;
@@ -4648,9 +4707,10 @@ ShaderLanguage::Node *ShaderLanguage::_parse_expression(BlockNode *p_block, cons
bool unary = false;
bool ternary = false;
+ Operator op = expression[i].op;
int priority;
- switch (expression[i].op) {
+ switch (op) {
case OP_EQUAL:
priority = 8;
@@ -4771,6 +4831,12 @@ ShaderLanguage::Node *ShaderLanguage::_parse_expression(BlockNode *p_block, cons
ERR_FAIL_V(nullptr); //unexpected operator
+ if (check_warnings && HAS_WARNING(ShaderWarning::FLOAT_COMPARISON_FLAG) && (op == OP_EQUAL || op == OP_NOT_EQUAL) && expression[i - 1].node->get_datatype() == TYPE_FLOAT && expression[i + 1].node->get_datatype() == TYPE_FLOAT) {
+ _add_line_warning(ShaderWarning::FLOAT_COMPARISON);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
if (priority < min_priority) {
// < is used for left to right (default)
// <= is used for right to left
@@ -5483,7 +5549,6 @@ Error ShaderLanguage::_parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, const FunctionInfo &p_fun
p_block->variables[name] = var;
if (tk.type == TK_COMMA) {
if (p_block->block_type == BlockNode::BLOCK_TYPE_FOR) {
_set_error("Multiple declarations in 'for' loop are not implemented yet.");
@@ -6313,7 +6378,11 @@ Error ShaderLanguage::_parse_shader(const Map<StringName, FunctionInfo> &p_funct
shader->structs[] = st;
shader->vstructs.push_back(st); // struct's order is important!
+ if (check_warnings && HAS_WARNING(ShaderWarning::UNUSED_STRUCT_FLAG)) {
+ used_structs.insert(, Usage(tk_line));
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
} break;
case TK_GLOBAL: {
tk = _get_token();
@@ -6660,6 +6729,12 @@ Error ShaderLanguage::_parse_shader(const Map<StringName, FunctionInfo> &p_funct
shader->uniforms[name] = uniform2;
+ if (check_warnings && HAS_WARNING(ShaderWarning::UNUSED_UNIFORM_FLAG)) {
+ used_uniforms.insert(name, Usage(tk_line));
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
//reset scope for next uniform
uniform_scope = ShaderNode::Uniform::SCOPE_LOCAL;
@@ -6703,6 +6778,11 @@ Error ShaderLanguage::_parse_shader(const Map<StringName, FunctionInfo> &p_funct
shader->varyings[name] = varying;
+ if (check_warnings && HAS_WARNING(ShaderWarning::UNUSED_VARYING_FLAG)) {
+ used_varyings.insert(name, Usage(tk_line));
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
} break;
@@ -7049,6 +7129,11 @@ Error ShaderLanguage::_parse_shader(const Map<StringName, FunctionInfo> &p_funct
shader->constants[name] = constant;
+ if (check_warnings && HAS_WARNING(ShaderWarning::UNUSED_CONSTANT_FLAG)) {
+ used_constants.insert(name, Usage(tk_line));
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
if (tk.type == TK_COMMA) {
tk = _get_token();
@@ -7110,6 +7195,12 @@ Error ShaderLanguage::_parse_shader(const Map<StringName, FunctionInfo> &p_funct
if (p_functions.has(name)) {
func_node->can_discard = p_functions[name].can_discard;
+ } else {
+ if (check_warnings && HAS_WARNING(ShaderWarning::UNUSED_FUNCTION_FLAG)) {
+ used_functions.insert(name, Usage(tk_line));
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
func_node->body = alloc_node<BlockNode>();
@@ -7443,6 +7534,33 @@ String ShaderLanguage::get_shader_type(const String &p_code) {
return String();
+void ShaderLanguage::_check_warning_accums() {
+ for (Map<ShaderWarning::Code, Map<StringName, Usage> *>::Element *E = warnings_check_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ for (const Map<StringName, Usage>::Element *U = (*E->get()).front(); U; U = U->next()) {
+ if (!U->get().used) {
+ _add_warning(E->key(), U->get().decl_line, U->key());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+List<ShaderWarning>::Element *ShaderLanguage::get_warnings_ptr() {
+ return warnings.front();
+void ShaderLanguage::enable_warning_checking(bool p_enabled) {
+ check_warnings = p_enabled;
+bool ShaderLanguage::is_warning_checking_enabled() const {
+ return check_warnings;
+void ShaderLanguage::set_warning_flags(uint32_t p_flags) {
+ warning_flags = p_flags;
+uint32_t ShaderLanguage::get_warning_flags() const {
+ return warning_flags;
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
Error ShaderLanguage::compile(const String &p_code, const Map<StringName, FunctionInfo> &p_functions, const Vector<StringName> &p_render_modes, const VaryingFunctionNames &p_varying_function_names, const Set<String> &p_shader_types, GlobalVariableGetTypeFunc p_global_variable_type_func) {
@@ -7455,6 +7573,12 @@ Error ShaderLanguage::compile(const String &p_code, const Map<StringName, Functi
shader = alloc_node<ShaderNode>();
Error err = _parse_shader(p_functions, p_render_modes, p_shader_types);
+ if (check_warnings) {
+ _check_warning_accums();
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
if (err != OK) {
return err;
@@ -7864,6 +7988,14 @@ ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode *ShaderLanguage::get_shader() {
ShaderLanguage::ShaderLanguage() {
nodes = nullptr;
completion_class = TAG_GLOBAL;
+ warnings_check_map.insert(ShaderWarning::UNUSED_CONSTANT, &used_constants);
+ warnings_check_map.insert(ShaderWarning::UNUSED_FUNCTION, &used_functions);
+ warnings_check_map.insert(ShaderWarning::UNUSED_STRUCT, &used_structs);
+ warnings_check_map.insert(ShaderWarning::UNUSED_UNIFORM, &used_uniforms);
+ warnings_check_map.insert(ShaderWarning::UNUSED_VARYING, &used_varyings);
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
ShaderLanguage::~ShaderLanguage() {
diff --git a/servers/rendering/shader_language.h b/servers/rendering/shader_language.h
index cdedc5edbb..c8c5bb1fa7 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/shader_language.h
+++ b/servers/rendering/shader_language.h
@@ -39,6 +39,10 @@
#include "core/typedefs.h"
#include "core/variant/variant.h"
+#include "shader_warnings.h"
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
class ShaderLanguage {
struct TkPos {
@@ -803,12 +807,42 @@ private:
String error_str;
int error_line;
+ struct Usage {
+ int decl_line;
+ bool used = false;
+ Usage(int p_decl_line = -1) {
+ decl_line = p_decl_line;
+ }
+ };
+ Map<StringName, Usage> used_constants;
+ Map<StringName, Usage> used_varyings;
+ Map<StringName, Usage> used_uniforms;
+ Map<StringName, Usage> used_functions;
+ Map<StringName, Usage> used_structs;
+ Map<ShaderWarning::Code, Map<StringName, Usage> *> warnings_check_map;
+ List<ShaderWarning> warnings;
+ bool check_warnings = false;
+ uint32_t warning_flags;
+ void _add_line_warning(ShaderWarning::Code p_code, const StringName &p_subject = "") {
+ warnings.push_back(ShaderWarning(p_code, tk_line, p_subject));
+ }
+ void _add_warning(ShaderWarning::Code p_code, int p_line, const StringName &p_subject = "") {
+ warnings.push_back(ShaderWarning(p_code, p_line, p_subject));
+ }
+ void _check_warning_accums();
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
String code;
int char_idx;
int tk_line;
StringName current_function;
- bool last_const = false;
+ StringName last_name;
VaryingFunctionNames varying_function_names;
@@ -849,9 +883,15 @@ private:
+ IdentifierType last_type = IDENTIFIER_MAX;
bool _find_identifier(const BlockNode *p_block, bool p_allow_reassign, const FunctionInfo &p_function_info, const StringName &p_identifier, DataType *r_data_type = nullptr, IdentifierType *r_type = nullptr, bool *r_is_const = nullptr, int *r_array_size = nullptr, StringName *r_struct_name = nullptr, ConstantNode::Value *r_constant_value = nullptr);
+ void _parse_used_identifier(const StringName &p_identifier, IdentifierType p_type);
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
bool _is_operator_assign(Operator p_op) const;
bool _validate_assign(Node *p_node, const FunctionInfo &p_function_info, String *r_message = nullptr);
bool _validate_operator(OperatorNode *p_op, DataType *r_ret_type = nullptr);
@@ -910,6 +950,16 @@ private:
Error _find_last_flow_op_in_op(ControlFlowNode *p_flow, FlowOperation p_op);
+ List<ShaderWarning>::Element *get_warnings_ptr();
+ void enable_warning_checking(bool p_enabled);
+ bool is_warning_checking_enabled() const;
+ void set_warning_flags(uint32_t p_flags);
+ uint32_t get_warning_flags() const;
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
//static void get_keyword_list(ShaderType p_type,List<String> *p_keywords);
void clear();
diff --git a/servers/rendering/shader_warnings.cpp b/servers/rendering/shader_warnings.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa11b4e397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/rendering/shader_warnings.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+/* shader_warnings.cpp */
+/* This file is part of: */
+/* */
+/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
+/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
+/* */
+/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
+/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
+/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
+/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
+/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
+/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
+/* the following conditions: */
+/* */
+/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
+/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
+/* */
+#include "shader_warnings.h"
+#include "core/variant/variant.h"
+ShaderWarning::Code ShaderWarning::get_code() const {
+ return code;
+int ShaderWarning::get_line() const {
+ return line;
+const StringName &ShaderWarning::get_subject() const {
+ return subject;
+String ShaderWarning::get_message() const {
+ switch (code) {
+ return vformat("Direct floating-point comparison (this may not evaluate to `true` as you expect). Instead, use `abs(a - b) < 0.0001` for an approximate but predictable comparison.");
+ return vformat("The const '%s' is declared but never used.", subject);
+ return vformat("The function '%s' is declared but never used.", subject);
+ return vformat("The struct '%s' is declared but never used.", subject);
+ return vformat("The uniform '%s' is declared but never used.", subject);
+ return vformat("The varying '%s' is declared but never used.", subject);
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return String();
+String ShaderWarning::get_name() const {
+ return get_name_from_code(code);
+String ShaderWarning::get_name_from_code(Code p_code) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_code, WARNING_MAX, String());
+ static const char *names[] = {
+ };
+ static_assert((sizeof(names) / sizeof(*names)) == WARNING_MAX, "Amount of warning types don't match the amount of warning names.");
+ return names[(int)p_code];
+ShaderWarning::Code ShaderWarning::get_code_from_name(const String &p_name) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < WARNING_MAX; i++) {
+ if (get_name_from_code((Code)i) == p_name) {
+ return (Code)i;
+ }
+ }
+ ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(WARNING_MAX, "Invalid shader warning name: " + p_name);
+static Map<int, uint32_t> *code_to_flags_map = nullptr;
+static void init_code_to_flags_map() {
+ code_to_flags_map = memnew((Map<int, uint32_t>));
+ code_to_flags_map->insert(ShaderWarning::FLOAT_COMPARISON, ShaderWarning::FLOAT_COMPARISON_FLAG);
+ code_to_flags_map->insert(ShaderWarning::UNUSED_CONSTANT, ShaderWarning::UNUSED_CONSTANT_FLAG);
+ code_to_flags_map->insert(ShaderWarning::UNUSED_FUNCTION, ShaderWarning::UNUSED_FUNCTION_FLAG);
+ code_to_flags_map->insert(ShaderWarning::UNUSED_STRUCT, ShaderWarning::UNUSED_STRUCT_FLAG);
+ code_to_flags_map->insert(ShaderWarning::UNUSED_UNIFORM, ShaderWarning::UNUSED_UNIFORM_FLAG);
+ code_to_flags_map->insert(ShaderWarning::UNUSED_VARYING, ShaderWarning::UNUSED_VARYING_FLAG);
+ShaderWarning::CodeFlags ShaderWarning::get_flags_from_codemap(const Map<Code, bool> &p_map) {
+ uint32_t result = 0U;
+ if (code_to_flags_map == nullptr) {
+ init_code_to_flags_map();
+ }
+ for (Map<Code, bool>::Element *E = p_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (E->get()) {
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!code_to_flags_map->has((int)E->key()), ShaderWarning::NONE_FLAG);
+ result |= (*code_to_flags_map)[(int)E->key()];
+ }
+ }
+ return (CodeFlags)result;
+ShaderWarning::ShaderWarning(Code p_code, int p_line, const StringName &p_subject) :
+ code(p_code), line(p_line), subject(p_subject) {
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
diff --git a/servers/rendering/shader_warnings.h b/servers/rendering/shader_warnings.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c40aeefa2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/rendering/shader_warnings.h
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+/* shader_warnings.h */
+/* This file is part of: */
+/* */
+/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
+/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
+/* */
+/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
+/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
+/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
+/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
+/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
+/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
+/* the following conditions: */
+/* */
+/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
+/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
+/* */
+#include "core/string/string_name.h"
+#include "core/templates/list.h"
+#include "core/templates/map.h"
+class ShaderWarning {
+ enum Code {
+ };
+ enum CodeFlags : uint32_t {
+ };
+ Code code;
+ int line;
+ StringName subject;
+ Code get_code() const;
+ int get_line() const;
+ const StringName &get_subject() const;
+ String get_message() const;
+ String get_name() const;
+ static String get_name_from_code(Code p_code);
+ static Code get_code_from_name(const String &p_name);
+ static CodeFlags get_flags_from_codemap(const Map<Code, bool> &p_map);
+ ShaderWarning(Code p_code = WARNING_MAX, int p_line = -1, const StringName &p_subject = "");
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
diff --git a/servers/rendering_server.h b/servers/rendering_server.h
index 0c1a010f73..a9ab4928c4 100644
--- a/servers/rendering_server.h
+++ b/servers/rendering_server.h
@@ -672,6 +672,7 @@ public:
enum ParticlesDrawOrder {
diff --git a/tests/test_physics_3d.cpp b/tests/test_physics_3d.cpp
index ac8078a0a8..727c44b3ac 100644
--- a/tests/test_physics_3d.cpp
+++ b/tests/test_physics_3d.cpp
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
#include "test_physics_3d.h"
+#include "core/math/convex_hull.h"
#include "core/math/math_funcs.h"
-#include "core/math/quick_hull.h"
#include "core/os/main_loop.h"
#include "core/os/os.h"
#include "core/string/print_string.h"
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ protected:
RID convex_mesh = vs->mesh_create();
Geometry3D::MeshData convex_data = Geometry3D::build_convex_mesh(convex_planes);
- QuickHull::build(convex_data.vertices, convex_data);
+ ConvexHullComputer::convex_hull(convex_data.vertices, convex_data);
vs->mesh_add_surface_from_mesh_data(convex_mesh, convex_data);
type_mesh_map[PhysicsServer3D::SHAPE_CONVEX_POLYGON] = convex_mesh;
diff --git a/tests/test_render.cpp b/tests/test_render.cpp
index 72b2840098..9737fd03f3 100644
--- a/tests/test_render.cpp
+++ b/tests/test_render.cpp
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
#include "test_render.h"
+#include "core/math/convex_hull.h"
#include "core/math/math_funcs.h"
-#include "core/math/quick_hull.h"
#include "core/os/keyboard.h"
#include "core/os/main_loop.h"
#include "core/os/os.h"
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public:
vts.push_back(Vector3(-1, -1, -1));
Geometry3D::MeshData md;
- Error err = QuickHull::build(vts, md);
+ Error err = ConvexHullComputer::convex_hull(vts, md);
print_line("ERR: " + itos(err));
test_cube = vs->mesh_create();
vs->mesh_add_surface_from_mesh_data(test_cube, md);
diff --git a/thirdparty/ b/thirdparty/
index 7cedd1a2cb..d3599fd195 100644
--- a/thirdparty/
+++ b/thirdparty/
@@ -375,6 +375,9 @@ Files extracted from upstream repository:
- All files in `src/`.
- ``.
+An [experimental upstream feature](,
+has been backported, see patch in `patches` directory.
## miniupnpc
diff --git a/thirdparty/meshoptimizer/meshoptimizer.h b/thirdparty/meshoptimizer/meshoptimizer.h
index fe8d349731..e44b99ce52 100644
--- a/thirdparty/meshoptimizer/meshoptimizer.h
+++ b/thirdparty/meshoptimizer/meshoptimizer.h
@@ -299,6 +299,11 @@ MESHOPTIMIZER_EXPERIMENTAL void meshopt_decodeFilterExp(void* buffer, size_t ver
MESHOPTIMIZER_EXPERIMENTAL size_t meshopt_simplify(unsigned int* destination, const unsigned int* indices, size_t index_count, const float* vertex_positions, size_t vertex_count, size_t vertex_positions_stride, size_t target_index_count, float target_error, float* result_error);
+ * Experimental: Mesh simplifier with attribute metric; attributes follow xyz position data atm (vertex data must contain 3 + attribute_count floats per vertex)
+ */
+MESHOPTIMIZER_EXPERIMENTAL size_t meshopt_simplifyWithAttributes(unsigned int* destination, const unsigned int* indices, size_t index_count, const float* vertex_data, size_t vertex_count, size_t vertex_stride, size_t target_index_count, float target_error, float* result_error, const float* attributes, const float* attribute_weights, size_t attribute_count);
* Experimental: Mesh simplifier (sloppy)
* Reduces the number of triangles in the mesh, sacrificing mesh apperance for simplification performance
* The algorithm doesn't preserve mesh topology but can stop short of the target goal based on target error.
diff --git a/thirdparty/meshoptimizer/patches/attribute-aware-simplify.patch b/thirdparty/meshoptimizer/patches/attribute-aware-simplify.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf648b0da3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/meshoptimizer/patches/attribute-aware-simplify.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+diff --git a/thirdparty/meshoptimizer/meshoptimizer.h b/thirdparty/meshoptimizer/meshoptimizer.h
+index fe8d349731..e44b99ce52 100644
+--- a/thirdparty/meshoptimizer/meshoptimizer.h
++++ b/thirdparty/meshoptimizer/meshoptimizer.h
+@@ -298,6 +298,11 @@ MESHOPTIMIZER_EXPERIMENTAL void meshopt_decodeFilterExp(void* buffer, size_t ver
+ */
+ MESHOPTIMIZER_EXPERIMENTAL size_t meshopt_simplify(unsigned int* destination, const unsigned int* indices, size_t index_count, const float* vertex_positions, size_t vertex_count, size_t vertex_positions_stride, size_t target_index_count, float target_error, float* result_error);
++ * Experimental: Mesh simplifier with attribute metric; attributes follow xyz position data atm (vertex data must contain 3 + attribute_count floats per vertex)
++ */
++MESHOPTIMIZER_EXPERIMENTAL size_t meshopt_simplifyWithAttributes(unsigned int* destination, const unsigned int* indices, size_t index_count, const float* vertex_data, size_t vertex_count, size_t vertex_stride, size_t target_index_count, float target_error, float* result_error, const float* attributes, const float* attribute_weights, size_t attribute_count);
+ /**
+ * Experimental: Mesh simplifier (sloppy)
+ * Reduces the number of triangles in the mesh, sacrificing mesh apperance for simplification performance
+diff --git a/thirdparty/meshoptimizer/simplifier.cpp b/thirdparty/meshoptimizer/simplifier.cpp
+index b2cb589462..059cabb055 100644
+--- a/thirdparty/meshoptimizer/simplifier.cpp
++++ b/thirdparty/meshoptimizer/simplifier.cpp
+@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
+ #define TRACESTATS(i) (void)0
+ #endif
++#define ATTRIBUTES 8
+ // This work is based on:
+ // Michael Garland and Paul S. Heckbert. Surface simplification using quadric error metrics. 1997
+ // Michael Garland. Quadric-based polygonal surface simplification. 1999
+@@ -358,6 +360,10 @@ static void classifyVertices(unsigned char* result, unsigned int* loop, unsigned
+ struct Vector3
+ {
+ float x, y, z;
++ float a[ATTRIBUTES];
+ };
+ static float rescalePositions(Vector3* result, const float* vertex_positions_data, size_t vertex_count, size_t vertex_positions_stride)
+@@ -414,6 +420,13 @@ struct Quadric
+ float a10, a20, a21;
+ float b0, b1, b2, c;
+ float w;
++ float gx[ATTRIBUTES];
++ float gy[ATTRIBUTES];
++ float gz[ATTRIBUTES];
++ float gw[ATTRIBUTES];
+ };
+ struct Collapse
+@@ -456,6 +469,16 @@ static void quadricAdd(Quadric& Q, const Quadric& R)
+ Q.b2 += R.b2;
+ Q.c += R.c;
+ Q.w += R.w;
++ for (int k = 0; k < ATTRIBUTES; ++k)
++ {
++ Q.gx[k] += R.gx[k];
++[k] +=[k];
++ Q.gz[k] += R.gz[k];
++[k] +=[k];
++ }
+ }
+ static float quadricError(const Quadric& Q, const Vector3& v)
+@@ -481,6 +504,17 @@ static float quadricError(const Quadric& Q, const Vector3& v)
+ r += ry * v.y;
+ r += rz * v.z;
++ // see quadricUpdateAttributes for general derivation; here we need to add the parts of (eval(pos) - attr)^2 that depend on attr
++ for (int k = 0; k < ATTRIBUTES; ++k)
++ {
++ float a = v.a[k];
++ r += a * a * Q.w;
++ r -= 2 * a * (v.x * Q.gx[k] + v.y *[k] + v.z * Q.gz[k] +[k]);
++ }
+ float s = Q.w == 0.f ? 0.f : 1.f / Q.w;
+ return fabsf(r) * s;
+@@ -504,6 +538,13 @@ static void quadricFromPlane(Quadric& Q, float a, float b, float c, float d, flo
+ Q.b2 = c * dw;
+ Q.c = d * dw;
+ Q.w = w;
++ memset(Q.gx, 0, sizeof(Q.gx));
++ memset(, 0, sizeof(;
++ memset(Q.gz, 0, sizeof(Q.gz));
++ memset(, 0, sizeof(;
+ }
+ static void quadricFromPoint(Quadric& Q, float x, float y, float z, float w)
+@@ -556,6 +597,84 @@ static void quadricFromTriangleEdge(Quadric& Q, const Vector3& p0, const Vector3
+ quadricFromPlane(Q, normal.x, normal.y, normal.z, -distance, length * weight);
+ }
++static void quadricUpdateAttributes(Quadric& Q, const Vector3& p0, const Vector3& p1, const Vector3& p2, float w)
++ // for each attribute we want to encode the following function into the quadric:
++ // (eval(pos) - attr)^2
++ // where eval(pos) interpolates attribute across the triangle like so:
++ // eval(pos) = pos.x * gx + pos.y * gy + pos.z * gz + gw
++ // where gx/gy/gz/gw are gradients
++ Vector3 p10 = {p1.x - p0.x, p1.y - p0.y, p1.z - p0.z};
++ Vector3 p20 = {p2.x - p0.x, p2.y - p0.y, p2.z - p0.z};
++ // we compute gradients using barycentric coordinates; barycentric coordinates can be computed as follows:
++ // v = (d11 * d20 - d01 * d21) / denom
++ // w = (d00 * d21 - d01 * d20) / denom
++ // u = 1 - v - w
++ // here v0, v1 are triangle edge vectors, v2 is a vector from point to triangle corner, and dij = dot(vi, vj)
++ const Vector3& v0 = p10;
++ const Vector3& v1 = p20;
++ float d00 = v0.x * v0.x + v0.y * v0.y + v0.z * v0.z;
++ float d01 = v0.x * v1.x + v0.y * v1.y + v0.z * v1.z;
++ float d11 = v1.x * v1.x + v1.y * v1.y + v1.z * v1.z;
++ float denom = d00 * d11 - d01 * d01;
++ float denomr = denom == 0 ? 0.f : 1.f / denom;
++ // precompute gradient factors
++ // these are derived by directly computing derivative of eval(pos) = a0 * u + a1 * v + a2 * w and factoring out common factors that are shared between attributes
++ float gx1 = (d11 * v0.x - d01 * v1.x) * denomr;
++ float gx2 = (d00 * v1.x - d01 * v0.x) * denomr;
++ float gy1 = (d11 * v0.y - d01 * v1.y) * denomr;
++ float gy2 = (d00 * v1.y - d01 * v0.y) * denomr;
++ float gz1 = (d11 * v0.z - d01 * v1.z) * denomr;
++ float gz2 = (d00 * v1.z - d01 * v0.z) * denomr;
++ for (int k = 0; k < ATTRIBUTES; ++k)
++ {
++ float a0 = p0.a[k], a1 = p1.a[k], a2 = p2.a[k];
++ // compute gradient of eval(pos) for x/y/z/w
++ // the formulas below are obtained by directly computing derivative of eval(pos) = a0 * u + a1 * v + a2 * w
++ float gx = gx1 * (a1 - a0) + gx2 * (a2 - a0);
++ float gy = gy1 * (a1 - a0) + gy2 * (a2 - a0);
++ float gz = gz1 * (a1 - a0) + gz2 * (a2 - a0);
++ float gw = a0 - p0.x * gx - p0.y * gy - p0.z * gz;
++ // quadric encodes (eval(pos)-attr)^2; this means that the resulting expansion needs to compute, for example, pos.x * pos.y * K
++ // since quadrics already encode factors for pos.x * pos.y, we can accumulate almost everything in basic quadric fields
++ Q.a00 += w * (gx * gx);
++ Q.a11 += w * (gy * gy);
++ Q.a22 += w * (gz * gz);
++ Q.a10 += w * (gy * gx);
++ Q.a20 += w * (gz * gx);
++ Q.a21 += w * (gz * gy);
++ Q.b0 += w * (gx * gw);
++ Q.b1 += w * (gy * gw);
++ Q.b2 += w * (gz * gw);
++ Q.c += w * (gw * gw);
++ // the only remaining sum components are ones that depend on attr; these will be addded during error evaluation, see quadricError
++ Q.gx[k] = w * gx;
++[k] = w * gy;
++ Q.gz[k] = w * gz;
++[k] = w * gw;
++#if TRACE > 2
++ printf("attr%d: %e %e %e\n",
++ k,
++ (gx * p0.x + gy * p0.y + gz * p0.z + gw - a0),
++ (gx * p1.x + gy * p1.y + gz * p1.z + gw - a1),
++ (gx * p2.x + gy * p2.y + gz * p2.z + gw - a2)
++ );
++ }
+ static void fillFaceQuadrics(Quadric* vertex_quadrics, const unsigned int* indices, size_t index_count, const Vector3* vertex_positions, const unsigned int* remap)
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < index_count; i += 3)
+@@ -567,6 +686,9 @@ static void fillFaceQuadrics(Quadric* vertex_quadrics, const unsigned int* indic
+ Quadric Q;
+ quadricFromTriangle(Q, vertex_positions[i0], vertex_positions[i1], vertex_positions[i2], 1.f);
++ quadricUpdateAttributes(Q, vertex_positions[i0], vertex_positions[i1], vertex_positions[i2], Q.w);
+ quadricAdd(vertex_quadrics[remap[i0]], Q);
+ quadricAdd(vertex_quadrics[remap[i1]], Q);
+ quadricAdd(vertex_quadrics[remap[i2]], Q);
+@@ -1259,13 +1381,19 @@ unsigned int* meshopt_simplifyDebugLoopBack = 0;
+ #endif
+ size_t meshopt_simplify(unsigned int* destination, const unsigned int* indices, size_t index_count, const float* vertex_positions_data, size_t vertex_count, size_t vertex_positions_stride, size_t target_index_count, float target_error, float* out_result_error)
++ return meshopt_simplifyWithAttributes(destination, indices, index_count, vertex_positions_data, vertex_count, vertex_positions_stride, target_index_count, target_error, out_result_error, 0, 0, 0);
++size_t meshopt_simplifyWithAttributes(unsigned int* destination, const unsigned int* indices, size_t index_count, const float* vertex_data, size_t vertex_count, size_t vertex_stride, size_t target_index_count, float target_error, float* out_result_error, const float* attributes, const float* attribute_weights, size_t attribute_count)
+ {
+ using namespace meshopt;
+ assert(index_count % 3 == 0);
+- assert(vertex_positions_stride > 0 && vertex_positions_stride <= 256);
+- assert(vertex_positions_stride % sizeof(float) == 0);
++ assert(vertex_stride > 0 && vertex_stride <= 256);
++ assert(vertex_stride % sizeof(float) == 0);
+ assert(target_index_count <= index_count);
++ assert(attribute_count <= ATTRIBUTES);
+ meshopt_Allocator allocator;
+@@ -1279,7 +1407,7 @@ size_t meshopt_simplify(unsigned int* destination, const unsigned int* indices,
+ // build position remap that maps each vertex to the one with identical position
+ unsigned int* remap = allocator.allocate<unsigned int>(vertex_count);
+ unsigned int* wedge = allocator.allocate<unsigned int>(vertex_count);
+- buildPositionRemap(remap, wedge, vertex_positions_data, vertex_count, vertex_positions_stride, allocator);
++ buildPositionRemap(remap, wedge, vertex_data, vertex_count, vertex_stride, allocator);
+ // classify vertices; vertex kind determines collapse rules, see kCanCollapse
+ unsigned char* vertex_kind = allocator.allocate<unsigned char>(vertex_count);
+@@ -1303,7 +1431,21 @@ size_t meshopt_simplify(unsigned int* destination, const unsigned int* indices,
+ #endif
+ Vector3* vertex_positions = allocator.allocate<Vector3>(vertex_count);
+- rescalePositions(vertex_positions, vertex_positions_data, vertex_count, vertex_positions_stride);
++ rescalePositions(vertex_positions, vertex_data, vertex_count, vertex_stride);
++ for (size_t i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i)
++ {
++ memset(vertex_positions[i].a, 0, sizeof(vertex_positions[i].a));
++ for (size_t k = 0; k < attribute_count; ++k)
++ {
++ float a = attributes[i * attribute_count + k];
++ vertex_positions[i].a[k] = a * attribute_weights[k];
++ }
++ }
+ Quadric* vertex_quadrics = allocator.allocate<Quadric>(vertex_count);
+ memset(vertex_quadrics, 0, vertex_count * sizeof(Quadric));
+@@ -1395,7 +1537,9 @@ size_t meshopt_simplify(unsigned int* destination, const unsigned int* indices,
+ // result_error is quadratic; we need to remap it back to linear
+ if (out_result_error)
++ {
+ *out_result_error = sqrtf(result_error);
++ }
+ return result_count;
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/meshoptimizer/simplifier.cpp b/thirdparty/meshoptimizer/simplifier.cpp
index b2cb589462..059cabb055 100644
--- a/thirdparty/meshoptimizer/simplifier.cpp
+++ b/thirdparty/meshoptimizer/simplifier.cpp
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
#define TRACESTATS(i) (void)0
+#define ATTRIBUTES 8
// This work is based on:
// Michael Garland and Paul S. Heckbert. Surface simplification using quadric error metrics. 1997
// Michael Garland. Quadric-based polygonal surface simplification. 1999
@@ -358,6 +360,10 @@ static void classifyVertices(unsigned char* result, unsigned int* loop, unsigned
struct Vector3
float x, y, z;
+ float a[ATTRIBUTES];
static float rescalePositions(Vector3* result, const float* vertex_positions_data, size_t vertex_count, size_t vertex_positions_stride)
@@ -414,6 +420,13 @@ struct Quadric
float a10, a20, a21;
float b0, b1, b2, c;
float w;
+ float gx[ATTRIBUTES];
+ float gy[ATTRIBUTES];
+ float gz[ATTRIBUTES];
+ float gw[ATTRIBUTES];
struct Collapse
@@ -456,6 +469,16 @@ static void quadricAdd(Quadric& Q, const Quadric& R)
Q.b2 += R.b2;
Q.c += R.c;
Q.w += R.w;
+ for (int k = 0; k < ATTRIBUTES; ++k)
+ {
+ Q.gx[k] += R.gx[k];
+[k] +=[k];
+ Q.gz[k] += R.gz[k];
+[k] +=[k];
+ }
static float quadricError(const Quadric& Q, const Vector3& v)
@@ -481,6 +504,17 @@ static float quadricError(const Quadric& Q, const Vector3& v)
r += ry * v.y;
r += rz * v.z;
+ // see quadricUpdateAttributes for general derivation; here we need to add the parts of (eval(pos) - attr)^2 that depend on attr
+ for (int k = 0; k < ATTRIBUTES; ++k)
+ {
+ float a = v.a[k];
+ r += a * a * Q.w;
+ r -= 2 * a * (v.x * Q.gx[k] + v.y *[k] + v.z * Q.gz[k] +[k]);
+ }
float s = Q.w == 0.f ? 0.f : 1.f / Q.w;
return fabsf(r) * s;
@@ -504,6 +538,13 @@ static void quadricFromPlane(Quadric& Q, float a, float b, float c, float d, flo
Q.b2 = c * dw;
Q.c = d * dw;
Q.w = w;
+ memset(Q.gx, 0, sizeof(Q.gx));
+ memset(, 0, sizeof(;
+ memset(Q.gz, 0, sizeof(Q.gz));
+ memset(, 0, sizeof(;
static void quadricFromPoint(Quadric& Q, float x, float y, float z, float w)
@@ -556,6 +597,84 @@ static void quadricFromTriangleEdge(Quadric& Q, const Vector3& p0, const Vector3
quadricFromPlane(Q, normal.x, normal.y, normal.z, -distance, length * weight);
+static void quadricUpdateAttributes(Quadric& Q, const Vector3& p0, const Vector3& p1, const Vector3& p2, float w)
+ // for each attribute we want to encode the following function into the quadric:
+ // (eval(pos) - attr)^2
+ // where eval(pos) interpolates attribute across the triangle like so:
+ // eval(pos) = pos.x * gx + pos.y * gy + pos.z * gz + gw
+ // where gx/gy/gz/gw are gradients
+ Vector3 p10 = {p1.x - p0.x, p1.y - p0.y, p1.z - p0.z};
+ Vector3 p20 = {p2.x - p0.x, p2.y - p0.y, p2.z - p0.z};
+ // we compute gradients using barycentric coordinates; barycentric coordinates can be computed as follows:
+ // v = (d11 * d20 - d01 * d21) / denom
+ // w = (d00 * d21 - d01 * d20) / denom
+ // u = 1 - v - w
+ // here v0, v1 are triangle edge vectors, v2 is a vector from point to triangle corner, and dij = dot(vi, vj)
+ const Vector3& v0 = p10;
+ const Vector3& v1 = p20;
+ float d00 = v0.x * v0.x + v0.y * v0.y + v0.z * v0.z;
+ float d01 = v0.x * v1.x + v0.y * v1.y + v0.z * v1.z;
+ float d11 = v1.x * v1.x + v1.y * v1.y + v1.z * v1.z;
+ float denom = d00 * d11 - d01 * d01;
+ float denomr = denom == 0 ? 0.f : 1.f / denom;
+ // precompute gradient factors
+ // these are derived by directly computing derivative of eval(pos) = a0 * u + a1 * v + a2 * w and factoring out common factors that are shared between attributes
+ float gx1 = (d11 * v0.x - d01 * v1.x) * denomr;
+ float gx2 = (d00 * v1.x - d01 * v0.x) * denomr;
+ float gy1 = (d11 * v0.y - d01 * v1.y) * denomr;
+ float gy2 = (d00 * v1.y - d01 * v0.y) * denomr;
+ float gz1 = (d11 * v0.z - d01 * v1.z) * denomr;
+ float gz2 = (d00 * v1.z - d01 * v0.z) * denomr;
+ for (int k = 0; k < ATTRIBUTES; ++k)
+ {
+ float a0 = p0.a[k], a1 = p1.a[k], a2 = p2.a[k];
+ // compute gradient of eval(pos) for x/y/z/w
+ // the formulas below are obtained by directly computing derivative of eval(pos) = a0 * u + a1 * v + a2 * w
+ float gx = gx1 * (a1 - a0) + gx2 * (a2 - a0);
+ float gy = gy1 * (a1 - a0) + gy2 * (a2 - a0);
+ float gz = gz1 * (a1 - a0) + gz2 * (a2 - a0);
+ float gw = a0 - p0.x * gx - p0.y * gy - p0.z * gz;
+ // quadric encodes (eval(pos)-attr)^2; this means that the resulting expansion needs to compute, for example, pos.x * pos.y * K
+ // since quadrics already encode factors for pos.x * pos.y, we can accumulate almost everything in basic quadric fields
+ Q.a00 += w * (gx * gx);
+ Q.a11 += w * (gy * gy);
+ Q.a22 += w * (gz * gz);
+ Q.a10 += w * (gy * gx);
+ Q.a20 += w * (gz * gx);
+ Q.a21 += w * (gz * gy);
+ Q.b0 += w * (gx * gw);
+ Q.b1 += w * (gy * gw);
+ Q.b2 += w * (gz * gw);
+ Q.c += w * (gw * gw);
+ // the only remaining sum components are ones that depend on attr; these will be addded during error evaluation, see quadricError
+ Q.gx[k] = w * gx;
+[k] = w * gy;
+ Q.gz[k] = w * gz;
+[k] = w * gw;
+#if TRACE > 2
+ printf("attr%d: %e %e %e\n",
+ k,
+ (gx * p0.x + gy * p0.y + gz * p0.z + gw - a0),
+ (gx * p1.x + gy * p1.y + gz * p1.z + gw - a1),
+ (gx * p2.x + gy * p2.y + gz * p2.z + gw - a2)
+ );
+ }
static void fillFaceQuadrics(Quadric* vertex_quadrics, const unsigned int* indices, size_t index_count, const Vector3* vertex_positions, const unsigned int* remap)
for (size_t i = 0; i < index_count; i += 3)
@@ -567,6 +686,9 @@ static void fillFaceQuadrics(Quadric* vertex_quadrics, const unsigned int* indic
Quadric Q;
quadricFromTriangle(Q, vertex_positions[i0], vertex_positions[i1], vertex_positions[i2], 1.f);
+ quadricUpdateAttributes(Q, vertex_positions[i0], vertex_positions[i1], vertex_positions[i2], Q.w);
quadricAdd(vertex_quadrics[remap[i0]], Q);
quadricAdd(vertex_quadrics[remap[i1]], Q);
quadricAdd(vertex_quadrics[remap[i2]], Q);
@@ -1260,12 +1382,18 @@ unsigned int* meshopt_simplifyDebugLoopBack = 0;
size_t meshopt_simplify(unsigned int* destination, const unsigned int* indices, size_t index_count, const float* vertex_positions_data, size_t vertex_count, size_t vertex_positions_stride, size_t target_index_count, float target_error, float* out_result_error)
+ return meshopt_simplifyWithAttributes(destination, indices, index_count, vertex_positions_data, vertex_count, vertex_positions_stride, target_index_count, target_error, out_result_error, 0, 0, 0);
+size_t meshopt_simplifyWithAttributes(unsigned int* destination, const unsigned int* indices, size_t index_count, const float* vertex_data, size_t vertex_count, size_t vertex_stride, size_t target_index_count, float target_error, float* out_result_error, const float* attributes, const float* attribute_weights, size_t attribute_count)
using namespace meshopt;
assert(index_count % 3 == 0);
- assert(vertex_positions_stride > 0 && vertex_positions_stride <= 256);
- assert(vertex_positions_stride % sizeof(float) == 0);
+ assert(vertex_stride > 0 && vertex_stride <= 256);
+ assert(vertex_stride % sizeof(float) == 0);
assert(target_index_count <= index_count);
+ assert(attribute_count <= ATTRIBUTES);
meshopt_Allocator allocator;
@@ -1279,7 +1407,7 @@ size_t meshopt_simplify(unsigned int* destination, const unsigned int* indices,
// build position remap that maps each vertex to the one with identical position
unsigned int* remap = allocator.allocate<unsigned int>(vertex_count);
unsigned int* wedge = allocator.allocate<unsigned int>(vertex_count);
- buildPositionRemap(remap, wedge, vertex_positions_data, vertex_count, vertex_positions_stride, allocator);
+ buildPositionRemap(remap, wedge, vertex_data, vertex_count, vertex_stride, allocator);
// classify vertices; vertex kind determines collapse rules, see kCanCollapse
unsigned char* vertex_kind = allocator.allocate<unsigned char>(vertex_count);
@@ -1303,7 +1431,21 @@ size_t meshopt_simplify(unsigned int* destination, const unsigned int* indices,
Vector3* vertex_positions = allocator.allocate<Vector3>(vertex_count);
- rescalePositions(vertex_positions, vertex_positions_data, vertex_count, vertex_positions_stride);
+ rescalePositions(vertex_positions, vertex_data, vertex_count, vertex_stride);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i)
+ {
+ memset(vertex_positions[i].a, 0, sizeof(vertex_positions[i].a));
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < attribute_count; ++k)
+ {
+ float a = attributes[i * attribute_count + k];
+ vertex_positions[i].a[k] = a * attribute_weights[k];
+ }
+ }
Quadric* vertex_quadrics = allocator.allocate<Quadric>(vertex_count);
memset(vertex_quadrics, 0, vertex_count * sizeof(Quadric));
@@ -1395,7 +1537,9 @@ size_t meshopt_simplify(unsigned int* destination, const unsigned int* indices,
// result_error is quadratic; we need to remap it back to linear
if (out_result_error)
+ {
*out_result_error = sqrtf(result_error);
+ }
return result_count;