diff options
9 files changed, 229 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
index 2ad854a52e..d84ed4828c 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -1219,8 +1219,88 @@ void VisualShaderEditor::_update_options_menu() {
Vector<AddOption> custom_options;
Vector<AddOption> embedded_options;
+ static Vector<String> type_filter_exceptions;
+ if (type_filter_exceptions.is_empty()) {
+ type_filter_exceptions.append("VisualShaderNodeExpression");
+ }
for (int i = 0; i < add_options.size(); i++) {
if (!use_filter || add_options[i].name.findn(filter) != -1) {
+ // port type filtering
+ if (members_output_port_type != VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_MAX || members_input_port_type != VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_MAX) {
+ Ref<VisualShaderNode> vsn;
+ int check_result = 0;
+ if (!add_options[i].is_custom) {
+ vsn = Ref<VisualShaderNode>(Object::cast_to<VisualShaderNode>(ClassDB::instantiate(add_options[i].type)));
+ if (!vsn.is_valid()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (type_filter_exceptions.has(add_options[i].type)) {
+ check_result = 1;
+ }
+ Ref<VisualShaderNodeInput> input = Object::cast_to<VisualShaderNodeInput>(vsn.ptr());
+ if (input.is_valid()) {
+ input->set_shader_mode(visual_shader->get_mode());
+ input->set_shader_type(visual_shader->get_shader_type());
+ input->set_input_name(add_options[i].sub_func_str);
+ }
+ Ref<VisualShaderNodeExpression> expression = Object::cast_to<VisualShaderNodeExpression>(vsn.ptr());
+ if (expression.is_valid()) {
+ if (members_input_port_type == VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_SAMPLER) {
+ check_result = -1; // expressions creates a port with required type automatically (except for sampler output)
+ }
+ }
+ Ref<VisualShaderNodeUniformRef> uniform_ref = Object::cast_to<VisualShaderNodeUniformRef>(vsn.ptr());
+ if (uniform_ref.is_valid()) {
+ check_result = -1;
+ if (members_input_port_type != VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_MAX) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < uniform_ref->get_uniforms_count(); j++) {
+ if (visual_shader->is_port_types_compatible(uniform_ref->get_port_type_by_index(j), members_input_port_type)) {
+ check_result = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ check_result = 1;
+ }
+ if (members_output_port_type != VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_MAX) {
+ if (check_result == 0) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < vsn->get_input_port_count(); j++) {
+ if (visual_shader->is_port_types_compatible(vsn->get_input_port_type(j), members_output_port_type)) {
+ check_result = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (check_result != 1) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (members_input_port_type != VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_MAX) {
+ if (check_result == 0) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < vsn->get_output_port_count(); j++) {
+ if (visual_shader->is_port_types_compatible(vsn->get_output_port_type(j), members_input_port_type)) {
+ check_result = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (check_result != 1) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
if ((add_options[i].func != current_func && add_options[i].func != -1) || !_is_available(add_options[i].mode)) {
@@ -2588,13 +2668,25 @@ void VisualShaderEditor::_disconnection_request(const String &p_from, int p_from
void VisualShaderEditor::_connection_to_empty(const String &p_from, int p_from_slot, const Vector2 &p_release_position) {
from_node = p_from.to_int();
from_slot = p_from_slot;
- _show_members_dialog(true);
+ VisualShaderNode::PortType input_port_type = VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_MAX;
+ VisualShaderNode::PortType output_port_type = VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_MAX;
+ Ref<VisualShaderNode> node = visual_shader->get_node(get_current_shader_type(), from_node);
+ if (node.is_valid()) {
+ output_port_type = node->get_output_port_type(from_slot);
+ }
+ _show_members_dialog(true, input_port_type, output_port_type);
void VisualShaderEditor::_connection_from_empty(const String &p_to, int p_to_slot, const Vector2 &p_release_position) {
to_node = p_to.to_int();
to_slot = p_to_slot;
- _show_members_dialog(true);
+ VisualShaderNode::PortType input_port_type = VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_MAX;
+ VisualShaderNode::PortType output_port_type = VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_MAX;
+ Ref<VisualShaderNode> node = visual_shader->get_node(get_current_shader_type(), to_node);
+ if (node.is_valid()) {
+ input_port_type = node->get_input_port_type(to_slot);
+ }
+ _show_members_dialog(true, input_port_type, output_port_type);
void VisualShaderEditor::_delete_nodes(int p_type, const List<int> &p_nodes) {
@@ -3036,7 +3128,13 @@ void VisualShaderEditor::_graph_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
-void VisualShaderEditor::_show_members_dialog(bool at_mouse_pos) {
+void VisualShaderEditor::_show_members_dialog(bool at_mouse_pos, VisualShaderNode::PortType p_input_port_type, VisualShaderNode::PortType p_output_port_type) {
+ if (members_input_port_type != p_input_port_type || members_output_port_type != p_output_port_type) {
+ members_input_port_type = p_input_port_type;
+ members_output_port_type = p_output_port_type;
+ _update_options_menu();
+ }
if (at_mouse_pos) {
saved_node_pos_dirty = true;
saved_node_pos = graph->get_local_mouse_position();
diff --git a/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.h b/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.h
index 87bab16a45..fbfe1197a3 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.h
+++ b/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.h
@@ -160,6 +160,8 @@ class VisualShaderEditor : public VBoxContainer {
bool saved_node_pos_dirty;
ConfirmationDialog *members_dialog;
+ VisualShaderNode::PortType members_input_port_type = VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_MAX;
+ VisualShaderNode::PortType members_output_port_type = VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_MAX;
PopupMenu *popup_menu;
PopupMenu *constants_submenu = nullptr;
MenuButton *tools;
@@ -227,7 +229,7 @@ class VisualShaderEditor : public VBoxContainer {
Label *highend_label;
void _tools_menu_option(int p_idx);
- void _show_members_dialog(bool at_mouse_pos);
+ void _show_members_dialog(bool at_mouse_pos, VisualShaderNode::PortType p_input_port_type = VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_MAX, VisualShaderNode::PortType p_output_port_type = VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_MAX);
void _update_graph();
diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shader_compiler_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shader_compiler_rd.cpp
index 8aa03b6426..bad37f5c25 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shader_compiler_rd.cpp
+++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shader_compiler_rd.cpp
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ static String _interpstr(SL::DataInterpolation p_interp) {
return "";
-static String _prestr(SL::DataPrecision p_pres) {
+static String _prestr(SL::DataPrecision p_pres, bool p_force_highp = false) {
switch (p_pres) {
return "lowp ";
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ static String _prestr(SL::DataPrecision p_pres) {
return "highp ";
- return "";
+ return p_force_highp ? "highp " : "";
return "";
@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ String ShaderCompilerRD::_dump_node_code(const SL::Node *p_node, int p_level, Ge
//this is an integer to index the global table
ucode += _typestr(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_UINT);
} else {
- ucode += _prestr(uniform.precision);
+ ucode += _prestr(uniform.precision, ShaderLanguage::is_float_type(uniform.type));
ucode += _typestr(uniform.type);
@@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ String ShaderCompilerRD::_dump_node_code(const SL::Node *p_node, int p_level, Ge
String vcode;
String interp_mode = _interpstr(varying.interpolation);
- vcode += _prestr(varying.precision);
+ vcode += _prestr(varying.precision, ShaderLanguage::is_float_type(varying.type));
vcode += _typestr(varying.type);
vcode += " " + _mkid(varying_name);
if (varying.array_size > 0) {
@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ String ShaderCompilerRD::_dump_node_code(const SL::Node *p_node, int p_level, Ge
const SL::ShaderNode::Constant &cnode = pnode->vconstants[i];
String gcode;
gcode += "const ";
- gcode += _prestr(cnode.precision);
+ gcode += _prestr(cnode.precision, ShaderLanguage::is_float_type(cnode.type));
if (cnode.type == SL::TYPE_STRUCT) {
gcode += _mkid(cnode.type_str);
} else {
diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/decal_data_inc.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/decal_data_inc.glsl
index ccaad13311..158096d3c7 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/decal_data_inc.glsl
+++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/decal_data_inc.glsl
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
struct DecalData {
- mat4 xform; //to decal transform
- vec3 inv_extents;
- float albedo_mix;
- vec4 albedo_rect;
- vec4 normal_rect;
- vec4 orm_rect;
- vec4 emission_rect;
- vec4 modulate;
- float emission_energy;
+ highp mat4 xform; //to decal transform
+ highp vec3 inv_extents;
+ mediump float albedo_mix;
+ highp vec4 albedo_rect;
+ highp vec4 normal_rect;
+ highp vec4 orm_rect;
+ highp vec4 emission_rect;
+ highp vec4 modulate;
+ mediump float emission_energy;
uint mask;
- float upper_fade;
- float lower_fade;
- mat3x4 normal_xform;
- vec3 normal;
- float normal_fade;
+ mediump float upper_fade;
+ mediump float lower_fade;
+ mediump mat3x4 normal_xform;
+ mediump vec3 normal;
+ mediump float normal_fade;
diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/light_data_inc.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/light_data_inc.glsl
index 9155216d7e..fdc7729338 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/light_data_inc.glsl
+++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/light_data_inc.glsl
@@ -4,28 +4,28 @@
struct LightData { //this structure needs to be as packed as possible
highp vec3 position;
- float inv_radius;
+ highp float inv_radius;
- vec3 direction;
- float size;
+ mediump vec3 direction;
+ highp float size;
- vec3 color;
- float attenuation;
+ mediump vec3 color;
+ mediump float attenuation;
- float cone_attenuation;
- float cone_angle;
- float specular_amount;
+ mediump float cone_attenuation;
+ mediump float cone_angle;
+ mediump float specular_amount;
bool shadow_enabled;
highp vec4 atlas_rect; // rect in the shadow atlas
highp mat4 shadow_matrix;
- float shadow_bias;
- float shadow_normal_bias;
- float transmittance_bias;
- float soft_shadow_size; // for spot, it's the size in uv coordinates of the light, for omni it's the span angle
- float soft_shadow_scale; // scales the shadow kernel for blurrier shadows
+ highp float shadow_bias;
+ highp float shadow_normal_bias;
+ highp float transmittance_bias;
+ highp float soft_shadow_size; // for spot, it's the size in uv coordinates of the light, for omni it's the span angle
+ highp float soft_shadow_scale; // scales the shadow kernel for blurrier shadows
uint mask;
- float shadow_volumetric_fog_fade;
+ mediump float shadow_volumetric_fog_fade;
uint bake_mode;
highp vec4 projector_rect; //projector rect in srgb decal atlas
@@ -35,53 +35,53 @@ struct LightData { //this structure needs to be as packed as possible
struct ReflectionData {
- vec3 box_extents;
- float index;
- vec3 box_offset;
+ highp vec3 box_extents;
+ mediump float index;
+ highp vec3 box_offset;
uint mask;
- vec3 ambient; // ambient color
- float intensity;
+ mediump vec3 ambient; // ambient color
+ mediump float intensity;
bool exterior;
bool box_project;
uint ambient_mode;
uint pad;
//0-8 is intensity,8-9 is ambient, mode
- mat4 local_matrix; // up to here for spot and omni, rest is for directional
+ highp mat4 local_matrix; // up to here for spot and omni, rest is for directional
// notes: for ambientblend, use distance to edge to blend between already existing global environment
struct DirectionalLightData {
- vec3 direction;
- float energy;
- vec3 color;
- float size;
- float specular;
+ mediump vec3 direction;
+ mediump float energy;
+ mediump vec3 color;
+ mediump float size;
+ mediump float specular;
uint mask;
- float softshadow_angle;
- float soft_shadow_scale;
+ highp float softshadow_angle;
+ highp float soft_shadow_scale;
bool blend_splits;
bool shadow_enabled;
- float fade_from;
- float fade_to;
+ highp float fade_from;
+ highp float fade_to;
uvec2 pad;
uint bake_mode;
- float shadow_volumetric_fog_fade;
- vec4 shadow_bias;
- vec4 shadow_normal_bias;
- vec4 shadow_transmittance_bias;
+ mediump float shadow_volumetric_fog_fade;
+ highp vec4 shadow_bias;
+ highp vec4 shadow_normal_bias;
+ highp vec4 shadow_transmittance_bias;
highp vec4 shadow_z_range;
highp vec4 shadow_range_begin;
- vec4 shadow_split_offsets;
+ highp vec4 shadow_split_offsets;
highp mat4 shadow_matrix1;
highp mat4 shadow_matrix2;
highp mat4 shadow_matrix3;
highp mat4 shadow_matrix4;
- vec4 shadow_color1;
- vec4 shadow_color2;
- vec4 shadow_color3;
- vec4 shadow_color4;
- vec2 uv_scale1;
- vec2 uv_scale2;
- vec2 uv_scale3;
- vec2 uv_scale4;
+ mediump vec4 shadow_color1;
+ mediump vec4 shadow_color2;
+ mediump vec4 shadow_color3;
+ mediump vec4 shadow_color4;
+ highp vec2 uv_scale1;
+ highp vec2 uv_scale2;
+ highp vec2 uv_scale3;
+ highp vec2 uv_scale4;
diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward_mobile.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward_mobile.glsl
index 663100a0b3..6e104e1203 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward_mobile.glsl
+++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward_mobile.glsl
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ layout(set = MATERIAL_UNIFORM_SET, binding = 0, std140) uniform MaterialUniforms
-layout(location = 8) out float dp_clip;
+layout(location = 8) out highp float dp_clip;
@@ -370,11 +370,6 @@ void main() {
-//use medium precision for floats on mobile.
-precision mediump float;
-precision highp int;
/* Specialization Constants */
#if !defined(MODE_RENDER_DEPTH)
@@ -498,7 +493,7 @@ layout(location = 0) out vec4 diffuse_buffer; //diffuse (rgb) and roughness
layout(location = 1) out vec4 specular_buffer; //specular and SSS (subsurface scatter)
-layout(location = 0) out vec4 frag_color;
+layout(location = 0) out mediump vec4 frag_color;
#endif // RENDER DEPTH
diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward_mobile_inc.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward_mobile_inc.glsl
index f1e554d01c..dd8879acb4 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward_mobile_inc.glsl
+++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward_mobile_inc.glsl
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ directional_lights;
struct Lightmap {
- mat3 normal_xform;
+ mediump mat3 normal_xform;
layout(set = 0, binding = 9, std140) restrict readonly buffer Lightmaps {
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ layout(set = 0, binding = 9, std140) restrict readonly buffer Lightmaps {
struct LightmapCapture {
- vec4 sh[9];
+ mediump vec4 sh[9];
layout(set = 0, binding = 10, std140) restrict readonly buffer LightmapCaptures {
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ layout(set = 0, binding = 10, std140) restrict readonly buffer LightmapCaptures
-layout(set = 0, binding = 11) uniform texture2D decal_atlas;
-layout(set = 0, binding = 12) uniform texture2D decal_atlas_srgb;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 11) uniform mediump texture2D decal_atlas;
+layout(set = 0, binding = 12) uniform mediump texture2D decal_atlas_srgb;
layout(set = 0, binding = 13, std430) restrict readonly buffer Decals {
DecalData data[];
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ layout(set = 0, binding = 13, std430) restrict readonly buffer Decals {
layout(set = 0, binding = 14, std430) restrict readonly buffer GlobalVariableData {
- vec4 data[];
+ highp vec4 data[];
@@ -135,56 +135,56 @@ layout(set = 1, binding = 0, std140) uniform SceneData {
highp mat4 projection_matrix_view[MAX_VIEWS];
highp mat4 inv_projection_matrix_view[MAX_VIEWS];
- vec2 viewport_size;
- vec2 screen_pixel_size;
+ highp vec2 viewport_size;
+ highp vec2 screen_pixel_size;
// Use vec4s because std140 doesn't play nice with vec2s, z and w are wasted.
- vec4 directional_penumbra_shadow_kernel[32];
- vec4 directional_soft_shadow_kernel[32];
- vec4 penumbra_shadow_kernel[32];
- vec4 soft_shadow_kernel[32];
+ highp vec4 directional_penumbra_shadow_kernel[32];
+ highp vec4 directional_soft_shadow_kernel[32];
+ highp vec4 penumbra_shadow_kernel[32];
+ highp vec4 soft_shadow_kernel[32];
- vec4 ambient_light_color_energy;
+ mediump vec4 ambient_light_color_energy;
- float ambient_color_sky_mix;
+ mediump float ambient_color_sky_mix;
bool use_ambient_light;
bool use_ambient_cubemap;
bool use_reflection_cubemap;
- mat3 radiance_inverse_xform;
+ mediump mat3 radiance_inverse_xform;
- vec2 shadow_atlas_pixel_size;
- vec2 directional_shadow_pixel_size;
+ highp vec2 shadow_atlas_pixel_size;
+ highp vec2 directional_shadow_pixel_size;
uint directional_light_count;
- float dual_paraboloid_side;
- float z_far;
- float z_near;
+ mediump float dual_paraboloid_side;
+ highp float z_far;
+ highp float z_near;
bool ssao_enabled;
- float ssao_light_affect;
- float ssao_ao_affect;
+ mediump float ssao_light_affect;
+ mediump float ssao_ao_affect;
bool roughness_limiter_enabled;
- float roughness_limiter_amount;
- float roughness_limiter_limit;
+ mediump float roughness_limiter_amount;
+ mediump float roughness_limiter_limit;
uvec2 roughness_limiter_pad;
- vec4 ao_color;
+ mediump vec4 ao_color;
bool fog_enabled;
- float fog_density;
- float fog_height;
- float fog_height_density;
+ highp float fog_density;
+ highp float fog_height;
+ highp float fog_height_density;
- vec3 fog_light_color;
- float fog_sun_scatter;
+ mediump vec3 fog_light_color;
+ mediump float fog_sun_scatter;
- float fog_aerial_perspective;
+ mediump float fog_aerial_perspective;
bool material_uv2_mode;
- float time;
- float reflection_multiplier; // one normally, zero when rendering reflections
+ highp float time;
+ mediump float reflection_multiplier; // one normally, zero when rendering reflections
bool pancake_shadows;
uint pad1;
@@ -195,30 +195,30 @@ scene_data;
-layout(set = 1, binding = 2) uniform textureCubeArray radiance_cubemap;
+layout(set = 1, binding = 2) uniform mediump textureCubeArray radiance_cubemap;
-layout(set = 1, binding = 2) uniform textureCube radiance_cubemap;
+layout(set = 1, binding = 2) uniform mediump textureCube radiance_cubemap;
-layout(set = 1, binding = 3) uniform textureCubeArray reflection_atlas;
+layout(set = 1, binding = 3) uniform mediump textureCubeArray reflection_atlas;
-layout(set = 1, binding = 4) uniform texture2D shadow_atlas;
+layout(set = 1, binding = 4) uniform highp texture2D shadow_atlas;
-layout(set = 1, binding = 5) uniform texture2D directional_shadow_atlas;
+layout(set = 1, binding = 5) uniform highp texture2D directional_shadow_atlas;
// this needs to change to providing just the lightmap we're using..
layout(set = 1, binding = 6) uniform texture2DArray lightmap_textures[MAX_LIGHTMAP_TEXTURES];
-layout(set = 1, binding = 9) uniform texture2D depth_buffer;
-layout(set = 1, binding = 10) uniform texture2D color_buffer;
+layout(set = 1, binding = 9) uniform highp texture2D depth_buffer;
+layout(set = 1, binding = 10) uniform mediump texture2D color_buffer;
/* Set 2 Skeleton & Instancing (can change per item) */
layout(set = 2, binding = 0, std430) restrict readonly buffer Transforms {
- vec4 data[];
+ highp vec4 data[];
diff --git a/servers/rendering/shader_language.cpp b/servers/rendering/shader_language.cpp
index 20fcb1396d..4218214fda 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/shader_language.cpp
+++ b/servers/rendering/shader_language.cpp
@@ -2877,6 +2877,27 @@ bool ShaderLanguage::is_scalar_type(DataType p_type) {
return p_type == TYPE_BOOL || p_type == TYPE_INT || p_type == TYPE_UINT || p_type == TYPE_FLOAT;
+bool ShaderLanguage::is_float_type(DataType p_type) {
+ switch (p_type) {
+ case TYPE_FLOAT:
+ case TYPE_VEC2:
+ case TYPE_VEC3:
+ case TYPE_VEC4:
+ case TYPE_MAT2:
+ case TYPE_MAT3:
+ case TYPE_MAT4:
+ return true;
+ }
+ default: {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
bool ShaderLanguage::is_sampler_type(DataType p_type) {
return p_type == TYPE_SAMPLER2D ||
p_type == TYPE_ISAMPLER2D ||
diff --git a/servers/rendering/shader_language.h b/servers/rendering/shader_language.h
index 9e0a63f0f7..18525e054e 100644
--- a/servers/rendering/shader_language.h
+++ b/servers/rendering/shader_language.h
@@ -774,6 +774,7 @@ public:
static DataType get_scalar_type(DataType p_type);
static int get_cardinality(DataType p_type);
static bool is_scalar_type(DataType p_type);
+ static bool is_float_type(DataType p_type);
static bool is_sampler_type(DataType p_type);
static Variant constant_value_to_variant(const Vector<ShaderLanguage::ConstantNode::Value> &p_value, DataType p_type, ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform::Hint p_hint = ShaderLanguage::ShaderNode::Uniform::HINT_NONE);
static PropertyInfo uniform_to_property_info(const ShaderNode::Uniform &p_uniform);