diff options
3 files changed, 131 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/editor/editor_node.cpp b/editor/editor_node.cpp
index 30aa24695c..26042631d5 100644
--- a/editor/editor_node.cpp
+++ b/editor/editor_node.cpp
@@ -178,6 +178,111 @@
EditorNode *EditorNode::singleton = nullptr;
+void EditorNode::disambiguate_filenames(const Vector<String> p_full_paths, Vector<String> &r_filenames) {
+ // Keep track of a list of "index sets," i.e. sets of indices
+ // within disambiguated_scene_names which contain the same name.
+ Vector<Set<int>> index_sets;
+ Map<String, int> scene_name_to_set_index;
+ for (int i = 0; i < r_filenames.size(); i++) {
+ String scene_name = r_filenames[i];
+ if (!scene_name_to_set_index.has(scene_name)) {
+ index_sets.append(Set<int>());
+ scene_name_to_set_index.insert(r_filenames[i], index_sets.size() - 1);
+ }
+ index_sets.write[scene_name_to_set_index[scene_name]].insert(i);
+ }
+ // For each index set with a size > 1, we need to disambiguate
+ for (int i = 0; i < index_sets.size(); i++) {
+ Set<int> iset = index_sets[i];
+ while (iset.size() > 1) {
+ // Append the parent folder to each scene name
+ for (Set<int>::Element *E = iset.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ int set_idx = E->get();
+ String scene_name = r_filenames[set_idx];
+ String full_path = p_full_paths[set_idx];
+ // Get rid of file extensions and res:// prefixes
+ if (scene_name.rfind(".") >= 0) {
+ scene_name = scene_name.substr(0, scene_name.rfind("."));
+ }
+ if (full_path.begins_with("res://")) {
+ full_path = full_path.substr(6);
+ }
+ if (full_path.rfind(".") >= 0) {
+ full_path = full_path.substr(0, full_path.rfind("."));
+ }
+ int scene_name_size = scene_name.size();
+ int full_path_size = full_path.size();
+ int difference = full_path_size - scene_name_size;
+ // Find just the parent folder of the current path and append it.
+ // If the current name is foo.tscn, and the full path is /some/folder/foo.tscn
+ // then slash_idx is the second '/', so that we select just "folder", and
+ // append that to yield "folder/foo.tscn".
+ if (difference > 0) {
+ String parent = full_path.substr(0, difference);
+ int slash_idx = parent.rfind("/");
+ slash_idx = parent.rfind("/", slash_idx - 1);
+ parent = slash_idx >= 0 ? parent.substr(slash_idx + 1) : parent;
+ r_filenames.write[set_idx] = parent + r_filenames[set_idx];
+ }
+ }
+ // Loop back through scene names and remove non-ambiguous names
+ bool can_proceed = false;
+ Set<int>::Element *E = iset.front();
+ while (E) {
+ String scene_name = r_filenames[E->get()];
+ bool duplicate_found = false;
+ for (Set<int>::Element *F = iset.front(); F; F = F->next()) {
+ if (E->get() == F->get()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ String other_scene_name = r_filenames[F->get()];
+ if (other_scene_name == scene_name) {
+ duplicate_found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Set<int>::Element *to_erase = duplicate_found ? nullptr : E;
+ // We need to check that we could actually append anymore names
+ // if we wanted to for disambiguation. If we can't, then we have
+ // to abort even with ambiguous names. We clean the full path
+ // and the scene name first to remove extensions so that this
+ // comparison actually works.
+ String path = p_full_paths[E->get()];
+ if (path.begins_with("res://")) {
+ path = path.substr(6);
+ }
+ if (path.rfind(".") >= 0) {
+ path = path.substr(0, path.rfind("."));
+ }
+ if (scene_name.rfind(".") >= 0) {
+ scene_name = scene_name.substr(0, scene_name.rfind("."));
+ }
+ // We can proceed iff the full path is longer than the scene name,
+ // meaning that there is at least one more parent folder we can
+ // tack onto the name.
+ can_proceed = can_proceed || (path.size() - scene_name.size()) >= 1;
+ E = E->next();
+ if (to_erase) {
+ iset.erase(to_erase);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!can_proceed) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
void EditorNode::_update_scene_tabs() {
bool show_rb = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("interface/scene_tabs/show_script_button");
@@ -185,6 +290,16 @@ void EditorNode::_update_scene_tabs() {
+ // Get all scene names, which may be ambiguous
+ Vector<String> disambiguated_scene_names;
+ Vector<String> full_path_names;
+ for (int i = 0; i < editor_data.get_edited_scene_count(); i++) {
+ disambiguated_scene_names.append(editor_data.get_scene_title(i));
+ full_path_names.append(editor_data.get_scene_path(i));
+ }
+ disambiguate_filenames(full_path_names, disambiguated_scene_names);
Ref<Texture2D> script_icon = gui_base->get_theme_icon("Script", "EditorIcons");
for (int i = 0; i < editor_data.get_edited_scene_count(); i++) {
@@ -196,7 +311,7 @@ void EditorNode::_update_scene_tabs() {
int current = editor_data.get_edited_scene();
bool unsaved = (i == current) ? saved_version != editor_data.get_undo_redo().get_version() : editor_data.get_scene_version(i) != 0;
- scene_tabs->add_tab(editor_data.get_scene_title(i) + (unsaved ? "(*)" : ""), icon);
+ scene_tabs->add_tab(disambiguated_scene_names[i] + (unsaved ? "(*)" : ""), icon);
if (DisplayServer::get_singleton()->has_feature(DisplayServer::FEATURE_GLOBAL_MENU)) {
DisplayServer::get_singleton()->global_menu_add_item("_dock", editor_data.get_scene_title(i) + (unsaved ? "(*)" : ""), callable_mp(this, &EditorNode::_global_menu_scene), i);
diff --git a/editor/editor_node.h b/editor/editor_node.h
index b0e0c5614c..413e228e2a 100644
--- a/editor/editor_node.h
+++ b/editor/editor_node.h
@@ -687,6 +687,8 @@ public:
static void add_editor_plugin(EditorPlugin *p_editor, bool p_config_changed = false);
static void remove_editor_plugin(EditorPlugin *p_editor, bool p_config_changed = false);
+ static void disambiguate_filenames(const Vector<String> p_full_paths, Vector<String> &r_filenames);
void new_inherited_scene() { _menu_option_confirm(FILE_NEW_INHERITED_SCENE, false); }
void set_docks_visible(bool p_show);
diff --git a/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
index 96079d5418..3e643c3e8d 100644
--- a/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
+++ b/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
@@ -1731,6 +1731,19 @@ void ScriptEditor::_update_script_names() {
+ Vector<String> disambiguated_script_names;
+ Vector<String> full_script_paths;
+ for (int j = 0; j < sedata.size(); j++) {
+ disambiguated_script_names.append(sedata[j].name);
+ full_script_paths.append(sedata[j].tooltip);
+ }
+ EditorNode::disambiguate_filenames(full_script_paths, disambiguated_script_names);
+ for (int j = 0; j < sedata.size(); j++) {
+ sedata.write[j].name = disambiguated_script_names[j];
+ }
EditorHelp *eh = Object::cast_to<EditorHelp>(tab_container->get_child(i));
if (eh) {
String name = eh->get_class();