diff options
114 files changed, 7323 insertions, 17956 deletions
diff --git a/doc/classes/MultiplayerAPI.xml b/doc/classes/MultiplayerAPI.xml index fcc259fb44..c168695d61 100644 --- a/doc/classes/MultiplayerAPI.xml +++ b/doc/classes/MultiplayerAPI.xml @@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ High-level multiplayer API. </brief_description> <description> - This class implements most of the logic behind the high-level multiplayer API. + This class implements most of the logic behind the high-level multiplayer API. See also [NetworkedMultiplayerPeer]. By default, [SceneTree] has a reference to this class that is used to provide multiplayer capabilities (i.e. RPC/RSET) across the whole scene. It is possible to override the MultiplayerAPI instance used by specific Nodes by setting the [member Node.custom_multiplayer] property, effectively allowing to run both client and server in the same scene. + [b]Note:[/b] The high-level multiplayer API protocol is an implementation detail and isn't meant to be used by non-Godot servers. It may change without notice. </description> <tutorials> </tutorials> diff --git a/doc/classes/NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.xml b/doc/classes/NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.xml index 954d31794a..06ea46f023 100644 --- a/doc/classes/NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.xml @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ A high-level network interface to simplify multiplayer interactions. </brief_description> <description> - Manages the connection to network peers. Assigns unique IDs to each client connected to the server. + Manages the connection to network peers. Assigns unique IDs to each client connected to the server. See also [MultiplayerAPI]. + [b]Note:[/b] The high-level multiplayer API protocol is an implementation detail and isn't meant to be used by non-Godot servers. It may change without notice. </description> <tutorials> <link title="High-level multiplayer">https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/networking/high_level_multiplayer.html</link> diff --git a/doc/classes/SceneTree.xml b/doc/classes/SceneTree.xml index 2c99815abf..cfe6e4f738 100644 --- a/doc/classes/SceneTree.xml +++ b/doc/classes/SceneTree.xml @@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ yield(get_tree().create_timer(1.0), "timeout") print("end") [/codeblock] + The timer will be automatically freed after its time elapses. </description> </method> <method name="get_frame" qualifiers="const"> diff --git a/drivers/dummy/rasterizer_dummy.h b/drivers/dummy/rasterizer_dummy.h index 2507add506..72ab18d115 100644 --- a/drivers/dummy/rasterizer_dummy.h +++ b/drivers/dummy/rasterizer_dummy.h @@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ public: /* SHADOW ATLAS API */ RID shadow_atlas_create() override { return RID(); } - void shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size) override {} + void shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size, bool p_16_bits = false) override {} void shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_atlas, int p_quadrant, int p_subdivision) override {} bool shadow_atlas_update_light(RID p_atlas, RID p_light_intance, float p_coverage, uint64_t p_light_version) override { return false; } - void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size) override {} + void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size, bool p_16_bits = false) override {} int get_directional_light_shadow_size(RID p_light_intance) override { return 0; } void set_directional_shadow_count(int p_count) override {} @@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ public: void environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount p_ray_count) override {} void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge p_frames) override {} + void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_update_light(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight p_update) override {} void environment_set_tonemap(RID p_env, RS::EnvironmentToneMapper p_tone_mapper, float p_exposure, float p_white, bool p_auto_exposure, float p_min_luminance, float p_max_luminance, float p_auto_exp_speed, float p_auto_exp_scale) override {} @@ -189,6 +190,7 @@ public: RID render_buffers_create() override { return RID(); } void render_buffers_configure(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_render_target, int p_width, int p_height, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa, RS::ViewportScreenSpaceAA p_screen_space_aa, bool p_use_debanding) override {} + void gi_set_use_half_resolution(bool p_enable) override {} void screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active(bool p_enable, float p_amount, float p_curve) override {} bool screen_space_roughness_limiter_is_active() const override { return false; } diff --git a/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp b/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp index 3dcdaef699..45987f4ee9 100644 --- a/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp +++ b/drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp @@ -3104,6 +3104,7 @@ VkRenderPass RenderingDeviceVulkan::_render_pass_create(const Vector<AttachmentF // the read. If this is a performance issue, one could track the actual last accessor of each resource, adding only that // stage switch (is_depth_stencil ? p_initial_depth_action : p_initial_color_action) { + case INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR_REGION: case INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR: { description.loadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR; description.stencilLoadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR; @@ -3116,9 +3117,9 @@ VkRenderPass RenderingDeviceVulkan::_render_pass_create(const Vector<AttachmentF description.initialLayout = is_sampled ? VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL : (is_storage ? VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL : VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL); description.stencilLoadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_DONT_CARE; } else if (p_format[i].usage_flags & TEXTURE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT) { - description.loadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR; - description.initialLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED; //don't care what is there - description.stencilLoadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR; + description.loadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_LOAD; + description.initialLayout = is_sampled ? VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL : (is_storage ? VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL : VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL); + description.stencilLoadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_LOAD; dependency_from_external.srcStageMask |= reading_stages; } else { description.loadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_DONT_CARE; @@ -5726,11 +5727,18 @@ Error RenderingDeviceVulkan::_draw_list_render_pass_begin(Framebuffer *framebuff render_pass_begin.pNext = nullptr; render_pass_begin.renderPass = render_pass; render_pass_begin.framebuffer = vkframebuffer; - + /* + * Given how API works, it makes sense to always fully operate on the whole framebuffer. + * This allows better continue operations for operations like shadowmapping. render_pass_begin.renderArea.extent.width = viewport_size.width; render_pass_begin.renderArea.extent.height = viewport_size.height; render_pass_begin.renderArea.offset.x = viewport_offset.x; render_pass_begin.renderArea.offset.y = viewport_offset.y; + */ + render_pass_begin.renderArea.extent.width = framebuffer->size.width; + render_pass_begin.renderArea.extent.height = framebuffer->size.height; + render_pass_begin.renderArea.offset.x = 0; + render_pass_begin.renderArea.offset.y = 0; Vector<VkClearValue> clear_values; clear_values.resize(framebuffer->texture_ids.size()); @@ -5879,11 +5887,11 @@ RenderingDevice::DrawListID RenderingDeviceVulkan::draw_list_begin(RID p_framebu viewport_offset = regioni.position; viewport_size = regioni.size; - if (p_initial_color_action == INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR) { + if (p_initial_color_action == INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR_REGION) { needs_clear_color = true; p_initial_color_action = INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP; } - if (p_initial_depth_action == INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR) { + if (p_initial_depth_action == INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR_REGION) { needs_clear_depth = true; p_initial_depth_action = INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP; } @@ -5969,11 +5977,11 @@ Error RenderingDeviceVulkan::draw_list_begin_split(RID p_framebuffer, uint32_t p viewport_offset = regioni.position; viewport_size = regioni.size; - if (p_initial_color_action == INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR) { + if (p_initial_color_action == INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR_REGION) { needs_clear_color = true; p_initial_color_action = INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP; } - if (p_initial_depth_action == INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR) { + if (p_initial_depth_action == INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR_REGION) { needs_clear_depth = true; p_initial_depth_action = INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP; } diff --git a/editor/editor_node.cpp b/editor/editor_node.cpp index 0ef21d3a11..0daaaf0e62 100644 --- a/editor/editor_node.cpp +++ b/editor/editor_node.cpp @@ -498,6 +498,11 @@ void EditorNode::_notification(int p_what) { float sss_scale = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/subsurface_scattering/subsurface_scattering_scale"); float sss_depth_scale = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/subsurface_scattering/subsurface_scattering_depth_scale"); RS::get_singleton()->sub_surface_scattering_set_scale(sss_scale, sss_depth_scale); + + uint32_t directional_shadow_size = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/directional_shadow/size"); + uint32_t directional_shadow_16_bits = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/directional_shadow/16_bits"); + RS::get_singleton()->directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(directional_shadow_size, directional_shadow_16_bits); + RS::ShadowQuality shadows_quality = RS::ShadowQuality(int(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/shadows/soft_shadow_quality"))); RS::get_singleton()->shadows_quality_set(shadows_quality); RS::ShadowQuality directional_shadow_quality = RS::ShadowQuality(int(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/directional_shadow/soft_shadow_quality"))); @@ -516,6 +521,9 @@ void EditorNode::_notification(int p_what) { RS::get_singleton()->environment_set_volumetric_fog_positional_shadow_shrink_size(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/volumetric_fog/positional_shadow_shrink")); RS::get_singleton()->canvas_set_shadow_texture_size(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/2d_shadow_atlas/size")); + bool use_half_res_gi = GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/gi/use_half_resolution", false); + RS::get_singleton()->gi_set_use_half_resolution(use_half_res_gi); + bool snap_2d_transforms = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/2d/snap_2d_transforms_to_pixel"); scene_root->set_snap_2d_transforms_to_pixel(snap_2d_transforms); bool snap_2d_vertices = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/2d/snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel"); diff --git a/editor/editor_settings.cpp b/editor/editor_settings.cpp index 3eee7b2bfb..7a602912c9 100644 --- a/editor/editor_settings.cpp +++ b/editor/editor_settings.cpp @@ -659,6 +659,10 @@ void EditorSettings::_load_defaults(Ref<ConfigFile> p_extra_config) { _initial_set("editors/animation/onion_layers_past_color", Color(1, 0, 0)); _initial_set("editors/animation/onion_layers_future_color", Color(0, 1, 0)); + // Visual editors + _initial_set("editors/visual_editors/minimap_opacity", 0.85); + hints["editors/visual_editors/minimap_opacity"] = PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "editors/visual_editors/minimap_opacity", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.0,1.0,0.01", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT); + /* Run */ // Window placement diff --git a/editor/editor_themes.cpp b/editor/editor_themes.cpp index 054ada1e8d..37d32431cc 100644 --- a/editor/editor_themes.cpp +++ b/editor/editor_themes.cpp @@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ static Ref<Texture2D> flip_icon(Ref<Texture2D> p_texture, bool p_flip_y = false, Ref<ImageTexture> texture(memnew(ImageTexture)); Ref<Image> img = p_texture->get_data(); + img = img->duplicate(); if (p_flip_y) { img->flip_y(); @@ -1098,7 +1099,11 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) { theme->set_constant("bezier_len_neg", "GraphEdit", 160 * EDSCALE); // GraphEditMinimap - theme->set_stylebox("bg", "GraphEditMinimap", make_flat_stylebox(dark_color_1, 0, 0, 0, 0)); + Ref<StyleBoxFlat> style_minimap_bg = make_flat_stylebox(dark_color_1, 0, 0, 0, 0); + style_minimap_bg->set_border_color(dark_color_3); + style_minimap_bg->set_border_width_all(1); + theme->set_stylebox("bg", "GraphEditMinimap", style_minimap_bg); + Ref<StyleBoxFlat> style_minimap_camera; Ref<StyleBoxFlat> style_minimap_node; if (dark_theme) { @@ -1115,9 +1120,15 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) { theme->set_stylebox("camera", "GraphEditMinimap", style_minimap_camera); theme->set_stylebox("node", "GraphEditMinimap", style_minimap_node); - Ref<Texture2D> resizer_icon = theme->get_icon("GuiResizer", "EditorIcons"); - theme->set_icon("resizer", "GraphEditMinimap", flip_icon(resizer_icon, true, true)); - theme->set_color("resizer_color", "GraphEditMinimap", Color(1, 1, 1, 0.65)); + Ref<Texture2D> minimap_resizer_icon = theme->get_icon("GuiResizer", "EditorIcons"); + Color minimap_resizer_color; + if (dark_theme) { + minimap_resizer_color = Color(1, 1, 1, 0.65); + } else { + minimap_resizer_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.65); + } + theme->set_icon("resizer", "GraphEditMinimap", flip_icon(minimap_resizer_icon, true, true)); + theme->set_color("resizer_color", "GraphEditMinimap", minimap_resizer_color); // GraphNode const float mv = dark_theme ? 0.0 : 1.0; diff --git a/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp b/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp index ead1f7c3e9..9944712931 100644 --- a/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp +++ b/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp @@ -1129,6 +1129,7 @@ void ResourceImporterScene::get_import_options(List<ImportOption> *r_options, in r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "meshes/ensure_tangents"), true)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "meshes/storage", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Built-In,Files (.mesh),Files (.tres)"), meshes_out ? 1 : 0)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "meshes/generate_lods"), true)); + r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "meshes/create_shadow_meshes"), true)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "meshes/light_baking", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,Enable,Gen Lightmaps", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_UPDATE_ALL_IF_MODIFIED), 0)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "meshes/lightmap_texel_size", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.001,100,0.001"), 0.1)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "skins/use_named_skins"), true)); @@ -1221,7 +1222,7 @@ Ref<Animation> ResourceImporterScene::import_animation_from_other_importer(Edito return importer->import_animation(p_path, p_flags, p_bake_fps); } -void ResourceImporterScene::_generate_meshes(Node *p_node, bool p_generate_lods) { +void ResourceImporterScene::_generate_meshes(Node *p_node, bool p_generate_lods, bool p_create_shadow_meshes) { EditorSceneImporterMeshNode3D *src_mesh_node = Object::cast_to<EditorSceneImporterMeshNode3D>(p_node); if (src_mesh_node) { //is mesh @@ -1237,8 +1238,12 @@ void ResourceImporterScene::_generate_meshes(Node *p_node, bool p_generate_lods) if (p_generate_lods) { src_mesh_node->get_mesh()->generate_lods(); } + if (p_create_shadow_meshes) { + src_mesh_node->get_mesh()->create_shadow_mesh(); + } } mesh = src_mesh_node->get_mesh()->get_mesh(); + if (mesh.is_valid()) { mesh_node->set_mesh(mesh); for (int i = 0; i < mesh->get_surface_count(); i++) { @@ -1252,7 +1257,7 @@ void ResourceImporterScene::_generate_meshes(Node *p_node, bool p_generate_lods) } for (int i = 0; i < p_node->get_child_count(); i++) { - _generate_meshes(p_node->get_child(i), p_generate_lods); + _generate_meshes(p_node->get_child(i), p_generate_lods, p_create_shadow_meshes); } } Error ResourceImporterScene::import(const String &p_source_file, const String &p_save_path, const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_options, List<String> *r_platform_variants, List<String> *r_gen_files, Variant *r_metadata) { @@ -1348,8 +1353,9 @@ Error ResourceImporterScene::import(const String &p_source_file, const String &p } bool gen_lods = bool(p_options["meshes/generate_lods"]); + bool create_shadow_meshes = bool(p_options["meshes/create_shadow_meshes"]); - _generate_meshes(scene, gen_lods); + _generate_meshes(scene, gen_lods, create_shadow_meshes); err = OK; diff --git a/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.h b/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.h index 66c317f858..aced0226ff 100644 --- a/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.h +++ b/editor/import/resource_importer_scene.h @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class ResourceImporterScene : public ResourceImporter { }; void _replace_owner(Node *p_node, Node *p_scene, Node *p_new_owner); - void _generate_meshes(Node *p_node, bool p_generate_lods); + void _generate_meshes(Node *p_node, bool p_generate_lods, bool p_create_shadow_meshes); public: static ResourceImporterScene *get_singleton() { return singleton; } diff --git a/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.cpp b/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.cpp index 620437af0e..78a7cd84f1 100644 --- a/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.cpp +++ b/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.cpp @@ -250,6 +250,11 @@ Ref<ArrayMesh> EditorSceneImporterMesh::get_mesh() { mesh->surface_set_name(mesh->get_surface_count() - 1, surfaces[i].name); } } + + if (shadow_mesh.is_valid()) { + Ref<ArrayMesh> shadow = shadow_mesh->get_mesh(); + mesh->set_shadow_mesh(shadow); + } } return mesh; @@ -261,6 +266,103 @@ void EditorSceneImporterMesh::clear() { mesh.unref(); } +void EditorSceneImporterMesh::create_shadow_mesh() { + if (shadow_mesh.is_valid()) { + shadow_mesh.unref(); + } + + //no shadow mesh for blendshapes + if (blend_shapes.size() > 0) { + return; + } + //no shadow mesh for skeletons + for (int i = 0; i < surfaces.size(); i++) { + if (surfaces[i].arrays[RS::ARRAY_BONES].get_type() != Variant::NIL) { + return; + } + if (surfaces[i].arrays[RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS].get_type() != Variant::NIL) { + return; + } + } + + shadow_mesh.instance(); + + for (int i = 0; i < surfaces.size(); i++) { + LocalVector<int> vertex_remap; + Vector<Vector3> new_vertices; + Vector<Vector3> vertices = surfaces[i].arrays[RS::ARRAY_VERTEX]; + int vertex_count = vertices.size(); + { + Map<Vector3, int> unique_vertices; + const Vector3 *vptr = vertices.ptr(); + for (int j = 0; j < vertex_count; j++) { + Vector3 v = vptr[j]; + + Map<Vector3, int>::Element *E = unique_vertices.find(v); + + if (E) { + vertex_remap.push_back(E->get()); + } else { + int vcount = unique_vertices.size(); + unique_vertices[v] = vcount; + vertex_remap.push_back(vcount); + new_vertices.push_back(v); + } + } + } + + Array new_surface; + new_surface.resize(RS::ARRAY_MAX); + Dictionary lods; + + // print_line("original vertex count: " + itos(vertices.size()) + " new vertex count: " + itos(new_vertices.size())); + + new_surface[RS::ARRAY_VERTEX] = new_vertices; + + Vector<int> indices = surfaces[i].arrays[RS::ARRAY_INDEX]; + if (indices.size()) { + int index_count = indices.size(); + const int *index_rptr = indices.ptr(); + Vector<int> new_indices; + new_indices.resize(indices.size()); + int *index_wptr = new_indices.ptrw(); + + for (int j = 0; j < index_count; j++) { + int index = index_rptr[j]; + ERR_FAIL_INDEX(index, vertex_count); + index_wptr[j] = vertex_remap[index]; + } + + new_surface[RS::ARRAY_INDEX] = new_indices; + + // Make sure the same LODs as the full version are used. + // This makes it more coherent between rendered model and its shadows. + for (int j = 0; j < surfaces[i].lods.size(); j++) { + indices = surfaces[i].lods[j].indices; + + index_count = indices.size(); + index_rptr = indices.ptr(); + new_indices.resize(indices.size()); + index_wptr = new_indices.ptrw(); + + for (int k = 0; k < index_count; k++) { + int index = index_rptr[j]; + ERR_FAIL_INDEX(index, vertex_count); + index_wptr[j] = vertex_remap[index]; + } + + lods[surfaces[i].lods[j].distance] = new_indices; + } + } + + shadow_mesh->add_surface(surfaces[i].primitive, new_surface, Array(), lods, Ref<Material>(), surfaces[i].name); + } +} + +Ref<EditorSceneImporterMesh> EditorSceneImporterMesh::get_shadow_mesh() const { + return shadow_mesh; +} + void EditorSceneImporterMesh::_set_data(const Dictionary &p_data) { clear(); if (p_data.has("blend_shape_names")) { diff --git a/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.h b/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.h index 2adeb76b6c..42507cbe8c 100644 --- a/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.h +++ b/editor/import/scene_importer_mesh.h @@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ class EditorSceneImporterMesh : public Resource { Ref<ArrayMesh> mesh; + Ref<EditorSceneImporterMesh> shadow_mesh; + protected: void _set_data(const Dictionary &p_data); Dictionary _get_data() const; @@ -89,6 +91,9 @@ public: void generate_lods(); + void create_shadow_mesh(); + Ref<EditorSceneImporterMesh> get_shadow_mesh() const; + bool has_mesh() const; Ref<ArrayMesh> get_mesh(); void clear(); diff --git a/editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp index fbfcac3d22..e7e069e8b6 100644 --- a/editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp +++ b/editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp @@ -255,6 +255,9 @@ void AnimationNodeBlendTreeEditor::_update_graph() { graph->connect_node(from, 0, to, to_idx); } + + float graph_minimap_opacity = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("editors/visual_editors/minimap_opacity"); + graph->set_minimap_opacity(graph_minimap_opacity); } void AnimationNodeBlendTreeEditor::_file_opened(const String &p_file) { @@ -888,6 +891,8 @@ AnimationNodeBlendTreeEditor::AnimationNodeBlendTreeEditor() { graph->connect("scroll_offset_changed", callable_mp(this, &AnimationNodeBlendTreeEditor::_scroll_changed)); graph->connect("delete_nodes_request", callable_mp(this, &AnimationNodeBlendTreeEditor::_delete_nodes_request)); graph->connect("popup_request", callable_mp(this, &AnimationNodeBlendTreeEditor::_popup_request)); + float graph_minimap_opacity = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("editors/visual_editors/minimap_opacity"); + graph->set_minimap_opacity(graph_minimap_opacity); VSeparator *vs = memnew(VSeparator); graph->get_zoom_hbox()->add_child(vs); diff --git a/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.cpp index 7717a9a27e..4fb0013620 100644 --- a/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.cpp +++ b/editor/plugins/node_3d_editor_plugin.cpp @@ -2445,12 +2445,14 @@ void Node3DEditorViewport::_notification(int p_what) { //update shadow atlas if changed int shadowmap_size = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size"); + bool shadowmap_16_bits = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/16_bits"); int atlas_q0 = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_0_subdiv"); int atlas_q1 = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_1_subdiv"); int atlas_q2 = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_2_subdiv"); int atlas_q3 = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_3_subdiv"); viewport->set_shadow_atlas_size(shadowmap_size); + viewport->set_shadow_atlas_16_bits(shadowmap_16_bits); viewport->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(0, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv(atlas_q0)); viewport->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(1, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv(atlas_q1)); viewport->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(2, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv(atlas_q2)); diff --git a/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp b/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp index 443e867a9f..4c3964289f 100644 --- a/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp +++ b/editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp @@ -1282,6 +1282,9 @@ void VisualShaderEditor::_update_graph() { graph->connect_node(itos(from), from_idx, itos(to), to_idx); } + + float graph_minimap_opacity = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("editors/visual_editors/minimap_opacity"); + graph->set_minimap_opacity(graph_minimap_opacity); } VisualShader::Type VisualShaderEditor::get_current_shader_type() const { @@ -3161,6 +3164,8 @@ VisualShaderEditor::VisualShaderEditor() { graph->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); add_child(graph); graph->set_drag_forwarding(this); + float graph_minimap_opacity = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("editors/visual_editors/minimap_opacity"); + graph->set_minimap_opacity(graph_minimap_opacity); graph->add_valid_right_disconnect_type(VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_SCALAR); graph->add_valid_right_disconnect_type(VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_SCALAR_INT); graph->add_valid_right_disconnect_type(VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_BOOLEAN); diff --git a/main/main.cpp b/main/main.cpp index a6e050a9a5..f454829100 100644 --- a/main/main.cpp +++ b/main/main.cpp @@ -171,6 +171,8 @@ static bool disable_render_loop = false; static int fixed_fps = -1; static bool print_fps = false; +bool profile_gpu = false; + /* Helper methods */ // Used by Mono module, should likely be registered in Engine singleton instead @@ -357,6 +359,7 @@ void Main::print_help(const char *p_binary) { OS::get_singleton()->print(" --disable-crash-handler Disable crash handler when supported by the platform code.\n"); OS::get_singleton()->print(" --fixed-fps <fps> Force a fixed number of frames per second. This setting disables real-time synchronization.\n"); OS::get_singleton()->print(" --print-fps Print the frames per second to the stdout.\n"); + OS::get_singleton()->print(" --profile-gpu Show a simple profile of the tasks that took more time during frame rendering.\n"); OS::get_singleton()->print("\n"); OS::get_singleton()->print("Standalone tools:\n"); @@ -1006,6 +1009,8 @@ Error Main::setup(const char *execpath, int argc, char *argv[], bool p_second_ph } } else if (I->get() == "--print-fps") { print_fps = true; + } else if (I->get() == "--profile-gpu") { + profile_gpu = true; } else if (I->get() == "--disable-crash-handler") { OS::get_singleton()->disable_crash_handler(); } else if (I->get() == "--skip-breakpoints") { @@ -1574,6 +1579,10 @@ Error Main::setup2(Thread::ID p_main_tid_override) { rendering_server->init(); rendering_server->set_render_loop_enabled(!disable_render_loop); + if (profile_gpu) { + rendering_server->set_print_gpu_profile(true); + } + OS::get_singleton()->initialize_joypads(); /* Initialize Audio Driver */ @@ -2142,11 +2151,6 @@ bool Main::start() { } #endif - { - int directional_atlas_size = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/directional_shadow/size"); - RenderingServer::get_singleton()->directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(directional_atlas_size); - } - if (!editor && !project_manager) { //standard helpers that can be changed from main config @@ -2190,22 +2194,6 @@ bool Main::start() { DisplayServer::get_singleton()->window_set_title(appname); #endif - int shadow_atlas_size = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size"); - int shadow_atlas_q0_subdiv = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_0_subdiv"); - int shadow_atlas_q1_subdiv = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_1_subdiv"); - int shadow_atlas_q2_subdiv = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_2_subdiv"); - int shadow_atlas_q3_subdiv = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_3_subdiv"); - - sml->get_root()->set_shadow_atlas_size(shadow_atlas_size); - sml->get_root()->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(0, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv( - shadow_atlas_q0_subdiv)); - sml->get_root()->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(1, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv( - shadow_atlas_q1_subdiv)); - sml->get_root()->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(2, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv( - shadow_atlas_q2_subdiv)); - sml->get_root()->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(3, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv( - shadow_atlas_q3_subdiv)); - bool snap_controls = GLOBAL_DEF("gui/common/snap_controls_to_pixels", true); sml->get_root()->set_snap_controls_to_pixels(snap_controls); diff --git a/misc/dist/html/editor.html b/misc/dist/html/editor.html index de3cd07a93..53ad826730 100644 --- a/misc/dist/html/editor.html +++ b/misc/dist/html/editor.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ <meta charset='utf-8' /> <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, user-scalable=no' /> <link id='-gd-engine-icon' rel='icon' type='image/png' href='favicon.png' /> - <title></title> + <title>Godot Engine Web Editor ($GODOT_VERSION)</title> <style type='text/css'> *:focus { @@ -189,8 +189,17 @@ <br /> <img src="logo.svg" width="1024" height="414" style="width: auto; height: auto; max-width: 85%; max-height: 250px" /> <br /> + $GODOT_VERSION + <br /> + <a href="releases/">Need an old version?</a> + <br /> + <br /> + <br /> <label for="zip-file" style="margin-right: 1rem">Preload project ZIP:</label> <input id="zip-file" type="file" id="files" name="files" style="margin-bottom: 1rem"/> <br /> +<a href="demo.zip">(Try this for example)</a> + <br /> + <br /> <button id="startButton" class="btn" style="margin-bottom: 4rem">Start Godot editor</button> <br /> <button class="btn" onclick="clearPersistence()">Clear persistent data</button> diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/aabb.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/aabb.cpp index 41b5029ef4..5d3f224adc 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/aabb.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/aabb.cpp @@ -31,195 +31,15 @@ #include "gdnative/aabb.h" #include "core/math/aabb.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_aabb) == sizeof(AABB), "AABB size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_aabb) == sizeof(AABB), "AABB size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_aabb_new(godot_aabb *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_pos, const godot_vector3 *p_size) { - const Vector3 *pos = (const Vector3 *)p_pos; - const Vector3 *size = (const Vector3 *)p_size; - AABB *dest = (AABB *)r_dest; - *dest = AABB(*pos, *size); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_position(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - godot_vector3 raw_ret; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - Vector3 *ret = (Vector3 *)&raw_ret; - *ret = self->position; - return raw_ret; -} - -void GDAPI godot_aabb_set_position(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v) { - AABB *self = (AABB *)p_self; - const Vector3 *v = (const Vector3 *)p_v; - self->position = *v; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_size(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - godot_vector3 raw_ret; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - Vector3 *ret = (Vector3 *)&raw_ret; - *ret = self->size; - return raw_ret; -} - -void GDAPI godot_aabb_set_size(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v) { - AABB *self = (AABB *)p_self; - const Vector3 *v = (const Vector3 *)p_v; - self->size = *v; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_aabb_as_string(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_aabb_abs(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - godot_aabb dest; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - *((AABB *)&dest) = self->abs(); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_aabb_get_area(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - return self->get_area(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_has_no_area(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - return self->has_no_area(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_has_no_surface(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - return self->has_no_surface(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_intersects(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_with) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - const AABB *with = (const AABB *)p_with; - return self->intersects(*with); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_encloses(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_with) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - const AABB *with = (const AABB *)p_with; - return self->encloses(*with); -} - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_aabb_merge(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_with) { - godot_aabb dest; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - const AABB *with = (const AABB *)p_with; - *((AABB *)&dest) = self->merge(*with); - return dest; -} - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_aabb_intersection(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_with) { - godot_aabb dest; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - const AABB *with = (const AABB *)p_with; - *((AABB *)&dest) = self->intersection(*with); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_intersects_plane(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_plane *p_plane) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - const Plane *plane = (const Plane *)p_plane; - return self->intersects_plane(*plane); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_intersects_segment(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_from, const godot_vector3 *p_to) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - const Vector3 *from = (const Vector3 *)p_from; - const Vector3 *to = (const Vector3 *)p_to; - return self->intersects_segment(*from, *to); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_has_point(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_point) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - const Vector3 *point = (const Vector3 *)p_point; - return self->has_point(*point); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_support(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_dir) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - const Vector3 *dir = (const Vector3 *)p_dir; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->get_support(*dir); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_longest_axis(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->get_longest_axis(); - return dest; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_aabb_get_longest_axis_index(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - return self->get_longest_axis_index(); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_aabb_get_longest_axis_size(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - return self->get_longest_axis_size(); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->get_shortest_axis(); - return dest; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis_index(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - return self->get_shortest_axis_index(); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis_size(const godot_aabb *p_self) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - return self->get_shortest_axis_size(); -} - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_aabb_expand(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_to_point) { - godot_aabb dest; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - const Vector3 *to_point = (const Vector3 *)p_to_point; - *((AABB *)&dest) = self->expand(*to_point); - return dest; -} - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_aabb_grow(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_real p_by) { - godot_aabb dest; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - - *((AABB *)&dest) = self->grow(p_by); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_endpoint(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->get_endpoint(p_idx); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_operator_equal(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_b) { - const AABB *self = (const AABB *)p_self; - const AABB *b = (const AABB *)p_b; - return *self == *b; +void GDAPI godot_aabb_new(godot_aabb *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, AABB); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/array.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/array.cpp index 7099b9d459..87a8c8e376 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/array.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/array.cpp @@ -33,369 +33,20 @@ #include "core/os/memory.h" #include "core/variant/array.h" -#include "core/math/color.h" - -#include "core/variant/variant.h" +static_assert(sizeof(godot_array) == sizeof(Array), "Array size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_array) == sizeof(Array), "Array size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_array_new(godot_array *r_dest) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_copy(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_src) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - const Array *src = (const Array *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Array(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_color_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_color_array *p_pca) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - Vector<Color> *pca = (Vector<Color> *)p_pca; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); - dest->resize(pca->size()); - - for (int i = 0; i < dest->size(); i++) { - Variant v = pca->operator[](i); - dest->operator[](i) = v; - } -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_vector3_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_pv3a) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - Vector<Vector3> *pca = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_pv3a; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); - dest->resize(pca->size()); - - for (int i = 0; i < dest->size(); i++) { - Variant v = pca->operator[](i); - dest->operator[](i) = v; - } -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_vector2_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_pv2a) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - Vector<Vector2> *pca = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_pv2a; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); - dest->resize(pca->size()); - - for (int i = 0; i < dest->size(); i++) { - Variant v = pca->operator[](i); - dest->operator[](i) = v; - } -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_vector2i_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_pv2a) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - Vector<Vector2i> *pca = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_pv2a; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); - dest->resize(pca->size()); - - for (int i = 0; i < dest->size(); i++) { - Variant v = pca->operator[](i); - dest->operator[](i) = v; - } -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_string_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_string_array *p_psa) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - Vector<String> *pca = (Vector<String> *)p_psa; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); - dest->resize(pca->size()); - - for (int i = 0; i < dest->size(); i++) { - Variant v = pca->operator[](i); - dest->operator[](i) = v; - } -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_float32_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_float32_array *p_pra) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - Vector<float> *pca = (Vector<float> *)p_pra; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); - dest->resize(pca->size()); - - for (int i = 0; i < dest->size(); i++) { - Variant v = pca->operator[](i); - dest->operator[](i) = v; - } -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_float64_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_float64_array *p_pra) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - Vector<double> *pca = (Vector<double> *)p_pra; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); - dest->resize(pca->size()); - - for (int i = 0; i < dest->size(); i++) { - Variant v = pca->operator[](i); - dest->operator[](i) = v; - } -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_int32_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_int32_array *p_pia) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - Vector<int32_t> *pca = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_pia; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); - dest->resize(pca->size()); - - for (int i = 0; i < dest->size(); i++) { - Variant v = pca->operator[](i); - dest->operator[](i) = v; - } -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_int64_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_int64_array *p_pia) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - Vector<int64_t> *pca = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_pia; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); - dest->resize(pca->size()); - - for (int i = 0; i < dest->size(); i++) { - Variant v = pca->operator[](i); - dest->operator[](i) = v; - } -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_byte_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_byte_array *p_pba) { - Array *dest = (Array *)r_dest; - Vector<uint8_t> *pca = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_pba; - memnew_placement(dest, Array); - dest->resize(pca->size()); - - for (int i = 0; i < dest->size(); i++) { - Variant v = pca->operator[](i); - dest->operator[](i) = v; - } -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_set(godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_variant *p_value) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - Variant *val = (Variant *)p_value; - self->operator[](p_idx) = *val; -} - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_get(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - godot_variant raw_dest; - Variant *dest = (Variant *)&raw_dest; - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - memnew_placement(dest, Variant(self->operator[](p_idx))); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_variant GDAPI *godot_array_operator_index(godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - return (godot_variant *)&self->operator[](p_idx); -} - -const godot_variant GDAPI *godot_array_operator_index_const(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - return (const godot_variant *)&self->operator[](p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_append(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - Variant *val = (Variant *)p_value; - self->append(*val); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_clear(godot_array *p_self) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - self->clear(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_count(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - const Variant *val = (const Variant *)p_value; - return self->count(*val); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_array_is_empty(const godot_array *p_self) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_erase(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - const Variant *val = (const Variant *)p_value; - self->erase(*val); -} - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_front(const godot_array *p_self) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - godot_variant v; - Variant *val = (Variant *)&v; - memnew_placement(val, Variant); - *val = self->front(); - return v; -} - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_back(const godot_array *p_self) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - godot_variant v; - Variant *val = (Variant *)&v; - memnew_placement(val, Variant); - *val = self->back(); - return v; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_find(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_what, const godot_int p_from) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - const Variant *val = (const Variant *)p_what; - return self->find(*val, p_from); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_find_last(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_what) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - const Variant *val = (const Variant *)p_what; - return self->find_last(*val); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_array_has(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - const Variant *val = (const Variant *)p_value; - return self->has(*val); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_hash(const godot_array *p_self) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - return self->hash(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_insert(godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_pos, const godot_variant *p_value) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - const Variant *val = (const Variant *)p_value; - self->insert(p_pos, *val); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_invert(godot_array *p_self) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_pop_back(godot_array *p_self) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - godot_variant v; - Variant *val = (Variant *)&v; - memnew_placement(val, Variant); - *val = self->pop_back(); - return v; -} - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_pop_front(godot_array *p_self) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - godot_variant v; - Variant *val = (Variant *)&v; - memnew_placement(val, Variant); - *val = self->pop_front(); - return v; -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_push_back(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - const Variant *val = (const Variant *)p_value; - self->push_back(*val); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_push_front(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - const Variant *val = (const Variant *)p_value; - self->push_front(*val); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_remove(godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_resize(godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_rfind(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_what, const godot_int p_from) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - const Variant *val = (const Variant *)p_what; - return self->rfind(*val, p_from); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_size(const godot_array *p_self) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_sort(godot_array *p_self) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_sort_custom(godot_array *p_self, godot_object *p_obj, const godot_string *p_func) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - const String *func = (const String *)p_func; - self->sort_custom((Object *)p_obj, *func); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_bsearch(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value, const godot_bool p_before) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - return self->bsearch(*(const Variant *)p_value, p_before); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_bsearch_custom(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value, godot_object *p_obj, const godot_string *p_func, const godot_bool p_before) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - const String *func = (const String *)p_func; - return self->bsearch_custom(*(const Variant *)p_value, (Object *)p_obj, *func, p_before); +void GDAPI godot_array_new(godot_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Array); } void GDAPI godot_array_destroy(godot_array *p_self) { ((Array *)p_self)->~Array(); } -godot_array GDAPI godot_array_duplicate(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_bool p_deep) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - godot_array res; - Array *val = (Array *)&res; - memnew_placement(val, Array); - *val = self->duplicate(p_deep); - return res; -} - -godot_array GDAPI godot_array_slice(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_begin, const godot_int p_end, const godot_int p_step, const godot_bool p_deep) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - godot_array res; - Array *val = (Array *)&res; - memnew_placement(val, Array); - *val = self->slice(p_begin, p_end, p_step, p_deep); - return res; -} - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_max(const godot_array *p_self) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - godot_variant v; - Variant *val = (Variant *)&v; - memnew_placement(val, Variant); - *val = self->max(); - return v; -} - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_min(const godot_array *p_self) { - const Array *self = (const Array *)p_self; - godot_variant v; - Variant *val = (Variant *)&v; - memnew_placement(val, Variant); - *val = self->min(); - return v; -} - -void GDAPI godot_array_shuffle(godot_array *p_self) { - Array *self = (Array *)p_self; - self->shuffle(); -} - #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/basis.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/basis.cpp index bfcd9bbf2c..86a6d6216c 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/basis.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/basis.cpp @@ -31,266 +31,15 @@ #include "gdnative/basis.h" #include "core/math/basis.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_basis) == sizeof(Basis), "Basis size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_basis) == sizeof(Basis), "Basis size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_basis_new_with_rows(godot_basis *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_x_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_y_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_z_axis) { - const Vector3 *x_axis = (const Vector3 *)p_x_axis; - const Vector3 *y_axis = (const Vector3 *)p_y_axis; - const Vector3 *z_axis = (const Vector3 *)p_z_axis; - Basis *dest = (Basis *)r_dest; - *dest = Basis(*x_axis, *y_axis, *z_axis); -} - -void GDAPI godot_basis_new_with_axis_and_angle(godot_basis *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_phi) { - const Vector3 *axis = (const Vector3 *)p_axis; - Basis *dest = (Basis *)r_dest; - *dest = Basis(*axis, p_phi); -} - -void GDAPI godot_basis_new_with_euler(godot_basis *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_euler) { - const Vector3 *euler = (const Vector3 *)p_euler; - Basis *dest = (Basis *)r_dest; - *dest = Basis(*euler); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_basis_as_string(const godot_basis *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_inverse(const godot_basis *p_self) { - godot_basis dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - *((Basis *)&dest) = self->inverse(); - return dest; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_transposed(const godot_basis *p_self) { - godot_basis dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - *((Basis *)&dest) = self->transposed(); - return dest; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_orthonormalized(const godot_basis *p_self) { - godot_basis dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - *((Basis *)&dest) = self->orthonormalized(); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_basis_determinant(const godot_basis *p_self) { - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - return self->determinant(); -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_rotated(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_phi) { - godot_basis dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *axis = (const Vector3 *)p_axis; - *((Basis *)&dest) = self->rotated(*axis, p_phi); - return dest; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_scaled(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_scale) { - godot_basis dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *scale = (const Vector3 *)p_scale; - *((Basis *)&dest) = self->scaled(*scale); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_get_scale(const godot_basis *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->get_scale(); - return dest; -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_basis_get_quat(const godot_basis *p_self) { - godot_quat dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - *((Quat *)&dest) = self->get_quat(); - return dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_quat(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_quat *p_quat) { - Basis *self = (Basis *)p_self; - const Quat *quat = (const Quat *)p_quat; - self->set_quat(*quat); -} - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_axis_angle_scale(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, godot_real p_phi, const godot_vector3 *p_scale) { - Basis *self = (Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *axis = (const Vector3 *)p_axis; - const Vector3 *scale = (const Vector3 *)p_scale; - self->set_axis_angle_scale(*axis, p_phi, *scale); -} - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_euler_scale(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_euler, const godot_vector3 *p_scale) { - Basis *self = (Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *euler = (const Vector3 *)p_euler; - const Vector3 *scale = (const Vector3 *)p_scale; - self->set_euler_scale(*euler, *scale); -} - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_quat_scale(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_quat *p_quat, const godot_vector3 *p_scale) { - Basis *self = (Basis *)p_self; - const Quat *quat = (const Quat *)p_quat; - const Vector3 *scale = (const Vector3 *)p_scale; - self->set_quat_scale(*quat, *scale); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_get_euler(const godot_basis *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->get_euler(); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_basis_tdotx(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_with) { - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *with = (const Vector3 *)p_with; - return self->tdotx(*with); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_basis_tdoty(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_with) { - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *with = (const Vector3 *)p_with; - return self->tdoty(*with); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_basis_tdotz(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_with) { - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *with = (const Vector3 *)p_with; - return self->tdotz(*with); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_xform(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *v = (const Vector3 *)p_v; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->xform(*v); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_xform_inv(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *v = (const Vector3 *)p_v; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->xform_inv(*v); - return dest; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_basis_get_orthogonal_index(const godot_basis *p_self) { - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - return self->get_orthogonal_index(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_basis_new(godot_basis *r_dest) { - Basis *dest = (Basis *)r_dest; - *dest = Basis(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_basis_new_with_euler_quat(godot_basis *r_dest, const godot_quat *p_euler) { - Basis *dest = (Basis *)r_dest; - const Quat *euler = (const Quat *)p_euler; - *dest = Basis(*euler); -} - -// p_elements is a pointer to an array of 3 (!!) vector3 -void GDAPI godot_basis_get_elements(const godot_basis *p_self, godot_vector3 *p_elements) { - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - Vector3 *elements = (Vector3 *)p_elements; - elements[0] = self->elements[0]; - elements[1] = self->elements[1]; - elements[2] = self->elements[2]; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_get_axis(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_int p_axis) { - godot_vector3 dest; - Vector3 *d = (Vector3 *)&dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - *d = self->get_axis(p_axis); - return dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_axis(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_int p_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_value) { - Basis *self = (Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *value = (const Vector3 *)p_value; - self->set_axis(p_axis, *value); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_get_row(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_int p_row) { - godot_vector3 dest; - Vector3 *d = (Vector3 *)&dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - *d = self->get_row(p_row); - return dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_row(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_int p_row, const godot_vector3 *p_value) { - Basis *self = (Basis *)p_self; - const Vector3 *value = (const Vector3 *)p_value; - self->set_row(p_row, *value); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_basis_operator_equal(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_basis *p_b) { - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Basis *b = (const Basis *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_operator_add(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_basis *p_b) { - godot_basis raw_dest; - Basis *dest = (Basis *)&raw_dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Basis *b = (const Basis *)p_b; - *dest = *self + *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_operator_subtract(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_basis *p_b) { - godot_basis raw_dest; - Basis *dest = (Basis *)&raw_dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Basis *b = (const Basis *)p_b; - *dest = *self - *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_operator_multiply_vector(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_basis *p_b) { - godot_basis raw_dest; - Basis *dest = (Basis *)&raw_dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Basis *b = (const Basis *)p_b; - *dest = *self * *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_operator_multiply_scalar(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_real p_b) { - godot_basis raw_dest; - Basis *dest = (Basis *)&raw_dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - *dest = *self * p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_slerp(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_basis *p_b, const godot_real p_t) { - godot_basis raw_dest; - Basis *dest = (Basis *)&raw_dest; - const Basis *self = (const Basis *)p_self; - const Basis *b = (const Basis *)p_b; - *dest = self->slerp(*b, p_t); - return raw_dest; +void GDAPI godot_basis_new(godot_basis *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Basis); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/callable.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/callable.cpp index d4730a14b3..7c62b5928f 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/callable.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/callable.cpp @@ -30,36 +30,17 @@ #include "gdnative/callable.h" -#include "core/io/resource.h" #include "core/variant/callable.h" #include "core/variant/variant.h" +static_assert(sizeof(godot_callable) == sizeof(Callable), "Callable size mismatch"); + #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_callable) == sizeof(Callable), "Callable size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_signal) == sizeof(Signal), "Signal size mismatch"); - -// Callable - -void GDAPI godot_callable_new_with_object(godot_callable *r_dest, const godot_object *p_object, const godot_string_name *p_method) { - Callable *dest = (Callable *)r_dest; - const Object *object = (const Object *)p_object; - const StringName *method = (const StringName *)p_method; - memnew_placement(dest, Callable(object, *method)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_callable_new_with_object_id(godot_callable *r_dest, uint64_t p_objectid, const godot_string_name *p_method) { - Callable *dest = (Callable *)r_dest; - const StringName *method = (const StringName *)p_method; - memnew_placement(dest, Callable(ObjectID(p_objectid), *method)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_callable_new_copy(godot_callable *r_dest, const godot_callable *p_src) { - Callable *dest = (Callable *)r_dest; - const Callable *src = (const Callable *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Callable(*src)); +void GDAPI godot_callable_new(godot_callable *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Callable); } void GDAPI godot_callable_destroy(godot_callable *p_self) { @@ -67,186 +48,6 @@ void GDAPI godot_callable_destroy(godot_callable *p_self) { self->~Callable(); } -godot_int GDAPI godot_callable_call(const godot_callable *p_self, const godot_variant **p_arguments, godot_int p_argcount, godot_variant *r_return_value) { - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - const Variant **arguments = (const Variant **)p_arguments; - Variant *return_value = (Variant *)r_return_value; - Variant ret; - Callable::CallError err; - self->call(arguments, p_argcount, ret, err); - if (return_value) - (*return_value) = ret; - return (godot_int)err.error; -} - -void GDAPI godot_callable_call_deferred(const godot_callable *p_self, const godot_variant **p_arguments, godot_int p_argcount) { - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - const Variant **arguments = (const Variant **)p_arguments; - self->call_deferred(arguments, p_argcount); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_callable_is_null(const godot_callable *p_self) { - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - return self->is_null(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_callable_is_custom(const godot_callable *p_self) { - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - return self->is_custom(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_callable_is_standard(const godot_callable *p_self) { - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - return self->is_standard(); -} - -godot_object GDAPI *godot_callable_get_object(const godot_callable *p_self) { - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - return (godot_object *)self->get_object(); -} - -uint64_t GDAPI godot_callable_get_object_id(const godot_callable *p_self) { - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - return (uint64_t)self->get_object_id(); -} - -godot_string_name GDAPI godot_callable_get_method(const godot_callable *p_self) { - godot_string_name raw_dest; - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - StringName *dest = (StringName *)&raw_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, StringName(self->get_method())); - return raw_dest; -} - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_callable_hash(const godot_callable *p_self) { - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - return self->hash(); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_callable_as_string(const godot_callable *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_callable_operator_equal(const godot_callable *p_self, const godot_callable *p_other) { - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - const Callable *other = (const Callable *)p_other; - return *self == *other; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_callable_operator_less(const godot_callable *p_self, const godot_callable *p_other) { - const Callable *self = (const Callable *)p_self; - const Callable *other = (const Callable *)p_other; - return *self < *other; -} - -// Signal - -void GDAPI godot_signal_new_with_object(godot_signal *r_dest, const godot_object *p_object, const godot_string_name *p_name) { - Signal *dest = (Signal *)r_dest; - const Object *object = (const Object *)p_object; - const StringName *name = (const StringName *)p_name; - memnew_placement(dest, Signal(object, *name)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_signal_new_with_object_id(godot_signal *r_dest, uint64_t p_objectid, const godot_string_name *p_name) { - Signal *dest = (Signal *)r_dest; - const StringName *name = (const StringName *)p_name; - memnew_placement(dest, Signal(ObjectID(p_objectid), *name)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_signal_new_copy(godot_signal *r_dest, const godot_signal *p_src) { - Signal *dest = (Signal *)r_dest; - const Signal *src = (const Signal *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Signal(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_signal_destroy(godot_signal *p_self) { - Signal *self = (Signal *)p_self; - self->~Signal(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_signal_emit(const godot_signal *p_self, const godot_variant **p_arguments, godot_int p_argcount) { - const Signal *self = (const Signal *)p_self; - const Variant **arguments = (const Variant **)p_arguments; - return (godot_int)self->emit(arguments, p_argcount); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_signal_connect(godot_signal *p_self, const godot_callable *p_callable, const godot_array *p_binds, uint32_t p_flags) { - Signal *self = (Signal *)p_self; - const Callable *callable = (const Callable *)p_callable; - const Array *binds_ar = (const Array *)p_binds; - Vector<Variant> binds; - for (int i = 0; i < binds_ar->size(); i++) { - binds.push_back(binds_ar->get(i)); - } - return (godot_int)self->connect(*callable, binds, p_flags); -} - -void GDAPI godot_signal_disconnect(godot_signal *p_self, const godot_callable *p_callable) { - Signal *self = (Signal *)p_self; - const Callable *callable = (const Callable *)p_callable; - self->disconnect(*callable); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_signal_is_null(const godot_signal *p_self) { - const Signal *self = (const Signal *)p_self; - return self->is_null(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_signal_is_connected(const godot_signal *p_self, const godot_callable *p_callable) { - const Signal *self = (const Signal *)p_self; - const Callable *callable = (const Callable *)p_callable; - return self->is_connected(*callable); -} - -godot_array GDAPI godot_signal_get_connections(const godot_signal *p_self) { - godot_array raw_dest; - const Signal *self = (const Signal *)p_self; - Array *dest = (Array *)&raw_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Array(self->get_connections())); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_object GDAPI *godot_signal_get_object(const godot_signal *p_self) { - const Signal *self = (const Signal *)p_self; - return (godot_object *)self->get_object(); -} - -uint64_t GDAPI godot_signal_get_object_id(const godot_signal *p_self) { - const Signal *self = (const Signal *)p_self; - return (uint64_t)self->get_object_id(); -} - -godot_string_name GDAPI godot_signal_get_name(const godot_signal *p_self) { - godot_string_name raw_dest; - const Signal *self = (const Signal *)p_self; - StringName *dest = (StringName *)&raw_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, StringName(self->get_name())); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_signal_as_string(const godot_signal *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Signal *self = (const Signal *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_signal_operator_equal(const godot_signal *p_self, const godot_signal *p_other) { - const Signal *self = (const Signal *)p_self; - const Signal *other = (const Signal *)p_other; - return *self == *other; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_signal_operator_less(const godot_signal *p_self, const godot_signal *p_other) { - const Signal *self = (const Signal *)p_self; - const Signal *other = (const Signal *)p_other; - return *self < *other; -} - #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/color.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/color.cpp index 939dec3a47..784c8d439e 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/color.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/color.cpp @@ -31,178 +31,15 @@ #include "gdnative/color.h" #include "core/math/color.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_color) == sizeof(Color), "Color size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_color) == sizeof(Color), "Color size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_color_new_rgba(godot_color *r_dest, const godot_real p_r, const godot_real p_g, const godot_real p_b, const godot_real p_a) { - Color *dest = (Color *)r_dest; - *dest = Color(p_r, p_g, p_b, p_a); -} - -void GDAPI godot_color_new_rgb(godot_color *r_dest, const godot_real p_r, const godot_real p_g, const godot_real p_b) { - Color *dest = (Color *)r_dest; - *dest = Color(p_r, p_g, p_b); -} - -godot_real godot_color_get_r(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->r; -} - -void godot_color_set_r(godot_color *p_self, const godot_real val) { - Color *self = (Color *)p_self; - self->r = val; -} - -godot_real godot_color_get_g(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->g; -} - -void godot_color_set_g(godot_color *p_self, const godot_real val) { - Color *self = (Color *)p_self; - self->g = val; -} - -godot_real godot_color_get_b(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->b; -} - -void godot_color_set_b(godot_color *p_self, const godot_real val) { - Color *self = (Color *)p_self; - self->b = val; -} - -godot_real godot_color_get_a(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->a; -} - -void godot_color_set_a(godot_color *p_self, const godot_real val) { - Color *self = (Color *)p_self; - self->a = val; -} - -godot_real godot_color_get_h(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->get_h(); -} - -godot_real godot_color_get_s(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->get_s(); -} - -godot_real godot_color_get_v(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->get_v(); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_color_as_string(const godot_color *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_rgba32(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->to_rgba32(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_abgr32(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->to_abgr32(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_abgr64(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->to_abgr64(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_argb64(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->to_argb64(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_rgba64(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->to_rgba64(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_argb32(const godot_color *p_self) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - return self->to_argb32(); -} - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_inverted(const godot_color *p_self) { - godot_color dest; - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - *((Color *)&dest) = self->inverted(); - return dest; -} - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_lerp(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_color *p_b, const godot_real p_t) { - godot_color dest; - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - const Color *b = (const Color *)p_b; - *((Color *)&dest) = self->lerp(*b, p_t); - return dest; -} - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_blend(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_color *p_over) { - godot_color dest; - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - const Color *over = (const Color *)p_over; - *((Color *)&dest) = self->blend(*over); - return dest; -} - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_darkened(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_real p_amount) { - godot_color dest; - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - *((Color *)&dest) = self->darkened(p_amount); - return dest; -} - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_from_hsv(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_real p_h, const godot_real p_s, const godot_real p_v, const godot_real p_a) { - godot_color dest; - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - *((Color *)&dest) = self->from_hsv(p_h, p_s, p_v, p_a); - return dest; -} - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_lightened(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_real p_amount) { - godot_color dest; - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - *((Color *)&dest) = self->lightened(p_amount); - return dest; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_color_to_html(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_bool p_with_alpha) { - godot_string dest; - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - - memnew_placement(&dest, String(self->to_html(p_with_alpha))); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_color_operator_equal(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_color *p_b) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - const Color *b = (const Color *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_color_operator_less(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_color *p_b) { - const Color *self = (const Color *)p_self; - const Color *b = (const Color *)p_b; - return *self < *b; +void GDAPI godot_color_new(godot_color *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Color); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/dictionary.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/dictionary.cpp index f3c040428a..d58e08f4b0 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/dictionary.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/dictionary.cpp @@ -30,26 +30,16 @@ #include "gdnative/dictionary.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" -// core/variant/variant.h before to avoid compile errors with MSVC -#include "core/io/json.h" #include "core/variant/dictionary.h" +static_assert(sizeof(godot_dictionary) == sizeof(Dictionary), "Dictionary size mismatch"); + #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_dictionary) == sizeof(Dictionary), "Dictionary size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_dictionary_new(godot_dictionary *r_dest) { - Dictionary *dest = (Dictionary *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Dictionary); -} - -void GDAPI godot_dictionary_new_copy(godot_dictionary *r_dest, const godot_dictionary *p_src) { - Dictionary *dest = (Dictionary *)r_dest; - const Dictionary *src = (const Dictionary *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Dictionary(*src)); +void GDAPI godot_dictionary_new(godot_dictionary *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Dictionary); } void GDAPI godot_dictionary_destroy(godot_dictionary *p_self) { @@ -57,135 +47,6 @@ void GDAPI godot_dictionary_destroy(godot_dictionary *p_self) { self->~Dictionary(); } -godot_dictionary GDAPI godot_dictionary_duplicate(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_bool p_deep) { - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - godot_dictionary res; - Dictionary *val = (Dictionary *)&res; - memnew_placement(val, Dictionary); - *val = self->duplicate(p_deep); - return res; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_dictionary_size(const godot_dictionary *p_self) { - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_dictionary_is_empty(const godot_dictionary *p_self) { - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_dictionary_clear(godot_dictionary *p_self) { - Dictionary *self = (Dictionary *)p_self; - self->clear(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_dictionary_has(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key) { - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; - return self->has(*key); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_dictionary_has_all(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_array *p_keys) { - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - const Array *keys = (const Array *)p_keys; - return self->has_all(*keys); -} - -void GDAPI godot_dictionary_erase(godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key) { - Dictionary *self = (Dictionary *)p_self; - const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; - self->erase(*key); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_dictionary_hash(const godot_dictionary *p_self) { - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - return self->hash(); -} - -godot_array GDAPI godot_dictionary_keys(const godot_dictionary *p_self) { - godot_array dest; - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&dest, Array(self->keys())); - return dest; -} - -godot_array GDAPI godot_dictionary_values(const godot_dictionary *p_self) { - godot_array dest; - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&dest, Array(self->values())); - return dest; -} - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_dictionary_get(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key) { - godot_variant raw_dest; - Variant *dest = (Variant *)&raw_dest; - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; - memnew_placement(dest, Variant(self->operator[](*key))); - return raw_dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_dictionary_set(godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, const godot_variant *p_value) { - Dictionary *self = (Dictionary *)p_self; - const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; - const Variant *value = (const Variant *)p_value; - self->operator[](*key) = *value; -} - -godot_variant GDAPI *godot_dictionary_operator_index(godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key) { - Dictionary *self = (Dictionary *)p_self; - const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; - return (godot_variant *)&self->operator[](*key); -} - -const godot_variant GDAPI *godot_dictionary_operator_index_const(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key) { - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; - return (const godot_variant *)&self->operator[](*key); -} - -godot_variant GDAPI *godot_dictionary_next(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key) { - Dictionary *self = (Dictionary *)p_self; - const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; - return (godot_variant *)self->next(key); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_dictionary_operator_equal(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_dictionary *p_b) { - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - const Dictionary *b = (const Dictionary *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_dictionary_to_json(const godot_dictionary *p_self) { - godot_string raw_dest; - String *dest = (String *)&raw_dest; - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - memnew_placement(dest, String(JSON::print(Variant(*self)))); - return raw_dest; -} - -// GDNative core 1.1 - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_dictionary_erase_with_return(godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key) { - Dictionary *self = (Dictionary *)p_self; - const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; - return self->erase(*key); -} - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_dictionary_get_with_default(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, const godot_variant *p_default) { - const Dictionary *self = (const Dictionary *)p_self; - const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; - const Variant *def = (const Variant *)p_default; - - godot_variant raw_dest; - Variant *dest = (Variant *)&raw_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Variant(self->get(*key, *def))); - - return raw_dest; -} - #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/gdnative.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/gdnative.cpp index 1c11130d89..c3d25f81c7 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/gdnative.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/gdnative.cpp @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ godot_class_constructor GDAPI godot_get_class_constructor(const char *p_classnam godot_dictionary GDAPI godot_get_global_constants() { godot_dictionary constants; - godot_dictionary_new(&constants); + memnew_placement(&constants, Dictionary); Dictionary *p_constants = (Dictionary *)&constants; const int constants_count = CoreConstants::get_global_constant_count(); for (int i = 0; i < constants_count; ++i) { @@ -127,18 +127,6 @@ void GDAPI godot_free(void *p_ptr) { memfree(p_ptr); } -void GDAPI godot_print_error(const char *p_description, const char *p_function, const char *p_file, int p_line) { - _err_print_error(p_function, p_file, p_line, p_description, ERR_HANDLER_ERROR); -} - -void GDAPI godot_print_warning(const char *p_description, const char *p_function, const char *p_file, int p_line) { - _err_print_error(p_function, p_file, p_line, p_description, ERR_HANDLER_WARNING); -} - -void GDAPI godot_print(const godot_string *p_message) { - print_line(*(String *)p_message); -} - void _gdnative_report_version_mismatch(const godot_object *p_library, const char *p_ext, godot_gdnative_api_version p_want, godot_gdnative_api_version p_have) { String message = "Error loading GDNative file "; GDNativeLibrary *library = (GDNativeLibrary *)p_library; diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/node_path.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/node_path.cpp index 7b215c0d0b..02c2f9b22b 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/node_path.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/node_path.cpp @@ -31,24 +31,15 @@ #include "gdnative/node_path.h" #include "core/string/node_path.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_node_path) == sizeof(NodePath), "NodePath size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_node_path) == sizeof(NodePath), "NodePath size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_node_path_new(godot_node_path *r_dest, const godot_string *p_from) { - NodePath *dest = (NodePath *)r_dest; - const String *from = (const String *)p_from; - memnew_placement(dest, NodePath(*from)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_node_path_new_copy(godot_node_path *r_dest, const godot_node_path *p_src) { - NodePath *dest = (NodePath *)r_dest; - const NodePath *src = (const NodePath *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, NodePath(*src)); +void GDAPI godot_node_path_new(godot_node_path *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, NodePath); } void GDAPI godot_node_path_destroy(godot_node_path *p_self) { @@ -56,71 +47,6 @@ void GDAPI godot_node_path_destroy(godot_node_path *p_self) { self->~NodePath(); } -godot_string GDAPI godot_node_path_as_string(const godot_node_path *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const NodePath *self = (const NodePath *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_node_path_is_absolute(const godot_node_path *p_self) { - const NodePath *self = (const NodePath *)p_self; - return self->is_absolute(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_node_path_get_name_count(const godot_node_path *p_self) { - const NodePath *self = (const NodePath *)p_self; - return self->get_name_count(); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_node_path_get_name(const godot_node_path *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - godot_string dest; - const NodePath *self = (const NodePath *)p_self; - - memnew_placement(&dest, String(self->get_name(p_idx))); - return dest; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_node_path_get_subname_count(const godot_node_path *p_self) { - const NodePath *self = (const NodePath *)p_self; - return self->get_subname_count(); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_node_path_get_subname(const godot_node_path *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - godot_string dest; - const NodePath *self = (const NodePath *)p_self; - - memnew_placement(&dest, String(self->get_subname(p_idx))); - return dest; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_node_path_get_concatenated_subnames(const godot_node_path *p_self) { - godot_string dest; - const NodePath *self = (const NodePath *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&dest, String(self->get_concatenated_subnames())); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_node_path_is_empty(const godot_node_path *p_self) { - const NodePath *self = (const NodePath *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_node_path_operator_equal(const godot_node_path *p_self, const godot_node_path *p_b) { - const NodePath *self = (const NodePath *)p_self; - const NodePath *b = (const NodePath *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_node_path godot_node_path_get_as_property_path(const godot_node_path *p_self) { - const NodePath *self = (const NodePath *)p_self; - godot_node_path res; - NodePath *val = (NodePath *)&res; - memnew_placement(val, NodePath); - *val = self->get_as_property_path(); - return res; -} - #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/packed_arrays.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/packed_arrays.cpp index e714999234..9e4c6e6f38 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/packed_arrays.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/packed_arrays.cpp @@ -30,882 +30,103 @@ #include "gdnative/packed_arrays.h" -#include "core/variant/array.h" - #include "core/variant/variant.h" -#include "core/math/color.h" #include "core/math/vector2.h" -#include "core/math/vector3.h" +#include "core/math/vector3i.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_byte_array) == sizeof(PackedByteArray), "PackedByteArray size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_int32_array) == sizeof(PackedInt32Array), "PackedInt32Array size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_int64_array) == sizeof(PackedInt64Array), "PackedInt64Array size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_float32_array) == sizeof(PackedFloat32Array), "PackedFloat32Array size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_float64_array) == sizeof(PackedFloat64Array), "PackedFloat64Array size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_string_array) == sizeof(PackedStringArray), "PackedStringArray size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_vector2_array) == sizeof(PackedVector2Array), "PackedVector2Array size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_vector2i_array) == sizeof(Vector<Vector2i>), "Vector<Vector2i> size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_vector3_array) == sizeof(PackedVector3Array), "PackedVector3Array size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_vector3i_array) == sizeof(Vector<Vector3i>), "Vector<Vector3i> size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_color_array) == sizeof(PackedColorArray), "PackedColorArray size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_byte_array) == sizeof(Vector<uint8_t>), "Vector<uint8_t> size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_int32_array) == sizeof(Vector<int32_t>), "Vector<int32_t> size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_int64_array) == sizeof(Vector<int64_t>), "Vector<int64_t> size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_float32_array) == sizeof(Vector<float>), "Vector<float> size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_float64_array) == sizeof(Vector<double>), "Vector<double> size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_string_array) == sizeof(Vector<String>), "Vector<String> size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_vector2_array) == sizeof(Vector<Vector2>), "Vector<Vector2> size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_vector2i_array) == sizeof(Vector<Vector2i>), "Vector<Vector2i> size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_vector3_array) == sizeof(Vector<Vector3>), "Vector<Vector3> size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_packed_color_array) == sizeof(Vector<Color>), "Vector<Color> size mismatch"); - #define memnew_placement_custom(m_placement, m_class, m_constr) _post_initialize(new (m_placement, sizeof(m_class), "") m_constr) // byte -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_new(godot_packed_byte_array *r_dest) { - Vector<uint8_t> *dest = (Vector<uint8_t> *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<uint8_t>); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_new_copy(godot_packed_byte_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_byte_array *p_src) { - Vector<uint8_t> *dest = (Vector<uint8_t> *)r_dest; - const Vector<uint8_t> *src = (const Vector<uint8_t> *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<uint8_t>(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_byte_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a) { - Vector<uint8_t> *dest = (Vector<uint8_t> *)r_dest; - Array *a = (Array *)p_a; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<uint8_t>); - - dest->resize(a->size()); - for (int i = 0; i < a->size(); i++) { - dest->set(i, (*a)[i]); - } -} - -const uint8_t GDAPI *godot_packed_byte_array_ptr(const godot_packed_byte_array *p_self) { - const Vector<uint8_t> *self = (const Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - return self->ptr(); -} - -uint8_t GDAPI *godot_packed_byte_array_ptrw(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - return self->ptrw(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_append(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const uint8_t p_data) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - self->push_back(p_data); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_append_array(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_packed_byte_array *p_array) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - Vector<uint8_t> *array = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_array; - self->append_array(*array); -} - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_insert(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const uint8_t p_data) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - return (godot_error)self->insert(p_idx, p_data); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_has(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const uint8_t p_value) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - return (godot_bool)self->has(p_value); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_sort(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_invert(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_push_back(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const uint8_t p_data) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - self->push_back(p_data); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_remove(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_resize(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_set(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const uint8_t p_data) { - Vector<uint8_t> *self = (Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - self->set(p_idx, p_data); -} - -uint8_t GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_get(const godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Vector<uint8_t> *self = (const Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - return self->get(p_idx); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_size(const godot_packed_byte_array *p_self) { - const Vector<uint8_t> *self = (const Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_byte_array *p_self) { - const Vector<uint8_t> *self = (const Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_new(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, PackedByteArray); } void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_destroy(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self) { - ((Vector<uint8_t> *)p_self)->~Vector(); + ((PackedByteArray *)p_self)->~PackedByteArray(); } // int32 -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_new(godot_packed_int32_array *r_dest) { - Vector<int32_t> *dest = (Vector<int32_t> *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<int32_t>); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_new_copy(godot_packed_int32_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_int32_array *p_src) { - Vector<int32_t> *dest = (Vector<int32_t> *)r_dest; - const Vector<int32_t> *src = (const Vector<int32_t> *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<int32_t>(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_int32_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a) { - Vector<int32_t> *dest = (Vector<int32_t> *)r_dest; - Array *a = (Array *)p_a; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<int32_t>); - - dest->resize(a->size()); - for (int i = 0; i < a->size(); i++) { - dest->set(i, (*a)[i]); - } -} - -const int32_t GDAPI *godot_packed_int32_array_ptr(const godot_packed_int32_array *p_self) { - const Vector<int32_t> *self = (const Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - return self->ptr(); -} - -int32_t GDAPI *godot_packed_int32_array_ptrw(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - return self->ptrw(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_append(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const int32_t p_data) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - self->push_back(p_data); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_append_array(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_packed_int32_array *p_array) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - Vector<int32_t> *array = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_array; - self->append_array(*array); -} - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_insert(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const int32_t p_data) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - return (godot_error)self->insert(p_idx, p_data); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_has(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const int32_t p_value) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - return (godot_bool)self->has(p_value); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_sort(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_invert(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_push_back(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const int32_t p_data) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - self->push_back(p_data); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_remove(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_resize(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_set(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const int32_t p_data) { - Vector<int32_t> *self = (Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - self->set(p_idx, p_data); -} - -int32_t GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_get(const godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Vector<int32_t> *self = (const Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - return self->get(p_idx); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_size(const godot_packed_int32_array *p_self) { - const Vector<int32_t> *self = (const Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_int32_array *p_self) { - const Vector<int32_t> *self = (const Vector<int32_t> *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_new(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, PackedInt32Array); } void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_destroy(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self) { - ((Vector<int32_t> *)p_self)->~Vector(); + ((PackedInt32Array *)p_self)->~PackedInt32Array(); } // int64 -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_new(godot_packed_int64_array *r_dest) { - Vector<int64_t> *dest = (Vector<int64_t> *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<int64_t>); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_new_copy(godot_packed_int64_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_int64_array *p_src) { - Vector<int64_t> *dest = (Vector<int64_t> *)r_dest; - const Vector<int64_t> *src = (const Vector<int64_t> *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<int64_t>(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_int64_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a) { - Vector<int64_t> *dest = (Vector<int64_t> *)r_dest; - Array *a = (Array *)p_a; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<int64_t>); - - dest->resize(a->size()); - for (int i = 0; i < a->size(); i++) { - dest->set(i, (*a)[i]); - } -} - -const int64_t GDAPI *godot_packed_int64_array_ptr(const godot_packed_int64_array *p_self) { - const Vector<int64_t> *self = (const Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - return self->ptr(); -} - -int64_t GDAPI *godot_packed_int64_array_ptrw(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - return self->ptrw(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_append(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const int64_t p_data) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - self->push_back(p_data); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_append_array(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_packed_int64_array *p_array) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - Vector<int64_t> *array = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_array; - self->append_array(*array); -} - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_insert(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const int64_t p_data) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - return (godot_error)self->insert(p_idx, p_data); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_has(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const int64_t p_value) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - return (godot_bool)self->has(p_value); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_sort(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_invert(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_push_back(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const int64_t p_data) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - self->push_back(p_data); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_remove(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_resize(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_set(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const int64_t p_data) { - Vector<int64_t> *self = (Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - self->set(p_idx, p_data); -} - -int64_t GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_get(const godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Vector<int64_t> *self = (const Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - return self->get(p_idx); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_size(const godot_packed_int64_array *p_self) { - const Vector<int64_t> *self = (const Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_int64_array *p_self) { - const Vector<int64_t> *self = (const Vector<int64_t> *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_new(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, PackedInt64Array); } void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_destroy(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self) { - ((Vector<int64_t> *)p_self)->~Vector(); + ((PackedInt64Array *)p_self)->~PackedInt64Array(); } // float32 -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_new(godot_packed_float32_array *r_dest) { - Vector<float> *dest = (Vector<float> *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<float>); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_new_copy(godot_packed_float32_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_float32_array *p_src) { - Vector<float> *dest = (Vector<float> *)r_dest; - const Vector<float> *src = (const Vector<float> *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<float>(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_float32_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a) { - Vector<float> *dest = (Vector<float> *)r_dest; - Array *a = (Array *)p_a; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<float>); - - dest->resize(a->size()); - for (int i = 0; i < a->size(); i++) { - dest->set(i, (*a)[i]); - } -} - -const float GDAPI *godot_packed_float32_array_ptr(const godot_packed_float32_array *p_self) { - const Vector<float> *self = (const Vector<float> *)p_self; - return self->ptr(); -} - -float GDAPI *godot_packed_float32_array_ptrw(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - return self->ptrw(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_append(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const float p_data) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - self->push_back(p_data); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_append_array(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_packed_float32_array *p_array) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - Vector<float> *array = (Vector<float> *)p_array; - self->append_array(*array); -} - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_insert(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const float p_data) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - return (godot_error)self->insert(p_idx, p_data); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_has(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const float p_value) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - return (godot_bool)self->has(p_value); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_sort(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_invert(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_push_back(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const float p_data) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - self->push_back(p_data); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_remove(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_resize(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_set(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const float p_data) { - Vector<float> *self = (Vector<float> *)p_self; - self->set(p_idx, p_data); -} - -float GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_get(const godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Vector<float> *self = (const Vector<float> *)p_self; - return self->get(p_idx); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_size(const godot_packed_float32_array *p_self) { - const Vector<float> *self = (const Vector<float> *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_float32_array *p_self) { - const Vector<float> *self = (const Vector<float> *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_new(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, PackedFloat32Array); } void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_destroy(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self) { - ((Vector<float> *)p_self)->~Vector(); + ((PackedFloat32Array *)p_self)->~PackedFloat32Array(); } // float64 -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_new(godot_packed_float64_array *r_dest) { - Vector<double> *dest = (Vector<double> *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<double>); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_new_copy(godot_packed_float64_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_float64_array *p_src) { - Vector<double> *dest = (Vector<double> *)r_dest; - const Vector<double> *src = (const Vector<double> *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<double>(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_float64_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a) { - Vector<double> *dest = (Vector<double> *)r_dest; - Array *a = (Array *)p_a; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<double>); - - dest->resize(a->size()); - for (int i = 0; i < a->size(); i++) { - dest->set(i, (*a)[i]); - } -} - -const double GDAPI *godot_packed_float64_array_ptr(const godot_packed_float64_array *p_self) { - const Vector<double> *self = (const Vector<double> *)p_self; - return self->ptr(); -} - -double GDAPI *godot_packed_float64_array_ptrw(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - return self->ptrw(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_append(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const double p_data) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - self->push_back(p_data); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_append_array(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_packed_float64_array *p_array) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - Vector<double> *array = (Vector<double> *)p_array; - self->append_array(*array); -} - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_insert(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const double p_data) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - return (godot_error)self->insert(p_idx, p_data); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_has(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const double p_value) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - return (godot_bool)self->has(p_value); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_sort(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_invert(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_push_back(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const double p_data) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - self->push_back(p_data); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_remove(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_resize(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_set(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const double p_data) { - Vector<double> *self = (Vector<double> *)p_self; - self->set(p_idx, p_data); -} - -double GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_get(const godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Vector<double> *self = (const Vector<double> *)p_self; - return self->get(p_idx); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_size(const godot_packed_float64_array *p_self) { - const Vector<double> *self = (const Vector<double> *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_float64_array *p_self) { - const Vector<double> *self = (const Vector<double> *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_new(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, PackedFloat64Array); } void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_destroy(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self) { - ((Vector<double> *)p_self)->~Vector(); + ((PackedFloat64Array *)p_self)->~PackedFloat64Array(); } // string -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_new(godot_packed_string_array *r_dest) { - Vector<String> *dest = (Vector<String> *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<String>); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_new_copy(godot_packed_string_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_string_array *p_src) { - Vector<String> *dest = (Vector<String> *)r_dest; - const Vector<String> *src = (const Vector<String> *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<String>(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_string_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a) { - Vector<String> *dest = (Vector<String> *)r_dest; - Array *a = (Array *)p_a; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<String>); - - dest->resize(a->size()); - for (int i = 0; i < a->size(); i++) { - dest->set(i, (*a)[i]); - } -} - -const godot_string GDAPI *godot_packed_string_array_ptr(const godot_packed_string_array *p_self) { - const Vector<String> *self = (const Vector<String> *)p_self; - return (const godot_string *)self->ptr(); -} - -godot_string GDAPI *godot_packed_string_array_ptrw(godot_packed_string_array *p_self) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - return (godot_string *)self->ptrw(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_append(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_string *p_data) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - String &s = *(String *)p_data; - self->push_back(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_append_array(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_array) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - Vector<String> *array = (Vector<String> *)p_array; - self->append_array(*array); -} - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_insert(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_string *p_data) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - String &s = *(String *)p_data; - return (godot_error)self->insert(p_idx, s); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_has(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_string *p_value) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - String &s = *(String *)p_value; - return (godot_bool)self->has(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_sort(godot_packed_string_array *p_self) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_invert(godot_packed_string_array *p_self) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_push_back(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_string *p_data) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - String &s = *(String *)p_data; - self->push_back(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_remove(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_resize(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_set(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_string *p_data) { - Vector<String> *self = (Vector<String> *)p_self; - String &s = *(String *)p_data; - self->set(p_idx, s); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_get(const godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Vector<String> *self = (const Vector<String> *)p_self; - godot_string str; - String *s = (String *)&str; - memnew_placement(s, String); - *s = self->get(p_idx); - return str; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_size(const godot_packed_string_array *p_self) { - const Vector<String> *self = (const Vector<String> *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_string_array *p_self) { - const Vector<String> *self = (const Vector<String> *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_new(godot_packed_string_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, PackedStringArray); } void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_destroy(godot_packed_string_array *p_self) { - ((Vector<String> *)p_self)->~Vector(); + ((PackedStringArray *)p_self)->~PackedStringArray(); } // vector2 -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_new(godot_packed_vector2_array *r_dest) { - Vector<Vector2> *dest = (Vector<Vector2> *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Vector2>); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_new_copy(godot_packed_vector2_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_src) { - Vector<Vector2> *dest = (Vector<Vector2> *)r_dest; - const Vector<Vector2> *src = (const Vector<Vector2> *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Vector2>(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_vector2_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a) { - Vector<Vector2> *dest = (Vector<Vector2> *)r_dest; - Array *a = (Array *)p_a; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Vector2>); - - dest->resize(a->size()); - for (int i = 0; i < a->size(); i++) { - dest->set(i, (*a)[i]); - } -} - -const godot_vector2 GDAPI *godot_packed_vector2_array_ptr(const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Vector2> *self = (const Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - return (const godot_vector2 *)self->ptr(); -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI *godot_packed_vector2_array_ptrw(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - return (godot_vector2 *)self->ptrw(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_append(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_data) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - Vector2 &s = *(Vector2 *)p_data; - self->push_back(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_append_array(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_array) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - Vector<Vector2> *array = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_array; - self->append_array(*array); -} - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_insert(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector2 *p_data) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - Vector2 &s = *(Vector2 *)p_data; - return (godot_error)self->insert(p_idx, s); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_has(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_value) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - Vector2 &v = *(Vector2 *)p_value; - return (godot_bool)self->has(v); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_sort(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_invert(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_push_back(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_data) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - Vector2 &s = *(Vector2 *)p_data; - self->push_back(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_remove(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_resize(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_set(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector2 *p_data) { - Vector<Vector2> *self = (Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - Vector2 &s = *(Vector2 *)p_data; - self->set(p_idx, s); -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_get(const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Vector<Vector2> *self = (const Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - godot_vector2 v; - Vector2 *s = (Vector2 *)&v; - *s = self->get(p_idx); - return v; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_size(const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Vector2> *self = (const Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Vector2> *self = (const Vector<Vector2> *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_new(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, PackedVector2Array); } void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_destroy(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self) { - ((Vector<Vector2> *)p_self)->~Vector(); + ((PackedVector2Array *)p_self)->~PackedVector2Array(); } // vector2i -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_new(godot_packed_vector2i_array *r_dest) { - Vector<Vector2i> *dest = (Vector<Vector2i> *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Vector2i>); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_new_copy(godot_packed_vector2i_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_src) { - Vector<Vector2i> *dest = (Vector<Vector2i> *)r_dest; - const Vector<Vector2i> *src = (const Vector<Vector2i> *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Vector2i>(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_vector2i_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a) { - Vector<Vector2i> *dest = (Vector<Vector2i> *)r_dest; - Array *a = (Array *)p_a; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Vector2i>); - - dest->resize(a->size()); - for (int i = 0; i < a->size(); i++) { - dest->set(i, (*a)[i]); - } -} - -const godot_vector2i GDAPI *godot_packed_vector2i_array_ptr(const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Vector2i> *self = (const Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - return (const godot_vector2i *)self->ptr(); -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI *godot_packed_vector2i_array_ptrw(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - return (godot_vector2i *)self->ptrw(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_append(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_data) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - Vector2i &s = *(Vector2i *)p_data; - self->push_back(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_append_array(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_array) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - Vector<Vector2i> *array = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_array; - self->append_array(*array); -} - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_insert(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector2i *p_data) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - Vector2i &s = *(Vector2i *)p_data; - return (godot_error)self->insert(p_idx, s); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_has(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_value) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - Vector2i &v = *(Vector2i *)p_value; - return (godot_bool)self->has(v); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_sort(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_invert(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_push_back(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_data) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - Vector2i &s = *(Vector2i *)p_data; - self->push_back(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_remove(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_resize(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_set(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector2i *p_data) { - Vector<Vector2i> *self = (Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - Vector2i &s = *(Vector2i *)p_data; - self->set(p_idx, s); -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_get(const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Vector<Vector2i> *self = (const Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - godot_vector2i v; - Vector2i *s = (Vector2i *)&v; - *s = self->get(p_idx); - return v; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_size(const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Vector2i> *self = (const Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Vector2i> *self = (const Vector<Vector2i> *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_new(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Vector<Vector2i>); } void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_destroy(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self) { @@ -914,226 +135,32 @@ void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_destroy(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_se // vector3 -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_new(godot_packed_vector3_array *r_dest) { - Vector<Vector3> *dest = (Vector<Vector3> *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Vector3>); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_new_copy(godot_packed_vector3_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_src) { - Vector<Vector3> *dest = (Vector<Vector3> *)r_dest; - const Vector<Vector3> *src = (const Vector<Vector3> *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Vector3>(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_vector3_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a) { - Vector<Vector3> *dest = (Vector<Vector3> *)r_dest; - Array *a = (Array *)p_a; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Vector3>); - - dest->resize(a->size()); - for (int i = 0; i < a->size(); i++) { - dest->set(i, (*a)[i]); - } -} - -const godot_vector3 GDAPI *godot_packed_vector3_array_ptr(const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Vector3> *self = (const Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - return (const godot_vector3 *)self->ptr(); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI *godot_packed_vector3_array_ptrw(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - return (godot_vector3 *)self->ptrw(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_append(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_data) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - Vector3 &s = *(Vector3 *)p_data; - self->push_back(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_append_array(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_array) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - Vector<Vector3> *array = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_array; - self->append_array(*array); -} - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_insert(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector3 *p_data) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - Vector3 &s = *(Vector3 *)p_data; - return (godot_error)self->insert(p_idx, s); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_has(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_value) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - Vector3 &v = *(Vector3 *)p_value; - return (godot_bool)self->has(v); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_sort(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_invert(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_push_back(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_data) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - Vector3 &s = *(Vector3 *)p_data; - self->push_back(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_remove(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_resize(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_set(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector3 *p_data) { - Vector<Vector3> *self = (Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - Vector3 &s = *(Vector3 *)p_data; - self->set(p_idx, s); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_get(const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Vector<Vector3> *self = (const Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - godot_vector3 v; - Vector3 *s = (Vector3 *)&v; - *s = self->get(p_idx); - return v; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_size(const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Vector3> *self = (const Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Vector3> *self = (const Vector<Vector3> *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_new(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, PackedVector3Array); } void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_destroy(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self) { - ((Vector<Vector3> *)p_self)->~Vector(); + ((PackedVector3Array *)p_self)->~PackedVector3Array(); } -// color - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_new(godot_packed_color_array *r_dest) { - Vector<Color> *dest = (Vector<Color> *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Color>); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_new_copy(godot_packed_color_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_color_array *p_src) { - Vector<Color> *dest = (Vector<Color> *)r_dest; - const Vector<Color> *src = (const Vector<Color> *)p_src; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Color>(*src)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_color_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a) { - Vector<Color> *dest = (Vector<Color> *)r_dest; - Array *a = (Array *)p_a; - memnew_placement(dest, Vector<Color>); +// vector3i - dest->resize(a->size()); - for (int i = 0; i < a->size(); i++) { - dest->set(i, (*a)[i]); - } +void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3i_array_new(godot_packed_vector3i_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Vector<Vector3i>); } -const godot_color GDAPI *godot_packed_color_array_ptr(const godot_packed_color_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Color> *self = (const Vector<Color> *)p_self; - return (const godot_color *)self->ptr(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3i_array_destroy(godot_packed_vector3i_array *p_self) { + ((Vector<Vector3i> *)p_self)->~Vector(); } -godot_color GDAPI *godot_packed_color_array_ptrw(godot_packed_color_array *p_self) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - return (godot_color *)self->ptrw(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_append(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_color *p_data) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - Color &s = *(Color *)p_data; - self->push_back(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_append_array(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_packed_color_array *p_array) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - Vector<Color> *array = (Vector<Color> *)p_array; - self->append_array(*array); -} - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_insert(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_color *p_data) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - Color &s = *(Color *)p_data; - return (godot_error)self->insert(p_idx, s); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_has(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_color *p_value) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - Color &c = *(Color *)p_value; - return (godot_bool)self->has(c); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_sort(godot_packed_color_array *p_self) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - self->sort(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_invert(godot_packed_color_array *p_self) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - self->invert(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_push_back(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_color *p_data) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - Color &s = *(Color *)p_data; - self->push_back(s); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_remove(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - self->remove(p_idx); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_resize(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - self->resize(p_size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_set(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_color *p_data) { - Vector<Color> *self = (Vector<Color> *)p_self; - Color &s = *(Color *)p_data; - self->set(p_idx, s); -} - -godot_color GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_get(const godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const Vector<Color> *self = (const Vector<Color> *)p_self; - godot_color v; - Color *s = (Color *)&v; - *s = self->get(p_idx); - return v; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_size(const godot_packed_color_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Color> *self = (const Vector<Color> *)p_self; - return self->size(); -} +// color -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_color_array *p_self) { - const Vector<Color> *self = (const Vector<Color> *)p_self; - return self->is_empty(); +void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_new(godot_packed_color_array *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, PackedColorArray); } void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_destroy(godot_packed_color_array *p_self) { - ((Vector<Color> *)p_self)->~Vector(); + ((PackedColorArray *)p_self)->~PackedColorArray(); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/plane.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/plane.cpp index 32a90d08fa..61d5e09fad 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/plane.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/plane.cpp @@ -31,139 +31,15 @@ #include "gdnative/plane.h" #include "core/math/plane.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_plane) == sizeof(Plane), "Plane size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_plane) == sizeof(Plane), "Plane size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_plane_new_with_reals(godot_plane *r_dest, const godot_real p_a, const godot_real p_b, const godot_real p_c, const godot_real p_d) { - Plane *dest = (Plane *)r_dest; - *dest = Plane(p_a, p_b, p_c, p_d); -} - -void GDAPI godot_plane_new_with_vectors(godot_plane *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_v1, const godot_vector3 *p_v2, const godot_vector3 *p_v3) { - const Vector3 *v1 = (const Vector3 *)p_v1; - const Vector3 *v2 = (const Vector3 *)p_v2; - const Vector3 *v3 = (const Vector3 *)p_v3; - Plane *dest = (Plane *)r_dest; - *dest = Plane(*v1, *v2, *v3); -} - -void GDAPI godot_plane_new_with_normal(godot_plane *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_normal, const godot_real p_d) { - const Vector3 *normal = (const Vector3 *)p_normal; - Plane *dest = (Plane *)r_dest; - *dest = Plane(*normal, p_d); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_plane_as_string(const godot_plane *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_plane GDAPI godot_plane_normalized(const godot_plane *p_self) { - godot_plane dest; - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - *((Plane *)&dest) = self->normalized(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_plane_center(const godot_plane *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->center(); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_is_point_over(const godot_plane *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_point) { - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - const Vector3 *point = (const Vector3 *)p_point; - return self->is_point_over(*point); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_plane_distance_to(const godot_plane *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_point) { - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - const Vector3 *point = (const Vector3 *)p_point; - return self->distance_to(*point); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_has_point(const godot_plane *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_point, const godot_real p_epsilon) { - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - const Vector3 *point = (const Vector3 *)p_point; - return self->has_point(*point, p_epsilon); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_plane_project(const godot_plane *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_point) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - const Vector3 *point = (const Vector3 *)p_point; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->project(*point); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_intersect_3(const godot_plane *p_self, godot_vector3 *r_dest, const godot_plane *p_b, const godot_plane *p_c) { - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - const Plane *b = (const Plane *)p_b; - const Plane *c = (const Plane *)p_c; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)r_dest; - return self->intersect_3(*b, *c, dest); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_intersects_ray(const godot_plane *p_self, godot_vector3 *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_from, const godot_vector3 *p_dir) { - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - const Vector3 *from = (const Vector3 *)p_from; - const Vector3 *dir = (const Vector3 *)p_dir; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)r_dest; - return self->intersects_ray(*from, *dir, dest); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_intersects_segment(const godot_plane *p_self, godot_vector3 *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_begin, const godot_vector3 *p_end) { - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - const Vector3 *begin = (const Vector3 *)p_begin; - const Vector3 *end = (const Vector3 *)p_end; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)r_dest; - return self->intersects_segment(*begin, *end, dest); -} - -godot_plane GDAPI godot_plane_operator_neg(const godot_plane *p_self) { - godot_plane raw_dest; - Plane *dest = (Plane *)&raw_dest; - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - *dest = -(*self); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_operator_equal(const godot_plane *p_self, const godot_plane *p_b) { - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - const Plane *b = (const Plane *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -void GDAPI godot_plane_set_normal(godot_plane *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_normal) { - Plane *self = (Plane *)p_self; - const Vector3 *normal = (const Vector3 *)p_normal; - self->set_normal(*normal); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_plane_get_normal(const godot_plane *p_self) { - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - const Vector3 normal = self->get_normal(); - godot_vector3 *v3 = (godot_vector3 *)&normal; - return *v3; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_plane_get_d(const godot_plane *p_self) { - const Plane *self = (const Plane *)p_self; - return self->d; -} - -void GDAPI godot_plane_set_d(godot_plane *p_self, const godot_real p_d) { - Plane *self = (Plane *)p_self; - self->d = p_d; +void GDAPI godot_plane_new(godot_plane *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Plane); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/quat.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/quat.cpp index 29edad6636..87f1d7d8e5 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/quat.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/quat.cpp @@ -31,205 +31,15 @@ #include "gdnative/quat.h" #include "core/math/quat.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_quat) == sizeof(Quat), "Quat size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_quat) == sizeof(Quat), "Quat size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_quat_new(godot_quat *r_dest, const godot_real p_x, const godot_real p_y, const godot_real p_z, const godot_real p_w) { - Quat *dest = (Quat *)r_dest; - *dest = Quat(p_x, p_y, p_z, p_w); -} - -void GDAPI godot_quat_new_with_axis_angle(godot_quat *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_angle) { - const Vector3 *axis = (const Vector3 *)p_axis; - Quat *dest = (Quat *)r_dest; - *dest = Quat(*axis, p_angle); -} - -void GDAPI godot_quat_new_with_basis(godot_quat *r_dest, const godot_basis *p_basis) { - const Basis *basis = (const Basis *)p_basis; - Quat *dest = (Quat *)r_dest; - *dest = Quat(*basis); -} - -void GDAPI godot_quat_new_with_euler(godot_quat *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_euler) { - const Vector3 *euler = (const Vector3 *)p_euler; - Quat *dest = (Quat *)r_dest; - *dest = Quat(*euler); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_get_x(const godot_quat *p_self) { - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - return self->x; -} - -void GDAPI godot_quat_set_x(godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real val) { - Quat *self = (Quat *)p_self; - self->x = val; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_get_y(const godot_quat *p_self) { - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - return self->y; -} - -void GDAPI godot_quat_set_y(godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real val) { - Quat *self = (Quat *)p_self; - self->y = val; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_get_z(const godot_quat *p_self) { - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - return self->z; -} - -void GDAPI godot_quat_set_z(godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real val) { - Quat *self = (Quat *)p_self; - self->z = val; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_get_w(const godot_quat *p_self) { - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - return self->w; -} - -void GDAPI godot_quat_set_w(godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real val) { - Quat *self = (Quat *)p_self; - self->w = val; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_quat_as_string(const godot_quat *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_length(const godot_quat *p_self) { - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - return self->length(); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_length_squared(const godot_quat *p_self) { - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - return self->length_squared(); -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_normalized(const godot_quat *p_self) { - godot_quat dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - *((Quat *)&dest) = self->normalized(); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_quat_is_normalized(const godot_quat *p_self) { - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - return self->is_normalized(); -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_inverse(const godot_quat *p_self) { - godot_quat dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - *((Quat *)&dest) = self->inverse(); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_dot(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b) { - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - const Quat *b = (const Quat *)p_b; - return self->dot(*b); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_quat_xform(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - const Vector3 *v = (const Vector3 *)p_v; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->xform(*v); - return dest; -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_slerp(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b, const godot_real p_t) { - godot_quat dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - const Quat *b = (const Quat *)p_b; - *((Quat *)&dest) = self->slerp(*b, p_t); - return dest; -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_slerpni(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b, const godot_real p_t) { - godot_quat dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - const Quat *b = (const Quat *)p_b; - *((Quat *)&dest) = self->slerpni(*b, p_t); - return dest; -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_cubic_slerp(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b, const godot_quat *p_pre_a, const godot_quat *p_post_b, const godot_real p_t) { - godot_quat dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - const Quat *b = (const Quat *)p_b; - const Quat *pre_a = (const Quat *)p_pre_a; - const Quat *post_b = (const Quat *)p_post_b; - *((Quat *)&dest) = self->cubic_slerp(*b, *pre_a, *post_b, p_t); - return dest; -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_operator_multiply(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real p_b) { - godot_quat raw_dest; - Quat *dest = (Quat *)&raw_dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - *dest = *self * p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_operator_add(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b) { - godot_quat raw_dest; - Quat *dest = (Quat *)&raw_dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - const Quat *b = (const Quat *)p_b; - *dest = *self + *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_operator_subtract(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b) { - godot_quat raw_dest; - Quat *dest = (Quat *)&raw_dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - const Quat *b = (const Quat *)p_b; - *dest = *self - *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_operator_divide(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real p_b) { - godot_quat raw_dest; - Quat *dest = (Quat *)&raw_dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - *dest = *self / p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_quat_operator_equal(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b) { - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - const Quat *b = (const Quat *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_operator_neg(const godot_quat *p_self) { - godot_quat raw_dest; - Quat *dest = (Quat *)&raw_dest; - const Quat *self = (const Quat *)p_self; - *dest = -(*self); - return raw_dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_quat_set_axis_angle(godot_quat *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_angle) { - Quat *self = (Quat *)p_self; - const Vector3 *axis = (const Vector3 *)p_axis; - self->set_axis_angle(*axis, p_angle); +void GDAPI godot_quat_new(godot_quat *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Quat); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/rect2.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/rect2.cpp index 40e8e64ca1..086592ec22 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/rect2.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/rect2.cpp @@ -30,300 +30,21 @@ #include "gdnative/rect2.h" -#include "core/math/transform_2d.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif +#include "core/math/rect2.h" static_assert(sizeof(godot_rect2) == sizeof(Rect2), "Rect2 size mismatch"); static_assert(sizeof(godot_rect2i) == sizeof(Rect2i), "Rect2i size mismatch"); -// Rect2 - -void GDAPI godot_rect2_new_with_position_and_size(godot_rect2 *r_dest, const godot_vector2 *p_pos, const godot_vector2 *p_size) { - const Vector2 *position = (const Vector2 *)p_pos; - const Vector2 *size = (const Vector2 *)p_size; - Rect2 *dest = (Rect2 *)r_dest; - *dest = Rect2(*position, *size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_rect2_new(godot_rect2 *r_dest, const godot_real p_x, const godot_real p_y, const godot_real p_width, const godot_real p_height) { - Rect2 *dest = (Rect2 *)r_dest; - *dest = Rect2(p_x, p_y, p_width, p_height); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_rect2_as_string(const godot_rect2 *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2_as_rect2i(const godot_rect2 *p_self) { - godot_rect2i dest; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - *((Rect2i *)&dest) = Rect2i(*self); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_rect2_get_area(const godot_rect2 *p_self) { - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - return self->get_area(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2_intersects(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_b) { - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - const Rect2 *b = (const Rect2 *)p_b; - return self->intersects(*b); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2_encloses(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_b) { - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - const Rect2 *b = (const Rect2 *)p_b; - return self->encloses(*b); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2_has_no_area(const godot_rect2 *p_self) { - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - return self->has_no_area(); -} - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_intersection(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_b) { - godot_rect2 dest; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - const Rect2 *b = (const Rect2 *)p_b; - *((Rect2 *)&dest) = self->intersection(*b); - return dest; -} - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_merge(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_b) { - godot_rect2 dest; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - const Rect2 *b = (const Rect2 *)p_b; - *((Rect2 *)&dest) = self->merge(*b); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2_has_point(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_point) { - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *point = (const Vector2 *)p_point; - return self->has_point(*point); -} - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_grow(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_real p_by) { - godot_rect2 dest; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - - *((Rect2 *)&dest) = self->grow(p_by); - return dest; -} - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_grow_individual(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_real p_left, const godot_real p_top, const godot_real p_right, const godot_real p_bottom) { - godot_rect2 dest; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - *((Rect2 *)&dest) = self->grow_individual(p_left, p_top, p_right, p_bottom); - return dest; -} - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_grow_side(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_int p_side, const godot_real p_by) { - godot_rect2 dest; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - *((Rect2 *)&dest) = self->grow_side((Side)p_side, p_by); - return dest; -} - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_abs(const godot_rect2 *p_self) { - godot_rect2 dest; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - *((Rect2 *)&dest) = self->abs(); - return dest; -} - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_expand(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to) { - godot_rect2 dest; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *to = (const Vector2 *)p_to; - *((Rect2 *)&dest) = self->expand(*to); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2_operator_equal(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_b) { - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - const Rect2 *b = (const Rect2 *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_rect2_get_position(const godot_rect2 *p_self) { - godot_vector2 dest; - Vector2 *d = (Vector2 *)&dest; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - *d = self->get_position(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_rect2_get_size(const godot_rect2 *p_self) { - godot_vector2 dest; - Vector2 *d = (Vector2 *)&dest; - const Rect2 *self = (const Rect2 *)p_self; - *d = self->get_size(); - return dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_rect2_set_position(godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_pos) { - Rect2 *self = (Rect2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *position = (const Vector2 *)p_pos; - self->set_position(*position); -} - -void GDAPI godot_rect2_set_size(godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_size) { - Rect2 *self = (Rect2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *size = (const Vector2 *)p_size; - self->set_size(*size); -} - -// Rect2i - -void GDAPI godot_rect2i_new_with_position_and_size(godot_rect2i *r_dest, const godot_vector2i *p_pos, const godot_vector2i *p_size) { - const Vector2i *position = (const Vector2i *)p_pos; - const Vector2i *size = (const Vector2i *)p_size; - Rect2i *dest = (Rect2i *)r_dest; - *dest = Rect2i(*position, *size); -} - -void GDAPI godot_rect2i_new(godot_rect2i *r_dest, const godot_int p_x, const godot_int p_y, const godot_int p_width, const godot_int p_height) { - Rect2i *dest = (Rect2i *)r_dest; - *dest = Rect2i(p_x, p_y, p_width, p_height); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_rect2i_as_string(const godot_rect2i *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2i_as_rect2(const godot_rect2i *p_self) { - godot_rect2 dest; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - *((Rect2 *)&dest) = Rect2(*self); - return dest; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_rect2i_get_area(const godot_rect2i *p_self) { - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - return self->get_area(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2i_intersects(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_rect2i *p_b) { - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - const Rect2i *b = (const Rect2i *)p_b; - return self->intersects(*b); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2i_encloses(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_rect2i *p_b) { - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - const Rect2i *b = (const Rect2i *)p_b; - return self->encloses(*b); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2i_has_no_area(const godot_rect2i *p_self) { - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - return self->has_no_area(); -} - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_intersection(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_rect2i *p_b) { - godot_rect2i dest; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - const Rect2i *b = (const Rect2i *)p_b; - *((Rect2i *)&dest) = self->intersection(*b); - return dest; -} - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_merge(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_rect2i *p_b) { - godot_rect2i dest; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - const Rect2i *b = (const Rect2i *)p_b; - *((Rect2i *)&dest) = self->merge(*b); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2i_has_point(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_point) { - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - const Vector2i *point = (const Vector2i *)p_point; - return self->has_point(*point); -} - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_grow(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_int p_by) { - godot_rect2i dest; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - - *((Rect2i *)&dest) = self->grow(p_by); - return dest; -} - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_grow_individual(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_int p_left, const godot_int p_top, const godot_int p_right, const godot_int p_bottom) { - godot_rect2i dest; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - *((Rect2i *)&dest) = self->grow_individual(p_left, p_top, p_right, p_bottom); - return dest; -} - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_grow_side(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_int p_side, const godot_int p_by) { - godot_rect2i dest; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - *((Rect2i *)&dest) = self->grow_side((Side)p_side, p_by); - return dest; -} - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_abs(const godot_rect2i *p_self) { - godot_rect2i dest; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - *((Rect2i *)&dest) = self->abs(); - return dest; -} - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_expand(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_to) { - godot_rect2i dest; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - const Vector2i *to = (const Vector2i *)p_to; - *((Rect2i *)&dest) = self->expand(*to); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2i_operator_equal(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_rect2i *p_b) { - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - const Rect2i *b = (const Rect2i *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_get_position(const godot_rect2i *p_self) { - godot_vector2i dest; - Vector2i *d = (Vector2i *)&dest; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - *d = self->get_position(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_get_size(const godot_rect2i *p_self) { - godot_vector2i dest; - Vector2i *d = (Vector2i *)&dest; - const Rect2i *self = (const Rect2i *)p_self; - *d = self->get_size(); - return dest; -} +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif -void GDAPI godot_rect2i_set_position(godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_pos) { - Rect2i *self = (Rect2i *)p_self; - const Vector2i *position = (const Vector2i *)p_pos; - self->set_position(*position); +void GDAPI godot_rect2_new(godot_rect2 *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Rect2); } -void GDAPI godot_rect2i_set_size(godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_size) { - Rect2i *self = (Rect2i *)p_self; - const Vector2i *size = (const Vector2i *)p_size; - self->set_size(*size); +void GDAPI godot_rect2i_new(godot_rect2i *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Rect2i); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/rid.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/rid.cpp index 33685ef51f..5cab9a21ed 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/rid.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/rid.cpp @@ -30,45 +30,17 @@ #include "gdnative/rid.h" -#include "core/io/resource.h" +#include "core/os/memory.h" #include "core/templates/rid.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_rid) == sizeof(RID), "RID size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_rid) == sizeof(RID), "RID size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_rid_new(godot_rid *r_dest) { - RID *dest = (RID *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, RID); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_rid_get_id(const godot_rid *p_self) { - const RID *self = (const RID *)p_self; - return self->get_id(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_rid_new_with_resource(godot_rid *r_dest, const godot_object *p_from) { - const Resource *res_from = Object::cast_to<Resource>((Object *)p_from); - godot_rid_new(r_dest); - if (res_from) { - RID *dest = (RID *)r_dest; - *dest = RID(res_from->get_rid()); - } -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rid_operator_equal(const godot_rid *p_self, const godot_rid *p_b) { - const RID *self = (const RID *)p_self; - const RID *b = (const RID *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rid_operator_less(const godot_rid *p_self, const godot_rid *p_b) { - const RID *self = (const RID *)p_self; - const RID *b = (const RID *)p_b; - return *self < *b; +void GDAPI godot_rid_new(godot_rid *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, RID); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/signal.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/signal.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bcb4c93b62 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/signal.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* signal.cpp */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#include "gdnative/signal.h" + +#include "core/variant/callable.h" +#include "core/variant/variant.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_signal) == sizeof(Signal), "Signal size mismatch"); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +void GDAPI godot_signal_new(godot_signal *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Signal); +} + +void GDAPI godot_signal_destroy(godot_signal *p_self) { + Signal *self = (Signal *)p_self; + self->~Signal(); +} + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/string.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/string.cpp index 734bbe0d16..19d95f2048 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/string.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/string.cpp @@ -30,57 +30,15 @@ #include "gdnative/string.h" -#include "core/string/string_name.h" #include "core/string/ustring.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" -#include <string.h> +static_assert(sizeof(godot_string) == sizeof(String), "String size mismatch"); +static_assert(sizeof(godot_char_type) == sizeof(char32_t), "char32_t size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_char16_string) == sizeof(Char16String), "Char16String size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_char_string) == sizeof(CharString), "CharString size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_string) == sizeof(String), "String size mismatch"); -static_assert(sizeof(godot_char_type) == sizeof(char32_t), "char32_t size mismatch"); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_char_string_length(const godot_char_string *p_cs) { - const CharString *cs = (const CharString *)p_cs; - - return cs->length(); -} - -const char GDAPI *godot_char_string_get_data(const godot_char_string *p_cs) { - const CharString *cs = (const CharString *)p_cs; - - return cs->get_data(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_char_string_destroy(godot_char_string *p_cs) { - CharString *cs = (CharString *)p_cs; - - cs->~CharString(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_char16_string_length(const godot_char16_string *p_cs) { - const Char16String *cs = (const Char16String *)p_cs; - - return cs->length(); -} - -const char16_t GDAPI *godot_char16_string_get_data(const godot_char16_string *p_cs) { - const Char16String *cs = (const Char16String *)p_cs; - - return cs->get_data(); -} - -void GDAPI godot_char16_string_destroy(godot_char16_string *p_cs) { - Char16String *cs = (Char16String *)p_cs; - - cs->~Char16String(); -} - void GDAPI godot_string_new(godot_string *r_dest) { String *dest = (String *)r_dest; memnew_placement(dest, String); @@ -167,1206 +125,11 @@ void GDAPI godot_string_new_with_wide_chars_and_len(godot_string *r_dest, const } } -const godot_char_type GDAPI *godot_string_operator_index(godot_string *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - String *self = (String *)p_self; - return &(self->operator[](p_idx)); -} - -godot_char_type GDAPI godot_string_operator_index_const(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_int p_idx) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - return self->operator[](p_idx); -} - -const godot_char_type GDAPI *godot_string_get_data(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - return self->get_data(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_operator_equal(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_b) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *b = (const String *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_operator_less(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_b) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *b = (const String *)p_b; - return *self < *b; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_operator_plus(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_b) { - godot_string ret; - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *b = (const String *)p_b; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self + *b)); - return ret; -} - void GDAPI godot_string_destroy(godot_string *p_self) { String *self = (String *)p_self; self->~String(); } -/* Standard size stuff */ - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_length(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->length(); -} - -/* Helpers */ - -signed char GDAPI godot_string_casecmp_to(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_str) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *str = (const String *)p_str; - - return self->casecmp_to(*str); -} - -signed char GDAPI godot_string_nocasecmp_to(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_str) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *str = (const String *)p_str; - - return self->nocasecmp_to(*str); -} - -signed char GDAPI godot_string_naturalnocasecmp_to(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_str) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *str = (const String *)p_str; - - return self->naturalnocasecmp_to(*str); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_begins_with(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_string) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *string = (const String *)p_string; - - return self->begins_with(*string); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_begins_with_char_array(const godot_string *p_self, const char *p_char_array) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->begins_with(p_char_array); -} - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_bigrams(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_packed_string_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<String>(self->bigrams())); - return ret; -}; - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_chr(godot_char_type p_character) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::chr(p_character))); - - return result; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_ends_with(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_string) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *string = (const String *)p_string; - - return self->ends_with(*string); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_ends_with_char_array(const godot_string *p_self, const char *p_char_array) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->ends_with(p_char_array); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_count(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from, godot_int p_to) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *what = (const String *)p_what; - - return self->count(*what, p_from, p_to); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_countn(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from, godot_int p_to) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *what = (const String *)p_what; - - return self->countn(*what, p_from, p_to); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_find(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *what = (const String *)p_what; - - return self->find(*what); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_find_from(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *what = (const String *)p_what; - - return self->find(*what, p_from); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_findmk(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_keys) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Vector<String> *keys = (const Vector<String> *)p_keys; - return self->findmk(*keys); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_findmk_from(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_keys, godot_int p_from) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Vector<String> *keys = (const Vector<String> *)p_keys; - return self->findmk(*keys, p_from); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_findmk_from_in_place(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_keys, godot_int p_from, godot_int *r_key) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Vector<String> *keys = (const Vector<String> *)p_keys; - int key; - int ret = self->findmk(*keys, p_from, &key); - if (r_key) { - *r_key = key; - } - return ret; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_findn(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *what = (const String *)p_what; - - return self->findn(*what); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_findn_from(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *what = (const String *)p_what; - - return self->findn(*what, p_from); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_format(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_variant *p_values) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Variant *values = (const Variant *)p_values; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->format(*values))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_format_with_custom_placeholder(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_variant *p_values, const char *p_placeholder) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Variant *values = (const Variant *)p_values; - String placeholder = String(p_placeholder); - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->format(*values, placeholder))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_hex_encode_buffer(const uint8_t *p_buffer, godot_int p_len) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::hex_encode_buffer(p_buffer, p_len))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_insert(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_at_pos, const godot_string *p_string) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *content = (const String *)p_string; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->insert(p_at_pos, *content))); - - return result; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_numeric(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_numeric(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_subsequence_of(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_string) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *string = (const String *)p_string; - - return self->is_subsequence_of(*string); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_subsequence_ofi(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_string) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *string = (const String *)p_string; - - return self->is_subsequence_ofi(*string); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_lpad(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_min_length) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->lpad(p_min_length))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_lpad_with_custom_character(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_min_length, const godot_string *p_character) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *character = (const String *)p_character; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->lpad(p_min_length, *character))); - - return result; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_match(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_wildcard) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *wildcard = (const String *)p_wildcard; - - return self->match(*wildcard); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_matchn(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_wildcard) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *wildcard = (const String *)p_wildcard; - - return self->matchn(*wildcard); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_md5(const uint8_t *p_md5) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::md5(p_md5))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num(double p_num) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::num(p_num))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num_int64(int64_t p_num, godot_int p_base) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::num_int64(p_num, p_base))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num_int64_capitalized(int64_t p_num, godot_int p_base, godot_bool p_capitalize_hex) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::num_int64(p_num, p_base, true))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num_real(double p_num) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::num_real(p_num))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num_scientific(double p_num) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::num_scientific(p_num))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num_with_decimals(double p_num, godot_int p_decimals) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::num(p_num, p_decimals))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_pad_decimals(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_digits) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->pad_decimals(p_digits))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_pad_zeros(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_digits) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->pad_zeros(p_digits))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_replace(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_key, const godot_string *p_with) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *key = (const String *)p_key; - const String *with = (const String *)p_with; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->replace(*key, *with))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_replacen(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_key, const godot_string *p_with) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *key = (const String *)p_key; - const String *with = (const String *)p_with; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->replacen(*key, *with))); - - return result; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_rfind(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *what = (const String *)p_what; - - return self->rfind(*what); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_rfindn(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *what = (const String *)p_what; - - return self->rfindn(*what); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_rfind_from(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *what = (const String *)p_what; - - return self->rfind(*what, p_from); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_rfindn_from(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *what = (const String *)p_what; - - return self->rfindn(*what, p_from); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_replace_first(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_key, const godot_string *p_with) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *key = (const String *)p_key; - const String *with = (const String *)p_with; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->replace_first(*key, *with))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_rpad(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_min_length) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->rpad(p_min_length))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_rpad_with_custom_character(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_min_length, const godot_string *p_character) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *character = (const String *)p_character; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->rpad(p_min_length, *character))); - - return result; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_string_similarity(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_string) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *string = (const String *)p_string; - - return self->similarity(*string); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_sprintf(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_array *p_values, godot_bool *p_error) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Array *values = (const Array *)p_values; - - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->sprintf(*values, p_error); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_substr(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_from, godot_int p_chars) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->substr(p_from, p_chars))); - - return result; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_to_int(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->to_int(); -} - -double GDAPI godot_string_to_float(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->to_float(); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_capitalize(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->capitalize())); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_camelcase_to_underscore(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->camelcase_to_underscore(false))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_camelcase_to_underscore_lowercased(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->camelcase_to_underscore())); - - return result; -} - -double GDAPI godot_string_char_to_float(const char *p_what) { - return String::to_float(p_what); -} - -double GDAPI godot_string_wchar_to_float(const wchar_t *p_str, const wchar_t **r_end) { - return String::to_float(p_str, r_end); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_char_to_int(const char *p_what) { - return String::to_int(p_what); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_wchar_to_int(const wchar_t *p_str) { - return String::to_int(p_str); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_char_to_int_with_len(const char *p_what, godot_int p_len) { - return String::to_int(p_what, p_len); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_wchar_to_int_with_len(const wchar_t *p_str, int p_len) { - return String::to_int(p_str, p_len); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_hex_to_int(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->hex_to_int(false); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_hex_to_int_with_prefix(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->hex_to_int(); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_slice(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter, godot_int p_slice) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->get_slice(*splitter, p_slice))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_slicec(const godot_string *p_self, godot_char_type p_splitter, godot_int p_slice) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->get_slicec(p_splitter, p_slice))); - - return result; -} - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_split(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - godot_packed_string_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<String>(self->split(*splitter, false))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_split_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - godot_packed_string_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<String>(self->split(*splitter, true))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_split_with_maxsplit(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter, const godot_bool p_allow_empty, const godot_int p_maxsplit) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - godot_packed_string_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<String>(self->split(*splitter, p_allow_empty, p_maxsplit))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_rsplit(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - - godot_packed_string_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<String>(self->rsplit(*splitter, false))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_rsplit_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - - godot_packed_string_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<String>(self->rsplit(*splitter, true))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_rsplit_with_maxsplit(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter, const godot_bool p_allow_empty, const godot_int p_maxsplit) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - - godot_packed_string_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<String>(self->rsplit(*splitter, p_allow_empty, p_maxsplit))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_float32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_floats(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - - godot_packed_float32_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<float>(self->split_floats(*splitter, false))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_float32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_floats_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - - godot_packed_float32_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<float>(self->split_floats(*splitter, true))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_float32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_floats_mk(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_splitters) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Vector<String> *splitters = (const Vector<String> *)p_splitters; - - godot_packed_float32_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<float>(self->split_floats_mk(*splitters, false))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_float32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_floats_mk_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_splitters) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Vector<String> *splitters = (const Vector<String> *)p_splitters; - - godot_packed_float32_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<float>(self->split_floats_mk(*splitters, true))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_int32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_ints(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - - godot_packed_int32_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<int>(self->split_ints(*splitter, false))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_int32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_ints_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - - godot_packed_int32_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<int>(self->split_ints(*splitter, true))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_int32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_ints_mk(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_splitters) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Vector<String> *splitters = (const Vector<String> *)p_splitters; - - godot_packed_int32_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<int>(self->split_ints_mk(*splitters, false))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_int32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_ints_mk_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_splitters) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Vector<String> *splitters = (const Vector<String> *)p_splitters; - - godot_packed_int32_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<int>(self->split_ints_mk(*splitters, true))); - return ret; -} - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_split_spaces(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - godot_packed_string_array ret; - memnew_placement(&ret, Vector<String>(self->split_spaces())); - return ret; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_get_slice_count(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *splitter = (const String *)p_splitter; - - return self->get_slice_count(*splitter); -} - -godot_char_type GDAPI godot_string_char_lowercase(godot_char_type p_char) { - return String::char_lowercase(p_char); -} - -godot_char_type GDAPI godot_string_char_uppercase(godot_char_type p_char) { - return String::char_uppercase(p_char); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_to_lower(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->to_lower())); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_to_upper(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->to_upper())); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_basename(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->get_basename())); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_extension(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->get_extension())); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_left(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_pos) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->left(p_pos))); - - return result; -} - -godot_char_type GDAPI godot_string_ord_at(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_idx) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->ord_at(p_idx); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_plus_file(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_file) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const String *file = (const String *)p_file; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->plus_file(*file))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_right(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_pos) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->right(p_pos))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_repeat(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_count) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->repeat(p_count))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_strip_edges(const godot_string *p_self, godot_bool p_left, godot_bool p_right) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->strip_edges(p_left, p_right))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_strip_escapes(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->strip_escapes())); - - return result; -} - -void GDAPI godot_string_erase(godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_pos, godot_int p_chars) { - String *self = (String *)p_self; - - return self->erase(p_pos, p_chars); -} - -godot_char_string GDAPI godot_string_ascii(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_char_string result; - - memnew_placement(&result, CharString(self->ascii())); - - return result; -} - -godot_char_string GDAPI godot_string_latin1(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - godot_char_string result; - - memnew_placement(&result, CharString(self->ascii(true))); - - return result; -} - -godot_char_string GDAPI godot_string_utf8(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - godot_char_string result; - - memnew_placement(&result, CharString(self->utf8())); - - return result; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_parse_utf8(godot_string *p_self, const char *p_utf8) { - String *self = (String *)p_self; - - return self->parse_utf8(p_utf8); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_parse_utf8_with_len(godot_string *p_self, const char *p_utf8, godot_int p_len) { - String *self = (String *)p_self; - - return self->parse_utf8(p_utf8, p_len); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_chars_to_utf8(const char *p_utf8) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::utf8(p_utf8))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_chars_to_utf8_with_len(const char *p_utf8, godot_int p_len) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::utf8(p_utf8, p_len))); - - return result; -} - -godot_char16_string GDAPI godot_string_utf16(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - godot_char16_string result; - - memnew_placement(&result, Char16String(self->utf16())); - - return result; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_parse_utf16(godot_string *p_self, const char16_t *p_utf16) { - String *self = (String *)p_self; - - return self->parse_utf16(p_utf16); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_parse_utf16_with_len(godot_string *p_self, const char16_t *p_utf16, godot_int p_len) { - String *self = (String *)p_self; - - return self->parse_utf16(p_utf16, p_len); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_chars_to_utf16(const char16_t *p_utf16) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::utf16(p_utf16))); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_chars_to_utf16_with_len(const char16_t *p_utf16, godot_int p_len) { - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(String::utf16(p_utf16, p_len))); - - return result; -} - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_hash(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->hash(); -} - -uint64_t GDAPI godot_string_hash64(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->hash64(); -} - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_hash_chars(const char *p_cstr) { - return String::hash(p_cstr); -} - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_hash_chars_with_len(const char *p_cstr, godot_int p_len) { - return String::hash(p_cstr, p_len); -} - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_hash_wide_chars(const wchar_t *p_str) { - return String::hash(p_str); -} - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_hash_wide_chars_with_len(const wchar_t *p_str, godot_int p_len) { - return String::hash(p_str, p_len); -} - -godot_packed_byte_array GDAPI godot_string_md5_buffer(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_packed_byte_array result; - memnew_placement(&result, PackedByteArray(self->md5_buffer())); - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_md5_text(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->md5_text())); - - return result; -} - -godot_packed_byte_array GDAPI godot_string_sha1_buffer(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_packed_byte_array result; - memnew_placement(&result, PackedByteArray(self->sha1_buffer())); - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_sha1_text(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->sha1_text())); - - return result; -} - -godot_packed_byte_array GDAPI godot_string_sha256_buffer(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_packed_byte_array result; - memnew_placement(&result, PackedByteArray(self->sha256_buffer())); - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_sha256_text(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - memnew_placement(&result, String(self->sha256_text())); - - return result; -} - -godot_bool godot_string_is_empty(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_empty(); -} - -// path functions -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_base_dir(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->get_base_dir(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_file(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->get_file(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_humanize_size(uint64_t p_size) { - godot_string result; - String return_value = String::humanize_size(p_size); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_abs_path(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_abs_path(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_rel_path(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_rel_path(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_resource_file(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_resource_file(); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_path_to(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_path) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - String *path = (String *)p_path; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->path_to(*path); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_path_to_file(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_path) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - String *path = (String *)p_path; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->path_to_file(*path); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_simplify_path(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->simplify_path(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_c_escape(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->c_escape(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_c_escape_multiline(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->c_escape_multiline(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_c_unescape(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->c_unescape(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_http_escape(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->http_escape(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_http_unescape(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->http_unescape(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_json_escape(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->json_escape(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_xml_escape(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->xml_escape(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_xml_escape_with_quotes(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->xml_escape(true); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_xml_unescape(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->xml_unescape(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_percent_decode(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->percent_decode(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_percent_encode(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->percent_encode(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_join(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_parts) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - const Vector<String> *parts = (const Vector<String> *)p_parts; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->join(*parts); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_filename(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_valid_filename(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_float(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_valid_float(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_hex_number(const godot_string *p_self, godot_bool p_with_prefix) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_valid_hex_number(p_with_prefix); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_html_color(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_valid_html_color(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_identifier(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_valid_identifier(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_integer(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_valid_integer(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_ip_address(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - - return self->is_valid_ip_address(); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_dedent(const godot_string *p_self) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->dedent(); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_trim_prefix(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_prefix) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - String *prefix = (String *)p_prefix; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->trim_prefix(*prefix); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_trim_suffix(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_suffix) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - String *suffix = (String *)p_suffix; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->trim_suffix(*suffix); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_lstrip(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_chars) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - String *chars = (String *)p_chars; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->lstrip(*chars); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_rstrip(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_chars) { - const String *self = (const String *)p_self; - String *chars = (String *)p_chars; - godot_string result; - String return_value = self->rstrip(*chars); - memnew_placement(&result, String(return_value)); - - return result; -} - #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/string_name.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/string_name.cpp index 3d83f744d6..c9d2dd5bc3 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/string_name.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/string_name.cpp @@ -31,54 +31,27 @@ #include "gdnative/string_name.h" #include "core/string/string_name.h" -#include "core/string/ustring.h" -#include <string.h> +static_assert(sizeof(godot_string_name) == sizeof(StringName), "StringName size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_string_name) == sizeof(StringName), "StringName size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_string_name_new(godot_string_name *r_dest, const godot_string *p_name) { +void GDAPI godot_string_name_new(godot_string_name *r_dest) { StringName *dest = (StringName *)r_dest; - const String *name = (const String *)p_name; - memnew_placement(dest, StringName(*name)); + memnew_placement(dest, StringName); } -void GDAPI godot_string_name_new_data(godot_string_name *r_dest, const char *p_name) { +void GDAPI godot_string_name_new_copy(godot_string_name *r_dest, const godot_string_name *p_src) { StringName *dest = (StringName *)r_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, StringName(p_name)); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_name_get_name(const godot_string_name *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const StringName *self = (const StringName *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_name_get_hash(const godot_string_name *p_self) { - const StringName *self = (const StringName *)p_self; - return self->hash(); -} - -const void GDAPI *godot_string_name_get_data_unique_pointer(const godot_string_name *p_self) { - const StringName *self = (const StringName *)p_self; - return self->data_unique_pointer(); + const StringName *src = (const StringName *)p_src; + memnew_placement(dest, StringName(*src)); } -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_name_operator_equal(const godot_string_name *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_other) { - const StringName *self = (const StringName *)p_self; - const StringName *other = (const StringName *)p_other; - return self == other; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_name_operator_less(const godot_string_name *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_other) { - const StringName *self = (const StringName *)p_self; - const StringName *other = (const StringName *)p_other; - return self < other; +void GDAPI godot_string_name_new_with_latin1_chars(godot_string_name *r_dest, const char *p_contents) { + StringName *dest = (StringName *)r_dest; + memnew_placement(dest, StringName(p_contents)); } void GDAPI godot_string_name_destroy(godot_string_name *p_self) { diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/transform.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/transform.cpp index 059e12b401..eae981bd07 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/transform.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/transform.cpp @@ -31,198 +31,15 @@ #include "gdnative/transform.h" #include "core/math/transform.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_transform) == sizeof(Transform), "Transform size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_transform) == sizeof(Transform), "Transform size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_transform_new_with_axis_origin(godot_transform *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_x_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_y_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_z_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_origin) { - const Vector3 *x_axis = (const Vector3 *)p_x_axis; - const Vector3 *y_axis = (const Vector3 *)p_y_axis; - const Vector3 *z_axis = (const Vector3 *)p_z_axis; - const Vector3 *origin = (const Vector3 *)p_origin; - Transform *dest = (Transform *)r_dest; - dest->basis.set_axis(0, *x_axis); - dest->basis.set_axis(1, *y_axis); - dest->basis.set_axis(2, *z_axis); - dest->origin = *origin; -} - -void GDAPI godot_transform_new(godot_transform *r_dest, const godot_basis *p_basis, const godot_vector3 *p_origin) { - const Basis *basis = (const Basis *)p_basis; - const Vector3 *origin = (const Vector3 *)p_origin; - Transform *dest = (Transform *)r_dest; - *dest = Transform(*basis, *origin); -} - -void GDAPI godot_transform_new_with_quat(godot_transform *r_dest, const godot_quat *p_quat) { - const Quat *quat = (const Quat *)p_quat; - Transform *dest = (Transform *)r_dest; - *dest = Transform(*quat); -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_transform_get_basis(const godot_transform *p_self) { - godot_basis dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - *((Basis *)&dest) = self->basis; - return dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_transform_set_basis(godot_transform *p_self, const godot_basis *p_v) { - Transform *self = (Transform *)p_self; - const Basis *v = (const Basis *)p_v; - self->basis = *v; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_transform_get_origin(const godot_transform *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->origin; - return dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_transform_set_origin(godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v) { - Transform *self = (Transform *)p_self; - const Vector3 *v = (const Vector3 *)p_v; - self->origin = *v; -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_transform_as_string(const godot_transform *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_inverse(const godot_transform *p_self) { - godot_transform dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - *((Transform *)&dest) = self->inverse(); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_affine_inverse(const godot_transform *p_self) { - godot_transform dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - *((Transform *)&dest) = self->affine_inverse(); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_orthonormalized(const godot_transform *p_self) { - godot_transform dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - *((Transform *)&dest) = self->orthonormalized(); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_rotated(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_phi) { - godot_transform dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const Vector3 *axis = (const Vector3 *)p_axis; - *((Transform *)&dest) = self->rotated(*axis, p_phi); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_scaled(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_scale) { - godot_transform dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const Vector3 *scale = (const Vector3 *)p_scale; - *((Transform *)&dest) = self->scaled(*scale); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_translated(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_ofs) { - godot_transform dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const Vector3 *ofs = (const Vector3 *)p_ofs; - *((Transform *)&dest) = self->translated(*ofs); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_looking_at(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_target, const godot_vector3 *p_up) { - godot_transform dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const Vector3 *target = (const Vector3 *)p_target; - const Vector3 *up = (const Vector3 *)p_up; - *((Transform *)&dest) = self->looking_at(*target, *up); - return dest; -} - -godot_plane GDAPI godot_transform_xform_plane(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_plane *p_v) { - godot_plane raw_dest; - Plane *dest = (Plane *)&raw_dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const Plane *v = (const Plane *)p_v; - *dest = self->xform(*v); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_plane GDAPI godot_transform_xform_inv_plane(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_plane *p_v) { - godot_plane raw_dest; - Plane *dest = (Plane *)&raw_dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const Plane *v = (const Plane *)p_v; - *dest = self->xform_inv(*v); - return raw_dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_transform_new_identity(godot_transform *r_dest) { - Transform *dest = (Transform *)r_dest; - *dest = Transform(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_transform_operator_equal(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_transform *p_b) { - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const Transform *b = (const Transform *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_operator_multiply(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_transform *p_b) { - godot_transform raw_dest; - Transform *dest = (Transform *)&raw_dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const Transform *b = (const Transform *)p_b; - *dest = *self * *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_transform_xform_vector3(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v) { - godot_vector3 raw_dest; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)&raw_dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const Vector3 *v = (const Vector3 *)p_v; - *dest = self->xform(*v); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_transform_xform_inv_vector3(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v) { - godot_vector3 raw_dest; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)&raw_dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const Vector3 *v = (const Vector3 *)p_v; - *dest = self->xform_inv(*v); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_transform_xform_aabb(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_v) { - godot_aabb raw_dest; - AABB *dest = (AABB *)&raw_dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const AABB *v = (const AABB *)p_v; - *dest = self->xform(*v); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_transform_xform_inv_aabb(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_v) { - godot_aabb raw_dest; - AABB *dest = (AABB *)&raw_dest; - const Transform *self = (const Transform *)p_self; - const AABB *v = (const AABB *)p_v; - *dest = self->xform_inv(*v); - return raw_dest; +void GDAPI godot_transform_new(godot_transform *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Transform); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/transform2d.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/transform2d.cpp index 878599514d..e2c933f1ea 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/transform2d.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/transform2d.cpp @@ -31,179 +31,15 @@ #include "gdnative/transform2d.h" #include "core/math/transform_2d.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" + +static_assert(sizeof(godot_transform2d) == sizeof(Transform2D), "Transform2D size mismatch"); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif -static_assert(sizeof(godot_transform2d) == sizeof(Transform2D), "Transform2D size mismatch"); - -void GDAPI godot_transform2d_new(godot_transform2d *r_dest, const godot_real p_rot, const godot_vector2 *p_pos) { - const Vector2 *pos = (const Vector2 *)p_pos; - Transform2D *dest = (Transform2D *)r_dest; - *dest = Transform2D(p_rot, *pos); -} - -void GDAPI godot_transform2d_new_axis_origin(godot_transform2d *r_dest, const godot_vector2 *p_x_axis, const godot_vector2 *p_y_axis, const godot_vector2 *p_origin) { - const Vector2 *x_axis = (const Vector2 *)p_x_axis; - const Vector2 *y_axis = (const Vector2 *)p_y_axis; - const Vector2 *origin = (const Vector2 *)p_origin; - Transform2D *dest = (Transform2D *)r_dest; - *dest = Transform2D(x_axis->x, x_axis->y, y_axis->x, y_axis->y, origin->x, origin->y); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_transform2d_as_string(const godot_transform2d *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_inverse(const godot_transform2d *p_self) { - godot_transform2d dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - *((Transform2D *)&dest) = self->inverse(); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_affine_inverse(const godot_transform2d *p_self) { - godot_transform2d dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - *((Transform2D *)&dest) = self->affine_inverse(); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_transform2d_get_rotation(const godot_transform2d *p_self) { - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - return self->get_rotation(); -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_get_origin(const godot_transform2d *p_self) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->get_origin(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_get_scale(const godot_transform2d *p_self) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->get_scale(); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_orthonormalized(const godot_transform2d *p_self) { - godot_transform2d dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - *((Transform2D *)&dest) = self->orthonormalized(); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_rotated(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_real p_phi) { - godot_transform2d dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - - *((Transform2D *)&dest) = self->rotated(p_phi); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_scaled(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_scale) { - godot_transform2d dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Vector2 *scale = (const Vector2 *)p_scale; - *((Transform2D *)&dest) = self->scaled(*scale); - return dest; -} - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_translated(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_offset) { - godot_transform2d dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Vector2 *offset = (const Vector2 *)p_offset; - *((Transform2D *)&dest) = self->translated(*offset); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_xform_vector2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_v) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Vector2 *v = (const Vector2 *)p_v; - *dest = self->xform(*v); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_xform_inv_vector2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_v) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Vector2 *v = (const Vector2 *)p_v; - *dest = self->xform_inv(*v); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_basis_xform_vector2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_v) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Vector2 *v = (const Vector2 *)p_v; - *dest = self->basis_xform(*v); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_basis_xform_inv_vector2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_v) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Vector2 *v = (const Vector2 *)p_v; - *dest = self->basis_xform_inv(*v); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_interpolate_with(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_transform2d *p_m, const godot_real p_c) { - godot_transform2d dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Transform2D *m = (const Transform2D *)p_m; - *((Transform2D *)&dest) = self->interpolate_with(*m, p_c); - return dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_transform2d_operator_equal(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_transform2d *p_b) { - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Transform2D *b = (const Transform2D *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_operator_multiply(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_transform2d *p_b) { - godot_transform2d raw_dest; - Transform2D *dest = (Transform2D *)&raw_dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Transform2D *b = (const Transform2D *)p_b; - *dest = *self * *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_transform2d_new_identity(godot_transform2d *r_dest) { - Transform2D *dest = (Transform2D *)r_dest; - *dest = Transform2D(); -} - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_xform_rect2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_v) { - godot_rect2 raw_dest; - Rect2 *dest = (Rect2 *)&raw_dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Rect2 *v = (const Rect2 *)p_v; - *dest = self->xform(*v); - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_xform_inv_rect2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_v) { - godot_rect2 raw_dest; - Rect2 *dest = (Rect2 *)&raw_dest; - const Transform2D *self = (const Transform2D *)p_self; - const Rect2 *v = (const Rect2 *)p_v; - *dest = self->xform_inv(*v); - return raw_dest; +void GDAPI godot_transform2d_new(godot_transform2d *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Transform2D); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/variant.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/variant.cpp index 7ee5fe59e2..79f5a536e5 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/variant.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/variant.cpp @@ -55,16 +55,11 @@ static_assert(sizeof(godot_variant) == sizeof(Variant), "Variant size mismatch") #pragma GCC pop_options #endif -// Constructors - -godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_type(const godot_variant *p_self) { - const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; - return (godot_variant_type)self->get_type(); -} +// Memory void GDAPI godot_variant_new_copy(godot_variant *p_dest, const godot_variant *p_src) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)p_dest; - Variant *src = (Variant *)p_src; + const Variant *src = (const Variant *)p_src; memnew_placement(dest, Variant(*src)); } @@ -78,139 +73,134 @@ void GDAPI godot_variant_new_bool(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_bool p_b) { memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(p_b)); } -void GDAPI godot_variant_new_uint(godot_variant *r_dest, const uint64_t p_i) { +void GDAPI godot_variant_new_int(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_int p_i) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(p_i)); } -void GDAPI godot_variant_new_int(godot_variant *r_dest, const int64_t p_i) { - Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(p_i)); -} - -void GDAPI godot_variant_new_real(godot_variant *r_dest, const double p_r) { +void GDAPI godot_variant_new_float(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_float p_r) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(p_r)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_string(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_string *p_s) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - String *s = (String *)p_s; + const String *s = (const String *)p_s; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*s)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_string_name(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_string_name *p_s) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - StringName *s = (StringName *)p_s; + const StringName *s = (const StringName *)p_s; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*s)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_vector2(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_vector2 *p_v2) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Vector2 *v2 = (Vector2 *)p_v2; + const Vector2 *v2 = (const Vector2 *)p_v2; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*v2)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_vector2i(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_vector2i *p_v2) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Vector2i *v2 = (Vector2i *)p_v2; + const Vector2i *v2 = (const Vector2i *)p_v2; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*v2)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_rect2(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_rect2 *p_rect2) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Rect2 *rect2 = (Rect2 *)p_rect2; + const Rect2 *rect2 = (const Rect2 *)p_rect2; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*rect2)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_rect2i(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_rect2i *p_rect2) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Rect2i *rect2 = (Rect2i *)p_rect2; + const Rect2i *rect2 = (const Rect2i *)p_rect2; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*rect2)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_vector3(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_v3) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Vector3 *v3 = (Vector3 *)p_v3; + const Vector3 *v3 = (const Vector3 *)p_v3; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*v3)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_vector3i(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_vector3i *p_v3) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Vector3i *v3 = (Vector3i *)p_v3; + const Vector3i *v3 = (const Vector3i *)p_v3; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*v3)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_transform2d(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_transform2d *p_t2d) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Transform2D *t2d = (Transform2D *)p_t2d; + const Transform2D *t2d = (const Transform2D *)p_t2d; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*t2d)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_plane(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_plane *p_plane) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Plane *plane = (Plane *)p_plane; + const Plane *plane = (const Plane *)p_plane; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*plane)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_quat(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_quat *p_quat) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Quat *quat = (Quat *)p_quat; + const Quat *quat = (const Quat *)p_quat; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*quat)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_aabb(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_aabb *p_aabb) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - AABB *aabb = (AABB *)p_aabb; + const AABB *aabb = (const AABB *)p_aabb; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*aabb)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_basis(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_basis *p_basis) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Basis *basis = (Basis *)p_basis; + const Basis *basis = (const Basis *)p_basis; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*basis)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_transform(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_transform *p_trans) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Transform *trans = (Transform *)p_trans; + const Transform *trans = (const Transform *)p_trans; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*trans)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_color(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_color *p_color) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Color *color = (Color *)p_color; + const Color *color = (const Color *)p_color; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*color)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_node_path(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_node_path *p_np) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - NodePath *np = (NodePath *)p_np; + const NodePath *np = (const NodePath *)p_np; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*np)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_rid(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_rid *p_rid) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - RID *rid = (RID *)p_rid; + const RID *rid = (const RID *)p_rid; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*rid)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_callable(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_callable *p_cb) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Callable *cb = (Callable *)p_cb; + const Callable *cb = (const Callable *)p_cb; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*cb)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_signal(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_signal *p_signal) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Signal *signal = (Signal *)p_signal; + const Signal *signal = (const Signal *)p_signal; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*signal)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_object(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_object *p_obj) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Object *obj = (Object *)p_obj; - Reference *reference = Object::cast_to<Reference>(obj); + const Object *obj = (const Object *)p_obj; + const Reference *reference = Object::cast_to<Reference>(obj); REF ref; if (reference) { ref = REF(reference); @@ -229,67 +219,67 @@ void GDAPI godot_variant_new_object(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_object *p void GDAPI godot_variant_new_dictionary(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_dictionary *p_dict) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Dictionary *dict = (Dictionary *)p_dict; + const Dictionary *dict = (const Dictionary *)p_dict; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*dict)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_array *p_arr) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - Array *arr = (Array *)p_arr; + const Array *arr = (const Array *)p_arr; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*arr)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_byte_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_byte_array *p_pba) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - PackedByteArray *pba = (PackedByteArray *)p_pba; + const PackedByteArray *pba = (const PackedByteArray *)p_pba; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*pba)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_int32_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_int32_array *p_pia) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - PackedInt32Array *pia = (PackedInt32Array *)p_pia; + const PackedInt32Array *pia = (const PackedInt32Array *)p_pia; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*pia)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_int64_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_int64_array *p_pia) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - PackedInt64Array *pia = (PackedInt64Array *)p_pia; + const PackedInt64Array *pia = (const PackedInt64Array *)p_pia; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*pia)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_float32_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_float32_array *p_pra) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - PackedFloat32Array *pra = (PackedFloat32Array *)p_pra; + const PackedFloat32Array *pra = (const PackedFloat32Array *)p_pra; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*pra)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_float64_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_float64_array *p_pra) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - PackedFloat64Array *pra = (PackedFloat64Array *)p_pra; + const PackedFloat64Array *pra = (const PackedFloat64Array *)p_pra; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*pra)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_string_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_string_array *p_psa) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - PackedStringArray *psa = (PackedStringArray *)p_psa; + const PackedStringArray *psa = (const PackedStringArray *)p_psa; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*psa)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_vector2_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_pv2a) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - PackedVector2Array *pv2a = (PackedVector2Array *)p_pv2a; + const PackedVector2Array *pv2a = (const PackedVector2Array *)p_pv2a; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*pv2a)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_vector3_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_pv3a) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - PackedVector3Array *pv3a = (PackedVector3Array *)p_pv3a; + const PackedVector3Array *pv3a = (const PackedVector3Array *)p_pv3a; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*pv3a)); } void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_color_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_color_array *p_pca) { Variant *dest = (Variant *)r_dest; - PackedColorArray *pca = (PackedColorArray *)p_pca; + const PackedColorArray *pca = (const PackedColorArray *)p_pca; memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(*pca)); } @@ -298,17 +288,12 @@ godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_as_bool(const godot_variant *p_self) { return self->operator bool(); } -uint64_t GDAPI godot_variant_as_uint(const godot_variant *p_self) { - const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; - return self->operator uint64_t(); -} - -int64_t GDAPI godot_variant_as_int(const godot_variant *p_self) { +godot_int GDAPI godot_variant_as_int(const godot_variant *p_self) { const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; return self->operator int64_t(); } -double GDAPI godot_variant_as_real(const godot_variant *p_self) { +godot_float GDAPI godot_variant_as_float(const godot_variant *p_self) { const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; return self->operator double(); } @@ -569,47 +554,137 @@ godot_packed_color_array GDAPI godot_variant_as_packed_color_array(const godot_v return raw_dest; } -godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_call(godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string *p_method, const godot_variant **p_args, const godot_int p_argcount, godot_variant_call_error *r_error) { +void GDAPI godot_variant_destroy(godot_variant *p_self) { Variant *self = (Variant *)p_self; - String *method = (String *)p_method; + self->~Variant(); +} + +// Dynamic interaction. + +void GDAPI godot_variant_call(godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_method, const godot_variant **p_args, const godot_int p_argcount, godot_variant *r_return, godot_variant_call_error *r_error) { + Variant *self = (Variant *)p_self; + const StringName *method = (const StringName *)p_method; const Variant **args = (const Variant **)p_args; - godot_variant raw_dest; - Variant *dest = (Variant *)&raw_dest; - Callable::CallError error; Variant ret; + Callable::CallError error; self->call(*method, args, p_argcount, ret, error); - memnew_placement_custom(dest, Variant, Variant(ret)); + memnew_placement_custom(r_return, Variant, Variant(ret)); + if (r_error) { r_error->error = (godot_variant_call_error_error)error.error; r_error->argument = error.argument; r_error->expected = (godot_variant_type)error.expected; } - return raw_dest; } -godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_method(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string *p_method) { +void GDAPI godot_variant_evaluate(godot_variant_operator p_op, const godot_variant *p_a, const godot_variant *p_b, godot_variant *r_return, bool *r_valid) { + Variant::Operator op = (Variant::Operator)p_op; + const Variant *a = (const Variant *)p_a; + const Variant *b = (const Variant *)p_b; + Variant *ret = (Variant *)r_return; + Variant::evaluate(op, *a, *b, *ret, *r_valid); +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_set(godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_valid) { + Variant *self = (Variant *)p_self; + const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; + const Variant *value = (const Variant *)p_value; + + self->set(*key, *value, r_valid); +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_set_named(godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_name, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_valid) { + Variant *self = (Variant *)p_self; + const StringName *name = (const StringName *)p_name; + const Variant *value = (const Variant *)p_value; + + self->set_named(*name, *value, *r_valid); +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_set_keyed(godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_valid) { + Variant *self = (Variant *)p_self; + const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; + const Variant *value = (const Variant *)p_value; + + self->set_keyed(*key, *value, *r_valid); +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_set_indexed(godot_variant *p_self, godot_int p_index, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_valid, bool *r_oob) { + Variant *self = (Variant *)p_self; + const Variant *value = (const Variant *)p_value; + + self->set_indexed(p_index, value, *r_valid, *r_oob); +} + +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, bool *r_valid) { const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; - const String *method = (const String *)p_method; - return self->has_method(*method); + const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; + Variant ret; + + ret = self->get(*key, r_valid); + godot_variant result; + memnew_placement_custom(&result, Variant, Variant(ret)); + return result; } -godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_operator_equal(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_other) { +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_named(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_key, bool *r_valid) { const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; - const Variant *other = (const Variant *)p_other; - return self->operator==(*other); + const StringName *key = (const StringName *)p_key; + Variant ret; + + ret = self->get_named(*key, *r_valid); + godot_variant result; + memnew_placement_custom(&result, Variant, Variant(ret)); + return result; } -godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_operator_less(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_other) { +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_keyed(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, bool *r_valid) { const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; - const Variant *other = (const Variant *)p_other; - return self->operator<(*other); + const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; + Variant ret; + + ret = self->get_keyed(*key, *r_valid); + godot_variant result; + memnew_placement_custom(&result, Variant, Variant(ret)); + return result; +} + +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_indexed(const godot_variant *p_self, godot_int p_index, bool *r_valid, bool *r_oob) { + const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; + Variant ret; + + ret = self->get_indexed(p_index, *r_valid, *r_oob); + godot_variant result; + memnew_placement_custom(&result, Variant, Variant(ret)); + return result; +} + +/// Iteration. +bool GDAPI godot_variant_iter_init(const godot_variant *p_self, godot_variant *r_iter, bool *r_valid) { + const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; + Variant *iter = (Variant *)r_iter; + + return self->iter_init(*iter, *r_valid); } -uint32_t GDAPI godot_variant_hash(const godot_variant *p_self) { +bool GDAPI godot_variant_iter_next(const godot_variant *p_self, godot_variant *r_iter, bool *r_valid) { const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; - return self->hash(); + Variant *iter = (Variant *)r_iter; + + return self->iter_next(*iter, *r_valid); +} + +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_iter_get(const godot_variant *p_self, godot_variant *r_iter, bool *r_valid) { + const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; + Variant *iter = (Variant *)r_iter; + + Variant result = self->iter_next(*iter, *r_valid); + godot_variant ret; + memnew_placement_custom(&ret, Variant, Variant(result)); + return ret; } +/// Variant functions. godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_hash_compare(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_other) { const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; const Variant *other = (const Variant *)p_other; @@ -621,27 +696,487 @@ godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_booleanize(const godot_variant *p_self) { return self->booleanize(); } -void GDAPI godot_variant_destroy(godot_variant *p_self) { - Variant *self = (Variant *)p_self; - self->~Variant(); +void GDAPI godot_variant_blend(const godot_variant *p_a, const godot_variant *p_b, float p_c, godot_variant *r_dst) { + const Variant *a = (const Variant *)p_a; + const Variant *b = (const Variant *)p_b; + Variant *dst = (Variant *)r_dst; + Variant::blend(*a, *b, p_c, *dst); } -// GDNative core 1.1 +void GDAPI godot_variant_interpolate(const godot_variant *p_a, const godot_variant *p_b, float p_c, godot_variant *r_dst) { + const Variant *a = (const Variant *)p_a; + const Variant *b = (const Variant *)p_b; + Variant *dst = (Variant *)r_dst; + Variant::interpolate(*a, *b, p_c, *dst); +} -godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_operator_name(godot_variant_operator p_op) { - Variant::Operator op = (Variant::Operator)p_op; - godot_string raw_dest; - String *dest = (String *)&raw_dest; - memnew_placement(dest, String(Variant::get_operator_name(op))); // operator = is overloaded by String - return raw_dest; +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_duplicate(const godot_variant *p_self, godot_bool p_deep) { + const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; + Variant result = self->duplicate(p_deep); + godot_variant ret; + memnew_placement_custom(&ret, Variant, Variant(result)); + return ret; } -void GDAPI godot_variant_evaluate(godot_variant_operator p_op, const godot_variant *p_a, const godot_variant *p_b, godot_variant *r_ret, godot_bool *r_valid) { - Variant::Operator op = (Variant::Operator)p_op; - const Variant *a = (const Variant *)p_a; - const Variant *b = (const Variant *)p_b; +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_stringify(const godot_variant *p_self) { + const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; + String result = *self; + godot_string ret; + memnew_placement_custom(&ret, String, String(result)); + return ret; +} + +// Discovery API + +/// Operators +godot_validated_operator_evaluator GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_operator_evaluator(godot_variant_operator p_operator, godot_variant_type p_type_a, godot_variant_type p_type_b) { + return (godot_validated_operator_evaluator)Variant::get_validated_operator_evaluator((Variant::Operator)p_operator, (Variant::Type)p_type_a, (Variant::Type)p_type_b); +} + +godot_ptr_operator_evaluator GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_operator_evaluator(godot_variant_operator p_operator, godot_variant_type p_type_a, godot_variant_type p_type_b) { + return (godot_ptr_operator_evaluator)Variant::get_ptr_operator_evaluator((Variant::Operator)p_operator, (Variant::Type)p_type_a, (Variant::Type)p_type_b); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_operator_return_type(godot_variant_operator p_operator, godot_variant_type p_type_a, godot_variant_type p_type_b) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_operator_return_type((Variant::Operator)p_operator, (Variant::Type)p_type_a, (Variant::Type)p_type_b); +} + +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_operator_name(godot_variant_operator p_operator) { + String op_name = Variant::get_operator_name((Variant::Operator)p_operator); + godot_string ret; + memnew_placement_custom(&ret, String, String(op_name)); + return ret; +} + +/// Built-in Methods + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_builtin_method(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method) { + return Variant::has_builtin_method((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_method)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_builtin_method_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method) { + return Variant::has_builtin_method((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_method)); +} + +godot_validated_builtin_method GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_builtin_method(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method) { + return (godot_validated_builtin_method)Variant::get_validated_builtin_method((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_method)); +} + +godot_validated_builtin_method GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_builtin_method_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method) { + return (godot_validated_builtin_method)Variant::get_validated_builtin_method((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_method)); +} + +godot_ptr_builtin_method GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_builtin_method(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method) { + return (godot_ptr_builtin_method)Variant::get_ptr_builtin_method((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_method)); +} + +godot_ptr_builtin_method GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_builtin_method_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method) { + return (godot_ptr_builtin_method)Variant::get_ptr_builtin_method((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_method)); +} + +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_count(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method) { + return Variant::get_builtin_method_argument_count((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_method)); +} + +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_count_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method) { + return Variant::get_builtin_method_argument_count((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_method)); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_type(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method, int p_argument) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_builtin_method_argument_type((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_method), p_argument); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_type_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method, int p_argument) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_builtin_method_argument_type((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_method), p_argument); +} + +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_name(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method, int p_argument) { + String name = Variant::get_builtin_method_argument_name((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_method), p_argument); + return *(godot_string *)&name; +} + +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_name_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method, int p_argument) { + String name = Variant::get_builtin_method_argument_name((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_method), p_argument); + return *(godot_string *)&name; +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_builtin_method_return_value(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method) { + return Variant::has_builtin_method_return_value((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_method)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_builtin_method_return_value_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method) { + return Variant::has_builtin_method_return_value((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_method)); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_return_type(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_builtin_method_return_type((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_method)); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_return_type_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_builtin_method_return_type((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_method)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_builtin_method_const(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method) { + return Variant::is_builtin_method_const((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_method)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_builtin_method_const_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method) { + return Variant::is_builtin_method_const((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_method)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_builtin_method_vararg(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method) { + return Variant::is_builtin_method_vararg((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_method)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_builtin_method_vararg_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method) { + return Variant::is_builtin_method_vararg((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_method)); +} + +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_count(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return Variant::get_builtin_method_count((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_list(godot_variant_type p_type, godot_string_name *r_list) { + List<StringName> list; + Variant::get_builtin_method_list((Variant::Type)p_type, &list); + int i = 0; + for (const List<StringName>::Element *E = list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + memnew_placement_custom(&r_list[i], StringName, StringName(E->get())); + } +} + +/// Constructors + +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_constructor_count(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return Variant::get_constructor_count((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_validated_constructor GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_constructor(godot_variant_type p_type, int p_constructor) { + return (godot_validated_constructor)Variant::get_validated_constructor((Variant::Type)p_type, p_constructor); +} + +godot_ptr_constructor GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_constructor(godot_variant_type p_type, int p_constructor) { + return (godot_ptr_constructor)Variant::get_ptr_constructor((Variant::Type)p_type, p_constructor); +} + +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_constructor_argument_count(godot_variant_type p_type, int p_constructor) { + return Variant::get_constructor_argument_count((Variant::Type)p_type, p_constructor); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_constructor_argument_type(godot_variant_type p_type, int p_constructor, int p_argument) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_constructor_argument_type((Variant::Type)p_type, p_constructor, p_argument); +} + +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_constructor_argument_name(godot_variant_type p_type, int p_constructor, int p_argument) { + String name = Variant::get_constructor_argument_name((Variant::Type)p_type, p_constructor, p_argument); + godot_string ret; + memnew_placement(&ret, String(name)); + return ret; +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_construct(godot_variant_type p_type, godot_variant *p_base, const godot_variant **p_args, int p_argcount, godot_variant_call_error *r_error) { + Variant::construct((Variant::Type)p_type, *((Variant *)p_base), (const Variant **)p_args, p_argcount, *((Callable::CallError *)r_error)); +} + +/// Properties. +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_member_type(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_member_type((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_member)); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_member_type_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_member) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_member_type((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_member)); +} + +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_member_count(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return Variant::get_member_count((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_get_member_list(godot_variant_type p_type, godot_string_name *r_list) { + List<StringName> members; + Variant::get_member_list((Variant::Type)p_type, &members); + int i = 0; + for (const List<StringName>::Element *E = members.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + memnew_placement_custom(&r_list[i++], StringName, StringName(E->get())); + } +} + +godot_validated_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_setter(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member) { + return (godot_validated_setter)Variant::get_member_validated_setter((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_member)); +} + +godot_validated_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_setter_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_member) { + return (godot_validated_setter)Variant::get_member_validated_setter((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_member)); +} + +godot_validated_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_getter(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member) { + return (godot_validated_getter)Variant::get_member_validated_getter((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_member)); +} + +godot_validated_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_getter_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_member) { + return (godot_validated_getter)Variant::get_member_validated_getter((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_member)); +} + +godot_ptr_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_setter(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member) { + return (godot_ptr_setter)Variant::get_member_ptr_setter((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_member)); +} + +godot_ptr_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_setter_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_member) { + return (godot_ptr_setter)Variant::get_member_ptr_setter((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_member)); +} + +godot_ptr_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_getter(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member) { + return (godot_ptr_getter)Variant::get_member_ptr_getter((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_member)); +} + +godot_ptr_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_getter_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_member) { + return (godot_ptr_getter)Variant::get_member_ptr_getter((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_member)); +} + +/// Indexing. +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_indexing(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return Variant::has_indexing((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_indexed_element_type(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_indexed_element_type((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_validated_indexed_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_indexed_setter(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_validated_indexed_setter)Variant::get_member_validated_indexed_setter((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_validated_indexed_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_indexed_getter(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_validated_indexed_getter)Variant::get_member_validated_indexed_getter((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_ptr_indexed_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_indexed_setter(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_ptr_indexed_setter)Variant::get_member_ptr_indexed_setter((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_ptr_indexed_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_indexed_getter(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_ptr_indexed_getter)Variant::get_member_ptr_indexed_getter((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +uint64_t GDAPI godot_variant_get_indexed_size(const godot_variant *p_self) { + const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; + return self->get_indexed_size(); +} + +/// Keying. +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_keyed(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return Variant::is_keyed((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_validated_keyed_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_keyed_setter(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_validated_keyed_setter)Variant::get_member_validated_keyed_setter((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_validated_keyed_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_keyed_getter(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_validated_keyed_getter)Variant::get_member_validated_keyed_getter((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_validated_keyed_checker GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_keyed_checker(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_validated_keyed_checker)Variant::get_member_validated_keyed_checker((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_ptr_keyed_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_keyed_setter(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_ptr_keyed_setter)Variant::get_member_ptr_keyed_setter((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_ptr_keyed_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_keyed_getter(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_ptr_keyed_getter)Variant::get_member_ptr_keyed_getter((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +godot_ptr_keyed_checker GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_keyed_checker(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return (godot_ptr_keyed_checker)Variant::get_member_ptr_keyed_checker((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +/// Constants. +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_constants_count(godot_variant_type p_type) { + return Variant::get_constants_count_for_type((Variant::Type)p_type); +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_get_constants_list(godot_variant_type p_type, godot_string_name *r_list) { + List<StringName> constants; + int i = 0; + Variant::get_constants_for_type((Variant::Type)p_type, &constants); + for (const List<StringName>::Element *E = constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + memnew_placement_custom(&r_list[i++], StringName, StringName(E->get())); + } +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_constant(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_constant) { + return Variant::has_constant((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_constant)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_constant_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_constant) { + return Variant::has_constant((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_constant)); +} + +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_constant_value(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_constant) { + Variant constant = Variant::get_constant_value((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_constant)); + godot_variant ret; + memnew_placement_custom(&ret, Variant, Variant(constant)); + return ret; +} + +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_constant_value_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_constant) { + Variant constant = Variant::get_constant_value((Variant::Type)p_type, StringName(p_constant)); + godot_variant ret; + memnew_placement_custom(&ret, Variant, Variant(constant)); + return ret; +} + +/// Utilities. +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_utility_function(const godot_string_name *p_function) { + return Variant::has_utility_function(*((const StringName *)p_function)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_utility_function_with_cstring(const char *p_function) { + return Variant::has_utility_function(StringName(p_function)); +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_call_utility_function(const godot_string_name *p_function, godot_variant *r_ret, const godot_variant **p_args, int p_argument_count, godot_variant_call_error *r_error) { + const StringName *function = (const StringName *)p_function; Variant *ret = (Variant *)r_ret; - Variant::evaluate(op, *a, *b, *ret, *r_valid); + const Variant **args = (const Variant **)p_args; + Callable::CallError error; + + Variant::call_utility_function(*function, ret, args, p_argument_count, error); + + if (r_error) { + r_error->error = (godot_variant_call_error_error)error.error; + r_error->argument = error.argument; + r_error->expected = (godot_variant_type)error.expected; + } +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_call_utility_function_with_cstring(const char *p_function, godot_variant *r_ret, const godot_variant **p_args, int p_argument_count, godot_variant_call_error *r_error) { + Variant *ret = (Variant *)r_ret; + const Variant **args = (const Variant **)p_args; + Callable::CallError error; + + Variant::call_utility_function(StringName(p_function), ret, args, p_argument_count, error); + + if (r_error) { + r_error->error = (godot_variant_call_error_error)error.error; + r_error->argument = error.argument; + r_error->expected = (godot_variant_type)error.expected; + } +} + +godot_variant_utility_function_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_type(const godot_string_name *p_function) { + return (godot_variant_utility_function_type)Variant::get_utility_function_type(*((const StringName *)p_function)); +} + +godot_variant_utility_function_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_type_with_cstring(const char *p_function) { + return (godot_variant_utility_function_type)Variant::get_utility_function_type(StringName(p_function)); +} + +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_count(const godot_string_name *p_function) { + return Variant::get_utility_function_argument_count(*((const StringName *)p_function)); +} + +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_count_with_cstring(const char *p_function) { + return Variant::get_utility_function_argument_count(StringName(p_function)); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_type(const godot_string_name *p_function, int p_argument) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_utility_function_argument_type(*((const StringName *)p_function), p_argument); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_type_with_cstring(const char *p_function, int p_argument) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_utility_function_argument_type(StringName(p_function), p_argument); +} + +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_name(const godot_string_name *p_function, int p_argument) { + String argument_name = Variant::get_utility_function_argument_name(*((const StringName *)p_function), p_argument); + godot_string ret; + memnew_placement_custom(&ret, String, String(argument_name)); + return ret; +} + +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_name_with_cstring(const char *p_function, int p_argument) { + String argument_name = Variant::get_utility_function_argument_name(StringName(p_function), p_argument); + godot_string ret; + memnew_placement_custom(&ret, String, String(argument_name)); + return ret; +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_utility_function_return_value(const godot_string_name *p_function) { + return Variant::has_utility_function_return_value(*((const StringName *)p_function)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_utility_function_return_value_with_cstring(const char *p_function) { + return Variant::has_utility_function_return_value(StringName(p_function)); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_return_type(const godot_string_name *p_function) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_utility_function_return_type(*((const StringName *)p_function)); +} + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_return_type_with_cstring(const char *p_function) { + return (godot_variant_type)Variant::get_utility_function_return_type(StringName(p_function)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_utility_function_vararg(const godot_string_name *p_function) { + return Variant::is_utility_function_vararg(*((const StringName *)p_function)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_utility_function_vararg_with_cstring(const char *p_function) { + return Variant::is_utility_function_vararg(StringName(p_function)); +} + +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_count() { + return Variant::get_utility_function_count(); +} + +void GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_list(godot_string_name *r_functions) { + List<StringName> functions; + godot_string_name *func = r_functions; + Variant::get_utility_function_list(&functions); + + for (const List<StringName>::Element *E = functions.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + memnew_placement_custom(func++, StringName, StringName(E->get())); + } +} + +// Introspection. + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_type(const godot_variant *p_self) { + const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; + return (godot_variant_type)self->get_type(); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_method(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_method) { + const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; + const StringName *method = (const StringName *)p_method; + return self->has_method(*method); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_member(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member) { + return Variant::has_member((Variant::Type)p_type, *((const StringName *)p_member)); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_key(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, bool *r_valid) { + const Variant *self = (const Variant *)p_self; + const Variant *key = (const Variant *)p_key; + return self->has_key(*key, *r_valid); +} + +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_type_name(godot_variant_type p_type) { + String name = Variant::get_type_name((Variant::Type)p_type); + godot_string ret; + memnew_placement_custom(&ret, String, String(name)); + return ret; +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_can_convert(godot_variant_type p_from, godot_variant_type p_to) { + return Variant::can_convert((Variant::Type)p_from, (Variant::Type)p_to); +} + +bool GDAPI godot_variant_can_convert_strict(godot_variant_type p_from, godot_variant_type p_to) { + return Variant::can_convert_strict((Variant::Type)p_from, (Variant::Type)p_to); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/vector2.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/vector2.cpp index 6f42935228..e2f957e4f2 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/vector2.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/vector2.cpp @@ -31,430 +31,20 @@ #include "gdnative/vector2.h" #include "core/math/vector2.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif static_assert(sizeof(godot_vector2) == sizeof(Vector2), "Vector2 size mismatch"); static_assert(sizeof(godot_vector2i) == sizeof(Vector2i), "Vector2i size mismatch"); -// Vector2 - -void GDAPI godot_vector2_new(godot_vector2 *r_dest, const godot_real p_x, const godot_real p_y) { - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)r_dest; - *dest = Vector2(p_x, p_y); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_vector2_as_string(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2_as_vector2i(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - godot_vector2i dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - *((Vector2i *)&dest) = Vector2i(*self); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_normalized(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->normalized(); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_length(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - return self->length(); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_angle(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - return self->angle(); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_length_squared(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - return self->length_squared(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector2_is_normalized(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - return self->is_normalized(); -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_direction_to(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *to = (const Vector2 *)p_to; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->direction_to(*to); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_distance_to(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *to = (const Vector2 *)p_to; - return self->distance_to(*to); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_distance_squared_to(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *to = (const Vector2 *)p_to; - return self->distance_squared_to(*to); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_angle_to(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *to = (const Vector2 *)p_to; - return self->angle_to(*to); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_angle_to_point(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *to = (const Vector2 *)p_to; - return self->angle_to_point(*to); -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_lerp(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b, const godot_real p_t) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *b = (const Vector2 *)p_b; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->lerp(*b, p_t); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_cubic_interpolate(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b, const godot_vector2 *p_pre_a, const godot_vector2 *p_post_b, const godot_real p_t) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *b = (const Vector2 *)p_b; - const Vector2 *pre_a = (const Vector2 *)p_pre_a; - const Vector2 *post_b = (const Vector2 *)p_post_b; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->cubic_interpolate(*b, *pre_a, *post_b, p_t); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_move_toward(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to, const godot_real p_delta) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *to = (const Vector2 *)p_to; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->move_toward(*to, p_delta); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_rotated(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_phi) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->rotated(p_phi); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_orthogonal(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->orthogonal(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_floor(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->floor(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_sign(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->sign(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_snapped(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_by) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *by = (const Vector2 *)p_by; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->snapped(*by); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_aspect(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - return self->aspect(); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_dot(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_with) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *with = (const Vector2 *)p_with; - return self->dot(*with); -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_slide(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_n) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *n = (const Vector2 *)p_n; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->slide(*n); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_bounce(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_n) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *n = (const Vector2 *)p_n; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->bounce(*n); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_reflect(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_n) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *n = (const Vector2 *)p_n; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->reflect(*n); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_abs(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->abs(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_clamped(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_length) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = self->clamped(p_length); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_add(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *b = (const Vector2 *)p_b; - *dest = *self + *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_subtract(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *b = (const Vector2 *)p_b; - *dest = *self - *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_multiply_vector(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *b = (const Vector2 *)p_b; - *dest = *self * *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_multiply_scalar(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_b) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - *dest = *self * p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_divide_vector(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *b = (const Vector2 *)p_b; - *dest = *self / *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_divide_scalar(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_b) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - *dest = *self / p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_equal(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *b = (const Vector2 *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_less(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - const Vector2 *b = (const Vector2 *)p_b; - return *self < *b; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_neg(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - godot_vector2 raw_dest; - Vector2 *dest = (Vector2 *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - *dest = -(*self); - return raw_dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_vector2_set_x(godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_x) { - Vector2 *self = (Vector2 *)p_self; - self->x = p_x; -} - -void GDAPI godot_vector2_set_y(godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_y) { - Vector2 *self = (Vector2 *)p_self; - self->y = p_y; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_get_x(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - return self->x; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_get_y(const godot_vector2 *p_self) { - const Vector2 *self = (const Vector2 *)p_self; - return self->y; -} - -// Vector2i - -void GDAPI godot_vector2i_new(godot_vector2i *r_dest, const godot_int p_x, const godot_int p_y) { - Vector2i *dest = (Vector2i *)r_dest; - *dest = Vector2i(p_x, p_y); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_vector2i_as_string(const godot_vector2i *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2i_as_vector2(const godot_vector2i *p_self) { - godot_vector2 dest; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - *((Vector2 *)&dest) = Vector2(*self); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2i_aspect(const godot_vector2i *p_self) { - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - return self->aspect(); -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_abs(const godot_vector2i *p_self) { - godot_vector2i dest; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - *((Vector2i *)&dest) = self->abs(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_sign(const godot_vector2i *p_self) { - godot_vector2i dest; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - *((Vector2i *)&dest) = self->sign(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_add(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b) { - godot_vector2i raw_dest; - Vector2i *dest = (Vector2i *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - const Vector2i *b = (const Vector2i *)p_b; - *dest = *self + *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_subtract(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b) { - godot_vector2i raw_dest; - Vector2i *dest = (Vector2i *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - const Vector2i *b = (const Vector2i *)p_b; - *dest = *self - *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_multiply_vector(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b) { - godot_vector2i raw_dest; - Vector2i *dest = (Vector2i *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - const Vector2i *b = (const Vector2i *)p_b; - *dest = *self * *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_multiply_scalar(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_int p_b) { - godot_vector2i raw_dest; - Vector2i *dest = (Vector2i *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - *dest = *self * p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_divide_vector(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b) { - godot_vector2i raw_dest; - Vector2i *dest = (Vector2i *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - const Vector2i *b = (const Vector2i *)p_b; - *dest = *self / *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_divide_scalar(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_int p_b) { - godot_vector2i raw_dest; - Vector2i *dest = (Vector2i *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - *dest = *self / p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_equal(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b) { - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - const Vector2i *b = (const Vector2i *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_less(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b) { - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - const Vector2i *b = (const Vector2i *)p_b; - return *self < *b; -} - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_neg(const godot_vector2i *p_self) { - godot_vector2i raw_dest; - Vector2i *dest = (Vector2i *)&raw_dest; - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - *dest = -(*self); - return raw_dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_vector2i_set_x(godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_int p_x) { - Vector2i *self = (Vector2i *)p_self; - self->x = p_x; -} - -void GDAPI godot_vector2i_set_y(godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_int p_y) { - Vector2i *self = (Vector2i *)p_self; - self->y = p_y; -} +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector2i_get_x(const godot_vector2i *p_self) { - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - return self->x; +void GDAPI godot_vector2_new(godot_vector2 *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Vector2); } -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector2i_get_y(const godot_vector2i *p_self) { - const Vector2i *self = (const Vector2i *)p_self; - return self->y; +void GDAPI godot_vector2i_new(godot_vector2i *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Vector2i); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/vector3.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/vector3.cpp index 75aeb59c87..ee365edaec 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative/vector3.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative/vector3.cpp @@ -30,433 +30,21 @@ #include "gdnative/vector3.h" -#include "core/templates/vector.h" -#include "core/variant/variant.h" - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif +#include "core/math/vector3.h" static_assert(sizeof(godot_vector3) == sizeof(Vector3), "Vector3 size mismatch"); static_assert(sizeof(godot_vector3i) == sizeof(Vector3i), "Vector3i size mismatch"); -// Vector3 - -void GDAPI godot_vector3_new(godot_vector3 *r_dest, const godot_real p_x, const godot_real p_y, const godot_real p_z) { - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)r_dest; - *dest = Vector3(p_x, p_y, p_z); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_vector3_as_string(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3_as_vector3i(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - godot_vector3i dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - *((Vector3i *)&dest) = Vector3i(*self); - return dest; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector3_min_axis(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - return self->min_axis(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector3_max_axis(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - return self->max_axis(); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_length(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - return self->length(); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_length_squared(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - return self->length_squared(); -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector3_is_normalized(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - return self->is_normalized(); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_normalized(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->normalized(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_inverse(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->inverse(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_snapped(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_by) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *snap_axis = (const Vector3 *)p_by; - - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->snapped(*snap_axis); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_rotated(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_phi) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *axis = (const Vector3 *)p_axis; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->rotated(*axis, p_phi); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_lerp(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b, const godot_real p_t) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->lerp(*b, p_t); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_cubic_interpolate(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b, const godot_vector3 *p_pre_a, const godot_vector3 *p_post_b, const godot_real p_t) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - const Vector3 *pre_a = (const Vector3 *)p_pre_a; - const Vector3 *post_b = (const Vector3 *)p_post_b; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->cubic_interpolate(*b, *pre_a, *post_b, p_t); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_move_toward(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_to, const godot_real p_delta) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *to = (const Vector3 *)p_to; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->move_toward(*to, p_delta); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_dot(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - return self->dot(*b); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_cross(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->cross(*b); - return dest; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_vector3_outer(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - godot_basis dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - *((Basis *)&dest) = self->outer(*b); - return dest; -} - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_vector3_to_diagonal_matrix(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - godot_basis dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - *((Basis *)&dest) = self->to_diagonal_matrix(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_abs(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->abs(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_sign(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->sign(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_floor(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->floor(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_ceil(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->ceil(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_direction_to(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_to) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *to = (const Vector3 *)p_to; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->direction_to(*to); - return dest; -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_distance_to(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - return self->distance_to(*b); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_distance_squared_to(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - return self->distance_squared_to(*b); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_angle_to(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_to) { - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *to = (const Vector3 *)p_to; - return self->angle_to(*to); -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_slide(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_n) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *n = (const Vector3 *)p_n; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->slide(*n); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_bounce(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_n) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *n = (const Vector3 *)p_n; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->bounce(*n); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_reflect(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_n) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *n = (const Vector3 *)p_n; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = self->reflect(*n); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_add(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - godot_vector3 raw_dest; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)&raw_dest; - Vector3 *self = (Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - *dest = *self + *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_subtract(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - godot_vector3 raw_dest; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)&raw_dest; - Vector3 *self = (Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - *dest = *self - *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_multiply_vector(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - godot_vector3 raw_dest; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)&raw_dest; - Vector3 *self = (Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - *dest = *self * *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_multiply_scalar(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_real p_b) { - godot_vector3 raw_dest; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)&raw_dest; - Vector3 *self = (Vector3 *)p_self; - *dest = *self * p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_divide_vector(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - godot_vector3 raw_dest; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)&raw_dest; - Vector3 *self = (Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - *dest = *self / *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_divide_scalar(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_real p_b) { - godot_vector3 raw_dest; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)&raw_dest; - Vector3 *self = (Vector3 *)p_self; - *dest = *self / p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_equal(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - Vector3 *self = (Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_less(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b) { - Vector3 *self = (Vector3 *)p_self; - const Vector3 *b = (const Vector3 *)p_b; - return *self < *b; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_neg(const godot_vector3 *p_self) { - godot_vector3 raw_dest; - Vector3 *dest = (Vector3 *)&raw_dest; - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - *dest = -(*self); - return raw_dest; -} - -void GDAPI godot_vector3_set_axis(godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3_axis p_axis, const godot_real p_val) { - Vector3 *self = (Vector3 *)p_self; - self->set_axis(p_axis, p_val); -} - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_get_axis(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3_axis p_axis) { - const Vector3 *self = (const Vector3 *)p_self; - return self->get_axis(p_axis); -} - -// Vector3i - -void GDAPI godot_vector3i_new(godot_vector3i *r_dest, const godot_int p_x, const godot_int p_y, const godot_int p_z) { - Vector3i *dest = (Vector3i *)r_dest; - *dest = Vector3i(p_x, p_y, p_z); -} - -godot_string GDAPI godot_vector3i_as_string(const godot_vector3i *p_self) { - godot_string ret; - const Vector3i *self = (const Vector3i *)p_self; - memnew_placement(&ret, String(*self)); - return ret; -} - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3i_as_vector3(const godot_vector3i *p_self) { - godot_vector3 dest; - const Vector3i *self = (const Vector3i *)p_self; - *((Vector3 *)&dest) = Vector3(*self); - return dest; -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector3i_min_axis(const godot_vector3i *p_self) { - const Vector3i *self = (const Vector3i *)p_self; - return self->min_axis(); -} - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector3i_max_axis(const godot_vector3i *p_self) { - const Vector3i *self = (const Vector3i *)p_self; - return self->max_axis(); -} - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_abs(const godot_vector3i *p_self) { - godot_vector3i dest; - const Vector3i *self = (const Vector3i *)p_self; - *((Vector3i *)&dest) = self->abs(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_sign(const godot_vector3i *p_self) { - godot_vector3i dest; - const Vector3i *self = (const Vector3i *)p_self; - *((Vector3i *)&dest) = self->sign(); - return dest; -} - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_add(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b) { - godot_vector3i raw_dest; - Vector3i *dest = (Vector3i *)&raw_dest; - Vector3i *self = (Vector3i *)p_self; - const Vector3i *b = (const Vector3i *)p_b; - *dest = *self + *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_subtract(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b) { - godot_vector3i raw_dest; - Vector3i *dest = (Vector3i *)&raw_dest; - Vector3i *self = (Vector3i *)p_self; - const Vector3i *b = (const Vector3i *)p_b; - *dest = *self - *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_multiply_vector(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b) { - godot_vector3i raw_dest; - Vector3i *dest = (Vector3i *)&raw_dest; - Vector3i *self = (Vector3i *)p_self; - const Vector3i *b = (const Vector3i *)p_b; - *dest = *self * *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_multiply_scalar(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_int p_b) { - godot_vector3i raw_dest; - Vector3i *dest = (Vector3i *)&raw_dest; - Vector3i *self = (Vector3i *)p_self; - *dest = *self * p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_divide_vector(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b) { - godot_vector3i raw_dest; - Vector3i *dest = (Vector3i *)&raw_dest; - Vector3i *self = (Vector3i *)p_self; - const Vector3i *b = (const Vector3i *)p_b; - *dest = *self / *b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_divide_scalar(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_int p_b) { - godot_vector3i raw_dest; - Vector3i *dest = (Vector3i *)&raw_dest; - Vector3i *self = (Vector3i *)p_self; - *dest = *self / p_b; - return raw_dest; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_equal(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b) { - Vector3i *self = (Vector3i *)p_self; - const Vector3i *b = (const Vector3i *)p_b; - return *self == *b; -} - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_less(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b) { - Vector3i *self = (Vector3i *)p_self; - const Vector3i *b = (const Vector3i *)p_b; - return *self < *b; -} - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_neg(const godot_vector3i *p_self) { - godot_vector3i raw_dest; - Vector3i *dest = (Vector3i *)&raw_dest; - const Vector3i *self = (const Vector3i *)p_self; - *dest = -(*self); - return raw_dest; -} +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif -void GDAPI godot_vector3i_set_axis(godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3_axis p_axis, const godot_int p_val) { - Vector3i *self = (Vector3i *)p_self; - self->set_axis(p_axis, p_val); +void GDAPI godot_vector3_new(godot_vector3 *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Vector3); } -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector3i_get_axis(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3_axis p_axis) { - const Vector3i *self = (const Vector3i *)p_self; - return self->get_axis(p_axis); +void GDAPI godot_vector3i_new(godot_vector3i *p_self) { + memnew_placement(p_self, Vector3i); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative_api.json b/modules/gdnative/gdnative_api.json index a29a0808ca..909e91393e 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative_api.json +++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative_api.json @@ -1,8074 +1,4535 @@ { - "core": { - "type": "CORE", - "version": { - "major": 4, - "minor": 0 - }, - "next": null, - "api": [ - { - "name": "godot_aabb_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_aabb *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_pos"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_size"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_position", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_set_position", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_v"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_size", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_set_size", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_v"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_as_string", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_abs", - "return_type": "godot_aabb", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_area", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_has_no_area", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_has_no_surface", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_intersects", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_with"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_encloses", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_with"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_merge", - "return_type": "godot_aabb", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_with"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_intersection", - "return_type": "godot_aabb", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_with"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_intersects_plane", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_plane *", "p_plane"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_intersects_segment", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_from"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_to"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_has_point", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_point"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_support", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_dir"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_longest_axis", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_longest_axis_index", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_longest_axis_size", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis_index", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis_size", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_expand", - "return_type": "godot_aabb", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_to_point"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_grow", - "return_type": "godot_aabb", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_by"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_get_endpoint", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_idx"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_aabb_operator_equal", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_copy", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_array *", "p_src"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_packed_color_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_color_array *", "p_pca"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_packed_vector3_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_vector3_array *", "p_pv3a"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_packed_vector2_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_vector2_array *", "p_pv2a"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_packed_vector2i_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_vector2i_array *", "p_pv2a"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_packed_string_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_string_array *", "p_psa"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_packed_float32_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_float32_array *", "p_pra"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_packed_float64_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_float64_array *", "p_pra"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_packed_int32_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_int32_array *", "p_pia"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_packed_int64_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_int64_array *", "p_pia"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_new_packed_byte_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_byte_array *", "p_pba"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_set", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_idx"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_get", - "return_type": "godot_variant", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_idx"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_operator_index", - "return_type": "godot_variant *", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_idx"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_operator_index_const", - "return_type": "const godot_variant *", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_idx"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_append", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_clear", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_count", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_duplicate", - "return_type": "godot_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_bool", "p_deep"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_is_empty", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_erase", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_front", - "return_type": "godot_variant", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_back", - "return_type": "godot_variant", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_find", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_what"], - ["const godot_int", "p_from"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_find_last", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_what"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_has", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_hash", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_insert", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_pos"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_invert", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_max", - "return_type": "godot_variant", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_min", - "return_type": "godot_variant", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_pop_back", - "return_type": "godot_variant", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_pop_front", - "return_type": "godot_variant", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_push_back", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_push_front", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_remove", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_idx"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_resize", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_size"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_rfind", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_what"], - ["const godot_int", "p_from"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_size", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_shuffle", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_slice", - "return_type": "godot_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_begin"], - ["const godot_int", "p_end"], - ["const godot_int", "p_step"], - ["const godot_bool", "p_deep"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_sort", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_sort_custom", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["godot_object *", "p_obj"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_func"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_bsearch", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_value"], - ["const godot_bool", "p_before"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_bsearch_custom", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_value"], - ["godot_object *", "p_obj"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_func"], - ["const godot_bool", "p_before"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_array_destroy", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_new_with_rows", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_basis *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_x_axis"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_y_axis"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_z_axis"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_new_with_axis_and_angle", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_basis *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_axis"], - ["const godot_real", "p_phi"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_new_with_euler", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_basis *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_euler"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_as_string", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_inverse", - "return_type": "godot_basis", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_transposed", - "return_type": "godot_basis", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_orthonormalized", - "return_type": "godot_basis", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_determinant", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_rotated", - "return_type": "godot_basis", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_axis"], - ["const godot_real", "p_phi"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_scaled", - "return_type": "godot_basis", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_scale"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_get_scale", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_get_euler", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_tdotx", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_with"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_tdoty", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_with"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_tdotz", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_with"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_xform", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_v"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_xform_inv", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_v"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_get_orthogonal_index", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_basis *", "r_dest"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_new_with_euler_quat", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_basis *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_quat *", "p_euler"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_get_elements", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["godot_vector3 *", "p_elements"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_get_axis", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_axis"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_set_axis", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_axis"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_get_row", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_row"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_set_row", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_row"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_operator_equal", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_basis *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_operator_add", - "return_type": "godot_basis", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_basis *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_operator_subtract", - "return_type": "godot_basis", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_basis *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_operator_multiply_vector", - "return_type": "godot_basis", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_basis *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_operator_multiply_scalar", - "return_type": "godot_basis", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_slerp", - "return_type": "godot_basis", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_basis *", "p_b"], - ["const godot_real", "p_t"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_get_quat", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_basis *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_set_quat", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_quat *", "p_quat"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_basis_set_axis_angle_scale", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_basis *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_axis"], - ["godot_real", "p_phi"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_scale"] - 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"godot_signal_connect", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_signal *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_callable *", "p_callable"], - ["const godot_array *", "p_binds"], - ["uint32_t", "p_flags"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_signal_disconnect", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_signal *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_callable *", "p_callable"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_signal_is_null", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_signal *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_signal_is_connected", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_signal *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_callable *", "p_callable"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_signal_get_connections", - "return_type": "godot_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_signal *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_signal_get_object", - "return_type": "godot_object *", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_signal *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_signal_get_object_id", - "return_type": "uint64_t", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_signal *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_signal_get_name", - "return_type": "godot_string_name", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_signal *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_signal_as_string", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_signal *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_signal_operator_equal", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_signal *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_signal *", "p_other"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_signal_operator_less", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_signal *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_signal *", "p_other"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_color_new_rgba", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_color *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_real", "p_r"], - ["const godot_real", "p_g"], - ["const godot_real", "p_b"], - ["const godot_real", "p_a"] - ] - }, - { 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"p_v"], - ["const godot_real", "p_a"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_color_lightened", - "return_type": "godot_color", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_color *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_amount"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_dictionary *", "r_dest"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_new_copy", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_dictionary *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_src"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_destroy", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_dictionary *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_size", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_is_empty", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_clear", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_dictionary *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_has", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_key"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_has_all", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_array *", "p_keys"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_erase", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_dictionary *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_key"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_hash", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_keys", - "return_type": "godot_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_values", - "return_type": "godot_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_get", - "return_type": "godot_variant", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_key"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_set", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_dictionary *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_key"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_operator_index", - "return_type": "godot_variant *", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_dictionary *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_key"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_operator_index_const", - "return_type": "const godot_variant *", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_key"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_next", - "return_type": "godot_variant *", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_key"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_operator_equal", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_to_json", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_duplicate", - "return_type": "godot_dictionary", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_bool", "p_deep"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_get_with_default", - "return_type": "godot_variant", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_key"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_default"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_dictionary_erase_with_return", - "return_type": "bool", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_dictionary *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_key"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_node_path_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_node_path *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_from"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_node_path_new_copy", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_node_path *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_node_path *", "p_src"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_node_path_destroy", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_node_path *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_node_path_as_string", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_node_path *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_node_path_is_absolute", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_node_path *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_node_path_get_name_count", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_node_path *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_node_path_get_name", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_node_path *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_idx"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_node_path_get_subname_count", - "return_type": "godot_int", - 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["godot_packed_vector2_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_vector2_array_sort", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_packed_vector2_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_vector2_array_invert", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_packed_vector2_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_vector2_array_push_back", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_packed_vector2_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_data"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_vector2_array_remove", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_packed_vector2_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_idx"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_vector2_array_resize", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_packed_vector2_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_size"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_vector2_array_ptr", - "return_type": 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["godot_packed_vector2i_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_packed_vector2i_array *", "p_array"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_vector2i_array_insert", - "return_type": "godot_error", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_packed_vector2i_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_idx"], - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_data"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_vector2i_array_has", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_packed_vector2i_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_value"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_vector2i_array_sort", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_packed_vector2i_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_vector2i_array_invert", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_packed_vector2i_array *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_packed_vector2i_array_push_back", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_packed_vector2i_array *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2i *", 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"godot_plane_intersect_3", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_plane *", "p_self"], - ["godot_vector3 *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_plane *", "p_b"], - ["const godot_plane *", "p_c"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_plane_intersects_ray", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_plane *", "p_self"], - ["godot_vector3 *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_from"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_dir"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_plane_intersects_segment", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_plane *", "p_self"], - ["godot_vector3 *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_begin"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_end"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_plane_operator_neg", - "return_type": "godot_plane", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_plane *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_plane_operator_equal", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_plane *", "p_self"], - ["const 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- ["const godot_real", "p_angle"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_new_with_basis", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_quat *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_basis *", "p_basis"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_new_with_euler", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_quat *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_euler"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_get_x", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_set_x", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "val"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_get_y", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_set_y", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "val"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_get_z", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const 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["const godot_quat *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_normalized", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_is_normalized", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_inverse", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_dot", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_quat *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_xform", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_v"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_slerp", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_quat *", "p_b"], - ["const godot_real", "p_t"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_slerpni", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_quat *", "p_b"], - ["const godot_real", "p_t"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_cubic_slerp", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_quat *", "p_b"], - ["const godot_quat *", "p_pre_a"], - ["const godot_quat *", "p_post_b"], - ["const godot_real", "p_t"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_operator_multiply", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_operator_add", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_quat *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_operator_subtract", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_quat *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_operator_divide", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_operator_equal", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_quat *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_quat_operator_neg", - "return_type": "godot_quat", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_quat *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_new_with_position_and_size", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_rect2 *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_pos"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_size"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_rect2 *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_real", "p_x"], - ["const godot_real", "p_y"], - ["const godot_real", "p_width"], - ["const godot_real", "p_height"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_as_rect2i", - "return_type": "godot_rect2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_as_string", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_get_area", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_grow_individual", - "return_type": "godot_rect2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_left"], - ["const godot_real", "p_top"], - ["const godot_real", "p_right"], - ["const godot_real", "p_bottom"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_grow_side", - "return_type": "godot_rect2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_side"], - ["const godot_real", "p_by"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_abs", - "return_type": "godot_rect2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_intersects", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_encloses", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_has_no_area", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_intersection", - "return_type": "godot_rect2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_merge", - "return_type": "godot_rect2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_has_point", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_point"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_grow", - "return_type": "godot_rect2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_by"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_expand", - "return_type": "godot_rect2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_to"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_operator_equal", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_get_position", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_get_size", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_set_position", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_pos"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2_set_size", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_rect2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_size"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2i_new_with_position_and_size", - "return_type": "void", - 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["const godot_rect2i *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2i_get_size", - "return_type": "godot_vector2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rect2i *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2i_set_position", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_rect2i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_pos"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rect2i_set_size", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_rect2i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_size"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rid_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_rid *", "r_dest"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rid_get_id", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rid *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rid_new_with_resource", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_rid *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_object *", "p_from"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rid_operator_equal", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rid *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_rid *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_rid_operator_less", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_rid *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_rid *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_char_string_length", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_char_string *", "p_cs"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_char_string_get_data", - "return_type": "const char *", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_char_string *", "p_cs"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_char_string_destroy", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_char_string *", "p_cs"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_char16_string_length", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_char16_string *", "p_cs"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_char16_string_get_data", - "return_type": "const char16_t *", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_char16_string *", "p_cs"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_char16_string_destroy", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_char16_string *", "p_cs"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new_copy", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_src"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"], - ["const char *", "p_contents"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"], - ["const char *", "p_contents"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new_with_utf16_chars", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"], - ["const char16_t *", "p_contents"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new_with_utf32_chars", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"], - ["const char32_t *", "p_contents"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new_with_wide_chars", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"], - ["const wchar_t *", "p_contents"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars_and_len", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"], - ["const char *", "p_contents"], - ["const int", "p_size"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars_and_len", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"], - ["const char *", "p_contents"], - ["const int", "p_size"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new_with_utf16_chars_and_len", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"], - ["const char16_t *", "p_contents"], - ["const int", "p_size"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_new_with_utf32_chars_and_len", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "r_dest"], - ["const char32_t *", "p_contents"], - ["const int", "p_size"] - 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godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_operator_plus", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_count", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_what"], - ["godot_int", "p_from"], - ["godot_int", "p_to"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_countn", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_what"], - ["godot_int", "p_from"], - ["godot_int", "p_to"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_dedent", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_length", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_casecmp_to", - 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["godot_int", "p_digits"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_pad_zeros", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["godot_int", "p_digits"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_replace_first", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_key"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_with"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_replace", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_key"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_with"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_replacen", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_key"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_with"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_rfind", - "return_type": "godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_what"] - ] - }, 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"godot_string_split", - "return_type": "godot_packed_string_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_splitter"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_split_allow_empty", - "return_type": "godot_packed_string_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_splitter"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_split_with_maxsplit", - "return_type": "godot_packed_string_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_splitter"], - ["const godot_bool", "p_allow_empty"], - ["const godot_int", "p_maxsplit"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_rsplit", - "return_type": "godot_packed_string_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_splitter"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_rsplit_allow_empty", - "return_type": "godot_packed_string_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const 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"godot_string_split_spaces", - "return_type": "godot_packed_string_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_lstrip", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_chars"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_rstrip", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_chars"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_trim_prefix", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_prefix"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_trim_suffix", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_suffix"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_char_lowercase", - "return_type": "godot_char_type", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_char_type", "p_char"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_char_uppercase", - "return_type": "godot_char_type", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_char_type", "p_char"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_to_lower", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_to_upper", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_get_basename", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_get_extension", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_left", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["godot_int", "p_pos"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_ord_at", - "return_type": "godot_char_type", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["godot_int", "p_idx"] - ] - }, - { - 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["godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const char16_t *", "p_utf16"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_parse_utf16_with_len", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const char16_t *", "p_utf16"], - ["godot_int", "p_len"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_hash", - "return_type": "uint32_t", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_hash64", - "return_type": "uint64_t", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_hash_chars", - "return_type": "uint32_t", - "arguments": [ - ["const char *", "p_cstr"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_hash_chars_with_len", - "return_type": "uint32_t", - "arguments": [ - ["const char *", "p_cstr"], - ["godot_int", "p_len"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_hash_wide_chars", - "return_type": "uint32_t", - "arguments": [ - ["const wchar_t *", "p_str"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_hash_wide_chars_with_len", - "return_type": "uint32_t", - "arguments": [ - ["const wchar_t *", "p_str"], - ["godot_int", "p_len"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_md5_buffer", - "return_type": "godot_packed_byte_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_md5_text", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_sha1_buffer", - "return_type": "godot_packed_byte_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_sha1_text", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_sha256_buffer", - "return_type": "godot_packed_byte_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_sha256_text", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": 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"godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_path"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_path_to_file", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_string *", "p_path"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_simplify_path", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_c_escape", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_c_escape_multiline", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_c_unescape", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_http_escape", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - 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"godot_string_join", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_packed_string_array *", "p_parts"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_is_valid_filename", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_is_valid_float", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_is_valid_hex_number", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"], - ["godot_bool", "p_with_prefix"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_is_valid_html_color", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_is_valid_identifier", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_string_is_valid_integer", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - 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- ["const godot_transform *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform_inverse", - "return_type": "godot_transform", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform_affine_inverse", - "return_type": "godot_transform", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform_orthonormalized", - "return_type": "godot_transform", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform_rotated", - "return_type": "godot_transform", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_axis"], - ["const godot_real", "p_phi"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform_scaled", - "return_type": "godot_transform", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_scale"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform_translated", - "return_type": "godot_transform", - "arguments": [ - ["const 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"godot_transform_operator_multiply", - "return_type": "godot_transform", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_transform *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform_xform_vector3", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_v"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform_xform_inv_vector3", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_v"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform_xform_aabb", - "return_type": "godot_aabb", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_v"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform_xform_inv_aabb", - "return_type": "godot_aabb", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_aabb *", "p_v"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_transform2d *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_real", "p_rot"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_pos"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_new_axis_origin", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_transform2d *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_x_axis"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_y_axis"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_origin"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_as_string", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform2d *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_inverse", - "return_type": "godot_transform2d", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform2d *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_affine_inverse", - "return_type": "godot_transform2d", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform2d *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_get_rotation", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform2d *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_get_origin", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform2d *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_get_scale", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform2d *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_orthonormalized", - "return_type": "godot_transform2d", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform2d *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_rotated", - "return_type": "godot_transform2d", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform2d *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_phi"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_scaled", - "return_type": "godot_transform2d", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform2d *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_scale"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_transform2d_translated", - "return_type": "godot_transform2d", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_transform2d *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_offset"] - ] - }, 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"r_dest"], - ["const godot_basis *", "p_basis"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_transform", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_transform *", "p_trans"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_color", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_color *", "p_color"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_node_path", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_node_path *", "p_np"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_rid", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_rid *", "p_rid"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_object", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_object *", "p_obj"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_callable", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_callable *", "p_cb"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_signal", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_signal *", "p_signal"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_dictionary", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_dictionary *", "p_dict"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_array *", "p_arr"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_byte_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_byte_array *", "p_pba"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_int32_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_int32_array *", "p_pia"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_int64_array", - "return_type": "void", - 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["const godot_packed_vector3_array *", "p_pv3a"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_color_array", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_packed_color_array *", "p_pca"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_bool", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_uint", - "return_type": "uint64_t", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_int", - "return_type": "int64_t", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_real", - "return_type": "double", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_string", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_string_name", - "return_type": "godot_string_name", - 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"p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_int32_array", - "return_type": "godot_packed_int32_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_int64_array", - "return_type": "godot_packed_int64_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_float32_array", - "return_type": "godot_packed_float32_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_float64_array", - "return_type": "godot_packed_float64_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_string_array", - "return_type": "godot_packed_string_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_vector2_array", - "return_type": "godot_packed_vector2_array", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] 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"godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_other"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_operator_less", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_other"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_get_operator_name", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant_operator", "p_op"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_evaluate", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant_operator", "p_op"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_a"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_b"], - ["godot_variant *", "r_ret"], - ["godot_bool *", "r_valid"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_hash_compare", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_variant *", "p_other"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_booleanize", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_variant_destroy", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_variant *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_as_vector2i", - "return_type": "godot_vector2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_sign", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_move_toward", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_to"], - ["const godot_real", "p_delta"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_direction_to", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_to"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_vector2 *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_real", "p_x"], - ["const godot_real", "p_y"] - ] - }, - { - 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"godot_vector2_operator_subtract", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_operator_multiply_vector", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_operator_multiply_scalar", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_operator_divide_vector", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_operator_divide_scalar", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_operator_equal", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_operator_less", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_operator_neg", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_set_x", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_x"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_set_y", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_vector2 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_y"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_get_x", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2_get_y", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_vector2i *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_int", "p_x"], - ["const godot_int", "p_y"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_as_string", - "return_type": "godot_string", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_as_vector2", - "return_type": "godot_vector2", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_aspect", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_abs", - "return_type": "godot_vector2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_sign", - "return_type": "godot_vector2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_operator_add", - "return_type": "godot_vector2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_operator_subtract", - "return_type": "godot_vector2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_operator_multiply_vector", - "return_type": "godot_vector2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_operator_multiply_scalar", - "return_type": "godot_vector2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_operator_divide_vector", - "return_type": "godot_vector2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector2i_operator_divide_scalar", - "return_type": "godot_vector2i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - 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"godot_int", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector2i *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_as_vector3i", - "return_type": "godot_vector3i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_sign", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_move_toward", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_to"], - ["const godot_real", "p_delta"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_direction_to", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_to"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_new", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_vector3 *", "r_dest"], - ["const godot_real", "p_x"], - ["const godot_real", "p_y"], - ["const godot_real", "p_z"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_as_string", - 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"godot_vector3_operator_divide_scalar", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_real", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_operator_equal", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_operator_less", - "return_type": "godot_bool", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_operator_neg", - "return_type": "godot_vector3", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_set_axis", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["godot_vector3 *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3_axis", "p_axis"], - ["const godot_real", "p_val"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3_get_axis", - "return_type": "godot_real", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3 *", "p_self"], - ["const 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"godot_vector3i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3i *", "p_self"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3i_operator_add", - "return_type": "godot_vector3i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3i *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3i_operator_subtract", - "return_type": "godot_vector3i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3i *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3i_operator_multiply_vector", - "return_type": "godot_vector3i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_vector3i *", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3i_operator_multiply_scalar", - "return_type": "godot_vector3i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3i *", "p_self"], - ["const godot_int", "p_b"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_vector3i_operator_divide_vector", - "return_type": "godot_vector3i", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_vector3i *", "p_self"], - ["const 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["const char *", "call_type"], - ["native_call_cb", "p_callback"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_alloc", - "return_type": "void *", - "arguments": [ - ["int", "p_bytes"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_realloc", - "return_type": "void *", - "arguments": [ - ["void *", "p_ptr"], - ["int", "p_bytes"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_free", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["void *", "p_ptr"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_print_error", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["const char *", "p_description"], - ["const char *", "p_function"], - ["const char *", "p_file"], - ["int", "p_line"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_print_warning", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["const char *", "p_description"], - ["const char *", "p_function"], - ["const char *", "p_file"], - ["int", "p_line"] - ] - }, - { - "name": "godot_print", - "return_type": "void", - "arguments": [ - ["const godot_string *", "p_message"] - ] - } - ] - }, - "extensions": [ - { - "name": "nativescript", - 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"const godot_packed_int32_array *", + "p_pia" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_int64_array", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_dest" + ], + [ + "const godot_packed_int64_array *", + "p_pia" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_float32_array", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_dest" + ], + [ + "const godot_packed_float32_array *", + "p_pra" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_float64_array", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_dest" + ], + [ + "const godot_packed_float64_array *", + "p_pra" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_string_array", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_dest" + ], + [ + "const godot_packed_string_array *", + "p_psa" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_vector2_array", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_dest" + ], + [ + "const godot_packed_vector2_array *", + "p_pv2a" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_vector3_array", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_dest" + ], + [ + "const godot_packed_vector3_array *", + "p_pv3a" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_new_packed_color_array", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_dest" + ], + [ + "const godot_packed_color_array *", + "p_pca" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_bool", + "return_type": "godot_bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_int", + "return_type": "int64_t", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_float", + "return_type": "double", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_string", + "return_type": "godot_string", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_string_name", + "return_type": "godot_string_name", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_vector2", + "return_type": "godot_vector2", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_vector2i", + "return_type": "godot_vector2i", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_rect2", + "return_type": "godot_rect2", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_rect2i", + "return_type": "godot_rect2i", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_vector3", + "return_type": "godot_vector3", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_vector3i", + 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"godot_variant_as_color", + "return_type": "godot_color", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_node_path", + "return_type": "godot_node_path", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_rid", + "return_type": "godot_rid", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_object", + "return_type": "godot_object *", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_callable", + "return_type": "godot_callable", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_signal", + "return_type": "godot_signal", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_dictionary", + "return_type": "godot_dictionary", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_array", + "return_type": "godot_array", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_byte_array", + "return_type": "godot_packed_byte_array", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_int32_array", + "return_type": "godot_packed_int32_array", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_int64_array", + "return_type": "godot_packed_int64_array", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_float32_array", + "return_type": "godot_packed_float32_array", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_float64_array", + "return_type": "godot_packed_float64_array", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_string_array", + "return_type": "godot_packed_string_array", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_vector2_array", + "return_type": "godot_packed_vector2_array", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_vector3_array", + "return_type": "godot_packed_vector3_array", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_as_packed_color_array", + "return_type": "godot_packed_color_array", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_destroy", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_call", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + 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"bool *", + "r_valid" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_set_keyed", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_key" + ], + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_value" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_valid" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_set_indexed", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_int", + "p_index" + ], + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_value" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_valid" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_oob" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get", + "return_type": "godot_variant", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_key" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_valid" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_named", + "return_type": "godot_variant", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_key" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_valid" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_keyed", + "return_type": "godot_variant", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_key" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_valid" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_indexed", + "return_type": "godot_variant", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_int", + "p_index" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_valid" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_oob" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_iter_init", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_iter" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_valid" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_iter_next", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_iter" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_valid" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_iter_get", + "return_type": "godot_variant", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_iter" + ], + [ + "bool *", + "r_valid" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_hash_compare", + "return_type": "godot_bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_other" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_booleanize", + "return_type": "godot_bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_blend", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_a" + ], + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_b" + ], + [ + "float", + "p_c" + ], + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_dst" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_interpolate", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_a" + ], + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_b" + ], + [ + "float", + "p_c" + ], + [ + "godot_variant *", + "r_dst" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_duplicate", + "return_type": "godot_variant", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_bool", + "p_deep" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_stringify", + "return_type": "godot_string", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_variant *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_validated_operator_evaluator", + "return_type": "godot_validated_operator_evaluator", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_operator", + "p_operator" + ], + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type_a" + ], + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type_b" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_ptr_operator_evaluator", + "return_type": "godot_ptr_operator_evaluator", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_operator", + "p_operator" + ], + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type_a" + ], + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type_b" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_operator_return_type", + "return_type": "godot_variant_type", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_operator", + "p_operator" + ], + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type_a" + ], + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type_b" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_operator_name", + "return_type": "godot_string", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_operator", + "p_operator" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_has_builtin_method", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_has_builtin_method_with_cstring", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_validated_builtin_method", + "return_type": "godot_validated_builtin_method", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_validated_builtin_method_with_cstring", + "return_type": "godot_validated_builtin_method", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_ptr_builtin_method", + "return_type": "godot_ptr_builtin_method", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_ptr_builtin_method_with_cstring", + "return_type": "godot_ptr_builtin_method", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_count", + "return_type": "int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_count_with_cstring", + "return_type": "int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_type", + "return_type": "godot_variant_type", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_method" + ], + [ + "int", + "p_argument" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_type_with_cstring", + "return_type": "godot_variant_type", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_method" + ], + [ + "int", + "p_argument" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_name", + "return_type": "godot_string", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_method" + ], + [ + "int", + "p_argument" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_name_with_cstring", + "return_type": "godot_string", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_method" + ], + [ + "int", + "p_argument" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_has_builtin_method_return_value", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_has_builtin_method_return_value_with_cstring", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_builtin_method_return_type", + "return_type": "godot_variant_type", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_builtin_method_return_type_with_cstring", + "return_type": "godot_variant_type", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_is_builtin_method_const", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_is_builtin_method_const_with_cstring", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_is_builtin_method_vararg", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_is_builtin_method_vararg_with_cstring", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_builtin_method_count", + "return_type": "int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_builtin_method_list", 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"godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_member" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_member_count", + "return_type": "int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_member_list", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "godot_string_name *", + "r_list" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_validated_setter", + "return_type": "godot_validated_setter", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_member" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_validated_setter_with_cstring", + "return_type": "godot_validated_setter", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_member" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_validated_getter", + "return_type": "godot_validated_getter", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_variant_type", + "p_type" + 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"godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_name_with_cstring", + "return_type": "godot_string", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const char *", + "p_function" + ], + [ + "int", + "p_argument" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_has_utility_function_return_value", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_function" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_has_utility_function_return_value_with_cstring", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const char *", + "p_function" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_utility_function_return_type", + "return_type": "godot_variant_type", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_string_name *", + "p_function" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_get_utility_function_return_type_with_cstring", + "return_type": "godot_variant_type", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const char *", + "p_function" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_variant_is_utility_function_vararg", + "return_type": "bool", + 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"arguments": [ + [ + "godot_string_name *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_string_name_new_with_latin1_chars", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_string_name *", + "r_dest" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_contents" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_transform_new", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_transform *", + "r_dest" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_transform2d_new", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_transform2d *", + "r_dest" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_vector2_new", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_vector2 *", + "r_dest" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_vector2i_new", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_vector2i *", + "r_dest" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_vector3_new", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_vector3 *", + "r_dest" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_vector3i_new", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_vector3i *", + "r_dest" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + "extensions": [ + { + "name": "nativescript", + "type": "NATIVESCRIPT", + "version": { + "major": 4, + "minor": 0 + }, + "next": null, + "api": [ + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_register_class", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "p_gdnative_handle" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_base" + ], + [ + "godot_nativescript_instance_create_func", + "p_create_func" + ], + [ + "godot_nativescript_instance_destroy_func", + "p_destroy_func" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_register_tool_class", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "p_gdnative_handle" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_base" + ], + [ + "godot_nativescript_instance_create_func", + "p_create_func" + ], + [ + "godot_nativescript_instance_destroy_func", + "p_destroy_func" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_register_method", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "p_gdnative_handle" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_function_name" + ], + [ + "godot_nativescript_method_attributes", + "p_attr" + ], + [ + "godot_nativescript_instance_method", + "p_method" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_set_method_argument_information", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "p_gdnative_handle" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_function_name" + ], + [ + "int", + "p_num_args" + ], + [ + "const godot_nativescript_method_argument *", + "p_args" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_register_property", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "p_gdnative_handle" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_path" + ], + [ + "godot_nativescript_property_attributes *", + "p_attr" + ], + [ + "godot_nativescript_property_set_func", + "p_set_func" + ], + [ + "godot_nativescript_property_get_func", + "p_get_func" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_register_signal", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "p_gdnative_handle" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "const godot_nativescript_signal *", + "p_signal" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_get_userdata", + "return_type": "void *", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_object *", + "p_instance" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_set_class_documentation", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "p_gdnative_handle" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "godot_string", + "p_documentation" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_set_method_documentation", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "p_gdnative_handle" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_function_name" + ], + [ + "godot_string", + "p_documentation" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_set_property_documentation", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "p_gdnative_handle" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_path" + ], + [ + "godot_string", + "p_documentation" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_set_signal_documentation", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "p_gdnative_handle" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_signal_name" + ], + [ + "godot_string", + "p_documentation" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_set_global_type_tag", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "int", + "p_idx" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "const void *", + "p_type_tag" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_get_global_type_tag", + "return_type": "const void *", + "arguments": [ + [ + "int", + "p_idx" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_set_type_tag", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "p_gdnative_handle" + ], + [ + "const char *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "const void *", + "p_type_tag" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_get_type_tag", + "return_type": "const void *", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_object *", + "p_object" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_register_instance_binding_data_functions", + "return_type": "int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_nativescript_instance_binding_functions", + "p_binding_functions" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_unregister_instance_binding_data_functions", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "int", + "p_idx" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_get_instance_binding_data", + "return_type": "void *", + "arguments": [ + [ + "int", + "p_idx" + ], + [ + "godot_object *", + "p_object" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_nativescript_profiling_add_data", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const char *", + "p_signature" + ], + [ + "uint64_t", + "p_line" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "pluginscript", + "type": "PLUGINSCRIPT", + "version": { + "major": 1, + "minor": 0 + }, + "next": null, + "api": [ + { + "name": "godot_pluginscript_register_language", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_pluginscript_language_desc *", + "language_desc" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "android", + "type": "ANDROID", + "version": { + "major": 1, + "minor": 1 + }, + "next": null, + "api": [ + { + "name": "godot_android_get_env", + "return_type": "JNIEnv*", + "arguments": [] + }, + { + "name": "godot_android_get_activity", + "return_type": "jobject", + "arguments": [] + }, + { + "name": "godot_android_get_surface", + "return_type": "jobject", + "arguments": [] + }, + { + "name": "godot_android_is_activity_resumed", + "return_type": "bool", + "arguments": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "xr", + "type": "XR", + "version": { + "major": 1, + "minor": 1 + }, + "next": null, + "api": [ + { + "name": "godot_xr_register_interface", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_xr_interface_gdnative *", + "p_interface" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_xr_get_worldscale", + "return_type": "godot_float", + "arguments": [] + }, + { + "name": "godot_xr_get_reference_frame", + "return_type": "godot_transform", + "arguments": [] + }, + { + "name": "godot_xr_blit", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_int", + "p_eye" + ], + [ + "godot_rid *", + "p_render_target" + ], + [ + "godot_rect2 *", + "p_screen_rect" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_xr_get_texid", + "return_type": "godot_int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_rid *", + "p_render_target" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_xr_add_controller", + "return_type": "godot_int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "char *", + "p_device_name" + ], + [ + "godot_int", + "p_hand" + ], + [ + "godot_bool", + "p_tracks_orientation" + ], + [ + "godot_bool", + "p_tracks_position" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_xr_remove_controller", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_int", + "p_controller_id" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_xr_set_controller_transform", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_int", + "p_controller_id" + ], + [ + "godot_transform *", + "p_transform" + ], + [ + "godot_bool", + "p_tracks_orientation" + ], + [ + "godot_bool", + "p_tracks_position" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_xr_set_controller_button", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_int", + "p_controller_id" + ], + [ + "godot_int", + "p_button" + ], + [ + "godot_bool", + "p_is_pressed" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_xr_set_controller_axis", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_int", + "p_controller_id" + ], + [ + "godot_int", + "p_exis" + ], + [ + "godot_float", + "p_value" + ], + [ + "godot_bool", + "p_can_be_negative" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_xr_get_controller_rumble", + "return_type": "godot_float", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_int", + "p_controller_id" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "videodecoder", + "type": "VIDEODECODER", + "version": { + "major": 0, + "minor": 1 + }, + "next": null, + "api": [ + { + "name": "godot_videodecoder_file_read", + "return_type": "godot_int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "file_ptr" + ], + [ + "uint8_t *", + "buf" + ], + [ + "int", + "buf_size" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_videodecoder_file_seek", + "return_type": "int64_t", + "arguments": [ + [ + "void *", + "file_ptr" + ], + [ + "int64_t", + "pos" + ], + [ + "int", + "whence" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_videodecoder_register_decoder", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_videodecoder_interface_gdnative *", + "p_interface" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "net", + "type": "NET", + "version": { + "major": 4, + "minor": 0 + }, + "next": null, + "api": [ + { + "name": "godot_net_bind_stream_peer", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_object *", + "p_obj" + ], + [ + "const godot_net_stream_peer *", + "p_interface" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_net_bind_packet_peer", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_object *", + "p_obj" + ], + [ + "const godot_net_packet_peer *", + "p_interface" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_net_bind_multiplayer_peer", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_object *", + "p_obj" + ], + [ + "const godot_net_multiplayer_peer *", + "p_interface" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_net_set_webrtc_library", + "return_type": "godot_error", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_net_webrtc_library *", + "p_library" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_net_bind_webrtc_peer_connection", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_object *", + "p_obj" + ], + [ + "const godot_net_webrtc_peer_connection *", + "p_interface" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_net_bind_webrtc_data_channel", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_object *", + "p_obj" + ], + [ + "const godot_net_webrtc_data_channel *", + "p_interface" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "text", + "type": "TEXT", + "version": { + "major": 1, + "minor": 0 + }, + "next": null, + "api": [ + { + "name": "godot_text_register_interface", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_text_interface_gdnative *", + "p_interface" + ], + [ + "const godot_string *", + "p_name" + ], + [ + "uint32_t", + "p_features" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_new", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_glyph *", + "r_dest" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_get_range", + "return_type": "godot_vector2i", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_set_range", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_vector2i *", + "p_range" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_get_count", + "return_type": "godot_int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_set_count", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_int", + "p_count" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_get_repeat", + "return_type": "godot_int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_set_repeat", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_int", + "p_repeat" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_get_flags", + "return_type": "godot_int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_set_flags", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_int", + "p_flags" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_get_offset", + "return_type": "godot_vector2", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_set_offset", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_vector2 *", + "p_offset" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_get_advance", + "return_type": "godot_float", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_set_advance", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_float", + "p_advance" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_get_font", + "return_type": "godot_rid", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_set_font", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_rid *", + "p_font" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_get_font_size", + "return_type": "godot_int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_set_font_size", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_int", + "p_size" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_get_index", + "return_type": "godot_int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_glyph_set_index", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_glyph *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "godot_int", + "p_index" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_new", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "r_dest" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_new_copy", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "r_dest" + ], + [ + "const godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_src" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_is_empty", + "return_type": "godot_bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_append", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_data" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_append_array", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_array" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_insert", + "return_type": "godot_error", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_int", + "p_idx" + ], + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_data" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_has", + "return_type": "godot_bool", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_value" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_sort", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_invert", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_push_back", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_data" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_remove", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_int", + "p_idx" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_resize", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_int", + "p_size" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_ptr", + "return_type": "const godot_glyph *", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_ptrw", + "return_type": "godot_glyph *", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_set", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_int", + "p_idx" + ], + [ + "const godot_glyph *", + "p_data" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_get", + "return_type": "godot_glyph", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ], + [ + "const godot_int", + "p_idx" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_size", + "return_type": "godot_int", + "arguments": [ + [ + "const godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "godot_packed_glyph_array_destroy", + "return_type": "void", + "arguments": [ + [ + "godot_packed_glyph_array *", + "p_self" + ] + ] + } + ] + } + ] } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/aabb.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/aabb.h index daf5ebfdd8..1373530fda 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/aabb.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/aabb.h @@ -46,72 +46,9 @@ typedef struct { } godot_aabb; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/plane.h> -#include <gdnative/vector3.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_aabb_new(godot_aabb *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_pos, const godot_vector3 *p_size); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_position(const godot_aabb *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_aabb_set_position(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_size(const godot_aabb *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_aabb_set_size(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_aabb_as_string(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_aabb_abs(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_aabb_get_area(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_has_no_area(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_has_no_surface(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_intersects(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_with); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_encloses(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_with); - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_aabb_merge(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_with); - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_aabb_intersection(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_with); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_intersects_plane(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_plane *p_plane); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_intersects_segment(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_from, const godot_vector3 *p_to); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_has_point(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_point); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_support(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_dir); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_longest_axis(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_aabb_get_longest_axis_index(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_aabb_get_longest_axis_size(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis_index(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis_size(const godot_aabb *p_self); - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_aabb_expand(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_to_point); - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_aabb_grow(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_real p_by); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_aabb_get_endpoint(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_aabb_operator_equal(const godot_aabb *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_b); +void GDAPI godot_aabb_new(godot_aabb *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/array.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/array.h index 9cc5bdfad5..d734d49232 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/array.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/array.h @@ -46,103 +46,11 @@ typedef struct { } godot_array; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - -#include <gdnative/packed_arrays.h> -#include <gdnative/variant.h> - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_array_new(godot_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_copy(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_color_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_color_array *p_pca); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_vector3_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_pv3a); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_vector2_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_pv2a); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_vector2i_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_pv2a); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_string_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_string_array *p_psa); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_float32_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_float32_array *p_pra); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_float64_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_float64_array *p_pra); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_int32_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_int32_array *p_pia); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_int64_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_int64_array *p_pia); -void GDAPI godot_array_new_packed_byte_array(godot_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_byte_array *p_pba); - -void GDAPI godot_array_set(godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_variant *p_value); - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_get(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_variant GDAPI *godot_array_operator_index(godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -const godot_variant GDAPI *godot_array_operator_index_const(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_array_append(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_array_clear(godot_array *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_count(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_array_is_empty(const godot_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_array_erase(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value); - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_front(const godot_array *p_self); - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_back(const godot_array *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_find(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_what, const godot_int p_from); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_find_last(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_what); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_array_has(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_hash(const godot_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_array_insert(godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_pos, const godot_variant *p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_array_invert(godot_array *p_self); - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_pop_back(godot_array *p_self); - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_pop_front(godot_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_array_push_back(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_array_push_front(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_array_remove(godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_array_resize(godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_rfind(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_what, const godot_int p_from); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_size(const godot_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_array_sort(godot_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_array_sort_custom(godot_array *p_self, godot_object *p_obj, const godot_string *p_func); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_bsearch(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value, const godot_bool p_before); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_array_bsearch_custom(godot_array *p_self, const godot_variant *p_value, godot_object *p_obj, const godot_string *p_func, const godot_bool p_before); - +void GDAPI godot_array_new(godot_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_array_destroy(godot_array *p_self); -godot_array GDAPI godot_array_duplicate(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_bool p_deep); - -godot_array GDAPI godot_array_slice(const godot_array *p_self, const godot_int p_begin, const godot_int p_end, const godot_int p_step, const godot_bool p_deep); - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_max(const godot_array *p_self); - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_array_min(const godot_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_array_shuffle(godot_array *p_self); - #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/basis.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/basis.h index c6dab4c3c1..191ad660d5 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/basis.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/basis.h @@ -46,88 +46,9 @@ typedef struct { } godot_basis; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/quat.h> -#include <gdnative/vector3.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_basis_new_with_rows(godot_basis *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_x_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_y_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_z_axis); -void GDAPI godot_basis_new_with_axis_and_angle(godot_basis *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_phi); -void GDAPI godot_basis_new_with_euler(godot_basis *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_euler); -void GDAPI godot_basis_new_with_euler_quat(godot_basis *r_dest, const godot_quat *p_euler); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_basis_as_string(const godot_basis *p_self); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_inverse(const godot_basis *p_self); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_transposed(const godot_basis *p_self); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_orthonormalized(const godot_basis *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_basis_determinant(const godot_basis *p_self); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_rotated(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_phi); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_scaled(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_scale); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_get_scale(const godot_basis *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_get_euler(const godot_basis *p_self); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_basis_get_quat(const godot_basis *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_quat(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_quat *p_quat); - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_axis_angle_scale(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, godot_real p_phi, const godot_vector3 *p_scale); - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_euler_scale(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_euler, const godot_vector3 *p_scale); - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_quat_scale(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_quat *p_quat, const godot_vector3 *p_scale); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_basis_tdotx(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_with); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_basis_tdoty(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_with); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_basis_tdotz(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_with); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_xform(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_xform_inv(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_basis_get_orthogonal_index(const godot_basis *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_basis_new(godot_basis *r_dest); - -// p_elements is a pointer to an array of 3 (!!) vector3 -void GDAPI godot_basis_get_elements(const godot_basis *p_self, godot_vector3 *p_elements); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_get_axis(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_int p_axis); - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_axis(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_int p_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_value); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_basis_get_row(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_int p_row); - -void GDAPI godot_basis_set_row(godot_basis *p_self, const godot_int p_row, const godot_vector3 *p_value); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_basis_operator_equal(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_basis *p_b); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_operator_add(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_basis *p_b); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_operator_subtract(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_basis *p_b); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_operator_multiply_vector(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_basis *p_b); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_operator_multiply_scalar(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_real p_b); -godot_basis GDAPI godot_basis_slerp(const godot_basis *p_self, const godot_basis *p_b, const godot_real p_t); +void GDAPI godot_basis_new(godot_basis *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/callable.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/callable.h index b3daaa7d0c..6f359ada5e 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/callable.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/callable.h @@ -46,79 +46,11 @@ typedef struct { } godot_callable; #endif -#define GODOT_SIGNAL_SIZE (16) - -#ifndef GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_SIGNAL_TYPE_DEFINED -#define GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_SIGNAL_TYPE_DEFINED -typedef struct { - uint8_t _dont_touch_that[GODOT_SIGNAL_SIZE]; -} godot_signal; -#endif - -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/string_name.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -// Callable - -void GDAPI godot_callable_new_with_object(godot_callable *r_dest, const godot_object *p_object, const godot_string_name *p_method); -void GDAPI godot_callable_new_with_object_id(godot_callable *r_dest, uint64_t p_objectid, const godot_string_name *p_method); -void GDAPI godot_callable_new_copy(godot_callable *r_dest, const godot_callable *p_src); +void GDAPI godot_callable_new(godot_callable *p_self); void GDAPI godot_callable_destroy(godot_callable *p_self); -godot_int GDAPI godot_callable_call(const godot_callable *p_self, const godot_variant **p_arguments, godot_int p_argcount, godot_variant *r_return_value); -void GDAPI godot_callable_call_deferred(const godot_callable *p_self, const godot_variant **p_arguments, godot_int p_argcount); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_callable_is_null(const godot_callable *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_callable_is_custom(const godot_callable *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_callable_is_standard(const godot_callable *p_self); - -godot_object GDAPI *godot_callable_get_object(const godot_callable *p_self); -uint64_t GDAPI godot_callable_get_object_id(const godot_callable *p_self); -godot_string_name GDAPI godot_callable_get_method(const godot_callable *p_self); - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_callable_hash(const godot_callable *p_self); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_callable_as_string(const godot_callable *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_callable_operator_equal(const godot_callable *p_self, const godot_callable *p_other); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_callable_operator_less(const godot_callable *p_self, const godot_callable *p_other); - -// Signal - -void GDAPI godot_signal_new_with_object(godot_signal *r_dest, const godot_object *p_object, const godot_string_name *p_name); -void GDAPI godot_signal_new_with_object_id(godot_signal *r_dest, uint64_t p_objectid, const godot_string_name *p_name); -void GDAPI godot_signal_new_copy(godot_signal *r_dest, const godot_signal *p_src); - -void GDAPI godot_signal_destroy(godot_signal *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_signal_emit(const godot_signal *p_self, const godot_variant **p_arguments, godot_int p_argcount); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_signal_connect(godot_signal *p_self, const godot_callable *p_callable, const godot_array *p_binds, uint32_t p_flags); -void GDAPI godot_signal_disconnect(godot_signal *p_self, const godot_callable *p_callable); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_signal_is_null(const godot_signal *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_signal_is_connected(const godot_signal *p_self, const godot_callable *p_callable); - -godot_array GDAPI godot_signal_get_connections(const godot_signal *p_self); - -godot_object GDAPI *godot_signal_get_object(const godot_signal *p_self); -uint64_t GDAPI godot_signal_get_object_id(const godot_signal *p_self); -godot_string_name GDAPI godot_signal_get_name(const godot_signal *p_self); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_signal_as_string(const godot_signal *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_signal_operator_equal(const godot_signal *p_self, const godot_signal *p_other); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_signal_operator_less(const godot_signal *p_self, const godot_signal *p_other); - #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/color.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/color.h index c6ef921ad9..dd5d5383e3 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/color.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/color.h @@ -46,68 +46,9 @@ typedef struct { } godot_color; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/string.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_color_new_rgba(godot_color *r_dest, const godot_real p_r, const godot_real p_g, const godot_real p_b, const godot_real p_a); -void GDAPI godot_color_new_rgb(godot_color *r_dest, const godot_real p_r, const godot_real p_g, const godot_real p_b); - -godot_real godot_color_get_r(const godot_color *p_self); -void godot_color_set_r(godot_color *p_self, const godot_real r); - -godot_real godot_color_get_g(const godot_color *p_self); -void godot_color_set_g(godot_color *p_self, const godot_real g); - -godot_real godot_color_get_b(const godot_color *p_self); -void godot_color_set_b(godot_color *p_self, const godot_real b); - -godot_real godot_color_get_a(const godot_color *p_self); -void godot_color_set_a(godot_color *p_self, const godot_real a); - -godot_real godot_color_get_h(const godot_color *p_self); -godot_real godot_color_get_s(const godot_color *p_self); -godot_real godot_color_get_v(const godot_color *p_self); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_color_as_string(const godot_color *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_rgba32(const godot_color *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_abgr32(const godot_color *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_abgr64(const godot_color *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_argb64(const godot_color *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_rgba64(const godot_color *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_color_to_argb32(const godot_color *p_self); - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_inverted(const godot_color *p_self); - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_lerp(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_color *p_b, const godot_real p_t); - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_blend(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_color *p_over); - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_darkened(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_real p_amount); - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_from_hsv(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_real p_h, const godot_real p_s, const godot_real p_v, const godot_real p_a); - -godot_color GDAPI godot_color_lightened(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_real p_amount); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_color_to_html(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_bool p_with_alpha); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_color_operator_equal(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_color *p_b); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_color_operator_less(const godot_color *p_self, const godot_color *p_b); +void GDAPI godot_color_new(godot_color *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/dictionary.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/dictionary.h index 3f664567d8..231d2ef578 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/dictionary.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/dictionary.h @@ -46,62 +46,11 @@ typedef struct { } godot_dictionary; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - -#include <gdnative/array.h> #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/variant.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif -void GDAPI godot_dictionary_new(godot_dictionary *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_dictionary_new_copy(godot_dictionary *r_dest, const godot_dictionary *p_src); +void GDAPI godot_dictionary_new(godot_dictionary *p_self); void GDAPI godot_dictionary_destroy(godot_dictionary *p_self); -godot_dictionary GDAPI godot_dictionary_duplicate(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_bool p_deep); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_dictionary_size(const godot_dictionary *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_dictionary_is_empty(const godot_dictionary *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_dictionary_clear(godot_dictionary *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_dictionary_has(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_dictionary_has_all(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_array *p_keys); - -void GDAPI godot_dictionary_erase(godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_dictionary_hash(const godot_dictionary *p_self); - -godot_array GDAPI godot_dictionary_keys(const godot_dictionary *p_self); - -godot_array GDAPI godot_dictionary_values(const godot_dictionary *p_self); - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_dictionary_get(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key); -void GDAPI godot_dictionary_set(godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, const godot_variant *p_value); - -godot_variant GDAPI *godot_dictionary_operator_index(godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key); - -const godot_variant GDAPI *godot_dictionary_operator_index_const(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key); - -godot_variant GDAPI *godot_dictionary_next(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_dictionary_operator_equal(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_dictionary *p_b); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_dictionary_to_json(const godot_dictionary *p_self); - -// GDNative core 1.1 - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_dictionary_erase_with_return(godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key); - -godot_variant GDAPI godot_dictionary_get_with_default(const godot_dictionary *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, const godot_variant *p_default); - #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/gdnative.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/gdnative.h index cc8bf52fe4..630966b035 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/gdnative.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/gdnative.h @@ -118,21 +118,6 @@ typedef enum { GODOT_ERR_PRINTER_ON_FIRE, /// the parallel port printer is engulfed in flames } godot_error; -////// bool - -typedef bool godot_bool; - -#define GODOT_TRUE 1 -#define GODOT_FALSE 0 - -/////// int - -typedef int64_t godot_int; - -/////// real - -typedef float godot_real; - /////// Object (forward declared) typedef void godot_object; @@ -215,7 +200,7 @@ void GDAPI godot_object_destroy(godot_object *p_o); ////// Singleton API -godot_object GDAPI *godot_global_get_singleton(char *p_name); // result shouldn't be freed +godot_object GDAPI *godot_global_get_singleton(char *p_name); // Result shouldn't be freed. ////// MethodBind API @@ -281,13 +266,6 @@ void GDAPI *godot_alloc(int p_bytes); void GDAPI *godot_realloc(void *p_ptr, int p_bytes); void GDAPI godot_free(void *p_ptr); -//print using Godot's error handler list -void GDAPI godot_print_error(const char *p_description, const char *p_function, const char *p_file, int p_line); -void GDAPI godot_print_warning(const char *p_description, const char *p_function, const char *p_file, int p_line); -void GDAPI godot_print(const godot_string *p_message); - -// GDNATIVE CORE 1.0.2? - //tags used for safe dynamic casting void GDAPI *godot_get_class_tag(const godot_string_name *p_class); godot_object GDAPI *godot_object_cast_to(const godot_object *p_object, void *p_class_tag); @@ -301,4 +279,4 @@ uint64_t GDAPI godot_object_get_instance_id(const godot_object *p_object); } #endif -#endif // GODOT_C_H +#endif // GODOT_GDNATIVE_H diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/node_path.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/node_path.h index 052e4469a2..3c31b9a98f 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/node_path.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/node_path.h @@ -46,42 +46,11 @@ typedef struct { } godot_node_path; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/string.h> -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_node_path_new(godot_node_path *r_dest, const godot_string *p_from); -void GDAPI godot_node_path_new_copy(godot_node_path *r_dest, const godot_node_path *p_src); +void GDAPI godot_node_path_new(godot_node_path *p_self); void GDAPI godot_node_path_destroy(godot_node_path *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_node_path_as_string(const godot_node_path *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_node_path_is_absolute(const godot_node_path *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_node_path_get_name_count(const godot_node_path *p_self); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_node_path_get_name(const godot_node_path *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_node_path_get_subname_count(const godot_node_path *p_self); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_node_path_get_subname(const godot_node_path *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_node_path_get_concatenated_subnames(const godot_node_path *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_node_path_is_empty(const godot_node_path *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_node_path_operator_equal(const godot_node_path *p_self, const godot_node_path *p_b); - -godot_node_path godot_node_path_get_as_property_path(const godot_node_path *p_self); - #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/packed_arrays.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/packed_arrays.h index f5b95eadd3..1a26d8ed6d 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/packed_arrays.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/packed_arrays.h @@ -136,6 +136,17 @@ typedef struct { } godot_packed_vector3_array; #endif +/////// PackedVector3iArray + +#define GODOT_PACKED_VECTOR3I_ARRAY_SIZE (2 * sizeof(void *)) + +#ifndef GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_PACKED_VECTOR3I_ARRAY_TYPE_DEFINED +#define GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_PACKED_VECTOR3I_ARRAY_TYPE_DEFINED +typedef struct { + uint8_t _dont_touch_that[GODOT_PACKED_VECTOR3I_ARRAY_SIZE]; +} godot_packed_vector3i_array; +#endif + /////// PackedColorArray #define GODOT_PACKED_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE (2 * sizeof(void *)) @@ -147,380 +158,56 @@ typedef struct { } godot_packed_color_array; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - -#include <gdnative/array.h> -#include <gdnative/color.h> -#include <gdnative/vector2.h> -#include <gdnative/vector3.h> - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -// byte - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_new(godot_packed_byte_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_new_copy(godot_packed_byte_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_byte_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_byte_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a); - -const uint8_t GDAPI *godot_packed_byte_array_ptr(const godot_packed_byte_array *p_self); -uint8_t GDAPI *godot_packed_byte_array_ptrw(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_append(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const uint8_t p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_append_array(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_packed_byte_array *p_array); - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_insert(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const uint8_t p_data); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_has(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const uint8_t p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_sort(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_invert(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_push_back(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const uint8_t p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_remove(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_resize(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_set(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const uint8_t p_data); -uint8_t GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_get(const godot_packed_byte_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_size(const godot_packed_byte_array *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_byte_array *p_self); +// Byte. +void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_new(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_packed_byte_array_destroy(godot_packed_byte_array *p_self); -// int32 - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_new(godot_packed_int32_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_new_copy(godot_packed_int32_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_int32_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_int32_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a); - -const int32_t GDAPI *godot_packed_int32_array_ptr(const godot_packed_int32_array *p_self); -int32_t GDAPI *godot_packed_int32_array_ptrw(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_append(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const int32_t p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_append_array(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_packed_int32_array *p_array); - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_insert(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const int32_t p_data); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_has(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const int32_t p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_sort(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_invert(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_push_back(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const int32_t p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_remove(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_resize(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_set(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const int32_t p_data); -int32_t GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_get(const godot_packed_int32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_size(const godot_packed_int32_array *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_int32_array *p_self); +// Int32. +void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_new(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_packed_int32_array_destroy(godot_packed_int32_array *p_self); -// int64 - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_new(godot_packed_int64_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_new_copy(godot_packed_int64_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_int64_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_int64_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a); - -const int64_t GDAPI *godot_packed_int64_array_ptr(const godot_packed_int64_array *p_self); -int64_t GDAPI *godot_packed_int64_array_ptrw(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_append(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const int64_t p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_append_array(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_packed_int64_array *p_array); - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_insert(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const int64_t p_data); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_has(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const int64_t p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_sort(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_invert(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_push_back(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const int64_t p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_remove(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_resize(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_set(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const int64_t p_data); -int64_t GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_get(const godot_packed_int64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_size(const godot_packed_int64_array *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_int64_array *p_self); +// Int64. +void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_new(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_packed_int64_array_destroy(godot_packed_int64_array *p_self); -// float32 - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_new(godot_packed_float32_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_new_copy(godot_packed_float32_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_float32_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_float32_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a); - -const float GDAPI *godot_packed_float32_array_ptr(const godot_packed_float32_array *p_self); -float GDAPI *godot_packed_float32_array_ptrw(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_append(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const float p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_append_array(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_packed_float32_array *p_array); - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_insert(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const float p_data); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_has(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const float p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_sort(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_invert(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_push_back(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const float p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_remove(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_resize(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_set(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const float p_data); -float GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_get(const godot_packed_float32_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_size(const godot_packed_float32_array *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_float32_array *p_self); +// Float32. +void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_new(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_packed_float32_array_destroy(godot_packed_float32_array *p_self); -// float64 - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_new(godot_packed_float64_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_new_copy(godot_packed_float64_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_float64_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_float64_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a); - -const double GDAPI *godot_packed_float64_array_ptr(const godot_packed_float64_array *p_self); -double GDAPI *godot_packed_float64_array_ptrw(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_append(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const double p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_append_array(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_packed_float64_array *p_array); - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_insert(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const double p_data); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_has(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const double p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_sort(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_invert(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_push_back(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const double p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_remove(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_resize(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_set(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const double p_data); -double GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_get(const godot_packed_float64_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_size(const godot_packed_float64_array *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_float64_array *p_self); +// Float64. +void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_new(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_packed_float64_array_destroy(godot_packed_float64_array *p_self); -// string - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_new(godot_packed_string_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_new_copy(godot_packed_string_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_string_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_string_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a); - -const godot_string GDAPI *godot_packed_string_array_ptr(const godot_packed_string_array *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI *godot_packed_string_array_ptrw(godot_packed_string_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_append(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_string *p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_append_array(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_array); - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_insert(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_string *p_data); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_has(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_string *p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_sort(godot_packed_string_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_invert(godot_packed_string_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_push_back(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_string *p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_remove(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_resize(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_set(godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_string *p_data); -godot_string GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_get(const godot_packed_string_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_size(const godot_packed_string_array *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_string_array *p_self); +// String. +void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_new(godot_packed_string_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_packed_string_array_destroy(godot_packed_string_array *p_self); -// vector2 - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_new(godot_packed_vector2_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_new_copy(godot_packed_vector2_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_vector2_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a); - -const godot_vector2 GDAPI *godot_packed_vector2_array_ptr(const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self); -godot_vector2 GDAPI *godot_packed_vector2_array_ptrw(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_append(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_append_array(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_array); - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_insert(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector2 *p_data); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_has(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_sort(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_invert(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_push_back(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_remove(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_resize(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_set(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector2 *p_data); -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_get(const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_size(const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self); +// Vector2. +void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_new(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2_array_destroy(godot_packed_vector2_array *p_self); -// vector2i - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_new(godot_packed_vector2i_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_new_copy(godot_packed_vector2i_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_vector2i_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a); - -const godot_vector2i GDAPI *godot_packed_vector2i_array_ptr(const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self); -godot_vector2i GDAPI *godot_packed_vector2i_array_ptrw(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_append(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_append_array(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_array); - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_insert(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector2i *p_data); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_has(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_sort(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_invert(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_push_back(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_remove(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_resize(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_set(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector2i *p_data); -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_get(const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_size(const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self); +// Vector2i. +void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_new(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_packed_vector2i_array_destroy(godot_packed_vector2i_array *p_self); -// vector3 - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_new(godot_packed_vector3_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_new_copy(godot_packed_vector3_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_vector3_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a); - -const godot_vector3 GDAPI *godot_packed_vector3_array_ptr(const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self); -godot_vector3 GDAPI *godot_packed_vector3_array_ptrw(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_append(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_append_array(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_array); - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_insert(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector3 *p_data); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_has(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_sort(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_invert(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_push_back(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_remove(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_resize(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_set(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_vector3 *p_data); -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_get(const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_size(const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self); +// Vector3. +void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_new(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_packed_vector3_array_destroy(godot_packed_vector3_array *p_self); -// color - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_new(godot_packed_color_array *r_dest); -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_new_copy(godot_packed_color_array *r_dest, const godot_packed_color_array *p_src); -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_new_with_array(godot_packed_color_array *r_dest, const godot_array *p_a); - -const godot_color GDAPI *godot_packed_color_array_ptr(const godot_packed_color_array *p_self); -godot_color GDAPI *godot_packed_color_array_ptrw(godot_packed_color_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_append(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_color *p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_append_array(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_packed_color_array *p_array); - -godot_error GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_insert(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_color *p_data); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_has(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_color *p_value); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_sort(godot_packed_color_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_invert(godot_packed_color_array *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_push_back(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_color *p_data); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_remove(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_resize(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_int p_size); - -void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_set(godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx, const godot_color *p_data); -godot_color GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_get(const godot_packed_color_array *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_size(const godot_packed_color_array *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_is_empty(const godot_packed_color_array *p_self); +// Color. +void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_new(godot_packed_color_array *p_self); void GDAPI godot_packed_color_array_destroy(godot_packed_color_array *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/plane.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/plane.h index a8625d4cd6..7480c2d17c 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/plane.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/plane.h @@ -46,53 +46,9 @@ typedef struct { } godot_plane; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/vector3.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_plane_new_with_reals(godot_plane *r_dest, const godot_real p_a, const godot_real p_b, const godot_real p_c, const godot_real p_d); -void GDAPI godot_plane_new_with_vectors(godot_plane *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_v1, const godot_vector3 *p_v2, const godot_vector3 *p_v3); -void GDAPI godot_plane_new_with_normal(godot_plane *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_normal, const godot_real p_d); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_plane_as_string(const godot_plane *p_self); - -godot_plane GDAPI godot_plane_normalized(const godot_plane *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_plane_center(const godot_plane *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_is_point_over(const godot_plane *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_point); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_plane_distance_to(const godot_plane *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_point); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_has_point(const godot_plane *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_point, const godot_real p_epsilon); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_plane_project(const godot_plane *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_point); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_intersect_3(const godot_plane *p_self, godot_vector3 *r_dest, const godot_plane *p_b, const godot_plane *p_c); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_intersects_ray(const godot_plane *p_self, godot_vector3 *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_from, const godot_vector3 *p_dir); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_intersects_segment(const godot_plane *p_self, godot_vector3 *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_begin, const godot_vector3 *p_end); - -godot_plane GDAPI godot_plane_operator_neg(const godot_plane *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_plane_operator_equal(const godot_plane *p_self, const godot_plane *p_b); - -void GDAPI godot_plane_set_normal(godot_plane *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_normal); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_plane_get_normal(const godot_plane *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_plane_get_d(const godot_plane *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_plane_set_d(godot_plane *p_self, const godot_real p_d); +void GDAPI godot_plane_new(godot_plane *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/quat.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/quat.h index 68ca1765dd..fbb067ad41 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/quat.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/quat.h @@ -46,70 +46,9 @@ typedef struct { } godot_quat; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/vector3.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_quat_new(godot_quat *r_dest, const godot_real p_x, const godot_real p_y, const godot_real p_z, const godot_real p_w); -void GDAPI godot_quat_new_with_axis_angle(godot_quat *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_angle); -void GDAPI godot_quat_new_with_basis(godot_quat *r_dest, const godot_basis *p_basis); -void GDAPI godot_quat_new_with_euler(godot_quat *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_euler); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_get_x(const godot_quat *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_quat_set_x(godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real val); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_get_y(const godot_quat *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_quat_set_y(godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real val); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_get_z(const godot_quat *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_quat_set_z(godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real val); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_get_w(const godot_quat *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_quat_set_w(godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real val); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_quat_as_string(const godot_quat *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_length(const godot_quat *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_length_squared(const godot_quat *p_self); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_normalized(const godot_quat *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_quat_is_normalized(const godot_quat *p_self); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_inverse(const godot_quat *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_quat_dot(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_quat_xform(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_slerp(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b, const godot_real p_t); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_slerpni(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b, const godot_real p_t); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_cubic_slerp(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b, const godot_quat *p_pre_a, const godot_quat *p_post_b, const godot_real p_t); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_operator_multiply(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real p_b); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_operator_add(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_operator_subtract(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_operator_divide(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_real p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_quat_operator_equal(const godot_quat *p_self, const godot_quat *p_b); - -godot_quat GDAPI godot_quat_operator_neg(const godot_quat *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_quat_set_axis_angle(godot_quat *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_angle); +void GDAPI godot_quat_new(godot_quat *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/rect2.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/rect2.h index d3cb276e14..9f4bc9fb3a 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/rect2.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/rect2.h @@ -51,103 +51,10 @@ typedef struct godot_rect2i { } godot_rect2i; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/vector2.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -// Rect2 - -void GDAPI godot_rect2_new_with_position_and_size(godot_rect2 *r_dest, const godot_vector2 *p_pos, const godot_vector2 *p_size); -void GDAPI godot_rect2_new(godot_rect2 *r_dest, const godot_real p_x, const godot_real p_y, const godot_real p_width, const godot_real p_height); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_rect2_as_string(const godot_rect2 *p_self); - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2_as_rect2i(const godot_rect2 *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_rect2_get_area(const godot_rect2 *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2_intersects(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2_encloses(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2_has_no_area(const godot_rect2 *p_self); - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_intersection(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_b); - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_merge(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2_has_point(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_point); - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_grow(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_real p_by); - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_grow_individual(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_real p_left, const godot_real p_top, const godot_real p_right, const godot_real p_bottom); - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_grow_side(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_int p_margin, const godot_real p_by); - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_abs(const godot_rect2 *p_self); - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2_expand(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2_operator_equal(const godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_b); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_rect2_get_position(const godot_rect2 *p_self); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_rect2_get_size(const godot_rect2 *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_rect2_set_position(godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_pos); - -void GDAPI godot_rect2_set_size(godot_rect2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_size); - -// Rect2I - -void GDAPI godot_rect2i_new_with_position_and_size(godot_rect2i *r_dest, const godot_vector2i *p_pos, const godot_vector2i *p_size); -void GDAPI godot_rect2i_new(godot_rect2i *r_dest, const godot_int p_x, const godot_int p_y, const godot_int p_width, const godot_int p_height); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_rect2i_as_string(const godot_rect2i *p_self); - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_rect2i_as_rect2(const godot_rect2i *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_rect2i_get_area(const godot_rect2i *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2i_intersects(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_rect2i *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2i_encloses(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_rect2i *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2i_has_no_area(const godot_rect2i *p_self); - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_intersection(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_rect2i *p_b); - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_merge(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_rect2i *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2i_has_point(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_point); - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_grow(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_int p_by); - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_grow_individual(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_int p_left, const godot_int p_top, const godot_int p_right, const godot_int p_bottom); - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_grow_side(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_int p_margin, const godot_int p_by); - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_abs(const godot_rect2i *p_self); - -godot_rect2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_expand(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_to); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rect2i_operator_equal(const godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_rect2i *p_b); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_get_position(const godot_rect2i *p_self); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_rect2i_get_size(const godot_rect2i *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_rect2i_set_position(godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_pos); -void GDAPI godot_rect2i_set_size(godot_rect2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_size); +void GDAPI godot_rect2_new(godot_rect2 *p_self); +void GDAPI godot_rect2i_new(godot_rect2i *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/rid.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/rid.h index cbf066d47f..7ea8cfd174 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/rid.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/rid.h @@ -46,26 +46,9 @@ typedef struct { } godot_rid; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_rid_new(godot_rid *r_dest); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_rid_get_id(const godot_rid *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_rid_new_with_resource(godot_rid *r_dest, const godot_object *p_from); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rid_operator_equal(const godot_rid *p_self, const godot_rid *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_rid_operator_less(const godot_rid *p_self, const godot_rid *p_b); +void GDAPI godot_rid_new(godot_rid *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/signal.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/signal.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ad84542677 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/signal.h @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* signal.h */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef GODOT_SIGNAL_H +#define GODOT_SIGNAL_H + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#include <stdint.h> + +#define GODOT_SIGNAL_SIZE (16) + +#ifndef GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_SIGNAL_TYPE_DEFINED +#define GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_SIGNAL_TYPE_DEFINED +typedef struct { + uint8_t _dont_touch_that[GODOT_SIGNAL_SIZE]; +} godot_signal; +#endif + +#include <gdnative/gdnative.h> + +void GDAPI godot_signal_new(godot_signal *p_self); +void GDAPI godot_signal_destroy(godot_signal *p_self); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/string.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/string.h index e58be18b21..10fbb2c078 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/string.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/string.h @@ -39,61 +39,26 @@ extern "C" { #include <stdint.h> #ifndef __cplusplus -typedef uint32_t char32_t; typedef uint16_t char16_t; +typedef uint32_t char32_t; #endif typedef char32_t godot_char_type; #define GODOT_STRING_SIZE sizeof(void *) -#define GODOT_CHAR_STRING_SIZE sizeof(void *) -#define GODOT_CHAR16_STRING_SIZE sizeof(void *) #ifndef GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_STRING_TYPE_DEFINED #define GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_STRING_TYPE_DEFINED typedef struct { uint8_t _dont_touch_that[GODOT_STRING_SIZE]; } godot_string; - -#endif - -#ifndef GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_CHAR_STRING_TYPE_DEFINED -#define GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_CHAR_STRING_TYPE_DEFINED -typedef struct { - uint8_t _dont_touch_that[GODOT_CHAR_STRING_SIZE]; -} godot_char_string; -#endif - -#ifndef GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_CHAR16_STRING_TYPE_DEFINED -#define GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_CHAR16_STRING_TYPE_DEFINED -typedef struct { - uint8_t _dont_touch_that[GODOT_CHAR16_STRING_SIZE]; -} godot_char16_string; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - -#include <gdnative/array.h> #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/variant.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -godot_int GDAPI godot_char_string_length(const godot_char_string *p_cs); -const char GDAPI *godot_char_string_get_data(const godot_char_string *p_cs); -void GDAPI godot_char_string_destroy(godot_char_string *p_cs); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_char16_string_length(const godot_char16_string *p_cs); -const char16_t GDAPI *godot_char16_string_get_data(const godot_char16_string *p_cs); -void GDAPI godot_char16_string_destroy(godot_char16_string *p_cs); void GDAPI godot_string_new(godot_string *r_dest); void GDAPI godot_string_new_copy(godot_string *r_dest, const godot_string *p_src); +void GDAPI godot_string_destroy(godot_string *p_self); void GDAPI godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(godot_string *r_dest, const char *p_contents); void GDAPI godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(godot_string *r_dest, const char *p_contents); @@ -107,198 +72,6 @@ void GDAPI godot_string_new_with_utf16_chars_and_len(godot_string *r_dest, const void GDAPI godot_string_new_with_utf32_chars_and_len(godot_string *r_dest, const char32_t *p_contents, const int p_size); void GDAPI godot_string_new_with_wide_chars_and_len(godot_string *r_dest, const wchar_t *p_contents, const int p_size); -const godot_char_type GDAPI *godot_string_operator_index(godot_string *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); -godot_char_type GDAPI godot_string_operator_index_const(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_int p_idx); -const godot_char_type GDAPI *godot_string_get_data(const godot_string *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_operator_equal(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_b); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_operator_less(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_b); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_operator_plus(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_b); - -/* Standard size stuff */ - -/*+++*/ godot_int GDAPI godot_string_length(const godot_string *p_self); - -/* Helpers */ - -signed char GDAPI godot_string_casecmp_to(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_str); -signed char GDAPI godot_string_nocasecmp_to(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_str); -signed char GDAPI godot_string_naturalnocasecmp_to(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_str); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_begins_with(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_string); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_begins_with_char_array(const godot_string *p_self, const char *p_char_array); -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_bigrams(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_chr(godot_char_type p_character); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_ends_with(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_string); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_ends_with_char_array(const godot_string *p_self, const char *p_char_array); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_count(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from, godot_int p_to); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_countn(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from, godot_int p_to); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_find(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_find_from(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_findmk(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_keys); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_findmk_from(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_keys, godot_int p_from); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_findmk_from_in_place(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_keys, godot_int p_from, godot_int *r_key); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_findn(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_findn_from(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_format(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_variant *p_values); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_format_with_custom_placeholder(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_variant *p_values, const char *p_placeholder); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_hex_encode_buffer(const uint8_t *p_buffer, godot_int p_len); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_hex_to_int(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_hex_to_int_with_prefix(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_insert(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_at_pos, const godot_string *p_string); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_numeric(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_subsequence_of(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_string); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_subsequence_ofi(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_string); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_lpad(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_min_length); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_lpad_with_custom_character(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_min_length, const godot_string *p_character); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_match(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_wildcard); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_matchn(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_wildcard); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_md5(const uint8_t *p_md5); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num(double p_num); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num_int64(int64_t p_num, godot_int p_base); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num_int64_capitalized(int64_t p_num, godot_int p_base, godot_bool p_capitalize_hex); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num_real(double p_num); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num_scientific(double p_num); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_num_with_decimals(double p_num, godot_int p_decimals); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_pad_decimals(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_digits); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_pad_zeros(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_digits); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_replace_first(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_key, const godot_string *p_with); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_replace(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_key, const godot_string *p_with); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_replacen(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_key, const godot_string *p_with); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_rfind(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_rfindn(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_rfind_from(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_rfindn_from(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_what, godot_int p_from); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_rpad(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_min_length); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_rpad_with_custom_character(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_min_length, const godot_string *p_character); -godot_real GDAPI godot_string_similarity(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_string); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_sprintf(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_array *p_values, godot_bool *p_error); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_substr(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_from, godot_int p_chars); -double GDAPI godot_string_to_float(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_to_int(const godot_string *p_self); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_camelcase_to_underscore(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_camelcase_to_underscore_lowercased(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_capitalize(const godot_string *p_self); - -double GDAPI godot_string_char_to_float(const char *p_what); -double GDAPI godot_string_wchar_to_float(const wchar_t *p_str, const wchar_t **r_end); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_char_to_int(const char *p_what); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_wchar_to_int(const wchar_t *p_str); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_char_to_int_with_len(const char *p_what, godot_int p_len); -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_wchar_to_int_with_len(const wchar_t *p_str, int p_len); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_string_get_slice_count(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_slice(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter, godot_int p_slice); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_slicec(const godot_string *p_self, godot_char_type p_splitter, godot_int p_slice); - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_split(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter); -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_split_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter); -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_split_with_maxsplit(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter, const godot_bool p_allow_empty, const godot_int p_maxsplit); - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_rsplit(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter); -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_rsplit_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter); -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_rsplit_with_maxsplit(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter, const godot_bool p_allow_empty, const godot_int p_maxsplit); - -godot_packed_float32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_floats(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter); -godot_packed_float32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_floats_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter); -godot_packed_float32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_floats_mk(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_splitters); -godot_packed_float32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_floats_mk_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_splitters); -godot_packed_int32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_ints(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter); -godot_packed_int32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_ints_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_splitter); -godot_packed_int32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_ints_mk(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_splitters); -godot_packed_int32_array GDAPI godot_string_split_ints_mk_allow_empty(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_splitters); - -godot_packed_string_array GDAPI godot_string_split_spaces(const godot_string *p_self); - -godot_char_type GDAPI godot_string_char_lowercase(godot_char_type p_char); -godot_char_type GDAPI godot_string_char_uppercase(godot_char_type p_char); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_to_lower(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_to_upper(const godot_string *p_self); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_basename(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_extension(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_left(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_pos); -godot_char_type GDAPI godot_string_ord_at(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_idx); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_plus_file(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_file); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_right(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_pos); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_repeat(const godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_count); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_strip_edges(const godot_string *p_self, godot_bool p_left, godot_bool p_right); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_strip_escapes(const godot_string *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_string_erase(godot_string *p_self, godot_int p_pos, godot_int p_chars); - -godot_char_string GDAPI godot_string_ascii(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_char_string GDAPI godot_string_latin1(const godot_string *p_self); - -godot_char_string GDAPI godot_string_utf8(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_parse_utf8(godot_string *p_self, const char *p_utf8); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_parse_utf8_with_len(godot_string *p_self, const char *p_utf8, godot_int p_len); - -godot_char16_string GDAPI godot_string_utf16(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_parse_utf16(godot_string *p_self, const char16_t *p_utf16); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_parse_utf16_with_len(godot_string *p_self, const char16_t *p_utf16, godot_int p_len); - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_hash(const godot_string *p_self); -uint64_t GDAPI godot_string_hash64(const godot_string *p_self); - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_hash_chars(const char *p_cstr); -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_hash_chars_with_len(const char *p_cstr, godot_int p_len); -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_hash_wide_chars(const wchar_t *p_str); -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_hash_wide_chars_with_len(const wchar_t *p_str, godot_int p_len); - -godot_packed_byte_array GDAPI godot_string_md5_buffer(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_md5_text(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_packed_byte_array GDAPI godot_string_sha1_buffer(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_sha1_text(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_packed_byte_array GDAPI godot_string_sha256_buffer(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_sha256_text(const godot_string *p_self); - -godot_bool godot_string_is_empty(const godot_string *p_self); - -// path functions -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_base_dir(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_get_file(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_humanize_size(uint64_t p_size); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_abs_path(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_rel_path(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_resource_file(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_path_to(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_path); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_path_to_file(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_path); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_simplify_path(const godot_string *p_self); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_c_escape(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_c_escape_multiline(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_c_unescape(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_http_escape(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_http_unescape(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_json_escape(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_xml_escape(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_xml_escape_with_quotes(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_xml_unescape(const godot_string *p_self); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_percent_decode(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_percent_encode(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_join(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_packed_string_array *p_parts); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_filename(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_float(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_hex_number(const godot_string *p_self, godot_bool p_with_prefix); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_html_color(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_identifier(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_integer(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_is_valid_ip_address(const godot_string *p_self); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_dedent(const godot_string *p_self); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_trim_prefix(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_prefix); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_trim_suffix(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_suffix); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_lstrip(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_chars); -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_rstrip(const godot_string *p_self, const godot_string *p_chars); - -void GDAPI godot_string_destroy(godot_string *p_self); - #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/string_name.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/string_name.h index b468f716e1..346f626e81 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/string_name.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/string_name.h @@ -47,30 +47,14 @@ typedef struct { } godot_string_name; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_string_name_new(godot_string_name *r_dest, const godot_string *p_name); -void GDAPI godot_string_name_new_data(godot_string_name *r_dest, const char *p_name); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_string_name_get_name(const godot_string_name *p_self); - -uint32_t GDAPI godot_string_name_get_hash(const godot_string_name *p_self); -const void GDAPI *godot_string_name_get_data_unique_pointer(const godot_string_name *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_name_operator_equal(const godot_string_name *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_other); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_string_name_operator_less(const godot_string_name *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_other); - +void GDAPI godot_string_name_new(godot_string_name *r_dest); +void GDAPI godot_string_name_new_copy(godot_string_name *r_dest, const godot_string_name *p_src); void GDAPI godot_string_name_destroy(godot_string_name *p_self); +void GDAPI godot_string_name_new_with_latin1_chars(godot_string_name *r_dest, const char *p_contents); + #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/transform.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/transform.h index 948cb2ecfd..b5aeeff4bd 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/transform.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/transform.h @@ -46,63 +46,9 @@ typedef struct { } godot_transform; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - -#include <gdnative/basis.h> #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/variant.h> -#include <gdnative/vector3.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_transform_new_with_axis_origin(godot_transform *r_dest, const godot_vector3 *p_x_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_y_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_z_axis, const godot_vector3 *p_origin); -void GDAPI godot_transform_new(godot_transform *r_dest, const godot_basis *p_basis, const godot_vector3 *p_origin); -void GDAPI godot_transform_new_with_quat(godot_transform *r_dest, const godot_quat *p_quat); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_transform_get_basis(const godot_transform *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_transform_set_basis(godot_transform *p_self, const godot_basis *p_v); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_transform_get_origin(const godot_transform *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_transform_set_origin(godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_transform_as_string(const godot_transform *p_self); - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_inverse(const godot_transform *p_self); - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_affine_inverse(const godot_transform *p_self); - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_orthonormalized(const godot_transform *p_self); - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_rotated(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_phi); - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_scaled(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_scale); - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_translated(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_ofs); - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_looking_at(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_target, const godot_vector3 *p_up); - -godot_plane GDAPI godot_transform_xform_plane(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_plane *p_v); - -godot_plane GDAPI godot_transform_xform_inv_plane(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_plane *p_v); - -void GDAPI godot_transform_new_identity(godot_transform *r_dest); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_transform_operator_equal(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_transform *p_b); - -godot_transform GDAPI godot_transform_operator_multiply(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_transform *p_b); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_transform_xform_vector3(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_transform_xform_inv_vector3(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_v); - -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_transform_xform_aabb(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_v); -godot_aabb GDAPI godot_transform_xform_inv_aabb(const godot_transform *p_self, const godot_aabb *p_v); +void GDAPI godot_transform_new(godot_transform *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/transform2d.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/transform2d.h index 51c5306c7d..07a7cc8e79 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/transform2d.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/transform2d.h @@ -46,61 +46,9 @@ typedef struct { } godot_transform2d; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#include <gdnative/variant.h> -#include <gdnative/vector2.h> - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -void GDAPI godot_transform2d_new(godot_transform2d *r_dest, const godot_real p_rot, const godot_vector2 *p_pos); -void GDAPI godot_transform2d_new_axis_origin(godot_transform2d *r_dest, const godot_vector2 *p_x_axis, const godot_vector2 *p_y_axis, const godot_vector2 *p_origin); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_transform2d_as_string(const godot_transform2d *p_self); - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_inverse(const godot_transform2d *p_self); - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_affine_inverse(const godot_transform2d *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_transform2d_get_rotation(const godot_transform2d *p_self); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_get_origin(const godot_transform2d *p_self); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_get_scale(const godot_transform2d *p_self); - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_orthonormalized(const godot_transform2d *p_self); - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_rotated(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_real p_phi); - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_scaled(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_scale); - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_translated(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_offset); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_xform_vector2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_v); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_xform_inv_vector2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_v); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_basis_xform_vector2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_v); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_basis_xform_inv_vector2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_v); - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_interpolate_with(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_transform2d *p_m, const godot_real p_c); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_transform2d_operator_equal(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_transform2d *p_b); - -godot_transform2d GDAPI godot_transform2d_operator_multiply(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_transform2d *p_b); - -void GDAPI godot_transform2d_new_identity(godot_transform2d *r_dest); - -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_xform_rect2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_v); -godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_transform2d_xform_inv_rect2(const godot_transform2d *p_self, const godot_rect2 *p_v); +void GDAPI godot_transform2d_new(godot_transform2d *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/variant.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/variant.h index a50947cb72..219010443a 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/variant.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/variant.h @@ -37,6 +37,21 @@ extern "C" { #include <stdint.h> +////// bool + +typedef bool godot_bool; + +#define GODOT_TRUE 1 +#define GODOT_FALSE 0 + +/////// int + +typedef int64_t godot_int; + +/////// float + +typedef double godot_float; + #define GODOT_VARIANT_SIZE (16 + sizeof(int64_t)) #ifndef GODOT_CORE_API_GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_DEFINED @@ -146,10 +161,35 @@ typedef enum godot_variant_operator { GODOT_VARIANT_OP_MAX, } godot_variant_operator; -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif +typedef enum godot_variant_utility_function_type { + GODOT_UTILITY_FUNC_TYPE_MATH, + GODOT_UTILITY_FUNC_TYPE_RANDOM, + GODOT_UTILITY_FUNC_TYPE_GENERAL, +} godot_variant_utility_function_type; + +// Types for function pointers. +typedef void (*godot_validated_operator_evaluator)(const godot_variant *p_left, const godot_variant *p_right, godot_variant *r_result); +typedef void (*godot_ptr_operator_evaluator)(const void *p_left, const void *p_right, void *r_result); +typedef void (*godot_validated_builtin_method)(godot_variant *p_base, const godot_variant **p_args, int p_argument_count, godot_variant *r_return); +typedef void (*godot_ptr_builtin_method)(void *p_base, const void **p_args, void *r_return, int p_argument_count); +typedef void (*godot_validated_constructor)(godot_variant *p_base, const godot_variant **p_args); +typedef void (*godot_ptr_constructor)(void *p_base, const void **p_args); +typedef void (*godot_validated_setter)(godot_variant *p_base, const godot_variant *p_value); +typedef void (*godot_validated_getter)(const godot_variant *p_base, godot_variant *r_value); +typedef void (*godot_ptr_setter)(void *p_base, const void *p_value); +typedef void (*godot_ptr_getter)(const void *p_base, void *r_value); +typedef void (*godot_validated_indexed_setter)(godot_variant *p_base, godot_int p_index, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_oob); +typedef void (*godot_validated_indexed_getter)(const godot_variant *p_base, godot_int p_index, godot_variant *r_value, bool *r_oob); +typedef void (*godot_ptr_indexed_setter)(void *p_base, godot_int p_index, const void *p_value); +typedef void (*godot_ptr_indexed_getter)(const void *p_base, godot_int p_index, void *r_value); +typedef void (*godot_validated_keyed_setter)(godot_variant *p_base, const godot_variant *p_key, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_valid); +typedef void (*godot_validated_keyed_getter)(const godot_variant *p_base, const godot_variant *p_key, godot_variant *r_value, bool *r_valid); +typedef bool (*godot_validated_keyed_checker)(const godot_variant *p_base, const godot_variant *p_key, bool *r_valid); +typedef void (*godot_ptr_keyed_setter)(void *p_base, const void *p_key, const void *p_value); +typedef void (*godot_ptr_keyed_getter)(const void *p_base, const void *p_key, void *r_value); +typedef bool (*godot_ptr_keyed_checker)(const godot_variant *p_base, const godot_variant *p_key); +typedef void (*godot_validated_utility_function)(godot_variant *r_return, const godot_variant **p_arguments, int p_argument_count); +typedef void (*godot_ptr_utility_function)(void *r_return, const void **p_arguments, int p_argument_count); #include <gdnative/aabb.h> #include <gdnative/array.h> @@ -163,6 +203,7 @@ typedef enum godot_variant_operator { #include <gdnative/quat.h> #include <gdnative/rect2.h> #include <gdnative/rid.h> +#include <gdnative/signal.h> #include <gdnative/string.h> #include <gdnative/string_name.h> #include <gdnative/transform.h> @@ -173,22 +214,15 @@ typedef enum godot_variant_operator { #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_type(const godot_variant *p_v); +// Memory. void GDAPI godot_variant_new_copy(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_variant *p_src); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_nil(godot_variant *r_dest); - void GDAPI godot_variant_new_bool(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_bool p_b); -void GDAPI godot_variant_new_uint(godot_variant *r_dest, const uint64_t p_i); -void GDAPI godot_variant_new_int(godot_variant *r_dest, const int64_t p_i); -void GDAPI godot_variant_new_real(godot_variant *r_dest, const double p_r); +void GDAPI godot_variant_new_int(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_int p_i); +void GDAPI godot_variant_new_float(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_float p_f); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_string(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_string *p_s); -void GDAPI godot_variant_new_string_name(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_string_name *p_s); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_vector2(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_vector2 *p_v2); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_vector2i(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_vector2i *p_v2); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_rect2(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_rect2 *p_rect2); @@ -202,11 +236,12 @@ void GDAPI godot_variant_new_aabb(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_aabb *p_aab void GDAPI godot_variant_new_basis(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_basis *p_basis); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_transform(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_transform *p_trans); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_color(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_color *p_color); +void GDAPI godot_variant_new_string_name(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_string_name *p_s); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_node_path(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_node_path *p_np); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_rid(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_rid *p_rid); +void GDAPI godot_variant_new_object(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_object *p_obj); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_callable(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_callable *p_callable); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_signal(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_signal *p_signal); -void GDAPI godot_variant_new_object(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_object *p_obj); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_dictionary(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_dictionary *p_dict); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_array *p_arr); void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_byte_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_byte_array *p_pba); @@ -220,11 +255,9 @@ void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_vector3_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const g void GDAPI godot_variant_new_packed_color_array(godot_variant *r_dest, const godot_packed_color_array *p_pca); godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_as_bool(const godot_variant *p_self); -uint64_t GDAPI godot_variant_as_uint(const godot_variant *p_self); -int64_t GDAPI godot_variant_as_int(const godot_variant *p_self); -double GDAPI godot_variant_as_real(const godot_variant *p_self); +godot_int GDAPI godot_variant_as_int(const godot_variant *p_self); +godot_float GDAPI godot_variant_as_float(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_as_string(const godot_variant *p_self); -godot_string_name GDAPI godot_variant_as_string_name(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_variant_as_vector2(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_variant_as_vector2i(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_rect2 GDAPI godot_variant_as_rect2(const godot_variant *p_self); @@ -238,11 +271,12 @@ godot_aabb GDAPI godot_variant_as_aabb(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_basis GDAPI godot_variant_as_basis(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_transform GDAPI godot_variant_as_transform(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_color GDAPI godot_variant_as_color(const godot_variant *p_self); +godot_string_name GDAPI godot_variant_as_string_name(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_node_path GDAPI godot_variant_as_node_path(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_rid GDAPI godot_variant_as_rid(const godot_variant *p_self); +godot_object GDAPI *godot_variant_as_object(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_callable GDAPI godot_variant_as_callable(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_signal GDAPI godot_variant_as_signal(const godot_variant *p_self); -godot_object GDAPI *godot_variant_as_object(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_dictionary GDAPI godot_variant_as_dictionary(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_array GDAPI godot_variant_as_array(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_packed_byte_array GDAPI godot_variant_as_packed_byte_array(const godot_variant *p_self); @@ -255,24 +289,149 @@ godot_packed_vector2_array GDAPI godot_variant_as_packed_vector2_array(const god godot_packed_vector3_array GDAPI godot_variant_as_packed_vector3_array(const godot_variant *p_self); godot_packed_color_array GDAPI godot_variant_as_packed_color_array(const godot_variant *p_self); -godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_call(godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string *p_method, const godot_variant **p_args, const godot_int p_argcount, godot_variant_call_error *r_error); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_method(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string *p_method); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_operator_equal(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_other); -godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_operator_less(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_other); +void GDAPI godot_variant_destroy(godot_variant *p_self); -uint32_t GDAPI godot_variant_hash(const godot_variant *p_self); +// Dynamic interaction. + +void GDAPI godot_variant_call(godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_method, const godot_variant **p_args, const godot_int p_argument_count, godot_variant *r_return, godot_variant_call_error *r_error); +void GDAPI godot_variant_call_with_cstring(godot_variant *p_self, const char *p_method, const godot_variant **p_args, const godot_int p_argument_count, godot_variant *r_return, godot_variant_call_error *r_error); +void GDAPI godot_variant_evaluate(godot_variant_operator p_op, const godot_variant *p_a, const godot_variant *p_b, godot_variant *r_return, bool *r_valid); +void GDAPI godot_variant_set(godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_valid); +void GDAPI godot_variant_set_named(godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_name, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_valid); +void GDAPI godot_variant_set_named_with_cstring(godot_variant *p_self, const char *p_name, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_valid); +void GDAPI godot_variant_set_keyed(godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_valid); +void GDAPI godot_variant_set_indexed(godot_variant *p_self, godot_int p_index, const godot_variant *p_value, bool *r_valid, bool *r_oob); +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, bool *r_valid); +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_named(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_key, bool *r_valid); +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_named_with_cstring(const godot_variant *p_self, const char *p_key, bool *r_valid); +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_keyed(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, bool *r_valid); +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_indexed(const godot_variant *p_self, godot_int p_index, bool *r_valid, bool *r_oob); +/// Iteration. +bool GDAPI godot_variant_iter_init(const godot_variant *p_self, godot_variant *r_iter, bool *r_valid); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_iter_next(const godot_variant *p_self, godot_variant *r_iter, bool *r_valid); +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_iter_get(const godot_variant *p_self, godot_variant *r_iter, bool *r_valid); + +/// Variant functions. godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_hash_compare(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_other); - godot_bool GDAPI godot_variant_booleanize(const godot_variant *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_variant_destroy(godot_variant *p_self); - -// GDNative core 1.1 - -godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_operator_name(godot_variant_operator p_op); -void GDAPI godot_variant_evaluate(godot_variant_operator p_op, const godot_variant *p_a, const godot_variant *p_b, godot_variant *r_ret, godot_bool *r_valid); +void GDAPI godot_variant_blend(const godot_variant *p_a, const godot_variant *p_b, float p_c, godot_variant *r_dst); +void GDAPI godot_variant_interpolate(const godot_variant *p_a, const godot_variant *p_b, float p_c, godot_variant *r_dst); +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_duplicate(const godot_variant *p_self, godot_bool p_deep); +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_stringify(const godot_variant *p_self); + +// Discovery API. + +/// Operators. +godot_validated_operator_evaluator GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_operator_evaluator(godot_variant_operator p_operator, godot_variant_type p_type_a, godot_variant_type p_type_b); +godot_ptr_operator_evaluator GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_operator_evaluator(godot_variant_operator p_operator, godot_variant_type p_type_a, godot_variant_type p_type_b); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_operator_return_type(godot_variant_operator p_operator, godot_variant_type p_type_a, godot_variant_type p_type_b); +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_operator_name(godot_variant_operator p_operator); + +/// Built-in methods. +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_builtin_method(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_builtin_method_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method); +godot_validated_builtin_method GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_builtin_method(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method); +godot_validated_builtin_method GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_builtin_method_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method); +godot_ptr_builtin_method GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_builtin_method(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method); +godot_ptr_builtin_method GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_builtin_method_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method); +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_count(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method); +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_count_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_type(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method, int p_argument); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_type_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method, int p_argument); +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_name(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method, int p_argument); +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_argument_name_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method, int p_argument); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_builtin_method_return_value(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_builtin_method_return_value_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_return_type(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_return_type_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_builtin_method_const(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_builtin_method_const_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_builtin_method_vararg(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_method); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_builtin_method_vararg_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_method); +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_count(godot_variant_type p_type); +void GDAPI godot_variant_get_builtin_method_list(godot_variant_type p_type, godot_string_name *r_list); + +/// Constructors. +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_constructor_count(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_validated_constructor GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_constructor(godot_variant_type p_type, int p_constructor); +godot_ptr_constructor GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_constructor(godot_variant_type p_type, int p_constructor); +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_constructor_argument_count(godot_variant_type p_type, int p_constructor); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_constructor_argument_type(godot_variant_type p_type, int p_constructor, int p_argument); +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_constructor_argument_name(godot_variant_type p_type, int p_constructor, int p_argument); +void GDAPI godot_variant_construct(godot_variant_type p_type, godot_variant *p_base, const godot_variant **p_args, int p_argument_count, godot_variant_call_error *r_error); + +/// Properties. +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_member_type(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_member_type_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_member); +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_member_count(godot_variant_type p_type); +void GDAPI godot_variant_get_member_list(godot_variant_type p_type, godot_string_name *r_list); +godot_validated_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_setter(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member); +godot_validated_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_setter_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_member); +godot_validated_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_getter(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member); +godot_validated_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_getter_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_member); +godot_ptr_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_setter(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member); +godot_ptr_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_setter_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_member); +godot_ptr_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_getter(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member); +godot_ptr_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_getter_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_member); + +/// Indexing. +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_indexing(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_indexed_element_type(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_validated_indexed_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_indexed_setter(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_validated_indexed_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_indexed_getter(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_ptr_indexed_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_indexed_setter(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_ptr_indexed_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_indexed_getter(godot_variant_type p_type); +uint64_t GDAPI godot_variant_get_indexed_size(const godot_variant *p_self); + +/// Keying. +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_keyed(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_validated_keyed_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_keyed_setter(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_validated_keyed_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_keyed_getter(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_validated_keyed_checker GDAPI godot_variant_get_validated_keyed_checker(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_ptr_keyed_setter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_keyed_setter(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_ptr_keyed_getter GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_keyed_getter(godot_variant_type p_type); +godot_ptr_keyed_checker GDAPI godot_variant_get_ptr_keyed_checker(godot_variant_type p_type); + +/// Constants. +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_constants_count(godot_variant_type p_type); +void GDAPI godot_variant_get_constants_list(godot_variant_type p_type, godot_string_name *r_list); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_constant(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_constant); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_constant_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_constant); +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_constant_value(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_constant); +godot_variant GDAPI godot_variant_get_constant_value_with_cstring(godot_variant_type p_type, const char *p_constant); + +/// Utilities. +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_utility_function(const godot_string_name *p_function); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_utility_function_with_cstring(const char *p_function); +void GDAPI godot_variant_call_utility_function(const godot_string_name *p_function, godot_variant *r_ret, const godot_variant **p_args, int p_argument_count, godot_variant_call_error *r_error); +void GDAPI godot_variant_call_utility_function_with_cstring(const char *p_function, godot_variant *r_ret, const godot_variant **p_args, int p_argument_count, godot_variant_call_error *r_error); +godot_variant_utility_function_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_type(const godot_string_name *p_function); +godot_variant_utility_function_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_type_with_cstring(const char *p_function); +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_count(const godot_string_name *p_function); +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_count_with_cstring(const char *p_function); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_type(const godot_string_name *p_function, int p_argument); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_type_with_cstring(const char *p_function, int p_argument); +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_name(const godot_string_name *p_function, int p_argument); +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_name_with_cstring(const char *p_function, int p_argument); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_utility_function_return_value(const godot_string_name *p_function); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_utility_function_return_value_with_cstring(const char *p_function); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_return_type(const godot_string_name *p_function); +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_return_type_with_cstring(const char *p_function); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_utility_function_vararg(const godot_string_name *p_function); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_is_utility_function_vararg_with_cstring(const char *p_function); +int GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_count(); +void GDAPI godot_variant_get_utility_function_list(godot_string_name *r_functions); + +// Introspection. + +godot_variant_type GDAPI godot_variant_get_type(const godot_variant *p_self); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_method(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_string_name *p_method); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_member(godot_variant_type p_type, const godot_string_name *p_member); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_has_key(const godot_variant *p_self, const godot_variant *p_key, bool *r_valid); + +godot_string GDAPI godot_variant_get_type_name(godot_variant_type p_type); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_can_convert(godot_variant_type p_from, godot_variant_type p_to); +bool GDAPI godot_variant_can_convert_strict(godot_variant_type p_from, godot_variant_type p_to); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/vector2.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/vector2.h index eb146a9232..69b67ae166 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/vector2.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/vector2.h @@ -55,140 +55,10 @@ typedef struct { } godot_vector2i; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -// Vector2 - -void GDAPI godot_vector2_new(godot_vector2 *r_dest, const godot_real p_x, const godot_real p_y); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_vector2_as_string(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2_as_vector2i(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_normalized(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_length(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_angle(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_length_squared(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector2_is_normalized(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_direction_to(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_distance_to(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_distance_squared_to(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_angle_to(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_angle_to_point(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_lerp(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b, const godot_real p_t); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_cubic_interpolate(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b, const godot_vector2 *p_pre_a, const godot_vector2 *p_post_b, const godot_real p_t); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_move_toward(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_to, const godot_real p_delta); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_rotated(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_phi); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_orthogonal(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_floor(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_sign(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_snapped(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_by); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_aspect(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_dot(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_with); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_slide(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_n); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_bounce(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_n); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_reflect(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_n); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_abs(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_clamped(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_length); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_add(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_subtract(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_multiply_vector(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_multiply_scalar(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_b); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_divide_vector(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_divide_scalar(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_equal(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_less(const godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_b); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2_operator_neg(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_vector2_set_x(godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_x); - -void GDAPI godot_vector2_set_y(godot_vector2 *p_self, const godot_real p_y); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_get_x(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2_get_y(const godot_vector2 *p_self); - -// Vector2i - -void GDAPI godot_vector2i_new(godot_vector2i *r_dest, const godot_int p_x, const godot_int p_y); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_vector2i_as_string(const godot_vector2i *p_self); - -godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_vector2i_as_vector2(const godot_vector2i *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector2i_aspect(const godot_vector2i *p_self); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_abs(const godot_vector2i *p_self); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_sign(const godot_vector2i *p_self); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_add(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_subtract(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_multiply_vector(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_multiply_scalar(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_int p_b); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_divide_vector(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_divide_scalar(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_int p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_equal(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_less(const godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_vector2i *p_b); - -godot_vector2i GDAPI godot_vector2i_operator_neg(const godot_vector2i *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_vector2i_set_x(godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_int p_x); - -void GDAPI godot_vector2i_set_y(godot_vector2i *p_self, const godot_int p_y); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector2i_get_x(const godot_vector2i *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector2i_get_y(const godot_vector2i *p_self); +void GDAPI godot_vector2_new(godot_vector2 *p_self); +void GDAPI godot_vector2i_new(godot_vector2i *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/vector3.h b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/vector3.h index e0205c2fc7..d531c638e1 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/vector3.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/gdnative/vector3.h @@ -55,145 +55,10 @@ typedef struct { } godot_vector3i; #endif -// reduce extern "C" nesting for VS2013 -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - -#include <gdnative/basis.h> #include <gdnative/gdnative.h> -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -typedef enum { - GODOT_VECTOR3_AXIS_X, - GODOT_VECTOR3_AXIS_Y, - GODOT_VECTOR3_AXIS_Z, -} godot_vector3_axis; - -// Vector3 - -void GDAPI godot_vector3_new(godot_vector3 *r_dest, const godot_real p_x, const godot_real p_y, const godot_real p_z); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_vector3_as_string(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3_as_vector3i(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector3_min_axis(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector3_max_axis(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_length(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_length_squared(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector3_is_normalized(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_normalized(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_inverse(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_snapped(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_by); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_rotated(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_axis, const godot_real p_phi); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_lerp(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b, const godot_real p_t); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_cubic_interpolate(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b, const godot_vector3 *p_pre_a, const godot_vector3 *p_post_b, const godot_real p_t); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_move_toward(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_to, const godot_real p_delta); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_dot(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_cross(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_vector3_outer(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_basis GDAPI godot_vector3_to_diagonal_matrix(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_abs(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_sign(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_floor(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_ceil(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_direction_to(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_distance_to(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_distance_squared_to(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_angle_to(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_to); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_slide(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_n); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_bounce(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_n); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_reflect(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_n); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_add(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_subtract(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_multiply_vector(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_multiply_scalar(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_real p_b); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_divide_vector(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_divide_scalar(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_real p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_equal(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_less(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3 *p_b); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3_operator_neg(const godot_vector3 *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_vector3_set_axis(godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3_axis p_axis, const godot_real p_val); - -godot_real GDAPI godot_vector3_get_axis(const godot_vector3 *p_self, const godot_vector3_axis p_axis); - -// Vector3i - -void GDAPI godot_vector3i_new(godot_vector3i *r_dest, const godot_int p_x, const godot_int p_y, const godot_int p_z); - -godot_string GDAPI godot_vector3i_as_string(const godot_vector3i *p_self); - -godot_vector3 GDAPI godot_vector3i_as_vector3(const godot_vector3i *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector3i_min_axis(const godot_vector3i *p_self); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector3i_max_axis(const godot_vector3i *p_self); - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_abs(const godot_vector3i *p_self); - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_sign(const godot_vector3i *p_self); - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_add(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b); - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_subtract(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b); - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_multiply_vector(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b); - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_multiply_scalar(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_int p_b); - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_divide_vector(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b); - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_divide_scalar(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_int p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_equal(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b); - -godot_bool GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_less(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3i *p_b); - -godot_vector3i GDAPI godot_vector3i_operator_neg(const godot_vector3i *p_self); - -void GDAPI godot_vector3i_set_axis(godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3_axis p_axis, const godot_int p_val); - -godot_int GDAPI godot_vector3i_get_axis(const godot_vector3i *p_self, const godot_vector3_axis p_axis); +void GDAPI godot_vector3_new(godot_vector3 *p_self); +void GDAPI godot_vector3i_new(godot_vector3i *p_self); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/text/godot_text.h b/modules/gdnative/include/text/godot_text.h index 9de47edf87..44fac3c190 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/text/godot_text.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/text/godot_text.h @@ -175,8 +175,8 @@ void GDAPI godot_glyph_set_flags(godot_glyph *p_self, godot_int p_flags); godot_vector2 GDAPI godot_glyph_get_offset(const godot_glyph *p_self); void GDAPI godot_glyph_set_offset(godot_glyph *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_offset); -godot_real GDAPI godot_glyph_get_advance(const godot_glyph *p_self); -void GDAPI godot_glyph_set_advance(godot_glyph *p_self, godot_real p_advance); +godot_float GDAPI godot_glyph_get_advance(const godot_glyph *p_self); +void GDAPI godot_glyph_set_advance(godot_glyph *p_self, godot_float p_advance); godot_rid GDAPI godot_glyph_get_font(const godot_glyph *p_self); void GDAPI godot_glyph_set_font(godot_glyph *p_self, godot_rid *p_font); diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/videodecoder/godot_videodecoder.h b/modules/gdnative/include/videodecoder/godot_videodecoder.h index e5a2657997..dc2cf5ec07 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/videodecoder/godot_videodecoder.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/videodecoder/godot_videodecoder.h @@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ typedef struct const char *(*get_plugin_name)(); const char **(*get_supported_extensions)(int *count); godot_bool (*open_file)(void *, void *); // data struct, and a FileAccess pointer - godot_real (*get_length)(const void *); - godot_real (*get_playback_position)(const void *); - void (*seek)(void *, godot_real); + godot_float (*get_length)(const void *); + godot_float (*get_playback_position)(const void *); + void (*seek)(void *, godot_float); void (*set_audio_track)(void *, godot_int); - void (*update)(void *, godot_real); + void (*update)(void *, godot_float); godot_packed_byte_array *(*get_videoframe)(void *); godot_int (*get_audioframe)(void *, float *, int); godot_int (*get_channels)(const void *); diff --git a/modules/gdnative/include/xr/godot_xr.h b/modules/gdnative/include/xr/godot_xr.h index 235242bc84..7eaf1c7ec3 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/include/xr/godot_xr.h +++ b/modules/gdnative/include/xr/godot_xr.h @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ typedef struct { void (*uninitialize)(void *); godot_vector2 (*get_render_targetsize)(const void *); godot_transform (*get_transform_for_eye)(void *, godot_int, godot_transform *); - void (*fill_projection_for_eye)(void *, godot_real *, godot_int, godot_real, godot_real, godot_real); + void (*fill_projection_for_eye)(void *, godot_float *, godot_int, godot_float, godot_float, godot_float); void (*commit_for_eye)(void *, godot_int, godot_rid *, godot_rect2 *); void (*process)(void *); godot_int (*get_external_texture_for_eye)(void *, godot_int); @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ typedef struct { void GDAPI godot_xr_register_interface(const godot_xr_interface_gdnative *p_interface); // helper functions to access XRServer data -godot_real GDAPI godot_xr_get_worldscale(); +godot_float GDAPI godot_xr_get_worldscale(); godot_transform GDAPI godot_xr_get_reference_frame(); // helper functions for rendering @@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ godot_int GDAPI godot_xr_add_controller(char *p_device_name, godot_int p_hand, g void GDAPI godot_xr_remove_controller(godot_int p_controller_id); void GDAPI godot_xr_set_controller_transform(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_transform *p_transform, godot_bool p_tracks_orientation, godot_bool p_tracks_position); void GDAPI godot_xr_set_controller_button(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_int p_button, godot_bool p_is_pressed); -void GDAPI godot_xr_set_controller_axis(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_int p_axis, godot_real p_value, godot_bool p_can_be_negative); -godot_real GDAPI godot_xr_get_controller_rumble(godot_int p_controller_id); +void GDAPI godot_xr_set_controller_axis(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_int p_axis, godot_float p_value, godot_bool p_can_be_negative); +godot_float GDAPI godot_xr_get_controller_rumble(godot_int p_controller_id); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/tests/test_string.h b/modules/gdnative/tests/test_string.h deleted file mode 100644 index 3e2ba7451b..0000000000 --- a/modules/gdnative/tests/test_string.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1979 +0,0 @@ -/*************************************************************************/ -/* test_string.h */ -/*************************************************************************/ -/* This file is part of: */ -/* GODOT ENGINE */ -/* https://godotengine.org */ -/*************************************************************************/ -/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ -/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ -/* */ -/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ -/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ -/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ -/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ -/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ -/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ -/* the following conditions: */ -/* */ -/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ -/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ -/* */ -/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ -/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ -/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ -/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ -/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ -/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ -/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -/*************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef TEST_GDNATIVE_STRING_H -#define TEST_GDNATIVE_STRING_H - -namespace TestGDNativeString { - -#include "gdnative/string.h" - -#include "tests/test_macros.h" - -int u32scmp(const char32_t *l, const char32_t *r) { - for (; *l == *r && *l && *r; l++, r++) - ; - return *l - *r; -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Construct from Latin-1 char string") { - godot_string s; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Hello"); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"Hello") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars_and_len(&s, "Hello", 3); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"Hel") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Construct from wchar_t string") { - godot_string s; - - godot_string_new_with_wide_chars(&s, L"Give me"); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"Give me") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_wide_chars_and_len(&s, L"Give me", 3); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"Giv") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Construct from UTF-8 char string") { - static const char32_t u32str[] = { 0x0045, 0x0020, 0x304A, 0x360F, 0x3088, 0x3046, 0x1F3A4, 0 }; - static const char32_t u32str_short[] = { 0x0045, 0x0020, 0x304A, 0 }; - static const uint8_t u8str[] = { 0x45, 0x20, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x8A, 0xE3, 0x98, 0x8F, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x88, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x86, 0xF0, 0x9F, 0x8E, 0xA4, 0 }; - - godot_string s; - - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(&s, (const char *)u8str); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars_and_len(&s, (const char *)u8str, 5); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str_short) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_utf32_chars(&s, u32str); - godot_char_string cs = godot_string_utf8(&s); - godot_string_parse_utf8(&s, godot_char_string_get_data(&cs)); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_char_string_destroy(&cs); - - godot_string_new_with_utf32_chars(&s, u32str); - cs = godot_string_utf8(&s); - godot_string_parse_utf8_with_len(&s, godot_char_string_get_data(&cs), godot_char_string_length(&cs)); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_char_string_destroy(&cs); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Construct from UTF-8 string with BOM") { - static const char32_t u32str[] = { 0x0045, 0x0020, 0x304A, 0x360F, 0x3088, 0x3046, 0x1F3A4, 0 }; - static const char32_t u32str_short[] = { 0x0045, 0x0020, 0x304A, 0 }; - static const uint8_t u8str[] = { 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF, 0x45, 0x20, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x8A, 0xE3, 0x98, 0x8F, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x88, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x86, 0xF0, 0x9F, 0x8E, 0xA4, 0 }; - - godot_string s; - - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(&s, (const char *)u8str); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars_and_len(&s, (const char *)u8str, 8); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str_short) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Construct from UTF-16 string") { - static const char32_t u32str[] = { 0x0045, 0x0020, 0x1F3A4, 0x360F, 0x3088, 0x3046, 0x1F3A4, 0 }; - static const char32_t u32str_short[] = { 0x0045, 0x0020, 0x1F3A4, 0 }; - static const char16_t u16str[] = { 0x0045, 0x0020, 0xD83C, 0xDFA4, 0x360F, 0x3088, 0x3046, 0xD83C, 0xDFA4, 0 }; - - godot_string s; - - godot_string_new_with_utf16_chars(&s, u16str); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_utf16_chars_and_len(&s, u16str, 4); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str_short) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_utf32_chars(&s, u32str); - godot_char16_string cs = godot_string_utf16(&s); - godot_string_parse_utf16(&s, godot_char16_string_get_data(&cs)); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_char16_string_destroy(&cs); - - godot_string_new_with_utf32_chars(&s, u32str); - cs = godot_string_utf16(&s); - godot_string_parse_utf16_with_len(&s, godot_char16_string_get_data(&cs), godot_char16_string_length(&cs)); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_char16_string_destroy(&cs); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Construct from UTF-16 string with BOM ") { - static const char32_t u32str[] = { 0x0045, 0x0020, 0x1F3A4, 0x360F, 0x3088, 0x3046, 0x1F3A4, 0 }; - static const char32_t u32str_short[] = { 0x0045, 0x0020, 0x1F3A4, 0 }; - static const char16_t u16str[] = { 0xFEFF, 0x0045, 0x0020, 0xD83C, 0xDFA4, 0x360F, 0x3088, 0x3046, 0xD83C, 0xDFA4, 0 }; - static const char16_t u16str_swap[] = { 0xFFFE, 0x4500, 0x2000, 0x3CD8, 0xA4DF, 0x0F36, 0x8830, 0x4630, 0x3CD8, 0xA4DF, 0 }; - - godot_string s; - - godot_string_new_with_utf16_chars(&s, u16str); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_utf16_chars(&s, u16str_swap); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_utf16_chars_and_len(&s, u16str, 5); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str_short) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_utf16_chars_and_len(&s, u16str_swap, 5); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), u32str_short) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Construct string copy") { - godot_string s, t; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Hello"); - godot_string_new_copy(&t, &s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), U"Hello") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Construct empty string") { - godot_string s; - - godot_string_new(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] ASCII/Latin-1") { - godot_string s; - godot_string_new_with_utf32_chars(&s, U"Primero Leche"); - - godot_char_string cs = godot_string_ascii(&s); - CHECK(strcmp(godot_char_string_get_data(&cs), "Primero Leche") == 0); - godot_char_string_destroy(&cs); - - cs = godot_string_latin1(&s); - CHECK(strcmp(godot_char_string_get_data(&cs), "Primero Leche") == 0); - godot_char_string_destroy(&cs); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Comparisons (equal)") { - godot_string s, t; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Test Compare"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Test Compare"); - CHECK(godot_string_operator_equal(&s, &t)); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&t); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Comparisons (operator <)") { - godot_string s, t; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Bees"); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Elephant"); - CHECK(godot_string_operator_less(&s, &t)); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Amber"); - CHECK(!godot_string_operator_less(&s, &t)); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Beatrix"); - CHECK(!godot_string_operator_less(&s, &t)); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Concatenation (operator +)") { - godot_string s, t, x; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Hel"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "lo"); - x = godot_string_operator_plus(&s, &t); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&x), U"Hello") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&x); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&t); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Testing size and length of string") { - godot_string s; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Mellon"); - CHECK(godot_string_length(&s) == 6); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Mellon1"); - CHECK(godot_string_length(&s) == 7); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Testing for empty string") { - godot_string s; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Mellon"); - CHECK(!godot_string_is_empty(&s)); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, ""); - CHECK(godot_string_is_empty(&s)); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Test chr") { - godot_string s; - - s = godot_string_chr('H'); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"H") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_chr(0x3012); - CHECK(godot_string_operator_index_const(&s, 0) == 0x3012); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - ERR_PRINT_OFF - s = godot_string_chr(0xd812); - CHECK(godot_string_operator_index_const(&s, 0) == 0xfffd); // Unpaired UTF-16 surrogate - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_chr(0x20d812); - CHECK(godot_string_operator_index_const(&s, 0) == 0xfffd); // Outside UTF-32 range - godot_string_destroy(&s); - ERR_PRINT_ON -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Operator []") { - godot_string s; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Hello"); - CHECK(*godot_string_operator_index(&s, 1) == 'e'); - CHECK(godot_string_operator_index_const(&s, 0) == 'H'); - CHECK(godot_string_ord_at(&s, 0) == 'H'); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Case function test") { - godot_string s, t; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "MoMoNgA"); - - t = godot_string_to_upper(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), U"MOMONGA") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - t = godot_string_to_lower(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), U"momonga") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Case compare function test") { - godot_string s, t; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "MoMoNgA"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "momonga"); - - CHECK(godot_string_casecmp_to(&s, &t) != 0); - CHECK(godot_string_nocasecmp_to(&s, &t) == 0); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&t); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Natural compare function test") { - godot_string s, t; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "img2.png"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "img10.png"); - - CHECK(godot_string_nocasecmp_to(&s, &t) > 0); - CHECK(godot_string_naturalnocasecmp_to(&s, &t) < 0); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&t); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] hex_encode_buffer") { - static const uint8_t u8str[] = { 0x45, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x8A, 0x8F, 0xE3 }; - godot_string s = godot_string_hex_encode_buffer(u8str, 6); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"45e3818a8fe3") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Substr") { - godot_string s, t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Killer Baby"); - t = godot_string_substr(&s, 3, 4); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), U"ler ") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Find") { - godot_string s, t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Pretty Woman Woman"); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Revenge of the Monster Truck"); - CHECK(godot_string_find(&s, &t) == -1); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "tty"); - CHECK(godot_string_find(&s, &t) == 3); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Wo"); - CHECK(godot_string_find_from(&s, &t, 9) == 13); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "man"); - CHECK(godot_string_rfind(&s, &t) == 15); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Find no case") { - godot_string s, t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Pretty Whale Whale"); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "WHA"); - CHECK(godot_string_findn(&s, &t) == 7); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "WHA"); - CHECK(godot_string_findn_from(&s, &t, 9) == 13); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "WHA"); - CHECK(godot_string_rfindn(&s, &t) == 13); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Revenge of the Monster SawFish"); - CHECK(godot_string_findn(&s, &t) == -1); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Find MK") { - godot_packed_string_array keys; - godot_packed_string_array_new(&keys); - -#define PUSH_KEY(x) \ - { \ - godot_string t; \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, x); \ - godot_packed_string_array_push_back(&keys, &t); \ - godot_string_destroy(&t); \ - } - - PUSH_KEY("sty") - PUSH_KEY("tty") - PUSH_KEY("man") - - godot_string s; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Pretty Woman"); - godot_int key = 0; - - CHECK(godot_string_findmk(&s, &keys) == 3); - CHECK(godot_string_findmk_from_in_place(&s, &keys, 0, &key) == 3); - CHECK(key == 1); - - CHECK(godot_string_findmk_from(&s, &keys, 5) == 9); - CHECK(godot_string_findmk_from_in_place(&s, &keys, 5, &key) == 9); - CHECK(key == 2); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_packed_string_array_destroy(&keys); - -#undef PUSH_KEY -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Find and replace") { - godot_string s, c, w; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Happy Birthday, Anna!"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&c, "Birthday"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&w, "Halloween"); - godot_string t = godot_string_replace(&s, &c, &w); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), U"Happy Halloween, Anna!") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&c); - godot_string_destroy(&w); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&c, "H"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&w, "W"); - s = godot_string_replace_first(&t, &c, &w); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_destroy(&c); - godot_string_destroy(&w); - - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"Wappy Halloween, Anna!") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Insertion") { - godot_string s, t, r, u; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Who is Frederic?"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "?"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&r, " Chopin"); - - u = godot_string_insert(&s, godot_string_find(&s, &t), &r); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), U"Who is Frederic Chopin?") == 0); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_destroy(&r); - godot_string_destroy(&u); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Number to string") { - godot_string s; - s = godot_string_num(3.141593); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"3.141593") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_num_with_decimals(3.141593, 3); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"3.142") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_num_real(3.141593); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"3.141593") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_num_scientific(30000000); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"3e+07") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_num_int64(3141593, 10); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"3141593") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_num_int64(0xA141593, 16); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"a141593") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_num_int64_capitalized(0xA141593, 16, true); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"A141593") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] String to integer") { - static const wchar_t *wnums[4] = { L"1237461283", L"- 22", L"0", L" - 1123412" }; - static const char *nums[4] = { "1237461283", "- 22", "0", " - 1123412" }; - static const int num[4] = { 1237461283, -22, 0, -1123412 }; - - for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { - godot_string s; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, nums[i]); - CHECK(godot_string_to_int(&s) == num[i]); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - CHECK(godot_string_char_to_int(nums[i]) == num[i]); - CHECK(godot_string_wchar_to_int(wnums[i]) == num[i]); - } -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Hex to integer") { - static const char *nums[4] = { "0xFFAE", "22", "0", "AADDAD" }; - static const int64_t num[4] = { 0xFFAE, 0x22, 0, 0xAADDAD }; - static const bool wo_prefix[4] = { false, true, true, true }; - static const bool w_prefix[4] = { true, false, true, false }; - - for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { - godot_string s; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, nums[i]); - CHECK((godot_string_hex_to_int_with_prefix(&s) == num[i]) == w_prefix[i]); - CHECK((godot_string_hex_to_int(&s) == num[i]) == wo_prefix[i]); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - } -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] String to float") { - static const wchar_t *wnums[4] = { L"-12348298412.2", L"0.05", L"2.0002", L" -0.0001" }; - static const char *nums[4] = { "-12348298412.2", "0.05", "2.0002", " -0.0001" }; - static const double num[4] = { -12348298412.2, 0.05, 2.0002, -0.0001 }; - - for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { - godot_string s; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, nums[i]); - CHECK(!(ABS(godot_string_to_float(&s) - num[i]) > 0.00001)); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - CHECK(!(ABS(godot_string_char_to_float(nums[i]) - num[i]) > 0.00001)); - CHECK(!(ABS(godot_string_wchar_to_float(wnums[i], nullptr) - num[i]) > 0.00001)); - } -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] CamelCase to underscore") { - godot_string s, t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "TestTestStringGD"); - - t = godot_string_camelcase_to_underscore(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), U"Test_Test_String_GD") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - t = godot_string_camelcase_to_underscore_lowercased(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), U"test_test_string_gd") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Slicing") { - godot_string s, c; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&c, ","); - - const char32_t *slices[4] = { U"Mars", U"Jupiter", U"Saturn", U"Uranus" }; - for (int i = 0; i < godot_string_get_slice_count(&s, &c); i++) { - godot_string t; - t = godot_string_get_slice(&s, &c, i); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), slices[i]) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - t = godot_string_get_slicec(&s, U',', i); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), slices[i]) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - } - - godot_string_destroy(&c); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Splitting") { - godot_string s, c; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&c, ","); - - godot_packed_string_array l; - - const char32_t *slices_l[3] = { U"Mars", U"Jupiter", U"Saturn,Uranus" }; - const char32_t *slices_r[3] = { U"Mars,Jupiter", U"Saturn", U"Uranus" }; - - l = godot_string_split_with_maxsplit(&s, &c, true, 2); - CHECK(godot_packed_string_array_size(&l) == 3); - for (int i = 0; i < godot_packed_string_array_size(&l); i++) { - godot_string t = godot_packed_string_array_get(&l, i); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), slices_l[i]) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - } - godot_packed_string_array_destroy(&l); - - l = godot_string_rsplit_with_maxsplit(&s, &c, true, 2); - CHECK(godot_packed_string_array_size(&l) == 3); - for (int i = 0; i < godot_packed_string_array_size(&l); i++) { - godot_string t = godot_packed_string_array_get(&l, i); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), slices_r[i]) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - } - godot_packed_string_array_destroy(&l); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus"); - const char32_t *slices_s[4] = { U"Mars", U"Jupiter", U"Saturn", U"Uranus" }; - l = godot_string_split_spaces(&s); - for (int i = 0; i < godot_packed_string_array_size(&l); i++) { - godot_string t = godot_packed_string_array_get(&l, i); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), slices_s[i]) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - } - godot_packed_string_array_destroy(&l); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - godot_string c1, c2; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&c1, ";"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&c2, " "); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "1.2;2.3 4.5"); - const double slices_d[3] = { 1.2, 2.3, 4.5 }; - - godot_packed_float32_array lf = godot_string_split_floats_allow_empty(&s, &c1); - CHECK(godot_packed_float32_array_size(&lf) == 2); - for (int i = 0; i < godot_packed_float32_array_size(&lf); i++) { - CHECK(ABS(godot_packed_float32_array_get(&lf, i) - slices_d[i]) <= 0.00001); - } - godot_packed_float32_array_destroy(&lf); - - godot_packed_string_array keys; - godot_packed_string_array_new(&keys); - godot_packed_string_array_push_back(&keys, &c1); - godot_packed_string_array_push_back(&keys, &c2); - - lf = godot_string_split_floats_mk_allow_empty(&s, &keys); - CHECK(godot_packed_float32_array_size(&lf) == 3); - for (int i = 0; i < godot_packed_float32_array_size(&lf); i++) { - CHECK(ABS(godot_packed_float32_array_get(&lf, i) - slices_d[i]) <= 0.00001); - } - godot_packed_float32_array_destroy(&lf); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "1;2 4"); - const int slices_i[3] = { 1, 2, 4 }; - - godot_packed_int32_array li = godot_string_split_ints_allow_empty(&s, &c1); - CHECK(godot_packed_int32_array_size(&li) == 2); - for (int i = 0; i < godot_packed_int32_array_size(&li); i++) { - CHECK(godot_packed_int32_array_get(&li, i) == slices_i[i]); - } - godot_packed_int32_array_destroy(&li); - - li = godot_string_split_ints_mk_allow_empty(&s, &keys); - CHECK(godot_packed_int32_array_size(&li) == 3); - for (int i = 0; i < godot_packed_int32_array_size(&li); i++) { - CHECK(godot_packed_int32_array_get(&li, i) == slices_i[i]); - } - godot_packed_int32_array_destroy(&li); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&c); - godot_string_destroy(&c1); - godot_string_destroy(&c2); - godot_packed_string_array_destroy(&keys); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Erasing") { - godot_string s, t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Josephine is such a cute girl!"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "cute "); - - godot_string_erase(&s, godot_string_find(&s, &t), godot_string_length(&t)); - - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"Josephine is such a girl!") == 0); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&t); -} - -struct test_27_data { - char const *data; - char const *part; - bool expected; -}; - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Begins with") { - test_27_data tc[] = { - { "res://foobar", "res://", true }, - { "res", "res://", false }, - { "abc", "abc", true } - }; - size_t count = sizeof(tc) / sizeof(tc[0]); - bool state = true; - for (size_t i = 0; state && i < count; ++i) { - godot_string s; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, tc[i].data); - - state = godot_string_begins_with_char_array(&s, tc[i].part) == tc[i].expected; - if (state) { - godot_string t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, tc[i].part); - state = godot_string_begins_with(&s, &t) == tc[i].expected; - godot_string_destroy(&t); - } - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - CHECK(state); - if (!state) { - break; - } - }; - CHECK(state); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Ends with") { - test_27_data tc[] = { - { "res://foobar", "foobar", true }, - { "res", "res://", false }, - { "abc", "abc", true } - }; - size_t count = sizeof(tc) / sizeof(tc[0]); - bool state = true; - for (size_t i = 0; state && i < count; ++i) { - godot_string s; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, tc[i].data); - - state = godot_string_ends_with_char_array(&s, tc[i].part) == tc[i].expected; - if (state) { - godot_string t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, tc[i].part); - state = godot_string_ends_with(&s, &t) == tc[i].expected; - godot_string_destroy(&t); - } - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - CHECK(state); - if (!state) { - break; - } - }; - CHECK(state); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] format") { - godot_string value_format, t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&value_format, "red=\"$red\" green=\"$green\" blue=\"$blue\" alpha=\"$alpha\""); - - godot_variant key_v, val_v; - godot_dictionary value_dictionary; - godot_dictionary_new(&value_dictionary); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "red"); - godot_variant_new_string(&key_v, &t); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_variant_new_int(&val_v, 10); - godot_dictionary_set(&value_dictionary, &key_v, &val_v); - godot_variant_destroy(&key_v); - godot_variant_destroy(&val_v); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "green"); - godot_variant_new_string(&key_v, &t); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_variant_new_int(&val_v, 20); - godot_dictionary_set(&value_dictionary, &key_v, &val_v); - godot_variant_destroy(&key_v); - godot_variant_destroy(&val_v); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "blue"); - godot_variant_new_string(&key_v, &t); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "bla"); - godot_variant_new_string(&val_v, &t); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_dictionary_set(&value_dictionary, &key_v, &val_v); - godot_variant_destroy(&key_v); - godot_variant_destroy(&val_v); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "alpha"); - godot_variant_new_string(&key_v, &t); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_variant_new_real(&val_v, 0.4); - godot_dictionary_set(&value_dictionary, &key_v, &val_v); - godot_variant_destroy(&key_v); - godot_variant_destroy(&val_v); - - godot_variant dict_v; - godot_variant_new_dictionary(&dict_v, &value_dictionary); - godot_string s = godot_string_format_with_custom_placeholder(&value_format, &dict_v, "$_"); - - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"red=\"10\" green=\"20\" blue=\"bla\" alpha=\"0.4\"") == 0); - - godot_dictionary_destroy(&value_dictionary); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_variant_destroy(&dict_v); - godot_string_destroy(&value_format); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] sprintf") { - //godot_string GDAPI (const godot_string *p_self, const godot_array *p_values, godot_bool *p_error); - godot_string format, output; - godot_array args; - bool error; - -#define ARRAY_PUSH_STRING(x) \ - { \ - godot_variant v; \ - godot_string t; \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, x); \ - godot_variant_new_string(&v, &t); \ - godot_string_destroy(&t); \ - godot_array_push_back(&args, &v); \ - godot_variant_destroy(&v); \ - } - -#define ARRAY_PUSH_INT(x) \ - { \ - godot_variant v; \ - godot_variant_new_int(&v, x); \ - godot_array_push_back(&args, &v); \ - godot_variant_destroy(&v); \ - } - -#define ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(x) \ - { \ - godot_variant v; \ - godot_variant_new_real(&v, x); \ - godot_array_push_back(&args, &v); \ - godot_variant_destroy(&v); \ - } - - godot_array_new(&args); - - // %% - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %% frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish % frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - //////// INTS - - // Int - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %d frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(5); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 5 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Int left padded with zeroes. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %05d frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(5); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 00005 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Int left padded with spaces. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %5d frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(5); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 5 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Int right padded with spaces. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %-5d frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(5); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 5 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Int with sign (positive). - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %+d frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(5); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish +5 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Negative int. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %d frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(-5); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish -5 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Hex (lower) - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %x frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(45); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 2d frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Hex (upper) - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %X frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(45); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 2D frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Octal - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %o frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 143 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - ////// REALS - - // Real - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99.99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 99.990000 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Real left-padded - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %11f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99.99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 99.990000 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Real right-padded - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %-11f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99.99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 99.990000 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Real given int. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 99.000000 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Real with sign (positive). - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %+f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99.99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish +99.990000 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Real with 1 decimals. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %.1f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99.99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 100.0 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Real with 12 decimals. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %.12f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99.99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 99.990000000000 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Real with no decimals. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %.f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99.99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 100 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - /////// Strings. - - // String - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %s frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("cheese"); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish cheese frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // String left-padded - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %10s frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("cheese"); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish cheese frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // String right-padded - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %-10s frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("cheese"); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish cheese frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - ///// Characters - - // Character as string. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %c frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("A"); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish A frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Character as int. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %c frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(65); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish A frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - ///// Dynamic width - - // String dynamic width - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %*s frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(10); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("cheese"); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - REQUIRE(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish cheese frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Int dynamic width - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %*d frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(10); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - REQUIRE(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 99 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Float dynamic width - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %*.*f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(10); - ARRAY_PUSH_INT(3); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99.99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error == false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"fish 99.990 frog") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - ///// Errors - - // More formats than arguments. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %s %s frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("cheese"); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"not enough arguments for format string") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // More arguments than formats. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %s frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("hello"); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("cheese"); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"not all arguments converted during string formatting") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Incomplete format. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %10"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("cheese"); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"incomplete format") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Bad character in format string - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %&f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("cheese"); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"unsupported format character") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Too many decimals. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %2.2.2f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99.99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"too many decimal points in format") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // * not a number - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %*f frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("cheese"); - ARRAY_PUSH_REAL(99.99); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"* wants number") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Character too long. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %c frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - ARRAY_PUSH_STRING("sc"); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"%c requires number or single-character string") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - // Character bad type. - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&format, "fish %c frog"); - godot_array_clear(&args); - godot_array t; - godot_array_new(&t); - godot_variant v; - godot_variant_new_array(&v, &t); - godot_array_destroy(&t); - godot_array_push_back(&args, &v); - godot_variant_destroy(&v); - output = godot_string_sprintf(&format, &args, &error); - REQUIRE(error); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), U"%c requires number or single-character string") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&format); - godot_string_destroy(&output); - - godot_array_destroy(&args); -#undef ARRAY_PUSH_INT -#undef ARRAY_PUSH_REAL -#undef ARRAY_PUSH_STRING -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] is_numeric") { -#define IS_NUM_TEST(x, r) \ - { \ - godot_string t; \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, x); \ - CHECK(godot_string_is_numeric(&t) == r); \ - godot_string_destroy(&t); \ - } - - IS_NUM_TEST("12", true); - IS_NUM_TEST("1.2", true); - IS_NUM_TEST("AF", false); - IS_NUM_TEST("-12", true); - IS_NUM_TEST("-1.2", true); - -#undef IS_NUM_TEST -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] pad") { - godot_string s, c; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "test"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&c, "x"); - - godot_string l = godot_string_lpad_with_custom_character(&s, 10, &c); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&l), U"xxxxxxtest") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&l); - - godot_string r = godot_string_rpad_with_custom_character(&s, 10, &c); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&r), U"testxxxxxx") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&r); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&c); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "10.10"); - c = godot_string_pad_decimals(&s, 4); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&c), U"10.1000") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&c); - c = godot_string_pad_zeros(&s, 4); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&c), U"0010.10") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&c); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] is_subsequence_of") { - godot_string a, t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&a, "is subsequence of"); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "sub"); - CHECK(godot_string_is_subsequence_of(&t, &a)); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Sub"); - CHECK(!godot_string_is_subsequence_of(&t, &a)); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Sub"); - CHECK(godot_string_is_subsequence_ofi(&t, &a)); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&a); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] match") { - godot_string s, t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "*.png"); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "img1.png"); - CHECK(godot_string_match(&t, &s)); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "img1.jpeg"); - CHECK(!godot_string_match(&t, &s)); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "img1.Png"); - CHECK(!godot_string_match(&t, &s)); - CHECK(godot_string_matchn(&t, &s)); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] IPVX address to string") { - godot_string ip; - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&ip, ""); - CHECK(godot_string_is_valid_ip_address(&ip)); - godot_string_destroy(&ip); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&ip, "192.368.0.1"); - CHECK(!godot_string_is_valid_ip_address(&ip)); - godot_string_destroy(&ip); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&ip, "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"); - CHECK(godot_string_is_valid_ip_address(&ip)); - godot_string_destroy(&ip); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&ip, "2001:0db8:85j3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"); - CHECK(!godot_string_is_valid_ip_address(&ip)); - godot_string_destroy(&ip); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&ip, "2001:0db8:85f345:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"); - CHECK(!godot_string_is_valid_ip_address(&ip)); - godot_string_destroy(&ip); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&ip, "2001:0db8::0:8a2e:370:7334"); - CHECK(godot_string_is_valid_ip_address(&ip)); - godot_string_destroy(&ip); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&ip, "::ffff:"); - CHECK(godot_string_is_valid_ip_address(&ip)); - godot_string_destroy(&ip); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Capitalize against many strings") { -#define CAP_TEST(i, o) \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&input, i); \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&output, o); \ - test = godot_string_capitalize(&input); \ - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&output), godot_string_get_data(&test)) == 0); \ - godot_string_destroy(&input); \ - godot_string_destroy(&output); \ - godot_string_destroy(&test); - - godot_string input, output, test; - - CAP_TEST("bytes2var", "Bytes 2 Var"); - CAP_TEST("linear2db", "Linear 2 Db"); - CAP_TEST("vector3", "Vector 3"); - CAP_TEST("sha256", "Sha 256"); - CAP_TEST("2db", "2 Db"); - CAP_TEST("PascalCase", "Pascal Case"); - CAP_TEST("PascalPascalCase", "Pascal Pascal Case"); - CAP_TEST("snake_case", "Snake Case"); - CAP_TEST("snake_snake_case", "Snake Snake Case"); - CAP_TEST("sha256sum", "Sha 256 Sum"); - CAP_TEST("cat2dog", "Cat 2 Dog"); - CAP_TEST("function(name)", "Function(name)"); - CAP_TEST("snake_case_function(snake_case_arg)", "Snake Case Function(snake Case Arg)"); - CAP_TEST("snake_case_function( snake_case_arg )", "Snake Case Function( Snake Case Arg )"); - -#undef CAP_TEST -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] lstrip and rstrip") { -#define LSTRIP_TEST(x, y, z) \ - { \ - godot_string xx, yy, zz, rr; \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&xx, x); \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&yy, y); \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&zz, z); \ - rr = godot_string_lstrip(&xx, &yy); \ - state = state && (u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&rr), godot_string_get_data(&zz)) == 0); \ - godot_string_destroy(&xx); \ - godot_string_destroy(&yy); \ - godot_string_destroy(&zz); \ - godot_string_destroy(&rr); \ - } - -#define RSTRIP_TEST(x, y, z) \ - { \ - godot_string xx, yy, zz, rr; \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&xx, x); \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&yy, y); \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&zz, z); \ - rr = godot_string_rstrip(&xx, &yy); \ - state = state && (u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&rr), godot_string_get_data(&zz)) == 0); \ - godot_string_destroy(&xx); \ - godot_string_destroy(&yy); \ - godot_string_destroy(&zz); \ - godot_string_destroy(&rr); \ - } - -#define LSTRIP_UTF8_TEST(x, y, z) \ - { \ - godot_string xx, yy, zz, rr; \ - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(&xx, x); \ - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(&yy, y); \ - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(&zz, z); \ - rr = godot_string_lstrip(&xx, &yy); \ - state = state && (u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&rr), godot_string_get_data(&zz)) == 0); \ - godot_string_destroy(&xx); \ - godot_string_destroy(&yy); \ - godot_string_destroy(&zz); \ - godot_string_destroy(&rr); \ - } - -#define RSTRIP_UTF8_TEST(x, y, z) \ - { \ - godot_string xx, yy, zz, rr; \ - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(&xx, x); \ - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(&yy, y); \ - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(&zz, z); \ - rr = godot_string_rstrip(&xx, &yy); \ - state = state && (u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&rr), godot_string_get_data(&zz)) == 0); \ - godot_string_destroy(&xx); \ - godot_string_destroy(&yy); \ - godot_string_destroy(&zz); \ - godot_string_destroy(&rr); \ - } - - bool state = true; - - // strip none - LSTRIP_TEST("abc", "", "abc"); - RSTRIP_TEST("abc", "", "abc"); - // strip one - LSTRIP_TEST("abc", "a", "bc"); - RSTRIP_TEST("abc", "c", "ab"); - // strip lots - LSTRIP_TEST("bababbababccc", "ab", "ccc"); - RSTRIP_TEST("aaabcbcbcbbcbbc", "cb", "aaa"); - // strip empty string - LSTRIP_TEST("", "", ""); - RSTRIP_TEST("", "", ""); - // strip to empty string - LSTRIP_TEST("abcabcabc", "bca", ""); - RSTRIP_TEST("abcabcabc", "bca", ""); - // don't strip wrong end - LSTRIP_TEST("abc", "c", "abc"); - LSTRIP_TEST("abca", "a", "bca"); - RSTRIP_TEST("abc", "a", "abc"); - RSTRIP_TEST("abca", "a", "abc"); - // in utf-8 "¿" (\u00bf) has the same first byte as "µ" (\u00b5) - // and the same second as "ÿ" (\u00ff) - LSTRIP_UTF8_TEST("¿", "µÿ", "¿"); - RSTRIP_UTF8_TEST("¿", "µÿ", "¿"); - LSTRIP_UTF8_TEST("µ¿ÿ", "µÿ", "¿ÿ"); - RSTRIP_UTF8_TEST("µ¿ÿ", "µÿ", "µ¿"); - - // the above tests repeated with additional superfluous strip chars - - // strip none - LSTRIP_TEST("abc", "qwjkl", "abc"); - RSTRIP_TEST("abc", "qwjkl", "abc"); - // strip one - LSTRIP_TEST("abc", "qwajkl", "bc"); - RSTRIP_TEST("abc", "qwcjkl", "ab"); - // strip lots - LSTRIP_TEST("bababbababccc", "qwabjkl", "ccc"); - RSTRIP_TEST("aaabcbcbcbbcbbc", "qwcbjkl", "aaa"); - // strip empty string - LSTRIP_TEST("", "qwjkl", ""); - RSTRIP_TEST("", "qwjkl", ""); - // strip to empty string - LSTRIP_TEST("abcabcabc", "qwbcajkl", ""); - RSTRIP_TEST("abcabcabc", "qwbcajkl", ""); - // don't strip wrong end - LSTRIP_TEST("abc", "qwcjkl", "abc"); - LSTRIP_TEST("abca", "qwajkl", "bca"); - RSTRIP_TEST("abc", "qwajkl", "abc"); - RSTRIP_TEST("abca", "qwajkl", "abc"); - // in utf-8 "¿" (\u00bf) has the same first byte as "µ" (\u00b5) - // and the same second as "ÿ" (\u00ff) - LSTRIP_UTF8_TEST("¿", "qwaµÿjkl", "¿"); - RSTRIP_UTF8_TEST("¿", "qwaµÿjkl", "¿"); - LSTRIP_UTF8_TEST("µ¿ÿ", "qwaµÿjkl", "¿ÿ"); - RSTRIP_UTF8_TEST("µ¿ÿ", "qwaµÿjkl", "µ¿"); - - CHECK(state); - -#undef LSTRIP_TEST -#undef RSTRIP_TEST -#undef LSTRIP_UTF8_TEST -#undef RSTRIP_UTF8_TEST -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Cyrillic to_lower()") { - godot_string upper, lower, test; - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(&upper, "АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ"); - godot_string_new_with_utf8_chars(&lower, "абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя"); - - test = godot_string_to_lower(&upper); - - CHECK((u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&test), godot_string_get_data(&lower)) == 0)); - - godot_string_destroy(&upper); - godot_string_destroy(&lower); - godot_string_destroy(&test); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Count and countn functionality") { -#define COUNT_TEST(x, y, r) \ - { \ - godot_string s, t; \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, x); \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, y); \ - state = state && (godot_string_count(&s, &t, 0, 0) == r); \ - godot_string_destroy(&s); \ - godot_string_destroy(&t); \ - } - -#define COUNTR_TEST(x, y, a, b, r) \ - { \ - godot_string s, t; \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, x); \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, y); \ - state = state && (godot_string_count(&s, &t, a, b) == r); \ - godot_string_destroy(&s); \ - godot_string_destroy(&t); \ - } - -#define COUNTN_TEST(x, y, r) \ - { \ - godot_string s, t; \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, x); \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, y); \ - state = state && (godot_string_countn(&s, &t, 0, 0) == r); \ - godot_string_destroy(&s); \ - godot_string_destroy(&t); \ - } - -#define COUNTNR_TEST(x, y, a, b, r) \ - { \ - godot_string s, t; \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, x); \ - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, y); \ - state = state && (godot_string_countn(&s, &t, a, b) == r); \ - godot_string_destroy(&s); \ - godot_string_destroy(&t); \ - } - bool state = true; - - COUNT_TEST("", "Test", 0); - COUNT_TEST("Test", "", 0); - COUNT_TEST("Test", "test", 0); - COUNT_TEST("Test", "TEST", 0); - COUNT_TEST("TEST", "TEST", 1); - COUNT_TEST("Test", "Test", 1); - COUNT_TEST("aTest", "Test", 1); - COUNT_TEST("Testa", "Test", 1); - COUNT_TEST("TestTestTest", "Test", 3); - COUNT_TEST("TestTestTest", "TestTest", 1); - COUNT_TEST("TestGodotTestGodotTestGodot", "Test", 3); - - COUNTR_TEST("TestTestTestTest", "Test", 4, 8, 1); - COUNTR_TEST("TestTestTestTest", "Test", 4, 12, 2); - COUNTR_TEST("TestTestTestTest", "Test", 4, 16, 3); - COUNTR_TEST("TestTestTestTest", "Test", 4, 0, 3); - - COUNTN_TEST("Test", "test", 1); - COUNTN_TEST("Test", "TEST", 1); - COUNTN_TEST("testTest-Testatest", "tEst", 4); - COUNTNR_TEST("testTest-TeStatest", "tEsT", 4, 16, 2); - - CHECK(state); - -#undef COUNT_TEST -#undef COUNTR_TEST -#undef COUNTN_TEST -#undef COUNTNR_TEST -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Bigrams") { - godot_string s, t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "abcd"); - godot_packed_string_array bigr = godot_string_bigrams(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - CHECK(godot_packed_string_array_size(&bigr) == 3); - - t = godot_packed_string_array_get(&bigr, 0); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), U"ab") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - t = godot_packed_string_array_get(&bigr, 1); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), U"bc") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - t = godot_packed_string_array_get(&bigr, 2); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), U"cd") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_packed_string_array_destroy(&bigr); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] c-escape/unescape") { - godot_string s; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "\\1\a2\b\f3\n45\r6\t7\v8\'9\?0\""); - godot_string t = godot_string_c_escape(&s); - godot_string u = godot_string_c_unescape(&t); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&s)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] dedent") { - godot_string s, t; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, " aaa\n bbb"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "aaa\nbbb"); - godot_string u = godot_string_dedent(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Path functions") { - static const char *path[4] = { "C:\\Godot\\project\\test.tscn", "/Godot/project/test.xscn", "../Godot/project/test.scn", "Godot\\test.doc" }; - static const char *base_dir[4] = { "C:\\Godot\\project", "/Godot/project", "../Godot/project", "Godot" }; - static const char *base_name[4] = { "C:\\Godot\\project\\test", "/Godot/project/test", "../Godot/project/test", "Godot\\test" }; - static const char *ext[4] = { "tscn", "xscn", "scn", "doc" }; - static const char *file[4] = { "test.tscn", "test.xscn", "test.scn", "test.doc" }; - static const bool abs[4] = { true, true, false, false }; - - for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { - godot_string s, t, u, f; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, path[i]); - - t = godot_string_get_base_dir(&s); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&u, base_dir[i]); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - t = godot_string_get_basename(&s); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&u, base_name[i]); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - t = godot_string_get_extension(&s); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&u, ext[i]); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - t = godot_string_get_file(&s); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&u, file[i]); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string s_simp; - s_simp = godot_string_simplify_path(&s); - t = godot_string_get_base_dir(&s_simp); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&u, file[i]); - f = godot_string_plus_file(&t, &u); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&f), godot_string_get_data(&s_simp)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&f); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_destroy(&s_simp); - - CHECK(godot_string_is_abs_path(&s) == abs[i]); - CHECK(godot_string_is_rel_path(&s) != abs[i]); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - } - - static const char *file_name[3] = { "test.tscn", "test://.xscn", "?tes*t.scn" }; - static const bool valid[3] = { true, false, false }; - for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { - godot_string s; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, file_name[i]); - CHECK(godot_string_is_valid_filename(&s) == valid[i]); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - } -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] hash") { - godot_string a, b, c; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&a, "Test"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&b, "Test"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&c, "West"); - CHECK(godot_string_hash(&a) == godot_string_hash(&b)); - CHECK(godot_string_hash(&a) != godot_string_hash(&c)); - - CHECK(godot_string_hash64(&a) == godot_string_hash64(&b)); - CHECK(godot_string_hash64(&a) != godot_string_hash64(&c)); - - godot_string_destroy(&a); - godot_string_destroy(&b); - godot_string_destroy(&c); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] http_escape/unescape") { - godot_string s, t, u; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Godot Engine:'docs'"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Godot%20Engine%3A%27docs%27"); - - u = godot_string_http_escape(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - - u = godot_string_http_unescape(&t); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&s)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&t); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] percent_encode/decode") { - godot_string s, t, u; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Godot Engine:'docs'"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Godot%20Engine%3a%27docs%27"); - - u = godot_string_percent_encode(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - - u = godot_string_percent_decode(&t); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&s)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&t); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] xml_escape/unescape") { - godot_string s, t, u; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "\"Test\" <test@test&'test'>"); - - t = godot_string_xml_escape_with_quotes(&s); - u = godot_string_xml_unescape(&t); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&s)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - t = godot_string_xml_escape(&s); - u = godot_string_xml_unescape(&t); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&s)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Strip escapes") { - godot_string s, t, u; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "\t\tTest Test\r\n Test"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Test Test Test"); - - u = godot_string_strip_escapes(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Strip edges") { - godot_string s, t, u; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "\t Test Test "); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Test Test "); - u = godot_string_strip_edges(&s, true, false); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "\t Test Test"); - u = godot_string_strip_edges(&s, false, true); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Test Test"); - u = godot_string_strip_edges(&s, true, true); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Similarity") { - godot_string a, b, c; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&a, "Test"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&b, "West"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&c, "Toad"); - - CHECK(godot_string_similarity(&a, &b) > godot_string_similarity(&a, &c)); - - godot_string_destroy(&a); - godot_string_destroy(&b); - godot_string_destroy(&c); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Trim") { - godot_string s, t, u, p; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "aaaTestbbb"); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&p, "aaa"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "Testbbb"); - u = godot_string_trim_prefix(&s, &p); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_destroy(&p); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&p, "bbb"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "aaaTest"); - u = godot_string_trim_suffix(&s, &p); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_destroy(&p); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&p, "Test"); - u = godot_string_trim_suffix(&s, &p); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&s)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&p); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Right/Left") { - godot_string s, t, u; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "aaaTestbbb"); - // ^ - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "tbbb"); - u = godot_string_right(&s, 6); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "aaaTes"); - u = godot_string_left(&s, 6); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Repeat") { - godot_string t, u; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "ab"); - - u = godot_string_repeat(&t, 4); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), U"abababab") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - - godot_string_destroy(&t); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] SHA1/SHA256/MD5") { - godot_string s, t, sha1, sha256, md5; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, "Godot"); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&sha1, "a1e91f39b9fce6a9998b14bdbe2aa2b39dc2d201"); - static uint8_t sha1_buf[20] = { - 0xA1, 0xE9, 0x1F, 0x39, 0xB9, 0xFC, 0xE6, 0xA9, 0x99, 0x8B, 0x14, 0xBD, 0xBE, 0x2A, 0xA2, 0xB3, - 0x9D, 0xC2, 0xD2, 0x01 - }; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&sha256, "2a02b2443f7985d89d09001086ae3dcfa6eb0f55c6ef170715d42328e16e6cb8"); - static uint8_t sha256_buf[32] = { - 0x2A, 0x02, 0xB2, 0x44, 0x3F, 0x79, 0x85, 0xD8, 0x9D, 0x09, 0x00, 0x10, 0x86, 0xAE, 0x3D, 0xCF, - 0xA6, 0xEB, 0x0F, 0x55, 0xC6, 0xEF, 0x17, 0x07, 0x15, 0xD4, 0x23, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x6E, 0x6C, 0xB8 - }; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&md5, "4a336d087aeb0390da10ee2ea7cb87f8"); - static uint8_t md5_buf[16] = { - 0x4A, 0x33, 0x6D, 0x08, 0x7A, 0xEB, 0x03, 0x90, 0xDA, 0x10, 0xEE, 0x2E, 0xA7, 0xCB, 0x87, 0xF8 - }; - - godot_packed_byte_array buf = godot_string_sha1_buffer(&s); - CHECK(memcmp(sha1_buf, godot_packed_byte_array_ptr(&buf), 20) == 0); - godot_packed_byte_array_destroy(&buf); - - t = godot_string_sha1_text(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), godot_string_get_data(&sha1)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - buf = godot_string_sha256_buffer(&s); - CHECK(memcmp(sha256_buf, godot_packed_byte_array_ptr(&buf), 32) == 0); - godot_packed_byte_array_destroy(&buf); - - t = godot_string_sha256_text(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), godot_string_get_data(&sha256)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - buf = godot_string_md5_buffer(&s); - CHECK(memcmp(md5_buf, godot_packed_byte_array_ptr(&buf), 16) == 0); - godot_packed_byte_array_destroy(&buf); - - t = godot_string_md5_text(&s); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&t), godot_string_get_data(&md5)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_string_destroy(&sha1); - godot_string_destroy(&sha256); - godot_string_destroy(&md5); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Join") { - godot_string s, t, u; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, ", "); - - godot_packed_string_array parts; - godot_packed_string_array_new(&parts); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "One"); - godot_packed_string_array_push_back(&parts, &t); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "B"); - godot_packed_string_array_push_back(&parts, &t); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&t, "C"); - godot_packed_string_array_push_back(&parts, &t); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&u, "One, B, C"); - t = godot_string_join(&s, &parts); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&u), godot_string_get_data(&t)) == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&u); - godot_string_destroy(&t); - - godot_string_destroy(&s); - godot_packed_string_array_destroy(&parts); -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] Is_*") { - static const char *data[12] = { "-30", "100", "10.1", "10,1", "1e2", "1e-2", "1e2e3", "0xAB", "AB", "Test1", "1Test", "Test*1" }; - static bool isnum[12] = { true, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }; - static bool isint[12] = { true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }; - static bool ishex[12] = { true, true, false, false, true, false, true, false, true, false, false, false }; - static bool ishex_p[12] = { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false }; - static bool isflt[12] = { true, true, true, false, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false }; - static bool isid[12] = { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, false, false }; - - for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { - godot_string s; - godot_string_new_with_latin1_chars(&s, data[i]); - CHECK(godot_string_is_numeric(&s) == isnum[i]); - CHECK(godot_string_is_valid_integer(&s) == isint[i]); - CHECK(godot_string_is_valid_hex_number(&s, false) == ishex[i]); - CHECK(godot_string_is_valid_hex_number(&s, true) == ishex_p[i]); - CHECK(godot_string_is_valid_float(&s) == isflt[i]); - CHECK(godot_string_is_valid_identifier(&s) == isid[i]); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - } -} - -TEST_CASE("[GDNative String] humanize_size") { - godot_string s; - - s = godot_string_humanize_size(1000); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"1000 B") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_humanize_size(1025); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"1.00 KiB") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_humanize_size(1025300); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"1001.2 KiB") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_humanize_size(100523550); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"95.86 MiB") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); - - s = godot_string_humanize_size(5345555000); - CHECK(u32scmp(godot_string_get_data(&s), U"4.97 GiB") == 0); - godot_string_destroy(&s); -} -} // namespace TestGDNativeString - -#endif // TEST_GDNATIVE_STRING_H diff --git a/modules/gdnative/tests/test_variant.h b/modules/gdnative/tests/test_variant.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5284bf26f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/gdnative/tests/test_variant.h @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* test_variant.h */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef TEST_GDNATIVE_VARIANT_H +#define TEST_GDNATIVE_VARIANT_H + +#include <gdnative/gdnative.h> +#include <gdnative/variant.h> + +#include "tests/test_macros.h" + +namespace TestGDNativeVariant { + +TEST_CASE("[GDNative Variant] New Variant with copy") { + godot_variant src; + godot_variant_new_int(&src, 42); + + godot_variant copy; + godot_variant_new_copy(©, &src); + + CHECK(godot_variant_as_int(©) == 42); + CHECK(godot_variant_get_type(©) == GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_INT); + + godot_variant_destroy(&src); + godot_variant_destroy(©); +} + +TEST_CASE("[GDNative Variant] New Variant with Nil") { + godot_variant val; + godot_variant_new_nil(&val); + + CHECK(godot_variant_get_type(&val) == GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_NIL); + + godot_variant_destroy(&val); +} + +TEST_CASE("[GDNative Variant] New Variant with bool") { + godot_variant val; + godot_variant_new_bool(&val, true); + + CHECK(godot_variant_as_bool(&val)); + CHECK(godot_variant_get_type(&val) == GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_BOOL); + + godot_variant_destroy(&val); +} + +TEST_CASE("[GDNative Variant] New Variant with float") { + godot_variant val; + godot_variant_new_float(&val, 4.2); + + CHECK(godot_variant_as_float(&val) == 4.2); + CHECK(godot_variant_get_type(&val) == GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_FLOAT); + + godot_variant_destroy(&val); +} + +TEST_CASE("[GDNative Variant] New Variant with String") { + String str = "something"; + + godot_variant val; + godot_variant_new_string(&val, (godot_string *)&str); + godot_string gd_str = godot_variant_as_string(&val); + String *result = (String *)&gd_str; + + CHECK(*result == String("something")); + CHECK(godot_variant_get_type(&val) == GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING); + + godot_variant_destroy(&val); + godot_string_destroy(&gd_str); +} + +TEST_CASE("[GDNative Variant] Variant call") { + String str("something"); + godot_variant self; + godot_variant_new_string(&self, (godot_string *)&str); + + godot_variant ret; + + godot_string_name method; + godot_string_name_new_with_latin1_chars(&method, "is_valid_identifier"); + + godot_variant_call_error error; + godot_variant_call(&self, &method, NULL, 0, &ret, &error); + + CHECK(godot_variant_get_type(&ret) == GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_BOOL); + CHECK(godot_variant_as_bool(&ret)); + + godot_variant_destroy(&ret); + godot_variant_destroy(&self); + godot_string_name_destroy(&method); +} + +TEST_CASE("[GDNative Variant] Variant evaluate") { + godot_variant one; + godot_variant_new_int(&one, 1); + godot_variant two; + godot_variant_new_int(&two, 2); + + godot_variant three; + bool valid = false; + + godot_variant_evaluate(GODOT_VARIANT_OP_ADD, &one, &two, &three, &valid); + + CHECK(godot_variant_get_type(&three) == GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_INT); + CHECK(godot_variant_as_int(&three) == 3); + CHECK(valid); + + godot_variant_destroy(&one); + godot_variant_destroy(&two); + godot_variant_destroy(&three); +} + +TEST_CASE("[GDNative Variant] Variant set/get named") { + godot_string_name x; + godot_string_name_new_with_latin1_chars(&x, "x"); + + Vector2 vec(0, 0); + godot_variant self; + godot_variant_new_vector2(&self, (godot_vector2 *)&vec); + + godot_variant set; + godot_variant_new_float(&set, 1.0); + + bool set_valid = false; + godot_variant_set_named(&self, &x, &set, &set_valid); + + bool get_valid = false; + godot_variant get = godot_variant_get_named(&self, &x, &get_valid); + + CHECK(get_valid); + CHECK(set_valid); + CHECK(godot_variant_get_type(&get) == GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_FLOAT); + CHECK(godot_variant_as_float(&get) == 1.0); + + godot_string_name_destroy(&x); + godot_variant_destroy(&self); + godot_variant_destroy(&set); + godot_variant_destroy(&get); +} + +TEST_CASE("[GDNative Variant] Get utility function argument name") { + godot_string_name function; + godot_string_name_new_with_latin1_chars(&function, "pow"); + + godot_string arg_name = godot_variant_get_utility_function_argument_name(&function, 0); + + String *arg_name_str = (String *)&arg_name; + + CHECK(*arg_name_str == "base"); + + godot_string_destroy(&arg_name); + godot_string_name_destroy(&function); +} + +TEST_CASE("[GDNative Variant] Get utility function list") { + int count = godot_variant_get_utility_function_count(); + + godot_string_name *c_list = (godot_string_name *)godot_alloc(count * sizeof(godot_string_name)); + godot_variant_get_utility_function_list(c_list); + + List<StringName> cpp_list; + Variant::get_utility_function_list(&cpp_list); + + godot_string_name *cur = c_list; + + for (const List<StringName>::Element *E = cpp_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + const StringName &cpp_name = E->get(); + StringName *c_name = (StringName *)cur++; + + CHECK(*c_name == cpp_name); + } + + godot_free(c_list); +} +} // namespace TestGDNativeVariant + +#endif // TEST_GDNATIVE_VARIANT_H diff --git a/modules/gdnative/text/text_server_gdnative.cpp b/modules/gdnative/text/text_server_gdnative.cpp index f670d4af6f..f7a3cb8135 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/text/text_server_gdnative.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/text/text_server_gdnative.cpp @@ -703,12 +703,12 @@ void GDAPI godot_glyph_set_offset(godot_glyph *p_self, const godot_vector2 *p_of self->y_off = offset->y; } -godot_real GDAPI godot_glyph_get_advance(const godot_glyph *p_self) { +godot_float GDAPI godot_glyph_get_advance(const godot_glyph *p_self) { const TextServer::Glyph *self = (const TextServer::Glyph *)p_self; return self->advance; } -void GDAPI godot_glyph_set_advance(godot_glyph *p_self, godot_real p_advance) { +void GDAPI godot_glyph_set_advance(godot_glyph *p_self, godot_float p_advance) { TextServer::Glyph *self = (TextServer::Glyph *)p_self; self->advance = p_advance; } diff --git a/modules/gdnative/xr/xr_interface_gdnative.cpp b/modules/gdnative/xr/xr_interface_gdnative.cpp index d4fd2876b5..5bbf70174c 100644 --- a/modules/gdnative/xr/xr_interface_gdnative.cpp +++ b/modules/gdnative/xr/xr_interface_gdnative.cpp @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ CameraMatrix XRInterfaceGDNative::get_projection_for_eye(XRInterface::Eyes p_eye ERR_FAIL_COND_V(interface == nullptr, CameraMatrix()); - interface->fill_projection_for_eye(data, (godot_real *)cm.matrix, (godot_int)p_eye, p_aspect, p_z_near, p_z_far); + interface->fill_projection_for_eye(data, (godot_float *)cm.matrix, (godot_int)p_eye, p_aspect, p_z_near, p_z_far); return cm; } @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ void GDAPI godot_xr_register_interface(const godot_xr_interface_gdnative *p_inte XRServer::get_singleton()->add_interface(new_interface); } -godot_real GDAPI godot_xr_get_worldscale() { +godot_float GDAPI godot_xr_get_worldscale() { XRServer *xr_server = XRServer::get_singleton(); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(xr_server, 1.0); @@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ godot_transform GDAPI godot_xr_get_reference_frame() { if (xr_server != nullptr) { *reference_frame_ptr = xr_server->get_reference_frame(); } else { - godot_transform_new_identity(&reference_frame); + memnew_placement(&reference_frame, Transform); } return reference_frame; @@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ void GDAPI godot_xr_set_controller_button(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_int p } } -void GDAPI godot_xr_set_controller_axis(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_int p_axis, godot_real p_value, godot_bool p_can_be_negative) { +void GDAPI godot_xr_set_controller_axis(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_int p_axis, godot_float p_value, godot_bool p_can_be_negative) { XRServer *xr_server = XRServer::get_singleton(); ERR_FAIL_NULL(xr_server); @@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ void GDAPI godot_xr_set_controller_axis(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_int p_a } } -godot_real GDAPI godot_xr_get_controller_rumble(godot_int p_controller_id) { +godot_float GDAPI godot_xr_get_controller_rumble(godot_int p_controller_id) { XRServer *xr_server = XRServer::get_singleton(); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(xr_server, 0.0); diff --git a/modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.cpp b/modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.cpp index 8b05611089..8e4771685d 100644 --- a/modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.cpp +++ b/modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.cpp @@ -1602,11 +1602,18 @@ bool TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_update_breaks(RID p_shaped) { HashMap<int, bool> breaks; UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; - for (int i = 0; i < sd->spans.size(); i++) { - UBreakIterator *bi = ubrk_open(UBRK_LINE, sd->spans[i].language.ascii().get_data(), data + _convert_pos_inv(sd, sd->spans[i].start), _convert_pos_inv(sd, sd->spans[i].end - sd->spans[i].start), &err); + int i = 0; + while (i < sd->spans.size()) { + String language = sd->spans[i].language; + int r_start = sd->spans[i].start; + while (i + 1 < sd->spans.size() && language == sd->spans[i + 1].language) { + i++; + } + int r_end = sd->spans[i].end; + UBreakIterator *bi = ubrk_open(UBRK_LINE, language.ascii().get_data(), data + _convert_pos_inv(sd, r_start), _convert_pos_inv(sd, r_end - r_start), &err); if (U_FAILURE(err)) { //No data loaded - use fallback. - for (int j = sd->spans[i].start; j < sd->spans[i].end; j++) { + for (int j = r_start; j < r_end; j++) { char32_t c = sd->text[j - sd->start]; if (is_whitespace(c)) { breaks[j] = false; @@ -1617,8 +1624,8 @@ bool TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_update_breaks(RID p_shaped) { } } else { while (ubrk_next(bi) != UBRK_DONE) { - int pos = _convert_pos(sd, ubrk_current(bi)) + sd->spans[i].start - 1; - if (pos != sd->spans[i].end) { + int pos = _convert_pos(sd, ubrk_current(bi)) + r_start - 1; + if (pos != r_end) { if ((ubrk_getRuleStatus(bi) >= UBRK_LINE_HARD) && (ubrk_getRuleStatus(bi) < UBRK_LINE_HARD_LIMIT)) { breaks[pos] = true; } else if ((ubrk_getRuleStatus(bi) >= UBRK_LINE_SOFT) && (ubrk_getRuleStatus(bi) < UBRK_LINE_SOFT_LIMIT)) { @@ -1628,6 +1635,7 @@ bool TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_update_breaks(RID p_shaped) { } } ubrk_close(bi); + i++; } sd->sort_valid = false; @@ -1636,7 +1644,7 @@ bool TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_update_breaks(RID p_shaped) { const char32_t *ch = sd->text.ptr(); Glyph *sd_glyphs = sd->glyphs.ptrw(); - for (int i = 0; i < sd_size; i++) { + for (i = 0; i < sd_size; i++) { if (sd_glyphs[i].count > 0) { char32_t c = ch[sd_glyphs[i].start - sd->start]; if (c == 0xfffc) { diff --git a/modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp b/modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp index 1e82259e59..78e4a7f113 100644 --- a/modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp +++ b/modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp @@ -981,6 +981,10 @@ void VisualScriptEditor::_update_graph(int p_only_id) { } _update_graph_connections(); + + float graph_minimap_opacity = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("editors/visual_editors/minimap_opacity"); + graph->set_minimap_opacity(graph_minimap_opacity); + // Use default_func instead of default_func for now I think that should be good stop gap solution to ensure not breaking anything. graph->call_deferred("set_scroll_ofs", script->get_scroll() * EDSCALE); updating_graph = false; @@ -4326,6 +4330,8 @@ VisualScriptEditor::VisualScriptEditor() { graph->connect("duplicate_nodes_request", callable_mp(this, &VisualScriptEditor::_on_nodes_duplicate)); graph->connect("gui_input", callable_mp(this, &VisualScriptEditor::_graph_gui_input)); graph->set_drag_forwarding(this); + float graph_minimap_opacity = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("editors/visual_editors/minimap_opacity"); + graph->set_minimap_opacity(graph_minimap_opacity); graph->hide(); graph->connect("scroll_offset_changed", callable_mp(this, &VisualScriptEditor::_graph_ofs_changed)); diff --git a/platform/javascript/SCsub b/platform/javascript/SCsub index b0302a5f88..11a45d2811 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/SCsub +++ b/platform/javascript/SCsub @@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ if env["gdnative_enabled"]: sys_env["LIBS"] = [] # We use IDBFS. Since Emscripten 1.39.1 it needs to be linked explicitly. sys_env.Append(LIBS=["idbfs.js"]) - # JS prepended to the module code loading the side library. - sys_env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["--pre-js", sys_env.File("js/dynlink.pre.js")]) # Configure it as a main module (dynamic linking support). sys_env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-s", "MAIN_MODULE=1"]) sys_env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "MAIN_MODULE=1"]) @@ -53,7 +51,6 @@ if env["gdnative_enabled"]: sys_env["ENV"]["EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS"] = "libc,libc++,libc++abi" # The main emscripten runtime, with exported standard libraries. sys = sys_env.Program(build_targets, ["javascript_runtime.cpp"]) - sys_env.Depends(sys, "js/dynlink.pre.js") # The side library, containing all Godot code. wasm_env = env.Clone() @@ -97,7 +94,13 @@ out_files = [ zip_dir.File(binary_name + ".html"), zip_dir.File(binary_name + ".audio.worklet.js"), ] -html_file = "#misc/dist/html/editor.html" if env["tools"] else "#misc/dist/html/full-size.html" +html_file = "#misc/dist/html/full-size.html" +if env["tools"]: + subst_dict = {"\$GODOT_VERSION": env.GetBuildVersion()} + html_file = env.Substfile( + target="#bin/godot${PROGSUFFIX}.html", source="#misc/dist/html/editor.html", SUBST_DICT=subst_dict + ) + in_files = [js_wrapped, build[1], html_file, "#platform/javascript/js/libs/audio.worklet.js"] if env["gdnative_enabled"]: in_files.append(build[2]) # Runtime diff --git a/platform/javascript/detect.py b/platform/javascript/detect.py index 0d57f8aad1..76683da947 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/detect.py +++ b/platform/javascript/detect.py @@ -1,7 +1,14 @@ import os import sys -from emscripten_helpers import run_closure_compiler, create_engine_file, add_js_libraries, add_js_pre, add_js_externs +from emscripten_helpers import ( + run_closure_compiler, + create_engine_file, + add_js_libraries, + add_js_pre, + add_js_externs, + get_build_version, +) from methods import get_compiler_version from SCons.Util import WhereIs @@ -51,11 +58,13 @@ def get_flags(): def configure(env): if not isinstance(env["initial_memory"], int): - print("Initial memory must be a valid integer") - sys.exit(255) + try: + env["initial_memory"] = int(env["initial_memory"]) + except: + print("Initial memory must be a valid integer") + sys.exit(255) ## Build type - if env["target"] == "release": # Use -Os to prioritize optimizing for reduced file size. This is # particularly valuable for the web platform because it directly @@ -139,6 +148,9 @@ def configure(env): env.AddMethod(add_js_pre, "AddJSPre") env.AddMethod(add_js_externs, "AddJSExterns") + # Add method for getting build version string. + env.AddMethod(get_build_version, "GetBuildVersion") + # Add method that joins/compiles our Engine files. env.AddMethod(create_engine_file, "CreateEngineFile") diff --git a/platform/javascript/emscripten_helpers.py b/platform/javascript/emscripten_helpers.py index 8b8c492e22..d08555916b 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/emscripten_helpers.py +++ b/platform/javascript/emscripten_helpers.py @@ -15,6 +15,15 @@ def run_closure_compiler(target, source, env, for_signature): return " ".join(cmd) +def get_build_version(env): + import version + + name = "custom_build" + if os.getenv("BUILD_NAME") != None: + name = os.getenv("BUILD_NAME") + return "%d.%d.%d.%s.%s" % (version.major, version.minor, version.patch, version.status, name) + + def create_engine_file(env, target, source, externs): if env["use_closure_compiler"]: return env.BuildJS(target, source, JSEXTERNS=externs) diff --git a/platform/javascript/export/export.cpp b/platform/javascript/export/export.cpp index 48ccc1f87a..dd0938ee3e 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/export/export.cpp +++ b/platform/javascript/export/export.cpp @@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ public: s += "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\n"; s += "Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin\r\n"; s += "Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp\r\n"; + s += "Cache-Control: no-store, max-age=0\r\n"; s += "\r\n"; CharString cs = s.utf8(); Error err = connection->put_data((const uint8_t *)cs.get_data(), cs.size() - 1); diff --git a/platform/javascript/js/dynlink.pre.js b/platform/javascript/js/dynlink.pre.js deleted file mode 100644 index 34bc371ea9..0000000000 --- a/platform/javascript/js/dynlink.pre.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Module['dynamicLibraries'] = [Module['thisProgram'] + '.side.wasm'].concat(Module['dynamicLibraries'] ? Module['dynamicLibraries'] : []); diff --git a/platform/javascript/js/engine/engine.js b/platform/javascript/js/engine/engine.js index 4b8a7dde69..01232cbece 100644 --- a/platform/javascript/js/engine/engine.js +++ b/platform/javascript/js/engine/engine.js @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ const Engine = (function () { // Emscripten configuration. config['thisProgram'] = me.executableName; config['noExitRuntime'] = true; - config['dynamicLibraries'] = me.gdnativeLibs; + config['dynamicLibraries'] = [`${me.executableName}.side.wasm`].concat(me.gdnativeLibs); Godot(config).then(function (module) { module['initFS'](me.persistentPaths).then(function (fs_err) { me.rtenv = module; diff --git a/scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp b/scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp index b00a0ec30b..0565193437 100644 --- a/scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp +++ b/scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp @@ -520,7 +520,10 @@ String GIProbe::get_configuration_warning() const { warning += "\n\n"; } warning += TTR("GIProbes are not supported by the GLES2 video driver.\nUse a BakedLightmap instead."); + } else if (probe_data.is_null()) { + warning += TTR("No GIProbe data set, so this node is disabled. Bake static objects to enable GI."); } + return warning; } diff --git a/scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp b/scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp index 6662992d46..bc87aabb2c 100644 --- a/scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp +++ b/scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp @@ -154,6 +154,10 @@ Vector2 GraphEditMinimap::_convert_to_graph_position(const Vector2 &p_position) } void GraphEditMinimap::_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_ev) { + if (!ge->is_minimap_enabled()) { + return; + } + Ref<InputEventMouseButton> mb = p_ev; Ref<InputEventMouseMotion> mm = p_ev; @@ -1754,7 +1758,7 @@ GraphEdit::GraphEdit() { top_layer->add_child(minimap); minimap->set_name("_minimap"); minimap->set_modulate(Color(1, 1, 1, minimap_opacity)); - minimap->set_mouse_filter(MOUSE_FILTER_STOP); + minimap->set_mouse_filter(MOUSE_FILTER_PASS); minimap->set_custom_minimum_size(Vector2(50, 50)); minimap->set_size(minimap_size); minimap->set_anchors_preset(Control::PRESET_BOTTOM_RIGHT); diff --git a/scene/main/scene_tree.cpp b/scene/main/scene_tree.cpp index f18ac3b801..1c9d81e87c 100644 --- a/scene/main/scene_tree.cpp +++ b/scene/main/scene_tree.cpp @@ -1372,6 +1372,26 @@ SceneTree::SceneTree() { bool snap_2d_vertices = GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/2d/snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel", false); root->set_snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel(snap_2d_vertices); + int shadowmap_size = GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size", 4096); + ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "256,16384")); + GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size.mobile", 2048); + bool shadowmap_16_bits = GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/16_bits", true); + int atlas_q0 = GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_0_subdiv", 2); + int atlas_q1 = GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_1_subdiv", 2); + int atlas_q2 = GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_2_subdiv", 3); + int atlas_q3 = GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_3_subdiv", 4); + ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_0_subdiv", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_0_subdiv", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows")); + ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_1_subdiv", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_1_subdiv", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows")); + ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_2_subdiv", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_2_subdiv", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows")); + ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_3_subdiv", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_3_subdiv", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows")); + + root->set_shadow_atlas_size(shadowmap_size); + root->set_shadow_atlas_16_bits(shadowmap_16_bits); + root->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(0, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv(atlas_q0)); + root->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(1, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv(atlas_q1)); + root->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(2, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv(atlas_q2)); + root->set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(3, Viewport::ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv(atlas_q3)); + Viewport::SDFOversize sdf_oversize = Viewport::SDFOversize(int(GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/2d_sdf/oversize", 1))); root->set_sdf_oversize(sdf_oversize); Viewport::SDFScale sdf_scale = Viewport::SDFScale(int(GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/2d_sdf/scale", 1))); diff --git a/scene/main/viewport.cpp b/scene/main/viewport.cpp index 31496366de..82053e1557 100644 --- a/scene/main/viewport.cpp +++ b/scene/main/viewport.cpp @@ -1416,18 +1416,26 @@ Ref<ViewportTexture> Viewport::get_texture() const { } void Viewport::set_shadow_atlas_size(int p_size) { - if (shadow_atlas_size == p_size) { - return; - } - shadow_atlas_size = p_size; - RS::get_singleton()->viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size(viewport, p_size); + RS::get_singleton()->viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size(viewport, p_size, shadow_atlas_16_bits); } int Viewport::get_shadow_atlas_size() const { return shadow_atlas_size; } +void Viewport::set_shadow_atlas_16_bits(bool p_16_bits) { + if (shadow_atlas_16_bits == p_16_bits) { + return; + } + + shadow_atlas_16_bits = p_16_bits; + RS::get_singleton()->viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size(viewport, shadow_atlas_size, shadow_atlas_16_bits); +} + +bool Viewport::get_shadow_atlas_16_bits() const { + return shadow_atlas_16_bits; +} void Viewport::set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(int p_quadrant, ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv p_subdiv) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_quadrant, 4); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_subdiv, SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_MAX); @@ -3481,6 +3489,9 @@ void Viewport::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_shadow_atlas_size", "size"), &Viewport::set_shadow_atlas_size); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_shadow_atlas_size"), &Viewport::get_shadow_atlas_size); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_shadow_atlas_16_bits", "enable"), &Viewport::set_shadow_atlas_16_bits); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_shadow_atlas_16_bits"), &Viewport::get_shadow_atlas_16_bits); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_snap_controls_to_pixels", "enabled"), &Viewport::set_snap_controls_to_pixels); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_snap_controls_to_pixels_enabled"), &Viewport::is_snap_controls_to_pixels_enabled); @@ -3548,6 +3559,7 @@ void Viewport::_bind_methods() { ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "sdf_scale", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "100%,50%,25%"), "set_sdf_scale", "get_sdf_scale"); ADD_GROUP("Shadow Atlas", "shadow_atlas_"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "shadow_atlas_size"), "set_shadow_atlas_size", "get_shadow_atlas_size"); + ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "shadow_atlas_16_bits"), "set_shadow_atlas_16_bits", "get_shadow_atlas_16_bits"); ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "shadow_atlas_quad_0", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows"), "set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv", "get_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv", 0); ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "shadow_atlas_quad_1", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows"), "set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv", "get_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv", 1); ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "shadow_atlas_quad_2", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows"), "set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv", "get_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv", 2); @@ -3662,7 +3674,10 @@ Viewport::Viewport() { physics_has_last_mousepos = false; physics_last_mousepos = Vector2(Math_INF, Math_INF); - shadow_atlas_size = 0; + shadow_atlas_16_bits = true; + shadow_atlas_size = 2048; + set_shadow_atlas_size(shadow_atlas_size); + for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv[i] = SHADOW_ATLAS_QUADRANT_SUBDIV_MAX; } diff --git a/scene/main/viewport.h b/scene/main/viewport.h index 7473b6937f..17d4835c63 100644 --- a/scene/main/viewport.h +++ b/scene/main/viewport.h @@ -297,6 +297,7 @@ private: DebugDraw debug_draw; int shadow_atlas_size; + bool shadow_atlas_16_bits = true; ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv[4]; MSAA msaa; @@ -537,6 +538,9 @@ public: void set_shadow_atlas_size(int p_size); int get_shadow_atlas_size() const; + void set_shadow_atlas_16_bits(bool p_16_bits); + bool get_shadow_atlas_16_bits() const; + void set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(int p_quadrant, ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv p_subdiv); ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv get_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdiv(int p_quadrant) const; diff --git a/scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp b/scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp index 982239fe4e..5878467aaa 100644 --- a/scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp +++ b/scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp @@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ static Ref<Texture2D> flip_icon(Ref<Texture2D> p_texture, bool p_flip_y = false, Ref<ImageTexture> texture(memnew(ImageTexture)); Ref<Image> img = p_texture->get_data(); + img = img->duplicate(); if (p_flip_y) { img->flip_y(); diff --git a/scene/resources/mesh.cpp b/scene/resources/mesh.cpp index 32fede1e5f..e812ad3a01 100644 --- a/scene/resources/mesh.cpp +++ b/scene/resources/mesh.cpp @@ -1565,6 +1565,19 @@ Error ArrayMesh::lightmap_unwrap_cached(int *&r_cache_data, unsigned int &r_cach return OK; } +void ArrayMesh::set_shadow_mesh(const Ref<ArrayMesh> &p_mesh) { + shadow_mesh = p_mesh; + if (shadow_mesh.is_valid()) { + RS::get_singleton()->mesh_set_shadow_mesh(mesh, shadow_mesh->get_rid()); + } else { + RS::get_singleton()->mesh_set_shadow_mesh(mesh, RID()); + } +} + +Ref<ArrayMesh> ArrayMesh::get_shadow_mesh() const { + return shadow_mesh; +} + void ArrayMesh::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_blend_shape", "name"), &ArrayMesh::add_blend_shape); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_blend_shape_count"), &ArrayMesh::get_blend_shape_count); @@ -1596,6 +1609,9 @@ void ArrayMesh::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_custom_aabb", "aabb"), &ArrayMesh::set_custom_aabb); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_custom_aabb"), &ArrayMesh::get_custom_aabb); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_shadow_mesh", "mesh"), &ArrayMesh::set_shadow_mesh); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_shadow_mesh"), &ArrayMesh::get_shadow_mesh); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_set_blend_shape_names", "blend_shape_names"), &ArrayMesh::_set_blend_shape_names); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_get_blend_shape_names"), &ArrayMesh::_get_blend_shape_names); @@ -1606,6 +1622,7 @@ void ArrayMesh::_bind_methods() { ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::ARRAY, "_surfaces", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NOEDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL), "_set_surfaces", "_get_surfaces"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "blend_shape_mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Normalized,Relative"), "set_blend_shape_mode", "get_blend_shape_mode"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::AABB, "custom_aabb", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, ""), "set_custom_aabb", "get_custom_aabb"); + ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "shadow_mesh", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "ArrayMesh"), "set_shadow_mesh", "get_shadow_mesh"); } void ArrayMesh::reload_from_file() { diff --git a/scene/resources/mesh.h b/scene/resources/mesh.h index 2f25ecd60b..1fd45c880a 100644 --- a/scene/resources/mesh.h +++ b/scene/resources/mesh.h @@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ class ArrayMesh : public Mesh { Array _get_surfaces() const; void _set_surfaces(const Array &p_data); + Ref<ArrayMesh> shadow_mesh; private: struct Surface { @@ -259,6 +260,9 @@ public: virtual void reload_from_file() override; + void set_shadow_mesh(const Ref<ArrayMesh> &p_mesh); + Ref<ArrayMesh> get_shadow_mesh() const; + ArrayMesh(); ~ArrayMesh(); diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects_rd.cpp index 6e1d61ff94..27d6cb086d 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects_rd.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects_rd.cpp @@ -702,27 +702,24 @@ void EffectsRD::make_mipmap(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_texture, const S RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } -void EffectsRD::copy_cubemap_to_dp(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_texture, const Rect2i &p_rect, float p_z_near, float p_z_far, float p_bias, bool p_dp_flip) { +void EffectsRD::copy_cubemap_to_dp(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dst_framebuffer, const Rect2 &p_rect, float p_z_near, float p_z_far, bool p_dp_flip) { CopyToDPPushConstant push_constant; - push_constant.screen_size[0] = p_rect.size.x; - push_constant.screen_size[1] = p_rect.size.y; - push_constant.dest_offset[0] = p_rect.position.x; - push_constant.dest_offset[1] = p_rect.position.y; - push_constant.bias = p_bias; + push_constant.screen_rect[0] = p_rect.position.x; + push_constant.screen_rect[1] = p_rect.position.y; + push_constant.screen_rect[2] = p_rect.size.width; + push_constant.screen_rect[3] = p_rect.size.height; push_constant.z_far = p_z_far; push_constant.z_near = p_z_near; push_constant.z_flip = p_dp_flip; - int32_t x_groups = (p_rect.size.width - 1) / 8 + 1; - int32_t y_groups = (p_rect.size.height - 1) / 8 + 1; + RD::DrawListID draw_list = RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_begin(p_dst_framebuffer, RD::INITIAL_ACTION_DROP, RD::FINAL_ACTION_DISCARD, RD::INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP, RD::FINAL_ACTION_READ); + RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_bind_render_pipeline(draw_list, cube_to_dp.pipeline.get_render_pipeline(RD::INVALID_ID, RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_get_format(p_dst_framebuffer))); + RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_bind_uniform_set(draw_list, _get_uniform_set_from_texture(p_source_rd_texture), 0); + RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_bind_index_array(draw_list, index_array); - RD::ComputeListID compute_list = RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_begin(); - RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, cube_to_dp.pipeline); - RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, _get_compute_uniform_set_from_texture(p_source_rd_texture), 0); - RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, _get_uniform_set_from_image(p_dest_texture), 1); - RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(CopyToDPPushConstant)); - RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch(compute_list, x_groups, y_groups, 1); - RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); + RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_set_push_constant(draw_list, &push_constant, sizeof(CopyToDPPushConstant)); + RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_draw(draw_list, true); + RD::get_singleton()->draw_list_end(); } void EffectsRD::tonemapper(RID p_source_color, RID p_dst_framebuffer, const TonemapSettings &p_settings) { @@ -1678,8 +1675,12 @@ EffectsRD::EffectsRD() { cube_to_dp.shader.initialize(copy_modes); cube_to_dp.shader_version = cube_to_dp.shader.version_create(); - - cube_to_dp.pipeline = RD::get_singleton()->compute_pipeline_create(cube_to_dp.shader.version_get_shader(cube_to_dp.shader_version, 0)); + RID shader = cube_to_dp.shader.version_get_shader(cube_to_dp.shader_version, 0); + RD::PipelineDepthStencilState dss; + dss.enable_depth_test = true; + dss.depth_compare_operator = RD::COMPARE_OP_ALWAYS; + dss.enable_depth_write = true; + cube_to_dp.pipeline.setup(shader, RD::RENDER_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, RD::PipelineRasterizationState(), RD::PipelineMultisampleState(), dss, RD::PipelineColorBlendState(), 0); } { diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects_rd.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects_rd.h index e2cdd0c3d8..00309b4d0f 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects_rd.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects_rd.h @@ -234,18 +234,17 @@ class EffectsRD { } luminance_reduce; struct CopyToDPPushConstant { - int32_t screen_size[2]; - int32_t dest_offset[2]; - float bias; float z_far; float z_near; uint32_t z_flip; + uint32_t pad; + float screen_rect[4]; }; struct CoptToDP { CubeToDpShaderRD shader; RID shader_version; - RID pipeline; + PipelineCacheRD pipeline; } cube_to_dp; struct BokehPushConstant { @@ -687,7 +686,7 @@ public: void cubemap_roughness(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_framebuffer, uint32_t p_face_id, uint32_t p_sample_count, float p_roughness, float p_size); void make_mipmap(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_texture, const Size2i &p_size); - void copy_cubemap_to_dp(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_texture, const Rect2i &p_rect, float p_z_near, float p_z_far, float p_bias, bool p_dp_flip); + void copy_cubemap_to_dp(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_dest_texture, const Rect2 &p_rect, float p_z_near, float p_z_far, bool p_dp_flip); void luminance_reduction(RID p_source_texture, const Size2i p_source_size, const Vector<RID> p_reduce, RID p_prev_luminance, float p_min_luminance, float p_max_luminance, float p_adjust, bool p_set = false); void bokeh_dof(RID p_base_texture, RID p_depth_texture, const Size2i &p_base_texture_size, RID p_secondary_texture, RID p_bokeh_texture1, RID p_bokeh_texture2, bool p_dof_far, float p_dof_far_begin, float p_dof_far_size, bool p_dof_near, float p_dof_near_begin, float p_dof_near_size, float p_bokeh_size, RS::DOFBokehShape p_bokeh_shape, RS::DOFBlurQuality p_quality, bool p_use_jitter, float p_cam_znear, float p_cam_zfar, bool p_cam_orthogonal); diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_forward.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_forward.cpp index f3b09399f9..11ac95a0da 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_forward.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_forward.cpp @@ -583,19 +583,6 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::RenderBufferDataForward::ensure_specular() { } } -void RendererSceneRenderForward::RenderBufferDataForward::ensure_gi() { - if (!reflection_buffer.is_valid()) { - RD::TextureFormat tf; - tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT; - tf.width = width; - tf.height = height; - tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT; - - reflection_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); - ambient_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); - } -} - void RendererSceneRenderForward::RenderBufferDataForward::ensure_giprobe() { if (!giprobe_buffer.is_valid()) { RD::TextureFormat tf; @@ -633,16 +620,6 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::RenderBufferDataForward::ensure_giprobe() { } void RendererSceneRenderForward::RenderBufferDataForward::clear() { - if (ambient_buffer != RID() && ambient_buffer != color) { - RD::get_singleton()->free(ambient_buffer); - ambient_buffer = RID(); - } - - if (reflection_buffer != RID() && reflection_buffer != specular) { - RD::get_singleton()->free(reflection_buffer); - reflection_buffer = RID(); - } - if (giprobe_buffer != RID()) { RD::get_singleton()->free(giprobe_buffer); giprobe_buffer = RID(); @@ -842,7 +819,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_list_template(RenderingDevice::DrawList ShaderData *shader; void *mesh_surface; - if (shadow_pass) { + if (shadow_pass || p_params->pass_mode == PASS_MODE_DEPTH) { //regular depth pass can use these too material_uniform_set = surf->material_uniform_set_shadow; shader = surf->shader_shadow; mesh_surface = surf->surface_shadow; @@ -1403,6 +1380,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_fill_render_list(const PagedArray<GeometryInst } inst->push_constant.gi_offset = probe0_index | (probe1_index << 16); + flags |= INSTANCE_DATA_FLAG_USE_GIPROBE; uses_gi = true; } else { if (p_using_sdfgi && inst->can_sdfgi) { @@ -1553,7 +1531,6 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transf if (!low_end && p_gi_probes.size() > 0) { using_giprobe = true; - render_buffer->ensure_gi(); } if (!p_environment.is_valid() && using_giprobe) { @@ -1563,7 +1540,6 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transf if (environment_is_sdfgi_enabled(p_environment)) { depth_pass_mode = using_giprobe ? PASS_MODE_DEPTH_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS_GIPROBE : PASS_MODE_DEPTH_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS; // also giprobe using_sdfgi = true; - render_buffer->ensure_gi(); } else { depth_pass_mode = using_giprobe ? PASS_MODE_DEPTH_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS_GIPROBE : PASS_MODE_DEPTH_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS; } @@ -1739,14 +1715,14 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transf } if (using_sdfgi || using_giprobe) { - _process_gi(p_render_buffer, render_buffer->normal_roughness_buffer, render_buffer->ambient_buffer, render_buffer->reflection_buffer, render_buffer->giprobe_buffer, p_environment, p_cam_projection, p_cam_transform, p_gi_probes); + _process_gi(p_render_buffer, render_buffer->normal_roughness_buffer, render_buffer->giprobe_buffer, p_environment, p_cam_projection, p_cam_transform, p_gi_probes); } _setup_environment(p_environment, p_render_buffer, p_cam_projection, p_cam_transform, p_reflection_probe, p_reflection_probe.is_valid(), screen_size, p_cluster_size, p_max_cluster_elements, p_shadow_atlas, !p_reflection_probe.is_valid(), p_default_bg_color, p_cam_projection.get_z_near(), p_cam_projection.get_z_far(), p_render_buffer.is_valid()); RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Render Opaque Pass"); - RID rp_uniform_set = _setup_render_pass_uniform_set(p_render_buffer, radiance_texture, p_shadow_atlas, p_reflection_atlas, p_cluster_buffer, p_gi_probes, p_lightmaps); + RID rp_uniform_set = _setup_render_pass_uniform_set(p_render_buffer, radiance_texture, p_shadow_atlas, p_reflection_atlas, p_cluster_buffer, p_gi_probes, p_lightmaps, true); bool can_continue_color = !scene_state.used_screen_texture && !using_ssr && !using_sss; bool can_continue_depth = !scene_state.used_depth_texture && !using_ssr && !using_sss; @@ -1862,7 +1838,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transf } } -void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_zfar, float p_bias, float p_normal_bias, bool p_use_dp, bool p_use_dp_flip, bool p_use_pancake, const Plane &p_camera_plane, float p_lod_distance_multiplier, float p_screen_lod_threshold) { +void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_zfar, float p_bias, float p_normal_bias, bool p_use_dp, bool p_use_dp_flip, bool p_use_pancake, const Plane &p_camera_plane, float p_lod_distance_multiplier, float p_screen_lod_threshold, const Rect2i &p_rect, bool p_flip_y, bool p_clear_region, bool p_begin, bool p_end) { RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Setup Rendering Shadow"); _update_render_base_uniform_set(); @@ -1871,7 +1847,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, const PagedAr scene_state.ubo.dual_paraboloid_side = p_use_dp_flip ? -1 : 1; - _setup_environment(RID(), RID(), p_projection, p_transform, RID(), true, Vector2(1, 1), 1, 32, RID(), true, Color(), 0, p_zfar, false, p_use_pancake); + _setup_environment(RID(), RID(), p_projection, p_transform, RID(), true, Vector2(1, 1), 1, 32, RID(), !p_flip_y, Color(), 0, p_zfar, false, p_use_pancake); if (get_debug_draw_mode() == RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_DISABLE_LOD) { p_screen_lod_threshold = 0.0; @@ -1889,8 +1865,12 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, const PagedAr { //regular forward for now - RenderListParameters render_list_params(render_list.elements, render_list.element_count, p_use_dp_flip, pass_mode, true, rp_uniform_set, false, Vector2(), p_camera_plane, p_lod_distance_multiplier, p_screen_lod_threshold); - _render_list_with_threads(&render_list_params, p_framebuffer, RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR, RD::FINAL_ACTION_READ, RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR, RD::FINAL_ACTION_READ); + bool flip_cull = p_use_dp_flip; + if (p_flip_y) { + flip_cull = !flip_cull; + } + RenderListParameters render_list_params(render_list.elements, render_list.element_count, flip_cull, pass_mode, true, rp_uniform_set, false, Vector2(), p_camera_plane, p_lod_distance_multiplier, p_screen_lod_threshold); + _render_list_with_threads(&render_list_params, p_framebuffer, RD::INITIAL_ACTION_DROP, RD::FINAL_ACTION_DISCARD, p_begin ? (p_clear_region ? RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR_REGION : RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR) : RD::INITIAL_ACTION_CONTINUE, p_end ? RD::FINAL_ACTION_READ : RD::FINAL_ACTION_CONTINUE, Vector<Color>(), 1.0, 0, p_rect); } } @@ -1930,7 +1910,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_material(const Transform &p_cam_transfo render_pass++; scene_state.ubo.dual_paraboloid_side = 0; - scene_state.ubo.material_uv2_mode = true; + scene_state.ubo.material_uv2_mode = false; _setup_environment(RID(), RID(), p_cam_projection, p_cam_transform, RID(), true, Vector2(1, 1), 1, 32, RID(), false, Color(), 0, 0); @@ -2152,14 +2132,14 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 5; + u.binding = 4; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(get_omni_light_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 6; + u.binding = 5; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(get_spot_light_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -2167,35 +2147,35 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 7; + u.binding = 6; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(get_reflection_probe_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 8; + u.binding = 7; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(get_directional_light_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 10; + u.binding = 8; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(scene_state.lightmap_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 11; + u.binding = 9; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(scene_state.lightmap_capture_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 12; + u.binding = 10; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID decal_atlas = storage->decal_atlas_get_texture(); u.ids.push_back(decal_atlas); @@ -2203,7 +2183,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 13; + u.binding = 11; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID decal_atlas = storage->decal_atlas_get_texture_srgb(); u.ids.push_back(decal_atlas); @@ -2211,7 +2191,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 14; + u.binding = 12; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(get_decal_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); @@ -2219,20 +2199,8 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 15; - u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; - if (directional_shadow_get_texture().is_valid()) { - u.ids.push_back(directional_shadow_get_texture()); - } else { - u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE)); - } - uniforms.push_back(u); - } - - { - RD::Uniform u; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; - u.binding = 16; + u.binding = 13; u.ids.push_back(storage->global_variables_get_storage_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -2240,7 +2208,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { if (!low_end) { RD::Uniform u; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; - u.binding = 17; + u.binding = 14; u.ids.push_back(sdfgi_get_ubo()); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -2249,7 +2217,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_update_render_base_uniform_set() { } } -RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_radiance_texture, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID p_cluster_buffer, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes, const PagedArray<RID> &p_lightmaps) { +RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_radiance_texture, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID p_cluster_buffer, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes, const PagedArray<RID> &p_lightmaps, bool p_use_directional_shadow_atlas) { if (render_pass_uniform_set.is_valid() && RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_is_valid(render_pass_uniform_set)) { RD::get_singleton()->free(render_pass_uniform_set); } @@ -2308,6 +2276,17 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buff RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 3; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + if (p_use_directional_shadow_atlas && directional_shadow_get_texture().is_valid()) { + u.ids.push_back(directional_shadow_get_texture()); + } else { + u.ids.push_back(storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE)); + } + uniforms.push_back(u); + } + { + RD::Uniform u; + u.binding = 4; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.ids.resize(scene_state.max_lightmaps); RID default_tex = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_WHITE); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < scene_state.max_lightmaps; i++) { @@ -2325,7 +2304,7 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buff } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 4; + u.binding = 5; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.ids.resize(MAX_GI_PROBES); RID default_tex = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE); @@ -2346,7 +2325,7 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buff { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 5; + u.binding = 6; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; RID cb = p_cluster_buffer.is_valid() ? p_cluster_buffer : default_vec4_xform_buffer; u.ids.push_back(cb); @@ -2355,7 +2334,7 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buff { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 6; + u.binding = 7; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID texture = (false && rb && rb->depth.is_valid()) ? rb->depth : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE); u.ids.push_back(texture); @@ -2363,7 +2342,7 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buff } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 7; + u.binding = 8; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID bbt = rb ? render_buffers_get_back_buffer_texture(p_render_buffers) : RID(); RID texture = bbt.is_valid() ? bbt : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); @@ -2374,7 +2353,7 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buff if (!low_end) { { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 8; + u.binding = 9; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID texture = rb && rb->normal_roughness_buffer.is_valid() ? rb->normal_roughness_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_NORMAL); u.ids.push_back(texture); @@ -2383,7 +2362,7 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buff { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 9; + u.binding = 10; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID aot = rb ? render_buffers_get_ao_texture(p_render_buffers) : RID(); RID texture = aot.is_valid() ? aot : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); @@ -2393,24 +2372,26 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buff { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 10; + u.binding = 11; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; - RID texture = rb && rb->ambient_buffer.is_valid() ? rb->ambient_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); + RID ambient_buffer = p_render_buffers.is_valid() ? render_buffers_get_gi_ambient_texture(p_render_buffers) : RID(); + RID texture = ambient_buffer.is_valid() ? ambient_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); u.ids.push_back(texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 11; + u.binding = 12; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; - RID texture = rb && rb->reflection_buffer.is_valid() ? rb->reflection_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); + RID reflection_buffer = p_render_buffers.is_valid() ? render_buffers_get_gi_reflection_texture(p_render_buffers) : RID(); + RID texture = reflection_buffer.is_valid() ? reflection_buffer : storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_BLACK); u.ids.push_back(texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 12; + u.binding = 13; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID t; if (rb && render_buffers_is_sdfgi_enabled(p_render_buffers)) { @@ -2423,7 +2404,7 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buff } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 13; + u.binding = 14; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; if (rb && render_buffers_is_sdfgi_enabled(p_render_buffers)) { u.ids.push_back(render_buffers_get_sdfgi_occlusion_texture(p_render_buffers)); @@ -2434,14 +2415,14 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buff } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 14; + u.binding = 15; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; u.ids.push_back(rb ? render_buffers_get_gi_probe_buffer(p_render_buffers) : render_buffers_get_default_gi_probe_buffer()); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 15; + u.binding = 16; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; RID vfog = RID(); if (rb && render_buffers_has_volumetric_fog(p_render_buffers)) { @@ -2499,10 +2480,20 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_sdfgi_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_albed } { - // No Lightmaps + // No directional shadow atlas. RD::Uniform u; u.binding = 3; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; + RID texture = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_WHITE); + u.ids.push_back(texture); + uniforms.push_back(u); + } + + { + // No Lightmaps + RD::Uniform u; + u.binding = 4; + u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.ids.resize(scene_state.max_lightmaps); RID default_tex = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_WHITE); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < scene_state.max_lightmaps; i++) { @@ -2515,7 +2506,7 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_sdfgi_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_albed { // No GIProbes RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 4; + u.binding = 5; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE; u.ids.resize(MAX_GI_PROBES); RID default_tex = storage->texture_rd_get_default(RendererStorageRD::DEFAULT_RD_TEXTURE_3D_WHITE); @@ -2528,7 +2519,7 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_sdfgi_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_albed { RD::Uniform u; - u.binding = 5; + u.binding = 6; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER; RID cb = default_vec4_xform_buffer; u.ids.push_back(cb); @@ -2540,28 +2531,28 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_setup_sdfgi_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_albed { RD::Uniform u; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; - u.binding = 6; + u.binding = 7; u.ids.push_back(p_albedo_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; - u.binding = 7; + u.binding = 8; u.ids.push_back(p_emission_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; - u.binding = 8; + u.binding = 9; u.ids.push_back(p_emission_aniso_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } { RD::Uniform u; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; - u.binding = 9; + u.binding = 10; u.ids.push_back(p_geom_facing_texture); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -2585,18 +2576,6 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_buffers_get_normal_texture(RID p_render_ return rb->normal_roughness_buffer; } -RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_buffers_get_ambient_texture(RID p_render_buffers) { - RenderBufferDataForward *rb = (RenderBufferDataForward *)render_buffers_get_data(p_render_buffers); - - return rb->ambient_buffer; -} - -RID RendererSceneRenderForward::_render_buffers_get_reflection_texture(RID p_render_buffers) { - RenderBufferDataForward *rb = (RenderBufferDataForward *)render_buffers_get_data(p_render_buffers); - - return rb->reflection_buffer; -} - RendererSceneRenderForward *RendererSceneRenderForward::singleton = nullptr; void RendererSceneRenderForward::set_time(double p_time, double p_step) { @@ -2666,10 +2645,17 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_geometry_instance_add_surface_with_material(Ge } MaterialData *material_shadow = nullptr; - //void *surface_shadow = nullptr; + void *surface_shadow = nullptr; if (!p_material->shader_data->writes_modelview_or_projection && !p_material->shader_data->uses_vertex && !p_material->shader_data->uses_discard && !p_material->shader_data->uses_depth_pre_pass) { flags |= GeometryInstanceSurfaceDataCache::FLAG_USES_SHARED_SHADOW_MATERIAL; material_shadow = (MaterialData *)storage->material_get_data(default_material, RendererStorageRD::SHADER_TYPE_3D); + + RID shadow_mesh = storage->mesh_get_shadow_mesh(p_mesh); + + if (shadow_mesh.is_valid()) { + surface_shadow = storage->mesh_get_surface(shadow_mesh, p_surface); + } + } else { material_shadow = p_material; } @@ -2691,7 +2677,8 @@ void RendererSceneRenderForward::_geometry_instance_add_surface_with_material(Ge //shadow sdcache->shader_shadow = material_shadow->shader_data; sdcache->material_uniform_set_shadow = material_shadow->uniform_set; - sdcache->surface_shadow = sdcache->surface; //when adding special shadow meshes, will use this + + sdcache->surface_shadow = surface_shadow ? surface_shadow : sdcache->surface; sdcache->owner = ginstance; diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_forward.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_forward.h index d4a4c9a3a9..0b57c7f76c 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_forward.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_forward.h @@ -213,9 +213,6 @@ class RendererSceneRenderForward : public RendererSceneRenderRD { RID normal_roughness_buffer; RID giprobe_buffer; - RID ambient_buffer; - RID reflection_buffer; - RS::ViewportMSAA msaa; RD::TextureSamples texture_samples; @@ -236,7 +233,6 @@ class RendererSceneRenderForward : public RendererSceneRenderRD { RID render_sdfgi_uniform_set; void ensure_specular(); - void ensure_gi(); void ensure_giprobe(); void clear(); virtual void configure(RID p_color_buffer, RID p_depth_buffer, int p_width, int p_height, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa); @@ -258,12 +254,10 @@ class RendererSceneRenderForward : public RendererSceneRenderRD { void _render_buffers_clear_uniform_set(RenderBufferDataForward *rb); virtual void _render_buffers_uniform_set_changed(RID p_render_buffers); virtual RID _render_buffers_get_normal_texture(RID p_render_buffers); - virtual RID _render_buffers_get_ambient_texture(RID p_render_buffers); - virtual RID _render_buffers_get_reflection_texture(RID p_render_buffers); void _update_render_base_uniform_set(); RID _setup_sdfgi_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_albedo_texture, RID p_emission_texture, RID p_emission_aniso_texture, RID p_geom_facing_texture); - RID _setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_radiance_texture, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID p_cluster_buffer, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes, const PagedArray<RID> &p_lightmaps); + RID _setup_render_pass_uniform_set(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_radiance_texture, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID p_cluster_buffer, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes, const PagedArray<RID> &p_lightmaps, bool p_use_directional_shadow_atlas = false); struct LightmapData { float normal_xform[12]; @@ -707,7 +701,7 @@ class RendererSceneRenderForward : public RendererSceneRenderRD { protected: virtual void _render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, int p_directional_light_count, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes, const PagedArray<RID> &p_lightmaps, RID p_environment, RID p_cluster_buffer, uint32_t p_cluster_size, uint32_t p_max_cluster_elements, RID p_camera_effects, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, int p_reflection_probe_pass, const Color &p_default_bg_color, float p_lod_threshold); - virtual void _render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_zfar, float p_bias, float p_normal_bias, bool p_use_dp, bool p_use_dp_flip, bool p_use_pancake, const Plane &p_camera_plane = Plane(), float p_lod_distance_multiplier = 0.0, float p_screen_lod_threshold = 0.0); + virtual void _render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_zfar, float p_bias, float p_normal_bias, bool p_use_dp, bool use_dp_flip, bool p_use_pancake, const Plane &p_camera_plane = Plane(), float p_lod_distance_multiplier = 0.0, float p_screen_lod_threshold = 0.0, const Rect2i &p_rect = Rect2i(), bool p_flip_y = false, bool p_clear_region = true, bool p_begin = true, bool p_end = true); virtual void _render_material(const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region); virtual void _render_uv2(const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region); virtual void _render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, const Vector3i &p_from, const Vector3i &p_size, const AABB &p_bounds, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, const RID &p_albedo_texture, const RID &p_emission_texture, const RID &p_emission_aniso_texture, const RID &p_geom_facing_texture); diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_rd.cpp index 885c1a69dc..357e7c8d8a 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_rd.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_rd.cpp @@ -1276,14 +1276,26 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::sdfgi_update_probes(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envi push_constant.multibounce = rb->sdfgi->uses_multibounce; push_constant.y_mult = rb->sdfgi->y_mult; - push_constant.process_offset = 0; - push_constant.process_increment = 1; - for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rb->sdfgi->cascades.size(); i++) { SDFGI::Cascade &cascade = rb->sdfgi->cascades[i]; push_constant.light_count = cascade_light_count[i]; push_constant.cascade = i; + if (rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].all_dynamic_lights_dirty || sdfgi_frames_to_update_light == RS::ENV_SDFGI_UPDATE_LIGHT_IN_1_FRAME) { + push_constant.process_offset = 0; + push_constant.process_increment = 1; + } else { + static uint32_t frames_to_update_table[RS::ENV_SDFGI_UPDATE_LIGHT_MAX] = { + 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 + }; + + uint32_t frames_to_update = frames_to_update_table[sdfgi_frames_to_update_light]; + + push_constant.process_offset = RSG::rasterizer->get_frame_number() % frames_to_update; + push_constant.process_increment = frames_to_update; + } + rb->sdfgi->cascades[i].all_dynamic_lights_dirty = false; + RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, cascade.sdf_direct_light_uniform_set, 0); RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::DirectLightPushConstant)); RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_indirect(compute_list, cascade.solid_cell_dispatch_buffer, 0); @@ -1301,7 +1313,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::sdfgi_update_probes(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_envi push_constant.probe_axis_size = rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count; push_constant.history_index = rb->sdfgi->render_pass % rb->sdfgi->history_size; push_constant.history_size = rb->sdfgi->history_size; - static const uint32_t ray_count[RS::ENV_SDFGI_RAY_COUNT_MAX] = { 8, 16, 32, 64, 96, 128 }; + static const uint32_t ray_count[RS::ENV_SDFGI_RAY_COUNT_MAX] = { 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 96, 128 }; push_constant.ray_count = ray_count[sdfgi_ray_count]; push_constant.ray_bias = rb->sdfgi->probe_bias; push_constant.image_size[0] = rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count * rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count; @@ -1492,13 +1504,35 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::_setup_giprobes(RID p_render_buffers, const Transfor } } -void RendererSceneRenderRD::_process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_roughness_buffer, RID p_ambient_buffer, RID p_reflection_buffer, RID p_gi_probe_buffer, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_roughness_buffer, RID p_gi_probe_buffer, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes) { RENDER_TIMESTAMP("Render GI"); RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND(rb == nullptr); Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_environment); + if (rb->ambient_buffer.is_null() || rb->using_half_size_gi != gi.half_resolution) { + if (rb->ambient_buffer.is_valid()) { + RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->ambient_buffer); + RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->reflection_buffer); + } + + RD::TextureFormat tf; + tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT; + tf.width = rb->width; + tf.height = rb->height; + if (gi.half_resolution) { + tf.width >>= 1; + tf.height >>= 1; + } + tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT; + rb->reflection_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); + rb->ambient_buffer = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); + rb->using_half_size_gi = gi.half_resolution; + + _render_buffers_uniform_set_changed(p_render_buffers); + } + GI::PushConstant push_constant; push_constant.screen_size[0] = rb->width; @@ -1693,7 +1727,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::_process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_rough RD::Uniform u; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 9; - u.ids.push_back(p_ambient_buffer); + u.ids.push_back(rb->ambient_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -1701,7 +1735,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::_process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_rough RD::Uniform u; u.uniform_type = RD::UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE; u.binding = 10; - u.ids.push_back(p_reflection_buffer); + u.ids.push_back(rb->reflection_buffer); uniforms.push_back(u); } @@ -1765,12 +1799,23 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::_process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_rough rb->gi_uniform_set = RD::get_singleton()->uniform_set_create(uniforms, gi.shader.version_get_shader(gi.shader_version, 0), 0); } - GI::Mode mode = (use_sdfgi && use_giprobes) ? GI::MODE_COMBINED : (use_sdfgi ? GI::MODE_SDFGI : GI::MODE_GIPROBE); + GI::Mode mode; + + if (rb->using_half_size_gi) { + mode = (use_sdfgi && use_giprobes) ? GI::MODE_HALF_RES_COMBINED : (use_sdfgi ? GI::MODE_HALF_RES_SDFGI : GI::MODE_HALF_RES_GIPROBE); + } else { + mode = (use_sdfgi && use_giprobes) ? GI::MODE_COMBINED : (use_sdfgi ? GI::MODE_SDFGI : GI::MODE_GIPROBE); + } RD::ComputeListID compute_list = RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_begin(); RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, gi.pipelines[mode]); RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->gi_uniform_set, 0); RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &push_constant, sizeof(GI::PushConstant)); - RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->width, rb->height, 1, 8, 8, 1); + + if (rb->using_half_size_gi) { + RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->width >> 1, rb->height >> 1, 1, 8, 8, 1); + } else { + RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->width, rb->height, 1, 8, 8, 1); + } RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_end(); } @@ -3105,6 +3150,9 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count(RS::EnvironmentSDFGI void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge p_frames) { sdfgi_frames_to_converge = p_frames; } +void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_update_light(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight p_update) { + sdfgi_frames_to_update_light = p_update; +} void RendererSceneRenderRD::environment_set_ssr(RID p_env, bool p_enable, int p_max_steps, float p_fade_int, float p_fade_out, float p_depth_tolerance) { Environment *env = environment_owner.getornull(p_env); @@ -3516,13 +3564,28 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderRD::shadow_atlas_create() { return shadow_atlas_owner.make_rid(ShadowAtlas()); } -void RendererSceneRenderRD::shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_update_shadow_atlas(ShadowAtlas *shadow_atlas) { + if (shadow_atlas->size > 0 && shadow_atlas->depth.is_null()) { + RD::TextureFormat tf; + tf.format = shadow_atlas->use_16_bits ? RD::DATA_FORMAT_D16_UNORM : RD::DATA_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT; + tf.width = shadow_atlas->size; + tf.height = shadow_atlas->size; + tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT; + + shadow_atlas->depth = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); + Vector<RID> fb_tex; + fb_tex.push_back(shadow_atlas->depth); + shadow_atlas->fb = RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_create(fb_tex); + } +} + +void RendererSceneRenderRD::shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size, bool p_16_bits) { ShadowAtlas *shadow_atlas = shadow_atlas_owner.getornull(p_atlas); ERR_FAIL_COND(!shadow_atlas); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_size < 0); p_size = next_power_of_2(p_size); - if (p_size == shadow_atlas->size) { + if (p_size == shadow_atlas->size && p_16_bits == shadow_atlas->use_16_bits) { return; } @@ -3549,16 +3612,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size) { shadow_atlas->shadow_owners.clear(); shadow_atlas->size = p_size; - - if (shadow_atlas->size) { - RD::TextureFormat tf; - tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32_SFLOAT; - tf.width = shadow_atlas->size; - tf.height = shadow_atlas->size; - tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT; - - shadow_atlas->depth = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); - } + shadow_atlas->use_16_bits = p_size; } void RendererSceneRenderRD::shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_atlas, int p_quadrant, int p_subdivision) { @@ -3813,10 +3867,24 @@ bool RendererSceneRenderRD::shadow_atlas_update_light(RID p_atlas, RID p_light_i return false; } -void RendererSceneRenderRD::directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size) { +void RendererSceneRenderRD::_update_directional_shadow_atlas() { + if (directional_shadow.depth.is_null() && directional_shadow.size > 0) { + RD::TextureFormat tf; + tf.format = directional_shadow.use_16_bits ? RD::DATA_FORMAT_D16_UNORM : RD::DATA_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT; + tf.width = directional_shadow.size; + tf.height = directional_shadow.size; + tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT; + + directional_shadow.depth = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); + Vector<RID> fb_tex; + fb_tex.push_back(directional_shadow.depth); + directional_shadow.fb = RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_create(fb_tex); + } +} +void RendererSceneRenderRD::directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size, bool p_16_bits) { p_size = nearest_power_of_2_templated(p_size); - if (directional_shadow.size == p_size) { + if (directional_shadow.size == p_size && directional_shadow.use_16_bits == p_16_bits) { return; } @@ -3826,19 +3894,8 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size) { RD::get_singleton()->free(directional_shadow.depth); _clear_shadow_shrink_stages(directional_shadow.shrink_stages); directional_shadow.depth = RID(); + _base_uniforms_changed(); } - - if (p_size > 0) { - RD::TextureFormat tf; - tf.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R32_SFLOAT; - tf.width = p_size; - tf.height = p_size; - tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT; - - directional_shadow.depth = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); - } - - _base_uniforms_changed(); } void RendererSceneRenderRD::set_directional_shadow_count(int p_count) { @@ -4008,29 +4065,6 @@ RendererSceneRenderRD::ShadowCubemap *RendererSceneRenderRD::_get_shadow_cubemap return &shadow_cubemaps[p_size]; } -RendererSceneRenderRD::ShadowMap *RendererSceneRenderRD::_get_shadow_map(const Size2i &p_size) { - if (!shadow_maps.has(p_size)) { - ShadowMap sm; - { - RD::TextureFormat tf; - tf.format = RD::get_singleton()->texture_is_format_supported_for_usage(RD::DATA_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT, RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT) ? RD::DATA_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT : RD::DATA_FORMAT_X8_D24_UNORM_PACK32; - tf.width = p_size.width; - tf.height = p_size.height; - tf.usage_bits = RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT | RD::TEXTURE_USAGE_SAMPLING_BIT; - - sm.depth = RD::get_singleton()->texture_create(tf, RD::TextureView()); - } - - Vector<RID> fbtex; - fbtex.push_back(sm.depth); - sm.fb = RD::get_singleton()->framebuffer_create(fbtex); - - shadow_maps[p_size] = sm; - } - - return &shadow_maps[p_size]; -} - ////////////////////////// RID RendererSceneRenderRD::decal_instance_create(RID p_decal) { @@ -5159,6 +5193,13 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::_free_render_buffer_data(RenderBuffers *rb) { RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->ssr.normal_scaled); rb->ssr.normal_scaled = RID(); } + + if (rb->ambient_buffer.is_valid()) { + RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->ambient_buffer); + RD::get_singleton()->free(rb->reflection_buffer); + rb->ambient_buffer = RID(); + rb->reflection_buffer = RID(); + } } void RendererSceneRenderRD::_process_sss(RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatrix &p_camera) { @@ -5558,10 +5599,10 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::_render_buffers_debug_draw(RID p_render_buffers, RID effects->copy_to_fb_rect(_render_buffers_get_normal_texture(p_render_buffers), storage->render_target_get_rd_framebuffer(rb->render_target), Rect2(Vector2(), rtsize), false, false); } - if (debug_draw == RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_GI_BUFFER && _render_buffers_get_ambient_texture(p_render_buffers).is_valid()) { + if (debug_draw == RS::VIEWPORT_DEBUG_DRAW_GI_BUFFER && rb->ambient_buffer.is_valid()) { Size2 rtsize = storage->render_target_get_size(rb->render_target); - RID ambient_texture = _render_buffers_get_ambient_texture(p_render_buffers); - RID reflection_texture = _render_buffers_get_reflection_texture(p_render_buffers); + RID ambient_texture = rb->ambient_buffer; + RID reflection_texture = rb->reflection_buffer; effects->copy_to_fb_rect(ambient_texture, storage->render_target_get_rd_framebuffer(rb->render_target), Rect2(Vector2(), rtsize), false, false, false, true, reflection_texture); } } @@ -5753,6 +5794,17 @@ RID RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_default_gi_probe_buffer() { return default_giprobe_buffer; } +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_gi_ambient_texture(RID p_render_buffers) { + RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, RID()); + return rb->ambient_buffer; +} +RID RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_gi_reflection_texture(RID p_render_buffers) { + RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, RID()); + return rb->reflection_buffer; +} + uint32_t RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_count(RID p_render_buffers) const { const RenderBuffers *rb = render_buffers_owner.getornull(p_render_buffers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rb, 0); @@ -5939,6 +5991,10 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_buffers_configure(RID p_render_buffers, RID p rb->cluster_builder->setup(Size2i(p_width, p_height), max_cluster_elements, rb->depth_texture, storage->sampler_rd_get_default(RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED), rb->texture); } +void RendererSceneRenderRD::gi_set_use_half_resolution(bool p_enable) { + gi.half_resolution = p_enable; +} + void RendererSceneRenderRD::sub_surface_scattering_set_quality(RS::SubSurfaceScatteringQuality p_quality) { sss_quality = p_quality; } @@ -7386,26 +7442,31 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p ERR_FAIL_COND(!light_instance); Rect2i atlas_rect; - RID atlas_texture; + uint32_t atlas_size; + RID atlas_fb; bool using_dual_paraboloid = false; bool using_dual_paraboloid_flip = false; - float znear = 0; - float zfar = 0; RID render_fb; RID render_texture; - float bias = 0; - float normal_bias = 0; + float zfar; bool use_pancake = false; - bool use_linear_depth = false; bool render_cubemap = false; bool finalize_cubemap = false; + bool flip_y = false; + CameraMatrix light_projection; Transform light_transform; + bool clear_region = true; + bool begin_texture = true; + bool end_texture = true; + if (storage->light_get_type(light_instance->light) == RS::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL) { + _update_directional_shadow_atlas(); + //set pssm stuff if (light_instance->last_scene_shadow_pass != scene_pass) { light_instance->directional_rect = _get_directional_shadow_rect(directional_shadow.size, directional_shadow.light_count, directional_shadow.current_light); @@ -7422,6 +7483,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p atlas_rect.size.width = light_instance->directional_rect.size.x; atlas_rect.size.height = light_instance->directional_rect.size.y; + int pass_count = 1; if (storage->light_directional_get_shadow_mode(light_instance->light) == RS::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL_SHADOW_PARALLEL_4_SPLITS) { atlas_rect.size.width /= 2; atlas_rect.size.height /= 2; @@ -7434,7 +7496,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p atlas_rect.position.x += atlas_rect.size.width; atlas_rect.position.y += atlas_rect.size.height; } - + pass_count = 4; } else if (storage->light_directional_get_shadow_mode(light_instance->light) == RS::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL_SHADOW_PARALLEL_2_SPLITS) { atlas_rect.size.height /= 2; @@ -7442,6 +7504,7 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p } else { atlas_rect.position.y += atlas_rect.size.height; } + pass_count = 2; } light_instance->shadow_transform[p_pass].atlas_rect = atlas_rect; @@ -7449,15 +7512,15 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p light_instance->shadow_transform[p_pass].atlas_rect.position /= directional_shadow.size; light_instance->shadow_transform[p_pass].atlas_rect.size /= directional_shadow.size; - float bias_mult = light_instance->shadow_transform[p_pass].bias_scale; zfar = storage->light_get_param(light_instance->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_RANGE); - bias = storage->light_get_param(light_instance->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_SHADOW_BIAS) * bias_mult; - normal_bias = storage->light_get_param(light_instance->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_SHADOW_NORMAL_BIAS) * bias_mult; - ShadowMap *shadow_map = _get_shadow_map(atlas_rect.size); - render_fb = shadow_map->fb; - render_texture = shadow_map->depth; - atlas_texture = directional_shadow.depth; + render_fb = directional_shadow.fb; + render_texture = RID(); + flip_y = true; + + clear_region = false; + begin_texture = (directional_shadow.current_light == 1) && (p_pass == 0); //light is 1-index because it was incremented above + end_texture = (directional_shadow.current_light == directional_shadow.light_count) && (p_pass == pass_count - 1); } else { //set from shadow atlas @@ -7466,6 +7529,8 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p ERR_FAIL_COND(!shadow_atlas); ERR_FAIL_COND(!shadow_atlas->shadow_owners.has(p_light)); + _update_shadow_atlas(shadow_atlas); + uint32_t key = shadow_atlas->shadow_owners[p_light]; uint32_t quadrant = (key >> ShadowAtlas::QUADRANT_SHIFT) & 0x3; @@ -7484,11 +7549,8 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p atlas_rect.size.width = shadow_size; atlas_rect.size.height = shadow_size; - atlas_texture = shadow_atlas->depth; zfar = storage->light_get_param(light_instance->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_RANGE); - bias = storage->light_get_param(light_instance->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_SHADOW_BIAS); - normal_bias = storage->light_get_param(light_instance->light, RS::LIGHT_PARAM_SHADOW_NORMAL_BIAS); if (storage->light_get_type(light_instance->light) == RS::LIGHT_OMNI) { if (storage->light_omni_get_shadow_mode(light_instance->light) == RS::LIGHT_OMNI_SHADOW_CUBE) { @@ -7501,6 +7563,10 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p light_transform = light_instance->shadow_transform[0].transform; render_cubemap = true; finalize_cubemap = p_pass == 5; + atlas_fb = shadow_atlas->fb; + + atlas_size = shadow_atlas->size; + clear_region = false; } else { light_projection = light_instance->shadow_transform[0].camera; @@ -7511,22 +7577,17 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p using_dual_paraboloid = true; using_dual_paraboloid_flip = p_pass == 1; - - ShadowMap *shadow_map = _get_shadow_map(atlas_rect.size); - render_fb = shadow_map->fb; - render_texture = shadow_map->depth; + render_fb = shadow_atlas->fb; + flip_y = true; } } else if (storage->light_get_type(light_instance->light) == RS::LIGHT_SPOT) { light_projection = light_instance->shadow_transform[0].camera; light_transform = light_instance->shadow_transform[0].transform; - ShadowMap *shadow_map = _get_shadow_map(atlas_rect.size); - render_fb = shadow_map->fb; - render_texture = shadow_map->depth; + render_fb = shadow_atlas->fb; - znear = light_instance->shadow_transform[0].camera.get_z_near(); - use_linear_depth = true; + flip_y = true; } } @@ -7535,25 +7596,19 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_shadow(RID p_light, RID p_shadow_atlas, int p _render_shadow(render_fb, p_instances, light_projection, light_transform, zfar, 0, 0, false, false, use_pancake, p_camera_plane, p_lod_distance_multiplier, p_screen_lod_threshold); if (finalize_cubemap) { //reblit - atlas_rect.size.height /= 2; - storage->get_effects()->copy_cubemap_to_dp(render_texture, atlas_texture, atlas_rect, light_projection.get_z_near(), light_projection.get_z_far(), 0.0, false); - atlas_rect.position.y += atlas_rect.size.height; - storage->get_effects()->copy_cubemap_to_dp(render_texture, atlas_texture, atlas_rect, light_projection.get_z_near(), light_projection.get_z_far(), 0.0, true); + Rect2 atlas_rect_norm = atlas_rect; + atlas_rect_norm.position.x /= float(atlas_size); + atlas_rect_norm.position.y /= float(atlas_size); + atlas_rect_norm.size.x /= float(atlas_size); + atlas_rect_norm.size.y /= float(atlas_size); + atlas_rect_norm.size.height /= 2; + storage->get_effects()->copy_cubemap_to_dp(render_texture, atlas_fb, atlas_rect_norm, light_projection.get_z_near(), light_projection.get_z_far(), false); + atlas_rect_norm.position.y += atlas_rect_norm.size.height; + storage->get_effects()->copy_cubemap_to_dp(render_texture, atlas_fb, atlas_rect_norm, light_projection.get_z_near(), light_projection.get_z_far(), true); } } else { //render shadow - - _render_shadow(render_fb, p_instances, light_projection, light_transform, zfar, bias, normal_bias, using_dual_paraboloid, using_dual_paraboloid_flip, use_pancake, p_camera_plane, p_lod_distance_multiplier, p_screen_lod_threshold); - - //copy to atlas - if (use_linear_depth) { - storage->get_effects()->copy_depth_to_rect_and_linearize(render_texture, atlas_texture, atlas_rect, true, znear, zfar); - } else { - storage->get_effects()->copy_depth_to_rect(render_texture, atlas_texture, atlas_rect, true); - } - - //does not work from depth to color - //RD::get_singleton()->texture_copy(render_texture, atlas_texture, Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(atlas_rect.position.x, atlas_rect.position.y, 0), Vector3(atlas_rect.size.x, atlas_rect.size.y, 1), 0, 0, 0, 0, true); + _render_shadow(render_fb, p_instances, light_projection, light_transform, zfar, 0, 0, using_dual_paraboloid, using_dual_paraboloid_flip, use_pancake, p_camera_plane, p_lod_distance_multiplier, p_screen_lod_threshold, atlas_rect, flip_y, clear_region, begin_texture, end_texture); } } @@ -7609,6 +7664,9 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region, con push_constant.scroll[1] = 0; push_constant.scroll[2] = 0; } + + rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].all_dynamic_lights_dirty = true; + push_constant.grid_size = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size; push_constant.cascade = cascade; @@ -7684,6 +7742,23 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, int p_region, con RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.integrate_default_sky_uniform_set, 1); RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &ipush_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::IntegratePushConstant)); RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count * rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count, rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count, 1, 8, 8, 1); + + RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_add_barrier(compute_list); + + if (rb->sdfgi->uses_multibounce) { + //multibounce requires this to be stored so direct light can read from it + + RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.integrate_pipeline[SDGIShader::INTEGRATE_MODE_STORE]); + + //convert to octahedral to store + ipush_constant.image_size[0] *= SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE; + ipush_constant.image_size[1] *= SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE; + + RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->cascades[cascade].integrate_uniform_set, 0); + RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_uniform_set(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.integrate_default_sky_uniform_set, 1); + RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_set_push_constant(compute_list, &ipush_constant, sizeof(SDGIShader::IntegratePushConstant)); + RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_dispatch_threads(compute_list, rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count * rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count * SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE, rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count * SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE, 1, 8, 8, 1); + } } //ok finally barrier @@ -7922,25 +7997,8 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_sdfgi_static_lights(RID p_render_buffers, uin _sdfgi_update_cascades(p_render_buffers); //need cascades updated for this - RD::ComputeListID compute_list = RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_begin(); - - RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.direct_light_pipeline[SDGIShader::DIRECT_LIGHT_MODE_STATIC]); - - SDGIShader::DirectLightPushConstant dl_push_constant; - - dl_push_constant.grid_size[0] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size; - dl_push_constant.grid_size[1] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size; - dl_push_constant.grid_size[2] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size; - dl_push_constant.max_cascades = rb->sdfgi->cascades.size(); - dl_push_constant.probe_axis_size = rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count; - dl_push_constant.multibounce = false; // this is static light, do not multibounce yet - dl_push_constant.y_mult = rb->sdfgi->y_mult; - - //all must be processed - dl_push_constant.process_offset = 0; - dl_push_constant.process_increment = 1; - SDGIShader::Light lights[SDFGI::MAX_STATIC_LIGHTS]; + uint32_t light_count[SDFGI::MAX_STATIC_LIGHTS]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_cascade_count; i++) { ERR_CONTINUE(p_cascade_indices[i] >= rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()); @@ -8005,9 +8063,36 @@ void RendererSceneRenderRD::render_sdfgi_static_lights(RID p_render_buffers, uin if (idx > 0) { RD::get_singleton()->buffer_update(cc.lights_buffer, 0, idx * sizeof(SDGIShader::Light), lights, true); } - dl_push_constant.light_count = idx; + + light_count[i] = idx; } + } + /* Static Lights */ + RD::ComputeListID compute_list = RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_begin(); + + RD::get_singleton()->compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(compute_list, sdfgi_shader.direct_light_pipeline[SDGIShader::DIRECT_LIGHT_MODE_STATIC]); + + SDGIShader::DirectLightPushConstant dl_push_constant; + + dl_push_constant.grid_size[0] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size; + dl_push_constant.grid_size[1] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size; + dl_push_constant.grid_size[2] = rb->sdfgi->cascade_size; + dl_push_constant.max_cascades = rb->sdfgi->cascades.size(); + dl_push_constant.probe_axis_size = rb->sdfgi->probe_axis_count; + dl_push_constant.multibounce = false; // this is static light, do not multibounce yet + dl_push_constant.y_mult = rb->sdfgi->y_mult; + + //all must be processed + dl_push_constant.process_offset = 0; + dl_push_constant.process_increment = 1; + + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_cascade_count; i++) { + ERR_CONTINUE(p_cascade_indices[i] >= rb->sdfgi->cascades.size()); + + SDFGI::Cascade &cc = rb->sdfgi->cascades[p_cascade_indices[i]]; + + dl_push_constant.light_count = light_count[i]; dl_push_constant.cascade = p_cascade_indices[i]; if (dl_push_constant.light_count > 0) { @@ -8299,7 +8384,13 @@ RendererSceneRenderRD::RendererSceneRenderRD(RendererStorageRD *p_storage) { roughness_layers = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/reflections/roughness_layers"); sky_ggx_samples_quality = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/reflections/ggx_samples"); sky_use_cubemap_array = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/reflections/texture_array_reflections"); - // sky_use_cubemap_array = false; + + sdfgi_ray_count = RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount(CLAMP(int32_t(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/sdfgi/probe_ray_count")), 0, int32_t(RS::ENV_SDFGI_RAY_COUNT_MAX - 1))); + sdfgi_frames_to_converge = RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge(CLAMP(int32_t(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_converge")), 0, int32_t(RS::ENV_SDFGI_CONVERGE_MAX - 1))); + sdfgi_frames_to_update_light = RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight(CLAMP(int32_t(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_update_lights")), 0, int32_t(RS::ENV_SDFGI_UPDATE_LIGHT_MAX - 1))); + + directional_shadow.size = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/directional_shadow/size"); + directional_shadow.use_16_bits = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/directional_shadow/16_bits"); uint32_t textures_per_stage = RD::get_singleton()->limit_get(RD::LIMIT_MAX_TEXTURES_PER_SHADER_STAGE); @@ -8632,9 +8723,12 @@ RendererSceneRenderRD::RendererSceneRenderRD(RendererStorageRD *p_storage) { //calculate tables String defines = "\n#define SDFGI_OCT_SIZE " + itos(SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE) + "\n"; Vector<String> gi_modes; - gi_modes.push_back("\n#define USE_GIPROBE\n"); + gi_modes.push_back("\n#define USE_GIPROBES\n"); gi_modes.push_back("\n#define USE_SDFGI\n"); - gi_modes.push_back("\n#define USE_SDFGI\n\n#define USE_GIPROBE\n"); + gi_modes.push_back("\n#define USE_SDFGI\n\n#define USE_GIPROBES\n"); + gi_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_HALF_RES\n#define USE_GIPROBES\n"); + gi_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_HALF_RES\n#define USE_SDFGI\n"); + gi_modes.push_back("\n#define MODE_HALF_RES\n#define USE_SDFGI\n\n#define USE_GIPROBES\n"); gi.shader.initialize(gi_modes, defines); gi.shader_version = gi.shader.version_create(); @@ -8766,12 +8860,11 @@ RendererSceneRenderRD::RendererSceneRenderRD(RendererStorageRD *p_storage) { environment_set_volumetric_fog_positional_shadow_shrink_size(GLOBAL_GET("rendering/volumetric_fog/positional_shadow_shrink")); cull_argument.set_page_pool(&cull_argument_pool); + + gi.half_resolution = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/quality/gi/use_half_resolution"); } RendererSceneRenderRD::~RendererSceneRenderRD() { - for (Map<Vector2i, ShadowMap>::Element *E = shadow_maps.front(); E; E = E->next()) { - RD::get_singleton()->free(E->get().depth); - } for (Map<int, ShadowCubemap>::Element *E = shadow_cubemaps.front(); E; E = E->next()) { RD::get_singleton()->free(E->get().cubemap); } diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_rd.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_rd.h index 3e69335225..af8cdb9b71 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_rd.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_scene_render_rd.h @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ protected: void _setup_giprobes(RID p_render_buffers, const Transform &p_transform, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes, uint32_t &r_gi_probes_used); virtual void _render_scene(RID p_render_buffer, const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, int p_directional_light_count, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes, const PagedArray<RID> &p_lightmaps, RID p_environment, RID p_cluster_buffer, uint32_t p_cluster_size, uint32_t p_cluster_max_elements, RID p_camera_effects, RID p_shadow_atlas, RID p_reflection_atlas, RID p_reflection_probe, int p_reflection_probe_pass, const Color &p_default_color, float p_screen_lod_threshold) = 0; - virtual void _render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_zfar, float p_bias, float p_normal_bias, bool p_use_dp, bool use_dp_flip, bool p_use_pancake, const Plane &p_camera_plane = Plane(), float p_lod_distance_multiplier = 0.0, float p_screen_lod_threshold = 0.0) = 0; + virtual void _render_shadow(RID p_framebuffer, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, float p_zfar, float p_bias, float p_normal_bias, bool p_use_dp, bool use_dp_flip, bool p_use_pancake, const Plane &p_camera_plane = Plane(), float p_lod_distance_multiplier = 0.0, float p_screen_lod_threshold = 0.0, const Rect2i &p_rect = Rect2i(), bool p_flip_y = false, bool p_clear_region = true, bool p_begin = true, bool p_end = true) = 0; virtual void _render_material(const Transform &p_cam_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection, bool p_cam_ortogonal, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region) = 0; virtual void _render_uv2(const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, RID p_framebuffer, const Rect2i &p_region) = 0; virtual void _render_sdfgi(RID p_render_buffers, const Vector3i &p_from, const Vector3i &p_size, const AABB &p_bounds, const PagedArray<GeometryInstance *> &p_instances, const RID &p_albedo_texture, const RID &p_emission_texture, const RID &p_emission_aniso_texture, const RID &p_geom_facing_texture) = 0; @@ -124,8 +124,6 @@ protected: virtual void _base_uniforms_changed() = 0; virtual void _render_buffers_uniform_set_changed(RID p_render_buffers) = 0; virtual RID _render_buffers_get_normal_texture(RID p_render_buffers) = 0; - virtual RID _render_buffers_get_ambient_texture(RID p_render_buffers) = 0; - virtual RID _render_buffers_get_reflection_texture(RID p_render_buffers) = 0; void _process_ssao(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_environment, RID p_normal_buffer, const CameraMatrix &p_projection); void _process_ssr(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_dest_framebuffer, RID p_normal_buffer, RID p_specular_buffer, RID p_metallic, const Color &p_metallic_mask, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, bool p_use_additive); @@ -134,7 +132,7 @@ protected: void _setup_sky(RID p_environment, RID p_render_buffers, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, const Size2i p_screen_size); void _update_sky(RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform); void _draw_sky(bool p_can_continue_color, bool p_can_continue_depth, RID p_fb, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform); - void _process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_roughness_buffer, RID p_ambient_buffer, RID p_reflection_buffer, RID p_gi_probe_buffer, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes); + void _process_gi(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_normal_roughness_buffer, RID p_gi_probe_buffer, RID p_environment, const CameraMatrix &p_projection, const Transform &p_transform, const PagedArray<RID> &p_gi_probes); // needed for a single argument calls (material and uv2) PagedArrayPool<GeometryInstance *> cull_argument_pool; @@ -574,6 +572,7 @@ private: uint32_t smallest_subdiv = 0; int size = 0; + bool use_16_bits = false; RID depth; RID fb; //for copying @@ -585,6 +584,8 @@ private: RID_Owner<ShadowAtlas> shadow_atlas_owner; + void _update_shadow_atlas(ShadowAtlas *shadow_atlas); + bool _shadow_atlas_find_shadow(ShadowAtlas *shadow_atlas, int *p_in_quadrants, int p_quadrant_count, int p_current_subdiv, uint64_t p_tick, int &r_quadrant, int &r_shadow); RS::ShadowQuality shadows_quality = RS::SHADOW_QUALITY_MAX; //So it always updates when first set @@ -605,9 +606,11 @@ private: struct DirectionalShadow { RID depth; + RID fb; //when renderign direct int light_count = 0; int size = 0; + bool use_16_bits = false; int current_light = 0; Vector<ShadowShrinkStage> shrink_stages; @@ -617,6 +620,8 @@ private: void _allocate_shadow_shrink_stages(RID p_base, int p_base_size, Vector<ShadowShrinkStage> &shrink_stages, uint32_t p_target_size); void _clear_shadow_shrink_stages(Vector<ShadowShrinkStage> &shrink_stages); + void _update_directional_shadow_atlas(); + /* SHADOW CUBEMAPS */ struct ShadowCubemap { @@ -627,14 +632,6 @@ private: Map<int, ShadowCubemap> shadow_cubemaps; ShadowCubemap *_get_shadow_cubemap(int p_size); - struct ShadowMap { - RID depth; - RID fb; - }; - - Map<Vector2i, ShadowMap> shadow_maps; - ShadowMap *_get_shadow_map(const Size2i &p_size); - void _create_shadow_cubemaps(); /* LIGHT INSTANCE */ @@ -904,6 +901,16 @@ private: RID giprobe_textures[MAX_GIPROBES]; RID giprobe_buffer; + + RID ambient_buffer; + RID reflection_buffer; + bool using_half_size_gi = false; + + struct GI { + RID full_buffer; + RID full_dispatch; + RID full_mask; + } gi; }; RID default_giprobe_buffer; @@ -965,6 +972,8 @@ private: RID scroll_occlusion_uniform_set; RID integrate_uniform_set; RID lights_buffer; + + bool all_dynamic_lights_dirty = true; }; //used for rendering (voxelization) @@ -1026,6 +1035,8 @@ private: RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount sdfgi_ray_count = RS::ENV_SDFGI_RAY_COUNT_16; RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge sdfgi_frames_to_converge = RS::ENV_SDFGI_CONVERGE_IN_10_FRAMES; + RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight sdfgi_frames_to_update_light = RS::ENV_SDFGI_UPDATE_LIGHT_IN_4_FRAMES; + float sdfgi_solid_cell_ratio = 0.25; Vector3 sdfgi_debug_probe_pos; Vector3 sdfgi_debug_probe_dir; @@ -1263,14 +1274,12 @@ private: float z_far; float proj_info[4]; - + float ao_color[3]; uint32_t max_giprobes; + uint32_t high_quality_vct; - uint32_t pad2; uint32_t orthogonal; - - float ao_color[3]; - uint32_t pad; + uint32_t pad[2]; float cam_rotation[12]; }; @@ -1280,9 +1289,13 @@ private: MODE_GIPROBE, MODE_SDFGI, MODE_COMBINED, + MODE_HALF_RES_GIPROBE, + MODE_HALF_RES_SDFGI, + MODE_HALF_RES_COMBINED, MODE_MAX }; + bool half_resolution = false; GiShaderRD shader; RID shader_version; RID pipelines[MODE_MAX]; @@ -1541,7 +1554,7 @@ public: /* SHADOW ATLAS API */ RID shadow_atlas_create(); - void shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size); + void shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size, bool p_16_bits = false); void shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_atlas, int p_quadrant, int p_subdivision); bool shadow_atlas_update_light(RID p_atlas, RID p_light_intance, float p_coverage, uint64_t p_light_version); _FORCE_INLINE_ bool shadow_atlas_owns_light_instance(RID p_atlas, RID p_light_intance) { @@ -1562,7 +1575,7 @@ public: return Size2(atlas->size, atlas->size); } - void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size); + void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size, bool p_16_bits = false); int get_directional_light_shadow_size(RID p_light_intance); void set_directional_shadow_count(int p_count); @@ -1657,6 +1670,7 @@ public: virtual void environment_set_sdfgi(RID p_env, bool p_enable, RS::EnvironmentSDFGICascades p_cascades, float p_min_cell_size, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIYScale p_y_scale, bool p_use_occlusion, bool p_use_multibounce, bool p_read_sky, float p_energy, float p_normal_bias, float p_probe_bias); virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount p_ray_count); virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge p_frames); + virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_update_light(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight p_update); void environment_set_ssr_roughness_quality(RS::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality p_quality); RS::EnvironmentSSRRoughnessQuality environment_get_ssr_roughness_quality() const; @@ -1955,11 +1969,14 @@ public: */ RID render_buffers_create(); void render_buffers_configure(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_render_target, int p_width, int p_height, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa, RS::ViewportScreenSpaceAA p_screen_space_aa, bool p_use_debanding); + void gi_set_use_half_resolution(bool p_enable); RID render_buffers_get_ao_texture(RID p_render_buffers); RID render_buffers_get_back_buffer_texture(RID p_render_buffers); RID render_buffers_get_gi_probe_buffer(RID p_render_buffers); RID render_buffers_get_default_gi_probe_buffer(); + RID render_buffers_get_gi_ambient_texture(RID p_render_buffers); + RID render_buffers_get_gi_reflection_texture(RID p_render_buffers); uint32_t render_buffers_get_sdfgi_cascade_count(RID p_render_buffers) const; bool render_buffers_is_sdfgi_enabled(RID p_render_buffers) const; diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.cpp index 6203f3ba64..96dd5a6669 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.cpp @@ -2609,6 +2609,12 @@ void RendererStorageRD::mesh_add_surface(RID p_mesh, const RS::SurfaceData &p_su mesh->dependency.changed_notify(DEPENDENCY_CHANGED_MESH); + for (Set<Mesh *>::Element *E = mesh->shadow_owners.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + Mesh *shadow_owner = E->get(); + shadow_owner->shadow_mesh = RID(); + shadow_owner->dependency.changed_notify(DEPENDENCY_CHANGED_MESH); + } + mesh->material_cache.clear(); } @@ -2824,6 +2830,25 @@ AABB RendererStorageRD::mesh_get_aabb(RID p_mesh, RID p_skeleton) { return aabb; } +void RendererStorageRD::mesh_set_shadow_mesh(RID p_mesh, RID p_shadow_mesh) { + Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_mesh); + ERR_FAIL_COND(!mesh); + + Mesh *shadow_mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(mesh->shadow_mesh); + if (shadow_mesh) { + shadow_mesh->shadow_owners.erase(mesh); + } + mesh->shadow_mesh = p_shadow_mesh; + + shadow_mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(mesh->shadow_mesh); + + if (shadow_mesh) { + shadow_mesh->shadow_owners.insert(mesh); + } + + mesh->dependency.changed_notify(DEPENDENCY_CHANGED_MESH); +} + void RendererStorageRD::mesh_clear(RID p_mesh) { Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_mesh); ERR_FAIL_COND(!mesh); @@ -2871,6 +2896,12 @@ void RendererStorageRD::mesh_clear(RID p_mesh) { } mesh->has_bone_weights = false; mesh->dependency.changed_notify(DEPENDENCY_CHANGED_MESH); + + for (Set<Mesh *>::Element *E = mesh->shadow_owners.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + Mesh *shadow_owner = E->get(); + shadow_owner->shadow_mesh = RID(); + shadow_owner->dependency.changed_notify(DEPENDENCY_CHANGED_MESH); + } } bool RendererStorageRD::mesh_needs_instance(RID p_mesh, bool p_has_skeleton) { @@ -8161,17 +8192,26 @@ bool RendererStorageRD::free(RID p_rid) { material_owner.free(p_rid); } else if (mesh_owner.owns(p_rid)) { mesh_clear(p_rid); + mesh_set_shadow_mesh(p_rid, RID()); Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_rid); mesh->dependency.deleted_notify(p_rid); if (mesh->instances.size()) { ERR_PRINT("deleting mesh with active instances"); } + if (mesh->shadow_owners.size()) { + for (Set<Mesh *>::Element *E = mesh->shadow_owners.front(); E; E = E->next()) { + Mesh *shadow_owner = E->get(); + shadow_owner->shadow_mesh = RID(); + shadow_owner->dependency.changed_notify(DEPENDENCY_CHANGED_MESH); + } + } mesh_owner.free(p_rid); } else if (mesh_instance_owner.owns(p_rid)) { MeshInstance *mi = mesh_instance_owner.getornull(p_rid); _mesh_instance_clear(mi); mi->mesh->instances.erase(mi->I); mi->I = nullptr; + mesh_instance_owner.free(p_rid); memdelete(mi); diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.h index 2fb66ac573..aa7195232a 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/renderer_storage_rd.h @@ -478,6 +478,9 @@ private: List<MeshInstance *> instances; + RID shadow_mesh; + Set<Mesh *> shadow_owners; + Dependency dependency; }; @@ -1423,6 +1426,7 @@ public: virtual AABB mesh_get_custom_aabb(RID p_mesh) const; virtual AABB mesh_get_aabb(RID p_mesh, RID p_skeleton = RID()); + virtual void mesh_set_shadow_mesh(RID p_mesh, RID p_shadow_mesh); virtual void mesh_clear(RID p_mesh); @@ -1461,6 +1465,13 @@ public: return mesh->surfaces[p_surface_index]; } + _FORCE_INLINE_ RID mesh_get_shadow_mesh(RID p_mesh) { + Mesh *mesh = mesh_owner.getornull(p_mesh); + ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!mesh, RID()); + + return mesh->shadow_mesh; + } + _FORCE_INLINE_ RS::PrimitiveType mesh_surface_get_primitive(void *p_surface) { Mesh::Surface *surface = reinterpret_cast<Mesh::Surface *>(p_surface); return surface->primitive; diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cube_to_dp.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cube_to_dp.glsl index 54d67db6c6..c3ac0bee57 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cube_to_dp.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/cube_to_dp.glsl @@ -1,33 +1,48 @@ -#[compute] +#[vertex] #version 450 VERSION_DEFINES -layout(local_size_x = 8, local_size_y = 8, local_size_z = 1) in; +layout(push_constant, binding = 1, std430) uniform Params { + float z_far; + float z_near; + bool z_flip; + uint pad; + vec4 screen_rect; +} +params; + +layout(location = 0) out vec2 uv_interp; + +void main() { + vec2 base_arr[4] = vec2[](vec2(0.0, 0.0), vec2(0.0, 1.0), vec2(1.0, 1.0), vec2(1.0, 0.0)); + uv_interp = base_arr[gl_VertexIndex]; + vec2 screen_pos = uv_interp * params.screen_rect.zw + params.screen_rect.xy; + gl_Position = vec4(screen_pos * 2.0 - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); +} + +#[fragment] + +#version 450 + +VERSION_DEFINES + +layout(location = 0) in vec2 uv_interp; layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform samplerCube source_cube; layout(push_constant, binding = 1, std430) uniform Params { - ivec2 screen_size; - ivec2 offset; - float bias; float z_far; float z_near; bool z_flip; + uint pad; + vec4 screen_rect; } params; -layout(r32f, set = 1, binding = 0) uniform restrict writeonly image2D depth_buffer; - void main() { - ivec2 pos = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy); - if (any(greaterThan(pos, params.screen_size))) { //too large, do nothing - return; - } - - vec2 pixel_size = 1.0 / vec2(params.screen_size); - vec2 uv = (vec2(pos) + 0.5) * pixel_size; + vec2 uv = uv_interp; vec3 normal = vec3(uv * 2.0 - 1.0, 0.0); @@ -65,5 +80,5 @@ void main() { float linear_depth = 2.0 * params.z_near * params.z_far / (params.z_far + params.z_near - depth * (params.z_far - params.z_near)); depth = (linear_depth * depth_fix) / params.z_far; - imageStore(depth_buffer, pos + params.offset, vec4(depth)); + gl_FragDepth = depth; } diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/gi.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/gi.glsl index c2965f9874..35522103df 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/gi.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/gi.glsl @@ -97,13 +97,12 @@ layout(push_constant, binding = 0, std430) uniform Params { vec4 proj_info; + vec3 ao_color; uint max_giprobes; + bool high_quality_vct; - uint pad2; bool orthogonal; - - vec3 ao_color; - uint pad; + uint pad[2]; mat3x4 cam_rotation; } @@ -594,28 +593,16 @@ vec4 fetch_normal_and_roughness(ivec2 pos) { return normal_roughness; } -void main() { - // Pixel being shaded - ivec2 pos = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy); - if (any(greaterThanEqual(pos, params.screen_size))) { //too large, do nothing - return; - } - - vec3 vertex = reconstruct_position(pos); - vertex.y = -vertex.y; - +void process_gi(ivec2 pos, vec3 vertex, inout vec4 ambient_light, inout vec4 reflection_light) { vec4 normal_roughness = fetch_normal_and_roughness(pos); - vec3 normal = normal_roughness.xyz; - vec4 ambient_light = vec4(0.0), reflection_light = vec4(0.0); + vec3 normal = normal_roughness.xyz; if (normal.length() > 0.5) { //valid normal, can do GI float roughness = normal_roughness.w; - vertex = mat3(params.cam_rotation) * vertex; normal = normalize(mat3(params.cam_rotation) * normal); - vec3 reflection = normalize(reflect(normalize(vertex), normal)); #ifdef USE_SDFGI @@ -646,16 +633,39 @@ void main() { spec_accum /= blend_accum; } - if (params.use_sdfgi) { - reflection_light = blend_color(spec_accum, reflection_light); - ambient_light = blend_color(amb_accum, ambient_light); - } else { - reflection_light = spec_accum; - ambient_light = amb_accum; - } +#ifdef USE_SDFGI + reflection_light = blend_color(spec_accum, reflection_light); + ambient_light = blend_color(amb_accum, ambient_light); +#else + reflection_light = spec_accum; + ambient_light = amb_accum; +#endif } #endif } +} + +void main() { + ivec2 pos = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy); + +#ifdef MODE_HALF_RES + pos <<= 1; +#endif + if (any(greaterThanEqual(pos, params.screen_size))) { //too large, do nothing + return; + } + + vec4 ambient_light = vec4(0.0); + vec4 reflection_light = vec4(0.0); + + vec3 vertex = reconstruct_position(pos); + vertex.y = -vertex.y; + + process_gi(pos, vertex, ambient_light, reflection_light); + +#ifdef MODE_HALF_RES + pos >>= 1; +#endif imageStore(ambient_buffer, pos, ambient_light); imageStore(reflection_buffer, pos, reflection_light); diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/resolve.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/resolve.glsl index 9429a66dc9..e83c4ca93b 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/resolve.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/resolve.glsl @@ -58,6 +58,116 @@ void main() { #else +#if 1 + + vec4 group1; + vec4 group2; + vec4 group3; + vec4 group4; + int best_index = 0; + + //2X + group1.x = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 0).r; + group1.y = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 1).r; + + //4X + if (params.sample_count >= 4) { + group1.z = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 2).r; + group1.w = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 3).r; + } + //8X + if (params.sample_count >= 8) { + group2.x = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 4).r; + group2.y = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 5).r; + group2.z = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 6).r; + group2.w = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 7).r; + } + //16X + if (params.sample_count >= 16) { + group3.x = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 8).r; + group3.y = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 9).r; + group3.z = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 10).r; + group3.w = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 11).r; + + group4.x = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 12).r; + group4.y = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 13).r; + group4.z = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 14).r; + group4.w = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, 15).r; + } + + if (params.sample_count == 2) { + best_index = (pos.x & 1) ^ ((pos.y >> 1) & 1); //not much can be done here + } else if (params.sample_count == 4) { + vec4 freq = vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group1.x))); + freq += vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group1.y))); + freq += vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group1.z))); + freq += vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group1.w))); + + float min_f = freq.x; + best_index = 0; + if (freq.y < min_f) { + best_index = 1; + min_f = freq.y; + } + if (freq.z < min_f) { + best_index = 2; + min_f = freq.z; + } + if (freq.w < min_f) { + best_index = 3; + } + } else if (params.sample_count == 8) { + vec4 freq0 = vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group1.x))); + vec4 freq1 = vec4(equal(group2, vec4(group1.x))); + freq0 += vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group1.y))); + freq1 += vec4(equal(group2, vec4(group1.y))); + freq0 += vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group1.z))); + freq1 += vec4(equal(group2, vec4(group1.z))); + freq0 += vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group1.w))); + freq1 += vec4(equal(group2, vec4(group1.w))); + freq0 += vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group2.x))); + freq1 += vec4(equal(group2, vec4(group2.x))); + freq0 += vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group2.y))); + freq1 += vec4(equal(group2, vec4(group2.y))); + freq0 += vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group2.z))); + freq1 += vec4(equal(group2, vec4(group2.z))); + freq0 += vec4(equal(group1, vec4(group2.w))); + freq1 += vec4(equal(group2, vec4(group2.w))); + + float min_f0 = freq0.x; + int best_index0 = 0; + if (freq0.y < min_f0) { + best_index0 = 1; + min_f0 = freq0.y; + } + if (freq0.z < min_f0) { + best_index0 = 2; + min_f0 = freq0.z; + } + if (freq0.w < min_f0) { + best_index0 = 3; + min_f0 = freq0.w; + } + + float min_f1 = freq1.x; + int best_index1 = 4; + if (freq1.y < min_f1) { + best_index1 = 5; + min_f1 = freq1.y; + } + if (freq1.z < min_f1) { + best_index1 = 6; + min_f1 = freq1.z; + } + if (freq1.w < min_f1) { + best_index1 = 7; + min_f1 = freq1.w; + } + + best_index = mix(best_index0, best_index1, min_f0 < min_f1); + } + +#else float depths[16]; int depth_indices[16]; int depth_amount[16]; @@ -91,7 +201,7 @@ void main() { depth_least = depth_amount[j]; } } - +#endif best_depth = texelFetch(source_depth, pos, best_index).r; best_normal_roughness = texelFetch(source_normal_roughness, pos, best_index); #ifdef GIPROBE_RESOLVE diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward.glsl index c3e7e2acbf..ea203c8abe 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward.glsl @@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@ float light_process_spot_shadow(uint idx, vec3 vertex, vec3 normal) { } else { #endif //hard shadow - vec4 shadow_uv = vec4(splane.xy * spot_lights.data[idx].atlas_rect.zw + spot_lights.data[idx].atlas_rect.xy, z_norm, 1.0); + vec4 shadow_uv = vec4(splane.xy * spot_lights.data[idx].atlas_rect.zw + spot_lights.data[idx].atlas_rect.xy, splane.z, 1.0); shadow = sample_pcf_shadow(shadow_atlas, spot_lights.data[idx].soft_shadow_scale * scene_data.shadow_atlas_pixel_size, shadow_uv); #ifdef USE_SOFT_SHADOWS @@ -2371,17 +2371,17 @@ FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE if (bool(draw_call.flags & INSTANCE_FLAGS_USE_GI_BUFFERS)) { //use GI buffers - ivec2 coord; + vec2 coord; if (scene_data.gi_upscale_for_msaa) { - ivec2 base_coord = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy); - ivec2 closest_coord = base_coord; - float closest_ang = dot(normal, texelFetch(sampler2D(normal_roughness_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), base_coord, 0).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0); + vec2 base_coord = screen_uv; + vec2 closest_coord = base_coord; + float closest_ang = dot(normal, textureLod(sampler2D(normal_roughness_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), base_coord, 0.0).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { - const ivec2 neighbours[4] = ivec2[](ivec2(-1, 0), ivec2(1, 0), ivec2(0, -1), ivec2(0, 1)); - ivec2 neighbour_coord = base_coord + neighbours[i]; - float neighbour_ang = dot(normal, texelFetch(sampler2D(normal_roughness_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), neighbour_coord, 0).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0); + const vec2 neighbours[4] = vec2[](vec2(-1, 0), vec2(1, 0), vec2(0, -1), vec2(0, 1)); + vec2 neighbour_coord = base_coord + neighbours[i] * scene_data.screen_pixel_size; + float neighbour_ang = dot(normal, textureLod(sampler2D(normal_roughness_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), neighbour_coord, 0.0).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0); if (neighbour_ang > closest_ang) { closest_ang = neighbour_ang; closest_coord = neighbour_coord; @@ -2391,11 +2391,11 @@ FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE coord = closest_coord; } else { - coord = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy); + coord = screen_uv; } - vec4 buffer_ambient = texelFetch(sampler2D(ambient_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), coord, 0); - vec4 buffer_reflection = texelFetch(sampler2D(reflection_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), coord, 0); + vec4 buffer_ambient = textureLod(sampler2D(ambient_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), coord, 0.0); + vec4 buffer_reflection = textureLod(sampler2D(reflection_buffer, material_samplers[SAMPLER_LINEAR_CLAMP]), coord, 0.0); ambient_light = mix(ambient_light, buffer_ambient.rgb, buffer_ambient.a); specular_light = mix(specular_light, buffer_reflection.rgb, buffer_reflection.a); diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward_inc.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward_inc.glsl index a37e32e1fc..e9b79e1560 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward_inc.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/scene_forward_inc.glsl @@ -153,22 +153,22 @@ scene_data; #define INSTANCE_FLAGS_SKELETON (1 << 19) #define INSTANCE_FLAGS_NON_UNIFORM_SCALE (1 << 20) -layout(set = 0, binding = 5, std430) restrict readonly buffer OmniLights { +layout(set = 0, binding = 4, std430) restrict readonly buffer OmniLights { LightData data[]; } omni_lights; -layout(set = 0, binding = 6, std430) restrict readonly buffer SpotLights { +layout(set = 0, binding = 5, std430) restrict readonly buffer SpotLights { LightData data[]; } spot_lights; -layout(set = 0, binding = 7) buffer restrict readonly ReflectionProbeData { +layout(set = 0, binding = 6) buffer restrict readonly ReflectionProbeData { ReflectionData data[]; } reflections; -layout(set = 0, binding = 8, std140) uniform DirectionalLights { +layout(set = 0, binding = 7, std140) uniform DirectionalLights { DirectionalLightData data[MAX_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT_DATA_STRUCTS]; } directional_lights; @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ struct Lightmap { mat3 normal_xform; }; -layout(set = 0, binding = 10, std140) restrict readonly buffer Lightmaps { +layout(set = 0, binding = 8, std140) restrict readonly buffer Lightmaps { Lightmap data[]; } lightmaps; @@ -189,22 +189,20 @@ struct LightmapCapture { vec4 sh[9]; }; -layout(set = 0, binding = 11, std140) restrict readonly buffer LightmapCaptures { +layout(set = 0, binding = 9, std140) restrict readonly buffer LightmapCaptures { LightmapCapture data[]; } lightmap_captures; -layout(set = 0, binding = 12) uniform texture2D decal_atlas; -layout(set = 0, binding = 13) uniform texture2D decal_atlas_srgb; +layout(set = 0, binding = 10) uniform texture2D decal_atlas; +layout(set = 0, binding = 11) uniform texture2D decal_atlas_srgb; -layout(set = 0, binding = 14, std430) restrict readonly buffer Decals { +layout(set = 0, binding = 12, std430) restrict readonly buffer Decals { DecalData data[]; } decals; -layout(set = 0, binding = 15) uniform texture2D directional_shadow_atlas; - -layout(set = 0, binding = 16, std430) restrict readonly buffer GlobalVariableData { +layout(set = 0, binding = 13, std430) restrict readonly buffer GlobalVariableData { vec4 data[]; } global_variables; @@ -218,7 +216,7 @@ struct SDFGIProbeCascadeData { float to_cell; // 1/bounds * grid_size }; -layout(set = 0, binding = 17, std140) uniform SDFGI { +layout(set = 0, binding = 14, std140) uniform SDFGI { vec3 grid_size; uint max_cascades; @@ -268,13 +266,15 @@ layout(set = 1, binding = 1) uniform textureCubeArray reflection_atlas; layout(set = 1, binding = 2) uniform texture2D shadow_atlas; -layout(set = 1, binding = 3) uniform texture2DArray lightmap_textures[MAX_LIGHTMAP_TEXTURES]; +layout(set = 1, binding = 3) uniform texture2D directional_shadow_atlas; + +layout(set = 1, binding = 4) uniform texture2DArray lightmap_textures[MAX_LIGHTMAP_TEXTURES]; #ifndef LOW_END_MODE -layout(set = 1, binding = 4) uniform texture3D gi_probe_textures[MAX_GI_PROBES]; +layout(set = 1, binding = 5) uniform texture3D gi_probe_textures[MAX_GI_PROBES]; #endif -layout(set = 1, binding = 5, std430) buffer restrict readonly ClusterBuffer { +layout(set = 1, binding = 6, std430) buffer restrict readonly ClusterBuffer { uint data[]; } cluster_buffer; @@ -283,10 +283,10 @@ cluster_buffer; #ifdef MODE_RENDER_SDF -layout(r16ui, set = 1, binding = 6) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D albedo_volume_grid; -layout(r32ui, set = 1, binding = 7) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D emission_grid; -layout(r32ui, set = 1, binding = 8) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D emission_aniso_grid; -layout(r32ui, set = 1, binding = 9) uniform restrict uimage3D geom_facing_grid; +layout(r16ui, set = 1, binding = 7) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D albedo_volume_grid; +layout(r32ui, set = 1, binding = 8) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D emission_grid; +layout(r32ui, set = 1, binding = 9) uniform restrict writeonly uimage3D emission_aniso_grid; +layout(r32ui, set = 1, binding = 10) uniform restrict uimage3D geom_facing_grid; //still need to be present for shaders that use it, so remap them to something #define depth_buffer shadow_atlas @@ -295,17 +295,17 @@ layout(r32ui, set = 1, binding = 9) uniform restrict uimage3D geom_facing_grid; #else -layout(set = 1, binding = 6) uniform texture2D depth_buffer; -layout(set = 1, binding = 7) uniform texture2D color_buffer; +layout(set = 1, binding = 7) uniform texture2D depth_buffer; +layout(set = 1, binding = 8) uniform texture2D color_buffer; #ifndef LOW_END_MODE -layout(set = 1, binding = 8) uniform texture2D normal_roughness_buffer; -layout(set = 1, binding = 9) uniform texture2D ao_buffer; -layout(set = 1, binding = 10) uniform texture2D ambient_buffer; -layout(set = 1, binding = 11) uniform texture2D reflection_buffer; -layout(set = 1, binding = 12) uniform texture2DArray sdfgi_lightprobe_texture; -layout(set = 1, binding = 13) uniform texture3D sdfgi_occlusion_cascades; +layout(set = 1, binding = 9) uniform texture2D normal_roughness_buffer; +layout(set = 1, binding = 10) uniform texture2D ao_buffer; +layout(set = 1, binding = 11) uniform texture2D ambient_buffer; +layout(set = 1, binding = 12) uniform texture2D reflection_buffer; +layout(set = 1, binding = 13) uniform texture2DArray sdfgi_lightprobe_texture; +layout(set = 1, binding = 14) uniform texture3D sdfgi_occlusion_cascades; struct GIProbeData { mat4 xform; @@ -323,12 +323,12 @@ struct GIProbeData { uint mipmaps; }; -layout(set = 1, binding = 14, std140) uniform GIProbes { +layout(set = 1, binding = 15, std140) uniform GIProbes { GIProbeData data[MAX_GI_PROBES]; } gi_probes; -layout(set = 1, binding = 15) uniform texture3D volumetric_fog_texture; +layout(set = 1, binding = 16) uniform texture3D volumetric_fog_texture; #endif // LOW_END_MODE diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug.glsl index 813ea29fa1..e4c3f3a84b 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_debug.glsl @@ -97,6 +97,8 @@ void main() { float blend = 0.0; #if 1 + // No interpolation + vec3 inv_dir = 1.0 / ray_dir; float rough = 0.5; @@ -161,114 +163,11 @@ void main() { hit_light *= (dot(max(vec3(0.0), (hit_normal * hit_aniso0)), vec3(1.0)) + dot(max(vec3(0.0), (-hit_normal * hit_aniso1)), vec3(1.0))); - if (blend > 0.0) { - light = mix(light, hit_light, blend); - blend = 0.0; - } else { - light = hit_light; - - //process blend - float blend_from = (float(params.probe_axis_size - 1) / 2.0) - 2.5; - float blend_to = blend_from + 2.0; - - vec3 cam_pos = params.cam_transform[3].xyz - cascades.data[i].offset; - cam_pos *= cascades.data[i].to_cell; - - pos += ray_dir * min(advance, max_advance); - vec3 inner_pos = pos - cam_pos; - - inner_pos = inner_pos * float(params.probe_axis_size - 1) / params.grid_size.x; - - float len = length(inner_pos); - - inner_pos = abs(normalize(inner_pos)); - len *= max(inner_pos.x, max(inner_pos.y, inner_pos.z)); - - if (len >= blend_from) { - blend = smoothstep(blend_from, blend_to, len); - - pos /= cascades.data[i].to_cell; - pos += cascades.data[i].offset; - ray_pos = pos; - hit = false; //continue trace for blend - - continue; - } - } + light = hit_light; break; } - light = mix(light, vec3(0.0), blend); - -#else - - vec3 inv_dir = 1.0 / ray_dir; - - bool hit = false; - vec4 light_accum = vec4(0.0); - - float blend_size = (params.grid_size.x / float(params.probe_axis_size - 1)) * 0.5; - - float radius_sizes[MAX_CASCADES]; - for (uint i = 0; i < params.max_cascades; i++) { - radius_sizes[i] = (1.0 / cascades.data[i].to_cell) * (params.grid_size.x * 0.5 - blend_size); - } - - float max_distance = radius_sizes[params.max_cascades - 1]; - float advance = 0; - while (advance < max_distance) { - for (uint i = 0; i < params.max_cascades; i++) { - if (advance < radius_sizes[i]) { - vec3 pos = (ray_pos + ray_dir * advance) - cascades.data[i].offset; - pos *= cascades.data[i].to_cell * pos_to_uvw; - - float distance = texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[i], linear_sampler), pos).r * 255.0 - 1.0; - - vec4 hit_light = vec4(0.0); - if (distance < 1.0) { - hit_light.a = max(0.0, 1.0 - distance); - hit_light.rgb = texture(sampler3D(light_cascades[i], linear_sampler), pos).rgb; - hit_light.rgb *= hit_light.a; - } - - distance /= cascades.data[i].to_cell; - - if (i < (params.max_cascades - 1)) { - pos = (ray_pos + ray_dir * advance) - cascades.data[i + 1].offset; - pos *= cascades.data[i + 1].to_cell * pos_to_uvw; - - float distance2 = texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[i + 1], linear_sampler), pos).r * 255.0 - 1.0; - - vec4 hit_light2 = vec4(0.0); - if (distance2 < 1.0) { - hit_light2.a = max(0.0, 1.0 - distance2); - hit_light2.rgb = texture(sampler3D(light_cascades[i + 1], linear_sampler), pos).rgb; - hit_light2.rgb *= hit_light2.a; - } - - float prev_radius = i == 0 ? 0.0 : radius_sizes[i - 1]; - float blend = (advance - prev_radius) / (radius_sizes[i] - prev_radius); - - distance2 /= cascades.data[i + 1].to_cell; - - hit_light = mix(hit_light, hit_light2, blend); - distance = mix(distance, distance2, blend); - } - - light_accum += hit_light; - advance += distance; - break; - } - } - - if (light_accum.a > 0.98) { - break; - } - } - - light = light_accum.rgb / light_accum.a; - #endif imageStore(screen_buffer, screen_pos, vec4(linear_to_srgb(light), 1.0)); diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_direct_light.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_direct_light.glsl index ed0a8a4b86..bcdfe8cc85 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_direct_light.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_direct_light.glsl @@ -125,7 +125,10 @@ void main() { uint voxel_index = uint(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x); //used for skipping voxels every N frames - voxel_index = params.process_offset + voxel_index * params.process_increment; + if (params.process_increment > 1) { + voxel_index *= params.process_increment; + voxel_index += params.process_offset; + } if (voxel_index >= dispatch_data.total_count) { return; diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_integrate.glsl b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_integrate.glsl index 67630a3aa1..d122e7a38a 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_integrate.glsl +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sdfgi_integrate.glsl @@ -189,14 +189,12 @@ void main() { vec3 inv_dir = 1.0 / ray_dir; bool hit = false; - vec3 hit_normal; - vec3 hit_light; - vec3 hit_aniso0; - vec3 hit_aniso1; + uint hit_cascade; float bias = params.ray_bias; vec3 abs_ray_dir = abs(ray_dir); ray_pos += ray_dir * 1.0 / max(abs_ray_dir.x, max(abs_ray_dir.y, abs_ray_dir.z)) * bias / cascades.data[params.cascade].to_cell; + vec3 uvw; for (uint j = params.cascade; j < params.max_cascades; j++) { //convert to local bounds @@ -215,14 +213,12 @@ void main() { float advance = 0.0; - vec3 uvw; - while (advance < max_advance) { //read how much to advance from SDF uvw = (pos + ray_dir * advance) * pos_to_uvw; float distance = texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw).r * 255.0 - 1.0; - if (distance < 0.001) { + if (distance < 0.05) { //consider hit hit = true; break; @@ -232,17 +228,7 @@ void main() { } if (hit) { - const float EPSILON = 0.001; - hit_normal = normalize(vec3( - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw + vec3(EPSILON, 0.0, 0.0)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw - vec3(EPSILON, 0.0, 0.0)).r, - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw + vec3(0.0, EPSILON, 0.0)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw - vec3(0.0, EPSILON, 0.0)).r, - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw + vec3(0.0, 0.0, EPSILON)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw - vec3(0.0, 0.0, EPSILON)).r)); - - hit_light = texture(sampler3D(light_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw).rgb; - vec4 aniso0 = texture(sampler3D(aniso0_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw); - hit_aniso0 = aniso0.rgb; - hit_aniso1 = vec3(aniso0.a, texture(sampler3D(aniso1_cascades[j], linear_sampler), uvw).rg); - + hit_cascade = j; break; } @@ -255,6 +241,17 @@ void main() { vec4 light; if (hit) { + const float EPSILON = 0.001; + vec3 hit_normal = normalize(vec3( + texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[hit_cascade], linear_sampler), uvw + vec3(EPSILON, 0.0, 0.0)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[hit_cascade], linear_sampler), uvw - vec3(EPSILON, 0.0, 0.0)).r, + texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[hit_cascade], linear_sampler), uvw + vec3(0.0, EPSILON, 0.0)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[hit_cascade], linear_sampler), uvw - vec3(0.0, EPSILON, 0.0)).r, + texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[hit_cascade], linear_sampler), uvw + vec3(0.0, 0.0, EPSILON)).r - texture(sampler3D(sdf_cascades[hit_cascade], linear_sampler), uvw - vec3(0.0, 0.0, EPSILON)).r)); + + vec3 hit_light = texture(sampler3D(light_cascades[hit_cascade], linear_sampler), uvw).rgb; + vec4 aniso0 = texture(sampler3D(aniso0_cascades[hit_cascade], linear_sampler), uvw); + vec3 hit_aniso0 = aniso0.rgb; + vec3 hit_aniso1 = vec3(aniso0.a, texture(sampler3D(aniso1_cascades[hit_cascade], linear_sampler), uvw).rg); + //one liner magic light.rgb = hit_light * (dot(max(vec3(0.0), (hit_normal * hit_aniso0)), vec3(1.0)) + dot(max(vec3(0.0), (-hit_normal * hit_aniso1)), vec3(1.0))); light.a = 1.0; @@ -490,13 +487,15 @@ void main() { //can't scroll, must look for position in parent cascade //to global coords - float probe_cell_size = float(params.grid_size.x / float(params.probe_axis_size - 1)) / cascades.data[params.cascade].to_cell; + float cell_to_probe = float(params.grid_size.x / float(params.probe_axis_size - 1)); + + float probe_cell_size = cell_to_probe / cascades.data[params.cascade].to_cell; vec3 probe_pos = cascades.data[params.cascade].offset + vec3(probe_cell) * probe_cell_size; //to parent local coords + float probe_cell_size_next = cell_to_probe / cascades.data[params.cascade + 1].to_cell; probe_pos -= cascades.data[params.cascade + 1].offset; - probe_pos *= cascades.data[params.cascade + 1].to_cell; - probe_pos = probe_pos * float(params.probe_axis_size - 1) / float(params.grid_size.x); + probe_pos /= probe_cell_size_next; ivec3 probe_posi = ivec3(probe_pos); //add up all light, no need to use occlusion here, since occlusion will do its work afterwards @@ -549,20 +548,28 @@ void main() { } } else { - // clear and let it re-raytrace, only for the last cascade, which happens very un-often - //scroll + //scroll at the edge of the highest cascade, just copy what is there, + //since its the closest we have anyway + for (uint j = 0; j < params.history_size; j++) { + ivec2 tex_pos; + tex_pos = probe_cell.xy; + tex_pos.x += probe_cell.z * int(params.probe_axis_size); + for (int i = 0; i < SH_SIZE; i++) { // copy from history texture + ivec3 src_pos = ivec3(tex_pos.x, tex_pos.y * SH_SIZE + i, int(j)); ivec3 dst_pos = ivec3(pos.x, pos.y * SH_SIZE + i, int(j)); - imageStore(lightprobe_history_scroll_texture, dst_pos, ivec4(0)); + ivec4 value = imageLoad(lightprobe_history_texture, dst_pos); + imageStore(lightprobe_history_scroll_texture, dst_pos, value); } } for (int i = 0; i < SH_SIZE; i++) { // copy from average texture - ivec2 dst_pos = ivec2(pos.x, pos.y * SH_SIZE + i); - imageStore(lightprobe_average_scroll_texture, dst_pos, ivec4(0)); + ivec2 spos = ivec2(pos.x, pos.y * SH_SIZE + i); + ivec4 average = imageLoad(lightprobe_average_texture, spos); + imageStore(lightprobe_average_scroll_texture, spos, average); } } diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_scene.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene.h index c483898fed..d92642886c 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_scene.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene.h @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public: virtual Variant instance_geometry_get_shader_parameter(RID p_instance, const StringName &p_parameter) const = 0; virtual Variant instance_geometry_get_shader_parameter_default_value(RID p_instance, const StringName &p_parameter) const = 0; - virtual void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size) = 0; + virtual void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size, bool p_16_bits = false) = 0; /* SKY API */ @@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ public: virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount p_ray_count) = 0; virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge p_frames) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_update_light(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight p_update) = 0; virtual void environment_set_tonemap(RID p_env, RS::EnvironmentToneMapper p_tone_mapper, float p_exposure, float p_white, bool p_auto_exposure, float p_min_luminance, float p_max_luminance, float p_auto_exp_speed, float p_auto_exp_scale) = 0; @@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ public: virtual void directional_shadow_quality_set(RS::ShadowQuality p_quality) = 0; virtual RID shadow_atlas_create() = 0; - virtual void shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size) = 0; + virtual void shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size, bool p_use_16_bits = false) = 0; virtual void shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_atlas, int p_quadrant, int p_subdivision) = 0; /* Render Buffers */ @@ -180,6 +181,8 @@ public: virtual RID render_buffers_create() = 0; virtual void render_buffers_configure(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_render_target, int p_width, int p_height, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa, RS::ViewportScreenSpaceAA p_screen_space_aa, bool p_use_debanding) = 0; + virtual void gi_set_use_half_resolution(bool p_enable) = 0; + virtual void set_debug_draw_mode(RS::ViewportDebugDraw p_debug_draw) = 0; virtual TypedArray<Image> bake_render_uv2(RID p_base, const Vector<RID> &p_material_overrides, const Size2i &p_image_size) = 0; diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_cull.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_cull.h index 796fb14743..2ffaf48675 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_cull.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_cull.h @@ -795,6 +795,7 @@ public: lightmaps.set_page_pool(p_rid_pool); reflections.set_page_pool(p_rid_pool); decals.set_page_pool(p_rid_pool); + gi_probes.set_page_pool(p_rid_pool); mesh_instances.set_page_pool(p_rid_pool); for (int i = 0; i < RendererSceneRender::MAX_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < RendererSceneRender::MAX_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT_CASCADES; j++) { @@ -946,7 +947,7 @@ public: #define PASSBASE scene_render - PASS1(directional_shadow_atlas_set_size, int) + PASS2(directional_shadow_atlas_set_size, int, bool) PASS1(gi_probe_set_quality, RS::GIProbeQuality) /* SKY API */ @@ -995,6 +996,7 @@ public: PASS11(environment_set_sdfgi, RID, bool, RS::EnvironmentSDFGICascades, float, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIYScale, bool, bool, bool, float, float, float) PASS1(environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount) PASS1(environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge) + PASS1(environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_update_light, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight) PASS1RC(RS::EnvironmentBG, environment_get_background, RID) PASS1RC(int, environment_get_canvas_max_layer, RID) @@ -1024,10 +1026,11 @@ public: PASS0R(RID, render_buffers_create) PASS7(render_buffers_configure, RID, RID, int, int, RS::ViewportMSAA, RS::ViewportScreenSpaceAA, bool) + PASS1(gi_set_use_half_resolution, bool) /* Shadow Atlas */ PASS0R(RID, shadow_atlas_create) - PASS2(shadow_atlas_set_size, RID, int) + PASS3(shadow_atlas_set_size, RID, int, bool) PASS3(shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision, RID, int, int) PASS1(set_debug_draw_mode, RS::ViewportDebugDraw) diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_render.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_render.h index 85353c400d..ecec03db94 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_render.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_scene_render.h @@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ public: virtual RID shadow_atlas_create() = 0; - virtual void shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size) = 0; + virtual void shadow_atlas_set_size(RID p_atlas, int p_size, bool p_16_bits = false) = 0; virtual void shadow_atlas_set_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_atlas, int p_quadrant, int p_subdivision) = 0; virtual bool shadow_atlas_update_light(RID p_atlas, RID p_light_intance, float p_coverage, uint64_t p_light_version) = 0; - virtual void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size) = 0; + virtual void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size, bool p_16_bits = false) = 0; virtual int get_directional_light_shadow_size(RID p_light_intance) = 0; virtual void set_directional_shadow_count(int p_count) = 0; @@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ public: virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount p_ray_count) = 0; virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge p_frames) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_update_light(RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight p_update) = 0; virtual void environment_set_tonemap(RID p_env, RS::EnvironmentToneMapper p_tone_mapper, float p_exposure, float p_white, bool p_auto_exposure, float p_min_luminance, float p_max_luminance, float p_auto_exp_speed, float p_auto_exp_scale) = 0; @@ -208,6 +209,7 @@ public: virtual RID render_buffers_create() = 0; virtual void render_buffers_configure(RID p_render_buffers, RID p_render_target, int p_width, int p_height, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa, RS::ViewportScreenSpaceAA p_screen_space_aa, bool p_use_debanding) = 0; + virtual void gi_set_use_half_resolution(bool p_enable) = 0; virtual void screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active(bool p_enable, float p_amount, float p_limit) = 0; virtual bool screen_space_roughness_limiter_is_active() const = 0; diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_storage.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_storage.h index 64c23c7803..7a80c2b0bf 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_storage.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_storage.h @@ -234,6 +234,8 @@ public: virtual AABB mesh_get_aabb(RID p_mesh, RID p_skeleton = RID()) = 0; + virtual void mesh_set_shadow_mesh(RID p_mesh, RID p_shadow_mesh) = 0; + virtual void mesh_clear(RID p_mesh) = 0; virtual bool mesh_needs_instance(RID p_mesh, bool p_has_skeleton) = 0; diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.cpp b/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.cpp index 9956e4050b..d52da5b331 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.cpp @@ -831,13 +831,14 @@ void RendererViewport::viewport_set_canvas_stacking(RID p_viewport, RID p_canvas viewport->canvas_map[p_canvas].sublayer = p_sublayer; } -void RendererViewport::viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size(RID p_viewport, int p_size) { +void RendererViewport::viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size(RID p_viewport, int p_size, bool p_16_bits) { Viewport *viewport = viewport_owner.getornull(p_viewport); ERR_FAIL_COND(!viewport); viewport->shadow_atlas_size = p_size; + viewport->shadow_atlas_16_bits = p_16_bits; - RSG::scene->shadow_atlas_set_size(viewport->shadow_atlas, viewport->shadow_atlas_size); + RSG::scene->shadow_atlas_set_size(viewport->shadow_atlas, viewport->shadow_atlas_size, viewport->shadow_atlas_16_bits); } void RendererViewport::viewport_set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_viewport, int p_quadrant, int p_subdiv) { diff --git a/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.h b/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.h index c3ff52a836..979cbb095b 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.h +++ b/servers/rendering/renderer_viewport.h @@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ public: RID shadow_atlas; int shadow_atlas_size; + bool shadow_atlas_16_bits = false; bool sdf_active; @@ -217,7 +218,7 @@ public: void viewport_set_global_canvas_transform(RID p_viewport, const Transform2D &p_transform); void viewport_set_canvas_stacking(RID p_viewport, RID p_canvas, int p_layer, int p_sublayer); - void viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size(RID p_viewport, int p_size); + void viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size(RID p_viewport, int p_size, bool p_16_bits = false); void viewport_set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_viewport, int p_quadrant, int p_subdiv); void viewport_set_msaa(RID p_viewport, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa); diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_device.cpp b/servers/rendering/rendering_device.cpp index 9ae3e5819e..89483d9f50 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_device.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_device.cpp @@ -745,6 +745,7 @@ void RenderingDevice::_bind_methods() { BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(DYNAMIC_STATE_STENCIL_REFERENCE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR); //start rendering and clear the framebuffer (supply params) + BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR_REGION); //start rendering and clear the framebuffer (supply params) BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP); //start rendering); but keep attached color texture contents (depth will be cleared) BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(INITIAL_ACTION_DROP); //start rendering); ignore what is there); just write above it BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(INITIAL_ACTION_CONTINUE); //continue rendering (framebuffer must have been left in "continue" state as final action previously) diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_device.h b/servers/rendering/rendering_device.h index f67e4dfbab..eb051067d3 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_device.h +++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_device.h @@ -931,7 +931,8 @@ public: /********************/ enum InitialAction { - INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR, //start rendering and clear the framebuffer (supply params) + INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR, //start rendering and clear the whole framebuffer (region or not) (supply params) + INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR_REGION, //start rendering and clear the framebuffer in the specified region (supply params) INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP, //start rendering, but keep attached color texture contents (depth will be cleared) INITIAL_ACTION_DROP, //start rendering, ignore what is there, just write above it INITIAL_ACTION_CONTINUE, //continue rendering (framebuffer must have been left in "continue" state as final action previously) diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.cpp b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.cpp index 8c6e97a0af..360b333454 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.cpp @@ -162,6 +162,51 @@ void RenderingServerDefault::draw(bool p_swap_buffers, double frame_step) { } frame_profile_frame = RSG::storage->get_captured_timestamps_frame(); + + if (print_gpu_profile) { + if (print_frame_profile_ticks_from == 0) { + print_frame_profile_ticks_from = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); + } + float total_time = 0.0; + + for (int i = 0; i < frame_profile.size() - 1; i++) { + String name = frame_profile[i].name; + if (name[0] == '<' || name[0] == '>') { + continue; + } + + float time = frame_profile[i + 1].gpu_msec - frame_profile[i].gpu_msec; + + if (name[0] != '<' && name[0] != '>') { + if (print_gpu_profile_task_time.has(name)) { + print_gpu_profile_task_time[name] += time; + } else { + print_gpu_profile_task_time[name] = time; + } + } + } + + if (frame_profile.size()) { + total_time = frame_profile[frame_profile.size() - 1].gpu_msec; + } + + uint64_t ticks_elapsed = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - print_frame_profile_ticks_from; + print_frame_profile_frame_count++; + if (ticks_elapsed > 1000000) { + print_line("GPU PROFILE (total " + rtos(total_time) + "ms): "); + + float print_threshold = 0.01; + for (OrderedHashMap<String, float>::Element E = print_gpu_profile_task_time.front(); E; E = E.next()) { + float time = E.value() / float(print_frame_profile_frame_count); + if (time > print_threshold) { + print_line("\t-" + E.key() + ": " + rtos(time) + "ms"); + } + } + print_gpu_profile_task_time.clear(); + print_frame_profile_ticks_from = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); + print_frame_profile_frame_count = 0; + } + } } float RenderingServerDefault::get_frame_setup_time_cpu() const { @@ -232,6 +277,11 @@ void RenderingServerDefault::sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(const Vector3 &p_posit RSG::scene->sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(p_position, p_dir); } +void RenderingServerDefault::set_print_gpu_profile(bool p_enable) { + RSG::storage->capturing_timestamps = p_enable; + print_gpu_profile = p_enable; +} + RID RenderingServerDefault::get_test_cube() { if (!test_cube.is_valid()) { test_cube = _make_test_cube(); diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.h b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.h index 71f459f34a..83afd9096d 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.h +++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.h @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ #define RENDERING_SERVER_DEFAULT_H #include "core/math/octree.h" +#include "core/templates/ordered_hash_map.h" #include "renderer_canvas_cull.h" #include "renderer_scene_cull.h" #include "renderer_viewport.h" @@ -74,6 +75,12 @@ class RenderingServerDefault : public RenderingServer { float frame_setup_time = 0; + //for printing + bool print_gpu_profile = false; + OrderedHashMap<String, float> print_gpu_profile_task_time; + uint64_t print_frame_profile_ticks_from = 0; + uint32_t print_frame_profile_frame_count = 0; + public: //if editor is redrawing when it shouldn't, enable this and put a breakpoint in _changes_changed() //#define DEBUG_CHANGES @@ -267,6 +274,8 @@ public: BIND2(mesh_set_custom_aabb, RID, const AABB &) BIND1RC(AABB, mesh_get_custom_aabb, RID) + BIND2(mesh_set_shadow_mesh, RID, RID) + BIND1(mesh_clear, RID) /* MULTIMESH API */ @@ -544,7 +553,7 @@ public: BIND2(viewport_set_global_canvas_transform, RID, const Transform2D &) BIND4(viewport_set_canvas_stacking, RID, RID, int, int) - BIND2(viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size, RID, int) + BIND3(viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size, RID, int, bool) BIND3(viewport_set_sdf_oversize_and_scale, RID, ViewportSDFOversize, ViewportSDFScale) BIND3(viewport_set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdivision, RID, int, int) BIND2(viewport_set_msaa, RID, ViewportMSAA) @@ -565,7 +574,7 @@ public: //from now on, calls forwarded to this singleton #define BINDBASE RSG::scene - BIND1(directional_shadow_atlas_set_size, int) + BIND2(directional_shadow_atlas_set_size, int, bool) BIND1(gi_probe_set_quality, GIProbeQuality) /* SKY API */ @@ -616,6 +625,7 @@ public: BIND11(environment_set_sdfgi, RID, bool, EnvironmentSDFGICascades, float, EnvironmentSDFGIYScale, bool, bool, bool, float, float, float) BIND1(environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count, EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount) BIND1(environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge, EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge) + BIND1(environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_update_light, EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight) BIND3R(Ref<Image>, environment_bake_panorama, RID, bool, const Size2i &) @@ -688,6 +698,8 @@ public: BIND3R(TypedArray<Image>, bake_render_uv2, RID, const Vector<RID> &, const Size2i &) + BIND1(gi_set_use_half_resolution, bool) + #undef BINDBASE //from now on, calls forwarded to this singleton #define BINDBASE RSG::canvas @@ -865,6 +877,8 @@ public: virtual void sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(const Vector3 &p_position, const Vector3 &p_dir); + virtual void set_print_gpu_profile(bool p_enable); + RenderingServerDefault(); ~RenderingServerDefault(); diff --git a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_wrap_mt.h b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_wrap_mt.h index 3db90c32df..2f76577474 100644 --- a/servers/rendering/rendering_server_wrap_mt.h +++ b/servers/rendering/rendering_server_wrap_mt.h @@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ public: FUNC2(mesh_set_custom_aabb, RID, const AABB &) FUNC1RC(AABB, mesh_get_custom_aabb, RID) + FUNC2(mesh_set_shadow_mesh, RID, RID) FUNC1(mesh_clear, RID) /* MULTIMESH API */ @@ -445,7 +446,7 @@ public: FUNC2(viewport_set_global_canvas_transform, RID, const Transform2D &) FUNC4(viewport_set_canvas_stacking, RID, RID, int, int) - FUNC2(viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size, RID, int) + FUNC3(viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size, RID, int, bool) FUNC3(viewport_set_sdf_oversize_and_scale, RID, ViewportSDFOversize, ViewportSDFScale) FUNC3(viewport_set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdivision, RID, int, int) @@ -470,7 +471,7 @@ public: return rendering_server->viewport_get_measured_render_time_gpu(p_viewport); } - FUNC1(directional_shadow_atlas_set_size, int) + FUNC2(directional_shadow_atlas_set_size, int, bool) /* SKY API */ @@ -507,6 +508,7 @@ public: FUNC11(environment_set_sdfgi, RID, bool, EnvironmentSDFGICascades, float, EnvironmentSDFGIYScale, bool, bool, bool, float, float, float) FUNC1(environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count, EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount) FUNC1(environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge, EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge) + FUNC1(environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_update_light, EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight) FUNC11(environment_set_glow, RID, bool, Vector<float>, float, float, float, float, EnvironmentGlowBlendMode, float, float, float) FUNC1(environment_glow_set_use_bicubic_upscale, bool) @@ -744,6 +746,8 @@ public: return rendering_server->get_video_adapter_vendor(); } + FUNC1(gi_set_use_half_resolution, bool) + FUNC4(set_boot_image, const Ref<Image> &, const Color &, bool, bool) FUNC1(set_default_clear_color, const Color &) @@ -786,6 +790,10 @@ public: rendering_server->sdfgi_set_debug_probe_select(p_position, p_dir); } + virtual void set_print_gpu_profile(bool p_enable) { + rendering_server->set_print_gpu_profile(p_enable); + } + RenderingServerWrapMT(RenderingServer *p_contained, bool p_create_thread); ~RenderingServerWrapMT(); diff --git a/servers/rendering_server.cpp b/servers/rendering_server.cpp index 23716263b5..9ac66cd4bf 100644 --- a/servers/rendering_server.cpp +++ b/servers/rendering_server.cpp @@ -1661,7 +1661,7 @@ void RenderingServer::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("viewport_set_transparent_background", "viewport", "enabled"), &RenderingServer::viewport_set_transparent_background); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("viewport_set_global_canvas_transform", "viewport", "transform"), &RenderingServer::viewport_set_global_canvas_transform); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("viewport_set_canvas_stacking", "viewport", "canvas", "layer", "sublayer"), &RenderingServer::viewport_set_canvas_stacking); - ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size", "viewport", "size"), &RenderingServer::viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size); + ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size", "viewport", "size", "use_16_bits"), &RenderingServer::viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size, DEFVAL(false)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("viewport_set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdivision", "viewport", "quadrant", "subdivision"), &RenderingServer::viewport_set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdivision); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("viewport_set_msaa", "viewport", "msaa"), &RenderingServer::viewport_set_msaa); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("viewport_set_use_debanding", "viewport", "enable"), &RenderingServer::viewport_set_use_debanding); @@ -2272,6 +2272,7 @@ RenderingServer::RenderingServer() { GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/directional_shadow/soft_shadow_quality", 2); GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/directional_shadow/soft_shadow_quality.mobile", 0); ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/directional_shadow/soft_shadow_quality", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/directional_shadow/soft_shadow_quality", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Hard (Fastest),Soft Low (Fast),Soft Medium (Average),Soft High (Slow),Soft Ultra (Slowest)")); + GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/directional_shadow/16_bits", true); GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadows/soft_shadow_quality", 2); GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadows/soft_shadow_quality.mobile", 0); @@ -2282,18 +2283,6 @@ RenderingServer::RenderingServer() { GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/rd_renderer/use_low_end_renderer", false); GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/rd_renderer/use_low_end_renderer.mobile", true); - GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size", 4096); - GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size.mobile", 2048); - ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/size", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "256,16384")); - GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_0_subdiv", 1); - GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_1_subdiv", 2); - GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_2_subdiv", 3); - GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_3_subdiv", 4); - ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_0_subdiv", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_0_subdiv", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows")); - ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_1_subdiv", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_1_subdiv", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows")); - ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_2_subdiv", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_2_subdiv", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows")); - ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_3_subdiv", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/shadow_atlas/quadrant_3_subdiv", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,1 Shadow,4 Shadows,16 Shadows,64 Shadows,256 Shadows,1024 Shadows")); - GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/reflections/roughness_layers", 8); GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/reflections/texture_array_reflections", true); GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/reflections/texture_array_reflections.mobile", false); @@ -2304,6 +2293,8 @@ RenderingServer::RenderingServer() { GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/reflection_atlas/reflection_size.mobile", 128); GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/reflection_atlas/reflection_count", 64); + GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/gi/use_half_resolution", false); + GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/gi_probes/anisotropic", false); GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/quality/gi_probes/quality", 1); ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/quality/gi_probes/quality", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/quality/gi_probes/quality", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Low (4 Cones - Fast),High (6 Cones - Slow)")); @@ -2367,10 +2358,12 @@ RenderingServer::RenderingServer() { GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/lightmapper/probe_capture_update_speed", 15); ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/lightmapper/probe_capture_update_speed", PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "rendering/lightmapper/probe_capture_update_speed", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.001,256,0.001")); - GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/sdfgi/probe_ray_count", 2); + GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/sdfgi/probe_ray_count", 1); ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/sdfgi/probe_ray_count", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/sdfgi/probe_ray_count", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "8 (Fastest),16,32,64,96,128 (Slowest)")); - GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_converge", 1); + GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_converge", 4); ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_converge", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_converge", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "5 (Less Latency but Lower Quality),10,15,20,25,30 (More Latency but Higher Quality)")); + GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_update_lights", 2); + ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_update_lights", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/sdfgi/frames_to_update_lights", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "1 (Slower),2,4,8,16 (Faster)")); GLOBAL_DEF("rendering/volumetric_fog/volume_size", 64); ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("rendering/volumetric_fog/volume_size", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rendering/volumetric_fog/volume_size", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "16,512,1")); diff --git a/servers/rendering_server.h b/servers/rendering_server.h index 1d83f1ae48..fd8d8cd21d 100644 --- a/servers/rendering_server.h +++ b/servers/rendering_server.h @@ -354,6 +354,8 @@ public: virtual void mesh_set_custom_aabb(RID p_mesh, const AABB &p_aabb) = 0; virtual AABB mesh_get_custom_aabb(RID p_mesh) const = 0; + virtual void mesh_set_shadow_mesh(RID p_mesh, RID p_shadow_mesh) = 0; + virtual void mesh_clear(RID p_mesh) = 0; /* MULTIMESH API */ @@ -798,7 +800,7 @@ public: virtual void viewport_set_sdf_oversize_and_scale(RID p_viewport, ViewportSDFOversize p_oversize, ViewportSDFScale p_scale) = 0; - virtual void viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size(RID p_viewport, int p_size) = 0; + virtual void viewport_set_shadow_atlas_size(RID p_viewport, int p_size, bool p_16_bits = false) = 0; virtual void viewport_set_shadow_atlas_quadrant_subdivision(RID p_viewport, int p_quadrant, int p_subdiv) = 0; enum ViewportMSAA { @@ -868,7 +870,7 @@ public: virtual float viewport_get_measured_render_time_cpu(RID p_viewport) const = 0; virtual float viewport_get_measured_render_time_gpu(RID p_viewport) const = 0; - virtual void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size) = 0; + virtual void directional_shadow_atlas_set_size(int p_size, bool p_16_bits = false) = 0; /* SKY API */ @@ -986,6 +988,7 @@ public: virtual void environment_set_sdfgi(RID p_env, bool p_enable, EnvironmentSDFGICascades p_cascades, float p_min_cell_size, EnvironmentSDFGIYScale p_y_scale, bool p_use_occlusion, bool p_use_multibounce, bool p_read_sky, float p_energy, float p_normal_bias, float p_probe_bias) = 0; enum EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount { + ENV_SDFGI_RAY_COUNT_4, ENV_SDFGI_RAY_COUNT_8, ENV_SDFGI_RAY_COUNT_16, ENV_SDFGI_RAY_COUNT_32, @@ -1009,6 +1012,17 @@ public: virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge(EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge p_frames) = 0; + enum EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight { + ENV_SDFGI_UPDATE_LIGHT_IN_1_FRAME, + ENV_SDFGI_UPDATE_LIGHT_IN_2_FRAMES, + ENV_SDFGI_UPDATE_LIGHT_IN_4_FRAMES, + ENV_SDFGI_UPDATE_LIGHT_IN_8_FRAMES, + ENV_SDFGI_UPDATE_LIGHT_IN_16_FRAMES, + ENV_SDFGI_UPDATE_LIGHT_MAX, + }; + + virtual void environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_update_light(EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight p_update) = 0; + virtual void environment_set_fog(RID p_env, bool p_enable, const Color &p_light_color, float p_light_energy, float p_sun_scatter, float p_density, float p_height, float p_height_density, float p_aerial_perspective) = 0; enum EnvVolumetricFogShadowFilter { @@ -1430,6 +1444,8 @@ public: virtual float get_frame_setup_time_cpu() const = 0; + virtual void gi_set_use_half_resolution(bool p_enable) = 0; + /* TESTING */ virtual RID get_test_cube() = 0; @@ -1462,6 +1478,8 @@ public: virtual bool is_low_end() const = 0; + virtual void set_print_gpu_profile(bool p_enable) = 0; + RenderingDevice *create_local_rendering_device() const; bool is_render_loop_enabled() const; diff --git a/tests/test_main.cpp b/tests/test_main.cpp index e07a0a7d7b..5c635de25c 100644 --- a/tests/test_main.cpp +++ b/tests/test_main.cpp @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ #include "test_list.h" #include "test_local_vector.h" #include "test_lru.h" +#include "test_marshalls.h" #include "test_math.h" #include "test_method_bind.h" #include "test_node_path.h" diff --git a/tests/test_marshalls.h b/tests/test_marshalls.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6bd916164e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/test_marshalls.h @@ -0,0 +1,329 @@ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* test_marshalls.h */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* This file is part of: */ +/* GODOT ENGINE */ +/* https://godotengine.org */ +/*************************************************************************/ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ +/* */ +/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ +/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ +/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ +/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ +/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ +/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ +/* the following conditions: */ +/* */ +/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ +/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ +/* */ +/* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ +/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ +/* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ +/* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ +/* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ +/* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ +/* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ +/*************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef TEST_MARSHALLS_H +#define TEST_MARSHALLS_H + +#include "core/io/marshalls.h" + +#include "tests/test_macros.h" + +namespace TestMarshalls { + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Unsigned 16 bit integer encoding") { + uint8_t arr[2]; + + unsigned int actual_size = encode_uint16(0x1234, arr); + CHECK(actual_size == sizeof(uint16_t)); + CHECK_MESSAGE(arr[0] == 0x34, "First encoded byte value should be equal to low order byte value."); + CHECK_MESSAGE(arr[1] == 0x12, "Last encoded byte value should be equal to high order byte value."); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Unsigned 32 bit integer encoding") { + uint8_t arr[4]; + + unsigned int actual_size = encode_uint32(0x12345678, arr); + CHECK(actual_size == sizeof(uint32_t)); + CHECK_MESSAGE(arr[0] == 0x78, "First encoded byte value should be equal to low order byte value."); + CHECK(arr[1] == 0x56); + CHECK(arr[2] == 0x34); + CHECK_MESSAGE(arr[3] == 0x12, "Last encoded byte value should be equal to high order byte value."); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Unsigned 64 bit integer encoding") { + uint8_t arr[8]; + + unsigned int actual_size = encode_uint64(0x0f123456789abcdef, arr); + CHECK(actual_size == sizeof(uint64_t)); + CHECK_MESSAGE(arr[0] == 0xef, "First encoded byte value should be equal to low order byte value."); + CHECK(arr[1] == 0xcd); + CHECK(arr[2] == 0xab); + CHECK(arr[3] == 0x89); + CHECK(arr[4] == 0x67); + CHECK(arr[5] == 0x45); + CHECK(arr[6] == 0x23); + CHECK_MESSAGE(arr[7] == 0xf1, "Last encoded byte value should be equal to high order byte value."); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Unsigned 16 bit integer decoding") { + uint8_t arr[] = { 0x34, 0x12 }; + + CHECK(decode_uint16(arr) == 0x1234); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Unsigned 32 bit integer decoding") { + uint8_t arr[] = { 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12 }; + + CHECK(decode_uint32(arr) == 0x12345678); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Unsigned 64 bit integer decoding") { + uint8_t arr[] = { 0xef, 0xcd, 0xab, 0x89, 0x67, 0x45, 0x23, 0xf1 }; + + CHECK(decode_uint64(arr) == 0x0f123456789abcdef); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Floating point single precision encoding") { + uint8_t arr[4]; + + // Decimal: 0.15625 + // IEEE 754 single-precision binary floating-point format: + // sign exponent (8 bits) fraction (23 bits) + // 0 01111100 01000000000000000000000 + // Hexadecimal: 0x3E200000 + unsigned int actual_size = encode_float(0.15625f, arr); + CHECK(actual_size == sizeof(uint32_t)); + CHECK(arr[0] == 0x00); + CHECK(arr[1] == 0x00); + CHECK(arr[2] == 0x20); + CHECK(arr[3] == 0x3e); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Floating point double precision encoding") { + uint8_t arr[8]; + + // Decimal: 0.333333333333333314829616256247390992939472198486328125 + // IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point format: + // sign exponent (11 bits) fraction (52 bits) + // 0 01111111101 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 + // Hexadecimal: 0x3FD5555555555555 + unsigned int actual_size = encode_double(0.33333333333333333, arr); + CHECK(actual_size == sizeof(uint64_t)); + CHECK(arr[0] == 0x55); + CHECK(arr[1] == 0x55); + CHECK(arr[2] == 0x55); + CHECK(arr[3] == 0x55); + CHECK(arr[4] == 0x55); + CHECK(arr[5] == 0x55); + CHECK(arr[6] == 0xd5); + CHECK(arr[7] == 0x3f); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Floating point single precision decoding") { + uint8_t arr[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x3e }; + + // See floating point encoding test case for details behind expected values + CHECK(decode_float(arr) == 0.15625f); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Floating point double precision decoding") { + uint8_t arr[] = { 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0xd5, 0x3f }; + + // See floating point encoding test case for details behind expected values + CHECK(decode_double(arr) == 0.33333333333333333); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] C string encoding") { + char cstring[] = "Godot"; // 5 characters + uint8_t data[6]; + + int actual_size = encode_cstring(cstring, data); + CHECK(actual_size == 6); + CHECK(data[0] == 'G'); + CHECK(data[1] == 'o'); + CHECK(data[2] == 'd'); + CHECK(data[3] == 'o'); + CHECK(data[4] == 't'); + CHECK(data[5] == '\0'); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] NIL Variant encoding") { + int r_len; + Variant variant; + uint8_t buffer[4]; + + CHECK(encode_variant(variant, buffer, r_len) == OK); + CHECK_MESSAGE(r_len == 4, "Length == 4 bytes for Variant::Type"); + CHECK_MESSAGE(buffer[0] == 0x00, "Variant::NIL"); + CHECK(buffer[1] == 0x00); + CHECK(buffer[2] == 0x00); + CHECK(buffer[3] == 0x00); + // No value +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] INT 32 bit Variant encoding") { + int r_len; + Variant variant(0x12345678); + uint8_t buffer[8]; + + CHECK(encode_variant(variant, buffer, r_len) == OK); + CHECK_MESSAGE(r_len == 8, "Length == 4 bytes for Variant::Type + 4 bytes for int32_t"); + CHECK_MESSAGE(buffer[0] == 0x02, "Variant::INT"); + CHECK(buffer[1] == 0x00); + CHECK(buffer[2] == 0x00); + CHECK(buffer[3] == 0x00); + // Check value + CHECK(buffer[4] == 0x78); + CHECK(buffer[5] == 0x56); + CHECK(buffer[6] == 0x34); + CHECK(buffer[7] == 0x12); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] INT 64 bit Variant encoding") { + int r_len; + Variant variant(uint64_t(0x0f123456789abcdef)); + uint8_t buffer[12]; + + CHECK(encode_variant(variant, buffer, r_len) == OK); + CHECK_MESSAGE(r_len == 12, "Length == 4 bytes for Variant::Type + 8 bytes for int64_t"); + CHECK_MESSAGE(buffer[0] == 0x02, "Variant::INT"); + CHECK(buffer[1] == 0x00); + CHECK_MESSAGE(buffer[2] == 0x01, "ENCODE_FLAG_64"); + CHECK(buffer[3] == 0x00); + // Check value + CHECK(buffer[4] == 0xef); + CHECK(buffer[5] == 0xcd); + CHECK(buffer[6] == 0xab); + CHECK(buffer[7] == 0x89); + CHECK(buffer[8] == 0x67); + CHECK(buffer[9] == 0x45); + CHECK(buffer[10] == 0x23); + CHECK(buffer[11] == 0xf1); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] FLOAT single precision Variant encoding") { + int r_len; + Variant variant(0.15625f); + uint8_t buffer[8]; + + CHECK(encode_variant(variant, buffer, r_len) == OK); + CHECK_MESSAGE(r_len == 8, "Length == 4 bytes for Variant::Type + 4 bytes for float"); + CHECK_MESSAGE(buffer[0] == 0x03, "Variant::FLOAT"); + CHECK(buffer[1] == 0x00); + CHECK(buffer[2] == 0x00); + CHECK(buffer[3] == 0x00); + // Check value + CHECK(buffer[4] == 0x00); + CHECK(buffer[5] == 0x00); + CHECK(buffer[6] == 0x20); + CHECK(buffer[7] == 0x3e); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] FLOAT double precision Variant encoding") { + int r_len; + Variant variant(0.33333333333333333); + uint8_t buffer[12]; + + CHECK(encode_variant(variant, buffer, r_len) == OK); + CHECK_MESSAGE(r_len == 12, "Length == 4 bytes for Variant::Type + 8 bytes for double"); + CHECK_MESSAGE(buffer[0] == 0x03, "Variant::FLOAT"); + CHECK(buffer[1] == 0x00); + CHECK_MESSAGE(buffer[2] == 0x01, "ENCODE_FLAG_64"); + CHECK(buffer[3] == 0x00); + // Check value + CHECK(buffer[4] == 0x55); + CHECK(buffer[5] == 0x55); + CHECK(buffer[6] == 0x55); + CHECK(buffer[7] == 0x55); + CHECK(buffer[8] == 0x55); + CHECK(buffer[9] == 0x55); + CHECK(buffer[10] == 0xd5); + CHECK(buffer[11] == 0x3f); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] Invalid data Variant decoding") { + Variant variant; + int r_len = 0; + uint8_t some_buffer[1] = { 0x00 }; + uint8_t out_of_range_type_buffer[4] = { 0xff }; // Greater than Variant::VARIANT_MAX + + CHECK(decode_variant(variant, some_buffer, /* less than 4 */ 1, &r_len) == ERR_INVALID_DATA); + CHECK(r_len == 0); + + CHECK(decode_variant(variant, out_of_range_type_buffer, 4, &r_len) == ERR_INVALID_DATA); + CHECK(r_len == 0); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] NIL Variant decoding") { + Variant variant; + int r_len; + uint8_t buffer[] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 // Variant::NIL + }; + + CHECK(decode_variant(variant, buffer, 4, &r_len) == OK); + CHECK(r_len == 4); + CHECK(variant == Variant()); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] INT 32 bit Variant decoding") { + Variant variant; + int r_len; + uint8_t buffer[] = { + 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Variant::INT + 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12 // value + }; + + CHECK(decode_variant(variant, buffer, 8, &r_len) == OK); + CHECK(r_len == 8); + CHECK(variant == Variant(0x12345678)); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] INT 64 bit Variant decoding") { + Variant variant; + int r_len; + uint8_t buffer[] = { + 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, // Variant::INT & ENCODE_FLAG_64 + 0xef, 0xcd, 0xab, 0x89, 0x67, 0x45, 0x23, 0xf1 // value + }; + + CHECK(decode_variant(variant, buffer, 12, &r_len) == OK); + CHECK(r_len == 12); + CHECK(variant == Variant(uint64_t(0x0f123456789abcdef))); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] FLOAT single precision Variant decoding") { + Variant variant; + int r_len; + uint8_t buffer[] = { + 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Variant::FLOAT + 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x3e // value + }; + + CHECK(decode_variant(variant, buffer, 8, &r_len) == OK); + CHECK(r_len == 8); + CHECK(variant == Variant(0.15625f)); +} + +TEST_CASE("[Marshalls] FLOAT double precision Variant decoding") { + Variant variant; + int r_len; + uint8_t buffer[] = { + 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, // Variant::FLOAT & ENCODE_FLAG_64 + 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0xd5, 0x3f // value + }; + + CHECK(decode_variant(variant, buffer, 12, &r_len) == OK); + CHECK(r_len == 12); + CHECK(variant == Variant(0.33333333333333333)); +} +} // namespace TestMarshalls + +#endif // TEST_MARSHALLS_H |