diff options
9 files changed, 235 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/modules/bullet/btRayShape.cpp b/modules/bullet/btRayShape.cpp
index b902d08eca..b60d6ba693 100644
--- a/modules/bullet/btRayShape.cpp
+++ b/modules/bullet/btRayShape.cpp
@@ -54,6 +54,11 @@ void btRayShape::setLength(btScalar p_length) {
+void btRayShape::setMargin(btScalar margin) {
+ btConvexInternalShape::setMargin(margin);
+ reload_cache();
void btRayShape::setSlipsOnSlope(bool p_slipsOnSlope) {
slipsOnSlope = p_slipsOnSlope;
@@ -77,10 +82,9 @@ void btRayShape::batchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(const btVecto
void btRayShape::getAabb(const btTransform &t, btVector3 &aabbMin, btVector3 &aabbMax) const {
btVector3 localAabbMin(0, 0, 0);
- btVector3 localAabbMax(m_shapeAxis * (m_cacheScaledLength + m_collisionMargin));
- btTransformAabb(localAabbMin, localAabbMax, MARGIN_BROADPHASE, t, aabbMin, aabbMax);
+ btVector3 localAabbMax(m_shapeAxis * m_cacheScaledLength);
+ btTransformAabb(localAabbMin, localAabbMax, m_collisionMargin, t, aabbMin, aabbMax);
void btRayShape::calculateLocalInertia(btScalar mass, btVector3 &inertia) const {
@@ -100,5 +104,5 @@ void btRayShape::reload_cache() {
m_cacheScaledLength = m_length * m_localScaling[2];
- m_cacheSupportPoint.setOrigin(m_shapeAxis * (m_cacheScaledLength + m_collisionMargin));
+ m_cacheSupportPoint.setOrigin(m_shapeAxis * m_cacheScaledLength);
diff --git a/modules/bullet/btRayShape.h b/modules/bullet/btRayShape.h
index 7fedb74083..7f3229b3e8 100644
--- a/modules/bullet/btRayShape.h
+++ b/modules/bullet/btRayShape.h
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ public:
void setLength(btScalar p_length);
btScalar getLength() const { return m_length; }
+ virtual void setMargin(btScalar margin);
void setSlipsOnSlope(bool p_slipOnSlope);
bool getSlipsOnSlope() const { return slipsOnSlope; }
diff --git a/modules/bullet/collision_object_bullet.cpp b/modules/bullet/collision_object_bullet.cpp
index 3a90bdc6ae..eb87901c24 100644
--- a/modules/bullet/collision_object_bullet.cpp
+++ b/modules/bullet/collision_object_bullet.cpp
@@ -43,7 +43,9 @@
@author AndreaCatania
-#define enableDynamicAabbTree false
+// We enable dynamic AABB tree so that we can actually perform a broadphase on bodies with compound collision shapes.
+// This is crucial for the performance of kinematic bodies and for bodies with transforming shapes.
+#define enableDynamicAabbTree true
CollisionObjectBullet::ShapeWrapper::~ShapeWrapper() {}
@@ -284,7 +286,6 @@ void RigidCollisionObjectBullet::set_shape_transform(int p_index, const Transfor
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_index, get_shape_count());
- // Note, enableDynamicAabbTree is false because on transform change compound is destroyed
diff --git a/modules/bullet/godot_ray_world_algorithm.cpp b/modules/bullet/godot_ray_world_algorithm.cpp
index 3e06239453..2ba75b9a98 100644
--- a/modules/bullet/godot_ray_world_algorithm.cpp
+++ b/modules/bullet/godot_ray_world_algorithm.cpp
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
@author AndreaCatania
+// Epsilon to account for floating point inaccuracies
GodotRayWorldAlgorithm::CreateFunc::CreateFunc(const btDiscreteDynamicsWorld *world) :
m_world(world) {}
@@ -100,8 +103,8 @@ void GodotRayWorldAlgorithm::processCollision(const btCollisionObjectWrapper *bo
btScalar depth(ray_shape->getScaledLength() * (btResult.m_closestHitFraction - 1));
- if (depth >= -ray_shape->getMargin() * 0.5)
- depth = 0;
+ depth = 0.0;
if (ray_shape->getSlipsOnSlope())
resultOut->addContactPoint(btResult.m_hitNormalWorld, btResult.m_hitPointWorld, depth);
diff --git a/modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp b/modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp
index 8fb8eba057..6bfd98873e 100644
--- a/modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp
+++ b/modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp
@@ -1043,23 +1043,16 @@ int SpaceBullet::test_ray_separation(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const Transform &p
btVector3 recover_motion(0, 0, 0);
int rays_found = 0;
+ int rays_found_this_round = 0;
for (int t(RECOVERING_MOVEMENT_CYCLES); 0 < t; --t) {
- int last_ray_index = recover_from_penetration_ray(p_body, body_transform, RECOVERING_MOVEMENT_SCALE, p_infinite_inertia, p_result_max, recover_motion, r_results);
+ PhysicsServer::SeparationResult *next_results = &r_results[rays_found];
+ rays_found_this_round = recover_from_penetration_ray(p_body, body_transform, RECOVERING_MOVEMENT_SCALE, p_infinite_inertia, p_result_max - rays_found, recover_motion, next_results);
- rays_found = MAX(last_ray_index, rays_found);
- if (!rays_found) {
- break;
- } else {
+ rays_found += rays_found_this_round;
+ if (rays_found_this_round == 0) {
body_transform.getOrigin() += recover_motion;
- }
- }
- //optimize results (remove non colliding)
- for (int i = 0; i < rays_found; i++) {
- if (r_results[i].collision_depth >= 0) {
- rays_found--;
- SWAP(r_results[i], r_results[rays_found]);
+ break;
@@ -1069,18 +1062,47 @@ int SpaceBullet::test_ray_separation(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const Transform &p
struct RecoverPenetrationBroadPhaseCallback : public btBroadphaseAabbCallback {
+ btDbvtVolume bounds;
const btCollisionObject *self_collision_object;
uint32_t collision_layer;
uint32_t collision_mask;
+ struct CompoundLeafCallback : btDbvt::ICollide {
+ private:
+ RecoverPenetrationBroadPhaseCallback *parent_callback;
+ btCollisionObject *collision_object;
+ public:
+ CompoundLeafCallback(RecoverPenetrationBroadPhaseCallback *p_parent_callback, btCollisionObject *p_collision_object) :
+ parent_callback(p_parent_callback),
+ collision_object(p_collision_object) {
+ }
+ void Process(const btDbvtNode *leaf) {
+ BroadphaseResult result;
+ result.collision_object = collision_object;
+ result.compound_child_index = leaf->dataAsInt;
+ parent_callback->results.push_back(result);
+ }
+ };
- Vector<btCollisionObject *> result_collision_objects;
+ struct BroadphaseResult {
+ btCollisionObject *collision_object;
+ int compound_child_index;
+ };
+ Vector<BroadphaseResult> results;
- RecoverPenetrationBroadPhaseCallback(const btCollisionObject *p_self_collision_object, uint32_t p_collision_layer, uint32_t p_collision_mask) :
+ RecoverPenetrationBroadPhaseCallback(const btCollisionObject *p_self_collision_object, uint32_t p_collision_layer, uint32_t p_collision_mask, btVector3 p_aabb_min, btVector3 p_aabb_max) :
- collision_mask(p_collision_mask) {}
+ collision_mask(p_collision_mask) {
+ bounds = btDbvtVolume::FromMM(p_aabb_min, p_aabb_max);
+ }
virtual ~RecoverPenetrationBroadPhaseCallback() {}
@@ -1089,35 +1111,98 @@ public:
btCollisionObject *co = static_cast<btCollisionObject *>(proxy->m_clientObject);
if (co->getInternalType() <= btCollisionObject::CO_RIGID_BODY) {
if (self_collision_object != proxy->m_clientObject && GodotFilterCallback::test_collision_filters(collision_layer, collision_mask, proxy->m_collisionFilterGroup, proxy->m_collisionFilterMask)) {
- result_collision_objects.push_back(co);
+ if (co->getCollisionShape()->isCompound()) {
+ const btCompoundShape *cs = static_cast<btCompoundShape *>(co->getCollisionShape());
+ if (cs->getNumChildShapes() > 1) {
+ const btDbvt *tree = cs->getDynamicAabbTree();
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(tree == NULL, true);
+ // Transform bounds into compound shape local space
+ const btTransform other_in_compound_space = co->getWorldTransform().inverse();
+ const btMatrix3x3 abs_b = other_in_compound_space.getBasis().absolute();
+ const btVector3 local_center = other_in_compound_space(bounds.Center());
+ const btVector3 local_extent = bounds.Extents().dot3(abs_b[0], abs_b[1], abs_b[2]);
+ const btVector3 local_aabb_min = local_center - local_extent;
+ const btVector3 local_aabb_max = local_center + local_extent;
+ const btDbvtVolume local_bounds = btDbvtVolume::FromMM(local_aabb_min, local_aabb_max);
+ // Test collision against compound child shapes using its AABB tree
+ CompoundLeafCallback compound_leaf_callback(this, co);
+ tree->collideTV(tree->m_root, local_bounds, compound_leaf_callback);
+ } else {
+ // If there's only a single child shape then there's no need to search any more, we know which child overlaps
+ BroadphaseResult result;
+ result.collision_object = co;
+ result.compound_child_index = 0;
+ results.push_back(result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ BroadphaseResult result;
+ result.collision_object = co;
+ result.compound_child_index = -1;
+ results.push_back(result);
+ }
return true;
return false;
- void reset() {
- result_collision_objects.clear();
- }
bool SpaceBullet::recover_from_penetration(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const btTransform &p_body_position, btScalar p_recover_movement_scale, bool p_infinite_inertia, btVector3 &r_delta_recover_movement, RecoverResult *r_recover_result) {
- RecoverPenetrationBroadPhaseCallback recover_broad_result(p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), p_body->get_collision_layer(), p_body->get_collision_mask());
+ // Calculate the cummulative AABB of all shapes of the kinematic body
+ btVector3 aabb_min, aabb_max;
+ bool shapes_found = false;
+ for (int kinIndex = p_body->get_kinematic_utilities()->shapes.size() - 1; 0 <= kinIndex; --kinIndex) {
+ const RigidBodyBullet::KinematicShape &kin_shape(p_body->get_kinematic_utilities()->shapes[kinIndex]);
+ if (!kin_shape.is_active()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (kin_shape.shape->getShapeType() == CUSTOM_CONVEX_SHAPE_TYPE) {
+ // Skip rayshape in order to implement custom separation process
+ continue;
+ }
+ btTransform shape_transform = p_body_position * kin_shape.transform;
+ shape_transform.getOrigin() += r_delta_recover_movement;
+ btVector3 shape_aabb_min, shape_aabb_max;
+ kin_shape.shape->getAabb(shape_transform, shape_aabb_min, shape_aabb_max);
+ if (!shapes_found) {
+ aabb_min = shape_aabb_min;
+ aabb_max = shape_aabb_max;
+ shapes_found = true;
+ } else {
+ aabb_min.setX((aabb_min.x() < shape_aabb_min.x()) ? aabb_min.x() : shape_aabb_min.x());
+ aabb_min.setY((aabb_min.y() < shape_aabb_min.y()) ? aabb_min.y() : shape_aabb_min.y());
+ aabb_min.setZ((aabb_min.z() < shape_aabb_min.z()) ? aabb_min.z() : shape_aabb_min.z());
+ aabb_max.setX((aabb_max.x() > shape_aabb_max.x()) ? aabb_max.x() : shape_aabb_max.x());
+ aabb_max.setY((aabb_max.y() > shape_aabb_max.y()) ? aabb_max.y() : shape_aabb_max.y());
+ aabb_max.setZ((aabb_max.z() > shape_aabb_max.z()) ? aabb_max.z() : shape_aabb_max.z());
+ }
+ }
- btTransform body_shape_position;
- btTransform body_shape_position_recovered;
+ // If there are no shapes then there is no penetration either
+ if (!shapes_found) {
+ return false;
+ }
- // Broad phase support
- btVector3 minAabb, maxAabb;
+ // Perform broadphase test
+ RecoverPenetrationBroadPhaseCallback recover_broad_result(p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), p_body->get_collision_layer(), p_body->get_collision_mask(), aabb_min, aabb_max);
+ dynamicsWorld->getBroadphase()->aabbTest(aabb_min, aabb_max, recover_broad_result);
bool penetration = false;
- // For each shape
+ // Perform narrowphase per shape
for (int kinIndex = p_body->get_kinematic_utilities()->shapes.size() - 1; 0 <= kinIndex; --kinIndex) {
- recover_broad_result.reset();
const RigidBodyBullet::KinematicShape &kin_shape(p_body->get_kinematic_utilities()->shapes[kinIndex]);
if (!kin_shape.is_active()) {
@@ -1128,15 +1213,11 @@ bool SpaceBullet::recover_from_penetration(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const btTran
- body_shape_position = p_body_position * kin_shape.transform;
- body_shape_position_recovered = body_shape_position;
- body_shape_position_recovered.getOrigin() += r_delta_recover_movement;
+ btTransform shape_transform = p_body_position * kin_shape.transform;
+ shape_transform.getOrigin() += r_delta_recover_movement;
- kin_shape.shape->getAabb(body_shape_position_recovered, minAabb, maxAabb);
- dynamicsWorld->getBroadphase()->aabbTest(minAabb, maxAabb, recover_broad_result);
- for (int i = recover_broad_result.result_collision_objects.size() - 1; 0 <= i; --i) {
- btCollisionObject *otherObject = recover_broad_result.result_collision_objects[i];
+ for (int i = recover_broad_result.results.size() - 1; 0 <= i; --i) {
+ btCollisionObject *otherObject = recover_broad_result.results[i].collision_object;
if (p_infinite_inertia && !otherObject->isStaticOrKinematicObject()) {
otherObject->activate(); // Force activation of hitten rigid, soft body
@@ -1144,30 +1225,28 @@ bool SpaceBullet::recover_from_penetration(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const btTran
if (otherObject->getCollisionShape()->isCompound()) {
+ const btCompoundShape *cs = static_cast<const btCompoundShape *>(otherObject->getCollisionShape());
+ int shape_idx = recover_broad_result.results[i].compound_child_index;
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(shape_idx < 0 || shape_idx >= cs->getNumChildShapes(), false);
- // Each convex shape
- btCompoundShape *cs = static_cast<btCompoundShape *>(otherObject->getCollisionShape());
- for (int x = cs->getNumChildShapes() - 1; 0 <= x; --x) {
- if (cs->getChildShape(x)->isConvex()) {
- if (RFP_convex_convex_test(kin_shape.shape, static_cast<const btConvexShape *>(cs->getChildShape(x)), otherObject, x, body_shape_position, otherObject->getWorldTransform() * cs->getChildTransform(x), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, r_recover_result)) {
+ if (cs->getChildShape(shape_idx)->isConvex()) {
+ if (RFP_convex_convex_test(kin_shape.shape, static_cast<const btConvexShape *>(cs->getChildShape(shape_idx)), otherObject, shape_idx, shape_transform, otherObject->getWorldTransform() * cs->getChildTransform(shape_idx), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, r_recover_result)) {
- penetration = true;
- }
- } else {
- if (RFP_convex_world_test(kin_shape.shape, cs->getChildShape(x), p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), otherObject, kinIndex, x, body_shape_position, otherObject->getWorldTransform() * cs->getChildTransform(x), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, r_recover_result)) {
+ penetration = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (RFP_convex_world_test(kin_shape.shape, cs->getChildShape(shape_idx), p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), otherObject, kinIndex, shape_idx, shape_transform, otherObject->getWorldTransform() * cs->getChildTransform(shape_idx), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, r_recover_result)) {
- penetration = true;
- }
+ penetration = true;
} else if (otherObject->getCollisionShape()->isConvex()) { /// Execute GJK test against object shape
- if (RFP_convex_convex_test(kin_shape.shape, static_cast<const btConvexShape *>(otherObject->getCollisionShape()), otherObject, 0, body_shape_position, otherObject->getWorldTransform(), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, r_recover_result)) {
+ if (RFP_convex_convex_test(kin_shape.shape, static_cast<const btConvexShape *>(otherObject->getCollisionShape()), otherObject, 0, shape_transform, otherObject->getWorldTransform(), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, r_recover_result)) {
penetration = true;
} else {
- if (RFP_convex_world_test(kin_shape.shape, otherObject->getCollisionShape(), p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), otherObject, kinIndex, 0, body_shape_position, otherObject->getWorldTransform(), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, r_recover_result)) {
+ if (RFP_convex_world_test(kin_shape.shape, otherObject->getCollisionShape(), p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), otherObject, kinIndex, 0, shape_transform, otherObject->getWorldTransform(), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, r_recover_result)) {
penetration = true;
@@ -1183,7 +1262,6 @@ bool SpaceBullet::RFP_convex_convex_test(const btConvexShape *p_shapeA, const bt
// Initialize GJK input
btGjkPairDetector::ClosestPointInput gjk_input;
gjk_input.m_transformA = p_transformA;
- gjk_input.m_transformA.getOrigin() += r_delta_recover_movement;
gjk_input.m_transformB = p_transformB;
// Perform GJK test
@@ -1214,7 +1292,6 @@ bool SpaceBullet::RFP_convex_world_test(const btConvexShape *p_shapeA, const btC
/// Contact test
btTransform tA(p_transformA);
- tA.getOrigin() += r_delta_recover_movement;
btCollisionObjectWrapper obA(NULL, p_shapeA, p_objectA, tA, -1, p_shapeId_A);
btCollisionObjectWrapper obB(NULL, p_shapeB, p_objectB, p_transformB, -1, p_shapeId_B);
@@ -1246,39 +1323,81 @@ bool SpaceBullet::RFP_convex_world_test(const btConvexShape *p_shapeA, const btC
return false;
-void SpaceBullet::convert_to_separation_result(PhysicsServer::SeparationResult *r_result, const SpaceBullet::RecoverResult &p_recover_result, int p_shape_id, const btCollisionObject *p_other_object) const {
+int SpaceBullet::add_separation_result(PhysicsServer::SeparationResult *r_result, const SpaceBullet::RecoverResult &p_recover_result, int p_shape_id, const btCollisionObject *p_other_object) const {
+ // optimize results (ignore non-colliding)
+ if (p_recover_result.penetration_distance < 0.0) {
+ const btRigidBody *btRigid = static_cast<const btRigidBody *>(p_other_object);
+ CollisionObjectBullet *collisionObject = static_cast<CollisionObjectBullet *>(p_other_object->getUserPointer());
- const btRigidBody *btRigid = static_cast<const btRigidBody *>(p_other_object);
- CollisionObjectBullet *collisionObject = static_cast<CollisionObjectBullet *>(p_other_object->getUserPointer());
+ r_result->collision_depth = p_recover_result.penetration_distance;
+ B_TO_G(p_recover_result.pointWorld, r_result->collision_point);
+ B_TO_G(p_recover_result.normal, r_result->collision_normal);
+ B_TO_G(btRigid->getVelocityInLocalPoint(p_recover_result.pointWorld - btRigid->getWorldTransform().getOrigin()), r_result->collider_velocity);
+ r_result->collision_local_shape = p_shape_id;
+ r_result->collider_id = collisionObject->get_instance_id();
+ r_result->collider = collisionObject->get_self();
+ r_result->collider_shape = p_recover_result.other_compound_shape_index;
- r_result->collision_depth = p_recover_result.penetration_distance;
- B_TO_G(p_recover_result.pointWorld, r_result->collision_point);
- B_TO_G(p_recover_result.normal, r_result->collision_normal);
- B_TO_G(btRigid->getVelocityInLocalPoint(p_recover_result.pointWorld - btRigid->getWorldTransform().getOrigin()), r_result->collider_velocity);
- r_result->collision_local_shape = p_shape_id;
- r_result->collider_id = collisionObject->get_instance_id();
- r_result->collider = collisionObject->get_self();
- r_result->collider_shape = p_recover_result.other_compound_shape_index;
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
int SpaceBullet::recover_from_penetration_ray(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const btTransform &p_body_position, btScalar p_recover_movement_scale, bool p_infinite_inertia, int p_result_max, btVector3 &r_delta_recover_movement, PhysicsServer::SeparationResult *r_results) {
- RecoverPenetrationBroadPhaseCallback recover_broad_result(p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), p_body->get_collision_layer(), p_body->get_collision_mask());
+ // Calculate the cummulative AABB of all shapes of the kinematic body
+ btVector3 aabb_min, aabb_max;
+ bool shapes_found = false;
+ for (int kinIndex = p_body->get_kinematic_utilities()->shapes.size() - 1; 0 <= kinIndex; --kinIndex) {
+ const RigidBodyBullet::KinematicShape &kin_shape(p_body->get_kinematic_utilities()->shapes[kinIndex]);
+ if (!kin_shape.is_active()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (kin_shape.shape->getShapeType() != CUSTOM_CONVEX_SHAPE_TYPE) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ btTransform shape_transform = p_body_position * kin_shape.transform;
+ shape_transform.getOrigin() += r_delta_recover_movement;
- btTransform body_shape_position;
- btTransform body_shape_position_recovered;
+ btVector3 shape_aabb_min, shape_aabb_max;
+ kin_shape.shape->getAabb(shape_transform, shape_aabb_min, shape_aabb_max);
- // Broad phase support
- btVector3 minAabb, maxAabb;
+ if (!shapes_found) {
+ aabb_min = shape_aabb_min;
+ aabb_max = shape_aabb_max;
+ shapes_found = true;
+ } else {
+ aabb_min.setX((aabb_min.x() < shape_aabb_min.x()) ? aabb_min.x() : shape_aabb_min.x());
+ aabb_min.setY((aabb_min.y() < shape_aabb_min.y()) ? aabb_min.y() : shape_aabb_min.y());
+ aabb_min.setZ((aabb_min.z() < shape_aabb_min.z()) ? aabb_min.z() : shape_aabb_min.z());
- int ray_index = 0;
+ aabb_max.setX((aabb_max.x() > shape_aabb_max.x()) ? aabb_max.x() : shape_aabb_max.x());
+ aabb_max.setY((aabb_max.y() > shape_aabb_max.y()) ? aabb_max.y() : shape_aabb_max.y());
+ aabb_max.setZ((aabb_max.z() > shape_aabb_max.z()) ? aabb_max.z() : shape_aabb_max.z());
+ }
+ }
- // For each shape
- for (int kinIndex = p_body->get_kinematic_utilities()->shapes.size() - 1; 0 <= kinIndex; --kinIndex) {
+ // If there are no shapes then there is no penetration either
+ if (!shapes_found) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Perform broadphase test
+ RecoverPenetrationBroadPhaseCallback recover_broad_result(p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), p_body->get_collision_layer(), p_body->get_collision_mask(), aabb_min, aabb_max);
+ dynamicsWorld->getBroadphase()->aabbTest(aabb_min, aabb_max, recover_broad_result);
- recover_broad_result.reset();
+ int ray_count = 0;
+ // Perform narrowphase per shape
+ for (int kinIndex = p_body->get_kinematic_utilities()->shapes.size() - 1; 0 <= kinIndex; --kinIndex) {
- if (ray_index >= p_result_max) {
+ if (ray_count >= p_result_max) {
@@ -1291,15 +1410,11 @@ int SpaceBullet::recover_from_penetration_ray(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const btT
- body_shape_position = p_body_position * kin_shape.transform;
- body_shape_position_recovered = body_shape_position;
- body_shape_position_recovered.getOrigin() += r_delta_recover_movement;
+ btTransform shape_transform = p_body_position * kin_shape.transform;
+ shape_transform.getOrigin() += r_delta_recover_movement;
- kin_shape.shape->getAabb(body_shape_position_recovered, minAabb, maxAabb);
- dynamicsWorld->getBroadphase()->aabbTest(minAabb, maxAabb, recover_broad_result);
- for (int i = recover_broad_result.result_collision_objects.size() - 1; 0 <= i; --i) {
- btCollisionObject *otherObject = recover_broad_result.result_collision_objects[i];
+ for (int i = recover_broad_result.results.size() - 1; 0 <= i; --i) {
+ btCollisionObject *otherObject = recover_broad_result.results[i].collision_object;
if (p_infinite_inertia && !otherObject->isStaticOrKinematicObject()) {
otherObject->activate(); // Force activation of hitten rigid, soft body
@@ -1307,29 +1422,25 @@ int SpaceBullet::recover_from_penetration_ray(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const btT
if (otherObject->getCollisionShape()->isCompound()) {
+ const btCompoundShape *cs = static_cast<const btCompoundShape *>(otherObject->getCollisionShape());
+ int shape_idx = recover_broad_result.results[i].compound_child_index;
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(shape_idx < 0 || shape_idx >= cs->getNumChildShapes(), false);
- // Each convex shape
- btCompoundShape *cs = static_cast<btCompoundShape *>(otherObject->getCollisionShape());
- for (int x = cs->getNumChildShapes() - 1; 0 <= x; --x) {
- RecoverResult recover_result;
- if (RFP_convex_world_test(kin_shape.shape, cs->getChildShape(x), p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), otherObject, kinIndex, x, body_shape_position, otherObject->getWorldTransform() * cs->getChildTransform(x), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, &recover_result)) {
+ RecoverResult recover_result;
+ if (RFP_convex_world_test(kin_shape.shape, cs->getChildShape(shape_idx), p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), otherObject, kinIndex, shape_idx, shape_transform, otherObject->getWorldTransform() * cs->getChildTransform(shape_idx), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, &recover_result)) {
- convert_to_separation_result(&r_results[ray_index], recover_result, kinIndex, otherObject);
- }
+ ray_count = add_separation_result(&r_results[ray_count], recover_result, kinIndex, otherObject);
} else {
RecoverResult recover_result;
- if (RFP_convex_world_test(kin_shape.shape, otherObject->getCollisionShape(), p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), otherObject, kinIndex, 0, body_shape_position, otherObject->getWorldTransform(), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, &recover_result)) {
+ if (RFP_convex_world_test(kin_shape.shape, otherObject->getCollisionShape(), p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), otherObject, kinIndex, 0, shape_transform, otherObject->getWorldTransform(), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, &recover_result)) {
- convert_to_separation_result(&r_results[ray_index], recover_result, kinIndex, otherObject);
+ ray_count = add_separation_result(&r_results[ray_count], recover_result, kinIndex, otherObject);
- ++ray_index;
- return ray_index;
+ return ray_count;
diff --git a/modules/bullet/space_bullet.h b/modules/bullet/space_bullet.h
index 7bf6a216b5..6b3d65edf6 100644
--- a/modules/bullet/space_bullet.h
+++ b/modules/bullet/space_bullet.h
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ private:
/// Using this we leave Bullet to select the best algorithm, For example GJK in case we have Convex Convex, or a Bullet accelerated algorithm
bool RFP_convex_world_test(const btConvexShape *p_shapeA, const btCollisionShape *p_shapeB, btCollisionObject *p_objectA, btCollisionObject *p_objectB, int p_shapeId_A, int p_shapeId_B, const btTransform &p_transformA, const btTransform &p_transformB, btScalar p_recover_movement_scale, btVector3 &r_delta_recover_movement, RecoverResult *r_recover_result = NULL);
- void convert_to_separation_result(PhysicsServer::SeparationResult *r_result, const SpaceBullet::RecoverResult &p_recover_result, int p_shape_id, const btCollisionObject *p_other_object) const;
+ int add_separation_result(PhysicsServer::SeparationResult *r_results, const SpaceBullet::RecoverResult &p_recover_result, int p_shape_id, const btCollisionObject *p_other_object) const;
int recover_from_penetration_ray(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const btTransform &p_body_position, btScalar p_recover_movement_scale, bool p_infinite_inertia, int p_result_max, btVector3 &r_delta_recover_movement, PhysicsServer::SeparationResult *r_results);
diff --git a/scene/3d/physics_body.cpp b/scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
index e2dc89aa6e..57af951110 100644
--- a/scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
+++ b/scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
@@ -1181,19 +1181,16 @@ Vector3 KinematicBody::move_and_slide(const Vector3 &p_linear_velocity, const Ve
while (p_max_slides) {
Collision collision;
bool found_collision = false;
- int test_type = 0;
- do {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
bool collided;
- if (test_type == 0) { //collide
+ if (i == 0) { //collide
collided = move_and_collide(motion, p_infinite_inertia, collision);
if (!collided) {
motion = Vector3(); //clear because no collision happened and motion completed
- } else {
+ } else { //separate raycasts (if any)
collided = separate_raycast_shapes(p_infinite_inertia, collision);
if (collided) {
collision.remainder = motion; //keep
@@ -1219,7 +1216,7 @@ Vector3 KinematicBody::move_and_slide(const Vector3 &p_linear_velocity, const Ve
floor_velocity = collision.collider_vel;
if (p_stop_on_slope) {
- if ((lv_n + p_floor_direction).length() < 0.01) {
+ if ((lv_n + p_floor_direction).length() < 0.01 && < 1) {
Transform gt = get_global_transform();
gt.origin -=;
@@ -1240,21 +1237,18 @@ Vector3 KinematicBody::move_and_slide(const Vector3 &p_linear_velocity, const Ve
motion = motion.slide(p_floor_direction);
lv = lv.slide(p_floor_direction);
} else {
Vector3 n = collision.normal;
motion = motion.slide(n);
lv = lv.slide(n);
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- if (locked_axis & (1 << i)) {
- lv[i] = 0;
+ for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ if (locked_axis & (1 << j)) {
+ lv[j] = 0;
- ++test_type;
- } while (!p_stop_on_slope && test_type < 2);
+ }
if (!found_collision || motion == Vector3())
diff --git a/scene/3d/physics_body.h b/scene/3d/physics_body.h
index 589af98062..aa6030d44e 100644
--- a/scene/3d/physics_body.h
+++ b/scene/3d/physics_body.h
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ protected:
static void _bind_methods();
- bool move_and_collide(const Vector3 &p_motion, bool p_infinite_inertia, Collision &r_collisionz, bool p_exclude_raycast_shapes = true, bool p_test_only = false);
+ bool move_and_collide(const Vector3 &p_motion, bool p_infinite_inertia, Collision &r_collision, bool p_exclude_raycast_shapes = true, bool p_test_only = false);
bool test_move(const Transform &p_from, const Vector3 &p_motion, bool p_infinite_inertia);
bool separate_raycast_shapes(bool p_infinite_inertia, Collision &r_collision);
diff --git a/servers/physics/space_sw.cpp b/servers/physics/space_sw.cpp
index e52cc376c0..8b9f210850 100644
--- a/servers/physics/space_sw.cpp
+++ b/servers/physics/space_sw.cpp
@@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ int SpaceSW::test_body_ray_separation(BodySW *p_body, const Transform &p_transfo
int ray_index = -1; //reuse shape
for (int k = 0; k < rays_found; k++) {
- if (r_results[ray_index].collision_local_shape == j) {
+ if (r_results[k].collision_local_shape == j) {
ray_index = k;