path: root/tools/pe_bliss/pe_imports.cpp
diff options
authormasoud bh <>2015-09-24 02:39:26 +0330
committermasoud bh <>2015-11-09 02:24:01 +0330
commit55b8c3ee48b690e0b801351ef0819b08b038b9d6 (patch)
tree13f568280f85e63b862540dcd069a46107161118 /tools/pe_bliss/pe_imports.cpp
parent24f3f43457ac6bdeed95c1ed0a882387a509078a (diff)
change pe_bliss parent directory from /drivers to /tools
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/pe_bliss/pe_imports.cpp')
1 files changed, 756 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/pe_bliss/pe_imports.cpp b/tools/pe_bliss/pe_imports.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..704d5fca99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pe_bliss/pe_imports.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,756 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include "pe_imports.h"
+#include "pe_properties_generic.h"
+namespace pe_bliss
+using namespace pe_win;
+//Default constructor
+//If set_to_pe_headers = true, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT entry will be reset
+//to new value after import rebuilding
+//If auto_zero_directory_entry_iat = true, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT will be set to zero
+//IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT is used by loader to temporarily make section, where IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT RVA points, writeable
+//to be able to modify IAT thunks
+import_rebuilder_settings::import_rebuilder_settings(bool set_to_pe_headers, bool auto_zero_directory_entry_iat)
+ :offset_from_section_start_(0),
+ build_original_iat_(true),
+ save_iat_and_original_iat_rvas_(true),
+ fill_missing_original_iats_(false),
+ set_to_pe_headers_(set_to_pe_headers),
+ zero_directory_entry_iat_(auto_zero_directory_entry_iat),
+ rewrite_iat_and_original_iat_contents_(false),
+ auto_strip_last_section_(true)
+//Returns offset from section start where import directory data will be placed
+uint32_t import_rebuilder_settings::get_offset_from_section_start() const
+ return offset_from_section_start_;
+//Returns true if Original import address table (IAT) will be rebuilt
+bool import_rebuilder_settings::build_original_iat() const
+ return build_original_iat_;
+//Returns true if Original import address and import address tables will not be rebuilt,
+//works only if import descriptor IAT (and orig.IAT, if present) RVAs are not zero
+bool import_rebuilder_settings::save_iat_and_original_iat_rvas() const
+ return save_iat_and_original_iat_rvas_;
+//Returns true if Original import address and import address tables contents will be rewritten
+//works only if import descriptor IAT (and orig.IAT, if present) RVAs are not zero
+//and save_iat_and_original_iat_rvas is true
+bool import_rebuilder_settings::rewrite_iat_and_original_iat_contents() const
+ return rewrite_iat_and_original_iat_contents_;
+//Returns true if original missing IATs will be rebuilt
+//(only if IATs are saved)
+bool import_rebuilder_settings::fill_missing_original_iats() const
+ return fill_missing_original_iats_;
+//Returns true if PE headers should be updated automatically after rebuilding of imports
+bool import_rebuilder_settings::auto_set_to_pe_headers() const
+ return set_to_pe_headers_;
+//Returns true if IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT must be zeroed, works only if auto_set_to_pe_headers = true
+bool import_rebuilder_settings::zero_directory_entry_iat() const
+ return zero_directory_entry_iat_;
+//Returns true if the last section should be stripped automatically, if imports are inside it
+bool import_rebuilder_settings::auto_strip_last_section_enabled() const
+ return auto_strip_last_section_;
+//Sets offset from section start where import directory data will be placed
+void import_rebuilder_settings::set_offset_from_section_start(uint32_t offset)
+ offset_from_section_start_ = offset;
+//Sets if Original import address table (IAT) will be rebuilt
+void import_rebuilder_settings::build_original_iat(bool enable)
+ build_original_iat_ = enable;
+//Sets if Original import address and import address tables will not be rebuilt,
+//works only if import descriptor IAT (and orig.IAT, if present) RVAs are not zero
+void import_rebuilder_settings::save_iat_and_original_iat_rvas(bool enable, bool enable_rewrite_iat_and_original_iat_contents)
+ save_iat_and_original_iat_rvas_ = enable;
+ if(save_iat_and_original_iat_rvas_)
+ rewrite_iat_and_original_iat_contents_ = enable_rewrite_iat_and_original_iat_contents;
+ else
+ rewrite_iat_and_original_iat_contents_ = false;
+//Sets if original missing IATs will be rebuilt
+//(only if IATs are saved)
+void import_rebuilder_settings::fill_missing_original_iats(bool enable)
+ fill_missing_original_iats_ = enable;
+//Sets if PE headers should be updated automatically after rebuilding of imports
+void import_rebuilder_settings::auto_set_to_pe_headers(bool enable)
+ set_to_pe_headers_ = enable;
+//Sets if IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT must be zeroed, works only if auto_set_to_pe_headers = true
+void import_rebuilder_settings::zero_directory_entry_iat(bool enable)
+ zero_directory_entry_iat_ = enable;
+//Sets if the last section should be stripped automatically, if imports are inside it, default true
+void import_rebuilder_settings::enable_auto_strip_last_section(bool enable)
+ auto_strip_last_section_ = enable;
+//Default constructor
+ :hint_(0), ordinal_(0), iat_va_(0)
+//Returns name of function
+const std::string& imported_function::get_name() const
+ return name_;
+//Returns true if imported function has name (and hint)
+bool imported_function::has_name() const
+ return !name_.empty();
+//Returns hint
+uint16_t imported_function::get_hint() const
+ return hint_;
+//Returns ordinal of function
+uint16_t imported_function::get_ordinal() const
+ return ordinal_;
+//Returns IAT entry VA (usable if image has both IAT and original IAT and is bound)
+uint64_t imported_function::get_iat_va() const
+ return iat_va_;
+//Sets name of function
+void imported_function::set_name(const std::string& name)
+ name_ = name;
+//Sets hint
+void imported_function::set_hint(uint16_t hint)
+ hint_ = hint;
+//Sets ordinal
+void imported_function::set_ordinal(uint16_t ordinal)
+ ordinal_ = ordinal;
+//Sets IAT entry VA (usable if image has both IAT and original IAT and is bound)
+void imported_function::set_iat_va(uint64_t va)
+ iat_va_ = va;
+//Default constructor
+ :rva_to_iat_(0), rva_to_original_iat_(0), timestamp_(0)
+//Returns name of library
+const std::string& import_library::get_name() const
+ return name_;
+//Returns RVA to Import Address Table (IAT)
+uint32_t import_library::get_rva_to_iat() const
+ return rva_to_iat_;
+//Returns RVA to Original Import Address Table (Original IAT)
+uint32_t import_library::get_rva_to_original_iat() const
+ return rva_to_original_iat_;
+//Returns timestamp
+uint32_t import_library::get_timestamp() const
+ return timestamp_;
+//Sets name of library
+void import_library::set_name(const std::string& name)
+ name_ = name;
+//Sets RVA to Import Address Table (IAT)
+void import_library::set_rva_to_iat(uint32_t rva_to_iat)
+ rva_to_iat_ = rva_to_iat;
+//Sets RVA to Original Import Address Table (Original IAT)
+void import_library::set_rva_to_original_iat(uint32_t rva_to_original_iat)
+ rva_to_original_iat_ = rva_to_original_iat;
+//Sets timestamp
+void import_library::set_timestamp(uint32_t timestamp)
+ timestamp_ = timestamp;
+//Returns imported functions list
+const import_library::imported_list& import_library::get_imported_functions() const
+ return imports_;
+//Adds imported function
+void import_library::add_import(const imported_function& func)
+ imports_.push_back(func);
+//Clears imported functions list
+void import_library::clear_imports()
+ imports_.clear();
+const imported_functions_list get_imported_functions(const pe_base& pe)
+ return (pe.get_pe_type() == pe_type_32 ?
+ get_imported_functions_base<pe_types_class_32>(pe)
+ : get_imported_functions_base<pe_types_class_64>(pe));
+const image_directory rebuild_imports(pe_base& pe, const imported_functions_list& imports, section& import_section, const import_rebuilder_settings& import_settings)
+ return (pe.get_pe_type() == pe_type_32 ?
+ rebuild_imports_base<pe_types_class_32>(pe, imports, import_section, import_settings)
+ : rebuild_imports_base<pe_types_class_64>(pe, imports, import_section, import_settings));
+//Returns imported functions list with related libraries info
+template<typename PEClassType>
+const imported_functions_list get_imported_functions_base(const pe_base& pe)
+ imported_functions_list ret;
+ //If image has no imports, return empty array
+ if(!pe.has_imports())
+ return ret;
+ unsigned long current_descriptor_pos = pe.get_directory_rva(image_directory_entry_import);
+ image_import_descriptor import_descriptor = pe.section_data_from_rva<image_import_descriptor>(current_descriptor_pos, section_data_virtual, true);
+ //Iterate them until we reach zero-element
+ //We don't need to check correctness of this, because exception will be thrown
+ //inside of loop if we go outsize of section
+ while(import_descriptor.Name)
+ {
+ //Get imported library information
+ import_library lib;
+ unsigned long max_name_length;
+ //Get byte count that we have for library name
+ if((max_name_length = pe.section_data_length_from_rva(import_descriptor.Name, import_descriptor.Name, section_data_virtual, true)) < 2)
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect import directory", pe_exception::incorrect_import_directory);
+ //Get DLL name pointer
+ const char* dll_name = pe.section_data_from_rva(import_descriptor.Name, section_data_virtual, true);
+ //Check for null-termination
+ if(!pe_utils::is_null_terminated(dll_name, max_name_length))
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect import directory", pe_exception::incorrect_import_directory);
+ //Set library name
+ lib.set_name(dll_name);
+ //Set library timestamp
+ lib.set_timestamp(import_descriptor.TimeDateStamp);
+ //Set library RVA to IAT and original IAT
+ lib.set_rva_to_iat(import_descriptor.FirstThunk);
+ lib.set_rva_to_original_iat(import_descriptor.OriginalFirstThunk);
+ //Get RVA to IAT (it must be filled by loader when loading PE)
+ uint32_t current_thunk_rva = import_descriptor.FirstThunk;
+ typename PEClassType::BaseSize import_address_table = pe.section_data_from_rva<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(current_thunk_rva, section_data_virtual, true);
+ //Get RVA to original IAT (lookup table), which must handle imported functions names
+ //Some linkers leave this pointer zero-filled
+ //Such image is valid, but it is not possible to restore imported functions names
+ //afted image was loaded, because IAT becomes the only one table
+ //containing both function names and function RVAs after loading
+ uint32_t current_original_thunk_rva = import_descriptor.OriginalFirstThunk;
+ typename PEClassType::BaseSize import_lookup_table = current_original_thunk_rva == 0 ? import_address_table : pe.section_data_from_rva<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(current_original_thunk_rva, section_data_virtual, true);
+ if(current_original_thunk_rva == 0)
+ current_original_thunk_rva = current_thunk_rva;
+ //List all imported functions for current DLL
+ if(import_lookup_table != 0 && import_address_table != 0)
+ {
+ while(true)
+ {
+ //Imported function description
+ imported_function func;
+ //Get VA from IAT
+ typename PEClassType::BaseSize address = pe.section_data_from_rva<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(current_thunk_rva, section_data_virtual, true);
+ //Move pointer
+ current_thunk_rva += sizeof(typename PEClassType::BaseSize);
+ //Jump to next DLL if we finished with this one
+ if(!address)
+ break;
+ func.set_iat_va(address);
+ //Get VA from original IAT
+ typename PEClassType::BaseSize lookup = pe.section_data_from_rva<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(current_original_thunk_rva, section_data_virtual, true);
+ //Move pointer
+ current_original_thunk_rva += sizeof(typename PEClassType::BaseSize);
+ //Check if function is imported by ordinal
+ if((lookup & PEClassType::ImportSnapFlag) != 0)
+ {
+ //Set function ordinal
+ func.set_ordinal(static_cast<uint16_t>(lookup & 0xffff));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Get byte count that we have for function name
+ if(lookup > static_cast<uint32_t>(-1) - sizeof(uint16_t))
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect import directory", pe_exception::incorrect_import_directory);
+ //Get maximum available length of function name
+ if((max_name_length = pe.section_data_length_from_rva(static_cast<uint32_t>(lookup + sizeof(uint16_t)), static_cast<uint32_t>(lookup + sizeof(uint16_t)), section_data_virtual, true)) < 2)
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect import directory", pe_exception::incorrect_import_directory);
+ //Get imported function name
+ const char* func_name = pe.section_data_from_rva(static_cast<uint32_t>(lookup + sizeof(uint16_t)), section_data_virtual, true);
+ //Check for null-termination
+ if(!pe_utils::is_null_terminated(func_name, max_name_length))
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect import directory", pe_exception::incorrect_import_directory);
+ //HINT in import table is ORDINAL in export table
+ uint16_t hint = pe.section_data_from_rva<uint16_t>(static_cast<uint32_t>(lookup), section_data_virtual, true);
+ //Save hint and name
+ func.set_name(func_name);
+ func.set_hint(hint);
+ }
+ //Add function to list
+ lib.add_import(func);
+ }
+ }
+ //Check possible overflow
+ if(!pe_utils::is_sum_safe(current_descriptor_pos, sizeof(image_import_descriptor)))
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect import directory", pe_exception::incorrect_import_directory);
+ //Go to next library
+ current_descriptor_pos += sizeof(image_import_descriptor);
+ import_descriptor = pe.section_data_from_rva<image_import_descriptor>(current_descriptor_pos, section_data_virtual, true);
+ //Save import information
+ ret.push_back(lib);
+ }
+ //Return resulting list
+ return ret;
+//Simple import directory rebuilder
+//You can get all image imports with get_imported_functions() function
+//You can use returned value to, for example, add new imported library with some functions
+//to the end of list of imported libraries
+//To keep PE file working, rebuild its imports with save_iat_and_original_iat_rvas = true (default)
+//Don't add new imported functions to existing imported library entries, because this can cause
+//rewriting of some used memory (or other IAT/orig.IAT fields) by system loader
+//The safest way is just adding import libraries with functions to the end of imported_functions_list array
+template<typename PEClassType>
+const image_directory rebuild_imports_base(pe_base& pe, const imported_functions_list& imports, section& import_section, const import_rebuilder_settings& import_settings)
+ //Check that import_section is attached to this PE image
+ if(!pe.section_attached(import_section))
+ throw pe_exception("Import section must be attached to PE file", pe_exception::section_is_not_attached);
+ uint32_t needed_size = 0; //Calculate needed size for import structures and strings
+ uint32_t needed_size_for_strings = 0; //Calculate needed size for import strings (library and function names and hints)
+ uint32_t size_of_iat = 0; //Size of IAT structures
+ needed_size += static_cast<uint32_t>((1 /* ending null descriptor */ + imports.size()) * sizeof(image_import_descriptor));
+ //Enumerate imported functions
+ for(imported_functions_list::const_iterator it = imports.begin(); it != imports.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ needed_size_for_strings += static_cast<uint32_t>((*it).get_name().length() + 1 /* nullbyte */);
+ const import_library::imported_list& funcs = (*it).get_imported_functions();
+ size_of_iat += static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(typename PEClassType::BaseSize) * (1 /*ending null */ + funcs.size()));
+ //Enumerate all imported functions in library
+ for(import_library::imported_list::const_iterator f = funcs.begin(); f != funcs.end(); ++f)
+ {
+ if((*f).has_name())
+ needed_size_for_strings += static_cast<uint32_t>((*f).get_name().length() + 1 /* nullbyte */ + sizeof(uint16_t) /* hint */);
+ }
+ }
+ if(import_settings.build_original_iat() || import_settings.fill_missing_original_iats())
+ needed_size += size_of_iat * 2; //We'll have two similar-sized IATs if we're building original IAT
+ else
+ needed_size += size_of_iat;
+ needed_size += sizeof(typename PEClassType::BaseSize); //Maximum align for IAT and original IAT
+ //Total needed size for import structures and strings
+ needed_size += needed_size_for_strings;
+ //Check if import_section is last one. If it's not, check if there's enough place for import data
+ if(&import_section != &*(pe.get_image_sections().end() - 1) &&
+ (import_section.empty() || pe_utils::align_up(import_section.get_size_of_raw_data(), pe.get_file_alignment()) < needed_size + import_settings.get_offset_from_section_start()))
+ throw pe_exception("Insufficient space for import directory", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
+ std::string& raw_data = import_section.get_raw_data();
+ //This will be done only if image_section is the last section of image or for section with unaligned raw length of data
+ if(raw_data.length() < needed_size + import_settings.get_offset_from_section_start())
+ raw_data.resize(needed_size + import_settings.get_offset_from_section_start()); //Expand section raw data
+ uint32_t current_string_pointer = import_settings.get_offset_from_section_start();/* we will paste structures after strings */
+ //Position for IAT
+ uint32_t current_pos_for_iat = pe_utils::align_up(static_cast<uint32_t>(needed_size_for_strings + import_settings.get_offset_from_section_start() + (1 + imports.size()) * sizeof(image_import_descriptor)), sizeof(typename PEClassType::BaseSize));
+ //Position for original IAT
+ uint32_t current_pos_for_original_iat = current_pos_for_iat + size_of_iat;
+ //Position for import descriptors
+ uint32_t current_pos_for_descriptors = needed_size_for_strings + import_settings.get_offset_from_section_start();
+ //Build imports
+ for(imported_functions_list::const_iterator it = imports.begin(); it != imports.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ //Create import descriptor
+ image_import_descriptor descr;
+ memset(&descr, 0, sizeof(descr));
+ descr.TimeDateStamp = (*it).get_timestamp(); //Restore timestamp
+ descr.Name = pe.rva_from_section_offset(import_section, current_string_pointer); //Library name RVA
+ //If we should save IAT for current import descriptor
+ bool save_iats_for_this_descriptor = import_settings.save_iat_and_original_iat_rvas() && (*it).get_rva_to_iat() != 0;
+ //If we should write original IAT
+ bool write_original_iat = (!save_iats_for_this_descriptor && import_settings.build_original_iat()) || import_settings.fill_missing_original_iats();
+ //If we should rewrite saved original IAT for current import descriptor (without changing its position)
+ bool rewrite_saved_original_iat = save_iats_for_this_descriptor && import_settings.rewrite_iat_and_original_iat_contents() && import_settings.build_original_iat();
+ //If we should rewrite saved IAT for current import descriptor (without changing its position)
+ bool rewrite_saved_iat = save_iats_for_this_descriptor && import_settings.rewrite_iat_and_original_iat_contents() && (*it).get_rva_to_iat() != 0;
+ //Helper values if we're rewriting existing IAT or orig.IAT
+ uint32_t original_first_thunk = 0;
+ uint32_t first_thunk = 0;
+ if(save_iats_for_this_descriptor)
+ {
+ //If there's no original IAT and we're asked to rebuild missing original IATs
+ if(!(*it).get_rva_to_original_iat() && import_settings.fill_missing_original_iats())
+ descr.OriginalFirstThunk = import_settings.build_original_iat() ? pe.rva_from_section_offset(import_section, current_pos_for_original_iat) : 0;
+ else
+ descr.OriginalFirstThunk = import_settings.build_original_iat() ? (*it).get_rva_to_original_iat() : 0;
+ descr.FirstThunk = (*it).get_rva_to_iat();
+ original_first_thunk = descr.OriginalFirstThunk;
+ first_thunk = descr.FirstThunk;
+ if(rewrite_saved_original_iat)
+ {
+ if((*it).get_rva_to_original_iat())
+ write_original_iat = true;
+ else
+ rewrite_saved_original_iat = false;
+ }
+ if(rewrite_saved_iat)
+ save_iats_for_this_descriptor = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //We are creating new IAT and original IAT (if needed)
+ descr.OriginalFirstThunk = import_settings.build_original_iat() ? pe.rva_from_section_offset(import_section, current_pos_for_original_iat) : 0;
+ descr.FirstThunk = pe.rva_from_section_offset(import_section, current_pos_for_iat);
+ }
+ //Save import descriptor
+ memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_for_descriptors], &descr, sizeof(descr));
+ current_pos_for_descriptors += sizeof(descr);
+ //Save library name
+ memcpy(&raw_data[current_string_pointer], (*it).get_name().c_str(), (*it).get_name().length() + 1 /* nullbyte */);
+ current_string_pointer += static_cast<uint32_t>((*it).get_name().length() + 1 /* nullbyte */);
+ //List all imported functions
+ const import_library::imported_list& funcs = (*it).get_imported_functions();
+ for(import_library::imported_list::const_iterator f = funcs.begin(); f != funcs.end(); ++f)
+ {
+ if((*f).has_name()) //If function is imported by name
+ {
+ typename PEClassType::BaseSize rva_of_named_import = pe.rva_from_section_offset(import_section, current_string_pointer);
+ if(!save_iats_for_this_descriptor)
+ {
+ if(write_original_iat)
+ {
+ //We're creating original IATs - so we can write to IAT saved VA (because IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME will be read
+ //by PE loader from original IAT)
+ typename PEClassType::BaseSize iat_value = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>((*f).get_iat_va());
+ if(rewrite_saved_iat)
+ {
+ if(pe.section_data_length_from_rva(first_thunk, first_thunk, section_data_raw, true) <= sizeof(iat_value))
+ throw pe_exception("Insufficient space inside initial IAT", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
+ memcpy(pe.section_data_from_rva(first_thunk, true), &iat_value, sizeof(iat_value));
+ first_thunk += sizeof(iat_value);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_for_iat], &iat_value, sizeof(iat_value));
+ current_pos_for_iat += sizeof(rva_of_named_import);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Else - write to IAT RVA of IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME
+ if(rewrite_saved_iat)
+ {
+ if(pe.section_data_length_from_rva(first_thunk, first_thunk, section_data_raw, true) <= sizeof(rva_of_named_import))
+ throw pe_exception("Insufficient space inside initial IAT", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
+ memcpy(pe.section_data_from_rva(first_thunk, true), &rva_of_named_import, sizeof(rva_of_named_import));
+ first_thunk += sizeof(rva_of_named_import);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_for_iat], &rva_of_named_import, sizeof(rva_of_named_import));
+ current_pos_for_iat += sizeof(rva_of_named_import);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(write_original_iat)
+ {
+ if(rewrite_saved_original_iat)
+ {
+ if(pe.section_data_length_from_rva(original_first_thunk, original_first_thunk, section_data_raw, true) <= sizeof(rva_of_named_import))
+ throw pe_exception("Insufficient space inside initial original IAT", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
+ memcpy(pe.section_data_from_rva(original_first_thunk, true), &rva_of_named_import, sizeof(rva_of_named_import));
+ original_first_thunk += sizeof(rva_of_named_import);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //We're creating original IATs
+ memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_for_original_iat], &rva_of_named_import, sizeof(rva_of_named_import));
+ current_pos_for_original_iat += sizeof(rva_of_named_import);
+ }
+ }
+ //Write IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME (WORD hint + string function name)
+ uint16_t hint = (*f).get_hint();
+ memcpy(&raw_data[current_string_pointer], &hint, sizeof(hint));
+ memcpy(&raw_data[current_string_pointer + sizeof(uint16_t)], (*f).get_name().c_str(), (*f).get_name().length() + 1 /* nullbyte */);
+ current_string_pointer += static_cast<uint32_t>((*f).get_name().length() + 1 /* nullbyte */ + sizeof(uint16_t) /* hint */);
+ }
+ else //Function is imported by ordinal
+ {
+ uint16_t ordinal = (*f).get_ordinal();
+ typename PEClassType::BaseSize thunk_value = ordinal;
+ thunk_value |= PEClassType::ImportSnapFlag; //Imported by ordinal
+ if(!save_iats_for_this_descriptor)
+ {
+ if(write_original_iat)
+ {
+ //We're creating original IATs - so we can wtire to IAT saved VA (because ordinal will be read
+ //by PE loader from original IAT)
+ typename PEClassType::BaseSize iat_value = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>((*f).get_iat_va());
+ if(rewrite_saved_iat)
+ {
+ if(pe.section_data_length_from_rva(first_thunk, first_thunk, section_data_raw, true) <= sizeof(iat_value))
+ throw pe_exception("Insufficient space inside initial IAT", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
+ memcpy(pe.section_data_from_rva(first_thunk, true), &iat_value, sizeof(iat_value));
+ first_thunk += sizeof(iat_value);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_for_iat], &iat_value, sizeof(iat_value));
+ current_pos_for_iat += sizeof(thunk_value);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Else - write ordinal to IAT
+ if(rewrite_saved_iat)
+ {
+ if(pe.section_data_length_from_rva(first_thunk, first_thunk, section_data_raw, true) <= sizeof(thunk_value))
+ throw pe_exception("Insufficient space inside initial IAT", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
+ memcpy(pe.section_data_from_rva(first_thunk, true), &thunk_value, sizeof(thunk_value));
+ first_thunk += sizeof(thunk_value);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_for_iat], &thunk_value, sizeof(thunk_value));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //We're writing ordinal to original IAT slot
+ if(write_original_iat)
+ {
+ if(rewrite_saved_original_iat)
+ {
+ if(pe.section_data_length_from_rva(original_first_thunk, original_first_thunk, section_data_raw, true) <= sizeof(thunk_value))
+ throw pe_exception("Insufficient space inside initial original IAT", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
+ memcpy(pe.section_data_from_rva(original_first_thunk, true), &thunk_value, sizeof(thunk_value));
+ original_first_thunk += sizeof(thunk_value);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_for_original_iat], &thunk_value, sizeof(thunk_value));
+ current_pos_for_original_iat += sizeof(thunk_value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!save_iats_for_this_descriptor)
+ {
+ //Ending null thunks
+ typename PEClassType::BaseSize thunk_value = 0;
+ if(rewrite_saved_iat)
+ {
+ if(pe.section_data_length_from_rva(first_thunk, first_thunk, section_data_raw, true) <= sizeof(thunk_value))
+ throw pe_exception("Insufficient space inside initial IAT", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
+ memcpy(pe.section_data_from_rva(first_thunk, true), &thunk_value, sizeof(thunk_value));
+ first_thunk += sizeof(thunk_value);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_for_iat], &thunk_value, sizeof(thunk_value));
+ current_pos_for_iat += sizeof(thunk_value);
+ }
+ }
+ if(write_original_iat)
+ {
+ //Ending null thunks
+ typename PEClassType::BaseSize thunk_value = 0;
+ if(rewrite_saved_original_iat)
+ {
+ if(pe.section_data_length_from_rva(original_first_thunk, original_first_thunk, section_data_raw, true) <= sizeof(thunk_value))
+ throw pe_exception("Insufficient space inside initial original IAT", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
+ memcpy(pe.section_data_from_rva(original_first_thunk, true), &thunk_value, sizeof(thunk_value));
+ original_first_thunk += sizeof(thunk_value);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_for_original_iat], &thunk_value, sizeof(thunk_value));
+ current_pos_for_original_iat += sizeof(thunk_value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ //Null ending descriptor
+ image_import_descriptor descr;
+ memset(&descr, 0, sizeof(descr));
+ memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_for_descriptors], &descr, sizeof(descr));
+ }
+ //Strip data a little, if we saved some place
+ //We're allocating more space than needed, if present original IAT and IAT are saved
+ raw_data.resize(current_pos_for_original_iat);
+ //Adjust section raw and virtual sizes
+ pe.recalculate_section_sizes(import_section, import_settings.auto_strip_last_section_enabled());
+ //Return information about rebuilt import directory
+ image_directory ret(pe.rva_from_section_offset(import_section, import_settings.get_offset_from_section_start() + needed_size_for_strings), needed_size - needed_size_for_strings);
+ //If auto-rewrite of PE headers is required
+ if(import_settings.auto_set_to_pe_headers())
+ {
+ pe.set_directory_rva(image_directory_entry_import, ret.get_rva());
+ pe.set_directory_size(image_directory_entry_import, ret.get_size());
+ //If we are requested to zero IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT also
+ if(import_settings.zero_directory_entry_iat())
+ {
+ pe.set_directory_rva(image_directory_entry_iat, 0);
+ pe.set_directory_size(image_directory_entry_iat, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;