path: root/tools/pe_bliss/pe_debug.cpp
diff options
authormasoud bh <>2015-09-24 02:39:26 +0330
committermasoud bh <>2015-11-09 02:24:01 +0330
commit55b8c3ee48b690e0b801351ef0819b08b038b9d6 (patch)
tree13f568280f85e63b862540dcd069a46107161118 /tools/pe_bliss/pe_debug.cpp
parent24f3f43457ac6bdeed95c1ed0a882387a509078a (diff)
change pe_bliss parent directory from /drivers to /tools
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/pe_bliss/pe_debug.cpp')
1 files changed, 844 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/pe_bliss/pe_debug.cpp b/tools/pe_bliss/pe_debug.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f077f29fb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pe_bliss/pe_debug.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,844 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include "pe_debug.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+namespace pe_bliss
+using namespace pe_win;
+//Default constructor
+ :characteristics_(0),
+ time_stamp_(0),
+ major_version_(0), minor_version_(0),
+ type_(0),
+ size_of_data_(0),
+ address_of_raw_data_(0),
+ pointer_to_raw_data_(0),
+ advanced_info_type_(advanced_info_none)
+//Constructor from data
+debug_info::debug_info(const image_debug_directory& debug)
+ :characteristics_(debug.Characteristics),
+ time_stamp_(debug.TimeDateStamp),
+ major_version_(debug.MajorVersion), minor_version_(debug.MinorVersion),
+ type_(debug.Type),
+ size_of_data_(debug.SizeOfData),
+ address_of_raw_data_(debug.AddressOfRawData),
+ pointer_to_raw_data_(debug.PointerToRawData),
+ advanced_info_type_(advanced_info_none)
+//Returns debug characteristics
+uint32_t debug_info::get_characteristics() const
+ return characteristics_;
+//Returns debug datetimestamp
+uint32_t debug_info::get_time_stamp() const
+ return time_stamp_;
+//Returns major version
+uint32_t debug_info::get_major_version() const
+ return major_version_;
+//Returns minor version
+uint32_t debug_info::get_minor_version() const
+ return minor_version_;
+//Returns type of debug info (unchecked)
+uint32_t debug_info::get_type_raw() const
+ return type_;
+//Returns type of debug info from debug_info_type enumeration
+debug_info::debug_info_type debug_info::get_type() const
+ //Determine debug type
+ switch(type_)
+ {
+ case image_debug_type_coff:
+ return debug_type_coff;
+ case image_debug_type_codeview:
+ return debug_type_codeview;
+ case image_debug_type_fpo:
+ return debug_type_fpo;
+ case image_debug_type_misc:
+ return debug_type_misc;
+ case image_debug_type_exception:
+ return debug_type_exception;
+ case image_debug_type_fixup:
+ return debug_type_fixup;
+ case image_debug_type_omap_to_src:
+ return debug_type_omap_to_src;
+ case image_debug_type_omap_from_src:
+ return debug_type_omap_from_src;
+ case image_debug_type_borland:
+ return debug_type_borland;
+ case image_debug_type_clsid:
+ return debug_type_clsid;
+ case image_debug_type_reserved10:
+ return debug_type_reserved10;
+ }
+ return debug_type_unknown;
+//Returns size of debug data (internal, .pdb or other file doesn't count)
+uint32_t debug_info::get_size_of_data() const
+ return size_of_data_;
+//Returns RVA of debug info when mapped to memory or zero, if info is not mapped
+uint32_t debug_info::get_rva_of_raw_data() const
+ return address_of_raw_data_;
+//Returns raw file pointer to raw data
+uint32_t debug_info::get_pointer_to_raw_data() const
+ return pointer_to_raw_data_;
+//Copy constructor
+debug_info::debug_info(const debug_info& info)
+ :characteristics_(info.characteristics_),
+ time_stamp_(info.time_stamp_),
+ major_version_(info.major_version_), minor_version_(info.minor_version_),
+ type_(info.type_),
+ size_of_data_(info.size_of_data_),
+ address_of_raw_data_(info.address_of_raw_data_),
+ pointer_to_raw_data_(info.pointer_to_raw_data_),
+ advanced_info_type_(info.advanced_info_type_)
+ copy_advanced_info(info);
+//Copy assignment operator
+debug_info& debug_info::operator=(const debug_info& info)
+ copy_advanced_info(info);
+ characteristics_ = info.characteristics_;
+ time_stamp_ = info.time_stamp_;
+ major_version_ = info.major_version_;
+ minor_version_ = info.minor_version_;
+ type_ = info.type_;
+ size_of_data_ = info.size_of_data_;
+ address_of_raw_data_ = info.address_of_raw_data_;
+ pointer_to_raw_data_ = info.pointer_to_raw_data_;
+ advanced_info_type_ = info.advanced_info_type_;
+ return *this;
+//Default constructor
+ :adv_pdb_7_0_info(0) //Zero pointer to advanced data
+//Returns true if advanced debug info is present
+bool debug_info::advanced_info::is_present() const
+ return adv_pdb_7_0_info != 0;
+//Helper for advanced debug information copying
+void debug_info::copy_advanced_info(const debug_info& info)
+ free_present_advanced_info();
+ switch(info.advanced_info_type_)
+ {
+ case advanced_info_pdb_7_0:
+ advanced_debug_info_.adv_pdb_7_0_info = new pdb_7_0_info(*info.advanced_debug_info_.adv_pdb_7_0_info);
+ break;
+ case advanced_info_pdb_2_0:
+ advanced_debug_info_.adv_pdb_2_0_info = new pdb_2_0_info(*info.advanced_debug_info_.adv_pdb_2_0_info);
+ break;
+ case advanced_info_misc:
+ advanced_debug_info_.adv_misc_info = new misc_debug_info(*info.advanced_debug_info_.adv_misc_info);
+ break;
+ case advanced_info_coff:
+ advanced_debug_info_.adv_coff_info = new coff_debug_info(*info.advanced_debug_info_.adv_coff_info);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ advanced_info_type_ = info.advanced_info_type_;
+//Helper for clearing any present advanced debug information
+void debug_info::free_present_advanced_info()
+ switch(advanced_info_type_)
+ {
+ case advanced_info_pdb_7_0:
+ delete advanced_debug_info_.adv_pdb_7_0_info;
+ break;
+ case advanced_info_pdb_2_0:
+ delete advanced_debug_info_.adv_pdb_2_0_info;
+ break;
+ case advanced_info_misc:
+ delete advanced_debug_info_.adv_misc_info;
+ break;
+ case advanced_info_coff:
+ delete advanced_debug_info_.adv_coff_info;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ advanced_debug_info_.adv_pdb_7_0_info = 0;
+ advanced_info_type_ = advanced_info_none;
+ free_present_advanced_info();
+//Sets advanced debug information
+void debug_info::set_advanced_debug_info(const pdb_7_0_info& info)
+ free_present_advanced_info();
+ advanced_debug_info_.adv_pdb_7_0_info = new pdb_7_0_info(info);
+ advanced_info_type_ = advanced_info_pdb_7_0;
+void debug_info::set_advanced_debug_info(const pdb_2_0_info& info)
+ free_present_advanced_info();
+ advanced_debug_info_.adv_pdb_2_0_info = new pdb_2_0_info(info);
+ advanced_info_type_ = advanced_info_pdb_2_0;
+void debug_info::set_advanced_debug_info(const misc_debug_info& info)
+ free_present_advanced_info();
+ advanced_debug_info_.adv_misc_info = new misc_debug_info(info);
+ advanced_info_type_ = advanced_info_misc;
+void debug_info::set_advanced_debug_info(const coff_debug_info& info)
+ free_present_advanced_info();
+ advanced_debug_info_.adv_coff_info = new coff_debug_info(info);
+ advanced_info_type_ = advanced_info_coff;
+//Returns advanced debug information type
+debug_info::advanced_info_type debug_info::get_advanced_info_type() const
+ return advanced_info_type_;
+//Returns advanced debug information or throws an exception,
+//if requested information type is not contained by structure
+const pdb_7_0_info debug_info::get_advanced_debug_info<pdb_7_0_info>() const
+ if(advanced_info_type_ != advanced_info_pdb_7_0)
+ throw pe_exception("Debug info structure does not contain PDB 7.0 data", pe_exception::advanced_debug_information_request_error);
+ return *advanced_debug_info_.adv_pdb_7_0_info;
+const pdb_2_0_info debug_info::get_advanced_debug_info<pdb_2_0_info>() const
+ if(advanced_info_type_ != advanced_info_pdb_2_0)
+ throw pe_exception("Debug info structure does not contain PDB 2.0 data", pe_exception::advanced_debug_information_request_error);
+ return *advanced_debug_info_.adv_pdb_2_0_info;
+const misc_debug_info debug_info::get_advanced_debug_info<misc_debug_info>() const
+ if(advanced_info_type_ != advanced_info_misc)
+ throw pe_exception("Debug info structure does not contain MISC data", pe_exception::advanced_debug_information_request_error);
+ return *advanced_debug_info_.adv_misc_info;
+const coff_debug_info debug_info::get_advanced_debug_info<coff_debug_info>() const
+ if(advanced_info_type_ != advanced_info_coff)
+ throw pe_exception("Debug info structure does not contain COFF data", pe_exception::advanced_debug_information_request_error);
+ return *advanced_debug_info_.adv_coff_info;
+//Sets advanced debug information type, if no advanced info structure available
+void debug_info::set_advanced_info_type(advanced_info_type type)
+ free_present_advanced_info();
+ if(advanced_info_type_ >= advanced_info_codeview_4_0) //Don't set info type for those types, which have advanced info structures
+ advanced_info_type_ = type;
+//Default constructor
+ :age_(0)
+ memset(&guid_, 0, sizeof(guid_));
+//Constructor from data
+pdb_7_0_info::pdb_7_0_info(const CV_INFO_PDB70* info)
+ :age_(info->Age), guid_(info->Signature),
+ pdb_file_name_(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(info->PdbFileName)) //Must be checked before for null-termination
+//Returns debug PDB 7.0 structure GUID
+const guid pdb_7_0_info::get_guid() const
+ return guid_;
+//Returns age of build
+uint32_t pdb_7_0_info::get_age() const
+ return age_;
+//Returns PDB file name / path
+const std::string& pdb_7_0_info::get_pdb_file_name() const
+ return pdb_file_name_;
+//Default constructor
+ :age_(0), signature_(0)
+//Constructor from data
+pdb_2_0_info::pdb_2_0_info(const CV_INFO_PDB20* info)
+ :age_(info->Age), signature_(info->Signature),
+ pdb_file_name_(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(info->PdbFileName)) //Must be checked before for null-termination
+//Returns debug PDB 2.0 structure signature
+uint32_t pdb_2_0_info::get_signature() const
+ return signature_;
+//Returns age of build
+uint32_t pdb_2_0_info::get_age() const
+ return age_;
+//Returns PDB file name / path
+const std::string& pdb_2_0_info::get_pdb_file_name() const
+ return pdb_file_name_;
+//Default constructor
+ :data_type_(0), unicode_(false)
+//Constructor from data
+misc_debug_info::misc_debug_info(const image_debug_misc* info)
+ :data_type_(info->DataType), unicode_(info->Unicode ? true : false)
+ //IMAGE_DEBUG_MISC::Data must be checked before!
+ if(info->Unicode)
+ {
+ debug_data_unicode_ = std::wstring(reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>(info->Data), (info->Length - sizeof(image_debug_misc) + 1 /* BYTE[1] in the end of structure */) / 2);
+ debug_data_unicode_ = pe_utils::from_ucs2(u16string(reinterpret_cast<const unicode16_t*>(info->Data), (info->Length - sizeof(image_debug_misc) + 1 /* BYTE[1] in the end of structure */) / 2));
+ pe_utils::strip_nullbytes(debug_data_unicode_); //Strip nullbytes in the end of string
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ debug_data_ansi_ = std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(info->Data), info->Length - sizeof(image_debug_misc) + 1 /* BYTE[1] in the end of structure */);
+ pe_utils::strip_nullbytes(debug_data_ansi_); //Strip nullbytes in the end of string
+ }
+//Returns debug data type
+uint32_t misc_debug_info::get_data_type() const
+ return data_type_;
+//Returns true if data type is exe name
+bool misc_debug_info::is_exe_name() const
+ return data_type_ == image_debug_misc_exename;
+//Returns true if debug data is UNICODE
+bool misc_debug_info::is_unicode() const
+ return unicode_;
+//Returns debug data (ANSI)
+const std::string& misc_debug_info::get_data_ansi() const
+ return debug_data_ansi_;
+//Returns debug data (UNICODE)
+const std::wstring& misc_debug_info::get_data_unicode() const
+ return debug_data_unicode_;
+//Default constructor
+ :number_of_symbols_(0),
+ lva_to_first_symbol_(0),
+ number_of_line_numbers_(0),
+ lva_to_first_line_number_(0),
+ rva_to_first_byte_of_code_(0),
+ rva_to_last_byte_of_code_(0),
+ rva_to_first_byte_of_data_(0),
+ rva_to_last_byte_of_data_(0)
+//Constructor from data
+coff_debug_info::coff_debug_info(const image_coff_symbols_header* info)
+ :number_of_symbols_(info->NumberOfSymbols),
+ lva_to_first_symbol_(info->LvaToFirstSymbol),
+ number_of_line_numbers_(info->NumberOfLinenumbers),
+ lva_to_first_line_number_(info->LvaToFirstLinenumber),
+ rva_to_first_byte_of_code_(info->RvaToFirstByteOfCode),
+ rva_to_last_byte_of_code_(info->RvaToLastByteOfCode),
+ rva_to_first_byte_of_data_(info->RvaToFirstByteOfData),
+ rva_to_last_byte_of_data_(info->RvaToLastByteOfData)
+//Returns number of symbols
+uint32_t coff_debug_info::get_number_of_symbols() const
+ return number_of_symbols_;
+//Returns virtual address of the first symbol
+uint32_t coff_debug_info::get_lva_to_first_symbol() const
+ return lva_to_first_symbol_;
+//Returns number of line-number entries
+uint32_t coff_debug_info::get_number_of_line_numbers() const
+ return number_of_line_numbers_;
+//Returns virtual address of the first line-number entry
+uint32_t coff_debug_info::get_lva_to_first_line_number() const
+ return lva_to_first_line_number_;
+//Returns relative virtual address of the first byte of code
+uint32_t coff_debug_info::get_rva_to_first_byte_of_code() const
+ return rva_to_first_byte_of_code_;
+//Returns relative virtual address of the last byte of code
+uint32_t coff_debug_info::get_rva_to_last_byte_of_code() const
+ return rva_to_last_byte_of_code_;
+//Returns relative virtual address of the first byte of data
+uint32_t coff_debug_info::get_rva_to_first_byte_of_data() const
+ return rva_to_first_byte_of_data_;
+//Returns relative virtual address of the last byte of data
+uint32_t coff_debug_info::get_rva_to_last_byte_of_data() const
+ return rva_to_last_byte_of_data_;
+//Returns COFF symbols list
+const coff_debug_info::coff_symbols_list& coff_debug_info::get_symbols() const
+ return symbols_;
+//Adds COFF symbol
+void coff_debug_info::add_symbol(const coff_symbol& sym)
+ symbols_.push_back(sym);
+//Default constructor
+ :storage_class_(0),
+ index_(0),
+ section_number_(0), rva_(0),
+ type_(0),
+ is_filename_(false)
+//Returns storage class
+uint32_t coff_debug_info::coff_symbol::get_storage_class() const
+ return storage_class_;
+//Returns symbol index
+uint32_t coff_debug_info::coff_symbol::get_index() const
+ return index_;
+//Returns section number
+uint32_t coff_debug_info::coff_symbol::get_section_number() const
+ return section_number_;
+//Returns RVA
+uint32_t coff_debug_info::coff_symbol::get_rva() const
+ return rva_;
+//Returns true if structure contains file name
+bool coff_debug_info::coff_symbol::is_file() const
+ return is_filename_;
+//Returns text data (symbol or file name)
+const std::string& coff_debug_info::coff_symbol::get_symbol() const
+ return name_;
+//Sets storage class
+void coff_debug_info::coff_symbol::set_storage_class(uint32_t storage_class)
+ storage_class_ = storage_class;
+//Sets symbol index
+void coff_debug_info::coff_symbol::set_index(uint32_t index)
+ index_ = index;
+//Sets section number
+void coff_debug_info::coff_symbol::set_section_number(uint32_t section_number)
+ section_number_ = section_number;
+//Sets RVA
+void coff_debug_info::coff_symbol::set_rva(uint32_t rva)
+ rva_ = rva;
+//Sets file name
+void coff_debug_info::coff_symbol::set_file_name(const std::string& file_name)
+ name_ = file_name;
+ is_filename_ = true;
+//Sets symbol name
+void coff_debug_info::coff_symbol::set_symbol_name(const std::string& symbol_name)
+ name_ = symbol_name;
+ is_filename_ = false;
+//Returns type
+uint16_t coff_debug_info::coff_symbol::get_type() const
+ return type_;
+//Sets type
+void coff_debug_info::coff_symbol::set_type(uint16_t type)
+ type_ = type;
+//Returns debug information list
+const debug_info_list get_debug_information(const pe_base& pe)
+ debug_info_list ret;
+ //If there's no debug directory, return empty list
+ if(!pe.has_debug())
+ return ret;
+ //Check the length in bytes of the section containing debug directory
+ if(pe.section_data_length_from_rva(pe.get_directory_rva(image_directory_entry_debug), pe.get_directory_rva(image_directory_entry_debug), section_data_virtual, true)
+ < sizeof(image_debug_directory))
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect debug directory", pe_exception::incorrect_debug_directory);
+ unsigned long current_pos = pe.get_directory_rva(image_directory_entry_debug);
+ image_debug_directory directory = pe.section_data_from_rva<image_debug_directory>(current_pos, section_data_virtual, true);
+ if(!pe_utils::is_sum_safe(pe.get_directory_rva(image_directory_entry_debug), pe.get_directory_size(image_directory_entry_debug)))
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect debug directory", pe_exception::incorrect_debug_directory);
+ //Iterate over all IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY directories
+ while(directory.PointerToRawData
+ && current_pos < pe.get_directory_rva(image_directory_entry_debug) + pe.get_directory_size(image_directory_entry_debug))
+ {
+ //Create debug information structure
+ debug_info info(directory);
+ //Find raw debug data
+ const pe_base::debug_data_list& debug_datas = pe.get_raw_debug_data_list();
+ pe_base::debug_data_list::const_iterator it = debug_datas.find(directory.PointerToRawData);
+ if(it != debug_datas.end()) //If it exists, we'll do some detailed debug info research
+ {
+ const std::string& debug_data = (*it).second;
+ switch(directory.Type)
+ {
+ case image_debug_type_coff:
+ {
+ //Check data length
+ if(debug_data.length() < sizeof(image_coff_symbols_header))
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect debug directory", pe_exception::incorrect_debug_directory);
+ //Get coff header structure pointer
+ const image_coff_symbols_header* coff = reinterpret_cast<const image_coff_symbols_header*>(;
+ //Check possible overflows
+ if(coff->NumberOfSymbols >= pe_utils::max_dword / sizeof(image_symbol)
+ || !pe_utils::is_sum_safe(coff->NumberOfSymbols * sizeof(image_symbol), coff->LvaToFirstSymbol))
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect debug directory", pe_exception::incorrect_debug_directory);
+ //Check data length again
+ if(debug_data.length() < coff->NumberOfSymbols * sizeof(image_symbol) + coff->LvaToFirstSymbol)
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect debug directory", pe_exception::incorrect_debug_directory);
+ //Create COFF debug info structure
+ coff_debug_info coff_info(coff);
+ //Enumerate debug symbols data
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < coff->NumberOfSymbols; ++i)
+ {
+ //Safe sum (checked above)
+ const image_symbol* sym = reinterpret_cast<const image_symbol*>( + i * sizeof(image_symbol) + coff->LvaToFirstSymbol);
+ coff_debug_info::coff_symbol symbol;
+ symbol.set_index(i); //Save symbol index
+ symbol.set_storage_class(sym->StorageClass); //Save storage class
+ symbol.set_type(sym->Type); //Save storage class
+ //Check data length again
+ if(!pe_utils::is_sum_safe(i, sym->NumberOfAuxSymbols)
+ || (i + sym->NumberOfAuxSymbols) > coff->NumberOfSymbols
+ || debug_data.length() < (i + 1) * sizeof(image_symbol) + coff->LvaToFirstSymbol + sym->NumberOfAuxSymbols * sizeof(image_symbol))
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect debug directory", pe_exception::incorrect_debug_directory);
+ //If symbol is filename
+ if(sym->StorageClass == image_sym_class_file)
+ {
+ //Save file name, it is situated just after this IMAGE_SYMBOL structure
+ std::string file_name(reinterpret_cast<const char*>( + (i + 1) * sizeof(image_symbol)), sym->NumberOfAuxSymbols * sizeof(image_symbol));
+ pe_utils::strip_nullbytes(file_name);
+ symbol.set_file_name(file_name);
+ //Save symbol info
+ coff_info.add_symbol(symbol);
+ //Move to next symbol
+ i += sym->NumberOfAuxSymbols;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //Dump some other symbols
+ if(((sym->StorageClass == image_sym_class_static)
+ && (sym->NumberOfAuxSymbols == 0)
+ && (sym->SectionNumber == 1))
+ ||
+ ((sym->StorageClass == image_sym_class_external)
+ && ISFCN(sym->Type)
+ && (sym->SectionNumber > 0))
+ )
+ {
+ //Save RVA and section number
+ symbol.set_section_number(sym->SectionNumber);
+ symbol.set_rva(sym->Value);
+ //If symbol has short name
+ if(sym->N.Name.Short)
+ {
+ //Copy and save symbol name
+ char name_buff[9];
+ memcpy(name_buff, sym->N.ShortName, 8);
+ name_buff[8] = '\0';
+ symbol.set_symbol_name(name_buff);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Symbol has long name
+ //Check possible overflows
+ if(!pe_utils::is_sum_safe(coff->LvaToFirstSymbol + coff->NumberOfSymbols * sizeof(image_symbol), sym->N.Name.Long))
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect debug directory", pe_exception::incorrect_debug_directory);
+ //Here we have an offset to the string table
+ uint32_t symbol_offset = coff->LvaToFirstSymbol + coff->NumberOfSymbols * sizeof(image_symbol) + sym->N.Name.Long;
+ //Check data length
+ if(debug_data.length() < symbol_offset)
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect debug directory", pe_exception::incorrect_debug_directory);
+ //Check symbol name for null-termination
+ if(!pe_utils::is_null_terminated( + symbol_offset, debug_data.length() - symbol_offset))
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect debug directory", pe_exception::incorrect_debug_directory);
+ //Save symbol name
+ symbol.set_symbol_name( + symbol_offset);
+ }
+ //Save symbol info
+ coff_info.add_symbol(symbol);
+ //Move to next symbol
+ i += sym->NumberOfAuxSymbols;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ info.set_advanced_debug_info(coff_info);
+ }
+ break;
+ case image_debug_type_codeview:
+ {
+ //Check data length
+ if(debug_data.length() < sizeof(OMFSignature*))
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect debug directory", pe_exception::incorrect_debug_directory);
+ //Get POMFSignature structure pointer from the very beginning of debug data
+ const OMFSignature* sig = reinterpret_cast<const OMFSignature*>(;
+ if(!memcmp(sig->Signature, "RSDS", 4))
+ {
+ //Signature is "RSDS" - PDB 7.0
+ //Check data length
+ if(debug_data.length() < sizeof(CV_INFO_PDB70))
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect debug directory", pe_exception::incorrect_debug_directory);
+ const CV_INFO_PDB70* pdb_data = reinterpret_cast<const CV_INFO_PDB70*>(;
+ //Check PDB file name null-termination
+ if(!pe_utils::is_null_terminated(pdb_data->PdbFileName, debug_data.length() - (sizeof(CV_INFO_PDB70) - 1 /* BYTE of filename in structure */)))
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect debug directory", pe_exception::incorrect_debug_directory);
+ info.set_advanced_debug_info(pdb_7_0_info(pdb_data));
+ }
+ else if(!memcmp(sig->Signature, "NB10", 4))
+ {
+ //Signature is "NB10" - PDB 2.0
+ //Check data length
+ if(debug_data.length() < sizeof(CV_INFO_PDB20))
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect debug directory", pe_exception::incorrect_debug_directory);
+ const CV_INFO_PDB20* pdb_data = reinterpret_cast<const CV_INFO_PDB20*>(;
+ //Check PDB file name null-termination
+ if(!pe_utils::is_null_terminated(pdb_data->PdbFileName, debug_data.length() - (sizeof(CV_INFO_PDB20) - 1 /* BYTE of filename in structure */)))
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect debug directory", pe_exception::incorrect_debug_directory);
+ info.set_advanced_debug_info(pdb_2_0_info(pdb_data));
+ }
+ else if(!memcmp(sig->Signature, "NB09", 4))
+ {
+ //CodeView 4.0, no structures available
+ info.set_advanced_info_type(debug_info::advanced_info_codeview_4_0);
+ }
+ else if(!memcmp(sig->Signature, "NB11", 4))
+ {
+ //CodeView 5.0, no structures available
+ info.set_advanced_info_type(debug_info::advanced_info_codeview_5_0);
+ }
+ else if(!memcmp(sig->Signature, "NB05", 4))
+ {
+ //Other CodeView, no structures available
+ info.set_advanced_info_type(debug_info::advanced_info_codeview);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case image_debug_type_misc:
+ {
+ //Check data length
+ if(debug_data.length() < sizeof(image_debug_misc))
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect debug directory", pe_exception::incorrect_debug_directory);
+ //Get misc structure pointer
+ const image_debug_misc* misc_data = reinterpret_cast<const image_debug_misc*>(;
+ //Check misc data length
+ if(debug_data.length() < misc_data->Length /* Total length of record */)
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect debug directory", pe_exception::incorrect_debug_directory);
+ //Save advanced information
+ info.set_advanced_debug_info(misc_debug_info(misc_data));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //Save debug information structure
+ ret.push_back(info);
+ //Check possible overflow
+ if(!pe_utils::is_sum_safe(current_pos, sizeof(image_debug_directory)))
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect debug directory", pe_exception::incorrect_debug_directory);
+ //Go to next debug entry
+ current_pos += sizeof(image_debug_directory);
+ directory = pe.section_data_from_rva<image_debug_directory>(current_pos, section_data_virtual, true);
+ }
+ return ret;