path: root/tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
diff options
authorKostadin Damyanov <>2015-09-05 12:03:17 +0300
committerKostadin Damyanov <>2015-09-05 12:03:17 +0300
commitc5f574b914b3cb11d97ae616df4a0bced45bb17c (patch)
treed7b70f0842c00c480ce10039b873a1dddd894a6c /tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
parent2a757a6ad4ef4e7767b7d3ef7e177ec6613ef6d1 (diff)
parentb0aa49accbd7e45dae38f1bd43b0fbdd11714211 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp')
1 files changed, 512 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp b/tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c04e82a08a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+#include "dependency_editor.h"
+#include "os/file_access.h"
+#include "scene/gui/margin_container.h"
+#include "io/resource_loader.h"
+#include "editor_node.h"
+void DependencyEditor::_notification(int p_what){
+void DependencyEditor::_searched(const String& p_path) {
+ Map<String,String> dep_rename;
+ dep_rename[replacing]=p_path;
+ ResourceLoader::rename_dependencies(editing,dep_rename);
+ _update_list();
+ _update_file();
+void DependencyEditor::_load_pressed(Object* p_item,int p_cell,int p_button){
+ TreeItem *ti=p_item->cast_to<TreeItem>();
+ String fname = ti->get_text(0);
+ replacing = ti->get_text(1);
+ search->set_title("Search Replacement For: "+replacing.get_file());
+ search->clear_filters();
+ List<String> ext;
+ ResourceLoader::get_recognized_extensions_for_type(ti->get_metadata(0),&ext);
+ for (List<String>::Element *E=ext.front();E;E=E->next()) {
+ search->add_filter("*"+E->get());
+ }
+ search->popup_centered_ratio();
+void DependencyEditor::_fix_and_find(EditorFileSystemDirectory *efsd, Map<String,Map<String,String> >& candidates){
+ for(int i=0;i<efsd->get_subdir_count();i++) {
+ _fix_and_find(efsd->get_subdir(i),candidates);
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<efsd->get_file_count();i++) {
+ String file = efsd->get_file(i);
+ if (!candidates.has(file))
+ continue;
+ String path = efsd->get_file_path(i);
+ Map<String,String> &ss = candidates[file];
+ for(Map<String,String>::Element *E=candidates[file].front();E;E=E->next()) {
+ if (E->get()==String()) {
+ E->get()=path;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //must match the best, using subdirs
+ String existing=E->get().replace_first("res://","");
+ String current=path.replace_first("res://","");
+ String lost=E->key().replace_first("res://","");
+ Vector<String> existingv=existing.split("/");
+ existingv.invert();
+ Vector<String> currentv=current.split("/");
+ currentv.invert();
+ Vector<String> lostv=lost.split("/");
+ lostv.invert();
+ int existing_score=0;
+ int current_score=0;
+ for(int j=0;j<lostv.size();j++) {
+ if (j<existingv.size() && lostv[j]==existingv[j]) {
+ existing_score++;
+ }
+ if (j<currentv.size() && lostv[j]==currentv[j]) {
+ current_score++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (current_score > existing_score) {
+ //if it was the same, could track distance to new path but..
+ E->get()=path; //replace by more accurate
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void DependencyEditor::_fix_all(){
+ if (!EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->get_filesystem())
+ return;
+ Map<String,Map<String,String> > candidates;
+ for (List<String>::Element *E=missing.front();E;E=E->next()) {
+ String base = E->get().get_file();
+ if (!candidates.has(base)) {
+ candidates[base]=Map<String,String>();
+ }
+ candidates[base][E->get()]="";
+ }
+ _fix_and_find(EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->get_filesystem(),candidates);
+ Map<String,String> remaps;
+ for (Map<String,Map<String,String> >::Element *E=candidates.front();E;E=E->next()) {
+ for (Map<String,String>::Element *F=E->get().front();F;F=F->next()) {
+ if (F->get()!=String()) {
+ remaps[F->key()]=F->get();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (remaps.size()) {
+ ResourceLoader::rename_dependencies(editing,remaps);
+ _update_list();
+ _update_file();
+ }
+void DependencyEditor::_update_file() {
+ EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->update_file(editing);
+void DependencyEditor::_update_list() {
+ List<String> deps;
+ ResourceLoader::get_dependencies(editing,&deps,true);
+ tree->clear();
+ missing.clear();
+ TreeItem *root = tree->create_item();
+ Ref<Texture> folder = get_icon("folder","FileDialog");
+ bool broken=false;
+ for(List<String>::Element *E=deps.front();E;E=E->next()) {
+ TreeItem *item = tree->create_item(root);
+ String n = E->get();
+ String path;
+ String type;
+ if (n.find("::")!=-1) {
+ path = n.get_slice("::",0);
+ type = n.get_slice("::",1);
+ } else {
+ path=n;
+ type="Resource";
+ }
+ String name = path.get_file();
+ Ref<Texture> icon;
+ if (has_icon(type,"EditorIcons")) {
+ icon=get_icon(type,"EditorIcons");
+ } else {
+ icon=get_icon("Object","EditorIcons");
+ }
+ item->set_text(0,name);
+ item->set_icon(0,icon);
+ item->set_metadata(0,type);
+ item->set_text(1,path);
+ if (!FileAccess::exists(path)) {
+ item->set_custom_color(1,Color(1,0.4,0.3));
+ missing.push_back(path);
+ broken=true;
+ }
+ item->add_button(1,folder,0);
+ }
+ fixdeps->set_disabled(!broken);
+void DependencyEditor::edit(const String& p_path) {
+ editing=p_path;
+ set_title("Dependencies For: "+p_path.get_file());
+ _update_list();
+ popup_centered_ratio();
+ if (EditorNode::get_singleton()->is_scene_open(p_path)) {
+ EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning("Scene '"+p_path.get_file()+"' is currently being edited.\nChanges will not take effect unless reloaded.");
+ } else if (ResourceCache::has(p_path)) {
+ EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning("Resource '"+p_path.get_file()+"' is in use.\nChanges will take effect when reloaded.");
+ }
+void DependencyEditor::_bind_methods() {
+ ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("_searched"),&DependencyEditor::_searched);
+ ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("_load_pressed"),&DependencyEditor::_load_pressed);
+ ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("_fix_all"),&DependencyEditor::_fix_all);
+DependencyEditor::DependencyEditor() {
+ VBoxContainer *vb = memnew( VBoxContainer );
+ vb->set_name("Dependencies");
+ add_child(vb);
+ set_child_rect(vb);
+ tree = memnew( Tree );
+ tree->set_columns(2);
+ tree->set_column_titles_visible(true);
+ tree->set_column_title(0,"Resource");
+ tree->set_column_title(1,"Path");
+ tree->set_hide_root(true);
+ tree->connect("button_pressed",this,"_load_pressed");
+ HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
+ Label *label = memnew( Label("Dependencies:"));
+ hbc->add_child(label);
+ hbc->add_spacer();
+ fixdeps = memnew( Button("Fix Broken"));
+ hbc->add_child(fixdeps);
+ fixdeps->connect("pressed",this,"_fix_all");
+ vb->add_child(hbc);
+ MarginContainer *mc = memnew( MarginContainer );
+ mc->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
+ mc->add_child(tree);
+ vb->add_child(mc);
+ set_title("Dependency Editor");
+ search = memnew( EditorFileDialog );
+ search->connect("file_selected",this,"_searched");
+ search->set_mode(EditorFileDialog::MODE_OPEN_FILE);
+ search->set_title("Search Replacement Resource:");
+ add_child(search);
+void DependencyEditorOwners::_fill_owners(EditorFileSystemDirectory *efsd) {
+ if (!efsd)
+ return;
+ for(int i=0;i<efsd->get_subdir_count();i++) {
+ _fill_owners(efsd->get_subdir(i));
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<efsd->get_file_count();i++) {
+ Vector<String> deps = efsd->get_file_deps(i);
+ //print_line(":::"+efsd->get_file_path(i));
+ bool found=false;
+ for(int j=0;j<deps.size();j++) {
+ //print_line("\t"+deps[j]+" vs "+editing);
+ if (deps[j]==editing) {
+ //print_line("found");
+ found=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ continue;
+ Ref<Texture> icon;
+ String type=efsd->get_file_type(i);
+ if (!has_icon(type,"EditorIcons")) {
+ icon=get_icon("Object","EditorIcons");
+ } else {
+ icon=get_icon(type,"EditorIcons");
+ }
+ owners->add_item(efsd->get_file_path(i),icon);
+ }
+void DependencyEditorOwners::show(const String& p_path) {
+ editing=p_path;
+ owners->clear();
+ _fill_owners(EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->get_filesystem());
+ popup_centered_ratio();
+ set_title("Owners Of: "+p_path.get_file());
+DependencyEditorOwners::DependencyEditorOwners() {
+ owners = memnew( ItemList );
+ add_child(owners);
+ set_child_rect(owners);
+void DependencyRemoveDialog::_fill_owners(EditorFileSystemDirectory *efsd) {
+ if (!efsd)
+ return;
+ for(int i=0;i<efsd->get_subdir_count();i++) {
+ _fill_owners(efsd->get_subdir(i));
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<efsd->get_file_count();i++) {
+ Vector<String> deps = efsd->get_file_deps(i);
+ //print_line(":::"+efsd->get_file_path(i));
+ Set<String> met;
+ for(int j=0;j<deps.size();j++) {
+ if (files.has(deps[j])) {
+ met.insert(deps[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!met.size())
+ continue;
+ exist=true;
+ Ref<Texture> icon;
+ String type=efsd->get_file_type(i);
+ if (!has_icon(type,"EditorIcons")) {
+ icon=get_icon("Object","EditorIcons");
+ } else {
+ icon=get_icon(type,"EditorIcons");
+ }
+ for(Set<String>::Element *E=met.front();E;E=E->next()) {
+ String which = E->get();
+ if (!files[which]) {
+ TreeItem *ti=owners->create_item(owners->get_root());
+ ti->set_text(0,which.get_file());
+ files[which]=ti;
+ }
+ TreeItem *ti=owners->create_item(files[which]);
+ ti->set_text(0,efsd->get_file_path(i));
+ ti->set_icon(0,icon);
+ }
+ }
+void DependencyRemoveDialog::show(const Vector<String> &to_erase) {
+ exist=false;
+ owners->clear();
+ files.clear();
+ TreeItem *root=owners->create_item();
+ for(int i=0;i<to_erase.size();i++) {
+ files[to_erase[i]]=NULL;
+ }
+ _fill_owners(EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->get_filesystem());
+ if (exist) {
+ owners->show();
+ text->set_text("The files being removed are required by other resources in order for them to work.\nRemove them anyway? (no undo)");
+ popup_centered_minsize(Size2(500,220));
+ } else {
+ owners->hide();
+ text->set_text("Remove selected files from the project? (no undo)");
+ popup_centered_minsize(Size2(400,100));
+ }
+void DependencyRemoveDialog::ok_pressed() {
+ DirAccess *da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_RESOURCES);
+ for (Map<String,TreeItem*>::Element *E=files.front();E;E=E->next()) {
+ da->remove(E->key());
+ EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->update_file(E->key());
+ }
+ memdelete(da);
+DependencyRemoveDialog::DependencyRemoveDialog() {
+ VBoxContainer *vb = memnew( VBoxContainer );
+ add_child(vb);
+ set_child_rect(vb);
+ text = memnew( Label );
+ vb->add_child(text);
+ owners = memnew( Tree );
+ owners->set_hide_root(true);
+ vb->add_child(owners);
+ owners->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
+ get_ok()->set_text("Remove");
+void DependencyErrorDialog::show(const String& p_for_file,const Vector<String> &report) {
+ for_file=p_for_file;
+ set_title("Error loading: "+p_for_file.get_file());
+ files->clear();
+ TreeItem *root = files->create_item(NULL);
+ for(int i=0;i<report.size();i++) {
+ String dep;
+ String type="Object";
+ dep=report[i].get_slice("::",0);
+ if (report[i].get_slice_count("::")>0)
+ type=report[i].get_slice("::",1);
+ Ref<Texture> icon;
+ if (!has_icon(type,"EditorIcons")) {
+ icon=get_icon("Object","EditorIcons");
+ } else {
+ icon=get_icon(type,"EditorIcons");
+ }
+ TreeItem *ti=files->create_item(root);
+ ti->set_text(0,dep);
+ ti->set_icon(0,icon);
+ }
+ popup_centered_minsize(Size2(500,220));
+void DependencyErrorDialog::ok_pressed() {
+ EditorNode::get_singleton()->load_scene(for_file,true);
+void DependencyErrorDialog::custom_action(const String&) {
+ EditorNode::get_singleton()->fix_dependencies(for_file);
+DependencyErrorDialog::DependencyErrorDialog() {
+ VBoxContainer *vb = memnew( VBoxContainer );
+ add_child(vb);
+ set_child_rect(vb);
+ files = memnew( Tree );
+ files->set_hide_root(true);
+ vb->add_margin_child("Scene failed to load due to missing dependencies:",files,true);
+ files->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
+ get_ok()->set_text("Open Anyway");
+ text = memnew( Label );
+ vb->add_child(text);
+ text->set_text("Which action should be taken?");
+ fdep=add_button("Fix Dependencies",true,"fixdeps");
+ set_title("Errors loading!");