path: root/thirdparty/libwebp/src/enc/histogram_enc.c
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authorRĂ©mi Verschelde <>2019-03-04 13:49:50 +0100
committerGitHub <>2019-03-04 13:49:50 +0100
commitd2c57e8431a6dd3a279eec9abdd6acd4ba288ca8 (patch)
tree7c516cd7752f1c8a23e5752d489003239099c1bc /thirdparty/libwebp/src/enc/histogram_enc.c
parent6e13002034152981efdceed864b4e48d70018a49 (diff)
parent93f6a065f8e0e083582890a245b7dcc3cd8c7ef6 (diff)
Merge pull request #26577 from akien-mga/webp-1.0.2
libwebp: Sync with upstream 1.0.2
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/libwebp/src/enc/histogram_enc.c')
1 files changed, 245 insertions, 123 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/libwebp/src/enc/histogram_enc.c b/thirdparty/libwebp/src/enc/histogram_enc.c
index 4e49e0a201..8ac6fa8e02 100644
--- a/thirdparty/libwebp/src/enc/histogram_enc.c
+++ b/thirdparty/libwebp/src/enc/histogram_enc.c
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ VP8LHistogramSet* VP8LAllocateHistogramSet(int size, int cache_bits) {
void VP8LHistogramSetClear(VP8LHistogramSet* const set) {
int i;
const int cache_bits = set->histograms[0]->palette_code_bits_;
- const int size = set->size;
+ const int size = set->max_size;
const size_t total_size = HistogramSetTotalSize(size, cache_bits);
uint8_t* memory = (uint8_t*)set;
@@ -180,6 +180,20 @@ void VP8LHistogramSetClear(VP8LHistogramSet* const set) {
+// Removes the histogram 'i' from 'set' by setting it to NULL.
+static void HistogramSetRemoveHistogram(VP8LHistogramSet* const set, int i,
+ int* const num_used) {
+ assert(set->histograms[i] != NULL);
+ set->histograms[i] = NULL;
+ --*num_used;
+ // If we remove the last valid one, shrink until the next valid one.
+ if (i == set->size - 1) {
+ while (set->size >= 1 && set->histograms[set->size - 1] == NULL) {
+ --set->size;
+ }
+ }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void VP8LHistogramAddSinglePixOrCopy(VP8LHistogram* const histo,
@@ -447,7 +461,9 @@ static double HistogramAddEval(const VP8LHistogram* const a,
static double HistogramAddThresh(const VP8LHistogram* const a,
const VP8LHistogram* const b,
double cost_threshold) {
- double cost = -a->bit_cost_;
+ double cost;
+ assert(a != NULL && b != NULL);
+ cost = -a->bit_cost_;
GetCombinedHistogramEntropy(a, b, cost_threshold, &cost);
return cost;
@@ -561,14 +577,17 @@ static void HistogramBuild(
// Copies the histograms and computes its bit_cost.
-static void HistogramCopyAndAnalyze(
- VP8LHistogramSet* const orig_histo, VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo) {
- int i;
- const int histo_size = orig_histo->size;
+static const uint16_t kInvalidHistogramSymbol = (uint16_t)(-1);
+static void HistogramCopyAndAnalyze(VP8LHistogramSet* const orig_histo,
+ VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo,
+ int* const num_used,
+ uint16_t* const histogram_symbols) {
+ int i, cluster_id;
+ int num_used_orig = *num_used;
VP8LHistogram** const orig_histograms = orig_histo->histograms;
VP8LHistogram** const histograms = image_histo->histograms;
- image_histo->size = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < histo_size; ++i) {
+ assert(image_histo->max_size == orig_histo->max_size);
+ for (cluster_id = 0, i = 0; i < orig_histo->max_size; ++i) {
VP8LHistogram* const histo = orig_histograms[i];
@@ -576,10 +595,19 @@ static void HistogramCopyAndAnalyze(
// with no information (when they are skipped because of LZ77).
if (!histo->is_used_[0] && !histo->is_used_[1] && !histo->is_used_[2]
&& !histo->is_used_[3] && !histo->is_used_[4]) {
- continue;
+ // The first histogram is always used. If an histogram is empty, we set
+ // its id to be the same as the previous one: this will improve
+ // compressibility for later LZ77.
+ assert(i > 0);
+ HistogramSetRemoveHistogram(image_histo, i, num_used);
+ HistogramSetRemoveHistogram(orig_histo, i, &num_used_orig);
+ histogram_symbols[i] = kInvalidHistogramSymbol;
+ } else {
+ // Copy histograms from orig_histo[] to image_histo[].
+ HistogramCopy(histo, histograms[i]);
+ histogram_symbols[i] = cluster_id++;
+ assert(cluster_id <= image_histo->max_size);
- // Copy histograms from orig_histo[] to image_histo[].
- HistogramCopy(histo, histograms[image_histo->size++]);
@@ -596,29 +624,33 @@ static void HistogramAnalyzeEntropyBin(VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo,
// Analyze the dominant (literal, red and blue) entropy costs.
for (i = 0; i < histo_size; ++i) {
+ if (histograms[i] == NULL) continue;
UpdateDominantCostRange(histograms[i], &cost_range);
// bin-hash histograms on three of the dominant (literal, red and blue)
// symbol costs and store the resulting bin_id for each histogram.
for (i = 0; i < histo_size; ++i) {
+ // bin_map[i] is not set to a special value as its use will later be guarded
+ // by another (histograms[i] == NULL).
+ if (histograms[i] == NULL) continue;
bin_map[i] = GetHistoBinIndex(histograms[i], &cost_range, low_effort);
-// Compact image_histo[] by merging some histograms with same bin_id together if
-// it's advantageous.
+// Merges some histograms with same bin_id together if it's advantageous.
+// Sets the remaining histograms to NULL.
static void HistogramCombineEntropyBin(VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo,
+ int *num_used,
+ const uint16_t* const clusters,
+ uint16_t* const cluster_mappings,
VP8LHistogram* cur_combo,
const uint16_t* const bin_map,
- int bin_map_size, int num_bins,
+ int num_bins,
double combine_cost_factor,
int low_effort) {
VP8LHistogram** const histograms = image_histo->histograms;
int idx;
- // Work in-place: processed histograms are put at the beginning of
- // image_histo[]. At the end, we just have to truncate the array.
- int size = 0;
struct {
int16_t first; // position of the histogram that accumulates all
// histograms with the same bin_id
@@ -631,16 +663,19 @@ static void HistogramCombineEntropyBin(VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo,
bin_info[idx].num_combine_failures = 0;
- for (idx = 0; idx < bin_map_size; ++idx) {
- const int bin_id = bin_map[idx];
- const int first = bin_info[bin_id].first;
- assert(size <= idx);
+ // By default, a cluster matches itself.
+ for (idx = 0; idx < *num_used; ++idx) cluster_mappings[idx] = idx;
+ for (idx = 0; idx < image_histo->size; ++idx) {
+ int bin_id, first;
+ if (histograms[idx] == NULL) continue;
+ bin_id = bin_map[idx];
+ first = bin_info[bin_id].first;
if (first == -1) {
- // just move histogram #idx to its final position
- histograms[size] = histograms[idx];
- bin_info[bin_id].first = size++;
+ bin_info[bin_id].first = idx;
} else if (low_effort) {
HistogramAdd(histograms[idx], histograms[first], histograms[first]);
+ HistogramSetRemoveHistogram(image_histo, idx, num_used);
+ cluster_mappings[clusters[idx]] = clusters[first];
} else {
// try to merge #idx into #first (both share the same bin_id)
const double bit_cost = histograms[idx]->bit_cost_;
@@ -663,19 +698,18 @@ static void HistogramCombineEntropyBin(VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo,
bin_info[bin_id].num_combine_failures >= max_combine_failures) {
// move the (better) merged histogram to its final slot
HistogramSwap(&cur_combo, &histograms[first]);
+ HistogramSetRemoveHistogram(image_histo, idx, num_used);
+ cluster_mappings[clusters[idx]] = clusters[first];
} else {
- histograms[size++] = histograms[idx];
- } else {
- histograms[size++] = histograms[idx];
- image_histo->size = size;
if (low_effort) {
// for low_effort case, update the final cost when everything is merged
- for (idx = 0; idx < size; ++idx) {
+ for (idx = 0; idx < image_histo->size; ++idx) {
+ if (histograms[idx] == NULL) continue;
@@ -706,16 +740,9 @@ typedef struct {
int max_size;
} HistoQueue;
-static int HistoQueueInit(HistoQueue* const histo_queue, const int max_index) {
+static int HistoQueueInit(HistoQueue* const histo_queue, const int max_size) {
histo_queue->size = 0;
- // max_index^2 for the queue size is safe. If you look at
- // HistogramCombineGreedy, and imagine that UpdateQueueFront always pushes
- // data to the queue, you insert at most:
- // - max_index*(max_index-1)/2 (the first two for loops)
- // - max_index - 1 in the last for loop at the first iteration of the while
- // loop, max_index - 2 at the second iteration ... therefore
- // max_index*(max_index-1)/2 overall too
- histo_queue->max_size = max_index * max_index;
+ histo_queue->max_size = max_size;
// We allocate max_size + 1 because the last element at index "size" is
// used as temporary data (and it could be up to max_size).
histo_queue->queue = (HistogramPair*)WebPSafeMalloc(
@@ -778,6 +805,8 @@ static double HistoQueuePush(HistoQueue* const histo_queue,
const VP8LHistogram* h2;
HistogramPair pair;
+ // Stop here if the queue is full.
+ if (histo_queue->size == histo_queue->max_size) return 0.;
assert(threshold <= 0.);
if (idx1 > idx2) {
const int tmp = idx2;
@@ -794,8 +823,6 @@ static double HistoQueuePush(HistoQueue* const histo_queue,
// Do not even consider the pair if it does not improve the entropy.
if (pair.cost_diff >= threshold) return 0.;
- // We cannot add more elements than the capacity.
- assert(histo_queue->size < histo_queue->max_size);
histo_queue->queue[histo_queue->size++] = pair;
HistoQueueUpdateHead(histo_queue, &histo_queue->queue[histo_queue->size - 1]);
@@ -806,42 +833,43 @@ static double HistoQueuePush(HistoQueue* const histo_queue,
// Combines histograms by continuously choosing the one with the highest cost
// reduction.
-static int HistogramCombineGreedy(VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo) {
+static int HistogramCombineGreedy(VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo,
+ int* const num_used) {
int ok = 0;
- int image_histo_size = image_histo->size;
+ const int image_histo_size = image_histo->size;
int i, j;
VP8LHistogram** const histograms = image_histo->histograms;
- // Indexes of remaining histograms.
- int* const clusters =
- (int*)WebPSafeMalloc(image_histo_size, sizeof(*clusters));
// Priority queue of histogram pairs.
HistoQueue histo_queue;
- if (!HistoQueueInit(&histo_queue, image_histo_size) || clusters == NULL) {
+ // image_histo_size^2 for the queue size is safe. If you look at
+ // HistogramCombineGreedy, and imagine that UpdateQueueFront always pushes
+ // data to the queue, you insert at most:
+ // - image_histo_size*(image_histo_size-1)/2 (the first two for loops)
+ // - image_histo_size - 1 in the last for loop at the first iteration of
+ // the while loop, image_histo_size - 2 at the second iteration ...
+ // therefore image_histo_size*(image_histo_size-1)/2 overall too
+ if (!HistoQueueInit(&histo_queue, image_histo_size * image_histo_size)) {
goto End;
for (i = 0; i < image_histo_size; ++i) {
- // Initialize clusters indexes.
- clusters[i] = i;
+ if (image_histo->histograms[i] == NULL) continue;
for (j = i + 1; j < image_histo_size; ++j) {
- // Initialize positions array.
+ // Initialize queue.
+ if (image_histo->histograms[j] == NULL) continue;
HistoQueuePush(&histo_queue, histograms, i, j, 0.);
- while (image_histo_size > 1 && histo_queue.size > 0) {
+ while (histo_queue.size > 0) {
const int idx1 = histo_queue.queue[0].idx1;
const int idx2 = histo_queue.queue[0].idx2;
HistogramAdd(histograms[idx2], histograms[idx1], histograms[idx1]);
histograms[idx1]->bit_cost_ = histo_queue.queue[0].cost_combo;
// Remove merged histogram.
- for (i = 0; i + 1 < image_histo_size; ++i) {
- if (clusters[i] >= idx2) {
- clusters[i] = clusters[i + 1];
- }
- }
- --image_histo_size;
+ HistogramSetRemoveHistogram(image_histo, idx2, num_used);
// Remove pairs intersecting the just combined best pair.
for (i = 0; i < histo_queue.size;) {
@@ -856,24 +884,15 @@ static int HistogramCombineGreedy(VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo) {
// Push new pairs formed with combined histogram to the queue.
- for (i = 0; i < image_histo_size; ++i) {
- if (clusters[i] != idx1) {
- HistoQueuePush(&histo_queue, histograms, idx1, clusters[i], 0.);
- }
- }
- }
- // Move remaining histograms to the beginning of the array.
- for (i = 0; i < image_histo_size; ++i) {
- if (i != clusters[i]) { // swap the two histograms
- HistogramSwap(&histograms[i], &histograms[clusters[i]]);
+ for (i = 0; i < image_histo->size; ++i) {
+ if (i == idx1 || image_histo->histograms[i] == NULL) continue;
+ HistoQueuePush(&histo_queue, image_histo->histograms, idx1, i, 0.);
- image_histo->size = image_histo_size;
ok = 1;
- WebPSafeFree(clusters);
return ok;
@@ -881,47 +900,69 @@ static int HistogramCombineGreedy(VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo) {
// Perform histogram aggregation using a stochastic approach.
// 'do_greedy' is set to 1 if a greedy approach needs to be performed
// afterwards, 0 otherwise.
+static int PairComparison(const void* idx1, const void* idx2) {
+ // To be used with bsearch: <0 when *idx1<*idx2, >0 if >, 0 when ==.
+ return (*(int*) idx1 - *(int*) idx2);
static int HistogramCombineStochastic(VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo,
- int min_cluster_size,
+ int* const num_used, int min_cluster_size,
int* const do_greedy) {
- int iter;
+ int j, iter;
uint32_t seed = 1;
int tries_with_no_success = 0;
- int image_histo_size = image_histo->size;
- const int outer_iters = image_histo_size;
+ const int outer_iters = *num_used;
const int num_tries_no_success = outer_iters / 2;
VP8LHistogram** const histograms = image_histo->histograms;
- // Priority queue of histogram pairs. Its size of "kCostHeapSizeSqrt"^2
+ // Priority queue of histogram pairs. Its size of 'kHistoQueueSize'
// impacts the quality of the compression and the speed: the smaller the
// faster but the worse for the compression.
HistoQueue histo_queue;
- const int kHistoQueueSizeSqrt = 3;
+ const int kHistoQueueSize = 9;
int ok = 0;
+ // mapping from an index in image_histo with no NULL histogram to the full
+ // blown image_histo.
+ int* mappings;
- if (!HistoQueueInit(&histo_queue, kHistoQueueSizeSqrt)) {
+ if (*num_used < min_cluster_size) {
+ *do_greedy = 1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ mappings = (int*) WebPSafeMalloc(*num_used, sizeof(*mappings));
+ if (mappings == NULL || !HistoQueueInit(&histo_queue, kHistoQueueSize)) {
goto End;
+ // Fill the initial mapping.
+ for (j = 0, iter = 0; iter < image_histo->size; ++iter) {
+ if (histograms[iter] == NULL) continue;
+ mappings[j++] = iter;
+ }
+ assert(j == *num_used);
// Collapse similar histograms in 'image_histo'.
- ++min_cluster_size;
- for (iter = 0; iter < outer_iters && image_histo_size >= min_cluster_size &&
- ++tries_with_no_success < num_tries_no_success;
+ for (iter = 0;
+ iter < outer_iters && *num_used >= min_cluster_size &&
+ ++tries_with_no_success < num_tries_no_success;
++iter) {
+ int* mapping_index;
double best_cost =
(histo_queue.size == 0) ? 0. : histo_queue.queue[0].cost_diff;
int best_idx1 = -1, best_idx2 = 1;
- int j;
- const uint32_t rand_range = (image_histo_size - 1) * image_histo_size;
- // image_histo_size / 2 was chosen empirically. Less means faster but worse
+ const uint32_t rand_range = (*num_used - 1) * (*num_used);
+ // (*num_used) / 2 was chosen empirically. Less means faster but worse
// compression.
- const int num_tries = image_histo_size / 2;
+ const int num_tries = (*num_used) / 2;
- for (j = 0; j < num_tries; ++j) {
+ // Pick random samples.
+ for (j = 0; *num_used >= 2 && j < num_tries; ++j) {
double curr_cost;
// Choose two different histograms at random and try to combine them.
const uint32_t tmp = MyRand(&seed) % rand_range;
- const uint32_t idx1 = tmp / (image_histo_size - 1);
- uint32_t idx2 = tmp % (image_histo_size - 1);
+ uint32_t idx1 = tmp / (*num_used - 1);
+ uint32_t idx2 = tmp % (*num_used - 1);
if (idx2 >= idx1) ++idx2;
+ idx1 = mappings[idx1];
+ idx2 = mappings[idx2];
// Calculate cost reduction on combination.
curr_cost =
@@ -934,18 +975,21 @@ static int HistogramCombineStochastic(VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo,
if (histo_queue.size == 0) continue;
- // Merge the two best histograms.
+ // Get the best histograms.
best_idx1 = histo_queue.queue[0].idx1;
best_idx2 = histo_queue.queue[0].idx2;
assert(best_idx1 < best_idx2);
- HistogramAddEval(histograms[best_idx1], histograms[best_idx2],
- histograms[best_idx1], 0);
- // Swap the best_idx2 histogram with the last one (which is now unused).
- --image_histo_size;
- if (best_idx2 != image_histo_size) {
- HistogramSwap(&histograms[image_histo_size], &histograms[best_idx2]);
- }
- histograms[image_histo_size] = NULL;
+ // Pop best_idx2 from mappings.
+ mapping_index = (int*) bsearch(&best_idx2, mappings, *num_used,
+ sizeof(best_idx2), &PairComparison);
+ assert(mapping_index != NULL);
+ memmove(mapping_index, mapping_index + 1, sizeof(*mapping_index) *
+ ((*num_used) - (mapping_index - mappings) - 1));
+ // Merge the histograms and remove best_idx2 from the queue.
+ HistogramAdd(histograms[best_idx2], histograms[best_idx1],
+ histograms[best_idx1]);
+ histograms[best_idx1]->bit_cost_ = histo_queue.queue[0].cost_combo;
+ HistogramSetRemoveHistogram(image_histo, best_idx2, num_used);
// Parse the queue and update each pair that deals with best_idx1,
// best_idx2 or image_histo_size.
for (j = 0; j < histo_queue.size;) {
@@ -968,12 +1012,6 @@ static int HistogramCombineStochastic(VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo,
p->idx2 = best_idx1;
do_eval = 1;
- if (p->idx2 == image_histo_size) {
- // No need to re-evaluate here as it does not involve a pair
- // containing best_idx1 or best_idx2.
- p->idx2 = best_idx2;
- }
- assert(p->idx2 < image_histo_size);
// Make sure the index order is respected.
if (p->idx1 > p->idx2) {
const int tmp = p->idx2;
@@ -991,15 +1029,14 @@ static int HistogramCombineStochastic(VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo,
HistoQueueUpdateHead(&histo_queue, p);
tries_with_no_success = 0;
- image_histo->size = image_histo_size;
- *do_greedy = (image_histo->size <= min_cluster_size);
+ *do_greedy = (*num_used <= min_cluster_size);
ok = 1;
+ WebPSafeFree(mappings);
return ok;
@@ -1007,23 +1044,29 @@ End:
// Histogram refinement
// Find the best 'out' histogram for each of the 'in' histograms.
+// At call-time, 'out' contains the histograms of the clusters.
// Note: we assume that out[]->bit_cost_ is already up-to-date.
static void HistogramRemap(const VP8LHistogramSet* const in,
- const VP8LHistogramSet* const out,
+ VP8LHistogramSet* const out,
uint16_t* const symbols) {
int i;
VP8LHistogram** const in_histo = in->histograms;
VP8LHistogram** const out_histo = out->histograms;
- const int in_size = in->size;
+ const int in_size = out->max_size;
const int out_size = out->size;
if (out_size > 1) {
for (i = 0; i < in_size; ++i) {
int best_out = 0;
double best_bits = MAX_COST;
int k;
+ if (in_histo[i] == NULL) {
+ // Arbitrarily set to the previous value if unused to help future LZ77.
+ symbols[i] = symbols[i - 1];
+ continue;
+ }
for (k = 0; k < out_size; ++k) {
- const double cur_bits =
- HistogramAddThresh(out_histo[k], in_histo[i], best_bits);
+ double cur_bits;
+ cur_bits = HistogramAddThresh(out_histo[k], in_histo[i], best_bits);
if (k == 0 || cur_bits < best_bits) {
best_bits = cur_bits;
best_out = k;
@@ -1039,12 +1082,13 @@ static void HistogramRemap(const VP8LHistogramSet* const in,
// Recompute each out based on raw and symbols.
- for (i = 0; i < out_size; ++i) {
- HistogramClear(out_histo[i]);
- }
+ VP8LHistogramSetClear(out);
+ out->size = out_size;
for (i = 0; i < in_size; ++i) {
- const int idx = symbols[i];
+ int idx;
+ if (in_histo[i] == NULL) continue;
+ idx = symbols[i];
HistogramAdd(in_histo[i], out_histo[idx], out_histo[idx]);
@@ -1060,6 +1104,70 @@ static double GetCombineCostFactor(int histo_size, int quality) {
return combine_cost_factor;
+// Given a HistogramSet 'set', the mapping of clusters 'cluster_mapping' and the
+// current assignment of the cells in 'symbols', merge the clusters and
+// assign the smallest possible clusters values.
+static void OptimizeHistogramSymbols(const VP8LHistogramSet* const set,
+ uint16_t* const cluster_mappings,
+ int num_clusters,
+ uint16_t* const cluster_mappings_tmp,
+ uint16_t* const symbols) {
+ int i, cluster_max;
+ int do_continue = 1;
+ // First, assign the lowest cluster to each pixel.
+ while (do_continue) {
+ do_continue = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < num_clusters; ++i) {
+ int k;
+ k = cluster_mappings[i];
+ while (k != cluster_mappings[k]) {
+ cluster_mappings[k] = cluster_mappings[cluster_mappings[k]];
+ k = cluster_mappings[k];
+ }
+ if (k != cluster_mappings[i]) {
+ do_continue = 1;
+ cluster_mappings[i] = k;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Create a mapping from a cluster id to its minimal version.
+ cluster_max = 0;
+ memset(cluster_mappings_tmp, 0,
+ set->max_size * sizeof(*cluster_mappings_tmp));
+ assert(cluster_mappings[0] == 0);
+ // Re-map the ids.
+ for (i = 0; i < set->max_size; ++i) {
+ int cluster;
+ if (symbols[i] == kInvalidHistogramSymbol) continue;
+ cluster = cluster_mappings[symbols[i]];
+ assert(symbols[i] < num_clusters);
+ if (cluster > 0 && cluster_mappings_tmp[cluster] == 0) {
+ ++cluster_max;
+ cluster_mappings_tmp[cluster] = cluster_max;
+ }
+ symbols[i] = cluster_mappings_tmp[cluster];
+ }
+ // Make sure all cluster values are used.
+ cluster_max = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < set->max_size; ++i) {
+ if (symbols[i] == kInvalidHistogramSymbol) continue;
+ if (symbols[i] <= cluster_max) continue;
+ ++cluster_max;
+ assert(symbols[i] == cluster_max);
+ }
+static void RemoveEmptyHistograms(VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo) {
+ uint32_t size;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0, size = 0; i < image_histo->size; ++i) {
+ if (image_histo->histograms[i] == NULL) continue;
+ image_histo->histograms[size++] = image_histo->histograms[i];
+ }
+ image_histo->size = size;
int VP8LGetHistoImageSymbols(int xsize, int ysize,
const VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs,
int quality, int low_effort,
@@ -1078,27 +1186,36 @@ int VP8LGetHistoImageSymbols(int xsize, int ysize,
// maximum quality q==100 (to preserve the compression gains at that level).
const int entropy_combine_num_bins = low_effort ? NUM_PARTITIONS : BIN_SIZE;
int entropy_combine;
- if (orig_histo == NULL) goto Error;
+ uint16_t* const map_tmp =
+ WebPSafeMalloc(2 * image_histo_raw_size, sizeof(map_tmp));
+ uint16_t* const cluster_mappings = map_tmp + image_histo_raw_size;
+ int num_used = image_histo_raw_size;
+ if (orig_histo == NULL || map_tmp == NULL) goto Error;
// Construct the histograms from backward references.
HistogramBuild(xsize, histo_bits, refs, orig_histo);
// Copies the histograms and computes its bit_cost.
- HistogramCopyAndAnalyze(orig_histo, image_histo);
+ // histogram_symbols is optimized
+ HistogramCopyAndAnalyze(orig_histo, image_histo, &num_used,
+ histogram_symbols);
entropy_combine =
- (image_histo->size > entropy_combine_num_bins * 2) && (quality < 100);
+ (num_used > entropy_combine_num_bins * 2) && (quality < 100);
if (entropy_combine) {
- const int bin_map_size = image_histo->size;
- // Reuse histogram_symbols storage. By definition, it's guaranteed to be ok.
- uint16_t* const bin_map = histogram_symbols;
+ uint16_t* const bin_map = map_tmp;
const double combine_cost_factor =
GetCombineCostFactor(image_histo_raw_size, quality);
+ const uint32_t num_clusters = num_used;
HistogramAnalyzeEntropyBin(image_histo, bin_map, low_effort);
// Collapse histograms with similar entropy.
- HistogramCombineEntropyBin(image_histo, tmp_histo, bin_map, bin_map_size,
+ HistogramCombineEntropyBin(image_histo, &num_used, histogram_symbols,
+ cluster_mappings, tmp_histo, bin_map,
entropy_combine_num_bins, combine_cost_factor,
+ OptimizeHistogramSymbols(image_histo, cluster_mappings, num_clusters,
+ map_tmp, histogram_symbols);
// Don't combine the histograms using stochastic and greedy heuristics for
@@ -1108,21 +1225,26 @@ int VP8LGetHistoImageSymbols(int xsize, int ysize,
// cubic ramp between 1 and MAX_HISTO_GREEDY:
const int threshold_size = (int)(1 + (x * x * x) * (MAX_HISTO_GREEDY - 1));
int do_greedy;
- if (!HistogramCombineStochastic(image_histo, threshold_size, &do_greedy)) {
+ if (!HistogramCombineStochastic(image_histo, &num_used, threshold_size,
+ &do_greedy)) {
goto Error;
- if (do_greedy && !HistogramCombineGreedy(image_histo)) {
- goto Error;
+ if (do_greedy) {
+ RemoveEmptyHistograms(image_histo);
+ if (!HistogramCombineGreedy(image_histo, &num_used)) {
+ goto Error;
+ }
- // TODO(vrabaud): Optimize HistogramRemap for low-effort compression mode.
// Find the optimal map from original histograms to the final ones.
+ RemoveEmptyHistograms(image_histo);
HistogramRemap(orig_histo, image_histo, histogram_symbols);
ok = 1;
+ WebPSafeFree(map_tmp);
return ok;