path: root/thirdparty/embree-aarch64/kernels/common/geometry.cpp
diff options
authorRĂ©mi Verschelde <>2021-04-27 19:07:12 +0200
committerGitHub <>2021-04-27 19:07:12 +0200
commit95cfce661bbe9700209c09dfe297ab7ef5ebfe09 (patch)
tree9f3c8a98b619e2a0dd171d6cb6d8dc2e791baa14 /thirdparty/embree-aarch64/kernels/common/geometry.cpp
parentb999fbc4bd349cce153c2133dd0487694add1a05 (diff)
parent4d9d99bb827967e2bb931eeb8c3f0e079b39ae1a (diff)
Merge pull request #48050 from JFonS/occlusion_culling
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/embree-aarch64/kernels/common/geometry.cpp')
1 files changed, 259 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree-aarch64/kernels/common/geometry.cpp b/thirdparty/embree-aarch64/kernels/common/geometry.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3aa8e3396
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree-aarch64/kernels/common/geometry.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2020 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "geometry.h"
+#include "scene.h"
+namespace embree
+ const char* Geometry::gtype_names[Geometry::GTY_END] =
+ {
+ "flat_linear_curve",
+ "round_linear_curve",
+ "oriented_linear_curve",
+ "",
+ "flat_bezier_curve",
+ "round_bezier_curve",
+ "oriented_bezier_curve",
+ "",
+ "flat_bspline_curve",
+ "round_bspline_curve",
+ "oriented_bspline_curve",
+ "",
+ "flat_hermite_curve",
+ "round_hermite_curve",
+ "oriented_hermite_curve",
+ "",
+ "flat_catmull_rom_curve",
+ "round_catmull_rom_curve",
+ "oriented_catmull_rom_curve",
+ "",
+ "triangles",
+ "quads",
+ "grid",
+ "subdivs",
+ "",
+ "sphere",
+ "disc",
+ "oriented_disc",
+ "",
+ "usergeom",
+ "instance_cheap",
+ "instance_expensive",
+ };
+ Geometry::Geometry (Device* device, GType gtype, unsigned int numPrimitives, unsigned int numTimeSteps)
+ : device(device), userPtr(nullptr),
+ numPrimitives(numPrimitives), numTimeSteps(unsigned(numTimeSteps)), fnumTimeSegments(float(numTimeSteps-1)), time_range(0.0f,1.0f),
+ mask(-1),
+ gtype(gtype),
+ state((unsigned)State::MODIFIED),
+ enabled(true),
+ intersectionFilterN(nullptr), occlusionFilterN(nullptr), pointQueryFunc(nullptr)
+ {
+ device->refInc();
+ }
+ Geometry::~Geometry()
+ {
+ device->refDec();
+ }
+ void Geometry::setNumPrimitives(unsigned int numPrimitives_in)
+ {
+ if (numPrimitives_in == numPrimitives) return;
+ numPrimitives = numPrimitives_in;
+ Geometry::update();
+ }
+ void Geometry::setNumTimeSteps (unsigned int numTimeSteps_in)
+ {
+ if (numTimeSteps_in == numTimeSteps) {
+ return;
+ }
+ numTimeSteps = numTimeSteps_in;
+ fnumTimeSegments = float(numTimeSteps_in-1);
+ Geometry::update();
+ }
+ void Geometry::setTimeRange (const BBox1f range)
+ {
+ time_range = range;
+ Geometry::update();
+ }
+ void Geometry::update()
+ {
+ ++modCounter_; // FIXME: required?
+ state = (unsigned)State::MODIFIED;
+ }
+ void Geometry::commit()
+ {
+ ++modCounter_;
+ state = (unsigned)State::COMMITTED;
+ }
+ void Geometry::preCommit()
+ {
+ if (State::MODIFIED == (State)state)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"geometry not committed");
+ }
+ void Geometry::postCommit()
+ {
+ }
+ void Geometry::enable ()
+ {
+ if (isEnabled())
+ return;
+ enabled = true;
+ ++modCounter_;
+ }
+ void Geometry::disable ()
+ {
+ if (isDisabled())
+ return;
+ enabled = false;
+ ++modCounter_;
+ }
+ void Geometry::setUserData (void* ptr)
+ {
+ userPtr = ptr;
+ }
+ void Geometry::setIntersectionFilterFunctionN (RTCFilterFunctionN filter)
+ {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"filter functions not supported for this geometry");
+ intersectionFilterN = filter;
+ }
+ void Geometry::setOcclusionFilterFunctionN (RTCFilterFunctionN filter)
+ {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"filter functions not supported for this geometry");
+ occlusionFilterN = filter;
+ }
+ void Geometry::setPointQueryFunction (RTCPointQueryFunction func)
+ {
+ pointQueryFunc = func;
+ }
+ void Geometry::interpolateN(const RTCInterpolateNArguments* const args)
+ {
+ const void* valid_i = args->valid;
+ const unsigned* primIDs = args->primIDs;
+ const float* u = args->u;
+ const float* v = args->v;
+ unsigned int N = args->N;
+ RTCBufferType bufferType = args->bufferType;
+ unsigned int bufferSlot = args->bufferSlot;
+ float* P = args->P;
+ float* dPdu = args->dPdu;
+ float* dPdv = args->dPdv;
+ float* ddPdudu = args->ddPdudu;
+ float* ddPdvdv = args->ddPdvdv;
+ float* ddPdudv = args->ddPdudv;
+ unsigned int valueCount = args->valueCount;
+ if (valueCount > 256) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"maximally 256 floating point values can be interpolated per vertex");
+ const int* valid = (const int*) valid_i;
+ __aligned(64) float P_tmp[256];
+ __aligned(64) float dPdu_tmp[256];
+ __aligned(64) float dPdv_tmp[256];
+ __aligned(64) float ddPdudu_tmp[256];
+ __aligned(64) float ddPdvdv_tmp[256];
+ __aligned(64) float ddPdudv_tmp[256];
+ float* Pt = P ? P_tmp : nullptr;
+ float* dPdut = nullptr, *dPdvt = nullptr;
+ if (dPdu) { dPdut = dPdu_tmp; dPdvt = dPdv_tmp; }
+ float* ddPdudut = nullptr, *ddPdvdvt = nullptr, *ddPdudvt = nullptr;
+ if (ddPdudu) { ddPdudut = ddPdudu_tmp; ddPdvdvt = ddPdvdv_tmp; ddPdudvt = ddPdudv_tmp; }
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<N; i++)
+ {
+ if (valid && !valid[i]) continue;
+ RTCInterpolateArguments iargs;
+ iargs.primID = primIDs[i];
+ iargs.u = u[i];
+ iargs.v = v[i];
+ iargs.bufferType = bufferType;
+ iargs.bufferSlot = bufferSlot;
+ iargs.P = Pt;
+ iargs.dPdu = dPdut;
+ iargs.dPdv = dPdvt;
+ iargs.ddPdudu = ddPdudut;
+ iargs.ddPdvdv = ddPdvdvt;
+ iargs.ddPdudv = ddPdudvt;
+ iargs.valueCount = valueCount;
+ interpolate(&iargs);
+ if (likely(P)) {
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<valueCount; j++)
+ P[j*N+i] = Pt[j];
+ }
+ if (likely(dPdu))
+ {
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<valueCount; j++) {
+ dPdu[j*N+i] = dPdut[j];
+ dPdv[j*N+i] = dPdvt[j];
+ }
+ }
+ if (likely(ddPdudu))
+ {
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<valueCount; j++) {
+ ddPdudu[j*N+i] = ddPdudut[j];
+ ddPdvdv[j*N+i] = ddPdvdvt[j];
+ ddPdudv[j*N+i] = ddPdudvt[j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool Geometry::pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context)
+ {
+ assert(context->primID < size());
+ RTCPointQueryFunctionArguments args;
+ args.query = (RTCPointQuery*)context->query_ws;
+ args.userPtr = context->userPtr;
+ args.primID = context->primID;
+ args.geomID = context->geomID;
+ args.context = context->userContext;
+ args.similarityScale = context->similarityScale;
+ bool update = false;
+ if(context->func) update |= context->func(&args);
+ if(pointQueryFunc) update |= pointQueryFunc(&args);
+ if (update && context->userContext->instStackSize > 0)
+ {
+ // update point query
+ if (context->query_type == POINT_QUERY_TYPE_AABB) {
+ context->updateAABB();
+ } else {
+ assert(context->similarityScale > 0.f);
+ query->radius = context->query_ws->radius * context->similarityScale;
+ }
+ }
+ return update;
+ }