path: root/thirdparty/embree-aarch64/kernels/bvh/bvh_rotate.cpp
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authorRĂ©mi Verschelde <>2021-04-27 19:07:12 +0200
committerGitHub <>2021-04-27 19:07:12 +0200
commit95cfce661bbe9700209c09dfe297ab7ef5ebfe09 (patch)
tree9f3c8a98b619e2a0dd171d6cb6d8dc2e791baa14 /thirdparty/embree-aarch64/kernels/bvh/bvh_rotate.cpp
parentb999fbc4bd349cce153c2133dd0487694add1a05 (diff)
parent4d9d99bb827967e2bb931eeb8c3f0e079b39ae1a (diff)
Merge pull request #48050 from JFonS/occlusion_culling
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/embree-aarch64/kernels/bvh/bvh_rotate.cpp')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree-aarch64/kernels/bvh/bvh_rotate.cpp b/thirdparty/embree-aarch64/kernels/bvh/bvh_rotate.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2bb431bf0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree-aarch64/kernels/bvh/bvh_rotate.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2020 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh_rotate.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ /*! Computes half surface area of box. */
+ __forceinline float halfArea3f(const BBox<vfloat4>& box) {
+ const vfloat4 d = box.size();
+ const vfloat4 a = d*shuffle<1,2,0,3>(d);
+ return a[0]+a[1]+a[2];
+ }
+ size_t BVHNRotate<4>::rotate(NodeRef parentRef, size_t depth)
+ {
+ /*! nothing to rotate if we reached a leaf node. */
+ if (parentRef.isBarrier()) return 0;
+ if (parentRef.isLeaf()) return 0;
+ AABBNode* parent = parentRef.getAABBNode();
+ /*! rotate all children first */
+ vint4 cdepth;
+ for (size_t c=0; c<4; c++)
+ cdepth[c] = (int)rotate(parent->child(c),depth+1);
+ /* compute current areas of all children */
+ vfloat4 sizeX = parent->upper_x-parent->lower_x;
+ vfloat4 sizeY = parent->upper_y-parent->lower_y;
+ vfloat4 sizeZ = parent->upper_z-parent->lower_z;
+ vfloat4 childArea = madd(sizeX,(sizeY + sizeZ),sizeY*sizeZ);
+ /*! get node bounds */
+ BBox<vfloat4> child1_0,child1_1,child1_2,child1_3;
+ parent->bounds(child1_0,child1_1,child1_2,child1_3);
+ /*! Find best rotation. We pick a first child (child1) and a sub-child
+ (child2child) of a different second child (child2), and swap child1
+ and child2child. We perform the best such swap. */
+ float bestArea = 0;
+ size_t bestChild1 = -1, bestChild2 = -1, bestChild2Child = -1;
+ for (size_t c2=0; c2<4; c2++)
+ {
+ /*! ignore leaf nodes as we cannot descent into them */
+ if (parent->child(c2).isBarrier()) continue;
+ if (parent->child(c2).isLeaf()) continue;
+ AABBNode* child2 = parent->child(c2).getAABBNode();
+ /*! transpose child bounds */
+ BBox<vfloat4> child2c0,child2c1,child2c2,child2c3;
+ child2->bounds(child2c0,child2c1,child2c2,child2c3);
+ /*! put child1_0 at each child2 position */
+ float cost00 = halfArea3f(merge(child1_0,child2c1,child2c2,child2c3));
+ float cost01 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child1_0,child2c2,child2c3));
+ float cost02 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child2c1,child1_0,child2c3));
+ float cost03 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child2c1,child2c2,child1_0));
+ vfloat4 cost0 = vfloat4(cost00,cost01,cost02,cost03);
+ vfloat4 min0 = vreduce_min(cost0);
+ int pos0 = (int)bsf(movemask(min0 == cost0));
+ /*! put child1_1 at each child2 position */
+ float cost10 = halfArea3f(merge(child1_1,child2c1,child2c2,child2c3));
+ float cost11 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child1_1,child2c2,child2c3));
+ float cost12 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child2c1,child1_1,child2c3));
+ float cost13 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child2c1,child2c2,child1_1));
+ vfloat4 cost1 = vfloat4(cost10,cost11,cost12,cost13);
+ vfloat4 min1 = vreduce_min(cost1);
+ int pos1 = (int)bsf(movemask(min1 == cost1));
+ /*! put child1_2 at each child2 position */
+ float cost20 = halfArea3f(merge(child1_2,child2c1,child2c2,child2c3));
+ float cost21 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child1_2,child2c2,child2c3));
+ float cost22 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child2c1,child1_2,child2c3));
+ float cost23 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child2c1,child2c2,child1_2));
+ vfloat4 cost2 = vfloat4(cost20,cost21,cost22,cost23);
+ vfloat4 min2 = vreduce_min(cost2);
+ int pos2 = (int)bsf(movemask(min2 == cost2));
+ /*! put child1_3 at each child2 position */
+ float cost30 = halfArea3f(merge(child1_3,child2c1,child2c2,child2c3));
+ float cost31 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child1_3,child2c2,child2c3));
+ float cost32 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child2c1,child1_3,child2c3));
+ float cost33 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child2c1,child2c2,child1_3));
+ vfloat4 cost3 = vfloat4(cost30,cost31,cost32,cost33);
+ vfloat4 min3 = vreduce_min(cost3);
+ int pos3 = (int)bsf(movemask(min3 == cost3));
+ /*! find best other child */
+ vfloat4 area0123 = vfloat4(extract<0>(min0),extract<0>(min1),extract<0>(min2),extract<0>(min3)) - vfloat4(childArea[c2]);
+ int pos[4] = { pos0,pos1,pos2,pos3 };
+ const size_t mbd = BVH4::maxBuildDepth;
+ vbool4 valid = vint4(int(depth+1))+cdepth <= vint4(mbd); // only select swaps that fulfill depth constraints
+ valid &= vint4(int(c2)) != vint4(step);
+ if (none(valid)) continue;
+ size_t c1 = select_min(valid,area0123);
+ float area = area0123[c1];
+ if (c1 == c2) continue; // can happen if bounds are NANs
+ /*! accept a swap when it reduces cost and is not swapping a node with itself */
+ if (area < bestArea) {
+ bestArea = area;
+ bestChild1 = c1;
+ bestChild2 = c2;
+ bestChild2Child = pos[c1];
+ }
+ }
+ /*! if we did not find a swap that improves the SAH then do nothing */
+ if (bestChild1 == size_t(-1)) return 1+reduce_max(cdepth);
+ /*! perform the best found tree rotation */
+ AABBNode* child2 = parent->child(bestChild2).getAABBNode();
+ AABBNode::swap(parent,bestChild1,child2,bestChild2Child);
+ parent->setBounds(bestChild2,child2->bounds());
+ AABBNode::compact(parent);
+ AABBNode::compact(child2);
+ /*! This returned depth is conservative as the child that was
+ * pulled up in the tree could have been on the critical path. */
+ cdepth[bestChild1]++; // bestChild1 was pushed down one level
+ return 1+reduce_max(cdepth);
+ }
+ }